2016/1 - Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies Inc


2016/1 - Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies Inc
It’s Carnaval in Holland! February 7-9, 2016
TELEPHONE (04) 567 3573
February/March 2016
ISSUE 2016/1
Ms Jeltsje Keizer
Ms Ellen van Dijken
Mrs Anne-Marie Knibbeler
& Editor Double Dutch
Assistant Secretary Mrs Yvonne van den Berg
Mr Danny Langstraat
Assistant Treasurer Mrs Ann Beyk
Events Team Leader Ms Marije Postma
Speelgroep Rep.
Mrs Dagmar Oldengarm-Bakker
Dutch School Rep.
Mrs Jeane Nicolas
Other members
Mrs Anna Heythuysen
Mr René van Lierop
Mr Pierre Schmits
[email protected]
565 1831 or 021 211 0816
[email protected]
971 7571 or 027 951 5770
[email protected]
21 August St, Stokes Valley 5019
565 3936 or 021 714958
[email protected]
021 518 310 or 938 3623
567 8575
831 1075 or 021 0824 0569
022 1619071
[email protected]
[email protected]
563 6026
972 0772 or 021 740930
[email protected]
Klaverjas, Dutch Costumes ...................... Mrs Ann Beyk.......................................... 567 8575
Children’s Dancing Lessons ..................... Mrs Carolina van Rooy ............................ 528 8434 (021 217 9849)
Wednesday Coffee Mornings .................. Mr Pieter Koedijk .................................... 526 8867 (021 065 5470)
Library .................................................... Mrs Marianne Iwanek ............................. 972 7460
Gardens & Maintenance ......................... Mrs Yvonne v.d. Berg .............................. 565 3936 or 021 714958
Friendly Support Network ....................... Mr Bill van Waas ..................................... (04) 298 4244
Speelgroep.............................................. Mrs Dagmar Oldengarm-Bakker ...... [email protected]
Dutch School ........................................... Mrs Jeane Nicolas ................................... [email protected]
Waikanae Coffee morning....................... Mrs Henny Ekens .................................... (04) 297 2918
www.dutchclubwellington.co.nz – our club’s website; under development
www.netherlands-societies.co.nz Federation of NZ Netherlands Societies
WHAT’S ON IN OUR CLUBROOMS (or elsewhere!)
7 Feb, 2pm ......... Sunday instuif
9 Feb, 10am ....... Klaverjas
12 Feb, 10am ..... Coffee morning in Baptist
Church,286 Te Moana Rd, Waikanae followed by a
20 Feb................ Eerste les Nederlandse school
14 Feb, 2pm ....... Sunday instuif
16 Feb, 10am ..... Klaverjas
17 Feb, 10am ..... Coffee morning
19 Feb, 10am ..... Speelgroep
20 Feb................ Nederlandse school
21 Feb, 2pm ....... Sunday instuif
28 Feb, 2pm ....... Sunday instuif
4 Mar, 10am ............. Speelgroep
5 Mar ........................ Nederlandse school
6 Mar, 2 pm .............. New Year’s instuif
11 Mar, 10am ........... Coffee morning Waikanae
13 Mar, 2pm ............. Sunday instuif
18 Mar, 10am............ Speelgroep
19 Mar ...................... Nederlandse school
20 Mar, 2pm ............. Sunday instuif
27 Mar, 2pm ............. Sunday instuif
1 Apr, 10am .............. Speelgroep
2 Apr ......................... Nederlandse school
Every Wednesday, coffee morning in the community
house in Island Bay – 10-12am
Een gelukkig nieuwjaar allemaal! Het is alweer meer dan een maand 2016, en er is heel wat gebeurd de
afgelopen maanden.
Allereerst hebben we helaas afscheid moeten nemen van een aantal trouwe leden van onze Society.
Willem van Ree is in december overleden; hij was een vriendelijke, rustige bezoeker van de koffiemorgens, die hij
trouw bezocht tot aan zijn overlijden op 2 december. Op 4 december overleed Frans Knipping. Hij was een lid van
het eerste uur en was president aan het einde van de jaren vijftig. Kees herdenkt Frans verderop in deze Double
Dutch. Pieter Heythuysen, een actief lid van de club totdat zijn ziekte het voor hem moeilijk maakte om deel te
nemen aan de club activiteiten, overleed op 21 december. De ‘koffie en cake’ na de begrafenis werd geserveerd in
het clubhuis, op een prachtig zonnige dag. Pieter’s vrouw Anna is zeer actief lid van het huidige comite van de club.
Begin januari van dit jaar overleed ook Sippy van Waas, de vrouw van FSN voorzitter Bill van Waas. na een lang
ziekbed. Wij wensen de familie en vrienden van Wim, Frans, Piet en Sippy heel veel sterkte toe met hun verlies.
Ondanks het vele verdriet in december was er ook blijdschap; de jonge kinderen kregen bezoek van
Sinterklaas en dit was zoals elk jaar weer een absoluut hoogtepunt voor de kleintjes. Ik kon er zelf helaas door
persoonlijk omstandigheden niet bij zijn, maar ik heb gehoord dat het een heel gezellige dag was! De Pieten zaten
vol kunsten en enthousiasme, en Sinterklaas was vrolijk en tevreden heeft gelukkig geen kinderen mee naar Spanje
hoeven nemen... De foto’s met alle stralende gezichtjes spreken boekdelen! Organisatoren van het feest waren
Jeltsje Keizer, René van Lierop en Yvonne van den Berg – bedankt voor de geweldige dag!
Een week na Sinterklaas vond ook de jaarlijkse kerstviering plaats, traditioneel gevierd in Knox Church maar
dit jaar voor het eerst op een zaterdagavond in plaats van vrijdagavond. Ook kon Lois Priebee na jaren van trouwe
dienst helaas de dienst niet meer op de piano begeleiden, dus werd dit jaar voor het eerst met het videoscherm
meegezongen. Dit werd zeer goed ontvangen! De kinderen van de Nederlandse School en de Nederlandse
Speelgroep hebben prachtig gezongen en er werd menig traantje weggepinkt…De Tasman Singers, deze keer tijdens
de dienst onder leiding van Liesbeth Turner-Visser, waren ook dit jaar weer van de partij en zo werd het weer een
mooie sfeervolle dienst, vakkundig geleid door André Mik. Ook de ambassadeur verzorgde een lezing en dit werd
zoals elk jaar erg op prijs gesteld door de aanwezige leden (en niet-leden!!) Fantastisch georganiseerd Marije Postma
en met dank aan de ouders van de Nederlandse School en de Nederlandse Speelgroep!
Het nieuwe jaar werd dit jaar ingeluid met een nieuwjaarsborrel, in plaats van een oudjaarsborrel! Het was
niet druk, maar het was heel gezellig en de vers gebakken (on the spot!) oliebollen waren heerlijk. Het was heerlijk
weer dus konden de tafels naar buiten onder de bomen, en de kinderen zaten lekker in de zandbak of op de fiets.
Een fijne dag!
Nu kijken we vol goede moed vooruit naar een nieuw jaar op de club! Alle activiteiten beginnen weer in
februari, behalve uiteraard de zondagmiddagen- die zijn nooit gestopt!! We kijken uit naar veel plezier en
vriendschappen in het komende jaar; dat we in goede gezondheid met zijn allen waardevolle momenten zullen
beleven op, rond en buiten het clubhuis!
Veel dank aan het comité (en aan medewerkers buiten het comité!) voor het runnen van de club het
afgelopen jaar- er gaat veel werk om achter de schermen om alles op rolletjes te laten lopen! Ook dank voor het
organiseren van de druk bezochte evenementen in december- het is een drukke tijd voor iedereen met werk, gezin,
school en alle extra’s die bij december horen, dus petje af! Het comité heeft dit jaar weer fantastisch samengewerkt
als team om de leden activiteiten aan te bieden voor iederaan van jong tot oud. We hopen dat jullie hebben
Tot ziens in 2016!
2015 Issue 1 - Page 3
Happy New Year all! We’ve already had a whole month of 2016, and lots has happened in the past two
We had to farewell a number of our Netherlands Society members. Willem van Ree passed away in
December; he was a kind, quiet participant at the coffee mornings, until his death on 2 December. Frans Knipping
died on 4 December. He was one of the early members of the Society and was president in the fifties. Kees
remembers Frans on one of the pages in this Double Dutch. Pieter Heythuysen was an active member of the club
until his illness made it difficult for him to take part in club activities. He died at home on 21 December. The
refreshments after his funeral were served in our clubrooms, on a beautiful sunny day. Pieter’s widow Anna is a very
active member of the current committee. Early January, Sippy van Waas passed away, after a long period of illness.
Sippy was the wife of Bill van Waas, the current co-ordinator of FSN Wellington. We wish the family and friends of
Wim, Frans, Pieter and Sippy strength with the loss of their loved ones.
Despite sadness, we also experienced joy; the children were visited by Saint Nicolas and this was, as it is
every year, a highlight of the year for the little ones. Unfortunately I (Ellen) couldn’t be present due to personal
circumstances, but I heard that it was a very enjoyable day! The Peters were full of tricks and enthusiasm, and St
Nicolas was happy and content and didn’t need to take naughty children back to Spain.... The shiny faces in the
photographs say it all! Jeltsje Keizer, René van Lierop and Yvonne van den Berg organised the festivities – thank you
for a great day!
The Kerstviering took place a week after St Nicolas, in Knox Church but, for the first time this year, on a
Saturday instead of a Friday evening. Lois Priebee was unable to play the piano as she’s done for many years, and we
made do with a video screen instead. The Tasman Singers, conducted by Liesbeth Turner-Visser and children from
the Dutch School and the Playgroup sang beautifully and many a tear was surreptitiously shed… The reading by our
Ambassador, Mr Rob Zaagman, was much appreciated and so we had, again, a beautiful and attractive Kerstviering,
ably led by André Mik. Thank you to the organiser Marije Postma, and to the parents and children of the Dutch
School and Playgroup.
We began the new year on New Year’s Day, instead of New Year’s Eve. It wasn’t a busy occasion, but very
enjoyable and the freshly-baked oliebollen were delicious. The weather was gorgeous so we put the tables outside
under the trees, and the children played in the sandpit or rode their bikes. A very nice start of the New Year!
We look forward to a new year for the club. All activities resume in February (except the Sunday afternoons,
those never ceased!). We are hoping for lots of fun and friendship in the new year, that we will be able to share
valuable experiences in good health in, around and outside of the clubrooms.
Many thanks to the committee (and some non-committee members!) for running the club the past year – a
lot of work goes on behind the scenes to make everything go smoothly. Thank you too for organising the wellreceived events in December – it’s a busy time for everybody, with work, family, school and all other things to go
with December, so well done! The committee worked as a team to be able to offer our members activities for young
and old. We hope you have enjoyed them! See you in 2016.
Ellen van Dijken en Jeltsje Keizer, Co-Presidenten
I’ve been given leave from my duties for the NZ Netherlands Society Wgtn until at least the end of
February, as I’m having some health problems and am recovering from surgery. This Double Dutch has
been co-edited by my younger daughter Saskia Knibbeler. Thank you, Saskia.
Anne-Marie Knibbeler, 04 971 7571 – [email protected]
2015 Issue 1 - Page 4
The Christmas Lunch for Dutch people, held in Waikanae, was lovely. There was more than enough food
(some leftover sandwiches were given to the Night Shelter in Wellington afterwards) and a convivial
atmosphere. Many thanks to FSN Wellington, who sponsored the lunch, to Henny Ekens for organising it,
and to the many volunteers who made food, helped in the kitchen and with serving, to make
this event a success.
On the 4th December 2015, at the
age of 88, our long-time member of the
Wellington Netherlands Society, Frans
Knipping passed away.
Frans had been President of the
Wellington Society in the eighties. The
President board, which hangs in our
clubhouse, was made and regular updated
by Frans. Many of the younger committee
and club members will not have known
Over the last few years he had not
been able to attend any of the Society’s
activities because of the loss of his hearing.
Frans was softly spoken and a pleasant
person to work with and the Wellington
Netherlands Society was close to the
hearts of the Knipping family. His son Peter
was the club’s voluntary auditor for many
We wish the Knipping family strength with the loss of their family member and for the Wellington
Netherlands Society, we say thank you Frans for your contribution to our Society.
From Kees Dorresteijn
On the Saturday 9th of January, Femke van Diggele celebrated
her 90th birthday! Happy Birthday Femke!
2015 Issue 1 - Page 6
Many people were sad to hear of the death of David Bowie. His death has created renewed
interest in his life and his talent. The Groninger Museum in Groningen was running an exhibition on David
Bowie’s life and times called ‘David Bowie is’, which was meant to finish in March this year. But due to the
sudden surge in visitors keen to remember him or find out more about him, they have now decided to
keep the exhibition going until 10 April.
The exhibition showcases over 300 objects including handwritten lyrics, original costumes,
photography, set designs, album artwork and rare performance material from the past five decades. It
demonstrates how Bowie’s work has both influenced and been influenced by wider movements in art,
design, theatre and contemporary culture and focussed on his creative processes, shifting style and
collaborative work with diverse designers in the fields of fashion, sound, graphics, theatre and film.
Bowie’s Dutch floor-sweeping connection:
Sometime around 1990, Bowie ended up sweeping the floor of the Café Heuvel on Amsterdam’s
Prinsengracht after being caught out by a card trick.
Owner Pierre Heuvel told local broadcaster At5 that his dad was good at card tricks and bet Bowie,
who’d come in for a late night beer, that he could make the card of his choice appear on the ceiling. Bowie
lost the bet and ended up sweeping the floor around one o’clock in the morning.
Please visit http://newzealand.nlembassy.org regularly to be informed of the latest
interesting Dutch-New Zealand matters. Contact details: Royal Netherlands Embassy, PO Box
840, Wellington 6140, Telephone 04 471 6396, Fax 04 471 2923, e-mail: [email protected]
https://www.facebook.com/netherlandsembassywellington/Facebook and website
2015 Issue 1 - Page 7
Goodbye but not Farewell to Christine Hofkens from the Embassy
Christine Hofkens, who worked for the Netherlands Embassy in Wellington for more than 20 years, retired
at the end of 2015.
In her role as Public Diplomacy Officer Christine looked after a vast array of NZ-NL cooperation projects and
links in such diverse areas as Trade and Economic Affairs, Culture, Arts, Higher Education, Sciences, and
everything in between. She also maintained close links with the New Zealand Netherlands Foundation, the
Dutch Connection Museum Trust and the local Dutch Societies and Communities in New Zealand.
In recent years new communication technology enabled
the use of Facebook and Twitter to promote Holland to
an ever larger audience via the embassy Facebook site,
something which Christine excelled at, reaching 7000
Followers in 2015.
Highlights during her time at the embassy have included:
visits to Fiji and Samoa for development projects; GoingDutch Exhibition at Te Papa; DROOG Design exhibition at
The Dowse Art Museum; Opening of the Foxton
Windmill; Visit to New Zealand of then Crown Prince
Willem Alexander and Princess Máxima; Projects around
Abel Tasman, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Anne
Frank; Projects around the Dutch Diaspora in New
Zealand; Launch of the ceremonial waka taua ‘Te Hono
ki Aotearoa’ project for Volkenkunde Museum, Leiden;
Human Rights events; Visits and Missions to New Zealand by Dutch officials and experts; and meeting many
interesting people of Dutch descent in New Zealand.
It seems that Christine knows everyone and everyone knows her, testimony to her skills as an easy
communicator. Her warm and open personality and humanity, her loyalty and her dedication to the
many successful projects she has guided and managed, as well as the invaluable knowledge of the history
behind the many enduring connections she has established will be sorely missed. It is no exaggeration to
say that Christine’s departure signifies the end of an era at the embassy. Her life motto is “Carpe Diem”.
Christine, we wish you many more days and many enjoyable moments to be seized. We know you will
maintain an active interest in all things Dutch. So, Goodbye and fare well, but not Farewell! We look
forward to keeping in touch.
Ambassador Rob Zaagman and the Team at the Embassy
Christine is pictured on a bench outside Hamilton Gardens. The bench was offered to Hamilton by the late
Ambassador Annelies Boogaerdt, on behalf of the Embassy.
The first session of the new year will be on Tuesday 9
February. See you then!
Ann Beyk
2015 Issue 1 - Page 8
Following a posting I saw on a Facebook page, I (Anne-Marie) asked the embassy a question
regarding the closure of Hutt Cameras on Lambton Quay, where passport photos were made; also
about some links that are no longer working on the embassy’s website. This is the reply I received:
It’s true Hutt Camera’s closes this Friday morning the 21st of January. We are testing a new
photographer closer to the Embassy than the one on Courtenay Place. However we don’t have a
definitive conclusion about their quality yet. The photographer on Courtenay is still operational. As
soon we know more we will publish the new information on our website and Facebook.
As for the information on the website. With the opening of the 24/7 service call center in the Hague,
the ministry has centralized the publication of information.
Therefore some “old”weblinks may not work anymore as it is published in a different location:
2015 Issue 1 - Page 9
Here’s a fun riddle that is rumoured to be written by Einstein (although there’s no real evidence for this).
It’s fiendishly tricky but requires only logic and a little patience. Can you figure it out?
The situation
• There are 5 houses in five different
• In each house lives a person with a
different nationality.
• These five owners drink a certain type of
beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigar
and keep a certain pet.
• No owners have the same pet, smoke the
same brand of cigar or drink the same
The question: Who owns the fish?
• the Brit lives in the red house
• the Swede keeps dogs as pets
• the Dane drinks tea
• the green house is on the left of the white
the green house's owner drinks coffee
the person who smokes Pall Mall rears
the owner of the yellow house smokes
the man living in the centre house drinks
the Norwegian lives in the first house
the man who smokes blends lives next to
the one who keeps cats
the man who keeps horses lives next to
the man who smokes Dunhill
the owner who smokes BlueMaster drinks
the German smokes Prince
the Norwegian lives next to the blue
the man who smokes blend has a
neighbour who drinks water
The solution will appear in the next issue of the Double Dutch. Or, if you can’t wait that long, email me
[email protected]
Our membership drive last year yielded 9 new members – we are now comfortably above the
required number to remain an Incorporated Society. Thank you to all who responded.
2015 Issue 1 - Page 10
Please do not hesitate to bring to our attention anyone who you think could do with a visit or a
helping hand. If YOU could be a helper/volunteer do contact me or anyone in the appropriate area. You
will find the telephone numbers listed below.
Bill van Waas J.P. tel. 04/298-4244 or email [email protected]
Wellington F.S.N coordinator/chair.
Upper Hutt: 526-8867; 529-8289
Stokes Valley: 971-7571
Lower Hutt: 972-7460; 565-0801
Wellington: 934-1936; 971-3744
Waikanae/Paraparaumu: (04)298-4244 or (04)297-2918
We thank Harbour City Funeral Home for generously printing The Double Dutch in full colour for us.
2015 Issue 1 - Page 11
New Zealand Netherlands Society (Wellington) Inc.
P.O. Box 30060
Lower Hutt 5040
The Double Dutch Magazine is produced six times per year and is available to all financial members of the
New Zealand Netherlands Society (Wellington) Inc. It is also available on the website of the Federation of New
Zealand Netherlands Societies: www.netherlands-societies.co.nz
The New Zealand Netherlands Society (Wellington) Inc. is an affiliated member of the Federation of New
Zealand Netherlands Societies Incorporated.
For further Information, please contact our club secretary: Mrs Anne-Marie Knibbeler, 21 August St, Stokes
Valley 5019; [email protected] or phone 971 7571. This is also the GOODS DELIVERY ADDRESS. Please do not
send any correspondence or parcels to the club rooms.
Members can apply to hire the club rooms for celebrations. For room hire, or to advertise in the Double
Dutch, please contact the secretary.
Please assist the finances of our Club by obtaining
advertisers. If you know of anyone willing to advertise,
please contact Anne-Marie Knibbeler, (04) 971 7571
210 X 297mm
210 x 148mm
105 x 148mm
105 x 74mm
$500 + 15% GST = $575.00
$300 + 15% GST = $345.00
$200 + 15% GST = $230.00
$100 + 15% GST = $115.00
(One issue only advert, one quarter of above rates will apply:
A4 = $143.75, A5 = $86.25, A6 = $57.50, A7 = $18.75
For members only:
Kleintjes – up to 40 words, $5 one-off insertion
829 High Street, Lower Hutt
Phone 567 4940
Specialists in European (especially Dutch)
2015 Issue 1 - Page 12