DTDec2013 copy 2 - Dutch Canadian Centre
DTDec2013 copy 2 - Dutch Canadian Centre
t h e D u t c h To u c h December 2013 !! g Events! in Upcom ! !! DUTCH CANADIAN CLUB (EDMONTON)! 13312 142 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5L 4T1! Phone: 780 452 2861 Dear members:! CARD MAKING! November 30, 2013! January 11 & 25, 2014! ! It’s 4:00 AM in the morning and I can't sleep so what is a man to do. I promised Jenny that she would have my last letter for 2013 no later than Saturday, so here we go.! ! You got to love it, winter that is. Riek and I were at the club a few hours ago and our snow clearing team was just flying. It was the 3rd time this week that they had to come by to clean the parking lot at $350 a pop. Our little budget surplus for the year will be wiped out just as quick if this goes on, let's hope that this was the last snow fall for 2013. ! ! Yes 2013 is all but a memory in less than two weeks, on the 7th of December Riek and I are celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary. It’s hard to believe that we just started with the two of us we are now 19 strong and we are not done yet. 9 grandchildren is not enough to start our own soccer club, right. It's a blast when they all come over, and the nice thing about it is, they go home again.! ! CHILDREN’S SINTERKLAAS PARTY! December 1, 2013! ! ! ! ! ! ! KLAVERJAS TOURNAMENT! December 8, 2013! BILLIARDS TOURNAMENT! December 18 & 20, 2013! NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY! December 31, 2013! SILVER SKATE FESTIVAL! February 14-23, 2014! ! This week the DCC had all our toilets replaced, complement from our auxiliary. The board requested their help to bring down the spiralling out of control costs of our utilities by replacing these water guzzlers from 12 litre per flush down to 1.6 litre. The next big project to do is removing all the incandescent light bulbs with LEDs. Believe it or not but our utility bill for the year was $22,000.00+. So those of you who are contemplating not to work any more casinos because you are not getting anything out of it, must have forgotten that the building was warm, the lights were on and the parking lot cleared for you enjoyment. I know we forget sometimes how good we have it, let's be grateful.! ! Dear friends I'm feeling a little sleepy now and rest would do me good. I wish all of you a wonderful Christmas and a healthy 2014, keep those who are going through a rough time health wise in your prayers and take care from my family to yours.! ! ! Frank Stolk - 780-464-4879 - [email protected] 1 DCC BAZAAR! March 30, 2014! DUTCH SPRING MARKET! May 10, 2014! ! WINDMILLS BUSTRIP! May 27, 28, 29 2014! December 2013 AB O U T T H E D U T C H T O U C H ! Index MEMBERSHIP DUES" Our membership fees are per ! calendar year: January - December ! at the following rates:! ! The Dutch Touch is a publication for the Dutch Canadian Club (Edmonton)! 13312 - 142 St. NW, ! Edmonton, AB T5L 4T3! Clubroom phone: 780-452-2861! ! ! Ten monthly issues are published! (from September to June) ! Please submit your articles and news by the 20th of the month if you want them to appear in the next issue.! Drop them off at the Club or mail them to the above address.! ! You may also contact! Jenny Smits - 780-473-0905! [email protected]! Lisa Putters - 780-466-5756! [email protected]! ! Visit our website at:! http://www.dutchcanadiancentre.com! and “Like” us on Facebook for some of the latest news.! The Dutch Touch is also available online on our website. ! Go to www.dutchcanadiancentre.com! and click on DCC Activities, then on Current Events.! ! You can have The Dutch Touch delivered to your email address in PDF format by contacting Lisa Putters with the email address you want it sent to.! LETTERS TO THE EDITOR" We welcome letters from our members regarding Club matters and concerns.! Letters will be edited for grammatical errors and will be forwarded for comments to the appropriate departments. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication.! Please send them to the above address or to Jenny Smits: [email protected] Family (with children under 18) Senior Family! ! Single! ! ! Senior Single! ! Student! ! ! ! $70.00! $60.00! $40.00! $35.00! $25.00! Please send your membership application or renewal with your name, address, phone number and email address to:! ! Dutch Canadian Centre ! attn: Membership! 13312 - 142 St NW! Edmonton, AB T5L 4T3 ADVERTISING" For any changes and additions or deletions in your monthly ads, please contact! Lisa Putters - 780-466-5756! email: [email protected]! ! ! ! ADVERTISING RATES" (per issue)" 1/8 page - $8.75 + GST! 1/4 page - $17.50 + GST! 1/2 page - $35.00 + GST! 1 full page - $70.00 + GST! Beatrix 12 Billiard club 4 Bustrip 2014 8 Calendar 20 Card Making Club 3 Central Park NYC 16 Christmas Trivia Quiz Contact info 19 DCC Auxiliary News 4 DCC Board news 3 Editorial 3 Klaverjas Club 4 Members Page 10 Nederlandstalige Top 10 14 Netherlands news ! 17/18 15/19 MEMBERS PAGE INFORMATION" Members of the Dutch Canadian Club can place their personal announcements and classified ads on the Members’ Page free of charge. We need your ad by the 20th of the month if you want your ad published in the next issue. If you have something for sale or are trying to find something or someone or if you have something to celebrate or share with our members you may use the Members’ Page to advertise at no cost to you.! Contact:! Jenny Smits - 780-473-0905 [email protected]! Lisa Putters - 780-466-5756 [email protected]! !! 2 President’s message 1 Sewing & Craft Circle 11 Stitch N Rip Club 4 Treasurer’s Report 14 Volunteers 10 Windmills 6 Upcoming events 1 EDIT O RIAL ! !!! !" December 2013! Dear readers:! Where did all that snow come from? It’s officially winter and we have to be careful on the roads and the sidewalks. It looks like we might have a white Christmas again this year.! ! ! At the Dutch Canadian Club we have some special events coming up in ! ! December and the first is the Children’s St. Nicholas Party on December 1. This is always a very successful event with many children coming to visit St. Nicholas and they bring parents and grandparents for a fun afternoon.! And most of or groups have some special Christmas events going on, like the Windmills’ annual Christmas dinner on December 19, and the Billiard Club’s Christmas Tournament (now called the John Van Essen Memorial Tournament) on December 18 & 20. Other groups will have a Christmas get-together with extra goodies so the club will be buzzing during the month of December. Have you noticed the beautiful Christmas decorations? Year after year Riek Stolk and Ria Bok make everything look so festive. Thanks ladies!! Aris and I wish all of you a very special Christmas time this year. Hopefully you can spend it with your loved ones and friends and create lasting memories again. ! Jenny Smits - 780-473-0905 - [email protected]! ! N E W S FR OM TH E BO A RD This Christmas, may beautiful moments and happy memories surround you with joy. And remember that, each today well lived, makes yesterday a dream of happiness and each tomorrow a vision of hope. Look therefore to this one day, for alone is life. ! In March of 2014, some of our board members’ terms will be up, Vice- President; Pat Hoekstra, Secretary; Truus de Visser, Officers Emmy Diamond, Pieter van Papeveld.! We invite members in good standing and with vision to consider joining our dynamic group. ! ! Truus de Visser - 780-434-4133 - [email protected] N E W S F ROM T HE C LU B S CARD MAKING CLUB" We will be having our Christmas pot luck party on November 30. I am sure we will have lots of fun. All the girls bring there favorite dish which always is a great success. Glad Judy is feeling better we missed her at the last get-together. We had a small group with the snow storm but we made it a fun day anyway.! ! Our new season starts on January 11, 2014 and the next day will be January 25. We wish all the board and members of our Dutch Canadian Club a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. And we send a few extra hugs for those who are having health problems. ! Ria Bok -780-472-2725 - [email protected] 3 N E WS FROM T HE C LUB S DCC AUXILIARY" The Dutch Canadian Club Auxiliary would like to take this opportunity , to thank all Volunteers who have worked hard, at all events put on throughout the year, THANK YOU.! From all of us, ! Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year ! Truus de Visser - 780-434-4133 - [email protected] KLAVERJAS CLUB & KLAVERJAS TOURNAMENT" Our next tournament will be held on Sunday, December 8, 2013. We start at 1:30 pm. Everyone welcome.! ! The winners of the November tournament were:! 1. Pieter Van Leeuwen! 2. Ria Ruis! 3. Piet Van Papeveld! ! Congratulations!! Pieter Van Leeuwen - 780-453-5367 - [email protected]! BILLIARD CLUB" It has been a while since I wrote something in the club journal concerning the Billiard Club. Well, everything is just fine. Totally under control. But I do think we can do better as far as the game is concerned. Pull up your socks fellows so I can see an improvement on the score sheets sometime.! I’m happy to tell you that we changed the Christmas Tournament to the John Van Essen Memorial Tournament. We all remember what a great man John was, so this is a tremendous way to remember him by. The tournament will be held on December 18 & 20. ! In regular play Dennis Stolzmann is leading with 14 points after 8 games.! The Billiard Club wishes all members a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.! Jack Toering - 780-454-5171! ! STITCH ‘N RIP CLUB" The ladies are very busy making baby blankets for Africa. If anyone would like to donate a blanket, that will be appreciated, it’s for a good cause. We made and collected to date 15 blankets, thank you all. A big thank you to Lisa Putters’ sister Toos for donating all the yarn, it will come in very handy. !And now it’s almost Christmas, a busy time for all of us. We will have our christmas luncheon before we have our break,and we will start again on January 6,2014. Wishing all our members Merry Christmas and a Happy New year. Edith Van Leeuwen - 780-489-8404 - [email protected] ! 4 ! “Quality is found in handcraftmanship, it can never be duplicated by means of mass production”! At Old to New Cabinets & Woodworking we offer our clients complete home renovations. We specialize in custom cabinetry and offer all services from flooring to framing. Our dedicated Craftsmen will work hard to create cabinetry that fits your unique style and budget without sacrificing on quality. We work with any space to provide you with cabinet solutions that are not only pleasing to the eye but fully functioning as well. We are a custom cabinet shop so we make every inch and every corner work for you. Old to New is your one stop home renovation solution! ! ! Call us at 780-416-5551 to book your free in home appointment. Or visit us online at www.oldtonewcabinets.com FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS. DUTCH CONSULATE" REALTOR® Website: www.dutchmissions.com! CALL AN AWARD WINNING, PROFESSIONAL, FULL-TIME Frank Vanderbleek 780-431-5600 [email protected] franklythebest.ca “Serving You Since 1992!” Top 5% of Edmonton Realtors 2007-2012 2012 5 ! ! Open: Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays and all Dutch and Canadian Holidays.! ! Appointment only." ! Address: " 2nd floor of the Bonnie Doon Shopping Center, Suite 257, 8330-82 Avenue Edmonton AB, T6C 0Y6. ! ! Phone 780-428-7513 ! Fax: 780-424-2053 ! email: ! [email protected] N E WS FROM T HE C LUB S THE WINDMILLS" ! December is Christmas month. ! Christmas, the mass of Christ, is held on 25th December in Canada and commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ over 2000 years ago. ! ! In the Netherlands the 6th of December is the feast day of St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra in Asia Minor (now Turkey) in the 4th century AD. He is the patron saint of children. George reminds me that the big day in Holland is the 5th, although I think that is Sinterklaas eve (but I could be wrong). ! St. Nicholas will be arriving at the Dutch Club on Thursday, December 5th, and is said to bring sweets to well behaved children (seniors). O.K., how many of you have been good? ! ! On December 19th, we will be having our annual Christmas dinner, which will be served around 4:00 p.m. the good news is we received some Casino funds so the dinner will be free to our members again this year. Non-members will be charged $15.00. Everyone must reserve a ticket for the dinner so we know how many to cook for. Please call Pieter at 780-466-5756 to order your ticket.! ! The next time it snows (although I think we have enough already) and you’re feeling down about shovelling or driving on less than ideal roads), take a moment to look at the snowflakes and maybe you’ll gain a greater appreciation for this form of precipitation. Take a piece of black paper and catch some snowflakes and examine them with a magnifying glass. Based on their shape, size and pattern, you can tell where in the atmosphere the snowflake was formed – high altitude, low altitude, temperature, etc. For instance larger snowflakes are formed at warmer temperatures whereas smaller flakes are formed in colder temperatures. Consult the internet to see if you can determine where your snowflakes were formed. You may have to take a photo of them before you head inside though. ! ! Our thoughts and prayers are with those who lost a loved one this year. I hope their memories of better times will sustain them through this difficult season. For all our friends fighting cancer and other ailments, we send you a sunbeam to warm you, a moonbeam to charm you, a sheltered angel, so nothing can harm you. ! ! To all of you with a December Birthday, “Over the hill” is a relative term – but here’s a sled, just in case. Happy Birthday! ! ! On behalf of the Windmills board, may the spirit of Christmas bring you peace, the gladness of Christmas give you hope, the warmth of Christmas grant you love.! ! After Christmas, our winter season starts again on Thursday, January 9th, 2014. ! ! ! Judy Boekholt – 780-467-3701 – [email protected] ! ! ! 6 ! Golden Hour Clock Shop ! 10040 - 164 Street EDMONTON, AB T5P 4Y3 Phone 780-489-0171 Fax: 780-489-1847 ! Award Winning Gouda from the Heart of Alberta!" " 2009 Canadian Champion Smoked Gouda medium Old Grizzle ex. aged gouda Gruyere medium (Swiss) The 2011 Canadian Champion Spiced Herbs & Garlic Gouda 2012 World Champion Smoked Gouda 2nd Award Silver 2013 Canadian Champion Old Grizzly Artistic Old Grizzly Gouda Ex. Aged Hess & Ronnie Nyenhuis" ! ! ! ! ! SERVING EDMONTON & AREA " FOR OVER 40 YEARS" Available at Old Strathcona Farmers’ Market Edmonton every Saturday from 8:00 am-3:00 pm. " !! ! Closed on Mondays! Free shipment across Canada, shipment by mail in 4 kg or 8 kg boxes. Order by phone, fax, online or visit our own store in Red Deer (Mon.-Sat. 9:00 am - 5:00 pm).! GUARANTEED CLOCK AND WATCH REPAIR ! ! ! ! Sylvan “Star” Cheese ltd.! Phone: (403) 340-1560 Fax: (403) 342 6831! RR #1, Site 6, Box 31, Red Deer, AB T4N 5E1! web: www.sylvanstarcheesefarm.ca! email: [email protected]! Victoria " Fancy Sausage (2007) Ltd" Enjoy an old world feel: many Dutch products including ! Croquettes, Frikandellen, Rookworst and our delicious Metworst. Visit our candy section for the sweet or salty tastes, or browse our huge deli with Dutch liver sausage and imported Gouda Cheese.! BEN’S MEATS & DELI" Family owned and operated since 1953! ! ! 15726 Stony Plain Road! Edmonton AB T5P 3Z5! PH: (780) 489-1424! Fax: (780) 409-8236! 6508—118 Ave Edmonton AB ! 780-471-2283 ! Email: [email protected]! Allen & Jackie Snyder! ! www.bensmeats.com! ! CLASSIC EUROPEAN ANTIQUES" 7000. Sq. Ft . Hidden Antiques & ! Collectibles treasures! OPEN HOUSE " November 9,10,23,24,30" December 1,7,8,14,15,21,22,28,29" From 11.00 am till 4.00 pm" CONTACT ANNEKE: 780-482-4414! Come and visit us for our large assortment of Dutch items, as well as sliced deli meats and fresh meat products!! ! We are the supplier for the Dutch Cell . 780-699-7839 www.classiceuropeanantiques.com! Hours: Tuesday to Friday 11:00—5:00.! Saturday 10:00-4:00. Sunday 11:00-4:00! 13314-126 Ave . Edmonton ! Canadian Club’s famous Croquettes!! 7 b ust r i p 2 0 14 ! BUSTRIP 2014 - WATERTON LAKES NATIONAL PARK" Dates: May 27, 28 & 29, 2014 (Tuesday-Thursday)! Destination: Waterton Lakes National Park! Cost: $260.00! ! Itinerary:! Day 1 - Leave DCC at 8:00 am; Lunch in Calgary at 11:30; Arrive in Waterton Lakes National Park at 5:00 pm. Accommodation for 2 nights at the Bayshore Inn Resort & Spa, the only hotel located on the shores of Waterton Lake; supper 6:30 pm in one of the hotel’s restaurants.! ! Day 2 - Breakfast at the Bayshore Inn restaurant; 10:00 am: Cruise from Canada to the USA with Waterton Cruise Co.; 12:30 return - lunch in one of the Waterton restaurants of your choice; 2:00 pm optional bus tour to either Red Rock Canyon or Cameron Lake; supper 6:00 pm.! ! Day 3 - Breakfast from 7:00 - 8:30; leave Waterton Lakes National Park at 9:00 am; arrive at Bar U Ranch National Historic Site of Canada at 11:00 where we will enjoy a tour and lunch; leave Bar U Ranch at 1:30 pm; arrive at Sylvan Lake at 5:00 pm - supper at Pier 7 Restaurant. Return to DCC around 9:00 pm.! ! Included in your price are: 2 nights accommodation (based on double occupancy); 2 breakfasts; lake cruise; Bar U fee and tour; one dinner in Waterton and tip for busdriver.! Not included: 1st day breakfast and lunch, 2nd day lunch and supper, 3rd day lunch and supper.! ! To reserve your seat on the bus, please contact Pieter Putters at 780-466-5756. We need a deposit of $50.00. Non-members are welcome too, so please spread the word. 8 ALBERTA TO GET NEW AREA CODE IN 2016" The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission is introducing a new province wide area code in Alberta - 825 - on April 9, 2016. The federal agency said new telephone numbers assigned in Alberta may be given numbers including 825. Existing customers will keep their existing area codes and numbers. According to the Canadian Numbering Administrator, which oversees phone numbers for the CRTC, Alberta’s existing area codes are expected to run out of numbers by July 2016 For Weddings, Anniversaries,! Company Parties, Reunions, Dances, etc.! (Club members and ESCA members receive a ! discount on the rental)! ! 780-984-4569 - Frank Stolk! DUTCH CANADIAN CENTRE! 13312 - 142 Street, Edmonton, AB ! ! ! Van Sloten's Bakery! and! Cakes by Janna! 12418 - 118 Avenue" Fresh Cakes made to Order" (780) 455-5855" ! Inquiries Welcome " ! Willem Hubben" Wedding Cakes are our Specialty" !!! !! !! !! !! ! Certified Denturist! ! NEW DENTURES! RELINES! REPAIRS! ! WEDDING CAKES BY APPOINTMENT ONLY" www.edmontondenture.com! 6005 - 120 Avenue • Phone: 780-479-8377" 9 ! ! members page from Sons of Norway, Solglyt Lodge 4-143. HALLOWEEN 2013! MERRY CRISTMAS and HAPPY 2014 to friends, families and members of the Dutch Canadian Club, our Nordic societies and GOD JUL affiliates. Happy 84th Birthday to our Mom & Beppe Feikje DeVries Love from all of your children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. The winners of the Windmills Halloween dress-up contest on October 31, 2013 were:! I would like to send out a special THANK YOU to everyone for all the well wishes and prayers, it is very much appreciated. I would also ! like to THANK all of the ladies of the sewing club Best dressed couple:! Bert Westmaas & Renie Perreault! for the beautiful quilt they made for me. I love it and use it every day. THANKS, Lisa ! ! Pieter and I would also wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year Best dressed singles:! ! Ria Ruis & Faye de Vries.! ! ! VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES! This month we are looking for the following volunteers:! Every Thursday Afternoon - Windmills! Volunteers are needed to help prepare and serve lunches. You can sign up for the week of your choice. 10 N E WS FROM T HE C LUB S SEWING AND CRAFT CIRCLE" We are looking forward to a Christmas break. We’ve worked very hard to get certain projects finished and during our 2-day quilting bee we accomplished quite a bit. Thank you all for coming out.! The Christmas Market was fun but our sales were not spectacular. Maybe we’ll have to revisit this. However, the Bedspread Raffle tickets sold very well. Please remember, the draw for the Bedspread is December 5, at the Windmills Sinterklaas party.! Enjoy your new quilt Lisa, and every time you wrap it around you, you should feel the warmth and love of your friends who will always be close by when you need them. ! We wish all our members a wonderful Christmas season and special times with family and friends. Keep warm! Jenny Smits - 780-473-0905 - [email protected] ! ! 11 VAN MAJESTEIT….NAAR OMA" ! Nederland weet pas hoe hard de koningin heeft gewerkt op het moment dat ze aftreedt. Het Nederlandse volk was vaak (terecht) kritisch en Beatrix hield de burgers bewust op grote afstand. Toch hebben we de laatste jaren meer van de mens achter haar gezien. We mogen de vorstin best dankbaar zijn.! Koningin Beatrix heeft haar drie zonen goed opgevoed en voor een waardige opvolger gezorgd. Het koningschap was niet de enige last die zij droeg, zij moest tevens haar opvolger klaarstomen voor zijn toekomstige zware taak. Iets waar kroonprins Willem-Alexander als kind en tiener maar weinig zin in had. Hij was tegendraads en (net als zijn moeder) een tikkeltje koppig. Maar inmiddels kunnen we concluderen dat moeder, samen met rots in de branding prins Claus, prima werk heeft verricht. De nieuwe koning is een amiable vader van drie dochters die steeds populairder wordt onder het Nederlandse volk. Beatrix heeft haar opvolger terdege voorbereid en hij is klaar voor het koningschap. De koningin heeft Willem-Alexander net zo’n fijne tijd met zijn gezin in Wassenaar gegund als zij met Claus ooit op Drakensteyn had. Zij weet als geen ander welke offers er worden gebracht, dat siert haar.! ! Kunst en Cultuur" Al sinds haar jeugd heeft ze belangstelling voor beeldende kunst, ballet, muziek en literatuur. Beatrix, die zelf ook beeldhouwt, zet zich al decennialang in voor de Nederlandse kunst en cultuur. Die passie deelde ze ooit met prins Claus en samen organiseerden ze culturele avonden op Drakensteyn. De koningin bezoekt bijna jaarlijks de KunstRai en woont menig concert bij in het Concertgebouw. Ze is zo trots op onze artiesten, dat ze zelfs het Nederlandse Danstheater laat invliegen tijdens een staatsbezoek aan het buitenland. Beatrix draagt haar steentje bij en bevordert de kunsten. ‘Kunst en cultuur leveren een onmisbare bijdrage aan de kwaliteiten ons bestaan. Toegankelijkheid voor zoveel mogelijk burgers is daarbij van groot belang’, aldus de vorstin in haar troonrede van 2000.! ! Ultieme schoonmoeder" Dank zij Beatrix weten we nu dat er ook geweldige schoonmoeders bestaan. Zij heeft zowel met Laurentien als Mabel en Maxima een hechte band. Hoewel de komst van twee van de drie schoondochters voor een behoorlijke politieke rel zorgde, bleef de koningin opmerkelijk loyaal. Of de dames nu hadden gelogen of niet, publiekelijk sprak de koningin er met geen woord over. Via duidelijke statements sijpelde haar positieve houding echter wel door. Zo nam ze Maxima mee naar haar eigen 65e- verjaardagsfeest toen de Zorreguieta-affaire z’n piek beleefde. En het was Mabel die haar schoonmoeder vergezelde naar het Bronovo-ziekenhuis vlak nadat Amalia geboren was, geboren was, terwijl de politieke strijd rond Mabel-gate op z’n hevigst was. Zo liet ze weten achter de keuze van haar zoon (en schoondochter) te staan.! ! Mens achter majesteit" In menig televisieportret was te zien hoe goed Beatrix haar zaken volbracht. Vooral in het begin van haar regeerperiode kreeg ze de kritiek perfectionistisch en betweterig over te komen. Door die zakelijke houding werd haar kilheid en afstandelijkheid verweten. Beatrix is er altijd van overtuigd geweest dat je privé van het ambt moest scheiden. Daarin is juist door alle pech en narigheid dat haar de laatste tien jaar is overkomen (overlijden van Claus, koninginnedag drama en het zware ongeluk van Friso) wat verandering gekomen. Het volk voelde massaal mee en zij stelde dat op prijs. Na 2000 zagen we niet alleen de majesteit maar ook de moeder, oma en weduwe. We kregen voor het eerst een kijkje in haar ziel tijdens de bijzetting van Claus. Als ze vlak daarna haar beide ouders verliest, heeft Beatrix het volk ook aan haar zijde. Gelukkig kan ze haar hart ophalen aan al haar acht kleinkinderen; ze vindt het heerlijk om grootmoeder te zijn en op de kindjes te mogen passen.! ! Drama’s overleefd" Het jaar 2012 was voor Beatrix op z’n zachtst gezegd een rampjaar. Privé vanwege het zware skiongeluk van Friso die daardoor blijvend hersenletsel opliep en inmiddels is overleden. Maar ook qua werk; eerst was daar een onverwachte val van het kabinet, gevolgd door het buitenspel zetten bij de formatie waardoor haar invloed beperkt werd. Tel daarbij op het lekken van de troonrede, het toneelstukje van de eedaflegging en de kersttoespraak die al een dag eerder op internet te lezen was en het dramatische jaar is compleet. Het is tijd om het stokje door te geven en te genieten van welverdiende rust op het door haar zo geliefde Drakensteyn. Wij prijzen de vorstin voor de vele jaren die zij heeft gegeven ten behoeve van haar volk. ! BEATRIX BEDANKT!!! Bron: Oranje Boven 12 PROGRESSIVE ! Dennis Stolzmann Realty Executives Progressive Serving Edmonton and Area ! ! ! ! ! Phone: 780-908-6651 Fax: 780-244-3530! Email: ! [email protected] website: www.dennissells.ca! ! Call today for your free market evaluation! ! The only location with fresh stroopwafels" West End Christian Reformed Church invites you to their " Annual Nativity Display." made in-store" The show runs on Friday, December 20 and Saturday, December 21 from 3 pm to 9 pm.! Come and see over 500 nativity sets creatively displayed, enjoy a cup of hot chocolate or apple cider and/or make a family craft. ! West End CRC is located close to Candy Cane Lane (10015 - 149 St) and parking is available in our parking lot, so come and make an evening of it. ! This event is free and everyone is welcome.! ! Largest selection of Dutch liquorice! ! • • • • The Best Dutch Rolladen" Rookworst" Boterkoek" Kroketten, bitterballen & frikadellen 13 Financial and Casino Report from the Treasurer" I have been listening to DCC members, but mostly the Thursday afternoon Windmill’s members complaining about not getting any money from the Casino for some of the programs. Some of them go as far as to say, “I will never work a Casino again if we do not profit from the money that the Board gets”. I am glad to say that there are only a few who say that, however these remarks are hard to listen to, knowing that everyone profits from Casino funds. ! The income from our last casino was $ 77,806.02. Half of the amount ($ 38,903.01) may be used for utilities, club journal, insurance etc. The other half may be used for charities, Senior Activities etc. However we have to request and get authorization for each program DCC likes to support. This is tedious, the ALCB likes to get as much information as possible, such as why, what for, who will attend, and it also has to be for the community at large. It takes about two to three months to get approval for the different programs DCC would like to support. ! DCC uses the casino portion allotted for administration mostly for utilities. The cost of utilities alone is approximately $ 24,225.00 per year. The $38,903.01 we received from the last Casino is for two years. As you can see this does not cover the utilities for two years, but it helps keep us afloat. We do receive income from rentals $ 1000.00 per rental per week times about 45 per year which is $ 45,000.00 per year. The cost of operating our club is high.! The following is a list of approximate yearly cost to operate our club: Janitorial $ 24,000.00; Janitorial supplies $ 3,600.00; Utilities $ 24,225.00 per year; Accounting $ 3000.00; Business licence $ 1,150.00; Insurance $ 7,250.00; Pest control $ 1,200.00; Repair and Maintenance building $ 3,500.00; Office supplies $ 1,200.00; Club Journal $ 4,600.00; Equipment repair and maintenance $ 6,425.00; Security $ 450.00; Snow clearing $ 4,500.00; Telephone and Advertising $ 10,600.00; Star Choice TV $ 755.00. For a total of $96,455.00. There are miscellaneous items which are not included in this total.! We do have other income from Heritage days; Market and bar income, but this income certainly does not cover a deficit of $ 51,455.00.! So as you can see the Board is happy that we can keep the doors open for another year, since we can pay for the utilities from the Casino account.! Just to close with a happy report, two programs for seniors were approved. It took two and a half months to get permission.! Wilma Thys treasurer DCC - 780-406-9674 - [email protected] NEDERLANDSTALIGE TOP 10 ! ! November 16, 2013 1. Ik zou het zo weer overdoen - Marco Borsato & Trijntje Oosterhuis! 2. Alleen omhoog - Thomas Berge! 3. Kom eens dichterbij - Gordon! 4. Ik vergeef je - John de Bever! 5. Waarom? - Jaman! 6. Mannenharten - Bløf & Nielson! 7. Grijp je kans en voel je vrij - Frank van Etten! 8. Rood fruit - Henk Dissel! 9. Altijd te laat - Brigitte Nijman! 10. Fenomeen - Dennie Christiaan 14 Netherlands ranked among top 10 happiest countries in the world" ! Netherlands is eighth happiest country in the world.! For the third year in a row, Australia has taken the top prize for being the happiest place to live in the advanced world, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Developments (OECD). ! The annual index ranks the world’s 34 industrialized economies based on key criteria such as jobs, health, environment, education and income and Australia was the only Asia-Pacific country to find a place in the top 10.! The Netherlands performs very well in overall well-being, as shown by the fact that it ranks among the top countries in a large number of topics in the Better Life Index.! Money, while it cannot buy happiness, is an important means to achieving higher living standards. In the Netherlands, the average household net-adjusted disposable income is 25 493 USD a year, more than the OECD average of 23 047 USD a year. But there is a considerable gap between the richest and poorest – the top 20% of the population earn nearly five times as much as the bottom 20%.! In terms of employment, nearly 75% of people aged 15 to 64 in the Netherlands have a paid job, above the OECD employment average of 66%. Some 80% of men are in paid work, compared with 70% of women. People in the Netherlands work 1 379 hours a year, less than the OECD average of 1 776 hours. Very few employees work very long hours, compared with 9% on average across the OECD.! Having a good education is an important requisite for finding a job. In the Netherlands, 73% of adults aged 25-64 have earned the equivalent of a high-school degree, close to the OECD average of 74%. This is slightly truer of men than women, as 75% of men have successfully completed high-school compared with 71% of women. In terms of the quality of the education system, the average student scored 519 in reading literacy, maths and science in the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). This score is higher than the OECD average of 497, making the Netherlands one of the strongest OECD countries in students’ skills. There is hardly any difference between the performances of boys and girls, compared with an average OECD gap of 9 points in favour of girls.! ! In terms of health, life expectancy at birth in the Netherlands is 81 years, one year higher than the OECD average of 80 years. Life expectancy for women is 83 years, compared with 79 for men. The level of atmospheric PM10 – tiny air pollutant particles small enough to enter and cause damage to the lungs – is 30 micrograms per cubic meter, considerably higher than the OECD average of 21 micrograms per cubic meter. The Netherlands perform better in terms of water quality, as 90% of people say they are satisfied with the quality of their water, higher than the 84% OECD average.! Concerning the public sphere, there is a strong sense of community and high levels of civic participation in the Netherlands, where 94% of people believe that they know someone they could rely on in time of need, higher than the OECD average of 90%. Voter turnout, a measure of public trust in government and of citizens’ participation in the political process, was 75% during recent elections; this figure is higher than the OECD average of 72%. Social and economic status can affect voting rates; voter turnout for the top 20% of the population is 85% and for the bottom 20% it is 65%. This 20 percentage point difference is much larger than the OECD average difference of 12 percentage points, and points to shortcomings in the political mobilization of those of lower socio-economic status.! In general, 86% of people in the Netherlands say they have more positive experiences in an average day (feelings of rest, pride in accomplishment, enjoyment, etc) than negative ones (pain, worry, sadness, boredom, etc), more than the OECD average of 80%.! The survey ranked more than 30 countries on criteria such as income levels, health, safety and housing.! ! ! The World’s Top 10 Happiest Countries:" Australia! Sweden Canada Norway Switzerland United States Denmark The Netherlands Iceland United Kingdom Source: Dutch Daily News! www.dutchdailynews.com 15 CENTRAL PARK, NEW YORK CITY" When you visit to Central Park in New York you will discover that there is something for everyone. From guided tours and sports to sightseeing or just plain relaxing, Central Park is New York's backyard and if you are in New York don’t miss Central Park.! ! You can rent a bicycle or take a horse and buggy tour or just wander around and take in the beautiful surroundings like we did on our recent visit to New York City. ! Some of the attractions we visited in Central Park were:! • Belvedere Castle - a miniature castle, created 1869 intended as a lookout to the reservoir to the north (now the Great Lawn) and the Ramble to the south.! • Strawberry Fields - a living memorial to the world-famous singer, songwriter and peace activist – John Lennon. ! • Balto’s statue - This sculpture honours the sled dog who saved Alaska's children from a diphtheria epidemic by delivering medicine over the frozen tundra.! • Bethesda Fountain, with the famous Angel of the Waters statue atop. The statue references the Gospel of John, which describes an angel blessing the Pool of Bethesda. ! ! ! The Manhattan skyline is all around the park and the fall colors of the many different trees and shrubs were spectacular. It is impossible to see everything in one day. But we did visit the Central Park Zoo, where we saw the snow leopard, and we watched some phenomenal break dancers perform near the Bethesda Terrace. Jenny Smits 16 CHRISTMAS TRIVIA QUIZ" Test your Christmas trivia knowledge! answers on page 18 1.! ! 2.! ! 3.! ! 4.! ! 5.! ! 6.! ! 7.! ! 8.! ! 9.! ! 10.! ! 11.! ! 12.! ! 13.! ! 14.! ! ! ! ! ! ! 15.! 16.! 17.! 18.! 19.! 20.! What date is St Stephen's Day?! In Charles Dickens' novel A Christmas Carol, who was Scrooge's dead business partner?! The song White Christmas was first performed in which 1942 film?! London's Trafalgar Square Christmas tree is traditionally given by which country?! In the song The Twelve Days of Christmas, '...my true love brought to me nine...' what?! Name the original eight reindeer from the 'Twas the night Before Christmas' poem.! Which Christmas carol includes the lyrics '...To save us all from Satan's power, when we were gone astray..'?! The character Jack Skellington appears in which 1993 Tim Burton film?! What colour are the berries of the mistletoe plant?! In the inspirational 1946 film, It's a Wonderful Life, what's the name of George Bailey's guardian angel?! What are the names of the three wise men said to have brought gifts to the baby Jesus?! What is New Year's Eve called in Scotland?! What Christmas item was invented by London baker and wedding-cake specialist Tom Smith in 1847?! In what year was Band-Aid's Do They Know It's Christmas the UK Christmas chart-topping record?! In which modern country is St Nicholas's birthplace and hometown?! Who wrote How the Grinch Stole Christmas?! From which country does the poinsettia plant originate?! Who is officially credited as the author of Auld Lang Syne?! How many points does a snowflake have?! What is the name of the cake traditionally eaten in Italy at Christmas?! 17 ANSWERS TO THE CHRISTMAS TRIVIA QUIZ FROM PAGE 17 1.! ! 2.! ! 3.! ! 4.! ! 5.! ! 6.! ! 7.! ! 8.! ! 9.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! What date is St Stephen's Day? 26th December! In Charles Dickens' novel A Christmas Carol, who was Scrooge's dead business partner? Jacob Marley! The song White Christmas was first performed in which 1942 film? Holiday Inn! London's Trafalgar Square Christmas tree is traditionally given by which country? Norway! In the song The Twelve Days of Christmas, '...my true love brought to me nine...' what? Ladies dancing! Name the original eight reindeer from the 'Twas the night Before Christmas' poem? Comet, Cupid, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Donner, Blitzen (or Dunder and Blixem - The poem is alternatively titled A Visit from St Nicholas. 'Twas the night Before Christmas' is the first line. The poem was first published anonymously in 1823 and is commonly attributed to Clement Clarke Moore, although some believe Henry Livingston was the true author. Rudolph was created later in 1939 by copywriter Robert May for the Montgomery Ward department store chain, as the main character in a free Christmas promotional story, which extended the 1823 poem, and was subsequently turned into the popular song Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Incidentally Donner and Blizten mean Thunder and Lightning in German.)! Which Christmas carol includes the lyrics '...To save us all from Satan's power, when we were gone astray..'? God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen! The character Jack Skellington appears in which 1993 Tim Burton film? The Nightmare before Christmas! What colour are the berries of the mistletoe plant? White! 10.! In the inspirational 1946 film, It's a Wonderful Life, what's the name of George Bailey's guardian angel? Clarence (Oddbody)! 11.! What are the names of the three wise men said to have brought gifts to the baby Jesus? Balthasar, Melchior, Caspar or Gaspar - Interestingly the Bible does not states state their names, nor even the number of wise men: "...there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem... and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh..." from Matthew 2:1 and 2:11.! 12.! What is New Year's Eve called in Scotland? Hogmanay! 13.! What Christmas item was invented by London baker and wedding-cake specialist Tom Smith in 1847? Christmas cracker! 14.! In what year was Band-Aid's Do They Know It's Christmas the UK Christmas chart-topping record? 1984! 15.! In which modern country is St Nicholas's birthplace and hometown? Turkey (St Nicholas, bishop 'Nikolaos of Myra', 270-343AD, was born a Greek, i.e., of Greek parents in Patara, Lycia. He lived in and was bishop of Myra, Lycia. Patara and nearby Myra, in Lycia, or fully Lycia et Pamphylia, were then technically provincial territory of the Roman Empire with no specific country name. Patara became ruins centuries ago. Where the ancient town of Myra stood, now stands the Turkish town/ district of Demre, Antalya Province, Turkey)! 16.! Who wrote How the Grinch Stole Christmas? Dr Seuss! 17.! From which country does the poinsettia plant originate? Mexico! 18.! Who is officially credited as the author of Auld Lang Syne? Robert Burns! 19.! How many points does a snowflake have? Six! 20.! What is the name of the cake traditionally eaten in Italy at Christmas? Panettone 18 ! CLUB MANAGER" 780-984-4569! ! BOARD MEMBERS" President" Frank Stolk 780-464-4879! Vice-president" Pat Hoekstra 780-469-8343! Secretary" Truus de Visser 780-434-4133! Treasurer" Wilma Thys 780-406-9674! Officers" Piet Van Papeveld 780-437-0680! Lisa Putters 780-466-5756! Emmy Diamond 780-433-5584! Harm de Groot 780-416-2990! Cees Stolk 780-417-2245! ! DCC AUXILIARY" President" Edith Van Leeuwen 780-489-8404! Secretary" Truus de Visser 780-434-4133! Treasurer" Erica Van Leeuwen 780-459-5367! ! THE WINDMILLS" President" Pieter Putters 780-466-5756! Secretary" Judy Boekholt 780-467-3701! Treasurer" Ria Bok 780-472-2725! ! !! ! ! NE WS FR OM THE NE THER LA ND S www.dutchnews.nl! BUILDINGS FIRMS ACCUSED OF EXPLOITING FOREIGN STAFF ON TUNNEL" ! ! BILLIARDS CLUB" ! Jack Toering 780-454-5171! BUILDING MAINTENANCE" ! Piet Van Papeveld 780-437-0680! CARD MAKING" Polish and Portuguese construction workers who are building the A2 motorway tunnel near Maastricht are being exploited by the consortium in charge of construction, according to the FNV trade union federation. The FNV says it is holding chief builders BallastNedam and Strukton responsible for the way sub-contractor Rimec is systematically underpaying staff. The union claims Rimec has for almost 18 months wrongly withheld €1,000 a month from the salaries of Polish and Portuguese workers to pay for housing and transport costs. This alone adds up to over €1m. In addition, the foreign workers are not paid in accordance with official pay scales, nor do they get holiday pay, overtime and other benefits, the union says. The union says the two construction giants are prepared to compensate the workers after 'heavy pressure’. Meanwhile, an independent report into claims the men's working conditions has found no evidence they were being exploited, Nos television reported. While mistakes had been made, there is no question of exploitation or slavery 'in a legal sense or a social sense', the researchers are quoted as saying. However the report did state the official pay and conditions agreements were not being adhered to and that it is unclear if Rimec is legally allowed to deduct money for housing and transport money which was paid to another firm closely allied to Rimec itself. In addition, the men paid too much for these expenses and were working 50 hours a week which is too long, the report said. Rimec is a subsidiary of Irish staffing agency Atlanto Rimec, which provides Eastern European workers for construction projects across Europe, local newspaper De Limburger said. Ria Bok 780-472-2725! ! [email protected]! CASINO" ! Cory Vriens 780-478-1450! CONCORDIA BAND" Dave Greidanus 780-474-3619! ! [email protected]! HALL RENTALS" Frank Stolk 780-984-4569! ! [email protected]! HERITAGE FESTIVAL" Emmy Diamond 780-433-5584! ! [email protected]! KLAVERJAS TOURNAMENTS" ! Pieter Van Leeuwen 780-459-5367! LANGUAGE LESSONS" Nadine Silveira 780-570-2232! ! [email protected]! MEMBERSHIP" Lisa Putters 780-466-5756! ! [email protected]! SEWING & CRAFT CIRCLE" Jenny Smits 780-473-0905! ! [email protected]! DUTCH TOUCH" Editor" SPRING MARKET" Jenny Smits 780-473-0905! Barbara de Visser 780-444-8855! [email protected]! ! [email protected]! Advertising" Lisa Putters 780-466-5756! STITCH ‘N RIP CLUB" [email protected]! Edith Van Leeuwen 780-489-8404! [email protected]! ! 19 ! Dutch Canadian Centre Activities and events ! ly Cl k e e W r Regula he!dule" Sc ub ! ! ! Board Meeting Fall & Winter months " 2nd Monday of the month" 7:00 pm! ! Committee Meetings" DECEMBER 2013! Sun M o n T ue We d T hu Fr i S at 1 St, Nick 2 4 5 Raffle 6 7 party 8 15 Monday:! Stitch & Rip Club" 22 ! draw 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 Billiard 19 20 Billiard 21 Klaverjas Immediately before the board meetings every other month! 6:30 pm! ! 3 Tournament 23 12:00 - 3:00 pm! Tuesday:! Sewing Circle" 29 30 24 25 Boxing Christmas Day Tournament 26 27 28 31 New Years Eve 10:00 am - 3:00 pm! Klaverjas Club" ! 12:30 - 4:00 pm! Wednesday:! Seniors Drop-In Nordic Room" 1:00 - 4:00 pm! Billiard Club" ! JANUARY 2014! 7:00 pm! Thursday:! Windmills Seniors" Sun Mon T ue 1:00 pm! Concordia Band" ! 8:00 pm! Friday! Flying Dutchman Club Room Social" ! 5 6 7 We d T hu Fr i Sat 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 Card making 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Card 7:30 pm! Saturday:! Card Making" 10:00 - 5:00 twice a month! (check dates on calendar)! Making 26 27 28 20 29 30 31
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Monday 17, Family Day - the kitchen is open from 12:00 till 4:00 pm !
Friday 21 - the kitchen will be open at 5:00 pm!