Op de valreep - Dutch Business Association Vietnam
Op de valreep - Dutch Business Association Vietnam
Double Dutch Dutch Double WATER nr 3 double dutch 2007│oktober Fresh drinking water with Dutch technology My COMPANY Royal Haskoning ‘ en ’ boekbespreking Breakfast with Harry & Boris Op de valreep, 10 vragen aan de familie van Berlo Cabaret & Kindervoorstelling Vraag & aanbod Dutch Business Association Vietnam colofon Double Dutch is a magazine of the Dutch Business Association Vietnam. It appears 3 times a year. Editors Janneke Dufourquet [email protected] Hilde Hoogwaerts [email protected] Design Margriet Kruse Translation Marleen Sprik Advertisement [email protected] Deadline next issue: January 15th 2008 Subscription for non members 20 USD per year working working in Vietnam 3 From the NEW President 4 My company Water Supply Holland Co 5 Crown Prince Willem Alexander Water 6/7 My company Royal Haskoning 8/9 Holland Days Consulate General of the Netherlands 10 Bram Willems 11 International Business Research Vietnam 12 13 DBAV New members can contact Mireille Kodden at [email protected] www.dbav.org Nederlandse Vereniging Marjo Vaessen [email protected] Netherlands Alumni Network Vietnam www.nanv.com.vn Consulate General of the Netherlands www.mfa.nl/hcm-en [email protected] Postal address: C/o Consulate General of the Netherlands Saigon Tower 29 Le Duan Boulevard, District 1 Ho Chi Minh City 8/9 living in Vietnam 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 12 NANV 20 2 DOUBLE DUTCH 2007│3 Breakfast with ... How do you like your egg Harry? Dweilen met de kraan open in An Phu Van de redaktie Op de valreep 10 vragen vragen aan de familie van Berlo Even voorstellen Marjo & Jan Willem Vaessen en Petra & Sam Paenmoan Boekverslag Ton van Zeeland ‘Leeuw en Draak’ New in Town, even voorstellen Royal Dutch Open & Nederlands Cabaret Kids Pagina Nederlandse pianiste in Vietnam Vraag en Aanbod Sinterklaas Agenda oktober-november-december 19 DBAV BOARD working working working Mark van den Assem Chairman & Eurocham representative Mark v.d. Assem Vice president & Board of governers Eurocham Tau van Ngo Treasurer & Alumni Peter Kerckhaert Website & Board of governers Eurocham Marieke Nieuwaal Nederlandse Vereniging Marjo Vaessen Source of life Summer holidays are over. HCMC is crowded again and even more crowded than before, because the last months have been very fertile for the DBAV! Derk Schep, parting Chairman of the DBAV, became the proud father of Frederique (born on 25 July) and our Secretary Mireille Kodden gave birth to a handsome little boy named Ayden (born on 28 August). Congratulations to you both! On behalf of the DBAV I wish the proud parents and the newborns all the best. Before I will discuss the theme of this Double Dutch issue, I would like to welcome Bertus Postma who will act as secretary of the DBAV while Mireille is on maternity leave, and Marjo Vaessen as the contact person for the NLV. Please join me in welcoming Bertus and Marjo and providing them with your support and cooperation. Not only the role of secretary is in other hands at the moment. Derk will return to The Netherlands at the end of September and therefore resigns as Chairman of the DBAV. Since March this year, Derk has put a lot of effort and energy in the DBAV, initiating and organizing several events and further professionalising the DBAV. On behalf of the Dutch business community in Vietnam, I would like to thank Derk for his enthusiasm and good work and wish him a very good new start in Rotterdam! We are going to miss him. In this issue of Double Dutch ‘water’ is the central theme. Without water, there would be no life. More than 1,1 billion people don’t have access to clean drinking water. This is 20% of the world population. The United Nations want to reduce by half the proportion to 10% by 2015. Sustainable access to safe drinking water is part of the 7th Millennium Development Goal. A lot has been improved since 1990, especially in our region (SouthAsia). But that does not mean that water is not an topic anymore. Water stays the source of life. Read about our Crown Prins Willem Alexander known as Chair of the United Nations-General’s Advisory Board on Water & Sanitation. This year water will play the leading part during the Holland Days (from 17 October to 23 October). On the 19th of October the official opening ceremony will take place. Not only of the Holland Days, but also of a photo exhibition, which shows photo’s of famous Dutch waterworks and of other typically Dutch aspects. On the 23rd of October a university contest will be held. Top students from selected universities will compete to find the best solution for a presented case study on ‘Water Management’. On pages 8 and 9 you will find the full program of these important days for the Dutch business community in Vietnam. Bram Willems, intern at the Dutch Consulate in HCMC, wrote an article about his academic research on water supply in Vietnam (p. 10). Of all the people in the world the Dutch know that water can be a lot of fun too. I would like to thank and compliment the editors and contributors who made this issue of Double Dutch possible. Have fun reading this new Double Dutch issue and hope to see you at one of the upcoming events! Secretary Bertus Postma DOUBLE DUTCH 2007│3 3 working my company water supply holland co. Truong Ngo Fresh drinking water with Dutch tecnnology For 15 years I worked in the water supply company WMO, now called Vitens, in the province of Overijssel, The Netherlands. After that, I worked with DHV, a consultancy and engineering company. Nowadays I am founder and advisor of Water Supply Holland Co. Ltd. (WSH), a small water supply company south of the small city Can Giuoc in Long An province, situated some 30 km southeast of Ho Chi Minh City. Our purification plant has a capacity of 1500 m³ per day. It is true Dutch technology and was built with assistance of my former colleagues at Vitens. The purified water has drinking-water quality and is drinkable straight from the tap, like in The Netherlands. The local government doesn’t have means to provide an adequate infrastructure in this particular service area. For this reason experts have been granted the right to produce drinking-water and supply areas where at present the water is not drinkable. This area is popularly known as an area with “brackish and alum water”. Most people who live in this area are farmers. They are either not connected to water mains or buy their water off vendors, accepting high prices and low water quality. It is possible to have a private enterprise delivering drinking water to a local company because Vietnam allows bulk deliveries from ‘experts’ to vendors and public water supply companies. At present WSH delivers drinking water to a few hundred households, eight vendors and the local public water supply company. Together with the water supply company, WSH ensures the availability and reliability of drinking water to the customers in the city of Can Giuoc. During my 25 years of study and work in The Netherlands I built up many relations. In Vietnam I know the language and the culture. Through several seminars within the drinking water branch, WSH is the local advisor and I act as an expert for two Public Private Partnership projects between Vitens-Evides International bv on the Dutch side and the Danang water supply company and the Saigon Water Corporation of Ho Chi Minh City on the Vietnamese side. WSH is the consulting agency and supervises the construction of a 5000 m³ per day surface water purification plant in Coa Lanh in Dong Thap province. This is the so-called Perfector-R, that has been developed by the provincial water supply company NoordHolland. New in this technique is the optimization of the system, in order to use less valves and minimal chemicals and Since the beginning of the nineties, I’ve had this dream to once return to my home country and contribute to improving the water supply. My dream came true in 2003. I graduated in Delft on the subjects of environment and water management. 4 DOUBLE DUTCH 2007│3 energy, during which the best drinking water quality will be produced. The construction of this installation is done 100% locally. Water Fund Holland has commissioned this construction. The project works on the basis of ‘Revolving Funds’. The Stichting Water Opleiding is establishing a training centre for Vietnamese Water Supply and Sewerage Association Southern Branch, with my guidance. This project is financed by Aqua for All. Two pilot trainings were organized in Vung Tau. Twentyfour future trainers of eighteen southern water supply companies have been trained to be a trainer in the centre. Next to above mentioned activities, WSH is active in consultancy and implementation for local water supply companies and industries in the field of ground- and surface water purification. Nowadays, I’m still hoping to realize my dream and I’m definitely on my way. However, there are still many steps to be taken. One thing I know for sure, though: with Dutch knowledge and technology we will contribute to a better water supply in Vietnam and more people will have access to drinking water. working working working water working crown prince willem alexander “Water fascinates me. It is typically Dutch. In the course of the centuries we have fought for and against water. This considerable experience can well be used in the Netherlands and abroad. An important moment in Willem-Alexander’s career was a television interview in 1997. Seated across from journalist Paul Witteman, Willem-Alexander announced that he was going to focus on water management. Initially the commentators didn’t take this idea, which was Prince Claus’, too seriously, but gradually it turned out to be just the thing. “The fight against water is typically Dutch, the technique of water management is an important export-product and the subject is of great importance worldwide without being politically sensitive within the Netherlands.” International positions in water management piled up and in 1999 the Crown Prince became adviser for the Ministry of Transport and Public Works. His baptism of fire was in 2000, when Willem-Alexander presided in an international water conference in The Hague. He stood out because of his rapidly acquired expertise. Currently the Prince is in chair of UNSGAB: the United NationsGeneral’s Advisory Board on Water & Sanitation. Willem-Alexander gave a speech in Stockholm during the ‘World Water Week’ last August in which he warned against diverting water resources from food production to bio fuels, which reduce greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles and power plants. “Ladies and gentlemen, Among the greatest challenges facing us today are rapid urbanisation and increasing poverty. Half of humanity already live in cities. Projections indicate that by 2030 that figure will rise to two-thirds. Global poverty is moving to the cities, a process now recognised as the ‘urbanisation of poverty’. Almost 1 billion people – 32% of the world’s urban population – live in slums, most of them in the developing world. Slum dwellers often lack adequate access to clean water and sanitation facilities. Water supplies may be unreliable, expensive or contaminated. Poor sanitation and drainage are crucial factors in the spread of malaria and waterborne diseases. In such conditions, women and children suffer the most. Women spend long hours fetching and hauling water. Young girls cannot attend school regularly, as their labour is required for fetching and carrying water. This has serious repercussions on people’s health and well-being. It undermines any investment in health care, education and other programmes that reduce poverty. The international community must focus more of its efforts on improving the lives of the urban poor if the Millennium Development Goals are to be achieved. Bio fuels is a great way to support our western way of life, but it’s not a necessity for mankind to survive. Food is. The amount of water needed to produce the bio fuels for a tank of an SUV equals the amount of water needed to feed one person on grains for a whole year. It’s fine to replace fossil fuels with bio fuels, but first find an alternative for food production, like a new green revolution reducing by half the amount of water needed in agriculture. The way we are going now with sanitation, we are definitely not on the right track. Water and sanitation plans hardly feature in any poverty reduction strategy papers. Pro-poor water and sanitation governance is increasingly being recognised as essential in achieving the internationally agreed goals for water, sanitation and human settlements. We urgently need to move from debate to concrete actions on the ground that ensure adequate water and sanitation services for the poor. The convenors of today’s session have set three challenging objectives: • assess challenges and opportunities for providing water and sanitation services to the poor; • share the experiences and lessons of past and ongoing initiatives for pro-poor water and sanitation governance; • explore practical steps and workable strategies for achieving pro-poor water and sanitation governance. By meeting these objectives, we can take a step forward in facing the enormous challenges in the field of water and sanitation” Bron informatie: RVD, www.worldwaterweek.org http://www.unsgab.org/chair.htm DOUBLE DUTCH 2007│3 5 working my company royal haskoning VIETNAMESE AND DUTCH WATERS Harrie Laboyrie Vietnam and water are associated with each other like the cyclo and his driver, the noodle soup with the bowl and a Dutch citizen with the wooden shoes. But there is also a very strong link between water, special subject of this Double Dutch and the Vietnamese- and Dutch people. Both countries have been battling against water for ages and have at the same time, also for ages, taken benefits and opportunities that water is providing. For instance flooding, commonly considered as a threat for people, cattle and properties on one hand, however, providing the agriculture sector excellent ways and means of a natural fertilizer. Rivers, man-made canals and creeks provide an excellent transport infrastructure for waterway transport and allow people living in remote areas to travel and sell their goods outside their own villages. At the other hand it provides an environmentally friendly way of transport for construction materials, bulk commodities such as rice, sand, coal and containers and linking commercial centre’s with river- and sea ports, all in one or the other way contributing to the economic growth Vietnam is now experiencing. Sea ports play a vital role in this logistic chain since they are the main gateways for export, hence, creating commercial links with other nations; a must for further and sustainable economic and social development of Vietnam. In some areas the Dutch may be further advanced then the Vietnamese in dealing with aspects of water, however, this is not always the case as illustrated by the following. In the Netherlands the concept of giving back “nature to nature” by allowing rivers again to freely flow through the delta’s is restored during the last decade. Vietnam has never touched upon this natural concept as can been seen for example in the flood plains of the Red River Delta in the northern part of Vietnam; here you still can see major parts of the rivers flowing in a natural way to the sea. Some times you believe you are in the Netherlands whilst standing on the embankments of the Red River and enjoying a view of a beautiful green horizon with water, wind, low temperatures, ships, power lines, brick factories and cattle; just paint the picture and you may understand. All in all, water is an interesting subject and we cannot live without it; something the Vietnamese and Dutch understand as nobody else including Royal Haskoning from the Netherlands. Royal Haskoning is a consultancy firm, active in the fields of amongst others water, environment, ports and architecture and building. RHA is involved in Vietnam in many of these aspects. To give you an idea of what RHA does in Vietnam some projects: From top to bottom: 1) Irrigation channel 2) Transport on the Mekong 3) Design for Cai Lan Port Vietnam 4) River mouth 6 DOUBLE DUTCH 2007│3 working working my COMPANY working working ROYAL hASKONING Cai Lan Port in Vietnam Flood Management and Mitigation Programme Re-hydrating the earth in Vietnam The existing port of Hai Phong suffers from limitations of ship’s draught. Additional facilities are needed to handle the predicted cargo flow in the area. Cai Lan has been selected as a site for a new deep sea port. The development plan for the port of Cai Lan includes the construction of seven berths for container bulk and general cargo handling. The implementation of a comprehensive waste treatment system was also a key part of the plan and included the commissioning of a multifunctional waste treatment barge to collect and process marine and vessel borne pollutants. A critical element of the project is the deepening of the access channel (length 30 km), which runs through Cua Luc Strait and Ha Long Bay to the Gulf of Tonking, an area of scenic beauty and environmental importance. Haskoning is setting up a Flood Management and Mitigation Program (FMMP) which enables the four Lower Mekong Basin countries Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia and Laos to better manage flood risk and so reduce the socio-economic costs of flooding whilst preserving and enhancing the socio-economic and environmental benefits of flooding. This project is part of the Partners for Water project. Royal Haskoning is setting up a concept for rehydrating. The objectives of the project are to reduce the vulnerability of people living in the Mekong Delta to the negative impacts of floods, and establish flood risk management in the authorities dealing with flooding in these countries. The project gives an innovative approach for the design and implementation of small water resources. This approach will give assistance to local organisations and communities in developing, implementing and maintaining systems to re-hydrate the earth. This way the impacts of floods and droughts are being mitigated. Retaining structures such as sand storage dams will slow down the runoff water and make it percolated into the earth (re-hydration). This way water is stored from the rainy season to the dry season, or even from wet years to dry years. Subsurface water storage will amongst others lead to socio-economical development. C o nc e p t D efores tation c aus es floodings , eros ion, droughts (only therm od ynam ic prec ipitation). Im plem entation of w ater retaining s truc tures (c ontour trenc hes and s and s torage dam s ) enables s ubs urfac e w ater perc olation and s torage. T his w ill res ult in re-hydration of th e earth and year rou nd grow th of vegetation. E vap oration of fores t c aus es h ydro d ynam ic prec ipitation (regulated rainfall) res ulting in a s us tainable s ys tem DOUBLE DUTCH 2007│3 7 working Once again, we proudly present the Consulate’s biggest event of the year: The Holland Days! Subsequent to last year’s success, the Consulate General of the Netherlands will again organize the Holland Days in Ho Chi Minh City. This event is on the occasion of the friendship and relations between the Netherlands and Vietnam; not only held for the Dutch community in Vietnam, but also to make the Vietnamese people more acquainted with the Netherlands. The Holland Days 2007 takes place from the 17th until the 23rd of October; for the duration of four days business, educational and cultural activities are organized in the centre of Ho Chi Minh City. Given the positive feedback we received from participating companies, we link the Holland Days 2007 to the H2O fair 2007. Dutch companies attending the H20 Fair 2007 will participate in our Business Event. Holland Days Program Press Conference When: Wednesday 17th of October Venue: Park Hyatt Saigon Time: 14.00 – 15.00 hrs. Prior to the Holland Days 2007, a press conference will be given to the local media in the Park Hyatt Saigon Hotel to give this event the extra attention it deserves. Additionally, there will be a brief book presentation on “Dragon and Lion, 400 years relations between Holland and Vietnam” (Dutch version). This historical book was presented in Amsterdam on September 26 in presence of the Vietnamese ambassador in The Netherlands. Next year the Vietnamese version will be presented in Vietnam. Opening of Photo Exhibition When: Friday 19th of October Venue: Chi Lang Park, Dong Khoi Street. Time: 8.30 – 9.00 hrs. The official opening of the Holland Days will take place at the Chi Lang Park. The photo exhibition is 8 DOUBLE DUTCH opened and accessible for public everyday 9.00 – 21.00 hrs, from the 19th until the 23rd of October. This extensive photo exhibition includes photos of famous Dutch waterworks and other well-known Dutch facets. Also, a miniature of the Maeslant Kering, one of the country’s most renowned barriers, is built and exposed in the fountain. After the Holland Days, the photo exhibition will be moved to the General Science Library for further showing. Children’s activity When: Sunday 21st of October Venue: Chi Lang Park, Dong Khoi Time: 9.30 – 12.00 hrs. Sunday morning will be all about the kids! Young students from a Vietnamese School are guided by an Art Teacher to make graffiti paintings on an extensive brick wall that will be build in the park. Additionally everyone is invited to paint on a big canvas that will be placed in the park. All drawings have to be related to our theme “Water”. The actual painting will be hanged in the General working working october 17th untill 23 rd working working Science library after the Holland Days, together with all the photo exhibition boards. Typically Dutch sweets will be provided to the visitors and live music will be played. Furthermore, there will be stands in the park where companies present their products to all visitors. This will be an informative event for visitors to meet foreign companies. Concert by Dutch conductor networking opportunity for everyone, as we expect many guests to be present. Tickets for this special and unique performance can be collected at the FSC and Consulate General as well as at the office of the HBSO. Business Match Making Event When: Monday 22nd of October Venue: Park Hyatt Saigon Time: 13.30 – 17.30 hrs and HBSO When: Sunday 21st of October Venue: Ho Chi Minh City Opera House. Time: 20.00 – 22.30 hrs The famous Dutch conductor David Porcelijn will conduct the Ho Chi Minh City Ballet and Symphony-Orchestra in a special short program with Dutch music plays. The conductor will be rehearsing with the orchestra and this event will be unique for South-East Asia; the plays have never been performed before in Vietnam. To conclude the evening, a cocktail reception will be organized on location by hotel Park Hyatt. This reception will be a good This business event enables Dutch and Vietnamese companies from the Water sector to meet and to intervene. The Netherlands Water Partnership involves many Dutch companies and Universities from the Netherlands who will presents themselves through brief presentations. This Business Match Making Event will enable the attending Dutch companies to meet their Vietnamese partners. “H20” University Contest When: Tuesday 23rd of October Venue: Park Hyatt Saigon Time: 8.30 – 12.00 hrs Top students from selected universities will compete to find the best solution for the presented case. This year’s case study will be on ‘Urban water supply in Vietnam’ and is already presented to the contesters. Preceding the Holland Days, students work on a solution for the case study in groups and will present their key to a jury and audience on the final day of the contest. Winners will win a trip to Bangkok. Piano Concert When: Tuesday 23rd of October Venue: HCMC Conservatory Time: 20.00 – 22.00 hrs To finish off the Holland Days, another classic concert will be executed at the conservatory, by well-known pianist Monique Copper from the Netherlands. Following the concert, a small reception will be organized. Singer Dan Truong in Holland The famous Vietnamese singer Dan Truong and his team have been in the Netherlands to record his music DVD “Dan Truong in Holland”. The first results of this promotion-trip, which was cosponsored by TNT, will be shown during the Holland Days. Expected is that this teen idol will assist in Holland promotion to a younger public. DOUBLE DUTCH 2007│3 9 workingworkin my research internship at the consulate general Bram Willems Water Quality Awareness During the writing of this little contribution to the infamous ‘Double Dutch’ I am sitting behind a desk in the biggest village of the Netherlands, Amsterdam. Although physically present, my thoughts often escape the rainy and stressful reality of the Netherlands by moving back in time, the time that I was a trainee at the Consulate-General in Vietnam. Arriving in mid-March in HCMC, I was assigned by Mister van Zeeland to analyze the urban drinking water sector and to see what opportunities exists for Dutch companies to enter the market. Knowing little of drinking water and its business characteristics, I thought is was a tough assignment. However, the problems, developments and possibilities in the sector motivated me to dive in deeper. Below a short impression of the Vietnamese water supply sector and its possibilities. Water supply problems and challenges The problems in the Vietnamese water supply sector are numerous. Sure, if you compare Saigon’s tap water with a ‘gemeentepils’ from the Netherlands there is a huge quality gap. Although a very important problem, especially since it is a direct threat to public health, water quality is not the only concern of the Vietnamese government. Other serious problems are low coverage, insufficient capacity of the supply system, high loss rates, unskilled management, and un-integrated water supply and wastewater systems. The Vietnamese government acknowledges these shortcomings and is aware of the difficulties of the future. They have adapted the so-called Millennium Development Goals to set the bar to focus on. These MDGs aim to reduce by half the proportion of people without 10 DOUBLE DUTCH 2007│3 access to save drinking water. In order to meet these goals the sector faces strong challenges. The biggest problem is to bridge the financing gap. Worldbank estimates that total investment needs in both rural and urban water supply and sanitation are $600 million annually (from which 85% ODA funds). Compared to the annual investment of the last 10 years this is four (!) times as high. Dutch private sector contribution The Dutch water supply sector has a strong reputation both nationally and internationally. With its own water supply being the best in Europe according to the European committee and the involved companies having the reputation of being ‘the innovators and early adopters of new technologies’ (NWP) the Dutch have a strong position in and outside Europe. So, on the one side you have the Vietnamese water supply market. This market consists of more than 150 urban water supply projects that are underway who are worth nearly USD $ 1 billion. On the other side you have high quality and knowledgeable Dutch companies (consultancies/engineers, suppliers and construction companies) who could contribute to this market. All ingredients for a happy marriage. However, many difficulties arise. In order to obtain such a project in most cases companies have to attend international competitive biddings. In order to ‘win’ such a bidding the impression is that a company has to be present in Vietnam, build up a solid network and in many cases combine forces with a Vietnamese counterpart. These processes take time, especially in Vietnam, and should never be taken lightly. Furthermore, through competition from neighboring countries such as Thailand and China, it is very difficult for Dutch companies to be price competitive. Projects backed up with large amounts of ODA funds often demand international high quality interference, so these are most interesting. If Dutch companies shift their scarce resources to Asia, possibilities arise in Vietnam. Hopefully, with strong support of umbrella organizations such as NWP and with support of the Embassy and the Consulate-General the road to Vietnam will be easier and clearer. Support should also come from the Dutch government who are able to fund water supply projects which help Vietnam to be a healthier place and at the same create better opportunities for Dutch companies. Hopefully, with initiatives like the upcoming H2O event and the Holland days, combined with the good reputation of the already present /active Dutch companies such as Royal Haskoning, DHV and Vitens-Evides, Vietnamese drinking water will turn slightly orange in the future… Goodbye Saigon My kindest regards to all the Dutch in Vietnam. Special thanks to Mr. van Zeeland and Mr. Son and to my hombres Rutger en Bertus. I will definitely be back in Vietnam, as tourist or expat, doesn’t really matter, I will be back!! Hen gap lai!! working working my research working ng working international business research vietnam SCHIPHOL AIRPORT AMSTERDAM � EXPATS ONLY UNIQUE SERVICE � THE MOST ECONOMIC RATES RUG looking for... International Business Research conducts research into emerging markets outside of Europe. This year Vietnam has been chosen as destination. We provide Dutch companies the opportunity to conduct tailor-made research. In our opinion the Vietnamese market provides great potential for Dutch companies but most potential is yet to be explored. After approximately six months of desk research, a group of 25 senior students will conduct five weeks of field research for Dutch companies in Vietnam. This will take place in May and June 2008. WWW.BBLCARRENTAL.NL We are interested in the experiences of the Dutch who are presently living and working in Vietnam. Furthermore, we would like to establish contact with members of the DBAV to help us find local offices where we could work on our research. Rijnlanderweg 774, 2132 NM Hoofddorp Tel + 31 20 6557900, Fax + 31 20 6557909 You can rest your relocation safely upon Saigon Van’s shoulders. Are you interested in our project? Or could you provide us with helpful insights? Please get in touch with: Mr. Jasper Bosch Email: [email protected] Website: www.ibr-groningen.nl 31C Ly Tu Trong Street, District 1, HCM t: 823 8851 f: 823 8852 : [email protected] www.saigonvan.com DOUBLE DUTCH 2007│3 11 working breakfast with Harry Laboyrie working BY Boris Dongelmans BD: As a professional, you are up to your knees involved in water here in Vietnam. If we compare water management in Vietnam to that in the Netherlands what are the big differences? HL: Both countries are for large parts made up of extensive river deltas and face a continuous battle against water. The main issues are not that different because both countries face a combination of flooding caused by the rivers and waves and high water levels from the sea. The big difference is that the Netherlands can afford to tackle the threat of flooding. An example is our response to the flood disaster in Zeeland in 1953: the budget of the Delta Plan was huge to begin with but even then ended up exceeding the budget dramatically. Vietnam simply does not have sufficient budget for flood protection measures and, I estimate, spends only a fraction of our budget on flood protection. BD: Why is this so much less while Vietnam has many areas suffering from regular flooding. HL: One of the reasons is that flood protection does not always have the highest priority with planners in Vietnam. Building and maintaining water defense works demands significant amounts of money with lower financial returns then e.g. roads and ports. More resources are made available for building infrastructure like 12 DOUBLE DUTCH 2007│3 roads and bridges which, from a development perspective, really give a boost to the economy. A good infrastructure earns money, even if it is only used to transport agricultural products. CURRICULUM VITAE Ir. Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands, Coastal Engineering and Offshore Technology Royal Netherlands Navy, Hydrographic service Dutch Public Works Delft Hydraulics Royal Haskoning since 1993 Over 10 year working experience in Vietnam Responsible for Government Sector Projects in South East Asia including China and Mongolia BD: If you look at An Phu in HCM City with its many compounds aimed at expats where streets and houses get flooded regularly, one could easily think water is very low on the agenda. HL: Well, the issue in An Phu is very limited and is perhaps so visible because it is in HCM City. But Vietnam is facing much bigger flooding issues in its two deltas. These are large areas that get flooded very regularly, changing streets into channels were people paddle to work or school instead of going by bike. All buildings are up on pillars. In these areas they just have to “live with floods” as the size of the area and number of people involved are so large that flood protection is simply not an option. In the Mekong Delta, Royal Haskoning is involved in the flooding program of the Mekong River Commission. This project focuses not only on keeping the water out but also on preparing for the water to come by strengthening institutions and preparing people. BD: Is the Netherlands really a leader in water management, as we always claim to be? HL: Yes we are, together with a few other countries we have extensive experience. We have been at this since the late middle ages and basically we shaped the western part of the Netherlands which in many places is well below sea level. You won’t find this so much in Vietnam. In the Netherlands we are strong in research, teaching and building water protection measures. Dutch companies have an advantage in being very flexible in designing and building water works. Although good research and planning are crucial, civil construction on this scale are impossible to plan to the last details as there are many unknowns. Keeping an open mind and being pro-active when building dykes or when dredging is perhaps the hallmark of Dutch water engineering. Besides this the current government is looking ahead and is aware that the Dutch water protection measures are not finished yet. If we want to be safe behind the dykes in about 100 years we have to start planning and taking measures now. (During the interview Harry claimed he could swim, but unfortunately we did not get around to testing this.) working working Nguyen Dai Viet Ph.D student Hydraulic Engineering From a VN’s Ph.D student’s perspective Since July 2006 I study at the TU Delft for my Ph.D. My research is on breakwater design and optimisation. There are nearly 3 more years to finish my study, and I have really adapted to a new life. Dutch culture How to integrate into a society that is very different from yours? Getting yourself familiar with cultural characteristics, learning language and tasting food may be some of the possible answers. Although most of the Dutch people I know so far are only my teachers, colleagues and neighbors, I could say Dutch are friendly and always ready to help. For example, a woman helped me with my luggage at a train station. A man guided me thoroughly how to use the automatic photograph machine. Another one took me to my destination when I was lost in Rotterdam. And they all did help with kindness and smile. It’s not easy but I am trying to learn Dutch. The pronunciation of some of its sounds is difficult to master, for example the harsh “g” and vocal like “ui” and “eu”. Luckily, English is used very commonly, so I hardly meet any difficulty in communication. In Vietnam, Holland is known for its milk products. But “Hollandse Nieuwe” - fresh salted herring - is one of my favorites. Sometimes I eat “Stamppot” at lunch. “Beschuit met muisjes” is the thing I prepared for celebrating my daughter’s birth. But I still cook my dinner in a very Vietnamese way! Delft, where I live is a small, quiet and old town. In fact, there are many more under that old exterior. Walking along old streets of Delft in an early Sunday morning, when the city is asleep, I can feel the breath of history close by. But I found that Delft is also a modern city. Maybe the large number of student inhabitants and the appearance of technologyoriented companies make the life in Delft youthful and lively. TU Delft is famous for its water-related researches, ranging from hydraulic engineering to water treatment and management. Why are the waterrelated fields of great concern, not only at TU Delft, but also at many other Dutch institutes? Currently, approximately two third of the Dutch land area is lying below the mean sea level. Therefore, mastering the water resources is of vital importance to the Netherlands. Dams, dykes and dunes can easily be seen in the Netherlands. The Deltaworks, a giant complex of many flood defence structures, should be nominated for being a new wonder of the world. Many water researchers chose the Netherlands, and particularly TU Delft, as an ideal place for their study. We stay in our offices 5 days a week, 8 or 9 hours per day, burying our self in books, papers and computer. We come home late, have dinner and relax by watching TV or listening to music. Fortunately, there is a Vietnamese community in Delft. More than 40 Vietnamese students are now studying at TUD and Unesco-IHE of which 70% are Ph.D students. Activities are often organised within the Vietnamese community for relaxing. We play football in the TUD Sport Center every Saturday afternoon. We have parties on the occasion of big events, either barbeque or Vietnamese traditional food. And sometimes, we invite other football teams, Dutch or Chinese, for friendly matches. Every weekend, I pause my study for a while and go downtown to enjoy the vibrant atmosphere on the streets and squares. Cultural and social activities are everywhere. At these moments, it seems that I am studying another subject, the subject of life observing, listening and experiencing. Being a Ph.D student at TU Delft, I receive a favorable working condition from my faculty and my section. A supervisory committee including one promotor and two supervisors help me to do my research. However most of my study must be done on my own. My professors only guide me how to develop my ideas, how to bring the ideas into reality and how to be on the right track. Doing all these things is my own duty. That’s why a Ph.D study requires much effort and a high independent study ability. The life of a Ph.D student is sometimes like a boring routine. DOUBLE DUTCH 2007│3 13 living This space is reserved for company advertisement. ? Are you interested? ? Please contact ducthbusinessassociation@gmailcom ? A4 - inside USD 75 1/2 A4 - inside USD 150 A4 - inside USD 250 A4 - inside cover front USD 350 A4 - inside cover back USD 300 A4 - outside cover back USD 400 1/4 ? ¼ and ½ page only available for a minimum of 3 issues (1 year) A4 page is also available for 1 or 2 issues only ? Please submit your advert only in JPEG or EPS of 300 dpi min. 14 DOUBLE DUTCH 2007│3 Hilde Hoogwaerts & Janneke Dufourquet Dweilen met de kraan open in An Phu! Beste lezers, Hartelijk welkom bij alweer het derde Double Dutch thema-nummer. Iedereen is inmiddels alweer lang terug op zijn stek in Vietnam, of misschien net aangekomen, en de zomervakantie lijkt voor de meesten al een ver verleden. Heeft u ook weer gemerkt dat, naar Hollandse traditie, HET gespreksonderwerk in winkels, op straat enz. het natte, koude weer was? Wij susten steeds het schuldgevoel over deze slechte zomer in ons kikkerlandje met een geruststellend; “Ach, voor het weer komen we hier echt niet… wel voor een beetje frisse lucht en af en toe een buitje als je een heel jaar in de warmte zit…” Terug in Saigon, zien we echter weer wat een echte regenbui kan betekenen…en overal water! Als An Phu bewoners is het elke dag een hele uitdaging om met droge voeten werk, school, de supermarkt of sportclub te bereiken! Nederland en Vietnam; zo enorm verschillend maar toch ook weer veel (water) gemeen. Een themanummer over water was dan ook vanzelfsprekend. In deze editie de vele facetten van water, de bekende rubriek ‘even kennismaken’ met twee nieuwe Nederlandse gezinnen, een bijzondere boekbespreking van dhr. Van Zeeland, een verslag over het golftoernooi en nog veel meer. Noteer alvast in de agenda’s de piano voorstelling voor de kinderen op 29 oktober, het Nederlands cabaret op 25 november en niet te vergeten de aankomst Goed Heiligman, ook op 25 november! Het volgende nummer van de Double Dutch verschijnt in januari 2008 en zal gaan over “Cultuur”. Uiteraard zijn uw suggesties, ideeen, bijdrage opnieuw meer dan welkom. Maar eerst… spetterend leesplezier en tot ziens tijdens de Holland Days 2007 en de tal van andere Nederlandse aktiviteiten! e d l i H & e Jannek l working living living wonen in vietnam op deliving valreep workin kl Samenstelling gezin 5 personen : Joss en Arthur, dochter 13, jongen 11 en jongen 8 jaar oud. En natuurlijk Tommy onze hond die jarenlang de BP compound onveilig maakte :). Hoe lang hebben jullie in Vietnam gewoond? 4 jaar Wat wordt jullie volgende bestemming? Maleisie, Kuala Lumpur Wat ga je het meeste missen? Brommer rijden en onze goede vrienden. Wat is je meest positieve ervaring met Vietnam? Lieve, blije en hardwerkende mensen. daaruit voortgekomen. Welke souvenirs heb je nog gekocht de laatste weken? Lackerware en Buddha’s Wat is het leukste feest dat je hebt meegemaakt in Vietnam? Australian Ball, ons afscheidsfeest en onze eerste ‘oud op nieuw’ bij Dorris en Jack Castelein Tenslotte; nog enig advies voor de achterblijvers? Ga vooral brommerrijden, of gebruik de Xe-om Wat is je meest negatieve ervaring? Vietnamees is een moeilijke taal, waardoor het communiceren vaak erg lastig is. En dat er maar weinig natuur rond de grote steden is. Zijn de verwachtingen die je destijds had toen je naar Vietnam kwam uitgekomen? Ik dacht dat het land veel groener zou zijn. Wat is je favoriete restaurant in HCMC? Nee, heb ik niet specifiek, vind veel restaurantjes leuk. Heb je nog leuke tips voor de nieuwkomers in Vietnam? Schaf zo snel mogelijk een brommer aan. Leer simpele en een paar korte zinnetjes in Vietnamees. Veel meer gebruik je toch niet. Ben duidlijk en kort in communiceren en check of ze het begrepen hebben! Wat vind je de leukste vakantiebestemming in Vietnam? Ninh Binh onder Hanoi en de meest noordelijke provincies zijn bij mij favoriet. Ik heb diverse keren een rondreis op de motorbike gemaakt in het noorden van Vietnam. Geweldig is dat! Onder ander de kalender Vietnam Smiles is Familie van Berlo is door naar KuaLa lumpur DOUBLE DUTCH 2007│3 15 living wonen in vietnam even voorstellen Samenstelling gezin (naam/ leeftijd): Jesse (3,5), Daan (1), Marjo (34), Jan Willem (37) Wie of wat brengt jullie naar Vietnam? Het bedrijf van Jan Willem, Dutch Lady Vietnam Hoe lang zijn jullie hier inmiddels al en hoe lang verwachten jullie te blijven? Nu 4 maanden, we verwachten 3 jaar te blijven. Is dit de eerste keer dat jullie in Vietnam zijn? In januari zijn we 3 dagen geweest voor “final check”. Eind mei zijn we definitief gekomen. Wat zijn jullie verwachtingen van jullie verblijf in Vietnam? Best een uitdaging, verder vooral een intense ervaring voor ons alle vier met elkaar. Hoe zijn de eerste ervaringen? Goed, het levende, bruisende van HCMC trok ons allebei bij pre-assignment visit heel erg. Dat blijven we bijzonder vinden als we door de stad lopen/ rijden en de grote verscheidenheid aan mensen en nationaliteiten. Wat mis je het meest uit Nederland? Mijn werk? Nu ik hier nog geen werk heb, mis ik de uitdagingen van mijn werk het meeste. Wat mis je het minst uit Nederland? De regen?? Hmm, niet het beste seizoen nu natuurlijk. Nou ja dan maar vooral de koude regen. Wat heb je nog extra ingekocht voor jullie verblijf in Vietnam? Haha, goede matrassen (2) voor alle gasten die we verwachten. Zodat die lekker uitgerust en dus vrolijk de dag beginnen Wat is het item in je container dat je zeker niet zou willen missen? Laptop (met webcam…) Willen jullie Vietnamees gaan leren? Ja! 16 DOUBLE DUTCH 2007│3 living Samenstelling gezin (naam/leeftijd) Sam (40), Petra (36), Gabriël (8), Brian (7) Wie of wat brengt jullie naar Vietnam? Petra werkt sinds half augustus op het Nederlandse Consulaat-generaal in HCMC. Sam heeft een eigen bouwbedrijf in Thailand en is bezig aan zijn laatste studiejaar Political Sciences. Hoe lang zijn jullie hier inmiddels al en hoe lang verwachten jullie te blijven? Wij zijn op 11 augustus jl. gearriveerd in HCMC en blijven in principe drie jaar, misschien vier. Is dit de eerste keer dat jullie in Vietnam zijn? Ja, behalve onze eerste kennismaking met Vietnam in juni dit jaar toen wij een week naar HCMC zijn gegaan om scholen te zoeken en een huis. Wat zijn jullie verwachtingen van jullie verblijf in Vietnam? Wij hopen een leuke en interessante tijd tegemoet te gaan, leuke mensen te ontmoeten. Verder zijn wij van plan te reizen in Vietnam en omstreken. Hoe zijn de eerste ervaringen? Na Guangzhou (China) is de kleinschaligheid van HCMC wennen. En natuurlijk de vele, motorbikes/ scooters, de chaos in het verkeer. Voor het eerst in 9 jaar Azie hebben wij een chauffeur. Leuke mensen en wij hopen met nog meer mensen uit zowel de Nederlandse als de internationale gemeenschap kennis te maken. Wat mis je het meest uit Nederland? Familie, vrienden, patatje oorlog en de seizoenen! Wat mis je het minst uit Nederland? Alle regeltjes uit Nederland! Wat heb je nog extra ingekocht voor jullie verblijf in Vietnam? Senseo koffiepads en hagelslag voor de jongens. Wat is het item in je container dat je zeker niet zou willen missen? De fotoalbums en ingelijste familiefoto’s. Willen jullie Vietnamees gaan leren? Wij willen zeker een basiscursus gaan doen ….. l living living boekverslag leeuw en draak living Ton van Zeeland Leeuw en Draak, vier eeuwen Nederland en Vietnam. Onder redactie van John Kleinen, Bert van der Zwan, Hans Moors en Ton van Zeeland. Boom uitgeverij Amsterdam 2007, 266 blz. Prijs.: Euro 24,50 ISBN: 978 90 8506 520 3 Sinds 2005 is het boekproject over de Nederlandse relaties met Vietnam in uitvoering. Het ConsulaatGeneraal in Ho Chi Minh Stad begon het project om meer aandacht te schenken aan de bredere en historische relaties. Het boek is op 26 september 2007 in Amsterdam, in de VOC-zaal van de Amsterdamse Universiteit aan mr. Max van der Stoel aangeboden. Minister van Staat Max van der Stoel was in 1975 minister van Buitenlandse Zaken van Nederland. Het boek biedt de lezer een goede kijk op Nederland in relatie met Vietnam. Hoe Vietnam in onze tijd, om met een van de auteurs te spreken “van een oorlog in een land veranderde”. In de publicatie komen verschillende aspecten over Nederland in relatie tot Vietnam aan de orde. Vanaf de eerste contacten kort na 1600, eigenlijk nog voor de oprichting van de “Vereenighde Oostindische Compagnie” in 1602, tot heden. Dit eerste contact was echter gewelddadig en er vielen doden waarna men na nog koers gezet te hebben naar Faifo (Hoi An) snel de aftocht blies. In 1635 kwam het tot hernieuwd contact dit keer werden er handelsrelaties aangeknoopt, hoe broos dat destijds ook allemaal was. De handelscontacten zouden lang duren en die contacten werden gevoed door de handel op Japan. Via Vietnam werd Chinese zijde verworven die in Japan kon worden verkocht of geruild. Deshima is hier het sleutelwoord, de Hollanders hadden via dit schiereiland toegang tot het Japanse rijk. In het boek worden eveneens de handelscontacten met het noorden beschreven. Domea, thans nog te identificeren, was een aanlegplaats voor de VOC schepen. Een vervolg op de publicatie van dit boek zal een archeologisch project zijn om de eventuele restanten van Nederlandse aanwezigheid in noordelijk Vietnam te onderzoeken / op te graven. Tevens is een artikel opgenomen van de beroemde Vietnamese historicus Phan Huy Le. Hij beschrijft een bezoek van zijn overgrootvader aan Batavia (thans Jakarta) in 1833; een interessante kijk in het verleden van Vietnam en Nederlands Indië. Voor wat betreft de negentiende eeuw is er een artikel dat het wel en wee van de honoraire consuls beschrijft. In 1946 werd de honoraire post Saigon omgezet in een beroepspost. De situatie was na de Tweede wereldoorlog immers veranderd en het dekolonistaieproces was in de regio maar ook in Indochina in gang gezet. In het boek wordt de rol van de Nederlandse vertegenwoordiging uiteen gezet. Tot en met de opheffing in 1975. De periode van de oorlog komt aan bod in algemene artikelen en in enkele thematisch gekozen items. De rol van de pers alsmede de vredes/ Vietnambeweging wordt belicht. Hier speelt de Vietnam-oorlog de centrale rol. Prof. Hellema van de Utrechtse Universiteit neemt het laatste hoofdstuk voor zijn rekening waarin de relaties en de handelsbetrekkingen aan bod komen na de Vietnam-oorlog, evenals de belangrijke rol die Ontwikkelingshulp en –samenwerking speelt of speelde. Hij beschrijft de Nederlandse betrekkingen met Vietnam tot en met onze tijd. Het boek geeft een mooi overzicht met thematische artikelen over 400 jaar Nederland en Vietnam. Een must voor de expat die in Vietnam woont en voor alle historisch geinteresseerden. Volgend jaar verschijnt de Vietnamese versie die tijdens een seminar in Hanoi gepresenteerd zal worden. Ton van Zeeland DOUBLE DUTCH 2007│3 17 new in town living living l living living even voorstellen Frédérique geboren 25 juli 2007 ouders Heleen & Derk Schep Ayden geboren 28 augustus 2007 ouders Mireille & Berndt Kodden broertje van Yannick Marie geboren 27 september 2007 ouders Loth & Marc van den Assem 20 DOUBLE DUTCH 2007│3 living living Royal dutch open living Op Zondag 10 juli vond de traditionele Royal Dutch Open plaats te Saigon South. De spanning was ‘s ochtends duidelijk te voelen bij de verschillende deelnemers aangezien sommigen al een uur van te voren aan het inslaan waren! Na de traditionele groepsfoto’s vertrok eenieder in koppels van 2 (“best ball”) voor de eerste afslag. Na vele ingewikkelde berekeningen bleken dit jaar Robert Hoeve en Peter Kerckaert de sterkste en trotse winnaars van de Royal Open. Zij ontvingen de wisselbeker, een flesje wijn en de grote eer het volgende Royal Open te organiseren. De ‘19e hole’ bleek weer eens het meest aangename en de laatste deelnemers verlieten weltevreden om 20 :00 La Habana ! Allen tot ziens bij de volgende Open op 28 oktober! Berndt Kodden Waar voor de een het inslaan duidelijk bleek te helpen zagen anderen pijnlijk het nut van de driving range. Het mocht de pret echter niet drukken. Na ruim 2.5 uur spelen werd er nog wat nagekaart en gedronken alvorens zich klaar te maken voor de lunch en prijsuitreiking bij bar ‘La Habana’. de Nederlandse Vereniging Saigon presenteert: NEDERLANDSTALIG CABARET Merijn Scholten (1983) Een nieuw en veelbelovende stand-up comedian die al diverse prijzen gewonnen heeft, brengt deze avond een speciale show op de planken. Volgens de jury van de Comedy Factory ‘een goede verteller die zijn onderwerpen dicht bij zichzelf houdt en met af en toe hilarische grappen slaagt hij erin om het publiek door zijn ogen naar de wereld te laten kijken’. 25 november Martijn Koning (1978) Met zijn vlijmscherpe timing en snelle grappen weet Martijn zichzelf en het publiek uitstekend te vermaken. Niet voor niets heeft hij een vaste plaats in de line-up van de Comedy Train. Optredens tijdens de Uitmarkt, bij Laughing Matters en Lowlands staan op zijn naam. Daarnaast schrijft hij teksten voor TV programma’s, o.a. voor ‘Dit Was Het Nieuws’. details volgen via email! DOUBLE DUTCH 2007│3 19 living living kids pagina pagina kids living Bubblemakers Nathan van Sluijs Op zaterdag 24 juni was er de mogelijkheid om kennis te maken met scuba diving voor kinderen. Dit heet PADI Bubblemaker en is voor kinderen vanaf 8 jaar. Er waren twee PADI duikinstructeurs en wel 20 kinderen. Zelf had ik al een paar keer gedoken op Bali, dus het was voor mij niet zo nieuw als voor de andere kinderen. Maar toch vond ik het leuk om nog ‘ns mee te doen. Eerst kregen we een korte uitleg van Sean wat je moest doen en hoe je moest ademhalen. Daarna gingen we een voor een met Sean of Grant het zwembad in met duikuitrusting. Sommige kinderen bleven wel 20 minuten onder water! Iedereen was enthousiast en misschien gaat de Saigon Yacht Club nu wel een echte PADI duikcursus organiseren: dan ga ik me meteen aanmelden!!! 20 DOUBLE DUTCH 2007│3 Myrthe Sprik Hallo, ik heet Myrthe Sprik. Ik ben 8 jaar. Geboren augustus 1999 in Pretoria, Zuid-Afrika. Ik zit al 1 jaar in Vietnam. Ik zit op de Britse school, ik vind het heel erg leuk op die school. Eveline is mijn beste vriendin, we zien elkaar bijna elke dag. We zitten ook samen op de Nederlandse school. Op zaterdag 2 juni hadden we Themadag waterwerken van de Nederlandse school. Het was bij Esther’s huis. Toen we aankwamen werden we in groepjes verdeeld. Ons groepje ging als eerste tekenen met juf Bianca. We tekenden huizen op heuvels. Toen verfde ik zeehonden, hierbij hielp juf Kuneke. Daarna vertelde meneer Frans over de delta, het water en afvalwaterzuivering en keken we samen naar een dvd over water in Nederland. Als laatste gingen we een computerspel doen op de laptop. Mijn moeder Marleen heeft bij dit spel geholpen. We moesten proberen de zee beter te maken, het land te beschermen tegen de zee en het leuk te maken voor de mensen. Als allerlaatste deden we een barbecue om afscheid te nemen. Nadat we hadden gegeten zei Esther nog wat en toen gingen we naar huis toe. Ik vond het heel erg leuk dat het bij Esther en Johan thuis was. kindervoorstelling living living living living monique copper janneke dufourquet Op 20 oktober komt de pianiste Monique Copper aan in Ho Chi Minh City. In het kader van het Cultuur en Ontwikkelings programma van het Consulaat Generaal (waarover u meer zult lezen in de volgende Double Dutch), zal Monique Copper een paar dagen masterclasses verzorgen voor studenten van het Ho Chi Minh City Conservatorium. Ter afsluiting van de Holland Days treedt zij op 23 Oktober op met haar nieuwste programma “Water” en op 29 oktober verzorgt zij een Nederlands kinderprogramma. Monique Copper studeerde in Genève, Rotterdam en Utrecht, waar zij haar solistendiploma behaalde in 1975 onder leiding van Ria Groot. Zij geeft concerten in binnen en buitenland zowel solistisch als met diverse ensembles. Op haar programma’s zijn vaak premières van nieuwe werken en bekende componisten hebben speciaal voor haar nieuw werk geschreven. Met het programma “Water” brengt Monique Copper een eerbetoon aan Nederland, het land waar water zo’n belangrijke rol speelt. Zij laat U allerlei aspecten van water ervaren, van Waves en Barcarolles tot Ondines en andere mythen. De Barcarolles roepen belevenissen van boottochten op, zowel op kronkelende rivieren als op de woeste ondoorgrondelijke zee. In de Ondines horen we hoe waternimfen met hun gezang en dans ons stervelingen het water in lokken. In hun schaterlach klinkt zowel de schoonheid als ook de onvoorspelbare grilligheid van water. “Het waterprogramma is een spiegel van mijn dagelijkse gevoelsbeleving in een land waar het water alom aanwezig is, Nederland, de Delta waar Rijn en Maas in zee uitmonden. De keuze voor het thema water komt voort uit de ontdekking, dat mijn repertoire - onbewust - uit veel composities bestaat, die door wind, water en sneeuw geïnspireerd zijn. Ik besloot daaruit een programma samen te stellen met uitsluitend water-werken . Overal is altijd water in de buurt - meren, rivieren, kanalen, sloten en grachten. Vanuit de lucht gezien lijkt het of Nederland in geometrische figuren op het water drijft. Een soort lappendeken, waarin sloten, kanalen en vaarten het stiksel zijn. Kronkelende riviertjes zijn op weg naar de eindeloosheid van de zee. In de 17e eeuw lokte de open zee en gingen Hollanders de oceanen bevaren. Het handelen in exotische specerijen kon beginnen en de Gouden Eeuw bracht de kooplieden grote rijkdom. Deze ontwikkeling leidde ook tot een enorme opbloei van het culturele leven. De kooplieden waren de patroons van beroemde portretschilders als Rembrandt maar ook van zeeschilders zoals Ludolf Bakhuizen, van wie ik zelf een nazaat ben. Ik ben geen schilder, maar wel een pianist. Via de muziek geef ik uitdrukking aan mijn liefde voor het water. Water kan poëtisch, kalmerend, overweldigend, dreigend of gevaarlijk zijn. Met U wil ik mijn keuzes delen van het water in muziek en poëzie…” Naast haar reputatie als vertolkster van hedendaags repertoire, heeft Monique in binnen- en buitenland naam gemaakt met verhalende recitals, voor volwassenen en kinderen. Zo ontwikkelde zij het geïllustreerde familierecital in de vorm van klein muziektheater. Zij vertelt het verhaal en projecteert gelijktijdig kleurrijke dia’s van illustraties bij het verhaal. De composities zijn gebaseerd op verhalen voor kinderen. Door de gelijktijdige diaprojectie van kleurrijke illustraties bij het verhaal blijven ook kleine kinderen geboeid. Mevrouw Copper heeft met enthousiasme gereageerd op onze vraag of zij misschien ook voor de Nederlandse kinderen van Saigon zou willen optreden. Samen hebben we een speciaal programma opgesteld (leeftijd 4 t/m 8 jaar). Wij hopen dus alle kinderen te zien op maandag 29 oktober voor dit bijzondere evenement. (nadere informatie volgt via email). Meer lezen over Monique Copper ; www.moniquecopper.nl Pianorecital Water 23 oktober 2007 Conservatorium Ho Chi Minh City Kinderprogramma 29 oktober 2007 Ho Chi Minh City DOUBLE DUTCH 2007│3 21 living living vraag en aanbod vraag en living aanbod living Wilt u ook iets plaatsen op deze pagina? Stuur dan uw oproep naar [email protected] of wildejanneke@ yahoo.fr After-School Activities @ Smartkids Creative activities (painting, sticking, drawing, etc.), Music, singing, Dance, Games, Play (inside & outside) Every Tuesday afternoon from 15:15 to 16:45 @ Smartkids international Child Care Centres Address : 1172 Thao Dien compound, An Phu, Dist. 2 Age : 3-5 years old Language: English Fee : US$ 10.00 per child for 1,5hours, payable up front, minimum per term. Contact: Ms. Yoko Otter - 0903 957 316 Mother tongue program @ Smartkids We are starting with a “mother tongue program” as an after school activity. We will kick off with Dutch programs for children from 2.5 to 6 years old. The focus of the afternoon will be playing, singing songs, reading books, etc… The children must have some understanding of the language. The mother tongue activities are not set-up as Dutch lessons! The focus is that children with an other language can meet each other, and extend their vocabulary through play and games. These activities will also be open for “nonSmartkids” children and will take place on: Monday- Dutch 15:15 – 16:45 Fee is US$10.00 per child for 1,5 hours, payable up front, minimum per term. Contact: Contact : Ms. Yoko Otter - 0903 957 316 Address : 1172 Thao Dien Compound - An Phu, District 2, HCMC Voetballers gezocht! Doe mee elke zaterdamiddag om 16:00 uur voetballen op Parkland. Weer of geen weer, wij spelen! Interesse bel: Johan Rietberg 091 3940 243 Hockey in Ho Chi Minh City Every Saturday morning, there is a group of expats playing hockey at the International School HCMC. If you want to join this recreational but enthusiastic group of ex-hockey players, please write an e-mail to [email protected] (Liesbeth) Voormalig pro-skate-boarder Lloyd Morgan geeft skateboard lessen in BP Compound, elke zondagmiddag na 4 uur. Contact Lloyd: 0908 422 007 Gezocht, klassiek musici (pianist, violisten, altviolisten, cellisten, contrabassisten (eventuel ook clavecimbel, organist, dwarsfluit, hobo) voor het spelen van kamermuziek (duo’s, piano-/strijktrio’s, piano/strijkkwartetten etc..). Zelf ben ik een gevorderde amateurcellist. Jos Langens 0903 727 059 prive: 899 0552 De Nederlandse Vereniging Saigon is op zoek naar een cabaretliefhebber die mee wil helpen in het organiseren van een cabaretavond in mei 2008. Een bekende cabaretier heeft al toegezegd te willen komen! Wie helpt er mee?! Gaarne contact opnemen met Marjo Vaessen: 0902 920 200 22 DOUBLE DUTCH 2007│3 Salsa Cursus 6-week courses at Restaurant La Habana. Beginners: 19:30-20:30 Intermediate: 20:30-21:30 Prices: - VND 250,000 for 6 lessons per person. - VND 300,000 for 6 lessons per mixed couple! New students can start from 02 OCT, after that the course is closed. It will also be closed if it gets full, so come early! Also, every Thursday Salsa Night at La Fenetre Soleil, with a workshop for absolute Beginners at 20:30 and free dancing at all levels during the night: Salsa, Merengue & Bachata, reasonably joined by a few mojitos... Tickets for the workshop incl. 1 free cocktail: VND 55,000 at La Fenetre Soleil, 1st floor, 125 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia. See you all on the dance floor! Irene Ploeg email: [email protected] TE KOOP Tuinmeubilair Bent u op zoek naar een leuke tuinset, neem dan contact op met ScanCom Vietnam. Wij beschikken over een voorraad van onder andere tropisch hardhouten meubelen tegen hele aantrekkelijke prijzen. Bent u geinteresseerd en wilt u meer informatie, dan kunt u op werkdagen contact opnemen met Mevr. Hoang, e-mail: [email protected] (alle communicatie in het Engels) www.scancom.net Om met regelmaat een filmavond te kunnen organiseren, is de Nederlandse Vereniging op zoek naar Nederlandse of Nederlands gelinkte films. Ben je in het bezit van een mooie, goede, spannende of humoristische film, neem dan contact op met [email protected] Saigon Memory , NIEUW!!!! Nu te koop: het perfecte Sinterklaas geschenk of Kerst cadeau. Natuurlijk ook een heel leuk afscheidscadeau voor uw bezoek. Interesse mail: [email protected] l living living living oooh kom er eens kijken... sinterklaas activiteiten Om alvast te noteren... Vrijdag 23 November Knutselmiddag 15:00- 17:00h Bij Joke in Smartkids Thao Dien Compound Zondag 25 November Intocht van Sinterklaas 09:30- 13:00h Bij familie van tiggelen aan de kade Lily 37, BP Compound Zondag 2 December 15:00- 17:30h “Zwarte Pieten Activiteit”….. Details volgen per email! DOUBLE DUTCH 2007│3 23 oktober 2 17-23 oktober Holland Days 2007 17 oktober Presentatie boek Leeuw & Draak Venue: Park Hyatt Saigon Time: 14.00 – 15.00 hrs. 19 oktober Exhibition Holland Days Venue: Chi Lang Parc 23 oktober Piano recital ‘Water’ Monique Copper 25 oktober HCMC Stock Exchange Luncheon 28 oktober Royal Saigon Open golftoernooi 29 oktober Kindervoorstelling Monique Copper november 23 november Sinterklaas knutselmiddag 25 november Aankomst Sinterklaas 25 november Cabaret 2 december Zwarte Pieten activiteit january Nieuwjaarsborrel DBAV decem- oktobe The Number One Brand in the Netherlands
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