Berwirausaha di Australia Bantu Geliat Ekonomi


Berwirausaha di Australia Bantu Geliat Ekonomi
Wadah Komunikasi Warga Indonesia-Australia di Queensland
Edisi 1/Agustus-September 2015
Berwirausaha di Australia
Bantu Geliat Ekonomi Indonesia
Suasana wirausaha di IndOz2015
Foto-foto oleh: Johan Ramandias
Kata Redaksi
Pada edisi perdana ini, media
Kopi Brisbane mengangkat tema
tentang semangat nasionalisme
yang bertalian dengan upaya
pengembangan komunitas bisnis
Indonesia-Australia di Brisbane
dan sekitarnya
Redaksi berharap, Kopi
Brisbane dapat berkontribusi
terhadap perjalanan dinamika
sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat
kedua negara menuju hubungan
bilateral yang kontruktif
Selamat membaca,
Kopi Brisbane
Kopi Brisbane
ABN 34 305 734 094
Direktur: Rahmawati Roesydi
Pemimpin Redaksi: A. Khoirul Umam
Penulis: Shandra Ayu P.
Desain & Tata Letak: Peina A., Daniel
Fotografi: Euan Mc.M., Johan Ramandias
Editor: Sri R. Maretini
Finance: Ria A. Wahyuni
Humas & Periklanan: Tri Mulyani,
Anindita W.
Penerjemah: Euan Mc.M.
Editorial: [email protected]
Sales: [email protected]
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Walikota Brisbane dan Duta Besar Indonesia untuk Australia di IndOz2015
BRISBANE – Kemerdekaan Republik
Indonesia yang jatuh pada 17 Agustus
lalu merupakan momentum penting bagi
penguatan hubungan bilateral Indonesia
dan Australia. Kini, menginjak usianya
yang ke-70 tahun, Indonesia telah
bertransformasi menjadi negara dengan
kekuatan ekonomi yang menjanjikan di Asia
dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang progresif,
rata-rata sekitar 6 persen setiap tahunnya.
Kendati demikian, kritik fundamental
acapkali dialamatkan pada karakter
pembangunan ekonomi nasional yang terkesan
menitikberatkan pada prinsip pertumbuhan,
bukannya pemerataan. Alhasil, ketimpangan
ekonomi semakin tajam. Jurang pemisah
antara si kaya dan si miskin kian melebar.
Kondisi ini menjadi perhatian besar warga
Indonesia di Australia.
Presiden Indonesian Diaspora Network
Queensland (IDNQ) Noel Pranoto menyatakan
masyarakat Indonesia di luar negeri,
khususnya di Australia, harus lebih agresif
menangkap peluang bisnis yang bermunculan
di tengah upaya penguatan hubungan
kedua negara. Noel sadar bahwa lambannya
petumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia itu salah
satunya disebabkan oleh masih kurangnya
jumlah pengusaha dibandingkan dengan
jumlah penduduk yang ada. Karena sebuah
negara idealnya memiliki jumlah pengusaha
minimal 2 persen dari total populasi yang
ada. Saat ini, Indonesia baru memiliki 1,3
persen, Malaysia sudah mempunyai 3-4
persen, sementara Singapura bahkan memiliki
7 persen dari total populasinya. “Untuk itu,
kami di IDNQ berkomitmen mendukung
kesempatan bisnis bagi masyarakat Indonesia
di Australia,” ujar pria kelahiran Cilacap,
Jawa Tengah tersebut (1/8/2015).
Noel berkeyakinan, keseriusan setiap
warga negara Indonesia di Australia untuk
Dirgahayu 70 tahun Republik Indonesia
aktif mencoba membuka usaha-usaha bisnis
akan mampu mengurai simpul-simpul
perekonomian negara yang ruwet. “Kalau
kita yang di Australia ikut aktif menggarap
peluang-peluang bisnis dalam jalur
perdagangan di antara kedua negara ini,
mulai yang kecil-kecil saja, geliat ekonomi
nasional di dalam negeri pasti akan
ikut merasakan dampaknya,” kata Noel
antusias. Noel bersama pengurus IDNQ
lainnya berusaha menyinergikan gerakan
dengan berbagai elemen di Australia untuk
dapat menjembatani para pengusahapengusaha Indonesia yang level maupun
menengah agar bisa bersinergi dengan
jejaring pengusaha-pengusaha yang lebih
luas di Queensland, dan di Australia pada
Sementara itu, salah seorang pengurus
Perhimpunan Indonesia Queensland (PIQ)
yang sebelumnya menjadi dosen hukum di
Universitas Ibnu Khaldul, Soetjie Klein juga
berpendapat senada. Terbatasnya minat
menjadi entrepreneur membuat masyarakat
Indonesia cenderung konsumtif.
Jumlah penduduk Indonesia
yang kini mencapai 245 juta
justru menjadi pasar yang
tidak tergarap secara optimal
oleh para pengusaha lokal.
Pandangan serupa juga disampaikan
Rahmawati Roesydi, warga Indonesia
yang sebelumnya menjabat sebagai
GM salah satu perusahaan Jerman di
Indonesia ini. Menurut Rahma, karakter
konsumtif itu harus diimbangi dengan jiwa
kewirausahaan yang tinggi. Lanjut ke hal.3
Perkuat Kembali Indonesian Studies di Australia!
BRISBANE – Studi tentang
Indonesia yang pernah populer di
kalangan masyarakat Australia pada
tahun 1970-an kini terancam ‘punah’
dalam radar sistem pendidikan Negeri
Kangguru ini. Perubahan trend itu mulai
dirasakan ketika Indonesia mengalami
fase transisi demokrasi pasca reformasi
yang ditandai oleh beragam
peristiwa yang berdampak
signifikan terhadap kualitas
dan dinamika hubungan kedua
Lepasnya Timur Leste dari
NKRI, kasus bom Bali I dan
bom Bali II serta tragedi bom
di kedutaan besar Australia
di Jakarta membuat citra
positif Indonesia semakin
pudar di mata warga Australia.
Setidaknya terdapat 15
Indonesian Studies yang
terpusat di sejumlah kampus
beken di Australia ditutup
pada sekitar akhir tahun
2012 lalu. Trend itu terus
berlanjut dengan ditutupnya
program Indonesian Studies di
UNSW pada akhir 2013 dengan alasan
rendahnya enrollment mahasiswa.
Perhatian ini menyita perhatian
komunitas warga Indonesia di Australia.
“Kita perlu merawat Indonesian Studies
di Australia. Pemerintah RI harus
ikut mendorong penguatan ini guna
kepentingan strategis kedua negara di
masa mendatang,” ujar Malia di hadapan
Presiden Joko Widodo saat kunjungan
resmi kenegaraan terkait G20 di Brisbane
akhir tahun 2014 lalu. Perempuan yang
telah lama mendedikasikan hidupnya
untuk Indonesian Studies di sekolahsekolah di kota Brisbane tersebut
menilai, trend penurunan ini sebenarnya
tidak hanya terjadi pada program
Indonesian Studies saja,
melainkan juga program
bahasa-bahasa Asia pada
umumnya. “Tetapi kita tidak
bisa membiarkan begitu saja
sambil menunggu hingga
program berharga ini punah,”
Pemerintah RI diharapkan
dapat terus berusaha
meyakinkan pemerintah
Australia tentang pentingnya
kembali memperkuat
Indonesian Studies yang
ada. Pada tahun 2006, Julia
Bishop yang saat itu menjadi
Menteri Pendidikan Federal
pernah menyatakan Bahasa
Indonesia merupakan bahasa
Asia yang sangat strategis
untuk dikuasai para pelajar Australia.
Saat itu Bishop bahkan mengeluarkan
kebijakan kepada kampus-kampus
yang ada untuk memperoleh izin dari
pemerintah terlebih dahulu sebelum
menutup program bahasa Indonesia
di tempat mereka. Hal senada juga
pernah disampaikan Perdana Menteri
Kevin Rudd, PM Julia Gillard dengan
mengeluarkan dokumen Asian Century
White Paper-nya atau PM Tonny Abbott
dengan kebijakan New Colombo Plannya, yang semuanya berusaha kembali
menegaskan pentingnya pelajar Australia
menguasai Bahasa Indonesia.
Kendati demikian, statements publik
pemerintah Australia itu tampaknya
kurang berimbas pada minat dan daya
tarik Indonesian Studies yang ada.
Untuk itu, pemerintah dan masyarakat
Indonesia di Australia diharapkan lebih
pro-aktif mencari solusi guna memecah
kebuntuan tersebut.
Mantan General Manager Garuda
Indonesia di Brisbane Aryo Wijoseno
sempat menyampaikan keprihatinannya.
Jika Indonesian Studies tidak diperkuat
kembali, maka kualitas hubungan
Indonesia-Australia akan terancam
mengalami gangguan. “Misalnya
akan bermunculan beragam potensi
kesalahpahaman, sikap saling
mencurigai antar kedua negara, hingga
tersumbatnya komunikasi bilateral.
Jika itu terjadi, maka akan berimbas
pada stabilitas di kawasan pasifik dan
Asia Tenggara secara general,” ujar pria
kelahiran Surakarta tersebut. Aryo,
begitu sapaan akrab pria yang saat ini
menjabat sebagai GM Garuda Indonesia
di Perth itu, berharap agar semua
elemen, baik pemerintah Australia, WNI
di Australia serta perwakilan pemerintah
Indonesia di Australia memberikan
perhatian serius pada hal ini.
(A.K. Umam)
Berkarya untuk Institusi, Berbakti untuk Negeri
BRISBANE - Jauh dari tanah air,
bukan berarti tidak bisa berbakti untuk
negara tercinta. Satu lagi putera bangsa
yang mengharumkan nama bangsa
Indonesia adalah Beben Benyamin.
Rasanya tidak berlebihan jika ia menjadi
salah satu inspirasi besar bagi dunia
akademik dan penelitian di Indonesia.
Beben, sapaan akrabnya, barubaru ini dianugerahi gelar “ilmuwan
minggu ini” oleh majalah “Laboratory
Equipment” atas penelitiannya untuk
membandingkan faktor-faktor yang
mempengaruhi beragam seluk beluk
kehidupan manusia. Dengan menganalisa
data besar yang merekam 50 tahun
perjalanan sejarah medis dan lingkungan
masyarakat dari berbagai negara, Beben
Foto oleh: Euan Mc.M.
2 |
bersama timnya berhasil melakukan
simulasi pemahaman yang memetakan
kecenderungan trend kesehatan manusia,
termasuk penyakit, IQ, tinggi badan dan
aspek-aspek kehidupan yang lain, dengan
menggunakan model perbandingan data
genetik dan lingkungan manusia secara
Dalam rangka menyambut hari
Kemerdekaan Indonesia yang ke-70
ini, Beben kembali mengingatkan
para generasi muda Indonesia agar
memiliki passion yang kuat, tekun,
dan bersemangat untuk meningkatkan
kualitas dunia pendidikan dan penelitian
yang berkesinambungan. Sebab,
perubahan mendasar sebuah negara
sangat ditentukan oleh perbaikan
kualitas riset dan pendidikannya. “Jika
Anda memiliki minat di bidang sains,
tidak ada alasan keterbatasan atau
halangan latar belakang pendidikan,”
ujar ayah dua anak ini.
Hal yang paling penting, menurut
Beben, adalah semangat dan keyakinan
diri untuk memahami mengapa kita
harus memperjuangkan karir kita di
bidang pilihan kita tersebut. Beben juga
menyarankan agar generasi muda tidak
mudah tergoda oleh kesempatan jangka
pendek, serta memaksimalkan proses
pembelajaran di studi atau profesi pilihan
kita saat ini dan tetap fokus berkarya.
“Bersikap pragmatis memang kadang
diperlukan, tetapi kita harus memiliki
prinsip dan idealisme yang harus kita
perjuangkan,” tegas alumni Fakultas
Peternakan Institut Pertanian Bogor
(IPB) tersebut.
studi Master
dalam bidang
Hewan di Sydney,
Australia dan program
doktoralnya di bidang Statistika
Genetika di Universitas Edinburgh di
Skotlandia. Dengan antusiasmenya di
ilmu genetika, Beben telah mengecap
pengalaman bekerja sama dengan ilmuan
mancanegara, mulai dari Amerika
Serikat hingga negeri Belanda.
Mengingat luasnya cakupan yang
dia garap dan the big data yang ia miliki
saat ini, suami Ike Herwidi itu lebih
memfokuskan pada aspek kesehatan
sebagai hal yang paling penting untuk
memberikan kontribusi bagi perbaikan
kehidupan generasi manusia selanjutnya.
Saat ini, pria kelahiran Tasikmalaya itu
berkarir di bawah naungan Queensland
Brain Institute, University of Queensland,
Australia. Ia bersama timnya saat
ini sedang fokus untuk meneliti lebih
lanjut mengenai penyakit motor
neuron atau yang lebih dikenal dengan
ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis).
Penyakit ini menyebabkan penderitanya
sedikit demi sedikit kehilangan sistem
motorisnya dan hanya mempunyai
harapan hidup antara dua sampai tiga
tahun. Penyakit ini banyak menyerang
laki-laki di atas usia 50 tahun dan belum
ditemukan obatnya sampai saat ini.
(A.K.Umam dan Shandra A.P.)
Foto-foto oleh: Johan Ramandias
INDOZ 2015
Ajang Pertemuan Multikultural
BRISBANE – IndOz Festival yang
diselenggarakan di depan City Hall,
King George Square, Brisbane (8/8/2015)
berhasil menarik ribuan pengunjung.
Dengan cuaca yang cerah dan terik
mentari yang tak terlalu panas di
penghujung musim dingin, para penonton
dimanjakan dengan berbagai macam
sesi pertunjukkan, mulai dari taritarian tradisional, permainan alat musik
gamelan, hingga lantunan musik-musik
nusantara. Hal itu masih diramaikan
dengan puluhan kios makanan khas
Indonesia yang membuat siang hari itu
semakin hangat. Menjelang penghujung
pertunjukkan, penonton dikejutkan
oleh kehadiran artis ibu kota Marcell
yang didaulat untuk melantunkan lagu
andalannya untuk menarik pengunjung
di pertunjukkan musiknya yang digelar
pada Minggu, 9 Agustus 2015 di kampus
UQ St Lucia.
Suasana seperti itu memberikan
nuansa nostalgia tersendiri bagi
masyarakat Indonesia serta warga
Australia pecinta Indonesia. Di sela-sela
keramaian pertunjukan tersebut, sesekali
panitia mempromosikan berbagai
produk dalam negeri untuk menarik
wisatawan serta investor Australia ke
Indonesia. Salah seorang pengunjung
IndOz 2015 Fikron Washly Arifuddin
mengatakan bahwa kegiatan seperti
ini akan memainkan peran strategis
untuk memperkuat ‘people to people’
serta ‘business to business networking’
di antara relasi kemitraan IndonesiaAusralia. “Saya sangat mengapresiasi
pelaksanaan kegiatan seperti ini, semoga
memberikan kontribusi signifikan bagi
dalam negeri”, ujar pria kelahiran
Purworejo, Jawa Tengah tersebut.
Pelaksanaan kegiatan yang
dipusatkan di jantung kota Brisbane
ini diinisiasi oleh Synergy Indonesia
Australia (SIA), sebuah organisasi event
organizer yang memang ditujukan untuk
mempromosikan Indonesia di Australia.
Pada kali ini, kegiatan IndOz 2015 dibagi
menjadi dua kegiatan, yaitu IndOz
Business Networking Dinner dan IndOz
Festival itu sendiri. Kedua kegiatan
tersebut mendapatkan sambutan hangat
dari masyarakat Indonesia dan Australia
di kota Brisbane dan sekitarnya.
Salah satu panitia IndOz 2015,
Dody Prabowo, sangat optimis agar ke
depan panitia akan terus meningkatkan
kualitas kegiatan. Ia juga mengharapkan
agar kegiatan IndOz ini dapat
dimasukkan sebagai bagian dari kalender
“Brisbane Multicultural Event” agar
dapat bersinergi dengan pemerintah
negara bagian Queensland dan City
Council untuk menarik wisatawan di
Brisbane dan sekitarnya.
(A.K. Umam/Shandra A.P.)
Lanjutan hal.1
Si Cantik yang Tersembunyi
Foto-foto oleh: Shandra Ayu
Bali sebagai salah satu tempat yang
paling eksotis di dunia menyimpan
beragam keindahan alam, tradisi, dan
khasanah budaya yang luar biasa.
Hamparan pasir putih dan biru jernih
pantainya memikat wisatawan dari
berbagai penjuru dunia. Dari sekian
banyak tujuan wisata di Bali, ternyata
masih banyak tempat-tempat menarik
laiknya harta karun tersembunyi yang
belum diketahui pelancong dalam dan
luar negeri. Salah satunya adalah Taman
Puputan Margarana.
Terletak di sebuah desa kecil yang
bernama Adeng Tabanan, Taman
Puputan Margarana dibangun sebagai
penghargaan kepada I Gusti Ngurah
Rai dan pasukannya yang dikenal
dengan nama Tongkring (Kotok
Garing). Hamparan batu granit hitam
yang berderet rapi merupakan makam
dari para pejuang yang berusaha
mempertahankan Bali dari rebutan
Belanda pada 20 November 1946.
Perebutan wilayah kekuasaan Bali itu
mengakibatkan pecahnya perang hebat
yang memakan korban 96 pejuang
Bali dan 400 tentara Belanda. Untuk
mengobarkan semangat para pejuang,
kata-kata terakhir yang disuarakan
dengan lantang oleh I Gusti Ngurah Rai
adalah agar berjuang hingga ‘puputan’
yang artinya “sampai akhir hayat” guna
mempertahankan tanah tumpah darah.
Agar senantiasa mampu menyalakan
jiwa patriotisme masyarakat Indonesia
secara general, maka kata Puputan
kemudian digunakan sebagai nama
taman ini. Nama I Gusti Ngurah Rai
sendiri kemudian digunakan sebagai
nama Bandara Internasional di Bali.
Taman ini ramai dikunjungi pada
peringatan kemerdekaan 17 Agustus
untuk mengenang jasa para pahlawan
Bangsa. Sayang sekali jika Anda tidak
mampir ke tempat bersejarah ini saat
mengunjungi Bali. Dengan hanya
menempuh perjalanan kurang dari
satu jam dari Denpasar, Anda dapat
menikmati atmosfir mistisnya seraya
mempelajari sejarah dan menikmati
keindahannya. (Shandra A.P.)
Jika selama ini banyak yang
menganggap pemerintah RI kurang
mampu memasarkan potensi bisnis,
pariwisata, serta beragam jenis
komoditas perdagangan yang ada di
dalam negeri, maka dalam peringatan
kemerdekaan RI yang ke-70 inilah
momentum yang sangat tepat untuk
memulai semuanya. “Kita warga
Indonesia di luar negeri harus
lebih agresif menjadi duta bisnis
bangsa. Dengan kreativitas kita,
mari pasarkan produk-produk dalam
negeri ke manca negara,” kata Rahma
bersemangat (8/8/2015).
Rahma menggarisbawahi,
kreativitas berbisnis itu perlahan
tapi pasti akan menggerakkan
roda perekonomian dalam ruang
hubungan bilateral kedua negara. Jika
komunikasi bisnis sudah dijalankan,
maka levelnya tidak lagi sekadar
people to people diplomacy melainkan
juga menjadi bagian dari constructive
diplomacy yang akan menambahkan
rasa saling membutuhkan
(interdependency) di antara kedua
negara. “Jadi, ini bukan urusan bisnis
semata-mata, tetapi setiap langkah
dan usaha kita ini juga akan menjadi
ujung tombak soft diplomacy yang
akan memperkuat serta mematangkan
hubungan Indonesia dan Australia
di masa mendatang. Semoga
perekonomian Indonesia semakin
digdaya,” pungkasnya. (A.K. Umam) | 3
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Cooking Classes
Indonesian Association in Queensland (PIQ)
BRISBANE - Culinary variety is a cultural richness that is characteristic of different nations. Awareness was highlighted by
the Indonesian Association of Queensland (PIQ) by organizing Indonesian Cooking Class PIQ. To avoid monotony and create a more
dynamic, culinary menu offered is not only the typical menu of the Indonesian archipelago, but also the Western menu, to enrich
the cultural knowledge and knowhow from each other’s culinary traditions of their different countries and cultural backgrounds.
In mid- June 2015, PIQ Cooking Class was held at the residence of Hermann Klein in Charlotte Street, Central Brisbane
District (CBD), by presenting favorite dishes consisting of appetizer, main course and dessert.
PIQ itself is a non-profit organization Indonesia - Australia was established in 1975 with the aim of improving the quality of
public relations of Indonesia and Australia. This cooking class event is not the only event that is successfully run by PIQ. PIQ also
actively involved in humanitarian activities such as providing assistance to flood victims in Brisbane in 2011. PIQ is also active in
organizing meetings and representatives of Indonesian society organizations in Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast and the Gold Coast
and works closely with the Indonesian Ambassador to Australia.
By conducting regular program like this cooking class, collectivity and solidarity among its members can be strong. PIQ very
open to various parties who want to participate in activities held. As for the requirement to register as a member on the PIQ is very
easy and can be accessed through the official website at (Ria A.W/Shandra A.P./Sri R.M./A.K. Umam)
Photos by: Shandra Ayu
Scallops with spinach and mushroom on
the shell, served with crispy baked slices
of baguette.
ŠŠ Heat the oven (fan-forced) to 200oC.
ŠŠ Clean the scallops’ shells under running
water and pat dry. Arrange them on the
serving plates.
ŠŠ Sauté the button mushrooms in some
butter, olive oil, red onion and garlic in
a wok.
ŠŠ Place the spinach on top of the soften
mushrooms until the spinach is
shrinking. Season with pepper and salt.
Set aside.
ŠŠ Add the oil or butter in another pan,
place -the salt and pepper- seasoned
scallops and let it sear undisturbed for
one minute on each side until brown and
ŠŠ Arrange one scallop for each shell and top
with mushrooms and spinach.
ŠŠ Slice the baguette thin then bake for 5
ŠŠ Serve the scallops with baguette.
Grilled Rack of Lamb with Mozzarella
Baked Potatoes
Rack of Lamb
ŠŠ Marinated the rack of lamb with French
mustard, tandoori paste, salt and black
pepper for at least 30 to 40 minutes.
ŠŠ Arrange the capsicums in a baking tray
– seeds out, dressing them with balsamic
vinegar, olive oil, salt and black pepper.
ŠŠ Baked the rack of lamb and capsicums for
20 minutes on a fan-forced oven 200oC.
Baked Potatoes
Chocolate Mousse
ŠŠ Melt 30 to 40 grams of unsalted butter.
Set aside.
ŠŠ Break 400 gram of 70% of dark chocolate
and place into a heatproof bowl. Sit over
a pan of barely simmering water (a bainmarie) and allow the chocolate to melt,
stirring occasionally. Add the melted
ŠŠ Add 2 eggs to the mixture. Mix well.
ŠŠ Stiff the caster sugar and 600 ml of fresh
cream. Fold them with the mixture.
ŠŠ Set them on the fridge before serving.
ŠŠ Slice the potatoes thin, arrange them on
the baking tray.
ŠŠ Mix 600 ml of sour cream (fresh cream
or milk) chopped red onion and chopped/
pressed garlic, and some nutmeg powder.
Pour this mixture to the slices of potatoes.
ŠŠ Sprinkle mozzarella cheese and parsley.
ŠŠ Baked for 40 minutes in 200oC fan-forced
Agenda kegiatan PPIA Cabang & Ranting Queensland
24 – Afternoon Tea with Consulate
General of Republic Indonesia.
Place : University of Queensland. Time :
14.00 - finish
29 – PBL First week competition.
Place : University of Queensland
5 – Statistic Workshop by ISAQ
12 – UQISA & SMASH Bersalin
Badminton Competition
19 – Statistic Workshop by ISAQ
PPIA Basketball League (every Saturday)
ISAQ 3rd Discussion Series (to be confirmed)
Olahraga Bersama ISAQ (to be confirmed)
Jalan-jalan & Gathering ISAQ (to be
For more info:
Facebook: PPIA Queensland & Divisi
Medkom (UQISA)
Twitter :@PPIA_QUT and @PPIAQueensland | 5
Revive Indonesian Studies in Australia!
BRISBANE – Study about Indonesia
became a popular subject in the 1970’s.
Now, Indonesian Studies might disappear
from Australian education system. The
decreasing trend was started when
Indonesia faced the phase of democratic
transition after reformation, which
followed by many events that has
significant impact to the quality
and the dynamic of relationship
between two countries.
The independence of Timor
Leste (East Timor) from
Indonesia, Bali Bomb I and Bali
Bomb II and the Bomb tragedy
at the Australian embassy in
Jakarta, they all contributed
to taking away the positive
image of Indonesia in the view
of Australian. As the impact
of these, there were at least
15 Indonesian Studies at big
universities in Australia, which
were closed at the end of 2012.
The trend continues with the
closure of Indonesian Studies at
UNSW at the end of 2013. The
main reason for the closing is
the small number of student enrollment.
This trend has attracted the attention
of the Indonesian community in Australia.
“We need to take care of Indonesian study
in Australia. Indonesian government need
to give good support in order to take care
of the strategic interest of both countries
in the future,” said Malia in front of
President Joko Widodo, at his official visit
in relation to G20 meeting in Brisbane, at
the end of 2014. Malia is an Indonesian
lady who has been dedicated her life to
teach Indonesian Studies at schools in
Brisbane. She thinks this decreasing
nature of student interest not
only happened to Indonesian
Studies, but also to other
Asian studies as well. “Still we
can’t just allow the situation
get worse and wait until the
valuable program dies,” she
Indonesian government is
expected to be able to convince
the Australian government
about how important it is to
strengthen Indonesian study
now, more than ever. In the
year of 2006, Julia Bishop,
who was an Education and
Federal Minister at that
time, said that Indonesian
language has become a
strategic language to be learnt
by Australian students. Bishop stated
that before the campus decide to close
Indonesian Study Subjects, the campus
need to ask for government approval. The
same idea is stated by the Prime Minister
Kevin Rudd and Prime Minister Julia
Gillard with the Asian Century White
Paper or Prime Minister Tony Abbott
with the policy of The New Colombo
Plan. Those are the statements of how
important it is for Australian students to
learn Indonesian.
Unfortunately, it seems that the public
statements from Australian government
have not much impact on the interest
of the Indonesian study. For that,
Indonesian government and Indonesian
citizen in Australia need to be more proactive to find solutions for that problem.
Former Garuda Indonesia’s General
Manager in Brisbane, Aryo Wijoseno,
expressed his concern about Indonesian
study. If we do not strengthen Indonesian
Studies, it might affect the relationship
between Indonesia and Australia. “It
might have the potential of augmented
misunderstanding between the two
countries, the negative attitude between
the two countries, and it might also block
bilateral communication. If that happen,
it will affect the stability of Asia Pacific
and South East Asia in general,” said the
man that was born in Surakarta, Central
Java, Indonesia. Aryo, the GM of Garuda
Indonesia in Perth now, expects that
all the elements in Australia, including
the Indonesian citizens, Indonesian
government representatives and
Australian Government, to give serious
attention to this subject. (A.K. Umam)
Beben Benyamin, Statistical Genetics Scientist
BRISBANE – Away from the
homeland, does not mean one cannot
be loyal and devoted to one’s beloved
home country. There is one person that
become one of the major inspirations
for Indonesian scientific communities.
Beben Benyamin was recently named as
“Scientist of the week” by the magazine
“Laboratory Equipment” for his research
to compare the genetic and environmental
factors that affect diverse human traits
and diseases. By analysing data from
14 million twin pairs over the last 50
years of twin studies in 39 countries,
Beben and his colleagues estimated
Photos by: Euan Mc.M.
6 |
the overall contribution of genetic and
environmental factors affecting human
traits, including IQ and height and many
diseases..Celebrating the 70th year of
Indonesian Independence Day, Beben
wants to remind the younger generation
of Indonesia to have a strong passion,
persistence, and eagerness to improve
the quality of education and research in
Indonesia. The progress of a country is
largely determined by the advancement of
its education and science.
“If you have an interest in science,
don’t worry about your educational
background and other limiting factors,”
said the father of two
The most important
thing, according to
Beben, is the passion
to do what you love
and what interest
you. Beben also
suggested that the
younger generation
should not be easily
tempted by short-term
opportunities. Instead,
they should use every
opportunity to focus on
study or to learn every
skill needed for their
profession of choice.
“Being pragmatic is
sometimes necessary,
but we must have
and ideals
which we must
strive for,” said
alumnus of the
Faculty of Animal
Sciences, Bogor
Agricultural University (IPB).
Beben completed his Master of
Agriculture in genetics at the University
of Sydney, Australia and his Doctoral
programs in statistical genetics at the
University of Edinburgh in Scotland.
With his enthusiasm in genetics, Beben
has the experience of working with many
scientists many countries, including from
Indonesia, the United States and the
He is working on human genetic
research on diverse traits and diseases. At
the moment, the husband Ike Herwidi is
more focused on genetics of neurological
and psychiatric diseases. Beben, who was
born in Tasikmalaya, is now working
at the Queensland Brain Institute,
University of Queensland, Australia. He
is currently investigating genes affecting
motor neurone disease or better known
as ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis).
This disease causes sufferers to gradually
lose their motor control system and only
have a life expectancy of two to three
years. The disease is common in men over
the age of 50 years and no cure has been
found to date.
(A.K. Umam/Sri R.M./Shandra A.P.)
Foto-foto oleh: Johan Ramandias
INDOZ 2015
Multicultural Event
BRISBANE – IndOz Festival was run
in front of City Hall, King George Square
Brisbane (08th Aug. 2015), attracting
thousands of visitors. With sunny weather
and a blazing sun that was not too hot
at the end of winter, the audience was
pleased by various performances, ranging
from traditional dances, games, gamelan
musical instruments, to the rhythmical
chanted music of the archipelago. The
crowd was spoiled by dozens of stalls,
selling tasty and typical Indonesian
drinks and foods made fresh
during the
day. Towards the end of the show, the
audience was stunned and surprised by
the presence of a well-known Indonesian
singer-songwriter who just arrived from
Jakarta, Marcell, He came there to
surprise the crowds at IndOz 2015 by
singing one of his hit songs to attract
visitors in his musical performances that
were held the next day, on Sunday, at UQ
St Lucia campus.
The atmosphere filled with the
nostalgic theme for the Indonesian and
the Australian with Indonesian past or
present cultural connections. The stalls
and displays were promoting and selling
many different products and services
available in Australia and to attract
tourists and investors from Australia to
Indonesia. Mr Fikron Washly Arifuddin,
who was visiting IndOz 2015, commented
that activities like this will play a
strategic role to strengthen the ‘people
to people’ and ‘business to business
networking’ in developing partnerships
between Indonesia – Australia. “I
really appreciate the implementation
of such activities, these will contribute
significantly to both countries,” said the
man who was born in Purworejo, Central
The activities are centered in the heart
of Brisbane and initiated by Synergy
Event Indonesia Australia (SIA), an event
organizer, targeting to promote Indonesia
in Australia. At IndOz 2015, two main
activities are featured, namely IndOz
Business Networking Dinner and IndOz
Outdoor Festival itself. Both activities
received a warm support and welcomed
by Indonesian and Australian in Brisbane
city and surrounding areas.
One of the organizers IndOz 2015, Mr
Dody Prabowo was also very optimistic
that in the future the committee will
continue to improve the quality of the
events. He also hoped that this IndOz
activities can be included as part of the
calendar of “Brisbane Multicultural
Event”, in order to synergize with the
Queensland State Government and City
Council to attract tourists in Brisbane and
surrounding areas.
(A.K. Umam dan Shandra A.P.)
Continued from page 1
Undiscovered Beauty in Bali
Photos by: Shandra Ayu
Bali, one of the most exotic places
in the world, has lots of nature beauty,
traditions and wonderful culture. White
sand beach and clear blue water really
attracted tourist from around the
world. From all of tourist destinations
in Bali, there are lots of places that the
tourist don’t know yet, this is one of
the undiscovered places named Taman
Puputan Margarana.
Located in the small village named
Adeng Tabanan, Taman Taman Puputan
Margarana was built as the respect to
I Gusti Ngurah Rai and his team, who
is famous as Tongkring (Kotok Garing).
The view of lines of black granite stone
are the graveyard of the fighters that
were fighting against the Dutch at 20 of
November 1946. Fatal casualties in this
big war were 96 Balinese and 400 Dutch
Soldiers. To give the spirit to the fighter,
the words that used by I Gusti Ngurai Rai
is Fight till ‘puputan’ which means “Till
the end” to protect the Homeland.
To be able to immortalise the fighting
spirit of Indonesian in general, so the
word of Puputan was then used as the
name for the garden. The name of I Gusti
Ngurah Rai was then used as the name of
Bali international Airport.
The Garden is often visited during
Independence Day celebrations on 17th
August to remember the spirit of the
fighter that was fighting for the country.
Too worthy to be missed, you must visit
this mesmerizing place while in Bali.
Located just less than an hour by car from
Denpasar, you can enjoy the mystical
atmosphere and learn the history while
enjoying the beauty of the surrounding
nature. (Shandra A.P.)
“We, as Indonesian citizen living
overseas, need to be more aggressive
to be the business ambassadors of
Indonesia. With our creativity, let’s
market our products overseas,” said
Rahma with a strong enthusiastic
attitude (8/8/2015).
Rahma underlined, the business
creativity will slowly move the wheel
of country economic growth inside
the bilateral relationship of the two
countries. If the business communication
is already started, so the level will not
only between people to people diplomacy
but also part of the constructive
diplomacy, which will trigger the
demand of interdependency between
the two countries. So this is not just
about the business, but also about every
step and our movements will be the
spearhead of soft diplomacy, which will
improve and strengthen the relationship
between Indonesia and Australia ahead.
Hopefully Indonesian economy will
improve significantly,” she concluded.
(A.K. Umam)
Photos by: Johan Ramandias | 7
Communication Hub for Indonesian and Locals in Queensland
Issue 1/August-September 2015
Being an Entrepreneur in Australia
to Encourage Indonesian Economy
Suasana wirausaha di IndOz2015
Editorial’s Letter
Dear readers,
Kopi Brisbane is a publication
provided as a media for
communication within IndonesianAustralian community in
Queensland. At this first edition,
celebrating Indonesia Independence
day, Kopi Brisbane will bring the
spirit of Indonesia nationalism that
has the connection with the business
community in Australia
The Editorial team expects,
Kopi Brisbane will give significant
impact to the future of social dynamic
between both countries toward
improved bilateral relations that are
constructive and consistence.
Kopi Brisbane
Kopi Brisbane
ABN 34 305 734 094
Director: Rahmawati Roesydi
Chief Editor: A. Khoirul Umam
Writer: Shandra Ayu P.
Layout & Design: Peina A., Daniel
Photography: Euan Mc.M., Johan
Editor: Sri R. Maretini
Finance: Ria A. Wahyuni
PR&Advertising: Tri Mulyani, Anindita W.
Translator: Euan Mc.M.
Editorial: [email protected]
Sales: [email protected]
© 2015 Kopi Brisbane. All rights reserved.
All advertisements in Kopi Brisbane are the responsibility
of advertisers. Advertising is accepted on the understanding
that it does not contravene the Trade Practices Act.
The publication of any material or editorial does not
necessarily constitute an endorsement of views or opinions
expressed. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited
without the written permission of Kopi Brisbane.
Photos by: Johan Ramandias
Brisbane mayor and Indonesian ambassador for Australia at IndOz2015
BRISBANE – The Indonesian
Independence Day, celebrated on 17 August
2015, was an important milestone to
strengthen the bilateral relationship between
Indonesia and Australia. Now, at the age of
70, Indonesia transformed into the country
with the promising economic strength in
Asia and achieves the success of economic
growth of 6 percent progressively every year.
Nevertheless, fundamental criticism is often
given to the character of building the national
economy, which has more focus to the principle
of growth, not to the equalization of economic
opportunity. It creates imbalance in economy
and even widening gap between the rich and
the poor. This condition concerns Indonesian
citizen in Australia.
President of the Indonesian Diaspora
Network Queensland (IDNQ), Noel Pranoto,
said that Indonesian citizen living overseas,
especially in Australia, should be able to grab
the business opportunity in the middle of the
relationship strengthening effort between
these two countries. Noel realized that the
small proportion of Indonesian entrepreneur,
compared with the size of the population, is
one of the triggers for slow economic growth in
Indonesia. Ideally, the number of entrepreneur
is minimum 2 percent from the total
population of a country. Right now Indonesia
has 1,3 percent, Malaysia already has 3-4
percent, and Singapore already have 7 percent
from the total population. “We, in IDNQ, has
the commitment to support the opportunity of
business for Indonesian citizen in Australia,”
said Noel, who was born in Cilacap, Central
Java (1/8/2015).
Noel believes that the eagerness of
Indonesian citizen in Australia to actively
create new businesses will be a great help
to untangle the country’s knots of economic
intricacy. “If we are in Australia actively
work for the business opportunity
between two countries, starting with the
small one, the national economy in the
countries will receive the effect,” said Noel
enthusiastically. Noel, together with other
IDNQ’s members, tries to synergize the
movement of the organizations with some
elements in Australia to connect the small
and medium entrepreneurs with wider
and bigger entrepreneurs in Queensland
specifically and Australia generally.
Soetjie Klein, who was a former lecturer
of Law at Indonesian University and an
active member of Indonesian Organization
in Queensland (PIQ) also has the same
The low level of interest to be an
entrepreneur makes Indonesian more
consumptive. The local entrepreneur
is not optimally capturing the big
market opportunity of the 245 million
Indonesian populations.
A similar view is also held by Rahmawati
Roesydi, an Indonesian citizen who was
formally the GM of a German company in
Indonesia, consumptive character has to be
supported by the high entrepreneurship to
support the consumption. It is the view of
many people that Indonesian government is
still not able to sell the business potential,
tourism, and other trading commodities
from our country, so at the 70th year
of Indonesian Independence Day, the
momentum is perfect to start something
from the Indonesian entrepreneurs.
Continued to page 3
Happy 70th year Independence Day, Indonesia!