Albany Student Press 1965-04-13 - University at Albany Libraries


Albany Student Press 1965-04-13 - University at Albany Libraries
Friday, April 9, 1963
Nt» «
'65 Albany Linhsmen
Strpufer Than Ever
Talented Ped Netmes
Strong in Team Depth
by John Fleitman
Despite the graduation of two top varsity netmen,
John Barthelemus and John Sturtevant, the 1965 tennis
team promises to have a highly successful season due
to the" depth of fine players on this year's squad. The
strength of the team will be as "retrievers, notpow-r
ermen," Coach Merlin Hathaway explained.
He said in an interview
"This year's schedule win defearlier this week that the imte'y not be ea»y, "Htth.way re
veiled openly, "for the addition of
addition of several strong Central Connecticut to teams like
soph players and transfer R.P.L, New Paltz, and Oswego will
really rough." The first match
students will make the team be
with Oswego on April 22.
strong in the doubles de- willThebeOswego
contest should be a
partment, a rare occur- real test to the netmen, as the
has been pracrence at Albany.
ticing for months on Indoor courts.
Returning netmen Tom Slocum,
Ed Wolner, BUI Enser, and Keith
Costello will be battling It out Xor
the number one spot on the squad.
With (our experienced and talented
tennis players once again returning,
the remaining positions will be hotly
contested among the younger members of the squad.
Leading candidates include powerful soph Ken Zacharlas, Stan Kerpei, Guy Nicosia, Malcolm Provost,.
Howard Markham, and Don Binders.
With the addition of the recently
completed tennis courts at the New
Campus and greater depth on the
benches, Coach Hathaway Is optimistic about the chances of the
Peds In their attempt to equal last
year's mark of 8-2.
"Our main chance," he admits
"rests on the lower half of the
lineup." He hopes to find consistent
play from each player in order to
have a really outstanding year.
A Look into Sports History
by Ray McCloot
On April 8, 1927, a chess club
was organized at Albany State under
the direction of Professor C. A.
Woodward, head of the blology'department.
On April 9, 1937, sharpshooters
John DeNeef and Vincent Qulnn tied
for first place in a foul shooting
contest, sinking 18 of 25.
During this past week fifteen years
ago the women of MYSKANIA
clinched the WAA basketball championship by defeating the hoopsters
of Phi Delta, 36-7.
On April 9, 1959, the tennis team
finally made the grade as its status
was cuanged from a club position
to varsity level.
Over the Spring Recess of 1961
four Ped wrestlers traveled to Patterson, New Jersey, to compete ii:
the National YMCA Tournament.
'Clem Crow finished second in his
weight division. Crow was wrestling handicapped with a sprained
On April 13, i960, Pete Spina
pitched for the third time the opening day baseball game for the Peds.
He also won his third consecutive
opening game- contest,
Last year at this time the SUA
Fencing Team split a meet with
North Adams, copping the sabre
9-7 and bowing In foil competition,
JUNIOR N E T M A N Tom Slocum about to stroke a forehand shot
in a doublet match during last year's tennis season.
ASP *****
* * * * *
Last year Albany State's linksmen competed In the NCAA Championships' and finished ninth in a
field of 20 highly-touted teams.
This year's squad should prove to
be even stronger than the 1964
contingent that compiled an 8-1-1
Returning lettermen Doug Morgan, Mike Bayus, and John Urtiah
will form a strong nucleus. Some
transfers and promising sophomores will also be In line for
starting berths.
Captain Morgan leads.the 1965
State golf team. Mike Bayus, the
two-time Junior college champion
lost only In the last match of the
1964 season. John Urtiah, a game
competitor, is eagerly awaiting the
warm weather to continue his winning ways.
Ii golf coach "Doc" Sauers is to
continue his Impressive victory
skein into the golf season, he will
heed help from a couple of upcoming sophs and transfer students, Bill
Kane, from Auburn, and Bill Haines,
from Hudson Valley.
Other leading candidates are top
frosh golfer Mike Bloom, Steve
Walter, BUI Pyan, and Jake Prestopnik.
The big matches this year will
be against R.P.I., one point victor
over State last year, and Hamilton,
who tied State in 1964.
Albany hasn't lost at home in
three years, and since the R.P.I,
and Hamilton matches are at home,
an undefeated season could possibly
be in the making.
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t h e Council?
APRIL, 13, 1065
VOL. LI NO, 14
Fnance Committee Rules
»\gomst Activities Somries
Finance Committee of the Provisional Council held
an open hearing Sunday and in a close vote decided to
abolish salaries for" all organizations operating under
the Student Association Budget for the fiscal year '65'66. The Committee set the new precedent in the budget
hearing for the "Albany Student Press."
ruling upset the d e committee also ruled that any
u „ &-,„„«.„ f „ « , „ organization could attend a conb y Senate in t h e f e r e nce within a three hundred mile
Of 1 9 6 2 to a l l o c a t e limit of New York and have It flsalaries to the editors of nanced through SA funds.
was in reference to
the State College News and theThelinedecision
in the ASP budget asking
the Student Association money for a trip to a college newspaper conference in San Francisco.
As a result of the Committee's
The committee composed of Deborah Friedman, chairman, AlBader, ruling, Curtl handed In his resigRon Catnpisi, Harry Gardner, and nation as a member of the comSteve Curtl discussed the budget of mittee and called the day's activities a farce.
the ASP.
Members of the ASP, WSUA and In other budget matters the comInterested students were present to mittee unanimously approved
question the committee members' "Primer," "Campus Viewpoint,"
decisions on the budgets. But their and "Student Directory" budget.
efforts to justify the budget re-- All decisions of the Committee
quest for a salary proved to be of have to be approved by Provisional
not avail as they were only able Council.
to sway Miss Friedman and Curtl
to their side.
Members' Arguments
UCA Sponsors Trip
To Shakespeare Pla*
The other three members' arguments varied but centered around
fear that if they allocated
Two programs on the
Dr. Albert Parry will consider
On Saturday, April 24, the UniInternational Feature Service at the question of Soviet technocrats salaries to various organizations,
Soviet Union will be pre- the
the United Nations, will discuss the at the program of April 23 In Bru- they would have to appropriate them versity Center Association will
sented by Forum of Pol- Soviet Union and Its philosophy of bacher
a bus going to the American
Lower Lounge at 8 p.m. to the heads of the other organizaShakespeare Festival Theatre in
itics tonight and Wednes- the United Nations tonight in Bru- Parry Is chairman of the Depart- tions on campus.
bacher, Room 5 at 8 p.m. He will ment of Russian Studies at the ColGary Luczak, station manager of Stratford, Connecticut. The program
day, April 28. The topics speak
In view of the Soviet Union's
WSUA, contended that the four or- features the comedy "The Taming
of the programs are the recent failure to pay her UN dues. gate
He has received wide attention ganizations on campus that were of the Shrew."
"Soviet Conception of the Halasz is a native of Hungary, for his articles on the Soviet Union. salaried, merited this because of A bus will leave from the front
the work Involved and the unique- of Bru at 2:30 p.m. and will arrive
United Nations," and "Are where lie received his doctorate in From 1957 to 1903 he wrote a weekly ness
In Stratford at approximately 5:30
of the organizations.
c • a. m u
i ,». . .
economics. and law from the De- column entitled "Soviet Affairs" for
Bader answered that he felt this for dinner. Reservations have been
S o v i e t T e c h n o c r a t s T a k i n g b r e c e n university in Budapest. the weekly Washington magazine
was not work as in the category of made for an extra cost at a nearbyover Russia?"
While living In Hungary, he violently "Missiles and Rockets."
restaurant. The performance Is
In 1960 he was successful In those students who run the mimeo- scheduled
opposed the extension of Communto begin at 8 p.m. Women
writing the book "Russia's Rockets graph machine or typing for the attending this
ism to Hungary,
event will be given
"Student Director."
and Missiles."
Forced to F l e e
His achievement led to five apBecause of his adamant stand he pearances on NBC and CBS teleFestival tickets can be purchased
Camplsl added that he thought in the Student Activities Office in
The final" report ot tne Central was forced to flee his homeland in vision broadcasts in the spring of
that the salaried organizations were Bru from 4 to 11 p.m., April 11 to
Council committee was approved 1948 to escape Soviet harassment. 1901.
He has contributed many articles just activities on campus and that 13. The $5 fee includes reserved
and sent to a drafting committee by In 1951, he came to the United
one organization receives a sal- seats for the performance as well
for "Harper's Magazine," "ReadProvisional Council at Its meeting
Saturday morning. Also sent to the came a reporter for Radio Free er's Digest," and "Encyclopedia of ary the other activities would re- as round trip transportation. Theatre dress will be required for the
quest one.
drafting committee were the con- Europe.
the Social Sciences."
He also mentioned that most stu- trip.
stitutions of the five commission
In 1905 he was assigned to cover
dents he had talked to had agreed
the United Nations until I960, when
On the return trip, a stop will be
The drafting committee will co- he received a post in the Office of
with him that salaries should be made at the New Campus as well,
ordinate the reports and write a Public Information of the United
as Brubacher.
final constitution for the government Nations.
to be Instituted in May. This conIn 1902 he resigned and continued
stitution will have to In approved his reporting of the United Nations
by Provisional Council, and then will for the International Feature Servbe submitted to the student body for ice.
State Fair, the annual fund raisratification.
His active role in covering the ing drive for our Foreign Exchange
The Central Committee report United Nations had marie him well- Student, will be held on Saturday,
represented the result of an exten- qualified to discuss the world or- April 24. Ginger Dupell and Doris
sive amount of work in reconciling ganization and the different posi- Young, co-chairmen of the Fair,
the viewpoints of different members tions held by the West and the have announced that the theme will
of the Council. Strong objections East in world politics.
be tile Greek Market place.
were raised to the first proposal for
Unlike in recent years, Jie event
Central Council because It contained
will be held outdoors In the old
no provision for Commission areas
from l-4p.m. All booths
to appeal decisions of the Council,
must have themes relating to some
Under (lie final proposal, the comaspect of the Greek market place.
mission areas retain relative autoAny organization that wants to
nomy in dealing with matters perparticipate must submit a list of
taining directly to their area of
to DUys Neugebauor before
interest. The Council retains the
Tuesday, April 13. In case of Idenpower UJ reject tlio actions of any
tical themes, the one submitted
commission area, but the commisfirst will be given preference.
sions will be able to appeal decisions to a Supreme Court,
Each organization will lie proRecognizee SCOPE
vided with tables and chairs. The
Provisional Council also gave ofnumber needed should be submitted
ficial recognition to the SCOPE unit
to. Elaine Volo by April 13. Pubwhich is now soliciting funds and
licity will be done by the individual
recruiting members for a voter
registration drive In the South,
The ASP will again be distributing
Tim vote for recognition was pretheir Infamous State Fair issue/
ceded by a discussion of student
"Kick in the ASP," In the past It
government's responsibilities in alhas been filled with satire about
lowing organizations representing a
Albert Parry
students, professors, the Admini- SCOPE INITIATES ACTION on campus by moan, of a rally held
specific political viewpoint to adstration, Campus events, organiza- Sunday on tho' quad. As a result of tho rally five students wore
... Soviet Speaker
vocate their views on campus.
recruited for tho summer, voter registration project.
tions, and the University.
Fair Co-chairmen
Announce Greek
M a r k e t Theme
Committee Begins
Writing Constitution
( MM, of«IV t cwnpUlien of 01 lean I far of coNoas )
Will t h e ASP
Forum of Politics to Sponsor
Two Programs on Soviet Union
It'spossibls: - I f you
1. Ar. o gradual* with a •trong major In on* of tho following:
a. chemistry, b.'physics, c. biology, d. •ngin.tring. e. mathemetics, f. French, or g hovo a Master's Dogroo In Engliih.
2. Ar* a U. S. cttiien, in good heolth, ! * • • than SS y*or> of ag«,
desire to t*ach at the seconder? school ar junior cellsg* l * v * l .
3. Ar* slngl*; or ar* married and with no mor* than on* child.
If interested, picas* writ* to:
Ellsob*th(*wn Callage, Ell.obetrrtown, Pa. 17027
A Free Press,.]
A Free
F I N A N C E C O M M I T T E E SHOWN during the Sunday budget hearings, at which they deleted the lines
provided for editor s salaries and conference attendance.
O '»'• 'J' Ttrs m u l l riN ec-arm, rmtvrui, VIICPMIN, v, M ,
Dialer Slinetun
"Shakespeare Quarterly."
uy vormg on tho final Draft of tho Now Student
They olwveya complain about me lack of teachers In the country,
but hero it is a month and-a half from• graduation and I still
havtn't gat a load on a job...
In Defense of Salaries
As we sat through the Finance Committee Budget
Hearings on Sunday afternoon we were able to witness
one of the most amazing spectacles of financial management that has taken place on this campus in the past
years. The atmosphere, after the relatively easy passage
of the "Directory" and "Viewpoint" budgets, became
tense, and clipped, as the committee returned arbitrary
comments and final decisions to questions that appeared
to all observers to be worthy of intelligent discussion
and effectual dialogue.
The "ASP" entered the hearings prepared to offer
reasons for each line of the budget. The committee had
apparently entered the scene of the hearing with preconceived concepts that it was unwilling to alter, in
spite of valid reasons to the contrary. Foremost among
the lines in question were tfiose concerning editors'
salaries and an allotment for sending representatives
to the Associated Collegiate Press Conference.
As the discussion of salaries progressed, the committee's entrenched outlook on the issue, that of opposition to any and all student salaries, became obviously dogmatic. We maintain that the training, and
time spent in the total production of two issues of the
"ASP" per week warrant a salary for each of the coeditors-in-chief. Surmounting both of these factors,
remains that of the great and ultimate responsibility
resting on the shoulders of the two editors. When the
scope of the task comes to involve the proportions of
that of the editor of the newspaper, as of the editor of
the yearbook and the radio station manager, then those
tasks can no longer be considered a mere extra-curricular activity, compensated by one's sense of benevolence to the institution which has provided the training, but a Job, involving a priority to the position,
rather than to the student role.
Albany Student Press
The Albany Student Preen i t a feml-weekly newspaper published by the stuoont
body of the State University of New York at Albany. The ASP may be reached
by dialing either 489-6481 or IV 2-3326. The ASP office, located n. Room 5 of
Brubacher Hall, 750 State Street, is open from 7-11 p. m. Sunday through Thursday nights.
E D I T H S. h „ R D Y - KAREN E. K E E F E R
Managing Editor
Sports Editor
Feature Editor
Arts Editor
News Editor
Executive Editor
Associate Feature Editor
Associate Editor
Technical Supervisor
rnotofrgehy editor
Advertising Manager
Consultant Advertising Manager
Business Manager
Associate Photography Editor
Public Rolatlons Director
Ellen Zang
( P»«j" EJHor
Joseph Mahay, Jomes Bollln, Miko Farenell, Linda Freehon,
Linda Hondolsmon', Mike Gllmarlln, Kevin Motrin, Carol Walling, Alice
. Nudelmon, G. P, Minimus, Brendg Miller
,M, Gilbert Williams, Paul Jensen, Bruce Daniels', J . Roger L e e , .
Cory Luciak
Walter Post, Steven Kling, Robert Mcudare'
William Slnnholsl
A l l communication, must be addressed to the Editors and should be signed*
Karnes w i l l be withheld on request, Communications should be limited to 300
words and ere subject to editing. The Albany Student Press assumes no respon.
slblllly for,opinions expressed In its columns or communications, as such expressions do not necessary reflect Its .views,
Ji*i4ay, April 13, 1965
answer now and that's what's Important) ''a cailtgraphlc line to illustrate the force and flow of our
Ed. Notoi Mr. Atwell't column was
university. How about It? How about a little callioriginally written: tor last Friday's
graphic Una, everybody?"
Issue, but due to limitations of
•'Yeahl" said Trudy.
space had to be postponed until .' "I'm with you, big boy," said the queen.
this Issue.
"March by two's," said the squad leader, "stay
by Tim Arwel.l
in front of the people In back of you and in back of
the people In front of you."
Standing on the front steps of Draper at 11:40 a.m.
"Look, can't we march by three's? Just us? We'll_
last Monday morning was me. My 11:15 art class had
be good."
met as scheduled, but had been dismissed after the
"By two's."
professor had gone over our mld-sem. (I didn't do too
"But we're friends. Trudy's my friend and the
bad, considering' It's my very first art course.)
queen is Trudy's friend and any friend of Trudy's
Is surely a friend of mine, and well gee, you just
I surveyed the scene before me with a critical eye
can't break us up like this. We're friendsl And beand noticed all these people lined up along the sidesides, how can you break three people into pairs of
walk, ready to march to The Capitol. I walked toward
I ask you. And I don't want to march all by
the.line of marchers, looking for somebody I knew. I
myself, and the same goes for Trudy and the queen."
reached the line and started walking to the back.
"That's right," said Trudy.
Suddenly somebody stuffed a necktie Into my hand
"You tell him, big boy," said the queen.
and whispered,
"You find me a partner and then we'll pair off,
"Don't use It unless you have to."
okay?" I said. "A nice Armenian girl. Short, not t«r.
"Rlght-o," I said.
heavy, nice family background. That's fair, isn't it?"
What could he say? He knew I had him dead to
I turned to the 'chap who had given me the tie.
rights. He turned and walked away. Things got pretty
"What's this for, anyway?" I said,
dull. There were no signs to read—no one was car"No dressee no marches."
rying any. Orders, I guess. By the time we passed
English Annex, the boredom was unbearable. I
When I got to the end of the line (It's not right to
let out with a Scottish walking song:
cut in, and the egocentric Justice of frontsie-backsie
"Step it gaily, on we go
becomes all too obvious as one enters his junior
Heel for heel and toe for toe
year) when I got to the end of the line, I was met by
Arm In arm and on we go
one of the many squad leaders. He was wearing a
Down to Rocky's building."
black suit and tie and a white arm band..
Nobody joined in. Not even Trudy and the queen. Can
you believe it, nobody knew the songl I tried again:
It was then that I noticed that everybody was
"O-oh, budget
dressed up. Everybody in line, that is. It had ocO-oh, budget
curred to me earlier that there were an awful lot .
O-oh budget over us
of people on campus who were all dressed up, but I
Over us
figured maybe they were in fraternities and had to
And before we'll take a cut
look nice on Mondays or maybe a lot of people had
We will organize and strut
decided to get dressed up because it was Monday,
All the way to The Capitol and cuss
or maybe it was that most festive of holidays, Mun
Watch us c u s s . "
Day and I had forgotten.
No response whatsoever. Except for a middleaged
"Who died and went to heaven and how do you know
"Get a Job," he said.
for s u r e ? " I said.
"Pay back your GI loan," I said.
"Where's your tie?" he said.
"You wanna fight?"
"Right here. I was just putting it on. Hold still.
" I can't. I got my good clothes on."
I'm gonna use your glasses for a mirror. You can t
we walked around The Capitol Building. The
put on a tie without a mirror. Tilt your head up just
silence was overpowering. It was enough to make you
a little. That's it, look me in the eye. Keep still, will
put away your guitar and take up the rudimentary
y a ' Whaddya lookln' around for? Look at me I Look
at mel Okay, how's that? Can I get in line now?"
"Can't anybody at State play the goddamn banpipes?" I said.
"Where's your Jacket?" he said.
But Trudy and the queen didn't answer me. I don'i
"I'm wearing It."
even think they heard me. They were too busy look"That's not a Jacket, that's a coat."
lng for a litter basket. The squad leader had toll!
"Semantics, semantics. I have no time."
them to be careful what they did with their gum
"What are you doing wearing Jeans?"
wrappers. He didn't want anybody to get arrested.
"You really wanna know?"
It was too much to behold. The only signs of life
"You're not supposed to wear Jeans."
were a light green Volkswagen and a red Austin
"They're not really much good for anything else.
The two cars kept circling The Capitol In
And I always thought..."
the direction opposite to the one in which the march"Not on this march, fella."
e r s were walking, and they bore signs on them. But
"Who you callin' fella? Listen, you ever hear of
you couldn't read the signs, so life lost again.
the Mafia?"
We marched around the block twice and then headed
back. Just like that. No assembling at the foot of The
"The regulations..."
Capitol. No storming up to the fort. No Odessa steps
"Oh, c'mon. They're clean."
sequence. We were going home. It was all over.
"Your loafers are filthy."
Except for the counting.
"You see good;"
"March by two's. We're counting."
"Sweat socks."
"It's too much trouble for me to march by twu's,
"These days a man has to sweat. There's no getting
so just count me as one person."
away from It. You don't sweat, you don't get ahead.
Besides, it's good for you. All things being equal, I
"March by two's please."
plan to sweat. Nice day for a march, eh?"
"But nobody wants to walk with me. Except Trwlj
and the queen. But is that going to stop me? No, sir,
"Get In line."
I Intend to go on marching..."
So I got in line, and the squat] leader walked away
(probably thinking he had won the argument because
"But we're counting!!"
I had done Just what he ordered me to do.) I tuned my
"Look, here's what you do. Pay attention. When
perceptions. The atmosphere lacked that revolutionary
people go by singly, count them as two people and
flavor. Who were all these respectable rebels, these
draw a line, not a long line, Just a short line, at the
Palmollved protectants, these middle-class mutibottom of the page. If three people go »y together,
neers? I wanted to see some dirt, a few whiskers,
you cross off one of the lines that you marie when
people scratching. Where were all the bold Fenian
only one person went by. If four people should gu I..
men? Gee whiz.
you cross off two lines—five people, three lines, etc
so on and so on. At the end of the march, you determine
Then I spotted Trudy, the bat gin,
your gross total and subtract the number of lines ai
"Trudy, Trudy," I shouted.
bottom of the page from your gross total, whh'ii
"Tim, Tim," she shouted back. "I'm so depressed.
procedure will yield up the net number of marchers." 1
Where are all the bold Fenian men?"
A good Idea. A good idea.
"I don't know, I don't know."
"Me either. Tim, this Is my friend, the queen."
"Do you realize that while you were talking I I""
"HI, the queen," I said.
count and will have to start all over again?"
"HI, big boy."
"Well, if you're going to be that way about It, ,»u
And then we started matching. We were supposed
Just go ahead and use your out-moded method. See il
to inarch by two's, but Trudy and I and the queen
I care. See If I ever do you a favor again."
were three,
The counter hopped onto his infra-stable fealhei"What's all this marching by two's? What kind of
welght Honda and made a commuter's dash fur ' "
line Is that? Lot's try a calligraphic line," (That
head of the line, a considerable distance away. The
was on the art test—"What is a calligraphic line?".
sound of tho rapidly unwinding 50-JC engine shatiend
I don't want to talk about It,) " a little calligraphic
the air and the counter was arrested for dlslurliint
line, a lino which varies in thickness," (I know tho
ho peace.
ticipation In student activities. The
small, bigoted minds of certain
committee members will keep this
University in stasis as long as they
T o the t d i t o r s :
continue to serve on committee at
The following is the text of my this school,"
resignation: "Because of the pasAs a former member of the comsage of two line delttlons (Conference and Salaries) in the proposed mltteo, I can Judge but not Justify
'uB-'OO budget of the ASP, I r e - the actions of the other members,
sign my position as a member of They went into the ASP budget hearFinance Committee, The changes ing with their minds closed, and they
made amount to an egregious action refused to look at the long-range
to the prestige of the University, benefits to the University.
dissatisfaction of our fellow students
The opposed issues Iwcause they
and to decreased Interest and par- were not entitled to receive bene-
Finance Committee Member
States Formal Resignation
fits from those monetary ulM
merits, or so they thought. The Ul:l
verslty does not matter, »nli "'
students do, a good sound lngi
which most of the Finance ' " l n
mlttoe members tendod to use.
I urge my fellow students tu n.i.
slder tho reasons why salaries an
tho collegiate press confer""1 v
are necessary. Talk about ' ' <"•
reasons and voice opinions u> i
liader, Ron Camplsl and Marr
Gardner, the people who vlgorlousl
opposed University progress,
Stovo Curl
AtiAHY STUPtMf f Hess"
' * »
Rally Begins SCOPE fund Drive;
Five Students to Join Voter Project
The Summer" Community Organ
lzatlon and Political Education group
(SCOPE) began its drive to raise
funds for the summer project at a
rally in the old quad on Sunday afternoon.
A small crowd and many window
observers heard Ken Fuchsman,
program director for SCOPE, and
Dan Button, managing editor for
the "Albany Times Union," speak.
Fuchsman described the purpose
of SCOPE as part of a nationwide
drive to register Negro voters ln
the South. Volunteers will attempt
to guide prospective voters in their
campaign to end racial discrimination at the poles.
Volunteers will also conduct night
courses in political education in alternating parts of southern blackbelt counties for persons of voting
the Screening Committee to accept
SCOPE advises Interested stuthese volunteers, so students in- dents to talk to their parents over
terested in serving ln the project the coming vacation as parental
may still volunteer.
consent Is .necessary for all volun-'
A desk has been set up ln the teers under twenty-one.
Peristyles to solicit the necessary
Meanwhile SCOPE Is going ahead
funds for the project and to serve with its plans to brine speakers and
as a place where Interested stu- movies here to dramatize Us prodents can volunteer.
University, Sgnum Laudis to Mold
Honors Convocation April 25
Signum Laudis and the University chairman of the University CommitCommittee on Awards will co-spon- tee on Awards, and Barbara Sayer,
sor the first University Honors President of Signum Laudis.
An Important part of the proConvocation on April 25 at 2:30p.m.
The purpose of the convocation is gram will be a speech of scholastic
to be given by an eminent
to recognize superior scholastic
ability and achievement among the scholar or an alumnus noted for
Selma March
members of the university com- academic research. This year it
PETER PAN COMPANY in a scene from "The Red Shoes."The
Button then described his par- munity.
was considered appropriate to ask
ticipation ln the recent Selma to
production was performed for the children's theatre.
President Evan R. Collins to give
Montgomery march. He called for
Personal Invitations will be Is- the address.
everyone, whether they could par- sued to those being honored, inFollowing the program in Page
ticipate ln a rights project or not cluding members of all honorarles,
to continue to give these projects freshmen on dean's list, upper- Hall a reception will be held for
and honored guests in Brutheir support.
classmen with 3.0 cumulative averbacher Lower Lounge.
The Children's Theatre ofSUNYA other departments, to all regisSCOPE announced after Its Sunday sophomores.
It is hoped that the greater recogpresented "The Red Shoes," by Hans tered students Interested in acting, rally that five students have volunThere will also be several special nition will be given for scholastic
Christian Anderson, yesterday at stagecraft or design.
teered to participate In the summer awards announced at this time.
achievement ln the future because of
the Grlffen School on South Street.
Addyse Lane Palagyi, a teacher voter registration project. These
An academic procession by faculty this and subsequent Honors ConvoAdditional performances of this pro- in State's Speech Department, is students are Robert Hart, Kathleen representatives will open the cere- cations. All honored guests as well
gram are scheduled this spring for the director of Children's Theatre. Murphy, William Leue, Lance Nel- monies ln Page Hall. Awards will as the entire student body are urged
Project Able schools ln the com- The first Peter Pan Company in- son, and Martin Schwarz.
-be announced by Dr. Arthur Collins, to attend.
No decision has been made by
cludes the entire cast and crew of
Schools participating ln Project "The Red Shoes": Carl Cusato
Able are schools which would not (Snogg, a gypsy); Jocelynn Kole
ordinarily receive the cultural bene- (Karen); Jo West (Memmo, the
fits of being able to see such plays. clown); Jim Glfford (the BurgomasThe Children's Theatre at SUNYA ter); and Augusta Katz Bisking (the
is composed of three companies: Grandmother).
the Peter Pan Company, which preOther members of the cast are
sents theatre for children and is Bill Mayer (Nels); Dorothy A. Sulcurrently engaged in "The Red livan (Peter Pan); Barbara Baker
Shoes," the Cameo Company, which (Tlnkerbell); and Darlene Olson and
Elementary Chinese will be ofworks with children in creative dra- George Kessler, Stage Manager and
fered for the first time on the
matics; and the Empire Company, Lighting Specialist respectively.
SUNY at Albany campus next s e which works with teenagers.
"The nature and purpose of ChilCourse work ln Children's Thea- dren's Theatre at the University Is mester. It is scheduled for Tuestre provides experience ln all three to provide a bridge with the com- days and Thursdays at 4:30 p.m.
Assistant Professor William Woo
companies and is part of the pro- munity and gives children and teengram offered by the Speech and agers an opportunity for creative will be the instructor for the three
hour course, including laboratory
Dramatic Art Department.
work ln the theatre." All plays are work. Emphasis will be placed on
Participation in all productions staged on campus anu on tour In the oral work with training in Mandarin
Is open, as are most courses In Capital District.
Drill structure, and a comparison
of the difference of expression of
ideas ln English and Chinese will
also form a large part of the curEnglish Evening
government. Groups interested ln riculum. Six hours of credit for the
course will lie given.
English Evening will be held at having them come are asked to conCheck Pre-registratlon schedule,
8 p.m. tonight rather than at 8:30 tact Al Smith.
course number 1550, for Elemenp.m. as originally scheduled.
The Student Education Association, tary Chinese course sign-up, and FACULTY AND STUDENT MEMBERS of Signum Loudis and the
your adviser for course University Committee on Awards Plan the Honors Convocation.
will have a meeting on Thursday,
Student Science Journal
Student Science Journals will be April 22 at 7:30 p.m. in Bru. Nom- registration.
distributed today in the science an- inations and elections will be disnexes during the following hours; cussed, and reports of the Ninth
Husted, 9-11 and 12 to 1:30 p.m.; Annual Delegate Assembly, Just held
Central Annex 8-10 and 11-1; De- in Buffalo will be givon.
troit Annex, 9-10 and 1-2:30 at the
Central Avenue entrance.
The Journal is free-of-charge to
A College education is expensive - # a s you must knowl Why not protect your inall students.
vestment, with low cost life insurance?
SUNYA's Children's Theatre
Presents 'The Red Shoes'
University to Offer
Chinese Language
Course in September
Distributive Ed Club
To Sponsor Trip
Housing Office
The University Housing Office is
planning to provide housing facilities for Graduate students here
during the 190n-6G academic year.
There will be room for 50 students,
almost evenly divided tietwoen men
and wonnyi.
Any Senior who Is Interested In
graduate housing lor next year
should apply to the Student Personnel Office, D-108, as soon as
PI Gamma Mu
PI Gamma Mu, Social Studies
Honorary announces its initiates
for the Spring semester of '05.
Faculty members are Clara Tucker,
Dr. William Hourly, and James Klopper.
Nine students have qualified for
membership. They are Frances
Uloch, Yetta Feldman, Holly Furman, John GUmmi IV, Edith Hardy,
Claudia Noble, Gary Spiel maun,
Richard Thompson, and Margaret
Now officers for 1905-liO are
President, Gary Spiolmaun; Vice
President, Richard Thompson; Secretary, Holly Furman; and Treasurer, Jacqueline Sherln,
Members of MYSKANIA will bo
visiting various groups and residences on campus In the next weeks
to explain the structure of the nev/
The Distributive Education Club
is sponsoring a trip to the New
York Port Authority on Wednesday,
April 21. The group will be the
guest of the Authority and will meet
with several executives who will
discuss the history and future potential growth of the Port Authority.
The group will also have dinner
In New York and alioiid a matinee
for a Broadway show, shopping or
sightseeing. Possibly Ihey will bo
able to attend tho World's Fair.
All members of the Club, Phi
Beta Lambda and PI Omega PI
Invited to attend along with
'business students who are no! a
member of uny of the groups.
Students interoslcd should contact Professor Reno Kuouso or Stove
Borgos In Draper 148, The round
trip fair Is $5.95 ami Is due at tho
time of registration.
wontec to work from 11 a - m .
to 1 p ,in,, Mondny-Frlaciy, or
combinat on
$ 1 . 3 0 an
heInformat on
twiirun 4-5 p.m- Monday thru
apply n person at tho O f f i c e
Buildin g Campu s. Site C a f e t e r l a , B u i l d i n g N a. 3.
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ALiAHrWiiiiif r»*itt
Final Standing
Dkmondmen Impressive
In Pro-Season doting
In two scrimmage games against North Adams College, Massachusetts, the Albany diamondmen registered
a tie and a win. The scrimmage, held Saturday, April
10, on University Field consisted of a seven inning
contest and a six inning contest, giving both coaches an
excellent opportunity to look over their squads.
Bob Burlin-
game was "fairly-pleased''
with his team's performance, even though the
players had a little trouble
in working the signals.
. In the first game — a 3-3 tie State's powerful hurler Danny Zeh
pitched a fine four Innings, allowing only two hits and five walks.
Relief pitcher Dick Kimball had
a little trouble with his curve ball,
as he gave up three runs in his
brief stint.
Load 3-0
• The Pads tallied one run in the
first inning, two In the second. The
3-0 lead held until the sixth frame
when the Adamsmen scored twice.
The visitors then scored another
run in the seventh, and final'inning,
to knot the score at 3-3.
In the first game, Ped lnflelder
"Pep" Plzzlllo collected four hits
in five trips to the plate, half the
Ped team total of eight.
Jim Nass was State's starting
pitcher for the second game, and
he worked a creditable four innings.
He stuck out four batters and gave
up only two runs.
North Adams led off with a pair
of runs In the first two frames to
High Averages
erib a quick two-run lead. Albany
rallied with two markers in the
third Inning to even the score.
Score 5 in 5th
State had a spectacular fifth inning, scoring five times on six, hits.
•Here is a rundown of the inning:
Transfer Jay Moore opened up with
a single and he was moved to second
on Bob Hart's single. After Dick
Odorlzzl filed out, Frank Kankolenski loaded the bases with a timely VARSITY DIAMONDMEN prepare to take off into the 1965 baseball season while practicing in Page gym due to adverse weather
Centerfleld Don McGurrin's base conditions in Albany area.
hit tallied two runs and when the
throw-In got away from the North
Adams second sacker, Kankolenskl
scored. Don Mason's single scored
McGurrln. Dick Kewley walked and
advanced to second on Nick Morris'
pinch-hlt, Mason taking third on the
play. Mason promptly scored on a
passed ball, ending State's scoring
by Don Oppedisano
for the inning. The final score was
State 7, North Adams, 2.
The season officially opens with
It has been traditional in the United States that the
a rough Fairleigh Dickinson on April
History Prof Egelston:
State's 'Mrs. Baseball'
AMIA officials recently announced
that the planned track meet will be
held on Sunday, April 25, at approximately 2:00 p.m., when a registration period for team and lnvidual
events will take place.
* * * * *
President throw out the first ball to open the major
league baseball season. Here., at State, however, this
honor has gone, over the last ten years, to Mrs. Martha
Egelston, who, without a doubt, has been State's most
loyal baseball supporter during the fifteen years.
Mrs. Egleston, who lives Mrs. Egelston says that she has
been Interested in baseball all her
at 61 Northgate Dr., Al- life,
particularly Interested
bany, is an Assistant Pro- whenandherwashusband
and older son
fessor of history, and has were ball players. Here at Albany,
attends all the Ped home games
been a member of the Fac- she
and a good share of the away games
ulty Staff-since 1929.
Mrs. Egelston said that the best
ball player she has ever seen at
State was Peter Spina, a big lefthanded pitcher, with a high kick
and a good fast ball. Spina was on
the varsity for four years, from
1957-1960; during that course of
time, he pitched and won three
opening day games.
Son to Pitch
* * * * *
Team up
to present the
of the
50% Kodel* Polyester
50% Combed Cotton
* l w Easter Cards
at the
Draper Hall
135 Western Ave.
APR 2 3
in the final week of the AMIA
League n bowling, Kappa Beta, led
by John Deans, ended the hopes of
the One-Eyes of a possible rolloff with Potter Club with a 5-2 win.
Here are the final standings and
individual .statistics on the Leage
II bowling:
TEAM: Potter, One-Eyes, Waterbury, TXO, Kappa Beta, Commuters,
APA, Intellects.
by John Fleitman
Tu.sdoy, April 13, W 3
E*L 129
Albany, N.Y.
Have A Good Holiday
This year Mrs. Egelston will be
particularly interested in the freshman team since her son will be one
of the pitchers on the team.
As for the varsity, she thinks
that the club will be a .500 ball
team. She stated that Jim Nass, a
pitcher up from last year's freshman team, should be a big help.
She also stated that Dan Zeh is
one of the best potential pitchers
on the club. "If he can get control he could be a fine pitcher."
When she was asked why she
likes baseball so much, she replied by stating: "It is so beautiful, especially the drills that precede the game. You might even say
that It was a natural ballet. Baseball offers a chance for individuals
to distinguish themselves and for
a team to act like one unit."
Art and Skill
"I like, especially, die art of
pitching, because there is so much
skill Involved and is very exciting
to watch. Big men might appear
awkward in small rooms, but when
you put them on a baseball field,
they become very graceful In doing
the things that is required of them."
As for a favorite major league
team, Mr. Egelston said that she
liked the Dodgers until they moved
west. Now she likes the Mets and
the Yankees since they are the
closest to home. As for a favorite
pro ball player, she says that Mickey
Mantle stands out among all others.
High Triples
TXO. ,
High Singlet
- The management of the Paladium
Lanes donated six trophies for the
members of the winning team. Potter Club's wining members are Len
Sneddon, Al Welcome, Andy Christian, Tom Flanagan, Don McGurrln, and Pat Pearson.
Mike Connelly of TXO will be the
•commissioner of League n for the
1965-66 season.
Volleyball Champs
by Carol Walling
On Tuesday afternoon, April 6,
the WAA all-star volleyball game
was played between the gals In the
Tuesday afternoon league and the
gals in the Thursday afternoon
The Thursday league came out
victorious, having capped two out
of the three games. On the champion Thursday team were Harolyn
Bergendahl, Kathy Farnsworth,
Karen Koch, Christine Massal,
Joyce Swain, and Bernadlne Whalen.
In the Thursday night basl otball
league, the sisters of Psl Hamma
triumphed over Bleeker by the close
score of 25-19. Kathy Farnsworth
paced the winners with a nifty 15
point output. She was followed in
the scoring column by Mary Lewis
and Sue Judge.
Sigma Alpha was awarded a forfeit win over Kappa Delta. The
playoff game to decide the WAA
basketball champslonshlp will be
between Psl Gamma and Sigma Alpha and will take place on Thursday,
April 22.
or Slighted ?
APRIL 2 3 , 1066
University Honors Convocation
To Recognize Scholastic Ability
The first University Honors Con- all the award winners, and of mem- scholastic achievement as a result
vocation will be held in Page Hall bers of the honorarles on campus. of this and future convocations.
on Sunday, April 25 at 2:30 p.m.
Following the program in Page
Heading the Signum Laudis group
This event I s co-sponsored by Hall a reception will be held for in working on the program have been
Slgnum Laudis and the University faculty and invited guests in Bru- Barbara Sayer, Lorraine Bernackl,
Committee on Awards. Dean Der- bacher Lower Lounge,
Sharon Bannister, Joseph Kestner.
ringer coordinated these two groups
On the University Committee on
Next to commencement, the
in an effort to have the convocation Honors Convocation Is the most im- Awards are Dr. Arthur Collins, Mrs.
recognize superior scholastic abil portant ceremony to take place at Helen Horowitz, Miss Mary Conklin,
ity and achievement among the mem- the university. It Is hoped that Mr. Ashley Bryan, Dr. Norman
bers of the University community. greater recognition will be given to Greenfeld, Miss Berger, Dean Ellen
Personal invitations will be Issued
Slokes, and Mr. Robert Anderson.
to those being honored, among whom
are members of all honorarles,
freshmen on Dean's List, upperclassmen with 3.0 cumulative averages, and the top ten freshmen and
An academic procession of about
sixty selected faculty members in
caps and gowns will open the pro- . The proposed final draft of the nomy over Greek matters, but that
gram. The Statesmen will furnish new student government constitution actions taken outside the realm of
FORMER MYSKANIA MEMBER prepares to be hit by a sponge as
the convocation with a musical In- was approved at the Provisional specific Greek affairs would be
Council meeting Wednesday night. subject to review by the Central
port of the show staged by that august body each year at their
This constitution will be voted on in Council.
booth. .
Special Awards
Several special awards will be a school-wide referendum which will
held sometime next week.
announced by Barbara Sayer, PresRatification Program
The exact date of the referendum
ident of Signum Laudis, and Dr.
Tlie new constitution, if ratified,
Arthur Collins, chairman of the was determined at a special meeting will go into effect upon the inauguUniversity Committee on Awards. of the Council held last night.
r a t i o n of the newly elected StuThe final draft of the constitution dent Association officers. RatificaSlgnum Laudis will present the
ten achievement awards to soph- was submitted by the Constitution tion requires a two-thirds affirmaomores and freshmen. The Ada Drafting Committee, comprised of tive vote with at least twenty per
State Fair, the annual costs to Greece,
Craig Walker award will be given Frank Crowley, Gene Tobey, Art cent of Student Association voting;
and Gary Speilmann, It
In effect, the ratification provision
fund raising drive to sup- in addition, money is allocated to to the Senior woman who best rep, Johnston,
, - .
in OUUIIIUII, .nuiwy »a WIUUKHU iu r esents.the ideals of the university. was this committee's task to or- of the new constitution will extend
ganize all the reports and proposals the life of Provisional Council bep o r t a f o r e i g n e x c h a n g e aslty
who will study overseas.
student, will begin tomor
of the various Pro Council com- yond the May 1 deadline provided for
The University supplements the a definite aptitude in school admin
mittees into one constitution.
in last March's constitutional
row at 1 p.m. in Pierce costs
for the exchange students. lstratlon will receive the Wheelock
There were few major changes amendment.
This extension was
Hall when Gamma Kappa
made by the drafting committee. made because the Pro Councilfeltit
Phi will present the kickOne change which inspired consid- was Impractical to attempt to orIn a departure from previous ceeding convocations will be a erable discussion on the floor was ganize all the commission areas
off show.
years, the Fair will be held out- speech of scholastic nature given the inclusion of a provision for a and the Central Council in the next
side. Miss Young explained that this by an eminent scholar or an alumnus Panhellenlc Council.
The presentation Is entitled "You was in keeping with the location of noted for academic research. This
year it was considered appropriate
Are There" and will satirically de- most fairs.
P a n h e l l e n i c Council
to ask President Evan P.. Collins
Financial Committee Report
pict famous historical events. The
If rain should dampen the spirit
The structure of this Panhellenic
The final reports of the finance
show will be held on Pierce Stage of the Fair the booths will be moved to give the address.
Council was formulated by a special committee were submitted to Pro
conwith a twenty-five cent admission. inside Brubacher and Alden Halls.
vocation will contain the names of committee which had been appointed Council. In the next few days, the
to examine the problem of relating Council must review the decisions
Following the performance, all
the Greeks to student government. of this committee and decide if it
booths will be open. Appearing again
This committee, consistlngof mem- concurs with the additions and rein the Fair this year, will be the old
bers of Pro Council and representa- ductions in the various organizaMYSKANIA's sponge throwing booth.
tives from IFS-ISC, was chaired by tions' budgets.
This booth permits any student, who
William Laundry.
Also included in the finance compays a nominal fee, the right to
Dr. Harry Levin, Chairman of the was cancelled and Is being preThere was little controversy over
throw three wet sponges at any Department of Comparative Litera- sented today, on the 401st anniver- the committee's proposal that Greek mittee report was a report of the
into the signing of the
Myskle member.
ture at Harvard University, will de- sary of the birth of William Shakes- life on this campus shall be related yearbook contract for 1965-06. The
liver a lecture today at 1:25 p.m. peare.
to student government through Pan- investigation had been undertaken
Phi Delta
in Page Hall on the subject of "The
hellenic Council, which would serve because Steve Curtl, Yearbook EdiPhi Delta is scheduled to hold Its Names in Shakespeare."
as the coordinating body of the In- tor, had signed the contract prior
Professor at Harvard
annual slave auction in which the
and Intersorority to the Council's approval of the
Dr. Levin has taught English at terfraterntty
Considered to be a Shakespearean Harvard on both the undergraduate Councils,
sisters of the sorority are sold to
yearbooks '65-'6C budget. The Comthe highest bidder to do various scholar, Dr. Levin Is presenting his and graduate levels, Several of his
The proposal that Panhellenic mittee, feeling that there was some
lecture as an extension of the Ren- seminars have concerned Shakes- Council be represented on Central
prescribed tasks.
aissance Symposium, held at SUN YA peare, and Shakespearean criticism. Council by two voting members pre- conflicting testimony, recommended
that the matter be referred to MYSIf any auctioneer gets out of hand earlier this year. At that time var- In addition, Dr. Levin has taught cipitated much debate. It was finally KANIA for further investigation and
he may be corraled In Chi Sigma ious aspects of the Renaissance,In- courses on American
Fiction passed, with the understanding that any possible punitive action deemed
Theta's Jail, The sisters will be cluding art, music, science and phil- writers, and Elizabethan Contem- the Greeks shall retain their auto- necessary.
policing the Fair to Jail dosporate osophy were discussed.
poraries of Shakespeare.
However, the scheduled ShakesReceiving his A.13. suinina cum
The wives of faculty will again peare lecture for the Symposium laude from Harvard In 1033, Dr.
hold their bake sale which has proved
Levin went on to receive Ills Lltt.
""Mil . •
quite popular In the past.
D. from Syracuse University in r
1052, and his LL.D. from the Uni- j j
Closing Show
versity of Saint Andrews in 1002.
The Fair will conclude with a
variety show directed hy Ann DlgHe has delivered lectures at apney and Hose Koch. It will be held
proximately 100 colleges nnd union Pierce Hall Stage at 3:45 p.m.
versities, and has written nine books
and will feature many students who
in addition to editing eight volumes.
performed In the All University
Most of these have dealt with ShakesReception,
peare and his contemporaries.
Council Gives Approval To
Final Constitutional Draft
Annual State Fair to Feature
Show, Organization Booths
Harvard Shakespeare Scholar
To Give Lecture Today in Page
Quality Shoes
Men, Children
203 Central Ave
Stuyvesant Plana
Open Evenings
'Silver Dollar Radio'
6 4 0 on your radio dial
Ginger Dupell and Doris Young,
co-chairmen of Hie Fair, indicated
that there wore many organizations
who had not announced the theme of
their booth,
Dr. Lovin's most recent article
was entitled "Othello and the Motive-Hunters," It Is preceded by
. Thoy said that they hoped to raise
approximately $1000 to support
Maria Georglopoulos, the foreign
exchange student from Greece, The
money that is raised pays her tuition,
living expenses and transportation
some seventy other articles dealing
with a multitude of topics. He has
had took reviews published in several magazines, among them, the
"Nation," "Kenyon Review," "New PRO COUNCIL GOES Into its final stages as a functioning StuYork Times Book Review," and the dent Government by voting on the Pinal Draft of the Now Student
"Shakespeare Quarterly,"
Writes E x t e n s i v e l y
Or. Horry Levin
...Shakespeare's 'Names' '