Tourism Brand Guidelines
Tourism Brand Guidelines
Carolyn Laronde I P.O. Box 482, Temagami, Ontario POH 2H0 I Tel: (705) 569-2904 January6, 2016 Mayor & Council Mumcipahty of Temagami P.O. Box 220, Temagami, Ontario POH2HO Re: Temagami Economic DeveloDment . — - Tourism Strategy In 2009 Mattawa and area began to undertake the formation of a coalition to align organizations and resources, business owners and others in hopes to create opportunities for growth through tourism. They successfully developed a “tourism coalition to foster sustainable economic development and growth in the region, through tourism, while respecting the regions’ unique culture and ecosystems and enhancing the quality of life for community residents.” I am suggesting that Municipality of Temagami take the lead to do something similar for this area/region. While it took several years to develop, The Mattawa Voyageur Country Tourism Coalition created a strong foundation for tourism and consequently tourism development is thriving in Mattawa, with 2 full time economic development staff. Funding may be available from FedNor, MNDM, Trillium Foundation and Northeastern Ontaro Tourism to support this work. Attached are two documents worth reading relating to Mattawa Voyageur Country and their initiatives. Let the discussions begin! Thank you, 1’ 1 Carolyn Laronde Att. -Mattawa VC Tourism Brand Guidelines -Mattawa VC Tourism Coalition Agreement r) ,.‘ / e L1’ -‘‘ www.Vis Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park Tourism Brand Guidelines About the Mattawa Voyageur Country Brand & Guidelines The brand encompasses everything that we communicate about the region through images and text. It is not just about logos and taglines. It is the promise that we make to visitors – what they will experience and how they will feel when they are here. It sets the stage for what consumers will associate with Mattawa Voyageur Country as a travel destination. www.VisitMattawa.trave Vision Mattawa Voyageur Country is recognized as one of Canada’s leading sustainable outdoor recreation regions. It is the “gateway community” of choice for people looking to visit or relocate to an area with exceptional natural beauty, rich cultural and heritage attributes, high-quality trail-based experiences and outdoor adventures, a clean environment and a friendly, small-town atmosphere. These guidelines have been developed based on the Mattawa Voyageur Country Marketing Strategy 2011 – 2013. This can be downloaded from the “About Us” section at Mission To inspire consumers to discover Mattawa Voyageur Country and to entice them to visit and/or stay longer in the region. Brand Promise Mattawa Voyageur Country offers visitors a diverse set of authentic experiences within a unique, spectacular and unspoiled Canadian landscape that is steeped with cultural legends. Its new, surprising and diverse four-season outdoor adventures can provide extreme challenges to outdoor avids or can foster a complete sense of relaxation and connection to nature. Being close to the comforts of friendly small towns and a nearby urban centre, it is easy for families to share memorable summer vacations. Its unique and historic blend of cultures make it a surprisingly vibrant and cultured destination to learn, live or visit – with impressive museums, lively music festivals, outdoor events and learning programs. Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park Brand Pillars Mattawa Voyageur Country’s brand promise is based on four pillars that define its key attributes as a visitor destination. They are the foundation for everything that we do or say in support of Mattawa Voyageur Country experiences. Natural Adventure Relaxed Quality of Life Family Fun Cultural Diversity MVC is home to new, surprising, authentic, relaxing or challenging four-season outdoor adventures in a spectacular, pristine natural setting of significant Canadian rivers, lakes and landscapes – a place where visitors can easily enjoy the great outdoors while being close to friendly small towns and a nearby urban centre. MVC is a region where it is easy and affordable for families to share memorable and relaxed family vacations centered on discovery, special events and outdoor experiences. MVC is the destination of choice for people looking to vacation, relocate or become a seasonal resident in a region with spectacular natural beauty, rich cultural and heritage attributes, reasonably-priced real estate and a safe, friendly, small-town atmosphere. It is ideal for exploring, rejuvenation, personal fulfillment, learning, retirement and small business development. MVC is rich in Canadian heritage and culture. Located where the Mattawa and Ottawa Rivers meet, it is steeped with legends from one of Canada’s oldest known Aboriginal travel and Voyageur trade routes. Today, visitors enjoy its unique blend of English, Francophone and Aboriginal communities, stimulating museums and outdoor exhibits, renowned artisans and variety of music festivals and outdoor events. Tourism Brand Guidelines 3 Brand Imagery MVC’s primary imagery and video will focus on the brand pillars, preferably combining more than one pillar, depending on campaign and/or tactic. If a campaign focuses on a single brand pillar or niche market, images will reflect the target market sharing experiences. An image bank will be set up for image and video management. MVC’s secondary imagery could include annual or one-time events and other supporting experiences (e.g. dining, accommodation, etc.). Images will evoke feeling, capture sense of place As per OTMPC guidelines, our imagery will Work hard to capture a spontaneous and real moment in time – one that evokes an emotional reaction and encourages consumers to see themselves in the picture. We will use local images and video materials with a representative person of our target markets (e.g. outdoor avids/nature; families; retired roamers,etc.) doing distinctive outdoor activities, showing feelings and emotional response. The unique regional characteristics, people and landscapes, especially water, will be included in the imagery. The images will include a location name so a sense of place is identified. 4 Tourism Brand Guidelines Main Brand Image Voyageur Canoe, Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park Iconic Images for Each Brand Pillar: Natural Adventure •Camping/RVing – Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park, Algonquin Provincial Park, private campgrounds and RV parks •Canoeing/kayaking – Mattawa River, Ottawa River, Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park, Algonquin Provincial Park, other lakes •ATVing – Voyageur Multi Use Trail System (VMUTS), in towns •Hiking - Eau Claire Gorge, Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park Relaxed Quality of Life Images with older couples (45 to 65) enjoying learning activities, training at CEC, natural adventures, recreation, relaxation, cottaging, landscapes, town images - statues, artisans, etc. Quality of life – slow paced, relaxed, no crowds, small business – computer on dock. •Photography/Wildlife Viewing – moose, deer, bear, birds, flora, scenery, etc. Cultural Diversity •House-boating, boating and/or fishing on the Ottawa River •Big Joe Mufferaw •Horseback riding – guided tours or self-guided on VMUTS trail •Dr. S. F. Monestime, Canada’s First Black Mayor •Mountain Biking – VMUTS, local roads •Heritage Programs – Samuel De Champlain Provincial Park (Voyageur Canoe Tour, park guides/heritage programs), Nature’s Harmony programs Past Legends: •Anahareo, Wife of Grey Owl •Voyageurs/Fur Traders - Samuel De Champlain, Etienne Brule, etc. (historic plaques, museums) •First Spike •3 Crosses •Aboriginal Legends •Snowmobiling - OFSC Snowmobile Trails •Mattawa River, a Canadian Heritage River •X-Country Skiing, kicksledding, snowshoeing – Nature’s Harmony Legends in the Making: •Argo Tours – VMUTS, 3 crosses, etc. Events: North Bay to Mattawa Canoe Race, Lost in Rocks and Trees Mountain Biking Race, Greenest Run, ATV Rallies, National Canoe Day, Summer Series events. Family Fun Same as above but focus on family images in summer only. Secondary images: Families in front of statues, Voyageur Days, etc. Events: Voyageur Days, National Canoe Day, Samuel de Champlain PP heritage programs, Adventure Week events • Clermont Duval, Artist • Maxwell Pottery, Artisan • Legend of Timmins family, Moosehead Estate and Retreat • Greenest Race in Canada, Nature’s Harmony • Toughest Mountain Bike Race in Ontario, Lost in Rocks and Trees • Valdy, Canadian Folk Legend, New Moon Café • Best ATV Trails in Canada - Voyageur Multi Use Trail System • Voyageur Days – One of Ontario’s top 100 Festivals • Music Legends in Mattawa Voyageur Country (testimonials from music stars) • Aboriginal Pow-Wow, Aboriginal Day Event • National Canoe Day on Mattawa River Tourism Brand Guidelines 5 Brand Vocabulary/Tone The Mattawa Voyageur Country brand speaks directly to the audience in a personal, inviting way that emphasizes MVC’s unique experiences. Additionally, the language will compliment the brand language used by CTC, OTMPC, Near North, RTO13, etc. We will use experiential action words that will connect with our target markets. Brand Palette The colour palette is made up of 5 colours that best represent Mattawa Voyageur Country. Each colour can capture the essence of some sort of experience. You have the opportunity to choose the colours that best reflect the look and feel you want to portray. This colour palette speaks to the nature loving and adventurous market. Blue and green share a connection with nature, water and land, and are calming and soothing colours. Red and yellow create an encouraging colour set that promotes an upbeat, outgoing, adventurous disposition. This assortment of colours can reflect a diverse and active lifestyle when used together or apart. VOYAGEUR RED LAKE ROSSEAU NIPISSING 6 Tourism Brand Guidelines PMS 1955 CMYK C8 M100 Y47 K39 RGB R141 G27 B61 HEX PMS 7545 CMYK C55 M30 Y17 K51 RGB R81 G98 B111 8D1B3D HEX 51626F PMS 288 PMS 7409 CMYK C100 M75 Y6 K24 CMYK C0 M33 Y98 K0 RGB R0 G44 B119 RGB R238 G175 B0 HEX 002C77 HEX EEAF00 PMS 5615 CMYK C48 M17 Y41 K51 RGB R89 G112 B93 HEX 59705D COUNTRY STONE ALGONQUIN This logo is to be used for tourism promotions. In this instance the Mattawa Voyageur Country logo shown V V Brand Format VisitMatta below must have the web address, (not the slogan Experience Algonquin North) The colour of the URL is Country Stone and should always be this colour when added on with this MVC logo. When the URL is shown alone it can be one of two colours; Lake Rosseau or Voyageur Red. The municipality names (Bonfield, Calvin, Mattawa, Mattawan, Papineau-Cameron) may be used on occasion, however, this would not be a standard feature. This would be determined on a case-by-case basis. COUNTRY STONE www.VisitMatta www.Vi www.Vi LAKE ROSSEAU VOYAGEUR RED Use of Leaves The additional of the iconic leaves can be used in any creative. Brand Typography Warnock Pro: Bold Caption Italic Semibold P22 Cezanne Regular (customized) *suggested font text copy: Univers Family size:10.5 pt Tourism Brand Guidelines 7 The 2011 to 2013 Marketing Campaign The 2011 to 2013 main marketing campaign will be centered around the lead message: EXPLORE WHERE LEGENDS ARE MADE! The primary target markets are: outdoor avids/nature (Summer, Fall & Winter); Families (Summer) and in-market visitors/traffic on Hwy 17 (Year-round). There will be three types of main campaign tactics developed including lure, fulfillment and in-market. Additional specialized sub-campaigns may be developed as follows: Nature & Adventure Campaign – COME EXPLORE WHERE LEGENDS ARE MADE! Family Fun Campaign – CREATE A LEGENDARY FAMILY VACATION! Motorsports & Fishing Campaign – COME EXPLORE WHERE LEGENDS ARE MADE! Adventure Events Campaign – BECOME A LEGEND! Lifestyle Campaign – DISCOVER A LEGENDARY PLACE TO LEARN, LIVE AND VISIT! Our Current Collateral Examples of existing collateral (banner, fabric wall, bookmark and website screen), contest card from last year. WIN the Voyag eur A Great Ca na dvent ure C dian ontes In Augu st t Mattaw 2010, 4 luc ky ad a Vo ve yageur Canadia Country nturers will n explore , a region adventu histor y and teeming steeped res. Th e pr in wi V th ize pack •2 day age inc modern day Host: s wit Kevin ludes: Callan be a “H h renowne d autho appy Ca canoe r, Kevin mper” trip and enj Ca oy a gu llan - learn •4 nig ided day how to hts of long “glam canvas tents in ping” (glam oro Samuel •Meal de Cham us camping) s and “C in spa plain Pro ampfire •Exci vincial cious Cooking ting Att Park ” ins rac truction Mattawa tio Museu ns: Voyageur Voyag m, Vo Herita eur sta ge Cano tues and yageur Mu e seum, •Hiki more ng and Maxw Tour, ell Potte mountai ry, •Matt n biking awa Vo advent yageur ures •Tran Country sporta prize pac tion allo k wance Enter onlin e to W IN Value is appr Cont es and cl t opens Fe oses June bruary 26 No purc 15, 20 , 2010 10 See web hase necessar site y. oximat ely $2 ,5 Mus for and is void whe official rule t be age of maj s. Con Redeem ority re test is able Aug prohibited. not avai if Canadia Some ust 14 activities lable to Quen resident. to 18, 2010. are wea bec ther-dep residents endant. www.V 00 Tourism Brand Guidelines 8 Collateral (English and French sites) Contest postcard Full page ad in Get Out There Magazine web banners on www.VisitMattawa.travelMAttAwA RIvER CANOE RACE COME EXPLORE WHERE LEGENDS ARE MADE! VENEZ VOUS PLONGER DANS LA LÉGENDE RUN Off-thE-GRID LOSt IN thE ROCkS AND tREES Come and feel the magic where the Mattawa and Ottawa Rivers meet. Located just east of North Bay, Ontario, Mattawa Voyageur Country provides endless opportunity for exciting year-round adventures, authentic rural charm, unique places to eat and friendly bilingual hospitality. Become a legend during one of our races! Venez au confluent des rivières Mattawa et Ottawa et imprégnez-vous de leur magie. Situé juste à l’est de North Bay, en Ontario, Mattawa Voyageur County vous offre d’innombrables occasions de vivre, toute l’année, des aventures captivantes, de profiter de son charme rural authentique, de ses endroits où manger et de son accueil chaleureux bilingue. Entrez dans la légende pendant l’une de nos courses! 2011 LEGENDARY RACES COURSES LÉGENDAIRES 2011 • LOSt IN thE ROCkS AND tREES July 16, 2011/Le 16 juillet 2011 Ontario’s Toughest Mountain Bike Race La course en vélo de montagne la plus difficile de l’Ontario 30km, 60km, 110km • MAttAwA RIvER CANOE RACE July 23, 2011/Le 23 juillet 2011 The Jewel in the OMCKRA’s Racing Schedule Le joyau du programme de courses OMCKRA 64 km • RUN Off-thE-GRID September 24, 2011/Le 24 septembre 2011 Ontario’s Race with the Smallest Footprint La course à la superficie la plus petite en Ontario 25km, 50km Tourism Brand Guidelines 9 Collateral Regional Map Piece. Used to highlight area attractions and festivals. Available at the Information Centre Tent Card Placed in local establishments to highlight the area Tourism Brand Guidelines 10 Collateral Bannerstand Posterboards for Information Centre squa Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park Eau Claire Gorge Algonquin Provincial Park Voyageur Multi-Use Trail System Voyageur Multi-Use Trail System V Bonfield VisitMattawa www.V www.VisitMattawa.t Tourism Brand Guidelines 11 Collateral Discovery Routes Map and Rack Card. Project Recognition Plaque Collateral E-newsletters (spring edition shown) 3 Additional editons to come both in English and French Looping video shown at Information Centre Large TV display with Looping video. Collateral Information centre literature racks and display cases. Collateral Scenic Route Signs Travel-Visitor Signs This document is subject to change upon final approval CREATED: June, 2011 TOURISM COALITION AGREEMENT CREATING THE OPPORTUNITY FOR GROWTH THROUGH TOURISM The Mattawa Voyageur Country Tourism Coalition is a collaborative of 10 organizations including: Mattawa Bonfield Economic Development Corporation 160 Water Street Mattawa, ON P0H 1V0 Contact: Jacques Begin Tel: 705-744-2311 The Canadian Ecology Centre P.O. Box 430 Mattawa, ON P0H 1V0 Contact: Bill Steer, General Manager Tel: 705-744-1715 Mattawa-Bonfield Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 189 Mattawa, ON P0H 1V0 Contact: Tzach Elnekave Tel: 705-223-4340 Bonfield Agriculture Society (waiting for a letter) Contact: Jean Chaput Tel: 705-776-9820 Mattawa Equestrian Club P.O. Box 564 Mattawa, ON P0H 1V0 Contact: Diane Corriveau, Treasurer Tel: 705-744-2597 Mattawa and Area Snowmobile Club Contact: Francine Brazeau Tel: 705-472-2700 Mattawa Voyageur Days P.O. Box 719 Mattawa, ON P0H 1V0 Contact: Lynne Bastien, Co-chair Tel: 705-744-0222 Canadore College 100 College Drive North Bay, ON P1B 8K9 Contact: David Himmelman, Dean of Schools of Hospitality and Tourism and Recreation and Leisure Tel: 705-474-7600 Ontario Parks P.O. Box 147 Mattawa, ON P0H 1V0 Contact: Tracey Snarr, Park Superintendent Mattawa-Ottawa River Valley Provincial Parks Tel: 705-744-2276 Voyageur Multi Use Trail System P.O. Box 39 Mattawa, ON P0H 1V0 Contact: Bob Rowlandson, President Tel: 705-744-1565 Purpose: Overview of the Mattawa Voyageur Country Tourism Coalition The MVC Tourism Coalition is a sub-committee of the MBEDC. It includes 10 member organizations plus a MVC resource team. The resource team includes MBEDC staff, a tourism intern and a consultant. Founded in January 2009, it has brought the MBEDC, individual community organizations and businesses together. It has created the platform for the development of new experiences, events and regional marketing promotions as well as the opportunity for tourism education, training and workshops for local residents and business owners, through partnerships with Canadore College and Canadian Ecology Centre. The mandate of the tourism coalition is to foster sustainable economic development and growth in the region, through tourism, while respecting the regions' unique culture and ecosystems and enhancing the quality of life for community residents. The mission of the tourism coalition is to work co-operatively to fulfil the regional tourism vision, which will result in business retention, expansion and attraction. Introduction to the Mattawa Voyageur Country Tourism Coalition 2 Vision: Mattawa Voyageur Country is recognized as one of Canada's leading sustainable outdoor recreation regions. It is the "gateway community" of choice for people looking to visit or relocate to an area with exceptional natural beauty, rich culture and heritage, high-quality trail-based experiences and outdoor adventures, a clean environment and a friendly, small-town atmosphere. The tourism coalition has the following objectives: 1. To facilitate the development of a community tourism coalition which recognizes the collective benefit of working together in a unified voice. To define the best prospective markets for MVC based on existing National, Provincial (e.g. OTMPC, Ministry of Tourism, etc.), regional market research. To create an inventory of features and resources available in the area (i.e. natural resources/attractions; cultural resources/attractions; accommodations; restaurants; local food suppliers; retail; outfitters/guides; storytellers; musician; events, etc.) using GIS mapping. To faciliate the development of unique and high quality tourism experiences, in partnership with community organizations and businesses, that will meet market demand. To create and implement a 3 year strategic business and marketing plan that aligns with the Northern Ontario Tourism Strategy, Northern Portal and Ministry of Tourism's Discovering Ontario; A Report on the Future of Tourism. To develop and coordinate destination readiness including: a. Effective relationships with government (e.g. Municipal, MNR, Ontario Parks, OTMPC, Mtour, MTCU, FedNor, MNDM, etc.) to reduce/eliminate barriers to tourism development. b. Building community capacity for tourism development and customer service (i.e. having a labour force and volunteers that are well trained, skilled and multilingual, etc.) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Key Accomplishments since January 29, 2009: • • • Commitment (financial and human resources) by MBEDC to support tourism development in the region Commitment (financial and human resources) by 10 organizations to work together as a Tourism Coalition GIS Mapping to create inventory and analysis of regional tourism assets (completed) • Phase 1 – Spring/Summer Marketing (2009) o Received funding support from NECO and Tourism Coalition) o Creation of region tourism-focused website o Creation of bookmarks to push to new website o Creation of partner promotion badges for new website o Cross promotion of region through Voyageur Days • Phase 2 – Building Community Capacity (2009-2011) o Received Trillium Foundation funding o Training and Workshops Building Experiences and Bundles Creating Successful Events on Trails Using Digital Media for Tourism Promotion and Importance of Cascading Website Marketing Introduction to Tourism and Customer Service Creating a Successful Outdoor Adventure Business o Product and Experience Development Creation of MVC Food and Trade Show Creation of programming to attract New Canadians/New to Outdoors Markets (e.g. Glamping, intro to camping, cooking, etc.) Voyageur themed equipment (e.g. tents, cooking pots, costumes, etc.) to support experience/product development and events Winter ATV and Snowmobiling Event • Attendance at the Outdoor Adventure Show Feb 2010 with contest • Creation of “Outdoors Made Easy” contest, hosted by Kevin Callan in Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park, and featuring local culture and assets Introduction to the Mattawa Voyageur Country Tourism Coalition • 3 Phase 3 – Project Management and Marketing (2010 to Present) o FedNor and OMFRA – RED funding o Project Management Services o Ongoing product development in region o Marketing & Promotions Brand development toolkit Website upgrades Phase 2 GIS interactive programming – Q3 Smart PhoneTour Guide E-marketing campaign Photography and video Display materials Print, radio, advertising Contest development & promotion Lifestyle Attraction campaign Media relations Regional signage (in-market) Travel and Trade Shows French Market Campaign/translation Ongoing Product Development: • Voyageur Days Summer Series (music and events every Saturday) • Bike Train & Lost in the Rocks and Trees Event • Ongoing programming – “ Outdoors made Easy” – Ontario Parks, CEC and local outfitters Job Created: • Temporary intern position was turned into a full time Tourism Development Coordinator position • Intern has been hired to support Tourism Development Coordinator • Q3 Technologies relocated to Mattawa Voyageur Country • Potential for additional jobs through Q3 training at Canadian Ecology Centre Community Contact: Mike Stiell, Tourism Development Coordinator Email: [email protected] Tel: 705-744-1715 ext 631 Tourism Coalition Facilitator: Trish Manning Manning Consulting Group Inc. Email: [email protected] Tel: 705-385-9226