February 2016 - Holy Taxiarhai and Saint Haralambos Greek
February 2016 - Holy Taxiarhai and Saint Haralambos Greek
You Belong Here! The MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF THE HOLY TAXIARHAI AND SAINT HARALAMBOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 7373 CALDWELL AVENUE, NILES, ILLINOIS · 60714 PHONE (847) 647-8880 WWW.SAINTHARALAMBOSGOC.ORG “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18) February 2016 The Holy Taxiarhai and Saint Haralambos Greek Orthodox Community invites you to “Be The Future” 65th Anniversary Dinner Dance Sunday, February 14, 2016 5:30 pm Cocktails 6:30 pm Dinner Empress Banquets 200 East Lake Street Addison, Illinois Make Your Reservations Now! WORSHIP SCHEDULE February 2016 Tuesday, Feb 2—The Presentation 8:30 am—Orthros and Liturgy Friday, Feb 5 7:00 pm—Paraclesis to St. Haralambos Sunday, February 7 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:30 am—Divine Liturgy Tues, Feb 9—Feastday of St. Haralambos 7:00 pm—Great Vespers Wednesday, February 10— ST HARALAMBOS THE PRIEST MARTYR 8:30 am—Orthros 10:00 am—Hierarchical Divine Liturgy Sunday, February 14 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:30 am—Divine Liturgy Sunday, February 21 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:30 am—Divine Liturgy Sunday, February 28 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:30 am—Divine Liturgy Saturday, March 5—ΨΥΧΟΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ 8:30 am—Orthros and Divine Liturgy Sunday, March 6—Meat-Fare Sunday 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:30 am—Divine Liturgy 2016 STEWARDSHIP YOU BELONG HERE! 2016 STEWARDSHIP UPDATE As of January 27, 2016: 190 families have committed $ 119,295.00 Have you become a 2016 steward yet? YOU ARE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN OUR MINISTRIES! THE PARISH COUNCIL—The Parish Council, together with our priests, handles the everyday operation of the Church. New people are always needed. (Elections took place in December.) All parish council meetings are open to our stewards, except when executive session is announced. ST HARALAMBOS PHILOPTOCHOS is the official women’s organization of the Greek Orthodox Church. It is a philanthropic, social and service sisterhood. Our Philoptochos is DYNAMITE! THE PTA (Afternoon School, Saturday School, Day School) The PTA is the most important partner and asset of every school. It is able to complete and round out school programs and activities and offer valuable assistance to the students and the teachers. It is important for each of the PTA’s of our three school to be strong and active. We need you! OUTREACH COMMITTEE —The Outreach Committee plays a key role in the church’s mandate to serve. It provides an opportunity for our members to help the poor and lonely in a real, “hands on” way. The Outreach Committee coordinates our “Meals on Wheels” to shut-ins, “Bessie’s Kitchen” feed the hungry program, the Coat Drive and other projects. New people and new ideas are always welcome! BOOK AND BIBLE STUDY—This study group meets weekly to dig into the deeper meaning of the Scriptures that we may implement them in our life. Our Bible Study meets with Deacon John weekly on Tuesday evenings. YOUTH WORKERS—We welcome persons who enjoy working with young people to help as youth group advisors! If you are interested, please speak with Fr. Dean or Fr. George! SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS—We are so grateful to our teachers who volunteer so much time in preparing and teaching our children! Would you like to help? Please contact Presvytera Georgia! STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE —Stewardship is the life and oxygen of our church. Every year, a Stewardship Program is designed and distributed to our members. Would you like to help? Call Fr. Dean! PROPHORA MINISTRY—One excellent form of Stewardship is expressed through offering the Prosphora for the Divine Liturgy. We thank the many persons and families on our Prosphoro Schedule; if you can offer your help, it would be greatly appreciated! FOOD FEST COMMITTEE —The St. Haralambos Big Greek Food Fest is a major event for us and for our patrons. It is a big project, and takes a lot of work! If you are willing to offer your help, let us know. Meetings will begin in early Spring. SACRAMENTS AND BLESSINGS MINISTRY TO PERSONS WHO ARE SICK-We urge Orthodox Christians who would like to receive Holy Sacraments but are unable to attend church (hospitalized or at home) to contact the church office so Holy Sacraments can be administered to them. If your loved one is hospitalized please call us, even if the illness is not serious! In a holistic approach to healing and well-being, a visit from the priest can be very positive. Most hospitals do not inform us when they receive patients from our parish. We depend on you! BLESSINGS OF INFANTS—Forty days after birth, a child and its mother come to church to receive a 40 Day Blessing, imitating Christ who was presented in the Temple 40 days after He was born. Please call the church office to arrange this blessing. BAPTISMS—Please call the church office to schedule Baptisms. Plan ahead!—there are some days when Baptisms are not performed. Keep in mind that there should be only one Godparent and that a child is supposed to be given one name when he or she is baptized. WEDDINGS—Please arrange an appointment with Fr. Dean at least eight months before the proposed wedding date to allow time for all necessary marriage preparation. CONFESSION—Confessions are arranged by appointment. Please call the church office to schedule Confession. MEMORIAL SERVICES—Memorial Services are offered for the eternal rest of persons who have fallen asleep in the Lord. Customarily, these services are offered at 40 days, at 6 months, at 1 year and at 3 years. When three years have passed, the departed are more properly remembered on the Saturdays of the Souls. HOLY TAXIARHAI AND SAINT HARALAMBOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH HOLY TAXIARHAI AND SAINT HARALAMBOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH NILES, ILLINOIS From Father Dean February 2016 Dear Stewards and Friends, February! Big news! What a busy and wonderful month it will be! The Feastday of our patron Saint Haralambos falls on Wednesday, February 10, and we will honor his memor y with a Paraclesis to St. Haralambos on Friday, February 5, Great Vespers on the 9th, and Divine Liturgy on February 10th. Plan to join us in honoring our Patron Saint! We will continue the festivities with our “Be the Future” Dinner Dance on Sunday evening, February 14 at the Empress in Addison, IL. Make your reservations to come and celebrate with us! Do you feel the electricity in the air? Did you received the brochure and packet about our new Community Center Expansion? We have officially started our fund-raising drive to make this beautiful expansion a reality! We are now embarking on a new, major project and we are all asked to make a special sacrifice over a three-year period. It is important for each of us to provide as much support as we can! As you know, we must have commitments for 60% of the cost in order to start construction. We are asking for all commitments by March 31. With everyone’s love and contribution, construction can begin this summer! Please be generous. Stay tuned for updates! Before we know it, Great Lent will be here. The Triodion (pre-lent) begins on Sunday, February 21st, and we look forward to all the special observances that characterize this pre-Lenten season: our annual Tsiknopempti Dinner which our Philoptochos ladies will host on Thursday, March 3 and our annual Apokreatiko Glendi, which our PTA will host on Saturday, March 5. During the first weeks of Triodion, according to our Orthodox Christian tradition, we ease into Great Lent gradually. There is no fasting permitted in the first week of Triodion (Feb 21-27). The second week (Feb 22-28), we are to fast on Wednesday and Friday; the other days we are permitted all foods, but Sunday, March 6 is Meat-Fare (Απόκρεας) Sunday—the last day of eating meat until Pascha. The week of March 7-13 is Cheese-Fare week, and all manners of milk and cheese products are prescribed every day, with March 13 as Cheese-Fare Sunday, or the day we say good-bye to dairy products. On that evening we have the Vespers of Forgiveness, and the next day is Pure Monday (Καθαρά Δευτέρα), the first day of the Great Fast, which we observe with a modest Lenten community meal. I would like to remind you of the importance of making your 2016 Stewardship Commitment. This commitment is an expr ession of our suppor t for our church for one full year, whether we commit in January or in December. Although we are asking for support of our Phase 3 Expansion, we still have to pay our electricity and other bills! As our personal and household expenses increase every year, so do the church’s. Stewardship works if we all increase our level of giving every year, even if it’s only a few dollars! If you have not yet made your 2016 commitment, please do so as soon as you can! Finally, let’s thank our advertisers who make our monthly VISIONS Newsletter possible. Please read through our list of sponsors, and patronize them! Have a Happy February! Proistamenos………….….….Fr. Constantine P. Botsis Synefimerios…………….…….....Fr. George Lamberis Pastoral Assistant........…...... Deacon John G. Suhayda Chanter……………..........……..….…..Nick Harisiadis Parish Council Officers President……..……...…...……… Perry Giannopoulos Vice President…..….............….……..… Nick Andrews Treasurer……………..…....................... David Loomos Secretary…………………….….......... Argy Koutsikos Phase III Chairman……..................Perry Giannopoulos Stewardship………………….. Budget Committee Chairman ….....Perry Giannopoulos Building & Grounds Chairman……. …………. Michael Pontikes and Theodoros Karabatsos Decor Committee Chairman..............Stephan Aliferakis Finance Committee Chairman…................ Tom Sikoral Outreach Committee……….…………..…..John Pierce School Board Chairman............….....Olympia Bournias Audit Committee Chairman…..………….Evan Houpis Food Fest Chairman………………. Philoptochos President...……...............Maria Dimitriou PTA Co-Presidents (Afternoon School)…. ...…....Anna Sikoral and Kathy Ioannidis PTA President (Preschool)………...Marianna Memmos PTA Co-Presidents (Saturday School)……. .. ....Angelo Mihalopoulos and Georgia Pipikios Greek School Principal……........ Mrs. Anastasia Liapi Saturday School Director...Mrs. Andrianna Panayiotou Preschool Director…..…..……….....Mrs. Rita Petratos Sunday School Director…....Presvytera Georgia Botsis Athletic Director………..…..…....…… David Loomos Scoutmaster..……………….....….. George Alpogianis Asst Scoutmaster…………....……... Vasili Zimbrakos Asst Cubmaster…………….....………....... John Frake Little Angels………….……………...Mrs. Tasia Liapi YAL President…….................….....Christina Pappadis GOYA President…......................... ……... Alex Anton Jr. Goya Advisor………………..…… Jolynn Ruggerio Bookstore Manager……..….........……Jolynn Ruggerio Web Master.….....……..….…...…..…. George Houpis Office Staff… ..Barbara Skaouris and Alexandra Grivas Maintenance Staff….Juan Caro and Carolina Contreras .. IN THIS ISSUE: About our Community (pg 2) Letter from our Priest (pg 3) Announcements (pg 4-5) Our 2016 Stewards (pg 6) Outreach Committee (pg 7) Phase 3! (pg 8) Passages (pg 9) Calendar (pg 10) COMMUNITY NEWS BE THE FUTURE!—Please make your reservations for Sunday evening, February 14 for our annual Dinner Dance, called “BE THE FUTURE!” at Empress Banquets in Addison! We will be celebrating our community’s 65th Anniversary, and anticipating the next big step in the life of our community! This is one of our important events, and we ask for your support. PROGRAM BOOK— In conjunction with our Anniversary Celebration, we will have a Program Book, and we are looking for sponsorships. Contracts are available from the church office. Please give us your support! MARTHA AND MARY MATERNITY HOUSE is a Pan Orthodox ministry that offers practical, emotional and spiritual support for expectant mothers who are alone or without a safe home, through pregnancy and childbirth. Located in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, it provides housing, meals, access to medical care, privacy and confidentiality. Any woman in need of crisis pregnancy support can contact [email protected] STEWARDSHIP 2016 —Our Church’s most important resource is our STEW A RDSHIP. By now you should have received our 2016 Stewardship mailing. We urge you to read the information carefully, and to make a bold and faith-filled commitment to your church for 2016. We ask everyone to make their commitment by February 10 (even thought your commitment is not fully due until December), so that we can determine our church’s needs. We rely on you! 2016 MISSION TEAMS ARE NOW FORMING! The Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) is forming teams to serve the church’s needs all around the world! You must be in good health and at least 18 years of age. For more info, visit http:/ www.ocmc.org PARISH COUNCIL OFFICERS—Congratulations to the newly elected officers of the 2016 Parish Council: President: Perry Giannopoulos Vice President: Nick Andrews Treasurer: David Loomos Secretary: Argy Koutsikos Ass. Treasurer: Bill Bozikis Asst Secretary: Katerina Apithis 2nd Asst Treas: Anthony Rizos Members: Christos Agalliu, John Aliferis, Dr Thomas Bournias, Angelo Demeros, Nick Gianaris, Dino Houpis, Krystal Ioannou, Thomas Kanelos, Theodoros Karabatsos, Eleni Kiriazopoulos, Richard Kozlowski, Tom Sikoral and Mike Pontikes. We congratulate the officers and all the members of the Parish Council, and wish them much success! ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΕΙΣ “STEWARDSHIP” ΔΙΑ ΤΟ 2016 ΣΤΟΝ ΑΓΙΟ ΧΑΡΑΛΑΜΠΟ — Ήδη θα έχετε λάβει πληροφορίες δια το 2016 “Stewardship,” και σας παρακαλούμε όπως η εφετεινή προσφορά σας να είναι μία αντανάκληση πίστεως, αγάπης και θάρρους! Σας παρακαλούμε να επιστρέψετε την Κάρτα Προσφοράς σας στο γραφείο της εκκλησίας το συντομότερο δυνατό. Σας ευχαριστούε! ΠΕΡΙ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΕΥΧΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΜΥΣΤΗΡΙΩΝ ΕΥΧΕΣ ΝΕΟΓΕΝΝΗΤΩΝ ΤΕΚΝΩΝ--Κάθε μάνα και το παιδί της, σαράντα ημέρες μετά την γέννησή του προσέρχονται στην εκκλησία για να λάβουν την Ευλογία των 40 Ημερών, κατά μίμησην του Ιησού Χριστού ο οποίος παρουσιάσθηκε στον Ιερόν Ναόν σαράντα ημέρες μετά την γέννησή του. Παρακαλούμε τηλεφωνείτε στο γραφείο της εκκλησίας για να κανονίσετε την ευλογία αυτή. ΒΑΠΤΙΣΕΙΣ—Παρακαλούμε όπως τηλεφωνείτε στο γραφείο της εκκλησίας δια να προγραμματίσετε Βαπτίσεις. Σχεδιάστε πολύ ενωρίτερα!-Υπάρχουν μερικές μέρες που δεν γίνονται βαπτίσεις. ΓΑΜΟΙ-Παρακαλούμε όπως κανονίζετε συνάντηση με τον π. Κωνσταντίνο τουλάχιστον οκτώ μήνες πριν την προτεινόμενη ημερομηνία του γάμου δια τις απαιτούμενες προετοιμασίες. ΕΞΟΜΟΛΟΓΗΣΗ—Οι Εξομολογήσεις κανονίζονται κατόπιν ραντεβού. Δια να προγραμματίσετε εξομολογήσεις, παρακαλούμε τηλεφωνείτε στο γραφείο της εκκλησίας. ΜΕΡΙΜΝΑ ΑΡΡΩΣΤΩΝ—Ορθόδοξοι Χριστιανοί που θα ήθελαν να λάβουν τα Άγια Μυστήρια και δεν μπορούν να έλθουν στην εκκλησία (βρίσκονται εις νοσοκομεία ή ανήμποροι εις τα σπίτια τους) παρακαλούνται να επικοινωνούν με το γραφείο της εκκλησίας δια να μπορέσουν να τα λάβουν. Παρακαλούμε να επικοινωνείτε με το γραφείο της εκκλησίας εαν κάποιος συγγενής σας είναι στο νοσοκομείο! Τα νοσοκομεία πλέον δεν μας πληροφορούν όταν έχουν αρρώστους από την ενορία μας. ΜΝΗΜΟΣΥΝΑ—Επιμνημόσυνες δεήσεις γίνονται για την αιώνιον ανάπαυση των τεθνεώντων. Συνήθως, αυτές οι δεήσεις γίνονται κατά τις 40 ημέρες , τους 6 μήνες, τον 1ον χρόνο και τον 3ον χρόνο. Όταν έχουν περάσει τρία χρόνια, είναι πιο αρμόζον να ενθυμούμεθα τους αποθανόντας κατά τα Ψυχοσάββατα. OUR 2016 STEWARDS AND SPOUSES We would like to thank the following persons who are this year’s “Stewardship Pacesetters!” Stewardship continues to be our most important source of support for our church and its ministries. We ask all our friends and members to make their stewardship commitment by the Feastday of St. Haralambos (February 10). This helps us gauge our expenses, even though installments can be paid until the end of December. Stewardship is intended to be a thoughtful expression of our love and appreciation to God and His Church. Honest stewardship should be proportional giving, according to our income and ability to give. “God loves a cheerful give.” We are grateful to all our Stewards—those who have already committed for 2016, and those who have not yet commitMr. & Mrs. Christopher Adams Mr. & Mrs. Christ Agalliu Mr. & Mrs. George Analitis Mr. & Mrs. George Anastasiadis Mr. Andy Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Nick Andrews Mr. Telly Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Bill Andros Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Angelos Mr. & Mrs. John Anton Mrs. Ourania Antoniades Ms. Katerina Apithis Dr. Voula Asimacopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Efthimios Asimacopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Timoleon Bakir Mr. & Mrs. Christ Balabanos Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Balourdos Mr. & Mrs. William Bebonis Mrs. Zoe Belias Mr. & Mrs. Peter Beris Mrs. Katherine Bestolarides Ms. Eugenia Bliamblias Fr. & Presv. Dean Botsis Mrs. Frances Boulamatsis Mrs. Anastasia Bourkas Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Bournias Mrs. Dina Bulyaki Mr & Mrs. Anthony Calabrese Mr. & Mrs. Peter Caldes Mrs. Vicky Callas & Family Mr. & Mrs. William Callas Mrs. Thalia Chresanthakes Mr. Chris Christides Ms. Katherine Christides Mr. & Mrs. Tassos Chronopoulos Mr. & Mrs. George Conopeotis Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Costas Mr. & Mrs. Spiro Couris Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Couris Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Couris Dr. & Mrs. Perry Danos Mr. & Mrs. Alexandros Daskalakis Mr. & Mrs. John Deligiannis Mr. & Mrs. John Demakis Mr. & Mrs. Steve Demas Mr. & Mrs. Zaharias Demertzis Mr. & Mrs. Christ Demopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Tom Demos Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Dendramis Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Diacou Mrs. Virginia Dimoulas Mr. & Mrs. Evan Dimoutsikos Mrs. Glikeria Dimoutsikos Mr. & Mrs. Markos Dounis Mr. & Mrs. Aris Drivas Mrs. Antoinette Farmakis Mrs. Joann Farsalas Mr. & Mrs. James Farsalas Mrs. Trisevgeni Frentzas Dr. & Mrs. George Futris Mr. & Mrs. Dino Gavanes Mr. & Mrs. Nikolaos Georgiopoulos Mrs. Anastasia Gevrekis Mr. & Mrs. Aris Giafis Mrs. Chris Giannopoulos Mr. & Mrs. George Gianos Mr. & Mrs. George Giolas Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. James Govis Mr. & Mrs. Jim Grammas Mrs. Nia Grapsas Dr. & Mrs. Dimitri Haralampopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Chris Haralampopoulos Mr. & Mrs. John Harisiadis Mr. & Mrs. Labros Hatzilabrou Mr. & Mrs. Dino Houpis Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Housakos Mr. & Mrs. Pete Housakos Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Kalodimos Ms. Koula Kalogeros Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kalogeros Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Kalogris Mr. & Mrs. Constantine P. Kanellos Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Kanelos Mrs. Ioanna Karagiannis Mr. Art Karahalios Mrs. Martha Karakitsos Mrs. Vasiliki Karambelas Mr. & Mrs. Peter Karampelas Mrs. Lee Karnezis Mr. & Mrs. Andy Kartsistaris Ms. Elena Katsogianis Mrs. Georgette Kendrick Mr. & Mrs. Stefano Kontos Mr. & Mrs. Nick Kontos Mr. & Mrs. John Korolis Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Kostiuk Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kotis Mr. Nick Kotis Mr. & Mrs. Steve Kotis Mrs. Niki Kotsiopoulos Mr. Nick J. Kougias Mr. & Mrs. John Koularmanis Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Koulogeorge Mr. & Mrs. Peter Koupas Mrs. Irene Kovatchis Mrs. Katherine Kritikos Mr. & Mrs. Gus Lamberis Fr. & Presv. George Lamberis Ms. Lori Lappas Mrs. Georgia Laskaris Mr. John Lazariciu Miss Angelika Lazariciu Mrs. Christina Liakopoulos Mr. George Liakopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Tom Liakos Mr. & Mrs. Prokopios Liapis Ms. Kathy Limnios Ms. Irene Limnios Mr. & Mrs. Bill Livaditis Mr. & Mrs. Bill Loumbardias Mr. & Mrs. George Loumbardias Mr. Barry Lymperopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Athanasios Magoulas Mr. & Mrs. Alex Mallidis Mrs. Roula Mareskes Mrs. Katerina Markadas Mr. Constantine Megremis Mr. & Mrs. Nick Megremis Mrs. Nancy Menexis Mrs. Elizabeth Michaels Mr. & Mrs. Adam Mitsakopoulos Mrs. Eleni Mitsis Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Mohr Mrs. Efstathia Morikis Mr. & Mrs. George Morikis Mr. & Mrs. Tim Mourtokokis Mr. & Mrs. Jim Moutzouros Mr. Demosthenes Nikolopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Panagiotaros Mr. & Mrs. William Panos Mr. & Mrs. Christ Papachristodoulou Mr. & Mrs. Polykarpos Papaioannou Mrs. Angeline Pappas Mr. & Mrs. William A. Pappas Mr. & Mrs. William G. Pappas Mr. & Mrs. William D. Patsilivas Mr. & Mrs. Gus Pavlopoulos Miss Angelica Pollard Mr. & Mrs. John Poulopoulos Mr. & Mrs. George Prekas Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Priovolos Mr. & Mrs. John Prodromos Mr. & Mrs. John Pronos Mr. & Mrs. Michael Protofanousis Mrs. Martha Sakellariou Mr. & Mrs. Lefteris Santos CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE OUR 2016 STEWARDS Mr. & Mrs. Stratis Sapuntzakis Mr. & Mrs. Telly Rentzelos Mr. & Mrs. George Sarolas Mr. & Mrs. John P. Secaras Mrs. Margaret Sfikas Mrs. Zoe Sideris Mr. & Mrs. Petros Sikaras Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sikoral Mrs. Angie Skoubi Mr. & Mrs. Sam N. Souleles Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Spanos Mr. & Mrs. Gus Spears Mrs. Maria Stamatopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Gus Stavrou Mrs. Angeliki Stephenson Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Tabrizi Dr. & Dr. Philip Theodoropoulos Mrs. Fotini Theoharis Mr. Demos Therios Dr. & Dr. Michael Toto Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Touzios Mrs. Eleni Touzios Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tsaganos Mr. & Mrs. Tom Tsaganos Mrs. Popi Vaselopulos Mr. Philip Vaselopulos Mr. & Mrs. Bill Vaselopulos Mr. & Mrs. Spyros Vaselopulos Mr. & Mrs. Savva Vetas Mr. Michael Vettes Mrs. Sophia Vlahos Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Vranas Ms. Georgia Vrettos Mr. & Mrs. Basil Zofakis Mr. & Mrs. John N. Zouras IONIAN VILLAGE SUMMER CAMP IN GREECE The Ionian Village summer camp program is a unique opportunity for teens and young adults to encounter our Orthodox faith and Hellenic heritage. The Camp is a beautiful site that lies on the shore of the Ionian Sea, offering a great staff and facilities, and the chance to meet other teens from all parts of America. This summer, there will be two sessions for teens (grades 8-12) and one session for young adults: Spiritual Odyssey for young adults, ages 19-24: June 1-12, 2016 Summer Camp Session 1 for grades 8-12: June 19-July 8, 2016 Summer Camp Session 2 for grades 8-12: July 17-August 5, 2016 REGISTRATION BEGINS ON MARCH 1st AT 12:00 pm EST! The Camp has filled quickly in the past! Visit www.ionianvillage.org/summer-camp for more info, or call 212-570-3536. OUTREACH COMMITTEE The St. Haralambos Outreach Committee Coat Drive collected 61 coats this year! There were 44 adult and 17 children’s coats. Next year, they are considering a drive for blankets and other items. A BIG Thank You to everyone who supported the Coat Drive! The Outreach Committee has also signed up for “Feed My Starving Children” for October 10, 2016. Mrs. Christine Blackaby will be coordinating the event. More information will be coming! The Outreach Committee welcomes new members! Please contact the church office if you would like to offer your help. THE SAINT HARALAMBOS COMMUNITY CENTER EXPANSION INSPIRED BY FAITH. COMMITTED TO BUILD. A few days ago, you should have received information about our much-anticipated and much-needed Community Center Expansion. The new project will include a Multi-Purpose Gymnasium/Reception Hall/Auditorium, a large new Kitchen, a Chapel, four Pre-School Rooms, seven Classrooms, a Library/Meeting Room, a Youth Center, storage and additional parking! This expansion project is expected to cost about $6.0 million, of which 60% must be pledged before construction can begin. (This level of commitment is necessary to minimize the ongoing financial burden of a large mortgage.) We have envisioned this project for a long time, and now we need everyone to take part in making it a reality. Our Expansion presents each of us with a unique opportunity to participate in something that has a long-lasting impact on our community and our children. It is important for each of us to provide as much support as we can! The time has come! We ask you to make a generous pledge commitment to be paid over the next three years. We have already raised 20% of the construction cost but to complete a project of this magnitude, the majority of our community must step forward with $5000 to $10,000 pledges to be paid over the next three years. In order to meet our goal of beginning construction in July 2016, we ask that you return your completed pledge form to the church office by March 31st. We are depending on you! PASSAGES......... REMEMBERING 2015 As time marches on, it is good to reflect on the year which has come to a close. We will remember 2015 for its joys and its sorrows. During the year 2015, our parish registry books recorded 45 births and baptisms, 6 chrismations, 16 weddings, and 40 deaths. 2015 BAPTISMS Demetra P. Arvanitis Anastasia Spiropoulos Nicolaos Spiropoulos Sharbel Michael Bentevis Konstantinos Drebos Hunter Michael Goodwine Gianluca Kametas George Rodriguez Lucas Dimitropoulos Gianna McCloud Ariana Sofia Gantner Penelope Scoufis Olga Kolovos Ioanna Constantinou Michalis Constantinou Niko Konstantos Alessandra Notter Alexandra-Natalia Kusnierwicz Maria Malina Freidag Konstantina Maria Dagres Daniel Scoma Antonios Vasilios Liosatos Aliki Scarlett Villasenor 2015 CHRISMATIONS Anthony Calabrese Jiulianna Landeen Gianni Landeen Michael LaMark 2015 WEDDINGS Gabriel Couris and Efthalia Spyratos Andrew Neil McCloud and Christina Bretsatos George Kotsionis and Konstantina Gountanis Gus Koumarelos and Maria Karamouzis John Babbitt and Lauryn Funteas Kyriako Anastasiadis and Maria Rouhatas Nick Gianozakos and Ellen Sbarounis Peter Chris Lageotkews and Aspasia Ann Demeros 2015 DEATHS Athanasios Tom Mitalas Peter J. Phillos Peter N. Tarnaris Peter P. Katsiamakis Georgios N. Koronios Alexander Stamatopoulos Emmanuel Panigyrakis James Parmakis Georgios Papakonstantinou Evangelos Geroulis Stelios Stylianos Magoulas Cleo Kontoyannis Vena Sklavos Adeline Z. Brotsos Georgia Manis Peter G. Varvitsiotis Eleni Karouzos James A. Kantzavelos Peter Remos Theodore Befas James Farmakis Hrisovaladou Savannah Villasenor Markos Crowe Leonidas Kapogiannis Ioanna Landden Antonios Ryan Ocampo Georgios Patrikios Paschos John Sanchez Isabella Gonzalez Victor Thomas Armainsson Elena Pontikis Anna Bravos Athan Alexandros Panagopoulos Cleopas Clark Patel Eugenia Tsonis Panagiotis Peter Petruleas Amelia Hill Vera Satava Christos Konstantellos Konstantinos Dean Zografos Anna Eberhardt Vasiliki Maroulis William Nakulski Constantine Christopher Adams Michael Manzella Rosario Mariano and Stella Suhayda Mike LaMark and Kathy Garbis John Maragos and Katie Tousis Steve Korkofigas and Daisy Israel Jon Lemperis and Panagiota Toliopoulos Duro Stojkovic and Vera Satavova Jim Katsafaros and Sheila McInerney Thomas Matthew Speer and Georganna Logothetis Mary Vagos Vassilios Lygiros Constantina Kakavas Nikolaos Dakas Katherine Xydis Sophia Skoulidas Chris Hasapis Maroudi Matsoukas Angela Tambouratzis Nancy Koulogeorge Magdeline G. Kalodimos Christina Sarantos Christine N. Mitchell Angeline McDermed Christos Yanis Bubaris Chris P. Tomaras Zaharo Sue Kantzavelos Athina Gerros Andreas Tsakalis As we look ahead to 2016, let us remember the joys and triumphs of the year that has now ended, and let us also remember our departed loved ones who have loved, guided and inspired us! February 2016 Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 Thu 4 Fri 5 7 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:30 am—Divine Liturgy 8 5:30 pm—Family Night 11:30 am—Little Angels 7:30pm-Phase 3 Committee 4:30 p-Greek School 5:45-PTA mtg 7:30pmPhiloptochos 9 10 11:30 am—Little Angels HARALAMBOS 8:30 am—Orthros and Liturgy 4:30 pm—Greek School 7:00 p-Sr GOYA Whirlyball! 7:00 p-VESPERS of SAINT HARALAMBOS 14 15 16 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:30 am—Divine Liturgy Presidents Day (no school) 11:30 am—Little Angels 5:30pm-Annual Dinner Dance 21 Triodion begins Publican/Pharisee 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:30 am—Divine Liturgy ORATORICAL FESTIVAL 11 12 17 9:00 am-Saturday Greek School 18 19 22 23 24 4:30 pm—Greek School 25 26 11:30 am—Little Angels 29 6:30—Jr GOYA 27 “BE THE BEE” Retreat 9:00 am—Saturday Greek School Bessie’s Table 7:30 p-Sr GOYA 20 9:00 am—Saturday Greek School 7:30 pm—Parish Council Mtg 5:30 pm—Family Night 13 4:30 pm—Greek School 7:30-Bible Study 7:30-Outreach Committee Prodigal Son 8:15 am—Orthros 9:30 am—Sunday School 9:30 am—Divine Liturgy St Haralambos SAINT 6:30—Jr GOYA NO FASTING THIS WEEK 28 4:30 pm—Greek 7:30 pm— SYNERGY Mtg School at 7:00-Paraclesis St. Haralambos to 4:30—Greek School Preschool Orientation Day 6 9:00 am—Saturday Greek School PRESENTATION OF OUR LORD 8:30 am—Orthros and Liturgy 6:30—Jr GOYA Sat 4:30 pm—Greek School 4:30 pm—Greek School 7:30-Bible Study NO FASTING THIS WEEK March 3 is Tsiknopempti NO FASTING THIS WEEK March 5 is our Apokreatiko Party Feastday of Saint Haralambos Friday evening, February 5 7:00 pm—Paraclesis to Saint Haralambos Tuesday evening, February 9 7:00 pm—Great Vespers of St. Haralambos Wednesday, February 10 8:30 am—Orthros (Matins) 10:00 am—Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with Artoclasia HOLY TAXIARHAI AND SAINT HARALAMBOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 7373 CALDWELL AVENUE NILES, IL 60714-4503 Address Service Requested