Snow Week Court - School District of Amery
Snow Week Court - School District of Amery
the Warrior Winter 2013 Amery High School Snow Week Royalty Snow Week Court Back: Mike Elbing, Christian Hoyer, Ian Siedow, Jimmy Richison, Cole Monson, Drew Wateman, Jordan Luehman, Matt Hanson. Front: Nicole Young, Ashley Doroff, Anna Ruehlow, Jessica Hendrickson, Cassie Beach, Sophia Montana, Bailey Adams, Anna Bjorge. Wrestlers Advancing to State Anna Bjorge and Matt Hanson were crowned Queen and King at the Snow Week Pep Fest. 26 FBLA Members Advancing to the State Leadership Conference Back: Eli Newton, Kenny Gates, Bennett Paulson Front: Johnny Benitez, Andrew Smith, Hunter Marko, Austin Connor Ways to Stay Warm in Winter By Jacob Wirz All of us have experienced The Warrior the harsh unforgiving cold of winter. Sometimes no matter what you do, you can’t seem to warm up. These are some tips that will hopefully keep you from suffering. Most of your body het is lost through your head and feet, so it’s good to wear a thick hat and socks. Wool is probably the best material to go with, wool is a great insulater and it does not absorb moisture, it wisks moisture away. Mittens are better than gloves because with mittens your fingers are together and sharing heat. It helps to get in a good workout in the morning; if you get the blood pumping throughout your body, you will be warmer. Also caffeinated drinks will increase blood flow making you feel warmer but you will be losing heat. Alcohol has the same effect so neither are good options. The best thing to do is to drink decaffeinated drinks like tea and eat regular healthy meals like stew, these are good choices. There are also some cheap ways to keep your house nice and warm as well. You should close off unused rooms, even putting old towels at the bottom of the door so the heat doesn’t escape through the crack works well. You should open up your curtains to let in as much sunlight as possible. Make sure your home is air sealed to prevent drafts, and if you have one use a humidifier. Also simple things like lighting candles and leaving your oven door open after baking work well too. Keep in mind that water retains heat for long time, so putting hot water in a water bottle and doing things like putting it at the foot of your bed is an effective way to stay warm at night. Germs Everywhere By Jack Ince The Flu season is recurring time period (October-May) when the frequency of outbreaks of influenza, this season occurs during the winter months. The cold weather helps the spread of the flu, for example the decrease in temperatures allows the virus to live longer on surfaces and the drier air due to the cold weather dehydrates the skin; this makes it easier for the virus to penetrate. The cold weather also causes more people to spend an increased amount of time indoors; this causes them to be in closer contacts which allows the virus to move from person to person easily. Everybody has had the flu at one time in their lives, but what is the best way to avoid it in the future? To begin with a good precaution is to get yourself vaccinated for the flu. Other ideas to keep healthy: • Wash your hands frequently • Avoid contact with sick people $ VHULRXV VSRUWV LQMXU\ FRXOGNHHS\RXVLGHOLQHG OHW WKH $50& 6SRUWV 0HGLFLQH WHDP KHOS \RX JHWEDFNLQWKHJDPH &DOO *ULIÀQ6WUHHW($PHU\:,ZZZDPHU\PHGLFDOFHQWHURUJ • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth: germs travel this way • Practice good health habits, get plenty of sleep, and manage your stress. If you are sick: • Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze and throw away the tissue • Wash your hands even more than usual • Stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone, without the use of medicine that reduces your fever Concussions by Jake Wirtz Student Opinions Soccer By Craig Ritcher I think that the Amery school district should give the both boys and girls soccer more funding and cut some funding to football. Soccer is a growing sport in the US. America every year is becoming more diverse with people coming moving here from all parts of the word where the main sport is soccer. Recent studies show that number of fans of soccer is up from 26 Percent of Americans in 2002 to 34.6 percent of Americans 2012. Plus Amery soccer has been more successful than the football team soccer is conference camp the past decade and football being conference camp, one time in 2001. This year Amery football had a record of 1-8 coming in last in the conference soccer had a record 12-5-2 record and came in 3rd in conference. Another reason soccer should get more funding is because we have more games Music than football. Soccer has 17 regular season by Jack Ince I believe that listening to music should be games and comparing to football with only 9 encouraged; listening to music has many benefits which games. could help students at school. For example slow music relaxes people and causes a decrease in respiration rate and heartbeat. The American Society of Hypertension in New Orleans did a study that came to a similar conclusion of listening to classical, raga, or Celtic music for 30 minutes every day can significantly reduce high blood pressure. Another benefit of listening to music is that it helps cure chronic headaches and migraines. A study done by Levitin and their colleagues saw that listening to relaxing music resulted in less anxiety compared to anti-anxiety medicine. Techniques like this have been used for thousands of years. Relaxing music should with a slow temp, although if your used to rock you may not find it relaxing. I believe that the problem of concussions can be greatly reduced without drastically changing the sport itself. A concussion is an injury that generally occurs when someone suffers a blow to the head. Symptoms of concussions include forgetfulness, dizziness, headache, inability to concentrate, and/or fatigue. I do realize that there are some rules in sports that were necessary, for example in 1976 the National Collegiate Athletic Association made tackling with the head illegal. But I do not believe that removing certain plays in football, not letting players head the ball in soccer, or increasing the age requirement for hitting in hockey, is the proper way to take action against concussions. Accidents in sports do happen so I think it’s best to teach players the proper rules and techniques to reduce impacts like these. Support Band by Emily Maier I would like to bring some recognition to Amery High School’s band. Each member has worked extremely hard and has reached many achievements as a whole. I’ve heard many of the band members say they feel as if they are not appreciated or recognized nearly as much as our sports teams. The band is just as great and hardworking. I believe we should have more pride in what our band members do and the effort they put in to representing our school. They do well in many events that we simply do not praise in the way we praise our athletes. So, for once let’s give the band the support and attention they deserve. Congratulations to all of the students advancing to STATE competitions! Futsal Time Fun Driving on Icy Roads Warrior by Adam Johnson Futsal is a variation of association football it is played on a smaller field and is mainly played indoors. Futsal is played with a size 4 ball, players on the field for one team is 5 one being the goalie. Players must wear numbered shirts, shorts, socks, protective shinguards and footwear with rubber soles. Games are two periods of 20 minutes clock is stopped whenever the ball goes out of bounds, There is kick-ins instead of throw- ins. Goal keepers must throw the ball instead of punt it, the ball cannot be thrown past half field. Players defending free kicks must be five meters away from the ball. There is no offside. History of US futsal, the origin of futsal can be followed back to Montevideo, Uruguay in 1930 when Juan Carlos Certain devised a fivea-side version of soccer for youth completion in YMCAs. The game is played on basketball-sized courts. The term FUTSAL is the international term used for the game. It is derived from the Spanish or Portuguese word for “soccer”. U.S. futsal was funded in 1981 and incorporated in January, 1983. Osvaldo Garcia became its first president. The first world championship was called fifiausa then in 1989 it changed to FIFA. Brazil is the remains to be the futsal capital of the world. In 1984 the US national team beat Canada 6-5 and in 1985 they won against Australia 9-5. U.S. Futsal has conducted a National Championship each year since 1985. If you’re a student of Amery High, driving conditions probably affect you by how you drive or get to school. The teachers and students I have talked to about this subject all have said just simply drive safe. Amery High Student Adam Johnson said: “If you know how to drive you will be fine.” Sonny Anderson said: ‘I drive safe and slow when conditions are dangerous.’ Some ways to help prevent accidents would be driving slow. Another good way to help good driving on bad conditions is to pay attention to the weather; awareness will make you be more prepared. You should also go easy on your brakes, your ABS does not work well on ice. The best way to help driving on icy roads is try not to take unnecessary trips. In my conclusion the best way is to drive slow and not drive if you don’t need to. By Craig Richter By: Jordan Feyen Here is the view down Minneapolis Avenue in front of the school. The roads are covered with ice and snow. Would you like to see games during warrior time? Well that is exactly what our Student Council President wants to do for us. Christian Hoyer is our Student Council President. In an interview with Christian he said “I haven’t been president long enough to assume full presidential duties, but in time I will work alongside the student council to arrange fun activities for AHS.” One of the “fun activities” is to have games set up during warrior time. So far this is the only information he has given out. North Twin Ice Fishing Contest by George Bonsness North Twin Lake is a 135 acre lake located in Amery WI. It is the maximum depth of 27feet. This lake provides fishing year round with a annual ice fishing contest held by St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. The boat launch is located right of main street near North Park. The lake is big enough to allow skiers and fisherman to enjoy the lake at the same time. North Twin lake has a good supply of: Sunfish, Large Mouth Bass, Northern Pike, Crappie, Bluegill, Bullheads, and Walleye. If you don’t have a boat it is okay because there are several public docks on the lake. The fishing contest was held on the last week of January. Cash prizes were awarded in the categories of Walleye, Northern, Bass, Crappie, Sunfish, Perch, along with a raffle. Spotlight on Sports and More SPEAK By: Jakeb Wirtz If you are in a sport or club here at Amery High School, it’s more than likely you will need uniforms or apparel related to what you do. One of the few places here in town you can go for custom clothing, sportswear, sporting equipment, trophies, and plaques is Sports and More. Owned by Ann Lange and Heather Wirtz, Sports and More got its start in January of 2009. Sports and More have done hundreds of shirts just for this school alone, most recently they were the ones who did the Dawg House shirts. Several people were asked specific questions about their opinions of Sports and More, most of them said that they like how the local sports shop has an overall broad, cheap, and convenient assortment of items for sale. As for improvements some people feel they should either advertise their presence a little more or have higher quality sporting equipment for sale. As a final opinion on the matter each person was asked the question “Do you feel they contribute something to the community?” Sunny Anderson responded to the question with “Yes, they contribute a small, but effective sporting store.” What do you think about the AHS Cheering Section? Sonny Anderson “I’ve never been to a game.” AHS students showed their school spirit at a recent Boys Basketball game. AHS Red Out By Sonny Anderson In High school basketball, the “sixth man” is a term referring to the fans attempting to influence the game by cheering and chanting for their team of choice. The fan section is referred to as the “sixth man”, because they are considered the sixth “player” of their basketball team. High school and college student sections are numerous across the United States, and many share the same characteristics, such as similar chants and similar behaviors. The “sixth man” has taken the role of cheering to a higher and more intense level. The main goal is to be so loud that their team gets pumped up, and the opposing team gets intimidated. Most squads choose to stand up during the whole game. Sixth man squads assemble themselves together across the United States. Like their collegiate counterparts, high school squads wear matching shirts, costumes, and name themselves based on their mascot. High school sixth man clubs are able to have the largest impact on the games because the size of the gym is much smaller than its college counterpart. Sixth man squads organize themselves sometimes inches away from the court and work to intimidate their opponents personally. Player-fan interactions occur a lot because of this. Our own schools fan section, The Dawg House, prides themselves on being obnoxious, loud, and in some ways intimidating. In the heat of a game, a home crowd can make the difference between your team winning, or losing. Emily Simonson “We are the best around, we always have fun, and we show up the other MBC schools.” Emma Ahmedic “ of the best.” Marko Uzeirovic “USA” Tanner Wears “Best in the MBC!” Snow Week Fun From the Players What is ONE word to describe this season? Boys Basketball Connor Wears Collin Bursik Hunter Marko Kenny Gates 1st Place State Wrestling 2nd Place State Wrestling Intense Splashzone Girls Basketball Molly Stewart Exciting Jessica Hendrickson Fun Wrestling Tyler Nichols Alex Warman Tough Exciting Danceline Chloe Porter Kylie Olson Amazing Interesting Hockey Thomas Christensen Fun Luke Lovejoy Fun Support our WARRIOR ATHLETES Upcoming Amery Track and Field Season By Sonny Anderson The 2014 Track and Field season is just around the corner, and Amery runners, jumpers, and throwers are all preparing themselves in the offseason to make this year a great one! In 2013, the Amery Track team as a whole experienced a season that was full of upside, and surprises. After sending the Boys 4x800 meter relay and the Girls 4x200 meter relay teams to state. Head Coaches Justin Schuh, Kelsey Faschingbauer, and the rookie Sprinting coach Stacie Grimm are looking to take even more individuals and teams to La Crosse this year. State competition runner from last year, Tanner Wears, said that he is “beyond excited” for this upcoming season. Tanner also stated that, “This season could be one of the successful seasons in some years if all the runners, jumpers, and throwers fulfill their fullest potentials.” There will be lots of tough competition in the Middle Border Conference this season, but Amery is hoping to come out on top. The Dawg House, we all know that is the name of our fan section during sporting events. But Sonny Anderson, one of the head cheerleaders of our fan section, says its more than that. “The Dawg House gives us an identity. As soon as you come into our school you become a Warrior, so why not give yourself a new name at a sporting event and become a Dawg?” A lot of people ask the question, why do you call yourselves the Dawg House, it doesn’t make sense?..It doesn’t need to make sense, as long as you are having fun. That’s what matters. The DAWG HOUSE! GO WARRIORS THE DAWG HOUSE FBLA Stories to Share Community Service Project Amery High School FBLA Members recently completed a Community Service Project called “Stories to Share.” Book donations were collected from the community with drop boxes at several locations in town including WESTConsin Credit Union, ARMC, Chet Johnson Drug, the Intermediate School, and the Middle School. The FBLA members then sorted the books, prepared treat bags, and coordinated with the Public Library to read and distribute the books to preschool age children. On Friday, February 14, FBLA members read stories to the children at the library and gave them all books to take home along with a bag of goodies. The event was a success and the FBLA members really enjoyed reading with the kids. The FBLA members in charge of the service project will now compile a report for the State Leadership Conference in April. They will be competing against FBLA chapters across the state. 107 Power St. Amery WI 54001 (715) 268-5250 [email protected] Skills USA Members Grill Out FBLA Members Host Business Connections Luncheon On Thursday, February 20, Amery High School FBLA Members hosted a Business Connections Luncheon with local business leaders from the Amery Community. Business leaders attending the luncheon were: Shari Overby, Vice President at WESTconsin Credit Union, Dirk Prindle, Accountant at Carlson Highland, Erik Hellie, Insurance Agent at Noah Insurance, Laurie Harris, Loan Department at Bremer Bank, and Brian Byrnes, Attorney at Byrnes Law Office. The purpose of the luncheon was for FBLA members to learn about some of the career options in our community, to build relationships with business leaders which could lead to job shadowing and touring opportunities, and to share FBLA activities occurring this school year. The FBLA members in charge of the service project, Keeley Brown and Bella Byrnes, will now compile a report for the State Leadership Conference in April. They will be competing against FBLA chapters across the state. Top Right: Erik Hellie, Insurance Agent at Noah Insurance shares his career experiences with Ethan Panek, James Lindquist, and Braeden Rimestad. Bottom Left: Bella Byrnes and Keeley Brown prepare name tags or the Business Connections Luncheon. Bottm Right: Dirk Prindle shares his career experiences with Josh Monnot and Nathan Thompson. Thank you to the following business leaders for attending the FBLA Business Connections Luncheon: Dirk Prindle, Carlson Highland Accounting Shari Overby, WESTconsin Credit Union Laurie Harris, Bremer Bank Brian Byrnes, Byrnes Law Office Erik Hellie, Noah Insurance * Spring is closer & Gripes * TOO COLD! * Snow Week fun * Icy Roads * Ice fishing * Roof cave-ins * State Wrestling * Frozen pipes * Warrior Time * TOO MUCH SNOW Get Involved Greats Art Club Advisor: Ms. Schmidt This club is when students work on art projects to help the high school environment. Some of the projects they have completed include murals in classrooms and in the community. Chess Club Advisor: Mr. Buenzli Students learn the game or play and practice if they already know how to play. A future goal of this club is to travel to chess tournaments. FCCLA Advsior: Mrs. Larson Students are involved in activities to help them learn about careers in family and consumer areas. Forensics Advisor: Mrs. Peterson Students practice their speaking skills and compete against other students. French Club Advisor: Mrs. Rimestad Students go on field trips to help them improve their language and cultural skills, including a trip to France. French club gives yearly donations to Médecins Sans Frontiéres (Doctors without Borders.) FBLA Advisor: Mrs. Lockwood Students help run Worn Again, a local non-profit business. 2014 Yearbooks Watch for details coming soon to order your copy FFA Advisor: Mr. Meyer Students build their leadership skills by competing with students from other schools and by attending FFA Conferences. National Honor Society Advisor: Mrs. Kurtzhals Students are elected to the society based on character, scholarship, leadership and service. Members participate in activities including helping the American Red Cross set up and take down the local bloodmobile. Junker S.O.S Advisor: Mr. Kellogg Staff members organize activities throughout the year to help students build assets needed for success. They are also available to support students who need someone to talk to or ask questions. School Store Advisor: Ms. Lockwood Students manage and operate a school-based enterprise in the concession stand. Profits from the store are used for scholarships and school-wide events. Spanish Club Advisor: Mrs. Kube Students go on field trips to help them improve their language and cultural skills including a trip to Mexico/Costa Rica or a Spanish speaking country. STARS Advisors: Mrs. Anich/Mrs.Ganje Students who have chosen to become STARS make a commitment to be positive role models, both in and out of school. They have a vested interest in promoting healthy choices, including, but not limited to, educating younger students on the effects of unhealthy behavior. Hot Rod Student Council Advisor: Mrs. Moreau Students must apply and meet specific criteria to be appointed to be positive role models, both in and out of school. These students also promote and practice positive school pride, community service and school service through various events throughout the year. VAC Advisor: Ms. Schmidt Students create art projects and compete against other students. Science Club Advisor: Students who are itersted in science outside of just regular science classes can plan a Rube Goldberg Machine, this years goal is to make one that wil inflate and pop a balloon in a six foot square area. They meet Mondays at 7am. Skills USA Advisor: Mr. Chelberg Students participate in leadership activities and conferences related to technology and industry. Creative Corner The creative corner shows the student body what kind of talent that this school has. When students make artwork such as paintings, drawings, or even poetry, they have the chance to be put into the creative corner to show everybody the talent that these people have. Most of the artwork can be found in the glass case by the library and others can be found all over the school. Artwork is all about showing what hard work you put in, so put in all of your effort, and you can end up in the CREATIVE CORNER! Above: “Kiss Goodbye” by Kaylie Johnson Above: “Woman in a Garden” by Shauna Roe Top Left: “Future King” by Dani Meyer Bottomn Left: “Self-Portrait” by Kelsi Root Warrior Clothing available in the school store: Sweatshirts, T-shirts, and Comfy Sweatpants. How to Make a McDouble by George Bonsness Have you ever wondered how your McDouble is produced? First you are going to have the correct supplies. First you need to have two cooked 10:1 patties that temp out at about 170 degrees. Second of all you need to drop the bun down the toaster. It will take about 25 seconds for it to be completely toasted. After that you put the bun on the appropriate wrapper/box. Next Add ketchup, mustard, pickle, onion to the top of the bun. On the bottom bun you put one slice of American cheese. After that is done its time to put 2 10:1 patties on the top bun with the slice of cheese in-between. After that you wrap the sandwich and your McDouble is complete. Chevy, Dodge, or Ford? By Craig Richter There has always been a big rivalry between trucks, they all claim to be the best but who really is? I found out. I went around asking people what their favorite brand of truck is, out of 50 people 26 choose Chevy, 13 choose Ram, and 11 choose Ford. Why do you like this brand of truck? Max Meyers said “Ford because it’s the best in the world.” 33 people when asked the question has anyone influenced your choice in truck? Responded “Yes.” I asked Tyler Nichols wants to see next from ram said “A good looking truck with good mpg”. The Chevy Silverado 1500 has a v8 engine with 12,000 ibs of towing and gets 16/23 mpg price $23,590. The Dodge Ram has a v8 engine with 10,450 lbs of towing and gets 18/25 mpg price $24,385. Ford has a v8 engine with 14,000 ibs of towing and gets 17/23 mpg price $24,444. Drama Students Perform at Lien Elementary On Friday, January 24th, students in the Drama class performed three stories for several elementary classes. The stories were based on the Llama, Llama book series by Anna Dewdney. Voice Of Democracy Left: The 2013 VFW's Voice of Democracy contest winners along with Bob LaBathe, local commander for the VFW. 1st place--Skye Schwartz 2nd place--Anna Ruehlow 3rd place--Brianna Cran FCCLA Members Advancing to State Congratulations to the Amery FCCLA chapter as they did a great job at Regionals and came away with the most students advancing to state in their region. State will be at the Kalahari Resort on March 31st-April 2nd. Amery FCCLA will be sending 23 students to state. Receiving bronze was Rachel Tallent in Health and Wellness. Receiving silver and advancing to state in Food Innovations is Elli Meagher, Cheyyane Schutts, Alana Martinez, Erica Elmer and Brittany Estes. In Fashion design Lou Enriquez, in Sports nutrition Emily Klitgard, In Health and Wellness Mykaela Otto, in Illustrated Talk Kayla Klopotek, Hallie Krueger and Bethany Dix. Receiving gold and advancing to state In Career Investigation Leah Dix and Maddy Armbrust. In life event planning Meredith Engman and Austin Stern, in culinary creations Ashley Simonson, in Promote and publicize Maggie Armbrust. And in food innovation Liz Monette, Bethany Marquand and Kayla Olson. Drama Students Attend Live Performance Drama students attended a live performance of Ichabod Crane and the Headless Horseman at Festival Theatre in St. Croix Falls on October 23, 2013. Left to Right: Nick Carlson, Chandler Green, Keenan Luke, Danielle LaBarre-Burstad, Makenzie Ruud, Spencer Elwood, Anabell Bower, Leah Dix, Ben Jesse, Jacob Wirtz, and Tyree Davis. Drama students performed an assortment of children’s stories (If You Give a Moose a Muffin, If You Take a Mouse to School, and If You Give a Pig a Pancake) for some of the kindergarten and first grade classes at Lien Elementary School on November 6 Back Row: Connor Foucks, Daniwlle LaBarre- Burstad, Chandler Green, Tyree Davis, Jacob Wirtz, Ben Jesse Front Row: Anabell Bower Makenzie Ruud, Keenan Luke, Nick Carlson, and Leah Dix. Below Left and Right: English students attend Of Mice and Men Play. Students at the Of Mice and Men play English Fieldtrip Photo Poll Skye Schwartz: Dr. Suess Erica Elmer: Kylee Olson If you could spend the day with any person in the world who would it be? Rob Henry: Me Connor Mcbrayer: Austin Sigsworth Photo Poll Patrick Roling: Selena Gomez Molly Vincent: Channing Tatum Austin Sigsworth: Connor Mcbrayer Cheyanne Sigsworth: Adam Levine Matt Wanless: Arbiter (Halo 3) Brett Melby: Kaley Cuoco Lynsey Soderberg: Kellie Brandi Johnson: Zac N. What is your favorite Netflix series? Bella Byrnes: Gossip Girl Austin VonDoehren: Blue Mountain State Autumn Adams: Walking Dead Kristina Knutson: Super Natural Jordan Swagger: Burn Notice Alicia Peterson: Super Natural Chloe Porter: Pretty Little Liars Zach Frinack: Breaking Bad Caressa Fougner: Breaking Bad Jesus Sanchez: The Simpsons Alana Briseno: American Horror Story Molly Vincent: American Horror Story Staff Q & A Mr. Anderson Mr. Jenkins Mrs. Coleman Mr. Marko Ms. Chapek Q: What do you miss most about high school? A: Not having to do anything Q: Do you have any pets? A: My students. Q: How much time do you spend grading? A: 25 hours a week Q: What is the toughest team to compete against in Wrestling? A: Ellsworth Q: What is your favorite sport? A: Basektball I played in high school and college. Mr. Chelberg Mrs. Moreau Mr. Bielmeier Mrs. Dueholm Mr. Vincent Q: Why did you choose to teach? A: I like working with kids Q: If you were an animal, what would you be? A: A tiger Q: Why do you never smile in pictures? A: No Mrs. Rose Mr. Bosley Mrs. Ganje Mrs. Rimestad Q: What is your dream job? A: Broadcaster for Milwaukee Brewers Q: What is your favorite video game? A: Dead Space Q: Waht is your favorite snack? A: Cheez Its Q: Do you speak French outside Q: What do you miss most of school? about the 80’s? A; Yes, with my friends and A: Pinning my pants! sons Q: What is your favorite cartoon? A: My Little Pony Q: What is your favorite season? A: Winter Mr. Gould FFA Members Advancing to State Congratulations to the following students for making it to state in the FFA Speaking Contests. Only first place makes it to the State Competition. Discussion Meet Trent Dado 3rd place Parli Pro Meikah Dado, Cole Jakupciak, Kellie Kjeseth, Carl Oman and Thomas All of the kids whether they made it Christenson - 2nd Place or not worked extremely hard and we are truly proud of them! Extemperanous Speaking Trent Dado - 1st Place Creed Johanna Knutson - 1st Place! Junior High Quiz Bowl Cole Jakupciak 3rd place Dylan Clausen, Mickaela Erickson and Deanna Meyer - 1st Place Prepared Speaking Rylee Black 3rd place Johanna Knutson earned 1st Place in the Creed Speaking competition. FFA Annual Cow Judging Contest Thank you to all of the staff members who entered the annual FFA Cow Judging Contest. Cow Pie Award: Lisa Carlson Winner: Kaye Swanson Ebooks for Amery Residents Stop in at the Amery Public Library to get a MORE Library card. You can use it to check out ebooks online. Amery Area Public Library Teens Read Book Group--Meets the last Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Otaku Club--For High School students who love manga and anime. Meets every Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. For the latest in high school sports and activities read the . . . 215 S. Keller Ave., Amery, WI 54001 Phone 715-268-8101 Fax 715-268-5300 Email: [email protected] Outside-In Gift Shop Silver EArrings Ladies Clothes Yankee Candles Christmas Ornaments Kids Hats and Scarves Unique Foods Free Gift Wrapping 100 Keller Avenue, Amery, WI 54001 Amery Regional Medical Center, Amery, WI 54001 Badger State Delegates Amery High School is pleased to announce the 2014 Badger Boys/Girls delegates: Marko Uzeirovic and Allison Shultz. Designed to train future statesmen and women in the science of government both Badger Boys and Girls has grown to over 700 delegates yearly. The delegates are sponsored by Amery American Legion Post 169. Congratulations on being name our delegates to Badger State. Wisconsin Leadership Seminar Delegate The Amery Women’s Club has chosen Jillian Jensen as our delegate to the Wisconsin Leadership Semiar, June 1315 at UW-Whitewater. The goal of the progaram to identify outstanding high school sophomores throughout Wisconsin for being responsible citizens in their community and/or school and provide them with the opportunity and encouragement to recognize their leadership po- Jillian Jensen tential. $$$$$$ SENIORS Check out scholarship opportunities on the school website. The local application is due April 11. FCCLA Students Collect Balls to Share with Kids in Zambia FCCLA students along with Child Development students have been collecting balls to share with kids in Africa. So far they have collected 112 balls. Mackenzie, 4th Grader, will take these balls to Zambia as part of a mission trip to share with children there. Specializing in Old-Fashioned Ice Cream Treats, Fresh Ground Espresso Drinks & Gourmet Coffee Present this ad and receive a FREE BAKED ITEM with the purchase of a Large Hot Cocoa, Cappuccino, Latte or Gourmet Coffee. Monday – Saturday Sunday 6:00am-9:00pm 8:00am-9:00pm In The Hall Newspaper Staff Staff Writers & Photographers Anderson, Antonio Berding, Jocelyn Bonsness, George Dopkins, Tanner Dusek, Ashley Eastman, Benjamin Feyen, Jordan Greene, McKenna Hammer, Hana Hodgson, Nicholas Ince, Jack Johnson, Adam Johnson, Brandi Krueger, Hallie Luer, Seth Marko, Morgan Melby, Brett Newton, Elijah Osborne, Cody Otis, Samantha Richter, Craig Roling, Patrick Rude, Jade Scholz, Benjamin Simonson, Emily Warman, Alex Waterman, Drew Whitlock, Debra Wirtz,Jacob Ziemann,Ashley Editors: Karen Klugow and Molly Marko Teacher Mrs. Lockwood Other submissions from English students and high school teachers.
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