2014 donor report - Hanna Boys Center


2014 donor report - Hanna Boys Center
the vision
the vision
As we prepare to celebrate our 70th year at Hanna Boys Center, we note our
steadily increasing involvement with the larger community. The new facilities we
have built thanks to the “Spreading Our Wings” campaign have allowed us to
invite more community members to our campus for meetings, recreational activities
and entertainment. At the same time, our boys have increasingly gone out into
the community for internships, jobs, extra classes and educational trips. This more
focused engagement has expanded their horizons and led to greater opportunities
awaiting them in their post-Hanna years. We look for the mutually rewarding
partnerships we have formed with the larger Hanna community to strengthen even
further in the future, and we thank all of our supporters for helping to make it so.
Hanna Boys Center, situated on 170 acres in the City of Sonoma, about 45 miles north
of San Francisco, is one of Northern California’s most successful residential treatment
centers. Named for Archbishop Edward J. Hanna, it was founded in Menlo Park in 1945 by
Monsignor William J. Flanagan and Father William L. O’Connor as part of the Archdiocese
of San Francisco. It was established at its current campus in 1949. Over the years, Hanna
has changed the lives of thousands of troubled yet motivated boys, helping them grow into
productive members of society through faith, education, and caring.
Hanna offers boys in grades 8 through 12 the opportunity to turn their lives around when they
are having problems at home, in school, or with their peers. Often they have been abused,
neglected, abandoned, or raised in a single-parent family in crisis. The boys come from
diverse ethnic and economic backgrounds, from the greater Bay Area and beyond.
The Hanna program offers these at-risk boys a stable, disciplined, and caring environment
that helps strengthen their mind, body, and spirit. Through focused, individualized education,
treatment, and attention, each boy receives the opportunity to recognize—and realize—his
full potential.
Hanna Boys Center is an independent, faith-based, nonprofit organization that relies solely
on private donations to fund its clinical, residential, and educational programs. It solicits no
money from government agencies, public funding organizations, or the Catholic Church.
On the cover:
2014 graduating
senior Dage Rivergo.
Donations are tax-exempt as permitted by law.
message from the
executive director
I had the good fortune of joining the Hanna family in June of 2014. The fact that
On a more expansive level still, inspiring change in our boys requires the
I am only the fourth executive director in its almost 70 years of operation is a
organization to change, too. Our task is to continue to imagine a different and
testament to Hanna’s stability over the decades. Hanna has been a lighthouse and
better future, to learn, to improve. What really drew me to Hanna was the sense
beacon of hope in the lives of thousands of young men who needed a safe place
of possibility and the potential to broaden and deepen our impact with youth
to recover, learn and grow. Faith, education and caring were the cornerstones of
and families.
the Hanna program in the 1940s, and those values continue to inform everything
we do today.
Five years ago Hanna launched its first Capital Campaign. Under the leadership
of Board Members Caroline Price and Don McPhail, we are planning to finish out
The paradox is that although Hanna is a bastion of stability, ultimately our mission
the campaign this year. The result of this campaign was the transformation of the
is all about change. Our raison d’etre is to help our youth make difficult changes
front of our property into state-of-the-art ball fields, a beautiful auditorium, and
in their lives. Almost all of the youth we serve have experienced years of adversity
an inspirational Legacy Center. While these are beautiful structures, their most
and toxic stress as the result of poverty, community and family violence, and family
important quality is that they have allowed Hanna to stretch its arms out and
dysfunction. We now know that chronic exposure to stress and adversity can
provide a beacon for more children, families and community organizations looking
disrupt neurodevelopment and dramatically increase the risk of lifelong physical
for a safe place to play, learn and grow. We estimate that Hanna now hosts more
and mental health challenges.
than 40,000 people at our facilities each year. Our reach is growing, and our impact
The good news is that resilience is the antidote to trauma and adversity—and the
is bigger than ever before.
most important ingredient in building resilience in youth is relationships with caring
These new connections have raised new questions. In November of 2014 we
and committed adults.
launched a strategic planning process with our board and other stakeholders.
resilience is the antidote to
trauma and adversity
“Our task is to
continue to
imagine a
different and
better future,
to learn, to
improve. What
really drew me
to Hanna was
the sense of
possibility and
the potential
to broaden
and deepen
our impact
with youth
and families.“
The task we set for ourselves is to consider Hanna’s future and explore its
possibilities. The key questions: How can we get better? Can we do more?
Can we further deepen or expand our impact?
Rest assured that as we consider our future and answer these questions, we will
continue to hold true to the values on which Hanna was built. We will always be a
Haven of Hope that changes the lives of youth through faith, education and caring.
At Hanna Boys Center, there is no shortage of supply when it comes to caring and
Even though we are in the change business,
committed adults. From our devoted board to our generous donors and volunteers
those values will endure. Indeed, they are
to our gifted staff, our boys have endless opportunities to connect with adults who
the bedrock upon which all of our change
care about them and are invested in their futures. This too is the hallmark of Hanna.
continues to happen.
These connections with caring adults form the foundation for our solid outcomes.
A gratifying statistic: Over the last decade almost 75 percent of our graduates
have had positive outcomes. Meaning they are either employed or engaged in
post-secondary education, have stable housing, stable relationships, and have
not experienced significant physical or behavioral health problems. The addition
Brian Farragher
Executive Director
of our Follow-On Program with dedicated staff that continues to stay connected
and involved with our graduates has gone a long way to improving their longterm success and life satisfaction. Besides basking in those successes, we continue
reaching out to graduates who struggle at any given point in their lives.
History teacher and athletic director Courtney Jackson, with student athletes.
expanding the vision
out in the world
summer internships
vocational arts
rise again
expanding the vision
One of the most rewarding developments for the entire Hanna community
over the years has been the establishment of a more rigorous academic program
at Archbishop Hanna High School, and a rise in expectations for student
achievement to go along with it. Inspired by outstanding and dedicated teachers,
more boys have discovered they are capable of excellence in the classroom, with
many taking the natural next step of moving on to successful college careers.
At the same time, there has been a renewed appreciation for all that the
vocational arts have to offer, the realization that career readiness is the ultimate
goal, and a well-rounded educational experience is the best route to
that goal. In 2014, Hanna Boys Center further solidified this comprehensive
approach to its curriculum by establishing a multi-faceted vocational education
program that features intensive offerings in woodworking, carpentry, welding,
electrical work, plumbing and more.
“the program’s
goal is for
students to
develop a skill
set and work
ethic that will
make them
prime candidates
for meaningful
sees perhaps no more powerful expression than in the Summer Internship Program
The program’s goal is for students to develop
that completed its fourth year in 2014. This visionary program has provided more
a skill set and work ethic that will make them
boys with valuable work experiences each year, largely because its track record is
prime candidates for meaningful employment,
such a boon for all parties:
apprenticeship programs, or other postsecondary educational experiences after
graduating from Hanna.
The program was an entire year in the planning
as a campus committee visited other high
school vocational programs in the region to
gather ideas and see what might work best
for Hanna’s needs. The last piece came into
• The boys who get placed in prominent local companies to perform meaningful
work that brings them a paycheck and invaluable experience in the real world
of commerce and service;
• The companies who benefit from the boys’ labor while helping to train a
responsible and experienced future workforce;
• The Hanna staff who watch the life lessons they impart in cottages and
classrooms bear fine fruit in the wider community.
place when 32-year vocational arts teacher
The Summer Internship Program is helped immeasurably by the generosity of
Mike Snowden decided he missed being in
longtime Hanna benefactors Les and Judy Vadasz, who underwrite half the boys’
the classroom after spending the past seven
salaries, and Nelson Staffing, which provides all the employment paperwork and
years as a private contractor. When the Hanna
payroll services.
opening loomed, Snowden brought his
experience, enthusiasm, and extensive industry
contacts with him in accepting the job. The
result in 2014 was the launch of a vocational arts
program that mirrors its twin on the academic
side to give Hanna boys the most well-rounded
The interaction and involvement between Hanna and the surrounding community
A record 25 boys completed the 2014 program, placed in a wide variety of
organizations including Jack London State Park, Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn,
Imagery Estate Winery, Price Pump, Sonoma Cheese Factory, Sonoma Overnight
Support (a local homeless shelter), and even Hanna Boys Center, which employed
boys in various maintenance positions.
educational opportunities they have ever had in
Our warm thanks to all who make it possible—including the hard-working boys who
Hanna’s nearly 70-year history.
continue to represent themselves and Hanna in such exemplary fashion.
Jack London
State Park
Fairmont Sonoma
Mission Inn
Imagery Estate
Price Pump
Sonoma Cheese
Overnight Support
Hanna Boys
hanna trustees
board members
Hanna Boys Center is governed by an all-volunteer board, which is separated into
Trustees, Regents and Regents Emeritus. The Board of Trustees has fiduciary
responsibility for the center. The Board of Regents serves as an advisory body to the
have brought Hanna to its current successful position—such as past board chairs,
“life members” or others who have had a special relationship with Hanna over the
years—have been honored with the title of Hanna Regents Emeritus in recognition
of their service. We seek new board members annually to ensure a fresh and varied
flow of new ideas, insights and expertise.
in memoriam
Ed Lowe
of Students
Rising Above
Jack R. Bertges
Tullus E. Miller
Julie Meyer
Mary Jo Potter
Most Rev. Robert F. Vasa
Tom Angstadt
Michael Battaini
Joseph A. Crivello
Randall DeVoto
Bryan Giraudo
Jennifer Heafey
Michael Hengehold
Stephen Lovette
Jane McClure
Joshua McFerron
Damian Archbold
Anne Banks
Thomas E. Bertelsen
Michael J. Caselli
Richard O. Caselli
Russell A. Colombo
Charles M. Corsiglia
Charles De Torres
Donald M. Feehan
Robert Figone
Patrick Flanagan
John Fox
Jeffrey L. Geissberger
Patricia Granucci
Doug Hengehold
Gordon Hepler
staff and Board of Trustees. Longtime board members whose actions and wisdom
Jennifer Heafey
William Isetta
Gregory Labagh
Jack T. Lance
Ann Fraser-Lorentzen
James Lynch
David Lyon
John Lyons
Robert McGrath
Matthew McGrath
Don McPhail
Lisa Mertens
Maryanne Murray
Michele Paul
Thomas M. Perkins
James Petray
Mary Jo Potter
John J. Powers
Caroline Price
Sean Riebli
Don A. Sebastiani
Edward E. Sillari
James Smith
Katie Snodgrass
Scott Thorpe
Rev. Charles D. Tinsley
Sean Tobin
Marc Traverso
Susan Vick
Brenda Walker
Sarah Whitelaw
Michael Wingard
James R. Woolwine
John P. Quinn
William R. Schrader
Daniel C. Young
Harold Zagunis
Ed Lowe was one of those people whose retirement from his successful stockbroking
business gave him barely a pause before he dove into multiple charitable endeavors
in his large-hearted quest to give back to a world he always felt had given so much
to him. Hanna Boys Center was not the only charitable organization who lost a dear
friend with Ed’s passing in 2014, and we join with many others in both mourning and
2014 Archbishop Hanna High School spring graduates.
profound appreciation for what he gave to us.
“Ed took a great liking to our boys and our mission after he and his wife Susan
moved to Sonoma years ago,” says Hanna’s Development Director Kris Van
Giesen. “He’d been on the board and devoted to the Students Rising Above
(SRA) organization in San Francisco, which helps disadvantaged kids go to
college. Ed was instrumental in getting us connected to SRA. He helped at
least a dozen of our boys apply there over the years and go on to college,
making a huge difference in their lives. He also got to know our Hanna Board
really well, and became legendary for the number of tables he could sell to
the SRA Gala every year. The ‘Friends of Ed Lowe’ was always the biggest
contingent there. He always supported our ‘Evening with the All-Stars’ in
turn. He was one-of-a-kind, and we’re going to miss him.”
Peter D. Ashe
Louis W. Batmale
Sister Linda A. Cahill
Thomas M. Chin
Terence DeVoto
Jack Fitzpatrick
Louis J. Geissberger
Robert J. Kenneth
Arthur C. Latno
Joan Latno
Daniel G. Libarle
Thomas J. Lohwasser
Annette Lomont
Albert A. Maggini
William E. McDonnell
William H. McInerney
Joanne Murphy
Eugene C. Payne
Rev. Msgr. James E. Pulskamp
Richard L. Robinson
Angelo C. Sangiacomo
Virginia C. Seymour
Robert E. Simms
Vincent J. Sullivan
James T. Turner
Most Rev. Daniel F. Walsh
Paul M. Watson
Robert B. Wilhelm
operating budget
july 1, 2014–june 30 2015
hanna boys center
by the numbers 2014
Boys arrive at Hanna from various challenging circumstances, but they share common bonds of hope and
determination to make something meaningful of their lives. The community within and beyond Hanna joins in
The endowment fund is a legacy from our founding director Monsignor William O’Connor and the
their hopeful vision.
early volunteer board members who planned for the future of Hanna Boys Center. We are committed
to honoring that legacy by maintaining our financial security for future generations of at-risk youth
and their families.
$2,306,574 (20%)
$6,740,688 (60%)
$520,000 (5%)
89% Pay $250 or less in annual tuition to Hanna
Through multicultural and diversity training, Hanna honors
37% Have annual household incomes below
the traditions and practices of all boys’ backgrounds.
poverty level
19% Are households on public assistance
8% African American
5% Asian/Pacific Islander
$1,676,895 (15%)
We are committed to the careful stewardship of gifts from our faithful supporters. The boys are our
first priority, and all donations go to fund their programs and services. We cover other expenses
through the endowment fund.
$8,957,315 (80%)
$460,012 (4%)
$978,458 (9%)
$848,372 (7%)
FOR 2015: $3,983,469
35% Sonoma County
65% Come from single-parent households
10% Contra Costa County
65% Experienced four or more childhood adversities
8% Alameda County
42% Read below grade level at enrollment
8% Solano County
42% Have experienced the death of a parent or
7% San Francisco County
close family member
5% Los Angeles County
40% Have a learning disability
4% Marin County
40% Have experienced mental abuse
4% Sacramento County
28% Have spent time living outside their home
4% Napa County
20% Participate in Hanna’s Substance Abuse
3% Shasta & Lake County
Prevention Program
2% San Mateo County
10% Have had some gang involvement
7% Other California counties
9% Are living with a family other than their parents
3% Outside California
108 Boys living at Hanna at any given time
7:1 Ratio of students to teachers in Hanna classrooms
83 Boys joined the Hanna family last year
185 Prospective Hanna families who toured
3,952Boys and their families served by Hanna
the campus
since 1945
100+ Alumni contacting Hanna per month
800+ Inquiries received from families in need
118 Hanna alumni receiving educational scholarships
232 Applications requested in 2014
or assistance from the Follow-On Program
6:1 Ratio of students to child care professionals
23 Hanna alumni currently serving in the
in Hanna residences
U.S. Armed Forces
capital campaign
poised for landing
Hanna Boys Center’s five-year “Spreading Our Wings” capital improvement
campaign entered its descent phase at the end of 2014 with solid momentum and
great hopes for a smooth and successful landing that would meet its ambitious
goal of raising $15 million by the end of 2015. At the end of the year, Hanna donors
from around the country and from every economic bracket had contributed a total
of $13.2 million to the effort, which began in 2011.
The campaign has already enabled Hanna to build sorely needed new facilities that
include a new Admissions and Alumni Building, the Hanna Legacy Center, a Fine
Arts Auditorium, and new sports fields. All the improvements have helped serve
dual purposes of providing attractive and useful facilities for Hanna students and
alumni while also providing opportunities for the larger community to enjoy and
benefit from the Hanna campus. This engagement with the community helps keep
Hanna and its story in the public eye on a regular basis, as we continue to be the
very best neighbors we can be in our longtime home.
Mr. Bruce B. Allen
Tom Angstadt
Mr. Wayne Antol
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Ashe
August Sebastiani Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Batmale
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Battaini
Kay Baum
Suzanne Becker Bronk
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Bertelsen, Jr.
Jack and JoAnn Bertges
Mr. Willis P. Blackwood
Brewster West Foundation
Mrs. Gail F. Brown
Scott and Ana Brubaker
Mary E. Candee
Dr. and Mrs. Richard O. Caselli
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Caselli
Ronald Cataldo
Thomas M. Chin
Monica and Peter Clark
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Clarkson
Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Colombo
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Corsiglia
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Crile
Mr. Joseph A. Crivello
Wendy S. Darling
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Davis
Terence and Chrissy DeVoto
Joseph and Kristine Demko
Mr. and Mrs. Randall DeVoto
Diageo North American Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dutil
Exchange Bank
Exchange Bank Foundation
Lorraine Fazzolare
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Feehan
Steven and Jeannie Feehan
Tom and Cherielyn Ferguson
Patrick and Darla Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. John Fox
Mrs. Ann Fraser-Lorentzen
Maury Gallagher
Bryan and Courtney Giraudo
Mr. Daniel Grumet
Mr. Albert H. Haggett
George and Pamela Hamel
Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Harrison
Heck Foundation
Pat and Jill Hemingway
Doug and Meaghan Hengehold
Michael Hengehold
Hope Hofmann
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hooks
Marilyn and Caleb Hoshiyama
Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar H. Hoskins
Mrs. Ann Hunter
Mr. John E. Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Kelly
Nancy Kivelson
Judge and Dr. Richard A. Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Labagh
Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Lance
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Latno, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lee
Sandi Lim
Stephen and Connie Lovette
James and Sharon Lynch
Mr. Albert A. Maggini
Geralyne Mahoney
MAM Investments, LTD
Jane and Andy McClure
Dr. and Mrs. Phil McGinn
Mr. Mary V. McInerney
Robert and Joan McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. Don McPhail
Mr. and Mrs. Denis W. Meals
Julie A. Meyer
Michael J. Nelson Foundation
Michael Michalski
Mr. Arthur J. Micheletti
2010 Campaign Kickoff
Tullus Miller
Lynn M. Moore
Joanne and Martin Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Nolen
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noonan
John and Judy Olano
John and Mary Palmer
Michele Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Payne III
Mike and Kiki Pescatello
Mr. and Mrs. James Petray
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Petrocchi
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Porter, Jr.
Mary Jo Potter
Michael S. Powers
George and Rose Prado-Navone
Alan Pricco
Caroline and Michael Price
John Redding
John D. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Robinson
Marlene and Stanley Rosenberg
Mr. Raymond G. Rossi
Donna and Joseph Rubin
S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation
Mark Sarti
Saveri and Saveri, Inc.
Mr. William R. Schrader
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Schwab
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sheenan
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Shifflett
Dr. Leslie E. Smith
James and Gloria Smith
Sonoma Wine Country Weekend
Edward Storm
David Stuhr
Vincent J. Sullivan
William and Linda Sullivan
The Carl Gellert and Celia Berta
Gellert Foundation
The Raymond and Joanne Lin Foundation
Most Rev. Daniel F. Walsh, DD
Dr. and Mrs. Robert White
William Randolph Hearst Foundation
Michael and Gretchen Wingard
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Woolwine
Melody Wright
$1 5,000,000
warm welcome
summer campers
“Various Hanna
boys were able
to serve as
coaches and
providing them
job experience
for their resumes
and some
pocket cash
for summer.“
expanding the vision
boy of the year
abraham rodriguez
One of the promises of the “Spreading Our Wings” capital campaign was not
Abraham Rodriguez’s four-year tenure at
only that new facilities would provide countless benefits to Hanna’s boys for many
Hanna Boys Center ended in a triumphant
years to come, but also that it would allow us to share this tremendous asset with
graduation ceremony at the end of May
the larger community. And so it has come to pass, with the outside community
with 28 of his Hanna brothers. Making
regularly using Hanna facilities for recreational, educational and entertainment
it all the sweeter was that waiting in
purposes. Venues for those are often in short supply in Sonoma Valley.
the wings for him was a job at Kunde
One of the most exciting such activities took place over June and July when many
Hanna boys were out on summer break. More than 200 youngsters between the
ages of 5–18 attended a variety of week-long sports and recreational camps that
enrollment at Santa Rosa Junior College
for the fall semester.
Abraham was a popular figure on the
to day camps for basketball, baseball, and recreational activities that included
Hanna campus, widely respected by staff
swimming, softball, arts and crafts, frisbee golf, ping-pong and derby
and peers for his work ethic, kindness
car racing.
and character. He worked nearly four years in the Hanna kitchen and managed to
providing them an opportunity to help others, be a positive role model while
building their resumes, and supplying some pocket cash for their summer.
“Abraham has
a tremendous
amount of
character and
drive to be a
young man,
and he would
be humbled
completely by
this award.“
Family Estate in Kenwood, followed by
were overseen by Hanna staff. Activities ranged from a residential football camp
Another bonus: Many Hanna boys were able to serve as coaches and counselors,
expanding the vision
save over $5,000 in that time, much of which he shared with his mother who had
experienced financial difficulties. He also used some of his money to get on track
for the U.S. citizenship he coveted.
An avid piano player, Abraham benefited greatly from the generosity of a Sonoma
Notably, Hanna staff was able to raise $5,000 in private donations to fund
couple, Carla and Derek Murphy, who saw an appeal on Hanna’s Facebook page
scholarships so that no camp applicant would be turned away for lack of funds.
last year for a piano he could practice on. The Murphys responded by having
That Hanna spirit of generosity and concern for those less fortunate is at the
a piano delivered to Abraham’s cottage, where he entertained his cottage
heart of the Hanna mission, and we were happy to see it expressed in the debut
mates, honed his skills, and practiced pieces that he played at a wedding for a
of our summer camps.
local couple.
The Hanna family looks forward to a long and continuing association with Abraham
as he becomes one of our valued alumni and finds his way to the success he has
prepared himself so well for in his time with us.
2014 donors
Our ability to accomplish our mission relies solely on the generosity of our donors. Through good
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Aitken
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Basque
Mrs. Marguerite Baumgartner
Mrs. Nancy Berges
Mrs. Melody Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Bertelsen, Jr.
Mr. David Blasquez
John Joseph Bleiman
Mrs. Lucilla B. Boyd
Ms. Alice L. Bozzo
Mr. Walter Brusatori
Mrs. Mafalda Cardoza
Mrs. Patricia D. Cercos
Robert Clark
Monica and Peter Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Clapp
Mrs. Hellena L. Clemes
Mrs. Marie S. Costa
Father John S. Crews, Ed.D.
Mrs. Lynda M. Cronin
Sherry Dahlquist
Ms. Patricia Deneen
Lillia N. Domench
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Downey
Janice M. Farrar-Titus
Mr. Joseph Fernandes
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fitzpatrick
Mrs. Barbara Flaherty
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Furrer
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Gandola
Mr. John D. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Grohoski
Mr. Daniel Grumet
Beth Guillaumin, M.D.
Gary O. Gustman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hilliard
Lori Hines
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hoel
Mr. James L. Imerzel, Jr.
Mrs. Beverly A. Jordan
Mr. Kenneth D. Joseph
Mr. Ernest E. Karsten, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Kraft
Mr. Louis R. Laeremans
Mrs. Kathleen P. Lafferty
economic times and bad, they have been steadfast supporters of our mission, assisting us in the
following ways:
Donors have included Hanna Boys Center in their
Donors contributed from $250 –$25,000+ during 2014.
estate plans. Their names are inscribed on a plaque
See page 18
that hangs in the Hanna Chapel. See page 15
Donors provide ongoing support for the Hanna
Donors offer supplies, materials, and labor that are vital
to our endeavors. See page 24
program by fulfilling a monthly pledge. See page 16
a donation of a
different sort
for Hanna grads
Napa residents Caroline and Michael Price have been generous with their donations
of both time and financial assets to Hanna Boys Center over the years. And they have
also come to combine the two in an especially gracious way by hosting a lovely
dinner party for every Hanna High School graduating class—both winter and spring.
The most recent winter class dinner party at the end of 2014 saw eight boys dressed
in their finest feted by the Prices and a number of Hanna staff, including Principal
Dennis Crandall, Clinical Director Dr. Tim Norman and Hanna Boys Center Executive
Director Brian Farragher. Party favors included a digital camera sent home with every
boy, along with memories of a special evening filled with examples of the generosityin-action that so typifies Hanna donors.
hanna legacy
society members
Mrs. Maureen W. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Leardini
Mrs. Patricia A Leonard
Twila LePage
Mr. Roy C. Lopaus
James and Sharon Lynch
Ms. Catherine T. Lyons
Mr. Albert A. Maggini
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Mazzetti, Jr.
Mrs. Mary McIrvin
Lillian M. Montcalm
Robert Montini
Moyra S. Moy, MD
Patrick O’Halloran
Mr. Charles Perrell
John Posepanko
Mary Jo Potter
Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil F. Quigg
Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth J. Rader
Judd and Marilyn Redden
Mr. Richard R. Roderick
Mrs. Patricia K. Ryan
Mr. Allan P. Scholl
Mr. Charles H. Scott
Virginia C. Seymour
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Sheets
Dr. Leslie E. Smith
Mr. Spencer Smith
Mr. Gordon R. Stedman
Mrs. Joan E. Sullivan
Miss Marie-Louise Tanner
Mrs. Jocelyn D. Thompson
Mrs. Vivian Tyrrell
Mr. Richard J. Veglia
Mr. Patrick T. Vermaaten
Mrs. Elenora Wagner
Mr. William W. Wakefield
Mrs. Carolyn R. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Wilhelm
Mr. Anthony Wintczak
Mrs. Lorraine J. Zollicoffer
The Hanna Legacy Society
plaque hangs in the chapel.
guardian angel
monthly donors
Mrs. Corinne W. Abel
John and Sharon Adams
Harley Aguillon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Airaudi
James Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ambrosio
Anthony Caruso Associates
Robert and Kathleen Arnold
Sarah Aronno
Mr. Troy Ballard
Susan D. Barlaan
Gregory W. Bartha, M.D.
John Bartholomew
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Basque
Ms. Sylvia Bellero Karson
Rose M. Beltran
Mrs. Vera M. Benjamin
Carol A. Bernal
Mrs. Melody Berry
John Bertaina
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Bertholdi
Kathryn M. Besio
Ms. Ester Q. Betancourt
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Biagini
Ms. Lesley D. Bissett
Faye Blatt
John Joseph Bleiman
Mr. and Mrs. Steve J. Blumenthal
Lynda Bogart
Rose Bolster
Ruth A. Borad
Paula Bordner
Paulette A. Borg
Richard Borgman
Patrick and Judy Bowler
Mr. Christopher Boyle
Mrs. Theresa A. Boyle
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Brady
Ilona C. Bragg
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Broach
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Bronson
Jane M. Bryan
Mrs. Rose E. Bucchianeri
Mrs. Lillian E. Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. William Bush
Wendy L. Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Cady
Colleen M. Cahill
Philip and Dolores Callerro
Jim and Patricia Carr
Mrs. Dorothy R. Carrara
Mrs. Patricia D. Cercos
Russell Chandler and Susan Preciado
Sue Charlesworth
Clinton and Karon Chrisman
Ken and Delores Clapp
William Clopton
Mr. James S. Clover
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Cogan
Mr. Robert L. Comyns
Matthew and Melissa Cooper
Mrs. Marilyn C. Cooper
Carol A. Craft
William W. Craven
Michael Curran
Lucy Dal Porto
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Darling
Larry Dascoli
Mr. Walter E. Davenport
Mrs. Charlene C. Dax
Mrs. Janet M. De Lara
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Deignan
Marie Delany
Miss Georgette A. Delclaux
Feiwen Deng
Mrs. Peggy J. Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Dolce
Mr. and Mrs. Cleo O. Downs
Mrs. Harriet Draper
Dr. Mary G. Ducharme
Mrs. Earlene Dutton
Paul and Daisy Eichman
Epicurean Group
Timothy and Stephanie Exline
Miss Rita Fabri
Mr. Joseph Fernandes
Mrs. Phyllis R. Finney
Maxine Foraci
Marvin and Lorraine Foster
Mrs. Frances M. Freel
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell B. Freeman
Ethel and Robert Friedrichs
William W. Fuller
Ann K. Gaekle
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gallagher
Mr. James V. Gamez
Ms. Helene M. Gann
Mr. Alfred M. Garcia
Mike Geissberger
Mrs. Kathryn Gemello
Mrs. Lorene A. Giansiracusa
Mrs. Margaret L. Giesin
SMSgt. and Mrs. George A.
Gilliam, Jr., USAF Retired
Mr. Lawrence R. Glenn
Mrs. Mary Gonzales
Mr. George J. Gonzales
Gloria A. Gooding
Mr. Jack M. Gookin
John Gordon
Miss Eloyde L. Granucci
Ms. Doris A. Grimley
Mr. Phil Grow
Mrs. Barbara A. Grundman
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gunn, Jr.
Gary O. Gustman
Gilbert R. Guzman
Marlene Haft
Mickie Hale
Katherine M. Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hartinger
James J. Hartnett, Jr.
Richmond and Karen Hazlehurst
Jim Henderson
Nancy and Gordon Hendrickson
Mr. and Mrs. George Heuga
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hicks
Joe and Lupe Hilario
Mr. Thomas R. Hoffman
Mrs. Mozelle A. Hood
Mr. David J. Horton
Ralph Hotz
Nancy E. Hull
Mrs. Joan P. Hunt
Hector and Maria Iacobitti
John and Marguerite Igoe
Eunice Jacobo
Saskia Jans
Jerilee A. Jensen
Mrs. Suzanne I. Jones
Ms. Vernell June
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Junkin
Mr. Mark A. Justman
Dr. Maria Kabalin-Gaston
Mr. and Mrs. John Keating
Clarice A. Kemp
Evelyn B. Kirkpatrick
Mrs. Oneta F. Kremer
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kypreos
Daniel J. Lennon
Mrs. Patricia A Leonard
Mr. David Lippi
Jerry S. Lombardi
William Lombardini
David Lopez
Franco Lucchesi
Geraldine Lusnia
David J. Mackenzie
Miss Alda Maggiora
Patrick Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie W. Maier, Jr.
Rev. Raymond B. Maloney
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Martin
Jean Marie Martin
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Noma C. Martini
Martin and Nancy Mazzanti
Mrs. Dorothy M. McCarrick
Mr. Eldon L. McComb
Mrs. Catherine I. McGowan
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron McClintock
Mary McDevitt, M.D.
Lanore E. Meckenstock
Mr. Richard Medeiros
Elynda and Jeff Mehl
Jennie Meier
Sister Rose M. Menard
Steven and Leah Mendoza
Mrs. Laurell Meredith
John M. Mitchell
Robin L. Moran
Judith Morris
Mrs. Mary Jo Morris
Mr. Leo P. Mullin
Mr. Olaf K. Myklebust
Mrs. Joan H. Nash
Ida M. Nelson
Barbara Nobles
Edward Norman
Norma R. O’Brien
Michael J. O’Neill
Mrs. Gloria Opperman
Colleen R. Ostrofe
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ouimet
Maxine G. Paine
Mrs. Marilyn L. Panelli
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Pappas
Ms. Lois A. Paratore
Mr. James L. Parker
Michele Paul
Mrs. Shirley M. Paul
Paula C. Pearce
Mr. and Mrs. Dario J. Pedrotti
Mr. Frank Pena
Mrs. Aida M. Peterson
Mr. Ranndy D. Pina
Martha N. Purohit
Mr. Donald Pursglove
Michael Quinn
George and Carole Raine
Robert P. Randall
Mrs. Mary E. Rasmussen
James and Diane Rebollini
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Reed
Joanne F. Reynolds
Fred L. Rhian
Mr. George L. Ricci, Jr.
Mr. Edward A. Richard
George and Laurajean Rick
Ms. Mary Roa
Mrs. Mary A. Robbiano
Bonnie Roberts
Mr. Carlos R. Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Rudder
Ana M. Rueda
Ms. Charlie F. Ruff
Ron Russell
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sadler
Uta Santos
Carol A. Saylor
Carolyn F. Scherini
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Schindler
Norma J. Schmitz
Mr. Charles H. Scott
Michele Sebastiano
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Semenero
Virginia C. Seymour
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Shattock
Mr. John V. Shields, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Sienes
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Silverie III
Therese A. Slepnikoff
Mrs. Thelma L. Smith
Mr. Gregory M. Smith
Keld and Jeanne Sorensen
Mr. Gordon R. Stedman
Richard and Diane Stein
Mr. Bernard Suessmeier
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Sullivan
Sikuan Sutanto
Mrs. Brenda Switzer
Gina Tan
Mrs. Matilda Tapella
Mrs. Mary C. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Taylor
Mr. Vincent Taylor
Mr. Jesse H. Terpstra, Jr.
Rita M. Tornatore
Elizabeth M. Tregaskis
Mrs. Betty J. Udaloff
Rosemary Penna U’Ren
Anne Louise Van Hoomissen
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Van Metre
Tony L. Vasconcelles
Dorotheo and Maria Victoria
Mr. Alfred W. Vierra
Adria J. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Webb
Mrs. Lorraine A. Wedekind
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Welsh
Mr. Daniel E. Whelan
Charles and Joan Wieland
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Wildes
Mrs. Jeanette O. Woods
Judy K. Woolston
Mrs. Stephanie Worm
Mary R. Wright
Mrs. Hannah Wynne
Erlinda Yguico
Jack Young
Mrs. Catherine Zele
Mr. Thomas G. Zimmerman
hanna boys center
special donors
Tom Angstadt
Nancy Kivelson
William and Linda Sullivan
Patrick and Darla Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noonan*
Thoresen Foundation
Kivelstadt Group
Caroline and Michael Price
Les and Judy Vadasz
TOTAL GIFTS $20,000 TO $24,999
Brewster West Foundation
Charles and Wilma Riemann
Fruth Family Foundation
Pete Connolly
John and Bettina Fruth
TOTAL GIFTS $10,000 TO $19,999
Jack and JoAnn Bertges
Dodge and Cox
McDonald Family Foundation
Callie D. McGrath Foundation*
Farmers and Merchants
Robert and Joan McGrath
The Carl Gellert and
Trust Company
Tullus Miller
Celia Berta Gellert Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Feehan*
Joanne and Martin Murphy*
Celebrate Foundation Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L.
Mr. Allan P. Scholl*
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Clegg
Geissberger, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Sienes
Paul and Margaret Denning
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Latno, Jr.*
Sonoma Wine Country Weekend
TOTAL GIFTS $5,000 TO $9,999
Mr. Wayne Antol*
Hope Hofmann
The Mozart Development Company
Arthur M. Robinson Foundation
Impact100 Sonoma
John and Judy Olano
Sally R. Briggs
J. A. Daley III Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Perkins*
The Diamantine Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Kelly*
Kiki Pescatello
John C. Dwyer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Kozel*
Presidio Bank
Brian and Anne Farragher
David and Dori Lang
Richard and Nancy Robinson
Flanagan Family Foundation
James and Sharon Lynch*
John and Judy Serres
Dr. and Mrs. Louis J. Geissberger*
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Noma C. Martini
Serres Corporation
Mrs. Susan M. Haley*
Julie A. Meyer
James and Gloria Smith*
Brian and Jennifer Heafey
Michael Michalski
Speedway Children’s Charities
Heck Foundation
Ronald W. Miller*
Universal Protection Services
Greg and Kristina Hoffman
George and Deborah Montgomery
Mr. Thomas G. Atwood*
Julio and Gael Ayala
Catherine P. Bachman
Bank of Marin
Anne and David Banks
Lee and Michelle Banks
Mrs. Judy D. Barrett*
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Basque*
Gail Blach*
Mrs. Margaret M. Boitano
Borina Foundation
Pierre Breber
Gary Brodie
Scott and Ana Brubaker
David and Victoria Bull
C and T Recycling
Mary E. Candee*
Joseph K. Chan
Ken and Delores Clapp
Monica and Peter Clark*
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Codd
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cohn
Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Colombo
William and Donna Conley
Corlett, Skaer and DeVoto Architects, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Corsiglia
Mr. and Mrs. John Coulston
Cox Family Foundation
Dennis and Marcia Crandall
Ray L. Crawford
Mr. Joseph A. Crivello*
Pamela J. Curtis
Mr. Richard J. Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Davies*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeBlauw
Marcelo DeFreitas
Joseph and Kristine Demko
Feiwen Deng
Denning and Company
The Dennis and Gloria O’Brien Foundation
Robert C. Devincenzi
Mr. and Mrs. Randall DeVoto
Ken and Susan DiLillo
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin L. Dicus, Jr.
John and Gail Diserens
continued from previous page
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Dolce*
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Donnelly
Richard and Joan Doust
John A. Dowling
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Downey*
Monique Dubois
Eli and Mae Rosen Foundation, Inc.
Epicurean Group
Phillip S. Estes
Dr. Stephanie A. Evans
Evans Fund, Marin Community Foundation
Exchange Bank
Lorraine Fazzolare
Tom and Cherielyn Ferguson
Sharon and Bruce Ferrigno
Fidelity Brokerage Services, LLC
Raymond and Laura Fioresi*
Lawrence B. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fitzpatrick*
Julie A. Ford
Mrs. Ann Fraser-Lorentzen
Marjory A. Frye
Sylvia Galambos
Gallery Paule Anglim
Ralph A. Gatto
John and Krista Geissberger
Anthony and Charyl Ghisla
Jacque Giuffre
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Gurney
Michael and Theresa Haire
David and Nicole Hamilton
Katherine M. Hansen
Hansen Vineyards
Mr. Henry F. Hanson
Pat and Jill Hemingway
Doug and Meaghan Hengehold
C. A. Hill
With a big assist from his Varsity soccer teammates,
into the Hanna High School record book in 2014 by
Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Batmale*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Battaini
Kay Baum and David Stuhr
Bay Area Sports Hall of Fame/
Youth Endowment Fund
Mr. F. Michael Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Bertelsen, Jr.*
Michael and Shelia Biaggi
Mr. and Mrs. Keith W. Hughes
Hymowitz Family Foundation
The Jewish Community
Endowment Fund
Darrell Jobe
Mrs. Beverly A. Jordan*
Mr. Melvin S. Judnich*
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Kelleher
Duncan and Katherine Kennedy
William J. King
George and Carroll Kobernus
Charles and Lynn Kracker
Judge and Dr. Richard A. Kramer
Peter Krause and Holly Bennett-Krause
Bill Krysler
Robin and Kurt Kunde
Kunde Family Vineyards
Nicholas A. Kunst
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Kurvers*
Ralph and Ana La Rossa
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Labagh
Steve and Maribelle Leavitt
Mr. Coleman R. Lee*
Michael and Christina Leventini
Elisabeth R. Levy
Raymond Lin
Joanna Lin
Stephen and Connie Lovette
Ron Macaluso
Richard G. Malone
MAM Investments, LTD
Mark and Melody Mariani
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Martin*
Matrix HG, Inc.
Claude A. Maurer
Jane and Andy McClure
Lex McCorvey
*Indicates donor who has given for 20 or more years.
now graduated senior Alexis Magana etched his name
TOTAL GIFTS $1,000 TO $4,999
A. B. and J. Noyes Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Airaudi*
Alice Phelan Sullivan Corp.*
Allegiant Travel Company
Mr. Bruce B. Allen*
American AgCredit
Anthony Caruso Associates
Robert and Kathleen Arnold
TOTAL GIFTS $1,000 TO $4,999
becoming the first Hanna student-athlete ever named
to First Team All-Empire in any sport. Alexis was also
honored as captain and MVP by his team, which
first team
—the first
time ever!
compiled a glowing 21-2-1 overall record under
Coach Travis Curtis. Hanna captured the Bridge School
League championship with a perfect 12-0 record and
fell just short of the North Coast Section Division-3
championship round.
*Indicates donor who has given for 20 or more years.
TOTAL GIFTS $1,000 TO $4,999
John McKean
Mitchell and Caroline McCahey
Joshua and Deborah McFerron
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McGrath
Dan McGue
Kevin W. McNeely
Joanne Meroney
Steve and Eileen Meuris*
Michael J. Nelson Foundation
Mr. Arthur J. Micheletti*
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Mitchell
Delores J. Molavi
Chris and Barbara Montan
Montan Family Foundation
Moyra S. Moy, M.D.*
David and Pam Myers
Network for Good
Ken and Betsy Niles
Northern Trust Bank of California
Mr. Thomas J. O’Neill
Elizabeth O’Rielly
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. O’Rourke*
Mr. Michel J. Orradre*
John and Mary Palmer
Pasha Group
Michele Paul
Judith S. Peletz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Petrocchi*
Dr. Alexander F. Petzinger
Mary Jo Potter
Michael S. Powers
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Powers Jr.*
continued from previous page
Mr. John W. Poysa, Jr.*
Alan Pricco
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Quinn*
The Raymond and Joanne Lin Foundation
James and Diane Rebollini
John Redding
Jim Reichardt
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Riebli, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Robinson*
David and Beverlee Rodondi
Mr. Raymond G. Rossi
San Francisco Police Officers Association
Mabeth and Bill Sanderson
Uta Santos
Mark Sarti
Pete Schneider
Mr. William R. Schrader
Steven E. Schupbach
Scott Anderson Landscaping
Donna R. Seabrooks, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Sebastinelli*
Virginia C. Seymour*
Ken and Linda Shane
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Sheets
James and Michelle Shorin
Edward and Denise Silicani
Edward E. Sillari
Lena Sivik
Dr. Leslie E. Smith*
Michelle Smith
Katie and Greg Snodgrass
Lawrence and Barbara Soletti
Sonoma Raceway
Mary and Walter Spellman*
Mr. Gordon R. Stedman
Sterling Vineyards
Harold and Diane Steuber
John and Debbie Strebel
Summit State Bank
Ali Tabibian
Zsolt Takacs
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Thorpe
Arnold and Caryn Tognozzi
Barbara A. Tolman
Sylvia Toth
Marc and Katie Traverso
Christina M. Trinks
TRUX Airline Cargo Service/
Park SFO Airport Parking
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Turner III*
Ms. Greta J. Vallerga
Jean Vanden Heuvel
Washington Square Health Foundation
Bob and Nancy Weber
Dave and Sarah Whitelaw
William and Marian Ghidotti Foundation*
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt E. Wilson
Michael and Gretchen Wingard
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Winter
Anton Woltering
Wright Contracting Inc.
Ms. Shu-Chen Wu
TOTAL GIFTS $500 TO $999
Mr. Alfred Agrella
Mr. and Mrs. Mario F. Alioto III
Mr. and Mrs. Norman K. Amidon
Mr. and Mrs. Todd G. Anderson
Mr. Michael Anthenien*
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Arnaudo*
Gina Ayala
Walter and Yvonne Banks
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight L. Barker
Richard and Susan Barry
Daniel and Moira Bessette
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Bewsher*
Mr. and Mrs. Steve J. Blumenthal*
Lynda Bogart
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Bradshaw
Thomas J. Brandi
Lawrence Briscoe
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brocco
Candace E. Brown
Mrs. Gail F. Brown*
Mrs. Lillian E. Buckley*
Burnham Benefits Insurance Services
Ronald and Sydney Bushman*
Mr. John Calamoneri
Tiffany A. Camarillo
William and Barbara Cancilla
Phillip and Kathy Carlson
Dr. and Mrs. Richard O. Caselli*
Tzu I. Chiu
Cobalt Transport Service, Inc.
Debbie S. Colmar
Janet Connors
Wayne and Luella Coronel
Robert Crane
Mrs. Nancy L. Crowe*
Gerald P. Cunningham
Michael Curran
Paul Curreri
Dairydell Inc.
Lori Dapelo
Greg and Kathy De Jong
Mrs. Carmen A. DeLano*
*Indicates donor who has given for 20 or more years.
Mr. Philip Di Stanislao
Gregory DiPaolo
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dolan*
Dr. Mary G. Ducharme*
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick K. Duhring*
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dunlavy
Stacey and Brooks Esser
Mrs. Paul R. Evey*
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Famini
Robert and Liana Figone
Lee Fishman
Benton A. Fong
Mr. and Mrs. John Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fredericks
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A Freeman
David and Brenda Friedlander
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gallagher*
Mrs. Phyllis M. Gallaway*
Robert and Gretchen Gardner
Jill Y. Garvens
Kevin M. Gay
TOTAL GIFTS $500 TO $999
Fred and Kathryn Goldman
Stephen and Pat Granucci
Mr. Daniel Grumet*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Guglielmi*
Beth Guillaumin, M.D.
Mr. Albert H. Haggett
Jennifer Hainstock
Robert and Jennifer Hamill
Mr. Thomas W. Hannan*
Allan A. Henderson
Michael Hengehold
Dr. and Mrs. Brian A. Hennessy
Richard Hickman
Charles Hill
Barbara Hughes
Mrs. Joan P. Hunt*
Mr. and Mrs. Merle L. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Iantosca
Roger and Deborah Idiart
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Jensen
Jerilee A. Jensen*
David and Karen Johnson
Mr. Robert T. Jordan
Joseph Cumbelich and Associates*
Sheperd Kaplan
Courtney Keith
Margo and David Kelly
Mr. Joseph I. Kelly
The Kelter Foundation Inc.
Dennis and Martha King
Alex D. Kivelstadt
Gary A. Koverman
Tamara Krautkramer
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kypreos*
Amy E. Lane
Mr. Joseph G. Leach
Mrs. Patricia A Leonard*
Maryon Davies Lewis
Dave Longa
Ed and Susan Lowe
Jeff Ludlow
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Madrigrano
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Magaziner
Patricia E. Mahoney*
Geralyne Mahoney
Michael S. Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mariani*
Donald and Dana Marotto
continued from previous page
Ms. Janet A. Martin
Dave and Teresa Martinelli
Mr. Dennis P. Martino
Martin and Nancy Mazzanti*
Peter and Patricia McLaughlin
Jim McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. Les R. Melghem*
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence B. Mitchell
Eileen and Bruce Moore
Robin L. Moran*
Moscone Emblidge Sater and Otis LLP
Vickie Mulas
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muller
Mr. Leo P. Mullin*
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Murphy
National Philanthropic Trust
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Nightengale
Barbara Nobles
Mrs. Beatrice L. Nolan
Louis and Susann Nordrum
North Bay Corvette Association
Northwest General Engineering
Mrs. Gloria Opperman*
Bernard and Sandra Orsi*
Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Pagter*
Arthur Paguio
Mr. James L. Parker*
Shannon Pelikan
Sheryl Pelton
Christopher and Diane Penn
Mr. Charles Perrell
Mr. John R. Pershing*
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Peterson, Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Pettipas
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Pier
Keelin Pohl
Darla D. Postil
Precision Emprise Inc.
Deborah S. Presten
Mr. Donald Pursglove*
Mr. Joseph E. Quartero
Michael Quinn
Jane A. Restani
Mr. Edward A. Richard
William G. Robinson
Mr. Kent M. Roger*
James and Sharon Rose
Diane Rosenblatt
Aurelien Roulin
Donna and Joseph Rubin
Ms. Charlie F. Ruff
Kathy J. Ruiz
Sally D. Ryan
Michael Saechao
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo C. Sangiacomo*
Sangiacomo Vineyards
Madeline R. Schnapp*
Mr. Warren A. Schneider
Edward Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Sheela*
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Shifflett
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Silverie III*
Therese A. Slepnikoff
Darol Smith and Elena Bottari-Smith
Patricia A. Smith*
Sonoma Sterling Limousines, Inc
South End Rowing Club*
Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Stark*
Mr. Charles L. Stellini*
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Stolp*
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance T. Stretch
Summit Financial Advisors
Tawny B. Tesconi
Mrs. Jocelyn D. Thompson*
Megan Tillisch
Ted and Jennifer Tobiason
Robert Torgerson
Mrs. Betty J. Udaloff*
Elizabeth C. Ungrodt
Craig and Alison Vercruysse
Karen J. Vesely
Reino I. Wantin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Ward*
Mr. John M. Wernli*
Charles and Joan Wieland
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Wildes
Diane B. Wilsey
Doug and Maria Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Wolff*
Constance Woodward
Wright and Gervais Accountants, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Burrell L. Wyle*
Mrs. Hannah Wynne
Harold Zagunis
Fritz and Susan Zimmer
Jeff and Laura Zimmerman
TOTAL GIFTS $250 TO $499
A and N Public Accounting Services
Mrs. Corinne W. Abel
John and Sharon Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos V. Aguilar
Mrs. Mitzi S. Aguirre
Pat and Frank Alexander
Carolyn A. Alioto
Andrew and Michelle Aloe
*Indicates donor who has given for 20 or more years.
Alta Mesa Improvement Co.*
Anna R. Antoniucci
Dr. and Mrs. Paul L. Archambeau*
Eleonore M. Aslanian
AT&T Employee Giving Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Bailey
Kelly Ballard
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Barnes
Richard and Marcia Barsotti
Gregory W. Bartha, M. D.
Louis Batmale
John and Janis Becker
Mrs. Lillian O. Bellagio
Ms. Sylvia Bellero Karson
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian A. Bello*
Lester and Evelyn Bennett*
Bennett Valley Jewelers Inc.
Michael F. Berard
Col. and Mrs. Richard W. Bergson, USA Ret.
Carol A. Bernal
Mrs. Melody Berry
Kathryn M. Besio*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Besse*
Mr. Brian Bettini*
Biagi Bros
Mr. Robert C. Bielenberg
John Joseph Bleiman*
Paula Bordner
Richard Borgman
Mrs. Linda H. Bott
Mr. Thomas J. Bottenfield*
Mr. Christopher Boyle
Mr. Robert Braghetta
Mr. Alfred J. Brandi
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Broach*
Brocco’s Old Barn*
Mr. and Mrs. Alden W. Brosseau*
Francine Brossier
Andrea Brunetti
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bucher
Robert E. Burns
Gary Burns
Alan Burr
Burr, Pilger and Mayer LLP
Joe Cabral
Colleen M. Cahill
California Community Foundation
Mr. William L. Cappiello
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Kunnath
Rod and Nicole Carlsen
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Carr
Jim and Patricia Carr
Marilyn Duggan Caselli
Mrs. Patricia D. Cercos
Mr. Albert R. Ceresa
Kathryn V. Chambers
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Chiozza*
David and Claudia Chittenden
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Claeys
Dennis Clark
Robert Clark
Mr. James S. Clover
Mr. Michael T. Cobler
Mr. Dean E. Colarchik
Chris Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua M. Conlin
Matthew and Melissa Cooper
Mrs. Nancy B. Corbin*
Paula M. Cornyn
Maria Cota
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Cottier
William W. Craven
Jackie G. Crawford
John and Klara Crean
Crowell and Moring, LLP
Kenneth and Elaine Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Darling*
Mrs. Leonore R. Daschbach
Yvonne Davis
continued from previous page
Mr. Gregory B. Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Serge De La Porte
Terence and Chrissy DeVoto*
Trisha L. Decaillet
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Deignan
Miss Georgette A. Delclaux*
Mrs. Peggy J. Dennis
Mr. Thomas Dering
Charmaine Detweiler
Christopher and Tiffany Dinardo
Sandra Dodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Doherty
Christine Dohrmann
Christopher B. Dolan
Mr. John S. Dresser*
Duggan’s Mission Chapel
Greg Dumas
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dutil
Bill and Roxanne Edelen
Paul M. Eldering
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Erle
Mrs. Odette Etcheverry*
Mr. John N. Eterovich*
Gloria T. Eynck
Miss Rita Fabri*
Fastening Systems International
Mr. Joseph Fernandes
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Ferrando
James and Shirley Ferrero
Mr. Ronald R. Fertitta*
Arthur Fichtenberg
First Community Bank
Sarah G. Flanagan
Maxine Foraci
Lorna Fox
William and Karen Franceschini
Ms. Eda L. Freggiaro*
Squire and Suzy Fridell*
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Fry
William W. Fuller
Judith L. Gabriel
Roland Gangloff
Ms. Helene M. Gann*
Mr. Alfred M. Garcia*
Lina Garcia
Dolores Gater*
Mrs. Kathryn Gemello*
Mrs. Margaret L. Giesin*
Bryan and Courtney Giraudo
Mr. Werner H. Goese*
Ernest and Barbara Golding
Gloria A. Gooding*
Donnie and Karen Goodman
Mr. Jack M. Gookin*
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Gray
Michael Graziano
Mr. John D. Griffin*
Ms. Doris A. Grimley*
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gunn, Jr.
Thomas Haeuser*
Mr. John J. Hagan
Mrs. Jean Hagan*
*Indicates donor who has given for 20 or more years.
stage getting set
70th anniversary
TOTAL GIFTS $250 TO $499
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hartinger
James J. Hartnett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hawkes
James and Gina Haynsworth
Mr. Milton E. Heath
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Heilmann*
Jennifer Herrera
Marilyn Herzog
Mr. James Heslin
Mr. and Mrs. George Heuga*
Mr. Thomas R. Hoffman
Holland Iron Works
Mr. David J. Horton
Ralph Hotz
Richard Howell
Mr. Campbell M. Hunter*
Indian Springs Resort
Ericka L. Iten
Marcos and Nelida Jacobo
Saskia Jans
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Jones*
Mr. Kenneth D. Joseph*
Henry L. Kane
Dina Kassel
Brian E. Keefe
Clarice A. Kemp
Marilyn Kennedy
Mr. Edward F. Kenny
Sheila D. Kiernan
Mr. Mike Kirby
Evelyn B. Kirkpatrick
Jordan Kivelstadt
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Klein
Ralph and Jackie Knights
Hal Koch
Donald and Patricia Kramer
Antionette Kuhry*
Mr. Richard M. Kunde
Kunde Family Estate Winery
Charles and Jane Kurz
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ladrini
Mrs. Marie Lambert
Mrs. Dorothy Landucci*
Stephen J. Larson
Mrs. Joan LeClercq-Rotar
John and Rose Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Leonardi*
Stephan C. Leonoudakis
Sandi Lim
Tom and PJ Lococo
William Lombardini
Annette Lomont*
Mrs. Mary V. Loudon*
Bert and Jane Lucas
Geraldine Lusnia
Mr. Robert L. Machris
Joan B. Maciorski
Mr. and Mrs. Allen O. Maffei*
Patrick Mahoney
Marilyn Can Travel
Mr. Roger Marks
Mrs. Rosie M. Marshall
Jill H. Matichak
1945—A pilot program is launched for
at-risk boys in Menlo Park.
expanding the vision
1949—The first boys are welcomed
to the Sonoma campus.
Celebrations are nothing new at Hanna Boys Center, but the one set for 2015
figures to go on longer than most—70th birthdays just seem to be that way!
Yes, it was all the way back in 1945 that Hanna Boys Center Co-Founders Monsignor
William Flanagan and Father William O’Connor received the first residents and
well-wishers to their (temporary) home for troubled boys at the original Menlo Park
campus. Four years later, the vision
became complete as the current
location in Sonoma opened for its
now extended run.
A series of activities will take place
throughout the year in honor of
all those who have given so much
to keep the dream of Hanna as
viable and forward-thinking
today as it was 70 years ago.
1986—The first on-campus group home is dedicated.
Father O’Connor house, a transition program for boys
ready for more freedom and responsibility.
Please check hannacenter.org
and your mailbox for ongoing
updates on when, where and
in what way you might join the
2006—Hanna school earns accreditation as a Catholic high
school and is renamed Archbishop Hanna High School.
TOTAL GIFTS $250 TO $499
Mr. William J. Matson*
Mr. Richard C. Maurer*
Mrs. Patricia Mazzini*
Mrs. Jackie McCurry
Mrs. Catherine I. McGowan*
Keith and Deborah McNeil
Bruce McTigue
Michael McClellan
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron McClintock*
Mr. and Mrs. Denis W. Meals
Mr. Richard Medeiros*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Mendence*
Mrs. Elise Meyers
Michael and Carolyn Mickelson
Gary Mickelson
Rev. Monsignor Joseph J. Milani*
Lt. Cmdr. John P. Mills, USN Ret.
Mr. Malcolm R. Minasian
John M. Mitchell
Carlos Monfiglio
Annie L. Moore
Judith Morris
Peter Morway
Patrick R. Mottard
Ms. Virginia Murillo*
Mr. and Mrs. John Murray
Mr. Olaf K. Myklebust*
Mr. Mark A. Nance*
Ann S. Natuzzi*
David and Rosanne Neagle
Marti G. Nicely
Nick’s Restaurant
Dennis and Susan Noonan
Edward Norman*
Mr. Robert E. O’Donnell*
Annette M. O’Kelley
Mr. William L. Olds, Jr.*
Mrs. Lorraine M. Olsen
Frank A. Olson
Michael J. O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ouimet*
Maxine G. Paine*
Dennis L. Pallo
Joane M. Palmi
Mrs. Marilyn L. Panelli*
Mr. Raymond Paolucci
Parsons Hardware and Lumber
Mr. James L. Patten*
Mrs. Shirley M. Paul
Mrs. Patricia F. Paule*
Paula C. Pearce*
continued from previous page
Ben and Rosemarie Pedranzini
Val P. Peline
Mrs. Angeline Perry*
Pet Cuts
Drs. Jeffrey and Susan Petersen, D.D.S.
Mr. Richard J. Pierce
Mr. Richard M. Planka*
Mr. and Mrs. Gian Polastri*
Mr. and Mrs. John H. R. Polt*
Jim and Wendy Porter
Mr. Merton F. Preston
Chuck Raaberg*
William Ramirez*
Claire Rase
Leslie Rauscher
Dorothy A. Rayner
Redwood Coast Petroleum
Jean Reed*
Walter and Dorothy Rehm Family Trust*
Dr. Linda M. Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Remley
Philip Rice
Mr. Ronald R. Richey*
George and Laurajean Rick
Ms. Mary Roa
Bonnie Roberts
Gilbert McCann Rodriguez, D.D.S.
Amy B. Rogers
Mr. Dan Rosenthal
Mr. Richard Rosenthal*
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Rudder*
Mr. George P. Sabatte, Jr.*
Jeff B. Sakowicz
Francisco Salguero
Steven A. Sanders
Carol C. Savio
Carol A. Saylor
Judy Scotchmoor
Mr. Charles H. Scott*
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Shattock*
Mrs. Irene P. Shelchuk*
Roberta A. Shomon
Tina P. Shone
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Sibitz
Mr. Robert L. Sideroff*
Peter and Felicia Simon
Mrs. Mary Sims
Jane Sims
Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott Singer
Rick and Kathleen Slyter
Dave Smith
Mrs. Thelma L. Smith
Sonoma Valley Fund of Community
Foundation Sonoma County
Gary and Cathy Spratling
Spring Hill Jersey Cheese, Inc
Spurgeon Painting, Inc.
St. John Bosco Council #613 YMI
St. Thomas More Society
Matt Stornetta
Mr. Justin T. Studebaker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Sullivan*
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Sullivan, Jr.
Mr. Donald K. Surgeon
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Susa*
Tarantino’s Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Tatro
Mrs. Mary C. Taylor*
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Terry
Congressman Mike Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Titus, Jr.*
Sean and Michele Tobin
Sally Ann Tomlinson
Rita M. Tornatore
Mr. Todd T. Traina
Mr. Robert F. Traut*
Col. and Mrs. Charles S. Tubbs*
Anne Louise Van Hoomissen*
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Van Metre
Mr. George P. Vila*
Allan and Charlotte Vogt
Mr. Joseph F. Walter
Ms. Phyllis A. Ward
Heidi N. Watson
Mrs. Lorraine A. Wedekind*
Wells Fargo Insurance Service
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Welsh
Mr. Fred Weybret*
Mr. Daniel E. Whelan
Gaylon White
Victoria Willock
Theodore and Deanie Wilmsen
Mr. Charles J. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Woolwine
Sharon J. Wright
Jack Young
Daniel C. Young CFP, CFE
Mr. and Mrs. Zdenek Zahradnicek
Mrs. Catherine Zele
Mr. Thomas G. Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Zingale*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Zlatunich*
Beth and Joe Aaron
James A. Abbott, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Albini
Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Alexander, Jr.
Anderson Conn Valley Winery
Tom Angstadt
Robert and Kathleen Arnold
Arrowood Vineyards and Winery
Andy A. Ashtiani, D.D.S.
Lorraine Ashton
Ms. Margaret H. Atwood
B.R. Cohn Winery
Bank of Marin
Anne and David Banks
Tony Barrera
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Battaini
Nancy and Mark Baty
Beau Wine Tours
Bennett Valley Jewelers Inc.
Cammy Bennett
*Indicates donor who has given for 20 or more years.
Peter and Holly Krause
Benziger Family Winery
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Bertelsen, Jr.
Virginia Bertelsen
Jack and JoAnn Bertges
Laura Birchett, R.D.H.
Black Coyote Wines
Blackhawk Museum
Bleyco, Inc.
Lillian M. Bollen
Scott Bonin, D.D.S.
John and Susanne Bonnet
Tom and Bette Bowden
Brocco’s Old Barn
Nancy and Hank Bruce
Buena Vista Winery
Cake Corner
Cakebread Cellars
Call of the Sea
CamelBak Products
Mr. Rod Campbell
Mrs. Patricia E. Canevari
Celia Canfield
Dr. and Mrs. Richard O. Caselli
Christ Church United Methodist
Cindy Pawlcyn, Napa Valley
Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals
Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Colombo
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Corsiglia
Costco Wholesale
Jackie G. Crawford
Declan Cunniff
Arleen Curry
Dairydell Inc.
Charles and Noelia De Torres
Deborah De Vries, R.D.H.
Paul and Margaret Denning
Janet Denson
Dental Masters Labratory
Destination Races, LLC
Vance and Nadine DeVost
Greg DiPaolo
Linda R. Direnzi
John and Gail Diserens
John Diskin
Connie M. Dominguez
Don Sebastiani & Sons
William Donnelly, Jr.
Jim and Debbie Drummond
EA’s CrossFit
EBA Engineering
Patti England
Bob and Ruth Elster
Envolve Winery
Fairmont San Francisco
Maria Falauto
Alexis E. Farjardo
Brian and Anne Farragher
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Feehan
Fit ‘N’ Furry
Patrick and Darla Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. John Fox
Craig Fraser
Mrs. Ann Fraser-Lorentzen
Squire and Suzy Fridell
William and Laurie Friedeman
Friedman’s Home Improvement
Harry and Sharon Fry
James Galimo
Roland Gangloff
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L.
Geissberger, D.D.S.
Geo’s Pool Spa and Solar Company
Anthony and Charyl Ghisla
Constance Grizzell
Glen Ellen Star
Glen Ellen Village Market
Glen Lyon Vineyards
Gloria Ferrer Caves and Vineyards
Pat and Kim Gluch
Stephen and Pat Granucci
Grape Expectations
Jim Griffin
Andrea Guido, D.A.
Gundlach Bundschu Winery
GW2 Printing
Hamel Family Wines
Mrs. Anna Harrigan
Brian and Jennifer Heafey
Karen Heaney
Kay Heigel
continued from previous page
Doug and Meaghan Hengehold
Michael Hengehold
Ian Hernandez
Henry Schein, Inc.
Treasure L. Hinchman
Greg and Kristina Hoffman
Stephen Holifield, D.D.S.
Hollingsworth Jewelers
Hood & Strong LLP
Barbara Hughes
Hyland Estates
Inn at the Tides
Jackson Family Wines
Jacuzzi Family Vineyards
James Family Cellars
Robert E. Jarvis, D.D.S.
Jeffrey D Larson, Jr Enterprises, Inc.
Jonas Cellars
Michael W. Jones, D.D.S.
Jordan Vineyard & Winery
Allison Joyce
Andrea Joyce
Patrick Joyce
Timothy Joyce
Diane Juen
Stephanie Kahle, D.D.S.
Arlene Keenley
Kathy Kellebrew Photography
Elizabeth Kemp
Joanna Kemper
Sally Ketchum
Nancy Kivelson
Korbel Champagne Cellars
Ty and Elizabeth Krauss
KRAVE Pure Foods, Inc.
Jeff Kunde
Mr. Richard M. Kunde
Kunde Family Estate Winery
Kunde Family Vineyards
Debby and Bob Kwelle
Tanya Lacey
Marguerite LaDue
Lagunitas Brewing
Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Lance
Landmark Vineyards
Doug Lane
David and Dori Lang
Elli Larrieu
Larson Family Winery
Lasseter Family Winery
Ledson Winery & Vineyards
Leveroni Vineyards
Levy Restaurants
Robert and Paige Locke
Annette Lomont
Jeffrey C. Lopes, D.M.D.
Luna Vineyards, Inc.
Robert Lutolf
James and Sharon Lynch
Ms. Valerie Lynn
Mary Pat Manning
Raymond Mapa
Virgilia Mapa
Marilyn Can Travel
Rosemarie Marks
Marin Brewing Company
Martinelli Winery
Ingrid Martinez
Mary’s Pizza Shack
Jane and Andy McClure
Lex McCorvey
Mr. and Mrs. William H. McInerney, Jr.
Kathleen McIntyre
Susan McQuaid
Grace and David Meeks
Lisa and Mike Mertens
Julie A. Meyer
Peter G. Meyerhof, Ph.D., D.D.S.
Andrea Mickelson
Heidi Mickelson
James Mickelson
Jamie Mickelson
Marcia Kunde-Mickelson
Jeanne Montague
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morgan
Moylan’s Brewery & Restaurant
Mr. Cheese O’s
Mirja and John Muncy
John Murphy
Mr. Michael Muscardini
Mustards Grill
Michael Neal, D.D.S.
Norman Neal
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Nelson
Randy Nguyen, D.D.S.
Hope and Jack Nisson
Peter H. Norrbom
Olive and Vine
Jay and Carlene Palm
Georganne Papac
Park Avenue Catering Company
Kelley and Tom Parsons
Past Perfect
David Pavish
Jill Pelosi, RDAEF II
Kathryn and George Perry
Personal History Productions
Nancy and Bill Pollock
Mary Jo Potter
John and Karen Powers
Caroline and Michael Price
Andrew and Suzie Pryfogel
Pure Luxury Transportation
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Quinn
Chuck Raaberg
Sherry Ramirez
Ram’s Gate Winery
Sydney and John Randazzo
Ravenswood Winery, Inc.
Ann and Barry Reder
RedHawk Food Group
Jim Reichardt
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Riebli
Charles and Wilma Riemann
Riordan High School Class of 1965
Ripley’s Believe It or Not
Robledo Family Winery
Daniel and Marta Rodriguez
Mr. Michael Rosendin
Kathy J. Ruiz
St. Francis Winery and Vineyards
Sam’s Cafe
Sangiacomo Vineyards
Diana Sanson
Sax’s Joint
Scandia Family Fun Center
Darin J. Schettler, D.D.S.
George A. Schneider, D.D.S.
Schug Winery
Judy Scotchmoor
Selby Winery
Serres Corporation
Amir Shafii
Thomas Shanks
Edward E. Sillari
Simco Group
James and Gloria Smith
Meg Sokoloski
Solena Estate
Sonoma Canopy Tours
Sonoma County Fair and Exposition Inc.
Sonoma Creamery
Sonoma Market
Sonoma Raceway
Sonoma Train Town Railroad
Sonoma Valley Museum of Art
Sonoma Valley Sun
Sonoma Wine Country Weekend
Speedway Children’s Charities
Gary and Cathy Spratling
Spring Hill Jersey Cheese, Inc.
Mr. Harold Steinberger
Alberta Stornetta
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Stringham
Leo Sturm
Sunflower Caffe
the girl & the fig
The Good Bean
The Green Music Center
The Guardsmen
The O’Neal School
The Sonoma Index-Tribune
Paul Tiernan, D.D.S.
Transcendence Theater Company
David C. Trent, M.D.
Trinchero Family Estates
Dr. Leonard M. Tyko II, D.D.S., M.D.
University of California, Berkeley
Valley of the Moon Natural History Association/Jack London Park Partners
Peg VanCamp
Vella Cheese Company
Victorian Farmstead Meat Company
Daniel T. Viele
Villa Terrazza Patio and Home
Vino! Wine Shops
Vintage Wine Estates
VJB Vineyards & Cellars
Cindy Vrooman
Mrs. Aurora M. Wagner
Brenda Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Walsh
Susan Whitney
Jane and Rich Wickland
Steven C. Wilburn, D.M.D.
Marion Williams
Willie Bird Turkeys
Michael and Gretchen Wingard
Mr. and Mrs. Ted T. Wittig
Wright Contracting Inc.
Yeti Restaurant
Daniel C. Young C.F.P., C.F.E.
Michael Zatto, D.D.S.
the vision
with your help...
Every gift to Hanna Boys Center helps spread an ongoing message of hope. No one individual donor
or staff member can provide all that our boys need, but together, we can continue our long tradition
of helping thousands of boys change their lives. There are multiple ways you can assist them:
•Donate to the Spreading Our Wings Campus Development Campaign.
•Make a general, memorial, or commemorative donation.
•Become a “Guardian Angel” by making a monthly donation.
•Attend or volunteer at a fundraising event.
•Donate personal property.
•Donate stocks or securities.
•Include Hanna in your will or estate plans.
•Underwrite an activity, facility, or scholarship.
To learn more, or to receive a free estate-planning organizer, please contact:
Kris Van Giesen
Chief Development and Community Relations Officer
707-933-2520 • [email protected]
To volunteer, schedule a campus tour, learn how to apply, or receive more information,
visit us online at hannacenter.org or call 707-996-6767.
17000 Arnold Drive
P.O. Box 100
Sonoma, CA 95476-0100
707-996-6767 Phone
877-994-2662 Toll-free