UTA Vanpool Manual - Utah Transit Authority


UTA Vanpool Manual - Utah Transit Authority
Utah Transit Authority
Vanpool Program Manual
Physical Address: 4384 S 50 W, Salt Lake City, Utah 84107
Mailing Address: PO Box 30810, Salt Lake City, Utah 84130
UTA Info: www.rideuta.com
UTA Rideshare: www.utarideshare.com
UTA Commuter: www.utacommuter.com
Rideshare General Info: (801) 287-2060
Rideshare Fax: (801) 287-5031
Rideshare Maintenance: (801) 512-5665
Updated September 2013
About the Utah Transit Authority Commuter Van Program
Elements of a Vanpool
People in the Vanpool
Vanpool Roles
Safe and Courteous Driving
Understanding Personal Dynamics
Personal Dynamic 1: Physical Health Problems and Driving Safety
Personal Dynamic 2: Understanding Mental and Emotional Conditions
Personal Dynamic 3: UTA Non Smoking Policy
Personal Dynamic 4: Additional Pressures
Inspect Your Van
Daily Inspection
Weekly Inspection
Monthly Inspection
Maintenance Inspection Checklist - Overview
Operating Your Van
Operating Habit 1: Give Yourself Plenty of Turning Room
Operating Habit 2: Always Carefully Observe Van’s Height and Width Restrictions
Operating Habit 3: Use a Passenger as a Spotter
Operating Habit 4: Mirrors and Scanning
Operating Habit 5: Parking and Securing Your Van Properly
Operating Habit 6: Allow Longer Stopping and Following Distances
Operating Habit 7: Use of Seat Belts at All Times
Operating Habit 8: UTA and Utah State prohibit using electronic devices while driving
Operating Habit 9: UTA No Idling Policy
Operating Habit 10: Use Caution When Loading and Unloading
Operating Habit 11: Handling Emergencies and Accidents
Maintaining Your Van
Preventative Maintenance (PM)
II | P a g e
What are the Bookkeeper’s responsibilities?
Are there any consequences for improper bookkeeping?
Standard Procedures for an Unpaid Balance
Established Fares
The Rate is determined by two (2) variables:
Formula to calculate mileage bracket:
Formula to calculate individual fare:
Paying Vanpool Fares
Forms - http://www.utarideshare.com/content/?page=applications
Information - http://www.utarideshare.com/content/?page=vanpool
UTA Rideshare Support Team – April 4, 2013
Title 41 Chapter 6a Section 1803 (41-6A-1803) Driver and passengers
Title 41 Chapter 6a Section 1805 (41-6A-1805) Penalty for Violation
Title 41 Chapter 6a Section 1715 (41-6a-1715) Careless driving defined and
Title 41 Chapter 6a Section 1716 (41-6a-1716) Prohibition on using a handheld
wireless communication device while operating a moving motor vehicle
III | P a g e
IV | P a g e
Getting Started
About the Utah Transit Authority Commuter Van Program
Utah Transit Authority’s Vanpool program was established in 1990 to contribute to the
overall transportation system of the counties and region and operates throughout the
Wasatch Front Region. The Vanpool vehicles are acquired with Federal funds, as such, the
Vanpool vehicles are intended for public transportation purposes, meaning anyone can
participate in the Vanpool. Use of the Vanpool is not intended to exclusively serve any
sponsor’s employees.
Over the years, Utah Transit Authority Rideshare Operations has worked with thousands of
commuters to form Vanpools and keep them on the road. The Vanpool program benefits
the community by reduction of single occupancy vehicle use, reduction in traffic congestion
and improvement in air quality along the Wasatch Front.
If you travel 1,000 miles a month, according to the latest IRS data of $0.55 per mile, by
participating in the van-pool, you can save $7,020 annually. You also reduce the pounds of
pollution emitted into the environment by at least 50 pounds annually.
Welcome to the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) Vanpool Program Manual. This manual is
designed to help you become a more effective driver and/or bookkeeper, and Vanpool
commuter with UTA. Reading and understanding the guidelines listed within the manual
are required of all Vanpool drivers and bookkeepers. You will learn about the Vanpool
Program, Vanpool roles, and how to assure your Vanpool runs smoothly. Along with
understanding the Vanpool basics, you will also learn how to keep your van in good
operating condition, keeping the van comfortable and safe. Beyond driving your Vanpool
safely, the information read will help you be prepared to act effectively in a variety of
It is UTA’s expectation of you as an ambassador of UTA, that you protect our assets which
include, but are not limited to UTA’s image and property, by insuring the public’s
experience with you is positive. As the van bears the UTA Rideshare logo, our public
constituents have a high expectation not only of the service we provide, but the general
image UTA represents and the personal image being represented by your actions. You are
expected to adhere to all applicable laws including Federal laws that prohibit harassment
of any form. Aggressive driving or personal behavior will be addressed by UTA. Patterns of
aggressive driving could result in the loss of driving privileges and/or exclusion from the
Vanpool program. You are encouraged to take appropriate steps to insure these
expectations are met.
In accordance with the American’s with Disabilities Act of 1990, service animals are
welcome on board the Vanpool vehicles. Service animals include guide dogs, signal dogs,
and other animals trained to work or perform tasks for persons with disabilities. Pets
however, must be in a cage or container, and are the responsibility of their owner. Any
cleaning of the van due to the transportation of a pet will be the sole responsibility of the
owner. UTA may collect cleaning charges from the pet owner.
Key to every Vanpool’s success is the people involved. You will learn ideas about how to
work with and manage the people in your Vanpool. Your Vanpool riders have an
expectation of a consistent and timely ride. When drivers know what situations to expect
and how to deal with them effectively, their role in the Vanpool will be much easier. Backup
drivers and bookkeepers are also required to become familiar with the Vanpool program
procedures, their own responsibilities and the available resources.
Elements of a Vanpool
Though each Vanpool is unique, all share three (3) important elements which are:
- Point of Contact , Driver, Bookkeeper and Riders
o Individuals who make-up the Vanpool
- Van
o Vans are a major public investment of tax dollars. When a van is driven and
maintained properly, the commute runs smoothly, costs are kept as low as
possible and the usable life of the vehicle is increased
- Rideshare Support Team and UTA Support Services
o Rideshare Support Team helps your Vanpool operate efficiently. There is a
strong team of people working behind the scenes who make this program
 Vanpool Support Specialists
• Starting a Vanpool
o Assist in starting your Vanpool
• Record Keeping
o We keep all paper documentation
• Ridership On-line Reporting
o Mileage and daily ridership reporting
• Maintaining Ridership
o If you need to find a new participant, we can help you
 Customer Comments
• If the public has a concern, they can contact customer support
at http://www.rideuta.com/content/customer-service.aspx
and we address the issue with the Vanpool Point of Contact
 Maintenance Specialists
• Registration and Preventative Maintenance Reminders
• Delivery/Pickup, Exchanges and Return of vans
• Vehicle Accident Reporting
• Any additional general information about your van
 Accountant
• Gas Card Assistance
• Payments and Account Balance Information
These elements, the Vanpool members, the van and the Rideshare Support Team, together
make Vanpooling successful!
Successful Vanpoolers
People in the Vanpool
Vanpools are groups of seven (7) or more people for eleven (11) to fifteen (15) passenger
vans or five (5) or more for seven (7) passenger vans who share a commute together.
Vanpools are successful when effective cooperation takes place within the group. For
Vanpooling to work effectively and efficiently, every member of the Vanpool group needs to
take on certain roles and responsibilities.
Vanpool Roles
There are four important roles in each Vanpool. Each of these has a set of responsibilities
and is essential for the Vanpool to operate successfully.
Primary Driver or Point of Contact for Vanpool
o Point of Contact for the Vanpool may be the same individual as the Primary
Driver and/or Bookkeeper.
Backup Drivers
Read the UTA Vanpool Program Terms and Conditions for an understanding of your role to
help your Vanpool be a success!
UTA Vanpool Program Terms and Conditions
The fare to ride a Utah Transit Authority (UTA) Vanpool is based on the number of miles
the Vanpool group travels and usually is proportionate to the number of participants in a
Vanpool group, e.g. ten (10) participants, each pays 1/10th. Fares will be evaluated on a
quarterly basis and may be adjusted if needed.
All agreements, participation, bookkeeper, and /or driver, initialed below shall be effective
as of the date signed and shall continue in force until the termination date, which must be
given fifteen (15) days prior to termination date by written notice to the group point of
contact and UTA Vanpool.
Section A: All Participants
Participants in the UTA Vanpool Program agree to comply with the following terms and
1. Participants will abide by the policies and rules set forth in the Vanpool Program
Manual provided by UTA Vanpool. Participants acknowledge that UTA Vanpool may
revise those policies and rules and Participants shall comply with such revisions in
order to continue to participate in the UTA Vanpool Program.
2. Participants will pay their monthly Vanpool fares prospectively either online with
notice to the Bookkeeper or directly to the Bookkeeper by the fifth of the month in
which they participate.
3. Participants will abide by all day-to-day operational rules of Vanpools as established
by majority vote of the Vanpool members or by UTA Vanpool.
4. Participants will keep the van clean.
5. Participants will notify Drivers in advance of all absences.
6. Participants will find alternate transportation outside of regular operating days and
when work or personal schedules do not allow participation in the Vanpool.
7. Termination of either an individual or the group from the Vanpool Program may
occur for the failure to pay rider fares, disruption of Vanpool operation, failure to
meet minimum number of participants, or disbandment of the Vanpool Program.
8. Participants will ensure, to the best of their abilities, that no person shall be
subjected to discrimination in the conduct of the UTA Vanpool Program on the basis
of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, or disability in any manner contrary
to applicable local, state or federal laws and regulations.
9. Participants will indemnify and hold harmless UTA, its authorized agents and
employees from all claims, actions, costs, damages, or expenses of any nature
whatsoever arising out of or resulting from the use of the Vanpool, including, but not
limited to, any delays, tardiness, failure to make an appropriate or scheduled pickup,
absence of the van or termination of the Vanpool program.
10. Participants acknowledge that the UTA Vanpool Program provides ridesharing
referral services without screening the character or background of participants or
applicants. Participants agree that UTA shall have no responsibility or liability for
any acts or omissions of Vanpool Participants.
11. Participants acknowledge and agree the fare to ride a UTA Vanpool is based on the
number of miles the Vanpool group travels and generally is proportionate to the
number of participants in a Vanpool group, e.g. ten (10) participants each pays
1/10th. Individual Vanpool groups may vary. Fares will be evaluated on a quarterly
basis and may be adjusted if needed. See current UTA Vanpool Pricing sheet at
www. utarideshare.com.
Section B: Bookkeepers
Bookkeepers in the UTA Vanpool Program agree to comply with the following terms and
conditions, in addition to those terms and conditions set forth in Sections A and D, if
1. Bookkeepers shall ensure that all individual payments have been submitted by the
fifth (5th) of the month either online or by collecting and submitting individuals'
checks to UTA.
2. Bookkeepers agree to verify roster, and individuals' roles (driver, rider, point of
contact) on a monthly basis.
3. Bookkeepers may pay and be reimbursed for miscellaneous operating expenses as
detailed in the Vanpool Program Manual. Any expense more than $50 requires
preapproval from UTA.
4. Bookkeepers shall submit daily ridership and ending odometer readings on a
monthly basis by the fifth (5th) day following the end of month.
5. Bookkeepers shall confirm that appropriate van maintenance has been completed
on a monthly basis.
Section C: Driver Selection Criteria
Drivers in the UTA Vanpool Program, including Primary and Backup Drivers must meet
the following Driver Selection Criteria prior to being approved to drive a UTA Van:
1. Be at least 21 years of age;
2. Have a current and unrestricted driver’s license and have driven in the United States
for at least five (5) years;
3. Have no more than two (2) moving violations in the past three (3) years;
4. Have no more than one (1) not at fault accident within three (3) years.
Individuals who have any of the following are ineligible to drive a UTA Van:
1. The suspension or revocation of a driver's license within the past five (5) years;
2. A conviction within the past ten (10) years for reckless driving, hit and run, leaving
the scene of an accident, DUI, DWI, felony, or concurrent violations of lane changing;
3. Medical condition or use of prescription medication that impairs a driver’s ability to
drive a van safely;
4. A person who has filed a Certificate of Financial Responsibility (SR-22) due to his or
her personal driving record.
Section D: Drivers
Each Driver, including Primary and Backup Drivers, who drives in the UTA Vanpool
Program, agrees to comply with the following terms and conditions, in addition to those
terms and conditions set forth in Section A:
1. Drivers shall maintain a valid driver's license as required by the State of Utah. For
Utah issued licenses, as a courtesy, UTA will request a copy of your Motor Vehicle
Record. For an out of state license, please request a copy of your Motor Vehicle
Record and submit with your Participation Agreement.
2. Drivers shall notify UTA Vanpool in two (2) business days if they no longer meet the
Driver Selection Criteria and must immediately stop driving UTA vans.
3. Drivers must complete the UTA Vanpool Driver Orientation prior to taking
possession of or operating vans.
4. Drivers shall exemplify safe driving habits and observe all traffic laws and
5. Drivers are responsible for resolving any citations resulting from the operation and
parking of a UTA van.
6. To ensure continued Vanpool operation, Backup Drivers shall assume all
responsibilities of the Primary Driver when acting in that capacity.
7. Drivers shall drive vans daily to and from work/school, picking up and discharging
riders in accordance with mutually established routes and schedules.
8. Drivers shall coordinate maintenance, cleaning and servicing of vans as specified in
the Vanpool Program Manual.
9. Drivers shall keep daily and monthly ridership log of vehicle, participants and
odometer records.
10. In case of van breakdown, Drivers shall coordinate with UTA Vanpool Maintenance
Supervisor the use of loaner vans.
11. Drivers shall coordinate with participants of the Vanpool group to establish the
rules for the day-to-day operation of Vanpool (e.g., wait times, radio).
12. Drivers shall comply with the policies and rules in the Vanpool Program Manual
related to personal use of vans. The transportation of non-Vanpool Participant
groups, such as church, sports, or scout groups, is not allowed.
13. Drivers agree they shall be considered volunteers under federal and state laws and
shall not hold themselves out to be nor act as employees or agents of UTA.
14. Drivers shall at all times operate vans in a manner complementary to the public
nature of the Vanpool Program, drive in a courteous manner, and if asked, explain
the unique character of the use of the van.
15. Except in emergency situations, operation of vans shall be restricted to UTAapproved Drivers.
16. Drivers shall report any accident or damage to the UTA van to the UTA Vanpool
Maintenance Supervisor within 24 hrs.
17. Drivers shall not use vans for any other purpose other than for transportation to
and from work or school. Drivers shall not use vans for business purposes or for
hire; to pull trailers, boats, etc.; to haul garbage, debris, or excessive loads; for any
purpose requiring the removal of seats; or for any other purposes described in the
Vanpool Program Manual. Drivers acknowledge that they shall have full liability and
responsibility for all damage to vans occurring if the vans are used for other than
permitted purposes or in a manner inconsistent to these Terms and Conditions and
the Vanpool Manual.
18. Drivers shall drive vans only on hard surfaced streets, highways, other maintained
roads and driveways. Drivers shall not drive vans off-road, on beaches, in fields, or
in any other potentially unsafe environment.
19. Drivers shall not drive vans over bridges or roads posted for less than a 4-ton
maximum weight load. Drivers shall observe width and height clearance
requirements of and for the van at all times (i.e. carwash, drive thru).
20. Drivers shall not allow accessories, including window or bumper stickers,
appearance items or additional equipment, to be added to or removed from the Van
without prior approval of UTA Vanpool.
Section E: UTA Vanpool
UTA Vanpool agrees to comply with the following terms and conditions:
1. Provide funding for fuel, servicing and maintenance of Vans.
2. Help Drivers and Bookkeepers fulfill their administrative obligations, including
providing instructions for ridership reporting, adding and removing participants.
3. Provide loaner vans by reservation on a first come, first served basis.
4. UTA Vanpool reserves the right to terminate a Vanpool group.
5. Establish and maintain a fare schedule for participation in Vanpools.
6. Ensure, to the best of its ability, that no person is subjected to discrimination in the
conduct of the Vanpool Program on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age,
national origin, or disability in any manner contrary to applicable local, state and
federal laws and regulations.
Provide Vanpools with the Vanpool Program Manual (located in the van or online)
outlining policies and rules applicable to the Vanpool Program.
8. Allow approved Drivers to use vans for personal use in accordance with the policies
and rules set forth in the Vanpool Program Manual.
9. Provide liability coverage at statutory limits of a van including bodily injury,
property damage, comprehensive, collision, and uninsured motorist protection;
provided, the van was being operated by a UTA-approved Driver and for a purpose
permitted under these Terms and Conditions and the Vanpool Program Manual.
10. UTA may suspend the use of the Fuel Card for a pattern of misuse of the van, failure
to pay on time or for insufficient payment.
Knowing the responsibilities of the various members of a Vanpool is important. It helps
clarify who does what, making it possible for the various jobs to be completed efficiently,
effectively and as cohesively as possible.
Each Vanpool participant has the responsibility to give a fifteen (15) day notice to UTA of
their intent to terminate their participation. Regardless of the number of Vanpool
participants, the members of the Vanpool are responsible for the total operating monthly
fee of the van with one exception. Please refer to Waivers in the Fare Policy Section of the
UTA Vanpool Manual.
Point of Contact
In addition to the Terms and Conditions, Point of Contact or the Primary Driver has
additional roles. The Point of Contact may or may not be the Primary Driver or vice versa.
When taking on the role of a Point of Contact, it is important to promote Vanpool and to
facilitate successful vanpooling.
While there are times when you have to “take charge” and make sure decisions are made
and implemented, you should also be aware that the Vanpool will operate more smoothly
when all participants feel they have a personal investment and ownership.
Additional roles of the Point of Contact are:
Recruitment Coordinator
o Have a broad understanding of the UTA Rideshare Operations Program
o Keep ridership above the minimum requirements.
 Current participants may have associates who would like to
o If you are unable to find additional participants, please contact your Vanpool
Support Specialist for assistance.
o Help make decisions and settle differences that may arise
o Encourage all participants in Vanpool group to be involved
o Respond to individual needs
o Focus on resolving issues rather than individual personalities
o Seek advice from Vanpool Support Specialist as needed
o Relay information and give direction
o Coordinate and conduct meetings when necessary
o Contribute ideas
o Make sure all participate, as all the responsibilities should not fall on you
o Remain neutral
Safe and Courteous Driving
In part to ensure that UTA Vanpool Drivers are meeting their responsibility to be safe and
courteous drivers, UTA Vanpool has created a process to address Customer Comments.
Your Vanpool Support Specialist will proceed with the following process:
1. Call or email customer who called in the comment for clarification.
a. Customers who file comments, can report anonymously. If comment was
reported anonymously, your Vanpool Support Specialist will not have any
further clarification of the reported comment, than what was reported
2. Email the Vanpool Point of Contact with the comment, the incident date and time, a
request of clarification about the incident and who was driving, and a request to
review the Program Application Terms and Conditions Section D: Drivers with all
authorized drivers and remind all participants that they are ambassadors of UTA.
3. A response from the Vanpool Point of Contact or the driver at the time of the
incident should address the requests in the email.
a. Please be aware that all correspondence will be documented.
4. Your Vanpool Support Specialist will respond by closing out the comment process,
but if we don’t receive the name of the driver and acknowledgement of the
complaint the discussion may be extended into a series of email correspondence.
UTA’s goals are:
1. To encourage safe and courteous driving habits.
2. To help driver’s recognize Utah State Laws
3. To provide customer feedback to the Vanpool Point of Contact and the driver at the
time of the incident.
4. To ensure that authorized drivers acknowledge the customer feedback.
If a response is not received from the Vanpool Point of Contact or the driver at the time of
the incident within five (5) business days from the initial Customer Comment email, your
Vanpool Support Specialist may send a second email to the Vanpool Point of Contact or to
all participants of the Vanpool, depending on the severity of the comment.
As a standard, UTA has a three (3) incident process.
Incident 1 and 2:
Log Customer Comment
Notify the Vanpool Point of Contact
Remind group that safety is a top priority.
Log Customer Comment
Notify the Vanpool Point of Contact
Motor Vehicle Record requested to verify the driver meets UTA Driving Criteria
UTA Vanpool Program Manager will look for unsafe patterns of behavior which may
result in the termination of driving privileges.
Incident 3:
If a reported behavior is determined as especially unsafe and puts others in danger, the
UTA Vanpool Program Manager reserves the rights to determine suspension of driving
privileges immediately.
All incidences are documented in UTA’s Customer Comment system and reviewed by the
Special Services General Manager.
As a general review on preventing road rage, please use the following:
Top 10 Tips To Prevent Road Rage
Republished 5/12/09 by Jennifer M. Root
Recently, a roadside billboard showed an infuriated driver screaming at the car ahead of
her while her toddler observed from the backseat. The tag line said, "She learns by
watching you."
Like most people, I figured the anti-road rage advertisement didn't apply to me. I'm a
decent, courteous driver, right? Yet it was only a few minutes before I found myself
shouting "Go, lady!" at the driver in front of me, who took more than 3 seconds to react to a
green light. As if on cue, my 5-year-old in the backseat said, "Beep at her, Mama!" Was I on
my way to becoming a member of the "road rage club"? How is road rage different from
good old "aggressive driving," anyway?
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) states that road rage
"involves a criminal act of violence, whereas aggressive driving can range from tailgating to
speeding to running red lights." The number of deaths related to road rage is difficult to
track, but NHTSA estimates that aggressive driving accounts for about one-third of all
crashes and about two-thirds of the resulting fatalities.
Increasingly congested roadways are a growing source of driver frustration, but studies
suggest the real root of aggressive driving lies within each of us. Drivers can cope by taking
an honest look at their driving behavior and attempting to reduce their stress level behind
the wheel.
1. Get your Zs.
A national epidemic of sleepiness is a contributing factor to road rage, according to
the National Sleep Foundation. We all know how cranky we get without enough
sleep. It makes us prone to feelings of annoyance, resentment and even anger. Eight
hours is still the recommended daily dose of sleep for adults.
2. Plan ahead.
Do you regularly whiz through your morning routine in a whirlwind of chaos, trying
to make up time while on the road? Do you allow just enough time to drive to an
appointment? Then you're probably also more prone to a lead foot and a lost
temper. If you add 10 minutes to your expected travel time, you'll have time to stop
for gas, safely navigate those snowy roads or detour around road construction. Also,
try preparing clothing, briefcases, children's school bags and lunches the night
before to minimize your morning rush. Extra time equals calmer driving.
3. Your car is not a therapist.
Many of us love and identify with our cars (part of why Edmunds.com launched
CarSpace), but sometimes you can take the "car as extension of self" idea too
seriously. If your boss or your spouse left you steaming, take care not to use driving
as a way to blow off steam. Competitive types (you know who you are) shouldn't try
to prove themselves on heavily traveled thoroughfares — save that enthusiasm for
weekend romps on your favorite back roads. No matter how much power you've got
under the hood, your vehicle is first and foremost a mode of transportation, not a
4. Turn down the bass.
Without getting into the argument over "aggressive music makes people
aggressive," it makes sense that listening to relaxing music — or even a comedy
channel on satellite radio — will make you less pumped up for action than a driving
bass line. Try tuning in to classical or jazz to reduce stress. Or listen to an audiobook.
Either way will also help drown out stressful traffic noise.
5. Loosen up, then breathe:
If you notice yourself clenching the steering wheel in a death grip, try flexing your
fingers and loosening your hold — you'll find that you can control the car just as
well. If your right foot is cramped, set the cruise control if traffic allows. If you're on
a prolonged road trip, try not to exceed three hours of travel time without a break
where you get out and stretch. Struggling to see through a dirty windshield is also
an unnecessary stress factor, so fill up with washer fluid before you go. Periodically
roll down the window and breathe deeply and slowly.
6. It’s not about you.
10 | P a g e
Perhaps another driver cut you off. Or the car in front of you is braking erratically.
Before you assume the driver is getting off on your rising anger levels, realize that
you, as an individual, are not the target. Perhaps the driver simply made a mistake
or was just being oblivious. Maybe there's a screaming baby, a loose pet or a crazed
bee in the car. Maybe he was on a cell phone. The point is, don't take things so
7. Hostility is toxic. And risky.
People most prone to anger are almost three times more likely to have a heart
attack than those with low anger, according to the American Psychological
Association. Other health risks seen in those who display hostility include obesity,
depression and stroke. Wow, who knew? Safe driving promotes healthy hearts! Not
only will giving into anger not resolve an irritating situation, it can increase the risk
of retaliation. Think to yourself, "Is making my point worth endangering my life?" If
all else fails, do a mental 180 and try to laugh it off.
8. Use restaurant etiquette.
While it's upsetting when a stranger is rude or cuts in line in a restaurant or store,
most folks wouldn't lose their cool and become abusive as a result. It isn't only
because they have good manners. Driving a car makes people feel more isolated and
protected, allowing them to act in ways they would normally find embarrassing. So
when another driver acts like a jerk, respond as though you're in a restaurant. And
we don't mean Chuck E. Cheese's.
9. Take the self-test.
Classes designed to help curb aggressive driving often have participants tape-record
themselves while driving. Hearing themselves swear or rant on tape is enough of a
wake-up call for them to recognize and reduce dangerous behavior. So try analyzing
your driving. Do any of the following statements sound like you?
- I regularly exceed the speed limit in order to get to work on time.
- I tailgate other drivers, especially those who sit in the left lane.
- I flash my lights and honk my horn to let drivers know when they annoy me.
- I verbally abuse other drivers whether they can hear me or not.
- I frequently weave in and out of traffic to get ahead.
- I feel the need to set bad drivers straight.
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, your driving may qualify as
aggressive. The American Institute for Public Safety (AIPS) has a more detailed
RoadRageous Test that determines if your driving habits fall under the "aggressive
zone," "hostile zone" or — worse yet — "war zone."
10. Practice kindness:
Dr. Leon James, a.k.a. "Dr. Driving" and author of Road Rage and Aggressive Driving,
says that remembering simple courtesies, like allowing someone to merge or
apologizing when we make a mistake, can go a long way in making the driving
experience positive for ourselves and others. His basic motto is the old "do unto
11 | P a g e
others" rule: Treat fellow drivers how you would like to be treated. As additional
incentive, reducing your aggressiveness on the road can also keep you out of serious
trouble: Several states have created special law enforcement teams to seek out and
cite aggressive drivers. Depending on the frequency of offenses, violators may be
fined, lose their license temporarily or even face jail time. Often, they are required to
take a behavior-modification class as well.
We're all bound to lose our cool at some point, but by planning ahead and keeping
things in perspective, we can prevent our emotions from getting the best of us.
Putting aggressive driving in park will help to ensure your own safety, as well as the
safety of everyone around you.
Understanding Personal Dynamics
As a Vanpool participant, it is important to understand how others function. Consider the
following information when participating in a Vanpool.
*** Please be aware of your personal dynamic prior to applying to be a driver.
Personal Dynamic 1: Physical Health Problems and Driving Safety
In the Utah Driver Handbook 2012, Chapter 7, it states:
In 1979, the Utah State Legislature made provisions for increasing highway
safety and at the same time allowing many people with health concerns to
drive within appropriate safety limits.
The law states that individuals are personally responsible to be sure they are
in reasonably good health when they drive. If a person has a health condition
which may affect their ability to safely operate a vehicle, they are responsible
to report it to the Driver License Division and are expected to seek
competent medical evaluation and advice. Their physicians are responsible
to advise them about their health as it relates to driving safety. A physician
does not have authority to restrict anyone’s driving, but is responsible to
report accurately about a patient’s health status. This report may permit an
unlimited license, one with restrictions or, in some cases, a denial of a license
for safety reasons.
The Legislature also set up a Driver License Medical Advisory Board to advise
physicians and the Driver License Division. The Board emphasizes functional
ability to operate a vehicle safely, rather than stressing impairments. It
developed a form, “Functional Ability Evaluation Medical Report,” to help
physicians advise their patients and simplify reporting.
The “Guidelines” include possible health concerns in the following twelve
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1. A - Diabetes and Metabolic Condition
2. B - Cardiovascular (Heart)
3. C - Pulmonary (Lung)
4. D - Neurological (Nervous System)
5. E - Epilepsy (Episodic Conditions)
6. F - Learning Memory
7. G - Psychiatric or Emotional Condition
8. H - Alcohol and Other Drugs
9. I - Vision
10. J - Musculoskeletal/Chronic Debility
11. K - Alertness or Sleep Disorders
12. L - Hearing and Balance
The “Guidelines” are designed to be the least restrictive possible while at the
same time maintaining safety on our highways.
Applicants for a driver license will be asked to answer health-related
questions. If there is a health concern, they will be given a Functional Ability
Evaluation form to take to their health care provider, who will complete a
Functional Ability Profile.
The form is then returned to the Driver License Division and, if appropriate, a
license to drive will be issued based upon previously determined levels of
driving risk.
For example, if there is a vision problem and the person cannot read highway
signs at a distance, the individual may be considered safe to drive, but at
reduced speeds, and a restricted license could then be issued.
If you have a health problem, you should ask your physician about how it
might affect your driving. Many medications may cause drowsiness or other
difficulties; therefore, a physician may advise against driving until a suitable
dosage schedule has been worked out that will not impair driving. Abuse or
excessive use of prescription drugs has caused many serious accidents and
should be avoided. Individual drivers have the final responsibility for
knowing their abilities and for driving safely.
The “Guidelines” require higher standards of fitness for drivers of
commercial motor vehicles than for private vehicles, but the principles are
the same.
UTA requires all drivers to have a Motor Vehicle Record on file in order to
participate as a driver. The UTA Vanpool Support Specialist pull the Motor
Vehicle Record to verify that there are no driving restrictions for applying
drivers. UTA holds the right to authorize or deny a driver if they do not meet
UTA Driving Criteria.
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Personal Dynamic 2: Understanding Mental and Emotional Conditions
According to the Utah Driver Handbook 2012, being able to recognize your mental and
emotional state will help protect those who are traveling with you and also those who are
also driving Utah roadways. On page 49, in the Utah Driver Handbook (can be found on-line
at http://publicsafety.utah.gov/dld/documents/2012DLHandbook.pdf), it states,
Mental and emotional conditions are just as important as physical health concerns. If your
mind is not on your driving, you are probably not driving safely. Consider the following
four points:
1. Some forms of behavior which often provide hints about our emotional and mental
health are:
a. Finding that you are always mad at other drivers and sometimes try to “get
b. Having a tendency to be excessively confused or frustrated when traffic
becomes heavy.
c. Being so depressed and worried about things that your attention is not
always on the road.
d. Finding that you are frequently getting traffic tickets.
e. Having trouble adjusting to an emotional shock such as the loss of a loved
2. If you are angry or excited, give yourself time to cool off. Take a walk or talk to a
friend. Do anything, but stay off the road until you have cooled down.
3. If you are worried about something, do something that will allow you to concentrate
on your driving. Listen to the radio or sing to yourself.
4. If you are impatient, give yourself extra time. If you leave a few minutes early, you
will not feel the need to speed, beat traffic signals, or do other things that can get
you a traffic ticket or cause a crash.
Remember, it is your responsibility to find out about and report mental or emotional
problems, just as you must for physical problems.
Personal Dynamic 3: UTA Non Smoking Policy
Smoking in UTA vans has always been prohibited according to the Utah Indoor
Clean Air Act. Recently, UTA adopted a policy that extends to all UTA property
and specifically addresses the use of nicotine products, including smoking
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Q: What will UTA’s policy be in regards to tobacco use?
A: Effective May 1, 2013, all UTA property is designated as tobacco-free areas. The use of
tobacco is prohibited on UTA Property at all times, including but not limited to, all UTA
vehicles, employee-owned and leased vehicles parked on UTA property. All employees,
contractors, and visitors are required to comply with this Policy.
Q: Does the policy apply to the use of tobacco products besides cigarettes?
A: Yes. It covers all forms of tobacco use, including cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, chewing
tobacco, and electronic cigarettes
Q: What is an electronic cigarette and why are they not allowed under the policy but
the patch and nicotine gum are allowed?
A: Although not a tobacco product, e-cigarettes are designed to look and feel like a
conventional cigarette. An e-cigarette consists of a battery, a heating element and a
cartridge containing nicotine, propylene glycol and water. The levels of nicotine in the
cartridges can vary drastically and many also contain candy-like flavorings. E-cigarettes
may emit nicotine, propylene glycol, carcinogens, and other substances. E-cigarettes have
not been scientifically evaluated, there is no evidence these products are safe for human
consumption or that they are effective at helping smokers or other tobacco users quit.
Unlike other nicotine replacement products such as gums or patches, the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved e-cigarettes as smoking cessation aids. As a
result, and combined with data about health effects, e-cigarettes cannot be recommended
as a safe alternative to smoking or tobacco use. The Utah Indoor Clean Air Act prohibits
smoking both cigarettes and e-cigarettes in public places.
Q: What nicotine replacement therapies are allowed on UTA property under the policy?
A: UTA supports what has currently been approved by the FDA which include five nicotine
replacement therapies (NRT) that are safe and effective including: (1) nicotine patch; (2)
nicotine gum; (3) nicotine lozenge; (4) nicotine nasal spray; and (5) nicotine inhaler. These
products are approved to use on UTA property.
Q: To whom does the policy apply?
A: This policy applies to all full and part-time employees, temporary employees, vendors,
customers, contractors, Board members, and visitors on UTA facilities and grounds.
Q: What is considered UTA property?
A: UTA property includes all UTA facilities, vehicles, parking lots, buildings, park ‘n’ ride
lots, right-of-ways, platforms and transit stops.
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Personal Dynamic 4: Additional Pressures
Vanpool participants will need to interact, so it is important to understand outside factors
that will affect the Vanpool group as a whole. Some groups may be informal (verbal
understandings among the group) while others may be formal (written understandings
among the group).
Expectations and Common Problems to be Discussed
Among the group discuss the following topics to understand what each participant expects
from the group.
Operating Rules and Guidelines (Written is suggested)
Work schedules
Safe Driving
o Drivers must be approved by UTA prior to driving the assigned UTA van
Pick-up and Drop-off Locations
o Waiting Time
Transporting children
o Children must be restrained in a seat properly according to the Utah Child
Restraint Law
Cell phone and electronic etiquette
Specific radio stations and acceptable volume level
Cologne and perfume
Any additional factors that would affect your Vanpool group
Once the group has agreed to Operating Rules and Guidelines, give each participant and
your Vanpool Support Specialist a copy.
Common Problems
In all groups, there are times when a problem will arise. Sometimes the problem could
jeopardize the operation of a Vanpool. Discuss the protocol for when these problems arise,
so there is a plan in place.
Non-payment of fares
Backup Drivers and bookkeepers
Seating Arrangements
Participant conflicts with another participant
Seatbelt – It is a Utah State law to wear your seatbelt
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Organized protocol will help these problems be resolved in a smooth manner. If the conflict
cannot be solved among the group, please contact your Vanpool Support Specialist for
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Knowing Your Van
Inspect Your Van
Although the van is for your commute use, it is equipment borrowed from UTA Vanpool
Fleet. The van is an expensive public asset owned by UTA which needs to be protected
through regular inspection, maintenance and proper operation.
To help you understand, enjoy and care for your van, the manufacturer of each van
provides an owner’s manual. The manual has an illustration that shows you the location of
the items you will need to check during your inspections.
Inspections of your van are critical to its reliable performance. Lack of attention to the
simple details of inspection can cause you and your riders delay and inconvenience. It can
cause the UTA Vanpool operations program costly mechanical repairs. Once you get into
the routine of preventive care by making regular inspections, you will have greater
confidence operating the van and can avoid more serious repairs.
When conducting any inspection routine, follow these guidelines:
Be thorough
Do not assume anything
Do not rush
If possible, have someone else check along with you
Do not wait to fix a problem
You will perform three (3) kinds of inspections:
Follow your inspection routine and schedule consistently.
*** If you are not comfortable checking any of the following, please ask for assistance. If it
involves fluid levels, you should have this service performed at a contracted Maintenance
Vendor. A list is available on-line at www.utaridshare.com.
Daily Inspection
Check to make sure you have the fuel card in your wallet and then begin your daily
Are there any signs of body damage including new unreported dents, dings, and
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Are there obstacles in the path of the vehicle, particularly behind and underneath?
Is there fluid from the van on the ground?
Are there any flat tires or tires you think might cause problems?
Are they clean and clear of condensation, snow and ice?
Are they adjusted properly?
Are they clean and clear of fog, ice and snow?
Are there any cracks or rock chips?
o If so, please refer to the Maintenance Vendor list for repair or replacement.
Is the interior of the van clean and free of debris?
Is there a litterbag?
While driving your daily commute, you will be able to check the following mechanical
Gauges (Always check these gauges after a 30-second engine warm up.)
Check your fuel gauge to be sure you have at least a quarter tank of gas.
Are dashboard gauges measurements within the normal range?
Do they appear to be operating correctly?
Did you notice anything that does not seem right?
Are there any lights on such as, check engine light or air bag SRS light?
Are the brakes working properly?
Is there any squeaking, grinding, or other unusual noises?
Is the emergency brake operating correctly?
Is the van tracking in a straight line or drifting to the right or left?
Do you smell any fumes in the van?
Is the exhaust system making noise?
Are there excessive fumes from the tailpipe?
Exhaust System and Muffler
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Ventilation System
Ensure that the following operate properly:
o Heater
o Defroster
o Air Conditioner
Weekly Inspection
Fluid Check
Engine Oil
Is the oil level below the add line on the oil dip stick? Check the oil level after the
engine has been off for several minutes and always wipe the dipstick clean before
reinserting it to check the oil level. If the oil level is below the line, add one (1) quart
of oil (refer to the owner’s manual for the type of oil recommended) or visit a
contracted Maintenance Vendor.
Is the level between the minimum and maximum indicator on the overflow
reservoir? UTA is required to report any fluid spills in excess of one gallon or any
fluid that can reach a city drain.
Note: The sweet smell of antifreeze attracts animals and children. If consumed, it can
be fatal.
Windshield Washer Fluid
If you add windshield washer fluid, make sure that you use a quality product that
has sufficient protection against freezing.
Power Steering Fluid
The level can be read when hot or cold. If the fluid is low, do not add fluid. Take the
van to a contracted Maintenance Vendor.
Brake Fluid
The fluid can and should be checked.
o Is the fluid above the minimum mark?
o If the fluid is low, do not add fluid. Take the van to an authorized vendor.
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Transmission Fluid
The transmission fluid should be checked when it is at normal operating
temperature, which is between 180 and 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Ordinarily this
temperature is reached when the van has been driven about fifteen (15) miles with
the temperature at 50 degrees or above, somewhat longer when it is colder.
o First, park van on a level surface, engine running, set the parking brake and
then place transmission in “park”.
o To inspect the fluid level, follow all the instructions given in your owner’s
manual. If the fluid registers low, do not add fluid. Take the van to a
contracted Maintenance Vendor for inspection and/or repair.
o The fluid should have a pinkish color
o It should not have a burnt odor.
Tire Tread
According to the most states’ laws, tires are legally worn out when they have worn
down to 2/32” of remaining tread depth. To help warn drivers that their tires have
reached that point, tires are sold in North America are required to have indicators
molded into their tread design called “wear bars” which run across their tread
pattern from their outside shoulder to inside shoulder. Wear bars are designed to
visually connect the elements of the tire’s tread pattern and warn drivers when their
tires no longer meet minimum tread depth requirements.
Look for signs of damage or uneven wear including:
o Cuts, bulges, exposed ply or cord and anything that appears abnormal to tire
If you do not see the “wear bars”, you may also use coin
indicators for measuring. Please use the following to reference
o Place a penny into several tread grooves across the tire.
If part of Lincoln’s head is always covered by the tread,
you have more than 2/32” of tread depth remaining.
o Place a quarter into several tread grooves across the
tire. If part of Washington’s head is always covered by
the tread, you have more than 4/32” tread depth
o Place a penny into several tread grooves across the tire.
If the top of the Lincoln Memorial is always covered by
the tread, you have more than 6/32” of tread depth
Once you have determined the approximate remaining tread
depth in the first location, you can complete your measurement of each tire by
placing the coin into additional locations at least 15 inches apart around the tire’s
central circumferential groove, as well as in its inner and outer grooves. This will
help detect uneven wear caused by mechanical or service conditions.
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Tire Pressure
The vehicle manufacture recommended tire pressure is found on the driver-side
door post. When air is needed, inflate tires to at least 80% of the recommended
maximum pressure (PSI) rating.
Check tires when cold.
When tires are rotated, make sure the tire pressure is re-adjusted for front and rear
Note: Front and rear tire pressure may vary depending on the vehicle type.
Check that the cables are tightly attached to the terminals.
Make sure that the cables and terminals are free of corrosion.
If the battery is equipped with an inspection window, check to see if the indicator
reads green. If it reads yellow or red, have the battery checked at a contracted
Maintenance Vendor.
The wiper arms should be tight against the windshield.
Replace worn or stiff blades
Check the belt tension
Look for cracks, holes, or bulges in hoses
Make sure that clamps are tight
Make sure the following operate properly:
o Headlights
o Tail lights
o Brake lights
o Direction signals
o Emergency flashers
o Backing lights
Belts and Hoses
Monthly Inspection
Monthly inspection should include all the daily and weekly inspection items along with the
Other Safety Equipment
Ensure that the spare tire and jack are serviceable
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Ensure that the triangle kit is located in a readily accessible place in the van.
If there are additional questions about the inspection, please contact the Maintenance
Supervisor to ensure that all UTA property is properly inspected.
Maintenance Inspection Checklist - Overview
Fuel Credit Card in Wallet
Exhaust System and Muffler
Ventilation System
Fluid Check
Engine Oil
Windshield Washer Fluid
Power Steering Fluid
Brake Fluid
Transmission Fluid
Tire Tread
Tire Pressure
Belt and Hoses
Other Safety Equipment in the Van
Inspection Item
The chart below is a summary of the items to be checked
during the daily, weekly and monthly inspections.
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Maintaining Your Van
In addition to the regular inspections, there are some simple things you can do to protect
the van, increase its reliability and make your commute more enjoyable. They are:
The appearance of the van is important. It affects your passengers’ comfort and
satisfaction. A well-kept van is more likely to attract new riders and to create a favorable
impression with the general public. Remember, more riders means lower cost to you. It is
one of the best marketing tools we have for the program.
Remember to do the following:
Vanpools are allowed one (1) van wash voucher per month provided by UTA.
o Please contact the Maintenance Supervisor to obtain a wash voucher.
It is the responsibility of the Vanpool group to keep the van clean throughout
duration of the lease.
Report all damage promptly to UTA’s Maintenance Supervisor
Make sure lights, reflectors and windows are in good repair.
Do not place any personal emblems or bumper stickers in the windows, bumper or
any other part on the van.
Maintenance Supervisor: 801-512-5665
Preventative Maintenance (PM)
Vanpool’s preventative maintenance (PM) program is meant to ensure a reliable and safe
commute. This comprehensive system is designed to avoid service interruptions and to
provide smooth operations between PM Service checks. You can find PM schedules at
www.utarideshare.com under the maintenance section.
Preventative maintenance for our van is due every 5,000 miles or six (6) months,
whichever comes first. There are several types of PM services performed at these intervals
based on the nature of the wear and tear on different system components.
Scheduling Your Preventive Maintenance (PM)
It is the primary driver’s responsibility to maintain the van on its service schedule. A van’s
accumulation of mileage may vary from time to time, so it is important that the primary
driver does not let the van exceed the next scheduled PM service as shown on the service
sticker placed on the windshield at the time of each service visit.
Contact a Maintenance Staff member if you need assistance in arranging service.
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Report Defective Equipment
You should always report any defective equipment to a maintenance staff member. Be
specific in your description when reporting.
Loaner Vans
While you have PM done on your regular operating van, you may be given a loaner van at
the contracted maintenance vendor if one (1) is available. It is a good idea to ask for a
loaner van. It is the responsibility of the Vanpool participant to use his/her assigned gas
card. Keep your gas card that is assigned to you. Since these vans are used constantly by
many different individuals, you should use them as carefully as you would your own
vehicle. Keep them neat, clean, and return them with a full tank of gas. Report any problems
when you return them to the contracted maintenance vendor.
Operating Your Van
Driving a large van is very different from driving a car. The increased height, length and
weight of a van require you to be especially careful to ensure the safety and comfort of your
passengers. There are some simple, but important habits for operating the van.
Operating Habit 1: Give Yourself Plenty of Turning Room
The turning radius that is required in a van is greater than that of many vehicles.
Remember the following rules:
Reduce speed.
o Your riders want to remain upright and comfortable
Start your turn farther into the intersection
Make a square or wider turn
Look through the turn
Operating Habit 2: Always Carefully Observe Van’s Height and Width Restrictions
You need to be constantly aware of the height and width of your van. Remember the
following characteristics:
Large passenger vans are taller and require a clearance of 7 foot 3 inches.
Vans are longer – over 19 feet long
Vans are wider – a minimum of 8 feet including the mirrors on each side.
Have blind spots to the rear of the van
Are heavier and most have rear-wheel drive which handles differently from frontwheel and all-wheel drive vehicles
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Operating Habit 3: Use a Passenger as a Spotter
In general, you should avoid backing up whenever possible. If you must back up, remember
to do the following:
Use a spotter when backing up and merging to help you see what is coming
If alone, get out of the van and look at what is behind you
Use your mirrors
Use hazard warning flashers
When merging into traffic, remember to do the following:
o Reduce or increase your speed to create space around you and merge with
the flow of traffic in the new lane
o Signal your intentions early
o Use the merge lane
o Use your mirrors
o Yield the right of way
Operating Habit 4: Mirrors and Scanning
You should always use your mirrors to help see what’s happening to the rear of your van.
Check or “scan” the mirrors continuously for traffic, other hazards and to see what is
happening around your van. Your van has three (3) mirrors, one (1) inside and one (1) on
each side of the left and right front doors. Check each mirror every 5 to 10 seconds.
Use and maintain the van’s height and sight benefits to your advantage. Do not get behind
other large vehicles. Scan the roadway well in front of and behind you. Look at least twelve
(12) seconds ahead for hazards, traffic, pedestrians, or changing road conditions.
Operating Habit 5: Parking and Securing Your Van Properly
Secure your van before you leave it. Never leave it running, whether in “Park” or in gear.
Make sure that you take the following precautions:
Park off the street when possible.
Choose a parking space with plenty of room
On a hill, turn the wheels so the van will roll against the curb
Set the parking brake first, then take your foot off the operating brake pedal to test
and assure the van will not roll
Put the transmission in PARK
Close all the windows
Turn the electrical accessories off
Turn the engine off and remove the key. Take your keys and gas card with you
Take all valuables
Lock all doors
Secure your van by following these steps:
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Put the gear selector in Drive or Reverse, as needed, before you release the parking brake
and drive out of a parking space.
Operating Habit 6: Allow Longer Stopping and Following Distances
Vehicle speed and weight are two (2) factors that affect your ability to stop in time.
Following distances between other vehicles and you needs to be increased in a van because
of the weight difference. You need to be constantly aware of and allow for these differences.
The van weighs between 6,500 and 9,000 pounds and takes longer to stop than a
car. Always drive as if you have a full van.
Allow a four (4) second following distance between your van and the vehicle in
front. If conditions are adverse such as rain, wind, snow, hail, curvy roads, rough
roads, etc., increase the distance rule.
Operating Habit 7: Use of Seat Belts at All Times
Drivers and riders must use seat belts at all times as required by Utah State law. Statistics
have proven that drivers and riders who use seat belts significantly reduce their chances of
serious injury or death in accidents. As the driver, you are the person responsible for
seeing that everyone in the van uses their seat belts. The best time to check this is before
you start driving.
As a driver, you want to do the following:
Make sure all seat belts are in good operating order
Make sure they are available for use
Make sure they are fastened
Utah law concerning seat belt requirements are found in the appendix of this manual or at
Operating Habit 8: UTA and Utah State prohibit using electronic devices while
All electronic devices including cell phones are to be turned off and placed out of sight
anytime you are driving a UTA van and the van is in motion.
Utah law concerning the prohibition of use of electronic devices while operating motor
vehicles is found in the appendix of this manual or at
Operating Habit 9: UTA No Idling Policy
UTA is committed to protecting the environment as required by law. It is UTA’s
responsibility to ensure vanpool drivers are meeting those commitments. We expect that
while using the UTA vehicle the vanpool drivers will also be committed to protecting the
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environment. The purpose of UTA’s Policy No. B03.2/MP3.5 is to reduce air pollution and
increase fuel savings by eliminating unnecessary engine idling. The policy states UTA shall
limit vehicle engines to 10 seconds or less with the exception if outside temperature is
above 85ᵒ or below 40ᵒ. Under these circumstances idling may be needed to operate
defroster, heaters, air conditioners or other equipment to prevent a safety or health
concern for passengers, and idling the vehicle may be up to 10 minutes.
Operating Habit 10: Use Caution When Loading and Unloading
When loading and unloading, adhere to the following simple rules:
Move out of traffic
Turn on hazard flashers
Stop the van on a level surface and apply the emergency brake
Never leave the driver’s seat with the engine running
Assist riders, if necessary
Make sure riders are seated prior to moving the van
Have riders walk behind the van to get to their cars
Make sure the passenger door is closed
Check if baggage is stowed under the seat
Wait for riders to get to their cars, if possible
Operating Habit 11: Handling Emergencies and Accidents
Although most of the emergencies and accidents that occur are minor, it is important that
you know how to handle emergencies to protect lives and to ensure that questions of
liability are handled properly. Serious problems that you may encounter fall into the
following four (4) categories:
Theft and Vandalism
Public Emergencies
Breakdowns consist of the following incidents:
Broken belts
Flat tire
Dead battery
Electrical malfunction
Tire blowout
Frozen emergency brake
Loss of power assist (steering and brakes)
Fluid leaks/loss of fluid
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Incidents and accidents range from minor fender benders without injury to major,
sometimes multiple vehicle collisions, and possibly serious injuries. Report any incidents
involving the vehicle or participants of the vanpool to the Maintenance Supervisor within
24 hours.
In the event you are involved in a collision or serious accident, do not panic. Act promptly,
but calmly. If you can, pause for a couple of seconds to gather your thoughts and decide on
the appropriate course of action.
Vanpool Accident Procedures:
Protect the scene
Turn on the hazard flashers
Move the van out of traffic if possible
Make sure riders are in a safe location
Set up the reflector triangle kit (located in the van)
Obtain medical assistance for injured persons by dialing 911 immediately
Notify the police and the Vanpool Vehicle Maintenance Supervisor at 801-512-5665.
If police are on the scene, obtain the officer’s name, badge number, and jurisdiction.
This information may be found on the Police Accident Report.
If there are injuries
If there are injuries or any property damage over $1,000
Do not admit fault.
Exchange information with the other driver
Complete an incident/accident form
Name, address, and phone numbers
Driver’s license numbers
Vehicle license numbers
Insurance information: You are insured by UTA. A copy of UTA’s certificate of
insurance is in the visor pocket with the van’s registration. In the event the other
driver cannot provide you with insurance information, notify the police
immediately, regardless of the amount of damage. Also notify the Vanpool vehicle
Maintenance Supervisor.
Ask all witnesses to complete Witness Courtesy Cards located in the back of the
folder. Try to get an independent witness from outside the Vanpool group.
Always follow accident and emergency procedures.
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Theft and Vandalism
Remind participants to never leave wallets, purses, briefcases, backpacks, shopping bags,
electronics, or other valuables in the van. They are invitations to thieves, and result in loss,
costly break-in damage, and vandalism.
Because your Vanpool van is owned by UTA, it is imperative to notify UTA and the local
police immediately when your assigned van has been stolen or vandalized.
If your wallet with the fuel card is stolen, report it to accounting at 801-287-2433 or the
Vanpool Vehicle Maintenance Supervisor right away at 801-512-5665.
Public Emergencies
In the event of a Homeland Security orange or red alert, other community emergency, or a
disaster, UTA reserves the right to recall, restrict, or assign any or all UTA vehicles with or
without notice. This could include your assigned vanpool van, a loaner van in your
possession, or loaner vans parked at maintenance vendors.
UTA vehicles may be assigned to assist in evacuations from your employer’s worksite and
the movement of other passengers. Every attempt will be made to use other vehicles before
vans assigned to Vanpool groups.
The specific emergency situation will determine UTA’s decision on the use of its
government owned vehicles. Vanpool groups will not be responsible for the additional
operating costs incurred.
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Vanpool Group Finances and Monthly Reporting
The bookkeeper is responsible for the collection and/or verification of fares from the
participants in the Vanpool, whether fares are paid on-line or submitted to the bookkeeper,
and complete on-line monthly report. Vanpool Support Specialists are available to clarify
and assist with on-line reporting.
What are the Bookkeeper’s responsibilities?
Communicate the monthly fare to be paid by each participant
Collect and/or confirm fare has been paid
Prepare and submit On-line Monthly Report/Daily Ridership form as required by
the 5th of the following month.
o www.utacommuter.com/utavanpool/
o Fax to 801-287-5031
o Email to your Vanpool Support Specialist
Share information from the Vanpool Support Specialist with group participants
Notify Vanpool Support Specialist of any participant withdrawal
Have new participants complete required applications to join the Vanpool prior to
their join date. Submit completed form to the Vanpool Support Specialist
Communicate with your assigned Vanpool Support Specialist as often as needed
Are there any consequences for improper bookkeeping?
Each participant will be held financially liable for his or her portion of the Vanpool fees. The
Bookkeeper may need to request and collect additional money from the participants. UTA
takes the following steps to obtain payment from the Vanpool group for an unpaid fare or
total fee.
The group will be charged a late fee of $50 if reports and/or payments are not
submitted on time, and could risk the use (suspension) of the fuelman card.
The bookkeeper may be placed on bookkeeping probation or the Program may
require a replacement bookkeeper for the group if there are problems submitting
fares or turning in reports on time.
The group may be asked to return their van to UTA for non-payment of fares,
improper reporting or lack of an approved bookkeeper.
Standard Procedures for an Unpaid Balance
1. Notice of unpaid balance goes to the Bookkeeper and Primary Point of Contact. A
response is necessary from the Bookkeeper and the Primary Point of Contact so we
can find out who has not paid their fare.
2. Notice of unpaid balance is sent to all participants listed on the roster.
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3. If no response or an unacceptable response regarding the unpaid balance is
received, the fuel card may be locked until the Vanpool Accountant has been notified
of arrangements regarding the unpaid balance.
4. Once payment is made, the fuel card will be unlocked.
Usually, with the help of the Bookkeeper and the Primary Point of Contact, the Vanpool
Accountant is then able to contact the participant who has not paid their fare. This
participant may not be eligible to participate in a Vanpool group until the unpaid balance
has been paid. If payment is not made, the group will be asked to return the van to UTA.
Established Fares
Fares are established by UTA Rideshare Operations Program. The Rideshare Operations
Program sets fares at a level that will generate sufficient revenues from rider fares to cover
the operating cost which includes fuel, maintenance, insurance, and capital costs of the
program, as well as a portion of the program’s administrative costs. The Vanpool Program
publishes these fares in the form of a Fare Schedule. Fare’s will be reviewed on a quarterly
basis and will be adjusted up or down for the next quarter.
Fare schedule can be found on-line at www.utarideshare.com.
According to the appropriate fare schedule, the group must pay the total amount due by the
5th of each month for the month in which they will be participating.
The Rate is determined by two (2) variables:
1. Average Number of Work Days per Month
a. Work schedule (3 day, 4 day, 5 day, etc. a week)
i. Formula to calculate average number of work days per month:
((Weeks*(#wrkdys per wk))-holidays)/(months in a year)
ii. Example:
1. Weeks: 52
2. Work Days per Week: 4
3. Holidays not worked: 10
4. Months in a year: 12
a. ((52*(4))-10)/12 = 16.5
2. Round Trip Miles (distance from origin to work site and back)
a. If there are pick-up/drop-off stops, does it increase the number of miles per
round trip?
Formula to calculate mileage bracket:
(Average Number of Work Days per Month)*(Round Trip Miles) = (Monthly Miles)
32 | P a g e
a. Review Fare Schedule to determine monthly fee
Formula to calculate individual fare:
(Mileage Bracket Fee)/(Number of Participants in the Vanpool) = (Individual Fare)
All Mileage traveled in the UTA Van must be accounted for and reported (beginning and
ending odometer readings) by the Bookkeeper each month. Ending odometer reading will
carry over to the following month’s report as the beginning reading.
The following are definitions for the various types of miles to be reported by the
Allowable Miles
Allowable miles are the number of miles the group is allowed to travel given the fixed rate
paid by the group. Allowable miles will vary with the number of operating days in the
month. These miles are deducted from total miles the van traveled.
o Loaner Van
 When the Vanpool Primary Van is taken in for service or repair, a
loaner van may be assigned. Beginning and ending odometer readings
must be recorded.
Non-Revenue Miles
o Maintenance Service
 When the group’s primary van is taken to and from the maintenance
service center, the bookkeeper is allowed to deduct these miles from
the total miles traveled in the month; however they must be reported
separately on the monthly report as “FM - Maintenance”.
o Personal
 Each Vanpool group receives a total of 50 personal miles per van each
month. These miles are for the use of approved drivers in the Vanpool
for their personal use. The personal miles cannot be accumulated over
time. You either use them or lose them. These miles must be reported
separately under “PER - Personal Use” on the monthly report.
o Excess Miles
 When the daily commute miles plus any non-revenue miles exceed the
allowable miles, a fee may be assessed for the resulting excess miles.
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Excess miles may be as a result of longer daily commute miles or too
many personal miles.
 If there is a pattern of excess of miles reported, an additional payment
will be required which is the IRS standard mileage rate plus the
calculated cost per mile rate per the mileage bracket assigned.
 Since excess miles are expensive, it is best to appropriately identify
which mileage bracket best fits your needs.
o Additional Guidelines for Non-revenue
 The UTA Vanpool van cannot be:
• Driven beyond 200-mile radius of the Vanpool origin
• Taken out of the state of Utah (exceptions must be preapproved through the Rideshare Operations staff, on a case-bycase basis)
• Used for business purposes
• Used to haul garbage, debris, excessive loads or for any
purpose that requires the removal of seats
• Used for skiing travel or going over mountain passes during
• Used to transport groups of people to special events
• Used for vacation travel
• Used to transport non-family members during personal trips
Paying Vanpool Fares
There are several ways to submit payment for participating in Vanpool. Fares are to be only
collected by an approved Bookkeeper. Payments need to be submitted by the 5th of the
month in which they will be riding the van.
Example: Van will be used for the month of July. Payment is due July 5th.
The Vanpool Bookkeeper may open a standard, no frills, non-interest bearing bank account
for the Vanpool group. Check charges and bank fees for this account are deductible Vanpool
expenses. In this way, the Vanpool group’s finances can be kept separate from any personal
Fare Policy
All participants pay at the same passenger fare level for the month, unless otherwise
agreed upon with the Vanpool group. Riders pay in advance for the current month and no
refunds are given for absences or vacation.
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When Leaving the Vanpool, riders must give fifteen (15) calendar days’ written notice to
both the group’s Driver (Van Point of Contact) and Bookkeeper, who must notify the
assigned Vanpool Support Specialist. Since the same amount is due to UTA whether or not a
participant leaves, groups may prorate the exiting participant’s fare, but the group will
need to make up the difference.
If the Vanpool group is unable to cover the remaining amount due, the Vanpool Bookkeeper
will need to contact the Vanpool Accountant at 801-287-2433 to coordinate waivers.
UTA will give each Vanpool group a maximum of two (2) months, total of four (4)
waivers (two (2) each month) of grace from payment for two (2) dropped
participants in a given year.
o Given year: Starts over at Vanpool anniversary
o Waiver: Participant fare subsidy. Value is an individual’s participant fare
o Monthly Fee: Total amount due based on the number of miles the van will
travel in a given month.
o Fare: Amount an individual participant pays
 Calculation of Fare:
• Total monthly fee divided by the number of participants of the
current month.
• Example: 11-15 passenger van travels 1760 miles a month has
a total monthly fee of $1,134.00. For the month of May, there
are nine (9) participants. Individual fare is $126.00. (Monthly
fee based on May 2013 rates)
o Minimum Roster Requirement:
 Seven (7) riders for an 11-15 passenger van
 Five (5) riders for a seven (7) passenger van
Exception of Payment Example:
o Vanpool started May 2012 which has seven (7) participants. Group loses two
(2) participants for September 2012, dropping to five (5) participants, using
their waivers to pay the individual fare for each of those participants. The
group adds two (2) participants for October 2012 and is able to pay full
monthly fee without changing individual fares. March 2013, the group loses
two (2) participants, dropping to five (5) participants, using their final two
(2) waivers for March to pay the individual fare for each of those
participants. April 2013, Vanpool group has not added participants,
remaining at five (5) participants, with no waivers available. The van will
need to be returned end of March due to the number of participants.
 If the group had not fallen below the minimum requirement of
participants, the group would be able to divide the total monthly fee
by the number of participants, raising each individual fare. Each
participant is required to pay the higher fare.
35 | P a g e
Form of Payment
As of May 2013 (waiver renewal), the group would be able to
use four (4) new waivers for the period of May 2013 to April
If the group is below the minimum requirement, the waivers will
suffice as a counted individual participant.
Every Vanpool group will have a variety of ways to pay their Vanpool Fee. UTA has options
to accommodate each participant’s way of paying. If you have questions about forms of
payment, please review the following options. If your questions are not answered, please
contact the Vanpool Accountant at 801-287-2433.
o Credit Card (Personal or Business Credit Card)
 Please follow the “On-line Payment” instructions to submit payment.
o Transportation Voucher/Benefit Card
 Participants can use Federal Transportation Vouchers or Benefit
Cards as full or partial payments. Vouchers and Benefit Cards come in
a variety of denominations. Confirm with your employer the amount
that is available for the Transportation Voucher/Benefit Card.
• Vouchers should be mailed to the Vanpool Accountant.
o Please see the “Submit Payment by Mail” section.
• Benefit Card payments can be submitted on-line.
o Please follow the “On-line Payment” instructions to
submit payment.
o Checks
 Bookkeepers may collect individual fare payments (either written to
the bookkeeper only if there is a Vanpool specified bank account or
each participant can write their checks to Utah Transit Authority.).
 On the memo section of the check, please indicate Van Number and/or
VCode. This will help the Vanpool Accountant apply payment to the
correct Vanpool group. If there is no memo, the amount paid will be
applied to the Vanpool group in which the Vanpool Support Specialist
has you participating on. If there is a recent change in van group, it is
possible the fare paid will be applied to the wrong Vanpool group.
Confirm that your memo is indicating the right Vanpool group.
• Please see the “Submit Payment by Mail” section.
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On-line Payment with a Credit Card or Benefit Card Instructions
Go to: https://www.rideuta.com/buyapass/vanpool.aspx
On the information page, the Bookkeeper may request that the payment receipt be
emailed to them. You have the option to put your email address (so you receive it,
but forward it to the Bookkeeper) or the Bookkeeper’s email address.
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Submit Payment by Mail
Checks are to be made payable to Utah Transit Authority.
If individual fares are collected by the Bookkeeper, mail payment to:
Utah Transit Authority
Attn: Nathan Hansen/Accounting
PO Box 30810
Salt Lake City, UT 84130
Bookkeepers must keep track of payments submitted, as it is important to keep accurate
records in case of a deficiency in payment. Please refer to “Standard Procedures for an
Unpaid Balance”.
Only pre-authorized “out of pocket” or reimbursable expenses may be submitted to the
Vanpool Accountant. Receipts are required to receive reimbursements.
Bank Charges
UTA will allow up to $25 of the funds owed the agency to be used to open a checking
account in the Vanpool’s name and will pay to print one (1) box of checks.
Checking charges and bank fees associated with the Vanpool group bank account may be
deducted when a copy of the bank statement is submitted. UTA will pay for costs excluding
NSF or returned items.
As a general rule, all gas for the van (regular operated and loaner) should be purchased
using the van’s assigned fuel card. However, when the van’s gas card is not available nor
operational or it is not working at the station, cash or a personal credit card should be used
by the group. To receive reimbursement, a receipt must be submitted along with a brief
explanation of the situation.
Fuel Credit Card
Your UTA van comes with a fuel credit card. Most vans will have a Gascard (Fuelman) card,
other vans traveling in areas with no access to a fueling station that accepts Gascard will be
given a Wright Express Card.
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Fuel cards are assigned to specific vans. The card for each van should be used to fuel that
van only, unless you need to fuel a loaner van.
Do not sign the back of the card. – If the driver of the van changes, this ensures that every
authorized driver will be allowed to use it.
If there are any questionable transactions or monthly payment has not been received, fuel
card may be locked.
Find a Location to Fuel Your Van
Find fuel locations for Gascard (Fuelman) at www.fuelman.com and click on “Fuelman Site
Locator” at the top of the page.
Find fuel locations for Wright Express Card at www.wrightexpress.com.
Secure Your Fuel Card
UTA requires that the driver keeps the card in his or her possession. The PIN code should
be kept secure and separate from the card. If the primary driver will not be driving
(vacations, etc.), he or she will need to give the card to a back-up driver.
1. When fueling, enter in the current odometer reading and the PIN.
2. Limit of 35 gallons per day
3. Fuel card may only be swiped two (2) times within a 24-hour period.
a. If the card does not work the first time you swipe at the pump, take the card
to the station attendant and the attendant process the transaction. Do not
swipe the card a second time or the card will be locked for the day.
A fuel card will not be provided for the loaner van. Make sure you take your fuel card with
you to fuel the loaner van.
Lost/Damaged Cards
Report lost or damaged cards by calling 801-287-2433 or a Maintenance staff member at
For other problems, call or have the service station attendant call the number on the back
of the card.
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If the problem cannot be resolved at the point of sale, you may be required to pay for the
fuel out of pocket and seek a reimbursement from UTA. To do this, simply send a copy of
the receipt to UTA with a note stating that you wish to be reimbursed, van and/or customer
number, and an explanation of the problem you had when fueling the van.
If you trade or turn in your van, make sure the assigned fuel card is acknowledged by both
you and the UTA Vanpool Staff member.
Use of the card provided for personal or other non-vanpool transactions will result in
termination of the Vanpool and possible legal action.
42 | P a g e
Forms and Support Information
Rideshare Information: http://www.utarideshare.com/
Forms (On page 54-67 of Manual)- http://www.utarideshare.com/content/?page=applications
Program Application
Vanpool Database Information
Change Form
o http://www.utarideshare.com/uploads/ParticipantChangeFormFillable_282013.pdf
On-line Monthly Reporting Log
Application for Non-Standard Equipment for Vans
Rideshare Accident/Incident Report Form
o http://www.utarideshare.com/uploads/RideshareAccidentForm060712.docx
Information - http://www.utarideshare.com/content/?page=vanpool
Vanpool Fare Schedule (Updated Quarterly)
Approved Maintenance Vendors
Preventative Maintenance Schedules
o Click on the link below and select the van make
On-line Monthly Reporting Link
On-line Monthly Reporting User’s Guide
Vanpool On-line Payment Link
Vanpool Fuel Credit Card Information
Flyer to Recruit Vanpool Participants
Vanpool Newsletters
43 | P a g e
UTA Rideshare Support Team – April 4, 2013
Jan Maynard – Program Manager
Office (801) 287-2065 or 287-2429
Email [email protected]
Cell (801) 915-6341
Cheryl Anderson – Senior Marketing Specialist
Office (801) 287-2062
Email [email protected]
Cell (801) 673-7705
Vanpool Support Specialists
Car Pool Matching
Submittal of Driving Records
Rider Roster Updates
Fax (801)287-5031 (fax all paperwork)
Update/Request Customer Account Information
Procedure Inquiries and Customer Support.
Monthly Reporting due the 5th of the month
Carolyn Butler
Office (801) 287-2075
Luwanna Fitzgerald
Office (801) 287-5358
Wendy Karsch
Office (801) 287-2060
Mike Romero-Vanpool Vehicle Maint Supervisor
Office (801) 287-5325
Maintenance Inquiries
Report Incidents or Accidents
Safety and Inspection Information
Mike Shaffer-Vanpool Fleet Maint Supervisor
Office (801) 287-2132
Maintenance Inquiries
Safety and Inspection Information
Ron Grover-Vanpool Maintenance Specialist
Office (801) 287-5326
Maintenance Inquiries
Safety and Inspection Information
Holly Thomas-Vanpool Maint Office Coord
Office (801) 287-3940
Email [email protected]
Email [email protected]
Email [email protected]
Email [email protected]
Cell (801) 512-5665
Where to get service
Pre-Authorization for Service
Email [email protected]
Cell (801) 673-7727
Where to get service
Pre-Authorization for Service
Email [email protected]
Cell (801) 808-9720
Where to get service
Pre-Authorization for Service
Terry Johnson-Vanpool Vehicle Coord
Office (801) 287-2272
Nathan Hansen-Vanpool Accountant
Office (801) 287-2433
Account Balance Inquiries
Billing address changes
***Please send all Vanpool Payments to***
Utah Transit Authority
Attn: Nathan Hansen/Accounting
P.O. Box 30810
Salt Lake City, UT 84130
Additional Vanpool Resources
Customer Complaints . . . . . . . . 1-888-RIDEUTA (743-3882)
Transit Public Safety . . . . . . . . . .1-801-287-EYES (287-3937)
www.fuelman.com Gas Card Site Locator
Cherryl Beveridge-Spec Svc General Manager
Office (801) 287-5350
Email [email protected]
Email [email protected]
Cell (801) 907-5813
Email [email protected]
Fax (801) 287-4614
Gas Card Statements
Maintenance Statements
To pay on-line:
Email [email protected]
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Title 41 Chapter 6a Section 1803 (41-6A-1803) Driver and passengers
According to Utah Code Title 41 Chapter 6a Section 1803 (41-6A-1803) Driver and
passengers - - Seat belt or child restraint device required
(1) (a) The operator of a motor vehicle operated on a highway shall:
Wear a properly adjusted and fastened safety belt;
Provide for the protection of each person younger than eight years of age by
using a child restraint device to restrain each person in the manner prescribed
by the manufacturer of the device; and
(iii) Provide for the protection of each person younger than eight years of age up to
16 years of age by securing, or causing to be secured, a properly adjusted and
fastened safety belt on each person.
Notwithstanding the requirement under Subsection (1)(a)(ii), a child under
eight years of age who is 57 inches tall or taller:
Is exempt from the requirement under Subsection (1)(a)(ii) to be in a child
restraint device; and
Shall use a properly adjusted and fastened safety belt as required in Subsection
A passenger who is 16 years of age or older of a motor vehicle operated on a
highway shall wear a properly adjusted and fastened safety belt.
If more than one person is not using a child restraint or wearing a safety belt in
violation of Subsection (1), it is only one offense and the driver may receive only
one citation.
For a person 19 years of age or older who violates Subsection (1)(a)(i) or (2),
enforcement by a state or local law enforcement officer shall be only as a
secondary action when the person has been detained for a suspected violation of
Title 41, Motor Vehicles, other than Subsection (1)(a)(i) or (2), or for another
Title 41 Chapter 6a Section 1805 (41-6A-1805) Penalty for Violation
According to Utah Code Title 41 Chapter 6a Section 1805 (41-6A-1805) Penalty for
(1) (a) A person who violates Section 41-6a-1803 is guilty of an infraction and shall be
fined a maximum of $45.
The court shall waive all but $15 of the fine for a violation of Section 41-6a-1803
if a person:
shows evidence of completion of a two-hour course approved by the
commissioner of the Department of Public Safety that includes education on the
benefits of using a safety belt and child restraint device; and
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If the violation is for an offence under Subsection 41-6a-1803 (1)(b), submits
proof of acquisition, rental, or purchase of a child restraint device.
Points for a motor vehicle reportable violation, as defined under Section 53-3102, may not be assessed against a person for a violation of Section 41-6a-1803.
Title 41 Chapter 6a Section 1715 (41-6a-1715) Careless driving defined and
According to Utah Code Title 41 Chapter 6a Section 1715 (41-6a-1715) Careless driving
defined and prohibited
(1) A person operating a motor vehicle is guilty of careless driving is the person:
(a) Commits two or more moving traffic violations under this chapter in a series of acts
within a single continuous period of driving covering three miles or less in total
distance; or
(b) Commits a moving traffic violation under this chapter other than a moving traffic
violation under Part 6, Speed Restrictions, while being distracted by one or more
activities taking place within the vehicle that are not related to the operation of a
motor vehicle, including:
Using a wireless telephone or other electronic device unless the person is using
hands-free talking and listening features while operating the motor vehicle;
Searching for an item in the vehicle; or
(iii) Attending to personal hygiene or grooming
(2) A violation of this section is a class C misdemeanor
(3) In addition to the penalty provided under this section or any other section, a judge
may order the revocation of the convicted person’s driver license if the violation
causes or results in the death of another person in accordance with Subsection 53-3218 (6).
Title 41 Chapter 6a Section 1716 (41-6a-1716) Prohibition on using a
handheld wireless communication device while operating a moving motor
According to Utah Code Title 41 Chapter 6a Section 1716 (41-6a-1716) Prohibition on
using a handheld wireless communication device while operating a moving motor vehicle –
Exceptions – Penalties
(1) As used in this section:
(a) (i) “Handheld wireless communication device” means a handheld device used for
the transfer of information without the use of electrical conductors or wires.
“Handheld wireless communication device” includes a:
(A) Wireless telephone;
(B) Personal digital assistant;
(C) Pager; or
(D) Text messaging device.
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(b) (i) “Text message” means to manually communicate in the form of electronic text or
one or more electronic images sent by the actor from a handheld wireless
communication device to another person’s handheld wireless communication
device or computer by addressing the communication to the person’s telephone
“Text message” includes manually composing a communication in the form of
electronic text or an electronic image by the actor even if the electronic text or
image has not been sent to another person.
(2) Except as provided in Subsection (3), a person may not use a handheld wireless
communication device while operating a moving motor vehicle on the highway in
this state to:
(a) Text message;
(b) Manually communicate through an electronic mail system;
(c) Manually enter data into a handheld wireless communication device; or
(d) Send data, read text, or view images on a handheld wireless communication device;
(e) Manipulate an application from a handheld wireless communication device.
(3) Subsection (2) does not prohibit a person from using a handheld wireless
communication device while operating a moving motor vehicle:
(a) When making or receiving a telephone call;
(b) When using a handheld wireless communication device for global positioning or
navigation services;
(c) During a medical emergency;
(d) When reporting a safety hazard or requesting assistance relating to a safety hazard;
(e) When reporting criminal activity or requesting assistance relating to a criminal
(f) When providing roadside or medical assistance;
(g) When used by a law enforcement officer or emergency service personnel acting
within the course and scope of the law enforcement officers or emergency service
personnel’s employment; or
(h) To operate:
(i) Hands-free or voice operated technology; or
a system that is physically or electronically integrated into the motor vehicle.
(4) A person convicted of a violation of this section is guilty of a :
(a) Class C misdemeanor; or
(b) Class B misdemeanor if the person:
(i) has also inflicted serious bodily injury upon another as a proximate result of using a
handheld wireless communication device for text messaging or electronic mail
communication while operating a moving motor vehicle on a highway in this stat; or
(ii) Has a prior conviction under this section that is within three years of:
(A) the current conviction under this section; or
(B) The commission of the offense upon which the current conviction is based.
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UTA Vanpool Program
Vanpool Participant Agreement
UTA Vanpool Program Terms and Conditions
Section A: All Participants
Participants in the UTA Vanpool Program, which includes any person riding in or driving a van, agree to comply with the
following terms and conditions in consideration for participating in the UTA Vanpool Program:
1. Participants will abide by the policies and rules set forth in the Vanpool Program Manual provided by UTA Vanpool.
Participants acknowledge that UTA Vanpool may revise its policies and rules at any time its sole discretion and agree to comply
with all policies as revised.
2. Participants will pay their monthly Vanpool fares prospectively either online with notice to the Bookkeeper or directly to
the Bookkeeper by the fifth of the month in which they participate.
3. Participants will abide by all day-to-day operational rules of Vanpools as established by majority vote of the Vanpool
members or by UTA Vanpool.
4. Participants will keep the van clean.
5. Participants will notify Drivers in advance of all absences.
6. Participants will find alternate transportation outside of regular operating days and when work or personal schedules
do not allow participation in the Vanpool.
7. Termination of either an individual or the group from the Vanpool Program may occur for the failure to pay rider fares,
disruption of Vanpool operation, failure to meet minimum number of participants, or disbandment of the Vanpool Program.
8. Participants will ensure, to the best of their abilities, that no person shall be subjected to discrimination in the conduct of
the UTA Vanpool Program on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, or disability in any manner contrary to
applicable local, state or federal laws and regulations.
9. Participants will indemnify and hold harmless UTA, its authorized agents and employees from all claims, actions, costs,
damages, or expenses of any nature whatsoever arising out of or resulting from the use of the Vanpool, including, but not
limited to, any delays, tardiness, failure to make an appropriate or scheduled pickup, absence of the van or termination of the
Vanpool program.
10. Participants acknowledge that the UTA Vanpool Program provides ridesharing referral services without screening the
character or background of participants or applicants. Participants agree that UTA shall have no responsibility or liability for
any acts or omissions of Vanpool Participants.
11. Participants acknowledge and agree the fare to ride a UTA Vanpool is based on the number of miles the Vanpool group
travels and generally is proportionate to the number of participants in a Vanpool group, e.g. ten (10) participants each pays
1/10th. Individual Vanpool groups may vary. Fares will be evaluated on a quarterly basis and may be adjusted if needed. See
current UTA Vanpool Pricing sheet at www. utarideshare.com.
Section B: Bookkeepers
Bookkeepers in the UTA Vanpool Program agree to comply with the following terms and conditions, in addition to those
terms and conditions set forth in Sections A and D, if applicable:
1. Bookkeepers shall ensure that all individual payments have been submitted by the fifth (5th) of the month either online
or by collecting and submitting individuals' checks to UTA.
2. Bookkeepers agree to verify roster, and individuals' roles (driver, rider, point of contact) on a monthly basis.
3. Bookkeepers may pay and be reimbursed for miscellaneous operating expenses as detailed in the Vanpool Program
Manual. Any expense more than $50 requires preapproval from UTA.
4. Bookkeepers shall submit daily ridership and ending odometer readings on a monthly basis by the fifth (5th) day
following the end of month.
5. Bookkeepers shall confirm that appropriate van maintenance has been completed on a monthly basis.
Section C: Driver Selection Criteria
Drivers in the UTA Vanpool Program, including Primary and Backup Drivers must meet the following Driver Selection
Criteria prior to being approved to drive a UTA Van:
1. Be at least 21 years of age;
2. Have a current and unrestricted driver’s license and have driven in the United States for at least five (5) years;
3. Have no more than two (2) moving violations in the past three (3) years;
4. Have no more than one (1) not at fault accident within three (3) years.
Individuals who have any of the following are ineligible to drive a UTA Van:
1. The suspension or revocation of a driver's license within the past five (5) years;
2. A conviction within the past ten (10) years for reckless driving, hit and run, leaving the scene of an accident, DUI, DWI,
felony, or concurrent violations of lane changing;
3. Medical condition or use of prescription medication that impairs a driver’s ability to drive a van safely;
4. A person who has filed a Certificate of Financial Responsibility (SR-22) due to his or her personal driving record.
UTA Vanpool Program
Vanpool Participant Agreement
Section D: Drivers
Each Driver, including Primary and Backup Drivers, who drives in the UTA Vanpool Program, agrees to comply with the
following terms and conditions, in addition to those terms and conditions set forth in Section A:
1. Drivers shall maintain a valid driver's license as required by the State of Utah. For Utah issued licenses, as a courtesy,
UTA will request a copy of your Motor Vehicle Record. For an out of state license, please request a copy of your Motor Vehicle
Record and submit with your Participation Agreement.
2. Drivers shall notify UTA Vanpool in two (2) business days if they no longer meet the Driver Selection Criteria and must
immediately stop driving UTA vans.
3. Drivers must complete the UTA Vanpool Driver Orientation prior to taking possession of or operating vans.
4. Drivers shall exemplify safe driving habits and observe all traffic laws and regulations. Drivers are responsible for
resolving any citations resulting from the operation and parking of a UTA van.
5. To ensure continued Vanpool operation, Backup Drivers shall assume all responsibilities of the Primary Driver when
acting in that capacity.
6. Drivers shall drive vans daily to and from work/school, picking up and discharging riders in accordance with mutually
established routes and schedules.
7. Drivers shall coordinate maintenance, cleaning and servicing of vans as specified in the Vanpool Program Manual.
8. Drivers shall keep daily and monthly ridership log of vehicle, participants and odometer records.
9. In case of van breakdown, Drivers shall coordinate with UTA Vanpool Maintenance Supervisor the use of loaner vans.
10. Drivers shall coordinate with participants of the Vanpool group to establish the rules for the day-to-day operation of
Vanpool (e.g., wait times, radio).
11. Drivers shall comply with the policies and rules in the Vanpool Program Manual related to personal use of vans. The
transportation of non-Vanpool Participant groups, such as church, sports, or scout groups, is not allowed.
12. Drivers agree they shall be considered volunteers under federal and state laws and shall not hold themselves out to be
nor act as employees or agents of UTA.
13. Drivers shall at all times operate vans in a manner complementary to the public nature of the Vanpool Program, drive in
a courteous manner, and if asked, explain the unique character of the use of the van.
14. Except in emergency situations, operation of vans shall be restricted to UTA-approved Drivers.
15. Drivers shall report any accident or damage to the UTA van to the UTA Vanpool Maintenance Supervisor within 24 hrs.
16. Drivers shall not use vans for any other purpose other than for transportation to and from work or school. Drivers shall
not use vans for business purposes or for hire; to pull trailers, boats, etc; to haul garbage, debris, or excessive loads; for any
purpose requiring the removal of seats; or for any other purposes described in the Vanpool Program Manual. Drivers
acknowledge that they shall have full liability and responsibility for all damage to vans occurring if the vans are used for other
than permitted purposes or in a manner inconsistent to these Terms and Conditions and the Vanpool Manual.
17. Drivers shall drive vans only on hard surfaced streets, highways, other maintained roads and driveways. Drivers shall
not drive vans off-road, on beaches, in fields, or in any other potentially unsafe environment.
18. Drivers shall not drive vans over bridges or roads posted for less than a 4-ton maximum weight load. Drivers shall
observe width and height clearance requirements of and for the van at all times (i.e. carwash, drive thru).
19. Drivers shall not allow accessories, including window or bumper stickers, appearance items or additional equipment, to
be added to or removed from the Van without prior approval of UTA Vanpool.
Section E: UTA Vanpool
UTA Vanpool agrees to comply with the following terms and conditions:
1. Provide funding for fuel, servicing and maintenance of Vans.
2. Help Drivers and Bookkeepers fulfill their administrative obligations, including providing instructions for ridership
reporting, adding and removing participants.
3. Provide loaner vans by reservation on a first come, first served basis.
4. UTA Vanpool reserves the right to terminate a Vanpool group.
5. Establish and maintain a fare schedule for participation in Vanpools.
6. Ensure, to the best of its ability, that no person is subjected to discrimination in the conduct of the Vanpool Program on
the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, or disability in any manner contrary to applicable local, state and
federal laws and regulations.
7. Provide Vanpools with the Vanpool Program Manual (located in the van or online) outlining policies and rules applicable
to the Vanpool Program.
8. Allow approved Drivers to use vans for personal use in accordance with the policies and rules set forth in the Vanpool
Program Manual.
9. Provide liability coverage at statutory limits of a van including bodily injury, property damage, comprehensive, collision,
and uninsured motorist protection; provided, the van was being operated by a UTA-approved Driver and for a purpose
permitted under these Terms and Conditions and the Vanpool Program Manual.
10. UTA may suspend the use of the Fuel Card for a pattern of misuse of the van, failure to pay on time or for insufficient
UTA Vanpool Program
Vanpool Participant Agreement
Reset Form
Vanpool Request
Save As
As a UTA Vanpool Participant, I am requesting to participate as (check all that apply ):
□ Part-time Rider
Van Number:
□ Full-time Rider
Vanpool Join Date:
□ Bookkeeper
□ Backup Driver
Group Point Of Contact:
□ Primary Driver
Participant Application
Participant means all persons, including drivers, backup drivers, riders, and bookkeepers who are transported to and from work/school in a
Vanpool operated as part of the UTA Vanpool Program or are otherwise authorized by UTA to participate in the program.
Home Address:
Mailing Address:
Phone Numbers:
Email Address:
Employer Information:
Apt #
Zip Code
Apt #
Zip Code
□ Work
□ Home
Please check preferred email address. UTA Vanpool Program information will be communicated by email.
Employer Name
Job Title
Length of Employment
Emergency Contact:
Supervisor's Name
Full Name
Zip Code
Supervisor's Phone #
Phone #
As a condition of participating in the UTA Vanpool program administered by UTA, I agree to comply with the UTA Vanpool
Terms and Conditions, a copy of which I have received. I understand and acknowledge that this Agreement, together with the
Vanpool Program Manual, establish my rights and responsibilities as a participant in the UTA Vanpool Program. As a Vanpool
participant, I understand that UTA will store my personal information in an electronic database.* I certify that the above
information is true and correct and agree to submit a new application should any of the information provided above change. I
understand this Agreement shall be effective on the date signed and shall continue in force until either party gives fifteen (15) days
written notice of an intent to terminate. I understand that I must give written notice of termination to the group point of contact
and UTA Vanpool.
*The Vanpool Privacy Policy is available online at http://www.utacommuter.com/.
Printed Name
Please email or fax Participation Agreement.
Email to:
Your Vanpool Support Specialist
[email protected]
Fax to:
(801) 287-2060
(801) 287-5031
Administrative Use Only
MVR Requested:
Commuter ID #:
Rider Auth. Sent:
Company Code:
Driver Auth. Sent:
Date Entered:
UTA Vanpool Program
Vanpool Participant Agreement
Driver Applicants Only
Please review Section C: Driver Selection Criteria. Information from the Driver Application and your Motor Vehicle Record
will confirm whether or not you meet the Driver Selection Criteria.
UTA reserves the rights to deny applicants who do not meet the Driver Selection Criteria.
Full Name as it Appears on Your License
Date of Birth
License Number
Issuing State
□ Yes □ No
Valid and
Issued Date
* For Utah Issued License only: As a courtesy, UTA will request a copy of your Motor Vehicle Record.
* For an Out of State License: please request a copy of your Motor Vehicle Record and submit with your Participation Agreement.
1. Do you have a large vehicle certification (15 passenger capacity or larger)?
a. Certification from:
□ Yes □ No
□ Yes □ No
2. Have you ever had an automobile license or privileges suspended, revoked or refused in the last 10 years?
a. If yes, please explain:
3. Have you ever been convicted of driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs?
4. Do you have personal automobile insurance?
a. Name of Insurance Company:
□ Yes □ No
□ Yes
□ No
5. Have you ever had an insurance company refuse, cancel, refuse to renew, or given notice of intention to cancel?
□ Yes □ No
a. If yes, please explain:
6. Have you been required by any state to file evidence of Financial Responsibility (SR-22)?
a. If yes, please explain:
□ Yes
□ No
7. Indicate any driving convictions or citations (other than parking) you have been convicted of, forfeited bail or paid any
fines for during the past 3 years.
How many? _________________
Please give full details below. Additional remarks may be continued on a separate sheet.
Location: City, State
Legal Speed Limit
Your Speed
Amount of Fine
Location: City, State
Legal Speed Limit
Your Speed
Amount of Fine
Location: City, State
Legal Speed Limit
Your Speed
Amount of Fine
8. How many motor vehicle accidents of any kind or cause have you as an operator been involved in during the past
3 years? ________________ Please give full details below. Additional remarks may be continued on a separate sheet.
□ Yes □ No
Bodily Injury
□ Yes □ No
Bodily Injury
Who was at fault
Who was at fault
Location: City, State
Violation - Type
□ Yes □ No $
□ Yes □ No $
Location: City, State
Violation - Type
□ Yes □ No $
□ Yes □ No $
Damage to your Vehicle
Damage to your Vehicle
Damage to Other Property
Damage to Other Property
UTA Vanpool Program
Vanpool Participant Agreement
Safety is a top priority for UTA. Please consider your personal health when applying to be a Vanpool Driver.
I certify that I do not have any medical conditions or take any medications that interfere with my ability to safely operate a
UTA Van. In the event I develop a medical condition or begin taking medication that interferes with my ability to safely operate
a UTA Van, I agree to immediately stop driving a Van until I can safely operate it. Examples of health conditions that may
interfere with the ability to safely operate a UTA Van include, but are not limited to: vision problems, deafness, paralysis,
convulsions, seizure disorders, epilepsy, loss of consciousness, diabetes, heart disease, etc. Examples of disqualifying medication
include, but are not limited to, medications that contain prohibitions on driving.
I understand that any electronic handheld device usage while driving a UTA van is strictly prohibited.
I certify that the information I provided in the Driver Applicant portion of this Application is true and correct and agree to
submit a new application should any of the information provided above change. I authorize UTA to verify any information
provided herein. I agree that I will not hold myself out to be a Primary or Backup Driver in the UTA Vanpool Program until I
have received written approval by UTA Vanpool. As a condition of participating in the UTA Vanpool Program, I agree to comply
with the UTA Vanpool Terms and Conditions and the rules set forth in the Vanpool Program Manual, copies of which I have
Printed Name
Bookkeeper Only
Only one (1) Bookkeeper per Vanpool group. Please verify with your Vanpool Group Point of Contact who is the Bookkeeper.
I have carefully read, understand and agree to the UTA Vanpool Program Terms and Conditions Section B: Bookkeepers. I
agree to provide accurate and timely information as required by the Terms and Conditions.
Printed Name
Please email or fax all Participation Agreements and Driver Applications.
Email to: Your Vanpool Support Specialist
[email protected]
Phone: (801) 287-2060
Fax to: (801) 287-5031
Mail to: UTA Vanpool Operations
PO Box 30810
Salt Lake City, Utah 84130
Physical Address:
No Mail Service
4384 S 50 W, Murray, Utah 84107
rev CB 080813
UTA Vanpool Program
Vanpool Database Information Sheet
Reset Form
Requested Start Date:
Vanpool Point of Contact Information
Save As
Contact Info:
First and Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Mailing Address:
Zip Code
Bookkeeper Information
Only complete if different from Point of Contact Information
Contact Info:
First and Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Travel Information
Starting Address:
Company Name or Site Name or Participants Name
Zip Code
Zip Code
Final Destination:
Company Name/Site Name
Departure Time from Origin:
□ AM □ PM
Arrival Time at Dest:
□ AM □ PM
Departure Time from Dest:
□ AM □ PM
Arrival Time at Origin:
□ AM □ PM
□ P □ D
□ P □ D
□ P □ D
□ P □ D
□ P □ D
Est. Round Trip Miles/Day:
Avg # of Work Days/Month:
Zip Code
Zip Code
Zip Code
Zip Code
Zip Code
Reg. Operating Days: S M T W R F S
# of Yearly Holidays Van Won't Be Operated:
Est. Monthly Miles:
Alt. Schedule:
For mileage brackets and cost information, please visit http://www.utarideshare.com/. Estimated monthly miles is subject to verification.
Current Participants
First and Last
R: Rider D: Driver
First and Last
R: Rider D: Driver
□ R □ D
□ R □ D
□ R □ D
□ R □ D
□ R □ D
□ R □ D
□ R □ D
□ R □ D
□ R □ D
□ R □ D
□ R □ D
□ R □ D
□ R □ D
□ R □ D
□ R □ D
□ R □ D
□ R □ D
□ R □ D
Van Specifications Request
Options requested are only added if approved.
Number of Seats Needed:
Requested Accessories:
Once form is completed, email to your Vanpool Support Specialist or fax to 801-287-5031
UTA Vanpool Program
Vanpool Database Information Sheet
Administrative Use Only
Participant Approval and Documentation Received
RidePro ID:
PA/BK/DA Received:
MVR Requested:
□ R □ D □ BK
□ R □ D □ BK
□ R □ D □ BK
□ R □ D □ BK
□ R □ D □ BK
□ R □ D □ BK
□ R □ D □ BK
□ R □ D □ BK
□ R □ D □ BK
□ R □ D □ BK
□ R □ D □ BK
□ R □ D □ BK
□ R □ D □ BK
□ R □ D □ BK
□ R □ D □ BK
□ R □ D □ BK
□ R □ D □ BK
□ R □ D □ BK
Van Lease Disposition
Van #:
Customer Account #:
Group Name:
Vehicle License Plate #:
Agreement Start Date:
Vanpool Monthly Price:
Maximum Allowable Miles:
Vehicle Beginning Odometer Reading:
Last 6 Digits of the Gas Card:
Company Code:
Location Van was Picked Up or Delivered to:
□ Picked Up
□ Murray Office
□ Vendor
□ Delivered
(Address Delivered To)
# of Seats:
Type of Van:
Approved Options Added:
Printed Name
rev CB 071913
UTA Vanpool Program
Vanpool Participant Change/Termination Form
Reset Form
Save As
Participant Information
Please complete all information. Your Vanpool Support Specialist will update your personal information accordingly.
Apt #
Zip Code
Contact Info:
Email Address
Home Phone Number
Work Phone Number
Cell Phone Number
UTA Vanpool Program information will be communicated by email.
If your employer has changed, please complete the following section:
Employer Information:
Employer Name
Zip Code
Vanpool Change Request
As a UTA Vanpool Participant, I am requesting to change from:
Van Number:
Vanpool Leave Date:
Group Point Of Contact:
to change to:
Van Number:
Vanpool Join Date:
Group Point Of Contact:
Reason for the change:
I participate as a:
Check all that apply
□ Part-time Rider
□ Full-time Rider
□ Bookkeeper
□ Backup driver
□ Primary Driver
Termination of Participation
Temporarily Leaving the Vanpool
Van Number:
Leave Date:
Anticipated Return Date:
Permanently Leaving the Vanpool
Van Number:
Leave Date:
Reason For Leaving:
I participate as a:
Check all that apply
□ Part-time Rider
□ Full-time Rider
□ Bookkeeper
□ Backup driver
□ Primary Driver
Exit Van Survey
Are you current on the fare you owe UTA?
□ Yes □ No
If no, what do you owe?
When can we expect payment?
Does leaving your vanpool drop the number of riders below 7?
□ Yes □ No
Do you have any feedback for UTA concerning the Vanpool Program?
I understand that changes specified on this form will be in effect according to the dates listed above. If terminating participation from the UTA
Vanpool program, I understand that a new Participation Agreement will have to be submitted.
Printed Name
Administrative Use Only
Commuter ID #:
Date Updated:
Please email or fax Vanpool Participant Change/Termination Form
Email to: Your Vanpool Support Specialist OR [email protected]
Fax to:
(801) 287-5031
rev CB 071913
UTA Vanpool Program
Vanpool Monthly Ridership Report
Report due by the 5th of the following month.
If your monthly report is entered on-line and by the 5th of the following month, you will be entered to win a gift card.
Report on-line at:
Online Reporting Steps:
1. Log in. Select New Monthly Report , then the month and year in which you will be reporting. Click "Open".
- If the report has already been opened, select Find Monthly Report then select the month you want to edit.
2. Select Vehicle Number - Enter number in the Provider ID (5 digits)
3. Enter Start and End Odometer readings. Click "Save" then "Next"
- If more than one van was used for the month, repeat steps 2 and 3 for each van
4. Enter Non-Revenue Trips (Personal Miles or Maintenance) by clicking on the van listed under "Vehicles Assigned this Month"
5. Enter date, time, reason, starting odometer, and ending odometer reading. Click "Save" then "Next"
6. Enter Fare Paid amount if you have this information. Click "Save" then "Next"
- Information helps determine who has not paid if there is an unpaid balance.
7. Enter the Ride Code per each day per participant.
8. Click "Save" then "Next".
9. Click "Submit"
10. To logout and/or change your password, click on Account then "logout".
*** If you need assistance completing Monthly Ridership on-line,
add or remove a participant,
or have any questions, comments or feedback,
please contact your Vanpool Support Specialist.
Carolyn Butler
[email protected]
Luwanna Fitzgerald
[email protected]
Wendy Karsch
[email protected]
We prefer Monthly Ridership to be entered on-line, but if you are unable to complete on-line, please fax reporting log to 801-287-5031.
rev CB 05.15.13
UTA Vanpool Program
Vanpool Monthly Ridership Report
Contact Info:
Email Address
Vanpool Vehicle Information:
Report For:
Van #
Starting Odometer
Ending Odometer
Total Miles Driven
Non-Revenue Miles
Loaner Van
If you used the UTA van for personal (maximum of 50 miles) or maintenance, indicate below.
If you used a loaner van, please indicate below for both the regular operating van and loaner van.
Van #
Day of the Week
Ride Code: I - Inbound
Total Number of: I:
Reset Form
Save As
Start Odometer
End Odometer
Total Miles
Van #
Start Odometer
End Odometer
Total Miles
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
O - Outbound
2 - Round Trip
H - Holiday
D - Day Off
N - Unknown
X - Not on Roster A - Alternative Work Schedule
rev CB 05.15.13
Rideshare Accident/Incident Report Form
(Complete ALL fields)
Form7211 Version: 2 6/7/12
Driver’s name:
Home Phone #:
Driver’s home address:
Alternate Phone #:
State/ Zip:
UTA Vehicle #
UTA plate #
Accident Date:
Time of accident:
Accident location/city/Zip
# of passengers:
Time reported:
Date reported:
Any Witnesses?
Witness statements?
Was vehicle towed?
Describe Damage:
Police Investigation: Yes
Witness info:
Witness info:
Police Dep’t:
Case #:
Officer’s name:
Citation: Yes
To whom was citation issued:
Vehicle #3
Work Phone:
Driver Information
Home Phone:
Vehicle #2
Driver Information
Work Phone:
Home Phone:
DL #:
DL #:
Policy #:
Policy #:
Vehicle Information
Plate #:
Vehicle Information
Plate #:
Owner Information
Was vehicle towed: Yes No Describe Damage:
Was vehicle towed: Yes No Describe Damage:
Injured #2
Injured #1
Driver (Veh #
CHECK ONE (indicate vehicle #)
Passenger (Veh #
Describe injury:
Transported by ambulance:
Owner’s Name:
Driver (Veh #
CHECK ONE (indicate vehicle #)
Passenger (Veh #
Describe injury:
Transported by ambulance:
PROPERTY DAMAGE INFORMATION - (other than vehicles)
Describe the property and damage:
Owner Information
Weather Conditions:
raining ( light
Road Surface Conditions:
Light Conditions:
dawn or dusk
heavy )
snowing ( light
darkness (street lights)
heavy )
fog ( light
heavy )
darkness (no street lights)
UTA vehicle was : stopped
changing lanes
moving to curb
moving from curb
turning left
turning right
going straight
Vehicle #2 was:
changing lanes
moving to curb
moving from curb
turning left
turning right
going straight
Vehicle #3 was:
changing lanes
moving to curb
moving from curb
turning left
turning right
going straight
Traffic Controls:
traffic signal
stop sign
yield sign
police officer
What happened:
(Attach a separate sheet if more room is needed)
Indicate North
with an arrow
in the circle.
Travel Speed
Posted Speed
Upon completion of this form please contact
the maintenance Supervisor 801-512-5665 and fax a copy to 801-287-5349
Driver Signature:
Reported to UTA Rideshare: