uta=rideshare - Granite School District
uta=rideshare - Granite School District
UTA=RIDESHARE UTA Vanpool Program Vanpool Participant Agreement UTA Vanpool Program Terms and Conditions Secdon A: All Participants Participants in the UTA Vanpool Program, which includes any person riding in or driving a van, agree to comply with the following terms and conditions in consideration for participating in the UTA Vanpool Program: 1. Participants will abide by the policies and rules set forth in the Vanpool Program Manual provided by UTA Vanpool. Participants acknowledge that UTA Vanpool may revise its policies and rules at any time its sole discretion and agree to comply with all policies as revised. 2. Participants will pay their montily Vanpool fares prospectively either online with notice to the Bookkeeper or directly to the Bookkeeper by the fifth ofthe month in which they participate. 3. Participants will abide by all day-to-day operational rules ofVanpools as established by maiority vote ofthe Vanpool members or by UTA Vanpool. 4. Participants will keep the van clean. 5. Participants will notify Drivers in advance of all absences. 6, Participants will find alternate transportation outside of regular operating days and when work or personal schedules do not allow participation in the Vanpool. 7. Termination of either an individual or the group from the Vanpool Program may occur for the failure to pay rider fares, disruption ofVanpool operation, failure to meet minimum number ofparticipants, or disbandment ofthe Vanpool Program. 8. Participants will ensure, to the best of their abilities, that no person shall be subiected to discrimination in tie conduct of the UTA Vanpool Program on the basis of race, religion, color, se)c age, national origin, or disability in any manner contrary to applicable local, state or federal laws and regulations. 9. ParticiPants will indemniry and hold harmless UTA, its authorized agents and employees from all claims, actions, costs, damages, or expenses ofany nature whatsoever arising out of or resulting from the use of the Vanpool, including, but not limited to, any delays, tardiness, failure to make an appropriate or scheduled pickup, absence of the van or termination ofthe Vanpool program. 10. Participants aclmowledge that the UTA Vanpool ProSram provides ridesharing referral seryices without screening the character or background ofparticipants or applicants. Participants agree that UTA shall have no responsibility or liability for any acts or omissions ofVanpool Participants. 11. Participants acknowledge and agree the fare to ride a UTA Vanpool is based on the number of miles the Vanpool group travels and generally is proportionate to the number ofparticipants in a Vanpool group, e.g. ten [10) participants each pays 1/1Oth. Individual Vanpool groups may vary. Fares will be evaluated on a quarterly basis and may be adjusted if needed. See current UTA Vanpool Pricing sheet at wvyw. utarideshare.com. S€cdon B: Bookkeepers Bookkeepers in the UTA Vanpool Program agree to complywith the following terms and conditions, in addition to those terms and conditions set forth in Sections A and D, ifapplicable: 1. Bookkeepers shall ensure that all individual payments have been submitted by the fifth (5th) ofthe month either online or by collecting and submitting individuals' checks to UTA. 2. Bookkeepers agree to veriry roster, and individuals' roles [driver, rider, point of contact) on a monthly basis. 3. Bookkeepers may pay and be reimbursed for miscellaneous operating expenses as detailed in the Vanpool Program Manual. Any expense more than $50 requires preapproval from UTA. 4. Bookkeepers shall submit daily ridership and ending odometer readings on a monthly basis by the fifth (sth) day following the end ofmonth. 5. Bookkeepers shall confirm that appropriate van maintenance has been completed on a monthly basis. Section C: Driver Selectlon Criteria Drivers in the UTA Vanpool Program, including Primary and Backup Drivers must meet the following Driver Selection Criteria prior to being approved to drive a UTA Van: 1. Be at least 21 years ofage; 2. Have a current and unrestricted drivels license and have driven in the United States for at least five (5) years; 3. Have no more tian two (2) moving violations in the past three (3) years; 4. Have no more than one (1) not at fault accident $'ithin three [3) years. Individuals who have any ofthe following are ineligible to drive a UTA Van: 1, The suspension or revocation ofa driver's license $'ithin the past five (5) years; 2. A conviction within the past ten (10) years for reckless driving, hit and run, leaving tie scene ofan accident, DUI, DwI, felony, or concurrent violations oflane changing; 3. Medical condition or use ofprescription medication that impairs a driver's ability to drive a van safely; 4. A person who has nled a Ceftincate of Financial Responsibility (sR-22) due to his or her personal driving record. urA+RTDEsHARE UTA Vanpool Program Vanpool Participant Agreement Section D: Drivers Each Driver, including Primary and Backup Drivers, who drives in the UTA Vanpool Program, agrees to comply following terms and conditions, in addition to those terms and conditions set forth in Section A: 1. Drivers shall maintain a valid driver's license as required by the State ofUtah. For Utah issued licenses, UTA will request a copy ofyour Motor Vehicle Record. For an out of state license, please request a copy as a with the courtesy, ofyour Motor Vehicle Record and submit with your Participation Agreemenl 2. Drivers shall notiry UTA Vanpool in two [2) business days if they no longer meet the Driver Selection Criteria and must immediately stop driving UTA vans. 3, Drivers must complete the UTA Vanpool Driver Orientation prior to taking possession of or operating vans. 4. Drivers shall exempliry safe driving habits and observe all traffic laws and regulations. Drivers are responsible for resolving any citations resulting from the operation and parking ofa UTA van, 5. To ensure continued Vanpool operation, Backup Drivers shall assume all responsibilities of the Primary Driver when acting in that capacity. 6. Drivers shall drive vans daily to and from work/school, picking up and discharging riders in accordance with mutually established routes and schedules. 7. Drivers shall coordinate maintenance, cleaning and servicing of vans as specified in the Vanpool Program Manual. 8. Drivers shall keep daily and monthly ridership log ofvehicle, participants and odometer records. 9. In case ofvan breakdown, Drivers shall coordinate with UTA Vanpool Maintenance Supervisor the use of loaner vans. 10. Drivers shall coordinate with participants ofthe Vanpool Broup to establish the rules for the day-to-day operadon of Vanpool [e.g., wait times, radio). 11. Drivers shall comply with the policies and rules in the Vanpool Program Manual related to personal use ofvans. The transportation ofnon-Vanpool Participant groups, such as church, sports, or scout groups, is not allowed. 12. Drivers agree they shall be considered volunteers under federal and state laws and shall not hold themselves out to be nor act as employees or agents ofUTA. 13. Drivers shall at all Umes operate vans in a manner complementary to the public nature of the Vanpool Program, drive in a courteous manner, and ifasked, explain the unique character of the use ofthe van. 14. Except in emergency situations, operation ofvans shall be restricted to UTA-approved Drivers. 15. Drivers shall report any accident or damage to the UTA van to the UTA Vanpool Maintenance Supervisor \a,ithin 24 hrs. 16. Drivers shall not use vans for any other purpose other than for transportation to and from work or school. Drivers shall not use vans for business purposes or for hire; to pull trailers, boats, etc; to haul garbage, debris, or excessive loads; for any purpose requiring the removal ofseats; or for any other purposes described in the Vanpool Program Manual. Drivers acknowledge that they shall have full liability and responsibility for all damage to vans occurring ifthe vans are used for other than permitted purposes or in a manner inconsistent to these Terms and Conditions and the Vanpool Manual. 17. Drivers shall drive vans only on hard surfaced streets, highways, other maintained roads and driveways. Drivers shall not drive vans off-road, on beaches, in fields, or in any other potentially unsafe environment. 18, Drivers shall not drive vans over bridges or roads posted for less than a 4-ton maximum weight load. Drivers shall observe width and height clearance requirements of and for the van at all times (i.e. carwash, drive thru). 19. Drivers shall not allow accessories, including window or bumper stickers, appearance items or additional equipment, to be added to or removed from the Van without prior approval ofUTA Vanpool. Section E: UTA Vanpool UTA Vanpool agrees to comply with t}le following terms and conditions: 1. Provide funding for fu el, servicing and maintenance of Vans. 2. Help Drivers and Bookkeepers fulfill their administrative obligations, including providing instructions for ridership reportin& adding and removing participants. 3. Provide loaner vans by reservation on a first come, first served basis, 4. UTA Vanpool reserves the right to terminate a Vanpool group. 5. Establish and maintain a fare schedule for participation in Vanpools. 6. Ensure, to the best of its ability, tiat no person is subjected to discrimination in the conduct of &e Vanpool Program on the basis ofrace, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, or disability in any manner contrary to applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations. 7. Provide Vanpools with the Vanpool Program Manual 0ocated in the van or online) outlining policies and rules applicable to the Vanpool Program. 8. Allor/y approved Drivers to use vans for personal use in accordance with the policies and rules set forth in the Vanpool Program Manual. 9. Provide tiability coverage at statutory limits ofa van including bodity injury, property damage, comprehensive, collision, and uninsured motorist protection; provided, the van was being operated by a UTA-approved Driver and for a purpose permitted under these Terms and Conditions and the Vanpool Program Manual, 10. UTA may suspend the use of the Fuel Card for a pattern of misuse ofthe van, failure to pay on time or for insufficient paymenL
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