Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre 2009 Annual Report


Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre 2009 Annual Report
Pittsburgh Ballet TheatrE will be one of America’s top ballet companies and schools,
and will be a key cultural asset for the Greater Pittsburgh region.
Pittsburgh Ballet TheatrE is a community based and internationally recognized
professional ballet company that performs traditional and contemporary ballets
and develops innovative new works. It seeks to perpetuate excellence in the art of
ballet through performances, superior training of student dancers and community
engagement initiatives.
Artists: Maribel Modrono and Christopher Budzynski
Photo: Rieder Photography
Strategic Plan
In year two of Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre’s three-year strategic plan, the organization met its goals of increasing
artistic quality through regional premieres of several ballets and commissions of new work. PBT also took on
fiscal discipline to address past deficits through a restructure of short-term debt with an amortized term loan at a
favorable, fixed interest rate.
The company also moved nimbly to deal with the changes in the economic environment. PBT adjusted the 2008/2009
season budget mid-year, prioritized financial lines and secured new funding sources. The company targeted its
focus on individuals close to the organization and yielded a 13% increase in board and personal donations.
Artists on Cover: Erin Halloran and Nurlan Abougaliev
Photo: Rich Sofranko
Dear Friend,
PBT produced a stunning 2008/2009 season as it finished in the black for the third consecutive year and reached more
than 70,000 patrons.
The artistry of our 30 company dancers attracted new audiences to performances of classic and contemporary ballets.
Despite tightened family budgets, the regional premiere of Jean-Christophe Maillot’s Roméo et Juliette welcomed
thousands. PBT’s season featured two performances with the Orchestra at the Benedum Center and live music at the
Byham Theater. The season sold at 77% capacity, including Cinderella which topped at 94% capacity sold.
PBT’s leadership acted quickly to
address the effects of the nation’s
changing philanthropic environment.
PBT also improved our financial health
by reducing debt and securing a lowinterest rate loan for the remaining
obligations. The management team also welcomed new leadership. Bear Brandegee brought a strong entrepreneurial
and corporate resume — an asset in her position as PBT’s new Director of Marketing and Communications. Under
her leadership, the marketing team increased PBT’s visibility and box office sales with a clean new look and feel to
marketing materials and leveraged new media tools to reach younger audiences.
…Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre’s
2008/2009 season was
a stunning success
Audiences said goodbye to a few favorites as Maribel Modrono, Daisuke Takeuchi and Kaori Ogasawara said farewell
to Pittsburgh. The PBT family also celebrated as Christopher Rendall-Jackson made the transition from Principal
Dancer to student at Harvard Law School. Soloists Julia Erickson and Alexandra Kochis had breakout seasons and
were promoted to the Principal ranks for the 2009/2010 season. Eva Trapp’s standout artistry earned her the position
of Soloist for the upcoming year.
The PBT School’s annual national audition tour traveled to 25 cities and attracted hundreds of applicants for 150 spaces
in our competitive Intensive Summer Program. PBT also moved closer to a significant, long-term strategic objective.
The organization set in place a plan to acquire a residence hall facility for our School. The new facility will enhance the
profile of the PBT School as a national center for training.
We extend our deepest gratitude to our many generous contributors and to the community at large — it is through your
support that PBT’s successes have been made possible.
Terrence Orr
Artistic Director
Harris Ferris
Executive Director
Carol M. Byham
Chair, Board of Directors
Main Stage Repertoire
PBT’s 2008/2009 main stage season offered Pittsburgh audiences 33 performances of five productions. With an
increased subscription renewal rate of nearly 69%, subscriptions beat their projections. Regional premieres such
as Roméo et Juliette and family favorites such as Cinderella drove single ticket and group sales, which surpassed
projected goals by more than 7%.
Artist: Julia Erickson
Photo: Rich Sofranko
Artist: Kumiko Tsuji
Photo: Rich Sofranko
Artists: Alexandra Kochis and Christopher Budzynski
Photo: Rich Sofranko
The Great Gatsby
The Nutcracker
Roméo et Juliette
John McFall &
Lauri Stallings
Terrence S. Orr
Peter I. Tchaikovsky
Jean-Christophe Maillot
Sergei Prokofiev
A montage of Jazz Age
recordings from the 20’s
and 30’s by Duke Ellington,
George Gershwin,
Irving Berlin, and others
December 12 – 27, 2008
Benedum Center
Attendance: 29,990
February 12 – 15, 2009
Benedum Center
Attendance: 9,660
October 31 – November 2, 2008
Benedum Center
Attendance: 8,230
Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre Annual Report 2008/2009
2008/2009 Season Statistics
Main Stage
Main Stage
Hartwood Acres
Pittsburgh, PA
August 21, 2008
Known By Heart (Junk) Duet,
Octet, Raymonda Variations,
Grand Pas Classique
Attendance: 3,500
Cranberry Township
Community Park
Cranberry Township, PA
August 22, 2008
Octet, Raymonda Variations,
Black Swan Pas de Deux
Attendance: 1,000
Shady Side Academy
Fox Chapel, PA
October 17, 2008
Who Cares, Grand Pas
Artists of Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre
Photo: Rich Sofranko
Artists of Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre
Photo: Rich Sofranko
Classique, Flower Festival
Pas de Deux, Selections
from The Great Gatsby
American Rhythms
Anything Goes
Derek Deane
Cole Porter
Septime Webre
Sergei Prokofiev
Straight Life
Matjash Mrozweski
Bruce Springstein
Step Touch
Dwight Rhoden
Charlie Thomas’ Drifters
and Pure Gold
March 19 – 22, 2009
Byham Theater
Attendance: 4,685
April 24 – 26, 2009
Benedum Center
Attendance: 12,982
Attendance: 400
Saint Vincent College
Latrobe, PA
May 2, 2009
White Swan Pas de Deux,
Duet from Carmen, Brilliant
Disguise from Straight Life,
Ave Maria, The Dying Swan,
Sleeping Beauty Pas de Deux
Attendance: 150
Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre School
The PBT School trains 800 students per year through a progressive curriculum of 129 classes per week in
14 levels of training. The school awards thousands in scholarships annually to students who come from throughout
the United States and abroad. The PBT School closed the 2008/2009 season with revenues 17% above the previous
The professional company, performance opportunities and renowned guest artists foster an environment of
excellence and provide a core strength for the school. PBT students audition for the opportunity to perform. During
the 2008/2009 season, dozens performed next to the professional Company in productions of The Great Gatsby, The
Nutcracker, Roméo et Juliette and Cinderella.
Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre students in Cinderella
Photo: Rich Sofranko
With a goal to prepare students for a professional career, PBT boasts placements in companies throughout the
nation. At the end of the 2008/2009 season, 15 students from the graduate program were offered contracts with
professional dance companies.
The School also offers a 5-week Intensive Summer Program for students ages 12 through 22. The 2009 national
audition tour, which traveled to 25 cities, invited students from 28 states and countries such as Canada, Japan,
Australia and Brazil and awarded more than $130,000 in scholarships. Summer students choreograph works on
their peers, which were featured in a special Choreographic Showcase, on Friday, July 24 at the PBT studios.
The 2009 ISP culminated with two final performances on Saturday, July 25 at the PBT Studios. The performances
showcased students in ballet, character and modern dances. The performances included excerpts from classics
such as Raymonda, Giselle, Theme and Variations and La Sylphide, as well as character, jazz and modern repertoire.
Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre Annual Report 2008/2009
Photo: Rich Sofranko
The teachers here want
you to do well and
help you improve
Meet Shanna Gayer
Shanna Gayer, 19, is one of
40 graduate students at the
Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre
School. From Herndon,
Va., she came for a weeklong program and returned
in 2008 for the Summer
Intensive Program after
which she was invited to join the graduate program.
Gayer knew Pittsburgh offered the training she wanted.
“When I was here for that one week, I felt like I improved
so much. They worked me really hard — which is good.
The teachers here want you to do well and help you
She enjoys the diversity, classes in a broad number of
dance styles, the training and opportunities to perform.
“Pittsburgh is intense,” she said. She enjoys the
opportunities to work with the company and understudy
roles “not many programs offer that connection.”
Meet Kristin Svercek
Kristin Svercek, an alumna of Pittsburgh Ballet
Theatre School, is a senior majoring in marketing
at Duquesne University and plans to work for Penn
National Insurance after graduation. She joined North
Carolina Dance Theater after graduation from PBT’s
School but decided to build on her dance training for a
career in business. She found the discipline and time
management skills she learned in PBT’s classrooms
helped her make the transition to college student.
“It was really helpful my freshman year,” she said.
“I was able to find time to do everything.”
She also credits the teachers at PBT with teaching
her how to be mature, take criticism and be respectful
to supervisors at work. When she interned at Penn
Insurance this summer, “I could tell it helped me talk
and relate to them [her supervisors] and learn what
they wanted from me” and fix problems.
She looks back at her ballet training and says “it helped
me decide where I want to go in life.”
Gayer expects the program “to help me refine my
technique and artistry, the finishing touches I need so
I can get a job.”
Art is an irreplaceable way of understanding
and expressing the world.
There are some truths about life that can be expressed
only as stories, or songs or images.
Art delights, instructs, consoles. It educates our emotions.
— Dana Gioia
former Chairman National Endowment for the Arts
Arts Education
Numerous studies including a recent $2.1 million project led by the University of Chicago, “Learning, Arts, and the
Brain,” demonstrated training in the arts leads to improvements in math or reading skills by training children’s
attention, which in turn improves cognition.
PBT works in partnership with organizations that include regional school districts, Read 365!, PNC’s Grow Up Great
and the Hope Academy for Music and Dance. Children from ages 3 to 18 participate in programs that promote arts
literacy and teach appreciation of ballet and encourage a dialogue about the arts. Throughout the season, PBT
and the Pittsburgh Public Schools followed up on the success of a pilot project that developed an Early Childhood
Creative Movement curriculum by expanding it to new locations.
Community Engagement
PBT’s community engagement initiatives enable patrons to develop
a personal connection to the arts through in-theater conversations,
interactive family programs and backstage tours. These programs
provide audiences with an in-depth look at productions and offer
patrons perspective for their experience at the theater. Through
partnerships with community organizations such as Tickets for
Kids, PBT opened doors to the theater for 1,165 individuals who
may not otherwise have had the ability to experience the joy of the
performing arts.
PBT Preschool Discover Dance
Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre Annual Report 2008/2009
In 2009, PBT began a series of Studio Insights programs in connection
with Jean-Christophe Maillot’s Roméo et Juliette. These educational
“salons” held in various locations prior to the production, educated
audiences about the uniquely contemporary approach of Maillot’s
choreographic style. A multi-media power point presentation by
PBT’s Artistic Director, Terrence S. Orr, featured an overview of ballet
history, a comparison of classical versus neoclassical style, and a
discussion of Maillot’s artistic philosophy.
EdUcation Program Participation
Artists: Alexandra Kochis and Christopher Rendell-Jackson with Luca Sbrizza
Photo: Rich Sofranko
JUNE 30, 2009 (Unaudited)
Temporarily Permanently
Ticket Sales
Contributed Revenues
Boutique/Special Events
Cash and cash equivalents
Cash reserve
Accounts receivable
Pledges receivable
Prepaid expenses
Total Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Payments due within one year on long-term debt
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Deferred revenue
Total Current Liabilities
Special Events
Release from Restrictions
Program Services
General & Administrative
Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre Annual Report 2008/2009
JUNE 30, 2009 (Unaudited)
JUNE 30, 2009 (Unaudited)
Changes in net assets
Temporarily Permanently
$ 3,939,593)
$ —)
$ —)
$ 3,939,593)
And Land Improvements
$ (3,054,281)
Adjustments to reconcile changes in net assets to net cash
used in operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization
Bad debts
Net realized and unrealized losses on investments
Interest and dividends restricted for long-term investment ( 480,284)
Changes in assets and liabilities:
Accounts receivable
( 8,040)
Pledges receivable
( 9,351)
Prepaid expenses
( 24,152)
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Deferred revenue
( 160,877)
Net Cash Used In Operating Activities
( 579,022)
Purchase of property, equipment and leaseholds
( 159,878)
Proceeds from sale of investments
( 1,141,149)
Net Cash Used In Investing Activities
( 51,027)
Payments on line of credit - net
Changes In Net Assets Before Public
And Private Support, Releases From
Restrictions And Depreciation On
Leaseholds, Machinery And Equipment
From Restrictions And Depreciation On
Leaseholds, Machinery And Equipment
And Land Improvements
Interest and dividends restricted for reinvestment
Changes In Net Assets Before Releases
Purchase of investments
( 9,121)
Investment income spending
Total Net Assets Released From Restrictions
equipment and land improvements
Changes In Net Assets
$ 341,755)
$ 1,182,991)
$ 7,369,636)
$ 8,894,382)
Payments on long-term debt
( 69,959)
Net Cash Provided By Financing Activities
Changes In Net Assets From Operations
Net Decrease In Cash and Cash Equivalents
( 228,845)
Depreciation on leaseholds, machinery and
Beginning of year
End of year
$ 812,849)
Beginning of year
Cash paid during the year for interest
$ 42,488)
End of year
Pointe in Time Ball
November 15, 2008
Melanie and Jim Crockard
Shannon Bedortha and Christopher Oullette
Meg and Robert Eberly III
Melanie and Jim Crockard chaired the annual black-tie gala that celebrated the ballet’s success and Pittsburgh’s
250th anniversary. Held at the Omni William Penn Hotel, the 2008 Pointe in Time Ball captured the opulence
and glamour of the roaring 20’s. More than 400 patrons enjoyed excerpts from PBT’s season and danced until
midnight to the sounds of CitiScape. One lucky bidder won a week-long trip to Belize, another a walk-on role in
The Nutcracker, while others won personal tours of the Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium. Proceeds benefit PBT’s
main stage productions and many youth education initiatives.
Melanie and Jim Crockard
Ball Committee
Carolyn Byham
Meg and Robert Eberly III
Susan Leone Horowitz
Kathleen Miclot
Becky Torbin
Auction Co-Chairs
Meg Eberly
Susan Leone Horowitz
Host Committee
Helene and Todd Blodgett
Kelly Boyer
Tacy Byham
Carol Caroselli
Hilda and Dr. Freddie Fu
Clyde Jones
Tim Komen and Damian Ruyechan
Beth and Michael Kuhn
Susan and David Matter
Tanya Hagen and Dave McAdams
Pam and Ken McCrory
Tracy and Dr. Kenneth Melani
Darlene and David Motley
Kathy and Sen. John Pippy
10 Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre Annual Report 2008/2009
Kathie and Joe Salpietro
Selma and Leon Sherman
Suzie and Rich Sieber
Colleen and Denny Travis
Dr. Michael White
Velma Montiero Tribble
Adams Foundation
Alcoa Foundation
Metz Lewis LLC
BNY Mellon
Centers for Rehab Services
Melanie and Jim Crockard
Ernst and Young LLP
Fort Pitt Capital Group
Giant Eagle Foundation
Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield
National City
Oxford Development Company
Philips Respironics
Drs. Kathy and Robert Piston
PJ Dick
Schneider Downs and Co. Inc.
Dorrit and David Tuthill
UPMC Sports Medicine
UPMC Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Benefactors, Patrons, and Contributors
Stephanie and Michael Bozic
Carolyn and Bill Byham
Carol Caroselli
Chubb & Son
Kathie and Bill Coppula
Mary Ellen Edwards
Jeanne and Robert Gleason, Jr.
Global Tax Management
Amy and Paul Kochis
Marilyn Kochis
Charlotte and David Stephenson of
The Donald D. Mateer Foundation
Libby and Dan Simpson
Richard Rauh
Reed Smith LLP
Colleen and Denny Travis
Banner and Banner
Omni William Penn Hotel
Pretty Petals by the Patch House Florist
Jenn Peters
Tiffany and Co. Pittsburgh
Community Events
Hartwood Acres Picnic
August 21, 2008
The Company held a special picnic
for friends and donors prior to
the annual season preview at
Hartwood Acres. The event featured
highlights from American Rhythms
and Twyla Tharp’s Octet and Known
by Heart (Junk) Duet. The Hartwood
performance provided a unique
opportunity for the community to
see their ballet outdoors and in a
casual setting.
Steve Plut, Cynthia Wolfe and Danielle Downey (PBT dancer)
Photo: Jenn Peters
Nordstrom Grand Opening Gala
October 22, 2008
More than 1,600 guests attended the dazzling
Grand Opening Gala of the Nordstrom Ross
Park store. Led by Honorary Chairs Peggy
and Steve McKnight and event Co-Chairs
Becky Torbin and Gail Murphy, the Gala
was a tremendous success — raising more
than $225,000 to benefit the Arts Education
and Community Engagement Programs of
Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre and the Carnegie
Museums of Pittsburgh. After enjoying a
runway fashion show, guests dined, drank,
danced and shopped.
Nordstrom Ross Park Store Manager Carl Jenkins; Gala Chairs Gail Murphy and Becky Torbin; and
Nordstrom Executive Vice President Bob Middlemas
Glass Slipper Party
April 25, 2009
PBT’s annual family-themed party drew
its inspiration from the production of
Cinderella. Children attended a tea party
celebration at Navarro, where they played
games, posed for photos wearing a
Swarovski Crystal-encrusted ballet slipper,
tried on tutus and pointe shoes, sang
karaoke and met PBT dancers.
Community support powers Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre’s vision. Each year, 60% of PBT’s budget is earned through
ticket sales and school tuitions and another 5% is supported by the endowment. PBT’s balanced budget depends on
the support of community partners who share PBT’s vision for Pittsburgh’s arts community. These individual donors,
estate gifts, corporate sponsorships, foundation and government grants provide an integral part of the operating
budget. PBT is deeply grateful for the generous support of the following contributors.
Government Funding
Corps’ Association
Mr. and Mrs. Hal K. Waldman
Choreographer’s Club
Pucciarelli Family
Allegheny County
$5,000 - $9,999
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Raught
Allegheny Regional Asset District
Dominion Foundation
Ms. Kimberly A. Aloe
Mr. Eric C. Reed
National Endowment for the Arts
Doubletree Hotel & Suites Pittsburgh City
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Angerman
Mr. Rhys R. Reese
Artistic Director’s Circle
Dr. Yoshio Arai
Ms. Nicole R. Reott
Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a state agency
Centre and The Bigelow Grille
Pennsylvania Department of Community and
Eat ‘n Park Restaurants, Inc.
Mrs. James B. Bachman
Mr. Richard J. Rizzo
Economic Development
Hefren-Tillotson, Inc.
Ms. Ruth M. Binkley
Mr. Richard Barney
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rock
PNC Equity Securities, LLC
Mr. Philip M. Bratten
Mr. Joseph S. Beri
Dr. Barry M. Schaitkin and Dr. Sally E. Carty
US Airways*
David L. Buchta and Harmon K. Ziegler
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Beukema, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Schilling
Calihan Fund of the Pittsburgh Foundation
Mr. John J. Botti
Mr. Richard A. Seeger
The Clifton Family
James and Noel Browne
Dr. Paul Shay and Dr. Diana K. Lemley
Ms. Jamini V. Davies
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Burkholder
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Steinbrenner
Private Foundations
Adams Foundation
Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation
Choreographer’s Association
Meyer & Merle Berger Family Foundation
$2,500 - 4,999
Ms. Mary Jane Edwards
Mr. Edward J. Cain
Mr. Sherwood B. Stephens
The Benter Foundation
Citizens Bank Charitable Foundation
David and Carol Eibling
Mr. Jeffrey R. Caputo
Ms. Maria A. Swanson
Margaret A. Cargill Foundation
CONSOL Energy, Inc.
Estate of Mr. Walter L. Kruczek
Ms. Ann Cecil
Dr. and Mrs. Aron E. Szulman
The Anne L. & George H. Clapp Charitable Trust
Federated Investors Foundation, Inc.
Michael and Jennifer LaRocco
Ms. Nicolette E. Chiesa
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Teti
The Clarke Family Foundation
Dr. Linda P. Roberts
Ms. Shannon Clougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Titus
Eden Hall Foundation
Michael Baker Corporation Foundation
Vitasti Bazaz and Sheen Sehgal Fund
Mr. Lloyd A. Cook
Mr. John R. Tomayko
The Henry C. Frick Educational Fund of the Buhl
Oxford Development Company
In Memory of Dr. Kuldeep Sehgal
Mr. and Mrs. William Cooley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Usher
Spang & Company Charitable Trust
Mr. Alan H. Shadgett
Ms. Laura A. Coombs
Joan Vondra and Tom Chang
The Grable Foundation
UPMC Health Plan
Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Stroebel
Patricia K. Crumrine and Milton Burkart
Barbara and Richard Webb
Howard Heinz Endowment
Carol and Bill Tillotson
Mrs. Zelda Curtiss
Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Weinstein
Vera I. Heinz Endowment
Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. Walton
Ms. Marion S. Damick
Ms. Nancy Welfer
The Hillman Foundation
Ballet Master’s Club
Ms. Sonja F. DeGray
Mark A. and Nancy L. Wittmayer
Roy A. Hunt Foundation
up to $2,500
June and Barry Dietrich
Ms. Alice Wroblewski
Mary Hillman Jennings Foundation
Principal’s Society
Mr. William S. Dietrich, II
Ms. Lynn M. Young
Laurel Foundation
ABARTA Oil & Gas Company
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Dixon
Stanley E. and Darlene K. Zin
Martha Mack Lewis Foundation
Ductmate Industries, Inc.
Ms. Mary Beth Adams
Ms. Jerilyn Donahoe
Anonymous (3)
Richard King Mellon Foundation
Fair Oaks Foundation
Rep. Jason Altmire
Mr. J. David Edelstein
Howard and Nell E. Miller Foundation
Partners in Change, Inc.
Dr. Madalon Amenta
Dr. Thomas M. Evans
Rudolf Nureyev Dance Foundation
Pittsburgh Steelers Sports, Inc.
Mr. William P. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Austin Flanders
Ballet Master’s Club
W. I. Patterson Charitable Fund
Zippo Manufacturing Company
Dr. and Mrs. Jack M. Bergstein
Ms. Suzanne Flood
The Pittsburgh Foundation
W. S. and Beth Brown
Mr. Matthew M. Franckiewicz
All American Awards and Engraving
H. Glenn Sample, Jr., M.D. Memorial Fund
Jenni and Marty Calihan
Mr. John R. Gorman
Ms. Gina M. Amos
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Coppula
Mr. Roy A. Gottus
Mr. Jeffrey R. Bailey
Chairman’s Society
Jan and Mark Davis
Mr. Matteo A. Gruelle
Mr. Kevin D. Baker
The Shubert Foundation
$10,000 and over
Dr. Patricia K. Eagon
Ms. Ann S. Grupe
The Rev. Richard K. Baker
Edith L. Trees Charitable Trust
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Byham
Mrs. Russell A. Eberly
Dr. and Mrs. Adam W. Hahn
Ms. Marion C. Baum
Weiner Family Foundation
Ms. Christine Camsuzou
Ms. Wendi Etzel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Halloran
Miss Jordana Beh
Hilda M. Willis Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hardie
Timothy E. Evans, Ph.D.
Mr. James E. Haram
Mrs. Mary Lu Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Hotopp
Dr. Jacqueline Pringle Gendell
Mr. John F. Hartnett
Ms. Arlene Blissell
Drs. Robert and Kathy Piston
Lisa and Paul Giusti
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Herchenroether
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Block
Corporate Partners
Mr. Richard E. Rauh
Mrs. Edward L. Graf
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hodgson
Ms. Mary A. Bober
Principal’s Association
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Tuthill
Ms. Micki. Huff
Mr. and Mrs. John Hombosky
Sharon Bogarad and Ron Kinney
$25,000 and over
The Sydelle and Laibe Kessler Endowment Fund
Esther and Jerry Horne
Dr. Lawrence M. Borland
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kirschner in Memory of
Mr. Michael B. Horowitz
Miss Catherine G. Brentzel
James M. and Lucy K. Schoonmaker
Development Dimensions International (DDI)
John and Mildred Paulus
EQT, Inc.
Dr. Jerome M. Itzkoff and Dr. Barbara E. Zawadzki Mrs. Gilbert Broff
Giant Eagle*
Ms. Betty L. Lamb
Mrs. Darla Jannetty
Ms. Janet Brown
H. J. Heinz Company Foundation
Robert and Caroline Barmen
Ted and Mary Lou Magee
Mr. Allen F. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bruschi
Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blenko, Jr.
Ms. Cheryl A. McGraw
Ms. Judy A. Kacsur
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bugni
Macy’s Foundation
Barbara H. Bott and Robert L. Jennings
Ms. Mary A. McDonough
Dr. and Mrs. Steven K. Kappes
Lisa and Michael Capozzoli
PNC Foundation
Jim and Melanie Crockard
Dr. John McSorley
Ms. Roberta Kardell
Ms. Carol B. Caroselli
UPMC Center for Sports Medicine*
Debra H. Dermody
Ms. Elizabeth R. Mertz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Kendig
Domenic J. Catton, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Kaye R. Desch
Ms. Patricia K. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Kerr, Jr.
Thomas and Pamela Chickness
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Eberly III
Mr. Elliott S. Oshry
Ms. Peggy C. Knott
Chris and Barbara Cochrane
Soloist’s Association
Mr. and Mrs. J. Tomlinson Fort
Mr. Dean G. Pearson
Ms. Bonnie R. Lee
Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Coleman
Dr. and Mrs. Freddie H. Fu
Ms. Debra C. Piecka
Ms. Elsa Limbach
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Colker
Allegheny Technologies
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Gleason, Jr.
Dr. Bruce A. Raymond
David and Debra Longhini
Ms. Margaret A. Costantino
BNY Mellon
Mr. Michael J. Haver
Jules Rosen and Debra Fox
David and Meridee Lowry
Ms. Leslie D. Corey
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney*
Susan Leone Horowitz
Dr. and Mrs. Wilfred T. Rouleau
Drs. Ellen Mandel and Lawrence Weber
Ms. Linda Csont
Citizens Bank*
Mr. Douglas W. Kreps
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Ryan III
Ms. Kathleen Maskalick
Bob and Judy Cunningham
Clearview Federal Credit Union
Mr. Robert A. Krizner
Robert and Sharon Sclabassi
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCague
Mrs. John C. Cutler
The Dancer’s Pointe*
David and Annamarie Lancia
Mr. and Mrs. Preston W. Shimer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. McCloskey
Mr. Robert S. Douds, Jr.
The Fabric Place*
Ms. Cynthia McNulty
Lisa Simone and Paul Shea
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan McClure
Ms. Kim Duffy
Mine Safety Appliances Company
Le Roy and Ann Metz
Gerald and Karen Stebbins
Dr. David and Dr. Gretchen Medich
Ms. Leslie Oden Dunn
The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust*
Kathleen Miclot
Mr. Norman F. Stephen
In Honor of LeRoy Metz and his service as
Ms. Pamela J. Elliott
PPG Industries, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence S. Orr
Rachel and Lowell Swarts
The Priory*
Stephen and Stephanie Plut
Judge Maureen A. Sweeney
Mr. Harold D. Miller
Ms. Laura Emmerling
Reed Smith LLP*
Mark and Christine Popovich
Mr. and Mrs. DeWayne W. Tuthill
Mr. Paul V. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ennis
Schneider Downs*
Drs. Gregory and Lisa Saperstein
Ms. Carla J. Vrsansky
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Milsom
Mr. John F. Eshenbaugh
Ms. Ann Beyer Schwab
John and Irene Wall
Ms. Cynthia C. Moore
Carol and Jerry Evashavik
Shelley Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Wandrisco
Mrs. Elizabeth N. Morgan
Mr. Patrick H. Fawcett
Becky and Herb Torbin
Dr. and Mrs. George R. White
Ms. Josephine Olander
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ferlan
Colleen and Denny Travis
Dr. Michael J. White and Mr. Richard LeBeau
Cynthia Pennington and C. W. Donohue
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Fidoten
Hilary S. Tyson
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Mark T. Phillis
Ms. Linda C. Fisher
12 Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre Annual Report 2008/2009
President of PBT
Ms. Laura E. Ellsworth and Mr. Bruce Teitelbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Fitzmaurice
Dr. Michael A. and Dr. Donna J. Tranovich
In Memory of Alice by Arnold J. Caleppman
Mr. Robert W. Freeburn
Ms. Frances Estes Kelly
Mr. Lee B. Foster
Ms. Margaret U. Trevanion
Ms. Louise H. Carmichael
Drs. Paul and Kathleen Freeman
Ms. Tammy Kerr
Mrs. Susan L. Friend
Ms. Barbara J. VanFossen
Ms. Beatrice J. Chiappetta
Ms. Natalie H. Friedberg
Mr. John Kidder
Mr. Dennis R. Frost
Mr. W. L. and Dr. Barbara H. Ward
Mary Helen Chiodo
Ms. Heather L. Fry
Mr. Frederick S. Kim
Ms. Sheryl Gibson
Mrs. Heide M. Wenzel
Mr. John J. Chiprean
Dr. Nadine G. Frye
Ms. Debra Singer King
Ms. Elizabeth S. Goodwin
Ms. Mary R. Werbaneth
Ms. Susan A. Chismar
Joseph Furman and Reva Rossman
Ms. Jeanne H. Kingsland
Terri Gould and John Hamm
Dr. Deborah G. West
Ms. Betsy Chittenden and Mr. Dan Sponn
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gala
Ms. Mary Kinsel
Dr. Charles B. and Dr. Susan I. Greenberg
Dr. and Mrs. John P. Williams
Ms. Pamela M. Cholewinski
Mrs. Kelly B. Galligan
Mrs. Patricia Gail Kipin
Ms. Anne R. Gregory
Ben and Jonella Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Christopher
Ms. Violet C. Gallo
Dr. Laurie J. Kirsch and Rod Gasch
Mr. Joel Grobe
Ms. Janet L. Yates
Mr. Hugh D. Clark
Mr. Joseph Garlicki
Mr. Robert Z. Kitchen
Mr. Peter A. Grujich
Mrs. Peter J. Zikos
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Claycomb
Ms. Paula K. Gatalica
Mrs. Debbie Klinvex
Ms. Kathleen M. Haefner
Anonymous (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey Coates
Ms. Judy L. Gates
Ms. Danelle C. Knudson
Mr. Roland Handy
Ms. Rosemary Coffey
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gatti, Sr.
Ms. Marilyn Koch
Ms. Patricia Harris
Ms. Elaine M. Cole
Mr. Francois Gau
Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Koeberle
Ms. Patricia Carlson Koehler
Scheryl and Richard Harshman
Pointe Club
Ms. Kathryn A. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Gebhardt
Mrs. Robin G. Hausman
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Collins
Mr. and Mrs. H. Arnold Gefsky
Mrs. Jane Koniski
Mr. Daniel Heit
Mr. John G. Achille
Mrs. Pamela Collis
Dr. Bernard T. Geiser
Ms. Linda D. Korczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Herward
Mrs. Leanne Adamo
Mr. John E. Comello
Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Gesselberty
Ms. Sarah G. Kostelac
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Hillman
Ms. Martha A. Alderman
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Comerci
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Giampa
Ms. Carly N. Kramer
Ms. Shari D. Hodges
Ms. Claudia L. Allen
Gary and Elaine Comunale
Ms. Victoria A. Gibbons
Mr. James Kramer
Mr. Robert A. Johnson
Ms. Jean M. Allen
Ms. Carol Ann Conti
Ms. Carol S. Gibbs
Ms. Ashley C. Krysinski
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kane
Bob and Carolee Ambroffi
Ms. Carmela R. Coppola
Mr. Benjamin E. Gill
Ms. Karen D. Kuhar
Dr. Robert and Mrs. Christine Kaniecki
Ms. Meredith Ambrose
Ms. Susan Corrado
Ms. Judith Giovannucci
Ms. Kathryn S. Lambrecht
Dr. John S. Karduck
Mrs. Terry Aquilina
Ms. Renee S. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Gipson
Ms. Robin S. Lange
Ms. Marlene J. Kerr
Ms. Barbara L. Ausman
Nelson and Carol Craige
Mrs. Mary Ann Gleason
Ms. Lisa A. Larnino
Ms. Toni Lee Kish
Ms. Patti Austin
Ms. Annette Crowe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Glenn
Ms. Jean A. Lash
Joe and Jennifer Klimchak
Ms. Carole Bailey
Ms. Wilhelmina Cruise
Ms. Caitlin A. Goetz
Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Latterman
Dr. and Mrs. Joel Klimek
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Ballance
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kent Culley
Mr. Samuel Golden, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Erik F. Lawson
Ms. Elizabeth Anne Knoell
Dr. Myra L. Balok
Jim and Laurie Cunningham
Mrs. Lillian H. Goldsmith
Larry P. Leahy, D.M.D.
Ms. Cherrie Kough
Ms. Tara Baptiste
Ms. Jennifer A. Curry
Ms. Marjorie C. Greenberger
Ms. Melissa D. Leacock
Joseph and Pamela Kridgen
Drs. Frederic and Deanna Barlat
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Danicic
Mrs. Nancy L. Gresh
Mr. Daniel D. Leech
Mr. Martin J. Kuhner
Ms. Linda R. Barnes
Ms. Victoria C. Davidowski
Mr. John Gresh
Ms. Christina Leeman
Rev. and Mrs. Thomas C. Le Clere
Mr. David J. Barr
Ms. Karen M. Davis
Ms. Lucinda P. Griffith
The LeJeune Family
Ms. Virginia F. Lewandoski
Dr. and Mrs. Walter S. Bartynski
Mr. Timothy T. Dell
Ms. Nancy L. Gulliford
Mr. David Leszunov
Ms. Dawn T. Lewis
Ms. Elaine K. Light
Mr. Alfred H. Baxter
Mrs. Nancy B. DelPresto
Mrs. Sandra D. Gum
Mr. and Mrs. L. Douglas Lioon
Ms. Melinda Beard
Tamara and Joseph DeMattia
Ms. Susan C. Gunby
Mrs. Lois C. Liberman
Mrs. Paula M. Lockhart
Ms. Kristin A. Bearer
Mrs. Claire L. Derringer
Ms. Joan Hagg
Mrs. Mary A. Lieb
Ms. Elaine Mak
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Becker
Mr. Joseph R. DeSimone
Mr. Raymond J. Hanley
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Liebold
The Markfield Family
Ms. Mary Becker
The Honorable H. William DeWeese
Ms. Ellyn P. Hansen
Ms. Dorothy T. Lindner
William and Mary Markle
Ms. Mary E. Bedard
Mr. Donald M. Dewoehrel
Ms. Caroline S. Harris
Mrs. Carol Q. Lipchick
Ms. Elizabeth A. Marshall
Ms. Martha Y. Bell
Ms. Sally A. Dexter
Ms. Sandra Harkins
Donna and Steve Lippock
Mr. William L. Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bellmer
Paul and Susan Dimmick
Edgar and Joyce Harkins
Mr. Waylon E. Livingood
Ms. Sidney F. McBride
Ms. Barbara J. Belton
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. DiNino
Ms. Catherine Harper
Ms. Claudia A. Lobue
Ms. Leah M. McConville
Ms. Sally Ann S. Bensur
Ms. Irene J. Dinning
Mr. Donald E. Harper, Jr.
Mr. Kenneth Logan
Dr. Robert H. McDonald in Memory of
The Sanford S. and Patricia G. Berman
Ms. Katie L. Dippner
Mrs. Kelly R. Harter
Mr. Gregory Scott Long
Mr. and Mrs. Hansel Lucas
Mary Beth Duffy-McDonald
Philanthropic Fund of the
Mr. and Mrs. Richard DiSalle
Ms. Barbara L. Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas McGill
United Jewish Foundation
Scott and Susan Dismukes
Ms. Christine A. Hartung
Ludovici Dance Academy
Ms. Ruth R. Donaldson
Mr. G. Gordon Haw
Ms. Chrissy Lustik
Kevin and Kristen McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bertel
Ms. Elizabeth M. Meyer
Mrs. Patricia T. Betts
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Donnelly
Ms. Kim R. Hawkins
Mrs. Laura H. Mabon
Dr. Richard M. Miller
Mrs. Katrina D. Betz
Dr. Albert D. Donnenberg
Mr. and Mrs. David Hayden
Mr. Rickard J. Machak
Mrs. Cynthia Holden Mock
Phyllis and Arthur Bianculli
Ms. Brittny R. Doss
Ms. Penny J. Hayward
MaryPat MacMurtrie and Girl Scouts
Mrs. Joanne Molinaro-Starolis
Christine and Timothy Biery
Mrs. Linda B. Doughty
Mr. William Heasley
Mr. Anthony Madison
Beth and Bernie Mongilio
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Billerbeck
Mrs. Norma R. Dowd
Dr. and Mrs. Fred P. Heidenreich
Mr. and Mrs. Miklos Major
Dr. and Mrs. James D. Moore
Dr. Harry S. Binakonsky
Dr. Robert T. Downs
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heinemann
Ms. Wendy D. Maletta
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Morris
In Memory of Grace Birmingham
Tom and Mary Lyn Drewitz
Alan Helgerman and Sandra Lapietra
Mrs. Stephanie F. Mallinger
The Rev. and Mrs. Robert J. Newpher
Ms. Lesley A. Bizyak
Ms. Bernadette A. Dudeck
Mrs. Diane J. Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Malnati
Enrico and Judy Nicolo
Mr. Thomas G. Black
Ms. Lisa Durbin
Mr. Ronald J. Henkel
Dr. C. J. Maravalli
Ms. Nan R. Norris
Ms. Carol Faulk Blessel
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard D. Dusenberry
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Hennon
Ms. Heather Marchetto
Mr. and Mrs. James Odell
Sgt. James S. Bock
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dvorznak
Mrs. Lindsay Hepler
Ms. Beth A. Marne
Mr. Ian W. Parker
Ms. Andrea A. Bodnar
Ms. Heather M. Dworakowski
Dr. Steven T. Hesly
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Marshall, Jr.
Ms. Charlea H. Parr
Ms. Weia F. Boelema
Mr. Adam C. Dye
Ms. Robyn A. Hinson
Mr. Robert T. Mathers
Mrs. Revathi Pennathur
Ms. Jo Anne Bokulich
Ms. Dianna M. Earley
Ms. Loretta R. Hirt
Mr. and Mrs. E. Macdonald Matter
Ms. Karen O. Petros
Mr. Albert W. Bond
Mr. Michael A. Eckert
Carol and Ben Hodes
Ms. Jessica L. May
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Philbrick
Mr. John L. Boskovic
Mr. James S. Ehrman
Ms. Madylon Hood
Mr. Richard S. Mayer
Mrs. Shirley Pow
Mrs. Melissa K. Bourdius
Ms. Linda W. Elm
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Hooton
Ms. Alberta Maystrovich
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Radetzky
James and Kathy Bouril
Mary Ann Eppinger, M.D.
Ms. Suzanne Hopper
Thomas and Susan McCaffrey
Ms. Shelly R. Raymond
Ms. Barbara L. Bower
Ms. Dolores M. Eror
Ms. Laura S. Horgan
Mr. Edward L. McCall
Ms. Carol J. Cusick Riley
Ms. Gwendolyn L. Bowick
Ms. Carol Esaki-Brunson and Mr. Roy Brunson
Mrs. Charlotte L. Hott
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Riordan
Mr. Robert P. Bowser
Monika and Antonio Eskenasy
Mr. L. George Houpt
Ms. Kathleen L. McCorkle
Mr. Dai Rosenblum
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Evans
Ms. Cheryl Householder
Ms. Ruth E. McDonald
Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Roth
Mr. William M. Bradley
Ms. Joyce W. Fako
Mrs. Chung l. Hsu
Mrs. Barbara A. McGaffic
Ms. Janet H. Ruckel
Ms. Francine R. Brady
Ms. Anne L. Fay
Julia Kathleen Hughes
Mrs. Erin M. McKenna
Lisa Salati and Brad Hillgartner
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan M. Branby
Mr. Raymond C. Feather, Sr.
Ms. Sharon C. Humphrey
Mr. Gerald McKinney
Mr. Joseph S. Saunders
Mr. David A. Brescoach
Ms. Patricia D. Fedorka
Ms. Rachel E. Huwar
Mr. and Mrs. David M. McQuiston
Ms. Dolores E. Sherman
Ms. Susan C. Brody
Ms. Beverly A. Fennel
Ms. Gini Ihrig
Ms. Janice M. Meade
Ms. Michelle L. Shultz
Mrs. Joan Brzana
Ms. Lisa C. Fennessy
Mr. and Mrs. H. Vaughn Irwin
Ms. Sue Ellen Melcher
Ms. Dolores W. Smith-Barber
Mrs. Joan Brzana
Ms. Heidi Fenton
Ms. Judith B. Iszauk
Mrs. Eileen Mercea
Mr. Christian M. Snavely
Ms. Florence B. Burns
Mrs. Cristine Ferguson
Ms. Kaitlin A. Jamiolkowski
Ms. Barbara I. Mikitin
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Snyder
Jonathan Burton and Anita Ravi
Ms. Barbara J. Ferrier
Ms. Constance E. Jamison
Melvin and Jean Ann Miller
Mr. James Spruill
Ms. Dionna Butler
Mr. Robert C. Fischer
Andrew and Jennifer Jillson
Ms. Carol S. Miller
Ms. Sara G. Steelman
Mr. Michael P. Butler
Mr. Paul D. Fitzsimmons
Ms. Karen Block Johnese
Mrs. Gayle Miller
Mr. Frederick W. Steinberg
Ms. Anna H. Cahall
Ms. Jeannette Fitzwater
Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Jones
Ms. Gretchen Miller
Ms. Cristen A. Stephansky
Ms. Elaine R. Cahill
Mrs. Iris R. Flinn
Ms. Donna M. Kaczynski
Mrs. Nancy U. Miller
Jim and Jennifer Stevens
Ms. Chris A. Cain
Joanne Foerster and David McGowan
Ms. Maureen J. Kanfoush
Ms. Becky Mingo
Arthur and Barbara Stewart
Mr. Ronald S. Callahan
Ms. Lisa L. Foley
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kania
Ms. Carol A. Mintus
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Strauss
Ms. Bernadette G. Callery
Ms. Susanne Fraley
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gilbert Kaufman, III
Mark and Beth Ann Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart E. Sutin
Ms. Deborah Cameron
Dr. Ellen Frank
Mr. Evan Kegel
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Moellenberg
Ms. Mary Ann Stuart-Templeton
Ms. Laura A. Candris
Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Frankel
Mrs. Amy M. Kellman
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Moeller
SUPPORTERS (continued)
Ms. Jacqueline Molinaro-Thompson
Ms. Linda A. Pica
Ms. Marina Sapp
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart W. Staley
Ms. Beth A. Watts
Ms. Michelina D. Moore
Mr. Douglas Pick
Ms. Susan C. Sargent
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Stark
Weaver’s Market
Ms. Sandra M. Moorhead
Estate of Pauline Pickens
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Steele
Ms. Joanne H. Weber
Mrs. Judith A. Morin
Mr. and Mrs. William Pisciuneri
Ms. Sarah Schachner
Ms. Louise Stefanakis
Ms. Cindy A. Webreck
Ms. Linda A. Mossgrove
Mr. James Pizzuti
Ms. Karen M. Schenker
Ms. Mary Jean Stephen
Josephine and Phillips Wedemeyer
Mrs. Alicia Mrachko
Ms. Judith A. Poe
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Schetley
Ms. Donna Stephens
Mrs. Esther H. Weeks
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Muders, Jr.
Ms. Alexis M. Megaludis-Politis and Mr. Manuel Politis
Mrs. Virginia A. Schick
Ms. Michelle D’Sadoques
Mrs. Elizabeth Wells
Ms. Ellyn R. Mueller
Ms. Denise A. Ponczak
Mrs. Viola Schneider
Ms. Christina M. Sterck
Ms. Kaye E. Wentling
Mrs. Laura A. Mulkeen
Ms. Marilyn A. Posner
Marc and Melissa Schneiderman
Mr. Anthony J. Stillson
Mr. Larry R. Werner
Ms. Patricia Mullaney
Ms. Linda R. Potter
Mr. K. George Schoeppner
Mr. Woods F. Stoner, Jr.
Dr. Marcie C. Wethli
Ms. Cynthia A. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Powell
Mr. Kevin M. Schreiber
Mr. Ryan A. Stotka
Kathryn A. Whitacre
Ms. Suzanne Murphy
Ms. Karleen K. Preator
Mr. Douglas A. Schulman
Mr. Curtis Stratman
Ms. Christine White
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Prince
Ms. Lisa Schuring
Ms. Margaret A. Stufft
Mrs. Anna Stewart Whites
Mr. Ryan M. Murray
Ms. Laura L. Procaccio
Mrs. Bernadette M. Schwartz
Ms. Kathy S. Sugden
Mrs. Deborah Whitlatch
Ms. Karen K. Myers
Ms. Cheryl A. Proie
Ms. Doris J. Schwartz
Jane and Mark Sundstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Whitlatch
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey C. Nathanson
Ms. Lori Quinn
Ms. Pamela R. Scott
Dennis and Stacia Swanson
Mr. Richard J. Whittier
Mr. Timothy P. Naughton
Mrs. Sarah W. Quinn
Jamie and Dennis Scurletis
Sondra E. Swenson
In Honor of Catherine Wikoff
Ross and Patti Neidich
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Rabe
Mrs. Sarah W. Seitz
Ms. Laurie Sysak
Mr. Mark J. Willgohs
Ms. Emily J. Neidig
Dr. and Mrs. David F. Ranieri
Ms. Velma Sharpsky
Emilie and George Szakach
Ms. Florence L. Williams
Ms. Amy Nemetz
Ms. Linda E. Range
Ms. Mary G. Sherwood
Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Tarasi, Jr.
Mrs. Patricia A. Williams
Ms. Beth W. Newbold
Ms. Eleanor F. Reckhouse
Mrs. Andrew Shimrak
Dr. Hussein Tawbi
Mrs. Teresa M. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Nolfi
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Reed
Mrs. Marjorie F. Shipe
Ms. Rhoda E. Taylor
Sandra D. Williamson
Ms. Kathleen Novotny
Mr. Andrew S. Regula
Mrs. G. Albert Shoemaker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Teagarden
Mrs. Elvira J. Wilson
Mrs. Terri Nucilli
Ms. Laura Reif
Ms. Dorothy L. Shore
Mrs. Kathleen F. Tennant
Mr. Sean T. Winterbottom
Mr. Jordan Obaker
Ms. Marnie Menser Repasky
Ms. Tracee C. Short
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Tierney
Ms. Nadine E. Wise
Mr. David Ogrodowski
Mrs. Amee Resnick
Mr. Martin J. Silverman
Ms. Camille M. Toth
Ms. Lorraine M. Wolfe
Ms. Diane Ohm
Mr. Corey Rethage
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Trambley
Dr. Kristina N. Woods
Ms. Paula Olivero
Ms. Dorothy A. Riechers
Ms. Jill-Ann Sims
Ms. Andrea L. Tremel
Mr. John R. Wolliscroft
Mr. and Mrs. James J. O’Neill
Ms. Doris K. Robertson
Ms. Susan M. Slevin
Ms. Bonnie L. Trucco
Mrs. Barbara H. Wright
Ms. Ann Ostergaard
Jim and Dana Robinson
Ms. Kathy A. Slomka
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Vaux Jr.
Joyce and Richard Young
Ms. Shirley C. Ovitsky
Mr. Paul A. Rockar
Ms. Elaine Small
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Verone
Ms. Deborah J. Zigo
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Paavola
Ms. Donna M. Romanko
Ms. Suzanne M. Smarsh
Ms. Molly T. Vogt
Mr. Michael D. Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Page
Ms. Gail Ross
Mr. Nick Smarto
Ms. Judith J. Wagner
Mrs. Catherine C. Zuza
Dr. Subhashish Pal
Mrs. Phyllis Ross
Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Snyder
Ms. Sarah C. Wagner
Ms. Cynthia J. Zydel
Ms. Marsha L. Pauli
Mr. Gianalfredo Rossi
Mrs. Susan A. Sobina
Ms. Jacqueline Walker
Anonymous (5)
Ms. Gail Payne
Ms. Kate Rothstein
Mr. R. Damian Soffer
Mr. and Mrs. Gealy W. Wallwork
Dr. and Mrs. George J. Pazin
Ms. Christine I. Rudock
Barry and Arlene Sokolow
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Walter, Jr.
Ms. Christine A. Pegula
Mrs. Tina M. Ruozzi
Mr. David A. Soukup
Mr. Robert T. Wargo
Ms. Betsy Peitz
Ms. Peggy S. Russell
Ms. Brooke Spencer
Mr. Burl D. Warrick
Ms. Janet M. Peters
Dr. James R. Sahovey
Mr. John C. Spille
David and Gale Wassum
Mr. Michael W. Pfeiffer
Mr. Michael J. Sambroak
Janelle and Mark Spragg
Ms. Jean Watkinson
Ms. Amy L. Phillips
Kathleen Sandoe and Daniel H. Ready
Mrs. John A. Staley IV
Ms. Nancy C. Watson
Artists: Christopher Budzynski and Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre artists
Photo: Rich Sofranko
14 Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre Annual Report 2008/2009
Artists: Christine Schwanner and Alexandre Silva
Photo: Ric Evans
Artistic Staff
Make-up Artist and Hair Dresser
Sherry Deberson
Assistant to the Artistic Director
Robert Vickrey
Donna Oxley, first hand
Kathleen Sullivan
Annie Anderson
Grants Manager
Amy Schnarrenberger
Artistic Director
Terrence S. Orr
Ballet Mistress
Marianna Tcherkassky
Ballet Master
Steven Annegarn
Company Pianist
Yoland Collin
The Company
Principal dancers
Erin Halloran
Maribel Modrono
Kumiko Tsuji
Christopher Budzynski
Kwang-Suk Choi
Christopher Rendall-Jackson
Daisuke Takeuchi
Julia Erickson
Alexendra Kochis
Kaori Ogasawara
Christine Schwaner
Nurlan Abougaliev
Alexandre Silva
Corps de Ballet
Aygul Abougalieva
Danielle Downey
Elysa Kotchkiss
Kelly Jarrell
Alison Kappes
Kristen Rusnak
Gabrielle Thurlow
Eva Trapp
Ashely Wegmann
Nicholas Coppula
Alejandro Diaz
Stephen Hadala
Robert Moore
Makoto Ono
Christopher Ouellette
Joseph Parr
Luca Sbrizzi
Company Manager
Courtney Adler
Administrative Staff
Executive Director
Harris N. Ferris
Assistant to the Executive Director
Rosemary Sterner
Director of Corporate & Individual Development
Jodi K. Ahnmark
Development Coordinator
Michelle Horton
Development Associate
Elaine Roehling
Information Systems Manager
Joel LaFleur
Helen Nelson
June Ridley
Accountant/Human Resources Manager
Shelly Swartz
Building Maintenance
Merrill Holt
Russell Lewis
Thomas Freund
Mike Sweeney
Arts Education
Design and New Media Manager
Bryant Magnien
Archives Manager
Lisa Auel
Public Relations Manager
Mandy Wilson
Arts Education Assistant
Erica Loop
Ticketing Manager
Justina Baron
Finance Director
Jay Romano
Director of Marketing & Communications
Bear Brandegee
Director of Arts Education
Carol Meeder
Group Sales Manager
Rachel Carson
School Directors
Dennis Marshall
Marjorie Grundvig
Ticketing Assistant
Eileen Frank
School Operations Director
Aaron Rinsema
Marketing Interns
Aimee DiAndrea
Shayne Souleret
Janet Popeleski
Robert Vickrey
Anastasia Wovchko
School Programs Coordinator and Registrar
Kristen Horvath
School Administrator
Diane Dilanni
School Administrative Support
Eleanor Silinski
Ava Chatterson
Mike Sweeney
Steven Annegarn, PBT Ballet Master
Marianna Tcherkassky, PBT Ballet Mistress
Pollyana Ribeiro, Full-Time Ballet
Kerra Alexander, Ballet
Shanna Gayer, Ballet
Kaila Lewis, Ballet
Robert Moore, Ballet
Alan Obuzor, Ballet
Toma Smith, Ballet
Denise Azzari, Pilates
Ann Corrado, Pilates Coordinator
Melissa Fagan, Jazz & Pilates
Staycee Pearl, Modern
Jamie Murphy, Modern & Jazz
Tamar Rachelle, Pilates
Renee Smith, Jazz
Dane Toney, Modern
Aleksandr Zankin, Character
Ellen Gozion, Full-Time Pianist
Bella Khanis, Full Time Pianist
Julieta Winovich, Full Time Pianist
Christina Burke, Pianist
Yoland Collin, PBT Company Pianist
Dan Dausch, Pianist
Ian Green, Percussion
Edward Leonard, Pianist
Timothy Mobley, Pianist
Lisa Wimer, Pianist
Production Manager
Courtney Adler
Stage Manager/Assistant Production Manager
Alice Gordon-Hardy
Master Carpenter
Thomas P. Edkins
Prop Master
Jeff Edkins
Master Electrician
Sarah Higgins
Assistant Electrician
Robert Taylor
Wardrobe Supervisor
Kathleen Sullivan
Transportation Manager
Charles Recker
Janet Marie Groom
Costume Assistant
Kathryn DeCaria
Artists: Alexandra Kochis and Christopher Budzynski
Photo: Rich Sofranko
CHAIR OF THE BOARD, Carolyn M. Byham
Robert Eberly III
Freddie H. Fu, M.D.
TREASURER, James E. Crockard III
Jeanne Gleason
SECRETARY, Shelley Taylor
Kristine Sorensen Griffin
The Honorable Jason Altmire
James H. Hardie
Kelly Boyer
Melissa A. Hart
Christine Camsuzou
Michael J. Haver
The Honorable Jay Costa, Jr.
Susan Leone Horowitz
Debra Dermody, Esq.
Timothy Komen
Kaye R. Desch
Doug Kreps
Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre Annual Report 2008/2009
Robert A. Krizner
Becky Torbin
Rebecca Lando
Colleen Travis
Michael C. LaRocco
David F. Tuthill
Cynthia McNulty
DeWayne W. Tuthill
LeRoy L. Metz II
Hilary S. Tyson
Kathleen Miclot
Hal K. Waldman
Terrence S. Orr
Not Pictured:
David Bush
James Tomlinson Fort
The Honorable John Pippy
Kathy M. Piston, D.O
Robert W. Piston, M.D.
Stephen Plut
Norma Kirkell Sobel
Richard E. Rauh
Melanie Werner
Trustee Emeritus:
Mrs. Loti Gaffney
Lisa Saperstein, D.P.M.
Honorary Trustee
Violette Verdy