Campus Master Plan - Multnomah University


Campus Master Plan - Multnomah University
Multnomah Bible College
Multnomah Biblical Seminary
Multnomah Graduate School
8435 NE Glisan St. | Portland, OR 97220 | 800.352.4253 503.255.0332
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years of
the light
of Christ
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“A recorder of the past, my
old camera has become an
icon itself, daily reminding
me of the importance of
preserving memories before
are forgotten.”
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| 2011
through the
lens of God’s
A Cause for Celebration
This year, my annual report is shaped by two important events. The first is
Multnomah’s Diamond Anniversary, and our theme, “seventy-five years of
proclaiming the light of Christ,” is captured on the cover. Multnomah has always
been about “If it’s Bible you want, then you want Multnomah!” But our highest
value was articulated by Dr. John Mitchell and is embraced by our faculty, staff,
trustees, and presidents ever since. It is that we may know the Christ of the Bible
and be equipped to make Him known around the globe.
I cannot recount here all that God has done in and through Multnomah
over these seventy-five years. You will find a timeline of historical highlights in this
report. Also, the two issues of this year’s Multnomah magazine are devoted to
our Diamond Anniversary and contain articles that describe the life and times of
Multnomah in earlier decades.
The second event that guides this annual report involves our institutional
strategic plans: the completion of our prior five-year plan and the launching of
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our plans for the next five years. Our
prior five-year plan with its five strategic
directives expired on June 30. The eight
directives of our new strategic plan, which
began July 1 and extends five years into the
future, have been approved by the Board of
Trustees. Now we are busily clarifying and
The Fall 2011 issue of
Multnomah magazine
was our largest ever at
56 pages.
implementing the tactics of this plan for
the current year.
Through the Camera Lens:
Looking Back Over
the Last Five Years
On my office shelf sits an old Canon FT
camera that I purchased on my second
voyage as a merchant seaman in the
summer of 1969. A film camera with
a single lens reflex and quick loading
feature, the Canon FT was the finest
camera I had ever owned. My travels
to Hong Kong, Manila, Singapore, and
“We refashioned our mission
statement with four central themes
embedded: biblically competent,
academically proficient, spiritually
formed, and culturally engaged.”
Bombay (now Mumbai) were faithfully
recorded through this optical companion.
Dallas, our early years at Multnomah, and
Our enrollment increased
to 931 students.
important family highlights. When the
Our enrollment last spring stood at 931
digital age dawned, a new Canon Rebel
students, a historical high for Multnomah.
put the Canon FT on the shelf. A recorder
This headcount figure tells us that our
of the past, my old camera has become
missional impact is expanding. To achieve
an icon itself, daily reminding me of
this enrollment (compared to 819 in spring
the importance of preserving memories
2007), we restructured our recruitment
before they are forgotten.
team into an enrollment management
I took photos of our seminary years in
Our grounds crew worked
hard to make outdoor
space for students
So, look with me, if you will, through
department. In the past, recruitment and
the lens of our five-year strategic plan
admissions were a gate keeping function of
just completed on June 30, 2011. Let’s
the registrar’s office; now we separate the
examine together an album of significant
vital registrar responsibilities from those of
accomplishments that testify to God’s
recruitment and admissions. Enrollment
management’s energetic corps of admissions
counselors handles the complexities of
multiple $395
new programs, delivery methods,
and financial aid requirements.
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Enrollment is also about retention.
Our student services department
under former Dean Matt Rygg’s and
We developed twelve new capacitybuilding majors and programs.
current Dean Jon Mathis’ leadership
With regional accreditation secured, we
moved to a “restorative” model of
worked to develop twelve new programs
student development in dealing with
that would fit our mission, reflect our
undergraduates. The department initiated
core values, and meet student needs.
a counseling center, an academic tutoring
In other words, they were “capacity-
center, a commuter lounge with a
building,” designed to draw new students
structured commuter student program,
to Multnomah.
and a unified student housing system.
| 2011
Classes at the Reno-Tahoe
campus continued strong
with new technology and
building upgrades.
We began three new majors in the
They gave attention to Americans with
college (psychology, teacher education,
Disabilities Act (ADA) concerns and
and TESOL) and created two emphases
student multicultural issues in creating an
in our new Degree Completion Program
integrated university community.
(Bible foundation and leadership &
ministry). We launched three new M.A.
We achieved regional accreditation.
programs in the graduate school (M.A.
Multnomah became regionally accredited
with The Northwest Commission on
Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) at
New graduates from the
teaching programs are
now carrying out mission
in their own classrooms.
the beginning of the strategic planning
cycle in July 2006. Immeasurably
valuable for our students and graduates,
regional accreditation has strengthened
us institutionally. With institutional
assessment looming larger, Dr.
David Funk became our Director of
Institutional Effectiveness last spring.
When NWCCU reformulated
its accreditation standards in 2010,
Multnomah University was among the
first to be reaccredited. We refashioned
in Teaching, M.A. in Counseling, and
our mission statement with four central
M.A. in TESOL) and added a Master’s
themes embedded: biblically competent,
in Theology at the seminary. We began a
academically proficient, spiritually
college program in Reno, Nevada, in the
formed, and culturally engaged.
fall of 2008, and the seminary developed
Hosting a successful site visit last April,
two “In Ministry” programs (in Reno,
we received the good news of our
Nevada and in Anchorage, Alaska)
reaccreditation in July 2011.
through a combination of on-site, online,
and in-residence classes.
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2008 hit many universities hard, including
Multnomah. Though our last two years
have been stronger, our net assets over the
five years decreased to $22.4 million as of
June 30, 2011.
The good news is that Multnomah has
so far weathered the storm, though it is
not over yet. Encouragingly, our “Anchor”
reserve fund increased from $600,000
in June 2006 to $1.2 million in June
2011. This, coupled with a new banking
relationship, a gift of a mineral interest,
“As if gazing through a telescope,
let us consider the future for a
vision of what may lie ahead...”
We made little progress
on our campus master plan.
better position for 2012.
Through the Telescope:
Looking Ahead to the
Next Five Years
My telescope was a premium for joining a
book club as a boy. I gazed heavenward at
the moon and the Milky Way on evenings
The Joseph C. Aldrich Student Center,
when the city lights and haze did not
with its new cafeteria, new offices, and
obscure the sky the way they do today.
renovated student lounge, was dedicated in
Though the telescope has since vanished
fall 2006; it was the last capital project on
from my attic, I still remember it as a
our current master plan to be completed.
handsome ornament resting on a sturdy
None of the remaining three projects on
tripod that could magnify the stars.
the master plan were tackled during this
The new Roger’s Cafe in
the JCA Student Center
became a favorite place
of study and gathering
for students.
and careful control of costs, puts us in a
Graduation in the Fall
now carries with it all the
pomp and circumstance
traditionally reserved only
for Spring.
As if gazing through a telescope, let
period of programmatic growth, though
us consider the future for a vision of what
planning was ongoing. We did add the
may lie ahead as we enter the first year of
facility in Reno for classrooms, offices, and
our new five-year strategic plan. Over a year
a library in June 2008.
in formulation, our eight major strategic
directives are now board-approved; you
We doubled our “Anchor”
reserves to $1.2 million.
may read all eight of these directives in the
side bar. Let’s touch on five of the eight to
update you on the progress already made.
The last five years of expansion occurred
during financial recession. Early on, we
witnessed a steady rise in our total net
assets from $24.2 million in$460
June 2006,
but the economic challenges beginning in
Grow enrollment to 1,300 students.
This fall,$395
Multnomah enrolled 939
total students, another historically high
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Planning, approval, and
hiring for the new Doctor
of Ministry began for the
headcount. To reach 1,300 students by
approved and currently in the approval
June 30, 2016, we plan to increase our
process with our three accreditation
current enrollment by 3.5 percent per year,
bodies, this program marks Multnomah’s
while adding an additional one hundred
first venture into doctoral-level studies.
students through future programs and
Dr. Derek Chinn, our D.Min. director,
another one hundred international
developed a sound cohort-based approach
students. We implemented our new “net
to D.Min. scheduling that includes
tuition” and “block pricing” philosophies
concentrations in the theology of culture,
this fall. Further, our admissions team,
missional leadership, spiritual formation,
under new director Palmer Muntz, is well-
and worship.
positioned to recruit and retain students
effectively in all our programs.
| 2011
Other high-priority programs in
the plans include an ESL program to
reach Portland residents and to prepare
Develop sustainable academic programs.
for international students. We will also
The Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) program
that will arise from a college and seminary
at the seminary is our highest priority
collaboration and will focus on global
and closest to implementation. Board-
ministries or humanitarian relief.
explore a global-oriented M.A. degree
A continued emphasis
on meaningful chapels
assisted students in
another portion of their
spiritual development.
Shape faculty and staff into
a university community
Through this directive, we seek to create
synergy across the three major “schools”
of the university—college, seminary, and
graduate school—through cross-divisional
collaboration. This requires deploying
our financial and personnel resources
effectively and flexibly to fulfill our
university mission.
The challenge, of course, is to retain
the distinct purposes and identities
of each school. Our provost council,
“The Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.)
established July 1 and chaired by Provost
program at the seminary...marks
representatives from all three schools and
Multnomah’s first venture into
All faculty members now serve as faculty
doctoral-level studies.”
Dr. Wayne Strickland was
appointed to the new
Provost position and began
leading efforts toward
creating a more unified
faculty structure.
Wayne Strickland, is composed of
has begun tackling these critical issues.
of Multnomah University; each one is
also designated as a faculty member of
one of the distinct schools or programs,
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depending on their primary teaching
into flexible, affordable student housing.
responsibilities. Faculty may teach courses
Following the demolition of six houses
in other schools and work collaboratively
this summer, we are moving forward to
with others in their discipline.
construct a twenty-one unit residence
complex for students to occupy this
In 2011, more than in any
previous year, it became a
top priority to implement
more technology for
continued student success.
Completing the campus master plan.
coming fall.
Only three elements remain from the
a proposed university academic building
campus master plan developed over a
that will include classrooms, student
decade ago: Pacific Street apartments,
lounges, science and language labs, and
a university academic building, and
faculty offices. This will require the
a chapel auditorium extension to the
development and launching of a major
Travis-Lovitt building. This semester
capital campaign within the next
we began the design of the Pacific Street
five years.
We have compiled many ideas for
Seminary professor Dr. Paul
Louis Metzger shows us
that the faculty-student
relationships are still a
hallmark of the Multnomah
apartments. This three-phase project will
eventually convert the eighteen lots along
our northern Pacific Street perimeter
Enhance Multnomah’s multiethnic
and cross-cultural diversity.
While this directive is a subset of
recruitment and enrollment, its strategic
importance merits a separate directive.
As such, we have formed two task forces
for this year of planning. The first task
force addresses diversity issues within our
Portland campus community: assessing
student multiethnic and multicultural
attitudes, drafting a statement of our
mission and the scope of our work,
and shaping a plan to engage greater
Portland’s larger multiethnic community
to partner with us. The second task
force studies global partnerships, with a
particular emphasis on the Pacific Rim.
“...we strive to remain true to the
We are investigating what it will take for
biblical values and unchanging
educational destination for Pacific Rim
precepts of our seventy-five
global partnerships with educational and
year history.”
Multnomah University to become an
Seminary Dean Dr. Robb
Redman continued
his leadership of the
Multnomah Connect
initiative for distributed
seminary learning.
students, and what is realistic in forging
ecclesial institutions in the major cities
of the Far
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| 2011
The Camera and the Telescope
The camera and the telescope are two
useful optical instruments. They enable
us to remember the remarkable events of
the past and to explore into the mysteries
of the distant unknown. At Multnomah
we seek to capture both perspectives, too.
On the one hand, we strive to remain true
to the biblical values and unchanging
“...we study the changing contours
of our culture, chart bold plans for
precepts of our seventy-five year history.
At the same time, we study the changing
contours of our culture, chart bold plans
the future, and humbly advance
for the future, and humbly advance in
in ways that preserve our heritage,
Christ’s church, and proclaim light to a
serve Christ’s church, and proclaim
light to a darkened world.”
Above all else, the Bible
still remains at the center
of what we do. Our
students come here for no
reason greater than this.
ways that preserve our heritage, serve
darkened world.
It is not an easy task, nor even one we
would have chosen. But it is an essential
one: one to which we are called for the
sake of the Christ who redeemed us.
1]Technology: Increase missional effectiveness by implementing productive
campus technologies.
2] Enrollment: Increase missional impact by growing student enrollment to 1,300.
3] Academic Programs: Expand academic excellence through developing
sustainable academic programs.
4] Faculty & Staff: Enrich academic excellence and biblical competence by
recruiting and retaining quality faculty and staff.
5] Campus Master Plan: Enhance academic excellence, community nurture,
and spiritual formation by completing the campus master plan.
6] Multicultural Diversity: Deepen cultural engagement by enhancing
multicultural and cross-cultural diversity.
7] Distance Education: Increase missional scope by strengthening existing,
and expanding future, distributed learning opportunities.
8] Financial Reserves: Enhance missional stability with a financial base of
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$6 million in reserves.
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by the
grad school 147
adult degree completion 74
2011 939 students
seminary 207
college 474
reno-tahoe 37
2010 917 students
2009851 students
2008845 students
2007802 students
part-time faculty 8
part-time staff 12
temporary workers 8
adjunct faculty 63
243 employees
full-time staff 98
full-time faculty 35
administrative faculty 14
administrators 5
bible college
graduate school
degree completion
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| 2011
federal grants $1,397,450
private grants $296,168
parent plus loans $904,028
federal loans $5,777,224
alternative loans $105,386
other aid $98,292
institutional grants $1,639,230
college – portland 527*
graduate school 147
Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Elementary Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Pastoral Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Youth Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Educational Ministries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Music Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Bible/Theology Concentration . . . . . . . . . . 32
English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Intercultural Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
TESOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
New Testament Greek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Biblical Hebrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Communication Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Communication Studies: Journalism . . . . . . 7
Missionary Aviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
MA Counseling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
MA Teaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Endorsement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
MA TESOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Non Degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
* Includes students enrolled in more than one major.
college – reno-tahoe 37
seminary – portland 183
Grads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
MABS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
MAPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
MDIV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
ThM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
seminary – reno-tahoe 10
Grads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
MDIV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Non Degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Bible & Theology Undergrad . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
seminary – anchorage 6
degree completion 74
Leadership & Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Biblical Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
MAPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
MDIV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
seminary – seattle 8
Multnomah is a proud
member of these
Grads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
MAPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
MDIV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
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| 2011
Peter Ekle
Adult Degree Completion & Bible College
Leadership in Ministry & Aviation Technology
Waterman, Illinois
Portland Experience
Moving to Portland was a cultural experience that we were not quite ready for. When we first drove
downtown, my daughter had some hilarious questions like, “Why is that lady’s hair green?” and “Why is that
man dressed as a viking?” My wife called the people here ‘free spirits’.
After Multnomah
My wife and I have a heart for missions and those who serve in difficult areas. Our passion to fly in support
of missionaries has grown into one of caring for them in more ways than just moving them around in an
airplane. After I finish my pilot certifications we hope to go into full time missionary care overseas with a
missions aviation agency.
Time Outside of Class
My family is invested in a local church in several areas of ministry, from Guest care to recovery and restoration
ministry. We also love to hike in the Columbia Gorge with our two children. I fly on the weekends and work
as a turbine engine overhaul mechanic at Columbia Helicopters in Canby, Oregon. My wife has taught
elementary school for eleven years and is now taking a much deserved year off to recharge her batteries.
Favorite Professor
Martin Alphonse. For me, he brought one of the most interesting perspectives to the realm of missions
work. I’ll never forget our class discussion about Mother Teresa’s work in India and whether or not she was
preaching the Gospel with her efforts. It was a lively conversation and he just quietly sat on the stage and
listened to us struggle with it for a while.
Personal Factoid
When I fly an airplane, I feel God’s pleasure. I feel like the person that God made me to be. Also, I was born
the day after Christmas, so it’s no surprise that my favorite drink is eggnog.
Favorite Quote
“In a tough situation, don’t ask yourself what you should do, ask yourself what John Wayne would do!” ~ anonymous
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| 2011
Larisa Warren
Bible College
Youth Ministry
Washougal, Washington
Portland Experience
I have loved living on campus for the last year. I am attending The Well Community Church and a community
group there that meets just a few blocks from school. I lead a small group of high school girls at Gateway Church
in Washougal, WA were I grew up. This ministry is very close to my heart because I love working with high school
students. It really is the highlight of my week to spend Sunday evenings with them studying the Bible and talking
about their lives. It is so fun to see how the things I learn at MU are used when I’m teaching my girls.
After Multnomah
My two biggest passions are overseas ministry and working with students. However, I’m learning to stand with
my hands open and say, “God, this is what I want, but you are free to do what you want.” I have seen that
God’s dreams are so much bigger than my own.
Time Outside of Class
My relationships here at MU are very important to me. Aside from homework, they take up most of my time. I
also make a little money on the side doing something I love: photography. The main reason I love it is because
it lets me see the world in a different way. Photography allows common things to become masterpieces.
Summer Break
I have spent the last two summers on mission trips. The first summer I found my love for students in Ireland.
This year I went to Nepal. The part that made me hurt the most was how lost and blinded the Nepali people
are by the idols of Hinduism and Buddhism. My eyes were opened to the fact that this is not just a Hindu or
Buddhist problem, but a worldwide problem. I know I’m going back overseas someday because I can’t just
ignore what I have seen.
Favorite Class
Acts-Philippians with Dr. Dan Christiansen is the class that I can look back on and say that I am still learning
from. It challenged me to think and question in ways that I have never done before and that caused my
heart to change. It was a hard class, but I know that the things that I learned there will be helpful to me both
personally and in ministry.
Favorite quote
“The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am a Christian
does make me a different kind of woman.” ~ Elisabeth Elliot
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| 2011
Brandon Evans
Biblical Seminary: Reno-Tahoe Campus
Master of Divinity – Christian Thought
Reno, Nevada
Reno Experience
When told about Jesus, Nathanael asked, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” (John 1:46) When
told about Jesus’ church here, people ask, “Can anything good come out of Reno?” Reno is in the State
where prostitutes get 401k’s. Our city consistently tops national lists in categories like: alcoholism, drug abuse,
unemployment, divorce, and illiteracy. I was born and raised in Reno and now serve the city through the
power of the Holy Spirit at Living Stones Church. Multnomah has been instrumental in developing the Biblical
competency and fostering the spiritual growth necessary to minister to a city that flaunts its sins on billboards. After Multnomah
My wife and I plan to move to San Francisco and plant a church. As far as my education goes, I plan to
continue on to the Th.M program and then pursue some doctoral options. Time Outside of Class
I married my wife in August 2011, so I spend a lot of time with her. They say that, as a rule, the honeymoon
period ends after a year. We plan on being the exception to that rule!
Summer Break
Like most adults, I spend the majority of my summer working. But when I get a chance to break free I enjoy
traveling, running, hiking, BBQs, baseball, and coming up with excuses to avoid playing golf! Favorite Professor
Anything taught by Professors Tony Slavin and Brent Brooks. Professor Slavin takes Greek and makes
it interesting the way Beethoven takes sheet music and makes it ear candy. And Professor Brooks is so
knowledgeable that when he coughs I take notes. Personal Factoid
I have been to 49 States. Hopefully Alaska doesn’t secede from the Union before I can make it up there!
Favorite quote
“Preaching morality to sinners is like putting dough with no yeast in a broken oven and telling it to rise. Just
preach the gospel.” ~ unknown
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| 2011
Hannah Adams
Biblical Seminary
Master of Divinity
Medford, Oregon
Portland Experience
I moved here over four years ago for personal reasons. For the first three years of that time I had a love/hate
relationship with Portland. I loved it for many reasons, such as the coffee and all the green trees (D.C. is quite
brown). But Portland seemed like another planet to me and it took time for my heart to be softened by the
Lord to it. Now, since accepting His call to be here, I have fallen in love with Portland. Portland thrives on
being “different”. I have felt “different” my whole life, so in a sense, I feel very at home here. When I decided
to go into full time ministry, I was blessed to find Multnomah. Its location in Portland was one of the main
things that drew me to the school. It was like finding a gem in the midst of the tumultuous environment that I
knew I was meant to be in—like finding a key that would help me unlock my call to this city.
After Multnomah
I hope to be doing what I feel called to do now, which is pour out my life to Christ, every day, as an offering—
living, pleasing and fragrant for Him! What that actually looks like could take so many different forms. I could
end up pursuing a doctorate like my mother and sister and teach people in a formal classroom environment,
or I could just serve on staff at a church. My heart is open to whatever God has for me. Whatever it is, I know
it will be good.
Favorite Professor
Thus far, I have had the esteemed honor of taking classes from Dr. Kim, Dr. Josberger, Dr. Robertson, and
Pastor Schiave. I love every professor in the Seminary and there isn’t enough space for me to brag on each!
I haven’t had the pleasure of taking classes with every one of them yet, but that is my goal.
Personal Factoid
In the fourth grade I broke both my arms within six months of each other doing the exact same thing.
Favorite quote
“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right,
temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
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1/2/12 7:42 AM
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1/2/12 7:42 AM
| 2011
Matthew Reynolds
Graduate School
Master of Arts in Counseling
Lafayette, California
After Multnomah
I plan on opening my own private counseling practice to work with deaf clients in the Battleground,
Vancouver, Portland, and Salem areas. There is a real need to serve the Deaf community, in this way. I think
that a place that is easily accessible in the Multnomah Village neighborhood would be a nice fit.
Time Outside of Class
I enjoy being with my family. My wife Shannon and I have been married for 12 years now and have two
children, Evan and Jared, ages 9 and 7 respectively. We enjoy swimming together as a family. I have yet to
introduce my boys to skiing on the slopes, which I also love. Summer Break
When I am not working during the summer we enjoy driving out to the beach in Seaside, Oregon. Favorite Professor
This seems like an unfair question! I can list a few of my favorites...Dr. John Wecks, his wife Carley Wecks,
Dr. Elizabeth List, Professor Velez, Dr. Stephens, Professor Warren, and of course Dr. Stephen Kim. The reason?
They’ve imparted to me knowledge and skills that are centered in the Bible, helping me understand the
purposes for which I was created and how to serve Jesus with the gifts I’ve been blessed with. Personal Factoid
I am a two-time kidney transplant recipient! The first one was from my father, which lasted 8.5 years. The
second was from my Sunday school teacher, Fran, which has been going strong for almost 12 years now!
Favorite quote
“Everything in life that we really accept undergoes a change. So suffering must become Love. That is the
mystery.” ~ Katherine Mansfield. 19
PAR11-InteriorLayout_05.indd 19
1/2/12 7:42 AM
Mr. & Dr. Stephen List
Ms. Letha M. McCleod
Alumni 1940s
Mr. & Mrs. Mark McGlothlan
Rev. & Mrs. Harry R. Atkins
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. McGrew
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Bekker
Mr. & Mrs. Richard McKee
Miss Virginia Bowen
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Louis Metzger
Mrs. Joan Broughton
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald S. Middleton
Mr. & Mrs. James Crumley
Mr. & Dr. Roger D. Miller
Mr. Norman L. Cummings
Miss Tracy Lynnette Moreschi
Norman & Marie DeBoer
Mr. Daryl R. Curryer
Rev. & Mrs. David Needham
Mr. & Mrs. Allen L. Deyo
Gene & Nancy Curtis
Rev. & Mrs. James T. Newman
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Eilers
Dr. & Mrs. John D. Dryden
Miss Karen J. Fancher
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Mark Nicklas
Dr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ferm
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Lockwood
Duane & Nancy Finsaas
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kim Nordstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Gilbertson
Mr. & Mrs. Steven K. Mitchell
Ms. Renee Fleming
Mr. & Mrs. William O’Connor
Mrs. Maxine Glaze
Dr. & Mrs. Luis Palau
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Gregory
Mr. & Ms. Richard Pauli
Mrs. C. June Green
Miss Michelle Monique Peel
Rev. Warren C. Hale
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Sievers
Miss Amy Danielle Friesen
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Provenzola
Mr. & Mrs. Sherburne Heath, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Soong
Ms. Nancy Gerecz
Mr. & Mrs. Eric F. Rice, CFP
Mrs. Faye Hurlburt
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Erik Stousland
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Gessner
Dr. & Mrs. Jon Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn E. Johnston
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Wilder
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gibson
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Scalberg
Mrs. Alice Jongeward
Mr. & Mrs. Terry C. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. James Randall Glanz
Rev. Thomas R. Schiave
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Kenner
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Zirkle
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Schreiner
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. David Wayne Hardy
Mr. & Mrs. George Leroy Scott, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Linder
Dr. & Mrs. Bradley J. Harper
Mrs. Irene Scruggs
Mrs. Louise Madsen
Faculty / Staff
Tom & Kathy Hauff
Mr. & Mrs. James Anthony Slavin
Mr. Donald R. Meier
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Helm
Miss Suzanne M. Smith
Mrs. Lois Merrick
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Abbate
Ms. Chang-Hwa Grace Ho
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Snyder
Mrs. Dorothy Mielke
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Hull
Mr. Sean M. Sparks
Mr. Robert L. Nelson
Miss Amanda Heather Allquist
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Joseph Imbach
Michael & Susan Spirz
Miss Mabel M. Olsen
Dr. & Mrs. Martin Paul Alphonse
Mr. & Dr. James Haven Josberger
Miss Amy Stephens
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Patterson
Mr. Joseph Braxton Alsop
Miss Sheila A. Joshi
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Gary Strickland
Mrs. Edith Mae Peabody
Mr. & Mrs. Zachary David-LeRoy
Miss Susan J. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Jan Tauc, Jr.
Mr. Wilbur Reimer
Ms. Kristin Edna Kendall
Miss Ruth Raydene Taylor
Barbara Rodriguez
Dr. & Mrs. Albert H. Baylis, II
Dr. & Mrs. Rex Koivisto
Mr. & Mrs. Eric James Thompson
Mr. Abram F. Schierling
Ms. Regina C. Berquist
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kopp
Dr. & Mrs. Roger L. Trautmann
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Shell
Mr. & Mrs. Curt Bickley
Dr. & Mrs. Karl V. Kutz
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Y.C. Tso
Chaplain Ben E. Vegors
Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Bjelkevig, CFP
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Lahodny
Miss Cyndi Wantz
Mrs. Elizabeth Watkinds
Ronald & Aproniana Casey
Mr. Christopher Erik Laird
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Whalen
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Kent Chambers
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Leary
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Whitehead
Dr. & Mrs. Norman V. Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Jackson C. Lee
PAR11-InteriorLayout_05.indd 20
Mrs. Virginia Martin
Mr. & Mrs. John Michael Mayner
Dr. F. Pamela Reeve
Mr. & Mrs. Levi Benjamin
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Mathis
Seventy-five years
of reflecting the
light of Christ
Alumni 1930s
Pound Martin
Gifts given in fiscal 2011 (July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011)
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Loomis
Multnomah School of
the Bible is founded
Dr. Bernard B.
Sutcliffe - President
from 1936-1943
MSB obtains
Oregon Dept. of
Education Authorization
First graduates
from Multnomah
School of the
Bible – 3 yr.
1/2/12 7:42 AM
is fo
Alumni 1950s
Mr. Richard T. Cordell
Rev. & Mrs. James Haley
Mr. & Mrs. Keith McNeil
Mr. & Mrs. William Cowan
Mrs. Elaine Hall
Lois Minson
Mr. & Mrs. Dean R. Abbott
Lloyd & Roberta Deister
Mr. & Mrs. John Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Owen Neal Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald N. Allen
Miss Bonnie J. Dirks
Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Allison
Mr. Gordon Donaldson
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hauser
Mr. Thomas A. Moore
Peter & Dorothy Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Durr
Rev. & Mrs. Gilbert Hawkins
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Morley
Mrs. Garnet Barker
Mrs. Bessie Dvorachek
Miss Dorothy J. Hays
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mulder
Mrs. Doris Barrows
Miss Verna Elizabeth Eby
Roland & Lila Heffner
Mr. & Mrs. Louis W. Muller
Mr. & Mrs. Richard I. Bartlett
Dr. & Mrs. H. Robert Ellisen
Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Herr
Miss Barbara Murphy
Mr. Bryce O. Bartruff
Dr. & Mrs. G. Thomas Erickson
Henry & Ruth Hershberger
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Nelson
Mr. Wallace Bays
Woodrow & Betty Eumurian
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Hetrick
Mr. & Mrs. Gaylord Newby
Mr. & Mrs. Allen W. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Rowland Nordmo
Mr. Keith Himple
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Obenchain
Willa May Himple
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Packard
Mrs. Julia Hoffman
Mrs. Deborah Pierce
Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Holsey
Miss Barbara J. Pio
Mr. & Mrs. Billy G. Hunkapiller
Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Powell
Mr. & Mrs. David Jannsen
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Ragsdale
Mr. & Mrs. Carl D. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Ray E. Ralston
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Johnson
Miss Margaret Jane Reagan
Mr. & Mrs. George Johnstone
Miss Genevieve Reckamp
Mr. & Mrs. James Kakumasu
Mr. & Mrs. Russell H. Reed, II
Miss Carol Kealey
Rev. & Mrs. Maynor Reed
Miss Joyce Kehoe
Mrs. Geneva Richards
student financial aid 25%
$1.78 million
general fund 52%
The Student
Missionary Union
is formed
PAR11-InteriorLayout_05.indd 21
other 12%
endowment 11%
Robert & Carol Moffat
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bechtel
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth I. Evans
Rev. & Mrs. V. Deane Keller
Mr. Elden E. Richmond
Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Blanch
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Farner
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Knieriem
Dr. Leonard Ritzmann
Mr. & Mrs. David Blood
Mr. & Mrs. E. Norman Fleer
Pauline Ruth Koons
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Roecker
Miss Charlotte Boraker
Mr. & Mrs. Clair Floyd
Mrs. Doris E. Kozlovski
Mr. Earl W. Roth
Robert & Anne Brownlee
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Friesen
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. La Mel
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Samms
Mr. Larry Brubaker
Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Fritts
Mrs. Katherine L. Larsen
Miss Phyllis Saunders
Rev. & Mrs. Zane E. Bull
David & Joyce Fry
Mr. & Mrs. David Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Schmeling
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Burton
Miss Lois C. Fry
Mr. David W. Lee
Mrs. Mildred Schwendener
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn L. Button
Carlos & Vivienne Garcia
Miss Evelyn S. Lichti
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Dwight Sharp
Mr. & Mrs. Herald G. Callison
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gee
Mrs. Trenna F. Linden
Mr. & Mrs. David Skinner
Ms. Lois Carmack
James Geist
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Lord
Miss Virginia Slaney
Mrs. Joan Carpenter
Miss Marlene Geraud
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Louthan
Miss Margery A. Smith
Mrs. Shirley Carpenter
Mr. & Mrs. Duane G. Gilchrist
Mr. & Mrs. Harry MacArthur
Mr. Daniel W. Smith
Mrs. Sharon L. Carson
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Goddard, Sr.
Mr. Neil Mast
Mrs. Linda Sparling
Miss Laurel Chambers
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley E. Gradin
Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Mathison
Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Stave
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore W. Chapman
Mr. Mervyn L. Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. May
Mrs. Evogene Stephens
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Charnquist
Russell Grewell
James & Betty Lou McAllister
Rev. & Mrs. Henry Sweeney
Mrs. Mary Christensen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Griffin
Miss Emma McClellan
Addison & Lillian Tanner
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Gurney
Mrs. Joyce McKinney
Rev. & Mrs. Elmer H. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Classen
Miss Doris Hagedorn
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart L. McNaughton
Mrs. Lucille Te Selle
Rev. & Mrs. Hugh Collins
Mrs. Sharon Haines
Mr. & Mrs. Merle McNeel
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Teeter
| 2011
dormitory space
is acquired at
SE 6th Ave and
Multnomah Blvd
Enrollment drops
from 143 to 97 as
students left to
serve in WWII
Dr. Willard M. Aldrich
- President from
Terms shortened for
students called to
war to finish studies
1/2/12 7:42 AM
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Thiessen
Clinton G. Bursell
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Grady
Miss Helen N. McIntosh
Mr. & Mrs. Glen A. Thornton
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Buster
Miss Janice Gregg
Dr. & Mrs. Jack I. Meadows
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Tisdale
Charles & Margie Butler
Mr. & Mrs. David Grimes
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Moritz
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Trammell
Mrs. Margaret Canavan
Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth Grissom
Miss Diane Morris
Gale & Jean Van Diest
Ted & Linda Cantrall
Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Groom
Mr. & Mrs. David Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Milton T. Vance
Dr. & Dr. Carl H. Carlson
Richard & Kathy Haahr
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Morrison
Mr. Bruce Arthur Walters, Jr.
Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Chism
Mr. & Mrs. Claire Harstad
Mr. & Mrs. David Morrow
Esther Walworth
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Cochran
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Harvey, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Nagle
Winton & Bonnie Weiss
Mrs. Joyce Commons
Charlene Vail Hettinger
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence D. Naples
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Wellsfry
Miss Joy Congdon
Mr. Edwin Hiebert
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Neher
Rev. Wellington P. Wetzler
Mr. & Mrs. John Conklin
Mr. & Mrs. Ian Hollingsworth
Miss Karen Norris
Dr. & Mrs. Elden C. Whipple, Jr.
Mrs. Jessie M. Converse
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Holroyd
Mr. & Mrs. Roy R. Obermeier
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Ray Whipps
Mrs. Bernita G. Cooper
Ms. Wilma Lee Hull
Kelly & Kathy Orr
Ronald & Joan Wiebe
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Crowell
Miss Alice Huskey
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Ortman
Richard & Bonnie Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. George Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. John Jancan
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Packard
Mrs. Darlene J. Wilson
Mr. Earl W. Davis, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Jensen
Dr. & Mrs. Richard V. Palmer
Rev. & Mrs. Lyle Wilson
Mr. John C. Davis
Wilfred Jensen
Rev. & Mrs. Thomas E. Payton
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wong
Larry & Gail Day
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Wayne Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. L. Wilson Pearson
Dr. Robert G. Ziegler
Mr. & Mrs. J. Arthur Decker
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Monte W. Pearson
Ms. Esther Zimmerle
Miss Martha C. Dodson
Miss Joan Jolliffe
Kenneth L. Perkins
Mrs. Dorene Doran
Mr. & Mrs. Riley J. Jones
Donald & Mary Pitman
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Downing
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Pitney
Alumni 1960s
John & Barbara Dunham
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kearley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Plaep
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Eagle
Mrs. Patricia A. Keen
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Reeves, III
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Adair
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Easton
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Knudsen
Dan Rehms
Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Albers
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Edrington
Miss Ruth Knutson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Remsburg
Mrs. Ruthe Aldrich
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Elligsen
Mrs. Emi A. Koe
Mac & Elizabeth Reynolds
George & Naomi Ammann
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Elmer
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Kostanoski
Carl & Rebecca Roberts
Mrs. Anita Austen
Mr. Paul Fanson
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Krueger
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Rogers
Charles & Sharon Baxter
Mr. & Mrs. David K. Fields
Rev. & Mrs. Walter J. Kurtz
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley F. Ross
Mr. & Mrs. M. Lee Beldon
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Finster
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Lagrou
Rev. & Mrs. Randy E. Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Berreth
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D. Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Latourette
Mrs. Pauline Round
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond B. Berry
Mr. & Mrs. James Ford
Mrs. Marlene Lawrence
Ms. Terry C. Ruberti
Miss Sandra Bierly
Rev. & Mrs. Karl T. Frick
Mrs. Joan R. Lemke
Mr. & Mrs. Vaughn Rundquist
Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Birlew
Mr. James U. Gemmell
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Leong
Mr. & Mrs. Ramon W. Sammons
David & Susan Black
Mr. & Mrs. James M. German
Miss Joy Limburg
Marlene Sampels
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Block
Larry & Leslie Gertner
Rev. & Mrs. Richard J. Lindemann
Mr. & Mrs. George H.
Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Bock
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Gertner
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn C. Lloyd
Donald & Nanete Boesel
Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Gibson
Miss Karen L. Longnecker
Mr. & Mrs. N. Roger Scott
Mr. & Mrs. John Boorman
Raymond E. Gienapp
Mrs. Jennifer Love
Mr. & Mrs. Wally Searcy
John & Lorene Bowman
Gary & Lydia Gilman
Mr. & Mrs. Larry R. Loyd
Rev. & Mrs. Marion A. Sechler
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bradley
Mr. & Mrs. Glen L. Goddard
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lynn
Mr. & Mrs. A. Wesley Seideman
Ms. Rita Bradwin
Doyle Goldy
Rev. & Mrs. J.E. Harvey Martin
Mr. & Mrs. W. Kent Seldal
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Breen
Janice Gordon
Mr. Pat McCarley
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Shackleton
Mr. & Mrs. J. Alan Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Gordon
Rev. & Mrs. Charles H. McClung
Mr. Roy Sherwood
Evening school is
made available
to students
Sanderson, Jr.
First graduates
of the Graduate
Certificate in Bible
PAR11-InteriorLayout_05.indd 22
1/2/12 7:42 AM
Rev. & Mrs. James E. Skinner
Miss Linda R. Wright
Duke & Pamela Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ellis
Colleen Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Clary Wright
Rev. & Mrs. Gerard Blankenheim
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight D. Englund
Miss Sharon Louise Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Wright
Mrs. Patricia A. Blenkinsop
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Eraker
Mr. & Mrs. Lars A. Soderholm
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Wyttenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Scott Boerckel
Diane P. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney G. Sowers
Miss Alice Yancey
Mr. & Mrs. Ted A. Boersma
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Fentress
Mrs. Katherine Stanwyck
Mr. Wayne Allen Zimmers
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Bolin
Manuel & Glenda Fernandez
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Stave
Mr. & Mrs. Ferd Zurcher
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Bolin
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Feuerhaken
Mr. Peter H. Steneker, Sr.
Richard & Kathy Bradley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fitts
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff R. Stevens
Mark & Jeanette Brewster
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Fong
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Forsman
Mr. & Mrs. W. Talmadge Taylor
Alumni 1970s
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Franklin
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Thomason
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Abero
Mr. & Mrs. Reed Bryant
Vernon & Jeanette Friesen
Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Tilgner
Glenn & Elizabeth Ackroyd
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Buchholz
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Fuller
Mr. Lowell H. Tonnessen & Ms.
Mr. & Mrs. Cal Alsleben
Mr. & Mrs. David Bullock
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Gallop
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry M. Strom
Mary Lou Eng
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Burns
Scott & Karen Garland
Gilbert & Shirley Truitt
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Anderson
Martin & Cheryl Burrell
Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Gier
Patricia Unsicker
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Arneson
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Burrows
Waldo & Lori Goff
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Vieselmeyer
Gary & Pamela Augustine
Mr. Michael G. Burton
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Gray
Mr. Curtis Vieselmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Lee E. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Don Canright
Dr. & Dr. Randall Green
Mr. & Mrs. John Wall
Miss Mary Ellen Baker
Noel & Susan Carey
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Green
Mr. & Mrs. Garth Carmin
Douglas & Rebecca Grosenbach
John & Ruth Carr
Rev. & Mrs. Franklin Haas
Mr. & Mrs. Gene B. Chase
Christopher A. Hack
Donald P. Cheney
Mr. David K. Hahn
Gregory & Sue Clanton
William & Charlene Hall
Mr. R. Randall Cobler
Clarence & Catherine Harvey
Jeff & Susan Coburn
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Harvey
Mr. David C. Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hauptmann
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Constantine
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hawkins
Mrs. Joy Cordell
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Hazen
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Cotten
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Heath
Roy & Jeri Cress
Miss Margaret Jill Henrikson
Mrs. Christine L. Crowe
Mark & Joan Hersey
Miss Jeanie Curryer
Russ & Lynda Hersman
businesses 4%
churches 1%
non alumnus* 31%
$1.78 million
alumnus* 30%
estates 21%
foundations 13%
* Includes Employee and Trustee giving.
Marjorie Cutshall
Richard & Deborah Holcomb
Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Waters, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Byron Darland
Christie & Nancy Horn
Mrs. Beatrice Watson
David & Janice Balsley
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Horr
Mr. Howard G. Weatherly
Mr. & Mrs. John Bargen
Mr. & Mrs. John Dewsnap
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Hutchinson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Webb
Robert & Elizabeth Bauer
Mrs. Evelyn Dicus
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hypki
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wecks
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Beck
Mr. & Mrs. James Dillon
Mrs. Gracey Janke
Lois Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Rolan R. Becker
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly G. Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Wong Jayne
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Bellanti
Mr. & Mrs. Dale R. Dutter
Mr. & Mrs. Tony G. Jeffrey
Annette Winter
Mr. Gary Bellinger
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Eakin
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Jenson
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Wollweber
Mr. & Mrs. Henry M. Berglund
Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Ebner
Mr. & Mrs. Wayman Jew
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Worden
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Bisbee
Miss Susan N. Elftman
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Johanesen
Multnomah moves
to its current
Student commons
is remodeled
PAR11-InteriorLayout_05.indd 23
| 2011
Multnomah receives
ABHE accreditation
First bachelor’s
degree graduates
– Th.B. (Bachelor
of Theology)
1/2/12 7:42 AM
Russell & Julie Johnson
Ted & Betty Meter
Miss Mary Ritzmann
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Urban
Susan E. Johnson
CAPT & Mrs. Robert C. Michel
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Van Belle
Alex Jones
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Miller, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. B. Randy Rolphe, III
Miss Irene M. Van Doren
David & Lauri Jones
Miss D. Diane Mink
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Roush
Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Vincent
James & Edna Jongeward
John & Jean Mitchell
Miss Linda D. Ruth
Miss Bertha Vogt
Mrs. Bettie Lee Jordan
Randy & Joann Mitchell
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald B. Schatz
Steve & Marilyn Walden
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Kaji
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Moore
Mr. John Scherdt
Richard & Sally Waldren
Mr. Kiyoshi Kakuda
Mr. & Mrs. Kieth R. Moritz
Audrey Schumacher
Duane & Dawn Wantland
Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Kaldahl
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mowery
Wesley & Karla Schut
Jeannine Welding
Mr. & Mrs. Nabil N. Katcho
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Murbach
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Schwitters
Rev. & Mrs. Dan A. Wentworth
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Dan E. Scott
Miss Jean Y. Whipple
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Kendle
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. Nelson
Mrs. Gertrude Sears
Miss Janice J. White
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Kennaugh
Pastor & Mrs. Brian E. Newcombe
Paul & Joyce Setter
Mr. & Mrs. A. Lee Wibbels
Mr. & Mrs. Kay D. Ketchum
Mr. & Mrs. A. Paul Nichols
Mr. & Mrs. James Sexton
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Lynn Williams
Rev. & Mrs. Douglas R. Ketel
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Niederloh
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Shirock
Neil & Janell Williams
Kim Kimberling
Linda Rae Nolf
Stuart & Catherine Showalter
Mark & Kathy Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. King
Garth & Roberta Norberg
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Shults
Peter Winderling
Rev. & Mrs. Leroy B. King, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Nordtome
Gerry & Nancy Silva
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Wingert
Mr. Keith Kirkingburg
Miss Sandra K. Nowack
Ruth & Dennis Simons
Leslie & Diane Winslow
Miss Ruby Knapp
Michael & Jocelyn Nystrom
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Sloan
Mr. & Mrs. Craig M. Woodard
Alan & Ellen Koch
Tracy & Carol O’Brien
David & Maureen Slottje
Mrs. Margaret Woolford
Mr. & Mrs. Keith S. Kooy
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Oltmann
Mr. & Mrs. Don Smiley
Judith Yocius
Leroy & Roberta Kroll
Mr. & Mrs. Pat O’Neal
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Smith
Alan & Margaret Young
Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Kruse
Mr. & Mrs. W Doyle Opie
Bruce & Robin Snowberger
Richard & Jeanne Zornes
Dr. & Mrs. Steven Lamberson
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace D. Otto
Mr. Neale Sorrels
Mr. David A. Lampinen
Mr. Robert C. Paeth
David & Bonnie Spahr
Mr. & Mrs. David Langford
Mr. & Mrs. Allan G. Palm
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stepanian
Rev. & Mrs. Timothy W. Large
Mr. & Mrs. Gary T. Panell
Douglas & Maribeth Steward
Alumni 1980s
Elmer & Marcia Lathrop
Ronald W. Pappenhagen
Leonard & Darlene Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence C. Laughlin
Pastor & Mrs. Larry Parks
Cathy Stolz
Miss Elizabeth G. Allen
Kenneth & Elizabeth Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Paulson
Kurt & Margarete Storck
Matthew & Kristi Anderson
Robert & Carolyn Lee
Lloyd & Nancy Peckham
Lee & Sharon Strickland
Mr. & Mrs. Craig J. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Stubbs
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E. Angell
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne J. Lidbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon B. Porcella
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Stuck
Randolph & Darleen Armstrong
Mr. & Mrs. Tim C. Limbert
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Prato
Thomas & Rory Taylor
Perry & Sabine Atkinson
Ronald & Phyllis Lindner
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Presler
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Thielen
Mr. Edward F. Bailey
Dr. & Mrs. Curtis W. Long
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall V. Pryor
Marvin & Christine Thomas
Dietmar & Martha Barnikel
Dr. & Mrs. Keith A. Lundberg
Steve Puckett
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Thompson
Marlin & Sharon Beachy
Mr. & Mrs. Myron P. Macdonald
Mr. & Mrs. Dale L. Ragel
Donald & Lois Thorndike
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Beard
Mr. & Mrs. Homer E. Malaby
Edward & Kay Ramsey
Pastor & Mrs. John Tomei
Toby & Kristin Beck
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Marshall
Gerald & Marilyn Rasmussen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Trenckmann,
Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Duane L. Martinsen
Boyd & Darlene Ray
Rev. & Mrs. Paul A. McArthur
Chesley & Ruth Ray
Rev. & Mrs. William W. Turner
David & Debbie Boyle
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce McMartin
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Reid
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ukestad
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Brake, II
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Meola
Rev. & Mrs. Steven R. Rembold
Rev. & Mrs. Ed Underhill
Miss Becky Marie Briggs
The Dirks
Prayer Chapel
is constructed
Nancy J. Bergman
Awarded over 1,000
diplomas and
degrees from
1939 – 1960
Memorial Dorm is
PAR11-InteriorLayout_05.indd 24
1/2/12 7:43 AM
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Jeffery Brim
Pastor & Mrs. Craig W. Curtis
David & Barbara Gemar
Earl & Lynda Miest
Eddie & Joan Broeckel
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Daniels
Glenn & Charlotte Groenig
James & Lina Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Brothers
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Darland
Steven & Carla Hagen
Jeffrey & Teri Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Brye
Rev. & Mrs. E. Daniel Daskam
Wayne & Elizabeth Hagen
Sharolyn G. Moffit
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Burleson
Mr. & Mrs. Delson R. Delmar
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Hanson
Miss Pamela A. Montague
Michael & Kathleen Burnett
John & Teresa Doornink
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan J. Hettinga
Paul & Mary Mullen
Richard & Leigh Buttenhoff
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Draper
Morgan & Cherie Hodges
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Myers
Ernest & Gloria Hodgin
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy B. Norris
Miss Cheryl L. Holmes
Rosemary C. Nuernberg
Mr. Jesse T. Holroyd
Alan & Annie Olsen
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Hubbard
Rodger & Merrily Oswald
Bryan & Pamela Hull
Mrs. Halcyon Hope Owsley
Miss Sharon A. Isaacson
Mr. & Mrs. Harold T. Parry
Mrs. Kena L. Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. Eric R. Pedersen
Mr. & Mrs. Charles I. Jacobson
Arnoldo & Kathern Perez
Pastor & Mrs. Dan H. Jarrell
John & Paula Perkins
David & Rebecca Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Peterson
Curtis & Sheryl Johnson
Karen M. Phillips
Stephen & Mary Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Polk
Ron & Karen Kelley
Rev. & Mrs. Larry Daniel Polvogt
Brent & Rhonda Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony James Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Keys
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Pruitt
Bryce & Sherie Kilene
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. John Anthony Kimber
Ms. M. Sue Rader
Mr. Paul Richard Kleint, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Ramirez
Todd & Louanne Korver
Steven & Lynn Ray
Kathy L. Kramer
Mr. & Mrs. Dana Rekow
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H R Kultgen
Ann C. Restad
macedonia fund 2%
reno student aid banquet 2%
biblical seminary general fund 2%
hite family endowment scholarship 2%
student aid phonathon 3%
multnomah 35% annual fund 23%
univ. general
student aid
estate gifts general fund 10%
kern theological grant 8%
portland student aid banquet 7%
scholarship endowment 6%
Janet M. Buzzell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wm. Duff
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Lam
William & Janna Reynolds
Helen S. Cardiff
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Durr
Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Larson
Daniel & Linda Ridgeway
Scott & Jill Caver
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn M. Dwyer
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey B. Leach
Michael & Susan Rollinger
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Christenson
Craig & Barbara Dyk
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel K. Lee
Steven & Shelly Rosenoff
David & Loretta Clark
Edward & Elouise Elliott
Mark & Bonnie Lesher
Roger & Tamara Rowland
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Collver
Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Elliott
Larry & Karen Light
Raymond & Terri Ruppert
Mr. & Mrs. Guy M. Colpron
Susan M. Erickson
Jeffrey & Eugenie Lilley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Russ
Mr. & Mrs. W. Eugene Congdon
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Farrand
Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Little
Miss Beverly J. Sarmento
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford B. Cook
Charles & Kathy Finster
Lester & Mary Lodien
Jason & Suellen Satern
Steven John Cook
Trevor & Lois Fisk
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Lotz
Joe & Janell Schomus
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Coster
Robert & Karen Flabetich
Virginia A. Luhn
David & Joyce Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Cram
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Ford, Jr.
Cecelia M. Mahoe
Ricky & Leota Scofield
Gregory & Kristin Creighton
Philip & Judy Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie V. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Crews
Mr. & Mrs. Walter T. Fukuyama
Steven & Cheryl McCurry
Norman & Anne Scott
Miss Sheryl A. Crook
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn C. Gage
Michael & Teresa Medrano
Wendall & Priscilla Sen
Dwight & Karen Croy
Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. William W.
Mr. & Mrs. James Seymour
Craig C. Curtis
Rafael & Cheylene Gavilan
| 2011
Paul & Teresa Shaw
The Classroom and
Library annex is
added to Sutcliffe
PAR11-InteriorLayout_05.indd 25
1/2/12 7:43 AM
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Shepherd
Alumni 1990s
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Hicks
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Jay Smalligan
Lon & Karen Sherritt
Coral Lee Hilby, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Laren J. Sickles
Miss Jo Ann Akada
Ms. Sharyn L. Holl
Nathalia Joice Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Sites
Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Akerley
BW & Karen Honeycutt
Mr. & Mrs. Todd J. Sorensen
Jeff & Lynda Sladko
Dave & Lynette Allcott
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lee Hostetler
Gordon & Ruth Steigenga
Gregory & Tamara Smith
Stephen K. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hyatt
Vern & Sherry Stoneback
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley C. Staatz
Keith Timothy Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Jackson
Jacob D. Stromberg
Edward H. Steffens
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Angeloni
Mr. & Mrs. Jud B. Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Stucky
Mr. & Mrs. John Brian Stevenson
Oscar & Cathy Arauco
Brian & Susan Judd
Kathi R. Sturgeon
Audrey L. Sutliff
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Atkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. Keen, CFRE
Daniel & Deanne Suhr
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Taylor
Miss Nicole E. Barone
Chaplain & Mrs. Jason Knudeson
Dr. & Mrs. Abraham W. Suhr
Robert & Sue Taylor
Mariana Basa
Rosabelle B. Kwan
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Mark Talbott, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Tegtmeier
Ms. Mary A. Bell
Mr. & Mrs. James Y. Lawrie
Nathan & Julie Theophanes
Dennis & Mary Thompson
Scott A. Benner
Mr. & Mrs. Owen H. Lee
James Tracewell Thornberry
Mr. & Mrs. Iiley R. Thompson, III
Mr. David W. Berkey
John & Yoriko Livingston
Mr. Mark Belmont Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Thornton
Travis & Jill Bott
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Lum
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Willis
Miss Janice E. Trumbull
Timothy & Heather Boyd
Michael & Meredith Lund
Monica A. Wilson
Gary & Vicky Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Brandom
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Marsh
Linda-Anne Wraxall
Ms. Kelsey J. Underhill
Greg & Christina Burch
Miss Karen B. Mason
Gerald & Cathleen Yada
Ms. Kelley J. Unger
Ms. Barbara A. Bush
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Maxwell
Jerry & Ernie Yoder
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Van Vleet
Richard & Joni Calam
Miss Lynn M. Maynard
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Van Voorst
Tom & Yvonne Carson
Elsa Mazon
Charles & Jeanna Verro
Robert & Beth Chadwick
Mr. & Mrs. Marcus McDaniel
Lance & Jan Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Christenson
Mr. & Mrs. Rich McKinney, Jr.
Alumni 2000s
Michael & Cynthia Wallace
CH Maj & Mrs. Robert J. Crowley
David & Ruth Metzger
Mr. Willard Maxwell Aldrich, III
James & Jane Waxenfelter
Ted & Sherri Davis
Richard A. Mihara
Miss Lianne Reiko Arakaki
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Waxenfelter
John & Dee Denney
Daniel & Sara Million
Mr. Richard L. Argust
Miss Cheryl A. Wendell
Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Dressel
Terry & Janet Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Asche
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Westman
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Dunn
Mr. John Kerry Noble
Mr. Stephen Ray Bahner
Benjamin & Diana Whipple
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Dupre
Mr. & Mrs. Joel C. Offord
Miss Diane Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Steve J. Wick
Mitch & Patricia Ehrgott
Mr. & Mrs. Daryl S. Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Wiebe
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Fellows
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Owens
Ms. Sherry L. Balison
Wayne & Judy Wilburn
Patricia L. Fleming
Ronald F. Paull
Mrs. Sarah M. Bellville
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Ken J. Fleury
Danny & Kathryn Perez
Mr. Dylan A. Bender
Noel & Lori Williams
Donald & Lynn Foster
Shelley Lynn Plaep
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Bishop
Charles & Marilyn Winegardner
Mr. & Mrs. Derek J. Fullerton
Mitchell & Deborah Priestley
Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Bormuth
Mark & Sharon Wisland
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Fuqua
David & Kerri Renner
Mr. & Mrs. Jairus David Brennan
Andrew & Kelley Wong
Mrs. Janet L. Gassman
Mr. Robert P. Richardson, Jr.
Mr. Skylar James Broberg
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Thomas Wong
Ms. Shelly J. Gilliland
Kristi E. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Greg D. Brock
Robert & Judith Woodle
Miss Jennifer R. Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Romanov
Miss Stephanie D. Bucklew
Rev. & Mrs. Bill C. Wooten
Mr. & Mrs. Rick A. Greenquist
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Sanford
Mr. Anthony John Burton
Daniel & Virginia Work
Mr. & Mrs. Tracy S. Halstead
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew W.
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse S. Calvert
Mr. & Mrs. W Ken Wright, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James V. Harden, III
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Yager, Jr.
Matt & Stephanie Hardin
Gary & Doreen Sederquist
Mr. & Mrs. Michael James Chandler
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E. Young
Ms. Laura L. Heffner
Mr. & Mrs. Kerry M. Sinclair
Mr. Brian M. Cheney
Bradly Hall
is constructed
Sara Jane Campbell
First Graduates in
the BABL, BSBE, and
BRE programs
PAR11-InteriorLayout_05.indd 26
1/2/12 7:43 AM
Mr. Damian Clarke
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Victor
Mr. & Mrs. Eric John William Cline
Amedeo Forcina
Derrick & Erica Hinkle
Miss Hildegard Marie Reimer
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Howard Honeycutt
Miss Patricia Ann Rieck
Mr. Andrew Paul Coleman
Mr. Micah W. Forsythe
Mr. Kevin Lee Horner
SSG Michael A. Robb
Mrs. Patricia Jean Colvin-Nealey
Kevin & Pamela Fraley
Mr. & Mrs. Danny L. Imes
Mr. Alexander J. Robinson
Mrs. Amy Elizabeth Congdon
Mr. & Mrs. Scott D. Frazier
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle R. Johnson
Sara Grace Rogers
Mr. Nathan John Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Allen Furlong
Ms. Corinne Ruth Johnson
Mr. Jonathan A. Rozema
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Cullen
Miss Nicole Rene George
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Keen
Mr. & Mrs. Weston Mackenzie Ruter
Mr. Bryan Joshua Dormaier
John & Sandra Golling
Mr. & Mrs. Tait D. Kenny
Joseph & Jerrie Salvato
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan A. Downing
Mr. Toby J. Grady
Mr. Ian D. Kenny
Reid & Carmen Saunders
Mr. Jonathan Everett Dunnick
Mr. Jonathan Paul Grimes
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Leslie Koelbl
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Dyk
Miss Stephanie E. Gutridge
Miss Amelie Dee Lambert
Rev. & Mrs. Joshua Lee Shelton
Rev. & Mrs. Aaron D. Eggers
Matthew & Anna Hadley
Mr. Clifford Woodrow Leeson
Mr. Gavin William Silaski
Nicholas & Koren Faust
Mr. & Mrs. Jasper R. Hall
Mr. Ben-Lin Lin
Mr. Calvin Tyrone Simon
Sean & Kristina Findley
Cassandra Lee Hartsfield
Brian & Jamie Lineburg
Jason & Lindsey Smith
Mr. Raymond Francis Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. D. Douglas Hazen
Jack & Mary Longbine
Mr. Kevin Gregory Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jacob Heidel
Mr. & Mrs. Charles George Lowman
Dr. Cody W. Stauffer
Mr. & Mrs. Marc A. Lucca
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Steinmetz
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Paul Luce
Mr. Paul K. Stephens
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Wayne Lundy
Mr. & Mrs. Nevil R. Stites
Mr. & Mrs. David James Manning
Mr. & Mrs. Laurie Clifford Stuck
Mr. & Mrs. Garrett Sterling Manthei
Mr. Ben Ian Thomas
Miss Rachel Elizabeth Martindale
Chaplain & Mrs. Kirk Vincent
multnomah university general
Derek & Meredith Matheson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Mathiasen
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy D. Mavis
annual fund - student aid
student aid phonathon
portland student aid banquet
biblical seminary general fund
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W.
Trenckmann, Jr.
Mr. Scott Andrew Mazdzer
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Mark Uthmann
Mr. & Mrs. Greg J. McCallum
William & Martha Wagner
Miss DeDe Marie McReynolds
Arne & Diane Wennerberg
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Allen Whaley
Mr. Joshua Mark Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Glenn Witmer
Rodney & Deanne Morris
Mr. James & Rev. Linda Wood
Miss Yoonjung Na
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Nation
music - summer tour
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Nave
Miss Naomi Aiko Yonemura
Mrs. Elizabeth Suzanne Newton
Timothy & Esther Yoo
athletic mission trip
Mr. Long Minh Nguyen
Mr. Jason Eric Young
reno student aid banquet
Cheryl Ann Nolasco-Dominguez
new wine, new wineskins
Mr. & Mrs. John Charles Parker
Alumni 2010s
Mr. Andrew William Parsons
Miss Alaina Tammy Arp
Mrs. Becky S. Paul
Miss Cassandra Joy Baker
Miss Marjorie Rose Plisch
Mrs. Rachael Nicole Becker
Timothy & Karin Raven
Mr. Sean Jefferey Belveal
Mr. Prem Kumar Reginald
Ms. Cari Lee Blanchard
Zachary & Erin Nichols
Charles & Kristen Odegaard
reno-tahoe general
| 2011
Lytle Gymnasium is
The A-Frame is
Reached over 2,000
First graduates of
First graduates of
Awarded over 1,000
Dr. Joseph C.
the MABS
graduate certificates
or degrees from
PAR11-InteriorLayout_05.indd 27
the MSM
Aldrich - President
from 1978-1997
1/2/12 7:43 AM
Mr. James R. Brestin
Mrs. Julia Alysse McMahan
Mr. Charles Ammann
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Otis Chappell
Mrs. Sarah Marie Meeds
Mr. & Mrs. C. William Amos, Jr.
Bower, Sr.
Mr. Todd Michael Clayton
Mr. Tyler John Michel
Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Anderson
Judith Bowman
Miss Laura Beth Connick
Mr. Joshua Aaron Mitchell
Gary Anderson
Dr. & Mrs. Donald L. Brake
Mr. Matthew Jacob Ditty
Miss Rebecca Hannah Mortenson
John A. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Brewster
Mr. Christopher Daniel Duclos
Mr. Dale Wayne Motley, II
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Anderson
Gary A. Bricker
Mr. Matthew John Eddy
Mr. Lucas Wade Muller
Mr. Dennis R. Anderson
Mrs. Beverly A. Brooks
Mrs. Melissa Dawn Edwards
Mr. Alex Mathew Mutagubya
Robert Andrew
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Jeremiah Fender
Mr. James Paul O’Brien
Brenda G Andrews
Mr. & Mrs. Jim C. Brown
Miss Ellen Louise Fichter
Miss Katherine Ryan Patterson
Mr. Paul H. Ankney
Mr. Michael J Brown
Mr. Brian David Foth
Mr. Jeremiah Lawrence Peck
Mrs. Lois Ansett
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Brumfield
Mr. Jacob Thomas Gillock
Mr. & Mrs. Santiago Pena, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. George Buettner
Miss Hannah M. Glavor
Mr. & Mrs. James Joseph Polensky
Mr. & Mrs. Eric E. Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin H. Buhrkuhl
Miss Lori Karen Graville
Miss Melinda Kate Rawlins
Mr. Matthew Evan Ashmead
Mr. Dave Burgeson
Mr. Jordan Douglas Grimms
Miss Kaitlyn M. Reidt
Mrs. Hazel Askren
Curt Burhenn
Mr. Shawn Nicholas Handy
Mr. Thomas Steele Robinson, IV
Mr. & Mrs. Orlie Austin
Curtis M Burhenn
Mr. Brian J. Hanni
Miss Carolyn Alice Robison
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Ayers
Ms. Muriel H. Burke
Miss Hannah Lee Ferol Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. E. Robert Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. William Harold Ayres
Miss Margaux Burleson
Mr. Su Her
Mr. Joseph Jacob Shelton
Mrs. Effie A. Ballou
Dr. & Mrs. Otis F. Burris
Mr. Andrew Neal Herndon
Miss Marina Aleksandrovna
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Balsbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Jim A. Burrone
David C Bany
Mr. Richard A. Busch
Miss Laura Diane Hewett
Mr. & Mrs. Brinton James Hinz
Miss Megan Lynn Sickles
Mrs. Carmela Baptiste
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd C. Button
Miss Heather Dianne Hodgson
Mr. Michael Joseph Stern
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Barlow
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Cadonau, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas James Holczer
Mr. Jason Charles David Sutton
Mr. & Mrs. John Frederick Baskar
JoAnn J. Cairns
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Isaac Holmes
Mr. Ryan David Topper
Mrs. Dolores M. Bates
Eric L Canfield
Miss Anna Christine Howatt
Miss Tatyana Vladimirovna
Mr. Richard Bath
Mr. Paul M. Carbaugh
Mr. Wei-Chun Huang
Annastasia Batikis
Mr. Donald H. Carlsen
Mr. Jordan David Hughes
Derry & Paul Tseng
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Bedrosian
Dr. & Mrs. Donald A. Carlyle
Miss Amanda Rene Huitt
Mr. & Mrs. Kristopher Kyle Wallaert
Mrs. Anna Marie Beebe
David Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Steven Humphreys
Mr. Cameron Ross Wyenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Devon Beer
B. Gayle Carter
Mrs. Brittney Ann Jones
Miss Laney Jean Yankovich
Jack & Sue-Ann Bell
Mrs. Yvonne Cauthorn
Mr. Fred Isaac Katagwa
Mrs. Christine Cho Yi
Mr. & Mrs. William Benke
Bradley J Challberg
Miss Vanessa Lilly King
Brian & Holly Yoho
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Chandler
Mr. Brian Timothy Kroeker
Mr. Kenneth Alan Zeigler
Raymond F Bernstein, Jr.
Wanda Cheek
Mr. Andrew Eric Kruse
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Matthew Zeilstra
Marjorie A. Bernt
Mr. & Mrs. Shu-Feng Cheng
Mr. Patrick Anthony LaPoint, Jr.
Mr. David Tyler Zoradi
Mr. Dennis Omber Biaggi
Kimberlee A. Cherry
Mr. Christopher Kelly Lawer
Edna Bickley
James Cheshire
Miss Patricia Y. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Stan W. Bickley
Kirby D Childs
Mr. Eric Leigh Lopez
Estate of Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell G.
Mr. Brad Thomas Bickley
Allan M Chinn
Mr. Joel Benjamin Lubeck
Mr. Dennis J Blair
Mr. Daniel Lee Clifton
Miss Julianne Christine Lucks
Mr. Kenneth H. Ackmann
Terry L Boehm
Mr. Josiah Stone Coberley
Mrs. Cynthia Helen MacLearn
Ruth Mary Alexander
Mr. Warren Bolin
Mr. Andrew R. Collier
Mr. & Mrs. Derek S. Maxson
Mr. Joseph E. Allyn
Scott & Patricia Borden
Daniel Condreay
Mr. Wesley Adam McGarrah
Mrs. Stella Alspaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Borth
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Connick
Ian & Stacy McIntosh
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Amdall
Ms. Helen J. Borth
Linda Cook
The John & Mary
Mitchell Library
is constructed
Reached over 3,000
PAR11-InteriorLayout_05.indd 28
1/2/12 7:43 AM
| 2011
Grace R. Everson
Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Halbach
Lanny & Marian Ewell
John W Hale
Ruth Z. Ewoldt
Elisabeth S Hammill
Mr. Daniel V. Faber
Mrs. Mandleen Hanson
Mr. Daniel Fan
Anne Hargreaves
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Fancher
Richard & Lois Harlow
Mrs. Betty I. Farr
Robin B Harmon
Robert E Farrell
Dr. Gerald Alan Harper
Ms. Bette Fauquet
Brian Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Feyder
Mr. & Mrs. James B Harris
Michael B Fischer
Mrs. Dorris S. Harris
Mr. Jacob Robert Fischer
Theodore T Hartzell
Robert L Flaska
Kyle Hatch
Mr. & Mrs. William Flatt
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Hauff
Doug Flohr
Charles G Hawkins, DD
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Forsgren
Dr. & Mrs. Tom Roger Hawkins, PhD
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace A. Forsman
Estate of David & Patty Hazen
Mr. & Mrs. Bart Fowler
George E Hazen III
Darryl Fowler
Miss Sarah Eileen Heath
Ms. Lori Franco
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Heberling
Debbie Free
Mrs. Louise Heberling
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Freeman
James J. Heid
Mrs. Corinne Fuller
Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Heidegger
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Galla
Mr. & Mrs. Walter D. Heinrichs
Wilma S. Garrett
Mr. Joe P Henderson
Ms. Doris A. Getch
Douglas & Valerie Hepburn
Mr. Jay D. Gilberg
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Herdener
Ms. Judy J. Cook
Timothy & Laurie Depue
Chris Gilbert
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Hewitt
Joseph Cox
Peter T Dewitt
Abbe L Gloor
Colleen & Paul Hicks
Richard A. Croce
Paul Diguiseppi
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Goehner
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney L Hilkiah
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Crook
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence R. Dombrow
Erin A. Gordon
Bryan Hill
Gail C Cross
Mr. Peter E Drakatos
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Gordon
Mr. David Louis Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Crowley
Mrs. Lois F. Draper
Col. Thomas Gorman
Terry & Karis Hill
Miss Elois Crum
Mr. Don Duilio
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Gorsuch
Kay Hinrichs
Mr. James Culbertson
Claire A. Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Gower
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hite
Rick R Cummins
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Elmer Dunton
Mr. & Mrs. Willis R. Grafe
Mr. & Mrs. Dewey T. Hogue
Charles & Peggy Cunliffe
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Eischen
Mrs. Claudine J. Graves
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Holmes
Marie Cutman
Mrs. Margit Eisenhut
Mr. Donald J. Green
Mr. & Mrs. Alan A. Holsted
Kim Dahl
Mr. Russell Elliott
Mr. Elliott Marc Greisen
Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Holt
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Daniel
Hazel J. Elzinga
Mr. James W. Grigg
Miss Laverne E. Honey
Suzanne David
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald H. Elzinga
Robert R Grigg
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Hong
Ms. Kathy Davidson
Pastor Richard C. Elzinga
Jeff Grossman
Karen E. Hooper
Chris Davis
Mr. Landis Epp
Mr. & Mrs. T. Randall Grove
Scott E Hovater
Mr. & Mrs. Verne A. Davis
Jason Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Willard L. Guthrie
Mr. & Mrs. Don Howatt
Phyllis Norton Delph
Robert & Jean Evans
Thomas J Hagensen
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie J. Howatt
Graduate School of
Ministry is founded
Multnomah joins
First graduates
the ECFA
of the MDiv
Renewal Ministries
is formed
PAR11-InteriorLayout_05.indd 29
1/2/12 7:43 AM
Bernice B Howe
Mrs. Paula Kwong
Mr. John J. McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. James Orrell
William F Huffman
Russ Lacy
Mrs. Olga M. McEwing
Bill R Osborne
Estate of Esther K. Hughes
Richard L Lampke, II
Mr. & Mrs. Ron McInerney
Wilma I. Ouhl
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence M. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Leo Landers
Estate of Adeline McIntyre
Dan Ourada
Elaine Hulse
Curtis Lang
Mr. Wallace H. McNair
Michael L Owen
Rev. & Mrs. David Humphrey
Jeffrey A. Langoworthy
Mr. & Mrs. John Meek
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F Pace
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hutchison, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John J Lapore
Mr. Kenneth Mehlig
Mr. Richard L. Packard
Jerry S Ingraham
Steve J Larson
Ben H Mendoza
Kay Padilla
Mr. Doug Irwin
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Latham
Cenorina Mendoza
Mr. Richard H. Paff
Anne L. Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Law
Curtis Menken
David Paik
Rick M Jackson
Mrs. Charlotte A. Lawrence
Mrs. Jean P. Meredith
Raymond L Palmer
Mrs. Muriel Jager
Mrs. Annie Lawrie
Mr. & Mrs. John Merkel, Jr.
Darlene Panton
Mark Jarvis
Mr. & Mrs. Kris R. Ledbetter
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Michelson
Mrs. Audrey M. Patching
J Grady Jennings
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Art D. Miles
Estate of Alfred & Louise Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert A. Johnson
Carolyn R Lehman
Dr. Laura Miller
Lyle Patterson
James & Carrol Johnson
Celine M Lehman
Ruth Miller
Mr. Richard Paul
Jan Johnson
Kenneth Lehman
Mr. Matthew Erick Mills
Mr. Robert S. Paul
Jerome L Johnson
Richard A. Lehman
Joshua & Kayla Mitchell
Mrs. Eva Paul
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Johnson
Dr. Edyth Leupp
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. George T. Paulson
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Johnson
Charles & Jean Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Mitchell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Paulson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Willis O. Johnston
Mrs. Gloria Lidbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Mitchell
Mr. Lawrance L. Paulson
Gary Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Liedtke
Daniel Morin
Marian & Gene Pearson
Mr. Dennis E. Jones
Rev. Myron G. Lindow
Marilyn O Morris
Mr. James Pearson
John Thomas Joseph, III
Carroll C Livington
Tamara Jo Morris
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Pedersen
Mr. Richard A. Jovel
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Lockwood
Mr. John B Moultrup
Verna A. Petersen
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Joy
Mr. & Mrs. Victor L. Lohr
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Murray
Charles Peterson
Mr. Robert E Kabacy
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip M. Loveridge, III
Ms. Linda J. Mussey
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Pfau
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Kaegi
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Low
Estate ofRonald D. Nance
Kendall Pfeiffer
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Kaiser
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin L. Lubenow
Ellean Nassir
Mr. Gerald R. Phillips
James Kassebaum
Jerry Lynn
William D Neal
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Pike
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Kawasoe
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Maben
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Nelson
Miss Colette Poore
Mrs. Joanne S. Kendall
Estate of Thomas & Lois MacAdam
Mrs. Helen Worthington Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest H. Potter
Ken Kersey
Scott Magsam
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Warren
Mr. & Mrs. Kent D. Powell
Mr. Charles A. Kingsland
Mrs. Lorna Mansfield
Steve Kinney
Gregory E Mansker
Mrs. Ruth Newhart
Mr. Robert H Quick
Doris Kintzer
Mrs. Charlotte Mapes
Marjorie J Nicewanner
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Rablin
Dennis G Kirby
Stanely R Markuson
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Nikander
Leslie A. Radke
Mrs. Dorothy A. Kirkham
Mr. & Mrs. John Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Micah Daniel Nims
Dotty Rasmussen
R. & B. Knofler
Richard W Mast, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Nolen
Joel C Reece
Mr. & Mrs. Donn K. Knox
Robert D Mast
Scott A. Novotny
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Reed
Mrs. Gert Kooy
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Mattison
D J O’Keeffe
Douglas H Reimer
Stephen P Kopra
Dr. & Dr. Jeff May
Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Oliver
Patricia A. Repp
Shirley Kornelis
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Maynard
Mr. Ernest G. Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Ricci
Estate of Ruth G. Krueger
D. L. McBroom
Craig L Olofson
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Paul Kuhns
Anthony McCauley
Jonella Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Riordan
First graduates in
Reached over 2,000
graduate awards
Reached over 4,000
Mr. John R Pruitt
MBS becomes
Multnomah Bible
College & Biblical
First BA and BS
degrees with second
majors and general
ed classes offered
PAR11-InteriorLayout_05.indd 30
1/2/12 7:43 AM
Mr. & Mrs. Austin D. Robert
Hudson & Michele Saffell
Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Selden
Mr. Ryan Lee Tallmon
Mr. Farrell D Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Jack O. Saling
Pastor & Mrs. John M. Shafe
Mrs. Kazi Tanouye
Peter Roberts
Winifred E. Salisbury
Mr. & Mrs. Vic Sherreitt
Mr. & Mrs. H. Roland Taylor
Rev. Margaret Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer R. Sanborn
Floyd H Siepmann
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Taylor
Mrs. Lillie Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Sanders
Kimberly Simon
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Teeny
Mr. Irl D Robinson
Charlie W Sawyer
Robert Sivulka
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Ten Kley
Gilbert A. Rodello
Martha Scalberg
John J Skawski
Pauline Thoman
Henrietta Rodello
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Schaak
Mack & Estalin Slate
Mr. & Mrs. Donal D. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Schellenger
Mildred C. Sloan
Ms. Arlene R. Thompson
Linnea J Ross
Miss Sarah Scherdt
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Smart
Mark Thornton, II
Stephen Y Roszko
Gerald J Schmidt
Maxine Smith
Garth D Thorpe
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Thrasher
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Smith
Betty Baird Tice
Philip J Smith
Carl & Gayle Till
Mr. Vernice L. Snook
Margaret B. Tinnin
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Tizekker
Mrs. Phyllis Soelter
Joyce Todd
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sparks
Luzmelinda Toledo
Mrs. Jane M. Sparks
Mr. & Mrs. William Trafton
Faith L. Spechko
Loan Tran
Mary L. Spore
Mr. & Mrs. Jerrold D. Traphagen
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Squires
Estate of Mr. & Mrs. John Arthur
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stansel
The Scruggs
Married Student
Apartments are
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Tsen
Ted Stapleton
Nancy Tukua
Ms. Gail Starks
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Tunnicliff
Mrs. Hazel E. Stein
Dale W Turner
Mary E. Stenvall
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D A. Turner
Mr. Douglas D Stetner
Susan Turner
Rod Stetner
Glen L Turpin
Mrs. Lola Stevens
B D Underland
Mr. & Mrs. Larry D Stewart
Philip D Underwood
Ronald A. Stewart
Estate of Pearl C. Unger
Fred Stock
Mr. John C Urness
Elizabeth M. Stocks
Mr. & Mrs. Ron L. Van DeZande
Craig Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Jan Vandermeer
Pastor Norma E. Stoufer
George & Liz VanLeeuwen
Marlynn Strauss
Gary VanSteenwyk
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Strutt
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Verdoorn
Mr. & Mrs. William J Schorr, Jr.
Mrs. Laura Stuff
John Vicharelli
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Russell
Titus Schroder
Carley Sulmonetti
John F Viger
Carol & Roger Rutherford
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Schwaab
Mr. & Mrs. James Sunderland
Mr. & Mrs. William Vos
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rutherford
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Scott
R. Todd Swank
Mrs. Betty Wachs
Mr. Stephen John Ryan
Mr. Ronald Scott
Stephen D Swift
Shirley A. Wainess
Rick & Jennifer Saake
Luke Sebring
Lorraine Switzer
Daniel F Waldron
Multnomah Biblical
Seminary receives
ATS accreditation
Dr. Daniel R.
Lockwood - President
from 1997-present
2nd generation
website is launched
The Aldrich Men’s
Dorm is constructed
3rd generation
website is launched
Multnomah launches
its first website:
PAR11-InteriorLayout_05.indd 31
Ezra & Kendra Stanton
Bertram A. Rowe
| 2011
1/2/12 7:43 AM
Mrs. LaVon Walker
Clackamas Bible Church
Estate of Versa Walkling
Walter E Nelson Company
Damascus Community Church
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey B. Wall
Faith Baptist Church
Agape Celebration
Weisenfluh Sanitary Service
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Wall
First Baptist Church
Alfred J. Davis Company
Wells Fargo Foundation
Kenneth M Walters
Gateway Church
Ameriprise Financial
West Coast Cart Co Inc
Mrs. Illa A. Walters
Glenwood Community Church
Believers Stewardship Services, Inc
Wilder Enterprises, LLC
Mr. Richard F. Wanvig
Good Shepherd Community Church
Boeing Gift Matching Program
Mrs. Lotus Webb
Grace Community Covenant
Mr. Ryan E. Webster
California Baptist Foundation
Happy Valley Baptist Church
Documart LLC
Legacy Society
Mr. & Mrs. Harold West
Hinson Memorial Baptist Church
Drechsel Brothers, Inc
Many people choose to support
Mr. Charles L. West
Immanuel Bible Church
Elftman Family Trust
Multnomah by making a
Donald G White
La Center Evangelical Free Church
Embassy Suites
Planned Gift. These gifts include:
Lee E. White
Lake City Community Church
estate gifts (wills or trusts), gifts
Mr. & Mrs. Byron B. White
Living Hope Baptist Church
Glen & Florence Clark Trust
of life insurance, & gift annuities
Mr. & Mrs. James Whitehead
Powellhurst Baptist Church
Great Clips Gateway
(which provide tax advantages
Mr. & Mrs. Lester H Wille
Salem First Baptist Church
Gresham Toyota
& a lifetime income stream back
Diane K Williams
Sauvies Island Community Church
to the donor). These donors form
Dr. & Mrs. Ceilous L. Williams
Temple Baptist Church
Joyful Music Studio
our Legacy Society.
Mr. & Mrs. Grant J. Wilson
Wood Village Baptist Church
KB Frames
Chuen Y Wong
Yacolt Evangelical Free Church
Les Schwab Tire Center
Mr. Kenneth H. Ackmann
LMP Massage Therapy
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Adair
M & M Home & Lawn Care
Mrs. Ruthe Aldrich
Mrs. Stella Alspaugh
Timothy M Woods
Ann C Workman
Karen Wornath
Manley Administrative Services
McDonald’s of Riverton Heights
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Amdall
Mrs. Dorothy K. Wright
BP Foundation, Inc
Michael G Ferguson Insurance
Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Anderson
Richard W Wright
Dallas Seminary Foundation
Daniel G Wurgler
Decker-Fields Foundation
Montavilla Barber Shop
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Atkinson
Mrs. Martha Yates
Foundation for Christian
Moss Adams
Mrs. Anita Austen
Mr. Edward F. Bailey
Anita Zahniser
Fuller Foundation
Pacific Power Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David K. Bancroft
Mr. Andrew William Zellers
General Mills Foundation
Par Way Group
Mrs. Carmela Baptiste
Daniel Zukowski
Iseli Foundation
Parkwest Studio
Mrs. Winnifred Barnet
Juan Young Trust
Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Richard I. Bartlett
Multnomah Athletic Foundation,
Pioneer College Caterers
Charles & Sharon Baxter
Pottery Fun
Mrs. Patricia A. Blenkinsop
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Raptim International Travel, Inc
Daniel & Valerie Blesse
Beaverton Foursquare Church
State Farm Companies Foundation
Rex Putnam High School
Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Bock
Berean Baptist Church
TCF Foundation
School & Office Systems, Inc
Mrs. Ruby R. Bolton
Branches Community Church
Tektronix Foundation
Tenacity Printing & Promotional Co
Mr. & Mrs. John Boorman
Calvary Chapel Southeast
The Chatlos Foundation, Inc
The Adademy Theater
Mr. & Mrs. David Briggs
Central Baptist Church
The Crowell Trust
The Deborah Ann Reed Rev Trust
Miss Marcia H. Brown
Chinese Faith Baptist Church
The Kern Family Foundation, Inc
The Floor Store
Rev. & Mrs. Zane E. Bull
Chinese Grace Baptist Church
The National Christian Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David Bullock
Trafton Foreign Auto
Ms. Muriel H. Burke
Christ Church of Oak Brook
Travis-Lovitt Hall
Reached over 5,000
Seminary building is
PAR11-InteriorLayout_05.indd 32
Mrs. Lois Ansett
Agency, Inc
Gloria L Young
Andrew & Sheree Wesely
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Glenn Wong
Washman Auto Spas
The Goodrick/Spencer
4th generation
Seminary Apartments
are constructed
website is launched
The “Cultural
5th generation
Encounters” seminary
journal is launched
website is launched
1/2/12 7:43 AM
accreditation is
The Joseph C. Aldrich
Student Center is
PAR11-InteriorLayout_05.indd 33
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Burrows
Mr. & Mrs. Danny L. Imes
Mrs. Ellen A. Miller
Miss Ruth Raydene Taylor
Dr. & Mrs. Donald A. Carlyle
Fern R. Irwin
Miss Mary E. Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Donal D. Thomas
Miss Laurel Chambers
Dr. & Mrs. Walter N. Johnson
Rev. & Mrs. David Needham
Mr. & Mrs. Art Karl Thompson
Agnes Chester
Eloise Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Gaylord Newby
Mr. & Mrs. Don Tory
Miss Dorothy Chick
Mr. & Mrs. Carl D. Johnson
Matthew B. Norquist
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Trammell
Dr. & Mrs. Norman V. Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Johnson
Tamera Lea Norquist
Gale & Jean Van Diest
Mr. Richard T. Cordell
Mr. & Mrs. George Johnstone
Mr. Henry A. Nygaard
Mr. & Mrs. George J. VanDiepen
Gregory & Kristin Creighton
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Jones
Miss Mabel M. Olsen
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Wade
Mr. Norman L. Cummings
Mrs. Bettie Lee Jordan
Mrs. Lena Ostbye
Dr. & Mrs. Dale L. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Byron Darland
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kearley
Darlene Panton
Mrs. LaVon Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Verne A. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. Keen, CFRE
Mr. & Mrs. Harold T. Parry
Mrs. Mary E. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Lewis Doughty
Miss Joyce Kehoe
Mr. & Mrs. George K. Pearson
Mrs. Illa A. Walters
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Dryden
Mrs. Joanne S. Kendall
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Pitney
Mrs. Beatrice Watson
Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Durr
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Kendle
Miss Colette Poore
Miss Mildred Webster
Miss Ann M. Eggers
Mrs. Dorothy A. Kirkham
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Prato
Winton & Bonnie Weiss
Mrs. Dora Euhus
Mr. John Kleinbach
Chesley & Ruth Ray
Mr. Charles L. West
Myrna Faris
Mrs. Marianne Kliever
Dr. F. Pamela Reeve
Mr. & Mrs. Todd B. Wheaton
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold L. Fast
Mrs. Emi A. Koe
Mrs. Lois Reichen
Mr. & Mrs. Meredith E. Wheeler
Mr. & Mrs. Denys Fessenden
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kolsoozian
Mr. & Mrs. Dana Rekow
Mr. & Mrs. Craig E. Wilner
Mr. & Mrs. David K. Fields
Eldora F. Lancaster
Rev. & Mrs. Steven R. Rembold
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Wolever
Duane & Nancy Finsaas
Mrs. Katherine L. Larsen
Mrs. Corinne Repsold
Andrew & Kelley Wong
Dr. Garry Friesen
Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Larson
Donald & Donna Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. John Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Abraham F Friesen
Miss Elizabeth Lasher
Mrs. Lillie Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Worden
Dr. Ronald N. Frost
James & Carolyn Lattin
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Roecker
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Wyttenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Futterman
Mrs. Joan R. Lemke
Mr. & Mrs. J. Wesley Ruttle
Miss Alice Yancey
Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. Austin B. Lewis
Hudson & Michele Saffell
Mr. & Mrs. Ferd Zurcher
Miss JoAnn M. Gault
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Lewis
Marlene Sampels
Mr. Jay D. Gilberg
Mr. Harold Libak
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Schellenger
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Given, Jr
Mrs. Gloria Lidbeck
Alan & Christine Schwendener
Mr. & Mrs. John Goodmanson
Miss Elizabeth Liddle
Mrs. Ethel Scott
Mr. Mervyn L. Gray
Carole J. Logsdon
Robert & Brenda Seemuth
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Harry MacArthur
Mr. Robert L. Sloan
Please notify us of any necessary
revisions to donor information.
Thank you!
Mr. & Mrs. Merrill Groat
Mrs. Charlotte Mapes
Miss Margery A. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Gurney
Mrs. Doris Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Smith
Mrs. Sharon Haines
Ms. Lucia J. Massinger
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Bruce Smith
Rev. & Mrs. James Haley
Mrs. Maria D. Mays
Mrs. Linda Sparling
Mrs. Jeanette Heaney
Miss Emma McClellan
Mrs. Martha Spencer
Mr. & Mrs. Don Heberling
Mr. John J. McDonald
Mrs. Phyllis Stark-Delph
Coral Lee Hilby, MD
Isabelle McKibbin
Mrs. Hazel E. Stein
Mrs. Julia Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar R. McRae, Jr.
Mr. Peter H. Steneker, Sr.
Mr. Norman Holm
Mr. Donald R. Meier
Mrs. Rosa Mae Sterling
Miss Laverne E. Honey
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Meola
Mr. & Mrs. Nevil R. Stites
Bradley & Cheryll Hostetler
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer F. Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. James Sunderland
Earl & Connie Hotchkiss
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Michelson
Lorraine Switzer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Howard
Irma Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Jan Tauc, Jr.
| 2011
Multnomah’s first
blog is launched
to begin public
discussion of the
university name
Multnomah acquires
the Reno-Tahoe
University is added
as a global name
First graduates with
the ThM and MA in
remodeled; student
vote changes name
to Roger’s
First graduates from
the Adult Degree
Completion Program
Solid Rock Café is
6th generation
website is launched
If you would like to see a
comprehensive financial statement,
please contact CFO Russ Lacy at
[email protected].
Environmental Stewardship:
Printed on paper made from 10%
post consumer waste and 30%
recycled content with renewable
resource content inks.
Multnomah wishes to thank:
celebrates it’s
75th Anniversary
First graduates
in Elementary
1/2/12 7:43 AM