A Leader In Me School January 2014
A Leader In Me School January 2014
A Leader In Me School January 2014 PRINCIPAL’S CORNER Look for detailed information on upcoming events each month in our Tiger Town Newsletter on line at http://www.gilbertschools.net/domain/526 Or stop by the front office for a copy. Dear Parents and Guardians, Welcome Back Tigers!!!!!! I hope you had a great break with family and friends. The first semester went very well and I believe that the 7 Habits are really starting to sink in with our students and staff. Hopefully you are hearing and seeing your child(ren) talk and model the 7 Habits. This framework is a lifelong journey and we hope that the 7 Habits will be tools for them as they interact with friends at school and family at home. We would love to document any positive stories you have about your children and their experience during our journey. If you have a positive story to share feel free to contact Barb O’Fallon in the front office. Thank you! This is just a reminder that our school does not open our gates until 7:45 a.m. It is really cold in the morning and some students have been arriving between 7:15 and 7:30 a.m. Please help us keep your child(ren) safe and not drop them off until 7:45 because I do not start staffing for duties until 7:45 a.m. Also, please do not use the handicap spots for pick-‐up or drop-‐off. Have you visited our school website lately? Please take a look at all of the information that we post as resources for our parents and community. We have many activities and events planned for the second semester and our webpage would be the place to find out what is happening at Gilbert El. Once again, thank you for your support of our programs and services at Gilbert Elementary! If you ever have any concerns, please contact the front office. Have a great January. Sincerely, Ray Mercado Principal Ou r Mission: Inspiring Leaders by Empowering Scholars Ou r Vision: Gilbert Elementary is a world-class school with confident pride, where we work together to provide opportunities to celebrate individual talents. We are engaging, goal-oriented leaders and scholars who embrace lives of greatness. Information From Around Tiger Town JANUARY EVENTS January 8 – Dismissal @ 2:00 January 9 - Club pictures for yearbook January 10 - Geography Bee @ 1:15 January 13 - Student Council Meeting @ 3:15 January 15 – Dismissal @ 2:00 and PTSO Red Robin Family Dinner Night January 20 - MLK Day - No School January 21 - 100th DAY OF SCHOOL and PTSO Meeting @ 6:30 January 25 – Family Fitness Fair 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM January 29 – Jamba Juice 7:45 January 29 – Dismissal @ 2:00 Safety, Safety, Safety Parents and Guardians, Please do not use the staff parking lot to drop off or pick up your child(ren). We are trying to keep the front parking as safe as we can for children. Also, please do not use the marked handicap parking spots if you do not have legal access to use those marked spots. Thank you for keeping our all of our Tigers safe. GILBERT TOWN COUNCIL STUDENT OF THE MONTH ! Congratulation to Gilbert Elementary’s Gilbert Town Council Student of the Month winner: Kelly Qua st for the month of November. New from the Cafeteria – Starting in January you will see new menus. Each menu, Breakfast or Lunch will be shown on two separate menu’s. Our Breakfast menu has many changes… and will repeat every two weeks. Our Yogurt Packs (Choice #3) will now have 2 packages of Crackers and our PBJ Pack will now include Goldfish Pretzels. Our new program will also email the new menu directly to the parents. DID YOU KNOW? You could save money while helping Gilbert Elementary School! All children need healthy meals to learn! GPS offers healthy meals every school day. Many families are not aware of the opportunities to have their child’s meal free or at a reduced price. Did you know that by filling out the form you could help Gilbert Elementary receive additional funding and grant opportunities? This form must be completed every school year. Please help by filling out one per household, even if you do not think you will qualify or use the services. The Free/Reduced Meal Application is now available online for your convenience and faster processing. If you need to use a computer or would like assistance filling out the form please contact Toni Krampf in the front office, or Lyndsey Reeves in room #7. How do I apply online? To apply, go to www.gilbertschools.net Under Quick Links, click on Online Free & Reduced Meal Application and then NutriAPPS. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions. ¡Usted puede ahorrar dinero al mismo tiempo que ayuda a la Escuela Primaria Gilbert! ¡Todos los niños necesitan comidas saludables para aprender! GPS ofrece comidas saludables cada día escolar. Muchas familias desconocen que existe la oportunidad de que sus niños tengan comidas gratis o a precio reducido. ¿Sabía usted que llenando la solicitud, usted puede ayudar a la Escuela Primaria Gilbert a recibir fondos adicionales y oportunidades de subsidios? Este formulario debe llenarse cada año escolar. Por favor, ayude llenando un formulario por cada hogar, incluso si usted cree que no califica o que no usará el servicio. La Solicitud de Comidas Gratis y a Precio Reducido ahora está disponible a través de Internet para su conveniencia y para un procesamiento más rápido. Si usted necesita usar una computadora o le gustaría tener ayuda para llenar el formulario, por favor comuníquese con Toni Krampf en la oficina de la escuela o con Lyndsay Reeves en el salón #7. Third Grade classes will begin their Animal Song Unit culminating with Camille Saint-Saens Carnival of the Animals. Fourth Grade students are preparing for their February 25 th program celebrating American Leaders. 5 th grade will be continuing their Recorder studies as well as their Guitar Unit. While 6 th grade will begin their Guitar Unit. and continue their study of Music Notation. Grades K-3 are continuing to experience musical concepts such as rhythm, patterns, beat, form and dynamics. Thank you to all the families who donated to the Cereal Drive. We were able to make 50 packages for our students in need. We were happy with what we received and hope to make our next food drive even more successful. Thank you to all our volunteers and everyone that assisted in this collection. Thank you to the families from the following classes who were able to donate items to Friends For Life. Mrs. Hays, Mrs. Witt, Mrs. Dawn, Mrs. Carrie, Mrs. Rhoton, Mrs. DiBiase, Mrs. Hafner, Mrs. Wills, and Mrs. Montgomery! Thank you leaders for making a difference at Friends For Life by donating items for the animals! THE GREEN THUMBERS IN THE GARDEN CLUB ARE OFF TO A GREAT START IN BEAUTIFYING OUR CAMPUS. THE STUDENTS ARE ENTHUSIASIC, RESPONSIBLE, AND ARE PROVING TO BE WONDERFUL LEADERS. A SPECIAL SHOUT OUT GOES TO LOWES FOR PROVIDING HUGE DISCOUNTS ON THE PLANTS, SOIL, AND FERTILIZER. A SECOND SHOUT OUT GOES TO ARDELL WITT AND EMILIO VALENCIA FOR ASSISTING WITH DIGGING HOLES, CONNECTING WATER LINES, AND CHISELING CLEAN A NUMBER OF PAVERS. A THIRD SHOUT OUT GOES TO MRS. RHOTON’S SONS, SCOTT & STEVE. THEY SPENT THEIR WEEK END PLANTING A NUMBER OF LANTANA PLANTS AS WELL AS HOOKING UP WATER LINES TO EACH OF THEM. GREAT JOB! SEVERAL MORE PROJECTS ARE IN THE PLANNING STAGES. ANYONE WISHING TO ASSIST (BLOCKLAYING, PICKUP TRUCK, ETC.) PLEASE CONTACT DICK NALESKI @ 480-‐390-‐7595 Thank you to the Town of Gilbert Recycling Team for their presentations to our students about being recycling leaders! A NOTE FROM NURSE BARB Family Fitness Fair When: January 25th 2014 Where: Gilbert Elementary 175 W. Elliot Rd. 85233 Time: 8:30-‐noon B Bring your families to learn about health, fitness, safety and nutrition Get to know your local businesses Learn & win prizes! FUN FOR ALL! Got Leaders? We DO! V ic to ria K letter – H a b it 1 L lo va ni Ra y mund o – H a b it 2 & 4 T y ler S c a rlet – H a b it 6 L o g a n S tewa rt – H a b it 1 Jo a q uin G ua ja rd o – H a b it 1 G a ma N ieto – H a b it 1 Ja mes M urillo – H a b it 1 L ira M c N a ir T ha c ker – H a b it 1, 2 , & 4 Pa ity nn U nd erhill – H a b it 1 T ra vis S to b er – H a b it 1, 2 , 4, & 6 Jo sep h N elso n – H a b it 3 Ja y len C o lema n – H a b it 1 & 4 T o b y H o p p er – H a b its 1 & 4 S helb y G reene – H a b it 1, 2 , 4, & 6 “BEI NG A LEADER MEANS D OING THE RIGHT THI NG, EVEN WHEN NO ON E IS WATCHING” -S. CO VEY CONGRATULATIONS Perfect Attendance Kids For The Second Quarter WAY TO GO!!! CONGRATULATIONS PERFECT ATTENDANCE LEADERS!!! School success is highly dependent upon regular attendance and arriving to school on time to begin the day’s activities with the whole class. It is our belief that students with good attendance habits develop a sense of continuity of the classroom, peer interaction and a sense of belonging. I would like to remind parents to call our school office if your child is going to be absent. For your convenience you can call 480-‐892-‐8624 before or after hours or you can send me an email at [email protected] and let me know the reason for your child’s absence. All absences remain unexcused until notification from the parent has been received. Regards, Cris Silva SIXTH GRADE Mrs. Carrie Orlando Aleman Chloe Alvarez Evelyn Cook Maria Jimenez Alexander Nedry Mr. Francom Roberto Ceja Zachary Rush Alonzo Zavala Barajas Mrs. Garcia Katie Greene Abigael Merino Alexander Porter Alexandra Xochihua Logan Yonker FIFTH GRADE Mrs. Coleman Brayden Hill Casey Jackson Samuel McKee Nathan Shelton Faith Toscione Mrs. Dawn Anthony Do Emma Hinton Aaron Le Angelica Lopez Peralta Andrew Nichols Max Pocano Andy Turcios Mrs. Wills Christine Gillian Mrs. Salas-‐Murphy Nicholas Murphy Alexia Parra Eugenia Trakal FOURTH GRADE Mrs. Hafner Maycee Brooks Megan Erickson Tyler Miller Andrea Miranda Rachel Nedry Mrs. Regan Alex Garcia-‐Barbosa Karly Hesson Camri Palmer Jaxson Scarlett Trey Valenzuela Mrs. Rhoton Emilio Aleman Fermin Cardenas Hernandez Leonardo Devora Robles Alexandra Gaitan Veronica Lipsky THIRD GRADE Ms. Jennings Amelia Durham Jonathan Valencia Mrs. Montgomery Chastin Dunn Lillian McCullough Charles Roth Mrs. Parra Amber Chavez Trenton Kisner Joaquin Parra Mrs. Steger Marissa Gillian Blake Hammond Amanda Lowther Eli Morris SECOND GRADE Mrs. Hays Jordan Scarlett Mrs. Huston Natalie Morris Cetsi Palmer Mrs Figueroa Carmela Ballesteros FIRST GRADE Mrs. Dunton Hayley Kuenning Mrs. Lizarraga Jake Bair Ms. Nelson Christopher Berny Avery O’Shea Mrs. Selga Cody Brooks Katie Do Hailey Heiserman Alejandra Lopez Peralta KINDERGARTEN Mrs. Callan Carson Scarlett Mrs. Guarneri Emilio Valencia Mrs. Witt Sedona Yant Information for Parents If your family lives in any of the following situations: • • • • In a shelter, motel, vehicle, or campground On the street In an abandoned building, trailer, or other inadequate accommodations, or Doubled up with friends or relatives because you cannot find or afford housing Then, your preschool-aged and school-aged children have certain rights or protections under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act. When you move, you should do the following: • Contact the school district’s local liaison for homeless education (see phone number below) for help in enrolling your child in a new school or arranging for your child to continue in his or her former school. (Or, someone at a shelter, social services office, or the school can direct you to the person you need to contact.) • Contact the school and provide any information you think will assist the teachers in helping your child adjust to new circumstances. • Ask the local liaison for homeless education, the shelter provider, or a social worker for assistance with clothing and supplies, if needed. Your children have the right to: • Go to school, no matter where you live or how long you have lived there. They must be given access to the same public education, including preschool education, provided to other children. • Continue in the school they attended before you became homeless or the school they last attended, if that is your choice and is feasible. If a school sends your child to a school other than the one you request, the school must provide you with a written explanation and offer you the right to appeal the decision. • Receive transportation to the school they attended before your family became homeless or the school they last attended, if you or a guardian request such transportation. DeAnn Royster 480-832-3034 x 307 • Attend a school and participate in school programs with children who are not homeless. Children cannot be separated from the regular school program because they are homeless. • State Coordinator: Frank Migali 602-542-4963 Enroll in school without giving a permanent address. Schools cannot require proof of residency that might prevent or delay school enrollment. • Enroll and attend classes while the school arranges for the transfer of school and immunization records or any other documents required for enrollment. • Enroll and attend classes in the school of your choice even while the school and you seek to resolve a dispute over enrolling your children. • Receive the same special programs and services, if needed, as provided to all other children served in these programs. • Receive transportation to school and to school programs. Local Area Contacts: If you need further assistance, call the National Center for Homeless Education at the toll-free HelpLine number: 1-800-308-2145 Teachers, Parents, Students-‐Together for Success SCHOOL-‐PARENT COMPACT FOR ACHIEVEMENT 2013-‐2014 We know that learning can take place only when there is a combination of effort, interest, and motivation. This Compact is a voluntary pledge to work together. We believe that together we can improve teaching and learning; therefore: As a student I pledge to... • Attend school regularly. • Work as hard as I can in class and on my school assignments. • Complete and return homework assignments. • Discuss with my parents what I am learning in school. • Ask my teacher questions when I donʼt understand something. • Respect and cooperate with other students and adults. As a parent I pledge to... ♦ Have high expectations for my child as an individual. ♦ Help my child attend school regularly and be on time. ♦ Provide a quiet study time at home and encourage good work habits. ♦ Read with my child and let my child see me read. ♦ Help my child learn to resolve conflicts in a positive way. ♦ Will communicate and maintain contact with my childʼs teacher. Do you have questions about your child’s progress? Contact your child’s teacher by phone (480-892-8624) or e-mail. E-mail addresses can be found on the school web site under “Teachers Pages.” As a teacher and administrator I pledge to... 1. Show that we care about all students. 2. Believe that all students can learn. 3. Communicate and work with parents to support student learning. 4. Provide a safe environment for learning. 5. Actively and consistently work toward the goal of achieving EXCELLENCE in our school. Parents Right-To-Know As a parent of a student at a Title I school, you have the right to know the professional qualifications of the classroom teachers who instruct your child. Federal law allows you to ask for certain information about your child's teachers, and requires us to give you this information in a timely manner. Specifically, you have the right to ask for the following information: -Whether the teacher has met State qualifications and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction -Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived -The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certificate or degree. -Whether your child is provided services by paraprofessionals, and if so their qualifications. If you have any questions please contact Lyndsey Reeves, Title I Coordinator.