Medcen Happenings Summer 2012


Medcen Happenings Summer 2012
The Joy of Giving
The Comprehensive Cancer & Research Center
Upcoming Events | CEO Roundtable | Celebrity Classic | Miracle Child | Stars Over Macon Ball
Spring 2012 |
4 CCRC Rendering/Houser Focus
6 Peach Regional Medical Center
8 Grateful Family – May & Jim Davis
9 Major Gifts Luncheon
9 CEO Roundtable
10 TCH Golf Classic
11 MCHF Board Retreat
12 20th Anniversary CMN Broadcast
13 MCCG: A Wise Investment
16 Major Gifts Gala (Donor Appreciation Party)
18 Wine Pairings
19 Hospice Partner Reception
20 Planned Giving: Why Choose Medcen?
3 Message from the Chair
15 Carlyle Place: Pease of Mind is Priceless
15 HEAT Spring Special Event
19 Pediatric da Vinci Robotic Surgery System
21 Upcoming Events
22 Tid-Bits
24 Gifts, Memorials, and Honorariums ®
(February 1, 2012 - May 31, 2012)
Medcen Community Health
Foundation Board of Trustees 2012
Danny Gibson, Chair
Scott Seigel, Vice Chair
Kenneth Banks, Corporate Secretary
Rhonda Perry, Corporate Treasurer
Timothy Andrews
Kent Baldschun
Gene Battles, MD
William Baxley, III
Rick Bonfim
Cyndey Busbee
Harriette Carter
Kenneth Clark, Ex Officio
Linda Clay, Ex Officio
John Draughon
J. Doug Dunwody
A. Don Faulk, FACHE, Ex Officio
Witt Gaither, Ex Officio
Freddy Gaton, MD
Bent Gay, RPh
Thomas Gibbons, Ex Officio
Chris Greene
Duke Groover
Cal Hays
Angela Hicks
Dottie Houser
Emory Johnson, MD
James Manley
David Rozier
Jeff Rutledge
Warren Selby Jr.
Lamar Sizemore
R. Earl Smith
Karen Smith
Dan Speight
Jeff Thompson
Betty Treadwell, Ex Officio
Matilda Walker, Ex Officio
Pam White-Colbert
Thomas J. Wicker
Emeriti Members
Pamela C. Chapman
Virgil Cooper Jr.
Mary Eva Dubose
A. V. Elliott
John G. Etheridge, MD
Patsy Fellows
Alan D. Kirsh, MD
W. J. O’Shaughnessey Jr., MD
Donald I. Rosen
William H. Somers, MD
Oscar S. Spivey, MD
William H. M. Weaver, MD
Medcen Community
Health Foundation Staff
Carolyn Mitchell, Executive Assistant
Debbie Schuchmann, Sr. Development Officer
Ellen Terrell, CFRE, Sr. Development Officer
Kathy Tolbert, Development Officer, The Children’s Hospital
Shirley Tucker, Administrative Assistant
Susan Watkins, Development Officer
Brianne Huie, Development Officer
Medcen Community
Health Foundation, Inc.
Proforma Ascension
Contributing Writers
Carolyn Mitchell
Debbie Schuchmann
Ellen Terrell
Kathy Tolbert
Missi Upshaw
Susan Watkins
Ken Krakow
Debbie Schuchmann
Ellen Terrell
Kathy Tolbert
Susan Watkins
Medcen Community
Health Foundation, Inc.
858 High Street
Macon, GA 31201
Medcen Happenings is published by the Medcen Foundation Staff.
Inquiries regarding this publication may be directed to Carolyn Mitchell at
It always our most sincere intent to provide accurate information in our Medcen Happenings publications; unfortunately, we overlooked a crucial piece
of information in our last issues’ story, Miracle Child Amare Threatt. We inadvertently left out Dr. Lane, the pediatric anesthesiologist who was a vital
part in the medical team that was comprised to take care of Amare Threatt and his mother during the delivery process. Please know that this mistake
does not undermine the important role he played throughout the delivery and subsequent surgery. We are sorry for the omission!
Medcen Happenings
A message from the
Changing Times
There is a time to plant and a time to harvest. And as the sands
pass through the hourglass, so time marches on.
With the passage of time, change inevitably takes place. It’s
a peculiar phenomenon.
Change can raise the anxiety level
in the human mind, but on the other hand, change can serve
as a catalyst for all things good. Change is essential to life, to
remaining viable.
After 25 years of extraordinary leadership, Ethel Cullinan has
entered into a well deserved retirement. With Ethel’s departure
from our foundation some level of trepidation will set in as we
anxiously await the identity of her replacement, vetted, appointed
and beginning his or her tenure of leadership. My intent and
purpose during the next few words is to help set your mind at
I have served on the foundation board for eight years and as
chair during the past 19 months. During this tenure I have had
the wonderful experience of seeing the internal workings of the
foundation and getting to know the Medical Center of Central
Georgia up close and personal. I can assure you — supporters,
benefactors, staff, board, and friends — that you have nothing to
fear. In fact you have much to look forward to as we move into
this new phase. Your Foundation stands poised for the greatest,
most productive endeavors thus far.
At the time of this writing, I assure you that the members who
make up the Board are the best schooled in our mission and
purpose than at any point in my memory. We have dedicated
volunteers excited about working hard to accomplish our mission.
Our well-managed Foundation remains financially secure.
Our investors can feel comfortable that the investment they make
in our community through their gifts to the Medcen Foundation of
Central Georgia makes a difference —not only for today but for
all of posterity in the lives of the citizenry of Central Georgia and
the entire region. Your contributions help foster new growth that
elevates the standard by which we all live.
Our campaign to raise monies to fund Medcen’s commitment
and contribution to the Comprehensive Cancer & Research
Center continues to hit the mark. This facility will set us apart
from even the most elite of health care providers. The center will
become the backdrop for positively changing the lives of many of
our loved ones and families throughout our region.
Additionally, we have begun the early construction phase of
a new hospital in Peach County — an exciting project for the
Foundation which proves we are connected and reaching out to
our regional family. The hospital will bridge us with surrounding
areas and expand the absolute highest level of health care
throughout the region.
It is indeed a pleasure to let you know that, yes, change is in the
air, but it is change for the better —the betterment of all of our
families and friends. I am privileged to stand on the shoulders
of my successors, to support this board and the facilities that it
I want to continue to thank our Board, volunteers, supporters,
and our staff for continuing to carry the torch. If you too would
like to become a part of this positive and exciting change, please
contact with our staff. We would welcome you aboard.
- Danny Gibson, Chair
Medcen Community Health Foundation
Board of Trustees Medcen Happenings
The Joy of Giving
By: Debbie Schuchmann
John, Madelyn, and Dottie Houser
Have you ever wondered about Medcen’s Board of
Southern Trust, comes into the picture. On a beautiful
Trustees? They’re listed inside the front of each one of
evening in May 2011 they opened their home to over
the Medcen Happenings publications and they’re listed
50 party goers. Not only did they host the party and
on Medcen’s website, but what do they really do for the
enthusiastically endorse the campaign, they joined the
foundation? This article is going to tell you about one
Callaway Society themselves by making a major gift in
of our board members in particular, Dottie Houser, and
support of the new Comprehensive Cancer & Research
what she’s doing for the foundation and in turn for the
Center (CCRC).
patients and families served at the Medical Center of
Central Georgia.
Dottie and John’s reasons for donating of their time,
talent, and treasure are varied and personal. For Dottie
About two years ago John Draughon, an attorney with
it’s a mission and a passion to make sure the highest
Sell-Melton, LLC, and a past president of the Medcen
quality cancer care is available to all patients and families
Foundation, approached me and said there was a new
right here in Central and South Georgia – close to home.
couple in town I should meet, Dottie and John Houser.
Dottie witnessed the pain and suffering her own parents
He particularly wanted me to meet Dottie. He told me
endured while her younger brother, diagnosed at the
being new to Macon, she was anxious to get involved in
tender age of 12 with a rare form of bone cancer, was
something worthwhile and that she might be interested
being treated at a cancer center far from home. Dottie
in helping the Foundation. So we set about having lunch
vividly recalls how terrible it was for her parents as they
and taking her on a tour of the Hospital, telling her about
tried to navigate his cancer care without the help of a
the Foundation and our mission to raise philanthropic
nurse navigator, as they tried to coordinate their young
dollars for the good of the community and then we invited
son’s care with physicians who didn’t communicate, all
her to join the Medcen Board.
in a large, crowded city far away from their support base
of family and friends.
She humbly accepted the role, jumped in feet first, took
on the job of chairing the Callaway Society and has made
John, on the other hand gives because of an experience
a giant impact in a relatively short period of time. One
10 years ago where for the first time he was able to give a
of her first goals was to host a party with the purpose
very generous gift and learned what it was to experience
of educating our community (potential donors) about
the “joy of giving.” After raising five children, he and
the new Comprehensive Cancer & Research Center.
Dottie finally had the means and the heart to make a gift
She wanted to host the party at her own home. Here is
together for an effort they both believed in and when they
where her husband, John Houser, CEO and President of
did John said, “it was a gift to be able to give.”
Medcen Happenings
T h e C o m p r e h e n si v e
Cancer & Research C E N T E R
A p p r o x imat e l y 2 7 0 , 0 0 0 s q u a r e f e e t
This winning combination of passion with a purpose
commitment to building a world-class cancer center
and an inspired heart has and will continue to make a
right here in Macon, Georgia ~ close to home.
tremendous impact on our patients and their families.
Patients and families who may never meet Dottie or
It is with a deep sense of gratitude I write this article
know the great amounts of time and energy she’s
honoring not only Dottie (and John), but our entire
put into raising the much-needed funds to build a
Board of Trustees who routinely give of their time,
state-of-the-art cancer facility. They may never know
talent, and treasure. I encourage you to find out who
the story of her twelve year-old brother who bravely
they are and if you run into them, acknowledge their
lost his battle with cancer after 7 years of traveling with
volunteer efforts and ask them to tell you their own
his parents far from home to receive cancer care.
Medcen story.
What they will know and experience is having access
If you have a driving passion for providing top quality
to a nurse navigator who will help them steer through
health care in Central and South Georgia and would like
their cancer care and treatments with the utmost care
to know how you can help with the campaign to build
and comfort, they will enjoy increased communication
the Comprehensive Cancer & Research Center, please
between their physicians, and they will experience a
contact me, Debbie Schuchmann, at 478/633-6151 or
greater quality of life throughout their cancer care and
[email protected].
survivorship because of a board member’s unwavering Medcen Happenings
Peach County’s
Community Partnership for Health
Capital Campaign kicked off June 1st!
By: Ellen Terrell
Excellent healthcare close to home is an essential
part of any community. Providing this care to the
citizens of Peach and the surrounding counties
has been the mission of Peach Regional Medical
Center for nearly sixty years. Through the recent
partnership with Central Georgia Health System, the
construction of a new hospital, located at 1960 Hwy
247 Connector has begun.
The new hospital will be an incredible example of
what small communities should expect in a local
• 25 private patient rooms with private bathrooms.
• A large Emergency Center with the ability to offer
fast track services for emergency and non-emergency
Medcen Happenings
• Expanded Outpatient Services to keep local
citizens from traveling long distances for diagnostic
and rehabilitation services.
• Two new Endoscopy Suites and one new Operating
Suite allowing for more surgery procedures.
• Critical care services for those patients requiring
more attention and closer monitoring.
• Increase in employment opportunities. The
expansion of hospital services is estimated to double
the number of current jobs during the first three years
of operation.
“This partnership is a great example of how
communities need to collaborate through this
changing healthcare environment.” said Don Faulk,
President and CEO of Central Georgia Health
Groundbreaking Ceremony held March 29, 2012
System and the Medical Center of Central Georgia.
“It is critically important for the community hospitals
to remain viable and provide high quality healthcare
to the citizens they serve.”
The Medcen Community Health Foundation is
pleased to assist in this effort by establishing a
development office in Peach County. Ellen Terrell
has been working closely with the administration
of Peach Regional and the community since March
preparing for the capital campaign. Helen Rhea
Stumbo is chairing the Campaign Cabinet and has a
wonderful group of men and women serving with her.
“It is a dream come true that we are going to have our new hospital at long last. This new facility is going to
enhance our ability to care for the citizens of our area
in incredible ways. I am thrilled to be working with
the capital campaign effort. As I have said so many
times, every day someone I know and love may need
our hospital, and I’m glad to do all I can to insure that
we can care for those who need it.”, remarks Mrs.
With the inclusion of Peach Regional into our Central
Georgia Health System family, we will keep you
updated on the progress of the capital campaign and
the construction of the new hospital.
Medcen Happenings
Grateful Daughter
Gives Back to
Pine Pointe
By: Debbie Schuchmann
Jim and May Davis
It is with a grateful heart that I am writing this touching story
about a daughter who gave a very generous gift to Pine Pointe
Hospice of Central Georgia in the memory of her mother. The
daughter’s name is May Davis. I met her and her husband, Jim,
at Pine Pointe soon after her mother’s passing. May and Jim
were so very thankful for the care given to Sarah Roy during
her time spent at Pine Pointe, they wanted to make a major gift
which would give honor to her memory and help ensure other
patients and families will have similar experiences during their
final journey.
May and Jim helped move Sarah to Macon in 2005 after her
husband of 58 years died. They added an apartment to their
home where she could have her privacy, but would be close by in
case something happened, not that she was unwell at the time.
In fact, she was quite healthy. So much so that she and May went
to Savannah to celebrate her 85th birthday and then to Asheville,
NC for her 86th birthday. Her 87th birthday was a little more low
key as she had developed a serious case of the shingles. That
didn’t stop her from her love of knitting though.
She started knitting when she was a mere five-year old and was
knitting the day she suffered a stroke at age 87. She belonged
to a group of knitters called the “Close Knit Bunch” at the
Wellness Center. They knitted for charities and knit items such
as chemotherapy caps, breasts for women who have had a
mastectomy, premmie baby blankets, scarves for the brave men
and women working in the naval services, and gators to keep the
dust out of the faces of our soldiers serving in the Middle East.
Born and raised in Scotland, Sarah and her husband, immigrated
to the United States in May of 1952 with their two young children
and never looked back. She worked with United Airlines for most
of her career until she retired in 1983. This is when her life took on
a whole other dimension (we all hope to retire this way!). She and
her husband traveled to 43 countries around the world as well as
to about 30 of our 50 states. They took ballroom dancing classes
and they listened to music – Scottish music – bagpipes…
Medcen Happenings
Mom’s Birthday
Then suddenly, while knitting a chemo cap, Sarah collapsed.
As things would have it, Sarah had been having her annual
check-ups with Dr. Richard Ackermann, Physician Director at
Pine Pointe. When it came time to get some extra help, he
recommended they place her in Pine Pointe. May and Jim
knew it was time and followed his advice. Immediately, the
highly experienced staff at Pine Pointe took Sarah under their
loving wings and made her as comfortable as possible.
May was delighted to be able to stay in the same beautiful
room with her mother, 24/7. She brought family pictures and
placed them on the shelves so her mother could see them and
she even took a family brooch, attached Scottish heather to it,
and pinned it on the pillow next to her mother’s face.
The real magic took place on Saturday morning, when the
weekend nurse, Sheila, came in to take care of Sarah. May
was absolutely astounded when Sheila, also from Scotland,
saw the brooch, recognized the Scottish heather, sat down
beside her mother and whispered in her own Scottish brogue
that she was there to take care of her. On Sunday morning
at 6:00a.m.,Sarah, quietly and peacefully drifted into her final
rest while listening to the sweet sound of Scottish bagpipes.
May still can’t believe what a beautiful facility Pine Pointe
is or how loving and well-trained the staff is. May and Jim
graciously attended the annual Major Gifts Donor Recognition
Party and acknowledged the many people in the room for
their philanthropic gifts which made Pine Pointe a reality.
They recognize how important philanthropy is to a community
hospital and how their lives and the life of Sarah were so
positively impacted because of the generosity of others. With
that in mind, they made their own gift of tribute.
Please contact me, Debbie Schuchmann, at 478/633-6151 or
[email protected] to discuss how you can make
a similar gift of tribute for a loved one or a special caregiver.
Major Gift Donors
Recognized at
hosted by Don Faulk
By: Ellen Terrell
On February 22nd our newest Callaway and
Business & Corporate Members were honored.
Don Faulk hosted the affair which began in front
of the major gifts recognition wall in the hospital’s
main lobby where donors saw their newly engraved
tiles depicting their names. Afterwards a lunch
was held in the Weaver Boardroom. Members
of both the Callaway Society and the Business &
Corporate Honor Roll help our healthcare system
fulfill essential capital needs, fund community
outreach programs and support medical education
and research. Thank you for promoting health,
wellness and hope ~ all precious and valuable
Cal Hays with BJ Dunwody from
Commercial Furnishings
Dottie Houser with Sue and David Sanda
Cal Hays with Dan Speight from
State Bank
Natalie and Dr. Don Nakayama
Commercial Furnishings, Inc.
Supports Comprehensive Cancer & Research Center
By: Debbie Schuchmann
Please help me congratulate our newest Business & Corporate
Honor Roll member, Bruce Johnson, President and CEO,
Commercial Furnishings, Inc.! Located on the corner of Third and
Plum Streets downtown, he’s the consummate supporter of all
things downtown and community related. When you walk inside,
you are welcomed by a view of high tech office furniture settings
in sizes and colors to meet a wide range of business needs. From
Healthcare to the Board Room, they have it. I felt like Goldilocks
as I had to sit in each desk chair to find the one that was just right!
They have been there ten years and have plans to grow their
business by opening satellite offices throughout the state and even
renovating the upper stories of their current building to house office
spaces which could be rented out for special meetings or projects.
Clearly they’re in business for the long haul and they’re in business
to help grow Central and South Georgia.
When I asked Bruce why he felt it was important to support the
new Comprehensive Cancer & Research Center, he was quick to
point out that the decision came from his entire team. They all had Cal Hays, Don Faulk, Bruce Johnson,
BJ Dunwoody and Danny Gibson
known or know someone who has had a cancer related experience.
For that reason alone it was a unanimous decision to help make
Medical Center’s vision of a freestanding Comprehensive Cancer
& Research Center available for all residents of Central and South
Additionally important to Bruce is for local businesses in our
community to support each other. Bruce stated, “Working and
doing business in a community the size of Central Georgia,
there’s no need to go to Atlanta. We should all be scratching each
other’s back!” This line of thinking is exactly what the Business &
Corporate Honor Roll is all about. The community partnering with
the Hospital to strengthen their mutual goal of decreasing health
care costs while maintaining excellence in health care for Central
and South Georgians.
Please contact me at 478/633-6151 or Schuchmann.Debbie@ if you would like to know more about joining the Business
& Corporate Honor Roll and its benefits.
Medcen Happenings
20th Annual
Celebrity Classic Weekend
Continues to Make Miracles Happen for
The Children’s Hospital
By: Kathy Tolbert
Bobby Tinsley sings
for a patient
Aparicio & his brother
with Preston Bennard
Golfer tees off
The 20th Annual Children’s Hospital Celebrity Classic Weekend,
sponsored by Kroger, was yet another big success this year raising
over $250,000 for The Children’s Hosptial. This year the event
kicked off on Saturday, April 21st with “An Evening Celebrating
Miracles” Gala at Idle Hour Country Club. Over 200 guests and
celebrities participated in the silent and live auctions, as well as
dancing the night away to the sounds of Brookwood Split. Before
the live auction began, one of our own Miracle Children, Aparicio
Fogg, shared his heartwarming journey of overcoming a tragic
accident of getting hit by a car in 1996 only to graduate from high
school this past year. Aparicio spent months in The Children’s
Hospital before continuing on with both inpatient and outpatient
therapy to regain the ability to walk and talk. The crowd was
moved to tears after hearing his story of triumph and they, too,
learned why this event is an integral part of helping make miracles
happen for our Children’s Hospital.
Sunday, celebrities enjoyed visiting with the patients at The
Children’s Hospital. “It is wonderful to have the celebrities come
and visit with the patients and their families. It really brightens
their day and is usually a highlight of a patient’s stay when they are
able to “forget” about being sick and just be a normal kid visiting
with a celebrity” says, Cyndee Adams, Director of the General
Pediatric Unit.
Medcen Happenings
Mr. & Mrs. David Greene, John & Jan Slocumb,
Sarjit & Heena Patel
Sunday afternoon and Monday were spent on the golf course at
Idle Hour Country Club. Monday players hit the course and tried
to dodge the wind for eighteen holes both morning and afternoon.
This year, the BBQ Doctors provided a feast of barbeque meal that
was enjoyed by all!
Proceeds from the 2012 Celebrity Classic Weekend will benefit
the child-friendly expansion and enhancement projects of The
Children’s Hospital. Since its inception in 1992, the Celebrity Classic
has raised over $4 million dollars for The Children’s Hospital. We
express our tremendous gratitude to the many patrons, celebrities,
honored guests, and volunteers who played a role in this year’s
20th Anniversary weekend festivities.
Medcen Community Health Foundation and The Children’s Hospital
are grateful to Celebrity Classic Coordinator Mike McCollum’s
leadership and members of the Classic committee for their tireless
preparation and devotion to the annual event. This event would not
happen without Mike and his team of volunteers!
Mark your calendar now for the 2013 Celebrity Classic Weekend!
Events are scheduled for April 20-22, 2013. Call Mike McCollum at
478-633-7686 or email [email protected] for more details
or to go ahead and reserve your spot for next year!
Valentines Board Retreat
Dr. Emory Johnson and
Lamar Sizemore at Board Retreat
“Creating a Culture of Philanthropy
throughout the Community” was the theme at
the Medcen Community Health Foundation
Retreat on February 14th. Valentine’s Day
kicked off with a continental breakfast and
a keynote address to the community from
Fred Bayon, Senior Director for The Advisory
Board in Washington, D.C. By: SUsan watkins
Maggie McCune, Sam McFee, Tom Sands
and Valerie Kidd
The Medcen Board continued the day with
Mr. Bayon’s presentation on the “Future
Funding of Healthcare,” emphasizing that
prospects who can make significant gifs are
now more inclined to thinking of a long term
investment than a one-time donation.
Dr. Delanor Doyle and Ken Saitow
The Board’s day continued with a business
meeting and lunch. They discussed financial
transparency and participated in a workshop
making philanthropic support for MCCG a
community-wide imperative.
Medcen Happenings
20th Annual Children’s Miracle
Network Hospitals Broadcast
By: Kathy Tolbert
Each year on the first weekend in June, the
Central Georgia community comes together in
support of a common cause—The Children’s
Hospital at The Medical Center of Central
Georgia. This past June 2-3, the Children’s
Miracle Network Hospitals Broadcast hosted
by 13 WMAZ, raised more than $605,000 to
help sick and injured children.
The 20th Annual Broadcast highlighted both
national and local Children’s Miracle Network
Hospitals sponsors and their fundraising
achievements over the past year, but even
more significant, it showcased our local
“miracle children,” their families, and the
extraordinary staff at The Children’s Hospital
who care for these patients on a daily basis.
This year we celebrated a milestone- our 20th
Anniversary of the CMN Broadcast. We were
able to take a look back into the past to see
some of our previous miracle children and did
a “Where Are They Now” segment to show
their previous story and then interview them
today. This segment was special to see what
types of MIRACLES our local community have
helped provide! One of the families we saw
come back to share their story was Aparicio
Fogg, who was hit by a car in 1996. He recently
graduated from high school and is just an
inspiration to all he comes in contact with! We
also met for the first time, Lizzie Kate Rowe,
Jamie Weston, Riley Barron and Lillie Powell –
who are just a few of the thousands of miracles
who have received outstanding medical care
at The Children’s Hospital because of many
Central Georgians’ generosity.
As efforts continue to provide the highest
quality healthcare to this region by offering
life-saving services, the funds raised this year
during the broadcast, will not only support
these services, but will also help purchase
specific “wishlist” items used in pediatric
surgery, the critical care units, as well as items
used by the Child Life Specialists. One of
the “wishlist” items purchased was an iPad
for Child Life Specialists to use to help teach
kids about medical procedures. There are
many apps that can be purchased to help
teach kids on an age appropriate level about
medical tests and procedures that they will be
Dance Marathon
For Mercer and Georgia College students, Spring Semester brings many
exciting events to the calendar, one of which is Dance Marathon, a national
program sponsored by Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals on many
college campuses throughout the country. Planned and carried out by an
executive board of students, this is a challenging event in which participants
pledge to stand and dance for eight hours straight in celebration of the
money raised for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. While eight hours
may seem like an incredibly long time without sitting down or resting, the
concept is that the discomfort felt from standing is small compared to what
Children’s Hospital patients often endure daily. Money is raised through
letters, sent out months in advance on behalf of the participants, to their
families and friends. So while the event is not until Spring, the Dance
Marathon Campaign really begins long before the doors are opened for
the actual event.
Medcen Happenings
Another big celebration was Frank Malloy’s
20th year as the host of the CMN Broadcast.
We worked hard to surprise Frank with a
“Look Back through the Years” and to help
celebrate all the thousands of miracles he
has helped make possible! Patients of The
Children’s Hospital created a piece of artwork
they presented Frank at the Broadcast. And
of course, at the end, and as the tote board
rolled over, the faces of sponsors, volunteers,
and patient families beamed with pure joy and
excitement, and the hosts faces were covered
in pie, courtesy of our very own local miracle
The many efforts of the past fundraising year
and the continued dedication form our local
community gave Central Georgians a reason
to celebrate long after the Broadcast ended.
The commitment and loyalty of our community
will continue to make The Children’s Hospital
at The Medical Center of Central Georgia a
place where miracles happen!
THANK YOU for 20 WONDERFUL years!!!
At the Dance Marathon, participants are divided into “Morale Groups,” in
which they play team games, have competitions and interact with each
other, as well as with Children’s Hospital patients. Past and present patients
come to the event to visit, dance, hang out, and share their compelling
stories of how the Children’s Hospital has made a difference in their lives.
Other patients share through video and their stories help participants see
what the money they raise can help accomplish. The dancing portion of
the event comes in the form of a “Morale Dance.” Each hour, a new part
of the Morale Dance, the theme dance of the night, is taught. By the end
of the night, participants know the entire dance, consisting of at least 8
different fun and inspirational “routines.”
While Dance Marathon takes place at college campuses across the country,
Mercer and Georgia College Marathons are special because 100% of the
funds raised at the two events go to our local Children’s Hospital here in
Macon. This year, over $40,000 was raised and given to the Children’s
Hospital. Most students come into the Dance Marathon not really sure
what to expect, but every student leaves with an appreciation for good
health and a grateful heart for a hospital that cares.
MCCG: A Wise Investment
One often hears the statement that hospitals are
businesses – big businesses that make lots of money
and, as a result, are not deserving of personal or business
charitable giving.
It is true that over the last thirty years, hospitals have had
to become more business-like in order to survive. It is
also true that millions of dollars flow through a hospital
every day. They are indeed the most expensive form of
healthcare provided in the United States. However, to
fully understand hospital economics, one must delve a bit
deeper to appreciate the breadth of the operation and key
funding mechanisms. The following are a few facts that
inform the discussion:
• Hospitals are essentially self-contained small cities
operating within a city. They function and are on alert 24
hours per day, 7 days a week, to serve the community.
• Hospitals maintain all the services that a normal city
provides, facilities maintenance, emergency response
and preparedness, equipment and technology operations
and maintenance, real estate management, back-up
utilities, hotel services, housekeeping and transportation,
just to name a few. In addition, hospitals are staffed with
highly skilled doctors, nurses, social workers, doctors-intraining and pharmacy, radiology and laboratory specialist
around the clock. One hundred percent of these services
must meet strict state mandates every year for quality and
certified accreditation.
• Like MCCG, 80% of all American hospitals are not for
profit organizations. No shareholders or private individuals
are paid any portion of the hospital’s profits and vendors,
employees, and others who receive monies have to be
paid at fair market value.
• 100% of every dollar received by not for profit hospitals
is reinvested back into the hospital to cover the cost of patient care and to improve the quality of the delivery of
that care. On average, across the United State, 90% of
every dollar flowing into a hospital is spent on direct care
or in the support of direct care to patients. The remaining
10% is spent for:
o Replacing obsolete clinical equipment in order to
maintain quality care
o Investing in new technology, including clinical
technology and computers for use 24/7
o Repaying debt on money borrowed to build new
o Saving for unexpected emergencies and to meet
the basic financial requirements of an economically
stable organization
By: ken saitow
• The majority of care provided at MCCG, 57%, is
to patients with either Medicare (federal program) or
Medicaid (state program for the poor). Reimbursement
levels for these programs do not cover the cost to provide
care. More specifically:
o Approximately 34% of the care provided at MCCG
is to Medicare patients. On average, Medicare
pays 91 cents for every dollar actually spent on
care for these patients. That is, MCCG loses about
9% on average on all Medicare patients. Medicare
reimbursement has been declining since the 1990’s
– this trend is expected to continue.
o Approximately 23% of the care provided at MCCG
is to Medicaid Georgia Medicaid represents
approximately 23% of the money spent at MCCG.
On average, Georgia pays about 83% of every dollar
spent on care for Medicaid patients. Again, MCCG
loses about 17 cents of every dollar used to care for
the poor in our community. Federal and State laws
define the guidelines for Medicaid eligibility (based
upon poverty guidelines). Medicaid reimbursement
has been declining in the states since the 1980s
Medcen Happenings
and has become particularly acute since 2008 due
to the economic recession.
• Not for profit hospitals are required by federal law to
provide care to any patient who presents at the Emergency
Room regardless of the ability to pay – as a result a
significant portion of care, approximately 11%, is either
uncompensated (and classified as charity) or paid directly
by the patient. Uncompensated and “Self-Pay” care has
continued to rise given the rise of unemployment and the
increase in high deductible health plans.
• The remaining approximately 32% of all care is paid by
employer provided insurance for company employees.
Insurance and ultimately employers and its employees pay
the purposeful “hidden tax” of all of the unpaid Medicare,
Medicaid and charity care through a “shift” in payment from
government groups to private groups. This” hidden tax”
today represents about 25% of all healthcare costs and is
increasing rapidly. As more employers cannot afford health
insurance for their employees, the employees become part
of the more than 40 million Americans that are uninsured –
many of who obtain their care via the “free” access to the
hospital’s emergency rooms – by far the most expensive
setting to receive care.
Today’s hospital operate in a highly regulated environment
where they are challenged to balance the need to provide
high quality care as demanded by the patients, physicians
and the government with the need to reduce costs and
to generate enough resources to pay for debt, reinvest in
clinical equipment and facilities, and create and utilize new
advancements. The ability to generate excess cash flow
for reinvestment is declining quickly. Healthcare Reform
has built into it a reduction of over $500 billion in Medicare
payments to hospitals from current levels. This fact coupled
with the need to continue to provide the highest quality
healthcare will put even more pressure on the hospital’s
ability to maintain it’s strong financial standing.
understand the nature of hospitals is to understand that
they are first and foremost community assets that are
vital to the health and productivity of the communities
they serve. They represent safety, a sense of public
confidence in quality and personal care and are a
lifeline for each community in which they exist. Finally,
they are generally one of the largest employers in the
community and are a tremendous asset in economic
The planned Comprehensive Cancer & Research Center
embodies the role of MCCG within our community. Despite
the efforts made in the area of cancer care, cancer remains
a major health problem throughout the world and, as our
population ages, the need for services will steadily increase.
As a result, the administration and board of MCCG have
identified the development of a new Comprehensive Cancer
& Research Center as a number one priority in their strategic
plan. The vision is to build a new state-of-the-art facility, a
center where from the moment a patient is diagnosed, they
are taken under the wing of a trained navigator to help steer
the patient and family from those first crucial decisions
through their entire plan of care. A center with all services
under one roof so patients can receive all their care in one
place. A place where the patient and family feel supported
every step of the way. This plan for a regionally based,
centralized cancer program will surely touch the lives of
tens of thousands of individuals throughout our region. It is
clear, however, that making this vision a reality will require
the financial support of the community. Support that will
pay tremendous dividends to our friends and neighbors
that will benefit from such a critical resource.
Hospitals are indeed expensive, but every dollar is
reinvested directly into the care of the people who live in
the community 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
Thank you to Ken Saitow for sharing his wealth of
knowledge with the Medcen Foundation as well as his
and Lisa’s (wife) gifts as signature donors.
Community contributions will continue to be necessary
to supplement the ability of the hospital to generate its
own capital for reinvestment and debt repayment. To
Medcen Happenings
Where Peace of Mind is Priceless!
By: SUsan Watkins
Carlyle Place gave the Reichert family peace of mind that their parents,
Mr. Albert P. and Mrs. Walton Reichert, Sr., were well taken care of –
which was of utmost importance to them. Mr. Albert Reichert, Jr., said
they have deep appreciation for the staff who were so supportive and
helping in every way.
Carlyle Place was the right place for Mr. Reichert and his wife who was
affectionately called “Chunk”. They were two of the very first residents
in the fall of 2001. Having lived on Callaway Drive for 60 years, it was
hard for them to leave. But after they arrived at Carlyle, they enjoyed
routinely seeing and having meals with old friends and meeting new
friends and felt at home right away.
The Reicherts received exceptional service and the supportive care that
was needed throughout their journey of life at Carlyle Place. The couple
started in independent living, and then eventually moved to assisted
living and skilled nursing. A door was cut in between their rooms in
both Harrington House and Stafford Suites so the couple could remain
as close together as possible!
The Reicherts enjoyed a poetry class at Carlyle Place that was offered
by another resident, Ben Griffith. Mr. Reichert liked to quote Robert
Frost’s “In a Glass of Cider.”
In May, a Campaign was launched to reignite the interest and
commitment of Carlyle Place residents in contributing toward meeting
the minimum goal of $1 million toward the Resident Assistance Fund.
The Resident Assistance Fund is designated to help Carlyle residents
The Resident Assistance Fund was established when the community
opened in 2001. As of March 31, 2012 the Fund has accumulated,
through donations and earnings a total value of approximately
$480,000. To date, the general population of Carlyle Place has been
fortunate to have very limited need for financial assistance. But with
the downturn in our economy and the aging of our resident population,
potential needs are increasing.
The primary focus of the campaign is raising monies through planned
estate gifts or gifts that will not adversely affect a resident’s monthly
budget. Vehicles that may enable a resident to give in this manner
might include the rollover of an IRA to the campaign, donating a paid
in full insurance policy, making the Resident Assistance Fund the
beneficiary of an insurance policy or annuity, donating all or a portion of
a refundable entrance fee, or through donations of property.
To follow the generous lead of the Reicherts and to support this
campaign, please contact Susan Watkins at (478)633-6926 or
[email protected] or Tom Rockenbach at (478)405-4521 or
[email protected].
HEAT Spring Appreciation Event
By: Kathy Tolbert
The HEAT committee held the annual Spring Appreciation event
this past March to THANK all of our HEAT members for their
continued commitment to helping make our employee giving
program such a success! This year, HEAT celebrates its 20th
anniversary, so we “went back in time” to show our loyal HEAT
members what all they have helped build. The appreciation
event was a construction theme and we pulled out old
“blueprints” of projects HEAT members helped make a reality. departments
The Reicherts want other families to have the same positive experience.
They have generously named the Carlyle Place Development Fund
(which has been renamed the Resident Assistance Fund) as one of the
beneficiaries of a charitable remainder trust through the Reichert Family
Fund at the Community Foundation of Central Georgia.
who may encounter financial
difficulties through no fault
of their own. Co-chairs,
Mary Dale and Don Kea, and
25 Resident Ambassadors
who are committed to their
community, have agreed to
support the campaign and help educate their neighbors. “Reaching
our goal and establishing this Fund will give our residents peace of
mind knowing there is a safety net should they or a fellow resident have
a need” says Tom Rockenbach, Executive Director of Carlyle Place.
Projects include, but are not limited to, The Children’s Hospital,
Luce Heart Hospital, Intensive Care Unit remodeling, Petyon
Anderson Health Education Center, Pine Pointe Hospice, and
the upcoming Comprehensive Cancer and Research Center.
Thanks to our HEAT members, they have raised over $5
Million dollars to help make a difference in our hospital and our
Medcen Happenings
Donor Appreciation Party
By: Debbie Schuchmann
Medcen Happenings
When an individual or organization decides to make
an investment of a major gift to the Hospital one of
the first things we want to do is thank them and thank
them profusely! We want to let them know how their
gift will benefit the patients and families served, we
want to show them we’re good stewards with their
resources and we want to give them the honor
and recognition they deserve. So once a year the
Medcen Board of Trustees hosts a party for all our
major gifts donors (Major Gifts are gifts of $10,000
or more).
This year the party was held on a Thursday evening,
May 10th at the newly renovated home of Harriette
and Marty Carter, major gifts donors themselves.
Their beautiful home was the perfect setting to
entertain and thank over 100 guests. It’s a special
night when we’re able to bring so many of our
supporters together ~ the common bond being they
all share the same commitment to high quality health
care right here in Macon, Georgia. It’s absolutely mind
boggling when you look around and think about each
person’s gift adding up to make vast improvements
for the health care of the residents of Central and
South Georgia.
Of course, Don Faulk, CEO and President of
Central Georgia Health System is present to give
his personal thanks to everyone there. With the
costs of healthcare rising and reimbursements from
Medicare and Medicaid diminishing, he is acutely
aware of the importance of each gift. In a brief
statement of gratitude, he recognizes the generosity
and dedication of our donors and emphasizes the
fact their gifts are used to save and positively impact
the lives of our patients and families every day at the
We all like knowing how our gifts are used and how
they’re making a real difference. One of the best
reasons to give to the Medical Center of Central
Georgia is because you can see your gifts making
a tangible impact on the lives of others. In addition
to special recognition from Mr. Faulk, we also invited
May and Jim Davis, among our newest Callaway
Society members to share their unique story. May
had the rapt attention of every party goer as she gave
her personal testimony about the care and treatment
her mother received (please see page 8 to learn
Being surrounded by so many generous individuals
and corporations is awesome. Most of them are not
looking for thanks or any special recognition, but
they do want to know their investment has been used
wisely. This event allows us to assure them Medcen
is a good steward of their precious resources and to
give them honor and gratitude as well. Medcen Happenings
Allan Bass, Quality Wine & Spirits
Wine Pairings
By: susan watkins
On April 12, Jackson Automotive graciously hosted guests in their beautiful Mercedes-Benz showroom who
enjoyed wine pairings by Allan Bass while they learned about plans for our new Comprehensive Cancer and
Research Center.
John Houser and David Sanda
Cheryl Jones, MD and Billy Anderson, Debbie Schuchmann
Sul Kim, Sarah Sterling, and Kelli Hill
Lizzie Clark, Susan Cable, and Jane Jackson
Medcen Happenings
Hospice Partner Reception
By: Ellen Terrell
The annual Hospice Partner reception
was held Wednesday, May 23rd at
Pine Pointe Hospice. It was a sweet
and emotional event as a number of
those in attendance were returning to
Pine Pointe for the first time after the
passing of their loved one. There were
also supporters of Pine Pointe Hospice
that had never been to the home. The
staff gave tours and everyone enjoyed
refreshments served in the Othman
Family Room. We extend a sincere
thank you to everyone who supports
Pine Pointe Hospice. Your generosity
is overwhelming and allows the
wonderful staff of our Hospice to
continue their compassionate work.
The Children’s Hospital at the Medical Center Introduces
System Enhances Physician Capabilities, Patient Experience
by: Kathy Tolbert
The Children’s Hospital at The Medical Center of Central Georgia
now offers the pediatric daVinci® robotic surgery system to
assist surgeons as they perform minimally invasive surgeries on
children. This new pediatric system offers multiple benefits to
both surgeons and patients.
Pediatric procedures performed by the daVinci® robotic surgery
system offer the surgeon superior visualization and control.
Young patients benefit from this less invasive surgery method
in several ways. By choosing to use daVinci®, the patient may
experience less pain, less blood loss, fewer stitches, less need
for narcotics, faster recovery time and a quicker return to normal
“We want only the best for our smallest and most fragile patients,
and MCCG is bringing this state-of-the-art technology to the
children of Georgia with the introduction of this program. No one
else in the state of Georgia is offering this service to children
and it can only be found here at The Children’s Hospital at
MCCG,” said Dr. Joshua Glenn, Pediatric Surgeon and Assistant
Professor of Surgery at The Children’s Hospital. Dr. Glenn is currently the
surgeon in the state
trained in the pediatric
daVinci® robotic surgery
system. Although many
types of surgeries may
be performed, Dr. Glenn
operations on the lung and
common gastrointestinal
surgeries (such as bowel
resection, gall bladder and
spleen removal, and hernia
repair) most frequently.
Pediatric da Vinci® Robotic Surgery System
Children’s Hospital patient Heather
Bennett was the second patient
at Children’s Hospital to have the
Robotic Surgery.
The daVinci® robotic surgery system for children is changing
the surgical experience for Central Georgians who choose The
Children’s Hospital at MCCG. State-of-the-art technology is
one of the ways MCCG is striving for superior pediatric patient
Medcen Happenings
Why Medcen?
With hundreds of charitable organizations
available to donors in Central Georgia, how
can you be sure your gift will be used in the
manner you intended? What “due diligence”
do you perform on the organizations you
Betsy Brill, founder and president of
Strategic Philanthropy, Ltd., has written an
article describing the importance of vetting
the organization you support with charitable
gifts. She suggests several methods you can
use to discover if an organization is aligned
with your core beliefs. These can give you the
assurance that you are supporting programs
that reflect your unique philosophies.
Here are some techniques Ms. Brill
recommends, and the specific reasons why
the Medcen Foundation passes the toughest
(1) Evaluate the organization’s mission,
programs and services to determine if they
are aligned with your personal philanthropic
agenda. Since 1973, The Medcen Foundation
has been supporting community health
programs for Central Georgia. Its primary
benefactor is the Medical Center of Central
As a community not-for-profit hospital, The
Medical Center faces many challenges.
Rapidly developing medical technology,
reductions in government funding for health
services and increasing amounts of indigent
care add up to considerable expense. The
hospital receives only one half of one percent
of its budget from Bibb County.
Our entire community benefits when The
Medical Center remains on the leading edge
and is able to renovate and expand existing
services to provide care for everyone in our
area. To do this, The Medical Center needs
continuing support provided in part by the
Medcen Foundation. Charitable efforts
supported by the Foundation include The
Children’s Hospital, Hospice of Central
Georgia and the Comprehensive Cancer and
Medcen Happenings
by: Bill ennis
Research Center. These and other programs
are described in more detail on the website .
(2) Review the programs and services the
organization provides. Are they aligned
with the organization’s mission and is there
the capacity (i.e. staff and resources) to
successfully deliver programs and services?
Funds received by the Medcen Foundation
are not used for the hospital’s operating
expenses but go 100% toward capital
projects, purchase of new equipment, and
medical research and education. The Board
of Trustees and Staff of the Foundation are
described on the website noted above. They
include officers from the Medical Center of
Central Georgia and other business and
community leaders. With nearly four decades
of service, it is clear that the Foundation is
delivering on its commitment to support local
improvements in healthcare.
(3) Inquire about the strategic plan and the
fundraising plan in place and see how they
are being implemented. Throughout its
history, the Foundation has successfully
raised funds for projects such as the Luce
Heart Center, the renovation of the ICU, Pine
Pointe Hospice, the Children’s Hospital,
Community Health Programs and the Peyton
Anderson Health Education Center. The
current $9 Million capital campaign is a
program to raise funds for a Comprehensive
Cancer & Research Center. The vision is to
be a nationally recognized leader providing
comprehensive cancer care services.
(4) Talk to Board members and other
donors in order to gauge the organization’s
commitment to donor stewardship. Most
people reading this article will recognize
someone on the staff or Board of Trustees.
Contact them about your desire to support
the programs of the Foundation to benefit
our community. If you don’t see someone you
know, contact Susan Watkins, Development
Officer, at (478)633-6926 and she can put you
in touch with a member of the Foundation or
its Board for a reference.
(5) Consider reaching out to other
professionals that serve you, such as your
CPA, attorney or financial advisor. Ask
your trusted advisor about the credibility,
reputation and results of the Foundation and
its employees. Also ask them for assistance
in making your gifts.
(6) Finally, most organizations (and certainly
any that you would want to support!) welcome
the opportunity to show first-hand how
their organizations operate on a daily basis.
Contact Susan … she will be pleased to give
you specific answers to any questions about
the programs and fund raising goals. She
can also arrange for you to see first-hand and
to tour the facilities made possible through
gifts to the Foundation.
In giving to the Foundation, you have the
comfort of knowing that your resources
are part of a sustaining gift … a legacy that
will serve current and future patients and
their families to come. We are exceptionally
fortunate to live in a community that can care
for any health issue you or a family member
may ever have. Your giving is a vital part of
maintaining and enhancing that peace of
Bill Ennis is a partner in the firm of Day &
Ennis, LLC, a fee-only financial planning and
investment management firm in Macon, GA
and serves as a volunteer on the Planned
Giving Committee. Susan Watkins directs
the Planned Giving Program for the Medcen
Dairy Queen
Miracle Treat Day
Make a gift in someone’s honor To The
Children’s Hospital Building Block Society
Benefiting: The Children’s Hospital
at The Medical Center of Central
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Benefiting The Children’s Hospital at
The Medical Center of Central Georgia.
A portion of the proceeds of all Blizzard sales will be donated to
The Children’s Hospital. All Central Georgia Dairy Queen locations
are participating. For more information, contact Kathy Tolbert,
478-633-7890 or [email protected]
Honor a Family Member, Friend
or Caregiver by joining Hospice Partners
Acknowledgements will be sent
Benefiting Pine Pointe Hospice
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Location: Wellness Center
Doors open at 7:00 p.m. ~ Band
starts at 8:00 p.m.
For more information and/or tickets,
contact Phyllis Farmer,
20th Annual
Reindeer Run &
Santa Stroll
Presented by Central Georgia
December 1, 2012
For more information, contact
Kathy Tolbert, 478-633-7890 or call
478-633-RUNN or
NEW this year Half Marathon Leave A Legacy...
Remember the Medcen Community Health Foundation in your
estate plan! If you decide to include the Medcen Community
Health Foundation in your will, IRA, life insurance, etc., you may
use this official language:
I give, devise, and bequeath to the Medcen Community Health
Foundation Inc., a non-profit corporation duly existing under the
laws of the state of Georgia and located in Macon, Bibb County,
Georgia, _______% of estate or $_______.
If the Medcen Community Health Foundation is included in your
plan, PLEASE let us know! We’d like to personally thank you for
your support.
For more information, please contact Susan Watkins at
(478) 633-6926 or [email protected].
The Medical Center of Central Georgia
Central Georgia Health System
Medcen Happenings
Komen for the Cure
Susan G. Komen for the Cure presenting a $30,000 check to
Central Georgia Breast Health Center to be used to detect breast
cancer in its earliest stages by providing free mammograms to
uninsured and underinsured women in Central and South Georgia.
 This past February, GEICO
designated the entire month to fundraising for The
Children’s Hospital. Paige Garvin, Chair for The
Children’s Hospital at GEICO, helped coordinate
fundraisers for all of GEICO’s employees to participate
in. They only had a one week to prepare, but they
were able to raise both funds and awareness for our
Children’s Hospital. On short notice, GECIO was able
to raise over $4,600 for The Children’s Hospital.
Thanks to GEICO and all their associates who helped
make this happen!
IHOP Pancake Day
Pictured from left to right: Sheila Henderson, RN, Manager Central Georgia Breast
Health Center, Debbie Schuchmann, Sr. Development Officer, Nancy White, RN, Dir.
Oncology Services, Katie Regan, Director, Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
This past February 28th, hundreds of Central
Georgians went to IHOP in support of The Children’s
Hospital for IHOP National Pancake Day. We had
Suzanne Lawler and John Boyer of 13WMAZ serving
as celebrity wait staff, helping serve up MIRACLES
one stack of pancakes at a time!
Y96 Radiothon
for Kids 
past May 8th and 9th, Y96
Today’s Hot Country Hits,
hosted their 12th Annual
Radiothon for Kids live from
The Children’s Hospital
lobby. With the help of
patients, families, staff, and
dozens of volunteers, Y96
raised over $34,000 for The
Children’s Hospital. Special
thanks to Lester Miller, who
was the presenting sponsor
for this year’s Radiothon for
Kids! As always, thanks to
the loyal listeners of Y96 for
making this year’s event
another big success!
Twilight Moms
On February 10th,
many people were eagerly awaiting the release of the last
movie of the Twilight saga. At Walmart and Target, the
Twilight Moms were busy getting together for the release
party, but their party served a purpose. They were asking
people to donate books, crayons and band-aids for the
patients at The Children’s Hospital. After a long night of
waiting for the release, the Twilight Moms were able to
donate many books, crayons, coloring books and
child-friendly band-aids to the children at The Children’s
Thanks Twilight Moms for making such a
positive difference in our community!
Medcen Happenings
May is for Miracles
CMN Campaign
Brasfield & Gorrie,
LLC Makes Gift to
Capital Campaign
We extend a big “Thank
You” to Brasfield & Gorrie
who has recently joined our
Corporate Honor Roll with a
gift commitment of $25,000
to the Peach Regional
Capital Campaign.
This past May, CMN kicked off its May
is for Miracles Campaign, where many
national sponsors hold their CMN
Icon Balloon Campaign. Some of the
local sponsors that have contributed
to our May is for Miracles campaign
are: Fred’s, Rite Aid, Walmart/Sam’s
Club, Publix, Kroger and Chico’s.
We are very fortunate to have such
GREAT and committed sponsors to
help raise funds and friends for our
local Children’s Hospital!
Eagle Springs Elementary
Eagle Springs Elementary collected
items for The Children’s Hospital for their 100th
day school project. Each grade level collected
100 of each item from the hospital’s wish list like
bubbles, crayons, puzzles, games, & other arts
and crafts. The students gave the items in
memory of one of their students, Ellijah Smith.
Pictured are members of student council,
student council advisors, principal Dr. Andrea
McGee, and Missi Upshaw of The Children’s
Kappa Delta’s Shamrock Classic
Georgia College
and State University’s Kappa Delta Sorority held its 3rd Annual “Kappa Delta
Shamrock Classic” in March on the college campus. Kappa Delta raised over
$1600 to donate to The Crescent House, a service of The Children’s Hospital.
The sisters of Kappa Delta also participated in many campus wide activities to
raise awareness of child sexual abuse throughout the week leading up to the
golf tournament.
Making Miracles
Happen for Kids Golf
Tournament 
The 8th Annual Making Miracles Happen Golf
Classic for Kids, sponsored by Perry Country
Club and EMICC (Electric Machinery Industrial
Controls Corporation), was held Saturday, April
28th. This year’s event raised over $14,000 for
The Children’s Hospital. Thanks to all of the
committee members who worked so hard to
make miracles happen for the children at The
Children’s Hospital. Exchange Club Donation
The Exchange Club recently donated a check
to the Crescent House, a service of The
Children’s Hospital. The Exchange Club Lamar
Taylor Memorial Golf Tournament benefiting
the Crescent House was held on October 18,
2011. Pictured are Sandra Sneed (Center) and
Courtney Stephens with The Crescent House
and Bobby George, Golf Tournament Chair.
The check was for $10,000 and will be used for
prevention programs, education, equipment and
other special needs for the children and families
seen at the Crescent House. With this recent
donation, the Exchange Club has donated over
$150,000 to the Crescent House since 1998.
Medcen Happenings
Thank You...
Signature Gifts
These philanthropists have made gifts or pledges of $5 million & Up (Visionaries), $1 million-$4.9 million (President’s
Club), $500,000-$999,999 (Diamond Circle), or $100,000-$499,999 (Platinum Patrons) to the Medcen Community Health
Foundation. Signature Gifts are the cornerstone that enables our medical staff to achieve world-class healthcare. Please
note some gifts may be cumulative.
Peyton Anderson Foundation
E.J. Grassmann Trust
W.T. Anderson Foundation
Health South
IKON Office Solutions
John S. & James L. Knight Foundation
Susan G. Komen For the Cure ♦ Central Georgia
Breast Care Center, Cancer Well-Fit
Mr. & Mrs. Albert L. “Buddy” Luce Jr.
The Medical Center of Central Georgia Auxiliary
NEXus Medical Group
Mr.* & Mrs. Benjamin G. Porter
The James Hyde Porter Foundation
Mary W. Covey Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Selby, Jr.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. William H. Somers
Dr. & Mrs. Mufid Othman
Southern Pine Plantations Commercial Group
Reginald R. Trice *
Mrs. Joyce Walsh
Mrs. A.H.S. Weaver
The Charles H. Jones Family Foundation
The Thomas C. Burke Foundation
The J. Bulow Campbell Foundation
Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc.
Italics indicate new members
Cox Communications
♦ indicates increased financial commitment
Mr. & Mrs. A.V. Elliott
* indicates deceased
Mr. & Mrs. A. Donald Faulk Jr.
The Georgia Farm Bureau Companies
Medcen Happenings
Gifts made February 1, 2012 - May 31, 2012
Callaway Society
These individuals have made gifts or pledges of $50,000 (Gold), $25,000 (Silver), or $10,000 (Bronze) to the Medcen
Community Health Foundation. Through their generous gifts, Callaway Society members ensure healthcare excellence
throughout the community.
Dr. & Mrs. Mirza W. Ahmed
Mrs. Louise C. Bryant
Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Burgess ♦
Comprehensive Cancer & Research
Mr. Karl Cartledge
Mr. Virgil E. Cooper Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Fellows
Mrs. Milton Heard Jr*
Dr. & Mrs. C. Emory Johnson Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Frank Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Damon D. King
Dr. & Mrs. Alan D. Kirsh
Mr. & Mrs. John Ramsey
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Saitow
Mr. Boo & Mrs. Rebecca McKelvey ♦
The Children’s Hospital
Dr. M. Sohail & Mrs. Shazia Akbar
Drs. Richard Ackermann & Hilary Ellwood
Dr. Dennis Ashley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Bowen Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm S. Burgess Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. G. Marshall Butler
Mr. Marty & Mrs. Harriette Carter
Mr. Marvin J. Codden*
Mr. & Mrs. Lovick Corn
Drs. Neil & Ethel Cullinan
Mr. & Mrs. John Draughon
Mr. & Mrs. Kelvin Drawdy
Mr. Joe & Mrs. Raena Evans
Dr. & Mrs. David J. Frolich
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Gilstrap
Dr. & Mrs. Louis Goolsby
Mr. & Mrs. John Houser ♦
Comprehensive Cancer & Research
Dr. & Mrs. Frank B. Kelly
Kurobe City Hospital
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. McCook
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Murdock
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund E. Olson
Ms. Sue Peterson – Carlyle Place
Mr. Raymond A. Pippin
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Purcel
Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Skilling
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Abrams
Dr. Stefan R. Adair
Mr. & Mrs. V.J. Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Albertson
Ms. Catherine Allarde Ms. Doris P. Anderson
Judge Lanier & Mrs. Nancy Anderson
Dr. Sharon Ash & Dr. David E. Burtner
Mr. & Mrs. William Avenel
Mr. Milton J. Avera III
Dr. Macram Marcus Ayoub
Mr. Kent & Mrs. Susan Baldschun
Dr. Gene Battles
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Banks
Mr. Larry Barnett
Mr. Andres & Dr. Angela Barroso
Ms. Pamela Bartow
Mr. Carter & Mrs. Thayer Bates
Donna Bellamy
Dr. Donald B. Benton Jr.
Ms. Sallie Bersey
Dr. Arthur* & Mrs. Carol Besser
Mr. Richard & Mrs. Tracey Blalock
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Boltri
Mr. Ed & Mrs. Sandy Bond
Tamara G. Booth
Linda Booze
Mr. & Mrs. Brod Bourque
Mrs. Kathy Bowen
Dr. & Mrs. Frank Bowyer
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bozeman
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Brady
Dr. Alrick G. Brooks
Dr. & Mrs. Norman J. Buka
Ms. Annette Bagley-Burnett
Mr. Chad & Mrs. Tracy Burton
Mr. Brad & Mrs. Cyndey Busbee
Ms. Martha Buxton
Dr. & Mrs. Angel R. Cancel
Ms. Nan Cannon
Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Cassidy
Dr. & Mrs. James L. Cassidy Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Manuel S. Castresana
Dr. & Mrs. Paul W. Chandler
Dr. & Mrs. Dwain Christian
Mr. Kenneth B. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Calder B. Clay III
Ms. Callie Clegg
Mr. Frank* & Mrs. Barbara Clowers
Rebecca & Rallie Cogburn
Dr. & Mrs. David A. Cole
Mr. Roger & Mrs. Dawn Cole
Dr. Carol Collings
Mr. John D. Comer
Mr. Dave Cummings
Dr & Mrs. James M. Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Cutright
Dr. Barbara J. Dalrymple
Dr. & Mrs. Martin L. Dalton
Mr. Wayne & Mrs. Barbara Ann Daniel
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Davis ♦
Pine Pointe Hospice
Mr. & Mrs. T. Lynn Davis Jr.
Dr. Yvette Davis-Smith
Mr. Tom & Mrs. Pat D’Errico
Dr. Kenneth Deaton & Dr. Stella Tsai
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Dent
Mr. Dick & Mrs. Emily Dickey
Dr. Cayetano T. Dizon &
Dr. Grace T. Duque-Dizon
Mr. Wayne & Mrs. Odessa Dollar
Mr. John Dorhauer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Domingos
Dr. Delanor Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Dunwody VI
Mr. J. Doug & Mrs. Layne Dunwody
Mr. Tom & Mrs. Wanda Eaves
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Eddy
Mr. & Mrs. C. Brown Edwards Jr.
James Ray Edwards
Dr. & Mrs. David Elkon
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Ellington
Dr. & Mrs. Graham Erceg
Dr. & Mrs. Ellis W. Evans
Dr. & Mrs. Christian Ezekwueche
Ju’nita A. Falkenberg
Monika R. Foskey
Ms. Lesley H. Foulkes
Dr. & Mrs. Ron Freeman
Ms. Constance J. Galeazzo
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Galloway
Dr. & Mrs. Freddy Gaton
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Gibbons
Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Gilbert
Dr. & Mrs. Fred Girton
Dr. & Mrs. T. Franklin Glass
Dr. Arthur R. Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Tracy L. Gray
Mrs. Hannah M. Greene
Mr. Charlie* & Mrs. Martha Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Griffin
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Rick W. Griffin
Mr. Duke R. Groover &
Dr. Catherine Bomberger Groover
Dr. & Mrs. Mark E. Grossnickle
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Gwinner
Ms. Sherry C. Haizlip
Ms. Mary Haizlip
Michael G. Hajworonsky
Dr. & Mrs. Lee H. Hall
Ms. Dorothy A. Hallberg*
Ms. Ursula Holleman
Mr. Larry* & Mrs. Lavonne Harn
Dr. A. Kenneth Harper
Mr. Mike C. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Hart Jr.
Dr. Kenneth C. Henderson
Ms. Lawson M. Hill*
Ms. Patti C. Hill
Mrs. Rosecella Hill-Butler
Medcen Happenings
Callaway, continued:
Mr. & Mrs. L.G. Holloway
Mr. Benjamin Hopkins
Dr. Jian Jim Hua
Ms. Amanda Hudson
Dr. & Mrs. John A. Hudson
Ms. Amy Hussey
Ms. Cindy Hutcheson
Dr. Marcia B. & Mr. Stan Hutchinson
Mr. & Mrs. Lou Imbrogno
Mr. Willie James Irwin
Dr. Michael Isley
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Israel III
Mr. & Mrs. Karim Jabr
Dr. & Mrs. Pravin K. Jain
Mr. & Mrs. Dugger Jamison
Jerry & Tracy Johns
Mr. George L. Johnson*
Ms. Joyce A. Johnson
Dr. Kim Johnston
Christine & Glen Jones
Dr. Thomas C. & Mrs. Elizabeth Jones
Mr. Ralph Jordan
Mrs. Karen E. Harty Jump
Dr. Wynn Kallay
Dr. & Mrs. Donald M. Kea
Dr. & Mrs. Mark W. Keenan
Mr. Doyle & Mrs. Janis Kelly
Ms. Judy M. Kelley
Mr. Thomas C. Kellogg
Mr. Mike Ketterbaugh
Mr. Bob & Mrs. Carol Kimsey
Dr. Naomi Kirkman Bey
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Koplin
Mr. Henry K. Koplin
Dr. William R. Lane
Mr. Jim & Mrs. Brenda Lambert
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lavelle
Ms. Cornelia Lawson
Angela T. Lewis
Debbie & Jimbo Liipfert
Dr. & Mrs. T.J. Lin
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Lineberger
Mr. Truman D. Littleton
Mr. Lawrence W. Logue
Mrs. Kimberly F. Mancin
Dr. & Mrs. Samuel D. Mandel
Mrs. T. O. Marshall
Mr. William & Mrs. Usha Martin
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Matthews
Dr. Miles H. McDonald*
Mr.* & Mrs. Richard McEwen ♦ Carlyle
Place Resident Assistance Fund
Dr. & Mrs. Hugh McLaurin
Ms. Pamela McLendon
Mr. & Mrs. Marion McMillan
Mr. Elbert & Mrs. Lea McQueen
Mrs. Karen Johnson Minter
Mr. & Mrs. Madison O. Mock
Ms. Meryl J. Montgomery
Mr. & Mrs. Cleon Moore
Mr. Tom Morris
Ms. Laura D. Mullis
Medcen Happenings
Thank You...
Mr. & Mrs. Don Nakayama
Mr. John & Mrs. Summer* Neel
Mr. Jeff & Mrs. Ilene Nicklas
Mr. Marvin A. & Mrs. Rachel Noles
Ms. Elizabeth G. O’Bry
Mr. Willie Odom
Dr. & Mrs. Obioha Okoro
Mr. & Mrs. Lee P. Oliver, III
Mr. Tom & Mrs. Andrea Olmer
Mr. Sam & Mrs. Debbie Orr
Dr. & Mrs. William Orr
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Parks
Dr. Elizabeth Patrenos
Dr.& Mrs. Pat Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Patterson
Nikki & Matt Paulk
Ms. Judy C. Paull
Beth Pearson
Mr. & Mrs. Wright Peavy
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Perry
Dr. & Mrs. Edgar Pierce
Ms. Cynthia M. Poole
Nancy B. Prather
Mr. & Mrs. Brent S. Pyles
Ms. Veronica Raines
Kelly L. Register
Albert P. & Walton B.Reichert, Sr.*
Mr. John Reilly
Dr. Murray Relf
Mr. Jesse & Mrs. Suellen E. Richardson
Rebecca Roberts
Ms. Patricia Robinson
Dr. & Mrs. Joe Sam Robinson Jr.
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Rockenbach, Jr.
Dr. Mitch & Olga Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Rogers Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie D. Rollins
Mr. & Mrs. Don Rosen
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Rossi
Mrs. Jo Ann Rowland
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Saitow
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Sams
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Sanda –
Comprehensive Cancer & Research Center
Mr. & Mrs. Tom L. Sands
Joyce R. Schafer, PhD
Mr. Greg & Mrs. Debbie Schuchmann
Dr. & Mrs. Fred Schnell
Dr. & Mrs. J. Paul Seale
Honorable & Mrs. Tilman E. Self, III
Judge & Mrs. William T. Self
Dr. Alvin “Swan” Sewell
Ms. Denise W. Shoemaker
Mr. Wilson Sims
Lamar & Sandy Sizemore
Mr. George Skene &
Mrs. Marilyn Lisenby Skene
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Slappey
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Slocum
Mr. Daniel Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Smith
Dr. & Mrs. James F. Smith Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Jason Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Smith
Drs. Felix & Bola Sogade
Dr. & Mrs. Maurice M. Solis
Mr. Jonathan Spedding
Mr. Roberto Springer
Dr. & Mrs. Sturla Stefansson
Mr. & Mrs. W. Asbury Stembridge Jr.
Mr. Mark A. & Mrs. Deborah W. Stevens
Ms. Barbara J. Stickel
Dr. & Mrs. L. Daniel Strawn
Mrs. Connie King Styons
The S.V. Tarabadkar Family
Ellen & Dave Terrell
Ms. Kathy L. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Thompson
Dr. & Mrs. William Lee Tift
Ms. Amy E. Todd
Adam & Kathy Tolbert
Mr. Mark W. Traugh
Dr. & Mrs. T.W. Treadwell Jr.
Dr. Chris & Mrs. Lisa Troup
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tyson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vaden
Mr. John & Mrs. Donna Vasquez
Ms. Darlene Vaughan
Mr. John Paul Wade
Mr. Carroll & Mrs. Marianna Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Ware
Ms. Crystal Watkins
Ms. Susan Watkins
Mr. Andy & Mrs. Louise Watson
Mr. David Watson
Bryan & Tiffiny Weidner
Drs. Edward & Roberta Weintraut
Mr. Billy & Mrs. Amy Wells
Mrs. Robin C. White
Mr. Ernie & Mrs. Kim Whitley
Ms. Yvonne C. Wiggins
Mr. Fred A. Williams
Dr. & Mrs. Howard J. Williams Jr.
Dr. R.S. Williams
Eric & Cindy Wilson
Ms. Penny Windham
Mr. Jerry & Mrs. Sandy Wolfe
Mr. Eddie & Mrs. Donna Wood
Mrs. Lois C. Wrenn ♦
Mr. David Zuver*
Italics indicate new members
♦ indicates increased financial
* indicates deceased
Thank You...
& Corporate Honor Roll
The Business & Corporate Honor Roll recognizes businesses that partner with the Hospital through the Foundation
with gifts at the Gold ($50,000), Silver ($25,000), and Bronze Levels ($10,000) over a three-year period. Below are the
businesses who have pledged their support. New members and their gift designations are indicated in italics.
Gold Level
Patricia Stewart Burgess Foundation
Central Georgia Cancer Care, LLC ~
Comprehensive Cancer & Research
Cherokee Brick & Tile
Diabetes Treatment Centers of America
Dry Branch Kaolin Company
Greene Sawtell Foundation
George E. Hatcher, Jr. & Ann Williams
Hatcher Foundation
Georgia Power
Frito Lay
Macon Iron & Paper Stock Company
Renfroe Family Foundation
The Medical Center of Central Georgia
Retirees’ Association
Sell & Melton
The Tull Charitable Foundation
Nell Warren & William Simpson Elkin
Silver Level
American Cancer Society
AtlanticSouthern Bank
Bank South
Brasfield & Gorrie ♦ Peach County Hospital
Mary Allen Lindsay Branan Foundation
Burgess Pigment Company
Capital City Bank
Community Foundation of Central Georgia
Conditioned Air, Inc.
Cornerstone Communities
Data Supplies
Ernst & Young
Fickling Family Foundation
Healthcare Central Georgia Jelks, McLees & Boggs
McDonnell Douglas
Radiology Associates
Southern Office Concepts
Teneco Packaging, Inc.
Warren Associates
Zarks’ Family Foundation
Bronze Level
American Cancer Society ♦
Comprehensive Cancer & Research
Anonymous ~ Comprehensive Cancer &
Research Center
The Armstrong Foundation
The Barham-Calhoun Foundation
Baldschun, Cable & Jones, LLC
Belk Matthews
Bibb Collection Services
Blue Circle Concrete
Butler Auto Dealership Group
Central Bank of Georgia
Cerner Corporation
Cherokee National Life Insurance Company
Children’s Oncology Group
Chris R. Sheridan, Co.
Commercial Furnishings, LLC ♦
Comprehensive Cancer & Research
Constangy, Brooks, LLP
Crawford County Board of Commissioners
R. Howard Dobbs, Jr. Foundation, Inc.
Dunlap-Williamson Foundation, Inc.
Eli Lilly & Company
Fickling Family Foundation
Flint Energies Foundation, Inc.
Georgia Association of Physician Assistants
Geotechnical & Environmental
Consultants, Inc.
Graves Pharmacy
Greene & Associates, Inc. ♦
Comprehensive Cancer & Research
Gifts made February 1, 2012 - May 31, 2012
Hays Services, LLC
India Benton Lesser Foundation
Infinity Network Solutions, Inc.
International City School of Ballet
JC Penney Company, Inc.
Jay & Associates
Jones Automatic Sprinkler, Inc.
Keebler Company
Macon Occupational Medicine
Mattie H. Marshall Foundation
Newland Family Foundation
Patton, Albertson & Miller, LLC ♦
Comprehensive Cancer & Research
PepsiCo Foundation
Pfizer, Inc.
Piedmont Construction Group
Roberta Giant Mart, Inc.
Samuel T. Mercer Foundation
Smiley’s Markets & Malls, Inc.
STAT Medical of Georgia
State Bank & Trust Company ~
Comprehensive Cancer & Research
The Summit Group
Scott Hudgens Family Foundation ~
Comprehensive Cancer & Research
Triangle Chemical Company
Emily B. Walker Trust
W. L. Amos Sr. Foundation, Inc.
Waites & Foshee Insurance Group
Virgil P. Warren Family Foundation
Wilkinson Kaolin Association
Williams & Associates
Women’s Specialty Care
Wyeth-Ayerst Pharmaceuticals
♦ indicates increased financial commitment
(Some gifts may be cumulative.)
Medcen Happenings
Thank You...
Olin H. Weaver Society
The Olin H. Weaver Society was created for physicians who philanthropically support the
Medical Center of Central Georgia through the Medcen Community Health Foundation.
Lifetime Membership ~ $50,000
Callaway Society Level ~ $10,000
Annual Membership Level ~$1,000
Lifetime Members
Mirza Ahmed, MD
Emory Johnson, MD
Alan Kirsh, MD
Mufid Othman, MD
William H. Somers, MD
Alex H. S. Weaver, MD*
Callaway Members
Richard Ackermann, MD
Stefan Adair, MD
Sohail Akbar, MD
Sharon Ash, MD
Dennis Ashley, MD
Angela Barroso, MD
Gene Battles, MD
John Boltri, MD
Catherine BombergerGroover, MD
Frank Bowyer, MD
Alrick G. Brooks, MD
Barbara Dalrymple, MD
Kenneth Deaton, MD
Cayetano T. Dizon, MD
Delanor Doyle, M.D.
Gary Eddy, MD
Hillary Ellwood, MD
Graham W. Erceg, MD
David Frolich, MD
Freddy Gaton, MD
Fred Girton, MD
Frank Glass, MD
Louis Goolsby, MD
Arthur Gray, MD
Ralph Griffin, MD
Lee Hall, MD
Robert Ham, MD
A. Kenneth Harper, MD
Steven A. House, MD
Jian J. Hua, MD
Marcia Hutchinson, MD
Michael Isley, MD
Kim Johnston, MD
Thomas Jones, MD
Wynn Kallay, MD
Frank Kelly, M.D.
Harold Paul Katner, MD
Naomi Kirkman Bey, MD
William Lane, MD
Ken McDonald, MD
Miles McDonald, MD*
Hugh McLaurin, MD
Obioha Okoro, MD
Edgar H. Pierce, MD
Mitch Rodriquez, MD
Frederick M. Schnell, MD
J. Paul Seale, MD
Alvin D. Sewell, MD
Vincent Skilling, MD
James F. Smith Jr., MD
Jason Smith, MD
Felix Sogade, MD
Oscar Spivey, MD
Loy D. Strawn, MD
Sanjiwan Tarabadkar, MD
William Lee Tift, MD
Bryan Weidner, MD
Roberta Weintraut, MD
Howard J. Williams, MD
Annual Membership
Roberta Andrews, MD
Ericha Benshoff, MD
Margaret C. Boltja, MD
Bruce Burns, MD
Edward Clark, MD
David Cohen, MD
Nannette Crowley, MD
Dr. Ela J. Engineer
Manmohan Gupta, MD
David Kent, MD
Lawrence X. Webb, MD
* Indicates deceased
Medcen Happenings
Thank You...
Heritage Circle
The Heritage Circle was established to honor and recognize those thoughtful individuals and families who include a gift to
the Medcen Community Health Foundation for the Hospital in their wills and estate plans to ensure a lasting legacy for future
generations. New members and their gift designations are listed in italics.
Mr. Donald Adams*
Ms. Betty Luthi *
Mr. & Mrs. Carroll A. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. V.J. Adams Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCook Jr.
Ms. Evelyn W. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Albertson
Ms. Peggie McMillan
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Walsh
Mr. Robert * & Mrs. Kay Allen
Mr. J. Patrick Meyer Jr.
Mr. David J. Zuver *
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Banks
Dr. & Mrs. Norman C. Moore
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur S. Besser
Mr. & Mrs. R. Thomas Olmer Jr.
Mr. Kenneth Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund E. Olson
Mr. Marvin J. Coddon *
Dr. & Mrs. Mufid A. Othman
Mr. W. Harold & Mrs. Eloise Parady
Drs. Neil & Ethel Cullinan
Mr. & Mrs. Wright Peavy
Ms. Emily Dornhart *
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Dunwody VI
Mr. Charles R. Jr. &
Mr. & Mrs. A. Donald Faulk Jr.
Mrs. Louise M. Pettis *
Mr. & Mrs. William O. Faulkner
Mr. Raymond A. Pippin
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Freeman
Mr.* & Mrs. E. J. Fried
Mr. & Mrs. Albert P. Reichert *
Ms. Patsy G. Fried
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Rogers Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Gilstrap
Joyce Schafer, Ph.D.
Dr. Louis & Mrs. Kay Goolsby
Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Skilling
Mr. Maurice & Mrs. Gay Gwinner
Mrs. Robert W. Smith
Mrs. Milton Heard Jr.*
Dr. & Mrs. Oscar S. Spivey
Dr. Ken C. Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Spivey
Mr. Robert E. Herndon
Ms. Lynn Stafford
Mrs. R. J. Hooper
Ms. Barbara J. Stickel
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Howard W. Stuart Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Damon D. King
Mr. Philip R. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L. Lineberger
Ms. Emily Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Vaden *Deceased
Medcen Happenings
Thank You...
Community Supporters
Cancer WellFit
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer
Carlyle Place Resident
Assistance Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Iver L. Granum
Mr. & Mrs. George Head
($1,250 to $9,999)
Midsouth Community Federal Credit
Newtown Macon Inc.
Friends of the Foundation
Comprehensive Cancer &
Research Center
Dr. & Mrs. Fred Gaton
Pine Pointe Hospice
Lake Wildwood Community Development
($500 - $1249)
Carlyle Place Resident Assistance
Ms. Leslie Morris
Mr. Rex Evans
Cherokee National Life Insurance
Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Brian Bayme
Mrs. Marjorie H. Carter & Mr. John Carter
Jon Hawk / Sell & Melton
Children’s Hospital
Central Georgia Pediatrics
Comprehensive Cancer & Research
Janet & David Perryman
Pine Pointe Hospice
First Evangelical Church
Well Wishers
Cancer WellFit
Sandra Stone
Mr. Carswell H. Patterson
Mr. David Derriso
Mr. Gary Atwell
Mr. Harry P. Singletary
Mr. Jarmaal Hamilton
Mr. Simon Dixon
Mrs. Tom Greene, Jr
Ms. Beth Woodard
Ms. Carmen Criswell
Ms. Carolyn J. Greene
Ms. Carswell H. Petersen
Ms. Cecilia Jackson
Ms. Courtney Butler
Ms. Crystal Tucker
Ms. Deanna Clevenger
Ms. Earnesta L. Jarrell
Ms. Gala Jordan
Ms. Johnna Daniels
Ms. Kim Jones
Ms. Kim M. Odens
Ms. Kimberly L. Middlebrook
Ms. Kristin Lee
Ms. Laura Rodgers
Ms. Lisa Allman
Ms. Rebecca Morgan
Ms. Shirley J. Brown
Ms. Stephanie L. DeFoe
Ms. Susan Claxton
Ms. Valerie Williams-Hogan
Ms. Vicki Bell
Carlyle Place Library Fund
Ms. Alashia Dawson
Mrs. Leora M. Kingery
Carlyle Place Resident
Assistance Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Gwinner
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Vince Coughlin
Ms. Sandra A. Daniels
Ms. Mary E. Oppy
Mrs. Jan B. Phillips
Ms. Kathryn Sibley
Children’s Hospital
AP’s Hideaway Lounge
David & Doreen Martin
GE United Way Campaign
Mr. Adam P. Rodgers
Mr. & Mrs. Amos C. Churchwell
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Dykes
Mr. & Mrs. George Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Jimbo C. Liipfert, Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Rhett L. Moody, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Burgess
Medcen Happenings
(Under $500)
Gifts made February 1, 2012 - May 31, 2012
Peach Council #2466 of The Royal Arcanum
Rutland Middle School
Stevie Lane
Veronica Barfield
Comprehensive Cancer & Research
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford K. Wallace
Macon Health Club
Mr. Milton Carr
Pine Pointe Hospice
City of Macon
Mr. George R. Middleton
State of Georgia Department of Labor
Mr. Paul Tyson
Mr. & Mrs. Zach Blount
MCCG - Supply Chain Services
Ms. Deborah P. Hammock
Chautauqua Circle
Mr. & Mrs. J. Kenneth Walker
Georgia Neuro Center (MCCG)
Ms. Kathy Eubanks
The Medicines Company
AstraZeneca LP
Special Events
Children’s Hospital
Special Events
2012 Celebrity Classic
3D Exhibits
Allergy Associates P.A.
Alliant Insurance Services
Aon Corporation
Blandford Charitable Foundation
Boo & Rebecca McKelvey
Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC
Burgess Pigment Company
Care Logistics
Cerner Corporation
Comprehensive Health
Constangy, Brooks, LLP
Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst
Draffin & Tucker, CPA
FiduciaryVest, LLC
First Eagle Investment
Management, LLC
Georgia Farm Bureau
Macon Power (PPC Foundation)
Medline Industries, Inc.
Molina Healthcare, Inc.
Montag & Caldwell
Munder Capital Management
Murdock Advisory Services
Perkins & Will
Richardson Technology Systems
Robins & Morton
Seacrest Partners Inc.
Secure Health Plans of GA., LLC
Sibley Heart Center Cardiology
Silvercrest Asset Management
Group, LLC
SouthStar Energy Services LLC
DBA Georgia Natural Gas
The Fisher Group Inc.
The Variable Annuity Life
Insurance Company
Towers Watson
United Distributors, Inc.
Watson McCallum LLP 2011 Reindeer Run &
Santa Stroll
BLC Hardwood Flooring, LLC
Macon Occupational Medicine,
MCCG - Right on Track
2012 Y96 Radiothon for
Kids Monthly Donors
Ashley Thompson
Cody & Kathy Mosher
Jackie L. Atkinson
Jamie Bollinger
Jeffery & Seth Daniel
Jody Long
Lee Ciucezich
Mike & Patricia Fuqua
Miss Abigail Weeks
Mr. Bobby Wilcox
Mr. Brandon Coleman
Mr. Donny Hadden
Mr. Frank Brown
Mr. James Nichols
Mr. Joel Akins
Mr. Jonathan Dawson
Mr. Joseph Wood
Mr. Keith Clements
Mr. Michael Lewis
Mr. Robert Cochran
Mr. Robert Simms
Mr. Shawn Manning
Mr. Tim Burris
Mr. Victor Harden
Mr. William L. Harrell Jr.
Mrs. Mary Kate Rowe
Ms. Amanda Reynolds
Ms. Amanda Rigdon
Ms. Amanda Thigpen
Ms. Ashlee G. Vickers
Ms. Betsy Thomas
Ms. Brandi Leguin
Ms. Carlie C. Dominy
Ms. Christin Price
Ms. Christy Garcia
Ms. Cori Miller
Ms. Danielle Barwick
Ms. Hannah Peterson
Ms. Heather Glover
Ms. Heather Williamson
Ms. Heidi Chambliss
Ms. Jennifer Pickle
Ms. Jerica Jones
Ms. Jessica Haley
Ms. Kathryn Mullis
Ms. Kathryn Perry
Ms. Katie Pittman
Ms. Kennecia Brown
Ms. Kim Wiles
Ms. Lacey D. Caneega
Ms. Lisa C. Morris
Ms. Lizzie Rhodes
Ms. Mallisa Claxton
Ms. Marla Roach
Ms. Marsha Copeland
Ms. Melissa Messer
Ms. Miranda Brooks
Ms. Missy Roberson
Ms. Nancy Lamas
Ms. Robin A. West
Ms. Sandra Yaumans
Ms. Stephanie Drew
Ms. Stephanie Norwood
Ms. Toni Cravey
Ms. Tracie Bird
Ms. Wanda Wade
Ms. Wendi Grayvill
Ms. Wendy Amram
Stacy Randall
2012 Y96 Radiothon for
Kids One Time Donors
Choice Care Ambulance Service
DM’s Jumpin Gyms, LLC
Dr. Charles Myers
Joyce Drywall & Insulation
Mark Evans Cabinets, Inc.
Mr. Andrew Johnson
Mr. Brad Wall
Mr. Brannon Brown
Mr. Bryan Clark
Mr. Chris Griffin
Mr. Hollis Neal
Mr. J. Will Tripp
Mr. James Howell
Mr. Josh Hutchinson
Mr. Koby Tanner
Mr. Milton Fountain
Mr. Ronnie McCarty
Gifts made February 1, 2012 - May 31, 2012
Mr. Ryan K. Johnson
Mr. Tim Binkley
Mr. Tim Norwood
Mr. Van Mock
Ms. Amanda Coody
Ms. Anna Brookins
Ms. Ashley Harrell
Ms. Ashley Lampp
Ms. Ashley Nanworthy
Ms. Babs Scott
Ms. Barbara Crawford
Ms. Britney Rozier
Ms. Brittany Walden
Ms. Charlene S. Soskey
Ms. Chelsea Duggins
Ms. Debbie Boyden
Ms. Debbie Williamson
Ms. Debra McDuffey
Ms. Donna J. Braddy
Ms. Elizabeth Tarpley
Ms. Gail Harrison
Ms. Gail Phillips
Ms. Gayle Moxley
Ms. Gloria Pearce
Ms. Hannah Meeler
Ms. Holly Brantley
Ms. Jennifer Jones
Ms. Jessica Giddens
Ms. Julie Lastinger
Ms. Kari Barber
Ms. Kathleen Thompson
Ms. Kathy Bell
Ms. Katie Toussau
Ms. Kelly Burke
Ms. Kitrea Clay
Ms. Krista Deraney
Ms. Kristen Webb
Ms. Leigh Lawrence
Ms. Leigh Thigpen
Ms. Lisa Vongsough
Ms. Lora Smith
Ms. Malinda Senters
Ms. Maria Azua
Ms. Melanie Kilgore
Ms. Melinda Young
Ms. Mendy Wilcher
Ms. Michelle Haigh
Ms. Nannette Dominy
Ms. Nichole Bell
Ms. Pelem Fykes
Medcen Happenings
Ms. Rebecca Craft
Ms. Sanya Crosby
Ms. Sara Neal
Ms. Sheila Giles
Ms. Stephanie Harrison
Ms. Summer Bass
Ms. Summer Wimberly
Ms. Suzanne Bellflower
Ms. Sylvia Foskey
Ms. Tamara Monroe
Ms. Tammy Thain
Ms. Tiffany L. Spivey
Ms. Tonja D. Jordan
Ms. Tracey Black
Ms. Virginia Moore
Ms. Wanda Williford
Rhonda Jones
Stevie Martin
Bo’s Camp
Daly & Debbie Smith
Dr. & Mrs. M. Frank Arnold III
Harriet W. & Edward P. Ellis Charitable Trust
MOPS Consignment
Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Anderson II
Mrs. Claude B. Buzzell & Mr. William J. Buzzell
Ms. Gwen M. Wilson
Ms. Laurie Richardson
Thomas F. & Mary Ann Richardson
Stars over Macon Ball
Internal Medicine Assoc.
Mr. Henry K. Koplin
Georgia Magnetic Imaging Center LTD
Larry & Barbara Young
Dot Elder
Karen Mossman
SPECIAL EVENTS, continued:
Thank You
Area of Greatest Need
Ethel A. Cullinan
Dr. & Mrs. David J. Frolich
Mrs. Barbara Clowers
Morris & Sharon Purcel
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Stinson
John G. Etheridge
Dr. Jerome & Mrs. Carol Tift
Cancer WellFit
Cancer Well Fit Staff
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dumbleton
Carlyle Place
Emma Logan
Dr. & Mrs. Donald M. Kea
Children’s Hospital
Edna Allen Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Andrews
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis W. Hart
Jack Grist
Daniel Lavelle
Bold indicates person being honored.
Medcen Happenings
Gifts made February 1, 2012 - May 31, 2012
Area of Greatest Need
Etta Frost
Noreen M. Pippio
Diana Woodham
Uzoma A. Okeiyi
Ms. Jennifer C. Boland
Martha Sims T. Johnson
Drs. Ethel & Neil Cullinan
Cancer WellFit
Henry Brewer
Nohemy R. Brewer
Carole McCloud
Ms. Hazel McCloud
Ellen NeSmith
Mr. & Mrs. N. Wayne Yarbrough
John Ray Preston
Ms. Deborah J. Preston
Carlyle Place
Elsie Benn
Drs. Ethel & Neil Cullinan
Joan A. Evans
Drs. Ethel & Neil Cullinan
Dr. & Mrs. Donald M. Kea
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Stinson
Monroe Garrett
Dr. & Mrs. Waldo E. Floyd
William J. Ham
Mr. & Mrs. Tom F. Flournoy, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Stinson
Jean Logan
Drs. Ethel & Neil Cullinan
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Starr
Walton (Chunk) Reichert &
Albert P. Reichert, Sr.
Carlyle Place Administration &
Mr. & Mrs. Tom F. Flournoy, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Donald M. Kea
Dr. & Mrs. Minor C. Vernon Albert P. Reichert, Sr.
Drs. Ethel & Neil Cullinan
Ms. Rachel Speicher
Children’s Hospital
James “Bo” Berg
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Johnson
Ms. Laurie Richardson
Thomas F. & Mary Ann Richardson
Pat Creamer
Mr. Alan W. McDougal
Jerry Liles
Ms. Betty M. Drew
Ms. Betty S. Hewitt
Mr. & Mrs. Larry G. McLure
Ms. Juanita S. Massey
Ms. Adelia S. Phillips
Lallie C. Merritt
Don & Pam Nobles
The Sanford Company
James B. “Shay” Sellers
Shep & Erin Bickley
Bob Terrell
Mr. Alan W. McDougal
Comprehensive Cancer &
Research Center
Chandler & Edith McMaster
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Sanda
Ernest Sims
CLM Management, LLC
Ms. Elizabeth H. Cornelius
Gayle Korink
Ms. Evet Ezell
Pine Pointe Hospice
Walter Ard
Andrea Godwin
Dr. & Mrs. Earl Adkisson
Mr. & Mrs. W.C. Hardison
Mr. Freeman King
Ms. Angela K. Stuckey
Dr. & Mrs. Ernest L. Moore, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph H. Ledden
Mr. & Mrs. Clay K. Kaplan
Bold indicates persons memorialized.
Blanche Atkins
Parts Central, Inc.
Carolyn Mae Bakay
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Shepard
Bonner L. Baker
Ms. Nancy Riggs
Carlene Barefoot
Mrs. Regina Chalkley
Suzy Bastein
Ms. Elizabeth B. Hawk
Mr. Petey Dickenshied
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Teninga
Marilyn Becker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Reece
Linda L. Beall
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Davis
Mavaneene Bennett
Mrs. Mary E. Slaton
Mr. Russell Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Joey Dixon
Mr. Marion M. Kelly
Milton Berkner
Clifton, Lipford, Hardison & Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Morgan Wood
Mildred R. Bezek
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Dickey III
Mrs. Carolyn M. Griffin
Betsy Brooks
Ms. Jackie Dawson
Mr. & Mrs. Keith J. Busbee
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Adkins
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Hardin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Skinner
Marion Brooks
Dr. & Mrs. Mufid A. Othman
Joe M. Butler
Mr. Erik Holbrook
Mrs. Beth Smith
Ms. Mary McInvale
Casto Management Services Inc.
Mrs. Margaret P. Bell
Mrs. Pamela Alligood
Gifts made February 1, 2012 - May 31, 2012
Ms. Cheryl Y. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Becker
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Green
Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Whitten
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse E. Griffin
Margaret Chambers
Mr. F. Ronnie Sanders
JMA Architecture, Inc.
Mr. Tommy & Mrs. Connie Meeks
David M. Christian
Mr. & Mrs. Kerry Feathers
Ruby Clark
Mr. Al Gunzinger
Silver Beach Towers Homeowners Association
Dr. & Mrs. Alan D. Kirsh
Ms. Janice G. Hightower
Mrs. Edna B. Gostin
Mr. Mike Ketterbaugh
Cheryl Ann Cross
Ms. Nina R. Reeves
Ms. Barbara T. Minton
Mr. Carl L. &
Mrs. Susanna B. Beard
Ms. Delores D. Kushinka
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Colson
Kelly Ennis
Ms. Sandra E. Childs
Joyce Deeb
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Shaheen
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Welton
Dr. Cassius M. Stanley, III
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Deep
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Deep
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Thurman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Ward
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Shepard
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Lee
Mrs. Rosa D. Shaheen
Speir & Associates Electrical
Contactors, Inc.
Evelyn Dugger
Mr. Durwood Dugger
John & Carleen Raymer
Mr. & Mrs. William P.
Simmons, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Ryle
Medcen Happenings
memorials, continued:
Ms. Joan B. Cason
Mr. M. Terry Genone
J.C. Durden
Mr. & Mrs. F.L. Moseley
Martha F. Durr
Mr. Milo G. Ringe
IKON Office Solutions
Kim & Maxine Gandy
Ms. Ruth Bargeron
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ashley
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hundley
Middle Georgia RESA
Howard Edwards
Ms. Francine Miller
Charles W. English
Beta Sigma Phi
W. Danny Ellis
Mrs. Nellie A. Fleming
Blanford Gandy
Mr. & Mrs. William Peacock
Mr. Forrest Davis &
Mrs. Nona Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Bartlett
Ms. Dorothy S. Yarbrough
Mrs. Tina B. Singleton
Ms. Maxine S. Gandy
Forest Hills United Methodist
Donna M. Genthner
Mrs. Kenniane Tull
Mr. William F. Mitchell
Paul Goodlett
Mrs. Kathy E. Herndon
Ivey Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Mikal Douglas
Mr. & Mrs. Elton O. Grubbs
Ms. Maudlyn G. Smith
William J. Ham
Mrs. Lucille Pinkston
Mr. Gerald C. Becham
Mr. & Mrs. John E Sallstrom
Mr. & Mrs R. James Mitchell
Burns & Burns, P.C.
Mr. & Mrs. William D.
NeSmith, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Thomson
Medcen Happenings
Cleon & Elizabeth Moore
Carlyle Place
Ms. Carolyn I. Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. Iver L. Granum
Ms. Beatrice E. Mink
Ms. Sandra H. Harris
Linda B. Hardison
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Blanchard
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Slappey, Jr.
Ms. Sidney S. Blase
Billy Hartley
Maggie Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Donnelly
Ms. Virginia Andrews
Ms. Lillian Peck
Ms. Lois C. Yancey
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Barwick
Jimmie M. Powell
Ms. Laura J. Wells
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Don T. Mulligan Sr.
Ms. Nancy A. Ramos
Mr. & Mrs. C. D. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy J. Hartley
John B. Hawkins
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Shepard
Mary Hightower
Ms. Marie Nicholson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Shugart
Dr. & Mrs. Edward D. Conner
Dr. Susan F. Schulz
Lamar Howell
Ms. Valerie Deal
Demery J. Kicklighter
Kevin & Ann Condon
Mark & Karen Coleman
Alvin Koplin
Morris & Sharon Purcel
Wilsie Kostedt
Mr. Bert Kostedt
George A. Lamb
Cayuga Medical Center at Ithaca
Dorothy Lazenby
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Taylor
Jean Logan
Dr. & Mrs. William W. Orr
Kody Lucas
Mrs. Angela Moncrief
Dr. & Mrs. Steven A. House
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney D. Ellis
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Robinson
Malcolm “Mac” Marchman
Dr. J. R. Arnall
Mr. & Mrs. Darryl Neidlinger
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Shearouse
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hartman
Mr. & Mrs. Elton L. Wall
Linda Wingate
Ramona Marshall
RAFB Retired Accounting Group
Mr. Ron W. &
Mrs. Dawn C. Brasfield
Mr. & Mrs. W. Holley Long
Mildred D. McDaniel
Luis & Hope Mijares
Ms. Shirley V. Paris
Mr. & Mrs. James Balletto
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Dickey III
Ms. Diane Tamburro
Ms. Virginia I. Hatcher
Joseph McNeal
Ms. Stacee Hoye
Roy & Patricia Rogers
Ellene R. McWilliams
Mr & Mrs. Fred L. Bodrey
James Meadows
Mr. & Mrs. M. Boyd Edwards
Terry S. Mason
Bay Medical Center Operating Room Staff
Ms. Caryn M. Chitty
Martha L. Mitchell
Mr. Samuel Bennett
Mr. Frank Hutcheson
Donald & Carol Lindsey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Dickey III
Mr. & Mrs. James Rivers
John L. Moran
Mr. Claude A. Harvey
Ellen NeSmith
Ms. Cynthia H. Rivers
Mr. & Mrs. William Dorn
Ms. Roselyn M. Fletcher
Mrs. Betty Phillips
Ms. Kathy L. Copp
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fuller
Jimmy Pruett
Dr. Charles A. Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Dell Godfrey
John Redeker
Craig & Sue Anderson
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Waldrop
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick K. Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Phil L. Waldrop
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Kleinschmidt
Ms. V. Doris Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Reilly
Ms. Cheryl H. Osborne
Albert P. Reichert
Ms. Norma J. Shearer
Middle Georgia Regional
Development Center
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce J. Bishop
Keadle Lumber Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Len Perkins
Cleon & Elizabeth Moore
BTBB, Inc. Architects & Planners
Dr. & Mrs. Alan D. Kirsh
Mrs. Frances M. Gavin
Mrs. Beverly K. Olson &
Mr. Edmund E. Olson
Mrs. Virginia McCowen
Walton (Chunk) Reichert
Mr. & Mrs. Len Perkins
Ms. Lisa Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm S. Burgess Jr.
BTBB, Inc. Architects & Planners
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Willingham
Macon Fireman’s Credit Union
Mr. & Mrs. Mortimer F. Meadors
The Honorable &
Mrs. Lanier Anderson III
Cleon & Elizabeth Moore
Keadle Lumber Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Gwinner
Middle Georgia Regional
Development Center
Dr. & Mrs. John A. Page
Ms. Sara B. Hertwig
Ms. Norma J. Shearer
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce J. Bishop
Mrs. Virginia McCowen
Dr. & Mrs. Alan D. Kirsh
Mrs. Beverly K. Olson &
Mr. Edmund E. Olson
Mrs. Frances M. Gavin
Shirley Roobin
Morris & Sharon Purcel
Sarah Roy
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Smith
Ms. Caroline W. Boteler
Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Evans, Jr.
Ms. Laura J. Wells
Ms. Karla M. Renda
Mr. & Mrs. Edward P.
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Peiffer
Mr. & Mrs. Alan C. Jones
Ms. Esther R. Rushin
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby E. Wolfe
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Davis
Jimmy Spear
Mt. Zion Baptist Church
Mrs. Mary E. Martin
Ms. Annette Hutto
Ms. Joyce S. Frey
Otis Terrell
Mr. & Mrs. David Stembridge
Ken Tillman
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Whitten
Frank “Sonny” Tooker
Ms. Roberta A. Zang
Anne Underwood
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Burrell
Ms. Leslie A. Snow
Ms. Lena C. Bean
Mrs. Mildred L. Allen
Electronic Warfare Complex
Signature Gifts
Roy Scott
Ms. Patsy Stewart
Patricia F. Walden
Mountain Park Civic Club
Callaway Society Members support Medcen Capital
Campaigns with gifts from $10,000 to $50,000.
Elizabeth E. Shannon
Mr. Jerrol Crumpler
Hazel Wall
Ms. Mary Z. Horton
Business & Corporate Honor Roll
Vickers Shaw
Mrs. Carolyn M. Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Doyle W. Dickerson
Beverly D. Whitt
Ms. Grace Whitt
Pamela Mitchem
Mr. B Mitchell King
Ms. Karen Roseberry
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Griffin
Georgia Power Company
- Human Resources East
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin W. Fish
Mr. Wilbur H. Stuckey
Mr. Robert J. Wells
Agnes Shea
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Donald
Mary K. Sherwood
Medical Center Auxiliary
Stephen Shirey
Mr. Freddy Viscarra
Greenon High School
Class of 1971
Dean T. Smith
Mrs. Karen M. Farr
Mr. & Ms. Hector Mendez
Ms. Jackie M. Sacco
Ms. Vanessa L. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. James Cacavias
John C. Snyder
Mr. Jerrell Payton
Mr. & Mrs. Randall D. Woodard
Ms. Joy T. Woodard Luther Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley E. Lerdon
The cornerstone of a capital campaign project or at any
level of a development program these gifts start at $50,000
and come with an opportunity to honor the family or
corporate name.
The Callaway Society
Businesses that support Hospital needs through financial
commitment from $10,000 to $50,000 are recognized on
the Business & Corporate Honor Roll.
The Heritage Circle
The Heritage Circle recognizes those who donate to
Medcen through estate gifts.
The Olin H. Weaver Society
Named for The Medical Center of Central Georgia’s first
doctor, this giving club was established for
physician giving.
H.E.A.T. (Healthcare Employees
Achieving Tomorrow)
Employees of the Medical Center of Central Georgia and
Central Georgia Health System can support the hospital
through payroll deducted gifts.
Sylvia Bond Nursing Society
The mission of the society is to prepare professional nurses
to collaborate, lead, and promote excellence in healthcare.
Tribute Gifts
Honor, remember, or celebrate a friend or loved one with a
tribute to them.
Medcen Happenings
Medcen Community Health Foundation
858 High Street
Macon, GA 31201
Medcen Happenings
Non Profit Org.
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Macon, GA
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