Annual Report 2015 - Bethany House Services


Annual Report 2015 - Bethany House Services
Dear Friends of Bethany House Services,
I pen this letter as the new Board President and want to start with a heartfelt thanks to Steve Brinker
for his leadership, wisdom and counsel to BHS over the past 15 years. Steve laid a great foundation upon
which we can build and expand our mission.
Much has changed over the past year. Most notably, our board, staff and supporters have fully embraced
the growth and stretching that comes with the addition of the Mercy beds. Our organization tripled in
size over the past year.
One of the biggest challenges has been finding ways to overcome issues associated with the scattered
shelter sites. Simply put, to accommodate our growth, we need to consolidate and expand our current
operations to become more efficient, while still providing the same services and personal touch that is
the core of our mission.
Special thanks to the Facilities Assessment Committee who have met weekly to find new, closer,
temporary shelter facilities, studied an expanded facility, engaged a design firm and started the search
for a suitable location.
Thanks also to our wonderful and fully engaged Board, Executive Director and staff who continually step
up to the plate and lend a helping hand whenever the need arises.
Lastly, thanks to you— our wonderful volunteers and supporters. Please know that whatever small or
large gesture or help you provide translates tenfold to our women and children’s lives for many years to
Please continue to help us fulfill this vital mission.
Bob Inkrot, President
“Unbelievable growth” best describes 2015. Thanks to the foundation laid by Sr. Mary Stanton over three
decades, Bethany House was well prepared to take on the expansion across all of our services. In the past
we sheltered 1 of 10 homeless families in our community; today we shelter 5 of 10 homeless families.
Our housing program grew by 35% and we added a Shelter Diversion program.
The challenges were many—four shelter locations rather than one and all four buildings were built
in the late 1800’s. Just imagine the facility issues! We confirmed early on that the single site shelter
with 24 hour supervision and supports like we have at the Fairmount shelter is the best way to provide
shelter services for families. The year ended with our families relocated to newer, safer, and healthier
apartment buildings just two miles from Fairmount.
Our expansion of services called us to revisit our Mission, Vision and Core Values to ensure they not only
reflect all of our services but capture the essence of our work, the goals of our families and the guiding
principles for our interaction with others. We also found ourselves in need of a brand refresh and new
marketing materials to support our growth. The international branding company LPK provided their
expertise pro bono and you will see their work throughout this report.
2015 also marked the publication of Solutions for Family Homelessness, the community-wide plan
to make family homelessness rare, brief and nonrecurring. It was an honor to serve on the Steering
Committee and Bethany staff contributed on every phase of the project. At the same time our Board and
staff were writing a new strategic plan to guide Bethany House’s future.
I thank all of you for your support of our families and I invite you to join us in the important work that
lies ahead. Cincinnati’s increase in family homelessness reinforces the urgency of our efforts. The faces
of the 610 homeless children we sheltered this year show us how critical our work is. Together we can lift
families out of homelessness.
Susan S. Schiller, Executive Director
Bethany House Services acknowledges
the contributions of the following Board
Members for their time and leadership
in 2015.
• Robert J. Inkrot, President
• Denise D. Schumacher, Vice President
• M. Gail Myers, Secretary
• Sue Dyer, Treasurer
H. Kim Baird
Jessica E. Bauml
Kirk M.
Douglas M.
Nadine Liggett
Megan J. McCuen
Stephen G.
Sean G. Mullins
Lucy Crane
Kathrine R.
Sharron M.
Robert M. Poulos
Michael F.
Albert C.
Steven D.
Sr. Lynn Heper, SC
Sharon C. Raess
Terri L. Williams
Calvin T. Wright
• Susan S. Schiller, Executive Director
• Darlene D. Guess, MSOL, LSW,
Director of Client Programs
• Gwendolyn M. Green, MEd, LSW,
Shelter Director
• Kelly K. Freyler, CPA, Finance Director
2015 also brought changes to the Bethany House Mission, Vision and Core Values.
We wanted to ensure our Mission and Vision not only reflected the agency’s expansion of services but
captured the essence of our work and the end results for our families.
Bethany House Services
empowers homeless and
at-risk families with the
solutions to achieve
housing stability and longterm self-sufficiency.
Our vision is to live in
a community where all
families have a place to
call home and no one
spends a night without
Core Values are our guiding principles and they define how Bethany
House relates to our employees, clients, and the external world.
They represent our highest priorities, guiding our decisions and
behaviors—they are the core of Bethany House’s soul.
Respect—We value, listen to, learn from and appreciate each
other, our clients, our volunteers, our donors and our community.
Empowerment—We encourage, build confidence, inspire, and
promote each person’s right to self-determination.
Integrity—We insist on absolute honesty, the highest standard
of conduct, and accountability to each other and to all of our
Excellence—We demonstrate exceptional performance and service.
Collaboration—We work with each other and our community to
fulfill our mission and achieve our vision.
Hospitality—We welcome with compassion those in need of
housing and services.
TOMORROW, who will really care how fast we grew? Isn’t it more important to know what we are
building with our growth, and why? Measuring more is easy; measuring better is hard. Measuring
better requires a clear mission, an exciting vision and shared values. – Ron Hendrick
• Amy C. Pelicano, Development Director
Our 2015 Report to the Community is one
of unbelievable growth. The foundation of
our three decades of service to Cincinnati
prepared us well to take on this challenge.
In 2014 we sheltered 1 of 10 homeless families
in our community; in 2015 we sheltered 5 of
10 homeless families. In 2015 our Housing
program also grew by 35% and we added a
Shelter Diversion program.
SHELTER — In 2015, Bethany House sheltered
909 individuals, 610 of whom were children.
Shelter services were provided in four
locations—our original shelter in Fairmount and
in three apartment buildings located in Overthe-Rhine, Mt. Auburn and Walnut Hills. We
provided 45,275 bed nights and 129,552 meals.
Shelter Diversion diverts a homeless family
from the shelter placing them directly into
housing. Bethany House began this program in
June 2015 and served 33 families, for a total
of 119 individuals—84 were children.
individuals from 665 families were served by
the four family shelters in Greater Cincinnati
in 2015. Bethany House is the managing
agency for this partnership.
Bethany’s Rapid Re-Housing programs grew by
35% supporting the move of 175 families from
emergency shelters into permanent housing.
Of the 588 individuals served, 406 were
children. Positive Housing outcomes were
achieved by 99% of these families.
1,353 volunteers donated 9,905 hours in
2015 to support our mission and our families.
BETHANY HOMES — In 2015 34 families
received permanent, safe and affordable
housing at Bethany Homes.
RECIDIVISM RATES — We monitor families
after they leave our shelter for two years
to see if they have returned to any of the
shelters in the area. Of those sheltered
at Bethany House in 2013 and 2014, 79%
remained in their homes and did not return
to homelessness.
Bethany House also provides Post Shelter
Support to families after they leave our
shelter. Of the 58 families who received Post
Shelter Support in 2013 and 2014, only three
families experienced another episode of
homelessness in 2015.
responded to 10,859 calls for information and
referral for shelter and community resources.
Orlanda Robinson has worked hard to keep her
three kids out of unsafe situations.
Living in New York four years ago, she said she was nearly killed in a
home invasion. She said she could not bear to stay in the apartment
complex where the crime happened, but there was nowhere else to
go. She and the children moved into a homeless shelter, until her
mother and siblings back in Cincinnati begged her to come.
In Cincinnati, she lived with her mom and mom’s boyfriend at first.
That, it turned out, wasn’t safe either. Once again, there was
nowhere to go. This time she turned to Bethany House.
“I was really broken.”
She lived by Bethany House rules and did her assigned chores. And
she said in her eight weeks there, the women and staff of Bethany
House helped her heal.
“I feel 100% better than I did a few months ago.”
Today, she and her kids – ages 11, 9 and 6 – live in an apartment
in the West End. She got a better job as a medical scheduler at a
hospital. Her kids politely greet a visitor to the apartment. Orlanda
tears up when she talks about the staff who helped her.
Ms. Debbie: “She was
uplifting and motivating to
me. She told others: ‘I
see a lot in her.’”
Ms. Kim, in charge of
Orlanda’s personal
program and who still
meets with her once
or twice a month:
“She helps me with
anything I need.’”
Orlanda still comes to
Bethany House periodically
to participate in services held
by church groups that rotate
through. She stays in touch with the
women who were there with her.
“If it weren’t for Bethany House and how they embraced
me and treated me there, I don’t know where I’d be.”
Ms. Karen, who worked overnight: “She prayed with me. She
believed in me more than I believed in myself at the time.”
Ms. Lana: “She was an inspiration.”
Cardinel Brooks has worked hard.
In addition to the direct help
and guidance Bethany House
provided, Cardinel says the
experience there with
other women “softened
my heart more. To see
women with kids going
through that, it got to
She found two jobs when she first moved to Cincinnati about 25
years ago – at a fast food restaurant and at a part-time security job.
But she could not make ends meet. She could not afford the most
basic need, a place to live.
Eventually, Cardinel found Bethany House. “They really put me on
my feet.” Over a couple of months, Bethany House helped her put
together a deposit and first month’s rent and set her up with a little
Sometimes now she
helps other young
women herself, even
offering them space at her
apartment until they can get
on their feet.
That put her on a course that was good for her for several years. She
married. She and her husband lived in a home. She got new, better
work but continued to work two jobs.
And then a medical crisis struck. Cardinel’s husband had the first of
three strokes. He began to have seizures. He could no longer work.
He needed round-the-clock care. Money ran out.
“Thanks to Bethany House there is a homeless facility where mom,
dad, and their children can stay together.”
Cardinel moved her husband into a nursing home to make sure he
had a roof over his head and had care. But she became homeless
and alone.
“There should be more places like Bethany House.”
She turned again to Bethany House. They helped her get through
for a few weeks until she had enough money to get a place to live.
Today, she lives in an apartment on Glenway Avenue and spends
many days at the nursing home helping with the care for her
Bethany Homes 5%
Special Events
(Net Expense) 3%
Contributions 23%
Shelter 33%
Government Contracts 57%
Rapid Rehousing 33%
Special Events (net expense) 3%
Shelter Diversion 1%
Rental Fees Bethany Homes 5%
Family Housing Partnership 15%
Investment Income 1%
Foundation Grant Revenue 10%
Other Income 1%
Total Revenue
Development 6%
Administration 6%
Other Income 1%
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Total Expenses
Rental Fees
Bethany Homes 5%
Property and Equipment
Other Assets
Total Assets
Administration 6%
Accounts Payable
Development 6%
Accrued Expenses
Security Deposits
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Financials audited
by Barnes Dennig
Foundation Grant
Revenue 10%
Investment Income 1%
Special Events
(Net Expense) 3%
Total Program Expenses 88%
Permanent Housing 6%
Total Program
Are you Interested in Leaving a Legacy
for Cincinnati’s Homeless Families?
A bequest through a Last Will and Testament is the
simplest way to create a lasting legacy of support
for homeless families in our community. Suggested
language for making a bequest to Bethany House
Services; “ I give and bequest to Bethany House
Services, 1841 Fairmount Avenue, Cincinnati OH 45214,
the sum of $____ or ____% of the rest, residue and
remainder of my estate for its general purpose.”
THANK YOU to all of our supporters in 2015. Through your support of our endowment, annual fund,
special events and gift-in-kind donations, we have been able to provide homeless families emergency
shelter, housing and support services. All donors are very important to us and we have made every
effort to ensure the accuracy of all names listed. If a name was overlooked or printed incorrectly,
please contact us at 513-557-2403 so we can correct our records.
American Financial Group
Mr. James Cain and Ms. Laura Amsler
Ms. Lucy Crane
Evergreen Advisors, Inc.
Ms. Cynthia Kimber
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Klus
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Koppenhoefer
Thomas E. and Pamela M. Mischell
Family Foundation
Mercy Health
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brichler
Catholics United for the Poor (CUP)
Charles H. Dater Foundation
Cotswold Foundation
Farmer Family Foundation
Thomas R. & Marion F. Blohm Fund at
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Heidt Family Foundation
Jack J. Smith, Jr. Charitable Trust,
PNC Bank and Karen B. Wachs,
Marge & Charles J. Schott
PNC Bank
Scripps Howard Foundation
Sutphin Family Foundation
The Andrew Jergens Foundation
The Lawrence Home Association
The Spaulding Foundation
United Way of Greater Cincinnati
August A. Rendigs Jr. and
Helen J. Rendigs Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David Buescher
Edward C. and Robert C. Bott Fund
General Mills Community Action
Council Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haverkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hubert
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Morison
The TJX Companies, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Washburn
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Aerni
Agnes Nordloh Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs.Kevin Aug
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Baird
Ms. Kristyn Borrero
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Brinker
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown
Ms. M. Phoebe Brown
Dr. Lee Byerly
Carroll Family Fund of the GCF
Center for Spiritual Living
Chemed Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Christopher
Cincinnati Gyro Club Foundation
Cincinnati Monthly Meeting of
Religious Society of Friends
Mr. William Creech
Mr. and Mrs. John Dettmer
Mrs. Clare A. Driehaus
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Dyer
Mr. Jimmy Edwards
Elder High School
Fifth Third Bank
Henry and Elaine Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Kenton Gast
Mr. Louis D. George and
Ms. Anne T. Vertuca
Mr. William F. Groneman and
Ms. Maureen Flanagan
Mr. Alfred Hill
Kenneth & Joan Campbell Foundation
Kiwanis Club of Cheviot-Westwood
Knox Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Kurimsky
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leugers
Levin Family Foundation
Lila Gallimore Trust
LKC Foundation
Lululemon USA Inc.
Magnified Giving
2015 Donors
$1,000-$4,999 CONTINUED
Mr. and Mrs. David Martin
Mr. Joseph Mischell
Ms. Suzanne Morrissey
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Mullins
Ms. Gail Myers and Mr. Fred Klaiss
North Bend Yacht Club
Ohio River Valley Combined
Federal Campaign
Our Lady of the Visitation Church
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Park
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Paulsen
Peter F. and Mary W. Levin
Philanthropic Fund at Interact
for Change
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Richter
Robert A. & Marian K. Kennedy
Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Schneider
Ms. Mary Schweitzer
Ms. Kathryn Shahani
Mr. and Mrs. Joey Sharp
Mr. and Mrs. William Shoemaker
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. James Steffen
Stella M. Buerger Charitable Trust
Summertime Kids Fund of the
Greater Cincinnati Foundation
The Homan Foundation
The Pepper Family Fund of the GCF
Thomas E. and Pamela M. Mischell
Family Foundation
Virginia K. Weston Assistance
Fund of GCF
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Allard
Dr. Maggi Atterbury and
Mr. Bruce P. Bernard
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Aug
Ms. Debra Barrett and
Mr. John W. McCain
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Brownfield
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cordesman
Church of the Savior
Daughters of Penelope
Mr. Charles Delaney
Eastminster Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. David Ellis
Elsa M. Reiter Fund of The Greater
Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Groh
Ms. Mary Hilvert
Mr. and Mrs. James Houtz
Immanuel United Church of Christ
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Inkrot
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kaiser
KeySource Medical, Inc.
Mrs. Linda Klump
Mr. and Mrs. Urban Kocher
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Long
Mr. and Mrs. William Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mayer
Miller-Valentine-Walsh Fund
Mother of Mercy
Ms. Ann Paulsen and Mr. Al Garner
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Poulos
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Reynolds
Mr. Michael C. Schiller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Schiller
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schroder
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Simon
Ms. Dana L. Davis and
Ms. Denise Schumacher
Ms. JoAnn Strong and
Ms. Carolyn Burke
Mrs. Louise Tatgenhorst
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Terrell
The Manuel D. and Rhonda Mayerson
TruGreen Foundation
Vision One
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Walsh
Westwood United Methodist Women
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Witte
Mrs. Betty Wuest
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Allaben
Ameritas Life Insurance Corp
Ameritas Mutual Holding Company
Mr. Daniel E. Ansel and Mrs. Susan E.
Ms. Johanne Armstrong
Bahl & Gaynor Investment Counsel
Deborah Hall Fund of The Greater
Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Ann DeGroot
Mr. and Mrs. Francis DeJoseph
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Disbennett
Mr. William Dorward
Mrs. Robert Driehaus
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dugan
Mr. Nicolas Dunning and Dr. Lisbeth
M. Lazaron
Ms. Susan Eberle
Mr. and Ms. Neil Eisner
Ms. Constance Elsaesser
Mr. Jeremy Fauber
Mr. Alan Faulhaber
Ms. Ilija Filipov
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fisk
Mr. Tim Flem
Mr. and Mrs. James Freson
Gallagher -Schiff, Kreidler-Shell, Inc.
George & Mary Jo Budig Family
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gettelfinger
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Goodwin
Groesbeck United Methodist Church
Ms. Vicki Groh and
Mr. Mark Woodward
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Groh
Mr. and Mrs. James Grove
Mr. James Gusweiler
Mr. David Haire
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hamant
Ms. Diane Hart
Hartzell United Methodist Women
Ms. Charlene Hatton
Mr. and Mrs. David Hegemann
Ms. Janet Heiden
Mrs. Anne Heidt
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Heitkamp
Sr. Lynn Heper, SC
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heyse
Mr. and Mrs. William Hickman
Mr. Ronald L. Hill and
Mr. Thomas J.Lohner
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hils
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hinzman
H-M Co.
Mr. and Ms. David Hoesl
Ms. J. Brenda Hoskins
Mr. and Ms. Gerry Hounchell
Mr. Timothy House
Ms. Ann Howard
Mr. Griffin Hurd
Ruth M. Hurlburt Trust
✝ Mrs. Jean Inkrot
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Jablon
Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
John W. and Marianne Peck Fund
of the GCF
Mr. Andrew Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Edmund W. Jones
Ms. Amy Jones Harrigan
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. David Kamp
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kasson
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Keckeis
Mr. and Mrs. David Kernan
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Kern, Sr.
Mrs. Patricia Kessler
Mr. Nicholas Kiefer
Mr. George Kingston
Dr. and Mrs. Earl Kisker
Ms. Elizabeth Kissel
Kiwanis Club of GreenhillsForest Park
Ms. Mary Lou Klene
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Knueven
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kramer
Kroger Community Rewards
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kroner
Kroner Dry Cleaners Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kuechly
Mr. Richa Kumari
Ms. Mary Lahti
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Langley
Ms. Jennifer Leugers
Mr. and Mrs. William Leugers
Mr. and Mrs. James Leyda
Mr. James Loomis
Mrs. Mary Litkovitz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Loutzenhiser
Ms. Donna Luggen
Ms. Carolyn Maddox
Ms. Alice Maggini
Ms. Kelly Malone and
Ms. Kari Lynn Kitchen
Mr. Lucas Marksity
Mr. Gordon Massa
2015 Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Benken
Mr. and Mrs. George Bens
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Berman
Bernard J. and Karen D. Wilger Fund
of the GCF
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Berwanger
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Blaney
Blue Ash Presbyterian Church
Blue & Co., LLC
Ms. Beth Bodenheimer
Dr. and Mrs. Jeremy Borsky
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Boschert
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Breen
Mrs. Lydia Brinker
Mr. Thomas Brinkman
Ms. Amy Bruner
Ms. Sally Cardosi
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Chamberlain
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Colglazier
Cincinnati Youth Collaborative
Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Comisar
Mr. Steve Cooley and Ms. Lisa Joliat
Ms. Ruth Ann Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Crawford
Creative Echoes, LLC
Mr. Andrew Crosier
D&R Promotions, LLC
Mr. Jeffrey Davis and Ms. Rina
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Davis
2015 Donors
$100-$499 CONTINUED
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mayerchak
Ms. Jeanette McCarthy
Fr. Harry Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mierenfeld
Ms. Colleen Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Miller
Montgomery Presbyterian Church
Ms. Vivian Kay Morgan
Ms. Mary Sue Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mullen
Ms. Lori Murphy and
Mr. Scott D. Miller
Mr. Jim Murray
Mr. Bill Nester and
Ms. Cindy Schenkel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newman
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Neyer
Ms. Lynn Niehaus
Ms. Eleanor Jeanne Noe
Oakley Square Eye Associates
Mr. Brian O’Connor
Ms. Susan Osborn
Sr. Mary Donata Ovelgonne, RSM
Mr. and Mrs. James Paulin
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Pelini
Ms. Rachel Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phipps
Mr. Jeffery Pickard
Mrs. Barbara Poppe and
Mr. William D. Faith
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Porter
Ms. Bersetha Ranson
Mr. Joseph Raterman
Dr. and Mrs. Ranjit Rath
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Ritchey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roncker
Sam Hickman Painting
Mr. Robert Sathe
Mrs. Anita Saylor
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schneider
Mr. Robert Scholz
Mr. and Mrs. James Schottelkotte
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Schuehler
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Schultz
Mr. John Shea
Ms. Judy Sisson
Mr. and Mrs. William Sloneker
Ms. Genevieve Smith
Society of Transfiguration
Sorenson Communications, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sphar Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Spurr III
Ms. Margaret Steiner
Ms. Donna Steinmetz
St. Ann Church
St. Paul United Church of Christ
Mr. and Mrs. John Stanton
Mr. and Mrs. David Stein
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Stephens, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Suer
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sullivan
Stock Insurance Agency
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Summe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Szewc
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Tardiff
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tate
Ms. Kim Teegarden
The Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation
The Arborwoods Ladies Club
The Community Church of Cincinnati
Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas
Tierney’s Cleaning & Lawncare
TNS Business Solutions, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Tolbert
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Torok
Mr. and Mrs. John True
Dr. Marianne Vas
Mrs. Patricia Volk
Mr. and Mrs. William Wachs
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wandstrat
Ms. Karen Weese
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Weidman
Westwood Woman’s Club
Mr. Jeffrey T. Whaley and
Ms. Eileen Bens
Dr. Cleota Wilbekin
Reverend Carl Wollering
Wood Holding
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woodiwiss
Mr. Darryl Worsham
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Yeazell
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Young
Zonta Club of Cincinnati
Ms. Betty Zwayer
Mr. William Adkins
Adrian Durban Florists
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Alvord
Amazon Smiles
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Anhofer
Mr. and Mrs. David Armstrong
Mr. Frank Auciello
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Bacevich
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Baiman
Ms. Mildred Barhorst
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bartish
Ms. Rosemary Bauer
Ms. Terrie Beck
Mr. and Mrs. William Benvie
Mr. and Mrs. James Besl
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Biere
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blum
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hooker
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bostian
Mr. Forrest G. Brandt
and Ms. Kathy Wade
Ms. Carolyn Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown
Ms. Lori Brunner
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Buran
Mr. Harold Burch
Mr. Michael Bussom
Mr. and Mrs. James Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Carrelli
Mr. Gholam Chabi
Ms. Jennifer Chubinski and
Mr. Sergio Filippo
Ms. Cynthia Givens
Ms. Catherine Goetz and
Mr. Connally Edozien
✝ Sr. Mary Grafe, SC
Ms. Martha Ann Gramss
Ms. LaDonna Gray
Ms. Mary Beth Groene
Mr. Eric Groh
Mr. Gary Groh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grome
Ms. Betty Grupenhoff
Ms. Christina Guggenberger
Ms. Catherine Gullemann
Ms. Heather Haake
Mr. and Mrs. Atallah Hajjar
Ms. Sarah Hammers
Mrs. Betty Hans
Ms. Elizabeth Hartmann
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Herbold
Ms. Laurie Hibner
Honorable Lee and
Mrs. Barbara Hildebrandt
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hoerst
Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Ms. Frances Hornikel
Ms. Anne Stanton
Ms. Ruth Holthaus
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hughes
Ms. Mary Jo Huismann
Ms. Pat Ihlendorf
Mrs. Anne Ingalls- Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Ms. Lois Johnson
Mr. William J. Joyce Jr.
Mr. Peter Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Mrs. Audrey Kasak
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin
Mr. Nusrat Khan
Mr. and Mrs. Brian
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Koch
Mr. and Mrs. James Koetters
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lacy
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ladenburger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lessnau
Ms. Kathy Liguzinski
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Linneman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Little
Mr. and Mrs. James Loeffler
Sr. Marianne Longo, RSM
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lonneman
Ms. Patricia Luna
Ms. Alenka Maric
Mr. Frank Marletto
Mr. and Mrs. David Mattingly
Ms. Lynne Mayo
Ms. Carmella Mazzei
Ms. Patti McGeever
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Rev. James Meade
Mr. Eliot Menifee
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mielech
Ms. Rhonda Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Moore
Sr. Marie Moore, RSM
2015 Donors
Cincinnati Missionary Baptist
District Associaton
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clancy
Ms. Judy Damico
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dart
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Deguia
Sr. Marilyn Rose Dietz, RSM
Mr. and Mrs. George Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bens
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Emmerich
Ms. Julie Evans
Ms. Priscilla Faux
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Faylo
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Feldhaus
Ms. Judith Findsen
Ms. Diane Forster
Ms. Phyllis Foster
Ms. Nancy Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Francis
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frey
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Frey
Sr. Virginia Ann Froehle, RSM
Mr. and Mrs. William Froschauer
Ms. Marjorie Gaible
Ms. Cara Galbreath
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ganote
Mr. and Mrs. J. Neal Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Geiger
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Geiger
Ms. Angela Gellenbeck
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Gerstner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Girardot
2015 Donors
Mr. Robert Moreland
Ms. Eileen Mosher
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Murdock
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Myer
Ms. Peggy Northcutt
Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Lone
Ms. Lina Orr
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Owens
P.E.O Chapter EK
Mr. and Mrs. John Panyko
Ms. Jeanne Pecquet
Ms. Grace Pedoto
Ms. Catherine Peters
Ms. Mary Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Petrie
Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Pfalz
Piazza Discepoli - Piccolo Wine Room
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Piller
Mr. Gary Ploehs
Ms. Karen Swedersky Pod
Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Popenoe
Presbyterian Women in Westood
First Presbyterian Church
Ms. Nancy Pushkar
Dr. and Mrs. Norbert Ranz
Dr. and Mrs. John Raterman
Ms. Patricia Reaman
Ms. Margaret Rentz
Mr. and Mrs. George Richter
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Roberto
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Roudebush
Ms. Mildred Rueve
Ms. Mary Ryan
Ms. Jane Schehl
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schroeder
Mr. Mark R. Schroder and Mrs. Mary
J. Inkrot-Schroder
Ms. Mary Jo Schuld
Ms. Judy Schwallie
Mrs. Margaret Scully
Ms. Pamela J. Senefeld and
Mr. Russell B. Naber
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Servizzi
Mr. Carl Shannon
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sheedy
Shimmy Mob
Ms. Judy Shoop
Mr. John Showalter
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Shriver
Ms. Doreen Sing
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sontag
Ms. Christina Spanyer
Mr. and Mrs. David Speiser
Mr. and Ms. Ron Spohr
St. Paul United Methodist Church
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Staubitz
Mr. and Mrs. David Stone
Sub Zero
Mr. Clifford Sucietto
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Suer
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Szarwark
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Tenkman
Ms. Jane Teufen
Ms. Esther Tombragel
Ms. Renee Townley
Ms. Margaret Trautmann
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Troescher
Mr. Bob Trombley
Ms. Barbara Tuchfarber
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Victor
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wadelin
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Wales
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wall
Mr. and Mrs. William Ward
Ms. Barbara A. Weber and
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wehner
Mr. and Mrs. Lindley Weikert
Mr. and Mrs. David Wempe
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wenning
Ms. Sally Wetenkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin White
Ms. Gail Wick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wieland
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilder
Mr. Jerry Wilkerson and
Ms. Cheryl Meadows
Mr. and Mrs. A. David Davis
Mercy Health
Total Quality Logistics
Mr. and Mrs. Mike McCuen
Ultimate Rehab, LTD.
Barnes Dennig
Dr. Mary Brown and Mr. Mark Dato
Gail Myers, PR
A Friend of Bethany
A Friend of Bethany
A La Carte Dessert & Catering
Glazer’s Distributors of Ohio
Haute Chocolate
Maverick Chocolate
Rhinegeist Brewery
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
City Barbeque
CoCo Creative Wellness
The Corporation at Findlay Market
Ms. Katie Coughlin
Courtyard by Marriott Cincinnati
Ms. Lucy Crane
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. William Cunningham
Dare to Dance
Mr. and Mrs. A. David Davis
Ms. Terri Debruler
Ms. Kim Defluiter
Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits
Dewey’s Pizza
Mr. and Mrs. Michael DiMario
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DiNardo
Dog House Grooming
Ms. Alexandra Dolbier
Donna Salyers’ Fabulous Furs
Donna’s Gourmet Cookies
Downtown Girl
Dream Dinners
Dunnhumby USA, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Dyer
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Elkus
Enoteca Emilia
Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Farmer
Furniture Solutions for the
Workplace LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Allard
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Alvord
A Friend of Bethany
Amazon Fulfillment
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Baird
Barnes Dennig & Co., Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Bauke
Ms. Jessica Bauml
Benefit Salon & Spa
Benzie Salon
Brazee Street Studios
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Brinker
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Broderick
Dr. and Mrs. Jim Brockman
Dr. Mary P. Brown and
Mr. Mark E. Dato
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bryans
Mr. Mark Byron
Café DeSales
Camp Bow Wow
Mr. and Mrs. David Carrier
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carroll
Cincinnati Arts Association
Cincinnati Marriott at RiverCenter
Cincinnati Nose, Sinus & Facial
Plastic Surgery
Cincinnati Reds Hall of
Fame & Museum
Cincinnati Shakespeare Company
Gail Myers Public Relations, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Gerstner
Mr. Greg Spahr and Ms. Liz
Glazer’s Distributors of Ohio
Great Parks of Cincinnati
Greener Stock
Mr. James Gusweiler
Mr. and Mrs. David Hadley
Raul Haas Jewelers
Half Price Books
Ms. Daria Hardeman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haverkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hayden
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Heidt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heil
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hengehold
Sr. Lynn Heper, SC
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hoerst
House of Run N Tri
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Howe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Inkrot
Intuitive Touch Massage Therapy
Iron Chef Grill
Jag’s Steak and Seafood
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. William Jostworth
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Judd
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jung
Dr. Rama Kasturi
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Kelley
Kim Natural Nail
2015 Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Williams
Dr. James Wimmers
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Wittich
Wm. Kramer and Son, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. George Wolterman
Women’s Fellowship UCC in Oakley
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Yeazell
2015 Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Koch
Knickers of Hyde Park
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kremer
The Kroger Company
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kroner
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kroner
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ladenburger
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Lampert
Ms. Erika Lehman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leugers
Ms. Mary Levee
Ms. Laura Long
Ms. Kathy Lozano
Ms. Patricia Luna
Madison’s at Findlay Market
Dr. Carolyn McCabe and
Mr. Joe Wiman
Mr. and Mrs. Mike McCuen
Ms. Karen McHale
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Michel
Ms. Jennifer Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Molski
Mr. Frances Morlet
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morrison
Ms. Lisa Muething
Ms. Gail Myers and Mr. Fred Klaiss
Neal’s Design Remodel
Carol Neckel
Mr. Bill Nester and
Ms. Cindy Schenkel
Mr. Pat Niehaus
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Odenbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pardekooper
The Party Source
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Peck
Perfect North Slopes
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Pernik
Phipps Reprographics
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Pieper
PNC Bank
Mr. Daniel Polizzi
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Prophit
Mr. and Mrs. David Raess
Ms. Leah Rector
Ms. Suzanne Rengers
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rhein
Rhinegeist Brewery
Richter & Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Robertson
RockQuest Climbing Center
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ross
Ms. Beth Safi
Sal*n Salon Image
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Schaiper
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schiller
Ms. Dana L. Davis and
Ms. Denise Schumacher
Serendipity Jewelry
Shane Weber Salon
Mr. Yale Siedner and
Dr. Marilyn Wander
Ms. Lisa Siegel and Mr. Chris Felix
Simply Power Yoga
Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer
Ann Speyer/The Papergirl
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Stephens, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stromberg
Mr. Benjamin Suer and
Ms. Alexis Bonacci-Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Suer
Ms. Robie Suggs
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sullivan
Taft Museum of Art
Tanya’s Image & Wellness Salon
Theatre Management Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tino
TriHealth Fitness & Health
Total Quality Logistics
Ms. Barb Tuchfarber
Ultimate Air Shuttle
Ultimate Rehab, LTD
Margaret Umberger of
Persimmom Lane Interiors
Mr. and Mrs. David Valentine
Mr. and Mrs. David Valz
The Velvet Cricket
Venice on Vine
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vierling
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Viox
Mr. Forrest Brandt and
Ms. Kathy Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Warning
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wells
The Westin Cincinnati
Mr. and Mrs. David Whang
Whirlybird Granola
Widmer’s Cleaners
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Williams
Woodhouse Spa
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Worley
Ms. Susan Wyder
Yoga Alive
Heidt Family Foundation
Applied Mechanical Systems
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Baird
Evergreen Advisors, Inc.
First Financial Bank
Rendigs, Fry, Kiely & Dennis, L.L.P.
Taft Stettinius & Holister LLP
The Cincinnati Mine Machinery Co.
Mr. Gregory Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Inkrot
Messer Construction Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Suer
Mr. Greg Ionna
Mowry, Marty & Bain, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Allen
American Heating & Air
Conditioning Co.
Bailey & Company Benefits Group
Dr. and Mrs. Jeremy Borsky
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Brinker
Cheviot Savings Bank
Eisenzimmer Financial Services
Jostin Concrete Construction, Inc.
North Side Bank & Trust Company
Raymond James, Inc.
Rendigs, Fry, Kiely & Dennis, L.L.P.
TriState Orthopedic Products Inc.
Western Hills Window Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Williams
Gordon Food Service
The Kroger Company
Remke Market Delhi
Mr. Andrew Beiting
Mr. Michael Bihn
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Adams
Mr. Nick Ciampone
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cooper
Mr. Frank Cradduck
Ms. Susan Eberle
Mr. Edward Feldman
Ms. Anne Ernst
Ms. Michelle Flannery
Mr. Andre Frazier
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Freyler
Mr. Tommy Grace
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hathaway
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haverkamp
Mr. Eric Hendy
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hengehold
Mr. John Hensley
Mr. Tim Hensley
Ms. Kaitlyn Irvine
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Inkrot
Mr. Todd Johnson
Mr. Clif Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kroner
Ms. Nancy Barone
Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Davis
Mr. Ryan Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Driehaus
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Edwards
Mr. Edward Feldman
Hensley Custom Building Group, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hathaway
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haverkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Inkrot
Kehoe Financial Services, LLC
Mr. Scott Massa
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Massa
Mr. Mark Minges
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Moratschek
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Mullins
Mr. Bill Nester and
Ms. Cindy Schenkel
Mr. William Price
Mr. John Schultz
Mr. Ken Kroner
Ms. Rosanna Lakeman
Mr. Tony Lonna
Mr. Scott Lovell
Mr. Robert Luby
Mr. Scott Massa
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Massa
Mr. and Mrs. Mike McCuen
Mr. John McLaughlin
Mr. Mark Minges
Ms. Carissa Mitchel
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Moratschek
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Mullins
Mr. Bill Nester and
Ms. Cindy Schenkel
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Newbold
Mr. Ryan Nichols
Mr. Jeff Norris
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Brien
Ohio Eagle Distributing
Ms. Robyn Orner
Ms. Lisa Owendoff
Ms. Courtney Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Paulsen
Mr. Don Pavely
Mr. William Price
Mr. George Ramich
Mr. Mark Roberto
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rowekamp
Mr. Steve Ruff
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schaeffer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schiller
Mr. John Schultz
2015 Donors
Bahl & Gaynor Investment Counsel
Kutol Products Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGraw
Miller-Valentine-Walsh Fund
Ohio National Financial Services
Mr. Joseph Rhodenbaugh
Ms. Denise Schumacher
2015 Donors
Mr. Joel Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Shaefer
Mr. Jim Spilman
Mr. Benjamin Suer and
Ms. Alexis Bonacci-Roberts
Mr. Matt Wienke
Mr. Scott Winfield
Mr. Gregory Woods
Mr. Jeffrey Worthington
Dr. John Zisko
45/46 Fine Mens Apparel
Amazon Fulfillment
Anheuser Busch
Aston Oaks Golf Course
Mr. Jason Beccaccio
Bethany House Board of Directors
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Boschert
Brazee Street Studios
Camargo Cadillac
Chris Felix Fine Art
Cincinnati Bengals
Cincinnati Reds
Cincinnati Recreation Commission
Cincinnati Zoo
Elder High School
Gold Medal Products
Gordon Food Service
Great Parks of Hamilton County
Green Crest Golf Club
Mr. Art Hathaway
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Haverkamp
H & R Block
Kehoe Financial
Kings Island
Kroger Food Stores
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lessnau
Legendary Run Golf Course
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Liggett
Ohio Eagle Distributors
Phipps Reprographics
Marvin Lewis Community Fund
Remke Market
Mr. and Mrs. Butch Rowekamp
Shaker Run Golf Course
Symphony Hotel
Taft Museum
Jeff Torbeck Photography
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tierney
VIP Back Rubs, LLC
Wellington Orthopaedic &
Sports Medicine
Xavier University
Mercedes Benz of Ft. Mitchell
Heidt Family Foundation
Mercy Health
Marge & Charles J. Schott
Dr. Rebeccah L. Brown and
Mr. Dan O. Jones
Driehaus Insurance Group
EGC Designers Builders
Construction Management
Cheviot Savings Bank
Cincinnati Dowel & Wood
Products Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Inkrot
Kutol Products Compnay, Inc.
Messer Construction Co.
Miller-Valentine-Walsh Fund
PNC Bank
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Roddy
Mr. and Mrs. Butch Rowekamp
Ms. Denise Schumacher
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Suer
Skyline Chili, Inc.
A Taste of Class, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bishop
Evergreen Advisors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Foltz
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Foltz
Mr. Matthew Foltz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Foltz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Inkrot
Keating, Muething & Klekamp, P.L.L.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson
Mr. John Wiseman
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Wiseman
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Brinker
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Carrelli
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Chamberlain
Cincinnati Friends of Charity, Inc.
Mr. James Crawford
Ms. Lindsay Field
Ms. Deborah Jackson
Ms. Ashley Johnson
Kohl’s #584
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lessnau
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leugers
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Luciano
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Mike McCuen
21C Museum Hotel
Ambiance Nail Salon
American Girl
Arnold’s Bar and Grill
China Gourmet
Cincinnati Art Museum
Cincinnati Ballet
Cincinnati Nature Center
Cincinnati Shakespeare Company
Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
Covedale Center for the
Performing Arts
Dairy Queen
Dave & Busters
Dermatology and Skin Care Associates
Dewey’s Pizza
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Diers
Drake Planetarium
Entertainment Junction
Florence Freedom
Frisch’s Restaurant, Inc.
Gameworks - Newport on the Levee
Glamour Shots
Half Price Books
Hamilton County Park District
Heidt Family Foundation
Hyatt Regency Cincinnati
Joseph-Beth Booksellers
Keeneland Association, Inc.
Kentucky Derby Museum
Kentucky Horse Park
Kids First Sports Center
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ladenburger
Louisville Bats
Macaron Bar
Melting Pot
Ms. Suzanne Morrissey
Natorp’s, Inc.
Newport Aquarium
Ms. Sylvia Osterday
Out of Thyme. Ltd.
Perfect North Slopes
Quilt Outreach
Rising Star Casino and Resort
Shedd Aquarium
Ms. Katherine Stewart, LMT
Stillmeadow Country Club
Stone Creek Dining Company
Taft Museum of Art
Tavern Restaurant Group
The BonBonerie
The Children’s Theatre
The Web Extreme Entertainment
Theatre Management Corporation
United Dairy Farmers
Venice on Vine
VIP Back Rubs, LLC
Widmer’s Cleaners
Wine Cellar Innovations
YMCA Camp Kern
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schmidt
Special Thanks to the Northern
Kentucky Restaurant Association
Abundant Life Apostolic Church
Outreach Ministry
Mr. and Mrs. James Acton
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Adams
Against the Grain Scholars
Aiken High School
Ms. Molly Aldrich
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allbright
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority,
Phi Psi Omega
Alpha Kappa Alpha, Omicron Chapter
Amazon Fulfillment
Ms. Laura Amiott
Ms. Joyce Anderson
Ms. Susan Ankenbauer
Apex Supply Chain Technologies
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Aug
Ms. Kelly Austin
Ms. Charmetra Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Baird
Mr. Larry Banta
Ms. Kim Barnes
Ms. Stacey Barton Tilley
Ms. Rosemary Bauer
Ms. Jackie Baumgartner
Mrs. Rosanne Beatty/Braves Unit
Ms. Sue Berding
Ms. Linda Bernhardt
Bertke & Sparks Computer
Constulting, Inc.
Ms. Sheri Besso
Big John Movers
Ms. Clare Blankemeyer
Ms. Linda Bommer
Ms. Linda Bonner
Ms. D. Booker
Ms. Kristin Booth
Dr. and Mrs. Jeremy Borsky
Ms. Lois Brandstetter
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Brenner
Bridgetown Finer Meats
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Brinker
Ms. Alicia Brinkman
Ms. Christel Brooks
Ms. Nickie Brooks
Ms. Julia Bunzatt
Ms. Jodi Burcham
2015 Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Michel
Mr. Bill Nester and
Ms. Cindy Schenkel
North Side Bank & Trust Company
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Piening
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rebold
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rhein
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schiller
Sr. Mary Stanton, RSM
Mr. and Mrs. James Steffen
Mr. Michael Stock
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Williams
2015 Donors
Ms. Carolyn Burke
Ms. Vanessa Burchfield
Ms. Susan Burger
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Burns
Ms. Daisha Burton
Busken Bakery
Ms. Alexis Cain
Mr. Tom Calder
Ms. Courthney Calvin
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carota
Mr. and Mrs. David Carrier
Mr. James Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Carroll
Ms. Traci Chaffin
Ms. Cheryl Charkins
Chris Felix Fine Art
Christmas for Jesus’ Poor
Chums, Inc
Church of the Savior
Church Women United
Cincinnati Bar Association
Cincinnati Children’s Medical Center
Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy
Cincinnati Monthly Meeting of
Religious Society of Friends
Cincinnati Reds
Cincinnati Youth Collaborative
Cintas Corporation
CITI Women’s Network
Mr. Daryl Clark
Ms. Caren Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Coleman
Ms. Keya Coleman
Mr. Anthony Coleson/Coleson
Community Group
Mr. Tom Collins
Community Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Condren
Ms. Christina Conley
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cook
Mr. Robert Cowan
Mr. John Cramer
Ms. Sara Crandall
Ms. Melinda Cromer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cullen
Ms. Terri Currio
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daly
Ms. Linda Daniels
Ms. Sharon Daniels
Mr. Matthew Daugherty
Ms. Christina Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Davis
Mr. Kevin Davis and
Ms. Darshena Davis
Ms. Rhea Dawkins
Ms. Allison DeGraaf
Ms. Laura Delaney
Delta Gamma Sorority Alumnae
Ms. Rebecca Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael DiMario
Ms. Kelly Dixon
Mrs. Alisa Dixon
Mr. Jon Dooley
Ms. Wendy Dorn
Ms. Amy Dowling
Drop Inn Center
Ms. Candace Dun
Dunnhumby USA, LLC
Ms. Ashley Edelen
Ms. Melissa Eiler
Elder High School
Mr. Matthew Elston
Mr. John Ernst
Erica Holloman Foundation
Esther Price Candies
ETB Music and Fine Arts Center
Mr. Francis L.F. Falgiano III
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Farmer
Ms. Pam Farrell
Ms. Angie Feguson
Ms. Diana Feldman-Smith
Fidelity Investments
Mr. Charley Fiorini
First Baptist Church West College Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Flanigan
Mr. and Mrs. John Forrester
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Frambes
Ms. Ericka French
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Frey
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Freyler
Ms. Marilyn Frierson
Ms. Patricia Froehle and
Mr. Kenneth Owens
Ms. Chrissy Frye
Ms. Shannon Gantzer
Garnish Catering
Garrison Global Academy
GE Aviation - US Military
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gerke
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gerstle
Mr. and Mr. Edward Giese
Gifted Hands Salon
Ms. Monique Gilliam
Ms. Kia Glanton
Ms. Julie Glazer
Mr. Gary Glazier
Mr. Mike Glotfecter
Go Dutch
Ms. Dawn Godfrey
Gold Star Chili
Ms. Megan Golden
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Goldrainer
Mr. Paul Goldstone
Good Shepherd
Ms. Audre Goodwin
Ms. Doris Grady
Great Clips Harper’s Station
Great Friends Working Cooperatively
Greater Cincinnati Relocation
Services, Inc
Ms. Linda Green
Green Lawn
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Gregg
Ms. Carrie Gresham
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Griesmer
Ms. Gillian Grobe
Ms. Maria Hintz
Ms. Kayla Hobbs
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hobler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoehn
Mr. Adam J. Hoffman
Ms. Melanie Holley
Home Depot
Ms. Asia Hooduller
Mr. Rich Hopp
Hormel Foods
Ms. Iris Hughes
Humana Women’s Network
Resource Group
Ms. Rhonda Humphrey
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Indian Hill Primary School
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Inkrot
Ms. Erin Insley
Inspire Salon & Boutique
Iron Sharpens Iron Personal Training
Ms. Tina Jansen
Ms. Sarah Jarboe
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Johnson
Ms. Lakisha Johnson
Ms. Geri Johnson
Ms. Keianna Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson
Johnson Moving & Storage
Ms. Nancy Jones
Ms. Jane Josshua
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Judd and Family
Junior League of Cincinnati
Ms. Kady Justice
Ms. Deborah Kelley
Ms. Erin Kelly
Ms. Emily Kelly
Kemper Road Christian Church
Ms. Sujean Kim
Dr. and Mrs. Earl Kisker
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kisker
Ms. Jennifer Klafter
Ms. Linda Klems
Ms. Mary Lou Klene
Ms. Caroline Klopp
Mr. and Mrs. James Koetters
Mr. Nick Kongdech
Kounter Kulture
Korean Presbyterian Church
Ms. Leigha Kraemer
The Kroger Company
Lab Support
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan LaBare
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lafkas
Ms. Valerie Landell
Ms. Abby Landers
Ms. Kelly Laskey
LaSoupe Cincinnati
Ms. Kirsten Law
Leading Ladies Christian Ministry
Ms. Laura Leal
Ms. Gina Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Lee
Leesa Mattress
Ms. Karen Leonard
Mr. Alexandr Leonte
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lessnau
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levin
Ms. Jamie Lewis
Ms. Audrey Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lierman
2015 Donors
Mr. and Mrs. John Groh & Family
Mrs. Rachel Gruber
Guardian Angels School
Ms. Christina Guggenberger
Gwynedd Mercy University
Ms. Nicole Hahn
Ms. M. Hampton
Ms. Debi Hanes
Ms. Justine Harmon
Harris Sales, Inc.
Ms. Quwana Harvey
Hatting’s Grocery
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haverkamp
Ms. Amanda Hazlett
Ms. Stephanie Heagerty
Health Insurance Marketplace
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Heenan
Heidt Family Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Heidt, Jr.
Ms. Gail Heimburger
Ms. Alberta Hemsley
Ms. Tina Hendley-Yochman
Ms. Quinaia Hendricks
Sr. Lynn Heper, SC
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Herbers
Mr. Mark Herrmann and
Ms. Emily Cooper
Ms. Elisabeth Hieber
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hill
Ms. Alexandria Hill
Ms. Grace Hill
Ms. Mary Hilvert
2015 Donors
Mrs. Marie Lillis and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Lipscomb
Ms. Santana Lipscomb
Ms. Jocelyn Logan
Mr. Frank Lohmiller
Ms. Cathy Lohmueller
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lohrer
Mr. John Love
Loveland High School
Loveland United Methodist Women
Loyola Academy
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ludke
Ms. Laurie Lunn
Mr. and Mrs. Sultan Lunsford
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Luther
Luxottica Retail
Ms. Antonia Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Makowski
Ms. Jill Malik
Mr. and Mrs. James Malloni
Ms. Emily Manning
Ms. Lakshmi Sangam and Mr.
Sharathbabu Maramraju
Maribelle’s Restaurant
Ms. Alenka Maric
Ms. Dubravaka Maric
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Marsh-Welton
Ms. Janet Martin-Rush
Mary Magdalen House
McAuley High School
Ms. Tori McCaffery
Ms. Susan McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Jonah McDermott
and Family
Ms. Kimberly McGinnis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGraw
Ms. Nancy Mcintyre
Mr. and Mrs. Tim McKenna
Ms. Tina McNay
Ms. Corri Meeks
Mercy Health
Messer Construction Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Michael
Ms. Leanna-Yvonne Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Molloy
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Monroe
Montgomery Presbyterian Church
Ms. Joy Mooney
Ms. Patti Moore
Ms. Latorias Morris
Ms. Suzanne Morrissey
Mother of Mercy
Mount Saint Joseph University
Mt. Washington Presbyterian Church
Mt. Washington United
Methodist Church
Ms. Adriana Muzquiz
Ms. Pamela J. Senefeld and Mr.
Russell B. Naber
National Coalition of Black Women
National Wildlife Turkey Federation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neal
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Neltner
New Beginnings Christian Center
New Church Of Montgomery
New Jerusalem Baptist Church
New Unity Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Newman
Mr. Jim Newman
Dr. Carolette Norwood
Oak Hills High School
Ohio Valley Quilters Guild
Olive Garden
Our Lady of Lourdes
Ms. Gwendolyn Parham
Ms. Sandra Parks
Ms. Linda Parks
Ms. Taylor Payne
Penn Station
Ms. Summer Pennie
Peppermint Pig
Permaganic Co. Eco Garden
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Phelps
Ms. Pat Phillips
Piazza Discepoli - Piccolo Wine Room
Mrs. Jennifer Pickett
Ms. Sarah Piquard
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Poulos
Ms. Kelli Prather
Mrs. Deb Price & The Dinner Club
Procter & Gamble
Mr. Edward Pryor
Radio One
Mr. and Mrs. David Raess
Ms. Rosale Rahn
Mrs. Diane Rankin and Girl Scouts
Ms. Amy Rapien
Ms. Jen Redmond
Mr. and Mrs. Darren Rehrer
Ms. Melinda Reilly
Ms. Amy Richard
River Metal Recycling
Ms. Isabelle Rivera
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Roat
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rodell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roettgers
Ms. Brittany Rogers
Ms. Lauren Rogers
Mrs. Constance Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rowekamp
Ms. Mary-Kate Ryan
San Antonio Church
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schaeffer
Somi Javaid & Associates
Ms. Theresa Spaulding
Mr. Bill Sprankles and friends
St. Ann Church
St. Cecilia School
St. Columban Parish
St. Gertrude Madeira
St. James Episcopal Church
St. James of the Valley
St. Jude Parish
St. Rita School for the Deaf
St. Teresa of Avila Church
St. Therese Little Flower
St. Ursula Academy
St. Vincent de Paul
St. Xavier High School
Sr. Mary Stanton, RSM
Ms. Gertrude Stefanko
Ms. Carmen Stone
Ms. Katherine Straley
Strategies to End Homelessness, Inc.
Mrs. Karen Striet
Ms. JoAnn Strong
Mr. Benjamin Suer and
Ms. Alexis Bonacci-Roberts
Ms. Carrie Taylor
Ms. Nicole Tepe
The Ekklesia of the Lord Jesus Christ
Theta Phi Alpha
Ms. Jamie Thibert
Ms. Delores Thomas
Ms. Dana Thomas
Ms. Colette Thomas
Ms. Donna Thomas
Ms. Lynn Thompson
Tickets for Kids
Mr. Ryan Tillery
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Tilow
Ms. Joyce Tubbs
Ms. Barbara Tuchfarber
Union Baptist Church
United Way of Greater Cincinnati
Ursuline Academy
Mr. and Mrs. David Valentine
Valley Interfaith Food & Clothing
Ms. Katie VonErden
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Wallbrown
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Washburn
Ms. Erica Washington
Ms. Amy Watson
Mr. Thomas Weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Lindley Weikert
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wellens
Ms. Laura Wellerding
Ms. Stacey Wethington
Westin Cincinnati
Ms. Whitney Westrich
Ms. Kasey Whipp
Ms. Monique White
Ms. Dina Wilder
Mr. Jerry Wilkerson and
Ms. Cheryl Meadows
Ms. Deborah Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Williams
Ms. Mary Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson
Wine Cellar Innovations
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Winner
Withrow High School Z Club
Ms. Kathleen Wittich and
Mr. Bernard Rapien
Ms. Melissa Wood
Ms. Joyce Woodruff
Ms. Megan Wu
Ms. Brittney Wynn
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Yaffe
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yeazell
Ms. Ebokue Yisrael
Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Yokoyama
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Zaring
Zonta Club of Cincinnati
Zuber Safety & Security LLC
2015 Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Schaiper
Ms. Kacie Schaller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schiller
Ms. Sue Schlembach
Ms. Vicky Schottelkotte and
Mr. Gordon Putzke
Ms. Kathleen Schottelkotte
Ms. Catherine Schultz
Ms. Dana L. Davis and
Ms. Denise Schumacher
Ms. Judy Schwallie
Ms. Mary Schweitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Seinen
Ms. Cindy Senefeld
Seven Hills School
Ms. Erin Shaffer
Sharpsburg Elementary
Ms. Tamika Shelton
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Shelton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Shepard
Ms. Debra Shepard
Ms. Lisa Siegel and Mr. Chris Felix
Sierra Environmental Group, Inc
Ms. Marie Sietz
Sigma Omega Alpha Kappa Alpha
Mr. Drew Simpson
Mr. Gagandeep Singh
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Skavlem
Ms. Jessica Smith
Ms. Tywana Smith
Ms. Reanne Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Smith
Bethany House Services
1841 Fairmount Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45214
It starts with one step.
Families come to Bethany House from
many different paths, life experiences
and circumstances.
No matter the twists and turns life has thrown
at them, they come to Bethany House seeking
the same thing, a place to find rest and
restoration. That’s what we provide: care and
comfort, community and support, encouragement
and inspiration, each leading them one step
closer to a home of their own.
Affiliated with and funded by
Non-Profit Org.
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