Impact Report - Conservancy of Southwest Florida


Impact Report - Conservancy of Southwest Florida
F I S C A L Y E A R O C TO B E R 1 , 2 0 1 4 - S E P T E M B E R 3 0 , 2 0 1 5
1495 Smith Preserve Way | Naples, FL 34102
„ From large-scale habitat protection, to public
education, to rehabbing injured wildlife,
the Conservancy is a true guardian in every
sense of the word. For all of us.
- Joel Sartore, National Geographic Photographer
Board of Directors
Note from the Board Chair
President’s Update
Wildlife Rehabilitation
Environmental Science & Research
Environmental Education
Environmental Policy & Advocacy
Impacting Our Future
Our Events
Above and Beyond
You Can Make an Impact
Impact Report | FY October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015
Board of Directors*
The Conservancy of Southwest Florida thanks the community and business leaders on our Board
of Directors who are passionate about protecting our quality of life and forever.
Vice Chair
Lynn Slabaugh
Ken Krier
President &
Jane Pearsall
Jay Tompkins
Robert J. Moher
Board Members
Lew Allyn
Ed Eaton
Thomas R.
Phil Gresh
John R.
Dr. Judith
Dr. Kamela
Heidi Colgate
Anne Drackett Tucker
Not pictured: Phil Collins, Dave Rismiller, Sue Schulte, Karl Williams
* Board members who served between October 1, 2014 – December 31, 2015
von Arx
Nancy G.
Impact Report | FY October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015
Note from the Board Chair
Lynn Slabaugh
Conservancy Board Chair
Our fiscal year, running October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015, achieved much success on behalf
of environmental advocacy, science, education and wildlife rehabilitation. We also faced some of our
region’s greatest environmental challenges. I’m proud to say that the Conservancy took the lead on many
of those challenges, offering solutions and guidance. Through it all we remain strong and determined. We
were able to make a truly positive impact thanks to your steadfast support.
We are so thankful for the incredible investment our generous supporters continue to show us. You
enable the Conservancy to grow as an organization from our base at the Nature Center – one of the
premier centers in the Southeastern United States. With the strategic guidance from the board, along
with dedicated staff and volunteers, we made significant advances toward many of our strategic goals.
For example, this year we reached a record number of local school students, more than 11,000, with our
environmental education programs. Also, we hosted more than 35,000 guests at the Nature Center. The
total number of people directly reached by a Conservancy program, community lecture, our nature walks
or other activities surged to more than 55,000!
Just as water, land and wildlife know no county lines or legislative districts, the Conservancy works on
critical environmental issues facing our region. In 2016 and beyond, we will look for ways to enhance our
regional impact throughout Lee, Charlotte, Hendry, Glades and Collier counties.
It has been an honor for me to serve as the Board Chair these last three years. I sincerely thank you for
your time, talent and treasure. Without you, the accomplishments you see in the pages ahead, would not
be possible. Thank you again for your support.
Lynn Slabaugh
President’s update
Robert M. Moher
Conservancy President and CEO
Impact….it is why all of you have chosen to support or to become involved in the Conservancy of Southwest
Florida’s collective efforts to protect our region’s water, land and wildlife. Making a difference and creating
impactful solutions is what the Conservancy of Southwest Florida is all about and why we exist.
This report demonstrates what we can accomplish when we work together, using the Conservancy’s
combined tools of environmental education, advocacy, policy development, sound scientific research
and wildlife care and rehabilitation. It is this dynamic set of skills represented by our talented staff, and
supported by our volunteers, combined with our regional focus, which makes the Conservancy unique.
In the past year, Southwest Florida has once again become the center of renewed rates of growth
and development. In fact, the Naples and Fort Myers metro areas were once again ranked in the top
10 nationally for population growth. How we shape the patterns of growth, particularly as pressure
moves development inland to more sensitive lands, is a key challenge and opportunity before us. The
Conservancy believes in a strong economy, but also recognizes the fundamental underpinning of this
quality of life is our water, land and wildlife, which are key to sustaining a prosperous future.
Of utmost importance is the Conservancy’s focus on protecting our water resources. We must
fundamentally address the most significant threats facing our water supply, including emerging forms of
oil extraction techniques. Collectively, we must decide whether these enhanced extraction activities can
be done safely, and what techniques and locations are appropriate in Southwest Florida. Proven science
and an abundance of caution must be our guiding principles, so that we protect our water resources for
current and future generations.
Our work highlighted in this report would not be possible without your support. Your investment in the
Conservancy is making a positive impact. We believe there is great strength in numbers. We hope you will
come explore the Conservancy Nature Center to experience our 21-acre campus with family and friends.
Whether you attend our events, visit the Nature Center or follow our policy work, there are so many ways
you can support our mission. For those who care most about protecting our environment, your support is
more important than ever!
With thanks,
Rob Moher
Wildlife Rehabilitation
The Conservancy’s von Arx Wildlife Hospital rehabilitation staff and volunteers provide
supportive care to more than 3,200 patients each year. In addition to caring for injured and/or
orphaned native wildlife patients, the von Arx Wildlife Hospital includes exhibits that provide
an enriched educational experience for Conservancy guests. Visitors can learn about the daily
procedures within the Wildlife Hospital and how to prevent injuries to wildlife.
Wildlife Injury Prevention
Educating the community about preventing injury to wildlife is a key component to
the Conservancy’s mission. The Conservancy von Arx Wildlife Hospital staff was
a participating presenter for the Project Greenscape Certification program, held
at Rookery Bay, in order to educate landscapers about the proper way to interact
with wildlife while on the job.
The wildlife rehabilitation team also trained the seasonal City of Naples Beach
Specialists in proper handling techniques for their work at the Naples Pier.
In order to educate the public on the dangers of hooking pelicans while fishing
on the Naples Pier, the Conservancy developed informative signage, a video, and
hosted seminars for the general public to learn the proper steps to remove fishing
hooks and prevent pelican injuries. The signage and video will be displayed at
the Naples Pier and will be shared on the City of Naples website and television
channel. See it on the Conservancy’s website
Enhanced Guest Experience at the
von Arx Wildlife Hospital
Nursery Viewing Window Opens
Visitors can take a peek inside the daily operations of the von Arx Wildlife
Hospital. One-way glass into the nursery allows visitors to get an inside look at the
care provided by Conservancy staff to the many baby animals rehabilitating in the
The nursery is just one of the many specialized rehabilitation rooms inside the von
Arx Wildlife Hospital. State and federal permits dictate that special care is taken
so patients do not become accustomed to humans. This helps them better survive
when released back into the wild.
Video - ‘A Day In-the-Life’ at the von Arx Wildlife Hospital
The Conservancy recently completed a video to provide guests with a behindthe-scenes look into the rescue, rehabilitation and release of wildlife hospital
patients. This video gives viewers a unique insight into the many facets of the
Conservancy’s rehabilitation efforts.
“As growth brings more people to
Southwest Florida, the nonprofits that
care for and educate us about wildlife —
they’re residents here, too — shouldn’t
be forgotten.”
-Allen Bartlett, Editorial Page Editor,
Naples Daily News
New Outdoor Facilities
Enhanced Care & Educational Outreach
The $2.3 million investment for the expansion of the von Arx Wildlife Hospital
will enable the Conservancy of Southwest Florida to better care for patients as
they recover outdoors. Now under construction are additional flight enclosures,
a new shorebird rehabilitation pool and small mammal areas.
The outdoor areas will also include a guest education element. Resident animals
which, because of the extent of their injuries, are not able to be released back
into the wild will teach guests how to help prevent injuries to wildlife.
Conservancy Pelican
Protection signs can be
seen throughout
South Florida
Number of reptiles
admitted in 2015
(Majority freshwater turtles,
gopher tortoises and snakes)
Each recovery space will have unique features to meet the varied needs of our many patient species.
Spaces will include perches, nest boxes, basking hammocks and diving pools.
the von Arx Wildlife Hospital is open every day, including
holidays and weekends. They accept and care for
injured, sick and orphaned native wildlife.
Birds admitted each year
Environmental Science & Research
The Environmental Science team has 100 years of collective experience and expertise that
provides a full range of technical skills needed for effective research. The team’s senior biologists
hold advanced degrees in natural sciences and bring a diverse array of expertise ranging from, sea
turtles to mangroves to pythons. The Science Division specializes in providing impartial, objective
research for a wide-range of programs to advance the body of knowledge necessary to develop
real-world solutions to conserve, manage and restore our natural resources.
New Records for
Legacy Initiatives
Sea Turtles
Conservancy Sea Turtle Protection and Monitoring Program on Keewaydin Island
just completed its 33rd year. In the 2015 season, 507 loggerhead, 17 green and
one leatherback nests were protected and evaluated by Conservancy biologists.
The team partnered with Collier County, for the 22nd year, monitoring nesting
activity on Naples City Beach. Today more than 265,000 hatchlings have had a
chance at survival because of Conservancy efforts.
The first recorded leatherback sea turtle was documented in Collier County this
summer. Conservancy biologists made the discovery on Keewaydin Island. Also,
for the first time since 1994, a green sea turtle nested on Naples City Beach.
Additionally, the Conservancy Science team satellite tracked and monitored three
loggerhead, and seven Kemp’s ridley sea turtles in 2015.
Nature’s Nurseries
For the 17th year, biologists monitored the Clam Bay mangrove system to gather
information important to long-term mangrove survival and management in
Southwest Florida. Biologists continued to monitor forests near Barefoot Beach
and evaluate mangrove restoration efforts in Fruit Farm Creek near Goodland
with partners Rookery Bay, Coastal Ecology Group, and local governments.
Overall, a total of 25,456 mangroves had a physical exam and three forests were
evaluated for restoration success.
Loggerhead Sea Turtle
nests protected
Years of biologists’
had a physical
“The Conservancy uses sound,
scientific research to inform and
offer reasonable solutions to the
complex issues impacting our
water, land and wildlife.”
Robert Moher, Conservancy of Southwest Florida
President & CEO
Emerging Opportunities
Identifying Invasive Species
The Conservancy is increasingly responding to the
challenge of the escalating presence of invasive species.
Our team is playing a key role in the inter-agency regional organization, CISMA (Cooperative Invasive Species
Management Area). The group is dedicated to raising
awareness and conducting surveys on the threat from a
myriad of invasive species of which, the Burmese Python
is one of the most widely known. This year, Conservancy
biologists captured 20 pythons, radio-tracked 12, and
removed three egg clutches (totaling dozens of eggs). This
work was conducted in partnership with Denison University, USGS and Rookery Bay.
Call 800-IVE-GOT1 if you see an invasive
animal or report at
The Conservancy’s goal is to help contribute solutions
to help control the spread of this invasive and damaging
species in an effective and humane manner.
Take a look.
View incredible research and watch videos of Conservancy
biologists in the field tracking pythons
Teeing Up Golf Course Ecology
A birds-eye view of the Upper Gordon River reveals a corridor of green vegetation
and a small stream surrounded by urban development. The Conservancy Science
team initiated the Gordon River Corridor Golf Course Partnership as part of an urban
ecology program. Biologists are collecting information on wildlife that live in these
areas. This information will be used to tailor suggestions about how to enhance the
quality of life for existing wildlife and to attract additional wildlife to the corridor. The
goal is to encourage the use of developed areas to support natural resources through
science, in harmony with urban recreational sport activities.
Environmental Education
People who connect with nature are more willing to help protect and address the critical
environmental issues facing Southwest Florida’s water, land, and wildlife. The Conservancy of
Southwest Florida’s Environmental Education team provides children and adults an appreciation
and understanding of Southwest Florida’s unique natural resources.
STEM Learning Adventures Programs Impact
more than 11,000 students
The Conservancy’s Education Team delivered STEM
Learning Adventures programs to over 11,000 students
during the 2014-15 year, an increase of 33% over the prior
year. These immersive, hands-on programs are aligned
with Florida’s Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
and reinforce important STEM concepts, while inspiring
the next generation to protect Florida’s water, land and
Environmental Education Alliance
of Southwest Florida Conference
In partnership with Florida Gulf Coast University, the
Conservancy launched and hosted the first and second
annual Environmental Education Alliance of Southwest
Florida Conference. Held in the fall of 2014 and 2015,
this one-day conference brought together more than 80
professional environmental educators from across the
Southwest Florida region. Among the topics discussed
were best practices, professional development and
potential collaborative projects. The educators agreed
that the Alliance will continue.
Children educated in 2015
“Excellent experience! All staff was
prepared, friendly, and informative.
One of the best field trips I’ve been
on in 30 years of teaching!
Thank you!”
- Sea Gate Elementary School teacher
“The Conservancy of Southwest Florida
has become a great resource for
environmental education for students,
educators and the entire Southwest
Florida community. We are proud to
partner with the Conservancy.”
-Dr. Wilson Bradshaw, FGCU President
Gateway to Our Mission
More than 35,000 guests visited the Conservancy Nature Center in 2015. The
21-acre Nature Center is the gateway to our mission. Here, guests of all ages discover
hands-on, educational and fun exhibits and programs designed to inspire and promote
a love of nature. This year, we expanded our offerings to include more opportunities
to connect guests with our mission.
Little Explorer Play Zone
More than 300 aspiring naturalists visited the recently opened Little Explorer Play
Zone in the Young Naturalist Classroom. The Little Explorer Play Zone is a space
where young children can do what they do best – play! But this isn’t just any play
space. Children can crawl through a gopher tortoise burrow, investigate the animals
that call the burrows home, play in the mangroves and climb into a life-size bald eagle’s
nest. The Little Explorer Play Zone is also home to the Conservancy’s Little Explorers
programs, held on select Thursdays. These programs have been an enormous success
in 2015, and the Conservancy has a full schedule planned for 2016! Check the website
for details
Conservation Connections
The Conservancy Nature Center now offers new ways to ignite a passion for
environmental protection. In 2015, the new Boat and Brunch program set sail. Guests
take an informative cruise of the Gordon River, stopping at Naples Harbour for brunch
or lunch (depending on the time of year). Additional dates and times will be offered
throughout 2016. Conservancy-led kayak tours of the Gordon River are now offered
daily. All guided excursions are packed with interesting facts about wildlife and plants
in Southwest Florida. Visit
Eco-Cruise is Reminder of Conservancy’s Roots
From January through April 2015, more than 2,000 guests participated in a
Conservancy-led eco-cruise through Rookery Bay. Consisting of 110,000 acres of open
water, Rookery Bay is one of the few undisturbed mangrove estuaries left in the U.S.,
and one of only 28 National Estuarine Research Reserves. Protecting this threatened
estuary in 1964 was the Conservancy’s first accomplishment. Today, eco-cruises
aboard the Good Fortune II pontoon boat provide guests with a fun and informative
reminder of the Conservancy’s positive impact on our environment. Cruise information
is online
Environmental Policy & Advocacy
The Conservancy works actively with decision makers to ensure a bright future for generations
to come. It is about balancing conservation with economic health and making sure decisions and
actions are supported by science-based information and policies.
Advocacy in Action
Water Quality Accomplishments
The Policy team this year provided technical and legal support to the City of
Bonita Springs in developing a local ordinance addressing unconventional oil and
gas extraction. The City unanimously voted to prohibit unconventional oil and
gas extraction, including fracking, making it the second city in Florida to address
unconventional drilling through a local ordinance.
Conservancy policy staff were appointed to the Bonita Springs Citizens Water
Strategy Task Force. The group generated 34 recommendations to City Council
to address water resources concerns within the Density Reduction Groundwater
Resource area (DRGR). The Bonita City Council plans to move forward on
implementation of many of these recommendations.
Lee County Board of County Commissioners unanimously adopted Conservancy
and Audubon of Florida’s recommended Conservation 20/20 ordinance language
regarding water quality projects, restoration and expenditure of funds to ensure
continued protection and conservation of environmentally sensitive lands.
Wildlife Advocacy
Policy team members held an instrumental role with Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission in a resolution regarding a model ordinance for local
communities to minimize human-bear interactions. The team helped revise
policies related to the treatment of urban bears, thus allowing for more humane
Smart Growth Advocacy
The Conservancy Policy team provided expert testimony regarding a hot topic
of debate in Lee County: the adopted Lee County Plan Amendment decision for
River Hall. The plan amendment would have effectively doubled the allowable
density on 585 of the 1,700 acres in the River Hall development, a master plan
community located in Alva. The judge agreed with the Conservancy’s position
not to allow the increase in density because there was no finding of “overriding
public necessity.” The ruling sets an important precedent and will protect rural
communities in Lee County from being demolished.
“If it was not for the work of
organizations like the Conservancy,
Southwest Florida’s beautiful and
natural environment would be
wall-to-wall concrete.”
Frank Mann,
Lee County Commissioner, District 5
Sustainable Solutions
Oil Legislation and Regulation
Today, new methods for refining
and extracting oil are creating a
surge in oil and gas activity in our
state. Proposals include more
than 100-thousand acres of new
oil exploration and wells on public
conservation lands, near homes, or
in the Everglades.
The Conservancy will advocate
again this legislative session for
meaningful regulations of extreme
oil exploration and extraction
Make a Difference
Your support allows us
to continue our work
with local, regional and national
decision-makers to help advance
these critical policy issues.
Protecting and Restoring
the Everglades
The Conservancy is a strong
advocate for the Everglades. Our
focus is on the Western Everglades,
where protection of natural intact
flowways and habitat areas is
equally important to restoration
efforts. Policy members serve on
the board of the 58-organization
Everglades Coalition, and we are
the Everglades representative on
the national Great Waters Coalition.
We work with partners to lobby for
state and federal authorizations
and appropriations for Everglades
projects. Priority projects we are
seeking funding for in 2016 include
the C-43 Reservoir and the Central
Everglades Planning Project. These
will aid in the restoration of the
Caloosahatchee River, which impacts
water quality in Southwest Florida.
Smart Growth
The Conservancy is keeping a
watchful eye on the proposals
for substantial new cities and
developments in the eastern rural
lands of Collier County. Some of
these proposals encroach into
some of the last remaining habitats
for a myriad of threatened and
endangered species – including some
within primary panther habitat.
These areas also serve as important
water recharge areas for our aquifers,
in addition to being critical wetlands.
If we are to preserve the character
and functionality of our region’s
unique natural environment, we must
shape where and how development
and land uses unfold.
Impact Report | FY October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015
Impacting Our Future
What we do today will impact the future. From personal contributions of money earned, to taking
an interest in local politics, to advertising to millennials – the future of Southwest Florida is in the
hands of some inspiring young citizens.
Donating Allowance
One of the most heartwarming notes we received this
year came from 9-year old Cooper Smith. He sent us this
response to a wildlife hospital fundraising letter. Thank
you, Cooper. You are an inspiration to all of us at the
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Above: Copy of the Wildlife Appeal reply from Cooper. Right: The letter
that Cooper included with his $3 donation.
Cooper Sm
Young Leaders
Dear Mr. Moher,
My family read your commentary yesterday about
our county commission and oil drilling. My sister and
I are learning about how government works. We are
disappointed in our county commission removing
the topic of oil drilling from the meeting. Did someone tell them to do that?
I am ten years old and my sister, Julia, is seven.
When we grow up and live in Naples, we want clean
water and healthy land. I would like other children
to join this conversation with their parents. I think
if all the children in Naples knew about this, then we
could make a difference. How can I help?
Alexandra van Dongen
Rob Moher, Alexandra, Julia and Annette van Dongen
Millennial Advertising
University of Miami School of Communication Partnership
Conservancy Camp
Women in STEM
This fall, the Conservancy
launched “Cool Coastlines,” a new
camp during Thanksgiving break.
2nd through 5th graders joined
the Conservancy for an aquatic
adventure exploring the coastal
environments of Southwest
Florida. The camp featured field
trips to wet and wild places, where
children explored habitats and
discovered unique creatures.
Joanna Fitzgerald, von Arx
Wildlife Hospital director,
presented at the American
Association of University
Women - STEM Girls Conference
at Hodges University. Hundreds
of local girls and women
attended to learn more about
women who hold leadership
positions in STEM-related fields.
A class of graduating seniors at the University of Miami’s School of Communication
took on the Conservancy as a client. The course is designed to mirror the ‘real
world’ of an advertising agency. The course emphasizes the strategic planning of
marketing and advertising, communication objectives, coupled with the planning
and execution of media selections, the development of research-based creative
strategies, and the development of evaluative techniques for measuring potential
campaign effectiveness. The campaign will be revealed in the coming weeks.
“My daughter enjoyed the camp, and she learned so much!
Thank you for a great program that not only entertains
her, but is helping her grow into an environmentally aware
- Summer Camp Survey Response
Impact Report |
FY October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015
Our Events
“I cannot imagine what life would be like here without the Conservancy. Our community is rich in natural
resources that are being threatened every day. The Conservancy is on the front lines in the battle to protect
our air, water, and wildlife. I am so honored and proud to be a part of that effort.”
- Kellie Burns, NBC2 anchor and Magic Under the Mangroves™ emcee
Water Works
Award-winning National Geographic
Journalist Joel Borne toured the
Conservancy Nature Center, prior to
speaking at the premier Water Works
luncheon on January 14. The event
helps to raise awareness and funds for
the Conservancy’s water-related work.
The inaugural event was a
huge success.
The Conservancy’s annual catch
and release fishing tournament is
a reminder of one of our region’s
greatest treasures: the waterways.
Clean water is essential to the
Southwest Florida ecosystem and a
lack of this commodity will threaten
the region’s supply of fish, birds and
other wildlife.
2015 Presenting sponsor: The Naples
Trust Company
2015 Presenting sponsors: The
Beacon Group at Morgan Stanley
and RGM Capital
2015 Supporting sponsors: Naples
Yacht Club, Hurley Travel Experts,
CRS Technology Consultants, PNC
Bank, Eileen Fisher and Naples Daily
2016 Event: Wednesday, January 20
Earth Day
The Conservancy welcomed 850
guests during the biggest community
event of the year. We were extremely
proud to see families, Conservancy
members and community members
coming together to celebrate and
learn about Southwest Florida’s
water, land and wildlife.
The 2015 Earth Day Festival was
sponsored by PNC Bank, D’Latinos,
Univision SW Florida, the Naples Daily
News and Walmart.
2014 Event raised $77,000 net
2015 Event raised $82,000 net
The Conservancy of Southwest
Florida’s annual Magic Under the
Mangroves™ gala dinner and auction
is the signature fundraising event to
support our organization’s water, land
and wildlife initiatives.
2015 Supporting sponsors:
Minto, Tompkins Family, Devoe
Automotive Group, Backcountry
Flyfishers, Naples Beach Brewery,
Whole Foods, Russel’s Clambakes,
Longhorn Steakhouse, Northern
Trust, Crave Culinaire, Service
by Jordan, Florida Weekly,
Premier Sotheby’s International
Realty, Lutgert Insurance,
CliftonLarsonAllen and Newbury
North Associates
Magic Under the
$1.3 million (net) raised
Honored with Gulfshore Life
magazine ‘BEST First Course’
award – prepared by Windows
Two American Advertising Federation awards for the Save the Date
and Main Invitation
‘Making Magic’ Gulfshore Life
spread won the Florida Magazine
Association Silver CHARLIE
Presenting Sponsor: Northern Trust
2015 Supporting sponsors:
Gulfshore Life, Florida Weekly, Naples
Daily News, NBC2 News, Port Royal
Jewelers, Hurley Travel Experts
2016 Event: Thursday, March 3
The first 5K RunWild took off Halloween morning. The new course, organized
by Gulf Coast Runners, was the first charity run along the new Gordon River
Greenway. RunWild supports the Conservancy of Southwest Florida and the
Naples Zoo wildlife conservation efforts. More than 400 people participated.
2016 Event: Saturday, April 16
Thank you Northern Trust for
your continued support of
Magic Under the Mangroves™
National Geographic Journalist
Joel Borne with Jennifer Hecker at
the 2015 WaterWorks luncheon
Join us for the Earth Day Festival
Saturday, April 16, 2016.
John Kukk participating in the
RedSnook fishing tournament.
Over 400 runners participated in
our RunWild 5K.
Impact Report | FY October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015
Above and Beyond 2015
Exceeding expectations to make a positive impact on the community is a hallmark of Conservancy
volunteers, staff and supporters. These are just a few highlights from 2015 that demonstrate how
the Conservancy team goes above-and-beyond to advance our mission. Thank you to all who are
so dedicated to protecting our water, land, wildlife and future.
Volunteer Impact
In 2015, the Conservancy’s 600+ volunteers contributed
more than $1.2 million in service hours. Among the many
services provided, volunteers helped deliver the
Conservancy’s message to:
22,000 passengers on Nature Center electric boat tours
2,077 passengers aboard the Good Fortune II Eco-Cruise
1,280 Briggs Boardwalk guests
1,994 Clam Pass Nature Walk Guests
829 Tiger Tail Beach Nature Walk Guests
Passengers traveled up the Gordon River
on one of our electric boat tours.
The late Ian Wright is
presented the Volunteer
of the Year Award from
Conservancy President
Rob Moher.
Volunteer of the Year
With heavy hearts we said good-bye to our Volunteer
of the Year, Ian Wright. Ian Wright donated more than
5,000 hours as a Conservancy volunteer. He served as
president of the Conservancy CONNECTION 20102013. Additionally, he served on the board of the
CONNECTION as vice president and past president.
Ian’s warm smile and smart solutions are missed by all
who had the pleasure of working with him.
Christopher B. Smith
Enhancing Nature
A crew of staff and volunteers braved the July heat and
humidity to continue the tradition of improvements to
the Christopher B. Smith Preserve at the Conservancy
Nature Center. A pond now serves as a home and foraging station to turtles, birds, insects and many species
of mammals. This crew added 110 native plants to the
mix. These create more biodiversity, food for insects,
reptiles and mammals. It is a bountiful harvest for the
eyes: more blooms and more color all times of the year.
$1.2 Million
Volunteer service hours donated
Director of Environmental Science Kathy Worley and Volunteer Roz Katz
“I wish to congratulate Conservancy of Southwest
Florida on achieving our coveted 4-star rating for
sound fiscal management and commitment to
accountability and transparency.”
Michael Thatcher
Charity Navigator President and CEO
4-Stars from Charity Navigator
The Conservancy of Southwest
Florida again earned the top rating
from Charity Navigator. Receiving
four out of a possible four stars
indicates that our organization
adheres to good governance and
other best practices that minimize
the chance of unethical activities
and consistently executes its mission
in a fiscally responsible way. This
“exceptional” designation from
Charity Navigator differentiates
the Conservancy from its peers
and demonstrates to the public it is
worthy of their trust.
Presenter at National Marine
Educators Association
The Conservancy’s Education
Manager, Michelle Rebilas, presented
her graduate school research at
the National Marine Educators
Association Conference held in
June 2015 in Newport, Rhode
Island. Her research focused on
creating instructional objectives for
NOAA’s Ocean Literacy Framework.
Her work provides teachers with
additional tools to bring ocean
literacy into the classroom.
News articles mentioning
the Conservancy of
Southwest Florida
Python Patrol
More than 25 Conservancy staff
members participated in python
training in order to help manage
the invasive species population.
Python Patrol trainings teach people
how to identify, report and safely
capture pythons. Florida Fish and
Wildlife Conservation Commission
and the Conservancy of Southwest
Florida are working together to train
natural resource workers who may
encounter pythons in the field. This
program creates a network of citizen
scientists to help stop the spread of
this large, invasive snake.
People reached through
a Conservancy event
or program.
Unique website
Impact Report | FY October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015
Donor Support
Gifts of $50,000 and above
Anonymous (2)
Lew & Dawn Allyn Family Fund of the Community Foundation of Collier County
Edith G. Andrew
Arizona Community Foundation
The Batchelor Foundation, Inc.
Brunckhorst Foundation
Community Foundation of Collier County, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul I. Corddry
D.A. Davidson & Co
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Eaton, Jr.
Mrs. Cynthia Eckhardt
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Brooks and Joan Fortune Family Foundation
Ms. Eva Sugden Gomez
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Gresh
John and Donna Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan C. Hamill
The Ivan Bowen Family Foundation
Joshua J. Allyn Fund of the Community
Foundation of Collier
Ken Krier
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Lutgert
The Martin Foundation, Inc.
Naples Children & Education Foundation
Naples Zoo
Dellora A. and Lester J. Norris Foundation
Northern Trust
Ms. Betty D. Prout
Susan L. Regenstein and Barry Frank
Patsy Schroeder
Lynne and Chip Shotwell
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Smith
Mary Reinhart Stackhouse Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Tompkins
Mr. and Mrs. Dolph W. von Arx
Wavering Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Wheeler
Myra and Van Zandt Williams, Jr. Fund of the
Princeton Area Community Foundation
Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999
Mr. Charles Abadie
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Allyn
Aileen S. Andrew Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Brown
Mr. Stefan R. Bothe and Mrs. Jennifer V. Cheng
Colcom Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Collins
Mrs. Jennifer L. Conery
Donahue Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Donahue
Mr. William J. Donahue
Everglades Foundation
Foundation For The Carolinas
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ganzi
Mrs. Lavern N. Gaynor
Raynelle Heidrick
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. LeBoeuf
Mr. Kenneth J. Martin and Mrs. Christine R. Hepburn
Morgan Stanley
PNC Bank
PNC Wealth Management
The Regenstein Foundation
Fred and Sue Schulte
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Slabaugh, III
Mr. and Mrs. David Byron Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Stanback
State of Florida Environmental Protection
The Stranahan Foundation
Tucker and Marti Tyler
U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management
van Otterloo Family Foundation
Walmart Foundation
Walmart Supercenter
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence Wilson
Gifts of $10,000 to $ 24,999
Mrs. Virginia J. Ackerman
Agua Fund, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Allen
American Profol, Inc.
Andrew Family Foundation
Arthrex, Inc.
Bank of America
Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Bank of America, N. A.
Mr. Douglas Becker and Mr. Kevin Kurimsky
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Berman
Best Buy Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Clarke
The Columbus Foundation
CRS Technology Consultants
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D’Alessandro
Mrs. Susan Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Demkovich
Ms. Katherine Doerr
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Eaton
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey J. Ferrao
Fiddler’s Creek Management, Inc
Florida Power & Light Company
Mrs. Susanne E. Geier
Ms. June L. Gentner
Elsa and George Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Gibson
The Glastenbury Foundation
Stephanie and Del Goforth
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Guild, Jr.
Mrs. Marjorie S. Harvey
Hawthorne Foundation
Frances Pew Hayes Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hayward
Dr. Judith Hushon and Mr. John Hushon
Mr. and Mrs. William Kelley
Mr. Kevin Kurimsky
Lake Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Langley
The League Club, Inc.
Mr. and Ms. Larry Leppo
Maureen and Arnold Lerner
MassMutual Financial Group
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. McGinty
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Meland
Merrill Lynch
Merrill Lynch Trust Company
Catherine C. Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Frank T. Mohr, Jr.
Sandra O. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Moran
Mr. John Morgan
The Naples Trust Company
Naples Shore Fund of the Community Foundation
of Collier County
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Nunnelly
Mr. and Mrs. Bob O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Scott O’Dell
Penniman Foundation Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. Penniman, IV
Mr. Charles W. Pingree
Poplock Family Foundation
Melvyn and Ronnie Poplock
Mrs. Anne T. Ratliff
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Regenstein, III
Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reusche
RGM Capital, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney F. Sapakie
Dr. Robert A. Schultheis
Shore Fund/Lilian Fisher
Law Offices of John D. Spear, P.A.
Sidney A. Swensrud Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Kermit S. Sutton
Anne Drackett Thomas
Gary L. and Sharen A. Thomas
Mr. Mark Tullis and Ms. Pamela Fultz
Ms. Lynde Uihlein
von Arx Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Walter
Mrs. Nancy G. White
William Blair & Company
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle N. Williamson
Impact Report | FY October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015
Donor Support
Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Advanced Wealth Advisors
Akron Community Foundation
Aureus Asset Management
Mr. and Mrs. Tom H. Barrett
BNY Mellon Wealth Management
Mr. and Mrs. James Bordas
Mr. and Mrs. John Bowlin
Ms. Emily K. Bua
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Cornog
The Joanne and John DallePezze Foundation
DeVoe Automotive Group
Cass and Linda Diaz
Mr. Basil Dobbin and Ms. Jena Wood
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Doran
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Downey
Mrs. Marjorie W. Drackett
Mr. and Mrs. David Edwab
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Farmer
First Merit Private Bank
Ms. Doris Fritcher
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Rajiv Gupta
Mrs. Priscilla G. Haffner
Mr. Andrew L. Heiskell and Ms. Pamela Cleaves
William and Grenville Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hyde
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Irving
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Isserlis
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Istock
Charles and Virginia Jacobsen Charitable Trust
JW Thompson Community Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Kapnick
Mr. Robert C. Leinberger
Lutgert Insurance
Minto Communities, LLC
Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management
N. J and J Family Foundation
Newbury North Associates, Inc.
Northern Trust Company Charitable Trust
Pearsall Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Pearsall
Mr. and Mrs. Fredric Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Plumeri
Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Protsch
Quinn Family Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Quinn
Renaissance Administration LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Renna
Saldukas Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Salin
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sasser
Schwab Charitable Fund
Sam Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Segal
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Sexton
Shannon Family Foundation
Mrs. Marilyn Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Don M. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Turville
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Uhlig
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Verbrugge
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Waud, III
Welchwood Foundation, Inc.
Wells Fargo
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wiegand
The William Brown Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Williams
Jena Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney I. Woods
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Zehnder, Jr.
Gifts of $1,000 to $4,999
Anonymous (3)
Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace Abbott
Mrs. Carol A. Allegretti
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Allen
Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc.
American Endowment Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Anderson
Linda and John Anderson Charitable Foundation
Mr. Robert Anderson
Atlantis Roofing of Naples, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Atterbury
William F. Avery
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Ayres
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Bala
The James and Marietta Bala Charitable Fund
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
Nick & Dotty Beckwith
Mr. and Mrs. Randal Bellestri
Mrs. Jane Berger
Mr. and Mrs. John Bertucci
Mr. and Mrs. David Bishop
Mrs. Holly E. Bisset
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blume
Bond, Schoeneck & King
The Bourgraf Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. William L. Boyajian
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Braverman
Mr. and Mrs. Dickson G. Brown
Ms. Beverly J. Bystricky
Mr. John E. Cain
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Calleja
Mr. Duncan J. Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Carthaus
Charles Schwab
Mr. Victor Cheloliber and Ms. Linda Leatherbury
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Chormann
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Christensen
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Cole
Colonial Oaks Foundation
Ms. Linda B. Colvin
Dennis and Lynda Combs
Mr. & Mrs. George Combs
Community Foundation of the Great River Bend
Conservancy Connection
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Cooley
Ms. Karen Coney Coplin
The Corwith Fund
Mrs. Elizabeth Cottingham
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Cottingham
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Crist
Cummings & Lockwood
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Curtin
Cypress Trust Company
Darden Foundation
The Davidson Family Foundation
Lynn M. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson
Jerry and Vernon Davidson
Cass and Linda Diaz Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Dinardo
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Dixon
Mary E. Dooner Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Doyle
Mame Drackett
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Drackett
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Dronkers
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Duff
Mr. M. Douglas Dunn
Ms. Susan H. Earl
Ms. Kerry A. Edwards
Eileen Fisher
Eileen Fisher Inc.
Mr. Ron Ellingson and Ms. Karen Schreiner
Mr. and Mrs. Terence Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Elsesser
Ted and Betty Ely
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert P. Evert
Mr. Stephen Farrington
Mrs. Jane M. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fleischman
Mr. and Mrs. William Flowers
Impact Report | FY October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015
Donor Support
Gifts of $1,000 to $4,999 continued
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence R. Flynn
Ms. Patricia Forkan and Mr. Neville Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fortune
Mr. and Mrs. Torrey N. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Alain Frecon
Ms. Lindsay Garrison
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Garrity
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Genung, II
Peter and Frances Georgeson
James & Nancy Gibson Fund of the Community Foundation
of Collier County
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Groupon, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hagman, Jr.
Ms. Jane G. Haley
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hall
Miss Rachel Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Scot Hamilton
Mrs. Carol I. Hastings
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Heim
John R. and Ann L. Helmsderfer Memorial Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Henges
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herdman
Mrs. Marilyn V. Hibbert
Ms. Doris K. Hobson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hord, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Huber
Mrs. Joan F. Humphrey
Ms. Julee Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter
Mr. Larry Imeson and Ms. Janet Cone
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Ingram
Istock Family Foundation
Bill and Helen Iten Family Endowment
J.T. & J.G. Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. H. Craig Jacobs
Dr. Marvin E. Jaffe and Mrs. Susan L. Alexander
Johnson & Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Vincent H. Johnson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jouris
Kim and Jan Kantor
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kauffman
Ms. Melissa Keiswetter
Mr. Charles A. Kerwood, III
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Kiernan
Mr. and Mrs. Tighe King
Mrs. J. W. Kinkaid
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kloet
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Klym
Mr. and Mrs. Van Knox
Kohn-Joseloff Foundation Inc
Mrs. June T. Kroeschell
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kroll
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kuhne
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan P. Kukk
Mr. and Mrs. Tom J. Kukk
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk J. Kvetko
L.A.T. Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James A. LaGrippe
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Lawton
Mr. Victor Cheloliber and Ms. Linda Leatherbury
Ms. Laura Lenholt
Susan K. Lennane Family Fund of the Community
Foundation of Collier County
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. Liggett
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Lipman
Mr. John Lyngaas and Ms. Linda Noel
Mr. and Mrs. John Maggio
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence B. Magrath
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Marino
Matthews & Gardner Catering
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. McCaw
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McDonald
Mr. and Ms. Richard McDonnell
Mr. Andrew McElwaine
Colonial Oaks Foundation
Mr. John McLean
Al & Mary Agnes McQuinn
Kristine Meek
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miesel
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Miller, III
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Miller
John and Connie Miller Fund of the Community
Foundation of Collier County
Virginia Miller
Mr. and Mrs. David Mills
Mr. Daniel Mjolsness
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Moore
Ms. Judith L. Morgan
Morgan Stanley C/O Cybergrants, Inc.
Morton & Wasmer Builders, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Moses
Mr. Tom Mount and Ms. Dana Mount
Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Murray
Mutual of America
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Nagan
Ms. Beatrix Nanai
Naples Backcountry Fly Fishers
Naples High School
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander A. Nash, Jr.
NBT Financial Group
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Neubert
Nextera Energy Foundation, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Norris
Northern Trust Company
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Novinski
Ms. Patricia McDonald and Mr. Harold Nussenfeld
Linda Halverstadt Ottenad Fund of the Community
Foundation of Collier County
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Owen
Dr. Chris Papadopoulos
Mrs. Wendy Becker Payton
Paul H. Pusey Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Peacock
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Penkhus
Mrs. and Mr. Gail B. Peyton
Pierce Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Piper
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard N. Portnoy
Presstige Printing
Eliot Protsch
Rahr Foundation
Mrs. Patricia E. Ratliff
Mr. Richard Ratliff
REMS Group
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Rieger, Jr.
Mrs. and Mr. Kathryn K. Rieger
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Rismiller
Mr. and Mrs. John Rittenhouse
RKGK Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robbins
Marilyn & Bill Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. G. Stephen Robins
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Rooney
Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Rosales
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ross
Ms. Gail Rothenberg and Mr. John Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ruehling
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sachs
Mr. Joseph S. Sample
Mr. Justin Schoessel
Dr. and Mrs. George Schrenk
Ms. Helen Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Segal
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sherwood
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Shotwell, IV
Anne D. Slade
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Sledd
Ms. Gail E. Smith
Bev and Sky Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Snead, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Spears
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Steuer
Ron and Laura Strain
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Stratton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Stratton
Ms. Patricia Stratton
Mr. Michael E. Sullivan
Mr. Thomas A. Sully
Mr. and Mrs. John Tague
Patricia C. Tarnow
Ms. Lee A. Tauck
Impact Report | FY October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015
Donor Support
Gifts of $1,000 to $4,999 continued
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Tempest
Mr. Peter A. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Trachtenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel F. Trebilcock
Mr. Harold S. Trimmer, Jr.
Dr. and Ms. John P. van Dongen
Mr. William Van Zant
VI at Bentley Village
Ms. Anne Vitale
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. von Maur
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Waddell
Waller Financial Planning Group, Inc.
Walmart Store #3417
Walmart Store #4354
Mr. John C. Wasmer, III
Mrs. Sarah C. Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Webster, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Westerfield
Mrs. William Whaley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai Wiesler
Hazel Wilbur Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Willard, III
Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Williams
Pamela Coffin Williams
Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. Windfeldt
Mr. Jerrold Winters and Ms. Signe Backus
Mrs. Catherine J. Withrow
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wolfe
Ms. Jeri Louise Wolfson
Jeri Wolfson Foundation Inc.
Ms. Miriam S. Wolok
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Woodbridge
Mr. Edward Wood-Prince
Ms. Barbara C. Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Woodward
Mr. and Mrs. David Worthington
Harold L. Wyman Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Sally W. Yelland
Young Professionals of Naples
Mr. Robert F. Young
Gifts of 500 to $999
Anonymous (2)
Mr. John E. Ahern
Mr. and Mrs. Georg Albers-Schonberg
Mr. Robert E. Anders
Ariel Capital Advisors, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Arsenault
Ms. Helen Athan
Ms. Cheryl Baber
Mr. Jeff Ball
Mrs. Betty J. Bankes
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Battenberg, III
Mona and Allan Beitchman
Mr. and Mrs. John Berry, Jr.
Holly Bisset
Mr. Paul W. Boltz
Mrs. Mary A. Bonness
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Bray
Mr. and Mrs. Dana S. Briggs
Mr. and Mrs. John Brothers
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bunch
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Butts
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Carlson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cherubino
Mrs. Carolyn H. Chidester
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Chipman
Mr. and Mrs. R. Kerry Clark
Mr. Kyle Coar
Mr. Richard W. Cobb and Ms. Laura Remy
Mrs. Barbara N. Conklin
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Connors
Ms. Vicki Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cornevin
Mrs. and Mr. Stacy Cornevin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Corson
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cowden
Mr. and Mrs. Alden R. Crawford, Jr.
Colonel Jan D. Curran USA, Ret.
Ms. Kelly Darling
Mr. Joseph S. Davis
The Dayton Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Deane, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Demas
Mr. and Mrs. James Doan
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Douglas
Mr. Richard Driscoll
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Druckman
Mr. Don and Mrs. Sally Dunaway
Ms. Carolyn Dungan
Dunwody, White & Landon, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Eklof
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin J. Elders
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin G. Engelgau
Mr. and Mrs. Emil B. Ewald
Emil Ewald Family Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Craig Fenton
Mr. and Mrs. William Ferry
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Field
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Finn
Florida Gulf Coast University Foundation
Mrs. Joan J. Forte
Mr. William Foster
Mr. James W. Fraser
Mr. James Fritcher
Ms. Sue A. Furbee
Ms. Susan T. Gayford
Geoponics Corp.
Ms. Kathleen S. Glass
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Glick
Mrs. Frederick H. Gohl
Goodman Family Fund of the Community
Foundation of Collier County
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald O. Gordon
Mrs. Linda Goss
Grant Fridkin Pearson, P.A.
Greater Milwaukee Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Robert C. Hafford
Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP
Mrs. Gloria B. Hall
Ms. Shelli A. Halper
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hanson
Dr. Bette Harig
Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Harrison
Ms. Johanna Harrison
Mrs. Marilyn Haug
Mr. Hugh Havlik
Mrs. Barbara M. Hays
Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Hays
Mr. Rufino Hernandez
Mr. Andrew D.W. Hill and Dr. Susan M. Liberski
Captain Bruce Hitchcock
Mr. Lloyd Hochberg
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Houlihan
Mr. Kenneth Jedrzejewski
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Jessee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Jessup
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnstone
Mr. William J. Keefer
Key Private Bank
Mrs. Ruth P. Kist
Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Klym
Mr. Matt Koch
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Koons
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Kubat
Mr. Harrison Langley
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lavrack
Robert and Carole Leher
Robert & Carole Conklin Leher
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lingertat
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Little
Ms. Corinne Lyle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lyons
Mr. John Masters
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. William L. May, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McKean
Impact Report | FY October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015
Donor Support
Gifts of $500 to $999 continued
Mr. Thomas E. Meath
Mr. Terry Mitts
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moher
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Molloy
Mr. and Mrs. Don Monks
Ms. Susan White Moore
Mrs. Josephine A. Morse
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Mrs. Dorothy K. Munns
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Myers
Miller and Janet Myers
Mrs. Stefanie S. Nelson
Dr. Roberto Nevares
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Nevin, Jr.
The Bob & Hanna Nevins Family Fund
The Nevins Family Foundation
Mrs. Linda Newcomer
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Novitski
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Oelerich
Mr. Theodore A. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. David Orr
Mr. Louis F. Parker
Greater Milwaukee Foundation Frank and
Nancy Parsons Fund
Pathstone Family Office
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Jess J. Petty, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth C. Pickering
John D. Picotte Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Doug Poe
Mr. and Mrs. David Poorman
Quarles & Brady
Joy and Rudy Rasin
Mrs. Linda L. Rayne
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reese
Mr. Karl Reibel
Mrs. Katharine C. Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Rice, III
Mr. Arthur G. Ritas and Ms. Susan Calkins-Ritas
Road Scholars
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle A. Rosenzweig
Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert J. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Rossi
Mr. Richard E. Rowe
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Rue, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Saltarelli
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sandor
Mr. Richard A. Sauer
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Schnirring
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Schroer
Mrs. Ann M. Schulte
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Schwindt
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Seidler
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Seifert
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Sharp
Mr. Mokey Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson A. Simpson
Slepcevich Financial Group
Ms. Cherry W. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Garnett A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson M. Smith, Jr.
Mrs. and Dr. Mary M. Stewart
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Stewart
Ms. Ashley Stites
Mr. Keith Sullivan
Dr. and Mrs. William N. Sullivan
Synovus Trust Company
Mr. Gregory S. Thomas
Mr. Michael Trapp
Ms. Roselyn S. Travis and Mr. Matt Koch
Dr. Jerome Trembath
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Trigony
Mr. Robert S. Troth
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Turner
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Greater
Naples, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Valade
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Van Noord
Mr. and Mrs. Eijk van Otterloo
Ms. Ellen C. Vanderburg
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Vannelli
Mrs. Barbara J. Vlaovic
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Wagor
Walmart Store #5055
Walmart Store #6364
Ms. Patricia M. Warehime
Mrs. Jane D. Wentling
Beverly L. Wernette
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wernette
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph West
Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. White
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, III
Mr. Roger A. Wissman
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Wollaston
Mr. Phillip R. Wood
Mr. Ian M. Wright
Mrs. Judith Yohe
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Zboril
Gifts of $250 to $499
Anonymous (1)
Mrs. Kathleen M. Abraham
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Acorn
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adorjan
Mrs. Louise Agin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Ain
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Albro
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Alden
Mr. James L. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Amos
Ms. Josephine Angevin
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Arena
AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign
Mr. Charles Aufderhaar
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bachman
Mrs. Marguerite M. Baer
Mr. and Mrs. Newell Baker
Ms. Fiona Baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bartholomew
Mr. and Ms. Tim Barto
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bartoletti
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Baughmann
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Baur
Mr. Robert H. Beach, Sr.
Mrs. Meg Begley
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Benson
Mr. and Mrs. David Berglund
Mr. Peter D. Bewley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Bica
Mr. and Ms. Peter Birch
Ms. Elizabeth Black
Mrs. Virginia Blankenbaker
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blythe
Donna Bobb
Mr. and Mrs. Will Bobb
Robert J. Bodine
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Boreham
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Botta
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Boudreau
Mr. Nathaniel F. Bradley, IV
Mrs. Delores M. Brecker
Ms. Dorothy Breed
Mrs. Mary Ellen Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brickwedde
Brooks Fishing Club
Mrs. Catherine Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Brumbach
Mrs. Karen R. Bubenzer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Buck, Jr.
Ms. Martha A. Burger
Dr. Christopher Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Busch, P.A.
Dr. Patricia J. Bush and Mr. Geoffrey Noble
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Butler
Mrs. Sally Butz
Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Cady
Mr. and Mrs. Perry G. Camodeca
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Campbell
Nancy and Doug Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Canton
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Casey
Mr. Peter Caspersen
Impact Report | FY October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015
Donor Support
Gifts of $250 to $499 continued
Caterpillar Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chelikowsky
Dr. Hope M. Chema, M.D.
Dr. Harry Chertok
Mrs. Loretta N. Chickering
Mrs. Alice G. Childs
Ms. Anne P. Choquette
Ms. Patricia Chunn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cicero
Mrs. Debra Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. William Colleran
Mr. and Mrs. Barry G. Collins
Reverend and Ms. Tom Comella
Ms. Catherine R. Cook
Copperleaf Golf Club Community Assoc. Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Correia
Mr. and Mrs. Domenic Costantini
Mrs. Mary Ann Costello
Mrs. Kay D. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Cronacher, Jr.
Dr. Diane A. Dahl
Ms. Jennifer Day
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. De Francesca
Ms. Bernadette de Isaza
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Debbink
Mr. and Mrs. William F. DeCesare
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred DeMartino
Mr. Michael Denti
Mr. and Mrs. Panache Desai
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Devitt
Ms. Caroline Dickinson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Dilworth
Mrs. Sarah Dinnel
Mr. Robert Dirks
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Dodge
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Doerr
Dr. Thomas Dunkel and Dr. Diane A. Dahl
Mrs. Myra S. Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. David DuPont
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eckhart
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Edelbrock
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Edelen
Ms. Patricia A. Edmonds
Mr. Joseph Ellebracht
Mrs. Vivian F. Emerson
Mrs. Lavon G. Engen
Ms. Jane K. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fagan
Mrs. Leslie Faircloth
Mr. and Mrs. Danforth P. Fales
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Falik
Mrs. Glenda L. Farlander
Ms. Mary Farmar
Ms. Kelly Fawcett
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Feeny
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Feight
Mr. and Mrs. Hugo J. Finarelli Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Finley
Mrs. Anne S. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Fontana, Sr.
Ms. Patricia A. Foresman
Mrs. Wanda Y. Fortune
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Frazer
Dr. and Mrs. Morton Friedman
Friends of the Florida Panther Refuge, Inc.
Mr. David Frye
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Galton
Ms. Pamela P. Gartin
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gately
GE Foundation Matching Gift Center
Ms. Gail Gerebenics
Dr. and Mrs. Lowell W. Gerson
Mr. Randal Getman
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gilman
Ms. Patricia Turner Girard
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Girtman
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Glantz
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Glaser
Mr. Jay Glasson
MGySgt Robert Glavin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Gleason
Mr. Jodie Glore
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goetschel
Dr. and Mrs. Turgut Gokturk
Dr. Jeanne Goldberg
Golisano Children’s Museum of Naples
Dr. Patricia C. Gordin
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gothorpe
Mr. and Mrs. George Gould
Dr. David Granite and Dr. Mary Lou Oster-Granite
Mrs. Beverly Grappone
Dr. and Mrs. Laman A. Gray
Mrs. Carole J. Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Grijalva
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Grote, Jr.
Mrs. Anna Guglielmo
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard K. Gunther, Jr.
Ms. Cindy Gustafson
Mrs. Carol J. Hadley
Mrs. Sadie Hampson
Mrs. Elaina F. Hampton
Mrs. Suzanne Hanifl
Mr. Doug Hanks
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hannah
Mr. and Mrs. John Hannsz
Mrs. Dorothy Y. Hansen
Mr. Harold C. Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hart
Mrs. Eileen T. Harwood
Mr. and Mrs. Dieter R. Haussmann
Mr. and Mrs. Kem Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Hazleton
Mrs. Gwendolyn Heasley
Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Heegaard
Ms. Mary Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hendrick
Mr. and Mrs. John Hendricksen
Mr. and Mrs. John Henry
Mr. Chuck Herlocher
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hess
Ms. Susan Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Himes
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Hinkle, Jr.
Mr. Richard P. Hoeger
Mrs. Patricia Holden
Ms. Mana P. Holtz
Ms. Martha B. Hoover
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hopper
Mr. Hugh C. Howard
Mr. Raburn L. Howland and Ms. Katherine E. Kurtz
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Hudimac
Miss Lynn Gay Humphries
Mr. and Mrs. John Huntington
Dr. and Mrs. Eliot J. Huxley
IBM Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Isserman
Mr. and Mrs. John Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Jerzyk
Ms. Barbara A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Johnson
Ms. Julie Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Jones
Mr. Paul Kaigan
Ms. Nancy Kalishman
Ms. Sylvia S. Kallsen
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Katz
Mrs. Margaret A. Kennerly
Mrs. Melody Key
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Kingsbury
Mrs. Joan N. Kitromilis
Mr. Arnold Klinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Koenig
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Koren
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Korfhage
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kozlow
Mr. Alan Kuhre
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Labance
Mrs. Bonnie Larson
Mr. Richard H. Legro
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Leitner
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lenzmeier
Mr. Robert Lienesch
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Light
Impact Report | FY October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015
Donor Support
Gifts of $250 to $499 continued
Mrs. Jane Lind
Mr. and Mrs. Al Lord
Mr. and Mrs. Al Lostaunau
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lozelle
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Lukowski
Ms. Anne Lynch
Mr. Daniel J. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mahal
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Maio
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Mair
Mr. and Mrs. Tom O. Maish
Mrs. Kim Mangan
Mr. Roger Mann and Ms. Tessa Tilden-Smith
Dr. Phyllis P. Marson
Mr. Walter S. Marson
Mr. and Mrs. Wells Martin, Jr.
Mrs. Marian A. Marx
Mr. Thomas Maschke
Mr. Richard Maslow
Mrs. Sally A. Masters
Mr. and Mrs. Morton May
Mr. Thomas G. McBride, Jr.
Ms. Jacke McCurdy
Mrs. Peggy McDevit
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDorman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGlynn
Mr. and Mrs. George McKann
Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas McMeekin
Mr. William F. McNagny
Mrs. Patricia McNamara
Linda and Robert Meade
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mears
Mrs. Patricia M. Meixner
Mrs. Lea D. Mendel
Ms. Carole L. Mendelsohn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Mendelsohn
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Mendenhall
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Menefee
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Mignano
Mr. and Mrs. Allan C. Milsop
The Minneapolis Foundation
Miracles In Action
Mr. and Mrs. John Moll
Moorings Park
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morgan
Mr. Robert Morgan
Mrs. and Mr. Nancy L. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Morss, Jr.
The Honorable and Mrs. Douglas Munson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Murphy
Ms. Elizabeth Kaye Negri
Mrs. Valerie B. Nelson
Mr. William R. Netherton
Network for Good
Mrs. Gail K. Neuharth
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Neuharth
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Newman
Mr. Geoffrey Noble and Dr. Patricia J. Bush
Mrs. Regina Noch
Mr. Richard Norris
Northwestern University Club of Naples
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Notturno
Ms. Marion O’Connell
Mrs. Lois K. O’Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. Gene O’Hara
Mr. William A. Onderdonk, Jr.
Ms. Barbara Pace
Mrs. Jack Paley
Mr. and Mrs. Delos M. Palmer, Jr.
Dr. Kamela Patton
Mr. and Mrs. Dave M. Paulin
Mr. Conrad Pemberton
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Phelan
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Pires
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Pliska
Port Royal Jewelers, Inc.
Mr. Patrick Post
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pratt
Mr. Keith Predmore
Mrs. Margot R. Prendergast
Ms. Ann Price Davis
Princeton Club of Southwest Florida
Mr. Troy Pruitt
Ms. Dawn Pullin
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Pullman
Mrs. Virginia C. Quirk
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Raia, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Raimy
Mrs. Jean H. Ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Rapp
Mr. Bernard Rath
Ms. Lynne Redmond
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Reger
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Reifsteck
Mrs. Marjorie L. Renfroe
Mr. and Mrs. William Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Richman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Rietz
Mrs. Mary Sue Rischar
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce T. Ritz
Ms. Kathleen R. Robbins
Mrs. Shirley A. Roellig
Mr. Bob Rohr
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Romano
Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Ropfogel
Mrs. Carol Ropfogel
Mr. Raymond Rosenberg and Mrs. Linda Spell
Mr. and Mrs. David Rosenquist
Mr. and Mrs. David Rowe
Ms. Martha Rozman
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rudolf
Ms. Christine Ruthroff
Mr. and Mrs. William Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ryder
Mr. Luis Santos
Mr. Ralph S. Saul
Mrs. Patricia Sawin
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Schechter
Mrs. Marion Schlytter
Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Schneider
Gary Schnur
Mr. Tom Schrader
Mr. George Schueppert
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Schweitzer
Ms. Laura Scott
Mrs. Marguerite Scribante
Mr. Michael D. Seef and Ms. Bonnie Michaels
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Seigel
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Selby, Jr.
Mr. Lee J. Sharp and Mr. Gary Hochberg
Mr. and Mrs. James Shea
Ms. Suzanne Sheffield
Mr. and Mrs. Berton S. Sheppard
Ms. Katherine Shoemaker
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Shoop
Mr. and Mrs. Willard C. Shull
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sidman
Sierra Club - Greater Charlotte Harbor Group
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Skidmore
Mrs. Mary W. Small
Mr. A. J. Smith and Ms. M. Kathryn Eickhoff
Don and Beth Smith
Mrs. George B. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Smith
Southwest Florida Concierge and Guest Services
Ms. Kateri N. Sparks
Mr. Gregory Spier
Spring Run Golf Club
Ms. Joan M. Stacy
Stafford Family Fund of the Community
Foundation of Collier County
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stamm
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Stevenson
Mr. Ted Stine
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Stipp
Mr. and Mrs. John Stites
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stolz
Ms. Elizabeth A. Stone
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Strickler
Mr. and Mrs. Len Strom
Mr. Christopher B. Strunk
Mrs. Mildred D. Tappan
Dr. and Mrs. M. E. Tardy
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Thompson
Mr. Vincent Trapasso
Impact Report | FY October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015
Donor Support
Gifts of $250 to $499 continued
Dr. and Mrs. David J. Trecker
Mr. Thomas Trotta
Mr. Arthur Tunnell
Denise and Lyle Tyler
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Vail
Mr. Thomas G. Van de Grift
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Van Dyke
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Van Tiem, Sr.
Eaton Vance
Mr. Bobby Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wagner
Walmart Store #5321
Mr. Leo Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wander
Mrs. Deborah S. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Ware
Mr. and Mrs. John Warga
Mrs. Mary C. Watkins
Gordon & Martha Watson Fund of the Community Foundation of Collier County
Mrs. Alice B. Weaver
Mr. Raey Webster and Ms. Candy Ahrenholz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weissman
Mr. Clifford Welles and Mrs. Patricia Welles
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Werder
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. James S. White
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Whitman
Mrs. Carole Whittemore
Ms. Nancy Wierenga
Mrs. Kathi Willett
Ms. Ellen Williams
Mr. and Mrs. R. Lynn Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Winter
Ms. Lucy M. Wistreich
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wood
Ms. Wendy S. Wood
Mr. Andrew Woods
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Wuerger
Miss Maryjane Wurth
Yntegra Trading, LLC
Mr. Melvyn H. Zahn
Ms. Lynn M. Zakupowsky
Mrs. Darlene W. Zinnen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Zundel, Jr.
Leadership Circle
We are grateful to the following individuals who have distinguished themselves as members of
the Conservancy Leadership Circle. This program recognizes those who display extraordinary
philanthropy each year in support of our core programs.
River of Grass
Mr. Charles Abadie
Mr. Joshua J. Allyn
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. LeBoeuf
Mrs. Susan Regenstein and
Mr. Barry Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Stanback
Western Everglades
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burdess
Ms. Katherine Doerr
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Eaton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Eaton
Mrs. Lilian H. Fisher
Mrs. Susanne E. Geier
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott O’Dell
Mr. Charles W. Pingree
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Regenstein, III
Anne Drackett Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Tom H. Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. John DallePezze
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Doran
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Downey
Mrs. Marjorie W. Drackett
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Gresh
Mrs. Priscilla G. Haffner
Mrs. Raynelle Heidrick
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hudson
Dr. Judith Hushon and Mr.
John Hushon
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Isserlis
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Istock
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lewis
Mrs. Catherine C. Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Frank T. Mohr, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Pearsall
Mr. and Mrs. Fredric Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Plumeri
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Quinn
Mrs. Anne T. Ratliff
Mrs. Patricia S. Schroeder
Dr. Robert A. Schultheis
Mr. Samuel Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Don M. Smith
Mr. Mark Tullis and Ms. Pamela Fultz
Mr. and Mrs. Tucker Tyler
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Verbrugge
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Zehnder, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Allyn
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Elroy E. Bourgraf
Mr. William L. Boyajian
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Brown
Mr. John E. Cain
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Carthaus
Mr. Stefan R. Bothe and
Mrs. Jennifer V. Cheng
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Combs
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Cooley
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon A. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Elsesser
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert P. Evert
Mrs. Jane M. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fleischman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fortune
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Gibson
Mrs. Stephanie E. Goforth
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Guild, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hagman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan C. Hamill
Mr. Andrew L. Heiskell and Ms.
Pamela Cleaves
Ms. Doris K. Hobson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Huber
Kim and Jan Kantor
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Kiernan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Klym
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Krier
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Lawton
Mr. and Mrs. John Maggio
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Marino
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. McCaw
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Meland
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Neubert
Ms. Patricia McDonald and
Mr. Harold Nussenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Renna
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. G. Stephen Robins
Ms. Gail Rothenberg and
Mr. John Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ruehling
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M.
Slabaugh, III
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Spears
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Steuer
Ms. Patricia C. Tarnow
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Waud, III
Mrs. Nancy Grandis White
Mr. and Mrs. Van Zandt Williams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Woodbridge
Mrs. Sally W. Yelland
Mr. and Mrs. W. William Young
Impact Report | FY October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015
Eagle Society
Members of the Eagle Society have shown the foresight to make arrangements in their estate
plans to support the Conservancy of Southwest Florida and protect our quality of life.
Anonymous (8)
Mr. Henry P. Albrecht *
Mrs. Darrel R. Alkire
Edward J. * and Edith G. Andrew
Mrs. Molly M. Becker
Ms. Margaret Beggs*
Ms. Cynthia A. Bennett
Mrs. Dorothy R. Blair*
Edward Bransilver
Ms. Irene Bretzlaff
Ms. Sandra Buchan*
Mr. Donald W. Chidester*
Bob and Judy Clay
Mr. David L. Coffin*
Mr. Robert R. DeLong
Mrs. Barbara Dietz
Mrs. Suzanne V. Dorr*
Philip W. and Maralee E. Douglas
Mrs. Cynthia Eckhardt*
Andrew and Rosemary Falik
Elizabeth T. Fogg*
Ms. Monica Fortin
Mrs. Mary Ann Rebb Freer
Mr. Peter Freund, Jr.*
Mr. Philip O. Geier, Jr. * and Mrs. Susanne E. Geier
Ms. June L. Gentner*
Getzelman Fund of the Community Foundation of
Collier County*
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gibson, Jr.
Ms. Eva J. Sugden Gomez
Ms. Shelli A. Halper
Dr. and Mrs. William G. Hendrickson*
Mr. Andrew D.W. Hill and Dr. Susan M. Liberski
Mr.* and Mrs. Earl G. Hodges
Shirley I. Kern*
Gordon T. Kinder*
Mrs. Virginia E. Kinsey*
The Rev. Dr. Kathleen L. Kircher
Kenneth D. Krier
Mrs. Dorothy M. Krimski
Ms. Dorthey P. Lancaster*
Mr. Robert and Marilyn Leinberger*
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lowery*
Mr. Andrew McElwaine
Kristine Meek
Mrs. Patricia M. Meixner
Ms. Carole L. Mendelsohn
David Mendelsohn, Jr. M.D.*
Catherine C. Miller
Mrs. Barbara W. Moore*
Judy Morgan
The Barney* and Sherrie Morton Endowment
Ms. Phyllis M. Mueller
Mr. John A. Mullenmaster*
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Oliver, Sr.*
Bob and Simone Ott*
Ms. Rae Ann Owens
Mr.* and Mrs. Philip J. Paden
Mrs. Margot C. Palma*
Mrs. Nancy V. Potter
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Priebe
Ms. Betty D. Prout*
Adele D. Rice*
Mrs. Shirley A. Roellig
Alan and Jane Rosoff
Ms. Diana Rutherford*
Lois K. Saldukas
Dr. Daniel J. Shapiro and Mrs. Thelma Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sherwin
Janet. S. Short*
Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson A. Simpson
Russell * and Nancy D. Sineni
Ms. Joan M. Stacy
Mr. Robert Stevens
Ms. Helen M. Stone
Charles M. and Joan R. Taylor Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Jack W. Thompson*
Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Tober
James Lynn and Dorothy Alice* Truscott
Tucker and Marti Tyler
* Deceased
Dr. Dana Vannoy
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Vasaturo
Mr. and Mrs. Etto E. von Zastrow
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis B. Whaley
Van Zandt and Myra N. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. R. Lynn Wilson
Mrs. Mae Wood*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. and Patricia A. * Young
Mrs. Joyce Zinsmaster
* Deceased
We thank the supporters who have honored the memory of the loved ones listed below with
a gift to the Conservancy of Southwest Florida.
Robert C. Ackles
Richard Bahr
Kathryn Beeken
Mark A. Benedict
Ruth A. Brazner
Alice C. Brooks
Lilias M. Bruce
Ashley W. Campbell
William L. Dalton
William Fisher
Russell J. Francisco
Claire Glasson
Melissa J. Gridley
James E. Hachen
Geoffrey Hanson
Brian L. Hardesty
James Healy
Timothy R. Healy
Baron Herman
James Hitchman
Lucy A. Hudd
Kenneth Jedrzejewski
Marjorie J. Joder
Virginia Johnson
Margaret Kidd
Carolyn Killeen
Chuck Kruger
Steven Leonard
Mary A. Lesko
Barbara Luch
Owen Moher
Bill O’Connell
Susan K. Pate
Eugene F. Ratliff
Kenneth W. Richman
William Ridgway
Lewis A. Rockwood
Albert H. Ropfogel
Joyce L. Shann
Judy Shannon
Carolyn Smith
Janice L. Sterner
Kyle Thesieres
Jane Thomas
Stan Thomson
Marion Upham
Peg Vanderslice
Jean Wagener
Eileen L. White
Lawrence White
Ian M. Wright
Impact Report | FY October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015
Matching Gifts
These companies, through their corporate matching gift programs, encourage and match gifts of
time and treasure made by their employees or retirees.
Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc.
Caterpillar Foundation
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Eaton Vance
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
GE Foundation Matching Gift Center
General Mills Foundation Gift Matching Program
IBM Corporation
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Johnson & Johnson
MassMutual Financial Group
Merck Company Foundation
Mobil Foundation, Inc.
Mutual of America
Northern Trust
Northern Trust Company
Northern Trust Company Charitable Trust
Progressive Insurance Foundation C/O CyberGrants, Inc.
USG Corporation
U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Gifts in Honor
We thank the supporters who have made gifts in honor of friends and loved ones listed below to the
Conservancy of Southwest Florida.
Maria Achecar
David S. Addison
Michael Allan
Edith G. Andrew
Joan Barkowski
Gersha Z. Bayer
Douglas Becker
Albert J. Beliveau
Mary Bolen
James Bordas
Stefan R. Bothe
Dennis C. Brown
Dennis Coleman
Basil Dobbin
Philip Douglas
Karen Downey
Carol Dubnicki
Carolyn Eason
Brian Elliott
Susanne E. Geier
Philip M. Gresh
Jean Hall
John R. Hall
Jennifer Hecker
Karen Hess
Samuel A. Holbrooks
Janet K. Hull
Rose Mary Humble
Nicole Johnson
Karen Kinard
Debra E. King
Aaron Knott
Jim Kurtzeborn
Janet Lawton
Rick D. Louston
Mary Luken
Jim Mayer
Margaret McDonnell
Biff Miller
John Montgomery
Terry Moreno
James W. Murray
Doris S. Nemore
Tom Norris
Anthony Omonte
Shelley Schloss
William R. Schnirring
Joan Sholty
Alfred H. Shotwell
Lynn Slabaugh
Jack Thiessen
Lee P. Trumbull
Dennis Turner
Audrey Tuyn
Dolph W. von Arx
Mary Jane Webb
Auction & Events
Support from these generous auction donors helps generate funds at Magic Under the Mangroves™
RedSnook Catch & Release Tournament and WaterWorks to support the Conservancy mission.
Abaco Lodge
The Alamo by Lotus Gunworks
Aldecor Custom Framing
Ms. Laura Almand
AMC Merchants Crossing 16
Edith G. Andrew
ArgoTrak Inc.
Mrs. Eileen B. Arsenault
Bala Vinyasa Yoga
Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall
The Bay House Restaurant
Bellasera Hotel
Big Rock Sports
Bigham Jewelers
Black Rock Ranch
Bleu Provence
Bradford Renaissance Portrait Corp.
Bravo! Cucina Italiana
Broadway Palm Dinner Theater
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brown
Mr. Kevin Buckler
Busch Gardens Tampa
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Butcher
Cabot Creamery
Mr. and Mrs. William Cannon
Captain & Krewe Market and Raw Bar
Captain Doug’s Air Boat Tours
Cason Photography
Ms. Anne Chaddock
Cheeca Lodge & Spa
Chicago Blower Corporation
Chihuly Studio
Clayoquot Wilderness Ranch
Ms. Patricia Cleveland
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Clive Daniel Home
The Club at Grandezza
Club at the Strand
Coastal Angler Magazine Naples, Inc.
Collier Adventures
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Collins, Jr.
Continental Construction, Inc.
Costa Sunglasses
Costco Wholesale #354
Mr. James P. Cottingham
The Counter Burger Naples
Crave Culinaire
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Damon
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Demkovich
Dennis Goodman Photography
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Dilella
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Dinardo
Mr. Joseph Dinunzio
DNC Parks & Resorts at Kennedy Space Center
The Dock at Crayton Cove
Domaine Ste. Michelle Wine Estates
Durland Golf, LLC
Edison & Ford Winter Estates
Eileen Fisher Inc.
Eola Wine Company
Captain Bill Faulkner
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey J. Ferrao
Fire & Rice
Mr. Addison Fischer
Fitness Together
Florida Aquarium
Florida Everblades
Florida Marina Clubs
Friends of the Florida Panther Refuge, Inc.
G. Loomis
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ganzi
The Gasparilla Inn & Cottages
Gene Doyle Fishing Tournament
Conrad Williams Glass
Glazer Children’s Museum
Goin’ Skinny Backwater Fishing Charters
The Golf Club at Black Rock
Golf Safari Mini Golf
The Greenbriar
Greenmonkey Yoga
Impact Report | FY October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015
Auction & Events (continued)
Gulfcoast Inn Naples
Captain Phil Haley
John and Donna Hall
Miss Madison Hastings
Mr. Rufino Hernandez
Captain Ron Hueston
IM Tapas Restaurant
Impressions Naples
Inca’s Kitchen
Inn on Fifth
Island Map Store
Jennings at Bayfront
Captain Chris Jones
Captain and Mrs. Al Keller
Key West Express
Kitson & Partners
KLP Enterprises, LLC
Ken Krier
Mrs. and Mr. Pam Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan P. Kukk
La Bazemme, USA Inc.
La Playa Beach and Golf Club
Mrs. Michele Lawler
LeMasque International Corp
Mr. Steven Leonard
Maureen and Arnold Lerner
Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. Liggett
Lindblad Expeditions
Lions, Tigers and Bears, Inc.
LongHorn Steakhouse
Lucia Bay
Luma on Park
Magic Under the Mangroves Committee
Makeup by Marie
Marco Island Marriott Resort & Golf Club
MarineMax of Naples
Marissa Collections
Masterpiece Mixers
Matthews & Gardner Catering
Captain Chris McCubbin
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. McGinty
Mr. and Mrs. J. William Meek
Mrs. Rebecca Meland
Miami Marlins
Mila Bridger Photography
Dr. and Mrs. Frank T. Mohr, Jr.
Mrs. Josephine A. Morse
Naples Beach Brewery
The Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club
Naples Boat Yard LLC
Naples Botanical Gardens
Naples Chocolate Stroll
Naples Florida Weekly
Naples Grande Golf Club
Naples Luxury Imports
Naples Princess, Inc.
Naples Zoo
Natalie’s Skin Solutions
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Neubert
Newbury North Associates, Inc.
Northern Trust
Casey O’Brien
Bill and Joyce O’Meara
Ollie Media
Oyster House
Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Pearsall
Mrs. Linda S. Penniman
Pixar Animation
Port Royal Gourmet Club
Posh Petals
Preston’s Steak House
PRP Wine International
Pure Barre Naples
Pure Naples
Purely You Spa
Quail West Golf & Country Club
The Quarry
Red Carnation Hotel Collection
RedSnook Committee
Susan L. Regenstein and Barry Frank
The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort
The Ritz-Carlton Resorts of Naples
The Ritz-Carlton Sarasota
Robert of Philadelphia
Rosen Gallery and Studio
Russell’s Clambakes
Mr. Michael Santangelo
Sara Campbell Ltd.
Dr. and Mrs. Gary W. Schmelz
Patsy Schroeder
Fred and Sue Schulte
Sea Glass Fine Art
Sea Salt
SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund
Seminole Casino Immokalee
Service by Jordan
Shedd Aquarium
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Shotwell, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Shotwell, III
Shula’s Steak House
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Slabaugh, III
Snikwah Worldwide, LLC
Snooky’s Rental Properties, LLC
Mayor and Mrs. John F. Sorey, III
South Street Grill
Southwest Airlines
Mrs. Linda Spell and Mr. Raymond Rosenberg
Sports CLUB of Naples
St. Tropez Home
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Strickland
Mrs. and Mr. Jenny Stupinski
Mr. Keith Sullivan
Sun-Splash Family Waterpark
Sunshine Ace Hardware, Inc.
Ms. Judith Svetaka
Sweet Liberty
Tampa Bay Rays
Tempress Marine Seating
Tesla Motors
Tiburón Golf Club
Tiffany & Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Tompkins
Useppa Island Historical Society
Venice Gallery & Studio
Mr. and Mrs. Dolph W. von Arx
Captain and Mrs. Robert L. Walczak
Waterside Shops
Ellin Goetz and Michael Watkins
Mr. Joseph Wendt
West Marine
Whole Foods Market
The Wigglebutt Inn
Wildflower Boutique
Mr. Rodney Wiley
William Phelps Custom Jeweler, Inc.
Myra and Van Zandt Williams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence Wilson
The Wine Merchant
Mrs. Sharon Y. Wright
Yamron Jewelers
Impact Report | FY October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015
In-Kind Donations
Donations of talent and goods and services from generous community organizations and individuals
who support Conservancy programs to protect our quality of life.
Ms. Janet Allen
Animal Eye Doctors
Mr. and Mrs. Manny Blanco
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald I. Blank
Mrs. Karen R. Bubenzer
Chick-fil-A Coastland Center
Mrs. Robert B. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. George Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Des Jardin
Dynasty Marine Associates, Inc.
Mr. Victor Farmer
Ms. Mary Guggemos
Mr. John Klevanosky
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. McGinty
The Nevins Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Darren Oakes
Pinch-A-Penny Pool Patio Spa
Ms. Joyce Potts
Mrs. Harriet Rockwood
Mr. Lewis A. Rockwood *
Ms. Joan M. Stacy
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Suden
Mr. Michael E. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle N. Williamson
* Deceased
These caring individuals collectively contributed more than $1.2 million of their time and talent to
support our natural treasures and quality of life.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Abbe
Dr. Christie D. Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Abend
Mr. John A. Ackerman and Mrs. Helen K. Bow
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Adams
Ms. Emily S. Adams
Ms. Victoria R. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Adiutori
Mr. Robert A. Ahnen
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Ahrens
Mr. H. Newton Ale
Ms. Leslie L. Allen and Mr. Daniel Krajewski
Mr. John W. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Allyn
Mrs. Janet L. Alonzo
Ms. Diane Alt
Mrs. Nancy Amos
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson
Ms. Edith G. Andrew
Mr. Andrew Anger
Mrs. Debbie Anton and Mr. Mark Lamb
Ms. Lauren Antunez
Mr. Lesley S. Appel
Mr. Bernard Appelman
Ms. Carolina Arango
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Arndt
Ms. Lorna Arnett
Mrs. Eileen B. Arsenault
Mr. and Mrs. Syed Asad
Mr. Charles Aufderhaar
Mr. and Mrs. Neilson Ayers
Ms. Signe Backus and Mr. Jerrold Winters
Ms. Breanne Bain
Ms. Patricia L. Bain
Ms. Tricia Baker
Ms. Anna Ganna Bakhtiyarova
Mrs. Victoria T. Bakker
Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Bakker
Ms. Camila Barahona
Mr. and Mrs. John Barbier
Miss Casey Barbieri
Mr. and Mrs. Myron D. Barefoot
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Barnhart
Ms. Jessica A. Bartles
Mr. Marvin Bauer
Ms. Denise Bealin
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beaver
Dr. and Mrs. William E. Becker
Mr. Douglas Becker and Mr. Kevin Kurimsky
Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Beckner
Ms. Donna Bednar
Mr. Michael S. Belanger
Mr. Albert J. Beliveau Jr.
Mrs. Rosemary A. Bell
Mr. and Ms. Joe Bellande
Mr. Corbyn G. Belyea
Mr. Juan D. Bendeck
Ms. Alexandra Benton
Mrs. Jane Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Franz Bidinger
Mr. James E. Bigelow
Mr. Jack Bills
Ms. Avery Bischoff
Ms. Elizabeth Black
Ms. Lisa E. Blacklidge
Miss Savannah Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Blanchard
Ms. Bailey M. Blanchette
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald I. Blank
Miss Molly Block
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Blumberg
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bobroff
Mr. John R. Bochenek
Mr. and Mrs. David Boesche
Mr. and Mrs. SC Boggess
Miss Maria Bohorquez
Todd and Mary Bolen
Ms. Terry M. Bolle
Mr. Ray Boniface
Mr. Noah B. Bosman
Mr. Stefan R. Bothe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bowen
Mr. William Boyajian
Ms. and Mr. Linda K. Boyd
Mrs. Darlene B. Boyle
Mrs. Fay Bracken
Ms. Patricia W. Bradford
Ms. Beth Brainard and Mr. Paul Bellenoit
Mr. Larry Brannan and Mrs. Nancy Skinner
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Bray
Ms. Kara L. Bressler
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bretner
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brett
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brickwedde
Ms. Mayra Brioso
Mrs. Judith M. Britt
Miss Rebecca Bronzini
Ms. Debbie Broulik
Mr. Peter Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Dickson G. Brown
Mr. Eric D. Brown
Dr. Katie Brown and Dr. Phillip Obermiller
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Brown
Mr. Barry J. Brunell
Mr. Timothy Bryant
Mr. Andrew Budz
Mr. and Mrs. T. Robert Bulloch
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Burke
Mrs. Kellie Burns and Mr. Ed Garvey
Ms. Jessica Bustamante
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Butts
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart H. Buxbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Byerhof
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Rose
Ms. Rachael Cairo
Mr. and Mrs. Peter V. Caleshu
Impact Report | FY October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015
Ms. Susan Calkins-Ritas and Mr. Arthur G. Ritas
Ms. Alexa Z. Cambria
Mr. and Mrs. Preston C. Came
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Campanile
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. William Cannon
Mr. Michael Canteberry
Mr. Vincent M. Carbone
Ms. Lauren E. Carr
Ms. Bethany E. Carroll
Mrs. Marcia C. Carthaus
Ms. Danielle E. Cash
Mr. Richard W. Cassell
Ms. Susan Catron
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Catti
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Cavaliere
Ms. Stephanie M. Centeno
Ms. Phyllis Chambers
Dr. Hope M. Chema, M.D.
Mr. Lemeck Cherenfant
Dr. Harry Chertok
Allison B. Christensen
Dr. and Mrs. Alan M. Chrisman
Mr. Dustin Circe
Mr. Branden Cirou
Mr. Roger F. Clark
Mrs. Robert B. Clark
Mr. Daniel P. Claus Romeo
Mr. Joseph E. Cleveland
Mrs. Pamela J. Clune
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Clune
Ms. Cecile Colarusso
Mr. Duquaine R. Cole
Ms. Elizabeth A. Cole
Ms. Anna M. Cole
Mr. Patrick Collard
Reverend and Ms. Tom Comella
Ms. Catherine R. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff L. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Cooley
Mrs. Trygve Cooley
Ms. Gail Coppard
Mr. and Mrs. Paul I. Corddry
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Cornog
Mrs. Elizabeth Cottingham
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Cotugno
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde T. Cox
Ms. Elizabeth Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Crudgington
Vicky Crudgington
Mrs. Susan Dalton
Ms. Susan M. Dantus
Ms. Claudia R. DaSilva
Ms. Morgan Davidson
Mr. Derek W. de Witt
Mr. Paul F. Dean
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Deeb
Ms. Jorie A. Demkovich
Ms. Melissa S. Demkovich
Mrs. Sheila E. Demkovich
Mr. and Mrs. James F. DenHerder
Mrs. Grace H. Denizkurt
Ms. Jacqueline B. Denton
Ms. Milena DePaula
Mr. and Mrs. William Derby
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel DeRenzis
Mrs. Jayne Derf
Ms. Donna Desimone
Ms. Josephine DeVincenzi and Ms. Mary J. Scanlon
Mr. Rio L. Diaz
Mrs. Linda B. Diaz
Mr. Robert P. DiBenedetto and Ms. Karen
Ms. Lauren C. Dietter
Mrs. and Mr. Constance C. Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Dilworth
Mrs. Carol Dinardo
Ms. Linda J. DiNatale
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dingler
Mrs. Sarah Dinnel
Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. DiPerna
Ms. Katherine Doerr
Mr. Michael J. Dolan and Ms. Tina J. Jarvis
Mrs. Marilyn D. Doman
Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Dorris
Ms. Claire I. Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. George Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Dragan
Mrs. Dorothy Dronkers
Mrs. C. Elizabeth Dube-Osteen
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund S. Duklewski
Ms. Suzanne Dumont
Ms. Emily Dumouchel
Mrs. Myra S. Dunn
Miss Linda Duran
Ms. Frances M. Durr
Mr. Ian Easterling
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Eaton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Eckhold
Mr. Don F. Eden
Ms. Kerry A. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Egli
Ms. Ariana S. Eichler
Mr. Keith R. Eldridge
Mrs. Sally M. Eldridge
Mr. Joseph Ellebracht
Ms. Bette Ellenbogen
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Elliott
Ms. Katherine Espinoza
Ms. Jamie L. Evans
Ms. Mary Farmar
Ms. Susan K. Farmer
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Farmer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Feeney
Mrs. and Mr. Kristine Feeney
Mrs. Jeanne A. Feight
Mr. Simon D. Feinstein
Ms. Delores Fell
Dr. James Fellabaum
Mr. Chris Fenstermaker
Mrs. Jodi L. Fernandez
Ms. Rosi Fernandez
Ms. Susan Ferretti
Mr. and Mrs. David Fiber
Ms. Sydney M. Ficarra
Ms. Cheyenne D. Figueroa
Ms. Jordan H. Findley
Councilman and Mrs. Douglas Finlay
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Finley
Ms. Jean D. Fischer
Mr. Andrew Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Edrick Flewelling
Mrs. Julie Flora and Mr. Phil Jacoby
Mr. and Mrs. William Flowers
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Fogg
Miss Joanna Forszpaniak
Mr. and Mrs. Torrey N. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Foster
Ms. Brittany A. Fournet
Ms. Samantha Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Franklin
Mr. Hernan Fratto
Mrs. Patti Frechette
Mr. and Mrs. George French
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Freund
Mr. Austin K. Fuller
Ms. Pamela Fultz and Mr. Mark Tullis
Ms. Anna F. Gallagher
Mr. Nicholas A. Gallopo
Mr. Jared Ganich
Ms. Jessica Garby
Ms. Becky B. Garcia
Miss Kaylie Garcia
Mr. Alex J. Gardiner
Mr. John D. Gast
Ms. Lissette Gauvin
Ms. Carol S. Geric
Mr. Chad Gessner
Ms. Jenna B. Getman
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Ghareeb
Ms. Samantha M. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Gibson
Ms. Jamie Gill
Mrs. Amy K. Glassover
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Glick
Mrs. Ellin Goetz
Mrs. Stephanie E. Goforth
Mr. Maier Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gonnelly
Dr. Patricia C. Gordin
Mrs. Gallya Gordon
Mrs. Linda Goss
Mrs. Sylvia N. Gough
Impact Report | FY October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015
Mr. Andrew Gould
Ms. Pamela J. Goyke and Mr. George Kachnowski
Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Grady
Mr. and Mrs. William Graser
Ms. Audrey Green
Ms. Kathleen Greenawalt
Ms. Elizabeth M. Greggs
Mr. and Mrs. William Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Gresh
Dr. Ginny Grigsby
Ms. Ansley Grigsby
Ms. Jeanne Grimes
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Grube
Mrs. Joan Guck
Mr. Wade Gurley
Mr. Daniel Gursoy
Mrs. Carol A. Haberkern
Mrs. and Mr. Lolli Hadley
Ms. Mary Haffey
Dr. Robert C. Hafford
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Halas
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hall
Ms. Caroline C. Halliwell
Mrs. Nancy Hamill
Mrs. Robin Hamilton
Ms. Elizabeth L. Hamilton
Ms. Amy M. Hammesfahr
Ms. Roxann Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Leif Haraldsen
Ms. Angelica A. Harkoo
Mr. John Harney and Ms. Suzanne Nelson
Miss Sydney Harrington
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Harris
Mrs. and Mr. Debra Harris
Ms. Suzanne Harris
Mrs. Sandy Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Hartman
Mr. Jeff Hartzler
Mr. William G. Hathcock
Mr. Donald R. Hayes
Ms. Caitlyn Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Healy
Mrs. Raynelle Heidrick
Ms. Rosemarie Heintschel
Ms. Jade Hemberger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hensley
Mr. James C. Hepburn
Ms. Caroline Herms
Ms. Claudia Hernandez
Ms. Jasmin HernandezDuBois
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hertzfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hess
Ms. Meghan Hian
Ms. Janet Hickman
Ms. Madison Hill
Ms. Susan Hill
Mrs. Elaine C. Hinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hinson
Ms. Christine Hirsch and Ms. Rebecca K. McCurdy
Mr. James Hitchman
Ms. Kelsey K. Hoagland-Busch
Mrs. Joanne Hogan
Mrs. Kathryn J. Holbrooks
Mrs. Ilse Holler
Ms. Anne Honeywell
Mr. and Mrs. Tedd B. Hope
Mrs. Patricia A. Hosker
Mr. Nelson N. Hovde
Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Howle
Ms. Marci A. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hughson
Ms. Christine Hult
Dr. Judith Hushon and Mr. John Hushon
Mrs. Pamela Hymer
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Iannetta
Ms. Sasha Iglesias
Ms. Julie K. Ireland
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Irwin
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Jacobson
Ms. Tina J. Jarvis
Ms. Mary F. Javorsky
Mr. Kenneth Jedrzejewski *
Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. John Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Jermain
Ms. Chelsea Johns
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Johnson
Ms. Carol A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Johnson
Ms. Diane E. Johnson-Traenkle
Ms. Ann Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Jones
Ms. Delta S. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Joy
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Joyce
Ms. Nikole Kallenberg
Mrs. Mary Lou Kanach
Mrs. Kim C. Kantor
Ms. Shirliann Kaskie
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Katz
Mrs. Roslyn D. Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Katz
Ms. Madelynn M. Kaufmann
Mr. and Mrs. William Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. William Kemp
Ms. Catherine Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Kent
Ms. Courtney E. Kern
Mr. Ho Jun Kim
Mr. Spencer J. King
Mrs. Anne C. Kinsley
Ms. Patty Kirschner
Mrs. Kari Kittur
Ms. Nedra Klaproth
Ms. Kliewe
Mr. and Mrs. George Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Knott
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Knupp
Ms. Mary Ann Koeppel
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kraycik
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Krein
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Krier
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Kubat
Mr. Rick Kufta
Mr. Alan Kuhre
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan P. Kukk
Ms. Christina Kull
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kumin
Mr. and Mrs. Joe LaBella
Ms. Carolyn Labrie
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert LaCroix
Mr. and Mrs. Roger R. LaFontaine
Miss Stephanie Lafurge
Ms. Marie Lalor-Brown
Mrs. Sally G. Lam
Mr. James Lamb
Mrs. Raven Lamoreux-Dodd and Mr. Phil Dodd
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. W. Landon, II
Mr. and Mrs. Dean E. Lange
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Langslet
Ms. Judith Laserson
Ms. Nancy Laurenzo
Mr. and Mrs. William Lawson
Mrs. Loralee A. LeBoeuf
Mr. Dan Conch and Mrs. Medina Lee
Ms. Elizabeth K. Leiter
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Leon
Mrs. Joan W. Leonard
Mr. Steven Leonard *
Mr. and Ms. Larry Leppo
Mrs. Maureen Lerner
Ms. Alexis Lessard
Yael Levy
Ms. Lois H. Levy
Mr. and Mrs. James Libuda
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Lidke
Ms. Heidi Liebwein
Mrs. Stephanie J. Liggett
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. Liggett
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Light
Mr. Philip Litow
Ms. Kristi A. Livingston
Ms. Barbara Loewel
Mr. Francis R. Lord
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lozelle
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lozelle
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luistro
Mr. Michael A. Luthringer
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lynch
Ms. Anne Lynch
Ms. Liberty Lyster
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mac Intosh
Mrs. Karen Macartney
Mr. Sol Macartney
Mr. Richard E. Macdonald
Impact Report | FY October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015
Mr. Dave Mack
Ms. Melissa J. MacNicol
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Madson
Ms. Eileen Magrath
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maier
Mr. Shane Manville
Mr. Brigham Mard
Mr. Michael E. Marion
Mrs. Lynn M. Mariotti
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Markovitz
Ms. Katie C. Marks
Ms. Kathleen J. Marr
Ms. Ann B. Martin
Dr. John W. Martin, Jr.
Mrs. Therese M. Martin
Mr. Federico Martinez
Mr. Jonnathan Martinez
Mr. Thomas W. Marvel
Mrs. Sally A. Masters
Dr. John A. Mayo
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mazer
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCormick
Mr. Joseph D. McCurry
Delaynie McDaniel
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. McGinty
Mrs. Lauren L. McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. McGrath
Ms. Sheri McIver
Mr. and Mrs. Larry McPhee
Ms. Patricia McPherson
Ms. Erin McQueary
Dr. William J. McQuillan and Ms. Marlene J. Mauch
Ms. Kristine Meek
Ms. Nandini Mehta
Mrs. Rebecca Meland
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Meland
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Merritt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Merryman
Ms. Ivona Mervilus
Ms. Bonnie Michaels
Dr. June Miller
Mrs. Rebecca Miller
Mrs. and Mr. Margaret C. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Mitchell
Mrs. Gerri Moll
Mr. Dominick J. Monafo
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moore
Mr. Nathaniel Moore
Ms. Angela M. Morgan
Ms. Judith L. Morgan
Mrs. Ann Morrow
Mr. and Ms. Tom Morrow
Mrs. Josephine A. Morse
Ms. Stephanie H. Morse
Mrs. Lorraine G. Morss
Mr. Andrew F. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mutart
Ms. M. Nancy Myers
Ms. Julie L. Myhre
Mr. R. Webb Nadeau
Ms. Rosanne Nave
Ms. Tracey A. Nease
Ms. Elizabeth L. Nebel
Mr. John Harney and Mrs. Suzanne Nelson
Ms. Brandy Nethery
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Neubert
Ms. Beverly A. Newton
Ms. Pat Nicholls
Ms. Ferial Nijem
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Nordhoff
Ms. Sarah V. Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Novinski
Mr. Devyn Nunez
Ms. Kim C. Nykoluk
Mrs. Patricia A. O’Connell
Mr. and Mrs. John Oberle
Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Orfan
Mr. Ian E. Orlikoff
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ormson
Mr. and Mrs. David Orr
Mrs. and Mr. Claire L. Osborne
Ms. Tessa Paisan
Miss Olivia Pancake
Mr. Stephen Emma and Ms. Deborah Pannone
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Pardue
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Pardue
Miss Alicia Parman
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Parsons
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Parsons
Dr. Kamela Patton
Ms. Christina Patz
Dr. and Mrs. Leroy J. Pearlman
Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Pearsall
Ms. Judy Peirsol
Ms. Susan M. Peltier
Mr. and Mrs. Terry N. Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. Penniman, IV
Ms. Genesis Perez
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Perks
Ms. Jelena Petrovic
Dr. and Mrs. John Phelan
Mr. and Mrs. Fredric Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Pike
Mr. Matthew M. Pinterich
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Pliska
Mr. and Mrs. Bob W. Poindexter
Mr. Jake N. Poirier
Mr. Jordan E. Pollack
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Pollock
Mr. and Mrs. Don Pomerantz
Mr. Frank E. Porter
Ms. Kathryn J. Postelle
Mr. Lance E. Potter
Ms. Brittany Prenatt
Mr. Anthony J. Prestifilippo and Ms. Maureen Russell
Ms. Ruth M. Prior
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Provost
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Przekop
Ms. Georgia L. Pyne
Ms. Marina Quaretti-Lee
Ms. Carol R. Rabaut
Mr. and Mrs. John Rademacher
Mr. and Mrs. David Raffa
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rains
Mrs. Caroline H. Randall
Mrs. Sarah Randt
Mrs. Barb L. Rathka
Master Matthew L. Regala
Ms. Samantha Regala
Mrs. Susan Regenstein and Mr. Barry Frank
Diane Reid
Ms. Linda K. Reitzes
Ms. Sandra D. Renne and Mr. Christopher A. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. William Rhodes
Ms. Verla J. Rice
Ms. Joanne M. Ricevuto
Ms. Diana M. Rich
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Richman
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ricketts
Ms. Carol J. Riley
Mrs. Mary Sue Rischar
Mr. Arthur G. Ritas and Ms. Susan Calkins-Ritas
Mr. Snell E. Robert
Mr. Bruce Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Rocklin
Mr. Lewis A. Rockwood *
Mrs. Harriet Rockwood
Mr. and Mrs. Martin T. Roddy
Ms. Anachely C. Rodriguez
Mrs. Shirley A. Roellig
Ms. Jennifer R. Roeper
Mrs. Barbara Rohrer
Dr. and Mrs. Harold H. Rohrer
Dr. Peter D. Rohrs
Mr. and Mrs. Al Role
Ms. Heide Rolfes
Ms. Thalia Romero
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rommel
Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Rosales
Ms. Augusta Rosenauer
Ms. Helen A. Rossetti
Dr. and Mrs. Alberto Rotsztain
Ms. Mary Ellen Rourke
Mr. Karl Rouwhorst and Mrs. Nanette Dorbeck
Ms. Macarena Rufatt
Ms. Gisela Sabertschnig
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sacknoff
Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Salazar
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Salerno
Impact Report | FY October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Saltarelli
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Salvo
Mrs. Suzanne Samios
Mr. Luke Sanders
Mrs. Susan M. Santangelo
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Santos, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney F. Sapakie
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saunders
Mrs. Jayne L. Schaeffer
Ms. Haley A. Schalk
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Schechter
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoen
Mr. and Mrs. Win Schrader
Mrs. Patricia S. Schroeder
Mrs. Sue C. Schulte
Mrs. Ann M. Schulte
Dr. Robert A. Schultheis
Mrs. Carolyn D. Schumann
Mrs. Lillian Sciacchitano
Ms. Emma R. Scott
Mr. Michael D. Seef and Ms. Bonnie Michaels
Mrs. Nancy F. Seeley
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Selby, Jr.
Ms. Cheryl Sennett
Ms. Serna
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Settles
Mr. and Mrs. William Seward
Mrs. Margaret A. Sharp
Mr. Mokey Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Shear
Ms. Danielle L. Shepard
Mr. John Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sherwood
Ms. Jacqi Shifflett
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Shotwell, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Shotwell, III
Mr. Sidney H. Showalter
Mr. Dylan Shrock
Ms. Erika Siebenmann
Ms. Tifanie Silver
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Slabaugh, III
Ms. and Mr. Jill Slack
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Slater
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Slepcevich
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. McMurdo Smith
Mrs. Mary S. Smith
Mrs. Vicky C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. William Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Snell
Mrs. Myrtle Snider
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Snyder
Ms. Terri A. Sommer
Mr. and Mrs. Mead A. Sommers
Mrs. and Mr. Nancy Spahl
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Specter
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Speice
Ms. Kacy D. Spencer
Mr. Ernest Spinelli
Ms. Joan M. Stacy
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Statile
Ms. Mary Stegner
Dr. Robert Maxmen and Dr. Toby Steinberg
Ms. Taylor Stevens
Mrs. Mary M. Stewart
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Stewart
Ms. Laurie Stine
Mr. and Mrs. John Stites
Ms. Kellie A. Stocker
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Stoneburner
Mr. Zachary Straub
Ms. Kathryn A. Stromberger
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Suden
Ms. Karen Sumner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Surmaitis
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Swingley
Mrs. Joanne C. Swonk
Ms. Kathryn A. Talano
Ms. Carole A. Talkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tapply
Ms. Patricia C. Tarnow
Ms. Ellen T. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tenace
Mr. Drue Tepper
Mrs. Thais Tepper
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Thesieres
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley A. Thompson
Ms. Carol A. Thompson
Ms. Ashlynn Tierney
Ms. Dawn L. Tohill
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Tomasino
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Tompkins
Ms. F. Denise Toolan
Mrs. Sharon R. Treiser
Mr. Terry P. Troutman
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Truluck
Ms. Judith C. Tryka
Mr. and Mrs. Ed S. Tucker
Ms. Debra L. Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Tucker Tyler
Mr. Matthew Wilson and Mrs. Irina Ukolova
Ms. Nora M. Van Houten
Mrs. and Mr. Valerie Vance
Ms. Ellen C. Vanderburg
Ms. Joanne L. Varner
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Varno
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Vasaturo
Ms. Casey Vasquez
Ms. and Mr. Sheryl Verhulst
Ms. Makayla A. Vetter
Ms. Lira Vigo
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Vilnius
Ms. Sophia Vivonetto
Mrs. Jane H. Vogt
Mr. and Mrs. Dolph W. von Arx
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wagner
Mrs. and Mr. Patricia Walrath
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Walrath
Ms. Aliesha L. Wanamaker
Mr. Dylan Ward
Ms. Susan I. Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel C. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weatherwax
Mrs. Joan C. Weber
Mr. H. King Webster, III
Mrs. Lesley Daniels Webster
Ms. Yvonne N. Wehman
Mr. and Mrs. William Westerfield
Mr. Ross Wherry
Ms. Jessica White
Ms. Kathy E. White
Mrs. Nancy Grandis White
Ms. Susan M. White
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. White
Mr. Charles L. Wicker
Ms. Donna M. Wiedmann
Ms. A. Byrne Williams
Ms. Brittany L. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. David Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Williams
Pamela C. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Van Zandt Williams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle N. Williamson
Mrs. Barbara B. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Wilson
Ms. Joie Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. R. Lynn Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Albright
Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. Windfeldt
Mr. Jerrold Winters and Ms. Signe Backus
Ms. Lucy M. Wistreich
Mr. Michael Withorn
Ms. Heather Withrow
Ms. Mary L. Witzke
Mr. Charles Wolfe
Ms. Brittany Wooldridge
Ms. Dinah Wright
Mr. Ian M. Wright *
Mrs. Sharon Y. Wright
Ms. Abbey Young
Ms. Margaret A. Yurewitch
Mr. Antonio Long and Mrs. Nadiah Yusuf
Mr. Melvyn H. Zahn
Ms. Angie Zavala
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Zdankiewicz
Ms. Kaitlyn Ziegelmaier
Ms. Susan Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Zywica
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