Summer 2013 - Xavier University of Louisiana


Summer 2013 - Xavier University of Louisiana
f o r
a l u m n i
f r i e n d s
o f
x a v i e r
u n i v e r s i t y
Also in this issue:
Alumni Spotlights
Honor Roll of Donors
Commencement 2013
Alumni Homecoming
boatride campus
college degree
education faculty faith family
graduated greek life HBCU
learning library life live
M.A.X. opportunities patio show proud
service sports springfest
the yard
give one gift and every student benefits.
love the memories
It’s your turn to be their
Xavier University of Louisiana • 1 Drexel Drive • Box 66 • New Orleans, LA 70125-1098
Phone (504) 520-7575 • Toll free 1-877-WE-LUV-XU (1-877-935-8898)
Contributions can now be made online at
is produced annually. For more information, contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at 504.520.7575.
For alumni and friends of
Xavier University
Published by
The Office
of Institutional
Modernizing Ole X.U.
Dr. Norman C. Francis ’52
Dr. Kenneth St. Charles
Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Kimberly Reese ‘95
Alumni Share Their Passion
for Equity & Diversity, Foreign Service
Alumni Relations
Richard Tucker
[email protected]
Irving Johnson III
University Photographer
Campus Hosts First Commencement Since 1988
Xavier University
of Louisiana
1 Drexel Drive, Box 66
New Orleans, LA 70125
Phone: 504-520-7575
Fax: 504-520-7915
Alumni Enjoy Return to Campus
The St. Katharine Drexel Chapel
and the Convocation Center
2President’s Message
3Au Courant > University News
Honor Roll of Donors
41 Gold Pages >Alumni News > Class Notes > Chapter News
XG Summer 2012
Photo Credits: Irving Johnson III, cover, 1, 4-9, 10-14, 37-39; 41, 43-44, 59-68, back cover; courtesy the
Confucius Institute at Xavier, 3; courtesy Office of Intercultural and International Programs, 5; courtesy of
Alabama A&M University, 6; courtesy of Dr. Mark Gstohl, 7; courtesy of Christy Lagarde, 8; courtesy of University
of Minnesota 15; courtesy of USAID 16; XU Office of Alumni Relations, 42, 54-57; courtesy of Dr. Joe Melcher, 44;
Gavin Goins, 59-68.
Summer 2013
Dear Xavier Alumni and Friends,
I am pleased to present to you the latest issue of Xavier Gold magazine.
This past year it sometimes seemed like the whole campus was under
construction, what with the completion of the long-awaited St. Katharine
Drexel Chapel, the much-needed Convocation Center and tennis facility, and
other major improvements. In this issue we provide a brief glimpse for those of
you who have not been able to visit the campus recently.
But then this is just a small part of what’s been happening at Xavier. We are
pleased to be able to share with you a glimpse of some highlights from the
past year, and maybe draw your attention to a thing or two you might not have
This issue also pays tribute to the achievements of our illustrious alumni,
particularly a couple of our more service-oriented alums who share their
passion for the fields of education and foreign service. Then there is our 2013
Commencement – held in our new arena – which saw Xavier send yet another
class of well-prepared graduates out into the world.
As usual we also include the annual Honor Roll of Donors in this issue, which lists those who made a
financial contribution during the period Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2012. The continued support and generosity
of each and every donor is a vital component of our mission to educate deserving students, and we
remain eternally grateful to each and every one of you.
Much work remains to be done and with your unwavering support, commitment, and prayers, together
we will continue to make Xavier University a great institution.
Norman C. Francis
XG Summer 2013
Au Courant
Cu r rent Event s, News and O t her Hap p enings at Xav i e r
NSF Report Confirms XU Science Success
A report released by the National Science Foundation confirms Xavier’s success in
educating science graduates. According to the report Xavier is ranked 5th in the
nation in producing African American graduates who go on to receive science and
engineering Ph.D.s, 1st in the nation in producing African American graduates who
go on to receive life sciences Ph.D.s, and 7th in the nation in producing African
American graduates who go on to receive physical sciences Ph.D.s.
XU Cited for Affordability, Starting
Salaries Among Catholic Colleges
Xavier is ranked number 13 in the Affordable (ACO) website’s list of
the Top 36 Most Affordable Roman Catholic
Colleges with High Starting Salaries. Xavier
is the only historically Black and the only
Louisiana college to make the list.
To compile its list, ACO reviewed four-year,
fully-accredited private institutions with
average starting salaries for graduates of more
than $30,000 per year. The website also looked
at mid-career salary averages as well as the
overall return on investment for the degree.
Felician College, a Franciscan college located in
Lodi, N.J., took the top spot, with an estimated
starting salary of $52,600 and tuition of
$18,237. Comparatively, Xavier’s starting salary
is $42,300 and tuition is $18,127.
OUR PEOPLE IN CHINA: Representing Xavier
at the 7th Confucius Institute Conference in
Beijing were: (L to R) CI associate director
Rongyao Wen, pharmacy dean Dr. Kathleen
Kennedy, associate vp for academic affairs
Dr. Marguerite Giguette, and CI director Dr.
Yu Jiang. The group also met with officials
from partner school Hebei University to plan
future initiatives.
One reason for the high starting salary
may be attributed to the number of Xavier
students who graduate in the STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, Math) curriculum, which typically pay higher than average
for entry level positions. Because of its focus on St. Katharine’s Catholic mission and
ministry, the University has instituted the St. Katharine Drexel Scholarship program
that offers free tuition to any valedictorian or salutatorian graduating from any
Catholic High School in the United States.
XU First in African American Med School Graduates
Xavier is first among the nation’s colleges and universities in the number of African
American graduates who go on to complete medical school, according to data
compiled by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). Xavier had 60
African-American graduates earn medical degrees in 2011, the latest year for which
complete data is available.
Cur re nt Eve nt s, N ews a n d O th er Ha pp enings at Xavier
Blanchard Named University’s First Provost
The XU Board of Trustees approved the appointment of Dr. Loren Blanchard ‘84
(right) to serve as the University’s first Provost. Blanchard, who continues to serve
as Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, now also acts as University President
Norman C. Francis’ chief advisor, providing leadership in establishing priorities
and in collaborating with all organizational units to advance the mission and the
continuing success of the institution. In the Provost’s role, Blanchard is the ranking
Vice President who coordinates the work of the other University Vice Presidents.
Xavier Reorganizes the College of Arts and Sciences
The College of Arts and Sciences has been reorganized from seventeen
departments and two divisions into a structure with six divisions in a move
designed to make operations of the various academic departments more efficient
and effective in terms of leadership, interdisciplinary courses and programs,
personnel and resources, and budgetary considerations.
The six new divisions include Biological and Public Health Sciences (which houses
the Department of Biology and the Department of Public Health Sciences);
Business; Education and Counseling; Humanities and Fine Arts (which houses
the Departments of Art, English, History, Languages, Music, Philosophy, and
Theology); Mathematical and Physical Sciences (which includes the Departments
of Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics); and Social and
Behavioral Sciences (which includes Communication Studies, Mass Communications,
Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, and Speech Pathology).
Dr. Loren Blanchard ‘84
Each division will be led by a Division Chair and an Associate Division Chair, and each
department will be led by a Department Head.
ACBSP Reaffirms Business Accreditation
The Division of Business has received reaffirmation of its accreditation from the
Accreditation Council of Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
The accreditation reaffirmation confirms the division has met or exceeds the ACBSP’s
standards in six critical areas: leadership, strategic planning, student and stakeholder
focus, measurement and analysis of student learning and performance, faculty and
staff focus, and educational and business process management. The affirmation is
effective through 2023.
Xavier, CSPP Forge Psychology Partnership
Xavier and The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
(TCSPP) have entered into formal agreement of interinstitutional collaboration in the field of mental health
The agreement formalizes continued discussions and strategic
planning to explore opportunities for future academic and
educational collaborations in graduate professional psychology,
including, but not limited to: doctoral and/or masters programs
in clinical psychology, school psychology, forensic psychology,
applied behavior analysis, and business psychology.
XG Summer 2013
JOINING FORCES: (L-R) Xavier President Dr.
Norman C. Francis joins The Chicago School of
Professional Psychology (TCSPP) President Dr.
Michelle Nealon-Woods in signing a formal
agreement which calls for continued discussions
and strategic planning to explore opportunities
for future academic and educational
collaborations in graduate professional
psychology. Looking on is Dr. Orlando Taylor,
president of the TCSPP Washington DC campus.
Cur rent Event s, News and O t her Hap p enin g s at Xavi e r
TAKING IN THE SIGHTS: 11 XU students and faculty/staff members – (L-R) Sheldon Maurice,
Adina Ewing, Sheridon Trepagnier IV, Jazmine Thompson, Avion Bailey, Leonard Clay, Dr.
Lori Crawford, Joseph Hicks, Shu Peng, Ahmeena Anderson, and A’Vanti Glenn – take
in the iconic Great Wall near Beijing during a two-week visit to China sponsored by
the Confucius Institute. The nine students, who all studied the Mandarin language
at XU, received further intensive Chinese language training and were exposed to
Chinese culture and history.
Xavier College of Pharmacy Initiates New Contingent Admit Program
Exceptional high school seniors considering a career in pharmacy now have a unique
opportunity to get a leg up on their professional education through a new program
being offered by the University. Under Xavier’s new Contingent Admit Program
(CAP), students can apply for admission into the College of Pharmacy as seniors in
high school. Those who qualify and are accepted into the CAP will be guaranteed a
seat in the professional pharmacy program if they satisfactorily complete all of their
prerequisite courses in two years.
Previously, all applicants for the four-year professional program were required to
complete the same requirements either at Xavier or another college before they
would even be considered for admission into pharmacy school. Xavier is the only
college in the state, and one of a handful nationwide that offers this option.
Johnson Named New Senior VP for Administration
Ralph Johnson has been named the new Senior Vice President for Administration.
He comes to Xavier from Alabama A&M University, where he was serving as Vice
President for Business and Finance. He holds both an M.B.A. and Certified Public
Accountant certification, and has more than 25 years of experience in finance,
including 14 in higher education.
Ralph Johnson
Cur re nt Eve nt s, N ews a n d O th er Ha pp enings at Xavier
Other Highlights
l The 2014 edition of the Fiske Guide to Colleges
has placed Xavier among its “Best Buy Schools” for
academics and affordability for the second year in a
row. The publication designated 41 such institutions
– 20 public and 21 private – as “Best Buys.” XU was
the only Louisiana university and one of only two
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
to make the list.
l Xavier was once again singled out as one of the nation’s
best institutions for undergraduate education by The
Princeton Review in the 2014 edition of its annual edition of
“The Best 378 Colleges”. In its University profile, the review
praises the school for its academics, faculty, and providing
a “thriving underlying foundation upon which students
can achieve the very best for themselves.”
Calvin Tregre Retires After Lifetime of Service
XG Summer 2013
After serving his alma mater for virtually all of his adult life, Calvin Tregre ’69,
Xavier’s Senior Vice President for Administration since 1997, has officially retired.
Starting as an accountant some 44 years ago, he advanced up the administrative
ladder serving in a succession of positions of increasing responsibility including
Controller, Director of Fiscal Services, VP for Fiscal Services, and VP for Finance
and Administration. In addition to his faithful service at XU, he also donated
his expertise in accounting and business administration to numerous civic,
educational and professional organizations in the New Orleans area, including
Catholic Charities, the Archdiocese, and St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish. You
might yet see him around campus, however, as he agreed to remain as a
consultant for the foreseeable future.
GRAND OPENING: Xavier administrators and
a host of dignitaries lend their support as XU
President Dr. Norman C. Francis deftly handles
ribbon-cutting for the University’s new stateof-the-art Convocation Center, new home of the
Gold Rush and Nugget athletics programs.
GOING FISHING: Sr. VP for Administration Calvin
Tregre ’69 and his wife, Judy Ann Bergeron-Tregre,
are congratulated by long-time colleague Sister Jean
Marie Craig, S.B.S., during a retirement party held in
his honor.
Cur rent Event s, News and O t her Hap p enin g s at Xavi e r
l Xavier hosted the Three Tours Chinese
music and dancing team from Nanchang
University in a joint concert with its own
Department of Music.
l Xavier was among 690 colleges and
universities nationwide named to the
Corporation for National and Community
Service’s (CNCS) 2013 President’s
Community Service Honor Roll, which
recognizes outstanding commitment to
volunteering, service-learning, and civic
SERVICE LEARNING: Students in Dr. Mark Gstohl’s
and Dr. Elizabeth Hammer’s Freshman Seminar
classes built two Little Free Lending Libraries as
their service-learning projects this semester. The
classes designed the libraries, raised money to
build them, conducted a book drive, and located
places in low income areas to put the libraries.
lThe College of Pharmacy’s Center for
Minority Health and Health Disparities
Research and Education (CMHDRE)
hosted its Sixth Annual Health Disparities
lIn its annual “Top 100 Graduate Degree Producers” issue (July 2013), Diverse
Issues in Higher Education magazine showed Xavier tied for 12th nationwide
in the number of African American students earning professional doctorate
degrees (in this case, the Pharm.D. degree) with 54, based on 2011-2012
preliminary data distributed by the U.S. Department of Education.
lXavier, along with its partner, the New Orleans Public Library, was one of only
78 not-for-profits awarded a grant to host a Big Read project. It focused on A
Lesson Before Dying by Louisiana native Ernest J. Gaines.
lA team of Xavier students presented a business plan to executives at the 3M
Corporation in St. Paul MN. The six students, all seniors, teamed up to present a
business plan called “Steps for Empowerment”, an initiative to export used shoes
to Liberia.
l The Department of Music’s annual Jazz Festival, a three-day event which
highlights various genres of the Jazz art form through performances, clinics,
workshops and lectures, had an exciting new venue this year: the Old U.S. Mint
in the historic French Quarter.
l The U.S. Department of Education awarded
Xavier a new five-year $1.2 million grant in support of
its Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalureate Achievement
Program, a federal TRIO program designed to prepare
undergraduate students for doctoral studies through
involvement in undergraduate research and other
scholarly activities.
l The women’s volleyball team defeated Tougaloo
in three games to win the Gulf Coast Athletic
Conference Tournament for the second consecutive
year and became the first HBCU to qualify for the NAIA
National Championship in consecutive seasons.
Volleyball Champs
l Both the men’s and women’s basketball
teams earned bids to the NAIA National Basketball
Tournament. The Gold Rush were 24-8 overall and
shared the Gulf Coast Athletic Conference regular season title. The Gold
Nuggets, 24-6 overall, won their third consecutive GCAC regular-season
Cur re nt Eve nt s, N ews a n d O th er Ha pp enings at Xavier
l The Gold Nuggets won the 2013
women’s team title at the Gulf Coast
Athletic Conference Outdoor Track
and Field Championships.
l Xavier’s men’s and women’s
tennis teams won the NAIA
unaffiliated group qualifying
tournament to earn automatic bids
to the NAIA National Championship.
The women were ranked No. 1 in
the nation at the end of the regular
season; the men were rated as high
as No. 5.
l Zahri Jackson and Matt Pieri
won individual titles as the Gold
Nuggets and Gold Rush extended
their dominance of the Gulf Coast
Athletic Conference Cross Country
Championships, both teams
winning team championships for the seventh consecutive year. In the process,
both XU teams earned automatic bids to the NAIA National Championships.
Track and Field Champs
l XU Education professor Dr. Judith Miranti is serving on the Louisiana Board
of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE), having been appointed by
Gov. Bobby Jindal. The 11-member board is the state’s policy-maker for all
Louisiana public elementary and secondary schools. It also performs certain
administrative functions for the state’s nonpublic elementary and secondary schools.
l Xavier was awarded a $330,000 grant
by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in
support of its comprehensive engaged
reading program. The three-year grant,
“Creating a Culture of Critical Reading,”
will allow the University to continue the
work begun in 2010 with its “Read Today,
Lead Tomorrow” initiative, a multi-faceted
and broad-ranging approach designed to
develop a culture of critical reading among
XG Summer 2013
l Xavier has answered the call for an
education-based noteworthy institute
that trains young professionals to be more
effective in their civic engagement with the
advent of the Norman C. Francis Leadership
Institute (NCFLI). Designed to satisfy the demand for more innovative and
qualified people stepping up to address public challenges, the Institute opened
in January 2013 with a year-long program designed to cultivate the leadership
capacities of men and women who have already distinguished themselves in
professional and civic life. In its inaugural year, NCFLI selected 25 individuals
(“Fellows”) from a broad spectrum of professions ranging from a Special
Education Teacher to a Chief Executive Officer.
GETTING INVOLVED: Xavier students and summer
SOAR student volunteers with NOLA for Life’s
Gert Town cleanup day huddle under a tent with
New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu.
Cur rent Event s, News and O t her Hap p enin g s at Xavi e r
l The Gulf Tourism and Seafood Promotional Fund has
awarded Xavier a $250,000 grant for the promotion of the
University’s new Convocation Center and adjacent Annex
as a multi-use building for the community and tourism. The
CC is unique as there are no other facilities in the Mid-City
area capable of hosting mid-level events, such as concerts,
conventions, convocations, and sporting events.
l Xavier was named one of the top colleges and universities
in Louisiana for “return on investment.” The list compiled
by AffordableCollegesOnline ranks Xavier fifth in the state
among colleges that the organization feels “balance cost
with long-term earnings potential”. Heading the list was
Louisiana Tech, which had a Return on Investment (ROI) score
of $804,000 with tuition of $6,574. In comparison, Xavier had
a ROI score of $535,900 and tuition of $18,700. Xavier was
the highest rated of the two private schools on the list, which
included only the top 13 of the 132 state schools reviewed.
Intercultural and International Programs (CIIP)
Director Torian Lee and President Dr. Norman
C. Francis welcome Gabriela Barbarini, the first
student attending the University under the Brazil
Scientific Mobility Undergraduate Program, to
the campus, where she will study in the College
of Pharmacy for one year before returning to
Brazil to complete her education. This fall Xavier
will welcome additional students from Brazil
and several other foreign countries.
l Two members of Xavier’s Board of Trustees have been
nominated by U.S. President Barack Obama for positions in
his administration. Dwight Bush, Sr., president of D.L. Bush
and Associates, a financial advisory and business consulting
firm in Washington DC, has been named U.S. Ambassador
to the Kingdom of Morocco. The nomination must be
confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Carla Harris, Vice Chairman
of Global Wealth Management, Managing Director, and
Senior Client Advisor at Morgan Stanley, has been appointed
chairperson of the National Women’s Business Council. XG
MAJOR UPGRADE: (L-R) XU Interim VP for the Office of
Technology Administration Melva Williams, XU President
Dr. Norman Francis, Louisiana Optical Network Initiative
(LONI) Executive Director Donnie Vandal, and XU Board
of Trustees Chair Michael Rue participate in a ceremonial
ribbon-cutting signifying the University’s official
connection to the Louisiana Optical Network Initiative,
a fiber optics network linking the state’s research
universities to one another and national networks,
in addition to doubling bandwidth and significantly
ratcheting up internet speeds on campus.
1950 era Xavier
graduate returning to
campus for the first
time would still find a few familiar
sights. The original limestone
Administration Building and its
massive gothic stairway and doors
are still the most iconic symbol of
the Xavier presence in the city, while
the abutting old Library building
(now the Music Hall) has retained its
classic look. Beyond that, however,
St. Katharine Drexel Chapel
the campus would be mostly
Convocation Center
Ole X.U.
XG Summer 2013
OH HAPPY DAY: (L-R) Long-time XU administrator
Sister Monica Loughlin S.B.S., XU President Dr. Norman
C. Francis, and world-renowned architect Cesar Pelli
share a light moment following the official dedication
and consecration ceremonies for the University’s new
St. Katharine Drexel Chapel.
atter of fact, a first-time visiting 1980 graduate would
also probably find him or herself a bit overwhelmed.
Come to think of it, if you haven’t been here since Hurricane
Katrina rolled through the city, you have missed a lot.
This summer has also seen the demolition of a few relics of
the past – most prominent of those being “The Barn” and the
House of Studies – and the creation of additional open areas
and green space.
Actually the past 18 months has been too long to stay away.
During that most recent period, new construction, innovative
renovations of old facilities, and the wholesale demolition of
some obsolete structures have been the norm on an everexpanding campus. And while those who have been present
on campus for all or most of those improvements tend to
take them in stride, the plain fact is: this isn’t your father’s
campus anymore.
Among the myriad of recently completed construction
projects are the new St. Katharine Drexel Chapel, the
Convocation Center, Convocation Center area parking
lots, and Tennis Center. Other campus upgrades include
the renovation of an old women’s residence hall into the
St. Joseph’s Academic and Health Resource Center and the
installation of a campus-wide fiber optics network.
“The physical improvement we have made to
the campus in the past few years symbolizs
a new era at Xavier. It allows the university
to enhance its academic component, to
centralize our student services, and to provide
modern, spacious indoor facilities for all our
athletic teams, special events, and academic
— XU President Dr. Norman C. Francis
Demolition of “The Barn”
The activity has followed a master plan
for the campus that was in the works
even before Hurricane Katrina. The
catalyst, however, is an influx of monies
from a federal loan program designed
to help historically Black colleges and
universities (HBCUs), FEMA funds,
foundation grants, and some private
funds earmarked for specific purposes
(as in the case of the Chapel).
St. Katharine Drexel Chapel
Up until October of 2012, a freestanding religious chapel on campus
has been an elusive dream for most of
Xavier University of Louisiana’s (XULA)
history. That dream is now a reality – and
one that exceeds original expectations.
Designed by world-renowned architect
Cesar Pelli, the building is said to
“embody Drexel’s traits of modesty,
simplicity and spirituality.”
XG Summer 2013
Built at a cost of more than $10
million [with all funds coming from
private sources], the 11,000 square
foot structure is situated next to the
University’s new pharmacy addition
alongside the Interstate-10 Expressway
bringing motorists to and from
downtown New Orleans.
The chapel, which seats 450, is
contemporary in design, yet the
sanctuary’s octagonal plan is rooted in
traditional religious structures. Raised
four feet above the grade, the building
is reached by an 80-foot long sloping
processional approach. This path is
aligned with the original campus
quadrangle and the site from which
Pope John Paul II spoke in 1987.
The design connects with the university’s
tradition of building materials and color.
Like the other buildings on campus, the
chapel’s exterior is made of limestone.
Its domed copper roof, which with time
will change into a beautiful green color,
has a large cross located strategically at
its crest.
Inside, the main sanctuary is 65 feet
tall, with a ring of skylights which allows
natural light to be diffused through a
screen and illuminate the sanctuary.
Mass in the St. Katharine Drexel Chapel
2013 Commencement in the Convocation Center
A smaller mediation chapel is used for
individual reflection. The two worship
spaces are served by common liturgical
areas including a narthex, work and
vesting sacristies, and a reconciliation
“The new chapel and its centrality on
campus reinforces Xavier’s historic
Catholic identity and its continued
commitment to the goals and mission
established by Saint Katharine, and
July 2013
House of Studies demolished
June 2013
The Barn demolished
June 2013
Campus-wide Fiber Optics
linking Xavier
to the LA Optical Network
welcomes students of all faiths to share
in their spiritual development,” said
Convocation Center
enough to house the University’s
commencement and other large-scale
events, provides the University with its
first spacious indoor assembly area.
Officially opened in November 2012, it
also provides a state-of-the-art arena
for the men’s and women’s basketball
and women’s volleyball teams. It
replaced the University’s venerable
old gymnasium, known as “The Barn,”
which opened in 1937.
The $25 million facility boasts more
than 93,000 square feet of space that
can be reconfigured for a variety of
purposes, with seating ranging from
3,500 to 4,100 depending on the event.
A state-of-the-art scoreboard includes
four LED displays providing live and
recorded video.
The new facility also houses weight
room facilities, taping and training
areas, coach’s offices, and home/visitor
locker rooms. A monumental staircase
at the entrance leads to a high-end VIP
suite, and a dramatic second floor prefunction area that allows views to the
outdoor plaza below while providing
natural daylight into the facility.
An Annex to the building has also
been constructed diagonally from the
Convocation Center, providing more
athletic offices, as well as classrooms
and meeting rooms.
The Convocation Center and Annex,
which are anticipated to be LEED Silver
Buildings and incorporate community
energy efficiency, recycled and regional
materials, and improved indoor air
May 2013
New Convocation Area Parking
Lots Completed
Demolition of the House of Studies
November 2012
Convocation Center Opens
November 2012
New Tennis Center Opens
October 2012
St. Katharine Drexel Chapel
January 2012
St. Joseph Academic/Health
Resource Center Renovation
quality, is located across Washington Avenue from the
main campus on a site bounded by Fern, and Stroelitz
streets. A pedestrian bridge provides access from the main
campus to the new building.
Tennis Center
Tennis Center
Xavier dedicated its new six-court, lighted tennis facility
in November 2012, finally giving its
nationally-ranked men’s and women’s
squads the opportunity to practice
and play home matches on campus.
Since XU revived its tennis program
While Xavier properties have
in the mid-1990s, the teams had been
always been used by outside
using City Park and the University of
individuals over the years, the
New Orleans as home venues.
recent construction has opened
up a whole new set of venues
Built at the cost of approximately $2.5
million, the new courts are located in
Conveniently located minutes
from Downtown New Orleans,
Gert Town at the corner of Stroelitz
(easily accessible from I-10), with
and Pine Streets, two blocks from the
ample off-street parking and a
Convocation Center. In addition to
secure location, several campus
supporting Xavier athletics, the courts
facilities have become much
will be available to the XU community,
sought-after venues. Drawing
the public and for youth clinics.
most the attention are the
4,100-seat Convocation Center,
St. Joseph’s Academic &
800-seat University Center
Ballroom, 450-seat St. Katharine
Health Resource Center
Drexel Chapel, and various-sized
The former St. Joseph’s Residence Hall
meeting rooms.
– heavily damaged during Hurricane
In the short time since their
Katrina in 2005 and at one time
respective openings last fall,
scheduled for demolition – has been
already the Convocation Center
transformed into the new energy
has hosted several sporting
efficient St. Joseph’s Academic &
events, concerts, conventions,
Health Resource Center. It consolidates
trade shows, movie shoots, and
most student-service oriented offices
graduation ceremonies. The
in a central spot on campus.
Chapel, in addition to becoming
Officially opened in January 2012, the
original building was gutted down
to its frame and then reconstructed,
including the installation of new
St. Joseph’s Academic and Health Resource Center
a popular wedding site, has
hosted several other religious
In short, Xavier University is
enjoying a renaissance as a new
one-stop shop for the city’s
special occasions. For more info
call 504-520-7575.
water lines, elevators, electrical, stairwells, roof
insulation and energy efficient windows. The
cost of renovations – nearly $7 million – was
funded largely through FEMA.
The rejuvenated building now houses state-ofthe-art Writing, Math, and Reading Centers, as
well as the Counseling Center, Health Services,
the Graduate Placement Office, the Office of
Career Services, the Center for Undergraduate
Research (CUR), the Center for Intercultural &
International Programs (CIIP), the Confucius
Institute, and the Student Academic Success
Fiber Optics Network
With the completion of installation of miles
of fiber optic cables this past June, Xavier
officially joined to the Louisiana Optical
Network Initiative (LONI), the state-of-the-art,
fiber optics network that connects Louisiana
and Mississippi research universities to one
another as well as national networks.
The LONI connection, funded through a
$1.2 million grant from the National Science
Foundation in collaboration with the Louisiana
Board of Regents, has doubled bandwidth at
the University and significantly ratcheted up
internet speeds on campus, providing faculty
and students with increased potential for
collaboration through video conferencing
and distance
Additionally, faculty will be able to conduct
research via LONI providing them with grid
computing capabilities, increased data storage
and transfer, and modeling/simulation and
visualization capabilities.
“This represents a significant upgrade to
Xavier’s technology base and will be a boon to our ongoing
efforts to increase the number of underrepresented minority
students engaged in high performance computing activities
in the state,” said Francis. XG
XG Summer 2013
Alumni Spotlight
Dr. Katrice A.
Speaking Up
for Equity and Diversity
At a time when there is ever increasing push-back
against affirmative action programs – as evidenced
by this summer’s much-scrutinized Supreme Court
decision in the Fisher v. University of Texas case
concerning college admissions policies, as well
as the ongoing national debate about providing
undocumented students access to higher education
opportunities – Dr. Katrice Albert ‘94 has taken her
own personal passion for the subject to a new
playing field.
After more than 12 years as chief diversity officer at LSU, she
has undertaken a role of even greater responsibility as the
new Vice President for Equity and Diversity at the University
of Minnesota, where she will oversee the University’s access,
equity, and diverse multicultural resources and programs.
It is a new challenge she relishes.
“LSU is a wonderful institution. Louisiana is my home state
and I loved every minute of serving the state’s flagship
campus,” said Albert, who in 2010 was recognized by the
National Diversity Council as one of Louisiana’s most powerful
and influential women. “But the opportunity at the University
of Minnesota will allow me to have a larger impact as this role
has system-wide responsibilities across the state at all five
“The University of Minnesota is an internationally known,
top flight, land-grant, research intensive institution and I
was drawn to and intrigued by the truest commitment to its
land grant mission to mobilize and deploy the University’s
intellectual capital to solve critical problems in the state,” she
said. “That IS very aligned with my passion.”
Not surprisingly, UM is pleased to have Albert aboard.
“I am delighted to welcome Dr. Albert to the University,”
said UM President Eric Kaler in announcing her hire. ”She
is a visionary leader who brings a wealth of experience
working with underserved and diverse communities, a deep
understanding and knowledge of the land grant mission, and
a strong focus on assessment and accountability as it relates
to driving and measuring impact and success.”
During her tenure at LSU the University saw the highest
number of African Americans and Latinos admitted in its
history. Credited with building a central infrastructure for
equity, diversity, & community outreach, she was instrumental
in the creation of the LSU National Diversity Advisory Board
and the construction of a brand new, free standing African
American Cultural Center and Women’s Center.
But Albert knows those triumphs are in the past. There remain
many obstacles standing in the way of diversity and equity
in higher education – including, but not limited to – growing
opposition to long-standing affirmative action programs,
budgetary considerations, and widening achievement gaps.
“It’s very important that universities remain committed
to access and equity in admitting students and achieving
diversity in our undergraduate and graduate student
populations,” said Albert. “These must remain focal points
despite the tough economic times that colleges and
universities face. It is so important that we not see these
critical issues be marginalized or dismantled because the
budget is tight. They must remain central.”
She said it is also essential to figure out innovative ways
to close the achievement gap so that minority students
(especially African American males) are able to meet
college entrance requirements, to recruit and retain
Continued on page 17
Mark Anthony
Alumni Spotlight
A Passion for Foreign Service
When he was in the eighth grade Mark Anthony White ’84 picked up the phone and
called the U.S. Peace Corps to volunteer for service abroad.
“I can still remember the
recruiter on the other end of the
line asking me how old I was,
and when I replied ’12 going on
13’ she just laughed and said I
should finish high school, go to
college and get a degree, and THEN call her back.”
Disappointed, but undeterred, White followed that advice,
and during his senior year at Xavier University, he decided
to call the Peace Corps again. Less than fourth months
later, he was teaching school in a small
picturesque village in Cameroon, West Africa.
“I loved it and my life changed very
quickly during and after that
experience. I realized that I did not
have to confine myself to living
and working just in the USA, but
that I could actually live and work
anywhere in the world,” said White. “I
began to learn more about ways to
do exactly that.”
USAID and indigenous organizations, thus promoting
public-private sector development. In 2006 he moved on to
Afghanistan, where he served as the USAID Director of the
Office of Social Sector Reform and managed a $590 million
portfolio, the largest health and education project of any
development mission at that time.
After additional tours in Timor-Leste and Germany, White was
named the Acting Director of USAID/Haiti, his current post.
For White, now a career member of the Senior Foreign
Service, USAID is not so much a job as it is a calling.
He has always had an interest in people and
cultures, and the agency’s explicit goals
of furthering America’s interests while
improving lives in the developing world
fit in nicely with his own professional
desire to do something different and
contribute positively to the world.
“USAID extends help from the
American people to achieve results
for the poorest and most vulnerable
around the world,” said White, noting
His ticket proved to be the United
that the agency carries out U.S. foreign
States Agency for International
policy by promoting broad-scale human
Development (USAID). Created in 1961
progress at the same time it expands
under a directive from then
stable, free societies, creates
President John F. Kennedy, USAID
markets and trade partners for
brought together several existing
the United States, and fosters
foreign assistance organizations
“As a U.S. Diplomat in foreign countries, good will abroad. “
and programs. Until then, there
That assistance does not
the work you’ll do will have
had never been a single agency
represent a Democratic value
an impact on the world.”
charged with administering aid
or a Republican value, but an
to foreign countries to promote
American value; as beneficiaries
social and economic development.
of peace and prosperity, Americans have a responsibility
XG Summer 2013
White started his career with USAID in 1995, serving as a
health officer in both Zambia and Egypt. In 2002, he was
named Director of the Public Health Office in Cambodia,
where he promoted a contractual relationship between
to assist those less fortunate so we see the day when our
assistance is no longer necessary.”
Among the agency’s many missions are: promoting broadly
Continued on page 17
Alumni Spotlight... continued
Speaking Up (Continued from page 15)
underrepresented, domestic ethnic minorities and underresourced students, and to encourage underrepresented
ethnic minorities and women into STEM (science, technology,
engineering and math) careers that lead to doctoral programs
and careers in higher education.
But Albert is undeterred by such challenges.
“This work is not easy,” said Albert, who admits she has
often been the only African American or female voice at the
table. “My role is to speak on behalf of those who are often
marginalized in higher education. Silence means acceptance.
Being able to challenge the status quo, in respectful and
meaningful ways, even if my voice shakes, has always proven
very beneficial.”
As she did at LSU, Albert said her first order of business at UM
will be to begin building strong partnerships across campus
and in the community to prime the pump for future strategic
“My role is to speak on behalf of those
who are often marginalized in higher
education. Silence means acceptance.“
action on equity and diversity goals. She will also strive to
create a campus climate that is free from bias.
Albert, who holds a Ph.D. in counseling psychology, said her
interest in diversity and community outreach was created by
a fascination with St. Katharine Drexel, who she considers the
patron saint of social justice and philanthropy.
“It was learning about Katherine Drexel as a high school
student and then coming to Xavier that created strong values
of equity, access to education, quality of life for all, community
relations, and civil rights,” said Albert. “Mother Katharine was
such a compassionate and graceful woman. If I can only be
a fourth as good as she was to those in need of mercy, then I
will claim victory on a life led like hers.” XG
Foreign Service
whole world out there — explore it!”
shared economic prosperity, strengthening democracy
and good governance, protecting human rights,
improving global health, advancing food security and
agriculture, improving environmental sustainability,
furthering education, helping societies prevent and
recover from conflicts, and providing humanitarian
assistance in the wake of natural and man-made
“As a U.S. Diplomat in foreign countries, the work
you’ll do will have an impact on the world. You may
be asked to serve at one of any of the more than 265
embassies, consulates and other diplomatic missions in
The Americas, Africa, Europe and Eurasia, East Asia and
Pacific, Middle East and North Africa, and South Asia,”
he said. “Some of these posts are in difficult and even
dangerous environments, but working in them affords
great challenges and rewards.”
(Continued from page 16)
Today White, who has lived and worked on four
continents and in more than 30 countries, is not content
just to have found his own calling. He is passionately
interested in having other Americans follow in his
footsteps. He also feels that the Foreign Service is not
well known among African Americans and that it is a
great career opportunity to pursue. He considers service
a win-win situation. “In today’s global economy, we have
to look at all opportunities that match your skill set and
interests ... wherever that might be,” he said. “There’s a
“You and your family will have an opportunity to see the
world,” said White. “If you love to travel, and are up to the
challenge of doing exceptional work in different cultural
context(s), then you will love the foreign service.” XG
For more information,
check out the following
2012 Honor Roll of Donors
The following Honor Roll of Donors includes gifts
received by the University from January 1, 2012
through December 31, 2012.
avier University of Louisiana is thankful for the many
gifts we receive from our alumni, friends, and supporters.
Through their generous donations, these benefactors
confirm their belief in our educational mission and help
to ensure that our students receive a solid academic
Placement into the respective Honor Roll of Donor
categories considers both the sum total of all personal
contributions plus receipts from any donor advised fund and
matching gifts during that time frame.
Xavier strives for accuracy and thoroughness. If you believe
an entry is listed in error, or if you have questions about the
Donor Honor Roll, please contact the Office of Institutional
Advancement at (504) 520-7575 or toll free at (877) WE-LUVXU [935-8898].
Alumni $546,652.65
Total $4,551,388.10
Total $4,551,388.10
Gifts of $10,000 or more
Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999
XG Summer 2013
thank you!
Mr. Timothy J. Adams
Dr. Stanley A. Boucree, Sr.
Dr. Wilbur B. and Mrs. Neola L. Clarke
Mrs. Helen B. Drye (Estate Of)
Dr. Norman and Mrs. Blanche Francis
Mr. Lionel Hampton (Estate)
Ms. Phyllis C. King (Estate)
Dr. Floyd J. and Mrs. Myrna Ruiz Malveaux
Mr. Geoffrey T. and Mrs. Rhonda J. Marshall
Mr. Dwight and Mrs. Sheila C. McGhee
Dr. Lisa T. Gibson-McKee and Mr. Randy G. McKee, Esq.
Dr. George J. McKenna, III
Sr. Patricia Suchalski,S.B.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Thomas, Jr.
Mr. Alvin T. and Mrs. Janice F. Wilkins
Mrs. Mabel F. Bailey
William H. Bland, M.D.
Dr. Thaddeus A. and Mrs. Camille Y. Blue
Mr. Michael P. Breaud
Mr. Robert E. and Mrs. Erica Burnette
Dr. Lorena S. Chicoye
Drs. George E. and Christie L. Clayton
Dr. Beverly B. Dupre and Mr. Lloyd R. Dupre
Dr. Kathryn L. Elmore
Dr. Otis Gowdy, Jr.
Mrs. Dionne DeBose-Hampton
Mr. Edward and Mrs. Melanie B. Holland
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Jackson, IV
Dr. Jennifer H. Jacobs and Mr. Everett P. Jacobs
Mrs. Michaelle B. Jones
Drs. Joseph and Deidre Labat
Dr. Marie V. McDemmond
Dr. Jennifer Lapeyrolerie Metoyer and Mr. Rene Metoyer
Dr. Roland A. and Mrs. Patricia O. Pattillo
Dr. James J. Perry
Mrs. Melonie A. Coleman-Richard
Ms. Paula T. Saizan
Dr. Odessa K. Spraggins
Dr. Carlos J. and Dr. Karla L. Vital
Contributors to Excellence
Gifts of $2,500 - $4,999
Dr. Katrice A. Albert
Dr. Theodore E. and Mrs.
Anita T. Atkinson
Mr. George W. and Mrs. Carla
D. Gibson Baker
Mr. Randall N. Boseman
Honorable Lois G. Bronz and
Mr. Charles Bronz
Dr. Sylvester J. and Mrs.
Margaret A. Bryan
Mrs. Betty Mott Coles
Mrs. Marcella C. Collins
Dr. William and Mrs.
Catherine E. Cottles
Mr. Johnny and Mrs. Shirley Crear
Colette M. Dominique, M.D.
Mr. Victor A. Dubuclet III, JD
Mrs. Barbara Keyes Evans
and Mr. Amos Evans
Mr. John Fleming
Mrs. Mildred Young Gardner
Dr. Rosalind Pijeuax Hale
Atty. Okyeame and Mrs.
Melissa S. Haley
Mrs. Nicole F. Hardin
Mr. Dannton C. Jackson
Mrs. Maxine Berteaux-Jackson
Dr. Mark A. Jamison
Dr. Derrick D. and Mrs.
Leontyne P. Jones
Mr. Theodore J. Jones
Dr. Eric G. and Mrs. Shauntell R. Kline
Ms. Kristen R. Labat
Mr. Halvan J. and Mrs.
Theyon D. Lieteau
Dr. Gerilyn A. Metoyer
Dr. David R. and Mrs. Synthia Miller
Mrs. Veronica L. Mitchell
Dr. James W. Moore and Mrs.
Avis Sinegal Moore
Judith Alexander Nash, M.D.
Dr. James A. and Mrs. Zelma L. Paschal
Dr. Emile J. Pierre
Dr. Sonya F. White-Porter
Mrs. Sondra C. Reine
Dr. Tanya M. Robinson
Mr. Errol J. and Mrs. Emma Simmons
Mrs. Louise J. Sonnier
Mr. Perry and Mrs. Diane S. Tillman
Dr. Frederick M. and Mrs. Olivia A. Toca
Mr. Calvin S. and Mrs. Judy B. Tregre
Mrs. Earline S. Wilkerson
Dr. Harold T. and Mrs. Marian S. Wilson
Dr. Michon Wyche
Ms. Sharon J. Zealey
Gifts of $1,000 - $2,499
Capt. Eugenia Foster Adams, Ret.
Mr. John Q. and Mrs. Lydia S. Adams
Dr. John S. Adams, Sr.
Mrs. Ruby A. Age
Mrs. Nedra A. Alcorn
Belinda B. Alexander, M.D.
Mr. Henry C. Alexander, III
Dr. Sanders W. Anderson and
Mr. Lewis Anderson
Archie Andrews, Ph.D.
Dr. Monica L. Sinegal-Anigbogu
Dr. Carolyn Brown Block-Arnelle
and Mr. Hugh J. Arnelle
Dr. Brian G. Ashford
Dr. Tonja R. Austin
Ms. Mary G. Auzenne
Janeen R. Azare, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley C. Baines, Jr.
Mrs. Reneathia P. Baker
Dr. Ann R. Barbre and Mr.
Steve V. Barbre
Mrs. Dionne G. Barnum
Mr. Lyndon J. Barrois
Ms. Stacey M. Bastian
Ms. Camillia B. Bell
Mr. Wayne J. Benjamin
Mrs. Monica B. Bennett
Mr. Alvin Blackmon, III
Atty. John M. Blanchard, Sr.
Sr. Doris U. Blum, S.B.S.
Mr. Richard Boseman
Dr. Olympia Boucree and
Mr. John H. Boucree
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Boudreaux
Ms. Leslie M. Bourgeois
Dr. Kenneth G. Boutte, Sr.
Tommy E. Bowman, D.D.S.
Dr. Anika Bell Bridgewater
Dr. Dorothy Lee Hawkins Brooks
Mrs. Beverly A. Broussard
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund C. Broussard
Mr. Edward J. and Mrs.
Cheryl B. Broussard
Ms. Felicia M. Broussard
Mr. Kenneth J. Broussard
Malcolm Broussard, RPh.
Rev. Kenneth J. Brown
Dr. Nicole E. Mourillon-Brown
Brigadier General Albert and
Mrs. Mable Bryant
Mr. Brian M. and Mrs. Stacie G. Burns
Mr. Winston and Mrs. Gretta Burns
Mr. Arthur L. and Mrs.
Shirley G. Burton, Jr.
Mrs. Joycelyn Lindsey-Butler
Mr. Richard A. and Mrs. Jeamelia Butler
Mr. Bernard L. and Mrs.
Diane V. Bynum
Mr. Benjamin E. Cannon
Mr. Joseph H. and Mrs.
Donna Carstarphen
Ms. Cintrella K. Carter
Mr. Marino H. and Mrs. Betty J. Casem
Dr. Gwendolyn C. Catchings
Dr. Edgar L. Chase and Mrs. Alva Chase
Mr. Tomy B. Chennat
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Coleman
Mr. Donald C. Collins
Mrs. Savitra A. Collins
Dr. Ponjola Coney
Mr. Brent A. Cooper and Mrs.
Janice M. Knight-Cooper
Dr. Shasa T. B. Dabner
Mrs. Heidi L. Daniels
Mrs. Myrtle R. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Davis
Mrs. Verlie R. DeCay
Mr. Gary M. and Mrs. Kathleen
Keyes DeGrange
Mr. Alvin S. Deloach
Ms. Tunicia Giron Deloney
Mrs. Barbara C. Duhe
Ms. Charmagne M. Eady
Ms. LaRhonda A. Eason
Mr. David Elliott III
Dr. Sabrina M. Echols-Elliott
Mr. James and Mrs. Cheryl Elmore
Dr. Gerald and Mrs. Lisa Farmer
Mr. Verbie C. and Mrs.
Dorothy E. Florence
Mrs. Marguerite Rey Florent
Drs. Coleridge T. and Cheryl Franklin
Mr. Bryan L. and Mrs. Conchetta Fulton
Mrs. Dianne Gaines
Dr. Brandy M. Gallien, M.D.
Mr. Norman G. and Mrs.
Michelle G. Gobert
Ms. Cecilia A. Golson
Mrs. Marlene Gonzalzles
Mrs. Ruth O. Gordon
Dr. Mark A. Green
Mr. Willie and Mrs. Emrie Green, Jr.
Ms. Julie S. Griffin
Mrs. Janice Heard-Guidry
Dr. Alfred J. Guillaume, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Guillory
Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Vivian B. Guillory
Mrs. Pennye M. Dawkins-Hamilton
Mrs. Virginia T. Hardy
Mrs. Gaylene V. Harris
Portia M. Harris, M.D.
Atty. William H. Harris, Jr.
Mr. Richard D. and Mrs.
Anna S. Harrison
Mrs. Joyce M. Guillion Harte
Dr. Anna I. and Mr. Trent S. Heisser
Mrs. Kimberlee Coleman Henderson
Mr. Sterling J. and Mrs. Elvira D. Henry
Mrs. Ruby N. Hill
Tanyanika Douglas-Holland, M.D.
and Mr. Darrick Holland
Mr. John C. Holmes
Mr. Smith W. and Mrs.
Janice A. Howard
Mr. Charles Hunter
Mrs. Serena J. Hunter
Ms. Andrea L. Jackson
Judge Brian A. Jackson
Ernest W. Jackson, D.M.D.
Mr. R. George Jackson
Mrs. Melazie Jacobs
Mr. Nelson J. and Mrs. Ruth C. Jean
Dr. Patrice P. Jean and Mr. Darren Collins
Ms. Shellie Jean
Mr. George E. Johnson
Dr. Jennifer C. Allen Johnson
Jonathan A. Johnson, MD, MBA
Mrs. Judith G. Johnson
Drs. Lamont R. Jones and
Teniesha N. Wright-Jones
Mrs. Joy A. Joseph
Mrs. Ramona F. Jupiter
Mr. Marc V. Kennedy
Mr. Ned R. Kennedy, Jr.
Drs. Georgette A. and Alfy A. Khalil
Mrs. Dorothy M. Labat
Mr. Leroy Labbe and Mrs. Shirley Labbe
Mr. Alden J. Laborde
Mrs. Arlette C. Labostrie
Ms. Justina M. Lafitte
Drs. Lance and Kimberly Lamotte
Mr. and Mrs. Moon Landrieu
Dr. Courtney A. Landry
Mr. Edward J. and Mrs. Marie G. Lang
Mr. Jerrol Larrieu
Mr. Wilfred J. and Mrs. Lois G. Leblanc
Mr. Thomas A. Lee
Treva A. Lee, Ph.D.
Dr. Myra M. Lewis
Drs. Willie L. and Mary L.
Mrs. Sherrie B. Littlejohn
Dr. Quinisha K. Logan
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Loyd
Dr. Huey P. Madison, II
Mr. Merritt P. and Mrs. Josephine Marks
Dr. Christopher Marrero
Dr. Roy and Mrs. Charmaine L. Marrero
Dr. Ambrose M. Martin, III
Mrs. Melba Fortuné Martinez
Mr. Gilbert A. Mathieu
Ms. Ivy E. Mathieu
Dr. Jill E. McGovern and
Dr. Steven Muller
Dr. Lawrence V. and Mrs.
Helen McKendell
Ms. Brendolyn M. McKenna
Mrs. Carolyn J. Davis-McLain
Mr. Joseph F. Metoyer
Mr. Chester W. Mitchell
Dr. Earl D. Mitchell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Solis Monconduit
Mrs. Sandra A. Monroe
Dr. Yvonne C. Collins and Mr.
Christopher A. Moore, R.Ph.
Mrs. Sybil Morial
Mr. Hubert J. Morton, Esq.
Atty. Dwight and Mrs. Elodie Murray
Mr. Vernon M. Myers II
Dr. Adela’ M. Narcisse
Mr. Johnny S. and Mrs.
Linda G. Narcisse
Mrs. Stephanie R. Navarre
Mrs. Elise T. Nicholls
Mr. Sherril M. Nixon
Dr. Vuyisile T. Nkomo
Rev. Jeffery M. Ott, OP
Dr. Nicole A. Padmore
Ms. Dianne R. Pajaud
Ms. Frances Parker
Mrs. Nina H. Payne
Mrs. Myla Reese Poree
Mrs. Lisa C. Porter
Mr. James M. and Mrs.
Beverly B. Powell
Mr. James R. and Mrs. Lucy J. Powell
Mr. Wayman Powell, III
Dr. William and Mrs. Carolyn Powell
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Prampin
Evelyn V. Pryor, M.D.
Dr. Dorothy Pugh, RPh.
Dr. Errol J. and Mrs. Linda M. Quintal
Mrs. Helen J. Rachal
Dr. Howard J. Raphael
Mr. Omar H. Buckner and Ms.
Kimberly M. Reese
Dr. Solomon L. and Mrs. Lila Riley
Mrs. Kamala Rimmey
Ms. Wanda M. Ripoll
Mrs. Ethel S. Roane
Mrs. Vera W. Robert
Mr. McLouis Robinet
Drs. Derek J. and Shawn S. Robinson
Mrs. Ruby F. Robinson
Rear Admiral (Ret.) Stephen W. Rochon
and Mrs. Shirley A. Rochon
Ms. Belinda W. Rodgers
Dr. Vincent J. and Mrs. Lois M. Roux
Dr. Dereck J. Rovaris
Dr. Charles J. and Mrs.
Dorothy M. Russell
Reginald O. Salter, D.D.S.
Ms. Ashley N. Scioneaux
Mrs. Anna Rita Smith Scott
Mrs. Denise T. Scott
Ms. Juval O. Scott
Mr. Charles L. Shaffer
Dr. Gregory L. Shannon
Mr. Westley and Mrs.
Jacqueline B. Sholes
Mr. Robert H. Simms
Dr. Chanda R. Simpson
Robert L. Simpson, R.Ph.
Mrs. Demetria F. Sloan
Dr. Eunice W. Smith
Mr. John Andrew Smith
Mr. Laurence J. and Mrs. Kara R. Smith
Dr. Melissa D. Smith
Mrs. Pauline Cash-Smith
Mrs. Petrinella Sowell
Ms. Stacy E. Stepney
Gay M. Story, M.D.
Dr. Rachel Baranco-Strawn
Mr. Leslie G. and Mrs.
Audrey F. Sudbury
Ms. Raina T. Sullivan
Mrs. Regina D. Tatum
Mr. Albert J. and Mrs. Priscilla G. Taylor
Dr. William and Mrs. Annie Belle Terrell
Dr. Leslie P. Theard
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Thomas
Drs. Trevonne M. and Nicole
C. Thompson
Mrs. Evangeline H. Tierney
Dr. David A. and Mrs.
Markitta A. Travillion
Mrs. Etta Tricksey
Honor Roll of Donors
Mrs. Sylvia H. Tureaud
Dr. Wallisa T. Vaughn
Mr. Victor J. and Mrs. Germaine
G. Vavasseur
Ms. Vanessa M. Vavasseur
Mr. Ronald C. and Mrs. Voris N. Vigee
Mr. Christopher W. Vincent
Mrs. Marsha Washington
Mrs. Karen DeGrange Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Wendling
Mr. and Mrs. Willie J. Whisenhunt
Atty. Angele T. White
Mr. Roderick L. and Mrs.
Karen M. Whitfield
Ms. Amanda C. Williams
Mr. Luther and Mrs. Constance
M. Williams
Dr. DeLisa T. and Atty.
Sylvester E. Williams
Lieutenant Colonel Eldridge F. Williams
Mr. Elias J. and Mrs. Joyce C. Williams
Ms. Estelle M. Williams
Dr. Everett J. and Mrs.
Melva B. Williams
Mrs. Lorraine G. Williams
Ms. Narreinar P. Williams
Valerie P. Wilson, Ph.D.
Mrs. Winifred D. Wright
Mr. X. Kembo Zunzanyika
Gifts of $500 - $999
XG Summer 2013
Dr. Michael Adeleke
Dr. Rondall E. Allen
Mr. Joseph D. Antee
Dr. Angele J. Arthur
Mr. Joshua J. Babineaux and
Dr. Tyesia V. Babineaux
Ms. Antoinette M. Bannister
Ms. Denise B. Barbarin
Mr. Dave Bartholomew
Mrs. Mary C. Beaubien
Mrs. Kathleen Dorsey Bellow
Mrs. Evelyn Lawrence-Benjamin
Dr. Jhan Doughty Berry
Mr. Irvin C. and Mrs. Wanda
M. Blackburn
Ms. Vivian W. Boutte
Mrs. Marie M. Boyd
Mrs. Beverly M. Boykins
Mrs. Cheryl Walker Boykins and
Mr. Darryl R. Boykins
Ms. De Etra Branch
Ms. Donna Brazile
Ms. Mercedese Broussard
Mr. Raymond A. Brown
Mr. Robert Brown
Mr. Terence C. and Mrs.
Stephanie Brown
Kaye Y. Adams-Browne, D.D.S.
Professor N. Wiley Browne
Dr. Anthony L. Buckles
Dr. Bobby Burkes
Dr. Dianna Mosley-Burns
Mrs. Typhanie Jasper Butler
Deacon Larry and Mrs. Phyllis Calvin
Mrs. Mary Kiper Camp
Mr. Michael D. Campbell and Mrs.
Dana Holden Campbell
Mr. Frederick J. and Mrs. Joyce Carter
Ms. Michelle W. Carter
Ms. Helen E. Castenell
Mr. Edward and Mrs. Lolita V. Cherrie
Dr. Ingenue F. Cobbinah
Mr. Marion J. Cosey
Mr. Douglas Cunningham
Mrs. Dedra L. Gourdine-Davis
Dr. Stephanie and Mr. Dereck Davis
Mrs. Lorraine Sigue Day
Mrs. Doris T. Dejoie
Mrs. Janice A. Deville
Dr. Ronald Dorris
Mr. Daniel R. Driver
Mrs. Lynette A. Dupuy-Dukes
Mr. Byron V. Duvall
Mr. and Mrs. Vidal C. Easton
Ms. Sonni P. Elliott
Mrs. Mamie L. Feffie
LaReesa M. Ferdinand, M.D.
Mr. Larry Ferdinand, Jr.
Mr. Floyd F. and Mrs. Millie Ferguson
Mr. John L. Finley, III
Kendra L. Forbes, Pharm. D.
Dr. Holly Bastian-Francis and
Mr. Anthony L. Francis
Mr. Carroll L. and Mrs. Gloria Frank
Mrs. Ultra R. Fredericks
Mrs. Myra P. Frost
Mr. Louis C. and Mrs. Carol G. Gaignard
Dr. Kisha M. Gant
Mr. Henry J. and Mrs. Janice M. Glover
Mrs. Margaret M. Glover
Ms. Luella E. Gombako
Mrs. Connie C. Goodly
Dr. Jesse F. Goodwin
Dr. Paul R. Goodwin
Ms. Beverly W. Grant
Mrs. Shirley P. Grigsby
Mr. James D. Guidry
Mr. Ronald C. Guidry, Sr.
Dr. Rachel Davis-Haley and Mr.
N. Sundiata Haley, Esq.
Mrs. Judith Smith Hamilton
Mrs. Jetta Harris
Mrs. Martha Harris
Mr. Vaughan M. Harris
Ms. Veronica L. Harrison
Mrs. Wanda Bazile Hewitt
Mr. John Paul Hoggatt and Mrs.
Lynn Marie Hoggatt
Mr. William “Butch” M. Holmes, Jr.
Mrs. Wanda Howard
Mr. Terrance L. Hughes
Mr. Jack Hurry, Jr.
Ms. Hyacinth H. Hutchinson
Dr. Jarvis B. Jacobs
Mrs. Elaine K. Johnson
Mr. Harry E. Johnson, Sr., Esq.
Mr. Jerome C. and Mrs.
Latasha M. Johnson
Mr. Percy Johnson
Marilyn Jones, M.D.
Mrs. Shirley M. Judge
Regina R. Whitfield Kekessi, MD, MPH
Mr. Charles Kennedy, Jr., CFP
Mrs. Patricia Kimbrough
Drs. Anil and Poonam Kukreja
Mr. Lionel B. Labeaud
Mrs. Cheryl D. Lacabe
Mr. Robert L. and Mrs. Shirley Larkin
Mrs. Eleanor M. Leak
Mr. Jesse and Mrs. Carolyn Millet Lee
Mrs. Florence W. Lee
Mr. John H. Lee
Ms. Felicia Y. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel P. Llorens
Ms. Tanya L. Lombard
Mrs. Pearl Algere-Lonian
Mrs. Manya C. Louis
Dr. Peter and Mrs. Marjorie Louis
Mrs. Joycelyn A. Bigard-Lyles
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mabece
Mr. Andrew A. and Mrs.
Gloria W. Mallet
Ms. Veronica A. Malone
Dr. Marnetta P. Malveaux
Dr. Cabrini S. March
Dr. Lakeisha D. Marsh
Mrs. Elouise Conant Martin
Dr. Karwin McCain
Mrs. Lisa L. McClain
Mr. Johnny and Mrs. Donna McCray
Rev. John L. and Mrs. Jo
Ann McCullough
Dr. Gwenesta B. Melton
Mr. L. J. and Mrs. Gail Melton
Mr. Eugene H. Mills, Jr.
Ms. Adrianne P. Mitchell
Dr. Glenn L. and Mrs. Tia Morgan
Dr. Mildred W. Ollee
Ms. Tyra Ordone
Ms. Patricia A. Pajaud
Ms. Dianthia L. Patrick
Mr. Frank T. and Mrs. Helaine R. Penn
Dr. Steven T. and Dr. Celeste O. Player
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Powell
Mr. Rudolph R. Prioleau
Mrs. Lynne K. Raphael
Mrs. Ann M. Rawles
Mr. Gaylord S. and Mrs.
Lurylene J. Raymond
Mrs. Donna S. Robinson
Mrs. Kaye L. Rolland
Mr. Clarence W. Rollerson
Mr. Howard and Mrs.
Gwendolyn Rollins
Deidra T. Rondeno, DDS, PC
Mr. Darrel J. and Mrs. Shaun Saizan
Dr. Fred J. Sambrone, Jr.
Ms. Joyce M. Sandifer
Mrs. Alana A. Sarrazin, RPh.
Mr. Murray J. and Mrs. Harriet Saucier
Mr. Randall and Mrs. Eva Schexnayder
Mrs. Ruth V. Schlater
Geoffrey G. Selvage, Pharm D.
Mr. Dennis N. Sigur, Jr.
Ms. Brandi A. Sinkfield
Mr. Kevin J. Smith
Mr. Lionel A. Smith, Sr.
Dr. Royshanda C. Smith, M.D.
Mr. Edward Sparrow
Mr. Wayne A. Steele, Sr.
Mr. Stanley S. Strauss
Mrs. Doris B. Sullivan
Ms. Christian S. Taplin
Mrs. Sydonia E. Davis-Taylor
Dr. Jamelah A. Terry
Dr. Lowell P. Theard
Mrs. Theresa W. Threet
Ms. Tinh T. Trinh
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Tureaud, Jr.
Ms. Joan Ulmer
Mrs. Marilyn A. VanDergriff
Mr. Gerard M. Victor
Mr. Paul J. Waddell
Dr. LaToya R. Walker
Dr. John Ware
JoAnn E. Warrick, M.D.
Dr. Monica O. Watts
Mr. J. Ronald Weber
Mr. King S. Wells
Dr. Janel Bailey Wheeler
Mrs. Hilda C. Williams
Dr. Lashonda L. Williams
Ms. Mishanda L. Williams
Mrs. Tracee Massey-Williams
Mrs. Carolyn Ross Wilson
Mrs. Ruth N. Wilson
Dr. Clarice A. Wimberly
Dr. Krystene and Mr. John Woodard
Mr. James A. and Mrs.
Charlotte H. Wooten
Gifts of $250 - $499
Ms. Brenda J. August
Mr. Langston S. Adams
Mrs. Margaret B. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Allen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Alugas
Mr. Billy G. Ambrose
Mr. Charles E. Anderson
Mr. Edward C. and Mrs.
Bobbie B. Anderson
Ms. Lora L. Antoine
Mr. Allister D. Arnold
Lt. Col. Augustine S. Aruna
Dr. Monica E. Baldridge
Mr. Sylvester Barker
Ms. Donzella Barthelemy
Mrs. Romona Baudy
Ms. Adrienne P. Becnel
Dr. Johnny L. Bennett, Jr.
The Honorable Corinne
Claiborne Boggs
Ms. Paula M. Bolds
Ms. Bonnita Boone
Mrs. Rita Boskent
LCDR Andre’ Le Gras Boutte’
Mr. Kenneth W. and Mrs. Gilda D. Boyd
Mrs. April R. Noble-Brooks
Mr. Alexander R. Brumfield, Jr.
Dr. Kristy M. Brumfield
Mr. Shane M. Bruno
Mrs. Lily W. Brunswick
Dr. Nitasha L. Burney
Dr. Kimberly M. Bush
Mrs. Clementine B. Cager
Dr. Vivian D. Campbell
Mrs. Yttria Carter
Mr. Erskine A. Cartwright
Mrs. Dolores J. Clark
Mrs. Joan Clark
Mr. Terrence M. Coleman
Ms. LaTedra M. Collins
Ouida M. Collins, M.D.
Tracy M. Crear, D.D.S.
Mrs. Gayturnera G. Croom
Dr. Edward R. and Mrs. Anita Y. Dalferes
Lt. Cdr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Dean
Mrs. Gail M. Carter-Dennis
Agnes Donahue, DDS, MSD, MPH
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell M. Dupuy
Mr. Edgar R. and Mrs. Vivian Edwards
Mr. Claude Elmore
Dr. Kelly O. Elmore
Mr. Kelvin P. Esters
Mrs. Marion A. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Cedric J. Falgout
Charles P. Felton, M.D. and
Hiroko Tsujimoto-Felton
Mrs. Janice M. Florent
Mr. and Mrs. Donzell Floyd, R.Ph.
Dr. Stacey L. Folse
Mrs. Barbara W. Walker-Franklin
Mr. Melvin Gaines
Dr. Carla G. Gayle
Mrs. Louaunne W. Gilyot
Dr. Pheophilus H. Glover
Mrs. Nicole D. Marchand Golden
Mr. Francis P. and Mrs.
Mary S. Gonzales
Mr. Michael J. and Mrs.
Eloise D. Gourrier
Mrs. Lolita T. Grant
Ms. Josephine R. Grier
Mrs. Gwendolyn B. Guillmette
Mrs. Donna Clark Hall
Ms. Gladys Hampton
Mrs. Andrea Taylor-Harris
Mrs. Bonita B. Harris
Dr. Jazmine A. Harris
Mr. William and Mrs. Lillian P. Harris
Dr. Kenneth D. Hartwill
Mrs. Ronee Hawkins
Mr. Ian P. and Mrs. Marielle Heisser
Ms. Barbara J. Hicks
Mr. Leslie Hightower and Mrs.
Patricia A. Hightower
Mr. Charles A. Honore
Mr. James T. and Mrs. Yvonne
T. Houston, Jr.
Mr. Linus A. and Mrs.
Terralene Igbokwe
Mr. Larry L. Isles
Mrs. Barbara B. Jackson
Mrs. Kuiana M. James
Contributors to Excellence
Dr. Plas T. and Mrs. Judith James
Mr. Gerard P. Johnson
Ms. Joan G. Johnson
Ms. Mamie R. Johnson
Mrs. Margaret Johnson
Ms. Juanita Jones
Ms. Sarah A. Jones
Dr. Orien D. Joseph
Mrs. Ruth E. Kennedy
Mrs. Gloria Larche
Mr. Philip T. Lastrapes
Mrs. Philomena D. Lawson
Mr. Binh H. Le
Dr. Lester A. Lee and Mrs. Leslie I. Lee
Dr. Tilden and Mrs. Margaret Lemelle
Mr. John C. and Mrs. Jo Lemelle
Dr. Karen Lewis and Mr. Cornelius Lewis
Mrs. Lonnie Lewis
Ms. Lovie F. Lewis
Mrs. Mercaline Lewis
Mr. Kenneth C. and Mrs.
Earline D. Marchand
Marlah H. Mardis, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin J. Martin, Sr.
Mr. Bervis B. McBride, Jr.
Mrs. Isabelle McCants
Ms. Ruth C. McGee
Ms. Cecelia V. Medley
Mrs. Ursula Merrick
Mr. Marvin N. Miles
Mr. Allen C. and Mrs. Imani D. Miller
Mrs. Mary J. Hadnott-Mims
Ms. Angela H. Misshore
Dr. Willyetta B. and Mr. Corey J. Mitchell
Mr. Henry L. Mitchell and Mrs.
Ann Jupiter Mitchell
Mrs. Tameka A. Mitchell-Clemons
Mr. Shelvin L. Moore
Dr. and Mrs. Dawud Muhaimin
Mrs. Alice U. Murchison
Mrs. Katherine T. Nicolay
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Nixon
Ms. Devereaux L. Nollie
Mrs. Dawn Marie Montgomery-Otis
Mrs. Catherine L. Painia
Mr. Leroy B. and Dr. Jacques
P. Willliams-Pascal
Mr. Larry D. Perkins
Col. Gregory Phillips
Mr. Duan L. Pierce
Mr. Wellington T. Pitts
Mrs. Annie F. Ramsey
Dr. Mason C. and Mrs. Nellie M. Reddix
Dr. Alden H. Reine, Sr.
Dr. Paula R. Rhodes
Mr. Renald J. and Mrs.
Lesley W. Richard
Mrs. Lisa Nicholls Ripoll
Mrs. Melba F. Robertson
Mrs. Charlene W. Robins
Ms. Mia R. Robins
Mrs. Chalita B. Robinson
Mrs. Marlene C. Robinson
Mr. Darryl E. Rouson
Mrs. Johnetta McMillan- Royster
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Saberre
Ms. Erica L. Sanders
Mr. Gordon B. Sanders
Ms. Keira N. Scanks
Mr. Anthony G. Sceau, Jr.
Dr. Donna L. Scott
Mr. Elmore J. and Mrs. Alva Seraile
Ms. DaRhonda M. Sheard
Ms. Claricia J. Shepherd
Mr. Jimson O. Smith
Mr. Michael B. and Mrs.
Da’Janel R. Smith
Henry L. Stewart, III and
Blanche D. Stewart
Mr. Timothy M. Stuart
Mr. Alvin R. Styles
Mrs. Audrey Pinera-Tanner
Mrs. Crystal Jones Taylor
Mrs. Gertrude Perkins Taylor
Ms. Katrina L. Taylor
Mrs. Carolyn Thomas
Mr. Edward S. and Mrs. Jane R. Thomas
Mr. Larry E. Thomas
Dr. Alessandra D. Thompson
Dr. Roderick O. and Mrs.
Courtney Thornton
Mr. James B. Tillman
Mrs. Kendra Woodard Tircuit
Cynthia B. Vernon, Ph.D.
Mr. Patrick A. and Mrs.
Penny T. Victorian
Mrs. Melba M. Waddell
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Wadley
Ms. Paulette W. Wagner
Mrs. Annetta M. Walker
Mrs. Cassandre K. Wallace
Mrs. Janice Labeaud Wash
Mr. John D. Webster
Mr. Clarence L. White
Dr. Michael G. White
Mrs. Gwendolyn H. Whitner
Dr. Chequita S. Williams
Mr. Jon G. Williams
Mr. Starsky D. and Mrs.
LaToya R. Wilson
Ms. Verna Yancy
Ms. Davida E. Yarbrough
Mr. Hemson Zenon
Ms. Margaret A. Zimmerman
Mrs. Sandra J. Zimmerman
Gifts of $100 - $249
Ms. Bernadette M. August
Heather E. Olivier Aaron, PharmD
Ms. Greer T. Adams
Ms. Beverly K. Addison
Mrs. Kanika U. Ajanaku
Mrs. Carole B. Alarcon
Ms. Sara A. Al-Dahir
Mr. Clarence M. Allen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Allen, II
Mr. Joseph L. Allison
Mrs. Talita A. Allison
Mr. James A. Alsandor
Mrs. Lorraine Amos
Ms. Acrealle Anderson
Mr. Wilbert C. Antoine, Jr., CPA
Mrs. Aurelia B. Arceneaux
Mrs. Catherine W. Arnaud
Mr. Jay D. Aronowitz
Mr. Dudley G. Auzenne
Ms. Jean Babineaux
Mrs. Anatalie W. Bachemin
Mrs. Anna Bachemin
Dr. Troy L. Baldwin
Dr. Herbert V. and Mrs.
Pearline Baptiste
Mr. Francis X. Barial
Mr. Keith T. Barker, M.S.
Ms. Germaine P. Bazzle
Ms. Achontyrausi Y. Bell
Mr. David L. Bell
Mr. Randy C. Bellizan
Mrs. Ione Beck Bertrand
Mr. Wilbert F. and Mrs. Iris G. Billinger
Ms. Debbie Bissett
Dr. Loren J. Blanchard
Mrs. Aissatou A. Sidime-Blanton
Mr. Carl A. and Mrs. Eunette Blouin
Mrs. Abolanle Nike Blue
Dr. Nichole M. Bauknight-Boles
Mr. Wilford I. and Mrs.
Dorothy R. Bonner
Ms. Tiffany A. Booth
Ms. Megan R. Bossier
Mr. William T. and Mrs.
Elizabeth Bostick
Mr. John L. Bovastro, Jr.
Mrs. Carolyn K. Bowman
Ms. Elease M. Bradford
Mrs. Jean Brooks
Mr. Joseph A. Brooks, Jr.
Mr. Robert M. Brooks II
Mrs. Joyce B. Brossett
Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Darrilyn P. Broussard
Mr. Bentley J. and Mrs.
Olivia M. Broussard
Mrs. Harriet S. Brown
Dr. Samira L. Brown
Ms. Ursula M. Brown
Dr. Yasmin K. Brown
Mrs. Beverly B. Broyard
Mr. Stanley J. and Mrs.
Elizabeth G. Brue
Ms. Crystal S. Burley
Mrs. Joycelyn L. Burnett
Ms. Allassia Y. Burns
Ms. Danielle S. Burrell
Mr. William A. and Mrs. Fannie L. Bush
Mrs. Lorraine M. Butler
Dr. Evita G. Bynum
Dr. Walton M. and Mrs. Noni Byrnes
Charlette M. Cain, DVM
Ms. Judy K. Caldwell
Mr. Lester A. Caliste, Jr.
Mrs. Kenya T. Campbell
Ms. LaKeeta H. Campbell
Ms. Barbara J. Carmon
Ms. Mildred T. Caro
Dr. Marion L. and Mrs. Marvette Carroll
Dr. Helen W. Carry
Ms. Ann P. Carter
Mr. Calvin P. Casmier
Lt. Cdr. Dexter E. and Mrs.
Demetria G. Caston
Drs. Lynette S. and Matthew Causey
Dr. Jason G. Cavalier
Mrs. Shirley M. Celestine
Mrs. Pamela D. Cellum
Mrs. Willie P. Chaffers
Ms. Monita J. Chambers
Mrs. Sue P. Chandler
Mr. Joseph L. and Mrs.
Rosa Charbonnet
Ms. Julie C. Chenier
Mr. Kenny and Mrs. La
Juana G. Chenier
Ms. Evella M. Chretien
Ms. Nicolette D. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Clark
Mr. Edward and Mrs. Jennifer Colbert
Mrs. Johnnie P. Cole
Mr. Rufus and Mrs. Daisy D. Coleman
Atty. David L. Coleman, II
Mrs. Doris C. Coleman
Mr. Milton Coleman
Mr. Ronnie C. and Mrs. Karen D. Collier
Mrs. Gloria Collins
Ms. Consuela M. Colston
Rev. and Mrs. Joseph M. Conrad, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Hanshaw Cooley
Ms. Kora M. Cooper
Mr. Milton J. and Mrs. Yvonne Coulon
Mr. James A. Cousin
Mrs. Kimela W. Cox, Esq.
Mrs. Brandi T. Craft
Mrs. Rose M. Craft
Ms. Donna K. Crawford
Rev. David G. Cray, S.S.E.
Mrs. Lynn S. Crean
Mr. Lloyd X. and Mrs. Hattie Creecy
Ms. Bonita M. Cuillier
Mr. James L. Currence
Ms. Michelle L. Curry
Mr. Frank L. Daggs
Mrs. Yvonne M. Darensbourg
Ms. Bythelda M. Davis
Ms. Doris Davis
Ms. Janet M. Davis
Dr. Joseph W. Davis
TenecQua M. Davis, Pharm. D.
Mr. Keith A. and Mrs. Judy S. Dawson
Ms. Aleta De Clouet
Mrs. Alaine De Myers
Mr. Patrick G. Dean
Ms. Shelia M. Debose
Mr. Keith E. Decay
Ms. Marianne DeGrange
Mrs. Marilyn Degrasse
Ms. Tiffany T. Devereaux
Dr. Armond A. and Mrs. Pearl Devezin
Mr. Ronald O. Dews, Jr.
Dr. Michael A. and Mrs.
Michelle Dietrich
Mrs. Ann L. Dixon
Dr. Tonya R. Dobbs
Mrs. Kathleen M. Doley
Mr. Keith A. Doley
Mrs. Jerry A. Domingue
Mr. Joseph A. Domingue
Mr. Thomas J. Donald
Mrs. Sharon L. Donato
Mrs. Ahdija C. Donatto
Mrs. Merilynn B. Donelon
Mrs. Toni White Douglas
Mrs. Audrey H. Duncan
Dr. Rochelle H. Dunham
Mr. Royce I. Duplessis, Esq.
Mr. Emilo J. and Mrs.
Bernadine P. Dupre
Mr. Wendell M. Dupuy
Mrs. Karen E. Durand
Dr. Michelle R. Easton
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel L. Edmond
Ms. Ryane A. Edmonds
Mrs. Lona B. Edwards
Mrs. Marion A. Ellis
Mrs. Clida Ellison
Mr. Shakir E. Emel
Mr. Walter H. and Mrs. Joan L. Ennis
Mr. and Mrs. George Etienne
Mr. Kenneth Evans
Mr. Louis A. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Andre S. Farve
Mrs. Elvera M. Feist
Rev. James Feltus, Jr.
Ms. Myrtle W. Ferrande
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin J. Ferrouillet, Jr.
Mr. William S. and Mrs. Dolores Fischer
Mr. Lionel J. Fleury
Ms. Donielle Smith Flynn
Honor Roll of Donors
XG Summer 2013
Ms. Natalie Forcia
Dr. Pamela Payne Foster
and Mr. Bill Foster
Mrs. Lynn Smith-Foxworth
Ms. Tijuana L. Freeman
Ms. Phyliss S. Gaines
Mr. Frank W. and Mrs.
Elaine M. Gardner
Mrs. Rose H. Garment
Mr. Wilfred G. Gaspard
Ms. Kristin A. Gates
Mrs. Wendy M. Gatlin
Sr. Reginald Gerdes, O.S.P.
Mrs. Sharon Winder Gex
Mrs. Barbara A. Gibbons
Ms. Brenda V. Gibson
Mrs. Genelle Gibson
Dr. Tamajah M. Gibson
Mr. Houston Gilliand, Jr.
Mr. Merlin J. Gilyot, Sr.
Mrs. Denise D. Givens
Ms. Felice J. Glapion
Mr. Michael Glapion
Mrs. Toni B. Vernon-Glasper
Ms. Sharrone M. Godfrey
Mrs. Gisele A. Goff
Dr. Rossie J. Gomez
Mrs. Leora T. Gonzales
Mr. James H. Gordon
Dr. Charles A. Gramlich and
Mrs. Mary R. Gramlich
Mr. Henry A. Grant, Jr.
Dr. Karen J. Gray
Mr. Troy D. Gray Sr.
Drs. Dwight A. and Lynn
M. Bernal-Green
Mr. and Mrs. Terence A. Green
Ms. Jeffrey L. Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Ron D. Grimmette
Mrs. Gertrude Hagan
Mrs. Ra’Nell A. Davis Hale
Mr. Brian G. Hall and Ms. Erica
E. Townsend-Bell
Mr. Dwain L. Hall
Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Katie Hall
Mr. Leo Hall ,Jr.
Natasha Fievre-Hamilton, M.D.
Dr. William Hanks, Jr.
Dr. Adrienne A. Hanson
Mrs. Alverna J. Harden
Col. Virgil M. Hardin, M.D.
Mr. Ernest M. and Mrs.
Paulette P. Harding
Dr. Kim M. Hardy
Ms. Kendra E. Harmon
Mr. Mart and Mrs. Arlene E. Harper
Mrs. Deidra R. Harper
Mrs. Imogene V. Harrell
Dr. Rekesha A. Harrell
Dr. Linda N. Harvey
Ms. Jenna R. Hatton
Mrs. Etta L. Hawkins
Ms. Valencia Hawkins
Mr. Harold B. and Mrs.
Elaine Henderson
Mrs. Mary F. Henry
Sarita M. Henry, D.D.S.
Mr. Bennett L. and Mrs. Nora Herrera
Vernora D. Hightower, M.D.
Mr. Bruce A. Hines
Mr. Leonard E. Hinton
Ms. Cam Tu Ho
Mrs. Mary L. Shepard-Hodge
Ms. Teal A. Holden
Mr. Jarred A. Honora
Dr. Ebony R. Hoskins
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Ingram
Dr. Tasha R. Inniss
Ms. Avis J. Jackson
Ms. Ayanna U. Jackson
Mrs. Denise N. Jackson
Mrs. Ella P. Jackson
Ms. Jeanine A. Jackson
Ms. Keli D. Jackson
Mrs. Gwendolyn V. Jefferson
Mr. Larry E. Jefferson
Ms. Jacqueline Jeffrey
Ms. Cassandra R. Jenkins
Mr. Murphy D. Jenkins
Elliot M. Jessie, M.D.
Sheila Stiles Jewell, Ph.D.
Dr. Clanford L. Johnson
Ms. Esperanda K. Johnson
Mr. Fred Johnson, Jr.
Mr. Leon L. Johnson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Johnson
Ms. Virginia M. Johnson
Mr. George E. and Mrs. Patsie W. Jones
Mrs. Laverta C. Jones
Mrs. Marilyn W. Jones
Dr. Pamela G. Jones
Dr. Stella Pinkney Jones
Mrs. Terry Scott Jones
Mr. Albert E. Joseph, Jr.
Mrs. Gina V. Joubert
Dr. Myrtly R. Joyner
Mrs. Marie Judge
Mrs. Gwendolyn E. Ball-Julien
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jumpiere, III
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel J. Jupiter
Mrs. Cosette West Kaufman
Mr. Todd G. Keller
Dr. Justin M. Kelly
Ms. Paula M. Kelly
Ms. Dalila E. Kennedy
Mr. William S. Keyes
Mrs. Linda F. Keys
Mr. Earl F. and Mrs. Arlene S. King
Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. King
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy V. King
Mr. John Kirk
Mrs. Brenda Robinson Lashley
Ms. Dorothy M. Lastrapes
Mrs. Eunice D. Lear
Ms. Jennifer M. Lear
Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Edna Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Errol M. Lecesne
Mr. Martin Lecour
Mr. Clifton Lee
Ms. Nicole M. Lee
Mr. Adam K. Lemieux, Jr.
Dr. DeShondra N. Leonard
Mr. Basil V. and Mrs. Emily M. Lewis
Dr. Clarence S. and Mrs. Linda
J. Reddick-Lewis
Mrs. Ella M. Lewis
Mrs. Josie Y. Lewis
Mr. Leo Lewis
Mr. Livingstone T. Lewis, Jr.
Mrs. Tamara H. Lewis
Mrs. Makea B. Gadsden-Locke
Mr. Stanley P. Logan
Mr. and Mrs. Khristopher W. Loyd
Ms. Anita W. Lui
Ms. Alma B. Lyle
Mr. Brian P. Mann
Ms. Kathleen M. Manuel
Ms. Lisa M. Margerum
Ms. Renee D. Markham
Mrs. Patricia W. Marshall
Mrs. Joyce M. Martell
Mrs. Rosary Martin
Mr. Vernon E. and Mrs. Sandra
Mrs. Barbara F. May
Mrs. Elswith C. Mazin
Mr. Leon McClain, Jr.
Mr. Corey D. McCray
Mrs. Patricia L. McFarlin
Mrs. Rose B. McKendall
Ms. Bonnie McKenna
Mr. John E. and Mrs. Mary
M. McKinnon
Ms. Jacquelyn F. McMillan
Mr. Frank W. Merrick
Mrs. Linda A. Merrick
Dr. Tasha L. Merritt
Ms. Sharon A. Metoyer Jones
Mrs. Lorraine Millaud
Mrs. Rosalyn Y. Hopson-Milledge
Ms. Anita J. Miller
Mrs. Lois F. Mills
Dr. Ida L. Rose-Mize
Ms. Linda T. Molezion
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Monette
Ms. Margo N. Montgomery
Mrs. Portia Montgomery
Ms. Crystal N. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Donnell Moore
Mrs. Emma Barnett Moore
Mrs. Jean S. Lang-Moore
Mr. Joseph H. Morgan
Dr. Patricia D. Morris
Mrs. Helen Morrison
Mr. Dennis L. and Mrs. Shelia B. Motley
Mrs. Parmalier D. Murphy
Mrs. Shirley A. Williams
Mr. Donald R. Naylor, Jr., Esq.
Dr. Ruth E. Neal
Mr. Charles I. Nero
Ms. Gayle J. Newcomb
Mr. Ventress S. Newport
Dr. Toi A. Olden
Mrs. Cozzetta Oliver-Omorodion
Ms. Alisa D. Orduna
Mr. Michael D. Owens
Mr. Gregory and Mrs.
Roseanna F. Pappion
Ms. Ann R. Parfaite
Ms. Clarissa G. Parker
Dr. Jarret R. Patton
Mrs. Lucille C. Payne
Mr. Wade J. and Mrs. Victoria Y. Pearson
Ms. Candyce M. Simpson-Pecot
Mrs. Faye Williams Penny
Mr. Wilbur J. and Mrs. Hope Perez
Mr. Alejandro R. Perkins, Esq.
and Mrs. Dina G. Perkins
Ms. Natalia Perry
Ms. Satira T. Perry
Mr. Steven B. Phung
Mr. Isaac Picou
Mr. Edward Pierre
Ms. Thelma R. Piper
Mrs. Olga B. Platt
Mr. Edward H. and Mrs.
Ursula M. Pollock
Mrs. Betty L. Porche
Mrs. Lynda Prampin
Mr. Benjamin W. and Mrs.
Irma Prescott
Ms. Wanda L. Preuss
Mr. Robert C. Price, Sr. and
Mrs. Elvina Price
Mr. Eugene A. Priestley
Ms. Lonique R. Pritchett
Dr. Matthew Proctor, Jr.
Mr. Clifford L. Provost
Mr. Gregory A. and Mrs.
Stephanie W. Pulley
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Quinn
Dr. Julia Bell Quint
Mrs. and Mr. Marguerite M. Quintal
Drs. Henry and Funmilayo Rachal
Mrs. Stanislaus DePass Rachal
Mrs. Glenda Rankin
Mr. Bernard Rankins, Jr.
Ms. Patric Ray
Geralynn M. Reine, M.D.
Mr. James J. Reisinger
Mrs. Yvonne C. Repps
Ms. Stacy T. Reynolds
Mr. Thomas J. and Mrs. Clare
M. Rhodeman
Ms. Debra M. Richardson
Mr. Herbert J. and Mrs.
Tondia L. Richardson
Mrs. Irene B. Richardson
Dr. Sherril M. Rieux
Mrs. Marlene R. Ritch
Ms. Juliet T. Robertson
Mrs. Lisa W. Robertson, R.Ph.
Mrs. Ellen D. Decou-Robinson
Ms. Melody M. Robinson
Ms. Candice M. Roche
Mr. Curley L. Rogers
Miss Anisha L. Roussel
Dr. Norward and Mrs. Joan V. Roussell
Ms. Farrah M. Roybiskie
Ms. Sandra L. Sails
Mr. Leo P. Sam, Jr.
Ms. Barbara Sapenter
Dr. Marilyn D. Saulsbury
Mrs. Edita H. Scott
Mrs. Muriel E. Segre
Mr. Cephas and Mrs. Alma Shepard
Mr. Alphonse and Mrs.
Debra G. Shropshire
Mr. Chris E. and Mrs. Bridget
D. Williams-Simmons
Dr. Julia K. Simmons
Ms. Angela M. Simon
Mr. Sterling A. and Mrs.
Rosemary S. Simon
Mr. William D. Simon, Jr.
Mr. James Singleton, Sr.
Ms. Cathy J. Smiley
Ms. Cynthia C. Smith
Donovan J. Smith, D.D.S.
Mrs. Edith J. Smith
Ms. Sherrece R. Smith
Ms. Siobhan E. Smith
Mrs. Susan H. Smith
Mrs. Gia B. Soublet
Mr. Derrick T. Spears
Ms. Antoinette Square
Mrs. Wilhelmina A. Stanley
Ms. Roxanne M. Steele
Dr. Margaret C. Stewart
Mr. Anthony T. and Mrs.
Susan A. Stewart
Dr. Camille Stokes
Ms. Renay Stovall
Dr. Louise Guenveur Streat
Dr. Doris J. Strode, R.Ph.
Dr. Averell H. and Mrs. Tara M. Sutton
Mrs. Jeannette N. Tancock
Mrs. Malika G. Millican-Tatum
Ms. Ashley M. Taylor
Mr. Glendon Taylor
Mrs. Joann S. Taylor
Mrs. Joyce Guilbeau Taylor
Mr. Lawrence A. Taylor
Ms. Claudette L. Terry
Angela M. W. Thanyachareon,
Mrs. Anne H. Thibodeaux
Ms. Alisa R. Thomas
Mr. Bonnie W. Thomas, Jr.
Mrs. Shoneka Norwood Thomas
Mr. Melvin F. Thompson
Mr. Trevor K. Thompson
Mrs. Miriam G. Titus
Mr. Erroll C. Trouillier
Mrs. Iris Trouillier
Mrs. Gaynielle T. Troutman
Mrs. Beverly P. Tucker
Shuana K. Tucker, Ph.D.
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Turner
Dr. Anisa Ssengoba-Ubogu
Dr. Elizabeth O. Unachukwu
Ms. Sandra Victor
Mr. Albert J. Victorianne, Jr.
Contributors to Excellence
Mr. Shaun H. Vincent
Ms. Latonia R. Viverette
Dr. Kesha Walker and Mr.
Christopher Walker
Dr. LaQuia A. Walker
Mrs. Elaine M. Walton
Mr. Dane B. Warren
Dr. Blaine F. Washington
Dr. Edward R. and Mrs.
Shirley P. Washington
Mrs. Geraldine B. Washington
Mrs. Lee Anna Washington
Dr. Nina T. Washington
Mr. Richard J. Washington
Mrs. Sheila Blouin-Washington
Mr. William J. Washington II
Mrs. Aleta C. Waters
Drs. Marlon A. and Mialika Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Watts, Jr.
Dr. Donald D. Weddington
Mrs. Sheneeta W. White
Ms. Joyce M. Whitfield
Dr. Henry and Mrs. Geralyn Wicker
Ms. Jimmie C. Wickham
Ms. Miriam J. Wilbon
Mrs. Alison R. Netter Williams
Mr. John B. and Mrs.
Antoinette Williams
Ms. Bristol M. Williams
Mrs. Inez D. Williams
Mrs. Johnnie Vickerstaff-Williams
Mrs. Mary T. Williams
Mr. Thomas H. and Mrs.
Eleanor S. Williams
Mrs. Joan Willis
Mrs. Muriel Wilson
Mr. Ellsworth A. and Mrs. Laura S. Wiltz
Mr. Donald R. and Mrs. Claire F. Winder
Mrs. Vera Winston
Dr. Adrian Woods
Mr. Edgar H. Woods, Sr.
Mrs. M. Wynetta S. Wright
Mrs. Bernice Wyatt
Ms. Qiona L. Young
Gifts of $1 - $99
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Alex
Mr. Willie J. Alexander
Mr. Charles E. Amos, Jr.
Dr. Blanche S. Anderson
Mrs. Linda L. Anderson
Mr. Carroll S. Antoine
Ms. Arlene A. Aranha
Mrs. Thais F. Ardoin
Mr. Joseph D. Babineaux
Mr. Curtis A. Baham
Mrs. Linda Bailey
Mr. Samuel J. Barnhart
Ms. Brandi C. Barre
Miss Domonique M. Bartley
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Batiste
Mr. Lonzie Beamon, Jr.
Mrs. Dolores L. Bergquist-Coyé
Mrs. Ethel Bertrand
Mrs. Gloria Butler Beverly
Mrs. Marie Bierria
Mr. Percy L. Bland, III
Mrs. Diane S. Blanks
Ms. Cherie D. Blue
Dr. Michelle Bell Boissiere
Ms. Tia N. Bostick
Mr. Joseph Boucree and
Mrs. Sheila Boucree
Mrs. Jean Boutte
Mr. Miller W. Boyd III
Mrs. Sonya L. Bradford
Ms. Dominique M. Bramwell
Mr. Roy Breaux, Jr.
Mrs. Dione M. Joseph-Breckenridge
Mrs. Linda K. Brock
Mrs. Rayna M. Brooks
Ms. Christina M. Brown
Mr. Dwight A. Brown II
Mr. William B. Broyard
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Brumfield
Mr. Christopher G. Buckley
Mrs. Helena W. Burrell
Mr. Richard D. and Mrs.
Michele J. Busby
Mr. Melvin K. Butler
Mr. Willie J. Caffey Jr.
Mrs. Alicia M. Cantrell
Mrs. Clara P. Carey
Ms. Kimberly N. Carter
Mr. Raphael and Mrs. Inez
Mr. Reginald M. Chandler
Ms. Brenda R. Chapman
Mr. Lucien S. and Mrs.
Deidre M.Charlot
Mr. Ronald G. Chenier
Mrs. Linda G. Chevis
Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Childs
Ms. Kristy N. Chiles
Mrs. Sarletha Ann Clark
Ms. Geneva W. Coleman
Ms. Monica L. Collins
Mr. Bruce F. and Mrs. Nancy B. Cortez
Mrs. Janice K. Cosey
Ms. Tiera S. Coston, Esq.
Mrs. Daisy Cummings
Ms. Alauna N. Curry
Mrs. Yauna Hopkins Dailey
Mrs. Elaine L. Dais
Mrs. Iris D. Davis
Mrs. Monica L. Davis
Mrs. Rhonda L. Davis
Ms. Tara A. Davis
Mr. Kenny J. Decay
Mr. William J. Deville
Ms. Adonica J. Domino
Dr. Samuel Dosumu
Ms. Carol J. Dotson
Ms. Druescellar P. Dumas
Mrs. Harriet D. Duronslet
Miss. Melissa M. Ealem
Mrs. Stephanie A. Easton
Mrs. Karen S. Edwards
Mr. Charles F. Eldridge
Dr. Dayna L. Ellison
Mrs. Clarissa Evans
Mrs. Karen V. Evans
Ms. Shirley E. Everett
Ms. Jana M. Fleet
Mrs. Juanita R. Fleming
Mrs. Shelina D. Foderingham
Ms. Maritza E. Ford
Mr. Lionel J. Forstall
Ms. Whitney R. Forstall
Ms. Andrea D. Foster
Ms. Raven R. Foster
Ms. Ann Fowlkes
Ms. Cortlandt Y. Franklin
Dr. Jacquelyn C. Franklin
Ms. Muriel F. Freeman
Mr. Derrick E. Gaddis
Ms. Kaitlyn H. Gaddis
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B. Gaddis
Mrs. Laquita D. Garnett
Ms. Terri L. Gaston
Mr. Lloyd A. Gavion, Jr.
Mr. Robert F. Gibbs
Elder Peggy A. Gibson
Mr. Calvin and Mrs. Opaline K. Gilliam
Ms. Merna M. Girgis
Mrs. A. Doris J. Goins
Mr. Carl A. Gordon
Mr. Ricardo K. Grayer
Ms. Anna L. Green
Ms. Nicole M. Green
Mr. Herman Grier, Jr.
Ms. June R. Griffin
Ms. Katherine W. Grinstead
Ms. Yvonne D. Guice
Ms. Lesley T. Guyot
Mrs. Marjorie Hamilton
Mrs. Alyce G. King-Hammons
Ms. Vivian T. Han
Mr. Calvin and Mrs. Janet S. Harrell
Ms. Courtney N. Harrell
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Harris
Mrs. Olga Hartman
Ms. Willia M. Hatter
Ms. Beverly A. Hawkins
Dr. Lindi Randall-Hayes
Mrs. Patricia Heisser
Ms. Patrice E. Hightower
Dr. Sarita N. Hithe
Ms. Courtney J. Hixon
Ms. Andrea M. Hodge
Ms. Lauren C. Holcomb
Mr. Henry L. and Mrs.
Vearnealure Holliday
Ms. Chakita R. Holmes
Mr. Sylvester Hosey
Mr. Lawrence C. Houston
Mrs. Kristi G. Hubbard
Ms. Kristal A. Huggins
Sr. Barbara Hughes, C.S.J.
Ms. Priscilla E. Hydell
Ms. Joi L. Jackson
Mrs. Robin K. Lewis-Jackson
Dr. Cornelius D. Jamison
Ms. Roseanna D. Jessup
Mr. Bobby Johnson
Ms. Brooke A. Johnson
Mrs. Courtney B. Johnson
Mrs. Evelyn L. Johnson
Mr. Nathaniel Johnson
Mrs. Agatha R. Jones
Mr. Herstyn B. Jones
Ms. Laurene S. Jones
Ms. Marsha M. Jones
Ms. Monique R. Jones
Mr. Robert L. Jones, Jr.
Ms. Sherrill F. Jones
Ms. Tina M. Jones
Mrs. Le’Anza M. Jordan
Mr. William P. Joseph, Jr.
Mrs. Nannette C. Keller
Ms. Danielle L. Kennebrew
Dr. Octavia M. Kennedy
Ms. Sharon R. Kennedy
Ms. Jazzmin L. Kilgore
Atty. John H. Kitchings, Jr.
Mrs. Jamie L. Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Troy A. Ladmirault, Sr.
Dr. Adriene K. Lambert
Mr. Nile C. Lang
Mrs. Dionne H. Lapeyrolerie
Mrs. Nellrose R. LaPierre
Ms. Alisha C. LaRoche
Mrs. Darrilyn T. Lawrence
Mrs. Carolyn Lawson
Mrs. Cynthia Sylvain-Lear
Mrs. Veronica K. Ledeaux
Mrs. Audrey S. Lee
Mrs. Cheryl Lewis
Ms. Michelle A. Lherisse-Smith
Mrs. Mara Suarez-Lopez
Mrs. and Mr. Tracy M. Lotten
Mr. Rodney M. and Mrs. Nicole Louis
Ms. Harolyn G. Lowe
Ms. Myrtle G. Lucas
Ms. Chrystal R. Lynn
Mrs. Ashleigh N. Maney
Mr. Charles and Mrs. Verta M. Mar
Mrs. LeNeshia R. Markey
Dr. Octavia A. McCalla
Mrs. Cynthia J. Pender McCarthy
Ms. Claire H. McDaniel, Esq.
Mr. Alden J. and Mrs. Rhesa
O. McDonald
Mr. Randall McHenry
Sr. Maryann P. McHugh, C.S.J.
Mr. Kenneth P. Metoyer
Mrs. Ann Nell R. Miller
Mr. Harlin L. Miller
Ms. Angela N. Milligan
Mrs. Linda L. Milton
Mrs. Dolores Lang-Moffett
Dr. Kristie Y. Moore
Ms. Delia C. Morgan
Ms. Tiffany L. Morris
Mrs. Gertrude L. Muecke
Mr. Edwin J. Muldrow
Mr. Anthony F. Mumfrey, Jr.
Ms. Shauntell D. Myles
Ms. Joanne M. Navarre
Dr. Constance B. Nealey
Mr. Christopher and Mrs.
Monica P. Nelson
Ms. Akia J. Nevills
Mr. Michael D. Olaiya
Mrs. Aurelia H. Orr
Dr. Selika R. Owens
Mr. Cedric M. Palmer, Jr.
Mrs. Gail M. Jenkins-Parker
Ms. Andrea M. Lewis-Parker
Ms. Joyclen R. Parker
Ms. Shionka S. B. Patterson
Ms. Florastina L. Payton
Mr. Logan H. Perkins
Mr. John D. and Mrs. Almeda
Brookes Pickard
Mrs. Jewell Cobb-Pitts
Mr. George R. Plick
Mr. Rodrick E. Points
Mr. Albert J. and Mrs.
Bernadette Porche
Mrs. Christine J. Powell
Mrs. Janice Seiber Pratt
Mrs. Barbara Prejean
Mr. Leo D. and Mrs. Shirley Prevost
Mrs. Rachelle C. Prevost
Ms. Lori S. Price
Mrs. Valerie M. Prier
Mrs. Cynthia D. Watkins-Rambo
Mrs. Lisa A. Fernandez-Richard
Mrs. Dora J. Richardson
Ms. Oneka Y. Richardson
Ms. Gwendolyn A. Ridgley
Miss Kelsey D. Riley
Mr. Herbert L. and Mrs.
Linda B. Roberts
Ms. Sonya L. Roberts
Ms. Rochelle A. Robicheaux
Dr. Candace E. Robinson
Mrs. Carolyn E. Robinson
Ms. Casey R. Robinson
Mrs. Venus Childress Roper
Mrs. Melba H. Ross
Mr. Frank S. Salario
Mrs. Veshunn S. Sanxton
Mr. Gerald F. Schumacher
Mrs. Sandra C. Scott
Ms. Courtney B. Scrubbs
Mrs. Wanda Serino
Mrs. Rita D. Shelling
Matilda H. Shields, Pharm. D.
Sr. Mary Rosita Shiosee, S.B.S.
Ms. Ingrid N. Sibley
Ms. Ida Sidney
Drs. Raegan J. Higgins-Siwatu
and Kamau O. Siwatu
Mr. John F. Smith, Jr.
Ms. Kirsten E. Smith
Mr. Lamont A. Smith
Ms. Marie A. Sonnier
Ms. Bertha Sorapuru
Ms. Marguerite Spencer
Mrs. Ann J. St. Julien
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. Philip Augustine Stelly, Jr.
Mrs. Yvonne Davis Stepter
Mrs. Vera D. Stevens
Ms. Pauline S. Storms
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Stuart
Mrs. Damita T. Williams-Swanson
Ms. Courtney R. Tafesse
Mrs. Monica P. Taylor
Dr. Myiesha D. Taylor
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Sybil Taylor
Ms. Adrienne C. Tervalon
Dr. Richele T. Theodore
Mr. Ruddley J. Thibodeaux
Mr. Andrew K. Thigpen
Mrs. Celeste Gunning Thomas
Ms. Gail L. Thomas
Mrs. Beverly Thompson
Mrs. Carrisse D. Thompson
Mr. Frederick Toca, Jr.
Paul E. Toth, R.Ph.
Ms. Carole L. Tureaud
Mrs. Anne S. Turnbull
Mrs. Christina L. Turner
Mrs. Marian L. Turner
Mrs. Charmagne Turpeau
Ms. Stacy R. Tylor
Mr. and Mrs. Godwin C. Umejiaku
Ms. Ana C. Valladares
Mrs. Cynthia H. VanDam
Mrs. Jean A. Benjamin-Vappie, `73
Ms. Ashley R. Varnado
Ms. Deandrea V. Veal
Mr. Louis A. Verret, Jr.
Mr. Gerald A. Villavasso, Jr.
Mrs. Trina S. Vincent
Dr. John H. and Mrs. Carol A. Walker
Ms. Juliana T. Walker
Mrs. Rosemary G. Walker
Mr. Lloyd H. and Mrs. Lonnie Wallace
Mr. Stephen M. and Mrs.
Christina M. Ward
Mr. Otis Washington
Phyllis E. Weaver, R.Ph.
Mrs. Shirley V. Weaver
Ms. Cindy B. West
Mr. Philip J. and Mrs. Carolyn
Wallace White
Mrs. Judith Whitt
Ms. Javon N. Wickliff
Mrs. Alysia S. Williams
Mrs. Anita D. Williams
Ms. Ashley L. Williams
Dr. Daniel and Mrs. Christina
P. Williams
Ms. Ella T. Williams
Mrs. Gloria Williams
Ms. Greta D. Williams
Mr. Jerome L. Williams
XG Summer 2013
Ms. Marie C. Williams, Esq.
Dr. Rodrek E. Williams and
Mrs. Carlette Williams
Mrs. Sheila L. Irions-Williams
Ms. Vickie E. Williams
Ms. Carlene D. Wilson
Mrs. Rashun W. Wilson
Ms. Richleen E. Wimberly
Dr. Aurelia C. H. Wood
Ms. Terrianna D. Woodard
Mrs. Diane Bailey Woods
Dr. Alison A. Wright
Ms. Kelly L. Wright
Dr. Charmaine Young
Ms. Danielle M. Young
Mr. Paul H. and Mrs. Lisa Young
2012 Dr. Norman
C. Francis Benefit
Concert Sponsors
Dr. Loren J. Blanchard
The Honorable Corinne
Claiborne Boggs
Mr. William T. and Mrs.
Elizabeth Bostick
Mrs. Joyce B. Brossett
Mr. Brian M. and Mrs. Stacie G. Burns
Mr. Johnny and Mrs. Shirley Crear
Mr. Keith A. Doley
Mr. Bryan L. and Mrs.
Conchetta W. Fulton
Dr. Rosalind Pijeuax Hale
Mr. Smith W. and Mrs.
Janice A. Howard
Ms. Felicia Y. Lewis
Mrs. Sybil Morial
Mrs. Alice U. Murchison
Mr. Darrel J. and Mrs. Shaun Saizan
Mr. Leo P. Sam, Jr.
Ms. Joyce M. Sandifer
Ms. Monica L. Smith
Dr. William and Mrs. Annie Belle Terrell
Mr. Trevor K. Thompson
Mr. Perry and Mrs. Diane S. Tillman
Gifts of Artwork,
or Other In-Kind Gift
Mr. H. J. Barrow
Mr. Alan Marcus Green
Mr. Steve A. Prince
Mrs. Dianne L. Roebuck
Honor Roll of
Donors by Class
Mr. William S. Keyes
Mrs. Eunice D. Lear
Ms. Bertha Sorapuru
Mrs. Olga B. Platt
Lieutenant Colonel Eldridge F. Williams
Mrs. Betty Mott Coles
Mrs. Nellrose R. LaPierre
Dr. Olympia Boucree
Mrs. Melba Fortune’ Martinez
Dr. Louise Guenveur Streat
Mr. John H. Boucree
Dr. Dorothy Lee Hawkins Brooks
Mrs. Audrey H. Duncan
Professor N. Wiley Browne
Mrs. Ruth O. Gordon
Dr. Helen W. Carry
Rev. James Feltus, Jr.
Mrs. Agatha R. Jones
Mrs. Veronica L. Mitchell
Mr. William E. Pajaud, Sr.
Mrs. Marguerite M. Quintal
Mrs. Muriel Wilson
Mrs. Harriet S. Brown
Mrs. Rose M. Craft
Mr. John Fleming
Ms. Natalie Forcia
Mrs. Alyce G. King-Hammons
Mrs. Elswith C. Mazin
Ms. Cecelia V. Medley
Mrs. Ethel S. Roane
Mrs. Earline S. Wilkerson
Mrs. Lorraine G. Williams
Mrs. Bernice Wyatt
Honorable Lois G. Bronz
Mrs. Beverly B. Broyard
Mrs. Shirley G. Burton
Mrs. Blanche M. Francis
Mrs. Alverna J. Harden
Mrs. Laverta C. Jones
Mrs. Florence W. Lee
Mrs. Rose B. McKendall
Mr. Frank W. Merrick
Mrs. Parmalier D. Murphy
Mrs. Regina D. Tatum
Ms. Adrienne C. Tervalon
Mrs. Marian L. Turner
Henry S. Wicker, M.D.
Mrs. Lorraine Amos
Mrs. Ione Beck Bertrand
Mr. Wilford I. Bonner
Mrs. Helena W. Burrell
Charles P. Felton, M.D.
Mrs. Ramona F. Jupiter
Mrs. Betty L. Porche
Mrs. Melba F. Robertson
Mr. Robert H. Simms
Mr. Edward Sparrow
Mrs. Doris B. Sullivan
Mrs. Geraldine B. Washington
Mrs. Vera Winston
Mr. Joseph F. Zimmerman, Jr.
Dr. Blanche S. Anderson
Mr. Winston Burns
Dr. Wilbur B. Clarke
Mrs. Dolores L. Bergquist-Coye’
Mrs. Pearl Devezin
Mrs. Margaret M. Glover
Mrs. Leora T. Gonzales
Mr. Bennett L. Herrera
Ms. Virginia M. Johnson
Mr. Basil V. Lewis
Mr. Bervis B. McBride, Jr.
Mr. Wilbur J. Perez
Mr. Edward Pierre
Dr. Mason C. Reddix
Mrs. Irene B. Richardson
Mrs. Ann J. St. Julien
Mrs. Wilhelmina A. Stanley
Mrs. Beverly P. Tucker
Mrs. Margaret B. Adams
Mr. Francis X. Barial
Mrs. Ethel Bertrand
William H. Bland, M.D.
Brigadier General Albert S. Bryant, Sr.
Mrs. Marcella C. Collins
Ms. Bythelda M. Davis
Mrs. Helen B. Drye (Estate Of)
Mr. Louis A. Evans
Dr. Jesse F. Goodwin
Mr. Leo Hall, Jr.
Mrs. Janet S. Harrell
Mr. Henry L. Holliday
Mrs. Vearnealure Holliday
Mr. R. George Jackson
Mr. Murphy D. Jenkins
Mr. Ned R. Kennedy, Jr.
Dr. Octavia M. Kennedy
Mrs. Lois E. Leblanc
Mrs. Gloria W. Mallet
Mrs. Joyce M. Martell
Mrs. Helen Morrison
Mrs. Vera W. Robert
Mr. William D. Simon, Jr.
Robert L. Simpson, R.Ph.
Mr. James Singleton, Sr.
Mr. Albert J. Taylor
Dr. Edward R. Washington
Mr. John D. Webster
Mr. Dudley G. Auzenne
Mrs. Beverly A. Broussard
Ms. Mercedese Broussard
Mr. Arthur L. Burton, Jr.
Mr. Floyd F. Ferguson
Dr. Norman C. Francis
Mr. William Harris
Mrs. Ronee Hawkins
Mrs. Mary F. Henry
Mrs. Ruby N. Hill
Mr. Fred Johnson, Jr.
Ms. Harolyn G. Lowe
Mr. Merritt P. Marks
Mrs. Elouise Conant Martin
Mrs. Sybil Morial
Mr. Frank T. Penn
Mr. Rudolph R. Prioleau
Mr. Roy J. Pugh (Estate)
Mrs. Ann M. Rawles
Mr. Renald J. Richard
Mr. Leo P. Sam, Jr.
Mrs. Muriel E. Segre
Mrs. Vera D. Stevens
Mr. Albert J. Thomas
Mrs. Lorraine Thomas
Mr. Elias J. Williams
Mrs. Ruth N. Wilson
Mrs. Consuella M. Broussard
Mr. Stanley J. Brue
Mrs. Lorraine M. Butler
Ms. Helen E. Castenell
Mrs. Sue P. Chandler
Mrs. Myrtle R. Davis
Mrs. Verlie R. DeCay
Mrs. Judith G. Johnson
Tilden Le Melle, Ph.D.
Mr. Halvan J. Lieteau
Mr. Andrew A. Mallet
Mrs. Gloria Monconduit
Mr. Solis Monconduit
Dr. James J. Perry
Mrs. Claire M. Rhodeman
Mr. Gordon B. Sanders
Mr. Elmore J. Seraile
Dr. Eunice W. Smith
Mrs. Kara M. Smith
Ms. Estelle M. Williams
Dr. Everett J. Williams
Mrs. Lydia S. Adams
Mr. Willie J. Alexander
Mrs. Shirley Allen
Mrs. Marie Bierria
Mr. Edmund C. Broussard
Contributors to Excellence
Mrs. Aloha M. Collins
Mr. Lionel J. Fleury
Mrs. Elaine M. Gardner
Mrs. Leona Gibbs
Mrs. Jetta Harris
Mr. Edward J. Lang
Mr. Philip T. Lastrapes
Mrs. Josie Y. Lewis
Mrs. Mercaline Lewis
Mrs. Jean S. Lang-Moore
Mrs. Barbara Prejean
Mr. Benjamin W. Prescott, Jr.
Mrs. Helen J. Rachal
Mrs. Dora J. Richardson
Dr. Charles J. Russell
Mr. John F. Smith, Jr.
Mr. Ronald J. Stuart
Mrs. Germaine G. Vavasseur
Mrs. Shirley P. Washington
Mr. Willie J. Whisenhunt
Mrs. Joyce C. Williams
Mrs. Melva B. Williams
Mrs. Gloria Butler Beverly
Sr. Doris U. Blum, S.B.S.
Mr. Joseph L. Charbonnet, Jr.
Mrs. Neola Lewis Clarke
Mrs. Jerry A. Domingue
Mr. Vidal C. Easton
Mrs. Mamie L. Feffie
Mrs. A. Doris J. Goins
Col. Virgil M. Hardin, M.D.
Mrs. Gaylene W. Harris
Mrs. Gwendolyn V. Jefferson
Mr. George E. Jones
Mr. Albert E. Joseph, Jr.
Mrs. Dionne H. Lapeyrolerie
Mrs. Mary J. Hadnott-Mims
Dr. Constance B. Nealey
Mrs. Catherine L. Painia
Dr. Roland A. Pattillo
Mrs. Ursula M. Pollock
Mr. Leo D. Prevost, Sr.
Mr. Thomas J. Rhodeman, Sr.
Mr. McLouis Robinet
Mr. Laurence J. Smith
Mrs. Blanche D. Stewart
Mrs. Carrisse D. Thompson
Mrs. Sylvia H. Tureaud
Mr. Albert J. Victorianne, Jr.
Mr. Hemson Zenon
Mrs. Dorothy W. Baines
Mr. Wiley C. Baines, Jr.
Mrs. Carolyn K. Bowman
Mrs. Lily W. Brunswick
Mrs. Mary Kiper Camp
Ms. Mildred T. Caro
Mrs. Betty J. Casem
Mr. Marino H. Casem
Mrs. Doris C. Coleman
Mr. Edward R. Dalferes, Jr.
Dr. Beverly B. Dupre
Mrs. Marion A. Evans
Mrs. Dolores L. Fischer
Mr. William S. Fischer
Mrs. Mildred Young Gardner
Mr. Calvin Gilliam
Mr. Nathaniel Johnson
Mrs. Dorothy M. Labat
Mrs. Marie G. Lang
Dr. Roy Marrero
Mrs. Ethel B. Martin
Dr. Lawrence V. McKendell
Mrs. Lorraine Millaud
Mr. Eugene H. Mills, Jr.
Dr. Mildred W. Ollee
Mrs. Nina H. Payne
Mrs. Stanislaus DePass Rachal
Mrs. Louise J. Sonnier
Dr. Leslie P. Theard
Dr. Lowell P. Theard
Mr. Edward S. Thomas
Ms. Margaret A. Zimmerman
Mrs. Ruby A. Age
Mr. George L. Allen, II
Mrs. Lois Alugas
Ms. Mary G. Auzenne
Ms. Germaine P. Bazzle
Mrs. Iris G. Billinger
Mr. Wilbert F. Billinger
Mr. Alexander R. Brumfield, Jr.
Mrs. Clementine B. Cager
Mr. Erskine A. Cartwright
Mrs. Shirley M. Celestine
Mr. Ronald G. Chenier
Mr. Johnny Crear
Mrs. Lona B. Edwards
Mrs. Betty S. Etienne
Mr. Lionel J. Forstall
Mr. Francis P. Gonzales
Mrs. Mary S. Gonzales
Mrs. Marlene Gonzalzles
Ms. Beverly W. Grant
Mr. Willie Green, Jr.
Mr. Richard D. Harrison
Mrs. Joyce M. Guillion Harte
Mrs. Melazie Jacobs
Mrs. Margaret Johnson
Mrs. Marilyn W. Jones
Mrs. Marie Judge
Mrs. Shirley M. Judge
Mrs. Patricia Kimbrough
Mr. John Kirk
Ms. Dorothy M. Lastrapes
Mr. Leo Lewis
Mr. Manuel P. Llorens
Mr. Alvin J. Martin, Sr.
Mr. Gilbert A. Mathieu
Mr. Joseph F. Metoyer
Mrs. Aurelia H. Orr
Ms. Patricia A. Pajaud
Dr. James A. Paschal
Mrs. Christine J. Powell
Dr. William Powell, Sr.
Dr. Matthew Proctor, Jr.
Dr. Dorothy Pugh, RPh.
Mr. Gaylord Raymond
Mr. Anthony G. Sceau, Jr.
Mrs. Ruth V. Schlater
Mrs. Edith J. Smith
Mr. John Andrew Smith
Mr. Henry L. Stewart III
Mr. Alexander Tureaud, Jr.
Mrs. Fay F. Tureaud
Mrs. Melba M. Waddell
Mr. J. Ronald Weber
Mrs. Anita D. Williams
Mrs. Antoinette Williams
Mrs. Gloria Williams
Dr. Harold T. Wilson
Mrs. Marian Wilson
Mr. James A. Alsandor
Mr. Billy G. Ambrose
Dr. Herbert V. Baptiste, Sr.
Dr. Stanley A. Boucree, Sr.
Mrs. Jean Brooks
Mrs. Yvonne Coulon
Mr. Merlin J. Gilyot, Sr.
Mr. Norman K. Gueno
Mr. Ernest M. Harding
Mrs. Elvira D. Henry
Mr. Sterling J. Henry, Sr.
Mrs. Ella P. Jackson
Mrs. Maxine Berteaux-Jackson
Mr. Earl F. King
Mr. Lionel B. Labeaud
Mrs. Edna Leary
Mr. Stanley P. Logan
Mr. Johnny McCray
Mr. Sherril M. Nixon
Mr. Isaac Picou
Mr. James M. Powell, Jr.
Mr. James R. Powell
Mrs. Irma Prescott
Mrs. Melba H. Ross
Mrs. Ann Stuart
Mrs. Anne S. Turnbull
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Turner
Mrs. Hilda C. Williams
Mrs. Joan Willis
Mr. Edgar H. Woods, Sr.
Mrs. Carole B. Alarcon
Mr. Carl A. Blouin, Sr.
Mrs. Jean Boutte
Mrs. Marie M. Boyd
Dr. Sylvester J. Bryan
Mr. Calvin P. Casmier
Mr. Marion J. Cosey
Mrs. Catherine E. Cottles
Mr. Milton J. Coulon, Sr.
Mrs. Lorraine Sigue Day
Dr. Armond A. Devezin
Mrs. Ann L. Dixon
Mr. Joseph A. Domingue
Mrs. Clida Ellison
Mr. Walter H. Ennis, III
Mrs. Barbara K. Evans
Mr. James T. Houston, Jr.
Ms. Mamie R. Johnson
Mrs. Ruth E. Kennedy
Dr. Joseph A. Labat
Mr. Clifton Lee
Mr. Beverly Llorens
Dr. Peter Louis
Mrs. Ursula Merrick
Mrs. Portia Montgomery
Mrs. Lillian Polk Nash
Mrs. Annie F. Ramsey
Mrs. Lurylene J. Raymond
Dr. Alden H. Reine, Sr.
Mrs. Marlene R. Ritch
Murray J. Saucier, P.T.
Mrs. Rosemary S. Simon
Mr. Lionel A. Smith, Sr.
Mr. Glendon Taylor
Mrs. Iris Trouillier
Mrs. Constance M. Williams
Mr. Ellsworth A. Wiltz
Mrs. M. Wynetta S. Wright
Mr. Joseph D. Babineaux
Atty. John M. Blanchard, Sr.
Mr. Lloyd X. Creecy
Mr. George Etienne
Mrs. Rose H. Garment
Mrs. Gwendolyn B. Guillmette
Mrs. Joy A. Joseph
Mr. Robert L. Larkin
Mrs. Shirley Frazier Larkin
Ms. Alma B. Lyle
Mrs. Charmaine L. Marrero
Mrs. Helen McKendell
Dr. Earl D. Mitchell, Jr.
Mrs. Sandra A. Monroe
Ms. Dianne R. Pajaud
Dr. Julia Bell Quint
Dr. Solomon L. Riley, Jr.
Ms. Barbara Sapenter
Mr. Westley Sholes
Ms. Carole L. Tureaud
Mr. Louis A. Verret ,Jr.
Mrs. Marsha Washington
Mrs. Eleanor S. Williams
Mr. Thomas H. Williams
Dr. Charmaine Young
Mr. Edward C. Anderson
Mr. Curtis A. Baham
Mr. Joseph Boucree
Mrs. Sheila Boucree
Mrs. Dolores J. Clark
Mr. Thomas J. Donald
Mr. Kenneth Evans
Mr. Verbie C. Florence
Ms. Julie S. Griffin
Mrs. Marjorie Hamilton
Mr. John C. Holmes
Mr. Charles A. Honore
Mr. Sylvester Hosey
Ms. Hyacinth H. Hutchinson
Dr. Justin M. Kelly
Dr. Lester A. Lee
Dr. George J. McKenna, III
Mrs. Shirley A. Williams
Mr. Wellington T. Pitts
Mr. Robert C. Price, Sr.
Mr. Clarence W. Rollerson
Mrs. Joan V. Roussell
Mrs. Lois M. Roux
Dr. Vincent J. Roux
Mr. Leslie G. Sudbury
Mrs. Jeannette N. Tancock
Mrs. Annie-Belle W. Terrell
Dr. William Terrell, Jr.
Mrs. Beverly Thompson
Mrs. Etta Tricksey
Mr. Otis Washington
Mr. Clarence L. White
Ms. Jimmie C. Wickham
Mrs. Mary T. Williams
Ms. Brenda J. August
Mrs. Bobbie B. Anderson
Mrs. Aurelia B. Arceneaux
Mrs. Catherine W. Arnaud
Mr. Armand L. Bertrand, Jr.
Mr. Richard Boseman
Mrs. Gloria Collins
Rev. Joseph M. Conrad, Jr.
Mrs. Marilyn Degrasse
Mrs. Doris T. Dejoie
Mrs. Marguerite Rey Florent
Mrs. Myra P. Frost
Mrs. Dianne Gaines
Mrs. Barbara A. Gibbons
Mr. Michael J. Gourrier
Dr. Adrienne A. Hanson
Mrs. Bonita B. Harris
Mrs. Anna S. Harrison
Mrs. Wanda Bazile Hewitt
Sr. Barbara Hughes C.S.J.
Mrs. Serena J. Hunter
Mr. Jack Hurry, Jr.
Mrs. Barbara B. Jackson
Mrs. Evelyn L. Johnson
Mr. Theodore J. Jones
Mrs. Arlette C. Labostrie
Mrs. Gloria Larche
Mrs. Eleanor M. Leak
Mrs. Abbie LeCesne
Mr. Errol M. Lecesne
Mrs. Carolyn M. Lee
Mrs. Leslie I. Lee
Mrs. Linda A. Merrick
Mrs. Lucille C. Payne
Mrs. Beverly A. Bouligny Powell
Mrs. Lynda Prampin
Ms. Wanda L. Preuss
Mrs. Lynne K. Raphael
Mrs. Wanda Serino
Mr. Lawrence A. Taylor
Mrs. Sydonia E. Davis-Taylor
Honor Roll of Donors
Mrs. Theresa W. Threet
Mrs. Evangeline H. Tierney
Dr. Frederick M. Toca, Sr.
Mr. James O. Wadley
Dr. Donald D. Weddington
Mr. King S. Wells
Mrs. Carolyn Ross Wilson
Mrs. Barbara F. May
Carolyn Brown Block-Arnelle, Ph.D.
Mrs. Mabel F. Bailey
Mrs. Diane S. Blanks
Mrs. Joycelyn L. Burnett
Mr. Joseph H. Carstarphen
Mrs. Joan Clark
Dr. Joseph W. Davis
Mrs. Barbara C. Duhe
Mrs. Marion A. Ellis
Mr. Joseph Hall
Mrs. Carolyn Lawson
Ms. Veronica A. Malone
Mrs. Myrna R. Malveaux
Patricia D. Morris, Ph.D.
Mrs. Elise T. Nicholls
Ms. Ann R. Parfaite
Mr. George R. Plick
Mrs. Sondra C. Reine
Mrs. Lila Riley
Mr. Herbert L. Roberts, Jr.
Mrs. Olivia A. Toca
Cynthia B. Vernon, Ph.D.
Mrs. Inez D. Williams
Mrs. Johnnie Vickerstaff-Williams
Mrs. Johnnie P. Cole
Mrs. Nancy B. Cortez
Mrs. Elaine L. Dais
Mrs. Elvera M. Feist
Dr. Paul R. Goodwin
Mrs. Nicole F. Hardin
Mrs. Imogene V. Harrell
Mrs. Janice R. Howard
Mr. Smith W. Howard, Jr.
Sheila Stiles Jewell, Ph.D.
Mrs. Darrilyn T. Lawrence
Mrs. Yvette Monette
Mrs. Anna Rita Smith Scott
Mr. Sterling A. Simon
Mrs. Yvonne Narcisse Watts
XG Summer 2013
Mr. Joseph L. Allison
Tommy E. Bowman, D.D.S.
Mrs. Cheryl B. Broussard
Mr. Edward J. Broussard
Dr. Arthur C. Coleman
Mrs. Sarah Coleman
Mr. Frank L. Daggs
Mrs. Janice A. Deville
Atty. William H. Harris, Jr.
Mr. Albert J. Porche
Mrs. Sandra M. Prampin
Mr. Errol J. Simmons
Mrs. Shirley V. Weaver
Ms. Joyce M. Whitfield
Mrs. Verta M. Mar
Ms. Lora L. Antoine
Mrs. Joyce B. Brossett
Ms. Phyliss S. Gaines
Mr. Wilfred G. Gaspard
Mrs. Louaunne W. Gilyot
Mrs. Elaine Henderson
Mr. John P. Hoggatt
Mrs. Lynn Julien- Hoggatt
Mrs. Linda L. Milton
Mrs. Glenda Rankin
Mrs. Charlotte H. Wooten
Mrs. Winifred D. Wright
Mrs. Kanika U. Ajanaku
Mrs. Anna Bachemin
Mrs. Diane Verrett Bynum
Mr. Edward Cherrie, Jr.
Lt. Cdr. Thomas E. Dean
Mrs. Bernadine P. Dupre
Ms. Myrtle W. Ferrande
Mrs. Carol Gaudin Gaignard
Mr. Robert F. Gibbs
Mrs. Genelle Gibson
Mrs. Connie C. Goodly
Mr. Harold B. Henderson
Ms. Barbara J. Hicks
Mr. William “Butch” M. Holmes, Jr.
Mr. William A. Ingram
Mrs. Cosette West Kaufman
Mr. Larry L. King
Mrs. Linda L. King
Mr. Rudy V. King
Mr. Jerrol Larrieu
Dr. Myra M. Lewis
Ms. Kathleen M. Manuel
Mrs. Rosary Martin
Ms. Brendolyn M. McKenna
Mrs. Elodie R. Murray
Ms. Frances Parker
Errol J. Quintal, Sr., M.D.
Mrs. Chalita B. Robinson
Mrs. Marlene C. Robinson
Mr. Charles L. Shaffer
Mrs. Anne H. Thibodeaux
Mr. Alvin T. Wilkins, Jr.
Mrs. Janice Wilkins
Mrs. Sandra J. Zimmerman
Mr. X. Kembo Zunzanyika
Archie Andrews, Ph.D.
Mr. Kenneth W. Boyd
Mr. Robert Brown
Mr. William B. Broyard
Mr. Bernard L. Bynum, Jr.
Mrs. Lolita V. Cherrie
Mr. James L. Currence
Mrs. Yvonne M. Darensbourg
Mrs. Iris D. Davis
Mr. Keith A. Doley
Agnes Donahue, D.D.S., MSD, MPH
Dr. Jacquelyn C. Franklin
Mr. Louis C. Gaignard
Ms. Brenda V. Gibson
Mr. James D. Guidry
Mrs. Janice Heard-Guidry
Dr. Alfred J. Guillaume, Jr.
Mrs. Sandra F. Guillory
Mrs. Andrea Taylor-Harris
Mr. Reginald Harris
Mrs. Patricia Heisser
Mr. Theodore W. Johnson
Mr. Samuel Jumpiere, III
Mrs. Philomena D. Lawson
Mrs. Pearl Algere-Lonian
Dr. Marie V. McDemmond
Atty. Dwight D. Murray
Mrs. Faye Williams Penny
Mr. John P. Quinn
Dr. Fred J. Sambrone, Jr.
Mrs. Annetta M. Walker
Mrs. Janice Labeaud Wash
Deacon Larry L. Calvin
Ms. Brenda R. Chapman
Mr. Tomy B. Chennat
Mrs. Dedra L. Gourdine-Davis
Mr. Carroll L. Frank
Mr. Lloyd A. Gavion, Jr.
Mrs. Olga Hartman
Mrs. Le’Anza M. Jordan
Dr. Myrtly R. Joyner
Mr. Charles Kennedy, Jr., CFP
Mrs. Ella M. Lewis
Mrs. Rhesa O. McDonald
Dr. Jill E. McGovern
Mr. Hubert J. Morton, Esq.
Mrs. Cynthia D. Watkins-Rambo
Herbert J. Richardson, Jr., P.D.
Mrs. Rosemary G. Walker
Mrs. Lonnie Wallace
Mr. Richard J. Washington
Mrs. Gwendolyn H. Whitner
Valerie P. Wilson, Ph.D.
Mr. Carroll S. Antoine
Mrs. Mary C. Beaubien
Mr. Wayne J. Benjamin
Mr. Kenneth J. Broussard
Mrs. Olivia M. Broussard
Mr. Lester A. Caliste, Jr.
Ms. Barbara J. Carmon
Mr. Frederick J. Carter
Mrs. Joyce J. Carter
Mrs. Inez Hale-Cassimere
Mrs. Lynn S. Crean
Mr. William J. Deville
Mr. Edgar R. Edwards, Sr.
Mr. Charles F. Eldridge
Mr. James Elmore
Mr. Michael Glapion
Dr. Rosalind Pijeuax Hale
Dr. William Hanks, Jr.
Mrs. Virginia T. Hardy
Mrs. Tommiette Ingram
Mrs. Isabelle McCants
Dr. Ruth E. Neal
Mrs. Monica P. Nelson
Mr. Wayman Powell III
Mrs. Yvonne C. Repps
Mrs. Charlene W. Robins
Ms. Paula T. Saizan
Mr. Calvin S. Tregre
Ms. Paulette W. Wagner
Mrs. Cassandre K. Wallace
Mr. Lloyd H. Wallace, Jr.
Mr. Dane B. Warren
Mrs. Karen DeGrange Watkins
Mr. Clarence M. Allen, Jr.
Mrs. Linda L. Anderson
Mrs. Anatalie W. Bachemin
Dr. Ann R. Barbre
Mrs. Romona Baudy
Ms. Camillia B. Bell
Mrs. Gilda D. Boyd
Rev. Kenneth J. Brown
Mrs. Willie P. Chaffers
Mrs. Alva Chase
Mrs. Jennifer Colbert
Mr. Patrick G. Dean
Mrs. Kathleen M. Doley
Mr. Victor A. Dubuclet, III, J.D.
Mr. Claude Elmore
Ms. Cecilia A. Golson
Mr. James H. Gordon
Ms. Jacqueline Jeffrey
Mrs. Elaine K. Johnson
Ms. Sherrill F. Jones
Mr. Livingstone T. Lewis, Jr.
Mr. John E. McKinnon, Jr.
Mrs. Lois F. Mills
Ms. Linda T. Molezion
Mr. Joseph H. Morgan
Mr. Darrel J. Saizan, Jr.
Mrs. Alma M. Shepard
Ms. Antoinette Square
Mrs. Rilma Thibodeaux
Mrs. Carolyn Thomas
Mr. Perry Tillman, III
Mrs. Judith Whitt
Mr. William S. Allen, Jr.
Mr. Charles E. Anderson
Mrs. Rita Boskent
Lt. Cdr. Andre’ Le Gras Boutte’
Ms. De Etra Branch
Mr. Michael P. Breaud
Mr. Terence C. Brown
Dr. Dianna Mosley-Burns
Mrs. Fannie L. Bush, RPh
Dr. Lynette S. Causey
Mr. James A. Cousin
Mrs. Daisy Cummings
Mr. Douglas Cunningham
Mrs. Yauna Hopkins Dailey
Mr. Ronnie Davis
Mrs. Sharon L. Donato
Dr. Ronald Dorris
Mr. Emilo J. Dupre
Mrs. Karen S. Edwards
Mrs. Cheryl B. Elmore
Mrs. Clarissa Evans
Mr. Ronald C. Guidry, Sr.
Mr. Nelson J. Jean, III
Mrs. Ruth C. Jean
Mr. Leon L. Johnson, Jr.
Dr. Orien D. Joseph
Ms. Justina M. Lafitte
Ms. Ruth C. McGee
Mr. L. J. Melton, III
Ms. Sharon A. Metoyer Jones
Mrs. Linda G. Narcisse
Mrs. Stephanie R. Navarre
Mr. Gregory Pappion
Mrs. Roseanna F. Pappion
Ms. Juliet T. Robertson
Mrs. Ellen D. Decou-Robinson
Mr. Herbert J. Thomas, Jr.
Mrs. Nellie Thomas
Mr. Gerard M. Victor
Mrs. Carolyn W. White
Mr. Philip J. White, Jr.
Mrs. Diane Bailey Woods
Capt. Eugenia Foster Adams, Ret.
Mrs. Joline Allen
Mrs. Linda Bailey
Mr. Irvin C. Blackburn
Mrs. Wanda M. Blackburn
Mrs. Rayna M. Brooks
Dr. Bobby Burkes
Ms. Ann P. Carter
Dr. Ponjola Coney
Mr. Alvin S. Deloach
Mr. Nathaniel L. Edmond
Dr. Coleridge T. Franklin, Jr.
Mrs. Toni B. Vernon-Glasper
Ms. Josephine R. Grier
Mrs. Ra’Nell A. Davis Hale
Mr. George E. Johnson
Mrs. Shirley F. Labbe
Mrs. Cynthia Sylvain-Lear
Mr. John H. Lee
Mrs. Cheryl Lewis
Ms. Myrtle G. Lucas
Mr. Vernon E. Martin, Jr.
Mrs. Carolyn J. Davis-McLain
Mrs. Gail Melton
Mrs. Ann Nell R. Miller
Mrs. Avis Sinegal Moore
Dr. James W. Moore
Mr. Johnny S. Narcisse
Ms. Joyclen R. Parker
Ms. Debra M. Richardson
Mr. Curley L. Rogers
Ms. Marguerite Spencer
Mrs. Yvonne Davis Stepter
Sr. Patricia Suchalski, S.B.S.
Mr. Melvin F. Thompson
Mr. Erroll C. Trouillier
Contributors to Excellence
Mrs. Jean A. Benjamin-Vappie
Mrs. Christina M. Ward
Mrs. Thais F. Ardoin
Dr. Gwendolyn C. Catchings
Ms. Doris Davis
Mrs. Monica L. Davis
Ms. Druescellar P. Dumas
Elder Peggy A. Gibson
Mr. Larry L. Isles
Mr. Bobby Johnson
Mrs. Michaelle B. Jones
Mr. Martin Lecour
Mr. Adam K. Lemieux, Jr.
Dr. David R. Miller
Mr. Chester W. Mitchell
Mrs. Alice U. Murchison
Mr. Michael D. Owens
Mr. Alvin R. Styles
Mrs. Lee Anna Washington
Mr. Wilbert C. Antoine, Jr., CPA
Mr. Ronald Clark
Mr. Milton Coleman
Ms. Janet M. Davis
Mrs. Judy Saizan Dawson
Mr. Wendell M. Dupuy
Mrs. Christine A. Edmond
Donzell Floyd, R.Ph.
Mr. Henry J. Glover, Sr.
Mr. Henry A. Grant, Jr.
Mrs. Vivian Broussard Guillory
Mr. Lionel Hampton (Estate)
Ernest W. Jackson, D.M.D.
Ms. Shellie Jean
Dr. Jennifer C. Allen Johnson
Mr. Leroy Labbe
Mrs. Veronica K. Ledeaux
Dr. Karen R. Lewis
Mrs. Lonnie Lewis
Mr. Kenneth C. Marchand
Mrs. Jo Ann McCullough
Rev. John L. McCullough
Mrs. Patricia L. McFarlin
Mrs. Shelia B. Motley
Ms. Belinda W. Rodgers
Mrs. Denise T. Scott
Mr. Cephas Shepard
Mr. Ruddley J. Thibodeaux
Mr. John Q. Adams
Ms. Denise B. Barbarin
Dr. Kenneth G. Boutte, Sr.
Mrs. Linda G. Chevis
Mr. Ronnie C. Collier, Sr.
Mr. Keith A. Dawson
Mrs. Gail M. Carter-Dennis
Mrs. Denise M. Falgout
Mr. Melvin Gaines
Dr. Dwight A. Green
Mrs. Wanda Howard
Mr. Percy Johnson
Mrs. Dianne Jupiter
Mr. Lionel J. Jupiter
Ms. Paula M. Kelly
The Honorable Moon Landrieu
Mrs. Janet Manego
Dr. Ambrose M. Martin, III
Mrs. Linda Pye Quintal
Sr. Mary Rosita Shiosee, S.B.S.
Mrs. Debra G. Shropshire
Doris J. Strode, R.Ph.
Mrs. Joyce Guilbeau Taylor
Mr. Larry E. Thomas
Ms. Sandra Victor
Dr. Michael G. White
Ms. Vickie E. Williams
Mrs. Carla D. Gibson Baker
Ms. Donzella Barthelemy
Mrs. Evelyn Lawrence-Benjamin
Ms. Bonnita Boone
Mrs. Joycelyn Lindsey-Butler
Mr. Melvin K. Butler
Mr. Benjamin E. Cannon
Mr. Lucien S. Charlot, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Hanshaw Cooley
Ms. Bonita M. Cuillier
Mrs. Adrienne A. Davis, Esq.
Ms. Shelia M. Debose
Mr. Gary M. DeGrange
Mr. Darrell M. Dupuy
Mr. Cedric J. Falgout
Dr. Gerald E. Farmer
Mrs. Lisa Epps-Farmer
Mr. Anthony L. Francis
Mrs. Barbara W. Walker-Franklin
Mrs. Judith Smith Hamilton
Mrs. Pennye M. Dawkins-Hamilton
Mrs. Patricia R. Reynard-Hightower
Ms. Priscilla E. Hydell
Mr. Harry E. Johnson, Sr., Esq.
Ms. Juanita Jones
Mrs. Gwendolyn E. Ball-Julien
Ms. Sharon R. Kennedy
Mr. John C. Lemelle
Mrs. Manya C. Louis
Ms. Ivy E. Mathieu
Mrs. Cynthia J. Pender McCarthy
Mr. Dwight R. McGhee
Mrs. Sheila Cureaux-McGhee
Dr. Gwenesta B. Melton
Mrs. Rosalyn Y. Hopson-Milledge
Mr. Harlin L. Miller
Mrs. Dolores Lang-Moffett
Dr. Kenneth E. Nixon
Col. Gregory Phillips
Mrs. Jewell Cobb-Pitts
Mr. David E. Powell
Mr. Clifford L. Provost
Mrs. Stephanie M. Waddell-Pulley
Mr. Darryl E. Rouson
Mrs. Edita H. Scott
Ms. Angela M. Simon
Mr. Philip Augustine Stelly , Jr.
Mrs. Gertrude Perkins Taylor
Ms. Vanessa M. Vavasseur
Dr. John Ware
Mrs. Sheila Blouin-Washington
Dr. Sanders Wofford Anderson
Dr. Theodore G. Atkinson, III
Mrs. Cheryl W. Boykins
Mr. Darryl R. Boykins
Malcolm Broussard, RPh.
Mr. Brian M. Burns
Ms. Julie C. Chenier
Mrs. Kathleen K. DeGrange
Mrs. Veronica Farve
Mr. Carl A. Gordon
Mrs. Melanie B. Holland
Mrs. Kristi G. Hubbard
Ms. Andrea L. Jackson
Mr. Charles I. Nero
Tondia L. Richardson, Pharm D.
Ms. Sandra L. Sails
Mrs. Petrinella Sowell
Dr. Troy L. Baldwin
Mrs. Clara P. Carey
Dr. Lorena S. Chicoye
Mr. Keith E. Decay
Mrs. Merilynn B. Donelon
Mr. Daniel R. Driver
Mrs. Sharon Winder Gex
Mr. Linus A. Igbokwe
Mrs. Sherrie B. Littlejohn
Ms. Adrianne P. Mitchell
Geralynn M. Reine, M.D.
Mr. James J. Reisinger
Mrs. Shaun R. Saizan
Ms. Joyce M. Sandifer
Ms. Marie A. Sonnier
Mrs. Tara M. Sutton
Mrs. Elaine M. Walton
Ms. Bernadette M. August
Mr. Henry C. Alexander, III
Mrs. Talita A. Allison
Mr. Jay D. Aronowitz
Ms. Stacey M. Bastian
Mr. Randy C. Bellizan
Mr. Robert M. Brooks II
Mr. Willie J. Caffey Jr.
Mrs. Rhonda L. Davis
Ms. Adonica J. Domino
Mrs. Harriet D. Duronslet
Mr. Byron V. Duvall
Ms. Charmagne M. Eady
Mrs. Janice M. Florent
Mr. Herman Grier, Jr.
Mrs.Terralene T. Igbokwe
Ms. Sarah A. Jones
Dr. Mary L. Gauthier-Lewis
Mrs. Joycelyn A. Bigard-Lyles
Mr. Geoffrey T. Marshall
Mr. Henry L. Mitchell
Mrs. Cynthia Ball Nixon
Mrs. Almeda Pickard
Mrs. Vickie L. Powell M.S.
Ms. Patric Ray
Dr. Tanya M. Robinson
Mr. Kevin M. Saberre
Mr. Randall Schexnayder
Mr. Wayne A. Steele, Sr.
Ms. Gail L. Thomas
Phyllis E. Weaver, R.Ph.
Mr. Jerome L. Williams
Mr. Joseph D. Antee
Dr. Walton M. Byrnes
Ms. Geneva W. Coleman
Mrs. Karen E. Durand
Mr. John L. Finley III
Dr. Pamela Payne Foster
Mr. Derrick E. Gaddis
Mrs. Gertrude Hagan
Mr. Bruce A. Hines
Mr. Larry E. Jefferson
Mr. Thomas A. Lee
Mrs. Victoria Y. Granger-Pearson
Mr. Bernard Rankins, Jr.
Mrs. Melonie A. Coleman-Richard
Ms. Wanda M. Ripoll
Mrs. Johnetta McMillan-Royster
Ms. Cathy J. Smiley
Dr. John H. Walker
Ms. Sharon J. Zealey
Mr. Timothy J. Adams
Ms. Paula M. Bolds
Ms. Leslie M. Bourgeois
Kaye Y. Adams-Browne, D.D.S.
Mrs. Dana Holden Campbell
Mr. Michael D. Campbell
Mr. Terrence M. Coleman
Mr. Donald C. Collins
Mrs. Savitra A. Collins
Ms. Consuela M. Colston
Mr. Kenny J. Decay
Ms. Marianne DeGrange
Ms. Carol J. Dotson
Mrs. Toni White Douglas
Dr. Rochelle H. Dunham
Mr. Kelvin P. Esters
Mr. Bryan L. Fulton
Ms. Luella E. Gombako
Dr. Mark A. Green
Ms. Yvonne D. Guice
Mr. Vaughan M. Harris
Mrs. Etta L. Hawkins
Ms. Valencia Hawkins
Mrs. Mary L. Shepard-Hodge
Ms. Avis J. Jackson
Judge Brian A. Jackson
Mrs. Denise N. Jackson
Plas T. James, M.D.
Atty. John H. Kitchings, Jr.
Mrs. Cheryl D. Lacabe
Ms. Alisha C. LaRoche
Mrs. Jacqueline A. Mabece
Mrs. Rhonda J. Marshall, RPh.
Dr. Gerilyn A. Metoyer
Ms. Angela N. Milligan
Ms. Clarissa G. Parker
Mrs. Gail M. Jenkins-Parker
Mrs. Valerie M. Prier
Mrs. Lisa A. Fernandez-Richard
Ms. Erica L. Sanders
Mrs. Veshunn S. Sanxton
Mrs. and Mr. Susan A. Stewart
Ms. Renay Stovall
Mr. Stanley S. Strauss
Mrs. Audrey Pinera-Tanner
Mrs. Crystal Jones Taylor
Mrs. Gaynielle T. Troutman
Mr. Gregory J. Wendling
Dr. DeLisa T. Williams
Dr. John S. Adams, Sr.
Dr. Marion L. Carroll III
Atty. David L. Coleman, II
Ms. Terri L. Gaston
Mr. Norman G. Gobert
Dr. Jarvis B. Jacobs
Dr. Pamela G. Jones
Mrs. Lisa L. McClain
Mrs. Emma Barnett Moore
Dr. Glenn L. Morgan
Judith Alexander Nash, M.D.
Mrs. Kaye L. Rolland
Mrs. Joann S. Taylor
Mrs. Monica P. Taylor
Ms. Ella T. Williams
Dr. Michael Adeleke
Ms. Arlene A. Aranha
Dr. Loren J. Blanchard
Mrs. Elizabeth Bostick
Mr. Joseph A. Brooks, Jr.
Mr. Brent A. Cooper
Mr. Andre S. Farve
Mrs. Lynn Smith-Foxworth
Mrs. Shirley P. Grigsby
Ms. Beverly A. Hawkins
Mrs. Robin K. Lewis-Jackson
Mrs. Nannette C. Keller
Treva A. Lee, Ph.D.
Ms. Angela H. Misshore
Ms. Gwendolyn A. Ridgley
Dr. Sherril M. Rieux, M.D.
Mrs. Kamala Rimmey
Rear Admiral (Ret.)
Stephen W. Rochon
Dr. Dereck J. Rovaris
Dr. Monica O. Watts
Dr. Michon Wyche
Mrs. Dionne G. Barnum
Ms. Christina M. Brown
Dr. Evita G. Bynum
Dr. Vivian D. Campbell
Mrs. Kimela W. Cox, Esq.
Mrs. Janice A. Dupuy
Dr. Holly Bastian-Francis
Mrs. Conchetta W. Fulton
Honor Roll of Donors
Mrs. Denise D. Givens
Dr. Rossie J. Gomez
Dr. Anna I. Heisser
Mr. Todd G. Keller
Mrs. Linda F. Keys
Mrs. Tanya M. Moore
Mrs. Janice Seiber Pratt
Mrs. Rita D. Shelling
Dr. Chanda R. Simpson
Mr. Kevin J. Smith
Mrs. Susan H. Smith
Ms. Joan Ulmer
Mrs. Trina S. Vincent
Dr. Michelle Bell Boissiere
Mrs. Darrilyn P. Broussard
Ms. Ursula M. Brown
Mrs. Michele J. Busby
Ms. Judy K. Caldwell
Mrs. Janice M. Knight-Cooper
Ms. Donna K. Crawford
Ms. Shirley E. Everett
Ms. Ann Fowlkes
Ms. Veronica L. Harrison
Mrs. Terry Scott Jones
Ms. Phyllis C. King (Estate)
Mrs. Andrea C. Loyd
Mr. Kenneth W. Loyd
Mrs. Patricia W. Marshall
Mr. Randall McHenry
Ms. Bonnie McKenna
Mr. Marvin N. Miles
Mrs. Ann J. Mitchell
Dr. Howard J. Raphael
Mrs. Ruby F. Robinson
Mr. Howard Rollins, Jr.
Dr. Rachel Baranco-Strawn
Ms. Claudette L. Terry
XG Summer 2013
Dr. Cabrini S. March
Ms. Beverly K. Addison
Belinda B. Alexander, M.D.
Mr. Charles A. Boudreaux
Ms. Elease M. Bradford
Mrs. Dione M. Joseph-Breckenridge
Ms. Felicia M. Broussard
Mrs. Alicia M. Cantrell
Tracy M. Crear, D.D.S.
Dr. Carla G. Gayle
Mr. Troy D. Gray, Sr.
Mr. Trent S. Heisser
Mr. Everett P. Jacobs
Dr. Jennifer H. Jacobs
Mr. Gerard P. Johnson
Derrick D. Jones, M.D.
Marlah H. Mardis ,M.D.
Dr. Christopher Marrero
Mr. Shelvin L. Moore
Ms. Dianthia L. Patrick
Mr. Eugene A. Priestley
Mrs. Damita T. Williams-Swanson
Dr. Richele T. Theodore
Mrs. Penny T. Victorian
Mr. Jon G. Williams
Dr. Clarice A. Wimberly
Ms. Verna Yancy
Dr. Monica L. Sinegal-Anigbogu
Mrs. Monica B. Bennett
Mr. John L. Bovastro, Jr.
Mr. Reginald M. Chandler
Mrs. La Juana Gauff Chenier
Mr. Milton L. Childs
Ms. Evella M. Chretien
Dr. Ingenue F. Cobbinah
Ms. Aleta De Clouet
Dr. Samuel Dosumu
Mr. Stanley B. Gaddis
Mrs. Arlene Caitone-Harper
Mrs. Deidra R. Harper
Jennifer L. Lapeyrolerie, M.D.
Mrs. Brenda Robinson Lashley
Mr. Thomas Mabece
Mrs. Angela D. Moore
Rev. Jeffery M. Ott, OP
Ms. Andrea M. Lewis-Parker
Dr. Jacques P. Pascal
Mrs. Lisa C. Porter
Dr. Paula R. Rhodes
Geoffrey G. Selvage, Pharm D.
Donovan J. Smith, D.D.S.
Mr. Robert Taylor, Jr.
Ms. Debbie Bissett
Mrs. Alaine De Myers
Mrs. Michelle G. Gobert
Mr. Terence A. Green
Mrs. Tereasa A. Grimmette
Vernora D. Hightower, M.D.
Dr. Mark A. Jamison
Ms. Cassandra R. Jenkins
Mr. Marc V. Kennedy
Mrs. Audrey S. Lee
Ms. Michelle A. Lherisse-Smith
Dr. Huey P. Madison, II
Ms. Lisa M. Margerum
Mr. Donnell Moore
Mr. Ventress S. Newport
Mrs. Katherine T. Nicolay
Mrs. Lisa Nicholls Ripoll
Mrs. Donna S. Robinson
Angela M.W. Thanyachareon, Esq.
Mrs. Miriam G. Titus
Paul E. Toth, R.Ph.
Dr. Elizabeth O. Unachukwu
Mr. Paul J. Waddell
Dr. Rodrek E. Williams
Mrs. Sheila L. Irions-Williams
Mr. Reginald Alex
Lt. Col. Augustine S. Aruna
Mr. Lyndon J. Barrois
Mr. David L. Bell
Dr. Nichole M. Bauknight-Boles
Ms. Vivian W. Boutte
Ouida M. Collins, M.D.
Mr. Houston Gilliand, Jr.
Mrs. Gisele A. Goff
Mr. Dwain L. Hall
Mr. Lawrence C. Houston
Ms. Joan G. Johnson
Dr. Georgette A. Khalil
Mr. Troy A. Ladmirault, Sr.
Dr. Lance C. LaMotte
Ms. Tanya L. Lombard
Ms. Anita J. Miller
Dr. Vuyisile T. Nkomo
Ms. Candyce M. Simpson-Pecot
Mrs. Linda B. Roberts
Deidra T. Rondeno, D.D.S., P.C.
Mrs. Alana A. Sarrazin, RPh.
Matilda H. Shields, Pharm. D.
Dr. Odessa K. Spraggins
Dr. David A. Travillion
Shuana K. Tucker, Ph.D.
Mr. Patrick A. Victorian
Ms. Miriam J. Wilbon
Ms. Greer T. Adams
Mrs. Lynelle Payne Batiste
Mrs. Sonya L. Bradford
Ms. Andrea D. Foster
Ms. Tijuana L. Freeman
Mrs. Roxanne M. Green
Ms. Jeanine A. Jackson
Dr. Kimberly Hardy LaMotte
Dr. Clarence S. Lewis, Jr.
Mr. Randy G. McKee, Esq.
Dr. Nicole A. Padmore
Dr. Sonya F. White-Porter
Ms. Raina T. Sullivan
Mr. Trevor K. Thompson
Mr. Frederick Toca, Jr.
Mrs. Markitta J. Travillion
Mrs. Karen M. Whitfield
Mr. Roderick L. Whitfield
Ms. Greta D. Williams
Dr. Adrian Woods
Mrs. Nedra A. Alcorn
Janeen R. Azare, Ph.D.
Ms. Achontyrausi Y. Bell
Mrs. Aissatou A. Sidime-Blanton
The Honorable Corinne
Claiborne Boggs
Dr. Yvonne C. Collins, M.D.
Mrs. Heidi L. Daniels
Ms. Tunicia Giron Deloney
Dr. Sabrina M. Echols-Elliott
Dr. Kathryn L. Elmore
Ms. Maritza E. Ford
Mrs. Wendy M. Gatlin
Ms. Anna L. Green
Ms. June R. Griffin
Mr. Ron D. Grimmette
Ms. Katherine W. Grinstead
Mrs. Donna Clark Hall
Sarita M. Henry, D.D.S.
Mr. Dannton C. Jackson
Marilyn Jones, M.D.
Ms. Tina M. Jones
Regina R. Whitfield Kekessi, M.D., MPH
Mrs. Linda J. Reddick-Lewis
Mrs. Tracy M. Lotten
Mr. Khristopher W. Loyd
Lisa T. Gibson-McKee, M.D.
Mrs. Gertrude L. Muecke
Mr. Edwin J. Muldrow
Ms. Joanne M. Navarre
Mrs. Dawn Marie Montgomery-Otis
Mr. Larry D. Perkins
Ms. Melody M. Robinson
Mr. Frank S. Salario
Dr. Marilyn D. Saulsbury
Dr. Donna L. Scott
Dr. Gregory L. Shannon
Ms. Ida Sidney
Ms. Cynthia C. Smith
Mr. Derrick T. Spears
Mrs. Charmagne Turpeau
Mr. Godwin C. Umejiaku
Dr. Rondall E. Allen
Mr. Charles E. Amos, Jr.
Mr. Allister D. Arnold
Mrs. Reneathia P. Baker
Mr. Keith T. Barker, M.S.
Dr. Jhan Doughty Berry
Mr. Percy L. Bland, III
Mr. Randall N. Boseman
Mr. Omar H. Buckner
Mr. Robert E. Burnette, Jr.
Ms. Cintrella K. Carter
Mrs. Lynette A. Dupuy-Dukes
Dr. Michelle R. Easton
Mr. David Elliott III
Mrs. Karen V. Evans
Ms. Donielle Smith Flynn
Mr. N. Sundiata Haley, Esq.
Dr. Rachel Davis-Haley
Ms. Willia M. Hatter
Dr. Lindi Randall-Hayes
Dr. Tasha R. Inniss
Ms. Keli D. Jackson
Patrice P. Jean, Ph.D.
Mrs. Leontyne Parks Jones
Dr. Eric G. Kline
Mrs. Shauntell R. Kline
Ms. Kristen R. Labat
Ms. Jennifer M. Lear
Ms. Felicia Y. Lewis
Dr. Willie L. Lewis
Mrs. Nicole Louis
Mr. Christopher A. Moore, R.Ph.
Ms. Delia C. Morgan
Ms. Lori S. Price
Evelyn V. Pryor, M.D.
Ms. Sonya L. Roberts
Mrs. Lisa W. Robertson ,R.Ph.
Mrs. Gia B. Soublet
Ms. Stacy E. Stepney
Gay M. Story, M.D.
Mrs. Malika G. Millican-Tatum
Mr. Bonnie W. Thomas, Jr.
Mrs. Marilyn A. VanDergriff
Ms. Latonia R. Viverette
Mr. William J. Washington II
Mrs. Alison R. Netter Williams
Ms. Marie C. Williams, Esq.
Mrs. Tracee Massey-Williams
Ms. Carlene D. Wilson
Mr. Paul H. Young
Dr. Katrice A. Albert
Dr. Tonja R. Austin
Dr. Anthony L. Buckles
Mrs. Sarletha Ann Clark
Ms. Tiera S. Coston, Esq.
Mrs. Ultra R. Fredericks
Mrs. Lolita T. Grant
Mrs. Melissa Smith Haley
Mrs. Martha Harris
Mr. Charles Hunter
Dr. John H. Jackson, IV
Ms. Alisa D. Orduna
Mr. Rodrick E. Points
Mrs. Sandra C. Scott
Mr. Andrew K. Thigpen
Mrs. Shoneka Norwood Thomas
Mrs. Voris N. Vigee
Dr. Chequita S. Williams, M.D.
Ms. Antoinette M. Bannister
Dr. Nicole E. Mourillon-Brown
Mr. Cherraenza J. Brumfield
Ms. Allassia Y. Burns
Ms. Michelle L. Curry
Colette M. Dominique, M.D.
Mr. Alvin J. Ferrouillet, Jr.
Kendra L. Forbes, Pharm. D.
Dr. Otis Gowdy, Jr.
Dr. Karen J. Gray
Mr. Okyeame Haley, Esq.
Dr. Kim M. Hardy
Ms. Kendra E. Harmon
Dr. Jazmine A. Harris
Dr. Sarita N. Hithe
Mr. Allen C. Miller
Dr. Ida L. Rose-Mize
Dawud A. Muhaimin, D.D.S.
Ms. Devereaux L. Nollie
Dr. Jarret R. Patton
Mr. Duan L. Pierce
Mrs. Rachelle C. Prevost
Ms. Kimberly M. Reese
Miss Anisha L. Roussel
Reginald O. Salter, D.D.S.
Ms. Claricia J. Shepherd
Mr. Chris E. Simmons
Mrs. Demetria F. Sloan
Mr. Lamont A. Smith
Ms. Alisa R. Thomas
Mrs. Kendra Woodard Tircuit
Dr. Carlos J. Vital
Dr. Karla Lewis Vital
Contributors to Excellence
Dr. Alison A. Wright
Mrs. Lisa Abrams Young
Mr. Langston S. Adams
Mr. Richard A. Butler
Ms. LaKeeta H. Campbell
Dr. Stephanie Carmicle-Davis
Dr. Michael A. Dietrich
Mrs. Cher D. Ferrouillet
Mrs. Laquita D. Garnett
Ms. Felice J. Glapion
Mrs. Kimberlee Coleman Henderson
Ms. Dalila E. Kennedy
Mr. Alden J. Laborde
Ms. Renee D. Markham
Mr. Corey D. McCray
Sr. Maryann P. McHugh, C.S.J.
Mrs. Mary M. McKinnon
Ms. Jacquelyn F. McMillan
Dr. Tasha L. Merritt
Mrs. Imani D. Miller
Mr. Donald R. Naylor, Jr., Esq.
Mr. Steven B. Phung
Mr. Gerald F. Schumacher
Dr. Bridget D. Williams-Simmons
Dr. Camille Stokes
Dr. Myiesha D. Taylor
Dr. Roderick O. Thornton
Mr. James B. Tillman
Dr. Anisa Ssengoba-Ubogu
Mrs. Aleta C. Waters
Dr. Marlon A. Watkins
Dr. Janel Bailey Wheeler
Dr. Krystene W. Woodard
Mrs. Kathleen Dorsey Bellow
Dr. Thaddeus A. Blue
Mr. Raymond A. Brown
Ms. Danielle S. Burrell
Ms. Michelle W. Carter
Mrs. Pamela D. Cellum
Rev. David G. Cray, S.S.E.
Mrs. Gayturnera G. Croom
Dr. Shasa T. B. Dabner
Ms. Sharrone M. Godfrey
Mrs. Dionne DeBose-Hampton
Tanyanika Douglas-Holland, M.D.
Mr. Terrance L. Hughes
Dr. Clanford L. Johnson
Mrs. Tameka A. Mitchell-Clemons
Dr. Willyetta B. Mitchell
Dr. Kristie Y. Moore
Mr. Anthony F. Mumfrey, Jr.
Ms. Gayle J. Newcomb
Mr. Cedric M. Palmer, Jr.
Ms. Stacy T. Reynolds
Ms. Juval O. Scott
Ms. DaRhonda M. Sheard
Mr. Dennis N. Sigur, Jr.
Dr. Julia K. Simmons
Ms. Sherrece R. Smith
Mr. Timothy M. Stuart
Dr. Nicole C. Thompson
Dr. Trevonne M. Thompson
Dr. Kesha L. Walker
Mrs. Alysia S. Williams
Mrs. Rashun W. Wilson
Dr. Monica E. Baldridge
Dr. Johnny L. Bennett, Jr.
Mr. Miller W. Boyd, III
Dr. Anika Bell Bridgewater
Dr. Nitasha L. Burney
Charlette M. Cain, DVM
Mrs. Demetria G. Caston
Ms. Kora M. Cooper
Ms. Tiffany T. Devereaux
Mr. Ronald O. Dews, Jr.
Dr. Kelly O. Elmore
LaReesa M. Ferdinand, M.D.
Natasha Fievre, M.D.
Dr. Pheophilus H. Glover
Mr. Ricardo K. Grayer
Ms. Gladys Hampton
Ms. Jenna R. Hatton-Cobb
Dr. Ebony R. Hoskins
Ms. Joi L. Jackson
Elliot M. Jessie, M.D.
Mrs. Latasha M. Johnson
Dr. Lamont R. Jones
Mrs. Gina V. Joubert
Dr. Courtney A. Landry
Ms. Anita W. Lui
Mr. Leon McClain, Jr.
Mr. Corey J. Mitchell
Dr. Adela’ M. Narcisse
Mrs. Cozzetta Oliver-Omorodion
Ms. Natalia Perry
Dr. Steven T. Player
Dr. Derek J. Robinson
Ms. Farrah M. Roybiskie
Dr. Royshanda C. Smith, M.D.
Dr. Margaret C. Stewart
Dr. LaQuia A. Walker
Atty. Angele T. White
Mrs. Sheneeta W. White
Mrs. Denikka L. Hull-Blackmon
Dr. Kimberly M. Bush
Ms. Monita J. Chambers
Dr. Tonya R. Dobbs
Dr. Stacey L. Folse
Portia M. Harris, M.D.
Ms. Cam Tu Ho
Ms. Kristal A. Huggins
Mrs. Mara Suarez-Lopez
Ms. Florastina L. Payton
Mr. Alejandro R. Perkins, Esq.
Ms. Satira T. Perry
Dr. Celeste O. Newsom-Player
Ms. Rochelle A. Robicheaux
Mrs. Sheila B. Simmons
Dr. Alessandra D. Thompson
JoAnn E. Warrick, M.D.
Mr. Starsky D. Wilson
Mrs. Claire F. Winder
Dr. Angele J. Arthur
Dr. Tyeshia V. Babineaux
Ms. Brandi C. Barre
Mrs. Abolanle Nike Blue
Dr. Samira L. Brown
Mrs. Janice K. Cosey
Dr. Tamajah M. Gibson
Mrs. Nicole D. Marchand Golden
Mrs. Mary R. Gramlich
Mr. Brian G. Hall
Dr. Kenneth D. Hartwill
Mrs. Kuiana M. James
Dr. Lakeisha D. Marsh
Ms. Tyra Ordone
Dr. Emile J. Pierre
Ms. Lonique R. Pritchett
Ms. Candice M. Roche
Dr. Jamelah A. Terry
Mr. Gerald A. Villavasso, Jr.
Ms. Bristol M. Williams
Dr. Lashonda L. Williams
Ms. Mishanda L. Williams
Ms. Erica E. Townsend-Bell
Mr. Alvin Blackmon, III
Ms. Tiffany A. Booth
Mr. Shane M. Bruno
Mr. Christopher G. Buckley
Ms. Crystal S. Burley
Ms. Kimberly N. Carter
Mrs. Daisy D. Coleman
TenecQua M. Davis, Pharm. D.
Ms. Ryane A. Edmonds
Dr. Dayna L. Ellison
Mr. Larry Ferdinand, Jr.
Ms. Jeffrey L. Greene
Dr. Linda N. Harvey
Jonathan A. Johnson, M.D., MBA
Dr. Poonam Kukreja
Mrs. Dina G. Perkins
Drs. Henry Rachal, III
Dr. Candace E. Robinson
Mrs. Venus Childress Roper
Ms. Brandi A. Sinkfield
Mr. Jimson O. Smith
Mr. Michael B. Smith
Ms. Katrina L. Taylor
Mr. Shaun H. Vincent
Dr. LaToya R. Walker
Dr. Blaine F. Washington
Mrs. Christina P. Williams
Dr. Brian G. Ashford
Ms. Jean Babineaux
Ms. Tia N. Bostick
Mrs. Linda K. Brock
Dr. Christie L. Clayton
Dr. George E. Clayton
Ms. LaTedra M. Collins
Mrs. Stephanie A. Easton
Ms. Sonni P. Elliott
Mrs. Juanita R. Fleming
Brandy M. Gallien, M.D.
Mr. Ian P. Heisser
Mr. Leonard E. Hinton
Ms. Teal A. Holden
Mrs. Courtney B. Johnson
Mr. Binh H. Le
Mrs. Tamara H. Lewis
Dr. Quinisha K. Logan
Ms. Chrystal R. Lynn
Dr. Karwin McCain
Ms. Thelma R. Piper
Ms. Oneka Y. Richardson
Ms. Ingrid N. Sibley
Dr. Raegan J. Higgins-Siwatu
Ms. Siobhan E. Smith
Mrs. Christina L. Turner
Dr. Wallisa T. Vaughn
Mr. Ronald C. Vigee
Mr. Christopher W. Vincent
Dr. Nina T. Washington
Mr. Christopher L. Watson
Ms. Cindy B. West
Ms. Narreinar P. Williams
Mrs. LaToya S. Wilson
Ms. Qiona L. Young
Mr. Joshua J. Babineaux
Mr. Dwight A. Brown II
Dr. Yasmin K. Brown
Kristy M. Brumfield, Ph.D.
Mrs. Typhanie Jasper Butler
Dr. Jason G. Cavalier
Ms. Alauna N. Curry
Ms. Whitney R. Forstall
Ms. Muriel F. Freeman
Ms. Lesley T. Guyot
Ms. Chakita R. Holmes
Mrs. Erica N. Houston
Mr. William P. Joseph Jr.
Ms. Margo N. Montgomery
Mr. Vernon M. Myers, II
Dr. Toi A. Olden
Dr. Selika R. Owens
Mrs. Myla Reese Poree
Ms. Keira N. Scanks
Dr. Melissa D. Smith
Ms. Tinh T. Trinh
Mrs. Cynthia H. VanDam
Ms. Adrienne P. Becnel
Mrs. April R. Noble-Brooks
Mrs. Kenya T. Campbell
Ms. Nicolette D. Clark
Mrs. Ahdija C. Donatto
Mr. Royce I. Duplessis, Esq.
Ms. LaRhonda A. Eason
Dr. Cornelius D. Jamison
Ms. Marsha M. Jones
Dr. Adriene K. Lambert
Mr. Brian P. Mann
Dr. Octavia A. McCalla
Ms. Claire H. McDaniel, Esq.
Mr. Kenneth P. Metoyer
Ms. Courtney B. Scrubbs
Ms. Javon N. Wickliff
Mrs. Shelina D. Foderingham
Ms. Ayanna U. Jackson
Ms. Nicole M. Lee
Dr. Marnetta P. Malveaux
Mrs. Ashleigh N. Maney
Ms. Stacy R. Tylor
Ms. Sara A. Al-Dahir
Mrs. Brandi T. Craft
Mr. Shakir E. Emel
Ms. Laurene S. Jones
Ms. Mia R. Robins
Ms. Roxanne M. Steele
Ms. Courtney R. Tafesse
Ms. Ashley M. Taylor
Ms. Acrealle Anderson
Ms. Cortlandt Y. Franklin
Ms. Kristin A. Gates
Ms. Lovie F. Lewis
Ms. Crystal N. Moore
Ms. Christian S. Taplin
Mrs. Celeste Gunning Thomas
Dr. Aurelia C. H. Wood
Ms. Megan R. Bossier
Ms. Tara A. Davis
Dr. Rekesha A. Harrell
Dr. DeShondra N. Leonard
Mrs. Makea B. Gadsden-Locke
Ms. Ashley N. Scioneaux
Heather E. Olivier Aaron, PharmD
Ms. Donna Brazile
Dr. Kisha M. Gant
Ms. Courtney J. Hixon
Ms. Esperanda K. Johnson
Mrs. Jamie L. Knight
Ms. Shauntell D. Myles
Mrs. Pauline Cash-Smith
Ms. Juliana T. Walker
Ms. Davida E. Yarbrough
Ms. Danielle M. Young
Mr. Dave Bartholomew
Ms. Dominique M. Bramwell
Mr. Jarred A. Honora
Mrs. LeNeshia R. Markey
Ms. Akia J. Nevills
Mr Logan H. Perkins
Ms. Amanda C. Williams
Mr. Samuel J. Barnhart
Ms. Pauline S. Storms
Honor Roll of Donors
Ms. Domonique M. Bartley
Mr. Lonzie Beamon ,Jr.
Ms. Cherie D. Blue
Ms. Monica L. Collins
Ms.. Melissa M. Ealem
Ms. Jana M. Fleet
Ms. Raven R. Foster
Ms. Kaitlyn H. Gaddis
Ms. Merna M. Girgis
Ms. Nicole M. Green
Ms. Vivian T. Han
Ms. Courtney N. Harrell
Ms. Patrice E. Hightower
Ms. Andrea M. Hodge
Ms. Lauren C. Holcomb
Ms. Roseanna D. Jessup
Ms. Brooke A. Johnson
Mr. Herstyn B. Jones
Ms. Monique R. Jones
Mr. Robert L. Jones Jr.
Ms. Danielle L. Kennebrew
Ms. Jazzmin L. Kilgore
Mr. Nile C. Lang
Ms. Tiffany L. Morris
Mr. Michael D. Olaiya
Ms. Shionka S. B. Patterson
Ms. Kelsey D. Riley
Mrs. Carolyn E. Robinson
Ms. Casey R. Robinson
Ms. Kirsten E. Smith
Ms. Ana C. Valladares
Ms. Ashley R. Varnado
Ms. Deandrea V. Veal
Ms. Ashley L. Williams
Ms. Richleen E. Wimberly
Ms. Terrianna D. Woodard
Ms. Kelly L. Wright
Gifts of $10,000
or more
AT&T Louisiana
Barnes and Noble Booksellers, Inc.
BP America, Inc.
Capital One Services, Inc.
Concourse Ventures, Inc.
Entergy Corporation
Landis Construction Company, LLC
Liberty Bank & Trust Company
Mc H & N Management Co., Inc.
New Orleans Public Facility
Management, Inc.
Procter & Gamble Co., Inc.
System Application &
Technologies, Inc.
The Demo Diva Demolition
The Hertz Investment Group
The Times-Picayune
XG Summer 2013
Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999
ING Life Insurance & Annuity Company
Manning Architects, APAC
Metro Disposal, Inc.
Scott Management Team, Inc.
Sodexo, Inc.
Textron Inc.
Textron Matching Gift Program
Wisestaff LLC
Gifts of $2,500 - $4,999
American Honda Motor Company, Inc.
AT&T Corporation
Blue Plate Lofts, LLC
BlueCross BlueShield of Louisiana
Crumb Engineering, LLC
DynMcDermott Petroleum
Operations Company
Economical Janitorial Supplies, Inc.
Eustis Insurance & Benefits
First NBC Bank
Gillis, Ellis & Baker, Inc.
Humana, Inc.
Jani King Gulf Coast Region
Livers Construction, Inc.
Louisiana Lottery Corporation
Microsoft Corporation
Peoples Health Network
Servpro of the Seacoast
Shell Oil Company Matching
Gifts Program
Siemens Power Generation
The Scholarship Foundation
- Lockheed Martin
Veolia Transportation
Landmark Consulting, LLC
Gifts of $1,000 - $2,499
ABSD Properties-5, LLC
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Camp, Dresser & McKee, Inc.
Comerica Bank
Division 9, LLC
Duplain W. Rhodes Funeral Homes, Inc.
Ecolab, Inc.
Expert Reviews, Inc.
Generations Hall
Jack and Jill of America, Inc.
New Orleans Chapter
Toca Enterprises, Ltd.
Westside Pharmacy
Sullivan Psychiatric Services, LLC
Gifts of $500 - $999
A LA Carte Specialty Foods
Bruno & Tervalon
ChevronTexaco Corporation
Global Parking Systems-TX
JCH Development, LLC
McDonald’s Restaurant # 4968
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner
& Smith, Inc.
New York Life Insurance Company
Students in Free Enterprise
The Personnel Consulting Group
Gifts of $250 - $499
Adams & Reese, LLP
All State Protective Service
Associated Office Systems
Capital One Bank
David Tours, Inc.
Gibbs Construction
Hall Builders, Inc.
Honeywell International
Charity Matching
Mona’s Accents Florist & Gifts Co.
Multitech Office Machines, Inc.
Northshore Discount Pharmacy, Inc.
Peter A. Mayer Advertising, Inc.
Pine Grove Asset Management, LLC
Thomas Pharmacy Gardiner Center, LLC
Volkert, Inc.
Gifts of $100 - $249
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Alternative Tees
Altria Group, Inc.
Crescent Title, LLC
Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Company
Hardy Chiropractic Center, LLC
Harrah’s New Orleans Casino & Hotel
Hookfin Termite and Pest
Control Co., Inc.
JPMorgan Chase Bank
Macy’s, Inc.
Metro Periodontics, LLC
Otis Elevator Company
Renaissance Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
River Way, LLC
Sean M. Bruno Certified
Public Accountants
Seedco Financial Services, Inc.
Signs Now
St. Bernard Battered Women’s
Program, Inc.
Strong Films, LLC II
The Law Offices of John S.
Williams, LLC
Urban League of Greater New Orleans
Walker & Walker Realty
Woodward Design+Build
LBJ Marketing, Inc.
Gifts of $1 - $99
Acrown Realty Group, LLC
Dynasty Jewelry & Watches, Inc.
Home Depot, Inc.
Jefferson Volunteers for Family
and Community, Inc.
Professional Business Services
The Hawthorne Agency Inc.
The Law Office of Langston
Scott Adams
2012 Dr. Norman
C. Francis Benefit
Concert Sponsor
Adams & Reese, LLP
All State Protective Service
Associated Office Systems
Barnes and Noble Booksellers, Inc.
BlueCross BlueShield of Louisiana
Bonne Terre Landscapes
BP America, Inc.
Bruno & Tervalon
Capital One Bank
Crescent Title, LLC
Crumb Engineering, LLC
Entergy Corporation
Eustis Insurance & Benefits
First NBC Bank
Gibbs Construction
Gillis, Ellis & Baker, Inc.
Global Parking Systems-TX
Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Company
Hall Builders, Inc.
Harrah’s New Orleans Casino & Hotel
Hookfin Termite and Pest
Control Co., Inc.
Humana, Inc.
ING Life Insurance & Annuity Company
Landis Construction Company, LLC
Liberty Bank & Trust Company
Livers Construction, Inc.
Louisiana Lottery Corporation
Louisiana Weekly Publishing Company
Manning Architects, APAC
Metro Disposal, Inc.
Otis Elevator Company
Peoples Health Network
Peter A. Mayer Advertising, Inc.
Printers Wholesale Group
Scott Management Team, Inc.
Sean M. Bruno Certified
Public Accountants
Seedco Financial Services, Inc.
Siemens Power Generation
Signs Now
Sodexo, Inc.
The Demo Diva Demolition
The Kennedy Financial Group
Urban League of Greater New Orleans
Veolia Transportation
Volkert, Inc.
Woodward Design+Build
Landmark Consulting, LLC
David Tours, Inc.
Pine Grove Asset Management, LLC
LBJ Marketing, Inc.
Gifts of Artwork,
Property or Other
In-Kind Gift
Antoine’s Restaurant
Audubon Nature Institute
Big Shirley’s of New Orleans
Hyatt Regency Chicago
Louisiana Weekly Publishing Company
New Orleans Downtown Marriott
at the Convention Center
Smoke-N-Spice, LLC On-Site Catering
A Tisket A Tasket Book Store
Bienville House Hotel
Bodhisaattva Tea Spa
Bourbon Orleans Hotel
Cafe Degas
Centre Stage School of Dance
Crescent City Express Car Detail
Dooky Chase Restaurant
Jessi Curl Haircare
Kim Walsh Photography
Mignon Faget, LTD
Mixed Chicks Haircare
Mr. B’s Bistro
Muriel’s Jackson Square
New Orleans Jazz Orchestra
New Orleans Museum of Art
New Orleans Steamboat Company
One on One Day Spa
Palm Court Jazz Cafe, Inc.
Ringletts Hair Salon
Spring Boutique
Stella Jones Gallery
The National WWII Museum
The Roosevelt New Orleans
The Silver Man
USA Travel
Amistad Research Center
Hilton New Orleans/ St. Charles Avenue
JW Marriott New Orleans
Gifts of $10,000 or more
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
BP Foundation, Inc.
Edward G. Schlieder Educational
ExxonMobil Foundation
Fidelity Investments
Charitable Gift Fund
Goldring Family Foundation
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Merck Company Foundation
Patrick F. Taylor Foundation
The Greater New Orleans Foundation
The Jaeger Foundation
The James R. Moffett
Family Foundation
The Lettie Pate Whitehead
Foundation, Inc.
The Reily Foundation
The Teagle Foundation, Inc.
Contributors to Excellence
Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999
Intel Corporation
Lumina Foundation for Education
Peter J. Frenkel Foundation, Inc.
Scholarship Foundation
of New Orleans
The Catholic Foundation
The Ddora Foundation
The Schott Foundation for
Public Education
The Vanguard Charitable
Endowment Program
Gifts of $2,500 - $4,999
Coca-Cola Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Georges Lurcy Charitable and
Educational Trust
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Pfizer Foundation
State Farm Companies Foundation
Gifts of $1,000 - $2,499
General Electric Company
GNO-ABO Charitable and
Education Foundation
NACDS Foundation
The Community Foundation for
The National Capital Region
The Thomas W. Bean Foundation
Weil-Bohn Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation Educational
Matching Gift Program
Gifts of $500 - $999
California Community Foundation
Freeport-McMoran Copper
& Gold Foundation
The Bank of America
The James S. Kemper Foundation
United Way/Greater New Orleans Area
Gifts of $250 - $499
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Matching Gift Program
The Louise L. Felton Living Trust
Gifts of $100 - $249
New York Life Foundation
Gifts of $1 - $99
Mississippi Kidney Foundation
2012 Dr. Norman
C. Francis Benefit
Concert Sponsor
Goldring Family Foundation
Ms. Brenda S. Finch
Mrs. Linda S. Francis
Gifts of $10,000 or more Mr. Earl M. Gibson, Jr.
Dr. Dale Mason Cochran
Dr. Marguerite S. Giguette
Mr. Sean B. Cummings
Drs. Elliott D. and Elizabeth Y. Hammer
Mrs. Carla A. Harris
Mr. Kevin Hawkins and Ms.
Mr. Victor L. Haydel
Terri Dickerson
Mrs. Sonia A. Perez
Mr. LaMont A. Hayes
Mr. Michael M. and Mrs. Jenny Rue
Dr. Onita Estes-Hicks
Mr. Wellington D. Swindall (Estate of) Mr. James D. and Mrs.
Mrs. Phyllis M. Taylor
Eileen S. Holzhauer
Ms. Sharleen Toney
Dr. Kathleen B. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wernz
Dr. Vimal Kishore
Mrs. Mary K. Zervigon
Dr. Michael E. Lavigne, Jr.
Dr. Joseph C. Lefevre
Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999
Mr. Lawrence A. and Mrs.
Ms. Shirley S. Baker
Margret Lessing
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burns, Sr.
Mr. George T. Lowy
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight L. Bush, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. McCoy
Kenneth Carter, Esq.
Mr. Paul W. and Mrs. Kathy P Metzler
Ms. Sophia L. Casey
Ms. Cynthia W. Molyneux
Mr. Ned E. Felder
Mr. Robert E. Murphy, Jr.
Dr. Toni Hoover
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Lillian P. Nash
Mr. Edward T. Lee
Dr. Justina E. Ogbuokiri
Mr. James Mitchell, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Ann D. Oprisch
Mrs. Jane Hanemann Nalty
Mr. John A. and Mrs. Ellen R. Pecoul, Jr.
Mr. Colvin G. Norwood, Jr.
Dr. Donald K. Robinson
Mr. Frank B. Stewart, Jr.
Mrs. Gwendolyn D. Rouzan
Gifts of $2,500 - $4,999 Mrs. Alda Sanders
Mr. Edgar J. and Mrs. Doris L. Boucree Ms. Nancy D. Smith
Mrs. Nannette Smith
Ms. Cheryl L. Brown
Dr. Kenneth A. and Mrs.
Mr. Joseph K. Byrd
Lori R. St. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Krolikowski
Mr. James E. and Mrs. Phyllis Stone
Dr. Joe A. Melcher
Mr. Rodney J. Thomas, III
Mrs. Marian Minnard
Mr. Samuel Toston
Dr. Judith G. Miranti
Mr. John H. and Mrs.
Dr. Karen Moore
Barbara B. Williams
Ms. Joan I. Mueller
Ms. Melva D. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Phelps, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Luis C. Zervigon
Leila L. Reduque, M.D.
Mr. Wayne M. and Mrs. Stella C. Reese Gifts of $500 - $999
Mr. Mark C. Romig
Ms. Regina Austin
Dr. Susan Spillman
Dr. Thaddeo Babiiha
Gifts of $1,000 - $2,499
Mr. William D. Aaron, Jr.
Mrs. Alyssa A. Maurice-Anderson
Mrs. Mercedes C. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Attaya
Mr. F. MacNaughton Ball, Jr.
Mr. Kenneth Bartels and
Mrs. Jane Condon
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Berlow
Atty. Madelon Blum
Juanita W. Bohn
Ms. Jane Bories
Mr. Marion and Mrs. Judy Bracy
Ms. Martha M. Broad
Mr. Edgar J. Bullard, III
Mr. Robert F. and Mrs. Aloha M. Collins
Ms. Donna E. Connors
Ms. Helen Cuillier
Dr. Gene and Mrs. Carolyn D’Amour
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Dietz
Ms. Sandra S. Dooley
Dr. Jose J. Bautista
George L. Bernstein, Ph.D.
Ms. Linda Breving
Mr. Jinx Broussard
Mr. Winston Brown
The Most Reverend Dominic Carmon
Mrs. Mary Joressa Granger Chappell
Mr. Lawrence C. Coulon
Ms. Debra A. Cross
Mr. Arnold L. Crump
Mrs. Erika Broussard-Dart
Mrs. Eloise D. Dixon
Dr. Patrick and Mrs. Anne Dowling
Ms. Jacquelyn A. Fanion
Mr. Dwight Fitch
Mr. John P. Gleason
Mr. Ross Gloyna
Mr. and Mrs. Luis C. Gonzalez, III
Mr. Bruce Hamilton, Sr.
Dr. Amy Bellone-Hite
Dr. Shubha K. Ireland
Dr. Leonard Jack, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Jackson
Mr. William L. and Mrs.
Deborah M. Jeffrion
Mrs. Worell B. Johnson
Mrs. Mary Kittles
Ms. Marie L. Landry
Fr. Phillip J. Linden, Jr.
Dr. Michael R. and Mrs. Patricia Lucey
Dr. Pamela Waldron-Moore
Ms. Corliss D. Newhouse
Dr. Patience Obih
The Most Reverend Joseph N. Perry
Mr. Edward J. Phillips, Jr.
Drs. Thomas and Theresa Pretlow
Ms. Trenell Richardson
Ms. Merle M. Robertson
Mr. Sheppard Roubion
Mr. William Rouege Jr.
Ms. Melinda Shelton
Ms. Kelley Simmons
Mr. Vincent J. Simmons
Mrs. Paula R. Singleton
Mr. Eddie J. Sinkfield
Mrs. Charlene Coleman Smith
Dr. Cynthia K. Stanton
Ms. Dorothy F. Sterling
Ms. Delores C. Stevens
Mr. Robert E. Stratford
Dr. Cecily P. and Mr. Karl D. Turner
Mr. Olger Twyner, III
Ms. Natalie Ward
Mr. Clifford S. Wright, CPA
Gifts of $250 - $499
Anonymous Donors-Essence Fest
Mr. Michael L. Banks
Dr. Elizabeth A. Barron
Mrs. Shelly H. Beeghly
Mr. Joseph O. Bell, Jr.
Mr. Bradford W. Berger
Dr. Jason Berntsen
Ms. Linda M. Bolt
Ms. Kim M. Boyle
Ms. Ruth A. Broussard and
Mr. Ray W. West, Jr.
Mr. Robert Browder
Dr. Mary C. Carmichael
Mr. Richard C. Colton, Jr.
Ms. Christina Cox
Ms. Edith L. Cox
Mrs. Pamela G. Croxton
Dr. Christie V. DeGrange Detiege
and Mr. Jacques J. Detiege
Mr. Keith V. Dillon
Mr. Troy Drouant
Mr. Thomas Duffy
Ms. Evangeline R. Felton
Mrs. Ingenue’ Schexnider-Fields
Mr. Richard W. and Mrs.
Sandra Freeman
Col. Leo H. Galloway (Army Retired)
Ms. Nancy Hampton
Ms. Jenestaer Horne
Mr. Donald J. Howard
Mr. Shelton A. Howard
Dr. Shamsul Huda
Mr. John D. Hughes
Mrs. Ireon Jackson
Mr. Kenneth F. and Mrs. Lisa Joe
Mrs. Deidra Jones
Dr. Lester W. Jones, Jr.
Mr. Darryl Keller Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Killinger
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. LeJeune, Sr.
Mr. Kevin Lyman
Mr. Eric C. Marshall
Dr. John P. McCall
Mrs. Dorothy L. Mintz
Dr. Cecilia Moore
Dr. Argiro L. Morgan
Mrs. Karen Hodge Nathan
Ms. Gina T. Pieri
Ms. Jennifer A. Quezergue
Dr. Joe M. Ricks
Mr. Deon Ridgell
Mr. McKinley T. and Mrs.
Debra A. Rogers
Dr. Joseph F. Ross
Mrs. Joyce P. Russ
Ms. Rebecca Sanchez
Mr. John R. and Mrs. Mary
M. Schmertz Jr.
Ms. D. J. Schneider
Mr. Joshua Shaw
Ms. Florina Sheard
Ms. Lakisha D. Shelton
Mr. Ernest J. Sneed
Mrs. Carroll W. Suggs
Ms. Nicole Summers
Mr. Richard Tucker, Sr.
Mr. Humphrey and Mrs.
Ginikanwa Ukbapi
Ms. Kirsten J. Vaselaar
Mrs. Patricia H. Vaultz
Dr. Kim Vaz
Msgr. Raymond J. Wahl
Mrs. Alice W. Wallace
Ms. Kaadze M. Wright
Gifts of $100 - $249
Ms. Bernita A. Adams
Mr. John P. Adams
Mr. Michael R. Adams
Ms. Rosemary Adams
Ms. LaKeysha C. Arthur
Mr. Stanley A. Aslanian
Dr. Douglas Athey
Mr. Louis J. Babst
Mrs. Jacqueline W. Ballansaw
Mr. James R. and Mrs. Lisa K. Barclay
Dr. Peter Barrett, Ph.D.
Dr. James R. Bartkus
Dr. and Mrs. Wendell O. Belfield, DVM
Ms. Gwendolyn Bell
Mr. William H. Bell, II
Mr. Bradley J. and Mrs. Lisa T. Bellow
Dr. Partha Bhattacharjee
Mr. Louis Blache
Ms. Gail Blattenberger
Honor Roll of Donors
XG Summer 2013
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Blessington
Dr. Levon A. Bostanian
Mr. Clyde M. Bouligny
Ms. Jean Bradley
Ms. Jenifer C. Buford
Mr. William M. Burgan
Mr. Craig A. Burman, Attorney-at-Law
Mr. Lester M. and Mrs. Juanita Bynum
Mr. Michael M. Byrd
Mr. Robert F. Cantor
Mr. Dennis Carr
Ms. Ethel T. Carroll
Dr. Bertram and Mrs. Cynthia
S. Caruthers, Jr.
Mr. Daniel T. Casey
Mr. Stephen J. and Mrs. Ellen M. Casey
Mr. Edward Cassiere
Dr. and Mrs. Emmett B. Chapital, Jr.
Mrs. Rachel Z. Chatters
Mrs. Mary V. Clarke
Ms. Joy P. Cocchiara
Ms. Dorothy S. Codd
Mr. David L. Coleman
Mr. Roosevelt Coleman
Dr. Enid W. Collins
Ms. Felisa N. Cox
Mr. David N. Crapo
Mr. Edward W. Crowe
Mr. Thomas E. Curry
Ms. Thelma Cyprian
Ms. Sarina Davenport
Ms. Betty A. Davis
Mr. Gregory W. and Mrs.
Jaquetta B. Davis
Mr. Limuel G. Davis
Ms. Patricia B. Davis
Dr. Valerio De Angelis
Ms. Esther B. Dejong and
Mr. Harley S. Winer
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Derbes
Ms. Delores Skipwith Dodd
Elizabeth C. Dooling, M.D.
Mrs. Adrienne Dotson
Mrs. Cecelia M. Dove
Ms. Morease M. Downing
Ms. Stephanie Drain
Mr. Alex Edwards
Ms. Jacquelyn T. Espree
Mr. Louis Farrelly
Ms. Louise L. Felton
Mrs. Susan C. Felton
Mr. Thomas M. Finnegan
Mr. Joseph Fisher
Dr. Pamela Franco
Ms. Barbara J. Franklin
Mrs. Susan Fredine
Mr. Van Allen Gale
Dr. Antoine M. and Mrs.
Carol J. Garibaldi
Ms. Darlene M. George
Mrs. Mary George
Mr. Byron Gibson
Ms. Bobbie Gordon
Ms. Jacalyn A. Grant
Ms. Joyce O. Green
Ms. Leona S. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Rupert J. Groh, Jr.
Mrs. Shirley C. Gueno
Dr. Franklin D. Hamilton
Mary L. Harris, M.D.
Mr. Charles J. Haver
Johnson Haynes, Jr., M.D.
Mr. August F. Hazeur
Mr. Kenneth A. Hebert
Ms. Mildred Higgins
Ms. Linda J. Hill
Mrs. Tonia Williams-Horton
Ms. Lois H. Howell
Ms. Kathleen Hulliberger
Ms. Adrienne M. Hunter
Ms. Alison G. Hyslop
Mr. Charles Irby, Jr.
Ms. Brenda Isabel
Mr. Ronald and
Mrs. Hattie R. Jackson
Mr. Dejuan R. James
Harold D. Johnson, M.D.
Mr. Irving J. Johnson, III
Ms. Nietta D. Johnson
Mr. Raymond A. and Mrs.
Janice W. Johnson
Ms. Margaret Jones
Mr. Thomas L. Jones
Ms. Eris Deanne Jordan
Mr. Eric Kauffman
Reverend Edward J. Kealey
Mr. James E. Keenan
Ms. Paula Kelly
Mrs. Courtney M King
Dr. Vlajko L. Kocic
Mr. Herman Kohlmeyer, Jr.
Fr. Eugene Kubina, T.O.R.
Mr. Louis E. Labat
Ms. Katheryn Laborde
Mrs. Jane Lapesarde
Mr. Bernard J. Lechner
Dr. Joe A. Lee
Ms. Marilyn Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leitzinger
Mr. Don A. LeNoir
Mr. Raymond and Mrs. Etheral Lesene
Dr. Kenneth L. Lewis
Mrs. Wanda C. Canty-Lewis
Ms. Emily L. London
Mr. James W. and Mrs.
Betty A. Lunsford
Mr. J. Robert Luo
Ms. Jessica A. Manson
Rev. Gerard C. Marable
Dr. David Marcello
Dr. Wallace C. and Mrs.
Wanda W. Marine
Ms. Nancy L. Martino
Ms. Jean A. Mayhan
Ms. Susan V. McCloud
Mr. James R. and Mrs.
Olivia McInerney
Ms. Brenda Medley
Dr. Jannette Sturm-Mexic
Dr. Howard W. Mielke, Ph.D.
Dr. Linda Mihm
Mr. Errol J. Milanes
Mrs. Beverly J. Miller
Mr. Keith C. Miller
Mr. James Q. Mitchell
Major General David Mize (Ret)
Mr. and Mrs. Parviz Mojgani
Ms. Constance L. Monitto
Ms. Susan E. Moore
Ms. Eline Moret
Honorable Cynthia Hedge-Morrell
Mrs. Shirley Moses
The Honorable Edwin Murray
Ms. H. M. Myles
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Nahas
Mrs. Holly M. Narcisse
Mrs. Linda G. Nash
Ms. Gladys Norwood
Mrs. Eunice Franklin-Ortiz
Mrs Phylencia Osborn
Mr. Gordon C. and Mrs. Laura Ousset
Mr. Garrett Paine
Mrs. June M. Pajaud
Mrs. Mapo Kinnord-Payton
Mrs. Virginia Pellerin
Ms. Gisele Perez
Mr. Gregory M. Perry
Mr. Theodore J. and Mrs.
Winifred S. Pfister
Lawrence J Pijeaux, Jr., Ed. D.
Mr. Alan E. Pinado Sr.
Mr. W. R. Pinkston
Mrs Clara Potter
Dr. Janet A. Privett
Mr. Mark Quinn
Ms. Gina Rachal
Ms. Ann B. Rappaport
Mr. Gregory N. Rattler
Amos Raymond, M.D.
Mr. Albert C. Rees
Mr. Robert D. Reily
Mr. Clarence G. and Mrs.
Donlen M. Reuther
Mr. Frank J. Rienzo
Ms. Lillie Robbins
Mr. Morris Robicheaux, Jr.
Mrs. Brenda Robinson
Ms. Thais H. George-Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Rodriguez, Jr.
Dr. Leonard J. Rolfes
Mrs. Barbara S. Rousseve
Ms. Marcia C. Schulte
Ms. Shannon L. Schuyler
Mr. Robert E. Skinner
Mr. Jesse J. Smiley
Ms. Ann Smith
Mr. Paul L. and Mrs. Hazel A. Smith
Mrs. Angell Spot
Mr. Robert Stacker, Sr.
Dr. Todd A. Stanislav
Mr. Bruce D. Strathearn
Mrs. Avis Stuard
Mr. Thayes M. Sturgis
Mrs. Lori and Mr. Giancarlo Suffredini
Ms. Marilouise B. Sullivan
Mr. Michael T. and Mrs.
Martina S. Sullivan
Mr. Richard M. and Mrs. Janie S. Sylte
Mr. James Thiebaud
Mr. Aldon A. Thomas
Mrs. Gloria M. Thomas
Mrs. Margaret W. Thomas
Mr. Ralph A. Thomas
Ms. Isabella B. Thompson
Mr. P. Michael and Mrs.
Genevieve Timpane
Dr. Jason Todd
Mr. Patrick W. and Mrs. Angelea Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Ullman
Ms. Helen J. Vance
Mr. James A. Villarrubia
Ms. Josephine D. Weigner
Dr. Frank Wesselmann
Mrs. Shirley B. Wilcox
Dr. Christopher Williams
Ms. Khristie C. Williams
Dr. Samuel W. Williams
Ms. Michele Woods, J.D.
Mr. Cleveland C. and Mrs.
Jannifer V. Woodson
Ms. Nancy J. Woodson
Mr. David E. and Mrs. Isabel Yarbrough
Mr. Qian-Jin Zhang
Gifts of $1 - $99
Ms. Joan C. Adams
Dr. Mehnaaz Ali
Ms. Vicky Amos
Ms. Joycelyn G. Askew
Mr. Erroll Audrict
Mr. Ansel Augustine
Mr. Mohamed Awad
Mrs Kaffy Babineaux-Belvin
Ms. Debra L. Bacon
Ms. Michelle M. Balan
Ms. Cherry Banks
Ms. Geraldine Battle
Mr. Ronald Bazile
Ms. Yvonne O. Bechet
Ms. Lillie R. Bell
Dr. Amy Bellone-Hite
Mrs. Joyce Y. Benjamin
Ms. Cathy A. Beverungen
Dr. Hector Biliran
Ms. Amy Billizon
Dr. Bryan Bilyeu
Dr. Teresa Birdwhistell
Mr. Ferdinand Blanks, Jr.
Mrs. Lori Blouin
Mrs. Linda Blount
Ms. Ellen Blue
Mr. Dwight Z. Bluford
Mr. John J. Boncek
Ms. Beverly Boone
Mr. Mark Borsuk
Ms. Ritchie Bowden
Mr. Joe and Mrs. Joan Bowser
Mrs. Cynthia Bradford
Mr. Joseph F. Brinley, Jr.
Mr. David J. and Mrs. Lora A. Brody
Ms. Dorothy Broussard
Mr. Thomas J. Brown, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Jo Buck
Mr. Edwin Buggage
Ms. Mary F. Butler
Mr. George E. Byrd
Mr. Rory C. Cadres
Mr. Joseph M. and Mrs. Mary J. Cahill
Mr. William E. Calbert
Ms. Carrie L. Caldwell
Mr. David C. Call
Mrs. Shelia Campbell
Ms. Justyna M. Carlson
Ms. Antoinette Carter
Ms. Camille Carter
Ms. Emma C. Carter
Mr. Les Carter
Ms. Bernice T. Caruth
Ms. Susan P. Cash
Mr. Byan G. Celestin
Mrs Ruth Celestine
Mr. Raoul V. Chauvin
Ms. Gloria M. Cheri
Ms. Winnie Christopher
Mrs. Anne M. Clarke
Mr. John and Mrs. Dorothy I. Clemmer
Ms. Julie A. Colbert
Ms. Margaret Comaskey
Mr. Timothy Conerly
Mr. Stanley V. and Mrs.
Stephanie Cook
Ms. Jane L. Cooley
Mrs Phyllis Corley
Mrs. Patricia Coston
Mr. Emmary and Mrs.
Cassandra Cotton
Ms. Carmen Coustaut
Mr. William M. Crotty
Mr. Robert P. Crowell
Mr. Michael Cuniffe
Mrs. Jennie L. Curry
Rev. Robbie Cuthbertson
Mrs. Elaine K. Czenszak
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Daniels
Dr. Ian Davenport
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore T. Davis
Mr. Emanual R. Davis
Ms. Maria Davis
Ms. Deloris S. Deemer
Marie P. DeLarge, Ph.D.
Mr. Gary G. Deleaumont
Mrs. Shirley M. Delphin
Mr. Dakshina Murthy Devanga Chinta
Ms. Beverly C. Diamond
Mr. and Mrs. Charles DiSanto
Ms. Lurita Doan
Mr. Barry Domio
Mr. Masako Dorrill
Ms. Diane S. Douglas
Ms. Karen D. Douglas
Mrs. Linda M. Dugan
Contributors to Excellence
Mr. James Dunson
Mr. Joseph W. Eaglin
Mr. Kelan and Mrs. Tina Ealy
Mr. Robert W. Edmonds
Ms. Sylvia A. Edwards
Mr. Gary Egan
Mr. Steven Elloie
Ms. Tracie Ellsworth
Ms. Leila G. E. Espinosa
Ms. Lorriane Everson
Dr. Giti Farudi
Mr. Anthony A. and Mrs.
Roselyn Fernandez
Mr. John Ferrell
Mrs. Amy Fields
Mr. Carey L. Ford
Mr. Langston O. Ford, Sr.
Dr. Maryam K. Foroozesh
Mrs. Ursula W. Forstall
Mr. Terrence R. Franklin
Mrs. Cynthia Z. Fusilier
Ms. Joan Gardner
Mr. Paul F. Garfield
Mr. Peter L. Gauthier
Mrs. Sally F. Geloso
Dr. Dominique M. Gendrin
Ms. Jean K. Gendron
Mr. Charles E. Gibbs
Ms. Marion M. Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Giles
Mr. Craig Gillam
Dr. Lynne Gleiber
Dr. Galina Goloverda
Mr. Raymond and Mrs.
Shirley Gonzales
Ms. Gloria T. Greco
Dr. Nicole Greene
Mr. Garitt S. Griebel
Ms. Anya M. Groner
Ms. Helen M. Gryboski
Ms. Theresa C. Gupta
Mr. Jamal Halley
Ms. Maura A. Hamilton
Mr. Jeffery Harding
Ms. Una Hargrave
Ms. Lisa Harrell
Mr. Alvin V. Harrison
Mrs. Freda G. Harrison
Ms. Laura A. Haydel
Mrs. Katharine S. Heberg
Ms. Ann S. Heisser
Ms. Elizabeth Henley
Ms. Denise Hewitt
Ms. Ann F. Hoban
Ms. Yvonne C. Holiday
Mr. Gary M. and Mrs.
Elnora Holloway
Mr. Gary and Mrs.
Michol Holloway
Mr. Walter J. Hopkins
Mr. Melvin Hosley
Mrs. Mary D. Hubbard
Mr. Cornel H. Hubert, Sr.
Ms. Delise Hunter
Ms. Janet C. Hunter
Mrs. Marion Hunter
Mrs. Bridget Ferrouillet-Irvin
Ms. L’Tanya Isabelle
Mr. Anthony T. Jackson
Ms. Sharon Jackson
Ms. Stefanie S. Jackson
Ms. Lacrecia A. James
Ms. Jolene M. Jeff
Mr. Karl Jenkins, Sr.
Ms. Arleen P. Jeter
Dr. Kelly Johanson
Mr. Christopher Johns
Mr. Darrin Johnson
Ms. H. R. Johnson
Dr. Jessica Johnson
Ms. Marilyn D. Johnson
Ms. Rachael D. Johnson
Mr. Robert L. Johnson
Mrs. Sharlena Black-Johnson
Mrs. Sharon S. Johnson
Ms. Brenda Jones
Mr. Byron and Mrs.
Natashia Jones
Dolores W. Jones and
Vashon K. Jones
Mrs. Doreen M. Jones
Mr. Ernest Lake Jones
Mr. and Mrs. D. Kenneth Jones
Mr. RoBet Jones
Ms. Susan A. Jones
Mr. Eric Joseph
Ms. Geraldine Joseph
Ms. Bonnie Kennedy
Mr. David A. and Mrs.
Patricia A. Keough
Ms. Gloria P. Kindrick
Mrs. Marva King
Mrs. Gilda Knight
Mrs. Carol J. Koch
Dr. Vladimir Kolesnichenko
Dr. Anup Kundu
Mrs. Shirley R. WillisLaBranche
Mr. Irwin Lachoff
Ms. Alyse Laemmle
Ms. Kimberly W. LaGrue
Ms. Renee Lapeyrolerie
Ms. Sharlene LeBlanc
Dr. Felecia Lee
Ms. Karen W. Lee
Mr. Carl Lekan
Prof. Michele Levy
Dr. Elizabeth Clark-Lewis
Ms. Jeanine Lewis
Ms. Manya Lewis
Mr. Micheal C. Lewis
Mr. Davy L. Lilly
Ms. Terianne Lindsey
Mrs. Valerie Llopis
Ms. Peng Ma
Dr. Janet Manono
Ms. Eleanor M. Manuel
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Martin
Ms. Evelyn B. Martin
Dr. Peter J. Martinat
Miss Shirley Mason
Ms. Kathy Matthews
Mr. Everett Maurice
Ms. Barbara McAteer
Mr. Carl and Mrs. Margaret
R. McCalla
Mrs. Harriet McCoy
Ms. Mary A. McGruder
Captain and Mrs. M.L. McGuire
Dr. Neil McIntyre
Mrs. Rita L. McLaughlin
Ms. Anne E. McNulty
Dr. Lamartine Meda
Mr. August Metoyer
Mr. Kerrick Metoyer
Ms. Adrienne Michaud
Mr. Nolan J. and Mrs.
Una V. Millet
Ms. Patricia Minnis
Deacon Alfred Mitchell
Ms. Leomia Mitchell
Ms. Sandra Monroe
Mrs. Sherida Montague
Mrs Janice Morgan
Mrs. Vera Lee Mormon
Ms. Gwen D. Morris
Ms. Melanie Moser
Mrs. Anne Moss
Mr. Thomas J. Motley
Dr. Shampa Mukerji
Mr. David O. Munroe
Ms. Barbara E. Netter
Ms. Lan T. Nguyen
Ms. Ruby Nguyen
Ms. Jane M. Nichols
Mr. Joel D. and Mrs.
Susan Oppenheim
Ms. Megan Osterbur
Miss Tanjlia Page
Ms. Joanne A. Paige
Dr. Sarala Pamujula
Ms. Serena Parks
Mr. Phil Pasquini
Mr. Larry Pelrean
Mr. Duc Pham
Ms. Tamla L. Pierre
Mr. Palani Ponnapakkam
Ms. Sylvia F. Porche
Dr. Calvin Porter
Ms. Wanda Primus
Ms. Mary M. Quinn
Mrs. Jeanne P. Rabig
Mrs. Sasiprabha Rajasekaran
Mr. Joe D. and Mrs.
Bennye B. Reasor
Ms. Rowena Reddix
Mr. Fred Reed
Mrs Mary Reeder
Mr. Cephus S. Rhodes
Dr. Margaret MontgomeryRichard
Mrs. Pamela M. Ridder
Ms. Yajaira L. Rincon
Mr. Erick Robinson
Mr. James R. Robinson
Mr. Jerome Robinson
Mrs. Maedell S. Robinson
Ms. Sheryl W. Rodriquez
Mr. Charles Ross
Ms. Rochelle G. Ross
Ms. Dahlia L. Rouchon
Mr. Barry and Mrs.
Cheryl Rousell
Ms. Alice C. Roy
Ms. Theresa Rucker
Ms. Barbara J. Rucks
Dr. Belinda A. Dalton-Russell
Mr. Vincent D. Russo
Ms. Selma P. Ryave
Ms. Sonya N. Saizan
Ms. Dorothy Sanchirico
Ms. Barbara D. Sanders
Ms. Audrey A. Scott
Dr. John P. Sevenair
Mrs. Ruth C. Shaw
Mr. Samuel and Mrs.
Norma G. Shelton
Ms. Althea Simon
Ms. Catherine M. Simoneaux
Mr. Herbert and Mrs.
Cassiele Simons
Mrs. Sylvia B. Simpson
Ms. Sarita Sitaula
Ms. Alberta M. Smith
Ms. Lauren Smith
Mr. Stephen Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Speed
Dr. Jayalakshmi Sridhar
Mrs. Jewell G. St. Charles
Ms. Yvonne Stearns
Mr. Joseph Stelly
Mr. Daniel J. Stocker
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Strodtman
Mr. Dwayne Sturgent
Ms. Wanda Styles
Mr. Lester Sullivan
Mrs. Helen J. Sutton
Mr. Earnest Taggart
Ms. Gertrude P. Tate
Ms. Adrianne F. Taylor
Mr. Lawrence X. Taylor, III
Ms. Inez L. Teasley
Mr. Roosevelt Terry
Mrs Caroline N. Thomas
Mrs Sabrina Thomas
Ms. Norma Jean Thompson
Mr. William J. Tobias
Dr. John A. and Mrs.
Marie E. Tobin
Ms. Harolyn G. Torain
Ms. C. H. Travaglini
Ms. Sonya A. Trebucq
Mr. Leo Valeary
Mrs. Mary Ann G. Valentino
Ms. Selena Vance
Mr. Arthur P. and Mrs.
Alice A. Vautrain
Mr. Harold Vincent, Jr.
Ms. Michele Vincent
Mrs Adicia Waddell
Ms. Dorothy A. Wade
Ms. A. Lisa Walden
Mrs. Theresa Walker
Dr. Guangdi Wang
Mr. Joseph T. and Mrs. Mary
M. Warnemuende
Mr. John Warren
Mr. Terry Watt
Dr. Sarah Weaver
Mrs. Brenda Edgerton-Webster
Ms. Catherine C. West
Mrs. Patricia B. Willams
Mrs. Arianne Williams
Mrs. Erin C. Williams
Mr. Gary and Mrs.
Sharon Williams
Ms. Jeanette C. Williams
Mr. Robert Williams
Ms. Sheila Williams
Ms. Willa Williams
Mrs. Bobbie L. Willis
Mr. Lenord A. Wilmot
Mr. Wilbert R. Wilson
Mr. Timothy R. Winn
Mr. Melvin and Mrs.
Darphine Wright
Mr. Howard and Mrs.
Martha Yates
Mr. Thomas W. and Mrs.
Jane W. Younglas
Dr. Jian H. Zhang
Mr. Qiang Zhang
Mrs. Janice Ziemer
Mrs. Rhonda L. Zuckerman
Gifts of $1 - $99
Ms. Mya Davis
Ms. Nicole C. Holmes
Ms. Gina Ricard
2012 Dr. Norman
C. Francis
Benefit Concert
Dr. and Mrs. Emmett
B. Chapital, Jr.
Dr. Gene and Mrs.
Carolyn D’Amour
Mr. Gregory W. and Mrs.
Jaquetta B. Davis
Mr. Troy Drouant
Mr. Ross Gloyna
Mr. Victor L. Haydel
Mr. William L. and Mrs.
Deborah M. Jeffrion
Ms. Paula Kelly
Drs. Anil and Poonam Kukreja
Mr. Don A. LeNoir
Dr. David Marcello
The Honorable Edwin Murray
Mr. John A. and Mrs.
Ellen R. Pecoul, Jr.
The Most Reverend
Joseph N. Perry
Mr. Gregory N. Rattler
Mrs. Nannette Smith
Dr. Kenneth A. and Mrs.
Lori R. St. Charles
Mrs. Carroll W. Suggs
Mrs. Patricia H. Vaultz
Ms. Melva D. Williams
Gifts of Artwork,
Property or
Other InKind Gift
Mr. Reggie Ford
Mr. Kambien Buckner
Chef John Besh
Mr. Larry Fitzgerald
Mr. Varion Neumann Laurent
Gifts of $10,000
or more
Black and Indian Missions
Hanban/Confucius Institute
Louisiana Board of
Regents - LEQSF
National Association for Equal
Opportunity (NAFEO)
Sisters of the Blessed
The Josephites
United Negro College Fund
Gifts of $5,000
- $9,999
Morehouse School of Medicine
Xavier University
Alumni AssociationAtlanta Chapter
Xavier University
Alumni AssociationBirmingham Chapter
Xavier University
Alumni AssociationChicago Chapter
Xavier University
Alumni AssociationHouston Chapter
Xavier University
Alumni AssociationMemphis Chapter
Xavier University Alumni
Orleans Chapter
Gifts of $2,500
- $4,999
Knights And Ladies Of
Peter Claver
Meta Lilienthal
Scholarship Fund
Sisters of the Holy Family
Honor Roll of Donors
Gifts of $1,000 - $2,499
Arts Council of New Orleans
Gastroenterology Associates of Texas PA
Hughes - Edwards Fund
National Association of University
Women-New Orleans Chapter
National Coalition Of 100 Black Women, Inc.
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. - Rho Phi Chapter
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
Overture To The Cultural Season
The Don Bosco Boys & Girls Club of Selma, AL
The Kennedy Financial Group
Xavier University Alumni Association-Baton Rouge Chapter
Xavier University Alumni Association-California Chapter
Xavier University Alumni Association-Dallas/Fort Worth
Xavier University Alumni Association-Detroit Alumni Chapter
Xavier University Alumni Association-Lake Charles Chapter
Xavier University Alumni Association-Philadelphia Club
Gifts of $500 - $999
Alpha Gamma Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi
Brazile and Associates, LLC.
Daughters of Charity Services of New Orleans
Sisters of Saint Dominic
Xavier University of Louisiana Meridian Alumni Chapter
Gifts of $250 - $499
Associates of The Sisters of The Blessed Sacrament
Black Enterprise Investment Club
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Gamma Alpha Chapter Fall 87
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc.
Studs Club, Inc.
Gifts of $100 - $249
Butler University Early Morning Walkers - Hinkle Field House
Capuchin Friars-St. Paul Friary
Committee to Re-Elect Justice Bernette Johnson
Dominican Sisters of Sacred Heart Convent
Drexel Society Pritchard Chapter
Fiduciary Counselling, Inc.
Houston Independent School District
The Louisiana Attorney Disciplinary Board
Gifts of $1 - $99
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Good Search
St. Vincent De Paul Association
United Teachers Of New Orleans
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
2012 Dr. Norman C. Francis
Benefit Concert Sponsor
Daughters of Charity Services of New Orleans
Studs Club, Inc.
WWL-TV Channel 4
Xavier University National Alumni Association
Gifts of Artwork, Property
or Other In-Kind Gift
WWL-TV Channel 4
Xavier University-Class of 1961
XG Summer 2013
B 1925
Planned Giving Donors
Mr. Louis H. and Mrs. Claudia
Dr. Norman C. and Mrs.
Dr. Elaine Parker-Adams
M. Meyi (Estate)
Blanche M. Francis
Mr. Allegretto F. Alexander (Estate)
David R. Miller
Dr. Sanders W. Anderson and
G. Miranti
Mrs. Maria Sly-George
Mr. Lewis Anderson
Mrs. Veronica LeDoux Mitchell
Elder Peggy A. Gibson
Carolyn B. Block-Arnelle, Ph.D.
Ms. Arizona Moore
Dr. Jesse F. Goodwin
Mrs. Melody K. Baddoo
Mr. James Nordin
Dr. Lois C. Gray
Mrs. Carla D. Gibson Baker
Ms. Frances Parker
Ms. Catherine A. Guillory
Ms. Stacey M. Bastian
Mrs. Thelma Patio, In Memorial
Dr. Rosalind Pijeuax Hale
Ms. Linda M. Bolt
to Mr. Charles Patio
Mr. Okyeame Haley
Ms. Antonia M. Bossier (Estate)
Juanita B. Peterson
Mrs. Melissa Smith Haley
Mrs. Louise M. Bouise (Estate)
Mr. James L. Petivan, Jr. (Estate)
Dr. Elizabeth Y. Hammer
Dr. C. Michael Bowman
Mr. William R. Porter
Dr. Elliott D. Hammer
Mrs. Nellie M. Reed Bowman (Estate)
Mrs. Christine J. Powell
Mrs. Gaylene W. Harris
Mrs. Angela D. Braud
Dr. Leonard Price
Mr. Charles A. and Mrs. Earline
Dr. Robert W. Brawley (Estate)
Mrs. Oaptar A. Prosper (Estate)
M. Haydel Hicks (Estate)
Mrs. Gladys E. Brennan ( Estate )
Mrs. Mildred Vappie Prudeaux
Mr. Rene’ Himel, Jr. (Estate)
Mr. Christopher Brewington, Jr. (Estate)
Mr. Roy J. Pugh (Estate)
Ms. Velva T. Hollier (Estate)
Mr. Searl G. Brier (Estate)
Mr. Allison B. and Mrs. Edna
Mr. Charles A. Honore
Mr. Charles and Hon. Lois G. Bronz
Delandro Randolph, Sr.
Mrs. Serena J. Hunter
Mr. W. O. Bryson, Jr. (Estate)
Mrs. Corinne Reeves (Estate)
Mr. Albert L. Hyland
Mrs. Myrtle J. Burns (Estate)
Mrs. Anna Mae Berhel Rhodes (Estate)
Dr. Jennifer C. Allen Johnson
Mr. Frederick and Mrs. Joyce J. Carter
Ms. Annie G. Roberts
Dr. Derrick D. and Mrs.
Mrs. Louise D. Carter (Estate)
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert D.
Leontyne P. Jones
Ms. Marie M. Cavanagh (Estate)
Robichaux (Estate)
Dr. Eileen J. Julien
Ms. Agnes M. Cizek (Estate)
E. Roundtree
Mr. Clyde P. Jupiter
Mr. Tilford J. Cole (Estate)
Mrs. Florence B. Kelleher (Estate)
Mr. John J. Cunningham
Mr. Leo P. Sam, Jr.
Ms. Phyllis C. King (Estate)
Mrs. Gladys C. deBen Majeau (Estate)
Ms. Kathy L. Schulz, In Memory
Mrs. Carolyn Millet Lee
Dr. Carolyn M. Dejoie
of Johann C.F. Schulz
Monsignor Paul A. Lenz
Mr. Willard Dennison (Estate)
Lillie V. Scott (Estate)
Mr. Walter T. Lewis, Jr.
Mrs. Lorraine Green Desbordes (Estate)
Theriot Stuart (Estate)
Mr. and Mrs. Halvan J. Lieteau
Dr. Hampton and Mrs.
D. Swindall (Estate)
The Winnie Loftin and Mr. Henry
Carolene Deslonde
K. Thompson
Loftin Trust (Estate)
Mrs. Helen B. Drye (Estate)
Dr. Anne B. Ward
Ms. Mary Macomber (Estate)
Mrs. Audrey H. Duncan
Ms. Jimmie C. Wickham
Dr. Cabrini S. March
Ms. Denise R. Dunn
Mr. Charles H. Wilcox, Sr. (Estate)
Dr. Marie V. McDemmond
Ms. Eloise T. Dyson (Estate)
Mr. Gary F. Willett
Mr. Malcolm N. Ellington (Estate)
Nathan S. Willis (Estate)
Mr. Frances Bruce Ellis (Estate)
Rawson L. Wood
Ms. Yvonne Evans
Dr. Patricia E. Evans (Estate)
Mrs. Marguerite Rey Florent
show your love
represent Xavier
What can I do to Give back and Love Xavier?
Xavier is looking for a few good alumni to work with the Office of
Alumni Relations and Annual Fund to contact fellow Xavierites
and encourage them to become part of the alumni volunteer
network. These volunteer alumni will work to strengthen the
University’s donor base and ultimately help to increase the
number of annual alumni gifts. All classes and majors are
Why join?
• Increase your own network while volunteering for a cause you
love - - - Xavier.
• Your minimal commitment will help to educate the next
generation of Xavierites.
• Receive a Xavier University spirit pack complete with Xavier
University facts and information.
• Receive recognition on the Xavier University alumni website
and in Xavier alumni publications.
Ways you can help assist!
Organize your class as a Class Agent
Join the Young Alumni Council
Recruit – Assist the Office of Admissions
by serving as an Alumni Recruiter.
Get involved with your local alumni
chapter. Or start an Alumni Chapter if
there isn’t one in your area.
Attend a volunteer alumni phonathon
calling night each year.
Represent Xavier by updating your
social media accounts with periodic news
about your alma mater.
Make a financial contribution.
Return to campus for Homecoming.
Sign-up to become a team Captain on
Give.Love.Xavier Day.
XG Summer 2013
Commencement 2013
BEST OF THE BEST: XU President Norman
C. Francis and the keynote speaker, U.S.
Surgeon General Dr. Regina Benjamin ’79,
join the Summa Cum Laude graduates
backstage just prior to Xavier’s annual
commencement ceremony: (front
row, from left) Duy Nguyen, Danny
Giang, Breannie Charles, Tuyet-Trinh
Nguyen, Jennifer Pellittieri, and Uchena
Onwuegbusi; (middle row) Kaylise Trahan,
Nnenia Clark, Mia Ward, Krista Burns,
Leigh Vidrine, Stefani Breaux, Courtney
Jason, Danielle Ricks, and Deann Vessel;
(back row) Peter Baham, Jonn Bailey,
Megan Haynes, Schuyler Williams,
LaTasha Henderson, Demetria White,
Quennet Ibekweh, and Jessica Cooper.
522 Receive Degrees
at Xavier Commencement
Xavier’s first commencement on campus since 1983 saw 522 graduates receive their
degrees in the University’s new Convocation Center.
During the previous 29 years Xavier had held its commencement in various city
venues – most recently the Kiefer Lakefront Arena and the New Orleans Arena –
following a torrential rainstorm that marred the then traditional outdoor ceremony
in 1983. Until construction of the new arena, there was no facility on campus large
enough to hold the anticipated crowds.
At the commencement, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Regina Benjamin, a 1979 Xavier
graduate, delivered a stirring commencement address and was awarded an
honorary Doctorate in Science.
Three students – Krista Burton, a physics major from Jonesboro GA; Megan Haynes,
a political science major from New Orleans; and Duy Nguyen, a pharmacy student
from Lafayette LA – headed this year’s group of summa cum laude graduates with
perfect 4.0 grade point averages.
Twenty others also graduated with summa cum laude honors, including: (BA) Megan
Haynes and Uchenna Onwuegbusi; (BS) Peter Baham, Krista Burton, Nnenia Clark,
Jessica Cooper, Danny Giang, LaTasha Henderson, Tuyet-Trinh Nguyen, Kaylise
Trahan, Mia Ward, and Schulyer Williams; and (PharmD) Jonn Bailey, Stefani Breaux,
Breannie Charles, Queenet Ibekweh, Courtney Jason, Duy Nguyen, Jennifer Pellittieri,
Danielle Ricks, Deann Vessel, Leigh Vidrine, and Demetria White.
Another nine earned graduate degree honors, including: (MA) Jawan Alexander,
Reginald Browhow, Diana Marshall, Emily McAveeney, Evonne Mitchell, and
Christopher Perriatt; and (MAT): Jessica Baker, Aaron Harrison, and Michelle White.
Commencement 2013
NCF FACULTY AWARDS: XU President Dr. Norman C. Francis and Board of Trustees member Mark
Romig flank the six faculty members awarded 2013 Norman C. Francis Faculty Excellence Awards
during Commencement, including: (L-R) Dr. Guangdi Wang, Dr. Harris McFerrin, Dr. Rosalind
Hale, Dr. John Okogbaa, Dr. Susan Spillman, and Dr. Anderson Sunda-Meya.
XG Summer 2013
AT YOUR SERVICE: (L-R) XU President Norman C. Francis presents
the University’s two most coveted senior service awards – the St.
Katharine Drexel Award and the Mother Agatha Ryan Award – to
Kaylise Trahan of Lafayette LA and Sharae Celestine of Opelousas LA
at the 2013 Baccalaureate Mass and Honors Convocation.
THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE HOME: XU President Dr. Norman C.
Francis presents an honorary Doctor of Science degree to U.S.
Surgeon General Dr. Regina Benjamin ’79, the event’s keynote
speaker, at Xavier’s 86th annual commencement.
Commencement 2013
Out the Door in Four Program Hits the Mark
increase the number of Xavier students who not only successfully earn
degrees but do so in as close as possible to the traditional standard of
four years, has apparently hit the mark.
Initiated in 2009, the University’s “Out
the Door in 4” program began with
24 students recruited from that year’s
Freshman Seminar classes. This past
May seven of those students walked
across the commencement stage right
on target (four years), while another
six are on track to graduate either this
December or in May 2014. Five others
are either currently enrolled in the
College of Pharmacy or have been
accepted for next fall.
The program’s 75% retention rate
and anticipated 70% graduation rate
are both significantly higher than the
University’s overall five-year retention
(53%) and five-year graduation rates
(43%). The percentages might have
been even higher had not six students
withdrawn from the University for
personal reasons – more often than
not for financial considerations.
PROGRAMMED FOR SUCCESS: Successful participants in the Out of
the Door in Four program, included: (L-R) Nichelle Cox, De’Angela
Smith, Sunseray Joseph, Sharonda Washington, Chelsea Conrad,
Nikki Odofin, and Ashley Trussell – gather in front of the
Administration Building. Of these, six graduated this past May,
while the other will graduate in December.
“We are very proud of all of these
students,” said Pearl Algere-Lonian,
assistant vice president for scholarship
and special programs, who along
with Dr. Pamela Franco, an executive
associate in the Office of Academic
Affairs, oversees the program. “This
is in no sense a program for elite
students; the students represent a
good cross section of that freshman
class in variety of disciplines and
varying academic backgrounds,
including some who required
developmental courses.”
Those who graduated this past May
included: Chelsea Conrad, a biology/
premed major from Baton Rouge;
Nichelle Cox, a psychology major
from Pomona CA; Sunseray Joseph, a
political science major from Charenton
LA; Bryan Lucky-Heard, a business/
Continued next page
Commencement 2013
management major from Hackensack
NJ; Nikki Odofin, a psychology/
premed major from Romulus MI;
Ashley Trussell, a chemistry/premed
major from Jackson MS; and Sharonda
Washington, a biology/premed major
from Opelousas LA.
While most of the programs key
elements – careful monitoring and
charting of each student’s academic
progress, a full arsenal of educational
support techniques including study
skills, time management, and the
utilization of labs and tutorial services
– are geared to academics, the overall
Xavier “experience” is not overlooked.
really appreciated. I’ve had so many
experiences that I never would have
sought out on my own.”
Trussell agreed.
“The support and encouragement we
have received for the past four years
has been amazing,” she said. “Plus I
think our little group of randomlyselected freshmen has developed into
a rather closely-knit group of friends
over the years.”
Another basic premise of the program
that is not lost on the participants are
the financial considerations.
“While the ultimate goal is to
graduate, the financial
“Our message to the
advantages of
students is that all
graduating in four or
of the desired extra
on time],
five years cannot be
and co-curricular
overstressed,” said
experiences can be
Algere-Lonian. “Many
had in four years,” said
with much less
of these students will
Algere-Lonian. “The
pursue professional
students in this
and graduate
inaugural cohort have
extending their
had summer research opportunities,
they will end up
internships, and study abroad
debt.” experiences, all while being mindful of
the benefits of staying focused on the
ultimate goal of graduation.”
During the course of four years, the
students are exposed to successful
professionals and speakers, attend
plays and concerts, and participate in
various other cultural events.
That aspect of the program was not
lost on the participants themselves,
including Odofin (the current Miss
Xavier) and Trussel (the current Student
Government Association president),
both of whom aspired to and were
elected to key leadership roles on
XG Summer 2013
“There was always someone there for
us whenever we needed anything and
they made sure we stayed on track
academically,” said Odofin. “But it was
the social and cultural outings that I
Case in point, all seven May graduates
have committed to pursuing advanced
degrees in health professional or
graduate schools.
Now that the inaugural trial has proven
successful, the future of the program
is in flux. Franco said she and AlgereLonian are considering whether to
continue the program as is with a new
group from next fall’s freshman class,
or to limit the program to the first two
years of college in order to service more
“Once the students have become
acclimated to college life and
established good study habits, we feel
confident they can handle whatever
challenges lie ahead,” she said. “The first
two years are the most critical ones.” XG
alumni News
What ’s Hap p ening. . .
Share 2012
Alumnus of
Year Award
The Broussards
were recognized for
living the mission
of St. Katharine
Drexel through their
commitment to the
Catholic Church,
education, and
ALUMNI OF THE YEAR: The dynamic husband and wife duo of Consuella Broussard ’53 and Edmund Broussard
’54 accept the 2012 Victor H. Labat Alumnus of the Year award from (L-R) Victor Labat, Jr. ‘55, XU President Dr.
Norman C. Francis ’52, and National Alumni President Frederick Carter ‘69 at the annual Homecoming Gala.
Broussard ’53 and Edmund Broussard ’54 were honored
as the University’s top alumni at the 2012 Alumni
Homecoming Gala.
The annual gala drew a crowd of nearly 500 attendees to the University
Center Ballroom this year. Class agents for the 14 special five-year reunion
classes presented the University with gifts totaling $485,565.31. The Class of
‘52 led the way with 30 members contributing $134,647.99, followed by the
Class of 1967 (33 members, $63,255.10 contributed) and the Class of 1957 (56
members, $48,200 contributed).
The Broussards were honored for the individual and composite efforts they
have made for the betterment of their alma mater since their respective
graduations. They have been staples in the Houston Alumni Association
from its beginning and have held positions ranging from President to
Parliamentarian. They currently serve as the advisor to the President of
the Houston Alumni Chapter and will always be available to “chauffeur”
University representatives visiting the Houston area.
The honorees served as the chairpersons for the University’s Annual Fund in
the early 2000s and have served the National Alumni Association in many
capacities. They were also instrumental in raising funds for the St. Katharine
Drexel Chapel.
The Broussards were also recognized for living the mission of St. Katharine
Drexel through their commitment to the Catholic Church, education,
and philanthropy. They are active members of numerous civic and
social organizations, including Jack and Jill, the Houston Professional
Administration Association, and St. Mary of the Purification Catholic Church.
Members of the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of
Peter Claver, respectively, both were recipients of the Papal Honor: Knights of
the Holy Sepulcher.
alumni News
What ’s Hap p ening. . .
UNCF Salutes Member Schools Outstanding Alums
OUTSTANDING ALUMS: The UNCF honored outstanding alumni from its member schools during the annual National Alumni Council/Pre-Alumni Council Conference held
in Atlanta GA. Xavier reps at the event included: (L-R) XU Annual Fund manager Lacrecia James, Lisa Ripoll ’89 (Atlanta Alumni Chapter), Dr. James Pachal ‘57 (UNCF
Alumnus of the Year), Dr. Ayana Rowley ‘05 (UNCF Outstanding Young Alumna), and students/pre-alumni council members Bené Johnson and Alisha Warren.
Dr. James Pachal ’57 and Dr. Ayana Rowley ‘05 were
among the outstanding alumni from member schools
honored by the United Negro College Fund (UNCF)
during the annual National Alumni Council/Pre-Alumni
Council Conference held in Atlanta GA.
Paschal, designated XU’s UNCF Alumnus of the Year,
has worked as the Atlanta Alumni Chapter President
since 2008. During his tenure he has organized events
to benefit scholarships for local Atlanta students and
to support the St. Katharine Drexel Chapel. Under his
leadership the Chapter instituted the St. Katharine Drexel
Annual Feast Day Mass and Brunch
Celebration that draws over 200
participants. He is licensed counselor
and is a member of the 100th Black
ON THE ROAD: (L-R) Drs. Everette White, David
Travillion, Sr. ’90, Markitta Jaamison Travillion
’91, and Millard Collins ’97 stop by the Xavier
information booth during the National Medical
Association convention in Toronto, Canada.
Manning the table is XU staffer Whitney Forstall
Grandpre’ ’03. The University also sponsored a
“Taste of New Orleans” reception for the more than
50 XU-educated physicians in attendance.
XG Summer 2013
Men, and a Deacon at St. Anthony Catholic Church in
Rowley, XU UNCF Outstanding Young Alumna, serves
as the Corresponding Secretary for the Washington D.C.
Chapter. She is credited with maintaining the lines of
communication with alumni in the Washington D.C. area
during times of transition for the Chapter. She has worked
closely with the Office of Alumni Relations to reach out
to alumni in the greater D.C. area. She is a member of the
National Urban League Young Professionals group, and
serves as a liturgical dancer in her church.
alumni News
What ’s Hap p ening. . .
Alumni Association
Officers Named
RIGHT AT HOME: LaToya Cantrell ’96, newly elected New Orleans City Councilwoman for District B (which includes
parts of Mid-City, Central City, Broadmoor, Uptown, the Lower Garden District and the Central Business District)
returns to campus to visit with one of her constituents, XU President Dr. Norman C. Francis.
Serving as National Alumni
Association Officers for 20142016 are: President, Vivian
Broussard Guillory '75; 1st
Vice-President Demetria
George Caston '98; 2nd VicePresident Trevor Thompson '91;
Corresponding Secretary Cynthia
Hurd '71; Treasurers Rosalind
Pijeaux Hale '69 and Dionne
Barnum '85. The appointed
members at large are Alejandro
Rashad Perkins '99 and Chakita
Holmes '03.
Back to Her Roots
Call Him Mr. Mayor
Paula Verrette, M.D.
Dr. Regina Benjamin ’79 stepped
down as U.S. Surgeon General after
four years in the post, during which
time she worked tirelessly to improve
public access to medical care. She
has since returned to Xavier as the
Endowed Chair of Public Health
Percy Bland III ’93 has carved out a
career resume that is about as varied
as one can imagine, ranging from
epidemiology to human resources
to private insurance. Now he’s added
politics into the mix, having recently
been elected mayor of Meridian MS,
defeating the incumbent by more
than 1,000 votes.
Dr. Paula Verrette ‘75 has been
promoted to senior vice president
of quality and physician services
at Huntington Memorial Hospital
in Pasadena CA. She also serves as
medical director of the hospital’s
Community Asthma Program and
project director of the hospital’s
Healthy Eating Lifestyle Program.
alumni News
What ’s Hap p ening. . .
Xavier Physicians
Form New Association
Xavier’s long tradition of educating more
African American physicians than any other
undergraduate university in the nation has
always been a source of great pride for the
many alumni who are a part of the “We Are
No. 1” tradition.
To further capture this spirit and help ensure
that this tradition continues, physician alumni
have recently announced that they are
officially forming a new alumni association:
the Xavier University of Louisiana Physician
GREAT ONES: Former Gold Rush basketball greats Bruce Seals and Donald “Slick” Watts
were honored as Xavier played its first game against crosstown rival Dillard in its brand new
Convocation Center. On the court for the presentation were (L-R) XU Athletics Director Dennis
Cousin, Seal’s son and daughter, Seals, XU President Dr. Norman C. Francis, and Watts. Xavier
swept the women’s/men’s doubleheader.
The inaugural leadership for the new
organization will be provided by emergency
medical physician Dr. Trevonne Thompson ’97,
family physician Stephanie Hightower ’96, and
pediatrician Shameza Boyd ’96.
“I am honored to serve as part of the
leadership of this new Physician Alumni
Association,” said Thompson. “We have a
very proud tradition of helping prepare
future physicians and many of our fellow
alumni have gone on to do amazing things
in medicine. We believe that this alumni
association will allow us to better network and
allow us to work together to keep Xavier No.
1,” said Dr. Thompson.
The Physician Alumni Association is currently
utilizing Facebook to reach out to other
physician alumni and keep them informed of
their progress. For further info email wrforsta@
XG Summer 2013
ALL HANDS ON DECK: Dr. Joe Melcher (communications) and (L-R) senior speech pathology
majors Corinne Williams of Lynwood IL and Taylore Che of Cincinnati meet up for lunch with XU
alums Keisha Allen ’96, Joi Jackson ‘98, Mariea Becknel ‘99, Tiffany Francis ‘97, Denise Holland
‘99, and (kneeling) Jeanine Jackson ’91 during the annual American Speech-LanguageHearing Association convention, held in Atlanta GA.
To receive a sign please email [email protected]
class Notes
Where are t hey now?
A charter elementary school in New Orleans East, the
former Reed Elementary, was renamed in honor of
the late XU alum Delores T. Aaron ‘47, who forged a
legacy as a children’s advocate, educator, and former
director of the New Orleans Recreation Department. She
died in 2012.
XU President Dr. Norman Francis ’52 was presented
a Lifetime Achievement Award by Junior Achievement
of Greater New Orleans. He also served as keynote
speaker for the capital campaign launch to restore
the Holy Rosary Institute main classroom building in
Lafayette LA. Now vacant, the school was placed on the
National Historic Register in 1980.
Dr. James Paschal ’57 was elected Lt. Governor of the
16th Georgia District of Kiwanis International.
John Fuller ’58 was awarded a 50 Years of Service
Award by the California State Board of Pharmacy
in recognition of his excellence and distinguished
attributes as a pharmacist. During that span he
worked as a registered pharmacist and pharmaceutical
consultant in both the public and private sector.
Edgar Francis Poree Jr. ’58 had a book-signing for
his latest literary effort, Dreamer Who’s Been Extremely
Blessed, at Gertrude’s Place in New Orleans.
The Rev. Dr. Elbert Ransom Jr. ’59, an adjunct
professor at the Virginia Theological Seminary in
Alexandria VA and owner of the international human
relations firm REACH Inc., traveled to Oslo (Norway)
to make a series of presentations on the American
Civil Rights Movement of the ‘50s and ‘60s. He also
represented the U.S. Department of State during official
visits to the Ukraine and Kosovo.
Dr. Elaine Parker Adams ‘61 has published a
book, The Reverend Peter W. Clark: Sweet Preacher
and Steadfast Reformer, the biography of her
great-grandfather, who was a black pioneer in the
development and growth of Methodism in Louisiana.
XG Summer 2013
Evelyn Johnson ’62, a retired teacher now residing in
Bloomington IL, was the featured volunteer in the April
newsletter for Faith in Action, an interfaith volunteer
program of partner congregations and community
The American Society for Public Administration has
established an award in honor of the late Gloria
Hobson Nordin ’67. The 2013 recipient of the Gloria
Hobson Nordin Social Equity Award, which recognizes
lifetime achievement and effort in the cause of social
equity, was California Judge Garry Ichikawa.
The late Hal Brown ’69 was honored by the New
Orleans City Council in August 2013 for his contributions
to various community/educational programs and
development projects in New Orleans.
Jennifer Christopher Colbert ‘71 was elected to the
Board of Directors for the League of Women Voters of
Carolyn Thomas ’71, Director of Career Placement
at Xavier, had an article, “The Power of Networking,”
published in Diversity Employers magazine.
William “Bill” Allen, Jr., ’72, a select sales executive
with the Travelers Insurance Co., was presented the Dach
Award by the InVEST program, which honors insurance
industry volunteers who have made tremendous
contributions in fostering the growth and development
of InVEST. The program is a key driver to attract new
talent to the insurance industry.
Mary Brown ’72, executive director and co-founder
of Life Pieces to Masterpieces, an academic enrichment
program for young Black males in Washington, D.C., was
selected recipient of the John Thompson Jr. Legacy of a
Dream Award from Georgetown University.
Sister Jean Marie Craig, S.B.S. ’72, a professor of
education at Xavier, was named winner of the Pathfinder
Award by the National Association for Girls and Women
in Sport (NAGWS). The award, which honors women who
have dedicated their lives to girls and women in sport,
was presented at the annual meeting of the Association
of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education,
Recreation, and Dance in Charlotte NC.
Dr. Ronald Dorris ‘72, a professor of African American
Studies and English at Xavier, staged two of his works,
“Alice,” and “Nina,” at the annual Louisiana Creole
Research Association conference, held in New Orleans.
In addition, he had two articles published: “Creole
Sensibility in New Orleans and Vicinity, 1712-1803” in
La Creole: A Journal of Creole History and Genealogy,
“Frenzy: Framing Discourse to Set Text in a Cultural
Continuum” in the anthology Perspectives on Percival
Everett. He also presented a paper, “Civil War: African
Americans and Unfinished Work, 1865-77,” at the
Southern Conference on African American Studies, Inc.
in Tallahassee FL.
Leon Johnson ‘72, President of Excel Screen Printing &
Embroidery, Inc. in Schiller Park IL, was honored along
with his company, being selected by Office Max as one
of the 2012 Top Ten Diverse Suppliers in the USA.
Dr. PonJola Coney ’73, director of the Virginia
Commonwealth University Center on Health Disparities
and professor of obstetrics and gynecology in the
VCU School of Medicine, was elected to the Institute
of Medicine, one of the highest honors in the fields
of health and medicine. Established in 1970 by the
National Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Medicine
has become recognized as a national resource for
independent, scientifically informed analysis and
recommendations on health issues.
Dr. Paula Verrette ’75 was promoted to senior
vice president of quality and physician services at
Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena CA. In her
new role she will continue to focus on quality and
performance improvement with increased emphasis
and oversight of physician clinical activities, medical
staff activities, and accountable care organization
development and clinical informatics. She previously
served as vice president of quality and performance
Dr. Regina Benjamin ’79, who recently stepped down
as U.S. Surgeon General after four years in the post, was
named 13th among the “50 Most Influential Physician
Executives” in the September issue of Modern Healthcare
magazine. She recently joined the XU faculty as the
Endowed Chair of Public Health Sciences.
Timothy Francis ’80 was named to the Tulane
University Board of Trustees.
Clifford Barthé ’81 has been named the new head
men’s basketball coach at Delgado Community College
in New Orleans. He previously served as director of
basketball operations at Tulane University, and before
that was coach at St. Augustine High School for 23 years.
Kathleen Francis ’82 is president of Oasis Sports
Ventures LLC, a new start-up marketing and
development company specializing in providing quality
amateur sports programs and competitions for youth,
young adults and families that encourages physical
activity, social engagement and achievement. The
first property was the 2012 National Family Tennis
Championships. Previously she served as managing
director of marketing and development for the United
States Tennis Association’s (USTA) initiatives to grow
tennis participation and frequency of play, nationally.
class Notes
Where are t hey now?
Judge Karen Wells Roby ’83, Magistrate of the U.S.
District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, was
installed as president of the Federal Magistrate Judges
Association (FMJA) at its 50th annual convention, held
in Denver CO. She is the first African American female to
serve as FMJA president.
Dr. Katrice Albert ‘94 was named vice president of
equity and diversity at the University of Minnesota,
where she will lead the University’s access, equity,
and diverse multicultural resources and programs. She
previously served as vice provost and chief diversity
officer at LSU.
Stephen Rochon, RADM, USCG (Retired) ’84, served
as a consultant for the movie Lee Daniels’ The Butler, a
true story of a White House butler who served under
eight U.S. Presidents, including during the Civil Rights
Movement in the 1960s. Rochon served as former
Director of the Executive Residence and Chief Usher of
the White House from 2007-2011.
Dr. Tomia Palmer Harmon ’94 was named Director
of Primary Care Skills at the Philadelphia College of
Osteopathic Medicine.
Shauna Winston ‘87 was named Teacher of the Week
and featured in an article by the Chicago.
Dr. Melanie Duckworth ’88 was named Director for
the Public Health Prevention Service (PHPS) fellowship
program – a three year master level fellowship program
– with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in
Atlanta GA.
Carlyn Addison ’90, an attorney in Memphis TN,
is serving as a Shelby County Environmental Court
Dr. Sabrina Echols ’92, an assistant professor at the
Baylor University College of Medicine and founder of
the non-profit health care program Butterfly Wellness,
authored a book, Voiceless: Inspiring True Voice Lessons
on Life.
Dr. Tunicia Giron ’92 was named Medical Director
of Anesthesiology at Tanner Health System, a three
hospital system with facilities located in Carrollton,
Bremen, and Villa Rica GA.
Dr. Robin G. Vander ‘92 (English) co-edited, compiled,
wrote the introduction for, and contributed an article,
“When the Text Becomes the Stage: Percival Everett’s
Performance Turn in For Her Dark Skin,” to the anthology
Perspectives on Percival Everett.
Jhan Doughty Berry ‘93, Chief Diversity Officer at
Educational Testing Service (ETS), addressed the 2013
graduating class of the College of Education at Penn State
University. She is a two-time alumna of the college.
Percy Bland III ’93 was elected mayor of Meridian MS,
defeating the incumbent by more than 1,000 votes.
Nicole Chapman Griffin ’93 earned a Master’s degree
in nursing from Loyola University.
Rhonda Harris-Scott ’94, a biology teacher at San
Fernando High School in Los Angeles CA, was recognized
by the Los Angeles Makes a Difference 2013 project,
an online photojournalism documentary created by
students in the Department of Journalism at California
State University highlighting “those working to make a
difference in communities throughout the Los Angeles
Dr. Noreen Khan-Mayberry ‘94, a.k.a, the “The
Tox Doc”, a toxicologist with NASA specializing in
environmental, space, food and nutritional toxicology,
has authored a book, Talking Toxicology, aimed
demystifying science in order to educate and inform
the public of critical issues that affect their health
and quality of life. She was also featured on the 85th
anniversary billboard for Texas Southern University
Legends and Leaders campaign for work achievements
as a NASA space toxicologist, speaker, and published
Sharonda Williams ’94 was named the new City Attorney
for New Orleans by Mayor Mitch Landrieu. Previously she
served the city as chief deputy for litigation.
Dr. Christopher Freeburg ’95, an assistant professor
of English at the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, published a book, Melville and the Idea of
Blackness: Race and Imperialism in Nineteenth Century
Okyeame Haley ‘95 was appointed Deputy Clerk for
the Louisiana Supreme Court and elected President of
the Board for the Council on Aging.
Kendra Tircuit ‘95 is serving as Director of
Advancement Services at Xavier University.
Dr. Ramona Rhodes ’96, an assistant professor
of Internal Medicine at the University of TexasSouthwestern Medical Center, was selected an
American Geriatrics Society Fellow and received the
2013 Outstanding Committee Service Award from the
American Geriatrics Society Ethics Committee.
LaToya Cantrell ’96 was elected to the New Orleans
City Council, representing District B (which includes
parts of Mid-City, Central City, Broadmoor, Uptown, the
Lower Garden District and the Central Business District).
Dr. Shameza Boyd Dennis ‘96 opened her own
private pediatric practice, Small Steps Pediatrics, in
Birmingham AL.
Dr. Kim LeDuff ‘96 was named the Associate Vice
Provost for Equity, Diversity and International Affairs
at the University of West Florida where she will
have overarching responsibility for promoting and
fostering a climate of diversity and inclusive excellence
throughout all aspects of the university community.
She previously served as acting director of the School of
Mass Communication & Journalism at the University of
Southern Mississippi.
Dr. Myiesha Taylor ’96 was selected as a “2012 Great
Women of Texas” by the Forth Worth Business Press. She
was cited for the care she provides in the emergency
department at the Texas Regional Medical Center
and her work in creating and serving as president of
the Artemis Medical Society. One of three founding
members of the “We Are Doc McStuffins” movement,
she continues to promote greater diversity in America’s
physician workforce, having appeared in The Disney
Channel’s Black History Month set of interstitials
naturally called We Are Doc McStuffins, and being
interviewed on PRX.
Danielle Burrell ’97 has been named by the New
Orleans Kids Partnership as the zone coordinator for its
new “GRoW Zone” project serving children and families
in the Gentilly area. GRoW (Great Resources Whereyat)
is a neighborhood-based network of free and low-cost
Rayanne Lee ’97 earned a medical degree from
the LSU New Orleans School of Medicine and was
accepted into the pediatric residency program at UT the
University of Tennessee-Memphis Le Bonheur Hospital.
Nkrumah Dixon ’98, Texas A&M Consolidated Middle
School Principal in College Station TX, was named
Middle School Principal of the Year by the Education
Service Center Region VI.
Daria Cross ’99 accepted a position as an engagement
specialist with Optum Health in Maryland Heights MO.
Jasmine Porter Dartez ‘99 was installed as the Jack
and Jill President of the Contra Costa Chapter.
Alejandro Perkins ’99 was named a partner in the
Baton Rouge LA law firm of Hammonds, Sills, Adkins
and Guice, LLP, specializing in complex litigation,
education law, and insurance defense.
Dr. Ronyelle Bertrand Richard ‘99 has been
named Special Assistant to the Chancellor at Southern
University in Baton Rouge LA. She previously served
as Coordinator for the Presidential Commission on
Academic Renewal at Howard University.
class Notes
Where are t hey now?
Jacquelynn Orr ’00, director for practice management
at Princeton Healthcare System in Princeton NJ, was
presented the 2013 Early Careerist Healthcare Award
by the American College of Healthcare Executives of
New Jersey (ACHE-NJ), a professional society with over
800 members who direct management services and
programs within health care facilities, networks and
related organizations in New Jersey and surrounding
Terrance Osborne ’00 created the 2013 Mardi Gras
commemorative poster for the Zulu Social Aid and
Pleasure Club.
Quo Vadis Webster ’00, ’10 (premedical adviser)
made a presentation “The Medical School Application
Process” at the Student National Medical Association
(SNMA) Region III Conference.
Tia Zeno ‘00 earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree in
social and behavioral sciences from the Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Eric Blue ’01 has joined the law firm Adams and Reese
as an Associate in the New Orleans office, where he will
specialize in corporate practice.
Dr. Gwendolyn Hudson ’01 was commissioned as
an officer (Lieutenant) in the U.S. Public Health Service
Commissioned Corps, at the USFDA Center for Food
Safety and Applied Nutrition in the Washington DC
Metro area.
Dr. William L. Cody ’02 is serving as an assistant
professor at the University of Dallas, where he teaches
molecular biology, microbiology and immunology,
in addition to maintaining a bacterial pathogenesis
research program.
Dr. David Forsh ’02, an assistant professor of
orthopedics at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York NY, was
featured on the Dr. Oz television show.
Davetta Cooke Lee ‘02, executive director of the
Mississippi Access to Justice Commission, was named
“Young Lawyer of the Year” by the Mississippi College
School of Law.
Monique Moliere Piper ’02 authored a new
motivational book Dance in the Sun: Being the
Authentic You.
XG Summer 2013
Dr. April Savoy ’02 was named an assistant professor
of business administration and program director of
Informatics at Indiana University East. She holds a Ph.D.
in philosophy in industrial engineering.
Damon Williams, Jr. ’02, Director of Graduate
Placement at Xavier, was appointed to the Executive
Board for the Urban League Young Professionals as the
Professional Development Chair and the National Black
MBA as the Social & Events Chair. In addition, he was
among 150 outstanding young professionals nominated
for the 2013 Millennial Awards and was also named to
the UNCF’s Louisiana Young Leadership Council.
Elijah Williams ’05, a Legislative and
Intergovernmental Affairs specialist with the NASAJohnson Space Center, was selected as one of Houston’s
Top 30 Under 30 award recipients recognizing
his professional achievements and community
involvement. He was also elected national treasurer
of the National Urban League Young Professionals for
Bill Beverly Jr. ’03 earned a master’s degree in liberal
arts from Tulane University.
Mary E. Green ’06 was accepted into the LSU-New
Orleans School of Medicine.
Dr. Kristy Brumfield ’03, a member of the biology
faculty at Xavier, mentored young students in the
Elevate/NORDC Summer Camp Sponsored by Chevron.
She also serves on the Board of Directors for Dress for
Success New Orleans.
Ashley Reece ’06 earned a law degree from Howard
Dr. Kelly Harris-Johnson ’03, a professor of
biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison,
was featured in a Howard Hughes Medical Institute
(HHMI) Bulletin about successful graduates of its
Exceptional Research Opportunities Program.
Candice Stewart ’06, a pediatric speech therapist
in New Orleans, was a member of the cast for this
summer’s 15th season of CBS-TV’s reality show Big
Aarika Diggs ’07 earned a doctorate in physical
therapy from Florida A&M University.
Celeste Parker ’03 earned a Doctor of SpeechLanguage Pathology degree from Nova Southeastern
Victor Jones ’07 was named an Associate and a
member of the Special Business Services Practice Group
in the New Orleans office of the law firm of Adams
and Reese, where he will concentrate on labor and
employment, litigation, education law, and charter
schools. He earned his J.D. in common and civil law at
the Loyola University-New Orleans College of Law in
Dwayne Aikens Jr. ’05, founder of the nonprofit “We
Lead Ours” organization in Oakland CA, was appointed
to the Board of Directors for Keep Oakland Beautiful. He
is also working on an EdD in Leadership Development
Curriculum Instruction to compliment his MBA from the
University of Phoenix.
Crystal Moore ‘07 has earned her MBA from the
Duke University Fuqua School of Business and is now
serving an internship with the White House Domestic
Policy Council on Education. While still at Duke, she also
captained a team that won the Executive Leadership
Council Business Case Competition.
Ronald Brown II ’05 was named Chief Resident at the
University of Florida where he recently completed his
own residency and received the Resident of the Year
award. He plans to specialize in gastroenterology.
Venus Rome ’07 was named an administrative
assistant with the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) in
New Orleans.
Adrianna Andrews Marshall ’03 earned a doctor of
philosophy in music education from the University of
Dr. Ebonee Johnson ’05 earned a Ph.D. with a major
in rehabilitation psychology from the University of
Dr. Jessica Long ’05 earned a Doctorate of Philosophy
in Curriculum & Instruction from Texas A&M University.
Tiajuana Robinson ’05 earned a law degree from
Southern University.
Ashley Thomas ’07, an outreach and communications
specialist with Total Community Action (TCA) in New
Orleans and the owner of Creative Vibe, a local graphic
design, T-shirt design and photography services
company, was named to Gambit newspapers’“2012
Forty under Forty” list.
Shandrell Briscoe ‘09 has earned a Master of Science
Degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management from
the University of New Orleans.
Susan Isaacs ‘09 has joined WDSU, the NBC affiliate in
New Orleans, as a traffic reporter. She previously served
as the traffic reporter at Fox affiliate WVUE. Her move to
WDSU coincides with an upgrade to the traffic systems
at the NBC affiliate.
class Notes
Andrea Lee ’09 was accepted into Ohio University
College of Osteopathic Medicine.
Dr. Brittney Richardson ’09 is serving her residency
in family medicine at the University of Louisville School
of Medicine, where she received her medical degree in
Ashley Sutherland ’09 was accepted in the University
of Cincinnati Medical School.
Vi Truong Tran ‘09 was accepted into University of
Queensland (Australia) Medical School/Ochsner New
Orleans Clinical School.
Shamier Bouie ’10 was named public relations
account manager at the Spears Consulting Group, a
marketing and advertising agency in New Orleans.
Jonathan Tennial ‘10 earned a Master of Divinity
degree from the Wake Forest University School of
Aishah Yanssaneh ’10 was accepted into the Southern
Illinois School of Medicine.
Lauren Ausama ’11 was accepted into Meharry
Medical College.
Vernon Dunn, Jr. ’11 was awarded a Louis StokesLouisiana Alliance for Minority Participation (LS-LMAP)
“Bridge to the Doctorate” Fellowship at LSU, which
offers a stipend and full tuition scholarship for study in
the STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics).
Stequita Hankton ’11 was accepted into medical
school at Howard University.
Brian E. Murray ’11 earned a master’s degree in Jazz
studies from the University of New Orleans.
Marylynn Nguyen ’11 was accepted into the LSU-New
Orleans School of Medicine.
Sierra Stewart ‘11 was accepted into the Southern
University Law Center.
Hanh-My Tracy Tran ’11 was accepted into the Ohio
University College of Osteopathic Medicine.
Stacey Windon ’11 was promoted to Marketing
Analyst in support of Structures Segment for 3M
Aerospace Materials Marketing.
Where are t hey now?
Two alums currently pursuing degrees in optometry
– Breanne McLain McGhee ’11 of the Pacific
University College of Optometry and Devin Sasser
‘11 of the University of Missouri at St. Louis College
of Optometry – were elected as 2014-15 national
officers (corresponding secretary and parliamentarian,
respectively) of the National Optometric Student
Association executive board.
Shaheera Chughtai ’12 was accepted into medical
school at Meharry College, Indiana University, and Texas
Charisse Graham ’12 was accepted into Meharry
Medical College.
Jasmine Holmes ’12 was accepted into the UCLA
School of Medicine.
Maya Jones ’12, made the cover with her first FEATURE
story for espnW. on Olympic runner Jeneba Tarmoh.
Mia Holmes ’12, a first-year dental student at the
Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry, was
awarded a full academic scholarship by the National
Health Service Corps. The grant covers all tuition and
fees, books, instruments, uniforms, travel, clinical
supplies, health insurance, lab expenses, a computer, as
well as a monthly stipend, totaling more than $350,000
in scholarship funds.
Justin Spraglin ’12 was accepted into medical
school at Baylor University, Tulane University, LSUNew Orleans, Meharry College and the University of
Rochester NY.
Twins Ashley Matthew ’12 and Asia Matthew ’12,
both currently pursuing MD and Ph.D. degrees at the
University of Massachusetts (UMass) Medical School,
were named co-recipients of the 2013 Chairman’s
Award for Leadership in Health & Wellness by the 100
Black Men of America, Inc. The awards were presented
this summer during the organization’s 27th Annual
Conference in New Orleans.
Valencia Potter ’12 was accepted into the Medical
Scientist Training Program at the Baylor College of
Medicine. She will receive an annual stipend, medical
insurance, and a tuition scholarship for both medical
and graduate school.
Teri Graham ’13 was accepted into the Master of
Public Health Program at Mercer University.
Marquisha Johns ’13 was accepted into the School
of Public Health at the University of Minnesota, George
Washington University, Drexel University, the University
of Alabama at Birmingham, and Washington UniversitySt. Louis.
Melanie Moore ’13 was accepted into the Master
of Public Health degree program in Health Policy and
Administration at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Jeremy Pierre ’13 was presented the National
Association of Black Journalists’ (NABJ) Ted Holtzclaw
Excellence in Journalism award for the multimedia
short course and was named NABJ Region 5 Student
Journalist of the Year for his work as XTV senior
executive producer and anchor.
LaShaunda Reese ’13 was accepted into the master’s
degree program in theology at Loyola UniversityChicago.
Cyrell Roberson ‘13 was accepted into the Master
of Arts degree program in psychology Columbia
University’s Teachers College.
Meggan Simien ‘13 was admitted into the School of
Science and Engineering at Tulane University.
Cassie Smith ’13 was designated a national finalist in
the Society of Professional Journalists’ Breaking News
Reporting category for her article, “Administration
stuns Xavier community with layoffs, mandatory
closure announcements.” The article, written while
she was serving as editor-in-chief of the Xavier Herald
newspaper, won first place in SPJ Region 12 (small
university) competition.
Jasmine Smith ‘13 was accepted into medical school
at LSU-Shreveport.
Alonza Terry Jr. ’13 was accepted into the Summer
Pre-doctoral Institute in mathematics at the University
of Illinois.
Ashley Trussell ‘13 was accepted into the biomedical
sciences program at the University of Mississippi and the
medical science program at Mississippi College.
Ashley Williams ’12 was accepted into Meharry
Medical College and the Philadelphia College of
Osteopathic Medicine-Georgia Campus.
Krista R. Burton ’13 was accepted into the master’s
degree program in nuclear engineering at the University
of Tennessee. This summer she will serve an internship
at the Pacific Northwest National Lab in Richland WA.
The Xavier family extends its deepest sympathy to the family, friends, and relatives
of the following alumni and friends of Xavier. The University was notified of these deaths
during the period of August 2012 through August 2013. We regret any omissions.
XG Summer 2013
~ Alumni~
Mrs. Edna Carter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1937
Mrs. Eunice D. Lear. . . . . . . . . . . . 1940
Mrs. Alice F. Jupiter. . . . . . . . . . . . 1941
Mr. Porter Myrick, Sr. . . . . . . . . . . 1941
Mrs. Juanita S. Smith. . . . . . . . . . 1941
Mrs. Rose Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1950
Mr. Lee A. Caldwell. . . . . . . . . . . . 1951
Dr. Vivian R. Rouson. . . . . . . . . . . 1951
Dr. Robert D. Miller, Jr.. . . . . . . . . 1952
Mrs. Mildred B. Reed. . . . . . . . . . 1952
Most Rev.
Moses B. Anderson, S.S.E.. . . 1953
Mr. George Gueringer . . . . . . . . . 1953
Ms. Aurora Jefferson . . . . . . . . . . 1953
Dr. Everett J. Williams . . . . . . . . . 1953
Mr. Waldo W. Dejan. . . . . . . . . . . 1954
Mr. John M. Green. . . . . . . . . . . . 1954
Mr. Elliot T. Willard . . . . . . . . . . . . 1954
Mrs. Carolene F. Deslonde. . . . . . 1955
Mrs. Nelka Pinkney. . . . . . . . . . . . 1955
Mrs. Janice Mayfield Sanford. . . 1955
Mr. Laurence J. Smith. . . . . . . . . . 1955
Ms. Kay F. Wexler . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1955
Mr. Adam A. Casmier. . . . . . . . . . 1956
Mr. Fred G. McCrowey. . . . . . . . . 1956
Mr. Lionel H. Stephens. . . . . . . . . 1956
Mr. William Woodson. . . . . . . . . . 1956
Mrs. Delores T. Arthur. . . . . . . . . . 1957
Mr. Marvin L. Hunt. . . . . . . . . . . . 1958
Mr. Cirilo R. Manego. . . . . . . . . . . 1958
Mr. Marc A. Barkins . . . . . . . . . . . 1959
Mr. Lloyd X. Creecy. . . . . . . . . . . . 1960
Mr. Van B. Chambers, Jr.. . . . . . . . 1961
Mrs. Leah C. Irvin. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1961
Mrs. Muriel Binder
The Honorable Corinne
Claiborne Boggs (‘92)*
Mrs. Selika C. Brown
Mr. Bennett Cooper
Mr. John J. Cunningham, Sr.
Mrs. Dolores D. Francis
Mrs. Mary Faith Williams Frilot
U.S. Rep. Dr. William H. Gray III (‘92)*
Mr. Harold Hunter
Very Rev. Michael P. Jacques, S.S.E., V.F.
Mr. Harry W. Jones
~ Friends~
Mr. Walter T. Lewis, Jr.. . . . . . . . . . 1962
Dr. Joseph W. Davis. . . . . . . . . . . . 1963
Mr. David J. Derokey. . . . . . . . . . . 1963
Mrs. Yvonne McPherson. . . . . . . 1964
Mrs. Edna Gourrier. . . . . . . . . . . . 1965
Dr. Anthony Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1967
Mrs. Jimmie L. Lawrence. . . . . . .1967
Mr. Lloyd P. St. Martin . . . . . . . . . 1967
Mr. Harold Brown, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . 1968
Mr. Lucius Tyson, Jr.. . . . . . . . . . . .1968
Mr. Ronald E. Brown . . . . . . . . . . 1972
Mr. Isiah Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1973
Mr. Richard E. Hartenstein. . . . . . 1975
Mr. James Williams . . . . . . . . . . . 1975
Mr. David Reed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1978
Mrs. Clara P. Carey. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1979
Mr. Rickey Mays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1979
Dr. John C. Kent
Ms. Charlotte Lang
Mr. Kenneth I. Leary, Sr.
Mr. George Leonard IV
Ms. Willie Morgan
Mr. Herman Niebuhr, Jr.
* Honorary degree recipients
Mrs. Michelle Coulon Ancar. . . . 1983
Dr. Judith Alexander Nash. . . . . . 1983
Ms. Melinda T. Lion. . . . . . . . . . . . 1984
Ms. Gwendolyn A. Ridgley. . . . . 1984
Ms. Dianne Dumas. . . . . . . . . . . . 1988
Mr. John Cleveland Owens. . . . . 1989
Dr. Christopher T. Smith. . . . . . . . 1989
Ms. Maria R. Jongebloed. . . . . . . 1991
Dr. Keith Amos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1992
Ms. Daulette M. Green. . . . . . . . . 1996
Mr. Diallo W. Bartley. . . . . . . . . . . 1997
Ms. Stephanie H. Williams . . . . . 1999
Ms. Kim F. Layman, RPh.. . . . . . . 2000
Dr. Catina L. Murphy-Hewitt. . . . 2001
Ms. Annie C. Ulmer . . . . . . . . . . . 2012
Mrs. Eunice A. Perez
Ms. Allison Pitcher
Fr. Thaddeus Posey, OFM Cap.
Mr. Theodore G. Solomon
Mr. David R. Voelker
Mr. Ernest Warlick
Price List
Unsigned.......................................................... $88
Terrance.Osborne.Signed.............................. $150
Terrance Osborne and Dr. Norman C. Francis
(Limited to 200 prints)..................................... $500
Signed.Giclees.(Osborne.and.Francis)....... $1,500
Signed.Reworked.Giclees........................... $2,000.
“Everyday a Miracle”
by Terrance Osborne ’00
order your print now!
Please join us for the unveiling during Homecoming week, Thursday, November 21, 2013
Call (504) 520-7575 for more details!
R E S E R V E Y O U R P R I N T T O D AY !
XG Summer 2013
Weddings & Births
Nacole Daliet-Peychaud ’94 and husband Janard Peychaud Jr. ‘93 welcomed son Joshua Aaron
Peychaud born May 15, 2013.
Miller Bill Boyd III ’98 married Danielle N. Joseph on November 16, 2012 in New Orleans,
wWhitney Forstall Grandpré ‘03 married Kevin Grandpré Jr. on December 22, 2012 at St. John
Lutheran Church followed with reception at the Federal Ballroom in New Orleans, LA.
xAngele Young ‘97 and Corey Boutté welcomed daughter Isabella Grace Boutté on December 8,
2012 and sister L’jeanne Young Bates ’99 and husband Ravi Bates welcomed daughter Carson
Elizabeth Bates on October 5, 2012.
yMelissa Lear Pappion ‘01 Married Gregory Anthony Pappion, II on October 1, 2011, at Our
Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church with the reception following at the New Orleans Museum
of Art.
zChristian Taplin Hills ’07 and husband Kelvin Hills welcomed son Caleb Sadiq Hills on April 19,
{Jonathan C. W. Jones ’05 married Sabrina Denson Jones on August 31, 2012 and welcomed son
Christopher Lee Jones on October 7, 2012.
|Nadrea Reeves Njoku ’06 and Victor Njoku ’04 welcomed son Victor Njoku on October 26,
}Sezanne Johnson Coffee ’96 and husband Major Steven L. Coffee welcomed son Steven L.
Coffee, II on September 28, 2012.
~Amber Anderson ’97 and husband Sylvester Anderson welcomed daughter Kendal Mackenzie
Anderson on October 27, 2012.
¢ Tiffany Edwards-Dunston ‘95 welcomed daughter Kyndall on June 5, 2012.
¢ Jessica Stiggers Jackson ’05 welcomed a son on May 18, 2013.
¢ Litouri C. Smith ‘99 and Halima Narcisse Smith ‘99 welcomed a daughter, Isabella
Grace Smith, on April 5, 2013.
¢ Calandra Tate Moore ’99 and Eulus S. Moore III welcomed daughter Eden Riley
Christine Moore on July 1, 2013.
¢ Jeryl Williams ’02 and Toye Metoyer Williams welcomed daughter Maddox on August
14, 2012.
¢ Jeanine Jennings Hall ‘03 married Maurice Hall on April 27, 2013 in St. Louis, Mo.
¢ Varion Laurent ’01 married Erin Gonzalez on March 23, 2013 at the Dillard University
Chapel with reception following at Latrobes’ in New Orleans, LA.
Are you planning a wedding or having a baby? Submit your good news and photos to [email protected]
for the next issue of the Xavier Gold Alumni Magazine!
chapter News
G et t ing I nvolved Wit h Your Area Al u mn i
The Atlanta Chapter continues to grow its membership through outreach
and programming. On March 17th the chapter hosted a St. Katharine Drexel Feast
Day Celebration by celebrating Mass at Our Lady of the Lourdes Catholic Church
(founded by St. Katharine Drexel) followed by brunch at The Retreat at Perimeter
Summit. The celebration raised over $15,000 and was attended by over 300
Xavier alumni and friends. Xavier officials Dr. Kenneth St. Charles, Vice-President,
Ms. Kimberly Reese ’95, and Mrs. Gia Soublet ’93 were also in attendance.
Leslie Sudberry ‘61 was honored for his outstanding service to the chapter and
Xavier University of Louisiana. The Chapter hosted its annual Alumni Picnic and
Membership Drive on August 3rd. Alumni Chapter meetings occur on the second
Sunday of each month at 3 p.m. at 951 Ralph David Abernathy Boulevard. To
join the chapter or receive more information about upcoming events contact
the Atlanta Alumni President, James Pascal’57 at (404) 349-7926 or paschal07@
The Baton Rouge Chapter invites all Baton Rouge area alumni and
friends of Xavier to join the growing chapter. On March 3rd the chapter celebrated
the Feast Day of St. Katharine Drexel with a mass at the Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church. On March 24th the Chapter hosted its Annual Jazz Brunch to
support the Frank Hayden Scholarship at the Lod Cook Center. Dr. Norman C. Francis
‘52 and Kimberly Reese ’95 joined over 100 Xavier alumni and friends to celebrate
the event. Marino ‘56 and Betty Casem ’56 were honored at the Brunch for their
exemplary service to the Baton Rouge Chapter and Xavier University of
Louisiana. The Chapter also sponsored a very successful freshman send-off
in August. Vivian Broussard Guillory ’75 stepped down as chapter president
after being elected as the Xavier University of Louisiana National Alumni
Association President. Karen Yarbrough ’85 has been elected as the new
chapter president. In addition, Baton Rouge chapter officer and member,
Alejandro Perkins ’99 has been appointed as a Member at Large for the
National Alumni Association. For more information regarding the Baton
Rouge Chapter contact the Chapter President, Karen Yarbrough at (225) 9397346 or [email protected]
James Paschal ‘57 presents Leslie G. Sudberry ‘61 with
the Atlanta Alumni Association’s Outstanding Member
award at the Atlanta Alumni Association’s Annual St.
Katharine Drexel Celebration Brunch. The Chapter raised
over $15,000 for student scholarships.
The Birmingham Chapter will host a Jazz Brunch and Silent Auction
on September 28th to benefit Xavier students from the Birmingham area. The
Brunch is $40.00 and will feature a silent auction, Rhythm and Blues band,
and the traditional alumni second line. To purchase tickets please contact
Rudy Lewis ‘71, Chapter Treasurer at (205) 527-9240 or [email protected].
The Chicago Chapter continues to increase their membership through
XG Summer 2013
Kimberly Reese ‘95, Director of Alumni Relations (middle)
catches up with Michelle Carter ‘97 (L) and Katrice Albert ‘94
(R) at the Baton Rouge Alumni Chapter Brunch. Over 100
alumni were on hand for this event that supports the Frank
Hayden Scholarship.
interactive communication and an array of programs that appeal to all age
groups. The Chapter started the 2013 year with its Annual Post Holiday Party.
This kick-off to the New Year also serves as the Chapter’s Membership Drive. Over 150 Xavierites and
friends attended the Annual Chicago Chapter Scholarship and Boat Cruise along Lake Michigan. Proceeds
will benefit the Yvonne Allen Pharmacy Scholarship and Chicago area students. The Annual William J. Hill
Freshmen and Parents Welcome Reception was held in August and the Chapter will host its Second Annual
Taste-Off in October. For more information regarding the Chicago Chapter contact the Chapter President,
Chakita R. Holmes ‘03 at (708) 223-0161 or [email protected].
chapter News
G etti n g I nvo l ve d Wit h Your Area Alumni
The Dallas/Ft. Worth Chapter hosted its second annual Mardi Gras Ball in February. Over
200 Xavierites and friends enjoyed New Orleans style food, a mask contest, and dancing to benefit Xavier
University of Louisiana. Whitney Forstall ’03, Alumni Relations Specialist, attended this successful event.
Another popular event sponsored by the Dallas/Ft. Worth Chapter, the annual crawfish boil and fish fry
continues to attract a record number of participants. In March, Chapter members and friends celebrated Mass
together in honor of the Feast Day of St. Katharine Drexel. For more information regarding the Dallas/Ft. Worth
Chapter contact the Chapter President, Tiffany Devereaux ‘98 at (972) 978-1965 or [email protected].
The Houston Chapter held its seventh annual Mardi Gras in December; proceeds from the
event benefits scholarships for students from the Houston area. On March 3rd, Chapter members celebrated
the Feast Day of St. Katharine Drexel with Mass. In April, the Chapter hosted its second annual Vincent Rachal
Luncheon, in honor of Vincent Rachal ’56, a loyal supporter of the Houston Chapter and Xavier University
of Louisiana. The Chapter continues to host a number of social events including crawfish boils and happy
hours to keep members engaged. For more information regarding the Houston Chapter contact the Chapter
President, Randall McHenry ’86 at (281) 415-3720 or Randall
The Lake Charles Chapter is
diligently working to provide ongoing support
for students from the Lake Charles area. The
chapter provided book scholarships to all
incoming freshmen from Lake Charles and
hosted its third successful fundraiser to benefit
its scholarship fund. Chapter members have
also assisted with recruitment efforts by
participating in local college fairs. For more
information regarding the Lake Charles Alumni
Chapter contact the Chapter President, Cynthia
Guillory ’76 at (337) 844-3475 or cguillory@
The Meridian Chapter is the newest
alumni chapter and recently held its first
election. The officers elected are President, Otis Gowdy, Jr.; Vice President,
Annie Ramsey ‘59; Secretary, Khaleah Naylor ‘06; Treasurer, Mildred Cole Major;
and Student Liaison, Devon Pruitt. The members of the Meridian Chapter
have set a $25,000 endowed scholarship as their fundraising goal. They are
currently working with alumni and friends from Meridian and the surrounding community on fundraising
events and college recruitment fairs. For more information regarding the Meridian Chapter contact Chapter
President Otis Gowdy, Jr. ‘95 at (601) 201-8150 or [email protected].
Members of the Lake Charles Alumni Chapter and a few Xavier
representatives gather inside the city’s Civic Center for “An
Evening of Jazz, Dinner and Silent Auction”, a chapter-sponsored
fundraising event.
The Memphis Chapter continues to expand its membership by participating in community service
projects and hosting events that appeal to all age groups. A popular event with all chapter members and
friends continue to be the annual wine tasting soirée. The Alumni Chapter also hosted its annual jazz
brunch in April and assisted with recruitment at local college fairs. The Chapter is currently planning a
Mardi Gras Ball for 2013. Stay tuned for more information about this exciting event. For more information
regarding the Memphis Chapter contact the Chapter President, Trevor Thompson ’91 at (901) 378-6077 or
[email protected].
chapter News
G et t ing I nvolved Wit h Your Area Al u mn i
The New Orleans Chapter joined the Office of Alumni Relations and celebrated the Feast Day
of St. Katharine Drexel at a March 3rd Mass in the St. Katharine Drexel Chapel. On March 10th the Chapter
hosted their annual fundraiser, Day at the Races. Nearly 200 Xavierites and friends attended the event to fund
scholarships for students from the New Orleans area. The New Orleans Chapter holds its meetings on the third
Wednesday in September, October, January, February, March and April at 6 p.m. For more information about
the New Orleans Chapter, contact Chapter President, Louise J. Sonnier ‘56 at (504) 427-3858.
The Northern California Chapter hosted its annual Day at the Races at the Golden Gate Fields
in Albany California. Chapter members continue to be actively involved in the HBCU network and serve as
recruiters at the local college fairs. For more information regarding the Northern California Chapter, contact
Chapter President Mildred Gardner ’56 at (510) 529-2078 or [email protected].
The Phoenix Chapter is currently
assisting the University in its recruitment
efforts by participating in college fairs. The
Chapter is actively recruiting alumni residing
in the Phoenix area. For more information
regarding the Phoenix Chapter contact Chapter
President, James Tillman ‘96 at (602) 237-7859 or
[email protected].
The Philadelphia Chapter hosted
their annual picnic for incoming freshman
from Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
The annual jewelry and Texas Hold’em party
continues to be a great success and chapter
members are currently planning a fundraiser to
benefit the University in the coming months.
Dionne Barnum ‘85, an officer and member of
the Philadelphia Alumni Chapter, was recently
elected to the National Alumni Association as
the recording secretary. For more information
regarding the Philadelphia Chapter contact the
Chapter President, Jazmine Atkins ’95 at (609)
230-7214 or [email protected].
Xavier Alumnae hangout at the annual Philadelphia Alumni Picnic held at the Sisters of the Blessed
Sacrament Motherhouse (L-R) Ronda Broady ‘95, Dionne Barnum ‘85, Amber Koon ‘10, Jazmine Harris
‘95, and Anisha Roussell ‘95.
XG Summer 2013
The St. Louis Chapter has reactivated!
The following officers were elected during the
first official chapter meeting; President, Kimberli
Hillard ‘08; Vice President, Carnecia Cole ‘07; Treasurer, Early Winfrey III ‘94; and Secretary, Brittany Stillwell ‘07.
The Chapter has been very busy hosting a back to school picnic for St. Louis area incoming freshmen. The St.
Louis Chapter is also planning its annual trip to the Mount Pleasant Winery. Proceeds will benefit scholarships
for students in the area. The Chapter encourages all St. Louis alumni to get involved. For more information
regarding the St. Louis Alumni Chapter please contact Chapter President, Kimberli Hillard ‘08 at kimberli.
[email protected].
chapter News
G etti n g I nvo l ve d Wit h Your Area Alumni
The Southern California Chapter continues to support Xavier University of Louisiana by
participating in college fairs and hosting its annual signature event, the Mardi Gras Jazz Brunch. The 31st
Annual Jazz Brunch was held in November. Xavierites and friends had a wonderful time enjoying good food
and music while supporting a most worthy cause. Dr. Francis ’52, Dr. Kenneth St. Charles, and Kimberly Reese
’95 were also on hand to greet participants and provide a state of the university. The Southern California
Chapter also celebrated the Feast Day of Saint Katharine Drexel with Mass and a reception following.
Members of the chapter continue to assist the University in its recruiting efforts by participating in numerous
college fairs. Monthly meetings are held on the second Sunday of each month. For more information
regarding the Southern California Chapter, contact Chapter President, Anthony Sharp ‘03 at (310) 413-3440 or
[email protected].
The Washington D.C. Chapter
continues to serve as alumni recruiters at numerous
college fairs in the Washington D.C. area. The Chapter also
participates in a number of community service activities
in the region. Upcoming events include a freshman sendoff, happy hour, and a fundraiser to benefit University
scholarships. For more information regarding the
Washington D.C. Chapter contact the Chapter President, Matt
Frazier ‘03 at (513) 259-7193 or [email protected].
Alumnae Shauna Kristen ‘02 and Ayana Rowley ‘05 volunteer as recruiters at a local
college fair in the Washington D.C. area.
Do you want to start an alumni chapter in your area?
Give the Office of Alumni Relations a call at (504) 520-5131
or email at [email protected].
Do you live in Jackson, MS,
Jacksonville or Tampa, FL and are
interested in networking with other
Xavierites? There is an interest to
start a chapter in your area. For more
information contact Kimberly Reese ‘95
at (504) 520-5131 or [email protected].
Do you live in Minnesota and are
interested in joining a group of alumni
interested in starting a local chapter?
For more information contact Whitney
Forstall ’03 at (504) 520-5323 or
[email protected].
Want to start
an alumni
chapter in
your area?
Interested in joining
the New York Alumni
Chapter? Please contact
Kimberly Reese ’95
at (504) 520-5131 or
[email protected].
XG Summer 2013
Classmates Christie Lagarde ’03 and Myla Reese Poree ’03 strike
a pose during the TGIF AfterParty.
Comradeship and revelry were the order of the day as alumni from
across the nation gathered for Homecoming 2012. Here is a brief
sampling. Make plans now to attend this year’s celebration, Nov.
20-24 and make your own memories. The 2013 event will feature
the five-year reunions classes ending in “8” and “3”, but, as always, all
alumni are encouraged to attend.
John Kitchings ’82 and Dannton Jackson ’92
share a moment before the Homecoming
basketball games.
Outgoing two-term National Alumni
Association President Frederick Carter ’69
presents outgoing treasurer Elvira Day Henry
’58 with a gift of thanks.
Members of the class of 1952 have a moment together in the
President’s Suite during the Homecoming basketball games.
The Class celebrated their 60th class reunion.
The Class of 1997 reunites at the Alumni Gala: (seated L-R) Shayla Nesbitt, Nicole Perkins Thompson,
and Trevonne Thompson; (standing L-R) Randle Pollard, Juval Scott, Kerry Sterling, Tunrera Croom,
Stephanie Owens-Gilkesson, and Jacinda Byrd-Smith.
XG Summer 2013
Lester Arnaud, Leslie Lee ’62, Catherine Williams Arnaud ’62, and
Lester Lee ’61 attend Sunday Mass at the new St. Katharine Drexel
The Class of 1977 and their spouses stake out a claim to their private table: (seated L-R) Mary Hanshaw Cooley, Alvin Cooley, George Baker, Carla Gibson
Baker, and Priscilla Hydell; (standing L-R) Philip Stelly, Donzella Barthelemy, Melvin Butler and Earl Brown- Sconiers.
Board of Trustees member Leo Sam ’52 and Sybil Haydel Morial ’52 get
good seats at the Dr. Norman C. Francis Endowed Scholarship Benefit
Former Miss Xavier Jennifer Hayes Jacobs ’87 hangs out with the reigning Miss Xavier,
Nikki Odofin ’13, at the Queen’s social.
Joleen Allen ’73 and William Allen ’72, flanking Sister Grace Mary Flickinger,
are greeted at the “On the Yard” student-alumni event by junior business major
Leon Vaughn.
Judith Johnson ’53
gets a hug from
Xavier’s mascot as the
Homecoming parade
passes by.
Brian Landry ’02, Nina Washington ’02, Tamara Lewis ’02,
Chakita Holmes ’03, and Latoya Polk ’02 claim a corner during TGIF.
Eloise Gourrier, Michael Gourrier ’62, Victor Syng ’62, and Mary Joressa Graugor Chappell ’62
enjoy the casual atmosphere at the Alumni Mixer.
Consuela Colston ’82, Sharon Jenkins ’82, a friend,
and Avid Jones Jackson ’82 bask in the delightful fall
weather at the “On the Yard” student-alumni event.
XG Summer 2013
LaToya Smith Wilson ’02, Starsky Wilson ’99, and
their future Xavierites enjoy the tailgate BBQ.
President Norman C. Francis ’52 presents a gift
of appreciation to Karl Connor ‘91, Sr. Director,
Government & Public Affairs BP America, Inc., in
recognition of the company’s lead sponsorship for
the 5th Annual Dr. Norman C. Francis Endowed
Scholarship Benefit Concert.
Alphonse Smith ’04 and friends
whoop it up at the TGIF.
Musical legends The O’Jay’s bring down
the house during their performance at the
fifth annual Dr. Norman C. Francis Endowed
Scholarship Benefit Concert. Grammy/
American Music Award-winning recording
artist Stephanie Mills also entertained.
Reunion Class Photos
Class of 1937: (L-R) President Norman Francis with Elise
LeNoir Morris.
Class of 1942: (L-R) President Norman Francis with
Betty Mott Coles.
Class of 1947: (L-R) President Norman Francis with
Lorraine Gonzales Williams.
Class of 1952: (front row L-R) President
Norman Francis with Ruth Newton Wilson,
Fred Johnson, and MacLetus Terrell Dejoie;
(back row) Leo Sam, Vera Davillier Stevens,
and Lorraine Marrero Thomas.
XG Summer 2012
Reunion Class Photos
Class of 1957: (front row L-R) President
Norman Francis with Lorraine Poret Wilson,
Mary Savare Gonzales, Clementine Baptiste
Cager, and Johnny Crear; (second row) Castro
Spears, Francis Gonzales, Richard Harrison,
and Ruby Folse Age; (third row) Manuel
Llorens, Henry Stewart III, and Anthony
Sceau; (back row) Sr. Lois Davis SSS, James
Paschal, and Shirley Melton Judge.
Class of 1962: (front row L-R) Catherine Williams Arnaud, Brenda August, Arlette Lobastre, Anna Saul Harrison, Lana Lewis Pierre, Aurelia Barneun Arceneaux, Doris Raphael Dejoie,
and Wanda Bazile Hewitt with President Norman Francis; (second row) Lucille Augustine Payne, Lucia Hamilton Haywood, Bobbie Bowman Anderson, Evangeline Harris Tierney, Gloria
Llorens Collins, Bonita Blanchet Harris, Sydonia Davis Taylor, and Jack Hurry, Jr.; (third row) Marilyn DeGrasse, Marguerite Rey Florent, Carolyn Millet Lee, Carolyn Ross Wilson, Evelyn
LaCroix Johnson, Abbie Lear LeCesne, Barbar, Barbara Buirl Jackson, and Leslie Israel Lee; (back row); Victor Syng, Michael Gourrier, Frederick Toca, and Errol LeCesne.
Reunion Class Photos
Class of 1967: (front row L-R) President
Norman Francis with Anne Hamilton
Thibodeaux, Xavier Kembo Zunzanyika, and
Brendolyn Miller McKenna; (second row) JoAnn
Hall LeBlanc, Barbara Hicks, Williams Holmes,
Linda Louis King, and Nicholas Howard; (third
row) Jerrol Larrieu, Thomas Dean, and William
Ingram; (back row) Frances Parker, Zelda Barre
Greene, and Charles Shaffer.
Class of 1972: (front row L-R) Yauna Hopkins Dailey, Stephanie Ford, Marion Christie-Campbell, Fannie Meardry Bush, Diane Bailey Woods, Monica Patton Taylor, Marvene Augustus,
and Charles Anderson with President Norman Francis; (second row) Brenda Bethune Colbert, Linda Cooks Narcisse, Jean Hypolite Wooten, Roseanna Frilot Pappion, AnnMarie James
Giles, Stephanie Rhodes Navarre, Terence Brown, Lynette Smith Causey, and Cherryll LeBlanc; (third row) Gregory Pappion, Jimmy Davis, Douglas Cunningham, Sharon Lefrere Donato,
Ronald Guidry, Carolyn Wallace White, and Jacquelyn Robinson; (back row) Joseph Cadray, William Allen, Leon Johnson, and Philip White.
Class of 1977: (front row L-R) Melaney Batiste, Yolande Morant, Gerald Farmer, Lisa Epps Farmer, Sheila Blouin Washington, Manya Carter Louis, Thomas Watson, Gwendolyn BallJulien, Mary Hanshaw Cooley, and Barbara Walker Franklin with President Norman Francis; (second row) Desiree Marchand Shelling, Spring Milam, Cynthia Pender McCarthy, Donna
Mitchell-McMickens, Ditania Morris Barquet, Judith Smith Hamilton, Bonnita Boone, Donzella Barthelemy, Mary Joressa Granger Chappell ‘60, and Carla Gibson Baker; (third row)
David Powell, Jewell Cobb Pitts, Earl Brown-Sconiers, Angela Simon, Cheyra Head Jenkins, Priscilla Hydell, Kenneth Nixon, Evelyn Lawrence Benjamin, and Angela Miller-Lee; (back row)
Theodore Atkinson, Larry Washington, Byron DuVall, Philip Stelly, Harry Johnson, Thomas Hinton, Melvin Butler, Caron Felton Rowe, Harlin Miller, and Gregory Phillips.
Reunion Class Photos
Class of 1982: (front row L-R) Angela Milligan, Angelia Wadkins Elliott,
DeAngela Barthe, Denise Nicholas Jackson, Paul Tenette, Wand Pannell
Gray, Avis Jones Jackson, and Carol Dotson with President Norman
Francis; (second row) Michael Brown, Paula Mathews Bolds, DeLisa
Tate Williams, Savitra Antoine Collins, Veshunn Smith Sanxton, Erica
Sanders, Donna Connors, and Kaye Adams Browne; (third row) Patrick
Roberson, Collen Kempt James, Troye Madison Washington, Rhonda
Boucree Barney, Denise Blackwell Washington, Charlene Francis Fluker,
Toni White Douglas, Renay Stovall, and Gerilyn Metoyer; (back row)
Ernest Witherspoon, Douglas Porter, Norvell Brown, John Kitchings,
Michael Campbell, and Consuela Colston.
Class of 1987: (front row L-R) President Norman Francis
with Damita Williams Swanson, Yoland Randolph Mitchell,
Dione Joseph-Breckenridge, Robert Jones, and Jennifer
Hayes Jacobs; (second row) Jon Williams, Alicia Sarazin
Cantrell, Ted McField, Shelvin Moore, and Anne Stith Gunter;
(third row) Tonya Lyles, Richele Theodore, Belinda Alexander,
and Everett Jacobs; (back row) Christopher Marrero, Felicia
Mitchell Broussard, James Shade, and Paulette Simmons.
Class of 1992: (front row L-R) President
Norman Francis with Tracy Everson Lotten,
Wendy Crockett Gatlin, Holly Haydel-Terrie,
Healon Knight, and Tammy Lyles Arnold;
(second row) Dannton Jackson, Regina
Whitfield Kekessi, Yvonne Collins-Moore,
Kimberly Stewart Davis, Sabrina Echols,
and Joel Johnson; (third row) Tunicia Giron,
Kathryn Elmore, Charmagne Jackson Turpeau,
and Tamekia Tate Cobb; (back row) Melody
Robinson, David Johnson, Chantal Jacques,
and Heidi Lovett.
Reunion Class Photos
Class of 1997: (front row L-R) President Norman Francis with Nicole Perkins Thompson, Stephanie Class of 2007: (front row L-R) Ciarra Borne with President Norman Francis, and
Owens-Gilkesson, Jacinda Byrd-Smith, and Juval Scott; (second row) Shayla Nesbitt, Dennis Sigur, Sharita Honora; (back row) Jayda Jones, Ralynn Ruth, and Jaheedah Roane.
and Melissa Joseph; (back row) Kerry Sterling, Turnera Croom, and Trevonne Thompson.
XG Summer 2012
Class of 2002: (front row L-R) Rosa Jordan, Stephanie Williams Easton, LaToya Smith Wilson, Christy Lagarde, Lauren Outlaw, Myla Reese Poree, Nina Washington, Tamara Hudson
Lewis, Brandy Gallien, Asha Davis, Linda Knox Brock, and Tiffany Williams with President Norman Francis; (second row) Dion Martin, Taura Long, Nikki Harrison, LaToya Campbell Polk,
Nkechi Nzerem, Andrea Harper, Mia Armstrong, Oneka Richardson, and Ebony Smith; (back row) Brian Ashford, Brian Adams, Neil Lewis, Christie Hersey Clayton, George Clayton, Brian
Landry, Rozell Chapman, Richard King, and Mary Fleming. XG
Invest in the Future Leaders
of America
t the core, Xavier
University of
Louisiana is a
liberal arts college
dedicated to preparing
students to assume
roles of leadership and
service in society. Our
graduates excel, carrying
the Xavier name into
nearly every field of
endeavor.You can make
a powerful impact on
Xavier students through
a planned gift. These
types of charitable
arrangements let you
invest in our programs
far into the future while
also providing tax and
other benefits to you.
You don’t have to be
a certain age or very
wealthy to plan a gift
that changes students’
Consider an IRA
Charitable Rollover
Make Tax-Free Gifts From Your IRA:
Getting Started
Under the extended charitable IRA legislation, if you are age 70½ or
older, you can make charitable gifts now using funds from your individual
retirement accounts (IRAs) without undesirable tax effects.
Previously you would have had to report any amount taken from your IRA as
taxable income.You could then take a charitable deduction for the gift, but only up
to 50 percent of your adjusted gross income. In effect, this caused some donors to
pay more in income taxes than they would have if they hadn’t made a gift at all.
Fortunately, now these IRA gifts can be accomplished simply and without tax
complications. Plus, you can make the gifts now — while you are living and able to
witness the benefits of your generosity. This unique opportunity expires at the end
of 2013.
You may contribute funds this way if:
• You are age 70½ or older at the time of the gift.
• You transfer up to $100,000 directly from your IRA. This opportunity
applies only to IRAs and not other types of retirement plans.
• You transfer the funds outright to one or more qualified charities. The
legislation does not permit direct transfers to charitable trusts, donor
advised funds, charitable gift annuities or supporting organizations.
• You make your gift by Dec. 31, 2013.
Your Benefits
• The transfer generates neither taxable income nor a tax deduction, so you
will receive the benefit even if you do not itemize your tax deductions.
• The transfer may count against your unsatisfied
required minimum distribution for 2013.
• You’ll make an immediate impact on us, allowing you
to witness the benefits of your generosity.
How the Extended Law Works
Pat, age 80, has $450,000 in an IRA and has pledged to give us $75,000
this year. If Pat transfers $75,000 to us directly from the IRA, she will avoid
paying income tax on that amount. She cannot, however, claim a charitable
deduction—it is a pure wash. Pat has found an easy way to benefit us without
tax complications. If Pat’s spouse has an IRA and is 70½ or older, he can
also give up to $100,000 tax-free to a qualified charity of his choice.
For More Information
It is wise to consult tax professionals if you are contemplating gifts
under the extended law. Please feel free to contact Dr. Kenneth St.
Charles at 504-520-7575 or [email protected] with any questions.
Non-Profit Organization
Office of Institutional Advancement
Xavier University of Louisiana
New Orleans, LA 70125
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