Building Community


Building Community
Building Community
Hospice Foundation
Board of Directors
Executive Committee:
Kelly V. Vasquez, Chair
Dr. James Valentine, Vice Chair
Mark Boitano, Treasurer
Nanci Markey, Secretary
Nancy Porteous-Thomas, Member at Large
ransitions, change, opportunities. The past year has been full of them at Hospice
Foundation, and as the 2013-2014 Board Chair, I have been honored to be a
part of them. Under the guidance of 2012-13 Board Chair Ralph Thompson and an
excellent search committee, the board successfully managed the leadership transition
at Hospice Foundation. Alice Kinsler left behind an amazing 15-year legacy, having
ushered the Foundation from its inception to a strong, deeply respected institution
in our community. We all remain so grateful to her, and so proud to have worked
alongside this impressive woman. Then came change and with that, opportunity.
Our new CEO, Siobhan Greene was named in June and has already made herself an
invaluable part of our team. Our board is now looking forward to the next phase of
growth for Hospice Foundation as well. We’re excited to announce that we’ve recently
welcomed six new, highly qualified board members to our team. And the changes
will continue, as several board members will be terming off the board this June; their
contributions have been immeasurable and I want to thank them for their dedicated
service. The bottom line of all of these changes is that the Foundation is more
perfectly positioned than ever to fulfill its mission to support a network of end-of-life
care. And it is with gratitude for the support and involvement of our donors that we
ask you to continue with us on our journey to help us enhance the breadth and depth
of end-of-life services available in our community.
am one of the lucky ones. I had loving, good parents who lived long lives. I have close,
connected relationships with my brothers and sisters, despite the miles that separate
us. I have a wonderful, caring husband, two amazing kids (did I mention astonishingly
amazing?), and a very silly, but lovable dog. Friends complete my circle of emotional
My career has been blessed. I have worked alongside smart, dedicated people who
have helped me grow; Hospice Foundation is no exception. After eleven years in child
advocacy, I now have this incredible opportunity to support dignified and quality care
at the end of life. As I said, I really am one of the lucky ones.
At Hospice Foundation we are in the unique position of being part of the communitywide dialogue about end of life. I’ve already listened to many people share their
stories. They are family stories: of people who had wonderful care or those who did not
and how the loss lingers still. They are stories from donors: giving to this Foundation as
an act of gratitude so others can benefit. They are stories of survivors: finding solace in
bereavement counseling despite a profound loss. All are stories that resonate broadly:
wanting the best for our loved ones and needing guidance to make that a reality.
Hospice Foundation can and should be a place for you to learn about resources, share
stories, and know that compassionate end-of-life care, with your continued financial
support, will be there for you and yours into perpetuity. I know I am lucky in my life
and in my work; I hope you feel fortunate to have this fine Foundation here to make
sure the final act of living well, is dying well.
Mary Kay Acquazzino Basham
Myrna Brandwein
Carole Cuffman
Catherine Faber Wendy Franscioni
David Glickman
Cheryl Heyermann
Lorri Koster
Steve Merrell
Mikel Ann Miller
Dennis Riley
Rev. Bill Rolland
Bill Tebbe
Ralph Thompson, III
John Young
Jean Duff, Board Emeritus
Larry Daniels, Honorary
Hospice Foundation Staff
Siobhan M. Greene, President and
Chief Executive Officer
Lisa Bennett, Director of Development
Diane Kelley, Director of Community
Jane Hayner, Administrative Assistant
Vicki Engman-Rossman, Executive Assistant
Heather Howe, Bookkeeper
Contact Us
80 Garden Court, Suite 201
Monterey, CA 93940
P: 831.333.9023
F: 831.373.4124
[email protected]
Hospice Foundation is a 501(c)(3)charitable
organization. TIN# 94-2404634
Mission Statement
The final act of living well is dying peacefully,
in comfort and with dignity, surrounded by
loved ones.
Toward this end, Hospice Foundation
raises funds and awards grants to
local organizations that specialize in
compassionate care at the end of life.
We also advocate for improvments in endof-life care in our community and beyond so
that these services are available to all.
Photo Credits: Wayne Capelli, Interface Visual;
Nick Frey, Boots Road Group; Tom O’Neal
The Foundation Behind a Network
efining Hospice Foundation seems simple enough. We raise money, we grant money, and we focus on end-of -life care. But when we
dig a little deeper, the meaning of our Foundation is more than that. By definition, a foundation is something that provides support –
for buildings, for structures, for ideas, or principles. A community is defined as a group of people who live in the same area, or people with a
common interest, or maybe both. When we combine these two words, we more richly define Hospice Foundation.
Hospice Foundation is community based, supporting local agencies that provide families with dignified, high quality, and compassionate
end-of-life care. We listen to donors and to our grantees to better understand the scope of services needed in our community. We support
education and awareness so families can plan better for the end of life and we fund a network of end-of-life care providers. Hospice
Foundation encourages ideas and innovation and invests donor gifts to build the capacity to fund these programs for generations to come.
Together with our stakeholders, Hospice Foundation shares a vision to make our community a leader in delivering and expanding quality
end of life care.
$ $ $$
$$ $$
Your giving touches
many lives
End-of-Life Care
136 patients
Grief and Bereavement
438 participants
Hospice Care
458 patients
Family Support Services
712 participants
Palliative Care
939 patients
Community Education
1133 participants • @hospicegiving
Hospice Foundation • Annual Report 2013 • 1
The Hospice Foundation
Don’t Go It Alone by Lisa Crawford Watson
early 60 years ago, Salinas native Pete
Felice was asked to drive the float in
the Italian Catholic Federation parade.
Perched on the float among her court was
the prettiest princess he had ever seen, a
beauty named Barbara. To this day, he says
it was love at first sight.
Once the two were dating, their parents
supported the union as long as they both
graduated from college before walking
down the aisle. Barbara, a Sebastopol
native who moved to Salinas when she was
12, attended Hartnell College and then
graduated from San Francisco State, where
she studied interior design. Pete, also a
student at Hartnell, completed a stint in the
Navy and then returned to graduate from
San Jose State with a degree in business,
with a concentration in accounting.
Although Barbara dabbled in her field,
she set her sights on raising their three
sons, while Pete worked in the produce
industry, before a career in banking. Theirs
was a wonderful life, focused on family
- with plenty of them in their close-knit
community. Then, at age 63, Barbara was
diagnosed with breast cancer.
What Pete remembers most from that time
is Barbara’s spirit and tenacity, her sense
of humor and her focus on family. He also
remembers the role Hospice played in
helping them navigate the stages that most
difficult journey, as Pete describes it, “before
the end of life, in the moment, and after the
end of life.”
2 • Hospice Foundation • Annual Report 2013
The following is an excerpt from a
conversation with Pete Felice on the
couple’s experience of Hospice care and
support, and why it is so important to him
to donate to the Hospice Foundation.
How would you describe Barbara?
She was a really great gal with a gentle
spirit. I was the hothead, but she was so
kind. Our boys took after their mother. She
was involved in organizations in town -
...I remember
how kind
everyone was;
they couldn’t do
enough for us.
community groups and the church. She was
a very giving person.
How was Barbara’s breast cancer
Barbara had diligently done mammograms
for years. She was called back a couple
of times over something suspicious, and
one time, they noticed a lump. Barbara
knew it was there, too. They did a biopsy
and then scheduled surgery right away
at Community Hospital. Her surgeon,
Dr. Jeffrey Hyde, told us the cancer
was aggressive. Every three weeks for
nine months, Barbara went through
chemotherapy, followed by one month of
How did you get through that part of the
We worked with really great people at the
hospital, who suggested things that would
help. Every three weeks on that Wednesday
night following chemotherapy, we went to
Billy Quon’s restaurant in Ryan Ranch for a
very nice dinner, with a flaming dessert and
the whole works. The weeks in between
weren’t the greatest, but we learned to
deal with it. When Barbara finished her
treatment, I told her I would take her
wherever she wanted to go. She told me
to get a passport since she already had
tickets to Paris. We spent 21 days making
memories in Paris, and had a wonderful
How did you know Barbara’s cancer had
For four years, you would never have known
she’d had cancer. We went to Kansas City for
a week and, after we came home, Barbara
came to me and said we were going to
the hospital. She wasn’t feeling well and
thought she had pneumonia. I knew it
What was your initial experience of
Mostly I remember how kind everyone
was; they couldn’t do enough for us. I was
completely taken aback by that. Certain
things I recall – Barbara’s room was directly
across from physical therapy and a TV
lounge, and there was a chapel and a
beautiful forested area with a bench. Before
and after Barbara died, I went to Westland
House where it is nice and quiet, to sit on
that bench. We used to do that, my wife
and I.
And how did your Hospice care continue?
Our significant experience with Hospice
was when Barbara came home to continue
her therapy. The point I’d like to make is that
Hospice helps with end-of-life experiences,
but they also help with life prior to that.
And when our boys came, the staff always
asked them how they were doing and if
they needed something. They were very
concerned and caring for the whole family.
When people came in to care for Barbara,
they were always up, always positive. She
was deteriorating - they told her she had
about four months - but there was never a
sad face. In particular, I will never forget one
caregiver, a big Samoan gal who came to
bathe Barbara. They would sit there and talk
and laugh and have a good time.
But they also never gave me any false sense
of what was happening. One Wednesday,
the caregiver finished bathing Barbara, and
when I walked her to the door, she said she
wouldn’t see me anymore. She said, “Mrs.
Felice won’t be here on Friday. Her pulse
is going, but she’s comfortable.” And she
was right. Barbara passed away at 5am that
relished mine. There’s nothing like a Costco
hot dog, but Barbara had never had one.
Just before Christmas and weeks before
she died, Barbara said, “We’re going to
go to dinner tonight.” She didn’t tell me
where, but she gave me driving directions.
We turned in to the big parking lot, and
there was my whole family and a couple of
friends, all eating Costco hot dogs. After her
What do you recommend to others going
through this journey?
I donate so
they can
continue their
work... I know
my money is
going to a very
good use.
I can’t say enough about the two grief
classes. Both were fantastic, as was the
library with all kinds of books at my
disposal. You can get so caught up in the
end of life, but there is more. I learned
that women get out and continue their
activities, but men stop. The more you get
out, and the more you tell your story, the
easier it gets.
Also, Hospice people stayed in contact with
my family, extending themselves for at least
a month after Barbara’s passing. Things like
that you don’t forget.
wasn’t good. She was admitted to the
hospital, where they confirmed the cancer
had come back to her brain, lungs, and liver.
For three weeks, she received continuous
chemotherapy in the cancer ward. A day or
two before she was released to go home,
she was given the option to go to Westland
House for hospice care, which she elected
to do.
first hot dog, Barbara said, “Would anyone
like to share another one with me?” No
matter how many years go by, when I go
by Costco, I always remember Barbara’s hot
dog dinner party. Those are the things you
hold onto.
Don’t go it alone, without Hospice. I don’t
think a lot of people know what the Hospice
Foundation does and how many resources
are available. But you’re the one who has to
knock on their door. Then, the door opens
wide, with support services in a variety of
areas all along the way.
Why do you donate to the Hospice
I have been a donor to the Hospice
Foundation for 10 consecutive years. By
doing that, it gives the Foundation funds
they can use to offer services to other
people. They did so much for me; I donate
so they can continue their work. It has
been a great number of years since Barbara
passed away, and I still get brochures, I
still know what’s going on, and I know my
money is going to very good use.
To view the full interview, go to:
Would you like to share a favorite
memory of Barbara?
Every time we went to Costco, I looked
forward to my Costco hot dog. I always
offered one to Barbara, but she didn’t want
one, preferring to wait in the car while I • @hospicegiving
Hospice Foundation • Annual Report 2013 • 3
Our 12 Grant Recipients
$1,142,185 Awarded
Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula $400,000
Children’s Hospice & Palliative Care Coalition $70,853
Central Coast Visiting Nurse Assoc. & Hospice, Inc. $225,000
Coastal Kids Home Care - $151,706
Natividad Medical Center - $23,750
Alzheimer’s Association - $20,000
Hospice and end-of-life palliative and patient support services,
and hospice care at Westland House.
Palliative care and other support services for patients at the
end of life.
Palliative care team training and multi-media materials for
patient/family End-of-Life education.
Home care nursing and other clinical services for
children with life-threatening conditions; family
Training of family members and professionals in the
care of people with advanced, end-stage Alzheimer’s
Hospice patient care, family support and bereavement services
in North Monterey County and for the We Honor Veterans
hospice outreach to U.S. military veterans.
Hazel Hawkins Hospital - $50,000
Palliative care team coordinator and nurse salaries, spiritual and
bereavement support.
Jacob’s Heart Children’s Cancer Support Services $80,853
Clinical counseling for children with cancer, emotional and
grief support for families in Monterey and San Benito Counties.
Central Coast HIV/AIDS Services - $40,000
Cross-training of staff to provide emotional services
to clients at the end of life, and families.
Catholic Charities - $20,000
Extended and complex grief counseling for lowincome residents of Monterey County; support
Compassionate Care Alliance - $40,000
Community outreach about end-of-life issues,
advance care directives and use of the Physician’s
Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment form.
Hospice of the Central Coast - CHOMP
Hospice of Santa Cruz County - $20,000
Family support services, including transportation
assistance and financial subsidies.
Hospice Foundation has been a valuable partner to Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula since 1997, providing invaluable
financial support for our end-of-life care and services,” says Dr. Steven Packer, president/CEO of Community Hospital. “Our latest grant
is being used in part to help fund an expansion of our palliative care services, which focus on providing comfort and relief from the
symptoms, pain, and distress of illness.
Coastal Kids Home Care
Joaquin, a teenager from rural Mexico, was living with
a distant cousin in Salinas when he was diagnosed
with terminal skin cancer. With the support of Hospice
Foundation, Coastal Kids found him a loving home.
While there, nurses managed his pain, therapists eased
his symptoms and a social worker arranged for his father
to travel here from Mexico. In November, Joaquin died
peacefully surrounded by family, friends and his Coastal
Kids team.
Compassionate Care Alliance
Through generous grants from Hospice Foundation,
Compassionate Care Alliance hosts end-of-life conferences, training on the POLST, and a new initiative, the Monterey County
Bioethics Forum. Using case studies, these multi-disciplinary meetings allow professionals to explore serious health care decisions
and the related ethical issues in order to help their patients/clients understand decision-making when confronted with a challenge.
4 • Hospice Foundation • Annual Report 2013
Reflections from our Grantees
Jacob’s Heart
I could not have survived the loss of my precious Cecilia
without support from the angels at Jacob’s Heart. Now, after
many years I can help other grieving fathers by offering my
support to them. This means a lot to my family to support
other families.
Catholic Charities
Through a generous grant from Hospice Foundation, Catholic
Charities provides complex bereavement counseling for families and individuals in need of professional support. Clients
can also access other services offered by Catholic Charities that may be helpful in addressing life’s day-to-day challenges,
such as help with rent and utilities, access to food, and immigration assistance.
Natividad Medical Center
Hospice Foundation’s grant to Natividad allowed our
Palliative Care Team to more richly understand the private world of “end-of-life” from the cultural and spiritual perspectives
of our indigenous communities. The result of this generosity is a five-part educational video series documenting the
findings, which will be used for training throughout the hospital. • @hospicegiving
Hospice Foundation • Annual Report 2013 • 5
Building Community
Back to the Valley - A Benefit for Hospice Foundation
Every year throughout the Salinas Valley, growers, distributors and agriculture workers together move operations to warmer climates for
the winter. Last May, Hospice Foundation welcomed our agriculture business community, golfers, and guests “Back to the Valley” at Corral
de Tierra Country Club for an afternoon of golf and fun. This inaugural event raised over $40,000 for Hospice Foundation. The highlight of
the day – 500 raffled golf balls dropped from David Gill’s helicopter on a target set at the 10th fairway for the chance to win an overnight stay at the
Monterey Plaza and dinner at 1833!
Children’s Art Competition & Exhibit Opening
One of our favorite family moments this year was the Children’s Art Competition and opening night reception. Using art to express gratitude
to loved ones, fifth graders from throughout Monterey County entered their work in our annual art competition, which culminated in an
awards ceremony and artist reception at the Monterey Regional Airport on November1. Best of Show, and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners were
selected to be featured in our 2014 calendar. There is still time to view their art, which will be on display at the Monterey Regional Airport on
the second floor gallery through mid-April 2014.
Coping With Grief During the Holidays
The holiday season can be an especially difficult time period for
people who are grieving the loss of a loved one. In 2013, Hospice
Foundation once again held the annual workshop, “Coping with
Grief During the Holidays.”
Moderated by board member Reverend Bill Rolland, a panel of four
grief specialists from our grantee organizations led an insightful
discussion on how individuals can cope with grief during the
holiday season. The workshop shed light on how, even in the
shadow of one’s loss, there are many ways to experience the
peace of the holiday season while marking the remembrance of
the person who is so greatly missed. Panelists included Suzanne
Graybill, Catholic Charities; Mick Erickson, Central Coast Visiting
Nurse Association and Hospice, Inc.; Ruth Emerson, Coastal
Kids Home Care; and John Juster, Hospice of the Central Coast,
Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula.
6 • Hospice Foundation • Annual Report 2013
BIG Spring Raffle
BIG Spring
Raffle Winner
What could be more fun than a raffle with fabulous prizes
representing the finest businesses and services in our community
and beyond! Volunteers combed the county during January and
February for attractive gift certificates to offer as prizes in the
drawing in May. This effort brought in more than $26,000 for
Hospice Foundation. Watch for the 2014 BIG Spring Raffle brochure
in your mailbox soon and maybe you’ll be a winner!
Golf Scramble
Despite the cool, breezy October afternoon on the Shore and Dunes courses at the Monterey Peninsula Country Club our golfers
and guests raised over $130,000 at the 31st Annual Hospice Foundation Golf Scramble. Our top sponsor was the Dunspaugh-Dalton
Foundation, thanks to Sarah Bonner. Eight young golfers, representing Stevenson School and Monterey Peninsula College, were
on the field, teeing off for our players, sparking fun and friendly on-course competition. These fine athletes were sponsored by
Hospice Foundation grantee organizations: Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula, Central Coast VNA & Hospice, Coastal
Kids Home Care, Compassionate Care Alliance, and Jacob’s Heart Children’s Cancer Support Services. We are most grateful to MPCC
members, board of directors and staff for their support and for hosting Hospice Foundation at this spectacular golf venue. Damon
Casatico of Charity Benefit Auctions entertained the crowd with his energized live and silent auctioneering and helped Hospice
Foundation raise over $30,000 for children’s end-of-life services during our paddle-raising Fund-a-Need.
Trees of Life Music and Tree Lighting Programs
The 29th Annual Hospice Foundation Trees of Life brightened the night sky during the month of December in Hollister, King City, Salinas
and Monterey. Each light shone as a tribute, in honor or in memory of loved ones, colleagues and associates, or as a gift to the community
from donors to Hospice Foundation. Musical programs in Salinas, King City and Monterey provided entertainment to the public and was
followed by the tree lightings.
Hospice Foundation Open House
On August 20, Hospice Foundation hosted an open house to welcome new CEO Siobhan Greene. Attended by over 125 guests, the afternoon
was filled with warm welcomes, lively conversation, and enthusiastic support. Special thanks to board member Nanci Markey for organizing
and catering the festive celebration. • @hospicegiving
Hospice Foundation • Annual Report 2013 • 7
“We Couldn’t Do It Without YOU” Donor Appreciation Luncheon
“We Couldn’t Do It Without YOU” Donor Appreciation Luncheon, at the Inn at Spanish Bay, was hosted to say a special thanks to our major
donors. The event attracted over 90 guests to a program titled Conversations: Aging and the End of Life, presented by Liza Horvath, John
Hausdorff, MD, and Shary Farr. Moderated by Erin Clark of KSBW-8, it was a great afternoon filled with thoughtful discussion.
Video Conference: “Improving Care for Veterans Facing Illness & Death”
Part of Hospice Foundation’s mission is to bring education and awareness to the community on end-of-life issues. Each year the Hospice
Foundation of America presents a video-conference for which Hospice Foundation is a local host. The 2013 conference “Improving Care
for Veterans Facing Illness and Death” was attended by veterans, caregivers, and members of the hospice community. Held on the campus
of California State University Monterey Bay, the event included a panel of professionals discussing with audience members the unique
challenges facing our veterans at the end of life.
Hike for Charity
The annual Hike for Charity, organized and hosted by the Sand Dollar Charitable Foundation, was held at Toro Regional Park on May 11th,
as a tribute to founder Darius Livian’s mother. The hike raised more than $7,500 for Hospice Foundation to grant to children’s end-of-life
services. Registration for the May 10, 2014 hike is now available, linked through our website.
Executor-Trustee Seminars
As part of our effort to provide practical advice to assist in planning for end of life, we host annual seminars that provide critical information to
people who need to learn how to serve as or appoint an executor or trustee of an estate. More than 150 people attended these seminars, which
were held in Monterey and Salinas in May of last year. Our expert presenters were Bill Brown and Jacqueline Graham of Union Bank; Chuck des
Roches from Noland Hamerly Etienne & Hoss; Jennifer Walker of Leach & Walker; and Jacquie de Petris of Elder Focus.
Our Corporate Sponsors
8 • Hospice Foundation • Annual Report 2013
With Gratitude to Our Volunteers
Planned Giving
Advisory Committee
Investment Advisory
Golf Scramble
Tom Bohnen
Pam Darling
Liza Horvath
Sidney M. Morris
Richard M. Nystrom
Stephen Pearson
Ken Petersen
Jennifer Walker
Mike Kelly, Chair
Joann Dost & Dan Tibbitts,
Honorary Co-Chairs
Vondra Bancroft
Sara Boyns
Doug Dusenbury
Chrissy Handel
Lucille Jose
Kevin Mahoney
Nanci Markey
Sue O’Brien
Danette Roberts
Todd Stornetta
Big Spring Raffle
Carole Cuffman
Jean Duff
Alan Mello
Linda Mello
Mary Miller
Tawfik Sabet
Christine Von Hurfurth
Kathleen Voris
Steve Merrell
Mark Boitano
Dee Ann Thompson
James Valentine
Gerry Ray
John Young
Mike Leavy
Dick Nystrom
Donor Appreciation
Carole Cuffman
Maryam Finnigan
Trees of Life / Children’s
Art Competition
A&G Pumping
David Baumgartner
Will Clark, Will Clark Trucking
Danny Conatser, King City Welding
Lincoln Hatch
Julie Heilman
Raye Ann Houx
Donna Myers
Debby Norman
Janene Norum
John Pekema
Sharon Pursley
Josh Redmond
Art Trescony, King City Electric
Ilene Tuttle
Eric Wilkins
Back to the Valley
Lorri Koster, Chair
Jamie Bundy
Alice Cory
Terry Fleming Ducato
Renee Jorgensen
Gina Nucci
DeeDee Reyna
Kerry Wright
Event Day Volunteers
Janet Belardo
Justin Buhler
Caitlynn Camba Kelley
Jim Clark, Monterey Bay Networks
Will Cross
David Gill
Maryam Finnigan
Annette Freeman
Renee Garner
Bo Hayner
Jim Hood
Brandon Hughes
Ashley Ishakawa
Charlie Jackman
Lucille Jose
King City Blue Ribbon 4-H
Knights of Columbus
Ian Lane
Gram Leonard
Emily Lin
National Charity League
Steven Olivares
Michael Ryder
Christine Von Hurfurth • @hospicegiving
Office Volunteers
Janet Belardo
Maryam Finnigan
Barbara Parrish
Kathy Russo
Rosemarie Russo
Bruce Weingarten
Ralph Thompson, III, Chair
Myrna Brandwein
Bill Rolland
Lorri Koster
Catherine Faber
Jean Duff
Nanci Markey
Nancy Porteous-Thomas
John Young, Chair
Mary Kay Acquazzino Basham
Carole Cuffman
Dennis Riley
Clark Struve
Bill Tebbe
Hospice Foundation • Annual Report 2013 • 9
New Board Members
We are proud to announce the newest members to our board.
David Glickman
I am honored to serve on Hospice Foundation’s Board of
Directors. My father received hospice care at the end of his
life and he and my family felt comforted and supported. He
died with dignity, something everyone should be able to
do. My time on the board will be spent with that in mind.
Carole Mortell Cuffman
ative Californian Carole moved to
the Monterey Peninsula in 1984.
A retired educator, she spent 20 years
as a career and guidance advisor, and
provided a pivotal role in establishing
a job shadowing program for high
school students. An active board
member for the Salinas Senior Center,
Carole spearheaded the Seniors’ Prom fundraiser for many
years. Carole has three grown daughters.
It is my personal goal to make a difference while serving on
the Hospice Foundation Board by explaining how we support
services to our entire community. Hospice has helped my
family three times. I was amazed at how quickly they were
able to provide services not only for our loved one, but for our
entire family. We will be ever grateful.
Wendy Franscioni
orn and raised in Los Angeles
County, Wendy graduated from
Cal State University Long Beach
and later relocated to the Central
Coast. Wendy has been in banking
and finance since 1978. She serves
as the Chief Lending Officer for
California Coastal Rural Development
Corporation, a not-for-profit small business lender. Wendy
lives in Gonzales with her husband, Mike, who was born
and raised there.
I have had three experiences with hospice care over the past
three and a half years; two in Monterey County and one in
Phoenix, AZ. The compassion and care given to my loved ones
as well as the entire family eased the journey greatly.
10 • Hospice Foundation • Annual Report 2013
avid has been a managing
director of Pension Consulting
Alliance since 2009 and relocated
to Carmel from Chicago in 2011. In 1999 he founded Ambassador
Capital Management, Inc., a
registered investment advisor, and
from1994-98, he founded and was
Chairman, CEO and CIO of Ambassador Apartments, Inc., a
real estate investment trust listed on the NYSE.
The dignity and support which Hospice Foundation offers
are noble and necessary. I am glad to add my efforts to help
provide assistance to those who care for their loved ones at
the end of their lives. Our community is enhanced because
of the compassion and empathy of the Hospice Foundation’s
Dennis Riley
orn in Canada, Dennis has a
Business degree from Queen’s
University. He has been a banker
in Toronto and an insurance
executive in Toronto, Los Angeles
and Monterey. A Monterey County
resident predominantly since
1988, Dennis is an investor who
has been involved at board level in numerous non-profit
organizations here and elsewhere. He is a graduate of
Leadership Monterey Peninsula (1992).
My mother had the great benefit of hospice assistance and
counsel that allowed her to spend her last days at home as
a loved and respected active person rather than a terminal
patient. I also admired and liked Helen Westland and her
vision and would like to help.
William C. Tebbe
ill was born and raised in Clovis
California. A graduate of Cal
Poly San Luis Obispo in Animal
Science, Bill worked in the livestock
industry for 7 years, made a career
change in 1981, and is currently
Senior Vice President, Market
Manager for the Middle Market
Division of Rabobank. He and Annette, his wife of 32
years, have lived in Salinas for 22 years and have two
children, 28 and 24.
orn in Omaha, Nebraska, Mary
Kay moved to the Monterey
Peninsula in 1996. Her career
included being a Respiratory Care
Practitioner and a sales rep for
medical equipment. Mary Kay has a
long history of community service,
including volunteering for Boys &
Girls Clubs, Voices for Children/CASA, Harmony at Home,
and Community Hospital.
Mary Kay Acquazzino Basham
I look forward to serving on the Hospice Foundation Board.
My parents both received hospice care at the end of their lives
and my family and I felt very comforted and blessed to have
had Hospice involved.
In Our Community
We’re Listening! Focus Groups and Coffees
“Notes to My Family”
inston Churchill said it best, when he said, “Courage is what
ince 1997 Hospice Foundation has been publishing our
it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes
special planning binder, Notes to My Family, to help you and
to sit down and listen.” Most of us know that talking about end
your family prepare for a dignified end of life. Through Hospice
of life can be very difficult. Yet there is a lot to say on this subject
Foundation’s Notes to My Family you can catalog important legal
and our donors have personal
documents, describe wishes for end of life
stories that help us understand
care, leave personal notes or photographs
the community’s needs. It is
for loved ones to cherish, and let others
Courage is what it takes to stand
important that we listen as our
know your preferences for services and
donors talk about the kind of
memorials. Create your personal guide to
up and speak; courage is also what
services they would like to see in
end of life, share memories, and rest easier
it takes to sit down and listen.
the community. We’ve found our
knowing your family has been a part of
informal Coffees to be an ideal
this important process. Visit hospicegiving.
venue. The discussions help
org/notestomyfamily for more information,
inform our work as we look carefully at the network of services
or call Hospice Foundation today at (831) 333-9023 to order
we support to ensure we are covering all the bases. We’d like
your copy. This year we are proud to announce an even more
these intimate conversations, over coffee or in small groups, to
robust version, which will also be on line as a downloadable, fully
continue in 2014. Give us a call if you’d like to join us or even host
integrated toolkit that will be available in 2014. The cost is $25,
a gathering. Watch for dates of upcoming Coffees on our website.
including tax.
Sponsor Profile: Peter & Barbara Blackstock
t doesn’t take long to discover the “apple of my eye” shared by
Barbara and Peter Blackstock, but there is a distinct multiplying
factor! It’s not just the two wide-eyed Maltese that have stolen their
hearts away. They are grandparents of 5 ½ year-old triplets, who
have shown them how life can bring unexpected, and undreamed
of, treasures. When talking with Barbara and Peter, one gets the
sense that their grandchildren come by their enthusiasm honestly.
The Blackstocks embrace life to the fullest and match that with a
genuine commitment to community.
Peter, originally from Brooklyn, and Barbara, born in Texas, made
their way to Monterey in 1981. Having first seen the Central Coast
during the war, Peter set his sights on calling this region home.
He worked for Ford Motor Company in the Bay Area and when an
opportunity presented itself to open a dealership in Monterey,
Peter was all in. Peter and Barbara arrived in Monterey County with
a strong belief system: “Individuals can make a difference… they
can and should show how much they care.”
For the past 25 years, Peter Blackstock and Lexus Monterey
Peninsula have designated Hospice Foundation as the charity
recipient for the Lexus Champion Charity Tournament. This soughtafter, 3-day event brings people from across the nation to Pebble
Beach to play golf and support worthy charities. Peter and Barbara’s
support for Hospice Foundation has a multiplying factor as well.
Supporting the Golf Scramble, which celebrated its 31st year
in 2013, and donating personally as well as from their business,
they are donors, ambassadors, and friend-raisers. Peter expressed
gratitude for Hospice Foundation commenting, “Nobody can really
prepare you for letting go… but it’s such a wonderful thing to
have Hospice services available.” They know their gifts to Hospice
Foundation have a broad reach: supporting multiple options for
end-of-life care and helping people make end-of-life decisions.
Even Peter and Barbara, long-time, dedicated Hospice Foundation • @hospicegiving
supporters, know it’s not easy to talk about end of life. The
Blackstocks support Hospice Foundation for all the right reasons.
“We feel it a privilege to be part of such a beautiful, dynamic,
diversified, and giving place. We are just joining the many people
who are so fortunate to live here and want to work to maintain
and improve this community that blesses us all.”
Business Council
e know that local businesses are the backbone of our local
economy. Trusted leaders in the business community
have a powerful voice to share and an insightful working
knowledge of the community’s needs. That is why we are
forming the Hospice Foundation Business Council. Membership
is earned through meaningful participation with Hospice
Foundation’s mission. Consider being an ambassador for and
a trusted partner with Hospice Foundation by joining our
Business Council. For more information, contact Lisa Bennett
or look for more details at
Hospice Foundation • Annual Report 2013 • 11
Grant Distribution
he heart of Hospice Foundation’s mission is to provide grants supporting a network of providers of hospice and end-of-life
care in Monterey and San Benito counties. The Programs and Grants committee uses a comprehensive process to review
applications, conduct site visits, and prepare grant recommendations to the Board of Directors for final approval. Grantees
report on their activities and progress twice yearly, and participate in a variety of outreach events throughout the year. We
consider our grantees our partners and we are very proud to support their work.
2013 Grants Disbursed:
$ 40,000
$ 100,000
Hospice and Palliative
Pediatric Hospice,
Palliative Care
Grief, Bereavement, &
Family Support
$ 303,411
$ 698,750
$ 761,000
$ 1,335,464
$ 1,772,125
$ 17,312,510
Education / Outreach /
Cumulative Total of Grants
Grants Dispersed Since 1998:
Hospice and
Palliative Services
Pediatric, Hospice, and
Palliative Care; Advocacy
Grief, Bereavement, and
Family Support
Education / Outreach /
Should You Care About Non-Profit Information?
e’ve heard from donors that giving to our Foundation feels good. Our donors say that it makes them feel great to learn that
the charities we fund truly make a difference and that we will use their gifts wisely. As a member of the nonprofit sector we are
responsible to our donors. That’s why we provide current financial and governance information to Guidestar, a leading reviewer of nonprofits, giving you the information you need to feel confident… to feel great! Search using our TIN: 94-2404634.
12 • Hospice Foundation • Annual Report 2013
Financial Summary
Financial Summary of Audited Financial Statement
for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2013
ospice Foundation’s Board of Directors, as fiduciaries of the Foundation, appoint an Investment Advisory Committee and receive
professional guidance from Wurts and Associates to wisely invest and manage donor funds, set policies, and develop long-term growth
strategies. This careful stewardship of donor investment in the Foundation allows us to support comprehensive resources for end-of-life
care and services throughout Monterey and San Benito Counties. Please note: This Annual Report describes activities over the calendar year. However Hospice Foundation operates financially on a fiscal
year, with the most recent fiscal year ending June 30, 2013.
Net Assets as of June 30, 2013
Unrestricted Funds:
Funds for hospice and end-of-life services
Fund for the benefit of Hospice of the Central Coast
Restricted Funds:
Funds temporarily restricted by the donor for a specific purpose
Funds permanently restricted by the donor for endowment
(Board Designated Fund)
(Program Endowment Fund)
(Board Designated Fund)
(Donor Restricted Endowment)
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and New Assets as of June 30, 2013
Paid in Fiscal Year 2012-2013 based on
2011-2012 contributed income
Hospice Foundation Revenue Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2013
Restricted and Unrestricted Funds:
Contributions and pledges
Special events (gross)
Net assets released from restrictions
Total Operating Support and Revenue
Investment Income (loss) & Other - net:
Board Designated
Donor Restricted Endowment
Program Endowment
Trusts and Annuities
Change in value of split-interest agreements
Other income
Total Investment & Other Income
Total Operating Expenses (including grants paid)
Change in Unrestricted Net Assets
Change in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
Change in Permanently Restricted Net Assets
Net Assets, End of Year
Copies of the most recent Audited Financial Statement and IRS Form 990 are available on the Hospice Foundation website at and also at the Hospice Foundation office at 80 Garden Court, Suite 201, Monterey CA 93940. If you have any
questions about this financial summary, please contact Siobhan M. Greene, President and Chief Executive Officer, at (831) 333-9023. • @hospicegiving
Hospice Foundation • Annual Report 2013 • 13
A Year of Giving — Thank You!
Dee and Spence Myers —
Legacy and Silver Society Spotlight
onthly get-togethers over soup and song, blues harmonica,
bagpipes, foreign exchange students, tennis, golf, chapel
services and poetry workshops with prison inmates… all parts of
the interesting lives of two extraordinary people, Dee and Spencer
Myers. Each was inspired by one special person; she by her friend
Lois, he by a Commander in the Navy Aerospace Medical School in
Pensacola who directed him to Ophthalmology.
They met on a blind date as freshmen at the University of Michigan.
He was bound for medical school; she for the classroom, teaching
adolescents distracted by youthful dreams and ambitions. Together
they traveled the globe, raised two wonderful children, opened
their home to numerous foreign exchange students, and now
delight in five grandchildren, aged 2 to 14 years.
Spencer retired from his ophthalmology practice 14 years ago.
These days he pursues activities that make his life meaningful,
including being a Salinas Rotarian (Club President 2012-03), a
docent at Point Lobos, and promoting the Monterey Cowboy
Poetry and Music Festival. Dee started the Volunteer Bureau in
Salinas in 1968. And while Dee says all she does nowadays is walk
the dog, she does much more, both as a hospice volunteer and as a
prison volunteer bringing spirituality and literature to inmates. She
has taken art classes at MPC, and was recently studying “Morality
and Everyday Life” via Yale University online.
Why do they support Hospice Foundation? In September 1989,
Spencer’s mother died. She was the sociable one. His dad was a
retired educator, a Superintendent of Schools who grew up in the
Depression. His dad worked; that’s what he knew. In March1990, a
few short months after his wife died, Spencer’s dad was diagnosed
with lung cancer. Hearing the tone from his doctor, he opted to
not take extraordinary measures. He went into hospice care and
began his slow, tender farewell. He loved jazz. One of the hospice
volunteers had been a jazz singer and sang to him regularly,
comforting him with soothing sounds during his time of greatest
$10,000 & Above
Estate of Carolyn C. “Sally”
Estate of Joan W. Calkins
Chevron North America
Exploration &
Community Foundation
for Monterey County
Estate of Mary Jane Wells
Mrs. Jean M. Duff
Foundation, Inc.
Estate of Alan G. Pedersen
Estate of Peggy Hunt Hicks
Estate of Fiorella Ljunggren
Estate of Laurel Dorothy
Dorothy Schumann
Thomas & Jennifer Werbe
$5,000 – $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Boitano
Church in the Forest
Dobbins Family
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Gould
Estate of Anna Hoffman
Dr. Kenneth Jensen
Mr. Robert Kaswen
Joan Klepper
Mann Packing Company,
Chris Panza
Mrs. Susan A. Pius
Ruth Ann Rosenberg
Salinas Valley Memorial
Healthcare System
Sand Dollar Charitable
Clark & Toshia Struve
Tanimura & Antle Inc.
Taylor Farms California, Inc.
Union Bank
Estate of Anna Woodhull
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Young
$2,500 – $4,999
Myrna C. Brandwein
Mr. Damon Casatico
Community Health
Donald Lee & Sally
Steadman Lucas
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J.
Kenneth & Lori Jones
Daniel & Shelly Lynch
Nanci L. Markey
Mr. William T. McClain
Edwin E. & Ruby C.
Morgan Foundation
Joanne Nissen
The Norton Foundation
Ocean Mist Farms
Pacific Ag Rental/Star
Paul Mortuary, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Robert V.
Union Bank Foundation
Dr. James R. Valentine
14 • Hospice Foundation • Annual Report 2013
need. He died quietly in June 1990. Dee and Spencer knew that
hospice care made his final days dignified and personal.
Dee’s friend Lois was a hospice volunteer and Dee was inspired by
her. After their children were grown, Dee wanted to do something
different. Eight years later, she still volunteers for hospice, doing
bereavement work and respite care, and spending time with patients.
Dee and Spencer sing in choirs, spend time with family, pursue varied
interests, and support Hospice Foundation. “I cannot think of a more
valuable organization to support,” says Spencer. Dee adds, “I admire
their broad outreach to many organizations that provide hospice care
to people of all ages.”
Sometimes, when a hospice patient is in his last hours, Dee sings to
him. She says he probably can’t hear. We know otherwise. He hears
the sweet sounds of someone who cares. Someone who gives, who
invests her time and resources so people from all walks of life can
have a loving and compassionate end of life. Dee and Spencer Myers,
thank you from all of us.
Wells Fargo Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Wiest
$1000 – $2,499
1st Capital Bank - Monterey
Mr. Ronald Abelmann
Alliance Home Health, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Amato
Anthony Costa & Sons
Apple Matching Gifts
Mr. Sam J. Balesteri
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Bassetti
Dr. & Mrs. H. Glenn Bell, Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Peter E.
Mrs. Sophia C. Britton
Mr. Jay Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L.
Central Coast Senior
Services, Inc.
Glen Charles
Chevron North America
Momi Chinn
Mrs. Maureen A. Chodosh
Church Brothers LLC
Marie Cominos
Community Hospital of the
Monterey Peninsula
Mr. & Mrs. Brian T. Corley
Carole Cuffman
Daniels-Houlton Family
Ned & Sandra Dewey
Mr. Matthew Do
Mr. & Mrs. William G.
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Dorey
Jane L. Emison
Pam & Russ Fadel
Mr. Peter C. Felice
Fenton & Keller
Dick & Maria
Capt. & Mrs. Cyrus F.
Fitton, USN, Ret.
William J. Frazier & Renee
Frances Friscia
Mr. Jerry W. Fronterhouse
Laura Gamble
Mr. Thomas Goldsmith
Drew & Myra Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. H. James Griggs
Hastie Financial Group
Mr. Michael Haynes
Cheryl A. Heyermann
Joan Hoover & James
Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Hudson
J. Marchini Farms
Joanne Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Kelly
Kelly Family Foundation
Michael B. Kelly
Tom & Lorri Koster
Mr. Scott Kriens
Mr. Peter W. Lampman
Larry & Phyllis Wilkinson
Foundation, Inc
Dr. & Mrs. William R. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Love
Jean Lovell
M&M West Coast Produce
Diane Mahony
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Mark
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Merrell
Lynn & Mikel Ann Miller
Stanley N. Minor
Monterey Peninsula
Dorothea G. Mumford
Constance Murray &
David Buckingham
Victoria Nelson
Next Generation Films
The Nunes Company, Inc.
Mr. James Parker IV
Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Pirotte
Nancy Porteous-Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. William N.
Dr. & Mrs. James E. Rheim
Mr. Donald R. Riehl
Cynthia Rodrigues
John & Annette Romans
Gordon & Vicki
Rotary Club of Monterey
Janice & Ken Rudisill
Mr. Glen Ryland
Sharon Saunders
Peggy Scholz
Bob Seidel
Gary & Lori Silacci
Silicon Valley Community
Mr. & Mrs. Ernie J.
Mr. & Mrs. George G.
Mr. Todd Stornetta
Sunsation Farms, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. John J Tennant,
The Thompson Law Office
Mr. & Mrs. William L.
United Way of Monterey
Bart Walker
Mrs. Julia B. Wilson
Yellow Brick Road Benefit
$500 – $999
Jack & Eileen Lee Anderson
Mr. Gary L Bacon
Bank of the West
Mary Kay Acquazzino
Katherine E. Beallo
Stevan D. Bradley
Mrs. Elsie D. Browder
Jamie & Peter Bundy
California International
CAP Rx, Inc
Carmel Realty Company
Mr. & Mrs. Howard H.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Day
Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Ann & Douglas
Elder Focus, LLC
Kathy Gabelman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J.
Mr. David Glickman
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Gollnick
Mr. & Mrs. Harrison
Mr. James M. Hilden
Bonnie A. Hill
Holaday Seed Company
William & Barbara Hyland
Integrated Wealth Counsel,
Mr. & Mrs. Steve John
Mrs. Ruth E. Johnson
Mr. Steven A. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Woodrow R.
Mr. Scott Kelly
Elizabeth Lang
Mrs. Louetta J. Langley
Leach & Walker
Lexus Champions for
Mr. & Mrs. David K. Liskin
Lugo’s Towing &
Automotive Repair
Dr. Denise R. Mark
Mr. David Martella
Bill & Laurie Massa
Roger Maulding
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J.
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Monterey Peninsula
Country Club Women’s
Golf Association
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Moore
NCGA Foundation
NH3 Service Company
Noland, Hamerly, Etienne
& Hoss
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Parsons
Susan Passavoy
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Peirce
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell W.
Dr. & Mrs. Alan Rosenthal
Mr. Ryan Sanchez
Scheid Vineyards
Terry Fleming Inc.
Mr. Todd Tice
Mr. Jerry Warner
Warner Pacific Insurance
Jan Watson
David & Michaelin Watts
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Weil, Jr
Jeannee Wethe
Mr. Jerry A. Wilkinson
Linda Winchester
Jane Woodward
Stephanie Zelei
$250 – $499
Mr. & Mrs. Asaad
Mr. Gus P. Aiello
Allstate Insurance
Sister Claire Barone
Lanetta E. Bishop
Fred W. Bohlander
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Booth
Peter & Charlene Boulais
Gordie Campbell
Jessica Canning
Helen E. Carlin
Carmel Host Lions
Tricia Catiggay
Erin Church
Dr. & Mrs. James W. Clark
Mrs. Marcella L. Clark
Clifton Pediatrics
Mrs. Gloria Clinton
Mr. Peter T. Coakley
Dolores L. Colburn
Ellen Cowger
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L.
Bonnie Culp
Judge & Mrs. William D.
Mrs. Carol R. Davenport
Mr. & Mrs. John Delorey
Mr. Brian Demerest
Mrs. Babette Dennis
Mr. Craig S. Descalzi
Margo & Dennis Donahue
Mrs. Shirley Doolittle
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Downey
Mrs. Diane P. Ellis
Robert Evans
Cathy J. Faber
Lynn Farris
Neil Fearn
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon L.
Mrs. Marsha Gallegos
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W.
Gamble, Sr
Mr. & Donald P. Gaver
Michele Giulvezan-Tanner
Ann Prego & Andrew
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey
Siobhan M. Greene
Mr. Thomas Greer
Mr. & Mrs. John K.
Kathryn L. Hart
Gretchen Hausmann
Mr. James Heilig
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R.
Cheri Hitchcock
Mr. Chris T. Hitchcock
Michael & Claudette
Mr. Louis Hong
Dale Inada
Johnson Associates
Jacquelin LaVine Jones
Lucille A. Jose
Mr. Yoe Kageyama
Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Kakimoto
Mr. John Kneisl
Adm. Edward M. Kocher,
Kevin G. Landon, DDS &
Mrs. Edie Landon
Norman Larson & Robin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Leon
Beverly L. Lewis
Zooey Lober
Joe Locatelli & Becky Sue
Mrs. Betty Y. Oka
Carl & Jane Panattoni
Mrs. Carin Piini
Mr. James C. Price
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis D.
David & Weezie Reese
Mr. & Mrs. Clement G.
Richardson, Sr
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Riddle
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin J.
Rev. & Mrs. William Rolland
Mr. & Mrs. Lee E. Rosen
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph K.
Robin A. Seelye
Mr. & Mrs. Furman L.
Mr. & Mrs. John S.
Mr. & Mrs. James S.
Mr. & Mrs. Noel J.
Mr. Patrick Small
Mr. Andy Smith
Mr. Chris Smoot
Mr. Chang So
Mrs. Faith B. Stoddard
Karen M. Tacke
Kathleen Taylor
Melissa S. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W.
Thompson, III
Mr. & Mrs. James M.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Daniel
Mr. Michael P Tierney
Kris Toscano
United Way of Santa Cruz
United Way of Silicon
UPS Store Carmel
Judith A. Valliere
Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Village Mobile Home Park
Christine Von Hurfurth
Sandy Andrus
Diane M. Ausonio
Mrs. Nancy Ausonio
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Babcock
Jill J. Bachman
Mr. Russell H. Baggot
Mr. & Mrs. Dale W. Baker
Mr. John R. Banister
Mr. Stephen Bann
Mrs. Patricia W. Banta
Mary C. Baribeau
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald G.
Margaret Basa
Janet J. Belardo
Craig Bell
Mr. Elgie L. Bellizio
Bob & Buff Belter
Lisa C. Bennett
Edwina F. Bent
Mrs. Joanne M.
Patricia A. Bimie
Yvonne Birch
Mrs. Cynthia S. Bitter
Body Shop by Gene
Ia G. Boelter
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J.
Nan Borreson
Mr. Matthew Bosworth
Ivete Botsford
Mr. Frank L. Bottero
Casey & Sara Boyns
Liselotte Bradburn
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Braga
Mr. Jon Brandt
Mr. & Mrs. William A.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J.
Teri A. Breschini
Demi & Richard Briscoe
Milton & Mary Bristow
Mrs. Zuzzanne Broom
Richard & Vicki Broome
Colette E Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Harmon W.
Thank you to all of our donors who have made a gift between
January 1, 2013, and December 31, 2013. We appreciate your
generosity and support. The names in bold are members of the
Silver Society: individuals and businessess who have made
annual donations to Hospice Foundation for 10 consecutive years
or more. We apologize for any errors or omissions.
Mrs. Marjorie P. Love
Mr. & Mrs. Mylo M.
Mr. Kevin Mahoney
Mrs. Janine V. Martello
Essie & Kevin Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Martin
Adm. & Mrs. Henry H.
Mauz, Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald
Mrs. Patricia J. McDermott
Harry E. McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. M. Edward
Messmer Associates, Inc.
Mr. Matt Modena
Mr. David H. Naslund
Mrs. Jeanne Blackburn
John & Debby Norman
Gina Nucci
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Nystrom • @hospicegiving
Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick A.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wangberg
Mr. Judson Weil
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Weismann
Mr. & Mrs. James S.
Weston Gallery, Inc.
Don & Rosanne Whitaker
Dr. Brian Wong
Dr. & Mrs. Alfred Yager
$100 – $249
A.F. Silveira & Sons LLC
Dorothy B. Abeloe
Mr. & Mrs. Lawson Adams
Janet Agnew
Nancy Ahmann
Mr. John Alger
Mrs. Beverley A. Ambort
Mrs. Marianne Andersen
Steve & Janyce Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. James Anderson
Mrs. Beverley L. Brownell
Mr. Charles Brownfield
Montie Bryan
Denise Burks
Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Butler, II
Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. William
Consuelo Cabuto
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Cain
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Caprara
John & Alice Carley
Carmel Valley Guest Home
Mr. & Mrs. Noel P. Carr
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Carter
Casa de Fruta
Mrs. Rosalie Casas
Bill & Holly Casey
Susan Cerney
Sharon A. Chastain
Mrs. Sandra S. Choi
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Church
Mr. Edward J. Claessen
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Clark
Mrs. Paula Breschini
Mr. Richard E. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L.
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Cody
Mr. & Mrs. George Coe
Compassionate Care
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Conley
Carin Cook-Piini
David & Kerri Costa
Nadine Costa
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Craft
Grant & Gina Cremers
Col. & Mrs. Arvid P.
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Cruzan
Eleanor C. Curtice
Mrs. Louise A. Cutino
David & Mary Daines
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Dale
Dalena Farms, Inc.
Pam Darling, CPA
Donna Davidson
Anna J. Davis
Mrs. Jean E. Davis
Mr. John H. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Y. Day
Paulette Deaton
Tina Del Piero
Mrs. Mary Delfino
Mr. Peter Dentice
Bill & Sara May DeRosa
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B.
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick
Diamond Produce
Mr. & Mrs. Murray C. Dill
Joseph & Catherine
Mr. Dennis J. Donovan
Elaine Dotseth
Estelle P. Douglas
Mrs. Iris M. Dowden
Mr. Matthew Dowlen
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L.
Francis & Hilary Duda
Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Durkee
Mr. George W. East
Mr. & Mrs. Sam P. Eastman
Mr. & Mrs. Leon E. Edner
Mrs. Lucille A. Eggerman
Radm. & Mrs. John J.
Mrs. Abbie T. Eldredge
Mr. & Mrs. J. Randolph
Mr. Robert V. Empante
Mr. E. J. Erner
Robin D Evenden
Bill & Cathy Faber
Mr. Richard A. Falge
Jim & Karen Fanoe
Jack & Iris Farr
Dr. Paul J. Farrell
Mr. John Favazza
Mrs. Josephine Favazza
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Ferrante
Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Ferrasci
Mr. & Mrs. Albert M.
Sharon Field
Dr. & Mrs. Julian Fisher
Bill & Narda Foletta
Mr. Nelson Foreman
Stacy L. Forgy
Jeanne Fosnot
Mrs. Carol M. Foster
Diane M. Fourchy
Dr. & Mrs. Crawford E.
Foy, Jr
Mrs. Mary-Jo Franco
Mr. Jack Franscioni
Mrs. Monica M. Freeder
Hospice Foundation • Annual Report 2013 • 15
Carol L. Fuessenich
Mrs. Beatrice K.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Stewart Fuller
Mr. & Mrs. Conrad L.
Jackie Galbreath
Roberta Garin
Mrs. Patricia Garlinger
Kathleen A. Gates
Mr. Andry Geckler
Ginger Gianolini
Marie Gieszelmann
Sister Jean Gilhuly
David & Susan Gill
Mrs. Bonnie B. Gillooly
Mrs. Susan Glau
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Gomes
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gould
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Gould
Col. Frank B. Gregory, Ret.
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Griffin
John & Gloria Grisetti
Elizabeth L. Gularte
Rae A. Gularte
Mr. & Mrs. Howard C.
Gustafson, Sr
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Guy
Mrs. Anna Hacker
Mrs. Martha M. Haddad
Bette & Ross Hagins
Ross Haisley
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Haisley
Mrs. Armetta Hamilton
Faye E. Hanger
Mr. Leland James Hansen
Mrs. Monique Hanssens
Mrs. Kay Harmon
Dolores W. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Hershel Harrod
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Hartman
Esther N. Haskins
S. Hattori
Robert & Sheri Hauswirth
Mrs. Patricia Heess
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A.
Mary U. Hill
Mrs. A. Louise Hilton
Rebecca Hitchcock
Richard L Hitchcock
Christine M. Hitchner
JoAnn Fehring Holbrook
Dianna G. Holder
Dorothy D. Holland
Mr. & Mrs. John C Hollo
Mrs. Beverly A Holthouse
Mrs. Jan Hopkins
Mrs. Jean Horan
Keesha & Steve Horn
Mrs. Mary H. Horn
Mr. Peter T. Hoss
Judy A. Hough
Kim Houser
Mrs. Diane Hunter
Mrs. Nancy G. Hutchinson
Dr. & Mrs. John K. Ishizuka
Italian Catholic Federation
Jacob’s Heart Children’s
Cancer Support Services
Elizabeth Jamieson
Mrs. Dorothy M Jefferson
Bryan & Shawna Johnson
Dennis & Carol Johnson
Harland & Therese Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Johnson
Mr. R. Merrill Jones
Debra Kaczmer
Dr. Sadayo Kanaya
Bill & Anita Kaplan
Kimberly J. Karmirantzos
Carol J. Kasten
Mr. Donald Kayser
Barbara & Frank Keith
Mr. Harold W. Keland
Mrs. Carole Kelley
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis H. Kelly, Jr
Diane Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J.
Kelly, III
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Kelly
Mrs. Ruth G. Kelly
Mrs. Virginia B. Keyser
Mr. Claude Keyzers
Shirley & Thomas Kiatta
King City Rotary
King City True Value
Mr. Ronald J. Klauer
Shirley Ann Kline
Karla Kogan
Dorothy C. Konrad
Mrs. Emilie T. Koontz
Mrs. Barbara Korp
John & Susan Koza
Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Kren
Mrs. Kikuyo Kuwatani
Marilyn Kwock
Suzanne Ladd-Powers
Mr. Erling Lagerholm
Christopher Laing & Loreen
Mr. & Mrs. William T.
Chris & Shelly Maulding
Mr. & Mrs. Tom May
Chris Mayhew
Elizabeth Mazik
Michelle N. McCain
Walter J. McCarthy
Ruth McClendon & Leslie
Virginia McCollough
James & Susan McCreight
Blaine McDonough
Harry & Valerie
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Gertrude J. McEwen
Mr. & Mrs. Devin M.
Mr. & Mrs. Dan M. McKay
Mr. Jack W. McKay, III
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin R. McKean,
Jean & Gary McKenzie
Mrs. Molly McKnight
Mrs. Jeanne F. Nakagawa
Donald R. Napoli
Mr. & Mrs. Michel H. Nasr
Mr. & Mrs. George R.
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Newton
Mrs. Onorina Nichols
Kathryn M. Nicholson
Patricia A. Nickerson
Mr. Eugene K. Nooe
Jennifer Noonan
Mrs. Joan E. Nucci
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Nunes
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Nuss
Mrs. Charlotte H. Ober
Mrs. Shirley Olmsted
Monique Olsen
Mrs. Junis A. Olson
Rosemary O’Rourke
Mr. James Orradre
Lisa Ostarello
Floyd & Lyn Owens
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Owens
Dr. & Mrs. Steven J. Packer
Ande Parker
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry M. Parker
Chambered Nautilus Endowment Fund
We acknowledge and recognize the following permanent
endowments with Hospice Foundation.
Susan Bacon Fund
Hospice Foundation
Board of Directors Fund
Mary Wolf Rolfing Bogue Fund
Sharon M. Damon Fund
James & Jean Duff Fund
Warren & Judy Field Fund
Taylor Fithian Family
Foundation Fund
Brigitta Lambert
Astrid Rosa Lang
Mr. & Mrs. Lovell
Patricia LaPointe
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J.
Lance & Gail Larsen
Mr. Stephen L. Lavaute
Katie Layman & Stuart
Dale & Karen Layton
Howard & Betsy Leach
Mrs. Alma M Lee
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Lehr
Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. Lemke
Mary Lenahancea
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A.
Mrs. Norman B. Levin
Earlene Lewis
Mrs. Joanne B. Lewis
Janet Linkenbach
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew A. Little
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin F. Loop
Stephanie Loose, CPA
Mrs. Marjory N. Lord
La Verne Lorentzen
Marcia Love-Jackson
Joyce J. Lowe
Marsha J Lubow
Mr. Ron Ludes
Mr. James R. Lugg
Mr. David Mackie
Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Mackin
Mr. & Mrs. Edward E.
Magner, III
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford L.
Kneale & Jean Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Greg P. Martin
Terry & Melissa Martin
Friends of Hospice Fund –
Patient Care
Louis & Ruth Huntington Fund –
Patient Care at Westland House
Lise Jensen Fund
Richard Kudrna Fund
Ruth E. Lisle Fund
David F.C. Stein Fund
Helen Westland Fund – Patient Care
Mrs. Frances C. McLennan
Mr. Alan McMasters
Eva C. Medellin
Jeffery & Debbie Meeks
Mrs. William Melendez
Mr. Dave Merritt
Mr. & Mrs. David Mesa
Mr. David J. Messmer
Mr. Ralph G Micheletti
Holly Mikkelson
Mrs. Nell Milich
Dr. & Mrs. George E.
Miller, Jr
Lesley J. Miller
Mrs. Maxine R. Miller
Adm. & Mrs. Richard A.
Mr. & Mrs. William G.
Patricia Mitchell
Ellen R. Moir
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M.
Mr. & Mrs. John V.
Sheila R. Molinari
Mr. & Mrs. E. R. Monteith
Monterey Auto Supply
Monterey Peninsula Host
Lions Club
Mrs. Rose M. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P.
Mrs. Mary Ada Torras Morton,
Mrs. Alice Michael Moser
Martha D. Moses
Martha S. Mosher
Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Mraule
Charlotte Muramoto
Mrs. Edna Muther
Mrs. Donna L Myers
16 • Hospice Foundation • Annual Report 2013
Barbara Parrish
Audrey P. Parry
Judy Parsons
Mrs. Elizabeth Eldredge
Mr. & Mrs. Victor M. Pavloff
M.Y. Payan
Esther E. Payton
Sue Peccianti
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E.
Dr. & Mrs. George H. Penn
Mrs. Rose Faye
Susanne Pereira
Kenneth B. Petersen
Mrs. Evelyn M. Peterson
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Petrini
Mr. Dale Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W.
Ron & Carrie Piearcy
Joe Piedimonte
Vicki & Robert Pitman
Deborah J. Pittman
Stacy L. Pius
Mr. & Mrs. Forrest A. Plant
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A.
Mr. John D. Pletta
Michael & Peggy Polosky
Mr. Ted Ponton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Postigo
Dolores G. Powell
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin E.
Mr. & Mrs. William Probasco
Mrs. Maxine C Proctor
Jane Pura
Mr. & Mrs. William Ramsey
Mr. Delwyn C. Rasmussen
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L.
Robyn & Kenneth Rauh
Brent & Sue Redmond
Mr. Hansen P. Reed
J. T. Rethke
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rhodes
Norma G. Rianda
Dr. & Mrs. Tony K.
Lillian C. Rico
Bud & Sheila Riewerts
Mr. & Mrs. Bernardo B.
Mr. Joseph L. Robello
Jane Meade Roberts
Mrs. Mary Roberts
Barbara C. Robinson
Mrs. Donna Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B.
Mr. Walter F. Robison
Mrs. Louise Rosehill
Joe & Diane Rossi
Mr. Robert Rothrock
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Rowley
Pauline J. Ruhl
Jim & Anne Rurka
Jim & Kathy Russo
Mrs. Rosemarie Russo
Mr. David S. Sabih
Diane & Jean-Pierre
Delano & Pat Sala
Mr. Vincent J. Salomone
Stacia A. Sambar
Mr. & Mrs. John H.
Mr. & Mrs. David Sargenti
Mr. & Mrs. T. Sarpkaya
Mr. Kevin Saunders
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Savale
Mrs. Theresa M. Scattini
Mrs. Donna G. Schaffer
Mr. & Mrs. William R.
Stacey & Daniel Schrader
Helen H. Schuttish
Lorraine I. Scott
Mr. Richard D Searle
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Seeger
Katherine A. Sherer
Mary Sherman
Mrs. Margaret Shipley
Carlene R. Short
Mr. & Mrs. Warren C. Shukis
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Silveira
Mr. & Mrs. Al Skonberg
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Slatten
Bill & Pat Slezak
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Slocum
F M. Small, Jr
Mrs. Clara F. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Smith
Dr. & Mrs. Ladd D. Smith
Margaret Smith
Richard & Claudia Smith
Lesley Jean Smith
Mr. & Mrs. John P.
Linda M. Snyder
Bettye Sollecito
Mrs. Barbara J. Solomone
David & Janice Sonnenberg
Dorothy G. Souza
Mr. & Mrs. Bob G. Sparks
Lucille A. Spiegl
Martha G. Spiel
Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Staley
Karen Steadman
Mr. Fredrick A. Stewart
Mr. Richard A. Stewart
Barbara L. Stokely
Mrs. Chris Stoner
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen D.
Dean & Joanne Storkan
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Storm
Sandy Storm
Mr. John Stornetta
Barbara Stracuzzi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Sugar
Dr. Leslie Sugimoto
Sarah Sutton-Deakin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K.
Susie Tanaka
Mr. Tom T. Tanimura
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Tannahill
Judith Tatelbaum, MSW
Dr. Care Terkelson
Frederick Terman & Nan
Mrs. James J. Thackara
Mrs. Heather Thomas
Mr. Scott Thomson
Mr. David Thornberry
Mr. Barry Throgmorton
Mrs. Dora Thurman
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Tibbey
Thomas & Christina Tipton
Mrs. Carol G. Todd
Lydia Torres
Tostevin Accountancy
Mr. & Mrs. J. Breck
Dr. & Mrs. Terrence K. Trapp
Dr. Rolf A. Trautsch
Genelle & Sal Tringali
Sam & Joan Trust
Claudia J. Tucker
Mrs. Richard T. Tucker
Mr. Peter Tweebt
United Way from Central
Joyce H. Urquidez
Mrs. Namiko Uyeda
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Uyeda
Tiffany Uyeda
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Vaccarezza
Valley Isle Electric
Marian Van Horn
Mrs. Claudine Van Vleet
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Van
Mr. & Mrs. Gary S.
Frank & Deborah
Mrs. Kathleen S.
Dr. & Mrs. W. Lane Verlenden
Central Coast Visiting
Nurse Association &
Frank & Teresa Vogl
Ted & Lisa Voigt
Annemarie Von Adelung
Mr. & Mrs. Martin A.
Kathleen S. Voris
Mr. Jeffrey Vose
Mr. Frank Vowles
Mrs. Elizabeth J Wade
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Walch
Mr. Dave Walker
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Walker
Mrs. Marilyn Walters
Thomas Hao Wang
Lexann Warren
Mrs. Anne M. Washburn
Roseann Washburn
Mrs. Virginia E. Watts
Mr. & Mrs. Chase R. Weaver
David Werner & Mary Jonas
Mr. & Mrs. David K. Werner
Sandra Wheaton
Mrs. Virginia L. Wheeler
Mr. George White
Mr. Ken White
Nick & Sandy White
Mrs. Constance S. Whitney
Mr. & Mrs. Craig L. Wiley
G. R. & Lucille Wiley
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Wilkes
Ann Williams
Douglas & Kathleen
Mrs. Hope D. Williams
Nancy O. Willoughby
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Wills
Mr. & Mrs. Carlyle Wilson
Chris Wilson
Ray H. Winsted
Mrs. Olivia Wlodarczyk
Stewart Wobber
Diane Wolcott
Mr. Ed Wong
Mr. Walter Wong
Serita Sue Woodburn
Kerry Wright
Ann L. Yant
Margaret Young
Sandra Zappelli
Lucy & Rick Ziel
Jan Ziessow
Debie Zorra
Under $100
Brenda Abear
Donna B. Abrahams
Peggy Adam
Mr. Francis Aebi, Jr
Judge Nat A. Agliano
Mrs. Guadalupe Aguayo
Mrs. Dorothy Albee
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Alexander
Gaspare & Maryanne Aliotti
Gaspare & Phyllis Aliotti
Mr. & Mrs. John Aliotti
Mr. Nicholas Aliotti
Jane Allen
Mr. Robert Allen
Barbara S. Allgood
Justin & Glenda Allred
Mrs. Shirlee Allums
Mr. Robert W. Almeida
Roberta L. Alvarez
Suzanne Alvin
Mr. & Mrs. William N.
Mrs. Katherine Amelio
American Plumbing
Mrs. Emmy Ames
Mrs. Carmen Amezcua
Elizabeth Amundsen
Mr. Burton Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald K.
Marjorie I. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Andrade
Mr. Michael Androsko
Mr. Eugene Andruchowicz
Anne Olson Insurance
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A.
Mrs. Jennie C. Aquino
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Aragon
Dolly Ares
Agustin J. Argenal
Sandra C. Ashby
Mrs. Moira Attwell
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Aumiller
Marsha Austin
Mr. Roy Avant
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Avila
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Bachan
Mrs. Rosylan Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Christian Baird
Mr. Jon Baker
S.A. & Barbara Balbo
Mr. Alan M. Balch
Mr. & Mrs. Vance D. Baldwin
Kathleen Balke
Mr. & Mrs. Barry C. Ballew
Mrs. Patricia K Bally
Mr. Harry E. Bank
Mr. Enos Barera
Cathy Bargenquast
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Barker
Marion F. Baroni
Stella L. Barton
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred H. Bassetti
Mrs. Elisa B. Batara
Steven & Kathleen Bauer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Beety
Mrs. Mary Begtrup
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G.
Ted & Norma Bell
Robert & Kim Bell
Pansy & Vincent Belleci
Joan R. Beller
Marjorie L Bench
Mrs. Mary Benech
Mr. Frank Benevento
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Bengard
Barbara & Tom Bennett
Eileen Bennett
Lois Bennett
Marian T. Bennett
Mrs. Kim Benoit
Evelyn Bernard
Kari Bernardi
Laura Berryessa
Beta Sigma Phi Gamma
Craig Bettencourt
Mr. & Mrs. John Billman
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Biondi
Elizabeth & Brian
Mr. Rick Blackwell
Karen M. Blasquez
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E.
Mr. Jim Bogart
Estate of Verle Bogue
Mrs. Dorothy M Boles
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Bollin
Heather Bomarito
Mrs. Sarah Bonner
Georgia B. Booth
Mrs. Donna Borchard
Mrs. Maureen Bordan
Marilyn J. Borucki
Mr. & Mrs. Eric L. Bosler
Mr. Robert Bouchard
Sam & Joyce Bourgeois
Patricia Bradley & Jack
Ronna Bradley
Mr. Ernest Braga
Cynthia Branch
Mrs. Joanne Bray
Dr. & Mrs. John H. Brazinsky
Sue Breazile
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Brem
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J.
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Brigantino
Mrs. Harriet R. Brin
Linda Brockman
Elizabeth P. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Brown
Paul & Becky Brownfield
Mrs. Darla Browning
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A.
Linda Bruno
Sally Bryan
Kathie Buaya
Lee Bucich
Barbara J. Burdick
Joanne C Burgonio
Mrs. Phyllis J. Burkey
Carol Burnip
Jim & Sharon Burnis
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Burns
Barbara Burrowes
Frank & Patricia Busch
Diana Busman
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Byers
Mr. Leonard Del Byler
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Calcagno
Mr. Michael D. Calhoun, Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Calinawan
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Callens
Rosalie Campisi
Mrs. Lorraine Canepa
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L.
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Canning
Dr. & Mrs. Lewis C. Cantor
Susan Carbonel
Gerald & Victoria Carder
Cardinale Family
Mr. & Mrs. Gasper Cardinale
Gioacchino J. Cardinale
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Cardinale
Joseph Cardinalli & Marilyn
Bud & Elizabeth Carlson
Carmel Valley Manor
Elizabeth M. Carney
Mrs. Zola F. Carver
Mr. & Mrs. Emilio Casillas
Mrs. Helen Casillas
Katy Castagna
Anna Catalano
Catholic Charities of the
Diocese of Monterey
Mr. & Mrs. Turie Cavaliere
Geneva M. Cecil
Mrs. Frances M. Cefalu
Mrs. Nancy Chacon
Sandy Read Chaix
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B.
Elsa Chavez
Mariruth Coffin
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Coffman
Bella A. Cohen
Cathleen Cohen & Martin
William & Sherie
Mrs. Virgile Collenback
Carrie Collier
Carole Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Leland G.
Mrs. Pamela Collins
Community Church of
King City
Community Foundation for
San Benito County
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Conklin
Cathy Conway
Deborah E. Conway
Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Cook
Stacey Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred W. Cooper
Judith Coppetti
Mr. Henry Corda
Alice Cory
Mr. Alan Cosseboom
Patricia A. Costen
Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Coullahan
David & Susan Courrejou
Mr. & Mrs. Howard L.
Anna Cowles
Paula Crabtree
Julianne L. Craig
Alda E. Crance
Rose F Crivello
Ramona Crosby
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Crummey
Jane D. Cruz
Anita Cullinan
Julie Culver
Alvina Currall
Sarah Deakin
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Dedini
Dennis & Sheila Deis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Della
Mr. Alfred A. DePratti
Joyce A. Dettman
Donna R. DeVincenzi
Nicole DeVincenzo
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Di
Rena Di Girolamo
Tiffany & Reno DiTullio
M. Susan Ditzler
Mary Dixon, RN
Gunhilde K. Dobransky
Mr. Douglas Dodge
Bruce Doneux
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Josyleen Doque
Patti Doran
Ruth E. Douglas
Wayne & Elizabeth
Dora Draper & Brice Draper
Mr. & Mrs. F. John
Dresser, Jr
Mrs. Ted Drobnick
Nadine Z. Dubrin
Mrs. Cora Mae Duke
Monica Dumitriu
J. Ritchie Dunn
Mrs. Joanne Dunwoody
Carmen V. Duran
Frank & Phyllis Durao
Rosanna K. Dusek
Dr. & Mrs. Michael F. Eandi
Karen D. Egan
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Eklund
Mrs. Elaine A Eldridge
Anne Marie Elisee
Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Elliott
2013 In-Kind Individual Contributors
Many businesses and individual people give in-kind (non-cash)
gifts. Businesses are listed on page 19, and those people who have
done so are listed below.
Jeryl Abelman
Katherine Beallo
Casey & Sara Boyns
Jamie & Peter Bundy
Rip Chappin
Alice Cory
Brian Demerest
Joann Dost
Terry & Frank
Ronda & Gordon
Pam & Russell Fidel
James R. Cherry
Mrs. Virginia F. Cherry
Linda F. Chetlin
Luciano Chinaglia & Maria
Aliotti Chinaglia
Phyllis Chinn
Mr. Nicholas Chiulos
Rita L. Chivers
Mrs. Mary Margaret
Joe & Leti Cisneros
Stephen & Maribeth Clark
Mr. & Mrs. J. Daniel Clarke
Douglas & Laurie Classen
Kay Cline
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Clower
Mr. Eugene Cochetti
Irene J. Coffey
Mrs. Mary E. Coffey • @hospicegiving
William J. Frazier &
Renee Jorgensen
David & Susan Gill
Shelby Hawthorne
Raye Ann Houx
Tom & Lorri Koster
Jean Lovell
Nanci L. Markey
Margaret D’Arrigo
Gina Martorella
Gina Nucci
Eric Phelps
Rudy Quidileg
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Curry
Adriana Curtis
Scott & Lori Curtis
Mr. Melvin Cutler
Ed & Pat Daansen
Mrs. Patricia K Dally
Bob & Edna D’Ambrosio
Mr. James D. Darling
Mr. Peter Davi
Mr. Luis P. Davila
Anne M. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. G. G. Davis, III
Michelle Davis
Tess Dawber
Keith & Michele Day
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen de
Mrs. Yolanda De Maria
Laura De Mars
Brooke Raimondo
Dee Dee Reyna
Heather Sammut
Sharon Saunders
Vic Simone
Dean & Joanne
Gayle Triolo
Gary & Joan Vincenz
Kim & Norman
Gary & Barbara
Debie Zorra
Mr. & Mrs. L.W. Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Russell L.
Mrs. Joan Elstob
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald
Teri & Jack English
Elbert & Rose Marie Enos
Barb Epperson
Mr. Spencer Erickson
Linda Eriksen
Mrs. Eleanor Ernest
Mr. & Mrs. Miguel S. Errea
T. S. Eschholz
Mr. Anthony J. Escover
Mrs. Carole Etchemendy
Shelly Etter
Mrs. Marie Elena Evans
Mrs. Mary E. Evans
Margie & Mike Fanoe
Loraine Farmer
Sherry Farson
Victoria R. Fash
Mrs. Maria Favaloro
Joseph Favazza
Mr. & Mrs. George Faxon
Mr. Max Feldman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Felice
Tricia Fellows
Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore J.
Mrs. Florence W. Ferriss
Hildegard L. Finta
Mrs. Helen B. Flaherty
Lisa C. Flint
Mr. & Mrs. Dean D. Flippo
Francine & G. Jerry Flores
Lt.Col. Gerald Flowers
USA , Ret
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Fogg
Carole A. Fontana
Mr. & Mrs. Sean B. Fort
Mr. Doug Forzani
Gwendolyn G. Foster
Mr. LeRoy R. Frame
Gene & Dianne Francis
Mrs. Susan S. Francis
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Franco
Mr. & Mrs. Vaughn A.
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Franks
Mr. & Mrs. James M.
Marjorie R. Frick
Mr. Ken Friedenbach
Michele Friedrich
Gwenn Frindt
Aaron & Katherine Fuqua
Mrs. Mary R. Gale
Mr. & Mrs. David Gallegos
Mr. & Mrs. Josef A Gamper
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L.
Mr. Frank Garcia
Mrs. Jean Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. Ramiro Garza, Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Gash
Mr. Edgar C Gaudoin
Chrisanthi T. Georgalos
Mrs. Margaret Gerba
Rick & Gini Germani
Kathleen Gesell
Annie Giammanco
Mrs. Francesca Giamona
Mrs. Joan E. Gifford
Deirdre M. Gillis
Mrs. Dolores I. Giovanetti
Pauline Gist
Nadya & Valerio Giusi
Mr. CJ Given
Patrice Glithero
Mary M. Goblirsch
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F.
Daniel & Gloria Gomes
Rev. Frank Gomez
Mary Gomon
John & Judy Gong
Zulema Gonzalez
Mr. Bruce Gordon
Marilyn J. Gorman
Mrs. Kathleen K. Gorsche
Sharon Gota
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Gotch
Valerie A. Gottesman
Mr. & Mrs. John Goulart, Jr
Mrs. Masa Gould
Smillka Goynich
Jim & Debbie Graham
Mr. Arthur S. Greathead
Rabbi & Mrs. William
Greenebaum, II
Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Warren & Chigako Greer
Mr. Johnny Grider
Hospice Foundation • Annual Report 2013 • 17
Margaret W. Grier
Mr. William S. Griffith
Mr. & Mrs. David Grimes
Mrs. Dorothy L.
Mrs. Maria Grindstaff
Mrs. Relda Grossman
Nadine Guice
Mrs. Ella Guidotti
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B.
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Gularte
Betty Iliff Haines
Sean & Leslie Hall
Miss Gabriela M Halstead
Cindy Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Galyn C.
Myrna Hampton
Dr. & Mrs. E. Joe Hancock
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Hansen
Peggy Hansen
Mr. & Mrs. Ray A. Hansen
Jeri L. Hanson
Lu Harbin
Mrs. Peggy A. Harder
Ruth Pryer Hardisty
Lynn Harmon
Nancy M. Harray
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L.
Cynthia Harris
Mrs. Harriette J. Harris
Nick & Aline Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Hart
James & Karen Hart
Mr. & Mrs. George T. Harter
Mr. & Mrs. Vince Hartsock
Mr. & Mrs. William D.
Linda Harvey
Mr. Arthur W Haseltine
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Hastings
Raymond & Dianna
Robert & Sylvia Hauswirth
Mr. & Mrs. Archie H.
Hayes, Jr
Nancy J. Hayes
Susan E. Hayes
Betty Jane Heaviside
Mrs. Mary E. Hedberg
Mr. Robert Hedberg
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold M.
Julie Heilman
Mrs. Dorothy E. Heinecke
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Heinz
Mr. & Mrs. Otto Heinz
Edee Heiser
Kenneth & Anne Helms
Mrs. Ingeborg S.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Henzi
Marjorie Herbert
Mr. & Mrs. William
Gregoria R. Hernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Miguel A.
Mrs. Edna L. Herrier
Mrs. Yvonne Herrier
Mrs. Lois J. Herschede
Mr. & Mrs. Greg G.
Joan Heyler
Elizabeth H. Hibbard
Barbara Higuera
Sueanne Hillard
Terry Hilliard
Marion E. Hills
Mr. & Mrs. Roy G. Hilts
Mr. & Mrs. Carl B. Hindman
Vivian Hintze
Ingrid Hirth
Mr. Charles T. Hitchcock
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Hitchcock
Sylvia Hoang
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene
Mrs. Cynthia Hogan
Mrs. Elizabeth M. J. Hogg
Lisa Hoivik
Rev. Cheri Holland
Gretchen Holland
Mrs. Yoshiko Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Homen
Dee Hone
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry T. Horn
Mrs. Shirley B. Horn
Thomas & Kay Houston
Heather Howe
Mr. & Mrs. Anton J. Hrepich
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R.
Mrs. Elda P. Hulbert
Jane Hunter
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Huss
Mr. & Mrs. George E.
Duane & Joyce Hyde
Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Ichiuji
Mrs. Darlene M. Ingels
Mrs. Jo Inman
Ute M. Isbill-Williams
Roberta T. Itani
Mr. Nicholas G. Itsines
Mariana Ivancko
Maria Jacinto
Mrs. Sally Jaksha
Katherine James
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Janzing
Mrs. Barbara Jepsen
Dolores Jerez-Moya
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Johnsen
Alice D. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Johnson
James & Barbara Johnson
Lila M. Johnson
Lucinda Johnson
Cheryl Ann Johnston
Maury W. Jones & Family
Renee P. Jorgensen
Mrs. Ethel J. Jose
Mrs. Christina Judson
Michele M. Kageura
Dr. & Mrs. Hisashi Kajikuri
Roseann Kalich
Mrs. Mary F. Kalinyak
Rev. Larry Kambitsch
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Kanyer
Mrs. Harriett Kardel
Martha A. Karstens
Helen Kasavan
Dr. & Mrs. Michael H. Kean
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Keaton
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Keindl
Mrs. Vina R. Kelley
Bende Kelly
Jane Kelly
Sheila Kennedy
Mrs. Shirley Kennedy
Alice J. Kepp
Mr. Richard Kezirian
Tim & Pam King
Alice V. Kinsler
Mr. Mark R. Kite
Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Klaput
Mrs. Rita U. Klee
Mr. & Mrs. A. Paul Klein
Mrs. N. B. Klein
Margarete L. Knacke
Mr. & Mrs. Glen R. Koehl
Mr. Steven Koppany
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kramer
Mr. Peter Krasa
Yaeko & Hiroko Kuwatani
Ellen Ladd
Ben & Margaret Lairson
Cmdr. & Mrs. Clarence L.
Mrs. Lillian F. Lampi
Eleanor Lanini
Susan Lansbury
Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Larson
Sharon J. Larson
Martha Laubacher
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Lavorato
Betty Lou Lawrence
Norma K. Layman
Doug & Serena Lazzaroni
Mrs. Marsha Leadingham
Deanna Lee
Vali P. Leedom
Mr. Jean Legare
Clarissa Leigh-Asland
Mr. & Mrs. Gernot
Kelly Lepai
Mr. & Mrs. Michael M.
Francine Levy
Jutta Lewis, LCSW
Shirley A. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Lewis
Barbara Lewit
Mrs. Jeannette M. Linck
Butch & Vivien Lindley
Jane & Bob Little
Juanita Littleton
Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. Lloyd
Linda Locatelli
Mrs. Sonja J. Loftus
Mr. & Mrs. Dominic
Lomanto, Jr
John & Lucia Lomanto
Janice M. Long
Mrs. Kathleen J. Long
Jesse J. Lopez, Jr
Maricela Lopez
Skip & Liz Lord
Inge Lorentzen Daumer
Mr. Roy D. Lorenz
Mrs. Cyd Love
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L. Loveless
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Low
Alice Lowe
Lyman Lowe
Maria H. Lucido
Mr. Mario Lucido
Patricia & Ray Lucido
Mr. Sal Lucido
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M.
Mrs. Linda L. Lyford
Marta Lynch
Cindy Lynn
Mr. & Mrs. William D.
Virginia B. Macleod
Rose Marie Maddix
Mr. Mark Mahaney
Anita R. Mainz
Josina Makau, PhD
Dorothy Maloney
Mrs. Elva Mancilla
Cristina Manuguerra
Ventura & Mary
Mr. & Mrs. Jim A. Maraccini
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E.
Joseph & Cammie Marcus
Mrs. Juanita Marcus
Mrs. Flavia M Markert
Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy V. Martella
Anna Martin
Mr. Blair Martin
Mrs. Marlene Martin
Romaldo & Janice Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Martinez
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K.
Gina Martorella
Maria Mathews
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E.
Mr. & Mrs. John J.
Diane Mattson
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. May
Mr. David Mayne
Mr. Richard A. McCoun
Mrs. Darlyn McCoy
Mrs. Marie R. McCrary
Pamela McCrumb
Mrs. Beth A. McCurry
Dorothy M. McDermott
An McDowell
Ann & William McElyea
Suzanne McFaddan
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A.
Mrs. James J. McGuire
Rosie McHale
Ms, Lillian R. McKean
Mr. Frank W. McKee
Terri McKenna
Mrs. Lillian E McKiben
Jane A. McLean
Carol J. McPadden
Pastor Rougene
Ed & Annie Medina
Miryam N. Meija
Irene Melendrez
Linda & Alan Mello
Barbara Mendonca
Mr. Bruce Merchant
Ernest & Sandra Mercuri
Mrs. Josephine Mercurio
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy
Judith A. Meyer
Joan Micheli
Mr. & Mrs. Alan G. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Miller
Mrs. Jan Miller
Kathleen & Kathleen
Bob & Dana Mills
Susan E. Mills
Mrs. Venita Miltz
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M.
Maureen Minnes
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Minor
Mission Trail Lions Club of
Mr. Donald Mitchell
John & Susie Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph O. Moller
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M.
Mondragon, Jr
Pony Monroe
Mona Montoya
Mrs. Janet Roberts Mooers
Kathleen L. Moon
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Moore
Kevin Moore
Mr. Robert Moore
Richard & Helen Moreno
Jeannie Morris
Kathy Moser
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace K.
Becky Mosley
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Valerie Moule
Mrs. Ruth M. Muldoon
Mrs. Honor Muller
Dorothy C. Murphy
Mrs. Garnet L. Murray
Shirley Strachan Murray
Kathleen Murray-Phillips
Hanne D. Myers
Dr. & Mrs. Spencer W.
Myers, Jr
Virginia & Jeff Nadler
Fritz & Barbara Naef
Mr. Greg Nakanishi
Mrs. Terry Nakanishi
Mrs. Patricia M. Nash
Eileen Nazzaro
Bill & Helen Neal
Janice A. Neal
Gary Neff
Barbara Nelson
Gary & Diane Nelson
Mrs. Jennifer Nelson
Sheryl & Brad Nelson
Lana & Ed Neroda
Tammie Nguyen
Dr. Karl Nichols
Helvie Nickerson
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin E.
Dianne Nielson
Mary Jean Nieman
Geraldine Nishi
Mrs. Takeko T. Nishida
Mrs. Bernice L Nissen
Mr. & Mrs. Frederic F. Nohr
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Nolan
Mr. & Mrs. Bill M. Norman
Linda L. Northcutt
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Nunes
Mr. & Mrs. Harry B. Ocker
Allen & Barbara Okimoto
Catherine Olivas
Mary T. Olivas
Mr. Jim Olsen
Anne Olson
Brenda Orr
Mr. & Mrs. David Orser
Bobbi Osmundson
Margaret & Roger Ostarello
Mrs. Helen M. Ostoja
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Otmar
Janna L. Ottman
Mrs. Barbara Ottone
Michael & Victoria Pacheco
Pacific Grove Cleaners
Paulette Y. Packer-Deaton
Frank Padilla, Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J.
Dr. & Mrs. Gary D. Palma
Daura L. Palmer
Leona G. Palmer
Nancy D. Palmer
Mrs. Frances Palmtag
Lauretta Panziera
Mr. & Mrs. Zafar Parvez
Mary Ann Paul
Dr. & Mrs. Stuart R. Paul
Mrs. Zoila O. Payne
Maggi Pemberton
Westland-Hermann Legacy Society: Individuals who have named Hospice Foundation in their estate plans
The Westland-Hermann Legacy Society is named in honor of Helen Westland and Sarah T. Hermann, two inimitable ladies whose legacy of
hard work and extraordinary generosity has helped make local hospice care possible.
Fran Baca
William L. Balloun
James N. Bennett
Betty Bergerac
Joan Bernardin
Bert & Karen
Donald J. Brancheau
Gary & Sherry Brient
Julia Christensen
Cindy Costa
Jessie Crombie
Sharon M. Damon
Robert & Martha
Jeanne DeVaughn
Hallie Mitchell Dow
Madeleine A.
Jean M. Duff
Ann Ecklund
Mary Louise Dyer
Richard C. Earl
Abbie T. Eldredge
Irma Eriksson
Norma Esselstyn
Julia M. Frederick
John W. Frederiksen
Susan Freeland
Janice M. Geever
Eddie J. Genovese
Fred M. Guild, Jr.
Lyle W. Hall
Esther N. Haskins
18 • Hospice Foundation • Annual Report 2013
David Hawley
William and Barbara
Lise Jensen
Marie Elizabeth Johns
Joanne Johnson
Emilie T. Koontz
Roberta Legg
Eleanor M. Leheney
Carol A. Leino
Merrill Leslie
Marjorie P. Love
Jean A. Ludemann
John & Vicki
Frances G. Maroun
Betty G. Marsden
Gwendolyn R. May
Andrew McConnell
Susan Mushkin
Spencer & Dee Myers
Elizabeth G. Nelson
Bruna Odello
Betty N. Pemberton
Bernice A. Pratt
Edward F. Prindle
Karen Y. Redding
Panice V. Schruben
Suzanne Seay
Robert M. Seidel
Jean R. Seput
Margaret Shipley
Hugh W. Steven
Richard A. Stewart
Patricia Strand
Richard & Joyce Thau
Vincent & Evelyn Torras
Dr. James Valentine
Harold & Wanda Wake
Betty Haywood Watt
Whittier-Stevens Trust
James & Barbara Wood
Nancy G. Wright
Suzanne Zellner
Madelon Zimner
Mr. & Mrs. Franklyn T.
Leta Pereira
Darlene Perez
Mr. Granville Perkins
Mrs. Shellee Husman
Mr. Edward Perreira
Louis & Deana Perske
Aura Lee Petersen
Mrs. Marion E. Petersen
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Pettit
Jennifer Pettley
Rhonda & Terrance
Mrs. Elsie M. Phillips
Louise E. Phillips
Mrs. Geraldine Pisoni
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Pitta
Byron D. Platter
Mrs. Joanne R. Platter
Dr. & Mrs. Maximilian
Linda Podeszwa
Mrs. Phyllis C. Poma
Jeanne L Pompey
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Pongo
Patricia Pope
Mr. & Mrs. Marc R. Porteur
Marilyn S. Post
Mrs. Ann Preciado
Christine Price
J. Corinne Price
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Price
Mrs. Jeanne N. Pryor
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery L. Pulford
Barbara M. Pybas
Mr. & Mrs. George
Katy Rafeedie
Mr. & Mrs. Don Ragno
Brooke Raimondo
Mrs. Natalie Rainaud
Mrs. Barbara Rainer
Mrs. Barbara H. Rambo
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ramelli
Mr. & Mrs. William H.
Mr. Salvatore Randazzo
Joe Rappa
Mrs. Josephine B. Rappa
Richard R. Rathbun
Norma & Ken Ravizza
Boyd & Chiyoko Rawlins
Mrs. Kathryn J. Rayne
Mr. Robert W. Reese
Dorothy M. Reid
Gary & Ingrid Reid
Paula Reidt
Mrs. Deanna Reina
Erich & Tanya Reinhardt
Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Renard
Mr. & Mrs. Roland E. Rende
Daniel Renken
Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Renner
Dee Dee Reyna
Mr. & Mrs. John E.
Juli & Tom Reynolds
Mrs. Louise R Reynolds
Adeline C. Rianda
Amy Rianda
Mr. Calvin A. Rich
Mrs. Eva M. Richards
George E. Richardson
Norma Riggs
Glenn Ritter
Ronnie Riveira
Jenny Rizzo
Amy Roberts
Carol A. Roberts
Charlotte Roberts
Pat C. Roberts
Janine N. Robinette
Stephan & Joan Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Terry G.
Barbara J. Rodgers
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald
Art Rodriguez, Jr
Carol Rogers
Mrs. Josephine Rogers
E. Caryl Rojas
Daniel & Kathryn Romero
Rubin & Gloria Romero
Mrs. Margot Romiza
Jackie Roper
Mrs. Rosati
Mrs. Janis L Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Ted G. Rose
Mrs. Gisela Roseman
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Rossi
Mr. & Mrs. Amos Rubio
Mrs. Anna J. Rubrecht
Mr. & Mrs. Dale G.
Elizabeth Rush
Rita C. Rush
Sharon Russell
Jack & Janet Russo
Jane Russo
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Russo
Mr. & Mrs. Sal Russo
Mr. & Mrs. Francis D. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sabaska
Mrs. Selwa Said
Mrs. Haruko Sakasegawa
Mrs. Mae S. Sakasegawa
Jorge Salazar
Connie & Tony Salmeri
Mrs. Sandra Villalobos
Mr. & Mrs. Tod Sanchez
Mrs. Teresa S. Sanchez
Janet Santa Ana
Mr. & Mrs. Albert V. Santini
Dr. Richard N. Sato
Sequoia Saul
Kathy Saunders
Mr. Thomas S Saunders
Mr. Jerry Scagliotti
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Schaffer
Mrs. Olga Schipper
Mrs. Diane Bassetti
Delana & Richard
Carmen Scholis
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Scholl
Eleanor Dye-Schoon
Urban & Celine Schrage
Mr. Alan Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis A.
Schulte, Jr
Mr. & Mrs. William W.
Renate Schwirzke
F.L. & Karin Schwoerke
Clell Seelig
Mary Ann Seeno
Mrs. Arduth Seever
Emison Sensney
Mr. Mark Shaffer
Ronald & Linda Sheffield
Mr. Robert J Shore
Christine Short
Philo S. Short
Ersilia Sicoli
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Siegel
Mrs. Sharon A. Sieve
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Sikes
Carolyn Silacci
Mrs. Anita Silva
Mr. & Mrs. Frank E.
Silva, Jr
Mrs. Rose A. Silva
Mrs. Diane H. Silveira
Mrs. Rose Silveira
Mrs. Laurane K. Simmons
Mrs. Clara Simonetti
Mrs. Alice L. Simpson
Tiffany Singh
Mr. Richard Siquig
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sitzman
Mr. Nancy Skager
Sidney Sue Slade, CPA
Penelope R. Slater
Mr. & Mrs. James Sleeper
Lindley S. Sloan
Glenna L. Slye
Mr. Francis Small
Mrs. Gisela Smith
Hilma S. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Smith
Mrs. Ruth K. Smith
Mrs. Shirley Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Travis O. Smith
Mrs. Violet Smith
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sokolich
Frances Solis
Mr. Brad Solso
Mrs. Rita Sopolsky
Nancy G. Sorensen
Mr. Anthony J. Sota
Mr. Mel Spehn
Mrs. Barbara Sprenger
Mrs. Eleanor G. Springer
Mr. & Mrs. Pete St Geme
Gail S. St. Clair
Martin St. George
Beverly Stanton
Donna N. Starritt
Frank & Christina Starry
Dr. Martin H. Sternstein
Margaret E. Stewart
Sylvia L. Stewart
Jane A. Stile
Mr. & Mrs. Marion S. Stolich
Mrs. Barbara J. Stone
Katherine Stoner &
Michelle Welsh
Sue Storm
Cynthia Stormer
Christopher & Nancy Stout
Mr. Lorin Street
Deborah Streeter
Consuelo Streett
Mrs. Barbara Streuber
Judith J. Studebaker
Eva C. Sturman
Dulce M. Suarez
Marilyn A. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Darold Sunkler
Louisiana A. Sutton
Mrs. Mavis A Sutton
Therese Suzuki
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Swanson
Sydney L. Tabler
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo A.
Mrs. Debra Talcott
Alice & Tien Tao
David & Rosemary Tappe
Adelheid Tasa
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur T.
Taylor, Jr
Bill & Annette Tebbe
Mr. & Mrs. Grant L.
Mrs. Hattie Terrell
Alma Terribilini
Marcia Terry
Mrs. Verna D. Test
Susan Thamer
Mr. Stephen L. Thigpen
Mrs. Eileen M. Thomas
Judy Thompson
Mr. Thomas J. Thomson
Gail M. Thorne
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Thorp
Linda P. Thorpe
Mr. & Mrs. Warren V.
Marvin Tillotson
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Tilly
Mrs. Loretta J. Tognetti
Avelina Torres
Hugo & Dolores Tottino
Mr. Mark Train
Mr. & Mrs. John Trebino
Mr. Sam Trevino
Marian J. Tribble
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Troia
Mrs. Marie A. Troia
Michelle Truesdell
Frances Trulson
Mr. & Mrs. Lester Tucker
Margot Turner
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Ted J.
Alida B. Tyler
Mr. Dan Tyler
Kiyoko Uchida
Terry & Marlise Uebelhart
Mrs. Mary Anna
Joan Ungs
Mrs. Barbara E. Updyke
Mrs. Doris K. Uyeda
Gayle Uyeda
Linda D. Vaccarezza
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Valdez
Cecil & Enes Vallejo
Roberta Ruth Vallon
Debra Vandevort
Emma Vanoli
Mr. Juan Vargas
Gertrud A. Vaskes
Kelly V. Vasquez
Mrs. Dolores Velcoff
Mr. & Mrs. John Ventura
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Vezzolo
Fred Vierra
Kacina Vieth
Leandro & Debra Villalon
Gary & Joan Vincenz
Linda Vo
Mr. & Mrs. Walter L.
Dr. & Mrs. John D. Wagner
Detra Walker
Norma Jean Wallace
Mr. Dan Walls
Mrs. Grace Walter
Gabrielle Walters
Mrs. Lila D. Walters
Mr. & Mrs. James Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Harry D.
Wardwell, Jr
Denise Warfield
Mr. & Mrs. Walter S.
Mr. James W. Washington
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L.
Robert & Joan Waugh
Mrs. Susan C Way
John & Joanie Webb
Elaine Weiner
Bruce Weingarten
Mr. Mitch Weisberger
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Wells
Marge Wenson
Mr. & Mrs. William D.
Tom & Diana Whyte
Cleo A Williams
Daniel & Sheila Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon H.
Janeane & Douglas
Mr. & Mrs. Howard D.
Miriam T. Wilson
Michael & Michele Winn
Mr. & Mrs. William Wong
Marlene Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Woods
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Woods
Carla Wright
Mrs. Lisa Wright
Mari Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Wun
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Yamada
Vicki Yates
Claire Yeater
Mr. Eric Yokota
Mr. & Mrs. Takashi Yokota
Pastor Anne Young
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C. Young
Mrs. Susan Young
Mrs. Joyce V Youngbar
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Younkin
Sophia Zaubera
Virginia Zeise
Mr. & Mrs. L. Gene Zellmer
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent
Zuniga, Jr.
Those honored and
remembered with gifts
to Hospice Foundation
January 1, 2012
through December 31,
2012. (Due to space
constraints, this list
does not include Trees
of Life.)
Dottie Abbott
Gasper Aliotti
Joe Aliotti
Lisa Bennett
Lucy C. Carey
Sue Carl
Greg Carter
Doug & Mary Forbord
Pope Francis
Todd Ganos
Tom Gorman
Siobhan M. Greene
Suzie Johnson
Norma Kageyama
Brian Kelly
Elizabeth Kim
Alice Kinsler
Foundation and Donor Advised Funds
Special thanks to the donors who make these gifts possible.
The Glen & Mary Ann Charles Family
Community Foundation for Monterey
Nancy Parker Benham Fund
Stephen & Madeleine Conran Fund
Ward & Mary Ingrim Fund
Margaret L. Musser Field of Interest
Community Foundation for San Benito
Community Health Charities
Daniels-Houlton Family Foundation
Dobbins Family Foundation
Donald Lee & Sally Steadman Lucas
Dunspaugh-Dalton Foundation, Inc.
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Colehower Family Fund
G.R. & Lucile Wiley
Kelly Family Foundation
Larry & Phyllis Wilkinson Foundation, Inc • @hospicegiving
Monterey Peninsula Foundation
Edwin E. & Ruby C. Morgan Foundation
The Norton Foundation
Sand Dollar Charitable Foundation
The T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable
Thomas A. Werbe Family Charitable
Gift Fund
Union Bank Foundation
United Way Campaign
AT&T Employee Giving Campaign
Bank of America
Monterey County
PG&E Campaign for the Community
Santa Cruz County
Silicon Valley
Central Maryland
Wells Fargo Community Support
Wells Fargo Foundation
Hospice Foundation • Annual Report 2013 • 19
Laurie Massa
Dr. James D. McCreight
Mikel Ann Miller
Jerry M. Parker, MD
Carol & Arnold Perlin
Anne Rianda
Janet Rianda
Dr. William Rolland
Betty Romans
Dorothy J. Sabbatini
The Family of Honor Small
Gayle Triolo
Dottie Abbott
Joanne Addison
Christopher & Marjorie
Miriam Agostina
Mary Aiello
Neno Aiello
Yvonne Swenson Alarid
Emil Alberti, Jr
Francesca Aliotti
Maria Aliotti
Orlando “Larry” Amelio
Joe Anastasi
Larry Anderson
Kirt Andrus
Rosemary Andrus Family
Ursula Arancio
Edward Arias
Stanley Arthur
Henry Avila
Antonia Bach
Ray Bactad
Dr. Joseph M. Badame
Doug Baker
Albert Barbettini
Eva Barcellos
George Bardin
Marie Barnhill
Joan Barrett
Phyllis & Robert Barton
Valerie Bassetti
Johan Begtrup
Gloria Bell
Bernice Benedome
John Bennett
Betty Bettencourt
John Bevilacqua
O. J. Bidell
Jennie Binsacca
Gene Bishop
Miriam Elizabeth Bishop
Marilyn Blake
Virginia Blateri
The Father of Mr. & Mrs.
Glenn Boehnlein
Madeline Borg
Lena Borzini
Laura Botelho
Ann Bouchard
Margaret Bowers
Robert “Gabe” Grabrielson
Douglas Bradburn
Judith Braga
Dorothy Branner
Howie Bray
Leon Bray
Alvin Brazil
Ronald Breding
Reno Breschini
Ruth Broughton
Mrs. Brower
Frank “Stoney” Bruno
Bill Caldera
Leslie Cameron
Josephine Campos
Catherine Cardinale
Bill Carnazzo
Geri Carrasco
James Alan Carreiro
Gloria G. Cassinelli
Rosemary Castelli
James Cherry
Emma “Connie” Chester
Howard K. P. Choi
Gracie Chung
Charles Claessen
Diane Clark
Frank Clark
Jeanie “Gigi” Clausen
Loraine Cline
Mr. Jerry Cole
Claire Colletto
Kathy Collins
Virginia Russo Collins
Jenny Colome
Jamie Cooper
Charlotte Copley
Margery Corben
Stanley Corda
Cathie Crabb
Ama Jean Crawford
Eryn McKenzie Creedon
Maria Dale
Gene Daugherty
Linda Davenport
Lucy Davi
Debra Lynn Davidson
Claire Davis
Dr. Adorjan I. DeGalffy
Camila Dela Llata
Lorraine Denham
Sal Di Maggio
Patricia Donovan
Stevens Simons
Marian Ruth Dotseth
Peter Drakos
Maureen Drobnick
Ioana Dumitriu
Elelanor Ott Duplissie
Henry Duran, Jr.
Claudine & Joseph
Betty Mehl East
Betty Ecklund
Alexandra Economov
Kurt Engel
Paul Ernest
Erika Escher
Ashley Escobar
Marie Espinosa
Audrey Evanchak
Charles Evans
Fern Fancher
Jack J. Favalora
Joseph Favazza
Marie Fehlman
Alice Jean Fellows
Mary Finney/Gold
Tokiko Flowers
Yvette Folk
Norma Fontes
Glelnn Fosnot
Leon & Theora Foster
Lynn Foster
Dr. Forest Fouts
Rosemary McCorkel
Robert Freitas
Carroll Fried
Jean D. Fuller
Robert Gabrielson
Dr. Maurice Galante
Clint Garber & Corey
Ken Gardner
Bertha Gaudoin
Genevive Giamanco
Paul R. Giamona
James Gill
Patricia Gillooly
Theresa Giottonini
Rowena Glasgow
Mother of Glenn Gobel
Warren Goldman
Charlotte Gomes
Aurelia Gomez-Ojeda
20 • Hospice Foundation • Annual Report 2013
Jim Gordon
Richard T. Gorsche
Robert Daniel Grace
Cynthia and Bender
Leslie Green
Dr. William Greer
Millie Grieve
Elden Gren
Nancy Diers Gullion
Steve Gunia
John & Mariane Hallisey
Richard Hammond
Flora Handley
Lincoln Handley
Dorothy Hanan
Noel Hannsens
Stephen Harami
Jim Harrington
Mary Muir Wilson
Barbara Hart
Louise Hartshorn
Thomas “Vince” Hartsock
Carol Lynn Hatton
Diane C. Haynes
Frank “Mickey” Hearne
Tommy R. Heess
Clarence Henry
Anita J. Hibbs
Sally Higgins
Rita Hignel
Joan Hitchcock
Richard “Dick” Hitchcock
Nancy Holden
W. Hollmann
Rose Homen
Larry Horan
Kenneth Horn
Rusty Houx
Anita Hunt
Chris Hunt
Bonnie Husman
Marlin Huston
Linda A. Jacobs
Linda Jandrup
George Jepsen
Frances Johansen
Anna Johnson
Birt Johnson
Lawrence C. Johnson
T. Johnson
Billy Jones
Doug Jones
Carl Kawata
Jack Kelly
Toni & Aileen Kelly
Lucette Kenan
Jack Keyes
Adele Kneisl
Lois Kreiser
Josephine Kremer
T. Darl Kroh
Harry Kuchta
Rosalie Kutscher
Marian & Joyce Kwock
Michael Lafferty
Ben Lairson, Sr.
Donna Lake
Jim Langley
Brett Langley
Sharon Larkin
Amelio Larry
Bruce Larson
Robert Larsen
Lois Holler Layton
Cathy Lewis
Fred Lewis
Myrtle L. Lewis
Dennis Lewman
Helen Lindley
Robin Dean Loftus
Sandy Loiacono
Betty Lomanto
Mariano J. Lopez
Lynn Clopper Losch
Patricia Joann
Ladd Lundblad
Gordon Glenn Martin
Henry Martinus
Nick Mascovich
Rosemary Nunez Massera
Dick Mayfield
Tina Mazzarino
Michael McAdams
Audrey A. McCarthy
Jane McCarthy
Jeanne McCartney
Son of Elaine McDermed
Jerry McFarland
Suzy & Marty McNally
Anna McNeil
Robert Mehringer
Jean Meisner
Eva Myers
Joseph “Joe” Micheli, Sr.
Ernest Micheli
Joe Micheli
Bill Mifsud
Christopher Miller
John Miller
Nancy Miller
Edward Mitchell
Alan Dean Miyamoto
Erma Mondo
Molly Moore
Marie & John Morgan
JoAnn Mortela
James “Jim” L. Murphy
John Myers
Frances Neuman
Col. Gunnar Norlind
Dorothy Nunes
Leo Nunes
Don Nussbaum
Jay O’Brien
Sean O’Brien
Sister Carlotta O’Donnell
Sabu Oka
Antonio Olivas
Maria Trindade Oliveria
Judy Owens
Hank Padget
Wilhemine “Billie” Parsons
Frank & Jeanne Passarino
Barbara Paulson
Martha Pavia
Ana Pereira
Mary Ann Perion
Emma Perreira
Matthew Pfeiffer
Alice Phillips
Mark Phillips
Guido & Mary Pierini
Alvin Piffero
Sister Ofilia Sanchez Piren
Gordon Plaskett
Bud Platter
Byron Duane Platter
Virginia Pletta
Ron Pluta
Cecilia Polanco
Patricia Povey
Eugene Prairie
Charles Pugh
Bob Pugmire
Ruth Main Pulisevick
Maxine Query
Bob Quinn
Babe Rochella
Dennis Ramelli
Jose Socorro Ramirez
Lando Randy Randolph
James S. Retrum
The Mother of Jim Rheim
Lee Richardson
Joanne Rodriques
Roy Rogers
Lynn Rohwer
Robert Rorden
“Mickey” Rose
Zane Roth
Fran Rudoni
Dorothea Ryan
Mary Ann Ryan
Dorothy Sabbatini
Silvia & Isolina Sala
Peter C. Salmonsen
Jerry Sawyer
Hugo Scattini
Lucille Scattini
Molly Schaechtele
Maureen Schmidt
Elsie Scott
Gus Settrini
Dennis Sharp
Roger Shiozahi
Margaret Shumway
Betty Signorotti
Charles M. Silva
Carlo Simoni
Mitchell Skowron
Vic Slye
Honor Small
Alice Smith
Jerry Smith
Timothy W. Smith
Everett E. Smith, Jr.
Salvatore Sommatino
Faaluliuli Sopoaga
Virginia Sorrentino
Evelyn V. Sota
Richard Sota
Denise Southerland
Alma Sousa
Donald Spiel
Bill Stanley
Frank Starkey
Gordon Stevens
Karyn Kiyomi Stevens
Akiko Stewart
Jeffrey Stewart
Dick Stewart
Karl Stoll
Tom Storm
Vernon Stucky
Mother of Dulce Suarez
Benjamin Sugar
Alyssa Sullivan
Carol Sundahl
John Tamman
Herb “Dad” Tanaka
Elayne Tann
Alfred L. Tenney
The Lucido Family
Chuck Thompson
Erma Jean Thomson
Merrie Thornburg
Frances Thuringer
Wendell Thurman
Charles “Chuck” Tingley
Delma Tisdel
Nathan Topol
Henrietta & Pedro Torres
Joe Torres
Manuel Tosta
Walter Toy
Peter Trombly
Mike Trovato
Ellayne S. Trumble
Tadale Tsitsio
Richard T. Tucker
Marylee Twisselman
Phyllis Tyler
LaVerne Underwood
Robert Vallon
Willem A. van der Burg
Jack VanMeter
Julie Vargo
Danny Velasquez
Sal Ventimiglia
Donald Anthony Ventura
Mary Verissimo
Gary Vernier
Fred “Freddie” Vierra
Annie Vosti
Clifford Waddy
Paulette Walker
Otto Walls
John Warner
Lloyd C. Warthan
Denny Watts
Ed Weiner
Elizabeth Eloise Wells
Dannie Weston
Alma White
Amy Sunshine Williams
Anne Williams
Thomas H. Williams
Dr. Daniel Willis
Riley Wilson
Bob Works
Mary Lou Woytek
James R. Wright
Bill & Nancy Wright
Lloyd Yeo
Steven P. Young
Jim Zearly
Vicki Zietlow
Thank you to the
following businesses
and organizations
that have graciously
donated to Hospice
Foundation gifts of
cash or goods and
services in 2013.
1st Capital Bank
A & G Pumping
A.F. Silveira & Sons LLC
Adventures by the Sea
Alliance Home Health, Inc.
Allstate Insurance
American Plumbing
Andre’s Bouche Bistro
Anne Olson Insurance
Anthony Costa & Sons
Apple Matching Gifts
AT&T National Pro Am
Authentic Systems
Back Porch Fabrics
Bahama Island
Bank of the West
Bayonet/BlackHorse Golf
Bernardus Lodge
Bernardus Winery
Beta Sigma Phi Gamma
Bistro 211
Bistro Moulin
Body Shop by Gene
Brent Redmond
Cafe Rustica
Cafe Stravaganza
Calera Wine Company
California International
California Pizza Kitchen
California Rodeo Inc.
Camerata Singers
Cannery Row Company
Monterey Plaza Hotel
Sardine Factory
Cantinetta Luca
CAP Rx, Inc
Carmel Host Lions
Carmel Preferred
Anton & Michel
The Grill on Ocean
Carmel Rancho Cleaners
Carmel Realty Company
Carmel Vacuum &
Carmel Valley Guest Home
Carmel Valley Lodge
Carmel Valley Manor
Casa de Fruta
Casa del Soul
Casey Printing
Catholic Charities of the
Diocese of Monterey
Central Coast Senior
Services, Inc.
Charity Benefit Auctions
Chevron North America
Chevron North America
Exploration &
Church Brothers LLC
Church in the Forest
City of Hollister
City of King City
City of Monterey
City of Salinas
Clifton Pediatrics
The Club Carmel
Coastal Grower Magazine
Community Church of
King City
Community Hospital of
the Monterey Peninsula
Compassionate Care
Constellation Brands
Corral De Tierra Country
Corral De Tierra Market
Corrald de Tierra Travel
Coastal Luxury
Cowgirl Winery
Creekside Farms
Cypress Point Club
Dalena Farms, Inc.
Dametra Cafe
Debra C of Carmel
Deetjens Big Sur Inn
Deja Vu Couture
Diamond Produce
Domenico’s on the Wharf
Don Chapin Company
DuffStuff Collectibles
Earthbound Farm
Eclectic Images, Patrice
El Estero Car Wash
Elder Focus, LLC
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
San Francisco #2399
ESPN Radio Exclusive Resorts
Fenton & Keller
Fifi’s Cafe and Bakery
First Awakenings
The Fish Hopper
Flaherty’s Seafood Grill
Four Seasons Hotels &
Francesca Fresh Eats &
From Scratch Restaurant
The Golf Mart
Grove Market
Hacienda Hay & Feed
Hastie Financial Group
Heidi Borgia Photography
Heidi’s Studio
Hesselbein’s Jewelers
Holaday Seed Company
Inns by the Sea
Integrated Wealth
Counsel, LLC
Intercontinental. The
Clement Monterey
Interface Visual, Wayne
Iolis Pizzeria
Italian Catholic Federation
J. Marchini Farms
Jacob’s Heart Children’s
Cancer Support
Jan de Luz
Jeffrey’s Grill & Catering
Joann Dost Golf
Johnson Associates
Joy-Per’s Shoes
Katy’s Place
King City Blue Ribbon 4-H
King City Electric
King City Glass
King City Rotary
King City True Value
Knights of Columbus
La Coiffure Hair & Nail
Leach & Walker
Leal Vineyards
L’Escargot Restaurant
Lee Contser Welding, Inc.
Lee’s Forklift Service
Lexus Champions for
Lexus Monterey Peninsula
Lugo’s Towing &
Automotive Repair
Lula’s Chocolates
M&M West Coast Produce
McAbee Feed
McCune Audio Visual
Mann Packing Company,
Messmer Associates, Inc.
Michael B. Kelly Insurance
Mission Trail Lions Club of
Momentum Fitness Studio
Monterey Auto Supply
Monterey Bay Networks,
Jim Clark
Monterey Conference
Monterey Marriott Hotel
Monterey Peninsula
Country Club
Monterey Peninsula
Country Club Women’s
Golf Association
Monterey Peninsula
Monterey Peninsula Host
Lions Club
Monterey Private
Wealth, Inc.
Monterey Regional
Morgan Winery
National Charity League
National Steinbeck Center
NCGA Foundation
Next Generation Films
NH3 Service Company
Noland, Hamerly, Etienne
& Hoss
Nothing Bundt Cakes
The Nunes Company, Inc.
Ocean Mist Farms
Ocean’s 18 Blacklight
Minature Golf
Oya Salon
Pacific Ag Rental/Star
Pacific Etched Glass &
Pacific Grove Cleaners
Pacific Publishing
Pacific Repertory Theater
Palace Stationery
Patisserie Boissiere Cafe &
Paul Mortuary, Inc
Pebble Beach Company
Pilgrim’s Way Bookstore
Pizza Factory
Portola Hotel & Spa
Quail Lodge Resort & Golf
The Rio Grill
Ripplewood Resort
Rotary Club of Monterey
Salinas High School Choirs
Salinas Valley Fair
Salinas Valley Memorial
Healthcare System
Sandbar & Grill
Scheid Vineyards
Sew Many Memories
Shoreline Community
Sterling Carpet & Tile Care
Sunsation Farms, Inc.
Swenson & Silacci
Tancredi & Morgen
Tanimura & Antle Inc.
Taylor Farms
California, Inc.
Terry Fleming Inc.
The Tack Box
The Thompson Law Office
Tostevin Accountancy
Travel Bag Luggage
Trical, Inc
Trucksis Enterprises, Inc.
Union Bank
Union Bank Foundation
UPS Store Carmel
Valley Guild
Valley Isle Electric
Victorian Bird Homes &
Patio Art
Village Mobile Home Park
Vision Plantscaping
Central Coast Visiting
Nurse Association &
Warner Pacific Insurance
Weston Gallery, Inc.
Will Clark Trucking
Wine Market
Woodies of Carmel
Yellow Brick Road Benefit
Yolanda’s Hair Salon
Zone Fitness, PFT
Planned Giving: Make a Lasting Difference
The Power of a Planned Gift
Every gift makes a difference. But charitable gift planning helps you make an even bigger impact on Hospice Foundation’s
promise to fund end-of-life care. To make a gift of significant impact, you can name Hospice Foundation in your will*. Beyond a simple will, there are many
planned giving options. Through a well-crafted plan, you can reduce your taxes and provide for the people and causes
you love. Finally, planning brings peace of mind. Make your wishes clear and know your generosity will be honored as your
intentions are fulfilled. Consider options for planned giving that work best for you:
Name Hospice Foundation as your pension beneficiary, at no cost to you.
Benefit from planned gifts that increase your retirement income, provide
for your spouse, and avoid capital gains tax, through charitable remainder
trusts or charitable gift annunities.
Make a gift of your home while retaining the right to live in it. This can
provide you a significant charitable income-tax deduction in the year of
the gift, and for up to five years in the future.
4 Leave a bequest in your will to support specific end-of-life care services.
Planned gifts received at Hospice Foundation are almost always larger than what someone might have given while living. As we invest the funds and use them for grants, they add to long-term sustainability for end-of-life care. Lead the way and
honor your life with a legacy gift of which you can be proud. Contact us at 831-333-9017 or your professional advisor today
to get started.
*Remember! Once you make the decision to name Hospice Foundation in your estate plans, please notify our staff. By doing
so, there is a better chance your wishes will be honored.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Video Conference: Helping
Adolescents Cope with Loss
80 Garden Court, Suite 201
Monterey, CA 93940
Non-Profit Org
U.S. Postage
Friday, April 11, 2014
Back to the Valley
Golf Tournament
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Hike for Charity
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
The 32nd Annual Hospice
Foundation Golf Scramble
Friday, Oct 24,2014
Donor Appreciation Luncheon
December 2014
Trees of Life Celebrations
For more information:
The final act of living well is dying
peacefully, in comfort and with
dignity, surrounded by loved ones.
Hospice Foundation raises
funds and awards grants
to local organizations that
specialize in compassionate
care at the end of life.
We also advocate for improvements in end-of-life care in our
community and beyond so that these services are available to all.