Language 2, Writing


Language 2, Writing
Assessment of Reading, Writing and
Mathematics: Junior Division
Released 2013 Assessment: Language 2, Writing
Item-Specific Rubrics and
Sample Student Responses with Annotations
EQAO, 2 Carlton Street, Suite 1200, Toronto, ON M5B 2M9 • 1-888-327-7377 • Web site: • © 2013 Queen’s Printer for Ontario
Scoring Guide for Short Writing (2013)
Topic Development
Get Active Day – Booklet 2 – Question 13
Q13: You are on the planning team for your school’s “Get Active Day.” Write a report for your teacher
describing in detail what is planned for the day.
Blank: nothing written or drawn in the space provided
Illegible: cannot be read; completely crossed out / erased; not written in English
Irrelevant content: does not attempt assigned prompt (e.g., comment on the task,
drawings, “?”, “!”, “I don’t know”)
Off topic: no relationship of written work to assigned prompt
Errors in conventions prevent communication
Response is not developed; ideas and information are limited and unclear.
Organization is random with no links between ideas. Response has a limited
relationship to the assigned task.
Response is minimally developed with few ideas and little information.
Organization is minimal with weak links between ideas. Response is partly related
to the assigned task.
Response has a clear focus, adequately developed with ideas and supporting details.
Organization is simple or mechanical with adequate links between ideas. Response
is clearly related to the assigned task.
Response has a clear focus, well-developed with sufficient specific and relevant
ideas and supporting details. Organization is logical and coherent with effective
links between ideas. Response has a thorough relationship to the assigned task.
Scoring Guide for Short Writing (2013)
Topic Development
Get Active Day – Booklet 2 – Question 13
Code 10
Annotation: Response is not developed; ideas are limited (e.g., …have a soccer game…have a bassball
game) and supporting details are limited (e.g., …comming up next week…Boys VS girls in the soccer fild,
between the teachers). Organization shows no links between ideas.
Response has a limited relationship to the assigned task.
Scoring Guide for Short Writing (2013)
Topic Development
Get Active Day – Booklet 2 – Question 13
Code 20
Annotation: Response is minimally developed with few ideas (e.g., everyone participate…many sports and
activities…Then we will play games...) and limited supporting details (e.g., …baseball…soccer baseball
first…soceer for those soccer lovers just before noon…Basketball outside and floor hockey inside the gym at
noon…a 30 minute break.). Organization is minimal with weak links between ideas (e.g., We will…We
will…We will…Then after…Then we…). Response is partly related to the assigned task.
Scoring Guide for Short Writing (2013)
Topic Development
Get Active Day – Booklet 2 – Question 13
Code 30
Annotation: Response has a clear focus; adequately developed with ideas (e.g., …start the day with an
awsome skipping contest…run the perimetre of the school…The winners will get to pick the, team’s for the
relay race… there will be Free frezie’s for all) and supporting details (e.g., …the last one jumping
wins…The winner will get to dump a bucket of water on whoever…to warm up for the 3 legged race).
Organization is simple, with a simple opening statement (e.g., I am proud to present…) and adequate links
between ideas (e.g., We will…Then we’ll run…In the3 legged race…The winners will…One person will…In
the relay race…Finnally…). Response is clearly related to the assigned task.
Scoring Guide for Short Writing (2013)
Topic Development
Get Active Day – Booklet 2 – Question 13
Code 40
Annotation: Response has a clear focus and is well-developed with sufficient specific ideas (e.g., In all your
destinations you will be put to test…obsticle according to your age group…will be sorta like a carnival…On
the playground there are several active activities…) and relevant supporting details (e.g., …you will recieve
7 ticket. Each ticket is worth 1 activity in the gym…in the playground you will be split into teams…advanced
game for the grade 8ths because they might think the others are boring). Organization is logical and ideas
flow clearly from gym to playground to park (e.g., On get active…In all your destinations…In the next
activity…It will be on the 18th of June…At the end…Have a nice time…Hope you enjoy.).
Response has a thorough relationship to the assigned task.
Scoring Guide for Short Writing (2013)
Get Active Day – Booklet 2 – Question 13
Q13: You are on the planning team for your school’s “Get Active Day.” Write a report for your teacher
describing in detail what is planned for the day.
Blank: nothing written or drawn in the space provided
Illegible: cannot be read; completely crossed out / erased; not
written in English
Errors in conventions prevent communication
Errors in conventions interfere with communication
Insufficient evidence to assess the use of conventions
Errors in conventions do not interfere with communication
Conventions are used appropriately to communicate
Scoring Guide for Short Writing (2013)
Get Active Day – Booklet 2 – Question 13
Code 10
Annotation: Response has errors in conventions (e.g., incorrect placement of end punctuation creating an
incomplete sentence; missing capitals at the beginning of two sentences; omission of comma in a series and
in introductory phrases; several sentences that are incorrectly punctuated, containing two ands; missing
capitals for some proper nouns: get active day; misplaced capitals: …for Stratagy…half way
Point…Student’s; errors with plurals: activity’s, kid’s, race’s, game’s, Student’s; spelling errors: obstical,
Stratagy, arn’t; incorrect “their” for “they’re”) that interfere with communication.
Response does not demonstrate the use of expected conventions.
Scoring Guide for Short Writing (2013)
Get Active Day – Booklet 2 – Question 13
Code 20
Annotation: Response has errors in conventions (e.g., missing capitalization on one sentence: others will be
with…; a run-on sentence: The students will be…first activity, when they hear the syrine…; several spelling
errors: diffrent, staions, syrine, staiton, rellay, envole; incorrect “there” for “their”) that do not interfere with
communication. Response has some correctly punctuated simple sentences.
Response demonstrates the use of some expected conventions.
Scoring Guide for Short Writing (2013)
Get Active Day – Booklet 2 – Question 13
Code 30
Annotation: Response uses conventions appropriately to communicate (e.g., correct beginning and end
punctuation; capitalization of proper nouns; commas used correctly in introductory phrases, subordinate
clauses and in a series; correct contractions). Some errors may exist (e.g., error with verb-subject agreement:
…Running and jogging is one…; spelling errors: “excersises”, “pilons”; a missing comma: In the end
everyone will…). Response demonstrates control of expected conventions.
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2013)
Topic Development
The Ring – Booklet 2 – Question 7
Q7: You find a ring on the sidewalk and discover initials engraved on the inside. Write a detailed story
about how you find its owner and return the ring.
Blank: nothing written or drawn in the space provided
Illegible: cannot be read; completely crossed out / erased; not written in English
Irrelevant content: does not attempt assigned prompt (e.g., comment on the task,
drawings, “?”, “!”, “I don’t know”)
Off topic: no relationship of written work to assigned prompt
Errors in conventions prevent communication
Response is not developed; ideas and information are limited and unclear.
Organization is random with no links between ideas. Response has a limited
relationship to the assigned task.
Response is minimally developed with few ideas and little information.
Organization is minimal with weak links between ideas. Response is partly related
to the assigned task.
Response has a clear focus, adequately developed with ideas and supporting details.
Organization is simple or mechanical with adequate links between ideas. Response
is clearly related to the assigned task.
Response has a clear focus, well-developed with sufficient specific and relevant
ideas and supporting details. Organization is logical and coherent with effective
links between ideas. Response has a thorough relationship to the assigned task.
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2013)
Topic Development
The Ring – Booklet 2 – Question 7
Code 10
Annotation: Response is not developed, ideas are limited on how to return the ring (e.g., …I was walking to
Rabba…I looked down and saw a ring…I was really concerned…I FOUND THEM!...). Supporting details
are limited (e.g., …initials that said “C.B. + S.B.”…went through yellow Pages…the address is “197 Pine
grovedr”…) Response has a limited relationship to the assigned task.
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2013)
Topic Development
The Ring – Booklet 2 – Question 7
Code 20
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2013)
Topic Development
The Ring – Booklet 2 – Question 7
Annotation: Response is minimally developed with simple ideas on how to find the ring’s owner (e.g., …I
was walking in the park and i found a ring on the ground…I went for a closer look…went to all the people’s
houses that had the initials ZC…the owner went to a town abit farther away, so I woke up realy early…and
found her.) and simple supporting details (e.g., …saw that there were Initials on it. “ZC” was ingraved in
the frount.). Organization is minimal with weak links between ideas (e.g., One time I remember…So I
picked it up…So I went home…It took me days…But the last door…and went to the adress…and returned
it…and after she gave me…).
Response is partly related to the assigned task.
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2013)
Topic Development
The Ring – Booklet 2 – Question 7
Code 30
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2013)
Topic Development
The Ring – Booklet 2 – Question 7
Annotation: Response has a clear focus and is adequately developed with ideas on finding the ring’s owner
(e.g., …pulled the ring out of the crack…I spotted something engraved on the inside…I can finally get the
extra 100 dollars I need to buy the Ipod I want or I can return the ring…It wouldn’t be that hard… I finaly
gave up…it was his all along.) and supporting details (e.g., It was a beautiful white ring with gold circleling
the top and bottum of the ring…“BM” thats what the engravings said…it said “if found please return to
1486 Ridrd Costa Rica.”…the initials were BM Ben McG_______ and 1486 Rid rd that was my grand
fathers adress… ). Organization is simple with adequate links between ideas (e.g., I was walking…I saw
something…I walked over…I tried pullind…I thounght to my self…I thought and I thought and finally came
to a conclussion…Then I was on my way...we finally got there…as we drove…When we go to house…I
returned the ring and had a popsicle.). Response is clearly related to the assigned task.
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2013)
Topic Development
The Ring – Booklet 2 – Question 7
Code 40
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2013)
Topic Development
The Ring – Booklet 2 – Question 7
Annotation: Response has a clear focus and is well-developed with sufficient specific ideas about how to
find the ring’s owner (e.g., …I saw the most beautiful ring ever!...I knew it was bad, but I wanted to keep
it…it was their fault, he/she lost this…they should’ve been more responsible…I could sell it and get alot of
money or keep it until I get marry…problem was, that my initals aren’t LB…I heard this loud sobbing
sound…I asked what is wrong…I asked what is your name?...I think about the intials L.B…I just had to give
it to her…I was still sad to see it go…) and relevant supporting details (e.g., …it was shining, so bright…it
wasn’t some plastic ring you get at claire’s…was gold; real gold!...this girl look, so helpless…it has my
intals L.B. in fancy letters, in silver too…). Organization is logical with effective links between ideas (e.g.,
One time…I ran up to it…When I picked it up…I then think…What were the chances of the owner finding
it…When I was walking…I sat beside on the bench…As much as I wanted to keep it…I know I did the right
thing…). Response has a thorough relationship to the assigned task.
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2013)
The Ring – Booklet 2 – Question 7
Q7: You find a ring on the sidewalk and discover initials engraved on the inside. Write a detailed story
about how you find its owner and return the ring.
Blank: nothing written or drawn in the space provided
Illegible: cannot be read; completely crossed out / erased; not
written in English
Errors in conventions prevent communication
Errors in conventions interfere with communication
Insufficient evidence to assess the use of conventions
Errors in conventions do not interfere with communication
Conventions are used appropriately to communicate
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2013)
The Ring – Booklet 2 – Question 7
Code 10
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2013)
The Ring – Booklet 2 – Question 7
Annotation: Response has errors in conventions (e.g., missing capitals for some proper nouns; run-on
sentences: …when i spotted a ring it looked like it… i was hopeless i went home to…; missing capitalization at
the beginnings of sentences; incorrect plurals ending in “ ’s ”; incorrect word choice: “new” for ‘knew’;
spelling errors: enitials, some one; incorrect commas placement; improper placement of a capital letter: Fell)
that interfere with communication.
Response does not demonstrate the use of expected conventions.
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2013)
The Ring – Booklet 2 – Question 7
Code 20
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2013)
The Ring – Booklet 2 – Question 7
Annotation: Response has errors in conventions (e.g., missing capitalization at the beginning of some
sentences and for a name; several missing commas after introductory phrases; errors with quotations; missing
an apostrophe: someones; spelling errors: it’s, hink (think), address, hoar) that do not interfere with
communication. Response has some correctly punctuated compound sentences.
Response demonstrates the use of some expected conventions.
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2013)
The Ring – Booklet 2 – Question 7
Code 30
Scoring Guide for Long Writing (2013)
The Ring – Booklet 2 – Question 7
Annotation: Response uses conventions appropriately to communicate (e.g., correct beginning and end
punctuation; a variety of end punctuation; capitalization of proper nouns; commas used correctly in
introductory phrases, correct use of quotations, subordinate clauses and in a series; correct contractions and
possessives). Some errors may exist (e.g., missing a few commas; a spelling error: helpes; incorrect comma
usage: Grumpy,Old Pete’s; incorrect abbreviation: P.A).
Response demonstrates control of expected conventions.