Fall 2010 - Mitchell Community College


Fall 2010 - Mitchell Community College
The Circle
Keeping you in touch with the activities and accomplishments of Mitchell Community College
Fall 2010  Volume 12, Issue 1
Fall 2010, Vol. 12, Issue 1
President’s Message........................2
Mitchell—Another Year of
Expansion and Growth.................3
Dr. Steve Hill Joins
Mitchell’s Board of Trustees........4
Mitchell Receives Jerry Award..........4
Jack Horner Named Band Director..4
Mechanical Engineering Brings
Learning To Life............................5
Mitchell’s Quality Enhancement Plan
Connects Life and Learning .......5
Advising Center Eases Registration
MIND Center Provides Academic
Mitchell Ambassadors Provide
Help to Life Span..........................7
Mentoring Matters to New
Faculty and Staff Recognized
for Excellence ..............................8
Morgan and Yarborough Retire .......8
Steve Herman Celebrates
45 Years ......................................8
Local Stars Dance for
Mitchell Receives $25K for
Minority Male Mentoring...........10
Shearer Hall Pipe Organ
Celebrates 95 Years..................10
Margaret Bell Bloodworth
Named Distinguished Alumni ..11
Recognized Photographer
Max Tharpe ‘41 Dies..................12
Alumni Updates...............................12
Alumni Dues....................................12
The Circle is published by the
Development Office of Mitchell
Community College
500 West Broad Street
Statesville, NC 28677-5264
Contributing writer for this issue,
Celina Maynard.
The faculty, staff and administration
of Mitchell Community College
are committed to the philosophy
of the comprehensive community
college. We believe, therefore,
that the student is the focal point
of all efforts of the college; that
we are a college community that
respects diversity and is supportive
of individual achievement; that
Mitchell Community College has
a responsibility to enhance the
social, civic, cultural, and economic
development of the community
and the global society; that
Mitchell Community College has
a responsibility to enhance the
quality of life of the community;
and that the door of opportunity for
learning should be open to all who
seek personal and professional
The Circle is printed on recycled
paper. 3,000 copies of this
document were printed at a cost of
$0.68 ea.
On the cover: Students from the Solids
Modeling class use Legos® to learn
practical engineering. (l-r) Instructor,
Shawn Fraver; Coordinator, Sharon
Rouse; and students, Jeremy Clifton
and Joey Davis.
Dear Alumni and Friends:
These past few years at Mitchell Community College have
been very exciting on several counts, but none more so than
the concurrent construction of new facilities and our dramatic
enrollment growth. Thanks to the state bond issue of 2002
and the county education bonds of 2005, we have been able
to build one new major building on each of our campuses:
the Workforce and Technology Building on our Continuing
Education Campus on West Front Street (formerly the D. Matt
Thompson School), the Student Services Center on the historic
main campus at the corner of Walnut Street and Mulberry
Street, and the new Mooresville Classroom Building on the
corner of Academy Street and Iredell Avenue. All together, these three major buildings total an
amazing 80,000 sq. ft. of instructional space.
In addition we have renovated the first floor of the Main Building to provide seven new high
quality classrooms. Interestingly, while we were constructing these buildings, our enrollments
in all of our locations increased dramatically: up 5% in 2007, up 11% in 2008, up 23% in 2009,
and up 5% in 2010 for a grand total of 44%!
During this same period we have built new parking: a 70-space parking lot in Mooresville,
a new parking lot on West End Avenue and a new lot on Walnut Street as well as having
purchased a 60-space lot at the old Davis Hospital on West End Avenue.
We have also made additions to the metal buildings used for technical programs such as
welding and HVAC at our Drake Street Annex.
We are fortunate that the construction of these new facilities and the dramatic enrollment
growth have coincided. Learning is not bound by the four walls of a classroom any longer
to be sure. During the current year, a wireless computer network will be developed on all of
our campuses providing students, faculty, and staff with the capacity to log-on their laptop
computers anywhere, anytime they are at Mitchell. This opens direct connectivity to the
Internet and a multitude of other learning materials and programs including library resources
here on campus and literally around the world.
While all of these improvements have enhanced the historic beauty of our physical
environment, they have added significantly to the learning and teaching opportunities as well.
It is remarkable that an institution with a 152 year history offers such an array of facilities and
amenities of the 21st century. Making Mitchell Community College the primary educational
and training resource for the citizens of Iredell County is a goal that we will continuously seek
to play and to improve on. We deeply appreciate the help and support of this community and
our funding agencies in pursuing this goal.
Thank you!
Douglas O. Eason, President
An Equal Opportunity College/
Affirmative Action Employer
The Circle Page 2
Creating Success
Through Progress
Mitchell—Another Year of Growth and Expansion
Mitchell Community College’s
enrollment experienced
another year of double-digit
growth in 2009-10 as a record
number of younger full-time
students enrolled, attracted
by the economical, quality
education available as family
finances tighten. Students
are drawn by streamlined
articulation agreements
between community colleges
and our state’s universities
offering a gateway to a
bachelor’s degree. In addition,
laid-off workers looking for
new job skills are flooding our
doors, some seeking short-
term training.
The entire North Carolina
Community College System
has seen unprecedented
enrollment increases of at least
31,000 students. That means
the System has grown by a
student size equivalent to our
state’s largest public university,
NC State University. Of the
58 community colleges in
the state, Mitchell has ranked
fourth in percent of growth.
Fortunately, Mitchell had
funding available to expand
facilities in Statesville and
Mooresville. The new Student
Service building completed
last fall is being fully utilized
this year. Renovation to the
Main Building provided
additional classrooms and
offices for instructors. And the
Mooresville classroom is on
These and other expansion
projects were funded by
the Iredell County 2005
education bond referendum,
a construction grant from the
North Carolina Community
College System, a $250,000
grant from the Lowe’s
Charitable and Educational
Foundation, and public and
private donations.
Curriculum Enrollment Growth
Total Enrollment Growth
Record number of students turn out for Fall 2010 orientation.
The Office for Development and
the Alumni Office
are now located in
Kirkman House
123 N. Mulberry St.
Statesville, NC
(704) 878-4321 phone
(704) 978-5406 fax
www.mitchellcc.edu Recent Expansion
Main Building
Added seven new
classrooms and six faculty
offices. Completed Sept.
The Circle
88,000 brick pavers
installed on the drive
and around the Circle
improves the esthetics
and makes the area more
handicap accessible.
The project included new
signage, lighting and
Drake Street Annex
A new 6,500 sq. ft. preengineered building will
be constructed near the
Workforce Development
Building. When complete,
it will house HVAC and
Welding classes.
New Classroom Building
The new 30,000 sq. ft
facility, located on the
corner of N. Academy St.
and W. Iredell Ave., is
on schedule and should
be ready late spring. It
will add 12 classrooms,
2 science labs, a cyber
café and a multi-purpose
Parking Lot
A new 70-space parking
lot on the corner of N.
Academy Street and W.
Moore Avenue opened in
Aug. 2010.
New Mooresville Classroom building on schedule.
The Circle Page 3
Creating Success
Through Leadership
Dr. Steve Hill Joins Mitchell’s Board of Trustees
Bentley, Dearman, and Millsaps Reappointed.
Dr. Ralph Bentley, board chair, and Dr. Steve Hill
Dr. Steve Hill has been
appointed to the Mitchell
Community College board
of trustees by the Iredell/
Statesville Board of Education.
Hill worked in the IredellStatesville School System
for 28 years before retiring
in 2009. In his most recent
assignment, he served as
assistant superintendent for
career and technical education.
In that role he worked closely
with Mitchell on technical
education programs for high
school students. Hill began his
college career at Mitchell.
“Steve’s extensive
background in education in
Iredell County makes him a
wonderful addition to our
Board,” said Dr. Ralph Bentley,
board chair. “He understands
the challenges we are facing
with significant enrollment
In a separate action, three
members were reappointed
to the Board—Dr. Ralph L.
Bentley, appointed by the
Board of Education; Timothy
E. Dearman, appointed by
the Governor; and James T.
(Ted) Millsaps, appointed by
the County Commissioners.
The appointment and
reappointments each
constitute four-year terms.
Ted Millsaps, Dr. Ralph Bentley, and Tim Dearman are sworn in by Rena Turner,
clerk of superior court for Iredell County.
Jack Horner Named Band Director
Mitchell Community College announces the selection of Jack
Horner as the College’s new community band director. Horner
graduated from Eastern Kentucky University with a master's in
music education. He served as band director for high schools in
Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina winning
numerous state awards. He played professionally with orchestras
and has performed for Holiday on Ice and Ringling Brothers.
Horner has played with the Mitchell Community Band for over
five years. The band welcomes members of the community
who enjoy practicing and performing for formal and informal
community concerts. They meet Mondays at 7 p.m.
The Circle Page 4
Mitchell Receives
Jerry Award
Mitchell Community College
was one of 10 community
and technical colleges to be
honored with a 2010 Jerry
Award from the Charlotte
Regional Partnership. Dr.
Douglas Eason accepted
the award on behalf of the
This public sector award
recognized the group of
colleges for providing
business and industry
“with the edge they need to
improve efficiency and remain
competitive in the global
marketplace.” Community
and technical colleges provide
customized training programs
and advanced education
to support economic
development initiatives. They
also provide communities
with affordable, accessible
The private sector award
was presented to US Airways.
The annual Jerry Awards
recognize individuals or
organizations that have
made significant, ongoing
contributions to economic
development within the
16-county Charlotte USA
region. The awards are named for
the first recipients: Jerry Orr,
Charlotte aviation director,
and Jerry Richardson,
Carolina Panthers franchise
Creating Success
Through Quality Programs
Mechanical Engineering Brings Learning to Life
With Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) students live it, learn it, remember it.
Drafting instructor Shawn
Fraver is using CTL to make
learning relevant in his
Advanced Solids Modeling
classes. Students use Lego®
kits to learn 3D modeling and
reverse engineering. They
measure each Lego piece
with calipers, and then draw
each piece using SolidWorks
modeling software. The
students work in teams and
once all the pieces are drawn,
they are assembled and then
Clifton and Davis show SolidWorks
output to a Rapid Prototype
Machine (3D printer) to create
the physical solid parts. The
parts are then tested for form,
fit, and function. The Lego
kits have up to 70 individual
“The Lego project was a
blast,” said Jeremy Clifton.
“I learned about reverse
engineering. The project
taught me everything from
design to production. I also
learned the importance of
This fall Clifton is applying
what he learned at Abundant
Manufacturing in Statesville
where he is working a coop assignment. There he is
providing drafting support
for a new transmission design
using SolidWorks.
Kevin Smith, president of
Abundant Manufacturing
Fraver and Davis with 3D Printer.
sees the benefits of Mitchell’s
program. “Clifton quickly
adapted to our design
processes,” said Smith. “We
are pleased with his skill and
Clifton, who will graduate in
December, became interested
in mechanical engineering
after seeing CNC machines on
The Discovery Channel’s How
It’s Made.
For Joey Davis, the project
provided valuable experience.
“It was like working for a
company—being assigned a
product to build, and seeing it
from design to manufacture,”
he said.
Davis, who was laid off
from a manufacturing job,
is pursuing a degree in
mechanical engineering and
will graduate in May.
Mitchell’s Quality Enhancement Plan Connects Life and Learning
Mitchell Community
College’s Quality
Enhancement Plan (QEP)
incorporates knowledge
gained from textbooks with
“real-life” scenarios in what
is called Contextual Teaching
and Learning or CTL. The
QEP, a required component
of the SACS re-accreditation
process kicked off in 2007
with developmental math.
Today, CTL has been
adopted by other curricula
www.mitchellcc.edu and a variety of challenges
have been constructed.
Mark Smalley, a business
law instructor, has created
a project centered on the
Titanic. Students learn the
technicalities of business
law with regard to wills and
Sharon Rouse, mechanical
engineering coordinator’s
accident management
scenario for the industrial
safety course lets students
gain a working knowledge
of OSHA procedures for
accident management.
Sally Dellinger, human
service coordinator, uses
simulated client/helper
scenarios to develop
interviewing and case
management skills.
The CTL is made possible
by a Federal Perkins Grant,
and plans have been made
to further develop the QEP
program so that the largest
number of students possible
can benefit from the process.
The Circle Page 5
Creating Success
Through Support for Our Students
Advising Center Eases Registration Process
Mitchell opened a new
Advising Center over
the summer to make fall
registration faster and easier
for new students. In the past,
students had to wait until
August when faculty advisors
returned in order to register.
With the Center in place,
students could register over
the summer.
Five part-time counselors
worked with prospective
students to answer questions,
coordinate placement
tests, provide one-on-one
counseling about educational
goals, explore career interests,
and complete an educational
plan. This enabled students
to use WebAdvisor to register
“With our surge in
enrollment, this added
service means students get
a better first impression of
the College,” said Donavon
Kirby, director of counseling.
Typically students waited in
long lines and were rushed
through the process. “With the
Center, counselors were able to
spend quality time with each
student which we believe will
make them more successful as
they start their education,” he
Faculty advisors like the
new process too. “With our
growing enrollment, the
number of students assigned
to a faculty advisor grew too,”
said Kirby. “The Center helped
reduce that workload.”
Over the summer, the Center
had over 2,000 visits and
created over 1,500 educational
plans which gave students
access to register online
through WebAdvisor. Plans
are to use the Center again for
spring and fall registrations.
MIND Center Provides Academic Support
The MIND Center at Mitchell
provides one-on-one
instruction to any student
in academic need. The fees
associated with tutoring are
part of each student’s annual
tuition, so no student is ever
The Circle Page 6
denied tutoring based on their
financial situation. Because of
heightened enrollment over
the past two years, the MIND
Center is servicing more
students than ever.
“I am pleased to see that so
many students are now taking
advantage of this wonderful
learning opportunity,” said
Tony Ricciardelli, MIND
Center coordinator who
oversees both the Statesville
and Mooresville learning
facilities. “Helping students
before they fall behind is so
critical to their success.”
Last spring, the MIND
Center moved to its new
location in the Student
Services building. Now
students and tutors have
individual learning labs with
computers and blackboards.
The updated facility not only
allows for expansion, but it
enhances the quality of each
student’s experience.
This fall the Center is adding
Smarthinking, an online
tutorial service that is available
to students 24 hours a day
7 days a week. The program
is designed to help expand
academic support services
through the Web. The service
will supplement the MIND
center and help students who
work or who have difficulty
getting to campus for
additional support from either
their instructor or the MIND
Center. This is one more way
that Mitchell Community
College is working to ensure
the success of each student.
Creating Success
Through Community Support
Mitchell Ambassadors Support Life Span
The Ambassadors at Mitchell
Community College are a
dedicated group of students
who have been selected to
represent the College at
various local events and school
functions. They also execute
two charitable events during
the school year.
Last spring, the
Ambassadors raised money
for Life Span Circle School
on Broad Street. Life Span is
an early learning center that
services young children from
the ages of 2-4, and more
specifically, it also assists
children with special needs.
Mitchell Community College
Ambassadors raised enough
money to provide the school
with enough additional
supplies to last well over a year.
Everything from toilet paper
to play dough was purchased.
The Ambassadors raised
approximately $600 for the
project, and Dollar General in
Statesville price matched the
monies spent in their store
allowing for the donation
of additional supplies. The
children and teachers were
overjoyed and extremely
grateful to the College for its
generous faculty and student
Front (l-r) Celina Maynard, Beth Nance, and Josh Rankin. Back (l-r) Jordan
Evans and Steve Romitz.
Mentoring Matters To New Faculty Members
Mitchell launched a formal
mentoring program this fall
for new instructors. Through
the program, experienced
faculty serve as advocates
and supporters to guide new
faculty members and help
them adapt quickly to the
Mitchell environment.
Mentoring encourages
the exchange of ideas and
can enhance productivity by
showing mentees how to use
the many resources available
on campus. It also provides
social support.
“A mentor can be an
invaluable resource to a new
instructor,” said Dr. Tim
Brewer, vice president for
instruction. “Whether it’s
academics or understanding
our policies and procedures,
the mentor will be available to
answer questions or provide
valuable information. “
Mentors will work with their
mentees for the entire 2010-11
academic year.
Top: Faculty Mentors Front (l-r) Rita Taggert, Christina Spillane, Emily
Weddington, Emily Goins, DeShaun Williams, Ryan Cannon, Sharon Rouse.
Middle (l-r) Nanci Burt, Daniel Breuer, Susan Stinson, Sally Dellinger, David
Moss. Back (l-r) Todd Martin, Keith Miller, Linda Wiersch, Shawn Fraver.
www.mitchellcc.edu Bottom: Faculty Mentees Front (l-r) Phillisa Jones, Dustin Howell, Angelia Turner,
Amanda Patterson, Amy Naylor, Bret Benton, Donna Hogue, Kelly Wisdom, Clint
Halsted. Back (l-r) Ken Shoffner, Arthur Piervincenti, Kelly Hicks, Eric Nielsen,
Emily Nestor, Maureen Leary.
The Circle Page 7
Creating Success
Through Committed Faculty and Staff
Faculty and Staff Recognized for Excellence
From left, Jennifer Warren, Phil Holleran, Keith Moore and Jodee Fulton
Four Mitchell employees
received the R.D. Grier
Excellence in Education Award
at the 2010 Fall Convocation
for their remarkable
contributions. Faculty, staff
and students nominate
individuals for the awards.
Phil Holleran received
the full-time faculty award.
Holleran, a business instructor,
continuously tries to improve
his students’ classroom
experience. Classes consist
of short lectures and a lot of
group work. He has students
relate what they already think
they know about current
and past events to the course
Keith Moore received
the part-time faculty
award. Moore who taught
developmental math is noted
as “one of the best instructors
I ever had.” He made himself
available to students inside
and outside class hours while
attaining an MBA, himself.
Jodee Fulton received the
professional staff award. As
director of human resources,
Fulton’s door is “always open”
and she does a great job of
addressing concerns from
faculty and staff.
Jennifer Warren received the
support staff award. Warren,
library reference specialist, is
known for going the “extra
mile” to help faculty, staff and
The Fanjoy Family
established the R.D. Grier
Excellence in Education Award
in 1986 in honor of Mr. Grier’s
devotion and contribution
to the success of Mitchell
Community College. Before
his death in 1993 at the age of
104, Grier served as a charter
member and chairman of the
Mitchell College Endowment
for many years.
Morgan and
Yarborough Retire
Long-time employees Judy
Morgan and Betsy Yarbrough
were honored at a retirement
reception hosted by the
College Council.
Morgan, a Mitchell graduate
and 29-year veteran, served
most recently as vice president
for external programs and new
program development. Prior
to that role, she was director
for the College’s Mooresville
Yarborough leaves with 26
years of service as a nursing
instructor for mental health
nursing and maternal child
Betsy Yarborough and Judy Morgan
Steve Herman Celebrates 45 Years
Congratulations to Steve
Herman for 45 years of service
at Mitchell Community
College. Steve is a longtime
resident of Statesville,
and he began working
as a history instructor at
Mitchell immediately after
obtaining his degree. His
engaging and entertaining
method of instruction makes
The Circle Page 8
ancient history accessible
and enjoyable to students of
all ages. His lessons extend
beyond the classroom, and he
routinely gives assignments
that require students to
connect the events of the
past with the social and
political events of today. He
is a dedicated employee who
utilizes his own resources to
help beautify the campus.
In his spare time, he enjoys
painting and overseeing
the restoration of his own
historical home in Statesville.
Herman serves on the board
for the Mitchell Community
College Endowment for
Creating Success
Through Community Support
Local Stars Dance for Scholarships
Fifteen local “stars” will pair
with area dance professionals
for Dancing With The Iredell
Stars. The program, patterned
after the popular ABC version,
will be held on Saturday,
Nov. 13 at the Statesville
Civic Center. Participants
will enjoy an elegant evening
of dancing at its best and
the proceeds will benefit the
Mitchell Community College
Endowment for Excellence
(MCCEE) Scholarship Fund.
The evening will kick-off
with a pre-party at 6 p.m. at
the Sharpe House. The show
begins at 7:30 p.m.
“There has never been
a more critical need for
scholarship dollars,” said
Harry Stillerman, director of
development at Mitchell.
Proceeds will come from
sponsorships, ticket sales,
program ads and voting. Fans,
co-workers, friends, family,
and event attendees vote for
their favorite dancer prior
to or during the night of the
event. And, there is no limit on
how many times or for how
many dancers one can vote.
There will be two winners,
the People’s Choice based
on the most monetary votes
received and the Judges’
Partnering dance studios
include: the Havana Ballroom,
Cornelius; the Academy of
Dance and Fine Arts (ADFA),
Mooresville; Tilley's Dance
Academy, Statesville; Argentine
Tango, Charlotte; and Elite
www.mitchellcc.edu Dance Studio, Statesville.
The evening will include
exhibition performances
by students from the Visual
and Performing Arts Center,
Iredell-Statesville Schools/
Early College and the Havana
“We are excited to be
a sponsor for this event,”
said sponsor Rhyne Scott,
general manager, Bell &
Howard Chevrolet/Cadillac.
“Mitchell does so much for
our community and the funds
this event will raise will give
individuals the chance for an
education that they might
not be able to afford on their
own.” Other sponsors who
have signed up so far include:
J.T. Alexander & Son, Inc.;
Goodyear; Merrill Lynch;
RBC Bank; BB&T; John M.
Barnard, CPA, PA; P.S. West
Construction; and Southern
“Other community colleges
across the state have held
similar events,” said Stillerman.
“We hope to bring the same
excitement and success to
Iredell County and Mitchell
Community College.”
Tickets are $75 and votes
are $5 each. Sponsorships and
program ads are available.
The MCCEE is a tax-exempt
organization under IRS Code,
Section 501(c)(3).
For information on the
event, and to buy tickets or
vote, visit www.mitchellcc.edu/
dancing/ or call (704) 8784321.
Steve Bograd
Ashley Alexander
Andy Davis
Kelley Daspit
Mike Griffin
Cindy Floyd
Bill Long
Jill Baker Gibson
Lauren Gibbs, ADFA
Davis Regional
Amanda Troutman
Elite Dance
Griffin Insurance
Tonya Atkins
Yadkin Valley Bank
Maria Herrera
Havana Ballroom
Dr. Dick Rankin
Pediatric Dentist
Cheryl Klaft
ADFA and
Jared Reimann
Reg. Sales Mgr.
Amy D. Brookshire
Tilley’s Dance
David Stamey
Partner Stamey
Farms and
Mooresville Ice
Cream Co. (DeLuxe)
and Denise Tilley
LeVan Tilley’s Dance
Volunteer/ Wife and
Yusimi Cruz
Havana Ballroom
Dir.of Planning/
Com. Relations
Iredell Health
and Harold Carrillo
Havana Ballroom
Branch Office
Edward Jones
Caleb Moss
Havana Ballroom
Relations Mgr.
Binder Chiropractic
Daniel Arredondo
Argentine Tango-CLT
Sandra Gordon
Yusimi Cruz
Havana Ballroom
Suzanne Hedrick
Owner/Broker in
Charge, Tarheel
Realty II
and Christopher
Temple Havana
Susie Wiberg
Relations ISS
Rick Kipe
East Coast Swing
Dr. Mario Zapata
Lori Quinn
For tickets and voting
The Circle Page 9
Mitchell Receives $25K for Minority Male Mentoring
the development of personal,
professional and academic
growth among minority males.
“Minority male mentoring
programs at our community
colleges provide a lifeline to
many young men who have
great potential but often lack a
support system,” said Dr. Scott
Ralls, NC Community College
System President. “Since we
began this initiative in 2003,
Coordinator Randall Willie (far left) with program participants.
we have had many students in
Mitchell Community College
received $900,000 in recurring this program receive two-year
was one of 41 NC community funding, along with a $407,000 degrees, go on to four-year
colleges to receive funds to
College Access Challenge
colleges and universities,
support the College’s Minority Grant to expand or launch
and find meaningful
Male Mentoring Program.
college efforts that promote
employment as a result of the
NC Community Colleges
encouragement and support
they receive.”
The focus of the program
is to increase graduation
and retention rates among
minority males in NC
Community Colleges and
other institutions of higher
learning. In addition to
providing a support system
to minority males, many
of the programs offer
activities in areas such as
academic reinforcement,
public speaking, relationship
building, effective
communication and
Shearer Hall Pipe Organ Celebrates 95 Years
College launches restoration campaign to celebrate.
This year marks the 95th
birthday of the pipe organ in
Shearer Hall. And to celebrate,
Mitchell is soliciting gifts to
enable its restoration.
The organ which was
installed in the fall of 1915
was made possible with the
support of Charles Ernest
Mills, an Iredell County
native and prominent
businessman. He also served
as choir director of Statesville’s
Presbyterian Church. Mills
agreed to pay half of the cost if
the College agreed to pay the
other half.
The organ, which cost
$2,500 was dedicated on
December 8, 1915.
“The College and
community have been pleased
with the renovation of Shearer
The Circle Page 10
Hall which was completed
in the fall of 2009, said
Harry Stillerman, director of
development. “Restoration
of the organ is a natural
extension to that project.”
Restoration is estimated to
cost $25,000.
For more information, call
(704) 878-4321 or e-mail
[email protected].
Organ Restoration Fund
o Enclosed is my check for $ ______________________________________________________________________________________
Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone ______________________________________ E-mail ____________________________________________________________
o In honor of
o In memory of
Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Make checks payable to Mitchell Community College and indicate “Organ Fund” on the memo line. Send the check along with this
form to Mitchell Community College--Attn: Organ Fund, 500 W. Broad Street, Statesville, NC 28677-5264.
Margaret Bell Bloodworth Named Distinguished Alumni
Margaret Bell Bloodworth ‘34
Mrs. Margaret Bell
Bloodworth ’34 was named
recipient of the 2010
Distinguished Alumni
Award. She passed away on
April 13 of this year after a
short illness. The Alumni
Association presented this
award posthumously to Mrs.
Bloodworth in celebration of
her life and in recognition of
her distinguished service to
our institution. Her daughter
Diane Bloodworth Forrester
accepted the award on her
behalf at Fall Convocation.
Mrs. Bloodworth grew up
in Georgia and graduated
from Decatur High School in
1931. Following graduation
she attended The Crighton
Business School and later
graduated from Mitchell
She began her extensive
teaching career at Barium
Springs where she taught
until the beginning of WWII
in 1942. Her first students
remained in contact with
her. Each year they gathered
at Barium Springs for a class
reunion where Miss Bell was
always their guest of honor.
In June of 1945 Margaret
married Nick Bloodworth.
Class of 1934, Elizabeth Connolly, Margaret Bell Bloodworth, Helen Page
Crenshaw, and Alice Barber Bennett at Mitchell’s 2009 Reunion
Diane Bloodworth Forrester with Alumni Association officers Susan Stinson and
Carol Johnson
She had a son Michael Hoyt
Bloodworth, born in 1946 and
a daughter, Diane Bloodworth
Forrester born in 1950. Mrs.
Bloodworth began teaching
in the Decatur City Schools in
1947 until retirement in 1975.
Even at an advanced
age, Margaret remained
remarkably active in
organizations. She participated
in the AARP, Red Hat Club,
Delta Kappa Gamma, Church
Women United, Emory
Presbyterian Woman, Georgia
Retired Teachers Association
and DeKalb Retired Teachers
Association. She held
responsible positions in all
of these groups and served as
the president of most of them.
Margaret was a member of
Emory Presbyterian Church.
It has been said that Mrs.
Bloodworth was a "Collector
of Friends.” She was a
regular attendee at alumni
reunions, getting together
with classmates Alice Barber
Bennett, Elizabeth Connolly
and Ellen Page Crenshaw.
In the 1934 Circle yearbook,
Margaret Bell of Decatur,
Georgia was described by her
classmates as “Filled to the
brim with personality.” She
was voted “Most Popular,”
“Best All-Around” and the
student with the “Most
This year’s Alumni
Scholarships will be given in
Mrs. Bloodworth’s name.
2011 Distinguished Alumni Award Call for Nominations
Mitchell Community College
is accepting nominations for
the Distinguished Alumni
Award. The award honors an
alumnus who has achieved
exceptional career goals, or
www.mitchellcc.edu earned a superior reputation
within a particular field, or
made significant contributions
to the College, or to the local
or national community. An
alumnus is a person who
obtained a degree, certificate
or diploma from the College,
or its predecessor Mitchell
To nominate, send a letter of
recommendation to “Alumni
Office,” Mitchell Community
College, 500 West Broad St.,
Statesville, NC 28677-5264
or fax to (704) 978-5406.
Deadline is February 1, 2011.
The Circle Page 11
Alumni Updates
Sympathies are expressed to the
family and friends of the following
Mitchell alumni—
Mary Eudean Wilkinson ‘41,
Statesville, NC, March 27, 2010
Dennis Allen Boan, Cowpens, SC,
April 6, 2010
Robert James “Greek” Arniotes
‘62, Oriental, NC, April 10, 2010
Margaret Bell Bloodworth, ’34,
Decatur, GA, April 13, 2010
Margaret Dees Lane, Part-time
instructor, Statesville, NC April 15,
Christine “Chris” Johnson
Newman, Raleigh, NC, April 20,
Floyd Nero Jordan, Statesville, NC,
April 24, 2010
Catherine “Kay” Gibbs Wasson
‘39, Winston-Salem, NC, May 1,
Helen Bennett Gibson, Statesville,
NC, June 2, 2010
Glenn Edward Rose, Statesville,
NC, June 3, 2010
Pauline Hill Alexander ‘34, Stony
Point, NC, June 13, 2010
Randy Waugh, Statesville, NC, June
16, 2010
Mildred Lucille Davis Hand ‘37,
Statesville, NC, June 19, 2010
Wanda Carol Norman, Statesville,
NC, June 21, 2010
Kimberly Nesbit, Mooresville, NC,
July 5, 2010
Raymond Nelson “Bill” Wall,
Statesville, NC, July 6, 2010
Max Bailey Tharpe ’41, Fort
Lauderdale, FL, July 10, 2010
Billy Wayne Owensby, Olin, NC, July
19, 2010
Robert Brent York, Statesville, NC,
July 23, 2010
Recognized Photographer Max Tharpe ’41 Dies
Photographer and alumnus
Max Tharpe died July 10 at his
home in Florida.
Tharpe spent much of
his life capturing images of
Iredell County. He returned to
Mitchell in 2007 to donate his
collection of photography to
the College. Tharpe came back
again in 2009 where he was
honored at an exhibit of his
works at the Iredell Museum.
Memorials can be made to
the Max B. Tharpe Library
Restoration Project at Mitchell
Community College.
Alumni Dues
Alice Barber Bennett ‘34
Helen Page Crenshaw ‘34
D. Marsh McLelland ‘40
Pearl Collins Tompkins ‘42
Joyce Jones Heilig ‘43
Alma Covington Mayberry ‘43
William Jones Mayberry ‘43
Margaret R. Cowan ‘46
Alene Jones Barnard ‘48
James H. Hoke ‘48
Betty Martin Heigler-Basinger ‘50
Robert E. Turnipseed ‘50
Drucilla Deal Miller ‘51
Aileen Mitchell Sherline ‘51
Ramona Phillips Maximillian ‘52
James H. Piercy ‘52
Bill Gentry ‘53
Becky McKenzie Gregory ‘55
William Fields ‘56
Libby Hunter Powell ‘56
Carlene Christy Shaffer ‘56
Linda Hilton Williams ‘56
Reggie Barker ‘57
Patricia Monroe Fields ‘57
Jerry Harmon ‘57
Barbara Cornelius Jernigan ‘57
Jerry Jernigan ‘57
Donald T. Moore ‘57
Bill Patterson ‘57
Deanne Thompson Williams ‘57
Pat Massengill Barker ‘58
Nelson Cole ‘58
Patti Gwaltney Ferguson ‘58
Marion Joe Parker ‘58
Peggy Raymer Prevatte ‘58
Nancy Kennerly Stevens ‘58
Joe H. Troutman ‘58
Jim Reid ‘59
Martha Wooten Spence ‘59
Laura “Susie” Woody Miller ‘60
Walter Patterson ‘60
Jacqueline (Lynn)Shea Werner ‘60
Luther B. Potts ‘62
John “Jack” C. Churchill ‘63
Bill Connolly ‘63
Brenda Meadows (Austin) Penland ‘64
Larry Hice ‘65
J. Britt Williams Copeland ‘66
Beverly Oliver Methvin ‘66
William B. Eley, Jr. ‘67
William R. Mayes, Jr. ‘67
Eric T. Dailey ‘68
Suzanne DeHart Dare ‘71
Thiry Lesh Hayes ‘71
Jackie Henderson ‘71
Suzanne “Sue” Hoagland ‘71
Marilyn Massengale Lamb ‘71
Amanda Lanham McCullen ‘71
Gerald R. Pletcher ’71
Dare Wilson ‘71
Carol Gilchrest Johnson ‘72
Brady Johnson ‘74
Sue M. Carter ‘87
Juanita Summers ‘87
Dana Potts Correll ‘96
Denise Benfield ‘01
Antonia Barcelo ‘06
2011 Alumni Association Dues
Enclosed is $15 for my Alumni Dues covering the period of May 2010 to May 2011. Dues fund
the Alumni Scholarship which is awarded annually.
Name _______________________________________________________ Class of_________________________
Save the Date
Mitchell’s 2011
Saturday, May 7
The Circle Page 12
Maiden (while at MCC)
Mailing Address_________________________________________________________________________________
Make checks payable to the MCC Alumni Association. Send your check along with this form to the MCC Alumni
Office, 500 West Broad Street, Statesville, NC 28677-5264. If you have questions, call 704.878.4321 or e-mail
[email protected].
Contributions to the
Mitchell Community College
Endowment for Excellence
July 1, 2009 through June 30,
Mitchell Hall of Fame
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Childress
Elizabeth M. Rankin
Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation
Mitchell Benefactors
Mrs. Paul C. Meech
Mitchell Patrons
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Bentley
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Brawley
Cardinal FG
Cashion Family Foundation, Inc.
Davis Regional Medical Center
Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Deaton, Jr.
Patsy Slane Ebert
Stephen G. Herman
Stamey Holland, III
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson
Mary Alderman Johnson
Lake Norman Regional Medical Center
Piedmont HealthCare
Mr. and Mrs. Hassill Reep
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spell
Statesville Flying Service
Statesville Record and Landmark
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Tolle
Toter, Inc.
Mitchell Sponsors
J.T. Alexander and Son, Inc.
Automotive Development Group, Inc.
CommunityOne Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis
Deutsche Bank Alex.Brown Foundation
Drs. Douglas and Laurel Eason
Jack L. Elledge
Fast Phil’s
First Citizens Bank
Griffin Insurance Agency, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Jody Inglefield
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kelly
L.B. Plastics, Inc.
Dan Manning
Col. Billie G. Matheson, USAF Ret.
Sheila Mitchell
Mooresville Ford Mercury, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Newell
Dr. Roxanne Newton
Piedmont Bank
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Pope
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Rankin
Dr. Camille Reese
Dr. John E. Roueche
Southern Prestige Industries
Statesville Stained Glass, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stillerman
Mr. B.J. Testerman and Dr. Jane
The TharpeRobbins Company
www.mitchellcc.edu Robert C. Tolle, DDS PA
Mrs. J. Pierce VanHoy
Wal-Mart Store 1156
Dr. Margaret J. Willhide
Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Yarborough
The Mitchell Circle
Alexander Zachary Jewelers
Phyllis Bailey
Dr. and Mrs. R. William Barker
Mr. and Mrs. John Barnard
E.F. Belk and Son, Inc.
Linda R. Bennett
BestSweet, Inc.
Boiler Masters, Inc.
Dr. J. Timothy Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Bryan
Ray N. Caldwell
Ryan Cannon
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Causey
The Honorable and Mrs. Robert A.
Collier, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cowan
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Dailey
Sarah Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Dearman
John P. Duke
Gail Lee Elmore
Energy United
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Findt, III
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Foxworthy
Kathy G. Gaines
Charles A. Gallyon, II
Rona S. Gordon
Anna Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Saul Gordon
Dr. Jackie Grigg
Richard R. Hawkins
Martha D. Hazelton
Beverly Hedrick
Cathy B. Herbert
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Holland
Robert L. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Johnson
David A. Jones
Dr. Robert R. Kimball
Donavon Kirby
Brig. Gen. and Mrs. William Lackey
Sandra Landry
Edwin E. Laws
Betty Litaker
William R. Mayes, Jr.
Bonnie H. McCurry
Paul G. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Millsaps
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mitchell
Kristen A. Morgan
James L. Moss
William S. Murphy
Larry E. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Norman
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Pitt
Dale I. Pocock
Cathy Thomas Potts
Dr. William S. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Pressly
Libbie Reeves
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Reindollar
Elizabeth B. Richardson
Josephine Rives
Agnes S. Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Rhyne Scott
The Reverend and Mrs. Grant Sharp
Mr. and Mrs. C. Jack Sheffield
Mary C. Smith
Statesville Vision Center
Mr. and Mrs. John Stikeleather, Jr.
Susan L. Stinson
Juanita Summers
Mr. and Mrs. C. Lavette Teeter
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tice
Joe H. Troutman
Michael J. Tucker
Myrna M. Van Ravenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Vaughn
Suzanne Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. White
Whitfield & Mock, PLLC
G.L. Wilson Building Co.
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. Jason D. Zaks
Friends of Mitchell
Dr. and Mrs. Curtis Abell
Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Abernethy, Jr.
Sandra Adams
Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Alexander, Jr.
Mark Alley
William Allison
Thomas Allison
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Anderson
Elaine Anthony
Gavin Arsenault
Sherry Ashley
Natasha Austin
Brenda Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Garry L. Ballard
J. Steven Barger
Sharon Barker
Alene Barnard
John Bayne
BB&T Webb Insurance
Denise E. Benfield
Tonya Benge
The Birthplace at Iredell
Luann Blackwelder
Dr. and Mrs. Dwight Blackwelder
Will Boggs
Sarah Borders
Joel L. Bost
Daniel Breuer
Brittain Engineering, Inc.
Chyna Broadnax
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bromstead
Chris Brown
Samantha G. Brown
Beverly Brown
Jamie L. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Brown
Frances Bruce
Jeanna L. Bullins
Janet L. Burgess
John Busby
Larry E. Caldwell, Jr.
Joanna Campbell
Ashley Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Cannon
Sue M. Carter
Tara W. Cashion
Deryn M. Cass
The Honorable and Mrs. Sam Cathey
Sarah M. Caudill
Violet K. Caudle
Eduardo Cedeno
Joyce G. Chambers
Jill Channing
Dr. and Mrs. Donald G. Cheek
Jeffrey C. Cheek
John C. Churchill
Jesse A. Clanton
Sherwyn Y. Clarke
Michael D. Cleaves
Angela Clontz
Sandra W. Cockerham
Mr. and Mrs. .Bill Coffey
Chadwick A. Collins
Mary J. Compton
Gary Cook
Becky E. Cook
Sabrina Cook
Candace Cooper
Sheryl T. Cornelius
Rebecca M. Corriher
Maria Corza
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Crawford
Joe Crosswhite
Mrs. H.C. Curlee
Dagenhart Builders
Mr. and Mrs. Eric T. Dailey
Crystal Dancy
Mr. and Mrs. M. Douglas Davidson
Marc Davis
Ron Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Davis
Marie G. Deal
Mary Amelia Deaton
Sally Dellinger
Donna Dezern
Richard A. Dishman
Barbara Dobbins
Patricia Dobbins
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Donaldson
Beth Downing
Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Dulin
Gayle Dunbar
Jessica Duncan
Nancy Dunst
Maryann Earwood
Andrea D. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Eisele
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Eisele
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Ellis
J.C. Epting, Jr.
Dr. Richard E. Falls
Mr. and Mrs. Will Fanjoy
Frances Fanjoy
Brett Fansler
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Feimster
Sarah B. Ferguson
Kristina Forgrave
Cicily Foster
Todd Fowler
The Circle Page 13
Jerry Freeman
Robert J. Frohman
David D. Galliher
Eric T. Garner
Jeanna Gatton
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan George
Mr. and Mrs. Layton Getsinger
The Birthplace
Harriet Gilbert
Michael D. Ginnerty
Ethel P. Goforth
Emily Goins
Freddy Gomez
Kate Goodson
Robert Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Kalman Gordon
Betty Grant
Mr. J. Reid Gray and Dr. Peggy B. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gregory
Lindsay L. Guill
Capt. William F. Gustafson
Kathleen Guy
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Hager
Christopher S. Hall
Matthew Hammond
Mary Katherine Harbin
Hardee’s Food System, Inc.
Maria Haughton
Benny R. Head
Kendra Duncan Hedrick
Carole W. Hendrix
Teresa Henry
Kelly E. Hicks
Williams C. Hicks
Michelle G. Hicks
Rebecca A. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Holland
Dr. and Mrs. Walter B. Holland
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Holland
Winifred Kelly Holton
Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Homesley
Debbie Hoover
Norman Hope
Barbara H. Horne
Francis J. Horton, Jr.
Alice E. Hunsucker
Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwin Hunter
Hilda James
Mr. and Mrs. M. Ralston James, Jr.
Lois E. James
William L. Jennings
Jerry O. Jernigan
Barbara Y. Johnson
Margaret C. Johnson
Janice Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell P. Johnson
Robert Johnson
The Reverend Mark C. Johnson
Mary Geitner Johnson
Sharon M. Johnson
David F. Jones
Elizabeth C. Jones
Joan W. Jordan
Kim Juliano
Craig Just
Jay M. Katz
Candice Kegarise
The Circle Page 14
Eileen Kenter
Mr. and Mrs. Cotton Ketchie
Becky G. Kirkman
Mr. and Mrs. Kirky Kirkman
Rachel R. Knox
Howard B. Kosofsky
J. Lynn Kunkle
The Honorable and Mrs. Constantine
Chad Lackey
Shirley Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Leach
Catherine LeRoy
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lewis
Teresa Lineberger
Melissa Lingle
Grady E. Lippard
Avis S. Little
Kristi Lowrance
Joyce Marquez
Clarence Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Mashburn
Kay Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Matthews
Carolyn B. McCall
Mary J. McClish
Mr. and Mrs. Bill McMillan
Billie A. Meeks
Mr. and Mrs. Chester P. Middlesworth
Keith L. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Miller
Lisa M. Milstead
Robert S. Money
Selene Mullins
Susette S. Munday
Deanna Myers
Roxanne A. Myers
Jessica Norman
Antonia A. Norton
Jason T. Oliphant
Claudia Olivares
Janet T. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Palmes
The Reverend and Mrs. J. Dan Pardue
The Reverend Joe Parker
David Patterson
Dr. Carla Pence
Amelia Perez
John Perry
Kimberly E. Perry
Jeff Pettit
Cabanna H. Pierce
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Pittman
Mr. and Mrs. C. David Pope
Lois S. Poston
MaryBeth Powden
Marie Prather
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Prendergast
Anita Pressly
Eleanor W. Price
Renee I. Privette
Amy Purser
Tammy Rackley
Claude E. Raiford
Tracy Rapp
Beverly Rash
The Honorable Karen B. Ray
Sybilla A. Reavis
Phil Redmond
Beth Reid
James G. Reid
Jared A. Reimann
Remember When Creative
Catherine Reyes
Dr. and Mrs. James Rhyne
Anthony Ricciardelli
Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Robertson
Ellen Robinson
Michelle Rokes
Judy Ronaud
Sarita A. Rubrake
Mr. and Mrs. Ed A. Rush
Margaret R. Russell
Kammie K. Ruth
Mr. and Mrs. James Sande
Sarah Sanders
Betty Scipione
Cheryl Sells
Carol S. Setzer
Victoria Sharpe
Mr. and Mrs. F. Anderson Sherrill
Maison W. Sherrill
Jacqueline R.R. Shive
Dr. Michael Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. George Simon
J. Rebecca Sipes
Mr. and Mrs. Al Slonim
Kimberly M. Smith
Kathleen Smith
Marie Snow
Bruce Sowers
Alisha Sparks
Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Spell
Theresa A. Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stallard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Stamey
Mr. and Mrs. James Stamper
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Staples
Henry Steele
Velva Stevenson
Robert Stillerman
W. Todd Stillerman
The Reverend Jamie D. Stimson
Zaneta Summers
Lisa A. Taylor
William K. Templeton
Gary Thomas
J. Walter Thompson, Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tice
Kristen Tomlin
April V. Tomlin
Jackie B. Tomlin
Pearl C. Tompkins
Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Tsumas
Barbara Turner
Philip Varvaris
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Waddell
Cindy C. Wagner
Steve Walker
Crystal G. Walker
Sue Walser
Carolyn Warlick
Nina Waters
Lenora Watkins
Caroline Watt
Loraine P. Watt
Barbara S. Waugh
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wayand
Emily C. Weddington
Dr. Jacqueline S. Werner
Julian West
Mr. and Mrs. Roy West
Myrtle H. Westmoreland
Barbara Wheeler
Virginia N. Whitley
Robert P. Wiedemer
Linda Wiersch
Jessica A. Wike
Sandra C. Williams
Randall D. Willie
Jera Wilmoth
Gretchen M. Wilson
Frances D. Wilson
Sherry J. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson
Corinne M. Wisecup
Dorothy Woodard
Michael J. Worsham
Margaret Worth
Rachel G. Young
In-Kind Gifts to Mitchell
Community College for
Endowment for Excellence
Admissions Employees
Amanda Caldwell Photography
Basic Skills Department
Benfield Sanitation
Michael Brooks
Jim Calabrese
Elizabeth Cannon
Carolina Beer & Beverage
Tara Cashion
Cherry Street Employees
Claremont Automotive and Muffler
Hickory Crawdads
Sarah Davis
DeLuxe Ice Cream
Diversity Task Force
Barbara Dobbins
Sharon Ellis
Facilities Support Services
Farm House Garderners
Shawn Fraver and Sharon Rouse
Financial Services employees
Steve Herman
Vicki Holland
Humanities and Fine Arts Department
I.T. Department
Mrs. J.V. Johnson
Ann Kelly
Ketchie Creek
Jeff Key
Sandra Landry
Langree at the Lake
Clay Lunsford
Dr. Terri Manning
McLelland Family Shoes
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Middlesworth
Mooresville Center Employees
Mooresville Tribune
Kristen A. Morgan
MCC Development Office Employees
M. Neader Management, Inc.
Dr. Roxanne Newton
Nursing Department
Cabanna Pierce
Tammy Pressly
Quick Shop Shell #115
Public Safety employees
Security Department
Pam Stamey
Statesville Owls
Harry Stillerman
Sweet Thing Bakery
Jackie Tomlin
J.P. VanHoy
Sue Walser
Who Does That Laser Impressions
Winston-Salem Dash
Michael Ziegler
Betsy Yarborough
Contributions to Mitchell
Community College
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Arey
Laine S. Armstead
Fran J. Baker
Shirley H. Barkley
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Bentley
Paula Berube
Jane G. Bradley
Dr. and Mrs. Tim Burgiss
Carolina Environmental Systems, Inc.
Sheri F. Coarsey
Mary Ann Dietrich
Rita A. Estes
Frances Fanjoy
Susan R. Fanjoy
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Feimster
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Findt, III
Arlene F. Foster
Anna Gordon
Brian Griffith
Susan H. Grose
Stephen G. Hampton
Sylvia L. Hampton
Carole W. Hendrix
Joseph A. Hilton
Iredell Memorial Hospital
Mrs. James V. Johnson
Anne Jordan
Mary Anne B. King
Teresa Kutteh
Col. Billie G. Matheson, USAF Ret.
Brenda McKinney
Linda C. Moser
NC Fidelis Tau Chapter of Alpha Delta
New Salem Presbyterian Church
Deborah W. Owen
Mary M. Palmes
The Reverend and Mrs. Dan Pardue
Sally Parker
William H. Parker
Fannie R. Pooley
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Pressly, Jr.
George Privette, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Preston Redmond, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Hassill Reep
Barbara D. Richardson
Rotary Club of Statesville—Fourth
Joan R. Scott
State Employees' Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Stikeleather, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stillerman
John Summers
Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Tsumas
V. Point Ruritan Club
Marcus T. Williams, Sr.
Agency Scholarships
Scholarship Fund
Union Grove Ruritan
United Community Banks
V. Point Ruritan
West Iredell Ruritan Club
Western North Carolina Firefighters
Woodmen of the World
Alpha Xi Chapter of Delta Kappa
Gamma Society
Patricia S. Bourbonnais
Betty S. Boyd
Valarie Byars
Cannon School
Jamie P. Cox
Kerri C. Crawford
Davis Hospital Foundation
William B. Eley, Jr.
J. Richard Everhart
Nancy J. Freeman
Martha B. Graham
Dorothy H. Griffith
Jerry Hefner
Jared A. Hine
Laura M. Huffman
Iredell Memorial Hospital
Gloria H. Long
Susan C. Madison
Martin Marietta Materials
Alma C. Mayberry
Braxton L. Peele, Jr.
Andrew Pendleton
Lois S. Poston
Elizabeth M. Rankin
Libbie Reeves
Bobbie Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Stamey
Statesville ABC Board 120
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Townsend
John C. Young, Jr.
USLI Rocket Project
Goodrich Corp.
Todd Haring
Sandy Houston
Rebecca L. Jackson
Dr. and Mrs. John Karriker
James Patrick
Ralph Roberts
Rotary Club of Statesville
Rotary Club of Statesville—Fourth
David S. Russell
Malcolm Smith
Tripoli South Carolina
William Walthall
Will Technology, Inc.
Wireknot Productions, LTD.
Institutional Scholarships
Channon R. Allison
Wendy Allison
American Association of University
www.mitchellcc.edu American Business Women's
Arnold-Rutten Family Gift Fund
BIC Corporation
Blue Ridge Environment Defense
League RICCE
Broad Street United Methodist Church
Chick-Fil-A Inc.
Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
Robert Connolly
William Connolly
Cool Springs Ruritan Club
Cool Springs United Methodist Church
Davie County Farm Bureau, Inc.
Davie County Schools Administrators'
Davis Hospital Alumnae Association
District Three Foundation
First Command Educational
Foundation for the Carolinas
L. Gordon Iron and Metal
Grace Baptist Church
Greater Charlotte, Inc.
Greater Statesville Rotary Club
Harmony Fire Dept. Ladies Auxiliary
International Scholarship and Tuition
Services, Inc.
Iredell-Statesville Administrative Unit
Lambda Gamma Chapter of Sigma Phi
Gamma Int. Sorority, Inc.
Llederi Chapter of ABWA
Barbara Loftin
Mitchell Community College Alumni
MMBN, Inc. (Pla Mor Lanes)
Mooresville Graded School District
Mooresville-Lake Norman Rotary Club
NC Community College Foundation
Neel-McCorkle Scholarship Trust
North Carolina Association of
Agricultural Fairs
North Carolina Petroleum and
Convenience Marketers
Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation of
the United States
Prospect Presbyterian Church, Inc.
Dean Reep Scholarship Foundation
Retail Consumer Alliance Foundation,
Rise At NIHS
Scholarship America
Shady Grove Baptist Church
Stony Point Baptist Church
Sunshine Volunteer Association
Taylorsville High School Memorial
The Dollar General Literacy
The Golden Leaf Foundation
Iredell Arts Council
The National Endowment for the
Wake Forest University Health Sciences
Shearer Hall
John R. Huie
Kewaunee Scientific Corp.
Dr. Carla Pence
Beverly A. Smith
In-Kind Gifts to Mitchell
Community College
Nellie Allen
Martha Byrd
Ruben Cedeno
City of Claremont
Sandra Cox
Robert C. Crawford
Daylight Donuts
Susie Delph
Drs. Douglas and Laurel Eason
Food Lion, Ronda Pendergrass
Food Lion #2633
Nena Gibson
Susan Graben
Groucho's Deli of Statesville
Richard Hutaff
Iredell Memorial Hospital
Joan Jordan
King Machinery
Lake Norman Regional Medical Center
Donnill Lee
M. Neader Management (McDonalds)
R.P. Machine Realty, LLC
Dan Manning
Janet Martin
Agnes Mayes
Bonnie McCurry
Dr. Roxanne Newton
Myra Pennell
PEP Filters for Michigan Air
Town of Mooresville
Lee Troutman
Vallereux's Photographic Art
The Circle Page 15
Statesville NC
Permit No 136
500 West Broad Street
Statesville, NC 28677-5264
An Equal Opportunity College/
Affirmative Action Employer
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Upcoming Events
Thursday, October 7
Ellen Patterson, Paintings
Artist Reception
5-7 p.m., Wallace House
Thursday, October 28
Fish at the Farm
6 p.m., Stamey Farm, $40 per person
Thursday, November 4
Rick Snider, Paintings
Artist Reception
5-7 p.m., Wallace House
Tuesday, November 9
Phi Beat Open Mic Reading /
6 p.m. to 9.p.m., Music House
Thursday, November 11
Veterans Day Program
11 a.m., On the Circle
Saturday, November 13
Dancing With the Iredell Stars
6 p.m., Statesville Civic Center
Presented by Bell & Howard Chevrolet-Cadillac
To benefit the MCCEE Scholarship Fund
For more information, see page 9 or visit
Mitchell Community College Endowmentfor Excellence
Tuesday, November 16
Mitchell Music Students Recital
12:15 p.m., Shearer Hall
Thursday, December 2
Mitchell Student Band Concert
7 p.m., Shearer Hall
Saturday, December 4
Walk-in “Messiah” Rehearsal
3 p.m., Shearer Hall
Sunday, December 5
29th Annual Walk-in “Messiah”
3 p.m., Shearer Hall
Tuesday, December 7
Mitchell Community Choir Concert
7:30 p.m., Shearer Hall
Monday, December 13
Mitchell Community College Band
Winter Concert
7:30 p.m., Shearer Hall
Thursday, January 13
Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration
12:20 p.m., Shearer Hall
For more information on any of
these programs, call the Office of
Development at 704.878.4321 or
e-mail [email protected].