A time to remember . . . and move forward


A time to remember . . . and move forward
Second Baptist Church
Issue 36 • 2011
A time to remember
. . . and move forward
Mission Statement
Second Baptist Church is
committed to fostering:
• Meaningful, Christ-centered
• A transforming
missional presence
Sunday Mornings
with Us . . .
Welcome Center &
Coffee Bar
Kansas Street Entrance (South)
8:30 a.m. Worship
in Tutt Chapel
Leonard Street Entrance (West)
9:45–10:45 a.m.
Bible Study for All Ages
11:00 a.m. Worship
in Sanctuary
Franklin Street Entrance
• Whole-life faith
On Sunday, September 11, 2011, our sanctuary will be open from
3:00 to 5:00 p.m. to give our church family and the community
an opportunity to remember and reflect on the 10th anniversary
of a national tragedy and to move forward toward healing and
The sanctuary video system will offer images of that fateful day
and will guide participants in reflection and healing through the
words of hymns and the writings of Christian and national leaders.
A reflection book will be available to write thoughts, prayers and
remembrances. Come and go as you wish in reverence.
New Sunday Morning Bible Study Begins Sept. 11
Room 505
Leaders: Steve and Hanni Guinn; Sara Langford
Perspectives is for learners open to
exploring the range of Christian thought.
As a learning, collaborating community,
we will seek to understand beliefs and
practices as we grow in faith. For this
journey, our resources will include the
Scriptures, writings of past and present
thinkers and our personal journeys. Our
journey will presume that we are always
being formed as followers of Christ.
If this sounds like a learning community
you wish to join, please journey with us on
Sunday mornings, starting September 11.
Need help connecting with a Sunday morning Bible study group?
Contact: Jeff Langford, 2BC Adult Faith Formation Coordinator, at jeff.cbfmo.org
or on Sunday mornings, visit the Welcome Center and talk to a Connections Team Member.
300 E. Kansas • Liberty, MO 64068 • 816.781.2824
Contact Maggie Henderson
to sign up.
[email protected]
If you have questions or need
more info, contact
Jeff Langford ([email protected])
Greg Duncan
([email protected])
If you are interest in
learning more about
MOMSnext please
Kristin Wooldridge at
[email protected].
On Facebook, please
request to join the
MOMSnext@2BC page.
Baptist Church
Join Us Beginning Sunday, September 11
A new Connections Class is forming and
will run from September 11–October
9. This Sunday morning opportunity is
specifically for new members and nonmembers who consider 2BC their church
home and want to be more involved.
Connections is designed to encourage each
person to find new energy and purpose
through serving Christ in and through the
church and discover how God’s gifts and
MOMSnext is for
moms with children
who are one of
the “big kids”
now. You have
exchanged diaper
changes, preschool
drop-offs and library time for your “big kid”
for PTA memberships, packing lunches and
explaining to them why someone would call
them dumb. This is for you, your friends, your
neighbors . . . anyone with some school aged
kiddos are welcome.
If you would like to gather and discuss “big
kid” issues, we would love for you to join
us this year for MOMSnext. Last year we
started this group and enjoyed very lively
discussions. It was great to compare notes,
stretch our way of thinking, and support
one another. Michelle Price is leading this
arm of our group. And she is ready to help
us discuss the crazy times of grade school,
middle school, junior high and high school.
their personal interests and skills can come
together here at Second Baptist Church.
Led by Greg Duncan, this innovative
5-week class meets in Room 301 from
9:45–10:45 a.m. Sunday mornings. At
the conclusion of the class, participants
can choose to have a Connections Mentor
who will continue to guide them as they
make connections in the life of our faith
Michelle has three
girls, two of whom
have entered the
pre-teen and teen
If you are
interest in coming, please contact Kristin
Wooldridge at [email protected]. And
on Facebook, please request to join the
MOMSnext@2BC page.
Here are a couple of details
• We meet on Tuesdays (1st and 3rd) from 9:30–11a.m. in the Oak Room 301 at Second Baptist Church.
• If you are already part of MOPS@2BC for 2011–12, this group is part of your membership with no additional fee. All other members
need to be chartered for $23.95.
MOMSnext . . . because your need for
community doesn’t end when your kids go
to school!
300 E. Kansas • Liberty, MO 64068 • 816.781.2824
Community Groups
The Christ life has always been a common
life. Our dream is that with each passing
day, we will see and know and experience
this life that can be fully embodied only in
community. This fall, several new community
groups will form. A few of the new ones are
listed below.
Our Community Group Ministry at Second
Baptist is made up of a variety of group
types designed to meet a variety of participants’ needs toward spiritual growth and
Study Group – Spiritual growth through
study, exploration and understanding of
God’s word. Study groups can focus on the
Bible, topical books, and new Christian concept studies.
Activity Group – Groups structured to share
and explore a common activity. Activitybased community groups are a great way
Covenant Groups
for people to get to know each other and
move intentionally toward discussions and
spiritual growth through a shared interest.
Support Group – Groups structured
toward learning, encouragement, healing
and growth of members who have gone or
are going through a common experience
or crisis.
Study Groups
Living Faith in the Workplace
Leaders: Becky Gossett and Mike Lassiter
Women’s Covenant Group
Prayer and Bible study focus.
Leaders: Jacque Stouffer and Jessica Greason
Weekly Sermon Group
Focus on exploring and discussing the previous
week’s sermon.
Leaders: Esther Lindgren and David Fuller
Women of a Certain Age
Leaders: Jane Boswell, Kathy Cambell,
Becky Starnes
Support Group
Parents of Teenagers Group
Leaders: Rick Dewitt and Susan Miller
Prayer Group
Early Morning Prayer/Liturgy Group
Leaders: Tyler Tankersley and Joshua Smith
Community Groups
begin the week of
Oct. 2–8
Covenant Group – Long-term support
systems, high-commitment group. The
purpose of the Covenant Group is to
provide an environment wherein members
of 2BC can grow to know God as they
fellowship, equip one another, and reach
out to those who need Jesus Christ in the
community and world. Covenant groups
commit themselves to one another for the
benefit of their mutual spiritual growth
by means of a covenant—a serious
commitment or promise between people
and before God.
Men’s Covenant Group
Leader: Blane Baker
Simple Living
Focused on exploring and implementing simple
living strategies.
Leader: Jessica Tankersley
Group Sign Up
Begins Sunday,
Sept. 18
Monvee Group
Monvee’s “one of a kind” spiritual assessment
can help you discover your unique wiring and
then help you grow in a way that fits you.
Leader: Cathy Baker
Leadership Integrity Group
Early morning study group focused on
exploring integrity within leadership
Leaders: Shari Poindexter and Angie
Limits of Liberalism
Study group on Leroy Seat’s book “Limits of
Leader: Leroy Seat
Baptist Church
300 E. Kansas • Liberty, MO 64068 • 816.781.2824 •
2BC Travel Tumbler
and Tote Bags
Two New Products Available
for Sale in the Welcome Center!
Travel Tumbler $10.00
Tote Bag $2.00
Do you love to purchase something that is a
great value. You know, worth the cost and
with many uses? Second Baptist Church is
offering you just that opportunity!
•Reusable tote bags with sturdy grocery
store handles with our Second Baptist logo
and tag line: belong . believe . become.
(Black with white lettering) $2.00
• Stainless steel travel tumbler with logo
and tag. Features a snap shut lid and easy
grip inserts on the side. (silver with black)
Enjoy spreading the name of Second
Baptist Church as you use your tote bag
for the grocery, purchases at Target, or
carrying books to the library . . . And the
tumbler keeps your coffee warm as you
hurry through the morning rush, getting the
kiddos off to school or attend that business
meeting where caffeine is required! If
someone asks you about your church, you
have the perfect opportunity to share your
faith community with others!
Visit the Welcome Center this Sunday and
check them out!
Advent 2011
What child is this?
It’s That Time Again!
Recruiting Advent Devotional Writers
We’re looking for
Advent Booklet
writers again. So
be of good cheer
and volunteer your thoughts and memories
about Christmas, won’t you? This is your
chance to be a Christmas gift to your church.
We’ll assign you a date and a scripture for
inspiration. Also a deadline with plenty of
time to get your words on paper.
Baptist Church
Even if you’ve contributed a devotional
before, please consider another. If you’re
new to this tradition at Second, we welcome
you eagerly. We’re always looking for
fresh voices.
Please contact us soon if you’re interested.
That’s Sue Wright at 781-1568 or
[email protected] or Terri Soper at
[email protected] or 781-2824.
Thanks and an early Merry Christmas!
300 E. Kansas • Liberty, MO 64068 • 816.781.2824
Second Baptist Church
Women’s Retreat
October 14–15, 2011
Location: Second Baptist Church
Social Room
Speaker: Tisha Turner Gillespie
Cost: $30 if you pay before Oct. 1
($35 if you pay after Oct 1)
Register & Pay Now Online at
Student Fall Retreat . 2 . 3
(Jr. High & Sr. High students)
October 14–16
Are you interested in
more information about
the Student Ministry at
Second Baptist?
Tyler Tankersley
Student Pastor at
or 781.2824. ext. 314
@ Miracle Hills Ranch
COST: $50.00 & Permission Form Required.
Learn more, register, pay and download a packing list and
the Permission Form online:
Baptist Church
300 E. Kansas • Liberty, MO 64068 • 816.781.2824 •
I Am Second
by Sue Wright
Gary Smith
Did I faint when Gary Smith’s
salutation and notes for I AM
SECOND popped up on my
computer? Well, not really. But
apparently Gary thought I might. That’s why
he warned me to sit down rather than fall over
with surprise when I found his story attached to
an e-mail from him.
Guess he forgot I’m
a woman of faith. I
knew with a bit of
“gentle exhortation,”
as he put it, he’d
be getting some
thoughts together
for me so we could
make him a feature
of the Weekly. He
even submitted
both a condensed
and humored-out
version of his life. If
you’re like me, you’ll
relish both. His is
a narrative full of
family, friendship,
Gary and Debra Rouner-Smith
feeling, faith, and
with Matthew, Amanda and Emily.
witty asides. In fact
and fun, here’s Gary.
We start with the facts.
Want to share your story?
Please contact Sue at
[email protected]
“I was born in Harrisonville, Missouri,” Gary
begins, “It was night (but not last night). I grew
up in Virginia, mostly in a quaint little arm-pit
of a town called Front Royal (pronounced by
the locals, Frun Rall). Note, I say armpit because
the town always smelled of rotten eggs due
to a viscous fibers plant that operated there. I
graduated from Warren County High School
and James Madison University. They call James
Madison a university but I am not sure why. As
for me, I graduated from neither high school nor
college with distinction or acclaim. (Au Laudy
would be more appropriate.)
Baptist Church
I joined the US Army in 1982 and became a
Morse Code Intercept Operator. (Don’t ask, can’t
tell.) I met my wife of nearly 28 years around
the same time (Seems like just yesterday, right
Debra?) I lived in Okinawa, Japan for about
two years as a member of the Army (The Army
said I was ‘stationed’ there but I’ve always
puzzled over how a person can be stationed
anywhere. You can station a trash can, open
a station to sell gas or change horses—you
can station sentries around the perimeter of a
base—but stationed in Japan? Not me. I LIVED
there.) Debra and I moved to Liberty in 1986.
We have three children: Amanda, Matthew, and
Emily (listed in order of their birth to be clear).
Off and on, I have spent the last 26 years in
telecommunications as an engineer. (Actually,
engineer in name only. My degree is in history.)
For a time my family and I lived in Colorado,
a period I equate to the dream season on
‘Dallas.’ We returned to Liberty in 2000 where
I rejoined the only church where I have ever
been a member. (I still hope for a designation
of ‘good standing’ at some juncture.)”
And now, here’s a bit of introduction from Gary
before we enjoy him fleshed-out and, as always,
fully himself. Gary asks us, “Want to cultivate
a highly defined sense of humor? Pray for
patience. If you don’t learn to be patient—to
laugh at yourself and the situations you find
yourself in—you risk being hauled off in one
of those jackets tied up in the back.” It seems
to Gary, God’s preferred medium for comedy
(which also happens to be Gary’s favorite kind)
is irony. “Think of all the times you lobbied the
‘Almighty’ for a decision of your choosing,” he
says, “and what you got back was diametrically
opposite what you wished for. Then consider
the comedy of it all . . . the divine irony . . . how
things worked out if you gave them time (stayed
patient). You have to smile. You may even want
to laugh out loud.” Our invitation to you as you
keep on reading.
“Without giving you details I would have to
deny later, mine was in many ways the very
definition of a misspent youth,” says Gary.
“Thankfully, my love of sports saved me to some
extent from earning a record of those deeds
(That and the fact everyone in town knew my
300 E. Kansas • Liberty, MO 64068 • 816.781.2824
I Am Second by Sue Wright
father and grandfather. Everything I ever
did beat me home.) I played whatever
sport was in season and sometimes more
than one sport at a time. My forte was
football; my love, baseball; and the bane
of my life, track.
“I was also a musician, the trumpet my ax.
I WAS the Jazz Band (we couldn’t afford
an ensemble) and its student conductor,
and my senior year, I sat first chair in the
concert band. I loved music (though I admit,
I never liked practicing). A band I played
with just one night before quitting gave me
a solo in ‘Sun Goddess.’ If you remember
the song. give yourself 10 points. (Yes, it
was written by Ramsey Lewis.)
“I went to college in the fall of 1977
where I took up space majoring in selfindulgence with a minor in graduation.
Okay, my major was History (I have a
B.A.) and my minor was Economics. I had
a great time in college; loved the town,
Harrisonburg, Virginia. It was about four
times bigger than the town I grew up in
(bigger than an armpit and not quite as
smelly). I must have had lots of fun because
I have almost no memory of any of it. As
I remember, not remembering anything
WAS the measure of having a good time
in those days.
“About the time I graduated from college,
Ronald Reagan shut down government
hiring at the federal level. By the end of
1981, state governments were following
suit. And so, my dream of becoming a
despotic bureaucrat (an insignificant but
paid cog in the vast government machine)
was dashed cruelly on the shoals of
expedience and fiscal austerity. After
looking for work for about six months, my
college loan deferments having run out,
I decided to join the Army. I hoped to be
a door-gunner but the recruiter talked
me into signing up as a 05H, that’s Morse
Code Signal Intercept Operator. (Came
with a bonus and I learned to copy Morse
“While in training at Fort Devens,
Massachusetts, I met the single most
important and significant human being
in my life. You’re thinking Debra? No, I
met…OF COURSE . . . it was my wife
Debra. Nearly everything that is good and
Gary Smith
worthwhile about me, I
attribute to her. I wasn’t
much count as a human
being until she came
along. Debra gently
and in a nurturing
manner beat me into a
shape pretty similar to
the one I am today. (No
potter, my Debra. She
was a blacksmith.)
“There are three other
people to whom I
owe the rest of my
humanity: my children,
Amanda, Matthew and
Emily. Their impact on
my life started the moment I held them
in my arms and they continue to humble
and teach me to this very day. I’ve been
a raving maniac and devoted father in
turn. You’ll have to ask my children which
I was the majority of the time. (Hopefully,
I’ll rate a 50–50.) They are such forces of
nature these kids: immutable, unstoppable,
indefatigable, and most important,
creatures unique and marvelous. What
Debra did not shape gently, my children
sculpted with a chisel of razor-sharpness
(a chisel and their mother’s nine-poundhammer).
“I love to play Ultimate Frisbee. When
I’m disposed to read, it’s mostly physics
and science fiction (which I find rather
complementary in a strange sort of way).
I have recently renewed my acquaintance
with the guitar and am learning to play
in an almost discernable way. Currently,
I work for Ericsson on the Sprint Nextel
network in the roaming operations group.
I enjoy comic books, mostly Marvel titles. I
am an avid film buff (my favorite, ‘Bringing
up Baby’). I am the Assistant Deputy
Under-Sous-Chef Apprentice for Debra
at her business, Debra’s Kitchen, where I
make a pretty mean chocolate chip cookie,
if I do say so (and I do)! I remain the
active father of three, though lately, I’m
more checkbook and less ‘Ward Cleaver.’
I’d rather laugh than anything, and my
favorite color is black. My favorite band:
The Allman Brothers.
“To reflect on Second Baptist Church where
so many people have left their thumbprints
300 E. Kansas • Liberty, MO 64068 • 816.781.2824
on me, mentioning one would require me
mentioning all of you. Still, if I may, this
observation about the Middle Schoolers
I’ve taught in Sunday school. It’s been my
incredible blessing and honor to have
known each one these kids so willing to
‘endure’ me. From this extension of my
family (my family of faith), I have received
much love, laughter and fellowship. Every
face—every kindness, smile, laugh, tear,
sorrow—are indelibly etched in the fiber
of my being. They (you) have resonated
through me like the clear, bright tone of a
tuning fork. Thus, I have become pitched to
the same tone and tenor as your warmth,
love, passion and compassion. God is first,
but you are Second. I believe the world is
the beneficiary of our collection of souls.
“To conclude what’s me, this little snippet
to explain my theology. God made the
world good and all that’s in it. It is mankind
and man’s specter that has visited nearly
all the woe upon the denizens of our
universe. Earthquakes, floods, tornados—
natural disasters of all manner and
extent do occur, but not in anyway near
the magnitude of what we have wrought
against ourselves. It is not up to God to
prove there is good in the world. It’s up to
Thanks, Gary. You are what I’ve read
between the parentheses of our Sunday
morning conversations—a true “Word”
Smith. Isn’t it ironic, someone SECOND
as you could also be second to none!
[email protected].
Thank You for giving to the Lord . . .
I am a life that was changed.
Student Choir to WJC
Tucker Leadership Lab
Sunday, August 28
On August 28, 19 members of the Student
Choir went to William Jewell College to
challenge themselves on the Odyssey Course
at the Tucker Leadership Lab. The Choir
learned many valuable team building lessons
to begin a new Choir year. Because of the
generosity of our church, the cost of the
course was reduced for each student.
Members of the 2BC Student Choir on the high ropes course.
Bottom group: Taylor Thompson, Moira Carder, Mallory Pennington, Chloe Gossett, Seth Langford, Allan
Aunspaugh, and Aaron Long.
Top Group: Samantha Heston, Elliott Yoakum, Emily Duncan, Will Stouffer, Desirae Leeson, and Johnna
Baptist Church
300 E. Kansas • Liberty, MO 64068 • 816.781.2824
Thank You for giving to the Lord . . .
I am a life that was9 changed.
300 E. Kansas • Liberty, MO 64068 • 816.781.2824
Wednesday Café
. . . a fresh take on Wednesday night.
Join us Wednesdays!
Sept. 14
Hamburger Bar (Build your
own burger, condiments),
party potatoes, apple pie.
Sept. 21
Soup & Salad (Chicken
noodle or Cheddar Baked
Meals are catered by the Liberty HyVee kitchen.
They’ve worked with us to provide a whole new
menu of delicious choices that are modestly
priced. Meals are served Wednesdays from
5:45–6:30 p.m.
the make reservations link. (It can even send
you a reminder that you made reservations.)
Email or call Maggie Henderson in the church
office 781-2824 or mhenderson@2bcliberty.
org or visit the webpage: 2bcliberty.org/cafe
Reservations are required by 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday afternoon.
Reservations are easy because there are options.
Online: Go to our website calendar and click on
meal cost. Ages 3 and under: Free;
Ages 4–12: $3.00; Ages 13 and older:
$5.00; the family maximum is $15.
In Depth
Sept. 14: Exodus 5–15
This lengthy passage, which
contains the events of God’s
plagues, the slaughter of
the first-born Egyptian
children, the deliverance
by sea, and Miriam’s song,
considers how the God
of creation intervenes
to deliver his people.
The session explores the
relationship between
creation and salvation as
key theological touchstones.
Make Your Reservations at 2bcliberty.org/cafe
Wednesday Café: Food & Fellowship
5:45–6:30 p.m. Social Room
Adult Bible Study 6:30–7:15 p.m. Social Room
Children’s Ministry
Mission Friends, Girls’ and Boys’ Missions Groups 6:30– 7:15 p.m.
Student Ministry
Middle School Formations 6:30–7:15 p.m. Student Room
Jr. High Discussion Group 6:30– 7:45 p.m. 218 N. Leonard
Sr. High Discussion Group 6:30–7:45 p.m. 429 Wilson
Middle School Choir 6:00–6:30 p.m. Room 409
Sanctuary Choir Practice (Adults) 7:20–8:35 p.m. Room 501
Mid-Week Adult Bible Study
Wednesdays 6:30–7:15 p.m. Social Room. Our mid-week adult study this fall is called In Depth. It will be an interactive Bible study. Dr.
Milton Horne leads off August 24–September 28 with an in depth look at the book of Exodus.
Milton is Professor of Religion at William Jewell.
In Depth
Baptist Church
Following the Exodus study, we’ll take a look at the Psalms with Dr. Barry Speert, a Jewish
scholar with an advanced degree from Yeshiva University in New York City. Dr. Speert has
taught Biblical Studies at Baker University and Saint Paul School of Theology.
300 E. Kansas • Liberty, MO 64068 • 816.781.2824
Prayer Concerns
Congratulations to Jason and Christy
Edwards on the arrival of Luke Griffin
Edwards on September 1. He joins big
brother Jackson. Luke weighed 7 lb. 9
oz. and was 19 ½ in. long.
Eleanor Willett
Christian sympathy is extended to
Chester Clark, Gerri Imm, and Aaron
and Louis Imm on the death of their
wife, mother and grandmother,
Laura Mae Clark, on September 5.
Arrangements pending.
Excelsior Springs
Jim Stayton
Senior Adult
Brittney Tinkey, Marti Mauzey’s
daughter-in-law, surgery in Korea
1:00 p.m.
Home-baked Goodies.
Volunteer bakers can contact
Carroll Makemson at cmmtcm@
sbcglobal.net or 781-1160.
Toby Williams
Children’s Choirs will be making beautiful music together
this year but they need our help. One of the projects
planned requires the 19 oz. Kool-Aid or Country Time
Lemonade containers (style pictured left). They will
need 15-20 for each student to have one.
Please bring your empty containers to the Welcome
Center and place them in the tub marked Children’s
Choir. If you have any questions please contact Lisa
Long (816-257-6908 / [email protected])
Second Baptist is blessed with many
musicians who are willing to share
their gifts with us throughout the summer. The orchestra has rehearsed on
alternate Wednesday evenings and
at 8:45 a.m. every Sunday to prepare
for worship. As you see the orchestra
members, express your gratitude for
their worship leadership:
Violins – Alyssa Aunspaugh, Helen
Brown, Anna Davis, Amy Duncan,
Stewart Duncan, Carole Tanner,
Harvey Thomas; violas – Tyler
Hannsz, Will Stouffer; cellos –
Emily Duncan, Susan Patton, Karen
Trischler; flutes – Allie DeWitt,
Christie White, Becky Whited;
oboes Emily Aunspaugh, Lizzie
Soper; trumpet – Melissa Long;
alto saxophone – Tim Hannsz;
French horn – Casey Chlapek;
trombone – Don Long.
The 2BC orchestra is an
intergenerational ensemble open
to instrumentalists from ninth grade
through adult. This summer, three
generations from one family were
represented! If you would like to
participate, contact Allan Aunspaugh
or Ann Posey.
300 E. Kansas • Liberty, MO 64068 • 816.781.2824
Coffee and Conversation
Monday, September 19
Eggleston, Sam 9/4
Noland, Michael 9/4
Searcy, Dean 9/4
Ramey, Caitlin 9/5
Ramey, Jack 9/5
Chlapek, Terri 9/7
Neth, Kristi 9/7
Neth, Marianne 9/7
Jones, Larry 9/9
Lassiter, Debbie 9/9
Mullikin, Jodi 9/9
Pickard, Jenny 9/9
Weaver, Christi 9/9
Caywood, Austin 9/10
Heitman, Judy 9/10
Heston, David M. 9/10
Lewkowsky, Cheryl 9/10
Springs, Angelina 9/10
Stayton, Barbara 9/10
Dilts, Jason 9/11
Jarrett, Kathy 9/11
Wyman, Nathan 9/11
Ballew, Sarah 9/12
Lankford, Erin 9/12
Olivas, Billy 9/12
Springs, Jerry 9/14
Williams, Maureen 9/14
Hoxworth, Jennifer 9/15
Townsend, Karen 9/15
Dice, Bradley 9/16
Head, Gilbert 9/16
Henning, Ann 9/16
Poindexter, Shari 9/16
Hawkins, Troy 9/17
Tankersley, Jess 9/17
Weekly Calendar
for Worship
Sunday, September 11
Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost
with Jason Edwards
Matthew 18:21–35
Psalm 103:1–12
How do you become a
member of the Second
Baptist Church faith family?
Join Pastor Jason Edwards
Sunday morning,
October 16, at 9:45
a.m. for Coffee with the
Pastor for an informal
To learn more
contact Jason at:
Sunday, September 11
8:30 Worship (Tutt Chapel)
8:45 Student Handbell Rehearsals (Begin for Fall)
9:00 Children’s Choir Rehearsals (Begin for Fall)
9:45 Bible Study
CONNECTIONS (New Session Begins)
11:00 Worship (Sanctuary)
3:00 9/11 Remembrance
5:00 The Gathering: Young Adults (Social Room)
Stephen Ministry Peer Supervision (Assembly Room)
5:30 Student Choir Rehearsal
6:45 Student InnerMission (Student Ministry Room)
7:00 Deacon Meeting
Tuesday, September 13
8:45 Ministry Team Meeting
9:30 Staff Meeting
10:30 Worship Planning
Wednesday, September 14
10:30 Intercessory Prayer Group (Assembly Room)
5:45–6:30 Wednesday Café: Food & Fellowship
(Social Room)
6:00 Middle School Choir (Room 409)
Adult Ministry
6:30–7:15 In Depth: Bible Study (Social Room)
Children’s Ministry
6:30–7:15 Mission Friends, Girls’ and Boys’ Missions Groups
Student Ministry
6:30–7:15 Middle School Formations (Student Room 609)
6:30–7:45 Jr. High Discussion Group (218 N. Leonard)
6:30–7:45 Sr. High Discussion Group (429 Wilson)
6:15 Adult Handbell Choir (Room 501)
7:20 Sanctuary Choir Practice –Adults (Room 501)
Jason Edwards
[email protected]
Mike Lassiter
Associate Pastor
[email protected]
Allan Aunspaugh
Minister of Music
[email protected]
Linda Jones
Church Administrator
[email protected]
Tyler Tankersley
Student Pastor
[email protected]
Gwen Phillips
Children’s Pastor
[email protected]
Amber Riechers
College Ministry Coordinator
[email protected]
Ann Posey
[email protected]
Terri Soper
Ministry Assistant
[email protected]
Maggie Henderson
Ministry Assistant
[email protected]
Jerry Springs
Maintenance Supervisor
[email protected]
Amanda Harford
Assistant Custodian
Thursday, September 15
7:00 Hands On: Knitting and Handwork Group
Everyone welcome (Welcome Center)
Sunday, September 18: Communion /Stephen Ministry Focus
(The events listed here are in addition to our regular Sunday schedule.)
3:00 Community Group Leaders Meeting
6:30 Church Council Meeting
Second Friends
Angela Bush
[email protected]
300 E. Kansas • Liberty, MO 64068 • 816.781.2824