2011 - Saint Francis Foundation


2011 - Saint Francis Foundation
2 0 1 1
Profilesin caring
Giving Comes Full Circle
Special Events
Honor Roll of Donors
Comprehensive Women’s
Health Center
stablished in 1978, the Saint Francis Foundation operates exclusively to
advance the charitable, scientific and educational purposes of the
Hospital through relationship building, community visibility and fundraising.
The Foundation also focuses the efforts of its volunteers and staff on major
gifts and planned gifts to build Saint Francis’ endowment so that the
Hospital can sustain its services to the community for generations to come.
— Our Mission —
We are committed to health and healing through excellence,
compassionate care and reverence for the spirituality of each person.
— Our Core Values —
We honor the worth and dignity of those we serve and with whom we work.
We are faithful, trustworthy and just.
We reach out to the community, especially those most in need.
We encourage initiative, creativity, learning and research.
We care for and strengthen resources entrusted to us.
On the cover: Jennifer DiBella, Attorney, Cranmore, FitzGerald & Meaney;
Gwen Moraski, M.D., Partner in Practice, Woodland Anesthesiology Associates, P.C.;
Ranjana Chawla, Foundation board member and Auxilian; Icylene Robertson, Volunteer; Barbara Colli,
President, The Auxiliary of Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center; and Theresa Hopkins-Staten,
Director, Connecticut Public Affairs, Northeast Utilities and Foundation board member.
Unless otherwise noted, photographs taken by Joe Driscoll.
Magazine layout prepared by John Johnson Art Direction and Design.
Did you know...
In 2010, Saint Francis had 4,932 employees,
of which 77% were women.
Of the 286,035 patients at Saint
Francis last year, 70% were women.
Saint Francis has almost 900 volunteers and
three-quarters of them are women.
The Auxiliary of Saint Francis Hospital and Medical
Center is celebrating its 85th year of caring and service
and 98% of its 1,400 membership are women.
In the near future, Saint Francis will open the
Comprehensive Women’s Health Center, a state-ofthe-art facility completely focused on women and
their health needs.
Same address, new look! Please visit our newly-renovated website, www.SaintFrancisDonor.com
Table of Contents
President and Chief Executive
Officer’s Letter
10 Comprehensive Women’s
Health Center
30 Tributes
Saint Francis Foundation
Interim President’s Letter
12 2011 & 2012 Special Events
Inside back cover
Generous Circle of Friends
16 The Valencia Society
14 The Bishop Tierney Society
18 Honor Roll of Donors
Foundation Board
I am grateful for this opportunity to thank our
many donors for your generous and inspiring
support of Saint Francis.
I am particularly grateful for this past year — another record-breaking success for the Foundation,
and our many donors who helped us raise more than $16 million. Since 1897, this tradition of
giving has helped us to continuously improve and expand our services and our neighbors’ access to
In February we proudly opened the John T. O’Connell Tower. It stands 10 stories and features
our new Emergency Department, 25 operating rooms including a hybrid operating room, 135
private patient rooms, a rooftop helipad, and the Connecticut Joint Replacement Institute. This
new Tower truly takes our provision of healthcare to “towering new heights.”
Whether it is a building, a program, or a piece of equipment, our mission to serve the
healthcare needs of our community would not be possible without our many generous donors.
Within these pages you will read just a few stories about some very special people and see listed
more than 4,000 individuals, corporations and foundations that have honored us and our work with
a gift. Collectively, gifts both small and large allow Saint Francis to offer the BestCare for a
Lifetime to every person who walks through our doors.
This issue of Profiles in Caring pays tribute to Women in Philanthropy and acknowledges the
many ways in which women have shaped Saint Francis from its humble beginnings. As many of
you know, Saint Francis was established by women — Mother Ann Valencia and the Sisters of
Saint Joseph of Chambéry — and we will be honoring all women when we open our new
Comprehensive Women’s Health Center. We are proud of our commitment to women’s health and
will transform our former Emergency Department into the nation’s most advanced healthcare
facility for women. This Center will focus on caring for the whole woman in an environment that
is architecturally designed to promote health and healing.
Together, we are making a difference, and I am honored to be of service to this very special
community. On behalf of the Hospital and the Foundation, I would like to
thank you for being a part of our grateful family.
With sincere gratitude,
Christopher M. Dadlez
. . .
Looking back on this past year, I am amazed at the
incredible generosity of those who continue to recognize
how very special Saint Francis is and the passion they
hold for ensuring the success of the Hospital.
This year we were able to accomplish so much, both within the Foundation and the Hospital,
because of this generosity.
Some of the most giving individuals we have at our Hospital, and the focus of this edition of Profiles
in Caring, are the women who show their dedication every day to our institution. These inspiring
women support Saint Francis not only through donations, but many of them give of their time, as both
volunteers and employees of the Hospital. As you will see, The Women’s Auxiliary demonstrated its
commitment to women’s healthcare by pledging $1.5 million of its $5 million dollar pledge to the
Comprehensive Women’s Health Center. Giving Circles of women who have promised to give $10,000
or more to Saint Francis are also highlighted in this issue.
We also have some very special gifts to acknowledge as they allowed us to surpass our 2011 goals.
We are grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Pierre van Rooy, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Byrne, The Executive
Team of Saint Francis, Dr. Kristen Zarfos and Mr. William Vasiliou, Dr. and Mrs. Steven T. Ruby, The
Connecticut Brain Tumor Alliance, a very grateful patient and Father Henry Frascadore, to name just a
few. Their thoughtfulness will help us build upon the success the Hospital has already had in caring for
our community. It is a true testament to Saint Francis that so many individuals and corporate partners,
in spite of a challenging economy, continue to show their dedication through annual gifts, planned gifts,
grants and by attending our special events.
Saint Francis has truly been blessed with the treasures it has in its friends, family, staff and the
support they give the Hospital. We thank all of you for continuing to support our mission, and helping
us give our community the compassionate care it deserves.
Lynn B. Rossini
lthough not a new concept, the role of women in
philanthropy is changing and expanding. Type the phrase
into any search engine and you will find 15 million entries
of articles, books, institutes, organizations and statistics on
the subject. Women have been giving since the beginning
of time, most certainly of their time and more recently of
their money. But “it’s how they give and to whom they
give that is redefining contemporary philanthropy,” says
Betsy Brill in her Forbes article. She continues to tell us
that women now control more than half of the private
wealth in the United States, make 80% of the purchases
and will inherit 70% of the $41 trillion in intergenerational
wealth transfer expected over the next 40 years.
How do women give differently? They donate twice
as much as men; they are more public about their gifts;
they involve their children in charitable activities; and they
are more likely to get involved with the charities they
support. This leads Betsy Brill to state that women desire
to engage others in philanthropy in order to imbue a
giving spirit in peers as well as the next generation of
givers. Women feel that if they give to organizations
tackling issues related to women and children, it will
benefit their community overall and provide lasting
change. And the number of women working in the nonprofit sector, the number of women-led foundations and
the number of corporate women’s philanthropic initiatives
are all on the rise.
It is not a secret at Saint Francis that women are vital
to our efforts. Mother Ann Valencia and her team that
established the Hospital set that precedent. Women are a
part of all that we do — as doctors, nurses, administrators,
staff, corporators, board members, donors, volunteers. The
new Comprehensive Women’s Health Center will be a
testament to Women in Philanthropy and the mantra —
by women, for women, about women. This issue of
Profiles in Caring is dedicated to all of the women of Saint
Francis and the generations to come.
ince being deemed “cancer-free” following an extensive surgery in 2008, Barbara Gordon
has done more than just share the story of her experience at Saint Francis and the doctors
who saved her life; she has given back.
What started as an annual party to raise funds for Saint Francis has
blossomed into a wonderful relationship between Barbara and the Hospital.
Barbara’s commitment has extended beyond her fundraiser. She is an active
member of the Saint Francis Foundation Board, serves as a Hospital
Corporator, and most recently, became an advocate of Saint Francis’ newest
initiative, the Comprehensive Women’s Health Center. Not only has
Barbara been a leading voice in garnering community support for the
Center, but she has led by example.
In March, Barbara made an incredible gesture and testament to her belief
in this project through a $75,000 pledge, making her the first donor to
contribute to the campaign. When asked about her gift, Barbara simply stated, “It is
my pleasure to help to raise funds for the Comprehensive Women’s Health Center. This is
just what women want and need.”
And the love for Saint Francis is a true family affair. Barbara’s daughter, Tracy Fox, was
so inspired by the medical treatment they both received here that she changed careers and is
now a C.N.A. working on her nursing degree. Saint Francis is blessed to have both of these
women in our corner.
hen Darlene O’Connor and Martha Hartle were
asked why they wanted to support the new Women’s
Center they both said the same thing. “When I first
learned of the Women’s Center, I was immediately
inspired and I knew I wanted to support this project in a
bigger way than my annual donation.” After
speaking with Judy Levy, Philanthropy
Partner Associate, Darlene and
Martha formed one of our first
Giving Circles.
What is a Giving Circle? It
is an opportunity for individuals
to give collectively in order to
attain a naming opportunity in
the new Center. But more
importantly, it is a way for
individuals to gather friends, family,
neighbors and colleagues together to
show their unified support for their
community and to know they are “making a
difference in another woman’s life,” said co-captain
For Darlene, the new Center invoked memories and
experiences her family has had at Saint Francis. She
remembers getting through them because of the caring
and nurturing staff. “Their precious and heartfelt simple
acts of kindness gave me strength when I felt I had
nothing left inside,” said Darlene. The Center and the
Giving Circle are an opportunity for her to “give hope and
meaning to another person’s life and a chance to
give back.”
After Martha saw her first
presentation on the Women’s Center,
she knew instantly that this was a
venture that she wanted to support.
Forming a Giving Circle was the
perfect vehicle for her contribution
as well as an opportunity to spread
the word about the Center. “This
Center will benefit generations of
women and each of us can join
together to breathe life into this unique
and extraordinary facility,” said Martha.
And at ten members strong (eight of
whom are pictured on page four), Martha and Darlene
have come full circle and are working on their second
Giving Circle. Thank you for being such a wonderful
inspiration to all of us.
ven with a staff of over 5,000, Saint Francis relies heavily
on its volunteers of at least 900 members to keep the
Hospital focused on its Mission. The opportunities range
from reading a book to a child in a Pediatric Clinic, data
entry or transport services for patients and their families,
all intended to assist the Hospital staff and to make the
patient experience the best it can be. Some volunteers
spend the summer months with us; others a few hours
a week, but Helen Klitsch is here almost every day.
It seems that Helen truly has Saint Francis in her
blood. She worked in the Food and Nutrition
Department for 45 years and since her retirement in
1997 she has been a volunteer. So, that equals 60 years
of service and almost 20,000 volunteer hours. Helen is
the “go-to” person in the Volunteer Department, overseeing
all of the various projects and the logistics. However, her
favorite job is delivering e-mail get-well cards to our patients.
Helen spends a little time with each patient so
they receive much more than just a card.
Helen, we are grateful for all that you do to
spread joy to our patients.
nother volunteer who stands out and has
left an indelible mark on those she has
touched is Icylene Robertson. A Hartford
Hospital retiree, she started volunteering at
Saint Francis in 1998 and has logged 2,600
hours. Icylene lives within walking distance to
the Hospital and one of her passions is her
beautiful garden. Icylene has sold daffodils for
the Cancer Society, cleaned up the Dr. Bontke
Garden at Mount Sinai, assisted with PPD
and flu clinics, and sorted toys during the
holidays. But where she has really made her mark
has been as a patient representative. Icylene sits with
patients who have no family and helps guide them
through their ordeal. She even sat with an out-oftown patient until his wife was able to arrive.
We hope the next time you see someone in a
teal jacket walking through the Hospital, that you
will thank them for their time.
The opportunities range from
reading a book to a child in a
Pediatric Clinic, data entry or
transport services for patients and
their families, all intended to assist
the Hospital staff and to make the
patient experience the best it can be.
hen they were approached to help support the
John T. O’Connell Tower, there was no hesitation.
Drs. Gwen Moraski and Frank Rosenberg committed
$2,000,000 on behalf of Woodland Anesthesiology
Associates, P.C. because “It was the right thing to do.”
This gift is the largest by any medical group in Saint
Francis history, and it has encouraged several other
medical groups to follow suit and pledge their support
to the Hospital.
Gwendolyn (Gwen) H. Moraski, M.D. is a Board
Certified Anesthesiologist and Partner in Practice at
Woodland Anesthesiology Associates, P.C. She has
been at Saint Francis since 1989 and serves as a Senior
Attending Anesthesiologist as well as one of only a very
few Anesthesiologists who practices pain management.
Her decision to focus on this specialty was to be
“closer and more connected” to the people
in need — her patients.
Gwen is affiliated with many
organizations and serves in a
variety of roles at Saint
Francis. She is one of the
founders of the Kate Kuhn
Woodbury, M.D. events.
Gwen was very close
friends with Kate, an
anesthesiologist at Saint
Francis who passed away at the age of 35 from ovarian
cancer. Gwen and others wanted to “establish an event to
remember and honor Kate’s amazing life.” The first
Memorial Lecture occurred in 1997. Several years later,
Kate’s Fun Run & Walk was added. The 16th annual
lecture and eighth annual run/walk will both be held this
spring. (Since their inception, these two events have raised
more than $150,000 for Clinical Cancer Research at Saint
Gwen does her best to balance her professional and
personal life. As much as she enjoys her work, she
believes, “There certainly needs to be a balance. I am
fortunate to have allowed for family time and the
opportunity to experience ‘special moments’ with my
children.” She is extremely proud of her son and daughter.
Kendall recently graduated from college, and Sasha
just began her freshman year. As for the
advice she provides them, “Be happy,
play to your strengths and pay it
forward in your daily life.”
We are blessed that despite
her busy (and oftentimes
hectic) life which takes her
throughout the Hartford
region, Saint Francis is where
Gwen Moraski calls “home.”
We are grateful to all the women at Saint Francis who do so many
miraculous things to strengthen the excellent, patient-centered
experience we strive to provide each and every day.
We celebrate your efforts, your passion and your commitment.
Thank you!
The 22nd Annual
was again held at the Connecticut Convention
Center with 1,400 guests in attendance. As the
Hospital’s biggest fundraiser, it is the largest blacktie event in the Greater Hartford area and generates
nearly $1 million each year. The proceeds from this
year’s gala benefited the Connecticut Joint
Replacement Institute at Saint Francis and will
support the endowment of the research program, as
well as the addition of essential personnel and new
technology to better serve the growing number of
patients treated at CJRI.
Upon arrival at the Convention Center, guests
were greeted by the sounds of the Hartford
Symphony String Quartet. They then ascended the
escalators to the Ball Room level for the cocktail
reception and Silent Auction, where guests were able
to bid on over 150 exclusive wines and specialty
dinners. After the cocktail hour, all enjoyed a
magnificent gourmet dinner followed by dancing to
the band BOSS. The Connecticut Governor’s Foot
Guard conducted a formal procession and presented
the colors, in a special tribute to the 10th anniversary
of 9-11.
Saint Francis is honored to have had so many
friends in attendance, including Archbishop Henry
Mansell, Governor Dannel P. Malloy, State
Representative Tim Larson, Hartford Mayor Pedro
Segarra, 2012 U.S. Senate Candidate Linda
McMahon, and NBA Boston Celtics guard and
former UConn basketball player Ray Allen.
The 2012 Beneficiary of MIRACLES XXIII
will be the new Comprehensive Women’s
Health Center, so please save the date!
September 15, 2012
Excitement is mounting for
the new Comprehensive
Women’s Health
diverse and unique health and wellness needs of all
hen completed, the Center, located in the former
in a comforting women-centered environment.
Emergency Department, will be the nation’s most
Women are taking responsibility in a philanthropic
advanced facility of its kind, architecturally designed
as well by forming Giving Circles comprised of
specifically for women’s healthcare. “Saint Francis
friends, colleagues and relatives in order to allow them a
Hospital and Medical Center, its private, and its full-time
opportunity in the CWHC. Hundreds of women
physicians are committed to giving state-of-the-art,
throughout our region have responded affirmatively to
comprehensive health care to women. The new
the idea of the Center
Comprehensive Women’s Health
by attending a variety of
Center (CWHC) will provide a
throughout the
comfortable place for women to
year and pledging over
receive the most up-to-date,
$2.5 million to date.
coordinated specialty care, along
“It is wonderful to see
with integrative medicine
many women are
services,” stated Kristen Zarfos,
choosing to enhance health
M.D., Medical Director of the
wellness for women by
Comprehensive Breast Health
financially supporting the
Center at Saint Francis.
The CWHC — by women,
Barbara Gordon, Foundation board member, Kathleen M. Roche, Executive Health Center at Saint
for women, about women —
Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, and Governor Dannel P. Malloy
Francis,” says Anita Kelsey,
will provide an opportunity for
at Barbara’s annual fundraiser.
M.D., Director of the
women to take responsibility for
one of the coordinated
their health on a number of levels. In this facility we will
services of the Center along with the Comprehensive
offer informative programs, in a setting emphasizing
Health Center, the Department of Integrative
prevention, as well as diagnosis and treatment, with
Medicine and specialists in gynecologic services such as
dignity for all women. We will feature the ability to
pelvic floor disorders, osteoporosis and menopause.
schedule a variety of appointments in a single day, and a
multi-disciplinary approach allowing us to address the
Kristen A. Zarfos, M.D., F.A.C.S., serves as Medical
John F. Rodis, M.D. is the Chair of the Department of
Director for the Comprehensive Breast Health Center at Saint
Francis and is an attending physician in the Saint Francis
Medical Group, Inc. in the areas of General Surgery, Breast
Healthcare and Surgery, and
Endocrine Surgery.
Dr. Zarfos earned her
medical degree at the
University of Maryland
School of Medicine,
Baltimore, Maryland. She
served as an intern and
resident in general surgery at
Yale-New Haven Hospital
and as a resident and fellow in surgery at Baystate Medical
Center, the Western Campus of Tufts University School of
Medicine, in Springfield, MA. A diplomate of the American
Board of Surgery, Dr. Zarfos is an assistant professor of surgery
at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine.
Dr. Zarfos has received numerous awards for her advocacy
work. Among them are an Official Citation for Outstanding
Dedication, Commitment, and Advocacy for the Women of
Connecticut from the State General Assembly and a
Distinguished Service Award from the Connecticut Division of
the American Cancer Society. In February 1997, she was
introduced and asked to stand by President Bill Clinton during a
televised State of the Union address. She was also a guest
speaker with First Lady Hillary Clinton at a White House Media
Event on “The Impact of Outpatient Mastectomies on Women
with Breast Cancer.”
Obstetrics and Gynecology and Director of Women’s and Infant’s
Health Services at Saint Francis.
Dr. Rodis received his medical degree from the Autonomous
University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico. He served as an
intern and resident in obstetrics and gynecology at Saint
Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, Paterson, NJ. He also
served as a fellow in maternal-fetal medicine at the University
of Connecticut Health Center/Saint Francis Hospital and Medical
Center and a fellow in clinical genetics at the University of
Connecticut Health Center.
Board certified in obstetrics and gynecology and maternalfetal medicine, Dr. Rodis currently holds an appointment as a
Professor of Clinical Obstetrics
and Gynecology at the Columbia
University College of Physicians
and Surgeons, New York, and
chairs the Chief Medical Officer
Committee of the New York
Presbyterian Health System. He is
a Fellow of the American College
of Obstetrics and Gynecology, a
member of the Society for
Maternal-Fetal Medicine, and a member of the American
College of Physician Executives.
Dr. Rodis serves as an examiner for the Oral Board
examinations for the American Board of Obstetrics and
Our specialists provide comprehensive care
that focuses on the whole woman
Kathleen N. Mueller, M.D. is the Medical Director of
Anita M. Kelsey, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.A.S.E. is
Integrative Medicine at Saint Francis. She is also a current
Fellow in the Fellowship in
Integrative Medicine at the
Arizona Center for Integrative
Medicine created by Andrew
Weil, MD. Dr. Mueller received
her medical degree from the
University of Connecticut School
of Medicine and served as a
resident in the University of
Connecticut/Saint Francis Family
Medicine Residency Program.
Dr. Mueller has completed training in hypnosis with the
American Society for Clinical Hypnosis. She has trained in
acupuncture at Harvard Medical School and the American
Academy of Pain Research. At Saint Francis, Dr. Mueller directs
the medical aspects of the Hospital’s Integrative Medicine
Program, which embraces a wide range of complementary
therapies. In addition to her duties at Saint Francis, Dr. Mueller
also practices Integrative Family Medicine in her practice,
Holistic Health Partnering, Windsor.
Director of Echocardiography, Medical Director of the Hoffman
Heart School of Cardiac Ultrasound and the Director of the
Phillips Women’s Heart Program at Saint Francis. She completed
her Cardiology fellowship at Duke University. She is currently an
Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Connecticut
School of Medicine.
She is also the President of the
American Heart Association’s North
Central CT Board of Directors. Dr.
Kelsey joined the Hoffman Heart
and Vascular Institute at Saint
Francis in 2003. She has special
interest and expertise in
Echocardiography with research
in Real time 3-dimensional
Echocardiography, Myocardial
Contrast Enhancement, and Stress Echocardiography. She also
has special interest in Cardiovascular Disease in women and
the primary prevention of cardiac disease.
Saint Francis’ Special
pecial Events are among the ways that Saint Francis can build relationships, increase
awareness of our mission, and raise funds for our programs, while having FUN! A special
thank-you to all of our dedicated event sponsors, participants, volunteers and friends. Their
continuous support makes it possible for Saint Francis to carry out its Mission year after year.
2012 Kate’s Fun Run & Walk
for Saint Francis
In Memory of Kate Kuhn Woodbury, M.D.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
5K Road Race/Walk
Elizabeth Park, West Hartford
The 15th Annual Mount Sinai Rehabilitation Hospital Golf Classic was held at
Blue Fox Run Golf Course in Avon and sold out with 180 participants. The proceeds
supported the purchase of the OmniVR Virtual Rehabilitation System. This is the first
system developed to accommodate the needs of medically-complex patients in the
rehabilitation setting. With its 3-D camera and specialized computer software, it is able
to track the patient’s precise movements and allow them to interact in a virtual world.
In addition, it includes a variety of “skilled” exercise programs for physical,
occupational, speech, and recreational therapy applications.
16TH Annual Mount
Sinai Rehabilitation
Golf Classic
Monday, May 21, 2012
Blue Fox Run, Avon
• • • • •
**For more information on how to get involved or to register for an event, please visit the Saint Francis Foundation website at www.saintfrancisdonor.com
Events 2 0 1 1
23RD Annual Swing for Saint Francis
Golf and Tennis Outing
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Tumble Brook Country Club, Bloomfield
• • • • •
The 22nd Annual Swing for Saint Francis Golf and Tennis Outing was held on the
superbly maintained grounds and courts of Tumble Brook Country Club. With nearly 300
golfers and 40 tennis players, the event raised over $160,000 for the Nursing Education
Program at Saint Francis. Nurses are central to the core mission of Saint Francis — to
deliver compassionate patient care.
The Nursing Education Program
enables our nurses to return to
school, attend professional
conferences and participate in
educational opportunities, including
the pursuit of baccalaureate and
masters degrees. Through
continuous education, nurses
remain current in all aspects of
their practice, making Saint Francis
a leader and innovator in nursing.
A number of local celebrities
joined us in 2011, including Tom
Moore, Quinnipiac University Head
Men’s Basketball Coach; Scott
Burrell, Quinnipiac University
Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach
and former UConn basketball
player; Jennifer Rizzotti, University
of Hartford Head Women’s
Basketball Coach and former
UConn basketball player; Bill Sullivan, University of Hartford Assistant Women’s
Basketball Coach; Yvon Corriveau, former Hartford Whaler; Garry Swain, retired
Hartford Whaler; and Norm Barnes, former Philadelphia Flyer and Hartford Whaler.
23RD Annual MIRACLES Gala
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Special Event Sponsor ($50,000)
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Diamond Partners ($25,000)
Arrow Prescription Center
Murphy Security Service, LLC
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
Platinum Partners ($15,000)
Bank of America
BKM Total Office
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.
Radiology Associates of
Hartford, P.C.
TRO Jung Brannen
Woodland Anesthesiology Associates, P.C.
Gold Partners ($11,500)
AE Design Group
Associated Construction Company
C.M. Smith Agency, Inc.
Collins Medical Associates 2, P.C.
Connecticut Light & Power
Cooney, Scully and Dowling
Hamilton Sundstrand
Haz-Pros, Inc.
People’s United Insurance Agency,
RC Knox Division
Saint Francis HealthCare Partners
UGL Services
UTC Power
Webster Bank
Silver Partners ($8,500)
Aetna Ambulance Service
All Waste
Ambulance Service of Manchester
Bristol Hospital
Day Pitney LLP
Farmington Bank
The Outsource Group
RYAN Business Systems, Inc.
Updike, Kelly & Spellacy, P.C.
Bronze Partners ($5,500)
American Adjustment Bureau
BlueWater Communications Group
EMC Corporation
The Ensign-Bickford Foundation
Enterprise Builders, Inc.
The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and
Insurance Company
J.H. Cohn LLP
Jackson Lewis, LLP
Morrison Management Specialists
Wealth Preservation Partners, LLC
Connecticut Convention Center, Hartford
The BishopTierneySociety
In the fall of 2009, we proudly introduced the Bishop Tierney Society at Saint Francis
Hospital and Medical Center. Establishing this Society has provided us an opportunity to
recognize individual leaders in our community whose especially generous annual fund
gifts are $1,000 or greater.
We would like to thank those of you who made contributions to this very special
Society during the 2010-11 year. Because of your support, we have been able to
significantly increase our annual gifts and pledge payments.
Saint Francis is committed to meeting the healthcare needs of our community.
Since its humble beginnings in 1897, our Hospital has done much more than invest
in technology, facilities and training to care for the people of this region. It has
reshaped the lives of countless patients who have passed through its doors, often
in crisis.
None of these investments could have been made without the generosity and
support of the men, women and families who have shown vision and leadership to ensure
that quality healthcare was available in our community.
Saint Francis is honored by the encouragement we have received through the selfless
support of our community, and we thank you once more for your friendship and past generosity.
Douglas Coté, CFA
Susan Shimkus Lemkuil
Honorary Co-Chairpersons of the 2011-12 Bishop Tierney Society
Individuals and
Collins Patrons
Joyce and Andy Mandell
McGovern Circle
$100,000 to $499,999
Anonymous Donor
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis D. Robinson
DeSales Roundtable
$50,000 to $99,999
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Byrne
Dr. and Mrs. Surendra K. Chawla
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Dadlez
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Leishman
E. Clayton Gengras Circle
$25,000 to $49,999
Loren J. and Margaret M. Andreo
Reverend and Mrs. Howard C.
Miss Eleanor J. Bielak *
Barbara and Mark Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Zachs
Mr. Henry M. Zachs
Catherine Dillon Club
$10,000 to $24,999
Anonymous Donor
The Bakes Family
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Caval
Mr. Sebastian Didomenico
Mr. Frederick M. Hollfelder *
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Lombardo
The Mullane Family
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Sappington
Rosalind and Mark Shenkman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Spalluto
John O’Flaherty Fellows
$5,000 to $9,999
Dr. Jonathan H. Abrams and
Dr. Adrienne B. Berke
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Anderson
Dr. Sivasenthil Arumugam and
Dr. Srimathi Manickaratnam
Ms. Susan A. Bailey
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Gene F. Bruyette
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Burt
Victor E. Camacho, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Clark, III
Dr. and Mrs. Leo Contois
Dr. and Mrs. John D’Alessio
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Dennen
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Diver
Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Dowling, Jr.
Camille and Steve Fish
David G. Freitas, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gelbach
Dr. and Mrs. Mark J. Gerber
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Giannamore
Mrs. John M. Gibbons, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gustafson
Kenneth T. Gutierrez, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Hernandez, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Herreria
Edward S. Johnson, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Kelly
Qassem Kishawi, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Rolf W. Knoll
Dr. and Mrs. Bimalin Lahiri
Adrienne, Robert, Jill and
Laura Levin
Lucile and Edward Loiseau
The Manafort Family
Mrs. James A. Manafort, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Mara
Gwendolyn H. Moraski, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Franklin I. Rosenberg
Andrew A. Sadanowicz and
Grazyna H. Sadanowicz
Frank J. Setter, M.D.
Sanjay K. Sinha, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brian Smith
Mark A. Spencer, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Squier
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Stark
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Steinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Triompo
Dr. Goolcher and Mr. Jimmy Wadia
Mr. and Mrs. Jay H. Walton
Dr. and Mrs. Gary S. Wilson
Dr. Kristen A. Zarfos and
Mr. William Vasiliou
Dr. Roxanne and
Mr. Stephen Zarmsky
Mary Brassill Benefactors
$2,500 to $4,999
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Aronson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Bassett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Batch
Ms. Emilee Binette
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Bruner
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Campanelli
Ms. Irene Charette
Sue Ann Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Geraud M. Darnis
Ms. Pamela J. Dowling and
Mr. James T. Healey, Jr.
Anthony Drapelick
Colleen and Bob Falaguerra
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Gawlicki
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Giamalis
Mr. and Mrs. Myles P. Gibbons
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Grady-Benson
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hanley
Ms. Kelly F. Hansen
Dr. and Mrs. Walter L. Harrison
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Josephson
Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Joyce
Doris and Simon Konover
Dr. and Mrs. Courtland G. Lewis
Dr. and Mrs. Todd W. Mailly
The Margolis Family
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. McAllister
Mrs. Judith G. McDonough
Drs. Margaret and Paul Mitchell
John B. Monaco, M.D.
Mrs. Melissa R. Mulvey
Dr. and Mrs. John J. O’Brien
Mr. Brendan G. O’Connell
Lynn Rossini and Dino Carbone
Mr. Scott M. Schooley
Dr. and Mrs. Steven F. Schutzer
Mr. Peter Stich
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Trumble
Mrs. Gail Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Williams, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon A.
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of these lists. We sincerely apologize for any errors or omissions.
Sister Jeanne Teresa
$1,000 to $2,499
Anonymous Donor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Albanesi
Mrs. Marilyn M. Alfeld
Joseph and Ronnie Amato
Betty Ann Ambrosi
John and Angela Arrington
Drs. Angelito and Aileen Bacay
Chris Barber, PA-C
Dorothy and Jean Bieszad
Mr. and Mrs. George Blaney
Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Boardman
Teresa Bolton, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Seth M. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Roger S.
Bruttomesso, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Camilliere
Mr. Jere A. Carangelo
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Cardone
Dr. Angelo S. Carrabba and
Ms. Jane Formica
Debra Turcotte Carragher
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Chagnon
Dr. and Mrs. Russell A. Ciafone
Bob and Tina Clark
Mrs. Ruth E. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Coffin
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Coté
Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Danek, Jr.
Mrs. Laurie A. Dauphin
William R. Davis, Esq.
Ms. Nicole De Rosa
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
Kathleen DeMatteo
Debra A. DeNardis *
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Dionne
Ms. Kara L. Dowling and
The Hon. Andrew W. Roraback
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Downes, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin S. Dubois
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. English
Mr. Robert Eremian
Ms. Syrma I. Falcon
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Feld
Michael I. Firestone, M.D.
Jessica and Michael Fish
Jane and John Flannery
Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Florian
Barbara L. Flynn
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Freling
Mr. Clayton A. Frenzel
Dr. and Mrs. Fred M. Gabrielle, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm A. Galen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gales
Jim Gentile
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Gerrol
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Getz
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gfeller
Dr. and Mrs. P. Anthony Giorgio
Mr. Richard J. Given
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Godar
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Green
Cheryl and Joseph Grise
Frances Guinipero *
Mary Guinipero
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Guth
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Gutmann
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Haight, Jr.
Irma and Mort Handel
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Hardcastle
Martha E. Hartle
Mr. and Mrs. R. Christopher Hartley
Ms. Sharon R. Hennessey and
Mr. Jay Mullarkey
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Hoffman
Ms. Ruth Hofstatter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Holden
Mrs. Marcy A. Hollander
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Hoxsie, III
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Jarvis
Pupinder S. Jaswal, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Jeresaty
Peter H. Judson, M.D.
Mr. Robert T. Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Kausch
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kearns, III
Anita M. Kelsey, M.D.
Carol and Ronald Kimmel, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Jay A. Kimmel
Dr. Pamela and Mr. Wayne
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Krebsbach
Elinor S. Kron, M.D.
Mrs. Jane Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Kuntz
Mr. David and Dr. Lynn M. LeBlanc
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Lemkuil
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Lentini
Mr. and Mrs. Coleman B. Levy
Yu Liang, M.D.
Chuck and Peg Lindberg
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Link
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Long
Patricia and Frank Longobardi
Ms. Elaine T. Lowengard
Gregory Makoul, Ph.D.
Most Reverend Henry J. Mansell, D.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Neil F. Mara
Dr. and Mrs. William T. Marshall, III
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Marsted
Mrs. Carol B. Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Martin
Ms. Nadejda V. Maseto
Mr. and Mrs. E. Merritt
McDonough, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. McGoldrick
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. McHugh
Dr. and Mrs. Sean J. McKeon
Valerie Mickewich
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Mirock
Dr. and Mrs. Firoz D. Mistry
Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Monzeglio
Dr. and Mrs. Peter A. Morrison
Ms. Marjorie E. Morrissey
Mrs. Merrily G. Moynihan
Mary and Tom Mullaney
Ms. Christine R. Murphy
James F. Murphy
Mrs. Karen M. Nichols and Family
Mrs. Ilse M. Nigro
Dr. and Mrs. John J. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. O’Connell
Kathleen and Kevin O’Connor
Mark D. O’Donnell, Ph.D.
Pauline N. Olsen, M.D.
Mr. Howard W. Orr
Toni and John Pappalardo
Mr. and Mrs. Rajan Parmeswar
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Pendergast
Mr. Richard K. Pepe
Robert Perez, M.D.
Sheila and Jim Perretta
Dr. Carol A. Petruff and
Mr. Michael Kucinskas
Anthony F. Posteraro, III, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene T. Price
Mrs. Millard H. Pryor
Ms. Anne P. Quasnitschka
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Rafal
Drs. Chitraleka and
Sundaram Ramanan
Dr. Surita Rao and Mr. Peter Schouw
Ruth N. Rees *
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reidy
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin N. Reynolds
Ms. Kathleen M. Roche
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart E. Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Rosenthal
Joan and Dennis Rusconi
Joseph Sala, D.O.
Dr. Niranjan Sankaranarayanan
and Dr. Varalakshmi
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Scherer, Jr.
Ruth A. Schleifer, M.D.
Pat and Frank Schroll
Mrs. Peter R. Setaro
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Shima
Ms. Helen Silchenko
Mr. and Mrs. Pat L. Sinatro, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James D. Slavin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Smullen, Jr.
George M. Stohr, D.O.
Corporations and
Sisters of Saint Joseph of
Chambéry Circle
Abbott Laboratories
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Applied Proactive Technologies,
Archdiocese of Hartford
The Auxiliary of Saint Francis
Hospital and Medical Center
Big Y Foods, Inc.
J. Walton Bissell Foundation, Inc.
Capital Area Health Consortium
Central Pediatrics
Chip In For A Cure
City of Hartford
Collinge and Associates
Colon and Rectal Surgeons of
Greater Hartford
Connecticut Brain Tumor Alliance
Connecticut School of
Connecticut Surgeons, LLC
The Ensworth Charitable
Foundation, Bank of America,
George H.C. Ensworth Memorial
Fund, Bank of America,Trustee
Fisher Foundation Inc.
Goodwin College
Hartford Foundation for
Public Giving
Health Resource and Services
Maximilian E. & Marion O.
Hoffman Foundation
Aaron & Simon Hollander Funds
IBM Corporation
ING Community and Volunteer
Matching Gifts Programs
Mr. Robert J. Stratton, Jr.
Mr. Richard Sutton
Hilary and Tony Taschner
Patricia A. Teufel and
Thomas M. Driscoll
Drs. Elizabeth and John Thayer
Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Timolat
Maureen Tiroletto, M.S.N., R.N.
Ms. Hilarie C. Tomasiewicz
Mark and Patricia Torelli
Mr. and Mrs. Zoltan B. Tuba
Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Twohig
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Wade
Mr. Frank E. Wellersdieck, Jr.
Jessica and Sonny Whelen
Edward C. Whitman and Family
Dr. and Mrs. George E. Wislo
Elida Witthoeft
Mrs. Ruth Witthoeft
Mark G. Wolf, D.O.
Dr. and Mrs. Aris D. Yannopoulos
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Zaldonis
John T. Ziewacz, M.D.
Stephen I. Zink, M.D.
Jewish Community Foundation
The John G. Martin Foundation
Junior Achievement of
Southwest New England, Inc.
Susan G. Komen for the Cure,
Connecticut Affiliate
George A. & Grace L. Long
Manafort Family Foundation
Minimally Invasive Surgeons
Mullane Enterprises, Inc.
National Automobile Dealers
Charitable Foundation
National Multiple Sclerosis
NewAlliance Foundation
Open Solutions Inc.
The Outsource Group
The People’s United Community
Foundation, Inc.
Radiology Associates of
Hartford, P.C.
Ronald McDonald House
Charities of CT
The Saint Francis Hospital
School of Nursing Alumni
SBM Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Smith Brothers Insurance, Inc.
St. Mary’s Church Youth Group
Stop & Shop
Streamline Health, Inc.
The Swindells Charitable
Wal-Mart Foundation
J.H. & C.K. Walton Fund
The Werth Family Foundation Inc.
Woodland Anesthesiology
Associates, P.C.
Zachs Family Foundation
Building on a Legacy of Quality Care
We would like to take a moment to personally thank
you for making Saint Francis such a special part of your
life. We also wanted to share with you some highlights
of the 14th Annual Valencia Society event held on
October 26, 2011.
Nearly 100 Valencia Society members and guests
joined us at the beautiful home of our dear friends
Sharon Hennessey and Jay Mullarkey. We had an
opportunity to reminisce about our past and talk about
the importance of our future. In addition, President and CEO, Christopher
Dan O’Connell and Nikki O’Neill,
Dadlez shared his commitment to honor our donors by building on a legacy of
Valencia Society Co-Chairs
quality care established by Mother Ann Valencia more than 100 years ago.
Valencia Society Founder Nikki O’Neill inducted 29 new members into the Society during the
formal presentation, and new members Ms. Martha Hartle and Dr. & Mrs. Robert Gfeller shared their
heartfelt stories about why the future of Saint Francis means so much to them. It was truly inspiring.
We want you to know that we are honored by your selfless commitment to Saint Francis, our
Mission and our Future.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Albanesi
Mr. † and Mrs. Stanley F. Alfeld
Dr. Albin S. Anderson †
Anonymous (13)
Anonymous (1)
Albert H. Atkins †
Melanie and Thomas O. Barnes
George H. Barrows, M.D.
Donna and Robert Batch
Antoinette M. Benevento †
Miss Eleanor J. Bielak †
The Honorable and Mrs. William C. Bieluch
Judy F. Birdsey
Robert J. Birnbaum
Patricia A. Biss
Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Boardman
Boccaccio Family Trust
Richard H. Booth
Dorothy A. Brickett †
Mr. † and Mrs. Robert Burns
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Burt
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Buzzell
Arthur P. and Mariko F. Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. Gino Calderone
Elizabeth A. Callahan †
Mildred L. Cannon †
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Carey
Mary G. Carroll †
Howard and Sue Carver
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Caval
Dr. and Mrs. Surendra K. Chawla
Myrtle M. Clabby †
Mr. William J. Clifford †
Esta E. Cohen †
Merna Cohen †
Dr. Morris N. Cohen † Trust in Honor of his
late wife, Emma Perlstein Cohen †
Mr. and Mrs. † Henry N. Cohn
Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Comey
Sr. Corby A. Coperthwaite, COS, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Cosgrove †
Mr. William J. Crocker †
Mr. † and Mrs. George S. Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Curran
Dr. † and Mrs. † Timothy L. Curran
Miss Mary E. Curtin †
Lemuel Rodney Custis †
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Dadlez
Reverend Leo J. Daily †
Dr. and Mrs. George Dalton
Reverend Monsignor Charles W. Daly
Edward G. Damm †
Mr. Geraud M. H. Darnis
Mr. † and Mrs. Raymond H. Deck
Mr. James M. Demund †
Dr. and Mrs. David D’Eramo
Drs. Hema and Paula de Silva
Mr. Joseph F. DeVito †
Ms. Bertha Diem †
Miss Marylou Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Dionne
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Diver
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Driscoll
Ms. Bertha Edlin †
Ms. Ida Ertman †
Lucian M.Euliano † &
Dorothy Cataldi Euliano †
John J. Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Feldman
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Ferrante
Mr. Robert J. Fiondella
Mr. Robert W. Fiondella
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Flaxman
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Reverend Henry C. Frascadore
Dr. and Mrs. Fred M. Gabrielle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gales
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gfeller
Karen and Michael Gigliotti
Ms. Angela L. Gionfriddo †
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Godar
* Harry E. Goldfarb †
Mary Ann Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Green
Mr. and Mrs. † Victor Greenberg
* Catherine Guethlein †
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Gutmann
* Mary Ann Hanley
* Martha R. Harris †
* Harold L. and Ethel B. Hart †
* Mr. and Mrs. Stanley G. Hart †
Martha E. Hartle
* Noreen and Clark Hendley
* Ms. Anne N. Heneghan †
Joel K. Hershberger
* Mr. Guy B. Holt †
Edward W. † and Elaine C. Hudson
Jane Hudson
Hughes Health and Rehabilitation, Inc.
Staff of Hughes Health and Rehabilitation, Inc.
* Miss Joan E. Hunt †
* Mr. Charles Janis †
* Mrs. Alice C. Jarvis †
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Jeresaty
* Reverend Monsignor Charles B. Johnson
* Dr. Edward S. Johnson
* Samuel J. Kaprove †
* Paul Karvoski Memorial Fund
* Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Kayser
* Mr. William J. Kelley †
* Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Kelly
* Mr. † and Mrs. Lawrence J. Kerwin, Jr.
* Dr. and Mrs. Rolf W. Knoll
Mr. and Mrs. Karl J. Krapek
* Ms. Libby S. Krasnow †
* Mr. Raymond LaFontaine †
* Mr. Albert Landa
* Ronald F. LaPensee
* Ms. Irene Lavell †
* Mrs. Martha Weinman Lear
“We are honored to join others who have come before us in becoming
members of the Valencia Society. We strongly believe that we have a
responsibility to do what we can to ensure future generations are able to
enjoy the freedoms and blessings we enjoy. Saint Francis is committed
to BestCare for a Lifetime, and we are committed to Saint Francis.”
Frank and Pat Longobardi
“Becoming a member of the Valencia Society is my way of saying ‘thank you’
to Saint Francis for allowing me to be part of this vital and compassionate
organization. Since coming to Saint Francis in 2004, I have witnessed staff and
care providers living our Mission and Values as they attend to their responsibilities.
Through all of those who share their treasure with Saint Francis, we can ensure the
very best healthcare for all generations to come. God has blessed my life, and I am
pleased to pass along some of those blessings to those who will come after me.”
Martha E. Hartle
* Ms. Sheri Lemieux
* Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Lindberg
* Matilda Lindstadt †
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Long
* John R. Longo
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Longobardi
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Loparco
* Marita Malone, M.D.
* Mrs. Grace S. Martin †
* Mr. and Mrs. Peter McAvoy
* Mr. Thomas E. McBride †
* Mr. and Mrs. E. Merritt McDonough, Jr.
E. Merritt McDonough, Sr.
* Mary K. McKone
* John M. McNally †
* Ms. Lois S. Miller †
* Madeline Ann Milligan
* Mr. Thomas W. Mitchell, Jr. †
in Memory of Mary Mitchell
* Dr. and Mrs. Anthony S. Morgan
* Ruth Ann Morris
* Mr. and Mrs. Gerard H. Morrissey †
* Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Moynihan
* Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Muccio †
* Mr. and Mrs. † Denis F. Mullane
Thomas F. Mullaney, Jr.
Michael F. Mulpeter
* Ms. Catherine F. Mulrain †
* Miss Mary V. Munger †
* Ms. Catherine R. Muska †
* Jenny Myler
* Mary Jayne Naparkowsky
Mr. and Mrs. Willam J. Newman
Ann Hudson North
* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. O’Connell
* Marion K. and Thomas B. O’Connor †
* Mrs. Lena P. Oliva †
* Pauline N. Olsen, M.D.
The Honorable † and Mrs. William A. O’Neill
Mr. Howard W. Orr, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Pabich
Mr. Fred T. Panagrosso †
Mr. and Mrs. John Pappalardo
Jean W. Pappas †
Mr. George A. Patterson †
Paul F. and Linda S. Pendergast
James G. Pettit †
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Phillips
Josephine M. Picone
Ms. Ruth B. Post †
Mrs. Carol M. Proom
Dr. and Mrs. Ganson Purcell, Jr.
Ms. Martha M. Rebmann †
Mr. Stephen F. Richards †
Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Rockwell
Anna Roderick
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart E. Rosenberg
Lynn B. Rossini and Dino Carbone
Donald Ruffkess
Mr. William C. Russell †
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Sarubbi †
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Scherer, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. J. David Schnatz
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Schroll
Philip and Mary Schulz
Pauline H. Schwind †
Margaret C. Servick †
Anna M. Shea
Lillian Shea †
Madeline R. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Pat L. Sinatro, Jr.
Mrs. Eleanor M. Smith †
Lt. Gail and Mrs. Harriet Smith †
Richard L. Smith †
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Smullen
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Solan, Jr.
* Louis M. Solomon †
* Ms. Elisabeth G. Spellacy †
Mary C. Spellacy
* Mr. Joseph S. Stackpole †
* Ms. Gladys Stoll †
* Carolyn Robb Storrs
* Edward A. Suisman †
* Dr. Robert F. Swords, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Triompo
Frances T. Troiano †
* Mr. Thomas R. Trumble
Dr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Turco †
Updike, Kelly & Spellacy, P.C.
* Ms. Phyllis L. Van Horn †
* Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Pierre van Rooy
* Rozann F. Venti, M.D.
* Ms. Evelyn Veroff †
* Patricia A. Walsh †
* Doris J. Watson †
Peter P. White, M.D. and
Atty. Sandra Sherlock-White
* Ms. Mary Jane Williams †
* John T. Winters, M.D. †
Women’s Auxiliary of Saint Francis
Hospital and Medical Center
Woodland Women’s Services, L.L.C.
* Henry M. Zachs
* Ms. Mary A. Zakrzewski †
* = Legacy Member of The Valencia Society
Bold font = New Member 2011
† = deceased
Note: The list above reflects the Foundation’s
records as of 9/30/11. We welcome the
opportunity to add or to correct our records.
To learn more and/or to join The Valencia Society, please contact Lynn Rossini at
860-714-9005 or [email protected].
Honor Roll of Donors
The Honor Roll of Donors recognizes those whose generous support helps to ensure
Saint Francis’ continued excellence by providing gifts for new facilities, state-of-theart technology and high-quality programs and services.
Multi-year pledges
The following donors have made pledges in Fiscal Year 2011
which are payable over the next several years.
$10,000,000 +
Anonymous Donor
$1,000,000 to $4,999,999
Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Pierre van Rooy
Executive Team
$500,000 to $999,999
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Byrne
$100,000 to $499,999
Connecticut Brain Tumor Alliance
Dr. and Mrs. Steven T. Ruby
Dr. Kristen A. Zarfos and
Mr. William Vasiliou
$50,000 to $99,999
Rebecca Burke, RN, MS, NEA-BC
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Burt
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Giamalis
Barbara and Mark Gordon, Tracy Gordon Fox
and their Families
Mr. and Mrs. R. Christopher Hartley
Dr. and Mrs. Rolf W. Knoll
Gregory Makoul, Ph.D.
Joyce and Andy Mandell
The Mullane Family
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Pendergast
Kate M. Roche
$25,000 to $49,999
Teresa Bolton, Esq.
Andrew R. Crumbie
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Diver
Colleen and Bob Falaguerra
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Kupec
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Schepker
Jennifer and John Schneider
Nicole and James Schulz
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Straceski
$5,000 to $24,999
John and Angela Arrington
Mr. Stephen J. Benedetto
Mrs. Francesca Borges Gordon
Amy and Ryan Buzzell
Bob and Tina Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Dionne
Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm A. Galen
Martha E. Hartle
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Hernandez, Jr.
Janelle M. Jenkins
The Johnson and Price Family
Judy and Stuart Levy
Lucile and Edward Loiseau
Patricia and Frank Longobardi
Mrs. James A. Manafort, Sr.
Ms. Marjorie E. Morrissey
Mrs. Darlene M. O’Connor
Open Solutions Inc.
Mr. Howard W. Orr
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Rabbitt
Lucia and James Rees In Loving Memory of
Ruth Rees
Lynn Rossini and Dino Carbone
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Scherer, Jr.
Drs. Karianne and Adam Silverman
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Zaldonis
The following listing comprises
donors who have made
cumulative gifts ($100 or more)
from October 1, 2010 to
September 30, 2011.
$100,000 +
The Auxiliary of Saint Francis Hospital and
Medical Center
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
Maximilian E. & Marion O. Hoffman Foundation
The Estate of Joan E. Hunt
Joyce and Andy Mandell
The Estate of Lena P. Oliva
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis D. Robinson
Woodland Anesthesiology Associates, P.C.
$50,000 to $99,999
Applied Proactive Technologies, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Byrne
Dr. and Mrs. Surendra K. Chawla
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Dadlez
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Leishman
$25,000 to $49,999
Abbott Laboratories
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Loren J. and Margaret M. Andreo
Arrow Prescription Center
Reverend and Mrs. Howard C. Benson
The Estate of Eleanor J. Bielak
Chip In For A Cure
Connecticut Brain Tumor Alliance
The Estate of Reverend Leo J. Daily
Barbara and Mark Gordon
Susan G. Komen for the Cure Connecticut
Murphy Security Service LLC
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
Radiology Associates of Hartford, P.C.
The Werth Family Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Zachs
Mr. Henry M. Zachs
Zachs Family Foundation
$10,000 to $24,999
Anonymous (2)
Dr. Jonathan H. Abrams and
Dr. Adrienne B. Berke
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of these lists. We sincerely apologize for any errors or omissions.
AE Design Group, Architects Engineers
All-Phase Enterprises, Inc.
American Medical Response
Apple Rehab
Dr. Sivasenthil Arumugam and
Dr. Srimathi Manickaratnam
Associated Construction Company
The Bakes Family Foundation
Bank of America
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Barnett
Big Y Foods, Inc.
BKM Total Office
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Burt
C. M. Smith Agency, Inc.
Victor E. Camacho, M.D.
Carrier Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Caval
Centerplan Companies
Citizens Bank
Collins Medical Associates 2, P.C.
ConnectiCare, Inc.
Connecticut Light & Power Co.
Dr. and Mrs. Leo Contois
Cooney, Scully and Dowling
Dr. and Mrs. John D'Alessio
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Dennen
Mr. Sebastian DiDomenico
David G. Freitas, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Mark J. Gerber
Kenneth T. Gutierrez, M.D.
Hamilton Sundstrand
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Herreria
The Hoffman Heart and Vascular Institute
Charlotte Johnson Hollfelder Foundation
Mr. Frederick M. Hollfelder *
J. Walton Bissell Foundation, Inc.
Qassem Kishawi, M.D.
Adrienne, Robert, Jill and Laura Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Lombardo
Gwendolyn H. Moraski, M.D.
The Mullane Family
The Outsource Group
People's United Insurance Agency,
RC Knox Division
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Dr. and Mrs. Franklin I. Rosenberg
Saint Francis Department of Surgery
Saint Francis HealthCare Partners
The Saint Francis Hospital School of Nursing
Alumni Assoc.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Sappington
SBM Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Frank J. Setter, M.D.
Rosalind and Mark Shenkman
Sanjay K. Sinha, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Spalluto
Mark A. Spencer, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Squier
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Stark
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Triompo
TRO Jung Brannen
UGL Services
United Way of Central and Northeastern
UTC Power
Dr. Goolcher and Mr. Jimmy Wadia
Webster Bank
Dr. and Mrs. Gary S. Wilson
Dr. Roxanne and Mr. Stephen Zarmsky
$5,000 to $9,999
All Waste
American Adjustment Bureau
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Anderson
Archdiocese of Hartford
Ms. Susan A. Bailey
Barnes Group, Inc.
BlueWater Communications Group
Mr. and Mrs. Gene F. Bruyette
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Case
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Clark, III
Colon and Rectal Surgeons of Greater Hartford
Connecticut Hospital Association
Day Pitney LLP
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Diver
Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Dowling, Jr.
EMC Corporation
The Ensign-Bickford Foundation
The Ensworth Charitable Foundation, Bank of
America, Trustee
George H.C. Ensworth Memorial Fund, Bank of
Enterprise Builders, Inc.
Farmington Bank
Camille and Steve Fish
Fisher Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gelbach
General Electric Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Giannamore
Mrs. John M. Gibbons, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gustafson
Hartford Orthopedic Surgeons, P.C.
Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and
Insurance Company
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Hernandez, Jr.
J.H. Cohn LLP
Jackson Lewis, LLP
Edward S. Johnson, D.D.S.
Junior Achievement of Southwest New
England, Inc.
Paul Karvoski Memorial Golf Tournament
Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Kelly
Dr. and Mrs. Rolf W. Knoll
The Doris and Simon Konover Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Bimalin Lahiri
Landmark Partners Inc.
Levy & Droney, P.C.
Lucile and Edward Loiseau
The Manafort Family Foundation
Mrs. James A. Manafort, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Mara
Minimally Invasive Surgeons
Drs. Margaret and Paul Mitchell
Morrison Management Specialists
Mullane Enterprises, Inc.
Network Interiors Inc.
New England Masonry
Open Solutions Inc.
Orthopedic Associates of Hartford, P.C.
Private Capital Group, LLC
Professional Home Care Services (Bioscrip)
ProHealth Physicians
Prudential Retirement
Right at Home - In Home Care & Assistance
Robinson & Cole LLP
RYAN Business Systems, Inc.
Andrew A. Sadanowicz and
Grazyna H. Sadanowicz
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Schepker
Dr. and Mrs. Steven F. Schutzer
Smith Brothers Insurance, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brian Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Steinberg
UCONN Health Center
Updike, Kelly & Spellacy, P.C.
J.H. & C.K. Walton Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Jay H. Walton
Charles W. Warner Company
Dr. Kristen A. Zarfos and Mr. William Vasiliou
$2,500 to $4,999
A & L Troiano Family, L.L.C.
Aetna Ambulance Service
Aetna Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Alcohol & Drug Recovery Centers, Inc.
Ambulance Service of Manchester
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Aronson
Asset Management Specialist
Au Bon Pain
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Bassett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Batch
Benco Dental Supply Company
Ms. Emilee Binette
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Bruner
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Campanelli
Ms. Irene Charette
Sue Ann Collins
Connecticut Bank and Trust Co.
The Connecticut Sinus Institute
Connecticut Surgeons, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Coté
Covington & Burling, LLP
Dr. and Mrs. George R. Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. Geraud M. Darnis
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
Anthony Drapelick
Colleen and Bob Falaguerra
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Feld
Michael I. Firestone, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Freling
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Gawlicki
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Getz
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gfeller
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Giamalis
Mr. and Mrs. Myles P. Gibbons
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Godar
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Grady-Benson
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Green
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Green
Guida-Seibert Dairy Company
Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hanley
Ms. Kelly F. Hansen
Chipping In…
In 1995, a very unique organization
was established by Sheila Wolfson
and Charlene Jarvis of Simsbury. It
is called Chip In For A Cure. This
all-female, all-volunteer group set
out to raise funds for breast cancer
outreach education, early detection
and prevention efforts. They have
succeeded in raising over $450,000
for the Breast Cancer Programs at
Hartford Hospital and here at Saint
Francis. Over the years, the faces
have changed and the fundraising
events have been different, but the
mantra continues to be, “keep it local.”
This 12-member team meets almost every Monday night and the meetings are a little social and a lot of
organizing and planning. Throughout the year, Chip In hosts golf events, serves food at Rock Cat games, sells
discount coupons for Tastes ’N Toasts in Blue Back Square and in March holds their signature event, Martini
Night. The group includes several breast cancer survivors who feel blessed to have had the services available in
the Hartford Community that they needed to be survivors. And each member is working to “eradicate breast
cancer in our lifetime,” the mission of Chip In For A Cure.
A friend of Chip In for A Cure, Julie Brown, is extremely grateful that the Hartford Community has two
comprehensive Breast Health Centers with experts in their fields that rival the Boston or New York
communities. When she was diagnosed with Stage-2 Breast Cancer at the age of 44, Julie and her husband,
Kevin, did a lot of research and they were relieved to know that Julie could be treated close to
home. And Julie’s coordinated care was truly a joint effort from an all women team, from
surgery to chemotherapy, from Saint Francis to Hartford Hospital.
Julie has been cancer free for four years and credits Dr. Kristen Zarfos, Saint Francis
surgeon, and from Hartford Hospital, Drs. Patricia DeFusco, oncologist and Judith
Buckley, radiation oncologist, for the compassion and coordination of her diagnosis,
treatment and care. This is exactly why Chip In For A Cure exists, to support these two
Hospitals and their breast cancer patients. Please visit www.chipinforacure.org to
learn how you can support their efforts too!
Dr. and Mrs. Walter L. Harrison
Hinckley, Allen & Snyder LLP
ING Community and Volunteer Matching Gifts
International Computerware, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Jarvis
Pupinder S. Jaswal, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Josephson
Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Joyce
KBE Building Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Konover
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Krug
Dr. and Mrs. Courtland G. Lewis
Dr. and Mrs. Todd W. Mailly
The Margolis Family
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. McAllister
Mrs. Judith G. McDonough
Dr. and Mrs. Sean J. McKeon
John B. Monaco, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Peter A. Morrison
Mrs. Melissa R. Mulvey
NewAlliance Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. John J. O’Brien
Mr. Brendan G. O’Connell
Pauline N. Olsen, M.D.
Opticom, Inc.
Mr. Howard W. Orr
Otis Elevator Company
PC Connection
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Pendergast
The People's United Community Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Phillips
Anthony F. Posteraro, III, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Rodis
Lynn Rossini and Dino Carbone
Saint Francis Medical Group, Inc.
Joseph Sala, D.O.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Scherer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Schneider
Mr. Scott M. Schooley
Siegel, O’Connor, O’Donnell & Beck, P.C.
St. Mary's Church Youth Group
Stericycle, Inc.
Mr. Peter Stich
George M. Stohr, D.O.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Stone
The Swindells Charitable Foundation
Travelers Championship
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Trumble
Mrs. Gail Turner
Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Twohig
ValCor Communications
Mr. and Mrs. Hicks B. Waldron
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Walters
WFSB Channel 3
Mr. Lawrence C. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Williams, Jr.
Willis HRH
Dr. and Mrs. George E. Wislo
Dr. and Mrs. Aris D. Yannopoulos
John T. Ziewacz, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Zimmermann
$1,000 to $2,499
Anonymous (2)
568Systems, Inc
Advanced Wheels of Technology, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Albanesi
Mrs. Marilyn M. Alfeld
Allied Data Cables/OCC
Allstate Fire Equipment, Inc.
Alternity Healthcare, LLC
Joseph and Ronnie Amato
Betty Ann Ambrosi
AmeriChoice by UnitedHealthcare
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Andrew, Jr.
Anixter, Inc.
Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield
ARG Real Estate L.L.C.
John and Angela Arrington
Astellas Pharma US, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David Avery
Drs. Aileen and Angelito Bacay
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Bauer
Mr. Stephen J. Benedetto
Dorothy and Jean Bieszad
Mr. and Mrs. George Blaney
Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Boardman
Teresa Bolton, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Seth M. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Bruttomesso, Sr.
Mr. Jeffrey Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Camilliere
Capital Area Health Consortium
Mr. Jere A. Carangelo
Cardinal Health
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Cardone
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Carson
Central Pediatrics
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Chagnon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Chambrello
Dr. and Mrs. Russell A. Ciafone
Ciena Networks
Bob and Tina Clark
Mrs. Ruth E. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Coffin
Community Renewal Team
Connecticut Science Center
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Costanzo, Jr.
Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D.
Robert A. and Deborah H. Cushman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Danek, Jr.
Mrs. Laurie A. Dauphin
William R. Davis, Esq.
Ms. Nicole De Rosa
Kathleen DeMatteo
Debra Ann DeNardis *
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Dew
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Dionne
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Donahue, III
Ms. Kara L. Dowling and
The Hon. Andrew W. Roraback
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Downes, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin S. Dubois
Eli Lilly & Company
Mr. Robert M. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. English
Mr. Robert Eremian
Ms. Syrma I. Falcon
Jessica and Michael Fish
Jane and John Flannery
Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Florian
Barbara L. Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fortier
Founders Capital Management, LLC
Mr. Clayton A. Frenzel
Fujifilm Medical Systems U.S.A., Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Fred M. Gabrielle, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm A. Galen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gales
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Galuska
Jim Gentile
George A. & Grace L. Long Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Mark J. Gerber
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Gerrol
Gilead Sciences
Dr. and Mrs. P. Anthony Giorgio
Mr. Richard J. Given
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Goldberg
Goodwin College
Greater Hartford Jaycees
Mr. and Mrs. Marc A. Green
Cheryl and Joseph Grise
Frances Guinipero *
Mary Guinipero
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Guth
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Gutmann
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Haight, Jr.
Thomas J. Halligan, Jr., M.D.
Irma and Mort Handel
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Hardcastle
Hartford Federal Credit Union
Hartford Urology Group, P.C.
Martha E. Hartle
Mr. and Mrs. R. Christopher Hartley
The Health Consultants Group, LLC
Ms. Sharon R. Hennessey and
Mr. Jay Mullarkey
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hess
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Hoffman
Ms. Ruth Hofstatter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Holden
Aaron & Simon Hollander Funds
Mrs. Marcy A. Hollander
Mr. and Mrs. John Holobinko
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Hoxsie, III
Dr. Mary Beth Janicki and Mr. Neil Rothfarb
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Jeresaty
Jewish Community Foundation
Peter H. Judson, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. Karl
Mr. Robert T. Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Kausch
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kearns, III
Anita M. Kelsey, M.D.
Dr. Kathleen A. Kennedy and
Dr. John D. Papandrea
Dr. and Mrs. Jay A. Kimmel
Carol and Ronald Kimmel, M.D.
Mr. Wayne and Dr. Pamela Kowalczyk
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Krebsbach
Elinor S. Kron, M.D.
The Kuhn Family
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Kuntz
LaBella Salon
Mr. David and Dr. Lynn M. LeBlanc
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Lemkuil
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lenihan
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Lentini
Mr. and Mrs. Coleman B. Levy
Yu Liang, M.D.
Chuck and Peg Lindberg
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Link
Ann and Mike Long
Patricia and Frank Longobardi
Ms. Elaine T. Lowengard
Lux Bond & Green, Inc.
Gregory Makoul, Ph.D.
Most Reverend Henry J. Mansell, D.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Neil F. Mara
Marsh USA, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. William T. Marshall, III
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Marsted
Mrs. Carol B. Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Martin
Ms. Nadejda V. Maseto
Mr. and Mrs. E. Merritt McDonough, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. McGoldrick
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. McHugh
Merck & Company, Inc.
MetroHartford Alliance
Michael Maglaras & Company
Valerie Mickewich
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Mirock
Dr. and Mrs. Firoz D. Mistry
Montovani, Murray, Nemphos & Tierinni, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Monzeglio
Ms. Marjorie E. Morrissey
Mrs. Merrily G. Moynihan
Mary and Tom Mullaney
Ms. Christine R. Murphy
James F. Murphy
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Newman
Mrs. Karen M. Nichols and Family
Mrs. Ilse M. Nigro
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. O’Connell
Kathleen and Kevin O’Connor
Mark D. O’Donnell, Ph.D.
Toni and John Pappalardo
Mr. and Mrs. Rajan Parmeswar
Mr. Richard K. Pepe
Robert Perez, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Perretta
Dr. Carol A. Petruff and Mr. Michael Kucinskas
Mrs. Angelo Picone
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene T. Price
Mrs. Carol McCrann Proom
Mrs. Millard H. Pryor
Ms. Anne P. Quasnitschka
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Rafal
Dr. and Mrs. Ioannis Raftopoulos
Drs. Chitraleka and Sundaram Ramanan
Dr. Surita Rao and Mr. Peter Schouw
Ruth N. Rees
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reidy
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin N. Reynolds
Reynolds Strategy Group, LLC
Ms. Kathleen M. Roche
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart E. Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Rosenthal
Joan and Dennis Rusconi
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Sams, Jr.
Dr. Niranjan Sankaranarayanan and
Dr. Varalakshmi Venkatachalam
Laura J. Sanzari
Ruth A. Schleifer, M.D.
Pat and Frank Schroll
Mrs. Peter R. Setaro
David S. Shapiro, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Shima
Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.
Ms. Helen Silchenko
Mr. and Mrs. Pat L. Sinatro, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James D. Slavin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Smullen, Jr.
Dr. Jonathan R. Sporn and Ms. Jane Comerford
St. Jude Medical, Inc.
Mr. Robert J. Stratton, Jr.
Streamline Health, Inc.
Mr. Richard Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Barry M. Taintor
Takeda Pharmaceuticals, North America, Inc
Hilary and Tony Taschner
Patricia A. Teufel and Thomas M. Driscoll
Telserv, LLC
Drs. Elizabeth and John Thayer
The John G. Martin Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Timolat
Maureen Tiroletto, M.S.N., R.N.
Ms. Hilarie C. Tomasiewicz
Mark and Patricia Torelli
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Trani
Debra and Ralph Triompo
Mr. and Mrs. Zoltan B. Tuba
University of Hartford
Eric M. van Rooy, M.D.
Verrill Dana LLP
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Wade
Wal-Mart Foundation
Mr. Frank E. Wellersdieck, Jr.
Jessica and Sonny Whelen
Edward C. Whitman and Family
Elida Witthoeft
Mrs. Ruth Witthoeft
Dr. Mark G. Wolf
Ms. Elisse Wright
Wyse Technology
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Zaldonis
Stephen I. Zink, M.D.
$500 to $999
Anonymous (4)
Advanced Performance Glass, Inc
American Heart Association
Jose M. Arias-Camison, M.D.
Avon Search Group, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Ballard, Jr.
Drs. Nasima and Saumitra Banerjee
Chris Barber, PA-C
Reverend Thomas J. Barry, J.C.L.
Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Belsky
Dr. and Mrs. Randy D. Berke
Mr. John E. Berube
Mr. Andrew F. Bessette
Ms. Patricia A. Biss
Bloomfield Foot Specialists
Mrs. Maria B. Borghesi
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Burke
C & S Distributors, Inc.
Mrs. Eleanor N. Caplan
Debra Turcotte Carragher
Howard and Sue Carver
The Hon. and Mrs. Stephen T. Cassano
Dr. and Mrs. Scheuster E. Christie
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Cloud, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Gary P. Cohen
Community Health Network of Connecticut, Inc.
The Connecticut Forum
Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.
The Connecticut Street Rod Association Inc.
Sally Cooney
Coram Infusion Services
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Crowell
Patricia Daigneault
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard DeFusco
Dr. and Mrs. John T. DeMaio
Desman Associates
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur W. DeTore
Mr. David J. Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Dowling
Downes Construction Co., LLC
Drs. Karl & Gelb, P.C.
Mr. Geoffrey M. Dunn
East Farms School
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Edmunds, Jr.
The Elliott Insurance Group
Dr. and Mrs. Scott J. Ellner
Mrs. Lynne M. Erickson
Facilities Services Group
Dr. Virginia S. Ferlan and
Dr. Timothy J. Machon
Robert R. Ferris
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Fink
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Flaherty, Jr.
Ms. Marilda L. Gandara
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Gfeller
Mr. and Mrs. William Ghio
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gibbons
Lawrence M. Girardin
Lou Golden and Peggy Buchanan
Mr. George Goodrich
Joe and Linda Greenier
Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson Griebel
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Grosso
The Familly of Joan Guinan
Mr. Eldon Hafford
Sandra Hall
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Hanna
Dr. Gayle B. Harris and Mr. Moshe Pinchover
Paul D. Hennessey
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hensel
Joel K. Hershberger
Mrs. Joanne K. Hoye
IBM Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Johnson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Jones
Russ and Barb Jones
Mr. Joao S. Jorge
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Judge
Christina A. Kabbash, MD, PhD, MPH
Dr. and Mrs. Alois Kallfelz
Kearns & Kearns, P.C.
Reverend Eugene M. Kilbride
Mr. Benjamin D. Kille
Kingsbrook Development
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Kinsella
Mrs. Nancy Krafcik-Rousseau
Mr. and Mrs. John Krawski
David and Diane Kumnick
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Kupec
Mrs. Eugenia Lamberti
Lantheus Medical Imaging
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Leduc
Sheri Lemieux
Judy and Stuart Levy
Mr. Jake Lewtan
Mrs. Helen Liistro
Mrs. Marianne Z. Lorenzo
Macri Associates, Inc.
Ellen and Michael Madigan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark N. Mandell
March of Dimes
MassMutual Financial Group
MassMutual Financial Group Matching Gifts
Ruthie Bush Mathews
Mrs. Josephine Mavromatis
Mr. E. Merritt McDonough, Sr.
Ms. Casey A. McGovern
Rev. Dr. Marcus M. McKinney
Mary Katherine McKone
Mercy Community Health, Inc.
James S. and Mary G. Millar
Mr. Charles Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Moynihan
Ms. Mary Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Orf
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Pabich
Painting & Decorating, Inc.
Pedicorp, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Greg A. Perry
Philips Medical Systems
Physicians for Women's Health
Mr. Rodney O. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Rabbitt
Mr. and Mrs. John Randazzo
Dr. Surita Rao and Mr. Peter Schouw
Matthew P. Raymond, D.O.
Mrs. Irving S. Ribicoff
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Ricciardelli
Dr. and Mrs. Randall Risinger
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Rodgers
Emily and Stuart Rosen
The Rusconi Company
Ryders Health Management
Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center
Medical Staff
Ed and Mary Jane Santos
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Sbriglio
Dr. Phyllis L. Schatz and Mr. Ray Benzinger
Ms. Judith A. Schmidt
Dr. and Mrs. J. David Schnatz
Arthur L. Spada, Judge retired and
Nancy L. Spada
Special Olympics Connecticut
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Straceski
Thomas L. Sullivan
Ms. Kimberly A. Sweezy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Taub
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Taylor
Women, and a few good men, helping others…
At their September board meeting the Auxiliary of Saint Francis
unanimously voted to direct $1,500,000 of their $5,000,000 pledge
to the new Comprehensive Women’s Health Center. The Auxiliary is
celebrating 85 years of raising funds and awareness for Saint Francis
and to list the beneficiaries of their tireless efforts would fill a phone
book. We are grateful to this group of 1,400 women and men for
spending from just a little time to a lot of time each day supporting
the Hospital.
When the new Women’s Center opens, each woman will start her
journey in The Auxiliary Welcoming Pavilion. It is so fitting that their
first experience will start with a welcome from a very large, generous
group of people who work
behind the scenes on behalf of
our female patients.
To get things rolling, at
their Annual Meeting, Barbara
Colli, president of the
Auxiliary, and John
Pappalardo, treasurer of the
Auxiliary, presented
Christopher M. Dadlez and
Lynn B. Rossini with a check
for $175,000. Again, we would
like to thank every member of
the Auxiliary for their energy
and devotion to Saint Francis.
Reverend Erica A. Thompson
William M. Tong, Esq.
Travelers Foundation Community Action Awards
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Troiano
Vascular Associates of Connecticut, LLC
The Village for Families & Children, Inc.
Naomi Walder, R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Walkley
West Hartford Firefighters Association
West Hartford Pediatrics
West-Ward Pharmaceuticals
Mr. Michael R. Wise
Mr. Peter P. Wonsewicz
Yankee Gas Services Company
Mr. and Mrs. Ira W. Yellen
YMCA of Greater Hartford
Roy Zagieboylo, M.D. and Susan I. Lowery, M.D.
$250 to $499
Anonymous (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Adams
ALSTOM Power Inc.
Morton W. Appleton, Esq.
The Aram A. Kaz Co.
Laura J. Bailey
Merry Bajana
Pamela Bannon
Mr. Wallace Barnes and
The Hon. Barbara H. Franklin
Lauretta T. Bartoletti
BC Elite Realtors LLC
Ms. Patricia J. Bellmore
Mr. Marie L. Benoit-Connors
Donna Benzinger
The Bergstrom Family
Michael C. Biondi, M.D.
BJs Wholesale Club
Mr. David J. Black
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben F. Bradford
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Brady, III
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Brunell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bullis
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Burke, III
The Bushnell
Mr. Michael J. Buttaro
Amy G. Buzzell
C & R Development Co., Inc.
Mr. Jeffrey R. Cahoon
Mr. and Mrs. Gino Calderone
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Cantor
Judith A. Carey, R.S.M., Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Carta
Mr. and Mrs. William Champlin
Ms. Janet D. Chernikoff
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chute
Mr. Mark Coe
Mr. Robert E. Cohn and Ms. Sherry Banks-Cohn
Mrs. Lisa P. Condon
Jennifer L. Corcoran
Coreys Catsup & Mustard, LLC
Ms. Esther Coutain-Julien
Barbara Crowley, R.N.
Mrs. Barbara Ann B. Crowley
CT State Building and Construction Trades
Mrs. William M. Cullina
Reverend Msgr. Charles W. Daly, S.T.L.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Dean
Angelo DeFazio, R.Ph., P.D.
Pauline A. Devino
Mr. and Mrs. Marc DiBella
Howard B. Dickenman
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt P. Dickinson
Dr. and Mrs. Luis F. Diez
Mr. William T. Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dombi
Mr. Antonio M. Domingos
Mr. Jonathan Dugan
Ms. Anne S. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Farrell
Ms. Pat Fay
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Feeney
Mr. James C. Ferris
Fichman Eye Center
Laura A. Ficks, R.N.
Ms. Cecile Fiederlein
Dr. Edwin J. Fierer
Mr. Joseph D. Filomeno
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Fiondella
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Fleming
Ms. Ann T. Foley
Mary-Joan Forstbauer, R.N.
Joyce and Andy Mandell continue to astound us with
their generosity. In an unprecedented move last year,
they agreed to match, dollar-for-dollar, the
MIRACLES proceeds. The combined efforts grossed
over $2,000,000. As the founding benefactors of the
Joyce D. and Andrew J. Mandell Center for
Comprehensive Multiple Sclerosis Care and
Neuroscience Research, their additional support
allowed Saint Francis to expand the state-of-the-art
facility to meet the growing needs of patients with
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and the research staff.
The new wing, which was completed in
September, added a total of 5,241 square feet,
increased the number of treatment rooms from 2 to 6, developed 2 new physician offices, expanded the infusion
center to accommodate additional chairs, developed a research suite and conference room, enlarged and
enhanced the reception area and the patient waiting area, built a new neurorehabilitation gym including the
installation of a “cool pool,” added space for gait assessments specific to research work, built 2 new handicappedaccessible bathrooms, and added new equipment and updated the Balance Master® system. Phew, that is an
amazing accomplishment.
A celebration was held to honor the Mandell Family, bless the new wing, dedicate the waiting area to
Edward S. Johnson, D.D.S. — retired senior vice president — and tour the beautiful expansion of the Center.
We are grateful to Joyce and Andy for their vision and support which has created a haven for MS patients in
our Hartford Community.
Robin Frankowski
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. William Garbati
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Garrity
Mr. William B. Geary, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Gerardi
Ms. Sherry A. Giessen
Delores P. Graham
Greater Hartford Orthopedic Group, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Griffin
Eunice and Tom Groark
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Harovas
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Hazard
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent G. Hunt
Lorraine R. Hurd
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. B. Theodore Jacobs
Marjorie and Patrick Johnson
Patricia M. Joyce, M.D.
Judge Advertising & Design
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Keating, Jr.
Lauren B. Kelly
Mrs. Susanne S. Klingeman
Patrick A. and Diane R. Klingman
Judith B. Knowlton
Eric M. Kosofsky, D.P.M.
Janet Kurtz, C.Ph.T
Edson Lawrence
Jodine and William Leahy
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Lee
Mr. Richard W. Lee
Mr. Roberto Leone and Ms. Rachelle A. Couture
Catherine L. Limansky
Ms. Rachel D. Lindenthal
Log Homes of America, Inc.
Nancy and Craig Lowry
Ms. Kathleen Luczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Sien Van Ly
The Macdonald Family
Mrs. James A. Manafort, Sr.
Mr. John Mandyck
Ms. Sharon J. Marosek
Ms. Madeline Martino
Dr. and Mrs. James J. Matino
Dr. and Mrs. Allan R. Mayer
The Hon. David McCluskey
Mr. and Mrs. James R. McHugh
Mr. H. David Megaw
Ms. Phyllis R. Mercadante
Caroline Merrick
Jeffrey J. Meter, M.D.
Sandra and Robert Michalik
Ms. Carmel A. Motherway
Mrs. Margaret E. Nagle
Gail and Tony Newman
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Orientale, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Ostrowski
Danilo M. Pangilinan, M.D.
Mr. Paul S. Pariser
Ms. Catherine E. Petrunti
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Petty, III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Picarello
David E. Polk
Ms. Janet Ralston
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Ranard
Mr. John G. Reddick, Jr.
Re-Entry Ministry Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Reilly
Ms. Bridget D. Rich
Oraine and Lorine Ridley
Mrs. Eleanor M. Rinaldo
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Rizza
Mr. John C. Roberson
Dr. and Mrs. Steven T. Ruby
Robert D. Rutstein, D.P.M.
Saint Francis Hospital School of Nursing,
Class of 1960
Mr. Robert M. Scandura, Jr.
Mr. Kurt Schletter
Mr. and Mrs. James Schulz
Ms. Sally E. Scully
Dr. and Mrs. Steven E. Selden
Ms. Jean M. Sennett
Dr. and Mrs. Philip E. Shapiro
Ms. Tina K. Shepard
H. Robert Silverstein, M.D.
Sinatro Agency One Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sitarz
Ms. Donna L. Slanina
Mr. Joseph Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Snow
Sound of New England Chorus, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. St. James
Diane W. Stadmeyer, R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Suisman
Ms. Melissa K. Sullivan
Ms. Elaine M. Swart
Mr. and Mrs. William Swartzwelder
Ms. Susan Tindall
Tire Depot
Total Access Construction
Ms. Arianna Trano
Pamela Trotman Reid, Ph.D.
Mr. Louis E. Ursini, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Brian M. Van Linda
Ms. Marcia Vannuccini
Jayma Waskiel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Whitman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Wilson, Jr.
Deborah J. Winter
Derrik F. Woodbury, M.D.
$100 to $249
Anonymous (21)
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Adams
Adirondack Allergy and Asthma Associates
Adult Probation Department
Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Aleia
Alert Hose Co.
Mr. Peter Alfano and Ms. Mary Jo Valentino
Syed S. Ali, M.D.
Mrs. Marianna Aloia-Ramirez
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Amanti
American Society of Legislative Clerks &
AMR Foundation
Ms. Laverne E. Anderson
Anita M. Flay, CPA LLC
Mr. Alexander Antiuk
Elizabeth Arbeiter
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Arcarese
Drs. Sally A. and Anthony J. Ardolino
Atchison, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Atkinson
Ms. Ruth V. Atwell
AZ Probation Officer's Association
Dr. Marilyn A. Bacon and Mr. James Vaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Chris R. Baier
Most Reverend and Mrs. LeRoy Bailey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bainbridge
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Baker
Ms. Michele L. Balady
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bald
Mr. and Mrs. L. Jeffrey Baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Balick
Bank of America Matching Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Bannon
Sudeep Bansal M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Baran
Pama N. Barber
Tracy and Jeffrey Barlok
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Barnes
Ms. Kay A. Barresi
Dr. and Mrs. George H. Barrows
Mr. John F. Barry
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bassett
Mrs. Caroline Battaglia
The Bayron Family
Mrs. Cynthia L. Bazzano
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. Beal
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Becker
Ann Logan Bedford, R.N.
Ms. Nancy M. Bellmore
Mr. Thomas Bellmore
Ms. Julie M. Benavides
Ms. Susan Benn
Rosemary Benoit
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Berall
Mr. and Mrs. Joel J. Bernstein
Myron R. Bernstein
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Berrien
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Betancourt
Dr. and Mrs. Syed F. A. Bilgrami
Mr. and Mrs. David Birdsey
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Bishop, III
Mr. Scott D. Black
Blakeslee Prestress, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Boccasile
Michael J. and Suzanne S. Bocchini
Frederick J. Bogin, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bombard
Mr. Frank J. Bonelli
Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Bonetti
Mr. Frank J. Borchetta
Dr. and Mrs. Adam M. Boruchov
John Bossidy
Barbara and Michael R. Bourque, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud D. Bourret
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Bouvier
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Bouvier
Mr. and Mrs. Michael I. Bowater
Mr. Thomas Boyd
Mr. Richard Bradshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Brannin
Dr. and Mrs. A. Richard Brayer
Ms. Susan E. Brayton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Brazil
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Brennan
Mr. Gregory Breslin
Attorney and Mrs. Lawrence S. Brick
Mr. John A. Brickley and Ms. Patricia Grossman
Mr. Greg Brigandi
Mr. and Mrs. Fernand J. Brochu
Ms. Amy E. Brodeur
Joseph D. Bronzino, Ph.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Louis Brown
Mr. Nelson Brown
Mrs. Susan M. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sevigny
Toni and Bob Brzozowski
Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Buckingham, Jr.
Ms. Katherine A. Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Buitrago
Ms. Alexandra Burke
Bruce and Paula Burke
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Burke
Reverend William L. Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Burrill, Jr.
Mr. Sheldon M. Bustow
Dr. Michael S. Butensky and Dr. Kiran Sachdev
C.M. McGee Middle School
Ms. Linda J. Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Callahan
Georgia Camilleri
Mr. and Mrs. Dana S. Campbell
Dr. and Mrs. Lothar R. Candels
Ms. Angela C. Carchia
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Carey
James R. Carilli
Mr. and Mrs. Leeds M. Carluccio
Carmon Community Funeral Home
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Carozza, Sr.
Mr. Anthony Carpenito
Ralph J. Carpenter, III
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Carrier
Mr. John J. Carson
Mr. William J. Carson, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Cartun
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Cary
Mrs. Nancy Casciano
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Casey
Mr. Timothy J. Casey, Sr.
Mr. Thomas L. Cassidy
Dr. and Mrs. Alan M. Cementina
The Center for Nursing Education and Practice
Central Connecticut State University - AAUP
Channing Bete Company, Inc.
Ms. Margaret C. Chappell
The Rhoda and David Chase Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Chenail
Ms. Erica Cherry
Mrs. Sheila G. Cheverier
Chip Janiszewski Enterprises
Mr. Joseph Ciccaglione
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Cirikovic
Mr. Laurence R. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Clark
Mr. John J. Clay
Mr. Bradley Clift
Ms. Cindy A. Climer
Reverend Henry P. Cody
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Colgan, Jr.
Collaborative Laboratory Services
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Colli III
Ms. Ann Collins
Celia and Frank Collins
Ms. Christine Collyer
The Columbus Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Connal
Connecticut Gastroenterology Associates, P.C.
Connecticut State University
Mrs. Frances F. Connelly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Connors
Ms. E. Jane Contreas
Mrs. Barbara A. Conway
Ms. Lucy E. Cookson and Ms. Jane M. Leitch
Samuel P. Cooley
Mr. Edward J. Coonerty and
Ms. Sheila A. Driscoll
Mr. William H. Copeland and Family
Mr. Timothy H. Coppage
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Corey
Corpus Christi Church Women's Club
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Corrigan
Ms. Deanna M. Cote
RT Cotter and Associates, Inc.
Angela Cotton
Mr. James E. Coughlin
Ms. Barbara A. Covey
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Covey
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Coyle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Creech
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Cullina
Margaret M. Cunningham
Timothy L. Curran, M.D. *
Ms. Patricia E. Curtis
Leah Curto
CV Surgical Unit Toledo Ohio
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Dahill, Jr.
Ms. Ann M. Damato
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Danaher
Mrs. Catherine B. Dangona
Deacon Board of New Bridge Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. DeCozio
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Delacruz
Mrs. Barbara S. Demers
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Deneen
Madhuri Devabhaktuni, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Dew
Ms. Rachel DiFusco
DIGGS Construction, LLC
Mr. John R. DiGiovanni
Patricia Dijkstra
Mr. John D. DiLaurenzio
Ms. Ann M. DiLoreto
Ms. Kathleen F. Dimond
Ms. Nancy J. Dinardo
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Dinowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Disco
Alessia C. Donadio, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Donahue
Mr. Kevin P. Donahue
Mr. John M. Donnelly
Mrs. Kevin V. Dowling
Mrs. John J. Downey
Mr. and Mrs. John Doyle
Joseph Driscoll
John and Pat Droney
Kevin and Fatima Dubauskas
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. DuBois
Joe Dubyel
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dunnrowicz
Megan Durning
Mr. John E. Dustin
Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Dworkin
Mr. Da'Rel J. Eastling
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Edelson
Mrs. Charlotte K. Edkin
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Edwards
Ms. Ellen E. English
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Euvrard
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Fanelli
Farmington Valley Equipment, Inc.
The Hon. Robert Farr and Ms. Diana MacPherson
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Feltman
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Fendrick
Ms. Nina Ferraris
Mr. Frank J. Ferro
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Fetterman
Dr. and Mrs. Francisco J. Figueroa
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fine
Mr. and Mrs. G. Joseph Finn, Jr.
Shirley A. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Fishman
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Fishman
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Fishman
Ms. Ruth Fitzgerald
Ms. Christine L. Fitzmaurice
Ms. Kristine A. Floryan
Mr. and Mrs. Martin T. Foley
Mr. and Mrs. B. Carleton Forbes
Mr. Matthew A. Forcier
Dr. and Mrs. Victor L. Fortin, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Fote
Mr. Joseph S. Fowler, III
Ms. Tracy G. Fox
The Frank A. Cadwell Corp.
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Franklin
Grace Lee and Jack Friel
Mr. Charles R. Fritz
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Fromson
Dr. and Mrs. Anton Fry
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Fuller
Susan and Michael Furey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fusselbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Gabel
Mr. and Mrs. John Gaida
Mr. Howard J. Gaines
Mr. Michael P. Gallo
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Galuska
Ms. Lee A. Galuska
James Garb, M.D.
Frances and Felix Garlasco
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Garofalo, Mariella's
Mr. Robert Gavin
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Geary
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gendreau
Dolores and Donatantonio Gerardi
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gerbo
Frances C. Gesualdi, R.N.
John A. Gettier, Ph.D.
Ms. Karen Gibb
Ms. Amelia P. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Giedraitis
Mr. Jason Giese
Karen M. Gigliotti
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Gillen
Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Gionfriddo
Mr. and Mrs. Jason J. Giulietti
Glastonbury High School Football
Glastonbury High School Interact Club
Ms. Pamela Glemboski
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Goddard
Mr. and Mrs. George Gokey
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Goldenberg
Dr. and Mrs. Steven A. Goldenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold K. Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Goldstein
Mr. Ronald A. Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Gombatz
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin M. Goodman
Dr. and Mrs. Tilak C. Gooneratne
Mr. John S. Gordon
Mr. Thomas Gostyla
Mr. Richard P. Goulet
Ms. Carol E. Gourlie
Mr. Lawrence A. Grab, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel M. Grafstein
Dr. and Mrs. Howard A. Grayson, Jr.
Mr. Shaun J. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Greenslade
Mr. Christopher C. Greer
Ms. Debra L. Gresh
Mr. Richard F. Gretsch, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Griffin
Catherine M. Grimes
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Grobe
Lorraine M. Grodovich, D.M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Grossman
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gulish
Drs. Annesley and Padhmini Gunawardhana
Dr. and Mrs. H.P. Gunawardhana
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Gustavason
Marie S. Gustin, Ph.D.
H.W. Lochner, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hale
Placeda D. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Hallisey
Ms. Brenda Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Hanson
Mr. Kenneth L. Hargreaves
Gerald L. Harmon, Esq.
Ms. Diane Harris
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Harris
Mrs. Marjorie R. Harrison
Mrs. William F. Hart
Theodore R. Hartenstein, M.D.
Hartford Whalers Booster Club, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Hastings
Ms. Stephanie R. Hayes
Mr. Stephen J. Hayes
Mrs. Jean M. Heagney
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Healey, Sr.
Linda R. Healy, R.N.
Mrs. Cathy B. Hebert
Mr. Robert Heckler
Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Heimann
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Heleniak
Mr. David S. Hendel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hershberger
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Hesse, Sr.
Ms. Carol K. Higgins and Mr. Ben Krynick
Ms. Karen P. Hill
Marie T. Hilliard, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Hobday
Mr. William W. Hodges
Wayne and Elinor Hoffman
Hoffman Enterprises
Mr. Seth Hollander
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Hollister
Home Health Pavilion, Inc.
Mr. Gregory Hood
Mrs. Theresa Hopkins-Staten
Ms. Joan R. Hopper
Mr. Brien P. Horan
Ms. Eileen S. Horan
Mr. and Mrs. James Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril F. Howe, Jr.
Mr. Anthony Hrenko
Mrs. Janet B. Hubbs
Ms. Helen M. Hughes
Jeanne M. Hunciker
Mr. and Mrs. Kimball H. Hunt
Ms. Cynthia M. Hutton
Imperial Nurseries Corporate
Mr. and Mrs. Heriberto Irizarry
Mrs. Olga Irizarry
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Isakson
J. Fiereck Photography, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Jackson
Anna Marie Jacobs
Ms. Judith K. Jacobson
Dr. Carla M. Jacobson-Kiel and
Mr. Lawrence J. Kiel
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Jager
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Jakielo
James O. Perlick Construction
Mr. Antonio J. Janeiro
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jankowski
Janelle M. Jenkins
Ashif K. Jethava, M.D.
Ms. Karen H. Jezouit
Mr. and Mrs. Ghulam Jilani
Mr. Laurence S. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Armindo L. Jorge
Ms. Christina M. Joseph
Joseph Stafford Associates, Realtors
Mr. William J. Judge
The Junco Family
Ms. Carmel Jurewich
Ms. Linda Kandrysawtz
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Kanfer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kapitan
Anuradha Kapur, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Philip J. Karanian
Joan M. Karpuk
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Kaschuluk
Dr. and Mrs. Jason Kasprzak
Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Kaufman
Joan and Norman Kayser
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Keating
William P. Keefe, M.D.
Mr. Christopher Keenan
Jean T. Kelleher
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey S. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Kennedy
The Kenney Family
Ms. Peggy S. Kent
Andrew Kerantzas, M.D.
Ms. Reshma Khan
Surendra P. Khera, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Kindall
Drs. Stephen and Mary King
Kirtland Capital Corporation
Ms. Lois W. Kittredge
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert P. Klas
Ms. Helen L. Klitsch
Mr. Stanley Konieczny
Dr. and Mrs. Morris H. Kotick
Kathleen Kowalsky-Phillips, R.N.
Mr. Scott M. Kraimer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Kreh
Marcia and Michael Krinsky
B. M. Kritzman
Mr. Conrad J. Kronholm, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kuhn
Kuhns Bros. Log Homes, Inc.
Ms. Stella E. Kulagowski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kulesa
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kummer
Steven Kunsman
Ms. Ruth Kurien and Mr. Matthew Gordon
Drs. Ranjani and Ranjit Kurukulasuriya
Mr. and Mrs. Dan LaBreck
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. LaCava
Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Lachniet
Ms. Jean Lam
Carol and John Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Later
Lavine, Lofgren, Morris & Engelberg, LLP
Mrs. Dolores A. Lawler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Lawrence
Dr. Yil Sun C. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lemega
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Lerch
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Leshem
Judy and David Levine
Ms. Jacqueline I. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Lewis
Liberty Bank
Ms. Susan R. Lieb
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Lindley
Mr. and Mrs. Teddy K. Lipka
Mr. and Mrs. Winston R. Liskey
Mr. Steven M. Litchfield
Kristina Livolsi
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Lohr
Mr. Mark E. Lombard
Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Lombari
Ms. Deanna Longley
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Loparco, Jr.
Loureiro Contractors, Inc.
Mr. Gregg W. Loveland
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Lucas
Ms. Natalie Lui
Mr. Stephen M. Lurie
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacAllister
Ms. Irene Mach
Ms. Sherri Maffucci
Mr. Donald L. Malen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Malo
Malta House of Care Foundation, Inc.
Manchester High School
Manchester Sports Center, Inc.
Mansfield Middle School
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Marchitello
Harris and Leona Marcus
Mr. Alphonso N. Marquis
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Marra
Ms. Jennifer R. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Mattei
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mattera
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Maxim
Mr. and Mrs. John J. McAuliffe, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth M. McBride
Mr. Richard B. McCall
Mr. Robert B. McCann
Reverend Msgr. John J. McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. McCollam
Mr. and Mrs. George J. McGauley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. McGee
Ms. Erin I. McGovern
Mrs. Sally Ann M. McGurkin
Mr. and Mrs. Gene McKenna
Ms. Wanda McKeon
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. James F. McNally
Mr. and Mrs. John McNulty
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Medeiros
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Meier
Ms. Patricia H. Meiser
Jeffrey S. Menkes, M.D.
Menlo Worldwide
Mrs. Margaret Merriman
Mr. Keith Merritt
Friends at Covidien
Mrs. Andrea Metler-Keller
Metro Printing, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Midura, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Miffitt
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Miklus
Mrs. Madeline Ann Milligan
Carolyn S. Miscia
Mr. Clyde F. Mitchell
Debra Mlinek
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Molloy
Ms. Ann Molod
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Moore
Eileen and Tom Moore
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Moran
Mr. David Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Morin
Mr. Albert R. Motta
Ms. Dorothy Mrowka
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mueller
Kathleen N. Mueller, M.D.
Ms. Patricia Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Mulpeter
Mr. James Murdock
Miss. Clare T. Murphy
Marlene Murphy-Setzko, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Murray
Ann and John Murray
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Muska
Naomi Jewelry
Dr. and Mrs. Chandra Narayanan
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Nassau
Dr. and Mrs. Edgar R. Naut
Ann O. Nelson
Mr. Richard A. Nelson
Mr. Winston A. Nelson
Dr. Mary E. Randall and
Dr. Lawrence J. Neureither
Mrs. Gail C. Nevins
New Country Mercedes Benz
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Newman
Ms. Alison Nicklas
Ms. Stephanie Nieratka
Mr. Suzanne Nolan
Mr. Wayne Nolan
The Norman Family
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. North
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Oblak
Clark E. O’Brien, M.D.
Gerald and Anne O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. William P. O’Brien
Sharon A. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. O’Connell
Ms. Irene O’Connor and Mr. Matt J. Fleury
Mr. John F. O’Connor
Mr. John E. Oden
Office of Radio & Television
Officers and Members of Carpenters Local
Union #43
Dr. and Mrs. John G. O’Hurley
Ms. Mary Ellen O’Hurley
Mr. Mark Ojakian
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. O’Keefe
Old Newgate Coon Club, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Oneto
Ms. Lucia A. Onofrio and Mr. Gary Lungarini
Mr. Joseph L. Pace
Mrs. Maria Pace
Warren and Florence Packard
Ms. Lacie Pagan
Ms. Patricia Pagano
Ms. R. Joan Page
Ms. Jodi Palerma
Kiranmayi Palla, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Hemant Panchal
Indira D. Panthagani, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Parent
Ann L. Parke, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Dominick N. Pasquale
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Pearce
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pelak
Mr. and Mrs. Bogumil R. Pelletier
Ms. Joan C. Penney
Mrs. Idalina C. Pereira
Drs. Edward and Mary Pergiovanni
Ms. Doreen Perillo
Mr. and Mrs. Raffaele V. Perna
Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Peterson
Ms. Shannon Peterson
Ms. Jane Strathman and Mr. William Petrarca
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Petricone
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Petzold
Monica Peyman
Ms. Mary Agnes Phelan
The Phillion Family
Phoenix Foundation
Mr. James Picone
Pine Grove School
Drs. Michael and Sheila Pinette
Plastic Surgery of Greater Hartford LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Poirier
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Post, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Powers
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Prange
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Preston, Jr.
Mrs. Mary M. Prindiville
Mr. Michael S. Ptaszynski
Drs. Arshad and Ishrat Quadri
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Quigley
Dr. Susan N. Rabinowe and Mr. Daniel Rapoport
Janet G. Ragno, LCSW
Zia Rahman, M.D.
William Ramos
Mr. Gerald J. Randall
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Randino
Ms. Rachel Raphael
Joerg Rathmann, M.D.
Dr. Carolyn M. Ray and Mr. Matthew V. Ray
Ms. Barbara Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Reilly
Resources Management Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rice
Ms. Deborah Rich
Mr. Daniel R. Ringuette and Mr. Joe Guttadauro
Christine and James Rivello
Riverview Gun Sales
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O. Rivet
Dr. and Mrs. John D. Rixon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Rizzo
Mr. Robert W. Robinson, Jr.
James E. Robson, D.D.S.
Mr. Raffaele Rocco
Ms. Susan F. Roesch
Roger's Fine Liquor Corp.
Mr. Theodore F. Rogers
Ms. Brenda H. Roggeveen
Nellie U. Romaine
Mrs. Carmen M. Roman
Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Roman
Ms. Joanne A. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Steven I. Rosen
Mr. Albert Rosenfield
Ann E. Rosetta
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Rotatori
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Rotatori
Mr. Edward A. Rothman
Bruce S. Rothschild, M.D.
Jeanne M. Roush
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Rowe
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Rowe
Ms. Cathy A. Roy
Priya P. Roy, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Roy, Jr.
Mrs. Clarence R. Rubb
Barbara Rubbo
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence P. Rubinow
Mrs. Lois Ruby
Mr. and Mrs. Chauncy N. Rucker
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ruggiero
Michelle C. Russi
Ms. Jennifer Sabo
Drs. Chandra and Vandana Sacheti
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Sadowsky
Mrs. Ruth G. Salomon
Kathy Sandelli
Dr. Marilyn Sanders and Attorney Peter Adomeit
Paul E. Santanella
Mr. Keith M. Santos
Laurinda L. Santos, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Savage
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schaechter
Dr. and Mrs. Neil L. Schechter
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Schroder
Rebecca Schulman
Attorney and Mrs. Sydney T. Schulman
Mr. Kurt Schultz
Marilyn and Alan Schwedel
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence R. Schweitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard C. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. Scranton
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Scully
Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Sellberg
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Sergi
Mr. Albert P. Serruto
Ms. Theresa S. Sesko
Dr. and Mrs. Suresh M. Shah
Mrs. Margaret C. Shanks
The Shea Family
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Shepley
Mr. Shaun Sheridan
Ms. June F. Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Shirley
Lisabeth C. Shlansky, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Shores
Sikorsky Aircraft
Dr. and Mrs. Adam R. Silverman
Drs. Karianne and Adam Silverman
Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Simchock
Gagandeep Singh, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Sinkewicz, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Sinsigalli, Jr.
Sisters of Mercy of CT, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Earle J. Sittambalam
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Siuta
Skins and Pins Golf Tour
Skungamaug Fish & Game Club, Inc.
Ms. Patricia Slocum
Mr. James A. Smeallie
Ms. Brigitte L. Smith
Ms. Candace Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Smith
Mrs. Roxanna W. Smith
Reverend and Mrs. Henry Smolinski
Mr. Teddy S. Sobol
Susan and Alan Solinsky
Mrs. Merwyn L. Spaulding
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Spera
Mrs. Rita M. Spring
Mr. and Mrs. Justin H. Srb
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stafford
Ms. Pamela Stagis
Ms. Theresa A. Standish
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Stanek Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Niles S. Stebbins
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stebbins
Drs. Joshua and Tamara Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. Steiner
Mrs. Linda Stent
Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Stevens
Richard A. Stoddard
Joan and Leon Stoltze
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Storrs
Mr. William A. Storz
Ms. Betty Stroh
Sullivan & LeShane, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Sullivan
Dr. Dori T. Sullivan and Mr. Neil Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Sullivan
Maria A. Summa
Ms. Cynthia R. Sweezy
Mr. Richard J. Sweezy
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Swilling
Mrs. Robin Swope
Systems Integration, Inc.
Ms. Grazyna M. Szpakiewicz
Ms. Catherine E. Talarski
Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Tanzer
The Adonai Group
Jeanine Thibault
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Thomas
Anita and Colby Thresher
Sudeep K. Thumma, M.D.
Ms. Lauren Tiberio and Mr. Stephen Puglisi
Mr. and Mrs. George Toby
TOPS CT84 Westbrook
Mr. and Mrs. Alessandro F. Torromeo
Mary Burns Tracy
Trantolo & Trantolo
Ms. Michelle Triompo
Thomas W. Turbiak, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Randy S. Ulloa
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Unwin
UPSEU Unit 33
Uptown Consignment
Valenti Cadillac
Ms. Pauline H. Vehslage
When Giving Starts.…
Occassionally the Hospital receives a call from a very
unlikely source, a child, with a very special request. They call
to say that they would like to drop off some hand-made
bandanas for cancer patients because their sister had cancer
and survived. They call to say they won a really big, stuffed
monkey at Six Flags and would like to donate it to an area in
the Hospital that helps children. They call to say they had a
movie night in their backyard and want to donate the
proceeds to the Hospital for caring for their relative.
Most recently, Kathryn called to say that she and her
brothers and friends got together and organized a lemonade
stand. They raised $300 and decided the money should go to
the Saint Francis/Mount Sinai Regional Cancer Center
because Kathryn’s grandmother (a.k.a. Mimi) is receiving
treatment there. The whole family came to the Hospital and
presented Greg Breslin, Cancer Center Administrative
Director, with a bag of money.
We would like to thank these
children, their parents, the schools, the
friends and everyone else who is teaching
them to give back to their community.
The whole family came to
the Hospital and presented
Greg Breslin, Cancer Center
Administrative Director,
with a bag of money.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Veits
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Vendetti
Mr. Robert J. Venditti
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Viola
Mr. and Mrs. Keith R. Volkert
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Volz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Vrooman
James R. Wagner and Lynn England
Mrs. Madeline F. Wagner
Mr. Thomas S. Ward and
Ms. Donna M. Fiorentino
Mr. Kerry C. Warren
Margaret and Fred Warzyski
Sharene and Tom Wassell
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Waterman
Weatherall Company, Inc.
Richard and Lauren Wehren
Harry Weinerman and Hillary Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Weinstein
Ms. Linda Weintraub
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Welch
Mrs. Judith B. Welcome
Mr. James F. Wellman
Ms. Elaine C. Werner
West Farms Mall, L.L.C.
Bob and Betty Westgate
Ms. Mary K. White
Mr. Steve Whitman
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wichowski
Barbara and Leonard Wielock
Dr. and Mrs. Lalith S. Wijayasuriya
Bernard and Ruth Wilbur
Ellen E. Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Wilke
Bill Williams
Holly A. Wills
Roberta and Bruce Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Wilson
Ms. Mary E. Wilson
Mrs. Denise A. Wintrode
Ms. Donna L. Wirthman
Mr. Anthony Wiseman
Mr. Thomas R. Wojtusik
Mr. Jeffrey D. Wolcott
Ms. Mary B. Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner T. Wood
Mr. William E. Woodburn, Jr.
Mrs. Linda P. Woodrow
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Wrobel, Jr.
Mr. Joel B. Wulff
Ms. Susan Wurz
Ms. Nancy S. Wyman
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice E. Yandow, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore L. Zachs
Annie and Carol Zebzda
Ms. Michelle M. Zettergren
Mr. Robert Zile
Mr. Murray D. Zinman
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Zirn
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Zurowski
A Tribute Gift to Saint Francis honors the memory of family and friends, and offers a meaningful way to
show appreciation for special people and occasions in our lives. These contributions help us provide the
finest care and lifesaving resources for our patients. The following list represents donations of
$25 or more (due to space limitations) received from October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011.
In Memory of:
Amy Angelastro
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Rubbo
Caroline Claire Barry
Mr. John F. Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Howard
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kennedy
Barbara Lupien, R.N.
Dorothy Maheu, R.N.
Ms. Wanda McKeon
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Sorensen, Jr.
Beverly von Lossnitzer, R.N.
Claire S. and Maurice J. Barry
Mr. John F. Barry
Robert O. Boschen
Ms. Dolores C. Caruso
Anthony F. Basil
Carlise M. Farrah
Jamillie T. Farrah
Jacqueline Von Daacke Bourn
Mr. and Mrs. Russell F. Arpin
Francis Bassett
BACH Investments Plus, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Dowd
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Furst, Jr.
Mr. Edward L. Ginszanski
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Ginszauskas
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Rusin
Ms. Rosalind S. Terranova
John F. Beakey, M.D.
Mrs. John F. Beakey
John Arthur Beck, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex E. Capo
Mr. and Mrs. Marcel E. Goepfert and Family
H.W. Lochner, Inc.
Mansfield Middle School
MMS Sunshine Fund
Velta Benn
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Dadlez
Lily L. Boccasile
Lucile and Edward Loiseau
Leo J. Bond
Mr. James L. Bond
Joann Boothroyd
Advanced Performance Glass, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ahern
Joyce Boyle, R.N.
Mr. Mark Coe
Connor & Connor Associates, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Corey
Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Derusha, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic DiSario
Ms. Dorothy J. Downer
Mr. Richard F. Gretsch, Jr.
Eileen Hausmann, R.N.
Linda R. Healy, R.N.
Irene E. Bourret
Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Adams
Ms. Julie M. Benavides
Mr. and Mrs. George U. Bennett
Ms. Kathryn J. Bonyai
Ms. Louise M. Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. McGoldrick
Resources Management Corporation
Mr. Robert W. Robinson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sheehy
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Szymanski
Mr. Caulton Tudor
Claire K. Brennan
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Edward M. Brennan, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Lorraine M. Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Gene F. Bruyette
Dr. and Mrs. George R. Dalton
Ms. Pamela J. Dowling and
Mr. James T. Healey, Jr.
Mrs. Judith G. McDonough
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Newman
Roger's Fine Liquor Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. Todd H. Rosenthal
The Sicklick Family
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Thomsen
John A. Britting, M.D.
Adirondack Allergy and Asthma Associates
Mrs. Cynthia L. Bazzano
Miss R. Jeannine Belisle
The Carey Family
Mr. William H. Copeland and Family
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
Reverend Michael C. Devito
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic M. Eisenhauer
James R. Ford, M.D.
Miss Phyllis J. French
Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Gagnon
Dr. and Mrs. Alois Kallfelz
Mrs. Ellen H. Kallfelz
Mr. Wayne and Dr. Pamela Kowalczyk
Ms. Jennie P. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pennock
Dr. Mary E. Randall and
Dr. Lawrence J. Neureither
Saint Francis Hospital Medical Staff
Karen and Rodney Sprague
Ms. Annabelle J. Stanziale
Weatherby & Associates, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Wilton
Kevin F. Broderick
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Chrisoulis
Ms. Catherine A. Cosgrove
Mr. Alton Latney
Westfield State College
Barbara H. Bronsord
Mr. George Bronsord, Jr.
Diane L. Brooks
Mr. Arthur O. Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Blume
Boscarino, Grasso & Twachtman, LLP
Ms. Nicole T. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Burchfield
Mr. and Mrs. Attilio M. Cerreta
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Curry
Mr. John M. Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Emond
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fusselbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. John Gaida
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Joaquin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kapitan
The Kenney Family
Mrs. Judith P. King
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lipson
Mr. Mark E. Lombard
Mark Marinone Electric, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Martin
Ms. Francesca G. McIntyre
Mr. and Mrs. James Moore
Ms. Elizabeth A. Pratt
Ms. Nancy D. Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sciano
Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir J. Spacek
Systems Integration, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Eliot M. Weissberg
Mr. Anthony Wiseman
Marjorie Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Armour, Jr.
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of these lists. We sincerely apologize for any errors or omissions.
Martha A. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Marc C. Barry
Ms. Jane P. Bennett
Ms. Katherine A. Buckley
Ms. Audrey E. Dahlstrom
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. David Gustafson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Logsdon
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Palten
Mrs. Lisa M. Quinlivan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Sapia
Henry A. Bujda
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Banulski
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Czerwinski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Fogie, Jr.
Ms. Virginia M. Halbrock
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Halvorsen
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Kusznir
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Ramirez
Mr. Harry Weller
Mary F. Buren
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Wennerberg
Richard and Mary Burke
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Burke
Frank W. Bycenski
Mrs. Wanda Bycenski
Jose L. Castro, Sr.
Mr. Jose L. Castro, Jr.
Bahij J. Chaho, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Francisco J. Figueroa
Mariana T. Chappell
Mrs. Caroline Battaglia
Ms. Margaret C. Chappell
Marlene Murphy-Setzko, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Robbins
William R. Chute
Ms. Lorraine M. Thibodeau
Elvira M. Ciafone
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Hazard
Christine L. Clark
Ms. Frances J. Andre
Ms. Myra Berges
Mr. and Mrs. Owen J. Brandt
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Burns
Mr. Laurence R. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Duray
Enfield Democratic Committee
Mr. Irwin H. Grinsfelder
Ms. Betty J. Kircher
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Kita
Ms. Deanna Longley
Mrs. Meghan H. Lucker
Ms. Cecile E. Maharne
Ms. Ann H. Mickelson
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pepin
Mr. and Mrs. Alan P. Rosenberg
Agnes R. Condron
Mrs. Clarence R. Rubb
Maureen H. Connors
Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Ethier
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hayes
J. Christopher Conrad
Woodland Anesthesiology Associates, P.C.
Agnes Corcoran
Ms. Theresa S. Sesko
Mary K. Corsi
Mrs. Joanne M. Kaplita
Gregory R. Couture
Mr. Roberto Leone and
Ms. Rachelle A. Couture
Philip R. Crispo
BRD Builders, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore L. Bryson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Cronin
Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Crowe
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Dinowitz
Mr. Robert Eremian
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Griffin
Ms. Arlene M. Ingraham
Mr. and Mrs. James King
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Leshem
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Maher
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Martin
Ms. Lynda C. Palladino
Ms. Ann Marie Phillion
The Phillion Family
Mr. John A. Pica
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. James Sanger
Dr. and Mrs. John S. Schwarz
Mr. and Mrs. Allen H. Strang
Ms. Rosemary Szepanski
Wakefield Lodge No. 1276
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew I. Williams
Mrs. Denise A. Wintrode
John J. Cronin
Mrs. Elizabeth Cronin
William M. Cullina
Mrs. William M. Cullina
Jessie Cummings
Ms. Bridget D. Rich
Timothy L. Curran, M.D.
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Godar
Mr. Donald L. Malen
Dr. and Mrs. Manny Myerson
Saint Francis Hospital Medical Staff
Mary E. Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Dadlez
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Drs. Chitraleka and Sundaram Ramanan
Rose M. Daly
Lynn England and James R. Wagner
Vincenzo DeFazio
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. E. Merritt McDonough, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sabato N. Sellitto
Raymond E. Demers
Mrs. Barbara S. Demers
Debra Ann DeNardis
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Albini
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Andrew
Ms. Vanita D. Bhalla
Ms. Evelyn L. Bogdanovich
Ms. Susan E. Brayton
Ms. Peggy Busse
Ms. Ann Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Criscuolo
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Criscuolo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. D'Amato
Ms. Gilda DeNardis
Mr. Jay Eisenstock
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Fetterman
Ms. Kristine A. Floryan
Mr. and Mrs. Armindo L. Jorge
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Karas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Korwek
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. LaMonaca
Ms. Deborah E. Lynch
Ms. Bridget Meuse
Ms. Joanne Mustaro
Ms. Ann M. Nesdale
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Peccia
Mr. and Mrs. Santo Ragno
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O. Rivet
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Shumbo
Sikorsky Aircraft
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Taylor
Mr. Louis E. Ursini, Jr.
Laura A. DiDomenico
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Andrews
Mr. Sebastian DiDomenico
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Mandy
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Mooney
National Association of Letter Carriers,
Branch 86
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Panella
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Prange
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rondinone, Jr.
South Elementary School Staff
Ms. Frances B. Tebecio
Walsh, Merrill & Brousseau, P.C.
Windsor Locks Park and Recreation
Edward W. Dombrowski
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. DiCicco, Jr.
Lucyan Dombrowski
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Kulas
Victor J. Dowling, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Abell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bainbridge
Ms. Dorothy A. Binford
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Bouvier
Mr. Thomas L. Cassidy
Mr. and Mrs. Allen V. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Coyle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Delacruz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Finck
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Flaherty
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Ms. Sherry A. Giessen
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kalayjian
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Kelly
Ms. Marilyn Kinsella
The Young Professional Committee:
New Breadth and New Depth Comes
to Saint Francis
A recent study by Cygnus, a leading nonprofit research firm, found that
despite the current state of the economy, young professionals are far more
optimistic about the economic climate and have a higher propensity to
give in comparison to other age groups. With this promising information
in hand, Saint Francis has taken great steps in the last year toward further
securing our future, as the young professionals of today are well on their
way to becoming leaders of tomorrow.
Enter Saint Francis’ Young Professional Committee. Officially
L-R are Michelle Triompo, Tara Costanzo, and
incorporated as an initiative in January, 2011 by the Saint Francis
Gina Triompo Galuska at this year’s MIRACLES
Foundation Board, the Committee is charged with engaging young
professionals in the work of the Hospital. The purpose of this initiative is
threefold: a combination of advocacy for the Hospital, fundraising to advance our Mission, and service through
volunteering for various projects and initiatives.
In hopes of involving more supporters beyond just Board members, the Committee opened up to include
friends, colleagues, and associates. Women make up about half of the group, bringing talents from all walks of
life, from those just beginning their careers, to seasoned professionals, to those just starting their families, and
everything in between. Accountants, educators, lawyers, small business owners, and healthcare professionals
represent a sampling of the individuals that are ushering in this new era of philanthropy for Saint Francis.
On the surface, convincing a young professional that his or her interests lie in a hospital may seem like a
difficult undertaking. However, through a design of making philanthropy fun, social and relevant to their
healthcare needs, hundreds of young professionals have responded by participating in our initiatives. In the
short time since its founding, the Committee has accomplished a great deal.
While made up of a diverse group of individuals, all members of Saint Francis’ Young Professional
Committee share a desire to supplement their lives with something outside of careers, relationships, and
families. They look forward to the impact they can make on the Hospital in the years ahead, and are already
looking for ways to make their mark on the new Comprehensive Women’s Health Center. Through their belief
in our Mission, we know that Saint Francis will be in good hands for generations to come. Please visit our
revamped website, www.saintfrancisdonor.com, to learn more.
“When asked to join Saint Francis Foundation’s Young Professional Committee, I welcomed the opportunity to give back
and invest in an institution that has served me (directly, as a patient) and the community I love. Through its quality
care, compassion and community outreach, as well as its leadership in medical research and education, the Hospital is an
unquestionable asset to the region. Dedicating time and support to the Foundation, which helps to increase visibility and
funding for this remarkable asset and improve the lives of so many people, also helps me grow as a person of values and
compassion.” — JENNIFER DIBELLA (Committee Member, Attorney at Cranmore, FitzGerald & Meaney, Hartford resident)
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Lee
Ms. Mary N. McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. William J. O’Connor
Ms. Emily W. Rankin
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Sappington
Mrs. Elaine C. Stull
Mrs. Madeline F. Wagner
West Farms Mall, LLC
John J. Downey
Mrs. John J. Downey
Allene L. Dressler
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Bargelski
Mr. and Mrs. Solon C. Cohn
Collaborative Laboratory Services
Friends at Covidien
Mr. and Mrs. James Daigle
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dressler
Dr. Virginia S. Ferlan and
Dr. Timothy J. Machon
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Goodstine
Mrs. Tiny W. Koss
Ms. Eleanor Lipton
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Menaker
Mr. Jason Menaker
Ms. Katelynn Menaker
Geoff, Steve and Rick Neigher
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Niedermeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Palomba
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip S. Perlmutter
Physicians for Women’s Health
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Rossman
Ms. Helene P. Saulten
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Schweiger
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Viola
Rose F. Dumas
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Humphrey
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Sanders
Ms. Leah L. Stroman
George Barnes Dyer
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Chalmers
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Dodd
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Eichner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Euvrard
Farmington Valley Equipment, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Hogan
Ms. Anne R. Moses
National Iron Bank
Mr. Russell M. Russ
Thomas E. Egan, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Sullivan
Michael E. Einsiedel, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Preston, Jr.
Francesca Elligers
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Gwendolyn H. Moraski, M.D.
Pauline N. Olsen, M.D.
Woodland Anesthesiology Associates, P.C.
Patricia A. Ellis
Mrs. Judith G. McDonough
Barbara Jane Emery
Doris Erickson
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
Patricia Fedorko
Mr. William E. Woodburn, Jr.
Paula Fernandez
Saint Francis Dept. of Pediatrics
Faith Fichman
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. David V. Bartolucci
Mr. Kevin R. Bauer
Dr. and Mrs. Michael W. Border
Buckley Broadcasting of CT, LLC
Fichman Eye Center
Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacAllister
Manchester Memorial Hospital
Andrew J. Sokolik, OD
Woodland Anesthesiology Associates, P.C.
Jacklyn Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Ballard, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Leeds M. Carluccio
Ms. Salome B. Critton
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Dodge
The Goldstein Family
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Hollister
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Rizzo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scanlon
Ms. Agnes M. Schaschl
Ms. Carol A. Scott
Wethersfield Board of Education
Benedict D. Flynn, Jr.
Hillary Meyers and Harry Weinerman
Charlotte Foley
Ms. Marina Haksteen
Mr. Laurence S. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Mather
Ms. Barbara A. Russo
Ms. Karen S. Schauster
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Smith, Jr.
R. Michael Francoeur
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Roger J. Fredericks
Driftwood Communities Association, Inc.
Mary Gabrielle
Dr. and Mrs. Fred M. Gabrielle, Jr.
Robert A. Gannon
Mrs. Janice N. Gannon
Marianne Garvey
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Carr, Jr.
Leon Gaudreau
Officers and Members of Carpenters Local
Union #43
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tardy
Theodore F. Gawlicki
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Gawlicki
Dorothy Roycroft Gettier
John A. Gettier, Ph.D.
Karen Giannamore
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Giannamore
John M. Gibbons, Jr., M.D.
IBM Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lenihan
Dr. Mark G. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gilbeau and Family
Ms. Maureen E. Dillon
Irwin Goldenberg
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Goldenberg
Philip T. Goldenberg, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Goldenberg
Vera Grosso
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Grosso
Helen Grzybala
Ms. Donna L. Maxwell
JoAnne P. Guerrera
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
Julie K. Halligan
Mr. Do Hee Ohpark
R. Stanley Harrison
Mrs. Marjorie R. Harrison
William E. Hart, M.D.
Herbert W. Felsenfeld, M.D.
Ali I. Hashmi, M.D.
Helene H. Anthony
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Brunell
Dr. and Mrs. Surendra K. Chawla
Mrs. Sheila G. Cheverier
CV Surgical Unit Toledo Ohio
Ms. Jennifer Dantchev
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
Mr. and Mrs. John Doyle
Founders Capital Management, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilmore
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Godar
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Harper
Mr. Gregory Hood
Dr. and Mrs. Bimalin Lahiri
Lavine, Lofgren, Morris & Engelberg, LLP
Mrs. Susan G. Lessoff
Ms. Natalie Lui
Ms. Cathryn F. Oles
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Perkins
Drs. Chitraleka and Sundaram Ramanan
Greta L. Rich
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Robbins
Bruce S. Rothschild, M.D.
Saint Francis Hospital Medical Staff
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Sappington
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Seegobin
Dr. and Mrs. Suresh M. Shah
Ms. Elizabeth Sheroian
John Francis Patrick Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Barbieri
Colchester Elementary School Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Fanelli
Mr. James D. Fish
Ms. Stephanie R. Hayes
Mr. Stephen J. Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hilliard
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lyons
Ms. Domenica Michela
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. North
Ms. Maureen Schlosser
Ms. Mary J. Shay
The Shea Family
Mr. and Mrs. George D. van Wormer
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Veits
Janet Evelyn Haynes
Mrs. Cynthia E. Augustine
John Patrick Healy
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bottaro
Mr. Charles Deleo
Lorraine M. Grodovich, D.M.D.
Mr. Thomas F. Lang
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Oblak
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Oblak
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Peckham
Ms. Margaret A. Romaniello
Mr. and Mrs. George Toby
Mr. and Mrs. Carmine M. Zitani
William F. “Bill” Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney D. Cyr
Kennebunk Veterinary Hospital
Menlo Worldwide
Paul M. Herbst, Jr.
Pauline N. Olsen, M.D.
John J. Hilliard
Marie T. Hilliard, Ph.D.
Carol A. Hinkel
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Barnes
Ms. Donna M. Chaisson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Chase
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Dunphy
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce P. DuPont
Mrs. Rita M. Fredette
Mr. Charles R. Fritz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gondola
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Howarth
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Kelleher
Ms. Shirley King
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Lee
The Lunch Bunch
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Morin
Ms. Andrea Napert
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Napert
Old Newgate Coon Club, Inc.
Mr. John C. Pajeski
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Press
Mr. William J. Strand
Ms. Jeanne Venturo
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wallace
Mrs. Marion Whitten
Richard L. Whitten
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Witkoski
Robert A. Hollander
Mrs. Marcy A. Hollander
Lynn Honan
Mrs. Marianna Aloia-Ramirez
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Carew
Mr. and Mrs. Martin M. Honan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hyland
Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. King
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Lonergan
Gene Patten, Cathy Patrie and Linda Pilch
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Rowe
Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus J. Sikora
Mr. Kevin Sweeney and
Ms. Jeanine M. Rivard
John F. Keane
Elizabeth and George Reichardt
Beth Kenny
Kathleen G. Barry, R.N.
Daniel R. Kilty, Ph.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Sadie S. Klish
Dr. and Mrs. Surendra K. Chawla
Ms. Mary Ellen O’Hurley
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Sappington
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Scherer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Sellberg
William M. Knight
Alert Hose Co.
East Farms Volunteer Fire Department
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Engelberg
The Frank A. Cadwell Corp.
Gervais Brothers Inc.
The Muszynski Family
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe C. Strong
Tunxis Hose Company No.1, Inc.
Violette Enterprises, LLC
David Hubbs
Mrs. Janet B. Hubbs
Luke Komitov-Ku
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
Mr. and Mrs. William Hunciker
Jeanne M. Hunciker
Stefane and John Kritzman
B. M. Kritzman
Beverly Lynn Hyman
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
Harold and Hannah Laing
Margaret Jalbert
Mr. and Mrs. G. Joseph Finn, Jr.
Helene T. Laliberte
Loureiro Contractors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Preston
Mr. and Mrs. George Ziemba
James E. Jarvis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Dadlez
Pauline N. Olsen, M.D.
Nicholas M. Johnson
Marjorie and Patrick Johnson
Diane E. Jones
Mrs. Pauline T. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Gough
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril F. Howe, Jr.
Mr. Stanley Konieczny
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Rabbett
Mr. Armand J. Regalbuti
Ms. Joan M. Targonski
Ms. Lydia M. Urbon
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Waleryszak
Mr. Bennie J. White
Franciszek “Frank” K. Juszczynski
Windsor Locks Republican Town Committee
Kathleen M. Karas
Mr. and Mrs. Leo H. Bujold
Mr. and Mrs. William Eggleston
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Goff, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Phair
Alan M. Katten
Woodland Anesthesiology Associates, P.C.
Jeannel “Gene” Landry
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Cullina
John B. Landry
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Jaci Larabee
Manchester Sports Center, Inc.
Ronald G. Leary, Sr.
Channing Bete Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Devlin
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Higgins
Imperial Nurseries Corporate
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Pellegrini
Ms. Tracy M. Phaneuf
Herve Joseph LeBlanc
Ms. Gwendoylyn E. Batura
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Beckius
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Benson
Ms. Carmel Jurewich
Ms. Irene Mach
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Reiss
Ms. Pamela Stagis
Mr. R. Scott Werkheiser
Ms. Mary K. White
Ms. Melodie Young
Rachel and Raymond Lemrise
Mrs. Marie I. Lemrise
John C. Lennhoff
Mrs. Jeanne D. Lennhoff
Physical Sciences Inc.
Marie D. Levesque
Ms. Ann Collette
Sandra Jarvis Lilly
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Dadlez
Pauline N. Olsen, M.D.
Joseph W. Longo
Mr. and Mrs. E. Merritt McDonough, Jr.
Nicholas P. Lorenzo
Mrs. Marianne Z. Lorenzo
Tina L. Lorenzo
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Schepker
Brenda Murdock Luther
Mr. James Murdock
Conceicao Machado
Elizabeth and Julie Barnett
Jackson Timothy Marek
Ms. Barbara M. Calcasola
Ms. Rita Cecarelli
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Church
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence E. Donnelly
Ms. Robin C. Hanjack
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klesczewski
Mr. and Mrs. Myron J. Marek
Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. O’Connell
Linda Pilch
Cathy Patrie
Gene Patten
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Sas
Trantolo & Trantolo
Mr. and Mrs. Hart C. Webber
Herbert Margolis
Ms. Helen L. Klitsch
Sister Francis Marie
Dr. and Mrs. Victor L. Fortin, Jr.
Eunice Marshall
Mr. Alexander Plummer
John J. Martin
Mrs. Carol B. Martin
David Martinez
Dr. Virginia S. Ferlan and
Dr. Timothy J. Machon
Kathleen Mazuraitis
RODCO Machine Co.
Norma Mazzucchi
Ms. Sylvia A. DiPietro
Ms. Lillian Hayden
Ms. Sandra Kratzer
Luna Social Club, Inc.
Ms. Paula G. McDonnell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Pinckney
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Reid
Mary J. McClintock
Woodland Anesthesiology Associates, P.C.
Frederick “Fred” M. Hollfelder
Saint Francis lost a dear friend in Fred Hollfelder this past
November. He was an avid supporter of women’s health and
his passion for providing assistance to women in need was
unparalleled and was accelerated when his late wife Charlotte
passed away in 1995.
Charlotte was a breast cancer survivor who died of an
unrelated illness. Throughout her life she was committed to
helping others who were not as fortunate
Donna Wirthman, Mammography Supervisor,
as she. Fred vowed that he would honor
Fred Hollfelder and Mary Ann Albano, Operations
Charlotte by establishing the Charlotte
Director, Comprehensive Breast Health Center
Johnson Hollfelder Foundation, whose sole
purpose is to provide life-saving programs and support to women in need.
Through the Foundation, the Comprehensive Breast Health Center at Saint Francis
is able to provide the following vital services: a free mammogram program, a patient
assistance fund, a social worker, a nurse navigator and funding to renovate The Center.
Fred was a very humble and generous man, and his life’s mission was to honor
Charlotte by continuing the good work she began. We will be forever grateful to
Charlotte and Fred for making these programs possible for our patients.
Charlotte Johnson Hollfelder
Carol K. McGarry
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Anacone
Francis J. McGurkin
Mrs. Sally Ann M. McGurkin
Ralph F. McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Brisson
The Dobrowolski Family
Ms. Kathleen M. Lescoe
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. McLaughlin
Friends and Co-Workers of Lauren
Thompson, RN
Vivian Y. McWatt
Connecticut Light & Power Co.
Mr. Seth Hollander
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. McCaffrey
Rose Mercadante
Ms. Phyllis R. Mercadante
Ronald R. Merriman
Mrs. Margaret Merriman
Leona Montinieri
Ms. Amelia Battalino
Mr. Vincenza Delucco
Ms. Ellen M. Grimaldi
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Montinieri
Ms. Gloria A. Roy
Walter Robert Moore, Sr.
Mrs. Dolores A. Lawler
Carol E. Mount
Mr. George H. LeBlanc
UPSEU Unit 33
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Vullo
James D. Mullen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Flood, Jr.
Ms. Mary E. Melican
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Richards, Jr.
Ms. Anna Routhier and Mr. Donald Barry
Bette Jane M. Murphy, R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bengraff
Ms. Suzanne K. Carroll
Central Connecticut State University - AAUP
Connecticut State University
Ms. Nora R. Dedominicis
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Groppo
Mr. Joe Guttadauro
Mrs. Brianna Rose Hartery and Family
Marie T. Hilliard, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. James Provenzano and Family
Mr. Daniel R. Ringuette
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ringuette
The Saint Francis Hospital School of
Nursing Alumni Association.
Michael G. Nargi
Ms. Carmel A. Battaglio
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Casey
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick DiBattista
Ms. Mary D. Dowd
Ms. Anne Evonsion
Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Evonsion
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gloekler
Attorney Karen R. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lynch
The Petrella Family
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Santini
Abdun Nayeem
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Leavitt
Muriel Nelson
Mr. Winston A. Nelson
Richard W. Nichols
Mrs. Karen M. Nichols and Family
Travelers Foundation Community Action
Dolores Nitsch
Ms. Bridget D. Rich
Frances T. Nolan
Mr. Wayne Nolan
Frederick J. O’Brien, M.D.
The Family of Dr. Frederick J. O’Brien
Helene M. O’Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Dadlez
Pauline N. Olsen, M.D.
Joseph H. O’Donnell
Mark D. O’Donnell, Ph.D.
Lena P. Oliva
Ms. Elizabeth M. McBride
Morton Opinsky, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael I. Bowater
The Rhoda and David Chase Family
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dolinsky
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Horanieh General Surgery, LLC
Ms. Randi Krapf
Saint Francis Hospital Medical Staff
Rosanna D. Orsini
Mr. and Mrs. John Doyle
Saint Francis Endo Gang
Doris J. Ouellette
Ms. Elizabeth Dobbins
Ms. Susan Lyman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Scholnick
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Suravich
Mr. James Zanardi
Marzolino M. Pace
Mrs. Maria Pace
Christine M. Pappalardo
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Unwin
Anne Parmele
Mr. Gilbert Parmele
Gentila A. Pawloski
Ms. Jane LaPoll
Fidel Pena
Mr. Jose L. Castro, Jr.
Mrs. David Persky
The Barents Family
Margaret Plikunas
Mrs. Mary Plikunas
Isabelle Pluta
Ms. Diane MacDonald
Reilly Francis Provost-Maxim
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Disco
The Fini Family
Mr. and Mrs. Nimet I. Kulla
Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. LaFrance
Ms. Mary T. Lattanzio
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Maxim
Ms. Sandra L. Slavin
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Zurowski
Dorothy M. Quinlavin
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Brunell
Thomas Michael Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Quinn, Sr.
Mary Patricia Quish
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Dadlez
Marjorie L. Rafal
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Rafal
Helene Ranard
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Ranard
Joanne Reddick
Mr. John G. Reddick, Jr.
Kate Anne Reilly
Mr. Sujan Akella
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bassett
Belapemo, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Belbusti
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bellmore, Jr.
Ms. Nancy M. Bellmore
Ms. Patricia J. Bellmore
Mr. Thomas Bellmore
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Berwick
Ms. Charity Brower
Ms. Alexandra Burke
Mr. Robert P. Burns
Mr. Anthony Carpenito
The Casey Family
Ms. Lucy E. Cookson
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Cronin
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Depaolo
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Dew
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Dew
Ms. Rachel DiFusco
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Ewald
Ms. Sandra Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Fuller
Mr. Christopher C. Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hale
Ms. Jennifer Hancock
Ms. Brenda Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Hoyland
Carolyn, Bernie and Marc Hoyland
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Jenkins, Jr.
Ms. Amanda Jones
Ms. Susan Jones
The Junco Family
Mr. Christopher Keenan
Ms. Jo-Ann Kenney
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Koman, Jr.
Mr. Henry Kravchenko
Mr. and Mrs. Dan LaBreck
Ms. Jane M. Leitch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Lerch
Ms. Jacqueline I. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lyon
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Lyon
Ms. Rita Mattia
Mr. Christopher Mavis
Mr. Matthew Mavis
Ms. Sally B. McClure
Mr. Joseph McGraw
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Moran
Ms. Stephanie Nieratka
Ms. Sarah Nix
Mr. John E. Oden
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Ostrowski
Ms. Lisa Pacheck
Ms. Lacie Pagan
Mr. Jeff Palmer
Ms. Joan C. Penney
Ms. Molly Peterson
Ms. Shannon Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Reilly
Mr. Raffaele Rocco
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Ruggiero
Ms. Danielle J. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. William I. Shipp
Mr. and Mrs. Denis Shtabel
Mr. Michael Staub
Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Stordy
Suffield Firemen's Association
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Chad E. Taylor
Ms. Barbara M. Tierney
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Tracey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Vrooman
Ms. Margot S. Weston
Edward C. Whitman and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Whitman
Mr. Steve Whitman
Ms. Mary B. Wolfe
Lawrence D. Reitman
Ms. Anna Ambrogio
Bank of America – Matching Gifts Program
Mr. Juan H. Buriel
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chute
Ms. Donna L. Frankenberg
The Norman Family
Ms. Deborah Rich
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Rizza
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Sipala
Ms. Candace Smith
Vickie J. Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rice
Lucy Rizza
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Rizza
John H. Roberts
Dr. and Mrs. Surendra K. Chawla
Mr. and Mrs. John Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick I. Fountain, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Fowler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Hastings
Ms. Joan R. Hopper
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert P. Klas
Mr. and Mrs. William Leahy
Mr. Steven L. Rickenbacher and Family
Deborah J. Winter
John M. “Jack” Roddy, Sr.
Mrs. Eleanor Roddy
Marie Ronan
Mr. Robert Heckler
Doris Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coleman
Connecticut Valley Vizsla Club, Inc.
Ms. Patricia Di Renzo
Ms. Kim Himmelfarb
Ms. Edith L. Klein
Ms. Andrea Kurtz
Ms. Jodi Kurtz
Ms. Miriam M. Levin
Ms. Susan R. Lieb
Ms. Ellen L. Yazmer
George Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Agnew
Ms. Carol C. Belau
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bombard
Ms. Gilda Bongiovanni
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Diulio
Mrs. Carol Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Sinkewicz, Jr.
Social Security Sunshine Club
Mr. and Mrs. Hector E. Turgeon
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent N. Vogellus
Charles Rosen
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
Betty Rosenberg
Gwendolyn H. Moraski, M.D.
Woodland Anesthesiology Associates, P.C.
George J. Ross
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Melanie A. Rossini
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Dadlez
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Mr. Frederick M. Hollfelder *
Mark D. O’Donnell, Ph.D.
Robert M. Roth
Mrs. Helen Roth
Nancy T. Rothman
Mr. Edward A. Rothman
Happy Birthday Hoffman Heart…
In 1991, with a grant from the Maximilian E. and Marion
O. Hoffman Foundation, The Hoffman Heart and
Vascular Institute of Connecticut was established. In
20 years it has become the state’s largest and most
experienced heart center. The multi-disciplinary team
includes experts from open-heart surgery to cardiac
catheterization, interventional cardiology and
electrophysiology, vascular care and heart failure
Every day, our integrated team of cardiologists,
surgeons and clinical staff delivers life-saving care with
amazing results, including:
• The most open heart surgeries in Connecticut
• The fastest door-to-balloon time for urgent heart
attack care in Connecticut and among the best in
the nation
• Among the highest-volume cardiac catheterization
programs in the region
• The largest electrophysiology volume in Connecticut
• The largest women’s heart program in the region, with more than 7,000 members
• The only dedicated inpatient heart failure program in Connecticut
• American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology achievement awards for excellence in
heart attack and heart failure care
In addition to these accomplishments, the Institute offers Cardiac Rehabilitation and Wellness
Programs. They have education and support programs for the caregiver of a cardiac patient. They also have a
School of Cardiac Ultrasound which boasts a 100% passing rate on the national exam.
The Institute has accomplished a great deal in just 20 years and continues to do all that it can to reduce the
number of people who die from heart disease.
Gerard “Jerry” Rouleau
Ms. Bette L. Arey
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Baker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fernand J. Brochu
Ms. Elizabeth Calder
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Cross
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Czerwinski
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Fitzgerald
Ms. Marianne Grisez
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haburay
Mr. and Mrs. Kristian R. Jensen, III
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Kerr
Kuhns Bros. Log Homes, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Lazaroski, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland L. LeClerc
Log Homes of America, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Mino, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Murphy
Marlene Murphy-Setzko, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Pickett
Mr. Michael S. Ptaszynski
Ms. Elizabeth A. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Sergi
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Sirois
Mr. and Mrs. Algerd T. Ulinskas
Weatherall Company, Inc.
Anita M. Rourke
Ms. Sharon J. Marosek
John J. Ruggiero
Mrs. Cynthia L. Bazzano
Mr. Michael J. Buttaro
Ms. Angela C. Carchia
Ms. Kathryn Collins
Mr. Richard P. Goulet
Ms. Stephanie B. Kwasnicki and
Mr. Michael Madrak
Ms. Anne Llewellyn
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Lowe, Jr.
Michelle and Michael Nutting
Ms. Maria E. Rotondo
Mr. and Mrs. Mario P. Rotondo
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ruggiero
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Simon
Mr. Henry E. Sobol
Mr. Teddy S. Sobol
Ms. Susan M. Whitney
Antoinette S. Russo
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Schepker
Louise K. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Arcarese
Corpus Christi Church Women's Club
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
Shirley A. Fisher
Mr. David Fox and Ms. Julie Downs
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Horvath
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Molloy
Office of Radio & Television
Mrs. Lynn A. O’Heron
Drs. Edward and Mary Pergiovanni
Saint Francis Emergency Dept. Staff
Saint Francis Hospital Medical Staff
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sanders, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Spera
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Susi
Theodore E. Sarnecki
Ms. Amelia P. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Goddard
Catherine M. Grimes
Jacob J. Schepker
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Dadlez
Sophie Schepker
Mr. Frank J. Bonelli
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Dadlez
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Jeanne F. Schoen
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Dadlez
Michael R. Schroll
Pat and Frank Schroll
Richard Sears
Mr. Lee Allan Tryon
Victor I. Senger, Jr.
Mrs. Marilyn M. Senger
Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Sennett
Mr. Gregg W. Loveland
Lucille L. Serruto
Mr. Albert P. Serruto
Melanie E. Shaffer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Hobday
Marguerite Shea
Mrs. Helmi R. Pucino
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Shea
Michelle “Mickey” Sheehan
Mr. Matthew F. Sheehan
James L. Sheridan
Mr. James M. Sheridan
Thomas P. Sheridan, Esq.
American Society of Legislative Clerks &
Arizona Adult Probation Department
Ms. Jennifer S. Andrews
AZ Probation Officer's Association
Bank of America Matching Gifts Program
Boscarino, Grasso & Twachtman, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. David Brown
Mr. Nelson Brown
Mr. Timothy J. Casey, Sr.
Ms. Jane A. Ciarleglio
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Cleary
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Colgan, Jr.
Connecticut Gastroenterology Associates, P.C.
Connecticut House of Representatives
Ms. Tanya Evans, Lori and Sarah Howard,
Ms. Gina Lyo
The Hon. Robert Farr and
Ms. Diana MacPherson
G L Popik Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gates
Glastonbury High School Football
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hanley
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Herreria
Ms. Carol K. Higgins and Mr. Ben Krynick
Ms. Sally M. Judd
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Keating
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Kehoe
Kenneth L. Przybysz, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Kenyon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas King
Mr. Conrad J. Kronholm, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Kubica
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kummer
Law Office of Keith S. Shaw, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Marcus
Ms. Jennifer R. Marshall
Ms. Barbara A. McKelvey
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel G. Merisotis
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Moore
Gwendolyn H. Moraski, M.D.
Motor Transport Association of
Connecticut, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Moynihan
The Hon. and Mrs. John F. Mulcahy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Radocchia
The Honorable Richard M. Rittenband
Saint Francis Endoscopy Medical and
Nursing Staff
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sanders, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. Scranton
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Sheridan
Ms. Margaret W. Sizemore
Ms. Barbara Stiles
Ms. Maurita D. Strong
Ms. Sharon C. Strong
Sullivan & LeShane, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Swoyer
Mr. and Mrs. Roman Sywak
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Towers
Mr. and Mrs. Karl J. Traska
The Urso Family
James R. Wagner and Lynn England
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Wall
Woodland Anesthesiology Associates, P.C.
Thomas A. Shettle, Jr.
Kirtland Capital Corporation
Judith Harris Sinai
Dr. Gayle B. Harris and Mr. Moshe
Joseph A. Slanina
Ms. Donna L. Slanina
Ronald F. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Sylvia I. Smith
Mrs. Patricia U. Holtz
Mary “Suzy” Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Breitbart
Deacon Board of New Bridge Baptist Church
Dr. and Mrs. Francisco J. Figueroa
Susan and Michael Furey
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Giangrasso
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Kennedy
Ms. Teresa A. Marek
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Petty, III
Ms. Anne H. Shepard
Kathryn Sullivan
Dr. Dori T. Sullivan and Mr. Neil Sullivan
Pamela K. Sweeny
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Amanti
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Bagshaw
Ms. Eleanor Bourdon
Mr. and Mrs. Dana S. Campbell
Ms. Colleen M. Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Earel, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Hudson
James O. Perlick Construction
Mr. and Mrs. J. David Keaney
Ms. Elayne T. Lebeau
Mr. and Mrs. Roland U. Lebeau
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Lemere
Reverend Edith P. O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Pouliot
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Ransom
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Rossing
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph E. Shoenewolff
Springfield Country Club
Mrs. Robin Swope
Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Swope
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Volz
Elisabeth G. Talbot
Naomi Jewelry
Stephanie Timolat
Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Timolat
Patricia A. Trombley
Mr. Donald P. Hoffman
Larry Tucker
MassMutual Financial Group
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McSherry
Edwin Joseph Vetog
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Hazard
Deacon Maurice J. Walsh
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Edward D. Welcome
Mrs. Judith B. Welcome
Nancy K. Wellersdieck
Mr. Frank E. Wellersdieck, Jr.
John H. Wertsching
Woodland Anesthesiology Associates, P.C.
Philip Terry West
Tracy and Jeffrey Barlok
Shaun Peter Stebbins
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
Helen Whalen, R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. Marc D. Rick
Mary Beatrice Steeves
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Annamae W. Whitney
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Coffin
Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Greenfield, Jr.
Ms. Lois W. Kittredge
Samantha M. Stohr
Ms. Stephanie M. Black
Leah Curto
Hartford Urology Group, P.C.
Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center
Woodland Anesthesiology Associates, P.C.
Susan Straceski
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
Violette Wijiyasuriya
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
H. Paul Winalski, M.D.
Woodland Anesthesiology Associates, P.C.
Oleta J. Winzler
Dr. and Mrs. Gary P. Cohen
Frances Wonsewicz
Mr. Peter P. Wonsewicz
Paula M. Cinti, M.D.
Mark and Patricia Torelli
Joseph C. Woodford
Ms. Karen Gibb
Bernard A. Clark, III, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Gutmann
Miriam and Irving Rosenberg
Lester Worcester
Mrs. Della Worcester
Richard T. Wozniak
Mr. James C. Magno
Lorraine Wysocki
Ms. Lisa A. Potetz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Potetz
Raymond M. Wyzga
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Jenkins
Ms. Diana Leyden
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Musiak
Mr. Edward F. Pas
Mr. John F. Ptaszek, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Rempp, Jr.
Kathy Sandelli
Ms. Irene A. Stadnicki
Mr. Edward J. Waryasz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Waryasz
Rosalie M. “Cookie” Zein, R.N.
The Columbus Foundation
Ms. Jane Strathman and
Mr. William Petrarca
Michael P. Ziezulewicz
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
Elizabeth L. Zile
Mr. Robert Zile
In Honor of:
The Armata Family
Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Glassman
Shelly Aronson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Aronson
John I. Baron, M.D.
Ms. Patricia Pagano
Ellison Berns, M.D.
Ann E. Rosetta
April Boccasile’s Birthday
Lucile and Edward Loiseau
Mildred Courson’s Birthday
Catherine Washburn and Family
Susan Crawford
Ms. Rachel D. Lindenthal
Professor Anne Cross
Ms. Erica Cherry
Dr. and Mrs. George R. Dalton
Lynn Rossini and Dino Carbone
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Danek
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Danek, Jr.
Ibrahim M. Daoud, M.D.
Annie and Carol Zebzda
Lynn K. Davis, M.D.
Ms. E. Jane Contreas
Hema de Silva, M.D.
Mr. Edward J. Coonerty and
Ms. Sheila A. Driscoll
Barbara and Mark Gordon, Tracy Gordon Fox
and their Families
Lynn Rossini and Dino Carbone
Dr. and Mrs. Neil L. Schechter
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Scherer, Jr.
Susan and Richard Delhaie and Family
Ms. Lauren Falzarano
Marjorie H. DiGalbo, R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Sullivan
Daniel J. Diver, M.D.
Adrienne, Robert, Jill and Laura Levin
Flora Drapeau, APRN
Annie and Carol Zebzda
Mr. and Mrs. Parker English’s Marriage
Mr. Gilbert L. Gigliotti
Mary K. Finley
Catherine M. Grimes
Darlene Ann and Darryl Allen Gilbeau
Ms. Maureen E. Dillon
Thomas J. Godar, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Hardcastle
Susan Boccasile
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Boccasile
John C. Grady-Benson, M.D.
Reverend and Mrs. Howard C. Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gustafson
Mrs. Andrea Metler-Keller
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Rosenthal
Reverend Mark J. Bonsignore
Ms. Rachel D. Lindenthal
Beth Greig, R.N., MSN, MBA
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Sullivan
Michael R. Bourque, M.D.
Annie and Carol Zebzda
Joseph Hanna, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip L. Hence
Russell A. Ciafone, M.D.
The Family of Joan Guinan
Ann E. Rosetta
The Hannon and Morrison Family
Mrs. Marion M. Hannon
Isabella Boccasile
Lucile and Edward Loiseau
Frederick M. Hollfelder *
Dr. Kristen A. Zarfos and Mr. William
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Jarvis’
50th Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Batch
Ms. Carolyn H. Capell
John R. Jodoin
Mrs. Patricia A. Jodoin-Nelson
Grace Mulrooney Jones
Russ and Barb Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kampfman
Ms. Helen L. Klitsch
Bruce M. Kaplan, M.D. and staff
Ms. E. Jane Contreas
Debbie Konopka, R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Camilliere
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Kopcza
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Sherry
David G. Lauretti
Mr. Kenneth L. Hargreaves
Will Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Lawrence
Timothy J. Lehmann, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Aleia
Haley Leishman
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh E. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pelak
Robert Leone
Ms. Rachelle A. Couture and
Mr. Roberto Leone
Matt Littlefield and Melissa Spinks
Mr. Michael McKinney
Shelby and Chris Littlefield
Mr. Michael McKinney
Joyce and Andy Mandell
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Rosenthal
William V. Martinez, M.D.
Ms. Diane Harris
Dr. and Mrs. Firoz D. Mistry
Ms. Patricia Pagano
Allan R. Mayer, D.O.
Elida Witthoeft
Ruth Witthoeft
Carolyn S. Miscia, R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Sullivan
Joseph V. Montinieri’s 85th Birthday
Ms. Amelia Battalino
Mr. Vincenza Delucco
Ms. Ellen M. Grimaldi
Mr. and Mrs. Art Massa
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Montinieri
Ms. Gloria A. Roy
Reverend Thomas P. Murray, S.J.
Mr. Richard Bradshaw
Carla and Kenneth Hansen
Barbara K. Rabus
Beth E. Nelson, M.D.
Ms. Susan F. Roesch
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Caval
Ann L. Parke, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Birman
Paul F. Pendergast
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Cartun
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Dionne
Lynn Rossini and Dino Carbone
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence P. Rubinow
Arthur L. Spada, Judge retired and
Nancy L. Spada
Ms. Carolyn Spalluto
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Weiss
Shari Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. David Elansky
Arshad Quadri, M.D.
Mr. Daniel W. Rose
Zia Rahman, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Camilliere
Curtis D. Robinson
The Bayron Family
Judy and David Levine
Frederick N. Rowland, M.D.
Ms. Rachel D. Lindenthal
Steven T. Ruby, M.D.
Ms. Kay A. Barresi
Mrs. Lois Ruby
Saint Francis Hospital and
Medical Center
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Clark
Ms. Christine Collyer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Isakson
Dr. and Mrs. Firoz D. Mistry
Drs. Chitraleka and Sundaram Ramanan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stefanowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Ira W. Yellen
Saint Francis/Mount Sinai Cancer Center
and 8-1 Staff
Dr. and Mrs. Syed F. A. Bilgrami
Ms. Deborah J. Celani
Alessia C. Donadio, M.D.
The Family of Joan Guinan
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Muska
Zia Rahman, M.D.
Dr. Carolyn M. Ray and Mr. Matthew V. Ray
Dr. Jonathan R. Sporn and
Ms. Jane Comerford
Jonathan R. Sporn, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Kelly
Saint Francis NICU Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Martin T. Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Halpern
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Miklus
Michael Testa, III
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Greenslade
Saint Francis Hospital School of Nursing,
Class of 1960
Ann Logan Bedford, R.N.
Peter J. Tutschka, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Mozzochi
Joseph B. Sappington, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Goldberg
Anita Schepker’s Birthday
Mr. Frank J. Bonelli
James W. Schepker
Mr. Frank J. Bonelli
Catherine L. Limansky
Henry S. Scherer, Jr.’s Birthday
Mrs. Susanne S. Klingeman
Anne Schultz’s Birthday
Mr. Kurt Schultz
Anne Shapter, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Kelly
Harriet and Fred Sherman
Mr. Gregg W. Loveland
Faith Shores
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Shores
Sanjay K. Sinha, M.D.
Harris and Leona Marcus
Cheryl A. Smith, M.D.
The Family of Joan Guinan
Jeffrey Steinberg, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene F. Bruyette
Dr. and Mrs. Morris H. Kotick
Sister Dennis Marie Sullivan, C.S.J.
Thomas L. Sullivan
Daniel Taub
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Taub
Maureen Tiroletto
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Smith
Eric M. van Rooy, M.D.
Ms. Susan F. Roesch
Amanda Walton
J.H. & C.K. Walton Fund
Edward J. White, M.D.
Ms. Susan F. Roesch
Timothy Whiteley
Ms. Karen H. Jezouit
Ruth Witthoeft
Elida Witthoeft
Kristen A. Zarfos, M.D.
Mr. Frederick M. Hollfelder *
Richard L. ZuWallack, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Casner, Jr.
Saint Francis Foundation
Board of Directors 2011
Active Directors:
Charles G. Andrew, Jr.
Karen E. Baldwin
Anthony J. Campanelli
Angelo S. Carrabba, M.D.
Ranjana Chawla
Barbara J. Colli*
Sue A. Collins
Anthony M. Costanzo, Jr.
Douglas E. Cote
Christopher M. Dadlez*
Edward P. Danek, Jr.
Scott K. Davis
Hema N. de Silva, M.D.*
David J. Dixon
Victor J. Dowling, Jr.
Da’Rel J. Eastling
Eric D. Fahnoe
Mary G. Flaherty
Edward Gales
Lisa Gerrol
Charles F. Gfeller
Mary A. Glassman
Barbara C. Gordon
John A. Green
James T. Healey, Jr.
Kevin T. Henry
Theresa Hopkins-Staten
John F. Kearns
Peter G. Kelly
Patrick J. Kinney
Susan D. Shimkus Lemkuil
Robert M. Levin
Frank P. Longobardi
Bret H. Maffett
Most Rev. Henry J. Mansell, D.D.
Renee Montgomery
Jay Mullarkey
Daniel P. O’Connell
Pauline N. Olsen, M.D.
Howard W. Orr
Most Reverend
Henry J. Mansell, D.D.
Vice Chairman
Peter G. Kelly, Esq.
Vice Chairman
Daniel P. O’Connell
Interim President
Lynn B. Rossini
John A. Green
Barbara C. Gordon
Carol M. Proom
Surita Rao, M.D.
Lynn B. Rossini
Susan M. Scherer
Joseph J. Spalluto
Jeffrey Steinberg, M.D., FACS
Rev. Erica A. Thompson
Wayne M. Tolson, Jr.
Irene M. Triompo
Eric M. Zachs
W. Ray Allen
Most Rev. LeRoy Bailey, Jr.
Brad Davis
Richard A. Fichman, M.D.
Robert W. Fiondella
Robert J. Gfeller, M.D.
Elliot A. Ginsberg
Sharon R. Hennessey
Ronald D. Jarvis
Karl J. Krapek
Scott A. LaBonte
David A. Lentini
Robert W. McAllister, M.D.
Joe K. Mensah
Irene O’Connor
Kevin J. Ollie
Daniel J. Orlovsky
Shari Phillips
Jennifer Rizzotti
Curtis D. Robinson
Kathleen M. Roche
Dennis J. Rusconi
Harold A. Smullen, Jr.
Thomas R. Trumble
Kristen A. Zarfos, M.D.
* Ex Officio
Saint Francis Foundation
95 Woodland Street
Hartford, CT 06105
(860) 714-4900
Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center
114 Woodland Street
Hartford, CT 06105
(860) 714-4000
(800) 993-4312
“I don’t think you ever stop giving.
I really don’t. I think it’s an ongoing process.
And it’s not just about being able to write a check.
It’s being able to touch somebody’s life.”
~ Oprah Winfrey