demalyene - Virginia Holocaust Museum


demalyene - Virginia Holocaust Museum
A Word About Our Title
In the slang of Eastern European
Jews, “de malyene” meant “a hiding
place.” De malyene is where you
by Leigh Weedon
would protect your most precious
valuables — gold, jewels or even a
small child. Or yourself.
Make a resolution not to hide,
From left to right:
Neilson J. November,
Dr. Eugene P. Trani
(Award Receipent),
and His Excellency
Governor Timothy
M. Kaine.
but to come experience the Virginia
Holocaust Museum and all it has to
With many programs and events
happening in the upcoming months,
we invite you to come share your
time with us.
We welcome your comments
about De Malyene and about the
Virginia Holocaust Museum. See
the back page for our contact
information. And thank you for
supporting us.
n October 26, 2008, over 375 people gathered at the Virginia
Holocaust Museum to help honor Dr. Eugene P. Trani. His excellency
Timothy M. Kaine presented Dr. Trani with the 5th Annual Neilson J.
November Award. Delegate Franklin P. Hall also presented a resolution
on behalf of the Virginia General Assembly commending the Virginia
Holocaust Museum for all of its efforts.
Stuart C. Siegel, Committee Chairman, spoke of Virginia Commonwealth
Your gift to the
Virginia Holocaust Museum
could double in value
if your employer has a
matching gift program.
Please ask your human
University’s long-standing relationship with the Virginia Holocaust
Museum. From the earliest inception of the Virginia Holocaust Museum,
students from VCU’s art school volunteered their time and effort, painting
murals throughout the Museum. Even to this day, VCU maintains a close
connection to the Virginia Holocaust Museum, sending several interns
each semester to the Museum to offer valuable help in the day to day
operations of the Museum.
resources office to match
your contribution
to the Museum.
Dr. Trani has served as the President of Virginia Commonwealth University
since 1990. In his tenure as President, VCU has grown and expanded,
playing a major role in both the metropolitan and state community.
From the President
What do people say about us? “We have been to many Holocaust
museums. This is the best.” “It made us feel as though we were there.”
“We learned more here about the Holocaust than at any other museum.”
How did all this happen? Let me start at the beginning.
One morning, Al Rosenbaum and Mark Fetter came to my office
on Cary Street, at American Parts Co., and said to me. “Let’s start a
Holocaust museum.” My reply? “You guys are crazy! We have the best one
in Washington. What do we need one here for?.” Well the rest, if you want
to know...just call me for the details. Al Rosenbaum is an artist, with a
fantastic eye. We had no money for anything, so we looked for volunteers.
In preparing our old site, Mark Fetter got more paint on him than on the walls - but soon we found skillful
volunteers, and the museum took off.
We could not accommodate the requests for tours. On a recommendation from a friend I heard about 2000
East Cary St., and with Congressman Eric Cantors’ help (who was then a state legislator) the State of Virginia
legislature voted to give us the old Climax Building warehouse that once belonged to American Tobacco. There
were a lot of legal issues, so I turned to Jay M. Weinberg, a long-time friend of my Fathers’, “of blessed memory”.
Jay, for those that don’t already know, is the top real-estate legal expert in Virginia. Of course we didn’t have
$100.00 to spare, and only one paid staff person whose salary was paid for by Neil November, Selma Brown and
the Richmond Jewish Federation. I told Jay our predicament, and he said, “There will be no fees for the legal
work, but you are going to need a parking lot, the city will require it.” My reply was “You are the best there is,
please work it out. We don’t have any money.” There was a lot across from the building that at one time was
Smith Junk yard. They wanted $350,000 for it. I left Jay’s office, not the happiest of campers, and headed back
to 213 Roseneath Rd., where the old museum was located. This was on a Thursday. I soon got a call from Neil;
Marcus Weinstein wants you to call him in Florida. Richmond is cold in February. So I called, and Marcus said,
“I hear you need a parking lot. Can you come by my office on Monday morning at nine?”
When I walked into Marcus’ office, he said to me “Jay and I just bought your parking lot for $500,000.” But
he wanted $350,000, just a few days ago. “Well, we did not want to argue with him. And you will need money to
build. I have taken care of that too.” I called Al Rosenbaum with the good news.
Our second staff member was Dianna Gabay - a very talented graphics designer who transferred from
New York to live here. Al and Dianna, along with volunteers from all walks of life and with all sorts of a talents,
including art students from VCU under the direction of Janet Gilmore Bryant, started formulating our vision.
Our latest exhibit, the Nuremberg Courtroom, has stopped time. The reality of this would not have been
possible were it not for the talents of Al, Dianna, and the craftsmanship of Marc Cohen and his staff. We have
advanced in many more areas. We have one of the best reference libraries, thanks to the generosity of Carole
Weinstein. Our distance learning center is well on its way, thanks to some local foundations. The University
of Richmond and the Museum co-sponsor a Teacher Education Institute on Holocaust Education giving the
participating teachers 3 post-graduate points, and enhancing their ability to teach about that horrific time in
our history. We have had special one day classes for police officers where over 700 have taken advantage of this
in-service training. American Inns of Court have held a seminar in the Nuremberg Courtroom. Schools from
as far as 4 hours away have come to take advantage of our docent lead tours. We have just purchased an Idea
data system, that is used by every museum in Israel and one other here in the U.S., that will put a searchable data
base on our Web pages which are being updated by our own Leigh Weedon, my right hand. Tim Hensley, our
librarian, with help from volunteers, is digiitizing many documents donated by Charles Sydnor (cont’d on pg. 15)
VHM Research Oral History Archive
launches online testimony project
by Tim Hensley
In May 1997, the Virginia Holocaust Museum
began recording oral history testimony of local survivors.
Dubbed the Research Oral History Archives (ROHA),
the project quickly expanded to encompass liberators,
righteous, and witnesses from across the region.
With over 200 recorded interviews, the collection
contains a vast depository of personal experiences that are
useful to researchers; yet with only a paper filing-system,
it’s been difficult, if not impossible, for interested scholars
to know what the Museum can provide.
In order to address this problem, the Museum began
The VHM’s first online interview was Helen
abstracting and cataloging the interviews in the summer
Zimm. Born in Lodz, Poland, she survived the
of 2007. Over the last year, we’ve managed to index 146
war by obtaining a forged birth certificate and
DVDs. In essence, this constitutes the first phase of our
going into hiding in Warsaw.
project. The second stage will include creating full, textbased transcripts of each tape, which will be followed by digitizing and storing the entire collection online, allowing anyone with internet access the ability to view these interviews.
As we continue with this initial phase, we’ve already started preparing for the second and third stages.
In order to create an enhanced on-line presence, the Museum is digitizing short, five-minute clips that
are now viewable on YouTube ( In addition, because of the
Virginia-based focus of our collection, we’ve recently been named as a Regional Depository for the USC
Shoah Foundation, which will enable us to use their recordings and transcripts.
Without question, these interviews are one of the most valuable resources the Museum owns.
Collectively, they can provide researchers with the kind of broad, thematic foundation that is often
needed for high school and undergraduate work, as well as the level of specificity that would allow a
professional to unearth new discoveries.
Educational Programs
Melton Graduate Class:
The Holocaust As Reflected in Journals
Facing History and Ourselves
Hitler Youth: How They Were Shaped and
the Lessons of Today
February 26th
9: 00 - 3:00 p.m.
The Virginia Holocaust Museum and the Joint
Holocaust Education Committee will be sponsoring
a workshop on Hitler Youth. For information call
Rena Berlin, Director of Education, 804.257.5400
ext. 234 or [email protected].
January 22 - March 26 (10 weeks)
Thursdays at 7:15 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
$145 Member / $175 Non-Member
Instructors: Rena Berlin, Director of Education
& Tim Hensley, Librarian, VHM. The day-to-day
life of the Jew living under Nazi occupation will
be examined. This will be done not in the abstract
but from a personal vantage point by utilizing
journals and diaries. To register contact Rebecca
Kalman-Winston at [email protected].
All events are free and open to the public, unless
otherwise noted.
January 25th at 2 p.m.
Ms. Ginaite-Rubinson will speak about working with
the communist underground in the ghetto, fighting the
Nazis directly as a member of a partisan detachment.
She will also be signing copies of her book
Resistance and Survival: The Jewish Community in
Kaunas 1941-1944.
Documentary by awer bul
February 1st at 2 p.m.
who had been asked to wear yellow stars, in a show
of solidarity with the victims of this tragedy. The
Keynote Speaker for the commemoration was
Ambassador (Ret.) Marc Grossman, the former United
States Ambassador to Turkey. In his comments,
Ambassador Grossman addressed, at length, the
importance of the oft repeated sentiment “never
again.” Never again must the world allow evil of the
kind perpetrated in Europe during the Holocaust
to rear its head. To this end, Amb. Grossman spoke
about how important it was that President Clinton
mobilized American troops in the Middle East when
genocide and government-sanctioned violence
reappeared in Kosovo in the early and mid-nineties.
When the United States took an active stand against
Mr. Bul will discuss his experiences during the Sudanese
Civil War, his life as a Lost Boy and how art saved
his life. Some of Mr. Bul’s paintings will be on display
throughout February and March.
February 15th at 2 p.m.
Dr. Stanton wrote the Eight Stages of Genocide, which
is the best and most complete work on exactly what
genocide is and how to properly identify and address it.
by Matt Simpson
On November 9, the Virginia Holocaust Museum,
in conjunction with the Jewish Community
Federation of Richmond and Emek Shalom
Holocaust Memorial Cemetery, hosted the
commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of
Kristallnacht, the “Night of Broken Glass.” On
this night in 1938, civilians across Germany
and Austria took to the streets in the first act of
the kind of organized, government-sanctioned
violence against Jews that would become
commonplace in the following months and years.
Seventy years later, the Richmond community
and its Holocaust survivors paused to reflect on
this tragedy. The program was attended by state
dignitaries Hon. Eric Cantor and Del. Brian
Moran, both of whom addressed the more than
two-hundred-and-seventy people in attendance,
Above: Tommy Baer (2nd generation Survivor) and
Alex Keisch (Holocaust Survivor) lit candles at the Emek
Sholom Holocaust Memorial Cemetery.
genocide, said Grossman, the challenge of “Never
Again!” was met. The task, however, of combating
hatred of this kind is an unending one, the crowd
was warned. As we are seeing today, especially
in places across Africa, we still live in an age of
genocide, and must be ever mindful of this.The
Museum was also presented with a Resolution
from the Virginia General Assembly, presented by
Moran, and a Presidential Proclamation, presented
by Cantor, which recognized and praised both the
event itself, and the Museum. The museum portion
of the program concluded with the blowing of the
Shofar by Museum Director and Holocaust survivor
Jay M. Ipson. Rabbi I.B. Koller then carried out the
Holocaust Torah, followed by the Holocaust survivors
in attendance. Afterwards, the program’s attendees
reassembled at Emek Shalom Holocaust Memorial
In Memory of our dear friend
jim regan
n October of 2007, the Museum lost a dedicated volunteer and
friend, when Jim Regan lost his year-long fight with pancreatic
cancer. On the anniversary of his death, it seems appropriate to
reflect on our connection, and why he felt like family.
If you saw the two of us together you’d likely wonder what we had
in common. The truth is, we had differing opinions on almost
everything – music, politics, social issues, sports, hobbies, literature –
you name it, we didn’t agree. Yet, it never mattered.
As he often said, he appreciated that we could have a conversation
and knew that his opinion was respected, even if we didn’t share the
same point of view. The truth is there was never anything to argue
about because Jim and I were -- as our families might say – “cut from
the same cloth.”
We’re from the same country.
If you flew from his hometown to mine, you would travel less than seventy miles across the mountains of
North Carolina. It was this happenstance of geography, I believe, that gave us a uniquely similar outlook on
When Jim was first diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, he made plans for a private graveside with full military
honors; he also made plans for a funeral service which included a live band, a coffin filled with beer, and no
tolerance for tearful goodbyes. It’s the kind of thing our people do.
While such things may seem strange to some, it’s a reminder to me that no matter how far we are from home,
we’re always discovering new family members.
- Timothy Hensley
Miriam “Margaret”Shuman
1921 - 2008
Ms. Shuman, a Holocaust Survivor, died on November 20, 2008. The Virginia
Holocaust Museum mourns the loss of this important member of our
community. She volunteered for the Jewish Community Center’s Food Bank
and was a member of the grand singing group. Our deepest sympathies go
out to her family. Please look for a full page memoriam in the next editon of
de Maylene.
Ms. Shuman lighting at candle at the 2008 Yom
HaShoah Observance at the Virginia Holocaust
Events At The Museum
Linda Goodman reads excerpts from
Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird
during the Censorship: War Over
Words program.
On October 26th, the Museum held its annual
Neilson J. November Award Dinner. Over 375
people were in attendance.
Museum dedicates the Purple Heart Jewel from the
The 42nd Rainbow Division battalion soldiers who
helped liberate Dachau on April 29, 1945. From left to
right: Pete Pettus and Jim Clemons.
Above: Bud Brodecki, Sonia Brodecki, Alan Zimm
(Holocaust Survivors) and Jeremy McMahon.
From left to right: Stuart C. Siegel, Committee
Chairman, His Excellency Governor Timothy M.
Kaine, and Dr. Eugene P. Trani (Award Receipent).
From left to right: Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Weinberg,
and Delegate Brian J. Moran.
Above: Bishop Walter Sullivan and Chris Habenicht.
Left: Henry Valentine and Carole Weinstein.
Marcus M. Weinstein, Chairman of the Board,
Jay M. Ipson, Founder and Executive Director
accept a resolution from Delegate Franklin
P. Hall on behalf of the Virginia General
Congressman Eric I. Cantor (VHM Board
Member) presented a proclamation from
President George W. Bush during the 70th
commemoration of Kristallnacht.
Photo Courtesy of Richmond Times Dispatch.
Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Professor and
expert on the Middle East, pictured in the
Nuremberg Trials Courtroom Exhibit.
The museum would like to thank all of
its generous benefactors of 2008
(January 1 - November 14, 2008)
$25,000 or more
$5,000 - $9,999
Ben & Zelda G. Cohen Foundation
Mr. Richard Davison
Richard & Caroline T. Gwathmey Memorial
Mr. Richard B. Brandt, Ph.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Weinstein/
Management Co., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Arenstein
The Brink’s Company
$1,000 - $4,999
Dr. Eugene P. Trani and Helen Zimm
(Holocaust Survivor).
$10,000 - $24,999
Mr. Robert M. Atack
Hirschler Fleischer
The Lipman Foundation
MCV Foundation
Philip Morris USA
Ukrop’s Super Markets, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Weinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Marty D. Wolf
University of Richmond
VCU Foundations
Anderson & Strudwick
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Bernstein
Andrea L. Bridgeman, Esq.
Cathedral of The Sacred Heart
The Community Foundation
Covington International Travel
Mr. & Mrs. John Doswell
Ms. Maya M. Eckstein
First Market Bank
Ms. Joy H. Gerson
Glaxosmithkline Foundation
Leslie A. Grandis, Esq.
The Harry & Harriet Grandis Family
Mr. Lee C. Hartman, Jr.
HCA Richmond Health system
Hickory Middle School
Hunton & Williams
Ric Arenstein (VHM Trustee) and Andy
Judy and Chick Becker (VHM Trustee).
Carol Shapiro and Sonia Brodecki
(Holocaust Survivors).
From left to right: Halina Zimm, Helen
Zimm, Jay M. Ipson, Simone Schwarz
(Holocaust Survivors). Back row: Matt
$1,000 - $4,999
$1,000 - $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Ipson
Janice & Stanley Sussman Family
Joseph W. Bliley Company Inc
Mr. Harold J. Katz
Keith-Fabry Reproduction
LandAmerica Financial Group Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Levey
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Levin
Library of Virginia
Lloyd C.Bird High School
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel G. Loupassi
McGuireWoods LLC
Florence & Hyman Meyers Family
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Monroe
Dr. & Mrs. Richard L. Morrill
The Hon. John M. O’Bannon, II
Pearson Infiniti
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Perel
Dr. & Mrs. W. Baxter Perkinson, Jr.
Pincus Paul Charitable Trust
Prestige Construction Group, Inc
Rabbi’s Fund of Congregation Beth Ahabah
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Rader
Richmond Jewish Foundation
Mr. Daniel Rosenbloom
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert M. Rosenthal
Rotary Club of South Richmond
Mr. Louis H. Salomonsky
& Dr. Anita Salomonsky
Sam’s Club Foundation
Scott & Stringfellow
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart C. Siegel
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Snead, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. I. N. Sporn
Sterling Management
Temple Beth-El Minyonaires
The Barr Foundation
United Jewish Fed. of Tidewater
Universal Leaf Tobacco
Mr. E. Massie Valentine
Mr. Henry L. Valentine, II
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph M. Warrington
Ms. Mollie Weinstein
Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Williams
Diane Marsh and Senator Henry L.
Marsh, III.
Hyde Loupassi and Carol Loupassi.
High School
Ms. Helen S. M. Blackwood
$999 - Below
Dr. Allan Blank
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Adams
Hon. & Mrs. Thomas J. Bliley
Dr. Barbara J. Adler
Blue Ridge School
Bluefield College
Dr. Susan J. Albert
Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Blumberg
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Ben S. Blumenthal
The Honorable & Mrs. George
Mr. & Mrs. David Bobrowitz
F. Allen
Ms. Dina S. Boettcher
Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity
Cantor Annie Bornstein
Altavista High School
Ms. Edith G. Brenner
Altria Employee Involvement
Mr. & Mrs. J. Alfred Broaddus, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Boleck H. Brodecki
Mr. & Mrs. Franco Ambrogi
Brookland Middle School
Mr. & Mrs. Bert L. Anker
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Brothers
Mr. & Mrs. Reynaldo A. Aponte
Dr. & Mrs. Donald S. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell L. Appelrouth
Arthritis Foundation Virginia Chapter Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brown
Ms. Selma G. Brown
Mr. Stephen Y. Aryan
Mr. Patrick E. Bruckart
Ms. Hella Atkins
Ms. Eva S. Brummer
Mr. & Mrs. D. Eugene Atkinson
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Bubes
Atlantic Shores Christian School
Reverend & Mrs. Nicholas G. Bacalis Mr. Larry A. Buckman
Mr. & Mrs. R. H. Bunzl
Mr. & Mrs. Tommy P. Baer
Dr. & Mrs. David D. Burhans
Mr. & Mrs. Ryland Y. Bailey
Ms. Elizabeth Camp
Bailey Bridge Middle School
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Carl
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Baird
Mr. & Mrs. Beauchamp C. Carr
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Banks
Ms. Adrienne Cennamo
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Baranker
Mr. & Mrs. R. Harvey Chappell, Jr.
Ms. Jean T. Barlow
Ms. Leila Christenbury
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Barlow, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Clark
Mr. John N. Baronian
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Clayman
Bayside Middle School
Ms. Gloria Ann Click
Mr. & Mrs. Charles N. Becker
Ms. Beryl Cohen
Ms. Melanie B. Becker
Mr. & Mrs. Marc K. Cohen
Bedford Elementary School Annex
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew L. Cohen
Amb (Ret) & Mrs Randolph M. Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Cohen
Mr. & Mrs Elliott B. Bender
Mr. Harry L. Cohn
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Berger
Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Colker
Mr. Allan H. Bergman
Collegiate Schools
Mr. & Mrs. Bertram Berlin
Congregation Kol Emes/
Mr. & Mrs. Philip G. Berman
Young Israel
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Bernstein
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Coplan
Ms. Meryl R. Bernstein
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Copland
Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Bernstein
Mr. James E. Corbett, Jr.
Beth Sholom Home Of Central Va
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur B. Cowardin
Ms. Teresa A. Bettino
Ms. Debra K. Craghead
Mr. Bobby Bigwood
Bishop Sullivan Catholic High School Mr. Aaron A. Cramer
Crestwood Middle School
Mr. Bernard S. Cytryn
Ms. Clara Daniels
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel N. Davidow
Ms. Tammy Y. Day
Ms. Ellen Dembice
Alan A. Dershowitz, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Alan A. Diamonstein
Mr. & Mrs. Stanwood Dickman
Mr. & Mrs. Craig R. Dods
Mr. James L. Doherty
Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Drimer
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Dubansky
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Dye
Mr. Norman D. Eddleton
Mr. Gary Effron
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Einhorn
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Elford
Ms. Ginny W. Engler
Mr. Michael J. Epstein
Ms. Jennifer Zeiger- Etters
Dr. & Mrs. Nathan B. Evens
Falling Creek Middle School
Ms. Maralyn Farber
Mr. Charles Feldman
Mr. Mark E. Fetter
Ms. Yawana Fields
Fife Family Foundation Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Fine
Mr. & Mrs. Jack P. Fine
Mr. Myron A. Fine
Mr. Robert C. Fix
Mr. Richard J. Flax
Mr. & Mrs. Seth J. Fleishman
Fluvanna Middle School
Ms. Mary K. Flynt
Dr. & Mrs. William M. Fogel
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Frank
Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Friedman
Ms. Lillian Friedman
Ms. Toby Ann Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. H. Allen Frise
Fritz’s Car Care, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Fromer
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Fulop
Mr. & Mrs. David Furman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Furrow
Mr. & Mrs. Barry B. Gabay
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Galanti
Ms. Sharon M. Garrett
Ms. Helen R. Gary
Ms. Martha P. Gayle
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gee
Mr. & Mrs. Norman J. Geller
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Genderson
Ms. Cissy Gershman
Ms. Diane B. Getzen
Mr. & Mrs. Howard M. Gibbs
Maj. & Mrs. Richard Gibian
Gildersleeve Middle School
Mr. & Mrs. Jordan E. Ginsburg
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Glass
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Glock
Ms. Amory R. Goldberg
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard S. Goldberg
Mr.& Mrs. Mason Goldberg
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Goldberg
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph M. Goldstein
Ms. Zippi C. Goldstein
Mr. & Mrs. Elias Goldwasser
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Gomperts
Dr. & Mrs. Peter L. Goodman
Ms. Rivka M. Gorbaty
Mr. Saul D. Gorman
Ms. Patricia R. Graham
Ms. Elaine D. Grandis
Mr. Tony Grappone
Dr. & Mrs. Tom H. Graves
Mr. & Mrs. Lonny S. Green
Ms. Susan G. Greenbaum
Ms. Barbara K. Greenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Greenebaum
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Greentree
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Griff
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Grizzle
Groome Transportation of
Georgia, Inc
Dr. & Mrs. Alan Gropper
Mr. & Mrs. William K. Gross
Mr. & Mrs. Ned M. Grossberg
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Grossman
Mr. Gilbert P. Grossman
Mr. Paul Grossman
Mr. & Mrs. Morton B. Gulak
Mr. Henry Gunst, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney J. Gunst
The Hon. & Mrs. John H. Hager
Halifax County Middle School
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Halpern
Mr. Oscar Halpert
Mr. Brenton S. Halsey
Mr. Mark Hammers
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Hanchey
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Handschuh
Mr. & Mrs. Milan E. Hapala, Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hardman
The Honorable Frank D. Hargrove, Sr.
Ms. Deborah J. Harley
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Harowitz
Ms. Dorothy W. Harowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Clay M. Harper, II
Ms. Lavinia C. Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Hastings, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Haykin
HealthSouth Rehabilitation
Hosp.of Virginia
Ms. Marcia P. Heffron
Mr. John G. Hekman
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Heller
Mr. George H. Hettrick
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Hetzel
Ms. Vivian H. Hiedemann
Hildur Swanson Foundation
Mr. Hans G. Hirsch
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry I. Hirsch
Ms. Elaine Hoffman
Mr & Mrs Nathan Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Horowitz
Ms. Harriet Horowitz
Ms. Marcy Horwitz
Dr. & Mrs. S. Harold Horwitz
Mr. & Mrs. Randy C. Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Julius Hurwitz
Mr. & Mrs. Georg G. Iggers
Ms. Elizabeth L. Imburg
Ms. Sarah M. Ipson-Minter
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Itzkowitz
Ms. Annette Jackson
Mr. & Mrs A. Cecil Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. Burton H. Jaffe
Mr. Robert Jaffee
Ms. Carol B. Jarett
Mr. Russell G. Jennings
Mr. & Mrs. Loren D. Johnson
Ms. Carol T. Jones
Mr & Mrs. Ronald S. Kallman
Ms. Willa S. Kalman
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kaplowitz
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Kastelberg
Mr & Mrs. Robert Kastenbaum
Mr. & Mrs. David Katz
Mr. Michael R. Katz
Mr. & Mrs. Sam D. Katzen
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Y. Kavit
Dr. Grace C. Kay
Ms. Janice A. Kean
Ms. Debra M. Keeling
Ms. Norma A. Keeping
Capt. Alex Keisch
Ms. Suzanne G. Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Kelley, III
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Kittner
Mr. & Mrs. Philip W. Klaus, Jr.
Mr. Stuart I. Kleiman
Ms. Beatrice T. Klein
Rabbi & Mrs. Hal N. Klestzick
Ms. Mary Beth Klick
Ms. Barbara Knapp
Mr. John T. Kneebone
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Knox
Ms. Celeste G. Kocen
Mr. Ehud Koch
Rabbi & Mrs. I.B. Koller
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Koni Koff
Ms. Mildred Kopet
Mr. & Ms. Timur Korshin
Ms. Rosalie C. Koslow
Kraft Foods Matching Gifts
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Kravitz
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Kravitz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Krebs, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Leslie Kreisler
Ms. Roxie Kricorian
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Krug
Ms. Amy M. Krumbein
L. Douglas Wilder Middle School
Ms. Anita Lane
Mr. David A. Lapkin
Ms. Hedy S. Lapkin
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Laskoe
Mr. Charles R. Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Lawson
Ms. Tonya J. Lawson
Mr. Alex Lebenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Eli H. Lesser
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. Levee
Dr. & Mrs. Franklin L. Levin
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Levin
Mr. Jerome N. Levine
Ms. Shirley D. Levine
Ms. Helen G. Levinson
Dr. Donald G. Levitin
Mr. Frederick A. Levy, LCSW
Ms. Ina Levy
Mr. & Mrs. John Levy
Mr. & Mrs. Bennett I. Lewis
Liberty Middle School
Dr . & Mrs. Steven A. Linas
Dr. & Mrs. Abraham Linder
Mr. Roger Linker
Mr. Charles W. Love
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Mason Love
Ms. Betty W. Loving
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Lowenstein
Dr. & Mrs. David A. Lowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Sherman B. Lubman
Ms. Mary Parke Macfarlane
Ms. Barbara J. MacIntyre
Manchester Middle School
Mr. John B. Mann
Ms. Selma R. Mann
Ms. Yvonne M. Marcus
Ms. Carol A. Marine
Markel Corporation
Ms. Pearl K. Markham
Dr. Michael Markowitz
The Marks Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. George C. Marshall
Maryland Sch. For Jewish
Education Inc.
Ms. Linda W. Mays
Mr. & Mrs. John P. McCann
Mr. & Mrs. John R. McGill
Mr. & Mrs. John McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. Vladimir N. Mednikova
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Mendel
Mr. & Mrs. Ted R. Metzger
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold I. Meyer
Dr. & Mrs. Edward C. Meyer
Mr. Jeffrey R. Michel
Midlothian Women’s Club
Ms. Lillian Milkin
Mr. & Mrs. Augustus C. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. C. Marvin Miller
Dr. Elbert G. Miller
Ms. Geraldine Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Grayson B. Miller, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Julius S. Miller
Ms. Margot M. Miller
Millwood School
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Milsky
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Milstead
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Minter
Mr. & Mrs. Carlton P. Moffatt, Jr.
Mr. Aleck Mollen
Dr. & Mrs. Allen J. Mollen
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Moncure
Montgomery County Public School
Ms. Michele M. Monti
Mr. Abby W. Moore
Ms. Anna B. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Mullian
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Murad
Bert Nachman, Esq.
Ms. Rosalie L. Nachman
Nansemond-Suffolk Academy
Ms. Shirley Needleman
Mr. & Mrs. Tayloe Negus
Mr. & Mrs. Fred N. Newman
Ms. Phyllis A. Nordin
North Carolina Hillel Foundation
Nottoway Middle School
Mr. & Mrs. Neil J. November
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. November
Mr. & Mrs. Bari B. Novey
Mr. R.E. Noziglia
Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey W. Nunnally, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan F. Nystrom
Ms. Patty A. O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Oser
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Padgett
Page Middle School
Mr. & Mrs. Larry I. Palmer
Ms. Veronika R. Pasternak
Ms. Barbara D. Paterson
Mr. James A. Payne
Ms. Margaret S. Pearson
Mr. & Mrs. Joel H. Peck
Ms. Ulyana Pekar
Dr. Marcia Penn
Ms. Lisa M. Pennington
Ms. Tatyana Perelman
Ms. Louise Perry
Dr. & Mrs. Samuel E. Perry, Jr
Mr. Mark M. Person
Dr. & Mrs. David A. Peskin
Ms. Jackie B. Petroff
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Peyton
Mr. Peter P. Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey H. Pinsky
Dr. & Mrs. Lew Pliamm
Dr. Sara Pliamm
Ms. Catherine Plotkin
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Polak
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Pomeranz
Mr. & Mrs. Norris N. Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Preissner, Jr.
Judge & Mrs Robert A. Pustilnik
Queens Lake Middle School
Dr. & Mrs. Nathan H. Rabhan
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Radow
Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Rahal
Ms. Frances B. Raphael
Mr. & Mrs. Harris I. Raskind
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ratki
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Reisman
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Remmers, Jr.
Mr. Robert S. Rentz
Mr. Glenn Richter
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Riley
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Roberts
Ms. Harriet Rochkind
Rockingham County Middle
Ms. Evelyn G. Rogers
Ms. Nancy L. Romans
Ms. Inez G. Roop
Mr. Richard S. Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Rosenbaum
Dr. Charles I. Rosenbaum
Ms. Joyce M. Rosenbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Rosenbaum
Mr.& Mrs. Norman S. Rosenbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rosenbaum
Mr. Harry Rosenberg
Dr. & Mrs. William I. Rosenblum
Ms. Beverly R. Rothert
Ms. Barbara Rozett
Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Rubin
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rubinstein
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Rupnik
Ms. Sylvia Russinsky
Ms. Regina R. Sager
Saint Margarets Episcopal School
Mr. Velino A. Salazar
Mr. & Mrs. Lantane Sale, Jr.
Ms. Muriel A. Schapiro
Mr. & Mrs. Mortimer Schatzberg
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Schatzki
Mr. David Scherer
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Schiller
Mr. Carl Schluter
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Schmidt
Dr. & Mrs. Herbert Schoenes
Ms. Ida A. Schreiber
Mr. & Mrs. Sam H. Schulman
Mr. & Mrs. John Jay Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Schwartz
Dr. & Mrs. Maurice Schwarz
Ms. Simone G. Schwarz
Ms. Carol S. Sclar
Ms. June Seal
Mr. & Mrs. Burwell W. Seay
Drs. Irvin & Linda J. Seeman
Dr. & Mrs. Myron W. Seeman
Mr. Frank H. Seldes
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Selznick
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sesnowitz
Mr. Ralph Shapiro
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Shapiro
Ms. Hattie T. Shocket
Dr. Simon P. Sibelman
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Sidenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Siegel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Siegel
Mr. & Mrs. Isaac I. Silver
Ms. Ann W. Silverstein
Dr. & Mrs. Dean Simpson
Mr. George Bryan Slater
Mr. & Mrs. Jonah M. Slipow
Ms. Candace Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Smith
Ms. Madeline H. Snead
Soar Academy - Hanover County
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Solodar
Dr. & Mrs. Neil A. Sonenklar
Mr. Damon A. Spain
Dr. & Mrs. Elliott J. Spanier
Mr. I. Roland Specter
Col. (Ret) & Mrs. Francis P. Spera
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney M. Sperberg
Mr. Paul Spitalnik
St. Bridget’s School
St. Matthews Episcopal Church
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
St. Thomas Youth Group
Stafford Middle School
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Stahl
Stanley & Dorothy Pauley
Charitable Trust
Ms. Gloria B. Starkman
Mr. & Mrs. Philip N. Steel, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Steinberg
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Steingold
Mr. & Mrs. W. H. G. Stevenson, III
Ms. Sandra L. Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stillman
Dr. Robert N. Stone
Allan Stoneman
Ms. Evalyn W. Strause
Mr. Joseph P. Sullivan
Bishop Walter F. Sullivan
Mr. Richard L. Summers
Mr. Gerald A. Swatt
Tappahannock Furniture Store
Mr. Robert Tappman
Ms. Gladys Tatarsky
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. P. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Taylor
Ms. Jodi Teitelman
Ms. Gertrude R. Teller
Mr. & Mrs. Morton G. Thalhimer, III
Thomas Dale High School
Mr. Richard Todd
The Honorable Anthony F. Troy
Mr. Carson L. Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. Yakov Tulchinsky
Ms. Ruby G. Turner
Mr. Bruce W. Tyler
University Of Richmond
Mr. & Mrs. Rubin Unowitz
VA Union Univ
Valentine Richmond History Center
Ms. Gail A. Vanovitch
Varina Historical Society
Ms. Dena S. Vernick
Virginia Beach Middle School
Virginia Museum Of Fine Arts
Ms. Betty J. Vitsky
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. von Gutfeld
Wachovia Direct Access - Staff
Ms. Lucille Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. M. James Wallace
Ms. Bette R. Wallerstein
Ms. Sharon A. Ward
Rev . Lynne E. Washington
Dr. & Mrs. Brian M. Wasserman
Ms. Martele S. Wasserman
Mr. & Mrs. Barney L. Webber
Mr. Martin Wegbriet
Mr. Jerrold G. Weinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Weinberg
Mr. S. Todd Weinberg
Weiner, Rohrstaff & Spivey PLC
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Weitzenhofer
Wellpoint Foundation
Mr. Samuel Werth
Ms. Kate S. Westbrook
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Wight
Ms. Carol W. Williams
Esther J. Windmueller, Esq.
Ms. Evelyn S. Windmueller
Dr. Steven F. Windmueller
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall B. Wishnack
Ms. Isabella G. Witt
Ms. Dorothy M. Wizer
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Wolf
Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Wolf
Ms. Ruth Wolff
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence I. Wolitz
Mr. Bruce Woodruff
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Worthington III
Dr. L. Marian Wouters
Mr. Elliott Wrenn
Mr. & Mrs. Roy J. Yamamoto
Mr. Milton Zahn
Dr. Michael Zalob
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Zaslav
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Zimm
Ms. Helen D. Zimm
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Zwerdling
By the Ghetto Gate
Bystanders During the Holocaust
by Matt Simpson
One of the many, and, I believe, most important mantras of the Museum, taken from His Holiness, The Dalai
Lama, states that “It is not enough to be compassionate, you must act!” It is a sentiment written on our walls,
and echoed in the words of our docents, reminding all those who pass-through of the dangers of passivity
and the superiority of deed over word. Indeed, one of the major legacies of the Holocaust, beginning with the
liberation of the camps by troops led by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, has been to hold accountable those
who did nothing, commonly referred to as “bystanders,” and honoring those “Righteous” men and women
who saw fit to act, defending and protecting the innocent from Nazi terror. We all say, “the world must never
forget,” and part of this declaration is fulfilled each time we are able to honor a person who risked their life to
save others during the Holocaust.
On June 5, 2008, the Virginia Holocaust Museum was privileged to recognize one such woman, now a member
of the Richmond community, who risked her life to save Jews from the grasp of the Nazis. On this day,
members of the Museum staff, including Executive Director Jay M. Ipson, along with Minister Counselor Raffi
Harpaz from the Israeli Embassy, gathered at Sitter & Barfoot Veterans Care Center in Richmond, to recognize
resident Halina Fras. During World War II, Ms. Fras, who also served in the Polish Army, rescued three Jews
by taking them in as part of her family, and falsifying their papers so they would pass as gentiles. Without
hesitation, Halina Fras willingly risked her life, for the basic, fundamental cause of doing the right thing. She
was not compensated for her act of kindness, nor was she given any sort of recognition, until this date, some
sixty-five years later. Finally, on June 5th, Ms. Fras was recognized as a true hero of the Holocaust when she
was named “Righteous Among Nations” by Yad Vashem.
The importance of the deed, and the award, cannot be overstated. The title of “Righteous Among Nations”
is the highest award given to non-Jews by Yad Vashem, and it recognizes the ultimate act of selflessness and
courage in the shadow of one of the darkest periods in history. A deed such as this transcends the ideas of
compassion, empathy or sympathy. It is a total fulfillment of the challenge laid out by the Dalai Lama, to be
more than “compassionate.” To do what is right is such a simple notion, and yet it can be one of the most
challenging things for a person to do, because often times it can mean going against the status-quo, and
taking a risk by stepping outside of what is comfortable or publicly acceptable. Doing so, however, is the most
commendable, and important of community services.
Too often, it seems, society is highlighted by people and deeds of ill repute; we focus on, or are unwillingly
bombarded by, the negative words and actions of the people who surround us. These acts go unpunished, or, at
times, are even heralded, while acts of kindness and courage go unnoticed. Negativity and pettiness surround
us daily, and very rarely does basic human kindness shine through, and the rare moments when it does must
be celebrated. In our daily lives, it is possible for each of us to become like Halina Fras, and to be Righteous,
giving of one’s self without getting anything in return. The Museum’s volunteers do it each day, and so do
countless other people, most of whom will never be recognized for their work. Each of us should take the time
to recognize those in our lives who work to make our communities and lives better. Without them, we are left
in the darkness of a world where evil triumphs; a world which is all too real for those who remember the events
we memorialize in our halls. We know the price of indifference and the consequences of apathy, and it is with
this knowledge that we should embrace the Halina Frases in our own lives.
continued from page 2
and OSI for researchers. Chuck Weitzenhofer, a
volunteer of many years, is transferring our oral
histories to DVD, and we are placing them in a safety
deposit box for safe keeping. Laura Murphy, our guest
relations expert, has school tours booked up to June
‘09. Rena Berlin and Ann Regan, another Volunteer
and music director extraordinaire, are working on
music of the Holocaust and how it can play a part in
This is just a portion of what we have done this
year. You all have made this possible. I also need to
add Elly, my wife of almost 50 yrs., another volunteer,
without whose expertise; our mail records would not
be up to date, thereby not informing those who have
moved, of our activities and costing double mail. We
have an extraordinary gift shop that Cissy Gershman is
managing. I could keep on going, but I think that you
can see we have come a long way, and with the help of
our many volunteers, we are able still able to offer our
services free to the public.
I want to recognize the volunteers that have
made all of this possible:
Chick Becker, Susie Byer, Rick Cohen, Debra Craghead
Gary Effron, Yawana Fields, Susan Foster, Charles
Furrow, Bill Goldeen, Robert Gomperts, Inge Horowitz
Jim Kay, Alex Keisch, Jane Keyser, Alex Lebenstein
Susie Levin, Pat Mirr, Heather Palma, Harris Raskind
John Remmers, Mel Vergales, Sue Wasserman, Peg
Holliday, Harvey Gutrin, Chuck Weitzenhofer, Sarah
Bart, Murray Carton, Rick Cohen, Nick Domazos,
June Furrow, Elaine Grandis, Wayne Hill, Joyce Parkey,
Xiaomi Qu, Harris Raskind, Anne Regan, Kendal
Sadler, Jerry Soble, Jillian Ketron, Bobby Bigwood,
Marcia Messler, Lindsay Catlett, Martha Allison,
Andrea Devin, Kyle Lawrence and Amanda Lynch.
To Alan and Halina Zimm (Holocaust Survivors) on
their 60th Wedding Anniversary.
The Virginia Holocaust Museum would also like to
acknowledge Alexander Lebenstein who was recently
given the Richmond History Makers 2008 Improving
Social Justice Award by the Valentine Richmond History
Center. Mr. Lebenstein is a volunteer educator for the
VHM and is an advocate for Schools Without Racism,
a movement he has started in his hometown of Haltern
Jay Weinberg (VHM Trustee) was named one of Virginia
Lawyers Weekly “Leaders in Law” for his work to establish
the Nuremberg Trials Courtroom exhibit at the VHM.
the child of Richmond
area Holocaust Survivors,
Bud and Sonia Brodecki,
was appointed to the
United States Holocaust
Memorial Council by
President George W.
to make an
appointment to
see the rental
space, please call
Leigh Weedon.
Virginia Holocaust Museum
2000 East Cary Street
Richmond, Virginia 23223-7032
(804) 257-5400
(804) 257-4314 Fax
Address Service Requested
Non-profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Richmond, VA
Permit No. 195
[email protected]
Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday – Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed on all major Jewish holidays,
Christmas and New Year’s Day
Mr. Marcus M. Weinstein,
Mr. Kenneth M. Dye,
Vice Chairman
Dr. I. Norman Sporn,
Vice Chairman
Mr. Jay M. Ipson,
Founder, President and
Executive Director
Jay M. Weinberg, Esq.,
Mr. L. Al Rosenbaum,
Founder and Treasurer
Mr. D. Eugene Atkinson
Mr. Ric Arenstein
Rabbi Dennis Beck-Berman
Mr. Charles N. Becker
Amb. (Ret.) Randolph M. Bell
Ms. Glenda bernhardt
Irving M. Blank, Esq.
Dr. Kathrin Bower
dr. David D. Burhans
ms. lisa fratkin
ms. eva hardy
Del. Bill Janis
Mr. Ronny T. Ipson
murray janus, esq.
Mr. Stewart M. Kasen
mr. benjamin kutner
The Hon. G. Manoli Loupassi
roderick mathews, esq.
mr. abby moore
The Hon. John O’ Bannon III, M.D.
Dr. Frederick Rahal
Marvin A. Rosman, Esq.
Ms. Simone Schwarz
Ms. Deborah Segaloff
Mr. Frank H. Seldes
mr. stuart c. siegel
ms. leah sievers
ms. clare sisisky
Morton G. Thalhimer, Jr.
ms. sara villalona
The Rev. Lynne E. Washington
Ms. Thelma Williams-Tunstall
Brett A. Zwerdling, Esq.
Tolerance Through Education
Founder ($10,000+)
Benefactor ($5,000)
Memorial ($1,000)
Witness ($500)
Educator ($250)
Supporter ($100)
Family ($50)
Individual ($25)
Young Friends ($20)
To purchase a brick, please call Leigh
Weedon AT 804.257.5400 or visit our
Jay M. Ipson, President and Executive Director
Leigh Weedon, Assistant to the Executive Director
Bruce Selznick, Director of Finance
Dianna Gabay, Director of Exhibitions and Collections
Tim Hensley, Libr arian
Laur a Murphy, Director of Guest Relations
Rena Berlin, Director of Education
Matt Simpson, Executive Assistant
Cissy Gershman, Gift Shop Manager
Chuck Weitzenhofer, Volunteer Director of Or al History
Fr ank Seldes, Volunteer Facility Rental Manager
Murr ay Carton, Reception Desk Volunteer
City, State, Zip
Phone (day)
Check is enclosed, or
Please charge my dues in the amount of
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Discover American Exp.
Card #
Exp. Date
Please return to:
Virginia Holocaust Museum
2000 East Cary Street
Richmond, VA 23223-7032