AHK/BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014
AHK/BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014
AHK/BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 Lieferanten, Potenziale & Chancen für deutsche Einkäufer in Spanien AHK//BME BMEBeschaffungsleitfaden BeschaffungsleitfadenSpanien Spanien2014 2014 AHK © AHK Spanien BME e.V. © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 Spanienüberblick Einleitung Das Königreich Spanien ist eine parlamentarische Erbmonarchie und gehört mit mehr als 47 Millionen registrierten Einwohnern zu den fünf bevölkerungsreichsten Staaten der Europäischen Union. Das Land erstreckt sich auf einer Landesfläche von 505.962,83 km2. Nach Bevölkerungsprognosen von EUROSTAT wird die spanische Bevölkerung bis 2060 auf 52 Millionen Einwohner anwachsen und gehört damit zu den Mitgliedsstaaten mit dem höchsten prognostizierten Bevölkerungswachstum. Insgesamt ist Spanien in 50 Provinzen, 17 Autonome Regionen (Comunidades Autónomas) und 8.116 Gemeinden eingeteilt. Hinzu kommen noch die beiden autonomen Städte Ceuta und Melilla, zwei spanische Exklaven an der marokkanischen Mittelmeerküste. Diese Autonomías stellen selbstständige Verwaltungsregionen dar, die über eine relativ hohe Entscheidungsfreiheit verfügen. Neben dem Spanischen (castellano) existieren drei weitere Amtssprachen: Katalanisch (catalán), Baskisch (euskera) und Galicisch (gallego). Ihre Verbreitung ist hauptsächlich auf die Regionen Katalonien, die Balearen, das Baskenland und Galicien beschränkt. Die wirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten konzentrieren sich vor allem auf die Wirtschaftsregionen Katalonien, Valencia, Aragonien und fast die ganze Nordküste Spaniens. Dazu kommt der Stadt Madrid im Landesinneren durch ihre Hauptstadtfunktion eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Die Autonomen Regionen Spaniens AHK//BME BMEBeschaffungsleitfaden BeschaffungsleitfadenSpanien Spanien2014 2014 AHK © AHK Spanien BME e.V. © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Kennzahlen Wirtschaft Mit einem Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) von 1.050 Mrd. Euro war Spanien 2012 trotz des Wirtschaftsrückgangs unverändert die fünftgrößte Volkswirtschaft innerhalb der EU, hinter Deutschland, Frankreich, dem Vereinigten Königreich und Italien. Deutschland ist Spaniens zweitwichtigster Handelspartner nach Frankreich. Das Land mit einer Bevölkerung von etwas über 47 Millionen Einwohnern erwirtschaftet ein Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) von 1.050 Milliarden Euro. Die verarbeitende Industrie hat einen Anteil am BIP bezogen auf die Bruttowertschöpfung von 17%, die Dienstleistungen von 71%. Der BIP pro Kopf beträgt 22.772 Euro. Das spanische Außenhandelsdefizit ist 2012 um 33,6% auf nur noch 30,8 Mrd. Euro gesunken. Die Exporte Spaniens nach Deutschland sind gegenüber 2012 um 8% auf 23,3 Milliarden (Mrd.) Euro gestiegen. Unternehmensstrukturen Spanien ist mit rund 3,25 Millionen registrierten Unternehmen eines der EU-Länder mit der höchsten Unternehmensanzahl. Dies ist darauf zurückzuführen, dass es sich bei 93,8% der Firmen um Mikrounternehmen (bis zu 9 Mitarbeitern) handelt, die zum Großteil im Dienstleistungssektor tätig sind. Nur 5,4% sind Kleinunternehmen (10-49 Mitarbeiter), 0,7% sind Mittelunternehmen (50 bis 249 Mitarbeiter) und 0,1% sind Großunternehmen mit über 250 Beschäftigten. Die Mikrounternehmen vereinen rund 40% aller Erwerbstätigen auf sich, erbringen jedoch nur 27,7% der Bruttowertschöpfung (BWS). Über die Hälfte (52,5%) der Mikrounternehmen sind Selbstständige ohne Mitarbeiter (1,9 Millionen Personen). Knapp 50% aller Unternehmen verteilen sich auf nur drei Autonome Regionen: Katalonien (18,5% der Unternehmen), Madrid (15,4%) und Andalusien (15,1%). Kennzahlen Subcontracting Die Anzahl der offiziell registrierten Subcontracting-Anbieter beläuft sich auf rund 13.000 Industrieunternehmen mit 270.000 Mitarbeitern, die einen Umsatz von 61 Mrd. Euro erzielen. Dies bedeutet einen Anteil von 10,2% der Industrie-Beschäftigten und 10,4% des Umsatzes, der im Industriesektor erzielt wird. Der Dachverband der spanischen Industrie- und Handelskammern schätzt die Anzahl potentieller Zulieferer sogar auf über 20.000 Unternehmen mit insgesamt rund 500.000 Beschäftigten. Es handelt sich zum Großteil um konsolidierte Unternehmen: 71,6% der in Spanien erfassten Subcontracting-Unternehmen nahmen vor 1985 ihre Tätigkeit auf und 94,9% weisen spanisches Kapital auf. 88,6% der Anbieter sind kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen mit weniger als 100 Mitarbeitern. Die wichtigsten Subcontracting-Sektoren sind die Herstellung von Eisen- und Metallprodukten (21,1% der Industriezulieferer), Komponenten und Teile für die Fahrzeugindustrie (18,9%), Maschinen- und Anlagenbau (11,1%), Produkte der Elektrotechnik und Elektronik (7,9%) sowie Kunststoff- und Kautschuk-Produkte. Über 60% der Zulieferprodukte gehen in den Export, zum Großteil in die europäischen Nachbarländer wie Frankreich mit rund 33%. Nach Deutschland gehen immerhin 20% dieser Lieferungen und Leistungen. Die Subcontracting-Unternehmen investieren überdurchschnittlich in Personal und Ausrüstung: 80% verfügen über Personal mit Fremdsprachenkenntnissen, 47% investieren in FuE und rund 60% investierten in den letzten Jahren in die Erweiterung und Verbesserung ihrer Produktionsanlagen. Wichtigste Zuliefersektoren Die Industrieunternehmen machen einen Anteil von 6,8% der Unternehmensanzahl aus, erwirtschaften jedoch 13,3% des BIP (Industrie ausschließlich Energiesektor) bzw. 15,9% (Industrie inklusive Energie). Weitere 15% der Unternehmen gehören zum Bausektor, 24,1% zum Handel und 54,1% zu sonstigen Dienstleistungen. AHK//BME BMEBeschaffungsleitfaden BeschaffungsleitfadenSpanien Spanien2014 2014 AHK © AHK Spanien BME e.V. © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Fahrzeugtechnik Die spanische Automobilfertigung setzt sich aus acht großen Unternehmensgruppen zusammen, die 17 Produktionsstätten im Land betreiben mit insgesamt rund 58.000 Mitarbeitern: Ford España, General Motors España, Iveco España, Mercedes-Benz España, Nissan Motor Iberica, Peugeot Citroën Automóviles España, Renault España und SeatVolkswagen. Gemessen am produzierten Fahrzeugvolumen belegt Spanien schon seit einigen Jahren nach Deutschland den zweiten Rang in Europa. Im weltweiten Vergleich nahm das Land 2012 Platz zwölf ein. Die Automobilindustrie in Spanien konzentriert sich vor allem auf diese Standorte: 36% Katalonien und Aragonien sowie 26% Baskenland, Navarra und Kantabrien. Auf den Großraum Madrid einschließlich Kastilien-León und Kastilien-La Mancha entfallen 20%. Alle übrigen Regionen kommen zusammen auf 18%. Der Sektor der Kfz-Teilefertigung umfasst knapp 1.000 Unternehmen (davon rund 50% ausländische Firmen) mit etwa 185.000 Mitarbeitern. Strukturell verteilen sich diese wie folgt: First-Tier-Bereich: 187; Second-Tier: 215; Third-Tier: 245; Originalersatzteile: 131; sonstige Ersatzteile 158: Zubehör: 25 und übrige: 26. Es dominieren in diesem Segment kleine und mittelständische Produzenten. Der Automobilbau einschließlich der Kfz-Zulieferindustrie und des Händlernetzes zählt zu den wichtigsten Wirtschaftssparten Spaniens. Der Gesamtzweig hält einen Anteil von circa 10% am BIP (rund 6% Kfz-Herstellung und etwa 4% Kfz-Teilefertigung). Dies entspräche einem Gesamtwert von etwa 100 Mrd. Euro. Metallverarbeitung / Maschinen- und Anlagenbau Der spanische Metallsektor verzeichnet 212.500 Beschäftigte (ohne Maschinen- und Anlagenbau). Im Anlagenbau beläuft sich die Gesamtzahl der Unternehmen laut dem Branchenverband SERCOBE auf rund 2.000 mit einer Gesamtbeschäftigtenzahl von rund 180.000 Personen. Der Sektor generiert einen Umsatz von 37,2 Mrd. Euro, wobei rund 60% auf den Bau von mechanischen Maschinen und Anlagen entfallen und 40% auf elektrotechnische und elektronische Maschinen. Die Exporte machen jährlich über 26 Mrd. Euro aus. Der Anteil an der industriellen Bruttowertschöpfung beträgt etwa 12%. Der spanische Maschinenbau und Anlagenbau verfügt über leistungsfähige Firmen mit einer schwachen Kapazitätsauslastung. Für ausländische Industrieunternehmen bieten sich zahlreiche Geschäftschancen von der Auftragsfertigung über Firmenkooperationen bis hin zu Übernahmen. Chemie / Pharma / Kunststoff Der Sektor setzt sich zusammen aus 3.109 Unternehmen, die 55 Milliarden € Umsatz generieren. Die chemische Industrie, die traditionell in Katalonien angesiedelt ist, ist mit ihren über 500.000 Beschäftigten, davon 154.900 direkten Arbeitsplätzen, von großer Bedeutung für die spanische Wirtschaft. Die Wertschöpfung des Sektors (einschließlich der Arzneimittelerzeugung) im Rahmen der volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnung beläuft sich auf einen Anteil von rund 11,5% an der gesamten Industrieproduktion. Unter Hinzurechnung der Petrochemie und der Herstellung von Kautschuk und Kunststoffen erreicht der Bereich sogar einen Anteil von über 23%. Der Sektor ist traditionell stark exportorientiert, eine Tendenz, die sich während der letzten Jahre aufgrund des rückläufigen Binnenmarkts verstärkte. Zudem zeichnet die Branche eine beachtliche Investitionstätigkeit, namentlich in FuE, aber auch in Anlagen und Maschinen, aus. Elektronik, Elektrotechnik, IT, IKT Im Elektronik- und IKT-bereich sind 1.459 Unternehmen tätig, die einen Anteil von 1,13% der Industrie ausmachen. Die knapp über 30.000 Beschäftigten erwirtschaften einen Jahresumsatz von 4,76 Mrd. Euro. Die Unternehmen sind mehrheitlich in den Regionen Katalonien und Madrid ansässig. AHK//BME BMEBeschaffungsleitfaden BeschaffungsleitfadenSpanien Spanien2014 2014 AHK © AHK Spanien BME e.V. © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Lebensmittel und Getränke Der Sektor erwirtschaftete 2012 einen Nettoumsatz von 86,3 Mrd. Euro, was einem Anteil von 14% des gesamten Nettoumsatzes der Industrie entspricht und 7,6% des Bruttoinlandsproduktes bedeutet. Damit nimmt der Sektor Platz eins in der spanischen Wirtschaft ein und den fünften Platz auf EU-Ebene. Knapp 30.000 Unternehmen sind in dem Sektor tätig (96,2% KMU) mit 439.675 Beschäftigten, die 20% der Beschäftigten in der Industrie ausmachen. Gemüse und Früchte sind eines der Hauptausfuhrgüter Spaniens. Der Export erreichte 2012 die Höhe von 22,1 Mrd. Euro und die Handelsbilanz verbucht einen Überschuss von über 3 Mrd. Euro. Von den Gesamtexporten an Gemüsen und Früchten gingen 20,3% nach Deutschland. In den Jahren 2005 bis 2012 haben sich alleine die Ausfuhren von Obst und Gemüse um rund 38% erhöht. Standortvorteile des spanischen Beschaffungsmarktes Günstige Lohn- und Lohnnebenkosten Von den über 47 Millionen Einwohnern Spaniens sind rund 23 Mio. Erwerbspersonen, von denen 18 Mio. erwerbstätig sind und rund 5 Mio. erwerbslos. Arbeitsreformen führen zur Senkung der Löhne und damit zu einer höheren Wettbewerbsfähigkeit gegenüber anderen EULändern und Nicht –EU-Ländern. Die Durchschnittseinkommen in Spanien betrugen 2012 brutto 21.400 Euro (in Deutschland mit 40.914 € knapp das Doppelte), die Wochenarbeitszeit meist 40 Stunden. Zum Vergleich: Das Jahresbruttogehalt für einen IT Support Operator (ohne Berufserfahrung) beträgt in Spanien rund 25.000 €, in Deutschland über 40.000 €. Die niedrigen Löhne und Lohnnebenkosten schlagen sich auf die Preise für die Industrieprodukte nieder. Das gute PreisLeistungsverhältnis ist für zwei Drittel der Auftraggeber ausschlaggebend. Traditionell besteht ein starkes Nord-Süd-Gefälle in Bezug auf Wirtschaftskraft und Einkommens-niveau der Autonomen Regionen. Vom Baskenland mit dem höchsten Pro-KopfEinkommen über den Großraum Madrid bis nach Extremadura, wo das Pro-Kopf-Einkommen um mehr als 30% unter dem Landesdurchschnitt liegt. Günstige geographische Lage und gut ausgebaute Infrastrukturen Spanien gilt dank seiner zentralen geografischen Lage und seiner besonderen Verbindung zu den afrikanischen Mittelmeeranrainern und nach Lateinamerika als interessanter Logistikstandort und Drehkreuz für den europäischen und internationalen Warentransport. Im Zuge der Modernisierung der gesamten Verkehrsinfrastruktur treibt die Regierung auch den Ausbau eines 1.300 langen Mittelmeertransportkorridors voran, der von Girona an der französischen Grenze bis in den Süden nach Algeciras reichen und den Schienengütertransport mit den wichtigsten spanischen Häfen und Flughäfen Barcelona, Tarragona, Valencia, Cartagena und Algeciras vernetzen wird. Spanien ist mit über 14.689 km das EU-Land mit den meisten Autobahnkilometern und weltweit belegt es damit den 3. Platz hinter Nordamerika und China. Weltweit belegt Spanien mit 3.744 ICE-Strecken-kilometern den 2. Platz nach China. Die 50 spanischen Flughäfen verzeichneten 2012 über 194 Millionen Passagiere. Die 46 spanischen Häfen verzeichneten einen Umschlag von 475 Millionen Tonnen an Waren. In Spanien existierten 2012 rund 180 Logistikanbieter. Die Anzahl der Beschäftigten in der Branche belief sich auf 19.000 Personen. Die sechs größten Logistikzentren Spaniens sind Madrid mit einer Fläche von 5,9 Mio. qm, Barcelona (5,2 Mio. qm), Zaragoza (5 Mio. qm), Valencia (1,3 Mio. qm) sowie Sevilla und Málaga. Neben den großen Zentren gibt es landesweit AHK//BME BMEBeschaffungsleitfaden BeschaffungsleitfadenSpanien Spanien2014 2014 AHK © AHK Spanien BME e.V. © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. weitere multimodale Logistikzentren. Interessant sind ferner die Inlandshäfen (puertos secos), wie Madrid und Zaragoza, mit Anschluss an die Küstenhäfen. Rund 90% des gesamten Containerumschlags im Lande werden über die Häfen Algeciras, Barcelona, Bilbao und Valencia abgewickelt. Gemäß "Logistic Performance Index 2012", einer Untersuchung der Weltbank über die Leistungsfähigkeit des Logistiksektors in 155 Ländern, nimmt Spanien im Gesamtranking den 20. Platz ein. Bewertet werden unter anderem die Logistikinfrastruktur und -effizienz, die Abwicklung von Zollformalitäten sowie Pünktlichkeit. Die günstige geographische Lage reduziert die Lieferzeiten an die Produktionsstandorte, was besonders bei den immer kundenspezifischeren Produkten erforderlich ist. Spanien bietet außerdem die Nähe zu den Drittmärkten Portugal und Nordafrikas. Industrietradition und starke technologische Basis Bestimmte spanische Regionen, vor allem in Nordspanien (Asturien, Baskenland, Kantabrien und Katalonien), besitzen eine jahrzehnte- oder sogar jahrhundertelange Industrietradition. 71,6% der in Spanien erfassten Subcontracting-Unternehmen nahmen vor 1985 ihre Tätigkeit auf und 94,9% weisen spanisches Kapital auf. Heute existieren über 80 moderne Technologieparks mit über 6.000 dort angesiedelten Unternehmen. Qualitätssicherung und Verlässlichkeit der spanischen Lieferanten Rund zwei Drittel der Zulieferer verfügen über Qualitätszertifikate (z.B. ISO9000) und rund 42% müssen außerdem spezifische Qualitätskriterien des Produzenten erfüllen. Ein Viertel der Unternehmen verfügen über Umweltzertifikate z.B. ISO14000. Am Beispiel des Automobilsektors sieht man das Vertrauen, das ausländische Produzenten den spanischen Zulieferern entgegenbringen. Spanien ist nach Deutschland zweitwichtigster Produktionsstandort des Automobilsektors in der EU. Auch zukünftig investieren deutsche, französische und amerikanische Hersteller in den Produktionsstandort Spanien, nachdem die Gesamtausgaben bereits zwischen 2006 und 2012 mehr als 6 Mrd. Euro betragen haben dürften. Allein 2012 und 2013 wurden neue Projekte bekanntgegeben, die mit den laufenden Vorhaben zusammen ein Volumen von rund 3 Mrd. Euro erreichen. Hiervon entfallen auf Seat und Volkswagen jeweils 0,8 Mrd. Euro, auf IVECO und Mercedes-Benz je 0,5 Mrd. Euro sowie auf Nissan 0,4 Mrd. Euro. Hierbei handelt es sich unter anderem um die Ausrichtung der Produktionsanlagen auf neue Modellreihen beziehungsweise um Modernisierungen bestehender Fertigungsbereiche. Zu diesen Aktivitäten sind vier weitere Konzernankündigungen hinzuzurechnen, die teils mit internen Umstrukturierungen und Neuausrichtungen verbunden sind. So plant Ford, die Fertigung vom belgischen Standort Gent nach Almufasses in Valencia zu verlagern. Dort soll unter anderem der Mondeo hergestellt werden. Seitens PSA Peugeot Citroën wurde bekannt, dass die Gruppe in ihren spanischen Werken mindestens zwei neue Modellreihen bauen wird. Außerdem erhielt die Produktionsstätte von General Motors (GM) den Zuschlag für den neuen Opel Corsa. Schließlich verlautete von Renault, dass der firmenintern genehmigte "Plan Industrial" die Schaffung von 1.200 neuen Arbeitsplätzen beinhaltet. Sprachliche und kulturelle Nähe zu Latein- und Mittelamerika Spanien gilt als Sprungbrett zu neuen strategischen Märkten mit Millionen von neuen potentiellen Abnehmern in den aufstrebenden Märkten Latein- und Mittelamerikas. Spanien ist als Anbieter von Dienstleistungen hervorragend positioniert. Breites Angebot an Arbeitskräften mit höherer Ausbildung Die Erwerbspersonen folgendes Ausbildungsniveau auf: (Angaben in 1.000 Personen): 3.280.000 Primärstufe, 12.062.000 Sekundarstufe oder Lehre, 7.412.000 Post-Sekundarstufe (davon 2.314.000 höhere technische Berufe und 5.098.000 Universitätsstufe. Damit verfügen 22,2 % der Erwerbspersonen über einen Universitätsabschluss. AHK//BME BMEBeschaffungsleitfaden BeschaffungsleitfadenSpanien Spanien2014 2014 AHK © AHK Spanien BME e.V. © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Top-Unternehmen in den strategischen Wirtschaftssektoren Sektor Firma Energie Energie Energie Energie Energie Energie Fahrzeugtechnik Fahrzeugtechnik Fahrzeugtechnik Fahrzeugtechnik Fahrzeugtechnik Fahrzeugtechnik Metall/Maschinenbau Metall/Maschinenbau Cepsa Repsol Petróleo Endesa Energía E.ON Vestas Eólica BP Europe Seat Navantia Iveco Peugeot Citröen Renault Volkswagen Acerinox CELSA 3.112 3.575 904 1.300 572 9.918 11.394 5.511 3.949 10.064 10.117 4.927 2.300 1.119 Metall/Maschinenbau Metall/Maschinenbau Metall/Maschinenbau Metall/Maschinenbau Elektronik/IT/IKT/Elektrotechnik Elektronik/IT/IKT/Elektrotechnik Elektronik/IT/IKT/Elektrotechnik Elektronik/IT/IKT/Elektrotechnik Elektronik/IT/IKT/Elektrotechnik Chemie /Pharma / Kunststoff Chemie /Pharma / Kunststoff Chemie /Pharma / Kunststoff Chemie /Pharma / Kunststoff Chemie /Pharma / Kunststoff Chemie /Pharma / Kunststoff Lebensmittel / Getränke Lebensmittel / Getränke Lebensmittel / Getränke Lebensmittel / Getränke Lebensmittel / Getränke Lebensmittel / Getränke Dienstleistungen/TK Dienstleistungen/TK Dienstleistungen/Logistik Dienstleistungen/Logistik Dienstleistungen/Bank Dienstleistungen/Bank Dienstleistungen/Handel Dienstleistungen/Handel Textil Papier Papier Cunext Copper Industries ArcelorMittal Gerdau Aceros Especiales Thyssenkrupp Elevadores INDRA INSA Vodafone Nokia Spain LG Electronics España Michelin España Portugal Fertiberia Merck Sharp & Dohme Lilly Dow Chemical Ibérica Pfizer Corp. Alimentaria Guissona Mahou Corp. Alimentaria Peñasanta Nestlé Danone Heineken España Telefonica de España Vodafone España Iberia Kuehne & Nagel Grupo Banco Santander Deutsche Bank Mercadona Carrefour Inditex Grupo Lecta SAICA 114 6.780 2.900 2.979 12.034 2.650 4.300 106 420 8.000 872 583 1.217 701 1.200 3.185 1.325 1.400 6.000 1.600 1.774 28.121 4.300 19.878 1.124 33.151 98.219 70.000 32.000 1.346 1.877 624 AHK//BME BMEBeschaffungsleitfaden BeschaffungsleitfadenSpanien Spanien2014 2014 AHK © AHK Spanien BME e.V. © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Mitarbeiter Jahresumsatz in Mrd. € 25,0 19,6 10,4 1,0 0,4 0,3 5,1 1,2 1,2 5,1 5,0 3,2 1,4 1,1 1,0 2,6 0,9 0,5 1,7 0,1 6,0 0,9 0,8 2,7 0,8 0,8 2,7 1,4 1,2 1,3 0,8 0,8 1,4 1,1 1,0 17,3 6,0 4,6 0,4 0,7 2,2 16,4 8,1 4,8 0,8 0,8 Ausgewählte spanische Lieferanten Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung Kunststoff / Chemie / Pharma AMPO FOUNDRY BETSAIDE, S.A.L. CENTRICAST, S.A. CLASS MANUFACTURING, S.A. CONSTRUCCIONES METÁLICAS ESPECIALES STB ASTUR, S.A. ENGRANAJES GRINDEL, S.A.L. FABRICADOS HIDRÁULICOS Y MECÁNICOS, S.L. (FAHIME) FABRICACIÓN Y MANTENIMIENTO S.A.U. (FAYMASA) FORBRASS, S.A. FUNDICIONES AIZPURUA, S.A FUNDICIONES Y MATRICERÍA S.L (FUYMA) GALVATEC, S.L. INDEMESA, S.L. INDUSTRIAS GARITA, S.L. INDUSTRIAS GES, S.A. INDUSTRIAS MECÁNICAS MICROLAN ,S.L. JP INDUSTRIAS MECANICAS, S.L. KUZU, S.L. MAIN-METALL ESPAÑOLA, SL MECALTEC HISPANIA MECANIZADOS Y OXICORTES, S.L. MECAPAL, S.L. MEIN Funcasa, S.A. NAGAMOHR, S.A. PASCUAL CHURRUCA, S.A. PRECIMECAN, S.L. RCB S L SEGURA HERMANOS, S.A. STERN HIDRAULICA, S.A. TECNICHAPA SLU UGARTEBURU, S.A. UNIEX BERRI S.L. (AUXIN GROUP) UTIL VIGO, S.L. ARIES INDUSTRIAS DEL PLÁSTICO, S.A. CREACIONES Y DISEÑOS PLÁSTICOS, S.L. (CREDIPLAST) ESBELT, S.A. MOLDEADOS TECNICOS PLASTICOS, S. A. (MOLTEPLAS) PEREZ LINARES S.L. PINTURAS MACY, S.A. POLIURETANOS RIVAS, S. A. PROINDIVER, S.L. ZATEC, S.A. Elektronik / IT/ IKT / Elektrotechik CAF POWER & AUTOMATION, S.L.U. CASADO MARTINEZ, S.L. Dienstleistungen / Engineering / Logistik LKS INGENIERIA, S.COOP, DIARADESIGN Lebensmittel / Getränke DISFASA, S.A. Sonstige / Verpackung GRUPO ALBERT 2000, S.L. Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME AMPO FOUNDRY OFFICES Address Barrio Katea S/N E - 20213 Idiazabal (Gipuzkoa) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 943 188 000 Fax +34 943 188 130 E-mail [email protected] Web www.ampo.com Turn over 150 M.€ aprox. Export rate 95% 2 Total surface (m ) 90.000 2 Covered surface (m ) 44.275 Founded in 1964 Employees 700 DUNS number 461005258 CONTACT Contact person Maite Sainz (Area Sales Manager) Languages Spanish, English, German, French, Italian E-mail Tel. [email protected] +34 659 404 768 ACTIVITIES Company Description AMPO is a leading foundry with technological expertise and experience in sectors with demanding requirements, such as offshore, LNG, mining, etc. AMPO is an expert in stainless steel, duplex & superduplex and high alloy castings. End users such as BP, Shell, Exxon Mobil, Saudi Aramco and Chevron, as well as the main valve manufacturers have placed their trust in AMPO. Customer Markets Oil & Gas Chemical & Petrochemical Mining Energy Specialty industries Offshore Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer The company’s product knowledge and capacity for working with special materials places it in a privileged situation from where it can offer the highest level of customer service. Moreover, it has the capacity to work with large-size parts and to deliver fully machined components in different phases, with total control over the process. Main products Valve components Hydraulic components Pump components Spun Cast tubes CERTIFICATIONS ISO 9001 NORSOK AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. PED TÜV, ABS, BUREAU VERITAS, DNV, G.LLOYD, KOREAN REGISTER, LLOYDS, NKK, STATOILHYDRO Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME BETSAIDE, S.A.L OFFICES Address Betsaide 1 E – 48320 Elorrio (Bizkaia) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 94 658 45 60 Fax +34 94 658 45 61 E-Mail [email protected] Web www.betsaide.com Turn over: 60 million € Export rate: 75 % CONTACT Contact person Juan Ramón García Cía (Key Accounter Sales) E-mail Tel. 2 Total surface (m ) 34.000 2 Covered surface (m ) Founded in 1989 Employees 325 DUNS number: 46 458 04 14 Languages Spanish, German, English, French [email protected] +34 94 658 45 60 ACTIVITIES Company Description DISAMATIC Iron Foundry / Spheroidal & ADI Iron Castings: raw & finished parts; range of part weights: from 150 gr. up to 20 Kg; Technologies: 4 DISAMATIC vertical sand molding lines, mold dimensions: 650x 535 mm, own core building shop (Cold & Hot Box), In-house Automatic grinding machines; Advanced co-engineering: Design (CATIA V5) and casting simulations (MAGMASOFT), Inhouse rapid prototyping, In-house pattern shop. Customer Markets Subcontracting Activities/Product offer Main products Heat treatments High-precision machining Superficial Coatings: cataphoresis, epoxy paintings, zinc coating Automotive (car & truck) Land machinery & Off Highway vehicles Water & gas Valve Components Railway industry Elevator industry Building industry Differential & valve housings Transmission & steering yokes Engine brackets Shift forks AD - 2000 MERKBLATT WO/TRD 100 (TÜV- Rheinland) CERTIFICATIONS ISO TS16949:2009 (TÜV-Rheinland) DIN - EN - ISO 9001:2008 (TÜV-Rheinland) AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME CENTRICAST, S.A. OFFICES Address Zudibiarte, 21 E – 01409 Okondo (Alava) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 945 89 80 42 Fax +34 945 89 80 56 E-mail [email protected] Web www.centricast.com Turn over 2 million € Export rate 70% 2 Total surface (m ) 1.500 2 Covered surface (m ) 1.500 Founded in 1997 Employees 12 DUNS number CONTACT Contact person Joseba Urrutxua Echevarria (General Manager) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, German, English [email protected] +34 618 193 447 ACTIVITIES Company Description Centricast, S.A. is a young company with 15 years in the market and with experienced people in the sector. It´s a foundry which produces tubes in an innovative way, called centrifugal casting, with a clean technology avoiding gaseousus contamination and other emissions. The centrifugal casting process brings cost reduction in front of the traditional bar. Customer Markets Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer PRODUCT: Centrifugal Casting Tubes Seamless Casting Tubes Grey Iron Casting tubes MATERIALS: Ferritics Refractaries Stainless and Carbon Steels Grey Iron Bronze Main products Rings and Bushes Liners Machined Tubes Steelworks / Foundries Heat treatments Heavy industry Engine blanks Pumps and Valves CERTIFICATIONS EN ISO 9001-2008 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. AD-MERKBLATT 97/23/EC for pressure equipment Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME CLASS MANUFACTURING, S.A. OFFICES Address Urano, 2 Polígono Industrial No.2 La Fuensanta E – 28936 Móstoles (Madrid) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 91 685 38 06 Fax +34 91 645 62 80 E-mail [email protected] Web www.classmf.es Turn over 11.2 million € Export rate 92% 2 Total surface (m ) 6.400 2 Covered surface (m ) 6.400 Founded in 1969 Employees 98 DUNS number A28223691 CONTACT Contact person Pablo Arroyo (Comercial Manager) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English [email protected] +34 687 658 917 ACTIVITIES Company Description Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) which provides services to companies that want to outsource the manufacturing of its products. Specialized in the production of complex sheet metal parts, complex sheet metal assemblies and assemblings of mechatronic modules in a large range of finishings (powder coating, zinc, cataphoresis, etc.). Offer of design and prototyping service according to customer needs. More than a 90% of the production is exported worldwide and manufactured under the highest quality standards. Customer Markets Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer Metal sheet punching (0,5 – 6 mm.) Metal laser cutting (0,5 – 6 mm.) Hydraulic pressing (250 Tn.) Metal sheet bending (0,5 – 6 mm.) Welding Electromechanical Assemblings Design and prototyping Powder coating lines Main products Metal cabinets Heat exchangers Evaporators Ventilation units CERTIFICATIONS ISO9001 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Industry Telecommunications Energy saving Climatization Metal furniture Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME CONSTRUCCIONES METALICAS ESPECIALES STB ASTUR, S.A. (STB ASTUR, S.A.) OFFICES Address Calle Marcelino Camacho, 4 Polígono Industrial Somonte II E – 33393 Gijón (Asturias) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 985 30 38 98 Fax +34 985 30 38 34 E-mail [email protected] Web www.stbastur.com Turn over 3 million € Export rate 70% 2 Total surface (m ) 14.300 2 Covered surface (m ) 4.000 Founded in 2005 Employees 30 DUNS number CONTACT Contact person Alessandro Barzaghi (General Manager) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English and Italian [email protected] +34 985 30 38 98 ACTIVITIES Company Description The Production of STB ASTUR covers a wide range of products, principally steelworks for the Oil, Gas, Chemical, Power Generating Industries and Waste Heat Recovery Systems. STB ASTUR, with his own personnel and engineers, produces with CAD and 3D modelling CAD system, shop an erection drawings and can also provide structures calculations according to Eurocode, Aisc and other norms. Customer Markets Petrochemical Chemical Energy Oil Gas Subcontracting Activities/Product offer Main products General steelworks for heaters, boilers and furnaces Convection and radiant sections Ducts, stacks, platforms and ladders Dampers and guillotines Tube sheets Internals for steam drums Galvanizing CERTIFICATIONS Quality Management ISO 9001:2008 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Quality Management UNE EN 1090-1: 2011+A1:2012 Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME ENGRANAJES GRINDEL, S.A. OFFICES Polígono Industrial Arriaga, 7 E – 20870 Elgoibar-Gipuzkoa GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 943 74 82 01 Fax +34 943 74 05 46 E-mail [email protected] Web www.grindelgears.com Turn over 6.161.063 € Export rate 70% Total surface (m2) 3.356 Covered surface (m2) 3.356 Founded in 1966 Employees 55 DUNS number CONTACT Contact person Jorge Sanz Aguirre (Export Manager) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English, French [email protected] +34 943 74 82 01 ACTIVITIES Company Description GRINDEL, a leading company in the transmission elements sector, specialises in the production of high quality gears and splined shafts, adapting to customer requirements according to plans or samples. We are involved in small and medium-sized production: ranging from lots of 1 unit to several thousand a year. Our core competente is the production of ground gears. Customer Markets Cranes Pumps Machine Tools Construction and agricultural equipment Others (Robotic, Textil machinery, Transmissions, Gear boxes, Train industry…) Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer Complete and Partial construction of Gear Wheels and Pinions. Grinding of Wheels and Pinions Shaving of External shaving of external spur and helical gears. Cutting / Hobbing of Wheels and Pinions Ground Splined Shafts Milled Splined Shafts Cutting of internal Straight Gears in finishing stage Main products Cylindrical, straight and helical gears Splined shafts Gears with internal straight teeth and others CERTIFICATIONS Quality Management ISO 9001 Environmental Management ISO 14001 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME FABRICADOS HIDRÁULICOS Y MECÁNICOS, S.L. OFFICES Address Polígono de Logrezana Ctra. AS-110, km 7,8 E - 33438 Carreño (Asturias) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. Fax E-mail Web Turn over Export rate +34 985 515 255 +34 985 515 765 [email protected] www.fahime.com EUR 15 Mill 90% 2 Total surface (m ) 16.000 2 Covered surface (m ) 8.000 Founded in 1984 Employees 115 DUNS number 513095158 CONTACT Contact person Rafael Felgueroso (Foreign Trade Dep.) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English [email protected] +34 985 515 255 ACTIVITIES Company Description FAHIME is a company dedicated to the manufacturing of Capital Goods specialized in sectors: Hydro Power, Mechanics, Wind Power (Offshore), Mining, Chemistry and BTM. We achieve our work, based on the engineering developed for our customers, according to the drawings and technical specifications supplied by them. Our technical department is perfectly qualified to adapt to any needs, and prepared to move the information received with precision and quality to our workshops. Customer Markets Hydro Power Mechanics Wind Power, Offshore Mining Chemistry Nuclear BTM Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer Welding and boiling. Machining and adjustment. Assembly and testing. Quality control. Metrology. Surface treatment. Packaging and logistics. Main products Francis, Kaplan, Pelton and Bulb Turbines Distributors: HC/BR/OP/WG Spiral cases, Stay rings. Housing, Draft tubes, Cones. Valves: Butterfly, Spherical. Pelton Distributors and Nozzles Genarator Stator Frames, Rotors. We are working for some leading engineering companies from Europe and North America as: ALSTOM, ANDRITZ, GE, VOITH Groups CERTIFICATIONS ISO 9001:2008 EN ISO 3834-2 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. AD 2000-Merkblatt HP0 PED 97/23/EC Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME FABRICACIÓN Y MANTENIMIENTO S.A.U. (FAYMASA) OFFICES C/ Francia, 2 E – 34004 Palencia (Palencia) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 979 71 17 14 Fax +34 979 73 05 57 E-mail [email protected] Web www.faymasa.com Turn over 3.9 million € (2012) Export rate 13.11% (2012) 2 Total surface (m ) 7.400 2 Covered surface (m ) 4.260 Founded in 1989 Employees 69 DUNS number 466708104 CONTACT Contact person Elena González (Project Management) Javier Pelayo (Project Management) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English, French, Spanish, English, German [email protected] [email protected] +34 608 77 88 79 +34 636 853 883 ACTIVITIES Company Description Faymasa is specialized in engineering, machining, manufacturing and assembling of machines and equipment. We have experience manufacturing not only special machines and specific equipments but also palletized and handling systems with robot or without it. Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer DESIGN, CUTTING, WELDING (steel, stainless steel, aluminum, etc.), Machining (Milling Machines, Turning Machines, Grinding Machines), ASSEMBLY, AUTOMATION, 3D MEASUREMENT. Customer Markets Automotive, Machine Tool, Food Industry, Concrete, Aeronautics. CERTIFICATIONS ISO 9001, ISO 14001. AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME FORBRASS, S.A. OFFICES Address Polígono Industrial Erletxe Plataforma J, Edificio 1, Nave 1 E – 48960 Galdakao (Bizkaia) GENERAL INFORMATON 2 Tel. +34 94 600 91 38 Fax +34 94 600 90 72 E-mail [email protected] Web www.forbrass.com Turn over 12 million € Export rate 20 % Total surface (m ) 2 Covered surface (m ) Founded in 1993 Employees 35 DUNS number CONTACT Contact person Pablo Alonso (Managing Director) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English, French, German [email protected] +34 94 600 91 38 ACTIVITIES Company Description FORBRASS S.A. is a company specialized in the forging and hot-stamping of non-ferrous metals. FORBRASS develops technologically advanced techniques for hot-forging processes in order to offer our customers "all-inclusive solutions", using total quality and innovation as tools for developing relations with our clients and ensuring their loyalty. FORBRASS has medium-tonnage presses and all the necessary additional machinery to enable us to offer the best possible product to each of our clients. Customer Market Automotive Electrical Appliances Taps and Bathroom Appliances Metal Fittings for Windows and Doors. Fluid Control - Fittings Food Industry Fire-Protection Systems Water – Transport and Distribution Electricity - Transport and Distribution Gas - Transport and Distribution. Subcontracting Activities/Product offer ELECTROLYTE PLATING silver-plating tin-plating anodizing Main products Fittings Gas valves Battery clamps Water connectors Aluminium / Cupper CERTIFICATIONS ISO 9001:2008 quality certificate from SGS. AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME FUNDICIONES AIZPURUA, S.A. OFFICES Address Polígono Aranguren 7 E - 20180 Oiartzun (Gipuzkoa) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 943 490 288 / 943 491 288 Fax +34 943 492 908 E-mail [email protected] Web www.aizpurua.com Turn over 6 million € Export rate 30% 2 Total surface (m ) 3.500 2 Covered surface (m ) 2.800 Founded in 1958 Employees 25 DUNS number CONTACT Contact person Igor Olagüe (General Manager) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English, French, Italian, German [email protected] +34 943 490 288 / 94 349 12 88 ACTIVITIES Company Description Its production is exclusively concentrated on bronze and high resistance brass, using CENTRICASTING. Since it began, its main objective has been to constantly upgrade quality, which has allowed it to meet the constant growth in the needs of its clients. Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer Centricasting, proof- and finish-machining. Weight 2500kg max. Sizes ø30-ø2250mm Crowns for industrial and lift reducers / Headstock spindle nuts / Sleeves-bushings Customer Markets Industrial and lift reducers Siderurgy Solar energy Mining CERTIFICATIONS ISO 9001:2008 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME FUNDICIONES Y MATRICERÍA S.L. (FUYMA) OFFICES Address C/ Tenerife 30 E - 28970 Humanes (Madrid) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 91 697 73 25 Fax +34 91 615 95 92 E-mail [email protected] Web www.fuyma.com Turn over 6 - 7 million € Export rate 40% 2 Total surface (m ) 4.000 2 Covered surface (m ) 3.700 Founded in 1987 Employees 50 DUNS number CONTACT Contact person Felix Arias (General Manager) Languages Spanish, English E-mail [email protected] Tel. +34 91 697 73 25 ACTIVITIES Company Description Specialized in high pressure die casting of aluminium, zinc and brass. We develop our own molds and toolings, advise about mass removals and design improvements, carry out filling and cooling down simulations. We are pioneers in the aluminium high pressure die casting by melting with induction furnaces and able to carry out at our facilities processes such as shotblasting, vibratory treatment, leak tests. Customer Markets Subcontracting Activities/Product offer Machining Painting Impregnation Cathodic Main products Housings Manifolds Covers Brackets CERTIFICATIONS ISO 9001:2008 ISO / TS 16949:2009 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Agriculture Automotive Lightning Fire extinguising COMPANY NAME GALVATEC, S.L. OFFICES Address C/ Juan Olivert 22, P.E. Aeronáutico E - 41300 La Rinconada (Sevilla) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 954 115 026 Fax +34 954 115 027 E-mail [email protected] Web www.galvatec.es Turn over 9 million € Export rate 7% 2 Total surface (m ) 5.500 2 Covered surface (m ) 5.500 Founded in 2004 Employees 155 DUNS number CONTACT Contact person Francisco de la Vega (Director) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English [email protected] +34 666 593 451 ACTIVITIES Company Description GALVATEC is a growing company founded in 2004. We are 100% focused on Aeronautic workpackages, specialised on Machined and Turned parts, NDT, Surface Treatments and Subassemblies. We are currently looking for new customers, mainly in Europe. We offer a build-toprint full management from raw material commissioning to delivery of finished parts. Customer Markets Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer A Machining and Turning Surface Treatments Sub-Assemblies B Machined Aeronautic Parts Turned Aeronautic Parts Aeronautic Sub-Assemblies Main products Boeing 737 rudder fittings Airbus A380 HTP Turned Parts Parts and Small assemblies for A320, A330, A350, A380, B737, B777, B787, Embraer, Eurofighter, etc. Aeronautic Structures TIER 1 CERTIFICATIONS EN9100 PRI-NADCAP AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. ISO14001 Airbus, Boeing, Embraer Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME INDEMESA, S.L. OFFICES Address Pol. Ind. Bankunión I, C/ Bazán parcela 82-84 E - 33211 Tremañes (Gijón) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 985 30 86 86 Fax +34 985 30 83 06 E-mail [email protected] Web www.indemesa.com Turn over 5.08 million € (2012) Export rate 90% 2 Total surface 8.000 m 2 Covered surface 8.000 m Founded in 1984 Employees 35 DUNS number 466698826 CONTACT Contact person Daniel E. Diego Liedo (CEO) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English +34 985 30 86 86 ACTIVITIES Company Description Drums, Reactors, Stripper columns, Vacuum columns, Dryers, Regenerators, Structure and conveyor belts, Storage tanks/silos/hoppers, Scrubbers/Absorbers, Skids/Piping/Ducts, Gas & water coolers, Heat exchanges & electrofilters, Machinery and pieces for naval construction. Subcontracting Activities/Product offer Machining, Laser cutting, END, Painting, Transports, Packaging, Galvanizing. Customer Markets Refinery, Energy, Petrochemical, Gas storage, Ironworks, Cement, Chemical, Paper, Off-shore, Fertilizers, Natural gas, Naval, Industrial gases, Logistics CERTIFICATIONS ASME U and S, Repro, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 18001, ISO 3834-2, AD- Merkblatter HP0, Repsol, Sabic IP, Takreer We are working on EN 1090-1 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME Industrias Garita, S.L. OFFICES Address Poligono industrial Eitua, nº33 E – 48240 Berriz (Vizcaya) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 946 826 530 Fax +34 946 225 233 E-mail [email protected] Web www.garita.net Turn over 20 million € Export rate 40% 2 Total surface (m ) 8.000 2 Covered surface (m ) 6.700 Founded in 1965 Employees 80 DUNS number 461129801 CONTACT Contact person Lander Etxebarria E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English, German, French. [email protected] +34 670 665 007 ACTIVITIES Company Description Industrias Garita provides the manufacture of a range of pressed parts from a simple blank and pierce to complicated deep drawn and fully assembled components, welding, machining and sub-assembly. Customer Markets Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer Main products A Surface finishes Cathaphoretic E-coat Phosphating Zinc plating Heat treatment Metal Sheet Stamped parts and sub-assemblies for vehicles: Seatings Steering columns IP’s Car Cross Beam Braking Pedal box Suspension Transmissions Automotive industry CERTIFICATIONS ISO/TS 16949:2002 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. ISO 9001:2000 Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME INDUSTRIAS GES, S.A. OFFICES Address Ctra. Algete Al Casar de Talamanca km.6 E-28130 Valdeolmos (Madrid) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 916 202 240 Fax +34 916 202 051 E-mail [email protected] Web www.industriasges.com Turn over 5 million € Export rate 50% 2 Total surface (m ) 3.400 2 Covered surface (m ) 2.600 Founded in 1982 Employees 40 DUNS number 468719372 CONTACT Contact person Sprecher Valetin (General Manager) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English [email protected] +34 916 202 240 ACTIVITIES Company Description Family business leading industrial supplier for precision stamping components with press capacity up to 125 Tm. Short runs and very high volumes. Secondary process like Riveting, Welding and Tapping include. Customer Markets Automotive industry Trucks, industrial vehicles. Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer Stamping Stamping Bruderer Bihler Welding Tapping Prototypes Main products Brackets Clamps Washer Connectors CERTIFICATIONS Quality Management ISO TS16949 Environmental Management ISO 14001 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME INDUSTRIAS MECÁNICAS MICROLAN, S.L. OFFICES Address Pol. Ind. Areta C/ Bideberri, 2B E- 31620 Huarte (Navarra) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 948 361 036 Fax +34 948 361 037 E-mail [email protected] Web www.microlansl.com Turn over 1.6 million € Export rate 16 % 2 Total surface (m ) 1.200 2 Covered surface (m ) 1.200 Founded in 2004 Employees 23 DUNS number ES B31816234 CONTACT Contact person Mr. Javier Etxeberria (General Manager) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English, German, French [email protected] +34 948 361 036 ACTIVITIES Company Description Industrias Mecánicas Microlan SL is a company that does precision machining according to drawing of small and medium batches made in all kinds of materials. Production resources: Turning in 4 axis up to ø 400 mm; milling in 3 &4 axis up to 1.600 x 700 mm; machining centers with 5 axis up to 760 x 600 mm; control and measurement with 2 coordinates systems zeiss contura up to 1.600 x 1.000 mm; scanning + c.a.d. (using gibbs-cam). Customer markets Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer Machined parts according to customer drawing Main products Machined parts mainly for Automation Eolic Energy Aircraft Mechanical Holding Devices Hydraulic CERTIFICATIONS UNE EN 9100-2009 ISO 9001-2008 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. E.E.C. countries Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME JP INDUSTRIAS MECANICAS, S.L. OFFICES Address Ctra. De Besullo Km. 1,4 Aptdo. De Correos Nº 20 E - 33800 Cangas Del Narcea (Asturias) GENERAL INFORMATON 2 Tel. +34 985 81 08 68 Fax +34 985 81 00 49 E-mail [email protected] Web www.jpim.es Turn over 5 million € Export rate 10% Total surface (m ) 2 Covered surface (m ) 12.000 3.600 Founded in 1951 Employees 34 DUNS number 462069504 CONTACT Contact person Alberto Lopez (Technical Manager) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English [email protected] +34 985 81 08 68 ACTIVITIES Company Description As from the 1970’s the company evolved to the design and manufacture of mechanical components for the car industry, public works, forest machinery and agricultural machinery. Actually, we develop allin projects: gathering of initial data, design, programming, manufacture of own tools, manufacture of parts and assembly of units. Our main means of production are: 3 CNC horizontal machining centers (5 axes) 2 CNC vertical machining centers (3 axes) 5 CNC horizontal lathes Auxiliary resources: gears and splined shafts Cylindrical: module from 0.1 to 16, Dmax 1000 mm Conical: Module from 0.5 to 10, Dmax 500 Interior: Module max 8, Dmax 400 Rectified cylindrical Broached Rectified splined shafts Milled splined shafts Main products Differential axles Transfer cases Winches Reductors CERTIFICATIONS ISO 9001:2008 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Customer Markets Automotive Military Railways Naval Pumps Valves Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer On request, we carry out subcontracting services and manufacture of parts, mechanical components or sets in accordance with own or client specifications (shafts, gears, houses, supports, rail wheels) from different raw materials (forge, foundry, bar, etc.) and materials (steel, iron, aluminum). Forge Foundry Steel Iron Aluminum Machining Heat treatment Gear cutting Verification and inspection Shipping to customer Design, manufacture and assembly of mechanical sets (drive line components) COMPANY NAME KUZU, S.L. Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung OFFICES Address Poligono Industrial Morea Sur 3º, Calle 2ª, Nave izda. E- 31191 Beriain (Navarra) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 948 312 237 Fax +34 948 312 342 E-mail [email protected] Web www.kuzudecoletaje.es Turn over 2.5 million € Export rate 15 % 2 Total surface (m ) 1.100 2 Covered surface (m ) 1.100 Founded in 1985 Employees 16 ES B31544968 CONTACT Contact person Gonzalo Tadeo (Export) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English, German, French [email protected] +34 943 272 800 ACTIVITIES Company Description Specialists in bar turning and machining of special parts in all kind of materials including particular assemblies under customer request. Subcontracting Activities/Product offer Bar turning from ø2 up to ø65 CNC fully equipped lathes with automatic bars feeding, double spindle, motorized tools, Y-axle, etc. Small and medium batches. Customer Markets E.E.C. countries CERTIFICATIONS ISO 9001-2000 ISO 14001-2004 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME Main-Metall Española, SL OFFICES Address Polígono Industrial de Requejada, Z24 39312 Polanco GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 942 82 59 00 Fax +34 942 82 59 06 E-mail [email protected] Web www.main-metall.com Turn over Export rate 2 Total surface (m ) 15.000 2 Covered surface (m ) 3.500 Founded in 1968 Employees DUNS number CONTACT Contact person Rosana Martin (Sales) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English, German [email protected] +34 942 82 59 00 ACTIVITIES Company Description Established originally as a foundry of non-ferrous alloys, Main-Metall has become a vertically integrated producer of a wide range of high-quality plain bearings and guiding elements. Subcontracting Activities/Product offer Bronze bearings, guide bushings, self-lubricating guiding elements, wear plates, washers, thrust bearings, high-speed bearings, bearing shells, customised solutions (tribology, non-ferrous alloys). Customer Markets Mechanical engineering, plastics machinery, construction equipment, earthmoving equipment, moulding and tooling, automotive, plant manufacturing industries. CERTIFICATIONS ISO 9001:2008 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME Mecaltec Hispania OFFICES Address Pol. Ind. de Barros, 22 nave 15 E - 39408 Barros (Cantabria) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 942 842 078 Total surface (m2) 450 Fax +34 942 822 239 Covered surface (m2) 360 E-mail [email protected] Web www.mecaltec.com Founded in 2006 Turn over Employees 6 Export rate 15% DUNS number CONTACT Contact person Languages Ángel González (General Manager) Spanish, English E-mail [email protected] Tel. +34 942 842 078 ACTIVITIES Company Description Mecaltec Hispania is a spanish company founded in 2006. Using the most advanced technology combined with our large experience in CNC machinery provide special components as well as development and assembly of equipments for industry. We are an enthusiastic group of people which get together to share our knowledge and experience and offer them to our customers. Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer Machining (short, medium, big series), manufacture and assembly of machinery and industrial equipment, maintenance programs. Customer Markets Automotive industry, wind farms, food industry, energy, capital goods, industry CERTIFICATIONS Quality Management ISO 9001:2008 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME MECANIZADOS Y OXICORTES SL (MECOXI) OFFICES Address Rua Anel Do Perral nº2. Polig. Ind. Veigadaña E - 36416 Mos (Pontevedra) GENERAL INFORMATON 2 Tel. +34 986 292 058 Fax +34 986 242 139 E-mail [email protected] Web www.mecoxi.com Turn over (office address) Export rate 5% of production Total surface (m ) 4.000 2 Covered surface (m ) 2.500 Founded in 1996 Employees 26 DUNS number B36808434 CONTACT Contact person Adolfo Maldonado (international business thechnical departamento) Manuel Castro (General Manager) E-mail Tel. [email protected] +34 986 292 058 Languages Spanish and English. [email protected] 677 464 218 ACTIVITIES Company Description MECOXI is a company dedicated to the design and manufacture of industrial machinery sectors. We perform an integral manufacturing process and we give highest quality in our products. Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer Design, Steel and inox cutting (laser, plasma and oxigas), CNC machining, boiler making, approved welding, hobbing, assembly. We make all types of hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders Customer Markets shipbuilding, automobile ancillary companies, food companies CERTIFICATIONS IN PROCESS OF CERTIFICATION ISO-9001 and 14001 SCHEDULED DATE 30/06/2013 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME MECAPAL, S.L. OFFICES Address Bº Zubillaga, 77 E - 20560 Oñate (Gipuzkoa) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 943 716 235 Fax +34 943 716 234 E-mail [email protected] Web www.mecapal.es Turn over 3 million € Export rate 10% 2 Total surface (m ) 3.000 2 Covered surface (m ) 3.000 Founded in 1988 Employees 36 DUNS number ES B20180576 CONTACT Contact person Gonzalo Tadeo (Export) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English, German, French [email protected] +34 943 272 800 ACTIVITIES Company Description Dedicated to the precision CNC machining for several industrial sectors, including the supply of raw material, forging, casting, as well as the design and manufacture of the machining tools. Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer CNC lathes from 5 to 300 and machining centres up to 1.000 mm. Latest generation of vertical and horizontal CNC machining centres, automatic lathes and robotic transfer machines with 100% verification controls Customer Markets E.E.C. countries CERTIFICATIONS ISO 9001 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME MEIN Funcasa, S.A. OFFICES Address Polígono Andoaga, s/n E - 20709 Ezkio-Itsaso (Gipuzkoa) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 943 725 541 Fax +34 943 725 416 E-mail [email protected] Web www.funcasa-mein.com Turn over 15 million € Export rate 60% CONTACT Contact person (cargo) Juan Luis Plazaola (Technology Services coordinator) E-mail Tel. 2 Total surface (m ) 1.0000 2 Covered surface (m ) 8.000 Founded in 1942 Employees 72 DUNS number A48299515 Languages Spanish, English, French jlplazaola@funcasa-mein +34 639 661 898 ACTIVITIES Company Description Fundición en Cáscara, S.A. MEIN is a steel foundry which over the years has specialised in the production of high or low alloy iron and steel castings (white alloy, carbon steel, stainless, wear resistant, abrasion resistant, refractory, etc.) in medium and large batches. The unitary weight of the pieces ranges from 1 kg to 2000 kg. The annual capacity is in the region of 4000 tonnes. Production Facilities Melting: 2 MF Induction furnaces each one with two vessels of 2tn capacity Moulding: 3 shell moulding machines. Max size 1000x1000 mm. Max casting weight 150 kg, 1 no bake (furan sand) moulding line. Max size 2500x2500mm. max casting weight 2000 kg Heat treatment: 2 heat treatment furnaces (1 gas heated, 1 electric). Max capacity 6000 kg each. Subcontracting Activities/Product offer We can supply finished castings by outsourcing following activities: Machining, priming, painting, galvanizing, welding, assembly, testing (destructive and non-destructive). Customer Markets Quarries and Mining, Oil and Gas, Hydro Energy, Transport, Construction, Pulp and Paper, Cement Industry, Farming Machinery, Industrial Equipment. CERTIFICATIONS Quality Management ISO 9001:2008 Manufacturer approval by DNV (Det Norske Veritas) AD2000 Merkblatt. W0/TRD 100 by TÜV AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME NAGAMOHR, S.A. OFFICES Address: Calle Diseño, 9 Polígono Industrial “Los Olivos” E – 28906 Getafe (Madrid) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 91 601 02 74 Fax +34 91 681 84 40 E-mail [email protected] Web www.nagamohr.com Turn over 9.2 million € Export rate 30% CONTACT Contact person Maribel Herrera Melendo (Sales Manager) E-mail Tel. 2 Total surface (m ) 4.735 2 Covered surface (m ) 3.804 Founded in 1993 Employees 85 DUNS number 471985143 Languages Spanish, English, German [email protected] +34 91 601 02 74 ACTIVITIES Company Description Nagamohr is a company dedicated to high precision turning, specialized in complex shafts. Born out of the transfer of a small production centre from Germany to Spain in 1993, it has developed since into a company with nearly 100 employees, an annual production of more than 20 million shafts and turnover of approximately 10 M€. Nagamohr is specialized in the production of large series: Solid and hollow transmission shafts Shafts for electrical motors Shafts for distribution boxes Stainless steel shafts and valves for gas recirculation system These shafts are used in wiper systems, electric window lifts, motorized seat adjustments and sunroofs, powertrain systems, exhaust air systems, etc. Customer Markets Automotion Domestic Industrial Main products Steel shafts Stainless steel shafts Martensitic steel shafts, etc. Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer Electrical motor shafts Wiper shafts: hollow and solid Powertrain shafts (distribution boxes) Gas recirculation system Valve and customize shafts CERTIFICATIONS Quality Management ISO 9001 Automotive Quality Management ISO TS 16949 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Enviromental Managament ISO 14001 Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME PASCUAL CHURRUCA, S.A. OFFICES Address Rekalde, 21 E – 20590 Soraluze (Guipúzcoa) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 943 750 006 Fax +34 943 752 461 E-mail [email protected] Web www.pascualchurruca.com Turn over 3.5 million € Export rate 32% 2 Total surface (m ) 2.000 2 Covered surface (m ) 2.000 Founded in 1931 Employees 35 DUNS number CONTACT Contact person Enrique Churruca, Export Manager E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English, French [email protected] +34 943 750 006 ACTIVITIES Company Description Pascual Churruca, S.A. is dedicated to the manufacturing of special crews and bolts. With the flexibility of our production means, we are particularly competitive in manufacturing small and medium series of special pieces, with low tooling costs and agile delivery. We also work with special raw materials like Duplex, Suyperduplex, Titaniun, etc. Subcontracting Activities/Product offer Heat Traetments, coverings and other mechanical operations Customer Markets Elevators/lifts, Nautical equipments, Hand tools, Agromachinery, Railways, cable trays, supermarkets trolleys, automotion, water large deposits, large wood packagings, etc. CERTIFICATIONS ISO 9001/2000 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME PRECIMECAN, S.L. OFFICES Address Calle Alonso Barba, 12 E- 28806 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 918 796 957 Fax +34 918 820 093 E-mail [email protected] Web www.precimecan.com Turn over 3.6 million € Export rate 85% 2 Total surface (m ) 7.500 2 Covered surface (m ) 4.500 Founded in 1992 Employees 36 DUNS number 476713953 CONTACT Contact person Luis Camarasa (Sales Manager) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English, French [email protected] +34 918 796 957 ACTIVITIES Company Description Manufacture of machined parts and components in accordance to clients' specifications and drawings, in small and medium sized batches. As client's demand, including raw materials, treatments, etc. Production and assembly of mechanical sub-systems or complete machines in accordance to clients' specifications and drawings, including purchase of subcomponents and materials, manufacture, inspection and testing. Subcontracting Activities/Product offer CNC lathes, CNC horizontal machining centers, CNC vertical machining center, 5 axes machining centers. Customer Markets Industrial equipment, Railways, Industrial engines, Defense, Telecommunications, Nuclear industry. CERTIFICATIONS ISO 9001:2008 (TÜV Rheinland) AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME RCB, S.L. OFFICES Address Calle 32, parc 119 P. O Box 76 E - 46470 Catarroja (Valencia) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 961 170 450 Fax +34 961 267 211 E-mail [email protected] Web www.rcbboiler.com Turn over Export rate 2 Total surface (m ) 2 Covered surface (m ) Founded in 1972 Employees DUNS number CONTACT Contact person Rafael Cubells (Export Dpt.) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English [email protected] +34 96 127 04 50 ACTIVITIES Company Description RCB. is a dynamic company that develops new products and boilers, allowing us to offer a competitive, high quality product and excellent service. We cover the complete range of steam production and pressure currently in demand by the industry and we work with any kind of solid, liquid or gaseous combustible. Customer Markets Siderurgy Petrochemical Energy General industry Environment Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer Boilers working with any kind of solid, liquid or gaseous combustible for the complete range of steam production and pressure in demand by the industry. Main products Firetube boilers from 100 to 30.000 kg/h Cogeneration boilers 60 Tons of steam Equipment items for the combustion process. Biomass steam boilers AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME SEGURA HERMANOS, S.A. OFFICES Address C/ Ramón y Cajal, 19 E – 28914 Leganés (Madrid) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 916 876 444 Fax +34 916 882 975 E-Mail [email protected] Web www.seher.es Turn over Export rate 2 Total surface (m ) 2.500 2 Covered surface (m ) 2.800 Founded in 1970 Employees 49 DUNS number a-28254498 CONTACT Contactperson José Luis Segura Pico (General Manager) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English, French, Italian [email protected] +34 916 876 444 ACTIVITIES Company Description It´s a family company with more than 50 years of experience in turned parts. In our machinery park you can found all the solutions for your products. Turning centers, multisspindle machines, automatic lathes, transfer machines, etc. can give to our customers the best solution for each type of pieces. We work for all type of industrial sectors (Medicine, electronic, energy, armament, tools, automotive, defense, aeronautic, railway, etc. Turned of all type of materials (Brass, aluminium, inox steels, plastic, Teflon, etc.).Low and high batches it depending of the industrial sectors. We export to all Europe (Germany, Switzerland, France, Sweden, Belgium, Norway, Finland, Holland, etc.) 80% of exportation till more than 20 years ago. Quick deliveries. Always working according with our customers (Order by order or with forecast for all year). Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer Precision turned Parts, Decoletaje Customer Markets Tools, armament, optical, aeronautic, defense, electronic, medical, lighting, automotive, pyrotechnics, railway, energies, elevators. CERTIFICATIONS ISO 9001/2008 (ENAC,UKAS) AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME STERN HIDRAULICA, S.A. OFFICES Address Bº Elbarrena S/N E - 20159 Zizurkil (Guipuzcoa) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 943 692 862 Fax +34 943 690 946 E-mail [email protected] Web www.sternhidraulica.com Turn over Export rate: 40% 2 Total surface (m ) 3.000 2 Covered surface (m ) 3.000 Founded in 1970 Employees 35 DUNS number CONTACT Contact person Pedro Charton (Sales Manager) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English [email protected] +34 943 692 862 ACTIVITIES Company Description Stern Hidraulica is an integrated company with more than 40 years of experience in the design and manufacture of hydraulic cylinders and power units, with our own engineering department, machinery (honing, milling, turning, etc.), test benches and painting process in order to control the product quality internally in each of the processes. Subcontracting Activities/Product offer Capacity: up to 1000mm diameter, single strokes up to 14 meters, pressures up to 700bar in different types of materials, coating treatments and fluids. Special: Rotary, Telescopic, High pressure, stainless steel, Pneumatic, Compact, Electrohydraulic, etc. Standard: ISO 6020/1, ISO 6020/2, ISO 6022 Installation, maintenance and assembly Customer Markets Steel industry, hydroelectric projects, cutting lines, hydraulic presses, mining, cement, marine, offshore, machine tools, civil engineering projects, etc. CERTIFICATIONS Quality Management ISO 9001 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME TECNICHAPA SLU OFFICES Address Bº Basauntz 2 E - 48140 Igorre (Vizcaya) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 94 630 51 61 Fax +34 94 630 51 62 E-Mail [email protected] Web www.tecnichapa.com Turn over > 25 million € Export rate 80% 2 Total surface (m ) 10.500 (Igorre) + 4.000 (Kunshan) 2 Covered surface (m ) 10.500 (Igorre) + 4.000 (Kunshan) Founded in 1982 Employees 97 Igorre + 53 Kunshan DUNS number CONTACT Contact person Mr. Fernando Antón (Tecnical Sales) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English [email protected] +34 94 630 5161 (+34 660 468 684) ACTIVITIES Company Description TECNICHAPA designs and manufactures demanding metallic components for several markets. Our clients are leading OEM companies acting globally. For sheet metal based product, we manufacture, integrate, test and homologate metallic products in medium series by using flexible manufacturing means (laser cut, punching, press breaks, automatic paneling, welding and painting) On top, we offer the integration of complementary technologies (stamping parts, machining, plastic elements, electronic elements, etc.) in order to deliver a semi-finished or turn-key product if necessary. Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer Manufacturing of sheet metal based products for different markets Customer Markets Different markets: Electrical, urban equipment, defense, printing sector, medical, railway, etc. CERTIFICATIONS ISO 9001:2008 and Environmental EKOSCAN AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME Ugarteburu, S.A. OFFICES Adress Poligono Industrial de Goitondo S/N E - 48269 Mallabia (Vizcaya) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 943171057 Fax +34 943171192 E-mail [email protected] Web www.ugarteburu.com Turn over 27 million € Export rate 75 % 2 Total surface (m ) 20.000 2 Covered surface (m ) 15.000 Founded in 1969 Employees 100 DUNS number CONTACT Contact person Mikel Uribe (Sales Manager) E-mail Tel. +34 943171057 Languages Spanish, English [email protected] +34 672274617 ACTIVITIES Company Description Turned parts company with more than 50 multispindle machines (Schutte, Index MS,Tornos, Gidemeister), Single spindle lathes (Deco 20), Roller Machines (Esco, Hydromat).Working with Brass, Steel (F-212,F-211), Stainless Steel (303,430 F) and aluminum (2011,6026,6262).Range of diameters 2 mm- 50mm. Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer A Hardening Plating AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Customer Markets Automotive Industry. House Hold Appliances. Hydraulics. Locking industry. Combustion. Main products Screw Turned Parts Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME Uniex Berri S.L. (Auxin Group) OFFICES Address Barroeta Aldamar, 4 (Dpt. 21) E - 48001 Bilbao (Vizcaya) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 94 424 3021 Fax +34 94 424 2986 E-mail [email protected] Web www.auxin.com Turn over 70 million € Export rate 55% 2 Total surface (m ) 12 plants in Spain and Rumania 2 Covered surface (m ) Founded in 1963 Employees 456 DUNS number CONTACT Contact person Mr. Tony Goffard (Export Manager) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English, French, [email protected] +34 944 243 021 ACTIVITIES Company Description 12 factories (in Spain and Romania) approved ISO/TS 16949:2002 producing: Tube shaping & hydroforming. Sub-assemblies in sheetmetal & tube in automated cells (Saljoar, S.A.) Aluminium pressure die casting and machining (Gabi, S.A.) Special cold formed parts and fasteners (Industrias GOL S.A.U.) Precision turned parts and sub-assemblies (Microdeco, S.A.). Subcontracting Activities/Product offer In the 4 different technologies of our group we are more competitive if the requirements are high as leak tests, unit controls, special raw materials, high tolerances or sub-assemblies. We are Bosch preferred supplier. We supply among other companies to: Mercedes, Delphi, Continental, Faurecia, Kayaba, Sumitomo, Johnson Controls, etc. Customer Markets Mainly automotive, but other industrial sectors also, if medium and large volumes are required. CERTIFICATIONS ISO/TS 16949:2009; ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Maschinenbau / Metallbearbeitung COMPANY NAME UTIL VIGO, S.L. OFFICES Parque Tecnológico y Logístico (PTL) Vigo Calle C nº6 E - 36314 Vigo (Pontevedra) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 986 211 961 Fax +34 986 202 001 E-mail [email protected] Web www.utilvigo.es Turn over 2.5 million € Export rate 70% 2 Total surface(m ) 3.500 2 Covered surface(m ) 1.800 Founded in 1993 Employees 25 DUNS number B36756591 CONTACT Contact person Blai Viladrich E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English, French, Portuguese [email protected] +34 639 75 41 18 ACTIVITIES Company Description UTILVIGO is specialized in offering high precision machining solutions such as jigs&fixtures, high responsibility parts and special tooling. The company includes all the value chain from engineering to certification with divided areas for designing, production, grinding, assembly and CMM measuring. The company uses special materials such as CuAl10Ni5Fe4, CuNi30Mn1Fe4, forged and special steel or technical plastics. Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer milling, turning, grinding, assembly, cmm metrology, special treatments, special testing Customer Markets Automotive, Defence, Energy, Aerospace CERTIFICATIONS ISO 9001 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Kunststoff, Chemie, Pharma COMPANY NAME Aries Industrias del Plástico, S.A. OFFICES Address Montecarlo, 22 E - 28942 Fuenlabrada (Madrid) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 916 491 040 Fax +34 916 070 035 E-Mail [email protected] Web www.aries-ipsa.com Turn over 6 million € Export rate 21% 2 Total surface (m ) 13.000 2) Covered surface (m 8.000 Founded in 1957 Employees 50 DUNS number CONTACT Contact person Luis de Lagarde (Business Manager) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English [email protected] +34 916 491 040 ACTIVITIES Company Description Manufacturing and design of plastic mould components. Aries-IPSA offers a global solution to its clients: from the conception and development of the parts, to serial manufacture. 20 horizontal or vertical injection machines between 30 and 1.000 TM for all types of thermoplastic materials. Assembly area to use other techniques as pad-printing, skill-screen printing and painting. Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer Assembling of sub-assemblies and mechanical sets with plastic parts, in automatic and manual lines. Assembly tools design and construction. IML technology. Clean Room. Engineering and quality control: mould flow, 3D and other professional software. Customer Markets Automotive, pharmaceutical, railways, air conditioning and other different industry parts. CERTIFICATIONS ISO 9001-2008, Homologated by the Ministry of Health, Government of Spain, for medical devices. AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Kunststoff, Chemie, Pharma COMPANY NAME CREACIONES Y DISEÑOS PLÁSTICOS, S.L. OFFICES Address C/Cuenca, 19 Polig. Ind. L´Alfaç II E - 03440 Ibi (Alicante) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 966 552 086 / +34 966 552 708 Fax +34 966 550 019 E-mail [email protected] Web www.crediplast.com Turn over 2.6 million € Export rate 5% 2 Total surface (m ) 1.800 2 Covered surface (m ) Founded in 1995 Employees 28 DUNS number CONTACT Contact person José Antonio García Peñalver E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English, French [email protected] +34 966 552 086 ACTIVITIES Company Description Crediplast is a company that is devoted to engineering, the development of a product and the manufacture of moulds for the injection of thermoplastics. The company relies on its specialized staff who supervise and administer the correct development of a product, from the initial idea to its final production, whilst offering its clients a specialized, dynamic and personalized treatment, achieving maximum quality products, with client satisfaction being the main aim of the company. 2 Crediplast has over 1800m of qualified technological installations, that allows for any project to be taken on, with the fluidity, guarantee and speed that the present day market demands. Nowadays, we have a work capacity of up to 90,000h per year. CERTIFICATIONS UNE EN ISO 9001:2008 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Customer Markets Car Industry Furniture Pharmaceutical & Cosmetics White Goods Main products Moulds 3D design Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer A MANUFACTURE Moulds Machining B ENGINEERING Engineering 3D designs Reverse engineering Kunststoff / Chemie / Pharma COMPANY NAME ESBELT, S.A. OFFICES Address Calle Provenza 385 E - 08025 Barcelona (Cataluña) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 932 973 311 Fax +34 934 593 308 E-mail [email protected] Web www.esbelt.com Turn over 16.335.918 € (Consolidated 23.594.085) Export rate 72,6% 2 Total surface (m ) 8.128 2 Covered surface (m ) 7.639 Founded in 1970 Employees 103 DUNS number 86-296-9458 CONTACT Contact person Aurora Cejalbo – Customer Service E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, German, English [email protected] +34 932 080 786 +34 666 549 228 ACTIVITIES Company Description Manufacture and sale of 1 to 6 plies thermoplastic conveyor belts (PVC, Plyurethane, Polyolefine, Silicone and Polyester covers), profiles, round, trapezoidal and pentagonal extruded thermowealdable belts, elastomer and leather transmission belts, and belt handling machinery. Fully owned Esbelt Gmbh is based in Neüss, next to Düsseldorf. It acts as an Esbelt distributor, stocking rolls and providing belt fabrication (transformation to customers’ needs) and in site mounting services. Contact person: Ralf Schmidt, General Manager, mobile 1722188795, email [email protected]. Subcontracting Activities/Product offer Belt fabrication (transformation to customers’ needs) and in site mounting services. Customer Markets Industry, Agroindustry, Food, Logistics CERTIFICATIONS ISO 9001:2008 by DNV AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Kunststoff / Chemie / Pharma COMPANY NAME MOLDEADOS TECNICOS PLASTICOS, S.A. (MOLTEPLAS) OFFICES Address Pol. Ind. Villalonquejar C/ Merindad De Montija S/Nº E - 09001 Burgos (Burgos) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 947 298 239 Fax +34 947 298 506 E-mail [email protected] Web www.molteplas.es Turn over 6.298.420 € Export rate 36% 2 Total surface (m ) 27.000 2 Covered surface (m ) 7.300 Founded in 1977 Employees 70 DUNS number 461093049 CONTACT Contact person Ignacio Alvarez Santidrian (Plant Manager) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English, French [email protected] +34 679 468 048 ACTIVITIES Company Description Plastic injection, Overmoulding of inserts, gas injection, sequential injection, bi-material, Semi manual Assemblies, automatic assembling cells. Blow molding, Vertical injection, Plastic Extrusion. Mold production. High pressure aluminum injection. We can cooperate as co-designers in the project with our customer, be subcontracted for making the injection process, for developing the tools. Molteplas is one of the production plants of the Mecacontrol group has in Spain. The group has 5 plants in Spain and 1 plant in Poland. Spain: 2 Plants in Cascante (Navarra), 2 Plants in Burgos (Castilla-Leon) and 1 plant in Linares (Andalucía).Poland:1 Plant in Dąbrowa Górnicza (Poland). Subcontracting Activities/Product offer Painting, Chrome, Screen printed, security stocks in external storages, quality control gauges, assembly cells, molds, external laboratory tests. Customer Markets Automotive (80%), electronics (5%), household appliances (5%), furniture(5%), lighting(3%), civil works(1%), pipes(1%). CERTIFICATIONS TS 16949 – ISO 9001 – ISO 14001 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Kunststoff / Chemie / Pharma COMPANY NAME PEREZ LINARES S.L. OFFICES Address C/ Tte. Gral. Vicente Ripoll Valls 48 E - 03420 Castalla (Alicante) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 96 556 10 13 Fax +34 96 556 08 81 E-mail [email protected] Web www.perezlinares.com Turn over 2 M€ Export rate 5% 2 Total surface (m ) 7.000 2 Covered surface (m ) 3.000 Founded in 1983 Employees 15 DUNS number CONTACT Contact person Samuel Pérez E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English [email protected] +34 96 556 10 13 ACTIVITIES Company Description The company is a manufacturer of plastic parts mainly by injection. The main feature in our offer is the exclusivity; we make custom parts and packaging, in sole right and with confidentiality. We offer a global service, adapted to the needs of our customers, including assembly of pieces, decoration, etc. Total adaptability in the different phases of the process to needs of every project especially in quantities, delivery times, customized colors, etc. Our last technology machinery guarantees results of high quality. Adjusted invests in molds, experience in biodegradable materials, food regulations, etc. The company has a second section focused to plastic containers and blow molding products. Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer Technical plastic parts, packaging and components for different industries by injection molding. Quality, confidentiality and exclusivity. Optimal relation quality/price. Customer Markets Packaging, furniture, electronics, shoe, gift and decoration, agriculture, textile, chemistry CERTIFICATIONS Quality Management ISO 9001 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Kunststoff / Chemie / Pharma COMPANY NAME PINTURAS MACY, S.A. OFFICES Address Crta. Nac. 301 Km 212.800 PO BOX 41 E - 02630 La Roda (Albacete) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 967 44 07 12 Fax +34 967 44 28 19 E-mail [email protected] Web www.pinturas-macy.com Turn over 10.641.364 € Export rate 35% 2 Total surface (m ) 120.000 2 Covered surface (m ) 30.000 Founded in 1978 Employees 100 DUNS number A-02033355 CONTACT Contact person Héctor Agudo (Area Sales Manager) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English, Italian, German [email protected] +34 666 43 84 73 ACTIVITIES Company Description A familiar company built up thanks to the determination and effort of his founder. Nowadays the latest techniques for the manufacturing of paints, the own investigation and development of new products and the constant renovation, lead Pinturas Macy SA to be an exemplary company in the whole world. This technology provides us with a sophisticated tintometric system able to make more than 10.000 colours instantaneously and exact repetition of the colour guaranteed. Finally a production capability of more than 500 tons of paint per day assure our orders to be always on time. Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer Plastic paints, house-paints, high decoration, waterproof-paints, enamels, varnishes, glazes, sealers, paste fillers, dyestuffs, ecological paints, etc. Customer Markets European Union, South America, Africa and Middle East. CERTIFICATIONS ISO 9001 & 14001, AENOR, IQ-NET AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Kunststoff / Chemie / Pharma COMPANY NAME Poliuretanos Rivas, S.A. OFFICES Address C/ Joaquin Costa, 20 E - 50298 Pinseque (Zaragoza) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 976 617 131 Fax +34 976 656 897 E-mail [email protected] Web www.poliuretanosrivas.com Turn over 2.5 million € Export rate 30% 2 Total surface (m ) 15.000 2 Covered surface (m ) 6.500 Founded in 1978 Employees 28 DUNS number CONTACT Contact person Fernando Rivas (Technical Director) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English [email protected] +34 976 617 131 ACTIVITIES Company Description Poliuretanos Rivas started in 1978 and its main activity is producing polyurethane molded items. We work with different types of polyurethane, from flexible fire-retardant foams to rigid materials, semirigid (integral skin) ones or viscoelastic foams. 15 High pressure machines (Krauss Maffei). We also have a line of coated foam. Customer Markets Railway cushions Office/Home furniture Bedding Collectivities Bus interiors Bath room Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer Flexible molded polyurethane Integral skin molded polyurethane Rigid molded polyurethane Viscoelastic molded polyurethane Coated foams Main products Memory Foam pillows Flexible shower trays and basins Flexible cushions, armchairs, seats and backrests Coated furniture CERTIFICATIONS ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Kunststoff / Chemie / Pharma COMPANY NAME PROINDIVER, S.L. OFFICES Address Ronda Narcís Monturiol 35-37 E - 08349 Cabrera de Mar (Barcelona) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 937 596 166 Fax +34 937 594 100 E-mail [email protected] Web www.proindiver.net Turn over 1.9 million € Export rate 22% 2 Total surface (m ) 5.000 2 Covered surface (m ) 2.100 Founded in 1980 Employees 15 DUNS number 460096977 CONTACT Contact person Jordi Aguilera (Business Development Manager) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English, Catalan [email protected] +34 937 596 166 ACTIVITIES Company Description PROINDIVER is a chemical company founded in 1980 and located near Barcelona that is devoted to the research and development, manufacturing and commercialization of chemical auxiliary products in the field of Fine Chemicals areas like textile, leather, paper, polymers and resins. We are present in many countries all around the world, and we can operate also working as a CRO or CMO company. Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer Chemical specialties, auxiliary products, CMO,CRO, active principles Customer Markets Textile, leather, polymers, resins, paintings, paper, detergency, pharma, cosmetics. AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Kunststoff / Chemie / Pharma COMPANY NAME ZATEC, S.A. OFFICES Polígono Industrial Las Norias Avenida Valencia nº20 E - 50450 Muel (Zaragoza) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 976 145 250 Fax +34 976 141 151 E-mail [email protected] Web www.zatecsa.com Turn over 3 million € Export rate 20% 2 Total surface (m ) 4.200 2 Covered surface (m ) 3.400 Founded in 1991 Employees 23 DUNS number 469600712 CONTACT Contact person José Ramón Benedí (Sales) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English [email protected] +34 976 145 250 ext.2002 ACTIVITIES Company Description Since Its inception, Zatec has been a company dedicated to injection of small and technical parts in engineering plastics. Zatec offers a comprehensive service of product, from design through prototype and mold until serial production. Besides the other complementary activities. We are a flexible company and as such we can supply small and large series. Customer Markets Automotive Electrical Electronic Telecommunications Lighting Ovens Welding Activities/ Product offer Injection of technical parts in engineering plastics from 0.1 gr. to about 325 gr. Pad printing Welding of plastic parts (Ultrasonic and Rotation) Humidity Conditioning for hygroscopic parts Assembly Main products Our main market is automotive, therefore our plastic parts are used in different areas: Under the hood Antivibration systems Powertrain – Drivetrain System Transfer fluids Seats CERTIFICATIONS ISO/TS 16949: 2009 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. ISO 9001:2008 Elektronik / IT / IKT / Elektrotechnik COMPANY NAME CAF POWER & AUTOMATION, S.L.U. OFFICES Address Parque Tecnológico de San Sebastián Pso. Mikeletegi, 58 – 2º E – 20009 San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 943 309 251 Fax +34 943 309 252 E-mail [email protected] Web www.cafpower.com/embedded Turn over 70 million € Export rate 85% (CAF Group) 2 Total surface (m ) 8.000 2 Covered surface (m ) 8.000 Founded in 2012 (Merger of 3 CAF Group subsidiaries). Employees 240 DUNS number CONTACT Contact person Juan Miguel Pérez (Sales Manager) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, Basque, English, German, French [email protected] +34 943 309 251 ACTIVITIES Company Description Electronic industrial solutions. Experts in real time, rugged and/or functional safety critical systems. Years of research and considerable investment have enabled us to gain valuable experience, skills and products that we can use to help our clients to ensure a reduction in marketing times and nonrecurring costs in the launch of new products. Our electronic platforms act as base for the development of control applications with or without functional safety requirements. We also offer Electrical Traction, Information-, Communication- and Energy Systems through our railway business unit. Customer Markets Subcontracting Activities/Product offer Electronic platforms (HW+BSP+FW) +associated engineering services: Embedded Soft- and Hardware Functional Safety Testing and Simulation Systems Electronic System Engineering Electrical Traction and Energy Systems Information and Communication Systems Main products BITART Electronics: General electronic platform for applications with functional safety requirements. BITART Testing Tool: Software for automated testing and validation of any kind of system. Different Rugged Electronic Systems Railways Buses Heavy Cranes Heavy Machinery Energy Medical Devices CERTIFICATIONS ISO 9001 EN 15085 CMMI Level 2 ISO/IEC 15504 (SPICE) AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. IRIS Functional Safety Standards Life Cycle Management Process certified by TÜV Rheinland for developments up to SIL 4 Elektronik / IT / IKT / Elektrotechnik COMPANY NAME Casado Martinez, S.L. OFFICES Address Crta. Gallur-Sangüesa km 4.3 E – 50650 Gallur (Zaragoza) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 976 865 039 Fax +34 976 866 280 E-mail [email protected] Web www.casadomartinez.com Turn over Export rate 2 Total surface (m ) 15.000 2 Covered surface (m ) 8.000 Founded in 1981 Employees DUNS number CONTACT Contact person Miguel Calavia Lago E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English [email protected] +34 630 173 734 ACTIVITIES Company Description Study, construction and installation of electrical mountings cabinets for small and large projects. The sectors where Casado Martinez operates are: renewable energy, industrial and public projects, machine tools and construction, installers and electricity distribution companies Subcontracting Activities/ Product offer Electrical cabinets manufactured in various sizes and finishes. Design of the electrical panel and cabinet adapted: all sizes, different distributions and maneuvers (formats), different materials, individual design, etc. Machining center to manufacture cabinets Customer Markets Metallurgy, agrifood, manufacturer, renewable energy, rail CERTIFICATIONS ISO 9001 IN STEP AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Dienstleistungen / Engineering / Logistik COMPANY NAME LKS INGENIERIA S.COOP, DIARADESIGN OFFICES Address GARAIA Innovation Centre, Goiru kalea 7 E - 20500 Arrasate-Mondragón (Gipuzkoa) Other offices: China, India, Colombia, Chile, Peru GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 902 03 04 88 Fax +34 943 79 38 78 E-mail [email protected] Web www.diaradesign.com, www.lksgroup.com, www.mondragonconrporation.com Turn over 27 million € (2012) Export rate 6% Founded in 1986 Employees 178 DUNS number CONTACT Contact person Olaia Irulegi (Managing Director) Languages Basque, Spanish, German, English E-mail [email protected] Tel. +34 608 349 020 ACTIVITIES Company Description DIARADESIGN is an international and reputed Design Consultancy consisted of a creative and innovative team with a more than 25 years of experience in Product, Transport, Brand and Interior Design. 90% of the projects have been successfully launched into the market, what endorses our strategic vision and market knowledge. Customer Markets Transport Consumer Professional Healthcare Public Retail Subcontracting Activities/Product offer CONSULTANCY User and market centered research, brand and design strategy. DESIGN Concept design and creativity. ENGINEERING Detailed development until prototype and industrialization assistance Main references CAF, Irizar, Talgo, Iveco, ISRI, CRC, CSR, B/S/H, Fagor, Haier, Philips, Danobat, Orona, Ormazabal, Telefonica CERTIFICATIONS UNE-EN-ISO 9001 Quality Management UNE-EN-ISO 14001 Environmental Management AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. UNE 150:301 Whole Life Cycle Product Assessment and Management Method UNE 150301:2004 EcoDesign. Lebensmittel / Getränke COMPANY NAME DISFASA, S.A. OFFICES Address Avenida Cuba, 50 E - 34004 Palencia (Palencia) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 917153257 Fax +34 979713016 E-mail [email protected] Web www.facundo.es Turn over 25 million € Export rate 0,3% 2 Total surface (m ) 2 Covered surface (m ) 12.000 Founded in 1944 Employees 150 DUNS number CONTACT Contact person Silvia González Pastrana (Export Manager) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English, French [email protected] +34 600 590 020 ACTIVITIES Company Description Facundo offers the market a wide range of gluten free nuts and snacks that are especially recommended to satisfy the most demanding consumers. Facundo continuously aims for quality and excellence, designing new products with high added value and always improving the production processes of its two factories. Subcontracting Activities/Product offer Sunflower seeds, fried corn, cocktails of nuts and snacks, corn rings (Chaskis), corn chips (Fritos) and olive oil or flavored hand cooked potato chips. Customer Markets Retail, Cash & Carry, foodservice and convenience stores. CERTIFICATIONS Quality Management ISO 9001 AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Sonstige / Verpackung COMPANY NAME GRUPO ALBERT 2000, S.L. OFFICES Address Avda. Biar S/N E - 03469 Campo De Mirra (Alicante) GENERAL INFORMATON Tel. +34 962 911 215 Fax +34 962 910 275 E-mail [email protected] Web www.grupoalbert.com Turn over 1.834.822 € Export rate 670.445 € 2 Total surface (m ) 3.000 2 Covered surface (m ) 3.000 Founded in 1989 Employees 20 DUNS number CONTACT Contact person Salvador Albert Bolinches (Export Manager) E-mail Tel. Languages Spanish, English [email protected] + 34 962 911 215 ACTIVITIES Company Description Grupo Albert is a Spanish company that provides packaging solutions, during more than 30 years. This experience is making us a serious, formal, expert and recognized company. Our mission is providing medium / high level packages for companies who are looking for a new add-value to them items through the packaging. We produce bags in different materials, starting from PE, PEVA, PP, PVC, PP-NW, cotton fabric, and even now developing new eco materials and always under standard UE rules. We also produce rigid boxes made in PP, PVC, cardboard. We even can develop for you new projects, including designs, printing, making prototypes and adapting the packaging to your needs, sizes, budget or requirements. Shopping bags (Foldable bags, Re-usable bags, Standard bags) Tailor made zipper bags (Bags adapted to your dimensions, colors, shapes, etc.) Boxes (Rectangular, Tubes, Balls) Mattress cover (PVC and PP NW with printing and elastic rubber) Flat bags with heat welding (with adhesive tape, with hanger hook, with press zipper) Flat bags with ultrasonic welding (with adhesive tape, hanger hook or press zipper) AHK / BME Beschaffungsleitfaden Spanien 2014 © AHK Spanien - BME e.V. Customer Markets Home Textil Manufacturers Marketing companies Bed Linen Manufacturers Cosmetics Manufacturers Textil Manufacturers in most of European countries, north of Africa, Latin America and Russia. Main products As we are manufacturers we can design and produce any packaging that will suit to customer product. Subcontracting Activities/Product offer HOME TEXTIL MANUFACTURERS Table cloth Towels BED LINEN MANUFACTURERS Pillows, Duvets, Comforters Mattress, Blankets, Bedsheets Bed linen for children We have Spanish design, quality and quick service, combining with our stock; we are able to deliver in 48 hours some of our references. We have also production in far-east, with more than 15 years of partnered and under our own quality and production control.
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