Delivering a Promise - God`s Love We Deliver


Delivering a Promise - God`s Love We Deliver
Delivering a Promise
2009 Annual Report
Dear Friends,
t God’s Love We Deliver, 2009 was a year of great
accomplishment. We have so much to be thankful for,
especially the many milestones we reached. In June, we
had the profoundly humbling experience of delivering our 10
millionth meal. Our founder, Ganga Stone, was there with us to
celebrate and reflect; could she have ever imagined such an
accomplishment would come twenty-three years after her simple
act of delivering one meal to one man dying of AIDS?
Earlier in the year, we received national recognition when our
long-time board member, Joan Rivers, was named “The Celebrity
Apprentice,” winning the NBC program of the same name. Joan
competed on behalf of God’s Love, and, in winning, not only did
she generate unprecedented awareness of our organization and
mission, but she leveraged a wonderful financial contribution as
well. It was a long and difficult competition, and we marvel at
Joan’s grace, strength and sense of humor through it all.
We have come so far, and yet the need in our community remains
so great. Now we are cooking and delivering well over 3,400
nutritious, individually-tailored meals every day. God’s Love
remains the only organization in New York City providing meals
designed by a registered dietitian to meet the specific nutritional
and medical requirements of each client. And we continue to do so
while holding true to our core principles that we will never have
a waiting list and that we will never charge for our services. We
are so proud to be able to say this, and we simply could not do so
without the support of literally thousands of caring people.
As we look to the future, we find ourselves at a crossroads. In order
to be able to continue to grow and to always be there to meet
the needs of our ever-growing client base, we find it necessary to
change many aspects of our operation, including our long-time
delivery model. In changing from a hot/frozen model to a chilled/
frozen model, we will be able to stay true to our mission of never
having a waiting list for our friends and neighbors in need. God’s
Love received an extraordinary grant from Feeding America to
support this critical initiative and have used the funds to create
new efficiencies in our operations, further extending our reach.
Additionally, we will be purchasing a new fleet of refrigerated vans
that will make it possible for us to deliver meals to even more clients
without compromising freshness, taste or food safety.We look forward
to continuing to make this vision a reality in the coming year.
We have so many to thank: our fantastic volunteers
who number over 7,600 and provide over $2M
worth of service annually; our amazing corporate
and foundation supporters and, of course, our
wonderful donors who have stood by us throughout
this difficult year, enabling us to provide full
services to our clients without interruption.
We hope you enjoy our 2009 annual report. With your continued
support, we will serve even more people more nutritious meals.
Together, we will continue to be there for those who need us most.
Michael A. SennottSylvia Vogelman
Board Co-Chair
Board Co-Chair
Karen Pearl
President & CEO
Clients by Geographic Dist
Racial/Ethnic Distribution
Asian Pacific
Clients by Racial Ethnic Dist
10% Cardiovascular
In 2009, God’s Love cooked and
delivered more than 810,000 meals
to 3,636 clients, 300 children,
and 60 senior caregivers, an
increase of over 7% from the
prior year. Our clients are
overwhelmingly poor, with
nearly 90% living at or
below the poverty level
in the region’s most
underserved neighborhoods.
The meals we deliver help
nurture and comfort our
clients who are facing disease,
fear and loneliness.
Clients by40%
9% Alzheimer’s/
Clients by Age
11% Musculoskeletal
Clients by Racial Ethnic Dist
Geographic District
4%New Jersey
Clients by Geographic Dist
Clients by Age
“God’s Love We Deliver is really
wonderful. I look forward to
seeing my delivery volunteer,
and she even helps me put
in the refrigerator
by Age
when I’m having a bad day. I
can never thank you enough for
how much you’ve done for me
and my son.”…a client
Clients by Racial Ethnic Dist
Clients by Racial Ethnic Dist
6% Renal
Clients by Diagnosis
hen a client calls God’s Love We Deliver
looking for help, they are frequently
desperate and alone. We have always
answered every call with our guiding principles at Clients by Age
the forefront: no one should ever have to face
the dual crises of hunger and illness; we will
never have a waiting list; and our services Clients
will by Geographic Dist
always be provided free of charge. Since our
founding in 1986, we have held proudly
to these principles and more, delivering
hope and dignity along with our meals.
n 1985, as the AIDS crisis was taking an ever greater toll on
our community, one woman delivered a meal to one man who
was too sick to shop or cook for himself. From this simple
act of compassion, God’s Love We Deliver was born. In June,
we humbly but proudly cooked and delivered our 10 millionth
meal. How far we have come from those often distressing, early
days. Today, the situation is much more hopeful, with a number
of clients living longer, more productive lives. But as much as
things have changed at God’s Love, one thing will always remain
the same: we will always be there for our friends and neighbors in
need, reminding us all how an act of human kindness can provide
hope and comfort in even the most difficult situations.
10 Million
M•A•c Aids Fund
KAY, Our client,
on the line
karen pearl, michael sennott,
utrition is truly the signature difference at
God’s Love We Deliver. Unlike any other
agency in the area, all of our clients work with
one of our Registered Dietitians so that we can design a
customized meal program that best meets their specific
medical and nutritional requirements. This individualized
nutrition and counseling is what sets God’s Love apart
from other meal programs. Our meals are individually
prepared with the freshest and highest quality ingredients
to ensure our clients receive optimum nutritional value.
Union Square Partnership
volunteers from
Liz Claiborne
A Salute to
Joan Rivers
The 2009
Celebrity Apprentice
ver 15 years ago, the extraordinary Joan Rivers joined
the Board of Directors of God’s Love We Deliver.
Since then, she has used her wit, charm and humor to
raise much-needed funds, and has rolled up her sleeves to chop
vegetables in the kitchen and deliver meals to our clients. This
year, Joan needed all of her persuasive powers as she competed
on NBC’s reality television program The Celebrity Apprentice.
In winning the competition, Joan earned urgently-needed
money, over $500,000, for our program. And, very generously,
the M•A•C AIDS Fund made an additional contribution of
$250,000 in recognition of Joan’s accomplishment. We are so
proud of Joan for being named the year’s Celebrity Apprentice.
We are even more proud to call her our friend. Thank
you Joan and congratulations!
Joan, Pascal and Chuck
decorate a cake
Joan with our
clienT, Sebastian
Joan with Blaine Trump
and Matthew Modine
at the race to deliver
Emily Findley
helps Joan win
the cupcake
od’s Love We Deliver was started 23 years ago
when one woman volunteered her time, energy
and compassion to help people who were sick and
dying from AIDS. Since then, our volunteers have always
been the heart and soul of God’s Love We Deliver. Incredibly,
each year over 7,600 different people volunteer in some
capacity, providing over $2M of donated time and service.
We simply could not do what we do without the
unwavering support of our awesome volunteers. Some
have been with us for over 20 years, and every month 1,300
people, including individuals and corporate groups, help
God’s Love complete our important mission. We thank
them for their time and for caring so much!
Packout line from Viacom
Packout Line Volunteers
Staff and volunteer
Monday Night
Corporate Volunteers
Monthly Volunteers
Paid staff
paid staff
95% volunteers
Our Supporters
t God’s Love We Deliver, fundraising certainly “takes a village” as
they say! In 2009, we raised more than $9.7 million dollars, one
dollar at a time including small gifts like that from the boy who sent
us some of his bar mitzvah money because he wanted to help those less
fortunate. We are also thankful for large gifts from generous supporters like
the M•A•C AIDS Fund, The NYC AIDS Fund of The New York
Community Trust, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, the Carnegie
Corporation, AVON Foundation, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, and for all
the gifts from over 27,000 individuals, corporations and foundations that
were contributed to help us help our friends and neighbors in need.
A beautiful village indeed.
Loyal Friends Support Our Urgent Mission
od’s Love We Deliver has
become well known for its
wonderful signature events.
Each year, we conduct four significant
events that play an important role
in our overall fundraising efforts.
We also assist at a variety of smaller
events throughout the year that
benefit our program.
At our 2nd Annual Golden Heart
Awards dinner, held at the
magnificent IAC building, we were
proud to honor the important
contributions of those who have
supported our mission over the
years. The 2008 Golden Heart
Award honorees were Harry Slatkin
for lifetime achievement, 7th on Sale
for community service and Roz
Gilbert for outstanding volunteerism.
The Race to Deliver marked our
15th consecutive year in Central
Park, where thousands of runners,
walkers and spectators gathered on
a crisp morning over the 4 mile
course to help raise funds for our
program. Board member Star Jones
was among those on hand to cheer
on the hearty and dedicated
In the Spring, at the 6th Annual
Authors In Kind, board member
Linda Fairstein once again emceed
and gathered three wonderful
authors who signed copies of and
Golden Heart Awards
authors in Kind
the same name, earning urgently
needed money – over
$500,000 for God’s Love in
the process. Numerous other
events took place throughout
In June, the 9th Annual Midsummer the year to benefit God’s Love,
Night Drinks took place at the
including the Bloomingdale’s
beautiful home of Martin and Mary table-top auction, which
Puris in Sagaponack. Despite a few once again raised much
raindrops, over 300 guests spent a
needed funds.
lovely evening in support of our cause.
We are deeply grateful
Of very special note this year, our
to all who supported
own Joan Rivers was named the
our fundraising efforts
Celebrity Apprentice on the
this year.
NBC reality television program of
spoke about their work. Wally
Lamb, Guilia Melucci and William
D. Cohan joined Linda for a
terrific afternoon.
M•A•C honors “The Celebrity
Race to
Special events
Fiscal year 2009 (July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009)
unding from generous individuals, foundations,
corporations and government sources provides a
diversified base of support helping to ensure that
we are able to continue our important mission. One way
that we do this is to utilize the services of over 7,600
volunteers annually, providing $2M worth of donated
services. In fact, over 77% of all revenue goes directly to
client services. Our donors expect no less.
Direct mail
& Corp.
5% Managed
Care Program
Fundraising (incl.Events)$1,548,513
Management & General $489,829
6% Other
God’s Love is proud to meet or exceed all
20 standards of accountability established by
the Better Business Bureau for charities.
Foundations and corp.
Direct Mail
Special Events
Managed Care Program
77% Program
Statement of activities
Expenses before
Operating Surplus
Change in Assets
Net assets beginning
of the year
Net assets end
of the year
We Thank
our Supporters
For gifts received July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009
Corporations &
Avon Foundation, Inc.
Carnegie Corporation of
New York
Feeding America
Mr. Richard E. Feldman &
Mr. Jon Nathanson
M•A•C• AIDS Fund
Mr. Michael Jefferson
Meagher & Mr. Daniel
The New York Community
Reilly Worldwide, Inc.
Ms. Joan Rivers
Mr. Michael A. Sennott
The Wachovia Foundation
The Chuck Goldman Family
Supporting Foundation
Holtsinger Foundation
Greater NYC Affiliate of
Susan G. Komen for the
Anne & Joseph McCann
Charitable Fund
Mr. Bruce S. Nelson
Ms. Wendy Scripps
Ms. Cynthia P. Stafford
Mr. & Mrs. Andrei Vavilov
The Achelis & Bodman
American Express
Mr. Scott K.H. Bessent &
Mr. John Freeman
Bloomingdale’s Fund of the
Macy’s Foundation
Broadway Cares/Equity
Fights AIDS, Inc.
Mr. Scott A. Bruckner
CFDA - Vogue Initiative /
New York City AIDS
Fund of The New York
Community Trust
Mr. Scott Edwards
Estee Lauder, Inc.
The Laurie Kayden
Macy’s Foundation
McCann Worldgroup
Meehan Fund of the Fidelity
Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Terence S. Meehan
The Ambrose Monell
Mr. R. Michael Moran &
Mr. Jeff Gates
The Donald R. Mullen
Family Foundation Inc.
Mr. Alan J. Rogers
Mrs. Edmond J. Safra
Ms. Marilyn Hawrys Simons
& Mr. James H. Simons
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Stern
United Way of New York City
H. van Ameringen
Viacom Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Warren J. Adelson
The Frank J. Antun
Bath & Body Works
Binn Family Foundation
CA, Inc.
Carlson Family
Foundation, Inc.
Frank & Ruth E. Caruso
Coach Foundation
The Cowles Charitable Trust
Mr. Douglas S. Cramer
The Philippe & Deborah
Dauman Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Delaney
Mr. Simon D. Doonan &
Mr. Jonathan Adler
The Jean & Louis Dreyfus
Foundation, Inc
Mr. Thomas Dunn &
Mrs. Susan Dunn
Fine Beauty Inc.
Jill & Jayne Franklin
Charitable Trust
GAP Foundation
Aaron & Betty Gilman
Family Foundation Fund
Bob & Eileen Gilman
Family Foundation
The Horace W. Goldsmith
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
Mr. Allen Lester Gribetz
Mr. John R. Hawkins
Mr. David Hockney
International Business
Machines Corp.
The Interpublic Group of
Companies, Inc.
Ms. Ann W. Jackson
Mrs. Julie Schoenberg Jacobs
The Rona Jaffe Foundation
The 1994 Robert W.
Johnson, IV Charitable
Trust, No. 31
The J.S.O. Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Jeffrey M. Krauss, Esq. &
Ms. Deborah B.Vilas
Mr. Christopher Lacovara
Mr. Mark H. Lanspa
Mr. Alan G. Levin &
Mr. C. John Burger
Limited Brands Foundation
Liquidnet, Inc.
Dr. Barbra Locker &
Ms. Penny Zuckerwise
Mr. Nicholas Maounis &
Ms. Susan Maounis
The Page & Otto Marx, Jr.
The Lucille & Paul Maslin
William M. & Miriam F.
Meehan Foundation, Inc.
Morgan Stanley Foundation
Newman’s Own Foundation
The New York Community
Trust Alex E. Weinberg
Nike Inc.
The Orentreich Family
Pfizer, Inc.
Polo Ralph Lauren
QVC, Inc.
Stanford J. Reinisch
Family Ltd. Partnership
May & Samuel Rudin
Family Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Margaret Russell
Samaritan Project, Inc.
Ms. Barbara Schoenberg
The Charles & Mildred
Foundation, Inc.
The Sharma Foundation
Ms. Claudia Slacik
The Ted Snowdon
Mr. Louis Guy Sollecito
Mr. Elie Tahari &
Ms. Rory Tahari
Mr. David A. Terveen
Mrs. Blaine Trump
Ms. Peggy Van Munching
Ms. Phyllis Washington
Mr. Robin M. Williams
Mr.Vicente Wolf
Altman Fund
Mr. Robert A. Altman &
Ms. Lynda Carter
Rose M. Badgeley
Residuary Charitable Trust
Mr. Edward W. Barnes
Mr. Thomas W. Barritt
Hon. Maryanne Trump
Ms. Robin F. Beningson &
Mr. Salvatore Yannotti
Ms. Tina-Maria Birch
Ms. Christina Bloom
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Bond
Mr. Robert M. Browne
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry
The Capital Group
Mr. Lloyd W. Cheu &
Douglas Mintz, M.D.
Steven A. & Alexandra M.
Cohen Foundation, Inc.
Drucilla Cooper Memorial
Credit Suisse Americas
Ms. Ann Dexter-Jones
The Hester Diamond
Fund of the New York
Community Trust
Paul & Sandy Edgerley
Charitable Trust Fund
Entertainment Industry
The Ettinger Foundation,
Mrs. Bonnie Pfeifer Evans
The Charles Evans
Linda A. Fairstein, Esq.
Mr. Bruce Douglas Fiedorek
Mr. & Mrs. James A.
Ms. Miriam Fond
Ford Motor Company
The Gillian S. Fuller
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Jeff Gates &
Mr. R. Michael Moran
Ms. Faith Elizabeth Gay
The Gelsomina Charitable
Mrs. Eileen Gilman
Mr. Seth Grosshandler &
Mr. Kim B. Wainwright
Ms. Desiree Gruber &
Mr. Kyle MacLachlan
Hachette Book Group USA
Ms. Drue Heinz
Mr. Tommy Hilfiger
Mr. William Hodgins
I. Halper Paper & Supplies, Inc.
Ms. Donna Karan
The Krumholz Foundation
Limitedbrands Home Design
MacAndrews & Forbes
Holdings Inc.
Marlboro Group
Mr. Jeffrey D. Meleski &
Mr. Steven Markov
The Mellam Family
Dr. Lisa S. Minsky-Primus &
Mr.Yaron Minsky-Primus
Mr. Brian S. Moore
New York Road Runners
Club, Inc.
Mr. George Nunno
Ms. Karen Pearl
Mr. Ronald O. Perelman
Mr. Jeffrey A. Pfeifle &
Mr. Adam Mahr
Mr. Christopher D. Phillips
Phillips-Van Heusen
Foundation, Inc.
Playing for Life Tournament
Committee, Inc.
Mr. Glenn A. Purcell &
Mr. Charles Keller
Ms. Lorraine Michele
Mr. Patrick J. Riley &
Ms. Christine Riley
Mr. Michael J. Rinzler
Ms. Elysha Rothstein &
Mr. Andrew I. Rothstein
Mr. Greg Scarffe
The Adolph & Ruth
Foundation, Inc.
The Peter Jay Sharp
Ms. Kathe Sherman
Dr. Robert Siffert
Ms. Sandra K. Silver
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Solomon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Stine
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Sweeney
Mr. Richard &
Ms. Kristen Thompson
United Way of Tri-State, Inc.
USI Insurance Services New York
Mr. John Vasquez
Ms. Laura Wasserman
The Judith C. White
Foundation Inc.
Mr. Paul George Wilmot
Ms. Mary Ellen Wolkomire
Wunsch Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Yatko
Ms. Janet Yearwood
291 Foundation
Active Network
Acura of Bedford Hills
Mr. Stephen M. Adler
Mr. Wayne Adler &
Mr. Leonard William
Meyer, III
Aged In Wood Productions
Ms. Zufi Alexander &
Mr. John Dunham
Marilyn Alper Charitable
Alpern Family Foundation,
Robert L. Amdur, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Alan A. Andolsen
Ms. Marianne Andreach
Anonymous Fund of Fidelity
Charitable Gift Fund
Antiquarium, Ltd.
Stuart S. Applebaum Giving
Mr. Michael Aram &
Mr. Aret Tikiryan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H.
Mr. Andrew D. Arons &
Ms. Barbara E. Arons
Mr. Daniel Aronson
Assurant Foundation
Automated Collection
Control, Inc.
Ms. Sara L. Badler
Mr. Thomas R. Baird
Mr. Edward V. Ballo
Bank Leumi USA
Mr. & Mrs. John Barbis
Mr. Stephen Barker
Mr. Daniel Barney
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Barr
Mr. John Baruck
Ms. Dina M. Battipaglia
The Howard Bayne Fund
Bayrock/Sapir Organization
Edward R. Bazinet
Mr. Peter G. Beck
Mrs. Marjory Becker-Lewin
Mr. Raymond T. Benack
Mr. Michael D. Bennett &
Mr. Juan Battle
Mr. Alan D. Berger
Ms. Patricia S. Berkule
The Bernheim Foundation,
Dr. David Biro &
Ms. Daniella Vitale
Ms. Debra Blaschak
Ms. Serena Boardman
Mr. A.J. Bocchino &
Ms. Phoebe Washburn
Mr. Louis S. Bonanni
Ms. Candy Bonder
Mr. Louis A. Bradbury
Mr. Geoffrey N. Bradfield
Mr. Don M. Braswell
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander
Ms. Lucy A. Brooke
Stafford R. Broumand, M.D.
Mr. Cary S. Brown
Mr. Peter J. Brown
Ms. Sylvia Brown
Mr. Steven W. Brundrett
Mr. Gary W. Brusseau
Ms. Deborah Buck
Ms. Tory Burch
Mr. James E. Burt, IV
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Buschel
Mr. Barclay B. Butera
C.A.L. Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Peter Cameron
Mr. Kevin Carrigan
Ms. Paula A. Castiglione
Ms. Hope Catalano
The Center for Student
Ms. Sarah L. Challinor
Dr. Harvey J. Chasser
Citation Fund
Mr. Paul D. Clark
Mr. John B. Clemente
Mr. Mike Clifford
Mr. Cuthbert Leslie Coerbell
Mr. Steve Coffey
Mr. Andrew B. Cohen
Mr. Francis Paul Cole &
Ms. Jill Ross
Ms. Catherine A. Collins
Common Cents New York
Penny Harvest Program
Ms. Kathleen A. Connelly
Mr. Glenn Cook, II
The Cooper Family
Mr. Joel J. Cooper &
Mr. Paul J. Herman
Corcoran Group - Westside
Corcoran Group Cares
Corymore Foundation
Ms. Eileen Costello
Ms.Valerie Coster &
Ms. Karen Simon
Ms. Cynthia J. Cox
Crate & Barrel
Mr. James Crespo
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Crystal
Mr. John J. Cucci
Mr. Scott A. Currie
Ms. Mary Ann Czarcinski
The Joseph R. Daly
Ms. Pamela J. Damsky
Mr. Michael Daniel
Ms. Bette J. Davis
The DeLancey Charitable
Ms. Florence L. de Lavalette
The Helen & Philip Delman
DeMartini Family
Mr. John Demsey
Mr. Anthony R. DeRosa
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Deutsch
Mr. F. Stephen Dewhurst &
Mr. Richard S. Hamilton
Ms. Ann Cynthia Diamond
Mr. Jeffrey V. Diglio &
Mr. Frederick F. Gonzalez
The Dilenschneider Group
Ms. Diane Discenza &
Mr. Michael F. Connor
Dodger Properties LLC
Mr. Dean-Michael Dolan
Ms. Wendy Dolber
Mr. Benjamin F. Doller
Ms. Winifred Dooley &
Mr. Paul Dooley
Dorothea L. Leonhardt
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Stephen B. Drucker
Mr. James H. Duffy
Ms. Kimberly Eads
Ms. Melissa Eagan
Mr. Stephen A. Earle
EBA Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Einstein
Mr. & Mrs. David Eisenberg
Perry S. Eisman, M.D.
Mrs. Abigail Black Elbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Elish
Elle Decor
Mr. Nigel Emmett
Emy & Emil Herzfeld
Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Hilda Epstein
Eric J. Smith Architect, PC
Mr. John E. Evers
Ms. Jeanne Fabian
Mr. & Mrs. Barry D. Fagan
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Pepe Fanjul
Mr. Patrick Farrell
Mr. Thomas C. Feaster
Ms. Kathryn Fee
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan P.
Ms. Gena Feist
Feldman Family 1995
Charitable Lead Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
Mr. Richard Ferrari
Mr. Richard A. Fink &
Dr. Jeri Fink
First Presbyterian Church
Bruce & Melissa Fischer
Family Foundation Trust
Lilah Hilliard Fisher
Mr. Raymond Fisher
Mr. Murray Fishman
Mr. Terry Fitzpatrick
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Flam
Ms. Jean Fleischhacker
John J. Flemm Foundation,
Ms. Muffy Flouret
Mr. Benjamin Fooshee
Mr. & Mrs. Alan P. Force
Fordham University
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Foster
Foundation Associates, Inc.
Mr. James A. Fox
Mr. Peter C. Freeman
Mr. David A. Fricke
Mr. Michael D. Fricklas &
Ms. Donna Astion
Ms. Lynn Fusco
Ms. Tammy Gall
GAP Giving Program
Mr. Philip H. Geier, Jr.
Mr. Richard J. Gerrig
Ms. Audrey Gerson
Mr. Jack Gerson
Mr. William Getreuer
Mr. Jon H. Gilman &
Mr. Brad Learmonth
Ms. Shirley Ginzberg
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph W.
Milton Glaser, Inc.
The Glickenhaus Foundation
Mr. John Gnerre
Mr. Jean Godfrey-June
Ms. Lesley E. Goldberg
Samuel Goldberg & Sons
Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Stephanie GoldbergGlazer & Mr. Ari Glazer
Mr. Brad Goldfarb
Ms. Sharon Goldfarb
Goldman Sachs & Company
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J.
Dr. Matthew Goldstein
Ms. Jennifer Goodale &
Mr. Mark Russell
Gordon Family Charitable
Mr. Gregory M. Gould &
Mr. Michael E. Johnson
Mr. James A. Gouwar
Ms. Monica A. Graham
Ms. Norma Grant
Mr. Robert M. Grass
Mr. Paul D. Graves
Ms. Marcy Ashley Gray
Ms. Suzanne Greenberg
Greenwich Honda
Mr. Nigel L. Greig
Mr. Howard L. Grier &
Mr. Anton Dudley
Mr. Ulrich Grimm
Gubelmann Family
Foundation, Inc.
Gucci America, Inc.
The Gordon & Llura Gund
Guzman, LLC
Ms. Rachel Zairi Haber
Ms. Alexis B. Hafken
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Halpin
Ms. Dena Hammerstein
Ms. Sandy Hanlon-Cressler
Ms. Constance E. Hansen &
Mr. Russell Peacock
HarperCollins Publishers
Ms. Eileen S. Hayden
Ms. Lydia Hearst-Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. J. Roy Helland
Mr. Joseph P. Henchey
Mr. Brett Henne
Mr. James A. Herman
Herricks High School
Ms. Barbara J. Hillman
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D.
Mr. Peter Hochschild
Mr. Richard Bryan Hodos
The Kenneth S. Hollander
Charitable Foundation
Mr. Douglas A. Holtquist
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Hooker
Horizon Media, Inc.
Mr. James C. Hormel
Mr. Peter Jay Huffine
Huguenot Memorial Church
Laura Hunt Inc.
Hunter College Elementary
Mr. Shamil Idriss &
Dr. Cynthia Miller-Idriss
Mr. Regan Iglesia
Jeld Charitable Foundation,
Mr. Robert Price Jepsen &
Mr. Dean Lewallen
Ms. Jean Brown Johnson
Mr. Michael E. Johnson
Ms. Kathy Jollie
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Jones
Mr. Warren Jones
Ms. Jeanmarie H. Kantor
Mr. W. M. Kanyuck
Mr. Barry Kaplan &
Ms. Jill Rowe
Mr. Maury I. Kaplin
Mr. Robert Karetsky
Mr. Shahab Samuel Karmely
Kauff, McGuire & Margolis,
Max & Rose Katz
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Khajak Keledjian
Ms. Jennifer Kellogg
Mrs. Ann Kelman
Mr. & Mrs. Marc D. Kemp
Ms. Ruth Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Kern
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Kessler
Ms. Shahrzad Khayami
Mr. & Mrs. John Kim
Ms. Judy Kinberg
Mr. Daniel Kirk-Foster
Ms. Steffie L. Kirschner
Marilyn E. Kirshenbaum
Family Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Mr. Raymond Klausen &
Mr. John Harrington
Mr. Thomas Knotek &
Mr. Paul Hilepo
Mr. William Koenigsberg
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Krass
Mr. Damian Krause
Mr. Kenneth S. Kuchin
La Scala Restaurant LLC
Mr. Parker B. Ladd
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P.
Mr. Sal LaGreca
Mr. Timothy Alexander
Mr. Eric C. Landgraf
Landy Family Foundation
Ms. Patricia A. Lanza
Paul Latham Design LLC
Last Night Productions, Inc.
Mr. Anthony Latino
Ms. Joanne Lavin
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Law
The Lawrence Foundation
Daniel H. Leal, M.D.
Mr. Chad A. Leat
Mr. Larry Lefkowitz &
Ms. Laurie Gelbert
Mr. Jeffrey Leimsider
Ms. Sheila Lennon
Mr. Salvatore Lentini
Ms. Nina Lesavoy
Mr. Charles W. Leslie &
Mr. J. Frederic Lohman
Levi Strauss Foundation
Mr. David A. Levine
Ms. Marcia R. Levine
Mr. Michael W. Levine
Mr. John F. Levis
Mr. & Mrs. Amos M. Levy
Ms. Belinda Levychin &
Mr. Richard Levychin
Mr. Thornton Lewis
Mr. Adam F. Lippes
List Strategies, Inc.
Loeb Partners Corporation
Marc G. Lowenberg, D.D.S.
Martin W. Lubell, M.D.
Mr. David C. Ludwigson &
Mr. LaMont W. Craig
Ms. Taylor M. &
Mr. Michael Lupica
Ms. Barbara Lyne
Ms. Grace Lyu-Volckhausen
Ms. Edith W. MacGuire
Madison Payment Services,
Ms. Susan Magrino
Mrs. Natalie H. Magy
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mahon
Ms. Nancy B. Mahon &
Ms. Susan Trerotola
Manhattan Chamber of
Manhattan Ford
Ms. Frances E. Manzi
The Grace R. & Alan D.
Marcus Foundation
Marek & Associates
Mr. Frederick Kane Marek
Mr. Jon A. Maroto
Mr. Ronald D. Marshall
Mr. Charles M. Martello
William E. Mayo, Ph.D.
Ms. Marnie McBryde
Mr. Brian J. McCarthy
Joseph F. McCrindle
Mr. Michael G. McGlynn
The McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc.
Ms. Elizabeth L. McKeever
Metropolitan Transit Authority
Metzger-Price Fund, Inc.
Mr. Miroslaw Michalski
Mr. Elazar Milbaur
Ms. Frances Milberg
Judith Miller, Inc.
Mr. Lee Mindel
Mr. & Mrs. William K. Mintz
Mr. Albert S. Mishaan
Dr. Diana M. Moore
Ms. Mary Tyler Moore &
Dr. S. Robert Levine
Ms. Meredith Moore
Mr. Gregory M. Morey
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Morrison
The Morse Family
Barbara Moses Fund of the
Jewish Communal Fund
Mr. Mark Moskowitz
Mr. Michael S. Mueller
Mr. Erik Muller
The Robert & Elizabeth
Muller Foundation Inc.
N.T.T. Inc.
Mr. Keith Naftaly &
Mr. Nathaniel Bisson
Ms. Robbie E.B. Narcisse
Ms. Melani Nardone
Natural Gourmet Institute
for Food & Health
Ms. Janice M. Navatkoski
Ms. Elizabeth W. Neill
Mr. Jerry L. Nelson
Network for Good
New York Life Insurance Co.
The New York Times
Ms. Esther Newberg
Mr. Eugene Newman
Ms. Angel M. Newsom
Mr. Phu V. Ngo
Henry Nias Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Catherine R. Nierras
Mr. Benjamin Noriega-Ortiz
Ms. Deborah A. Norville &
Mr. Karl G. Wellner
Oaktree Capital Management
Mr. Wayne Oates
Ms. Dianne E. O’Donnell
Ms. Susan L. Oher
Cheryl A. & John M.
O’Meara Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Brian K. Orcutt
Ms.Violet Orosz
Dr. Knut Osland
Mr. Paul J. O’Sullivan
Our Lady of Lourdes
Mr. Mario Palumbo
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
Mr. John L. Panarace
Dr. Lynn E. Passy &
Dr. Lewis Friedman
Mr. Andrew S. Paul
Ms. Judith I. Pawlusiow
Ms. Carla M. Pehowski
Mr. Joseph R. Perella &
Ms. Amy Perella
Mr. Herbert J. Perry
Ms. Jocelyn Pickett
Ms. Annamaria
Mr. D. Justin Pollock
Terry B. Porter
Posner-Wallace Foundation
Ms. Cynthia E. Potter
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Prager
Mr. Edward Preato
Ms. Marilyn Prince
Mr. Ron B. Prince
Mr. & Mrs. Martin F. Puris
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Raia
Mr. William Reader
Ms. Angela M. Reed
Ms. Dorothy Regan
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Reisberg
Mr. Ian S. Reisner &
Mr. Mati Weiderpass
Ms. Dale Anne Reiss &
Mr. Jerome King
The Ira M. Resnick
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Kevin Rice
Mr. Peter Francis Risafi
Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Ms. Bonnie G. Robins
The Rockefeller Foundation
Ms. Jill Ross & Mr. Francis
Paul Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Jay L. Roth
Mr. James R. Rottman
Mr. Robert Roussey
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M.
Mr. George Rubin
Mr. Todd Y. Ruff
Mr. & Mrs. John Sabat
Sand Dollar Foundation
Ms. Susan G. Sanderson &
Ms. Maryann M. McGeorge
Mr. Dean P. Sansone
Margaret & John Saracco
Mr. David J. Saylor
Ms. Lisa B. Sbrana
Mr. Arnold S. Scaasi &
Mr. Parker B. Ladd
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Scapin
Rowland & Sylvia Schaefer
Family Foundation, Inc.
Lillian Pitkin Schenck Fund
Helen Schlaffer Foundation
Lisa & Michael Schultz
Foundation Inc.
Mr. David L. Schutte &
Mr. Robert Levy
Mr. Evan Schwartz &
Mr. Robert K. Fitterman
Mr. Brian Scribner
Ms. Dena E. Seigel
Sferra Brothers, LTD.
Mr. Scott Shafer
Mr. Frank M. Shanbacker &
Mr. Bruce Klinger
Hyman R. & Ruth Shapiro
Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Angela L. Shaw
Mr. Blane M. Shaw
Shedler & Cohen, LLP
Keith Sherman &
Associates, Inc.
Ms. Lisa E. Sherman
Susan Stein Shiva
Mr. Andrew M. Short
Showtime Networks, Inc.
Ms. Carole Shure
Ms. Abby R. Simpson
Howard S. Slatkin, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Sloan
Ms. Susan Slover &
Ms. Rosemary Kuropat
Ms. Monica C. Smith
Mr. Reginald W. Smith &
Mr. Robert A. Herbert
Dr. Rollin Smith
Mr. Stephen E. Smith
Mr. Jay Snyder
Soho Development
Ms. Irene Sollano &
Mr. Joseph Sollano
Mr. Stephen Sondheim
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M.
Ms. Annaliese Soros
Ms. Anne-Katrin Spiess
St. John’s English Evangelical
Lutheran Church
Starcadia Entertainment Park
David Stark Design &
Mr. Russell E. Steele
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E.
Stephen M. Sander
Mr. Geoffrey E. Stein &
Ms. Patricia A. Poglinco
Mr. Raymond D. Stephens
Ms. Martha Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Pascal W.
Ms. Michelle R. Stoner
Arthur Stracinski Fund
Mr. Bill Sullivan
Mr. Konnin Tam
Mr. Bill Tansey
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Taranto
Tarshis Family Foundation
Ms. Patricia C. Taylor
Mr. Richard Tazik
Mr. Scott Tegethoff
The Milton Tenenbaum
Charitable Foundation
Nathan Tannenbaum
Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Colette N. Thaw
TheaterTWEED, Inc.
Mr. Don M. Thomas
Mr. Lloyd B. Thompkins, Jr.
Mr. Brittain B. Thompson
Martyn Thompson
Photography LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Carl H.
Tiger Baron Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Lisa Todd
Ms. Charlotte Tota-Pena
Mr. Phillip J. Trainor &
Ms. Roberta L. Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin S. Traub
Mr. James J. Treacy
Mr. Joseph Frank Tringali
Tri-State Quality Ford
Dealers Association Inc.
True North Church
Mr. Paul Tryon
Ms. Theresa M. Trzaskoma
Ms. Tamara R. Tunie &
Mr. Gregory Generet
Mr. Glynn D. Turner
Mr. Robert Craig Tuschman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tusiani
Union Square Optical, Inc.
Urban Zen Foundation
Valiant Foundation, Inc. DIS
Ms. Cynthia Valles
Valley Stream Foreign Cars,
Venable Foundation
Mr. Gregg Oded Verbin
Ms. Karen Vicario
Village Apothecary
Ms. Deborah Vinson
Visiting Nurse Service of
New York
Ms. Daniella Vitale &
Dr. David Biro
Mr. Thomas A.Vize
Waggener Edstrom
Mr. Gregory Dean Walker &
Ms. Janet A. Torsney
Mr. Daniel L. Wallace
Ms. Joan Waricha
Ms. Maureen Watson
Mr. Robert Phineas Watson
Mr. J. Ben Wauford
Ms. Marla Sue Weinhoff
Mr. Max Weintraub
Ms. Andrea W. Weinzimer
Mr. Robert F. Weirauch
Ms. Julianne Weiser
Ms. Nancy L. Wender
Ms. Denise White &
Mr. Stuart White
Mr. Stuart White
Mr. Nathan A. Anderson
Mr. Samuel Wiener
Angelus Foundation of the
Jewish Communal Fund
Ms. Deborah E. Wiley
Mr. Christopher P. Wilson
Mr. Peter S. Wilson
The Winfield Foundation
Rod Winterrowd, Inc.
Ms. Shirley A. Wladar
Mr. William H. Wright, II
Ms. Barbara Yanni
Ms. Kimberly Yeung
Ms. Robin Young
Mr. & Mrs.Victor J. Zammit
Mr. Ryan A. Zanin
Arete Educational Consulting
Dr. Kevin J. Armington
Ms. Ellen L. Asher
Ms. Michele Ateyeh
Ms. Adrienne Atkinson
Ms. Barbara F. Austin
Ms. Danielle House Austin
Ms. Christine B. Austria
Mr. Raul D. Avila
Ms. Lucia Veronica Ayala
Mr. Ian C. Ballon
Ms. Judy Francis Zankel
Mr. Dimitrios E. Balodimas
Mr. & Mrs. Nicon W.
Mr. William Banks-Blaney
Ms. Jean O. Barden
Ms. Barbara Mounsey Zeins
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Barge
50 Restaurant Group, LLC
Henry C. & Karin J.
Barkhorn Foundation
Ms. Amanda Barshall-Cain
A.E. Greyson & Company
Mr. Ivan M. Bart
Ms. Cynthia Alexander
Mrs. Karen P. Bdera
Mr. Pablo Alfaro
Ms. Mary Ellen Becker
Alice & Allan Kaplan
Philanthropic Fund
Mr. Adam Belardino
Mr. Daniel D. Alita
Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Bergan
Mr. Chip Allemann
Mr. Max W. Berger
The Allen Family Charitable
Fund of Schwab
Charitable Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bergman
Ms. Kimberly A. Allen
Mr. James Allman
Alloro Restaurant Corp.
Mr. Kenneth Alpert
Mr. Gary Belsky
Mr. Daniel Berk
Ms. Dayle Berke
Ms. Anne L. Bernstein
Ms. Judith S. Bernstein
Ms. Sybil Bernstein
Mr. Robert Altman
Ms. Kathy Fein Bierman
Ms. Alina Alvarez &
Mr. Arthur Foresta
Mr. Philippe Bigot
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Biller
Mr. Christopher J. Ambs
Ms. Martha Gray Billman
American Express
Foundation - Matching
Gift Program
Mr. Robert H. Bing &
Mr. Timothy Lane
Mr. Adam Paul Ames
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Blackman
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Ammirati
Ms. Barbara A. Black
Mr. Arnaldo Anaya
Ms. Arline H. Blake &
Ms. Sara R. Throne, Esq.
Ms. Elaine A. Anderson
Ms. Deborah Blasucci
Ms. Betty J. Bleivik
Mr. Alfred Blessing
Mr. Norman A. Bloch
Mr. Todd Blumenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Boal, Jr.
Ms. Ann E. Bodnar
Mr. Leonard B. Boehner
Ms. Melissa Boisseau &
Mr. Justin Boisseau
Mr. Harvey M. Bolgla
Mr. & Mrs. George Bollag
Ms. Suzanne L. Boras
Mr. Paul D. Bowden &
Mr. Ryan D. McNally
Mr. William Stafford Brady
The Barbara & Gary Brandt
Family Foundation
Mr. Eric Braun
Mr. Michael O. Braun
Ms. Edna L. Breecker
Ms. Joyce Brian
Briarcliff Congregational
Mr. Walter Brnjac
Ms. Angela C. Brown
Mr. James P. Brown
Mr. Timothy Bruns
Mr. Clifton P. Bullard
Mr. Roger W. Bunn
Mr. Jess A. Bunshaft
Mr. John J. Burke
Mr. Steven Bury
Mr. Leo P. Callahan
Ms. Robin Canter &
Ms. Sally Susman
Iris & B. Gerald Cantor
Mr. Richard Cantor
Mr. Gary E. Capetta
Ms. Isabel Carden
Ms. Dora Cardinale
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Carey
Mr. & Mr. Ron Carlivati
Mr. Richard Carroll
Ms. Joan C. Casella
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cayea
Robert A. & Leslie M. Cenci
Ms. Stockard Channing
Susan S. Channing Trust
Charity Motors Inc.
Mr. Richard A. Chesley
Mr. Jeffrey Chess
Christ of the Hills
Mr. Gary Chryst
The Joseph Ciner
Foundation, Inc.
Citigroup Foundation
Ms. Dorie B. Clay
Mr. Andrew Clunn
Mr. Daniel C. Cochran
Mr. Thomas D. Cohen
Mr. Maurice J. Cohn
Max B. Cohn Family
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Cohn
Ms. Mary E. Coleman
Ms. Nancy Collins
Ms. Pamela Yvonne Collins
Mr. & Ms. William Collins
Mr. Fraser H. Conlon
Ms. Stephanie M. Connelly
Mr. Patrick Connolly
Mr. Albert B. Connor
Mr. John Constantopes
Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Conti
Mr.Vincent E. Corbacio
Ms. Rebecca H. Cort
Mr. Neil P. Cosgrove
Mr. & Mrs. Ray M. Costa
Mr. Madison Cox
Craftsteak NYC, LLC
Creative Media, Inc.
Ms. Jean Crichton &
Mr. Robert J. Gunhouse
Mr. John Crocker, III
Ms. Mary Ann Crowley
Ms. Elizabeth H. Cullen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E.
Mr. Randall Culpepper
Ms. Teresa M. Cunningham
Mr. Robert D. Currie
Mr. & Mrs. David
Ms. Anne G. Davis
Mr. Douglas M. Davis
Mr. Corbin Day, Jr.
Mr. Charles DeCaro &
Mr. Rocco Laspata
Mr. Ernest Del
Mr. Thomas A. DeLorenzo
Mr. Donato DeMarinis
Mr. Louis J. Denkovic
William & Donna DeSeta
Charitable Foundation
Mr. David Desocio
Mr. & Mrs. Harry B.
DeVerter, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J.
Ms. Jill Dienst
Ms. Julie Anne Dilley
Ms. Lynn DiMenna
Mr. & Mrs. James Dobson
Mr. Tom E. Dolby
Ms. Raven Dolling
Mr. Martin Dresner &
Mr. Mark Davis
Mrs. Nancy Druckman
Stacy Drummond
Ms. Erica T. Dubno
Mr. John R. Duff
Mr. Hugh N. Duthie
Ms. Amy Eagle
East Hampton Servicing,
Mr. James P. Edwards
Ellenbogen Rubenstein
Eisdorfer & Company, LLP
Mr. K. Brad Ellis
Ms. Judi Elterman
Mr. Arthur C. Ernst &
Mr. Richard J. Mack
Mr. Bernd Erpenbeck
Ms. Wendy N. Ettelman
Ms. Elaine Fabrikant
Mrs. Sara Jane Fabrikant
Fein Foundation
Felidia Restaurant, Inc.
Mrs. Liz Fensterstock
Mrs. Laurie Ferber-Podolsky
Ms. Christy Ferer
Mr. Thom Filicia
Mr. Glenn C. Finn
Mr. Daniel Fish
Mr. Michael R. Fisher
Ms. Patricia A. Fitzsimons
Five Towns Community
Chest Inc.
Mr. Christopher F. Flavell
Ms. Gail C. Fleming
Mr. Thomas J. Fleming
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F.
Flournoy, III
Mr. Robert Fluet
Mr. Thomas Flynn
Ms. Mary E. Fogarty
The Ford Foundation
Ms. Catherine M. Foti &
Mr. Steven Rudder
Mr. & Ms. Marcel Fournier
Mr. Mark Fox
Mr. Neil Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Fox, Jr.
Dr. Donald H. Frank
Mr. Stephen M. Freedman
Mr. Richard L. Freundlich
Ms. Gail R. Friedberg
Ms. Lynn F. Fritzsche
Ms. Florence H. Frucher &
Mr. Meyer S. Frucher
Mr. Peter W. Galbraith
Ms. Robin L. Gardner-Jones
Ms. Ina Garten
Mr. David Mark Gaston
Mr. James George
Mrs. Kara Georgiopoulos
Mr. Peter G. Geraci
Ms. Nina Gershon
Mr. Scott R. Gerst &
Mr. James J. Porcarelli
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C.
Mr. Gregory C. Gibson
Ms. Louise E. Harris
Mr. William J. Gilbane, III
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hart
Ms. Roslyn Gilbert
Mr.Vincent Hart
Mr. Stephen J. Gilbert
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S.
Ms. Cynthia Gilbertson
Ms. Christine M. Gill
Mr. Joseph C. Gioconda
Mr. Matthew Giusto
Mr. Adam B. Glassman
Mr. Lewis N. Glassman
GMAC Financial Services
Mr. Steven M. Godeke
Mr. Steven O. Harvey
Ms. Cheryl Hazan
Mr. Anthony O. Heilbut
Ms. Kirsten Heinemann &
Mr. Steven Heinemann
Ms. Patricia M. Heinz
Mr. Jesse Wilson Henley
Mr. Roger J. Goebel
Ms. Elizabeth A. Herbert &
Mr. David Demnitz
Mr. Dan Goggin
Mr. Robert A. Herbert
Mr. Dan Goldberg
Ms. Debra M. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Goldstein
Ms. Elizabeth Hirsch
Mr. Larry G. Goldstein
Mr. Peter Strom Goldstein
Mr. David M. Holmes &
Ms. Florence Hutner
Mr. Richard Goldstein
Ms. B. J. Hoppe
Dr. Matthew C. Gomillion
Mr. & Mrs. Craig M.
Ms. Doris B. Gonzalez
Good Restaurant
Jeff Gordon, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J.
Ms. Mary B. Horowitz
Mr. Lawrence D. Hosner
Ms. Nancy F. Howar
Mr. Stuart Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Milton R.
Mr. Jack Z. Hruska
Graham Family Charitable
Jeff Hunter Charitable Trust
Mr. Marc D. Granetz &
Ms. Kristine K. Granetz
Ms. Robyn Huffman
Dr. Marc S. Hurlbert &
Mr. Derrick Jackson
Mr. Michael S. Gray
Mr. Gary S. Ide & Mr. Paul
Ms. Jamee Gregory
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Imowitz
Ms. Sharon M. Griffith
Mr. Keith A. Izzo
Mr. Allan J. Gruet
Jack Bistro
Ms. Rachel Gruhin
Mrs. Eleanor R. Guiterman
Ms. Barbara Hack
Dr. Joseph L. Halbach
Mr. Lorenzo James
Mr. John Janangelo
Mr. Tom Janezur
Ms. Elizabeth A. Haley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A.
Mr. Jeffrey A. Hammerberg
Mr. Wil Jobse
Mr. Dean R. Hancock
Ms. Carolanne Johnson
Mr. Norman Hanson
Ms. Kristen M. Johnson
Mr. Guy Emile Harley
Mr. Timothy Johnson
Mr. Carl R. Harrell
Star Jones, Esq.
The JPMorgan Chase
Ms. Carol F. Kaimowitz
Mr. Richard J. Kalb
Ms. Ruth Kalb &
Ms. Janet Lehr
Mr. Lonny Kalfus
Mr. Anthony J. Kalian &
Ms. Nicole Kalian &
Mr. Thomas Abbott
Ms. Jeanne Kalinoski
Ms. Chandrika Kamath
Mr. Chris Kann
Mrs. Alice Kaplan
Ms. Beatrice S. Kaplan
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Linus
Ms. Roberta Kaplan
Mr. Marc S. Kaplowitz
Mr. John Bretton Karp
KB Ellis Fund
Mr. William F. Kearns
Mr. Haro Keledjian
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Kell
Mr. Steve Kelley
Ms. Susan Kellogg
Mr. Marc Kelly
Mr. Daniel J. Kenefick
Mr. Thomas Keyes
Mr. Barry W. Kissane
Mr. David J. Klem
Mr. Jim Konetsky
Mr. Eric M. Kornblau &
Ms. Stacy J. Kanter
Mr. Reed Krakoff
Mr. Jeremy R. Kramer &
Ms. Dorothy R. Davies
Mr. John T. Krascella
Ms. Rae M. Krelitz
Mr. Poul Kristiansen
Ms. Gayle Krueger
Mr. Dale S. Kugel
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H.
Mr. James L. LaForce &
Mr. Stephen Henderson
Ms. Deborah Lahoud
Mr. James Edward Maloney
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Miller
Lake of the Torches Casino
Ms. Sharon Mandell
Ms. Cheryl T. Lambert
Mr. Maurice A. Mann
Mr. Phillip B. Miller &
Mr. Edward Dullea
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin
Mr. Russell D. Mapp
Ms. Marguerite M. Lamothe
Ms. Naomi A. Marks
Ms. Brooke S. Landau
Ms. Deborah & Mr. Rocco
Mr. Gene Lange
Mr. Russell L. Lapso
The Lauder Foundation
Ms. Ellen Lavino
Ms. Taryn Lawrence
Ms. Sandra Lynn Lazo &
Mr. Donald H. Layton
Ms. Deanna Lee
Ms. Jane Lee
Ms. Francine LeFrak
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Lehrer
Ms. Irene Marangi
Mr. William R. Miller
Mrs. H. H. Minthorn
Mr. Robert B. Mintz
Mr. Neil Marks
Mr. Michael Miros
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L.
Mr. Brendan C. Monaghan
Dr. & Mrs. Barry A. Mitchell
Max B. Cohn Family
Mr. John M. Monaghan
MCAANY Gay & Lesbian
Recreational Bowling
Alexandre A. Montagu, Esq.
The Monster, Inc.
Mr. Kenneth Monteiro
Ms.Valerie A. McCarthy &
Mr. G. P. McCarthy
Ms. Angela M. Montevago
Mr. Max M. McCauslin
Ms. Jane Moore
Ms. Camille McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Stratis Morfogen
James A. Macdonald
Morgan Stanley
Ms. Ann S. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D.
Mr. David Leinwand
Ms. Kathy L. McFarl& &
Mr. Kenneth L. Hauser
Ms. Janet L. Leno
Ms. Kathleen McGill
Mr. Ronald E. Lense
Ms. Phyllis McGovern
Morra Brezner Steinberg &
Mr. Marc Y. Leonard
Mr. Mark McGuire
Mr. John D. Morrill
Ms. Ellen C. Lerner
Mr. Donald J. McHugh, Jr.
Mr. Theodore Levine
Ms. Anne Hearst McInerney
Mr. Stephen Morris &
Mr. Elliot Kreloff
Ms. Carol Leyva
McKee Nelson LLP
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Morrison
Mr. Peter B. Lichtenthal
Mr. C. Lockhart McKelvy
Ms. Sally Campbell Morse
Mr. Aaron S. Lieber
Mrs. Margaret McKenna
Mr. Richard A. Moscato
Ms. Claudia Randel Little
Patrick McMullan Co. Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Moskin
Ms. Alicia Lobo
Ms. Maryalice McNamara
Mr. Timothy P. Murray
Mr. Alex Lockwood
Mr. Thomas F. McOlvin, Jr.
Mr. Edwin C. Musselman
Ms. Kathleen M. Lonergan
Mrs. Aileen E. Mehle
Mr. William Lopatto
Mr. Howard Meltzer
The Daniel M. Neidich &
Brooke Garber Foundation
Mr. Murray Louis
Ms. Ellen S. Meltzer-Zahn
The Love Movement
Ms. Dayana Mendoza
Ms. Frances R. Lukas
Faith A. Menken, M.D.
Mr. Jim Macardell
Ms. Friedrike Merck
Mr. Charles Macrina
Herman & Susan Merinoff
Charitable Trust
Mr. Gerry Madigan
Madison Cox Design, Inc.
Mr. Laurence H. Merritt
Mr. Jon Morgan
Mrs. Antonie U. Neiger
Ms. Sky Washington Nellor
Ms. Cindy Ellen Nelson
Mr. John J. Newell
Ms. Anne Newman
Ms. Theresa Newsholme &
Mr. John F. Newsholme
Mr. Salvatore C. Magluilo
Ms. Shelley Messing
The New York Community
Trust Stronach-Buschel
Mr. Hermes Mallea &
Mr. Carey C. Maloney
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meyer
Ms. Constance Nickel
Mr. Peter L. Meyers
Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Nielsen
Mr. Ira B. Madris
Ms. Maria Messina
Ms. Nicole Noel
Ms. Tina Nordlander
Mr. Brian Michael Norris
Mr. David B. Norris, Jr.
Mr. David Nosanchuk
Mr. Seth Novatt &
Ms. Priscilla Natkins
Ms. Melanie Franco Nussdorf
Mr. Scott David Oaks
Mr. David O’Brien
Ms. Nancy O’Keefe
Mr. James H. Olander
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Olmsted
Mr. & Mrs. Olaf S. Olsen
Ms. Carlyn Oppedisano
Mr. Albert J. Oppermann
Mr. Stephen Oremus
Ms. Estelle Ostrove
Ms. Mary A. Otten
M. Chris Overby, M.D.
Mr. David T. Owsley
William G. Pagano, M.D.
Mr. Christopher J. Palazzolo
Mr. Chris Papavasiliou
Mr. Steven R. Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Jon F. Paton
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Patrick
Mr. Edward Pawson
Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Penski
Mr. Michael J. Perricone
Mr. John Peverley
Mr. Greer L. Phillips
Mr. Paul Pierson
Mr. Eric A. Pike
The Pines Pantry, Inc.
Mrs. Pauline Pitt
The Pittman Family
Ms. Renee Pitts
Ms.Vivian Polak &
Ms. Michelle Francis
Mr. Melvin Polisher
The Ponagansett
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Tom Pricone
Mr. James Rado
Mr. Philip A. Raia
Ms. Clare M. Rakshys
Mr. John William Reardin
Ms. Shami Reddy
Mr. Lawrence Reiff
Mr. Douglas Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Reiner
Mr. & Mrs. James Relyea
Ms. Caroline Rhea
Mr. Andrew O. Rich
Mr. Keith Richards &
Ms. Patricia Hansen
Mr. John E. Riley &
Ms. Sallie T. Gouverneur
Ms. Jennifer Gerstel
Ms. Julie Beth Rivchin
Ms. Ardath H. Rodale
Ms. Michele A. Rodin &
Mr. Saul Melnick
Ms. Phyllis G. Roe
Ms. Joanne Rogovin
Mr. Mickey Rolfe &
Mr. Bruce Tracy
Mr. & Mrs. Mauro
Christopher Romita
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Romm
Mr. Daniel Romualdez
Mr. Dermot P. Ronan
Ms. Marilyn Rosee &
Ms. S&ra Siegal
Dr. & Mrs. Barry Rosenberg
Ms. Donna Rosenthal
Ms. Rebecca Roth
Ms. Cynthia L. Round &
Mr. Chas Carner
Ms. Martha Susan Roy
Ms. Sally Hechinger Rudoy
Mr. Matthew J. Runkle &
Ms. Rebecca Koepnick
Ruth and Ezra Chesky
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Ryan
Mr. James B. Saakvitne
Mr. Paul Sabbatini
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley K. Sabel
Salem Missionary Baptist
Mrs. Sharon K. Salmon
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey E. Sander
Ms. Judi Sanders
Mr. William H. Sandie
Mr. Richard Sands
SAP Americas
Ms. Lorraine Schacht &
Ms. Sharon Mandell
Mr. Richard T. Schack
Mr. Richard J. Schaubeck, Jr.
Ms. Ruth Ann Scherm
Mr. Michael Schessel
Dr. Michael E. Schimler
Ms. Elizabeth Schmeelk
Mr. Fred J.B. Schmeltzer
Mr. John P. Schmitt
Mr. Michael F. Schober
Mr. David Paul Schrader
Mr. Michael J. Schultz
Dr. David J. Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Scibetta
Mr. Stephen J.J. Scoble
Ms. Kathleen A. Scott
Mr. Mark Scott
Miss Barbara M. Segre
Mr. Andrew W. Seibert
Robert B. Shea, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L.
Shickman Family Foundation
Mr. William M. Shinker
Mr. Carl M. Shulman
Mr. Mark M. SibleySchreiber & Dr. Paul
Judith E. Siegel-Baum, Esq.
Silver Lake Technology
Management, LLC
Ms. L. Chelsea Silverman &
Ms. Elizabeth F. Bunnell
Mr. Richard D. Sime
Mr. John Simon
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert
Simonetti, III
Mr. Robert Roy Sinacore
Mr. Marty G. Singleton &
Mr. Kent Cottam
Ms. Cynthia Skelton
Ms. Monique Skruzny
Ms. Lorie A. Slutsky
Ms. Janice K. Smith
Ms. JoAnn D. Smith
Ms. Sonya Smith
SMSP Fund of the Jewish
Communal Fund
Mr. Joseph Sobleskie, Jr.
Ms. Susan C. Sollins
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Sosa
Ms. Mary Sparks
Mr. Nicholas J. St. George
St. John’s Lutheran Church
Ms. Brenda R. Stahl
Standard Chartered Bank
Michael Stars & Cohen
Family Foundation
Mr. Richard P. Steinberg
Mr. George A. Steinhage
Ms. Mary E. Stevens
Stewart Shining Studio, Inc.
Mr. Michael R. Stinchcomb
Mr. Stanley R. Stoj
Rev. Cecily S. Stranahan
Ms. Robin Strasser
Mr. Glenn A. Stress
Mr. James F. Strickland
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Stuart
Ms. Lorrie Stuart
Ms. Katherine A. Suhr
Mr. & Mrs. William Sullivan
Mr. Calhoun R. Sumrall
Mr. Edmund C. Sutton
Mr. Stephen A. Sylvester
Ms. Cirla Szumstein
T Bar Steak & Lounge
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher K.
Ms. Elizabeth Tanner
Mr. Hugh D. Tarpley
Ms. June M.Yearwood
New York City Dept. of
Health Mental Hygiene,
Medical and Health
Research, Association of
New York City/ HIV
CARE Services, Ryan
White Part A
New York State Department
of Health, AIDS Institute
Nurtrition Initiative
U.S. Federal Emergency
Emergency Food and
Shelter Program
Ms.Victoria G. Traube
The Yen Family Charitable
Gifts in Kind
Ms. Gayle K. Turk
Ms. Cynthia Young
Mr. & Mrs. Charles P.
Mr. Ronald D.Young
1 Dominick
A to Z Couriers, Inc.
Victoria Arzano
Aureole Restaurant
B. Smith
Bamboo 52
Bath and Body Works
Bedell Cellars North Fork
BLT Burger
Bottega Veneta
BR Guest
Brasserie Cognac
Canyon Ranch Enterprises
Cipriani Downtown
Dan’s Papers
DB Bistro Moderne
Donna DiStefano Thomas
East of Eighth
Eighty One
Elle Decor
Eric Javits, Inc.
Fitz and Floyd
Frederic Fekkai
Frederick Goldman, Inc
Georg Jensen
Mr. Christopher S. Tarzia
Mr. Jack Taylor
Ms. Patricia Murphey
Telepan Restaurant
Rev. Jennifer R. Williams
Mr. Robert Thixton &
Willis of New York, Inc.
Mrs. Joan O. Winant
Mr. Stephen J. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Willam B. Thomas Memorial
Philanthropic Fund
Ms. Marjorie Van Dyke
Mr. & Mrs. Rainer Todd
Mr. Knowles L. Toomey
Ms. Rosario Torrico
Unity Church of New York
The University of Michigan
Ms. Diane W. Upright
Mr. Richard R. Upton &
Mr. Joseph M. Gonzalez
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Van Hulst
Ms. Peggy Vance
Mr. Brian Vander Meyden
Verizon Foundation
Mr.Vikram Verma
Mr.Vincent J.Villa
Mr. Salvatore Vitaliti
Ms. Sylvia R.Vogelman
Mr. Kim B. Wainwright
Wallstein Family Charitable
Fund of the Jewish
Communal Fund
Ms. Nina Wolf
Mr. & Mrs. David Wolkoff
Wooster House LLC
Mr. Douglas Yasso
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zammit
Mr. Randall L. Zeese
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Zick
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Mr. Robert P. Zimmerman
Estate of Val Bruce
Estate of Melvin Cheren
Estate of Robert G. Eagle
Estate of Thomas J. Findlay
Estate of Patricia R. Galen
I. Gonzalez Trust
Estate of Richard H. Hershey
Estate of Warren Pincus
Estate of Louis M. Ponderoso
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R.Walther
Estate of Salvatore Saraceno
Mr. Robert A. Warnke
Estate of Salvatore Sillitti
Mr. Charles S. Warren
Estate of William R. White
Mr. Paul N. Watterson, Jr.
Wear Me Out Jewelry, Inc.
Mr. Harold Weidman
Dr. Marc David Weiner &
Mr. Patrick Simon
Ms. Lois L. Weinroth
Ms. Katherine G. Weinstein
Mr. Michael Weinstein
Ms. Lucille Werlinich
Hudon County NJ Dept.
of Human Services, Ryan
White Title 1
Manhattan Borough
President Scott M.
Stringer (DFTA)
New York City Council
Allen Lester Gribetz
Hampton Paper Designs
Harrison & Shriftman
Hartmann Luggage
In an Instant/CPU2, LLC
Irving Farm Coffee
J Crew
Jimmy’s No 43
Joan Rivers Enterprises
Jonathan Adler
Limitedbrands Home Design
M.A.C. AIDS Fund
Madeline Weinrib Atelier
Manhattan Ford
Metrosource Publishing, Inc.
Michael Aram
Mikimoto (America) Co.,
Molton Brown
Montblanc Inc.
Niche Media Holdings, LLC
Nina McLemore
Oak Room
Polo Ralph Lauren
Pologeorgis Fur Fashion
Ports 1961
Prada USA Corp.
Richard Des Jardins
Smart Workout
Soho Room
The Waterstone Grill
Tribeca Grill
Vice Versa
Waterford Wedgwood U.S.A.
A & E Alliance Bernstein American Express Avon
AXA Equitable Bank of America
Bingham McCutcheon
Charles Schwab
Citi Group
Clifford Chance
Computer Associates
Concept One
David Stark Design
D.E. Shaw
Dewey LeBeouf
DTCC Ernst and Young
Estee Lauder
Federal Reserve Bank
Fidelity Investments
Ford Motor Company
Georg Jensen
Glaxo Klein Smith
Goldman Sachs
Grey NYC
Hall Capital
Hudson Square Bid
Incisive Media
iCrave Design
Johnson and Johnson
J. Schwartz
Junior League
Key Banc
KPMG Latham and Watkins
Levi Strauss
Limited Brands
Ling Cosmetics Liz Claiborne Logo
MAC Cosmetics Macy’s
McGarry Bowen McGraw Hill
Merrill Lynch
Milliman MKTG
Morgan Stanley
Old Navy
Perella Weinberg
Polo Ralph Lauren Porter Novelli
Price Waterhouse Cooper
Rock Louisiana Group
SAP Software
Sean John
Shearman and Sterling
Simon & Schuster
Skybridge Capital
Smart Apparel
Societe General
Standard Chartered Bank
Standard and Poors
Trump Soho
Union Square Partnership
US Bank
Vanessa Noel
Waggener Edstrom
Warner Music Group
Wells Fargo
Wilkie Farr
Yes Network
Board of Directors
Executive Staff
Michael Sennott
Sylvia Vogelman
Jose A. Belizario, M.D. **
Jonathan Bond *
Scott Bruckner *
Linda Fairstein, Esq.
Richard E. Feldman, Esq.
Jon Gilman
Jennifer Goodale **
Lester Gribetz
Desiree Gruber
Star Jones, Esq.
Mark Lanspa *
Alan G. Levin
Barbra Locker, Ph.D.
Marnie McBryde
R. Michael Moran
Donald R. Mullen, Jr. **.
Bruce Nelson
Jeff Pfeifle *
Joan Rivers
Alan J. Rogers **
Jim Rottman *
Margaret Russell
Reginald W. Smith
Don M. Thomas **
Tamara Tunie *
Paul Wilmot
Vice Chairs
Michael Meagher
Blaine Trump
Jeffrey M. Krauss, Esq.
Vice Treasurer
Jeffrey V. Diglio
Lisa Sherman
* Joined the board in 2009
** Rotated off the board in 2008/2009
Karen Pearl
President & CEO
Candy Bonder
Chief of Staff
David Ludwigson
Chief Development Officer
Michael Kanyuck
Director of Finance