View Magazine – Fragrance 2014-15
View Magazine – Fragrance 2014-15
JSS Public School JSS PUBLIC SCHOOL HSR LAYOUT, BENGALURU (Affiliated to CBSE) HSR Layout, Bengaluru Fragrance ¥ÀjªÀļÀ 2014-15 His Holiness Jagadguru Dr. SRI SHIVARATHRI RAJENDRA MAHASWAMIJI Founder President of JSS Mahavidyapeetha Centenary Celebrations 29-08-2015 to 29-08-2016 Fragrance 2014-15 2 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2014-2015 3 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2014-2015 4 JSS Public School, HSR Layout From the Principal's Desk I am greatly delighted to present the 2014-15 With the continued support of the management, issue of our School Magazine Fragrance. It is one parents and the untiring efforts of the teachers, we are of the forums to mirror the achievements of the sure we will be able to improve our record and scale even newer heights of success next year. school during an academic year and also an opportunity for the students to articulate their I congratulate the Editorial Board and young creativity in various forms. contributors for their sincere efforts in bringing out this issue. When we look back over the last decade, it is inspiring to know that the school has been successful in I am hopeful that Fragrance will be enjoyed and adopting a holistic approach where each student is preserved by all our readers. I also welcome your motivated, supported and encouraged to explore valuable comments and suggestions to make the his/her potentialities. future editions more meaningful and informative. We are happy to inform you that we are stepping into My best wishes to all the readers, the second year of our +2 section. For the first time, our 12th grade students will be writing their Board Examination in March 2016. We also have plans to introduce Commerce along with Science stream from R. U. Patil Principal the academic year 2015-16. Fragrance 2014-2015 5 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Vice-Principal's Message As the fourth edition of the “Fragrance” goes for compete with a number of schools. This should be compilation we are reminded of the onerous another motivation for us to improve ourselves. I believe responsibility of covering the wide spectrum of myriad those whose articles which have not gone for print have activities of this JSS institution. already started planning to present a better one next time instead of being disheartened. The year under review has been an eventful one with the school taking long strides in all the fields; academics, The best things come at the cost of great efforts and we sports and co-curricular activities. Starting of the 11th hope you find this is one of them. In the pages of this Std. for the first time, 47 students of two sections magazine you will find not only inspiration for yourself appearing for the CBSE X Examination, Annual day but also a useful source of information. which had participation of over 1400 students on four I take this as an opportunity to congratulate each and days, the Inter School Basket Ball Championship for every one who contributed in one way or the other to Dr. Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji Cup, to name a bring out the wonderful fourth edition of Fragrance few. This magazine is to be savoured as the articles offer you a In order to excel in our endeavors to improve the distillation of the hard work of our dear students. magazine, we will keep aside a full page only to print the best suggestions and comments given by our readers and well-wishers from the next year. We have been Alice Varghese Vice-Principal winning prizes at the management level where we Fragrance 2014-2015 6 JSS Public School, HSR Layout From the Editorial Board We are back with the fourth edition of Fragrance! The This year, the number of original contributions was publication of a school magazine is always a major not quite as high as we would have liked it to be. milestone in the progress and development of a However, the best articles are here for your school. A magazine provides an opportunity for entertainment and criticism. students to give vent to their creative talents and We would like to thank all the contributors and hope imaginations. that those whose articles remain unpublished will not This year, with a view to make the magazine even be deterred from submitting their entries next year. more attractive and readable, we have made few The greater the choice, the higher the standard of our changes in the design of the magazine; for example, magazine! the page layouts have been brighter and reports are Finally we would like to thank the principal, vice- shorter. principal, coordinators, staff members, the publisher A magazine has to be a true representation of the and all those, without whom, this compilation would whole school. To produce such a magazine, it should not have been possible. include a wider range of subjects and writings from We welcome all readers, parents, pupils and their students of all sections of the school. friends to the world of Fragrance! Happy reading and viewing! Fragrance 2014-2015 7 JSS Public School, HSR Layout CCA REPORT-2014-15 Mrs. Jisha Sanjay CCA COORDINATOR For classes VII to XI Honourable chief guest, Mr. Shesha Prasad, respected During the year 2013-14, we had organised trips to principal Shri R. U. Patil, beloved Vice-Principal, Mrs. Kerala, Madurai and Kodaikanal for classes from 7 to 11. Alice Varghese, parents and my dear children. Good During this academic year, while students of class VII evening to one and all present here. It's with immense and class VII & IX visited Narayana Hrudayalaya and pleasure I present the annual CCA report for classes 7 to Indian Institute of Horticultural Research respectively, 11. Before I begin, I would like to submit my 'pranamas' Students of class X and XI were taken to Brain Museum to Jagadguru Shri Shivarathri Desikendra Mahaswamiji and Lalbagh Botanical Park, respectively. and seek his blessings. Our students regularly participate in the interschool Academics, most important though that may be, does competitions organised by various schools. During the not make education complete by itself. Our school has year under report, Sinchana Hegde of class X won laid great emphasis on co-curricular and extracurricular second prize in Declamation conducted by Sindhi Public activities. They are judiciously mixed with academic School. Our school participated in cultural events held at activities for the overall growth of body, mind and spirit Suttur during the 4th week of January and won several of the student community. These activities are varied in prizes. I am very proud to announce that our school its nature to cater to the holistic development of a child bagged the best school trophy. An exhibition was also and are conducted frequently to ensure whole hearted organised in the month of January in which our students participation from every student. These activities are showcased informative and attractive exhibits prepared well integrated with academic calendar and so well in all the subjects. spread out over the academic session that they don't hamper the academic life. Sanjana H. M. of class IX won first prize in short story writing competition held by DHIE. Abhyuday of class IX Activities such as creative writing, extempore, etc. give received the budding star award in public speaking students an opportunity for self expression. To bring out competition held by PFLA (PEOPLE FIRST LEADERSHIP the creative talents of students, we have incorporated ACADEMY). events like singing, dance, drawing, cooking without fire, Mad-Ads, etc. We also have activities related to Akash Biswal, Jyotirmoy, Deepthi Gururaj and Akriti mathematical and scientific skills, in which students Naik of class X participated in the regional level CBSE participate enthusiastically and develop their analytical science exhibition and got selected for the national level. skills. Quiz competitions were also held to update the 48 CBSE schools participated in the exhibition and out of students with current affairs and general knowledge. the 120 exhibits, two exhibits of our school with the The sports activities carried out in the school help the theme ‘Health and Energy’ were selected for children to develop competitive spirit and physical participating at the national level. capacity for endurance. Our school profile was chosen as the best CMCA Field trips and excursions to interesting places form an (Children's Movement for Civic Awareness) Star important part of our school activities and are Revolutionary & Civic Rangers out of the 31 schools that thoroughly enjoyed by the students. These trips have participated at the city level. their recreational value and also serve an educational Shravan, Hemanth, Rachana and Pujitha of class IX purpose. Fragrance 2014-2015 8 JSS Public School, HSR Layout received the award at the CMCA Star Revolutionary & In the Interschool Football Tournament 2014-15 Civic Rangers at the Inspiration 2014 Awards. organized by Strategic Events, our school emerged as winners defeating Silicon City School of J P Nagar. Such competitions not only allow us to evaluate our strength among other schools but also give our students Charan, Abhishek, Rahul (CLASS X) and Sreesh of class XI an opportunity for self assessment and self won second prize in Relay competition held by Freedom improvement. International School on Nov. 29th 2014. The sports teams of our school trained by professional I would like to conclude the report by congratulating coaches participated in various competitions organised each and every student who participated in the CCA by various schools. Our school organized its first activities and hope for the same enthusiastic Jagadguru Dr. Rajendra Mahaswamiji Cup Inter School performance in the coming years as well. (As presented on Annual Day) Basket Ball Tournament for boys and girls at the school ground on 5th and 6th of Nov 2013. During the year under report, we conducted Inter school Basketball Tournament and the Girls' Basketball Team of the school emerged winners. Vibha and Sachin of class IX and Yashassu of class XI received the best player awards. Our Girls’ Basket Ball Team emerged winners in the Inter- Mrs. Geetha Srinivas CCA COORDINATOR For classes IV to VI School Basket Ball Tournament 2014-15 conducted by New Horizon Public School. Mrs. Lalitha Hegde CCA COORDINATOR For classes I to III JSS Public School, HSR Layout emerged Winners in the Interschool Football Tournament 2014-15 (Under 16) defeating Silicon City, J P Nagar organised by Strategic Events. Fragrance 2014-2015 9 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2014-2015 10 JSS Public School, HSR Layout (Primary, Secondary and Senior Secondary Sections) Teaching Staff 11 (Kindergarten Section) Teaching Staff Fragrance 2014-2015 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Non-Teaching Staff Housekeeping Staff Fragrance 2014-2015 12 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2014-2015 13 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Sinchana Hegde Proficiency award winner of class 10th (2013-14) with clear 10 CGPA Class X-A (Academic Year 2014-15) Fragrance 2014-2015 14 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Sinchana Hegde Swetha N. Students who have scored a perfect 10 (10 CGPA) in 10th std for the academic year 2013-14 Class X-B (Academic Year 2014-15) English Why do kids ask 'WHY'? I have always been curious to know about this ‘WHY’? Have you seen small kids asking ‘Why’? Something which seems never ending. One ‘Why’ after another and soon. After some search I found two reasons for this. 1. Curiosity: Everyday, small kids see so many things around them, they have new experiences; several times first experiences. It is natural to be curious about the world around you. I think it is an important ingredient to function normally in our society. 2. Communication: This is awakening! They want to talk to you, and the best way they find to explore the world is with people who they feel safe around and love them the most. Ironically, for young children whose verbal skills are just developing, “Why” may be the first and only question they are capable of forming! One Evening What did I learn from this? One evening, I was walking down the road The more “Why” I ask, the more I know about the topic, When it was raining. the situation, unexplored area and of course, newer Suddenly, I saw something ways of using something! This is also a channel for me to That was very frightening. communicate with my friends. I thought it was a ghost! “Why” is a way to quench your curiosity and make more So I buried my head inside my coat friends! Till I heard someone calling. I found to my great relief, Disclaimer: Only ask “Why” if you are genuinely interested in the topic or person. Otherwise you may It was none other than my father. end up irritating the person who is the target of your I told him what I had thought. question. He just burst out laughing. Saying it must have been a bolt of lightning. Chethana S., V B Akhilesh Shanbhag, VI A Fragrance 2014-2015 15 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Train What a wonderful See the curls of steam Machine is a train! When the whistle blows It pulls thousands of Come, let's have fun People without any strain. Chuk Puk Chuk Puk Coooo…. Kids feel the train Is like a cradle As it wobbles through The river side and tunnel. Train journey is not Waking Up At all boring Rise and shine, it's early in the morning. As people enjoy My dreams all end, without any warning. Chatting and snoring. Rohan Shankar P., III B. ‘Cause it's time to wake up, wake up. Sometime it's five, sometimes nine. Weekdays it's early, weekends late. It's time to yawn and wake up, wake up, wake up. I get to chase all the nightmares away. But I have to end those adventures with a snap. It's all because I have to wake up, wake up, wake up. Got up early, did my homework. Teacher didn't scold 'cause it was all done. Got rewarded 'cause I work up, work up, work up! Sanjana H.M., IX A Reading - The most enjoyable thing The most enjoyable thing in life is reading. Happy is the man who acquires the habit of reading when he is young. It gives life long source of pleasure. As long as he has the beloved books, he never feels lonely. He is not wealthy with gold and silver but with knowledge and high ideas. The life of a man who does not read is an empty one. We have to choose the right books to read. When we are tired, it is a recreation to read good story books. This gives us not only pleasure but also education. Books are the best friends. They never quarrel with us as our friends sometimes do. Fragrance 2014-2015 16 Ujwal, III C JSS Public School, HSR Layout Lovely Rain Rain my dear rain, Come again and again. All the leaves wash And the peacocks dance. Charantej S., II A The environment now cool Rain you are so wonderful. In the rainy season The rainbow is bright And presents the beautiful sight. The Tree The Teenage Life The tree is grand. It is so big and round. It is like a big arm The teenage life coming out of the ground. It is nice to see how in the fall Is not an easy one the leaves change colour and it seems like the tree sheds It's not all games its leaves for coat. I like to climb up and sit on its It's not all fun. branches. I am well hidden from everyone. Nobody can find or at least get me while I am in a tree. The best thing It's stress and work about trees is they give us oxygen. And trying to win And trying to be heard In the fearful din. It's being independent And doing what you're told It's being too young And being too old. The teenage life Is a struggle, it's true But your family and friends Will always be there to help you. K. Ritu Satvika, IV A Fragrance 2014-2015 Kritika Guptha, IX B 17 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Time Management “Time is not measured by the passing of years but by what one does, what one feels and what one achieves.” - Jawaharlal Nehru We often say that we don't have enough time to study. 3. Weekly revision But remember, you have exactly the same number of There is a possibility that one may forget things within hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Mother 24 hours of learning. Thus, Periodic revision is very Teresa, Thomas Jefferson, Albert Einstein, etc. All you important. Lecture notes should be revised within this need to know is how to manage study time properly. critical 24 hours. Choose any day of the week (preferably Here are a few tips that are noteworthy. Sunday) and go through all the portions you have covered in the week. Recollect the formulae and shortcuts that you developed in that particular topic. 1. Dedicated study Space Pick up your study space such that it is free from distraction (No cell phone or messaging). It should be a 4. Prioritize your assignments place where you can maximize your concentration. Be mindful of the deadline and approaching exams. I personally suggest you to pick the hard subject first and then go for the light ones. 2. Fix a daily target Don't pile up work. Fix targets and finish it sincerely. Your level of commitment to the work should be 5. Making your own notes and flowcharts also extremely high, doesn't matter however small and silly helps the work is. Every moment is a fresh beginning, so try to develop a new study habit. dy Fi stu d te a e c ac di e p s D xa ta rg e da t ily Niveditha Pradeep, XI W e ek ly re v i sio n r you king d Mar s an note help own lso rts a cha flow Prioritize your Fragrance 2014-2015 assignments 18 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Old Age Homes A Symbol of Social Ingratittude When we think about our parents we feel so happy as they are the ones who gave birth to us and took care of us. But as we grow up we feel they are a burden for us The Nature and we discard them into the convenience of an old age home; sometimes we do this even to our grandparents. It is a shameful affair that such a situation has arisen today. Nature, Nature here and there GOD had given it everywhere Now I see it less and less, All because of our carelessness! Nature is so beautiful N. Sangeetha, III A With all its things so bountiful Graced by GOD Our generous Lord! The clouds float in the blue sky Not too long ago people used to have a strong joint The birds fly up high and high family system. Sadly this has become like a fossil now. Butterflies and dragonflies We don't like them staying with us. We consider them a Sing a song so nice that liability. Old age homes are a reflection of how much we Nature is the very best neglect our aged parents. As Thomas Murtin (Author) And everything comes next! has said, “These people who live in the evening of their life in old age homes live unloved and death comes as a Daffodils and daisies shake their heads great reliever to them.” They are the ones who have Roses and Jasmines peep from their buds helped make us what we are today. We shouldn't neglect them. So why don't we make a fresh start and work Peacocks dance in the rains, together to weave the web of love and compassion to All these are gains! shelter our elders. Let's thank GOD for the Nature HE gave, Let's care for it and strive to save, The more HE gave, the more we took… If we continue, there will be nothing to look! Susheel S., VIII C Fragrance 2014-2015 19 JSS Public School, HSR Layout My adventurous trip to a castle in Gottingen, Germany I went to Germany last May to spend my summer holidays with my father. He was then working in Gottingen University. Gottingen is a small town in central Germany. It is also known as a science city. Many great scientists lived there in the past. Gottingen is a very Tarun Banyal, III A clean city. Most people in the city use bicycles. My father too had bought a bicycle for me. There were beautiful was also shivering with cold. But I did not give up. My houses and green trees everywhere. Many times I went father was helping me on the way. Finally we reached with my father for cherry picking in the woods. home and the rain had stopped. My mother gave me a hot water bath and I became alright. I loved that trip to the castle. It was a real adventure. I will always One day my father and I decided to go to a castle that was remember it. on a small hilltop. It was about 10 km away from the university. We had to pass through countryside. Many trees had fallen on the way. Sometimes we had to lift our bicycles and cross. The forest was dense and scary. But there were no animals. We had to climb the hill. It started raining on the way and became cold. It looked as if we might lose our way. But then soon we were on the right track and reached the castle. We could see the entire town from the top. It was looking very nice. We also took some photographs in our camera. There was a restaurant at the castle. My father ordered hot coffee and French fries. I felt better after eating. While returning, On our way to the castle in Gottingen, Germany. The castle can be seen in the background. we came by a different route. It was a steep road. The rain had started again. I had difficulty applying the break on my bicycle. Due to cold my hand had become numb. I Fragrance 2014-2015 20 JSS Public School, HSR Layout A Gift From that day, my life has never been fuller Like all the fruits in the world with one fruit seller. Goldie's become an indispensable part of my life. As are my video games, happiness and strife. Hemanth R. Shankar, IX A I still remember that miraculous day To My Granny When a gift from heaven on my doorstep lay, A wounded dog, a golden retriever was she With a tail cut, and suffering long endured had she. The bright light, the one we loved so dearly Passed away forever leaving our home lonely We named her Goldie; she had a coat of shining gold, She was so gaunt, yet her fur was very soft to hold Granny you let nothing keep our family apart Oh she just loves kids! But then, she hates trucks You were so loving with a generous heart Who knows why, let's just leave that to the dreaming ducks. Encouraging me to reach the stars You gave full support which held no bars Reaching out to others in giving She had a routine of walks and playtime, You made our lives worth living Makes us walk 4 times a day, but is the first to come home There was love and magic in all that you did Everyone now knows her as she knows everybody. And righteousness in what you said But, after all this, headache starts to come. Life served you a lot of pain But your faith in god never went in vain She insists on eating only things made out of wheat. Like chapattis, parathas, wheat dosas as well as sweets. You loved us all regardless of any gain Along with that she has milk, biscuits, dry-fruits and bread You cared and concerned without any stain I can't express how much I miss you But doesn't like anything else, even if hit on the head. You lived just to see me though You gave me your best But still, she's a lovable dog May your dear soul have eternal rest. A dog fit for the highest Gods. She can't be more than 2 years old, For she's as short as a goat kid, behold! Fragrance 2014-2015 Archana K. R., X B 21 JSS Public School, HSR Layout The annual day celebrations Unique and spectacular Classes IV to VI-Date: 5-12-14 The annual day celebrations of our school brought out the essence of global cultural diversity along with rich heritage of our country. 'Navarasas-Emotions' were emoted through some power packed dance numbers by our students. Karuna, Hasya, Shanta, Roudra, etc. Rasas were highly appreciated by the audience. During the four-day event, students presented a harmonious ensemble of various dance forms, stories that sculpted morals, emotions, virtues and rich legacy of Indian traditions. Classes VII to XI-Date: 6-12-14 Senior Students of classes 7 to 11 presented the virtues such as Honesty, Sacrifice, Humour, Empathy, etc. through some of the finest performances. Nursery Section - Date: 3-12-14 The tiny-tots of nursery section enthralled the audience by their energetic performances with “Dances around the world” as the theme. Some international dance styles presented by young artists received a huge applause. - Mrs. Suchitra Hegde Classes I to III- Date: 4-12-14 The cultural programme with “A String of Tales with Morals” as the theme saw some riveting performances by our junior students. Fragrance 2014-2015 22 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2014-2015 23 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Childhood When I was in 5th grade, I went to my hometown, Coorg. The best place to be if you like living with nature, hearing the rustling leaves, the pungent smell of coffee beans, watching the exotic variety of animals and birds, hearing their cries. In one word, the experience of Coorg is amazing. Of course, I go to Coorg every year but this time also about one another as we roasted the it was special. It left an everlasting impression on my marshmallows. We set up the bonfire in such a place that mind. A joy in my darkest moments, a memory I would we could see the stars clearly in the night sky. We were relish in my life. there until about 12 p.m. When we were about to leave and call it a day, a majestic sight appeared. A swarm of fireflies (lightning bugs) flew through the crown blinking their lights as they went. They were so beautiful to look at that we ended up staying there until the last of the fireflies flew away. After sometime, we headed back to the house and slept. We went to Coorg in my dad's car and reached there at It had been an amazing day. The bonfire, the joy, the about 2 p.m. It was actually pretty boring until dusk. excitement, the fireflies everything had added up to a Then my relatives started pouring into the house. That memory that would stay in my mind night was a fantastic night. It was when the first bonfire I forever. This is one of my childhood had ever seen had been lit. We lit the bonfire and tore memories which I cherish. open a packet of marshmallows. I had so many friends to talk to. We exchanged stories, talked about our past and P. P. Sujith, IX B Fragrance 2014-2015 24 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Book Review Shaik Mohammed Shahid, XB The Alchemist And The Mountains Echoed -by Paulo Coelho -by Khaled Hosseini The Alchemist is a book written by Paulo Coelho. The And The Mountains echoed is a novel written by writer book is about the quest of treasure for which a traveller Khalid Hussain. It is a story of a boy living in a small sets off. It is an incredible story which is set in Egypt. The village in Afghanistan. The story revolves around him, protagonist comes to know the real meaning of treasure his family and his boss. Actually it is a set of multiple life on his journey. stories. The story of the main person, his brother, his love who was married to his boss for whom he worked. The end of the story is its best part as he finds the It tells how quickly life changes. It has really deep treasure at the very place he had started. Very few novels meaning and needs a lot of concentration to do have unpredictable ending, and Paulo Coelho's The comprehend. Alchemist truly comes under this list. It is a book which will keep you engrossed in it and make This is a very good book and can be read by the children you think about it for a long time. of eleven and above. It is a book for the reader who enjoys books like “The Alchemist” and such books are not adventurous, although “The Alchemist” has some amount of adventure pumped in it. All in all, I would like to say that it was a fantastic book and sits on the second place on my list of top ten books after “The Alchemist”. Fragrance 2014-2015 25 JSS Public School, HSR Layout WOULD U Quizzical World! RATHER . . . Who are they…? So convoluted, so dark and deep, Strange masked men, (Circle answer) Eternal explorers of happiness, Changing colours rapidly ? Attend a concert or a dance party? Why are they…? ? Receive chocolates or flowers? So green, so red and raged, ? Travel to the beach or the big city? Chasing uncanny dreams, Constant borrowers of sorrow ? Eat an ice-cream cone or a snow cone? Perpetual hunters of fame ? Write with a pencil or a pen? When are they…? So pure, so light and bright, ? Eat cupcakes or cake pops? Reflecting the ray of hope, Living the real life ? Wear your hair in a ponytail or a bun? Leaving the Quizzical world! ? Read a magazine article or a book? ? Stay warm with a scarf or earmuffs? - Mrs. Suchitra Hegde English Dept. ? Listen to one song or the entire album? ? Drink a soda or a smoothie? MY SCHOOL ? Have fun roller-skating or ice-skating? I love going to my school, ? Make extra money by being a babysitter or In the morning when it's cool, I wait for my yellow bus, a camp counselor? And get in without any fuss. ? Rock a turtleneck or a V-neck? I sit on my favourite seat, Which is always clean and neat, ? Use a laptop or a desktop? I get off at the school gate, And meet all my classmates. ? Take a bath or a shower? I read, I write, I play, I eat, My school is fun and sweet, I like to come here every day, Even on a holiday. Fragrance 2014-2015 Nikileshraam, II A Shubha R., IX B 26 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Abandoned Miss you Enid Blyton! Enid Blyton I’m your big fan, To buy your books I ran. Philiph, Dinah and Lucy Ann, And my favourite saucepan man. Adventure series I like the most, Five find outers at the coast. Hope I could meet you, And write books along with you. Malory towers my favourite place, Reading it brings a grin on my face. I like reading your books anywhere, Through the window on the rack, I search for it everywhere. I, a retro teddy, gaze at lovely lilac, Hope everyone likes your books, From the doctors to the cooks…!!! She was a lanky girl Ume Hani Jawad VIII B And I was gifted by her dad. The five year old girl was on cloud nine! With joy she cried “Forever you are mine.'' She took me everywhere Swinging me in her hand to and fro. She fed me, she played with me, And changed my dress a hundred times! She cuddled with me; she gave up all her toys And played only with me. Until one day I was dumped in an orphanage, The reason was simple-she grew old And needed me no more… Within my heart I bore Those memories burning ablaze, This then faded away when I saw the lovely kids, For whom I was precious once again. Amrita Surendran, IX A Fragrance 2014-2015 27 JSS Public School, HSR Layout My aim in life - TO BE A PILOT Ever since my childhood I have developed a keen aircraft are manufactured in India by HAL (Hindustan interest in the Air Force. I want to be a pilot. Aeronautics Limited). I have heard that the life of a pilot is full of thrill, I want to be a pilot because I would like to lead an active adventure and challenge. All these attract one to join the life. As a pilot I can be active and face various types of Air force as a Pilot. Whenever I hear the sound of an challenges. A career without action and challenge is aircraft I look up to see it. Now I can ascertain the type of termed as “dull” life. I have no desire to lead such a life. plane that is 'flying' in the air. Defence services including Air Force, observe strict Indian Air Force consists of different types of aircraft for rules and discipline. It is another reason for which I different purposes. Transport aircraft now consists of wish to be a pilot. A pilot enjoys good salary and status AN-32 and IL-76 besides Auro 748. Fighter – beside opportunities to attain better interceptors are Mig 21, 21M, 21 BIS, Mig 23, Mig 25, ranks. All these are the charms that Mig 27 and Mig 29. Ajeet, Mirage 2000, etc. Bomber are have fascinated me to be a pilot. As a Canberra and Jaguar. Indian Navy has some other types pilot I can serve the nation. of aircraft. Besides, there are different types of Helicopters in the Air Force and Navy. Many types of Nikhil S. Nandi XB Fragrance 2014-2015 28 JSS Public School, HSR Layout E-Books v/s Printed Books One night I had a dream that there was a debate competition between e-book and printed book. Both were putting up a great fight against each other. E-book said Shriya Nair, VII B “How many people visit book shops now? People have no time to go to purchase a I dreamt in a dream, book, there are traffic problems and so on. See how E- Walking to a very colourful place books have taken over printed books in markets. We are offered at discounted rates and free e-books are also Full of life, given on the internet.” Immediately, the printed book Full of peace. replied, “You are mistaken my friend. Even today more Ananya S. Patel, X A than 19,000 publishers produce more than 90,000 titles There was a mountain, a year in major languages. The literary festivals even in Wearing a cap of snow. small towns draw unprecedented crowd and book fairs Twin Rivers flowing attract lot of buyers.” As calm as a cat. E-book thought for a while and then responded, “In the long run your chances look very weak and I would win Surprisingly I found two peacocks dancing, over you. Think about the storage space and its cost. We To the song of nightingale. can be stored in a compact dish and each computer has a library. So what do you have to say my friend?” Printed One of my dreams came true books were thinking hard to reply and finally said, “Not Of seeing the peacocks dancing. everyone can have access to internet and classroom teaching requires text.” Following the twin Rivers, Finally E-book said “I agree to what you say. I am not as I found them joining the sea. handy as you. I need to be charged everyday whereas The shore full of sand, you can be read anytime, anywhere and the cost is also The sand full of tortoises and starfishes. affordable.” Finally printed book won the debate. Then saw my classmates making castles Told them “Hi”. Suddenly came back to my room! To see my mother calling my name. Woke up from the dream and another dream! And came back to reality. Saw my teacher staring at me And my friends laughing at me. Fragrance 2014-2015 29 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Bhutan Thunder Dragon Land st On 21 April 2014, we woke up early and went to the Kempegowda Airport. we went inside the aeroplane and zoom! zoom! We then landed and there we were in the thunder dragon land Bhutan. The first place we went to was Phuentsholing. We then had dinner and slept. flowing. It was only 17 centimeters in width. We had to pass through small huts and farm houses. After which we came back to our vehicle. It was named as Chinnae Lhakang. We went to a monastery which is dedicated to Lam Drukha Kunley or divine mad man. He was one of the famous saints of Bhutan. Many childless couples come and pray to him for a child. The oldest building of Bhutan is Simtokha Dzong. It was beautiful and big. It was built in the 17th century. Many disciples came to learn there. Now it serves as a Buddhist university. The next day we went to the capital city Thimphu where we visited The Buddha Point. It is actually a statue of the Buddha and can be seen from all over Thimpu. It is about 137 meters tall. It is in the west side and on a hill. There is a River in Thimphu called Thimphh Chu. River is called as Chu in Bhutanese language. We also saw the Thima Fort. There were many rooms and disciples in them. They had many instruments in their arms and hands doing Bhutanese bhajans or tune. There in the fort we saw some small statues of Gods and Angels. It was night by the time we reached Paro. We went sight seeing in the Paro town in the morning. The first place we went to was Drugyel Dzong. It was a ruined fort. There were small and big holes on the sides and a watch tower to keep a watch on the enemies coming to attack their kingdom. We saw Mount Chomlari from the fort which is 7320 meters tall. The national museum was closed because there was another national holiday. We also couldn't go to the Art, Painting and pottery works to create something because it started raining the minute we went there. The next day we went to the airport and waved Bye Bye to Thunder Dragon Land, Bhutan. Fort is called as Dzong in Bhutaneese language. We then went to a mini zoo called the Motithang Zoo. We saw the national animal of Bhutan there called Takin. It has the head of a goat and the body of a cow. There are several of them in Bhutan. Snakes are only found in the South of Bhutan. The next day we went to Wangdi Phodrang. We reached the place at 3.00pm. We still had time to go to the river called Mo-Chu. The river flowed rapidly and there were rocks. We spent some 15 minutes in that place. We got back to our place of stay, had dinner and slept.The names of the two rivers are Mo-Chu, the Male River and Po-chu, the Female River. The next morning we went to Punakha. We had to walk through a very small and steep road. On the right side of the road, there was a small river Fragrance 2014-2015 Arjun Anand, III B 30 JSS Public School, HSR Layout A meander in our mind Children are a boon. longer looked upon, as an association where the Aren't they? The husband leads and the wife follows. Today's modern, uninhibited cheerful, educated woman works just as hard as or harder than bubbly, innocent the man. Not that she didn't in the olden days….but she laughter of a child has now, belatedly just realised the fact and has gathered strikes a chord of pure up the courage and confidence to ask and speak for her joy and happiness in rights!!!! our heart. Doesn't it? She wants to be treated as an equal partner and decision We look forward to maker in all the areas of life and is not ready to settle for finishing all our work anything less!! And why not? In most cases she is earning and rush back home to as much or more than her husband…So then, we be with them. A home conclude that earning money is a crucial indicator in without a child is determining the hierarchy of every relationship and it empty... soulless...say seems money does indeed decide where we stand. our ever perfect ancient text, adages and proverbs handed down to us generation after generation. And Well we move on to the question…. where it's true… Don't you think so? Nowadays though, it does that leave the kids? Obviously it's inconceivable doesn't seem so to me… Why …? Let me explain… that they would have been spared the turmoil that the role reversal situation and equality gamble has created In our culture and tradition since ages we are expected in their lives. Oh no! friends, mark my words,those to study, work, get married and have kids. Not having a poor innocents are right in the middle of all this chaos, child is not an option for us. Needless to say our lost and bewildered not knowing where to turn and population speaks for itself. whom to look up to? In those days our forefathers never really bothered and Because so far the mother who had been solely bearing we never paid any attention to the upbringing of this burden, no longer wants this injustice to continue. children. They usually were large in number, living in the joint family system and they generally grew up and matured one way or the other. Neither was educating them a major concern. But now it seems things are slowly changing … Joint families have transformed innuclear families. The large brood of kids has trickled down to one or two per family. Couples now prefer to make a conscious choice of only one or two children and give them the best life, education and upbringing. But society is not so quick to approve, is it? Nevertheless it seems the concept of marriage has also faced its share of ups and downs. Marriages today are no Fragrance 2014-2015 31 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Naturally, if she is expected to earn money and pay bills means the world to them. Let us listen to their incessant then definitely the husband cannot be expected to chatter, their carefree laughter and be there to hold them continue the age old ritual of sitting and reading the when they cry, to pick them up when they fall, and to give newspaper. He has to leave the comfort of the couch and them our support when they tug at our hands and to cook, clean, wash and mop. Talk about adopting the carry them when they cannot walk. Let us not forget how western culture…we seem to be doing it left and right!! joyful and liberating it is to play the fool with them. Let us love, nourish, cherish and find happiness in being with So friends our poor little kids are stuck in the middle of them. Because we believe children are a boon! this tug of war and standing right next to them in this entire mess is, their school and their teachers as well. There have been innumerable instances where the teachers are as bewildered and stunned as the students when the mother can't help with the studies because she's busy. Father works late night and the child is left with no choice but to go back to school the next day with incomplete work, looking pitifully at the teacher -Mrs. Aruna Ganesh Kumar Nursery Section wondering why she keeps picking on him , scolding him or making him do extra work. When questioned the parents continue to play the blame game and this leaves everyone in a soup…as to whose burden is this to bear. Which brings me back to my original statement-Children are a boon aren't they? They cannot be a burden, can they? Who are we slogging hard for? For whose bright, safe and wonderful future are we working for…Our kids of course!!! In our mad rush for money, equality, safety, security we cannot afford to get so blindsided by our aspirations, ambitions and future plans that we lose sight of the one goal that means the most to us…our children who precious childhood seems to be slipping in a haze of carelessness and neglect. Children need us most when they are young, vulnerable and not able to look after themselves... They crave our love and affection at the tender age when a hug Fragrance 2014-2015 32 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Asian Cup cricket tournament also began that would last for 2 weeks. He started watching the match every day. His parents warned him that he should spend more time in preparing for the exam and less time watching TV. He did not bother to heed the advice of his parents. He also replied that he would cover all the portions during the last week. He continued to watch the matches and stopped studying for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, the tournament completed and he started his studies. The next day father's close relative came with their children from abroad. It was an unplanned visit. They stayed in their house for 3 days. There was lot of noise at home in the evenings as children used to play. He could not study peacefully. After they left Kiran had a viral fever attack and had to take rest for a few days. Because of these things, he could not complete his Kiran was one of the most brilliant students of class 9. He portion. He had secured less than 50% in always used to score above 90% in all subjects. Both of his SA1 exam. He realized the importance of parents were working. His hobby was watching cricket studying regularly. matches. Let us also be regular in our studies and His SA1 examination schedule was just announced. The not procrastinate. We should also listen exams were supposed to begin in 3 weeks. That same week to our parents' advice. S. Abirami, IX B My visit to grandparents’ house A visit to grandparents’ house is always filled with fun and excitement. I eagerly look forward for my vacation to visit them. The first thought that runs through my mind is the mouth watering dishes prepared by my granny. husks in salt water to make ropes and coir mats. They all know me well as I go there during my every vacation. I also visit a lot of temples with my grandparents. In one temple, I happened to see 51 decorated elephants lined up in a procession with lots of bands. When I go there, I usually take my granny to explore the natural beauty of the surroundings. I always make sure to take my camera to capture the best scenes of nature. She takes me all around the place. We also cross the Ashtamudi River in a small ferry while I sing with joy and row a boat gently down the stream. When the vacation comes to an end and my parents come to pick me up, I give a tight hug and kiss to my grandparents. Tears roll down my cheeks and I anxiously look forward for the next vacation. The river side is surrounded with coconut trees leaning towards the lake. I see Chinese fishing net all around the area and many women processing the soaked coconut Fragrance 2014-2015 Neha Shibu, III C 33 JSS Public School, HSR Layout A NEW LIFE She,The Best She fills up the space of God I could feel something consoling me, And drenches us with her rain of love Let me think, 'wow' it's the ocean winds I see She is my greatest Lord I wish the lord of ocean carried me on his laps, Oh mom, you are the best of all! Taking me for a ride along the maps. She paves the way, stone by stone I wish I had an island with big lens, And leads us to our aim step by step Where I could watch the sunset in silence. She supports me all the way like my backbone I could see the small birds flying in search of nest, Oh my teacher, you are the best of all! Trying to hide their babies in chest. She holds our hands firm and tight In all times, good or bad She comes back with a smile after every fight Oh sister, you are the best of all! May she be young or old Love, care, affection and more Are the powers she holds SHE is the greatest! SHE is the best! But today she cries in pain For all that she suffered in vain Why has the humanity shut its eye? Experiencing the most beautiful moments, Why aren't her tears visible to your eye? I sat there speechless without any comments. Isn't there any true man I could see the approaching dawn, To wipe her tears and drive her fear? Lazily coming to engulf the Earth with frown. May it be your mother, teacher or sister SHE brought you to earth with all that pain The world without any tensions, SHE taught you and supported you The world without unnecessary functions. SHE fought with you but came back with a smile I never noticed the time ticking away, It's time for you to drive away her pain I sat there all along staring at the sun fading away. Support her and protect her And give a smile to her life. Disha R., X A Fragrance 2014-2015 Onima Chaitanya, X A 34 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Stepping Stones Rising high and moving up My Brother Is all we desire while growing up Failure is something we've never heard We just live our life like a free bird. I have a little brother. With stretched wings we are ready to fly He is so cute. Our destination being beyond the sky We play together Knowing not what comes in our way And sometimes we do fight, With hopes high ahead we sway. Sometimes he loves me And he is ready to bother. Sometimes in this journey we may Brother O Brother you will Not face happiness everyday Always be my little brother! Sri Satya Haripriya II B Thorns will sting, and prick our feet Dangers also we shall meet. Best Friendzz But staying strong is all that matters And not being convinced by certain flatters For only those who believe in hope, My best friends are always there, Success throws down the life saving rope. No matter if I'm anywhere They stick together till the end But, by working hard and gathering courage They are like straight line which never bends No matter what, we will succeed Instead of following the world's moves We trust each other forever We will step ahead and take the lead. No matter we are apart or together They help me when I fall My true friends are best of all ! Syed Ali III B Akriti Naik, X A Fragrance 2014-2015 35 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Ooty Scotland of the East Everybody will be waiting for vacations to relax themselves after restless exams. So last summer vacation, I went to Ooty, one of the most frequently visited hill stations. On 4th April, we started our journey by bus. We were a group of 10 families. The experience in the bus was a remarkable one. We played many games in the bus and had a great deal of fun. We reached Ooty in the morning around 10 a.m. and stayed in a lodge. We started our sightseeing by visiting tea gardens, which are characterized by miles and miles of rolling hills of tea estates. We also watched the entire process of brewing. Then we went to Botanical Garden. It is a well laid out garden with shady trees and myriad range of flowers. The main attraction here is the fossilized tree trunk, believed to be almost 20 million years old. Next, we went to Ooty lake. It was my favourite. We went for boating, toy-train rides and brought snacks. It had become dark and we returned to our lodge. The next day, we started our journey early and we went to Ketti valley. It is the second longest in the world and offers enchanting views for miles. We climbed Dodda Betta, the highest peak in the mountain. It was a beautiful scene. Then we started shopping. We bought many varieties of tea, delectable home-made chocolates. We started our journey back to Bangalore in the night and reached on the morning of 7th around 5 a.m. I was tired but the scenes were still revolving in my mind. Fragrance 2014-2015 Shashank M Patil, IX A 36 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Cricket in examination hall Exam center: Cricket Stadium My Holiday in Exam hall: Cricket Ground Answer sheet: Pitch Goa Pen: Bat Examinee: Batsman B.V. Karthik, VIII A Examiner: Umpire Principal: Third umpire Supervisor: Leg umpire Question paper: Chasing Target Easy question: 6/4 Difficult question: Bouncer Question out of syllabus: easy ball Question with printing error: wide ball Sitting sadly: Play defensive We decided to spend our last winter holidays in Goa. We Attempting no Question: Duck out went there along with three other families. Marks sheet: Score board All families went in their own cars. We stayed there for Head ache: Retired hurt some days. We also went to the beach. I made sand castles and played on the Absent for exam: Golden duck beach. We had our dinner in a hotel. Topper of the class: Man of the Match Our trip to Goa was wonderful and I Topper of School/College: Man of the series enjoyed my holidays very much. Aayush Bhargava, I A My Journey in My School I have been studying in J S S Public School for almost 10 years. It has been an extraordinary experience. classmates. We should try to help them and that is what we get in return. I found a new person hidden deep inside me. I was stubborn and arrogant. I did not mingle with everyone. My classmates did not like my attitude. I used to complain for silly reasons. I couldn't control my temper. I never thought that my attitude would change. My friends have stayed by my side whenever I am in trouble. The school has given me recognition. I am lucky to be a part of this school. When people ask me “which school are you studying?”I reply “JSS Public school” with a sense of pride. I will never forget my childhood days and will carry the memories throughout my life. Rachana G., IX B The incident which occurred in my seventh grade completely changed my life. It can also be called the turning point of my life. My class teacher corrected my mistake. I learnt a big lesson that we should adjust with our Fragrance 2014-2015 37 JSS Public School, HSR Layout “Love your Neighbour as yourself” To the world at large, A very dark day, They carried a million dreams, And to all of you, And shattered they lie… Your very last… And they still don't know why… Victims of cowardice, Of politics and fate, Troubled by consequence, Of a choice they never made… Credulous they were, And yet were they puissant… Naïve, yet potent, Gullible, yet, able… Their chapters lay unfinished, Their diaries, unpublished … Their lunch packs heavy, Gone they are, in a hurry… A tragedy like no other, Diabolic and nothing else… Humanity lays stupefied, May your souls rest in peace, But may ours not, Till all ill is over… Till our haven is heaven. An act so uncivilized… On their tender shoulders, maybe Dedicated to the victims of the terrorist attack on an army run school on 16th December 2014, in Peshawar, Pakistan. Fragrance 2014-2015 38 Pranav Rao, XI JSS Public School, HSR Layout Music on your mind Music Music relaxes your mind. That is what we know about the impact of music. But did you know? Music is an art form whose medium is sound. Its common elements are pitch, rhythm, dynamics & the ? It improves our verbal IQ: A study of 8 to11 years-olds sonic qualities of timbre and texture. found that, those who had an extra-curricular music classes, developed higher verbal IQ, visual abilities, in The creation, performance, significance, and even the comparison to those with no musical training. definition of music vary according to culture and social ? It treats heart diseases: Music helps with stress and context. Music ranges from strictly organized anxiety. Listening to music reduces heart beat rate, compositions, through improvisational music to blood pressure and anxiety and helps to keep the heart aleatoric forms. healthy. ? It brings back vision: In 60% of people who have a Music can be divided into genres and subgenres. Within stroke, the visual areas of the brain are affected. This led the arts music can be classified as a performing art, fine to 'visual neglect', that is the patient loses awareness of art and auditory art. It may also be divided among art objects on the opposite side to where the brain has been music and folk music. There is also a strong connection damaged. But studies have found when patients listen between Music and Mathematics. Music may be played to their favorite music, some of their visual attention is and heard live, may be part of a dramatic work or film, or restored. ? Babies dance to music: Five-month old babies may be recorded. respond rhythmically to music and seem to find it more interesting than speech. In a study babies To many people in many cultures, music is an important spontaneously danced to different types of music, and part of their life. There are different types of music - those that danced the most also smiled the most. classical, western, etc. Music doesn't mean sound or noise. Music is that which one likes to hear whereas noise is that which one hates to hear as it distracts people. Spoorthy A. N., IX B Fragrance 2014-2015 Disha R., X A 39 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Social websites Anant Tewari, V A In an adequate amount you can use a social website, It's an app, But for a purpose that is perfectly right. Called WhatsApp, It's created by WhatsApp Inc. On other's picture you can look, “How did they create it?” you would think, Through the website, FACEBOOK On it videos you can send, On TWITTER, you can tweet, To download it not a penny you will spend, Something very sweet. You can send an awesome pic, From Eminem's gig to Messi's kick, On LINKEDIN, you can link, On it, you can message within an eye's blink, With your clients and colleagues within an eye's blink. Those messages might change the way you think, On it a group you can create, You can video chat on GOOGLEPLUS+, And communicate with your mate, Instead of going to the concerned person by an airplane or bus. Go ahead and create an account, You will like it to an endless amount. By using WHATSAPP, WhatsApp? Between people , you can bridge the gap Fragrance 2014-2015 40 JSS Public School, HSR Layout The journey of our nation It has been sixty-seven years since India got its leadership of narrow-minded politicians, inequality and independence and people proudly say that we have come a social discrimination hasn't really helped. We Indians long way. Yes, in certain ways we have. Our economy is somehow convince ourselves by believing false truths, but growing, our industries are booming and Indians are deep inside we all know that this is far from the actual truth. making their presence felt wherever they are going. It does seem as if we are taking one step ahead and a giant Leaving our nation's mark all around. lead backwards. We have truly set out on a journey. But ask yourself, are we Almost 200 years of struggle and hundreds of thousands of travelling forward or backward? India is a changing society lives have gone into making India an independent nation. and, a complex one too. While some girls boast that they India is India because of the sacrifices our forefathers rule the world, on the other hand, their sisters don't even made. It is our duty to do all that we can for our live to see it. A country that celebrates its 'unity in diversity' motherland's progress. It is also our duty to choose what to status very proudly forgets about the intolerance its do with this freedom. We are free to move about but we children show. A place which is on its way to becoming the have to be sure to choose the right path; a path, which will IT hub of the world, and probably already is, has the world's help India in taking a giant leap forward and keeping its largest illiterate population. pace with the fellow nations. But, the question is, how did we reach here? Successful Five With all the intolerance, hatred, regionalism and division, Year Plans focused on economic growth, the Green one is left with the question, 'We have come a long way, but Revolution and increase in production, the mixed economy where have we actually reached?' that India has adopted, a good industrial and infrastructural base and liberalization in the 1990s have led to this growth and its progress. On the other hand, the Akriti Naik, IX A Fragrance 2014-2015 41 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Laughter The best medicine ! A good sense of humour is one of the most important tools in your self-care kit. In fact, studies show that laughter affects both your body and mind. Laughter is also readily available, free, has no side effects and we don't have to It's often said that laughter is the best medicine. But how worry about overdosing. Moreover, it's good for everyone around us too. Laughter can relieve stress, boost our many of you really believe it? Not many. How many of immune system and even change our perspective on things. you laugh 5-6 times a day?? Not many. It's all due to the stress that we are going through, even teenagers like us Laughter lowers your blood pressure and pulse rate and stay busy all day, no time even to chit-chat or crack jokes! helps our muscles relax. In addition, it releases 'happy We have to learn time management in-order-to make chemicals' in your brain, leaving you with the feeling of ourselves systematic. Have some time to put a smile on well-being. Laughter increases the number of antibody- your face, allot time for leisure activities like reading producing cells and enhances the effectiveness of killer T- books, painting, etc. Do you even know that laughing cells. This means a stronger immune system, as well as about 10 minutes a day is equal to 2 hours of sleep. Yes fewer physical effects and immune suppression. Laughter it's quite surprising! Laughter keeps you fresh all the increases the production of natural painkiller thereby time and a smile would always be there on your face. You improving our tolerance to pain. It even provides a good know that your parents, especially your father who workout to our heart. According to a doctor, late Dr. works for hours, sometimes feels irritated or frustrated. Laurence Peter, the author of Peter Principal, the bigger the Never mind. It's all because he stays so busy that a whole laugh, the lower the tension and the more long lasting load of tension will be on his head all the time. Spend relief. time with him and crack jokes so that he would also feel free and a smile on his face would make you all so happy! Humour gives us an entire different perspective on our problems. By viewing a problem a little more light Remember, Laugher is the best heartedly, it becomes a challenge instead of a threat, and medicine but someone who laughs for our body won't read it with a stress response. This gives us no reason needs medicine! You might mastery and control over our environment, which helps us have heard this somewhere. cope with adversity. Usman Khan, X A Laughter diverts our attention away from negative feelings like guilt, anger, etc. People laugh with you, even if they don't know always what you're laughing about. It can even be used to erase interpersonal tensions - crack a joke during your next heated arguments and see the tension melting away. Smruthi R., X A Fragrance 2014-2015 42 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Sports Activities A great way to build an agile mind, healthy body and competitive personality Fragrance 2014-2015 43 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Co-curricular Activities Boosting the all round development Fragrance 2014-2015 44 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Science The strangest things in space!!! 1) The planet from hell: The planet is very close to its 3) Space raspberries & rum: For the last few years, star and because of this, one side of the planet is scientists have been studying a dust cloud near the always facing the star. Stepping out on to the star center of milky way, which smells of rum & tastes side of the planet would immediately melt your face like raspberries. The gas cloud consists largely of off, whereas standing on the opposite side would ethyl formate, which is known to give raspberries freeze you immediately. Between these belts is a their distinct taste and rum, its distinctive smell. small belt where life could theoretically exist. 4) The universe's largest electric current: Only a 2) The castor system: As if one or two giant, fiery few years ago, scientists stumbled upon on electric balls of gas weren't enough, we have the castor current of roughly one trillion lightning bolts. The system. As one of the bright star systems from the lighting is thought to originate from an enormous Gemini constellation in our night sky, it has some black hole in the center of the galaxy. The black serious luminosity. This is because the castor hole's huge magnetic field allows it to fire up this system isn't one, or two, but six stars, all orbiting lightning bolt through gas & dust. around a common central mass. All the 6 stars put 5) A planet of burning ice: There is a planet which is out roughly 52.4 times more luminosity than that of almost entirely made out of ice at 439 degree our sun. Celsius. It is situated where Gliese is situated. The only reason this ice stays solid is because of the huge amount of water present on the planet; the gravity pulls it all in towards the core, keeping the water molecules so densely packed that they cannot evaporate. Deepthi G. IX B Fragrance 2014-2015 45 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fun with chemistry experiments Dyslexia Dyslexia is a learning disability that affects approximately 10 percent of the population. Despite having average or above average intelligence, people with dyslexia have difficulty in reading and other language-based tasks such as writing and spelling. Dyslexia is believed to be a neurological disorder with a hereditary component, although no gene has yet been identified as causing the dyslexia process. Brain imaging techniques show that people with dyslexia process phonological information (i.e. soun d-based information) in a different area of the brain than nondyslexics. Treatment There are variations in the type and severity of the learning disability that people with dyslexia have, so 1. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE CATALYSED BY treatment is directed at special education techniques POTASSIUM IODINE tailored to their specific needs. It is foamy substance caused by the rapid decomposition Prognosis of hydrogen peroxide. It requires only a small amount of Although the outlook for people with ingredients and makes a “Volcano of form”. This is dyslexia depends on the severity of known as “marshmallow” experiment. their disorder, the majority live normal, 2. LIQUID NITROGEN MIXED WITH PING PONG productive lives. BALLS Ashish, X A The science - After a few a moment of suspense the action happens. The events result from the pressure in the tightly sealed container of liquid nitrogen. “The liquid will build up and give a boom sound” 3. BURNING MAGNESIUM IN DRY ICE Magnesium reaction with carbon dioxide is a beautiful demonstration to show that oxygen is not always a prerequisite for fire to reveal carbon's place in the reactivity series. Deepthi G., IX B Fragrance 2014-2015 46 JSS Public School, HSR Layout DISCOVERIES BY MISTAKE! “Mistakes are the portals of discovery.” -James Joyce Smruthi R., X A Is this really true? Here are few mistakes that led to great discoveries. By Richard Jones, a naval engineer He was trying to make a meter design to monitor power on naval battleships. Jones was working with tension springs when one of them fell to the ground. The spring kept bouncing from place to place after it hit the ground, and the slinky was born. BY George Crum, a chef He was trying to make, a plate of fried potato. One day it so happened that a customer sent back his plate of potatoes many times and kept asking them to be more fried and thinner. Crum lost his temper, sliced the potatoes insanely thin and fried them until they were hard as a rock. To the chef's surprise, the customer loved them and wanted more! The potato chips! By Sir Alexander Fleming, a scientist Ironically, Fleming was searching for a “wonder drug” that could cure diseases. However, it wasn't until Fleming threw away his experiments that he found what he was looking for. Fleming noticed that a contaminated Petri dish he had discarded contained a mold that was dissolving all bacteria around it. When he grew the mold by himself he learned that it contained a powerful antibiotic, penicillin! Fragrance 2014-2015 47 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Wonders of Nature How do fingernails grow? Look at your nail closely. At the base of a nail, there is a semi-circular root called 'lunula'. It is white in color and consists of many cells which manufacture keratin. These gather and protrude out in the form of nails. Why is there water inside coconuts? Coconut water is a mixture of electrolytes and nutrients. It gets absorbed into the flesh in mature coconuts. How do fruits ripen and become sweet? Ethylene(C2H4), causes fruits to ripen. They become softer and less acidic. Chlorophyll is broken down and new pigments are made. The skin of the fruits changes its color from green to red, orange or yellow as the case maybe. Shilpitha G. R., VIII C Do you know how Scramjet was invented? In the 21th century, speed seems to be of paramount importance. By improving simple but inefficient turbine based engine systems that drive rockets and planes, scientist have developed Supersonic Combustion Ramjet engines (Scramjet) to allow much faster travel. Scramjets improve on ordinary engines by eliminating the need to carry a fuel oxidant. Instead, they use oxygen from the atmosphere to burn the onboard fuel making them lighter, more efficient and extremely fast. Scramjets have long been a theoretical possibility, but in 2002 scientists at the University of Queensland, Australia, and at the U.K defense company QinetiQ successfully completed the first flight of Scramjet vehicle. Since then, NASA has been working on its Hyper-X program to develop Scramjets into practical program, which is able to ‘provide the thrust to propel a craft. It is believed that this technology could eventually allow vehicles to reach Mach 15, reducing an eighteen hour flight from New York to Tokyo to just Shashank M. Patil, IX A two hours. Fragrance 2014-2015 48 JSS Public School, HSR Layout A visit to Brain Museum We learnt about various disorders of the brain, for Our school had organized a field trip for the students of class 10. We went to “Brain Museum of NIMHANS” on example: DEMENTIA, SEIZURES, PARKINSON's, 4th August 2014. NIMHANS is a premier institute for EPILEPSY, AUTISM, TUBERCULOUS MENINGITIS, etc. mental health, science as well as neuroscience. First, we After the power point presentation, we went to the went to the seminar hall and saw a PPT on brain, part of museum. There, over 300 brain specimens are the brain, behavior of brain, comparative study on the preserved in jars. In the museum, we found that the size of the brain and their disorder. The main highlights brain samples were stored in formalin. Each brain has a of the presentation were the brain; how it turns sound story to tell. into speech, reorganizes fear, distinguishs things, etc. We also learnt about the different parts of the brain and Next, we went to another room where the doctor gave their functions. every students an opportunity to touch and feel the brain, heart, spinal cord, kidney, skull, large intestine, Brain starts developing by the 18th day of the baby when etc. It was a very good experience for us to touch and feel it is in the mother's womb. Some organisms like Hydra the real organs. Opposite to the brain museum is a “Brain do not have brain but they have neuro network which Bank” where students of NIMHANS conduct research on acts as a brain. brains kept at minus 80 degree celsius. The visit to 'BRAIN MUSEUM' was a very informative and wonderful experience. Keerthi K., X A Fragrance 2014-2015 49 JSS Public School, HSR Layout The Sixth Sense Device Global Warming The sixth sense device was an effort to merge the physical world and the digital world. The first prototype made use of four rollers taken from two computer mouses and some strings. This prototype could be worn on the hand and whatever gestures you did were displayed on the computer screen. It was further improvised by seating a set up of a camera and a projector on a helmet. Colored tape was wrapped around fingers as markers which the camera could detect. The projector turns any surface into a display and hand gestures are used to manipulate things displayed on the screen. The final prototype is like a pendant having a camera and projector. This device not only takes commands from hand gestures but also tries to make sense of the world around it. For example if you hold a book in your hand, the camera scans the cover and displays the review of the book. It makes the physical world more interactive. Methane: Methane traps about 20 times more heat than carbon dioxide. Methane forms when plants rot and it is released into the air from coal mines, oil and gas wells, rice paddies and landfill site filled with household rubbish. Bacteria in a cow's stomach convert some food into methane, which is released when cows belch and About the Inventor pass wind. The man behind this smart device is Pranav Mistry, an MIT student of Indian origin. He is currently the head of think tank team at Samsung and is also the inventor of Samsung Galaxy Gear. Nirmal Suresh, XI It's Amazing: In a single day, one cow can release 240 grams of methane into the air. There are about 15 billion cows on the Earth- so that is a lot of methane! Rising temperatures: The global average temperature has risen by between 0.3 and 0.6 degrees Celsius Pranav Mistry between 1880 and today. In recent times, temperatures have been getting even warmer- the four warmest years of the 20th century all happened in the 1990s. It's Amazing: Scientists have estimated that global sea levels have already risen by 15 centimeters over the last 100 years and they are continuing to rise. It’s Amazing: There are some incredible ideas about how to solve climate change. One of the strangest ideas is to put a giant cloud of moon dust above the earth to block out sunlight! Fragrance 2014-2015 Namita Magadum, V D 50 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Indian Institute of Horticultural Research The Indian Institute of Horticultural Research is an tissues can be any part of the plant, like a seed, root, leaf, organization that conducts research on various aspects etc. The tissues are kept in a medium like agar that of horticulture. Its headquarters are located in performs the function of soil, providing nutrition and Bangalore, Karnataka. On the 12th of August 2014, we, supporting the tissue. Once the tissue grows and the students of eighth and ninth standard were becomes too large for its storage container, it is moved to fortunate enough to take a field trip to this prestigious a pot. Plant tissue culture is based on the principle of institute. This trip taught us a lot about the agricultural totipotency, the ability of plant tissues to divide and practices in our country; how much effort it takes to form a new plant. create the food we eat; and exciting and new discoveries Plant tissue culture has many advantages over the in the field of horticulture. traditional method of growing plants. For one, the time We learned from a short video clip that the first IIHR, period (or the time it takes for the plant to develop) of under the ICAR ( Indian Council of Agriculture Research, the plant is greatly reduced, while traditional New Delhi) was established on 5th September, 1967. It agriculture takes a long time. Also, we can collect the was later moved to Hesaraghatta located 25 km away parts of the plants at any time or in any season, as from Bangalore in Karnataka, on 1 February 1968. The compared to traditional agriculture in which we can institute is enormous, spread over 263 hectares of land harvest only in a particular season. Plant tissue culture and 9 blocks for research fields. can also help us conserve endemic and endangered plants. So, overall, plant tissue culture is very promising One topic that was discussed in detail was plant tissue for the future of agriculture in our country and research culture. Plant tissue culture refers to the growing of a in this field is necessary in order to understand and whole plant from a single cell or a small tissue. The Fragrance 2014-2015 implement this in the future. 51 JSS Public School, HSR Layout We also saw several of the institute's facilities and different devices. They grow many plants as well, from research fields. We saw research being conducted about medicinal plants to common household plants like hybridization in plants and genetic manipulation to coriander. Overall, visiting this institute was a unique produce desirable qualities in plants. From Raw Mango opportunity and a very fruitful Peelers to Grafting Robots, the institute has many, many experience. The Cicada and the Secrecy Kritika Gupta, IX B When we read the thrillers and spy novels, we are Whoever is behind the messages is clearly brilliant, so amazed by the complicated puzzles and often twisted much so that most people believe the puzzles are meant roads the protagonist has to navigate. However, we as a recruitment vehicle. For whom, precisely, is another simply dismiss them as being “impossible”. But what we matter altogether! The most obvious suspects would be don't know is that there are such amazing processes intelligence like the CIA or MI6. However, any number of underway. The Cicada phenomenon is one of them. other resourceful entities could be behind the scheme. Major corporations like banks or software For the last three years running, the Internet has seen a manufacturers like Microsoft would also gain from bizarre puzzle game each January, hosted by someone recruiting people with hacking skills and raw who calls itself “3301” and uses cicada imagery. The intelligence. puzzles are enormously complex. They draw on elements of cryptography, mathematics, literature, So the next time you read an engaging thriller, realize hidden messages, data security, and philosophy. that it's not impossible, and although it's a minute Physical clues appear in places as Poland, Hawaii, Spain, chance, it could happen to you! Australia, and Korea. 3301 claims that its puzzles attempt to find “intelligent individuals,” for unspecified ends. Citations: Devlin, Mike. “10 Bizarre Mysteries From Around the World- listverse. “listverse. N.P., n.d. Web. 03 Sept. 2014. Fragrance 2014-2015 52 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Family on the window sill Every day I see a family on my bed room window sill. The day begins for them very early, as early as five thirty in the morning. They make a lot of noise as soon as they wake up so as to make us aware of their presence. I am a witness for so many things that happen in their life, whether they like it or not. I Nachiket R. Patil, IX A would like to give you a peek into their life. I beg their excuse for this intrusion. First one egg and then two, this is the beginning of the family The mom and the dad. A lot of work. The mom incubating the eggs. Can't let others have our place. They have got to fight for their place Very good camouflage for the chicks. Can you identify the chicks in this mess? Only chicks are illuminated. Chicks sunbathing Fragrance 2014-2015 53 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Anti Oxidants for Health Research has now proved that oxidation in body cells When nature has created this problem it has provided a releases dangerous, very active molecules known as free solution as well. The presence of compounds called radicals. These free radicals attract the neighbouring antioxidants, in the system can help mop up free radicals cells over a period of time, can cause irreversible before they damage other essential molecules. damage like mutation. It can also cause diseases like An antioxidant is a chemical that prevents the oxidation cancer. of other chemicals. Consuming more antioxidants helps provide the body with tools to neutralize harmful free radicals. It is estimated that more than 4000 compounds in foods act as antioxidants. The most studied includes vitamin C&E, beta-carotene and the mineral selenium. The body cannot manufacture these micro nutrients so they must be included in the diet. Vitamin A: Found in carrot, squash, sweet potatoes, peaches and apricots. Vitamin C: Found in citrus fruits, green peppers, green leafy vegetables, strawberries, cabbage, tomatoes and Generally it manifests old age symptoms like lack of potatoes. energy, poor memory, loss of hearing and falling hair Vitamin E: Found in nuts, whole grains, green leafy which are definitely associated with damaged or weak vegetables, vegetable oil and fish liver cells. Free radicals in alcoholics cause alcohol-induced oil. liver damage perhaps more than alcohol itself. Free radicals in cigarette smoke have been implicated in Selenium: fish, shell fish, red meat, inactivation of alpha-1 antitrypsin in the lung, which grains, eggs, chicken and garlic. promotes the development of Emphysema and it is now proved that these free radicals are the main culprits. Mahitha, XI Our left over water means life to someone We feel thirsty and thank god water is right there. We fill up our glass, take few sips until our thirst quenches and then… what happens? We pour it in to the sink to let it drain down. We find it as quiet normal as there is no one who would like to consume that left over water by us. However, ordinary it may seem, the fact is that we waste water almost every day. Let us turn our focus to the potted plants outside in the lawns. We can use the left over water by either pouring in bits (many times a day) or collecting the water in a tumbler to quench their thirst. So, friends please join your hands with me to save many more lives. Varsha B. S., VIII C Fragrance 2014-2015 54 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Basis for modern Living Smart pollution Smart pollution is an alarming new type of pollution which is worrying the scientists all over the world. They are alarmed that certain species of animals and insects as well as plants are being carried across the borders of countries and oceans to strange lands to which they don't belong. All species are evolved from certain specific habitats. When transported to another environment, they cause severe problems there. Asian tiger mosquitoes have reached America and so A systematic knowledge of living and non-living thing is called science. Our knowledge of non-living things (i.e., materials) make it easier for us to fabricate them for our usage. The knowledge of living things such as animals, birds and human being help us to have a better living. In ancient times, humans were living like animals. With the advent of science, they learnt to cook food, cultivate to grow grains, cover their body with cloth and build houses for living. termites from Taiwan. The Atlantic jellyfish is destroying fisheries of Black Sea. In the island of Guam, tree snakes from Papua New Guinea are gobbling up several special species of birds. In the same way, the water hyacinths native to South America are covering up lakes in China and Africa. Technology and commerce spread far and wide throughout the world. These exotic species are travelling to new habitats and creating problems for The study of human body is called Anatomy and study of plants is called Botany. The medical field today is so advanced that one person's organ can be transplanted to the body of another person. With the advancement of medicines, human longevity has increased. inhabitants there. Some of this biological pollution is taking place because they are being carried intentionally across borders while some are taking place by accidents. Earlier, the main branches of science were Physics, Chemistry and Biology. But in modern times, Electronics and Communication have enhanced the lifestyle of an average man. We can watch an event which is occurring thousands of kilometers away from us through television and reaching America within hours is possible. Now the Moon is not only a poet's delight, but also an Astronomer's play field. A team from Bangalore can have a teleconference with another team in London. Environmentalists call this the “smart pollution”, as they are not dumb like other types of pollution! The normal pollution does not reproduce. For example: oil spills, after a certain period can dissipate. This new pollution can reproduce and evolve into a dangerous species. They can dominate the native, the native animals and plants and in the process might even destroy them completely. Thus “smart pollution” is a totally new threat to our environment. All these could be possible only with men learning and utilizing the knowledge of science. For that, we should be thankful to all those ancient and modern scientists. Aditya K.M, VI A Nithyashree K., X A Fragrance 2014-2015 55 JSS Public School, HSR Layout C.B.S.E. Science Exhibition In India, herbal products and medicines have been in use from ancient times. Even in Ramayana, Lord Hanuman was asked to bring the Sanjeevini plant to revive the wounded Lakshmana. We, students of Class X B, had done a project on the topic “Demonstration of the role of traditional knowledge on herbals for community health.” The project focused on the role of traditional herbal knowledge, some of the medicinal benefits from herbal plants, herbalism and how to prepare medicines from the products found at home. Some of the remedies were prepared right in front of the judges. We prepared remedies for digestive disorders, asthma, etc. The exhibition was conducted in Army Public School from 27 June to 29 June. Top 15 models were selected to nationals and both the models from our school were selected. The experience was wonderful and we got to see many amazing models. Deepthi G., X B A Regional Level Science exhibition was conducted recently by the CBSE Board at the Army Public School. 48 CBSE schools participated and out of the 120 exhibits, two exhibits of JSS Public School, HSR Layout, were selected for participation at the National Level , with the theme 'Health and Energy’. Participating students in the picture are Akriti Naik, Deepti Gururaj, Akash Biswal and Jyotirmoy Mishra (Class X). Fragrance 2014-2015 56 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Short story writing contest for seniors by Deccan Herald The 1st prize winning story Theme: You are a well-known researcher/scientist. You are asked to bring an extinct species back to life. Describe your experience. Sanjana H. M., IX A The Eternal Soul I stepped into my lab and turned on the lights, only to goose bumps on my hands. That was the effect Todlose find my worst nightmare staring back at me. Herr could have on any person. “Mr. Herr. What a pleasant surprise. How wonderful to I walked further into my laboratory and turned on the see you.” I managed to be as calm as possible. This guy other lights. I checked around to just make sure no one scared the hell out of me. was there. And then I called out to my pet truscan. “Oro, come out girl. It's me. You're safe. No one's here. Come “Pleasantries with me. I appreciate the nerve of you, out, girl.” Miss Bravado. Now, if you could give me what I had asked for,” he replied. “Yeah, right. I'd die first.” She came out hopping, like the usual way she does. I bent down and held my hands out for her, in which she “I'm afraid I still haven't progressed on it. Maybe you happily jumped in. She made those adorable ne-ne-ne would be kind enough to give me some more time, sir. sounds, which was quite normal for her. As I stroke her After all this is no small assignment,” I said, hoping he golden fur, I told, “I'm so sorry of what happened, Oro. I would play into my bluff. can't say it won't be happening again, so you need to stay quiet just like this time if it happens a second time, okay? His eyes, one real and one glass, glared at me, sending shivers down my spine. Stay confident, I told myself. You did quite well today, actually. He didn't have a clue of Don't let him see your weakness. what was going on. If this happens next time, you'll know what to do, right?” But he already knows your She nodded innocently. Like she could do anything weakness, said another voice which wasn't innocent. in my mind. “Do you want to eat? It's breakfast time.” “Alright. One month,” he answered finally. “I'll She nodded innocently again. She was so adorable. How give a month more. If could I have brought such a harmless creature in the you don't finish what I midst of a raging war? Sometimes I just felt I deserved asked you…,” his voice what Herr had in store for me. trailed off. I knew the consequences. I was walking I got her treats and fed her while I had a Diet Coke for on a tight rope. One step wrong myself. After sometime, I decided it was Oro's play time. I and I would fall off. brought her down from the platform where she had just finished eating and set her down on the floor. She ran all I mumbled something about over the floor and in between my feet and chased her tail doing my best and bid him off. like a puppy. Seeing her happy, brought a smile to my Even after he left, I still had Fragrance 2014-2015 57 JSS Public School, HSR Layout face. Yet at the same time I couldn't help but brood about Bad things are about to come, a voice in my head said. my worries. I scanned my brain for solutions. But this “I'm sorry, sir. I do not invite strangers into my home.” time even my expert of a brain didn't offer any solutions. So I decided to replay the past once again. Watching Oro “Smart lady”, he said. ”But I'm smarter.” play brought a distant, unwelcome memory to my head. He snapped his fingers, making the men part in front of ***************** him so I see him. “Come on, come on, Cindy. Don't be a spoilsport,” Zoey Only when I got a full view of him did I realize the extent yelled from across the lawn. “You're supposed to hide. of the problem. His face was reduced and wrinkled, like Not sit here and wait for me to just find you like this.” any old man's. White hair. Okay. “Ah, come on. I'm not in the mood,” I whined. But the true horror was in his eyes. One was a normal eye, like anyone's. The other was artificial. It took me a “You're always not in the mood. All you like is geeking second to realize it was glass. out with those science stuff. Play with your sister for a change,” she replied. My joints suddenly felt like jell-o. Goose bumps ran through my body. I made a face at that. “Alright. I'll play hide and seek with my ten-year old sister,” I said, stressing on the word “You were saying, Miss Bravado?” “sister”. “That you could not enter my home.” I gulped. “But Zoey pumped her fists into the air and dragged me out to seeing as you already know me and you do require her so called 'counting place' which was actually the wall something from me, let's go in.” next to our door. We played around five games before We all walked inside quietly. Zoey still clutched my hand. they came. She had remained quiet all along. A limo rolled out in front of our gates. Out of it first came Once everyone was settled, I immediately started ratting out huge brawly men. They closed rank before an old for information. man stepped out of the car. Maybe they were his bodyguards. Oldie laid out a photo on the table. He told me to look into it and tell what I saw. The strange thing was, they seemed to be coming towards our house. Zoey walked towards me and “Seems like an old relic or something. I'm a scientist, not clutched my hand tight. It all looked like a scene directly an anthropologist.” out of a movie. These kinds of scenes always ended horribly wrong. Was that going to happen to me? To Oldie seemed pissed. “That's not just any relic. It's the Zoey? Something horribly wrong? I hoped not. relic of the truscan, the immortal animal.” The old man and his troop reached us. He spoke in a “Excuse me?” raspy, sinister voice, “You must be Transindia Bravado. I “One, do not talk to me like that. Two, immortal animals hope I'm right, dear. I hate being wrong.” do exist. At least did.” “No, sir. You're not”, I said. “How may I help you?” “So, what is this truscan? Seems like a myth to me.” “Oh, you can help me a lot, I believe. But first, may we “Watch your tongue, young lady. Or you will lose it soon,” take this conversation into a more civilized place? Like Oldie said. Okay. I shouldn't anger old people. Got it. say, inside?” He still spoke in that villain-like voice of his. Fragrance 2014-2015 58 JSS Public School, HSR Layout “Go on, sir. Tell me more.” “I don't give a damn. Give whatever you want. Just leave my family out of this.” “The truscan lived during the pre-historic times. Like I said, it was immortal. But they were wiped off from the “I'll give you a year's time. I'll be back after a year. You face of the earth along with the dinosaurs. No one knows know what I want.” how. It's not even known who had created this relic. “Yes. A year.” Mankind didn't even exist at that time. Some of my people uncovered this for me. By what they recovered, ***************** they concluded that this animal was actually very small, I blinked my eyes. Unshed tears threatened to fall. I almost as much as a rabbit. Golden fur, golden blood. wondered what Oro and I would do. I wondered what Drinking its blood makes one immortal.” would happen if Herr found out about Oro. As soon as Wow. That was a lot of information to process. Wait. If Herr had left that day, I'd gone to the past to get myself a this animal's blood made you immortal, and if I was the truscan. I already had a time machine. I'd built it long country's best scientist… ago. That's how I'd found Oro. Now that I had Oro, I had to take care of her. I'd been hasty in my decision. “You want me to bring it back to life,” I concluded. My parents knew about Herr. They had been on vacation “Brilliant. That's exactly what I need. Name your price.” at that time. Seeing the shock and sadness in my “No,” I said confidently. parents' face after they came back killed me. I'd been living the past year under a cloud. “What?” Oro played and played until she got tired. I took her and “No. I won't do it. You obviously want to make yourself put her in her bed. immortal. That is not something I'll allow.” As she slept, I wondered about my future. I wondered “You dare defy me! Just name your price and you'll have about Oro's future. For God's sake, Oro was from the past it. Anything. Just bring one truscan back to life.” already. “Go to hell.” I had one month to fix this all up. A month exactly. What would fate hold for me? It happened faster than I could judge. One moment I was defying Oldie. The next, my sister fell into my arms, cold Before I could answer all this, I heard my mobile ring. My and lifeless. Oldie had fired a bullet into her head. I was blood went cold. It obviously had to be Herr. numb for ten seconds. When I finally found my tongue, all I could say was, “Why?” It was an unknown number. My hand shivered as I picked it. “That's what you get for defying Todlose Herr. Now, who will it be next? I'm thinking, maybe the ones who It turned out to be from National Science Association. brought you into the world.” They wanted me to deliver a speech at a science fest tomorrow. Todlose Herr. Deathless Lord. How ironic. “I'll do it,” my voice was merely a whisper. “Just leave my parents I glanced at Oro, who was fast asleep now. “Sleep tight, alone.” I still had my sister in my arms. Her blood was all buddy. I've gotta prepare for a speech now.” over my t-shirt. My tears had ceased. “Looks like we've got a deal. Your price?” Herr asked. Fragrance 2014-2015 59 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Yoga and its benefits Our daily routine is like winning a race. We Yogasanas, breathing techniques and need to cope up with stress, tension, meditation are very effective to be stress depression and anxiety. YOGA is one of the free. It helps de-tox the body and de-stress ways to keep us free from all of the above. It the mind. not only keeps us away from these, 4. but also improves our stamina Peace within: It is necessary to take a break from daily routine in the form of a and keeps us fit. small outing. Hence we visit serene spots, rich in A strong and flexible body, glowing natural beauty and peaceful holiday spots. Then we skin, peace of mind, good health- whatever realize that peace can be found right within us and you may be looking for, yoga has something to we take a mini vacation to experience this. Yoga offer. One feels that yoga benefits only at the definitely helps to calm our disturbed mind. body level and fails to realize the immense 5. benefits it offers in uniting the body, mind and Immune System: Irregularity in the body and unpleasantness in the mind develops an ailment in breath. When you are in harmony, the journey the body. Yogasanas massage organs and strengthen through life is calmer, happier and more fulfilling. muscles, breathing techniques release stress and HERE ARE THE TOP 10 BENEFITS OF PRACTING improve immunity. It stimulates changes in gene YOGA DAILY expression and improves at cellular level. Study also 1. reveals that yoga postures can bring about All-round body fitness: This does not refer to only immunity in our body by improving overall health. physical fitness but also emotional and mental fitness. As Sri Sri Ravi Shankar puts it, “Health is not 2. 6. a mere absence of disease. It is a dynamic expression feels drained out. Carrying out multiple tasks of life - in terms of how joyful, loving and throughout the day can sometimes be exhausting. A enthusiastic you are.” Doing pranayama (breathing few minutes of simple yoga can make one feel techniques), proper postures and meditation are a energetic, refreshed and recharged after a hectic wholesome treat to Your body. long day. Weight loss: This is what everybody wants. Yoga 7. Improve posture: Back pain, aches all over the has an answer for this. Surya Namaskar and body due to day long work can bring a bad posture. Kapalbhati Pranayama helps in losing weight. With This may be due to bad habits and weak muscles. regular practice of this we become more cautious Regular yoga practice stretches and tones the body about our food intake that is necessary for our body. 3. Increase in energy: At the end of a working day, one muscles and makes them strong. This also improves body posture when you stand, sit, sleep or walk. This Stress Free Mind: Daily practice of yoga is a great would relieve body pain due to incorrect posture. way to get rid of the stress both in body and mind. Fragrance 2014-2015 60 JSS Public School, HSR Layout 8. Better sleep pattern: Insomnia is a sleep disorder. 2. What are the asanas that you recommend for Yoga will help combat insomnia and have a better students to improve their concentration ? sleep and stay awake during the day and make The asanas are: I) insomniacs effectively deal with their problem and ii) Bhujangasana feel energetic. 9. Sarvangasana iii) Matsyasana Living with greater awareness: Our mind always iv) Padmasana wanders from past to the future, but never stays in v) Yogamudra the present. This tendency of the mind can actually be saved from getting stressed or tensed and relax 3. What is the importance of pranayama? the mind. Yoga and pranayama can help create By practicing pranayama, you will notice how mental, awareness and bring our mind back to the present physical and spiritual power is developed. You will moment, where it can stay happy and focused. always be master of yourself and of the situation. You will always have a tremendous amount of energy 10. Helps to beat migraine and headaches: Migraine mentally, physically and spiritually. and headaches are common problems among people these days. The cause for migraine attack is 4. How do yogasanas help school children? lack of oxygen to the brain and stress. Practice of Yogasanas help in developing body, mind, and spiritual Sirsasana helps to increase flow of oxygen to the well being. The body concentration encourages a fit and brain which helps relieve migraine. A study says healthy lifestyle and promotes an overall sense of well that after regular practice of yoga, people suffering being. from migraines found that they suffered with lesser 5. Name a few asanas that are suitable for students numbers of migraines. for daily practice. An interview with yoga master - Mr. Umapathy Vajrasana, Sarvangasana, Vipitha karani, Halasana, (Yoga teacher in JSS public school) Sethubandasana, Padmasana, Gomukhasana and Surya Namaskar. 1. Why is it important to practice yoga everyday ? Yoga is important in everyday life. It strengthens our 6. What is your message for our students as a yoga physical and mental power and adds numerous health master? benefits. Yoga is a type of exercise which is preformed While practicing yogasanas regularly, concentrate on using various types of body postures. One can perform you, by which you perform asanas well and get the yoga in any way since it does not require special complete benefit of it. workout equipment. Start performing yogasanas, meditation and notice how beneficial it is in keeping your body and mind healthy. Mrs. Malathi Raman Dept. of Science Fragrance 2014-2015 61 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Mathematics Mathematics-A history The history of mathematics is as old as humanity itself. It is an investigation into mathematical methods and notation of the past. The study of mathematics begins from the early civilization where prehistoric people probably first counted with their fingers. They also used methods for recording quantities as, the number of animals in the herd or days since the full moon. To represent such amounts they used a corresponding number of pebbles, knots in the cord or marks on the wood or stone. The Egyptians pioneered in geometry and decimal system developing formulas for finding the area and volume of simple figures. This helped them in making The ancient Greek scholars became the first people to the intricate calculations necessary to build the explore pure mathematics. They made important pyramids. The Babylonians went beyond the Egyptians advances by introducing the concept of logical in algebra and geometry. They developed a sexagesimal deduction and proof in order to create a systematic theory of mathematics. The great philosophers/ system, a system based on group of 60. mathematicians like Pythagoras, Archimedes and Ptolemy have developed various systems of symbolic logic that have been important in the field of geometry and arithmetic. The Renaissance period brought major advances in pure mathematics. The Renaissance artists applied principles of geometry and created a system of linear perspective that gave their paintings an illusion of depth and distance. The period also stimulated the application of mathematics to navigation and commerce. Mrunal D.V., IX B “When I was young, mathematics was the passion of my life”: Mathematics and Passion in the life of Thomas Jefferson - John Fauvel Fragrance 2014-2015 62 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Was mathematics an invention or a discovery? Some inventions in mathematics After the beginning of trade in ancient times, the need for counting arose. The human hand was the first device used to count the number quantities. After the number ten, rocks, pebbles, shells or other natural markers were used to count. Many, few, nothing, infinite, etc. are associated with the counting terms in mathematics. Before the advent of the numerical system, these were the terms that described quantities. The Hindu-Arabic numerical system which developed later, gave rise to abacus and accounting. The invention of the numerical system greatly advanced and developed mathematics. Eminent mathematicians like Euclid, Pythagoras, Archimedes, Plato, etc. built up mathematics as a concept. Various geometrical theorems, algebraic concepts and formulae, differential Mathematics was always present in nature, waiting to be and integral, calculus, logarithms, decimal point, discovered. In fact, it is present everywhere in the graphical representation, geometrical instruments like universe. But math, as a subject, is dreaded and scary for the protractor or ruler, digital languages and many. Even thinking about calculations, theorems, mathematical signs were invented, which helped algebra, geometry, permutation and combinations gives mathematics scale new heights and evolve as a science. goose bumps to some people. Mathematics as a science is not a discovery by a single person. It is a joint effort which was started by the Babylonians and Egyptians, way back in 3000 BC. There are important contributions from the Greeks, Indians, and others, which helped develop mathematical concepts, abstracts, formulae, etc. The discovery of various constants, laws, and theorems is based on the invention of the numerical system. All of these numbers give physics, chemistry, and all the other sciences a much-needed backbone, which supports and gives them definite measure. Why is it a discovery? The concepts of mathematics have always been in nature. The shapes, symmetry, sizes, and quantities, have always been an integral part of natural phenomenon. Vibha P., IX B Fragrance 2014-2015 63 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Carl Friedrich Gauss Little Mathematical Formula The Greatest Mathematician How about Achieving 101%? Carl Friedrich Gauss What equals 100% in life? is sometimes referred to as the Here's a little Mathematical formula that might help “Prince among answer these questions: mathematicians” and the greatest IF: mathematician since Alphabets are represented in numeric form in antiquity. Gauss was chronological order: a child prodigy When A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 he was just three Q R S T 17 18 19 20 corrected an error in U V 21 22 W 23 years old, he X Y Z 24 25 26 his father's payroll calculations and he was looking after his father's account on a regular basis by the age Then: of 5. By the age of 15, Gauss was the first to find any H A R D W O R K is kind of pattern in the occurrence of prime numbers, a 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98% problem which had exercised the minds of the best mathematicians since ancient times. In the area of AND probability and statistics, Gauss introduced what is K N O W L E D G E is known as Gaussian error curve. 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96% Gauss was a naughty student during school days. BUT Whatever questions the teacher gave, he would solve A T T I T U D E is within minutes and would start disturbing other 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100% students. Once the teacher gave a complicated question to see that Gauss would not disturb any student. The Then, see how far the LOVE Of GOD will take you. teacher asked the students to add the numbers 1 to 100 and started doing some work. But the teacher was L O V E OF G O D surprised to see that Gauss had completed the work and 12+15+22+5+15+6+7+15+4 = 101% started irritating other students within two minutes. Gauss calculated that 1+100=101, 2+99=101, 3+98=101 etc. Thus there would be fifty 101s and answer is 50x101=5050. Gauss had discovered a very important formula at the age of 7! The sum of first natural numbers is n(n+1)/2. Thus we are indebted to many great mathematicians like Gauss. Rithanya M., IV D Fragrance 2014-2015 64 Onima Chaitanya, X A JSS Public School, HSR Layout Tricky Maths Trick 1: Trick 4: Step 1-Think of a number below 10. Step 1-Think of any 3 digit number, Step 2-Double it. but its digits must be same (eg111,222) Step 3-Add 6 with the doubled number. Step 2-Add up the digits. Step 4-Divide it by 2. Step 3-Divide the 3 digit number with Step 5-Subtract from the answer the number the digits' sum. you had initially thought of. Amulya S. D. VIII B Answer=37 Answer=3. “GO VEDIC” Trick 2: Step 1-Think of a positive number Finding Squares Of Numbers Ending With 5 Step 2-Subtract 1 from the number Example 1 Step 3-Multiply it by 3 (75) 2 = 75 x 75 Step 4-Add 12 to it =5625 Step 5-Divide it by 3 Step 6-Add 5 to it Darshana P., IX A Steps: Step 7-Subtract from the answer the number 1. you had initially thought of. First, multiply 5 by 5 and put composite digit 25 on the right hand side Answer=8 2. Then add 1 to the upper left hand digit 7 to make it 8. 3. Trick 3: Then multiply 8 by the lower left hand digit 7. Put the result(56) on the left hand side. Step 1-Think of a positive number 4. Step 2-Multiply it by 3 Step 3-Add 45 to it Therefore the answer is 5625. Example 2 Step 4-Double the number (35)2=35 x 35 Step 5-Divide it by 6 =1225 Step 6-Subtract from the answer the number Steps: you had initially thought of. 1. Answer=15 First multiply 5 by 5 and put the result 25 on the right hand side 2. Add one to the upper left to make the digit 4 3. Then multiply 4 by the lower left hand digit 3. The result is 12. Answer = 1225 Fragrance 2014-2015 65 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Bhaskaracharya-II first two books deal with Mathematics in detail and the last two with Astronomy. When he was aged 69 years, he composed another small book called Karana Kuthuhala. Leelavathi is a book solving problems in arithmetic, elementary algebra, geometry and mensurations. Beejaganitham is fully devoted to advanced algebra. Grahaganitham and Goladhyaya consist of compilation of planetary motions, eclipses, etc. While Bhaskara remembers his earlier mathematicians such as Aryabhata, Brahmaguptha and Bhaskar-I, he missed to mention another name Mahaveeracharya. But he seems to have been influenced by latter “Ganitha Sara Sangraha'. It is very significant to note that Bhaskara-II was the first Hindu Astronomer in introducing Moon's Motion Equation which is now called as Eviction Theory. His Chakravata method in solving square root problem, used lesser steps compared to Modern Euler's method. He also discussed in detail, the permutations and combinations in length. A famous German Scientist says that Bhaskara's Chakravata Method is beyond praise. This is first achieved before Lagrange, the westerner. How proud we Indians should be! Bhaskaracharya-II is considered to be the most popular among the Indian mathematicians and astronomers. He was born in 1114 A.D. in a place called Bijjada Bida in the mountain range of Sahyadri. His father was Maheswara, a saintly and scholarly person. Bhaskaracharya's famous literary work is Siddhanta Siromani which consists of four parts namely Leelavathi, Beejaganitham (algebra), Grahaganitham and Goladhyaya. Leelavathi was his lovely daughter with whom he reciprocated to solve many tricky problems. The One of the I.S.R.O Satellites is named after this great Mathematician. Aditya K. M., VI A Mathematics…!! 1. In 2010, on World Maths Day, 1.13 million students from more than 235 countries set a record correctly answering 479,732,613 questions. 7. Notches on animal bones show that people have been doing mathematics, or at least making computations, since around 30.000BC. 2. Americans called mathematics 'math', arguing that 'mathematics' functions as a singular noun so 'math' should be singular too. 8. The word 'hundredth' in Old Norse, from which our 'hundred' derives, meant not 100 but 120. 9. 3. They have been calling math's 'math' for much longer than we have called it 'maths'. “pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.” (Albert Einstein). 4. 'Mathematics' is an anagram of 'me asthmatic'. 5. The only number in English that is spelled with its letters in alphabetical order is 'forty' 6. The only Shakespeare play to include the word 'mathematics' is 'The Taming of The Shrew'. Fragrance 2014-2015 10. “Mathematics is the subject in which we never know what we are talking about nor whether what we are saying is true.”-Bertrand Russell Apoorva B., X B 66 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Prize Winners Recognizing talent and encouraging students to strive harder Jubilant! The Girls Basket Ball Team of JSS Public School, HSR Layout emerged as the runners up in the State Level Inter-School Basket Ball Tournament 2014-15 in the under 16 category conducted by New Horizon Public School. The team is seen here with their jubilant coach, Mr. Saif H. Walikar who also received the the Best Coach Award. Junior girls shared Winner Rolling Trophy with Cluney Convent, conducted by Cluney Convent, Malleshwaram 11th Okinawa Goju -RYU International Karate-Do Championship 2014 held at Ipoh, Malaysia. Jishnu a proud member of the winning team from Bangalore participated in the 8-9 years category. Seen here is Jishnu with the Principal Mr. R U Patil and his karate instructor Mr. Suresh Babu. Little Genius: Vibha Hugar of JSS Public School, HSR Layout brought pride to the school as she bagged the Champion's Trophy in the Brain O brain Test 2014 - a Karnataka State Level Regional Abacus Competition. Principal of JSSPS Mr. R.U. Patil handed over the trophy to Vibha Hugar. Fragrance 2014-2015 Aashitha VI A got IInd Prize in drawing and painting Competition Conducted by Police Public School 67 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Kudos! The JSS Public School, HSR Layout, Seniors (under 16) Basketball Boys Team brought laurels to their school by bagging the Runners Trophy in the Inter-School Basketball Tournament 2014-15 in the Poojitha of class IX A got IIIrd Prize in Doha singing competition conducted by Police Public school under 16 category conducted by VIBGYOR Public School. L-R: Sachin Bajpai, Aditya, Coach Saif H Walikar, Mr. Mahesh, Yasshasu, and Tenzil. Sayli Bande of VIth - Consolation prize in Drawing and Painting competition conducted by Police Public School. Aashitha Mohan of class IX A got consolation prize in Drawing and Painting competition conducted by Police Public School. JP Cricket Academy - Best Fielder Awardees. Akhilan- VI Std.; Darshith - V Std., Prem Kumar- V Std. Fragrance 2014-2015 Subhiksha M of VII C and Pooja of VII B have won the Grand Master Award in abacus conducted by Smart Kids Academy. 68 JSS Public School, HSR Layout JSS Public School, HSR Layout school profile was chosen as the best Darshana P, IX A, participated in Asian Taekwondo Championship held in Kathmandu, Nepal. She bagged 2 Silver and 2 Bronze Medals. CMCA (Children's Movement for Civic Awareness) Star Revolutionary & Civic Rangers out of the 31 schools that participated. L-R Shravan, Hemant, Rachana and Pujitha receiving the award at the CMCA Star Revolutionary & Civic Rangers at the Inspiration 2014 Awards. Winners of Public Speaking conducted by First Leadership Academy. L-R: Gunesh Bhat-VII B, Budding Star Award; Abhyuday C M-IX B, Budding Star Award; Shreya N.-VIII B, Judges Choice Award Sanjana H.M.-IX A, proud winner of SOF scholarship of Rs. 5000/- for the year 2014-15 VIVA, An Inter-school and Junior College Festival: The Girls Basket Ball Team of JSS Public School, HSR Layout, emerged the 2nd runners up in the InterSchool Basketball Tournament 2014-15 in the under 16 category conducted by VIBGYOR Public School. The girls plan to aim higher by working harder. L-R: Sahana M D, Keerthana, Vibha P, Megha P, Coach Saif H Walikar, Mr Balakrishna, Darshana P, Abhinaya V., Sharon and Amruthavarshini. Fragrance 2014-2015 69 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Prize Winners Suttur Jathra Mahotsava 2015 Inter-school Competition Mahitha of XI won IV prize in solo singing (Seniors) Junior group won IInd Prize in singing competition conducted by Mahavidhya Peetha, Suttur Likitha -VII - IV prize in solo dance (Juniors) Senior group won IIIrd Prize in singing competition conducted by Mahavidhya Peetha, Suttur Shriya Nair - IV prize in solo dance under junior category (vachana) Senior dance group won IInd prize in Suttur Akriti Nayak- IInd Prize in solo classical under senior category. Fragrance 2014-2015 70 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Social Science Konark Temple Interesting Facts About India Konark Temple in Odisha is a very famous temple. The India never invaded any country in her last 1,00,000 Sun God is worshipped in this temple. It was built years of history. between 1284-1264 AD by the King Langula Narasingh Chess was invented in India. Dev. The temple was built inside the sea. But the sea has Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus are studies which gone away from the temple and now it is 5 km away. This originated in India. temple is a unique piece in itself. But now many parts The place value system and the decimal system were have been ruined. No cement or concrete has been used developed in India in 100BC. in the temple. Iron plates are used to join the big pieces of stone. A big magnet is kept on top of the temple which India has the largest number of post offices in the world. holds all the iron plates. The builders had Yoga has its origin in India and has existed for over 5000 comprehensive knowledge of years. a s t r o n o m y, a r c h i t e c t u r e a n d India is the largest democracy in the electromagnetism. world. All Indians should be proud of Konark India is the 7th largest country in the temple. It is a world heritage site. world and one of the most ancient civilizations. Bidisa Choudhury, V 'A' Akanksha Kiran., IV 'B' Fragrance 2014-2015 71 JSS Public School, HSR Layout An Unusual War Jute The Three Hundred and Thirty Five Years’ War (Dutch) was an alleged theoretical state of war between the Netherlands and Isles of Sicily (located off the southwest coast of Great Britain). The truth of this war ever existing is disputed. It is said to have been extended by the lack of a peace treaty for 335 years without a single shot being fired, which makes it one of the world's longest wars and a bloodless war. Despite the uncertain validity of the declaration of war, and thus uncertainty about whether or not a state of war ever actually existed in the first place, peace was finally declared in 1986, bringing to an end of a hypothetical war that may have been legally considered to exist. Jute was first made in India. It is a long, soft, shiny vegetable fibre that can be spun into coarse, strong threads. It is produced from plants in the genus Corchorus. Jute is the most affordable natural fibre. It primarily comprises materials like cellulose and lignin. The jute fibers are off-white to brown in colour and 1-4 meters (3-12 feet) long. Roy Duncan, historian and Chairman of Isles of Sicily Council, wrote to the Dutch Embassy in London to dispose of the myth that the islands were still at war. Jute needs plain alluvial soil and standing water. The Embassy staff found the myth to be accurate and Duncan suitable climate for growing jute is offered by monsoon invited the Dutch Ambassador Jonkheer Rein climate (warm and wet climate). Temperature from 200 Huydecoper to visit the islands and sign a peace treaty. Peace was declared 0 Celsius to 40 Celsius is favourable. on 17th April 1986, 335 years after the “war” began. Shubha R., IX B Rohan G., V ‘D’ Fragrance 2014-2015 72 JSS Public School, HSR Layout The discovery of Ajanta Caves In the early 19th century some British soldiers were out There are about 30 caves at the site of Ajanta. It is hunting in the Deccan plateau. One of them suddenly counted amongst the UNESCO world heritage sites in saw, from a height, a horseshoe rock; his curiosity Maharashtra. aroused by the entrance of a cave. The hunting party ventured across the ravine of the Waghur River. And “We, of our time, have played our part in preserving, and they discovered several caves, against which bush, we have pledged ourselves to the dead generations who shrubs and stones had piled up. Goatherds were using a have preserved intact for us this glorious heritage, that we, too, will strive to be few for shelter. faithful to the end, and pass on this tradition unblemished.” - Eamon de Vlera The government was informed about this finding and soon the archaeologists began to excavate them. Many experts have been restoring them since last 50 years. Smruthi R., X A The shock of discovery was worldwide. All the rock cut caves had paintings on verandahs, inner walls and ceilings. They revealed some of the most beautiful masterpieces of world art. Fragrance 2014-2015 73 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Computer Digital Citizen Yesterday I am a Digital Citizen! When I' am at school, I use my PERSONAL DEVICE for Yesterday, EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES only. All those backups seemed a waste of pay. * I will only use the assigned WI-FI network when I'm Now my database has gone away. at school Oh I believe in Yesterday. * I will keep my device safe and secure at all times. Suddenly, I listen to my GUT! I make sure that I am SAFE & There is not half the files there used to be APPROPRIATE when I am online. And there's milestone hanging over me. * I will visit appropriate websites that promote The system crashed so suddenly. learning and are for educational purposes. * I will follow Copyright Laws, and will remember to I pushed something wrong cite the sources I use for all my projects. What it was I could not say. I listen to my HEAD! I will protect my PRIVATE INFO Now all my data has gone and the information of others. And I long for Yesterday * After I complete my work online, I will log out, and not share my login or password with others. Yesterday, I listen to my HEART! I RESPECT myself and other The need for backup seemed so far away, when I am online. I use kind words, and remember I knew my data was all here to stay, that my “digital footprint” should not harm others. Now I believe in Yesterday I STAND UP and say “No!” to CYBERBULLYING. I will tell an adult if someone is being unkind or harmful. Pranav Rao, XI Fragrance 2014-2015 Manpreet Singh Arora, XI 74 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Computer Life Life is like a computer Save the good memories Delete the sorrows Upload happiness Download knowledge Scan for good friends Debug pessimism And if things don't work out Just press Restart Life before computer A memory was something that you lost with age Imposition Program An application was for employment Teacher asked me to write 'I won't talk in the class 100 times and submit'. A program was a TV show A cursor meant profanity A keyboard was a piano #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int i; for(i=1;i<=100;i++) printf(“I won't talk in the class\n”); } A web was a spider's home A virus was the flu A CD was a bank account A hard drive was a long trip on the road A mouse pad was where a mouse lived and if you had a 3 ½ inch floppy ….you just hoped nobody found out. I used my programming skills to write the imposition. Niveditha Pradeep, XI Nirmal Suresh, XI Fragrance 2014-2015 75 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Newspapers in Education Sign language class in progress The Student Edition of newspapers provides articles and newspaper, NIE classes are held on alternate weeks. features covering diverse aspects such as national news, Resource personnel who are experts in various subjects international events, school news, life skills articles, conducted various activities. Deccan Hearld resource contributions from students, teachers and principals, personnel conducted craft activities - origami, puppet syllabus based mentoring, science and technology, making, lamp shades, etc.; English activities -vocabulary, counselling columns, health related issues, stories, communication, grammar, etc.; Science - quiz, trivia interviews with young achievers, sports, comics, with facts, science with volume, etc.; Maths- Suduko, quizzes, etc. Vedic maths, etc.; and life skills activities. The objective is to inform, educate and entertain the The Hindu Resource personnel trained and guided students. It also provides a platform for students to students in bringing out their own class newspaper showcase their talents participating in various using write ups, advertisements, quizzes, articles, competitions like handwriting, quiz, dance, elocution reports, etc. helping out with the layout and and many more. presentation. NIE Co-ordinators The NIE (Newspapers in Education) classes conducted have diverse and interesting subjects and topics. For the academic year 2014-15, the school had 'The Hindu' NIE program for classes 6, 7 and 8 and 'Deccan Herald' NIE program for classes 4, 5 and 9. Apart from receiving the student edition of the Fragrance 2014-2015 Mrs. Bina Mitra 76 Mrs. Pranami Dutta JSS Public School, HSR Layout PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¥ÀæAiÀÄvÀߪÉà ¥ÀgÀªÀÄ ¥ÀÆeÉ £À ª À Ä ä zÉ Ã ±À z À ¸À Ä ¥À æ ¹ zÀ Þ vÁwé P À UÀ æ A xÀ ª ÁzÀ ‘AiÉÆÃUÀªÁ¶µÀ×'zÀ°è ¸Àé¥ÀæAiÀÄvÀߪÀ£ÀÄß PÀÄjvÀÄ ºÉýzÀ ªÀiÁvÀÄUÀ¼À£ÀÄß PÉý¢ÝÃgÁ? ‘¸ÀjAiÀiÁzÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ GvÁìºÀ¥ÀÆjvÀ ¥ÀæAiÀÄvÀß'¢AzÀ ¥ÀqÉAiÀÄ®Ä ¸ÁzsÀåªÁUÀzÀ ªÀ¸ÀÄÛ AiÀiÁªÀÅzÀÆ F ¥Àæ¥ÀAZÀzÀ°è®è. AiÀiÁgÁzÀgÀÆ AiÀiÁªÀÅzÉà ªÀ¸ÀÄÛªÀ£ÀÄß ¥ÀqÉAiÀÄ®Ä D²¹, CzÀ£ÀÄß ºÉÆAzÀ®Ä AiÀÄwß¹zÀÄzÉà DzÀgÉ CªÀgÀÄ RArvÀªÁVAiÀÄÆ ¸À¥sÀ®gÁUÀ§®ègÀÄ. DzÀgÉ »rzÀ zÁjAiÀÄ°è »AzÉÃlÄ ºÁPÀzÉà ªÀÄÄAzÀĪÀjAiÀÄÄvÀÛ¯Éà ¸ÁUÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. ¥ÀqÉAiÀÄÄvÁÛ£É. ¸ÉÆêÀiÁjAiÀiÁV PÀĽvÀÄ AiÀiÁgÀÄ K£À£ÀÆß ¸Á¢ü¹®è. ¥ÀæwAiÉƧâ£ÀÆ vÀ£ÀUÉ vÁ£Éà ±ÀvÀÄæ CxÀªÁ vÀ£ÀUÉ «ÄvÀæ JA§ÄzÀ£ÀÄß w½AiÀĨÉÃPÀÄ. AiÀiÁgÀÄ vÀ£ÀߣÀÄß vÁ£ÀÄ gÀQë¹PÉƼÀî¯ÁgÀ£ÉÆà CªÀ£À£ÀÄß gÀQë¸À®Ä AiÀiÁgÀÆ EgÀ¯ÁgÀgÀÄ. RArvÀªÁVAiÀÄÆ M§â£ÀÄ vÀ£Àß ¥ÀæAiÀÄvÀߢAzÀ¯Éà zÀÄBRzÁAiÀÄPÀ ¸À¤ßªÉñÀUÀ½AzÀ ¥ÁgÁUÀ§®è£ÀÄ. 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CªÀgÀ ¥ÀæwAiÉÆAzÀÄ PÁAiÀÄðPÀÆÌ CA¢£À Fragrance 2014-2015 88 JSS Public School, HSR Layout PÉÃA¢æÃAiÀÄ PÀ£ÀßqÀ CzsÁå¥ÀPÀgÀ ¸ÀAWÀªÀÅ, PÀ£ÀßqÀ «¨sÁUÀzÀ ¸ÀºÀ¨sÁVvÀézÉÆA¢UÉ £ÀªÀÄä eÉJ¸ïJ¸ï ±Á¯ÉAiÀÄ°è DAiÉÆÃf¹zÀÝ ««zsÀ ¸ÀàzsÉðUÀ¼À°è ¨sÁUÀªÀ»¹ ¥Àæ±À¹ÛUÀ¼À£ÀÄß UÉ¢ÝgÀĪÀ «zÁåyðUÀ¼ÀÄ. ¥ÁæxÀ«ÄPÀ «¨sÁUÀ (3, 4 ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 5£ÉAiÀÄ vÀgÀUÀw) QjAiÀÄgÀÀ «¨sÁUÀ (6 ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 7£ÉAiÀÄ vÀgÀUÀw) »jAiÀÄgÀ «¨sÁUÀ (8, 9 ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 10£ÉAiÀÄ vÀgÀUÀw) Fragrance 2014-2015 89 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Celebrations @ School Independence Day Republic Day Ekta Diwas World Environment Day Fragrance 2014-2015 90 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Kannada Rajyotsava Swamiji Jayanthi Childrens’ Day Fragrance 2014-2015 91 Maha Shivaratri Varamahalakshmi Pooja Eco friendly Ganesh Chaturthi Ramzan Dussehra Eco friendly Deepavali Flower day Janmasthami Onam Teachers’ Day 92 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Field Trips Trip to Geological Museum, Bangalore Trip to Lalbagh Trip to McDonald Kitchen Fragrance 2014-2015 93 Investiture Ceremony Release of Annual Magazine 2013-14 Scholastic Fair Workshop for Teachers Group Song Competition in Interschool Cultural Fest at Police Public School Fragrance 2014-2015 Participation in Quiz Competition at Presidency College 94 JSS Public School, HSR Layout ihMdI maanasa Bavana maoM Aaya-jana ijasakI ]taroM AartI Bagavaana BaartvaYa- maoM gaUMjao hmaarI BaartI ivaValaya maoM ihMdI idvasa 14 isatMbar yah tarIK dja- hO rajaBaaYaa ihMdI ko naama .yah hmaarI saaMskRitk caotnaa kI saMvaahk BaaYaa hO.[na saba baataoM kao Qyaana maoM rKkr saMivaQaana maoM ihMdI kao savaao-cca BaaYaa ka sqaana idyaa hO.ihMdI Aaja sarhdaoM kao par kr saMBaavanaaAaoM ka saMsaar rca rhI hO.AaOr ivaSva maMca pr baD,I BaUimaka maoM Aanao kao tOyaar hO.kuC yahI naja,ara qaa hmaaro jao esa esa ko p`aMgaNa maoM caaraoM Aaor rajaBaaYaa ko vaca-sva ka p`kaSa qaa . ivaValaya kI hr SaaKa ihMdI BaaYaa ko vaRxa kao saudRZ,ta p`dana kr rhI qaI.eosaa hI ihMdImaya vaatavarNa qaa.12 isatMbar 2014 kao jaba ivaValaya maoM pUro hYaao-llaasa sao ihMdI idvasa manaayaa jaa rha qaa.AadrNaIya p`Qaanaacaaya- EaI Aar yaU paiTla evaM ]pp`acaayaa- EaImatI eilasa vagaI-sa ko AmaUlya maaga-dSa-na evaM p`ao%saahna sao ihMdI ivaBaaga kI Aaor sao AnaokaoM p`ityaaoigataAaoM ka Aayaaojana ikyaa gayaa jaOsao kivata vaacana, vaadivavaad, p`Sna maMca, inabaMQa laoKna, AaSau BaaYaNa Aaid.saBaI p`ityaaoigataAaoM maoM Ca~aoM nao pUro ]%saah sao ihssaa ilayaa.ihMdI idvasa ko rMgaarMga kaya¸¶ma maoM naR%ya, BaaYaNa, maMcana, gaIt saMgaIt kI Ca~aoM Wara maM~ maugQa kr donao vaalaI p`stuit nao saBaI ka mana jaIt ilayaa . Da^ kivata pinayaa ihMdI ivaBaaga 95 kivata ka saMsaar baadlaaoM ko par Apnaa saaih%ya ApnaI saMskRit ApnaI khanaI laoK kivataAaoM sao calaao AaAao ihMdI BaaYaa ko p`it Apnao sauMdr ivacaar bataec doKao Aae hMO kalao baadla kaSa maOM ]nhoM CU saktI khto hO saBaI yah hO sauhavanao yao kBaI saaocaa hO [saka ica~kar kaOna hO kaOna rhta hO [sako par rMgaaoM ka [samaoM saMsaar fUlaaoM kI mahk GaulaI hO bahar maoM [sakI naama ela pUijata sauMdr sapnaa kxaa navaIM A maOM [saka jaI Bar kr AanaMd laonaa caahtI Ucµj jaba BaI Aasamaana kao doKtIo Ucjµ mauJao baadlaaoM ko par jaanaa hO Apnao saBaI duKaoM kao BaUlatI Ucjµ Aaoinamaa kxaa dsavaIM ba Aasamaana maoM kao[- tao jaadU hO ijasao maOM ApnaI yaadaoM maoM yaad krtI Ucjµ . vaah @yaa sauMdr dRSya hO pixayaaoM kao ]D,to doK kaSa haoto pMK maoro maOM BaI ]D,tI naIla gagana maoM. haotI jaba rat Qavala pkD, laotI caMdamaamaa pasa Apnao ]nakao rKtI caadnaI cµ kao Apnao pasa rKtI I¶a§SdjLµT ¡df... baadla AaOr baairSa MüÇmrÉÔOûU eÉÏ AÉ eÉÉAÉå Aa gayaa baairSa ka maaOsama WûÉåqÉuÉMïü ÌlÉmÉOûÉ eÉÉAÉå baadla Cae kalao kalao MüÉqÉ oÉWÒûiÉ WûÏ pÉÉUÏ Wæû maaOsama nao Aba krvaT laI qÉåUÏ MÑüNû sÉÉcÉÉUÏ Wæû iÉÑqÉ iÉÉå AÇiÉrÉÉïqÉÏ WûÉå ibajalaI kD,k rhI hO. WûqÉ Cma Cma Cma Cma baairSa Aa[-. hr baccao ko mauK pr mauskana laa[Kula gae drvaajao, Kula ga[- iKD,kI rajavaI ca¸¶vatIkxaa CzvaIM A ±doÉ Måü xuÉÉqÉÏ WûÉå ÌoÉaÉQ.ûÉ MüÉqÉ oÉlÉÉiÉå WûÉå WûU qÉÑίMüsÉ xÉÑsÉfÉÉiÉå WûÉå Kolao kUdo AaOr baaolao mÉÉxÉ WûqÉÉUå AÉ eÉÉAÉå Cma Cma Cma Cma baairSa Aa[-. oÉåQ.ûÉ mÉÉU MüU eÉÉAÉå| Fragrance 2014-2015 96 AÉU ´ÉÏ xÉÇeÉlÉÉ VI A JSS Public School, HSR Layout maorI PyaarI saRiYT saRiYT hmaara saMsaar hO yah KuiSayaaoM ka BaMDar hO [sakI sahayata ko ilae saUrja caMda AakaSa hOM jaao doto hmaoM p`kaSa hOM. garmaI ko idnaaoM mao baairSa kI caaht hO jaao dotI hmaoM raht hO baairSa kI baUcdaoM maoM Tp-Tp kI Aavaaja, hO. poD, paOQao doto hmaoM SaudçQa hvaa hOM jaao hmaaro ilae dvaa hO hma Baart kI Saana hO jaya saRiYT maata kI jaya saRiYT maata kI. nanhoM nanhoM hmaoM na samaJaao kotkI [Mgavaalao kxaa CzvaIM A hma Baart kI Saana hOM hmasao hI hO QartI saarI dsa maaotI &ana ko hmasao yao Aasamaana hO. jaItnao ko ilae kao[- caIja, hO tao p`oma pInao ko ilae kao[- caIja, hO tao ¸¶dyoQa Kanao ko ilae kao[- caIja, hO tao gama baZ, caZ, kr Aagao jaaeM ^gao donao ko ilae kao[- caIja, hO tao dana krto kama mahana hOM. idKanao ko ilae kao[- caIja, hO tao dyaa laonao ko ilae kao[- caIja, hO tao &ana }M ^cao hI ]zto jaanaa hO khnao ko ilae kao[- caIja, hO tao sa%ya Aagao hI baZ,to jaanaa hO rKnao ko ilae kao[- caIja, hO tao [jjat baZ,o calaoMgao nahIM $koMgao foMknao ko ilae kao[- caIja, hO tao [-Yyaa- CaoD,nao ko ilae kao[- caIja, hO tao maaoh Fragrance 2014-2015 fUla hOM hma [sa baigayaa ko KuSabaU fOlaanaa kama hO hma Baart kI Saana hOM. Annayaa mahapa~a kxaa AazvaIM A 97 rjat yaU kxaa paM^cavaI d JSS Public School, HSR Layout pdkaoM kI khanaI Baart r%na purskar :' Baart r%na' Baart ka savaao-cca naagairk sammaana hO. yah sammaana raYT/Iya saovaa ko ilae p`dana ikyaa jaata hO.[na saovaaAaoM maoM klaa saaih%ya iva&ana va saava-jainak saovaa Saaimala hOM.[sa sammaana kI sqaapnaa 2 janavarI 1954 hO.yah 4janavarI 1952 maoM AarMBa ikyaa gayaa.[sao tIna BaagaaoM maoM baaM^Ta gayaa p`qama ç maoM Baart ko t%kalaIna raYT/pit Da^ rajaoMd/ p`saad dvaara kI ga[- qaI. ç vaga-, divatIya vaga-, tRtIya vaga-. pdmaivaBaUYaNa pdmaBaUYaNa pdmaEaI purskar : [nhoM pdma purskar BaI kha jaata bahadurI sammaana : baccaaoM kI AsaaQaarNa bahadurI AaOr inasvaaqa- %yaaga kao sammaana ç hO.Baart sarkar dvaara AamataOr pr isaf- BaartIya naagairkaoM kao idyaa jaanao ç donao ko ilae BaartIya baala klyaaNa dvaara 1957 maoM yah raYT/Iya purskar donaa ç vaalaa sammaana hO.yah purskar SaasakIya saovakaoM dvaara p`d%t saovaa saiht iksaI p`arMBa ikyaa gayaa qaa.p`%yaok vaYa- saaolah kI Aayau sao kma baccaaoM kao yah purskar ide jaato hO.[na purskaraoM kI GaaoYaNaa baala idvasa pr kI jaatI hO.p`QaanamaM~I ASaaok ca¸¶ : marNaaoMpraMt saOinakaoM kI doSa Baavanaa ko ilae p`dana ikyaa jaata ç ga saaih%ya iva&ana Kola icaik%saa samaaja saovaa BaI xao~ maoM jaOsao klaa iSaxaa ]dyaao ç dvaara gaNatM~ idvasa kI pUva- saMQyaa pr purskar idyaa jaata hO. AaOr saava-jainak jaIvana Aaid maoM ]nako ivaiSaYz yaaogadana ko ilae idyaa jaata hO. prmavaIr ca¸¶ : prmavaIr ca¸¶ saonaa tqaa ]sasao jauD,o hue laaogaaoM kao idyaa jaanao vaalaa Baart ka savaao-cca vaIrta sammaana hO.yah pdk Sa~u ko saamanao ç AdivatIya saahsa ka pircaya donao pr idyaa jaata hO.yah sammaana 26 janavarI 1950 maoM Sau$ ikyaa gayaa. Fragrance 2014-2015 inaiKla esa naMdI kxaa dsavaIM ba 98 JSS Public School, HSR Layout jaIvana ka sahI naja,iryaa mMaoro iSaxak iSaxakaoM sao hmaoM imalata &ana Apar krto vao hmaaro sapnao saakar AaAao pZ,ao ]nako ivacaar sakara%mak saaoca yaanaI jaIvana ko p`it ek eosaI saaoca jaao jaIvana jaInao ka naja,iryaa badla dotI hO.yah Sabd eosao Aaz SabdaoM sao imalakr banaa hO jaao Apnao Aap maoM Aa%maivaSvaasa sao Bara Kja,anaa hO jaao ivaVaqaI- hI nahIM hr ek vyai@t ko jaIvana kao badlanao kI xamata rKta hO. 1 QaOya- 2 AaSaavaadI 3 saMtuYT 4 p`orNaa 5 laxya 6AadSa- 7 ivajaota 8 sahja iSaxak AadSaao-M kI imasaala hO hmaara jaIvana saM ^vaarto hOM iSaxak QaOya- saflata kI phlaI saIZ,I hO jaao nakara%makta kao pasa BaTknao nahIM inat nae &ana ka BaMDar laakr dota.AaSaae^M hOM tao inaraSaa sao ]%pnna kuMzae^M pasa Aa nahIM saktI saMtaoYa &ana hmaara hr pla baZ,ato hOM iSaxak jaIvana ka maUla maM~ hO.khto BaI hOM saMtaoYa prma sauKma .jaIvana maoM yaid kao[- Aagao baZ,nao kI AaSaa ka dIp jalaakr p`oirt krnao vaalaI p`orNaa hao tao manauYya ApnaI AcCa[-yaaoM AaOr baura[-yaaoM ko jaIvana pqa p`kaiSat krto hOM iSaxak baIca ka fasalaa tya krta hO. Apnaa laxya inaQaa-irt kroM saaqa hI kizna pirsqait maoM BaI saMyama banaae rKo. ivajaota bananao ka p`oma AaOr sadBaavanaa kI maUrt hO maoro iSaxak ç [nakI maihmaa Anaupma hO maora iSaxakaoM kao namana hO. sapnaa doKoM.Apnaa jaIvana sahja sarla trIko sao samaIxaa kxaa paM^cavaIM ba ijae^M yao maUla maM~ hOM jaao jaIvana ka naja,iryaa badla doMgao. mMaora jaIvana laxya EaImatI homaa jaI ihMdI AQyaaipka maOM bacapna sao hI iSaixaka bananaa caahtI hUM ^.Qyaoya caunanao maoM maOM sada sao eosaa kuC krnaa caahtI hM U^ ijasasao maoM samaaja ko ilae kuC kr sakUM ^.eosaa kama maOM iSaxak banakr hI kr saktI hUM ^.iSaxak BaavaI pIZ,I kao AcCo saMskar dokr samast samaaja ko dRiYTkaoNa maoM hI maUla pirvat-na laa sakto hOM.baalapna maoM ga`hNa ike gae saMskaraoM ka p`Baava pUro jaIvana ko kayaao-M maoM Jalakto hOM.eosao maoM iSaxakaoM ko haqaaoM maoM doSa ko BaivaYya kI baagaDaor haotI hO.maOM BaI ek saMskarI AadSa- iSaxak banakr ]%kRYT kaoiT ko naagairk tOyaar krnaa caahtI hUM ^.mauJao p`tIxaa hO ]sa idna kI jaba maOM Apnao sapnaaoM kao saakar kr pa}M ^gaI tqaa maOqalaISarNa gauPt jaI BaaM ^it khM U^gaI “maorI vaaNaI mauKirt hao fUT pD,ogaI [sa BaUtla kao hI svaga- banaanao Aayaa” maoro jaIvana ka svaPna yahI rhogaa. 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BaartoMdu hirSacaMd nao ]sa daOr maoM ihMdI saaih%ya ko Aayaama kao na[- idSaa dI jaba AMga`ojaaoM ka Saasana qaa AaOr ApnaI baat kh panaa kizna qaa.]nhaoMnao ApnaI Baavanaa vya@t krnao ko ilae naaTkaoM vyaMgyaaoM ka baohtrIna [stomaala ikyaa.]nako laoKna sao na[- pIZ,I kao laoKna ka bala imalaa AaOr ihMdI saaih%ya samaRdçQa huAa. 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VII C Fragrance 2014-2015 103 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Art & Craft Integrating Art and Craft with General Curriculum Art is interwoven in almost all subjects in general Science curriculum. The main benefit of constructing a teaching Nature has always been an inspiration to the artist. Art module is that art can be integrated in the other subjects. can be of great help to understand nature through This leads the subjects to understand the topic in a science. Leaves, fossils, bones, shells can create better way and helps in developing a keen interest in the interesting articles. Creating 3D models for science can subject of art. create the base of future inventions of our young scientists. Language The language teacher can encourage students to Mathematics correlate their lessons with Art & Craft. Stories and Art & Maths are closely related to each other. A project of poems from the course can become the basis of pictorial origami is a very simple way to teach the complex or three dimensional expression. geometry formula. Lines, proportions, shapes, sizes are the fundamental concepts of mathematics which are the Social Science elements and principals of art. In Social Science, students gradually expand their Source: Pidilite horizon of knowledge from their immediate environment to the broader aspects of the world. To develop interest, teachers can help them by using visual representations through charts, maps, graphs, drawings, murals and sculptures. These could be related to history, geography and civics. M. I. Badagi Art Teacher Fragrance 2014-2015 104 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2014-2015 Rajath M., IV-B V. Deepthi, VII-B Neha Angadi, VI-A Harshith P., IV-B Nishu Gami, VIII-A Sree Pavithra, V C Nikhil Nandi, X-B Janhavi G., III-A 105 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Chalk Carving Fragrance 2014-2015 Sharadwan H. S., IX-B Sejal, V-B Sanjoli Tewari, IV-D L. Pujitha, IX-A Ankita S. L., V-A Darshana. P., IX-A Spoorthi, VI-B Medha, IV-D 106 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Praneel S. P., V-A Fragrance 2014-2015 Pragathi R., V-B Ramya Prabhu, VIII-B Rashmitha, X-B Sudarshini, V-C Disha Bhat, V-B Aastha, VI-A 107 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Harshith Y. A., III-B Divya R., II-A Rajvi C., VI-A Pranav P., IV-D Akansha Kiran, IV-B N. Kavya, IX-B Fragrance 2014-2015 Shreya Joshi, VI-D 108 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Rachana N., VI-A Smruthi R., X-A Ashitha A. A., VI-A Aarzoo, V-C Harshita R., VI-A Monali, VII-A Fragrance 2014-2015 Chethana S., V-B 109 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Keerthana, IV-A Sai Priya, VI-C Pavithra M., VIII-C Aashritha, IX-A Anushka Kumar, VI-C K. Keerthi, X-A Karthik Sharma, IV-C Anannya .S. Patel, X-A Bhuvana D., VII-A Fragrance 2014-2015 110 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Nursery Fragrance 2014-2015 111 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2014-2015 112 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2014-2015 113 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2014-2015 114 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2014-2015 115 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2014-2015 116 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2014-2015 117 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Our School in Media Fragrance 2014-2015 118 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2014-15 119 JSS Public School, HSR Layout #4/A, 14th Main, Sector VI, HSR Layout, Bengaluru-560102, Ph.: 080 22970133/08 email: [email protected], Website: NewLine JSS Public School
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