“Resentment and gratitude cannot coexist, since resentment blocks
“Resentment and gratitude cannot coexist, since resentment blocks
T his day rarely falls on a Sunday, but when it does, it takes precedence over the regular Sunday prayers and readings. As the title says, it commemorates all the “faithful departed.” This used to be a day of frenzied prayers—people in and out of church all day, praying for their departed loved ones—hoping to “get them out of Purgatory.” Purgatory is an interesting teaching: it is not spoken of directly in scripture—only obliquely. A verse in Maccabees says, “it is a good and noble thing to pray for the dead.” The logical question is “why?” But, it isn’t answered there. Then, there is a reference (depending on one’s translation of the Bible) to a “sin that cannot be forgiven in this world or the next.” The logical remark would be: “In the NEXT? Sins can be forgiven in the next?” And it was on meditating on verses like these, and, more profoundly, on God’s eternal mercy that the teaching about Purgatory emerged. We sensed the wonderful Mercy of God—a mercy that would love us beyond the end. We saw that the crucifixion teaches us that “God would rather die than give us up,” and we put faith in His ability to heal us in eternity. It was a small biblical foundation, but a strong one. Now, when I was a kid, religion teachers taught us that Purgatory was sort of like the “cooler end of hell,” and hence, the frenzied prayers of those still living for those who had gone before. But, frankly, the Church has never defined what Purgatory is—is it an “instant,” “the twinkling of an eye?” Or, is it a longer process of the gradual healing the soul of the wounds that it died with? —thawing the frozen places in our hearts into a greater love and cooling the heated, raging parts of us into a larger calm. Who knows? The Church never said “where” it was, “how” it was, only that we knew God would not give up on us, and so, after death we felt sure that healing might come—however it comes. This simple faith is reflected in the readings of the day: God’s faithfulness— nothing given to Christ will be lost—and the healing power— namely, that those broken martyrs in the first reading will one day shine like sparks! Today we take great comfort in our faith in God’s faithfulness to us. -Fr. Bill Axe -Allie Smith -Anabel Manriquez -Arlasha Allen -Barbara Harvey -Bertha Antee -Camille FarnsworthSchrader -Carlos Antonio Vasquez -Charley Johnson -Christina Paul -Constantino Perez -Cornell DeClouette -Damacio Horta -Darwin Varela Theresa and Marie Guillian -Devina Molette-Ford -Dominique Barksdale -Edwin Raland -Edwin Rivas -Edy Becker -Elsa Perez -Elvia Herrera -Gabriel y Miralda Tahan -Georgie Davis -Giovanni Garcia -Gladys Green -Glen Arellano -Gloria Sanguillen -Guadalupe Morales -Henre Dorsey -Jack & Michael Stokes -Jaime Rubalcava -Joseph&Denise Guillian -Juanita Rubalcava -Linda Guillian -Lorraine Duperon -Maria Perez -Mariana Reynoso -Mario Ojeda -Martha Dorsey -Maura Fitzgerald -Michelle Porter -Miguel Alfredo Piliado -Monica Mellon -Mykhail J. Thomas -Norma Barker -Oscar Barbosa -Pam Terry -Patrick Fitzgerald -Paula Dupre Moore -Peggy Anderson -Penelope Mendoza -Rafael Segura -Raymond Almeida -Rene Huton -Ricardo Morales -Rita N. Ashe -Ronald Mayberry -Rose Thierry -Sophie Demarcos -Sergio Villanueva Flores -Sevarina Legaspi -Sheri Marshall -Silvia Esquivel -Sylvia Smyles -Teresa Casaus -Timothy Akens -Juan Madariaga -Terry Ally Sr. -Dorothy McDonald -Juanita Orozco -Virginia Gadison -Nyniece Micheaou C asi no sucede, pero cuando cae en domingo, tiene precedencia en las lecturas y oraciones, hoy conmemoramos a los Fieles Difuntos. El día de hoy se celebraba mucho, mucha gente venía a la iglesia todo el día, rezando por su seres queridos– esperando ayudarles a salir del Purgatorio. Debido a que la escritura habla del purgatorio indirectamente, su enseñanza es interesante. Un verso de Macabeos dice, “es bueno y noble rezar por los muertos.” La pregunta es, “¿Por qué? Pero no la contesta. Y después hay una referencia al “pecado que no es perdonado ni en este ni el próximo mundo.” Lo lógico es preguntar, “¿se perdonan los pecados en la PRÓXIMA?” Y la enseñanza del purgatorio es fruto de este tipo de reflexiones y meditaciones. Sentimos la misericordia de Dios– una misericordia que no amará hasta al final. La crucifixión nos dice que “Dios prefirió morir que abandonarnos,” y nuestra fe está puesta en Él quien nos sanará por toda eternidad. Era una fundación bíblica pequeña, pero fuerte. Cuando era niño los maestros de religión nos decían que el purgatorio es el lugar “más frío del infierno;” y por eso, mucha gente oraba por quienes se nos habían adelantado. Pero, honestamente, la iglesia no ha dado una definición del purgatorio, ¿será un instante, el cerrar y el abrir los ojos? O, ¿será un proceso lento sobre la sanación del alma de la heridas con las que murió? Descongelando nuestros corazones helados hacia un amor mayor y enfriando el odio hacia la tranquilidad. ¿Quién sabe? La Iglesia nunca dijo “dónde” estaba, “cómo” estaba, sólo que Dios no nos abandona y que después de la muerte hay un proceso de sanación. La fe sencilla está en las lecturas del día: la fidelidad de Dios– nada dado a Cristo será perdido– y el poder sanador- ¡Un día los mártires de la primera lectura serán iluminados! El día de hoy tomamos un gran consuelo en nuestra fe en la fidelidad de Dios hacia nosotros. - Padre Bill Axe “Resentment and gratitude cannot coexist, since resentment blocks the perception and experience of life as a gift. My resentment tells me that I don't receive what I deserve. It always manifests itself in envy.” - Henri J.M. Nouwen, The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming To build and foster a Christian Community that offers the opportunity to experience God God’s ’s unconditional love and acceptance to all who come into contact with it. D Construyendo y alimentando una comunidad cristiana que ofrezca la oportunidad de experimentar el amor incondicional de Dios y la aceptación a todos con quienes nos encontremos. L eath seems to be a natural part of life. Every living organism that we know of undergoes death. It seems to be built into biological life. At the same time, we human beings rebel against death as something profoundly unnatural; we seem to have a deep-seated sense that death violates a profound truth about the meaning of our existence. And yet our faith says that death is a necessary part of the journey towards eternal life. Perhaps the key to reconciling these conflicting feelings is the truth that our God is stronger than death. It is our faith that helps us face death and know that there is something more, a place where we will all be united within the embrace of God's love. Let us remember those who have gone before us and whom we loved, knowing that we will see them again in glory. Have a blessed week, Sr. Karen Collier a muerte es una parte natural de la vida. A cada organismo vivo le espera la muerte. Es parte de nuestro ser biológico. Al mismo tiempo, como humanos luchamos contra la muerte como algo innatural; parece que tenemos un sentido profundo que la muerte está en contra del significado de nuestra existencia. Sin embargo, la fe dice que la muerte es parte de nuestro caminar para llegar a la vida eterna. A lo mejor la clave de reconciliarnos es de tener fe que Dios es mucho más fuerte que la muerte. Es nuestra fe que nos ayuda enfrentarnos con la muerte y de saber que hay algo más, un lugar donde estaremos unidos en los brazos del amor de Dios. Recordemos a nuestros seres queridos quienes se nos han adelantado sabiendo que los encontraremos otra vez en la gloria. Que tengan una semana llena de bendiciones, Hermana Karen Collier Thank you to Cervantes Professional Cleaning for shampooing and cleaning our church carpet. Thank you for the donation of your time, labor, and supplies. St. Agatha Family thanks you! Le damos gracias a Cervantes Professional Cleaning por limpiar nuestra alfombra de la iglesia. Gracias por la donación de su tiempo, labor y materiales. La familia de Santa Águeda les da las gracias. Veteran’s Day Día de los Veteranos The Pastoral Center will be CLOSED on Tuesday, November 11, in recognition of Veteran’s Day. Our English mass will be at 8:00 a.m. Nuestra Oficina Parroquial estará cerrada el martes, 11 de noviembre, en reconocimiento del día de los veteranos. Nuestra misa en inglés será a las 8:00 a.m. Pray for Your Parish Finances Reza por las Finanzas de tu Parroquia “Honor the Lord from your wealth and from the first of all your produce; So your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will overflow with new wine.” -Proverbs 3:9-10 Sunday, October 26 $8,290.00 Online Giving $180.00 Sunday, October 19 $7,967.00 Online Giving $365.00 Sunday, October 12 $7,254.00 Online Giving $215.00 "Honra al Señor con tus bienes Y con las primicias de todos tus frutos; Entonces tus graneros se llenarán con abundancia Y tus lagares rebosarán de vino nuevo" -Proverbios 3:9-10 20 Days of Christmas 20 Días de Navidad Tickets for our 20 Days of Christmas Raffle are now available. A $100.00 winner will be selected everyday, starting December 1st thru the 20th, 2014. Tickets are available at the Placita office on Sundays and at the Pastoral Center during the week. $20.00 per ticket. The fact that we have only printed 500 tickets and that there will be 20 winners, multiplies the possibility of you to win! Be a winner and support your parish! Boletos para nuestra rifa 20 Días de Navidad, ya están disponibles. Un ganador de $100.00 será seleccionado todos los días, a partir del 1ro de diciembre al 20 de diciembre, 2014. Los boletos están disponibles en la oficina de la Placita los domingos y en el Centro Pastoral durante la semana. $20.00 por boleto. ¡El hecho de que hemos impreso 500 boletos solamente y de que habrá 20 ganadores, multiplica la posibilidad de ganar! ¡Sé un ganador y apoya a tu parroquia! Bulletin Editor’s November Reading Lectura para Noviembre—Elección del Editor Our Bulletin Editor recommends: The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming by Henri J.M. Nouwen Mr. Nouwen invites you to a journey to discover the dwellings of God in your own daily lives. A story of Homecoming. October: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen C. Nuestro Editor del boletín recomienda: Por qué Orar, Cómo Orar, escrito por Enzo Bianchi. Un libro para quienes quieren profundizar su oración y cómo vencer las dificultades de tener una oración espiritual. Octubre: El Hermano de Asís, por Ignacio Larrañaga ADULT CONFIRMATION CLASSES CLASES DE CONFIRMACION PARA ADULTOS If you are over 18 and need the sacrament of confirmation, remember that the Religious Education office offers the confirmation program for adults every year. Registrations are now open and classes begins in the month of January. If you are interested in attending these classes, please come to the Faith Formation office Saturdays 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (the Martin de Porres room) to register and get more information. You can also call Ms. Gricelda De la Cerda, at 323-933-0963, and she can offer more information about the program. Si es mayor de 18 años y necesita el Sacramento de confirmación, recuerde que la oficina de Educación Religiosa ofrece cada año el programa de Confirmación para adultos. Las registraciones ya están abiertas y las clases comienza en el mes de Enero. Si usted esta interesado/a en asistir a estas clases, por favor venga a la Oficina de Catecismo los días sábados de 8:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. (Salón San Martin) para registrarse y obtener mas información. También puede llamar a la Srita. Gricelda De la Cerda al 323-933-0963. VIRTUS “Protegiendo a los niños de Dios” La Oficina de Formación de Fe ofrecerá el primer entrenamiento de Virtus “Protegiendo a los niños de Dios” para los ministros que es primera vez que van a tomar este entrenamiento. Les recordamos que es un requisito de la Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles que todos los ministros y voluntarios tomen este taller. El entrenamiento será el día, Domingo 9 de Noviembre de 9am-12pm en el Salón Parroquial (Por favor sean puntuales, una vez que comienza el taller no se le permitirá la entrada a nadie.) Tenemos cupo limitado, por favor llame para registrarse con la Srta. Gricelda de la Cerda al (323) 933-0963. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) RITO DE INICIACION CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS Are you someone or do you know someone who… Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? Has a child over the age of seven who has not been baptized? Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist? RCIA starts with a time of Inquiry. This is an opportunity to ask questions and gently explore the possibilities for your life. At the end of Inquiry you decide if you want to continue your journey into the Church. The next step is a period of instruction about what the Catholic Church believes and practices. You are welcome to participate in the process with your questions, your insights, and your faith story in a warm accepting setting. For information, please contact Parish Office ¿Tienes mas de 18 años de edad? ¿Aún no has sido Bautizado(a)? Estas bautizado(a) pero aún no has recibido los Sacramentos de la Primera Comunión y Confirmación? Últimamente estas interesando conocer más de tu Fe? Te gustaría poder acercarte a recibir la Comunión junto con los demás miembros de tu comunidad? Si contestaste que si a más de dos preguntas, entonces te invitamos a que te comuniques con la Oficina de Educación Religiosa al # (323) 933-0963 en donde te proporcionaremos más información acerca de nuestro programa de Iniciación Cristiana para adultos que se ofrecerá los días lunes de 7-9pm. En el Salón # 5. !Estaremos esperando tu llamada! MISS SOPHIA’S BLUES CAFÉ GRAND OPENING A SWINGING SUCCESS On Saturday, October 25, 2014 Miss Sophia’s Blues Café opened its doors to a group of guests anxious to have dinner, dance and an all around good time. By all accounts, they were not disappointed. Sunday and The Serious Band set the tone with some of the best Blues and Contemporary Music ever heard. Ujahzee Dance Ensemble mesmerized all with their signature piece “Four Women” to the music of Nina Simone. Miss Sophia’s niece, Natali Micciche had the crowd howling and clapping for her ‘semi-hot” solo dance number to Cristina Aguilera’s “Candy Man”. Red Beans & Rice, Chicken, Sausage, Dessert and beverages satisfied all. Door prizes and a raffle for a 32” Smart TV, won by Robert Bennett, was a lot of fun. But for Miss Sophia, the best thing of the night was seeing the fun that was had by all. People of all ages, races, sizes and conditions were laughing, talking, dancing and just having a great ole time! And let us not forget, this was all done to aid education and those who pursue it. None of this could have happened without the dedicated, never ceasing Project Lead help and dedication of Marcia Lewis. Kudos to Chef Eddie Hilley. Thanks to Isabel Musquiz who helped create atmosphere with vintage prop contributions. Thank you Alicia Vargas, Principal at Stella Charter for sharing the space and helping with the hall. Much appreciation to Cristina, Sylvia, Carole, Rachel, Charlotte, Cheryl and Stephen for keeping things moving through the evening. Last, but not least, thank you Sister Karen and St. Agatha Parish Family and Office Staff for everything and all your support. Most importantly, Thank You Holy Spirit for Blessing this project and Miss Sophia’s Harvest Moon Blues Café. Finally, in answer to the many inquiries Miss Sophia has received, “Yes, we will do this again. Stay Tuned and keep those dancing shoes ready and all polished up. ¡Alquile nuestro Salón Parroquial! Consider Our Parish Hall For Your Special Event! Did you know our Parish Hall is for Rent for your special event? Consider renting our space for your wedding, sweet XVI, baptism, or anniversary. Please call the parish office to arrange your event, (323) 935-8127. ¿Sabía usted? Usted puede rentar nuestro salón parroquial para su evento especial, para su boda, quinceañera, bautismo, o aniversario. Favor de llamar la oficina parroquial para más detalles. (323) 935-8127. A Mass intention is a beautiful way to remember a beloved friend or family member, whether in death, for healing, in celebration of a special day, or simply for prayer and guidance. Call or come by the office to arrange this. A customary donation of $10 is appreciated. Una intención de Misa es una manera hermosa de recordar a un ser querido ya sea por su fallecimiento, cumpleaños, sanación, acción de gracias, o cualquier ocasión que sea. Llama o ven a la oficina para pedir una intención de Misa. Gracias por dar la donación sugerida de $10. Nov. 8—Eucharistic Ministers Contact: Dn. Ricardo ONE OF A KIND HAND CRAFTED ITEMS AVAILABLE THAT CAN ONLY BE FOUND AT THE ST. AGATHA BOUTIQUE. WE WILL HAVE A TABLE FOR THE YOUNGEST IN THE BULLETIN THIS SHOPPERS TO PURCHASE WEEK ARE FLYERS FOR YOU GIFTS FOR $1.00 AND UP. TO PASS ON TO INVITE MARION SADLER IS DONATYOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS ING FIVE OF HER FAMOUS TO THE BOUTIQUE. PLEASE SWEET POTATO PIES FOR DO NOT HOLD ON TO THESE THE BOUTIQUE. WE WILL FLYERS OR THROW THEM TAKE ORDERS FOR THESE AWAY. DS FROM THE ST. FROM THE FIRST FIVE PEOAGATHA S.H.A.R.E. TABLES PLE WHO PAY FOR THEIR ARE USED TO PROVIDE THE ORDER AT THE NEEDED SUPPLIES FOR THE S.H.A.R.E MINISTRY TABLE SATURDAY FOOD PROIN THE OARKING LOT TOGRAM AND ON CHRISTMAS DAY. NO ORDERS WILL BE DAY AT THE DINNER. THE ACCEPTED WITHOUT FULL CARDS THAT YOU WILL NOT PAYMENT IN ADUSE AND WANT TO PASS ON VANCE. PIES CAN BE TO US WE WILL GLADLY PICKED UP DURING THE ACCEPT THEM. BOUTIQUE FROM THE BAKE PARTICIPANTS HAVE MANY "NOBODY CAN DO EVERYTHING BUT EVERYBODY CAN DO SOMETHING" Nov. 15—AACE Ministry Contact: Mrs. Paul or Marion SALE TABLE. WE STILL ARE ACCEPTING ITEMS FOR THE CHINESE AUCTION. IF YOU HAVE MOVIE OR GIFT PLEASE PLAN TO PICK UP A BROWN GROCERY BAG TO FILL AND RETURN ON DECEMBER 14- OR 20. THE GROCERIES WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO OUR GUESTS DURING THE CHRISTMAS DAY DINNER. WE ARE BLESSED TO BE SUPPORTED AND SERVE WITH SO MANY COMPASSIONATE SAINTS AND WINGLESS ANGELS ESPECIALLY YVONNE WHO SILENTLY PRAYS FOR ALL OF US AS SHE DOES HER GOD WORKS SPREADING LOVE. KINDNESS AND JOY TO SO MANY. HAVE AN AWESOME GOD FILLED AND BLESSED WEEK WHERE YOU HAVE MANY SPECIAL MOMENTS THAT IF YOU KNOW OR HAVE ARE GOD SENT. PLEASE CONTACT WITH A BUSINESS JOIN WITH OUR GUESTS AND THAT MAY CONSIDER DOTHE S.H.A.R.E. MINISTRY IN NATING TO THE CHRISTPRAYING FOR PEACE EVEMAS DAY DINNER PLEASE RYWHERE. AMEN. PASS IT ON ENRIQUE REYES THE BUSINESS MANAGER Blessings, THIS WEEK. The S.H.A.R.E. Ministry Inform school staff “Back-to-school does not have to mean back-toworrying. Though safety inside school is ultimately the responsibility of the principal and school staff, parents can take a few basic steps to ensure a safe school experience.” Inform school staff about health and emotional concerns. Whether your child has a food allergy, a physical disability, or has been subject to bullying, make sure to keep your child's teachers and principal in the loop. For more information, please visit http://www.scholastic.com/parents/resources/ article/parent-teacher-partnerships/6-rules-schoolsafety Pray the Rosary www.therosary3.com is a scriptural Rosary. Whether you are already in the habit of praying the Rosary and want to renew the spirit of your prayer, or whether you are new to the Rosary and want to learn how to quiet your mind and heart, therosary3.com will help you enter more deeply into the Mysteries of Christ. Come then, come to a quiet place within … visit www.therosary3.com. FREE SERVICES AT THE LIBRARY Baldwin Hills Library provides access to online homework help, computers, and free homework printing for students in grades K-12. We also provide live demonstrations on how to use computers Monday - Thursday 3:00-5:00 pm Baldwin Hills Library—2906 S La Brea Avenue (323) 733-1196 [email protected] Bulletin Ads Businesses or individuals who wish to purchase a “back page” ad may do so by contacting Nettie Felix . Our bulletin is published offsite through the Mission Publications Co., and Ms. Felix is their local Advertising Sales Executive. Many varieties of ad sizes are available for your individual needs. She may be reached at (951) 202-8835 and her email: [email protected] National Suicide Prevention Lifeline YOU ARE NOT ALONE. (free help) 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Prevención del Suicidio NO ESTÁS SOLO (ayuda gratuita) 1-888-628-9454 Informe al personal de la escuela “El regreso a la escuela no tiene que significar regreso a la preocupación. Aunque la seguridad adentro de la escuela es finalmente la responsabilidad del director y del personal de la escuela, los padres de familia pueden tomar unos pocos pasos básicos para asegurar una experiencia escolar segura”. Informe al personal de la escuela sobre asuntos de salud y emocionales de su hijo/a. Ya sea que éste tenga alergia a ciertos alimentos, discapacidad física, o ha sido objeto de “bullying”. Mantenga informado a los profesores y al/la director/a. Para más información, por favor visite http://www.scholastic.com/parents/resources/ article/parent-teacher-partnerships/6-rules-schoolsafety The Cathedral Gift Shop at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels Spring is a time filled with First Communion, Confirmation, Graduations and other joyous events. Come in and visit the Cathedral Gift Shop for gift sets, missals, medals, crosses, frames, Bibles, candles and more. We are at your service for all your sacramental needs. Please contact us at (213) 680-5277 or visit, www.OLACathedralGifts.com What does ST AGATHA stand for you? S elflessness T A G A T H A rust wareness iving ffectionate ranquility armony ccountability Submitted by Anonymous. Send Acronym to [email protected] Pastoral Staff Directory Sat November 1 ╬ Sábado 1 de Noviembre 5:30 p.m. Irene & Ulysses Bergeron † 5:30 p.m. Patrick Williams † - Requested by Barbara Williams 7:00 p.m. Por los jóvenes de la Parroquia Sunday November 2 ╬ Dom 2 de Noviembre Wis 3: 1-9/ Rom 5: 5-11 or Rom 6: 3-9/ Jn 6: 37-40 7:00 a.m. Jennifer Montellano (Feliz Cumpleaños) -A petición de su familia y amigos 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. Gladys Arellano † Pascuala Matute † Iván Pérez † Miguel Rubalcava† Máximo Rosales † Beda Rosales † Richard Cervantes † Javier Perez † Juan Abel Westbrook † Kendra Zambrana † Aurora Perez † Lucio Ibarra † - 8:30 a.m. Monica Weathers † Monica Mellon † 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. Mr. & Mrs. Ben Kyle † Mary Smith † Clarence M. Sorapuru Jr. † Mr. Clarence & Ethel Sorapuru † Mr. & Mrs. Edward Yates. † Monica Mellon † 12:15 12:15 12:15 12:15 12:15 12:15 12:15 p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Oscar Aquino † Genaro Cruz † Agustina Carranza María Consuelo † Paola López † Pedro Amezola † Silverio Sánchez † Rosalia Ramos † Elena Agustín † † José Sánchez García † Tomás Ramos † Gilberto Garcia † Esperanza Amezola † For the Faithful Departed of St. Agatha Pastoral Office (323) 935-8127 (323) 743-8127 (text messages) St. Agatha's Web: www.stagathas.org Sr. Karen Collier Parish Life Director Ext. 227 [email protected] Fr. Bill Axe Priest Ministry Ext. 223 [email protected] Dn. Ricardo Recinos Hispanic Apostolate (323) 935-1308 [email protected] Enrique Reyes Business Manager Ext. 224 [email protected] (323) 933-0963 Teresa Amezcua Director of Faith Formation [email protected] Gricelda de la Cerda Faith Formation Assistant (323) 933-0963 [email protected] Emmanuel Montenegro Receptionist Ext. 221 [email protected] Maggie Arellano Youth Ministry Ext. 240 [email protected] Eddie Hilley Music Ministry Director (323) 935-2853 [email protected] Pastoral Office Hours Monday - Friday • Lunes - Viernes 10:00 am – 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm Saturday • Sábado Monday, November 3 ╬ Lunes 3 de Noviembre 9:00 am - 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 5:30 pm Sundays @ the Placita Office Phil 2: 1-4/ Ps 131: 1bcde. 2. 3/ Lk 14: 12-14 8:00 am - 10:00 am & 11:00 am - 2:00 pm - 6:30 p.m. Our Parish Family - Tues, November 4 ╬ Martes 4 de Noviembre Phil 2: 5-11/ Ps 22: 26b-27. 28-30ab. 30e. 31-32/ Lk 14: 15-24 6:30 p.m. Nuestra Familia Parroquial - Wed, November 5 ╬ Miércoles 5 de Noviembre Phil 2: 12-18/ Ps 27: 1. 4. 13-14/ Lk 14: 25-33 8:00 a.m. Our Parish Family - Thursday November 6 ╬ Jueves 6 Noviembre Phil 3: 3-8a/ Ps 105: 2-3. 4-5. 6-7/ Lk 15: 1-10 6:30 p.m. Servicio de Comunión Friday, November 7 ╬ Viernes 7 de Noviembre Phil 3: 17 – 4: 1/ Ps 122: 1-2. 3-4ab. 4cd-5/ Lk 16: 1-8 6:30 p.m. Ether Muñoz † -A Petición de la Familia Muñoz Submit a bulletin Announcement [email protected] [email protected] ON LINE GIVING: WWW.STAGATHAS.ORG Mass Times / Tiempos de Misa Mon: 6:30pm (En) Tues: 6:30pm (Sp) Wed: 8:00am (En) Thurs: 6:30pm (Sp) Fri: 6:30pm (Bl) Sat: 5:30pm (En/Vigil) Sun: 7:00am (Sp), 8:30am (En) 10:00am (En/Gospel) 12:15pm (Sp) 5:30pm (En) Confession / Confesiones Saturday/Sábado: 4:40pm Welcome to St. Agatha Catholic Church! We extend our hands and hearts in Christian fellowship to you here celebrating with us, whether longtime residents or newly arrived in the parish. New: [ ] parishioner [ ] address [ ] phone [ ] email Name: _________________________________________ Phone:_________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ Email:__________________________________________