- King`s Alumni Community


- King`s Alumni Community
Thank you from the Principal
…in 2008-9 alumni,
staff, former staff,
parents of students and
friends gave £412,221
to the Annual Fund and
Discretionary Fund,
enhancing student life,
promoting excellence
in research and helping
the College meet its
strategic aims?
I am delighted that so many alumni and friends share
my commitment and enthusiasm in supporting King’s. I
am honoured to be included in the list of individuals and
organisations (in the centre of the publication) who make a
financial commitment to the College’s work.
I would like to give special thanks this year to those who
support the Discretionary Fund which gives us the flexibility
to address the most pressing needs that arise throughout the
year. The Discretionary Fund is a hugely valuable resource
for developing the College’s key priorities and ensuring the
advancement of our distinguished reputation. Projects funded
include student opportunities such as overseas elective
placements, specialist equipment and high-quality clinical
and academic facilities.
In Recognition celebrates the real difference that your gift
is making. Thank you very much for your generosity.
A vision for
Cancer Care
The Annual
A new lease
of life
Progress for
palliative care
King’s Chapel Choir has had a significant external
profile this year, in addition to singing at services in
the College Chapel during term time. In July 2009 the
Choir gave several concerts at festivals across France
and in September toured the East Coast of the US
performing in Washington DC, New York, Boston and
North Carolina, funded in part by the Annual Fund.
The Choir also produced an album for the
prestigious independent label Hyperion at the end
of April, a recording of music by Franco-Flemish
composer Phillipe Rogier (c1561-96). This will
be released in 2010 and follows the Choir’s highly
acclaimed recording of Rodion Shchedrin’s The Sealed
Angel, one of the Editor’s Choices in June’s edition of
Gramophone magazine.
Advanced vocal tuition for the Choral scholars is
generously funded by donors to the Choral & Organ
Scholarships fund. All the scholars, many of whom are
not studying Music for their degree, benefit from high
quality tuition by Robert Rice, a prominent soloist
who is an experienced teacher of young singers.
The Chapel Choir also gives students an enriching
experience of team work. Charlotte Fairbairn, one
of the Choir’s sopranos, says: ‘It has been one of the
Chapel Choir’s continuing success
King’s Chapel Choir is one of the leading university choirs in
most satisfying and special components of my time at
King’s – not only the high standard of singing which
always challenges me to be on top form, but also the
camaraderie of the group dynamic.’
To order a CD of The Sealed Angel, please write to the
Chaplaincy, King’s College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS
enclosing a cheque for £12 payable to King’s College London.
What giving means to me
Susan and Tom Barry are members of the Family Programme, a community which
parents, guardians and other family members of all King’s students are invited to join.
They are also supporters of the Annual Fund and Principal’s Discretionary Fund. Their
daughter Aprill is studying for a BSc in Biomedical Science.
What prompted you to increase your
After visiting King’s and hearing from
Aprill how much students use and
appreciate the excellent facilities at
the College, we decided to increase
our gift by supporting the Principal’s
Discretionary Fund. The basis of
the fund is key – it provides support
where the need is greatest – and
we are very proud to now be
members of the Principal’s
What is the best thing
about being part of the
Family Programme?
It makes us
feel part of
the College’s
activities and
plans. We recently
attended the most
amazing concert which
we wouldn’t have
experienced otherwise.
Why did you start giving to King’s?
The wide range of activities
supported clearly enriches the lives
of all students. Our daughter really
enjoys studying at King’s and is a
member of the GKT (Medical and
Dental School) netball team. She
has tremendous facilities and by
donating to the College we know that
she and future students will continue
to make full use of the opportunities
King’s has to offer.
Susan &
Tom Barry
In Recognition » 1
Staff race to beat cancer
London Cancer Network. The Centre’s mission is
to provide the very best cancer services to patients,
combining first class clinical care and research.
Most of the money raised by the runners was via
King’s College London Just Giving website
If you are interested in setting up a similar sponsored
event please contact the Development and Alumni team:
[email protected] or 020 7848 4701.
Cosmo Davenport-Hines Poetry Prize
Staff runners before their 10k challenge.
Staff from both the King’s Development & Alumni
Office and the College’s hospital partners have
raised more than £3,000 for King’s Health Partners’
Integrated Cancer Centre by taking part in the Asics
British 10k run on Sunday 12 July 2009. The team of
seven Development & Alumni Office staff were joined
by a team from the Guy’s & St Thomas’ Trust’s charity
and a group of clinical and administrative staff from the
Cancer Centre itself.
The Integrated Cancer Centre is a collaboration
between King’s College London, Guy’s and St
Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, King’s College
Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, and the South East
The Department of English has established a
poetry prize in memory of Cosmo DavenportHines, a student in the Department who died
suddenly and unexpectedly in June 2008. Family,
friends and Cosmo’s tutors are delighted to
commemorate Cosmo’s creativity and love of
words by setting up the annual prize. The judging
panel chose the theme of ‘memory’ for the
inaugural competition in April 2009 and, following
a large number of impressive applications, selected
Classical Studies student Rosamund Williams’
After the War as the winning poem. You can
read After the War at www.kcl.ac.uk/schools/
What giving means to me
Joan Bernard FKC (King’s, Theology, 1961) has chosen to include King’s in her will
and has supported a variety of projects over the years including the Annual Fund, the
Chapel restoration and the Cicely Saunders Institute of Palliative Care.
Why do you give to King’s?
Because King’s means so much to me.
Desmond Tutu says he owes everything
to King’s and without it none of his
enormous achievements would have
been possible. I am not in Desmond
2 » In Recognition
Tutu’s league, but in my own small way
the same is true for me. Remembering
King’s in my will is a fitting way of
expressing my gratitude. One of the
most valued things in my life was being
made FKC (a Fellow of the College).
How did your time at King’s influence
your career path?
Totally: it enabled me to have a career in
university student care. I was a warden
at Canterbury Hall, part-time lecturer
at King’s, and then was made founder
Principal of a new college for women
at Durham University (Trevelyan
College) – now 43 years old!
Which fund will your legacy support?
My legacy gift is directed to the King’s
Theological Trust of which I was a
trustee for 11 years. The Trust funds the
AKC lecture programme [a philosophy,
theology and ethics programme open
to all students] and awards vital grants
to overseas and postgraduate students
of theology.
Researching traditional medicines
Herbalists in a traditional pharmacy in Kaifeng, China.
King’s is at the
forefront of research
in this field
King’s has a long-established
tradition of working with the best
researchers across the globe and
learning from other cultures. The
College has a strong relationship
with China, developed through
collaboration with universities, key
organisations, alumni and current
students. A recent initiative at the
College is the establishment of
a Centre for Natural Medicines
Research to study, amongst other
areas, Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Developed over thousands of
years, Traditional Chinese Medicine
is a well-established treatment in
Far Eastern countries but its use to
treat common Western diseases is
less well understood. Investment in
research is needed to unlock its huge
potential. The Centre, which brings
together academics, government
and biomedical and pharmaceutical
industries from across the globe, will
be the country’s only universityaffiliated research centre devoted
to improving health through
the discovery, development and
standardisation of natural products.
King’s is at the forefront of
research in this field – the new
Centre will be led by the Department
of Pharmacy which already has
impressive links through Innovation
China UK (ICUK), partnerships
with the Shanghai Institute of
Materia Medica, Chinese Academy
of Sciences and Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou. The Centre has been
made possible thanks to a very
generous donation from a Medicinal
Chemistry alumnus, who has
supported its first post-doctoral
What giving means to me
Ruth McCole is studying for a PhD in the Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics.
Ruth was selected for a four-year studentship funded by Lord & Lady Harris of Peckham.
What does your PhD focus on?
I am investigating how modifications to
DNA, apart from changes in the sequence
itself, can affect gene expression and
regulation. A number of human diseases
result from mis-regulation of genes
due to faults in this ‘epigenetic’ control
– genetic birth defects, interuterine
growth disorders and a host of cancer
syndromes. Furthering our understanding
of these mechanisms can only benefit
human health and promote the
development of treatments.
What do you enjoy about studying
at King’s?
I applied to King’s because I was
particularly keen to join the lab of my
supervisor Dr Rebecca Oakey. I also
enjoy interacting with the other PhD
students – they are always full of ideas.
What has the studentship enabled
you to do?
It enables me to buy items I need for
expensive, high-tech experiments,
allowing me to be independent in the
lab. It also funds travel to international
conferences to present my work and
enhance my understanding. One such trip
enabled a collaboration, the work from
which I submitted to a highly regarded
journal for publication.
In Recognition » 3
Annual Giving Award
Each year the Principal leads
the College in recognising the
outstanding generosity and
commitment of our supporters by
awarding the King’s Annual Giving
Award. This year, the Principal was
delighted to present this prestigious
award to Mr Jonathan Hiscock
(King’s, Electronic Engineering,
1978) and Dr Jane Lau (Guy’s,
Dentistry, 1978).
This husband and wife have been
committed donors to the Annual
Giving Programme for the past 15
years, supporting students across
the College on a monthly basis.
Their long-standing support has
been vital in creating more than 250
life-changing opportunities for our
students through the Annual Fund
over the years.
Jonathan and Jane feel they owe
much of their career success to the
knowledge they gained as students
and support the Annual Fund to
ensure current students continue to
benefit from world-class education
Jane Lau and Jonathan Hiscock.
and facilities. Jonathan said ‘Jane
and I are very honoured to receive
this award. We would also like to
recognise the contributions from
other donors to King’s as being just
as important as ours.’
To find out about the Annual Fund, please contact the Development & Alumni
team: [email protected] or 020 7848 4701.
Support for
Alzheimer’s research
Thanks to major support from
the John & Lucille van Geest
Foundation, researchers at
King’s, led by Professor Simon
Lovestone, are working to ‘tag’
proteins and RNA molecules
in patients’ blood as potential
biomarkers of Alzheimer’s
Disease. This innovation to
create what is hoped will be a
blood test for the disease will
improve the ability to diagnose
and track the progression of
Currently clinical trials for
Alzheimer’s drugs involve
patient memory tests and the
clinician’s impression of patient
deterioration. This is highly
problematic and a poor basis
for important and expensive
clinical trials. The discoveries
made by Professor Lovestone’s
team and their continuing
research offer the promise of
being able to accurately track
the condition in Alzheimer’s
patients and recognise response
to treatments, enabling the
effective trialling of new drugs
to combat the disease.
What giving means to me
Babatope Olajide has recently completed his BEng in Computer Aided Mechanical
Engineering. He received a bursary in his final year funded by alumnus Terence Lo
(King’s, Mechanical Engineering, 1983).
What kind of activities have you been
involved in at King’s?
I have been a dedicated member of
the football team since my first year.
In 2008-9 we won the University of
4 » In Recognition
London’s league and cup competition.
This was one of my proudest moments
– King’s hasn’t won the double in an
academic season for more than 15
years. I was also awarded a ‘team
colour’ for outstanding performance
in sports by the Students’ Union.
What are your plans for the future?
I am hoping to do an MSc either in the
field of eco-friendly energy efficiency
or in biomedical engineering relating to
cancer research. I find research really
stimulating and I am looking forward to
the challenges that lie ahead.
What did the bursary mean to you?
I feel very privileged to have received
such funding. I used to rely on a
part-time job to pay for living costs
but the bursary gave me more time to
concentrate on what mattered most
in my final year – studying! It also gave
me extra time to take part in student
Legacy for a peaceful
New music at King’s
War Studies students at the IAEA
headquarters in Vienna with staff from
the IAEA and King’s.
Professor George Benjamin with ACE Study Tours scholar Luke Styles.
It can be hard for talented young
composers to get their
first commission,
but a scholarship
at King’s is
supporting the
creation of
new music in
the UK and
bringing it to
the attention
of a wider
audience. The ACE
Scholarship for Young
Composers, generously
funded by ACE Study Tours, has
given a promising musician the
opportunity to study advanced
composition under the guidance
of renowned composer, George
Benjamin, Henry Purcell Professor
of Composition at King’s.
Luke Styles, MMus student
who received the scholarship,
produced a piece of music on
the theme of cultural exchange
which was premiered at the Queen
Elizabeth Hall in April 2009. Luke
worked closely with traditional
classical Indian musicians as
well as Western percussionists to
produce his composition for tabla
and percussion and help
formulate a notation
system for the
tabla, an Indian
taught from one
generation to the
next by word of
The scholarship
has enabled Luke
to concentrate on his
studies without worrying
about funding his course by parttime work: ‘I feel so lucky to have
been awarded this scholarship.
King’s offers the creative
environment needed to produce
the best work that I am capable of
and the scholarship has allowed me
to take on more commissions and
collaborative projects with theatres
and visual artists, which I have
then been able to work on with
George Benjamin. This is vital to
my progress as a composer as it is
through the production of work and
discussion of it with my tutor that I
am able to learn the most.’
Five master’s students from the
Department of War Studies were
able to attend a workshop with
the International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, thanks
to a legacy gift left to the Principal’s
Discretionary Fund by the Revd
Norman Attrill AKC.
The IAEA is a United Nations
special agency which works to
promote safe, secure and peaceful
nuclear technologies. The
workshop attended by King’s
students included presentations
by IAEA safeguards inspectors
about their work in more than 145
states around the world. Kristen
Aanstoos, one of the students who
attended, said: ‘Having studied
international relations at King’s
for a year, it was fantastic to see
policy in action and to meet people
working at the sharp end of nuclear
non-proliferation issues.’
Planned giving, such as the
legacy gift which made this project
possible, is invaluable to the College
helping us to maintain our status as
a world-class institution.
For information on leaving a gift
in your will to the College
please contact Jas Chahal on
020 7848 4700.
In Recognition » 5
Your gift going further
KCL_297x230_Alumni_Gift Aid_July 08_V4:Layout 1
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Since the Government’s Matched Funding scheme
started in August 2008, King’s has been able to make so
much more of its supporters’ generosity. For every gift
made, King’s is now able to claim an extra 33 per cent
in Matched Funding in addition to the 25 per cent
Gift Aid which can be claimed for donors who are
UK tax payers.
The scheme continues until July 2011 and many
alumni are taking the opportunity for their gift to make
even more of a difference. Andrew Yale (King’s, Law,
2008) is one such alumnus who sees this as the perfect
time to make a donation to King’s: ‘The government’s
Matched Funding scheme means my money will go so
much further. I just couldn’t miss this opportunity.’
The value of your gift under the Matched Funding scheme
Your gift of
Plus Gift Aid
at 25%
Plus Matched
Funding at
Means your
total gift is
£5 per
£1.25 per
£2.08 per
£100 in a
Would you like to make your money go further?
A new government scheme will mean that for the first time all individual gifts to the College will receive support from the
UK Government (in addition to Gift Aid). The £200 million ‘Matched Funding’ scheme adds government money to individual
donations to UK universities, regardless of where the donor is based.
So from 1 August 2008, King's will receive an extra £1 from the UK Government for every £3
you donate, meaning that a £30 donation is worth £40 to us. So if you've ever thought
of making a donation – even a small one – to your College, now is the time to do it.
Give back to the future.
For further information visit: www.kcl.ac.uk/support or E-mail: [email protected]
For more information visit www.kcl.ac.uk/support or call
020 7848 4701.
What giving means to me
Roderick Beaton is Koraes Professor of Modern Greek & Byzantine History,
Language & Literature. His Department will be benefiting from a generous grant
from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation to fund PhD studentships in one of King’s
interdisciplinary research centres, the Centre for Hellenic Studies.
What are the best things about
working at King’s?
King’s is one of the few institutions in
6 » In Recognition
the UK which has developed Byzantine
& Modern Greek Studies extensively
and the College is now recognised as
a leader in the field. The Department
also benefits from its location in the
capital, enjoying close links with
Greek institutions in London.
If you were given a million pounds to
spend on King’s how would you use it?
Renovating some of our staff and
teaching rooms which have not yet
had the benefit of the kind of splendid
building programme we have seen in
other parts of the Strand Campus.
How will the Stavros Niarchos
Foundation grant make a difference?
This funding will allow King’s to
attract more top-quality students. In
this way we build up the reputation
for excellence in research in the
Departments of Byzantine & Modern
Greek Studies and Classics and bring
in the best students internationally to
carry forward these fields of study for
future generations.
Foreign Office press cuttings get special treatment
The College commissioned conservation treatment for
an exceptional series of press cuttings from the historical
library collection of the Foreign and Commonwealth
Office, now held at King’s, thanks to generous support
from alumni, friends and the Idlewild Trust.
The 33 volumes were compiled by Foreign Office
staff between 1915 and 1922 and contain cuttings of
articles from UK and foreign newspapers concerning
the international situation – the First World War,
the Russian Revolution and subsequent Civil War,
the post-war peace negotiations and the founding
of the League of Nations. Annotated by hand and
containing much otherwise unobtainable material,
the volumes are a unique historical resource for
Prior to this project the cuttings were in a poor
state of repair and could not safely be consulted.
Since receiving conservation treatment however, the
volumes have been consulted regularly by a historian of
the First World War and featured in displays for visitors,
including over 50 delegates to a national symposium
organised by the Department of English.
For further information about the Special Collections
visit www.kcl.ac.uk/iss/library/spec or call
020 7848 1843.
100 years of King’s Students’ Union
On Saturday 7 February 2009,
students, alumni, staff and
friends of King’s College
London Students’ Union
(KCLSU) celebrated the
Union’s centenary in style
at the magnificent Lincoln’s
Inn. Thanks to the generous
sponsorship of many alumni
and the King’s College London Association, over
100 students were able to attend at a reduced price.
Guests enjoyed a champagne reception, four course
meal and raffle in aid of the KCLSU Sports Volunteer
Fund, with names drawn by three times Olympic
silver medallist and current law student Katherine
Grainger. The raffle raised over £2,000 for this great
volunteering initiative. Peter Ellender, Acting KCLSU
President 2008-9, said: ‘It was wonderful to be part of
such a special occasion and to meet former KCLSU
Presidents and alumni who were able to join us in
celebrating KCLSU’s achievements over the last
hundred years. Thank you to all those who attended,
donated prizes for the raffle and those who contributed
to the cost of tickets for students.’
Above: Past KCLSU Presidents join the celebrations. Below:
Guests celebrate 100 years of King’s Students’ Union at a dinner
at Lincoln’s Inn.
Olympic silver medallist and current law student Katherine
Grainger draws names for the raffle.
In Recognition » 7
A vision for
8 » In Recognition
What role can a UK university play in tackling the serious problems facing Africa?
Eka Ikpe, a Research Associate in the Conflict, Security and Development Group
at King’s, manages a Peace & Security Fellowship programme which aims to create
a new generation of visionary African leaders. The programme has recently received
generous support from Foundation Open Society Institute (Zug).
What are the Peace & Security
Fellowships for African Women?
The Fellowship programme is
conceived against the background
of the UN Security Council Resolution
no.1325 which calls for the inclusion
of women at decision-making levels as
well as mechanisms for the prevention,
management and resolution of conflicts.
The Fellowships, aimed at young
women, involve spending six months
here at King’s receiving specially
designed training in the areas of
conflict, security and development;
and a further six months undertaking
practical work attached to an African
institution that will allow them to put
into practice what they have learnt and
begin to test some of their ideas
for change.
What does the Fellowship programme
hope to achieve?
Essentially the programme is about
redressing the imbalance that has seen
women in Africa being active at the
grass-roots level in conflict resolution
and prevention issues, but simply
fading away where more ‘important’
decisions are being made at formal,
strategic levels. The programme is
training a new cohort of visionary
female leaders, as well as serving as
a forum for sharing ideas and as a
platform for transferring knowledge.
What opportunities does the Fellowship
programme offer participants?
In addition to engaging with academic
and policy experts, Fellows undertake
study visits to institutions working on
peace, security and development such
as the UN Headquarters in New York,
the International Peace Institute, the
EU Commission, Council of Ministers
and Parliament and the International
Institute of Strategic Studies. Another
significant opportunity is that Fellows
can share their experience with, and
learn from other young Africans on a
similar path and develop a shared vision
for the future of their continent.
How will the gift from Foundation
Open Society Institute (Zug) make a
The support from Foundation Open
Society Institute is funding the cost of
two Peace & Security Fellowships. The
gift is especially important as it targets
the particular countries of Zimbabwe,
Liberia, Sierra Leone and Uganda
which have either just emerged from
intense periods of conflict or continue
to be affected by ongoing conflict. We
are very grateful to Foundation Open
Society Institute for helping us support
expertise in some of the most challenging
contexts in Africa.
‘My hope for Africa
is that the voices
of Africans should
be heard beyond
famines, disease,
conflicts and
What are your hopes for Africa?
I have a multitude of hopes for Africa,
but perhaps the most particular is that
the voices of Africans should be heard
beyond famines, disease, conflicts
and poverty. We must recognise that
Africans have valid opinions of their
continent and their world, and make
the effort to consider these insights
with the significance they deserve. This
need not undermine efforts to tackle the
challenges just mentioned, but it does
require the simultaneous recognition of
the value of African people’s knowledge,
of course beyond the elites.
What do you enjoy about working at
It is a privilege to work closely with
the Fellows, right from very inspiring
interviews during the recruitment
process, to the wealth of knowledge
that they bring and the transformation
that they exhibit by the end of the
programme. I joined King’s to be part
of an institution that engages in issues
of security and development in a
dynamic and innovative manner. It was,
and continues to be, very appealing to
work at the intersection of security and
development, to take part in research
that has practical implications for policy,
and to support the expansion of the pool
of expertise on security and development
in Africa.
Eka Ikpe who manages the
Peace & Security Fellowship
programme at King’s.
In Recognition » 9
Dimbleby Cancer Care Award
Enyinnaya Ofo explains his research to David Dimbleby at the reopening of the Richard Dimbleby Cancer Laboratory in June 2008.
Dimbleby Cancer Care has generously extended its
considerable support of cancer research at King’s
by establishing the Dimbleby Cancer Care Award.
The award has been created to assist a talented PhD
candidate who has already experienced several years
of clinical work to develop as a researcher. The
recipient of the award, Enyinnaya Ofo, is a Specialist
Registrar in ENT-Head and Neck Cancer Surgery,
conducting a research project on imaging techniques
to predict how head and neck cancer patients will
respond to new drug treatments.
The award has given Enyinnaya the valuable
opportunity to transfer his clinical skills to a research
setting and to further King’s world-class cancer
research: ‘Having been in full-time clinical medicine for
ten years, there was a huge learning curve in order
to become competent with the complex molecular
biology techniques required for the project. With
excellent support from my supervisors, especially
Professor Tony Ng [Richard Dimbleby Professor
of Cancer Research], I have been able to make
very good progress and am now proficient in a
variety of new techniques.’
Dimbleby Cancer Care has supported cancer
services for the last forty years with the first Richard
Dimbleby Cancer Laboratory opened in 1968 by Her
Majesty The Queen at the St Thomas’ Campus. The
Laboratory was re-located to Guy’s in June 2008 and
upgraded to allow researchers to focus specifically on
drug discovery and targeted therapy for cancer patients.
What giving means to me
Why do you give to the
Discretionary Fund?
The Discretionary Fund promotes
excellence, individual effort and
initiative which is why I am delighted
to support it. As an alumnus, with a
long career in law, it is rewarding to
contribute in some modest way
to the enhancement of the College’s
research and academic reputation. My
own years at King’s were some of the
happiest and most fulfilling of my life.
How has higher education changed since
your time at King’s?
The importance of a good degree has
10 » In Recognition
increased exponentially. However,
facilities, teaching and pastoral care
have all improved significantly giving
students excellent opportunities to
flourish at university and beyond.
What advantages are there for
King’s graduates?
The College’s position in the heart
of London, adjacent to the City and
the West End, is a real advantage
particularly in relation to career
prospects. As many alumni work in
these areas, the College can take full
advantage of relationships with former
students keen to support its efforts.
Robin Healey (King’s, Law, 1968) supports the Discretionary Fund, which allows the
Principal to respond quickly to emerging needs and opportunities around the College.
In good company
The College is very grateful to all those who have so generously
supported our work in the past financial year. We warmly acknowledge
all those listed below and those who prefer to remain anonymous.
Exceptional support
We would particularly like to recognise those who have given
support at an exceptional level to the College. We extend
our deepest appreciation to the following, as well as those
individuals and organisations that have chosen to remain
Mr Edward Atkin & Mrs Celia
Atkin, née Bogan
The late Revd Norman Attrill AKC
& The late Mrs Elizabeth Attrill
Mr John Black
Mr & Mrs John Burton
Ms Julia Charlton AKC
Mr Albert Cheung & Ms Athena Lui
Mrs Maryann Cochrane
Mr Stephen Conway
Mr Dennis Cope
Dr Richard Davenport-Hines &
Mrs Jenny Davenport
The late Dr Peter Dyne
Sir Ian Gainsford FKC
Mr Paul Getty III
Mrs Elizabeth Hart
The late Revd Canon Colin
Mrs Willemien Hines
The late Mr Raphael Honnor
Professor Barry Ife CBE FKC
Mr Brian Jeeves
Mrs Angela Lascelles, née Greig
Mr Him Lee
Dr Zudong Liu
Mr Terence Lo
Mr Michael Long
Dr James Ohene-Djan
The late Mrs Marilyn Payne
The late Mrs Eunice Phillips,
née Gibbs
Dr Maurice Rothschild, Guy’s
Mrs Lily Safra FKC
Dr Angela Scott, née Grundy
Sir Harry Soloman
The late Miss Mabel Stacey
Mr Henry Sweetbaum
Professor Bob Walton, Guy’s
Mr Dieter Yih FKC
Abbey National PLC
Alzheimer’s Research Trust
Alzheimer’s Society
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Arthritis Research Campaign
Association for International
Cancer Research
Asthma UK
Atlantic Philanthropies
Autism Speaks
Beit Memorial Fellowships for
Medical Research
EE Blackwell Trust
Breakthrough Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer Campaign
British Heart Foundation
British Lung Foundation
British Skin Foundation
Cancer Research UK
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Clore Duffield Foundation
Leadership giving
The College is honoured to recognise the significant
commitment shown by members of the Principal’s Circle,
the Dental Circle and the Medical Circle, each of whom has
generously donated £1,000 or more towards the Annual Fund
or the College’s Discretionary Funds.
Mr Anthony Ashplant
Mrs Beryl Barrett & Mrs Debbie
Mr Tom Barry & Mrs Susan Barry
Ms Mary Bilton
Mr Warren Birnbaum
Dr Ann Blizard
Lady Bonham-Carter AKC, née
Diane Madden
Mr John Bradley, Guy’s
Mr Graham Brown
Professor Sir Graeme Catto FKC
Professor Stephen Challacombe,
Dr Yen-Chung Chong, QEC
Mr Welland Chu
Ms Bridget Clarke
Dr Stephen Colloff
Professor David Cooper, Guy’s
Dr John Crocker & Mrs
Josephine Crocker AKC FKC,
née Frearson
Dr Christopher Derricott
Mr Bill Dodwell
Mrs Ursula Duckworth, née
Professor Stephen Dunne
Dr Michael Escudier, Guy’s
Dr Robert Gaitskell AKC
Ms Yvonne Gallagher
Mr Nick Goulding
Professor John Greenspan FKC &
Professor Deborah Greenspan
Mr Mark Hardy AKC & Mrs Mary
Hardy, née Goold
Mr Richard Hardy
Mr Robin Healey
CORE – The Digestive Disorders
Department of Health
Diabetes Foundation
Diabetes Research & Wellness
Diabetes UK
Dimbleby Cancer Care
The Dinwoodie Settlement
European Foundation for the
Study of Diabetes
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
Fight for Sight
Foundation for Allergy
Information & Research
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The John & Lucille van Geest
Guy’s & St Thomas’ Charity
Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital
Kidney Patients’ Association
The Heaton-Ellis Trust
Heritage Lottery Fund
High Q Foundation
International Consortium on
International Spinal Research
Juvenile Diabetes Research
Foundation International
Kay Kendall Leukaemia Fund
Kidney Research UK
King’s College Hospital Charity
King’s Medical Research Trust
Alicia Koplowitz Foundation
Leukaemia Research Fund
The A G Leventis Foundation
Leverhulme Trust
Lister Institute of Preventive
The London Law Trust
John D. and Catherine T.
MacArthur Foundation
Macmillan Cancer Support
Motor Neurone Disease
Muscular Dystrophy Campaign
Natural Medicine Research UK
Stavros Niarchos Foundation
Nuffield Foundation
Oak Foundation
Parkinson’s Disease Society
Pfizer Inc, Global Research and
Thomas Pocklington Trust
Psychiatry Research Trust
Research Autism
Research into Ageing
St Mark’s Hospital Foundation
The Edmond J. Safra
Philanthropic Foundation
Cicely Saunders International
Society for Mucopolysacchardide
South London and Maudsley NHS
Foundation Trusts Charitable
Stroke Association
Charles Sykes Memorial Fund for
Epilepsy Research
Tate & Lyle plc
John Templeton Foundation
Tommy’s The Baby Charity
Tubney Charitable Trust
Wellcome Trust
The Garfield Weston Foundation
The Maurice Wohl Charitable
The Charles Wolfson Charitable
The Wolfson Foundation
Mr John Henderson AKC
Mr Mark Herbert
Professor Keith Hoggart FKC &
Professor Linda Newson FKC
Dr Robert Howes
Mrs Lyn Humphreys
Dr Andrew Hynd, RDH
Mr Neil Kaplan CBE
Mrs Joyce Kastner
Mr Conor Kehoe & Dr Elisabeth
Mr Willie Kwan FKC & Mrs Irene
Mr Derek Lambert AKC
Professor John Langdon FKC
Professor Robert Lechler FKC
Miss Harn Szuan Leng
Mr David Lloyd OBE AKC
Professor Arthur Lucas CBE FKC
& Mrs Paula Lucas
Mrs Elizabeth Madgen
Dr Tim Mant, Guy’s
Mr Hashim Mohammed, QEC
Dr John Moloney
Sir Hamid Moollan
Mr Stephen Moss CBE
Dr Victoria Muir, Guy’s
Mr John Padovan FKC
Dr Susmita Patel
Professor Harold Preiskel, Guy’s
Mr Steven Rhodes AKC
Professor Jack Rowe FKC, Guy’s
Mr John Savage
Mrs Sylvia Spokes, née Johnson
Sir James Spooner FKC & Lady
Mr Rod Sykes
Mr Robin Taher
Dr Hua Hui Tay
His Honour Judge John Toulmin
CMG FKC & Mrs Carolyn
Toulmin AKC, née Gullick
Professor Richard Trainor FKC &
Professor Marguerite Dupree
Professor John Uff CBE FKC
& Mrs Diana Uff FKC, née
Miss Caroline Usher
Emeritus Professor Roger
Watson, Guy’s
Dr Peter Wilkinson
Professor Nairn Wilson CBE FKC
Mr Chris Wiscarson FKC
Mr John Woodley & Mrs Jill
Woodley, née Hodgkinson
Mr Peter Yerbury, Guy’s
plus all anonymous members
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2009.
In Recognition » 1
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2009.
Thank you
King’s relies on the support
and commitment of its alumni
to create new opportunities for
students and staff. We thank
all of our donors, including
those who prefer to remain
anonymous, and would
particularly like to recognise
those who have offered their
support for the past five or
more consecutive years, whose
names are in bold.
Dr Norman Crofts, St Thomas’
The late Revd Dudley Heryet AKC
Miss Nita Hornsby AKC
Mr Richard Tipper, Guy’s
The Revd Canon Walter Walker AKC
Dr John Attenborough
Dr Fred Charatan, St Thomas’
Mrs Eileen Croucher, née Sutcliffe
Dr Morton Figgis, Guy’s
Mr Edwin Gifford & Mrs Joyce Gifford
Mr Richard Hart, Guy’s
Miss Joan Roberts AKC
Dr Donald Broad
Mr Geoffrey Standing
Mrs Gertrude Attwood, née Ogden
Dr John Barham
Dr Joan Garai, née Gibson
Mr Hedley Grabaskey, Guy’s
Dr Robert Hardwick, St Thomas’
Mrs Phyllis Mongar, née Brown
Miss Marian Nevell
Mr Robert Pain
Dr Antony Sampson
Mrs Evelyn Smith, née Shipley
Mr Guy Smith AKC
Dr Mary Style, née Whittaker
Mrs Sheila Taylor, née Godfrey
Mr Harold Allaway
The late Revd Norman Attrill AKC &
The late Mrs Elizabeth Attrill
Mrs Margaret Kingston, née Ellis
The late Mrs Joan Lewin MBE, née Hole
Mrs Catherine Charlish, née Bagley
Mr Edward Eates
Mrs Patricia Mills, née Allen
Mr Henley Nicholls AKC
Miss Margaret Bowen AKC
Mrs Grace Bright, née Wiseman
Mr Guy Carruthers
Mr Harold Fletcher
Dr David Nicholson, Guy’s
Mrs Freda Patton, née Leben
Dr Thomas Richards
Dr Derek Seaton, St Thomas’
Professor Bob Walton, Guy’s
Dr Gordon Welch, St Thomas’
Mr Frank Zimmermann
Dr Thomas Calverley
Mr Kenneth Coley, Chelsea College
Dr Leslie Hale
Mrs Betty Iles
Dr Ernest Jarratt
Dr R Sandison AKC
Mrs Valerie Sutton-Mattocks, née
Dr Donald Ainscow, St Thomas’
Dr Charles Attwood, St Thomas’
Mr Stuart Bell, Guy’s
Mrs Eileen Edwards, née Smith
Dr John Harris, St Thomas’
Dr Stanley Jackson, Guy’s
Dr Alan MacAuslan, St Thomas’
Mrs Betty Moon AKC, née Cross
The Revd Dr William Peal AKC
Dr Michael Pearson, Guy’s
Dr Renee Puddifoot, née Brydon
Mr Arthur Rooms, Guy’s
Mr Jeffrey Rose, Guy’s
Mrs Joan Short AKC, née Lesford
Mrs Sylvia Spokes, née Johnson
Professor Michael Warren, Guy’s
Dr Janet Waugh, née McDowall
Dr Peter Westcombe, Guy’s
Dr Charles Salkeld
The late Mrs Eunice Phillips, née Gibbs
Miss Gwyneth Edwards
The late Mrs Gladys Smith, née
Mr Peter Barke AKC
Mrs Peggy Bedwell, née Mason
Mrs Audrey Green, née Ayres, QEC
Mrs M Humpheryes, née Coast
The late Dr Edgar Lightfoot
Miss Betty Loder
Mr Duncan Mackenzie, Guy’s
Dr Andrea O’Hara-May
Dr Michael Riddell, St Thomas’
Mr Richard Allen
The Revd Aleck Banks AKC
Mrs Audrey Chadwick AKC,
née Dodds
2 » In Recognition in good company
Miss Joan Barbanel
Dr Robert Barnard, Guy’s
Dr John Baylis, Guy’s
Mr Harold Beck
Lady Bonham-Carter AKC,
née Diane Madden
Mrs Anne Butters AKC, née Harper
Dr Geoffrey Carriett, St Thomas’
Dr Michael Coigley, St Thomas’
Mr John Crossley, Guy’s
Miss Betty Dass
Mrs Hilary Drane, née Grundy
Lady Driver, née Patricia Tinkler
Dr Cecil French
Dr Malcolm Godfrey CBE FKC
Mr Francis Hanrott CBE
Dr Hugh Herbert, Guy’s
Mr John Jenrick
Mrs Mary Laundon, née Parratt
Mrs Margaret Morgan AKC,
née Stokes
Mrs Elizabeth Oliver, née Ratigan
Mrs Joan Orchard AKC, née Miller
Dr John Parker, Guy’s
Mr Jack Rodin CBE
Miss Edith Seaton
Mr John Simpson
Mrs Madeleine West, née Colmore
Mrs Alison Woodhead, née Reader
Mr Anthony Baker
Mrs June Baker AKC, née Ives
Mr Leonard Bean
The Revd Canon Geoffrey Bird AKC
Mr John Bright
Mr Brian Cane AKC
The late Dr Graham Carnegie,
St Thomas’
Dr Alan Chynoweth
Dr John Cornes AKC
Mr Roger Franks
Mr John Gill, St Thomas’
Mrs Linda Howle, née Stride
Professor Robert Knecht
Mr Martin Maycock
The late Mr John Mclean OBE FKC,
Mrs Ailsa Melton, née McLellan
Dr John Middleton, St Thomas’
Dr Eric Morrall
Dr Hywel Perkins, Guy’s
Dr Eric Pitts
Dr David Price, St Thomas’
Dr Bruce Richards, St Thomas’
Miss Iris Richart
Professor Jack Rowe FKC, Guy’s
Mr T Roylance
Mrs Anthea Sartain, née Lowe
Dr Peter Shave, Guy’s
Dr Benjamin Silkoff, Guy’s
Mrs Jean Smith AKC, née Clayton
Dr Eric Stafford, Guy’s
Dr Robert Stanger, St Thomas’
Dr Cyril Thomas, St Thomas’
Mrs Margaret Thresh, née Sachs,
Normanby College
Dr Amin Tibi
Dr Ronald Timms, Guy’s
Dr Pauline Webb AKC FKC
Mrs Mary Whittle, née Hurrell
Dr Donald Winstock, RDH
Mr William Withnell
Dr Edmund Beswick, Guy’s
Mr Edward Broadway OBE, RDH
Dr Michael Brudenell
Mrs Barbara Dutton, née Hornsby
The late Dr Peter Dyne
Mr Michael Gilbert, Guy’s
Mr Ronald Grassly
Professor John Hinton
Mr Frank Hulford AKC
Dr Frederick James AKC
Mrs Margaret Joseph, née Johnstone
Dr Gerald Leaf
Mr Peter Lineham AKC
The Revd Desmond Lockyer AKC
The late Dr Robert Logan-Edwards,
Miss Sheila McCormack, Normanby
Dr Edward McGuire, Guy’s
The Revd John Ouless AKC
Miss Emel Rochat
Mr John Shaw, Guy’s
Mr Alister Stewart
Dr John Stewart, St Thomas’
Dr Dennis Thompson
Mr Tim Anderson, St Thomas’
Mr John Attwood
The Very Revd Trevor Beeson OBE
Mr John Bragg OBE, Chelsea College
Mr Graham Broadhead
Professor Ray Brooks, Chelsea College
Mr Donald Carpenter AKC
Mr John Clark AKC
Mr Ronald Cox
Mr Leslie Dewhirst
Dr Sheila Doak, née Charter
Mrs Marjorie Finney, née Prickett
Dr Jean Candy Gillbard
Dr Peter Hammett
Mr Michael Handscomb
Mr James Arthur David Heal
The Revd Kenneth Hewitt AKC
Dr John Hooper, Guy’s
Dr Frank Huddy, St Thomas’
Dr Fay Hutchinson MBE, née Thomas
Mr Raymond Isherwood AKC
The late Mrs Eileen Lineham, née
Dr Ruth Lister
The late Revd Donald Membery AKC
Mrs Margaret Pearson, née Simpson
Dr Horace Pile, Guy’s
Mr Herbert Powell, Guy’s
Canon Desmond Probets
Mr Peter Saville, Guy’s
Dr Hugh Smyllie
Mrs Audrey Thomas, née Beeson
Mr Philip Tucker, Guy’s
His Honour Sir Frank White FKC &
Lady White MBE
Dr Kenneth Aberdour
Dr Morris Baker
Mr Derek Barbanell
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2009.
Dr Clive Bishop FKC
Mr Ronald Bristow
Mrs Rosemarie Broadhead, née Lasire
Mr Jeffrey Bulow, RDH
Dr John Burston, St Thomas’
Mr Peter Butler
Mr Leslie Cox AKC
Mrs Muriel Curtis, née Dover
Dr John Davies
Mrs Jean Day, née Ayre
The Revd Canon Thomas Evans AKC
Professor Michael Fisher FKC
Mr Geoffrey Gardner & Dr Phylis
Gardner AKC, née Stevens
Dr J Glass, St Thomas’
Mr John Gordon
Mr Peter Hargreaves AKC
Mrs Rosemary Hewitt, née Jones
Mr Donald Howle
Professor Aubrey Jenkins
Mrs Helen Jenrick, née Young, RDH
Mrs Dorothy Jolley, née Castell, QEC
Dr Lawrence Middleton
Miss Angela Minchin, Normanby College
Mr John Mumford
Dr Ann Palfrey, née Hewetson, St
Mr John Powley
Dr John Richards AKC
The Revd Maurice George Rogers
Dr John Rycroft, Guy’s
Mr William Sale AKC
Dr John Savage, St Thomas’
Mr David Shinn
Mr Ronald Stedman & Mrs Muriel
Stedman, née Maine
Mr Geoffrey Taylor
Professor John Thornton, Guy’s
Mrs Greta Walton, née Wray
Dr Bernard Warner, St Thomas’
Mr Geoffrey Weekes AKC
Mr David Willis
Dr Brian Wright
The Revd Alec Beniams AKC
Dr Raymond Brotherwood, Guy’s
Mrs Sheila Butler AKC, née Keen
Dr Michael Coupland, Guy’s
Dr Michael Courtenay, St Thomas’
Mr Leslie Dingle
Mr Hugh Duncombe
Mrs Margaret Godden, née Muirden
Dr David Granger, St Thomas’
Mrs Shirley Halkyard, née Foster
Mrs Susan Howard, née Pitt-Lewis
Dr Victor Hutchinson
Mr Harry Irvine, Guy’s
Dr Isabel Johnson, St Thomas’
Mr Derek Lambert AKC
Dr John MacWilliam, Guy’s
Dr Charles Mansfield
Dr Gillian Matthews
Mr Alan Melbourne
Mr Alan Morris
Dr Richard Mulley
Mr Kynvin Nixon
Dr William Parker, Guy’s
Dr Richard Perks, St Thomas’
Mr David Potter AKC
The Revd Prebendary Frank Powell AKC
& Mrs Joan Powell
Ms Diana Raine
Dr Vincent Redding, St Thomas’
Mr John Rose
Professor Arnold Sladen
Mr Julian Smith
Mr John Stock
Mr Bryan Stokes
Mr Kenneth Sutherland
Dr Oliver Todd
Dr Peter van den Brul, St Thomas’
Mrs Anne Vinall, née Crittenden
Mrs Kathleen Wain, née Barnes
Mr Derek Williams
Dr Leonard Williams, St Thomas’
Dr Geoffrey Wilson, St Thomas’
Dr Joyce Wood, née Waye, Guy’s
Mr John Abrams, RDH
Dr Frank Andrews
Mrs Jean Ashmead AKC, née Trippett
Mr Howard Bailey
Mrs Evelyn Bradbury
Dr Margaret Brown
Mr Eric Carter
The late Dr Bob Chambers AKC
Dr Alan Clark-Jones
Dr Douglas Cornish
Dr John Crocker
Mr Richard Dibben
Miss Sheila Downs
Dr John Duke, Guy’s
Ms Margaret Etall
Mrs Margaret Field, née Johnson
Mr David French
The Revd John Godfrey AKC
Miss Mary Gold AKC
The Revd Brian Hackshall AKC
Mr Michael Housley
Dr Robert Jones, Guy’s
Dr David Longbourne
Mr Bryan Markwell, RDH
The late Revd Laurence Melliss AKC
Mr David Mitchell
The Revd Peter Morris
Dr Alan Myles, St Thomas’
Dr Jack Nickson
Mrs Jessie Oddy, née Owen
Mr John Parton
Mr Peter Poole AKC
Mr Geoffrey Pye
Dr Robert Ridley AKC
Dr Marie Rowlands
Mr Ian Rushton
Mrs Mary Smith, née Rice
Mr Geoffrey Smith
The late Mrs Diana Trebble, Guy’s
Dr John Welford AKC
Dr John Wood, Guy’s
The late Mr Peter Belsham & Mrs J
M Belsham
Dr Sheelagh Biddell, née Evans, Guy’s
Dr Michael Bridger, St Thomas’
Professor John Brindley
Mr Reginald Browning
Mr John Callard
The Revd Dick Chown AKC
Dr Anthony Christmas, St Thomas’
Dr Donald Craig, St Thomas’
Dr Desmond Croft, St Thomas’ & Dr
Hilary Croft, née Rendle, St Thomas’
The Revd Stephen Davies AKC
Dr W Dolton
Mr Arthur Dove CBE AKC
Dr David Enoch, St Thomas’
Dr Arthur Fowle & Dr Lise Fowle,
née Einerl
Professor Lionel Fry
Mrs Norma Hall, née Youdale
Mr Michael Healey AKC
Mr Peter Heywood AKC
Dr Anthony Hillard, Guy’s
Miss Margaret Hulmes, QEC
Mr Jeremy Joel
Dr Brian Kesby AKC
The Revd Maurice Kirby AKC
Mrs Pamela Larner, née Ryder
Mr Eric Lefebure
Mr Peter Long, Guy’s
Major Melvyn Luckham-Down, RDH
Dr Philip Lyon, Guy’s
Mrs Patricia Mitchell, née HoneyJones, QEC
Sir Hamid Moollan
Mr John Newby AKC
Dr Bruce Osborne, St Thomas’
Mr Geoffrey Pearson MBE, Guy’s
Mrs Jean Potter AKC, née Palmer
Dr James Rawes, St Thomas’
The Revd Anthony Richins
Mr Bryan Rigby
Dr Donald Roberts, Guy’s
Dr J Robinson, St Thomas’
Mr H Ruberl
Air Vice-Marshal Derek Saunders CBE
Dr Keith Scott MBE
Mrs Peta Scott, née Smee, QEC
Dr Martin Spiro
Mr Eric Stables
Mrs Margaret Symonds, née Tribe
Mr Deryl Tandy AKC
The late Mr William Thomas, Guy’s
Colonel Kenneth Walker OBE, Guy’s
Mr John Warren, Guy’s
Mrs Anne Welford, née Marsden
Mrs Audrey Wilcock, née Heap
Dr Samuel Young, St Thomas’
Mr John Andrews AKC
Mr Geoffrey Baker, Guy’s
Mr Peter Bayliss
Mr Peter Briggs, Guy’s
Mrs Annette Chant, née Pountain,
Mr Anthony Clifton-Samuel, RDH
Dr Vera Dolton, née Irving
The Revd Colin Elliott AKC
Mrs Susie Evershed, née Matthews,
The late Mrs Corinne Graham, née
Mr Richard Hardy
Mrs Berenice Harper, née Haydon
Dr Rosemary Hayball, née Ellwood
Dr Jerzy Herszberg
Emeritus Professor Tony Hickling
Mr George Hilbert
Mr Tony Hitchcock, Guy’s
Professor Walter Holland CBE FKC, St
Thomas’ & Mrs Fiona Holland
Ms Anne Holley, née Collins
Dr John Humphreys, St Thomas’
Mrs Margaret Hunter, née Bennett
Mr Peter Jenkins AKC
The Revd Canon Robert Lunnon AKC
Dr John Miller, Guy’s
Mrs Maureen Mullally
Mr Donald Nappin
Mr Brian Owers
Mrs Juliet Pack AKC, née Toop
His Honour Judge John Prosser
Dr Maurice Rothschild, Guy’s
Mr Paul Simpson
Eur Ing Peter Sims
Mr Ewart Smith
Mr Peter Stallabrass, St Thomas’
Mrs E A Thompson, née Mortimer
Mr Alan Trinder, Chelsea College
The Revd Peter Vincent AKC
Mr Peter Wagerman
The Revd Robert Wilson AKC
Miss Jean Wines AKC
Mr Derek Yandell
Mr Gordon Adams OBE AKC
Dr Peter Adlington
Mr Michael Allen
Mrs Eileen Andrews, née Ginn
Mr David Boughton
Mrs JoAnne Brewster, née Shepherd
Mr Timothy Carson
Ms Bridget Clarke
Ms Ann Cloney
Mrs Pauline Congreve, née Owen
Dr David Connell, St Thomas’
The Revd John Corke AKC
Mr John Cox, Chelsea College
Mrs Jo Crocker AKC FKC, née Frearson
Dr Sheila Cross, née Lewis
Dr Brian Cuddigan, St Thomas’
Mr John D’Arcy
Mr Lewis Davies, Chelsea College
Mr John Denton
Dr Robert Doig, Guy’s
Ms Maureen Duffy FKC
Commander Frank Feest
Mrs Lynn Free AKC, née Brownhill
Professor John Garrett
Mr Balfour Halevy
Mr Alan Howarth
Mrs Maureen Hunton, née Anderson,
Dr John Hurley
Dr John Illingworth, Guy’s
The Revd Ronald Ingamells AKC & Mrs
Janet Ingamells, née Bulgin
The late Mrs Barbara Jacobs, née
Woolf, Guy’s
Dr Graham Jenkins, Guy’s
In Recognition in good company » 3
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2009.
Thank you
Mr Victor Jordan
Dr John Kennedy
Mr William Knapman, Guy’s
Mrs Mary Lambert, née Lord
The Revd William Leah AKC
Mr Anthony Lowe, Guy’s
Mrs Maureen Mawby, née Dobson
Mr Robert Medlycott
Mr Herbert Mercer, Guy’s
Miss Wendy G Mitchell
Mr John Philpott AKC
Mrs Sally Rawstron, née Warner
Dr Dewi Rees, St Thomas’
Mr David Risk
Dr Frederick Roberts AKC & Dr Pamela
Roberts, née Osborn
Dr Ralph Robinson, Guy’s
Mr Bernard Rofe AKC
Mr Malcolm Rowson
Mr John Savage
Dr Kenneth Somer AKC
Mr Geoff Stephenson & Mrs Hilary
Stephenson AKC, née Lockwood
Miss Isobel Stevenson
The late Miss Anne Margaret
Mr David Thompson OBE AKC
Mrs Sally Vincent AKC, née Watson
Mr William Watkins
Dr Anthony Watson, St Thomas’
The Revd Thomas Wright AKC
Mrs Brenda Akers, née Lowery
Revd David Battersby AKC
Mrs Jennifer Baxter AKC, née Wedd
Mrs Yvonne Brett, née Blatch
Mr Terry Carter AKC
Mr Barry Cryer, Guy’s
Mrs Patricia D’Arcy, née Wood
Mr David Dunlop
Dr Peter Edwards, St Thomas’
Mrs Jane Evans, née Heron
Dr Michael Everitt
Dr Robert Gilchrist, St Thomas’
Mr Peter Golding
Mrs Jill Goodchild, née Harrison
Mr Ken Gregory
Miss Marilyn Harrison, Normanby
Dr Mike Irving, St Thomas’
The Revd John Jackson AKC
Mr Maurice Johns
Mr Peter Johnson, St Thomas’
Mr David Jones, Guy’s
Mrs Rosalind Kemp, née Challacombe
Mr Soli Lam, Guy’s
Dr Basil Lee, St Thomas’
Mrs Jill Lee, née Tanner
Mr John Lloyd
Mr Bill Lovelock
Professor Khursheed Moos OBE, Guy’s
Dr Lotte Newman CBE
Mrs Rochelle Shapiro, née Gelman
Mr Elfrid Silcock, Guy’s
Mrs Helen Steuart, née Sanders
The Revd Canon David Tann AKC
Mr William Thomas, RDH
Dr John Tudor
4 » In Recognition in good company
Mr Terence Watts
Dr Gillian Weller, St Thomas’
Dr Thomas West OBE, St Thomas’
Dr Peter Whatmore, Guy’s
Mr Richard Williams
Dr John Wilson
Mr Eric Wood
Dr Frederick Worlock, St Thomas’
Mr Colin Baker
The Revd Canon John Barnes AKC
Dr Malcolm Begley, St Thomas’
Dr Patrick Bennett, St Thomas’
The Revd David Biles AKC
Dr Ann Blizard, née Underwood
Mr John Bradley, Guy’s
Dr Jeremy Bradshaw-Smith,
St Thomas’
Dr Paul Brass
Dr James Briggs, St Thomas’
Mrs Pauline Brown, née Bowyer
Mrs Anne Chiene, née Hopkins
The Revd John Copping AKC
The Revd Michael David AKC
Mrs Ursula Duckworth, née Cassal
Dr Donald Edbrooke, Guy’s
Mr John Freeborn
Dr Elizabeth Freeman, née Cowlishaw
Dr James Garraway AKC
The late Mr William Gibson, Guy’s
Mrs Dallas Green, née Richardson
Dr P Greig, St Thomas’
Dr Desmond Higton AKC
Mr Bob Hinton AKC
Mrs Harriet Hodes, née Anson,
Chelsea College
Mr Brian Howden
The Revd Dr Marie Isaacs
Dr Ivor James
Ms Frances Jessup
Dr Jeremy Lee-Potter, Guy’s
Mr David Lloyd, Guy’s
Mr David Lloyd OBE AKC
The Revd Christopher Lunn AKC
Professor Stuart Malin
The Revd Canon Peter Marshall AKC
Mr Eric Misselke
Dr Elizabeth Moore, née Forstner,
Mrs Vera Morris, née Bage
Mr John Muir FKC
Mrs Diane Murphy AKC, née Lees
Captain Michael O’Reilly & Mrs Jean
O’Reilly AKC, née Brenton
Mr Alan Overton
Mr John Padovan FKC
Mr John Pearson
Mr David Pegg
Mr Colin Penna
Dr Clifford Perrin, St Thomas’
Mr Malcolm Pine
Mr John Price
Ms Fay Rance
Dr John Restall, St Thomas’
Mr Brian Roberts, Guy’s
Mrs Hilary Silvester, née Walker
Dr Brian Smith
Professor Roy Stainton
Mr John Talbot
Mrs Diana Wakeford, née Levete
Mr Christopher Wege, Guy’s
Dr Don Whiting
Dr Cyril G Williams, Guy’s
Mrs Mary Wilson AKC, née Stanbury
The Revd Martyn Wratten AKC
Mrs Josephine Bankes, née Kingswell,
Dr James Birtwistle AKC
Dr Alan Black, IoP
Mrs Sarah Bowler OBE FKC, née
Dr Alan Burn
Mr Antony Carr
Mr Len Clark & Mrs Gillian Clark,
née Child
Dr Stephen Colloff
Professor John Corbett AKC
Ms Jennifer Davies
Mr Colin Dawe AKC
Dr Derek Denis-Smith, Guy’s
Mr Geoffrey Donald
Mrs Chris Fisher, née Walker, QEC
Dr Thomas Foley, St Thomas’
The Revd Canon Jane FreebairnSmith, née Goldfinch
Mr George Garrett AKC
Dr Peter Gould AKC
Mr Henry Green
Dr John Griffith
Ms Valerie Haggett
Mr James Hogan
Mrs Elizabeth Holgate AKC, née
Dr John Holmes-Smith OBE, Guy’s
Mrs Jill Jackson, née Hampton, Guy’s
Dr Frederick Knox
Mr Willie Kwan FKC & Mrs Irene Kwan
Mrs Judith Le Poer Power, née Cooke
Dr Owen Legg, Guy’s
Mrs Clara Locke, née Liu
Mr David Lucas AKC
Dr Ian MacDonald
Dr Ann Mason, née Hill, St Thomas’
Mrs Mavis McNeelance, née Gray, QEC
Mr Derrick Metcalf
Mr Michael Morrell
The Venerable Len Moss AKC
Dr Simon Nurick, Guy’s
Mr Bill Old
Dr John Pegg, St Thomas’
Mr David Roberts
Mr Bernard Roser
Dr Noel Roy
Mr Andrew Smetham
Mr David Smith
Dr Paul Smith, St Thomas’
Dr Carey Smithen
Dr Keith Thomas & Mrs Tonie Thomas,
née Lloyd
Mr Wayne Thomas
Ms Jenifer Tuckett AKC, née Gamble
Mrs Jennifer Turner, née Minto
Mr James Wadley
Dr Brian Warren, Guy’s
Mr Brian Watkis
Emeritus Professor Roger Watson,
Dr Diana Werry Thomas, née Werry
Mr Richard Wilcockson & Mrs Sheila
Wilcockson, née Kirwan
Mrs Margaret Williams, née
Downham, Chelsea College
Mr John Winter
Miss Lilian Young
Mr Keith Atkinson MBE
Mr Ken Bandy AKC
Professor Martin Barratt CBE, St
Mr John Bason, Guy’s
Mrs Joyce Bellamy MBE AKC, née
Mr Bruce Bennett
Mr Don Blackman, RDH
Dr Peter Bunyan
Mrs Jane Clark, née Langley
Dr Richard Cockerill, Guy’s
Dr Alan Cooper, Guy’s
Professor John Coote, Chelsea
Mr Kenneth Coton AKC
Mr Seán Duggan
Dr Hilary Eggington, St Thomas’
Dr Malcolm Farr AKC
Dr John Feather
Mr David Fifield, Chelsea College
Mrs Diana Francis, née Slater
Mr Barrington Heath, Guy’s
Mr Bernard Jones AKC
Mr Geoffrey Lammas
Dr Mitzi Macey-Dare, née Coyle, RDH
The late Revd Clive Malpass & Mrs
Penelope Malpass, née Williams
Dr John Massy
Dr John Murray, Guy’s
Mrs Jennifer Nelson AKC, née
Mrs June Overton
The Revd Canon Timothy Partridge
Mrs Rosalind Paterson AKC, née May
Mr Kenneth Robertson, Guy’s
Mr Bob Russell
Mr John Sadler
The Revd John Salter AKC
Dr Julian Shardlow AKC
The Revd George Smith AKC
Mr Stanley Smith
Mrs Thelma Speake, née Dutton
Ms Diane Speakman
Mrs Valerie Taylor AKC, née Chainey
Dr Robert Terry, Guy’s
Dr Andrew Thomson
Mrs Lilian West, née Trotter
Mr Roger Wheale MBE AKC
Mrs Katherine Wendy Wilson, née Lloyd
Mr David Wright, Guy’s
Mr John Wyatt
Mr Frank Barker
Miss Joan Bernard FKC
Dr John Burton
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2009.
Mrs Patricia Chapple AKC,
née Merrifield
Mr James Chesterton, St Thomas’
Dr Keith Chittenden
The Revd John Cook AKC
Mr Edward Cowking
Dr Ian Crossman, Guy’s
Mr Rodney Davis AKC
Mrs Julia Dickinson, née Knight
Mr John Dodwell
Dr Robert Durance, Guy’s
Mr Alan Edwards AKC
Canon Martyn Farrant AKC
Mr John Ford
Professor Stanley Gelbier, RDH
Ms Helen Gibbons, née MacMahon
Mr John Golder, Guy’s
Mr Neville Goldwyn & Mrs Margaret
Goldwyn, née Whittingham
Mrs Frances Goodfellow,
née Greggains, QEC
Dr David Gordon
Mr Lawrence Harding,
Chelsea College
The Revd Christopher Harrison AKC
The Revd Canon Simon Hoare AKC
The late Mr Raphael Honnor
Mrs Rosemary Houlston AKC,
née Goldsmith
Professor Michael Knibb FKC AKC
Mr Gerry Lawrence AKC
Dr Adam Lawrence, St Thomas’
Miss Barbara Marsh
Dr John Meredith Smith & Professor
Moya Meredith Smith, RDH
Dr Norman Mills
Dr Heather Morrison, née Kerr, Guy’s
Mr David Nash
Mrs Veronica Needham, née Marsden
Dr John Oliver, Guy’s
Mr Geoff Oxley
Ms Christine Parker
Mr Alan Paul AKC & Mrs Jenny Paul,
née Landau
Professor Harold Preiskel, Guy’s
Dr Richard Rathbone
The Very Revd Dean Ken Robinson
Dr Ian Sadler
The Revd Eric Sellgren AKC
Mrs Susan Sirc, née Powell
Mrs Margaret Spoor, née Cox
Mrs Alison Stagg, née Frame, QEC
Mr Noel Stamp, Guy’s
Professor Moira Tait, née Smith
Mr Brian Turner
Mr Norman Vaughton AKC
Professor Roy Weller, Guy’s
The Revd Martin Wright AKC
The Revd Canon David Abraham AKC
Professor David Barker, Guy’s
Dr Christopher Boothby, Guy’s
Mr Robin Bowen-Williams AKC
The Revd Christopher Brown AKC
The Revd Canon Derek Carpenter
Dr Kim Cheetham, St Thomas’
Dr Geoffrey Cook, Guy’s
Mrs Valerie Cooney, née Drake
Mr David Cropper
The Revd Canon Roger Devonshire AKC
Mrs Ruth Dolbear, née Stephen
The Revd Canon John Eardley AKC
Dr Kenneth Evans, Guy’s
Mrs Anne Ford, née Timms
Dr Ian Foster
Mr Michael Gann, Guy’s
Mr Laurence Gillam AKC & Mrs Janet
Gillam, née Lister
The Revd Peter Goldthorpe
The Revd Brenda Harding, née Emery
Mr Edward Hart
Dr George Haskell AKC
Dr William Humphreys-Davies, St
Professor Michael Humphries
Mr David Ingmire AKC
Dr Michael Jacoby, Guy’s
Mr John James
Mr Stephen Jeffery
The Revd Margaret Jenkinson,
Normanby College
Mr John Knight
Dr Philip Lang, Guy’s
Dr Ian Magrath
Dr Rosemary Millis, Guy’s
Mrs Elizabeth Morgan, née Waldron,
Dr David Murray-Bruce, St Thomas’
Mrs Elizabeth North, née Graham
Mrs Marjorie Odugbemi, née Robson
Dr Michael Quinton
Mr Robert Richardson, Guy’s
Mr Robin Rippon, Guy’s
Dr Kenneth Rooke, Guy’s
Mr David Rowe
Mr Hans Seiwert
Dr Alan Sheller
Dr Jean Shorland
The Revd Pip Short AKC, née Woodrow
The late Miss Norah Thomas
Mr Michael Vadon
Mr Alan Wallace, Guy’s
Mr John Webb
The Revd David Woodley AKC
The Revd Canon Norman Woods AKC
Mr Gerald Wood-Wilson
Dr Denham Wright, St Thomas’
Mr Richard Bartlett
Dr David Beeney
The Revd Graham Bell AKC
Ms Mary Bilton
Mrs Jane Bowen-Williams AKC, née
The Revd David Bracey
Dr Ronald Brandt, Guy’s
Dr Julian Candy, St Thomas’
Professor Sir Cyril Chantler FKC,
Dr John Cook, Guy’s
Professor David Cooper, Guy’s
The Revd Howard Curnow
Dr Serena Davidson, St Thomas’
Mr Jack Davies, RDH
Mr Philip Ellisdon
The Revd Philip Elston
Mrs Rosina Elston, née Collison
Dr Michael Forth AKC
Mr Brian Gordon
Professor John Greenspan FKC, RDH
Mr John Hancock
Mr David Hawkins
Mr John Hilton
Mrs Diana Honeybone AKC, née Yorke
Mr Robert Jenkin, Guy’s
Mr Tony Lee
Dr Roger Lendon
Dr David Lewis, St Thomas’
Dr Edward Little
Miss Margaret Loveless, QEC
Dr Anthony Lucas-Smith AKC
Mrs Jill Lumley, née Smith,
Normanby College
Dr Francis McGinn, Guy’s
Dr Jane Miller, née MacDougall
Mr David Odugbemi
Mr Jim Page, Guy’s
The Revd Canon Dr Anthony Phillips
Dr Bryan Robinson, Guy’s
Mr Bob Sainsbury, Guy’s
Mrs Heather Savini, née Montacute
Dr Iain Sidford
The Revd Canon Paul Simmonds
Mr Noel Simpson
The Revd Leonard Skinner AKC
Mrs Phyllis Sluce, née McMellan, QEC
Mrs Sandra Smetham, née Owen
Mr Michael Spoor
Dr James Strachan
Dr Geoffrey Taylor
The Revd Peter Townsend AKC
Professor John Uff CBE FKC
Mr Peter Ward
Dr Joan Whitelaw, St Thomas’
Dr David Wilders, St Thomas’
Dr David Wilson, Guy’s
Mr Kevan Womersley, QEC
The Revd John Ball AKC
Dr Anthony Bayley, St Thomas’
Dr David Browning, Guy’s
Mr Richard Bulgin
Mr Anthony Button AKC
Dr John Champness AKC
The Revd John Cooper
Mrs Linda Corner, née Parker
Ms Barbara Dennis
Mr Kenneth Eley
Mrs Carole Elton, née Saunby,
Chelsea College
Mr Andrew Eyles
Dr Omer Fadl, IoP
Dr Shirley Foster
Mrs Wendy Gaitskell, née Timms, QEC
Mrs Lola Garvin, née Lofty
Mr Roy Gooderham
Professor Deborah Greenspan, DSc,
Dr Christopher Hodgson
Mr Peter Howe
Mrs Gillian Howell, née Reeks
Professor Mac Hulbert
Mrs Andrea Knight, née Jenkins
Ms Veronica Lawlor
Dr Derek Layton, Chelsea College
Mr David Leebrook
Mr John Marchant
Mr Timothy Marsh
Mr Tom Mason
Dr Margaret McRae-Spencer, née
Mrs Jane Mercer, née Wilkinson
Mr Tony Paice
Dr David Parker, St Thomas’
Mr John Phillips, Guy’s
Dr Brian Price AKC
Mr William Reid, Guy’s
Mr David Richardson
Mr John Rose
Mrs Gillian Rowe, née Oakley
Dr Andrew Saunders, Guy’s
Ms Carol Smith AKC, née Evans
Mrs Valerie Stemp AKC, née Williams,
Chelsea College
Professor Ian Talbot AKC
Mr Romney Tansley
Mrs Diana Uff FKC, née Graveson
Mr John Varnes, Guy’s
Mr William Vyse
Dr Euan Wallace, St Thomas’
The Revd Alan Watson
Dr J Webster, St Thomas’
The Revd Peter Westwood
Mrs Hazel Womersley, née Alston, QEC
Mr Brian Young
The Revd Canon Peter Adams AKC
Mr William Allen OBE & Mrs Jennifer
Allen, née Marriott, RDH
Mr Rodney Bagshaw
Dr Derek Beale, St Thomas’
The Revd Dr John Belham AKC
Dr Paul Betts AKC
Mr Roger Brown, Guy’s
Mr Keith Butler
Dr Peter Callen
Mrs Bernice Chitnis, née Metzner
Mr Christopher Clark AKC
Dr Martin Corner AKC
Miss Sylvia Cousins AKC
The Revd Canon Philip Dearden AKC
Mr Harvey Dodgson
Mrs Christine Dunmow, née Bennett
Mr Christopher Etherington & Mrs Jill
Etherington, née Hopkin
Ms Elizabeth Foinette AKC
Mr Dennis Gedge
Dr Antony Green, RDH
Dr Laurence Hallewell
Mr Andrew Hamilton
Mrs Kathleen Healey
The Revd Canon Ernest Hepworth
Mr Philip Hodges AKC
Dr Michael Howell
Dr Martin Hoyle, Guy’s
Mr Clive Invest, RDH
Dr Muhammed Jamil, Guy’s
Mr Peter Jordan, Guy’s
In Recognition in good company » 5
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2009.
Thank you
Mr Michael Kemp AKC
Ms Mary Leung
Mr Paul Liddiard, Guy’s
The Revd David Lowe
Professor Gwyn Meirion-Jones
Miss Mary Naughton
The Revd Richard Newall
The Revd John Newton
Mr Hugh Owen AKC
Mr Allan Rowlands AKC
The Revd Stephen Sandham
Professor John Saunders, St Thomas’
Mr Clive Sprawson, Guy’s
Mrs Ann Steen, née Collier, QEC
Dr Roger Stevens
Mr Byron Stinson
Mr Bruce Taylor & Mrs Christine
Taylor, née Meredith
Mrs Patricia Thomas, née McCarthy
Mr Ray Whitaker
Miss Eileen Willmott AKC
Dr Rosemary Wynne, née Croome
Ms Joyce Wynne, née Hill
Dr John Boulton-Jones, Guy’s
Mrs Leonie Breeds, née Grayeff
Mr Jonathon Bronner
Dr Ian Brown
Dr Malcolm Carpenter
Dr Brian Chenley
Mr David Churchill, St Thomas’ & Mrs
Sonia Churchill, née Carr
Mr Peter Clarke AKC
Mr Richard Coles
Dr John Cordingley
Dr Simon Cox
Mrs Joy Crispin-Wilson, née Crispin
Mr David Farrar, St Thomas’
Lady Fersht, née Marilyn Persell
Mr Ian Frame
Mr Jim Hattersley
Brigadier Ivan Houghton, St Thomas’
Mr Jim Hutchinson
Dr Anthony Keeley
Mrs Sandra Kremer, née Simmonds
Mrs Judith Lehmann, née Selbourne
Dr Peter Lillford
Mr David Long
Ms Christin Mather, née Johnson
The Revd John McCollough
Mr Shaun O’Byrne
Mr Stuart Orton-Jones, Guy’s
Professor John Patrick, St Thomas’
Dr Ian Roberts, Guy’s
Mr Roger Smith
Dr Brian Valentine, Guy’s
Dr Colin Vokins, St Thomas’
Dr Vincent Whitmarsh
Professor Stephen Wilbur
Mr Laurence Baker
Mrs Elizabeth Batterley, née Barlow
Mr John Boyes
Miss Jose Bradbrook, QEC
Mr Peter Bromage
Dr David Brown, Guy’s
6 » In Recognition in good company
Mr Anthony Bunker & The Revd
Elizabeth Bunker, née Harding,
Chelsea College
The Revd Leonard Burn
Mr Michael Calam AKC
Mrs Margaret Champkin
Dr Judith Dale, née Barr, St Thomas’
Mrs Nipa Das, née Mitter
Mr Martin Dickinson
Dr Christopher Eeuwens
Mr Philip Evans
The Revd Leonard Fox
Mr Roger Gaitley
Mr David Halestrap, Guy’s
Mrs Susan Harrison, née Pearce
Dr Anne Hogg
Professor Richard Hughes, Guy’s
Dr Richard Jacoby, Guy’s
The Rt Revd Bishop Martyn Jarrett
Mrs Jenifer Kahawatte, née
Mr Neil Kaplan CBE
Dr Ian Lister Cheese, St Thomas’
Mr William McNicoll, Guy’s
Dr Martin Miller
Mr Paul Morgan
The Revd Canon Leslie Morley
Dr Roger Pulvertaft, St Thomas’
Miss Anne Rickwood
Dr John Salmon, Chelsea College
Ms Anne Smith
Dr Martin Stevens, St Thomas’
Dr Ria Swann, St Thomas’
Dr Paul Tonkin
Mr Julian Towler, St Thomas’
Dr Peter Trenchard, Guy’s
Mr Edward Trew AKC
Mr Michael Tunnicliff
Mrs Alison Uppard, née Fowke
Dr Richard Vincent
Mr Andrew Walls, St Thomas’
Mr Anthony Wills
Dr Patrick Xavier
Mr Edward Atkin & Mrs Celia Atkin,
née Bogan
Mrs Stephanie Baker AKC, née
Dr Charles Barber, Guy’s
Mr David Blackburn
Dr Alan Brooks, Guy’s
Mr Charles Bulman, St Thomas’
Miss Maggie Butcher
Professor Stephen Challacombe, Guy’s
Mr Peter Colliver
Mr Christopher Corton, Chelsea
Miss Ruth Darton AKC
Dr Clive Debenham, Guy’s
Dr Alan Debenham
Canon Dr Christopher Dent AKC
Dr William Dunham, Guy’s
Dr Drusilla Elias, née Pearce
Mrs Alison Evans, née Soulsby
Dr Stew Fisher, St Thomas’
Mr Nick Goulding
Mr Geoffrey Gower-Kerslake AKC
The Revd David Hayes
Mr Robin Healey
The Rt Revd Christopher Hill
Mrs Judith Hodsdon, née Bonsall
Professor Barry Ife CBE FKC
Dr Richard James AKC
The late Dr Wendy Johnson, née
Higlett, Guy’s
Mrs Elizabeth Johnstone, née Whebby
Mr Henry Killender
Mr Anthony Kremer
Mrs Angela Lascelles, née Greig
Mr Charles Leggott AKC
Dr Robert Linton, St Thomas’
Dr Marie Lovatt AKC, née Screech
Dr Harmandar Malik, RDH
The Revd Toby Marchand
Dr Christopher John Marchese
Mr David Marsh AKC
Mr Robert Morfee
Mr Roger North
Mrs Jennifer Park, née Broomfield
Mrs Anne Phillips, née Thompson
Mrs Heather Pitt Ford, née Dickinson,
Mr Richard Reece, RDH
Mrs Heather Rendall, née Bather
The Revd John Rice
Dr Michael Richmond, Guy’s
Mr Patrick Russell, RDH
The Revd Canon Jonathan Russell
Dr David Seager AKC
Mr Sabah Shamash
Miss Ingrid Slaughter AKC
Mr Anthony Smith AKC
Mrs Gillian Sugden AKC, née Sleep
Mr Jonathan Swain, Guy’s
Mrs Janet Taylor, née Stokely
Mr John Threlfell
Dr John Tripp, Guy’s
Mr Martyn Wenger
Mr Alan Woodman
Mr John Woodward
Dr Gregory Ansell, St Thomas’
Mr Ashley Badcock
Mr Austin Banner, Guy’s
Dr Paul Bates
Dr Peter Bellamy, St Thomas’
Dr Robert Bellenger
Mr David Blacoe
Dr Iain Brooksby, St Thomas’
Mr Francis Burgum
Dr Elizabeth Burroughs, née Clyma,
Dr Timothy Bushell, Guy’s
Dr Ray Charlier
Dr John Clothier
Mr Richard Corbett, St Thomas’
Her Honour Judge Judith Daley
Mrs Carol Davies, née Williams
Mr Richard Dimbleby AKC
The Revd Derek Duncanson
Mr Michael Dyer
Mr Peter Eade
Mrs Gina Fairfax AKC, née Willcox
Dr Elizabeth Fiddaman, née Wilcox
The Revd Brian Gant
The Revd John Goldsmith AKC
Dr Christopher Healey
Mr Robert Hedden AKC
Dr Jill Howell, née Qureshi, St Thomas’
Mr Robin Hughes, St Thomas’
Mr David Jacobs, Guy’s
Dr Roger Jago, St Thomas’
The Revd Christopher Kevill-Davies
Mr Andreas Kirkis, QEC
Dr Jeremy Lade, St Thomas’
Mrs Elizabeth Lewis, née Eyden
Mr Nicholas Lloyd AKC
Mrs Felicity Lowe AKC, née Hodge
Dr James Lyall, St Thomas’
Dr Gordon MacLellan
Mrs Elizabeth Madgen
Ms Dorothy Marden
Mrs Cynthia Martin, née Potter
Ms Betty Melling
Dr John Moloney, St Thomas’
Mr Nicholas Mottram
The Revd Morris Munns
The Very Revd Dean George NairnBriggs AKC
Mr Thomas Neilson
Mrs Elizabeth Norman, née Marks
Dr David Norminton, St Thomas’
Mr Richard Packer AKC
Mrs Gina Parker, née Howlett
Mr Charles Pearson, Guy’s
Dr Jennifer Perrett, née Morgan,
Dr Michael Porter AKC
Mr Richard Price OBE
The Venerable Mr John Rawlings
Mr Ian Rawlings, St Thomas’
Mr Paul Robinson
Dr Stephen Russ AKC
Dr Robert Scholefield, Guy’s
Dr Angela Scott, née Grundy
Mr John Sly AKC
Miss Brenda Squires
Mr J Stephen, St Thomas’
Dr Keith Stewart, Guy’s
Mr Philip Stone, QEC
Mr Malcolm Swift
Mrs Lesley Tzidon, née Lewin
The Revd Prebendary David Vanstone
Miss Patricia Waite
Mr Christopher Walker AKC
Mr Michael Watson, Guy’s
The Revd David Williams AKC
Mr Geoffrey Williams
Mr Timothy Williams, St Thomas’
Mrs Hazel Willson AKC, née Bowbeer
Mr Anthony Addison, Guy’s
Ms Naomi Angell
The Revd Francis Ballinger
Mr Keith Band, Guy’s
Mr Alan Bayford
Professor Howard Bird, St Thomas’
Dr Melvyn Bradshaw, QEC
Mr David Briggs, Guy’s
Mr Graham Burford, Chelsea College
The Revd Michael Caddy
Dr David Child, St Thomas’
Mrs Mim Collins, née Wilmot
Mr John Cope, Guy’s
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2009.
Dr Steve Crooks, St Thomas’
Mr John Cunliffe, Guy’s
Mr John Curtis, Guy’s
Dr Demosthenes Dirmikis
Ms Heather Dodd, née Vassie
Dr Michael Faulkner, Guy’s
The Revd Neville Gallagher
Mrs Diana Gant, née Scutt
Dr Rodney Gunn
Dr Henry Hambly, St Thomas’
Dr Margaret Helliwell, née McClelland
Mr Mark Herbert
Dr Anthony Hughes, St Thomas’
Dr Andrew Hynd, RDH
Mr Anthony Kieran AKC
Judge Peter King AKC
Professor Margaret Majumdar, née
Mr Guy Moody
Dr David Murfin
Mr Christopher Neville, Guy’s
Mr Frank O’Shea
Dr Nicholas Pairaudeau AKC
Mrs Anu Parikh, née Chandra Das
Mrs Frances Paterson MBE AKC,
née Olver
Mrs Helen Pearson, née Bailey
Mr Christopher Pegg & Mrs Jennifer
Mr Richard Piercy, QEC
Mr Francis Porter
Mr Michael Quinlan
The Revd Dr Susan Ramsaran AKC
Dr Anna-Maria Rollin, née Tihanyi,
Mr Stewart Roper, Guy’s
Dr Jeffrey Rosenberg, Guy’s
Miss Jennifer Rumble AKC
Dr Ian Saunders
Mr Roger Scholes
Dr Margaret Semple, née Oats, St
Mrs Suzanna Stein, née Miller
Mr Michael J Taylor
Mrs Susan Vanstone, née Fremlin
Mr John Waller
Mr Brian Waters
Dr Alfred White
Dr Paul Adams, Guy’s
Dr Jonathan Allan, RDH
Mr Jerome Ambrose
Ms Alison Ball
Dr Bob Baxter
Mr Gordon Bernard
Mr Warren Birnbaum
Mrs Ruth Bolton, née Yarnold
Dr Anthea Bransbury, née Buckland,
St Thomas’
Dr Susan Brown, Guy’s
Mr Ian Brown
Dr John Bunning
The Revd David Cawley AKC
Dr Ben Cohen, RDH
Mr Ian Cooper, Guy’s
Miss Sandra Davies
Dr Sue Dirmikis, née Maciver
Mr Bill Draycott, RDH
Mr Keir Eady, Chelsea College
Mr Jim Edwards
Mr Anthony Fallowfield, Guy’s
Mrs Margaret Ferris AKC, née
Dr Geoffrey Frost AKC
Dr Robert Galbraith
Mrs Helen Glover, née Phillips
Dr Ray Godwin
Mrs Sheila Grimwood, née Rees
Mrs Ruth Guyer, née Daufman
Dr Peter Harrison, Guy’s
Dr Paul Harvey
Mr Ian Hollands, Chelsea College
Mr Brian Jeeves
Dr Aderonke Kale, née Oderinde, IoP
The Revd Christopher Kemp
Mrs Catherine Kim, née Perry
Dr Howard Klass, Guy’s
Professor Peter Knight AKC
Mrs Susan Leach AKC, née Boore
Dr Vivien Leask-Millar, née Leask,
Mr Brian Levy, Guy’s
Mrs Pauline Lloyd, née Cooper
Mrs Jennifer Lockwood, née Brache
Ms Kathryn Lydon, née Whelan
Mr Paul McGlone, Guy’s
Mr Colin Morgan, RDH
Mr Graham Northcott, Guy’s
Miss Ann Pelham, née James
Mr John Pepper, Guy’s
Mr Adrian Pilgrim
Mr Philip Purkis
Mr Mike Redfern
The Revd Alan Rowell AKC
Mr Gordon Simm
Mr Geoffrey Smith
Mr Sachiho Tanaka
Mrs Jean Tipper, née Hancock
Mr Meirion Trow
Mrs Alison Ward, née Nelson
The Revd William Ward
Mrs Sheila West AKC, née Kitchin
Mr Christopher Wilde, Guy’s
Dr Peter Wilkinson
Mrs Rosemary Williams, née Hudleston
Mr David Archer
Dr Philip Arthur, St Thomas’
Mr Ian Bamford, Guy’s
The Revd Canon Christopher Bishop
Mrs Carys Blackburn, née Wood
Dr Moira Brimacombe, IoP
Mrs Susan Brough, née Macleanan
Professor Carol Brownson
Miss Sylvia Cole, QEC
Mr John Colman, Guy’s
Dr Jill Davies
Dr John Evers, St Thomas’
Mr Laurence Faiman
The Revd John Fairweather
Mr Keith Fowles, RDH
Mr John Gray
Dr Fiona Griffith, née Scott, Guy’s
Mr Martin Hargreaves
Mr Ted Harland, Guy’s
The Revd Ian Hartland
Mr James Hewlett, Guy’s
Rear-Admiral John Richard Hill
Mr Huw Hughes, QEC
The Revd John Hunnisett AKC
Mr Timothy Iball
Dr George Koukoutas, Chelsea
Mrs Jane Le Feuvre, née Jackson,
Mr John Leigh AKC
Mr Peter Lunn, Guy’s
Dr Adrian Margerison
Dr Annabella Marks, née GarnonsWilliams, Guy’s
Mr Richard Matthews, St Thomas’
Mrs Joyce Mellors, née Leckenby, QEC
Mr Andrew Morris
The Revd Dr Verj Nersessian
Mr Edmund Niciecki
Dr John Nicolson
Dr Alan O’Day
Dr Rosalind Oliver, née Dismorr, Guy’s
Dr Hugh Parry, Guy’s
Mr Ian Rickard
The Revd Stewart Ridley AKC
Dr Coorosh Sabet
Dr John Scoble, Guy’s
Mr Christopher Searle & Mrs Susan
Searle AKC, née Lee
Mrs Pearl Shihab, née Le Cornu, QEC
Mr Michael Snelling
The Revd Canon David Springthorpe
The Revd Peter Stanway AKC
Mrs Frances Twambley, née Brown
Dr Roger Tyler
Mrs Meriel Vincent, née Reith
Mr Martin Walsh
Mr Michael Ward
The Revd Canon Richard Wheeler
Mr Stephen Whitehead, St Thomas’
Mr Chris Wiscarson FKC
Mr Simon Wright, Guy’s
Dr Nicholas Yerbury, Guy’s
Ms Lilija Zobens, née Zobens
The Revd David Adlington AKC
Mr Peter Ashman
Mr Robert Banner
Dr Kay Barnard, née Burns
Mr Peter Bartle
Mr Michael Breen, Guy’s
Mr John Brough
Dr Delia Burley, née Clark
Dr Michael Callender
Miss Carole Chapman AKC
Ms Susan Clark, née Storer
Mrs Jennifer Cook, née Leithead,
Mr Philip Cooper, Guy’s
Professor Peter Davies, St Thomas’
Mr Philip Day, Guy’s
Mr Trevor Druett, Guy’s
Dr David Goodwin
The Revd Canon David Grimwood AKC
Mr John Harding
Mrs Helene Herzberg, née Gordon
Mr Peter Hudson OBE
Mrs Pamela Jacobs, née Miles
The Rt Revd Canon David Jennings AKC
Mr Richard Kinder, Guy’s
The Revd Michael Kingston AKC
Dr Alison Leiper, née Nussey
Dr Reginald Lemberger
Dr Anne Lewis AKC, née MacLennan
Dr David Lintin, St Thomas’
District Judge Richard Matthews
Mr Malcolm McKay
Mr Richard Mcquillan, Guy’s
Ms Juliet Mitchell
Professor John Monson, Guy’s
Mr Stephen Moss CBE
Mrs Jane Ollerton, née Rigler
Mr Harry Olsberg
Mr Anthony Plumb
Mr Nigel Plumpton
Professor Johnathan Rhodes,
St Thomas’
Dr M Riggs
Mr Anthony Roberts
Mr Christopher Shirley
Mr Simon Skinner
Dr Stephen Smallwood, St Thomas’
Miss Monica Symes, Guy’s
Mr Kenneth Torlop
Dr Richard Walsh, Guy’s
Dr Anthony Wells
Dr David Williams
Mr Peter Wood AKC
Dr Richard Aldridge, St Thomas’
Dr Christopher Amodio
Mr David Baggs AKC
Mr Christopher Baker
Ms Patricia Barlow
Mr John Barrow
Dr Caroline Boorer, née Jackson
Dr Roderick Bowering, Guy’s
Dr Gordon Campbell, St Thomas’
Mr Geoff Carter
Mrs Briony Cooke, née Lewis
Mr Andrew Cracknell, Guy’s
The Revd Jonathan Cruickshank AKC
Professor Elizabeth Davenport, née
Brady, RDH
Mr Anthony Dias
Mr Simon Drinkwater
Mr James Edwards
Mr David Eve AKC
Mr David Farrell
Mr Robert Fawthrop AKC
Mrs Gillian Forde AKC, née Harris
Mr Trevor George
Professor Andrew Gillespie
Dr David Gunn
Mr Mark Hardy AKC
Mr Peter Hodgkinson, Guy’s
Mr Brian Holdsworth, Guy’s
Dr Jill Krafft, Guy’s
Dr Richard Lewis, St Thomas’
Mr David Llewellyn
Mrs Julia Lockyear, née Marshall
Mr Edward Lodge
Dr Alison Lunt, née James, St Thomas’
Mr James Mahood, Guy’s
Mrs Elizabeth Manley, née Hudson
In Recognition in good company » 7
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2009.
Thank you
The Revd Rik Mayes AKC
Mr Nigel McBride AKC
Mr Jeffrey McCartney AKC
Mr Jeffrey Morris
Dr Penelope Newman, née Boundy,
St Thomas’
Mrs Jill Nightingale, née Harris, Guy’s
Dr Nicholas O’Riordan
The Revd Nicholas Paxton
Mr David Pilbeam
Mrs Catherine Powell AKC, née
Mr Paul Rispoli
Dr Frances Rochford, née Massey,
Mr David Royle & Mrs Maria Royle
Dr Malcolm Scott, Guy’s
Mr Robert Segall
Dr Dennis Smith
Mr Robert Steele
Mr Ivan Sutton, RDH
Ms Neila Warner AKC, née Millard
The Revd Dr Thomas Weil AKC
Miss Janet Whiteway, St Thomas’
Dr Elizabeth Winterton, née Elsom
Dr Anthony Wordley, St Thomas’
Dr Edward Bray, Guy’s
Mr Graham Brown
Dr Richard Butland, Guy’s
Dr Catherine Cantons
Dr Sally Cardew, Guy’s
Mr Stephen Clark, Chelsea College
The Revd Professor Alexander B
Dr Trudi Darby AKC
Mrs Susan Eaton, née Atkinson
Mr Kevin Esplin
The Revd Brian Fairbank AKC
Mr Brian Flood, Guy’s
Mrs Beverly Hallam, née Riordan
Mrs Mary Hardy, née Goold
Professor Anne Hemingway, Guy’s
Mr John Henderson AKC
Mrs Carol Huckvale, née Woollett
Dr Lynda Hutchinson, née Burditt, QEC
Dr Julian Johnson AKC
Mrs Janet Lambert AKC, née Cliff
Dr Christopher Langdon & Dr
Jennifer Langdon, née Goodwin,
Mr Mark Leitch, QEC
Dr Marcus Long, St Thomas’
Mr David McCulloch
Mr David McIntyre
Dr Ronald Milner, St Thomas’
Mr Stephen Morrall AKC
Dr Geoffrey Moulding, Guy’s
Dr Victoria Muir, Guy’s
The Revd Canon Stuart Nairn AKC
The Revd David Peel AKC
Mr Tony Ramsey AKC
Dr Chris Reade, QEC
Mrs Deborah Richards, née Pearce
Brigadier Nick Rigby
Mrs Michele Robinson, née Emberton,
Dr Timothy Southwood
8 » In Recognition in good company
Mrs Jane Tebbutt AKC, née Noon
Dr Diana Terry
Mr Robert Jeffrey Terry
Miss Ghislaine Vaughan AKC
Mr Richard Wakeford
Mr Peter Weitzel
Mr Anthony Ashplant
Dr Jonathan Bayly, Guy’s
Professor Rudolf Bilous, Guy’s
Mr Stephen Bott
Dr Anthony Buckland, St Thomas’
Mr John Carter, RDH
Dr Yen-Chung Chong, QEC
Dr Stephen Clarke, Guy’s
Dr Stephen Colley
Mrs Sheila Cooper
Dr Christopher Derricott
Mrs Ruth Downie AKC, née Hancock
Professor Peter Emery, QEC
Dr Jonathan Evans
Dr Kathryn Findlay, née Allen, Guy’s
Mrs Valerie Glencross, née Goulding
Dr David Gover, St Thomas’
Mr Christopher Guellard
Mr Harish Haria, Chelsea College
The Revd Alan Hawker AKC
Ms Susan Hooper, Guy’s
Mrs Kate Hoskin, née Barnard
Mr Ken Hui, RDH
Mr Peter Humphreys AKC
Dr Peter James, Guy’s
Mr Francis Kirkpatrick, Guy’s
Dr Stephen Lander, St Thomas’
Dr Ian Lane, St Thomas’
Dr Michael Lilley
Mr Philip Lundberg
Mr Peter Milledge
Dr John Moore-Gillon, St Thomas’
Mr David Narracott AKC
Lieutenant-Colonel Nigel Newman
Mr Avtar Panesar, Chelsea College
Mr Stephen Parry, RDH
Dr Nigel Pearce, St Thomas’
Dr David Philbrick, St Thomas’
Dr Chic Pillai
Mrs Helen Powell, QEC
Dr Simon Reay
Miss Mary Richardson
Dr Martyn Shawyer
Mrs Ruth Simmons, née Leigh
Mr Keith Stuart
Mrs Christina Thomas, née Jackson
Mr Hereward Tresidder
Mrs Susan Wakeford, née Beacham
Dr Andrew West, Guy’s
Mr Barry Westwood, Guy’s
Miss Brigitte Ahtuam
Mrs Theresa Anderson AKC, née
Dr Mark Bradgate, St Thomas’
Mr Michael Bradley
Ms Miranda Buckley
Mr David Daly AKC
Dr Peter Davis
Dr Andrew Dicker, St Thomas’
Mrs Tessa Dickinson, née Halford
Mr Bill Dodwell
Mr Anthony Edkins
Mrs Jennifer Ellis AKC, née Rowe
Mr Peter Evans AKC
Ms Caro Fraser Edwards
Dr Pravin Goutam, Guy’s
Dr Jonathan Grannell, Chelsea College
Dr Joanna Harding
Miss Stephanie Hawthorne
Dr Mary Heber, Guy’s
Mrs Theresa Hodges, née Whitson
Dr Neil Hounslow, Guy’s
The Revd David Jessett AKC
Mr Robert Jones
Mrs Diana Kaars Sijpesteijn, née
Markham, Chelsea College
Mr Anthony Keane
Mr Andrew Latty, Chelsea College
Mr Peter Lewis
Dr Denise Mabey, St Thomas’
Dr Webster Madira
Dr John McCarthy, Guy’s
Dr Alexander Milosevic, Guy’s
Dr David Moore AKC
Dr Alison Newlyn, née Pitfield-Perry
Miss Shirley Norton, Chelsea College
Mr Dainis Ozols
Dr Susmita Patel
Dr Mark Patterson AKC
Mrs Elizabeth Phillips, née Smith,
Chelsea College
Mr Mike Shallcross
Dr Nicholas Strowbridge, St Thomas’
Mr John Taylor, Guy’s
Dr Michael Tidman & Dr Jill Tidman,
née Harrison, Guy’s
Mr Richard Walker
Mrs Charlotte Walker, née Badger
Mr Stephen Walmsley
Mrs Rosamand Watts, née Troughton,
The Revd Robert Williamson
Mrs Beverley Wride, née Davis, QEC
Dr Christopher Adams, St Thomas’
Emeritus Professor Brian Anderton,
Chelsea College
The Revd Andrew Bailey AKC
Mrs Catherine Barnes, née Meehan,
Chelsea College
Mr Duncan Bratchell
Mrs Nichola Bull, née Lolley, Guy’s
Dr Zaid Chalabi
Professor Robert Coleman
Dr Francis Collier, Guy’s
Dr Ian Coulson, St Thomas’
Mr Nicholas de Mattos AKC
Dr Jonathan Denbigh
Dr Fiona El-Beih, née Henderson,
Mr David Frodsham & Mrs Pamela
Frodsham, née Martin
Mrs C Gay, née Hunt
Mrs Dana Genis, née Weinbaum,
Chelsea College
Mrs Mary Hale
Mr Jonathan Hiscock
Ms Jane Lau, Guy’s
Miss Gwendolen Lawton, Chelsea
Mr Andrew Limbrick AKC & Mrs
Gillian Limbrick, née Whitta
Mrs Lai-Ching Man, née Chui,
Normanby College
Dr John Mathias, St Thomas’
Miss Pauline Mccalla, Chelsea College
Mr Timothy Miller, Guy’s
Dr Marilyn Moyse, née Moyse
Dr Timothy Palmer, Guy’s
Dr Carl Pereira
Mrs Christine Richings, née Cummings
Mr Peter Roberts AKC
Mr Robin Roberts
Mr Alan Sealy
Mr Graham Stibbs
Mrs Linda Walker, née Edwards
Dr William Whitby, Guy’s
Mr Peter Winnicki
Dr Linde Wotton
Dr Charles Allanby, Guy’s
Ms Victoria Allison, née Ogier
Dr Joseph Barker, St Thomas’
Dr Richard Barnett, Guy’s
Mrs Susan Bedford, née Hall
Dr Bob Bradley, St Thomas’
Mr Trevor Branch, Chelsea College
Mrs Lindsay Bryning, née Milne
Mrs Deborah Chapman, née Watson,
Mr John Coulter, RDH
Dr Mark Cox, St Thomas’
Mr Robert Davine
Mr Stephen Des Clayes, Guy’s
Mrs Jane Doulton, née Pearson
Dr Christopher Dudman
Mr Ian Ebsworth
Dr Patricia Everitt, née Coleman, QEC
Dr David Farmer, Guy’s
The Revd Ian Finn AKC
Mr Bruce Grant
Dr Margaret Herbert, Guy’s
The Revd Michael Hewitt AKC
Mr John Hines
Dr Caroline Jones, née Donald, QEC
Dr Nicholas Joyner, Guy’s
Dr Christina MacFarlane, née Horton,
Dr Janine Mansi
Dr Tim Mant, Guy’s
Mr Paul Mellings
Mrs Janet Owen
Dr Jennifer Powell, née Osmond, St
Ms Jane Roberts, née Gibbins
Mr Stephen Roche
Mrs Carolyn Saunders, née Wilson
Dr Adrian Shanks, St Thomas’
Miss Alyson Shaw, Chelsea College
Dr Christopher Stephens, Guy’s
Dr Martin Vallis, Guy’s
Dr Mark Vella, Guy’s
Mr Peter Verver AKC & Mrs Isabelle
Verver, née Kelly
Mr Peter Walker
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2009.
Mr John Walsham
Mrs Gail Werkmeister, née Dyer
Dr Adrian Weston, Guy’s
Dr Keith Williams, St Thomas’
Ms Brigit Wilmers, Guy’s
Mrs Catherine Brookes, née Smith,
Dr Andrew Cairns, St Thomas’
Dr Gary Calver, Guy’s
Mr William Cobb
Miss Paula Dove, Chelsea College
Mr Julian Ede, Guy’s
Mrs Lesley Fernandez-Armesto
Mr Andrew Fox AKC
Dr Andrew Freedman, St Thomas’
Mr Nick Gale
Dr Helen Gillies, née Kinsella, Guy’s
Mr Paul Goslin, Guy’s
Mr Ted Greeno
Mrs Sandra Lawlor, née Taylor
Dr John Lowes & Dr Anne Lowes,
née Stringer
Mr Peter Maplestone AKC
Dr Judith Motto, Guy’s
Ms Bridget Prideaux
Mr Dirk Reid
Dr Julian Roberts, St Thomas’
Mrs E Roberts-Harry
Mr Gavin Scott, RDH
Mr Julian Skellett
Mr Jonathan Stoneman
Mr Yagnesh Verma, RDH
Dr Gareth Wallis
Dr Oenone Warr AKC, née Brown,
St Thomas’
Dr Graham Ackerley
Mrs Kitty Allan, née Stubbs
Mr Alexander Aylward
Dr Khaver Bashir, St Thomas’
Mr Ravi Bery & Mrs Rabinder Bery,
née Kandola, Chelsea College
Dr James Broadway, St Thomas’
Mr Gurtejpal Chana, Chelsea College
Ms Julia Charlton AKC
Dr Harriet Crabtree OBE
Mrs Anne Dalton, née Poynter, Guy’s
Mr Arif Essaji
Mr Lloyd Evans
Dr James Heathcote AKC
Mr Steven Hefferman
Mrs Athanasia Hilas, née Marangos
Mrs Elizabeth Hutchings, née Bell,
Chelsea College
Dr Karen John, Guy’s
Mrs Pat Latham, née Gordon
Mr Hashim Mohammed, QEC
Ms Claire Murrell
Mr Patrick Overs
Dr Paul Revell, Guy’s
Mr Dean Rowell, Chelsea College
Mr Roger Starr
Mr Antonipillai Tambirasa, Chelsea
Dr Hua Hui Tay
Mr Clifford Taylor, Chelsea College
Dr Michael Taylor, Chelsea College
Dr Maureen Taylor
Miss Christine Tucker, Chelsea College
Mr John Woodley
Mr Keith Abraham
Mrs Judith Batchelar, née Troke,
Chelsea College
Mr Keith Champion
Dr Andrew Charters, Guy’s
Mr Shehzada Cheema
Dr Susan Cohen, Guy’s
Dr Patrick Craig-McFeely, St Thomas’
Mr Charles Crisp
Dr Simon Davies, Guy’s
Mr Paul Fennell, QEC
Dr Jean Fox, née Hart
Dr Jane Frost, née MacDougall, St
Mr G Galletly
Dr James Gildersleve, Guy’s
Mrs Caroline Grinham, née Perman
Mr Timothy Hammett AKC
Mrs Suzetta Hartropp, née French
Mr Edward Hatfull
Dr Anthony Jenkins, St Thomas’
Dr Richard Lawson, St Thomas’
Ms Gillian Marcus
Dr Ian Osterloh, Guy’s
Dr Timothy Palmer, Guy’s
Mrs Lydia Pritchard, née Mansfield
Ms Mary Raynes
Dr Gary Ruiz AKC
Dr Jeremy Sizer
Mrs Valentine Steadman, née Foussier
Mr Tom Thomson AKC
Mr Christopher Wakely
Mrs Lucy Walsh, née Searle
Dr Wendy Walton, née Stephenson,
Mrs Jill Woodley, née Hodgkinson
Mrs Roxana Anastasiou, née Pagonis
Dr David Anderson
Dr Richard Balai
Mr Andrew Burke
Mr Mark Carroll
Mr Kevin Chau, RDH
Mr Albert Cheung
Mrs Jeanette Clifford
Dr Richard Cope, St Thomas’
Dr Ewen Forrest, St Thomas’
Mr Edward Gledhill, Chelsea College
Dr Martin Hadley-Brown, née Brown,
St Thomas’
Dr Robert Hart, St Thomas’
Mr Richard Hurrell, Guy’s
Mr David Ladd
Miss Denise Larnder
Mr Chee Law
Mr Terence Lo
Dr Ann McNutt, St Thomas’
Dr Ian Nugent, St Thomas’
Dr Christina Peers, née Spiteri, Guy’s
Mrs Lesley Reynolds, née Doyle,
Chelsea College
Miss Roisin Robothan-Jones
Dr Sarah Steed, St Thomas’
Mr Robert Sweet
Dr Nicola Toynton, née Griffiths, St
Dr Wilfred Treasure, Guy’s
Mrs Moira Warner, née Connor
Mr Philip Weeks, Guy’s
Mr Peter Yerbury, Guy’s
Mr Peter Allen, RDH
Mr Nicholas Badman
Mr Dean Bailey
Mr Robert Bainbridge
Mrs Catherine Best, née Nelson
Dr David Black
Ms Nicola Blaxall AKC, née Adams
Mr John Callaghan AKC
Mrs Lynn Chitty, née Thurlow
Ms Shirley Clark, Chelsea College
Mr Gregory Cook AKC
Dr Gareth Davies
Dr Colin Dayan, Guy’s
Dr Katherine Fallon, née Lister,
St Thomas’
Ms Yvonne Gallagher
Mr Steven Godsiff
Professor Keith Hoggart FKC
Dr John Holden
Mr John Johnston
The Revd Christopher Keating AKC
Mr Stephen Keeble
Dr Alistair Lipp & Dr Anna Lipp, née
Ms Athena Lui
Ms Helen Lydon, née Kawai
Mrs Joanna Martin AKC, née Lamb
Mr Adrian Mawson, Chelsea College
Ms Gwynneth Miles
Mr Mark Osborne, RDH
Miss Ruth Pendlington
Mr Frank Reedy, QEC
Dr Mark Rogers, St Thomas’
Miss Sally-Ann Russell
Mr Ashiq Salam, QEC
Miss Patricia Sandys
Dr Judith Shilling, née Williams,
Chelsea College
Dr Julian Skoyles, St Thomas’
Mr Neil Slater, Guy’s
Ms Catherine Snell
Dr Margaret Spence, née Johnson,
Mr Michael Sullivan AKC
Dr Philip Taylor, Guy’s
Mrs Penny Taylor, née Spencer
Dr Pamela Todd, née Todd
Mrs Barbara Towers, née Taylor,
Chelsea College
Dr Lisa Ward, née Nelson, St Thomas’
Mr Christopher Adams
Mr David Cooke AKC
Dr Fiona Cornish, née Cameron,
St Thomas’
Dr Mark Couldrick
Mrs Hilary Elkins, née McNamara
Mr Mark Elliott AKC
Dr Michael Escudier, Guy’s
The Rt Revd Dr John Fenwick
Mr Ivor Gillbe
Dr Catherine Gleeson, Guy’s
Miss Susan Gollop
Dr Catherine Gray, Guy’s
Mr Simon Harvey
Dr Fiona Hayes, Guy’s
Mr Bertram Hearn
Professor Joe Herzberg, IoP
Dr Adrian Jones AKC
Dr Warren Kent AKC
Mr Ebrahim Khazaneh, Chelsea
Dr Gavin Kilpatrick
Dr Claire Lloyd, St Thomas’
Dr Michael Martin, Guy’s
Dr Barry Moyse
Mrs Janet Ross, née Larsson
Dr Judith Russell
Dr Brian Stevenson
Dr Christopher Thorpe
Mr Giles Walker
Mr David West
Miss Jill Wilkinson, née Johnson
Mrs Carolyn Williams, née PeverelCooper, Chelsea College
Mr Dieter Yih FKC
Mrs Joanne Adams AKC, née
Mr Lynton Banks, Guy’s
Miss Trudy Barker AKC
Mr Jonathan Ben-levi
Dr Charles Berrisford
Mr Ian Carter
Dr Tony Chankun
Miss Michele Collins, Guy’s
Mr Mark Cook AKC
Mr Ian Cooter, Guy’s
Mrs Cathryn Downing, née Higgins, QEC
Mr Stephen Eyers
Dr Amanda Freeman, St Thomas’
Mr Edward Gosling
Dr Wayne Halfpenny
Mr Nicholas Herbert-Young
Mrs Joanna Hulks, née Sears, QEC
Mr Steven Hunt
Mr Nicholas Kershaw
Mr Ian Marshall
Mr J McIvor
Dr Pamela Noon, Guy’s
Mr Robin Redgrave
Mr Howard Ridley
Mrs Julia Sharpe, née Mansell
Dr Gregory Singleton
Dr Catherine Smith, Guy’s
Mrs Fiona Sweeting AKC, née Yates
Ms Joanne Tallentire, née Smith
Dr Patricia Taylor, née O’Kane
Dr Steve Toynton, St Thomas’
Dr Diana Unwin
Dr Seema Verma, née Nagpaul, Guy’s
Mrs Karen Wall, née Moore
Mr Mark Woodhouse AKC
Mr Peter Worrall OBE AKC & Mrs Claire
Worrall AKC, née Levenberg
Miss Julie Yeung, Guy’s
In Recognition in good company » 9
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2009.
Thank you
Mr Stephen Baldwin
Mr Darren Bradbury
Dr Emmeline Brew-Graves, St
Mrs Judith Craven, née Griffiths
Mr Ashley Faull
Dr Crispin Fisher, St Thomas’
Mr Mark Francois
Dr Tony Gibbon, St Thomas’
Mrs Sarah Hunt, née Johnson, Guy’s
Mrs Indira Hutchins, née Sankar
Mr Silas Krendel
Miss Katharine Lewis, née Gower
Ms Jane Lodge
Mr Kingsley Mardell AKC
Mr Matthew McAllister & Mrs Allison
McAllister AKC, née McComb
Mr Scott Mitchell AKC
Mr Andrew Murray
Dr Philip Naylor
Mr Mark Nicholson AKC
Mr Edward Oakley
Mr Rob Pickering, Guy’s
Dr Piotr Pierzchniak
Mrs Clare Pimm, née Chavasse, Guy’s
Mrs Diane Reay, née Varley
Mrs Lynda Salter
Mr John Stebbing, Guy’s
Mr Paul Stokes
Mrs Gaynor Taylor, née Morgan
Ms Susan Thorne
Mr Martin White
Mr Julian Woodward
Miss Zahra Zaidi
Mr Andrew Bailey
Dr Duncan Brooke, Guy’s
Dr Chris Christodoulou
Mr Welland Chu
Mrs Swanthra Cooke, née Hensman
Mrs Jane Fisher-Hunt AKC, née Fisher
Mr Gary Forde
Dr Matthew Hackett, Guy’s
Ms Lucy Harrison
Dr Alyson Holder, née Fox
The Revd David Hubbard
Dr Richard Jarvis
Mr Simon Johnson
Mrs Karin Keeble, née Holtschabek
Mr Wilson Lam
Ms Elizabeth Mackie
Mrs Margaret Mumford
Mr Andrew Murphy
Ms Roberta Palau AKC
Mr Aaron Pascoe
Mr Steven Rhodes AKC
Ms Frances Ridley, née Sharp
Mr Anthony Rose, Guy’s
Mr Iain Rubli AKC
Mrs Mariko Sasagawa-Garmory, née
Ms Shari Simons
Dr Peter Stanley
Mr Chris Stokes AKC
Mr Robert Thompson
Miss Maria Troyano
10 » In Recognition in good company
Mrs Patricia Watt
Mr Thomas Yeo
Dr David Anderson, St Thomas’
Mr Keith Bamford
Miss Stella Bettoney
Mrs Susan Busuttil, née Briscoe,
Chelsea College
Mr David Carpenter
Mr Simon Edwards
Mrs Maren Gaukroger AKC, née
Ms Penelope Gould, AKC
Mr Ivan Hare
His Excellency Dr Peter Hayes
Mr Michael Long
Dr Penny Mancais, St Thomas’
Mr Steven Marshall
Miss Fiona McPherson AKC
Mr Philip Mead
Mrs Gillian Nevins
Ms Alison Smith, née Bridgeman
Dr Jonathan Sullivan
Mr Rod Sykes
Mr Chi-Man Tang
Mr John Westbury
Miss Marie Anthony-Atrib
The Revd Keith Beardmore
Mrs Anne-Marie Clarke, née Horton
Mr Sanjit Eliatamby
Miss Samantha Forrest
Ms Philippa Goodwin
Dr Philip Hall
Dr Alison Hayes
Miss Louise Heal
Dr Susan Honeywill, St Thomas’
Mr Michael Horan AKC
Mr Bertrand Huet
Mr Prasan Jayasinghe
Dr Annette Jones
Mr Jonathan Kohn AKC
Dr David Lawrence
Mr Laurence Lax
Mrs Susan Lee
Mr Ian Lowe
Mr Andrew Mack
Mrs Sara Meakin, née Bennett
Dr Alan Millar
Mrs Fay Naylor
Mrs Elizabeth Neaves
Mrs Jacqueline Osborne,
née Greenwood
Mr Phil Palmer
Dr Sanjiv Patel, Guy’s
Mr Randy Peiris
Ms Catherine Rowlands
Dr Jill Saddler
Mr Ranbir Sagoo
Dr Asra Saleem, née Mohi-Uddin
Miss Pauline Skinner
Mrs Helen Staneyland, née White
Miss Pauline Stevenson,
Chelsea College
Miss Alison Taylor
Ms Liz Thomas
His Honour Judge Anthony Thorpe
Mrs Bohdanka Todosyiv, née Novetsky
Mrs Jennifer Wells, née Beasant
Mr David Wright
Mr Nick Abbott
Dr Lisa Adams
Mr Peter Andrews
Miss Elizabeth Axe
Mr Udo Bauer
Mrs Caroline Brann, née Gratwick
Mrs Susan Cable, née Bywater
Miss Rosalind Collins
Miss Katherine Delargy
Mrs Ferhiz Dinshaw
The late Miss Mary Hamilton
The Revd Dr John Harding
Mr Barry Lall
Dr John Leach, IoP
Mr Stephen Lelliott
Mr Richard Lloyd-Roberts
Sir David Manning GCMG & Lady
Manning, née Catherine Parkinson
Mrs Yvette Rathbone
Mr Christian Rogers
Dr Jemimah Rowden, née Gyang
Miss Josephine Royle
Mrs Katharine Sims, née Pascoe
Miss Charlotte Spedding, UMDS
Dr Nigel Taylor AKC
Mr Ikram Ulhaq
Mr Steve Wardlaw
Ms Jacqueline Ware
Mrs Rachael Wright AKC, née
Mrs Shelagh Zachariades
Dr John Black
Mr Mark Brennan AKC
Mr David Bunker
Mrs Ronali Collings, née Jayasinghe
Dr Richard Cooper, St Thomas’
The Revd Amanda Cuthbertson AKC
Mr Neil Doling
Miss Elizabeth Gil Rivas
Dr Keith Gomez, St Thomas’
Mrs Silvia Ham-Ying
Dr Anthony Hare
Mr Edward Heeley AKC
Mr Andrew Hill
Mr Edgar Jorge
Mr Alan Karsberg
Mr Benedict King
Dr Kannan Nithi
Dr Gerard Panting
Dr Pauline Parker
Mr David Powell
Mr Craig Powis
Dr Digby Quested, IoP
Major Iain Radford MBE AKC
Mr Rajvinder Ram
Dr Glynn Robinson, UMDS
Ms Selina Sagayam
Ms Mai-Ling Savage
Mr Russell Thomas
Mrs Rosemary Warner AKC
Miss Karen Wilton
Mr Alexander Achilles
Mr Gavin Allen
Mr Charles Bellord
Mrs Rhiannon Bill AKC, née Jones
Dr Rhoda Bucknill
Mr Adrian De Souza
Mr David Evans
Dr Michael Freeman
Miss Stephanie Hepburn AKC
Mr Adriaan John Hermsen
Ms Catherine Jones
Mrs Lesley Lawson
Mr Paul Lewis
Mrs Di Matthews AKC, née Pavett
Mr Matthew Needham-Laing
Mr Richard Parker
Dr Anup Patel, UMDS
Mr Adrian Roberts
Mr Richard Staveley
Dr Sophia Steer, UMDS
Miss Susan Terrett
Dr Penelope Turton
Miss Sylvia Watson
Mr David Westcott
Miss Sacha Ackland
Mr Nathan Adams
Mr Philip Baggaley
Mr Christopher Ball AKC
Dr Christopher Baxter
Ms Deborah Bebbington
Dr Maria Callias, IoP
Mrs Susan Crawford-Staff, née
Miss Sharon French
Mr Sudip Gupta
The Revd Canon Douglas Holt
Mr Srikant Lakhotia
Dr Elizabeth Leach
Mr Vivek Marwaha
Mr John Montgomery
Mrs Zarah Moores, née Damji
Dr Elisabeth Peregrine, née Gibson,
Miss Ruth Stoddart AKC
The Revd Sally Theakston
Professor Mary Watkins
Mr Stephen Willmer
Mr Alan Wright
Mr David Ankcorn
Mrs Judith Barrett
Ms Sarah Blunn
Mr Paul Boland
Ms Clare Bowman, née Darley
Mrs Margaret Braddick AKC
Mr Charles Butterfield
Mr Douglas Cadman
Mrs Rosemary Clark
Mrs Shirley Foxell
Mr Alfonso Frontera
Mrs Melanie Green, née Sweeting
Mr Jeremy Ive
Dr William Kearns AKC
Mrs Ann King
Mr Nick Laing AKC
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2009.
Professor George Lewis
Mr Michael Luck AKC
Dr Keki Madon, UMDS
Mr Patrick Misson
Ms Olubisi Olufunwa
Professor Jonathan Osborne
Mrs Carole Pairpoint
Mr Marcelo Paolucci
Mr Jan Pattie
Miss Wendy Pixner
Miss Navita Prinja, Guy’s
Dr Andrew Rochford
Mr Derham Scott
Dr Geoffrey Shadwell, UMDS
Mrs Fariba Shojaee-Moradie, UMDS
Mr Andrew Steele
Dr George Tsolakides, Guy’s
Miss Vamini Vamadevan, UMDS
Mrs Emma Walters, née Ducat
Mr Giles White
Mr Simon Armson, UMDS
Dr Rakesh Bargota
Mr Harbhajan Bhorjee
Mr Richard Brownnutt
Dr Philippa Evans, UMDS
Mr Peter Farrow
Mrs Clarissa Feldman, née Coleman
Mr Timothy Field AKC
Mr Andrew Flood
Mr Tasos Frangoullides
Mrs Stephanie Higgins, née Pinion
Mr Ronald Howson
Captain James McClane
Mr Christopher Medland
Dr Norman Moodie
Miss Shazia Muneer
Dr Mina Noubar, née Ghafour-Zadeh
Noubar, UMDS
Mr Mariano Palao
Mrs Avani Patel
Miss Elizabeth Phelan
Dr Ashok Raman
Mr Graham Shaw
Mr Indy Singh
The Revd Professor Thomas B Slater
The Revd Clive Smith
Miss Vivienne Spence
Mrs Rebecca Steinebach, née Toms
Mr Brian Taylor
Mrs Ruth Webster
Mrs Margaret Allen
Mr Aleksandar Angelkoski
Miss Claire Ashman
Miss Nicola Ballard, Guy’s
Mr Paul Beaves
Mr John Benson
Dr Elizabeth Bishop
Mr Nigel Bosworth
Dr Alison Carr
Ms Janet Coldstream
The Revd Margaret Collins
Dr Aruna Dias, UMDS
Dr Irene Elia, UMDS
Dr Oliver Firth, UMDS
Ms Chris Harmer
Miss Salma Hasnain
Mr Alan Howe
Dr Simon Hughes, UMDS
Ms Valerie Jones
Mr Vincent Kamp
Mrs Ivone Lancoma-Malcolm, née
Dr Zudong Liu
Ms Estella Lovett
Mr John Lowings
Mr Peter Lucas
Mrs Jennifer Morris
Mrs Lauren Patterson, née Stewart
Mr Andrew Pinnock
Mrs Gillian Sanders
Dr Zameer Shah
Mrs Farzana Shah
Mr Darryl Smith
Ms Ann Talbert
Mr Ian Adkins
Mr Christopher Beaver
Mr David Blood
Mrs Josephine Bodley, née Higgins
Mrs Ann Bryant, née Seall
Miss Gordana Capin AKC
Mr Vito Capobianco AKC
Mr Richard Carr AKC
Mr Xavier Chitnis
Mrs Sandra Cleveland
Mr John Coulter
Mrs Louise Cowan
Dr Narinder Dhillon
Mr David Evison
Dr Robert Gaitskell AKC
Mr Francis Ijeh
Dr Rashmi Joshi
Mr Colin Jurd
Mr Cyril Karger
Mr Moses Kibuuka
Dr Chung Lee
Mr Thomas Lewis
Mr Eric Masters
Mr Paul Meakin AKC
Ms Anna Michaelides AKC
Dr Barry Miller, UMDS
Miss Anne Muscat
Mrs Juliet Nanan
Dr Theresa Quarcoo
Dr Rosalind Ranson
Mrs Christina Rees
Mr Arthur Russ
Mrs Helen Sampson
Dr Piyal Sen
Ms Anna Stamatopoulos
Mr Robert Stein-Rostaing
Ms Janet Stobart
Dr Elangovan Subbiah
Mrs Joanne Warren, née Edwards
Miss Amanda Whyms
Ms Rosemary Wills
Mr Paul Brazier
Mr Bob Challis
Mrs Deborah Chisnell
Dr John Fallon
Mr Robert Feaviour
Mrs Patricia Flowers
Mrs Elena Gebhardt, née Kontofrios
Mr Thomas Goode
Mr Philip Gosling
Mrs Ingrid Gross
Mr John Heard
Mr Adam Heppinstall
Dr Chris Kenyon Jones
Dr Stephanie King, UMDS
Mrs Janet Murray AKC
Ms Wansze Ng
Mr Timothy Raiswell
The Revd Prebendary Ian Robson
Mr Gregg Rowan
Mr Pareet Shah
Mr Alim Shaikh
Ms Wiebke Thormahlen
Dr Rajavarma Viswesvaraiah
Mrs Hale Wheeler, née Ahmet
Mr Bernard Wilson
Dr Carole Campbell
Mrs Marika Chkheidze-Brett, née
Mr Matthew Feeney
Dr Mary Flatley
Mr John Foley
Dr Joseph Footitt
Mr Graham Free
Mr David Gollancz
Mrs Catherine Jones, née Forster
Mr Han Koh
Mrs Maureen Mills, née Pearce
Mr Nadir Mothojakan
Mr Christopher Piper
Miss Nisu Rahman
Ms Ritu Srivastava
Mr Simon Toms
Mr Philip Tse
Mr Marc Walding
Miss Abby Wilson
Mr Pedram Akhavan-Malayeri
Mr Daniel Bayles AKC
Miss Lorraine Brunt
Mrs Sian Burr
Miss Katharine Dicks
Dr Farzad Entikabi
Mr Pupinder Ghatora
Mr Colin Gittings
The Revd Canon Dianna Gwilliams,
née Hartley
Dr Ross Hunter AKC
Mr Ian Huntington
Mr Christopher Kearney
Mr Antti Keskisaari
Miss Yee Lee
Miss Melanie Leivers
Miss Harn Szuan Leng
Miss Catherine Malia
Mr Terence Mcginnie
Dr Ernest Okon
Mr Aloysius Onuegbu
Mr Michael Pughsley
Miss Catherine Rider
Mrs Sadie Robinson, née Poulton,
Dr John Ross
Miss Nadia Samara
Miss Beverley Shaw
Mr Gamal Shoukry
Ms Janet Sidaway, née Cochrane
Mrs Ann Skingley, née Bergen
Dr Peter Tanner
Dr Anu Thomas
Miss Nimat Ahmed
Mrs Sharon Barnett, née Silver
Miss Saadia Butt
Dr Christopher Chia Tze Wei
Ms Geraldine Dooley
Miss Caroline Dunn AKC
Ms Katharine Haydon
Dr Jane Hume
Mr Karim Jaafary Haghighat
Miss Laura Jackson AKC
Miss Anita Jeyaraj
Mr Gursharan Kainth
Mr Alan Keat
Mr Mark Kendrick
Mr Shahzad Malik
Dr Francesco Mannocci
Miss Anna McManus
Miss Tania Mooring
Ms Marie Munroe
Mrs Yemi Odubanwo
Mr Daniel Page
Mr Dhiru Patel
Mrs June Pembroke Hajjaj, née
Mr Hugh Ponsford
Miss Caroline Pugh
Mr Arijit Ray
Mr Peter Reville
Dr Benjamin Rippin
Ms Francine Ryba
Ms Saskia Sessions
Mr Nigel Somera
Mr John Taylor
Mr George Tsirakakis
Mr John Wacher AKC
Mr David Watkin
Miss Emma Williamson
Mr Peter Avis
Mrs Lydia Awosode, née Oyekunle
Mr Ian Berle
Dr Yasin Bhayat
Dr Enrique Bonell Pascual
Mr Simon Cheal
Dr Nora Cumiskey, née Gashi
Mr Amar Dave
Mrs Patricia Davies, née Taplin
Mr Saul Doctor
Miss Amanda Henry
Major Tony Holland
Miss Carys Jones
Mr Paul Kelly AKC
Miss Rosemary Lane
Mr Carl Maysmith
Mrs Sarah Mckimm, née Cunningham
Ms Kristin Raiswell, née Brady
Mr Richard Wilson
In Recognition in good company » 11
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2009.
Thank you
Staff & former staff
Mrs Shirley Birch
Mr George Gerring
Dr Micaela-Sylvia Gosslau
Miss Antoinette Josiah
Miss Nibal Samara
Miss Rina Shrestha
Ms Clara Sogunro-Koko, née Sogunro
Mr Joseph Watson
Miss Leona Whyte
Mr Faisal Alfadhel
Mr Moshood Dabiri
Ms Corina Greven
Mrs Mayrose Kempadoo
Mr Vikesh Patel
Dr Jitna Por
Miss Maggie Tomlin
Mr Andrew Yale
Thank you to all members
of the College community,
including those who prefer
to remain anonymous, who
have given their support
to make a difference to
the working and learning
environment at King’s.
Mr James Baker
Mr Mark Bennett
Mr Basil Browne
Ms Karen Clarke
Miss Aimee Flower
Ms Ellie Heidari
Mrs Catherine Howson, née Meade
The Revd Canon David Hutt AKC
Miss Reena Irvinn
Miss Jennifer Kauntze
Miss Avina Shah
Mr Robin Taher
Miss Donia Yarahmadi
Miss Jenna Crombie
Mr Joshua Geltzer
Miss Caroline Greves
Mr Salman Khalique
Mr Daniel Lewis
Mr Nick Ma
Dr Garrett McGovern
Mrs Helen Ogunkeye
Mr David Richardson
Mr Donato Schiavo
Miss Lorna Springer
Dr Lucie Sutherland
Mr Neil Tarling
Miss Kate Towler AKC, née Ridoutt
Ms Bahar Ala-eddini
Mr Ranil Cooray
Mr Nicholas Coyle
Dr Paul Dakin
Mrs Gisèle Earle, née Wilson
Miss Juliette Evans
Miss Hazel Hussey
Dr Anthony Insall
Ms Susan Ivory
Dr Bose Johnson
Miss Rachel Jordan
Mr Donavan Lowtan
Mr Vincent Mayot
Miss Rosa Nissim
Miss Melissa Reekie AKC
Mrs Ingrid Simpson AKC
Mr Rakvinder Singh
Mr Anthony Smith
Miss Alison Stokes
Dr Sanjay Valand
12 » In Recognition in good company
Ms Bahar Ala-eddini
Ms Jude Alldred
Emeritus Professor Brian Anderton
Dr Vernon Armitage
Mrs Lydia Awosode, née Oyekunle
Mr Austin Banner
Ms Deborah Benson
Mr Warren Birnbaum
Dr Ronald Brandt
Dr David Brown
Ms Cally Brown
Professor Carol Brownson
Ms Megan Bruns
Ms Annette Bullen
Mr Robbie Buscombe
Mrs Amanda Calberry
Mr John Callard
Dr Maria Callias
Ms Michelle Carlin
Professor Sir Graeme Catto FKC
Mr Paul Cawley & Ms Jae Easter
Professor Stephen Challacombe
Professor Sir Cyril Chantler FKC
Ms Sarah Chukwudebe
The Revd Dr Richard Coggins FKC
Miss Evelyn Conrad
Mr Dale Cooper
Dr John Cordingley
Ms Jennifer Cormack
Ms Rachael Corver
Dr Arah Danielian
Dr Trudi Darby AKC
Miss Alice Diggory
Professor Stephen Dunne
Miss Andrea Edwards
Professor Peter Emery
Dr Michael Escudier
Dr Omer Fadl
Mr Matt Ferguson
Ms Sarah Frankland
Professor Sir Lawry Freedman KCMG
Dr Robert Gaitskell AKC
Ms Melanie Gardner
Ms Jennifer Garner
Professor John Garrett
Professor Stanley Gelbier
Ms Jenny Goepel
Mr Hedley Grabaskey
Miss Emma Grant
Dr Geoffrey Hall
Mrs Pauline Hardy
Professor Lord Richard Harries FKC
Mr Stephen Harrow AKC FKC &
Professor Jenny Harrow
Dr Barbara Hawgood, née Excell
The late Revd Canon Colin Hickling
Mr James Hoare
Professor Keith Hoggart FKC
Miss Sian Hoggett
Professor Richard Hughes
Professor Barry Ife CBE FKC
Mr John Jenrick & Mrs Helen Jenrick,
née Young
Professor David Johnson
Ms Rachael Jukes
Dr Chris Kenyon Jones
Ms Kuakoon Kessuwan
Professor Michael Knibb FKC AKC
Dr George Koukoutas
Ms Jamie Kurihara
Dr Alan Lacey
Professor John Langdon FKC
Mrs Jill Lee, née Tanner
Miss Katharine Lewis, née Gower
Dr Maurice Lipsedge
Professor Arthur Lucas CBE FKC &
Mrs Paula Lucas
Ms Joyce Mahaja
Dr Francesco Mannocci
Professor Peter Marshall CBE FKC
Dr John Mathias
Dr Gillian Matthews
Professor Mary McCabe
Miss Lucy Mellows
Professor Giorgina Mieli-Vergani
Miss Angela Minchin
Mrs Patricia Mitchell, née HoneyJones
Mr John Montgomery
Ms Erin Morgan
Mr John Muir FKC
Professor Linda Newson FKC
Miss Helen Nicholson
Mr Peter Niven
Ms Anne Norton
Mr Vivek Obheegadoo
Dr Ernest Okon
Professor Jonathan Osborne
Miss Kathrin Ostermann
Dr Richard Overill
Dr David Owen
Ms Claire Owen
Ms Gemma Peters
Ms Jackie Phillips
Mrs Heather Pitt Ford, née Dickinson
Miss Nicky Power
Professor Harold Preiskel
Professor Arnie Purushotham
Ms Louise Richards
Emeritus Professor Dr Norma
Rinsler FKC
Mrs Vivien Robertson
Professor Henry Roseveare
Professor Jack Rowe FKC
Mrs Melanie Rowntree
Dr Piyal Sen
Mr João Silva
Mrs Marian Simmonds
Dr Malcolm Sims FKC
Mrs Ann Skingley, née Bergen
Dr Brenda Slavin
Mrs Kungwa Small
Miss Jodie Southgate
Mr Andrew Steele
Dr Mary Style, née Whittaker
Mrs Kirsty Tait
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2009.
Mr Sachiho Tanaka
Miss Rachel Thomas
Ms Alison Thompson
Miss Charlotte Townsend
Professor Rick Trainor FKC
Miss Caroline Usher
Miss Hannah Wakeford
Mr Ronald Waldron
Emeritus Professor Roger Watson
Mrs Rosamand Watts, née Troughton
Miss Amy Webb & Mr Chris Smith
Dr Patrick White
Professor Phil Whitfield FKC
Professor Nairn Wilson CBE FKC
Miss Abby Wilson
Dr Donald Winstock
Ms Roz Woodham
Mr Peter Yerbury
The Annual Fund Student Caller Team
Friends of the College
We are pleased to recognise the
generosity and commitment
of our friends, including
those who wish to remain
anonymous, who have
kindly offered their support
throughout the year.
Miss Jemima Atkinson
Mrs Beryl Barrett & Mrs Debbie
Mrs J Belsham
Dr A S Carson
Mrs Diana Cawson
Miss Debra Clarke
Mrs Maryann Cochrane
Mrs Alice Coe
Professor Brian Collison
Ms H Cope
Dr D Cornish
Mr John Crawley
Mr Peter Darling
Dr Richard Davenport-Hines & Mrs
Jenny Davenport
Mr Richard de Metz
Mrs Matti Egon
Mr Nicholas Egon
Ms Hilary English
Mrs Joyce Fodder
Professor Michael Foot
Mr John Gale
Mr Paul Getty III
Mrs Wendy Giuliano
Mr Peter Greene
Sir Jeremy Greenstock FKC
Miss June Hailes
Mrs Elizabeth Hampton Smith
Mrs Elizabeth Hart
Mrs Clare Harvey
The late Mrs Francine Heastie
Professor Peter Higgins
Mrs Willemien Hines
Dr Robert Howes
Mrs Lyn M Humphreys
Mrs Heather Hunter
Professor George Huxley
Ms Maureen Jones
Mrs Joyce Kastner
Mrs Edith King
Mrs Angela M Lascelles
Mr Him Lee
Mrs Joyce Leuillette
Dr Maurice Lipsedge
Mr R Livsey CBE
Mrs J Logan-Edwards
Mr Christopher Lytle
Mrs Anna Maitland
Mr Tom Matier
Mr John McClane
Mrs Julie McLaughlin
Mrs J Melliss
Mrs Brenda Mellows
Mr Gordon Middleton FKC
Dr S Motto
Ms Terri Mullholland
Dr John Nicholson
Dr James Ohene-Djan
Mrs Alvina Oxley
The late Mrs Marilyn Payne
Ms Tanya Peixoto
Mr Christopher Phipps
Mr D Rosenberg
Mrs Lily Safra FKC
Dr Mark Slater
Ms Julia Smith
Mrs Ann Southon
Mr Norman Spink
Sir James & Lady Spooner
Miss Elaine Stocking
Mr Henry Sweetbaum
His Honour Judge John Toulmin
The late Miss Daphne Walpole
Ms Christine Waring
Mrs E Wells
Professor Blair Worden
The Vandervell Foundation
The Diana, Princess of Wales
Memorial Fund
Welton Foundation
The Worshipful Company of
International Bankers
The Worshipful Company of Bowyers
The Worshipful Company of
ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc
ACE Study Tours
The Atkin Foundation
Baily Thomas Trust
Big Lottery Fund
James Black Foundation
Bristol Myers Squibb
British Society for Restorative
Burdett Trust for Nursing
Clifford Chance LLP
John S Cohen Foundation
Davis Schottlander & Davis Ltd
Friends of Guy’s Hospital
Friends of King’s College London
Friends of King’s College London
T.F.C. Frost Charitable Trust
Gauchers Association
Douglas Glanfield Memorial Trust
Guy’s 69 Club
Hadwen Trust
Christine Hewson Memorial
B Hollowell & Son
The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation
King’s College London Hong Kong
The Long Meadow Trust
The Joe Maitland Fund
Andrew W Mellon Foundation
Moulton Charitable Trust
Foundation Open Society Institute
The Peltz Trust
The Prince’s Trust
Priory Group Limited
Rosetrees Trust
The Jeremy and John Sacher
Charitable Trust
St Giles Trust
The Samuel Sebba Charitable Trust
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Sir Halley Stewart Trust
Smith Richardson Foundation
Ruby Sykes Charitable Trust
Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust
In Recognition in good company » 13
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2009.
Thank you
The Family
The Family Programme
includes parents, guardians
and other family members of
students who have generously
offered their support to the
College. We thank all our
Family Programme donors
including those who prefer to
remain anonymous.
Dr Tahir & Mrs Beena Abbas
Mr Terry & Mrs Denise Abrahams
Mr Ade & Mrs Omotunde Adebayo
Mr Zakariya & Mrs Adebisi Akinpeju
Mrs Nasreen Ali
Ms Patricia Allan
Mr David & Mrs Irene Amarasekera
Mr Gregory & Mrs Angela Andrews
Mr Kenneth Aylward
Mr Simon & Mrs Caroline Bailey
Dr Bill & Mrs Nickie Bamber
Mr Tom & Mrs Susan Barry
Dr Margaret Bartlett
Mr Colin & Mrs Cynthia Baxter
Mr G & Mrs Catherine Blake
Ms Debbie Bondi-Jackson
Mr Michael & Mrs Margaret Bowyer
Mr Roy & Mrs Nicola Bradford
Mr Laurence & Mrs Susan Brown
Mrs Lyudmila Burke
Mr Martin Morrin & Mrs Catherine
Mr Brendan & Mrs Teresa Butler
Mr Khawar & Mrs Shama Butt
Mr Kevin & Mrs Chandrika Carroll
Mrs Joanne Cartwright
Mr Hamant & Mrs Nisha Chhaya
Mr Surjit & Mrs Kawaljit Chowdhary
Mr Shaz & Mrs Razia Chudry
Dr Peter & Mrs Gillian Cobau
Mr Keith & Mrs Sharon Coles
Mr Barry Coulson
Mr Peter & Mrs Diana Crawshaw
Mrs Margaret Crossen
Mr Geoffrey & Mrs Catherine Cunliffe
Mrs Rosemary Cuthbertson
Mr Stephen & Mrs Laura Dabby
Mr Kevin & Mrs Hilda Denaro
Mr Priyesh & Mrs Sonal Desai
Mr Peter & Mrs Alison Dudgeon
Mr Sylvanus & Mrs Jeanne Enilolobo
Mr Antonios & Mrs Julia Evangelon
Mr William Joseph & Mrs Sally Fahy
Mr Cosmo & Mrs Margaret
Mr Patrier & Mrs Gwen Finylas
Mr David & Mrs Pamela Frodsham
Mr Carlo Frontini & Mrs Dalva
Mr Nadir Gali & Mrs Feefi Elyas
Mr Richard & Mrs Sue Garland
Mr Biagio & Mrs Caterina Gaudio
Mr William & Mrs Melanie Gilfillan
Mrs Carrie Glanville
Mr Ananda & Mrs Thesa Godavitarne
14 » In Recognition in good company
Dr Anthony & Mrs Francine Grange
Mr David & Mrs Sally Green
Mr Stephen & Mrs Carol Gregory
Mr Tilak Gulati & Mrs Gulati Vijaymala
Mr Yubaram & Mrs Dhanmaya
Mr David & Mrs Patricia Hanesworth
Mr Harish & Mrs Ananta Haria
Miss Louise Harker
Mrs Kathryn Harper
Mr David & Mrs Shirley Harries
Mr Bryan & Mrs Laura Harvey
Mr Richard & Mrs Linda Hearn
Mr Peter & Mrs Doris Henry
Mr Mark & Mrs Caroline Heraghty
Mr Hugh Hingley & Mrs Sharon
Mr Philip & Mrs Jane Hollowday
Mr Tim & Mrs Miranda Holroyde
Mrs Heather Hood
Mr Robert & Mrs Shelley Howes
Mr John & Mrs Jill Irving
Dr Alasdair & Dr Susanna Jacks
Mrs Anjanie Jaggernauth-Abdool
Mr Mahesh & Mrs Angela Jain
Mr Brendan & Mrs Camilla Jarvis
Mr Sudhir & Mrs Bharti Jaycee
Mr Stuart & Mrs Judith Jones
Mr Ashok & Mrs Tersem Joshi
Dr Eva Kalmus
Mr Mohan & Mrs Sudha Kamat
Mr Andreas Karpathakis
Mr Conor & Dr Elisabeth Kehoe
Mr Nicholas & Mrs Susan Kelsall
Mrs Rita Keynejad
Dr Rafia Khanum Malik
Mr Ioannis & Mrs Evdokia Korinthios
Mr Prag ji & Mrs Sarla Kukadia
Mr Sat & Mrs Baheerathy Kulendran
Mr Ashok & Mrs Amita Kushal
Dr Stephen & Mrs Beverley Lawrence
Mr Iain & Mrs Kate Le Couteur Bisson
Mr Christopher & Mrs Elizabeth
Mr Phgong Thuan & Mrs Ewe Lee
Mr Mark & Mrs Hilarie Lemon
Mrs Mandy Letton
Mr Andrew & Ms Atsuko Liddiard
Mr Ian & Mrs Charlotte Lightbody
Mr Brian & Mrs Margaret Lodge
Mr Stefano Lupi & Mrs Roberta
Mr Rauf Maan
Mr Paul Rowe & Dr Priscilla
Mr Partick & Mrs Lorna Maguire
Mr Robert & Mrs Sharon Main
Mr Kiran & Mrs Karuna Malde
Mr Hugo & Mrs Miranda Marsh
Mr Michael & Mrs Sarah May
Mr Christopher & Mrs Winifred
Ms Coleen Meeks
Mr Don & Mrs Laurence Metz
Mr Paul & Mrs Lynn Milliken
Mr Sukhjinder & Mrs Surinder Minhas
Mr Jamnadass & Mrs Urmila Mistry
Mr Kevin & Mrs Karen Moore
Mr Brian & Mrs Sheila Moores
Mr Michael & Mrs Jacqueline Moran
Mr Christopher & Mrs Elaine Morley
Mr Anton & Mrs Catherine Morris
Mr Trevor & Dr Elizabeth Muir
Mr Jayant & Mrs Sudha Nadkarni
Mr Raghbir & Mrs Narinder Nandra
Mr Rod Navarrete
Mr Huw & Mrs Maggie Neal
Mr Marcus & Mrs Susan North
Mr Paul & Mrs Rena Nunes
Mr Clive & Mrs Maggie Nunn
Mr Lawrence & Mrs Elizabeth
Mr Ola & Mrs Bisi Olaribigbe
Mr Hugh & Mrs Susan Pallot
Dr Ruth Palmer
Mrs Pamela Panthanki
Mrs Mary Parker
Mr Lucas & Mrs Elizabeth Parry
Mr Nasim & Mrs Shamin Parvez
Mr Hashmokh & Mrs Sangita Patel
Mr Haresh & Mrs Ranjna Patel
Mr Rajendra & Mrs Krishna Patel
Mr Kiramkumar & Mrs Sudha Patel
Mr Brian & Mrs Julie Pateman
Mr Charlie & Mrs Anita Peacock
Mr Nicholas & Mrs Anita Philips
Mr Christopher & Mrs Lynda Pope
Mr Roger & Mrs Jackie Powell
Mr Abdul & Mrs Musrat Qayyum
Mr Rashmikant & Mrs Vatsala Rajani
Mrs Betty Reece-Jones
Mr Paul Reed
Mr Basil & Mrs Rajae Reid
Mrs Linda Roofeh
Mr Andrey & Mrs Amac Rosowsky
Mr Jeremy & Mrs Jill Russell
Mr Mark & Mrs Anne Russel-Smith
Mr Asmat & Mrs Tahera Sameja
Mr Chris & Mrs Susan Sammons
Dr Christopher & Mrs Claire Sawdon
Mr Navin & Mrs Rekha Shah
Mr Murli & Mrs Bhavna Sharma
Mr Jagdish & Mrs Gurkamal Sihre
Mr Peter & Mrs Lorraine Simpson
Mr Peter Gerhard & Mrs Alexandra
Mrs Lucinda Sims
Mr Johnathan & Mrs Lynn
Mrs Lynn Smith
Dr Shanti & Mrs Sherrine Soysa
Mr Neil & Mrs Janet Spencer
Mr Sathan & Mrs Sathyavathany Sri
Mr David & Mrs Deborah Stephenson
Mr Bo Su & Mrs Rong Qin
Mr Leung & Mrs Sui Sum
Dr Ranjith Sumathipala
Mr Harish & Mrs Manjula Tailor
Mr Alwin & Mrs Sarah Tamosius
Mr Michael & Mrs Andrea Tebbutt
Mr Kumaravely & Mrs Ratna Kumari
Mr Julian & Mrs Alison Thomas
Mr James & Mrs Lynn Thornhill
Mrs Yvonne Thorogood
Dr Naveed & Mrs Afifa Tippu
Mr Louis Tak Fong & Mrs Li Rong
Mr Alan & Mrs Corinne Tucker
Mr Mark & Mrs Susan Varley
Mr James & Mrs Jane Vaughan
Mr Alan Goldberg & Mrs Teresa
Villalobos Diaz Goldberg
Mr Gurdial Singh & Mrs Balbir Kaur
Mr Peter & Mrs Amber Vitai
Mr Michelangelo & Mrs Enza Vitello
Mr Dipak & Mrs Bharti Vithlani
Mr Morley & Mrs Sharon Von
Mr Darren & Mrs Deborah Walker
Professor John & Mrs Colette Wann
Mr Peter & Mrs Felicity Wilks
Mr Philip Wilcox & Ms Anna Gibberd
Mr Bryan & Mrs Vera Williams
Donors who have supported the College for the past five or more consecutive years are listed in bold.
This list warmly acknowledges the support of donors during the financial year 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2009.
Pledged legacies
The College is very grateful to
all those individuals who have
informed us that they have
decided to make an exceptional
commitment and have left a
gift to the College in their will.
We kindly acknowledge their
support and thank those who
prefer to remain anonymous.
Miss Jemima Atkinson, née Bartlett
Dr Richard Melville Ballerand
Mr Derek Barbanell
Miss Joan Bernard FKC
Ms Mary Bilton
The Revd Canon Geoffrey Bird AKC
Dr Clive Bishop FKC
Mr John Bradley, Guy’s
Mr Mark Brennan AKC
Miss Maggie Butcher
Mr John Callard
Mrs Diana Cawson & the late
Professor Roderick Cawson
Mrs Audrey Chadwick AKC, née
Mrs Catherine Charlish, née Bagley
Mr David Churchill, St Thomas’ & Mrs
Sonia Churchill, née Carr
Professor David Cooper, Guy’s
Dr John Cornes AKC
Dr John Crocker & Mrs Josephine
Crocker AKC FKC, née Frearson
Mrs Eileen Croucher, née Sutcliffe
Dr Trudi Darby AKC
The Revd Peter W Dill
Mr Geoffrey Donald
Miss Sheila Downs
Mr Nicholas Egon
Mrs Jane Evans, née Heron
Professor Sir Lawry Freedman KCMG
Mr Roger Gaitley
Mr Edward Gledhill, Chelsea College
Mr Geoffrey Gower-Kerslake AKC
Mrs Dallas Green, née Richardson
Mr Mark Hardy AKC & Mrs Mary
Mrs Francine Heastie & the late Mr
Douglas Heastie
Professor Keith Hoggart FKC
Mrs L R Houlston AKC, née Goldsmith
Dr Michael Howell
Mr Donald Howle
Dr Isabel Johnson
Professor Robert Knecht
Dr Alan Lacey
Mr Soli J Lam, Guy’s
Professor John Langdon FKC
Dr Derek Layton, Chelsea College
Mrs Jill Lee, née Tanner
The Revd Desmond Lockyer AKC
Miss Betty Loder
Miss Barbara Marsh
Mrs Mavis McNeelance, née Gray,
Dr Angus McPherson AKC
Professor Gwyn Meirion-Jones
Mr Herbert Mercer, Guy’s
Miss Wendy G Mitchell
Mrs Margaret Morgan AKC, née
The Very Revd Dean George NairnBriggs AKC
Mrs Jennifer Nelson AKC, née
Mr Hugh Owen AKC
Dr Pauline M Parker
The Revd Canon Dr Anthony Phillips
Mr David Potter AKC & Mrs Jean
Potter AKC
Mr Anthony Ramsey AKC
Ms Mary Raynes
Mr Michael Redfern
Miss Anne Rickwood
Mrs Vivien Robertson
Professor Henry Roseveare
Mr Bob Russell
Mr John Savage
Mr Alan Sealy
Professor Arnold Sladen
The Revd Professor Thomas B Slater
Professor Brian Sparkes AKC
Mr Norman Spink
Miss Isobel Stevenson
Mr Alister Stewart
Mr Sachiho Tanaka
Miss Alison Taylor
Mr Michael J Taylor
Miss Charlotte Townsend
Miss Caroline Usher
Mrs Moira Warner
Dr Pauline Webb AKC FKC
Mrs Ruth Webster
His Honour Sir Frank White FKC &
Lady White MBE
Dr Vincent Whitmarsh
Dr Ian R Williams AKC
Dr Cyril G Williams, Guy’s
Miss Eileen Willmott AKC
Mr Anthony Wills
Legacy and in
memoriam gifts
The College would like to
pay a special tribute to our
alumni and friends who sadly
passed away recently and most
generously left a bequest, or
for whom in memoriam gifts
were made.
The late Revd Norman E C Attrill AKC
& Mrs Elizabeth Attrill
The late Professor William Balchin
The late Mr Peter D Belsham
EE Blackwell Trust
The late Dr Elin M Carson
The late Catherine L Clayton
The late Mr Cosmo Davenport-Hines
The late Dr Bernard Dawson FKC
The late Mrs Corinne Graham, née
The late Revd Dudley Heryet AKC
The late Mr Raphael Honnor
The late Mrs Joan Lewin MBE
The late Dr Edgar Lightfoot
The late Dr Robert Logan-Edwards
The late Dr John Lytle
The late Revd Clive Malpass
The late Mr John McLean OBE FKC
The late Revd Laurence Melliss AKC
The late Revd Donald Membery AKC
The late Miss Mary Millington
The late Dr Joshua Newton
The late Mrs Marilyn Payne
The late Mrs Eunice F Phillips
The late Professor Thomas Pitt Ford,
The late Miss Mabel Stacey
The late Mrs Joan Thompson
The late Mrs Diana Trebble, Guy’s
The late Miss Daphne Walpole
Event supporters and
We thank those companies
and individuals who have
sponsored and supported
College events by offering
financial support, donating
services or providing gifts.
3M Health Care Ltd
8th Day UK
Ascot Racecourse Ltd
Astra Tech Ltd
The Beauty Room
Billericay Dental Supply Co Ltd
Dr Vincent Cable MP
Claudius Ash
Coltene Whaledent Ltd
The Dental Defence Union
Elsevier Ltd
Endsleigh Insurance Services Ltd
Fuller, Smith & Turner Plc
Henry Schein (UK)
King’s College London Association
King’s College London Students’ Union
Las Iguanas
Linney Group Ltd
London Marriott Hotel
MBNA International Bank Limited
Mick Channon Racing
Moët Henessey UK
The National Stud
Natural Collection
Nobel Biocare UK Ltd
O2 plc
Oral B
Phlox Flowers
Quality Endodontic Distributors Ltd
Septodont Ltd
Southbank Centre
Swissôtel, The Howard, London
Virgin Experience Days
Vivat Bacchus, London Bridge
The Waldorf Hilton, London
Wesleyan Assurance Society
Jonny Wilkinson OBE
We have done our utmost to
ensure the information listed
here is accurate. If there is
anything you would like us to
update please email giving@
In Recognition in good company » 15
Thank you
16 » In Recognition in good company
Annual Fund grants
The Development Committee disbursed over £325,000 from the King’s Annual Fund
and the GKT Annual Fund supporting studentships and projects across the College
thanks to donations made by alumni, staff and friends. Here are some of the exciting
projects funded.
School of Arts & Humanities
Students’ Union
Modern Language Centre online learning resources
available to all King’s students for self study
A series of events highlighting King’s as a centre of
excellence for Postcolonial studies £1,550
‘Derek Jarman’s London’ – events in collaboration with Tate
Modern to celebrate this alumnus £1,945
KCL Symphony Orchestra performance of Verdi’s Requiem
at the Cadogan Hall £7,000
Careers events, learning activities and vacation work for
members of the Anatomical Society £4,000
Establishment of a chemical compound fragments library to
assist drug discovery
Providing social space for students and staff in the Division
of Cell & Molecular Biophysics
Launching a support network for students who live at home
Activities and events to help international graduate students
Creating a comprehensive international students website
for information and interaction
Facilitation of greater cross-cultural and cross-campus
working among clubs and societies £7,000
Two sets of new rowing oars for KCL Boat Club £4,500
Purchasing hand-held pads that allow the safe practice of
martial arts technique Capoeira
European Week 2010 – bringing students together with
experts on Europe and the EU
KCL Medical Trauma Conference 2010 – lectures and
KCL Charity Diwali Show 2009 – a celebration showcasing
the best in student talent
Dental Institute
School of Law
Audio-visual equipment for use in lectures to enhance
students’ learning experience
Upgrading the Department of Restorative Dentistry’s
current x-ray facilities £9,000
Audio-visual equipment to assist with graduates’ fieldwork
and record conferences £2,195
Graduate School
Interactive wipe board technology linking clinical skills,
simulation and e-learning medicine
School of Biomedical & Health Sciences
Supporting conference attendance for graduate research
Information Services & Systems
Improving the storage and care of the College’s archival and
rare book collections
Online access to the back-files of American Medical
Association journals collection
Institute of Psychiatry
New software to obtain physiological data ensuring
productive research for students £1,215
School of Medicine
School of Nursing & Midwifery
Video-recording public lectures and streaming them from
the School website
School of Physical Sciences & Engineering
Displaying archive material and equipment from the
Department of Physics’ illustrious history £7,384
School of Social Science & Public Policy
Spectroscopy equipment for Geography students to
analyse the Earth’s environment £14,875
Other projects
Guy’s Chapel Choir – singing lessons for members and
choir tour to Belgium £1,700
In Recognition » 11
The Annual Fund awards grants to
a variety of projects, from drama
productions and student sports clubs to
purchasing new books and lab equipment,
as well as funding scholarships for the
most talented students. Here we look at
some of the fantastic projects that have
already been made possible thanks to the
support of alumni, staff, former staff and
friends, andothers we are looking forward
to in the year ahead.
Student Days: images and documents from Chelsea
and Queen Elizabeth Colleges 1895 to 1985
The Annual Fund enabled preservation of documents
and images from Chelsea College and Queen
Elizabeth College. The documents, dating from as
early as 1895, highlight the two college’s contribution
to King’s shared history. An online exhibition and
catalogue of the collections were launched at Alumni
Weekend in June 2009. Alumnus Michael Harvey
(Chelsea College, Pharmacy, 1959) said: ‘The
Student Days exhibition was absolutely brilliant –
the archives team have done a wonderful job.’
Alumnae of Queen
Elizabeth College at the
Student Days exhibition
at Alumni Weekend.
Creative China: Visual Culture, Architecture
and Design
King’s Centre for Cultural, Media & Creative
Industries Research held a two-day public conference
at the Victoria & Albert Museum in June 2008 as part
of the V&A’s major exhibition China Design Now. The
conference, Creative China, explored contemporary
Chinese visual culture and design in relation to rapid
economic growth and social change. Students heard
talks by scholars and arts professionals from across
China and Europe, and also benefited from work
experience and volunteering opportunities. King’s
has since established a China Institute to develop
China-related research and activities.
12 » In Recognition
Online Psychiatry: Diagnostic Case Studies
It is difficult for MSc Mental Health Studies students
to practice assessing patients in the classroom, so
the Institute of Psychiatry has developed realistic,
interactive online case-studies which allow students
to practise their diagnostic skills in a secure, virtual
environment. Feedback from students has been
very positive: ‘This type of tool will improve your
confidence when dealing with the real thing’ said
one; the case studies ‘gave a good idea of what to do’
when making mental health assessments.
American Medical Association journal archives
The American Medical Association journal archives feature
landmark articles that played a pivotal role in shaping the last
century of medical research, clinical practice and public health.
Thanks to the Annual Fund, King’s students and staff will now
have online access to the archives all day, every day, from any
internet connection. The archives encompass content dating
back to as early as 1883 and will provide an invaluable resource
to students and staff alike.
Derek Jarman’s London
King’s alumnus Derek Jarman
(General Studies, 1963) has been an
inspiration to film-makers, artists
and writers around the world.
With help from the Annual Fund,
the Department of English will be
organising a series of screenings,
talks and workshops in collaboration
with Tate Modern to mark the 15th
anniversary of his death. Jarman,
one of the College’s most renowned
alumni, was active in a number of areas
including painting, set design, film
making, life writing and activism.
Physics Heritage Project,
Department of Physics
We can all learn from the great scientists from King’s past so the
Department of Physics will be using its Annual Fund grant to buy
display equipment to exhibit artefacts, manuscripts and photographs
relating to the Department’s illustrious history. The Department has
produced four Nobel Laureates as well as many other great names
in the history of science. Items to be displayed include: notebooks
belonging to James Clerk Maxwell, Professor of Natural Philosophy
at King’s from 1860 to 1865, whose work on unifying the theories of
electricity and magnetism was crucial to Einstein’s production of the
theory of relativity 40 years later; materials and artefacts from the
work at King’s of Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins relating
to the discovery of the structure of DNA; and equipment such as
cameras and spectroscopes.
KCL Capoeira Society
Capoeira, which combines acrobatics, dance,
percussion and songs, reinforces positive attitudes
to a healthy lifestyle and wellbeing. The Students’
Union Capoeira Society will be able to purchase
hand-held pads to allow the safe practice of this
Afro-Brazilian martial arts technique, enabling the
Society to increase its activities and membership.
In Recognition » 13
to the
Annual Fund
are enabling...
singers and
to take part in King’s
College London
Symphony Orchestra’s
performance of Verdi’s
Requiem at the
Cadogan Hall in
March 2010.
from the sale of
the 650 tickets will
benefit the College’s
Integrated Cancer
Centre, which treats
over 5,800 new cases
of cancer per
14 » In Recognition
Dental Circle
members, each
helped to
purchase essential
equipment for a brand
new Salivary and Thyroid
Gland Imaging Suite in
the Department of Dental
Radiological Imaging
which currently images
23,000 patients
each year.
giving £10 a
month to the Annual
Fund are enabling the
Modern Language
Centre to create
online resources
for self study.
Language Centre
currently offers
teaching in
23 languages as well
as specially designed
courses such as
Spanish for
How every
gift leads
to exciting
new webbased tools will be
remotely accessible 365
days a year and will allow
the more than 21,100
undergraduates and
graduates at King’s to
develop their linguistic
skills and enhance their
career prospects.
donors gave a
total of £6,744
to the Buy-aBook Fund.
and staff
borrowed King’s
library books
2,137,787 times
during the last
library plans
to purchase 135 key
texts from Buy-a-book
donations and expects
they will be borrowed
more than 16,000 times
in the next three
creation of
the new dental
radiography cubicle
will increase facilities
for dental imaging
by 25 per cent.
year the Boat
Club squads have
been winners or
finalists in 8 national
and 17 varsity races and
the new oars will ensure
they can build on this
donors each
making a gift
of £200 to the
Annual Fund...
helped to
purchase 2 sets of
new rowing oars for
King’s College London
Boat Club which
includes Guy’s, King’s
and St Thomas’
In Recognition » 15
Dental student Aarti Hindocha
received an award to support
her elective placement from
the Dental Institute’s endowed
elective fund, to which many
alumni have contributed. The
fund was established in 2005
thanks to fundraising efforts
by Professor Jack Rowe
FKC (former Dean of Guy’s
Dental School 1985-91) on his
retirement as the founding
President of the GKT Dental
Alumni Association.
‘I travelled to Peru to visit both developed and less
developed areas to investigate how attitudes and
access to dental care vary. The area of Tampobata, in
the Amazon rainforest, was of special interest to me as
it has only recently been exposed to the more modern
influences of nearby cities such as Lima.
One of my aims was to observe how local remedies,
such as chewing cocoa leaves to relieve dental pain,
are used alongside modern dentistry practices.
The elective award made a real difference, helping to
fund specialist equipment and medical provisions for
travelling in the Amazon. My elective offered me
a fresh perspective on dentistry and the experience
was immensely rewarding.’
16 » In Recognition
King’s students are fortunate enough to
be able to broaden their horizons and
put their learning into context through
travel placements across the globe.
Many alumni and friends of the College
generously support travel opportunities.
Here, some of the students who have
benefited tell us about their travels.
Having completed an MA in
Portuguese Studies at King’s
in 2006, Duncan Simpson
has been able to pursue his
passionate interest in the
history of Portugal thanks to
a three-year PhD studentship
funded by the Calouste
Gulbenkian Foundation.
‘The experience has been
life-defining. The nature of
my research (namely the
relations between the Roman
Catholic Church and the Salazarist New State between
1928 and 1968) means I have had to employ a variety of
archival sources across Europe. The scholarship made
this possible, covering travel expenses as well as tuition
fees and living costs.
I have made two research trips to the Vatican City to
make use of important ecclesiastical archives and have
pursued extensive investigations in Lisbon, home to
the most important archival funds in my subject area.
These trips were crucial to my thesis and allowed me to
engage directly with leading authorities in the field.
The support provided by the Calouste Gulbenkian
Foundation has not only enabled me to carry out my
doctoral research, it has contributed greatly to making
it an invaluable experience.’
American alumni and
other donors to the
Friends of KCL USA
makes available an
annual scholarship for
an American student
to study for a master’s
at King’s. The 2008-9
recipient of this award
was Bridget Keown.
‘I was delighted to
receive the scholarship
which enabled me to
travel to the UK to study for an MA in History at King’s.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my studies. My dissertation
focuses on the historiography of shell-shock and the
treatment of Irish soldiers, both by contemporary
physicians and by later historians of empire. As a part
of my research, I was able to make a trip to Dublin
to study at the National Library of Ireland, which
was an absolute joy. Living in London also enabled
me to take on part-time work at the Imperial War
Museum Department of Documents. It was a fantastic
experience to work with such a fascinating set of
archives. Between my work there and my ‘home away
from home’ at the British Library, I have been enjoying
all the different experiences and culture London has to
offer and making memories to last a lifetime. None of
this would have been possible without the scholarship,
for which I am immensely grateful.’
Catherine Greenwood, a Law
student, was the recipient
of a travel scholarship made
possible by the generosity
of alumna Julia Charlton
(King’s, Law, 1981).
‘In 2008 I was fortunate
enough to be awarded the
Charlton Travel Scholarship
to travel to China and Hong
Kong. I spent a month of my
summer vacation exploring
China – from the modernity
and immensity of Beijing and
Hong Kong to the peaceful
tranquillity that defines the countryside surrounding
the Li River. The trip provided me with a greater
understanding of Chinese culture and I was able to
experience China as it really is, a country of incredible
contrasts of old and new.
My journey was simultaneously exhilarating, exhausting,
and without doubt extreme, but it was definitely a once
in a lifetime experience that will stay with me forever.’
Zarina Beg won the Richard
De Metz Educational &
Travelling Foundation Medical
Elective Award in 2008.
‘Following four weeks
completing an elective in
Paediatric Endocrinology
and Diabetes in New York I
spent a further four weeks in
Zanzibar, Tanzania, dividing
my time between Obstetrics
& Gynaecology and General
On the maternity ward I participated in deliveries and
observed caesarean sections. I was sad to learn they
did not have the resources for antenatal clinics or
ultrasound imaging techniques. In General Medicine I
was able to see some rare advanced clinical signs that
I normally only associate with textbooks. In particular
the HIV, Ophthalmology and Paediatric clinics were
invaluable in improving my clinical skills and academic
knowledge and I received specialist teaching on
malaria, TB and measles.
I returned from my elective a more confident, capable
and committed student doctor and I am truly grateful to
have received the elective award.’
In Recognition » 17
A new lease of
18 » In Recognition
Thanks to clinical trials taking place in King’s Integrated Cancer
Centre, patients are getting faster access to the new treatments
being developed by researchers. Two patients who have
benefited from these innovative therapies share their stories.
elinda was enjoying a busy life
as an administrator for a large
transport company and planning
her wedding for the following summer
when she first noticed something was
wrong. Her lung cancer diagnosis left
her reeling. ‘The shock lasts a long
time,’ she says, ‘but things moved really
quickly from there.’ Belinda started
chemotherapy immediately: ‘The
side effects are hard to deal with. Your
body’s being bombarded. It’s a good
bombardment, but you do think ‘Am I
going to be able to sustain this?’’
After several cycles of chemotherapy
her tumours had reduced in one lung
but not the other. This was when
Belinda was offered a place on a trial
at Guy’s Hospital for a new drug
combination. Clinical trials such as this
are how the latest treatments are tested
before they are used in all hospitals.
The Cancer Early Phase Trials Unit
at Guy’s, part of King’s Integrated
Cancer Centre, brings together leading
cancer specialist, Dr James Spicer,
with a team of nurses, doctors and top
research scientists to give patients the
best treatments available now and to
continue developing better treatments
for the future.
The existence of the Early Phase
Trials Unit at Guy’s means therapies
developed by researchers can be trialled
on patients at the hospital without delay.
‘Four or five years ago patients like
Belinda wouldn’t have had access to new
treatments being developed. The links
between the hospitals and the College
allow patients quicker access to therapies
being developed in the lab,’ says Dr
Spicer. The vision for the future that staff
in the Unit aspire to is to be able to offer
all patients who are suitable for clinical
trials the opportunity to take part.
Belinda says she felt positive going
into the trial because it offered her
another option following the only
partially successful chemotherapy.
Waiting for the results of her scans was
an anxious time for her and her new
husband whom she had married during
a break in her chemotherapy. They were
overjoyed when they heard that, thanks
to the clinical trial, her cancer had all but
disappeared from both lungs. Belinda
was able to start making plans for the
future and has since started a new life
with her husband in Australia.
Belinda’s story is just one of many,
as cancer affects people of all ages and
backgrounds. Mark* was only in his
mid-twenties when he was told he had
skin cancer: ‘Yes, people get cancer, but
you don’t really think you get it at such
a young age. And when you ask how
severe it is and you’re told it’s pretty bad,
it’s very scary.’
Mark, like Belinda, first underwent
conventional chemotherapy – a six
week intensive course, three times a
week, eight hours a day. ‘It was very
hard going,’ says Mark. ‘It made me
feel sick constantly. I lost my appetite
and was very drained. Just being in that
environment as well, seeing everyone
else going through the same thing, and
being the youngest one in the room – it
wasn’t a nice place to be.’
‘Four or five years
ago patients like
Belinda wouldn’t
have had access
to new treatments
being developed.’
*Name has been changed for
Cancer research at King’s
The Integrated Cancer Centre (ICC) overcomes traditional clinical and academic boundaries through collaboration between Guy’s, St Thomas’ and King’s College Hospitals, King’s College London, and the South East London
Cancer Network.
There are currently over 170 cancer clinical trials ongoing across the ICC, involving nearly 1,000 patients.
Over 12 per cent of newly diagnosed cancer patients per
year are recruited onto clinical trials.
The ICC is an integral pillar of the recently accredited Academic Health Sciences Centre, ‘King’s Health Partners’, through which King’s works with its NHS partners to combine research, teaching and clinical services for the
benefit of patients.
In Recognition » 19
Belinda has started a new life in Australia following successful treatment at King’s.
Dr James Spicer.
Unfortunately the chemotherapy
was unsuccessful and Mark was offered
a place on a new drug trial. ‘I didn’t give
it a second thought,’ explains Mark.
‘Even though it had never been used in
the UK, I was willing to give it a go.
The chemo hadn’t worked and my
family and I were getting worried.’ The
trial was time-consuming – Mark had to
come in three times a week – ‘but it was
a much more relaxed atmosphere than
the chemo, much more comfortable, and
the nurses who were looking after me
made sure I had everything I needed.
The actual drug itself didn’t really upset
me – I had a few side effects but I’d been
told about them beforehand so I knew
what to expect.’
The new drug Mark was offered is
a combination of an antibody linked
20 » In Recognition
to a cytokine (a molecule that tells the
immune cells to attack the cancer).
It is a novel compound, using two
ways to attack the cancer instead of
one, and will potentially be used for
other types of cancer with an immune
basis. Mark has responded very well to
treatment – patients with his type
of cancer usually have a life-expectancy
of 6-12 months, but Mark has already
exceeded that. ‘Since the trial, there’s
been a dramatic change in the cancer
– it’s not as aggressive as it was,’ says
Mark. ‘I’ve had two or three CT scans
since then and each time I come back,
the news is better than before. It’s
great to know that there are people
out there who are willing to use all
their time and effort looking for these
new cures.’
‘It’s great to know
that there are
people out there
who are willing to
use all their time
and effort looking
for these new
Progress for palliative care institute
Professor Irene Higginson
talks about the work of
Dame Cicely Saunders.
Architect’s impression of the
Cicely Saunders Institute of
Palliative Care.
Jenny Goepel
Stewardship Officer
Tel +44 (0)20 7848 3993
Corporate Design Unit
King’s College London
[email protected]
© King’s College London
Printed November 2009
Suki Dhanda, Greg Funnell,
KCLSU, Jo Mieszkowski,
Simon Tottman, Dominic
In Recognition, HEIST Gold
award winner – Alumni
Publication of the Year 2009
In May this year, supporters of the
Cicely Saunders Institute of Palliative
Care came together at King’s Denmark
Hill Campus to attend the Institute’s
‘topping out’ ceremony. The event,
which celebrated the construction
of the building, also offered the
opportunity to thank those whose
significant support has made the
project possible.
Dame Cicely Saunders, who studied
at St Thomas’, was founder of the
modern hospice movement and a
pioneer of palliative care. Palliative
care aims to achieve the best quality
of life for patients with progressive
illnesses. This includes relief of pain
and other distressing symptoms,
psychological and spiritual aspects of
patient care and support for families.
The Cicely Saunders Institute, built
in partnership with Cicely Saunders
International, will aim to fulfil Dame
Cicely’s vision for compassionate,
effective and dignified care at the
end of life. Due to open in 2010,
the Institute will integrate research,
teaching and care and will be the first
purpose-built institute in the world
specifically focusing on palliative
care services.
Supporters of the Cicely Saunders
Institute were given a tour of the
building site by the architects, viewing
the progress of rooms such as the
Support and Information Centre,
made possible by Macmillan Cancer
Support, the Dinwoodie Postgraduate
suite, and the new roof garden.
Dr Gareth Tuckwell, Trustee of
Macmillan Cancer Support, said:
‘It was wonderful to see this unique
Centre taking shape, emphasizing the
importance of research into all aspects
of palliative care, the value of provision
of face to face specialist information
in our faceless electronic age, and
the name of Cicely Saunders for ever
associated with pioneering better ways
to live until we die.’
The topping out event was an
opportunity to thank the many donors,
staff and healthcare leaders who have
contributed to this exciting project
including Mr John McGrath, Chairman
of Trustees of Cicely Saunders
International, his fellow trustees,
and Professor Irene Higginson,
Head of King’s Department of
Palliative Care and Rehabilitation
and Scientific Director of Cicely
Saunders International.
Potential for great progress in
palliative care is also heralded by the
joining together of the College and its
partner NHS Foundation Trusts into
the Academic Health Sciences Centre,
King’s Health Partners. This new
collaboration will support the Cicely
Saunders Institute, allowing research
into end of life care to be translated
into treatment for patients at the
earliest opportunity. This translational
research will not only rapidly advance
care of patients here in London, but
will improve palliative care globally.