regis2012 · 2013 headmistressreport
regis2012 · 2013 headmistressreport
U.S. POSTAGE PAID HOUSTON, TX PERMIT NO. 11449 T H E R E G IS SCH O O L NON-PROFIT ORG 7330 Westview Drive Houston, Texas 77055 713.682.8383 201 2 • 201 3 H E AD M I S TR E S S R E P O RT I L I KE RE G I S B E CA US E. . . REGIS 2012 · 2013 H E A D M I S T R E S S R E P O R T SACRED HEART GOALS I Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to a personal and active faith in God. II Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to a deep respect for intellectual values. III Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to a social awareness which impels to action. IV Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to the building of community as a Christian value. V Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom. CONTRIBUTORS EDITORS Priyanka Agarwal Andrew Alford Elizabeth Higgins Debbie Kemple Jeff Manley Nancy Taylor Elizabeth Vargo Priyanka Agarwal and Nancy Taylor DESIGN Good Project PHOTOGRAPHS COURTESY OF Jeff Grass, Julie Soefer, Regis parents, faculty and staff The Regis School of the Sacred Heart is an equal opportunity school and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, national or ethnic origin in administrative policies, admission policies, and scholarship programs. The 2012-2013 The Regis School Headmistress Report is a record of financial giving to The Regis School of the Sacred Heart during the fiscal year July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. In compiling this report, we have made a sincere effort to ensure that our listings are complete and accurate. Please accept our deepest apologies for any errors or omissions and notify the Advancement Department at 713.682.8383. THE REGIS SCHOOL OF THE SACRED HEART 7330 Westview Drive Houston, Texas 77055 | 713.682.8383 A member of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools in the United States Accredited by the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department (TCCED) Accredited by the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest (ISAS) I L I K E R EG I S BECAUSE ... We asked our students what they liked the most about Regis. The word choices might be different, but the sentiments reverberated multitudinous times. THE REGI S S CH OOL HEADMI STRESS REP ORT The Regis School of the Sacred Heart offers its students an environment imbued with energy and vitality, pride in learning, respect and care for each other, and deep faith in God. The 2012-2013 Headmistress Report reflects the school’s culture as seen from the eyes of our students and alumni. 1 L E T T E R F R O M D R. TAYLO R Dear Regis Family and Friends, Quietly, with most constituent groups unaware, the administration, faculty and staff of Regis have spent a year of self-evaluation as they have prepared for three widely different accreditation processes simultaneously. I assure you that every “nook and cranny” of this School has been examined critically and honestly by ISAS, the Sacred Heart Commission on Goals, and the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department. There is much exuberant relief and humble joy in knowing that as the examinations unfold, there is much to celebrate in the commendations of the evaluators. We are solid; we are whole. What pleases us most is how the boys, your sons, present themselves and tell our story through their actions. To the many volunteers who have shared these Regis years, I am profoundly grateful. Especially, I honor the relationship with the Board of Directors and, most importantly, the self-sacrificing leadership of Jeff Manley, the Chairman of the Board, during the critical years of securing funding for the Student Life Center. Regis School of the Sacred Heart. Each year, the chemistry and challenges are different and probably just the way they are meant to be. During this centenary year of honoring Mother Janet Erskine Stuart, RSCJ, her words continue to direct and uplift us: “Let us hold back nothing, let us give God a full gift—with both hands, with all our hearts, feeling in our will and conscience that we are giving all we have to give…” The Regis School family always surpasses any imaginings in their passion for generosity and courage. I am so privileged to have had the opportunity to know, love, and serve with you during my tenure as Headmistress and extend my very best wishes and prayers for your future. Sincerely, What speaks most strongly and clearly to me is the devotion of ever so many people who devotedly serve The Regis School in its mission to educate young men to leadership, service, and goodness. The individual and collective talents of so many volunteers enrich and enliven The Nancy Taylor Headmistress THE REGI S S CH OOL HEADMI STRESS REP ORT In every school, there are defining moments that resonate for a very long time. Going back in time to 2010 when we first achieved an independent school accreditation, we recognize anew that this initial step paved the way for subsequent discussions and challenges that have led to property acquisition and the construction of a significant new building. Noteworthy internal changes occurred as well that impacted the daily lives of students with additions to their instructional learning such as an emerging fine arts program that allows for self-expression in music, visual arts, and drama. Academically and athletically, our students stretch themselves. In acknowledging our recent interim evaluation, the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest (ISAS) commended us as a young school...Today’s Regis could perhaps be described as “midstream” as it continues to mature and evolve, ever seeking the priority of excellence in all that it does and as stewards of the Sacred Heart Goals and Criteria. 3 LE T T E R F R O M J EFF M ANLE Y Dear Regis Families, THE REGI S SCHOOL HEADMISTRESS REP ORT 2014 is off to a fabulous start. There is so much going on in our Regis Community. What a time to be a part of the future of our School. When you first went through the process of making the decision to send your sons to Regis, you went through the value proposition in your head—what was important to you, what do you value, what do you want for your son, how do you want your son to experience this stage of his learning and maturing. What a special perspective to see some of those thoughts in our annual report, from your son’s perspective. Revel in that and enjoy how much your son appreciates the environment he is learning and growing in. 4 As you know, this is a year we begin a leadership transition for our school community. Our beloved Dr. Taylor will be retiring at the end of this school year; and our newly chosen Head of School, Mr. Dennis Phillips will move his family from San Francisco to Houston and begin his tenure as our leader. I too will pass on the mantle of Board leadership to Mr. Greg Phillips. Being a part of this Regis Community has been my greatest joy and something I will cherish forever. Our family will continue to support and follow Regis for decades to come. This is the place where my son learned to become a scholar and a gentleman. He has the foundation to be successful in high school, college and beyond—specifically, because he spent the most important and formative years of his life being embraced by the positive difference of a Sacred Heart Community, in our Regis School. Much has been accomplished in the last number of years. We now have two sections in every grade. Our teaching and support staff have grown by 50%, allowing us to expand programming and offering more curriculum, athletics, and extracurricular opportunities. Our new Student Life Center is a showplace, and has quickly become the center of our campus. We’ve purchased extra parking and expansion space on the borders of our campus and are looking to improve and maximize our usage of these spaces. I could not be more proud of what Dr. Taylor has led us in accomplishing; and it is with our most sincere appreciation and admiration that we will so fondly remember how much this school has achieved over the last eight years. But we are far from finished, and will never stop to be satisfied—ever! Growth is a part of who we are and who we will be for many years to come. Our Mission and Vision for this Regis Community is taking on a new meaning and a new sense of urgency and purpose. I would direct you to our excerpt of the Board’s new affirmation of these goals. You can see our Vision Statement incorporated in this Annual Report. As we look forward to setting new milestones in the coming years, we welcome both Mr. Greg Phillips and Mr. Dennis Phillips to leadership positions in our community. I know everyone will warmly embrace and support them. We all pray fervently for God to continue to bless Regis. Warm Regards, Jeff Manley Chairman, Board of Directors THE REGIS SCHOOL of the SACR ED HEA RT is ... The Heart of Faith Sharing the richness of the Catholic faith The Heart of Teaching Guiding students by professional, dedicated, and faith-filled faculty The Heart of Learning Committing to an environment of academic excellence where a love of learning is a priority The Heart of Family Partnering with the entire community of faculty, students, parents, and alumni The Heart of Our Future Preparing young men for a life of character, leadership, and service The environment here is very joyful and accepting L E T T E R F R O M ELIZ ABETH H IGGINS Greetings, It is with great pleasure that I join The Regis School of the Sacred Heart this year. I place myself at the service of each of you, as the new Director of Advancement. I will build awareness and encourage support from our families at the school and from the leaders of our local community. A Knight at Mardi Gras, the 2013 annual auction, was a financial success making just under $500,000. Auction Chair Deana Blackburn and a dedicated auction committee skillfully led this event to great success. I am a passionate person, especially when it comes to Catholic education. I am looking forward to developing a strategic plan for our Advancement Department. I look forward to finishing the Capital Campaign, and implementing a major planned giving methodology. teachers in the classroom, the art room, or on the soccer field, a Regis student grows in character, spirituality, and intellect. I know that with everyone’s generosity and support, we can exceed last year’s successes. Thank you again for your support this past academic year, and I look forward to working with all of you this year on our annual fund, capital campaign, and the upcoming auction. Kind Regards, My hope would be to encourage our existing families, new families faculty, staff, and friends of The Regis School to learn more about the Advancement Office and how we can work together to help our young men realize their full potential. With the guidance of our brilliant Elizabeth Higgins Director of Advancement THE REGI S S CH OOL HEADMI STRESS REP ORT Each dollar given makes an impact, whether it’s an immediate one through contributing to the Annual Fund and Auction, or one that strengthens The Regis School’s future through endowed funds. I thank you for your gifts. They are an investment in The Regis School that perpetuates the ideals upon which this school was established: where boys become scholars and gentlemen in the Sacred Heart tradition. 7 BOA RD O F D I R E C TO R S Mr. Brett Agee Mr. Guillermo Amtmann Mr. Chester Benge Mr. Arturo A. Fano Rev. Patrick Fulton, C.S.B. Mr. Bill Garner, Jr. Mrs. Ellen Ginty Mr. David N. Hotze, Sr. Mr. Frank Kalman Mrs. Wanda Kielty Mr. Jeff Manley, Chairman Mr. Kendall Miller Mr. Gregory L. Phillips Sister Mary Patricia Rives, RSCJ Sister Diane Roche, RSCJ Mr. John Rossettie Mr. Matthew Schicke Mrs. Jacque Townend Dr. Nancy O. Taylor (Ex Officio) BOARD OF DIRECTOR COMMITTEES Advancement Committee, Chair Mr. David N. Hotze, Sr. Finance Committee, Chair Mrs. Ellen Ginty Marketing Committee, Chair Mrs. Jacque Townend Everyone is a friend here, it is a close community Financials Statement of Activities for the year ended June 30, 2013. Operating Revenue Revenue Tuition and Fees Contributions Special Events Other Revenue TOTAL $4,354,782 $307,254 $375,486 $13,462 $5,050,984 6% >1% $13,462 Expenses Program Services - Instructional Management and General Fundraising TOTAL $4,171,697 $632,216 $565,976 $5,369,889 7% $375,486 $307,254 86% 6% 7% >1% 100% Operating Expenses 10% $565,976 12% $632,216 86% 78% $4,354,782 $4,171,697 78% 12% 10% 100% Tuition and Fees Program Services - Instructional Contributions Management and General Special Events Fundraising TOTAL $5,050,984 TOTAL $5,369,889 Math, we learn math in different ways F U NDR A I SI N G S U CC E SS ES For The Regis School, 2012-2013 was a year of fundraising successes and memorable events. The Regis Fund, A Knight at Mardi Gras 2013 Auction Gala, and Steps for Students Scholarship 5K not only contributed revenue, more importantly, provided opportunities for Regis families to join together in establishing essential relationships and good cheer. We extend our deepest gratitude to all Regis parents, Board of Directors, alumni families, faculty and staff, businesses, foundations, and friends for generously supporting The Regis School in 2012-2013. Your valuable gifts enhance and extend the Sacred Heart educational experience for our students, faculty and families. Many thanks to our event chairs, committee members, and parent volunteers for their exceptional leadership, incredible creativity, and tireless efforts in sculpting a praiseworthy 2012-2013. To be a joy bearer and a joy giver says everything; it means that one is faithfully living for God and that nothing else counts, and if one gives joy to others we are doing God’s work. —Janet Erskine Stuart, RSCJ $1 MIL C A PITAL C AM PAIGN FINANC IALS $0 *As of June 30, 2013 $6 MIL $1,638,864 Amount Remaining 2012-2013 Amount Raised Prior Amount Raised $5 MIL $60,315 $4 MIL $4,300,821 GOAL $6,000,000 $3 MIL $2 MIL $0 *As of June 30, 2013 THE REGI S S CH OOL HEADMI STRESS REP ORT $1 MIL Amount Remaining 2012-2013 Amount Raised 15 C a p ital C am paign D onors St. John Francis Regis Society $500,000 to $999,999 Matt and Stacy Schicke Ms. Denise Wolf and Mr. Steve Wolf The Kendall Miller Family Coeur de Jesus Society St. Madeleine Sophie Barat Society $250,000 to $499,999 Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Amtmann The Brown Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kalman St. Philippine Duchesne Society THE REGI S SCHOOL HEADMISTRESS REP ORT $100,000 to $249,999 16 Agee Family Foundation Natalie and Brett Agee Anonymous Bayou Well Services The Cullen Foundation Weldon, Fran, and Jennifer Granger The Henry Family/ Carina Energy LLC Manley Family Vivian L. Smith Foundation Mater Admirabilis Society $50,000 to $99,999 Gary and Joyce Groves Roger and Jill Jenkins Mr. Lonnie L. McKinney, Jr. Mrs. Mary Ann McKinney Jacob and Adelina Monty Tim and Michelle Ruch $25,000 to $49,999 Christopher and Anita Bryant The Ellerbe Family William S. Garner and Kathy McCoy Jim and Ellen Ginty Hohman Family Mr. and Mrs. David N. Hotze and Family Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hren/ Handwerker Hren Legal Service Search LLC The Kielty Family/Proteus Services, LLC William C. Long and David A. Duet M. D. Anderson Foundation Dr. Nancy O. Taylor and Mr. Tom MacHamer Murphy Oil Corporation Mr. Edward A. and Rev. Genevieve T. Razim David and Marina Rogers John and Julie Rossettie Terry and Jacque Townend Mr. and Mrs. Herve M. Wilczynski Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Winstone Tres Bien Society $10,000 to $24,999 Anonymous Ms. Melissa Loyd and Mr. John Barquin Mr. and Mrs. Art Bieser Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Blackburn Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Broussard Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Bryan Larry A. Campagna Paul and Anne Storey Carty Mr. and Mrs. Fred Charlton The Coca-Cola Foundation ConocoPhillips Company Mrs. Kathleen Bradley and Mr. John Cope Devetski Family Dr. Sonia Moncayo-Duarte and Dr. Jaime Duarte El Paso GivingStation Kenneth and Kim Frank Mr. and Mrs. David S. Freysinger Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Gustafson, Sr. Mr. Christopher Hewitt Ms. Heather Hewitt The Jakab Family Jenny and Chris Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Kuryla Fay and Paul Lewis Victor and Angela Longo/National Terrazzo Tile & Marble The Lyons Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mahoney Dr. Darlene Makulski and Mr. Martin Makulski Pauline and Robert Mertensotto The Muller Family The New York Community Trust Mr. and Mrs. Brenden R. O’Neill Gregory and Cynthia Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Robertson Mrs. Maria Moretti and Mr. Hernan Scolari Ms. Debbie Acebo and Mr. Wendel Skolaski Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith Sterling-Turner Foundation Cong Tong and Lily Luu Ronald M. Weil Dane and Kenna Whitehead Willard M. & Ruth Mayer Johnson Charitable Foundation Ana Maria and John Wood Shining Knight Society $5,000 to $9,999 AllianceBernstein Dr. Eva Aruffo and Mr. Paul Aruffo Mr. and Mrs. Javier Fuentes Goulas & Associates, Inc. Mrs. Margaret Hotze The Kluczniks Mr. and Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr. The Orosco Family Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Parlette IV Kay and Marvin Pickett Linda and John Powell Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Seureau Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Shields Strake Foundation Andrea and Trent Tellepsen Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Ward Pride of the Knight Society $1,000 to $4,999 Anonymous (3) Mr. Robert A. Archer Jordi and Carmen Baizan BP Matching Fund Program Paul and Meg Britton Mr. and Mrs. John A. Burke, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Falco Mark and Annelyse Frugoni Mr. and Mrs. Tim Glover Javier and Raquel Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Jubi Hillery William Hobbs ING Financial Services Corporation Jones Lang LaSalle Mr. and Mrs. Lance Kilgore Dr. and Mrs. Mark R. Kotlarek Dr. and Mrs. Marc Longo Mr. and Mrs. James V. Maher IV Steve and Monica Markovich Dr. and Mrs. Breno L. Miguel Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Miller Tina and Fikri Ozcelik/ The Eye Gallery, Inc Dr. and Mrs. Ricardo Pardey Barbara and Tom B. Price, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rullan Mr. and Mrs. Scott Summerville Vivana Tastard Armando and Annette Vela Dr. Jennifer Ward and Mr. Jeff Ward Wells Fargo Foundation Merci Beaucoup Society Up to $999 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pitera Mr. and Mrs. John Pollock Jon and Janie Pollock Mr. Joe Powers - Powers Brown Architecture Mr. Robert Rabalais Patricia Reed and Frederick Waller Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reiner Sister Mary Patricia Rives, RSCJ Sister Diane Roche, RSCJ Mr. and Mrs. Terry Russell Mr. and Mrs. Skip Russey Rev. Ronald G. Schwenzer, C.S.B. Mr. and Mrs. Erik Scott Mrs. Lyn Shivshanker Karen and Morty Skolnik and Family Miss Laura Smith The J. Larkin Stallings Family Judy and Charles Steadman Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas C. Stephens Mr. Scott Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Stiles Steve, Carla, Brooke, and Brad Strake Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Sung Ms. Dana Gannon and Mr. Michael Tabert Mr. and Mrs. John F. Tracy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tudor The Hogan Turner Family Union Pacific Railroad Michael and Rachael Valka Mr. John Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wardwell Mr. and Mrs. Bradley M. Whalen Mr. and Mrs. Shane Whittington Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wood Mr. and Mrs. Todd Yates Mr. and Mrs. Ahmed Zehawi THE REGI S S CH OOL HEADMI STRESS REP ORT ADP Houston Mr. and Mrs. Nitin Agarwal The Akers Family Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Alford Anonymous (2) Ms. Gail Bartlett Ms. Grace B. Bartlett Mr. Martin D. Beirne - Beirne, Maynard & Parsons, L.L.P. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bice Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blankenship Mr. and Mrs. Benton Bond Ms. Betty Bonner Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Mallory Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. John Clemency Dr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dierker Dr. and Mrs. Colin Dinney Mr. James Dooley Mr. and Mrs. Don Dornbach Mr. and Mrs. Tom M. Ehlinger Ms. Donna Piga and Mr. Steven Eisenberg Mr. and Mrs. Arturo Fano Ms. Mary Ann Fenlon Dr. Sharon Lundgren and Mr. Peter Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Howard Free Rev. Patrick Fulton, CSB Mrs. Ruth Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin Dr. Dixie G. Hamilton, Jr. Dr. Helen Marie Haney and Dr. Peter Haney Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Harrington Hill and Hill - Attorneys at Law Mr. Cody J. Hill, ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. J. Marcus Hill Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hill Mr. Zane Hill, ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. John Hoff Mr. and Mrs. Paul Junghans Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Kennedy Ms. Mary L. Kister Mrs. Lisa Kline Mrs. Faye LaCroix Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Langlois Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. LaPorte Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Leibold III Phil and Deedee Livingston Mr. and Mrs. Courtland Loeffler Dr. and Mrs. John LoMonaco, Jr. Ms. Allison Marich Mrs. Elizabeth McDaniel Mrs. Annalisa Maci and Mr. Mauro Melena Joan, Robert, and Melissa Mendell Greg, Kelly, Austin, and Andrew Miller The Mills Family - John, Tammy, Morgan, and Dillon Mr. James Moehlman Ms. Randa Moore Ms. Paige Ohlenburg Mr. Martin Perez, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pfeifle Mr. and Mrs. Martin Phillips 17 Masses and prayer services, Regis has a prayerful atmosphere T he R egis F u nd The 2012-2013 Regis Fund raised $218,275.62 that provides direct funding for educational initiatives and advancements not covered by tuition. From donations received from this annual campaign, we were able to expand campus security, purchase property, extend after school programs, sponsor additional faculty and staff professional growth, upgrade campus security, campus refurbishments, after school programs, faculty and staff development, and upgrade materials and equipment for technology and fine arts. Your belief in our mission, made manifest through your generous gifts, offered an outstanding 2012-2013 year of realized philanthropy to The Regis School. Headmistress Leadership Society St. Madeleine Sophie $10,000 or more Mr. and Mrs. Chester Benge Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Miller St. John Francis Regis THE REGI S SCHOOL HEADMISTRESS REP ORT $5,000 to $9,999 20 Mr. and Mrs. Brett Agee Ms. Melissa Loyd and Mr. John Barquin Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kalman Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Whitman Shining Knight $2,500 to $4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Abernethy Apache Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bass Mr. and Mrs. Art Bieser Dr. and Mrs. Raul Caffesse The Duke Energy Foundation Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. David G. Ellerbe Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fordyce Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Higgins Mr. Anthony R. Hinojosa Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hohman Mr. and Mrs. John Irwin Mr. and Mrs. Marc Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kielty Ms. Fay Lewis and Mr. Paul Lewis Dr. and Mrs. Wesley Long Dr. Ana Lopez and Mr. Manuel Lopez Dr. Nancy Taylor and Mr. Tom MacHamer Mr. and Mrs. Jeff M. Manley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mertensotto Ms. Maria Fernandez and Mr. Sebastian Moretti Reverend Genevieve Razim and Mr. Edward A. Razim III Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Schicke Mr. and Mrs. Terry F. Townend Mr. and Mrs. Bradley M. Whalen Mr. and Mrs. Herve M. Wilczynski Mr. and Mrs. Steven Wolf Grand Club $1,000 or more Mr. and Mrs. Don Aviles Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Ballesca Dr. and Mrs. Roberto J. Bayardo Mr. and Mrs. Chester Benge Dr. and Mrs. Raul Caffesse Mr. and Mrs. Jack Deboben Ms. Bailey Gartner Mr. and Mrs. John Irwin Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kalman Ms. SueCarol McDonald Mrs. Mary Razim General Gifts Club Pride of the Knights $1,000 to $2,499 American Express Charitable Fund Anonymous Dr. Eva Aruffo and Mr. Paul Aruffo Mr. and Mrs. Don Aviles Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Ballesca Dr. and Mrs. Roberto J. Bayardo Mr. Tristan Berlanga, Jr./Bercon, Ltd. Board of Directors 100% Participation Faculty, Staff and Administration 88% Participation Parents 80% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Giorgio Borlenghi BP Matching Fund Program Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Busa Mr. and Mrs. Charles Calderwood Dr. and Mrs. Luis Camacho Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Castro Mr. and Mrs. Fred Charlton Mr. and Mrs. John Chung Mr. and Mrs. William C. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Jack Deboben Dr. Sonia Moncayo-Duarte and Dr. Jaime Duarte Dr. Melonie Dutton Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Erik Dybesland Mr. and Mrs. Trent A. Foltz Mr. and Mrs. Javier Fuentes Ms. Bailey Gartner Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ginty Mr. and Mrs. Tim Glover Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hohman ING Financial Services Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Emery Jakab Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Johnson KBR Ms. SueCarol McDonald Dr. Adelina Monty and Mr. Jacob Monty Mr. and Mrs. Sean Muller Mr. and Mrs. Loc V. Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brenden R. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Mike Orosco Mr. and Mrs. Greg Phillips/ Phillips & Reiter, PLLC Dr. and Mrs. Ramon Pineda Mr. and Mrs. John Powell, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Tom B. Price, Jr. Mrs. Mary Razim Mr. and Mrs. Blake Rizzo Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Robertson Mr. and Mrs. John Rossettie Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rullan Mr. and Mrs. Anuar Tager/ Taba Investments, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Trent Tellepsen Ms. Alison G. Vasquez Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Villarreal Mr. Ronald Weil, Sr. Dr. Dawnia Willis and Mr. Darryl Willis Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Winstone Regis Court $250 to $999 Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Hellinger Mr. and Mrs. William Herrera Mr. Mark A. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Holder Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Holub Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Horrell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hren Ms. Elizabeth J. Irwin Mr. and Mrs. Paul Junghans Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Kennedy Mr. John G. Klauberg, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kolb Dr. and Mrs. Mark R. Kotlarek Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Kudela Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Kuryla Dr. Laura LaCroix and Mr. Damian LaCroix/Sugar Land Dental, P.A. Dr. and Mrs. Marc Longo Mr. and Mrs. Victor Longo Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lowry Mr. Martin Lythgoe Mr. and Mrs. James V. Maher IV Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mahoney Dr. Darlene Makulski and Mr. Martin Makulski Ms. Yalila Guerrero and Mr. Matthew Malon Mr. Ralph P. Manginello Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Markovich Mr. and Mrs. Juan Carlos Martinez Mrs. Diana Davila Martinez and Mr. Roman O. Martinez Dr. and Mrs. Breno L. Miguel Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Miller Mr. and Mrs. Ike Monty/I/M Properties Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Munoz/Argentum Investments, LLC Dr. and Mrs. Victor J. Narcisse III Newfield Exploration Company Dr. Karen Nielsen Ms. Paige Ohlenburg Mr. and Mrs. Fikri Ozcelik/ The Eye Gallery, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Ricardo Pardey Mr. and Mrs. Les Parlette IV Ms. Robin Russell and Professor James Paulsen Mr. Sterling Paulsen, ‘10 Mr. and Mrs. John Pollock Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ruch Mr. and Mrs. Beinmonyo Spiff Rufus Mr. Lenny Saizan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith Mr. and Mrs. Rod Steward Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sullivan Mr. James Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Scott Summerville Ms. Dana Gannon and Mr. Michael Tabert Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Tang Ms. Lily Luu and Mr. Cong Tong Mr. and Mrs. Gary Treese Reverend Sharon Turner and Mr. Michael Turner Mr. and Mrs. William Van Pelt IV Dr. and Mrs. Efren Vega Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Verheeck, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. S.C. Weil Mr. and Mrs. Shane Whittington Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. John Wood Mr. and Mrs. Ahmed Zehawi THE REGI S S CH OOL HEADMI STRESS REP ORT Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Aguirre Mr. and Mrs. Carlos de Aldecoa/ Eximius Coffee, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo A. Amtmann Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Arsham Mrs. Julia Tomasheva and Mr. Jamal Balametov Mr. and Mrs. Rhett J. Barrett/ LNB Equipment, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Behan Ms. Andrea E. Bertone Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Blackburn Mr. and Mrs. Benton Bond Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Broussard Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Mallory Caldwell Mrs. Claudia Baldini and Mr. Alessandro Castellani ChevronTexaco Matching Gift Program Mr. and Mrs. John P. Cogan III Mr. and Mrs. Darren Collins Mr. and Mrs. Trey Comiskey/ Comiskey Foundation ConocoPhillips Company Cooper Industries Foundation Ms. Marla Tseng and Mr. Rafael Del Castillo Mr. and Mrs. Nyron Devenish Ms. Susan Dickson and Dr. Kyle Dickson Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dietze Mr. and Mrs. William E. Dillihunt Ms. Donna Piga and Mr. Steven Eisenberg Ms. Shannon Langrand-Emal and Mr. Matthew Emal Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Falco Mr. and Mrs. Quinto Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Finn Dr. Sharon Lundgren and Mr. Peter Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Frank Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Garcia Mrs. Kathy McCoy and Mr. Bill Garner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Ricardo Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Gustafson, Sr. Halliburton Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff C. Hechler 21 PE, soccer, and all athletic things Coat of Arms Up to $250 Mr. and Mrs. Binh Luong Ms. Allison Marich Mr. and Mrs. John McCafferty Mr. and Mrs. Lance Miller Mrs. Katherine Schmidt Morrell and Mr. Nick Morrell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Motter Mrs. Colette Hemingway-Moudy and Mr. Max Moudy Mr. and Mrs. Don Nicholson Dr. and Mrs. Harry Parlette III Mr. and Mrs. Keith Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Tom Price, Sr. Ms. Louise Prihoda Ms. Carolyn Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ray Ms. Johnnye Ridley Sister Mary Patricia Rives, RSCJ Mr. and Mrs. Pascal Roberts Sister Diane Roche, RSCJ Mr. and Mrs. Terry Russell Mr. and Mrs. Skip Russey Mr. and Mrs. Erik Scott Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Shields Mrs. Margie Sipe Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Sires Mr. and Mrs. Martin Smejkal Miss Laura Smith Mr. and Mrs. Ron Sodek Miss Lauren Stallings Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Stiles Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Sung Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Sweeney Ms. Ana Marcela Touchstone Mr. Samuel F. Townend, ‘11 Mrs. Georgina Cross and Mr. Manuel Treviño Mr. and Mrs. Michael Valka Miss Elizabeth Vargo Dr. Jennifer Ward and Mr. Jeff Ward Mr. and Mrs. Chris Waters Mr. and Mrs. John Weathington III Mrs. Lolita Wegmann Mr. and Mrs. Mike Williams Mrs. Melanie Modica-Young and Mr. Kyle Young Class Donations Class of 2023 3 Pre-K 13 out of 16 81% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Aguirre Mrs. Julia Tomasheva and Mr. Jamal Balametov Ms. Melissa Loyd and Mr. John Barquin Mr. and Mrs. John Cogan Mr. and Mrs. Erik Dybesland Ms. Shannon Langrand-Emal and Mr. Matthew Emal Mr. Anthony Hinojosa Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hohman Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ray Mr. and Mrs. Michael Valka Ms. Alison Vasquez Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Whitman Class of 2022 4 Pre-K 20 out of 26 77% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Brett Agee Mr. and Mrs. Rhett Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cano Mr. and Mrs. William Davis Mr. and Mrs. William Dillihunt Dr. Melonie Dutton Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Erik Dybesland Mr. and Mrs. Javier Fuentes Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Garcia Father and Mrs. Charles Hough Mr. and Mrs. Marc Jacobs Dr. Darlene Makulski and Mr. Martin Makulski Ms. Allison Marich Mr. and Mrs. Steve Markovich Ms. Maria Fernandez and Mr. Sebastian Moretti Dr. and Mrs. Victor Narcisse III Mr. and Mrs. Scott Summerville Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Tang Mrs. Georgina Cross and Mr. Manuel Trevino Class of 2021 Kindergarten 21 out of 26 81% Participation Mr. and Mrs. David Baay Ms. Melissa Loyd and Mr. John Barquin Mr. Tristan Berlanga Dr. and Mrs. Philip Bocock Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Fred Charlton Mr. and Mrs. Trey Comiskey Ms. Andrea Cornwell Mr. and Mrs. Claiborne Dancy Dr. Sonia Moncayo-Duarte and Dr. Jaime Duarte Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hren Ms. Elizabeth Irwin Mr. and Mrs. Eric Johnson Dr. Laura LaCroix and Mr. Damian LaCroix Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Lagos Mr. and Mrs. Mike Orosco THE REGI S S CH OOL HEADMI STRESS REP ORT Mr. and Mrs. Nitin Agarwal Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Alford American International Group, Inc. Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Aurisano Mr. and Mrs. David Baay Mr. and Mrs. Ken Belveal Mrs. Cathy A. Boates Dr. and Mrs. Philip Bocock Mr. Alex G. Borlenghi ‘05 Ms. Christine Broadston Mr. and Mrs. Dustin Broadus Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Brunel Ms. Laura Brunner Ms. Betsy Burke Mr. and Mrs. JD Burkhart Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Cano Mr. and Mrs. William Chung Ms. Caroline Cohen Dr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Cook Mrs. Kathleen Bradley and Mr. John Cope Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Cryar Mr. and Mrs. Claiborne C. Dancy Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Devetski Mr. and Mrs. Chris Doyle Mr. Harold Dutton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Eyster Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ezell Mr. and Mrs. Arturo Fano Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Felicella Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Fischbach The Fluor Foundation Mr. and Ms. Pier L. Fontan Mr. and Mrs. Howard Free Mr. and Mrs. Mark Frugoni Rev. Patrick Fulton, CSB Ms. Mel Poet and Mr. John Galvin Mr. Case D. Garrison, ‘11 Mr. Jake P. Garrison, ‘11 Mr. Kirk Garrison, ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Garrison Dr. and Mrs. David Gonzalez/ Dental Pavilion Dr. Kim Farina-Graham and Mr. Joseph Graham Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Greaney Mr. and Mrs. William H. Green Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Griffith Mr. Jeffrey Guedry Mr. and Mrs. Isai Gutierrez Dr. Helen Marie Haney and Dr. Peter Haney Mr. and Mrs. O.H. Haveman, Jr. Ms. Catharine Head Mr. Christopher L. Hewitt Ms. Heather Hewitt Hill and Hill - Attorneys at Law The Honorable Alexandra SmootsHogan and Mr. Eric Hogan Mrs. Colleen Holbert Mr. and Mrs. David Hotze Father and Mrs. Charles Hough Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hurst Mr. and Mrs. Eric Johnson Ms. Christine Kaminski Mr. and Mrs. James Keller Ms. Dawn Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kilbride Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Lagos Miss Kallie LeBrasse Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Leibold III Mr. Matthew S. Leibold, ‘12 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Limon Miss Katie Lochte Mr. J. W. Lodge, IV, ‘00 Mr. and Mrs. Amador Lopez, Jr. 23 Mr. and Mrs. Fikri Ozcelik Mr. and Mrs. John Pollock Mr. and Mrs. Blake Rizzo Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Tang Mr. and Mrs. Michael Valka Class of 2020 First Grade 16 out of 18 89% Participation THE REGI S SCHOOL HEADMISTRESS REP ORT Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Abernethy Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bass Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Blackburn Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Broussard Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Holder Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kelley Dr. and Mrs. Wesley Long Mr. and Mrs. Steve Markovich Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mertensotto Ms. Maria Fernandez and Mr. Sebastian Moretti Ms. Paige Deboben Ohlenburg Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ray Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sires Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sullivan Ms. Denise Wolf and Mr. Steve Wolf 24 Class of 2019 Second Grade 21 out of 22 95% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Behan Mrs. Claudia Baldini and Mr. Alessandro Castellani Mr. and Mrs. Trent Foltz Mr. and Mrs. Pier Fontan Mr. and Mrs. Javier Fuentes Dr. and Mrs. David Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. William Green Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Higgins Ms. Tara Hill The Honorable Alexandra SmootsHogan and Mr. Eric Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hohman Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kelley Ms. Fay Lewis and Mr. Paul Lewis Ms. Yalila Guerrero and Mr. Matthew Malon Ms. Jasmina Manginello Dr. and Mrs. Ricardo Pardey Mr. and Mrs. Trent Tellepsen Mrs. Ana Marcela Touchstone Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Villarreal Mr. and Mrs. Michael Winstone Class of 2018 Third Grade 20 out of 24 83% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Brett Agee Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Arsham Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Behan Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Bocock Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Broussard Ms. Marla Tseng and Mr. Rafael Del Castillo Ms. Susan Dickson and Dr. Kyle Dickson Mr. and Mrs. William Dillihunt Mrs. Lumay Viloria-Gomez and Mr. Jaime Ricardo Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Gustafson, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William Herrera Mr. and Mrs. Victor Longo Mr. and Mrs. Amador Lopez Dr. Ana Lopez and Mr. Manuel Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Sean Muller Mrs. Angela LaGrange-Scott and Mr. Erik Scott Ms. Lily Luu and Mr. Cong Tong Mrs. Ana Marcela Touchstone Mr. and Mrs. Gary Treese Mr. and Mrs. Bill Van Pelt IV Class of 2017 Fourth Grade 26 out of 31 84% Participation Dr. Eva Aruffo and Mr. Paul Aruffo Ms. Paola Ballesca Mr. and Mrs. Benton Bond Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bryant Mr. and Mrs. John Chung Mr. and Mrs. Quinto Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Finn Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fischbach Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fordyce Mr. and Mrs. Mark Frugoni Mr. and Mrs. David N. Hotze, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Junghans Mr. and Mrs. Don Kielty Mr. and Mrs. Juan Carlos Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Miller Mrs. Karen Nielsen Mr. and Mrs. Les Parlette IV Dr. and Mrs. Ramon Pineda Mr. and Mrs. John Powell Mr. and Mrs. Pascal Roberts Mr. Lenny Saizan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Schicke Mr. Anuar Tager Dr. Jennifer Ward and Mr. Jeff Ward Mr. Ronald Weil, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wilson Class of 2016 Fifth Grade 15 out of 21 71% Participation Ms. Mel Poet and Mr. John Galvin Mr. and Mrs. Isai Gutierrez Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hechler Mr. Chris Hewitt Ms. Heather Hewitt Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Kuryla Mr. and Mrs. James V. Maher IV Mrs. Diana Davila Martinez and Mrs. Roman O. Martinez Mrs. Colette Hemingway-Moudy and Mr. Max Moudy Reverend Genevieve Razim and Mr. Edward A. Razim III Mr. and Mrs. Beinmonyo Spiff Rufus Mr. Lenny Saizan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Shields Mr. and Mrs. Rod Steward Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Verheeck, Jr. Dr. Dawnia Willis and Mr. Darryl Willis Class of 2015 Sixth Grade 21 out of 24 88% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Behan Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Brunel Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Busa Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Castro Mr. and Mrs. Darren Collins Mr. and Mrs. Arturo A. Fano Dr. Sharon Lundgren and Mr. Peter Fisher Mrs. Kathy McCoy and Mr. Bill Garner, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. David Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Gustafson, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kolb Mr. and Mrs. Edward Limon Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mertensotto Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Munoz Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Schicke Ms. Jennifer Shank Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Villarreal Mr. and Mrs. Herve Wilczynski Class of 2014 Seventh Grade 22 out of 27 81% Participation Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Amtmann Mrs. Doe Tong and Mr. Kenneth Belveal Mr. and Mrs. Art Bieser Mr. and Mrs. Mallory Caldwell Mrs. Kathleen Bradley and Mr. John Cope Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Devetski Mr. and Mrs. David G. Ellerbe Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Frank Mr. and Mrs. Isai Gutierrez Dr. Helen Marie Haney and Dr. Peter Haney Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Hellinger Mr. and Mrs. Emery Jakab Dr. and Mrs. Mark Kotlarek Mr. and Mrs. Jeff M. Manley Mr. and Mrs. Juan Carlos Martinez Mrs. Diana Davila Martinez and Mrs. Roman O. Martinez Dr. Adelina Monty and Mr. Jacob M. Monty Mr. and Mrs. Greg Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ruch Ms. Dana Gannon and Mr. Michael Tabert Mrs. Melanie Modica-Young and Mr. Kyle Young Class of 2013 Eigth Grade 19 out of 26 73% Participation Mrs. Emily Acosta and Dr. Luis Camacho Mr. and Mrs. Devinah Finn Dr. Kim Farina-Graham and Mr. Joseph Graham Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hohman Mr. and Mrs. David N. Hotze, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Jakab Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kennedy Dr. and Mrs. Breno Miguel Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Miller Mr. Phan Duc Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Brenden O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Les Parlette IV Mr. and Mrs. Tom B. Price, Jr. Reverend Genevieve Razim and Mr. Edward A. Razim III Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith Mr. and Mrs. Terry F. Townend Mr. and Mrs. John Weathington III Mr. and Mrs. John Wood Science, experiments, and the cool supplies used by scientists S cholarshi p Program As a Sacred Heart school, we honor St. Madeleine Sophie Barat’s commitment to making a Sacred Heart education available to as many families as we can assist. Regis typically provides between 8-10% of its annual budget to extended tuition assistance. We are sincerely appreciative of all our donors whose thoughtful contribution enabled us to provide tuition assistance to qualified students. The 2012-2013 Scholarship events, Brisket Sale and the 8th Annual Steps for Students 5kRun/Walk generated $23,332.96 in revenue. 26 Steps for Students Brisket 5KRun/Walk Sale Chair Chairs Diana Davila Martinez Phillip and Traci Bocock A nn ual Au ction A Knight at Mardi Gras Auction Chair Annual Auction 2012 - 2013 Deana Blackburn Expertly led by Deana Blackburn, 2013 Auction Chair, and her dedicated hardworking auction committee, A Knight at Mardi Gras was a runaway success raising $493,037.31, our highest revenue producing gala ever. When you can support your favorite school while enjoying a dazzling evening of great food, friends, dancing, and music, you have a truly winning combination. A Knight at Mardi Gras, The Regis School’s 2012-2013 auction gala was a clear winner! On February 9, New Orleans’ French Quarter was transported to the Memorial City Westin as more than 250 revelers gathered to celebrate, enjoy, and support their beloved school. The Houston-popular Richard Brown Orchestra kept everyone dancing throughout the night. We appreciate everyone who came out in full swing to participate in the festivities and make the gala a phenomenal success. Director of Special Events Edna Marie Free Auction Committees Natalie Agee Steve Bass Anita Bryant Julie Comiskey Wendy Foltz Jennifer Fuentes Tara Hill Jean Junghans Casey Munoz Mel Poet Luiddy Pollock Kate Robertson Judy Shields Lauren Summerville Andrea Tellepsen Debbie Treese Gary Treese Annette Vela Kassandra Winstone Jeff Ward 27 D onor O rganizations THE REGI S SCHOOL HEADMISTRESS REP ORT We recognize with gratitude the listed corporate organizations and foundations that supported The Regis School fundraisers in 2012-2013 including the Annual Fund, Annual Auction, and Scholarship Program. 28 A. D. Players Theater Abejas Boutique Agee Family Foundation Alley Theatre AllianceBernstein Amegy Bank American Express Charitable Fund American International Group, Inc. Anonymous (2) Apache Corporation Argentum Investments, LLC Arsham Metal Industries Athletic Orthopedics & Knee Center P.A. Avalon Nail & Spa Awesome Events Backstreet Café, Hugo’s, and Prego Baseball USA “The Yard” Bath Junkie - River Oaks Bayou Well Services Beck’s Prime Beirne, Maynard & Parsons, L.L.P. Bercon, Ltd. Bikram Hot Yoga Houston Blow Dry Bar BP Matching Fund Program Bradley’s Art & Frame Brickman Bubbles Car Wash Busivo Construction, LLC Cadence Bank Camp Balcones Springs Carmelo’s Ristorante Italiano Carrabba’s Champions Shiloh Corporation ChevronTexaco Matching Gift Program The Children’s Museum of Houston Cinnamon Shore Cleburne Cafeteria Coiling Technologies, Incorporated ComedySportz Houston Comiskey Foundation ConocoPhillips Company The Container Store Cookies by Design Cooper Industries Foundation Cozen O’Connor The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion Da Camera of Houston David Gonzalez, D.D.S., P.C. DermaHealth Laser Associates Destiny Limousine Duchesne Academy of The Sacred Heart The Duke Energy Foundation Matching Gifts Program Educere Tutoring EnTrust Immediate Care Epicurean Group, LLC Events Eximius Coffee, LLC ExxonMobil Foundation The Eye Gallery, Inc. Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar - River Oaks The Fluor Foundation FM Designs Custom Florist Focus Wealth Advisors, LLC Four Seasons Punta Mita Fundamentally Toys Galveston Historical Foundation The Glassell Junior School Gorman’s Cleaners Goulas & Associates, Inc. Grand Lux Café Graphikos Greater Houston Transportation Gurrola Reprographics, Inc. Gymboree Halliburton Foundation, Inc. Hamilton Shirts Handwerker Hren Legal Service Search LLC Hank Ketcham Enterprises Hill and Hill - Attorneys at Law Holiday Inn Express Houston Aeros Houston Astros Baseball Club Houston Grand Opera Houston Marriott Medical Center Hotel Houston Museum of Natural Science Houston Swim Club Houston Symphony Houston Texans Foundation I.W. Marks Jewelers I/M Properties Ibiza Food and Wine Bar iHostPoker, LLC Imagination Toys and Shoes ING Financial Services Corporation Insurance For Life & Health Jackson and Company Jeff Grass Photography JoAnn’s Boutique Town and Country Village Jones Lang LaSalle Jos A. Bank Clothiers KBR Kemah Boardwalk Kerry Galvin Homes, Inc. KidVenture, Inc. KMA Wine Specialists, LLC La Michoacana The LaCroix Law Firm, P.C. Laurenzo’s El Tiempo Cantina Law Office of Keith D. Peterson LNB Equipment, Inc. Maida’s Belts & Buckles Main Street Theater Manginello Law Firm Sensia Studio & Japanese Day Spa Sessions Music Shipley Donuts Silhouettes Etc. by Suzanne Marsh Smiles for Kids Southwell’s Hamburger Grill Spring Valley Wellnes, Etc. Sterling Structures, Inc. Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Sugar Land Dental, P.A. Synchronized Kneads, Inc. Taba Investments, LLC Taste of Texas TCNL Electric, Inc. The Texas Children’s Dental Universe Texas Rangers Baseball Club Texas Rock Gym Texas Taxis Town & Country Orthodontics Treebeards Restaurant Tutoring and Counseling TXR Paintball Union Pacific Railroad University Co-Op Uptown Dance Centre Urban War Zone Paintball Valobra Master Jewelers Walmart Wells Fargo Foundation The Westin Houston Memorial City Whalen Family Trust Willard M. & Ruth Mayer Johnson Charitable Foundation The Wine Man, David Maggard Winrock Animal Clinic, P.C. Woody’s Furs Yellow Cab THE REGI S S CH OOL HEADMI STRESS REP ORT Mariquita Masterson, Inc. Mark Anthony Florist Masraff’s Restaurant Materials Marketing Limited Mathnasium of Memorial City The Meadows Foundation Mercury Baroque Moss Landscaping, Inc. MSR Houston National Terrazzo Tile & Marble The New York Community Trust Newfield Exploration Company Niko Niko’s Catering Nucerity International Office Effects, Inc. Opportune, LLP Orange Leaf Yogurt Palazzo’s Trattoria Paradise Pen Company Phillips & Reiter, PLLC Phillips 66 Pleasant Hill Winery Power ATA Martial Arts Proteus Services, LLC Queen of Heirs Ramon Pineda MD Reckling Insurance Group, LLC Reliant Energy Charitable Giving River Oaks Chamber Orchestra River Oaks US Mens Clay Court Championship Robin Jackson Photography Rockin’ R River Rides Roula’s Nail Spa Rover Oaks Pet Resort Sacred Heart Emergency Center Saks Fifth Avenue Sam Houston Race Park 29 We get to learn new things in art which helps us to express our imagination Service is a part of our lives…it’s not just about counting hours Other G ifts Gifts in Kind Matching Gift Companies Restricted Gifts Tribute Gifts Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo A. Amtmann Mr. and Mrs. Lou Cushman Mr. and Mrs. Arturo Fano Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ginty Mr. Roman Martinez Ms. Kelly Hammar and Mr. Kirk Stulen Mrs. Terrie Hogan Turner and Mr. Michael Turner Mr. and Mrs. David Hotze Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kalman Dr. and Mrs. Wesley Long Mr. and Mrs. Jeff M. Manley Mr. Kendall A. Miller Mrs. Kate Robertson Mr. and Mrs. John Rossettie Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Schicke Dr. Nancy Taylor and Mr. Tom MacHamer Mr. and Mrs. Terry F. Townend Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Turtur AllianceBernstein American Express Charitable Fund American International Group, Inc. (AIG) Apache Corporation BP Matching Fund Programs ChevronTexaco Matching Gift Program ConocoPhillips Company Cooper Industries Foundation Duke Energy Foundation Halliburton Foundation, Inc. ING Financial Services Corporation Jones Lang LaSalle KBR The New York Community Trust Newfield Exploration Company The Fluor Foundation Matching Gift Program Wells Fargo Foundation Arsham Metal Industries Bayou Well Services Coiling Technologies, Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. William E. Dillihunt Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Garcia Mrs. Rosario Spinoso and Mr. Steve Harter Father and Mrs. Charles Hough Mr. and Mrs. Marc Jacobs Dr. Darlene Makulski and Mr. Martin Makulski Mrs. Diana Davila Martinez and Mr. Roman O. Martinez The Meadows Foundation Ms. Maria Fernandez and Mr. Sebastian Moretti Proteus Services, LLC Reckling Insurance Group, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Tang Mr. and Mrs. Terry F. Townend In memory of Mrs. Patty Beal Dr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Cook In memory of Mrs. Jeanine Cogan Anonymous Mr. Martin D. Beirne Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Steadman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tudor In memory of Donna Fotheringham Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hren In memory of Mrs. Piper Ann Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sullivan A lumni S uccesses For more than two decades, The Regis School has been offering boys an exceptional Sacred Heart educational experience. Regis’ eighteen graduation classes have enjoyed a distinguished history of attending the finest high schools in Houston and out-of-state. Each year, the majority of our graduates are accepted into their first choice high schools. Since 1995, our alumni have continued their educational pursuits in distinguished colleges within Texas and throughout the United States. In this report we proudly share some of our recent alumni success. Class of 2013 High School SELECTIONS class of 2013 34 Mateo Camacho Jordan Davis Sean Alden Graham Stephen J. Hohman, Jr. David Neill Hotze, Jr. Michael Joseph Jakab Luke Peter Kennedy Alexander Llerena Ryan William Lundvall Nicholas Clulow Miguel Christopher Chadwick Miller Marshall Giddings Miller Nguyen Toan Nguyen Andrew Lawrence O’Neill Harry L. Parlette, V Jeffrey Scott Price Alexander Turner Razim Samuel Samson-Williams William Avery Smith Mitchell Richard Townend Stephen Mario Turtur Seth Varughese Dominic G. Vela Briggs Tomas Weathington Simon Alexander Weiner William Alexander Wood Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Portsmouth Abbey School Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Strake Jesuit College Preparatory St. Thomas High School St. Thomas High School Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Carnegie Vanguard High School Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Strake Jesuit College Preparatory St. John’s High School Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Strake Jesuit College Preparatory St. Thomas High School St. Thomas High School St. Thomas High School Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Class of 2009 Mr. Alex Kemple Mr. Austin Harrison Mr. Brandon Miller Mr. Conor Raleigh Mr. Greg Labbe Mr. Hunter Williams Mr. Jack Langlois Mr. Javier Gonzalez Mr. Joseph Lovoi Mr. Kirk Garrison Mr. Luke George Mr. Nick Whalen Mr. Paul Thirouin Mr. Phil Pilon Mr. Reed Hogan Mr. Robbie Irwin Mr. Sam Milhollin Mr. Samir Mohamed Mr. Scot Freysinger Mr. Stephen Salas Mr. Talal Beidas Mr. Trey Taylor Mr. William Kim College SELECTIONS Pepperdine University Pratt Institute Texas A&M Texas Tech University of Alabama University of Michigan University of Oklahoma University of St. Thomas University of Texas University of Tulsa THE REGI S S CH OOL HEADMI STRESS REP ORT class of 2009 Boston College College of Charleston Colorado College Endicott College Houston Community College 35 IN CONV E R SAT I O N W I T H TH E RE GIS S C H O O L ALU M NI In November 2013, the Sacred Heart Commission on Goals Visiting Committee visited Regis to determine how well we lived the Sacred Heart Goals and Criteria as part of a five-year reflection and renewal process. In conversation with the committee members, our alumni expressed why they valued Regis. Below are some excerpts from the SHCOG report. SEVERAL ALUMNI SHARED THAT… • One of our most rewarding experiences at Regis was the opportunity to teach our little brothers about God and how to celebrate Mass in a respectful way. • We are prepared for the challenges of high Roberto Brunel, Class of 2011 volunteered on Earthtacular Day school in terms of subject matter, study THE REGI S SCHOOL HEADMISTRESS REP ORT habits, and the ability to ask for help when 36 needed. At both Strake and St. Thomas, we are the go-to people among our classmates when class notes are needed. • Regis taught us manners, conversation, and the courage to care and make a difference wherever we are. Samuel Townend, Class of 2011 volunteered on Fall Service Day Academic Distinctions Athletic Distinctions • Scot Freysinger, Class of 2009, Strake Jesuit, Class of 2013, freshman, University of Michigan: Eagle Scout, Finalist in the National Merit Scholarship Program, Received the Jesuit Secondary Education Award-2013 given to a graduating senior who most closely resembles the ideal of a well-rounded person. • Javier Gonzalez, Class of 2009, St. Thomas High School, Class of 2013, freshman, University of St. Thomas: Member of the Varsity Rugby Team to win their Second State Title. Javier also received the Second Team All-State Honors. Alumni vs. Regis Knights basketball game • Kirk Garrison, Class of 2009, St. Thomas High School, Class of 2013, freshman, University of Texas, Austin: The first Regis student to be named a salutatorian. • Luke George, Class of 2009, St. Thomas High School, Class of 2013, freshman, Boston College: Inducted into the National Honor Society. He demonstrated excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character to earn membership of the society. • William Kudela, Class of 2010, Strake Jesuit, Class of 2014: Achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. He was named as a National Merit Commended Student by the National Merit Scholarship Program. Guillermo Amtmann, Class of 2012; Saito Gutierrez, Class of 2010; and Daniel Ehlinger, Class of 2007 at the reception hosted for Bill Hobbs, former Regis faculty • Trey Taylor, Class of 2009, Episcopal High School, Class of 2013, freshman, Texas Tech University: Member of the first ever Episcopal’s team to win the Southwest Preparatory Conference Big School football championship. • John Burke, Class of 2011, Strake Jesuit, Class of 2015: Received the Outstanding Team Contributor Award for 2012 Crusader rugby season. • Jacob Monty, Class of 2012, Strake Jesuit, Class of 2016: Received the Rookie of the Year Award for 2012 Crusader rugby season. Monty was also selected as a trialist for Rugby Texas High Performance at the Under 17 level. THE REGI S S CH OOL HEADMI STRESS REP ORT • Sterling Paulsen, Class of 2010, Strake Jesuit, Class of 2014: Named as a National Merit Commended Student by the National Merit Scholarship Program. • Reed Hogan, Class of 2009, St. Thomas, Class of 2013, freshman, University of Texas, Austin: The only player from the state of Texas invited to a select U20 United States AllAmerican camp. The final roster will represent Team USA in the Men’s Junior All-American team that will compete for the 2014 IRB Junior World Rugby Trophy. 37 Preach by example of your lives rather than by words. Example is the very best sermon. —St. Philippine Duchesne, RSCJ Parents ’ Association The Regis School 2012-2013 Parents’ Association exemplifies this reflection by St. Philippine Duchesne. Under the able leadership of Kate Robertson, 2013 Parents’ Association President, many parent volunteers joined hands to enrich each school day and each event with hours of immaculate planning, attention to detail, and their exceptional talent. We count our blessings as we acknowledge all members of the 2012-2013 Parents’ Association and many unsung volunteers for their devotion to The Regis School. Officers President Kate Robertson President Elect/ Vice President Communications Tara Hill Vice Presidents, Hospitality Jackie Busa Diane Wilczynski Standing CommitteeS Archivist Kate Robertson Art a la Carte Susan Dickson A Knight at Mardi Gras - Annual Auction Deana Blackburn Book Fair Jennifer Fuentes Alex Smoots-Hogan Booster Club Dana Gannon Parent Education Ana Maria Wood Field Day Wendy Arsham Box Tops for Education Anita Bryant Adela Parlette Pizza Lunch Magali Fano Cynthia Phillips Rosario Spinoso Go Texan Day Marina Rogers Aimee Verheeck Class Coordinator Mary Jakab Heart to Heart Megan Long Hospitality Jackie Busa Diane Wilczynski Moms in Prayer Jennifer Behan Parent Ambassador Program Jennifer Granger (EC) Jennifer Fuentes (LS) John Cope (MS) Rosary Donna Hotze Grandparents’ Day Jennifer Granger Tara Hill Social Awareness Rosario Spinoso International Feast Aurora Brunel Spirit Wear Jean Junghans Colette Hemingway-Moudy Middle School Dance Alishia Amtmann Elizabeth Turtur Uniform Resale Joanna Mahoney Oktoberfest Jennifer Fuentes Lauren Summerville Yearbook Paula Kotlarek Steps for Students Roman and Diana Davila Martinez THE REGI S S CH OOL HEADMI STRESS REP ORT Alumni Relations Priyanka Agarwal Jeffrey Hill Event Committees 39 A dministration , Faculty and Staff Headmistress Director of Dr. Nancy O. Taylor Special Events Mrs. Edna Marie Free Dean of Students (5th - 8th) Mr. Jeffrey Guedry Early Childhood Division Head (3PK - 4PK) Mrs. Linda Falco Lower School Division Head (K - 4th) Dr. Nicholas Morgan Administrative Staff Mrs. Priyanka Agarwal Mrs. Diana Burkhart Mrs. Laurie B. Cook Mr. Shawn Morado Mrs. Tina Nicholson Mrs. Jackie Orosco Mrs. Gay Russey Mrs. Margie Sipe Ms. Elizabeth Vargo Mrs. Denine Whalen Faculty Middle School Division Head (5th - 8th) Mrs. Pilar López THE REGI S SCHOOL HEADMISTRESS REP ORT Business Manager 40 Mr. Andrew Alford Director of Admission Mrs. Jennifer Glover Director of Advancement Mrs. Susan S. Ellerbe Mrs. Elisha Aguirre Mrs. Maria Aurisano Mrs. Cathy Boates Ms. Christine Broadston Mrs. Jacqueline Brown Ms. Laura Brunner Ms. Caroline Cohen Mrs. Patti Cryar Mrs. Joan Ezell Mrs. Linda Falco Mrs. Jennifer Glover Mrs. Mary Alice Greaney Mr. Jeffrey Guedry Mrs. Monica Gutierrez Mrs. Catharine Head Mr. Gary Holub Mrs. Betsy Hurst Ms. Dawn Kelly Mrs. Megan Kilbride Ms. Kallie LeBrasse Ms. Katie Lochte Mrs. Laura Luong Mrs. Pilar López Mrs. Kathy Manley Ms. Allison Marich Mr. John McCafferty Mrs. Christina Miller Mrs. Dorothy Monsarrat Mrs. Katherine Schmidt-Morrell Dr. Nicholas Morgan Mrs. Sandra Peterson Mrs. Donna Piga Ms. Louise Prihoda Ms. Carolyn Quinn Mrs. Maria Reynolds Mr. Santiago Ripoll Mrs. Gloria Russell Mrs. Angela Scott Mrs. Maria Sodek Ms. Laura Smith Ms. Lauren Stallings Mrs. Courtney Stiles Mrs. Patricia Sung Mr. Rodney Villadiego Mrs. Nichole Waters Mrs. Elena Whittington Mrs. Anne-Marie Zehawi Our teachers are helpful, they make you think and don’t just answer questions; they trust us We know what is right and have the courage to do what is right THE REGI S SCHOOL HEADMISTRESS REP ORT 44 The Regis School of the Sacred Heart is an independent Catholic school for boys in grades 3 pre-kindergarten through eighth grade. It is the only all boys Catholic school affiliated with the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Established in 1991 by families whose daughters attended its sister school, the Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart, Regis holds membership with the Network of Sacred Heart Schools, and is accredited through the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest and the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department. As a Sacred Heart School, A Regis education encompasses intellectual, spiritual, moral, and leadership development. The school offers a challenging core curriculum focused on the specific learning style of boys. Additionally, Regis prepares its students for continuation of their education at the finest high schools in Houston. Please follow Regis on @regisknights SACRED HEART GOALS I Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to a personal and active faith in God. II Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to a deep respect for intellectual values. III Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to a social awareness which impels to action. IV Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to the building of community as a Christian value. V Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom. CONTRIBUTORS EDITORS Priyanka Agarwal Andrew Alford Elizabeth Higgins Debbie Kemple Jeff Manley Nancy Taylor Elizabeth Vargo Priyanka Agarwal and Nancy Taylor DESIGN Good Project PHOTOGRAPHS COURTESY OF Jeff Grass, Julie Soefer, Regis parents, faculty and staff The Regis School of the Sacred Heart is an equal opportunity school and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, national or ethnic origin in administrative policies, admission policies, and scholarship programs. The 2012-2013 The Regis School Headmistress Report is a record of financial giving to The Regis School of the Sacred Heart during the fiscal year July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. In compiling this report, we have made a sincere effort to ensure that our listings are complete and accurate. Please accept our deepest apologies for any errors or omissions and notify the Advancement Department at 713.682.8383. THE REGIS SCHOOL OF THE SACRED HEART 7330 Westview Drive Houston, Texas 77055 | 713.682.8383 A member of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools in the United States Accredited by the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department (TCCED) Accredited by the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest (ISAS) U.S. POSTAGE PAID HOUSTON, TX PERMIT NO. 11449 T H E R E G IS SCH O O L NON-PROFIT ORG 7330 Westview Drive Houston, Texas 77055 713.682.8383 201 2 • 201 3 H E AD M I S TR E S S R E P O RT I L I KE RE G I S B E CA US E. . . REGIS 2012 · 2013 H E A D M I S T R E S S R E P O R T