Annual Report 2013-2014 - Idyllwild Arts Academy


Annual Report 2013-2014 - Idyllwild Arts Academy
Annual Report 2013-2014
Table of Contents
Mission Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
About Idyllwild Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Message from the President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Message from the Board Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
Board of Governors & Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Academy Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Summer Program Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Associates Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11
Statement of Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Recognizing Our Donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-29
The Future
will not care
how long it took
you to create,
nor what it cost,
only is it
or great.
- Max Krone
Mission Statement
The mission of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation is to
promote and advance artistic and cultural development
through education in a beautiful, natural environment
conducive to positive personal growth.
The Idyllwild Arts Academy provides pre-professional
training in the arts and a comprehensive collegepreparatory curriculum to a diverse student body of
gifted young artists from all over the world.
The Idyllwild Arts Summer Program provides art
instruction and experiences of the highest caliber to a
diverse student population of all ages and abilities.
About Idyllwild Arts
We believe that the arts are integral to the
human experience.
Idyllwild Arts is located in the San Jacinto Mountains,
high above Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley.
It was founded in 1946 by Max and Bee Krone as a
retreat from the rigors of urban life to support the
cultural development of Southern California; a place
where people of different backgrounds and cultures
could celebrate their arts together.
This original dream is being fulfilled by the Idyllwild
Arts Foundation, which now operates two programs:
1. The Summer Program, now in its 65th year,
provides more than 120 different classes in the arts
to a diverse population of students of all ages
and abilities, and 2. The Arts Academy, founded in
1986, to provide the highest caliber of rigorous
pre-professional arts education and a fully accredited,
independent, college preparatory academic
education to a culturally diverse high school student
body of gifted young artists from all over the world.
Idyllwild Arts Summer Program
The tradition that began in 1950 to bring the best
artists in their field to teach under the pines continues
today. Writer Norman Corwin, choreographers Merce
Cunningham and Bella Lewitzky, folk singer Pete
Seeger, painter Francoise Gilot, Native American artist
Fritz Scholder, and photographer Ansel Adams are
representative of the gifted artists who taught at
Idyllwild Arts and set the standard for arts education
that continues in today’s Summer Program.
During a eight-week season, more than 1,700 students
ages five to adult enroll in more than 120 intensive,
hands-on workshops (the majority two-weeks in
length), taught by professional artist-teachers, in
dance, music, theatre, visual art, creative writing,
filmmaking, and Native American arts.
The program for young people which includes the
Children’s Center (ages 5-12), Junior Artist’s Center
(ages (11-13), and Youth Arts Center (ages 13-18),
offers courses designed to excite and engage young
people, and accommodates a broad range of skill
levels and a wide variety of arts experiences.
Each year, Idyllwild Arts provides financial aid for economically
and culturally disadvantaged young people allowing them the
opportunity to engage in the making and performance of art –
50% of young people participating in an arts workshop are
awarded financial aid totaling over $600,000.
Programs for adults include special theme-related workshops,
seminars and performances featuring renowned artists and
musicians – Metals Week, Hot Clay, and Native American Arts.
Idyllwild Arts Academy
The Academy is a college preparatory boarding high school
preparing talented arts students for the finest conservatories,
professional companies, liberal arts colleges, and universities.
Students in grades 9-12 and post-graduate are admitted on
the basis of audition or portfolio evaluation, academic record,
and past record as good school citizens. The Academy offers
departments of creative writing, dance, interdisciplinary arts,
moving pictures, music, theatre, and visual art. Students study
five mornings a week in academic classes and, in the afternoons
and evenings, attend arts classes, rehearsals, work in studios,
or practice.
Enrollment is now at capacity, with approximately 300 students
(30% from California, 20% from other states, 50% international).
Nearly sixty percent of Academy students are awarded some
amount of financial aid totaling over $5.5 million annually.
Each year, graduating seniors are sought by colleges,
conservatories, and universities, including: American Academy
of the Dramatic Arts, California Institute of the Arts, Carnegie
Mellon University, Eastman School of Music, The Juilliard School,
New York University – Tisch, Parson School of Design, Rhode
Island School of Design, School of the Art Institute of Chicago,
the University of Southern California, and more.
Alumni of Idyllwild Arts Academy include journalist Celeste
Headlee ‘87, artist Shepard Fairey ‘88, Tony-nominated actress
Marin Ireland ‘96, musician and 2012 MacArthur Fellow Claire
Chase, ‘96, artist Nate Lowman ‘97, oboist Liang Wang ‘98, dancer
Neal Beasley ‘00, actor Neal Bledsoe ‘01, poet David Shook ‘04,
and musician Casey Abrams ‘09. This is a small sampling of the
many talented and accomplished alumni of Idyllwild Arts
Academy. Their divergent careers in the arts, business, government,
healthcare, and other professional pursuits are something of
which we’re extremely proud to have been a small part.
Since arriving at Idyllwild Arts Foundation in July, I have
spent a great deal of time learning our history, the vision of
our founders, and the mission that Idyllwild Arts embraced
nearly 70 years ago. Our founders believed that art is a
unifying language, drawing people of different cultures and
backgrounds together. Our founders believed that we could
make the world a better place if we understood each other’s
hopes, dreams, challenges and aspirations. Music and art was
the language we would employ.
We have come a long way since 1946, and in 2013-2014,
Idyllwild Arts provided its unique experience:
• to people young and old,
• to people from over thirty countries,
• to people in more than one hundred summer classes,
• alongside seven pre-professional artistic programs,
• and paralleled with an uncompromising academic
program for high-school aged students.
Message from the
Pamela Jordan
2016 will mark seventy years of excellence at Idyllwild Arts
Foundation. Such an occasion provides an ideal opportunity
to develop a revised strategic plan that creates a shared vision
for the institution and ensures IAF’s viability and success in the
years ahead. Building upon its legacy of artistic and academic
excellence, Idyllwild Arts continues its commitment toward
sustainability, leadership in arts education, and providing a
foundation for talented and creative young people to live
meaningful and fulfilling lives.
It is with sincere gratitude that we thank the entire Idyllwild
Arts community for supporting our apprentices, young and
old. We know that there are many outstanding cultural,
artistic, and educational institutions worthy of your support.
We thank you for choosing Idyllwild Arts Foundation as
important and integral to current and future generations.
Warmest regards,
Pamela Jordan
President, Idyllwild Arts Foundation
I am honored to present the Idyllwild Arts Foundation Annual
Report for 2013-2014. As the new Board Chair, it is my privilege
to say a few words about this remarkable year. However, many
accomplishments took place under the able leadership of
our immediate past Board Chair, Faith Raiguel. I would like
to thank Faith for her years of leadership and her continued
support and guidance.
Message from the
Board Chair
Jeff Dvorak
Magic. It is a term I hear often when talking with students,
parents and employees about what takes place in the
Academy and Summer Program at Idyllwild Arts. There is
something magical that happens “on the hill”. For some, the
magic is personal growth from creating something special
under the guidance of our faculty. For others, the magic
comes from witnessing a performance or viewing amazing
works in our extraordinary setting in the San Jacinto
Mountains. This “magic” would not be possible without the
support we receive from our donors, volunteers and friends.
In addition to presenting our financial results, this report is
provided to extend our thanks to each of you.
The 2013 Summer Program was unforgettable due to the
evacuation of our campus and the Idyllwild community for
several days due to the Mountain Fire. Under the leadership
of Steve Fraider and his team, our campus evacuation plans
were implemented seamlessly. It was extraordinary to witness
the power of art in the lives of our young students. Displaced
from our campus, they continued to create art together using
whatever tools or instruments they could find.
In December 2013 we completed our campaign for the William
M. Lowman Concert Hall. The hall will be the centerpiece of a
new campus hub and will provide a performance venue with
extraordinary acoustics.
I thank the members of our capital campaign committee,
development staff, and our co-chairs Buzz Holmes and
Jim Lovelace. With hard work and the extraordinary generosity
of our board, employees, alumni, the Associates of Idyllwild
Arts and many others, we were able to raise more than $6
million to build a concert hall that will serve generations
of future artists.
Also in December, we concluded a year-long search for
a new President. We were fortunate to have a dedicated
group of board members, faculty and management who
worked tirelessly through a thorough process, reviewing
many qualified candidates from all over the world. Pamela
Jordan has spent her career with arts education and serves on
regional and national independent school boards.
Message from the Board Chair
She was with the Chicago Academy of the Arts for over 20
years, where she was most recently serving as their President.
We look forward to working with her as we focus on the
future of Idyllwild Arts Foundation.
In the spring, we graduated the largest ever senior class
from the Academy, with over 100 talented graduates.
They will attend some of the finest colleges and universities
in the world. The Academy program has been operating
at or near full capacity for several years. It continues
its tradition of developing future leaders by offering
extraordinary training in academics and the arts.
We are proud of our accomplishments and are enthusiastic
about the future. Thank you for your continued support.
Jeff Dvorak
Chair, Board of Governors & Trustees
Board of Governors & Trustees
Board of Governors
Jeffrey A. Dvorak, Chair, Palm Springs
Susan Reardon, Vice Chair, S Pasadena
Thomas A. Bliss, Treasurer, Sherman Oaks
William B. Barnett, Secretary, Idyllwild
Susan Barnett, Idyllwild
Anne Erikson, Ex-officio, Idyllwild
Eadie Ferretti, Pittsburgh, PA
Mike Ferretti, Pittsburgh, PA
Barnaby Finch, Idyllwild
Janet Goldberg, Idyllwild
Dr. Richard Goldberg, Idyllwild
Harry Griswold, San Diego
Dwight A. Holmes, Idyllwild
James B. Lovelace, Los Angeles
Lillian P. Lovelace, Santa Barbara
Walter P. Parks, Riverside
Dr. Paulene Popek, Los Angeles
Faith Raiguel, Los Angeles
George Reardon, S Pasadena
Bruce Ryan, Pasadena, Idyllwild
Brian Sassi, Altadena
Peggy Sassi, Altadena
Howard Sherman, North Hollywood
Michael E. Slocum, Palm Springs
Glen E. Stephens, Riverside
Nancy C. Stephens, Riverside
Dr. Stephanie Webber, San Diego
Board of Trustees
Mike Barnett ’05, Brentwood
Cheri M. Bentley-Buckman, Palm Springs, Idyllwild
Charles W. Buckman, Palm Springs, Idyllwild
Angelina Burnett ‘96, New York, NY
Peter Capparelli, Idyllwild
Suzon Capparelli, Idyllwild
Ann DeWolfe, Riverside
William R. DeWolfe, Riverside
Vania Dobreva ’02, San Francisco
Christina Echavarria, New York, NY
Tony Echavarria, New York, NY
Diane Fox, Rancho Mirage
Adam D. Glick ‘02, New York, NY
Breanna Gribble ‘04, New York, NY
Julianna Holmes, Idyllwild
Kristie Hubbard, Pacific Palisades
Elizabeth Johnson ’04, Santa Monica
Daniel W. Lass, Palm Springs
Dr. Steven D. Lavine, Encino
Karla M. Leopold, Del Mar
William Leopold, Del Mar
Daniel Levy, Pasadena, Idyllwild
Jane Levy, Pasadena, Idyllwild
Dr. Anahita Lovelace, Los Angeles
Carolyn Lowman, Idyllwild
William M. Lowman, President Emeritus, Idyllwild
Suzan R. Mischer, Beverly Hills
Paula Moore, Rancho Palos Verdes
Dr. David Mosier, March ARB
Dr. Marjorie Mosier, March ARB
Carol Murrel, Newport Beach
Bret Nelson, Santa Ana
Gaylord (Nick) Nichols, Pasadena
Elizabeth B. Parks, Riverside
David Pearson, Carlsbad
Helle Pearson, Carlsbad
Linda Rider, Palm Desert
Manny Rider, Palm Desert
Donn Schoenmann, San Francisco
Lynn Schoenmann, San Francisco
Judith Shenkman, Huntington Beach, Idyllwild
Eric Sklar, St. Helena
Erica Roetman Sklar, St. Helena
Halle Stanford, Los Angeles
David Thomsen, Los Angeles
Dr. Erna L. Toback, Studio City
Norman Toback, Studio City
Loren Tripp, Pasadena, Idyllwild
David L. Trumbo, Studio City
Dena Van Slyke, San Clemente
Lee Van Slyke, San Clemente
Merrily Weiss, Sherman Oaks
Emeritus Trustees
Mary T. Escherich, Pomona
Earl W. Fisher, Santa Monica
Dora Todd Keeler, Irvine
Dr. Robert M. Krone, Fallbrook
Sue Krone, Fallbrook
Dr. Richard H. MacNeal, Pasadena
Lucille F. Norberg, San Marino
Carol Ulrich, Duarte
Peter Ulrich, Duarte
Idyllwild Arts Academy sent its 28th graduating class out
into the world on May 24th. These students celebrated the
culmination of an education they received here, growing up
in a supportive community that feels like a family. Academy
students represented 24 countries last year and studied
Dance, Creative Writing, Music, Moving Pictures, Visual Art,
Theatre, and InterArts. This combination of interests
along with the cultural variety makes for a diverse,
global community.
We believe that students of all socio-economic levels who
deserve admittance to Idyllwild Arts Academy should be able
to attend. In fact, we need them to attend in order to provide
the diverse experience our student body enjoys. 60% of our
students in the 13-14 received financial aid. Our donors make
that possible, as well as providing operational support for our
200 acre campus, and providing opportunities for enrichment
through masterclasses, field trips, and guest artists.
Academy Report
Dr. Douglas Ashcraft
The class of 2014 now takes its place with the other Academy
alumni who’ve distinguished themselves in countless ways.
Even more exciting than watching their growth as students,
is witnessing what they eventually do with an Academy
education. Whether they follow a traditional artistic career
or forge a new path, the resources and community they
enjoyed at Idyllwild Arts will continue to support and
inspire them.
As the 14-15 school year begins, we celebrate the
groundbreaking of the William M. Lowman Concert Hall.
This beautiful facility will inspire everyone who enters it,
but especially the students that play on its stage. Thanks to
the energy and generosity of our wonderful supporters and
friends, this dream is becoming a reality for us all.
Thank you,
Dr. Douglas Ashcraft
Head of School
For 65 consecutive summers, the Idyllwild Arts Summer
Program has fulfilled its mission to “…provide arts instruction
and experiences of the highest caliber to a diverse student
population of all ages and abilities in a beautiful natural
environment conducive to positive personal growth.” Although
the Summer Program continues to evolve throughout the first
decades of the 21st century, we have tried to stay true to Max
and Beatrice Krone’s seminal thoughts about their hopes for
the program:
“According to our way of thinking, the arts provide the best
common ground for friendly cooperation among the peoples
of the world. In our arts we express the same hopes and fears,
our joys and sorrows, our longings and aspirations, our daily
experiences, all of those things that mean the most to us.
The arts provide a common language we can all understand
no matter in what tongue the words may be expressed.”
Summer Program
Steve Fraider
The most significant work of the Summer Program takes place
in more than 120 intensive programs and workshops for students
of all ages and abilities in the fields of dance, film, music, theatre,
visual arts, writing and Native American arts. For eight weeks, the
campus buzzes with the intense activity generated by hundreds
of students energetically pursuing their passion in the arts. Over
the past six summers, we have been able to help more than 2,500
young people experience life-changing arts experiences by
means of financial aid and scholarships.
We are fortunate to have the most wonderful faculty of artistteachers imaginable, and a support staff, both full-time and
seasonal, of hard-working, dedicated idealists who provide
untold hours of creativity, energy and love for transformative
arts education.
We are also supremely grateful for the continuing attendance and
support from the approximately 1,700 students who participate
in the program each summer.
Finally, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the
thousands of donors and friends who continue to support
Idyllwild Arts. We absolutely, positively could not do this
without you.
Steve Fraider
Director of the Summer Program
Mission Statement of The Associates
To act as a nonprofit association to support education
in the arts; specifically the programs offered by the
Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program. We also
provide cultural activities for the local community.
The Associates have been working to fulfill their mission this
year in several areas: offering our volunteer abilities both to
Idyllwild Arts – for events and projects, and to the Idyllwild
community. In the fall of 2013 the Associates were very proud
to make a donation to the Capital campaign, for the Lowman
Concert Hall, that qualified for matching funds.
Associates Report
Anne Erikson
We continue to increase our membership and are delighted
to count more faculty, staff and parents each year. We
particularly want to communicate to Parents of IA students
that The Associates organization is an additional avenue of
involvement in the school. Our membership in the Fall 2014
has grown to approximately 300 members that includes
Individuals, Families, Parents and Businesses. Our membership
Chair Diana Kurr is a force of nature!
Activities & Fundraisers
Faculty & Staff Appreciation Cocktail Party –
The Associates opportunity to thank Faculty and Staff for
all they do, and our chance to meet more members of the
IA community. We had a very successful party at the Grand
Idyllwild Lodge with around 80 guests.
Holiday Party – Held at the beautiful Creekstone Inn Socializing & Introducing potential new members to
the Associates.
Barnaby Finch and Friends Brunch Fundraiser –
Staged at Stephens Hall with a pre-event brunch
deliciously created by Chris Stroud and the Nelson Hall
Dining Service staff.
Squirrelly Auction Fundraiser – Held at the Rainbow Inn, and
produced by Karen Metz, our Endowment Committee Chair,
with Vicki Streeter and Erin O’Neil. It was a fun evening of
silent and live auctions with a tremendous variety of art and
unique collectible items. Our auctioneer for the third year was
Associate Janice Lyle.
Musicale Fundraiser – The grand opening of the Ponderosa
Dome concert hall – hosted by Musicale Headliners:
Jane and Daniel Levy, (long time Associates, Board Members
and, Summer Program Faculty – Jane) performing with
David Speltz, Connie Kupka and Ryan Zwalen, former Chair
of the Music Department.
Annual Meeting & Election of Officers – We welcomed Pam
Jordan & her husband, Chris Scott, days before she formally
took the reins as President. We announced that the all time
giving of The Associates has exceeded $2 million dollars.
The 21st Jazz in the Pines Festival – What a great success!
We were able to make inroads in showcasing alumni of
Idyllwild Arts while providing 3 stages for 2 days of world
class Jazz and Blues talent. 60 Artisans booths offered
handmade, unique works for sale, including many artists who
are Idyllwild residents and members of the Associates. The
Members of the Jazz Committee volunteered their skills, time,
and focus for many months to produce a smooth running
event with exceptional talent, and a unique atmosphere on
the campus of Idyllwild Arts August 15-17, 2014.
Officers to June 2014
Anne Erikson – President
Pam Goldwasser – Vice President
Terry Kurr – Treasurer
Annamarie Padula – Recording Secretary
Joy Allgeier – Corresponding Secretary
Jorgine Brause – Ex-Officio
Board of Directors to 2015
Linda Anderson
Perry Dyke
Jane Levy
Larry Medinger
Richard Schwartz
Board of Directors to 2016
Bobbie Glasheen
Kathy Harmon-Luber
Robert Hildebrand
Karen Metz
Thom Wallace
Board of Directors to 2017
Anne Erikson, President
Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation
Katie Grigsby
Marilyn Kemple
Diana Kurr
Jazz in the Pines, 2013
Statement of Activities
Recognizing our Donors
Our Annual Report provides a special
opportunity to recognize you, the
members of the Idyllwild Arts family, for your
generous support. Our sincere thanks go to
the individuals, foundations and corporations
listed on the following pages. While the
greatest recognition of your support lies
in the accomplishments of our students,
what follows is a sincere effort to honor all
of you who have done so much to enrich
the Academy and the Summer Program. We
have made every effort to be as accurate as
possible in this report. If an error comes to
your attention, please let the Advancement
office know right away by calling
951-659-2171 x. 2330.
Pacesetter’s Circle $100,000 +
Ahmanson Foundation
Associates of IAF
California Community Foundation
Capital Group Companies Charitable
Mrs. Lillian P. Lovelace
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Lovelace
Dr. Paulene Popek
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edward Ronus
Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Sassi
Benefactor’s Circle $50,000 - $99,000
Cotsen Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Echavarria
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ferretti
Mr. Steven Fraider and Ms. Dale Perry
Jonathan Gordon and Kristie Hubbard
Mrs. Alice Honner-White and Mr. Pieter C. White
M. House Family Fund
William H. Hurt Philanthropy Fund
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hurt
Ms. Pamela Jordan and Mr. Christopher Scott
Dr. Steven Lavine and Ms. Janet Sternburg
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lear
Thomas & Dorothy Leavey Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Livingston
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Lowman
The Maurice Marciano Family Foundation
Catherine McCampbell Charitable Trust
National Endowment for the Arts
Mr. Mamoru Okada and Mrs. Etsuko Okada
Mrs. Kalli O’Malley and Mr. Terry Giles
Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Parks
Mrs. Laura Pfanz
Susan and George Reardon
Manny and Linda Rider
San Diego Foundation
San Manuel Band of Serrano Mission Indians
Mr. Terry Shaikh and Ms. Jennifer Caroline Metz
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Shenkman
Mr. Howard Sherman and Mr. Gregg Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Stephens
Marc and Eva Stern Foundation
Governor’s Circle $5,000 - $9,999
JL Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Lovelace
Patron’s Circle $25,000 - $49,999
Mr. Thomas A. Bliss and Ms. Merrily Weiss
Mr. Kenneth A. Bodenstein and
Ms. Diane Lerner
Bodenstein Family Foundation
Dr. Jane Claus
Colburn Foundation
Mr. Jeffrey A. Dvorak and Mr. Michael Slocum
Dr. Stephanie Webber and Mr. Harry Griswold
Gay Garner MacKintosh
Mr. Nick Nichols
Rose Hills Foundation
Ms. Cynthia L. Sears and Mr. Frank Buxton
Conservatory Circle $10,000 - $24,999
Dr. Douglas Ashcraft and Mr. Darren Schilling
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Barnett
Mr. Charles W. Buckman and
Ms. Cheri M. Bentley-Buckman
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew E. Bogen, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Capparelli
Mr. Harris Demetre and Mr. Terry Casella
Mr. and Mrs. William R. DeWolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Barnaby Finch
First Foundation Bank
Mr. Adam Glick ‘02
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Goldberg
Mr. Leopoldo Hirschhorn and Ms. Cynthia Katz
Mr. Daniel W. Lass
Mrs. Betty Levenstein
Mrs. Donna J. MacMillan
Mr. and Mrs. Don Mischer
Mr. David Nochimson
Mr. Todor Pelev
Ms. Faith Raiguel
Mr. Randy Repass and
Ms. Sally-Christine Rodgers
Repass-Rodgers Family Foundation
Mr. Bruce Ryan and Ms. Loren Tripp
Sacco Dining Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Sherman
Mrs. Hazel Simon
Soboba Foundation Inc.
TASIN, Tribal Alliance of Sovereign Indian Nations
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Thomsen
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Toback
Ella A. Trenchard Fund at the Community Foundation,
Serving Riverside and San Bernardino Counties
Mr. David L. Trumbo
Weingart Foundation
Andie Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Wilson
Wilson Family Trust
Trustee’s Circle $2,500 - $4,999
Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians
American Business Bank
The Autry Foundation
Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation
Mr. Richard Bambarger
BNY Mellon Wealth Management
Paul and Susan Bowers
Eli & Edythe L. Broad Foundation
Ms. Angelina Burnett ‘96
Grant and Peggy Cambridge
Community Bank
Ms. Ginger R. Culver ‘88
Mr. Mark H. Dalzell
Mrs. Lois Erburu
Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Fisher
Ms. Marcia Heck
IBM International Foundation
Idyllwild Arts Summer Auction
Ms. Claire Ivey
Mr. Yao Jun and Mrs. Zhao Hong
Mr. Soochul Kang and Mrs. Hyun Jung Cho
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Kracht
James and Karen Lefever
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Levy
Mr. Barry Manilow
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Martino, Jr.
Tucker and Megan McIntyre
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Moore
Ms. Carol Murrel
Ms. Felicia Navarro
Mr. and Mrs. Bret Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. John Newman
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Pearson
Quiet Creek Inn
Mr. Norman Richards
Whitney Sander and Catherine Holliss
Ted Sarandos and Honorable Nicola Avant
Ian Schoenleber and Maggie Lam
Mr. and Mrs. Donn Schoenmann
Eric and Erica Sklar
Ms. Halle Stanford
Mr. Nathaniel West and Mr. Ryan Zwahlen
Founder’s Circle $1,000 - $2,499
1011 Foundation
Ms. Andrea Adelson Reckard and Mr. Scott Reckard
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Arnold
Mr. John R. Benson and Ms. Sally Bentley
Cahuilla Band of Indians
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Cassling
Mr. Chen-Te Chan and Mrs. Yu-Mei Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Conlan
Ms. Lucinda Covert-Vail
Ms. Vania D. Dobreva Hines ‘02 and Mr. Michael Hines
Mr. and Mrs. Elmar E. Dornberger
Rabbi Malka Drucker and Ms. Gay Block
Don and Gay Durward
Frank and Lori Ferro
Robert Fricker and Charlotte Rea
Mr. and Mrs. Yehuda Gilad
Abner and Roz Goldstine
Mr. Zhihui Gong and Mrs. Lifang Wu
Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hasty
Houston Jewish Community Foundation
Drs. David W. Mantik and Patricia James
Mr. Lawrence Kawano
Mr. and Mrs. Young Kim
Izumi and Yuta Komori
Ms. Janet Lakatos Brittle
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Latta
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lennertz
Mr. and Mrs. William Leopold
James and Suzann Levine
Dr. and Mrs. John D. Maguire
Ms. Doriane B. McCord
Karen Metz and Les Suderman
Margery A. Mico
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Missett
Mr. Hector Mitre
Moss Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Newman
Mrs. John B. Norberg
Ms. Barbara Northcutt
Mr. Frank S. Peters and Mrs. Marjory M. Musgrave
Ms. Victoria Riskin
Sander Architects
Ms. Carol A Savoie
Ms. Olivia Sears
Tara Dutton Sechrest ‘94
Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Sedlmayr
Mr. David E. Simon and Ms. Lynn Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Smith
Dr. Carol Mitchell-Springer and Mr. Charles Springer
Streisand Foundation
Mr. Ling Sun and Mrs. Yan Li
Jeremy and Rachel Teeguarden
Jacob and Theresa Teel ‘97
Ms. Hope Tschopik Schneider
USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism
Dena and Lee Van Slyke
VISA Giving Station
Mr. Lance Wahl
Billy Weber
Mr. Kent Weishaus and Ms. Amy Fogerson
Mr. Lesley S. Widerynski and Ms. Deborah Gmeiner
Prof. Ransom Wilson and Mr. Walter Foery
John and Gail Wirth
Mr. and Mrs. Mihir Worah
Pam Goldwasser and Tim Wurtz
President’s Circle $500 - $999
Travis Acreman ’05 and Tony Georges ‘03
Richard and Julie Appel
Paul B. Bailey
Drs. Kevin and Elizabeth Barlog
Christopher and Diedra Bassel
Mr. Mark Biley
Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Bernard Brause, Jr.
Mr. James J. Bright, Jr. and Ms. Lucille A. Farber
John and Laura Bulrice
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Burke
Todd and Bonnie Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. H. Frederick Christie
Citizens Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Evan R. Cross
Mark and Priscilla Dimitruk
Cheryl Dimont
Eaton Corporation
Mrs. Mary Escherich
Ms. Chia Chen Vivian Fan ‘98
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. Don Gale
Gastrognome Restaurant
Ms. Leandra George
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Glick
Jerimaya and Laura Grabher
Gary and Joan Gray
Green Convergence
Ms. Meagan Greene
Ms. Katie Grigsby
Mr. Zili Guo and Mrs. Yan Zhang
Cathy and Mark Helm
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hernacki
Zachary Hewitt
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight A. Holmes
Louis Horvitz and Steffanee Leaming
Gene and Janet Householter
Ms. Deborah Howard and Mr. James Yaple
Mr. Min Huang and Mrs. Shiao Luo
Mr. Doug Johnston and Ms. Susan Herman
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kelly
Ms. Marilyn Kemple
Mr. Donald G. Stoll and Ms. Marianne Kent-Stoll
Mr. Marshall Rutter and Ms. Terry Knowles
Mr. Min He Lai and Mrs. Si Jing Luo
Jaclyn and Stefan Lessard
Mr. and Mrs. Buck Little
Mr. Douglas P. Lothes
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lovett
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lumarda
Ms. Janice Lyle
Annie and Bill Macomber
Mrs. Virginia Mancini
Mr. Wayne Martinson and Ms. Deb Sawyer
Nicholle McClelland-Beteille and Eric Beteille
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McClung
Ms. Andrea McMillan
Ms. Reina Meek
Ms. Diane Miller, deceased
Mr. Ronald Moore
Margaret Morgan
Drs. Marjorie and David Mosier
Duff Murphy
Jim Newcomb
C & R Newman Family Foundation
Richard and Melissa Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Resmo
Jonathan Ritter and Stacy Liberman
Ms. Alyson Sattler
Mr. Miguel A. Soto Gutierrez and
Mrs. Ana P. Garcia Belina Gonzales
Ingrid Stafford
Mr. Jassen Todorov ‘94
Michael J. Tollefson and Patricia Meganson
UCLA Brain Mapping Center
Mr. Armen R. Vartian and Ms. Candice Foss
Ms. Melissa Wilson
Ms. Carolyn Woosley
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Young
Isomatan’s Circle $250 - $499
Mr. Ed Barlow and Mr. Patrick Convey
Mr. Lincoln J. Belford and Dr. Lorraine Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bird
Ms. Sheila Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Brown
Ms. Laura Carroll
Kelly Cochrane
Ms. Caroline Cram
Mr. Edward J. Dietrich and Mr. Jack Kunkel
Mr. Dennis Doubin ‘97
Mr. Happy DuBowy
Ms. Louise Dvorak
Jerry Edelbrock
Mr. Michal Emanovsky ‘97
Fidelity Foundation
Ms. Nina Friend
Mr. Thomas Gibson
Aaron Gilmartin and Ms. Alyson Sattler
Don Gordon and Carol Johnston
Ken and Carrie Hanlon
Charles Hassell and Jennifer Slott
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Holliday
Ms. Zoe Ingram ‘13
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ingram
Cathy and Shigekazu Iwane
Jazzercise, Inc.
Ms. Coral Jones
Sonny and Gloria Kamm
Megan Kenyon
Ms. Mary King
Ralph and Nancy Kuncl
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Levee
Mr. David J. Lilieholm and Ms. Valerie Velez
Mr. Andrew Z. Linsky
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Marjoram
Mr. Paul McGlaughlin ‘92
Jim and Anne-Marie Mead
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Meisch
Dr. Carol Merrill-Mirsky
Pat Moloney and Anne Erikson
Morongo Band of Mission Indians
Kristy and Steve Morrell
Mr. and Mrs. John Nuckols
Mr. Michael O’Donovan
Michael and Kali Palermo
Ingrid Parl
Ms. Cheryl Peterson and Mr. Roger Lustberg
Kent and Jeannie Peterson
Ana Ponce
Nicole Preston
Larry and Bernie Rehhaut
Mr. and Mrs. David Reid-Marr
Mr. Zhong Ren and Mrs. Xiaohni Wang
Emily R. Roossien and Mr. Robert J. Priefer
Ms. Maygen Sandrini
Mr. and Ms. Francis Schumacher
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Shapiro
Mr. Isaac Shapiro
Mr. Teruo Shida
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sirkin
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Siva
Mr. Georgi Slavchev ‘93
Ms. Marie Spellman
Ms. Jeni Sponseller
Mr. Chris Stroud ‘94
Kevin Michael Sullivan
Amy Wellman
Mr. and Mrs. Darren M. Winkley
Ron Zuckerman
Friend’s Circle $100 - $249
Edgar and Lilla Aftergood
Eric and Annee Alcouloumre
Ms. Sara Andon
Ms. Posey Bacopoulos
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Baird
Ms. Lindie L. Banks
Ms. Dena Barmore
Mr. McKim N. Barnes and Ms. Terry J. Fife
Dr. and Mrs. Reynaldo Bayubay
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Bell
Mr. Jeffrey L. Bernstein and Ms. Jean M. Stevens
Ms. Thea Bernstein and Mr. Marvin Silverman
Shirley and Allan Berue
Stanley and Joyce Black Family Foundation
Carol Blischke
Ms. Becky Bomgardner
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Booth
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boulger
Rowin Breaux ‘16
Mr. Peter C. Brockett and Ms. Laureen B. Chang
Mr. Harry G. Bubb
Adele Lander Burke and Rick Burke
Allison Calderwood
Ms. Ying-Hsueh Chen ‘02
Mr. and Mrs. Gary B. Chenault
Dr. and Mrs. Ing-Yih S. Cheng
David A. Clark
Ms. Amy Claussen ‘05
Giovanna Clayton ‘94
Mr. Raymond Clemens ‘96
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clopine
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cohen
Heather and George Companiott
Mr. Charles Conn and Mrs. Beverley Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Corda
Country Farms
Mr. Michael I. Cowan and Mrs. Roberta Kass
William and Kathy Cox
Mr. Wayne Craycroft and Mr. Odd Ivar Ruud
Mr. Brian E. Cromer and L J Joyner
Mr. Lowell Crystal
Mr. Gary E Daigh
Julie and Michael Dana
Jayne Davis
Mr. Arthur Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. James Deshefy
Dr. and Mrs. David Didden
Rachel and Charles Druten
Dr. and Mrs. Heber G. Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brent Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Dunn
Ms. Mystral Echavarria ‘05
Ms. Gail Eichenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Eisenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Ellis
Ms. Bonnie M. Emert
Mr. Jean-Pierre Falet
Mr. and Mrs. Yale Farar
Mr. Daniel Fiddler
John and Nancy Fletcher
Ms. Ruth Fountain
Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Galluzzo
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Ganoung
Mr. Vesselin Gellev ‘95
Ms. Johanna Gjersvik ‘01
Ms. Janice Godke
Mr. David C. Gogerty and Ms. Jean Waggoner
Ms. Juliana Gondek
Emiliano and Rosana Gonzalez-Blanco Bernal
Dr. John Goulding and Dr. Karin Obermeier
Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Gray
Mr. Donald Green
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Greenberg
Ms. Breanna Gribble ‘04
Shelley Grudin
Ms. Annie Gutierrez
Eloise A. Haldeman
Mrs. Lynn G. Hannah
Ms. Candice Hanson
Mr. Gerald Harman
Mr. and Mrs. John Haskell
Mrs. Shirlee Heidler
Mr. Robert Hildebrand
Melissa Hirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Dieter Holberg
Dr. Pamela and Mr. Andrew Horowitz
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Hunt, Jr.
Idyllwild Dental Building
Mr. and Mrs. Don Jacaruso
Dr. Mercedes Jahn and Andres Beran
Mr. Trevor Jenkins
Ms. YouRee Jin ‘06
Dr. Beverly Johnson
Ms. Elizabeth Johnson ‘04
Ms. Kristen Jones
Mrs. Julie E. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Jones
Ms. Anna Jordan ‘99
Mr. Wei-Peng Kan ‘04
Susan and William Kapitanoff
Yvonne Karukas
Ms. Catherine Bergstrom and Mr. Allan D. Katz
Mr. and Mrs. John Keane
Mr. Andy Khouri ‘98
HeeJeong Kim
Ms. Nina Kim Sohn
Jake and Tori Fredericks ‘95
Tom and Kathy Kluzak
Paul Koch
Mr. Bruno Kortenhorst
Mrs. Mary M Kracha
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kuykendall ‘90
Mr. John LaRue
Ms. Erin Latimer ‘02
Mrs. Betty Lawler
Mr. Andrew W. Leeson
Ms. Deborah Meg Lennon
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Lewis
Ley Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.
Dr. I-Bei Lin ‘91
Mr. Bohan Lin ‘12
Mr. ZuBin Liu and Mrs. YongJu Ge
Mr. Carlos O. Lozano and Mrs. Liliana N. Alcantara
Suzanne Lozano
Ms. Karen E. Lundgren-Secard and Mr. Lee Secard
Ms. Marsha J. Lytle
Ms. Louise MacGillivray
Catherine and Douglas MacLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mandell
Ms. Ziba Marashi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. McNeill
Ms. Cynthia C. McWhirt
Judith Menconi
Mr. Maurice Meysenburg
Dr. Michelle Miller and Mr. John R. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. John Montroy
Mr. Peter Morway
Ms. Cynthia Moussas
Marc and Stefanie Muench
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Mullin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Munnerlyn
Mr. Robert M. Myers and Ms. Linda J. Sullivan
Mr. David Nienas
Tim and Gretel Noble
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Oliva
Ms. Edith Orloff and Mr. David Peck
Mr. Philip Oster
Ms. Elizabeth Ozmun
Debbie Paris and Dennis McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Pembrook
Kelly Perine
Ms. Violina Petrova ‘05
Tom and Marlene Pierce
Dr. and Mrs. John O. Pohlmann
Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Polanski
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pomerantz
Dr. and Mrs. Sam Porter
Rabbi and Mrs. Jacob Pressman
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reiner
Ms. Wendy Reinert ‘00
Daniel Reisfeld and Lynn Scullion Reisfeld
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Resnick
Tom and Dana Riccard
Mrs. Marjorie Ricker
Cynthia Rinehart
Abe and Elaine Rosenbaum
Ms. Anne Burke Rothrock
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Ruiz-Anchia
Arlene Saryan Alexander
Bille Corinne Sarzin
Ms. Carol Sauvion
Christopher Schmidt and Denice Breaux
Mr. Richard C. Schnetzer and Mrs. Patricia Eagle-Schnetzer
Pamela Sue Schuman
Mr. Gary L. Schwandner
Mr. Elias Sedlmayr ‘14
Ms. Danica Sheridan ’88 and Mr. Kevin A. Straight
Margaret Shrimpton Masson
Smith Floors
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Snyder
Charlie Song and Connie Ng
Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc.
Southside Management, Inc.
Ms. Erin Spencer ‘96
Mr. Jay Stark
Ms. Margaret H. Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Dylan Steer
Ralf Stolberg
Ms. Victoria Stuart
Ms. Tracy Stultz
Ms. Laura Tetlow
Mrs. Marilyn Timper
Ms. Karen Tokashiki
Joanne Topol and Michael Ostroff
Ms. Jirisupa Varikarn ‘06
Village Nail Salon
David and Diane Waldman
Mr. Glenn Warren and Ms. Phyllis Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Webb
Mr. Fu Wei and Mrs. Li Mei Bo
Ms. Kelly Wendorf and Mr. Wayne Muller
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Whitaker
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wilmore
Mr. Dennis Wilson
Melisa Wilson
Allison and James Wilt
Linda Saccoccio and Barry Winick
Ms. Barbara Winslow
Jen Wohlner
Barbara and Clifford Woolfolk
Ms. Elizabeth Wright
Yuanjing Xu
Donna Zdrojewski
Donor’s Circle Up to $99.99
Mr. Marc Abraham
Mr. Casey Abrams ‘09
Ms. Amanda Aday ‘98
Ms. Trudy Adler
Mr. Philip Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Alexander ‘95
Ms. Monica Allen Hays ‘02
Ms. Shannon Alteman ‘03
Jefferson and Loretta Amacker
Ms. Mary Angelo ‘05
Ms. Beryl E. Arbit
Mr. John Tully Ardies Macintyre ‘91
Ms. Kathleen Arechiga
Mr. Andrew Baird ‘03
Janet and Robert Baker
Ms. Anusha Balram ‘01
Mr. Julian Barnett ‘98
Mr. Michael Barnett ’05
Jeannie Barresi and Douglas Lofland
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Barrett
Mr. Alejandro Barron ‘11
Ms. Betty Battista
Mr. Aaron Baum ‘00
Ms. Vivian Bayubay ‘94
Wen Beebe
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bennion
Penny and Don Bentley
Mr. Harald Eduardo Beran ‘13
Ms. Sarah Berger
Ms. Ava Berkofsky ‘96
Ms. Keely Berry-LeBlanc
Phyllis K. Bettelheim
Kimberly and Glenn Billman
Mr. Matt Bissinger ‘88
Ms. Christine Bollow ‘99
Mr. Russell A. Bomgardner ‘10
Mr. Jordan Bonner ‘10
Ms. Leah Bosworth
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bourquin
Ms. Shirley Brody
Kim Brosnan
Mr. John P. Brosnihan
Mr. Justin Brown ‘05
Mr. Bernard Brown ‘97
Dr. Lawrence W. Browne
Mr. Howard I. Bulos and Ms. Linda Tedjakusuma
Mr. John W. Burkert
Mr. Joshua Butler ‘97
Mr. Joseph Orrantia and Ms. Jennifer Calbi ‘88
Ms. Emilie Campbell ‘02
Mr. Dan Cantrell ‘94
Ms. Gavin Capaul Green ‘94
Ms. Jacqueline Carnahan ‘98
Ms. Stacey Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Castellano
Ms. Mary Cavena
Mr. William Cedeno ‘10
Mr. Samuel Chan ‘11
Ms. Mee Rosa Chang ‘02
Ms. Sung Eun Chang ‘05
Irene B. Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Sanders J. Chase
Ms. Leslie Thompson Chatwin
Ms. Melody Chen ‘97
Cheviot Hills Garden Club
Ms. Amanda Cho ‘09
Mr. Hyung-Woo Choi ‘07
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan W Chosiad
Ms. Chia-Yi Birdy Chou ‘02
Mr. Chih-Chien Bruce Chou ‘97
Mr. Tzu-Yang Jack Chou ‘98
Wei-Ping Grace Chou ‘99
Ms. Mary Beth Clark
Ms. Delaney Clark ‘13
Mr. David Cohen ‘08
Gina Coletti
Mr. Reid Colton ‘03
Mr. Nick P. Cooper
Ms. Lorel Cornman
Ms. Catherine Coulson
Ms. Chloe Coventry ‘96
Kathleen M. Creeden
Mallory Cremin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crimi
Theresa Curtis
Mr. Saro Danalian ‘08
Mr. Jamison Daniels ‘05
Mr. Joseph d’Auguste ‘04
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Davis
Barbara W. Davis
Mr. David Day
Tracy DeBrincat
Lea Deesing
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dickey
Ms. Xianghong Tang
Mr. Daniel Dreilinger ‘87
Bernard and Julie Dresel
Ms. Jamila Dunn ‘96
Mrs. Meghan Durham Wall ’88 and Mr. Michael Wall
Ms. Marissa Dutton ‘00
Ms. Perry Dyke
Frank Erler
Steve and Jennie Espinoza
Ms. Dorian Gray ‘97
Ms. Audra C. Ewing ’99 and Michael Cavnar
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferguson
Mr. Peter Ferretti ‘08
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Finley
Mr. Michael Fishbein ‘07
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Fisher
Mr. William Fisher ‘96
Ms. Audrey Fisher
Mr. Noah Fleischaker ‘98
Ms. Ellie Flier
Mr. and Mrs. George Forbes
Stacey and Steven Fracol
Mr. Andrew Fraga, Jr. ‘97
Dr. Jack Fraider
Ms. Jordana Fraider ‘04
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. French
Ms. Alexandra Fridell ‘00
Ms. Alexandra Gandionco ‘13
Roxane and Robert Geggie
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Geiger
Ms. Madison Gerringer ‘13
Ms. Vesper Gers ‘96
Ms. Melissa Gibson Dustin ‘98
Ms. Chelsea Gilbert ‘94
Caitlin Berry Gillmore ’05 and Chester Gillmore ‘03
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Gines
Mr. and Mrs. Barry H. Glazer
Ms. Maria Elena Gomez
Ms. Xue Maxine Gong ‘12
Mr. Alexey Gorokholinsky ‘03
Ms. Mary E. Gose
Ms. Caitlin Gott ‘07
Crystal Robison Gould ‘98
Ms. Kandace Greer Grammer ‘10
Ms. Linda Grand
Margaret and Daniel Gray ‘97
Mr. Matthew Gray ‘01
Ms. Kaelen Green ‘01
Mr. Nolan Greene ‘06
Ms. Chelsea Gribble ‘05
Ms. Richelle Gribble ‘09
Ms. Laura Griscom ‘08
Ms. Janet Gross
Ms. Vanessa Gross ‘87
Ms. Claire Hagyard ‘92
Bob and Kathi Haine
Ms. Marisa Hamamoto ‘00
Mr. Carl Hamilton ‘01
Mrs. Kathy Hanson
Ms. Lauren Hardage ‘99
Mr. Don Hearn
Ms. Marielle Heidebrink ‘08
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Hemphill
Ms. Kendell Henle ‘05
Ms. Theodosia Henney ‘06
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Herrick
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hert
Hewlett-Packard Company
Ms. Holly Hodges ‘06
Ms. Jessica Hofmann ‘05
Cheryl Holden
Mr. Justin Holmes ‘01
Mr. Trevor Holmes ‘05
Ms. Kathryn Holtkamp ‘04
Ms. Kamala Horwitz
Mr. John W. Houghton, Jr.
Mr. Huan-Wei Huang ‘03
Ms. Sara Huddleston ‘98
Ms. Nancy Hughes
Mr. Sho Ikushima ‘04
Mr. Gokcan Ilbay ‘09
Aguri Ishimori Inaba ’97 and Rui Inaba ‘96
Barbie Insua
Ms. Marin Ireland ‘96
Ms. Moe Ishii ‘05
Ms. Luann Jaffe and Mr. Sidney Lam
Nick and Kimberly Jarrett ‘97
Ms. Jennifer Johnson ‘96
Ms. Kenya Johnson
Ms. Katie Johnson ‘11
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kaplan
Ms. Patti Kaplan
Mr. Michael Kearns
Ms. Katherine Kearns ‘13
Mr. and Mrs. Donn L. Keith, III
Ms. Patricia Keller
Kathleen and Dennis Kieferdorf
Ms. Christy Kim
Ms. Seung Ah Kim ‘10
Ms. Ta Yeon Kim ‘02
Ms. Tara Kintz ‘94
Knotty Pine Cabins
Mr. Yu Osaki ’05 and Ms. Maihi Kodama ‘03
Ms. Mariya Koeva ‘07
Ms. Haley Kooyman ‘09
Ms. Liana Koteva ‘97
Mr. Joseph Kwon ‘98
Lark in the Morning
Ms. Carmel Larsen Marks ‘94
Mrs. C.C. Latimer
Mr. Laurence Lavin
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lazzaro
Ms. Karina Lelutiu Nobuhata ‘97
Lemieux Family
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lengyel
Ms. Barbara Lewy
Ms. Yi-Hsien Liao ‘04
Mr. Kyang Yang Liao and Mrs. Wei-Hui Huang
Mr. Lucas Lilieholm ‘06
Ms. Sharon A. Lilly
Ms. Yu-Chieh Kelly Lin ‘00
Mr. Wei-Yang Andy Lin ‘02
Susan Linder
Leslee and Larry Lipstone
Mr. Xiaofan Liu ‘12
Janet Loffredo
Dr. Andrea Loomis and Mr. Roger D. Loomis
Jessie and Brett Lord Proia ‘05
Ben and Jennifer Lozano
Mr. Daniel Luna ‘06
Ms. Sarah Luna ‘04
Ms. Laverne Lunde
Ms. Marna Makau
Ms. Annie Mallonee Clausen ‘03
Carol Malone
Aldo and Judith Mancinelli
Mr. Steven Mandelbaum ‘95
Mr. Stephen Mann ‘05
Mr. Iñigo Mantecon ‘13
Ms. Meredith Mantik ‘06
Michael and Molly Mapel ‘01
Mr. Tivon Marcus ‘01
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Marcus
Ms. Marya Marcus
Ms. and Mr. Marla Marganian
Ms. Mary Val Marsh Twist, deceased
Mr. John Matteson
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mautner
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mazzarella
Sara and John McKay
Ms. Victoria McMahon
Ms. Catherine McMillan
Ms. Michelle McMillan ‘13
Ms. Patricia Melniker
Mr. Elliot Mercer ‘05
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Mercuri
Mr. and Mrs. James Mettler
Mr. and Mrs. George Meyer
Ms. Miriam N. Meyers
Ms. Marilyn Micheau
Ms. Maria Miller
Staci and Clay Mitchel
Mr. and Mrs. Pete J Mittelstadt
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mooney
Concetta Morales
Ms. Hitomi Mori ‘05
Mr. Adam Morrow ‘97
Mr. Anthony Moscaritolo
Mr. Rick Munitz
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Munnerlyn
Desiree M. Munoz Curtis ’05 and Paul Curtis
Ms. Darcilyn Murphy ‘00
Ms. Evynne Murray ‘11
Orville and Perdita Myers
Ms. Meegan Skyler Myers ‘96
Ms. Emma Neiman ‘13
Christen Ng
Ms. Annie Nilsson ‘00
Mr. Michael Noble ‘06
Mr. Richard Oelschlaeger
Margo Regan O’Flaherty
Kathy O’Mara
Mr. David Ordovskiy ‘09
Ms. Mariana Orozco Arango ‘13
Ms. Rachael Orton ‘00
Ms. Merietta Oviatt Paredez ‘94
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Owens
Laura Parker
Ms. Angharad Parkes ‘03
Ms. Mary Kaitlin Parks ‘05
Mr. Hunt Parr ‘05
Mr. and Mrs. John Part
Mr. Richard Pavao Jones ‘94
Ms. Janet Pederson
Ms. Maya Pierce ‘04
Ms. Phoebe Ping ‘08
Mr. Chad Pisetsky ‘00
Ms. Jennifer Price and Mr. Laurance Mayer
Ms. Wanda Pritts
Ms. Kimberly Pritts ‘13
Mrs. Susan M. Prostor
Penny Linn Puente
Ms. D. Althea Rammessirsingh
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold L. Raymon
Tanya Reinhart
Shanna and Dave Robb
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Roberts
Sydney Robertson
Ms. Rashida Robinson
Ms. Ludmila Rocmanova ‘09
Ms. Jennifer Rogers
Ms. Carol Rosen
Mr. Michael Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Payam Roshandel ‘99
Ms. Lauren Rosi ‘03
Mr. Mark Ross
Michelanne Rothrock, M.D. ‘98
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Rubin
Ms. Lily Ruffner ‘06
Jara Ruiz-Anchia ‘02
Ms. Ruth M. Ryan
Mrs. Laura Shaghoian
Ms. Sara Shakliyan
Mr. Steve Shaw
Mr. Brian Shin ‘13
Mr. David A. Shook ’04 and Ms. Sydneyann Binion
Ms. Tuere Tanee McCall ‘99
Dr. and Mrs. Josef Shwartz
Mrs. Leona H. Siadek
Ms. Gunvor Sihm ‘04
Mr. Simeon Simeonov ‘00
Ms. Charlotte Smith ‘08
Mr. Barry Socher
Ms. Teale Sperling ‘05
Ms. Johana St. Clair ‘96
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Stephens
Ms. Wendi Strebe
Patrick and Sony Streit
Ryan Strickland and Sabrina Bowles
Mr. Sean Stromsoe ‘09
Mr. and Mrs. Barth Swanson
Mr. Alexander Tchobanov ‘00
Ms. Joan Thorburn
Ms. Kathryn Timmins
Joseph Tolman and Stacy Davis
Ms. Teissia Treynet ‘02
Anna Trumbo ‘05
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Turner
Mr. Ron Twombly and Mr. Wayne Myers
Mr. Daniel Felix Ungar ‘03
Ms. Tasha Unninayar ‘97
Dr. Angel Valchinov ’99
Ms. Deyana Valchinova ‘06
Mr. Ted Sweetser and Ms. Jane L. Valentine
Leighann Van Deventer
Ms. Christine L. VanderLeest
Ms. Alexae Visel ‘97
Ms. Germaine Vogel ‘07
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Wall
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C Walton
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wang
Mr. Ahmad Wardag ‘10
Sallie Warwick
Gary and Susan Weber
Ms. Emily Weeks ‘14
Stephen L. Weigert
Todd Weinger
Sylvia Weishaus
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wellman
Ms. Jacqueline White
Mr. Brian Widelitz
Dr. J. S. Wikle and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Wikle
Ms. Mara Wilson ‘05
Alice Winn
Ms. Caroline Witham Crawford ‘94
Mr. Alan Woo ‘09
Ms. Christine Wood ‘10
Ms. Alison Yates ‘03
Ms. Hye-Won Yoon ‘05
Ms. Ji-Won Yoon ‘00
Ms. Sheila Zacker
Mr. and Mrs. Bijan Zayer
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Zekley
Mr. Wenmin Zhang ‘07
Mr. Ming Gang Zhou and Mrs. Shi Hong
Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Zook
Endowment Gifts
Your gift to the endowment provides annual support
to Idyllwild Arts’ highest priorities throughout your
lifetime and beyond. Our sincere appreciation to
the following donors who made endowment gifts
in 2013-2014.
Ms. Andrea Adelson Reckard and Mr. Scott Reckard
Ms. Marcia Heck
Mrs. Alice Honner-White and Mr. Pieter C. White
JL Foundation
Susan and William Kapitanoff
Mrs. Betty Levenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Lovelace
Ms. Mary Val Marsh Twist, deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Darren M. Winkley
Gifts In Kind
We are honored to recognize those who donated
various gifts in kind throughout the year as well as
auction items for the successful 2014 Idyllwild Arts
Gala honoring award winning television producer Mr.
Norman Lear, and philanthropist Mrs. Lillian Lovelace.
David and Veronica Alt
Dr. Douglas Ashcraft and Mr. Darren Schilling
Associates of IAF
Ms. Suzanne Avalon
Carl and Virginia Ballenger
Mr. Michael Barnett ‘05
William and Susan Barnett
Border Grill
Ms. Kimberly Bowers
Paul and Susan Bowers
Frank Bruynbroek
Mr. Charles W. Buckman and
Ms. Cheri M. Bentley Buckman
Sinem Buyukcinar
Mr. Jack Carroll
Franklin Coopersmith
Lori Davey
Mr. Matthew Dickman
Ms. Gertrude M. Dienhart
Disneyland Resort
Don Mischer Productions
Ms. Louise Dvorak
Mr. Jeffrey A. Dvorak and Mr. Michael Slocum
Eberle Winery
Tony and Christina Echavarria
Elite Island Resorts
Amanda and Shepard Fairey ’88
Neil and Heather Godsey
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Goldberg
Randy and Jan Hahka
Halper Fine Art
Mark and Lynn Hannah
Brenda Holzke
Idyllwild Master Chorale
Don and Mimi Jacaruso
Dr. Mercedes Jahn and Mr. Andres Beran
Helle Jensen and Lars Nielson
Chris and Melody Johnston
LA Chamber Orchestra
Mr. Daniel W. Lass
Karla and William Leopold
Mr. Alan Leverenz
Daniel and Jane Levy
Los Angeles Opera
Mr. Harold Matzner
Suzan and Don Mischer
Mission Inn
Mr. Matt Murphy ‘88
Ms. Carol Murrel
Nic’s Beverly Hills
Mrs. Kalli O’Malley and Mr. Terry Giles
Mr. and Mrs. John Part
Dr. Ira Abrams and Ms. Pamela Pierce
Rancho La Puerta
Patrick Reitz
Manny and Linda Rider
Ms. Chinlee Chang and Mr. Terry Rothrock
Mr. Bruce Ryan and Ms. Loren Tripp
Sam Ash Corporation and Affiliates
San Diego Zoo Global
SARO, Los Angeles
Brian and Peggy Sassi
Ronald and Judith Shenkman
Laura and Jeff Sherman
Mr. Howard Sherman and Mr. Gregg Houston
Eric and Erica Sklar
Spa Resort Casino
John and Mary Spangler
Streisand Foundation
Mrs. Diane Sushel
Grant and Iku Taylor
Valerie Confections
Dena and Lee Van Slyke
Ms. Penelope Venola
W. F. Leopold Management
David and Diane Waldman
Ray and Helen Weeks
Mr. Dan Welden
Yosemite Conservancy
Honorary and Memorial Gifts
Mr. Philip Alexander
Gift in memory of Joel Pressman
Ms. Sara Andon
Gift in memory of Terry Graves
Ms. Beryl E. Arbit
Gift in memory of Joel Pressman
Dr. Douglas Ashcraft and Mr. Darren Schilling
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Barnett
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Ms. Betty Battista
Gift in memory of Andy Fraga
Mr. Jeffrey L. Bernstein and Ms. Jean M. Stevens
Gift in memory of Claire Berntstein
Carol Blischke
Gift in memory of Wallace Blischke
Mr. Thomas A. Bliss and Ms. Merrily Weiss
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Paul and Susan Bowers
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Bernard Brause, Jr.
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Adele Lander Burke and Rick Burke
Gift in memory of Mildred Fraider
Ms. Angelina Burnett ‘96
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan W Chosiad
Gift in memory of Joel Pressman
Ms. Amy Claussen
Gift in memory of Jim Whiteman
Mr. Reid Colton
Gift in memory of Terry Graves
Kathleen M. Creeden
Gift in memory of John Altieri
Mr. Gary E Daigh
Gift in memory of Ron Daigh
Julie and Michael Dana
Gift in memory of Joel Pressman
Jayne Davis
Gift in memory of Steve Hudson
Lea Deesing
Gift in honor of Paris Deesing
Mr. and Mrs. William R. DeWolfe
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dickey
Gift in honor of Jennifer Kelley
Ms. Vania D. Dobreva ‘02 and Mr. Michael Hines
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Mr. Dennis Doubin
Gift in memory of Lina Vonsever
Rachel and Charles Druten
Gift in honor of Steve Fraider
Mr. Jeffrey A. Dvorak and Mr. Michael Slocum
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Gift in memory of George Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Echavarria
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Eisenberg
Gift in memory of Joel Pressman
Mrs. Mary Escherich
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Ms. Chia Chen Vivian Fan ‘98
Gift in memory of Terry Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Barnaby Finch
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Fisher
Gift in honor of Wil Fisher ‘96
Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Fisher
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Dr. Jack Fraider
Gift in honor of Dale Perry
Robert Fricker and Charlotte Rea
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Goldberg
Gift in memory of Mimi LeGate ‘06
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Ms. Breanna Gribble
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Ms. Katie Grigsby
Gift in memory of Dot Lewis
Dr. Stephanie Webber and Mr. Harry Griswold
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Ken and Carrie Hanlon
Gift in honor of William Lowman
Mrs. Lynn G. Hannah
Gift in memory of Mark Hannah
Ms. Candice Hanson
Gift in honor of Bill and Karla Leopold and family
Mr. Gerald Harman
Gift in memory of Joel Pressman
Cathy and Mark Helm
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Mrs. Alice Honner-White and Mr. Pieter C. White
Gift in memory of Jeanne Holmes Ritter
Mr. Huan-Wei Huang ‘03
Gift in memory of Terry Graves
Drs. David W. Mantik and Patricia James
Gift in honor of Meredith Mantik ‘06
Mr. Doug Johnston and Ms. Susan Herman
Gift in honor of David Gordon
Ms. Kristen Jones
Gift in memory of Judie Jones
Ms. Pamela Jordan and Mr. Christopher Scott
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Yvonne Karukas
Gift in memory of Joel Pressman
Mr. and Mrs. Donn L. Keith, III
Gift in honor of Tamara Keith
Ms. Mary King
Gift in honor of Katie Grigsby
Izumi and Yuta Komori
Gift in honor of Sumire Komori
Mr. Daniel W. Lass
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Dr. Steven Lavine and Ms. Janet Sternburg
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Lemieux Family
Gift in memory of John Altieri
Janet Loffredo
Gift in memory of George Pratt
Richard and Berle Lombardi
Gift in memory of John Altieri
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Lowman
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Gifts in memory of Clyde Gibson, Mildred Fraider,
George Pratt
Suzanne Lozano
Gift in memory of Joel Pressman
Ms. Janice Lyle
Gift in honor of Tools for Tomorrow
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Martino, Jr.
Gift in honor of Earl Fisher
Sara and John McKay
Gift in memory of John Altieri
Ms. Catherine McMillan
Gift in honor of Grace Martin
Ms. Cynthia C. McWhirt
Gift in memory of Joel Pressman
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Meisch
Gift in honor of Carol and Peter Ulrich
Ms. Diane Miller
Gift in memory of Mildred Fraider
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Missett
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Pat Moloney and Anne Erikson
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Mr. Rick Munitz
Gift in memory of Joel Pressman
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Munnerlyn
Gift in honor of Robert G. Millsap, Jr.
Ms. Carol Murrel
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Mr. and Mrs. John Newman
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Mr. Nick Nichols
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Mr. Michael Noble ‘06
Gift in memory of Terry Graves
Mrs. John B. Norberg
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Gift in memory of Dr. John Norberg
Mr. Philip Oster
Gift in memory of Joel Pressman
Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Parks
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Gift in honor of John Kroeger
Mr. Todor Pelev
Gift in memory of Terry Graves
Ms. Violina Petrova ‘05
Gift in memory of Terry Graves
Dr. Paulene Popek
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Rabbi and Mrs. Jacob Pressman
Gift in memory of Joel Pressman
Ms. Jennifer Price and Mr. Laurance Mayer
Gift in honor of Anna Mayer
Mrs. Susan M. Prostor
Gift in memory of Alexis Echavarria ‘07
Penny Linn Puente
Gift in memory of Robert and Elaine Holmes
Susan and George Reardon
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Resnick
Gift in honor of Leslie Ann Resnick ‘90
Sydney Robertson
Gift in memory of George Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ronus
Gift in honor of Lillian Lovelace
Mr. Mark Ross
Gift in honor of Billy Ross
Michelanne Rothrock, M.D. ‘98
Gift in memory of Terry Graves
Ms. Lily Ruffner ‘06
Gift in memory of Terry Graves
Mr. Bruce Ryan and Ms. Loren Tripp
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Sassi
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Pamela Sue Schuman
Gift in memory of George Pratt
Mrs. Laura Shaghoian
Gift in honor of Paul Shaghoian
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Shenkman
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Mr. Howard Sherman and Mr. Gregg Houston
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Eric and Erica Sklar
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Mr. Georgi Slavchev ‘93
Gift in memory of Terry Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Snyder
Gift in memory of Terry Graves
Ms. Margaret H. Steele
Gift in memory of Lora W. Steere
Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Stephens
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Ralf Stolberg
Gift in honor of Elias Sedlmayr
Jacob and Theresa Teel ‘97
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Toback
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Mr. Daniel Felix Ungar ‘03
Gift in memory of Terry Graves
Ms. Jirisupa Varikarn ‘06
Gift in memory of Terry Graves
Sallie Warwick
Gift in memory of Robert Warwick
Todd Weinger
Gift in memory of Joel Pressman
Prof. Ransom Wilson and Mr. Walter Foery
Gift in memory of Terry Graves
Alice Winn
Gift in memory of George Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Young
Gift in memory of Terry Graves
The Stanley and Joyce Black Family Foundation
Gift in memory of Joel Pressman
Sacco Dining Services, Inc.
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Marc and Eva Stern Foundation
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Fidelity Foundation
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
Cheviot Hills Garden Club
Gift in memory of Joel Pressman
BNY Mellon Wealth Management
Gift in honor of Faith Raiguel
C & R Newman Family Foundation
Gift in honor of Mrs. Lillian Lovelace, John Newman
California Community Foundation
Gift in honor of Mrs. Lillian Lovelace
Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
in honor of James B. Lovelace
Special recognition goes to our loyal donors who made
current year gifts and previously gave for a minimum
of 5 consecutive years.
Dr. Ira Abrams and Ms. Pamela Pierce
Edgar and Lilla Aftergood
Ahmanson Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Arnold
Sam Ash Corporation and Affiliates
Dr. Douglas Ashcraft and Mr. Darren Schilling
Associates of IAF
Autry Foundation
Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Baird
Mr. McKim N. Barnes and Ms. Terry J. Fife
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Barnett
Dr. and Mrs. Reynaldo Bayubay
Penny and Don Bentley
Mr. Jeffrey L. Bernstein and Ms. Jean M. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bird
Mr. Thomas A. Bliss and Ms. Merrily Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew E. Bogen, Esq.
Becky Bomgardner & Family
Ms. Sheila Brady
Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Bernard Brause, Jr.
Mr. James J. Bright, Jr. and Ms. Lucille A. Farber
Dr. Lawrence W. Browne
Mr. Charles W. Buckman and
Ms. Cheri M. Bentley-Buckman
John and Laura Bulrice
Mr. John W. Burkert
Allison Calderwood
California Community Foundation
Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Capparelli
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Cassling
Ms. Mary Cavena
Dr. Jane Claus
Colburn Foundation
Ella A. Trenchard Fund at the Community Foundation
Serving Riverside and San Bernardino Counties
George and Heather Companiott
Mr. Charles Conn and Mrs. Beverley Robertson
Cotsen Family Foundation
Ms. Lucinda Covert-Vail
Kathleen M. Creeden
Ms. Ginger R. Culver ‘88
Mr. Gary E Daigh
Mr. and Mrs. William R. DeWolfe
Rachel and Charles Druten
Don and Gay Durward
Mr. Jeffrey A. Dvorak and Mr. Michael Slocum
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Echavarria
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Ellis
Steve and Jennie Espinoza
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ferretti
Fidelity Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Barnaby Finch
Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Fisher
Dr. Jack Fraider
Mr. Steven Fraider and Ms. Dale Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. French
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Ganoung
Mr. and Mrs. Barry H. Glazer
Mr. David C. Gogerty and Ms. Jean Waggoner
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Goldberg
Ms. Katie Grigsby
Dr. Stephanie Webber and Mr. Harry Griswold
Bob and Kathi Haine
Eloise A. Haldeman
Ken and Carrie Hanlon
Mrs. Kathy Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. John Haskell
Ms. Marcia Heck
Melissa Hirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight A. Holmes
Mr. John W. Houghton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hurt
William H. Hurt Philanthropy Fund
JL Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Johnston
Susan and William Kapitanoff
Kathleen and Dennis Kieferdorf
Mr. and Mrs. Young Kim
Ms. Janet Lakatos Brittle
Mr. John LaRue
Ms. Erin Latimer ‘02
Dr. Steven Lavine and Ms. Janet Sternburg
Mr. Andrew W. Leeson
James and Karen Lefever
Mr. and Mrs. William Leopold
W. F. Leopold Management
Mrs. Betty Levenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Levy
Ley Heating & Air Conditioning - Gary Mercer
Mr. David J. Lilieholm and Ms. Valerie Velez
Los Angeles Opera
Jon and Lillian Lovelace
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Lowman
Ms. Marsha J. Lytle
Catherine and Douglas MacLaughlin
Ms. Marna Makau
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Martino, Jr.
Mr. Wayne Martinson and Ms. Deb Sawyer
Catherine McCampbell Charitable Trust
Tucker and Megan McIntyre
Sara and John McKay
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Meisch
Ms. Patricia Melniker
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Mercuri
Margery A. Mico
Ms. Diane Miller, deceased
Ms. Maria Miller
Pat Moloney and Anne Erikson
Ms. Carol Murrel
Orville and Perdita Myers
National Endowment for the Arts
Mr. and Mrs. John Newman
Nic’s Beverly Hills
Tim and Gretel Noble
Mrs. John B. Norberg
Debbie Paris and Dennis McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Parks
Mr. Frank S. Peters and Mrs. Marjory M. Musgrave
Kent and Jeannie Peterson
Mrs. Laura Pfanz
Dr. Paulene Popek
Ms. Faith Raiguel
Susan and George Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. David Reid-Marr
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Resmo
Tom and Dana Riccard
Mr. Norman Richards
Mrs. Marjorie Ricker
Manny and Linda Rider
Cynthia Rinehart
Emily R. Roossien and Robert J. Priefer
Rose Hills Foundation
Michelanne Rothrock, M.D. ‘98
Ms. Anne Burke Rothrock
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Rubin
Mr. Bruce Ryan and Ms. Loren Tripp
Ms. Ruth M. Ryan
Sacco Dining Services, Inc.
San Diego Foundation
San Manuel Band of Serrano Mission Indians
Bille Corinne Sarzin
Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Sassi
Ian Schoenleber and Maggie Lam
Mr. and Mrs. Donn Schoenmann
Tara Dutton Sechrest ‘94
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Shenkman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Sherman
Mr. Teruo Shida
Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Stephens
Ms. Victoria Stuart
Jeremy and Rachel Teeguarden
Jacob and Theresa Teel ‘97
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Thomsen
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Toback
Mr. David L. Trumbo
Mr. Armen R. Vartian and Ms. Candice Foss
David and Diane Waldman
Weingart Foundation
Mr. Brian Widelitz
Ms. Melissa Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Darren M. Winkley
Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Zook
The Beatrice Krone Society
Gifts Through Planned Giving
The Beatrice Krone Society was created to honor and
thank those who have included Idyllwild Arts in their
estate plans through a bequest or charitable gift
arrangement. If you have included Idyllwild Arts in
your estate plans or would like information on how
to include us, please contact the Development Office
at 951-659-2171 x2330. Our thanks to the following
donors who have included Idyllwild Arts in their
estate plans.
Edgar and Lilla Aftergood
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Bernstein
Mr. Matt Bissinger ‘88
Carol Blischke
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bondzio
Mrs. Margaret B. Branchflower, deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Capparelli
Ms. Ginger R. Culver ‘88
Mr. Jeffrey A. Dvorak and Mr. Michael Slocum
Mr. Anthony Ficele
Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Fisher
Mrs. Florence Fisher, deceased
Mrs. Virginia K. Garner, deceased
Ms. Katie Grigsby
Dr. Stephanie Webber and Mr. Harry Griswold
Dr. Richard H. MacNeal
Ms. Marya Marcus
Ms. Mary Val Marsh Twist, deceased
Mr. George F. Mosher, Jr, deceased
Orville and Perdita Myers
Mr. David Nochimson
Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Parks
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.J. Richardson
Mr. Lou Schreiber and Ms. Luz Diaz, deceased
Mrs. June H. Schuerch, deceased
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sharp
Mrs. Hazel Simon, deceased
Vernon R. Spitaleri
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Stahl
Mrs. Gisela Stearns
Mrs. Anne Toor
Chris Trout
Dena and Lee Van Slyke
Ms. Cynthia M. Ward
Ms. Carolyn Woosley
William M. Lowman Concert Hall
Thanks to those individuals, foundations and
corporations who have supported the construction of
the William M. Lowman Concert Hall. This world-class
facility will feature state of the art acoustics and will
serve as the centerpiece of our campus. Construction is
in progress and completion is scheduled for winter of
Ahmanson Foundation
Ms. Sara Andon
Mr. Zooyab Anne and Mrs. Jaimie Sung
Dr. Douglas Ashcraft and Mr. Darren Schilling
Associates of IAF
Paul B. Bailey
Mr. Richard Bambarger
Bank of America Corporation
David and Araceli Barclay
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Barnett
Mr. Michael Barnett ‘05
Mr. Mark Biley
Mr. Stephen W. Bills
Joseph and Evelyn Black
Mr. Thomas A. Bliss and Ms. Merrily Weiss
Mr. Kenneth A. Bodenstein and Ms. Diane Lerner
The Bodenstein Family Foundation
Paul and Susan Bowers
Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Bernard Brause, Jr.
Mr. Charles W. Buckman and
Ms. Cheri M. Bentley-Buckman
Mr. Jay Bunker
Bunker Construction Inc.
Ms. Angelina Burnett ‘96
California Community Foundation
Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Capparelli
Todd and Bonnie Carpenter
Ms. Stacey Carter
Ms. Chia-Yi Birdy Chou ‘02
Gary and Sharlene Church
Dr. Jane Claus
Kelly Cochrane
Mr. Brian D. Cohen
Gina Coletti
Mr. Reid Colton ‘03
Duane Conover
Cotsen Family Foundation
Ms. Madeleine Crouch
Ms. Ginger R. Culver ‘88
Mr. Harris Demetre and Mr. Terry Casella
Mr. and Mrs. William R. DeWolfe
Ms. Vania D. Dobreva ‘02 and Mr. Michael Hines
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dumas
Don and Gay Durward
Mr. Jeffrey A. Dvorak and Mr. Michael Slocum
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Echavarria
Mr. Michal Emanovsky ‘97
Mrs. Lorene Ensley
Entrust Management
Mrs. Mary Escherich
Ms. Chia Chen Vivian Fan ‘98
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ferretti
Mr. and Mrs. Barnaby Finch
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Finley
Ms. Ruth Fountain
Mr. Steven Fraider and Ms. Dale Perry
Mr. A. Newton Freeman
Robert Fricker and Charlotte Rea
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Ganoung
Mr. Vesselin Gellev ‘95
Ms. Leandra George
Tony Georges ‘03 and Travis Acreman ‘05
Mr. and Mrs. Yehuda Gilad
Jennifer Glazer Malkin
Mr. Adam Glick ‘02
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Goldberg
Jonathan Gordon and Kristie Hubbard
Gary and Joan Gray
Mr. Donald Green
Ms. Meagan Greene
Ms. Breanna Gribble ‘04
Ms. Katie Grigsby
Dr. Stephanie Webber and Mr. Harry Griswold
Mr. Zili Guo and Mrs. Yan Zhang
Ms. Kathy Harmon-Luber
Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hasty
Mrs. Shirlee Heidler
Cathy and Mark Helm
Zac Hewitt
Mr. Robert Hildebrand
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight A. Holmes
Mrs. Alice Honner-White and Mr. Pieter C. White
Mr. Huan-Wei Huang ‘03
Ms. Yuet Ka Hui ‘10
Mr. Yau Man Hui and Mrs. Li Siu Hung
Mr. Russ G. Irwin
Ms. Claire Ivey
Cathy and Shigekazu Iwane
Ms. Pamela Jordan and Mr. Christopher Scott
Mr. Eunseung Jung and Mrs. Domi Yang
Mr. Lawrence Kawano
Ms. Marilyn Kemple
Mr. Donald G. Stoll and Ms. Marianne Kent-Stoll
Megan Kenyon
Ms. Janet Lakatos Brittle
Mr. Daniel W. Lass
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell L. Lathrop
Dr. Steven Lavine and Ms. Janet Sternburg
Mr. Chong Hoon Lee and Mrs. SunJoo Park
James and Karen Lefever
Mr. and Mrs. William Leopold
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Levy
Ms. Patricia W. Litfin and Mr. Robert S. Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Buck Little
Mr. Jiang Liu and Mrs. Li Ye
Mr. Zhen-Rong Liu and Mrs. Liang Wang
John and Marsha Logan
Mr. Douglas P Lothes
Jon and Lillian Lovelace
Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
in honor of James B. Lovelace
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lovett
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Lowman
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lynch
Ms. Louise MacGillivray
Gay Garner MacKintosh
Tucker and Megan McIntyre
Ms. Andrea McMillan
Ms. Reina Meek
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Meisch
Karen Metz and Les Suderman
Ms. Diane Miller, deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Don Mischer
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Missett
Pat Moloney and Anne Erikson
Kristy and Steve Morrell
Ms. Cynthia Moussas
Ms. Carol Murrel
Ms. Felicia Navarro
Mr. and Mrs. Bret Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. John Newman
Mr. Nick Nichols
Mr. Michael Noble ‘06
Mrs. John B. Norberg
Ms. Barbara Northcutt
Mr. Michael O’Donovan
Margo Regan O’Flaherty
Mr. Tim O’Neill and Ms. Kate Burns
Ms. Edith Orloff and Mr. David Peck
Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Parks
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Pearson
Mr. Todor Pelev
Ms. Violina Petrova ‘05
Pfizer Foundation
Dr. Paulene Popek
Nicole Preston
Quiet Creek Inn
Ms. Faith Raiguel
Susan and George Reardon
Mr. Norman Richards
Manny and Linda Rider
Sydney Robertson
Emily R. Roossien and Robert J. Priefer
Michelanne Rothrock, M.D. ‘98
Ms. Lily Ruffner ‘06
Mr. Bruce Ryan and Ms. Loren Tripp
Ms. Ruth M. Ryan
Sacco Dining Services, Inc.
Whitney Sander and Catherine Holliss
Ms. Maygen Sandrini
Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Sassi
Ian Schoenleber and Maggie Lam
Scott and Martha Schroeder
Ms. Cynthia L. Sears and Mr. Frank Buxton
Tara Dutton Sechrest ‘94
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Shenkman
Mr. Howard Sherman and Mr. Gregg Houston
Laura and Jeff Sherman
Eric and Erica Sklar
Mr. Georgi Slavchev ‘93
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Snyder
Ms. Jeni Sponseller
Dr. Carol Mitchell-Springer and Mr. Charles Springer
Ingrid Stafford
Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Stephens
Marc and Eva Stern Foundation
Mrs. Jaimie Sung and Mr. Zooyab Anne
Jeremy and Rachel Teeguarden
Jacob and Theresa Teel ‘97
Mrs. Bonnie Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Thomsen
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Toback
Mr. Jassen Todorov ‘94
Mr. David L. Trumbo
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Twichell
Mr. Daniel Felix Ungar ‘03
Ms. Jirisupa Varikarn ‘06
Dr. and Mrs. L. Stuart Vorkink
Mr. Lance Wahl
William Weber
Mr. Kent Weishaus and Ms. Amy Fogerson
Amy Wellman
Mr. Lesley S. Widerynski and Ms. Deborah Gmeiner
Andie Wilcox
Wilder Cabins
Prof. Ransom Wilson and Mr. Walter Foery
Ms. Melissa Wilson
Mr. Dennis Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woiwod
Ms. Elizabeth Wright
Pam Goldwasser and Tim Wurtz
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Young
Mr. Ryan Zwahlen and Mr. Nathaniel West
52500 Temecula Rd. • P.O. Box 38
Idyllwild, CA 92549-0038
951.659.2171 Ext. 2330 • Fax: 951.659.7716
Email: [email protected]