St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club Volume 2014-15 Number 4 October 2014 Pig Roast at Sportsmen’s Chalet For the 18th year, Gary and Laurel Frank of the Sportsmen’s Chalet hosted their annual pig roast fundraiser to benefit both the Bo-Boen and New-Tom Snow Fleas Snowmobile Clubs on Saturday, August 23rd. Split-the-pot spins on the paddle wheel and drawings for special prizes were done in the afternoon. People were served a delicious roast pig supper, and afterward, the ticket drawings were conducted, including the $100 ticket raffle. The funds raised from the pig roast enabled Gary and Laurel to present a $4,075.00 check to our club. They would like to thank everyone who helped make the pig roast a huge success, including the St. Germain Chamber of Commerce and the Rustic Manor for advertising the pig roast on their sign board. They would also like to thank the people that made all of the desserts. Thank you Gary & Laurel Raffle Prize Donations by: Legend’s Bar John McCudden St. Germain Pharmacy Moon Dance Greg Ebel Golden Pines Restaurant & Lounge Dan’s Upholstery Patrick Stelloh Sisters Saloon First Weber (Peggy Ausloos) Mike & Collen Jackowski Sayner Pub Lakeland Monuments (Bob Ausloos) Jerry Seideman & family St. Germain Sport Marine St. Germain Chamber of Commerce Vicki & Tom Gilbertson Wolf Pack Cafe Tomahawk Sport Shop Judy & Bernie Pacanowski Knitt’s Hardware Hank Granary Restaurant Walter & Carol Straus $1,000.00—Dianne Dieter St. Germain Rental Vinchi’s Hillsaide Doug & Karen Waehler $500.00—Jerry Eliason General Beverage Lake Tomahawk Snowhawks Baseball Dale & Lorraine Koutecky $500.00—Mike Dahlk Sno-Boss Groomers Lofty Pines RV Park Mike & Colleen Folwarski Paul’s Rental-All Julaine’s Hair Care Mac & Jan McCoy $500.00—Sheila Pulec Smiley’s Pub Janet’s Country Touch Dennis & Diane Dieter US Bank Weber’s Wildlife Gene & Chris Corille Timber’s Bar & Grill Meyers & Associates Insurance Gary & Laurel Frank Trig’s of Eagle River 3 C’s Coffee Cup Café Kevin & Joanne Krueger Whispering Pine Lodge Edelman’s Meat Roger & Carla Klein Twilight Bar & Grill Zastrow Beer Badger Liquor J&J Sports Dean’s Distributing Elberts Resort Miller Beer of the Northwoods Inc. Sportsmen’s Chalet Individual Donations: R & R Motorsports Kathy Sauer Vicki Jean Creations Sandra Stern The Moccasin Shop Bev Dittmar Clearview Lodge & Restaurant Mark Dittmar The Village Café Butch Graveen Libke Auto Specialists Jim & Bernette Fett Rummey’s Bar Johnny Nicks 19th Hole Elmer’s Fun Park Black Bear Lodge Bauer’s Dam Hiller’s Pine Haven Resort Cathy’s Ice Cream Shop Plum Lake Golf Course Spang’s Italian Restaurant JD Archery Bears Den Bar Shamrock Bar Helpers: Gary & Laurel Frank Roger & Carla Klein Tricia Frank Rochelle Frank Kay Schultz Mac & Jan McCoy Tom & Barb Zimmerman Jerry Seideman Kathy Sauer Garry Huttsell See you August 22, 2015! Dennis & Dianne Dieter Judy Pacanowski Keith Antosh Cash Prize Winners: $4,000.00—Jim Williams $1,000.00—Sandy Kilty (Goody Sisters) $1,000.00—Jeff Sievert $500.00—Amy Bristo $500.00—Jerry Lehnherr $250.00—Andy & Julie Balint $250.00 Jan McCoy & Steve President’s Message Have you heard the long range weather forecast for this coming winter? The report I heard was that there is going to be more snow and just as cold as last year. Can you imagine the fun we are all up for this coming winter! If you are a golfer and eat food, you now have two reasons to mark your calendar for the weekend before Labor Day. Come to St. Germain and attend the 19th Annual Pig Roast at Sportsman’s Chalet on Saturday and then on Sunday play a round of golf in the “Drive with the Groomer Drivers” Golf Scramble. These are two of our biggest fund raisers and they are also fun to participate in. Please think about coming up next year and participating in them. Next year with the change in registration the club will most likely be sending out membership renewals earlier in the summer. In order to get your discounted trail pass from the AWSC, our club has to have your membership into the AWSC so they can verify it. Watch for more information in future newsletters. As you read through this month’s newsletter you can start to appreciate the number of people that it takes to fund our club. Look at the individuals that are donating their time and/or money and businesses that are stepping up to the plate with donations and fundraisers of their own for the club. We sure are lucky to have the membership we do in order for us to have the best trails in the state. Please keep in mind we have a website and Facebook page along with our newsletter to keep everyone informed about changes in the snowmobile world. As always thank you for your support. Tom Christensen Game Day Print Raffle Again this year, Don Bauman donated another signed, numbered and framed print to the club to be used for a raffle. This years print is “Game Day” by Don Kloetzke and is 879/3,000. It is 15” x 30” and tickets are available anytime at St. Germain Sport Marine or at Club Dinner Meetings. For those of you out of the area, you may also send money with your membership renewal and make a note what the additional funds are for. Tickets are $2.00 each or 3/$5.00. Thank you Don for your generosity! Trail Boss Report Jim Wendt Have you thought about what it would be like if all the rain we have had in the past three weeks would have been snow? I hope the snow gods will be kind to us this season. Trail brushing has started. The club brushing day is set for Saturday, October 18th at 9:00 a.m. I hope to have a great turnout for this very important club function. Please consider helping the club with a donation to our equipment fund. As I mentioned before, we urgently need to start upgrading our drive units before the gap between the cost of a new machine and the sale value of our current machine is so wide that it becomes impossible to raise that amount of money without borrowing. Call me if you have any questions about this issue. Start getting your iron ready, it is coming up really fast! Happy Trails, Jim Membership News Margie Klingsporn The leaves are changing, the temperatures are dropping and a few snow flurries have been scouting out our north woods. The seasons are a-changing. General membership forms were sent the first week of September and some have been returning to the BoBoen post office box already. Our Mad Ad Sponsors are listed in this newsletter. Property owner memberships will be sent in to AWSC by the end of September and will be listed in next month’s newsletter. We have a total of 85 members for our new season. Nine are new members and 76 are renewals. 70 are primary and 15 are secondary. ~~~ So the counting continues.~~~ Please send in your membership renewal and dues by November 1st. This date is in anticipation of next year’s changes when club members will need to be current club members when applying for a trail pass at the discounted rate. Any questions should be directed to me at [email protected] or 715-479-2028. B.B. Mappy’s Hint of the Month: Do you use email often? Would you like to receive an email message with a link to the Bo -Boen website to read your newsletter? This saves the club printing and postal expenses. Please remember to check off on your membership form, that you would like to receive your newsletter via email. “Thanks” to those of you who already are on the email list. Secretary’s Report Kay Schultz Let’s set the scene. It’s mid – September and I’m sitting in the living room with a sweatshirt on and the furnace is running. Yesterday, the wind was about 50mph and it rained and rained and then it rained some more. Last night it snowed. This morning it was 38o and right now it’s 46o. Tonight we are suppose to have scattered frost. Seriously, I know that everyone is anxious for the snowmobile season to begin, and I do enjoy the cooler weather, but snow showers in September is a little early. So please hold off on your ‘snow dances’ until at least around Halloween. We had our first membership dinner on September 9th with 60 members attending. As usual, Pub n’ Prime put out a great dinner for everyone to enjoy. Thanks to Sue, Mark, Becky and the staff for a wonderful evening. I hope that we have that kind of attendance at all of our dinners. Kay Schultz “DRIVE with the GROOMER DRIVERS” GOLF SCRAMBLE at Trout Lake Golf Club on Sunday, August 24, 2014 A HUGE SUCCESS! Last fall, I had the pleasure of playing golf with Mike Osborne for the first time. While we were playing golf we started talking about a golf outing fundraiser for the snowmobile club. At the completion of 18 glorious holes we had derived a plan. We came up with a format that included a foursome plus a groomer driver being a fifth player that would play 18 holes of golf. We decided to pitch our idea to the board. We explained to the board that the groomer drivers are not visibly recognizable by the board or the membership and that we were hoping to integrate the groomer drivers with the rest of the club. We believe it is important for the groomer drivers to give something back to the club. We explained if the outing was big enough we may need a few board members to play to fill in as the fifth players. We created a hole sponsorship challenge with the board. Each driver was asked to get one hole sponsorship for $100 from a business or person who had not taken out a map ad the previous year. Each board member was asked to recruit at least one map ad customer for a hole sponsorship as well. The first year, the golf outing was held at Trout Lake on August 24th. We had a very successful and fun day with a total of 45 players our first year. Funds for the event came from hole sponsors, entry fees, and raffles. Both the groomer drivers and the board were successful in acquiring 42 hole sponsorships for a total of $4,200.00. The club will receive a total of $5,390.00 from the outing. The event will rotate between Trout Lake and St. Germain Golf Club. Thank you to all who played, donated raffle items and bought hole sponsors. Congratulations to our winning team of Ben Vendl, Chris Vendl, Scott Howard, Donnie Rubo, and Board Member and Substitute Groomer Driver, Tim Gebhardt. See you in August 2015 at St. Germain Golf Club. Thanks, John Vojta l—r Ben Vendl, Chris Vendl, Tim Gebhardt, Donnie Rubo & Scott Howard THANK YOU to our Hole Sponsors 19th Hole Anchor Rentals Buns Pontoon Rental Cathy's Ice Cream Crystal Clear Windows DJ's Northwoods Family Restaurant Eagle Waste & Recycling, Inc Elbert's Resort & Condos Eliason Realty of the North Fibber's Bar & Restaurant First Weber - Peggy Ausloos Happy 15th Mike & Penny Hearthside Inn J & J Services Jennifer & Jim Wendt - Trail Boss Lakeland Lawn & Equipment, Inc Mike Osborne Minocqua Tire & Auto Northern Nites Trucking, LLC Paul's Rent All Rurel Masonary Ryan Soils & Septic and North Side Storage Sayner Pub Sisters Saloon Sno - Boss Groomers Spang's Italian Restaurant Sportsmen's Chalet St. Germain Auto & Trailer St. Germain Sentry Foods St. Germain Sport Marine Steve & Linda Soltwedel Subway of St. Germain The Timbers Bar & Grill Tim Gebhardt Sales Twilight Bar & Grille Twin Waters Rentals Walker Equipment Whispering Pine Lodge Whitetail Lodge Wolf Pake Café Equipment Fund Donations Thank you to the following individuals for your generosity! Steve & Debbie Benefiel Mike & Bev Hogan Gordon & Sally Sharbuno Jeff & Ruth Grimm Ron Groebe Wayne & Betty McKinnis Larry Glass Jeff & Judy Timmer Jim & Juli Mobry Joe & Bev Saelens Greg & Rebecca Loesche Rodney & Carol Daniels Shirley Knitt Ed & Lori Mosca Bob & Judy Perkl John Bruckner Eric & Ginny Lewison David & Breanna Rollam Mike & Sue Eagan Terry & Patty Moyer Dennis & Sally Lorenz Rick & Alice Collins Fred & Laura Locher Bev Dittmar Rob & Joan Bacci Mike & Teri Brady Fritz Richter Gary Thyssen Jim Strehlow Mike & Penny McCormick William & Paula Zirbes Jason & Tracey Meier Brian Nicholas Ron & Sue Mathia Robert Hunter Kelly Cyskiewicz Joe & Judy Kaufmann Bob & Peggy Ausloos Greg & Rosemary Posch Jay & Marilyn Klug Mike & Kelly Ann McGill Larry & Kim Meier Greg & Roxanne Platz Richard & Sharon Zink Patrick & Patrice Pergolski Tim Hoeft John & Rae Ann Thomas Equipment Fund Donation Form There are several ways you can help…. 1. Check 2. Online— 3. GoFundMe Checks may be mailed to: St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club PO Box 192 St. Germain WI 54558 Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________ State: ________ Zip: ____________ Phone: ___________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________ Amount Enclosed: _______________ Thank you in advance for your generosity! Thank You To Our 2014-15 Snowmobile Map Ad Sponsors STILLWATERS Chuck & Karen Altamore TIMBERS BAR & GRILL Jason & Sarah Hegewald GOLDEN PINES SUPPER CLUB Sharon Piske SISTERS SALOON Cherie Anderson HICKS FUEL AND OIL Larry Hicks PITLIK'S SAND BEACH RESORT, INC Gary Pitlik RUMMY'S BAR Eric Anderson HILLER'S PINE HAVEN Mark & Leslie Hiller THE NEW TWILIGHT BAR & GRILL Sheila Pulec ELBERT'S RESORT & CONDOS Jim & Mary Anderson SUBWAY Darrell & Mary Hines US CHROME Scott Reath 3C'S COFFEE CUP CAFÉ Tom Anderson & Sharon Ingram KNOCKERS PIZZA COMPANY Barry & Shelley Hodkiewicz SPANG'S ITALIAN RESTAURANT Joe & Debbie Reid BLACK BEAR LODGE Jake Barbian GRANARY Lee & Pam Hoffman ST GERMAIN RENTALS Ron Rhodes IDLE HOURS RESORT Boyd & Judy Best BAD BONES BBQ Roberta Jorgensen RUSTIC MANOR LODGE Mike & Denise Sailer PAUL'S RENT-ALL Paul & Julie Bohnen WOODLAND AUTO Jim & Cheryl Kelsey HEARTHSIDE INN Brett & Faith Schneider NORTHWOODS REST MOTEL Stan & Mary Bork KNITT'S HARDWARE HANK Kent & Terry Knitt RIVER VALLEY STATE BANK Nancy Schuller BEAR'S DEN Craig Born SMILEY'S PUB Troy & Lori Kulick LOFTY PINES RV PARK Brian & Margo Sherren LEGEND'S OF THE NORTH Kevin Brandt LA RIVIERE LAKE RENTALS Steve, Julie, Jasmine & Alyssa LaRiviere LOFTY PINES RESORT James Sherren THE ESTROLD RESORT John & Jami Burger WOLF PACK CAFÉ Kathleen & Joe Lass WHITETAIL INN Jeff & Joy Sievert MAR-LI'S BAR Lisa & Mark Busha SAYNER PUB Eric Liebenstein SNOWMOBILE HALL OF FAME TOMAHAWK SPORTS CENTER Jeff Calhoun SAYNER MOBILE EXPRESS Rick & Margaret Lovdal ST GERMAIN SPORT MARINE Tom & Kim Christensen WHITETAIL LODGE Elmer & Lynn Mages DE PUE'S DOR-WAY TO THE NORTH Renee De Pue FIBBER'S/RKM VENTURES INC Rob & Kaye Manthei ELIASON REALTY OF THE NORTH Dick & Bonnie Eliason BLINK BONNIE SUPPER CLUB Jim Mc Gregor ELIASON LUMBER & HARDWARE John & Jona Eliason VINCHI'S HILLSIDE INN Jim & Nancy Meka WHISPERING PINE LODGE Jeff & Maria Ewald MEYER + ASSOCIATES INSURANCE AGENCY, LLC Grant Meyer DJ'S FAMILY RESTAURANT Ty & Heather Trapp BAUER'S DAM Glenn & Donna Miller PUB 'N PRIME Susan Wagner THUNDERBIRD PASS Joe & Jenny Minaudo WALKER EQUIPMENT INC/ARROWHEAD GROOMERS Dave & Judy Walker BIBS NORTHWOODS PUB & GRILL Tony & Arlyce Farrow FATH'S BIG WOODS RESORT Jamie & Sue Fath SPORTSMEN'S CHALET Gary & Laurel Frank TRACK INC Lorene Hanson HARV'S VACATION RENTALS Kevin & Debbie Harvey 19th HOLE Craig Haugen CLEARVIEW SUPPER CLUB Darrell & Connie Nell TWIN WATERS RESORT Kelly & Corey Newton JOHNNY NICKS John Nickolaou OLSON MFG, INC/SNO-BOSS GROOMERS Douglas & Connie Olson SNOWMOBILE REPAIR Dennis Sobczak PATTI'S MURMURING WATERS Pat & Rich Sparrow ST GERMAIN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WEBER'S WILDLIFE BAR & ANIMAL PARK Karen Stecker FIRST NATIONAL BANK Theresa Sullivan ST GERMAIN HEALTH CARE PHARMACY Larry Thompson CAMP'S SENTRY FOODS Bruce & Mary Weber LITTLE SAINT MOBILE EXPRESS MART David & Jennifer Weber ST GERMAIN SHELL & ORGANIC FOOD MARKET Tracy Wendt Upcoming Events October Membership Meeting Tuesday, October 7—Board Meeting Tuesday, October 14, 2014 Tuesday, October 14—Membership Meeting Knocker’s Pizza Co. Saturday, October 18—Trail Brushing December 29 & 30—Snowmobile Safety Class Knocker’s Pizza Co. Cocktails 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00 pm Menu Selection Char–Crusted Beef Tenderloin/Baked Potato Chicken Cordon Bleu/Wild Rice Blend Crab Stuffed Shrimp/Wild Rice Blend To snowmobile or not to snowmobile? Now that’s a stupid question! All dinners include garden salad, sautéed vegetables, rolls, dessert, coffee. All meals are priced at $22.00 with tax and gratuity included. Members are responsible for the payment of their reservation whether they attend or not. Please make checks payable to Knocker’s Pizza Co. RSVP by Sunday, October 5th to Kay Schultz, (715) 542-3912 Apple Dumpling Kick-off Dinner for the Twilight Bar & Grill Summer Fundraiser—$500.00 donation to the club 2014-15 Season Where: Clearview Supper Club When: Saturday, November 1st at 7 PM (cocktails at 6 PM) Menu Choices: Chicken Kiev with rice; 10 oz. Ribeye Steak with Baked Potato; Jumbo Coconut Shrimp with Baked Potato Note: All dinners are $18 and include salad, rolls, coffee and dessert. Taxes and tips are included. What to do: To reserve your dinner, please call or e-mail Gary Groff at 715-477-1510 [email protected] by Monday, October 27th. Call Gary if you have any questions. (Members are responsible for the payment of their reservation whether they attend or not.) Who are the Apple Dumplings? The Apple Dumpling Gang is a group of good looking men (mostly retired, but a few are still working) who snowmobile together every Wednesday during the season. This is an informal group so there are no dues or duties. On Wednesdays they leave from the groomer barn at 9 AM sharp. All you have to do is show up. Socializing is usually available there starting at 8:15 AM. There is a contribution for each ride to cover the cost of the drinks and lunch for that day. The group also has a Kick-off dinner in Presenting the check to Club President, Tom Christensen are Sheila Pulec and Tara Pulec November, a 3-day Overnighter Trip, a Potato Pancake Breakfast in mid-winter, and Brunch to end the season in March. Why not come ride with them? Club Officers & Directors 2014-2015 President—Tom Christensen Work: (715) 479-4930 Email: [email protected] President-Elect—Bob “Ozzie” Ausloos Work: (920) 420-4520 Email: [email protected] Secretary—Kay Schultz Home: (715) 542-3912 Email: [email protected] Treasurer—Ed Siergiej Cell: (715) 493-7736 Email: [email protected] Trail Boss—Jim Wendt Cell: (715) 891-1610 Email: [email protected] Director—Dianne Dieter Home: (715) 542-2913 Email: [email protected] Director—Paul Bohnen Home: (715) 542-2065 Email: [email protected] Director—Roger Klein Home: (715) 477-8570 Email: [email protected] ATTENTION NON-RESIDENT SNOWMOBILERS Wisconsin law requires those who use Wisconsin snowmobile trails to display either Wisconsin registration or a snowmobile trail pass. Funds from this program will be designated for use as trail aids and related costs to enhance all Wisconsin snowmobile recreation. The trail pass may be purchased over the counter at many authorized sales locations or by calling WDNR at 1-888-WDNRINFo (1888-936-7463) The $35.00 non-resident snowmobile trail use pass is valid from July 1st through June 30th. A snowmobile trail pass is required to operate a snowmobile not currently registered in Wisconsin on a snowmobile trail. The snowmobile must be currently registered with another jurisdiction. The trail pass must be permanently affixed by its own adhesive to the bottom center portion of the snowmobile windshield. If there is no windshield, the sticker shall be displayed in a highly visible location on the front of the cowling of the snowmobile. Once affixed, the sticker may not be removed or transferred to another snowmobile. Director—Tim Gebhardt Cell: (715) 891-1800 Email: [email protected] Director—Milt Klingsporn Home: (715) 479-2028 Email: [email protected] Director—Jack Bourgeois Cell: (847) 385-1227 Email: [email protected] Past-President—Al Clemmensen Cell: (847) 490-7418 Email: [email protected] Snowmobile Safety Education Class December 29 & 30, 2014 Beginning January 1, 2001, any person born on or after January 1, 1985 and who has reached the age of 12, must have completed and received a snowmobile safety certificate in order to operate a snowmobile in Wisconsin. The certificate must be carried while operating the snowmobile, and displayed to a law enforcement officer upon demand. Snowmobile Safety Education Classes are offered in the fall and early winter, and should start appearing on the DNR’s web site within the next month or so. All students are required to obtain a Wisconsin DNR Customer ID# as part of the criteria to graduate from any Recreational Safety Class and provide that number to their instructor. Students can obtain a DNR Customer ID# from St. Germain Sport Marine during business hours or by calling 1-888-936-7463 between 7 am to 10 pm. You can also visit a Wisconsin DNR Service Center during their regular scheduled hours. For additional DNR Service Center hours and locations go to and click on the “Contact US” tab located at the top. The Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club’s Snowmobile Safety Education Class will be held on Friday and Saturday, December 29 & 30, 2014. Anyone 11-1/2 years of age or older is eligible to take the class and receive a safety education certificate; however, the certificate does not become valid until the child reaches 12 years of age. Preregistration is required by calling Peggy Ausloos at (715) 542-3548. If you can donate a couple of hours of your time to help with registration, cookies or bars, grading of tests or helping outside with the machine test, please call Peggy Ausloos at (715) 542-3548. Again this year Judy & Chuck Berard will be making lunch for the kids and are requesting two kitchen helpers from 11:30 to 12:15. If you could lend them a hand please call them at (715) 479-6659. Annual Club Raffle Again this season we will be running our club cash raffle. There will be four raffle tickets sent with your membership renewal form. The tickets are $5 each with a maximum of 2,000 tickets sold. First prize is $2,500, second prize is $1,500, third prize is $500 and fourth and fifth place prize is $250 each. The drawing will take place at our dinner meeting on March 10, 2015. St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club PO Box 192 St. Germain WI 54558
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