st. germain bo-boen snowmobile club
st. germain bo-boen snowmobile club One of Wisconsin’s Premier Snowmobile Clubs since 1969...Celebrating more than 40 years of “winter fun”! volume 2010-11 number 5 president’s message rich polaski home: (715) 479-4718 email: [email protected] Well, sooner than we expected it is December, we put the boats to bed, got the house and yard ready for winter ahead, packaged venison if we were lucky, holiday parties are being attended, Club meetings also. Town taxes are being paid, trail openings are occurring, getting the snowmobile ready, the Holidays with the family planned and snowmobiling set to go, without much time to give anything much thought or take a deep breath, where did the year go? All I know is that it is gone and we have to move on. On Tuesday, December 14, 2010 at Pub n Prime, 71 members and guests of the Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club did just that. After a short welcome we received a blessing from Steve Soltwedel and were served an excellent meal by the chef and staff of Pub n Prime. A 50/50 Raffle was reinstituted with the proceeds going to the Military Ride. Food was also collected for the Vilas Food Pantry. Thanks to the membership as the club as a whole does not do charitable donations to the community but the membership as a group does, $117.00 went to the Military Ride, January 17th to thank military members for their service. Val Rybarczyk has again agreed to run the “Take Pride and Ride” ticket raffle that will run throughout the snowmobiling season. See Val for tickets. A handsome plaque was presented to Henry (Hank) Kosanda for his several decades of hard work as the sign coordinator for the club. He and his wife Jeanne were also presented with an honorary lifetime membership in the club for all their hard work and support of club efforts on behalf of the membership. Several other club members have stepped up to take over the duties of Hank and Jeanne. They admit it won’t be easy but will rely on the groundwork Hank has put together over the years and look forward to the task. The general business meeting was suspended to allow everyone to enjoy the festivities. Thanks were made to all the Groomer Drivers for their efforts over the past year, as well as, to Bev Dittmar for her continuing hard work on the Trail Map each year. Gary Shambo took time to thank each and every member of the Trail Assistance Patrol for their hard work each year and looks forward to continued efforts. If you would like to join them, call Gary Shambo. The pay and hours are great, nothing and long should be mentioned, similar to our food booth endeavors. january 2011 It is really me that needs to thank the Club members over the past several years for the outstanding participation that I have received at the different club events, brushing, food booths, etc., while I have been somewhat incapacitated. Your work and dedication to the club has been outstanding and has raised many thousands of dollars for the club with no compensation or reward other than a brat, bowl of chili and a cup of coffee or soda. Why do we do it? I know that I do it out of love for this community. I have never felt so welcome or appreciated as I do here in St. Germain. We are a small community and rely on each other. I know that I probably shouldn’t feel this way continued on page 3 st. germain bo-boen snowmobile club page 2 from the secretary’s desk pam gebhardt january 2011 trail boss report jim wendt cell: (715) 891-1801 email: [email protected] cell: (715) 891-1610 email: [email protected] Snowmobiling in St. Germain is in full motion! Get out there and ride! The trails are in great shape and are waiting for you. My family is taking full advantage of no school between the holidays and racking up the miles on our machines. Thank you groomer drivers for keeping our trails in such great riding condition. If you have any questions regarding our trail conditions, you can become a fan and follow us on Facebook. Also, check out our new website at You will find up-to-date trail conditions, web-cams from around the area so you can see for yourself the snow conditions, area links and much more...check it out! Happy New Year and we’ll see you on the trail! We are off and running. We have been blessed with some early season snows which I hope will be a good start on a base that will hold up well to our huge season-long traffic load. We need a lot more snow but are thankful for what we have now. Our swamps have not frozen hard enough to carry the tractor loads up to now. More really cold weather will solve that problem. We are having to re-route some of our tractors and come in the following day with our Tucker to groom what is missed by the tractors. That is really a pain to run around the system to hit these trails, and I really do not approve of daytime grooming but we really have no choice in this matter. I hope you can get in some early season riding before the rush hits. It is always a great feeling to start the new season as you get to experience and appreciate the beauty and serenity of our little corner of the world. People that never venture out in the winter months have no idea what they are missing by not seeing the woods all covered with snow. It is a beauty that is unparallel! I pray for more snow and a safe and prosperous New Year for you and your family! ATTENTION NON-RESIDENT SNOWMOBILERS Snowmobiles bearing Wisconsin registration are not required to have a non-resident trail pass, even if the owner is from out of state. A two year Wisconsin registration is $30.00, compared to two trail passes at $70.00 for two years. Almost two times the money is generated with a two year registration as is with two trail passes due to the formula used to transfer gas tax revenue to the state snowmobile fund; the state snowmobile fund is where the money comes from for grooming and trail maintenance. By having Wisconsin registration instead of a trail pass, you save $40.00 every two years and contribute more money to the state fund. It is perfectly legal to have Wisconsin registration on your snowmobile in addition to your home state's registration. You do not need a Wisconsin address; your home address can be used for a Wisconsin registration. Once you have a Wisconsin registration, it can be renewed online at the DNR website. Wisconsin registration applications can be obtained at any DNR office, at any dealer who sells snowmobiles in Wisconsin, and at many dealers out of state near the Wisconsin border. january 2011 4: BOARD OF DIRECTOR MEETING 7 pm, St. Germain Community Center—Everyone Welcome! 11: MEMBERSHIP CHIRSTMAS PARTY 6 pm Sports men’s Chalet ~ RSVP by January 10th—Kay Schultz (715) 542-3912 21-23: RADAR RUN & ICE DRAG FOOD BOOTH february 2011 1: BOARD OF DIRECTOR MEETING 2 & 3: VOGEL GROOMER SHOW 8: MEMBERSHIP MEETING 26: VINTAGE SNOWMOBILE RACE Apple Dumpling Gang and Boo-BBB’s The Apple Dumpling Gang is a group of Bo-Boen men who for many years have held weekly snowmobile rides, weather permitting. There are no dues or requirements, just show up at the groomer barn on Wednesdays by 9 am ready to ride and have some fun. The Bo-Boen ladies also ride each week under the name BOO-BBB’s and leave the groomer barn at the same time. It is a great way to make friends and meet other fellow snowmobilers. New riders should call Bob Schell at 715-542-2321 or Penny McCormick at 715-542-2537. President’s Message continued from first page... membership news judy pacanowski cell: (630) 341-5251 email: [email protected] as a cynical old cop who has seen the worse in people have to offer but I do. Please take the time to feel the same as I do. Please volunteer to assist your community and club to make it the best it can be. If you can give of yourself and your time please do so, life is too short and there are too many friends to be made and appreciated. Thanks to everyone who has renewed their membership for their 20102011 season. As of December 13th, we have 426 memberships. With high speed Internet connections becoming more readily available, those who still need the club newsletter by mail should consider opting to receive notification by e-mail and view it on the web. It would save the club the cost of printing and mailing, and that means more money for the trails. We have a number of events coming up and several of them need Chairpersons. I will help with the planning, organization and ordering for the event. I still need a Chairperson for the Radar Run and Ice Drag, January 21st, 22nd & 23nd and more members to work the event. Steve Soltwedel has taken the Chairperson spot for the Vogel Groomer Show, February 2nd and 3rd. We also need a Chairperson for the Vintage Race on Saturday, February 26th and additional members to work the event. Chad & Tiffiny Birrenkott--Baraboo, WI George & Kathy Clemmensen--Rosemont, IL Rodney & Carol Daniels--Eagle River, WI Raymond Gregg, Jr--St Germain, WI Travis & Ellen Holt--Spencer, WI Pete Schnettler--Northbrook, IL Marty & Becky Semrau--Dyer, IN Todd Torgerson--Carol Stream, IL Bill Walden--Allen, TX Dan & Karen Weir--Hoffman Estates, IL It looks like we are in good shape for the Snowmobile Safety Class set for December 28th & 29th. If you can, please call and volunteer a few hours to make the above events a success and profit for the club and a benefit to the community. Our thoughts and prayers continue with Chuck & Mary Vogel. Get well wishes for a speedy recovery were sent to Gary Frank and Tom Nampel following back surgery. Please call Arlene Rieckenberg (715) 5423066 when you have information on births, of members who are ill or hospitalized and need a bit of cheer, sympathy or encouragement. PRESS RELEASE... Effective immediately, St. Germain Sport Marine can register, transfer ownership, print original decals and titles, duplicate decals and titles for your snowmobile, boat or ATV. Bring your information into our store and in a matter of minutes you will be legal with the State of Wisconsin and ready to ride. If you have any questions, give Tom Christensen a call at (715) 479-4930. Welcome New Members Renewals Martin Blackburn--Rockdale, IL Jeffrey & Pamala Boziel--St Germain, WI Dick & Jane Brooks--Elmhurst, IL Doug & Diane Brotherton--Dubuque, IA Larry Burdorf--Westchester, IL Joan Crawford--Jacksonville, IL Tom & Bev Depagter--Sheboygan Falls Mark Desantis--Morton, IL Justin Deuel--Oshkosh, WI Dorothy Drews--St Germain, WI Gary & Denise Duda--Buffalo Grove, IL Jack & Barbara Duffy--Mundelein, IL Greg & Aimee Eisele--Perry, MO Kevin & Diane Ekert--New Lenox, IL Peter & Letty Elwood--Lockport, IL Robert & Amy Ewing--Greensburg, IN Jeffrey Glass--Lake Geneva, WI Jack & Georgia Henricks--Rhinelander Harvey & Jackie Hoyer--Bensenville, IL Jay & Debbie Huber--Peru, IN Mike & Chris Hudgens--Portage, WI Kevin & Denise King--Chicago, IL Shirley Knitt--St Germain, WI Joe & Sandy Koscielniak--St Germain, WI Steve & Dena Krueger--Appleton, WI Mike & Lori Larocque--Sun Prairie, WI Kevin & Kelly Ann Leitner--West Bend, WI Paul & Tina Madden--Caledonia, WI Thomas Marks--St Germain, WI Don & Terri Osterberg--Kaukauna, WI James & Helen Pelnarsh--Mokena, IL Greg & Roxanne Platz--Okauchee, WI Robert & Ann Rhodes--New Lenox, IL Greg & Jan Robbins--Columbus, WI Adam & Cherie Ruenger--St Germain, WI Scott & Jodi Schafer--Madison, WI Randolph & Alisa Schepp Jr--Stoughton Charlotte Schmidt--Elkhorn, WI Wayne & Janet Sharbuno--West Bend, WI Michael & Marie Simmer--Salem, WI Gary & Karen Tennyson--Sussex, WI Mike & Karen Thauer--Evergreen Park, IL Jim & Judy Vale--Columbus, WI Matt & Nikki Verseman--St Germain, WI John & Jennifer Vojta--St Germain, WI Bill & Jeanne Weggel--Eau Claire, WI Mel & Linda Wollenschlager--Normal, IL Steve & Debby Wyma--Union Grove, WI David & Barb Yakey--Kirkland, IL Mike & Kathy Ziereis--Cleveland, WI Thank You for your Donation Martin Blackburn--Rockdale, IL Larry Burdorf--Westchester, IL Joan Crawford--Jacksonville, IL Mark Desantis--Morton, IL Dorothy Drews--St Germain, WI Jack & Barbara Duffy--Mundelein, IL Kevin & Diane Ekert--New Lenox, IL Jeffrey Glass--Lake Geneva, WI Raymond Gregg, Jr--St Germain, WI Shirley Knitt--St Germain, WI Joe & Sandy Koscielniak--St Germain, WI James & Helen Pelnarsh--Mokena, IL Greg & Jan Robbins--Columbus, WI Scott & Jodi Schafer--Madison, WI Marty & Becky Semrau--Dyer, IN Michael & Marie Simmer--Salem, WI Gary & Karen Tennyson--Sussex, WI Matt & Nikki Verseman--St Germain, WI Bill Walden--Allen, TX Mel & Linda Wollenschlager--Normal, IL Mike & Kathy Ziereis--Cleveland, WI st. germain bo-boen snowmobile club page 4 Sportsmen’s Chalet Moondance Bar Smiley’s Pub january 2011 Sportsmen’s Chalet Kathan Inn & Resort Bauer’s Dam Resort Buy a card for $3.00 get it stamped at each stop, turn it in & win a chance at cash & other prizes! All proceeds from the sale of cards goes to: 1/3 ~ Local Snowmobile Clubs 1/3 ~ Local Cancer Center 1/3 ~ Prize money for 3 BIG WINNERS Drawing at Sportsmen’s Chalet June 11, 2011 Starting at 1 pm Door Prizes, Raffles & Paddle Wheel (Need not be present to win) The Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club will be selling “Take Pride and Ride” raffle tickets again this year. The grand prize is a 2010 Ski Doo MXZ TNT 550 and will be raffled off in February 2011. This is a Vilas County wide program to help snowmobile clubs with grooming expenses for the season. Raffle tickets are $2.00 each. Please send your name and address along with your check to the Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club, PO Box 192, Saint Germain, WI 54558. We will fill out the ticket stub and mail you your ticket after receiving your check. Please thank our “Take Pride and Ride” sponsors who include: Trackside, Parsons of Eagle River, American Family Insurance of Minocqua, Menards, Minocqua Brewing Co., Fireplaces Unlimited Rhinelander, 1938 North Restaurant LOL, The Tackle Box LOL, Dock Doctors/Sled Doctors of Conover, CWS Computers in Eagle River, and Eagle Waters Resort. NORTHWOODS SNOWMOBILE CHALLENGE DECEMBER 15 THRU MAY 14 FIVE STOPS BUY A CARD FOR $2.00 GET IT STAMPED AT EACH STOP TURN IT IN AND WIN A CHANCE AT 1ST PLACE $1,000 2ND PLACE $500 3RD PLACE $250 PLUS GIFT CERTIFICATES & PRIZES Annual Club Raffle Again this season we will be running our club cash raffle. There will be four raffle tickets sent with your membership renewal form. The tickets are $5 each with a maximum of 2,000 tickets sold. First prize is $2,500, second prize is $1,500, third prize is $500 and fourth and fifth place prize is $250 each. The drawing will take place at our dinner meeting on March 8, 2011. DRAWING TO BE HELD MAY 14TH AT SAYNER PUB STARTING AT 3:00 FOOD, RAFFLES AND FUN! SLO’S PUB THE NEW TWILIGHT THUNDERBIRD BAR & GRILL SAYNER PUB SHAMROCK BAR ALL PROCEEDS FROM SALE OR CARDS GOES TO BENEFIT LOCAL SNOWMOBILE CLUBS The St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club will be hosting a race for the Northern Vintage Snowmobile Race Series on Saturday, February 26, 2011. Racing starts at 10:00 am and ends around 5:00 pm at the St. Germain Community Center and soccer fields. Admission is free, and you can come by car or by snowmobile. Refreshments and food are available all day. The Northern Vintage Snowmobile Race Series is made up of vintage snowmobile enthusiasts that promote fundraising through racing for other organizations. They have a six-race series that starts in January and ends in March. It makes an enjoyable outing for the whole family. For more information on the NVSRS circuit, see their web site at This is the sixth year we will be hosting this event. It is a great fundraiser for our club, and we need volunteers to help with the race and also for food service. If you can help out that day, please contact Tom Christensen at 715-479-4930 or [email protected]. January Membership Meeting Tuesday, January 11th Sportsmen’s Chalet Cocktails 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00 pm Menu Selection: Kielbasa with sauerkraut & boiled potatoes Tenderloin tips with mushrooms served over noodles Broiled haddock with baked potato All dinners served with salad, dinner roll, coffee and dessert. All dinners are priced at $15.00 with tax and gratuity included. Members are responsible for the payment of their reservation whether they attend or not. RSVP by Thursday, January 6th to: Kay Schultz at (715) 542-3912 AWSC Scholarship The Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs offers three scholarships to graduating high school seniors planning to pursue further education in an accredited two or four-year institution of higher learning. The AWSC presents a $1,500 scholarship. The second is a $1,000 scholarship presented by the AWSC in conjunction with Liberty Mutual Insurance. The third is a $1,000 scholarship that will be made available through Schwartz & Shea (Janesville) and General Casualty. Applicants must be an individual member, a son/daughter or a legal ward of a family having a current membership in an AWSC club with two consecutive years prior membership. He or she is further required to have passed the snowmobile safety course. The Scholarship Application includes an activity profile, six-semester transcript, and a 500-word typewritten essay on What Snowmobiling Means to Me. The application and complete instructions can be downloaded from the AWSC website at or call the AWSC office at 800-2324108. The deadline is February 11, 2011. page 6 st. germain bo-boen snowmobile club St. Germain Radar Run & Ice Drags WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP KITTY CAT RACES Sponsored by the St. Germain Radar Racers, LLC January 21, 22 & 23 2011 The 2011 event is being held on Friday, January 21st, 11:00 am—4:00 pm and Saturday, January 22nd, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. We are the fastest Radar Run in Wisconsin with speeds over 170 mph! Activities include the “Angry Dave’s Bikini Run” on Saturday at 2:00 pm, Camp’s SUPERVALU Grocery Store Cart Races, Music, Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club Food Court, Timbers Bar & Grill Budweiser Beer Tent and of course great racing! The Radar Run will have two courses: the Twilight Bar 660' on snow and 1000' on shaved ice. At noon on Friday stop by for a practice run on shaved ice or groomed snow. On Saturday things start rolling at 10:00 am with trophy runs on ice and fun runs on snow. The 660' "Bikini Run" starts at 2 pm. Anyone can enter, you must wear a "Bikini" and top prize is $100 cash! Proceeds from the bikini run will go to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Plum Lake Ambulance and the St. Germain Volunteer Fire Department. Sign up online at The event is held on the West end of “Little Saint Germain” lake near the intersection of Paton Road and Hwy 70. Ride in by trail or park near the Little Saint Express and Red Canoe Coffee for a shuttle. Parking on the ice too, conditions permitting! A huge thank you goes out to all of our local businesses that help support this event. Over 50 businesses and civic groups come together with donations each year which has turned the event into the largest winter weekend in town. More events will be scheduled including demonstrations rides and top fuel speeds runs. Become a fan of St. Germain Radar Run on Facebook, and watch for more details. For more information call 800-445-5370. january 2011 January 15 & 16, 2011 Held on Little St. Germain Lake at Black Bear Lodge. Registration starting at 7:30 am, Hot Laps at 9:00 am and Racing starting at 10:00 am. Racing is offered to children from ages 4 to 14. Sponsored by the Wisconsin Kids Racing Association, promoting family fun for everyone! Contact WKSRA Hotline at 715-581-8610 or visit February 2 & 3, 2011 Charles Vogel Enterprises St. Germain Equipment displays and demonstrations from 9:00 am—4:00 pm. Food will be served by the Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club. Itinerary Saturday, February 19, 2011 7:00 a.m. 8:45 a.m. Sponsored by ~ GARAGE HEATERS by Modine Registration/Breakfast, Whitetail Inn, Hwy 70 West, St. Germain Hit the trail...headed for Wisconsin's beautiful Northwoods, 1st stop is the Hall of Fame, St. Germain 11:30 1:30 Shorter rider groups will eat in area restaurants while UP group eats at Fish Tales. 1:30 p.m. Hit the trails again taking different routes to St. Germain 4:30 p.m. Arrive back at Whitetail Inn and get ready for the Hall of Fame Dinner 6:00 p.m. Cocktails, Autograph Session, etc. at Whitetail Inn 7:00 p.m. Hall of Fame Dinner followed by the Induction Ceremony SNOWMOBILER’S BREAKFAST ‐ $ 9.25 5 oz. Steak, Smoked Pork Chop, Sausage Patties, or Bacon Scrambled eggs, Toast, and All-You-Can-Eat Homemade Potato Pancakes and French Toast Your choice of a Bloody Mary, Screwdriver, Tomato or Orange Juice Other Breakfast Entrees Available Two Pieces of White Toast Two Scrambled Eggs and Toast Two Potato Pancakes Two Fluffy Pancakes Two Puffy French Toasts 5 oz. Steak or Smoked Pork Chop Three Sausage Patties or Three Bacon Strips Cold Cereal and Milk $ 1.00 $ 3.00 $ 2.50 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 $ 4.95 $ 3.00 $ 2.00 Beverages Milk Small $1.25 Large $2.00 Chocolate Milk Small $1.35 Large $2.15 Juice Small $1.00 Large $2.00 (Orange, Tomato, Cranberry, Grapefruit & Apple) Coffee or Tea $2.00 Hot Chocolate or Hot Cider $2.00 NEW YEAR’S EVE SPECIALS 8 oz. Lobster Tail 8 oz. Tenderloin Steak 8 oz. Lobster Tail & Tenderloin Steak 8 oz. Tenderloin Steak and 4 Shrimp 16 oz. Porter House 8 Deep Fried or Grilled Shrimp 2 Deep Fried or Broiled Walleye Broasted Chicken $20.95 $13.95 $27.95 $18.95 $14.95 $14.50 $14.95 $ 8.95 SPORTSMEN’S CHALET PIT STOP # 31 5205 Old Hwy 70 W ~ Eagle River, WI 54521 ~ (715) 479-8788 (Halfway between St. Germain and Eagle River) PAID ADVERTISEMENT St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club PO Box 192 Saint Germain, WI 54558 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO 10602 SAINT GERMAIN WI 54558 «FirstName» «LastName» «Street» «City» «St» «ZIP» Live Music by The Music Connection Saturday, January 8th 7 to 11 pm St. Germain Community Center EVERYONE WELCOME Beverages and Sandwiches Available No Cover Charge Sponsored by the St. Germain Prime Timers, Inc. Please ride with care
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