September 2015 - Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club Celebrating our 46th Snowmobiling Season! Volume 2015-16 Number 2 September 2015 President’s Message—Ozzie Ausloos Transition Season For many of us in the Northwoods there are only two seasons, Summer and Snowmobiling. The other two seasons we are transitioning into the snowmobile season or out of the season. As of this writing the family vacationers are winding down with the kids looking forward to school starting and the parents busy getting the school supplies and the new outfits bought. Our snowmobile club is busy during this time as well. Membership Chair Margie Klingsporn has been busy stuffing envelopes with the renewal notices and this year’s raffle tickets. That is quite a chore considering there are over 500 envelopes that have to be addressed, sealed, stamped and taken to the Post Office, look for them in your mail soon. Thanks Margie, I hope you had self-sealing envelopes. Our Trail Boss Jim Wendt has taken the tractor out of the barn, removed the drag and attached our brushing unit. I was sitting in my office downtown and saw the familiar blue tractor going by on the trail as Jim begins the many hours of cutting the overgrown trails. There are a lot of hours riding the trail before the snow flies. My guess is the groomer drivers enjoy riding the trail in the fall as well as the winter. Thanks guys! Our board of directors have been busy as well! As you know we kicked off our map ad campaign a couple of months ago and as of the last board meeting we have over 8 new advertisers. Some are existing business’ that realize the benefit of advertising in our map, others are new business’ or new owners in a business that had be closed for a period. That is exciting to see new partners join our group. It means a lot to our club and it especially means a lot to our community to see new business’ spring up. Please buy a map and seek out our advertising partners and thank them for their support, after all, we are in this together making the Bo-Boen’s the best club around. Thanks Board of Directors for seeking out the new establishments. I hope all of you club members are transitioning as well. Time to get the batteries charged, the hoods waxed, and everything checked out for the upcoming season. I just can’t wait. Ozzie 19th Annual Pig Roast to benefit the St. Germain Bo-Boen and Lake Tomahawk New-Tom Sno Fleas Snowmobile Clubs Saturday, August 29, 2015 Sportsmen’s Chalet 5205 Old Hwy 70 W, Eagle River Raffle Sales & Door Prizes Start at 2 p.m. Serving at 5:30 p.m. Cost $11.50 per person Great fun and great food for a great cause! Raffle Items Needed Donations Welcome Call Laurel (715) 479-8788 Clubmemberspleasebringadessertandhelpwithserving! Cash Raffle to Benefit the St. Germain Bo-Boen & Lake Tomhawk New-Tom Snow Fleas Snowmobile Clubs $100 Each—Only 150 Tickets Sold Drawing will be held at 7 pm at the Pig Roast Benefit at Sportsmen’s Chalet on Saturday, August 29, 2015 (winner need not be present ) St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club presents “DRIVE with the GROOMER DRIVERS” GOLF SCRAMBLE St. Germain Golf Club Sunday, August 30, 2015 Deadline for entry: August 23, 2015 Your Entry Fee of $75.00 per person includes: 18-holes of golf, riding cart, range balls to warm up with, one free drink ticket for your choice of beverage, lots of prizes, an “All U Can Eat” Burger & Brat Fry and a whole lot of fun! Get a 4 person team together and join us for a fantastic day of golf, camaraderie and excitement as we host our second annual fundraiser for the St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club. We Format know that our trail system is one of 5-Person Scramble the best in the state and we want to Beginning at 9 AM keep it that way! All proceeds will go to Form your own 4-person team. The St. Germain benefit the St. Germain Bo-Boen Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club will add one of our Snowmobile Club and all of its efforts groomer drivers or club member to your team to keep our trails the best around! Contact to enter your team or to learn more about Sponsorship Opportunities: John Vojta (715) 614-3611 Mike Osborne (715) 892-2998 St. Germain Golf Club (715) 542-2614 SPONSORS!!! Get your name in and be a sponsor! Guaranteed to be seen multiple times with our golfers! ONLY $100 Day of Play Fundraisers Raffles Mulligans Magic Putts 50/50 Trail Boss Report—Jim Wendt It seems like only yesterday we put the machines time flies. As we get ready for the upcoming year, we will start the season with a new (to us) Tucker to round out our fleet of groomers. A huge thank you to all who contributed to the equipment fund last year! Please keep in mind we will be needing to upgrade another piece of equipment in a few years so I hope you all can be supportive again as we build the fund to make the needed purchase when the time comes. We got some good news about funding...the pro rate for last year came in at 100%. That means the club will get reimbursed for everything turned in up to $750.00 a mile. The new trail pass is set for this season. Be sure to get familiar with the procedure so you won't miss the opening ride of the season. I hope you have had a good summer up to now—there is still some time left to enjoy our second favorite season, right? Happy Trails, Our new Tucker made it’s début at the St. Germain Independence Day parade on July 28th. Jim Secretary’s Report—Kay Schultz Welcome back! Another snowmobile season is looming in the near future – can you believe it? Now is the time to air out the snowmobile gear and get the sled(s) in tip-top running condition. I shouldn’t be boring you with such trivialities. On to something more important—FOOD! The membership dinners are all arranged. The St. Germain restaurants hosting our dinners for the 2015-2016 season are as follows: September 8th - Bear’s Den October 13th – Sportsmen’s Chalet November 10th – Fibber’s December 8th – Whitetail Inn January 12th – Clearview February 9th – Knocker’s Pizza Co. March 8th – Golden Pines Please mark the second Tuesday of the month on your calendar. Plan on spending those evenings with your snowmobile ‘family’. Look for the menu for the September dinner at Bear’s Den in this newsletter. Remember to RSVP by the given date. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call me at 715-542-3912. See you soon, Kay Schultz September Membership Meeting Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Bear’s Den Cocktails 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00 pm Menu Selection 10 oz. New York Strip Steak Chicken Cordon Bleu with Hollandaise Sauce 8 oz. Baked Salmon All dinners include salad, baked potato, dinner roll, dessert & coffee, tea or milk. All meals are priced at $20.00 per person with tax and gratuity included. Members are responsible for the payment of their reservation whether they attend or not. Please make checks payable to the Bear’s Den. RSVP by Tuesday, September 1st to Kay Schultz , (715) 542-3912. Upcoming Events Saturday, August 29—19th Annual Pig Roast Sportsmen’s Chalet Sunday, August 30—Drive with the Groomer Drivers St. Germain Golf Course Thursday, September 1—Board Meeting 7 pm—St. Germain Fire Station Tuesday, September 8—Membership Meeting Bear’s Den Saturday, October 17—Trail Brushing Membership News—Margie Klingsporn For the new 2015-2016 season we have 60 memberships registered. 52 of them are new members! Our membership letters should be in the mail by the end of the week. This is a couple of weeks later than we anticipated; but, about three weeks earlier than in previous years. Please note that your AWSC membership number is now printed on the application form. So please, copy it down and keep it in a safe place for when you apply for your Wisconsin Trail Pass. If you have any questions please feel free to direct them to me at [email protected] or 715-479-2028. Membership Count New Renewed Total 52 8 60 Donations (March 9th—August 14th): Tom Akers -- Bolingbrook, IL Matthew Birky -- Solon, IA Mark & Sara Guenther -- Bellevue, IA Robert & Pamela Kurdza -- New Berlin, WI Doug & Stacy Leasure -- Somonauk, IL Kevin & Debra Monge -- Roanoke, IL NEW MEMBERS 7-31-2015 Brad Arnold -- Columbia City, IN Randy Arnold -- Columbia City, IN Dave & Lisa Borchers -- Long Grove, IA Antonio & Karen Cantele -- Loves Park, IL Timothy Day -- Lockport, IL Gregory Ray -- Layfayette, IN Aaron & Jamie Smart – - Spring Grove, IL Todd Torgerson -- Carol Stream, IL Jim & Denise Truesdell -- Chelsea, MI Lynn & Victor Upthagrove -- St Germain, WI Mark Warner -- Gays, IL Keith Gehrke -- Des Plaines, IL Doug & Stacy Leasure -- Somonauk, IL Rick & Gayle Marshall -- Weston, WI Wes & Leigh O'Hara -- St Charles, IL Charles Their -- St. Germain, WI 8-14-2015 Greg Hanson -- St. Germain, WI Aaron & Jamie Smart –- Spring Grove, IL Jim & Denise Truesdell -- Chelsea, MI RENEWALS 7-03-2015 Mark & Sara Guenther -- Bellevue, IA Scott & Sherri Harbrecht -- Valparaiso, IN Lynn & Victor Upthagrove -- St Germain, WI 7-31-2015 Jack & Susan Bourgeois -- St Germain, WI Kevin & Debra Monge -- Roanoke, IL Dierdre Strass -- St Germain, WI Todd Torgerson -- Carol Stream, IL B. B. Mappy’s Hint of the Month: For those of you renewing your membership with us, the turn around time should be quicker this year. All of it is now done directly on-line with AWSC. Their quick response in sending out the cards to Margie should mean that you would get them in your mailbox faster than in previous years. Annual Club Raffle Again this season we will be running our club cash raffle. There will be four raffle tickets sent with your membership renewal form. The tickets are $5 each with a maximum of 2,000 tickets sold. First prize is $2,500, second prize is $1,500, third prize is $500 and fourth and fifth place prize is $250 each. The drawing will take place at our dinner meeting on March 8, 2016. Please call Arlene Rieckenberg at 715-542-3066 when you have information on births, of members who are ill or hospitalized and need a bit of cheer, sympathy or encouragement. St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club NEW MEMBER Application 2015-16 Memberships are by family (including children under 19) or by individual. In addition to supporting the club that maintains the trails you ride on, you will receive our club newsletter throughout the season and a membership sticker. Also included is membership in the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs. You will receive their magazine, Wisconsin Snowmobile News, an AWSC sticker, and an accidental dealth and disability benefit throu American Income Life Insurance Company. Wisconsin requires that all snowmobiles have a Wisconsin State Trail Pass. With your club and AWSC membership you will qualify for a reduced-price pass if your snowmobile is registered in Wisconsin. □ □ Family membership (including children under 19): $30 Single membership: $25 Please Print: Last Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ First Name(s): _________________________________ Spouse: _______________________________ Child(ren’s) Name(s): ____________________________________________________________ (under 19 years of age) Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________________ State: ___________ Zip: ___________ Phone number: __________________________(Home) _____________________________ (Cell) Email: _______________________________________________________________________________ □ Check if you would like to receive the newsletter via e-mail and put your money into the □ trails instead of toner, paper and postage. Check if you are interested in volunteering at a Bo-Boen event. If you are a primary member to another AWSC club, please list the name of the club below and subtract $10 from the dues. Primary Club: _______________________________________________ Dues: $30 family; $25 single $ Equipment Fund Donation: $ General Fund Donation: $ Total Enclosed: $ Make check payable to Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club and mail to PO Box 192, St. Germain, WI 54558 St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club PO Box 192 St. Germain WI 54558 The Air, The Forest and The Watch Print Raffle Again this year, Don & Marie Bauman donated another signed, numbered and framed print to the club to be used for a raffle. This years print is “The Air, The Forest and The Watch” by Robert Bateman. It is 23” x 34.5” and tickets are available anytime at St. Germain Sport Marine or at Club Dinner Meetings. For those of you out of the area, you may also send money with your membership renewal and make a note what the additional funds are for. Tickets are 3/$5.00 or 7/$10.00.
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