February 2016 - Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club Celebrating our 46th Snowmobiling Season! Volume 2015-16 Number 7 President’s Message—Ozzie Ausloos Keep on Dancing, We need the snow I am writing this in Mid-January and we are now starting to get some cold weather and snow. Remember when Aaron Rodgers told everyone to ‘Relax’, well maybe that is what our members need to do...Relax, winter will get here in due time. We recently had some very cold weather which helped freeze the lakes and swamps and several of the lakes have been marked because of this cold. Please look for the barrels on the lakes before venturing out on them. Safety should be the main focus of our snowmobile experience, please ride responsibly, ride right, and always be alcohol free when riding. www.boboen.com As you may know the Radar Run has been postponed to February 12th & 13th. This is a great event to watch and to volunteer for, plan on going to this event. We would appreciate a few hours of your time, this is a big fund raiser for our club and spreading the work load out makes it more enjoyable for all. Call Steve Soltwedel (262-9498930) for volunteering in the heated food tent, or Ozzie Ausloos (920-4204520) for working in the fresh air with parking and crowd control. The Groomer Show is February 3rd & 4th, our club has a food booth at his event as well. We’re a couple people short in the booth, call Jim Wendt if you are able to help (715-891-1610). February 2016 Last but not least, this winter as you know has been off to a slow start, our merchants in the area depend on snowmobile business for a good portion of their annual revenue. St Germain offers a lot to do besides snowmobiling, come on up and enjoy the winter. Stop in and patronize our map advertisers and tell them we appreciate their support. I’m sure they will be thankful that you are there. Keep on dancing… Ozzie THANK YOU, THANK YOU Penny & Mike McCormick, Judy Schell, Connie Olson, Kay Schultz and Denny & Dianne Dieters for decorating our St. Germain Christmas parade float. You are elves extraordinaire! We’re Looking for Miss Snowflake to Represent our Club We are looking for a Miss Snowflake contestant to represent our club at the AWSC Workshop which is held in the fall, (October or November) and a Miss Snowflake Queen is will be crowned to represent the Association at various events throughout the state during her one year reign. Qualifications: Must be a current family member of the Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club and AWSC or if 19 years of age or over must be a due paying member. Age must be between 18 and 21 at the time of the pageant. Single Must be able to attend the Miss Snowflake Pageant 2016 representing the Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club. Must be an active participant in Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club events. We are looking for a contestant with knowledge and enthusiasm about snowmobiling as well as her ability to communicate information about our sport and community. Please send your resume by June 1st to Don Bauman, 8144 Forest Wood Lane, St. Germain WI 54558. If you have any questions I can be reached at 715-891-2707. The newly crowned Miss Snowflake for 2017 will receive at the end of her reign a $1,500 dollar scholarship to further her education. Snowmobilers Breakfast at Knocker’s Pizza Company A HUGE SUCCESS! Knocker’s Snowmobilers Breakfast fundraiser was a great success. A great made to order omelet meal was enjoyed by all who attended. Again, thank you Barry & Shelley and staff for helping our club raise funds for maintaining our trails. Also a big thank you to their daughter Paige, who did another great job selling paddles throughout the morning for door prize raffles that were donated by the following: Timbers Bar & Grill Sisters Saloon The Thunderbird Bar Fibbers St. Germain Bakery Red Canoe Sportsmen’s Chalet Knocker’s Pizza Co. Badger Liquor Twilight Bar & Grill McGregor’s Blink Bonnie's Jack Bourgeois St. Germain Sport Marine Tim & Pam Gebhardt Trail Boss, Jim Wendt is presented a check by Barry & Shelley Hodkiewicz Thank you all. The total proceeds to our club totaled $1962.00! Annual Club Raffle Again this season we will be running our club cash raffle. There will be four raffle tickets sent with your membership renewal form. The tickets are $5 each with a maximum of 2,000 tickets sold. First prize is $2,500, second prize is $1,500, third prize is $500 and fourth and fifth place prize is $250 each. The drawing will take place at our dinner meeting on March 8, 2016. We would also like to THANK The New Twilight Bar & Grill for paying for the print costs of the raffle tickets. The family that sleds together… stays together! Trail Boss—Jim Wendt Wow! What a disastrous winter so far. As you probably know, we have about 5" of snow on the ground which packs to around 1" on the trail. We have panned the trails twice so far in the hope that we can at least drive the frost down in the ground to help establish a good base for future snowfalls. Not anything to report except a big "thank you" to those folks that brought rags to the barn for our equipment maintenance. We just have to be patient and hope the winter gods will soon smile on us. HAPPY TRAILS (soon) JIM Secretary’s Report—Kay Schultz Once again, the club had a great membership dinner this month. A total of 62 people were treated to the terrific hospitality of the Fath family at Clearview Supper Club. The food was outstanding, including the appetizers, and the dessert of petit fours over ice cream was delicious. Thanks for everything. As for snowmobiling, yes the trails are finally open. Now all we need is some more snow to improve the conditions. The recent cold snap has finally froze the lakes and ground, but now our groomers need some snow to work with to make your trails enjoyable for all. So don’t put your dancing shoes away just yet. Kay Schultz February Membership Meeting Tuesday, February 9th Knocker’s Pizza Co. Cocktails 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00 pm Menu Selection Beef Tenderloin w/Gorgonzola & baked potato 1/2 Fried Chicken & baked potato Election Information Officers are elected to a one-year term. Officer positions are President, President Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary. A President may serve for not more than two consecutive terms. There are two Director positions open each year. Directors are elected to fulfill a three-year term. The slate of candidates will be presented by the Nominating Committee at the February Membership meeting. Nominations from the floor will also be accepted at that time. A sample ballot and a statement from the candidates will be printed in the March newsletter. The election will take place at the membership meeting on March 8, 2016. The Tellers Committee will be provided with a membership list, and members attending the meeting will be asked to register with them and receive a ballot upon arrival. Voting will take place during the meeting, which follows the dinner, when the president calls for the ballots. The ballots are tabulated and the winners are announced before the end of the meeting. The new officers and directors take office and assume their duties at the April Board Meeting. Anyone wishing to vote by absentee ballot must request a ballot from the secretary, in writing (e-mail will do), up to 7 days prior to the election. Absentee ballots must be returned in the envelope provided, sealed and mailed. No requests for absentee ballots will be accepted after that time. Honey-Mustard Grilled Salmon & wild rice All dinners include salad, sautéed vegetables, rolls, dessert & coffee. All meals are priced at $21.00 with tax and gratuity included. Members are responsible for the payment of their reservation whether they attend or not. Please make checks payable to Knocker’s Pizza Co. RSVP by Wednesday, February 3rd to Kay Schultz, (715) 542-3912. The new Dog Creek Bridge Riders, Peggy & Ozzie Ausloos Show your support for the Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club by purchasing a spectacular night light featuring the club logo. The light is available in red, green, blue or clear. Price is $20.00 with all proceeds going to the club. To make your purchase, please contact Mike and Penny McCormick at 715-542-2537 or 312-246-4277 or they are available at St. Germain Sport Marine. OR... send $20.00 plus $2.00 shipping($22.00) to: McCormick/Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club 1338 Pine Crest Ct St. Germain, WI 54558 Please include your name, address and phone # and your choice of color...first and second choice. The Air, The Forest and The Watch Print Raffle Again this year, Don & Marie Bauman donated another signed, numbered and framed print to the club to be used for a raffle. This years print is “The Air, The Forest and The Watch” by Robert Bateman. It is 23” x 34.5” and tickets are available anytime at St. Germain Sport Marine or at Club Dinner Meetings. For those of you out of the area, you may also send money with your membership renewal and make a note what the additional funds are for. Tickets are 3/$5.00 or 7/$10.00. Membership News—Margie Klingsporn The new year has finally brought us the cold weather. By now I had expected that membership applications would have slowed down, but we have 89 renewed/new memberships since I last reported our numbers. We are over 900 at this point and wondering if we will hit the 1000 mark. Here are just a few interesting facts: Membership Counts New Renewed Total 423 511 934 45% of our members are new this year 55% were members in previous years. AWSC was processing 700+ membership applications A DAY at one point If any of you have questions about your membership, please feel free to direct them to me at [email protected] or 715479-2028. Please ride safely and have fun. A big thank you goes out to those of you who sent in a trail or equipment fund donations with your membership applications. (Your names have the $ out front!) New Members November 11th—December 16th Welcome to these new Bo-Boen members. We are pleased to have you join us. May you have safe rides on our trails this season. New members: Robert & Erika Alarid -- Morris, IL Fred & Mary Bahl -- Muskego, WI $ John Baird -- Tuscola, IL Justin & Denise Bates -- Champaign, IL Todd Becker -- Tuscola, IL Don & Diane Borkowski -- Waukesha, WI Casey & Liz Bowman -- Walford, IA Trent Boyd -- Claremore, OK Tim Bretz -- Villa Grove, IL James & Stephanie Brewer -- St Germain, WI Don & Bev Brinkmeier -- Sun Prairie, WI Brian & Amy Brown -- Oconomowoc, WI Mike, Kim, Kaylee & Ryan Brown-Eagle River, WI Thomas & Susan Burr -- St Germain, WI Frank & Amy Ciminello -- Hoffman Estates, IL Ronald Crabtree -- Dyer, IN Jennifer & David Cyskiewicz -- Waukesha, WI Nicholas Detraglia -- Oswego, IL Karl & Lisa Devroy -- St Germain, WI Tim & Peggy Ebert -- St Germain, WI Daniel & Carol English -- St Germain, WI Brian & Donna Esch -- Hugo, MN Lou Gipp -- St Germain, WI Mark Goebel -- Kaukauna, WI Gabriel & Jennifer Griffith -- New Lenox, IL $ Donald Hacke -- Eldridge, IA $ Greg Jackson -- Jhope, IN Steve & Lori Janowski -- Green Bay, WI Donald Karp -- McHenry, IL Kevin & Eileen Kearney -- Wheaton, IL Timothy & Cindy Kiesow -- St Germain, WI $ Ozzie King -- Waterford, WI Jim & Karen Klenke -- Janesville, WI Terry & Evie Knutti -- Lanark, IL Ronald & Barbara Kroschel -- St Germain, WI $ Robert & Wendy Krueger -- Neenah, WI Barbara & Paul Kuzba -- Oconomowoc, WI Jeff & Jodi Leader -- West Brooklyn, IL $ Joy Vietinghoff & Carl Lindquist--Viroqua, WI Larry & Jennifer Lombardo -- Huntley, IL Scott Martin -- Tuscola, IL Stephen & Danelle Merrell -- Oregon, IL Scott & Susan Meyer -- Eau Claire, WI John & Diane Misina -- St Germain, WI Nowell Moore -- Congerville, IL Terry Nelson -- Lake Villa, IL Jeff & Charlotte Neumann -- West Bend, WI Patrick & Dianne Pedersen -- Neenah, WI Jen & Dylan Peotter -- Little Chute, WI Daniel & Nicole Pete -- Cottage Grove, WI Jeffrey & Cindy Picha -- Joliet, IL Dale Purvis -- Capron, IL Dennis Randolph -- Manhattan, IL Betsy & Roger Rappa -- St Germain, WI $ John & Maureen Sanfilippo -- Woodruff, WI Mark & Sharen Schimmelfennig--Oconomowoc, WI Bill & Kathy Schmidt -- St Germain, WI $ David & Teresa Schultz -- West Dundee, IL James Schultz -- Algonquin, IL $ Tom Sharbuno -- Port Washington, WI Virginia Simmet -- St Germain, WI Robert & Melanie Smit -- Mukwonago, WI Richard & Sally Smith -- St Germain, WI Curt & Alison Snyder -- Fulton, IL $ Charles Sparks -- Villa Park, IL Scott & Tina Steger -- New Berlin, WI Bobby & Nancy Stockam -- Antioch, IL David & Michelle Stumeier -- Tuscola, IL Ross & Tracy Templeton--Arlington Heights, IL $ Todd & Kim Tilidetzke -- Menomonee Falls, WI Neal & Becky Verfuerth -- Manitowoc, WI Duane & Nicole Wendler -- Lake Tomahawk, WI Rich & Penny Westwood -- Stockton, IL Lance & Suzanne Wirth -- St Germain, WI $ James & Dora Wolfe -- Frankfort, IL Renewing Members Welcome back to our renewing Bo-Boen members. It is good to have you in our ranks for this season. Have fun on the trails and stay safe. Sean & Katie Farchmin -- Waukesha, WI Thomas, Mary Ann & Jonathan Hoscheit -- Saint Charles, IL Lisa, Isaac & Matthew Vedder & Mike Kijowski -- St Germain, WI Tony, Karna, Karsten & Kai Kroening -- Waconia, MN Jim & Juli Mobry -- Rio, WI Robert Murkley -- Berlin, WI Ryan Nobbe -- Greensburg, IN $ Robert G Poole -- Verona, WI Michael Powers -- Fox Lake, IL B. B. Mappy’s Hint of the Month Please be sure to let Margie know anytime that your contact $ William & Jan Saranczak -- Bolingbrook, IL information changes so that she can update the dataJon Skorey -- Pompano Beach, FL base. That means be a change in your Address, Phone, or Email Kevin & Kelly Uryasz -- Carol Stream, IL should be sent to her via email ([email protected]) or Matt & Nikki Verseman -- St Germain, WI phone (715-479-2028). Kelly Williams -- Tuscola, IL Snowmobile Safety Class of 2015 complete! 58 Students attended the class this year and each and everyone passed the test and received their Snowmobile Safety Certificate. They were awesome students! A big THANK YOU to everyone who helped make this year’s class a success! Without you we could not have done it. INSTRUCTORS: Peggy & Ozzie Ausloos, Roger Klein, Steve Stritzel, Ron Rhodes, Vilas County Recreation Deputy Randy Schneider and DNR Warden Dave Walz. VOLUNTEERS: Carla Klein, Jack Bourgeios, Susan Stein, Maggie Clemmensen, Dianne Dieter, Fred & Laura Locher, Janet Kazda, Brad Peligrino, Don Baumann and Wally Obermann. LUNCH PROVIDERS: Chuck & Judy Berard and Arlene Rieckenberg BAKERS: Laura Locher, Kay Schultz, Dianne Dieter, Penny McCormick, Judy Schell, Marie Baumann, Carola Anderson, Karen Grace, Sharon Brown and Arlene Rieckenberg. Special thanks to Jim Wendt for bringing the Tucker over and explaining to the students what they should do when they meet or come up behind a groomer. A big thanks also to Paul’s Rental for the use of the snowmobiles for demonstration. Photo’s thanks to Peggy Ausloos and Wally Geist The Boo-BBB's Hit the Trail! After a very long wait, the ladies of the Boo-BBB's finally got back on the trail. Under the awesome leadership of Peg Ausloos, we rode 90 miles on beautiful trails. After lunching at Bauer's Dam, we rode back to St Germain already planning next week's adventure. It is never too late to join us....just meet us at the groomer barn at 9:00 am sharp on Wednesday morning. When the church bells chime 9:00, we are on our way. Finally, we are going on a three day, two night trip on February 16,17 and 18. All women snowmobile riders are welcome to join us. We will ride to Florence on night one and then to the Potawatomi Casino in Wabeno. You are guaranteed a good time! Questions? Contact: Peg Ausloos 715-892-6467 Janelle Ewen 715-542-4625 Penny McCormick 715-542-2537 Upcoming Events Tuesday, February 2—Board Meeting 7 pm—St. Germain Fire Station Tuesday, February 9—Membership Meeting Knocker’s Pizza Co. February 3 & 4—Arrowhead Groomer Show Walker Equipment February 12 & 13—St. Germain Radar Run Club Officers & Directors 2015-2016 President—Bob “Ozzie” Ausloos Work: (920) 420-4520 Email: [email protected] President-Elect—Tom Nampel Home: (715) 542-2708 Email: [email protected] Secretary—Kay Schultz Home: (715) 542-3912 Email: [email protected] Please call Arlene Rieckenberg at 715-542-3066 when you have information on births, of members who are ill or hospitalized and need a bit of cheer, sympathy or encouragement. Treasurer—Ed Siergiej Cell: (715) 493-7736 Email: [email protected] Trail Boss—Jim Wendt Cell: (715) 891-1610 Email: [email protected] Director—Dianne Dieter Home: (715) 542-2913 Email: [email protected] Director—Don Bauman Cell: (715) 891-2707 Email: [email protected] Director—Roger Klein Home: (715) 477-8570 Email: [email protected] Director—Jack Bourgeois Home: (715) 542-2261 Email: [email protected] Director—Tim Gebhardt Cell: (715) 891-1800 Email: [email protected] Director—Dave Walker Work: (715) 479-4200 Email: [email protected] Past-President—Tom Christensen Work: (715) 479-4930 Email: [email protected] St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club PO Box 192 St. Germain WI 54558
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