2014 Annual Report - Maryville Academy


2014 Annual Report - Maryville Academy
2014 Annual Report
Rebuilding Lives...
Rekindling Spirits...
Renewing Hope...
Maryville’s mission is to help children
and their families reach their fullest
potential by empowering intellectual,
spiritual, moral and emotional growth.
Since 1883, Maryville has been
dedicated to the preservation of the
dignity of children at every age.
Dear Friends,
Do you believe in miracles?
Sr. Catherine M. Ryan,
Executive Director
I see miracles happen here, at Maryville, each day. Maryville’s mission is to help
children and families, particularly children who are poor or marginalized. Since 1883,
our organization has lived this mission by providing homes for children who cannot
live safely at home. In more recent years, Maryville has expanded its expression of
this mission by providing services to help strengthen families so that children can
grow and thrive safely within their homes.
I believe in miracles—when I see a child who had been terrorized by abuse in her
birth family find safety and a community in her Maryville home, flourishing as she
learns her own dignity and value. At Maryville, our residential staff show youth in our
care protection and guidance so that they may heal, begin to trust again, and grow
into adulthood.
from Our Executive Director
I believe in miracles—when I see children who had struggled with their self esteem
and felt marginalized find empowerment and a greater sense of self by attending the
Maryville Jen School or a Maryville CYO program. Our academic and youth athletic
programming help participants discover learning, discipline and teamwork.
I believe in miracles—when I see parents who had been struggling with the medical
fragility of their children find an extended medical family at the Children’s Healthcare
Center. While medically fragile children are in our care, Maryville partners with their
parents, giving them the tools they need to develop a better understanding of their
child’s condition so that they can eventually care for their child at home.
I believe in miracles—when I see overwhelmed parents find a temporary safe haven
for their children as they handle family emergencies, such as serious health
conditions, domestic violence, homelessness, or job loss. With Maryville as a partner,
parents who utilize our Crisis Nursery can count on us to provide up to 72 hours of
care and early childhood learning while they address their emergencies.
I believe in miracles—when I see parents invest their time to focus on deepening
their awareness of parenting. I am proud of the young men who participate in our
Fatherhood Initiative Program, learning more about being a positive male role model,
and all of the couples in our the Spanish language program (Strengthening Families),
which operates within faith communities.
God makes miracles, and you help make them possible. You help by sharing your time,
your knowledge, your resources and your prayer. Thank you.
Peace and all good.
Sister Catherine M. Ryan, O.S.F.
Executive Director
Dear Friend of Maryville,
Shortly after taking office as Cook County State’s Attorney in 1996, I began
working with Sister Cathy on passing legislation that would reform how the state handled
juveniles in the court system. The result was the Juvenile Justice Reform Act of 1998.
That law cut back on the number of adolescents entering the criminal justice system.
Instead, many were diverted into a restorative justice system that balanced the victim’s
rights and the opportunity to intervene with teens to turn their lives around without incarceration, most often keeping them with their families.
As you read this annual report, you will see how the Crisis Nursery helped Sylvia keep
herself and her young son safe and start a new career.
Inside these pages, you will also meet “Charlene,” a charming and talented child who has
endured many challenges in her young life. Her poetry speaks of heartache, but it also
shows a talent that is being nurtured by our staff at the Eisenberg campus.
You will also notice a new program, Strengthening Families. In this program, our Jose
Sanchez has been a virtuoso, reaching out to the growing Spanish-speaking
community to provide parenting programs. Along with his daughter, Martha, Jose started
a new soccer league this summer for grammar school boys and girls and adolescents.
In the program numbers reported in this annual report, you can see how the CYO program
reaches more children than all of the rest of our programs combined. That, too, keeps
families together as it provides an alternative to street life for the community’s youth.
So, our mission remains focused on a continuum of services for children and families, as
seen with the early care for an infant such as Sylvia’s son, to an adolescent such as
Charlene, and to our services aimed at Chicagoland’s growing Hispanic community. We
strive to adapt our programs to keep up with the times.
With Sister Cathy at the helm in 2015 and our tremendous supporters at her side, I am
confident Maryville will deliver needed care for our children.
I thank you for your past help and ask for your continued support.
Richard A. Devine
from Our Chairman of the Board
While caring for such children in our residential care programs remains Maryville’s core
mission, we have adapted to changing times and philosophies. These days, we also seek
to prevent families from splitting apart. It is because we still think the best place for a
child is with his family that we have expanded our outreach programs to help families
stay strong.
Richard A. Devine
Chair, Maryville
Board of Directors
As chief of the Juvenile Justice Bureau in the State’s Attorney’s office, Sister Cathy was
the architect of this landmark legislation; she also oversaw the State’s Attorney’s role in
Juvenile Court matters that pertained to children who were wards of the state. This
pragmatic and progressive approach on how to handle troubled youngsters has carried
into Sister’s tenure at Maryville.
I n F i s c a l Ye a r 2 0 1 4 , t h e
M a r y v i l l e C r i s i s N u rs e r y
p rov i d e d 6 0 0 c h i d re n a n d
t h e i r fa m i l i e s w i t h
2 4 - h o u r c h i l d c a re, a
fa m i l y wo r ke r a n d h e l p
f i n d i n g re s o u rc e s t o re t u r n
t o s t a b i l i t y.
“Hi buddy,” Sylvia says, beaming at her 2-year-old son, Langdon, from across the room.
Langdon breaks free from having his shirt tucked in by a Nursery childcare worker to run into his mother’s
arms. Langdon and Sylvia feel safe.
For Sylvia, safety is something she never takes for granted. Just a year and a half ago, Sylvia was spending the
night in hiding at her neighbor’s apartment until morning came, scared, exhausted and clutching her
five-month-old son. She’d been threatened by her boyfriend and feared for Langdon’s safety, and hers as well.
Her fear grew as her boyfriend continued to behave violently when abusing alcohol. In October 2013, he was
taken away in an ambulance for alcohol poisoning. Sylvia went into their apartment, grabbed as many necessities as she could carry, and phoned a Chicago domestic violence hotline. Her domestic violence center referred
her to the Maryville Crisis Nursery for help.
“When I got here, I thought: ‘This is beautiful,” Sylvia says. “This is one of the safest, must beautiful places a
child could be.”
The Crisis Nursery has helped Sylvia toward a safer life and new hope. She first used the nursery to care for
Langdon when she had to go to court to secure an order of protection against her ex-boyfriend.
“He called me a murderer after I miscarried, and told me it wasn’t safe for me to live in our home,” Sylvia said.
“I didn’t have anybody, anyplace to turn to. But then I found the Crisis Nursery.”
Sylvia has come back to the Crisis Nursery she works toward a new future for herself and her son, when she
needed someone to watch Landon so she could complete her Certified Nursing Assistant credentials, and when
she had to work weekends and couldn’t find help. Each time she picks up her son, she knows he’s been safe
and well cared for.
“I don’t know what I would have done if not for the Crisis Nursery,” Sylvia says. “The staff here are all so
wonderful. I’m so thankful it exists.”
Rekindling Spirits
There was a time in the past when, if Claude’s* basketball team was losing, he would walk away and not finish
the game.
The young man from Maryville’s St. George residential program in Des Plaines was stuck in a cycle of negative
behavior that not only affected his own ability to succeed but was also disruptive to others. Slowly, with staff
reinforcing positive and healthy coping mechanisms, Claude learned to regulate his emotions, no matter what
number was on the scoreboard.
“When I get upset over something now, I can control it and get myself back,” Claude says proudly.
His case manager, Kevin Flores, says, Claude has not just developed self control; he’s become a leader. Now,
when faced with adversity, Claude is the first one to keep the team together.
“He’ll say, ‘Come on guys, we can do this,’” Kevin says. “He can stay positive and focused now, and if he
doesn’t win the game, he can congratulate the other team.”
Claude has been with Maryville for about two years. His repeated little victories, the small daily triumphs of
a young man struggling with the dual diagnoses of intellectual disability and mental illness, mark him as a
youth who is getting better every day.
“Claude has become very much a role model,” says Evelyn Smith, Division Director for Residential Program
Services. “He has progressed, being able to give positive encouragement to other kids.”
Claude reached a huge milestone this year. He was able to reconcile with a fellow resident with whom he had
clashed at a previous placement. Using his new-found social skills, he was able to talk through his issues with
the other youth, and they have worked through it together.
*For the privacy of our client, his name has been changed.
I n F i s c a l Ye a r 2 0 1 4 ,
M a r y v i l l e re s i d e n t i a l
p ro g ra m s fo r b oys
h e l p e d 8 6 yo u t h t h ro u g h
a s t r u c t u re d h o u s i n g
e n v i ro n m e n t , w ra p a ro u n d s o c i a l s e r v i c e s
a n d m e n t o r i n g a s t h ey
t ra n s i t i o n t o
I n F i s c a l Ye a r 2 0 1 4 ,
M a r y v i l l e re s i d e n t i a l
p ro g ra m s fo r wo m e n i n
Bartlett housed and
s u p p o r t e d 7 1 t e e n g i r l s,
yo u n g m o t h e rs a n d b a b i e s.
“Hoping that someone is there...to catch me when I fall...” Charlene* reads, showcasing her poem at Poetry Night,
an event put together by Maryville’s Casa Cariño residence for girls, at the organization’s Eisenberg Campus in
Charlene shared her work with 25 other girls, expressing her feelings with calm and composure. Her clinical
manager at Maryville, Shafaq Javaid, couldn’t be prouder.
Before coming to Maryville, Charlene had a tumultuous five years. She had moved between various mental health
facilities, group homes, foster homes and shelters before arriving at Casa Cariño early last year.
“I used to be really aggressive,” Charlene says, “I would fight over the smallest things.”
Today, with the support of Maryville staff, Charlene learned to deal with her anger and has made several friends.
In addition to her poetry, Charlene plays the guitar for her friends.
“Many of our children often express their frustrations behaviorally and by re-enacting unhealthy means to problemsolve,” explains Shafaq. “Poetry and self-affirming quotes help them to collect their thoughts, self-motivate and
Music has become a vital part of the specialized treatment and mental health services provided by Maryville at
its residential facilities. Thanks to a grant from Hanover Township Mental Health Board, Charlene and her fellow
residents have been able to utilize weekly music therapy sessions to help express their thoughts and feelings,
develop coping techniques and begin to heal from past trauma.
Research at the Center for Health Design has shown that music therapy can decrease pain, anxiety levels and
stress. In Charlene’s case, it has also led to growth, self worth and another step in the transition to adulthood that
Maryville fosters through its residential programs like Casa Cariño. Last year, Casa Cariño housed and mentored 13
young women, helping them to grow and develop into successful adults.
*For the privacy of our client, her name has been changed.
Caring for
I n F i s c a l Ye a r 2 0 1 4 , t h e M a r y v i l l e
C h i l d re n ’s H e a l t h c a re C e n t e r
a s s i s t e d 3 2 m e d i c a l l y f ra g i l e
c h i l d re n a n d t h e i r fa m i l i e s
t h ro u g h 2 4 - h o u r c a re a n d
h e l p fo r e a c h fa m i l y a s t h ey
p re p a re t o c a re fo r t h e i r c h i l d .
Edward* arrived at the Maryville Children’s Healthcare Center at Christmastime, a still tiny baby who had
been born prematurely and weighed less than two pounds. He had to be fed through a stomach tube and
kept on a ventilator 24 hours a day.
Like many preemies, Edward had underdeveloped lungs. Slowly, under the loving care of our nurses and
healthcare staff, he started to gain strength. His lungs matured, as did the baby himself.
Edward is now 2, and is healthy enough to live at home with his grandparents and be cared for by his family.
A happy toddler, he can walk, eats by mouth, and smiles at everyone he meets.
Edward left the Childrens’s Healthcare Center this past November in the arms of his proud and grateful
grandparents. On the day of his departure, he walked through the center one last time, saying the word
“book” through his tracheotomy tube and holding one up in his little hands.
“This is what we hope for,” explaines Children’s Healthcare Center Acting Direcor Kathy Gazer, with a smile.
Edward is one of 32 medically fragile children with serious health conditions who received 24-hour care last
year at the Children’s Health Center on Chicago’s northwest side. Partnering with the parents of its patients,
the Children’s Healthcare Center provides a room and around-the-clock medical care for vulnerable children,
while preparing the parents to be develop the skills to eventually care for the child at home.
*For the privacy of our client and his family, his name has been changed.
A Calming Touch: Massage Helps Sick Children
Katherine Czink and Dina Bair
For the sickest children who rely on life-sustaining technology – a calming touch helps them breathe a little
easier. Karen Selph, massage therapist: “I’m a massage therapist. I love seeing the kids respond.” Her joy is
obvious. Karen Selph spends two days a week at Maryville sharing her soft touch. Karen Selph: “These
children here have more issues with anxiety and stress. And the purpose here is really to reduce the suffering
that goes on.” Jonathan is an active 7-year-old boy born with a neurological disorder that leaves him prone
to seizures. Today’s massage seems to quiet his mind…“You really sense a relaxation and an acceptance of the
touch that you’re giving them.”
Music Therapy Soothes Cold, Snow and Bigger Obstacles
Burt Constable
After a long day at school, a half-dozen teenage girls, all carrying developmental disabilities, mental illnesses
and horrendous childhood emotional baggage, trudge through the snow and cold in Bartlett, lured by the
promise that Dalphne Sommario is going to add some joy to their lives.
Embracing the pressure, the 32-year-old Sommario unpacks a powerful force -- her laptop with old portable
speakers and a diverse library of songs. A board-certified music therapist, Sommario can’t erase the abuse, the
sexual attacks or the difficulties endured by the teens and young women who are wards of the state and live at
Maryville’s Eisenberg campus. But for the next hour, “music takes all that away,” Sommario says.
A Song, a Dance and a Chance
Amanda Marrazzo
At a recent poetry night at Maryville Academy’s Bartlett campus, 17-year-old Charlene used words to express her
pain over a boy who broke her heart. The young girl is a new resident to Maryville, which runs
Catholic-based group homes in the Chicago area for needy, troubled and disabled youths. The monthly poetry
night is facilitated by Maryville to help its residents express themselves through art, dance, music and poetry as
another means of therapy. Those who truly benefit from poetry therapy are those who have been “marginalized”
in society, she said. “They get a chance to speak their voice.”
Maryville Recognizes the Special Talents of its Students
Eileen O. Daday
“We strive to recognize the achievements of our children -- and celebrate their strengths,” said Sister Catherine
Ryan, Executive Director of Maryville.
“Whether it’s academic awards, sports or social skills,” she added, “we make sure that each student receives an award.”
All three of Maryville’s campuses offer residential programs, with behavioral and mental health services, family support,
as well as secondary and special education. Its students have a variety of emotional impairments and mental illness, and
most have suffered some type of abuse before coming to Maryville. At the awards banquet, however, they shined, and
they eagerly awaited hearing their name being called. The awards matter, Ryan said, and are treasured
as these students go forward.
The Independent Sector estimates the value of a volunteer in Illinois at $24.08 per hour. In Fiscal
Year 2014, our volunteers contributed 8,586 hours of their time. That means Maryville volunteers
contributed $206,751. We are so grateful to our volunteers for their work to advance our mission.
Vo l u n t e e r H o u rs, F i s c a l Ye a r 2 0 1 4
St. Vincent
Monetary Value
St. Martin
St. George
Golf/Rec Sports
Jen School
Children’s Healthcare Center
Thrift Shop
Catholic Youth Organization 1,931
Crisis Nursery
Madden Shelter
Board of Directors
Number of Children Served
by Maryville for FY14*
Casa Imani
Casa Salama
Casa Cariño
St. George
St. Martin
St. Vincent
Madden Shelter
Jen School
Children’s Healthcare Center
Crisis Nursery
Behavioral Health Hospital
Strengthening Families
35 32
13 19
79 32
*Numbers may include children served by
multiple programs as well as readmissions.
Ninety-four cents of every dollar we spend
goes to programs for children.
Fiscal Year 2014
Audited Results
Direct Services
Support Services
Ways to Give
For more than 130 years, donors have been
essential partners in Maryville’s mission -generous individuals, foundations and corporations
who believe vulnerable children in our community
deserve a chance to reach their fullest potential.
Join our many friends who support Maryville’s
children, families and programs each year with a
financial contribution or a gift-in-kind. Donations
can also be made at maryvilleacademy.org.
We extend a heartfelt thanks to all our friends, supporters, donors and volunteers who share their time,
talent and treasure with Maryville. We are grateful for
your continuing friendship and for
your kindness to the children and families in our care.
If you are searching for the best way to
support Maryville, please consider the following:
Gifts of Stock
If you want to help Maryville today,
receive a charitable donation tax deduction
and avoid paying capital gains taxes, you may want
to consider making a gift of appreciated
Matching Gifts
Under a matching gifts program, your employer may
double the value of your gift. Please check with your
Human Resources Department to determine if your
company will match your gift.
Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)
If you are a federal government employee, postal
worker or a member of the armed forces, you can give
through a payroll deduction. Be sure to
register to support during the campaign period.
Maryville’s CFC# is 38204.
Event Sponsorship
Support Maryville and share your corporate or
personal message with hundreds of special event
attendees by becoming an event sponsor.
Sponsors receive unique opportunities to share their
corporate logo and/or special message to all event
attendees both in advertisements at
events and on the Maryville website.
Planned Gift Annuity
Make a donation to Maryville, earn a secure lifetime
of interest payments and make a statement about
your commitment to the children of Maryville.
Bequests and Planned Gifts
Leave a legacy for future generations of Maryville
children through a gift from your will, IRA
distribution, trust or insurance. Maryville’s Visionary Society welcomes individuals who have remembered
Maryville in their wills, trusts, and other estate
planning documents.
Honorary or Memorial Giving
Celebrate the lives of special individuals by making a
gift to Maryville in their name or memory.
Memorial Bricks
Pay tribute to those dear to you with a memorial
brick in the shadow of Maryville’s Guardian Angel and
contribute to the Maryville mission. A message
written from the heart and in stone makes a
permanent addition to the Maryville campus.
Angels’ Wing Society
The Angels’ Wing Society is committed to supporting
the life-saving work of Maryville’s Crisis Nursery.
These gifts, donated specifically for the Crisis Nursery,
provide the resources so that children in the Chicago
area have a safe and nurturing home during times of
The Guardian Society
The Guardian Society is a select group of generous
friends, alumni and staff committed to Maryville’s
mission of rebuilding lives, rekindling spirits and
renewing hope. Members of the Guardian Society
support Maryville through annual gifts of $1,000 or
greater. Maryville is honored to recognize the
leadership of the Guardian Society members.
Automated Giving
Forget the headache of remembering to write and
send in your check. Sign up for regular weekly,
monthly or quarterly donations deducted directly from
your checking account.
For more information, please contact Julie Fischer, Director of Development, at 847-294-1950 or
[email protected]. Please send any donations to: Maryville Development Department
1150 N. River Rd., Des Plaines, IL 60016. You can also visit our website at maryvilleacademy.org.
Maryville Academy Honor Roll for Fiscal Year 2014 (July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014)
We extend a sincere and heartfelt “thank you” to the entire Maryville community – benefactors,
volunteers and employees – for your friendship, your generous financial contributions, your tireless
volunteerism, your prayers and your dedicated service to the children and families in Maryville’s care.
We are grateful for your support of Maryville’s mission of: Rebuilding Lives, Rekindling Spirits and
Renewing Hope.
The Maryville Guardian Society
The Guardian Society is a select group of generous alumni, friends and staff committed to advancing
Maryville’s mission through annual gifts of $1,000 or greater. These gifts provide Maryville with essential
funding and establish a highly visible standard of giving for Maryville supporters to emulate.
Maryville is very grateful for the leadership of its Guardian Society members who made gifts which
benefit Maryville’s programs and the children and families we serve. We are inspired by their commitment
to Maryville, and are honored to list the following Guardian Society members who made their contribution
between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014.
$25,000 - $49,999
Anonymous (1)
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Rourke
Mr. Henry Smogolski
$10,000 - $24,999
Mr. Harold J. Kloeppel
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Linnen
Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Madden
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Mazza
Mr. and Mrs. William J. O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Rourke
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Scoby
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Sexton, Sr.
$5,000 - $9,999
Mr. and Mrs. R. Jeffrey Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Cullen
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Doerge
Mr. John D. Fitzpatrick
Stephanie and Jack Flynn
Ms. Mary Ann Gagnon
Dr. and Mrs. Louis J. Glunz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Halpin
Mrs. Gertrude Just
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Kyle, Sr.
Michelin and Les Lentino
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Madden
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Munro
Mr. and Mrs. James L.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Gary V. Sagui
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Herman G.
Drs. Carolyn and Henry W.
Wiggins, Jr.
$2,500 - $4,999
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Dennis N. Ahrens
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ambrosino
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Bidwill, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bonoma
Hon. and Mrs. Richard A. Devine
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Devine
Ms. Karen Devine
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Downey
Mrs. Lorraine K. Fabian
Mr. Michael J. Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Frantz
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Gleason
Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Gregory
Ms. Cheryl M. Heyden
Mr. Walter D. Kerr
Christopher and JoAnn
Mr. and Dr. Andrew R. Lotts
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Mambu
Mr. James M. Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Meyers
Mrs. Carolyn E. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Nigliaccio
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P.
Perkaus, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Riggio
Mr. James M. Rohrbach
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Summins
Ms. Nancy Z. Woulfe
$1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous (5)
Mrs. Lina B. Abraham
Mr. Richard J. Adler Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Adler, Jr.
Ms. Geraldine C. Blumm
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Butler
Mr. Clarence C. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. John Carbery
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carl
Mr. and Mrs. Constantine A.
Mr. David Charnota
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Condron
Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Connor
Mrs. Rose Cowan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cushman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doppelt
Dr. and Mrs. James D. Eggers
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ertmann
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M.
Dr. and Mrs. Collins Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Flakus
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Frank
Ms. Elizabeth GallagherCoolidge
Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. Getz, Jr.
LTC John R. Gilbert (RET)
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Glynn
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goldman
Ms. Janice L. Gorska
Hon. Curtis Heaston
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Huffman III
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Karaganis
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S.
Kearney, Jr.
Trudy and Michael Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Kemp
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Klages
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kolada
Mr. Todd Kurisu and Ms.
Lynn Sasamoto
Ms. Mary Lou Linnen
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Lundy
Mr. Dave Luzi
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Madden
Ms. Lisa Malek
Mr. and Mrs. Aldo Marchetti
Mr. John F. McCormick
Ms. Mary F. McDermott
Mr. Michael J. McGovern
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S.
Mr. David Montes
Mr. Frank M. Pawlak and Charlene Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt B. Penn
Mr. Theodore P. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Lee R.
Larry and Shelley Pilon
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.
“To err is human” … Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of these listings,
we realize that errors may have occurred. If your name has been omitted, misspelled, or incorrectly listed, please
accept our sincere apologies, and notify us of the discrepancy so that we may correct our records. Please contact us
with corrections at [email protected] or (847) 294-1982.
Mr. David J. Purtell*
Mr. John P. Raftery
Mr. Raymond E. Rauba*
Mr. Terrence J. Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Don Reisner
Mr. Todd Richmond
Mr. Steven A. Ring and
Ms. Jennifer A. Gallagher
Margaret and Randall Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Schank
Mrs. Ann R. Schillmoeller
Mr. Mike Schmidt
Mr. James G. Shea
Ms. Amanda R. Smogolski
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C.
Mr. James C. Stephen
Mr. John C. Tierney
Michael J. Tobin, M.D.
Mr. Christopher P. Valenti
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Walsh, Sr.
Mr. Thomas J. Wedell
Mr. Steve Westol
Ms. Patricia Winkler
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Witchger
* Deceased
Many individual donors – alumni, friends and staff – demonstrate their belief in Maryville’s mission by making
a financial contribution, or a gift-in-kind, in support of the children and families in our care. We are honored
to recognize those individuals who made a gift of $100 to $999 between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014.
Anonymous (27)
Mr. Thomas W. Abendroth
Dr. and Mrs. Steven B. Abern
Ms. Catherine C. Acosta
Dr. Douglas R. Adler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Ahern
Ms. Kim Ahern
Mrs. Lucille N. Alagna
Mr. Frank J. Alexson
Ms. Nina C. Aliprandi
Mrs. Anne A. Amick
Harry and Debra Amsden
Mr. John A. Andrasik
Mrs. Charlotte A. Andres
Mr. Eugene G. Antonelli
Mrs. Ilda Arcari
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Arpino
Mr. Nicholas J. Ash
Ms. Mary Ann Ashe
Mr. James M. Aubry
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Autin
Mrs. Patricia A. Baal
Ms. Patty Bacci
Sr. Bernadette Badsing O.S.F.
Sr. Christine Baker O.S.F.
Mr. Michael P. Barone
Rev. Mark Bartosic
Mr. Jeff B. Bassett
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Baumruck
Mr. James J. Beatty
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Bechina
Mrs. Lynn M. Bedard
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Beebe
Mr. and Ms. Raymond J.
Mr. James Behrendt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Everett A. Bell
Dr. and Mrs. John Benedetto
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Bennett
Ms. Jacquelyn M. Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Benton
Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Mr. Jeffrey Bergman
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bernard
Mr. Roland C. Bernhold
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Berry
Mr. Robert J. Bertling
Mr. and Mrs. William W.
Mr. James G. Bigham
Mr. Ronald Blum
Drs. Miroslav and Eileen Bobek
Mrs. Esther J. Boesche
Mr. Mark Boesel
Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Bogacki
Mr. Richard Bonahoom
Ms. Catherine B. Bonfield
Mr. and Mrs. Greg A. Bottjer
Mrs. Martha M. Boudewyns
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Boughton
Mr. Christian Bourgeacq
Mr. and Mrs. Dimitris Bousis
Mrs. Mary J. Boyle
Ms. Carol A. Brandt
Ms. Jeanne A. Brannigan
Mr. Thomas A. Braun
Mrs. Tommie J. Brey
Mr. Garry M. Bricker
Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Broda
Mr. Ray E. Broderdorf and
Ms. Maria T. Miramontes
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Broeren
Dr. David H. Brooks
Mr. John F. Browne
Mr. and Mrs. David V.
Ms. Anne Marie L. Brunner
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Buelow
Mrs. Mary C. Buettgen
Ms. Corrine A. Buffalo
Dr. and Mrs. John Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Burkum
Mr. and Mrs. Val A. Burlini
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M.
Caffarelli. Jr.
Mrs. Mary A. Calandra
Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Callahan
Mr. John F. Calmeyn
Mr. John Cannata
Mr. John Caplice
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Caplice
Mr. James P. Caputo
Mr. Robert William Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Vito Carnesecchi
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Carollo
Ms. Patricia Carpen
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Carrigan
Mrs. Margaret T. Casey
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Cecchin
Ms. Lisa Cerone
Ms. Mary Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Charles
Gloria Chen, D.D.S.
Mr. William K. Chicoine
Mr. William Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Dean E. Clark
Mr. Brian M. Cleary
Mr. Michael J. Cleary
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Coates
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence N. Cobry
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Colleran
Mr. Patrick J. Condon
Ms. Sheila Carey Connolly
Mr. George S. Connor Jr.
Mrs. Suzanne D. Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Connors
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P.
Mr. John T. Conroy
Mr. John F. Conroy
Mr. Eduardo Contreras
Ms. Miriam Correa
Ms. Melissa A. Correa
Mr. John P. Cosgrove
Judge Peter F. Costa (ret.)
Mr. Robert E. Cowhey
Mr. Barry R. Cronin
Mrs. Emily M. Cronin
Ms. Karen A. Crotty
From youth at the St. George Residence for
“I am grateful for staff helping me feel safe
during bedtime.”
“I am grateful for having a safe place to live.”
“I am grateful for staff taking me to visit my
“I am grateful for having so many friends here at
From the Casa Salama Program:
“I am grateful for new activities and learning
how to behave. Maryville has helped me control
my anger, use different coping techniques, and
learn new skills of what to do with others.”
“I love going out on activities that Maryville
has. I like watching movies, eating popcorn and
ice cream that Maryville provides. I also enjoy
learning how to get things done when out in the
Mr. Joseph W. Crowley
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Crown
Ms. Therese Cuccinotto
Mrs. John J. Cull
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Cullen
The Honorable Patricia J.
Mr. John Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Curley
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Cychosz
Mr. Jon J. Czeropski
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin P. Czopek
Ms. Mary Ellen D’Amato
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Dalton
Mr. Patrick M. Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A.
Ms. Marilyn B. Darnall
Daughter of Gerald W. Davis
Terri Davis
Mr. and Mrs. William T.
De Cicco
Mr. William G. Dearhammer
Ms. Dorothy A. DeGrange
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Del Riccio
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Delahanty
Ms. Colleen C. Detjen
Ms. Ann G. Deuel
Ms. Joanne Deuter
Ms. Eileen Devine
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Devitt
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Dineen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles V.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Dolan
Mr. Peter Donahue
Mr. Joseph T. Donovan
Mr. Richard E. Dooley
Ms. Sylvia Dorsey
Ms. Anne Doughty
Mrs. Geralyn M. Downey
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C.
Mrs. Laura A. Dresler
Mr. and Mrs. J.Patrick Dreyer
Ms. Margaret S. Drury
Ms. Amanda N. Dunker and
Mr. Michael Rose
Mr. Christopher J. Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. John Duntemann
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Durand
Mr. James M. Dybas
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Earley
Ms. Juanita B. Edwards
Mr. Shane Edwards and
Ms. Lisa Loomis
Mrs. Patricia Efrosinis
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Ehmann
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Elbaum
Mr. Juan E. Espejo and
Ms. Loren A. Scannell
Mr. Emil Esposito
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Esposito
Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Everhart
Mr. and Mrs. Fabio Fabbri
Thomas J. Fahey M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Falcon
Ms. Dana Falkin
Mr. Daniel J. Falls
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Falsetti
Mr. George F. Faulkner
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Feder
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald J.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Fernandez
Mr. Francis A. Ferrone
Mr. and Mrs. Horst Fiedler
Mr. and Mrs. Glen M. Fillipp
Mr. and Mrs. Walker Finney
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Fitzell
Senator and Mrs. Peter G.
Mr. and Mrs. Larkin S.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S.
Ms. Darlene L. Foley
Ms. Susann Folsome
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Ford
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Fording
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Forlani
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fowler
Mr. Raymond J. Schaeffer and
Ms. Elizabeth A. Fox
Mr. John P. Frederick
Ms. Mary Fredericks
Ms. Patricia R. Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Fusco
Mr. Steven E. Gaffney
Mr. Lawrence E. Gahan
Mr. Robert J. Gainer
Mrs. Mary B. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H.
Mrs. Leanne V. Galvin
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Gancer
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice E.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J.
Mr. and Mrs. Raul G. Garcia
Mrs. Lenore M. Garvey
Mr. Jim Gaughan
Hon. Vincent M. Gaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Gauvreau
Mrs. Alexis Gawlik
Mrs. Jane F. Geldermann
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F.
Mr. George Gerharz
Mr. and Mrs. Paul O. Gerth
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J.
Gibson, Jr.
Ms. Mary Beth Ginley
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Girard
Ms. Sandra J. Girard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Giurato
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P.
Glascott, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Gmeiner
Thomas J. Godfrey Jr.
Most Rev. Raymond E. Goedert
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gomez
Mr. Laszlo S. Gonc
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce K. Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Roger J.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C.
Mr. William M. Graham
W. Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Green
Mr. Robert Gregg
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Gremer
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald N. Griffith
Mrs. Eileen M. Gruber
Mr. Thomas Guagliardo
Ms. Joanne Guarino
Mrs. Leroy W. Gudgeon
Mrs. Karen M. Guenther
Mr. George V. Guzman
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Hackl
Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Hager
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Haley
Mr. and Mrs. Fred K. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Hand
Mr. Edward P. Hansen Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.
Harrigan, III
Ms. Mary Pat Harris
Mr. Joseph J. Harris
Mr. Michael Hart
Mr. Thomas W. Havey
Ms. Judith Healy
Hon. and Mrs. John F.
Mr. Graham Heikes and
Ms. Judith Cogan
Mr. Gregory J. Hejna
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G.
Mrs. Betsy A. Hemmer
Mr. and Mrs. William G.
Hendriksen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Heniff
Mr. Michael Herschberg
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. James Hill
Mr. Thomas J. Hilligan and
Ms. Pamela E. WheelerHilligan
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R.
Ms. Ann Hoffmann
Ms. Amy Hofner
Mr. James P. Hofner
Mr. Arthur G. Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan D.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Honea
Mr. Timothy E. Horton
Mr. and Mrs. David A.
Mr. and Mrs. James D.
Mr. William T. Hyland
Ms. Anna Igoe
Mr. Brian P. Igoe M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Irving
Ms. Maria De La Luz Isais
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Isringhaus
Mrs. Nancy W. Jacobs
Senator and Mrs. Dennis
Mr. Gordon E. Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jiganti
Mr. Travis Johns
Ms. Marilyn F. Johnson
Ms. Gertrude C. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Mr. Carl D. Johnson*
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J.
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Johnston, Jr.
Ms. Jolanta Jonak
Mr. Colin Jones
Mr. and Mrs. David Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Joniak
Ms. Jacqueline A. Jordan
Mr. Norman B. Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Joyce
Dr. Karen R. Judy and
Mr. Michael Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Jung
Ms. Mary K. Kaess
Divakar Kamath
Ms. Tamara Kamedula
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kante
Ms. Jeanmarie Kapp
Ms. Elizabeth Karas
Mr. and Mrs. John Karnick
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kearney
Ms. Kathleen Keeble
Mr. Joseph D. Keenan Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D.
Keenan, III
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund L. Kelly
Ms. Patricia Kelly
Ms. Barbara R. Kelly
Mr. David J. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Kelly, Jr.
Mrs. Byrd M. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Kelly
Mrs. Nancy I. Kelly
Mr. Timothy J. Kelly
Mrs. Ana L. Kenefick
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kenesey
Mr. Donald J. Kennedy
Ms. Mary Pat Kerrigan
Sr. Marise Kessler
Ms. Carol T. Kilduff
Mr. Jason W. Kinander
Mr. Pete J. Kippes Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kleen, Jr.
Mr. John F. Kloecker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Mr. Robert Kloss
Ms. Jennifer Kloud
Ms. Kristina E. Knoll
Marty and Maryellen Knuth
Mr. Mark B. Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Konicek
Ms. Michelle Kosner
Mr. Kenneth R. Kowall
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kozak
Mr. Steven C. Kral
Ms. Melinda Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Kramer
Ms. Karen Krebasch
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Krebs
Mr. and Mrs. William Krol
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Krug
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Kubik
Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto M.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd J. Kurkowski
Mr. Kevin A. Kurz
Ms. Clotilda E. Kyle
Mr. E. Christopher Lacey and
Ms. Kim Pepe
Mr. Brannon Lambert
Ms. Carla K. Lambrechts
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Land
Mr. Alois Landauer
Cdr. and Mrs. Donald M.
Mr. and Mrs. Hans P. Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence J.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lawler
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lemker, Jr.
Ms. Ernestine V. Lenon
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M. Lerner
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin D. Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G.
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Lewis
Mr. Melvin V. Lewis
Michael E. Lindsey
Ms. Sharon Lindstrom
Mr. William M. Hoffman and
Mrs. Beth Linnen Hoffman
Mr. Thaddeus J. Lipinski
Mr. Joe Lizak
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Loftus
From the Casa Salama Program:
“I really appreciate the staff at Maryville for
helping me through tough times and supporting
to me. I really care for Maryville for giving me
a place to live with food, clothing and shelter.
Also, for helping me to see different community
friends and to reunited with my older sister.... I
would like (to) thank staff for being there when I
needed someone to talk to or just giving me a hug
to cheer up my day. Staff really encouraged me
to use my coping skills instead of the self-injury
that I used to do before I came here. I am
thankful for being a youth at Maryville.”
Mr. Edwin A. Lohmeier
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J.
Mr. Joseph A. Longo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T.
Lorenz, Jr.
Mr. Robert Ludwig
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Lundy
Mrs. Pamela A. Lunsmann
Mr. Charles E. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lynch
Ms. Barbara J. Lynch
Hon. Joseph M. Lyons and
Mrs. Kieran Lyons
Rev. Laurence F. Maddock*
Teresa and Paul Maganzini
Mr. and Mrs. John Maher
Rev. Thomas F. Maher*
Mr. Jeffrey R. Mains
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Malia
Ms. Loretta A. Maloney
Ms. Cynthia M. Manika
Mr. Charles E. Manix
Ms. Mavis D. Mararites
Mr. Kenneth A. Marchetti
Mr. Robert M. Marcocchio
Mr. Terry M. Marino
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Marks
Mr. Julio Marrero
Ms. Janie C. Marrero
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Marsh
Mr. Joe Martorano
Mr. Edward J. Matichek
Mr. Tom K. Matthews
Mrs. Erin Matthews
Ms. Madeline O. McAfee
Ms. Dorothy A. McAvoy*
Mr. and Mrs. David N. McBride
Ms. Jennifer McCann
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B.
McCauley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J.
Mr. Kevin P. McDermott
Mr. Robert E. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P.
Mr. and Mrs. Terence P. McElroy
Mr. Philip D. McEntee, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P.
Mr. Dan McGillicuddy
Mrs. Teresa S. McGrath
Mr. Stephen M. McInnes
Mr. Alexander McIntosh
Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin
Mr. Vincent I. McMahon
Ms. Carol M. McManus
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J.
Ms. Jane A. McWeeny
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Meehan
Ms. Andrea Meer
Mr. Deno Melchiorre
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Mele, Sr.
Ms. Marilyn Melzer
Ms. Helen M. Menarik
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Miller
Mrs. Clifford H. Miller
Ms. Heather Milligan
Mr. David Hushyn and
Ms. Judith Minihane-Hushyn
Ms. Marilyn D. Mints
Mr. Paul N. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Moag
Ms. Rosalie T. Moeller
Ms. Susan P. Monckton
Mrs. Jermayne A. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Moriarty
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P.
Mr. Gary L. Mowder
Mr. Ronald J. Mueller
Mr. Andrew C. Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mulcahy
Ms. Monica Mulvihill
Mr. Joseph B. Munsch
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Murphy
Ms. Connie Murphy-Adler
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Murrath
Mr. Jiro Nakazaki
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Nallen
Ms. Stella K. Nanos
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett B. Nason
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Nelson
Ms. Patricia A. Nemeth
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J.
Nimrod, Jr.
Mr. James Noble
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L. Nolan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Noonan
Dr. James H. Norton, Jr.
Mrs. Virginia T. Novak
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M.
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Nuber
Leonne O’Brien
Loretta and Dan O’Brien
Mrs. Elizabeth M. O’Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Ms. Estelle V. O’Connor
Rev. William J. O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. O’Gara
S. O’Keefe
Mr. Robert F. O’Malley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey
Mrs. Eleanor E. O’Shaughnessy
Ms. Annette Oehler
Mr. Ronald F. Oesterreicher
Ms. Barbara K. Olle
Mr. Russell Omuro
Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo
Oquendo, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Orr
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Orsic
Mr. Robert C. Osmanski
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pappa
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Partyka
Mr. Larry Pasquesi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Passaneau
Ms. Karen T. Pastrick
Ms. Janice L. Patocka
Mr. Roger J. Paul
Mrs. Jessica R. Pawlowicz
Mr. William J. Payne
Ms. Revelle G. Peritz
Ms. Joan M. Pernecke
Mr. Pasquale Perrone
Ms. Ann Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Petersen
Mrs. Diane W. Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance T.
M. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. G. Donald Pettway
Ms. Victoria Philips
Ms. Diane Phillips
Mr. Ronald J. Piatek
Mr. John P. Pichla
Mrs. Jean P. Pieske
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Piet
Ms. Dorethea Pisano
Ms. Nadine Pizarro
Ms. Denise Plambeck
Mr. John J. Ply
Ms. Margaret Polovchak
Ms. Brooke Poole
Ms. Nina Pope
Ms. Sarah E. Pope
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Pope
Mr. and Mrs. John Pope
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Porcaro
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Posch
Ms. Alison Possehl
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Pottle
Ms. Joan C. Power
The Family of Dr. W. Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Pritchard
Mrs. Mary Pritchard
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Proesel
Mr. and Mrs. Denny D. Quick
Mrs. Arlette M. Quinn
Ms. Mary Ellen Quinn
M. Quinn
Ms. Marily L. Racine
Mrs. Clare C. Ranalli
Mr. Harlan F. Rant
Most Rev. George J. Rassas
Mr. Gregory W. Rataj
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Raya
Mr. Glen C. Reading
Mr. Thomas F. Reagan
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Reichle
Mr. and Mrs. Allan G. Reisberg
Ms. Tina M. Restivo-Hock
Mrs. and Mr. Deborah C.
Mr. John Reynolds
Mr. James C. Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Riemer
Mr. John Rigas
Ms. Paula Riggins
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Rinella
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Rinn, III
Ms. Julia J. Riordan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Riordan
Mr. Michael J. Ritt
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Christian Rivera
Ms. Rose Rivers
Mr. Thomas J. Rodell
Ms. Rita A. Rodgers
Ms. Griselda Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Roeder
Mrs. Janet S. Roemer
Mr. Paul Rogers
Mrs. Betty Romano
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Ross
Mr. Joseph Roveda
Mr. Kenneth R. Rowley
Mr. Barry M. Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Rusin
Mr. Herbert J. Ryan, Jr.
Mrs. Kathryn N. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L.
Ryan, III
Mr. Martin Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Ryan
Mr. Daniel R. Rymarz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J.
Saccomanno, Sr.
Mrs. Mary Lu Saigh
Mrs. Sheila M. Sammons
Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Samuelson
Mrs. Kathleen Samuelson
Ms. Susana Sanchez
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Scanlan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scarpelli
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Schack
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Schalk
Mr. Frank J. Schiro
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Schmidt
Ms. Maureen Schmidt
Ms. Barbara A. Schmitz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schoppert
Mr. Robert J. Schrader
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J.
Schrautemyer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Schreiber
Mr. Franklin S. Schwerin and
Ms. Margaret M. Michalski
Mr. Barry Seago
Ed and Donna Segraves
Mr. John P. Sellis
Mr. Michael Senoski
Ms. Angela Serritella
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W.
Sexton, Jr.
Drs. Alan and Susan Shapiro
Mr. Robert H. Shaughnessy
Ms. Sheila J. Shavers
Ms. Patricia A. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Shelfer
Mr. Steve W. Shepherd
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Sheridan
Mr. James J. Shippy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D.
Mr. Carl J. Simoson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Slott
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Smith
Mrs. Evelyn C. Smith
Mr. Jeffrey Smogolski
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Smuk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Smuk
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smyder
Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Snodgrass
Mr. Kenneth A. Snyder
Mr. Gregory Sobecki
Ms. Zofia Solinski
Mr. Frank H. Sommerfeld, III
Mr. Daniel Soszyuski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul P. Spanier
Mrs. Rose Mary Spartz
Mr. Michael Spencer
Ms. Prescillia Spencer
Mrs. Lorene K. Stach
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Steffek
Dr. Julene M. Stellato
Mr. Wally Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Stickley
Ms. Cherry Stoddard
Mr. Edward A. Strabel
Mr. Daniel J. Strickland
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Suhey
Mr. Paul J. Sularz
Mr. James Sullivan
Mr. John P. Sullivan
Ms. Penny Sullivan
Mrs. Nancy R. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sullivan
Mr. Daniel E. Supis
Mr. Glenn A. Swan, Sr.
Ms. Marcia K. Swanson
Mrs. Carol Swift
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Szywala
Bao Ta
Ms. Dorothy T. Tamm
Nancy and Harry Taylor
Mr. Patrick Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Trigg Thorstenson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tierney
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Toniolo
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Toohey
Mr. Michael P. Toomin
Dr. and Mrs. Carl B. Toren
Ms. Mary Traina
Ms. Nancy O. Trainor
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Trapp
Mr. and Mrs. James H.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Trotta Sr.
Ms. Dona-Lee Trotter
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Turk
Mrs. Barbara A. Turk
Mr. Emil Ulstrup
Mr. Charles Urbain
Ms. Linda Urso
Ms. Elisa Valenzona
Mr. John F. Van Der Molen
Mrs. Herbert A. Vance
Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Vander Vennet
Ms. Sara VanTassel
Mr. Victor M. Velasco
Mr. Robert G. Vering
From the Madden Program:
“I’m thankful to the Maryville (Madden) Shelter for giving me somewhere to lay my head and
providing me food to eat. I appreciate the staff
talking to me and showing that they care for us
girls in the shelter, and helping me learn from my
mistakes. The staff wants to help me.”
Ms. Joan M. Vincent
Mr. Christopher T. Vincent
Mr. Gregory J. Viti
Mr. Richard H. Vlerick
Dr. Tom Voitas
Mr. and Mrs. Lambert J.
Mr. Bruce Wadas
Mrs. Joan F. Wade
Mr. Charles A. Wagner
Mr. Terrence Walden
Ms. Laura Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Walsh
Mr. Gregory F. Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Warner
Mr. Creighton S. Warren, Jr.
Mr. Thomas J. Washburn
Ms. Marjorie J. Watson
Mrs. Dolores A. Waugh
Ms. Denise I. Webber
Judge Daniel Weber
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Weber
Mr. Robert J. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Weicher
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Weisman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wetoska
Mr. J. Alan Wheatland
Mr. Tyler E. Wheatland
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Whipple
Hon. Jesse White
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Wicklein
Ms. Sylvia Williams
Ms. Ann Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Rex E. Wilson
Ms. Tymme Windham
Mr. Brandon Windham
Carl R. Winger
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Winkler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Winn
Mr. Albert J. Wirth
Mrs. Louise Wisser
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Witry
Ms. Colleen Wojcik
Sr. Donna Marie Wolowicki, C.R.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Wolz
Mrs. Marina Wood
Mr. Patrick R. Woulfe
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Wray
Dr. Thompson T. Wright
Ms. Annette L. Wynn
Mr. Glenn Yaeger
Ms. Andrea Yanella
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Yelton, III
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard R. Yerkes
Leslie C. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Faisal Yousuf
Mr. Thomas A. Zapler
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Zegadlo
Mr. Henry A. Ziomek
Mrs. Sophia Zuganelis
Ms. Dorothy M. Zumer
Ms. Theresa F. Zumer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Zurovec
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Zych
Mrs. Mary E. Zydowsky
* Deceased
Catholic Churches and Organizations
Maryville expresses its deep appreciation to the Catholic parishes and organizations that supported
our children and families. For over 130 years, our Catholic brothers and sisters have been the
bedrock on which Maryville has been built. The children and families in Maryville’s care thank you.
American Province of Little
Company of Mary Sisters
Catholic Charities
Italian Catholic Federation
Mother of God Church
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
School Sisters of St. Francis
Sisters of Providence
Sisters of the Resurrection
St. Mary of Celle Parish
St. Mary of the Woods
St. Paul Chong Hasang
Korean Catholic Mission
St. Raymond de Penafort Church
St. Thomas of VillanovaChurch
We are grateful to the many corporations, foundations, religious organizations, churches, businesses
and community groups who support Maryville through grants, gifts and gifts-in-kind. As key
stakeholders in our community, these donors recognize the value of partnering with children and
family-focused agencies, such as Maryville, to make a lasting impact on society. We are pleased to
list the following organizations that made gifts of $100 or greater to Maryville in fiscal year 2014
(July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014).
Anonymous (3)
Commons Center
3 Hearts Boutique
A Finkl & Sons Co.
AccuTax Services, Inc.
Adreani Foundation
AFSCME Local 55
Agape Homeless Restoration
All Trade’s Remodeling Co.
Allstate Arena
Ally Financial Bank
Altria Companies Employee
Community Fund
Amazing Cosmetics
American Legion Auxiliary
9th District
American Wilbert Vault Corp.
Ann & Robert H. Lurie
Children’s Hospital of Chicago
Athletico Ltd
Auctions By Cellular LLC.
Axiom Law
Berthold’s Floral, Gift and
Garden Center
Bill Yaeger Granite Sales and
Consulting Services
Books Are Fun
Boy Scouts of America Troop 13
Bredemann Toyota Scion In Park Ridge
Bruce Foundation
Brycor Inc.
Burkhart Construction
C. Louis Meyer Family
C.E. Smith Lawn
Maintenance, Inc.
Cassiday Schade LLP
Castaways Foundation
Castle Motor Sales, Inc.
Cecchin Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
Chicago Bears Football Club, Inc.
Chicago Cubs
Chicago Premier Suites
Chicago Public Schools
Chicago Set Shop, Inc.
Chicago Sky
Chicago White Sox
Chicago Wolves Hockey Team
Chiro One Wellness Centers LLC
Chloe’s Crew
Chubb Insurance
Citizens for Richard A.
Devine, Inc.
Citizens for Tony Arredia
City of Des Plaines
Coca-Cola Bottling
Coleman Group Consulting, Inc.
Coonley Daisy Troop 23153
Cooper’s Hawk Winery &
Cull Family Foundation
Dennis School Uniform
Des Plaines Chamber of
Commerce & Industry
Des Plaines Elks
Des Plaines Rotary
Diversey and Ashland Shell
Doc Mark’s Run For The Kids
Donald P. and Byrd M. Kelly
Dr. Scholl Foundation
E+ O Food and Drink
Eagle Heating and Cooling Inc.
Ed Kelly Sports Program Inc.
Exmoor Country Club
Fathom Media, Inc
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
First American Bank
Fraternal Order of Eagles 1952
Freedom Golf Association
Frisbie Senior Center
General Growth Properties
George M. Eisenberg
Foundation for Charities
GHP Group, Inc.
Give, Inc.
Glunz/Regis Foundation
Guy A. and N. Kay Arboit
Charitable Trust
Hair Couture
Hanover Township Mental
Health Board
Harry J. Kloeppel &
Associates, Inc.
Harry L. Dolan Family Trust
Hattie A. & Marie V. Fatz
Hays Companies
Hegemony, Inc.
Helen Brach Foundation
Highlander Partners, L.P.
Hilton Garden Inn Chgo O’Hare
Hilton Worldwide Inc.
Hofner & Hofner, L.L.C.
Home Depot
Hop Scotch
Horton Chiropractic, Ltd
Howard Barg & Associates, Inc.
I Sold It
Idlewild Country Club
Illinois Department of
Children & Family Services
Illinois Department of
Human Services
Illinois Disability Association
Illinois Hospital Research &
Educational Foundation
Imagetec L.P.
Independence Tube
J. F. Flynn Building LLC.
Jarosz Family Foundation
Joe Caputo & Sons, Inc.
Joe’s Wish
Johns Plumbing, Inc.
K. D. Brennan, Inc.
Kimball Day Care Center &
Kindergarten, Inc.
Kiwanis Club of Des Plaines
L & W Supply
Lake Street Shell
Lattof YMCA
Law Offices of Richard L.
Pullano, P.C.
Lentino Enterprises, Inc.
Lettuce Entertain You
Enterprises, Inc.
Liberty Machinery Company
Linedrive Unlimited LLC
Little Villa Restaurant
Lizsam Corporation
Local Independent Charities
of America
Lovell’s of Lake Forest
Lutheran General Hospital
Madden Communications, Inc.
Maine Township
Mankind Warriors Project
Marlisa Sailer, LLC
Marvin Johnson & Associates, Inc.
Mary Lou Downs Foundation
MB Financial Bank
MB Financial Charitable
McCormack Family Foundation
McGraw Foundation
Mead Johnson Nutrition
Meridian IT Inc.
Mertes Contracting Corporation
Meyer Dental Group
Midtown Educational Foundation
Midwest Generation EME, LLC
Mike Schack and Associates, Inc.
Milwaukee Valve Company, Inc.
Mold Inspection Specialists, LLC.
MR Home Improvements Corp.
Mr. Floor Companies
National Association Of
Boards of Pharmacy
North Branch Pizza & Burger
North Clybourn Group
North Shore Recycling, Inc.
Northrop Grumman
O’Hara Courtyard By Marriott
O’Keefe Lyons & Hynes, LLC
Oberweiler Foundation
Old Republic International Corp.
Palm Court Restaurant Inc.
Parker Hannifin Foundation
Patrick and Anna M. Cudahy
PCS Industries
Pesche’s Flowers
PGA of America Illinois
Section Inc.
Philadelphia Insurance
Plum Grove Dental Associates
Polish Women Alliance Dist. 1
Presence Resurrection
Retirement Community
Pro Sports Experience, LLC
Project Little Footsteps
PW Associates, Inc.
Quality Beauty Supply Company
Queen of All Saints School
R.C. Wahl Jewelers
Reading’s Laundry Service Inc.
Redeemer Lutheran Church
Regis Corporation
Renaissance Charitable
Foundation Inc.
Renegades Baseball
Renzo Dairy
Riccio Construction Corp.
Richard A. Perritt Charitable
Riggio’s Restaurant
Rivers Casino
Ruzicka & Associates, LTD.
S & E Inspections, Inc.
Sage Products LLC.
Samuel Weinstein Family
Schawk, Inc.
Schuyler, Roche & Crisham. P.C.
Schwab Charitable Fund
Sean Carney Insurance
Agency, Inc.
Sensory Effects Flavor Company
Sherry A. Kloeppel
Scholarship Trust
Sign Express
Silicon Valley Community
SmithAmundsen LLC
Stephen T. Sexton Memorial
Steven T. Smith Investments
Strube Celery & Vegetable Co.
Sunstar GUM
Sysco Chicago, Inc.
Systems Unlimited Inc.
Tank Smart Solutions, Inc.
Tap House Management
Group LLC
The 100% Foundation
The Boeing Company
The Eco Group II, Inc.
The Ed Block Courage Award
Foundation, Inc.
The Fred B. Jones Special
Fund at the Chicago
Community Trust
The Globe Foundation
The Kubik Door System LLC
The Land of Nod
The Law Firm of Wendy R.
Morgan, Ltd.
The Northern Trust Company
The Rhoades Foundation
The Sexton Group, Inc.
The Smogolski Family 2003
Charitable Lead Trust
The TJX Companies, Inc.
The Zucaro Family
Foundation, Inc.
Thomas J. Moran, Attorney
at Law
Twin Oaks Garden Center
U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
United Services by Permaco, Inc.
United Way of Metropolitan
UniverSoul Circus
UTI Worldwide Inc.,
Vienna Beef LTD.
Vision Care Specialists
Wall King Enterprizes
Weaver Boos Consultants
William Blair & Company, LLC
Williams Institutional Interiors
Wilson Sporting Goods Co.
Work in Progress Fitness, LLC
WOW Charitable Foundation
ZDE Corporation
Zimmerman Enterprises
Maryville Loyal Donors
The following donors have exhibited wonderful faithfulness to the children and families of Maryville
by making an annual gift for a minimum of fifteen consecutive years. These individuals and organizations
have steadfastly stood by their belief that every child should be empowered to reach their fullest
potential. Maryville is deeply grateful for their unwavering faith in the children of Maryville.
Anonymous (10)
Mr. Frank J. Alexson
Mr. James J. Beatty
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Bell
Mr. Mark H. Berens
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bernard
Mr. Robert J. Bertling
Mr. James G. Bigham
Ms. Geraldine C. Blumm
Mrs. Esther J. Boesche
Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Bolger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Broeren
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Butler
Mr. Clarence C. Campbell
Mr. James P. Caputo
Mr. John F. Conroy
Ms. Karen A. Crotty
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Durand
Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Everhart
Mr. Daniel J. Falls
Mr. Patrick F. Flaherty
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Forlani
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Frank
Fraternal Order of Eagles 1952
Mrs. Lenore M. Garvey
Mr. John W. Gebhardt
Mr. Charles T. Germann
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P.
Glascott, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Gleason
Most Rev. Raymond E. Goedert
Mr. William M. Graham
Kenneth and Vincetta Gravett
Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Gremer
Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Hager
Mr. Emil J. Hanner
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Hauser
Ms. Cheryl M. Heyden
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Johnston
Ms. Genevieve L. Kamins
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Kearney, Jr.
Mrs. Nancy I. Kelly
Mr. Frank D. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kenesey
Mr. Donald J. Kennedy
Ms. Carol T. Kilduff
Mr. Harold J. Kloeppel
Ms. Katherine G. Koeune
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd J. Kurkowski
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Kyle, Sr.
Mrs. Arline I. Lanckhoff
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Leahy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T.
Lorenz, Jr.
Ms. Barbara J. Lynch
Rev. Patrick M. Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Madden
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Madden
Rev. Daniel J. Mallette
Mr. and Mrs. Aldo Marchetti
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P.
Mr. Alexander McIntosh
Mr. and Mrs. John Mulkerin
Mrs. Virginia T. Novak
Rev. William J. O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. John Olson
Parker Hannifin Foundation
Mr. William J. Payne
Mr. Pasquale Perrone
Ms. Diane Phillips
Mr. Edward W. Rechner
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S.
Mr. James M. Rohrbach
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Rourke
Ms. Denise M. Rovetto
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Ryan, III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ryan
Mr. Herbert J. Ryan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J.
Saccomanno, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Schalk
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W.
Sexton, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sherrin
Renee C. Skora
Ms. Glory A. Smart
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Smuk
Mr. Frank H. Sommerfeld, III
Mrs. Mary G. Steffen
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Strong
Ms. Ann M. TenEyck
Mr. John C. Tierney
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Vizard
Mr. and Mrs. Lambert J. VonBank
Mr. Terrence Walden
Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Ward, Jr.
Mr. Creighton S. Warren, Jr.
Ms. Virgidelle R. Weasel
Mr. and Mrs. Herman G.
Samuel Weinstein Family
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wetoska
Mr. Michael F. White
Mrs. Louise Wisser
Angels’ Wing Society
Maryville Academy is deeply appreciative to the members of the Angels’ Wing Society who are
dedicated to the continuing work of the Maryville Crisis Nursery. Angels’ Wing Society members
recognize that by assisting a family in a time of crisis they can preserve and improve the healthy
foundation of Chicago area families.
Anonymous (2)
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Heaton
Ms. Cheryl M. Heyden
Michelin and Les Lentino
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Loftus
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Madden
Mr. and Mrs. John W. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Pepper
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Perkaus, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Ross
Mr. John C. Tierney
Mrs. Louise Wisser
Estate Gifts
For over 130 years, estate gifts have had a significant impact on Maryville. Listed below are the
estate gifts received in fiscal year 2014. We are sincerely grateful to these donors and their families,
not only for sharing their generosity with the children of Maryville, but for sharing their values and
vision with Maryville through their giving.
Laura Enright Trust
The Estate of Roger Francis Geldermann
Lucille Karella Trust
Genevieve Koch Trust
The Estate of Rev. Msgr. Francis N. Maniola
James J. O’Mara Trust
Dolores M. Szachnitowski Trust
The Estate of LaVerne Talaska
Augustine V. Wolosechek Trust
Leo Zeltonoga Trust
The Visionary Society
Maryville extends a sincere thank you to the members of the Visionary Society for providing a gift
of a lifetime. Visionary Society members have included Maryville in their wills, trusts, or estates in
order to help ensure that the children of Maryville today will be empowered to reach their fullest
potential tomorrow.
Anonymous (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Cattoni
Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Cline
Mrs. Marguerite Cody
Ms. Kathleen M. Egan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Golden
Ms. Margaret M. Healy
Mr. John F. Hogan
Ms. Carol T. Kilduff
Mrs. Rita C. Kwasegroch
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Lotts
Ms. Diane Phillips
Mr. Phillip M. Racette
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Rourke
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Shea
Mr. Henry Smogolski
Mrs. Harriet Swider
Mr. Terrence Walden
Mrs. Mary A. Watson
Des Plaines
Casa Imani - A nurturing home and treatment
environment for expectant and parenting young women
who are mentally ill on the Eisenberg Campus.
Jen School - Integrated therapeutic and educational
services for young men with emotional, behavioral and
learning disabilities on the Des Plaines Campus.
Casa Salama - Residential treatment for young women
with both intellectual disabilities and mental illness. On
the Eisenberg Campus.
St. George Program - Residential treatment for young
men with both intellectual disabilities and mental
illnesses on the Des Plaines Campus.
Casa Cariño - Serves young women with mental health
or behavior disorders who have been unsuccessful
in less restrictive settings. Eisenberg Campus.
Children’s Healthcare Center - Transitional care for
children with complex medical needs, respite care and
training for caregivers. Located at the Center
for Children.
Fatherhood Initiative - Encourages adolescent and
young adult fathers to become more active and involved
in raising their children. Des Plaines Campus.
Crisis Nursery - Short-term care for children whose
families who are experiencing crises. Located at
the Center for Children.
Golf Academy - Offers youth an introduction to the
game of golf and provides them with golf-related
vocational training opportunities and life lessons. Des
Plaines Campus.
Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) - Athletic
programs for community youth throughout the
Chicago area. Locatied at the Madden Shelter.
Strengthening Families - Partners with
Spanish-speaking families to create safe and positive
home environments.
John and Mary Madden Shelter - An emergency
placement shelter designed for adolescent and
parenting young women.
Family Behavioral Health Clinic - Outpatient
therapy for children and families.
St. Vincent de Paul - Serves young men with mental
health or behavior disorders who have been unsuccessful
in less-restrictive settings. Des Plaines Campus.
Family Services
Board of Directors
Richard A. Devine, Chair
Diane C. Geraghty, Vice-Chair
Andrew R. Lotts, Treasurer
Rick Velasquez, Secretary
Rev. Msgr. Michael Boland, Director
David A. Bonoma, Director
Elizabeth Gallagher-Coolidge, Director
Louis J. Glunz, III, Director
Michael P. Golden, Director
Sean M. Madden, Director
Brian T. McCormack, Director
Michael J. Munro, Director
Melanie M. Pettway, Director
Agnes L. Piszczek, Director
John F. Poelking, Director
Most Rev. George J. Rassas, Director
George W. Rourke, Director
Michael P. Rourke, Director
Patrick G. Shea, Director
Laroma White, Director
1150 North River Road Des Plaines, IL 60016