that Last a Lifetime - Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic School


that Last a Lifetime - Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic School
Creating Smiles
that Last a Lifetime
Heart of Mary
Catholic School
Faith • Knowledge • Service • Integrity
2012-2013 Annual Report
“The teachers are
amazing and every
student is recognized
as unique and
special. There is a
strong focus on
academics, but the
kids have tons of fun
as well.”
Dear Members of the Immaculate
Heart of Mary Family,
third in the divisional round. They were the only Catholic school
represented in the state of Georgia.
I am a strong supporter of Catholic
Schools and a firm believer in
their value and importance. And
I am proud to be the pastor of
a community where the school
is such an integral part of so
many lives. Few choices in life
are more important than deciding where to send your children to
school. All parents want to give their children the benefit of an
excellent education. For Catholic parents, a school education is only
the beginning. You also want your children to learn the values that
will influence them for their entire life. That kind of faith-based
education takes place every day at our school. Our community has
been richly blessed with families, faculty, and staff who recognize
the importance of Catholic education and who give so generously of
themselves to its mission. The end result is a parish school where
our children thrive in a Christ-centered environment.
Last year three recent IHM alumni chose their alma mater as the
recipient of their Eagle Scout project, building both gardening beds
and butterfly gardens to be enjoyed by all. Thanks to their efforts,
our new gardening program is helping our first graders learn about
the abundance of God’s creation.
Our students continue to thrive both academically and spiritually
under the guidance of our faculty and staff. Led by Religion
Teacher Kathleen Pyrce, four of our middle school students had
the distinction of sweeping the Catholic Campaign for Human
Development’s Multi-Media Youth Contest here in Atlanta, and
current eighth grader Annie Martin, who secured first place locally,
went on to win Honorable Mention in the national contest. Our
Middle School Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl team, just two years old,
took first place in both county and regionals and went on to place
In Christ,
Dear Friends of IHM,
IHM is a school built on high
standards accompanied by high
expectations. The programs
and teachers at IHM challenge
students to give their best and
they rise to the challenge. Our
graduates consistently perform at
“A” and “B” achievement levels
during high school and most are
on the honor roll.
At IHM we prepare young Catholic men and women to cope with a
continually changing world through academic and spiritual training
that encourages them to be positive, productive Christians who
serve society.
The economic support we receive from our parents and greater
community is critical to our success. A striking example is the
community’s response to this year’s Annual Fund. Not only did
we surpass our goal by over 40%, we also achieved 100% financial
participation from our families, a first in IHM School history! This
level of commitment speaks volumes to the greater community and
demonstrates our parents’ belief that IHM School is an excellent
This year in particular I am amazed and edified by the gracious
outpouring of support that can clearly be seen in this Annual Report.
The 2012-2013 school year was marked by the generosity of our
parents, faculty, staff, parishioners, grandparents and friends who
supported the Annual Fund, GRACE Scholars, the Endowment
Fund, Tuition Assistance and the activities of the Home & School
Association. We reached a significant milestone this year with 100%
of our parents, faculty and staff contributing to the Annual Fund.
I am pleased to present this Annual Report to you. May our Lord
continue to bless Immaculate Heart of Mary School and our entire
community. May Mary, our Mother, watch over us and intercede
for us.
Monsignor James A. Schillinger, S.T.L.
S e r v ic e
This past year we made great strides in technology and infrastructure
as well. Our seventh grade students began using iPads and our sixth
graders are being introduced to them for the 2013-14 school year. We
finished the third and final phase of the heating and cooling project,
regulating our classrooms for maximum comfort; and thanks to the
Home and School Association’s auction we erected a carpool canopy
early last fall.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic School continues to be a superb
learning environment because of the participation and commitment
of all involved. We are grateful for the support you provide, allowing
us to deliver the best education possible to the children of IHM.
Thank you for all you do.
God bless,
James P. Lee
Immaculate Heart of Mary School
• Using proceeds from the Home
& School Association’s auction, a
carpool canopy was installed in
the blue carpool.
• 7th graders began using iPads.
• The School achieved 100%
financial participation in the
Annual Fund, a first for IHM.
• Megan Anandappa was given
the IHM Laureate Award, which
recognizes a graduating student
who reflects our school’s ideals
of faith, knowledge, service and
• Four produce beds and two
butterfly gardens were installed
near the music cottage. First
grade students now garden
throughout the school year.
• A total of 23 students are now
receiving GRACE scholarships
thanks to the generosity of our
GRACE Scholars donors.
• Annie Martin won Honorable
Mention in the National Catholic
Campaign for Human
Development’s (CCHD) MultiMedia Youth Contest.
Immaculate Heart of Mary School
2012-13 Highlights
• For a third year in a row, IHM
School received a record number
of applications.
• IHM School was named a No
Place for Hate School by the Anti
Defamation League for the third
year in a row.
• The inaugural Edward Barnsley
‘86 Memorial Scholarship was
awarded to Julia Fleischer.
• Annual Fund donations exceeded
goal by over 40%.
• The Middle School Helen Ruffin
Reading Bowl team took first
place in both county and
regionals and went on to place
third in the divisional round.
They were the only Catholic
School represented in the state of
• Mrs. Carmen Graciaa was
honored at the Archbishop’s
Education Banquet as the IHM
Employee of the Year.
• Ana Lavandero received the
Renee Richardson Legacy Award.
IHM School Endowment
The Immaculate Heart of Mary School Endowment Fund, held
at the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia, was established
to support the general mission of IHM School in addition to
supporting needs-based scholarships; teacher professional
development, continuing education and advanced degree
scholarships; and as specified by the donor in cases of
qualified donations. IHM School received a $1,000,000 gift
from an anonymous donor in 2009 that will roll into the
Endowment Fund in 2019.
Beginning Balance (as of 7/1/12) $404,747.29
Contributions $17,148.08
Interest Earned $8,828.97
Management Fees ($5,022.83)
Realized/Unrealized Gains $42,796.56
Ending Balance (as of 6/30/13) $468,498.07
In 2012-2013, the following donors made gifts to the
Endowment Fund that will provide a lasting contribution to
the future of IHM School:
Kevin Buis & Fran McLellan Buis ‘79
Zion & Elena Cordeiro
Arnold & Elenna D’Amico
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Dangar
DRAFT Filling Station & Hans Bendeck ‘90
Alicia Adán Harwell ‘92
Sarah Auer Kaliner ‘92
Kingery Family Foundation
George Kopanezos
Amanda Maloof Linn ‘85
Cristina León ‘84
Bill Markewich & Helaine Walsh Markewich ‘61
Lee Miller ‘93
Abrenda Planas
Jenn & Phil Sedlack ‘84
Willem Spies & Marie Field Spies ‘87
Paul & Julie Tooher
Bob & Martha Zimmer (Grandparents of Audrey
& Maggie White)
Goizueta Foundation Endowed
A gift from the Goizueta Foundation in 2002 established
endowed scholarships that are given to support the Catholic
education of Hispanic students. The 2012-13 recipients were:
Max Fernandes
Charlie Hendrix
Anthony Rivera
Memorial Scholarship Fund
A Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 2012 to
allow families a special way to memorialize loved ones they
have lost. Collective or individual gifts of $1,000 or more
(noted with an *) are recognized with a nameplate engraved
with the deceased’s name. These nameplates adorn a large
plaque in the front lobby of the school, offering a permanent
reminder of their lives. Once giving to the fund reaches
$25,000, scholarships will be awarded to students who
demonstrate a financial need.
Zion & Elena Cordeiro
In Memory of Marianne Johnson
Sherri, Brian, Alison (Young) & Jason Cooper
Chuck & Sally Dwelley
Willem Spies & Marie Field Spies ‘87
James W. Stewart
Rob & Paula Underwood
Dirk & Nikki VanDerGrinten
In Memory of Harry McDevitt
Hawthorne Sunshine Family
In Memory of Frank & Eleanor O’Connor
Bill Markewich & Helaine Walsh Markewich ‘61
In Memory of James J. Sedlack*
Patricia D. Sedlack
In Memory of Elaine Walsh
Gloria Joiner & Ronald Van Hall
2012-2013 Annual Report
Additional Giving: $58,329
Donors make restricted and
unrestricted gifts to IHM School
for educational initiatives, library
enhancements, tuition assistance
and other programs.
• Anonymous
• Atlanta Urgent Care
• Diane C. Barnsley
(Grandmother of Jake &
Charlie Fleming)
• Zion & Elena Cordeiro
• Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Dangar
• Al & Bonnie Ferri
• Julie Klare
• George Kopanezos
• Lee Miller ‘93
• Mr. & Mrs. Brendan O’Connell,
(Grandparents of Annalise
Gifts In-Kind
IHM School extends a special thank
you to those businesses and families
who contributed significant in-kind
goods and services during the school
• A BoKay by Joann
• Atkins Park – Kevin Drawe
• Jeanne & Boyd Andrews
• Atlanta Foods International
• Chick-fil-A North Druid Hills
• ChocoLaté
• Einstein’s Bagels North Druid Hills
– The Temme Family
• Design Coup - Michael Higgins
• Dan & Amy Hillman
• Ed Hong
• Kroger Co.
• Terry Morris
• Brad Newton
• Janine Timmermann
Immaculate Heart of Mary School
Grants: $2,500
Math & Science:
ExxonMobil Educational Alliance/
Clipper Petroleum - $1,000
Funds supplemented both in-school and
off-campus science-related field trips for
students in first, second and fifth grade.
Kroger Earning Plus Learning - $1,500
Grant dollars were used to add a second
Butterfly Garden and will partially fund
four additional gardening beds.
Edward Barnsley ’86
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Created in 2012 by Diane Barnsley,
this scholarship honors the life of Ms.
Barnsley’s son Edward (1971-1991),
a 1986 graduate of IHM School. The
scholarship is given to a student who
exhibits an aptitude for and interest in
creative writing. Rising eighth grader
Julia Fleischer ’14 was awarded the first
scholarship for the 2013-14 school year.
• Beginning Balance (as of 7/1/12)
• Contributions $1.49
• Interest Earned $566.72
• Management Fees ($144.93)
• Realized/Unrealized Gains $2,739.38
• Ending Balance (as of 6/30/13)
The Immaculate Heart
Society for Planned Giving
The Immaculate Heart Society
recognizes those who support the
school through a gift to IHM that helps
a donor’s financial and estate plans
while creating a lasting legacy for the
donor. Examples of ways to support
the IHM mission through planned
giving include: naming the school as
a beneficiary in your will, making a
specific bequest to the school, giving
a gift of stocks or bonds, the donation
of a life insurance policy, naming IHM
School as the beneficiary of a 401(k)
or retirement account, and creating an
annuity or a charitable remainder trust
(CRUT). Planned gifts can be specified
to go towards the Endowment Fund or
the Annual Fund.
Immaculate Heart
Society Members
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen DeWitt
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Gross
Michael & Christine Hungeling
Mr. Paul Mayberry
Alexa R. Ross
Willem Spies & Marie Field Spies ‘87
Mr. Kenneth J. Turner &
Mrs. Martha A. Simmons
GRACE Scholars
The GRACE Scholars program provides access
to a Catholic school education for Georgia
families who otherwise could not afford
school tuition. The program is funded by
Georgia taxpayers who redirect part of
their Georgia State income tax to a student
scholarship organization such as GRACE.
These donors receive a 100% state income
tax credit for their gift while helping to make
a Catholic school education a reality for
families in need.
The families and friends listed below
designated scholarship aid to IHM School
totaling $131,967 in calendar year 2012 and
$136,249 through June 30, 2013. Donors who
contributed to both the 2012 and the 2013
GRACE Scholars program are noted with
an asterisk. Thanks to their generosity, 18
students were awarded GRACE scholarships
during the 2012-13 and 2013-14 school years,
bringing the total number of IHM GRACE
Scholars at IHM to 23. These 23 students
will continue receiving GRACE dollars for
the remaining time they are at IHM School
provided they continue to qualify.
Please contact us at the school to learn
how you, too, can easily make a significant
contribution to IHM through a Georgia
tax credit.
* Donors who contributed to both the 2012
and the 2013 GRACE Scholars program are
noted with an asterisk.
Mr. and Mrs. David Ankenbrandt*
Mr. and Mrs. Raul Alfonso
Mr. and Mrs. Santiago Arboleda*
Mr. and Mrs. Salvador Arias
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Athans*
Mr. and Mrs. David Bakken
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baldonado
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bandy*
Dr. & Mrs. David Banks*
Ms. Diane Barnsley*
Mr. William Baugnon*
Mr. Winslow Borkowski & Mrs. Debora
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Boyle*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. James Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Tuan Bui
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buis
Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Cahoon
Mr. and Mrs. David Case*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cattapan
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Clare
Mr. and Mrs. David Claussen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cowhig
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K Cowhig
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coughlin*
Ms. Margaret Darensbourg
Mr. and Mrs. David Delduco
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Denton*
Mr. and Mrs. José Dominguez*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. James Durrett
Mr. and Mrs. James Dykes III
Dr. Byard Edwards and Dr. Laura Martin*
Ms. Mildred Elliott*
Mr. and Mrs. Gray Fleming Jr*
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fraser*
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fussell
Mr. Jesus Galeano & Mrs. Schirli Villegas*
Mr. and Mrs. Flavio Graciaa
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Gifford
Ms. Mary Golden
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gomez*
Mr. and Mrs. John Gorrell
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Grace*
Mr. and Mrs. David Grippando*
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hager*
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. William Hayes*
Mr. and Mrs. Dustin Heizer*
Mr. Carlos A Herrera-Cuellar and
Mrs. Cristina Herrera
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hong*
Mr. and Mrs. David Hungeling*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hungeling
Mr. and Mrs. William J Hungeling*
Mr. and Mrs. William M Hungeling*
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Jenkins*
Ms. Jennifer Jewell
Ms. Julie Klare
Mr. Lawrence Kloet*
Mr. & Mrs. Paul LaFreniere*
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lane*
Mr. and Mrs. James Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee*
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L’Hernault
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mancinelli
Dr. and Mrs. Rudolph Mappus IV*
Mr. and Mrs. James Martin*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin
Mr. Wilson Martinez and Mrs. Monica Parise
Mr. and Mrs. David McGill*
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McGovern*
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan McMonagle
Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Miller*
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mittelhammer*
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cong Nguyen
Mr. and Mrs. Tri Nguyen
Ms. Yanire Nieves
Mr. and Mrs. James Orr*
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy O’Shea*
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Parris
Ms. Maria Luz Pascual*
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Patch
Mr. and Mrs. William Pentecost
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Vijay Pinto
Ms. Marietta Pompilio
Mr. Philip Pompilio & Ms. Margaret Cassidy*
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Postma
Mr. and Mrs. James Preau*
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Procida
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rawlins*
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray*
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Sacco III*
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sampson*
Mr. and Mrs. William Sande*
The Reverend James Schillinger*
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Sedlack*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sherberger*
Ms. Mary Sherberger
Mr. and Mrs. William Smith*
Mr. and Mrs. Markus Spitzer*
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Spratte*
Mr. and Mrs. William Strader
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Syribeys
Mr. and Mrs. Malik Tadros*
Ms. Ratna Tirtawidjaja*
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trainor*
Mr. and Mrs. Khanh Tran
Ms. Brenda Uhler
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Vader
Mr. Jose Villegas & Mrs. Juliana Gomez*
Mr. and Mrs. John Visser*
Mr. Christopher Walzer
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh White
Mr. and Mrs. William Wildman*
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wiley*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Winstel*
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Yates
Mr. Carlos Zayas and Mrs. Rita Pons
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P Zimmer*
Mr. John A Zolkowski*
Matching Gift Companies
Coca-Cola Foundation
2012-2013 Annual Report
IHM Finance Council
School Advisory Council
The Parish Finance Council is an advisory body whose membership
includes individuals with an expertise in management, business,
civil law and/or finance. The Parish Finance Council does not
have decision making authority, but actively reviews budgets
and monthly financial reports and shares information, generates
discussion and promotes consensus. They provide guidance and
counseling to the pastor and principal, promoting the financial
health of the parish and school.
• Ashley Miller – Chair
• Lou Whiteman – Vice-Chair
• Pat Durrett – Past Chair
• Jackie Beverly
• Jim Brennan
• Veronica Browne
• Sherry Fleischer
• Garlan Furin
• Caroline Lord
• Tim Purdy
• Mike Watson
• Emil Sacco – Chairperson
• Jackie Beverly – Liaison to Finance Council
from School Advisory Council
• Paul Kesler – Secretary
• Tim Buckley
• Jordan McMonagle
During our time here at
IHM, we’ve come to know
and love the dedicated
faculty and staff. It’s not
just a job for them—
it’s a vocation.
The School Advisory Council’s mission is to help foster the
development of the school within the community and
through the families that support it. The Council serves
as a liaison between the Archdiocese, the school and the
community at large through visionary leadership and
works directly with the school administration to ensure
academic and religious growth in a diverse Catholic
Christian environment.
The Council has the following purposes:
• To support effective administration, operation
and maintenance of the school
• To provide a means of communication
• T
o review and discuss programs in light of the
administrative vision for the school
• T
o develop and strengthen the relationship between
the school and the parish
• T
o assist the administration in the implementation
of the policies of the Archdiocese of Atlanta
Immaculate Heart of Mary School
Home and School Association
The Home and School Association is
a volunteer parent organization that
offers many opportunities for members
to serve the school. Our Association
provides programs relevant to the needs
of the IHM School community and offers
meaningful ways to strengthen the
bonds of our community. In addition,
the H&S Association serves as a vehicle
for communication between parents
and the School, coordinates volunteers,
supports teachers and staff and provides
supplemental income to strengthen the
financial health of the School.
The 2012-13 school year was very
successful. Thanks to the efforts of our
parent volunteers and the support of
IHM families, friends and parishioners,
the Home & School Association raised
more than $85,000, returning a surplus
to the school of nearly $63,000 to use
toward operating and capital expenses.
Contributing to that surplus were Major
Fundraising events, including the very
popular Mardi Gras Trivia Night, our
QSP & Great American sales and the
Boosterthon Fun Run. These events
netted in excess of $47,000.
• Faculty/Staff gifts, cards and rewards, as
well as Teacher Appreciation Week
• Teacher Support Services:
Sarah Temme & Terri Katz
• Light lunches and snacks at monthly
staff meetings
• Spiritual Life:
Monica Wright & Tania Gourley
• Kindergarten Picnic
• Communications and Marketing:
Missy Perry & Tonja Bridges
• Parent Coffees
• Hosting of Grade Level Family Dinners
• Grandparents & Grandfriends Day
• Veterans Day Reception
• First Communion Ice Cream Social
• Secretary:
Elise Frederickson
• Catholic Schools Week
Home & School Fundraising
Net Results
• Red Ribbon Week
Boosterthon. . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,921
• Marian Devotion Week
• Military Care Packages
• Screen-Free Week
• Blessed Virgin Mary’s Birthday
• Middle School Dances
• Graduation Breakfast and Reception
• Hospitality for prospective families at
Open House and Applicant Testing
Mardi Gras Trivia Night. . . . . 11,173
QSP & Great American. . . . . . . 8,562
Uniform Shop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,765
Membership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,390
Partnerships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,689
Advent Bake Sale and
Poinsettia Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,828
Cookbook Sale. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,864
Pizza DJ Night. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,924
Spirit & Field Day T-Shirts. . . . . 3,633
School Supply Packets . . . . . . . 1,434
The Home and School Association
is grateful for the opportunity to
serve and support the IHM School
community in such meaningful ways.
In addition, the Ways and Means
Committee sponsored numerous
efforts including the Uniform Shop,
partnership programs, the Advent
Bake Sale, Poinsettia Sale, cook book
sales, Pizza DJ Night, Spirit Wear
sales, school supply packets, and Spirit
Nights, all of which earned the school
more than $28,000.
• Treasurer:
Patti Hedenquist
Restaurant Spirit Nights. . . . . . 1,646
Other. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (413)
Subtotal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85,416
Home & School Expenditures
Teacher Support Services. . . $10,489
General Expenses. . . . . . . . . . . 4,080
Home & School Officers
• Co-Presidents:
Sharon Gavron & Courtney Alexander
• Ways and Means:
Leslie Palumbo & Pam Watson
Funds raised by the Association helped
support the following activities during
the school year:
• Major Fund Raising:
Maryann Blackburn & Ruth Sacco
• Funds for teaching aids and
classroom supplies
• Family Focused Services:
Christine Hungeling & Nyssa Kutilek
• Faculty/Staff Back-to-School
Luncheon and Holiday Party
• Middle School Support Services:
Liliam Bert Fernandes & Jennifer Higgins
Middle School Support Svcs. . . 2,843
Family Focused Services. . . . . . 2,147
Spiritual Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,105
Communications & Marketing . 680
Subtotal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22,344
Net Income Gifted
Back to School:. . . . . . . . . . . $63,072
Of the $63,072 gifted back to the
school, $18,000 is allocated for
phase two of the carpool canopy
for the gold carpool.
2012-2013 Annual Report
Operating Revenue
Annual Fund Campaign $184,826
Tuition & Enrollment Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,386,441
Student Services Net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $68,424
Miscellaneous/Restricted Donations. . . . . . . . . $58,365
Grants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500
Endowment Donations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,148
Endowment Realized/Unrealized Gain. . . . . . . $51,626
Barnsley Scholarship Donations/Growth. . . . . . $28,530
Home & School Surplus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $63,072
Scholarship & Tuition Assistance. . . . . . . . . . . $214,486
Annual Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $184,826
GRACE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $52,476
0K 20K 40K 60K 80K 100K120K140K160K180K 200K
Miscellaneous/Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $97,160
Total Operating Revenue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,215,054
Operating Expenses
Salaries & Benefits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,896,487
Instructional Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $195,138
Administration & General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $83,509
Grants/Restricted Donations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,843
Tuition/Enrollment Fees/
Student Services. . . . . 84%
Physical Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $338,388
Technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $232,641
Capital Improvements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $108,634
Capital Reserves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200,000
Tuition Assistance. . . . 14%
Miscellaneous/Other . . 2%
Home & School Carpool Canopy Reserves . . . . $18,000
Endowment Management Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,023
Endowment Restricted Income. . . . . . . . . . . . . $53,751
Barnsley Scholarship Management Fees. . . . . . . . $145
Barnsley Scholarship Restricted . . . . . . . . . . . . $28,385
Total Operating Expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,928,359
Subtotal Operating Surplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45,110
School Contribution to
IHM School Endowment Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000
Adjusted Surplus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,110
Salaries &
Benefits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72%
Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5%
Administration &
General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4%
Physical Plant/Capital
Improvements . . . . . . . . 14%
Technology. . . . . . . . . . . . 5%
*All endowment income is restricted as defined by our Endowment Fund so it has been
removed from these graphs to better reflect true Operating Income and Expenses.
Immaculate Heart of Mary School
Faculty & Staff
Faculty with
Advanced Degrees
Average Years of
Teaching Experience
Sources of Tuition
Number of
Archdiocesan Block Grants. . . . . . 69%
GRACE Scholars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20%
Internal Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8%
Goizueta Scholarships. . . . . . . . . . . 3%
Admissions/Financial Aid
• For a third year in a row, IHM experienced record high
applications and the school stopped accepting applications
due to the limited number of spaces.
• IHM continues to be the largest feeder school to St. Pius X
Catholic High School.
• Faculty retention was 95% and student retention was 96%.
• 16%, or 81 students, received tuition assistance or
scholarships. Of these, 13 received GRACE scholarships and
three received Goizueta Foundation Endowed Scholarships.
• A total of $266,963 was awarded in scholarships and tuition
Cost to Educate: $8,862*
Tuition: $6,600
Shortfall/Gap: $2,262**
*Cost is per student, **Annual Fund proceeds, Home & School fundraising, GRACE Scholars,
tuition assistance, and scholarships help bridge the gap in funding.
2012-2013 Annual Report
2012-13 Annual Fund Honor Roll
For the first time in the history of IHM School, 100% of the parents, staff and faculty, as well as members of the Home & School Board and School
Advisory Council, made a financial gift to the Annual Fund. This unprecedented outpouring of support enabled the school to raise over $180,000, our
most successful campaign on record. IHM School is extremely grateful for the generosity of the families, grandparents and supporters listed below.
Individuals marked with a * symbol were faculty or staff during the 2012-13 school year. A + symbol indicates parents of alumni.
Visionaries ($10,000+)
Jessica & Kevin Bandy
Principal’s Circle
The Conrads Family Education Fund at the
Catholic Foundation of North Georgia
Tim Sheehy ’84 & Leigh Sheehy
Dr. & Mrs. Carlos Zayas +
IHM Champions
David & Kerry Ankenbrandt +
William F. Baugnon
(Grandfather of W. Cooper Baugnon)
Brad & Christia Gifford
Vijay & Leslie Pinto
Gordon & Rosa Ray
Good Shepherds
David & Marty Banks +
Diane C. Barnsley + (Grandmother of
Jake & Charlie Fleming)
David & Jackie Beverly
Brice & Chris Boyle
Catherine & Tim Buckley
Joe & Susan Carson
Dave & Laura Case
Julie & Bob Eichenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Floody
Javier Galeano & Schirli Villegas
Thérèse & Matthew Garrett
Martin & Kelly Grace +
Steve Haydu
Dan & Amy Hillman
Patti & Steve Hedenquist
Dr. & Mrs. Waun Ki Hong (Grandparents
of Elizabeth & Daniel Hong)
Kolvereid Family +
Mr. Andrew & Dr. Carrie Kroll
Steve & Nancy L’Hernault
Dan & Emily* Lynch
Tom & Melinda* Martin +
Jim & Gina Mootrey
Leslie & Lew Palumbo
Tom & Paige Peterson
Nancy J. Pope (Grandmother of Neal
Pablo & Bertha Quintanilla +
(Grandparents of Noah Quintanilla)
Emil & Ruth Sacco
Neil & Bobbie Sampson
The Sutter Family
Willem Spies & Marie Field Spies ‘87
Todd & Erika Strader
Jason & Janine Timmerman
Sean Tran & Thuy Bui
Lori & Richard Turbe
Kenneth J. Turner & Martha A. Simmons
Jon & Mary Walker
Greg & Dawn Wheeler
The Whiteman Family
Richard & Sandy* Wilson +
The Visser Family
Eagle Club ($500-$999)
Michael & Courtney Alexander
Arthur & Suzanne Anderson
(Grandparents of Kathleen Gormley &
Robert Rivers IV)
Boyd & Jeanne Andrews
The Bello/Lechowicz Family
David & Julie Bakken
Ken & Vera Bettin
Jim & Joy Brennan
Tom Brennan +
Buckhead Uniform
Craig & Lisa Cauthen
Janet & David* Claussen +
Suzanne & Ed Cordovado
Rob & Jenny Cowhig
DePasquale Family +
Mr. & Mrs. Gustavo Duran +
Byard Edwards & Laura Martin +
Anthony & Tricia Escobedo
Al & Bonnie Ferri
Gray Fleming & Diana Barnsley
Fleming ‘89
Kristi & Pete Forsstrom
Brandt & Garlan Furin
Donyale & Ty Getz
Teresa & Michael Gilbert
Omar & Jennifer Gonzalez +
Gloria & Roy Harris (Grandparents
of Andrew Harris)
Bill & Kristine Hayes
Brian & Pamela Hefner
Michael & Jennifer Higgins & Family
Linda & Charles Holmes (Grandparents
of Iris Harrington)
Ed and Carol Anne Hong
Donna & Bill Hungeling (Grandparents
of Ella Cate & Natalie Hungeling &
Liam Ebbs)
Michael Hungeling ’89 & Christine
Lynn & Gerard Kleinrock
John M. Korn Jr. (Grandfather of
Jack Batten)
Steve Lane & Marta Gutierrez
Lane ‘67* +
Mark & Tracy Mancinelli +
Immaculate Heart of Mary School
Doug & Mary Mandel
Chip & Elena Mappus
Mark & Lani Mauriello
Madeline & Paul Mittelhammer
Laura O’Connell & Ricky O’Connell, ‘85
Erika & Charlie Page
Ruth* & Brad Patch + (Grandparents of
Annalise O’Connell)
The Patton Family
Richard & Leigh Pentecost
Missy & Phil Perry
Judith Phillips (Grandmother of Tyler,
Dallas & Alexis Welch)
Phil & Peg Pompilio
Kathy & Tim Purdy
Michael & Marcy Robl
Magdalena & Mari Raj
Chuck & Diane Rawlins (Grandparents
of Lukas Blaszyk)
Mike & Norma Robertson +
Brian & Christine Schwartz
Jennifer Sedlack* & Phil Sedlack ‘84
John Summers Family +
Lou & Edith Tomasetti
Paul* & Julie* Tooher
The Ujda Family
Jose Villegas & Juliana Gomez
Bill & Sharon Wildman +
Alf & Carla Wootton
Jim & Kari* Yantis
Christopher and Kimberly Yates
Rhett & Tiffany Zeigler
Blue & Gold Club
Hugo & Sarah Alfaro
The Arboleda Family
Mr. & Mrs. Rich Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Troy A. Baker
Jeff & Julie Batten
Erica & Chris Baugnon
Ingrid & Brian Beck
John & Cathy Belville
Jeff & Lauren Blaszyk
Mrs. Veronica Browne +
Mr. & Mrs. Tuan & Hoangoanh Bui
Matt & Elyse Burton
Sharon Burke (Grandmother of Halima
Eric & Ann Bynum
Ted & Tina Carter
Susan* & Bill Cartwright +
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Cassidy (Grandparents
of Lauren & Ryan Pompilio)
The Chenault Family
Mark Craig & Anne Reimer Craig ‘78 +
John & Karen Cross
Benjamin & Catherine Dangar
Mrs. Susan L. Dogens (Grandmother of
Elizabeth C. Patton)
Jose Luis & Josefa Dominguez
Philip & Alejandra Dunphy
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ebbs
Escayg Family
Chris & Liliam Fernandes
The Gavron Family
Hector Giraldo & Lorena Castillo
Brian & Terri* Hall
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Hamilton III & son
David & Leslie Harrington +
Theresa & Terry Harris +
Dustin & Jennifer Heizer
Dan Hoffman & Kathy Field Hoffman ’81 +
Barbara Homans*
Mr. & Mrs. Houghton +
John & Stephanie Hull
Susan & Chip Humphrey
Brian & Mimi Jones
The Jones-Nettleship Family +
Wayne Jones & Julia McDevitt Jones ‘81 +
Mark & Rosemary Keenan
Paul & Camille Kesler
Lavandero Family
Edward & Lauren Leary
Mr. & Mrs. Chadwick Lee
Derrick & Phyllis Love
Mark & Isabel Lynch
Tim & Terry Masty
Donovan & Lesley McGee
Paul & Meredith McGough
Jordan & Suzy McMonagle
Ashley Miller Sr. & Maria Rodriquez
Miller ’83 +
Phyllis & Paul Montello + (Grandparents
of John, Mark & Mary Evelyn Montello)
Dr. Yanire Nieves
Katie & Michael O’Grady
Chris & Barb* Osment +
Monica Parise & Wilson Martinez +
Angela & Lawrence Patton
Melissa & Glenn Petersen
Jamie Postma & Karla Zanders Postma ’82
Michelle Reid-Nicholson
Holley Reynolds
Ben & Carla Rivers
William, Maria, Gustavo & Alessandra
Rodriguez +
Matt & Kim Rousseau
John & Toni Scott
Holli A. Semetko
James & Roseann Sketel +
Jill Soulen (Grandmother of Jill & Mary
Todd & Lisa Stalter
Keith & Amy Stanford
Peter & Vivian Syribeys
Paul & Beth Syribeys
Mal Tadros & Stephanie Warner
Tadros ‘86
William & Susan Talend
The Taube Family*
Melody Turner (Grandmother of Kate
Matthew & Margaret Ullengren
Dr. & Mrs. Luis Vasconez (Grandparents
of Elisa Herrera)
Jose Velaz & Isis Conty
Mr. & Mrs. Jamey Watson
Pam & Mike Watson
Lamar, Santana & Christopher Williams
Rick & Judy Winstel
Gary & Lisa Wolgast
Jacob & Shannon Ziliak
Spirit Club ($100-$249)
Chip & Martha Acker (Grandparents of
Abigail & Aidan Heizer)
Mr. & Mrs. Sam & Julie Alyateem +
Laura* & Ty Alexander
Angela Almario
Mr. & Mrs. David Andignac Jr.
Chaemin An
Richard & Cindy Apgar
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Arbour (Grandparents
of Annie Martin)
Mike & Pat* Athans +
Bob* & Kim Baldonado +
Tosha Balfour
Fred & Brigid Bartholomai
Jim & Terry Basham +
Bill & Pam Beason
Patrick & Janie Belden
L. Berberich*
Kim & Justin Bily
Maryann & David Blackburn
Mark & Katherine Bollinger
Tom & Corinne Boyle (Grandparents of
Ryan & Lane Boyle)
Jim & Tonja Bridges
Cindy & Jim Brieske
Jeanie Brieske (Grandmother of Georgia
& Nathan Brieske)
Patrick & Lisa Brown
Tim Buckley & Shelley Dotson
Buckley ‘86
Chris* & Jill Buechner
Mr. & Mrs. R.K. Buis (Fran McClellan
Buis ’79)
Damian & Maureen Burke
Heather Burke
Lonnie & Valencia Burwell
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Callahan*
Paul, Caroline & David Paul Camick
Susan Lampe Casanova ‘86 & Alejandro
Casanova ‘84
Campbell and Shannon Chapman
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Chin, Jr. +
Denver & Susan* Clark +
Denise & Michael Collins
Eric & Carla Conaway
Jim & Michelle Corbitt
Bob & Lynn Cowhig (Grandparents of
Amelia Cowhig)
Rob & Jenny Cowhig
Robert & Claudia Cozine +
Thomas & Jennifer Daves
Paul & Beth Deery
Margie Delk
Cassie Dillon (Grandmother of Dillon
Lourdes & Vincenzo Di Pietro
Dave & Annette Dorries (Grandparents of
Olivia & Gabby Walsh)
Brad Downen & Jennifer Marlar Downen ‘83
Drawe Family +
Driscoll Family
David & Tracey-Ann Duncan
Charamie Dunlap*
Brad & Teresa Durden +
Mr. and Mrs. James I. Dykes
Sheneka Ellis
The Eng Family
Etienne Family
Grosvenor & Connie Fish +
Sherry Fleischer
John & Cecilia Forbes +
The Fredrickson Family
Michael & Julianne Gagnon
Flavio & Carmen* Graciaa +
James & Lupe Guyton +
Cara Mai & Alex Hall
Donna & Terrence Hall (Grandparents of
Maia & Dylan Hall)
Patrick & Ashleigh* Hally
Don & Courtney Hendrix
Christina & Carlos Herrera
Long Hoang & Julie Nguyen
Mrs. Laura Holmes* +
Gerri Iacoboni (Grandmother of Eric Hayes)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jean-Enard
Larry & Carol Jenkins (Grandparents of
Abigail & Aidan Heizer)
David & Anna Jimenez* +
Jenniffer & Jay Kapp
Dr. & Mrs. Max Katz
Bill & Zonia Kesler*
Hyon Sug Kim +
James & Kelly Kisla
Denis & Jenn Kler
Phil & Peggy Knipper (Grandparents of Ben
George Kopanezos
Kathryn Koski
Maciek Kraszczynski*
The Kutilek Family
Tracey LaFreniere* +
Mr. & Mrs. Les H. Lampe (Grandparents of
Isabella, Paulina & Sophia Casanova)
Adrian & Laurie Law
Jim Lee*
Bob & Meredith Lee
Anita & Dan Lentine-Brown
Frederick & Maria Elena Link
Caroline & Scott Lord
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lortie
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Madden
Michael Marlatt
James W. Martin & Mary Pat Warner
Martin ‘82* +
Alan & Brenda McClure (Grandparents
of John, Mark & Mary Evelyn Montello)
Jonelle McKey
Judson & Debbie Miller +
Lee Miller ‘93
Mize Family
Mark Montello ’84 & Kristie Montello*
Curtis & Beverly* Moody +
Livia Mowiser + (Grandmother of Kyle
& Maria Murphy)
Joseph & Connie Mruk (Grandparents
of Emma & Maggie Garrett)
Hala & Shaheer Muhanna +
Andrew & Elsa Muir
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Murphy (Elena Mowiser
Murphy ’80)
Louise Neale (Grandmother of Lily
Brian Albert & Cheryl Ocfemia
Machelle & Jeff Pardue
Russell Parris & Judy Temme
Parris ‘73* +
Sue & Kurt Patberg +
Robert & Mary Patrick
Greg & Jennifer Peay
Greg & Patty Pharo +
Dr. Eugene B. Phillips & Cynthia
(Grandparents of Tyler, Dallas & Lexi
Mrs. Marietta Pompilio (Grandmother
of Lauren & Ryan Pompilio)
Brian & Denise Procida
Ramesh & Usha Ramakrishnan
Nicholas & Kelli Raviele
Niki Reed*
Gerald Reichling ‘71 & Patricia
Nancy & Todd Rewis
Lisa* & Al Rhodes +
Jesus and Loredana Rivera
Wilma López & Eric Rivera
Gabriella Rork ‘13 & Kirstin De
Guzman ’82
Mr. & Mrs. William Sande
Holli Semetko
Michael & Kathy Shea
The Smith-Wysong Family
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Temme
The Thompson Family +
The Trainor Family
Bryant Trane & Julia Tran
Khanh & Hanh Tran
Antonio & Gloria Villegas
Mike & Gloria Vaughn +
Vince & Melissa Walker
Angela Walsh*
Alyson & Jason Watson & Family
Terry Welch ’85 & Nikki Welch
Daiana Weiss
Darrell & Karla Wenhardt (Grandparents of
Casey Watson)
Glenn & Karen West
Shelly & Larry White +
George & Amy Williams
The Williams Family
Akalnesh & Endashaw Worku +
Chris Wright & Monica Gilsdorf Wright ‘85
Dr. & Mrs. James Zaidan (Grandparents of
Addison Timmermann)
Friends of IHM (Up to $99)
Amy & Marco Alarcon
Marion & Eileen Anandappa
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Andignac (Grandparents
of Gracie & Bennett Andignac)
Luis & Natalie* Aponte +
Bernie & Charlene Auer (Grandparents of
Aidan & Eric Schwartz)
Paul Bell ’79 & Christi Bell
Nancy J. Bittner*
David, Kim & Angela Breland
C. J. & Tracey Buot +
Gina Burke* +
Jack & Kristina* Burnett
Sonny & Meredith Calo +
Ralph & Ofelia Caraballo +
Lilly & Nathan Cargile
Kristi Knipper Carson ’81 +
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Conlon* +
Zion & Elena Cordeiro +
Paul Cordone & Tracy Martin Cordone ’81 +
The Cooper Family
Paul Dantonio & Milagros Tapia
David & Elvira DeLurgio +
Michael Demarest*
Patricia & Richard Filson (Grandparents of
Rachel, Katherine & Charlotte Hally)
Cheryl Fletcher + (Grandmother of Ridley,
Julian & Mary Rose Moran)
Gary & Gloria Frederick +
Carol Garrett (Grandmother of Emma &
Maggie Garrett)
Tom & Onnalee Gomez +
David A. & Jane Connelly Goodwin +
George & Carol Gornowicz +
Wifredo & Anna Gonzalez +
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Graebner
Ivan Gutierrez
Elizabeth* & Harry Hager +
Mr. Yohannes Hamido & Mrs. Misrak
Hamido +
Mr. & Mrs. William Harrington
(Grandparents of Molly & Charlie Palumbo)
Master Eric Hayes
Jeff & Katharine Heika
Dustin & Jennifer Heizer
Joseph & Deborah Henderson
Auldyn Hirschey
2012-2013 Annual Report
2011-12 Annual Fund Honor Roll (cont.)
Graham & Jennifer Hogan
Gordon & Sharon Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Scott H. Jennings
Angela L. Jones
Jeff & MJ Kinzey +
Julie Klare
Kelly Krause
Gary & Annette Lowe
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Mancilla
Troy & Julie Mann
John & Stephanie Massey
Melissa Mecadon*
Mary Tena & Leon Melissas
Mark & Colly Mitchell +
Miceli Mondragon
Mark Moon* & Teresa Norrell Moon ‘78*+
The Moran Family
(Kathryn Fletcher Moran, ‘90)
Hung Nguyen
Justin & Rachael Pipon
Maria Pons (Grandmother of Lizie &
Marisol Zayas)
Rachel, Layne & James Preau
Prietula Family +
John & Barbara Provenzano
Kathleen Pyrce*
Dalia Quintanilla
Felix & Kristin Rioja
Rosa Ramos +
Karin Robinson +
Michelle & Robert Rivers
Andrew & Gail* Rodgers +
Ileana Romero* +
Sanchez-Torres Family
Monsignor James A. Schillinger*
The Schubert Family
Nancy* & Terry Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Pete Skiouris +
Catherine & Jonathan Smiley
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Standard
The Sudge Family +
Khanh & Hanh Tran
Vincent & Le Tran +
Alicia Trelles-Duckett +
John & Roberta Ujda (Grandparents
of Moira & Brennan Ujda)
Craig & Haydee* Vader +
Michelle Valdez ‘02
Grace Vicchiolla (Grandmother of Erik
Mrs. Jane Walker (Grandmother of
David Camick)
The Walter Family
Hugh White & Martha Zimmer White ‘90
Dr. & Mrs. D.E.M. Williams
Dr. & Mrs. Rodger Williams
(Grandparents of Isabella Rewis)
The Wroe Family
Jean York
Bridget Zicarelli* +
Richard Zimmerman & Corina Lee +
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Zolkowski
Matching Gift Companies
Bank of America
BCD Travel
The Coca-Cola Company
Coca-Cola Refreshments
The Home Depot
Oracle Foundation
SunTrust Foundation
Turner Broadcasting
Wells Fargo
In Memory of:
In Memory of Ernest David Dogens
Mrs. Susan L. Dogens
In Memory of Tony Durham
Ruth* & Brad Patch +
In Memory of Joan Hodgsen
In Memory of Wanda Joyce Warren
Mr. & Mrs. William Harrington
In Memory of Margaret Lampar
Anita & Dan Lentine-Brown
In Memory of Katherine Récaborde
Ruth* & Brad Patch +
In Memory of James R. Walker, Sr.
Mrs. Jane Walker
8th Grade Annual Fund
Tribute Gifts
Established in 2012, tribute gifts allow parents
of 8th grade students to honor their children
and their time at IHM.
Megan Anandappa ‘13
Honored by Marion & Eileen Anandappa
Sydney Ankenbrandt ‘13
Honored by David & Kerry Ankenbrandt +
James Basham ‘13
Honored by Jim & Terry Basham +
Dana Belville ‘13
Honored by John & Cathy Belville
Caroline Benoit ‘13
Honored by David Benoit & Pilar Diaz
Robert Benoit ‘13
Honored by David Benoit & Pilar Diaz
Immaculate Heart of Mary School
Kyle Brennan ‘13
Honored by Tom Brennan +
Erica Browne, ‘13
Honored by Veronica & Eric Browne +
Mercer Buechner ‘13
Honored by Chris & Jill Buechner
Mark Buis, ‘13
Honored by Mr. & Mrs. R.K. Buis (Fran
McClellan Buis ’79)
Sophie Burnett ‘13
Honored by Jack & Kristina Burnett
Isabelle Caraballo ‘13
Honored by Ralph & Ofelia Caraballo +
Ben Carson ‘13
Honored by Kristi Knipper Carson ’81 +
Alex Cauthen ‘13
Honored by Craig & Lisa Cauthen
Chaya Cauthen ‘13
Honored by Craig & Lisa Cauthen
Miriam Cherribi ‘13
Honored by Holli Semetko
Megan Cordone, ‘13
Honored by Paul Cordone & Tracy
Martin Cordone ’81 +
Caroline Cross ‘13
Honored by John & Karen Cross
Taylor Delk ‘13
Honored by Margie Delk
Melat Endashaw ‘13
Honored by Akalnesh & Endashaw
Worku +
Katie Ferri ‘13
Honored by Al & Bonnie Ferri
Zachary Frederick ‘13
Honored by Gary & Gloria Frederick +
Linda Gomez ‘13
Honored by Tom & Onnalee Gomez +
Nicholas Gonzalez ‘13
Honored by Wifredo & Anna Gonzalez +
Emily Gornowicz ‘13
Honored by Carol & George Gornowicz +
Marie Grace ‘13
Honored by Martin & Kelly Grace +
Ali Grijak ‘13
Honored by Dr. Yanire Nieves
Sabrina Guyton ‘13
Honored by James & Lupe Guyton +
Richard Guyton ‘13
Honored by James & Lupe Guyton +
Rachel Hally ’13
Honored by Patrick & Ashleigh Hally
Andrew Harris ‘13
Honored by Theresa & Terry Harris +
Jacob Hedenquist ‘13
Honored by Patti & Steve Hedenquist
Brian Houghton ‘13
Honored by Mr. & Mrs. Houghton +
Thomas Houghton ‘13
Honored by Mr. & Mrs. Houghton +
Ana Lavandero ‘13
Honored by the Lavandero Family
Alex L’Hernault ‘13
Honored by Steve & Nancy L’Hernault
Munro Lortie ‘13
Honored by Mike & Kathleen Lortie
Jonathan Masty ‘13
Honored by Tim & Terry Masty
Claire Mitchell ‘13
Honored by Mark & Colly Mitchell +
Sean Mootrey ‘13
Honored by Jim & Gina Mootrey
Maya Muhanna ‘13
Honored by Hala & Shaheer Muhanna +
Thomas Pardue ‘13
Honored by Machelle & Jeff Pardue
Tye Patberg ‘13
Honored by Sue & Kurt Patberg +
Maudie Patton ‘13
Honored by The Patton Family
Hannah Postma ‘13
Honored by Jamie Postma & Karla
Zanders Postma ‘82
Mari Raj ‘13
Honored by Magdalena Raj
Paul Reichling ‘13
Honored by Gerald Reichling ’71 &
Patricia Reichling*
Myles Reynolds ‘13
Honored by Holley Reynolds
Gabriella Rork ‘13
Honored by Kirstin De Guzman ‘82
Savannah Sampson ‘13
Honored by Neil & Bobbie Sampson
Rachel Scott ‘13
Honored by John & Toni Scott
Caitlin Shea ‘13
Honored by Mike & Kathy Shea
Victor Sorescu ‘13
Honored by Daiana Weiss
Marline Syribeys, ‘13
Honored by Paul & Beth Syribeys
Grey Thompson ’13
Honored by The Thompson Family +
Kathleen Trainor ‘13
Honored by Chris & Laura Trainor
Angelina Tran ‘13
Honored by Vincent & Le Tran
Sofia Villegas ‘13
Honored by Jose Villegas & Juliana
Lakin Wright ‘13
Honored by Chris Wright & Monica
Gilsdorf Wright ‘85
Every single person in this school
cares about our children and our
children see it and believe it.
Giving Opportunities
As a diverse, Catholic Christian community,
Immaculate Heart of Mary School models Gospel
values while striving to achieve excellence, in
order to develop positive, productive Christians
serving society.
IHM School has dual accreditation from the
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
(SACS) and the Southern Association of
Independent Schools (SAIS).
National Blue Ribbon School
of Excellence
2855 Briarcliff Road NE
Atlanta GA 30329
Gifts to Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic School provide the
essential means to carry out our mission and to continually
expand and strengthen the quality of services we provide to our
children, families, faculty and staff. They also provide a taxdeductible contribution for the donor.
Contributing to the Annual Fund
Unrestricted gifts to the Annual Fund are critical to meeting the
school’s most immediate needs, while providing a tax benefit to
the donor.
Contributing to the IHM School Endowment Fund
The Endowment Fund enables IHM School to secure a strong
future as we face the challenges of continuing to provide an
excellent and affordable Catholic education to students. A
gift to the endowment will have an everlasting impact on our
school as only the interest income is used, leaving the corpus
intact to continue to grow our future. The primary goals are to
provide need-based scholarships, financial aid, and resources
for continuing education programs and advanced degrees for
Providing Tuition Assistance and Scholarships
Members of our community are encouraged to donate to
GRACE Scholars, Tuition Assistance Fund, Edward Barnsley ’86
Memorial Scholarship Fund, and the Memorial Scholarship Fund.
Each of these funds provides a means for helping families with
financial need pay their tuition.
The Immaculate Heart Society
The Immaculate Heart Society recognizes benefactors who
remember IHM School in their wills and estate plans by making
a specific bequest to the school.
Heart of Mary
Catholic School
Faith • Knowledge • Service • Integrity