the wesley perspective - Wesley United Methodist Church
the wesley perspective - Wesley United Methodist Church
THE WESLEY PERSPECTIVE Volume 16, No 11 Wesley United Methodist Church Pastor: Rev. Dr. Joe Connelly 544 Government Street Baton Rouge, LA. 70802 Phone: (225) 343-8421 November 1, 2015 Associate Pastor: Rev. Bernadine Johnson Newsletter Editors: Anita H. Hansberry, Bridget McGee, Jacquelyn Watt s and Carolyn Branch “Wesley, a Church in the Heart of the City, with the City at Heart” changed. They overtook their challenge and had become victorious. They realized, God was on their side and nothing they attempted was too much for them. Well, guess what.....the same is true for us. Nothing is too big for us to overcome. In the early 1920’s the New York Yankee’s new baseball stadium opened and was known as the house that Ruth built. There is nothing special about the stadium, but the conversation between the owner and the players was a catalyst for something spectacular. Rupert was the owner, and he told the public that the Yankees would win the Pennant. Then one of the persons in attendance stood up and said, how can you say that when you have not even played one game yet? He said: We must Embrace the Challenge and Refuse to Fail. WESLEY, I believe this is our call as we prepare for 2016 and beyond. You must refuse to let people tell you we can’t. We must endeavor to live out the dreams that are within us, we must tell our enemies to get thee behind. We must Embrace the Challenge: And Refuse to Fail. The outcome of the journey of the Canaanites is an example of embracing the challenge…the fear which the Canaanites were put into by their miraculous crossing over the Jordan. The news of it was soon dispersed all the country over, not only as a prodigy in itself, but as an alarm to all the kings and kingdoms of Canaan. As they approach, one post runs to meet another and one messenger to meet another, to carry the amazing news to every corner of their land. We are told what impression this made upon the kings of this land: Their hearts melted like wax before fire, neither was there spirit in them anymore. What was once their plight was now no more. Before the people were afraid or just too comfortable to move forward, but now all that Church, TOGETHER, we must walk into the promises of God…..He has already told us over and over again that we are a chosen generation, we are special, we are heirs to the kingdom….let’s go get what is ours. Let’s take the city by storm…Embrace the Challenge and Refuse to Fail. Blessings, Pastor Joe Sunday, November 1, 2015 Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost All Saint’s Day & Holy Communion “All are welcome at the Lord’s Table” SAFETY REMINDER: Young children (under the age of 12) leaving the Sanctuary during worship services to visit restrooms, water fountain, the nursery, narthex or any part of the building should be accompanied by a parent or another responsible adult. Thank you for your cooperation. Welcome Visitors & Friends Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors ~ Welcome to Wesley United Methodist Church... May the peace and Spirit of the Lord inspire you to answer the call to Christian discipleship in 2015. PRONOUNCEMENTS Reminders!! Please visit us on the Internet: Our web address is: The office e-mail address is: [email protected] Twitter: @wesleyumcbr Facebook: The Church van is available if you need a ride to Sunday School and Worship; please call the church office at 225-343-8421 by Thursday of each week to put your name on the list. All vouchers, receipts, reimbursements, etc. must be submitted to the Finance Committee by Wednesday of each week. Announcements to be made during Sunday Worship Service should be received in the church office by Thursday at noon. If you have moved recently/changed your telephone number or email address or if you or a member of your family are ill or hospitalized, etc. please notify the church office by phone or email. All meetings, rehearsals, trainings and class studies must be scheduled through the church office to avoid conflicts. If you are in church with your smartphone, you are invited to tweet or post on Facebook your church attendance. THE LOUISIANA NOW, currently a quarterly magazine that highlights opportunities, witness and the various ministries for the Louisiana Annual Conference is now available online at On the conference homepage, there is a link to subscribe to the weekly Louisiana Now E-Letter To access United Methodist Men, United Methodist Women, or Youth Ministries, go to the main page of the LA Conference. Click on Ministries, and then click on Laity. Note: there is a link to access the new websites for United Methodist Women [] and United Methodist Men []. Other web resources: (Mission) (Scholarships) (Discipleship) (News) November 1 Michael Rogers, Jr. 8 Roman Ruffin 15 Donovan Allen 22 Tanya Mencer 29 The Church Office must be notified of ALL Meetings to be held at the church to avoid schedule conflicts. Cards will be sent out one week prior to the meeting date, if the office knows of the meeting and the persons who are to attend. 2 November 29 Lesson Title: Teaching God’s Word ~ Scripture: Acts 18:1-11, 1821 Sunday school is for life. Discover the spiritual enrichment and joy that learning can bring. During the fall quarter reflect on your priorities, what God requires of us and with an attitude of gratefulness celebrate the “Pledge of God’s Presence” the Gift of God’s Love; make Sunday school attendance a priority! Pray for discernment to answer God’s call for your life. Classes are available for all ages. After careful review and evaluation of the Wesley Perspective publication format, the editors are recommending that the monthly newsletter be published on a quarterly basis beginning in 2016 with monthly updates and special issues as needed. Current news for example “This Week at Wesley” will be provided on the weekly bulletin, website, and Facebook. Your input and/or feedback regarding this recommendation are appreciated. The fall session of the midday Bible Study meets on Wednesdays, at 11:00 am. The current study is exploring the Acts of the Apostles. Come and join us in the Blue Room as we open the word of God together and gain insights for living out our Christian life together. Our midday Bible Study is a time of fellowship, fun and learning - growing through the sharing and understanding of God's word. Contact Bernie for more information. Sunday School theme for the 2015 Fall Quarter: “The Christian Community Comes Alive” Unit 3 Title: Spreading the Gospel November 1 Lesson Title: God Rescues Peter ~ Scripture: Acts 12:1-11 Disciple Fast Track Bible Study for busy lives is targeted for this fall at Wesley. The classes will be held in the Blue Room; on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 pm to 7:15 p.m. Pastor Bernie will serve as study leader. November 8 Lesson Title: God Makes No Distinction ~ Scripture: Acts 15:1-12 November 15 Lesson Title: From Derbe to Philippi ~ Scripture: Acts 16:1-5, 8-15 November 22 Lesson Title: Thessalonica, Beroea, and Athens Faithfulness ~ Scripture: Acts 17:1-4, 1012, 22-25, 28 3 New Season for Mission You are invited to the Baton Rouge District UMW Annual meeting on Saturday, November 7, 2015 at the Ingleside UMC, 4264 Capital Heights Avenue; Baton Rouge, phone 344-9100, Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. followed by the program at 9:00. During this session, Baton Rouge District UMW units will be recognized for completing mission studies, Mission Today evaluations and reading books. Because the “Festival of Tables” is scheduled for the third Saturday, Wesley’s unit will have a brief call meeting after the worship service on Sunday, November 8th to collect our “World Thank Offering”. MINISTRY OF WESLEY OUTREACH Wesley will serve the noon meal at the Holy Grill Wesley members will be the servers for the noon meal November 2-5, 2015 at the Holy Grill which is located at the Cadillac Street BREC center. This outreach effort is sponsored by the Interfaith Federation. All volunteers are welcome. For more information see Mrs. Evelyn Baker or contact the church office. On Sunday, October 18th, the unit celebrated Children’s Sabbath by participating in Children’s Church. The lesson title: God Made the Seasons (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2) we studied how God made the seasons [fall, winter, spring and summer] and how things grow from seeds that are planted for the food we eat. As a home activity each child was given a plant to take home, plant and watch it grow with their parents’ assistance. As a special treat, Mrs. Faye Barnes sang “I am a child” by the late Dr. Valerian Smith. Sunday, November 8, 2015 4 OUR CHURCH FAMILY Nov. 5th Nov. 7th Nov. 8th Nov. 10th Nov. 11th Nov. 12th Remember the following persons in your thoughts and prayers Nov. 13th Nov. 14th Marleen Alexander (Care Facility) Elouise Bailey (Care Facility) Catherine Dawson Kendra Ennis Sherwood Gaines (Care Facility) Virginia Gaines (Care Facility) Lillian Hill Gregory Jones (son of Clarence Jones) Calvin Jordan (son-in-law of Wilhelmenia Woods) Evelyn Johnson (sister of Barbara Silas -Chinn) Marion D. Hansberry & Janice Hansberry (sisters/sisters-in-law of Charles & Anita Hansberry) Eric Mitchell (brother of Melvin Mitchell) Patricia Smith (sister of Doris Dickerson) Yvette Smith (daughter of Ava & Ron Smith) Anissa Williams & Family Mack Willis (Care Facility) Nov. 15th Nov. 16th Nov. 19th Nov. 21st Nov. 22nd Nov. 26th Nov. 28th Moment of Hope Strength and Courage Nov. 28th Nov. 30th Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Mrs. Barbara Woods shared with the congregation a recent journey dealing with breast cancer that required Hope, Strength and Courage. She encouraged the importance of getting regular physical exams and doing self-breast exams. In closing she gave thanks for all of the thoughts, acts of kindness and prayers… and ended with “You pray for me and I will pray for you.” 5 1st 1st 3rd 3rd 5th 8th 8th 11th 15th 17th 18th 22nd 24th 30th Mrs. Leola Mitchell Walter Weiss, Jr. Willie Lewis Celestine Davis Leo Washington Chloe Higginbotham Tyquincia Hobbs Christen Beal Bertha Morgan Neisha Hill Byron Pitcher Meghan Beal Chenese Lewis Alfreda Jackson Donna P. Washington Brenita Pelichet Robin Bettis James W. Smith, Jr. Gwendolyn M. Livious Brandon Hansberry Sr. Gwynn Shamlin II Rev. Bernadine Johnson Patricia M. Stewart Kamira Hill Patrice Walker Shyrone Wells Kyle Hill Davante Jones Anissa Williams Camron Bettis Sancerie O. Allen Katrina Davis Mrs. Vivian Matthews Mrs. Marvee Stemley Mrs. Alice Grinner Mrs. Doris D.Gordon Mrs. Emma C. Shamlin Mr. Don Gaines, Sr. Mrs. Evelyn Archibald Ms. Mary Jean Johnson Mr. Edward Smith Mrs. Sylvia Harris Mrs. Naomi S. David Mrs. Mary H. Samuel Mr. Porter Stemley Mr. Marcus Barnes Wesley 2016 Church Directory Update!! Photo packets have arrived here at Wesley for members only selecting pictures to appear in 2016 Church Directory and to receive an 8 x 10 portrait. Photo packets are available and may be picked up immediately after today’s service. Additional photography dates are scheduled December 11th - 2:30 PM to 8:30 PM December 12th - 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Members may once again sign up: After Sunday Worship Service 11/1 – 11/22 and 12/6 Online Registration on Wesley’s website or Directions for Wesley Online Photography Registration 1. Search and located Wesley’s web address ( or using your internet browser. 2. Select Wesley’s Photo Online Registration button – located in the left section of Wesley’s home page which will take you to Lifetouch’s Welcome/Home page ( ). 3. To schedule your portrait session, follow these steps. Step 1: Select Number in Group. Using the drop down to the left, select the number in your group (larger families may require more time). Step 2: Select Day. A calendar will now display. Select the month and day for your photography session. (If multiple months are available, an arrow next to the month will be displayed. Click on arrow to advance to the next month.) Step 3: Select Time. A list of available times will be displayed. Click the center of the white box next to the desired time. You will then be prompted to register for your portrait session by setting up a New User Account. 4. Step 4: Set up a New User Account to finalize your portrait session. 5. Please enter information requested (required fields are in bold) (First name, Last Name, Phone number, Permission check box, e-mail, Login Name, Password, Retype password). Note: Use the login name and password you created to make changes to your portrait session and receive an appointment reminder. Make sure you select a login name and password that you will remember because only you will have this information. If you need assistance call the Church Office (225-343-8421 or email us ([email protected]) Select Finalize Portrait Session. Congratulations!!! You have scheduled your portrait session 6 Festival of Tables 2015 On Saturday, November 21, 2015 at 12:00 noon, Wesley will again host the Festival of Tables at First United Methodist Church. Table setup time is from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. For further event information (e.g. financial, table commitments, lunch or silent auction contributions for the event) please contact Angela Tucker at 225-954-7081. Please note a $10 minimum contribution is requested in support of the Scouting and Prison Outreach. COME, SHARE AND ENJOY!! Snap shots from 2014 Happy Thanksgiving Prayer Lord, with humble hearts we pray, Thy blessing this Thanksgiving Day. And ask that at the table place, Where grateful folks say words of grace. That Thou will come to share the yield, Thy bounty gave to farm and field. We pray thy love will bless, O Lord, Each heart, each home, each festive board And that Thy peace will come to stay Where candles glow this Thanksgiving Day. Amen. 7 NOVEMBER 2015 Sunday 1 (White) All Saints Sunday Holy Communion Birthday Sunday 8:30 am Sun. School 10:00 am Worship Monday 2 6:00 pm Cub & Boy Scout Mtg. Holy Grill Tuesday 3 6:00 pm Disciple Bible Study 6:30 pm Trustee Board Mtg Holy Grill Wednesday 4 11:00 am Bible Study Thursday 5 5:30 p.m. Male Chorus 6:30 pm Inspirations Reh. 6:00 pm We Shall Overcome Holy Grill Daylight Savings Ends 8 (Green) Veterans Day 8:30 am Sun. School 10:00 am Worship Friday 6 Holy Grill Saturday 7 8:30 am UMM Mtg. 1:30 p m Girl Scout Mtg. UMW Baton Rouge District Annual Meeting at Ingleside UMC 8:30 am Registration 14 9 10 6:00 pm Disciple Bible Study 11 11:00 am Bible Study 6:00 pm Worship Mtg. 12 6:00 pm Inspirations Reh. 6:45 p.m. New Vision Reh. 13 6:00 pm We Shall Overcome 15 (Green) 8:30 am Sun. School 10:00 am Worship 16 6:00 pm Cub & Boy Scout Mtg. 17 6:00 pm Disciple Bible Study 18 11:00 am Bible Study 19 6:45 pm New Vision 20 6:00 pm We Shall Overcome 21 8:30 am UMM 12:00 pm Festival of Tables (FUMC) 21 (Green) Um Student Sunday 8:30 am Sun. School 10:00 am Worship 23 24 6:00 pm Disciple Bible Study 25 11:00 am Bible Study 26 27 6:00 pm We Shall Overcome Office Closed 28 29 (Green) 1st Sunday in Advent 8:30 am Sun. School 10:00 am Worship 30 UMW brief call meeting after Worship Thanksgiving Office Closed
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