2012 Annual Report - The Healing Place


2012 Annual Report - The Healing Place
2012 Annual Report
Executive Team
Jay Davidson
Karyn Hascal
Jay Graham
VP Development & Communications
Board of Directors
Dan Caudill, Chair
Scott Colosi, Treasurer
M. Deane Stewart, Secretary
Mary Therese K. Dinga, Chair Elect
David Bizot, MD
James E. Buchart
Nancy Bush
Rolandus Byrd
Divya Cantor, MD
Mike Connelly
Larry Droege
Alan S. Engel
Heather Harmon, MD
Jackie Hays
Joseph C. Hensley
Jan Karzen
Bill Laise
Marcia Lewis, CPA
Timothy Martin
Jennie Meador
Artie Meyer
John Morse
LaQuandra Nesbitt, MD
Elizabeth Pace
Steve Pence
Billy Reed
K. Thomas Reichard, MD
Richmond Simpson
Daniel Swintosky
Boswell Tabler, MD
Tony White
Debra Walton
Lelan Woodmansee
The Healing Place is
“Where Hope is Found”!
These are exciting times for The Healing Place. The future is
full of opportunities to reach more men and women afflicted
with addiction, to give them a recovery environment, and
restore their lives. To the families of addicts and the addicts
themselves there is Hope that sobriety is possible, there is Help to get
on the path of recovery and there is Healing to continue to grow and
enjoy the promises of a spiritual and sober life. The Healing Place is
“Where Hope is Found”!
Saving lives takes a dedicated Staff, an outstanding Board of Directors,
and a whole community of passionate and dedicated supporters. The
Healing Place is blessed with all of these supporters and together The
Healing Place will provide the opportunity for more alcoholics and
addicts to achieve sobriety. In my experience the best way to win the
war on alcohol and drugs is to eliminate the DEMAND. The Healing
Place strives to help eliminate the demand. “There is Hope”!
Special Thanks to Nick Simon, CEO,
Publishers Printing Company, Inc, for
generously printing this Annual Report
at cost as a gift to The Healing Place.
Photography courtesy of Linda Doane,
Doane Photography. For questions about the
Annual Report, contact: Marla Highbaugh, Dir.
of Communications, (502) 357-1983 or
[email protected].
Cover: Dr. George Quill, along with his staff and daughters
coordinated the Soles for Souls shoe distribution at The Healing
Place over Thanksgiving. Last year the program provided over
100 pairs of shoes for men and women staying in our shelter or
in the early part of our program.. Thank you to Dr. Quill and his
team as well as the Red Wing Shoe Company!
Looking Ahead
Moving Forward
We are very excited about the
prospects for the coming year as
we continue to strive to be the
best recovery program in the
country! Each day, we serve 600
men and women who suffer from
the disease of addiction. We
are working to address issues
of over-crowding and a high
demand for services. Our wish is
to be able to provide services on
demand and reduce the waiting
lists for our programs. This,
along with our goal to reduce all
barriers to individuals accessing
addiction recovery programs, is
our daily focus.
Over the coming months, we
will continue to nurture our
relationships with our public
partners, expand our Healing
Place community to include
families, friends and others who
support our efforts and increase
our visibility in the community.
With your help, we can continue
to educate the community about
the disease of addiction and
reduce stigma for those returning
to the community to live sober,
productive lives.
The past year was a year of
transition for The Healing Place.
Our founder, Jay Davidson,
transitioned from President and
CEO to the role of Chairman
of the organization. Jay will
continue to be the face of
the agency and will focus on
fundraising. I have transitioned
into the position of President
and will manage on the day to
day operations of The Healing
Place. This is the first change in
leadership since the development
of The Healing Place nearly 25
years ago.
This was also a year of transition
for the face of our clients. In the
past, most clients were addicted
to alcohol and other drugs. In
the past two years, there has been
a dramatic shift in the clients
that we are serving. Our fastest
growing group of clients is young
people 18-25 years old who are
addicted to heroin. While our
program structure continues to
be successful, we are working to
address the needs of the younger
clients. With this change comes
a greater need for continuing
care services including housing,
job placement and continuing
education for our clients.
It is our hope that you will
continue to partner with us as we
focus on our lifesaving mission
to reach, recover, and restore.
In the past two years, there has
been a dramatic shift in the
clients that we are serving. Our
fastest growing group of clients
is young people 18-25 years old
who are addicted to heroin.
Special Events
Celebrate Freedom Dinner
The annual event highlights the men and women
who are working every day to live a sober life, those
that help them on the journey, and those that partner
with The Healing Place to make it happen.
What a night to remember!
The generosity of the
crowd was overwhelming as the event
raised over $100,000 for The Healing
Place through the live and sponsorship
auction. The event featured emcee
Jackie Hays and auctioneer Kevin
Harned from WAVE3 TV, as well as 22
peer mentors sharing in the Collage of
Voices, and remarks by Pat O’Brien.
Congratulations to Scott Colosi, Texas
Roadhouse for being named the “Hope Has a Name” recipient
for 2013. This award is given to an individual who makes a
personal effort to further the mission of The Healing Place
in new and creative ways. Congratulations to Rob Samuels,
Maker’s Mark, who received the Celebrate Freedom Award
given to individuals or businesses who have a long-standing
relationship with The Healing Place.
Special thanks to our auction committee: Frank Buster,
Andrea Caudill, Pris Chandler, Alan Engel, Pat Fogarty,
Jackie Hays, Lauren Hensley, Bill Laise, and Jan Karzen.
WAVE 3 Meterologist
Kevin Harned and
Jackie Hays Made the
live auction the most
successful ever!
We would also like to express our appreciation to the auction
donors: RH Clarkson Insurance Agency, Texas Roadhouse,
Bollinger Family, Anthony and Casey Foyt, The King Family,
Norton Healthcare, and The Bevin Family, Moore Jewelry,
Bluegrass Autosports, as well as local hotels/restaurants: Lilly’s,
Proof/21C, Buckhead’s, Rocky’s, Marriott Downtown, Marriott
East/Charr’d, and Galt House/Rivue.
Mark you calendar now for 2014:
Feb. 28 at the Marriott East Guest Speaker: Derek Anderson
If you want to see the videos from the event, visit YouTube.com and search for:
The Healing Place 2013 Celebrate Freedom Video and 2013 Celebrate Freedom Dinner - Too Legit!
Upcoming Events
Churchil Downs Lifestyle Program
At the 2013 Celebrate
Freedom Dinner,
Scott Colosi and Texas
Roadhouse received the
Hope Has A Name Award
and Bill Samuels III
received the Celebrate
Freedom Award.
Both recipients champion
the mission and vision of
The Healing Place in the
community through their
individual commitment
and business partnerships.
Sarah Stivers Benefit Concert
Thanks to the Robert J. Stallings Foundation, the Lifestyle
Program will be remaining at Churchill Downs. The
Lifestyle Program began in 1988 and offers a recovery
program to trainers, assistant trainers, exercise riders,
grooms, jockeys, hot walkers, Churchill employees,
blacksmiths, veterinarians, assistant starters, and owners.
Over the years, many
men and women and
their families have
used the Lifestyle
Program to support
their recovery and
support services from
The Healing Place.
Linda Doane has overseen the program for 15 years as a track
liaison and counselor. Everyone who has asked for help
from The Lifestyle Program has received what was able to be
provided. Perhaps more important, to trainers and others on
the backside of Churchill Downs, is the knowledge that help is
there when they need it. The parade of race trackers through
the office each morning is ample evidence that, in the years of
its existence, the backside has come to think of the Lifestyle
Program as one of its own.
“Bring The Love” Benefit Concert
Featuring Sarah Stivers
October 4, 2013
Kentucky Country Day Fine Arts Center
Reception: 6:30 pm • Concert: 7:30 pm
Tickets: $50
Purchase Tickets Online at http://www.kcd.org/theater
Singer, bandleader and producer Sarah Stivers is a musical chameleon
whose repertoire includes melodies from Mozart to Maroon Five.
She is an accomplished performer who has been the featured weekly
entertainment at French Lick Resort and West Baden Hotel since
2008. After performing several successful cabarets for local nonprofit organizations, Sarah decided it was time to produce her own
event and donate the proceeds to The Healing Place.
Sarah Stivers Productions will present “Bring the Love”
– a 70s Rock and Jazz Cabaret. This show will highlight
the themes of Hope, Love, Recovery and Self-reflection.
Bring the Love will be a cross between a concert and a
sing-a-long, so come prepared to sing!
Join us for this fun and soulful evening...
The Campbellsville Campus planted a ½ acre garden this year thanks to
the generosity of the local community and Caudill Seed Company. The
garden produced enough yield to feed all clients (100) for one meal a
day and any excess was donated to the local community. Next year the
campus plans to plant a full acre garden to help more of those in need in
the community.
Special thanks to Caulk Hardware, B&B Landscaping, Leon Burton,
Campbellsville/Taylor County Anti-Drug Coalition, William Beams,
Harold and Cathy Williams, Larry Smith, The DAWG, Caudill Seed
Company, and Smart Styles and Shaggy’s. If you are in the Campbellsville
area, stop by for a visit. The campus is located at 105 Hiestand Farm
Campbellsville Update
Over the past year, The Healing Place of Campbellsville has had 110 clients successfully
complete the program, many who stay in contact and come back to teach classes. The staff and clients have developed
several opportunities to serve in their community from putting together a softball team, developing strong partnerships
with both the Campbellsville/Taylor County Anti-Drug Coalition and the South Central Chapter of PAR (People
Advocating Recovery), and working with local high schools for a project called “Truth of Consequences” where clients
walk students through all stages of someone involved in a drug/alcohol charge from usage to the interaction with the
judicial system.
In addition to serving as mentors to those in the high school, clients also work with the local Drug Court program.
Clients teach classes on addiction/recovery and share their personal experiences and struggles with addiction. They have
also been asked to teach The Healing Place’s philosophy on the peer driven recovery model and adiction treatment to
students at Campbellsville University undergraduate and graduate departments.
The Campbellsville campus hosted a local town hall meeting, which was open to the public, to address the heroin
epidemic. There were many community members in attendance and the campus is now working on holding a symposium in
November to address similar issues and educate the public on Naloxone.
Top Left Clockwise: 1) Thank you to a team from Humana for building
a much needed privacy fence on the men’s campus 2) It was The Healing
Place Night at the Bats and lots of fun for those who attended 3) WKRD
Afternoon Underdogs hosted their show from the men’s campus. Jay
Davidson had a great time hanging out with Tony Vanetti and Dave
Jennings 4) A large donation arrived at the women’s campus from the
Carriage House 5) Erin Wheeler accepts a gift at a donation from The
Women’s Club of Louisville 6) Selena Coomer assembled a group of
women to help clean up the neighborhood for the Mayor’s Day of Service.
The Kentucky Substance Abuse Treatment Outcome Study (KTOS), conducted by the University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Center on Drug and Alcohol
Research regarding Behaviorial Health Outcomes, focuses on individuals who participate in recovery programs in Kentucky as well as the cost savings to
communities due to recovery center services. To read the extensive study, visit http://cdar.uky.edu/bho/
75.1 %
84.1 %
still sober after 1 year of completion
return on investment for each $1 spent
maintain a stable living situation
decrease in arrests & judicial involvement
Development News
Your Involvement Saves Lives
Last year we announced the transition
of leadership at The Healing Place
and made you aware of our ambitious
financial goals for the coming months.
Healing Place and become productive members of our
community. Because we offer all of our services at no
cost to our men and women, our need for financial
support is continuous.
We are proud to announce that we have
completed this period of transition
with Karyn Hascal assuming the role
of President as Jay Davidson became
our chairman and that we have
received the final funding needed for
the women and children’s campus. We
were also able to balance the budget for
2012 and we are very close to reaching
our $1,000,000 fundraising goal for
continued growth and expansion.
We need you to partner with us and invest in the future
of our clients and our city. Because we exist, we save
you, the taxpayer, millions of dollars each and every
year in medical, judicial and prison costs.
During a recent strategic planning
meeting, our board identified some
lofty goals which will allow us to reach
a much larger population of those
suffering from addiction.
As you know, the support our city
is able to provide us has decreased
in recent years while the need for
The Healing Place to expand has
increased. Our goal is to provide a
place of recovery and hope for those
who need it, when they need it.
We cannot accomplish this goal
without your help. We at THP have
the highest recovery rate in the
nation. This means that the clients
who complete our program leave The
Your tax deductible donations provide this recovery
and hope to thousands of people each year. There are
four very important things you can do to partner with
The Healing Place and impact more men and women
in our community:
1. Make a tax deductible donation to The Healing Place with the envelope provided in this
publication or online at www.thehealingplace.org.
2. Come visit our facilities and witness the life-saving changes that take place here every
day. Call 502.585.4848 ext. 238 or email us at www.thehealingplace.org/contact.
3. Take advantage of our Speakers Bureau. Invite us to speak at your community, civic, or
religious group. We also have programs for school health classes or human resource
training sessions for businesses.
4. Join our monthly email newsletter list by sending an email to events@thehealingplace.
org. Join our new THP News Text Program to stay in touch with The Healing Place on
your cell phone, text HEAL to 96714 to join the program. Only 2-4 messages per month.
Standard messaging rates apply. You can opt out at any time.
Thank you in advance for your support of this worthwhile cause. Your investment
saves lives!
Jay Graham, Vice President Development & Communications
[email protected]
(502) 357-1965
A Day in the Life: Kitchen Style
In July I had the unique opportunity to work in the kitchen with Steve
Hanks, our program director for the men’s campus, for the first time.
The kitchen at the men’s campus is a hectic place and serves over 600
meals to clients and members of the community each day.
Every job at THP plays a role in the recovery process and is designed
to teach/reveal things about the person doing the job. The kitchen is
designed to reveal character defects. Because of its pace, pressure,
and process, the kitchen often reveals issues with anger or control.
It is a well-known fact among THP clients that when Steve went
through our program he never worked in the kitchen. When the
guys saw Steve and me in the window, they were hoping to see what
“character defects” we would exhibit. They found it funny to see us
outside of our regular roles and ultimately witnessed a valuable lesson. They
were able to see, in action, a principal we all subscribe to: No matter your position at THP, as
long as you are willing to work hard and with humility, your work furthers and benefits the recovery of everyone.
Ways of Giving to The Healing Place
A planned gift touches lives long after your lifetime. Make it part of your legacy.
The Healing Place established the Morgan-Ward society in 2004 to recognize those who
support the mission through gift planning. The Society is named for Father John Morgan of
Mission House and Dr. Will W. Ward, Jr., who together began the early work of social and
medical outreach to homeless men that evolved into The Healing Place.
Become a member of the society today by including The Healing Place in your Will,
Trust or other planned gift through your estate plan. You can receive the tax advantages,
recognition, and personal satisfaction today, while providing for the mission of The
Healing Place well into the future. Your gift honors the work of the founders and joins in
their commitment to help the disadvantaged in our community. Unless otherwise specified
by the donor, all planned gifts are designated for The Healing Place Endowment Fund.
If you have already included The Healing Place in your Will, we would appreciate
notification of that decision so we can include you as a member of the Morgan-Ward society.
Alumni and friends of The Healing Place support the
program generously. Contributions are evidence of a deep
interest and a determination to serve for generations to come.
“I give, devise, and bequeath to The Healing Place the
sum of $ __ (or other specifically described personal or
real property) to be used for the general purposes of The
Healing Place.
“I give, devise, and bequeath to The Healing Place an
amount equal to _ percent (_%) of the value of my estate at
the date of my death to be used for the general purposes of
the The Healing Place.”
“I give, devise, and bequeath to The Healing Place the
sum of $ _ (or the property herein described) for (state
“I give, devise, and bequeath to The Healing Place an
amount equal to _ percent (_%) of the value of my estate at
the date of my death to be used for _____ (state purpose).”
“Having herein before made my last will and testament
dated _ , I (your full name) being of sound mind do
hereby make, publish, and declare the following codicil
thereto:_ (here insert the additional clause) _ . Except as
herein changed, I hereby ratify, confirm and republish my
last will and testament.”
Investment-grade stocks and bonds that have increased in
value make excellent gifts, providing the securities have
been held for the required period of time.
Property that has appreciated in value makes an excellent
gift because the full value of the gift is deductible by the
donor, and the donor’s profit will not be taxable as a capital
“I hereby give, devise, and bequeath all of the residue of
my estate, both real and personal, to The Healing Place.”
The cash surrender value of a life insurance policy is
normally immediately tax deductible, and later gifts
made to pay the premiums will also be deductible. More
importantly, donors have the satisfaction of providing the
The Healing Place with a more sizable gift.
Cash, marketable securities, or real property may be
used to establish a charitable trust or annuity from which
the donor would receive income for life. Upon his/her
death, the assets would go to The Healing Place. There
are favorable income tax, capital gains tax, and estate tax
treatments for such gifts.
It is important to seek independent legal and tax counsel where appropriate. Jay Graham, Vice President of Development and
Communications will be pleased to discuss planned giving programs and gift opportunities on a completely confidential basis.
The Healing Place
1020 W. Market Street Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 357-1965
[email protected].
2012 Financial Report
The majority of our budget (76%) is spent on our programs to help men and women recover from addiction, shelter
for the homeless, detox centers, health servies, continuing care and the recovery program. The remaining 24% went to
administrative costs and fundraising.
Shelter/Recovery *
Supporting Services
General and Administrative*
Total $5,584,078
Ad era
m l&
2012 Operating Expenses
Program Services
Program Services
*Expenses before depreciation
2012 Operating Revenue
Community Funds
Special Events (Net)
Donated Equipment/
Contract Services
Interest/Dividend Income
Total $5,954,322
Exerpt from the Audited Financial Statements of The Healing Place, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Total Assets *
Total Liabilities
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Operating revenues and expenses (above) exclude capital campaign dollars for that project (except interest expense).
*Reflects donor pledges and other assets/liabilities for Women and Children’s Campus.
Community Support
The Healing Place gratefully acknowledges the generous support of its many donors. Most are individuals like
you, who believe in our mission and want to make a difference in the lives of those we serve. Local businesses,
corporations, and foundations also strongly support us. Only 15% of our income is from government sources. We
also greatly appreciate the hundreds of in-kind donations received throughout the year.
$25,000 or more
City of Louisville
George A Bush, Jr., Holbrook Fund
Kosair Charities
Kresge Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Buchart
Texas Roadhouse
The Catalyst Foundation
The Marshall Charitable Foundation
The Ogle Foundation
University of Louisville Hospital
Zoeller Company
$10,000 to
Alden Donor Fund
Churchill Downs
Dr. and Mrs. Will W. Ward, Jr.
Holy Trinity Church
Jannice O. Aaron, M.D.
Lee and Elizabeth Davis Fund
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Grissom
Ms. Jan S. Karzen
Norton Healthcare
Norton Suburban Hospital Medical Staff Office
PNC Foundation
S. Oden Howell, Jr.
Sud-Chemie, Inc.
The Mansbach Foundation
$5,000 to $9,999
Capstone Realty
Cochran Foundation
FBM Properties
Kroger Company
Second Presbyterian Church
US Bank
William E. Barth Foundation
Younger Womans Club of Louisville
Ms. Kelley Abell and Mr. David Huber
David H. Bizot, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse C. Bollinger, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Bramer
Meredith Brown
The Robbie and Libby Brown Fund
Nancy Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Colosi
Mr. Jay P. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Diebold
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Fugitte
Dr. and Mrs. S. Lyle Graham, III
Mr. Hal & Mrs. Sheila Heiner
Ms. Ashley Judd
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Laise
Mr. Arthur G. Meyer
Mickey and Barbara Miller
Morris Famliy Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Myers
Mr. Larry Pernosky
Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Petrik
Mrs. Betty A. Schutte
Mr. and Mrs. Garry D. Watkins
Ms. Diane M. Wilson
$2,500 to $4,999
Coalition for the Homeless, Inc.
Dace Brown Stubbs Family Fund
Dare to Care Food Bank
Foyt Family Wines
Humana, Inc
Louisville Downtown Lions Charities
Maker’s Mark Distillery, Inc.
Nugent Sand Company
The V. V. Cooke Foundation
YUM! Brands Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Scott Allshouse
Mr. Carl & Mrs. Martha Barlett
Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. Bennett
Stephen Reily and Emily Bingham
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bloem
Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Coe
Lt.Col. Jay P. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Duke
Ms. Catherine Gardsmith
Mr. and Mrs. Al Highfield
Dr. Mary Nan Mallory
Mrs. Ellen K. Marshall
Mr. Michael & Mrs. Rocky Pepper
Mr. Jay N. Picard
Mr. John A. Ray
Dr. Sanford & Mrs. Robin Reikes
Mr. Rick & Mrs. Diane Steinrock
Dr. and Mrs. T. Bodley Stites
Ms. Patricia Swope
Dr. Brian and Mrs. Debra Walton Wells
Mr. Steve & Mrs. Virginia Williams
$1,000 to $2,499
Algood Food Company
Amteck, LLC
Buzick Construction, Inc.
Catalyst Kids Club
Caudill Seed Co. Inc.
Center for Orthotic and Prosthetic
Care of KY, LLC
Courtenay Foundation
Creative Alliance
Doe Anderson
Electric Energy, Inc.
Electrical Workers Union
Greater Louisville Medical Society
Helping Hands Companion Services
Honey Locust Foundation
Jefferson County Chapter AAFP
Kentucky Housing Corporation
Kentucky Select Properties, LLC
Koetter Northgate Properties
Long John Silver’s, LLC
Martin Construction Co.
Meredith Machinery
Special thanks to the nursing students at ATA College. Students and
advisors collected personal hygiene items and Christmas gifts.
Mission House Inc.
Mountjoy Chilton Medley LLP
Norfolk Southern Foundation
Potpourri Sunday School Class
Pueblo of Pojoaque Tribal Court
Raymond & Irene Wilborn Char. Fdtn.
Schwab Charitable Fund
The Bohn Foundation
The C. E. and S. Foundation
The Cralle Foundation. Inc.
The MacLean Foundation, Inc.
University of Louisville
Medical Student Assoc.
University of Louisville
School of Medicine
US Bancorp FoundationEmployee Matching Gift Program
Woman’s Club Of Louisville
Women’s Diagnostic Center
Mrs. Christine Abell
Mr. Michael L. Ackerson
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Armes
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Barlow
Mr. W. H. Baughman
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bellucci
Councilman Stuart Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bickel
Mrs. Edith S. Bingham
Ms. Suzanne H. Blake
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blincoe
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bollinger
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Boor
Ms. Jane Tewalt Breece
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Brinley
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Brooks
Gregory L. Brown, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bush
David E. Bybee, M.D.
P. K. and Sara Cherian
The Clanton-Dowds Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Connelly
Ms. Dorothy Cordray
Dr. Esther E. Costel and Mr. Philip J.
Mr. Bradley Asher and Dr. Susan
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Cox, III
Ms. Ruby Jo Cummins
Dr. and Mrs. Mark L. Dean
Mr. Bryan J. Dillon
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Mary Therese
Councilman Kelly Downard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Durham
Shirley and Mike Ehrler
Councilman Robin Engel
Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Engel
Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Fingerson
Ms. Cheryl Fischer
Dr. and Mrs. James F. Fitzpatrick
Councilman Ken Fleming
Ms. Connie Fondong
Mr. William Forbis
Ms. Jill Force
Mrs. Jean W. Frazier
Drs. Greg and Linda Gleis
Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Goodin
Mr. Robert D. Greenwell
Dr. Diller & Mrs. Katherine Groff
Mr. Clifford & Mrs. Mary Grum
Ms. Judith W. Hanekamp
Mr. Patrick Hanna
Dr. Heather L. Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hartlage
Mr. and Mrs. Nigel G. Hawman
Dr. Juliana Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Hettinger
Janet and Jonathan Hodes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Howerton, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. John G. Hubbard
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joksimovic
Ms. Nancy C. Kimball
Louis R. Kirtley, M.D.
Councilman Kevin Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Kunau, Jr.
Mr. Conway B. Lanford, Jr.
Mrs. Emery F. Lewis
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Lewis
Mr. Paul M. Lockhart
Community Support
Mr. Craig H. Lynch
Dr. Thomas M. Marshall
Anthony and Elaine Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. McCue
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. McCullough
J. Dickson McGavic, M.D. and Mrs.
Brenda P. McGavic
Mr. Roger & Mrs. Beverly McGuire
Dr. Arthur & Mrs. Sandra McLaughlin
Ms. Jennie Meador
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Means
Ms. Michelle T. Merimee
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Merriweather
Charlie and Rosemary Middleton
Mr. Samuel & Mrs. Jean Miller
Councilman Jerry Miller
Dr. James P. Murphy
Mr. John & Mrs. Marianne Naville
Dr. George & Mrs. Carol Nell
Dr. Lafayette G. Owen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Owen
Mr. John Peck, Jr.
Councilman James Peden
Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Pomeroy
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pryor, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ralston
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Ratliff, Jr.
Dr. K. Thomas and Mary-Stuart
Mr. Mike Ricketts
Ms. Marilyn Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Ronald
Joseph and Mary Rotella
Mr. Barry S. Roth
Bob and Felice Sachs
Mr. John K. Sanderlin
Mr. Ridley M. Sandidge, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Paul F. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Schulz
Mr. James & Mrs. Robin Seiler
Mr. Charles F. Senn
Rev. Alfred R. Shands
Dr. and Mrs. William K. Smithwick
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Smoot
Stegner Family Fund
Mr. Joshua & Mrs. Joy Steinrock
Senator Robert Stivers
Coach and Mrs. Charlie Strong
Councilman Glen Stuckel
Mr. Douglas A. Swartzlander
Rebecca Terry, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Tinsley
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Tobin
Ms. Elizabeth H. Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Townsend
Dr. and Mrs. Gary C. Vitale
Ms. Beverly Tway Wagner
Mr. John & Mrs. Jean Wasz
Mr. Greg Watson
Gary Weiss and Joyce Milner
Mrs. Michelle M. Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Wheeler
Mr. Michael S. Wohl
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Wolff
Lelan and Marlena Woodmansee
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Workman
$500 to $999
Alliance for Patient Medication
Allied Racing Stable, LLC
Bright Horizons Foundation For
Commercial Property Associates
Darrell Griffith Foundation, Inc.
Dunn Elementary School
First Virginia Avenue Baptist Church
GE Foundation
Greater Louisville Inc.
Hurstbourne Christian Church
Irish Care, Inc.
K. Norman Berry Associates, PLLC
Kentuckiana Law Enforcement
Kentuckiana Police and Firefighters
Childrens Benefit Fund
Metro United Way
Molly Malone’s Irish Pub & Restaurant
Republic Bank
Strategic Communications
Mr. Jim Graven and Ms. Mary
Mr. and Mrs. Warren F. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Harper
Mr. Bradley S. Hartstein
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hatfield
Ms. Sharon R. Hilton
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Hines
Dr. and Mrs. William P. Hoagland, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Steven J. Hodge
Dr. Judy H. Holtman
Ms. Jane H. Hope
Mrs. Loetta H Hopkins
Mrs. Ann B. Scott
Severs Family Fund
Ms. Ellen H. Shapira
Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Deborah Sheehan
Dr. Arthur J. Shulthise
Ms. Shirley Simons
Mr. Billy and Mrs. Mary C. Sondergeld
John Clay and Charlotte Stites
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Taylor
The Rev. and Mrs. Ken D. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Toler
Dr. Tsu-Min and Mrs. F. M. Chiu Tsai
Mr. Todd Twyman
Mandy and Terry Tyler
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Voyles
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wagner, Jr.
Mr. Steve Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whayne
Mr. Neil & Mrs. Diane Willsey
Mr. Timothy R. Winters
Katherine Witherington, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Yusk
Dr. Janice W. Yusk and Mr. Ted Hodge
Mr. Alan Zaborac
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Zoeller
WDRB recognized Sister Johanna as a Hidden Hero for her tireless
effort for The Healing Place.
The Gardner Foundation, Inc.
Trinity Presbyterian Women
Yearlings Club, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Abel
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Abrams
Mr. Ron and Mrs. Brenda Allen
J. K. Auerbach, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Auge
Ms. Florene Baldridge
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Bell
Ms. Colleen M. Boeckmann
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bosley
Jamie Bunch
Mr. Chris T. Busch
Rob and Becky Campbell
Mrs. Cindy Carcione
Mr. and Mrs. Deurona Clayton
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Clifford
Cochran Foundation
Mr. Alan Cohen
Mr. Ed Cohen
Mr. William & Mrs. Juanita Coleman
Sarah J. Collings
Christine L. Cook, M.D.
Ms. Catherine E. Crandell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Cronan, IV
Mr. Kenneth & Mrs. Myra Crutcher
Mr. Mark Damron
Mr. George & Mrs. Sharon Darling
Ms. Elizabeth Deknatel
Ms. Kimberly L. Delaney
Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Dobbs
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Dowds
Dr. Lawrence & Mrs. Lori Ann Duvall
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Feger
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Flick, Jr.
Dr. Don Forsee
Mr. and Mrs. Tony George, Jr.
Betty and George Gibbs
Don J. Glaser
Mr. Jeffrey & Mrs. Catherine Ann
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gootee
Mr. Jay & Mrs. Terry Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Graven
Mr. Timothy M. Hyland
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen James
Ms. Nora S. Jarboe
Dr. and Mrs. Greg L. Jones
Ms. Catherine C. Jydstrup and Mr.
Richard F. LaLoge
Charles Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Kelly, Jr.
Dale Kenton
Mr. Richard Kern, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kletter
Ms. Marcia F. Lambert and Mr.
Martin T. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. David Leibson
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Leist
Ms. Patti Little
Ms. Claudine V. Mann
Dr. Kim & Mr. Kelly Meyer
Rev. J. Ronald Sauer and Dr. Alice E.
John and Crystal Morse
Mr. Thomas W. Mueller
Mr. Mike Murray and Ms. Lynn
Mr. H. Michael Nash
Sonny and Betty Neurath
Mrs. Sheila Oliver
Mr. John M. Osborne
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch H. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Panke, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Parker, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Petrokubi
Ms. Carolyn Peveler
Charlotte & Charles B. Price, Jr.
Endowment Fund
Tracy L. Ragland, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Reynerson
Ms. Sarah H. Rhyne
Ms. Tammala M. Rigney
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Rooney, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Rose
Mrs. Dona M. Schepers
Martin F. Schmidt & Kate Schmidt
Moninger Fund
Mr. John Schoenlaub
$100 to $499
Academy of Our Lady of MercyMercy Academy
AFP-Philanthropy Day
African American Postal League
United for Success
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
AT&T United Way Employee Giving
BCT Local 16T Retirement Club
Bellarmine University
Big Al’s Charity Thrift Store, LLC
Blue & Co., LLC.
Bonnie Management Company, Inc
Cable Baptist Church
Center for Non-Profit Excellence
Coffee House Group
Congregation Adath Jeshurun
Delta Dental of Kentucky
Epiphany United Methodist Women
Faith Lutheran Church
First Presbyterian Church
Fourth Presbyterian Church-Women of
the Church
From the Heart
Give with Liberty
Grace United Methodist Church
Grave Service Company
Heart of America Property
Management, Inc.
Heick Hester Smith & Associates
Humana Foundation, Inc.
Internal Medicine Consultants
JP Morgan-Chase
Just Give
K & I Hard Chrome Inc
Kentucky Division of Race Track
Chaplaincy of America
Ladies of Red Cross of Constantine
Louisville Center for Spiritual Living
Louisville Family Anonymous Group
Mike Meinze Charitable Foundation
Nancy Smith Interiors
National Association Postal Supervisors
Rocky’s Italian Grill
Second Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Women
Seven Counties Services, Inc.
Shaw American Financial Corporation
Spalding University
St. John Presbyterian Church
Community Support
St. Matthews Episcopal Church
St. Michael Antiochian Orthodox Church
St. William Catholic Church
Tac4 Solutions
Three Chimneys
Triad Professional
Trunnell Elementary School
Unity Group
Univ. of Louisville House Staff Council
Women of Beulah Presbyterian Church
Mr. James & Mrs. Mary Jo Abell
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ackerman
Dr. Sarah Acland
Ms. Wanda J. Adams
Ms. Karin Adkins
Mr. James A. Akin
Mr. Dennis L. Aldridge
Mrs. Betty Anne Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Allison
Ms. Geraldine Alsup
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Amlung, Jr.
Ms. Frances Anderson
Ms. Susan S. Andriot
Mr. Alan & Mrs. Diane Apelt
Mr. Robin Carrick Arehart
Mr. Steven Arkon
Mr. David L. Armstrong
Mr. Thompson L. Armstrong
Dr. John W. Arnett
Mrs. Jane D. Arnold
Dr. and Mrs. Joe F. Arterberry
Mr. Richard D. Axtell
Mr. George & Mrs. Mary Ann Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Bakken
Dr. Stephen & Dr. Elizabeth Baldwin
Ms. Diane Banic
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Banis, Jr.
Mr. Terry Baransy
Mrs. Gwen Barlow
Mr. Tom Barnes
Mr. Ken Barr
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barrington
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Barry
Mr. Michael & Mrs. Phyllis Bartley
Dr. and Mrs. Donald C. Barton
Mr. R. Bruce Bass
Dr. Maria & Mr. Andrew Beck
Ms. Margaret Beeler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Bellucci
Thomas Benson
Kim R. Bentley-Jonason, Ph.D. and
Susan M. Bentley-Jonason, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael M. Best
Mary Bickel
Ms. Martha E. Bickford
Ms. Emily S. Biddle
Mr. John H. Bill
Ms. Kathy Bingham
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Blackburn
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Bleuel, Jr.
Ms. Aline F. Blizard
Ms. Barbara W. Blythe
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bohn
Mr. Edwin W. Boland
Mr. Patrick & Mrs. Sheree Bollinger
Gary Bolton and Verlin Hawkins
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Boone
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Boram
Dr. Alan & Mrs. Marilyn Bornstein
Dr. Johanna W. H. Bos
Mr. Dennis & Mrs. Nancy Bowers
Mr. Charles & Mrs. Jane Boyer
Nancy and Frank Boyett
Dr. and Mrs. McHenry Brewer
Sister Mary Johanna Brian
Ms. Nadine Brian
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Brockwell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob J. Brooks
Ms. Kathryn Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hewett Brown
Mrs. Betty D. Brown
Mr. John M. Brown
Mr. George D. Brutcher
Mr. Andy & Dr. Mary Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Buchheit
Ms. Jennifer Buhl
Mrs. Rose Mary Bullerdick
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Buren
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Burger
Ms. Jo Ann Burke
Drs. Frank and Carolyn Burns
Dr. Amy M. Burrows-Beckham
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burtner
Ms. Dorothy V. Burton
Mr. and Mrs. John Bush
Ms. Tonya B. Byrd
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Callahan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander Campbell
Mr. Christian & Mrs. Heather Campbell
Mr. Charles D. Campbell
Ms. Mary Sydney Campion
Dr. David R. and Dr. Gail T. Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Carlton
Mr. Gregory Carroll
Ms. Lorene E. Caudill
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Chandler
Ms. Priscilla Chandler
Mr. David & Mrs. Jackie Chandler
Col. and Mrs. Ted Charter
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Chmilewski
Dr. Gregory J. Ciliberti
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Clark
Ms. Jennifer Clements
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cobb
Special thanks to Terry Green, Trina Tinsley, Azarlee Meriweather, Landal
Owens, and Michael Meriweather for their check presentation for “Feed
the People” from Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Bethesda Baptist Church, and
the Ark Ministry at Cable Baptist Church.
Mr. J. Allan Cobb
Ms. Polly Cochran
Ms. Ann Coffey
Corey M. Cohen, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Coldwell
Col. Eugene & Mrs. Jan Colgan
Ms. Barbara Colvert
Mr. Bradley & Mrs. Donna Cook
Dr. Judith L. Cooke
Mr. Ed & Mrs. Mary Ann Cooke
Mr. Chad Cooley
Ms. Selena M. Coomer
Mr. Bill & Mrs. Jill Cooper
Ms. Rose Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. G. Price Cooper IV
Mr. Mark & Mrs. Inez Corrado
Mr. James Cosby
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Cox
Mr. Scott Crable
Mr. Redd & Mrs. Nancy Crabtree
Deborah Dawson Crain
Mr. Robert W. Craven
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Crawford, Jr.
Mr. Gary & Mrs. Elizabeth Criscillis
Mr. Alex Croley
Ms. Elizabeth F. Cross
Mr. Stephen & Mrs. Randalene Cross
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Joe Crow
Ms. Cindy A. Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Curl
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cutsinger, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. S G. Dabney, Jr.
Dr. Wendy C. Daly
Ms. Leslie Danehy
Elizabeth C. Thomas Fund
Mrs. Rosalie A. Davison
James Dean, M.D.
Ms. Becky W. DeCamp
Mr. and Mrs. Daryn Demeritt
Mr. Irvin R. Dennison
Dr. and Mrs. Brian A. DePrest
Dr. and Mrs. Bob M. DeWeese
Mrs. Elizabeth Dick
Mr. Craig & Mrs. Sarah Dilger
Ms. Saundra Dockins
Mr. and Mrs. Allen P. Dodd, III
Katherine Doll
Mr. John W. Downs
Larry and Amy Droege
Ms. Anne Dropp
Ms. Betty Dumesnil
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dwyer
Mr. Robert A. Eckerle
Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Eggers
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Elder, Jr.
Ms. Mary Elder
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Elgin
Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Elliott
Mrs. Agatha Elmore
Jane and Bert Emke
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Everett
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eversole
Sarah Ewing
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald E. Ezell
Mary Falk
Dr. Walter Feibes
Ms. Pauletta Feldman
Mr. Rollin S. Fishback
Ms. Bonnie Fisher
Mr. James & Mrs. Anita Fitzgibbon
Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Fleitz
Drs. Jim and Mary Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Fletcher
Mrs. Margaret C. Flowers
Mr. Patrick Fogarty
Mr. Robert P. Ford
Ms. Connie P. Fox
Mr. Stephen Fox
Ms. Lucy Frank
Mr. Richard & Mrs. Marilyn Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Frazier
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. Terry C. Frisco
Patti and Ted Frith
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Galloway
Kyle P Galloway, PLLC
Mr. Douglas W. Garvin
Mr. and Mrs. Finis E. Gentry
Mr. Eric W. George
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Gernert
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Getman
Dr. John Gilderbloom
Geradette and Greg Givan
Ms. Paula Givan
Mark L. Glasgow, M.D.
Mary Glick
Thomas ‘Joe’ Glomb
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Goldberg
Mrs. Patti Goldstein
Ms. Heather Gorman
Dr. and Mrs. M. Douglas Gossman
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Graft
Mr. Edward K. Grantz
Dr. and Mrs. Laman A. Gray, Jr.
Mr. Shannon K. Gray
Mr. Wilson & Mrs. Thea Green
Mrs. Mary M. Greenebaum
Robert B. Greenwell
Scott Gregor and Jamie Stilger
Mr. and Mrs. Hal C. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Grote
Steven B. Grover, M.D.
Ms. Betty P. Guelich
Mr. and Mrs. Bert T. Guinn
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Gunter
Mr. Thomas E. Gutgsell
Mr. and Mrs. Newman Guthrie
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Hale
Mr. Tim Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hallenberg
Mr. John A. Hamilton
Mrs. Laura B. Hancock
Mr. Steve & Mrs. Janet Hanks
Mrs. Marjorie A. Harbst
Dr. Tim and Dr. Amy O. Hardin
Ms. Ann S. Hardy
Ms. Dorothy S. Hargett
Lynn T. Harpring
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Hart
Dr. Frederic F. Hatcher, D.M.D.
Ms. Alice S. Hay
Mr. Billy Hays
Mr. Gordon L. Head and Ms. Vicki L.
Mr. Bonnie M. Heath
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Heideman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Helm
Mr. Carl J. Helmich, Jr.
Ann E. Hendren
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hendricks
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Henry, II
Kelly Herl
Dr. Susan J. Herlin
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hermann
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Herrington
Dr. and Mrs. Peter S. Heyl
Mr. and Mrs. John Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Highbaugh
Mrs. Susan T. Hill
Mr. Lamont Hill
Ms. Deanna L. Hipwell
Ms. Dawn M. Hitron
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hoagland
Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Holland
Community Support
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Horner
Dr. and Mrs. Joel A. Horowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Horton
Mr. Allan Horwich
Mr. David W. Huber
Ms. Kelly L. Hummelgard
Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Hunt
Mr. H. Randolph & Mrs. Mary Hurt
Ms. Dianne M. Hutcherson
Mr. Patrick Hutchins
Mr. Mark & Mrs. Marie Hyland
Ms. Margaret V. Lewis
Mr. Erwin Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Lindeman
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Lodge
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Logan
Mr. William Logan
Ms. Mary E. Loveland
Mrs. Linda Magee
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Mahoney
Ms. Debbie Mahoney
Ron and Charlene Mann
Humana Employees and their families packing client Christmas bags.
Mr. James Jacobs
Mr. Matt Jacobson
Mr. Dwight & Mrs. Leigh Jacobus
Mrs. Patricia B. Jaegers
Mr. Michael & Mrs. Donna Jaha
Ms. Jane Jenkins
Representative Joni Jenkins
Ms. Ermine P. Jenkins
Katherine Johnson
Mr. Wesley S. Johnson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Johnson
Rev. Dr. Helen H. Jones
Mr. Thomas H. Jordan
Mr. Roger Jordan
Nathan Kalichman, MD
Ms. Karen Kalichman
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kamer
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kannapell
Joy and Mitch Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Karem
Mr. Lenne L. Keithley
Dr. and Mrs. Bradley B. Keller
Ms. Patricia A. Kelley
Ms. Bethany Kennedy
Mr. John & Mrs. Mary Keyer
Ms. Cindy Kincannon
Judge Kathryn R. King
Ms. Kathy King
Mr. Gregory Kirby
Bob Kirchner
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Kirzinger
Mr. Larry & Mrs. Michele Klein
Mr. Christopher J. Klein
Mrs. Joan G. Kmetz
Dr. William Holt and
Dr. Heidi Koenig
Mr. William F. Kolodey
Mrs. Marlene S. Kolz
Mr. William & Mrs. Ellen Kronauer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Kubitskey
Mary Julia and Forrest Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kull
Mr. and Mrs. David Kuyk
Lew and Kathy Lancaster
Peter Lansing
Mr. Allan Latts
Ms. Diane M. Laughlin and
Mr. Charles R. Neill
Dr. and Mrs. A. Gary Lavin
Mr. Robert J. Lehmann
Mrs. Sally Lenihan
Ms. Nancy A. Lesmeister
Ms. Mary C. Mannix
Dr. W. Eugene March
Mrs. Alice M. Mark
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Marshall
Dr. Alvin W. Martin and
Dr. Mary H. Davis
Ms. Sherry F. Martin
Ms. Stephanie Massler
Mr. John Matthews
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Mattingly
Mrs. Kathryn Matton
Dr. Edward N. Maxwell
Dr. Evelyn G. McAfee
Mr. and Mrs. James B. McArthur
Dr. and Mrs. Craig J. McClain
Ms. Christy McClure
Miss Mary S. McCune
Mr. H. C. McDermott
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. McDonald
Ms. Cheri M. McGuire
Ms. Alice McKinley
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney McMullen
Mr. Andrew V. McNeill
Mary and Robert H. Means, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis T. Meiman
Ms. Anne Mercke
Ms. Alissa Meriwether
Mrs. Lorie L. Michaels
Mr. Mark R. Mick
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Middleton
Dr. and Mrs. G. Alan Miller
Mr. Arthur & Mrs. Judy Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Miller
Ms. Wanda Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Miller
Mr. Dennis & Mrs. Sandra Milner
Ms. J. Renee Mitchell
Ms. Catherine M. Mitchell
Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Mitchell
Mr. Robert Mitchell
Mr. Brian R. Monsma
Ms. Deborah A. Montgomery
Ms. Anne H. T. Moore and
Mr. Peter Rondel
Mr. James R. Moore II
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morgan
Ms. Julie B. Morton
Mr. Cooper & Mrs. Janis Moseley
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moss, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mudd
Drs. John and Mary Mulder
Ms. Lillian V. Mullins
Fitzhugh Mullins, M.D.
Mr. Larry & Mrs. Christina Myers
William and Mary Nash
Ms. Helen B. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Nelson, Sr.
Mr. Jerry & Mrs. Beverly Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Nichols
Jon E. Nielsen
Dr. David & Mrs. Patricia Nightingale
Mr. and Mrs. Don Nix
Gouverneur H. Nixon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Nohalty, Sr.
Mr. Bert Nord, Jr.
Mr. Billy J. Norsworthy
Mrs. Vivienne K. Noufer
Mr. Richard & Mrs. Judith Nowka
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Oberst
Earnest F. Oblander
Ms. Carol O’bryan
Mr. Thomas W. Oetinger
Kevin A. O’Koon, M.D.
Mr. Mark H. Oppenheimer
Mr. Houston & Mrs. Betty
Mr. and Mrs. David O’Toole
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry P. Pace
Mrs. Ida T. Palmer-Ball
Dr. Kristie & Mr. W.L. Paris
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Parker
Mr. Michael Parlier
Ms. Tanya L. Pennerman
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pepper
Mr. Wayne N. Perkey
Mr. Edward H. Peter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Peter
Ms. Violet Peter
Dr. and Mrs. C. Kenneth Peters
Sally Peters
Robert Timothy & Bobbie A. Picard
Richard and Mary Pippen
Mr. Donald Pitts and
Ms. Shannon Queenan
Ms. Starr M. Potter
Dr. and Mrs. Clinton R. Potts
Ms. Shirley A. Powell
Mr. Dewayne & Mrs. Marsha Priddy
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny E. Pritchett
Mr. and Mrs. Lance G. Pryor
Mr. Michael E. Queenan
Dr. and Mrs. George E. Quill, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Radford III
Ms. Betty Radford
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Ralston
Mrs. Martha D. Rankin
Ms. Suzanne Rankins
Ms. Elizabeth Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Raque
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Raynor, Jr.
Mr. Richard P. Real
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Redmon, Jr.
Mr. Henry M. Reed, III
Mr. Michael & Mrs. Diane Reidy
Ms. Joyce Render
Ms. Elizabeth Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rich
Ms. Bonnie J. Ried
Mr. Millard Riggs, Jr.
Mr. Kendrick & Mrs. Carmen Riggs
Mr. Adam Rivon
Mark and Stuart Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Roby
Drs. George C. Rodgers and
Tania Condurache
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rosenberg
Mr. Howard K. Rosenberg
Ms. Lee Ann Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ross
Stephen Roszell and Mary Bouldin
Mr. Bruce & Mrs. Marcia Roth
Ms. Mary E. Roth
Mr. Robert W. Rounsavall, III
Mr. and Mrs. William O. Rudd
Linda K Runden, LCSW
Ms. Kathleen Rutledge
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Ryan
Dr. Vicki B. Sabie
Dr. Roger & Mrs. Mary Joan Salot
Barbara and Halsey Sandford
Ms. Marian E. Sanford
Ms. Lisa Santos
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Sasser
Shan H. Schaar
Ms. Stephanie Schaefer
Dr. and Mrs. Martin G. Schiller
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schiphorst
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Schlesinger
Dr. and Mrs. William K. Schmied
Kevin Mary Schreck
Charles D. Schroeder
Ms. Betty H. Schwartzel
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schweinhart
Mr. F. Gregory & Mrs. Kathleen Scinta
Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. W. Scofield
Mr. Bruce & Mrs. Sara Scott
Ms. Pamella S. Scott
Ms. Karen Scott
Mr. Horace & Mrs. Margaret Seay
Mrs. John G. Seiler, Jr.
Ms. Susan Seiller
Ms. Diane Sellars-Jones
Thurman Senn
Ms. Anne T. Shafer
Judge and Mrs. James Shake
Ms. Linda K. Sheets
Mr. James C. Shircliff
Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Shoemaker
Dr. and Mrs. Roger J. Shott
Dr. Anna Huang Shrader
Ms. Peggy H. Shuck
Mr. Mark & Mrs. Dawn Shuler
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shulthise
Mr. Robert S. Silverthorn, Jr.
Mr. Randell & Mrs. Donna Sims
Ms. Sue S. Sims
Thank you to the employees of Norfolk Southern and their generous gift
to The Healng Place.
Community Support
Dr. Terry & Dr. Nancy Singer
Mr. Edward Sinkhorn
Ms. Janice Skaggs
Mr. Dale B. Skaggs, Jr.
Ms. Leigh A. Sloan
Mr. Fred Smart
Dr. and Mrs. C. Steven Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Smith
Ms. Janet L. Smith
Mr. Billy and Mrs. Mary Sondergeld
Liberacion L. Soriano, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Barry B. Sosnin, Jr.
Ms. Kimberly Spalding
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Spanyer
Elizabeth D. Spiegel and Family
Mr. Gregg Spielberg
Dr. and Mrs. George Stacy
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Steere
Mr. Kurt A. Steier
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Steinfeld
Dr. Harry & Mrs. Catherine Stephenson
M. Deane Stewart
Walter McCollam and Susan Stewart
Mr. John Stogner
Stoler Family Foundation
Mr. Aidan & Mrs. Barbara Stone
Mr. and Mrs. John Stough, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Sutherland
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutherland
Richard A. Sweet, M.D.
Mr. Daniel & Mrs. Ann Swintosky
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Szymanski
Dr. Vincent P. Tanamachi
Ms. Darlene Taylor
Arch B. Taylor, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Temes
Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Tharp
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Thomas
Mr. Dudley & Mrs. Mary Thomas
Ms. Lori J. Thomas
Mr. Leon & Mrs. Leslie Thomas
Mr. Dan Thompson and Ms. Ellen Didier
Ms. Alice D. Thompson
Mr. Alan Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Thompson
Mr. Charles & Mrs. Joyce Thompson
Mr. Richard D. Thurman
Ms. Joan Tonini
Eddie and Bonnie Trammell
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trumbo
Genarose Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Kerney D. Tyillian
Mrs. Linda Van Hook
Mr. Stephen VanBogaert
Dr. and Mrs. Frank P. Vannier
David P. Varble, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Frances Veeck
Meg Vogt
Mr. Rudy & Mrs. Kelly Vogt
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Vonnahme
Mr. John & Mrs. Vicky Voyles
Harry and Betsy Wall
Ms. Louise R. Wall
Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Ward
Mrs. Margaret H. Ward-Bieda
Mr. Joseph Wathen
Mr. Scott & Mrs. Megan Watson
Ms. Donna E. Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Waumans
Mr. John & Mrs. Martha Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Welp
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Welsh
Mr. Jack Wesson
Mr. Billy W. West
Ms. Charlotte R. Wethington
Stephen and Patricia Wheeler
Drs. Steve and Patricia Wheeler
Ms. Betsy White
Mrs. Vanessa White
Ms. LaToya Whitlock
Mrs. Joan T. Whittenberg
Jo Hoover Whittenberg
Ms. Meredith A. Wickliffe
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Wilhem
Dr. David & Beth Willey, D.M.D.
Dr. Fred A. Williams, Jr.
Dr. Chris & Mrs. Kim Williams
Mr. Albert Williams
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Willingham, Jr.
Ms. Eugenia M. Willner
Ms. Marie G. Wilson
Ms. Tina L. Wing
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wiseman
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Wittman
Mr. David E. Wittry
Sonya Wolter, MD
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wombwell
Dr. Timothy & Mrs. Mary Janice Woock
Dr. Frank & Mrs. Keitt Wood
Ms. Grace Wooding
Mr. Robert & Mrs. Janice Woolfolk
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Workman
Mr. Raymond & Mrs. Martha Workman
Dr. and Mrs. Jesse H. Wright
John C. Wright, MD and
Kay T. Roberts, EdD
Ms. Sherry L. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wright
Ms. Ruth Wukasch
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Yager
Ms. Edna K. Yarmuth
Ms. Madelon F. Zady
Mr. Jerry A. Zegart
Mr. Stephen & Mrs. Vicki Zeitz
Dr. K. Vincent Ziegler
Dr. Stephen R. Zollner and
Dr. Catherine L. Sewell
Every effort has been made to correctly
acknowledge every donor. Please accept
our apologies if we have missed anyone, and
notify the Development Office.
Special thanks to the physicians,
nurses, pharmacists, lawyers, and
others who volunteer in The Healing
Place Clinic and with legal services.
The value of their volunteer hours
last year was over $68,750.00.
More than 1,300 individuals and
businesses made in-kind gifts
totaling over $498,900.
Heather joined The Healing Place as
the Family Coordinator in April. She
earned a Masters of Science in Social
Work from the University of Louisville
and previously worked for the LouisvilleJefferson County Public Defender’s
Office for six years. Heather and her
husband have two children who keep
them very busy. Heather enjoys running,
reading, and anything outdoors.
Shannon has worked in the field of
addiction for over twelve years. He
has served as Program Director for
The Healing Place Campbellsville for
three years. He has a Masters of Social
Work. He and his wife Margo have
been married for almost two years
and he enjoys golf, fantasy football,
boxing, and exercise.
Morgan joined The Healing Place
in July as Facilities Manager. He
has over eight years of experience
in heating and air and general
maintenance experience. He and
his wife Kim have been married for
two months and he enjoys playing
all sports.
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Alumni Reunion
Sarah Stivers Productions Presents
Saturday, September 28
11:00 am - 3:00 pm
(Lunch 11:30 am - 2:00 pm)
* New Location*
Women’s Campus
1503 S. 15th Street, Louisville 40210
Food  Entertainment  Games
“Bring the Love”
Benefit Concert
Friday, October 4
Reception 6:30 • Concert 7:30
Kentucky Country Day Fine Arts Center
Tickets $50
Buy now at www.kcd.org/theater
Watch for more information about
Miracle on Market Street
Celebrating our beginning in 1989 to today