Summer - Reena


Summer - Reena
Towards a Better Future — integrating people with
developmental disabilities into the community
Volume 28
Report of the Chair
Report of the President and CEO
Outreach Sells Flowers for Autism
Warm Welcome to Kay and Robyn
Israel at 60
Outreach Walks with Israel
The Trip of a Lifetime
Reena SIL Passover
Consider a Henson Trust
If I Could Read His Mind
Reena at the TSE
Remembering a Friend
Learning & Development Team
Camp Northland
10 The 7th Graduating DDC Class
Lee Morrison’s Birthday
11 Reena Bowling Team
12 Students Volunteer with Reena
Reena Foundation
13 Report of the Chair
Monthly Giving Program
14 Report of the President
Basketball Tournament
15 2008 Reena Tribute Dinner
Alex Eisen Society
16 Not Just Another Saturday Night
Endowment Funds
17 Thank you to our donors
20 Take out your calendar
Rosh Hashanah
Flourish - October 30
Number 2
July 2008
Reena receives $2 million from province
t was truly a day filled with
sunshine and good will. A large
group of Reena friends and
supporters, as well as staff and clients,
gathered early in May in the Toby &
Henry Battle Developmental Centre
to meet Madeleine Meilleur, the
Ontario Minister of Community and
Social Services. Madame Meilleur
made the very welcome
announcement that her government
has made a $2 million capital
investment in Reena which will go
toward our planned 60-unit
supportive housing complex on the
Joseph and Wolf Lebovic Jewish
Community Campus in Vaughan.
“It is important for people with a
developmental disability to live in
their own community, in a place that
meets their needs,” the minister said.
“This new housing project will
provide the right environment… a
space tailored to their needs and
Among those on hand to share in
the congratulations were Richmond
Hill city councillor David Cohen;
Liberal MPP for Willowdale, David
Zimmer; UJA Federation of Greater
Toronto chair, David Koschitzky; and
Reena’s founding chair, Rabbi Joseph
Kelman. In an impromptu speech
after Madam Meilleur stepped away
from the podium, Rabbi Kelman
announced, “We have nachas today.
Reena is a model for the world. We
are satisfying our motto…integrating
people with developmental
disabilities into our community.”
Sandy Keshen with members of the Wolfe family.
Special Community
Award Bestowed
Upon Sandy Keshen
une 11th was a highlight in the
life of Sandy Keshen, President
and CEO of Reena. On that
evening she received the Gordy
Wolfe Award for Jewish Communal
Professional Leadership. The
prestigious award was inaugurated
this year by the UJA Federation of
Great Toronto to honour the memory
of Gordy Wolfe, z’l who was the very
embodiment of a community leader.
As Executive Director of Jewish
Family & Child Service, he devoted 22
years to the betterment of the lives of
countless people living in poverty,
abused and neglected children, and
victims of domestic violence. As well,
Gordy promoted the building of
bridges among agencies to reduce
continued on page 11
Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena
Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena
Report of the Chair
of the Reena Board
have an accessible building – ramps
are necessary – but it is essential to
welcome participants with a
disability into our congregations,
by Helen Vale
camps, youth groups, and
community activities. Inclusion
means WITH, not just IN. Inclusion
is not just a disability issue. It is
about living full lives, treasuring
diversity, and building community.
Since its inception, Reena has
initiated some excellent
programming that serves people
with special needs. For example,
Reena’s Pathways program provides
here is great excitement in the
our clients with a variety of
air as I write this report. Reena integrative opportunities, including
is currently welcoming many
job-readiness, life-skills, social skills
guests from across Canada and the US and much more. It is now up to the
who are attending the KINUS 2008
community to accept, welcome,
Conference, which this year is hosted
encourage and promote further
by Reena and Tamir of Ottawa.
opportunities for people with a
The theme of the conference is
disability to come in from the
INCLUSION – not just opening the
periphery of society and take their
door – but how to welcome the person place as contributing and valued
with a disability (developmental, or
members of the community. When
otherwise) to fully participate with a
someone with a disability is included
level of comfort. It is not enough to
and involved in meaningful ways,
society is blessed with their gifts.
A person who hears less may see more
A person who sees less may perceive more
One who speaks slowly may have more to
A person who moves with difficulty may
have a clearer sense of direction
Thornburgh, G. (2000)
Working with other agencies under
the auspices of the Inclusion
Committee recently established by the
UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, we
can develop the necessary tools and
strategies to help alleviate the
discomfort and fears that many have
in the presence of individuals with
disabilities. The KINUS 2008
Conference brings the best practices
and recommendations from
professionals in the field of social
services, lay people, family members
and staff across Canada and the U.S.
Many of these ideas can be
incorporated into Reena’s vision of
inclusion to “Welcome Everyone…With
Joy” Pirke Avot l:15
Helen Vale Receives
the Shem Tov Award
e are delighted to announce that Helen Vale, Chair of the
Reena Board of Directors, has been awarded the UJA
Federation of Great Toronto’s Shem Tov Award for 2008.
To be considered for this significant award, nominees must have at
least five years of voluntary activity at a leadership level, have broad
Jewish communal experience and be currently participating at a
senior level.
A supporter and volunteer for Reena for many years, Helen has
served on the Reena board since 2002 and has been Chair since 2006.
She has also participated as a valuable member of the Reena
Foundation’s Gala Dinner committee. In addition, Helen has also
served on the Board of the Women’s Auxilliary for the Baycrest
Centre for Geriatric Care.
Congratulations Helen.
2 • Kolreena • July 2008
General Meeting
September 10, 2008
7:00 p.m.
Toby & Henry Battle
Developmental Centre
927 Clark Avenue West
Thornhill, Ontario
RSVP: 905-763-8254 ext, 3024
Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena
Report of Reena
President & CEO
by Sandy Keshen
n May 15, 2008, Ontario
introduced legislation that,
if passed, would lay the
groundwork for the
province to modernize and improve
service delivery for adults with a
developmental disability. Ontario’s
current Developmental Services Act
is almost 35 years old. During that
time, services for people with
developmental disabilities have
changed dramatically. People who
previously would have lived in
large, government-run institutions
now live and participate in
communities across Ontario.
The proposed new legislation
recognizes that people with
developmental disabilities can live
independently with the right
supports. It also recognized that
people with developmental disabilities
want more choice and control over
the supports they receive.
The new legislation would lay the
foundation for better services and
supports for people with
developmental disabilities and their
families, including:
• Better service: people would only
have to go to one place to apply for
services and support.
• More choice: people could receive
funding directly for supports tailored
to their needs.
• Improved fairness: everyone would
use the same application and
assessment package, and people who
need service and support the most
would have priority.
Minister of Community and Social
Services Madeleine Meilleur states “The
current Developmental Services Act is
out of date. It’s from a time when we
supported people in institutions. A year
from now, these facilities from a bygone
era will be closed. This legislation will
help us to build the foundation for the
next generation of people with a
developmental disability.”
I would like to congratulate the
Ontario government for introducing
legislation that will bring disability
issues into the 21st century. It is hoped
that this bill will foster strong
partnerships between the Ontario
government, families and agencies in
order to better serve people with
developmental disabilities and
provide them with a brighter future.
This legislation is still to become
regulation and we at Reena will be
working closely with other agencies
of OASIS (Ontario Agencies
Supporting Individuals With Special
Needs) to ensure that the regulations
reflect the best interests of people
with a developmental disability and
their families.
• More than 40,000 adults with a
developmental disability live in
• Since 2003, the Ontario government
has committed an additional half
billion dollars for services for people
with developmental disabilities.
• The total annual budget for
developmental services is $1.57 billion.
• In 1974, at the height of
institutionalization, there were
approximately 8000 people with a
developmental disability living in
government-operated facilities. Today,
there are fewer than 180 adults living
in the three remaining facilities which
are set to close in 2009.
Outreach Sells Flowers for Autism
Submitted by: Leora Kaizer - Program Coordinator
ay 11, 2008 was a day to celebrate mothers everywhere. But at
the Battle Centre, it was a time to celebrate another cause, as well.
On that day, two groups of adults from Outreach’s Sunday
Friends program came together to sell flowers for charity. Twenty adults,
ages 19-35 took the time to pot the flowers individually, with love and care.
Staff and clients worked hard to ensure that each one was just right. Then
they sat in the front foyer, eagerly awaiting parents to arrive. They sold the
pots, for a small fee, in celebration of Mother’s Day. Each pot sold went
towards their charity of choice: The Autism Society of Ontario. Over the
course of two hours, the groups raised an amazing $130 for the society.
Both staff and clients should be extremely proud of their accomplishments.
As Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but
we make a life by what we give.” The Sunday Friends adults groups
Robyn Gibson, staff (l.) and Elysia Fernandes with some
definitely proved that to be true.
of the flowers for sale.
Kolreena • July 2008 • 3
Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena
A Warm Welcome to Kay and Robyn
Submitted by: Susan Yussuf, Support Worker
possible. They have
n February 12, 2008, we welcomed Kay Lawrence
and Robyn Newman to 138 Weldrick Road –
quickly adapted to their
sometimes referred to as Reena’s ElderHome 2.
new home and are
Their transition from Rideau Regional Centre located in
enjoying every minute.
Smith’s Falls, Ontario, had been a challenging one.
It has been a good job
However, we had the opportunity to meet and spend
by a great team at
time with the two ladies, thanks to our Department
Weldrick. Keep it up!
Manager, Mohamed Lalji, and our Supervisor, Laurie
This has been an
Bertin-Keller who drove for four hours on two separate
important opportunity
occasions in extremely bad weather so that we could get
to know Kay and Robyn a little bit prior to their big move. Kay Lawrence
The staff at the facility were worried about the ladies
for me to further learn
moving to our home, but I assured them that they were in about the roles and
good hands, stating that “at Reena we are number one in
responsibilities of being
the helping profession.”
a support worker. I
Just imagine, after 30 years of living in an institution,
extend a big ‘thankthese ladies were finally getting an opportunity to return
you’ to Laurie for
to the community. We, the team at Weldrick, are proud to giving me this
say that since moving to our home – just a little more
opportunity, and once
again, welcome Kay
than three moths ago - both women have thrived. They
and Robyn into the ReenaRobyn
have improved in areas that we were told would not be
Israel at 60
Submitted by Neil Gamester – Senior Support Worker
n May 8, 2008, a group of four people,
accompanied by staff Neil Gamester and
Joanne Woo, from 495 Wilson went to
the Celebrate Israel at 60 event at the Ricoh
Coliseum at the Exhibition grounds. A large
block of tickets was very generously donated to
Our group was part of the 7000 who attended
the historic event, including Prime Minister
Stephen Harper who gave the keynote address.
After an amazing slide program about the history
of the founding of Israel, the crowds were
thoroughly entertained by the National Ballet of
Israel Dancers, the Toronto Jewish Day Schools
Joint Choir and the Israeli hip hop band Hadag
The clients had great praise for the event:
David Midgen said “It was great” and Howard
Zimmerman said “I loved it.” Alan Liss told me
“I really liked it. The singing was wonderful”
while Raymond Jerome thought that “the movie
about the history of Israel was great”.
4 • Kolreena • July 2008
(l to r) Howard Zimmerman, Neil Gamester, Alan Liss and Raymond Jerome
enjoying the Israel at 60 Celebrations.
Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena
What Is the Ontario Partnership on Aging
and Developmental Disabilities? (OPADD)
Submitted by: Ron W. Coristine, M.P.A., Project Manager
OPADD has been approved as a
Community of Practice in the area of
aging and developmental disabilities
within the Seniors Health Research
Transfer Network (SHRTN). SHRTN
is a province-wide knowledge
exchange network linking caregivers
with researchers and policy makers
who work together to improve heath
care for seniors. OPADD has much in
common with SHRTN. The new
partnership between SHRTN and
OPADD will result in a larger base of
practitioners, researchers and policymakers working on planning, research
and service delivery issues related to
aging and developmental disabilities.
The forum within which the dialogue
takes place has become larger, with
more expertise, more resources and
more attention being paid. The
inclusion of OPADD within SHRTN
also offers opportunity to sustain some
of OPADD’s project activities after the
Ontario Trillium Foundation grant is
exhausted ten months from now in
March 2009.
SHRTN offers library and research
services as well as a range of other
resources through its website. OPADD
will be able to access these to research
important questions and to plan
innovative service delivery responses.
However, OPADD must still move
forward on other fronts beyond the
boundaries of its activity with SHRTN.
A key challenge that remains is to
create a consistent province-wide
approach in service planning for older
adults with developmental disabilities.
Currently, some of the Community
Care Access Centres (CCACs), which
coordinate access to seniors
community services and control access
to long term care beds, are treating
older adults with a developmental
disability like any other senior citizen.
However, some have not yet reached
this level of awareness.
Some of the Ministry of Community
and Social Services Coordinated Access
Programs, which have responsibility
for service planning within the
developmental services sector, are
Outreach Walks with Israel
By Liat Josovits – Support Worker
On Sunday, May 25, 2008 the Walk with Israel was held
in order to raise money, celebrate Israel’s 60th birthday
as well as to show support for the country. The
Outreach department wanted to show our support for
Israel and the worthy cause, and so a group from both
the North and South Sunday programs went to join
the festivities. The walk took place throughout
beautiful downtown Toronto. Unfortunately due to
the early start, the groups were not able to participate
in the actual walk, but did participate in the
The event continued at the Direct Energy Centre at
the Exhibition Place, where a celebratory carnival was
held. In total, five staff and ten clients made the trek
engaged in responding to the
growing population of older adults
with a developmental disability.
However, some MCSS Coordinated
Access Programs have not yet
demonstrated this level of awareness.
This is neither good nor bad. It is
simply indicative of the process of
change. Some jurisdictions and
service providers are early adopters
and innovators. Others take a little
longer. OPADD will continue to
provide a forum within which service
providers and policy-makers can
dialogue in the interests of re-shaping
the service system so all older adults
with a developmental disability have
the same access to seniors services as
all older Ontarians.
For more information about
OPADD visit the web site at For more
information about SHRTN, enter
“SHRTN” into your web browser or
visit the SHRTN web site at:
downtown to show their
support. They attended
the carnival and
participated in the
various stations that
were set up. There were
games, rides, crafts,
guest celebrities as well
as a Kosher BBQ. The
carnival brought people,
young and old, together
in support of the Jewish
people and Israel. We
proudly waved the
Israeli flag and enjoyed Melanie Najman and Samson Lee proudly
raise the Israeli flag.
the sunny afternoon
showing support for the great cause.
Kolreena • July 2008 • 5
Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena
The Trip of a Lifetime
Submitted by: Maureen Ander, Resource Supervisor
have just returned from Israel, where I spent two
weeks escorting Carly Pressman, a young woman
with a developmental disability, on what was the
trip of her life.
Together we kayaked, hiked through desert and
mountain ranges, rode camels and ate in a Bedouin tent
in the desert. We climbed Masada, visited the Wailing
Wall in Jerusalem, swam in the Dead Sea, the
Mediterranean Sea, and camped out near the Jordan
river. We also participated in an archaeological dig and
enjoyed many other experiences, too many to mention.
Although we faced some challenges, Carly was able to
participate fully alongside other young people. The
gratitude expressed by Carly’s mother for my help to
make that happen, outweighs any issues we
I appreciate the opportunity given to me by Reena
and look forward to my return to the Holy Land
sometime in the not too distant future.
Reena SIL Passover
Submitted by: Elaine Goldbach
The annual SIL Passover Seder took place on April 14 in
the party room at 495 Wilson. Once again this yearly
event was anticipated by many of the participants who
look forward to this special holiday. Many of the
participants enjoyed having the opportunity to come to
the front of the room and recite their reading about the
significant symbols of the Passover Seder. All of the
readers were treated with respect and received a warm
round of applause for their performance. The ceremony
was followed by a delicious meal which was catered by
Taam Tov Fine Foods.
We wish to thank the Fern Aronoff Fund at Reena for
donating funds to our Seder. Fern’s mother Miriam told
us that she always enjoys being at our Seder and
spending time with Fern’s friends. “It’s wonderful to see
(l to r) Robert Lesser, Judy Zoltak, and Phil Lepofsky enjoy the
6 • Kolreena • July 2008
Elaine Goldbach, (centre) assists Alan Liss and Cheryl Kelman as they
read their script.
the participants reading their parts, “ she said. “and to
witness their joy and enthusiasm of cheering for each
other and being together.”
This year we were very
happy to welcome her
We also would like to
thank our three volunteers:
Michael Chaikof, Tamlyn
Freedman and Marty
Zatzman who provided the
music and led us in the
singing of the Passover
Danny Scherer confidently
reads from the haggadah
Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena
Consider a Henson Trust
Caring for a relative with a disability
Caring for a family member with a disability, and planning for their support
for a whole lifetime, is a big responsibility. It poses special problems and
To help families and as an aid for staff in social service agencies to help
parents make the very best choices for their loved one, Reena has been
instrumental in bringing together a group of parents, advisors and writers to
create the booklet Consider a Henson Trust.
The publication is written by Harry Beatty, Mary Louise Dickson and John
Stapleton (a well known speaker at Reena’s Financial Planning Forums) and
covers how to set up a Henson Trust, everything you need to know about
ODSP, how to prepare for the future and if a Henson Trust is a good choice for
every family.
The Consider a Henson Trust booklet is on the Reena website as a PDF file,
or can be purchased in printed form from the Reena office (call 905-763-8254
ext. 3024 for your copy) at $10 each.
Sponsors for the first printing of the book are Reena and the Law Foundation of Ontario
If I Could Read His Mind
By Anna Maric, Support Worker
would like to tell you about a
young man who has recently
come to Reena’s residential
program. Just as ordinary people can
find fulfillment in extraordinary gifts,
it is not hard to believe that
extraordinary people would feel
something similar when
accomplishing ordinary tasks that
were previously unfamiliar to them. I
imagine that if Stephen could express
himself with greater ease and facility,
he would say something along these
My name is Stephen and I am 17 years
old. I live in Reena’s residential program
where I get to interact with people who
are somewhat like me. We all strive
towards a common goal. With the help of
our staff, we all seek to achieve some form
of personal growth, by increasing our
confidence, motivation and self-esteem.
However, I am considered as a case apart
from the rest as I need a great deal of
two-on-one support. I have a hard time
communicating through any means
beyond body language, which often does
not get my thoughts across to the
person I am trying to communicate
with. My staff has a well-planned
program tailored to meet my unique
needs so that I can try to develop my
own abilities. I get immersed in art like
in no other activity and in the end, I am
rewarded with the feeling of having
accomplished something meaningful to
me. Moments like these make me see
that I am gifted, like everyone else.
In my time with Stephen I have
realized that he has the capacity for
significant growth if we provide
him with the right opportunity.
Extreme patience is needed on our
part but by exposing him to a
variety of mediums such as music,
chess, arts and crafts, we can help
him find his own personal gift.
Above all, we need to encourage his
growth by forming a personal
relationship with him. In fact, that is
why we are here, as Silkwood’s
staff. We take care of our clients’
daily needs, but we are not nurses,
babysitters or housekeepers. Rather,
we become the catalyst for change
by enabling our clients to take part
in programs tailored to their specific
A place like our residence creates
the opportunity for growth among
both staff and clients. It exposes us
to unusual and unexpected gifts
found in people who have unique
needs. I know that an important
message from Stephen to all of us as
Reena’s staff would be something
like –
The people who work with me have a
lot of patience and understanding which
make me feel included. It makes me
proud to be a part of the Reena ‘family.”
Kolreena • July 2008 • 7
Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena
Reena Client Ushers in Day-Trading at the TSE
came down with the force of Thor ’s hammer and just like
that, the day’s trading began!
As the morning came to a close, Ryan said goodbye to
everyone and then it was time to go off to his day
program. All in all, it was a wonderful morning. Ryan truly
showed himself to be a great representation of what Reena
is all about. If you play the stock market and you find that
your stocks did not do well on Monday, May 26th, Ryan
and I would just like to say….”It’s not our fault!”
Ryan Garnet with Tom Petersen at Stock Exchange
On Monday May 26th, Bill Gates and Donald Trump had
to take a back seat to Reena’s Ryan Garnet. That’s right, the
stock market has a new player! In preparation for the
Reena Foundation Gala, The Toronto Stock Exchange had
asked if Reena would like to have one it’s clients help ring
the bell which, in turn, ushers in the beginning of the
day’s trading. When I was approached and asked if I knew
of a client that would be willing to do this I simply replied,
“Boy do I ever!” Ryan Garnet has been a Reena client since
1999 and has been living at 241 Crestwood for the last year.
During the day Ryan normally attends Reena’s Pathways
South program, which focuses primarily on teaching life
skills. As one can imagine, an event such as this provided
Ryan with an excellent opportunity to strut his
stuff……and strut his stuff he did!
As the TSE opens at 9:30 a.m., that meant that Ryan had
to get an early start to the day. We need not have worried!
Ryan was up at the crack of dawn and was just teeming
with energy and enthusiasm. By the time that I arrived at
7:45 a.m. Ryan had already been up since 6:00 a.m. and
was “bright eyed and bushy tailed”. (I however, was bleary
eyed and living off Starbucks coffee!) When we arrived at
the TSE, various officials greeted us at the door. Ryan was
given a badge, which allowed him special clearance to
roam about the building. After some schmoozing with
various officials, Ryan and I were taken to the upper level
where the bell is kept. The “bell” is actually a large button
on a computer screen that once pushed, starts the day’s
trading. As usual, I was a nervous wreck. Ryan however
had the steely resolve of a Montana gunslinger. Ryan
positioned himself firmly in front of the screen ready for
the moment of truth. To add to the pressure, various
dignitaries such as Sandy Keshen, President & CEO of
Reena and Gary Sim, President of the Reena Foundation
surrounded Ryan. Again Ryan was not phased, as the
countdown began, everyone around Ryan began to cheer
wildly and once the countdown reached zero, Ryan’s hand
8 • Kolreena • July 2008
Ryan Garnet (centre) opens trading at the TSE
Feb. 14th, 1943 - June 12th, 2008
Submitted by: Laurie Bertin-Keller
and Maureen Ander
On Thursday June 12th we at
Reena lost someone very near
and dear to our hearts. Bernie
Reisman passed away suddenly
in hospital a few days after
having orthopaedic surgery.
We first had the privilege of working with Bernie at
the Day Program at 99 Cartwright many years ago.
Some of our fondest memories involving Bernie had to
do with his cheeky sense of humour, the value he
placed on relationships with friends and family, and his
appreciation of money…and gum! He had lived at a
number of Reena homes over the years, and at one time
or another was supported by many of us still working
here. You could not have worked with Bernie in any
capacity without him having an impact. Bernie had
challenges in his life which he faced head on, with
strength and determination. He had a fantastic memory
for names and faces. People from his past and present
were greeted daily with a smile.
continued on page 12
Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena
Announcements and other newsworthy items
by the Learning & Development Team
Developmental Disabilities Counsellor (DDC) Program Update
e are very happy to announce
yet another successful session
of the DDC program (Class of
January 2008). This session produced
16 successful students for Reena and
its partners* to interview for
employment. The graduation event is
scheduled for June 17th at George
Brown College’s St. James Campus on
King Street. The event will be
attended by staff and clients of
student placement sites.
Here is an excerpt from the results
of the recent program evaluation focus
groups (students and preceptors)
facilitated and reported by Georgia
Quartaro, George Brown College’s
Dean of General Education and
• Summary of Students’ Experience:
“This small group of students was
very positive about the program and
their learning in it. They had clearly
formed a tight cohort and made many
references to mutual support within
their group. Although the group
feeling in past cohorts has often been
strong, this group had unusually high
esprit de corps and mutual regard.
Many comments were similar to those
of prior groups.”
• Summary of Preceptors’ Experience:
“The preceptors were very positive
about this group of students.
Although they described the students
as taking more initiative and being
more engaged, it appeared that the
preceptors were also more engaged in
creating learning opportunities for the
students and wanting to ensure that
they had rich placement experiences.”
We are presently interviewing
applicants for the next DDC program
which is scheduled to begin July 7th,
2008. We have received a record
number of applications for the next
program ➝ over 130 applicants and
counting!! Thanks, largely, to the
great word-of-mouth marketing by
our staff and past DDC graduates.
Applicants can call Clifford Walsh at
(905) 889-2690, ext. 2048 or download
the poster from Reena’s website:
*DDC partnership presently includes the following 6
developmental service organizations: Kerry’s Place
Autism Services, Montage Support Services, New Leaf:
Living and Learning Together Inc., New Visions
Toronto, Reena, and Salvation Army Broadview Village
Reena clients look forward to another
season of fun at Camp Northland.
his is the third year of the successful partnership between Reena and Camp
Northland to provide an integrated camping experience for children with
special needs. The children are all looking forward with great anticipation
to a summer of fun and learning.
And once again we would like to thank the members of the Miriam Alkin
Memorial Fund board for their generous gift to extend this opportunity for
children who might otherwise not be able to attend. It is through generous
donations such as this that we
have been able to expand the
camp program each year since
we started in 2006.
This year Reena is at Camp
Northland for the whole
summer and we will welcome
25 campers. There will be more
dances, more swimming and
more opportunities for the
Northland campers to embrace
our clients and help them to Jillyan Farbstein coaches Noah
Wolanski who is not daunted by the
Brandon Osei and Michelle Mironov enjoy boating with
participate in every program. high rock climbing wall.
program coordinator Leora Kaizer (right)
Some photos from Camp
Northland 2007...
Kolreena • July 2008 • 9
Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena
The 7th Graduating DDC Class
Submitted by: The Learning and Development Team
e, in the Learning and Development
department, would like to congratulate all the
graduates of the January 2008 Developmental
Disabilities Counsellor (DDC) program. The graduation
ceremony was held, yet again, at George Brown College St. James Campus, on June 17th, 2008.
Our five other partnering agencies* have shown a high
degree of commitment
to the DDC Program
through practicum and
paid placement
of the students,
involvement in
marketing the
program, and in the
interview process for
the next program
slated to begin July
2008. We look forward
to a continuous and
successful partnership with them.
Once again, we thank Sandy Keshen (President & CEO
of Reena), Ken Beck, Chair, and the members of our
Learning and Development Committee for their ongoing
leadership, support, and guidance. We would not be
afforded the opportunity to do what we do without their
involvement and direction.
A special thank you to Georgia Quartaro (Dean of
General Education and Access at George Brown College)
for her ongoing support while serving on our Learning
and Development Committee and facilitating student and
preceptor focus groups. Her continued evaluation,
feedback, and genuine involvement with the DDC
program allow us to plan and enhance our program
delivery for each offering. In addition, the graduation
ceremony at George Brown College provides formal
acknowledgement by the college and unforgettable
memories for our graduates.
Thank you to Dr. Reza Moridi, MPP for Richmond Hill
and Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Training,
Colleges, and Universities for attending and addressing the
graduates and guests. Other guests of honour that we
would like to thank are: Helen Vale, Chair – Reena Board of
Directors, who eloquently delivered the welcome address;
Robert Morassutti, Executive
Director of Montage Support
Services, who delivered a
heartfelt speech; and Gary
Sim, President of Reena
Foundation, who had very
kind and wise words for the
Our sincerest thanks go out
to the Reena Instructor Teams
and our
Supervisors/Preceptors for
their on-going support and
for their contribution to the high-quality training courses
that we offer at Reena. With their support, students are able
to graduate from the DDC Program with excellent
knowledge and firm confidence in what they have learned
to apply on-the-job.
Finally, thank you to all of our staff for promoting the
DDC Program through their word-of-mouth marketing. No
matter what we do, our staff referrals still have the highest
impact on the number of quality applications that we
There’s no time to stop and enjoy the fruits of our labour our next program starts July 7th, 2008!!
Lee Morrison’s Birthday Celebration
Submitted by: Dolapo Ogundige and Prince Sarumi, Support Workers
Monday, April 21, 2008 was Lee Morrison’s birthday. He turned
31. Lee’s family and staff wanted him and his peers at 61 King
High Drive to have a really special day; and so it was decided to
take all the guys out for an exciting time at Niagara Falls.
We spent several hours of fun time with the King High guys,
Lee, Jeff Green and Andrew Marshall, eating and drinking, taking
photographs and walking around, admiring the beauty that is
Niagara Falls. We certainly enjoyed the trip, and later Lee thanked
us for “Lee’s cake and Niagara Falls” (Lee’s words in quotes.)
All the staff and clients at King High wish Lee many more years (L to R.) Prince Sarumi, Andrew Marshall, Lee Morrison, Jeff
Green and Dolabo Ogundiga at Niagara Falls.
of good health and happiness.
10 • Kolreena • July 2008
Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena
The Reena Bowling Team Strikes Back!
By: Nadavya Stollon and Ashleigh Orrett, Support Workers
On Thursday, May 29th, seven
members of the Reena Bowling Team
and their head coach Ashleigh Orrett
departed on their journey to the 2008
Special Olympics Ontario. The games,
held in Oshawa, were hosted by
Durham College and the Durham
Regional Police. When they arrived,
Hyla Rubenstein, David Gosling,
Emmanuel Attencio, Victor Henry,
Edna Marcus, Lewis Rosenberg and
Larry Weinstein were welcomed into
the college dormitory that would be
their home for the next three days. That
night, after a delicious barbeque, they
marched into the opening ceremonies.
The torch runner arrived. The Olympic
torch was lit and the games began! Two
intense days of bowling followed.
The bowlers played six games on
Friday and three games on Saturday,
followed by a moving closing ceremony
and a Hawaiian themed dance. On
Sunday, sadly, it was time to say goodbye to new friends and return to
The whole Bowling Team with their loyal supporters!
Our athletes showed great
concentration and outstanding
sportsmanship and really made us
proud! Congratulations to all our
athletes and to our medal winners Hyla Rubenstein with two gold, one
silver and one bronze, David Gosling
with two gold, one bronze, Larry
Weinstein with one gold, one bronze,
Lewis Rosenberg with one gold, one
silver, and Victor Henry with two
gold, one silver and one bronze. 15
medals in all!
A special thanks goes out to Tom
Petersen and Ann Szabo who helped
to make these games so successful.
Now we’re counting down until
Special Olympics 2012!
Special Community Award Bestowed Upon Sandy Keshen contd. from page one
silos and allow families seamless and easy access to services.
The Gordy Wolfe Award honours a visionary, professional
communal leader who, like Gordy, has made a substantive
difference in the life of Jewish Toronto; a person who
embodies the Jewish values of Derech Eretz (being respectful
of interpersonal relationships), Gemilut Hasadim (deeds of
kindness), Tzedek (social justice), Tikun Olam (repairing the
world), Eilu v’Eilu (diversity and unity), and Talmud Torah
(Jewish learning). Recipients of the award will be committed
to creativity and innovation, inspirational leadership,
mentorship of other professionals, and the promotion of
strong and dynamic lay leadership – all qualities possessed in
abundance by Sandy Keshen.
“To be recognized by one’s peers is the ultimate
compliment and I am honoured and humbled to be the
recipient of the inaugural Gordy Wolfe Award,” said Sandy
at the award ceremony. “I had the good fortune to work with
Gordy on many community endeavours. He focused on
strengthening the Jewish community and providing support
to its vulnerable members to create ‘one Shabbat table’ for
all,” she continued. “Gordy passed away last year, but he will
always be remembered for his significant involvement with
social services in Toronto.”
“This award is even more meaningful to me because it is
named in Gordy’s honour. In tribute to a dear friend, I hope
that we can all continue to learn and grow together.”
Sandy Keshen with members of the Wolfe family.
Kolreena • July 2008 • 11
Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena
Students in the community volunteer for Reena
he 2008 Shavuot Program was organized in conjunction
with the Annex Shul at the Wolfond center on UofT
campus. There were 22 clients, 7 staff, and approximately
32 volunteers from the Annex Shul and friends of Annex Shul
congregants. Their ages ranged from 17 to 75 and included Jews
of every affiliation (from orthodox to secular). Volunteers crept
up from the woodwork through facebook, the Annex Shul
website and word of mouth.
The event was organized by Raviv Israel & Jonathan Polak, and
featured five event leaders:
•Joanne Frisch – leading Jewish Song
•Elana Metter, Keren Segal, and Estee Buaron leading –
Rikudei Am (Israeli Dancing)
•Shely Polak – leading Shavuot Arts and Crafts
The clients thoroughly enjoyed the event. Even those who do
not normally participate in activities were thoroughly engaged!
They were creating, laughing, dancing, singing, and smiling like
never before! This program really brought out the best in
everyone! You can see pictures of the event at the Annex Shul
website and its facebook group.
Please get in touch with Jonathan Polak @
[email protected] or 416 774 8018 if you’d like to be
involved in future events.
Quotes from participants:
"Volunteering at the event was an incredible experience. It was
nice to know that our involvement put smiles on the residents of
40 Elway and 165 Elm Ridge. I will definitely participate in many
more events such as this one." -Jennifer Mayers, Co-op Student
"On behalf of the residents of 40 Elway and 165 Elm Ridge, we
would like to extend our warmest thank you for the Shavuot
event. The individuals truly enjoyed the activities and the
interaction. The activities were planned and executed so that
everyone, regardless of his/her ability was able to participate in
an activity. We saw smiles and laughter from individuals who at
times do not like to participate in social activities. This was a
great accomplishment and joy to see.
The luncheon was exquisite and well prepared. The staff were
overwhelmed with the participation and the involvement of all
the volunteers." -Debbie Bentley, Resource Supervisor
Bernie Reisman
continued from page 8
Bernie’s father was ever present in his life, visiting him
weekly. Bernie spoke often of missing his father – especially
when his father wintered in Florida and finally when he
passed away years ago. His brothers Alan and Joel were
always there, continuing with those weekly visits, and
supporting him through his medical issues until the day he
passed away.
His final year was spent living happily at Reena’s new
12 • Kolreena • July 2008
ElderHome located on Weldrick Road in Richmond
Hill. The relationship between his family and the staff
there was a good one, and enabled us to collectively
enhance Bernie’s quality of life. Bernie was an integral
part of the Weldrick family of staff and clients. He has
touched the lives of so many and the effect of his loss
on us is profound.
Our memories of him will remain with us.
Kolreena Kolreena Reena Foundation Kolreena Kolreena
Report of the Chair
of the Reena
Foundation Board
by Frank A. Wilson
his is a very exciting time for
Reena and Reena Foundation.
Reena is developing plans for a
new residential building on the Lebovic
Campus in Vaughan. In the coming
months you will hear more of these
exciting plans and what will become
the new home to at least 23 Reena
Reena Foundation is also now doing
its own planning in order to raise the
required donations to support this
major building initiative. We look
forward to working very closely with
our partners at UJA Federation in
making this dream of an innovative
new housing model a reality.
The campaign itself will be the largest
campaign ever undertaken by the
Reena Foundation and will require
exceptional leadership at all levels. In
fact, over these next few months we
will be recruiting fundraisers at all
levels and from all sectors of the
community to help build this campaign.
The Reena Residential Building will
be in the heart of the campus and will
be an integral part of a new and vibrant
campus of services to the community. It
will be a place where the community
will openly and warmly accept people
with developmental disabilities. It will
be a place where people of all abilities
Over the last couple of months, as
we prepared for our gala, I have had
the opportunity to meet a lot of
Reena staff who work with our clients
every day – and the words that Tony
Comper spoke after recently touring
our homes rings so very true – “Reena
does G-d’s work”. Reena’s work truly
is real life and real people dealing
with very real issues.
Reena has come a long way in 35
years of compassionate care. And
every bit of learning garnered over
that period of time will go into
making this new undertaking a home
where our population can live with
dignity, respect, acceptance and hope.
As Albert Einstein said “Learn from
yesterday, live for today and Hope for
tomorrow”. I truly believe that as long
as there is a strong Reena, buoyed by
community support, there will be
If you would like to get in on the
ground floor of this fundraising
campaign, please contact the Reena
Foundation Offices and tell us that
you would like to help raise the funds
to ensure a brighter future for Reena
and the people that Reena serves. We
need everyone in the Reena family to
get involved and to help ensure an
overwhelming success to our
campaign. Call today!
Did you know Reena Foundation has a monthly giving program?
onthly giving is an easy and convenient way to
support Reena, a little bit at a time. Instead of
making a single large gift once a year, you can
spread your giving throughout the year by making
smaller monthly donations. This may be easier on your
Monthly donations are processed on the 1st and 15th
of each month and can be made by credit card or post
dated cheques. You will receive a single tax receipt along
with a report that clearly lists all of your contributions
for the calendar year.
By participating in the monthly giving program, you
help reduce the Foundation’s administrative costs and
ensure that even more money goes directly to Reena’s
To find out more about the monthly giving program
or to enrol please contact Michelle Primus by phone at
905-764-1081 ext. 33 or by email at:
[email protected]
Reena Foundation
Kolreena • July 2008 • 13
Kolreena Kolreena Reena Foundation Kolreena Kolreena
Report of the
by Gary Sim
hat an outstanding quarter
this has been!
The Foundation kicked off the
quarter with a record breaking 4th
annual Not Just Another Saturday
Night! Thanks to the New Leadership
Division and event Chairs Adam
Henechowicz, Zach Goldstein and
Steven Weisz, the event attracted more
PR attention, more attendees and raised
more money than any previous version
of this night.
The quarter closed with an amazing
gala evening paying tribute to Tony &
Elizabeth Comper. The 2008 Reena Gala
attracted over 800 people and raised
more than $500,000! New friends and
old friends alike had a great time at this
event according to all feedback.
Even while organizing and
supporting our volunteers in staging
these two major events, the Foundation
office was busy supporting the Spring
Direct Mail Drive. The mail went out in
two waves and by the time we were
through, we had surpassed our
aggressive targets by over 30%. This was
Basketball Tournament raises over $1500
On Sunday May 4, 2008, Daniel Viner, a grade 10 student at
CHAT organized a successful basketball tournament with all
proceeds directed towards Reena.
Four teams participated in the tournament that began at 9.00 a.m.
and carried on until 2.00 p.m. Spectators came out to cheer on
their teams as well as CHAT teachers who were supervising the
various games.
Daniel wanted to do something different for his volunteer hours
and decided to organize his own basketball tournament from the
ground up. With the support of his friends and family he was able
to successfully pull off the tournament and raise over $1,500.
It is through 3rd party events that Reena has been able, for 35
years, to help people with development disabilities live more
productive lives. Key to achieving this is helping the wider
community be more accepting of our kids.
Please call Dayna Bleeman at (905) 764-1081 ext. 30 if you have
an idea for a fundraiser at your school.
14 • Kolreena • July 2008
extremely gratifying as we were
raising money for the popular
Summer Recreational Program. For
those who missed getting their
donation in for this direct mail, our
next campaign will take place at the
beginning of September in support of
the Back to School Program.
And the next quarter is going to be
equally as busy and productive. We
are busily organizing for our 5th
annual Theatre Night featuring The
Jersey Boys, as well as Guys Night
Out, the annual Magna Dinner, The
2nd annual Ladies Breakfast and
Flourish, the 2nd annual wine event
sponsored by The New Leadership
We hope that you might be
interested in helping organize any one
of these affairs. We need good people
willing to organize or fundraise to
help ensure each of these occasions is
the most successful version of that
event. Call our offices and get (more)
involved today!
❏ YES!
I would like to support Reena’s
Respite and Enrichment programs!
You can still help ensure our summer programs
reach as many people as possible. Please call the
Foundation at 905-764-1081 ext. 34 or fill out this
form and fax or mail to Reena Foundation
❏ I/we wish to donate: $
Pay method
❏ Cheque enclosed (make payable to Reena Foundation)
❏ Credit Card ❏ Visa ❏ MasterCard ❏ Amex
Card #:
Kolreena Kolreena Reena Foundation Kolreena Kolreena
2008 Reena Tribute Dinner
n June 2nd over 800 people gathered at the Sheraton
Centre in downtown Toronto for the 2008 Reena
Tribute Dinner. The room was filled with excitement
amongst long time friends and new friends that came out to
pay tribute to Reena and this year’s honourees, Tony &
Elizabeth Comper. Our most heartfelt thank you to Tony and
Elizabeth for having worked so enthusiastically on this gala for
This year’s Gala was a sure success. Attendees of the event
enjoyed the ambience of the Grand Ballroom at the Sheraton
which was elegantly set up in black, white and red. The teddy
bear raffle was sold out within the first hour with the lucky
winner walking away with a diamond pendant. Guests
enjoyed the heartfelt speeches paying tribute to both Reena and Bronze Sponsor GPX International Tire
our Honouree, to the final musical performance by The Nylons.
Our thanks to Ruth Berger and Mona Sherkin for all their
efforts as Co-Chairs of the Arrangements Committee.
Linda Frum was our mistress of ceremonies for the evening
and paid tribute to both Tony and Elizabeth.
Our thanks to a number of people who made this evening a
success. A very special thank you to Event Chair, Jeff Rayman
whose efforts over the past year solidified the event and its
success. Also to his Honourary Co-Chairs Alan Silber and
Gilles Ouellette. Thanks to Bob Bissett, Chair of the
Fundraising Committee and to Judy Bronfman, Chair of the
Tribute Book Committee, and their entire teams for all their
Bronze Sponsor Al & Sheila Libfeld
And to our sponsors of the dinner who ensured the financial
success of the evening:
Presenting Sponsor
BMO Financial group
Please let us know if you have included Reena in your
Silver Sponsors
will or listed Reena as a beneficiary in your insurance
Counsel Corporation
policy so that we can acknowledge your kindness.
Dundee Wealth
If you would like more information about making a
Bronze Sponsors
bequest to Reena or how to leave Reena a gift through
Chaitons LLP
an insurance policy or will, please call our office at 905GPX International Tire
Pinedale Properties
We would like to acknowledge the following
Al & Sheila Libfeld
Royal bank
individuals of the Alex Eisen Society
Al Levin
Edith Abramczyk
Terence McGinn
Larry Berdugo
Frances Nissenbaum
Shelagh Barrington
Malcolm Peake
Hy Eiley
Rob Rose
Alex Eisen
Freda Rubenstein
Susan Feldman
Marc Stefaniu
Wolf Justein
Joe Weisman
Joseph Kelman
The Alex Eisen Society
2008 Gala Honourees, Elizabeth and Tony Comper
Kolreena • July 2008 • 15
Kolreena Kolreena Reena Foundation Kolreena Kolreena
Not Just Another Saturday Night
Hundreds of people, including some notable
guests, came out for the 4th annual Not Just
Another Saturday Night on April 5 at Toronto’s
Dominion Club. In addition to a cocktail reception with
delicious edibles and an art show, the evening of fun
included a Texas Hold’em poker tournament offering a
Caribbean Cruise as the grand prize. Live musicians and a
DJ entertained the guests. The event raised more than
$30,000 for Reena and more specifically the New
Leadership Endowment Fund. A special thanks to the
event Co-Chairs Adam Henechowicz, Zach Goldstein and
Steven Weisz and their entire committee who worked so
hard to make this event the most successful to date.
Co-Chairs, Steven Weisz, Adam Henechowicz and Zach Goldstein
Thank you to all our Sponsors
Platinum Sponsor The Hershel Victor Foundation
Gold Sponsor Deliotte and Touch
Silver Sponsor Stryco Product LP
Bronze Sponsors Echenberg Family Foundation,
Specialists, Folger
Rubinoff LLP, Forest
Hill Real Estate inc,
G Investments,
Great Gulf Homes,
Harvey Kalles,
Lampert Plumbing,
Plays that Work inc.,
Spin Master Toys,
Sterling Park Group,
Committee members, Rachele Cohen, Esther
and Switzer Homes. Benarroch and Alisa Bar-Dayan
Volunteers selling raffle tickets
Endowment Funds – Securing Reena’s Future
Establishing a family endowment fund is a wonderful way of creating your own legacy at Reena and a wonderful way of encouraging
future generations to follow in your philanthropic footsteps. The whole family can donate to your fund and watch it grow over the
years and generations.
CHAMPION - $100,000+
PARTNER - $50,000+
BUILDER - $25,000+
PATRON - $10,000+
16 • Kolreena • July 2008
LEADER - $5,000+
Developing Funds
Les Agasee Fund
Leane Begley Fund
Robert Berdugo Fund
Sandy and Jerry Brooks Fund
The Canada Israel Experience Fund
Durigon Family Fund
Alex, Olga and Marvin Eisen Fund
Pearl Goldstein Continuing
Education Fund
Jesion Family Fund
John and Fanni Rev Fund
SUSAN HARRIS & DAVID KASSIE FUND Frank and Elaine Simkevitz Family Fund
The Occupational Therapy Fund
The Wachsberg Family Fund
Ernie Weiss Family Fund
Weizenberg Family Fund
Kolreena Kolreena Reena Foundation Kolreena Kolreena
Thank You to Our Donors
The Donor Recognition List below reflects cumulative gifts of $36 or more received from March1st to May 31st 2008. We thank all
donors for their generous contributions including those requesting anonymity. Our Honourial and Memorial card program at Reena
Foundation continues. What better way to say Mazal Tov or convey condolences than with a contribution to Reena Foundation? Cards
are available from $10 each. If you wish to make a donation, please call Reena Foundation at (905) 764- 1081, ext. 34. We apologize for
any errors or omissions. To help us correct our records, please call the Foundation office, at the number above.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin C. Beutel
Brown's Shoe Shops Inc.
Al & Sheila Libfeld
Burnac Corporation
Steele Valley Developments Ltd.
Canadian Council for Israel and Jewish
Patron - ($10,000.00 + )
Cassidy & Co. Charity Golf Classic
Chaitons LLP
CIBC World Markets Children's Foundation Centre Corp
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chester
Clairvest Group Inc.
Mr. George Cohon
Counsel Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cole
Dundee Wealth Inc.
Conquest Carpets Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall W. Gottlieb
Sydney and Florence Cooper Foundation
GPX International Tire
Dorvict Resource & Consulting Centre Inc.
The Penny and Gordon Echenberg
SF Partnership
Family Foundation
Silver Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Emerson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ungar
Evanjo's Investments Ltd
Herschel Victor Foundation
Mr. Hershell Ezrin
Leader - ($5,000.00 + )
Mrs. Rochelle Feldberg
Apollo Health & Beauty Care Corporation
Fernview Construction Limited
Arrow Furniture
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gasner
Blaney McMurtry LLP
GLOBAL Upholstery Co. Inc.
BMO Bank of Montreal
Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc.
BMO Nesbitt Burns
Abraham and Malka Green Foundation
Judy & Paul Bronfman Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Garry Greenbaum
Cineplex Entertainment
Mr. Louis I. Greenbaum
Deloitte & Touche Foundation of Canada
Mr. Morris Greenbaum
Duke of Richmond Development Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Grossman
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Farb
Mrs. and Mr. Risa Grossman
Mr. Jeffrey Feldberg
HealthSource Plus
Giancola Aluminum Contractors Ltd.
In Store Products Ltd.
Michael & Libby Goldgrub Foundation
Irving Ungerman Ltd.
Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP
Jewish Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David Halperin
of Montreal
Heenan Blaikie Lawyers
Jodal Health Care
Mr. David J. Kassie and Ms. Susan Harris
Kathnan Investments Limited
Ms. Ruth Kerbel
Mr. Al Levin and Ms. Ann Shwemer
Mrs. Sandy Keshen
Liberty Development Corporation
Kubik Inc.
Dr. Jeff Lipton and Dr. Ellen Warner
Mr. Jim McGrath and Ms. Anita Levin
Maxims Limited Partnership
Miller Bernstein & Partners LLP
Mr. Joseph Mimran
Miller Thomson LLP
Mrs. Nancy Pencer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Minz
Perlane Construction Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale C. Morrison
Ryerson University
Nexus Investment Management Inc.
Sherman Foundation
Panfinancial Insurance Agencies Ltd.
St. Michael's Hospital
Panfinancial Investments Management Ltd
Swindon Investments Limited
Paracom Realty Corp.
Howard and Carole Tanenbaum Family
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Peake
Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Graham S. Perry
Trinity Plastics Products Inc.
Rentrak Corporation
United Way Of Greater Toronto
Roni Excavating Limited
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Vader
The Rose Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rosenthal
The Barbara and Harvey Wolfe Family
Estate of Nellie Evelene Roszel
Charitable Foundation
Rotman Family Foundation
Wycliffe Management Services Limited
RSM Richter
Mr. Stephen Farb and Ms. Esther Yermus
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sax
SGNC Charitable Trust
Benefactor - ($1,000.00 + )
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sherkin
677345 Ontario Limited
The SiteLine Group Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Abraham
The Sam Sorbara Charitable Foundation
Aqueduct Foundation
Steeles Memorial Chapel
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Balitsky
Mr. Irwin Talesnick
Barrday Inc.
Trinity Development Group Inc.
Mr. Avie Bennett
UJA Federation
Ms. Elaine B. Berger
University of St. Michael's College
Better Box Inc.
Builder - ($25,000.00 + )
Estate of Faye Vanek
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wachsberg
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Weiss
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Weizenberg
Whitley Insurance & Financial Services
Guardian - ($500.00 + )
AGF Management Limited
AIM Trimark Investments
Mr. Donald Bennett
Best Buy Canada Ltd.
Bolton Square Limited
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Borchiver
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Breslin
Brooks Barristers & Solicitors
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Brown
Dr. Emory Burke and Ms. Rosanna Honig
Dr. and Mrs. George Cantlie
Collins C & S Auto Parts Limited
Columbia Building Maintenance Co.
Controllers on Call
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Disenhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Peter-Paul Du Vernet
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Eisen
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Faibish
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Feinstein
The Finkler-Friedland Family
Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Fish
Mrs. Joan Flomen
Mr. and Mrs. Les Fluxgold
Four Season Hotels & Resorts Limited
Mr. Michael Zacks and Ms. Eva Frank
Fraser Milner Casgrain
Mr. Steve Freiman
Sam and Gitta Ganz Family Foundation
Giant Carpets & Rugs
Mr. and Mrs. Max Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Granovsky
Great Gulf Homes Charitable Foundation
Mr. Lorne Sossin and Ms. Julia Hanigsberg
Harry Rosen Inc.
Harvey Kalles Real Estate
Hilton Suites Toronto/Markham
Invar Building Corporation
Jami Management Services Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jesion
K & G Oakburn Apartments I Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Katz
The Henry and Berenice Kaufmann
KingWest and Company
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Korn
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kornblum
Kronis, Rotsztain, Margles, Cappel
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Kushner
Lampert Plumbing Systems Inc.
Manulife Financial
Martin & Sheryl Teplitsky Services Limited
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McLaren
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Medoff
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Michaels
Mr. Jonah Midanik
Morguard Investments Limited
Mr. and Mrs. Dale C. Morrison
Mr. G. Investments Limited
Norstar Group Of Companies
Nuspor Investments
Perennial Asset Management Corp.
Pizza Banfi
Plays That Work
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rosen
Royal Taxi
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sacchetti
Mrs. Lillian Samuels
Dr. and Mrs. George Sas
Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Schipper, Q.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Schwartz
SEI Investments Canada Company
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Sheriton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sherkin
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sherrington
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shields
Mr. Robert Smith
Mr. Les Solomon
Mr. Lorne Sossin and Ms. Julia Hanigsberg
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Speyer
SSCH Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Starr
Sterling Park Group
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Swartz
Switzer Homes
The Frances Tanenbaum Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Truster
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Wasserman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Webb
Werger Holdings Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Whyne
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell S. Wigle
The Honourable Justice Eva Frank
and Mr. Michael Zacks
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zeldin
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Zoltak
Friend- ($100.00 + )
Mrs. Ethel Abramowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Abrams
Mr. and Mrs. Mort J. Abramsky
Accord Business Credit Inc.
Act II Jewellers
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Adler
Mrs. Sheila Agasee
Mr. Mitchel Aidelman
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Aiken
Mr. William V. Alcamo
Ms. Sharon Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Anhang
Mr. Hymie Aronoff
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Attar
Austin Rehab Group
Mr. and Mrs. Norm Bacal
Mrs. Harriet Back
Ms. Daliah Bar-Dayan
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Barrington
Mr. George Maclaren
and Ms. Shelagh Barrington
Ms. Karen Baruch
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Baruch
Ms. Paula Bass
Mr. Les Viner and Ms. Wendy Bellack-Viner
Ms. Esther Benbihy
continued on next page
Kolreena • July 2008 • 17
Kolreena Kolreena Reena Foundation Kolreena Kolreena
Mr. Robert Bentley and
Dr. Helene A. Richards
Mr. Jordan Berg
Ms. Moselle Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Saul Berman
Mr. Harry Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. William Bernstein
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Berzen
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Besser
BG Distribution & Marketing
Mr. and Mrs. Sander Biderman
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Blankenstein
Ms. Nicolette Bledin
Mr. Leon Bloom and Dr. Bernita Young
Mr. Lorne Bloomberg
and Ms. Jodeme Goldhar
Mrs. Rachel Blumenfeld
Mr. Saul Blutstein
Ms. Maria Bond
Mr. Robbie Bossin
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Breedon
Mr. Adam Brown
Mr. Roel C. Buck
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Budd
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cader
Mr. Frank Cadesky
Ms. Ruthie Cadesky
Camp Manitou
Capital International Asset Management
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Caplan
Mr. Andrew Carlin
Mrs. Rochelle Carrady
Centre Street Deli
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Ceresne
Mr. and Mrs. Rick A. Chad
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chisvin
Mr. Darren Climans
and Ms. G. A. Van Galen
Councillor and Mrs. David Cohen
Mr. Paul Cohen and Ms. Shelley Adler
Mrs. Esther Cole
Mr. David Collin
Ms. Sari Cornfield
Mr. Malcolm Coven
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crandell
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Daiter
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Davis
Ms. Ellen Davis
Mrs. Hannah Debora
Mr. Marvin Demone
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Deskin
Ms. Sara Diament
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Diamond
Mr. Joseph Dias
Ms. Ruth Dorenfeld
Mr. Leonard Drimmer
Mrs. Anita Ekstein
Elephant Records/Sharon, Lois & Bram
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Elman
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Erlich
Ms. Angela Falconi
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Farkas
Mr. Leonard Feigman
Mr. and Mrs Irving Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Fenig
Ms. Jodi Fenwick
Ms. Fara Fenwick
Mr. Isak Fiksel
Ms. Karen Fine
Ms. Sasha Fine
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Finer
Ms. Karen Fisher
Ms. Dorothy Flomen
Mr. and Mrs. David Forberg
Ms. Sue-Ann Fox
18 • Kolreena • July 2008
Ms. Sophia Frankel
Ms. Heidi Freed
Ms. Anatoli Freiman
G.E.S. Construction Limited
Mr. Dennis Winters
and Ms. Elissa Gallander
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gellman
Gentec International
Mr. Laurence Geringer
Ms. Tara Glazer
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Godfrey
Mrs. Ellen Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gomberg
Goodman & Company,
Investment Counsel Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Goodman
Goodwood Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Goren
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gottlieb
Mr. Jeffrey Grad
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Green
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Grunzeweig
Ms. Sascha Gurwitz
Ms. Anna Gutin
Ms. Joi Guttman
Mrs. B. Hafiz
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Halbert
Mrs. Gabriella Hartman
Leslie Hartman
Ms. Henechowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander D. Henry
George & Agnes Herczeg Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Iaccino
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jacobson
Mr. Gabriel Jenkinson
Jerbar Construction Limited
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jesin
Judaea Temple Brotherhood - Bingo
Ms. Susan Kantrowitz-Akrish
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Karp
Mrs. Esther Katz
Ms. Jodi Katzeff
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kay
Ms. Claire Kellow
Ms. Melissa Kelman
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kieselstein
Reverend and Mrs. A. E. Kirshblum
Mr. Jonathan Kirshblum
Mr. Eli Klein
Mr. Justin Klein
Mr. Ari Kobetz
Mr. Michael Kobrin
Mr. Ian Korman
Kotler Law Firm
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Kronby
Mr. Alex Kronovic
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Kruger
Ms. Jody Kshoznicer
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Lampert
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Langer
Lawrence A. Berg, Q.C
Mr. Michael T. Lax
Mr. and Mrs. Avrom Lebovic
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Leibowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Leiderman
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Levarno
Ms. Cara Levin
Ms. Amanda Levine
Levinter & Levinter
Mr. Aric Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Levy
Ms. Rona Light
Mr. Jeff Lipinski
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Litwin
LMS Prolink Ltd.
Mr. Jason Lubinsky
Mr. Daniel Lublin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lublinski
Mr. Harold Mandel
Mrs. Frances J. Mandell-Arad
Ms. Lili Manson
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Matlow
Mr. Tim McLarty
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Melotek
Ms. Doreen Menaker
Mr. and Dr. Simha Mendelsohn
Ms. Sharon Mimran
Mr. Stephen Morrison
Mrs. Annette Naiman
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Naiman
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Newfield
Mr. Jay Niederhoffer
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Nisker
Ms. Tali Nizic
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Norris
Mr. Stephen O'Leary
Mr. Rob Ordel
Mr. Daniel Oziel
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Papernick
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pearlstein
Mr. Robbie Pecker
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Pollock
Port Hope Holdings
Ms. Nancy Posluns
Priveq Capital Funds
Provo Ltd-Limited
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrie Prusky
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Rachlin, Q.C.
Mr. & Mrs. and Mrs. David Rechtsman
Mr. Harlan Redlick
Reliable Living
Robert Half International
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Rosenberg
Ms. Elie Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Rubenstein
Ms. Julie Ruchlemer
Ms. Renee Schachter
Rabbi Erwin Schild
and Laura Schild Foundation
Mr. Michael Schipper
Ms. Paula Schonberger
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schwarz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scolnick
Mr. and Mrs. David Sefton
Mr. Peter Seligman
Mr. Peter Wing Ki Sen
Ms. Mary Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sherkin
Mr. Allan Shievitz
Ms. Eileen Shoom
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Shore
Mr. Lyle Shugar
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Silver
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Silverberg
Ms. Evelyn Silverberg-Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simkevitz
David & Luba Smuschkowitz Family Fdn.
Ms. Vicki Lynne Solway
Miss Lisa Sonshine
Mr. Alan Spiegel
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Spring
St. Helen's Meat Packers
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Sterling
Stevpar Construction Limited
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stork
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Strauss
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sussman
Mr. Phillip Swartz
Mr. Howard Szigeti
Dr. Russell Tanzer
Mr. Bernard Taub
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Taylor
Ms. Rachel Tenenbein
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Teper
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Title
Tomlin and Associates
Mrs. Gloria Ungerman
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ungerman
Unilever Foodsolutions
United Way of York Region
Up & Coming Event
Ms. Sylvia Van Der Hout
Vicbar Marketing Limited
Ms. Gail Victor
Mr. Richard Wagman
Ms. Lori Waichenberg
Mrs. Elaine Walderman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Weisleder
Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Wheatley
Mr. Shane White
Wierzbniker Society
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Wilansky
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilding
Mr. David Wilson
Mr. Howard Wise
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Wise
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Wise
Mr. Allen Iain Yates
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Yermus
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Zeldin
Mr. Joe Zentil
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Zucker
Donor - ($36.00 + )
882555 Ontario Ltd.
Dr. and Mrs. George Adam
Mr. Nick Agar
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Alexander
Ms. Jaclyn Altman
Mr. Richard Andreansky
Ms. Patricia Angel
Mr. David Azulay
Ms. Leah Babins
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barna
Reverend Eleanor Barrington
Ms. Alexandra Beck
Ms. Robyn Beder
Ms. Vikki Bellack
Ms. Andrea Bellman
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bellman
Mr. Scott Belton
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Benovich
Mr. Larry Berdugo and Ms. Cheryl Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Berglas
Mr. Ashley Berman
Dr. Tracey Berman
Ms. Vicky Berman
Mr. Richard Betsalel
Ms. Lana Bezner
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Birken
Mrs. Ida Birnbaum
Ms. Sandra Birnbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bleeman
Ms. Marni Bleeman
Ms. Cheryl Blinick
Ms. Jennifer Blitz
Dr. and Mrs. Steve Blitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. David Blustein
BMO Employee Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Bobrowsky
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bogach
Ms. Daba Born
Kolreena Kolreena Reena Foundation Kolreena Kolreena
Mr. and Mrs. David Brand
Ms. Wendy Breuer
Ms. Ruth Brooks
Mr. Al G. Brown
Mrs. Marla Brudner
Burt Transportation Services
Canadian Hebrew Benevolent Society
Ms. Charlotte Cantor
Ms. Sylvia Caplan
Mr. Liam Card
Ms. Kathleen D. Casey
Mr. Neil Closner
Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard R. Cohen
Mr. Mates Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Cohen
Ms. Sari Colt
Ms. Sudharshana Coomarasamy
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Issie Dennis
Dr. and Mrs. Rueben Devlin
Mr. and Mr. Dan Diamond
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Diamond
Mr. Harry Douglas
Dr. Larry Lerner
Mrs. Bernice Druzin
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Eisen
Ms. Arielle Elbaz
Dr. Mark Eltis
Mr. Marvin Epstein
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Farb
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Feigelsohn
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Feintuch
Ms. Jennifer Fergenbaum
Ms. Gail Fields
Mrs. Irene Fink
Mr. David Finkelstein
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Flam
Mr. and Mrs. David Fong
Mr. Daniel Fox
Mr. David S. Fox
Ms. Henie Frances
Mr. and Mrs. Yontof Frasko
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frieberg
Dr. Sam Friedlander
Mr. Zaron Frumin
Mr. and Mrs. David Garber
Mr. and Mrs. Les Gelfand
Mr. Brett Gelfant
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gilbert
Mr. Mitchell Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gillman
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Glowinsky
Ms. Yael Golan
Mr. Brian Gold
Mr. and Mrs. David Goldberg
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Goldberg
Mr. David Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Goose
Mr. Andrew Gordon
Ms. Shannon Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Erin Gorenkoff
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Granek
Ms. Shoshi Greengarten
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Greenwald
Mrs. Sybil Grevier
Dr. Linda Gruson and Dr. Richard Wood
Mrs. Sheila Hall
Mr. Herman Handelsman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Handler
Ms. Edwina S. Harris
Ms. Stacey Lee Hart
Ms. Tammy Hermant
Ms. Jill Hertzman
Ms. Roni Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hollander
Ms. Sara Hollander
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Holzberg
Mr. Murray Horowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hudes
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Iscove
Mrs. Beverley Isenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Israel
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Izen
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Izenberg
Ms. Sarah Jane
Mr. Lawrence S. Jeremias
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Jonsohn
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kalkstein
Mr. David M. Kaminker
Ms. Sarah Kappy
Mrs. Diane Kashin
Mr. and Mrs. Kasiel Kates
Ms. Bayla Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Katz
Ms. Marion Kert
Mrs. Dorothy Keshen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kirschner
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Kirsh
Mr. Samuel Kolber
Mr. Marc Koplowitz
Mrs. Chava Kwinta
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lampert
Ms. Shirley Leaf
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Lefler
Ms. Yosi Leiba
Mr. and Mrs. James Leigh
Ms. Shoshana Lev
Ms. Dayle A. Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Motty Levinson
Ms. Eva Lieberman
and Mr. Morlyn Shurman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lipkin
Mrs. Eve Lipsyc
Mr. Sid Lipton
Mr. Alan Liss
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Liss
Ms. Michelle Lukawitz
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Madorsky
Mr. Adi Maidary
Mr. Maja
Mr. Lance Majl
Dr. Susan Makin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Malach
Mr. and Mrs. Syd Mandel
Ms. Alison Manel
Ms. Anna Manoukovskaia
Ms. Elizabeth Manson
Mr. Jonathan Marcus
Mr. Ira Marder
Ms. Zena Mark
Master Cleaning Supplies Inc.
Mr. Joseph McBride
Mrs. Roz Mendelson
Ms. Elana Metter
Mr. David Midgen
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Millstein
Ms. Jody Minuk
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mirsky
Dr. Larry Mittelmann
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mosko
Mr. Mark Moskowitz
Ms. Erin Nadler
Ms. Helen Nathanson
Nationwide (1981) Limited
Mr. and Ms. Gary Neinstein, Q.C.
Ms. and Mr. Judy Neinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newton
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Nightingale
Mr. Michael Nissan
Ms. Simone Norman
Mr. Arie Opps
Mr. Barak Orenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Orfus
Ms. Nellie Orfus
Mr. Eitan Ostro
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Ostro
Ms. Carol Osulky
Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Al Pearlstein
Mr. Fleetwood Pellew
Mrs. Esther Perez
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Perlis
Mr. and Mrs. Moishe Perlmutar
Mr. Sam Persaud
Mr. Jonathan Pinchefsky
Mr. and Mrs. John Pirillo
Mr. Daniel Platzker
Mr. Jonathan Polak
Mr. Michael Pollak
Ms. Liane Poreda
Ms. Jodi Porepa
Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Prashker
Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Rabie
Mr. and Mrs. Al Rain
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rajzman
Ms. Ruth Rapoport
Mr. and Mrs. M. Reiter
Ms. Erna Relle
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Revesz
Mrs. Lorrie Risman
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Roebuck
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rose
Mr. Mark Roseman
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Rosen
Mrs. Yvonne Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Rosenblatt
Ms. Sonia Rosenblatt
Ms. Shir Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Roth
Mrs. Brenda Rothenberg
Ms. Carla Sadoff
Mrs. Hazel M. Salman
Mr. Chaim Sapirman
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sassoon
Mr. Alen Schiller
Mr. Mohr Schneiderman
Ms. Alyssa Schwartz
Mr. Arlee Schwartz
Dr. and Mrs. Brian Schwartz
Seneca Colledge - School of Early
Childhood Education
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Senko
Mr. Walter Shankman
Mrs. Eileen Shapero
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Shedletzky
Ms. Jordana Sheps
Mrs. Sarah Sherman
Mrs. Sheila Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shields
Mr. Harold Shneer
Mr. and Mrs. Norm Siegel
Ms. Maxine Silberg
Ms. Rachel Singer
Ms. Rosalind Smith
Ms. Bonnie Sokoloff
Mr. Abbie Solish and Ms. Lucille Lorrie
Miss Elizabeth Spevack
Miss Kimberley Spevack
Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Spiro
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Spitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Starkman
Mr. Joel Steinman
Ms. Harriet Sternberg
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sternberg
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Strangways
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Sufrin
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Swern
Ms. Sherri Taras
Ms. Evelyn Tauben
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Taylor
Mr. Joseph Telch
Mrs. Martha Tishman
Mr. Sam Traurig
Mr. David Tree
Mrs. D. Gillian Truster
Mr. and Mrs. Zoltan Vajda
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Vale
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Vale
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van Gijn
Mr. Elias Vandersluis
Dr. Otto F. Veidlinger
Ms. Fran Viner
Mr. Gary Wagman
Mrs. Sydney Wahl
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Waks
Mrs. Toby Waldman
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Walman
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Warner
Mr. Brian M. Wasserman
Mr. David Weinper
Ms. Leah Weinstock
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Weiss
Ms. Sara Werb
Ms. Marilyn Wertman
Ms. Monica Weshler
Mrs. Irene P. Willcocks
Ms. Mary Wilson
Mrs. Diane Winick
Ms. Allison Wise
Mrs. Anne Wohl
Ms. Marni Wolfe
Ms. Lauren Wolff
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Yanofsky
Mr. Ryan Yermus
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Yudell
Dr. Erica Zamon
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Zaretsky
Mrs. Betty Zelunka
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zicherman
Dr. Jocelyn Zuck
Kolreena • July 2008 • 19
Take out your calendar
• Theatre Night 2008
– Jersey Boys – September 16
Toronto Centre for the Arts
For information on any of
these events contact:
The Foundation Office
905-764-1081 x34
• Guys Night Out
– September 24
Woodbine Racetrack
• Magna Dinner
– October 18 – Magna Golf Club
• Flourish
– October 30 – Hazelton Lanes
• Ladies Breakfast
– November 2008 – Bayview Country Club
Reena Chair Helen Vale; Chair Elect Tali Nizic; Vice-Chairs
Stanley Abraham, Julia Hanigsberg, Laurine Schmelzle,
Esther Yermus; Secretary Elise Pulver. Treasurer Donald
Bennett. Founding Chair Rabbi Joseph Kelman. Immediate Past
Chair Carolynn Morrison; Past Chairs, Sam Handler*, Syrma
Kochberg, Harvey Adelman, Eleanor London, Marilyn
Raphael, Harley Mintz, Harold Wodinsky, Hy Eiley, Robert
H. Berkovitz, Angela Iannuzziello, Stanley Kugelmass,
Howard Ungerman, Fay Rotman. Life Director Joe Berman*,
Hon. Legal Counsel Bert Raphael, QC, LSM. Directors Tammy
Balitsky, Rabbi Aaron Flanzraich, Heather Goose, Robert
Lesser, Al Libfeld, Elaine Norris, Marilyn Raphael, Hyla
Rubenstein, Harold Seidel Rep. Batay Reena Board
Mona Sherkin, Steven Sherman, Mitchell Shnier Rep. Reena
Foundation Board
Batay Reena Chair Howard Ungerman; Secretary/Treasurer
Harold Seidel; Directors Danny Iannuzziello, Sheila Libfeld,
Paul Minz
Rosh Hashanah Card Program
Reena Foundation is pleased to offer you our Rosh Hashanah Cards to celebrate
the New Year. This is a wonderful way to honour your family and friends and
support Reena Foundation.
There is a minimum donation of $10 for each card. A charitable donation tax
receipt will be issued for all orders.
For more information please call Shari Silverman at the Foundation office at
905-764-1081 ext. 34
President and CEO Sandy Keshen
Reena Foundation Chair Frank A.Wilson; Vice Chair Jeff Rayman;
Treasurer Irving Feldman; Secretary Seymour Schwartz; Founding
Chair Hy Eiley; Immediate Past Chair Murray Klein; Past Chairs
Gerald Hartman, Ronald Hoffman, Ira Sack, Frank Simkevitz;
Hon. Legal Counsel Bert Raphael, QC, LSM; Directors Tobie Bekhor,
Larry Berdugo, Ruth Berger, Judy Bronfman, Ricky Brooks,
Jennifer Jackson, Harry Kichler, Sheila Libfeld, Esther Michaels,
Carolynn Morrison, Honey Schipper, Mitchell Shnier, Richard
Wachsberg, Lorne Weiss, Steven Weisz
President Gary E. Sim, CFRE
* Deceased
Calling all Volunteers
Build skills to re-entre the
workplace? Or, looking for a great
experience with a lifetime of
rewards? Then this might be for
you! We are currently looking for
volunteers to help in the
Foundation Office Monday to
Thursdays. If this sounds like
something that interests you
please contact Shari Silverman at
905-764-1081 ext.34.
927 Clark Avenue West
Thornhill, ON L4J 8G6
Design and Production: Mad Macs Communications & Graphics
Print Three, Downsview
Hon. Editor: Laurine Schmelzle
Reena is affiliated with George Brown College
Printed on recycled paper, using vegetable-based inks
Head Office: Toby and Henry Battle Developmental Centre
927 Clark Avenue West, Thornhill, ON L4J 8G6
Tel (905) 889-6484, (905) 889-2690 (Direct line)
Fax (905) 889-3827 E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:
Charitable No. 10809 3642 RR0001
Reena is funded by:
Ministry of Community and Social Services
and generous supporters in the community
Publications Mail Agreement