St. Pius X parish history
St. Pius X parish history
TO RESTORE ALL THINGS IN CHRIST POU RESTORE TOUT BAGAY NAN KRIS PARA RESTAURAR TODAS LAS COSAS EN CRISTO THE HISTORY OF ST. PIUS X CHURCH, ROSEDALE, NY During the spring of 1960, due to the overcrowding in the classrooms of St. Clare’s School, the nineteen Masses being said at St. Clare’s Church, Auditorium, upstairs and downstairs of the Youth Hall, it was decided by Bishop Bryan J. McEntegart that a new parish should be established in the southern part of Rosedale. The new parish of St. Pius X was founded on June 14th, 1960. Bishop McEntegart appointed Father George M. Driscoll as pastor and Father Robert G. Malm as his assistant. Fr. Driscoll had the choice of three names for the parish. St. Pius X, St. Matthias or St. Justin. Fr. Driscoll picked the name of St. Pius X for the new parish. The first need of the new parish was a suitable place where Mass could be celebrated. Within the parish limits there were no public halls, empty stores, or other buildings suitable for public assembly. There was not even an empty lot where a tent could be erected as a temporary place where Mass could be held. It was discovered after about a week of searching that there was one building that could be used for Mass immediately. The late Mr. Florindo D’Andrea was building a new restaurant on the corner of 228th Street and 146th Avenue to replace his old one. Mr. D’Andrea generously gave the use of the building for Sunday Masses until some other arrangement could be made. He delayed the installation of equipment and furniture throughout the summer and fall of 1960, so that the space would be kept clear for attendance at Mass. The very first Mass of the new parish of St. Pius X was celebrated there on Sunday, July 3rd 1960. Four Masses were said there; 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. The Sacraments of Penance and Baptism were also administered there for several weeks The generosity of the late Mr. D’Andrea and his family to the priests and parishioners of St. Pius X during these first six months of the new parish will never be forgotten. It was a very happy time when the dinner for the Bishop and Clergy was held there, following the Dedication and Blessing of the new Church Hall, held on Sunday, May 13th, 1962. The restaurant had been completely finished by Mr. D’Andrea’s son, Ugo D’Andrea, in time for the dinner. Ugo D’Andrea and Charles Hughes served as the first trustees of St. Pius X Church. Evelyn McCulpin June 14th, 1960 Bishop Bryan J. McEntegart appointed Fr. George M. Driscoll as Pastor and Father Robert G. Malm as his assistant to come and start the new parish of St. Pius X, Rosedale, NY OUR FIRST PASTOR FATHER GEORGE M. DRISCOLL HIS ASSISTANT FATHER ROBERT G. MALM Early church pictures and history provided by Evelyn McCulpin, our church historian. Born in Flatbush, Brooklyn, Father Joseph Crisafulli, Associate Pastor of St. Pius X, is the oldest of three children who are both close in age and very close as personal friends. Father Joe grew up in Kew Gardens Hills, a predominately Jewish neighborhood where his family still lives. Father Joe describes his childhood, growing and sharing with his Jewish neighbors as giving him a unique advantage -- the ability to see his Christianity I terms of a Jewish background and reflect the Jewish origins I his goals for the priesthood. Father Crisafulli began is education at P.S. 164 (Queens Valley School) and graduated from Queen of Peace School. He attended Cathedral Prep, Cathedral College and completed his studies for the priesthood at Immaculate Conception Seminary in Huntington. His high school nickname “Michelangelo” clearly announced Father Joe’s intense excitement and interest I art. “I learned to draw before I learned to write” says Father Joe, who spent his first two years of college studying painting under a private foundation grant. The fruit of this study has taken the form of a course in art and architecture which Father Crisafulli has taught for the past three years at the seminary high school in Elmhurst. The course which is based on Father Joe’s college study, traces Western culture and civilization by examining art - the development of man’s image of himself and of his God through the ages. Though Father Crisafulli has worked in over ten Father James R. Michael Father John H. Maksymowicz, secretary to the Papal Nuncio in Washington, D.C., will celebrate a Mass of thanksgiving at the Apostolic Nunciature in December. Born in Brooklyn, Father Maksymowicz attended St. Patrick’s School, Fort Hamilton, St. Augustine’s H.S., Park Slope; Cathedral College, Brooklyn; Immaculate Conception Seminary, Huntington, and the North American College in Rome. He was ordained in Rome December 18, 1940. He served as an assistant at St. Mary Magdalene, Springfield Gardens, 1971-74 and was a member of the faculty at Cathedral Prep, Elmhurst, 1974-90. From 190 to 1994, he was a parochial vicar at Most Precious Blood, Astoria, before accepting the position at the Nunciature in January 1994. Fr. Michael Ukah Summer 2013 Father Enel Almeus Father Jean-Miguel Auguste, our current pastor PRIESTS WHO SERVED AT ST. PIUS X PARISH, ROSEDALE, NY St. Pius X Parish, Rosedale, NY was founded on June 14th, 1960. Since it began, we have had eight pastors. Our very first pastor was Father George M. Driscoll. When Fr. Driscoll came, he had the choice of three names for the new parish: St. Matthias, St. Pius X or St. Justin. Fr. Driscoll was with us from June 14, 1960 until June 1969 when he was transferred. Our second pastor was Fr. Joseph McInenly. He was with us from June 1968 until June 1970 when he went back to work at Catholic Charities. Our third pastor was Fr. Joseph Johnson who was with us from June 22, 1970 until his death in Puerto Rico while on vacation on February 18, 1980. He was with us for almost ten years. Our fourth pastor was Father Joseph Mergler. He was with us from May 4, 1980 until July 19, 1980 when he died suddenly. Fr. Mergler was only with us for 2 and 1/2 months. Our fifth pastor was Fr. Eugene Coyle. He was with from September 1980 until he resigned in August 1982. As of May 2014, Fr. Coyle was sixty years a priest. He was living at Bishop Mugavero Residence. Our sixth pastor was Fr. Thomas Graham who came to us as of September 1982. He was with us almost 30 years. He had to officially retire as of December 2011 because of bad health. Msgr. Graham died on April 21, 2012. He had been with us for almost 30 years. As of January 31, 2012, Father Kevin McBrien, Pastor of St. Clare’s, Rosedale, became Temporary Administrator of St. Pius X. He remained until June 30, 2012 when he was transferred from St. Clare’s to become administrator of Our Lady of the Snows, Floral Park. He was with us for five months. As of July 1, 2012, Father Jean-Miguel Auguste was appointed administrator of St. Pius X. He was installed pastor on October 12, 2014. Father Miguel has been with us since July 1, 2012 to the present time. PRIESTS Father Robert Malm came with our first pastor, Fr. Driscoll to start the new parish. He was at St. Pius X from June 14, 1960 until he was transferred in June 1966. Fr. Robert Frueh came to St. Pius X as of September 1963. A newly ordained priest, he served a summer assignment prior to coming here. Fr. Frueh was transferred to another parish in September 1970. As of May 2014, Fr. Bob Frueh was 52 years a priest and still active in the Brooklyn diocese. Fr. Joseph Buckley would come to help out on Sundays . He came from the beginning of the new parish and continued to come until the end of the 1960s. Fr. Robert Milde came to St. Pius X as of June 1966 replacing Fr. Robert Malm. He was with us from June 1966 until March 1969. Fr. Emil Balutowski, a good friend of our second pastor, Fr. Joseph McInenly came to help out. He was semiretired. He stayed until September 1969. He was replaced by Fr. Timothy Murphy, a non diocesan priest. Both Father Robert Frueh and Fr. Timothy Murphy were transferred on September 1970. Fr. Frueh to St. Vincent DePaul , Brooklyn and Fr. Murphy to St. Petersburg, Florida. They were both replaced by Fr. John McDade and Fr. Joseph Crisafulli. Fr. Crisafulli was a newly ordained priest except for serving a summer assignment. He was with us from September 1970 until he left during the summer of 1974. He was replaced by Fr. John Walsh who was at St. Pius X from October 1974 until March 1975 when he had to leave because of illness. During 1972 and 1973, Fr. Carlos Iturrade, a Spanish priest stayed at St. Pius X. The Holy Ghost Fathers were a great help coming on Sundays during the 1970s. Fr. Pat Cosby, CSSP, came during 1973; Fr. Seamus Cunningham, CSSP, stayed for about one year from 1973 to 1974. Fr. Gerald Griffin came to St. Pius X around January 1975 and stayed until August 1975. Fr. John McDade came as of September 1970 and stayed until October 1975 when he was transferred to St. Clare's Rosedale. Fr. James O'Brien came on of April 1975 to replace Fr. John Walsh. Fr. O’Brien was with us from April 1973 until June 1979 when he was transferred to become pastor of St. Teresa of Avila, Brooklyn. Fr. Denis Dore came to St. Pius X as of October 1975 replacing Fr. John McDade. For a short time from July to October 1979, Fr. John Donnelly a non diocesan priest was assigned to St. Pius X. As of October 30, 1979, Fr. James R. Michael was assigned to St. Pius X. He came to us a newly ordained priest except for serving a summer assignment. Fr. Michael was with us from October 1979 until October 1984 when he was transferred. Fr. Michael died suddenly on July 17, 1985. Fr. John Gildea came to St. Pius X on October 1984 replacing Fr. Michael. Fr. Gildea was at St. Pius X from October 1984 until December 1985 when he was transferred to become pastor of Our Lady of Loretto, Brooklyn. On March 1, 1986 Fr. Joachim Fernando was assigned to St. Pius X. Fr. Fernando was born and raised in Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon). Fr. Fernando was at St. Pius X parish from March 1986 to August 2010. He had been at St. Pius X for 24 years. On August 24, 2010, a special farewell Mass was celebrated. Fr. Fernando retired and returned to Sri Lanka after celebrateing his 48 anniversary in the priesthood. On June 26, 1990, Father James Marron was assigned to St. Pius X. Fr. Marron was a classmate of Monsignor Thomas Graham. They were ordained on the same day together. In 2007, Fr. Marron retired with senior priest status. He continued to live at the rectory until his death on March 16, 2009. He was at St. Pius for almost 19 years. There have been many priests who have helped at St. Pius X Parish. Fr. Thomas Dunnigan, pastor of St. Clare's parish, Rosedale, NY; Msg. Francis Fitzgibbons, pastor of Christ the King parish, Springfield Gardens, NY and all of his priests. The Vincentian Fathers came from St. John’s Prep, Brooklyn, NY; The Montfort Fathers’ of Ozone Park, Fr. F. W. Crowley came fro the very first summer of 1960. Fr. Cook came for the summer of 1961; Fr. Joseph Doran came for the summer of 1963. On Sunday, April 19, 1994, Fr. Denis Dore celebrated his fiftieth Anniversary in the priesthood. The next year 1995, Fr. Dore retired but still helped out in the parish. As of December 1996, Fr. Dore had to officially retired from St. Pius X parish because of health reasons. He had been with us here at St. Pius X for 21 years. Fr. Dore died on December 5, 2000. For the summer of 1987, we had three priests visiting. They were all from Nigeria. They were Fr. Louis N. Uzoh, Fr. Emanuel Neweke and Fr. Denis Sekei. Fr. Louis was studying in Rome Italy for one more year until 1988. Fr. Louis returned for his second visit in 1988. Fr. Augustine Tufoil also came in 1988. He was from Pakistan. Fr. Louis returned for his third visit in 1989. Fr. Patrick Obike from Nigeria also came for 1989. He was a good friend of Fr. Louis. Frs. Louis and Patrick returned for the summer of 1990. Fr. Louis for his fourth visit and Fr. Patrick for his second. In the summer of 1991, Fr. Louis returned for his fifth time. During the end of 2006, Fr. Louis came to live at St. Pius X Rectory. After traveling back and forth from Nigeria for the five summers, he decided it would be best to come live and serve in the Brooklyn diocese. He was first assigned to St. Catherine of Genoa, Brooklyn for three years. He then came to St. Clare’s parish, Rosedale for about thirteen years before coming to St. Pius X in 2006. Fr. Louis was with us until June 30, 2012. A special farewell Mass and a thanksgiving event were held for him. For the summer of 2009, two priests were supposed to come from Nigeria. Fr. Cletus Gotan and another priest who was never here before. Both priests were delayed from traveling. Finally Fr. Cletus could not come at all. Our own Fr. Louis knew a priest who was already in the US on sabbatical for a year. His name was Fr. Michael Ukah, Fr. Louis’ altar boy in Nigeria. Fr. Ukah was able to come for the summer of 2009. The other priest, Fr. Christopher Odina was finally able to travel in mid July 2009. In 2010, Msgr. Graham's health was declining. Msgr. Graham was having difficulty moving around. After taking a bad fall and breaking a few ribs, he was never the same. He could no longer to celebrate Mass. He had to retire. When he had his big celebration for his 50th anniversary and birthday. He could not say the Mass. His brother Msgr. George Graham, an 85 years old and retired priest from the Rockville Centre Diocese, said it for him. Fr. Louis was working hard trying to arrange for priests to come to celebrate the Sunday Masses. Officially, Fr. Louis was the only priest left at St. Pius X. He was able to get Fr. Antonio Irah from St. Dominic’s Brooklyn, Fr. Mike Ural, St. Clement Pope, Ozone Park, Fr. Cosmas Nzeably, St. Mary Magdalene, Springfield Gardens, Fr. Cajation Uchendo and Fr. Innocents. During the beginning of November 2011, Fr. Michael Ukah came from Nigeria. He would be staying until the end of December 2011. It would be his second visit to the parish. Officially as of January 31, 2012, Fr. Kevin McBrien, pastor of St. Clare’s in Rosedale, became the temporary administrator of St. Pius X Parish. He remained there until June 30, 2012 when he was transferred and appointed administrator of Our Lady of the Snows, Floral Park. During his five months with us, the priests who celebrated Masses were our own Fr. Louis, Fr. McBrien and his associate Fr. Alonzo Cox from St. Clare’s. As of the end of May 2012, we were notified that a new administrator would be coming to St. Pius X parish. His name was Fr. Jean-Miguel Auguste. He would be coming to us from St. Jerome’s parish, in Brooklyn where he had been pastor. Fr. Miguel would be coming officially as of July 1, 2012. Fr. Michael Ukah came from Nigeria for the summer of 2012. During August 2012 while Fr. Miguel was on vacation, he had his friends come to celebrate Mass. One of his friends was Fr. Bonny Monastere. He was from Holy Innocent’s parish in Brooklyn, NY. Another friend was Fr. Jean Laguerre. Shortly after Fr. Miguel got to St. Pius X, he was notified in the fall that he would be getting a transitional deacon assigned to St. Pius X parish. His name was Deacon Killick Pierrilus. He would be staying here until next year 2013 when he will be ordained a priest. After preparing with Fr. Miguel, Deacon Killick was ordained a priest in June 29, 2013. Fr. Killick celebrated his very first Mass here on June 30, 2013 at 2 P.M. A big reception was help for him over in the school cafeteria. For the summer of 2013, Fr. Michael Ukah came from Nigeria before Fr. Miguel went on vacation in July 2013. He was hoping that there would be another coming to help Fr. Mike. Fr. Miguel found out that there would be a priest coming to visit in the parish. He was of Haitian decent and spoke Creole. His name was Fr. Jean Valbrun OMF. He belonged to the religious order of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Fr. Jean was able to celebrate the 1 P.M. Haitian Creole Mass. He was a great help to the people. Since then he has been coming to help out. Fr. Jean continued to help out until about midsummer 2014. There was also a Fr. Delmas Camy of Haiti who came for a short time. Fr. Enel Almeus CSSP, also come to help out. As of April 1st, 2014, Fr. Franklin Ezeokah FJS, came to live at St Pius X rectory while attending classes at St. John’s University, Jamaica, NY. Fr. Franklin was from Nigeria. He belongs to the religious order of the Fathers of Jesus the Savior (Saviorites). As of November 1, 2014, Fr. Franklin moved to Sacred Heart rectory, Cambria Heights while he still continued attending classes at St. John’s. As of November 1, 2014, Fr. Enel Almeus CSSP, came to live at St. Pus X rectory while he continued his CPE Training. Fr. Enel is of the Religious order of the Holy Ghost Fathers. Fr. Enel has been a great help to St. Pius X parish. He was ordained a priest on June 12, 2003. We have a priest that comes to celebrate the Spanish Mass on Sundays at 3 P.M. His name is Fr. Roberto Cadavi. During the beginning of July 2015, we had a priest Fr. Michel Pierre Louis come to help. He celebrated Mass on Sundays and a few of the daily Masses during the week. We have had so many bishops priests and vicars coming to St. Pius X parish since it began in 1960. They came for special occasions, Masses, baptisms, first Communions, Confirmations, Weddings, Funerals, retreats, etc. They came to serve the parish. Being assigned here they came from all over the world for summer visits. We thank you one and all. For all those who have died, may you rest in peace. For those who are alive, may you continue this work of spreading the Word of God to everyone. Thank you. God Bless you all, Evelyn McCulpin ANNIVERSARIES Our eight pastor, Fr. Jean-Miguel Auguste just celebrated his 22 anniversary as of May 21, 2015. As of May 2014, our fifth pastor, Fr. Eugene Coyle was 60 years a priest and living at Bishop Mugavero Residence. Our seventh pastor, Fr. Kevin McBrien who was temporary administrator for five months just celebrated his 29 anniversary in the priesthood as of June 28, 2015. As of May 2014, Fr. Bob Frueh who was with us from 1963 to 1970 was 51 years a priest and still active in the Brooklyn Diocese. As of May 2014, Fr. John Gildea who was with us from October 1984 to December 1985 was 48 years a priest and pastor of a church in the Brooklyn Diocese. Fr. Louis N. Uzoh was 39 years a priest when he celebrated his farewell Mass in June 2012 and left the Brooklyn Diocese Fr. Alonzo Cox who came with Fr. Kevin Mcbrien to celebrate some of the Masses from January 31, 2012 to June 30, 2012 is 5 years a priest and is now pastor of St. Martin de Porres parish, Brooklyn. Fr. Michael Ukah who comes for the summers will be celebrating his 23 anniversary in the priesthood on August 21st 2015, the Feast of St. Pius X. Fr. Enel Almeus, CSSP, is 12 years a priest. He was ordained on June 12, 2003.
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