July 24, 2016
July 24, 2016
Saint Pius X Church of Under the pastoral care of the Religious Community of the Alagad Ni Maria (Disciples of Mary) A Roman Catholic Faith Community • Founded in 1954 • Renovated 2013 91 Secor Road Scarsdale, NY 10583 Phone: (914) 725-2755 Fax: (914) 725-2782 E-mail:[email protected] Visit our website: www.saintpiusxchurch.com Sunday Mass: Saturday Evening Mass – 5:00 p.m. Sunday –8:00, 9:15, 10:30 a.m. Family Mass (Children’s Homily) & 12:00 noon. (St. Pius X Choir will sing at alternate 5pm & 12 noon Masses) Daily Mass: Monday to Friday – 6:40 (during Lent), 8:00 & 11:30 a.m. Saturday – 9:00 a.m. Adoration: 1st Saturday – 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena: 1st Wednesday – 11:30am In July & August – No 11:30 a.m. Mass, Adoration or Novena Reconciliation: Every Saturday from 4:00 – 4:30 p.m. Reverend Francisco Sebastian Bacatan, Ph.D., A.M. Pastor Reverend Joselito C. Ramos, A.M. Associate Pastor Reverend Romeo C. Ascan, A.M. Associate Pastor Deacon: Rev. Mr. Theodore Gaskin Trustees: Christopher Saenger and Nicholas Brusco THE NEW CHURCH OF ST. PIUS X Bringing Our Vision to Life. July 24, 2016 To Renew All Things In Christ July 24 – 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for the Week Parish Stewardship Saturday, July 23 – St. Bridget 9:00 Vincent King, requested by Beth Rosen 5:00 Paul Braun, requested by Nancy Tambini Sunday, July 24 – 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 Doris & Edward Lastella, requested by Janet Lastella 9:15 Manfredo & Amelia DiDuca, requested by Berenice Pompa 10:30Carmelita Mendoza, requested by Jasmine & Froilan Mendoza 12:00Dr. John Albanese, requested by Dorothy Albanese MONDAY, JuLY 25 – St. James 8:00 Helen B., Luther R., & Deacon William J. Hill God bless you warmly & often for your support! July 17 Collection Total: $8,863.01 Loose Bills Offering: $935 Envelopes/Checks: 178 Attendance: 984 Shrine (candles): $132 June 2015 $34,151.79 49 June 2016 $38,179.06 Families using Parish Pay, 785 Registered in the Parish 699 Families receive envelopes Ways you can give: 1. Use weekly envelopes for your donations. Tuesday, JuLY 26 – Sts. Joachim and Anne 8:00 Stephen Michael Sules, requested by Piera Nisi & Dr. Nisi 2. Wednesday, JuLY 27 – Blessed Antonio Lucci 8:00 Adoracion P. Bacatan (80th birthday), requested by Azon 3. Please remember the church in your estate planning by including Church of St. Pius X in your will. Thursday, JuLY 28 – St. Leopold Mandic 8:00 Hank Bechtold, requested by Lorna David Friday, July 29 – St. Martha 8:00 Irene Hartigan, requested by Ann & Charlie Amen Saturday, July 30 – St. Peter Chrysologus 9:00 Msgr. Francis J. Melican, Pastor 1978 – 1998 5:00 Joseph R. Zukovich, requested by Vivian Zukovich Sunday, July 31 – 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 Anna Sodana, requested by Mrs. Venice Barrett 9:15 Thomas John Cassarini, requested by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cassarini 10:30Lolita M. Pamintuan, requested by Jasmine & Froilan Mendoza 12:00Mary Conway, Frank Conway, & Kitty Conway, requested by Ann Conway During July and August, there will be no 11:30am Mass. We will resume in September. Happy Summer! Page 1 ParishPay is an automated means to support our parish through monthly contributions from your checking, savings or credit/debit card account. Enroll today at www.parishpay.com. Special Collection Dates for 2016 Latin America & Home Missions Propagation of the Faith (Missionary Cooperative) Mission Sunday St. Joseph’s Seminary Mission Church in the Philippines Thanksgiving – Human Development Collection for Retired Religious August 7 August 21 September 11 October 16 November 6 November 20 December 11 The Saint Pius X Parish family welcomes the newly baptized Nico Patrick Panetta (parents: Nicholas and Taryn) Nico is welcomed into the Gateway of Life in the Spirit. Reserving Announced Masses for 2016 and 2017 To request a Mass be offered for a loved one, please contact the parish office at (914) 725-2755. A Mass offering is $15. 492 Church of St. Pius X July 24 – 30, 2016 Saints & Special Observances Sunday St. Sharbel Makhluf Monday St. James Tuesday Sts. Joachim and Anne WednesdayBlessed Antonio Lucci Thursday St. Leopold Mandic Friday St. Martha Saturday St. Peter Chrysologus St. Leopold Mandic (1887-1942), July 28 Western Christians who are working for greater dialogue with Orthodox Christians may be reaping the fruits of Father Leopold’s prayers. A native of Croatia, Leopold joined the Capuchin Franciscans and was ordained several years later in spite of several health problems. He could not speak loudly enough to preach publicly. For many years he also suffered from severe arthritis, poor eyesight and a stomach ailment. Leopold taught patrology, the study of the Church Fathers, to the clerics of his province for several years, but he is best known for his work in the confessional, where he sometimes spent 13-15 hours a day. Several bishops sought out his spiritual advice. Leopold’s dream was to go to the Orthodox Christians and work for the reunion of Roman Catholicism and Orthodoxy. His health never permitted it… At a time when Pope Pius XII said that the greatest sin of our time is “to have lost all sense of sin,” Leopold had a profound sense of sin and an even firmer sense of God’s grace awaiting human cooperation. Leopold died on July 30, 1942, canonized in 1982. Quote: Leopold used to repeat to himself: “Remember that you have been sent for the salvation of people, not because of your own merits, since it is the Lord Jesus and not you who died for the salvation of souls.... I must cooperate with the divine goodness of our Lord who has deigned to choose me so that by my ministry, the divine promise would be fulfilled: ‘There will be only one flock and one shepherd’” (John 10:16). Ref: http://www.americancatholic.org/features/saints/saint.aspx?id=1090 Photo: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_aoxvhOU2Auk/S-yuvC5O_nI/AAAAAAAAAbM/9xT9CdJSk08/s1600/Saint+Leopold.png 492 Church of St. Pius X Page 2 Ministry Awareness Month Every week we will highlight descriptions of the ministries, activities and service opportunities in our Parish and hope you will prayerfully consider whether you can contribute to our Parish’s works. The active participation of each member of our Parish will nurture our Parish’s growth. Music Ministry Pastoral Care/Ambassador/Homebound/ Hospital Eucharistic Minister Pastoral Care Ministers visit sick, elderly, homebound or hospitalized parishioners, provide dinner or care packages and/or provide transportation to Mass and medical appointments. Ambassador Eucharistic Ministers bring Holy Communion to senior residents of the Ambassador of Scarsdale on Sundays. Homebound Eucharistic Ministers bring Holy Communion to parishioners who are homebound. Hospital Eucharistic Ministers bring Holy Communion to persons hospitalized. Time: Ambassador Eucharistic Ministers rotate on Sundays. Pastoral Care Ministers and Homebound Eucharistic Ministers rotate based on the needs of our Parish. The schedule is flexible and determined by need. Hospital Eucharistic Ministers coordinate with the Hospital Chaplain at White Plains Hospital. Volunteer Opportunities: Any adult Catholic who has received the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation) and is comfortable bringing Communion to the sick and/or elderly will be trained. Contact Information: Debra Lupardo-Belotti at (914) 632-1960 or [email protected], contact the Parish Office or speak with a priest. Page 3 The music program at the Church of Saint Pius X affords parishioners, friends and their families the opportunity to lead the congregation in singing hymns and acclamations. Persons at least five years of age through adult are welcome to participate in this ministry, and instrumentalists may contribute their talents at selected Masses. Time: Adult Choir: The Adult Choir meets to practice 7:30pm – 9:00pm on Thursday evenings and 4:00pm – 4:45pm on Saturdays (in preparation for singing at the 5:00pm Mass on Saturday evenings) or 11:30am on Sundays (in preparation for singing at the 12:00 PM Mass on Sundays) and sings at special liturgies. Teen Choir: Meeting times will be determined if there is interest. (We will require ten teens to form a teen choir.) High school students are welcome to join the Adult Choir. Children’s Choir: The Children’s Choir meets during regularly scheduled Religious Education classes, and sings periodically throughout the academic year. Volunteer Opportunities: Any person willing to learn and be part of a team is welcome to join the music ministry. Contact Information: David Schmidt at (917) 557-1677 or Francis Kim at (859) 494-0978 or [email protected]. 492 Church of St. Pius X Meet the Priest Year of Mercy The Corporal Works of Mercy The Corporal Works of Mercy are found in the teachings of Jesus and give us a model for how we should treat all others, as if they were Christ in disguise. They “are charitable actions by which we help our neighbors in their bodily needs” (USCCA). They respond to the basic needs of humanity as we journey together through this life. The seven Corporal Works of Mercy are listed below. We will highlight each work of mercy every week with suggestions and words of advice for living them out in our daily lives. • Feed the hungry • Visit the prisoners • Give Drink to the thirsty • Bury the dead • Shelter the homeless • Give alms to the poor • Visit the sick Give alms to the poor Donate money to organizations that have the ability to provide support and services for those in need. Do research and find organizations that put people in need first, rather than profit. • Skip the morning latte and put that money in the collection basket at church. • Find a charity that is meaningful to you and volunteer your time or donate. • This Lent, give up eating out at restaurants. Pack your meals and donate the extra money to charities. • Participate in Operation Rice Bowl … Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy; 492 Church of St. Pius X Rev. Fr. Romeo C. Ascan, A.M., Associate Pastor Father Romeo, the youngest of four children, was born on January 29, 1976 to Pedro L. Ascan (deceased) and Jacinta C. Ascan. He entered in the Alagad ni Maria (Disciples of Mary) Religious Community in the Philippines in 2007 and was ordained to the Holy Order of Priesthood on May 12, 2012. In the Philippines, he served as the pastor of Saint Isidore Parish in the Island Patnanungan, Quezon in the Prelature of Infanta for almost 2 years. In 2014-2015, he became a Formator for the Junior Professed Seminarians and became associate pastor of the Cathedral of Infant Jesus of Prague and St. Mark in the Prelature for three months. He obtained his Ordained Ministry Degree in the Philippines at the Saint Vincent School of Theology in 2012. Father Romeo was assigned to the Church of St. Pius X in December 2015 to assist Father Sebastian and joined the parish as an Associate Pastor. Phone: (914) 725-2755, x21 Fax: (914) 725-2782 E-mail: [email protected] Highlights of other St. Pius X staff members to come in upcoming weeks! Page 4 To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven, A time to be healed... ✠ Please remember to pray for: Carol Vitale Allen Pia Sta Ana Michael Antoine Manolita Antoja Elisa Alcontin Atienza Nathaniel Barrera Beatrice Bechtold Mary Cantalice Elisa Campanile Serena Cardillo Eda Caroli Baby Antonia Carpentieri Giuliana Cavalli Barbara Chin Iena Custodio Christina Del Pin Frank DeRobertis Baby Fionn Foley Elma Garma Robert Golan Sabrina Hughes Minda Imperial Suzette Judalena Alfonso Latorre Norma Mauricio-Panga Kathleen McCabe Sonia Mendoza Estelito Pataksil Laurie Peek Maria Mercedes Pabon Sr. Teresita Perez, MM Anne Reichling Jack Reidy Cheryl Samson-Melegrito Oliva San Antonio Samantha Schlein Holly Schwartz Tanya Sciortino Wendy Sgobbo Jay-John Soliongco Raquel Suares Marissa Tolentino Helena A. Trindade Rosemarie Widulski Baby Gabriel Wolpert In the charity of your prayers please remember the souls of our faithfully departed. Adoracion P. Bacatan (Mother of our pastor, Father Sebastian) Jack Salomone (Long time parishioner) May they enjoy a place of light, happiness and peace. ✠ To add a new name to the prayer listing, please call (914) 725-2755 or email [email protected] confirm person consents to having their name published. August 2016 JULY SUNDAY 24 Birthday Blessing, 10:30am Mass 31 7 Dominican Sisters Bake Sale (after all Masses) MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 NO Parish Council Meeting 2 3 4 5 6 No Adoration 8 9 2nd Collection: Latin America & Home Missions 2nd Collection: Latin America & Home Missions 10 11 12 13 NO 11:30 A.M. MASS FOR MONTH OF AUGUST 14 15 Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady (Parish Office closed) 16 17 18 19 20 21 Feast of St. Pius X 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 Birthday Blessing, 10:30am Mass 28 While you are enjoying the summer sun and activity, don’t forget your church here at home. Your help is still needed. If while on vacation you cannot contribute regularly, may we suggest that you keep unused envelopes on hand and bring your contributions up to date when you return. God bless you and keep you all safe. Page 5 492 Church of St. Pius X Parish Announcements After an illness, Adoracion P. Bacatan, beloved mother of our pastor, Father Sebastian, passed away in the Philippines on Thursday morning, July 14, surrounded by her loved ones. She was just 13 days short of her 80th birthday. Father Sebastian traveled to Manila to be with his family in this time of grief. Masses offered for the repose of the soul of Adoracion P. Bacatan would be appreciated by the family. Please contact Elizabeth, our Parish Secretary, at (914) 725-2755 if you would like to have a Mass offered. We are a Catholic Social Widows and Widowers Group. We meet monthly, usually on the fourth Monday of the month, at Church of St Pius X to honor our deceased spouses with a Mass at 7:00pm in the small chapel off the main church, followed by a social meeting with refreshments. Our next meeting date is Monday, July 25th. We plan activities and have meals at local area restaurants. In June, we held our Annual Communion Brunch. We welcome all Catholic Widows/Widowers.. For inquiries, call 914-715-5817 or email: [email protected]. Save the Date! Calling All Couples celebrating wedding anniversaries this year 2016 in increments of five years (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 …) and all couples who are married 50 years and above! Renew your vows to each other on October 23, Sunday at the 12 noon Mass. Champagne reception to follow. Please call the rectory to participate. Deacon Ted & Alice Gaskin, 67 years, September 3 Joseph & Anne Marie Cassarini, 59 years, July 6, 1957 Michael & Grace Tobash, 57 years, May 10, 1959 Venanzio & Lucy Maraldo, 50 years, May 14, 1966 Robert & Kathy Cripps, 45 years, January 16, 1971 Blaise & Kathi Fredella, 45 years, September 12, 1971 Tony & Jackie Gasson, 45 years, September 12, 1971 Frank & Marie Scinicariello, 45 years, October 2, 1971 Joseph & Lorraine Ferrara, 40 years, May 23, 1976 Joseph & Mary Theresa Leptak, 25 years, July 6, 1991 John and Sonya Pantanelli, 10 years, June 11, 2006 July Birthday Blessings will be Sunday July 24 at the 10:30am Mass. All who celebrate birthdays in June, will come forward for their blessing. The 2016 Appeal goal for St. Pius X Parish has been determined as: Average Monthly Offertory: Monthly Assessment: 2016 Appeal Goal: $46,305 x 2.5 month(s) $91,000 Collected as of July 5, 2016: $84,095.02 (over 90% of Goal!) Number of Gifts: 143 Answer the call and donate today! When donating, please use our Parish number #536. TO MAKE AN ONLINE GIFT, VISIT www.cardinalsappeal.org 492 Church of St. Pius X July Birthdays: Justin Pick 7/6 Lucille Filardo 7/19 Alice Gaskin 7/9 Terry Lynch 7/20 James White 7/9 Eric Bosco 7/22 Barbara Underhill 7/11 Guy Pietrangolare 7/22 Beth Rosen 7/14 Lorraine Ranieri 7/28 Jonathan LaMacchia 7/15 Kristen Hamlin 7/27 July Anniversaries: Martha & Manuel Neiro 7/4 Joseph & Ann Marie Cassarini 7/6 Gerri & Guy Pietrangolare 7/22 Douglas & Maria Pick 7/26 Grace & Stanley Demczuk To add a name to the Birthday list, please e-mail [email protected] Page 6 Ministry Service SAVE THE DATES! Wednesday, September 14, 2016 – 1:00 p.m. in the Pavilion – For years Lou Del Bianco has been portraying his grandfather Luigi Del Bianco and seeking official recognition of his status as Chief Carver of Mount Rushmore. A recent NY Times article states that this recognition has been finally realized and a proper dedication will be made soon at Mt. Rushmore. We are lucky enough to have booked Lou well before this article was published. Come listen to him tell his grandfather’s story in his grandfather’s voice. Lou has also published a book entitled “In the Shadow of the Mountain”. St. Pius X Ministry Schedules NEXT SUNDAY, JuLY 30 – 31: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 – 12:45 p.m. in the Pavilion – Our annual Christmas luncheon with Yankee Gift Swap is always a highly anticipated event. Appetizers, deli lunch, fabulous desserts, soft drinks and wine for the low price of $15 per person. Guests welcome. Look for the reservation form later in the fall. Sunday, 8:00 AM A.S.: VOLUNTEER NOW L: Christopher Scheu E.M.: Michael Thomas (Tom) Mac Neil Sunday, 9:15 AM A.S.: Alexander Burt, Chloe Burt L: Geoff Fitzgerald E.M.: Carol Petrillo, Gary Quintalino Sunday, 12:00 PM Contact: Dolores Brett at 723-5303 or [email protected]. Contact Information: Fr. Jose ([email protected]) or Fr. Romeo ([email protected]) at (914) 725-2755 or Ellen Aslanian at 914-472-5594 (or [email protected]). A.S.: Marco Miceli, Joseph Russo L: Chad Wilson E.M.: Mary T. Ingriselli, Yvonne Saavedra Limb Sunday, 10:30 AM A.S.: Brendon Kersting, Joshua Kersting, Hernan II Marambio L: Dorianna II Marambio E.M.: Dorianna Marambio, Hernan Marambio Hospitality: We will resume in September! Wednesday, October 5, 2016 – 1:00 p.m. in the Pavilion – Program to be announced shortly. Altar Servers NEEDED! We are looking for new servers to join this ministry for 2016-2017! Saturday, 5:00 PM A.S.: Aidan Brennan, Damian Rode, Leon Rode L: Alice Gaskin E.M.: Kapo Kasanda, Maria Pick Check future schedules on Ministry Schedule Pro. Father Sebastian will send you a login link. If you think you can commit to one of these services in our parish please call Father Sebastian at (914) 725-2755. A.S. = Altar Servers, L = Lector, E.M. = Eucharistic Ministers The working poor are struggling to put food on their tables throughout the year. Won’t you please continue to bring in a few packages of non-perishable food each week? It is so very much appreciated by St. Peter’s! They have a special need for cereals of any kind. Place your donations in the closet near the church entrance. Thank you. Renovation Funds (Total Pledges as of June 7, 2016) Phase 1 Remaining Pledges: $26,300 Phase 2 New Pledges: $78,050 Page 7 492 Church of St. Pius X Religious Education Adult Bible Study In our Bible Study classes, you will learn about key persons and places delineated in the Bible. The classes will help you to understand the Scriptures and your Catholic faith in a new way. The teachings of the Church and His Holy Word, the Bible, will help to enlighten you on God’s purpose and plan for your life-your part in God’s story. The classes are taught and facilitated by our Adult Formation Director, a charismatic and knowledgeable Scripture Scholar, Mr. Chuck Junjulas. The classes are held each Thursday (except during the summer) between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm in the Parish Pavilion. Fall class dates are TBD. Please contact the Parish Office at (914) 725-2755, or [email protected] or Charles Junjulas at [email protected] for more information. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Each year on Holy Saturday during the Easter Vigil, thousands are baptized into the Catholic Church. Parishes welcome these new Catholics through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). The RCIA program developed by the Church for converts to the Holy Catholic Faith who are above the age of infant baptism. The Parish of Saint Pius X provides the RCIA program to all desiring to enter into full communion with the Church. If you have never been baptized, have been baptized in another Christian denomination, have been baptized Catholic but have not received Holy communion and/or Confirmation, then the RCIA program is for you. To register, speak to a priest or email Charles Junjulas, Director of Faith Formation at [email protected]. There is a honorarium $150 for registered parishioners and $250 for non parishioners. Classes are Thursdays from 8-9 pm in the Parish Pavilion. Catechumen’s are received into the Church during the Easter Vigil. The Religious Education Program is now accepting Registration for 2016-2017. Beginning July 1, 2016 registration fees to all returning students are: $250 - One Child $400 - Two Children $550 - Three Children $650 - Four or more Children Sacrament Fees: First Communion (2nd Grade) – $150 Confirmation (8th Grade) – $180 Make check payable to: St. Pius X (Registration and Sacrament fees) REPTA Fee: $20/Child, make check payable to: St. Pius X – REPTA Regular fees apply only to new students Religious Education Registration Forms are available at: RE Office, Narthex(Church lobby), or saintpiusxchurch.com/religiouseducation. Please call Religious Education Office for any questions. Thank You. 492 Church of St. Pius X RECRUITING TEACHERS! Seeking New Teachers, Teacher’s Aides & Substitute Teachers. Our goal is to have two adults in each class, especially in the higher grades. Please call the Religious Education Office at (914) 472-5594 or stop by to further explore sharing your Gift of Faith. Training is available during the summer. RE Teachers and Assistants Needed for 2016 -2017: 1st Grade - 2 assistants 4th Grade - 1 assistant 5th Grade - 1 teacher/2 assistants 6th Grade - 1 teacher/1 assistant 7th Grade - 2 assistants 8th Grade - 1 assistant Hall Monitors – Monday (2), Tuesday (3) Page 8 Looking Ahead… Circle the date (September 8) – Birthday of Our Blessed Mother, a time for our Community to join in prayer to be thanked for Our Blessings and Present Our Needs. Dominican Sisters Bake Sale – The Dominican Sisters will hold a Bake Sale on the weekend of August 6 & 7. They will be selling bread, brownies, apple pie and blueberry pie. These are all baked according to the Dominican Sisters recipes. The proceeds from the sale will be used to buy medical supplies for their mission to support lepers. KEEP PRAYING St. Monica, whose feast we celebrate in August, is often known as “the persistent mother.” She watched her oldest son, Augustine, turn his back on his Christian faith. Monica was exasperated. For years she gave up talking directly to her son on the advice of a local bishop, who told her that it was better to talk to God about Augustine then to Augustine about God. The mother never gave up praying for her son. Eventually Augustine gave up his wild ways, was baptized, and later ordained and named bishop of Hippo. St. Augustine went on to become one of the Church’s greatest scholars. Today’s readings address the importance of persistent prayer. Abraham, in spite of trepidation that he is bothering the Lord, continues to ask about the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. Jesus, in Luke’s Gospel, tells his disciples to “ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Luke 11:9). This is our charge: keep praying. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Page 9 Church of Saint Pius X Parish Information Saint Pius X Parish is under the pastoral care of the Religious Community of the Alagad Ni Maria (Disciples of Mary) Parish Office Hours Monday to Thursday 9 am – 4:00 pm Friday – Closed (By appointment Only) The Sacraments Baptism: Arrangements made by both parents with a priest or deacon. Reconciliation - Penance Saturday 4:00 to 4:30 PM or anytime upon request. Holy Matrimony: Arrangements should be made with a priest or a deacon at least six months prior to the wedding. Couples must attend Pre-Cana and Engagement Conferences. The Eucharist & Anointing of the Sick: For serious illness or when someone is scheduled for hospitalization, please call the Rectory at (914) 725-2755. Communion Calls: We are happy to bring the Eucharist to those unable to come to the Church. Confirmation: Baptized Catholics who have not received Confirmation should contact a member of the pastoral staff. Holy Orders: The pastoral staff is always ready to discuss the prospect of a vocation to the priesthood or religious life. Religious Education for Students Kindergarten: Sunday 9:30-10:15am Grades 1-4 Tuesday: 3:30-5:00pm Grades 5-8 Monday: 3:30-5:00pm Grade 8 evening class: 6:00-7:30pm Religious Education for Adults The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is intended to address both the un-baptized who are seeking baptism as well as Christians from other traditions who desire to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church. Please call (914) 725-2755. Parish Council: • Al Naclerio, Parish Council President, [email protected] • Danielle Bryson, Vice President, [email protected] • Aurelie Ferrera, Secretary, [email protected] The Parish Council meets the first Monday of the month at 8:00 pm (Except for January, July & August). Everyone is welcome! Bulletin Submissions: E-mail [email protected] or call (914) 725-2755 by the Monday before the next published bulletin. Any inserts must be in 10 days before the Sunday you wish it to be printed. Parish Staff Parish Secretary: Elizabeth Pirinea, (914) 725-2755, [email protected] Religious Education Coordinator: Rev. Joselito C. Ramos (914) 472-5594 [email protected] Fax: (914) 725-1517 Religious Education Administrative Assistant: Ellen Aslanian, (914) 472-5594, [email protected], [email protected] Adult Education RCIA: Mr. Charles Junjulas, [email protected] Music Director: David Schmidt, [email protected] Associate Music Director: Francis Kim Phone Extensions, (914) 725-2755: Elizabeth - Secretary x10 Fr. Sebastian x20 Fr. Romeo x21 Fr. Jose x23 Ellen - RE x34 Parish Finance Committee Denis Andreuzzi Kathi Fredella Blaise Fredella Robert Gillin Parish Enrichment Coordinators Altar Server Ministry: Rev. Romeo C. Ascan, [email protected] The Liturgy: Luisa Pompa, (914) 725-8940, [email protected] Lector Training: Lynne Soares, (914) 723-5063, [email protected] Hospitality for Family Mass: Eileen Donovan, [email protected] Midnight Run: Tom Morris, [email protected] & Bob Fornabaio, [email protected] Pastoral Care: Debra Lupardo, [email protected] Religious Education PTA (REPTA): Teresa Black and Pamela Mo, [email protected] Social Action – Adult Activities: Dolores Brett, [email protected] Youth Ministry: Rev. Romeo Ascan, AM Theresa Regan, Lisa Trauzzi and Luisa Pompa [email protected] 492 Church of St. Pius X
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