male18 - Polskie Echo


male18 - Polskie Echo
Bezpłatny Miesięcznik Informacyjny Polonii w Północnej Anglii i Walii
Free monthly - Contact Newspaper - for Polish Peoples in North England and Wales
W ANGLII str.16
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oferty strzeżonego parkingu. lub dzwoń 0151 728 3050
Przykładowe ceny miejsc parkingowych:
7 dni tylko ———— 19.99 funtów
14 dni tylko ———— 27.99 funtów
Lekarz ogólny, Laryngolog,
Internista, Pediatra
Medycyna Estetyczna,
Psychiatra, Stomatolog
szczegóły str. 7
Stała opłata
Stała opłata
Pieniądze na koncie już nawet w 2h
Najlepszy kurs wymiany
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Pieniądze na koncie już nawet w 2h
Najlepszy kurs wymiany
Akceptujemy karty debetowe
Szef MSZ do Polonii w
Szkocji: ci, którzy chcą
wrócić, będą mieli po co
Szef MSZ do Polonii w Szkocji: ci, którzy chcą wrócić, będą mieli po co
Nowe władze w Warszawie spowodują, że ci, którzy wyjechali z Polski,
a teraz będą chcieli wrócić, będą mieli po co – powiedział na środowym
spotkaniu ze szkocką Polonią w Edynburgu szef MSZ Witold Waszczykowski.
Podczas spotkania z Polakami mieszkającymi w Szkocji szef MSZ
zwrócił uwagę, że polscy dyplomaci w ostatnich latach spotykają się z
trzema falami emigracji – z okresu II wojny światowej, z lat 80. XX w. oraz
z najnowszą, która wyjechała w poszukiwaniu pracy.
„W imieniu nowego rządu tych najnowszych emigrantów muszę serdecznie przeprosić. Polska nie sprostała, aby wam zagwarantować godne
warunki życia i pracy. Ale Polacy zawierzyli nowym władzom, uznali, że
nowe władze zapewnią dobrą zmianę i spowodują to, aby przynajmniej część,
ci, którzy będą chcieli, jednak do Polski mieli po co wrócić” – powiedział minister do Polaków mieszkających w Szkocji.
Zaznaczył, że program obecnego rządu jest skierowany nie tylko do
mieszkających w Polsce, ale również do wszystkich, którzy jednak do Polski
chcieliby wrócić. „Potrzebujemy was, potrzebujemy waszej energii, potrzebujemy waszej wiedzy, waszego doświadczenia, które zdobyliście w innych
krajach, waszych umiejętności językowych” – przekonywał Waszczykowski.
„Nasze ministerstwa stoją otworem, nasze urzędy stoją otworem. Mam
nadzieję, że za chwilę nowe zakłady pracy, jeśli powstaną, nowe inwestycje,
które zbudujemy, również będą stały otworem do tego, żeby Polacy wracali” –
mówił szef MSZ.
Minister zapowiedział, że MSZ chce dokonać przesunięcia dotyczącego
konsulatów. „Przed laty kierowano wiele środków w konsulaty na Wschodzie.
Jest potrzeba, aby szereg z nich utrzymać. Ale również jest potrzeba, aby
teraz tworzyć placówki konsularne i oświatowe w zachodniej części naszej
cywilizacji, ponieważ tutaj znajdują się wielkie skupiska Polaków” – powiedział
Dodał, że w tej sprawie współpracuje z ministrami edukacji narodowej, nauki i
szkolnictwa wyższego oraz kultury i dziedzictwa narodowego.
Natomiast szef MON Antoni Macierewicz przypomniał, że w przeszłości w
Szkocji stacjonowały polskie wojska. „Tutaj były bazy polskich żołnierzy, a my
teraz rozmawiamy z naszymi sojusznikami o obecności brytyjskich żołnierzy w
Polsce, więc ta historia ma taki właśnie łącznik” – powiedział szef MON.
„Najchętniej powiedziałbym tak jak minister spraw zagranicznych, że armia
polska na was czeka, że wasze umiejętności, zdolności, wasz zapał, wasza
nowoczesność mogłaby być nam potrzebna” – powiedział Macierewicz
do Polaków, nawiązując do słów Waszczykowskiego.
Minister obrony zapewnił, że polski rząd zawsze będzie z Polonią i liczy
na jej zrozumienie dla wysiłku na rzecz zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa
Polski, zwłaszcza, że – jak mówił – „znowu wielki cień ze Wschodu
zasnuwa horyzont”.
oni2 Wizycie Waszczykowskiego i Macierewicza w siedzibie Stowarzyszenia Polskich Kombatantów w Edynburgu towarzyszyły dwie
niewielkie manifestacje. Kilkanaście osób z transparentem Partii
Razem, flagami UE oraz flagą w kolorach tęczy skandowało: „Macierewicz, Waszczykowski nie wracajcie już do Polski”, „Konstytucja” oraz
„Wolność, równość, demokracja”. Z kolei kilka osób z symbolami Prawa
i Sprawiedliwości wznosiło okrzyki „Damy radę” i „Dobra zmiana”.
Szefowie MSZ i MON przylecieli w środę do Edynburga na doroczne
konsultacje ze swoimi brytyjskimi odpowiednikami w formule tzw. kwadrygi. Tematy rozmów obejmują brytyjskie propozycje związane z renegocjacjami członkostwa w UE, konflikt rosyjsko-ukraiński oraz politykę
UE wobec Rosji, Partnerstwo Wschodnie, postępy procesu rozszerzenia UE na Bałkanach, sytuację na Bliskim Wschodzie, przeciwdziałanie
terroryzmowi i ekstremizmowi. Ministrowie omówią także przygotowania
do lipcowego Szczytu NATO w Warszawie.
Macierewicz i Waszczykowski złożyli wieniec na cmentarzu polskich
żołnierzy i lotników z czasów II wojny światowej oraz odwiedzili pomnik
żołnierza-niedźwiedzia Wojtka, który „służył” w 2 Korpusie Polskim, a po
wojnie trafił do zoo w Edynburgu, gdzie zmarł w 1963 r.
Z Edynburga Rafał Lesiecki (PAP)
Aresztowany osobnik z
arsenałem broni – Bury /
Ziobro kręci bicz na komorników
Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości przygotowuje zmianę prawa, które ukróci
samowolę komorników. Sądowi „egzekutorzy” dostaną po kieszeni, a Krajowa Rada Komornicza straci prawo prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej.
W resorcie sprawiedliwości powstał zespół, który ma przygotować
nowelizację ustawy komorniczej.
Do prac zostali zaproszeni parlamentarzyści, którzy już wcześniej
zajmowali się zmianami prawa w tej dziedzinie. „Codzienna” potwierdziła
nieoficjalnie informacje jednego z portali, że wśród nich są wiceminister
sprawiedliwości Patryk Jaki oraz niezależna senator Lidia Staroń.
Z naszych ustaleń wynika, że prace są na razie w stadium początkowym.
Mają doprowadzić do zmiany statusu komornika oraz funkcjonowania
całego systemu egzekucji sądowych. – Tak nie może być, aby komornik,
który jest funkcjonariuszem państwowym, był prywatnym biznesmenem –
mówi nam jedna z osób zaangażowanych w działanie zespołu.
Dlatego komornik miałby powrócić do sądu, tak jak to było przed 1997
r. W ramach prac zespołu padły propozycje, by „sądowy” egzekutor był
na pensji albo, aby jego wynagrodzenie stanowiła prowizja od wartości
odzyskanego długu. – Z pewnością nie może ona być tak wysoka jak
obecnie – mówi nasz rozmówca. Teraz wynosi 15 proc. wyegzekwowanego
W wypadku wysokiego zadłużenia są to naprawdę wielkie kwoty. To jednak
niejedyne źródło dochodów sądowych „egzekutorów”. Często naliczają
sobie też wysokie koszty.
Nowelizacja ma również pozbawić Krajową Radę Komorniczą (KRK)
możliwości prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej. KRK jest jedyną
korporacją prawną, która ma zagwarantowaną taką możliwość. Spółka
rady prowadziła komputeryzację sądów.
Policja aresztowała a sąd skazał na 6 lat więzienia mężczyznę z Bury, który
skupował broń. Po co mu było potrzebne aż tyle broni ? Ale poklei.
W sierpniu 2015 roku Jednostka specjalna do zwalczania handlu bronią
aresztowała mężczyznę na autostardzie m6.
Mężczyzna Montgomery Richard Kyle Byrne lat 31 z Bury wręczał sprzedawcy
1300 funtów a towarem zakupu był pistolet Glock 9mm pistolet do samodzielnego
załadunku i 300 sztuk amunicji. Mężczyzna chciał też kupić karabin AK47 z tej
samej strony internetowej.
Po aresztowaniu specjalna grupa policji udała się do Bury gdzie przeszukała jego
dom. Znaleziono: karabin snajperski Smith używany do Polowania, karabin Ruben
off shotgun, rewolwer , duże ilości amunicji , naboi i pocisków. Ponadto prasę do
produkcji amunicji, kapiszony. wszystkie komponenty do produkcji nabojów .
Z doniesień medialnych wynika, że za rządów PO-PSL realizowała aż trzy
zamówienia MS – wszystkie z wolnej ręki – warte ponad 25 mln zł.
Zmiany w prawie mają uniemożliwić wiele patologii związanych z
działaniem komorników.
Chodzi np. o zakaz sprzedaży zajętych ruchomości w komisie zamiast
w wyniku licytacji komorniczej. Przypomnijmy, że komornik, który zajął
ciągnik rolnikowi spod Mławy za długi sąsiada (o czym „Codzienna” pisała
wielokrotnie), pospiesznie wystawił traktor w komisie samochodowym i
sprzedał go za bezcen.
Gdyby przepisy tego zabraniały, plantator mógłby odzyskać ciągnik.
Sejm już wielokrotnie próbował zmienić prawo dotyczące działania komorników.
W poprzedniej kadencji projekt nowelizacji złożyła ówczesna posłanka PO
Lidia Staroń. Prace nad projektem zastopowała wówczas sama Platforma.
Jednym z hamulcowych był poseł Borys Budka.
Autor: Wojciech Kamiński/ GP
brońphoto/ manchestereveningnews
Teraz Byrne stanął przed Wymiarem Sprawiedliwości. W Birmingham Crown
Court został skazany na 6 lat więzienia za posiadanie broni oraz amunicji.
Ponadto chęć zakupu broni oraz produkcji.Jak powiedział oficer jednostki specjalnej do zwalczania przestępczości zorganizowanej i terroryzmu, w przypadku
zakupu broni przez internet każdy zostawia ślady , które trafiają do nas.
konrad W
Dear Madam/ Sir , we are a Polish Company Cobico Ltd and we edit a free newspaper with advertisements for Polish People in UK. The name of our newspaper
WYDAWCA: Cobico ltd- Unit 77 - Cariocca Business Park
in KONTAKTY. It is issued one monthly and is freely distributed around the North
2 Sawley Street - Manchester - M40 8BB
England and North Wales. We report widely on activities within the Polish ComMANAGER PROJEKTU - Jacek Jurasz
munity and more. You can advertise and read interesting articles in our newspaper.
Where you can find KONTAKTY - in many different busy places: churches, schools, REDAKTORZY - , Magdalena St . Karolina W, Anna W, Piotr Stylczak
schops, polish restaurant, and many other places.
REKLAMA - tel. 07860531963
Email: [email protected]
Redakcja nie zwraca materiałów niezamówionych oraz zastrzega sobie prawo do
skrótów i redakcyjnego opracowania tekstów przyjętych do druku. Redakcja nie ponosi
odpowiedzialności za treść reklam i ogłoszeń.Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Materiały
zawarte w czasopiśmie nie mogą być wykorzystane w jakiejkolwiek formie i w jakikolwiek 12 wydań to jedyne 20 funtów i pocztą wysyłamy, każde wydanie
sposób bez pisemnej zgody Wydawcy.
Marriage Allowance
Jeśli ty lub twój partner mieszka poza granicami UK, możesz
otrzymywać Marriage Allowance tak długo, jak otrzymujesz Personal
Jak aplikować.
Zanim będziesz aplikować:
Będziesz potrzebować National Insurance number, twój i twojego partnera.
Potrzebne też będzie udowodnienie twojej tożsamości, choćby poprzez jeden z poniższych sposobów:
1) 4 ostatnie cyfry konta, na które jest płacony twój child benefit, tax
credit lub emerytura.
2) 4 ostatnie cyfry konta, na które wpływają twoje odsetki.
3) Szczegółowe informacje z twojego P60
Otrzymasz email potwierdzający twoją aplikację.
Jeśli twój wniosek zostanie zaakceptowany, zmiany w twoim Personal
Allowance będą miały moc wsteczną do początku roku podatkowego
(6 kwietnia).
Kiedy tracisz Marriage Allowance
Twój Personal Allowance przechodzi automatycznie do twojego partnera co roku, aż do czasu, gdy któreś z was anuluje Marriage Allowance lub zajdą pewne okoliczności, np. rozwód lub śmierć.
czyli ulga dla małżeństw w Wielkiej Brytanii , jak ją dostać
Jak ubiegać się o ulgę dla małżeństw, tzw. Marriage Allowance
Marriage Allowance umożliwia transfer £1,06 tys. z twojego Personal
Allowance, ( czyli osobistej kwoty wolnej od podatki) do męża, żony lub
partnera. To zmniejsza wasz podatek aż do £212.
Jeśli twój partner umrze w czasie, gdy przeniosłeś część swojego
Personal Allowance na niego, twoja osobista ulga wróci do normalnej
Zaaplikuj wypełnił kwestionariusz
Jak to działa?
Twój Personal Allowance jest dochodem, za który nie musisz płacić podatku – dla większości ludzi jest to £10,600
Dodanie £1,060 do twojego partnera Personal Allowance oznacza, że
będziecie płacić o £212 mniej podatku w roku podatkowym (6 kwietnia do 5
kwietnia następnego roku).
Kto może się ubiegać?
Można uzyskać ten zasiłek, jeśli zarówno:
a) dochód twojego partnera mieści się w przedziale £10,601 i £42,385
b) ty i twój partner urodziliście się po 6 kwietnia 1935 roku
Ile będziecie oboje płacili podatku
Kiedy Personal Allowance twojego partnera wzrośnie do £11,660, w konsekwencji będziecie płacili o £212 mniej podatku, bowiem twój Personal
Allowance spadnie wtedy w dół do £9,540, przez co nie będziesz mieć
obowiązku płacić podatku.
Możesz obliczyć, ile zapłacicie podatku, jako para pod poniższym linkiem:
Jeżeli Praca z Dziećmi to Twoja Pasja!!
Zapraszamy do nas Koniecznie!!!
Gwarantujemy Szkolenia oraz pomoc w ukończeniu
szkoly Cache Level 2./ level3
Wymagana znajomość jez,angielskiego w mowie
I w piśmie.Szczegółowe pytanie- proszę dzwonić07850079900- Anna. -
--------------------------------------Cleaning Operative
Part Time Cook
Location -- UK-NW-Sale
Industries - Healthcare services
Job type - Part time less than 30 hours
Years of experience - 2+ years
Career level - Experienced (Non-Manager)
Education Level
GCSE / Scottish or equivalent
Hours of Work
Fixed term contract
Job reference code
Application methods
Nadia Carney
Beaufort Road, Sale, Chesire
Mnachester, NW m33 3wr
Part time cook required for residential care home for up
to 24 elderly residents.
Experience of cooking in a Residential Care is not essential but would be beneficial.
Your main tasks as a cook would include:
Preparing, cooking and presenting food in line with
requirements of residents and regulations
Must be able to prepare home cooked food
Ensuring kitchen is kept clean and maintained in accordance with regulations and home requirements and following
relevant hygiene, health and safety guidelines
Helping to ensure appropriate stock levels
Completing relevant documentation
Years of experience 1+ years
Career level None
Education Level Vocational (e.g. NVQ/SNVQ)
Salary 8.50 - 8.50 per hour
Job reference code T3AV5VPNSF
Weekend cook required for works restaurant at a contract in
Hazel Grove, Stockport.
Experience in preparing food for elderly people required. RelHours; 8am - 1.45pm Saturday and Sunday. 11.5 hrs week,
evant NVQ or equivalent preferred.
£8.50 per hour.
SENT CV - Email: [email protected]
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------mini marvels club
Will be required to cook breakfast and 3 courses for lunch
plus desserts etc. Will be responsible for 2 catering assistants and must have previous supervisory and cooking
experience. Duties also include serving customers, cleaning
and completing all relevant due diligence paperwork.
Company - mini marvels club
Location - UK-NW-Manchester
Industries - Education
Job type - Part time less than 30 hours
Salary - Meets NMW
Food Hygiene certificate preferred.
Cook/cleaner over split shift, must have food hygiene certificate level 2, must be aware of the food standards agency,
worked within a similar enviroment, this is term time only.
Hours will be 10am to 1pm and 3.30pm to 5pm Monday to
Friday, 25 hours per week. This is temporary position to cover
long term sickness, but could lead to a permanent position.
SENT CV - Application methods
Janette Black
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Unique Catering
Part time weekend cook
Location - UK-NW-Stockport
Industries - Restaurant/food services
Job type - Part time less than 30 hours
Ortodoncja-w Victoria Dental Manchester tel. 01618324153
Ponadto posiadamy szeroki wybór aparatów stalych czyli
założonych na zębach pacjenta na okres leczenia.Aparty te są
aparatami standardowymi, leczenie trwa około 2-3 lata i wizyty kontrolne są co 6 tygodni.
Aparaty metalowe
tradycyjne z ligature elastyczna Aparaty kosmetyczne szafirowe.
Aparaty kosmetyczne ceramiczne
Oferujemy rownież najnowszejsze zamki samoligiturujace typu Damona, ktore mogą być metalowe
lub ceramiczen. Aparaty te skracają znacznie
czas leczenia do okresu 1-2 lat i wymagają wizyt
kontrolnych co 10 -12 tygodni. Aparty te sa bezpieczniejsze dla pacjentów gdyż przesuwaja zeby
z uzyciem znacznie mniejszej siły.
Oferujemy system Insignia gdzie indywidualne
zamki są ustawiane dla każdego pacjenta komputerowo w laboratorium.
Oferujemy samolitigujace kosmetyczne zamki
Oferujemy rownież leczenie aparatami
dojezykowymi jak Incognito lub STB firmy Ormco
Diagnostyka komputerowa:
------------------------------------------------ silnik
- AirBag-- SRS
- Skrzynia automatyczna
- Kasowanie inspekcji i kontrolek
- Naprawa wszystkich usterek
- Naprawa i serwis klimatyzacji
- Naprawa rozruszników i alternatorów
TEL. 07892703047
--------------------------------------Cleaning Operative
Westgrove Group
High expectation of customer service delivery
Further Details:
Salary: £6.70 per hour
Contracted hours: 26 hours per week
Shift Pattern: 5 days per week. TuesdayFriday evening and Sunday daytime shift.
Application methods - send CV
Email: [email protected]
---------------------------------------------------------Incentive FM Group Ltd
Zero hour cleaning operative
Cleaning Operative
Company - Incentive FM Group Ltd
Location - UK-NW-Hyde
Cleaning Operative – Ellesmere Centre
Industries - Personal and household services
Company - Westgrove Group
Job type Part time less than 30 hours
Location - UK-NW-Manchester
Salary - 6.70 - 6.70 per hour
Industries - Security and surveillance
Job reference code - FM171
Job type - Full time
Zero Hours Cleaner required at Clarendon Square
Salary - 6.70 - 6.70 per hour
Shopping Centre, 111-113 The Mall, Hyde, SK14
Job reference code - Ellesmere
Rate of pay £6.70 per hour. Hours flexible
The Westgrove Group is an award winning national
Uniform and training provided
provider of bespoke dual service security solutions,
Duties include: Mopping/cleaning public toilets and
specialising in high profile corporate offices, comshopping mall areas. Removing litter from shopping
mercial premises, shopping centres and football
mall areas and emptying bins
An understanding of Health and Safety in area of
We are looking for a Cleaning Operativeto join our
Please contact David Farmer, Facilities Manager at
team at Ellesmere Centre, Walkden.
e-mail address shown at contact information.
General cleaning of a shopping centre
Cleaning of toilets
Waste disposal
Mopping, hoovering and polishing
Interacting with members of the public
Use of chemicals and cleaning equipment
Key Skills & Qualities:
Flexible and willing to learn procedures
Experience of cleaning is preferred
A highly motivated individual
Ability to work well within our team as well as
to work unsupervised
Application methods - send CV
Email: [email protected]
-------------------------------------------------------------------Hall Cleaning Services Limited
School Cleaner /
Cleaning Operative
Location - UK-NW-Manchester
Industries- Business services - other
Job type - Part time less than 30 hours
Years of experience
Less than 1 year
Career level
( osobowe i cieżarowe )
Entry Level - Job reference code
We required cleaners for Secondary Educational Establishment in Manchester area
Duties include:
Sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, washing tables, emptying bins and using buffing machine to maintain the cleanliness within in all areas of the education establishment,
i.e. corridors and stairs, halls, staff offices and toilet areas.
Working Hours:
Monday to Friday, between 3.00pm to 6.00pm
All successful applicants will be required to undertake a
satisfactory (DBS) Enhanced Disclosure & Barring Service Check before starting employment with the company.
All sucessfull applicants will undergo Company training,
with the opportunity to undergo NVQ training after initial
sent cv -
Email: [email protected]
--------------------------------------------------------------------------ServiceMaster Manchester
Cleaning Operative
Company - ServiceMaster Manchester
Location - UK-NW-Northenden
Job type - Part time less than 30 hours
Cleaning Operative required to work on Tuesday from
10.00am to 12.15pm and Friday from 10.00am to
11.30am, 3.75 hours per week at £6.70 an hour.
You will be responsible for cleaning offices, washrooms,
shower and kitchen.
You must be reliable, hard working, committed and smart
and presentable as this position will be customer facing.
Full training and uniform provided.
sent cv
Email: [email protected]
Churchill Contract Services
Cleaning Operative for SK3 0LX
Company - Churchill Contract Services
Location - UK-NW-Stockport
Job type - Part time less than 30 hours
Years of experience - Less than 1 year
Salary - 6.70 per hour
JOB DESCRIPTION: Cleaning Operative required for retail store. Must
be hardworking, reliable, trustworthy and able to use own initiative. Duties to
include mopping, sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, emptying bins and exterior
litter picking. Areas to be cleaned include shop floor, warehouse, staff toilets
and canteen. Cleaner will operate a scrubber-dryer. Full training will be given
and a uniform will be provided.
WORKING PATTERN: Part-time, 14 hours per week. Working Monday to
Saturday, 8.00pm - 10.00pm and Sunday, 3.30pm - 5.30pm.
REQUIREMENTS: Previous experience in a cleaning role is essential. Previous experience of supermarket cleaning, knowledge of COSHH, H&S and
colour coding would be an advantage.
INTERVIEW REQUIREMENTS: Eligibility documents needed at interview:
Passport or Full Birth Certificate; Utility Bill showing current address and dated
within last 3 months; Proof of National Insurance (Payslips cannot be used)
such as NI card, P45, P60, benefits or HMRC letter.
JOB TYPE: Permanent, Part-time.
START DATE: Immediate start.
APPLY: Please email CV and cover letter to Account Manager, Chris Wright,
quoting ‘Aldi - Cheadle Heath’ in the subject header.
Application methods -
Email: [email protected]
195-197 Liverpool Road
M30 0QW Eccels
Otwarty - 8.00-23.00
Niedziela - 9.00-22.00
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kingsmaid Ltd.
Company - Kingsmaid Ltd.
Location - UK-NW-Manchester
Industries - Personal and household services
Job type - Full time
Salary- 258.00 - 297.00 per week
Hours of Work
Job Sharing
Home working
Mobile working and hot-desking
Job reference code - HDY/15282
Kingsmaid are looking for an Area Supervisor to join their friendly domestic
cleaning team.
Dutiea include cleaning, supervising working, and training new and existing
members of staff. You must have high standards, be good with people and
be prepared to go the extra mile. Full training will be given but experience of
supervising staff would be an advantage. You will be provided with a company
poll car and uniform. Full clean driving licence, mobile phone and access to
internet are essential. You must be available to start work at 8.00 a.m.and your
working day will finish between 3-6p.m.
No experience required as we provide full training. Must be flexible and good
with people. You must have references. CRB checked. Uniform provided and
cleaning equipment provided. . Full time Monday-Friday.
Applicants to Apply Online at
Telephone applications cannot be considered.
sent cv - Email: [email protected]
Floorbrite Cleaning Contractors Limited
Cleaning Operative
Company - Floorbrite Cleaning Contractors Limited
Location - UK-NW-Sale
Industries - Construction - residential & commercial/office
Job type - Part time less than 30 hours
Salary - 6.70 per hour
Floorbrite Cleaning Services Limited; is a family run business since 1972 and now
have a new CLEANING vacancy. We are looking for a Cleaning Operative within
the Sale Area to join our team.
The vacancy is for 10 hours a week at a rate of £6.70 per hour starting immediately.
Shift times: Monday - Friday : 15.30pm -17.30pm
Experience is preferred but not essential as full training will be provided. Some
duties will be including sweeping, vacuuming, mopping floors, polishing, dusting,
cleaning toilets, emptying bins and all other associated tasks.
Please send CVs to email address provided.
Email: [email protected]
Mayfield Residential Home
Night care assistant
Company - Mayfield Residential Home
Location - UK-NW-Sale
Industries- Healthcare services
Job type - Full time
Years of experience - Less than 1 year
Career level - None
Education Level
Vocational (e.g. NVQ/SNVQ)
Hours of Work
Fixed term contract
Must be aged 18+ as providing personal care.
Available hours: There are 2 roles - 30 hours per week - NIGHTS 10pm8am
You will be responsible for supporting older people to live their daily lives
to the full, assisting with physical and personal needs to enhance each
individual’s well-being.
Flexible and sensitive to the needs of residents, you will enjoy the company of older people and work well as part of a team.
Previous experience is desirable but the right approach and willingness
to undertake full training is more important.
Successful applicants are required to provide an enhanced disclosure.
Disclosure expense will be met by applicant. The employer has claimed
an exception under the Equality Act 2010
sent cv - Application methods
Email: [email protected]
Estio Healthcare Ltd
Care Assistance
Company - Estio Healthcare Ltd
Location - UK-NW-Salford
Industries - Healthcare services
Job type - Full time
Years of experience - Less than 1 year
Career level - None
Salary - 7.51 - 13.80 per hour
Healthcare assistant
Estio Healthcare is looking to recruit healthcare staff to work throughout
the North West. We have a number of opportunities for the right candidates. Whether you are looking for full or part time hours or just a few
extra shifts to work around your permanent position, we can help!
We have roles working in various different settings caring for a variation
ofclients including, elderly, challenging behaviour, mental health and learning disabilities. The ideal candidate will have at least 6 months previous
experience working within the care sector and have sufficient experience
of supporting service users.
The right candidate will have a positive attitude and a genuine caring nature. They will be self-motivated, organised, patient, flexible and sensitive
to needs of others.
Are you a team player but can also work on your own initiative? Why not
give us a call?
Your main duties will include:
Assisting service users with day-to-day tasks
Supporting service users with personal care tasks
Facilitating activities
Supporting Challenging Behaviour clients with daily activities
Possibly assisting service users with personal care tasks
A full driving licence would be advantageous but not essential.
All mandatory training will be fully provided.
All candidates will be eligible to work in the UK.
Salary: £7.51 - £13.80
All candidates will be required to complete and obtain a DBS.
Application methods -
Email: [email protected]
MIG Welder
CareerMakers Recruitment Ltd
Welder/Platter and Fabricator
Company - Careermakers
Location - UK-NW-Manchester
Job type - Full time
We are currently looking for a Welder/Platter
And Fabricator for work based within the Bolton area, the ideal candidate will;
Have previous experience as a Welder/Platter
Have previous experience as a Fabricator.
Have previous experience doing Heavy Duty
Welding, e.g. Bridges
Will mainly be Assembling and Manufacturing
Steel Bodies and Chassis.
Will be working for a company that specialise
in commercial parts, will be working with heavy
duty welding.
send a cv to [email protected]
Location - UK-NW-manchester
Industries - Engineering services
Job type - Full time
Years of experience - 1+ years
Career level - Experienced (Non-Manager)
Education Level- CSE or equivalent
Salary - 250.00 - 300.00 per week
Hours of Work - Compressed hours
Welder/fabricator required for the fabrication of gates
and railings.
Light cutting and drilling will be involved.
To apply CALL Eddie or mandy
sent cv Email: [email protected]
Aluminium Welder
Company - gmd pennine
Location - UK-NW-Blackburn
Industries - Construction - industrial facilities and
Job type
Part time less than 30 hours
Salary - Above NMW
Aluminium welder required for company, Duties will
include welding, aluminimum rainwater fittings for
rainwater systems.
Hours are negotiable, between 8 and 16 hours per
week, between Monday to Friday. One to two days
per week to be discussed.
sent cv - Email: [email protected]
Tig Welder
Company - Keystaff Recruitment Limited
Location - UK-NW-Bolton
Industries - Staffing/employment agencies
Job type - Full time
Salary - 10.00 - 11.00 per hour
Job reference code - TNM01
Mig/Tig welding
Working from drawings
Candidates will produce a variety of products within a
subcontract environment. Normal duties will include
Tig/Mig Welding on thin gauge materials such as mild
steel / stainless steel. In addition, there will be plenty
of overtime available if required.
This position will become permanent after an initial
trial period and normal working hours will be Monday
to Friday 0800-1630.
sent cv-
Email: keystaffrecruitment@btcon-
HGV Class 1 Cat. C
Vital People Limited
HGV Class 1 Cat. C Driver
Job description
Role Title: HGV Class 1 Cat. C Driver
Paying: £11.00 per hour
Contract Type: Temporary
Vital People are currently recruiting for experienced
class 1 drivers for our client. Our client requires
Class 1 drivers to do runs throughout the North West.
You will be delivering products from one depo to the
other. We have on-going, weekend or adhoc positions to fill long term contracts are available.
The ideal candidate will have minimum 2 years
driving experience, with no more than 6 points on a
This role is temporary ongoing and may lead to a
permanent for the right candidates.
Suitable Applicant Requirements:
Must hold a valid CAT C licence
Must hold a valid CPC card
No more than 6 points on your licence
Must hold a valid tacho card
Minimum 2 years class 1 experience
Being responsible for delivering / collecting
Ensuring your vehicle is loaded safely and is
roadworthy condition prior to the start of shift
Making sure all deliveries are carried out in a
safe manner and all regulations are kept to
Excellent customer service skills
Unfortunately due to time restrictions we cannot respond to every applicant, in the event that we haven’t
contacted you within 48 hours please take it you
have not been successful for this particular role, but
your details will be kept on file and considered for all
future vacancies
We are acting on behalf of the client as an Employment Agency in relation to this vacancy.
We are an equal opportunities agency and welcome
applicants from all backgrounds
Wyślij CV
Email: [email protected]
----------------------------------------------------GPW Recruitment Services
Roller Driver
GPW Require a number of Roller drivers for a long term
project that will be starting on Monday 25th January in
the Manchester area.
They will be working along side Forward tipping dumper
drivers, 360 excavator drivers and Ground workers.
The project is highways/ cycle schemes.
The ideal candidates will have highways experience as
the work will be fast paced.
email CVs to [email protected]
Driver Required
Company - complete drain care ltd
Location - UK-NW-Sale
Industries - Engineering services
Job type Full time
Duties include, assisting drainage engineers with their
works and driving to reactive drainage jobs.
Permanent Position
Excellent rates of pay
Drivers must be a minimum of 25 years old and have
no more then 6 penalty points for insurance purposes.
email [email protected]
----------------------------------------------------------------------Gi Group Logistics
7.5 Tonne driver up to £12.25 per hour
Class C1 7.5 ton drivers
We are currently recruiting for Class C1 drivers for
ongoing roles in Stockport, pay is from £7.00 per hour
up to £12.25 per hour. These are ongoing roles and
have immeadiate starts available! Must have full CPC
and relevant entitlement.
Location - UK-NW-Stockport
Industries All
Job type - Full time
Salary - 7.00 - 12.25 per hour
Sent -
Email: [email protected]
FLT Driver
Exchange People
Location - UK-NW-Runcorn
Industries - Staffing/employment agencies
Job type - Full time
8.00 - 8.00 per hour
Hours of Work
Shift work
Temporary contract
Job Title: FLT Driver / Warehouse
Hours of work: Rotating Morning and Afternoon Shifts
Main Role:
Carrying out general duties and operating a counterbalance forklift.
Job Description:
• Carrying out general duties such hand-balling, and
• Operating a counter-balance FLT in accordance with
H+S Regulations.
• Loading & Unloading of trailers.
• Maintaining a clean and safe working environment.
Personnel Specification:
• Must have a current, valid counter-balance licence.
This is an opportunity for an experienced counter-balance forklift driver to work for a dynamic company.
sent cv -
Email: [email protected]
HGV2 Multidrop Driver
Company - Johnsons Apparelmaster
Location - UK-NW-Manchester
Industries - Rental services
Job type - Full time
Salary - 20,000.00 per year
+ bonuses per annum
Multi-drop Driver required
40 hours per week, 8hours per day. Monday –
Friday with overtime, accident free bonus and
meal allowance. 22days holiday per 12months.
Must have a Digit Tachograph licence, driving
licence, driver CPC quality card and fully up-todate driver CPCs. Flexible approach to the role
and the working hours.
To apply please email CV and cover letter to
[email protected]
-------------------------------------------------------Deliveries Direct Ltd
Deliveries Direct Lts
Location - UK-NW-Warrington
Industries - Transport and storage - materials
Job type
Full time
Salary - 400.00 per week
Must have a full driving licence. You will be
delivering nationwide. Duties will include delivery of furniture and assembly of furniture to
customers and suppliers. You must be able to
manually lift large items assisted by a drivers
mate. Must have good communication skills as
will be dealing with customers and suppliers
directly. References will be required, trial period
of 2 months.
sent cv -Email: [email protected]
-------------------------------------------------7.5 Tonne Drivers wanted
Proactive Personnel Ltd
Job type
Full time
Proactive Personnel are looking for 7.5 tonne
Drivers to work for one of their most
Prestigious clients.
For more information please call 01925494949
send your CV to sam.redmond
Head Receptionist - Manchester
Fresh Euro Food Store
Company - Manchester Physio
Location - UK-NW-Manchester
Industries - Business services - other
Job type - Full time
Application methods
Email: [email protected]
Manchester Physio are a private physiotherapy practice with several clinics
located around the North West of England.We’re looking for a full time Head
Receptionist to join our team and succeed within our business. The position
is based in our new, busy clinic situated on Minshull Street, just off Piccadilly Gardens, in Manchester City Centre.
The Ideal Candidate:
The ideal candidate will be somebody who is enthusiastic, outgoing and
confident. They will be able to work well with our existing team. We are also
looking for someone who is personable, easy to talk to and is able to create
great first impressions.As we are a health clinic (dealing with patients coming in for massages, personal training, pilates and physiotherapy) we also
want someone who is highly presentable and represents the health services
we provide. This job is ideal for those who have a passion for development.
As a growing company we pride ourselves on motivating our employees to
better themselves and achieve their career aspirations.
What does does it take to be successful in this role?
To be successful in this role you would need to:
Welcome responsibility
Thrive on learning and developing skills
Be great at verbal communication
Have good organisational skills
Have the potential to lead others
Why us?
At Manchester Physio we make sure that our staff are well looked after and
enjoy working in the environment we provide. If you are successful in this
application process you will be able to enjoy:
A performance based bonus, which is paid twice annually
A great working environment - Regular staff events
Career development - Recognition
The Hours - The hours of this vacancy Monday - Friday 08:00 - 17:00.
The starting salary for this position will be £14,560. With an additional bonus paid twice annually.
To apply for this vacancy please send in a copy of your CV with a covering
letter. In the covering message/letter, please ensure that you answer the
following questions:
1. Why you are interested in this vacancy?
2. Why you are interested in working for this company?
-------------------------------------------------Apprenticeship Team
Receptionist/Junior Secretary
Company - Apprenticeship Team
Location - UK-NW-Manchester
Job type - Full time
Salary - £3.30 per hour to start
Job reference code - AB/BA/MAN
This is an Apprenticeship working for a accountancy firm in Prestwich, Manchester who have been established for over 50 years.
Your duties as a junior secretary will involve:
- Reception duties, meeting and greeting clients
- Answering and dealing with incoming calls
- To provide administration support to other staff members
- Departmental filing on a regular basis
- Responding to client and colleague emails
- To provide excellent customer service to all clients at all times
The wage will start at £3.30 per hour but will be reviewed.
Poniedziałek Piatek
9.00 - 17.00
56 Old church Street
M40 2JF
The employer is looking for a professional candidate with a positive attitude. Must have
good customer service skills and good ICT skills.
Please state the vacancy code when applying! - AB/BA/MAN
sent cv - Application methods
Email: [email protected]
Receptionist - Mercure.
Location UK-NW-Lancashire
Industries - Staffing/employment agencies
Job type - Full time
Job reference code = 100009170052
Application methods
Receptionist - Mercure Manchester. You are the first and last face our customers see,
so we rely on you to make a lasting impression. Smart and friendly with a sparkling
personality, you will arrange reservations, welcome guests in, deal with bill settlements
and generally attend to our guests needs. Ideally you will have hotel experience, but
personality and aptitude are more important, as we will provide full training.
To say thank you for your hard work and commitment we offer ad hoc rewards, i.e.
shopping vouchers alongside monthly recognition schemes and an Annual Awards ceremony. You can develop your career through training courses and structured development programmes including Rising Stars.
We also offer wide-ranging employee benefits including enhanced annual leave after
one years service, special discounted rates across our Jupiter Hotels and Accor Group
(subject to qualifying criteria), childcare scheme, Employee Assistance Programme
and Healthcare Cash Plan to name but a few. Situated in the very heart of the city, this
deluxe hotel overlooks Piccadilly gardens.
Theres a wide choice of eating and drinking experiences. This hotel has 280 bedrooms.
For more information please contact:.
rm@[email protected]
Salary - 8.00 - 8.00 per hour
Hours of Work
Shift work
Temporary contract
Tug Driver - Liverpool
Company - UK Staffing Ltd
Location - UK-NW-Bootle
Job type - Full time
Salary - 10.00 - 10.00 per hour
responsibility of the driver until it is signed for as received by
the Line Manager
-------------------------------------------------------------Great Bear Distribution
Shunter Driver
Company- Great Bear Distribution
Location- UK-NW-Wirral
Industries- Energy and utilities
Maintain product knowledge in order to demonstrate
Job type
equipment to customers where necessary
Full time
Willingness to help out in different departments as and Salary- 21,573.00 per year
when required
Hours of Work
Be a key driver in serious about safety by leading from
Shift work
the front
Must hold a full LGV class 1 licence and full CPC
Carry out other tasks and duties as required
Working for a leading distribution compnay in Bro·
Must hold a Category C / CE (Class 1 & 2) licence and mborough.
have experience in driving Category C / CE (Class 1 & 2) vehi- Main duties include yard shunting and some occacles
sional road use between sites. Uniform is provided.
Full Driver CPC5pm on Monday to Friday. However,
Between 36 - 48 hours per week, Nights only
some working flexibility is required to ensure the efficient run- £21,573pa plus overtime paid at hourly rate plus
ning of the depot
20 days annual leave.
To apply please email CV to Steve Rigby or Vinnie
[email protected]
Application methods
--------------------------------------------------------Email: [email protected]
The Best Connection Employment Group Ltd
VNA Driver
Company - The Best Connection Employment Group Ltd
Location - UK-NW-Liverpool
Industries - Staffing/employment agencies
Job type Full time
7.50 - 8.50 per hour
Hours of Work
------------------------------------------------------------QS Recruitment
FLT Driver £7.00-£8.00 P/H
We have an exciting opportunity for a FLT Driver
working for one of our clients in the Burton area.
You must hold at least C/B and Reach Truck
licence’s. Experience is key for this role and having
your own transport is essential.
We currently require a VNA driver for an immediate start in
Must hold a C/B and Reach Truck licence, any
more FLT Licence’s would be extremely advantaCandidates will be required to work either 06.00-14.00, 14.00- geous
22.00 or 22.00-06.00 shift.
Working early starts between Monday to Friday or
Candidates will be required to work in a busy factory and be
afternoons, you could be working upto 50 hours a
able to meet strict deadlines and targets.
week in this role.
£7.00-£8.00 per hour and upto 50 hours per week.
Temporary contract - sent cv
Company QS Recruitment
Email: [email protected]
Location UK-MID-Burton upon Trent
Industries Transport and storage - materials
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Job type Full time
Salary 7.00 - 8.00 per hour
Heeney Civils Ltd
Application methods sent cv
Email: [email protected]
Company Heeney Civils Ltd
Location UK-NW-Widnes
Construction - industrial facilities and infrastructure
Job type Full time
An Experienced CPCS TRACTOR Operator is required for an
ongoing contract in the local area , candidates must be converse in all aspects of Construction Site Operations you must
have a valid cscs card and a VALID CPCS TRACTOR TICKET
Email: [email protected]
-------------------------------------------------------Exchange People Limited
FLT Driver
Location - UK-NW-Runcorn
Staffing/employment agencies
Job type - Full time
Job Title: FLT Driver / Warehouse
Hours of work: Rotating Morning and Afternoon
Main Role:
Carrying out general duties and operating a
counter-balance forklift.
Job Description:
• Carrying out general duties such hand-balling,
and wrapping.
• Operating a counter-balance FLT in accordance with H+S Regulations.
• Loading & Unloading of trailers.
• Maintaining a clean and safe working environment.
Personnel Specification:
• Must have a current, valid counter-balance
This is an opportunity for an experienced counter-balance forklift driver to work for a dynamic
sent cv Email: [email protected]
--------------------------------------------------------------Beesley & Fildes Ltd (Head Office).
Class 1 and 2 Driver
Company- Beesley & Fildes Ltd (Head Office).
Location- UK-NW-Widnes
Industries- Wholesale trade/import-export
Job type
Full time
Driver (Class 1 and 2) with HIAB (Permanent)
Colin Myers Timber, Widnes
42.5 hours Monday to Friday between 7.30am
and 5.00pm. Saturdays (overtime rate) as and
when required 8.00am-1.00pm
We currently have a vacancy for a Driver to join
our team Widnes. In the role you will be responsible for carrying out deliveries to both site’s and
customers’ premises in a safe and responsible
manner, in the most efficient way.
You will work with the yard operatives to load
your vehicle for the next day to include picking
and packing, enabling maximum vehicle utilisation. You will check your vehicle on a daily
basis, reporting anything that requires immediate attention, breakages or delivery problems
immediately. Customer focused, you will ensure
you assist customers, ensuring they sign the
delivery note, whilst maintaining a pleasant and
helpful manner keeping mindful you are representing the company.
Candidates for this role will have experience
within a similar driving role, carrying out a variety of drops on a daily basis, ideally within the
building industry. A self-started who is flexible
and keen to support the team, you will have
previous experience of dealing with customers.
With a current, class 1 and 2 Licence you will
ideally have HIAB or crane experience.
sent cv - Application methods
Email: [email protected]
Tug Driver - Liverpool
Consultant Services Group Ltd (Cleaning)
Cleaning Operative/Relief Supervisor
Company - Consultant Services Group Ltd (Cleaning)
Location - UK-NW-Liverpool
Industries - Personal and household services
Job type - Part time less than 30 hours
Salary - 6.70 - 7.67 per hour
Job reference code - R01770/OP/SUP
Experienced, reliable Cleaning Operative required to carry out general
cleaning duties at our clients premises in Speke Liverpool. This role is
predominantly cleaning, however, candidates must have Supervisory experience as you will be required to cover the Supervisor for holidays and
sickness for which the enhanced rate will be paid. Working hours are 4pm
- 8pm Monday to Thursday and 4.30pm - 7.30pm Friday. There is also an
additional £0.50pence per hour attendance allowance. Uniform provided. To
apply please email your CV and please quote reference R01770/OP/SUP on
your application.
Application methods sent cv
Email: [email protected]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cleaning Operative/ General Maintenance
Company - Oltec Group
Location UK-NW-Runcorn
Job type - Full time
Salary - 6.75 per hour
Job reference code - SR - TRP
A position has arisen as a Cleaning Operative working for a prestigious
client in Runcorn. Candidates must have a smart and presentable appearance and have excellent communication skills. Experience essential. Duties
include general cleaning duties , vacuuming carpets and upholstery, dusting,
polishing and emptying bins. Benefits include Simply Health Plan and Legal
Helpline. Succesful candidate will be flexible regarding hours. Hours of work
will be 24 per week. Oltec Group are an equal oppurtunities employer.
sent cv - Application methods Email: [email protected]
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Workforce Employment Agency
Production Cleaning Operative
Location - UK-NW-Liverpool
Industries - Staffing/employment agencies
Job type - Full time
Salary - 7.00 - 7.00 per hour
Hours of Work
Shift work
Temporary contract
Job reference code - LIV
Production Cleaning Operative
We are recruiting a team of Production Cleaners on behalf our client in the
North Liverpool Area.
The main aspect of the role is to clean down the factory at the end of the day’s
production. This involves some heavy manual work, opening up the machines
and removing panels prior to cleaning them using high pressure jets. In addition to this, walls, floors and general workspaces all require daily cleaning.
Due to the nature of the role protective aprons and boots etc will be provided.
Previous experience of working within a similar role is preferred. Food production experience is desirable. There are opportunities for this to progress to
the production line for the right candidate and we also welcome applications
from Industrial Cleaners with supervisory experience.
sent cv - Email: [email protected]
- pokoje umeblowane
- dogodny transport
- różne dzielnice Liverpool
0151 601 2002
---------------------Start People
Location - UK-NW-Lancashire
Industries - Other/not classified
Job type
Full time
Salary - 6.70 - 6.70 per hour
Job reference code - STARTP/P-14126
Application methods - David Edwards
10th Floor Chancery Place 50 Brown Street Manchester
Our client requires a Picker/Packer to join their existing warehouse
team operating from Farnworth, Lancashire. The ideal candidate will
be experienced in a fast moving warehouse environment/distribution
centre. Tasks include, but not limited to; Picking and Packing by location, Replenishment of Stock and General Housekeeping. Attention to
detail is key as you will be working from Paper Pick Sheets so basic
Numeracy and Literacy is essential.
Safety Shoes and Hi Viz must be worn on site at all times.
Dayshift between 8.30am - 5pm Mon - Fri (39 hours each week)
Please note all positions are subject to acceptable references and proof of right
to work must be provided prior to the assignment start date. This is a Temporary
ongoing assignment with the possibility of becoming Permanent at any time after a
12 week period.
There will be a basic Numeracy and Literacy test given upon registration.
Email: [email protected]
Company - cps recovery
Location - - UK-NW-Leyland
Industries - Automotive sales and repair services
Job type - Full time
Career level - None
Salary - 8.50 per hour
Class C Recovery driver required.
Duties involve - recovezy of vehicles and roadside repairs.
You will based on Rota system on 4 on 2 off shifts pattern covering 24 hours, 12
hours shift.
Applicants must be able to work safely on the road. Training will be given if required.
They will be based from Leylands, PR25 5XW, covering North West.
DCPC required.
Apply by email - [email protected]
UWAGA – Polskie Filety z
pakowane próżniowo
po 5kg / 2,5kg przy
zakupie po wyżej 5kg
cena £3.60 /kg a do
5kg cena £3.80 /kg
schab 4 funty / kg - karczek 3.90/ kg
- szynka 3.90/ kg - łopatka £3.80 /kg
– żeberka £4.50/kg - wędzone
wyroby swojskie - pełny asortyment
Zmiany w przepisach podatkowych,
odzyskasz dużo pieniędzy w UK
Miliony Brytyjczyków skorzystają z nowych przepisów podatkowych – 6 prostych
kroków, aby zyskać pieniądze
Miliony Brytyjczyków może uzyskać nieoczekiwany przypływ gotówki w związku z
ich oszczędnościami i dochodami, dzięki nowym ulgom podatkowym, które zostaną
wprowadzone w kwietniu.
Eksperci twierdzą, że ludzie będą mogli skorzystać z sześciu prostych środków
wprowadzonych w przyszłym roku.
Podatek od oszczędności zostanie obniżony, a progi podatku dochodowego wzrosną,
co oznacza, że miliony ludzi zyska znaczne kwoty pieniężne, jako rezultat nowych
Osoby, których roczny dochód wynosi £11,000 lub mniej, będą mogły również
skorzystać z możliwości zarobienia kolejnych £5,000 z oprocentowania ich
oszczędności, bez płacenia podatku.
Dalsze zmiany oznaczają, że akcjonariusze będą mogli zarobić £5,000 w związku
z wolnymi od podatku wypłatami dywidendy, a także wzrostem progu zysków
kapitałowych do £11,100.
Z kolei emeryci, za każdym razem, kiedy dokonają wypłaty z ich puli oszczędności,
zyskają 25% kwoty wolnej od podatku. Oznacza to, że będą mogli wykorzystać nowe
zasady w przypadku dokonywania wypłat cząstkowych.
Będą również zmiany zasad oszczędności – ISA, pozwalające inwestorom zarobić
£40,000 rocznie. Warto jednak zauważyć, iż ulgi podatkowe zostały ogłoszone już
wcześniej, na mocy zmian w budżecie, ale niektórzy eksperci finansowi obawiają się,
że rząd nie zrobił wystarczająco dużo, aby zawiadomić ludzi o nich.
Polski sklep
w Manchester
-------------------------------------MAGIMARK oferuje
swieże mięso
w dobrych cenach
Adres sklepu:
61 Victoria Avenue
Manchester M9 ORD
tel. 07514894 836
[email protected]
Anna Bowes, dyrektor Savings Champion, powiedziała: „Spodziewaliśmy się, że
rząd uruchomi dużą telewizyjną kampanię informacyjną, ale o niczym takim nie
słyszałam. Jesteśmy coraz bliżej kwietnia, a społeczeństwo jest utrzymywane w
nieświadomości”. 6 kroków, dzięki którym zyskasz więcej gotówki
Kwota wolna od podatku
Kwota wolna od podatku wzrasta do £11,000. Dzięki temu para może zarobić
£22,000 bez płacenia żadnego podatku. Aby w pełni z tego skorzystać,
małżonkowie powinni wpłacić pieniądze na nazwisko małżonka, który zarabia mniej
lub w ogóle.
Oszczędności wolne od podatku
95% ludzi nie będzie musiało płacić podatku od odsetek od pierwszego £1,000
(£500 będzie dotyczyć podatników z wyższą stawką), które zarobią na swoich
oszczędnościach. Na 1% stopy procentowej, rachunki posiadające do £100,000
będą całkowicie wolne od podatku.
Zerowy podatek od oszczędności
Jeśli dochód wynosi poniżej £11,000, nie trzeba będzie płacić żadnego podatku za
pierwsze £5,000 odsetek od oszczędności.
Ulgi podatkowe
Zostanie również uruchomiony nowy system opodatkowania dywidend akcji.
Pierwszy £5,000 roczny dochód z dywidend jest wolny od podatku.
Zmiany w zasadach cząstkowej wypłaty oznaczają, że oszczędzający emeryci,
kiedy dokonają wypłaty z ich puli oszczędności, zyskają 25% kwoty wolnej od
Oszczędności, które mogą generować do £40,000 rocznie, będą wolne od podatku.
Wdowy i wdowcy będą mogli teraz cieszyć się z ulg podatkowych na podstawie
dowolnego konta należącego wcześniej do współmałżonka.
Barbara Sitko
Cleaning Operative
Oltec Group
Company - Oltec Group
Location - UK-Yorkshire-Leeds
Job type - Part time less than 30 hours
Salary - 6.70 per hour
Job reference code - EJ - CW
A position has arisen as a Cleaning Operative
working for a prestigious client in Derby. Candidates must have a smart and presentable
appearance and have excellent communication skills. Experience essential. Duties include
general cleaning duties , vacuuming carpets and
upholstery, dusting, polishing and emptying bins.
Benefits include Simply Health Plan and Legal
Helpline. This is a part time post, 10 hours per
week, Thursdays 08.00 - 18.00. Oltec Group are
an equal oppurtunities employer.
sent cv -Application methods
Email: [email protected]
Cleaning Operative /
Caretaker for LS7 2TT
Company- Churchill Contract Services
Location - UK-Yorkshire-Leeds
Job type - Part time less than 30 hours
Salary - 6.70 per hour
---------------------------------------------------------------Consultant Services Group Ltd (Cleaning)
Cleaning Operative
Company - Consultant Services Group Ltd
Location - UK-Yorkshire-Leeds
Job type - Part time less than 30 hours
Salary - 7.10 per hour
Job reference code - F01207/OP
Experienced, reliable Cleaning Operative required to carry out general cleaning duties at our
clients premises in City Walk Leeds. Working
hours are 5.30am - 7.30am Monday to Friday.
Uniform provided. To apply please email your
CV and please quote reference F01207/OP on
your application.
SITE: Retail site in Meanwood, Leeds, LS7 2TT.
JOB DESCRIPTION: Cleaning Operative/Caretaker
required for retail store. Must be hardworking, reliable,
trustworthy and able to use own initiative. Duties to include
cleaning toilets, mopping retail area, upkeep of grounds,
car park and warehouse. Will operate a scrubber-dryer.
Full training will be given and a uniform will be provided.
WORKING PATTERN: Part-time, 21 hours per week.
Working Monday to Sunday, 6.00am - 9.00am.
REQUIREMENTS: Experience of cleaning in a retail environment is desirable but not essential.
INTERVIEW REQUIREMENTS: Eligibility documents
needed at interview: Passport or Full Birth Certificate;
Utility Bill showing current address and dated within last 3
months; Proof of National Insurance (Payslips cannot be
used) such as NI card, P45, P60, benefits or HMRC letter.
JOB TYPE: Permanent, Part-time.
START DATE: Immediate start.
Application methods
APPLY: Please email CV and cover letter to Account ManEmail: frances.morrison@consultant-services. ager, Isabella Sheridan.
Application methods
-------------------------------------------------------------Email: [email protected]
Churchill Contract Services
Floorbrite Cleaning Contractors Limited
Cleaning Operative
Company - Floorbrite Cleaning Contractors Limited
Location - UK-Yorkshire-Leeds
Industries Construction - residential & commercial/
Job type Part time less than 30 hours
Salary - 6.70 per hour
Floorbrite Cleaning Services Limited; is a family run
business since 1972 and now have a new CLEANING vacancy. We are looking for a Cleaning Operative
within the Leeds Area to join our team.
The vacancy is for 7 hours and 30 minutes a week at
a rate of £6.70 per hour starting immediately.
Shift times: Monday - Friday : 16.00pm -17.30pm
Experience is preferred but not essential as full
training will be provided. Some duties will be including sweeping, vacuuming, mopping floors, polishing,
dusting, cleaning toilets, emptying bins and all other
associated tasks.
Please send CVs to email address provided.
sent cv - Email: [email protected]
Location - UK-NW-Chester
Industries - Staffing/employment agencies
Job type - Full time
Salary - 6.70 per hour
We are currently recruiting a number of Food Production
Operatives for our client in Chester .
These are full time day positions starting immediately
working shift pattern 4 on 4 off 7am-7pm with available
This is an ongoing temporary basis with an opportunity
to go permanent for the right candidate.
Duties include production, packing and quality checking
in a food manufacturing environment.
strong communication skills and the ability to
provide high levels of customer service to the
general public on a face to face basis.
This role will involve working outside in all conditions. The shifts are up to 12 hours each and your
hours working would be working between the
hours of 8AM-8PM.
You must live locally or have your own transport
due to to location.
send your CV over to
[email protected].
Company opex
Location - UK-Yorkshire-Bradford
Construction - industrial facilities and infrastructure
Job type Full time
Experienced Welder/Fabricator required for immediate
start. Bradford, West Yorkshire - permanent position.
Applications will only be considered from those who are
MIG & TIG welders and also coded or previously coded.
Experienced with welding of hard metals and structural
steel is essential.
Must have proven experience in working with hard metals
and steel fabrication. Must be able to provide evidence of
working from engineers drawings structural & architectural
welder. fabricator, steel, metals, mig, tig, structural steel,
fabrication, coded . Must be timeserved and served
apprentice served.
To apply by CV
Application methods
Email: [email protected]
Please cv to [email protected]
Warehouse Op’s
Location- UK-NW-Birkenhead
Industries- Staffing/employment agencies
Job type- Part time less than 30 hours
Years of experience- Less than 1 year
Career level
Salary- 6.70 - 6.70 per hour
We are looking for Warehouse Op’s for our Client in
You will be required to pick orders, Quality checking and
all other warehouse duties.
Working Monday to Friday 8.30am till 5.30pm This is a
temp on-going position.
sent cv - Email: [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------------PRACA NA RECYCLINGU
Meridian Business Support
Meeting and Greeting Recycling Centre
Location - UK-NW-Atherton
Industries - Staffing/employment agencies
Job type - Part time less than 30 hours
Salary - 6.70 - 6.70 per hour
GBP6.70 per hour
Job reference code - LDMGSL_1453386435
Meridian Business Support are currently recruiting for
Meeting and Greeting Staff to work at our clients busy
recycling site in Leigh.
This role will involve meeting and greeting the general
public on arrival and directing them to the correct locations with in the site to dispose of their recycling.
Previous experience of working in waste management
is preferred. We are also looking for a candidate with
Structural Steel Welder
Company - ambitek
Location - UK-NW-Bury
Industries - Engineering services
Job type - Full time
Career level
Experienced (Non-Manager)
Salary - 11.40 - 11.45 per hour
Our client are a medium sized engineering firm who are looking to recruit a time
served structural steel welder to join
the team.
Candidates must be time served and
have experience MIG welding on
structural steel.
Candidates need to be flexible with
shifts however the role will be on
To apply please forward your cv in
word format.
SENT CV - Application methods
Email: grahame.walsh@ambitek.
We are ideally looking for drivers who are
resident in the Leeds area and a good geographical knowledge of the local area would
be an advantage.
We offer excellent rates of pay, workplace
pension scheme, a uniform and training
where required.
Sent cv
Email: gareth.boldison@yorkpullmanbus.
------------------------------------------------------Ace Recruitment
HGV C+E Driver - Days
Full time contract available
Company - Ace Recruitment
Location - UK-Yorkshire-Leeds
Job type
Full time - Years of experience
1+ years
Salary - 9.50 - 15.50 per hour
Experienced class 1 drivers required for our
client based in Leeds LS9, the contract is all
fridge work
Trunking operation between depots, start
times are varied as this is a 24/7 operation.
Drivers booked over 7 days so we can provide a working week to suit you.
sent cv
Email: [email protected]
Contract UK Employment Services Ltd
Minibus Driver (Cat D1 Required)
Location - UK-Yorkshire-York
Industries - Travel, transportation and tourism
Job type Full time
Years of experience - Less than 1 year
Career level Entry Level
Education Level
CSE or equivalent - Salary
8.00 - 8.50 per hour
Hours of Work - Overtime
York Pullman Bus Company is the largest privately owned coach and bus
operator in York with a rich heritage of serving local people going back to
the 1920’s. Operating a combined fleet of over 80 vehicles from bases in
Rufforth, Strensall, Boroughbridge and Market Weighton, the company
provides a diverse range of passenger transport services. These include
school transport, private hire, weddings and conference work as well as
operating coach trips around the UK and into Europe.
We are looking for full time and part time minibus drivers to join our
teams working on our local private hire and school contracts from our
depots in Rufforth, Strensall, Boroughbridge & Market Weighton, also an
option to be based in Leeds. These jobs would suit those looking for full
time work, although drivers wishing to work on a part time or casual basis
would be welcome to apply.
You must hold a valid Minibus (Category D1) driving licence. You will
have a drivers CPC card and can help with this training if required. You
will also be able to successfully pass a DBS check, which must be completed prior to engagement. You will also be of smart appearance and
have good customer care skills.
Ace Recruitment
HGV C+E Driver Days
Company- Ace Recruitment
Location- UK-Yorkshire-Leeds
Job type - Full time
Years of experience - 1+ years
Salary - 10.50 - 16.00 per hour
Experienced class 1 drivers required for
our client based in Leeds LS9, the contract is all fridge work
Multi drop of milk to shops and supermarkets, start times between 02:30 and
05:00. Drivers booked over 7 days so we
can provide a working week to suit you.
set routes with manual handling at the
delivery point, cages of milk are unloaded
on the tail lift and then placed inside the
store-Premium paid for this role
Full Time contact available
Snet Cv
Email: vacancies@ace-recruitment.
---------------------------------------------------Best Connection Group Ltd
5 TON Tacho Driver
Company - The Best Connection Group
Location - UK-Yorkshire-leeds
Job type - Full time
Years of experience - 2+ years
Career level
Experienced (Non-Manager)
Salary 7.35 - 8.35 per hour
Hours of Work
Company - Assured Valeting Ltd
Location - UK-Yorkshire-Leeds
Job type - Full time
Salary - Good rates of pay
Hours of Work
The Best Connection Group Limited was
formed in 1991. The company has a
network of 60 + branches throughout the
UK, from which it specialises in the supply
of temporary labour to the industrial, HGV,
warehouse and distribution sectors.
Are you looking for a career as a Delivery
and Collection Driver within the Car Rental
Self-Employed experienced Driver/Valeters
required to work at one of our major customer’s sites in Leeds.
Previous driving/valeting experience essential. CBT and/or full bike licence is advantageous as most of our current available
contracts rely on the use of motorbikes to be
able to complete daily tasks.
Successful candidate will have a good eye for
detail and the ability to work quickly and efficiently, ensuring the job is done to the highest
standard. They will also be able to work in a
Must have full and ideally clean driving
Must have a good standard of English as will
be conversing with customers.
We are currently offering the opportunity
of work for our client based in Leeds.
Sent cv Application methods
Email: [email protected]
sent cv
Email: bradford@thebestconnection.
We currently have the pleasure of recruiting a multi drop van driver for 45 drops.
We require drivers to have a maximum of
3 points.
The hourly rate is £7.35 per hour. You
need to be aware that when applying the
job involves handball. We require drivers
to have a C1 licence with DIGI card and
We are pleased to offer a contributory
workplace pension to all PAYE staff.
LTD Company/Umbrella drivers are welcome and the corresponding hourly rate
will be ££8.35per hour
MAGAZYNY Yorkshire
Warehouse Loader
Company - Freeway Drving Ltd
Location - UK-Yorkshire-Leeds
Industries - Transport and storage - materials
Job type - Part time less than 30 hours
Years of experience - Less than 1 year
Career level - Entry Level
Education Level
GCSE / Scottish or equivalent
Salary - 7.75 - 10.00 per hour
Hours of Work
One of our premier haulage clients are looking for night warehouse loaders.
Warehouse experience is preferred but not
It will start on a Sunday night at 2200 hours
normally a 10 to 12 hour shift. You will work
5 shifts on and 2 off.
There will be long periods of inactivity of
up to 2 hours but once the stock arrives to
pick and load you will have to graft until it is
You will be working in a cold room which is
set at just above freezing and all uniform will
be supplied apart from safety boots.
There will be heavy lifting involved and you
will be working with a team so you will have
to be able get on with your fellow workers
and have a positive can do attitude .
There is the chance of a full time job for the
right candidate
sent cv Email: [email protected]
Warehouse Packers
Company - GBN Associates
Location - UK-HC-Grays
Industries - Staffing/employment agencies
Job type - Full time
Salary - 6.70 - 6.70 per hour
Warehouse Packers required in the purfleet area
for repacking work.
This is an on-going assignment, but you MUST
be able to provide a minimum of 5 years checkable work history with no breaks.
Immediate start for the right candidates
sent cv Email: [email protected]
Warehouse Nights
Company - Gable
Location - UK-HC-Rainham
Job type - Full time
Salary - 8.00 - 9.00 per hour
Hours of Work
GableEssex Ltd are currently recruiting
well-motivated individuals as warehouse operatives to join an award winning team at one
of our most prestigious clients.
This is an ongoing night shift position in Dagenham
Salary : Negotiable
00:00 to 09:00
8 hour minimum
The primary tasks will include:
Parcel sorting to strict deadlines
Keeping work place tidy
Minimum of 6 months warehouse experience in the last 2 years
Candidate must have hi-vis and safety
Good understanding of English Language both written and verbal as the job
involves paperwork and verbal communication
sent cv - Temporary contract
Email: [email protected]
HR Go Recruitment
Warehouse Operative (Days and Nights)
Location - UK-Yorkshire-Dewsbury
Staffing/employment agencies
Job type
Full time
Salary - 6.70 - 8.00 per hour
We are currently looking for warehouse
operatives to work in a busy warehouse
in Dewsbury.
Main duties will be labeling but duties will
also include Picking & Packing.
Shifts will be Sunday - Thursday 10pm
- 6am. Morning shift 6am -2 pm Monday
Previous experience is required. Working
mainly with electrical goods.
sent cv Email: [email protected]
Zapraszamy na zakupy do Polskiego sklepu
41 St Petersgate - Stockport SK1 1DH
07743905781 oraz 01614804134
godz. otwarcia: Pon.-Sob. - 09.30-20.00
Nie. - 10.00-18.00 Bank holidays: 10.00-16.00
Polski Sklep Gabi to sklep dla Kazdego i na Kazda kieszen :) Szeroki wybor
produktow oraz niskie ceny zapraszaja do zakupow. 3 razy w tygodniu dostawy
wedlin oraz swiezego miesa prosto z polskiej rzezni. Jestesmy otwarci na Panstwa propozycje. Polskie warzywa i owoce, alkohol, transfery pieniezne oraz punkt
wysylek paczek do Polski. Zapraszamy!!!
Czy chcesz powrócić do sylwetki
sprzed ciąży?
Czy chcesz nabrać masy mięśniowej?
Czy poprostu nabrać energii życiowej
i witalnej..?
.. i zacząć nowy dzień z pełnym witamin i minerałów śniadaniem!
Czy może planujesz dorobić w wolnym
Zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych o kontakt:
Dorota -07743905781
( bezpłatne ogłoszenia prosze
wysyłać smsem 07860531963 )
Mam na imie Julek lat 42 pragne poznać kobiete , jestem
samotny mieszkam w Liverpool jestem szczery ale zagubiony
mój numer 077448785604
Hej. Mam 28 lat. Chcialam poznac fajnego
rozsadnego faceta do lat 35. Moze akurat bedzie cos z
tej znajomosci. tel. 07424218638
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Jestesm gorącym 33 latkiem poznam doświadczonego geja z
bolton lub okolic . prosze o smsa tel 07874099657
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Atrakcyjna blondynka pozna pana od 40 do 50 spokojnego bez
nałogów alkoholowych w celu przyjazni i prowadzenia
wspólnego biznesu tel. 07516976515
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Darak 45 lat mieszka w manchester , poznam kobiete lat 30 -50
lat do stałego związku , tylko poważne oferty tel.
Uslugi fotograficzne na terenie
Polnocnej Anglii
Jako profesjonaliści, oferujemy usługi fotograficzne, edytorskie
oraz drukarskie. Uwieczniamy dla naszych klientów spotkania
rodzinne, imprezy okolicznościowe, ważne chwile jak śluby,
wesela lub komunie. Dla modeli przygotowujemy ich portfolio a dla firm tworzymy obrazy ich produktów. Wynajmujący
pomieszczenia lub budynki mogą korzystać z naszych usług
fotografii wnętrz, a zainteresowani również mogą polegać na nas
w kwestiach foto-reporterskich. Tworzymy artykuły, prowadzimy
prezentacje i szkolenia, redagujemy i nagrywamy podcasty
fotograficzne oraz znacznie więcej.
Adres korespondencyjny siedziby:
486 Liverpool Road, Eccles, Greater manchester, M30 7HZ
Kontakt komórkowy: 07849 259 678
Telefony do studia: 0161 211 0052, 0161 707 4008
Pomieszczenia do wynajęcia przy polskim
sklepie Casper w Centrum
Wrexham - jedno obok - kilka na pietrze możliwość otwarcia biura
księgowego, lub innej działalności.
a może przychodnie medyczna ?
tel. 07894013572
--------------------------------------------------------KIEROWCY KAT C+E / CLASS I
Carlisle – Stoke On Trent Crewe –
Burnley,Sherburn in Elmet
Stawki od £10 p/ h , serdnia wyplata
Duza liczba godzin , dostepne rozne zmiany. Kierowca zamiatarki ulicznej Kat C (
Manchester ) , 50/60h tyg,
stala praca , natychmiastowy start !!!
dzwoń - 0771 590 2772 - 0161 667
------------------------------------------------------ALTRINCHAM - Poszukujemy :
stolarza - pracownik budowlany-£8.59 –
Dzwoń Tel: 0161 742 2320
mówimy PO POLSKU – prosić panią Anie
------------------------------------------------------OFERTY PRACY PILNE W GREAT
Crumpsall – pakowanie , 2 zmiany –
Rochdale – pakowanie , zbieranie
zamowien – £6.50p/h
Oldham / Royton – magazyn , 2 zmiany –
£6.50 – £7.50
Swinton – zbieranie zamowien – 3 zmi-
Biuro ksiegowe PLG Accountants Ltd. z siedziba w Manchester poszukuje osobe na stanowisko data input clerk.
Praca jest w pelnym wymiarze godzin od 900 do 1700 od
poniedzialku do piatku.
Do obowiazkow pracownika nalezalo bedzie samodzielne
ewidencjonowanie zdarzen gospodarczych w bazie danych.
Najwazniejszymi kryteriami, jakie musi posiadac kandydat sa:
- dokladnosc we wprowadzaniu danych do systemu,
- dbalosc o szczegoly,
- biegla znajomosc programu Excel oraz Word,
- biegla znajomosc jezyka angielskiego.
Otwartość na wiedzę i osobowość pracownika ukierunkowana
na odpowiedzialność za rzetelne i terminowe wykonywanie
powierzonych mu obowiązków ma dla nas podstawowe znaczenie.
Doswiadczenie na podobnym stanowisku bedzie mile
Zainteresowane osoby, prosimy skladac swoje CV na adres
email: [email protected]
any £6.50 – £8 p/h
Bury—pakowanie , £6.50p/h
Trafford Park – Naprawa palet – £6.50 – £8p/h
Kierowca zamiatarki ulicznej kat C – £7.50 –
£8.30p/h Tel: 0161 742 2320
mówimy PO POLSKU
---------------------------------------------------------------------PILNA PRACA W CHESHIRE
Magazyn Runcorn i St Helens,
Znajomosc jezyka angielskiego oraz doswiadczenie
nie sa wymagane. Runcorn: 06.00 am – 3.00 pm lub
3.00 pm – 12.00 am
St Helens: 07.00 – 4.00 pm
Wynagrodzenie: £ 6.50/godz
Zainteresowanych prosze o kontakt telefoniczny :
01617422320 Anna
---------------------------------------------------------------------WOZKI WIDLOWE / FLT
Trafford Park – counterbalance £ 7.50p/h
Partington – Counterbalance B2 – £8.38p/h
Crumpsall – VNA / Reach / Counterbalance –
£7.50p/h Golborne – Reach £8p/h
Salford / Swinton – Reach £7.50 – £8p/h
Rochdale – Counterbalance £7.50p/h
0161 742 2320 Industrial – Ania