2011 - 2012 - Protestant Aid


2011 - 2012 - Protestant Aid
Help is given across the board, regardless
of religious or ethnic background
Protestant Aid dispenses every cent
received from subscribers in
grant aid
Chairman’s Statement
2011 has been an
extremely challenging
year for us. Families
with terminally ill children
struggling just to afford
the travel to hospitals, a
bereaved couple unable
to cope mentally after the
loss of a child, a young
man in his 20s caring for
siblings after the sudden
death of their mother…..
these are just some of the
heart-rending cases which
were brought to Protestant
Aid’s attention in the past year.
Sadly, it is not a new phenomenon indeed, as the recession continues to
bite, these problems grow year-on-year,
to the point where we are inundated
with requests for help.
Arthur Vincent,
With 14% of the population unemployed
and many others below the poverty line, more
challenging years lie ahead, regrettably. Our
Charity Committee has been overwhelmed by the
number and nature of the calls made by clergy
and social workers on behalf of deserving cases.
In responding to as many as we practicably can,
we have stretched our resources to their limits,
which brings home most forcefully how important
income from loyal subscribers and legacies are
to Protestant Aid’s work. Case Studies recorded
elsewhere in this Annual Report serve to highlight
the difficulties encountered by those less fortunate
than ourselves.
We actually recorded an increase in subscriptions
and donations in 2011, accounted for by up
to 400 new subscribers as a direct result of the
Special Fundraising Initiative in 2010. But that has
to be balanced against increasing demand which
meant that our charitable giving increased by
11% on the previous year, to €711,200.
There was an appreciable 33% increase in secondlevel school fees and expenses grants - up from
€159,207 to €211,829 - while General Grants
spending increased 19% to €294,869. Within
that latter figure is the €150,000 raised from the
Archbishops’ & Bishops’ Special Fund which has
now been fully distributed. It was also another
busy year on the Sheltered Housing and Nursing
Home fronts, with significant investments made in
upgrading facilities at Brabazon House and St. John’s House.
A considerable difference to the income at both establishments
has been made by an increased number of residents receiving
funding through the Fair Deal Scheme which in turn reduces
the amount of charitable subsidies required.
Finally, I will use this opportunity to thank the Board Members,
Chief Executive Robin George, Sheltered Housing Manager
Bryan Burdett, Manager-Charitable Services, Albert Hempenstall,
and all the staff at PA headquarters, Brabazon and St. John’s
House for their continued commitment and dedication.
Board Appointments
Since the last Annual Report, Mrs. Jean Miller, Canon
Desmond Sinnamon and Mrs. Alison Young retired from the
Board of Directors of Protestant Aid. We take this opportunity
to thank them for their valuable contributions over a number
of years. New appointees were Mrs. Audrey Craven and the
Archbishop’s nominee, Revd. David Gillespie.
Arthur Vincent, Chairman
The Patron of Protestant Aid, the Most Revd. Dr. Michael Jackson, Archbishop
of Dublin & Bishop of Glendalough pictured with PA’s Chairman Arthur Vincent
(left) and Chief Executive Robin George.
Board of Protestant Aid - Back row (l to r): Robert Neill, Trevor Watkins, David Pierce,
Cecil Geelan, Mrs. Yvonne Good. 3rd row (l to r): Ivor Moloney, Graham Richards,
Brian Ranalow. 2nd row (l to r): George Good, Revd. David Gillespie. Front row (l to r):
Terence Forsyth, Arthur Vincent, Mrs. Barbara Davis, Mrs. Audrey Craven.
Bereaved family in
West Dublin
Charitable Services Report
The sudden and unexpected death of
their son resulted in physical and mental
health issues for a middle-aged married
couple. Their bereavement had taken
its toll, with both husband and wife
struggling to cope with everyday
matters and failing to meet their
growing financial commitments.
As a result, they could not afford
coal to heat their home and pay
outstanding bills at the same
Solution with response:
PA was in a position to
cover the cost of sufficient
coal to provide enough
heat for the cold
winter months.
At the same time, figures issued
recently by the Central Statistics
Office state that the number of
households at risk from poverty has risen to
almost 16%, while another 6.2% of the
population were in ‘consistent poverty’.
The devastating effects of
Ireland’s economic woes
have been witnessed
by Protestant Aid as
ever-increasing calls
for help unfortunately
reached an all-time record
figure. PA’s ManagerCharitable Services, Albert
Hempenstall, looks back on
a harrowing year and at a
future that shows little light
at the end of the tunnel.
Remember the new phrase coined
by the media a couple of years ago ‘The New Poor’? Well, sadly they are
still with us and will be for many years to
come. Due to the collapse in the economy,
those whose businesses ceased are either
struggling to re-train or are so mentally scarred
that they are still trying to come to terms with
what has happened.
Social Justice Ireland says that there is an
alarming rise in the rates of child poverty.
A recent report - ‘Health Behaviour in Schoolaged Children’ - SJI said that one in five children
has gone to school or to bed hungry in 2010
because there was not enough food at home.
This shows a 4% increase on SJI’s 2006 findings.
When we build into this picture the very young
age of some children involved in the scourge
that is substance abuse the picture is not
Ulster 4%
Connaught 7%
a pretty one Munster 14%
and this picture
in reality is
Dublin 38%
Rest of
Leinster 37%
One-parent families
Parents may love their children, but they
just do not know how to cope with
Munster 12%
the problem that addiction brings to
Dublin 48%
their door. Now whether we like it or
of part of the European family
not, we
Leinster 28%
and recently-produced figures suggest
that Eurozone unemployment has hit
its highest peak since the currency was
introduced in 1999, adding to fears that
the region is back in recession.
This means that austerity measures to
get control of crippling debt loans will
continue, and such measures always have
a more damaging effect on the most
vulnerable in our society.
Rest of
Ill health
Other crises
The citizens of Ireland have a record
second-to-none when it comes to
alleviating the suffering of poverty in
other parts of the world but at times
fail to recognise the hardship of their
neighbours next door.
Please remember, Poverty and Deprivation
are not limited to the Third World………
Ireland suffers too, and regrettably those
who suffer most had no hand, act or part
in where we find
Thank you for your generous donations
over the years, please continue these
Ill health
so that you can HELP€168,757
Albert Hempenstall
Other crises
Single mother with
terminally-ill child in the
A single mother with four children
had the added trauma of her
youngest son (6 years old) suffering
from an incurable condition, a
situation which had put a huge
strain on a closely-knit family.
Travelling to hospitals both locally
and in Dublin for specialised
treatment only exacerbated the
whole issue as they come to terms
with the inevitable loss of the
family’s youngest member.
Solution with response:
On hearing this family’s plight, PA
was able to contribute funds which
alleviated the financial hardship
encountered by the family and
helped them as they face a sad and
harrowing time in their lves.
Eldest of five children
caring for his siblings
The Charity Committee
Following the death of their mother, the
eldest son (24) took on the responsibility of
caring for his four siblings, aged between
12 and 20, since their father had no
involvement with the family. While living
in Council accommodation, he struggled
to pay the rent and household bills with
the limited amount of Social Welfare
payments he was receiving and the
home lacked basic items such as
cutlery, crockery & bedding materials.
Solution with response:
As the recession on the
domestic and world fronts
bites even deeper, and
with little or no sign of a
significant improvement
over the short-to-medium
term, the responsibilities
of reviewing, assessing
and ultimately deciding
what financial grant may be
payable, weighs more and
more heavily on our Charity
PA was pleased to support this
At a recent Charity Committee
young man in his unselfish
meeting, a general discussion took
endeavours by making available
place as to how some of the more heartthe funds to buy the various
rending cases can have an affect on the
items needed to provide
individual members. Despite the deepening
a proper home for
crisis, the Committee Members are exemplary
his brothers and
in their dedication and each case is considered
individually, and as much help as possible is then
The Committee meets at least once, if
not twice a month and in the October to
December period at least fortnightly, if not
every week. All applications are received and
reviewed for accuracy and completeness by Albert
Hempenstall, the Manager-Charitable Services,
and having ‘filled in any gaps’, the cases are
then brought forward to be considered by
the Charity Committee.
It is appropriate that sincere thanks are given
to this band of loyal people who have the
unenviable responsibility of making some very
difficult decisions on some horrendous cases.
With Robert Neill as Chairman, the Committee
comprises Robert Bell, Cecil Geelan, Revd. David
Gillespie, Glynis Good, Jean Miller, Mary Neill and
Alison Young, with Robin George (Chief Executive)
and Albert Hempenstall (Manager-Charitable
…and a particularly harrowing case….
A young mother in her early 30s was diagnosed
with an advanced brain tumour and her prognosis
is measured in months rather than years.
Her self-employed husband was obliged
to give up work to act as her primary
carer but his application for the Carer’s
Allowance will take up to seven months
to process.
In the meantime, their only source of
income is €233 a week for her Invalidity
Pension and a Children’s Allowance of
€33 a week for their 4-year old son. The
expense of travelling from the country to
Dublin for weekly treatment and reviews
has added to the financial strain which
has seen them ceasing paying their
mortgage and arrears building up on
utility bills.
When this appalling scenario was
brought to the attention of the
Charity Committee, the Committee
Members had no hesitation in
providing a grant that would pay
off the electricity and heating oil
bills and would contribute to the
on-going travel costs associated with
hospital visits.
Protestant Aid Grant Schemes
The primary areas of support
given by PA include:
• General grants to alleviate poverty or distress
• annuities for the elderly
• allowances for coal/gas/electricity
costs for the elderly
• second-level education fees grants to assist pupils attend Protestant-managed schools
• second-level school expenses
Protestant Aid
Administered Charities
Charities administered under the
Protestant Aid umbrella include:
• The Brabazon Trust
• St. John’s House
• Strand Trust Ltd (includes Pembroke
Memorial Cottages Trust)
• Old Men’s Home Charity
• Irish Distressed Ladies’ Fund
• Church of Ireland Jubilee Fund
• Irish Clergy Sons Education Society
Married couple
with severely braindamaged daughter
As a result of a very complex
delivery, the third child of a
married couple in the West had
long-term and severe neurological
problems caused by brain
damage. The little girl had been
hospitalised since birth and this
had involved constant travelling
for the mother and father. With
the trauma of their daughter’s
short life expectancy and their
own limited income, this was a
difficult time for the family.
Solution with response:
PA responded to the request
for a contribution towards their
travelling expenses and for future
respite periods.
Single mother with
terminally-ill daughter
The 11-year old daughter of a single
mother was diagnosed with a rare
disorder for which there is no cure and
her prognosis is very poor. There are two
older children in the family and, with
no support from the father, their social
circumstances were very difficult.
Their home had only the basic
essentials such as cooker, washing
machine and some furniture but
lacked items such as carpets.
A very necessary element of
Protestant Aid’s work is the
on-going generosity of loyal
subscribers who consistently
contribute so generously
every year by cheque or
standing order. That PA is
able to distribute every euro it
receives is a testament to that
generosity and it motivates us
to help those less fortunate than
Solution with response:
PA was pleased that it was
able to ease their hardship,
especially towards creating
a warm family atmosphere
for what may be the
young girl’s last
The personal tax element of subscriptions
over €250 from PAYE taxpayers can be
reclaimed by Protestant Aid and there are
also tax advantages for self-employed persons
and corporate donors, while those giving a gift of
assets can do so without the imposition of Capital
Gains Tax.
In recent years, legacies have become an
increasingly important contribution to PA’s funds
and are an invaluable resource because they can
be invested wisely for use in the future.
They are entrusted to PA by those who have left
provision in their wills for the continuity of PA’s
work, so current subscribers are asked to consider
Protestant Aid and its work when making out
their Will.
Special Thanks
Special Thanks go to the Department of the
Environment, Community & Local Government
for its welcome ‘top-up’ of €50,000 to its annual
grant of €150,000, significant sums in these
straitened times.
The Department has been a consistent supporter
of PA’s work since 1994 and as always, its grant
is distributed without any deductions for
(a Company Limited by Guarantee)
Extracts from the Audited Accounts
Subscriptions and donations:
- Private
- Corporate
Church/parish contributions
House of Bishops special fund
Investment income
Rent receivable
Department of Environment, Community & Local Government
- Annual grant
- Social Partnership funding
Year ended 31 December 2011
Grants and annuities
Education grants
Coal and fuel distribution
Charitable services costs
House of Bishops special fund grants
Pension costs
Employer’s PRSI contribution
Light and heat
Repairs and renewals
Computer services
Printing and advertising
Travel expenses reimbursed
Audit and accountancy
Consultancy services
Bank interest and charges
Sundry expenses
Administration costs contribution
BOC Gases
Christie & Co.
Colliers Funeral Service Ltd Dennison Trailers
Dublin Conservative Club
Duffy Express Freight
Joseph Dugdale & Company
Ms P Aarnes-Olsen
Mrs Yvonne Acheson
Mrs Carol Acton
Mr & Mrs F Adair
Mr George Adams
Mrs Harriet Adams
Mr John Adams
Mrs KM Allander
Mr & Mrs GM Allen
Mr RH Allen
Mr AJ Allison
Mr & Mrs GN Allison
N & M Alton
Miss Emily Anderson
Mrs SJ Anderson
Mrs Miriam Anderson
Mrs E Anderson
Mr Henry H Annesley
Mrs Kathleen Anton
Mr Ernest Armitage
Adrienne Armstrong
Mr Jonathan Armstrong
Ms P Armstrong
Reps Maxwell Armstrong
Mr George Armstrong
Mrs June Armstrong
Mr Tom Armstrong
Mrs Joyce Ashmore
Mrs Myrtle Aston
Ms Jill Aston
Mr Brendan Athey
Mrs Daphne Athey
Ms Barbara Atkinson
Mr & Mrs Denzil J Auchmuty
Mrs KM Bagwell
Mr Clive Bagnall
Mrs Sheila Bailey
Freddie & Gillian Bailey
Mr John Bailey
Ecclesiastical Insurance Office EI Electronics
Grant Engineering
Irish Distillers Group Ltd
Irish Cement
Richard Keenan & Co
Manning Group of Companies
Mrs Avril Bain
Ms C Baird
Mr Robert N Baker
Mr & Mrs Frank Bannister
Mrs A Bannister
Janet Barcroft
Mr RC Barklie
Mrs Vivienne Barkley
Rev Prof J Bartlett
Mrs Dorothy Barrett
Miss Joyce Barrett
Mrs Margaret Barrett
Dr Brian and Mrs Joan Barrett
Mrs Pauline Barr
Mr Trevor Barry
Mr & Mrs Ernest Barnwell
Mrs Geraldine Bateman
Mrs B Baynham
Mr H Beamont
Ms Sheila Beckett
Mr & Mrs Alec Bell
Mr & Mrs Robert Bell
Mrs Stella Bell
Mrs Aileen Bell
Mr Douglas Bennett
Mr JM Bennett
Mr Barney Bennett
Mrs Edith Berry
Mr Leslie Bertram
Miss Alice M Best
Mr Jonathan Bewley
Helen Binions
Mr JAD Bird
Mrs Patricia Bird
Canon & Mrs RJ Black
Ms Georgina Black
Mr Elliott Blakely
Mr & Mrs J Blennerhassett
Mr & Mrs Arthur Blennerhassett
Mr David Blennerhassett
Mrs Kathleen Boate
Mrs Patricia Boate
Mr Robin J Bolster
Mr & Mrs BL Bond
Mrs Rosemary Bond
Ms Valerie Bond
Mr David Bourne
Mrs A Bowen
Mrs Carolyn Bowden
Miss Margery Boyd
Rev & Mrs HH Boyland
Mrs Myrtle E Boyle
Brabazon Trust Residents
Mr Alan Bradley
Ms Frances Bradley
Mrs M Brassington
Mrs M Brambell
Dr PMC Branigan
Miss M Brase
John Bradshaw
Mr JC Brett
Mr Richard Brett
Mr George H Briscoe
Mr JW Brittain
Mrs B Brislane
Mr GR Brown
Mr K Brown
Mr & Mrs Jim Browne
Mrs Joan Browne
Mr Eddie Brownell
Mr Jeff Brownlee
Mr John K Brownlee
Mr & Mrs MG Brownlow
Mrs Joan Bruton
Mrs Margaret Brummitt
Mrs Kathleen Bryson
Mr & Mrs B Buchanan
George & Betty Buckley
Mr FJ Bulfin
Mrs June Burgess
Mrs June Burns
Mr & Mrs Alex Burns
Marchmont Packaging
Marks & Spencer (Ireland) Ltd McGarrell Reilly Contractors Murray Consultants
Nichols Funeral Directors
O’Flaherty Holdings
H. A. O’Neil Ltd.
Precision Electric Ireland
Wright Consultancy
Mrs Cynthia Burns
David & Ann Burnett
Mr Alan Buttanshaw
Mr RL Buttimer
Mrs Ada Buttimer
Mr H Buttimer
Miss E Buttimore
Miss A Buttimore
Mr JF Buttimore
Mr Tom Butler
Mrs Marie Butler
Mr Roger W Byers
Mrs Heather Byrne
Most Rev D and Mrs N Caird
Mr Keith Cairns
Mr & Mrs Calder
Mr WG Callaghan
Mr Derek M Campbell
Mr John Campbell
Mr Desmond E Campbell
Mr and Mrs M Campion
Mrs Betty Cantan
Mrs Audrey Carney
Dr & Mrs Derek Carroll
Mr Harry Carroll
Mr WM Carson
Mr Thomas Carter
Mrs Flora Carter
Mr & Mrs D Carlyle
Mr David Carberry
Mr & Mrs F Cassidy
Mrs Vi Cathcart
Misses B & J Charlton
Mr H Chavasse
Tom & Gwen Chambers
Mr R Christie
Miss Judith Christmas
David F Churchward
Mr Gordon Clarke
Mrs D Clarke
Mr George Clarke
Mrs Emma Clarke
Mr Thomas Clarke
Mr Jeremy D Clarke
Ms Lorna Clarke
Mrs Barbara Clayton
Mr James E Cleary
Mr Frank Close
Mr WV Cluff
Mr TRM Cobbe
Neville & Hazel Cobbe
Mr FJ Cochrane
Mr Richard P Codd
Mr Terence Coghlan
Mr & Mrs Alan & Jill Cole
Mr Dermot Cole
Mr & Mrs W Cole
Mr & Mrs MA Collie
Mrs Dorcas Collier
Mr George Colton
Mrs Phyllis Colton
Mrs Jane Coman
Ms Susan Compton
Mr & Mrs JF Condell
Mrs AM Conner
Mrs Oriana Conner
Mr & Mrs Leslie Cooper
Mrs JWA Cooper
Mrs Joan Coote
Mrs Letty Cooke
Mrs Marion Coombs
Mrs Vera Copithorne
Mr Fred Cornwall
Mrs P Cosgrave
Mr JAL Course
Mr Alan Cox
Mr Ronald Cox
Mr John Craig
Mr & Mrs TW Craig
Rev Nigel Craig
Mr & Mrs A Craigie
Mr D Crampton
Mrs I Crawford
Mr Robert A Crawte
Leslie & Janet Crampton
Mrs Hilary Cran
Rebecca Craven
Gladys Cromer
Mr Norman Cross
Mr Derek Crowe
Mr N & Rev J Crowley
Robert & Claire Crowther
Mrs Maud Cuffe
Mr & Mrs William Cullen
Mrs Hester Daly
Mr Noel Daly
Mr & Mrs DE Dann
Miss Vivenne Darling
Mrs Violet Darling
Mr James C Darling
Miss Frances Daunt
Mr Selwyn Davies
Mrs KM Davies
Ms Jean Davis
John & Barbara Davis
Mr Joseph C Davy
Mr RW Dawson
Miss Amelia Day
Mrs Mary Deacon
Mrs Pearl Deacon
Mr Robert Deacon
Mrs E Deane
Mrs Anne Deane
Ms Chris Deane
Mrs Lylah Dean
Mr & Mrs SJ Delahunt
Ms M Delahunt
Mrs S Dempster
Mr H Dennison
Mr WV Denard
Mrs Anne E Denton
Dr & Mrs TRE Devlin
Mr & Mrs William J Dickson
Mr & Mrs Robin Dickinson
Mr Robert Dier
Miss Joan Dixon
Mr William Dixon
Mr Adrian Doak
Mr Robert Dobson
Mrs Violet Dobson
Mr R Dobson
Mrs Ruth Dodd
Ms Catherine Doherty
Mr & Mrs Cecil & Morag Donovan
Victor & Rosemary Dorman-Smith
Mr Mark Douglas
Mr P Dowling
Miss Dorothy Downes
Mr & Mrs Sam Downes
Mrs Frances Dowse
Mr Joseph J Dowse
Mrs Pamela Dowson
Mr Ken Doyle
Mrs Gladys Doyle
William & Eva Draper
Mrs Violet Draper
Mrs Joy Duffy
Mrs Sally Duggan
Mr Eric Duke
Miss Ann Duke
Mrs Helen Dunbar
Mr Keith Dungan
Ms Alison Dunlop
Mrs Anna Dunne
Mrs Dorothy Durrant
Mr & Mrs George Dyett
Mr & Mrs George Eades
Mrs Sheila Eager
Mr Victor Earle
Mr JH East
Mrs WG Ebbs
Mrs MP Egan
Mr & Mrs RI Elder
Mr & Mrs Ian Elliott
Mrs Gladys Ellaway
Betty & David English
Mr H Evans
Mr JW Evans
Mr Johannes Evertsen
Mr Stephen Fairbrother
Rev C Faull
Mrs JE Fennamore
Mr Desi Ferguson
Yvonne & Robert Ferguson
Ms Christine Ferguson
Mr John Ferrall
Mrs Olwen R Ferris
Mrs EDM Findlater
Mr William Finn
Mr David Finney
Mrs Iris Finnamore
Mrs Eileen Fisher
Mr & Mrs R Fitzsimon
Mr Trevor Fitzherbert
Hilda & John Fitzpatrick
Miss Muriel Flewett
George & Joan Flower
Mr & Mrs NJC Foley-Fisher
Mrs HG Foley
Ms Elsie Foley
Mr HD Foot
Miss Joyce E Foote
Mr KF Foot
Mr John B Forde
Mr & Mrs Clifford Forsyth
Mr & Mrs T Forsyth
Rev Mark Forsyth
Mrs Shirley Fowler
Ms Elizabeth Fowler
Mr & Mrs Giles Fox
Miss ME Franklin
Mr B Freeman
Mr John French
Mr & Mrs J French
Mrs Heather Frizzell
Mrs H Frost
Edmund & Heather Fry
Miss Dorothy Fullerton
Mrs Helen Furlong
Mr MJ Furney
Mr Victor Fyfe
Mr Philip Fyfe
D Galbraith
Mrs Ruth Galbraith
Mr & Mrs Abie Galbraith
Mr Dominic Galvin
Mr & Mrs FA Gardner
Bob & Doreen Gardiner
Mr & Mrs M Garrett
Mrs Daphne Gardiner
John Claire & Thomas Gash
Mr Cecil A Geelan
Mrs Doreen Geelan
Mr David George
Mr & Mrs R George
Dr & Mrs F Gibson
Mrs SM Giles
Mr WT Giles
Mr Douglas Gillis
Mrs Betty Gillmor
Mr & Mrs Douglas Gilmore
Mr Ken Gillespie
Mr David Gillespie
Mrs Pearl Gillmour
Ms Anna C Glasgow
Mrs Vivienne Glendenning
Mrs JA Gleasure
Allan & Dorothy Glynn
Mrs Heather Godfrey
Mrs CJ Gollock
Mrs J Good
Mr & Mrs GA Good
Mr Robert Good
Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Good
Mr Jack Good
Mr Raymond Good
Mr & Mrs Ivan good
Mrs AE Goodwin
Mr Robin Gordon
Mrs Irene Grace
Mr Kenneth Grace
Mr FS Graham
Miss EJ Graham
Mr Henry Graham
Mrs Anne Gray
Mrs C Gray
Mrs Phyllis Gray
Ms Pamela Gray
Mr George Gray
Mrs Hazel Gray
Mr George Gray
Miss Marion Granleese
Mr Gordon Graves
Ken & Finuala Graydon
Ms Grace Greated
Ms Elizabeth Greer
Mrs May Greene
Mrs Maura Griffin
Mrs Elizabeth Griffith
Mr Roy Grindle
Mr Joseph Gubbins
Mrs Margaret Guy
Mrs Valerie Hade
Mr JJ Hall
Mrs Joan P Hall
Mrs M Hamilton
Ms Audrey R Hamilton
Mrs C Hanna
Rev & Mrs P Hanna
Mr Henry Hannon
Major GWC Harding
Mrs C Harding
Mrs Patricia Harding
Mrs Sheena Harper
Mr Tom Harris
Mrs Rachel Harris
Mrs Mary Harvey
Mr George Harron
Mrs Barbara Haslam
Barabara & Harry Haskins
John & Millie Hassett
Mr Len Hatrick
Miss L Hawkins
Mr & Mrs Anthony Hawkins
Mrs Rose Haworth
William Hay
Mr Paul Hayes
Norman & Yvonne Hayes
Mr R Graham Heather
Mr John Healy
Mr Mark Heaton
Mrs Hilly Heemskerk
Ven WB Heney
Mrs Margaret Henry
Ms A Hendrick
Mrs M Henderson
David & Dorothy Henderson
Ms Florence Hendy
Mr JRB Hewat
Mrs Hazel Hickey
Mr F Higgins
Mr & Mrs JRF Hilliard
Mr Adrian Hilliard
Oliver & Patricia Hill
Mr Noel Hill
Mr James Hill
Drs R&S Hingston
Mr & Mrs V Hislip
Ms Helen Hodgson
Mrs ML Hodgins
Mrs Audrey Hogg
Norman Holmes
Mrs Elizabeth Holden
Ms Gladys Hope
Mr Henry Horsman
Mr & Mrs A Horner
Mr DA Hosgood
Mrs Noel Hosford
Mrs MJ Hosford
Mrs Muriel L Howard
Mr G Hubbard
Ms Phyllis Hughes
Mrs MN Hughes
Mrs Audrey Hunter
Ms A Elizabeth Hurley
Mr & Mrs C Hurley
Mr Edgar J Hurst
Mrs Joan Husbands
Mr SC Hutchison
Miss S Hutton
Mrs Gladys N Irvine
Mrs Helen Irwin
Mr Peter Conn Jackson
Mr & Mrs F Jackson
Mrs Joan Jackson
Mrs Joyce Jackson
Mrs Mary A Jackson
Thomas & Kathleen Jackson
Mr Philip Jacob
Mr Thomas James
Mr Thomas BH Jameson
Mr Peter Jennings
Ms Eleanor Jenkins
Mr Michael Jenkins
Mrs Pamela Jephson
PR & NS Johnson
Mrs V Johnston
Mrs Gladys H Johnston
Miss Valerie M Johnston
Mr & Mrs E Johnson
Mrs Dorothy Johnston
Mrs Geraldine Johnston
Mr Derek Johnston
Mr & Mrs G Johnston
Mr & Mrs Fred Johnston
Ms Heather Johnston
William & Georgina Jones
Mrs Gladys Jones
Ms Stella Jones
Mr Bobby Jordan
Mrs Sheila Joseph
Mr Tom Joyce
Miss I Kane
Mrs Rhoda Kane
Mrs Maud Keery
Mrs Jean Keenan
Mr & Mrs Joseph Kelly
Brian & Val Kemp
The Kemp Family
Mrs Caroline Kennedy
Ms Eileen Kennedy
Mrs Ruth Kenny
Stephen & Heather Kenny
Mrs Georgina Kenny
Mr & Mrs R Kerr
Mr & Mrs Robert & Peggy Kerr
Miss AM Kerr
Mr Arthur Kerr
Mr & Mrs John Kershaw
Mr John Kerwick
Mr GV Keys
Major & Mrs WR Kilroy
Mrs A Kilpatrick
Mr HK Kinsman
The King’s Hospital
Mr & Mrs Frank King
Mr & Mrs T King
Mrs Valerie King
Mrs Olive Kingston
Mr William Kinlan
Dr & Mrs JG Kirker
Mrs H Kirkpatrick
Ms Edith Kirkpatrick
Mrs Joan Lambert
Mr & Mrs DA Lane
Ms Rosalind Lane
Ms E Larkin Browne
Ms Rosemary Latimer
Mrs Florence Latimer
Mr Denis Lawler
Mr B Laycock
Ms R Laycock
Mrs Y Laycock
Mr F McC Leach
Mr Frederick Lee
Mrs Ethel Leech
Norman & Sylvia Leeson
Tony & Gladys Leeson
Mrs K Lendrum
Mr Trevor Leopold
Mrs Oriel Lester
Mr Henry Levingater
Ms Dorcas Lewis
Mr Edward Lewis
Mr Allan Liddell
Ms Christina Lillis
Mrs L Linke
Archdeacon G Linney
Miss EL Lloyd
Mr & Mrs G Lloyd
Mr Raymond Lloyd
Mr Richard Locke
Mr Eric Logan
Rev Kingsley E Long
Mr Ronnie Long
Mr John W Lovell
Mrs Betty Lowry
Mr GS Luke
Mrs Anne Lysaght
Revd Craig McCauley
Mr & Mrs MC MacMillan
Miss MF MacDougall
Mr Nicholas MacGillycuddy
Mrs Joan Mahony
Mr Robert Maharry
Mr & Mrs Michael Malcolmson
Mr JM Mannix
Mr J Marks
Ms A Martin
Ms Theresa Martin
Mr Victor Martin
Mr AD Mason
Rhona E Massey
Mr Brian W Mattsson
Ms Sandra Mathews
Ms Maunder-Taylor
Mrs Daphne Maxwell
Mr Derek RE Maybury
Ms Daphne Maybury
Mrs Elizabeth Mayes
Miss R McAssey
Mr FD McAuley
Lyndon MacCann
Mrs Sheila McConnell
Ted & Dorothy McCormack
Dr Joan E McCormick
McCoy Charitable Trust
Mr & Mrs Gordon McCoy
Mr Bobby McCready
Mrs Marjorie McCulloch
Mr Fergus McCullough
Ms Lorraine McCarthy
Mrs E McCormack
Mrs Eileen McCracken
Mr Willie McClean
Mrs McClean
Mr David McCullagh
Ms Dara McClatchie
Ms K Leonora McCullagh
Mr Desmond McCaig
Rev Canon B McCrea
Mr John McDonald
Mr John McDonald
Mrs Margaret McDowell
Mr & Mrs P McDowell
Maurice & Pam McDonough
Dr J MacDougald
Mr John C McDonald
Mrs Elizabeth McHugh
Mr W Mcllreavy
Mr Liam McKenna
Mrs Lilian McKenna
Mrs Sheila McKenna
Mr Liam McKay
Ms Betty McKinley
Mrs Anne McKinley
Tom & Brenda McKeever
Mr Leonard McKay
Mrs Theola McKay
Mr & Mrs B McKeon
Mr PH McLindon
Mrs Jean McMullen
Mr & Mrs Stanley McMullen
Mr Stan McMullan
Mr WT McMurray
Mrs Isabel McQuade
Robert & Hilda MacShane
Mr David Mee
Mr Kevin Megarry
JE Meikle
Mrs Lorna Meldrum
Ms Betty Memery
Mrs Edith Merton
Mrs Helen Middleton
Mrs Emily Milne
Archdeacon George Miller
Rev Hazel Minion
Mr & Mrs I Moloney
Mr Arthur Montgomery
Mr George Montgomery
Mr JJ Moody
Capt DJ Mooney
Mr Roy Moore
Mr J Moore
Thos & Agnes Moorehead
Mrs Shirley Moon
Mr George Mooney
Mr WG Morrison
Mrs Daphne Morrow
Rev Adrian Moran
Mr David Morton
Mrs Jill Moss
John & Kitty Murray
Mr Eugene Murtagh
Mr Leslie H Murphy
Mrs Gladys Murphy
Mrs Caroline Murphy
Mr John Murphy
Jane Murtagh & David Brickenden
Miss Yumi Natio
Ms Jackline Namirembe
Navan Kells Youth Group
Mr Bernard Neary
Canon & Mrs WBA Neill
The Neill Trust
Mr Justin Nelson
Mrs Doreen Newell
Mr & Mrs S Newell
Ms Joan Newport
Mrs JE Nicholson
Mrs E Nicholson
Miss Mary R Nixon
Mrs Northridge
Mr David Norris
Mrs Inez Notley
Mr Douglas O’Brien
Mr Bruce O’Brien
Mr Neville O’Byrne
Mrs Joan O’Connell
Martin O’Connor
Mrs Helen O’Connor
Mrs Christine O’Connor
Lt Col P de C O’Grady
Mrs Pearl O’Keeffe
The Madam O’Morchoe
Jim & Helen O’Neill
Mr Matthew O’Reilly
Mrs Doreen Orr
Mr & Mrs Michael Orr
Mr HJ Osman
Mr Alan Owens
Mrs Carol Owens
Mrs Frances Pakenham-Walsh
Mrs Carole Pappin
Mrs A Park
Fay & Lovell Parker
Mr Roy Parker
Mrs Margaret Pasley
Mrs Anne Patterson
Mr & Mrs T Patterson
Mrs Avril Patterson
Mrs Betty Patterson
Mrs Olive Paxton
Miss RJ Peacocke
Mr & Mrs Thomas Pearson
Mrs Roma Peare
Mr Declan Peat
Mrs Susan Pedlow
Mr Neal Peevers
Charles & Suzanne Pegley
James & Mary Pielow
Ms Dorothy Pennefather
Mr & Mrs Neil Perry
Mrs Kathleen Phelan
Mr George Phipps
Miss Winifred Pierce
Dr Tom Pierce
Mrs Doreen Pigott
Dr Rachel Pike
Mrs Doris Pittman
Mr John Plant
Mr Peter Pollock
Harriet Pomeroy
Mr Harry Poole
Mr & Mrs S Poole
Robert & Hilda Porter
Mr Raymond Potterton
Mr P Powell
Mr Peter Powell
Ms Hilary J Prentice
Mr Desmond Preston
Mr Hamilton Pringle
Mr & Mrs Robert Prole
Mr George Quinn
Edith Rafter
Mrs CS Ravensberg
Mr DC Rea
Mr Kenneth Reid
Mrs Gillian Reynolds
Mr Graham Richards
Mr Reg Richards
Mrs NJ Richardson
Mr Ronnie Richardson
Mr & Mrs Robert F Richmond
Mr Hans Riehn
Mr George J Ritchie
Mr & Mrs Norman Robins
Mr Ronald Robins
Mrs Hylda M Robinson
Ms Joan M Robinson
Mrs Alice E Robinson
Mrs Patricia Robinson
Mrs Rosemary Robertson
Victor & Joan Rockley
Mrs Gladys Rodgers
Mrs Ella Rodgers
Mrs Valerie Rogers
Mrs Lillian Rogers
Ms Deirdre Rogerson
Mr Roy LC Rohu
Mrs LGR Rooke
Mr JF Ross
Mr Noel Ross
Don & Iris Ross
Mrs E Ross
Mrs Violet Rothwell
Mr & Mrs Peter Rothwell
Mr David Rowe
Mr & Mrs Stanley Rowe
Mrs Margaret Rowe
Mrs Elizabeth Rowland
Mr SJ Rowden
Mr Cecil Rowden
Mrs AM Rowan
Royal School Cavan
Mr & Mrs John Roycroft
Leonard & Hazel Ruddock
Mr Raymond Russell
Mr Gordon Russell
Mr Bob Ruttle
Ms Lin Ryan
Mrs S Ryan
Mr & Mrs S Rynhart
John & Marjorie Salter
Mrs Phyllis Salter
Mr Clive Salter
Mr Garry Saul
Mr Brian G Saville
Mrs D Sawyer-Chapman
Mr Geoff Scargill
Mr & Mrs JC Scargill
Sceptre Foundation
Mr John Schofield
Mrs Elsie Scott
Mr Ian Scott
Mrs J Sealy
Mrs Lucy N Sealy
Mrs Joy Searight
Mr Rodney Senior
Mr Derek W Seymour
Mrs Mary Shackleton
Dr & Mrs G Shanik
Mrs GM Shannon
Mr John Shannon
Mr Robert Shannon
Ms Pearl Sharpe
Mr J Leslie Sheil
Mrs Elizabeth Sheppard
Mr Ken Sheffield
Mr & Mrs J Sheils
Mr Alan Sheane
Mr & Mrs Edward Sherlock
Mr Edward & Mrs Helen Shortt
Mrs Catherine Sides
Mr David A Simpson
Mrs Vera Simmons
Mrs Peggy Sims
Mr Harold Simms
Mr George Sixsmith
Mr Herbert Sixsmith
Mrs Ruby Sixsmith
Mr & Mrs WH Skelton
Mrs Rosemary Skrine
M Skuce
Mr John Skuse
Mrs P Sloan
Mr & Mrs Gilbert Smart
Mrs C Smith
Mrs Georgina Smith
Mr Ian Smith
Ms Winifred A Smith
Mrs Ann Smith
Mr Charles Smith
Mrs Margaret Smith
Mr Kenneth Smith
Mr Peter Smith
Mr & Mrs MH Smyth
Mr Ralph Smyth
Mrs Gwendolyn Snell
Mr AE Somerfield
Frank & Jennifer Sowman
Mr Alex Spain
Deirdre Spendlove
St. Andrews NS Lucan
St. Mary’s Charities
Mrs M Stanley
Mr & Mrs John Stanley
Mr Michael Steen
Mr & Mrs Sydney Stephens
Ms Janet Stephenson
Mr & Mrs D Steedman
Mr Christopher Stillman
Mr John R St Leger
Ms Eveline St Leger
Ms M St Leger Mewis
Mr Mervyn Strong
George & Audrey Strong
Miss MH Stuart
Mr & Mrs WJ Stuart
‘Lady Madrigal Stukeley’
Mr Donald Studdert
Mr R Sutton
Mr & Mrs R Swainson
Mr George Swanwick
Mr SF Sweetnam
Mr & Mrs Charles Sweetnam
Mr Eric Sweeney
Mr David Sykes
Mr Glascott Symes
Mr Francis Symes
Mrs MJ Talbot
Rev P Taylor
Iris Taylor
Ms Ann Taylor
Dr MRH Taylor
Mr Quentin Teggin
Mrs Shelagh Terry
Mr & Mrs Mark Thornburgh
Mrs Olive Thornburgh
Mr & Mrs B Thorpe
Mrs Gretchen Thornton
Mr David Thomas
Miss Geraldine Thompson
Kenneth Thompson Trust
Mr GJ Thompson
Ms Valerie Thompson
Mrs Anne Thompson
Mr Gordon A Thompson
Mrs S Thornhill
Mrs Alicia Ticehurst
Mr RF & Mrs ES Tottenham
Ernest & Cynthia Tracey
Mr & Mrs CW Treadwell
JVM Trench Will Trust
Mrs Thelma Turner
Mr & Mrs William Turner
Ken & Margaret Turner
Mrs P Unger
Mr Derek Vaughan
Ms Hazel Vickery
Mrs Ruby Vigors
Villiers School
Mr & Mrs B Vincent
Mr Arthur Vincent
Mr Stanley Vogan
Miss Jean Wade
Donald Walker
Ms V Walker
Mr WJR Wallace
Mr & Mrs George Walsh
Rev Ann Wallace
Mr George Walpole
Mrs H Walshe
Mrs Joan Walton
Mr J Wann
Mrs V Warner
Ms Valerie Warren-Perry
Rt Rev & Mrs Warke
Ms Daphne Ward
Mrs EA Wardlaw
Mr Warburton
Mr William Warren
Mr & Mrs Ron Watt
Mrs Charlotte M Watson
Sam & Ruth Watchorn
Mr Bruce Watchorn
Basil & Olive Waugh
Mrs Mavis Wayman
Mrs M Webster
Mrs Mabel Weir
Dr Hugh WL Weir & The Hon. Mrs Weir
Mr Desmond Weir
Mr David C Weir
Mr H Weir
Mr & Mrs JR West
Mr Arthur West
Miss Beatrice West
Ms Gillian Wharton
Mr Thomas Whelton
Mr & Mrs Arthur White
Mrs Maud White
Mrs Aileen White
Mrs Mary White
Deirdre Whitley
Ms Roisin Whiting
Miss Joy Whiittaker
Mrs Alice Whyte
Mr & Mrs Victor Whyte
Ms E Widdess
Mr & Mrs Bryan Wilkinson
Mrs J Wilkinson
Miss Jane Williams
Mrs Esme Williams
Mrs Sarah Williams
Mr DPB Willis
Wilson Hospital School
Mrs Marion Wilson
Mrs Sheila Wilmet
Mr & Mrs Arthur Wills
Mrs H Wills
Mr Graham Wilson
Ms Ruth Wilson
Mrs Ellen Wilson
Mrs Nancy Willoughby
Mr H Willos
Mr P Wingfield
Mr G Brian Wisdom
Mr & Mrs William Wolfe
Brian & Dorothy Wood
Mr Arthur Worrell
Mr Terence Woulfe-Flanagan
Mr & Mrs Wm Wray
Mrs Evelyn Wright
Mr William Wright
Mr TA Wynne
Canon Noel Young
Ms Mary J Young
Ms Barbara Young
Aghold Church (Tullow Group)
All Saints Raheny
Ardrahan Parish Co Galway
Askeaton Parish
Athy Union
Athlone Union of Parishes
Aughrim Parish Co Galway
Baltinglass Group of Parishes 182.14
Billis Parish Church
Bunclody Union of Parishes
Calary Parish
Castleknock & Mulhuddart with Clonsilla 1000.00
Castlecomer Parish Church
Celbridge & Straffan Parish
Christ Church Bray
Christ Church Delgany
Christ Church Fermoy
Christ Church with Mariners 300.00
Christ Church Leeson Park
Christ Church Cathedral
Clondalkin & Rathcoole Parish 600.00
Clontarf Parish
Cloughjordan Group of Parishes 350.00
Cloydagh Parish
Cloyne Cathedral
Clonagoose Parish
Clontibret Parish Church
Convoy Parish Stewart
Donegal Group of Parishes
Donabate & Lusk
Donoughmore & Donard Parish Dorrha Parish
Drumcondra & North Strand
Dunganstown Union of Parishes Dunleckney Group of Parishes Dunboyne Union of Parishes
Enniscorthy/Monart Union
Fiddown Union of Parishes
Holy Trinity Church Frankfield Cork
Heynestown Union (St. Paul’s) Holy Trinity Ballisodare &
St Pauls Collooney Holy Trinity Killiney
Howth Parish
Inch Parish
Inver & Mountcharles
Kells Union
Kilbride & Powerscourt
Kilbride Parish (St Brigid’s) Kilcolman Union Kerry
Kilcooley Union & Fertagh Group Kill-O-The-Grange Parish
Killarney Union of Parishes Killiskey
Kilmore Diocesan Committee
Kilternan Parish
Kilcummin Parish Church
Kilsaran Union
Kilnamanagh & Kilmuckbridge Kingscourt Union
Kinneigh Union
Kinsale Union of Parishes
2 x 50
1 x 250
1 x 1000
1 x 7000
1 x 100
1 x 260
1 x 2000
1 x 10000
1 x 150
1 x 375
1 x 5000
1 x 80000
Anon via Matheson Ormsby Prentice 1 x 5000
Anon via Matheson Ormsby Prentice 1 x 5000
Misses E & K Symmonds
Mrs L Hugentobler
Mrs K Kirkpatrick
Miss M Grattan
Mrs MJR McK Tuthill
Mrs C Evans
Mrs M Maconchy
Ms Olive Richardson
Mrs ME Gray
Miss C Golding
Mrs IE Porter
Malahide, Portmarnock & St. Doulagh 500.00
Mallow Union of Parishes
Methodist Centenary Church
Mountmellick Group
Mullingar Union of Parishes 500.00
Navan Union of Parishes
Nenagh Union of Parishes
Newcastle/Newtownmountkennedy 117.00
Newcastle-Lyons Parish
Portarlington & Monasterevin Union 350.00
Rathdowney Union of Parishes 100.00
Rathdrum & Derralossary
Rathmichael Parish
Rathmines with Harold’s Cross 3000.00
Roscrea Group of Parishes
Sandford Parish
Santry Parish
Shillelagh Church Wicklow
St. Ann’s
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Bray 100.00
St. Bartholomew’s Church
St. Brendan’s Church - Birr 462.00
St. Canice’s Church Finglas
St. Columba’s Church Tullow 100.00
St. George’s Parish
St. George & St. Thomas Parish 200.00
St. James Church Crinken
St. Johns Cathedral Sligo
St. John The Baptist Church Midleton 300.00
St. John The Evangelist Coolock 660.00
St. John’s Church Cloughlea 1000.00
St. Johns Church Ballinasloe 200.00
St. Jude’s & St. Laurence’s Parish 100.00
St. Mary’s Church Crumlin
St. Mary’s Rathvilly
St. Mary’s Church Blessington 100.00
St. Mary’s Cathedral Tuam
St. Mary’s Church New Ross
St. Mary’s Moate
St. Matthias Church Killiney
St. Patrick’s Cathedral
St. Patrick’s Church Dalkey 900.00
St. Paul’s Glenageary
St. Philips Church Milltown 250.00
St. Peter’s Church Killaghtee 250.00
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Killala 155.70
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Group 300.00
St. Patrick’s Greystones
St. Philip & St. James Booterstown 3800.00
St. Saviours Church Arklow
St. Thomas’s Mount Merrion 1500.00
Swords Clonmethan Killsallaghan 250.00
Taney Parish
Templebreedy Parish Crosshaven 500.00
Timolin & Narraghmore Parish 185.00
Tullow Group of Parishes
Tullamore Union
Turlough Parish Westport Group 220.00
Virginia Group of Parishes
Wexford & Kilsoran Union 500.00
Whitechurch Parish
Wicklow Parish Church
Woodlawn Parish Co Galway
Zion Parish
In memory of Olga Dooly
In memory of Janet Cole
Mary McDowell
In memory of Ethel Darlington
Norman & Agnes Lewis
Collected at funeral
In memory of Alice Campbell
Alan J. Campbell
In memory of Robert & Georgina Graham
Alan Graham
The Most Revd. Dr. Michael Jackson, Archbishop of Dublin.
Chairman: Arthur Vincent. Vice Chairman: George Good.
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer: Trevor Watkins.
Mrs. Audrey Craven, Mrs. Barbara Davis, Terence Forsyth, Cecil Geelan,
Revd. David Gillespie, Mrs. Yvonne Good, Ivor Moloney, Robert Neill,
David Pierce, Brian Ranalow, Graham Richards.
Chief Executive: Robin George.
Ormsby & Rhodes, Dublin 2.
AIB Bank, 40-42 Ranelagh, Dublin 6.
Ulster Bank, George’s Quay,
Dublin 2.
Incorporating the 175th
Anniversary Review
(1836 - 2011)
74 Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4.
Tel: (01) 668 4298. Fax: 01 660 3292.
Email: [email protected]