Fall 1988 - Cleveland Institute of Art


Fall 1988 - Cleveland Institute of Art
VOL. 21, NO. 4 FALL, 1988
Introducing Roger DesRosiers
Bidding Farewell to Joe McCullough
Around The Institute:
Class of '38 Reunites
Schreckengost/Bates Winners
FHonor Roll of Donors, 1987-88
Faculty & Staff Notes
Alumni Notes
Cover photo, and photo on left inside front cover, and photo on page 19, are by
Robert Muller. Photos on pages 4, 5, 6, 7 (bottom), 8, 9, 10, 11, and back cover are
by Paul Nickels. Other photos w e r e provided by the artists, and photo on page 3
is by Herb Weitman, Washington University.
LINK is published four times a year by the Cleveland Institute of A r t , 11141 East
Boulevard, University C i r c l e , C l e v e l a n d , O h i o 44106.
Paul J . Nickels, Editor
Georgianne Wanous, Director of A l u m n i Relations
Cheryl Overby '85, Layout Artist
Typesetting and production, Schaefer Printing C o .
©Copyright 1988, T h e Cleveland Institute of Art
Articles, letters, and captioned black and white photographs are w e l c o m e d for
inclusion in LINK. As much unsolicited material will be published as space and
the editor's discretion allow. Deadline for the next issue is November 11, 1988.
Send material to LINK, Cleveland Institute of Art, 11141 East Boulevard, University
Circle, Cleveland, O h i o 44106.
The Institute admits students without reference to race, color, c r e e d , handicaps,
sex, or national origin.
A Note to LINK Readers:
The Alumni Office at the Cleveland Institute
of Art is in the process of converting the Institute's mailing list to a computer-label format.
Please send any changes or corrections to the
attention of Georgianne Wanous at the Institute. This includes anyone w h o receives two
copies of Institute mailings. Thank you for
your patience!
This image was shot by Robert Muller
at the August alumni party for
Joe M c C u l l o u g h , and printed for
LINK by Paul Nickels.
Roger DesRosiers (deeROHzhur)
on September
1, 1988.
the seventh
of the Cleveland
of Art
CIA Enters the DesRosiers Era
by Paul Nickels
Roger DesRosiers, a painter, printmaker, and art educator who most recently served as dean of the School of
Fine Arts at Washington University in St.
Louis, is the seventh president of the
Cleveland Institute of Art. His selection,
announced by the Institute late in July,
capped a national search that produced
over 50 applicants, from which a dozen
were culled and brought to the Institute
for extensive interviews. DesRosiers
was the unanimous choice of a Search
Committee that included trustees,
alumni, and faculty.
In announcing the choice of DesRosiers, Institute Board Chairman Harvey
C. Oppmann noted that "the Search
Committee performed admirably in addressing a very demanding task. I am
very pleased with the choice we have
made, and am certain that Mr. DesRosiers will capably usher the Institute
into a new era."
Bidding a Fond Farewell to Joseph
by Paul Nickels
Joe McCullough is now retired, but if
the outpouring of emotion, nostalgia,
and good will exhibited at the several
"goodbye" events held in his honor
over the past few months is any indication, he won't soon be forgotten.
McCullough, who took a sabbatical of
some 36 years from his career as a
painter to manage the affairs of the
Cleveland Institute of Art, is now back
in the studio, but before he left, he was
honored and feted by, on separate occasions, faculty, staff, alumni, trustees, advisory board members, and friends of
the school he had guided so successfully.
Capping the honors was a presentation made by Board Chairman Harvey
G. Oppmann at his home during the
course of retirement party number one,
held at Oppmann's house on June 10
and attended by various faculty, staff,
trustees, and friends. Midway through
the party, Oppmann assembled those
on hand under a tent in his yard and announced that from that day forward, by
action of the Board of Trustees, the Institute's Factory building would have a
name—the Joseph McCullough Center
for the Visual Arts. It was a fitting tribute
to a man whose vision for the future of
the school caused the Factory—The
McCullough Center, rather—to become
The announcement brought gasps of
pleasure and surprise from the assemblage, and after a few moments of
shock, a humble approval from Joseph
Following the Oppmann party, on July
6, a private birthday party was held for
McCullough at the Institute that included all staff members. He was presented with a Mondrian-styled cake and
a photo of the entire staff gathered on
the steps of the sculpture garden at the
East Boulevard building.
A final event—an alumni party to
which all graduates of the school were
invited—was held on August 18 and
drew alumni from as far away as Florida
and North Carolina. More than 200 were
on hand and the evening ended with a
release of balloons into the fading evening light.
McCullough, visibly moved on occasion by the heartfelt sentiments expressed by members of all the Institute's constituencies, handled the
affairs with dignity and aplomb, and his
copies of the Institute's
ever-present sense of humor. At a bash
held at American Greetings that included the firm's chairman, Irving I.
Stone, and some of the forty-plus AG
employees who are Institute graduates,
he quipped that he was ready to "move
from Who's Who to 'who's he?'"
Following are excerpts from the
history at the Alumni
speech delivered by Harvey Oppmann
at the June 10 party:
Upon the Retirement of
June, 1988
Let me begin by stating the obvious:
Joe McCullough can retire but he can't
This quiet-spoken gentleman is as
much a part of us as the Institute's
name. Think about it: In the 106 years of
the Cleveland Institute of Art, no Director has served as long as Joe has—33
Joe McCullough broke ground for the
East Boulevard building when we
moved from our old Juniper Road building. And he broke ground over a quarter century later when we rebuilt the
stunning Eactory.
Joe McCullough's name is on more
Cleveland Institute of Art diplomas than
that of all of our other directors combined. It is the Cleveland Institute of Art
of Joe McCullough—his reasoned, good
natured determination, his vision of the
vital place of the arts in culture and industry—that thousands of graduates
carry throughout their careers and
throughout the world.
It is Joe McCullough who gained
Cleveland Institute of Art accreditation,
by expanding our curriculum to include more academic study.
Itwasjoe McCullough who more than
doubled the student body, from 235 students a year to over 500.
It was Joe McCullough who launched
our international programs first in Eacoste in the south of Erance in 1980, and
later programs in Elorence, Barcelona,
and Osaka, Japan.
Itwas under Joe McCullough's leadership that endowment funds increased
from $1.2 million to over $12 million.
And he launched the Institute's successful—and unprecedented—$8 million campaign during our centennial in
But there is another way which Joe is
so much of the soul of this institute.
Since its founding in 1882, this art
school has played an unusual role in
this industrial city. Before there was an
Art Museum, there was only the Art
School—as the Institute of Art was then
known—to sustain and nurture the fine
It is not far wrong to say that this
school taught a hustling, burly city,
which relished its industrial prowess,
about the joys of the arts.
At the least, the founders and first
leaders of what was originally called the
Western Reserve School of Design for
Women provided a sanctuary where the
arts could thrive.
This school reflects Cleveland. Its fine
arts curriculum mirrors the city's enthusiasm and love for each of the fine a r t s painting, sculpture, metal working,
ceramics, jewelry and glass blowing.
As important, the Institute of Art's
program in applied arts and industrial
design is the complement to Cleveland's business and industry.
Above, cutting birthday
Oppmann party.
cake at a staff party;
with wife Elizabeth
and friends
at the
Board Chairman
the McCullough
below, Joe's first
By training craftsmen in wood, metal,
clay, plaster, glass and fiber, the Institute
of Art has been a partner with Cleveland, providing the talented men and
women who have nurtured its business
and industry.
And, as much as the Institute of Art
mirrors Cleveland, Joe McCullough embodies this same pairing of the artistic
and the applied.
He is a painter of national stature. His
works are in the collections of the
Cleveland Museum of Art, the Dayton
Art Institute and Syracuse University,
among other public and private collections.
His paintings have been exhibited
across the country—from New York, to
Delaware to Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana to Kansas and California.
He has been honored and feted and
applauded ever since he graduated
from the Cleveland Institute of Art in
1948. For most of those years, we too
basked in the reflected glow of his
And, as an educator and administrator, he has strengthened this school in
its mission immeasurably—from the
broadened course curriculum, to its
core academic subjects to the doubling
in space we now have at the Factory.
I would be remiss if I did not express
appreciation for all of the outstanding
and supportive efforts Elizabeth McCullough has so generously and willingly
given. Whether it was hostessing
trustee functions, attending numerous
faculty and student art shows, visiting
foreign schools, or poaching a seemingly unending supply of Joe's salmons,
that so many of us have been fortunate
to savor, Elizabeth has always been
there when the Institute needed her.
It's important to remember that while
Elizabeth was doing so much for us, she
was also raising a family and pursuing
her own career as an educator. She has
taught for thirty-six years, the past
twenty-five as a distinguished member
of the faculty at Hawken School. On a
wall near where Elizabeth teaches fifth
grade hangs the school motto and it
reads: "That each generation introduce
its successor to a higher plane of life."
Between themselves as a couple, the
McCullough's have given over seventy
years to educating this city's young men
and women. Elizabeth and Joe have
made their own individual sacrifices so
that each class and each generation
would be able to reach that higher
plane. Elizabeth, we thank you for all of
the support and love you have given.
And now it is our turn to honor Joe
But how do you honor this singular
man, this artist, teacher and builder?
How do we honor him in ways his name
and contributions shall be with us always?
the other painters: Above, with Richard Anuszkiewicz
presidency; below, with Joseph O'Sickey
'53 at his Distinguished
on the final day of his
Two weeks ago, at the graduation of
the Class of 1988, the first winner of the
Joseph McCullough scholarship in excellence in the undergraduate field of
painting was awarded. It is a permanent
scholarship which will stand in perpetuity as a memorial to Joe's excellent vision for the Institute.
Joe, there really is no adequate way to
thank you. But maybe we can give you
and future generations of Institute of
Art students some sense of what you've
done for us.
Joe, it gives me and the board of trustees of the Cleveland Institute of Art
great pleasure to announce this evening
that the Factory is longer the Factory.
Henceforth it will carry your name—
The Joseph McCullough Center For The
Visual Arts, of the Cleveland Institute
of Art.
Thank you, Joe. We wish you all the
best in the next phase of what will continue to be an active career. You may be
doing more painting, flyfishing and bird
watching, but no matter what you do,
you'll still be with us.
Richard Anuszkiewicz
'53 returned
to the Institute
Class of 1938 Returns
To Celebrate 50 Years
Remember...the Cleveland Institute
of Art, then the Cleveland School of Art,
from its beginning until the late 1950s,
had very active fraternities, with all of
the regular fraternity activities such as
rush week, hell night and the like?
Remember...Henry Hunt Clark, Director of the Cleveland School of Art,
purchased uniforms for the basketball
team that represented the school during the 1930s.
Remember...you could earn a "letter" in sports at the Cleveland School of
Art—a large blue "A" to enhance a white
sweater with blue striping on the
These general facts, along with many
personal anecdotes, came to the Institute this past June when twenty-two
members of the Class of 1938 returned
to celebrate the 50th anniversary of
their graduation from the Art School!
The planning committee—local members of the class, Lucille Shaw Stuart,
Rosalyne Cenen Safier, Jim Modarelli,
and Charles Sallee, along with the
alumni office, put together a special
this fall as the 1988 Distinguished
three-day event for the group. Joining
them were Howard Summers, Fred
Vollman, Ruth Creighton Campbell,
John Spofford, Fois Ober Miller, Sanford Wallack, John Benninger, Matthew
Daniel, Anna Jean Chopp King, Furabel
Long Colburn, Anthony Fterovich,
Hugo DiZinno, Ruth Dunlap Yoshiwaza,
Ted Gorka, Wadsworth Hine, Josephine
Canning McCorkle, Constance LaReau
Bourdon, Alice Lauffer Lawrence, and
Anna Baker Body.
Dining, talking, touring, storytelling,
and celebrating 50 years of hard work,
many successes, some disappointments, and much happiness were the
order of the weekend. The highlights included a tour of the Joseph McCullough
Center for the Visual Arts (the former
Ford Factory); luncheon with two Art Institute favorites, Kenneth Bates and Viktor Schreckengost, and the Saturday
evening banquet. It is clear from their
biographies and their thank you notes
that the years spent at the Institute are
years that are treasured and remembered fondly and clearly!
NOTE: Reunion photos appear on
page 11 at the conclusion of the Honor
Roll of Donors insert.
He is shown
above with two of his newest
And The Winners A r e . . .
Alumni response to the 1987-88
Alumni Annual Fund was especially
gratifying this year. Most exceptional,
perhaps, was the enthusiasm generated
by the possibility of owning an original
Kenneth Bates enamel or a Viktor
Schreckengost watercolor. All donors to
the Fund at the $100 or more level had
the opportunity to do just that. Both
Viktor and Kenneth came to the Institute to draw the names of the lucky winners, and they are: Donald O'Leary '59
of Indiana, now the proud owner of the
Schreckengost watercolor; and Robert
O'Neil '55, who takes home the Bates
enamel. Both men, when contacted,
were overwhelmed by their good fortune!
As of this writing, they are hoping to
attend the Alumni party for Joe McCullough and personally escort their treasures home. We are most grateful to Mr.
Bates and Mr. Schreckengost for their
generosity. They have given together
over 100 years of time, talent, interest,
care, concern, and love to the Cleveland
Institute of Art. All Alumni thank them
for their many contributions.
Dear Friends and Alumni,
I have most excellent news to share with you regarding the 1987-88 Annual Giving
Program at the Cleveland Institute of Art. It begins with the fact that this year's report
runs twelve pages in length, rather than the traditional eight! Not only is the total
annual fund for the period ending June 30, 1988 above the million-dollar mark at
$1,024,444, but the increase was spearheaded by a whopping 288 percent increase in
Alumni contributions, with a corresponding rise of 135 percent in the number of
Alumni contributors.
This increase is due in large part to the fine work of Joan Nickerson Budai '62, who
volunteered to chair the Alumni Fund Committee and served as its leader for our first
Alumni Phon-A-Thon. Congratulations to her and to all those who served the committee. You can be very proud of what you have done.
Additionally, I want to extend sincere thanks and appreciation to those corporations, foundations, and friends of the Institute whose names appear on these pages.
As the Institute enters a new era under the leadership of its seventh president, Roger
I. DesRosiers, it is good to know that we continue to have your confidence.
Harvey G. Oppmann
Chairman, Board of Trustees
$2,500 +
The Brewer-Carrett Co.
Cleveland Institue of Art Women's
Mr. and Mrs. Harold K. Douthit
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Healey
Mr. and Mrs. Allen C. Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Ireland
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Krotlnger
The Murch Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey G. Oppmann
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Tullls
The S.K. Wellman Foundation
Mr. George P. Bickford
Mrs. Sevier A. Bonnie, Jr.
Louise Brown Foundation
Mrs. Noah L. Butkin
The Ellen Wade Chinn Charitable
Ernst & Whinney
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fallon
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Frost
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Gorman
Mrs. Dorothea Wright Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hauserman
Hausser + Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Horton
Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Owen Jones
Louis D. Kacalieff, M.D.
Mr. Ered A. Lennon
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lindseth
Mr. and Mrs. T. Dixon Long
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Milne
Multlcraft, Inc.
Mr. Creighton B. Murch
Mrs. Francis J . O'Neill
Panzica Construction Co.
Mrs. A. Dean Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rankin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander C. Scovil
The Sears Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Stirn
Mr. and Mrs. Irving I. Stone
Mr. Lockwood Thompson
Mrs. William Treuhaft
Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Vingos, Jr.
Those who contribute $1,000 to one or
more of the annual funds are awarded
membership to the Burchfield Society,
and are eligible for special privileges and
recognition, including private preview
receptions for the Institute's exhibitions,
a President's Quarterly Report, and an
annual dinner with the President and
Board of Trustees.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Brentlinger
Miss Helen E. Brown
Mr. Corning Chisholm
Mrs. Joseph C. Coakley
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Evans
Mrs. Pamela H. Firman
Mr. Joseph C. Glasgow, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Cunton
Mr. and Mrs. Frank I. Harding, III
Dr. and Mrs. Sibley W. Hoobler
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Kirkham
Dr. Theodore Klitzke
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis LaBarre
Victor C. Laughlin, M.D., Memorial
Mr. Peter B. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Mock
Mrs. James J. Rorimer
Mr. Jack T. Schlundt
Scrubbers Enterprises
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Seibert, IV
Dr Gerard Seltzer and Ms. Phyllis Seltzer
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Shiverick, Jr.
Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Foundation
The Stouffer Corporation Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson S. Talbott
Mr. and Mrs. Peter vanDijk
Dr. Daniel T. Weidenthal
Sustaining Members
Mr. Angelo Argentieri
Mr. Kenneth F. Bates
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Berick
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rees Davis
Mr. James N. Dietrich
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Eastwood
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Ferbert
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Ferrer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Files
Mrs. George W. Foley
Mr. and Mrs. William German
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. GInn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gridley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Cries
Mr. and Mrs. Newman T. Halvorson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hornung
Mr. Lloyd D. Hunter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Ingalls
The Honorable Frank J. Lausche
Mr. David G . Leach
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Lissauer
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Lutz
M.S.M. Supply
Meritech, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey O. Mierke
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Moore
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Oldenburg
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Osborne, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Perelman
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin
Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Ratner
Mr. Robert Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. John Sherwin
Mrs. Alfred Soltz
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Taft
Mr. and Mrs. R.G. VerMerris
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Wasmer
Mr. and Mrs. Rollin H. White III
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Whiting
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Wolde
Mrs. Odette Wurzburger
Mrs. Justin C . Zverina
Supporting Members
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley I. Adelstein
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Adier
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Alspaugh
Ms. Jean Appleby and Mr. David
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Arter, Jr.
Mrs. Charles T. Baldanza
Dr. and Mrs. Lester A. Ballard, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Randall J. Barbato
Mrs. Raymond W. Barker
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Bennett III
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bergsten
Ms. Bernice A. Boiek
Mrs. Jane M. Bourne
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bowen
Mrs. Robert M. Boyd
Mr. William L. Calfee
Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Cockayne
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Conway
Mr. George B. Coombe
Dr. and Mrs. Delos M. Cosgrove, III
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Dalton
Mrs. John B. Dempsey
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Devine
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dickinson
Mr. and Mrs. Roland W. Donnem
Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Fmeny
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver F. Emerson
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Everett
Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Farr, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Feldman
Dr. Marvin A. Feldstein
Mr. Carl Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. C. Henry Foltz
Forest City Enterprises, Inc.
Ms. Bernice R. France
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Calvin
Mrs. Eleanor Cerson
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C . Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Gill
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ginn
Mrs. George Goulder
Mrs. Barbara G. Criesinger
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Grund
Mrs. John A. Hadden
Mrs. Edwin P. Hale
Mr. and Mrs. Crawford T. Harvie
Mr. and Mrs. Willard C. Hirsh, II
Edward Howard and Co.
Mrs. Gene C. Hutchinson
Mrs. Howard L. Hyde
Dr. and Mrs. Scott R. Inkley
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. B. Irish
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jagow
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore T. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney D. Josephs
Mrs. Henri Pell Junod
Karas Trucking Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Kelthley
Mr. and Mrs. W. Griffin King, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Robert Klein
Mr. Hayden B. Kline
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Krump
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Lamport
Mrs. Fmile A. LeCros
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram H. Lefkowich
Mrs. T. D. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Little
Ms. Sandra J. LIttman
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Manuel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Manuel
Mrs. Robert H. McCrath
Mr. and Mrs. S. Sterling McMillan
Mr. and Mrs. S. Sterling McMillan III
Mrs. John P. McWilliams
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Meisel
Mrs. David T. Morgenthaler
Mrs. J. Howard Morris
Mr. and Mrs. David Myers
Mrs. Lucia S. Nash
Mrs. Richard P. Nash
Mr. and Mrs. John Newell
Mrs. Edward Oberndorf
Mrs. James M. Osborne
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Patton
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer I. Pauli
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Pease
Mrs. Heaton Pennington
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Prentice
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Reavis
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. B. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Leighton A. Rosenthal
Dr. and Mrs. Norman Roulet
Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. Ruhlman
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Saks
Mr. and Mrs. Roger B. Salomon
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Salva
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Schaefer
A. Benedict Schneider, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Schroeder, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fllery Sedgwick
Mrs. James N. Sherwin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sherwin
Mrs. H. N. Stevens
Mrs. Richard F. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Chilton Thomson
Mrs. Chester D. Tripp
Dr. Evan Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J . Vitou
Mr. James S. Wattenmaker
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Watterson
Mr. and Mrs. Ridley Watts, Jr.
The Raymond John Wean Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Webster
Mrs. Carmel B. Whiting
Mr. and Mrs. Max R. Wohl
Mr. and Mrs. Heinz K. Wolf
Mr. Alan D. Wright
Miss Frances S. Zverina
Participating Members
Mrs. B. Charles Ames
Mrs. W. Raymond Barney
Mrs. Harvey N. Barrett, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Barry
Mrs. Robert B. BIyth
Mrs. Richard Boonstra
Ms. Elizabeth Breckenridge
Ms. Debra L. Brown
Mrs. Percy W. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Webb Chamberlain
Mrs. Charles F. Chapman
Mrs. Robert M. Clements
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Clough
Mrs. J. K. Cozier
Mrs. Willis B. Crane
Mr. Robert R. Cull
Mrs. D'Arnold Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. deConingh
Mr. and Mrs. Edward deConingh, Jr.
The Robert B. and Jeanne B. DentonNelson Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Dieckmann
Mr. and Mrs. William Donley
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Druckenbrod
Mrs. John W. Dunning
Mr. Paul L. Eden
Mrs. Howard P. Eells, Jr.
Ms. Wilma McVey Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Floyd
Forest City Enterprises
Ms. Mariellen Frank
Jane Frankel Interiors
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Gerber
Mr. and Mrs. S. Wynn Goodman
Mr. Andrew Green
Ms. Judy Green
Mr. Bruce Griswold
Mr. James C. Gruener
Dr. and Mrs. G.F. Gustafson
Mrs. Walter M. Halle
Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan H. Harwin
Mr. and Mrs. Ben M. Hauserman
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Herndon
Mr. and Mrs. John Hildt
Mr. Tom Hinson and Ms. Diane Tittle
Mrs. Lawrence Hitchcock
Mrs. J. Howard Holan
Mr. Harry W. Hosford
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hostetler
Mrs. Laura A. Hugus
Mrs. George M. Humphrey, II
Development Corp. For Israel Cleveland
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Jack, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Jacobsen
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks M. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C . Jontzen
Mrs. George F. Karch
Ms. Ursula Korneitchouk
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Lenkoski
Mr. Gordon G. Long
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mattie
Mrs. Frank V. Mavec
Mrs. Edward L. Meister, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Morse
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Orlean
Ms. Beverly J. Page
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Pavlik, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Quigley
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. Alan G. Rorick
Mrs. R. T. Sawyer, Jr.
Dr. William C. Schumann
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Shafran
Mrs. H. James Sheedy
Mr. Ben J. Shouse
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. SIhler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Sloan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis F. Smolik
Mr. Eugene Stevens
Mrs. William S. Stewart
Mr. Stanley Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Strawbrldge
Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson M. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Maynard F. Thomson
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Todd
Ms. Eleanor F. VisconsI
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel K. Walzer
Dr. and Mrs. Carter C. T. Wang
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Weir
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Weston
Miss Marjorie Whitcomb
Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. White, Jr.
Mrs. Alfred L.W. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Adams
Ms. Mary Jane Adams
Mrs. Marie Agee
Mrs. Robert S. Albrecht
Mrs. Walter A. Bates
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Bell
Mrs. William H. Bemis
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Benkendorff
Mrs. W.C. Bergstrom
Mrs. Saul S. Biskind
Mrs. C. W. Bliss
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Borstein
Mrs. Louis Bosa
Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Brownell
Mr. and Mrs. Clark F. Bruner
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Bruner, II
Mrs. Patricia Burgan
Mrs. John Justin Carr
Carroll Painters Co.
Mrs. Anthony J. Celebrezze
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Chamberlin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Avery S. Cohen
Mr. William C. Collins
Mr. James I. W. Corcoran
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Coy
Mr. Marion Cox
Mrs. David A. Daberko
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Danforth
Mr. and Mrs. Milton T. Daus
Mr. John R. Davies
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Demilta
Mrs. Ralph Dettelbach
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Dougan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Fakin
Mrs. Harold Fnsten
Dr. and Mrs. Caldwell B. Fsselstyn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J . Felber
Ms. Beth M. Fitzgibbons
Mrs. Phoebe Flory
Mr. and Mrs. Holstein D. Fox, Jr.
Mrs. Bernard Freed
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Friedman
Mr. John Fulton
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cabinet
Mrs. Irene H. Ganger
Miss Gladys B. Goetz
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Goldsmith
Ms. Charlotte Z. Could
Mr. Albert J. Grossman
Dr. and Mrs. William R. Hallaran
Dr. and Mrs. Russell Hardy
Mrs. H. Stuart Harrison
Mrs. Robert R. Hartson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Harvey
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Haynes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hickox
Ms. Margaret A. Hoffmann
Mrs. Stephen W. Hoover
Mrs. Ben F. Hopkins, Jr.
Mrs. Dorothy Humel Hovorka
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Hoynes
Mr. and Mrs. A. J . Ingley
Mrs. Lois L. Janner
Mrs. Louise L. Jansen
Mr. William Martin Jean
Mrs. F. T. Jeffery
Mrs. Phyllis D. Jones
Mrs. Helen Kangesser
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kaufman
Mrs. John W. Kelly
Mrs. Arthur J. Kessler
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kippen
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klestadt
Mrs. Robert B. Krupansky
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Fader
Miss Dorcas F. Langworthy
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lavitt
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Lenhart
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. Loughrldge
Mr. and Mrs. F.L. Ludvjgsen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Lurle
Ms. Helen Baldwin Lybarger
Mr. Willard O. Manbeck
Mrs. L.S. Mann
Mr. John R. Mannix
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Marcus
Mrs. Bernard Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. McCombs
Mr. and Mrs. Warren McCullough
Mrs. Wilbert McCaw
Mrs. Marie A. Mellen
Mr. Donald W. Milestone
Mrs. John S. Millis
Mr. and Mrs. F.R. Motch III
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Neubecker
Mr. Norman D. Nichol
Mrs. John H. Nichols
Mrs. Sanford B. Noll
Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parkman
Ms. Elizabeth Pastor
Dr. and Mrs. Norman L. Pearl
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Pejeau
Ms. Landra W. Phares
Mr. and Mrs. Willard C. PIstler
Mrs. Flo Pollack
Mrs. Lewis Polster
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Rawson, Sr.
Mr. David K. Ream
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander C. Reed
Dr. and Mrs. Hyatt Reitman
Dr. and Mrs. James L. Reycraft
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Rosenbaum
Mrs. John H. Ross
Mr. Klaus C . Roy
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney D. Salkin
Miss Ella A. Schrock
Ms. Laura V. Shapero
Dr. and Mrs. David Sholiton
Mr. Harold G . Shrive
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Silverman
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smaglik
Miss Isabel Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Stashower
Mrs. Gary H. Stein
Mr. Morton J . Stone
Mrs. Sam G. Stubbins
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Sullivan
Drs. Harris & Diana Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Ted J. Theodore
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Treadway
Ms. Grace F. Trnka
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas T. Victor
Miss Ida Waldman
Professor Helen A. Weinberg
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Weiner
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weisberg
Mrs. Helen G. Wiese
Ms. Kay S. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wolf
Mr. Edward F. Worthington
Mrs. Janet Yost
Mrs. Richard Ziesing
Mr. and Mrs. H. Arthur Zimmerman
Mrs. Roger A. Zucker
Mr. and Mrs. H. Burnham Allport in
memory of Lillian Wilkens '27
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Badal in memory
of Kay Chilcote
Mr. Edmund Brucker '34 in memory of
Marcelline Spencer Brucker
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fallon in memory of
Thomas Paisley
Mrs. Harriet S. Hetman '34 in memory of
Harry H. Hetman '34
Mrs. Katherine Gruener Lange '33 in
memory of Lee Lange Rann
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lindseth in memory
of Mrs. Robert (Marjorie) Morris
Ms. Miriam Naida Polster '31 in memory
of Pearl Benjamin
Mr. Melvin S. Rubin In memory of joe
The Joseph J. Salva Family in memory of
Mark A. Salva '84
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Sheinbart in
memory of Susan LIpman
Mrs. Albert G. Sobo in memory of Albert
Sobo '49
Mrs. T. L. Thurber In memory of Marion
Contributions were made from July 1,
1987- June 30, 1988, to the
following established memorial funds;
Vonna Hicks Adrian
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Dunn
Toby R. Eleff and Michael Eleff, M.D.
Ms. Florence C. Marsh
Ms. Doris M. Williams
jerome Aidlin
Mrs. Myrna L. Aidlin
Mrs. Samuel S. Aidlin
Mr. James Mazurkiewicz '67
Mark Sudduth '83
Blanche Vanis '58
Mr. Alan D. Wright
Helen Townsend Black 18
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Flanders
Gara Graham
John D. and Marilyn May
Paul and Mollie McKisson
Mr. and Mrs. Lauritis Nilsen
Mr. and Mrs. Lorin C. Pim
Ms. Jean C . Sawyer
Mr. Waring G. Smith
Ms. Lilian St. John
Floyd Chaney '30
Mrs. Elizabeth F. Chaney
George Miller
Mr. Gerald D. Facciani and Ms. Andrea
M. Facciani
Mrs. Bernardine Silberman
Paul Callo
Mr. Norman C. Treadon
Ralph Marshall
Ms. Myrna Tatar '62
Dorothy Rutka Porter '29
Mrs. W. Raymond Barney
Playhouse Gallery
Paul Riba '36
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Weil
Joyce Seid '77
Ms. Virginia Jacobs
Ms. Eva K. Fisenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Seid
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Wengel
Daniel F. Straffon
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Straffon
Wenda von Weise
Ms. Bonnie B. Dumlao '63
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Fowlkes
Mr. and Mrs. W. Griffin King, Jr.
Ms. Donna vanDijk '78
Mr. Charles W. von Weise
Mary Lynn Horth '82
Ms. Frances Alt
Mr. Christopher Greer Axelrod
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Bell, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth BIggar
Mr. and Mrs. James BIggar
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Conrad
Mr. and Mrs. William Conway
Mr. Theodore Farinacci and
Ms. Marilyn Farinacci '82
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Ferguson
Ms. Martha L. Fulton
Mr. and Mrs. John Cherlen
Mr. Alexander Ginn
P.S. and W E . Gunton
Mr. and Mrs. J. Mylan Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hassett
Kenneth W. Horth
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Huffaker
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Laskey
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lafave
Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard Little
Ms. Nancy B. McCormack
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. McCreery
Mr. and Mrs. Dale T. Musselmann
National City Bank/Solon Office
Mrs. Robert Oswald
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pfeiffer
Ms. Karen Horth Powers and The Horth
Family of Indianapolis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pugsley
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Weden O. Spence
Dr. and Mrs. William Squires
Ms. Alexandra R. Taylor
Mr. Alexander S. Taylor
Mr. W. Hayden Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Wilson
Ms. Mary Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Wynne
Mr. and Mrs. John Young
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ziegler
American Greetings
Peter Bramhall '70
Harshaw Filtrol
Mr. J. Hoffman
Marsh & McLennan, Inc.
Multlcraft, Inc.
Noble Photo and Art Supply Company
Pentagon Gallery
Rubbermaid Incorporated
Schaefer Printing Company
The Wood Trader
American Creet/'ngs-Departmental
support/Career Planning and
Ms. Elizabeth Breckenridge—Support
the Sheila Bills Retirement Fund
The Brown Foundation—Support
Lacoste Program
Ms. Sharon DiVe//—Support of the Sheila
Bills Retirement Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Doering—\n
support of a student
Ms. Helen W. Drutt—Contribution to
jewelry exhibition held at the
Cleveland Institute of Art
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Ferrer—\n
support of a student project
Ford Motor Company—Departmental
support/Industrial Design
General Motors Foundation—
Departmental support/Industrial
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Cibson—\n
support of a student project
Mr. John L. Goldman—Support of the
Cleveland Cinematheque
The George Gund
of the Cleveland Cinematheque
Mary W. Harriman
of Lacoste Program
Ms. Hon-Mei Ishida—Support of the
Sheila Bills Retirement Fund
Mr. Lloyd D. Hunter—Support of the
Cleveland Cinematheque
Martha Holden Jennings
FoundationSupport for the Cuyahoga Regional
Scholastic Art Exhibition
Kulas Foundation—Student
Season Ticket
Fund in the Musical Arts
Mrs. Elmer Linc/seth—Furnishings for the
faculty lounge/Factory
Mr. James A. Nelson—Support of the
Cleveland Cinematheque
Ohio Arts Council—Support of the
Cleveland Cinematheque
Ms. Mary K. Perelman—Support of the
Sheila Bills Retirement Fund
Progressive Companies—Support
Lacoste Program
Rubbermaid /ncorporated—Departmental
support/Industrial Design
Mr. Morris S. Stone and Ms. Maxeen
Stone '76—Departmental support/
Stop-N-Sbop Super Markets—Support of
the Cleveland Cinematheque
American Greetings
BP America
Roberta Holden Bole Scholarship Fund
Cleveland Art Association
The Cleveland Foundation
Caroline E. Colt Fund Scholarship
Isaac C. Goff Fund
Cleveland Society of Poles
George W. Codrington Charitable
Ford Motor Company
The Harry K. Fox and Emma R. Fox
Charitable Foundation
General Motors Corporation
Gilpin Scholarships/Karamu House
The Hankins Foundation
The John Huntington Fund for Education
The Laub Foundation
The Lubrizol Foundation
Grace Harmon Mather Scholarship Fund
Georgia Norton Scholarship Fund
Ohio Bell
Ms. Wanda Pizzini
Horace Potter Scholarship Fund
Ranney Scholarship Fund
Reliance Electric
Thomas H. White Chariable Trust
The following is a partial listing of the
permanent scholarship funds established
at the Institute over the past fifty years:
Jerome Aidlin Memorial Fund
George G. Adomeit Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Baldanza Fund
Pauline Graver Biskind Fund
Eastman-Bolton Scholarship Fund
Clara Rust Brigham Scholarship Fund
Dorothy F. Buscher Scholarship Fund
Bernice and David F. Davis Tuition Fund
Mrs. Nancy H. Dunn Memorial Fund
GAR Foundation Fund
Gallery Group Scholarship Fund
Paul B. Gallo Memorial Scholarship Fund
Greysmith Fund
Agnes Gund Traveling Scholarship Fund
George Gund Fund
Dorothea Wright Hamilton Fund
Albert S. Ingalls, Jr. Memorial Fund
Pauline K. Junke Fund
Frances Kaufman Scholarship Fund
Frances W. & H. Jack Lang Scholarship
William Mathewson Mllliken Scholarship
Charles Mosgo Fund
Alfred H. Narwold Memorial Scholarship
Erwin J. Pauli Memorial Scholarship Fund
Helen Greene Perry Traveling
Scholarship Fund
Joyce Seid Memorial Fund Scholarship
Dorothy Rutka Porter Memorial Fund
Mira Creenough Robison Scholarship
FIsa Vick Shaw Memorial Fund
Rolf and Maria Stoll Memorial Fund
Daniel F. Straffon Memorial Fund
Priscilla Thompson Memorial Fund
Frances M. Trawick Scholarship Fund
Herbert A. White Memorial Fund
Frank Wilcox Memorial Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Frank I. Harding, III
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Perelman
Mr. and Mrs. Rollin H. White, III
Armstrong World Industries,
James J. Rellly '60
BF Goodrich
Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Carter
BP America
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Horton
Centerior Energy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ginn
Mr. and Mrs. Flmer Lindseth
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Tullis
Mr. Alan Wright
Maxus Energy Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Allen C. Holmes
The McGraw-Hill Foundation,
Joan F. O'Connor '61
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin, Jr.
National City Bank
Mr. Creighton B. Murch
New York Life Foundation
Mr. William C. Lutz
Ohio Bell
Donald R. Fruchey '46
Mr. Hayden B. Kline
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Patton
Mr. John Sweeney and Ms. Joy Praznik
Sweeney '58
Lucille M. Thwing '48
Mr. Norman C. Treadon
Potter and Mellen
Mr. Jack Schlundt
Mr. William Stearns '65
Ms. Blanche Vanis '58
Quaker Oats Foundation
Robert Fisher '75
Kenneth C. Foran '74
Gretchen K. Foran '73
Robert L. Houry '72
The Sherwin Williams Company
Mr. and Mrs. Allen C. Holmes
Chrysler Corporation
James Hackstedde '68
TRW Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Crawford T. Harvie
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Gorman
Collins & Aikman Corporation
Lorene C. Gates '76
The United States Gypsum
Steven Groner '71
CSX Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Roland W. Donnem
Frederick S. Upton Foundation
Benjamin M. Upton '78
Bonnie Plohr Upton '79
Eaton Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Gill
The Equitable Assurance Society of the
United States
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lindseth
Ford Motor Company
Robert L. Barnes '68
William F. Borden '66
Clidden Company
Ms. Bernice A. BoIek
Ronald H. Walsh '53
Gulf and Western
Jonathan L. Goldman
Harris Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Tullis
The Higbee Company
Robert A. Morgan '65
IBM Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Webster
Johnson & Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Bergsten
Marsh & McLennan, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Ferrer
The May Stores Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Cockayne
Ms. Jean Appleby—Student
Mr. Paul DMto—Student
CIA Faculty—Student Independent Show
CIA Student
Independent Show
M. Grumbacher, /nc—Student
independent Show
Mike McGarry & Sons, /nc—Student
Independent Show
Ms. Sharon Guidotti Place '80—Fiber
Mr. Don Harvey—Student Independent
Mr. Mark C. Schwartz—Student
Independent Show
Ms. Sylvia Ullman and Ms. Marilyn
Bialosky—Student Independent Show
Ms. Sue Wall—Award tor Cuyahoga
Regional Scholastic Art Exhibition
THE 1987-88
Nola M. Rearick
Katharine B. Eckert Studer
Juanita Schoepfle Sheflee
Carrie Louise Kaiser Spence
Irma Fischer Horesh
Mildred F. Moersh
Edna Mueller
Baird Martin
Mildred Williams Woodell
Harold C . Griffith *
Helen Upp Hunt
Anne Fluckey Lindseth
Marjorie B. Leedy Mutersbaugh
Clarence Holbrook Carter
Walter Duane Harmon
Yetta Schiffman Katz
Mary Frackelton Vail
Frances Murray Bracy
William S. Ciliberti
Constance Smith Corfield
Dorothy Hoover Downs
Jean Elizabeth Saeltzer Simms
Grace F. Stelnmetz
Catherine Brasted Edwards
Carolyn Haller Frzer
Genevieve Gleason Jyurovat *
Marian W. Kirsch
Muriel Hoffman Lehr • * t
Viktor Schreckengost ' *
Carabelle Monfort Stitt
Carol L. Hoffman Tildes
Annette MacNeil Watson *
Helen J. Whitacre
Helen Edith Hughes Wynn
Gertrude Kuivinen Allshouse
Fuller F. Bogard
James F. Brainerd
William A. Dolwick
Marshall Maynard Fredericks
Helen Bolly Herrick
Rebecca Nicodemus Kinney
Flmer L. Novotny
Emily Riddle Yeandle *
Russell B. Aitken **
Burton Harry Calllcott
Helen May Votypka Charek
Fdris Fckhardt
Betty Klug Field
Laurence B. Field
Elizabeth Clisby Jones **
Esther Jane Kime
Margaret E. Michael
Miriam Naida Coldstene Polster
Dorothy Oyster Stief
Mary Louise Hansen Ward
Margaret Selker Frank
Virginia Anderson King
Albert Parella
Virginia S. Russell
Betty Schwartz
Katherine Wagenhals Barth
Marion Witt Bogard
Marian Snow Busey
Elizabeth Clarke Dunlap
Jeanne N. Caither
Harold W. Hunsicker
Edna Overbeke Kluth
Katherine Gruener Lange **
Frank M. Little
Virginia F. Wilcox-Mackinnon
Bernice M. Skripps
Frances Mong Trawick **
Nancy Adams Bole
Edmund Brucker *
Robert F. Clark
Isobell Bauman Delbel
Ruth Richards Dunn
Harriet Safford Hetman
Ruth Sharff Rossman *
Alll Ritari Roysher
Hudson Roysher **
John W. Teyral
Ruth Christian Barber
Ruth Dewstoe Danis *
Peter Paul Dubaniewicz
Robert V. Fillous
Karl W. Firth
Mary Boughton Gibbons
Nelle Helligenthal
Henry L. Powers
Donald Schreckengost
James R. Shipley
Paul P. Tootlkian
Mona R. Becker
Rudolph F. Bundas
Jane Iglauer Fallon *•
Dolores L. Luckay
Alice Winter Sands
Marian Morris Vogt
Don R. Fckelberry
Virginia Nepodal Fckelberry
Alfred M. Fatica
Robert Rowe Paddock *
Louis A. Regalbuto
Wesley W. Segner
Leah Buros Sidon
Robert L. Tufts
John James Benninger **
Anna Baker Body
Ruth Creighton Campbell *
Lurabel Long Colburn
Matthew D. Daniel *
Anthony W. Fterovich *
Wadsworth C. Hine
Anna Jean Chopp King
Alice Lauffer Lawrence
Lois Ober Miller
James J. Modarelli •*
Rosalyn Cenen Safier
Lucille Shaw Stuart
Howard J . Summers
Fred A. Vollman
Sanford Wallack
Jack G. Wardley **
Ruth Dunlap Yoshizawa
Jeannette Ospeck Ahrens
George Beattie, Jr.
Oliver Boza
James T. Cable
Lorraine Ober Cochran
Maryalice Hermann Conkle
Bruce A. Gill
Martin L. Linsey
Woldemar Neufeld
Theodore Ornas, Jr.
Elizabeth Thatcher Oros
Joseph Oros **
Jane Parshall
Barbara Dennis Petrequin
Lois Schmitt Rettberg
Elizabeth Toth Strauss
John J . Sunley
Sue Radebaugh Anderson *
Frank Mellors Borth
John C. Dix
Virginia Kamps Gill
Marjorie Evans Goslee
Eva Trofimov Grube
Joan Alburn Hellman
John Paul Miller
Joseph B. O'Sickey
Bernard Pfriem *
Catherine D. Riegler
Melvin M. Rose
Vince VisconsI Vermes
Shirley Spitz Volper
Clyde Glenn Allen
Donald F. Allen
Jeanne Knobel Brodie
Robert W. Cochran
Jean Moodey Heffter
Anita Schulman Rogoff
Jason L. Schoener
Ruth G . Rees Suehr
Shirley Leavitt Koller
Howard James Schermerhorn
Dolores Brinker Sheehan
John Szilagyi
Virginia Filson Walsh
Charles J. Berger
June Adair Black
Roy F. Holes
Helen Kylin
Marjorie Kirkland Miles
Bernard C. Specht
Jeanette Bohdal
Ruth josephine Gedeon Boza
Charles W. Fdstrand
Harold Charles Kitner
Charles Lakofsky
Gloria Morgan Merkle
Mary Ann Weckman Scherr
Poni (Wanda Larson) Sundquist
Joseph D. Bulone
Mary Myczoski D'Anna
Betsy King Hope
Marian Gnant Morrison
Thomas E. Morrison
Samuel Scherr
Joan Bialosky Silberbach
Marjorie Connolly Wilson
Margaret Koncz Wolfer
Evelyn Sanger Bowser
Mary Jean McCready Combes
Myron R. Davidson
Jane Ellen Foster Doud
Dean Ellis
Donald Russell Fruchey
Lois Ann Rada
Nelloulse Roth
Ernest F. Ruppe
Alexander Baluch
James J. Barbiere
Robert Marion Beardslee
Nancy Barrett Cull
Pauline Kopal Dreger
Lois Rossbach Ellis
Barbara Ann Tepfer Frith
Clarke Henderson Garnsey
Patricia Farrell Hepburn
Doris Hykes Hinderliter
Cristabol Stephen Schay Kempf
R. Russell Larson
Mary Alice Mathias *
Roza Smithsi
Jean Steiner Unger
Patricia E. Vannorsdall
Evelyn Svec Ward
William E. Ward
Ernest W. Bako
James Bankston Batie
Calvin Bingham
Katherine Firestone N. Blair
Jeanne Louise Gensert Conway
David F. Davis *
Audrey Friedman Feinberg
Roy P. Hess
Anne Houck Hooper
Keith D. Kitts
Isabella T. Lynn
Joseph McCullough *
Gloria Mattlin Rogen
Jean Dunasky Ruzsa
Christine Sliwindki Seydlitz
Joseph J. Solitario
Marian Rehor Specht
Richard Stueve
Robert S. Takatch
Lucille Mae Thwing
Esther Caddes Watzulik
Helen C. Biehle
Ingeborg Brunken Boggs
George Breckner
Elizabeth Knall Cunningham
J. John DeVries
Carmen J. Doganiero *
Dorothy Cordon
Eileen Israel Gordon
William G. Grayell
Hugh T. Greenlee
Robert A. Hein
Edward B. Henning
Daniel Hodermarsky
Byrd Looker
Moses P. Pearl
Daniel Peders, Sr.
Martin J. Seme
Kinley T. Shogren
David L. Smith
Thomas F. Theus
Harold Zisia
Caroline Allrutz
Joan Landls Bahm
John Balazs
Frederick A. Biehle
Joseph James Blaha
Alicia Borja Bury
Kenneth F. Carpenter
John M. Collins
Robert L. Gall
Alex F. Klein
Leonard R. Kormos
Nicholas Lavaich
Marilyn Lichtig Marks
Hugh F. McCulley
Elizabeth Chalmers McFayden
Wallace Reld
Robert E. Wolde*
Virginia Tiell Wolde*
Peter P. Zaieski
Glenn F. Bowen
Barbara Smith Carlson
Charlotte Jaffe Cowan
Custave S. Falk
Gerald F. Garfield
Jerome Goodman
Donald Houck
George J . Hricz
Leonard Edward Korecky
Francis J. Meyers
Wendell Sartain
John Vargo, Jr.
Alice BIggam Wiggins
Jean Nlles Ziegler
Edwin Axel
Francis A. Bjerstedt
Wallace J. Dancik
Merle James Fdelman
Betty Gelfand Forchheimer
Robert C. Henz
Roland J. Jelarcic
Vincent T. Rapini
Martha Anne Murdoch Spindler
Pauline F. Woodin
George F. Bowman
Robert Brundle, Jr.
Barbara A. Cherry
Alberta Cifolelli
Margaret (Jill) Buckley Dangler
Corrine Farris George
Otto Hahn
Aldrich J. Hansal
Frederick L. Hollendonner
Glenn T. Imhoff
James K. Mateer
Frank P. Saso
Mary Louise Babjak Spisak
Ronald H. Walsh
Jeannette Bosnoian Aurslanian
Lonnie Ruskin Boninger
Joseph M. Cintron
Benjamin DeRubertis
Shirley May Hayman Finizia
Martha A. Horvath *
Martha Redinger Liebert
Bernard C. Marks
Robert R. Rohrich
Herbert A. Stalzer
Julian Stanczak
Arthur Calogeras
Elaine Albers Cohen
Robert A. Dacey
Patricia Ward Heinke
Margaret Sweeney Henderson
James W. Kreiter
Maxine Masterfield
Janet Cailor Miller
Robert A. O'Neil
Nijole Vedegys Palubinskas
Cinderella Paradiso
Rose Simon Rodis
Anthony Schepis
Jerome J. Schuerger
James M, SomeroskI
Alvin Blick
Henry G. Dunn
Donna Zackman Kolmos
William L. Manofsky
Shirley Arnold Sartain
Jeanette Bennington
Barbara A, Fenwick Brown
Jose H. Cuffarl
Dorothy Yalleck Croshell
Leo V. Grucza
Carlton F. Hanson
Helen Gruenlnger Hazlett
Flinore Vigh Korow
Patricia Winter Raeder
Nancy Bunch Sheridan
George A. Zetzer
Richard D. Avery
Nancy C. Bukovnik
Larry M. Cognata
Dominlck A, Falso
Daniel J . Forst
Joy Elaine Praznik Sweeney **
Roxle S. Tremonto
Blanche Vanis
Elizabeth Ann Ash
Kenneth D. Collister
Elizabeth Strandt Daniels
Kathryne Stuart Farle
Joseph G. Ellis
Joseph L. Finizia
Robert L. Gault
Martha C. Latt
Eleanor M. Lulenski
Donald B. O'Leary
Mary Horner Mcleod
Andris Strelnieks
Katherine Jablonski Zimmie
Judith Robinson Blain
Joanna Rodono Brown
Nelson Edwin Cook
Paul B. DeNiro
George Lincoln Kaufman
James J. Riley
Ruth G. Wagner
Jerrie Ann Green Zewalk
Leonard Blasko
Sarah Fitch Dressing
Frederick William Fakin
Glenn Albert Helm
Susan Murray Kaesgen
David Keeler
Linda Weber Kiousis
Catherine Marie Komocki
Joan E. O'Connor
Rose Jean Reitman
Hazel A. Schmitkons
Howard Spencer Stoller
Kenneth J. Torda
Jonathan D. Brennan
Joan Nickerson Budai
Peter O. Elloian
Brenda Fuchs
Fred E. Gutzeit
Richard P. lammarino
Joy Jacobs
Mark A. Kelly
Charmaine Malln
Albert T. McNea
DIanne M. Schienke
Alex F. Sekely
Alvin L. Slater
Samuel R. Tantanella
Myrna Tatar
Donald C. Tiitto
Charlotte Roberts Towie
Anthony J. Trasport *
Judith Smith Trasport *
Martha Hirniak Voyevldka
Nancy Mellody Bentley
Jacqueline A. Clipsham
Joseph DiLiberto
Bonnie Bell Dumlao
Mary Kashuk Fordham
Edith Dvorah Goldstein
Alan D. MacFwen
Judith K. Nemec McNea
Marilyn Mizen
Elizabeth H. Nutt
Deborah Feinman Singer
Lilita Riekstins Spuris
Harry V. Wilkinson
Roger Blakley
Frank E, Bunts
Susan Heath Hendershot
Wilbert Woodward Henry
Bonnie Swidrak Labovitz •
Charles T. Mayer
Nathan Melamed
Jean Prosser
Denni RIvette
Nola F. Weiss
Blance Barloon
Eleanor R. Bobkiw
Judith Brennan
Virginia Canalos
Martha Briscoe Collins
Helene B. Fiker
Joseph S. Gazzuolo
Charles Henry
John W. Hoyt
Norbert J. Jaworowski
Charlotte A. Lees
Michelle A. Lester
Louis M. Meier
Robert A. Morgan
Marianne McDermott Moyer
Louise B. Cosow Price
William P. Stearns
Barbara J. Sullivan
Ronald A. Testa
Irene Jerkowitz Trimble
William J. Wayland
Jack James Benvenuto
William E. Borden
Lillian Cambrell
James Hendershot
M. Patrick Hintz
James Juszczyk
Raymond J. Kirschensteiner
Bruce C. McCombs *
Mary K. McGraw
Anthony Violantl
Georgianne Grande Wanous **
Jack H. White
Ralph W. Woehrman
Ralph F. Buckley
David L. Deming
William C. Harper •
David Higley
Martha Jean Hoffman
Susan Garb Jaworowski
Timothy F. Markushic
James Mazurkewicz
Lawrence Oswald
Fmil A. Schoedel
David S. Schwerzler
Robert L. Barnes
Raymond L. Burggraf
Nancy Gabriela Carroll
JoAnn Herbst Cocherell
James L. Hackstedde
Tomoko Abe Kimura
Robert A. Kunes
Florence Benson Reisenfeld
Paul David Schmidt
Dianna Penkauskas Sitar
Samuel F. Swayze
Karen Louise Martin Tomaselli
Gall Kersey VisconsI
Leslie M. Bennett
Marc Brown *
Suzanne L. Bruner
Anita N. Casper
Kathleen Cerveny
Bonnie Wilson Frickson
Margaret J . Fischer
Edward Freska
Keith J. Kresge
Julie Rheem Olm
Barbara Tiso
John Baca
Richard J. Bort
George J. Buzkij
Dante M. Cornachione
Marlene Cribner
Robert G. Henderson
Les P. Kovach
Thomas Levesay
Linda Lucie Liefer
Alphonzio McQueen
Helen Savery Fitzgerald Rorimer *
Ian Smith
Thomas Tucker
Edward George Chanter
Patrick J. Coyne
Jacqueline Grover Dudgeon
Thomas M. Dudgeon
Kris Tapie Fay
Mary Weston Hawley
Charles L. Herndon
Candace Andren Knapp
Linda J. Nintcheff
Diane Grace Cameron Papay
Thomas R. Roese
Leslie Stein
Kim Zarney
Anthony Bonanno
Denise Denega
Lynne Kestner Dowell
Cathy A. Fckdahl
Donna Reynolds Ehrman
Christine Federighi
Dyane Hronek Hanslik
Thomas A. Heisler
Robert L. Houry
Claudia Beth Kovach
Donald J. Krejci
Evelyn F. Rorick
Constance Moore Simon
Gary P. Spinosa
John Spirk
Jack L. Stone
Ginna Brand
Dennis Buck
Brian Bundy
Florence Carbone Bundy
Anne M. Cornell
Robert J . Cwiok
Bonita Dolln
Dennis Janke
Lilian Kaitsa
Marian Balla Kauffman
Constance Laessig
Anthony Joseph Miraglia
Constance Laundon Pierce
Linda Matteson Rayburn
Nancy Reld
Ross J. Shuller
Richard Schultz
Diane Bjel Wilks
Bruce B. Bilek
Gwen Voran Cooper
Theresa Ellerbrock
William R. Fleming
Kenneth C. Foran
Thomas S. Houser
Luba Klot Slodov
Martin Splcuzza
Alexander Turner, III
Dawn M. VanHall
Deborah J. Vaiksnoras
Paula Sample Gillam-Butler
Paula Christman
Anne M. Cornell
Paul F. Demeter
Nancy Allman Dvorak
Robert Fatica
Jane Weirdsma Forbes
Jeanne Baker Hammer
Nicole VisconsI Mawby *
Robert J. Miklos
Nancy Prudic
Bill Shryock
John Stachowicz
Maxeen S. Stone •*
Gretchen Trolbner
Thomas R. Aprile
Leslye Discont Arian
Lorene C. Gates
Jack Cbur t
Beth Goshorn Gierosky
James E. Herrlngshaw
Jane Baker Nord *
James R. Seegert
Myra Bohannon Serrlns
Lin Tung Wun Wu
Denise Brunkus
Ray K. Cheng
Steve Groner
Cynthia J. Rindfliesh
Roy C. Scott
•Petra Soesmann
Mark Sullivan
Molly Teitelbaum
Dale L. ZurowskI
Paula F. Dubaniewicz
Thomas A. Fenn
Jeffery L. Lennox
Gail A. McClelland
Susan V. Walker Miner
John Edward Reeder
Jeffery David Schuldt
Peggy I.E. Seher
Benjamin M. Upton *
Donna vanDijk
Dennis Vitantonio
Sue Vitantonio
Robert Bullock
Gregory Burke
Anne B. Creed
Barbara A. Fckhardt
Claire Marschak Fisher
Robert Fisher
Kathryn Frund
Harold Halvorson
john Logan
Andrew Rokakis
Jon Roll
Mark Sistek
Bonnie Plohr Upton *
Michael S. Yurkovic
Laurie Blatz
Annette Hoffman Coast
David Coast
Patricia J. DeMarco
Deborah J. Kimsey
Joan Lindsay Lannoch
Beatrice L. Mitchell
Kevin B. Mowrer
Gail Szewczak Mowrer
Laura Ospanik
Vicky Paras
Sharon Guidotti Place
Deborah Popovich
Jeffrey A. Rutchik
Jennifer Robinson Biskind
Sanford C. Carglle
Elizabeth Carr-Cohen
Joann Dontenville
Kristine Hohman Dorsey
Jack Hamilton
Marsha Hoffman
Gwen Kerber
Laura M. Klaus
Barbara Kuth
Jose P. Longoria
David W. Bagen
Kelvin Butler
Maryann Farago
Luba Smytryk-Gudz
Kathy Heredos
Patricia Joseph
Robin Kelo
George Kozmon, Jr.
Gregory F. Macek
Joseph Naujokas
Kathryn Vajda
Steve Wagner
Anna Marie Arnold
Ross Beebe
Dalia Macys
Karen McCroarty
John J. Okal
Anne Marie Vacco-Pintore
Susan T. Squires
Mark Sudduth
Truus van Galen
Frances V. Welday
Daniel J. Whitely
Arlene BisesI
Steven A. Bowen
David Fogle
Dennis Futo
Scott Greenlee
Stephen MacFwen
Robert N. Porter
David Sinclair
Trade Ward
Susan Weir-Ancker
Halle J. Connor
Ruth L. D'Fmilia
Susan Bornhorst Garofoli
John Hartman
Dorothy M. Lukacz
Scott MacFwen
Jerry T. Mignogna
Marilee Stang
Laurie Hutchinson Jacobs
Mary Losey Kevdzija
Lina Palubinskas
Judy F. Takacs
Pamela Argentieri
Joseph C. Glasgow, Jr. *
Kenneth F. Bates *
James Fatter
**$500 and above
Viktor Schreckengost
leads the reminiscing
at Saturday's
L to R: Alice Wallack Viktor Schreckengost
'29, John Spofford
Howard Summers '38, and Sanford Wallack '38.
L to R: Ted Gorka '38, Beverly Gorka, Matthew Daniel '38, Hugo
DiZinno '38, Kenneth
Bates, and Maria DiZinno at Saturday's
The Class of'38 gathers with Viktor and Kenneth on the patio steps, L
to R (front row): "Bud" Hine, Kenneth Bates, Matthew Daniel, Josephine McCorkle, Anna Jean King, Lois Miller, Lurabel Colburn, Constance Bourdon, Alice Lawrence, Lucille Stuart, Howard
John Spofford.
L to R (rear): Jim Modarelli, Hugo DiZinno, Fred
Vollman, John Benninger,
Ted Gorka, Sanford
Fterovich, Viktor Schreckengost,
Ruth Campbell, and Charles Sallee.
L to R: Wadsworth
"Bud" Hine '38, Fred Vollman '38, John
Benninger '38, Jim Modarelli '38, and Lois
L to R: Ruth Dunlap Yoshiwaza, Wadsworth Hine, John
and Ruth C. Campbell raise a toast for the camera!
Project with Conventional
by Lisa Norton
Constance Laundon Pierce (Evening
School) was included In NOVA's "Artists In
Special Places" exhibit at the BP America
headquarters in Cleveland In June; was juror
for the Pittsburgh Print G r o u p Annual at the
Pittsburgh Center for the Arts; artist-in-residence at the Touchstone Center for the A r t s ,
Summer 1988.
Joseph Cintron (Painting) taught a five-day
w o r k s h o p at the Willoughby Fine Arts Association on portrait painting during June, 1988.
Barbara Stanczak (Foundation) critiqued
work for the Hillcrest Art Guild during May,
Carl Floyd (Sculpture) was one of several
sculptors commissioned to create contemporary statues, made completely of plastic, for
the Marietta Harbor Park In Marietta, O h i o .
Viktor Schreckengost (Industrial Design)
exhibited work at the Cain Park Art Gallery
during June, 1988.
William Martin Jean (Director, Continuing
Education) served as juror for the annual Baycrafters Juried Art S h o w , Bay Village, O h i o ,
during August, 1988. He also exhibited his
work at the Cain Park Art Gallery in Cleveland Heights d u r i n g August. His s u m m e r
classes were featured on a TV-8 program entitled, " H o w People Spend Their S u m m e r . "
Ed Mieczkowski (Painting) a n d Eugene
Pawlowski (Graphic Design) served as jurors
for the annual American Greetings fine arts
show in 1988.
Annet Couwenberg (Fiber) exhibited her
work at the NederlandsTextielmuseum in the
Netherlands from June 9 through August 15,
Helen Weinberg (Liberal Arts) Is a member
of the Jimmy Ernest Artists Alliance, and has
been since its founding in 1984. She recently
attended one of the group's meetings. She
also attended the annual ceremonial meeting
of the American Academy and Institute of
Arts and Letters in New York City, w h e r e she
heard John Updike speak.
William Dolwick was the subject of a front
page article In The New York Observer
South Carolina. An ad artist for many years,
Dolwick now spends his time doing commission paintings for such notables as D e a n
Rusk, former secretary of state.
Edris Eckhardt is featured in a new book by
Jones: Women Sculptors of the United States.
A portion of a new book to be out this August
on ceramics will be devoted to her and her
work. In addition, Ruth Danciger is writing a
book about M s . Eckhardt that s h o u l d be
available at the end of the year.
Virginia S. Russell is teaching summer Art
Classes at John Knox Village, Orange City,
Peter Paul Dubaniewicz, Prof. Emeritus,
has had several exhibitions including: the
Gates Mills Annual Fxhibltion; the Bratenahl
Place A n n u a l ; Valley Art Center Exhibit; "It's
all Relative" with daughter, Paula '78 at the
Valley Art Center. He is teaching at Cuyahoga
Community College and was invited to judge
the Indiana State Fair Art S h o w , August 9-10
in Indianapolis.
Hugbie Lee-Smitb showed w o r k s at the
Kenkeleba Gallery on Fast Second Street in
New York City through July 17, 1988.
Ted Ornas will have a solo exhibition of his
paintings entitled "Pathways to the M i n d " at
the Creative Arts Center, Bluffton, Indiana
from September 6 through October 7, 1988.
He retired in 1981 from a career in industrial
design and resumed painting and showing in
juried exhibitions.
Stanley Biernacki, now retired from freelance illustrating, has returned to his first
love—painting portraits and landscapes. He
and his work are featured in an article in the
August Issue of American Artist magazine.
Since retirement, he has exhibited and w o n
four painting awards in the New Jersey area.
Including the Salmagundi C l u b Award.
Jeannette Bohdal is retiring from teaching
Art and Photography at Oceanside High for
the past 26 years. She lives along the Atlantic
O c e a n , "beautiful views—I am still grateful
for the Institute's fine training."
Joseph Solitario was one of 93 American
artists selected from a field of 1,500 entries to
exhibit his acrylic painting, " W i n t e r Reflections on Route 322," at the 52nd A n n u a l National Mid-year show at the Butler Institute of
American Art, Youngstown, O h i o . T h e painting was first exhibited in 1985 at the Annual
Faculty Exhibition of the Cleveland Institute
of Art.
Audrey Friedman Feinberg and her husband Harvey, have been partners tor many
Taking our Chances,"
metal, by Catherine
years in Ad-Varttages, an advertising and public relations firm w h i c h they run out of their
home in University Heights, O h i o
Daniel G. Peders is Art Director/Supervisor
tor Mr. Casket C o . He had a one-man exhibit
from February 1 through March 1,1988 at the
Baldwin-Wallace Theater Gallery in Berea,
David L. Smitb w o r k s part-time as a Deputy
Sheriff and maintains his advertising business of Smith, Smith, and Smith (Lakewood,
Ohio)—three generations of Smiths in advertising beginning with his father In the early
\ K S T V T U T E . O F NR-x
"Winter Reflection
on Route 322," painting
by Joseph
color '88, an annual publication ot American
Artist Magazine; and the New York Times,
March 3, 1988.
a recent exhibit (May 11-June 25,1988) in Zurich and a full color catalog ot his most recent
Michigan. St. Denis is professor of painting
here at the Institute.
Norbert laworowski and w i t e , Susan, were
featured in a newspaper article tor their restoration w o r k . The Jaworowskis are conservationists and restorers ot tine art and antiques, and their c u s t o m e r s span the
globe—from Georgia to Florida, from London
to Hong Kong. Restoring a mural ot a fountain that now hangs In the State Theater on
Cleveland's Playhouse Square, tor example,
was a project that took more than year to
James Watral had a one-man show " W a t r a l Terra Gotta F o r m s " at the Masur M u s e u m ot
Art, M o n r o e , Louisiana from June 5 through
June 26,1988. Having taught at the University
ot Texas, Fast Texas State, and Penland School
ot Crafts in North Carolina, Jim is now working on his o w n . He has numerous pieces in
corporate collections in Louisiana, Arkansas,
and O h i o .
Keitb Kresge is cited in the 1988 Annual Design Review, p. 94, 95, receiving Best ot Category along with Robert Arko '82, p. 56, 57,
who also received the same award.
The Sixth Biennial C o n c o u r s d'Flegance ot
the Western Reserve Historical Society featured world-class automotive art alongside
the world famous classic cars at the Frederick
C . C r a w f o r d Auto-Aviation M u s e u m . Jack
Juratovic, painting full-time now, was one ot
two American painters in the show.
Bette K. Drake showed ceramic jewelry
during July at the Mirage Studio Gallery In
Shaker Heights, O h i o . She also exhibited In
the O h i o Designer Craftsmen Juried Exhibition, "The Best ot 1988," at the C o l u m b u s
Cultural Center through May 1 and the Dairy
Barn Southwestern O h i o Cultural Arts C e n ter in June ot 1988.
James Juszczyk sends an announcement ot
T h e C o l u m b u s M u s e u m ot Art recently acquired an abstract sculpture by David Deming entitled "Terrestrial C a s t . " Deming currently teaches sculpture and drawing at The
University ot Texas at A u s t i n .
Fred Scbrier will be exhibiting work tor the
second year in a row In the Society of Illustrators Show. The piece, entitled " H u m o r '88"
will be on view from November 2-23, 1988 at
their gallery at 128 East 63rd Street, New York.
He also has 19 humorous coffee mugs, with
12 more coming that are being produced by
American Greetings C o r p . A calendar ot humorous office problems is due later In '88.
Paul St. Denis conducted a one-day painting w o r k s h o p on August 19, 1988, at the
Leelanau Center tor Education in Glen Arbor,
Thomas R. Roese' drawing, "FLW Series:
Buffalo II," was exhibited in the 1988 May
Show at the Cleveland Museum ot Art from
May 25 through July 17, 1988.
Jan Leykauf is now teaching at the Booker
High School/Vocational Performing Arts in
Sarasota and the Ringling School ot Art and
Design, the continuing education program.
She also exhibited color photos and textiles
in January as part ot the C W R U StudentFaculty Show at TrI-C's eastern campus.
Andrea Vaisksnoras Uravitch Is living and
making art in A r l i n g t o n , Virginia. Recent
shows Include solo exhibitions at Mobelia in
C a m b r i d g e , Massachusetts and at A r n o l d
and Porter in Washington, D.C. She w o n the
Juror's Discretionary Award tor indoor sculpture at the 1988 Three Rivers Festival in Pittsburgh.
" T h r e a d w o r k s , " at the Baltimore M u s e u m
and " N e w Art Forms: Virginia," at the Hand
W o r k s h o p in R i c h m o n d , Virginia. A n d r e a
William Dolwick was the subject ot a tront
page article in The New York Observer
South Carolina. An ad artist tor many years,
Dolwick now spends his time doing commission paintings for s u c h notables as Dean
Rusk, former secretary of state.
Edris Eckhardt is featured in a new hook by
Jones: Women Sculptors of the United States.
A portion ot a new book to he out this August
on ceramics will he devoted to her and her
work. In addition, Ruth Danciger is writing a
hook about M s . Eckhardt that s h o u l d he
available at the end ot the year.
Virginia S. Russell is teaching summer Art
Classes at John Knox Village, Orange City,
Peter Paul Dubaniewicz, Prof. Emeritus,
has had several exhibitions including: the
Cates Mills Annual Exhihition; the Bratenahl
Place A n n u a l ; Valley Art Center Exhibit; "It's
all Relative" with daughter, Paula '78 at the
Valley Art Center. He Is teaching at Cuyahoga
Community College and was invited to judge
the Indiana State Fair Art S h o w , August 9-10
in Indianapolis.
Hughie Lee-Smith showed w o r k s at the
Kenkeleba C a l l e r y on Fast Second Street In
New York City through July 17, 1988.
Ted Ornas will have a solo exhihition ot his
paintings entitled "Pathways to the M i n d " at
the Creative Arts Center, Bluffton, Indiana
from September 6 through October 7, 1988.
He retired in 1981 from a career in industrial
design and resumed painting and showing in
juried exhibitions.
Stanley Biernacki, now retired from treelance illustrating, has returned to his first
love—painting portraits and landscapes. He
and his w o r k are featured in an article in the
August issue ot American Artist magazine.
Since retirement, he has exhibited and w o n
tour painting awards in the New Jersey area,
including the Salmagundi C l u b Award.
Jeannette Bohdal is retiring from teaching
Art and Photography at Oceanside High tor
the past 26 years. She lives along the Atlantic
O c e a n , "beautiful views—I am still grateful
tor the Institute's tine training."
Joseph Solitario was one ot 93 American
artists selected from a field ot 1,500 entries to
exhibit his acrylic painting, " W i n t e r Reflections on Route 322," at the 52nd Annual National Mid-year show at the Butler Institute ot
American Art, Youngstown, O h i o . T h e painting was first exhibited In 1985 at the Annual
Faculty Exhibition ot the Cleveland Institute
ot Art.
Audrey Friedman Feinberg and her husband Harvey, have been partners tor many
"Taking our Chances,"
metal, by Catherine
years \n Ad-Vantages, an advertising and public relations firm w h i c h they run out ot their
home in University Heights, O h i o
Daniel G . Peders Is Art Director/Supervisor
for Mr. Casket C o . He had a one-man exhibit
from February 1 through March 1,1988 at the
Baldwin-Wallace Theater Callery in Berea,
David L. Smith w o r k s part-time as a Deputy
Sheriff and maintains his advertising business ot Smith, Smith, and Smith (Lakewood,
Ohio)—three generations of Smiths in advertising beginning with his father in the early
Sandra Vago Melcher is a self-employed
artist, printmaker, and designer In Bradenton, Florida. She exhibits regularly; some of
her m o r e r e c e n t s h o w s i n c l u d e : M a r c h
through A p r i l , 1988, pen and Ink works at the
Bradenton Main Library; and the Avida, Florida State Juried Exhihition in May ot 1988, receiving the juror's award tor originality.
Nijole Palubinskas exhibited at the Beck
Center (Lakewood, Ohio) Proscenium Show
in January 1988; at the Chagrin Falls Valley Art
Center 16th Annual Exhibit in March 1988;
and the 1988 May Show at the Cleveland Museum ot Art.
Fred Leach was recognized at a spring dinner ot the American Watercolor Society tor
the honors he received in recent national and
state competitions. T h e honors include: a
bronze medal and $1,300 prize tor his painting " H a r v e y " in the 121st Annual Exhihition;
the M. C r u m h a c h e r C o l d Medal and $300
prize at the 10th Annual O h i o Watercolor
Society Show.
Willianri L. Manofsky is presently involved
in computer-aided design tor the aerospace
industry (TEXTRON). M u c h ot his work is directing product integrity and manufacturing
instruction graphics tor the assemblage ot
Sally Harrison Louis Is Part Owner/Creative
Director ot Buck, Harrison-Louis, Inc. now in
its 12th year. T h e business has many in-house
capabilities, including: Compugraphic M C S
typesetting, Cenigraphic slides and animation, graphic negative production, and airhrushing. She writes: ". . .my thanks to CIA
and its very special Director! I can remember
his (McCullough's) first year with C I A ! "
The home studio space ot John Clague and
wite, Sarah Reynolds Clague was featured in
the June, 1988 issue ot Northern Ohio Live
Daniel A. Gorski exhibited large painted
abstract assemblages In the 1988 Sabbatical
Exhihition at the Maryland Institute College
ot Art in Baltimore.
Winifred Lutz has been showing internationally over the past year: June through August, 1988 "Paper Makes Space," LeopoldHoesch M u s e u m , D u r e n , West C e r m a n y ;
S e p t e m b e r 1988, " P a p e r M a k e s S p a c e , "
Nordjyilands K u n s t m u s e u m , Aalhorg, Denmark. She was Invited artist in residence at
Jan Van Fyck Akademie, Maastricht, Netherlands during May and June, 1988 and also
wrote the catalogue essay tor "In/On/Ot Paper," a show ot Michigan artists working in
handmade paper that was held at the Detroit
Institute ot Arts.
by Stanley
Michelle Lester has been operating her
own tapestry studio in New York City tor 18
years. Her most recent solo shows have been
In New York City and Sante Fe, New Mexico.
Recent feature articles include Fiberarts Magazine, Vol. 14 No. 5 (article plus cover); Water-
"Winter Reflection
on Route 322," painting
by Joseph
color '88, an annual publication of American
Artist Magazine; and the New York Times,
March 3, 1988.
a recent exhibit (May 11-June 25,1988) in Zurich and a full color catalog ot his most recent
Michigan. St. Denis is professor ot painting
here at the Institute.
Norbert laworowski and w i t e , Susan, were
featured in a newspaper article tor their restoration work. T h e Jaworowskis are conservationists and restorers ot tine art and antiques, and their c u s t o m e r s span the
globe—from Georgia to Florida, from London
to Hong Kong. Restoring a mural ot a fountain that now hangs in the State Theater on
Cleveland's Playhouse Square, tor example,
was a project that took more than year to
James Watral had a one-man show "WatralTerra Gotta F o r m s " at the Masur M u s e u m ot
Art, M o n r o e , Louisiana from June 5 through
June 26,1988. Having taught at the University
ot Texas, East Texas State, and Penland School
ot Crafts in North C a r o l i n a , Jim is now working on his o w n . He has numerous pieces in
corporate collections in Louisiana, Arkansas,
and O h i o .
Keith Kresge is cited in the 1988 Annual Design Review, p. 94, 95, receiving Best ot Category along with Robert Arko '82, p. 56, 57,
who also received the same award.
The Sixth Biennial C o n c o u r s d'Flegance ot
the Western Reserve Historical Society featured world-class automotive art alongside
the world famous classic cars at the Frederick
C. C r a w f o r d Auto-Aviation M u s e u m . Jack
Juratovic, painting full-time now, was one ot
two American painters in the show.
Bette K. Drake showed ceramic jewelry
during July at the Mirage Studio Callery in
Shaker Heights, O h i o . She also exhibited in
the O h i o Designer Craftsmen Juried Exhihition, "The Best ot 1988," at the C o l u m b u s
Cultural Center through May 1 and the Dairy
Barn Southwestern O h i o Cultural Arts C e n ter in June ot 1988.
James Juszczyk sends an announcement ot
T h e C o l u m b u s M u s e u m ot Art recently acquired an abstract sculpture by David Deming entitled "Terrestrial C e s t . " Deming currently teaches sculpture and drawing at The
University ot Texas at A u s t i n .
Fred Schrier will he exhibiting w o r k tor the
second year in a row in the Society ot Illustrators Show. The piece, entitled " H u m o r '88"
will he on view from November 2-23, 1988 at
their gallery at 128 East 63rd Street, New York.
He also has 19 humorous coffee mugs, with
12 more coming that are being produced by
American Greetings C o r p . A calendar ot humorous office problems is due later In '88.
Paul St. Denis conducted a one-day painting w o r k s h o p on August 19, 1988, at the
Leelanau Center tor Education in Glen Arbor,
Thomas R. Roese' drawing, "FLW Series:
Buffalo II," was exhibited in the 1988 May
Show at the Cleveland M u s e u m ot Art from
May 25 through July 17, 1988.
Jan Leykauf is now teaching at the Booker
High School/Vocational Performing Arts in
Sarasota and the Ringling School ot Art and
Design, the continuing education program.
She also exhibited color photos and textiles
in January as part ot the C W R U StudentFaculty Show at Tri-C's eastern campus.
Andrea Vaisksnoras Uravitch is living and
making art in A r l i n g t o n , Virginia. Recent
shows include solo exhibitions at Mohelia in
C a m b r i d g e , Massachusetts and at A r n o l d
and Porter in Washington, D.C. She w o n the
Juror's Discretionary Award tor indoor sculpture at the 1988 Three Rivers Festival in Pittshurgh.
" T h r e a d w o r k s , " at the Baltimore M u s e u m
and " N e w Art Forms: Virginia," at the Hand
W o r k s h o p in R i c h m o n d , Virginia. Andrea
Scott Margolis showed recent w o r k s at the
C.R. Ohetz Gallery In C o l u m b u s , Ohio during the month of September.
Laura Kinney has graduated from Cranhrook Academy of Art. She and her husband
design and paint furniture. She also w o r k s
with hath scales and jewelry. They will exhibit
at the Objects Gallery in Chicago as well as
some local Detroit galleries.
" A Show ot Small Paintings," an exhibit ot
the works ot Preston Buchtel '88, Michael
Hearn '85, Kenneth Marchione '85, James
Sullivan '87, and Daniel Waith '85, was held
during May, 1988 at the School ot Fine Arts in
Willoughby, O h i o .
Series HI," earthenware,
glaze, copper
Bill Raymond is presently apartment hunting in New York City w h e r e he has accepted
the position ot Assistant Art Director ot That
New Magazine, Inc. New Magazine is presently responsible tor five publications Including "Theater W e e k ; " O p e r a Monthly;"
and "City Week."
Paul Braun was the subject ot an article in
the Chagrin Valley Times this spring. T h e article focused on his Celtic-inspired sculptures; his assistantship to artist Fred Christian; and his plans tor travel using the Helen
Green Perry Scholarship award received at
graduation this past May.
leaf by James
Watral '66.
The Alumni Office has received w o r d otthe
death ot Louise Breck Fergus '21. She died on
August 3 at Walter Reed Memorial Hospital in
Glouster, Virginia at the age ot 91. She was
employed as a scientific illustrator by NASA
In Cleveland tor 20 years before retiring to
Virginia in 1964.
AN.a IrYm
Why are these two men seemingly so intent
on identifying
as, left to right,
Charles Sallee '38 and Ray
'66? Because yours truly, the editor of this
magazine, accidently switched their names
on photos that were part of the Phone-a-thon
story in the previous issue of LINK. Sorry,
Clip and Mail. If you don't wish to cut up your magazine, xerox this form.
Why send information to LINK? Many reasons! You can keep in touch with fellow alumni through LINK, and you can
let the Institute's current students know that there is life out there after art school.
Clip out this form and send it to the Office of Alumni Affairs, The Cleveland Institute of Art, 11141 East Boulevard,
Cleveland, Ohio 44106. Deadline for the Winter issue is November 11; however, if you can't get it to us by then, we'll
use it in the next issue.
What kind of information should you send? Everything! Send us news about exhibitions, job changes, marriages,
births, etc. We're interested, and your fellow alumni are interested.
Year of Graduation
Phone (
Marital Status
ening date, and closing date.
Here is my news for LINK.
(Use additional paper if ne
Not for Circulation
H a s a l c a ©una Sfsmorial t;iDra»#
Cleveland I n s t l t n t s of 4 r *
11141 Bae^ Boulevard
Non-Protit Organization
T h e Cleveland Institute of Art
11141 East Boulevard
University Circle
C l e v e l a n d , O h i o 44106
PERMIT No. 3639
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