2009-2010 University of Chicago Cancer Research Center Annual


2009-2010 University of Chicago Cancer Research Center Annual
Groundbreaking Research,
Customized Patient
2 0 0 9 – 2 0 1 0
A n n u a l
R e p o r t
At the Forefront of Discovery
UCCCC members
are scientists,
and caregivers.
The UCCCC added eight new members in fiscal year 2009–2010. They are:
Bulent Aydogan, PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiation
and Cellular Oncology
Program 5: Advanced Imaging
M. Kelly Nicholas, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Program 4: Clinical and
Experimental Therapeutics
Peter Savage, PhD
Assistant Professor of Pathology
Program 3: Immunology and Cancer
Lucia Schuger, MD
Professor of Pathology
Program 1: Cell Signaling and Gene Regulation
The University of Chicago Comprehensive
Cancer Center (UCCCC) is committed to
exploring and developing innovative ways
to prevent and reduce cancer’s
devastating effects.
The UCCCC is one of only 40 National Cancer
Institute (NCI)-designated Comprehensive
Cancer Centers and one of only two in
Illinois. The designation means more than
just state-of-the-art care and services. It
also means a strong, high-quality research
base combined with a wide spectrum of
prevention, education, information, and
dissemination activities that broadly serve
our surrounding communities, as well
as the Midwest region and the nation.
The UCCCC has earned a reputation for
excellence, innovation, and a commitment
to addressing cancer from every angle.
Stephen Skapek, MD
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Program 1: Cell Signaling and Gene Regulation
Russell Szmulewitz, MD
Instructor of Medicine
Program 4: Clinical and
Experimental Therapeutics
Donald Vander Griend, PhD
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Program 1: Cell Signaling and Gene Regulation
Samuel Volchenboum, MD, PhD, MS
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Program 1: Cell Signaling and Gene Regulation
1 A Message from the Director
2 New Name Recognizes Depth and Breadth of the UCCCC
Highly Competitive Grants Advance UChicago Cancer Research
Research Discoveries Translate into Comprehensive Cancer Care
Personalized Medicine Moves Within Reach
State-of-the-Art Facilities Improve Patient, Research Experience
Advanced Technologies Speed Discovery
Outreach Programs Help Strengthen Ties with Community
Report from the Cancer Registry
A Focus on Head and Neck Cancer
Team Approach Creates Top-Notch Head and Neck Cancer Treatment Outcomes
Foundation Makes Significant Contribution to Cancer Research
40 Pursuing Groundbreaking Research to Deliver Customized Cancer Care
A Message from the Director
This has been an exciting year for the UCCCC.
Our members have once again demonstrated
excellence in every aspect of cancer research,
prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and
survivorship—proving that we are a
comprehensive cancer center of distinction.
We hope you will find this fiscal year 2009-2010 overview to be
interesting and informative. Our groundbreaking research has truly
led to customized care for our patients.
The nation’s biomedical community has applauded our members’
outstanding contributions in many tangible ways. They selected
members for major awards, elected them to national academies, and
voted them into leadership posts in national associations. We have
listed a small sample of these accolades in the sidebar on page 13.
The University of Chicago Cancer Research Foundation
(UCCRF) and other generous contributors were essential to our
successes, providing valuable funding for resources and facilities
and volunteering time to help advance the UCCCC mission
to explore and develop innovative ways to prevent and reduce
cancer’s devastating effects. A list of donors begins on page 28.
Our contributors supported the preliminary research required to
obtain major funding from the government and other institutions.
They also support faculty recruitment, equipment technologies, and
pilot projects. We can directly link many of our most transformative
discoveries to research initiated with philanthropic support.
In this report, we highlight the accomplishments and members of
The University of Chicago Head and Neck Cancer Program, whose
pioneering concepts are now considered the standard of care. The
special section begins on page 19.
As members, staff, and supporters, we can all be proud of the
UCCCC’s achievements and look forward to a future of exciting
advances in cancer research and care.
It is a great privilege to have this opportunity to thank all of you for
your diligence, insight, creativity, and compassion for cancer patients
and their families around the world.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Michelle M. Le Beau, PhD
Professor of Medicine
Director, The University of Chicago
Comprehensive Cancer Center
UCCCC 2009–2010 Annual Report
S. Diane Yamada, MD
Top-Ranked Cancer Program
The University of Chicago Medical Center
is consistently ranked as a top hospital in
U.S. News & World Report’s annual survey.
In 2010, the cancer program at UChicago
was the highest ranked cancer program
in Illinois and ranked #15 out of nearly
5,000 hospitals evaluated nationwide.
How a Comprehensive Cancer Center Works
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Interdisciplinary Cancer Research Programs
Cell Signaling and Gene Regulation
Hematopoiesis and Hematological Malignancies
Immunology and Cancer
Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics
Advanced Imaging
Cancer Risk and Prevention
New Name Recognizes Depth
and Breadth of the UCCCC
The new year represents a
significant event for many
people. It signifies a new
start and an opportunity
for new commitments. For
The University of Chicago
Cancer Research Center,
the new year marks the date
we officially changed our
name to The University of
Chicago Comprehensive
Cancer Center (UCCCC).
The modification was much more than the substitution of a single word. The
new name acknowledges the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI’s) continued
recognition of the depth and breadth of the UCCCC’s programs and underscores the center’s capacity and commitment to pursue the abundance of new
opportunities in cancer prevention, detection, treatment, and survivorship.
The name change also fits our times—a period in which breakthroughs in
genetics, technology, and molecular biology help power a revolution in
comprehensive cancer care.
This annual report focuses on how the UCCCC is capitalizing on its groundbreaking research and leveraging these advances to create customized care for
all cancer patients. In the past year, UCCCC members introduced innovative
combinations of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgical therapies to enhance
patient outcomes, used advanced computational techniques to analyze the
genetic compositions of individual tumors, and identified molecular targets to
make drug therapies more precise and effective. Our researchers investigated
innovative ways to halt the spread of cancer to other parts of the body, to help
the human immune system seek and destroy cancer cells, and to enable cancer
survivors to live longer and preserve quality of life.
Our members also expanded our understanding of how cancer stem cells
multiply and mature and the roles of specific proteins in regulating cell death
and proliferation. They developed community partnerships that promoted
healthy living and cancer prevention, and they determined how environmental,
lifestyle, and social factors can make patients more susceptible to particular
cancers. They analyzed treatment regimens to maximize effectiveness and
reduce harmful physical and psychological impacts. Our members also
continued to explore the use of molecular-scale microdiscs to destroy tumors,
the recruitment of antibodies and modified viruses to carry anticancer agents
directly to individual tumor cells, and the capacity of advanced imaging to
detect pre-cancerous lesions less than several hundred microns in diameter.
The prospects of the fast-paced evolution of our understanding of the
biological mechanisms underlying cancer and more effective approaches for
tackling all aspects of the disease are invigorating. UCCCC members lead the
vanguard of the transformation in cancer research. They are At the Forefront
of Discovery™, bringing new hope to our nation in which one-out-of-two men
and one-out-of-three women will be diagnosed with cancer during his or
her lifetime.
UCCCC 2009–2010 Annual Report
Highly Competitive
Grants Advance UChicago
Cancer Research
Investment in cancer research is vital
for a future without malignant disease.
Philip Connell, MD
CCTO Expands
The UCCCC’s Cancer Clinical Trials
Office (CCTO) provides oversight, quality control, protocol
tracking, and management for
cancer clinical trials at UChicago.
Beginning in fiscal year 20102011, CCTO will manage cancer
trials from four new units—
the Departments of Surgery,
Radiation and Cellular Oncology,
and Radiology, and the Section of
Gynecologic Oncology, in addition
to the Department of Medicine.
UCCCC members received 71 ARRA grants in FY 2009–2010 and
were involved in 700 new and ongoing research projects.
Daniel Haraf, MD, MS
M. Eileen Dolan, PhD
This past fiscal year, the Federal government
gave UChicago researchers a huge vote of confidence by awarding them 196 grants through the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).
The nearly $97 million in ARRA funding provided
to UChicago will not only accelerate the pace
of scientific discovery, but will also enable the
University to retain and recruit staff to support
research projects.
Federal agencies, such as the National
Institutes of Health (NIH), were particularly
generous to UCCCC members in awarding
ARRA funding. Forty-four of our members
received 71 grants totaling $28.5 million.
The projects funded through ARRA grants range
from developing a fast, inexpensive way to create
mouse models to study human genetic diseases,
to developing drugs to help the immune system
fight cancer, to determining the diagnostic accuracy of handheld oral cancer screening devices,
to training African American and Hispanic
undergraduates to research and eliminate
health disparities in underserved populations.
In addition to ARRA grants, UCCCC members
were also involved in more than 700 new and
ongoing research projects. These projects
are supported through grants from NIH and
its institutes, including the National Cancer
Institute, as well as the American Cancer Society,
The University of Chicago Cancer Research
Foundation, and the Cancer Research Foundation.
Among the newly funded grant projects
in fiscal year 2009–2010 were:
Rational Generation of Directed
Protein-Capture Reagents
Shohei Koide, PhD, professor of biochemistry and
molecular biology, and his team are establishing a
faster, easier approach for generating high-performance research reagents, which help discriminate
UCCCC 2009–2010 Annual Report
normal cells from diseased cells and tissues.
The project is built on an innovative proteinengineering concept, termed Affinity Clamping,
that Dr. Koide’s group recently established. “This
innovative and powerful technology will fill a
major void in the currently available molecular
tools and will have a major impact on virtually all
areas of molecular biomedical sciences, diagnosis, and drug development,” said Dr. Koide.
Replication Study of Breast Cancer
Susceptibility Genes in Blacks
Dezheng Huo, MD, PhD, assistant professor
of health studies, and colleagues are translating recent advances in genetics to benefit
women who are at risk of developing an aggressive form of breast cancer at a young age. “The
study will accurately define genetic risks for
women in the African Diaspora, which will
lead to better clinical risk assessment and the
development of more effective strategies for
prevention, early detection, and treatment of
breast cancer for all women,” said Dr. Huo.
“Aberrant control
of hematopoiesis
is the underlying
cause of many
diseases including
deficiency, anemia,
and leukemia or
Dr. Kee explained.
Transcriptional Control of Hematopoiesis
Barbara Kee, PhD, associate professor of
pathology, and her research team are determining
the molecular mechanisms that control hematopoiesis—the formation of blood cells in the body—
with a particular emphasis on the white blood
cell system. “Aberrant control of hematopoiesis is
the underlying cause of many diseases including
immune deficiency, anemia, autoimmunity, and
leukemia or lymphoma,” Dr. Kee explained.
Genetic Determinants Associated with
Pemetrexed Response and Toxicity
M. Eileen Dolan, PhD, professor of medicine, and her colleagues are identifying lung
cancer patients at risk for toxicities or lack of
response following treatment with the chemotherapeutic agent pemetrexed. “Ultimately, we
hope to find predictive markers of pemetrexed
response and toxicity,” Dr. Dolan said.
Daniel Appelbaum, MD
Yingming Zhao, PhD
Research Discoveries
Translate into Comprehensive
Cancer Care
The UCCCC is committed to
improving the lives of our cancer
patients and their families.
Stacy Lindau, MD
Stacey Sandbo, NP
The UCCCC places a high priority on the long-term care of cancer survivors who
often face physical and psychological difficulties following their treatment.
Translating scientific breakthroughs into targeted
therapies and state-of-the-art procedures represents
a coordinated endeavor among UCCCC clinicians
and scientists who are deciphering the biological
processes that control cancer development.
Our researchers are transforming their knowledge
of genetic alterations and cell signaling pathways
into medical advances that improve cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship.
Cancer is influenced by our genes, environment,
and lifestyle. While choosing the right health and
dietary behaviors can help reduce cancer risk,
UCCCC researchers are working diligently to
develop advanced screening procedures to detect
precancerous lesions before they even become
cancer. Gregory Karczmar, PhD, professor of radiology, has developed a groundbreaking technique
using magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy (MRIS) to detect ductal carcinoma in situ
(DCIS) in mouse mammary glands. Early detection of DCIS, a precursor to invasive breast cancer,
will allow clinicians to prevent cancer progression
by identifying and treating suspect lesions.
UCCCC experts, including Olufunmilayo Olopade,
MBBS, FACP, the Walter L. Palmer Professor of
Medicine and Human Genetics, associate dean
for global health, and director of the Cancer Risk
Clinic, are also developing genetic tests to assess
an individual’s risk for hereditary cancers, including
breast, colon, ovarian, and pancreatic cancers.
Once identified, high-risk patients can be monitored closely and screened periodically for early
detection of cancers when they are most curable.
Early cancer detection requires advanced imaging
technologies that are extremely precise and
accurate. The UCCCC is developing new imaging
techniques and procedures that enable scientists to see deeper into cells and understand the
complex biological processes underlying cancer.
These advances are improving cancer diagnosis.
For example, Xiaochuan Pan, PhD, professor of
radiology, is developing new diagnostic imaging
approaches for computed tomography (CT), a
widely used technology that computes multidimensional images from X-ray images taken
around the patient. His research will enable the
production of higher quality images from less CT
data, which increases diagnostic accuracy while
subjecting patients to less radiation. These novel
advances in CT and other imaging tools allow
UCCCC clinicians to detect cancers earlier and
monitor treatment responses more closely.
Through basic laboratory discoveries, the UCCCC
is designing and delivering the most targeted
and customized treatment options for patients.
Researchers in the Department of Radiation and
Cellular Oncology, including Chairman Ralph
Weichselbaum, MD, are identifying the genetic
profile of tumors resistant to radiation therapy.
With this information, clinicians will soon be
able to determine which patients may or may not
respond to therapy and devise individualized treatment plans. Similarly, UCCCC researchers are
working on the Chicago Cancer Genome Project
to develop comprehensive genetic data from 1,000
tumors. By correlating this information with patient
outcomes, researchers will be able to predict how
cancers behave and translate these discoveries
into diagnostic tools and personalized therapies.
The Childhood
Cancer Survivors
Center follows
patients after
treatment and
screens for future
risks to minimize
the impact of
childhood cancer
The UCCCC also places a high priority on the
long-term care of cancer survivors who often face
physical and psychological difficulties because of
the toxicities of their treatment. The Childhood
Cancer Survivors Center follows patients after
treatment and screens for future risks to minimize the impact of childhood cancer therapies. The Breast Cancer Survivorship Program
helps women deal with the long-term impacts
of breast cancer. UCCCC members, through
the Program in Integrated Sexual Medicine
(PRISM) for Women and Girls with Cancer,
combine research, prevention, and treatment
with outreach and education for female patients
who may be encountering sexual problems.
Through these and other efforts, the UCCCC is
increasing the quality of life for cancer survivors.
Open Cancer Clinical Trials at UChicago
Cancer clinical trials test the safety and
effectiveness of new treatments for cancer
in select patients before the treatments
can be made widely available. UChicago
performs more clinical trials than any
other facility in Illinois. (as of 8/18/10)
John Cunningham, MD
UCCCC 2009–2010 Annual Report
Top 5 Studies
Leukemia (adult)
Prostate Cancer
Pediatric Trials
Pediatric Solid Tumors
Pediatric Other
Pediatric Brain
Pediatric Leukemia
Pediatric Lymphoma
Olufunmilayo Olopade, MBBS, FACP
Personalized Medicine
Moves Within Reach
Much of today’s medicine is reactive, where
diagnosis and treatment are administered
only after patients become ill.
The UCCCC is pursuing innovative research that
is transforming our understanding of cancer and
is paving the way for a new era of predictive,
personalized medicine.
Personalized medicine, which considers an individual’s genetic makeup and the genetic and biological
characteristics of their tumor, will enable physicians
to identify people who are at greater risk for cancer,
determine how patients may respond to various treatments, and guide the development of customized
therapies for both cancer prevention and treatment.
Certain genetic variants and abnormalities are known
to increase cancer susceptibility. Our researchers are
using advanced tools and techniques to identify these
genetic changes. The UCCCC’s world-renowned
leukemia team is using a systems biology approach to
unravel the genetic complexities of therapy-related
acute myeloid leukemia (t-AML), a particularly cruel
and fatal disease caused by cancer treatment itself.
Systems biology is an emerging field that focuses
on how multiple genes or proteins work together in
networks to regulate biological systems as a whole,
such as blood development. Led by Michelle M. Le
Beau, PhD, professor of medicine and director of
the UCCCC, the fight against t-AML represents a
multidisciplinary effort that engages the expertise
of clinical oncologists, geneticists, biologists, and
computer scientists. Their discoveries will allow
clinicians to develop personalized therapies and
genetic tests to identify patients at risk for t-AML.
UCCCC researchers also perform genome-wide
association (GWA) studies to determine cancer
risk and predict response to therapy. These
studies involve the analysis of genetic variations across the entire human genome to identify
alterations that are associated with disease or
specific conditions. By identifying factors associated with poor prognosis, researchers will be
able to develop more effective therapies that
specifically target these genetic alterations.
Similarly, our members excel in the development
of personalized medicine by conducting GWA
studies to identify genetic variations associated
with drug response and adverse therapeutic side
effects. Patients may display a wide range in drug
responses and side effects because, for example,
they may have genetic alterations that affect the
expression of enzymes that eliminate specific drugs
from their systems. In one study, genetic differences between people of European and African
ancestry were attributed to population differences in drug response. These pharmacogenetic
studies will allow clinicians to predict how patients
respond to chemotherapeutic drugs and ultimately
develop personalized treatment plans that maximize drug response and minimize side effects.
Edwin Posadas, MD (right)
At the UCCCC, our researchers are revolutionizing personalized
cancer care by developing genetic tests that determine cancer
risk, creating new targeted cancer drugs that are being tested in
clinical trials, and identifying new genetic markers that predict
which patients will most likely to benefit from these drugs.
Alessandro Fichera, MD
A large, world-class cancer
research program, such as ours,
elevates the quality of patient
care by providing a level of
expertise unavailable at most
other medical centers.
UCCCC 2009–2010 Annual Report
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Improve Patient,
Research Experience
The physical landscape changed
dramatically on the UChicago
campus over the past fiscal year.
Core Facilities
The UCCCC supports core facilities,
as research and educational
resources, through its NCI
Cancer Center Support Grant.
• Biostatistics Core Facility
• Cancer Clinical Trials Office
• Frank W. Fitch Monoclonal
Antibody Facility
• Flow Cytometry Facility
• Genomics Core Facility
• Human Immunologic
Monitoring Core Facility
• Human Tissue Resource Center
• Integrated Microscopy Facility
• Magnetic Resonance Imaging
and Spectroscopy Facility
• Pharmacology Core Facility
• Scientific Image Reconstruction
and Analysis Facility
• Transgenic Mouse and
Embryonic Stem Cell Facility
The complex study of
cellular, genetic, and
molecular mechanisms
that contribute to cancer
requires sophisticated
technologies available in
our new facilities.
In addition to new signage recognizing the new
name of the UCCCC, construction is well under
way on the futuristic New Hospital Pavilion.
The 10-story, 1.2 million-square-foot facility,
scheduled for completion in early 2013,
has an innovative and efficient design that
will help enhance collaboration and interaction among clinicians while providing a
haven for patients and families dealing with
complex illnesses, including cancer.
Designed by renowned architect Rafael Viñoly,
the seventh floor will feature a Sky Lobby—an
elevated public space that includes central
reception, family waiting areas, a chapel, gift
shop, dining areas, and other public spaces.
Its floor-to-ceiling glass walls will provide
expansive views of the UChicago campus,
as well as Lake Michigan, Washington Park,
and the downtown Chicago skyline.
The New Hospital Pavilion spans two city blocks
on 57th Street and will connect to Comer
Children’s Hospital and the outpatient Duchossois
Center for Advanced Medicine (DCAM).
A new 24/7 cancer unit opened in July 2009
making it more convenient for patients requiring
care. Instead of waiting in the emergency room
or in the Infusion Therapy Suite, cancer patients
can visit the Oncology Evaluation Unit in Bernard
A. Mitchell Hospital to receive treatments,
including fluid and electrolyte replacements,
lab draws, injections, blood transfusions, and
antibiotics. The unit has 12-beds and delivers
a hybrid of inpatient and outpatient care. More
than 1,000 patient visits were recorded in the
Oncology Evaluation Unit in its first year.
Also celebrating its first year in operation was the
The Gwen and Jules Knapp Center for Biomedical
Discovery (KCBD), which opened in June 2009.
UCCCC 2009–2010 Annual Report
The 10-story glass-walled facility provides
research space to about 50 UCCCC researchers.
It has dedicated core space for the Genomics,
Transgenic Mouse/ES Cell, and Integrated
Microscopy Facilities. KCBD houses the Flow
Cytometry Satellite Facility, Ludwig Center for
Metastasis Research, and Institute for Genomics
and Systems Biology. It is also the setting for the
hematology and oncology research programs for
the Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics.
These facilities serve as the backdrop to the
superior, groundbreaking research by our internationally recognized teams of investigators.
“Efficient implementation of team-based research
studies requires contiguous space to house multidisciplinary faculty and staff, as well as integrated
dry and wet laboratory space with flexible configurations,” said Habibul Ahsan, MD, MMedSc,
associate director for population research for the
UCCCC and professor of health studies, medicine, and human genetics. “The well-planned and
state-of-the-art environment that KCBD provides
to these facilities has already begun to promote
interdisciplinary population research on molecular
and genetic epidemiology, thus aiding our effort to
discover novel genes and gene-environment interactions in cancer risk, prevention, and survival.”
The New Hospital
Pavilion spans two
city blocks on 57th
Street and will
connect to Comer
Children’s Hospital
and the outpatient
Duchossois Center
for Advanced
Over the past year, Dr. Ahsan and UChicago
research teams have completed a large, genomewide association study of breast cancer, analyzing
DNA samples from 7,000 women from the U.S.,
Canada, Germany, and Australia. “We used stateof-the-art molecular genomic technologies as well
as sophisticated computing and statistical tools to
decipher millions of common genomic variations
in each of the DNA samples,” he said. As a result,
the team has identified novel genomic imprints
associated with early onset breast cancer. They
are now relying on their new, adjacent wet and
dry laboratory spaces to confirm the findings.
Advanced Technologies
Speed Discovery
The evolution of sophisticated technologies
is accelerating the pace of discovery
and cancer care at UChicago.
Richard Jones, PhD, assistant professor in the
Ben May Department for Cancer Research, and his
colleagues have developed the micro-western
array, a new, proprietary technology that enables
researchers to examine hundreds of proteins simultaneously and obtain a comprehensive view
of their intricate networks.
This technology may help explain why some tumors
develop resistance to current therapies and could
open the door to a much greater understanding of
other diseases.
UChicago’s Institute for Genomics and Systems
Biology (IGSB), under the direction of Kevin White,
PhD, the James and Karen Frank Family Professor of
Human Genetics and professor of ecology and
evolution, is pushing its research boundaries. IGSB
researchers are using the latest in gene-sequencing
technology and computational analysis to collect and
investigate genetic sequences and variations of every
gene expressed by 1,000 tumors. They are identifying
genetic patterns within tumors that may help predict
how cancers behave. Many experts believe such
information will increasingly guide treatment.
Charles Pelizzari, PhD, associate professor of
radiation and cellular oncology, and his team of
medical physicists are investigating the latest in
advanced, image-guided radiation equipment and
procedures. For example, they are optimizing
intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), which
uses computer-generated images to create 3D tumor
models. IMRT allows clinicians to alter the radiation
dose according to body tissue thickness to ensure
that healthy tissues receive only a modest dose or
none at all.
As advanced technologies become more intricate,
robust, and multifaceted, they also become more
costly to purchase and maintain. The UCCCC and
the Biological Sciences Division work together to
develop centralized centers of expertise and provide
researchers access to a comprehensive set of
technical resources. The UCCCC supports 12 of the
more than 20 shared research facilities serving a
variety of scientific disciplines. The newly formed
Research Resources Oversight Committee (RROC),
chaired by UCCCC Director Michelle M. Le Beau,
PhD, works with Jim Schilling, PhD, the new
director of the Office of Shared Research Facilities
(OSRF), to manage and oversee these facilities.
UChicago frequently upgrades its shared research
facilities and resources to provide scientists with
state-of-the-art technologies. In the past year, for
example, Anne Sperling, PhD, associate professor
of medicine, and the scientific director of the Flow
Cytometry Facility, acquired a $420,000 Amnis
Image Stream Analyzer, supported by NCI American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds. The
advanced technology sorts and analyzes individual
cells by guiding particles into a single, fluid stream
that passes through a detection system that measures
physical and/or chemical characteristics of each
particle. The technology is superior to earlier
analyzers because of, for example, its enhanced
ability to measure genetic abnormalities associated
with leukemia, breast cancer, and other cancers.
UCCCC researchers are taking full advantage of
technologies like flow cytometry, IMRT, genesequencing, advanced computational analyses, and
micro-western arrays to expand our scientific
knowledge and shorten the time required to translate
discoveries into clinical application.
The UCCCC and the Biological Sciences Division
work together to develop centralized centers of
expertise and provide researchers access to a
comprehensive set of technical resources.
Leading-edge technologies help advance
innovative ideas and discoveries that
translate into superior patient care.
Steven Chmura, MD, PhD
Richard Jones, PhD
Abraham Dachman, MD
UCCCC Members Earn National Honors
The many distinctions awarded to our
UCCCC members this past fiscal year
reflect the high regard of their peers.
This list provides a small sample of the
many honors our members received:
Stephen L. Archer, MD—President-elect
of the American Heart Association (AHA)
Metro Chicago Board of Directors
Maryellen L. Giger, PhD—Chair of the
American Association of Physicists
in Medicine (AAPM) Executive
Committee and Member of the National
Academy of Engineering (NAE)
David Grdina, PhD, MBA—Member of the
NASA Space Radiation Standing Review Panel
UCCCC 2009–2010 Annual Report
Geoffrey L. Greene, PhD—Komen
Brinker Award for Science Distinction
Hedy Kindler, MD— Asbestos Disease
Awareness Organization (ADAO)
Selikoff Lifetime Achievement Award
Olufunmilayo I. Olopade, MBBS,
FACP—Fellow of the American Academy
of Arts and Sciences (AAAS)
Mark J. Ratain, MD—American Association
of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS)
Research Achievement Award in Clinical
Pharmacology and Translational Research
Janet D. Rowley, MD, DSc—National
Academy of Sciences (NAS) Jessie Stevenson
Kovalenko Medal and American Association
for Cancer Research (AACR) Lifetime
Achievement in Cancer Research Award
Richard Schilsky, MD—James Ewing
Lecture for the Society of Surgical
Oncology and Founders Lecture for
the Society for Clinical Trials
Kerstin M. Stenson, MD, FACS—
Fellow-at-Large of the American
Head and Neck Society Council
Wendy Stock, MD—Co-Chair, National
Cancer Institute (NCI) Leukemia Steering
Committee and member of the American
Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM)
Hematology Subspecialty Board
Everett Vokes, MD—Member of the
American Society of Clinical Oncology
(ASCO) Board of Directors
Outreach Programs
Help Strengthen Ties
with Community
Community outreach, especially to underserved
populations, is fundamental to the success
of a comprehensive cancer program.
Karen Kim, MD, MS
The UCCCC Cancer Resource Center, in partnership with the American
Cancer Society, assists individuals with cancer and their families by
offering information, access to support groups, and other services.
Mary Herbert (left) is a certified health education specialist and
Kimberly Nelson, LPC (right), is a licensed professional counselor.
For more than 5 years, the UCCCC, in collaboration with The University of Chicago Medical
Center (UCMC), has built partnerships with
local communities and has diligently sought to
understand and meet the needs of its neighbors
in Hyde Park and the surrounding communities.
Essential to the UCCCC’s outreach efforts
is an innovative program called Community
Engagement Centering on Solutions
(CECOS)—recently renamed the UCCCC
Office of Community Engagement and Cancer
Disparities with Karen E. Kim, MD, MS, as its
new director—which enhances public awareness about cancer prevention, early cancer
detection and control, the role of genetics in
cancer, and the importance of participation in
clinical trials. Not only does the program educate
individual participants, but also provides the
skills necessary so that community leaders can
continue to disseminate important health information long after the events are completed.
During the 2009–2010 fiscal year, CECOS
hosted three public forums—two on cervical
cancer and the human papillomavirus (HPV)
and one on hepatitis and liver cancer.
The forums on cervical cancer and HPV, called
“Our Daughters, Our Duty” were held in
November 2009 at Richard J. Daley College, on
Chicago’s Southwest Side, and in March 2010 at
Kennedy-King College, on Chicago’s South Side.
In each case, about 100 people attended and
asked questions covering topics from signs and
symptoms of cervical cancer to the HPV vaccine.
In May 2010, CECOS hosted “Break the
Silence: Let’s Stop Hepatitis and Liver Cancer
in our Communities!” at Truman College on
Chicago’s North Side. The forum focused on
Hepatitis B and C, their connection to liver
cancer, and their impacts on the people of Asian
and Pacific Islander heritages. The forum also
included personal testimony from community
health workers and liver cancer patients.
UCCCC 2009–2010 Annual Report
“The education gained from these events is
definitely bidirectional, valuable, and lasting,”
said Dr. Kim, UChicago associate professor
of medicine, who led the hepatitis and liver
cancer event. “Sharing stories, teaching,
and learning from community members will
allow us to go back to the lab and address
barriers using the perspective of those whose
lives we are determined to improve.”
In the Bronzeville neighborhood, CECOS
continued its program at the Bronzeville Farmers
Market to promote cancer prevention and
healthy eating. CECOS also participated in
Pearl Fest, an annual outdoor festival hosted
by Little Black Pearl, an organization that aims
to empower children through art and entrepreneurship. At the August 2009 event, CECOS
provided dozens of men with free prostate
screenings through a UCCCC collaboration
with Clear Channel Communications, Inc.,
and the Illinois Department of Public Health.
The UCCCC reached out to the community
in many other ways over the past fiscal year,
including providing cooks for Real Men Cook–
Chicago, planting a garden at the Emmett Louis
Till Math & Science Academy on Chicago’s
South Side, distributing food to the needy
at local food pantries, and raising money for
cancer research. The UChicago Walk and Roll
team, led by M. Eileen Dolan, PhD, professor
of medicine, and Lee Baksas of the UCCCC
staff surpassed its fundraising goal of $10,000
by raising $12,500 for the American Cancer
Society. The combined total of $17,600 for all
six UChicago teams was in the top 10 overall
and #1 among participating not-for-profits.
With its new name and Dr. Kim taking
over responsibilities as program director,
the new UCCCC Office of Community
Engagement and Cancer Disparities will
increase its reach and positive impact on
the community during the coming years.
In the Bronzeville
continued its
program at the
Market to
promote cancer
prevention and
healthy eating.
Lee Baksas and
M. Eileen Dolan, PhD
Find us on Facebook
and Twitter!
The UCCCC expanded its
outreach via social media this
fiscal year. Fans and followers
learned about everything from
tips to prevent skin cancer,
to karaoke night to raise
money for cancer research,
to the latest news in cancer
treatment at UChicago.
Report from the
Cancer Registry
Making appropriate decisions in oncology
and public health is based on reliable data
collection of cancer incidence, treatment,
stage-specific survival, and end results.
At the UCCCC, the Cancer Registry Unit—a
major component of our American College of
Surgeons-approved program and National Cancer
Institute (NCI)-designated Comprehensive Cancer
Center—has documented the impact of cancer
by gathering detailed information on patients
treated at The University of Chicago Medical
Center (UCMC) for this disease since the 1920s.
Early cancer registry
books often included
handwritten details
about a patient’s name,
account, and diagnosis.
Cancer Registry Manager Cassie Simon, CTR, leads
a team of data management specialists to ensure
that complete, accurate, and timely abstracting
is achieved for each oncology patient diagnosed
or treated at the UCMC. Patient demographics,
primary site, histology, stage of disease, treatment, and outcomes are collected and recorded
in a designated, specifically configured database.
Quality control mechanisms support the meaningful
evaluation and analysis of these vital statistics that
are provided in customized reports for our cancer
researchers and administrative staff, as well as
state and national cancer surveillance programs.
In the past year, the Cancer Registry successfully
completed 63 requests for data, which were used
in epidemiologic and health
disparity grant proposals, childhood pediatric cancer survivor
studies, and cancer program
planning initiatives, such as
the expansion of our physician
resident program and pathology
labs, Breast Cancer Consortium, Translational Data
Mart (TraM) database, and Cancer Survivors Day, as
well as several cutting-edge cancer research studies.
In addition to incidence reporting, the Registry
also plays an active role on the Cancer Committee.
Chaired by Kevin Roggin, MD, FACS, associate
professor of surgery, the committee provides oversight
and promotes excellence among our interdisciplinary
cancer departments and ensures that the standards for our American College of Surgeons cancer
program accreditation are maintained. Recognized by
U.S. News & World Report and currently ranked #15
in the nation—the highest ranking of any institution
in Illinois—our cancer program remains unwavering
in our ongoing commitment to provide high-quality
cancer care to our patients and community.
2009 UCMC Cancer Data
Types of Cancer
Table 1 reveals that 3,408 patients were diagnosed and/or treated for cancer at the UCMC
in 2009. Of these, 2,847 (83.5%) were new
diagnoses and 561 cases (16.5%) were initially
treated elsewhere and referred to the UCMC
for recurrent or progressive disease. The most
frequently seen, by primary subsite, include
prostate (619 patients), lung and bronchus (320
patients), breast (351 patients), colorectal (191
patients), and kidney/renal pelvis (158 patients).
Table 1: 2009 UCMC Cancer Cases by Site
Primary Site
% of
Oral Cavity & Pharynx
Respiratory System*
Digestive System
Bones & Joints
Soft Tissue (Includes Heart)
Skin (Excludes Basal & Squamous Cell)
Female Genital System
Male Genital System
Urinary System
Brain & Other Nervous System
Endocrine System
Multiple Myeloma
Total Cases**
* Includes larynx.
** Excludes 59 benign brain and endocrine tumors.
The University of Chicago Medical Center
2010 Cancer Committee
Kevin Roggin, MD, FACS, Chair
Associate Professor of Surgery
Hiroyuke Abe, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiology
Habibul Ahsan, MD, MMedSc
UCCCC Associate Director for
Population Research
Professor of Health Studies,
Medicine, and Human Genetics
Ramona Behrendt,
Oncology Social Worker,
Social Services Department
Sally Black, RN,
Clinical Director for Hematology/
Oncology, UCMC
Brian Chiu, PhD
Associate Professor of
Health Studies
UCCCC 2009–2010 Annual Report
Steven Chmura, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiation
and Cellular Oncology
Mary Herbert, BBS
UCCCC Program Manager,
Cancer Resource Center
Marcy A. List, PhD
UCCCC Associate Director for
Scientific Director, Cancer
Clinical Trials Office
Rebecca Malloy, RN, BSN
Philip Hoffman, MD
Professor of Medicine
Autologous Stem Cell
Transplant Administrator,
Department of Medicine
Aliya Husain, MD
Patricia McBride, RHIT, CTR
Gita Rupani, MD
Assistant Professor of
Anesthesia & Critical Care
Cassie Simon, CTR
Manager, Cancer Registry
Gary Steinberg, MD
Bruce and Beth White Family
Professor of Surgery
Chief, Urologic Oncology
Assistant Director for Health
Information Management
Regine Theodule, BA, CTR
Associate Professor of Medicine
Cancer Liaison Physician
Director, UCCCC Office of
Community Engagement
& Cancer Disparities
Kenan Onel, MD, PhD
S. Diane Yamada, MD
Victor Lagroon
Blase Polite, MD, MPP
Professor of Pathology
Karen Kim, MD, MS
Coordinator, UCCCC Office
of Community Engagement
& Cancer Disparities
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Jayant Pinto, MD
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Registrar, Cancer Registry
Associate Professor of
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Chief, Section of
Gynecologic Oncology
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Patient Demographics
At the UCMC, a majority of patients (53.3%)—both
male and female—are diagnosed with cancer
between the ages of 50 and 69 years of age (See
Figure 1). Distribution by gender and race (See
Figure 2) reveals the ethnically diverse population
that we serve. The majority of our cancer population
is White (66.0%, 2,250 patients), followed by Black
(26.3%, 897), and Hispanic (3.4%, 117 patients).
Patient Geographics
Distribution by residence or county at initial
diagnosis (See Diagram 1) reveals that a majority of
Figure 1: 2009 UCMC Cancer Cases
by Gender and Age at Diagnosis
patients (81%, 2,774 patients) are Illinois residents with the highest frequencies seen in Cook
County (65.8%, 1,825 patients), DuPage County
(8.6%, 239 patients), Will County (7.0%, 194
patients), Lake County (6.8%, 188 patients), and
Kane County (2.2%, 60 patients). The remaining
populations (19%, 634 patients) reside outside
the State of Illinois, with the highest incidence
of non-Illinois residents from the neighboring
states of Indiana (75.3%, 478 patients), Michigan
(8.0%, 51 patients), and Wisconsin (4.9%, 31
patients). Four patients traveled from other countries—Turkey, Serbia, Saudi Arabia, and Israel.
Figure 2: 2009 UCMC Cancer Cases
by Gender, Race/Ethnicity
Number of cancer cases
Number of cancer cases
Asian Unknown
Indian or
Diagram 1: 2009 UCMC Patient Residence at Diagnosis
Illinois Residents by County
478 (75.3%)
60 (2.2%)
51 (8.0%)
188 (6.8%)
194 (7.0%)
239 (8.6%)
Non-Illinois Residents
1,825 (65.8%)
2,774 (81%)
634 (19%)
31 (4.9%)
4 (2.2%)
Outside of U.S.:
Turkey, Serbia,
Saudi Arabia
and Israel
A Focus on Head
& Neck Cancer
The Head and Neck Cancer Program is
dedicated to comprehensive care that includes
screening, prevention, treatment, and
rehabilitation, and combines the expertise
and resources of a multidisciplinary team.
The University of Chicago Medical Center (UCMC)
is an internationally renowned, high-volume
referral center for the treatment of head and
neck cancer, including cancers of the sinuses,
mouth, tongue, tonsils, pharynx, larynx, upper
esophagus, thyroid, and salivary glands.
Our research has pioneered concepts that are now
considered standards of care, such as concurrent
chemotherapy and radiation therapy (chemoradiotherapy), that result in preservation of critical organs
and their function, such as speech and swallowing.
Studies conducted at the UCMC have shown that
chemoradiotherapy provided complete control of
locally advanced head and neck cancer for more
than 90% of patients and provided a 3-year survival
rate of 70%. These rates are twice the survival rates
for advanced disease treated with traditional therapy.
The UCMC Head and Neck Program is among
the best because our clinical and research teams
continue to refine therapies and challenge the
norm to obtain the best patient outcomes. Our
multidisciplinary tumor board meets exclusively
to discuss head and neck cancer cases. Members
of the Head and Neck Tumor Board represent
many specialties, including medical oncology,
endocrinology, radiation oncology, surgery,
pathology, neuroradiology, dentistry, social work,
nursing, and speech and swallowing therapy.
Our medical oncology team is co-directed by
Everett Vokes, MD, who has had a highly visible
career in clinical and translational research involving
head and neck cancer and the interaction of chemotherapy and radiation, and Ezra Cohen, MD, who
UCCCC 2009–2010 Annual Report
is also an expert in head and neck cancer as well as
in developing novel cancer therapies. The medical
oncology team’s work has shown that intense
treatment combining radiation and chemotherapy
can bring locally advanced head and neck cancer
under control and improve survival. They have also
developed targeted therapies designed to minimize
side effects and maximize tumor destruction.
From Research to Practice
Our research has found that patients with advanced
tongue cancers may be spared total glossectomy (removal of the tongue) through innovative chemoradiotherapy techniques (Stenson, et
al., Laryngoscope 120:93-9, 2010). In addition,
we have established techniques that minimize
the surgical risk and postoperative effects of
neck dissection (removal of lymph nodes for
pathologic analysis) after chemoradiotherapy
while gaining the most information for prognosis (Langerman, et al., Arch Otolaryngol Head
Neck Surg. 135:876-880, 2009; Arch Otolaryngol
Head Neck Surg. 135:1133-1136, 2009).
Our investigators have applied novel molecularly
targeted agents to the advanced disease setting.
They were the first to combine a new class of drug,
epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors,
with chemoradiotherapy and demonstrated that the
regimen was well-tolerated with high cure rates in
patients with Stage III or IV disease (Cohen, et al.,
JCO 28:3336-3343, 2010). In addition, investigators have identified groups of patients who may
respond poorly to EGFR inhibitors and are developing new therapies to treat these individuals.
of squamous cell
carcinoma tumor cells
invading the skeletal
muscle of the tongue.
Figure 3: UCMC Head & Neck
Cancer Patients, 2005–2009
Figure 4: 2009 Newly Diagnosed Head & Neck
Cancer Patients by Gender, Age at Diagnosis
Nunmber of newly
diagnosed patients
Treatment year
Number of patients
Figure 5: Survival Rates for Head &
Neck Cancers (All Sites Combined)
Cumulative survival rate
Years after diagnosis
NCDB Teaching/Research
Source: National Cancer Data Base; cases diagnosed 1998–2002.
Early Detection and Prevention
The UCMC Head and Neck Cancer Program is
a leader in integrating novel agents for treatment
and prevention. Mark Lingen, DDS, PhD, has
discovered that blocking angiogenesis (new blood
vessel growth) in precancerous lesions can prevent
the development of oral cancer. These findings are
now being extended to clinical trials for individuals
at greatest risk for developing oral cavity cancers.
Dr. Lingen and Elizabeth Blair, MD, are using new
technologies, such as autofluorescence, to detect
precancerous lesions in the mouth and throat. In our
High Risk Oral Cancer Clinic, we offer extensive
screenings to patients with suspicious lesions and
to those with an elevated risk of a second cancer.
Our patients are educated about the signs and
symptoms of head and neck cancer, as well as ways
to reduce contributing risk factors, such as quitting smoking and reducing alcohol consumption.
Hope for the Most Complex Cases
Patients with recurrent or persistent cancer are the
most challenging. For many of these patients, the
latest organ-sparing therapies have not been
effective. The UCMC offers additional options.
Daniel Haraf, MD, MS, is a pioneer in second
courses of radiation therapy, something previously
considered impossible due to its severe side effects.
Our medical oncology team, including Drs. Vokes,
Cohen, Tanguy Seiwert, MD, and Victoria Villaflor,
MD, help craft treatment strategies for the toughest
cases. These treatments include advanced,
computer-directed intensity-modulated radiation
therapy (IMRT) which delivers radiation to a precise
area while sparing surrounding normal tissue.
Our head and neck surgeons, including Kerstin
Stenson, MD, Louis Portugal, MD, and Dr. Blair,
specialize in the complex removal of tumors
while leaving intact critical blood vessels, nerves,
and other structures. In some cases, new organs
are created using tissue transferred from other
parts of the body. The reconstructive plastic
surgery team is led by Lawrence Gottlieb, MD.
With our knowledgeable experts, state-of-theart technologies, and leading-edge research,
The University of Chicago is an international
leader in head and neck cancer cases, especially
those referred by other institutions. Our team is
Table 2: 2009 Head & Neck by Site, Gender, Class of Case, and AJCC Stage Group
Primary Site
Class of Case
Stage Distribution – Analytic Cases Only
Stage 0
Stage I
Total (%)
49 (23.2%)
35 (16.6%)
Stage II Stage III Stage IV
30 (14.2%)
Gum & Other Mouth
29 (13.7%)
Salivary Glands
20 (9.5%)
Other Oral Cavity
& Pharynx, NOS
Nose, Nasal Cavity
& Middle Ear
12 (5.7%)
8 (3.8%)
6 (2.8%)
5 (2.4%)
Floor of Mouth
3 (1.4%)
also recognized for its extraordinary dedication
to helping patients maintain the best possible
quality of life during and after treatment.
Head and Neck Cancer Stats
From 2005 to 2009, the number of newly diagnosed head and neck cancer patients at the
UCMC rose 19% from 134 patients in 2005
to 159 patients in 2009. (See Figure 3).
head and neck cancer. Among them were 88 men
(55.4%) over the age of 50 years. (See Figure 4).
Figure 5 shows 1- to 5-year survival rates for
patients diagnosed with stage IV head and neck
cancers. Survival rates are shown for patients treated
at the UCMC compared with national survival
rates and those of teaching and research hospitals.
In 2009, 211 patients were seen for head and
neck malignancies. Of these, 149 (71%) were
male and 62 (29%) female. A total of 159
patients (75%) were newly diagnosed and 52
(25%) were treated at the UCMC for recurrent or progressive disease. In Table 2, American
Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) Staging is
displayed for the newly diagnosed or analytic
patients and reveals that 48% (76 patients) were
diagnosed in the latest stage (IV) of this disease.
Head and neck cancers account for approximately 3% to 5% of all cancers in the United
States, according to the American Cancer Society.
Nationally, men age 50 years and older have a
higher chance of being diagnosed with a head
and neck cancer than women. At the UCMC in
2009, a total of 159 patients were diagnosed with
UCCCC 2009–2010 Annual Report
UChicago head and neck cancer surgeon Kerstin Stenson, MD,
reviews a patient’s scan.
Team Approach Creates
Top-Notch Head and Neck
Cancer Treatment Outcomes
“We have learned that if we are more
aggressive with our therapy upfront, there
is a better outcome for our patients.”
— Elizabeth Blair, MD
The University of Chicago is renowned for
its innovative treatments and better-thanaverage outcomes for head and neck cancer
patients, especially those treated with concurrent chemotherapy and radiation therapy,
a technique pioneered at UChicago.
Studies conducted at The University of Chicago
Medical Center found that this therapy, now a
standard of care, has provided complete local
control of advanced head and neck cancer for more
than 90% of UChicago patients and an 80% longterm survival rate without disease progression.
That is why, when a Fort Wayne, Indiana,
orthodontist had a second recurrence of
head and neck cancer, he made the 3 hour
drive to The University of Chicago.
“I wouldn’t be alive today if I hadn’t come to
UChicago,” said James Williams, DDS.
It was the summer of 2002, when Williams
was 55 years old, that he found a nodule in his
neck. Because he did not have any other symptoms, such as swallowing problems, he waited 3
months before he saw a doctor. He was diagnosed
with squamous cell carcinoma in his tonsil. He
had surgery and 7 weeks of radiation therapy,
during which he never missed a day of work.
Eighteen months later, he had trouble swallowing and learned his cancer had returned.
Williams underwent a supraepiglottic laryngectomy, which is surgery to remove part of the
epiglottis and the voice box. Less than a year
later, the cancer had spread to his tongue.
It was fall 2005 when Williams first came
to UChicago. Radiation oncologist Daniel J.
Haraf, MD, MS, and medical oncologist Ezra
Cohen, MD, administered a second course
of radiation and chemotherapy, which has left
Williams cancer free, but 3 years of cancer
treatments and surgery resulted in multiple lifethreatening infections and damage to the neck
tissue making it difficult to swallow or talk.
Head and neck surgeon Elizabeth Blair, MD,
and plastic surgeon Lawrence Gottlieb, MD,
worked together to perform a laryngectomy
and reconstruct Williams’ neck and esophagus
grafting tissue from his thigh. Speech and swallowing therapist Ellen MacCracken, MS, immediately began creating a rehabilitation plan.
“So after 3½ years of not being able to eat by
mouth, I got that function back and no longer
have a feeding tube protruding out of my
belly,” said Williams. “From a patient’s perspective that was a huge improvement in the
quality of my life. There are not many facilities that can provide this level of care.”
Williams, who now uses voice prosthesis, is very
active. “I’m a Type A personality. The worst thing
you can do to me is make me stay still,” he said.
Williams’ wife Diane said she cannot give enough
praise to the UChicago staff. “Everyone from
the physicians to the nurses and other members
of the healthcare team were really efficient and
helpful,” she said. “They all communicated with
each other and taught me what I needed to do to
change Jim’s bandages and give him other treatments while he was at home. The doctors and
staff regularly checked in with us—whether we
contacted them or they contacted us—and they
responded to our e-mail questions within 24
hours. Living 3 hours from Chicago, communication in every way has been important to us.”
The success story is even better for retired
North Shore lawyer John Lynch, who has
been cancer free for nearly 2 years.
Already a survivor of melanoma, Lynch is acutely
aware of his body. In October 2008, when Lynch
was shaving and noticed a bump the size of a
raisin on his neck, he made an appointment
with his primary care physician. The physician
initially prescribed antibiotics and later referred
him to an ear, nose, and throat specialist.
Several tests and a biopsy showed Lynch had
squamous cell carcinoma; however, because
of some unsettled feelings about how his case
was being handled, Lynch brought his slides to
the doctor who treated him for melanoma.
Lynch was told that it was cancer, but that
the tumor was a secondary malignancy, not
the primary source. Lynch was referred to the
head and neck cancer team at UChicago.
“I feel very privileged to have been treated by
Drs. Blair and Haraf, and the rest of the team,”
said Lynch. “They worked together and independently to find the primary source of the tumor,
and Dr. Blair operated on Christmas Eve 2008.”
The tumor had grown, so Dr. Blair also had to
remove some of his lymph nodes, tonsils, and some
of his inner cheek. Lynch went home on Christmas
day, returning 2 weeks later to see Dr. Haraf and
begin radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
Throughout the process, Lynch continued to
eat—milk shakes, mashed potatoes, and other
soft foods—which he said helped set the tone
for a good quality of life. “I have some minor
problems like dry mouth and salivary blockages,
but I feel great,” Lynch said. “I’m very active.”
Dr. Blair credits the overall care that UChicago
provides for the successful outcomes seen in
many head and neck cancer patients. “When we
talk about being a comprehensive cancer center,
it’s not enough to just perform chemotherapy
and radiation therapy,” explained Dr. Blair.
“The surgery and helping a patient manage
really important functions, like using their
voice and swallowing, is a big part of the
quality of care. We have learned that if we
are more aggressive with our therapy upfront,
there is a better outcome for our patients.”
She said regular communication among the
oncologists, radiation therapists, surgeons, and
speech and swallowing therapists is also important.
Elizabeth Blair, MD, and
patient John Lynch, JD, meet
every few months to review
his treatment progress.
They are pictured on the
Main Quadrangles of the
UChicago campus.
“We don’t hesitate to question or challenge or
critically review what we do and what our results
are,” she said. “It is a healthy, team environment that makes it better for our patients.”
From a patient perspective, both Williams
and Lynch said they feel lucky to have been
treated at UChicago. “I was never worried—
not for even a single day,” said Lynch.
Members of the Multidisciplinary Head
and Neck Tumor Board meet every Tuesday
morning to discuss treatments for new
patients, as well as the progress of
existing patients. (Seated from left) Wendy
Cortez, RN, Allison Dekker, RN, Nedra
Joyner-Triplet, MD, Daniel Haraf, MD, MS,
Elizabeth Blair, MD, Carley Demchuk, and
Andrew Kaufman. (Standing from left) Louis
Portugal, MD, Ezra Cohen, MD, Jessie Aw,
MD, Valerie Reynolds, Maureen Crowley,
NP, Jeffrey Mueller, MD, Mary Ellyn Witt,
RN, MS, Colin Poon, MD, Nancy Ellis, RN,
Everett Vokes, MD, Gairta Bartos, Victoria
Villaflor, MD, Theresa McClendon, Patricia
Heinlen, RN, Rebecca Brown, MD, Kerstin
Stenson, MD, and Ellen MacCracken, MS.
Not pictured: Mark Lingen, DDS, PhD, Tanguy
Seiwert, MD, Jerome Taxy, MD, and Ralph
Weichselbaum, MD.
The UChicago Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery team
includes (from left) Louis Portugal, MD, Elizabeth Blair, MD,
Kerstin Stenson, MD, and Nedra Joyner, MD.
UCCCC 2009–2010 Annual Report
Patient James Williams, DDS (center),
with two members of his treatment
team, Lawrence Gottlieb, MD, and
Elizabeth Blair, MD, in a common
area of the Duchossois Center for
Advanced Medicine.
Foundation Makes Significant
Contribution to Cancer Research
Generous Support Keeps UChicago ‘At the Forefront of Discovery ’
We are extremely grateful to our boards for their diligence and dedication to supporting cancer research and advanced cancer care. We
would also like to thank the community groups and individual donors,
even some as young as 10 years old, whose contributions are helping
UChicago make enormous progress in the fight against cancer.
We are indebted to you for your generosity and for your understanding
that today’s research is tomorrow’s cure.
Ruth Ann Gillis McGuinnis
The University of Chicago
Cancer Research Foundation
Mary Ellen Connellan
Executive Director
The University of Chicago
Cancer Research Foundation
For more than six decades, The University of
Chicago Cancer Research Foundation (UCCRF)
has played a vital role in advancing the research
that is making a significant, positive impact on the
lives of cancer patients. Thanks to dedicated staff,
very active volunteers, and generous donors, the
UCCRF raised nearly $2.5 million in fiscal year
2009-2010. This money was used to fund more than
30 major basic and clinical cancer research projects,
educational events, and prevention initiatives.
Among those receiving UCCRF grants are: Thomas
Gajewski, MD, PhD, professor of pathology and
medicine, who is developing immune-based therapies for cancer; Ernst Lengyel, MD, PhD, associate
professor of obstetrics and gynecology, who is creating
new tests and treatments for ovarian cancer; and
Justin Kline, MD, assistant professor of medicine,
who is pursuing a vaccine and cellular therapies
for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients.
The UCCRF comprises four boards—one governance board (Board of Trustees) and three fundraising boards (Women’s Board, Auxiliary Board,
Associates Board). The three fundraising boards
host a variety of activities throughout the year
from a spectacular Cancer Ball, to a disco chic
dance, to a Texas hold’em poker tournament.
In November 2009, CBS Evening News Anchor
Katie Couric was the guest of honor at the Women’s
Board Cancer Ball. She spoke about the importance
of cancer prevention through regular screenings,
such as colonoscopy. Her husband, Jay Monahan,
died from colon cancer in 1998. The UCCRF
presented Couric with its Partners in Discovery
award to honor her crusade for early detection and
cancer awareness. More than 500 people attended
the Cancer Ball at the Four Seasons Hotel Chicago.
Each spring, the UCCRF hosts an elegant recognition dinner in honor of a researcher who has made
important, long-term contributions to cancer research.
The UCCCC awarded its 2010 Simon M. Shubitz
Cancer Prize to pioneering stem cell researcher Irving
L. Weissman, MD, from Stanford University in
California. Earlier in the day, Dr. Weissman presented
the Shubitz Lecture, “Normal and Neoplastic
Stem Cells,” to UChicago faculty and students.
In spring 2011, the UCCCC will honor Charles
L. Sawyers, MD, from Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center in New York, who
was instrumental in the development of two
drugs for leukemia and who is a leader in the
study of drug resistance in prostate cancer.
In addition to a corporate donation from Exelon,
which helps fund UCCCC community outreach
programs (See page 14), several community organizations themselves held fundraising events making
generous donations to the UCCRF. These events
included Riding for a Cure, Windy City Golf Classic,
and the Arlington Million Ladies Luncheon.
The UCCRF also launched a new way to raise
money for cancer research that does not involve
a direct monetary donation. The Foundation is
now collaborating with tix4cause.com, a website
that enables supporters to donate unused concert,
symphony, opera, or sporting event tickets with 100%
of the proceeds donated to the designated charity.
A second such option launched in late 2010 is the
Celebrated Chefs program through which designated
restaurants will donate 5% of the bill from diners
using a credit card registered with the program.
1 Michelle Le Beau, PhD (right),
presents the Shubitz award to
pioneering researcher Irving L.
Weissman, MD.
2 The UCCRF Women’s Board
celebrated five special women
at a tea on June 8, 2010, at
the Women’s Athletic Club
in Chicago:
• Mary Flynn—40 years of
service (pictured left)
• Kathryn Miller—40 years
of service (pictured right)
• Jean Atchison—25 years
of service
3 Ten-year-old Rebecca
Bleier (left) presented UCCCC
Director Michelle Le Beau, PhD,
with nearly $400—proceeds
from her lemonade stand.
Bleier made the donation in
honor of her grandfather, who
died from cancer.
4 (from left) Associates
Board Member Tom McGrath,
Thomas F. Gajewski, MD,
PhD, and Associates Board
President Justin Ullman at the
Associates Board No Tie Ball
held in October 2009 at the
James Hotel.
• Anne Hokin—25 years
of service
• Mary Conrad—work on the
board’s annual appeal that
has netted over $1 million
since its inception in 1997
UCCCC 2009–2010 Annual Report
5 Eugene Choi, MD (center),
professor of surgery received
$35,000 from the United-4 A
Cure organization in support
of his research on the progression and spread of gastrointestinal cancers, specifically
pancreatic cancer. Dr. Choi is
shown at a July 2009 presentation with supporters at the
Riviera Country Club.
6 The 2009 trail ride for
Riding For A Cure raised
$45,000 for cancer research
at the UCCCC. Event chair
Tracy Gilman is seated on her
mount with Christine Gabriel,
founder of the Riding For A
Cure Foundation.
7 The Zaccone Family
Foundation has contributed
$100,000 to The University
of Chicago Cancer Research
Foundation. Suzanne Zaccone’s
battle with breast cancer was
documented in last year’s
annual report. (from left)
Dominic “Bob” Zaccone, David
Song, MD, MBA, FACS, Suzanne
Zaccone, and Suzanne’s
husband Lawrence Bostick.
The donation will be used
to support Dr. Song and
his fellowship program in
reconstructive microsurgery.
The University of Chicago
Cancer Research Foundation
Our Role in Fighting Cancer
The University of Chicago Cancer Research Foundation (UCCRF)
is a not-for-profit organization founded by retail store entrepreneur
Maurice Goldblatt in 1946, following the death of his brother
and business partner, Nathan Goldblatt, from cancer.
The UCCRF raises money to support basic, clinical, translational, and population research
programs related to the causes, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer at the UCCCC.
Donations to the Foundation, both large and small:
• Support innovative
research that brings
us closer to making
cancer a manageable
UCCRF Board of Trustees
Ruth Ann Gillis McGuinnis
Thomas J. Duckworth
Vice President
Barton G. Tretheway
Ms. Wende L. Fox
Mary Ellen Connellan
Executive Director
John R. Atchison
James N. Bay Jr.
Margaret Benjamin
Mrs. Seymour A. Cohen
Richard W. Cusack
John W. Derse Jr.
Lidia Devonshire
Mrs. Leonard S. Florsheim Jr.
Stanford J. Goldblatt
Charles P. Hammersmith Jr.
Mrs. Michael Klein
John A. Kuhlman Jr.
Debbie Madlener
Kathryn Miller
Bruce Ovitz
• Enable the purchase
of state-of-the-art
equipment essential for
scientific breakthroughs
that enhance diagnosis
and treatment;
Lori Ovitz
Justin Ullman
Honorary Trustees
Seymour A. Cohen
Ronald L. Duitsman
Leonard Lavin
J. Clifford Moos
UCCRF Women’s Board
Mrs. David W. Devonshire
Ms. Cynthia Reusché
Special Advisor
Mrs. Thomas C. D’Aprile
First Vice President
Mrs. David Nuelle
Second Vice President
Mrs. J. Mikesell Thomas
Nancy J. Knapp
Program Chair
Barbara C. Sessions
Future Planning Chair &
Nominating Chair
Mrs. Gordon Lee Pollock
Marketing & Communication
• Expand the scope of
cancer control and
prevention efforts to
save lives and diminish
the harmful effects
of cancer; and
Mrs. Edward J. Miller
Board of Trustees Liaison
Mrs. Robert Conrad
Ms. Anne H. Cox
Annual Appeal Chairs
Mrs. William Adams IV
Ms. Becky Davidson
Grand Auction Co-Chairs
Mrs. Steven S. Helms
Karen L. Manzari
DreamHome Preview Party Chairs
Mrs. Harris C. Brumfield
Mrs. Michael Busch
Mrs. J. Rowan Carroll
Mrs. Henrik Clausen
Mrs. John Derse
Members-at-large of the
Executive Committee
Mrs. Alexander Anagnost
Mrs. Helena Appleton
Mrs. John R. Atchison
Allison Bacon
Mrs. James N. Bay
Margaret Benjamin
Mrs. Darcy Robert Bonner
• Help train young
scientists who will make
discoveries that benefit
our generation as well
as generations to come.
Mrs. James Brady
Mrs. William R. Carney
Mrs. Benjamin D. Chereskin
Mrs. Gregory Chun
Ms. Linda Burns Coleman
Mrs. Benjamin Cox
Mrs. Michael Crane
Mrs. J. Michael Crouch
Mrs. Richard W. Cusack
Mrs. Andrew Da Miano
Mrs. W. Brinkley Dickerson Jr.
Linda Finkel
Suzette Flood
Ms. Susan Florence
Mrs. Fahey Flynn
Mrs. David W. Fox
Mrs. Edward Gillette
Mrs. Thomas T. Hall
Mrs. Charles C. Harrold III
Lesli K. Henderson
Mrs. William J. Hokin
Blaine Kinney Johnson
Mrs. Thomas Eric Kilcollin
Mrs. Donald A. King Jr.
Mrs. Bernard J. Kompare
Ms. Josephine Krug-Schulte
Kristine Kurschner
Ms. Amy Mazzolin
Mrs. Andrew McGaan
Robin Josephs McGarvey
Mrs. McKay McKinnon
Ms. Elissa Morgante
Yoko Kusama Mosher
Mrs. Stuart Oran
Ms. Jody Oshita-Bajor
Ms. M. Bliss Packer
Shelley Johnstone Paschke
Mrs. Kirby Pearson
Mrs. Heber Pierce
Wendy Chronister Rogers
Mrs. Frank C. Schell III
Mrs. James H. Schink
Mrs. Gerald D. Skoning
Ms. Nancy Voss
Mrs. Keith Ward
Mrs. William Wardrop
Laura Werner
Ms. Alice Williams-Verhoeven
Honorary Members
Mrs. Walter E. Auch
Mrs. Wendy Becker-Payton
Mrs. Robert R. Bell
Mrs. Sharon Brix
Mrs. Seymour A. Cohen
Mrs. Leonard S. Florsheim, Jr.
Mrs. Margaret Laun-Knauf
Mrs. Arthur E. MacQuilkin
Mrs. Charles W. Tallent
Mrs. Charles Walgreen III
UCCRF Auxiliary Board
Laurie Baker Foster
Ann Mohn
Margo Calvetti Frost
Jan Gaines
Debbie Madlener
Foundation Liaison/Membership
Annette Hickman
Debbie Madlener
Liz Tunney Williams
Event Chairs
Jackie Bossu
Reservation Chair
Kari Roever
Ad Book
Ginger Stambaugh
Nancy Napalo
Nancy Gupta
Sustaining Member Liaison
Sustaining Members
Dr. Geraldine Balut Coleman
Mrs. Robert Alan Conger
Mrs. Jeffrey Diermeier
Mrs. Gustav Horschke
Mrs. Donald Horwitz
Mrs. Robert D. Kimball III
Mrs. Robert Kramer
Mrs. Donald Levinson
Mrs. Edward Liphardt
Mrs. Michael McGuinnis
Ms. Sandra Reese
Mrs. Harry J. Smedley Jr.
Mrs. John C. Stone
Jennifer Kamp Tretheway
Mrs. Leon E. Zygmun
Active Members
Celeste Alcock
Cindy Alston
Elizabeth Brandt
Terri Kingdom
Sustaining Members
Leigh Beith
Susan Bondurant
Barbara Bridges
Margaret Jacoby
Becky Kolleng
Joan Lancaster
Betty Ann Manganaro
Linda McCann
Andrea Montross
Helen Panje
Jan Peterson
Mary Helen Ray
Patti Tyska
Mary Clare White
Honorary Members
Cheri Allen
Barbara Devlin
Susan Fraley
Darlene Landsittel
Carol Lynnes
Patsy McCurdy
Barbara Schmolze
Sharon Ubben
Chris Youngberg
UCCRF Associates Board
Justin Ullman
Caroline Khadder
Vice President
CBS Evening News Anchor Katie Couric spoke
about the importance of cancer prevention
during the annual Women’s Board Cancer
Ball. Couric also mingled with the 500+ event
attendees at the Four Seasons Hotel Chicago.
UCCCC 2009–2010 Annual Report
Erin Callahan
Darcy Bonner
April Krydynski
Kathy McCarthy
JoAnn McKibben
Cathy Pratt
Tierney Sharif
Peggy Tieman
Ann Wambach
Midge Wegener
Tearle Calinog
Laura Cason
Kim Coady
Camille Cozzini
Jamie Cusack
Erica Diermeier
Lindsay Essi
Jeffrey Feste
Chris Gilmore
Suzanne Griffin
Amiel Harper
Julie Lissner
Mike Logan
Susan Loughran
Tom McGrath
Janelle Mentz
Erin Ott
Amanda Pierce
Alex Reo
Megan Robb
Jordan Rovito
Melissa Rutten
Mike Ryan
Taaron Silverstein
Krishna Simonetti
Jason Sochol
Rob Soraparu
Scott Stelzer
Rachel Strassner
Jenna Szkatulski
Ashley Szybala
Chaidan Upp
At the 2010 DreamHome Preview Party at the
Merchandise Mart (from left) UCCRF Executive
Director Mary Ellen Connellan, DreamHome
Co-Chair Lena Helms, Sheila Kennedy, Merchandise
Mart President Christopher Kennedy, DreamHome
Co-Chair Karen Manzari, and Merchandise Mart
Executive Vice President John Brennen III.
2009–2010 Honor Roll of Donors
The University of Chicago Comprehensive Cancer Center (UCCCC)
gratefully acknowledges those who have generously supported
cancer research and cancer-related programs and services at The
University of Chicago. These donations help the UCCCC explore and
develop innovative ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer.
The following alumni, friends, foundations, and corporations have demonstrated their extraordinary
loyalty and commitment through leadership gifts. These gifts include cash, matching gifts, securities and property, pledges, and pledge payments received between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010.
Director’s Leadership Circle
American Cancer Society
Cancer Research Foundation
Anonymous (3x)
The Duchossois Family
Craig & Janet Duchossois
Dick & Judi Duchossois
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent W. Foglia
Foglia Family Foundation
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Virginia and D.K. Ludwig
Fund for Cancer Research
Bruce & Beth White
Diamond Circle
ASCO Cancer Foundation
American Cancer Society,
Illinois Division
Anagen Therapeutics, Inc.
Avon Foundation
The Breast Cancer
Research Foundation
Cancer and Leukemia
Group B Foundation
Cancer Research Institute
Damon Runyon Cancer
Research Foundation
Ms. Becky Davidson
Thomas J. Duckworth &
Connie Duckworth
Mrs. Arthur Edelstein
The Entertainment
Industry Foundation
G. Harold and Leila Y. Mathers
Charitable Foundation
Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation
for Cancer Research
Goldman Sachs
Philanthropy Fund
Phyllis Greene
The Ralph and Marian Falk
Medical Research Trust
Carole B. & Gordon I. Segal
The Searle Funds at The
Chicago Community Trust
Simmons Attorney at Law
St. Baldrick’s Foundation
The UCCRF Women’s Board
Sapphire Circle
Alliance for Cancer
Gene Therapy
American Institute for
Cancer Research
Ben May Charitable Trust
Crohn’s and Colitis
Foundation of America
Enivar Charitable Fund
Estate of Marie Eileen Bratu
Estate of Stephanie Wall Todak
Estate of Thomas W. Neill
/ Ms. Amy M. Neill
Fanconi Anemia Research
Fund, Inc.
Mr. Marc & Mrs. Carol
Feliciano & Isabella &
Antonio Feliciano
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Flight Attendant Medical
Research Institute
The Francis L. Lederer
Mr. Guy Delson Geleerd Jr.
Mr. James D. Geleerd
Ms. Judy Geleerd-Kitzes
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gonzalez
Guy Geleerd Memorial
Penny J. Hecktman & Jeffrey
B. Hecktman and Hillary,
Candace & Valerie
Michael A. & Wendy J. Herst
Mr. Todd Herst
Leukemia Research Foundation
Little Heroes Pediatric Cancer
Research Foundation
Melanoma Research Foundation
Bernice* & Earl Meltzer
Michael Rolfe Pancreatic
Cancer Foundation
Greg & Julie Moss
MPD Foundation
Ovarian Cancer Research Fund
Prostate Cancer Foundation
The UCCRF Auxiliary Board
Zaccone Family Foundation
Ruby Circle
American Heart Association
Alvin H. Baum Family Fund
Bears Care Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Berman
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Bittker
Brinson Foundation
Burroughs Wellcome Fund
The Charlotte Geyer Foundation
Children’s Neuroblastoma
Cancer Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Wiliam M. Connelly
Mr. Jerome Contro
Diermeier Family Foundation/
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Diermeier
The Dominick’s Charitable
Gilbane Building Company
Hologic, Inc.
Lung Cancer Research
Lymphoma Research Foundation
Matthew Bittker Foundation
Neuroblastoma Children’s
Cancer Society
Orthopaedic Research and
Education Foundation
Partnership for Cures
Phi Beta Psi Sorority
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Snyder
Super Jake Foundation
Trust Estate of Jean
Sulzberger Meltzer
Mr. Nicholas J. Vogelzang Jr.
W. E. O’Neil Construction
The Windy City Classic
Platnium Circle
$25,000 – $49,999
American Skin Association
American Society for Blood
and Marrow Transplantation
American Society for Radiation
Oncology (ASTRO)
Mr. & Mrs. James N. Bay Jr.
Bear Necessities Pediatric
Cancer Foundation
The Ben and Catherine
Ivy Foundation
Boston Scientific Corporation
Desmoid Tumor Research
Jim & Karen Frank
The Gynecologic Cancer
K-Five Construction
Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Helen and Bernard Kozloff
Family Foundation
Dr. Mark & Mrs. Gale Kozloff
Life Sciences Research
Lisa Klitzky Foundation
Mr.* & Mrs. Norman Matthew
Ms. Nora Groh McKinley
Multiple Myeloma
Research Foundation
Neph Rx Corporation
The Neuberger Berman
Radiological Society
of North America
Reinhold and Lucille
Groh Foundation
Riding For A Cure
Mr. Anthony Santacroce
Ms. Josephine M. Krug &
Mr. Gerard Schulte
Mr. Randall Svendsen
Jill & John Svoboda
The UCCRF Associates Board
Valda and Robert Svendsen
Ms. Marie Wilkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Wilson
Mrs. Harry Woldenberg
Gold Circle
Mr. & Mrs. William Adams IV
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Anderson
Arlington Million Ladies
Barclays Capital
Barnabas Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Dean P. Bergman
Mr. & Mrs. James Bozik
Brian Delanty Invitational
Mr. & Mrs. Harris C. Brumfield
Carson Family Foundation
Ms. Kathleen E. Chapski
Charles Hammersmith
and Carol Hammersmith
Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Chereskin
Chicago White Sox Charities, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Da Miano
Mr. Steve Delanty
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Devonshire
Earl and Brenda Shapiro
The Earl Shapiro Family
Estate of Florence McGuire Roe
Exelon Corporation
Dr. Leslie Gable &
Ms. Hazel Fisher-Gable
Friends of Cancer Research
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gelbort
John & Charlotte Gilmore
Mr. Charles P. Hammersmith
Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Harrold III
Brien O’Brien & Mary
M. Hasten
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Helms
Indiana Sports Charities
John W. Anderson Foundation
Junior Cancer League
Family Foundation
Katten Muchin and Zavis
Foundation, Inc.
Klein Tools, Inc.
Mr.* & Mrs. Shalom Kohn
Lady Tata Memorial Trust
Andrea & Benjamin Leshem
McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert
and Berghoff LLP
Mr. Andrew L. McGaan &
Ms. Pamela L. McGaan
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McGarvey
Merchandise Mart Properties
Mr. Richard K. Mullin &
Ms. Mary J. Mullin
Chris & Carmi Murphy
New Trier Swim Club
Mr. & Mrs. David Nuelle
Platform One Entertainment
Ms. Diane Patricia Atwood &
Mr. Paul J. Reilly Jr.
Respiratory Health Association
of Metropolitan Chicago
Mrs. Cynthia M. Reusché
Riviera Country Club
and Sports Center
Donations Support:
Advanced imaging for earlier detection and
improved treatment of breast cancer.
Joan & Paul Rubschlager
Saliba Family Charitable
Foundation Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Saliba
Mr. Harvey Schaffer
Mr. Charles G. Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. Rex Sessions
Spastic Paralysis Research
Foundation of the IllinoisEastern Iowa District
of Kiwanis International
Supera Family Foundation
Terry Van Der Aa &
Linda Van Der Aa
Wendy Will Case Cancer Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Werner
Mr. Jack C. Wetzel
William Blair and Company
Yen Chuang Foundation
Dr. Yung-Tsai Yen &
Mrs. Ho-Tzu Yen
Silver Circle
Mr. Christopher Abbinante
Advisory Research Inc.
Dr. Kris J. Alden & Mrs.
Trisha Rooney Alden
J. Douglas Bacon &
Allison Bacon
Baird Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Barr
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Beaton
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Benjamin
Big Blue Swim School
BMW of Schererville
Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Brumfield
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Busch
California Community
Carleton College
Ms. Roberta A. Conroy
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Crane
Ms. Carol K. Dugan
Duk Young Foundation/
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory H. Chun
Mr. & Mrs.* Edward Dunn
Epic Systems Corporation
Estate of Ruth G. Licklider
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin F. Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Hardwick
Mr. & Mrs. Jerald Hoekstra
The John and Charlotte
Gilmore Foundation
Jolan Foundation Corporation
Kovler Family Foundation
Live Oak Foundation
Mr. John P. Lynch
Mazzolin Family Foundation/
Ms. Amy Mazzolin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
J. McGuinnis
Moneris Solutions, Inc.
Mr. J. Clifford Moos
National Philanthropic Trust
Mr. Stephen D. Nechtow
New Trier High School Boys
Swimming and Diving
New Trier High School
Girls Swimming
Lisa & Mark Pinsky
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Raitt
Searle Family Trust
The Sidley Austin Foundation
Chris & Elaine Simadis
Mr. Robert Swartz
Trading Technologies
International, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Ullman
Mr. & Mrs. James M.
Ms. Ondrea C. Weikum
Ellen S. Alberding &
Kelly R. Welsh
Bronze Circle
Chris E. & Martha M. Abbinante
Ms. Keli L. Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bajor
Balkin Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balkin
Blum-Kovler Foundation, Inc.
Bolton Sullivan Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Darcy Robert Bonner
Cancer Sucks Merchandise
Chicago Luxury Beds
Mr. & Mrs. Henrik Clausen
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Cox
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Derse Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Dixon
Donald and Bonnie Maharam
Charitable Foundation
UCCCC 2009–2010 Annual Report
2009–2010 Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. Dennis Drescher
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Duitsman
Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Ebert
Estate of Lillian Z. Bronkhurst
Mr. Thomas L. Fritzlen Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Damien A. Gabis
Gene and Georgetti
Grant Thornton LLP
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Henkel
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hokin
Illinois Organization of
Mothers of Twins Club
Mr. Scott W. Jones
Ms. Susan Keeler
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Kilcollin
Ms. Sara Kuehnrich
Mr. David F. Mosher &
Mrs. Yoko Kusama
Ms. Wende L. Fox &
Mr. L. James Lawson III
Judy & Wayne Lewis
Shutsung Liao, PhD
Luther College
Maurice H. Givens
Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Melman
Michigan Shores Club
Mr.* & Mrs. Edward J. Miller
MKMB Restaurant Partners LLC.
Modestus Bauer Foundation
Ms. Amy Morro
Jan & Steve Nakovich
Naperville Community
Unit School District 203
Oppenheimer and Company
Mr. & Mrs. James Nugent Perry Jr.
Plum Creek Foundation
Robert W. Baird and Co. Inc.
Sacks Family Foundation/
Cari & Michael J. Sacks
Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Charles Schell III
Mr. Thomas Siddons
Mr. John P. Simon
Michael & Diane Tang
Mr. & Mrs. Barton G. Tretheway
Jim & Eve Tyree
Donations Support:
Vanguard Charitable
Endowment Program
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Zell
Almeida Family Foundation/
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Almeida
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Atchinson
Mr. & Mrs. George Babson
Mr. & Mrs. Harold K. Baldwin
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Barber
Mr. & Mrs. Shale D. Baskin
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Batchelor
Ms. Ariadne P. Beck
Mrs. William Belman
Ms. Bonnie J. Benson
Mr.* & Mrs. Louis A. Berger
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Berkshire
Ms. Suzanne Zaccone &
Mr. Lawrence Bostick
BP Fabric of America Fund
Mr. James F. Brady &
Mrs. Terese Eckelkamp-Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Branstad
Braverman Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Braverman
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Brewster
Mr. & Mrs. Hardy T. Brumfield
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Buchsbaum
John & Jackie Bucksbaum
Mr. Zachary B. Bulwa
Pauline M. Burelli
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Buzby
Mr. Calvin C. Campbell
Cancer Free America
Mr. & Mrs. J. Rowan Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Casey
Catholic Community
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Chizmar
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Clemens
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Cloghessy
Ms. Pamela Hanratty &
Mr. Jeff Coburn
Vani J. A. Konda, MD, and her work to develop novel
markers and optical technologies that will help detect
and treat colorectal cancer.
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin A. Connellan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Conrad
Ms. Patricia O. Cox
Ms. Meredith L. Manni
Meserow & Mr. Sam Crawford
Thomas C. & Nichole D. D’Aprile
Ms. Helen B. Daigle
Decorah Community
School District
Mr. & Mrs. Gilles Demeulenaere
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Demirjian
Denemark Peridontal
Specialists, Ltd.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary DiCenzo
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Duffy
Ms. Rose Mary Dupuy
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Dybala
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Eugenio
Falls Church High School
Robert & Joan Feitler
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Ferguson
Mr. Joseph Mathew Ferraro
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Finkel
Mr. Timothy A. Barrows &
Mrs. Margaret A. Flanagan
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Flood
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Fox Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Frank
Mr. & Mrs. Philip G. Franklin
Friends of the Biological
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Gelber
Mr. & Mrs. James Gelbort
Mr. John Giampoli
The Gillette Foundation/
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Gillette
Glenview State Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney L. Goldstein
Dorothy and Freeman
Gosden Jr. Foundation
Grinnell College
Mr. Austin L. Hirsch &
Ms. Beth Gomberg-Hirsch
The Greater Kansas City
Community Foundation
and Affililated Trust
The Greer Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Hem C. Gupta
Dr. & Mrs. Raj P. Gupta
Mr. Timothy A. Hammond
Herman and Florence
Siegel Foundation Inc.
Ms. Rachel Kohler &
Mr. Mark Hoplamazian
Hour of Power
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Hurd
I Star Financial Inc.
Illinois Prairie Community
Mr. Kenneth M. Jacobson
The Jaffee Foundation
Jamison, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Jan Jamison
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney F. Jarrow
Mr. Steven D. Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Roger B. Johnston
Mr. John C. Joyce
Mr. Donald J. Kallin
Ms. Carol W. Keenan
Kirkland and Ellis Foundation
Ms. Cynthia S. Heusing &
Mr. David H. Kistenbroker
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Raymond Knapp
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent
Anthony Kolber
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Kottke
Kovler Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert W.
Kurschner Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Loiacano
Mr. & Mrs. Cary Malkin
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Manus
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Manzari
Marziani Enterprises/
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Marziani
Ms. Nina B. Matis
Matthew Lewis Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. McArdle
Dr. & Mrs. McKay McKinnon
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Meiners
Ms. Reggie Beckman &
Mr. Timothy Merrill
Merrill Lynch
Michael and Cathleen
Corey Charitable Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Johns Mignin
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Modrowski
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Moore
Mr. Richard Grunsten &
Ms. Dehn Moon-Grunsten
Morgante-Wilson Architects, LTD./
Ms. Elissa Morgante &
Mr. Fred Wilson
Ms. Evelyn Mueller
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Mullin
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Mumford
Neal, Murdock and Leroy, LLC
Mr. R. Gregory Neidballa
Bruce & Lori Ovitz
Ms. Mary Bliss Packer
Mr. Michael J. Palumbo
Park National Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Paschke
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Peck
Mr. Ramon M. Perez
Debra & Robert Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Petkus
Pfizer Foundation Inc.
Phoebe and John D. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. L. Pierce
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Lee Pollock
Polo Ralph Lauren
Ms. Kira Aberle Price
The Pritzker Traubert
Family Foundation
Procter and Gamble Company
Mr. Robert Randolph Jr.
Ms. Barbara Rapp
Mr. & Mrs. Lucius E. Reese
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Revord
Rockford Marlins Swim Club
Ms. Mary Bergonia &
Mr. Tom Ross
Ms. Wendy Chronister &
Mr. Peter N. Rogers
David L. Saloom
Mrs. Elinor Salvino
Mr. Scott Sauer
Ms. Nicole C. Schachner
Mr. & Mrs. James Schink
Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Edward Schmitz
Mr. Michael C. Schnur
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Scully
Mr. Larry J. Schwartz
Ms. Ilene Warshawsky Shaw
Ms. Jean E. Sheridan
Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Shukis
Mr. & Mrs. John Silverman
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Sims
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. Skoning
Ms. Donna Speigel
Mr. & Mrs. George Spencer
Stebgo Metals Inc.
Ms. Marilyn K. Straus
Mr. Langdon D. Neal &
Ms. Jeanette Sublett
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan
Ms. Marjorie Tardiff
Ms. Penny Pritzker &
Mr. Bryan Traubert
The Thomas and Jerrice Fritzlen
Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. J. Mikesell Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Justin Ullman
Union College
University of Chicago
Swimming and Diving Team
University of Pennsylvania
Van Cleff and Arpels, Inc.
Verdura/E.J. Landrigan Inc.
Mr. John Harrigan &
Mrs. Mimi Mullin Villaume
D. A. Voyce
Ms. Elizabeth R. Foster &
Mr. Michael P. Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Ward
Mr. & Mrs. William
S. Wardrop Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Marcus D. Wedner
Mr. Ray R. Welch
Dr. Bryan R. Mitchell* &
Ms. Mary T. Uckerman
Mr. Gary A. Verhoeven & Ms.
Alice Williams-Verhoeven
Wittenberg University
Ms. Ann Wolff
Ms. Leslie A. Yendro
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Michael Zelisko
Under $1,000
122 St. Philip The Apostle
2008 New Trier Girls Water Polo
Mr. Joel Aarons
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Aby
Ms. Lisa Ackerman
Ms. Eppy K. Adami-Bunyard
Mr. Paul R. Adams III
Adams Magnetic Products
Mr. Jack Adams
Ms. Julie Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Adelman
Ms. Yolanda Torrisi Adler
Agape Foundation
Ms. Holly I. Ahern
Mr. Marius G. Aleksa
Mr. John Alemanni
Mr. James Edward Alexander
Ms. Katherine A. Alexander
Ms. Alexandra Alexiadis
All States Transport, Inc.
Allegheny College
Mr. Charles Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Allen
Allstate Investments
Ms. Shatha Khalid Almutawa
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald S. Alpern
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Amend
Amherst College
Mr. James R. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Ian Gordon Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Anderson
Ms. Nancy E. Anderson
Ms. Mary Lind Andresen
Ms. Megan Andrew
Mr. Arifin Angriawan
Anonymous (4x)
Ms. D. B. Archambault
Ms. Donna R. Holt &
Mr. James S. Archibald
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Army
Donations Support:
Kenneth Cohen, MD, and his research to identify new
cancer therapies for lymphoma and multiple myeloma.
Carola A. S. Arndt
Mr. Robert C. Arzbaecher
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J.
Aschauer Jr.
Ms. Dorothy Ascher
Mr. Duncan B. Ashurst
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Aspan
Aurora Township Republican
Central Committee
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Avallone
Mr. Mark A. Awbrey
Mr. Terence Bachor
Ms. Betty J. Bade
Ms. Jennifer Baird
Ms. Joyce S. Bakrins
Baldwin-Wallace College
Mr. John F. Ball
Mr. & Mrs. Jon A. Ballis
Ms. Janet W. Bambach
Ms. Deborah C. Banahan
Ms. Adrienne M. Banas
Mr. & Mrs. David K. Barclay
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas
Craig Barnard
Ms. Janet Barnat
Ms. Rosemary Baron
Mr. Eric Barr
Ms. Elaine M. Barrett
Ms. Kathy J. Barry
Mr. Rodney A. Bascom
Ms. Judy Bashkin
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy M. Baskin
Ms. Linda Basnik
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
L. Baumgarten
Baxter International Foundation
Ms. Lynn E. Bazzel
Ms. Jennifer J. Beacom
Ms. Susan A. Beaumaster
Mr. David Beemer
Mr. William Beiriger &
Mrs. Kathleen Beiriger
Mr. Charles J. Bellock
Ms. Crystal Benbow
Ms. Ricki S. Bennett
Ms. Shirley O. Bennett*
Ms. Heide Bentley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Beran Sr.
Ms. Sandra J. Berg
Mrs. Edwin A. Bergman
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Berman
Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. Bernard
Mr. Barry Bernfeld
Ms. Jennie Bernstein
Mr. & Mrs. Z. Samuel Bernstein
Best Transportation Services Inc.
Ms. Bessie C. Betzelos
Mr. Peter E. Beugg
Mr. Victor G. Bianchi
Ms. Eleanor R. Bick
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Bieth
Biff Ruttenberg Foundation
Mr. James Bilsky
Mr. & Mrs. C. Edward
Mrs. Raye Black
Ms. Rosemarie A. Black
Ms. Sara Blaser
Ms. Audrey Bledsoe
Rebecca, Sophie & Izzy Bleier
Ms. Abigail Bliss
Ms. Jennifer B. Blomme
Mr. & Mrs. Norman R. Bobins
Chris & Natalie Boden
Sherrill L. Bodine
Mr. Julius Bokodi
Ms. Kathleen M. Bokor
Ms. Ann L. Boldt
Ms. Janet B. Bolonik
Beth A. Boman
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Bondurant
Mr. Darcy Bonner
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Boote
Ms. Bobbi Borbas
Ms. Suzanne Boren
Ms. Francine Boudewijn
Mr. Richard A. Boudreau
Mr. & Mrs. Louis P. Bournakis
Boy Scout Troop 56—
Burr Ridge, IL
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Boyd
Ms. Lisa A. Boyd
Mr. Bruce C. Boynick
Ms. Judith A. Bradeen
Ms. Brooke Brady
Mr. Daniel P. Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Brandstetter
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
E. Breitenstein
Ms. Nancy L. Breitweiser
Mr. Garrett T. Brennan
Ms. Iretta Brennan
Mr. Eric A. Brenner
Ms. Gail K. Brenner
Briarwood Country Club
Mr. Richard A. Broeren
UCCCC 2009–2010 Annual Report
2009–2010 Honor Roll of Donors
Donations Support:
Tara Henderson, MD, who specializes in the diagnosis
and treatment of pediatric cancer—especially second
cancers in childhood cancer survivors.
Mr. Jeff Bromberek
Ms. Anita J. Krichmar &
Mr. Sam W. Brooks
Ms. Barb Brown
Ms. Karin L. Brown
Kevin & Kristi Brown
Ms. Kristine Larson Brown
Mr. Martin Brown
Ms. Myra J. Brown
Browning Transcript Inc.
Mr. Boyd B. Buck
John & Kathleen Buck
Mr. John A. Buck III &
Ms. Carrie P. Buck
Ms. Susan S. Buckwalter
Ms. Mary Budreck
Ms. Kay Bullard
Ms. Bayla Bulwa
Ms. Vickey Bunker
Mr. Daniel A. Bunnell
Ms. Betty R. Burfeind
Mr. Robert M. Burke
Mr. Rafe A. Burnstein
Mr. Harold W. Burton
Ms. Alicia Marie Bushman
Mr. & Mrs. James Bushnell
Ms. Erin Butler
Ms. Anne M. Byerwalter
Ms. Cindy J. Byington
Mr. James R. Byrnes
Ms. Karen L. Cacciatore
Mr. Nicholas W. Cade
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Cade
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Cahill
Mr.and Mrs. G. J. Caldwell
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Calhoun
Ms. Erin Callahan
Ms. Joanne E. Callahan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Callero
Ms. Patsy A. Campbell
Ms. Laura A. Canavesi
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Canmann
Mr. John Cardone
Ms. Lois Carelli
Mr. Peter S. Carideo
Ms. Lucy Carioscio
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Carlee
Ms. Celeste Carlin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Carlson
Ms. Connie T. Carmack
Carnegie-Mellon University
Julianne Carrara, DMD, MS
Mr. Peter E. Carter
Carthage College
Ms. Laura Cason
Mr. Michael R. Cason
Mr. Dan Casper
Ms. Peggy Cassen
Mr. Michael Castleforte
Mr. Edward Cedano
Ms. Clare E. Cermak
Ms. Helen Cernok
Ms. Laurie H. Chambers
Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Champeau
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Chan
Ms. Melissa Chapa
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Chapin
Mr. Carter Chapman
Ms. Lorry Charak
Mr. Mark Charnot
Ms. Jennifer P. Chastain
Ms. Grace L. Chen-McClone
Mr. & Mrs. James Alan Cherney
Ms. Caryn K. Cherpak
Chevron Humankind
The Chicago Community
Chicago Title Insurance
Mr. Ying-Kit Choi
Ms. Basia Cholewa
Mr. Keith J. Christensen
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Christopoulos
Ms. Konstantina Christopoulos
Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
Clark University
Ms. Ann L. Clark
Ms. Anne Clark
Ms. Lindsay Clark
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. H. Glenister
Clarke III
Ms. Laura Clements
Mr. & Mrs. Everett L. Cline
Ms. Kimberly Coady
Cogan and McNabola, P.C.
Ms. Arlyne D. Cohan
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Cohen
Merle & Seymour A. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Cohn
Ms. Amber Coisman
Mrs. Elaine Stone Colburn
Mr. & Mrs. Bradford
James Colby
Dr. Geraldine Balut Coleman
Ms. Suzanne Navabpour Coleman
College of Our Lady of the Elms
Ms. Heather M. Collins
Colorado College
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin E. Condron
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Conklin
Ms. Christine Conlan
Ms. Dana S. Connell
Mr. Keith Converse
Ms. Ellen V. Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Christian Cooley
Ms. Brenda K. Cormier
Mr. Peter J. Cormier
Ms. Aileen Hirsch Cornbleet
Ms. Araceli Corona
Mr. Andrew Costas
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Costley
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Courtad
Cowtan and Tout
CR Grinding, Inc.
Mr. John Craig
Ms. Corlita R. Cramer
Ms. Harriet L. Craven
Ms. Kathryn M. Cregan
Ms. Chrisitina Crist
Mr. & Mrs. Jefferson Crist
Ms. Mary Crocker
Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Crouch
Crump Insurance Services, Inc.
Mr. Nathaniel Crump
Mr. Brandon Cruz
Crystal Clear MSM Inc.
Ms. Judith A. Culkin
Ms. Frances Cunnigham
Ms. Barbara Flynn Currie
Mr. James Cusack
Ms. Sue Cybak
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Damico
Ms. Carol Damron
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Danis
Dannenberg Meyer Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Danovich
Dare To Share
Mr. Joseph S. Dauparas
Mr. Gary G. Davis
Mr. Stuart McCrary &
Ms. Nancy Davis
Theodore K. Davis &
Phyllis W. Davis
Ms. Susan D. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Davis
DC Sales Inc.
Mr. Philippe J. Baneux &
Ms. Lisa De Azevedo
Mr. Steven P. De Spain
Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Deaver
Mr. Santolo M. Deblasio
Ms. Carolyn J. DeBoer
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Deco
Mr. Edwin J. Deedrick Jr.
M. Lynn Herron Deering
Ms. Bettie I. Deetz
Ms. Patricia D. Deitrich
Mr. Christian Dejong
Mr. & Mrs. David
Anderson DeLong
Ms. Shannon F. Deprofio
Mr. & Mrs. David Derkowski
Deutsche Bank Americas
Mr. & Mrs. Nick M. DeVito
Dharma Driven, Inc.
Ms. Guadalupe Di Biaso
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Diemand
Mr.* & Mrs. John J. Dieterle
Ms. Laura Dietzel
Ms. Joan C. Dilks
Ms. Paula A. Dillon
Ms. Amy Ditchman
Ms. Margaret S. Donlan
Ms. Mary Pat Donnelly
Mr. & Mrs. David Donovan
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Dooley
Ms. Kelly Doran
Ms. Pauline Z. Dorr
Ms. Jennifer Downey
Ms. Molly J. Downhour
Mr. Dale C. Doxtater
Mr. Darryl Drake
Ms. Margaret K. Drake
Ms. Phyliss G. Dralle
Mr. & Mrs. Leo P. Dressel
Ms. Ellen H. Dreyer
Mr. Brandon Drezner
Ms. Kimberly A. Dsida
DST Systems, Inc.
Mr. Albert Golembeski Jr. &
Ms. Jennifer Duboc
Ms. Helene Dubow
Mr. George E. Duchossois
Dupo Community Unit
School District #196
Mr. John E. Dwyer III
Mr & Mrs. Kevin Dwyer
Mr. James B. Easley
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Easley
Ms. Jane M. Egan
Ms. Susan S. Eggers
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Egidi
Ms. Lynn Eikenbary
Mr. & Mrs. Alan B. Erinberg
Ms. Debra G. Eisenberg
Ms. Holly H. Ellerton
Ms. Margaret S. Elliott
Ms. Caroline M. Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ellitch
Mr. & Mrs. Ross D. Emmerman
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Empfield
Mrs. Alix Engel*
Ms. Amy Engerman
Mr. Richard England III
Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Engstrom
Ms. Ellen Esch
Ms. Karen Essi
Ms. Lindsay Essi
Ms. Missy Bundy &
Bruce I. Ettelson
Euro-Tech Property Services Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Clinton W. Evans
Ms. Emily R. Evren
Executive Planning, Inc.
Ms. Kimberly A. Fair
Fairbanks FAST Masters
Ms. Ellen L. Falkof
Mr. Thomas V. Faragoi
Mr. James Michael Faraone
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Farmer
Mrs. Breege A. Farrell
Ms. Georgia Fassos
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Feder
Ms. Carol J. Culberson &
Mr. James Fehling
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Feinstein
Mr. George S. Feiwell
Mr. Scott D. Felix
Fenice Corporation
Ms. Diane M. Fernandez
Ms. Clare Margaret Ferrell
Mr. Harve A. Ferrill
Ms. Eileen Finnegan
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Fiore
Mrs. Lynne G. Firestone
First Delta Group, Inc.
Fisher Container Corporation
Ms. Mary Fisher
Dr. & Mrs. Frank W. Fitch
Ms. Katherine G. Fitzenreiter
Flame-On Productions
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Flanagan
Ms. Florence Flanders
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy
John Flannery
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Fleisher
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Fletcher
Ms. Kathie Florsheim
Mr. Jude Fogarty
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Foley
Ms. Anna Folmar
Ms. Juli Foran
Ms. Sara Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Forney
Mr. Jonathan Forsthoffer
Ms. Marilyn L. Fox
Mr. Michael E. Fox
Dr. & Mrs. Harry A. Fozzard
Ms. Carol Frank
Mr. James E. Franklin
Ms. Rebecca Franson
Ms. Herta E. Franz
Ms. Jeannine Freeman
Ms. Joanne P. Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. Louis E. Freidheim
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Freyman
Ms. Elizabeth Freyon
Ms. Sara L. Friedl-Putnam
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Friend
Ms. Lynn L. Friend
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Frisch Jr.
Ms. Dolores J. Fritcher
Mr. Ron Fritcher
Mr. Keith Fritz
Mr. George Fuchs
Ms. Christianna W. Fugger
Mr. George Fugger
Ms. Donna Fulton
Ms. Diane L. Furlong
Ms. Beliza Ann G. Furman
Dr. Kaye Gable-Brassfield
Ms. Cynthia M. Gabuzzi
Ms. Lynn L. Gagne
Mr. Peter Gaido
Ms. Karen H. Gaines
Mr. & Mrs. Van A. Gallios
Mrs. Mary K. Gallmeier
Ms. Myra Gammon
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur H. Gantz
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Garard III
Mr. Johnny Garcia
Ms. Eileen Garrity
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Gatch Jr.
Ms. Adrien Gatesman
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Gaudet
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Gearhart
Ms. Maggie Gelber
George and Amanda
Hanley Foundation
Georgetown University
Ms. Susan Smith Geraghty
Mr. & Mrs. Philip H. Gerner III
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Gershowitz
Ms. Kathy E. Gesualdo
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Gibbons
Mr. Hal Gibson
Mr. Bingham R. Gilardi
Ms. Joan Gilbert
Ms. Kari Gilbert
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence M. Gill
R. Scott Gill
Ms. Maureen A. Gillespie
Ms. Agatha Gilmore
Girl Scouts of Greater
Chgo Troop 50811
Mr. & Mrs. Michael V. Giroux
Margaret Seeley
McNamara Gladman
Ms. Karen Glasgow
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Glass
Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. Glass
Mr. Jody Gleason
Glenbrook High School
District 225
Glenbrook North High School
Boys Swim and Dive
Ms. Sarah J. Goetz
Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Gofen
Ms. Tammy E. Gold
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Goldberg
Ms. Hilary Goldin
Ms. Jacqueline Goldin
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Goldin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Seth Goldin
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis K. Goldman
Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Goldman
Ms. Cheryl Goldstein
Mr. & Mrs. Les Goldstein
Ms. Anne Livingston Golembeski
Ms. Kari R. Gomez
Ms. Sharon Goodman
Mr. Alan R. Goodyear
Mr. Christopher Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gordon
Gorman Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Gormley
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Gorniak
Ms. Shelley C. Gorson
Gorter Family Foundation
Gottlieb Memorial Hospital
Medical Staff
Ms. Anjali Gottreich
Gower District 62 PTO
Gower School District #62
Ms. Cheryl R. Grabell
Ms. Carrie Grant
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Grauer
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Gray
Mr. Steve Greanias
Great West Casualty Company
Dr. Geoffrey L. &
Dr. Marianne E. Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Greenspon
Ms. Danielle Greenwood
Mr. William E. Greffin
Mr. Edward A. Gregory
Mr. & Mrs. William Grieve
Ms. Sue Grimes
Mr. Greogory M. Grodecki
Ms. Mary Lewis D. Grow
Mr. Roy Grow
Mr. Matthew Grubb
Mr. Michael Gruener
Ms. Elaine Gryn
Ms. Sharon Wong Guifarelli
Gulfstream Shores
Owners Association
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence
I. Guthmann
Ms. Nancy M. Guynn
Mr. Alfredo Guzman
Ms. Kathleen M. Haan
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Hackley
Ms. Karen M. Hagberg
Ms. Linda K. Hagemann
Mr. & Mrs. Guy E. Hagen
Ms. Karen M. Alberts Haggerty
Ms. Susan G. Haitz
Danni Halik
Ms. Barb Hall
Ms. Linda L. Hall
Mr. John W. Hallman
Mr. Michael D. Halverson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Hamer
Ms. Maureen J. Hamilton
Ms. Angela Joan Hammond
Ms. Ester Hana
Mr. & Mrs. George Hanley
Ms. Jennifer Hanna
Ms. Judith F. Hanrahan
Ms. Nancy L. Hanson
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Harder
Mr. Thomas Harmon
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Harrington
Mr. Robert Chapman
Ms. Catharine Jean Harris
Mr. David S. Harris
Mrs. Sheldon Harris
Harry F. and Elaine Chaddick
Foundation, Inc./Mr. & Mrs.
Christopher C. Craven
Ms. Susan Hartemayer
Mrs. Rivian Hartman
Dr. Michelle Le Beau &
Dr. Robert Harwood
Donations Support:
Population science at the Center for Cancer Epidemiology
and Prevention which is identifying molecular,
environmental, and genetic susceptibility factors in cancer.
UCCCC 2009–2010 Annual Report
2009–2010 Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. David E. Hauck
Haven Youth and
Family Services
Ms. Margaret Hawkins
Hawks Soccer Club
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L.
Mr. Alexander K. Hayden
Mr. Thomas H. Hayden
Ms. Lynn M. Hayes
Ms. Nancy A. Hayes
Mr. Wallace M. Hayward
Ms. Kathryn C. Healy
Ms. Hannah Heavenrich
Mr. Richard M. Heavenrich
Ms. Elizabeth A. Hebert
Mr. Michael Hecht
Mr. & Mrs. James Heffernan
Ms. Marlene Hefter
Mr. Christopher K. Hehmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Steve T. Helms
Mr. Steven Robert Goldman &
Ms. Lesli K. Henderson
Ms. Nancy Henderson
Mr. Peter C. Hendrick
Mr. James A. Henke
Ms. Renee B. Henke
Ms. Lorne M. Henne
Herbst Family Foundation/
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Herbst
Mr. Robert R. Herick
Ms. Katrina S. Herman
Ms. Mary Hermann
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hermanson
Mr. Robert Hest
Ms. Doris V. Hewitt
Ms. Patricia Hewitt
Ms. Kathleen G. Heylin
Ms. Merle B. Heytow
Ms. Ann Highum
Hill Murray High School
Ms. Kathryn W. Hill
Ms. Shirley A. Hill
Ms. Megan Hinchcliff
Mr. Warren K. Hinsch
Mr. James J. Hipp
Ms. Carol J. Hirman
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Hoff
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hoff
Ms. Marilyn J. Hoffer
Mr. Kevin Hoffmeyer
Ms. Susan M. Hogan
Mr. William V. Hogan
Ms. Claire Holland
Mr. Kurtis Holle
Ms. Leslie W. Holling
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Robert Holme
Mr. Thomas Holmes
Ms. Tamara Honza
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hood
Mr. & Mrs. D. Hoppensteadt
Ms. Carol Horschke
Mr. Jerry A. Hortsch
Ms. Ileene Horwitz
Ms. Peggy Jo Hoskin
Hospira Employee
Giving Campaign
Friends of the Hospital
HotWatt, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew T. Howard
Mr. William Howes
Ms. Cheryl P. Hudson
Mr. Andrew Hughes
Ms. Michelle Hughes
Li Fang Hung
Ms. Holly Hunt
Ms. Cynthia M. Hurd
Ms. Judith A. Hushaw
Ms. Tanya Hussey
Ms. LauraJane Hyde
Hyslop Shannon Foundation
Mr. Ralph J. Iacono
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Iannantuoni
Mr. Lance A. Ihinger
Ms. Katie Ilg
IMS Marketing Sevices
Ms. Lynn S. Ingvalson
Ms. Barbara J. Irwin
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Irwin
Mr. Richard Isenberg
Ms. Marlene Baron Iser
Mr. Salvatore Iuliano
Ms. Lynn A. Jachec
Jerry A. Jakimsen, MD
Mr. Donald J. Jakob
Mr. Michael Jakubowski
Ms. Candace C. James
Mr. & Mrs. C. H. James
Ms. Natalie J. Jamrog
Mr. Branko Jasnic
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Jautz
Ms. Sara J. Jeude
Jewish Community Foundation
of the Milwaukee
Jewish Federation
Jewish Federation of
Metropolitan Chicago
Ms. Angell Jiang
Joel Kennedy Constructing
John and Jacolyn Bucksbaum
Charitable Fund
Mr. Timothy Johns
Ms. Terri A. Brady & Mr.
David W. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Johnson
Mr. Jeffrey A. Johnson
Ms. Kathryn G. Johnson
Mr. Brian E. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Jones
Ms. Arlene H. Joniak
Ms. Candi Joniak
Mr. Jeff Joniak
Ms. Tracey A. Jordan
Ms. Laura Jost
The Josten’s Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Theresa C. Jovanovic
Ms. Cynthia S. Juby
Mr. Wade W. Judge &
Ms. Nancy Dusseault Judge
Mr. Harold D. Justice
Ms. Eleanor Kaden
Ms. Betty Kahnweiler
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kaiser
Ms. Cara Kalnow
Ms. Marci Kaminsky
Mamoru Kanazawa
Ms. Barbara Kane
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Karabinos
Mr. & Mrs. John Karamichos
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Karson
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Katz
Ms. Helena I. Kaufman
Ms. Cara Kaufmann
Ms. Anne S. Kavooras
Keay and Costello, P.C.
Ms. Nancy F. Keay
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Keenan
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Keenan
Mr. Michael E. Kehoe
Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Keipper
Ms. Courtney Kellogg
Ms. Kathleen Kelly
Ms. Maureen Kelly
Ms. Wendy A. Kelly
Kemper Educational
and Charitable Fund
Ms. Jodi Kennedy
Ms. Tara S. Kent
Ms. Louise P. Kepner
Ms. Kari L. Kerrigan
Mr. & Mrs. Barry
Charles Kessler
Mr. Barry Ketchmark
Ms. Caroline Khadder
Ms. Teja Kics
E. Kiefer
Mr. & Mrs. Ian Kieninger
Kies Consulting LLC
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Kies Jr.
Ms. Marjorie E. Killeen
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. King Jr.
Mr. Matthew Alan Kinney
Ms. Nancy J. Kinney
Mr. Judson Kinnucan
Mr. & Mrs. Barry E. Kipnis
Ms. Kim M. Klawitter
Ms. Mary Jean Knapp
Ms. Susan Knapp
Ms. Sandy Knepper
Kyle L. Koehn
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Kolar
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore
S. Kolontouros
Ms. Kari A. Kolsrud
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Kompare
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Koolish
Mr. Thomas J. Koplos
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Kosinski
Mr. Vassilios A. Kosmas
Mr. Andrew Krauss &
Ms. Amy Herron
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kravets
Ms. Fern Kravets
Ms. Mary G. Krey &
Mr. Brad R. Krey
Dr. & Ms. Norton Kristy
Kroeger Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Kroll
Ms. Diane D. Krueger
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Krueger
Ms. Susan Boyd Kruesi
Ms. Judith Krugman
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Krumtinger
Krusinski Construction Company
Ms. April M. Krydynski
Mr. Ravindra Kumar
Mr. Sydney Kuramoto
Mr. Lawrence E. Kurka
Ms. Cyril Kurtz
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Kuster
L. Neill Cartage Co., Inc.
L-Kopia, Inc.
Mr. William Horton Kurtis &
Ms. Donna La Pietra
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Ladewski
Ms. Laura Ladewski
Ms. Michelle LaGoia-Schmitt
Lake Forest High School
Lake Forest Swim Club
Ms. Natalie S. Lamb
Ms. Jane B. Lambesis
Ms. Debra Lamoureux
Mr. & Mrs. Lester Lampert
Mr. Steven Landry
Mr. Lance Lane
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Langerud
Mx. Penfield S. Lanphier
Mr. Robert C. Lanphier
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Lansing
Ms. Kitty Lansing &
Mr. Robert E. Lansing
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Lapper
Ms. Sharon A. Larason
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Larkin
Ms. Laura LaRosa
Ms. Lisa Larsen
Ms. Elizabeth S. Larson
Mr. & Mrs. David J. LaRue
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Lascola
Ms. Ann Latz
Mr. Richard E. Lawrence
Ms. Rita Moran Laxner
Mr. & Mrs. Alan A. Lazzara
Mr. Carl Rogers &
Ms. Yvette M. Le Grand
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Leavitt
Ms. Lee A. Lechowicz
Ms. Barbara S. Leder
Ms. Susan M. Lee
Mr. Scott Lennox
Mr. Carl N. Lepke
Ms. Florence Leroy-Tallent
Mr. John Lessick
Ms. Lena Leverenz
Mr. Bradley B. Levin
Mr. Barry Levy
Mrs. Janet G. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Murray J. Lewison
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
M. Lillard III
Lincolnwood Suites
Condominium Association
Ms. Kathleen S. Lindsay
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald G. Linnert
Lipman Hearne, Inc.
Mr. David R. Kentoff &
Mrs. Susan Lipp-Kentoff
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew
E. Lippmann
Mr. Thomas Lithgow
Ms. Courtney Little
Ms. Nancy Little
Mr. Berle Littmann
Mr. & Mrs. Chester A. Lizak
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Loeb
Ms. Melissa Beth Loeb
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne K. Loek
Mr. Michael Logan
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick W. Logan
Ms. Regina Lopata Logan
Ms. Ann Lombardi
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Long
Ms. Caroline V. Longshore
Mr. & Mrs. J. Alberto Lopez
Mr. Michael M. Lopez
Ms. Edith T. Lopez-Valdes
Mr. Dale C. Lorens
Mr. & Mrs. P. J. Loughran
Ms. Nancy Lowenthal
Ms. Mary Lucca
Mr. Paul Lunderby
Ms. Gina Luordo
Ms. Karen L. Lusson
Mr. Joshua C. Luttig
Ms. Carole Kay Lynn
Ms. Karen Mabie
MacAlester College
Ms. Marti DeGraaf &
Mr. Toby Mack
Ms. Karen Mackay
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
J. Mackey Jr.
Mackinac Island Yacht Club
Ms. Maggie Madole
Ms. Constance F. Magnuson
Mr. Judd D. Malkin
Mr. Stephen J. Malkin
Ms. Ellen D. Malone
Ms. Julie Ann Mangan
Ms. Kathleen Manilla
Ms. Kara Mann
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Marchuk
Ms. Denise Marconi
Ms. Jamie Marek
Ms. Lynne A. Marek
Ms. Sarah Marinacci
Mr. Peter G. Maris
Mr. Martin J. Markert*
Ms. Shanna Marie Marrazzo
Ms. Mary L. Marshall
Ms. Elizabeth J. Martin
Mr. Matthew Martin
Ms. Nan L. Martin
Mr. Jeffrey J. Martindale
Ms. Mary C. Martindale
Ms. Amy Martinez
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Marwitz
Ms. Marla Massel
Ms. Shirley A. Massel
Ms. Eileen M. Massimilian
Masterplan, Inc.
Ms. Ann E. Mathis
Ms. Beverly A. Matre
Mr. Gregory Mattingly
Ms. Jennifer Maxcy
Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Mayefsky
Mr. & Mrs. Alan H. Mayer
Mr. Mark E. Mcananey
Mr. Kevin J. McCarthy
Ms. Judith McCormick
Mr. Kevin C. McCune
Ms. Debbie A. McCurrie
McDaniel College
Ms. Linda Mcdermott
Mr. Sean T. McDermott
Ms. Beryl McDonough
Donations Support:
Donald J. Vander Griend, PhD, and his work to identify
new therapies for prostate cancer.
Ms. Laurie M. McElligot
Mr. & Mrs. Roger S. McEniry
Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. McGhee
Mr. Mark A. Sagin &
Ms. Bernadette M. McGoldrick
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
J. McGrath
Ms. Maureen T. McGrath
Ms. Thomas McGrath
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy
R. McGugan
Ms. Margaret S. McInerney
Ms. Karen McIntosh
Ms. Joyce A. McKnight
Ms. Susan J. McKnight
Ms. Patricia O. McLaughlin
Ms. Leslie B. McLean
Ms. Norah M. McMorrow
Ms. Gina D. McNamara
Ms. Jennifer A. McNerney
Mr. & Mrs. Peter McNitt
Mr. & Mrs. Corey B. McPherrin
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew
G. McQueen
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Medland
Mr. David Meers
Ms. Misra Meghna
Ms. Roberta A. Mego
Ms. Emily Meier
Ms. Helen H. Melchior
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Meltzer
Dr. Umberto Tachinardi &
Dr. Eneida Mendonca
Ms. Barbara B. Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Meyer
Ms. Ashley Meyers
Mr. Robert J. Michalak
Mr. David B. Michels
Ms. Brenda Lee Michuda
Mr. Mark Michuda
Middlebury Aquatic Club
Middlebury College Swim Team
Midwest Warehouse and
Distribution System Inc.
Ms. Constance W. Miller
Ms. Ellen M. Mills
Ms. Jeriza Mills
Mr. Anthony M. Millspaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Jim M. Minchella
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Minkus
Mr. Michael J. Mitchell
Mr. Todd Mitchell
Ms. Mary E. Moen
Ms. Angela Molloy
Mr. Roger G. Molski
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Monger
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Moore
Ms. Jean Moorhead
Mr. Steven J. Moran
Morgan Administration Inc.
Mr. James A. Morman
Ms. Carolyn Mottley
Ms. Anne S. Mueller
Ms. Kai H. Mulford
Muller and Monroe Asset
Management LLC
Mr. George E. Muller
Mr. Joseph P. Mulligan
Ms. Catherine C. Mullin
Mr. John Fedele &
Ms. Elizabeth Mullin
Mr. Evan Mullin
Ms. Margaret L. Mullin
Murphy Jahn Architects
Ms. Erin Murphy
Ms. Laura K. Murphy
Ms. Melissa Murrell
Mr. Daniel M. Gill & Ms.
Debra L. Myers
Ms. Enid M. Myers
Ms. Cynthia B. Nack
Ms. Jody Naeher
Ms. Nancy Nagel
Mr. Ralph Nappi
Ms. Amy Weiss Narea
NASA/Wildcat Booster Club
Ms. Sherry L. Nash
R. Wendel Naumann
Nazareth College,
Department of Athletics
Ms. Mackinzie Neal
Mr. Robert J. Nearpass
Ms. Jean C. Neill
Ms. Joan F. Neill
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Neill
Ms. Ramona J. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Brad H. Neuman
Dr. Laura & Dr. Charles
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Neuville
Mr. & Mrs. John Newark
Ms. Diane B. Newman
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon H. Newman
Ms. Diana Nguyen
Ms. Margaret S. Nichols
UCCCC 2009–2010 Annual Report
2009–2010 Honor Roll of Donors
Ms. Marie N. Nichols
Ms. Nita Nickow
Ms. Shirlee Nickow
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Nicolai
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Nicoll
Ms. Therese A. Niedzielski
Mr. Ronald V. Niehaus
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Nilsen
Mr. & Mrs. Carl G. Noeller
Ms. Marilyn T. Nolan
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas P. Noonan
Ms. Ann Noone
Dr. & Mrs. Gary L. Nordbrock
Norehad Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Norehad
Northshore Swim Science LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Notaro
J. Nouota
Mr. Brian Novak
Ms. Erin Nowakowski
Ms. Robin C. Nuzzo
Mr. Phillip O’Brien
Ms. Tracey K. O’Donnell
Ms. Jill F. Odzer
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Olack
Ms. Katherine A. Olack
Ms. Irene D. Oleary
Ms. Sara Olesker
Ms. Charlene H. Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Olson
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Olson
Ms. Marilyn B. Omahen
One17, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. O’Neil
Ms. Christine Caitlin O’Neill
Ms. Jillian O’Neill
Mr. Kevin D. O’Neill
Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Onstott
Ms. Alice M. Ooms
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
G. Opferman
Opulent Interiors LLC
Mr. Aureliano M. Ordonez
Dr. Pierre-Andre Chiappori &
Dr. Kristina Orfali
Ms. Kelly M. Orland
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Orphan
Donations Support:
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. O’Toole
Ms. Erin Ott
Ms. Marjorie G. Owen
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Padgitt
Mr. & Mrs. John Pahigianis
Ms. Susan Kutchin Pallant
Mr. Gerald Palm
Ms. Ashley Palmer
Ms. Beth S. Palmer
Dr. & Mrs. David Joshua Palmer
Ms. Heidi L. Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. John Palmer
Ms. Melinda Palmer
Mr. Alan Paluszek Sr.
Panik Enterprises, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Pankros
Mr. Alex Panozzo
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Paquin
Delfin Paris
Park Avenue Consultants, Inc.
Chanik Park
Mr. Si Hong Park
Mr. William B. Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Parthenis
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Pasowicz
Mr. & Mrs. Homi B. Patel
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Aaron Patten
Ms. Jean F. Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
G. Patterson
Mr. Patrick M. Patterson
Mr. William T. Patterson
Ms. Lona Patzke
Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Paulson
Ms. Diane E. Pearsall
Mr. & Mrs. Kirby Pearson
Mr. Robert T. Pearson
Ms. Lisa M. Pease
Ms. Laurie C. Pekich
Ms. Cecelia Pelc
Ms. Catherine E. Penning
Mr. & Mrs. Randall W. Perkins
Ms. Bridget Perlmutter
Ms. Carol Benenson Perloff
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Pernell
Mr. Bryan Perrott
Mr. Gerald E. Perutz
Xiaochuan Pan, PhD, who is studying advanced imaging
and radiation technologies to increase the effectiveness
and reduce the side effects of radiation therapy.
Mr. Robert D. Eaton &
Ms. Nancy L. Peschel
Peter D. and Carol
Goldman Foundation
Ms. Kay E. Peters
Ms. Eva Johnson Petersen
Mr. Richard A. Petersen
Mr. Andrew J. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Peterson Jr.
Ms. Linda G. Petrasek
Dr. & Mrs. David T. Petty
Mr. Richard J. Pfleeger
Mr. & Mrs. Heber Pierce
Mr. & Mrs. John Stephan Pircon
Mr. Richard J. Pire
Ms. Irma L. Pittroff
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Piva Jr.
Ms. Jennifer A. Planson
Ms. Aimee Platt
Ms. Gloria J. Plescher
Pliant Corporation
Ms. Andrea Poggetto-Drake
Ms. Shirley C. Polaski
Ms. Lisa Pollard
Ms. Amy Lowry Poole
Poplar Grove State Bank
Ms. Joan M. Porter
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Wayne
Mr. & Mrs. Norb Poss
Ms. Susan Postaer
Ms. Barbara F. Potter
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Power Jr.
Ms. Cathy J. Priess-Perrott
Mr. Kenneth J. Printen
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Pritchard
Ms. Gabrielle H. Pritchett
Mr. G. Michael Prugh
Mr. Juan Puente
Mr. Kevin Putz
Ms. L. K. Pyzik
Mr. Thomas Quamme
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Quinnell
Mr. Guillame Ragetly
Dr. Elizabeth A. Grove &
Dr. Clifton W. Ragsdale
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Rahn
Ms. Lisa Ralph
Mr. Ganesh G. Raman
Ms. Gail E. Rancic
Ms. L. A. Rasmussen
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Rawls
Ms. Kathryn E. Rea
Ms. Deirdre D. Redding
Ms. Lori A. Redeker
Mr. James E. Schwing
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Ressa
Ms. Diane M. Reichlen
Ms. Kathleen A. Reid
Mr. & Mrs. James W. P.
Mr. Craig L. Reingold
Mr. Robert L. Reiser
Ms. Patricia P. Reiss
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Renno
Mr. Alexander Reo
Mr. Bob Reshkin
Mr. David Reuland
Ms. Maria A. Reyes
Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Reynolds
Ms. Mary Reynolds
Mr. Robert S. Rhodes
Richard Thomas Architects
Ms. Anne O. Richardson
Ms. Helen L. Richardson
Mr. Shelby Richardson Sr.
Ms. Dolores M. Richert
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Rieder
Ms. Cherelyn Riesmayer
Ms. Jean Riley
Mr. Frank Rinker
Ms. Tanya Ripp
Mr. Craig H. Ritter
Ms. Nancy P. Ritzi
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rivi
Ms. Megan Robb
Mrs. Rebecca E. Crown &
Mr. Richard Hunt Robb
Mr. Spencer Robbins
The Robert Thomas
Bobins Foundation
Ms. Pamela Robertson
Mr. Andrew R. Robichaud
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley R. Rodgers
Mr. Kip Rodrigue
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Roduner
Ms. Delaney Rolfe
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Romano III
Ms. Peggy J. Romirowsky
Ronald J. Romack
Golf Shop, Inc.
Mr. Pompeani E. Ronald
Ms. Carol B. Roper &
Mr. Gerald J. Roper
Mr. Albert Rose
Ms. Judith S. Rosen
Ms. Janice M. Rosenburg
Mr. Lee A. Rosenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Warner A. Rosenthal
Mr. George S. Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Ross
Mr. John S. Rothschild
Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Rotner
Ms. Leigh A. Rubino
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Rudolf
Mr. Benjamin T. Ruhme
Ms. Lori R. Runquist
Mr. Kevin M. Rupp
Ms. Mary M. Russert
Ms. Jean M. Ryan
Ms. Sarah Dell Ryan
Ms. Jessica Sachs
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Sacks
Ms. Patricia A. Sacony
Ms. Lisa Sagami
Saint Mary’s University
Ms. Sandra Sakun
Salisbury State University
Mr. Alan N. Salpeter
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Salvatore
Ms. Ann Kowalsky &
Mr. Jerrold E. Salzman
Mr. Greg Sams
Ms. Regina Sandberg
Ms. Susan M. Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Sandow
Ms. Elizabeth K. Saunders
Ms. Jessica Savage
Ms. Karen H. Scarlett
Ms. Linda Schaefer
Mr. Shawn Schaffer
Mr. Robert P. Schaible
Ms. Susan M. Schapp
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Schavey
Ms. Martha E. Schick
Ms. Jean A. Schiller
Ms. Karen M. Schillings
Ms. Anna Martin Schleusener
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schlossberg
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Schlueter
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schneider
Mr. Jason Scholl
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Alan
Ms. Laura L. Schriesheim
Ms. Sherry A. Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Schultz
Ms. Lisa A. Schumacher
Mr. Christopher Schutt
Mr. Paul H. Schutt
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Schwartz
Mr. James E. Schwing
Mr. James B. Scott
Ms. Elise H. Scroggs
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Seder
Ms. Cassie Seebart
Ms. Holly E. Seguine
Jun Hang Seol
Mr. & Mrs. Dale P. Serani
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence
Jay Shapiro
Ms. Kathleen R. Sharp
Shasta Produce
Ms. Maureen E. Sheehan
Ms. Linda Rae Sher
Ms. Muriel Horn Sherman
Mr. Robert C. Shermer
Shodeen Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd G. Shore
Mr. Peter W. Shull
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Shure
Mr. Gustavo O. Abello &
Ms. Isabell Siegel
Ms. Barbara Siegel
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry G. Silbert
Ms. Nancy A. Silva
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Silverman
Taaron S. Silverstein
Simeone Deary Design Group
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Simon
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Sims
Mr. David C. Sinclair
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas John Skelly
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Skinner
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Sklare
Ms. Katherine SkoffHendrickson
Slavin and Slavin
Sloan Valve Company
Ms. Leona H. Slocum
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Sluyter
Ms. Darlene L. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
B. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Gerson Smith
Ms. Karen Smith
Ms. Maureen Kane Smith
Mr. Ralph H. Smith
Mr. Sean P. Snee
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Snider
Ms. Jacqueline S. Snyder
Ms. Mignon W. Dupepe &
Mr. John B. Snyder Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Sobczak
Mr. Robert A. Sochowski Jr.
Mr. Thomas Sochowski
Society of St. Vincent Depaul
Soda Moms Water Polo Team
Ms. Brenda K. Sollitt
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard H. Solomon
Mr. & Mrs. George C. Soos
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory
Lee Sorensen
Ms. Lucrecia Soruco
Mr. David Souaid
Ms. Carole D. Spainhour
Ms. Lynn Speaker-Epping
Special Care Orthopedics
and Hand Surgery
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Spellman
Ms. Christina Spence
Mr. Earl L. Spencer
Ms. Joan M. Spilde
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Spitz
Mr. Donald Spoelhof
Mr. Bruce M. Spoelman
Ms. Georgene S. Spoonhour
Ms. Kate Spota
Mr. & Mrs. John Sprague
St. Olaf College
St. Thomas University
Mr. Michael Staenberg
Allison Margolies &
David J. Stagman
Mr. Mark Stajodhar
Ms. Betty Stamatis
Mr. Ted T. Stamison
Mr. Marcellus Stamps
Mr. Phillip Kowalski &
Ms. Debra J. Stanek
Ms. Ann Marie K. Stanton
Ms. Valerie A. Stark
Mr. & Mrs. C. Edwin Starr
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Benedict Starshak
Ms. Martie A. Staser
State University of
New York at Cortland
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel K. Stecich
Ms. Stephanie P. Steenbergen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Stefanski
Mr. Steven G. Steger
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Stein
Ms. Jane Stekala
Jill Annette Stephenson
Mr. Matthew J. Stern
Mr. & Mrs. Steven H. Stern
Dr. Alan Stewart
Ms. Shirley Stewart
Mr. William H. Stimpson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stoddart
Mr. & Mrs. David Stoehr
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Stokely
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Stone
Ms. Linda Stone
Ms. Susan L. Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Stott
Ms. Jane Strauss
Mr. Paul Stroka
Ms. Grace W. Strome
Sub Source, Inc.
Mr. Scott R. Sullivan
Summit Partners
Mr. Martin Sussman
Ms. Michelle Swan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Swanson
Ms. Leslie R. Swenson
Dr. & Mrs. Henry S. Swiontek
Ms. Dolores M. Szafranski
Ms. Judy Szezepaniak
Ms. Jenna Szkatulski
Ms. Dorinne Taback*
Mr. Edward D. Taback
Ms. Teri N. Takehiro
Ms. Virginia S. Tarika
Ms. Anne Taubeneck
Ms. Michelle Taubman
Ms. Donna M. Tauchen
Ms. Kathleen Marie Taylor
Ms. Marlene M. Taylor
Ms. Tracy Taylor
Mr. Rick Tears
Mr. Jason E. Techmer
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Teichner
Mr. & Mrs. Earl H. Temkin
Mr. Michael H. Tempest
Aimee LaPointe Terosky
The College of Wooster
Mr. John W. Thoman Jr.
Mr. Lowell M. Thomas
Mr. Richard Thomas
Ms. Jill H. Thomson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Thorsen
Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Tippens Jr.
Ms. Dawn Torii
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Totten
Ms. Sandee A. Tourville
Ms. June Felicia Bennett &
Dr. V. Leo Towle
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Towle
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Townsend
Ms. Alice C. Tracy
Mr. & Mrs. Jamie M. Trapp
Ms. Julie Traub
Ms. Susan N. Travetto
Ms. Christine L. Tribble
Ms. Janice C. Trilla
Ms. Donna Triolo
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Troll
Ms. Cindy Truckenbrodt
Ms. Nancy A. Tsivitse
Ms. Barbara M. Tubekis
Tufts University
Mr. & Mrs. Lester Tukan
Ms. Donna M. Tuke
Mr. & Mrs. Howard A. Tullman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
N. Tunnicliff
Ms. Kathryn Claire Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy H. Ubben
Ms. Frani Udell
Unattributed Memorial Gifts
Mr. Douglas A. Unger
Unique Appeals Ltd.
University of Le Verne
Swimming and Diving
Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Urban
Vagus Inc.
Mr. Christopher Vaky
Mr. Thais Valenca
UCCCC 2009–2010 Annual Report
2009–2010 Honor Roll of Donors
Ms. Betty J. Valentino
Mr. Jeffrey C. Van Troba
Mr. & Mrs. Laurent Vanneste
Ms. Bonnie Wolf Vasilion
F. Ventrella
Mr. Willie Vernic Doerr
Mr. Randolph K. Vest
Ms. Aimee C. Villard
Mr. Edward F. Villaume
Villianova University Swimming
Mr. James Voelschow
Ms. Kelli L. Vogel
Barbara H. Volk MD
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Von Halle
Mr. & Mrs. H. Kurt von Moltke
Ms. Jean Vondriska
Ms. Nancy E. Voss
W-W Public Relations, Inc.
W. F. Foundation
Ms. Jane D. Wagner
Ms. Margaret M. Wagner
Ms. Suegene A. Wagner
Ms. Renee K. Wahl
Ms. Joyce E. Wainer
Ms. Mary Pat Wallace
Mr. James J. Wallgren
Mr. & Mrs. Wally Wallis
Ms. Debby R. Walser-Kuntz
Ms. Laura D. Walsh
Ms. Margaret E. Wampnar
Ms. Feena Ward
Mr. Ken B. Warren
Washington and Lee University
Ms. Rosa L. Webb
Ms. Cheryl L. Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Weber
Ms. Kathryn Ryan Weimar
Ms. Abby R. Weiner
Mr. Jack H. Weiner
Weinstein Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Weinstein
Mr. Samuel Weinstein
Ms. Cindy Weisling
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Weiss
Ms. Cary Weldy
Ms. Whitney Weller
Mr. & Mrs. William
G. Welnhofer
Ms. Lenore J. Welsh
Ms. Wende O. Werkmeister
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Werner
Wessel Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey H. Wessel
West Austin Athletic Club
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Westhoff
Mr. Jeff Wettach
Wheaton College
Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Whitcomb
Mr. & Mrs. Blair H. White
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. White
Ms. Susan White
Mr. & Mrs. William White
Mr. Timothy M. White
Dr. Jon Braddock Whitehurst &
Ms. Marybeth J. Whitehurst
Whitman Swimming
Ms. Carrie C. Wian
Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Wicks
Ms. Andrea E. Widen
R. C. Wierman
Mr. Dennis P. Wiggins
Williams College Swimming
and Diving
William and Wilma
Dooley Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Randall E. Williams
Ms. Nancy Rule Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Neale A. Williams
Ms. Marchell Willian
Wilmington College
Mr. Neil S. Wilner
Ms. Kathleen Goss Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. J. Reading Wilson
Mr. Peter A. Winograd
Ms. Barbara R. Winter
Mr. & Mrs. James R.
Mr. & Mrs. Jay R. Wolff
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Wolfson
Mr. & Mrs. Harry S. Wolin
Ms. Rita A. Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
D. Wood
Mr. Bruce R. Woodbury
Ms. Marilyn Woodrow
Mr. Matthew B. Woodrow
Mr. Douglas R. Woodworth
Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Workman
Mr. & Mrs. Chester Wright
Ms. Margaret C. Wunschel
YAC Swimming
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Yeager
Ms. Eileen Yedlin
Mr. Jerome Yendro
Ms. Jacinda Yerga
Mr. Kurtis Walsh &
Ms. Carolyn Ann Yoch
Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Yorke
Mr. Young You
Mr. Brian Thomas Young
Mr. & Mrs. David Y. Young
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Andrew Young
Ms. Amy L. Zakiewicz
Mr. Zoran Zarkovic
K. Zeleny
Mr. Bingyue Zheng
Mr. Kirby J. Zicafoose
Ms. Naomi J. Ziegler
Ms. Ronda M. Zielinski
Ms. June E. Zimmer
Mr. Robert S. Zimmer*
Mr. & Mrs. William Zimmerman
Ms. Paula Zubrzycki
Mr. Peter D. Zuehlke
Ms. Shelley E. Zuraw
Mr. & Dr. Leon E. Zygmun
The UCCCC is enormously grateful for the generous, unwavering commitment of our contributors.
Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of this publication. We would greatly appreciate
notification of any errors or omissions in order to correct our records. Please call or write:
Marilyn Duran
The University of Chicago Cancer Research Foundation
5841 S. Maryland Ave., MC1140
Chicago, IL 60637-1470
Phone: 1-773-702-6566
Fax: 1-773-834-7855
[email protected]
2009–2010 Financial Report
Beginning Balance—$2,990,177
UCCRF Contributions
Trustees Capital Campaign
$ 1,101,052
Women’s Board Campaign
Endowment Income
UCCRF Contributions
UCCRF Contributions
$ 2,439,703
Trustees Capital Campaign
Trustees Capital Campaign
Women’s Board Campaign
Women’s Board Campaign
Endowment Income
Endowment Income
$ 668,579
Research & Faculty Support
Women’s Board
Auxiliary Board
Associates Board
Capital Campaign
$ 1,000,000
$ 2,335,934
Total Expenses/Allocations
$ 3,004,513
Ending Balance—$2,425,367
* Period from 7/1/09–6/30/10
UCCCC 2009–2010 Annual Report
Pursuing Groundbreaking
Research to Deliver
Customized Cancer Care
This report has described a year of steady
progress at the UCCCC—a year distinguished by groundbreaking research that
has fueled customized patient care.
We have long pursued an approach that
encompasses prevention, detection, treatment, community engagement, and survivorship. It is likely that solutions to cancer will
come from combinations of these elements.
Adding the word “comprehensive” to our
name confirms our continued commitment
to an all-inclusive strategy for cancer research
and cancer care. Our members are at the
forefront of a new era of personalized medicine. We look forward to the discoveries of
the new year and the promise of tomorrow.
Help Advance Research
and Cancer Care
To make a donation or to learn more about how you can help our researchers explore new
ways to treat and ultimately defeat malignant disease, contact The University of Chicago
Cancer Research Foundation (UCCRF) Executive Director Mary Ellen Connellan:
Online: cancer.uchicago.edu/donations
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 1-773-834-7490
Mail: The University of Chicago Cancer Research Foundation
5841 S. Maryland Ave., MC1140
Chicago, IL 60637
The UCCRF is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Federation Tax Identification Number 36-6056201. All gifts are tax deductible as provided by law.
The University of Chicago Comprehensive Cancer Center
Michelle M. Le Beau, PhD
Director, UCCCC; Professor of Medicine;
Director, Cancer Cytogenetics Laboratory
Marcy A. List, PhD
Associate Director for Administration,
UCCCC; Scientific Director,
Cancer Clinical Trials Office
Marsha R. Rosner, PhD
Deputy Director for Basic Sciences,
UCCCC; Charles B. Huggins
Professor and Chair, Ben May
Department for Cancer Research
Richard L. Schilsky, MD
Deputy Director for Clinical Sciences,
UCCCC; Professor of Medicine;
Section Chief, Hematology/Oncology
Habibul Ahsan, MD, MMedSc
Associate Director for Population Research,
UCCCC; Professor of Health Studies,
Medicine, and Human Genetics
Geoffrey L. Greene, PhD
Associate Director for Basic Sciences
and Education, UCCCC; Virginia
and D.K. Ludwig Professor and Vice
Chair, Ben May Department for
Cancer Research; Co-Director, Ludwig
Center for Metastasis Research
Yves Lussier, MD
Associate Director for Biomedical
Informatics, UCCCC; Associate
Professor of Medicine; Director,
Center for Biomedical Informatics
Follow us:
Mark Ratain, MD
Associate Director for Clinical
Sciences, UCCCC; Leon O. Jacobson
Professor of Medicine; Director, Center
for Personalized Therapeutics
Groundbreaking Research,
Customized Patient Care
Executive Editor: Natalie Boden
Karen E. Kim, MD, MS
Director, UCCCC Office of Community
Engagement and Cancer Disparities;
Associate Professor of Medicine
Contributors: Paul Butera, PhD,
Hoyee Leong, PhD, Jayant Pinto,
MD, Cassie Simon, CTR
Design: Brierton Design
UCCCC 2009–2010 Annual Report
(from left) UCCCC Co-Deputy Director Marsha
Rosner, PhD, Director Michelle Le Beau, PhD,
Co-Deputy Director Richard Schilsky, MD,
and Associate Director Marcy List, PhD.
James Schilling, PhD
Director, Office of Shared
Resource Facilities; Associate
Director, Core Facilities
Natalie Olinger Boden
Director, Communications
and Public Relations
Mary Ellen Connellan, MA
Executive Director, The University of
Chicago Cancer Research Foundation
Hoyee Leong, PhD
Director, Scientific Communications
and Strategic Partnerships
Maria Reyes, MBA
Director, Finance
Consuelo Skosey, RN, CCRP
Director, Clinical Research
Operations; Technical Director,
Cancer Clinical Trials Office
Umberto Tachinardi, MD, MSc
Director, Informatics;
Associate Professor of Medicine
©2010 by The University of Chicago Cancer Comprehensive Cancer Center. All rights reserved.