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:i'f--^^-:.^;"/-/^:;^;i-:v':''''^ ^^Ltbr, Silver Lining News Items From Antrim a^^^^^^^^r^^^ ^^P^^^9^ ^* I Mariettit S . Lane Antrim Correspondent Tel. Antrim 90-11 Coming Events Wednesday, March 15, 8 pjn. •Guest Night at Benevolent Society. .Mr. John Langmuir, speaker, '^The .Hoover Conunission RepOrt" Toy^be held in the Vestry of Smith Memorial churchThe Juvenile' Beach club has been postponed to Sunday, March 19, at 2:00 p.m., at the Music Rbbm in the Community HalL T h e Hillsboro Music club will meet in the Conunimity Hall on Monday evening, March 13, 8 p.m. 'aty Merchants to Present Easter Finery at Annual Fortnightly Fashion Parade HILLSBORO, March 9 — A preview of the Easter Parade in HiUsboro will be seen at thfe Fashion Parade of 1950 sponsored by the Fortnightly Club, Thursday, March 23. This annual exhibition of Hillsboro merchants was sponsored for the first time last year and was declared a social and financial success. As Easter will soon be here, the interest of people naturally turns to new spring clothes, as was proved last year, .our merchants in Hillsboro carry a completel i n e of new up,to the minute styles for all ages, and sizes, both men and w o men. Again, on March 23rd at 8:00 p.m^, in the High School you and your friends will have a chance, to look over theise new spring models, as the Fashion Parade of 1950 will pass in review. The merchants are offering door prizes to be drawn during the evening. The tickets will be numbered for these drawings. Tickets will be 35c plus 7c tax. ... The- merchants presenting their spring styles are: Tasker's, Eaundrie's. Service Shop, Renwit Shop, Anna Bruce Crosby, Louise Casey, an dthe Beauty Shops will show new hair styles. Feldblum's will show what's new m their line. Eaton's and Boardman's stand ready to show toys for tots, strollers and walkers for wee folks. The correct date is March 23, 1950. Tell your friends and be s u r e ' to be there. The committee in charge of Fashion Parade of 1950 is: Cochairmen, Mrs. Gertrude Colby, Mrs, Vetie Leedham; Mrs. Gloria Hines will be the reader; Mrs. Lillian Johnson will be in charge of candy sales during the evening; Mrs. Elizabeth Richmond is Stage rhanager in charge pf decorations; Miss Ruth Ryley will haye charge' of tickets and programeS; Mrs. Olive Laundrie will assist the entire committee, and Mrs. Dorothy Orser is publicity chairman for the event. Coming Events The March meeting of the A n trim Rod and Gun club will be held March 14. A film on salmon will be shown and the possibility of the club forming a rifle team will be discussed. All per^ns interested are invited to the meeting to be held in the Odd Fellows hall at 8:00 p.m. Friday, March 10. The VFW Auxiliary of Hillsboro - will hold try-9uts for their amateur show. -. Benevolent Society , Antrim amateurs are invited to .The March Ist meeting of the conipete. Benevolent Society of Smith M e m Monday, March 13. School meetorial church was held in the vestry ing 8 p.m., town halL ' at 2:30, with the vice-president, Tuesday, March 14. Town meetMrs. Ida Ellinwood, in charge. After ing 10 a.hi. Polls open 10 a.m., to .a brief devotional period, Mrs.' 4 pjn. Dinner will be served in Harrison Baldwin delighted the, the Presbyterian dining room. group with two piano selections, Tifth Nocturne, and Nimble Fingers. Wednesday, March 15. The PresPlans were discussed for the Marrh byterian church circle will hold a 15 meeting, when Mr. John Lang; public supper at 6 p.m. muir will be the speaker, and it was Antrim grange meets 8 p.m. voted to invite similar groups from Precinct meeting 8 p.m. neighbor c h u r c h S f a s well as the The Garden club is trying to League of Women Voters, Fortarrange a bus, trip to visit the nightly club, and Community club Flower Show March 15. Any one to be guests bf the Society on that whether a member of the club or; EXHIBITION OF SKILLS evening. HENNIKER, March 9 — There not may go. For mformation contact i CROJ?n MTdH Mrs. Clifford Higgins of Concprd. are 26 articles in the town warHENNIKER. March 9 — Dr. Mrs. Herbert Gray on or before!'*.* HILI^BUKU rt/OH vice-president of the Departmient of Charles M. McConnell, Professor rant, this year. The first. 16 relate Women's Work in New Hampshire, of Town and Coimtry Church in Saturday, March 11. HILLSBORO, March 9 — The to the usual business of running the was the speaker of the afternoon Boston University School of TheolAt least twenty persons are need annual physical education, shop, town. Some of the others are as ed to obtain a bus which as plan and home economics exhibition will follows: to see what sum of money and charmed her audience^ by her,Qgy^ j^g^ ^een elected a trustee of pleasing personality, and the clear New England College here, it is ned will leave at 9 a.m. be held at Hillsboro High school on will be raised for the support of Concord hospital; to, see if the town and informative maKner in which announced by Fred T. Connor, Friday evening. The shop projects, 'I A son, Walter Cummings Hills, will adopt the provisions of the she pictured the work of the D e - chairman of the board. 2nd, was born Feb. 28, in Alber- completed under the supervision of municipal budget laws; to see if the partment and outlined the World A native of Trinway, Ohio, Dr. querque. New Miexico, to Mr. and Mr. Bartlett Lund, and the home. town will buy a tractor with mow^lission Prograni. McCoiinell attended Ohio Wesleyan j Mrs. Wesley Hills, a grandson of <!conomics projects, completed u n - er and loader for the highway deMrs. W. S. K. Yeaple and Mrs. College where he received his B. der the supervision of Mrs. Ruth partment; to see if the town will Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hills. Ida Ellinwood poured at the r e - A. dgeree, and Boston University j Lievens, will be on display from employ a night police officer; to Dr. and Mrs. Richard G. Ellis of freshment table, which with its where he obtained Ius degree ini Haddonfield, N. J., annoimce the 7:00 p.m., to 8:00 p.m.The physical see what action will be taken relacenterpiece of fresh spring flowers Theology and which later conferred birth of Richard G. Ellis, Jr., Feb. education demonstration, under the tive to installing a blinker light against a floral cloth, made it seem upon him the Doctor of Divinity 12. The Ellis family have been supervision of Miss Ruth Fai-mer in Proctor Square. as if spring had already turned the degree. sumnier residents at Gregg lake and Mr. Louis Shopes, is scheduled comer. Gaily decorated cakes, Article 24 is to see if the town Following a pastorate m Northern for many years. from 8:00 to 9:00.p.m. salted nuts and cofiFee were, served Ohio, he was appointed by the will discontinue the section of road, Rev. and Mrs. Harrison L. Packby Mrs. Irving Read and her com- Methodist Board of Foreign MisThe exhibition is free of charge formerly part of Route 114 from ard were in Hancock, Thursday, to and Headmaster Serge Bernard has the iron bridge to the driveway of mittee, Mrs. Donald Annis, Mrs; sidns a news reporter in the Far attend the March meeting of the Invited the citizens of the com- the Lawrence Norton place; now George Van Dommele, Mrs. Emest East where his traveb took him to | CHAKLES M. McCONNEU. Historical Society. Marcy, Miss Angie Marcy. munity to witness the work. owned by Mrs. Fredonia Ritchie; Japan, China and Korea. He has j Patients at Monadnock ComThe physical education program to see if the town will increase the been associated with Boston U n i - ! Republicans N o m i n a t e munity hospital include Mrs. SamBirthday Anniversaries membership of the fire department, versity as a professor for the Past ,(, j ^ ^ ^ L ^ ^ gj^jg is listed as follows: uel Van Sant, Mrs. Charles Eades. and finally to see if the town will Since last Wednesday, March 1, I 26 years, and is recognized as one , '^ Games. 7th vs Sth grades Boys juppose I_am a .year jjlder, but I of the- nation's foremost advocates'j HILLSBORO, March 6 —"At th'e Colin Canfield, Mrs. Delia SJ«les'.."Chain: dodge bair..-..:rJr:^igh-Girls A«rt^-to~relocate-tha.Proctor Memand Mrs. Joseph Heritage. i.^., .. c v o^i orial Fountain in the Square. feel younger than I did a year ago of the rural church. j Republican caucus, Marshall A. Mrs. Edith Muzzey returned ! ?«"'sJV gymnastics Sophomore Girls In the aftemoon several people The budget has been posted and As a tribute to his wit and orig-, jjerby was again chosen as candi...... calls for an increase. The sum of caUed bringing me e n o u ^ goc^ ^^^ Dr." M^C^'l^eU Ls" lon% j ^ i l o r ' S e ^ ^ t i o T o f w T e ° r k . home from there last Friday. Al- V°"eybaU game. Jr. s vs Sr.s , _. -c J -MT m- *°^^ $37,480.90 was raised last year with wishes to last the life time E t h d | ^^en described as "the Will Rogers ^ ^ ^ r t B o a r i n a n as tax collector, fred Bezio was also discharged . . . , , during the past week, and Donald I highland flmg ...,,. Fred McClmtock Durean Cooper s e r v ^ coffee with^Bella Leachsi^^ Methodism." He brings to his g J o York as selectman, Roland •Q m, J Durean Cooper j a total of $40,302.29 being spent. - S ^ l ? A m e t T t the school on I ^^lay races Jr. High Girls j The sum of $38,816.18 is estimated k £ S E i £ ^ ^ ; p ^ ^ e S 5 " f ^ S l S r ? 1 l ^ ^ r s s s M ^ 2 ; w i r i L r a = n : : i - : n b l . g a n d ^ . n ^ ^.. GirU | t o ^ b e ^ e e d e d for t o . n e x p e _ Tumbling 7th, 8th grade boys ; this year Waltz rountine mixed boys I " ~ — , , ^, , Freshmen Girls S m i t h Memorial Church and a whole lot of cards from near institutions , „ , , , „ , „ „ , throughout .K.„,..>,„.,t the t h . .„n„trv. coimtry. ^^;^.^^ A . Davis Was n o m i n a t e d I f ^ ^ L i a' tentl'ti^e buSget f S Wand drill Calisthenics Jr. and Sr. Girls A n n o u n c e s T w o Speakers Z ' S „ o t " S 1 ^ . ^ ' w S K " ^ ^ ^ . L ^ ; : ^ , ^ °T.^T? ^ - ^ ' * » ' - T „ - f " . f . T ^ i neW. y . „ . ^ w . e x p W d . a » d Volleyball game Boys Funds and Grace Crane for Library discussed. There was only slight WKNE, but I heard neither. Sev- j ^ ^ HILLSBORO, March 9 — Dr, Mixed group Trustee. , variance from last year's budget. Figure, marching eral cards came from people who Q ^ McConnell is married and has Calisthenics ~........ ! Boys '] Edward A. Eddy. Jr., assistant to The largest sizes of fish are notiS'^cept in the Administrative de- Finale - Flag drill Alma mater had heard the facts announced, f^u^ daughters. He resides in-Newi the president of the UniversityMixed group of New Hampshire will conduct Cards came from High School tonville, Mass. He has been a Deer- always the best, for the smaller sizes', Partment, where some changes were the service and preach on Sunday music pupils whom I knew 35 years j^g summer resident for many are sometimes cheaper, easier to "^^^e necessary by _ a new state J .r. ' 1 law. It is estimated that the sum to moming in Smith Memorial church ago and one card came from a pupil years ^ prepare, and more tasty. ^ ^ ^^.^^ ^^ j^^^j ^^^^.^^ ^.jj ^ " T h e Sharps and Flats" of my first class in Polo, Illinois, at 10:30 o'clock. With long expe •S i n g at D e b o r a h M e e t i n g over 51 years ago. Frank, Walter ience in teaching and administn.and George Gould did not allow . tion at universities Mr. Eddv i^; Twenty-two Deborahs met with ^..jn qualified for his post at Durconversation to lag but kept it i l l " • • •• h " Arlington, Mass., after staying their president, Mildred Eaton, at -^^^ going at high pitch. their regular meeting on MarchV ^^j. j^j^^ Langmuir of Nashua Judy Fogg also had a birthday on borrowed to iU limit and hoped! 6th m he vestry of the S m . t h ^ ^ ^ Qor^cord. secretary of the N. March 1. Her mother invited HILLSBORO HILLSBORO. March 9 — A that with a new hospital building; Memonal church. ; .^ r^^^^^^.^,^ Federation will speak Nancy Shopes, Richard Baldwin. and Malcolm Cote to eat supper' spirited but friendly discussion 'there would be no deficit They said After a business meetmg, the „„ ..^he Hoover Commission ReThe Fortnightly club will have with Judy, her sister, Carol and her centered around the Concord hos- that they personally w<iuld insist on a guest night program tonight members of the club were enter- p^j.^- ;„ g ^ j j ^ Memorial church being represented on the parents. The chUdren had a good pital article in the town warrant at Hillsboro goveming'boa°rd should favorable j (Thursday, JVIarch 9)^ with memb^ers tained by the talented girls known vestry at eight o'clock on March time playing games afterwards. the League of Women Voters meet- action be taken locally. Deborahs, Benevolent. S o - as "The Sharps and Flats" under jg^h ^he occasion is Guest Night •I of - •the > Some other people having birth- ing Wednesday evening. f^^ ^ ^ Benevolent Society of the ciety. and WSCS invited. Husbands the leadership of Mane Carew. Opposition speakers said that days on March 1 were, Mrs. Glenn Florence McClintock and Mildred ; church. Men and women of various of Fortnightly club members were Two gentlemen from the hospital Hillsboro taxpayers should not be Lougee, Mrs. Ruth Perry Reece of made the appeal in favor of article Porter had arranged a "post office" j civic and benevolent organizations also asked to attend. William Loeb, asked to support another hospital, Melrose, Mass.; Bobby Crosby of 19 and were questioned following having already contributed to the publisher of the N. H. Moming sale which was enjoyed. The host- have been invited to attend. Weare; now stationed in Las Vegas, their generJ remarks. They said HilLsborough G e n e r a l hospital. Union, will be the speaker. The | esses were Myrtie Page, Phyllis, Fresh fish is a highly perishable Nevada; Elburton Farrar, who was that Hilbboro with 121 paUents Other views were that each in- meeting will be at Community hall. Cote. Gladys Harvey and Bessie: product and should be handled with bom on the same day and year at the hospital was the second , Gladding. ; dividual should pay the full hos- 8:00 p.ra, I great care and kept as cold as posthat I was, March 1, 1877. I hope largest user of the hospital services pital bill, including the hospital . sible until cooking time. everybody spent as happy a birth- and that the hospital lost $15 on carried portion. day as I had. every patient in the hospital, In a discussion of the town warMore AnnHrerMriee t h r o u ^ services not charged to rant, Town Clerk, Marshall Derby, Miss Angie Marcy observed her the individual patient. The amount told of the expense to maintain the 89th b i r ^ a y on Saturday, March 4. ^,^^^^ f^^ Hillsboro was the towns present alarm system and the ada n d fail wil! y o u have that Many of her much younger inenas | are ectmen appoint the road agent and I same old problem? are "wondering wondering if if they they ^ will ]be^ ^as' proportional -, - . _ , share ,x iofu the J operating I vantages of a new modem alarm. At the close of the filing period chief of police; another calls for j Mrs. Georgianna Gile began the chipper eveiT as they approach .deficit The "hospital had previously the following candidate had rogi."!discussion centered about the garinstallation of an oil burner in the (Continued On Page 6) | exhausted its trust funds and had bage collection article. In reply to tcred for the nonpartisan election: town hall at a cost not to exceed We drill wolls all winter - but • a question Marshall Derby, also a Selectman, Everett Chamberlain to $1,500. ! this is our slack time of year. succeed himself; road agent, Elmer member of the precinct committee The precinct warrant is asking Take advantage of low winter town to study the problem, said that Merrill, Edward Couglan; Next week in co-operation with the Annual Fashion Parade of for an oil burner for the fir^ rates. Wc guarantee our work. clerk. Archie M. Swett; chief of rubbish could be taken to the dump station. Hillsboro Merchante sponsored by the Fortnightly O u b . The but that garbage could not be left of police. Rupert Wissell. CONTOOCOOK The .school warrant asks an ap"The town warrant contains 29 there. Messenger will present its propriation of $43,000 to complete ARTESIAN WELL CO. articles, about two thirds of which Walter Sterling, a director of the A. S. WUcr Prap. I, Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee Region are regular routine. Several which the construction and equipping of Association, gave a detailed account may be controversial Include one the new elementary school, and Haplutoa N. H. of the merits of the regional pro- to hire a full time police officer authorization for the school board Tel. Concord 2898-M2 • A d v e r t i s e m e n t s of Hillsboro Merchants motional organization,; citing sev- who shall also serve as janitof of to issue and sell serial coupon is Yaars af Pair Dealing in bonds of the district to provide eral incidents where the associa- the toM^Ti hall; to install showers Well Wark • Same Leeation • Latest W e w s o f the Fashion Parade the necessary funds. It looks like in the town liall, this has the sup\ tion had benefited this general area. 1 port of the PTA; to have the sel- a busy three days for local voters. (Continued dn Page 4) Proposed Henniker Town Budget Expenses To Be Increased Over Last Year Pistinguished Methodist Educator Joins Board of Trustees at New England College t^iT.^^^^r^jfi'x^- — -^^-°^3St:rpS::^ttd^SiSbTe2 ' -—^^-H^vea. Discuss Precinct, Town Warrant Articles i^X" Don Robinson has retumed Women Voters Public Meeting j ^°;; ^™^ ^"^ ^^^ ^'^^"^ ^°^" Antrim Votiere Asked T t r t a ^ $43,000 To Complete And Equip School Next Summer WATER ATTENTION MESSEN6ER READERS "P^^t^^ f4HH€(^ SfrUHf S^MOH II - A Messenger Publicadon Thursday, March 9, 1950 This Is Your Page-A Handy Page Of Wants And Offerings ai;: .HMl«l*Hii,HiM,i,Mliill,< LASSIFIED ADVERTlSEMENTp C All advertisements appearing under this head 2 i cents a word; nunlmuin charge 38 cents. Kxtra X insertions or same adv. 1 cent a word; minimum - l charge 20 cents. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. W Upper Village Grace M. Crane CORRESPONDENT Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Crane and! Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Lachut were ini New London Saturday on busmess. Our school with the help of oom750C PEOPLE READ THESE CLASSIFIED munity people are planning a minAD\'-L-RT!SEMENTS EVERY WEEK — IF OUR ADS strel show. The Parents' Club met the school CANT SELL IT—IT CANT BE SOLD house Thursday afternoon, LOOK! LADIES'. LOOKl NOTICE - Classified ads are sold ^^^^^ yo^v'^*wrnted"now,"for 1 ^,The Community flub gave Mrs at a-p.cpaid special rate and are ^ p S Le onlyl Make y o u . > b a J ^ - ^ ^ ^ payable in advance. If we must Q\^ sewing machine into a new nearly all winter, charge vou. a 10 cent billing charge , electric.Includes: new motor, light, ;, t ^ , foot control, free cleaning job. New Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dayis and children, "Bobby" and Thelma, vis will be made. ] j ^ ^ ^^.^^ ^24.75. New console and ited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Crane on " ~~~ I Z "^ ~- 1 portable cabinets available. Call Sunday. ED'S Radio & AppUance Service tr^^j^g^. II.14B Henniker 2i_i4 Robert Sweeney from Claremont Plumbing and Wiring FOR",SALE — ^Vz cords, dry 4 ft. was home over the weekend. General Repairmg I hardwood, $40. CliflEord Murdough, Ed Devlin, Tel. 196-2. 1-tf i Jr., Center Road, Hillsboro. U* East Washington YOUR B.Plumbing J . Bishooric & Heating HOMETOWN OVER 25 YEARS EXPBRIBNCB Agents for 'Rheem, Permaglas and Orsnoquc Electric Water Heotata and York Heat Oil Burnera Telephone: Shop 30-House 14-22 Hemuker, N. H. BUSINESS GUIDE i Blanche's DRESS SHOP Dresses, Nylons, Underwear Main Street, Over Tel. Office PIEN^aKER W. H. Howlett Wm. H. Marchand House Wiring & Repairs tei. 58 North Branch r E. a & W. L. HOPKINS . , ,- / PLUMBING SUPPLIES FREE ESTIMATES HiUsboro, N. H. TeL 111—3 WiSTBMOCE ' FEEDS HILLSBORO — GREENFIELD PBom 192 . PBONX 2401. FARMERS FEED AND SUPPLY CO. PARK & POLLARD FEEDS COAL—FARM SUPPLIES GENERAL INSURANCE James I. Hmes Insurance Ag«icy Tel. 160 Tel. 122 Garafoli Bldg. TO PROSPER — ADVERTISE Johnny's Taxi Call us and ride in a comfortable new Chevrolet. TELEPHONE 2 9 ANYWHERE ANYTIME Main Street ANTRIM, N . H . (fillsboro, N. H. amataaee'a'rTr rrrr r~----------"---' HiUsboro Feed Company HusBon HILLSBORO New England Realty Agency Regina's Beauty Salon GiANrre STATI AND PLUMBING & HEATING REGISI^RED ELECTRICIAN WE Rl^AJR iFOR SALE — Good dry hardwood, All makes of .sewing machines, sawed and delivered $18 per cord. I' PurliTigbecfc Grange Also buy used machines for cash. | Mescilbrooks Fartn, Tel. 59-12, AnAt the special meeting on Feb. In this vicinity everj' Wednesday. trrnii *-i'v. 9-12* 128, the first degree was rehearsed. Drop a card or telejione 2288, An original poem on the history of foncohi. Singer Sewing Machine BAKER BLOCK — For sale or the grange was recited by. Creta for rent. 8 apts.-2 stores, 30 x 60 (.0., 22 School S t , Cenoard, N: H. with basement same size, one store Crane. The subject of reorganization of our government was disAVON products represented in rented. For infomration call or cussed. At the regular meeting, HENNIKER, N. H. Hillsboro by- Mrs. Samuel G. La- write S. S. Jabre, Durham, N. H.March 7, Deputy Munsey will be . 23tf present with instructions and the Casse. Box 393, Hillsboro. 52tf first degree will be exemplified. The Henniker Pharmacy NEW CARS & TRUCKS Watch and Jewelry Repairing social hour will be in charge of T'he Rexall Store , REASONABLE PRICES USED CARS & TRUCKS Richard Crane. "The' refreshmentsComplete Prescription" Department 1949 Studebaker 4 dr.Sedan will be taken care of by Mr. and LAUSIN E. STEVENS Mrs. Norman Fletcher, Mr. and SICK ROOM SUPPLIES — SUNDRIES Leave with Nilc5 E. Stevens at No. 1948 Studebaker Conv. 1948 Stude Champ. 2 dr Mrs. Neil Woodrow and Mr. and COSMETICS — FOUNTAIN SERVICE 58 Main Street, Hilliboro NEWSPAPERS — PERIODICALS 1947 Chev. Sedanette Mrs. Walter Chamberlain. HENNIKER, N. H. ,WANTED ,.^,.^^ -Plain — = and i 194i Pontiac 6 Sedan sewing nltoriitioiTs: also"housework by the; 1940 Chev. 4 dr Sedan hour or day. Mr. • D. Renshaw,: 1937 Chev. \dv Sedan 8* 1935 Chev. Coupe Brid.ije St., Deering line. Mrs. WarreK Wheeler REALESTATE STUDEBAKER SALES &: SERVICE CORRESPONDENT OF ALL TYPES NILE E. FAUST MOTOR CO. Square Dancing ' every Thursday Write or phone U3 yopt Concord, N. H. Tcl. 859 night. Weare Center Town Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. McGovm of requirements Bob Bennett, caller. Sponsored by COCHRANE'S SUNOCO STATION North Wilmington, . Mass., are HUlsboro, Tel. 271 LISTINGS WELCOMBD PTA. 6tf spending a few days at their cottage, the former Nelson Cook place. ! White enamel, black top, 2-4 comFor your March St. Patrick decoraMr. and Mrs. Benjamin yan Ees tions" and for your green carnations, I bination oil and gas range. $125.00. have returned to their home after Rolland M. Ives, Hillsboro. Tel. 96, call Van, the Florist, Tel. 141, Hilb. 11 spending the winter in the south. lOtf i 1—. Fred Elliott and family have mov. DELBERT E. READE, PROP. Pianos Tuned and Repaired. John ; .^^j ^Q ^he village and are living with O — An experienced carV Contoocook, N. H.' Tel. 6.2 ) build camps in Bradford, C, Carew, Tel. 41-22, Hillsboro. Stf ^ j^^.^ jgn^gg Elliott. ubmit figures. C. W. Ed- STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE j Mrs Clifford Sizemore came on K. i war. . 51 Park ave., Arlington, Hillsborough ss. Court of Probate , f^m the south to attend the funeral 11-14 I To the heirs at law of the estate, of Mrs. Nettie White, Mas. Tel. Ar 5-1739. I of Margaret L. White late of HUls- i ^ Mr and Mrs. Raymond Grant and There will be a food s a l e i n I borough in said County, deceased i daughter visited E. R. Grant the Spii-itualist Hall on Saturday after- I testate, and to all others interested ! first of the week. noon, March 11 at 2 o'clock 11* HILLSBORO HILLSBORO — TEL. 52 Bailey's "Pennant Brand" TESTED FEEDS Dairy Rations, Stock Feed, Poultry Feeds, Seed Grain, Field Seed and Flour '*********************************. 'Hillsboro Lumber Co. BUILDERS'SUPPLIES Lumber, Roll Roofing, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Hardware, Etc. • Glazing - Shopwork PHONE 195 HILLSBORO Telephone (T | for Bert Lane HiUsboro u i TAXI STAND AT CORNER IN FRONT OF BALDWIN'S STORE Ride in Green Si White Taxis E. K U R T Z N E R Watchmaker & Jeweler OFFICE AT HOME , Tel. 90 HUlsboro, N. H. West Main Street HILLSBORP DAIRY HENRY a MARTIN LIBERTY HILL OFFICE MACHINES - SOLD | ' 1 r £ . , . L«.er E. AI,..nde, - ! g ° r S o / o RAW AND PASTEURIZED / S ' S f / o f Henniker, N. H. Rented and Repaired ^ ecutor of the last will and testament, HILLSBORO IS S432.00 MILK Airo CREAM PHONE 54-15 "Our machine Loaned While Yours | of said deceased, has filed in. the \ /-•'^BtrrreB — CqrrAfiB CHEESE T, V . ^ffi r -J /- • +u» ( HILLSBORO. March 9 — The "^BYB BJ^AMJOSA'nONS is Repaired" By Appointment Only BUTLER ST. HILLSBORO Probate Office for said County the , ^^^^j ^^^ ^^,^^^ ^^.^^ ^^^^ ^^_ BY APPOINTMBNT CHASE'S PHONE ST-4 GABRILEEN PERMS final account of his admmistrat on • ^.^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ y^^^^^ 22 West St., Keene, N. H. TeL 1300 Dr. Minott W. SafFord, Opt. of said estate, and whereas upon the , .^ „ow\inden^-ay in Hillsboro. The COLD WAVES ^7.50 f^ Myrtl« Sc HilUboro ^^^ ^^ Hillsboro branch MACHINELESS FOR SALE — Spanish guitar, settlement o f s a i d account h e :-j^^j ^5.00 The Golden Rule Is Out Motto Call 239 Anytime stoves, used clothing, yard goods, w.Uask oradecreeofdistribuUon:j^ ^^32_ ^ ^ _ j ^ ^ ^ ^ i_ y^^^ -^ Braneh effee of patterns. the persons entitled of the balance found thereto. in his hands to ^^airman of the campaign. T h e appeal ofHiUsboro the Red Cro.ss citWANTED — Unwanted,, useable DEXUBRS, Keene You are hereby cited to appear at ing the needs and work of the previtems, baby cribs, playpens, etc. Cy a Court of Probate to be holden at ious year is as follows: Office Hout»—Tuesday aad Friday Phelps. Tel. 128-2. Hillsboro. 11 Manchester in said County, on the "March is Red Cross month . .9 a. m. to S p. B>^ and all over the country the ~STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE 31st day of March, inst., to show LABORATORY REPAIRS UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT cause if any you have, why the. said I Taephooe 93 Red Cross will conduct it^ an- Telephone 36-21 AT OFFICB TELEPHONE HILLSBORO 71 decree of distribution should not be nual drive. Each year the mil- ANTRIM Hillsborough, ss. Court of Probate X HENNIKEB Day or Night lions who need help and the To all persons interested in the made. New Hempiiiife Our service extends to any New millions who want to help are trusts under the will of Emma G. I Said executor is ordered to serve brought together through the Sawyer late of Weare in said Coun- j this citation by causing the same England State to be published once each week for Red Cross. This impulse to help t^**^^**************************a ty, deceased, testate: Where quality and costs meet your, throe successive weeks in the Hillsis as old as the human heart. Whereas Alfred Osbome trustee borough Messenger a newspaper own figure MARSHALL ROWE-Jeweler With their skills... with their imder the will of said deceased, has printed at Hillsborough in said time... with their money... all WATCHES, CLOCKS, filed in the Probate Office for said County, the last publication to be at RANGE & POWER D R . A . A. M U I R may help through the Red JEWELRY SALES—REPAIRS County the 1st account of his least seven days before said Court. Cross. trusteeship of certain estate held by BURNER CHIROPRACTOR Given at Nashua in said County, HENNIKER, N. H.. "The National goal is S67.000,him for the benefit of Florence E. this. 1st day of March A. D. 1950. 000. this year which is an inHouse and Office visits at SALES & SERVICE Sawyer and Herbert G. Sawyer. By order of the Court, , crease of 87,000.000. over last •^•i^^>0^^>^>^'^'^^^>^>^^'^^'0i'0i'S''^'^'^*^>^iS^^^^^'4h^^ 71 Main Street HUlsboro, N. H. You are hereby cited to^appear at Wilfred J. Boisclair year. During the last few years FOR SALE—No Trespassing signs, a Court of Probate to be holden at 11-13 JBG TeL 7 Phone 171 Hillsboro, N. H. Register the National organization has pnnted en oil doth to last Manchester in said County, on the been using reserve funds which Messenger Office, Hillsboro. 21tf 21st day of March next, to show are now reduced to a minimum. Get Ready for Easterl cause, if any you have, why the Therefore, it is necessary for the FOR SALE — Ready-cut ticket STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Join the Spencer Club same should not be allowed. National Red Cross to meet more iize bristol cardboard for card Said trustee is ordered to serve of its needs through fund drive parties, dances, dinners, etc. InHillsborough, ss. Court of Probate Call MRS. HARRY McCLINTOOC this citation by causing the same contributions. The Concord chap- assorted colors. 100 for 25c. Mes- , To all persons interested in the SPENCER CORSETIERRE to be published once each week ter has a total quota of $26,750.00 Textile Worker's Union of trusts imder the will of Perley H. HILLSBORO 131-11 for three successive weeks in the for the 1950 fund campaign as senger Office, Hillsboro, N. H. Ttf Dodge late of HiUsborough in said America—^Local 4 0 1 T HilUborotich Messenger a newsMeetings: Third Sunday of the compared to $26,575.00 last year. FOR SALE — Green Mt. Potatoes, County, deceased, testate: paper printed at Hillsborough in The quota for the Hillsboro No. 1 - ^ . a budieL SeoMuis, month in Municipal Hall, at 2:30 Whereas Carrie C. Dodge tnistee said Coimty, the last publication to Branch is $432.00. pickouts, .$1.50 a busheL Other under the wiU of said deceased, be at least seven days before said p. m. "During the last fiscal year, the varieties, same price. Ptfley EL Pres., Scott Nelson Court ' Red Cross helped 228,500 persons Crane, TeL 12-21, HiUsboro Upper has filed in the Probate Office for Vice-pres, Harry Whitaey said Cotinty the final account of Given at Nashua in said County, in 330 diaster operations in this Village. 2tf her trusteeship of certain eetate Telephone 1 4 1 Hillsbot* this 17th day of February A. D., Rec-Sec, Jehn Evans country. These disasters killed FlB.-Sec, E. Erskine Broadley held by her for the benefit of 1950. 530 pen-sons and injured 4,412 Sft. of A m s , Mose Hooectson— Margaret McKee. By order of the Court, o t h e r s . Approximately 10,200 Cut flowers, Funerd designs Trustees, Harry Cote, Boger Wilfred J. Boisclair, You are hereby cited to appear buildings were destroyed and Sleeper and Bert Skfaner 9-11 A. o. Register at a Court of Probate to be holden 39,760 damaged. Red Cross exat Manchester in said County, on penditures on these diasters toVALLEY LODGE, N O . 4 3 , MA1THBWS the 21st day of March next, to taled $6,574,741.45. L O . O . F. show cause, if any you have, why BAMUBR SHOP "Home Service is the program 4 FT. AND SAWED Meetings first and third Monday the same should not be aUowed. Vmd«r the Pest Office of family service through which at 7:46 p. m. eioaad Said trustee is ordered to serve the American Red Cross carries Mos., Tne*., Thun. 8«JB.3i30pjB. N. G.—Louis Cutter this citation by causing the same out in communities this respon• TRUCKING Wadnaadar 8 a,Mk. Nooa V. G.—Francis Hill to be published once each week for sibility to servicemen and veter8a,.a. 8 p.m. Sec—Paul S. Scruton Telephone Deering 270-2 Jhtiar three successive weeks in the Hillsans and their dependents and j 8 aea, 10 p.m. Treas.—James L. Ellsworth borough Messenger a newspaper the dependents of deceased I printed ^at HiUsborough in said servicemen and veterans. The NORTH SPAR ENCAMPCounty, the last publication to be at FOR SALE — Wolvertne carbon Concord chapter home service least seven days before said Court coated and single carbon salesbdeks MBNT, NO. 11 L O. O. F. department has served 457 inHELP made by Ainerica's largest manudividuals or families during the Given at llfashua in said County, facturer. See us for yeur salesbook Meeting second and fourth (35 YEARS RESISTEREB) CRIPPLED CHILDREN past year. this 13th day of February A. D.,needs. Messenger 0£5ce, HUlsboro, Thursdays at 7:45 p. m. "The existence of the Red, 1950. C. p.—Chester Durrell N. H. Stf Cross depends upon adequate Scribe—Paul's. Scruton By order of the Court, provision for its support When Treas.—G. Edward Wilgeroth Wilfred J. Boisclair, TELEPHONE 26 you are called upon by one of H. P.—Henry White 9-11 R. w. c. Register -Oa Aa SqiMM" HMsilNr, N. H. the volunteer solicitors G I V K " .S. W.—Gerard Chappell Woodbury Funeral Home T U H L E REALTY Edson H. Tuttle m Otis H. Mis Wm. J. Dumais VAN, the Florist FUEL WOOD I H. 6 . Wells Carpenter opnciM i r;.''>g=j^]^^'i;'''<,' :. ••;. DOESN'T WANT LIFE TIME JOR—SAYS FELDBLUM Washiiiston Deermg Thursday, March 9, 1950 ent to help eight of the ladies in A Messenger Publication—i cuttinfg out their dresses. Coffee was served by the h*tess as the TWO CANDIDATES FOR Mts. Maile H. Wella Mrs. Ruth Otterson ladies brought their lunches. Mrs. HENNIKER ROAD AGENT CoRxtapoNssirr CORRESPONBSMT HILLSBORO, March 9 — In the Velma Putnam, president, conductinterests of his campaign for selHENNIKER, March 9 — The The annual school district meetThe Democratic caucus was held ed the busmess meeting in the afectman on the Democratic ticket temoon at which time it was an- following have filed for town office: ing was held at the Town Hall, in the Selectmen's room at the -Everett B. Feldblum this week made Saturday night, March 4th. About town hall, Saturday evening. Ar- nounced that Miss Beecher wiU Selectman, Clarence L. Fitch; road i the foUowing announcement: 50 voters turned out for this meetr thur 0. Ellsworth was chairman of meet the members at the home of agent, Oliver N. Parker and Ralph "To the voters of Hillsboro: ing. The following officers were e - ; t h e meeting and Mrs. Marie H. Mrs. Walter Dutton,, Thursday, Colbath; two trustees of Tucker "Oposition parties oftentimes wUl lected: Moderator, Perley Crane; i Wells was clerk. The following of- March 23rd, for an all day meeting. Free Library, Silas A. Rowe, Clar- , spread propaganda before election clerk, WUbur T. "Tucker; treasurer, j ficers were nominated: Selectmen, The topic wiU be, "Stop, Think and ence Edmunds; treasurer, WUliam i that the opposing candidates do not Francis J. Crane; member of school Arthur O. EUsworth for 2 years, ^Live Longer." Plans wUl also be Childs; trusteo-of-tr^ist-fundsr-Nor- i want the oflice up for election. board, three years, Preston Rolfe; I H. Lothrop Herrick for 3 years; town made at that meeting to raise more man Parmenter. The following have filed for school "If you hear such conunent con- auditor, Lewis P. Lincoln. Frederick I clerk, Dorothy Jr. Wood; town money for the Homemakers. AU cerning my candidacy for selectman G. Otterson was elected to the j treasurer, Dorothy J. Wood; tax the ladies in town should plan to office: School board. Beulah M. school board to fiU the imexpired | coUector, Joseph M. Carew; over- attend these meetings as much Colby; clerk. George A. Sanbom; of HiUsboro please disregard it. benefit is derived-at each meeting. treasurer. William L. ChUds; modV "I, Everett B. Feldblum, definitely term of John H BeU who resigned.; seer of poor, Carroll E. Greene; Total appropriations, for the e n - ' highway agent, Winniatt K. GrifMiss Barbara Michie is employed erator, Lester A. Connor. want to be your selectman for the suing year was $8,358.00. Sufficient fiths; auditors, Marjorie A. Holden at the Contoocook Telephone Office The polls wUl be open on Tuesnext three years. money was raised to carry out the and Eunice E. WUlgeroth; library at HUlsboro as an operator taking day from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. They "I believe I have the qualifications vote of the 1949 school district triistee, LUlian Murdough; trustee will be open the same hours for to make an efficient selectman for meeting, to install a modem heat-j of trust funds, Mary K. Griffiths; the place of Miss Virginia Lougee. school officers as weU. Town meetTown meeting will be held at the the town of HUlsboro. ing system, plumbing, and water in; police officers, WiUiam J. Dumais town hall next Tuesday and the ing will be held at 10 o'clock and "I do not want a life job as select- the schoolhouse. I and Gordon B. Rich. annual School meeting wUl be held school meeting will be held at 2 man as I believe that when God in the aftemoon. All voters should o'clock. A rismg vote of thanks and ap-'i "; [ created men and women to be selpreciation was given Miss Margaret! '^I^® Republican caucus was held attend both meetings. LOST BANK BOOK i C S r i ' c ^ T h a l f Z ' n t e n a n d Hoyt: for" the wonderful wo"rk%hein the upper town hall, on Saturday . Nptice is hereby given that bank evening. Rev. W. S. K. Yeaple was CARD OF THANKS book No. 16,286 issued by the HiUswomen. I believe HUlsboro has ^^^ ^°"® ^ °"'* ^'^^'^^ chairman and Mrs. Laura Johnson boro Guaranty Savings Bank to QUESTION: Did you know that Regular meeting of LoveU grange , , . ^, .. „, , , many men and women qualified We wish to extend our sincere for the job. No .or u.e joo. ..o mari man or woman is Saturday night, March 11. This w m ' J^^^.^]^''^-?;*^^^ The foi- and heartfelt thaiiks to' all the Fabien Manninen has been lost or Hillsboro Cleaners are members indispenible. I promise, if elected. ^^ an open meeting and there wUl s^i^i,,f'T!X,JT^^^"^^tr many deeds of kindness and ex- destroyed and this bank has been of the National Institute of requested,to issue a new book. Cleaning and Dyeing? l£f " ^ ' ^ ^ ^""''''^'^ ' ° ^ t - ' L : ' ^ - ^ ' ' ' " * ^ - ^ ° - - - v f ^ r G ^ i ^ n ' R ^ c h t l t e / ^ pressions of sympathy shown us 10-12B As merfibers of this important in our bereavement, and at a time ectman after servmg one or-twoi^^an^ _ a- ., • u* x. v i ^ ° ^ « <=1«^J** Marguerite Dutton trade association they are proterms. There are other men and, Beginnmg Tuesday mght, March t^^^ ^^asurer,'Marguerite Dutton when it was deeply appreciated. vided with the latest and most women who would run for t h e , 7th, classes m s encUmg, canmg; ta^ coUector. Joseph M. Carew ' Also, for the service of the bearers^ up-to-date scientiiic and technioffice if I would step, down after, chairs, pamtmg, etc., wUl, be held: ^y^rseer of noor Carroll E Gr«n» ' and donors of cars, we are very cal knowledge that is avaUable one or two ternis and they have'every other Tuesday night at the J X ^ J ° ; g ° [ ' ^ ^ I b e r t J o l ^ ^ ^ grateful. iri th edry cleaning industry. my promise that I shall. : '. schoolhouse for residents of Wash- iSZfs, S f e e i . HoldelTS Mrs. Kate Cashion This plus years of experience "There is one more statement I ington. who are interested.^ Mr. j Eunice E. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibson is orie reason why your garments ShaU make arid it is with sincerity. Kenneth, Jewett, music and art trustee, Clara T. Rich; trustees o^ Mr. and Mrs: Patrick Cashion are in safe hands. I" would like to see the largest num ^"P^7'^°'^ ^t «°^°°1'^''11^« * « " > - trust fund, Gladys A. EUiworth Mr. and Mrs. Paul McAdams ber of voters in the history of the structor. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cashion „, ' ^ and Dorothy J. Wood; police of'town of Hillsboro go to the polls Authorized Agents: Mrs. Katherine Flanders * Mr. and Mrs. Herman Woods of ^ William J. Dumais and and vote, either for my opponent Gordon B. Rich. Peterboro were at their cottage on ^../uuiau, <uiu LAUNDRO-MAC, Henniker or myself the right to vote is someWE LIKE TO GET Phone your Want Ads. to thing we should take advantage of MiUen pond Sunday aftemoon. COLBURN'S STORE, Weare ihe Messenger Office, 145-2 Miss Marjorie A. Holden was! NEW CUSTOMERS... Phil Hugney and Miss Ruth 100% if we are to keep our demoWEARE CENTER STORE Chapman spent the weekend with tendered a surprise shower in honor but when pld ones keep coming cratic way of life." ' . of her approaching marriage to Roy Miss Margaret Hoyt. back time after time, we smUe signed , Mr. A. Harry Davison was drawn Heath of Milford, at Mountain View with pride. That is our way of PICK-UP SERVICE—Antrim and EVERETT B. FELDBLUM ^°'^ P^*'* juror to serve on jury at Farm the home of Mi-s, G. E. WiUknowing that our service is Bennington — Monday and Thurageroth last Wednesday evening. LUMBER LOTS Democratic Candidate Newport, last Thursday night. "tops." and your assurance of dayj Hennilcer and Weare — TuesI , Mr. George EUinwood and daugh- Mrs. Wallace P. Wood was assist- Also square edged lumber— careful laundering. List us do day and Friday; Hillsboro — MonCARD OF THANKS ters, Jane Sandra, of Chelmsjn ing hostess. After Miss Holden had pine, spruce, and hemlockyoui" famUy washing. I wish to thank my neighbors j iord, Mass.,and called on relatives day thru Friday and Saturday mornopened her beautiful, and useful dimension and boards and square and friends for the flowesr and town last Saturday. They aU wish ing. gifts beano was enjoyed and aU edged oak. Dry or green. cords and kind things they did for they were living back here. the ladies received prizes after me when I was sick. "The grangers are really going to which .^^raspbe/ry chiffon pie and HILLSBORO CLEANERS Twin State Ltmiber C o . Mrs. Fred Carter Under the Post Office Block *: town next week. On Monday night coffee" were served by the hostess362 North State St. AND DYERS they wUl work the 4th degree in es and the guests left at a late hour, ^ HENNIKER ... CARD OF THANKS ii-iAa-j.,.* T..„V.J- - - j - U i iU . , , ; ' - • ' " " " " ' = s"=aw i c i t a i a late nour, ,. CONCORD, N. H. Phone A l 4 Today Telephone 113 The family Of G-eorge E. Edwards\^,ltrLJ.l^Z "JS^t >hey will'^.j^hing Miss Holden much hap- Tel. Concord 4352 wish to express their appreciation I ^-"^l^ J. f ^ ^ ^ f . u bennmgton, ^^^^^ Agent for HiUsboro Cleaners to their Zny Mends S o W ! I ^ l ^ ^ t ' ^ . " ^ ' f ' i f ^^ Mrs. WUliam Stevens of South i been so kind and thoughtful during ,^"*7to^.o f K S M ^ -'^^ P'°^'^^^ Weare, Mi^. Walter Cleary-of Ben- •' ! nington and Mrs. Donald Gove of their sorrow. • want to go to bed!! Hillsboro attended the shower at Mountain iVew Farm last Wednes! day .evening. „,.. ^ Mrs. D o r o t h v CT Orser I Cengratulations "^.ce .e'xiended to COKRESPONT)ENT I Mrsr A. A. Holden 'and Joseph CARPENTER 6f CABINET j Carew Kv'ho celebrated their birthMrs. J. J. Doyle has a very inter- j days last Saturday. MAKER I esting picture. For the older resiarfd-IMrs.' Robert W. Wdbdi dents of the VUlage it wUl bring I, Mr. , FURNITURE REPAIRING OLDEST MAKER O F ELECTRIC H O M E R E F R I G E R A T I O N back memories of the colorfuU days, I ^"° *1X.° *=^ilf'"f"' •^^"''^^ ^"^ °^^'^' years ago. To the newcomei-s it •^"'^ Mrs. William P. Wood were Contoocook shows what used to be where the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don. St. Charles hotel was in its "hey. aid Foote and family at Bow on Rt. 1, HOPKINTON, N. H. Sunday to day." The pictme is a very good *=^"aay to help neip Mrs. Mrs. JRobert Wood 1 one taken when the hotel was open ] celebrate her birthday, 6-14* 1 for business as people are looking Mrf and Mrs. Albert Holden of out of all the windows, sitting or Peterboro and Mr. and Mrs. John standing on the big front lawn.', ^ ' ^ ° l d e n and son of Milford were This hotel stood where the Doyle' <^i""er guests at the home of his house now stands, its picture is a "mother, Mrs. A. A. Holden on Sun choice possession. Mrs. Doyle feels day in honor of her birthday. very fortunate to have come into its The annual town reports were possession. distributed at the caucuses last MOTORS—APPLIANCES Miss LUa Murphy retumed to Saturday evening. HOUSE WIRING Keene Teachers' college after a The Honiiemakers held an aU day GENERAL REPAIRS very happy week's vacation spent •„;etrng*7t''lVi^''Elm" F a i ^ "the in Portsmouth and Rochester home of Mrs. Reginald Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Wisell of last Thursday at which time Mrs. Big 40-Ib. Frozen Food Chest; abundnnrc of general storage Antrim spent Sunday at Durgins. George Sawyer of Weare was presONLY space; roomy bottle space; Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Dodge T d . 6-12, Hillsboro 12-qt. Moist-Cold vegetable have retumed from a trip to Florcrisper. Polystyrene — new ida. wonder mntrrial, that's white all the way through, used on TO KEEP WARM WITH t Another resident of our vUlage many interior parts. wiU be missed, in the death of Mrs. ECONOMICAL CLEAN Marion Eldredge. HEAT Lots of frozen water pipes about Contracts for 1950 season avaUthe village last week. Temperatures able for four foot peeled wood— CaU ranged from as low as 23 below. Beech, Birch, Maple and Poplar. L t Com. and Mrs. C. R. Frazier ; and John of Newport, R. I., were Champion-International Co. HILLSBORO I "weekend guests of Mrs. Frasoier's LAWRENCE, MASS. iaunt, Mrs. A. C. A. Perk. WANTED LAUNDRO-MAC 214 EDSAR BOUGIE Lower^ Village M i e only Kelvinator could give you! T'l 20-15 ELECTRICAL SERVICE H. Rumrill $249.95 HARDWOOD PULPWOOD James Ellsworth 35-2 RANGS » FUEL OIL BOTTLE GAS DISTRIBUTOSS Local Repreeentativei Maurice Maiuell Phone your. Want Ads. to the Messenger Office, 145-2 Stoddard, N. H . Heath Motor Sales The Hillsboro Laundry CHEVROLET SALES « SBRVICfi Complete Aatemottva Servic* All Make* ef C m ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF THEIR PARTS AND ACCESSOIOES BATTERIES, TSUCS AND TOBIS loiranoN 6-16* NEW DRY CLEANING PLANT •PricM shown sre for dslirary in yoar kitchen »iUi S-Yeur Prolwtion Plan. Sute sod local taxta extra. Pnces u d speeifientions nibjeet tselMa«« withcot notice. WHAT KILVINATOR M I A N t TO YOUi It means factoring to assure bean the endoring latisfaetion abore all, with manoprecision and qnality ehoelced and re-eheeked yon outstanding value in every prodnct that Kelvinator name. AT THEIR LAUNDRY IN HILLSBORO UNDERCOATINQ 24 HOUI^ ROAD SERVICE TEL. HILLSBORO 113 Send 2St For 10 Different Commemorative U. S. POSTAGE STAMPS Atl cancelled ptfor to 1949 P. O. Box 95—Henniker, N. H. Odorless Dry Cteaning DAILY PICKUP AND DELIVERY IN HILLsboRO Out of'Town Pickup and Delivery on Regular Latmdry Schedule Telephone HilUboro 9 ^ EATOIV FURIVITURE CO Mna St. Foot of Church Sc Open Satarday Night rihaUtUilk HILLSBORO .UISCUSS PRECINCT WARRANT 4—A Messenger Publication (Continued Frem Page 1) Thursday, March 9, 1950 Walter Gay, wett^ast 80 years of William Bondar opened the disage, will visit his friend Walter After 18 years of service witii • cussion of the article relating to Myers-Prescott Auxiliary .the state highway - department. Chamberlain at East Washington Grimes Field. He said that he would saphouse next week. Mr. Gay; H E N N K E R , March 9 — Mrs. decade of the town there were 249 James Van Blarcom has received ask $750 for the care and mainten-' ^g Sponsor Red Cross Drive deaths in town, 210 births and 124 his discharge along with John taueht Mr. Chamberlam the funda„,. , ance of the park at town meeting • marriage. We have done well but Kemp and an employe from Wash-~ Myers-Prescott Unit 50, met at S i s of manufacturing maple Lloyd KUburn has given us an and hoped that a'committee would be appointed to more carefully ex- the home of Mrs. Archie Perkins syrup and has always been on hand item entitled "A Look at Henniker should do better in fhe next ten ington. years." William Roach, for many years pend this money. Monday evening, as the regular arly in the season to sample the in 1900." We checked the' population of owner of Bill's Garage, now the Harold Harvey in explaining the meeting night conflicts with the new syrup. "An official report gives the popcemeterj- article said purchase of Edward Fleming is one of the lo- ulation of Henniker by the last Henniker in the Red Book for the Heath Motor company, is employed the Maple Avenue cemetery and annual school meeting. The unit cal bowlers who averages in the censua as 1507, an increase of pop- last 40 years and found a decrease as a salesman by a Manchester conAtwood farm would be a wise move will again supervise the Red Cross 90's and just now-eompetkion-for-ulation-since 1890_ of 122. While as follows: 1910,-1395; 1920, 1344; cern and is living in hiis trailer and that the price would be reason- membership drive. It was voted to honors is keen among the clerks, this increase is yery gratifying, a 1930, 1266; and 1940, 1336. From the home on the Hollis Spalding grounds.. Charles Flanders of Henniker has able. have a three-act play later in the mill teams and lumbermen at the careful survey of the town dunng first World War to the depression some of the people left to move to sold his cottage and has been makpurr spring. Mrs. .^arold Proctor will Yeaton alleys on Henmker street, the last decade would show a much *Article; 19 *" calling — — " .for ' o , ^the«_/.;_„ the cities. During the depression ing a survey of property in Hillschase of a "^w forest fire fig^tmg P^J .^ Mrs^Wallace George gave From a temperature of 40 above jarger ^^f^.^f/g^^^"!^^^^^^^ interestsincrease of the town had increased many people retumed to, their truck was advocated by Charles a report „„ on ti,„ the rv,ilH Child Welfare zero at midnight on Monday to 5 instead of haying,decreased, as has homes or former homes to live. An- boro with the purpose of buying a home. W. Hunt. towTi fire warden. He Conference held in, Nashtia recently, above zero at 4 a.m., Tuesday, was said that the equipment was whieh she and Mrs. Andrew Fug- noted by some of the night ov^b iij been th^-case in-sPiore or less of the other low point was^reached durTown meeting dates: Hillsboro a^icultural 'towris throughout the ing World War II buT this will not Town Meeting — Tuesday, March 21 years old. that the new this vicinity, lestad attended. be shown by the census. Since the engine would also be available for 14; Precinct Meeting, Monday, MarHollis Spalding has soli hisCfoSS-^: -^^^" Mrs. Henry Cutter read a paper ho'Tio fi-os in the Villages. , "On "June 1, 1900,, there w^ere end of the war when many retumed fch 20; Special School District, er home on the old Henniker road home and began family life the on Poppy Day. The nickel march Mrs. Donald Baker was moderto out-of-town parties who will twenty farmhouses in this town town has increased in popiulation Friday, March 17; Town School ator of the meeting. Awards for was won by Mrs. Donald Bryer. Re- take possession within a fe\y days. uninhabitated. Of this number District Meeting, March 16. Iht- po.«tei- contest went to Uprma' freshments were served by tte some half dozen had been built and the advent of the college is Mr. Spalding will continue.his presincreasing the population, so an inHeath. Robert Bennett and Karen hostess, committee. Mrs. EaH Worth, for occupency for very many years. Stork Shower Given Wilton and were presented by Mrs. Mrs. Ross Coleman. Mrs. Gertrude ent business at his station and In addition to these, six farmhous.es crease should be shown by the cabins. 'for Mrs. T. Edward Fisher census to be taken next month. Edward Bedell. Bonner and Mrs. Dorothy Ferguson. were burned during, the decade, Probably fewer farms are imder only one of which w ^ rebuilt, but cultivation than 50 years, ago but HENNIKER. March 9 — A storit the land belonging to the remiaining what was not foreseen then, is shower was held for Mrs. T. Edones not rebuilt is all occupied and »,.«»i, «oi. "V.. ^w.^^^w. ., .- ^ a r d Fisher on Friday evening by largely' under good state of culti- that many of the buildmgs have .j^^.^ Oscar" Hatch at her home. A vation, as is the case with most of been renovated and occupied by combination carriage, arid, stroller . „— the land belonging to the better summer people. Improved fanning was given to her besides miscellandwelling houses not occupied. One methods have made up for the loss eous articles. Those• present were of these houses has been moderniz- of land. The article would have Mrs. Louis Gardner, Mrs. /Joseph ed and in a pleasant location for been more interesting if. the farms Fisher. Mrs. .Leila Buxton o^ Weare, had been named. , As summer boarders. Another one has -— , , . for hew . ,Mrs. • Richard French, Mrs. Harry about it what was, until a few buildings in town, buildmg was a t ' Hg^ch. Mrs. Roy Gilbert, Mrs. years ago, one of the best farms a stand still until the past six or rpj^oj^as E. Fisher, Mrs. Myron in the town. This farm lies within so years when many new houses jj^^gnj^^s. Philip MacLeod, Mrs. three fourths of a mile of the have been built in tjie Village. I Richard MacLeod, Mrs. Walter schoolhouse, ' post office, railroad ... _JMurphy, Miss Marion Ryan, Miss station and paper mill. HfclNINll^fcK j Margaret Woods. Miss Ruth Chat, , . ' , . : „ 1. • „ . fieyld, Mrs. Norman Greenly and "Of the farmhouses fit for ocJuha Hanson, now livmg at f ' , Carlson cupation, three fourths were occu- theMiss Centennial Home in Concord Mis CaU Carlson, pied June J.. 1890. and of this num- quietly observed her 93rd birthday Tiiose who contributed but ber some three or four are at this Thursday. Miss Hanson is stiU in could not attend were Mrs. Louis writing transiently occupied. One very good health and spends much P/™°i"-' ^ r s . Richard, Schdcht, of the largest of these farms has of her time' in braiding rugs. She is. Mjs. John Fisher Mrs. Annie Murbeen sold and others are. in demand very grateful to anyone jvho sends phy and Miss Nancy Murphy of/• if they can be had at a reasonable her the necessary materials. Long Island, N. Y.; Mrs. Guy Brill price. of Little Rock, Ark.; Miss Grace Miss Hanson's friends, Mr. and Woods, Mrs. James Fisher, Mrs. "About one half of the occupants Mrs. Dodge took her to dinner in Norman Dennis, Mrs. Daniel Poyle of these dwelling houses ten years Concord which made the day more of Bostori; Mrs. Allen Gould of ago now reside in the main village, to be remembered. She hopes to Concord; Miss Evelyn Damour, others deceased, or have moved visit in Henniker when the warm Mrs. Gustave Bochert and Mrs. Just Reduced! Msny Kinds elsewhere, and where there was OoverdaU - P'tnV Alaska weather arrives. 16 ex Kenneth Ward. Refreshments were life and activity is now solitude. At C a m p b e l l ' s SOUPS 2 C A N S 3 I C CAN 3 5 c Salmon George Fisher, clerk in the First served. the present time there are about Pinast - H»a*T P»e'« finatl CtaaitC Style 160 farmhouses occupied, most of National Store, has been attending CAhfs 1 7 c T o m a t o P a s t e 2 thS" farriis being in a good state ai school for three days in Boston. Funeral Services Friday 2 CANS 2 7 c Maine Com Mr. and Mrs. Norman Greenly of cultivation, and our farmers are Dainty Jell - All Flavors Medium Aged Cheddar were iri Chester on Saturday after- for Abraham L. Broadley 3V4_O1^7J amongst our most thrifty people. Fruit G e l a t i n e 3 PKSS noon to attend the funeral of a LB 5 3 c Cheese During the decade from June 1. .gj^^ HILLLSBORO, March 9 — Abrafriend. Ptnast - Our. Fatttsl Seller 1890 to Jun^ 1. 1900. about 50 Psncy Blue Rose The" Mothers' Club wiU meet next ^^"] ^'^ f''°^tl^y'\!'^l'!^ f ^'''' " 33c dwellings were erected in the main Wednesday JAR Mayonnaise evening at the parish d'ed Tuesday. March 7th. at his Rice CELLO 2 5 c • CELLO 13c village, two large blocks, market, home on Church street, from heart Evap«ra(*d MHk Pinait - Pu'e Tomelo two blacksmith shops, store build- house when an auction of children's ailment. He was born in Pittsfield, 3 CANS 3 5 c Evangeline ing, high school'-btitWIrtgr' two steam clothing, toys and games will be Maine, the oldest son of Edwin and Ketchup 2 mills, grist and planing mill, and held under the direction of Mrs. Ann (Lord) Broadley. Tender Beef Added Fsncy Hswsiisn Pacl'td 16 OS engine house. This sui-\'ey fully Louis Sanborn and Mrs. Robert 4 6 OS CAN 3 9 c During his life he was'employed Libby's BKF STEW P i n e a p p l e Juice C A N 3 7 c corrobates the fact that had agri- Lewis, Members are asked to con- as a harness maker and weaver tribute to the auction. cultural interests of the town held Mrs. Lester Connor has been ap- and resided in Franklin and Tilton FINAST J O A N CAROL their own even quite-an additiori FINAST pointed local chairman in the 1950 and for the past 17 years in HiUs• would have been .made to. the popboro. Pie Crust H o t Cross Buns Eastor Seal drive. ulation of the town. During the last Oolong Tea Tor Flaky He is survived by his wife, Myrtie Fresh Daily 2 PVGS 2 5 C Smoelh Ciwsts Distinctive E. Broadley: a son, Edwin Er.<!kine; Vanilla DOZ Light 15 ei 28c Icing •'•• two daughters. Mrs. Ester Phelps Blueberries Delicate CAN of Danbury. N. H., and Mrs, Evelyn Avery of Keene; two sisters. Mrs. Canned Fruits and Vegetabies Annie Ward, and Mrs. Florence Popular Lenten Values 17 OI I : Ripley of New Hampton; also 13 Aged Vilconsie 19c LB 5 9 c Fruit C o c k t a i l Pinast CAN j grandchildren and several nieces Cheddar Cheese 29 01 Finait - Sliced • &nd nephews. 16 OI Macaroni or 23c CAN or Halves Peaches PK6 16c Spaghetti I Mr. Broadley had been active in Mueller's 20 01 Dole er 7 ex ' the Knights of Pythia. tho Grange Ciovardala 2 7 c CAN Finast Sliced Pineapple 29c Light SelidMeat snd Local Union and was a memTuna Richmond CAN ber of St. James Episcopal church ^ •• ^ Sl'd Maiee a 2 C A N S 3 3 c Fancy Cut Brisket or Thick Rib W a x Beans i at Keene, N. H. 12 et Sardines »oi ^ CANS X 3 C Finast S Funeral sei-vices will be held 2 7 c CANS Cal SmaU Yieuura Packed J P e a B e a n s Nirhite CELLO 1 5 c C o r n from the Woodbury Funeral Home 2 0 oi Rich meed M •• Tifflberlake IS ox f 7 ^ on School St., on Friday, March 10, CAN 17c faaer Madwei Peas nt 2:00 p.m., with Rev. Austin S a r d i n e s -.Toeuiosew* CAN i / c Reed of Goffstown officiating. Burial will be in the spring at Tilton. Friends may call at the Woodbury Funeral Home at their convenience. Hillsboro Not Many More People Now But Henniker Sure Has Changed Scr^rigsin j^ery FoodlJepaiiriAient .%%ZU 29c ^K^" 4 3 c VMUiS CMDIIg P^licatessen Fdvonfes Fresh Fruits and Vegetabies California Naval Extra Lerge Sire Fancy Skinless LB 5 3 c Frankfurts 'B 5 3 c Mince M e a t 'B53C Bologna SMOKED • Lean, Regular Style LB 3 9 c Shoulders Ll 4 9 c P A N T R Y SHELF V A t U E S Mirabel Pure Oiange Marmalade Finasl Fancy Seed.ess Raisins , The All Purpose Cracker Educator C r a x Lb 16c Fresh Critp Pascal Celery Popular Sandwich Favoiite Shoulders lucious Large Ript Bananas Quicic Luncheon Favorite SMOKED • Colonial Master Dos 5 9 c Oranges JAR 19.C B«^h 1 9 c Firm Ited Ripe ^M7c Tomatoes ^taiat Young Sweet 2 B*' 15c Carrots New Fiim Greer> Lb 6 c Cabbage Fa ner Firm Ye. low 25c Onions Tendei Youn 15 ox 15c 6<fc29c Broccoli Tender Yeunf "» 2 9 c PKG 1 lb. pkg. Thin Chocolate Mints 3 Ibi. Sur£ne .( Vegetable Shortening Ne. 1 Tall Stokely'i Sliced Peaches ' 79f( No. 2 Can Tomatoes Ocean Spray 2£or250 Cranberry Jelly 2 for | A ^ Rice **^ Krispies Fre*h Ground G r e e n B e a n s 2 >^'29c IbSSc Ib 59c lb 39c IbSSc Ib 89c 49c Ib49c lb 17c Ib43c Sq. Mkt. Coffee N 29( Ik 69c BROOKSIDf Cat Food - it's All Fish CANS ^ FRESH EGGS 25c Puss ' N Boots 29c Native Grade A Large Six* DOZ 49c C o r n e d Be«f Hash rttaoa Mnem Effective ei First MetSoMi S«V-$«r\-lee Supai Merlwti la TWs Vki»!t> — Sitbteef to Martet O M * e « i FIRST Corned Beef Lean Chuck Roll Pot Roast Bacon Squares Fresh Pigs Liver N. Y. Sirloin 1/4 lb pkg. Dried Beef Sirloin Cut Salt Codfish Salt Pork Sliced Bacon NATIONAL STORES • FRUITS AND VEGETABLES BALDWINS SQUARE Mft«(ET Call 1 4 7 for Lenten Seafood ANTRIM CHURCH NOTES BAPTIST CHURCH One Great Hour will be observed! Sunday, March 12, in the three local churches. Rev. Roger Floyd, at the Baptist church, will speak from the topic, "Gratitude Compels" at the 11 a.m., service. During the Sunday School hourbeginning at 9:45 a.m., aT5ll length film, "Like A Mighty Army," will be shown. This will be repeated at the Union service at 7:00 p.m. Young people's serveice in this^ church at 6:0 0p.m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Church school 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Young people's service 6 p.m. Union vespers- 7 p.m. CENTER CONGREGATIONAL Morning worship 9:45 ajs. ANTRIM I Benjomin S. Butterfield is a c a n didate for the school board. Alwin Young is ill at his home. Mr. and Mrs. John Wood are recovering from grippe at their home. Capt. • and Mrs. Roy Dudley are 'enjoying a sl^ort vacation in Florida. On their wav th»"' ^'i«^t«»'^ •*">ir daughter, Mn. Wlasifred in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. I On The Strecft-by P. S. Scruton | Bon't Be A Ballot Bungler Those of us who by choice or ^j ^^^^ ^^^^ ^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ At Town Meeting Election T H E A N T R I M REPORTER T A e Friendly Town" through necessity were out on the ^^, ^^^ ^^ the Opera House was . Published Thursdays You, the people of Hillsboro, only for each office. streets and up in the surrounding pj^,^^ there for a purpose and it By the Messenger Publishing Company 3. If your vote is the straight hills during the past week of frigid {^^^ ^^^ ^^ j ^ j^^t ^ ^ ^ have a rare privilege in America Republican ticket, mark only in JOHN VAN HAZINGA PUBLISHER today - the privilege to vote as weather realize tl«t when the suits, g^^j^ to the March town meeting you wish, for whom you wish. the circle above the Republican Childs Bldg. Telephone 145-2 Hillsboro, N. H. f i ! ^ ' " ' i ' r * ^ V " ' ^ M 7 ^ " v ^ v f ^^'f-n-'days of pur school days, was the Cherish this privilege and use it ticket. Subscription Price one year $3.00 payable in advance. the north winds wiU probably chU tim^ ^^ 1^^^^ ^g the winter over- wisely. 6 months $L50; 3 months $.75. 4. If your vote is the straight us to the bone and take a heavy toll' ^^^ ^^^ j ^^^^les, but in later Know how to mark your ballot Democratic ticket, mark only in the Entered at the Post Office, Hilliboro, N. H^ at lecond on our weak constitutions. ly^ars the seasons seem to have to make it count. If your ballot ft circle above the Democratic ticket. There, is nothing that wUl ever changed and the April fool is the so incorrectly marked that your in- ^ 5. Do not cross off names on the claM matter. be more comfortable when the]man who lets his furnace fire out tention is. not obviously shown, ballot. Classified advertising 2c per word, minimum charge thermometer hits below zero and' bfefore the middle of May. Voters your ballot cannot be counted. 6. Be sure to vote "Yes" or 35c. Extra insertions of same adv. Ic per word when the north wind penetrates every came>io town in the horse a n d When you have the ballot in "No" on the local option question, fiber of the human system, than buggy wagon and the old horse hand, remember these things: ordered at the same time; minimum charge 20c. which will be at the bottom of the the good old shirts and drawers that sheds in the rear of the Methodist 1. Read'ballot carefully. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Billing, charge Iflc. ballot. were once manufactured at the hos- church were always filled. It was 2. Mark ballot in one square 7. Blind or disabled persons .—Member of— iery mills. The cold wmter winds I always quite a holiday and we will be assisted in marking the balmay give you a > e d nose and ajrecaU many, of the old timers who N. H. WEEKLY PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION lot by an election officer, either florid appearance, but your old car- | argued on the main streets and NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION j cass* cased in the woolens feels in'often got. hot under the collar, by Jeanne Eccles ,_..... Democratic or Republican. the pink. Our regret is that you\ School meetings were held in what The very best way to express —N.ntional Representative-— you 3ust cant buy em any morel jg ^ow the grammar school buUding Mrs. Lothrop Herrick, Cyrus your opinions and wishes is to vote, AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION and when the last patch is added^ j,nd our high school occupied the Phelps, Priscilla Baker, Ann Broad- but, be careful to make your vote there is little left to match the next top story of the brick building, ley, and myself congregated in the count! years winter^ weather There was Lighted lamps furnished illumin- Cellar Studio Saturday afternoon •^submited by member of HiUsboro WHYPAPER IS LATE just one trouble with_the shirts and ation and Banjo Hoyt stoked the to pick the winners of the' town League of Wonien Voters. drawers They made 'em to good in' ^ furnace to keep the place warm meeting poster contest that the A reader from New York City a world m which, artificial tinsel ^^til enough folks had gathered League of Women Voters put on wonders whv he doesn't get the takes the place of common, sense to furnish additional heated debates, for the 5th and 6th grade pupils *J^UST WE BE BOOTLEGGERS? paper until Monday when in Anand brass tjcks. j -phe School Board rarely changed: in all the Hillsboro schools. I An informal, poll of the Mes- trim they get it Friday. As we see it the papers go into the Hillsboro I am old,, and out-of-date, '•p^„ii ' -iU .' .Lits personel in the horse and buggy i There were a number of difficult senger Office staff regar.ding the post office on Thursday aftemoon, That one thing is certain; Recall with me town meetmgs days and a graduating class of a j choices to make but by a process appropriation of $1,800 to the Con- and are then sent out to Manchest^UaawaaU IIAIAA ' ; d°2en was considered large. Grad-1 of elirnination. 1st prize of $5 was I don't. understand this talk cord hospital (Article 20), at town ter Friday moming where they are About the "Iron Cui-tain." Vn.UrCn llOieS .uatlon exercises were always heid l awarded to Norma Heath, 2nd prize meeting taUied four opposed, one put on the train for Boston. Having lin the Opera House. . j of $3 to Robert Bennett, and 3rd "Atomic Bombs" weh ave oh hand in favor: a vtoe to legalize beano so many Readers Digests on the prize of $2 to Karen Wilton. in Hillsboro showed one in favor train from Concord, the poor little Very safe. I feel; Fumished by the Pastors of Hillsboro has been very much in | Best at Center SchoT went to Iron wouldn't stand much show. i and four opposed. If the above in- weekly paper stands by for sorting the Different Churches ! the limelight in the Dr. Sander Grace Annis. Best at Lo%yer Village ; dicates anything at aU it. is that the "•hi'e the first arrived Digests get Or curtains made of steel. trial, with Louis Cutter as foreman School went to Floreida Cate. Best ; votes at town meetihg will be un- digested. T h e weekly paper then METHODIST CHURCH NOl'ES of the jury, and sheriff James Ells- at Upper VUage School went to Such curtains they obstruct the ; predictable. clian.-^o.s trains for New York City worth on duty. This case has been Steven Leedham. Best at the Flat Rev, Russell Perry, • pastor, view I Chances are that the Concord where some special delivei-y letter 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Youth given wide publicity and opinions School went to .-Alan Butler, plus j For us to look within, , hospital assistance ' article will be We can't look in, they can't look bowled over unless of course the gets the green light and the paper Department. Mrs. Edith Phelps, have been expressed by the man on an honorable mention waits. It is now Monday. That jthe street and the housewife in the supt. . out,. First honorable mention went to! proponents turn out and make probably explains why your editor's I home. Most of us formed an opinion 10:15 a.m. Sunday School ChilJude Bernarde, and an honorable! "Twould be the same with tin. hometown paper from Wisconsin themselves heard. » . dren's Department. Mrs. Ruth Jones ' from the start but its up to the jury mention went to Betty Day, and to Some, thev claim that thev can see In our opinion money wUl be sometimes is two weeks late. jto have the final say in the matter, Supt. Shirley Kristl. ; what's going on in back; appropriated for aU the suggested P. S.-We have just sent in our re10:30 a.m. Moming worship. Ser- , we presume. The posters were judged on eye Are they the ones that watch a 'town improvements except for gar- newal, resigned to the fact that mon: "Making Good Wishes Work." catching quality, clear and well game, 'bage collection which is needed the Thursday's paper wiU some day We had hoped to live long enough . spaced printing, balance of design j By peeking through a crack. 7:00 p.m. Intermediate and Senior worst in Hillsboro. We see no rea- arrive. • • • . to see this town have its own to\Vn' MYF. son why a 'modest sum I'Sl.OOO.OO) - hall, where entertainments could be in space provided, and whether could not be appropriated for gar^ AN IMPROVEMENT they contained the facts of time. To B. M. S. SMITH MEMORIAL CHURCH presented, where music clubs could place and attraction. We understand that our neighIf a turtle didn't stick out his neck^ bage collection. (S5.000 would be Rev. Whitney S. K, Yeaple. P.D. hold concerts and dances, but we So many of the posters contained He couldn't see where to go, 1 no nc modest sum;) If we can afford bors in the town school district wUl 9:15 Church schooL doubt if anyone; now living ever pertinent slogans that one or two Even with his neck way oiit, support our . schools, and weappropriate money for a new school 10:30 service of worship. . sees the day when Hfl'lsboro wiU wiU be picked for future use by, His progress it is slow, I should, buy fire equipment, bury combining the ViUage. Flat and Dr. Edward A Eddy of Durham, have its own town haU or anything the League. j the dead properly, plow the roads, Center schools. If so, it wiU be an that resembles' it in the slightest University of N. H. Mrs. Kunhardt of Francestown I'U admit that some of us care for Grimes Field, then we improvement. It is too bad that a degree. We may see a new school Soloist Miss Madeline GUmore. dropped in Saturday„ -for. a looksee O"*" "s<=^= ^^'^ stretch .. v i.too .far; can afford a little for a health better solution - a combined Special buUding, then again we may not and Town District school could not ST. MARY'S CHURCH Perhaps someday someone wiU at all we've been doing lately, and ^0° anxjous. to see whats gomg on, ^^^sure - garbage collection. and Eleanor Gould „ .,Rowe . i 1 1of,• Sometime, we get a jar. , It is said that it is unlawful to be realized. Rev. Lancelot Quinn, Pastor leave the town a suitable building Leona in the light of a modern era. When Henniker came m after class last Thanks. B. M. S. for your friendly i .dispose of garbage at the town: Whatever happened to the cornSunday: . idump. If this is true 90-o of the ^ mittee to effect a merger of the the Odd Fellows of long ago gave Wednesday evening . to show u s . tip. Mass: 7:30 and 10:00. i towns and cities of N. H.. are law two school systems? Will they reup their building it was" a mistake drawings they ve been doing at You say I haven't won; Vespers: 6:00 p.m. home. In three weeks we will greet Even if I never win. .breakers. How much longer must port to the special school meeting. 1st Sunday of Month: 7:30, 9:00 that somebody now has cause for spring officiaUy and it will be regi-et the fact that the builders I'll have a lot of fun. we continue to bootleg garbage Friday. March 17? 10:00. grand when all our members can did not hang together. into the town dump? Holy Days: 1 It goes without saying that should get about easily and come to class My watch needs cleaning now and • Mass: 5:30 and 7:00 a.m. regularly once again. then. I'' 's hoped that our Antrim neigh- the town meeting favor a town The swill removal problem i s ' Little Charlotte Reed, the Art DEERING COMMUNITY CHURCH My eight doy clock plays tricks: bors will do the wisest thing and owned cemetery, that the cemetery Rev. Charles E. Reidt Pastor • far from being i new project, in ' Club's sWeethoart-^ave us an hour I've never fonrrd-'a- "Parking-Met^r'*' move their children into their new be available for all - Protestant fact if you go back to 1934, you will: That was ever out of fix. modern weU e'quipped school. Catholic and Jew alike. -• Pictures for the" Deering Com- see "On The Street" suggested that last .Wednesday evening and Gene munity, church for March are asgarbage removal be a real issue Colburn did a number of strenuous pOses for us during the second follows: for the voters to take action on. hour, March 12: "Spokane-An inland There is nothing new under the M^\V\V( TIME: Every Wednesday evening Empire." sun but a pUe of refuse.can create from 8 to 10 p.m. March 19: "Negro Soldiers." an awful stink under the sun. PLACE: The Cellar Studio in March 20: "Family Outing," and the Valley Hotel. "Seminoles of Florida;" Mrs. Frank E . Wheeler FACTS: You are welcome as a Hostess t o D A R Members \ worker or as a visitor and. Stuart ADVENTIST SERVICES Seseiuli Day Adventisi Church Bruce of Washington is our inMolly Aiken chapter, DAR. met structor. oeeting wiU be held at Harold farnsworth's home, Center 'Wash- at the home of Mrs. Frank E. 54' WIDE OVER - ALL HILLSBORO ington. Sabbath School Saturday at Wheeler Friday aftemoon. Dessert lunch was served by the hostess Report of the District, Nurse for two o'clock. Preaching ai three. preceding the meeting. Mrs. Frank the month of February: Orser of Hillsboro was assisting Nursing visits 188 HENNIKER hostess. Mi-s. Archie Swett. Nation- Advisory calls 10 METHODIST CHURCH al Defense Chairman, gave a bods Friendly visits 7 Rev. Earle Y. Fellows, Pastor report on the recent book the Prenatal calls 17 10:45 a.m. Service of worship Road Ahead. Welfare visits 16 and sermon for the third Sunday 56 Mrs. Albert Zabrikie. program Number of patients in Lent will be "The Destructive Medical 33 Power of Vanity." It is a great chairman, was in charge of theSurgical '5 truth that only as we seek after program: A paper on Presidential Obstetrical 14 Inauguration was read by Mre. the good things of life, will we re- Roscoe Lang; Mrs. Zabriskie read Infants 4 ceive them. , an account of the first Inaugural Patients taken to hospital 3 God is 'bur Father and there is BaU; Daughters responded at roll Patients taken to Oculist 2 no way that we can fool ourselves call'with short sketches of Presi- Patients taken to Otologist 11 .i?.t.X?a.5.P.!DL.^Ji'_- foolish ne^lect^ dente'--Daughters;-Mrs.- Byron But-- PupUs_to.T.^B.. •clinic1 ways so that we can be satisfied terfield and Mrs. Benjamin Tenney Children to hospital for with any lesser truth. sang the State DAR Song, "Beautonsillectomies 2 Every person should set aside tiful New Hampshire." Pupils to Orthopedic clinic 1 a part of the Sabbath Day to wor.» Births y 1 It was reported during the busiship and seek after their God and Visits to school 9 Father. Come let us worship t o - ness meeting that two historical . At the Young-Richardson Legion books had been sent recently to Hong lhi» tomplel* 3.S«<lio« gether. -. -• Woll CobintI orer your link, Memorial Continental Library in post meeting held in the headquarrongt or OiniHt Sot, end yeull RICHT-HAND CABINET CONGREGA-nONAL CHURCH Washington. Delegates will be sel- * ters buUding, School st., on Tuesodd 54 inchot ef boeuty and Rev. Robert H. Lewis. Pastor ected by the Regent for the State j day evening, the guest speaker was cenvtnjtnc* to your homo. AJl LEFT-HAND CABINET itttl . . . b«o«fifuny ilreom. 10:30 a.m.. Service of worship Conference from among those plan- Paul S. Scruton, a Iiegion member linod, wHh eon<«eled hingoi... for the past 32 y*ars, who gavfe a 2-DOOR CENTER UNIT ning to atend. and sermon on "Life." end emoiing fteturt et thit Children's story, "The Tinker." menty.teving prict. Smert, The April meeting wUl be held chaUc talk, "Faces in the News." • ALL STEEL, w o l t i j d throughout to durebit, whitt beled tnomol Anthems: "Surely He Hath at Maplehurst Inn with Mrs. Her- There was a large attendance at last a h f c t i m e f i n U i . . . toiy te k»«p eleen. Borne Our Griefs." "O Saviour Be- bert WUson and Mrs. Everett Davis. the business session and the en• M o d e r n s t r e a m l i n e d design, w i t h COMPLETE tertainment which followed. fore the World." concealed hinges never b e f o r e AS SHOWN . 10:30 a.m. Church school for be- HILLSBORO TOWN REPORT Bessie Blanchard, for several at such a l o w price ginners, primary and junior classes. READY years a resident of this town, is TOMORROW • Finished in g l e a m i n g w h i t e p c c e 11:30 a.m. Church school for invisiting at the home of Arthur lain-like permanent baked enamel, termediates and seniors. ALWAYS MORE HILLSBORO. March 9 — Token Whitney on the Henniker road. • Reinforced, r e m o v a b l e doors Choir rehearsal for adults Thurs- delivery of the Hillsborough Town Amateur contest sponsored by ' • Polished chrome handles FOR YOUR MONEY day at 7. Reports was made Wednesday to the Ladies' Auxiliary, VFW, wUl . Ploted steel-spring snop locks Choir rehekrsal for juniors Thurs- Selectmen Olio P. York and Irabe 'held at the high school gym AT EATON'S day at 4. V- Eosily c i c o n e d w i t h d a m p cloth C. Roach. OUo P. York said that Thursday evening, March 16. It is the books would be avaUable at requested that all contestants, young • • Easy to put o p — by a n y o n e ! . IN HILLSBORO Boynton's store and at Boardman's and old register by Friday, March Christian Sdence Programs this Friday. 10, at the auxUiary headquarters. M A ! N C H E S T E R WMUR 610 kc The 1950 book has an attractive Judges for the contest finals are Sundays at 9:00 a. m. cover of white on which is a photo- Robert Boardman and Paul Scmgraph of the Franklin Pierce Home- ton. BOSTON WBZ 1020 kc stead. The Messenger Office subA brisk chimney fire at the resSundays at 8:45 a. Bk Mam St. Fo«t of Church Sc mitted the lowest bid this year, the idence of Fred Lundberg on MonKEENE WKNE 129o' ke cost of the 800 copies beinjg $400. day aftemoon caUed out the chemOpen Saturday Night . Sundays,at 9:85 a m. The Messenger Office also printed ical department with two firemen the Windsor reports' this year. responding to the stUl alarm. TIME-PLACE-FACT Uncle Cy-Says ^^^%%^oyi^ ^-^e^ 3-PIECE WALL CABINET atcs^^. jlo^V''^- EATOIV FURIMITURE CO. '€—A M e s s e n g e r Publication Thursday, February 23, 1950 Concord BUSINESS DIRECTORY PATRONIZE THESE FRIENDLY BUSINESSMEN WHEN SHOPPING IN CONCORD 'L'RNITXJRE, MAGNETOS Corr plete Home Furniihen Magnetos rnfmms Repaired M E R R I L L 8C C O T E 161 No; MAIN STBBBT Conveoiem Credit Tenn* Tela. 2770 — 2771 SPORT SHOk* .******************************'**". BUICK GARAGE H a g g e t t ' s Sport S h o p C A. MORSB ATHLETIC GOODS — BICVCLES RIPAIRED — GUNS — AMMCNITION BABY CARRIAGES RE-TIRED SPORTING GOODS CONCORD BUICK CO. PARTS — BVICK — SERTICS LISABEL GAY'S COLUMN (Continued from Page 1) HILLSBORO their 89th year. She was given a small -surprise birthday party at the home of Mrs. James Leach. The ladies played cards and enjoyed refreshments. Mrs. Alice Knight GRADE TWO ^ was 89 on Monday, Msu-ch 6. Both Fifteen chUdren have been absent ladies keep house for themselves this week because of chicken pox. and Mrs. Knight earns her own Karen, Gene and Gerald returned living by her painting and other to school Thursday. artistic work. James Wood read Longfellow's "Hiawatha," to \is . « Old Town House ' Everone had one hundred in euing today ^°"^^ '**'"® ^^° ^ ^^^ '^^ ^^ speUing today. Richard Euiworth read, "The Lad '=°^"5"'* a^outmy early school days • North " • Wind," to the first at the Center, especially places and• the where,. we played. But I omitted to grad© - -, -We made pictures of tulips this !^" ^^^ ^ " * °''\°^ ="' ^^^ °^^ ggjj' .. itown house or old meetmg house. week. We have some little yellow ducks ' This J)am-llke structure stood just in front of the cemetery from 1789 for our blackboard border. to 1892, when it was bumed t o gether with the Congregational GRADE FOUR church just'across the road to the We have been having lessons : ^ ^ ^ . ^ - ^ v * K " , T ^^ """^^ ^° *^! about Lincoln and Washington and ^ f.°"^- This JjuUdmg _ never seemed have written stories about them. ••^ ^ "^'^''^ to^me,^m fact it never John Martin brought the story of "^^ " u ^ , 1 "^"""^^ ^"* ^ ^ ^ Robinson Crusoe to school. We like ^ ^ f l I i ^ ° ^ ^ meetmg house From it very much . the first it was used for all town One moming after our opening °''f^f'l''%''^^'«'°'^^^^^^ e.xercises we surprised Catherine J «»'"k the maple trees m front of Teixeira by singing Happy Birth- ! r i T u ^ f ? . "^^ .^^ °°"^ers of day 11^® °^^ building. Prior to 1874, e v - WEEKLY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Elementary School I POLITICIAN HORIZONTAL 1,4 Pictured politician 10 Gratuity 13 Esicitement 14 Bird 15 Lyric poem 16 Distribute. 18 Infants 19 Enemies 20 South Amer« iea (ab.) 21 Dance step . 23 Australian bird 25 Street (ab.) 26 Toupee 27 Urchin 29 Two times 31 Jumps 34 Rowing stick 35 Rodent 36 Iron 39 Admittance 41 Drink slowly 42 Plaything 43 Spain (ab.) 45 Grain 47 Male sheep 48 East Indies (ab.) 50 Sound 52 Um 55 Finishes 57 Age 58 Tell 60 Lubricant 61 Spider's home 62 Makes speech 63 Route (ab.) VERTICAL 1 Jellies 2Plan 1 3 Witticism 4 Folk) (ab.) 5 Skills 6 River (Sp.) 7 Fate 8 Otherwise 9 Biblical pronoun 10 Also 11 Roman date 12 Annoyance 17 Narrative poem 19 Noxious, odor 22 Era 24 Unit ot wire measurement 26 Telegraphs 28 Social event 29 Upper part "Hereli tbe Aatwer : :•• '•'i-irjft-'r.MW>-lf-lf=' ISiCiM ' W^-IWEJ vJHeir^piv^.pifijpj.^i SOConSict 32 Standard of value 33 Pigpen 37 Fatiier 38 Enemy agent 39 Greek letter 40 Alaskan city 43 Boil slowly 44 Skin opening 46 Always 47 Network ot aiSe nerves 48 Prepare for publication 49 Island 51 Grab 53 Winglike 54 Was seated 56 Neither 58 International language 59 Ells Scotch (ab.) ir Albert Lane spent Wednesday in ^7^^^ "^^"^ ^° ^ ^ ^ ^ " ) " *<? ^ " ^ •Boston. , at the town meetmg and on other i elections. Before my remembrance, TOP PRICES POR U S E D CARS GRADE FIVE I'"^ young elders had removed two 4 BEACON STREET —' PHONE 2731 140 N. MAIN ST. PHONE 4207 ^ George Cote and Jack LaMon- I °^ ^""^^ ^ ° ^ ! °l square pews from Ktjisssr t rrrr err "••'""•'•**'^"** tagne are intertaining the chicken ,^^ *=^'^**'' 5^ ^'^^ buUding leaving JEWELERS pox. the space of a smaU haU. The floor .*************************\ BODY REPAIRS ***** The blackboard borders of tulips '^^'"'^^ ij^''® ^^'"^ wide, two feet or W . L . Fickett & C o . were drawn free hand by Joan "'.^f'^' ^ ^ " ^ °^, ^^^ °l<^er people JEWELER Devlin, Richard Bi-uerton and Leo J^TJ ^ T ^ ^ ' ^ ' ' Y"^ levees that were Hoagland's Auto Body held in tthe when r> neld m h e old old town tnum house Vimiea «I.VID« Demag. DIAMONDS — WATCHES LAUNDRY TO BEGIN the young people traveled miles Harvey. With girls from all the Body and Fender Repairs The March calendars were done JEWELRY DRY CLEANING SERVICE promenaaea up and down and' ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ' ^ ^ ^ °^^P*^'"® "^^^^ ®*^*°' "Complete Collision Senice" free hand by George Cote and P'"0'"enaaed and around the also danced danced'^^^^ luncheon the Eagle Gifts For All Oeeasions \ PAINTING Richard Page. arouna xne hall. nail, They i n e y also " ; ' , "^^^ " : "* ." at '" ."-*' .*'Starting Monday the Hillsboro • •Uv, Tr:....:-!. Reel n . - i and _ ' i the ., ... . IH o t e l nnd wprp ffivpn a .siffVit. !s(»<»in(» the Virginia Shaker! "°*®^ ^"° ^^^'"^ ^'^^" ® ^'^^* ^^^'"^ We have had fun doing free hand ! ? ^ ^""^f' DURGIN LANE --CONCORD N, M A I N STREET — C«NCORD | T> rm . . trip around the city. The girl Laundry will offer a modern n e w posters calling all voters attention f^^^'^^- ^he occasion I best remem PHOIIE_}3S4 i***a.§t**rffrrrfrrrr--"-'"^'*'' chosen for the highest honor. Miss odorless dry cleaning service aldng to town meeting March 14. Mrs. ber was one evening Frank and Joan Prichard, was given a $100 with its present laundry service. A RADIO REPAIR^: Gile told us she thought making Walter and Zitella Andrews were bond. Mr. Merrill, formerly with the Sun .********************************' these posters had sei-ved three pur- in charge. A chorus sang the old Dry Clieaners of Manchester is one Alfred Stanley of Winthrop was poses, first, arousing our parents song. "Conrads." They served ice in town two days last week to visit of the experienced helpers to beAtherton's Radio Shop cream and the most wonderful cake interest in town affairs; second, a PHILCO — CROSLEY — RCA -J his mother and sister, Mrs. Mildred employed, Mr. Philip Dyer said. Thelesson in original art and language; ever known in that section ZENITH — MOTOROLA sister. Julia^stayed home "all day •• ^°''^^^' '•'''^° ^^s been ill, but she service will be available locally third, arousing our own interests. 2 Mrs. Maurice C. Newton ahd in the surrounding towns. And Other Popular Make* James SeymoUr cut out the'Vopy ^^^'""^ angel and sunshine cakes i ^= ^'"P'"?^.^"^^^^'^^^^'^ A^^^^' . Pioneer* ia Frequency ModuUtloB \ CORRESPONDENT <*i. * t u i OUI ine copy j ^j^ , , Mrs. Grace Perry went to Boston and TelevUioD . of the town warrant from the Mes- had u" j brought u ° " \ f 3 ^it^ home P^" she had. She I .., ^ R,,„p]i p^^rv on Th„v^ from Provisenger^and brought it to school »»«««,. : , ^ j 1 u* :* \ . u . i had brought it home from p,.„„i_ : witn Mrs. Kusseu t'erry on Thurs123 N. Main ' Concora MUZZEY — FOX day to visit her daughter m MelFridayTnoming. Is this not a good dence and it was very new. Opp. Bridge Telephone 260 Mrs. Ruth WUson Fox and Maur- way to teach citizenship? Periodically we school children rose, aMss. Some '**^'*rrrrrr*r^rrrrrrr!^ ice H . Muzzey. both of peterboro, slogans on these posters are orig- were told to keep out of ' t h e ' d d , ^'^^'^ Franklin is taking an e n . ,******************************** town house, but unless door; ^ ° . T ^ vacation and staying home were married Friday evening at the inal. — the ".= UWUi with a case of shingles and a bad Nurses' home of Monadnock ComFRENCH'S RADIO SHOP - N o r m a Heath '''^^ ^° ^"^ \!''!, "^^""^ ''^ J"^* ^ ^ munity hospital, Peterboro. Rev. wonderful times "^l'^' ^ ? - f'^pklin's father, Henry PETERBOROUGH , same. We had »u„uciiui xime samp. Wo hoW .t..^«J.^..r..i • x, ^ .y.^ _ Adams, is staying with his daughter Thomas Billings of Hancock ofMrs. Arthur Sawyer, Easter Seal playing games and dancing the Vii H A RDWARE CO., INC. Rad'to Repairs he has a bad cold. ficiated. chairman, and her committee. ginia Reel and the Shaker Dance as ^ 2 8 Grove Street Woods of School The brides niece, Mrs. Clarence A capacity crowd witnessed the and .lumping over the wide floor • . Mrs. f' Edmund TT'"" , Toys — Records —• fiooi^s Edmunds of Henniker. was matron musical revue on Fridav night, boards. One day I remember I ran f / HARDWARE — CARMOTF. PAINTS ^ , a friend in Waban, of honor. The bridegroom's son, There were not so many there on ^"'1 tilt into a projecting board SPORTING GOODS T u' ^X:, ^^^ys last week. 10 N. STATE ST. CONCORD Harry Muzzey. was best man. j HOUSE AND KITCHEN WARES Thursday night we are told. It was which struck across my forehead TTJ j j 'i^^" ,i^^° ®°"^' '^^'^'*' **************************** Mrs. Muzzey is the daughter of an excellent performance. The revue knocking me over backwards I ^°^^'^''° a"° Donald Wood visited \ J-ETERBOROUGH - TEL. 320 MOVLh the lato Judge Henry and Mrs.! ^vas called "On Stage" and entailed yelled from the top of my voice l^^'^^'V ^^"^f ^^["^^ '" ^ ^ " ^ ^'v^'' Hattie Kimball Wilson of Benning-! a lot of detailed work. Purrington's 'I'm killed! I'm killed!" Will Mc- •1""'^*'°" ^"° other towns last Sun4 ton. She is employed in the records ' five piece orchestra furnished mus- Crillis came to_my rescue at the 7*' TONY LAMY M o n a d n o c k Lumber C c . i library of tho Peterboro hospital, ic for dancing. PauJ Tra.xJer was same time saving disgustedly _.^':="*^'"™C3'"ter-was in Margaret LOCAL AND INTERSTATE — LU-MBER _ 5 Mr. Muzzey operates a bowling the pianist. "You're not either. Dead folks v ^ ^ ' ' ^ hospital last week for MOVER Builders' Suppliet — Builders' i ^^^^>'' The program consisted of the can't yell like that." We climbed VT^^'zr u . « ^ , „ We Move S.ifes Office Equipment i Harelware — DuPont Paint* foliowincr„ ficonpc„.,j t„ij i- • >T"irs. Herbert Everett. scones: Wint»,. Winter c;„„„„ Scene t^ to •>,„ the „,,i„i» pulpit and told i.__:c. terrifid'lles ^^^^^^^ Bond Bond of of ^Everett, Mill Work — Intulation and Household Goods About twenty boys and girls f'-om Currier and Ives. Buck in the for we had been told that if we u ^ " ^"^^^^^^ ^^""^ ^""^ ^ " ° ^ " DEPOT SQUARE —r Goods Insured In Transit — | from the Kurn Hattin Holmes. Wind and Little Jack Frost. The told a lie the sounding board would shoeing on Saturday and Sunday. Peterborough — Phone 484 16 BadRcr St. Concrd Tel. 2174 | Vormont, aro to be present on Mar. Sno Ball Girls and Boys. fall on us! Of coursp we didn't ^»- i M - s Stcrlina Chairman r^( ************ ****************^..^ 1-. at the Pomona grange meeting The On Stage company included: live it. but I know I ran down the J - n V ^ ^ . ^ • OPTOMETRISTS m Antrim. The, lecturer of Benning- Gene Brown. Gerry Brown. Dottie stairs at a lively pace and was glad " ' " S D o r o Easter Seal D r i v e , ^°'^ gi-ange would like to have as Chase, Howard Chase. Stella Cer- when I got to the bottom. In quiet! TTTT T O«,.N "" ~ Dexter Holbrook & Jones "^^"y ^i^om Bennington p.-esent as "ota. Bunny Diemond, Leroy Die- times we hunted in the old dirty " ^ L S B O R O , March 9 — Mrs. -, . '^a'^ SO. Tho meeting is public. n:o:id, pntsy . Diemond. Loma EU- cracks to find the hand made pins Walter Sterlmg has been appointed — — — Optometrists Uptometrtsts — Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Flanders ingwood. Evelyn Gibbs, Don Hay- with the twisted tops. They were I chairman for Hillsboro in the .nnd family have retumed to their wai'd. Nelson Holland. Helen K e - brassey. I don't know what they ' ^^^° Easter Seal drive, .itw as anS. W. JONES, Opt. D. home having spent the winter in '"eazis. Annette Levesque. Jakev wore made of. We found these pins "°""'=^ ^'^'S week by Laurence F. P. E. HOLBROOK, Opt. D. ^^°'''«^a. Iind;.n:-. Charlos Lindsay. Melvin more abundent in the south gallery • . ' " ° ' " ^ ' ^*^^® *=^^^'''"^" °^ *^^ 8 N O . State Pt., Tel. 421 Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Cody enter- Loun-.is. Merio Mace. Jan?t Nicholes where the choir sang. The last campaign. "'"^^*^" from• • Dc;in Pago. Parker, Kenny I'eHgious -' o Gertrude--cz.x.=.,ivcuuy - — o - — service ow.v,^= was „ « , hold ,iv;ia in m the m e , P^^oceeds from this 16th annual REGISTERED JEWELER CONCORD. N . H . tained Mrs. Cody's family Springfield. Vt., on Sunday. °-••'" •^T-...,._ ^ , _ . . ,house about , . iP^'i'L^ault. NoralieSysyn.JeanSmith May. 1892. Harvey ' ^""'^ '"^'^'"S appeal will go towards AMERICAN GEM Kate Cody and Miss L. E. Law- Gloria Spiller. Loretta Sullivan,) Jones,paid for sweeping and dust- *^-? ^°''-'^ of ..the N e w . Hampshire SOCIETY DR. H . H . VOLKEL. O. D . and rence wore housed with a cold last' Billy •Taylor. Tavln,. 1^=,.™=,.., _ TI i ; ing ;„« the •!.« place ~i« i u- wanted ^-j i Society Societv for Crippled Crinnled Children rViil/lron ar^A Margery Traxler,' because he week. 824 ELM S Z R E R — MAMCHum Barbara Whynott, Beverly Whynott, to go to church like he used to Handicapped Persons, which mainOptometrist Don't forget the combined Men's tains two rehabilitation centers and e**********************t****^f*^^.m Office Hours David Traxler, Bob Wilson, Dottie with his mother, Rev. Joseph ManClub and Guild meeting March 17. Wikon. R e d Whynott, Bemice ual, of the Methodist church, was a state wide program of service. 9:90 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Bring a hot dish and your own Williams, Charlie Williams. Mrs. Sterling with the aid of j n charge of the service. We sat in Open all day Wednesdvy O. L. HAZELTON dishes and silver. 6:30 p.m. Rev. Virginia Littlefield has been workthe old square pews for the last Cloted Satardajrt at Nooa B. a STSVENS, Frop. T. Billings will speak on Japan. ing for several weeks addressing HILLSBORO time because it was bumed the JBrealnsa B r Appointment Onl^ Dealer tn envelopes and preparing the mailMarch 17 is Woman's Club meetnext month. This meeting was held GsAKms AITD MAKBLE 35 N. M A I N S-rREET, COSCOBO, 904 The March meeting of the Com- partly to get people more enthusias ing of the appeal which will go to ing in the vestry. Speaker, Mrs — - • -...J, ... ..... ,cj,i..jr. o^jt-aKer, ivjxs. _,,,_;+,, . . „ . +. .iT u u TJ paruy IO gei people more entnusiasMONaUEITTS AND MAXXESS almost every family in Hillsboro. .t*!K»********a'***,e.*********.,*****...RQbsxt:C.x.oshy..,Ssesideiit..oi Nv. H-.---i? .^T ,1 - Vr • ?",^' ; ° ^ March ®*! tic about repairing it for which a The "Valley Hotel, Monday, Comer Dtn and Auburn Streets OFFICE SUPPLIES Federation of Woman's Clubs. Piano sum of money had been appropriat solo. Vincena Powers; solo, Mr. 13th at 8 o'clock with dinner at 7 ed at the March town meeting. MANCHESTER, N. H. Reservation should b e Merle Mace; hostesses. Abbie Die- o'clock. Children could never have a better Brotvn & Saltmarsh, I n c . j made with S. P. Hadley by Friday, mond. Jane Lyons, Daisy Chase place to play than we did • in the » — * — » » » » « » « « « . **'-rffrir«irrijijL»k*ji.' Fred C. Jones TOWN ANP OKVICT: Supitir.s > and Marion Cleary. CORRESPONDENT In addition to a vegetable dish, old town house. No school children Two hundred letters are being ever did any harm there. They did RxooBss — SHEET MUSIC — BAND Office Machines Overhauled i mailed this week in Bennington by cabbage may be used in soups, salINSTSUMIKTS — PlANOS not break the windows or carry Corrinne Hamel is spending a ads, and with meat. Picture Framing | away the panels from the square few days with her parents, Mr. and Wm. L, Nuttmg, Inc. pews or even the two sections from Mrs. Walter Hamel. 61 N o . Main St. Tel. 88 \ 10*4 B B StTMt J I rmui Euaru-, Manebetter the sounding board. It was the Emest Leeds was a Concord vis|MOTf)iI)>pa)rm«n> on J T5 Keia Strtet 1 * * * * * * * * * * * ^ ^ ^ . ^ . ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^^mM — NAihu />«uro . . . . i « r older, more, sophisticated, people itor Monday. J ciorwiNo Fverylhina m Umtie MONUMENTS who committed these crimes. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Rand of J FUHNITUIt. > 2 l • Oet a freth start by HOifltAL Rye Beach called on Mrs. Rand's ,»mmmmmmmmmm...i.f^ffff^f^^^^^^jj CASH PROMPTLY for payins your scattered •Ik $97 The Octet Card club met at the cousin, Fred C. Jones, Monday. bills — then have only Seasonal Needs, Clothhome of Mrs. Burtt Smith last Herbert Howe called on Mr. and one payment monthly. ing, Taxes, House and Cobban GRANITE Sc MARBLE niumato YES MAN Tuesday afternoon* These ladies i Mrs. Fred Jones 'Wednesday. Car Repairs, Medical MEMORIALS •ayt YES to 4 out of meet frequently to play cards. Mrs. Fred Jones is recuperating each W a l l p a p e r 8C Paint Store and Dental Expenses and 5 without involving CEMETERY LETTERING James Leach, Mrs. John Grimes, day and is able to walk on his other good purposes. employer Or outsidert. A Complete Line of Mrs. Marshall Derby, Mrs. Harold piazza with the use of iron rails he CUMMINGS BROS. MAKt ONt SMAU Prompt service. Phone PAWTB AND WALLPAPER Harvey, Miss Katherine Dusseau,' ^ " ^d instaUed 274 No. State St., Concord MONTHIY PAYMtNT or come in today. Mrs. Daniel Cole and Miss Angie Frank E. Eaton is spending a Tcl. 1467 • 1791J PAINTIRS* STJPPLIES Marcy, few days with his brother and Loont $35 to $1000 en Signature, rurnlture er Car PLYMOUTH GARAGE MANCHESTER, N. H. Dr. G. C. Cilley and John Dunn, family, Charles D. Eaton, r lf.A s^ Mrs. Nellie Perrigo is substitutof Concord, were in town on busi^y-tHt COMPANrfitHAT IfKfS TO SAY fSS^ ^. M a c A r t h u r ' s G-araj;e, I n c . ness last Friday and they called on ing at the East Weare school for Fred Beck. Mar.. Walter and me while they were Reita Davis who broke her ankle. BH-L DUNN'S CHRTSLER — PLVMOUTH 3 eonrenlent effleaa—wiileh ff nearest yeuf Mrs. Davis hopes to be back to here. SAU'JI ANn SBRVICK _ „ Bll^n8t.llt«tM.H.«m«|i»«*«M^...' ...nemtm Sport Shop DBPBNDABLE VAED C.AJt/t Miss Cynthia Gilbert of the Hills- chool shortly. ^^L^i^ «||*n«'fr*«.»'«W«««rttt (Ovtr 8.*y»'iirwlrr Start).Plww m o We pay C*ihnp'Pnr6a for Vatd Douglas Parsons of Barnstead boro High school, chosen as the A Complate Line oi Oara — Any Uake or Year good citizenship pilgrim to repre- Parade was a visitor in town one leent mode to retldentt ef ofl tarreanrfln« tewnt SPOfRTIKG GOODS N a BtatM sent the Sunice Baldwin chapter, day recently. Phune 3&S laoM ora* $J00 w«<l« by N»w Entlarxl rtaaata Caraanl\oa (an emiloKd e»f|x>f.tl»i>) Fot EvBT Sran DAR., was in Concord one day r e - B e n Legge of Plaistow, called on Open Monday Thra Friday 9t00—9.-00, a'eaed SatatSay " XdRuse^ar, 9tase^ - Cmseeae cently accombanied by M n . Harold srieods and relatives last week. Gerieral A^uto Repairs News Items I From Bennington Peterborough Directory Manchester Direetory M. A. Noury East Weare MONUMENTS fifiAonM FINANCE c a -».T^—w»a"'T3r«iwa-*'r-.--a.v-.»^i-i-ii,i-»«.;v-::ar i/i^y.r^i^,, .i,,".,: .•,;-. \, ,.j.i.. I Henniker Weare Mrs. Irene Flanders ~ CORRBSPONDEMT Mrs. Diamond Maxwell CORRXSPONDENT Champagne. Roberts Edwards, Mfs. Minnie Smith, Mrs. Ernest Robinson, Mrs. Gerald Beane, Mrs. J. Albert Norton, Mrs. Marjorie Betz and Mrs. Arthur Hadley were in Wamer on Thursday evening to attend a meeting of the Merrimack Teachers' Association. Miss Ruth Whitcomb, R. N.,, of Concord addressed the meeting on the subject of sex education in the schools and a discussion period followed on the merits and drawbacks of such a course. Three widely discussed educational films on the subject were shown. Olin Howlett of Andover who died on Wednesday was a cousin of Wilmer Howlett of this town. The Junior class is preparing a play, "The Campbells are Coming," to be presented^jn March 31 at the Miss Julia Hanson, now living at Mrs. George Dodge and Mrs. Etta Hahn were in Concord one day last the Centennial Home in Concord week calling on Miss Julia'Hanson quietly observed her 93rd birthday who now makes her home at the Thursday. Miss Hanson is still in Centennial Home. Miss Hanson was very good health and spends much table was reserved at Fitch's for a of her time in braiding rugs. She is tablew as reserved at Fitch's for a very grateful to anyone who sends small birthday dinner, for Miss her the necessary materials. Henocon Chapter, O.E.S. met Hanson. George Dodge and Dr. Winifield Brown completed the Tuesday evening with the matron, Party. Mrs. Dodge made a birthday Mrs. Florance Flanders presiding. cake, white with red candles, which Edward Marshall was installed as Miss Hanson brought 'to the dinner patron by past patron John Hollis. table at night, to share with her After the business meeting Roberts Edwards described the life of St. many friends at the home. Junior High prize speaking will Patrick. Refreshments were served be held this week, on Friday night, in charge of Mrs. Ercel Sterling and , March 10, at the Town Hall. There Mrs. Isabel Hatlock. Davis-Woodman Post, American will also be a one-act play; "Amelia in Reverse." Students speaking are: Legion Auxiliary met Wednesday Cynthia Marshall, Sylvia Bruyneel, evening with the matron, Mrs. MyJane Flanders, Raelene Wood, Ruth ron Hazen presiding. A food sale Leavitt, Teresa Hight, John Fields, will be held March 11 in charge of Raymond Banks and Lanny Van Mrs. Oscar Hatch, Mrs. T. Edward Debogart. "Amelia in Reverse," has Fisher and Mrs. Walter Murphy. a cast of seven: Janice Wood and Meihbership has now reached 86 Paul Hadley have the leading parts, percent of its quota. The mystery with Sylvia Bruyneel, Jane Fland- package was won by Mrs. Hazen. ers, Raelene Wood, Wilder Tenney The .holiday coin cards are now being distributed. Refreshments were and Robie Fanner. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Evans have served by Mrs. Lewis Carpenter, returned to their home, "Evan- Mrs. Arnold Ryan and Mrs! Albert stead" after an extended trip planning a party, was not able to which took them to Florida, serve. Mr. and Mrs. Grove Peaslee have The square dance, which was held retumed home after a trip to the last Thursday, was the last ane south, taking in New Orleans, with to be held for the present at the a trip "up the big river." Town Hall. About 45 members' of Weare Both Weare and Wyoming grangCommunity Club met Thursday for es met last week on their scheduled the all day meeting and covered evenings, each grange spending most dish dinner. The afternoon program of the time in a discussion of the was a card party for the benefit of town warrant. the Girl Scouts, with $7.50 as pro- , The 1950 schedule for the Union ceeds. At the short business meet- Church Circle of the North Weare ing several notice were given: The Federated Church has been made tdp to the Boston Flower Show out for a year. The meetings will will be Thursday, March 16. Prece- be held the third Wednesday, bf dence will be given to club mem- each month, except July and Augbers, all those planning to go get ust. The officers are: President, their tickets from Mrs., Marian Mrs. Henrietta Fisher; vice-pres.,. Welch, chairman, by Saturday, Mrs, Ellen Purmgton; sec., Mrs. March 11. The regular meeting of Mabel Tremblay; treas., Mrs. Grace the club is postponed from March French; auditor, Mrs. Ruby Pat16 to the following Tuesday,. March enaude. Mrs. Julia Reade and Mrs. 21. Ada Fuller are oh the executive A new furnace has been installed cpmmittee. At the March 15 meetin the North Weare Federated ing, Mrs. Nettie Flanders is the chiu-ch by Theodore Flanders, as chariman, Mrs. Lyla Regan ^ d the old one was in bad shape. The Mrs. Georgia Ketchum on the new fire escape faces the state' commitee, with a penny sale. Each' . road with the door near the organ. member ,4s requested to bring a The March meeting of the Weare friend. Several suppers, a Silver WCTU was held Wednesday eve- Tea and a food sale are on the ning at the home of the president, yearly program. Mrs. Elsie Strong. Mrs. Lois Nichols Tuesday night, March 14, is conducted the program, giving a Gentlemen's Night for the Friendhumorous reading. Mrs. Julia Reade, ship clvib of Star Rebekah lodge. sec., reported that a sum of money The New England College glee club ha& been given to the Safety School will entertain. on Wheels. The next meeting will The Sunday night sing was held be held- the first Wednesday in with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Reade t£ds April. week. The recent supper of the 'Union S^ed WEitney; presideriT'of the Weare Skating Club, who has been Church Circle was weU attended, making reservations for tickets to about 100 being present. The tables the "Ice Chips," held in Boston, were attractive with red candles j has sold about 70 tickets. Most of and decorations typical of Washthem are for Sunday aftemoon, ingtons Birthday. One table was April 2nd. There are still a few reserved for children. . Music was available. Two busses will be going furnished throughout the supper, from Weare to 'the show, leaving adding a pleasant touch. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thomson and son, around nbon Sunday. Donnie, made a musical trio, and Two hostess parties were held Ralph Hazen played his violin, with this past week, the first one Mon- Mrs. Mae Hadlock as accompanist day morning with Mrs. Mildred There was the usual apron table, London, who combined it with a and Bemard Gunn 'as auctioneer, card party in the aftemoon for the auctioned off two cakes, to George Girl Scouts, entertaining her friends Dodge, and Pat Morse. Mrs. Flor— at- lunch.-T-he second-was at Mrs- ence Flanders was general chairElsie Strong's home Tuesday eve- man, with Mrs. Julia Reade, Mrs. ning, with Mrs. Gertrude 'Whitaker Margaret Colbum, and Mrs. Ada and Mrs. Carol Wallenstein acting Fuller on the committee. as co-hostesses as Mrs. Strong, after Ticklers Henniker high schooL The cast includes Claire Aucoin, Pauline Aucoin, Grace Wood, Janice Maxwell, Barbara Craw, Donald Jpnes, Alden Farrar, Quentin- -Cleveland, Armand Comire, and Merle Patenaude, Jr. Committees are: program, Grace Philibert; tickets, Barbara Carnes; publicity, Phyllis' Mozrall; properties and staging. Dale Hall, Stanton and Wmston Perry; advisor, Miss Olive Marshall. Mrs. Nettie Felch who is spendind the winter in Manchester visited relatives and friends in town last week. Clarence Edmunds has been appointed by the selectmen as a trustee of Tucker Free Library to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Harry Preston. William Shepherd has been a patient at Margaret Pillsbury Unit, A Messenger Publicatioa 7 Concord hospital. A son, Walter Michael, was bom Thursday, March 2, 1950 Feb. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kienia at Mem9rial Unit, C6nc<jrd recent weekend. Stanley Bracy, Clarence Fitch, hospitai. Mrs. .Kl.Qpia was Ruth Roger Coombs, Clarence Edmunds; Carison. Deputy Willis -Munsey attended Russell Flanders and Arthur KenBow grange Tuesday night ^°''idrick, Sr., were in Boston Thursspring instruction. He was accom^ day evening to attend two basketpanied by Mrs. Munsey, Mrs. Na- ball games. They also went across than Farley and Mr. and Mrs. Althe new bridge over the Mystic bert Champagne. river. -Deputy Willis Munsey attended Warner grange Wednesday night Harold Clement, Myron Hazen for spring instruction. He and Mrs. and Harry Holmes were in EUdss Munsey were guests at a turkey on Wednesday evening to attend supper prior to the meeting. Mrs. the meeting of King Solomon Munsey was soloist. lodge. The highway degree team of Mrs. Wilbur Parmenter. Norman Parmenter and Mr. and Mrs. Ray which Mr. Clement and Mr. Harjpn Bennett of Hillsboro attended the arc members conferred the third Ice Follies in Boston recently. j degree. The 50 year pin was p r e Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clement sented to Mr. Everett at .this meetvisited cousTns in Lynn, Mass., one'ing. Here's the best and most beautiful car at lowest cost &* The Slyletino De Luxe 4-Door Sedan FIRSTa a a Und Finest... at Lowest Cost! Chevrolet is Ihe only ear fhat brings you these outstanding features a» lowest prices . . . NEW STYLE-STAR BODIES 3Y FISHER ' N E W TWO-TGNE FISHER INTERIORS • CENTER-POINT STEERING • CURVED WINDSHIELD with PANORAMIC VISIBILITY • LONGEST, HEAVIEST LOWPRICED CAR • CERTI-SAFE HYDRAULIC BRAKES with Dubl-Life rivetless linings • EXTRA-ECONOMICAL TO OWN-OPERATE-MAINTAIN. POWER AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Combination oj Powerg'.UU- Tr(in:nii'i<.:<>it mul Ul.^-Ji.p. 'engine optioiml on De l.u.w ii;.-'rh tit i.\:i; '•.\' This car alone provides; the trim and tailored beauty of Body by Fisher, at lowest cost! This car alone offers a choice of the finest in automatic or standard drives, at lowest cost! This car alone gives all the advantages of Valve-in-Head Engine performance—including the most powerful engine in its field—at lowest cost! , And gp it goes through every phase of motor car value; for only Chevrolet offers so many features of highest-priced automobilcs.at the lowest_prices! _ _ Come in and see the Chevrolet for '50— :\; ::i:ii fiiifst at lowest cost! a HEATH MOTOR SALES Main St.. Hillsboro — Telephone 113 Guess which 4-letter word means... and \hxSafi By George ut no guessmg about BALLANTINE ... it always means PU • TTi© word is jaeiil Right you are! There's the jack that spares the motorist's back . . . the jocJfe the magician charmfl from the pack. Jack, you see, is a word with more than one meaning; it can keep yon guessmg. But no guesedng about Ballantine! Ballantine always means PURITY, BODY. FLAVOR;.. the qualities symbolized ^jy Peter Ballantine's 3-ring trade mark. Look for the 3 rings; call for Ballantine— America's fineet nnc$'1840. «nrh»t't 8«r«aant Cameron, the famous mounted police. '"- - . . . H* always bring* in his manr Americrfs laigest selling ALE \iarmaik, N. 1. • • 8—.f". Messenger Publication rf79***jj****tM*AtJ*ss*UMMMS*MM*u*M*sM'S999999^^ ' Mark E. McGltntock Forced T o Withdraw Candidacy Thursday, March 9, 1950 MESSENGER SPORTS-by Joe Eaton, Jr. SPORTSMEN'S COLUMN As the snow begins to disai^>ear of the spring training period and HILLSBORO, March 9 — The Messenger Office was informed from our slopes and old Sol gets regular season play. fry GEORGE S. PROCTOR About April 1st Carroll "Lefty" early this morning that the name of warmer every day sports minded Mark McClintock had been with- citizens are looking ahead to base- Pierce will leave Hillsboro for Pine JACKSO.N. :ir.'jh '•" - New ; Camp, New York, to enter spring drawn" from the local Democratic ball season, England Colkgc's ski team, which NEW HAMPSHIRE CONSEIRVATION OFFICER ticket because of federal regula-'' There has been considMsble dis- training with Watertown, a memcontinues to justify wijitcr sports us a major nlhletic activity at the inPhone 104 Wilton, N. H. tions prohibiting postal employes cussion about the outlooWfepr Hills- ber club of the Philadelphia Phillies chain. boro High's nine this y e a ^ to be political candidates. , stitution, finished a decisive runnerLast year the boys enjoyed a Lefty was the ace southpaw up in the New England IntercollegIn announung Mr. McClintocks iate Ski C'.)nferenco meet here last js»,^i,^s#sr#'#'^'#.#>^y^s#-#>#^«^*<>^'^»#»**i*<i»'^^*^'»'^^^^^'^|'*''»'^^ withdrawal Everett Feldblum, local highly successful season, as they moundsman of the Champion Hillsweekend (March 4 and 5). NorthMy wild bfi-ds had a fine gift a Ganrie department, says that a snap- Democratic party secretary, sub- won the State Championship in I boro High team of last year. His : few day ago from Harry Brown of ping turtle is a benefit to a pond. mitted the following statement for Class II. However, graduation took {record with both the town team! \ a heavy toll as ace, chucker.Lefty land high school was nothing short i the home town, a bushal of suet, If this man could have heard R. H. Mr. McClintock. It follows: Pierce, outfielder Don Johnson, of sensational. Throughout the 1949 "I, Mark E. McClintock, DemWhite of East Rindge show pictures land do the boys enjoy it! outfielder-first baseman, Francis} season he was tabbed one of New and tell about finding birds, young ocratic candidate for town treasur j Ncrmnn C. Court of Milford, an Macukewicz, third baseman Frank' Hampshire's outstanding y o u n g er must withdraw my candidacy lold schoolmate of mine so far back ducks and plenty of protected fish Smith, shortstop,. Fred Stamatelos, i pitchers. In the Class II tournain the stomachs of th'e big turtles, with regret. ' I can't remember, called me up the "I have, found it impossible to and second baseman, Moe Halladay i ment which was played at Alumni • f.ther day to^ tell me that he had fed this man might change his mind. j Field in Keene, Lefty notched all Several New England states are take an active part in politics, due have joined alunmi ranks. • out 15 pounds ^f,sunflower seeds This leaves the Hillsboro coachthree of Hillsboro's victories as he running contests with good prizes to my holditfg a position as postal iso far this year fbr the wild birds. ing staff in the unenviable position! outpitched such notables as Averill to get rid of these pests. If you employe." I His list of bird that he is feeding Mr. McClintock had been a can- of finding a whole new infield, jof Epping and Marstoil of Bristol. '(beats all the records to date. He has want good fishing and hunting, get r i d of a majority of these big didate for local office in the past, Raoul Sulliyan has proven himself 1 On the basis of this achievement I birds on the list that I have not to be an able first sacker and he j he was picked to play for the SKI TOW RUNS ''even seen this year. Reports are turtles. If a wild duck passes up but this was before the advent filled that position except when his Manchester All-Stars. This club your favorite pond you will know of the Hatch act. His name will be NIGHTLY SC WEEKENDS jccTmiing in,from all sides of more w h y—too many turtles i n that omited'.from the town ballot on pitching was needed. Now the queS' which was composed of ball players birds showitig up at the feeding sta- pond. orders of Town Clerk ( Marshall ^tion arises as t o . whether Sully from this section of the state pliaytions. Dr. Elkins of the home town will play first base or pitch. ed against Claremont All-Stars, a Derby. I guess we are slipping, for we has a list as long as your arm. He Red kidney beans arc a favorite isimilar team and by defeating them, Walt Whitney will be back beingiedient for savory bean stews also has fed out 1^^ pounds of sun- have not seen a seed catalog this With their ranks somewhat bat- hind the plate while Kemiy Mur- earned the right to enter the New, year. Usually we have a^ least a flower seeds. tered the Democrats nevertheless dough and Dizzy Grimes retum for and chile, eon carne. dozen kicking around. What's the are expected to bring put a record outfield duty. Ronnie Teixeira has England Tourney, The new duck stamp for 1950-51 answer? Lefty pitched brilliant ball against crowd election day "The Republicans faeen talked up as a p'itching pos- Claremont and was credited with a has been painted by Walter Weber The State of New Jersy has a have^a^ full slate.^^Uo P. ^ork, the sibUity but Tex last year showed an victory. of the National Capital. It's two r e- - inability to find the strike zone —1 Tiumpeter swans which were near- freak bill to be introduced in its incumbent selectman seeking Many men from this section have ly o.\tict in 1935 but are now mak- legislature. • They want 'all guns • election, said that he was not often enough.<If he can get his almost made the "big time" but ing a strong come-back. These go licensed, a license fee of $1.00 a''actively campaigning but would control down this year it would Hillsboro has yet to produce its on sale July 1' at two bucks each, i gun. This will be as bad as the Sul- , let his. record in office do his speak- be a great help to the team. first major league ball player. ~ livan law in New York. ing for him. That's the • way things shape up The best wishes of the town to The 13th annual National WildFRIDAY .. SATURDAY Some city in R. I. has put the ban: ' — ** right now but the Hillsboro Mes- a fine ball player. Good luck Lefty, life Weiek will be observed this 1:13—6:30—3:C0 on B.B. guns and air rifles of all' In the absence of Louis Cutter, senger will give you. detailed news we know you'll make good. year March 19-25. This week will 7 r-r' -^r i-r, r-^TORl focus the attention of 150 million kinds. Two children lost their eyes who is foreman of the jury at the Americans upon the importance of a few weeks ago. You can't buy or», Dr. Sander trial in' Manchester, .' Francis Hill vice gfand of Valley wildlife consei-vation. This is .the sell an air rifle in this state. Dr. MacMurray of Nashua and ^°die, presided at the meeting held week the wildlife stamps will be •- - wants to give 50 or more Monday n/r-_J_.. evening : _ - in ._ Q j j ^ F e l l o w s on sale, the sale of which will go Milford puppies to give to people who want " ^ ^ to wildlife.protection. MPUBIIC , ! In the February nymber of Hunt- a puppie. Last year the Doctor said, hand it to the smaU towns, , ing and Fishing. Inc., was a picture he gave away several hundred to, m. „, . , TTr-ui.f rr, ^ .. HENNIKER, March 9 — Climax- by Harry McClintock of fiillsboro. Starring'Rcc, C A M E R O N iand a short stoiy on snapping tur- boys and girls in' Nashua. You can I. ^ ' ' " ^ 5 ' " " ^ . ^.f"^.^ Federationing its first formal season of winter For permanent possession it must PLUS ° ^ ? I t " " " ^ ^ sports, the New England College be won twice, not necMsarily in ; ties. Because my name appeared contact him evenings at his home '^„ "^ ^ ? " I in- the article I have been the target i n Milford between Jones and j^ These ^ T ^ messages, ^ r . ^ ^ say ^ t ^ ^ r °Our ^ : Ski Team- will sponsor the first New consecutive years, by a qualified "Restore M-G-M's' , England College Trophy Race next member of the NEISC in a meet Crossing. !of post cards and letters from all Richardson „ . . Wildlife, More Fish and Game, Less Sunday, March 12, at Ascutney sponsored by NEC, which meet tRUI-LlVK ADVINIURI ilOHTfl ~ '-_ ovor the U. S. A., a minister in TexWe have a letter from a party, Hvacintb.s-and Politics." I wonder shall be limited to do\\'nhill and | or as.' a banker in California, a Super- interested in raising giant bull-j if these matches come from East Slopes, Vt. TAlEoftheNAVAJOS_. slalom event. intendent of schools in Minnesota. frogs. Can anyone tell us of any- 'Jaffrey'' The event;-sanctioned by the New A second award, the Sig Vogel : • TECHNICpLOR. , All wanted to know how to get rid one raising them in this state? Can | A deadly tree disease known as England Intercollegiate Ski Conferof this, as they, describe it, "pest".- they be raised here or will they .^e • "Oak WUt" is ravaging wood- ence, will attract major competition. Memorial Trophy, will , also be a competitive objective. The winner's Got foui' more, letters this week. If C^c•)t. 8 "Federail Agents %vimerKiii. lands in the mid-west and according Expected to compete are American name will be inscribed and the cup you are interested' in this work. • U n d e r v^'orld, I n c . The month of January was sol^^ Outdoor News Bulletin is headed International, Brown University, will remain in perpetual possession got in touch with Robert G. Smith, hke sprmg that my fantail pigeons-t^is way. Started 20 years ago in Northeastern, Boston College, Bos- of NEC • and will be used for the East Killingly. Conri.. who makes .started DAY - M O N D . ^ t ton University, Babson Institute, institution's annual NEISC meet. families. I have four pairs j Mississippi Valley and moves the traps. He will send you his now working and two of them have. upper ^j^^j . Continuciis from 3 n.'.ii. ^ o known cure. Red Lowell Textile, Tufts, Springfield The trophy is for the best individcircular. nday! 1:1'—':3C—3:30 squabs. One family has one big ,^^ ,,.;„ ^je within 30 days if affect- and other NEISC members. ual combined time. NEC's squad, headed,by Captain "TXLARK" i Saw an article in a paper a few squab and two eggs in the same;^j In addition to Dearborn, the six , , Neil Dearborn, of Woodsville, N. H., man NEC team will comprise Paul days ago where a man holding an nest. Pigeons usually skip t h e i " «.. , i important postition in a Fish and months of Januaiy and February.! W|ao has beagle puppies? A lady have an added incentive to capture Fortier, Berlin; Mel ^Iorancy, LaYou have heard the expression I'^'^"^ °"^ ^"'^ ° birthday present top spot in this giant slalom. The conia; Dick Hesslein,, Newton, about "small town stuff." 'Well, l ! in the classified l r ^ ^ ^ ^ ! Mug, ?? thedonated newly Mass.; John Veazey, Laconia, and am glad I live in a small town! i Advertise ^ . section. OCI.UW". !"^Tf^ institutedJ ' JMcClintock John McNamara, Eliot, Me. Fpr instance, a man broke his leg The Ascutney Ski area, M t AsI.P badly and went to the hospital. \ cutney, is located in Brownsville, What hapjsened? His friends, and Vt., and' the area is serviced by some total stranger.s, went to work! three linked rope tows totaling Sponsored bv . and raised S200 for the man. Small ' 2,500 feet. A fourth tow of 500 feet ^—©EERING-FISH ANDtown 'stuff? 'Would that happen in i serves a novice slope. The vertical a large city? During my wife's se- ' GAME CLUB drop of the slalom slope and the exvere illness was a good example.' pert downhill trail, the Trail Twis-. Prior to attendmg NYU he was HENNIKER, March 9 — • New Neighbors and friends from all TUESD.A.i-'-AVEDNESDAY U over brought in flowers, eats ga- , England college has a new baseball graduated from Central High School- ter, is 800 feet. The latter which will lore, and did all sorts of nice things. i coach, it is announced here by the in Manchester. While there he was probably be used for the race hjas & THURSDAY. ll Small town stuff! Another Neighbor I institution's Board, of Athletic Con- an outstanding athlete, winning a mean angle of 20-30 degrees. No Eves. 6:50—8:30 Mat. Wed. 1:15/1 • . i i e ^ i - . - v u . . I trol, comprising Dr. Laurie D. Cox,letters in football, basketball and race on this will be a wax race. The Seven Cinematic y Coach Douglas E. Mann, mentor IS 111. Same thing. You have got to president" Col. James Doon, a baseball. At NYU he excelled in Wcnt'ers of the World! M trustee; Robert O. Gilmore, dean these same sports, starring for the of the Pilgrim ski team, expects the of men. and Olivier A. Goulet, Violets' grid machines under Jack hardest tpst of the season for his Weinheimer, Howard Cann's cagers, charges in the Asyiutney meeting. president of the Student Council. 1 The incoming diamond mentor is and Bill McCarthy's baseball outfits. j Joseph Plentzas, of Manchester, a Plentzas was a squad member of • graduate of New York University NYU's standout hoop aggregation ; where he received his B. S. in which'was rurmer-up in the NCAA Physical Education and Health and tourney in 1945. His highly successful handling of has already completed his work for his Master's Degree in Healtii the cage sport for the Boys Club of HENNIKER, TEL. ^ 1 J New York and the Manchester Boys Education. "In addition to coaching ba'STiball,' €lub has attracted favorable at^ Plentzas will join the NEC faculty \ tention among hoop enthvisiastics. He is a veteran of World War IL as an instructor. New England Skiers Second at Jackson Events OANCE SATUiiAY NITE lown M Warner Harry McClintock Sets Up Mug for NEC Ascutney Trophy Race Sunday Oyster Stew Supper NEW ENGLAND COLLEGE NAMES PLENTZAS TO COACH 1950 BASEBALL March 2 M - 7 pm^ Ssering Town Hall ROBERT H. McLEOD Contractor and Builder BRAND TEST YOUR I. Q. 1. How IS the size ol a liu; determined? 2. What Is a sconev 3. Do the Great Lnkes cvci freeze over completely? America's Great Wine PORT SHERRY 4. Where and what Is Viet Nam? 8. Who founded the Boy Scouts of America? i MUSCATEL • FIFTHS Answers to TEST YOUR I. Q. 1. The size humber of a hat is determined by adding the length and width of the crown, in inches, and dividing the result by two. 2. A scone is a thin cake baked on a griddle. 3. No; although for several months each winter ice forces navigation to halt. 4. It's a new nation carved out of the long east-coast area of French Indo-China. 5. Daniel Carter Beard. , THREE MONKS BRAND Also Vinfneri ef OU) MADRID and OLD MOLINEAUX Brand Wines ttaomoleU Mplineaux.