directorio de proveedores - Western Health Advantage
directorio de proveedores - Western Health Advantage
DIRECTORIO DE PROVEEDORES PRIMAVERA 2016 Índice Listado por condados ................................................. i Introducción ................................................................ii Su PCP .......................................................................ii Selección de su PCP ..................................................ii Cómo obtener servicios Especializados .................... iii Referencias Fijas ....................................................... iii Coordinación de la Atención por un Especialista ...... iii Advantage Referral .................................................... iii Servicios de Salud Conductual .................................. iii Farmacias .................................................................. iii Explicación de la Información que se Proporciona en este Directorio de Proveedores ........iv Línea de Enfermeras Asesoras (Nurse24) ................ v Acceso completo y equitativo .................................... v Asistencia con el idioma ............................................ v Definiciones de los Términos Utilizados en este Directorio de Proveedores ............................ v Exactitud Reconocimiento NCQA: Hogar médico centrado en el paciente ............................................ vii Estándares de Accesos Geográficos Alternos ........ viii LISTADO POR CONDADOS El Dorado ........................................................................ Médicos de atención primaria 1 Médicos especializados 3 Laboratorios 4 Farmacias 4 Centros de atención urgente 4 Marin ............................................................................... Médicos de atención primaria 5 Médicos especializados 9 Diagnóstico por imágenes / radiología 21 Hospitales / salas de emergencia 21 Laboratorios 21 Farmacias 21 Centros de atención urgente 22 Napa ............................................................................... Médicos de atención primaria 23 Médicos especializados 24 Hospitales / salas de emergencia 29 Laboratorios 29 Farmacias 29 Placer ............................................................................. Médicos de atención primaria 30 Médicos especializados 35 Diagnóstico por imágenes / radiología 45 Laboratorios 45 Farmacias 46 Centros de atención urgente 47 Sacramento ..................................................................... Médicos de atención primaria 48 Médicos especializados 69 Diagnóstico por imágenes / radiología 172 Hospitales / salas de emergencia 173 Laboratorios 173 Farmacias 175 Centros de atención urgente 181 Solano ............................................................................. Médicos de atención primaria 182 Médicos especializados 184 Centro de cirugía ambulatoria 193 Diagnóstico por imágenes / radiología 193 Hospitales / salas de emergencia 193 Laboratorios 193 Farmacias 193 Centros de atención urgente 194 Sonoma ........................................................................... Médicos de atención primaria 195 Médicos especializados 203 Diagnóstico por imágenes / radiología 219 Hospitales / salas de emergencia 219 Laboratorios 219 Farmacias 220 Centros de atención urgente 221 Yolo ................................................................................. Médicos de atención primaria 222 Médicos especializados 226 Diagnóstico por imágenes / radiología 231 Hospitales / salas de emergencia 231 Laboratorios 231 Farmacias 231 Índice alfabético ...................................................... 233 La ley estatal exige el siguiente aviso: Algunos hospitales y otros proveedores no proporcionan uno o más de los siguientes servicios que pudieran estar cubiertos en su contrato del plan y que usted o algún miembro de su familia pudieran necesitar: planificación familiar; servicios anticonceptivos, incluyendo anticoncepción de emergencia; esterilización, incluso ligadura de las trompas de Falopio en el momento del parto; tratamientos para infertilidad o aborto. Le recomendamos obtener más información antes de inscribirse. Llame a su posible médico, grupo médico, clínica o asociación de consultorios independientes, o llame a Servicios para Miembros de Western Health Advantage al 888.563.2250 para verificar que puede obtener los servicios de atención médica que requiere. Para ver el Directorio de Proveedores más actualizado, visite i Introducción Este Directorio de Proveedores ha sido diseñado con la finalidad de ayudarle a buscar o elegir proveedores de atención médica de la red WHA a los que puede acudir mientras tiene cobertura de Western Health Advantage (WHA). Los proveedores de la red incluidos en este Directorio de Proveedores son: • • • • • • • médicos de atención primaria (PCP) especialistas centros de diagnóstico por imágenes hospitales laboratorios farmacias centros de atención urgente Todos estos proveedores de servicios de atención médica están enumerados por condado y en forma alfabética para su comodidad. Servicios Obstétricos: No se requiere una referencia para servicios obstétricos por un médico de la red. • Examen Anual de la Vista: No se requiere una referencia para un examen anual de la vista proporcionado por un médico de la red. • SELECCIÓN DE SU PCP Tómese el tiempo para elegir a un PCP adecuado. La sección del Listado por Condados de este Directorio de Proveedores le ayudará a elegir a un PCP. En él encontrará información importante acerca de los PCP, como: • • • • • • • • Su PCP En la mayoría de los casos, si necesita atención médica que no sea de emergencia, deberá acudir a su PCP. Su PCP le atenderá para servicios médicos de rutina y hará los arreglos para la atención que necesite de especialistas y otros médicos. Le pedimos que tenga en cuenta que si recibe servicios médicos de rutina que no son proporcionados o coordinados por su PCP, WHA no le reembolsará por estos servicios, salvo como se describe a continuación. Si sabe el nombre de un PCP a quien quisiera acudir, puede revisar si dicho PCP se encuentra en la red de proveedores de WHA buscando en el Listado Alfabético que se encuentra al final de este Directorio de Proveedores. A continuación le ofrecemos algunos consejos más para ayudarle a elegir a su PCP: • • Los siguientes servicios no requieren una referencia de su PCP: Servicios de Médico de Guardia: El médico de guardia de su PCP puede facilitar la atención en lugar de su PCP. • Atención Urgente: Si usted se encuentra en una situación de Atención Urgente en el área de servicio de WHA, llame a su PCP para que le dé instrucciones, incluso después de horas hábiles y en fin de semana. • Atención de Emergencia: Si se encuentra en una situación de Emergencia, llame al “911” o acuda a la Sala de Emergencias del hospital más cercano. Informe a su PCP el siguiente día hábil o en cuanto sea posible. • Examen Ginecológico: No se requiere una referencia para servicios ginecológicos de rutina proporcionados por un médico de la red. • ii el grupo o grupos médicos al que pertenece el hospital u hospitales que utiliza el idioma o idiomas que habla su sexo su dirección o direcciones su certificado o certificados para ejercer su especialidad si está aceptando nuevos pacientes • • • • • • • • Puede elegir a un PCP diferente para cada miembro de la familia. Seleccione a un PCP que se encuentre suficientemente cerca de su casa o trabajo para que se le facilite acudir a él. Para informarse a qué distancia se encuentra un PCP, o para consultar una lista de médicos que se encuentren cerca de su domicilio, consulte Elija el tipo de PCP que sea más adecuado para usted o su familia. Los tipos de PCP que puede elegir en WHA incluyen: pediatras médicos de familia médicos que practican medicina interna médicos generales obstetra/ginecólogos (en algunos casos) Si prefiere hablar con su PCP en un idioma que no sea inglés, consulte el Listado por Condados para encontrar a un PCP que hable su idioma. Comuníquese con el consultorio del PCP para determinar si está aceptando pacientes nuevos. Para ver el Directorio de Proveedores más actualizado, visite • Si necesita asistencia para buscar un PCP, llame a: Servicios para Miembros de WHA 916.563.2250 888.563.2250 TTY: 888.877.5378 De lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. a 6 p.m. Cómo obtener servicios Especializados En la mayoría de los casos podrá acudir a un especialista solamente si su PCP lo dirigió a un especialista dentro de la red de proveedores de WHA. Si hay un especialista en particular a quien desea acudir, se lo debe informar a su PCP de inmediato. Si su PCP lo remite a un especialista, a usted se le enviará una notificación de remisión aprobando la(s) visita(s) para un cierto periodo de tiempo. Usted debe llevar esta notificación a su cita de servicios especializados. Si le dan una cita el mismo día, su PCP llamará al especialista, o enviará la referencia al especialista electrónicamente o por fax. Recuerde, si recibe servicios de atención médica de un especialista sin una referencia, su atención no quedará cubierta por WHA (salvo en el caso de servicios de OB/GIN y los exámenes anuales de la vista). REFERENCIAS FIJAS Si necesita atención continua de un especialista, le pueden dar una referencia fija. COORDINACIÓN DE LA ATENCIÓN POR UN ESPECIALISTA Recuerde, en la mayoría de los casos, su PCP coordinará sus servicios de atención médica con otros médicos. Sin embargo, si usted padece un problema o enfermedad potencialmente mortal, degenerativo o incapacitante, incluyendo VIH o SIDA, y requiere atención médica especializada a lo largo de un período prolongado, puede recibir una referencia para un especialista o un “centro de atención especializada” que tenga experiencia en la afección o enfermedad médica, con el fin de que el especialista pueda coordinar su atención médica. Los especialistas que tienen experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH o SIDA se indican con un ‡ en este Directorio de Proveedores. ADVANTAGE REFERRAL Con el fin de ofrecerle más opciones, WHA le permite acudir a especialistas de toda nuestra red, no sólo a aquellos que tienen una relación directa con su PCP, grupo médico o IPA. Si su PCP decide que usted requiere atención de un especialista, él o ella puede referirle a cualquiera de los especialistas de la red de WHA que participa en el programa Advantage Referral. El programa Advantage Referral también incluye servicios obstétricos y ginecológicos para la mujer y exámenes de la vista anuales que se obtienen sin referencia, pero como se explica en la página ii, estos servicios no requieren la referencia de un PCP ni autorización previa. Algunos especialistas no participan en el programa Advantage Referral. Estos proveedores están marcados con † al lado de sus nombres. Servicios de Salud Conductual Los servicios de salud conductual, como beneficios de salud mental y de alcoholismo y abuso de drogas, son administrados por medio de Human Affairs International of California (HAI-CA), una filial de Magellan Behavioral Health. Si requiere tratamiento por problemas de salud conductual, o si tiene preguntas acerca de sus beneficios de salud conductual, llame a HAI-CA al 800.424.1778. Nota a los miembros del hospital y campus de la Universidad de California: Los servicios de salud conductual, incluso los servicios para farmacodependencia, no tienen cobertura de WHA. La cobertura se proporciona por medio de Optum, la cual es la cobertura complementaria proporcionada por su empleador. Llame a Optum 888.440.8225. Farmacias WHA cuenta con una gran red de farmacias por medio de Express Scripts. Todas las farmacias bajo contrato se enumeran en este directorio al final de cada listado por condado. Si necesita ayuda para Para ver el Directorio de Proveedores más actualizado, visite iii encontrar la farmacia más cercana a su domicilio, llame a Servicios para Miembros de WHA. Explicación de la Información que se Proporciona en este Directorio de Proveedores Aceptación de pacientes nuevos: Algunos proveedores de la red actualmente no están aceptando pacientes nuevos. Estos proveedores están marcados con un asterisco (*). El grupo médico/IPA notifica a WHA cuando se entera de que el consultorio de un médico está “cerrado” para pacientes nuevos. WHA requiere que trimestralmente los grupos médicos/IPA validen esta información. Tenga en cuenta que habrá momentos en que un grupo médico/IPA no tiene conocimiento de que un médico ha limitado su ejercicio. Antes de seleccionar a un PCP, lo mejor es que se comunique con el consultorio del médico para verificar si está aceptando pacientes nuevos. Acreditación del hospital: Cada listado de un hospital incluye la abreviatura “TJC,” que corresponde a una abreviatura de la entidad que acredita los hospitales. Para obtener la acreditación, el hospital se somete voluntariamente a un proceso de evaluación continua para determinar si cumple con las normas establecidas por un organismo de acreditación. Un hospital que ha sido acreditado plenamente por la entidad The Joint Commission (TJC) cumple en absoluto con rigurosas normas nacionales de calidad y seguridad en la atención médica. La obtención de la acreditación de The Joint Commission es una validación de las actividades continuas de mejoramiento del rendimiento de la organización. Los grupos médicos/IPA contratados con WHA están obligados trimestralmente a proporcionar documentos que respalden la acreditación de los hospitales a donde remiten a los miembros de WHA. Trimestralmente, WHA verifica en línea el estado de acreditación de los hospitales. Usted también puede verificar el estado de acreditación de un hospital visitando Visite para informarse sobre la calidad de la atención que ofrece un hospital. Certificaciones del consejo: Un especialista que ha completado satisfactoriamente un programa de iv residencia aprobado por el Consejo de Acreditación para Educación Médica de Postrado (ACGME, por sus siglas en inglés) en una especialidad reconocida por el Consejo Estadounidense de Especialidades Médicas (ABMS, por sus siglas en inglés), o por la Asociación Estadounidense de Osteopatía (AOA, por sus siglas en inglés), y que ha sido certificado por el consejo del ABMS o de la AOA, se considera certificado por el consejo. Las certificaciones del consejo las verifican los grupos médicos/IPA durante el proceso de certificación y re-certificación, y se reportan a WHA. Trimestralmente, los grupos médicos/IPA contratados deben verificar esta información ante WHA, y deben notificar a WHA cuando cambia el estado de certificación de un médico. Trimestralmente, los grupos médicos/IPA deben revisar y confirmar la exactitud de la información específica a sus médicos, incluyendo la certificación del consejo. Usted puede verificar el estatus de certificación del consejo para un médico al visitar Los pacientes que deseen verificar el estado de certificación de un D.O. pueden comunicarse con el Centro de Servicios para Miembros de AOA al (800) 621-1773, opción 1 del menú. Todas las certificaciones del consejo enumeradas son aquellas emitidas por un consejo ABMS, salvo las siguientes: Si se indica “AOB” antes de la certificación del consejo, significa que ha sido emitida por un consejo reconocido por la AOA. Afiliaciones de hospitales: Cada listado incluye el hospital en el que un médico de WHA puede admitir o atender a pacientes: Los médicos reportan ellos mismos esta información a su grupo médico/IPA al momento en que se certifican o re-certifican. Los grupos médicos/IPA reportan esta información en ese momento a WHA, así como cuando cambia la afiliación de un médico a una red de hospitales. Trimestralmente, los grupos médicos/IPA deben revisar y confirmar la exactitud de la información específica a sus médicos, incluyendo sus afiliaciones a hospitales. Idiomas hablados por el médico: Si un médico habla un idioma aparte del inglés, el otro idioma se indica al lado derecho de la lista bajo los hospitales de afiliación. Los idiomas que habla el médico son informados por él mismo y proporcionados a WHA por los grupos médicos contratados/IPA. Ni los grupos médicos/IPA ni WHA verifican ni certifican la aptitud en el idioma extranjero del médico. Para ver el Directorio de Proveedores más actualizado, visite En caso de que los grupos médicos/IPA reciban información nueva sobre la habilidad de un médico de comunicarse en otro idioma, éstos reportarán la información en su informe trimestral a WHA. Si necesita un idioma específico, contacte a la oficina del médico para confirmar si pueden satisfacer su necesidad. Grupo médico/IPA de afiliación: Directamente debajo del número de identificación del proveedor de la red se encuentra el nombre del grupo o grupos médicos o IPA a los cuales el médico está afiliado. Cuando un médico se afilia o abandona uno de los grupos médicos/IPA contratados con WHA, el grupo médico/IPA contratado debe notificar a WHA. Trimestralmente, los grupos médicos/IPA deben evaluar y confirmar la exactitud de la información específica de los médicos, incluyendo sus grupos médicos/IPA de afiliación. Número de ID del Médico: A cada uno de los PCP nombrados en este directorio se le ha asignado un Número de Proveedor. Este número se encuentra del lado derecho del nombre del PCP. Si se tiene que inscribir electrónicamente tendrá que usar dicho Número de Proveedor. Ese número de ID generado por computadora es asignado internamente por WHA para fines administrativos y otras actividades relacionadas con el plan de seguro médico. Especialidad: En el Directorio de Proveedores se nombran los médicos de especialidad bajo encabezados en orden alfabético. Una especialidad es una rama particular de la medicina en la que se concentra un médico. Una especialidad puede basarse en una parte específica del organismo, como el corazón; un grupo específico de edades, como los pediatras; o en una técnica científica compleja que se utiliza para diagnosticar o tratar ciertos tipos de trastornos. Un especialista puede o no estar certificado por el consejo. Los grupos médicos/IPA contratados con WHA validan la información de especialidades durante el proceso de certificación y re-certificación. Ellos reportan esta información a WHA en ese momento, así como a medida que surgen cambios en el estado de especialidades. Trimestralmente, los grupos médicos/IPA deben revisar y confirmar la exactitud de la información específica a las especialidades de sus médicos. Línea de Enfermeras Asesoras (Nurse24) WHA ofrece a todos los miembros acceso las 24 horas del día a enfermeras registradas, quienes ayudan a contestar preguntas sobre algún problema médico que puedan tener, incluyendo: Atención por lesiones menores y enfermedades en casa. • Cómo obtener la ayuda más adecuada de acuerdo a la preocupación médica. • Cómo identificar y manejar preocupaciones de emergencia médica. • También pueden ayudarle a obtener la atención adecuada que necesita con los proveedores indicados de atención médica de WHA. Los servicios Nurse24 están disponibles las 24 horas del día, los siete días de la semana, llamando al 877.793.3655. Hay servicios de interpretación disponibles. Acceso completo y equitativo Los miembros de WHA tienen derecho a tener acceso completo y equitativo a los servicios cubiertos. Esto incluye el acceso para los miembros con discapacidad, tal como exige la Ley federal sobre Estadounidenses con Discapacidades de 1990 y la Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973. Asistencia con el idioma WHA ofrece asistencia a los miembros que no hablan inglés como lengua materna. Hay intérpretes calificados disponibles para ayudarlo a hablar con WHA o la oficina de su médico. Para obtener ayuda en su idioma, llame al Departamento de Atención al miembro al 916.563.2250 o 888.563.2250. Definiciones de los Términos Utilizados en este Directorio de Proveedores Un estado médico de “Emergencia” es un estado médico que se manifiesta por síntomas agudos de gravedad suficiente, incluyendo dolor agudo, tal que la persona ordinaria y prudente con conocimientos típicos de salud y medicina, podría razonablemente Para ver el Directorio de Proveedores más actualizado, visite v esperar que la ausencia de atención médica inmediata podría resultar en: Daño grave a la salud de la persona o, en el caso de una mujer embarazada, a la salud de la mujer o su hijo; • Daño grave a las funciones orgánicas; o • Disfunción grave de cualquier órgano o parte del cuerpo. • Los Servicios y Atención de Emergencia también se refieren a: Detección, evaluación, reconocimiento y tratamiento psiquiátrico por un médico u otro empleado al grado permitido por la ley correspondiente y dentro del alcance de su certificación y privilegios. • Atención y tratamiento necesarios para aliviar o eliminar el estado médico psiquiátrico de emergencia dentro de la capacidad de una institución. • “IPA” es una asociación constituida por médicos que tienen sus propios consultorios, y al mismo tiempo, acuerdan como grupo aceptar los términos y condiciones de los contratos de un plan de seguro médico y compartir el riesgo de proporcionar atención médica a los miembros del plan de seguro médico. “Acreditación” es el proceso mediante el cual un estado admite médicos y otros proveedores de atención médica al ejercicio de la medicina o de su campo de atención médica particular. La acreditación garantiza que la persona posee la formación y capacitación apropiadas, y que se rige por normas reconocidas de conducta profesional. Los grupos médicos/IPA contratados con WHA tienen la obligación de asegurar que sus médicos y otros proveedores de atención médica cuenten con la acreditación apropiada. Usted puede verificar el estado de acreditación de un médico en el siguiente sitio web: “Médicos de Atención Primaria” o “PCP” son médicos acreditados en medicina u osteopatía que se especializan en pediatría, medicina interna, medicina general, medicina familiar u otros profesionales de la salud responsables de servicios de prevención y atención primaria de la salud. Los vi obstetras/ginecólogos pueden ser PCP si así lo establece su grupo médico o IPA. Los miembros deben seleccionar a un PCP que coordine y supervise sus servicios de atención médica. El estado de PCP de cada proveedor se verifica en el momento en que un proveedor obtiene su acreditación o re-acreditación. El estado de PCP es uno de los factores que los grupos médicos/IPA reportan a WHA. “Atención Urgente” significa servicios que se requieren médicamente en un plazo corto, usualmente de no más de 24 horas, a fin de prevenir el deterioro grave de la salud de un miembro debido a una lesión o enfermedad imprevista. Los miembros deben comunicarse con su PCP, siempre que sea posible, antes de obtener atención urgente. Exactitud Aunque se ha hecho todo lo posible para asegurar la exactitud de este Directorio de Proveedores, existe la posibilidad de que la información haya cambiado desde su publicación impresa. Además, es posible que existan imprecisiones como resultado de errores humanos o de computadora al solicitar información o responder a una petición, en la captura de datos o en la prontitud de una información. Todos los miembros, incluyendo los inscritos en Covered California, tienen acceso a toda la red de proveedores de Western Health Advantage. Western Health no usa mediciones relacionadas con calidad, experiencia con miembros o costos para elegir a los médicos que participan en nuestra red de proveedores o en nuestro Plan Silver del mercado de seguros. Para consultar el Directorio de Proveedores más actualizado, visite o llame al: Servicios para Miembros de WHA 916.563.2250 888.563.2250 TTY: 888.877.5378 De lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. a 6 p.m. Para ver el Directorio de Proveedores más actualizado, visite Reconocimiento NCQA: Hogar médico centrado en el paciente El Hogar médico centrado en el paciente es una nueva manera de organizar la atención primaria que resalta la coordinación y comunicación de la atención para transformar la atención primaria en “lo que los pacientes quieren que sea”. Los hogares médicos usan un enfoque de equipo de atención para establecer una asociación entre el paciente y su equipo de atención, proporcionar acceso mejorado, planificación proactiva, y seguimiento y coordinación a lo largo de todos los escenarios. Puede verificar un reconocimiento NCQA visitando PROVEEDORES DE HOGARES MÉDICOS CENTRADOS EN EL PACIENTE DE WHA POR GRUPO MÉDICO HILL PHYSICIANS MEDICAL GROUP Boeye, John, MD MERITAGE MEDICAL NETWORK Robinson, Curtis, MD UC DAVIS MEDICAL GROUP Abad, Jose, MD Ahrons, Marcy, MD Alan, Thomas, MD Applebaum, Jeffrey, MD Arnott, Tyron, MD Asare-Bediako, Sheila, MD Avila-Kirwan, Guadalupe, MD Badawi, Amr, MD Balsbaugh, Thomas, MD Baquero, Victor, MD Baumeister, Lisa, MD Beamesderfer, Timothy, MD Berry, Brigitte, MD Bertakis, Klea, MD Bevan, Heather, MD Bias, John, MD Blinder, Alla, DO Boyd, Michael, MD Brady, William, MD Brahce, Joel, MD Bullen, Thomas, MD Byrd, Robert, MD Camposagrado, Amanda, MD Cao, Huy, MD Chanana, Anjali, MD Chang, Jason, MD Chantry, Caroline, MD Chek, Kimdary, MD Chen, Patricia, MD Clothier, Jennifer, MD Coulter, Kevin, MD Davis, Molly, MD Draper, Jennifer, MD Duru, Lilian, MD Eidson-Ton, Wetona, MD Febbo-Wilson, Barbara, MD Felix, Terri, MD Fenton, Joshua, MD Fong, Ronald, MD Frank, Kenneth, MD Franks, Peter, MD Gangadharan, Palliyath, MD Garcia, Jorge, MD Garcia, Olivia, MD Gardner, Katherine, MD Gogo, Albina, MD Guerrero, Ethelwoldo, MD Gutierrez, Noe, MD Hall, Allen, MD Henchell, Heidi, DO Hirsch, Calvin, MD Hirshburg, Frederick, MD Ho, Lisa, MD Holt, Zachary, MD Hosoume, John, MD Hundal, Apeet, MD Jaeger, Nancy, MD Jafri, Fatima, MD Jain, Anita, MD Jerant, Anthony, MD Jornlin, William, MD Jue, Jack, MD Karalakulasingam, Chrishanthie, MD Karayil, Diljit, MD Keenan, Craig, MD Kelly, Bernadette, MD Knoepfler, Anca, MD Lai, Tony, MD Leavy, Benjamin, MD Lee, David, MD Lin, Huey, MD Lucien, Michael, MD Luke, John, MD MacDonald, Scott, MD Mach, David, MD Mahoney, Cydney, MD Malaekeh, Mohammad, MD Maney, Thomas, MD Marshall, Sarah, MD Martins, Maria, MD Maw, Soe, MD McCloud, Michael, MD Melnikow, Joy, MD Merck, Daniel, MD Mo, Karen, MD Montemayor, Gertrudes, MD Moore, James, MD Nelsen, Kay, MD Newell, Kathryn, MD Nguyen, Helene, MD Nguyen, Mark, MD Nguyen, Tan, MD Nguyen, Thuy, DO Nishio, Denyse, MD Nuovo, James, MD Nzerem-Johnson, Nkechi, MD O’Malley, Peter, MD Palmer, Genevieve, MD Panek, Karen, MD Pawar, Sanyukta, MD Perez, Pauline, MD Pham, Julie, DO Phung, Mai, MD Randolph, Martina, MD Redmond, Gregory, MD Riggle, Paul, MD Seibles, Joann, MD Seites, Paul, MD Sharma, Shivani, MD Siemens, Kelly, MD Smith, Terrell, MD Snodgrass, Marci, MD Sprinkle, Ronnie, MD Sutter, Charles, MD Tominaga, Julie, MD Tracy, Kevin, MD Tu, Jyeping, MD Varnosfaderani, Narges, MD Vierra, Heather, MD Williams, Kimberly, DO Wolpaw, Eleanore, MD Woo, Linda, MD Wooddell, Margaret, MD Youngblood, John, MD Zavahir, Zainul, MD Zheng, Yunli, MD Para ver el Directorio de Proveedores más actualizado, visite vii Estándares de Accesos Geográficos Alternos La red de médicos de Western Health Advantage incluye médicos de atención primaria (PCP, por sus siglas en inglés) y hospitales en los condados de: Colusa, El Dorado, Marin, Napa, Placer, Sacramento, Solano, Sonoma y Yolo. HOSPITALES POR CONDADO Condado Marin Marin General Hospital Condado Napa Queen of the Valley Hospital Condado Sacramento Mercy Hospital, Folsom Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Medical Center Methodist Hospital, Sacramento UC Davis Medical Center Condado Sonoma Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Sonoma Valley Hospital Petaluma Valley Hospital Healdsburg District Hospital Sonoma West Medical Center Condado Solano NorthBay Medical Center VacaValley Hospital Condado Yolo Woodland Memorial Hospital CÓDIGOS POSTALES LOCALIZADOS ENTRE 15 Y 30 MILLAS DEL PCP U HOSPITAL MÁS CERCANO Muchos médicos de atención primaria y hospitales se localizan en las zonas más pobladas de los condados. Los miembros que residen en los siguientes códigos postales pueden tener que viajar para acceder a un PCP u hospital como se indica a continuación. Para los códigos postales que figuran a continuación Distancia al PCP u Hospital más cercano Condado . . . . . . . . . . . . Ciudad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Código Postal . . . . . . . . . PCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hospital Colusa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arbuckle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94912 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 millas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El Dorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95614 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 millas El Dorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Garden Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95633 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 millas El Dorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . Greenwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95635 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 millas El Dorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Camino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95709 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 millas Marin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bolinas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94924 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 millas Marin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dillon Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94929 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 millas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 millas Marin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inverness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94937 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 millas Marin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marshall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94940 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 millas Marin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Olema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94950 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 millas Marin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Point Reyes Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94956 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 millas Marin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stinson Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94970 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 millas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 millas Napa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Angwin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94508 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 millas Napa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calistoga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94515 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 millas Napa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Helena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94574 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 millas Napa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Napa (Lake Berryessa Area) . . . . . . . 94558 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 millas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 millas Placer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Auburn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95603 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 millas Placer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Auburn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95604 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 millas Placer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95648 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 millas Sacramento . . . . . . . . . . . . Courtland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95615 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 millas Sacramento . . . . . . . . . . . . Herald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95638 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 millas Sacramento . . . . . . . . . . . . Isleton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95641 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 millas Solano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Benicia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94510 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.4 millas Estándares de Accesos Geográficos Alternos 3.16 página 1 de 2 CÓDIGOS POSTALES LOCALIZADOS ENTRE 15 Y 30 MILLAS DEL PCP U HOSPITAL MÁS CERCANO CONTINUACIÓN Para los códigos postales que figuran a continuación Distancia al PCP u Hospital más cercano Condado . . . . . . . . . . . . Ciudad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Código Postal . . . . . . . . . PCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hospital Solano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vallejo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94589 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 millas Solano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vallejo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94590 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.8 millas Solano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vallejo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94591 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.4 millas Sonoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bodega . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94922 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 millas Sonoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bodega Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94923 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 millas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 millas Sonoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Duncan Mills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95430 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 millas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 millas Sonoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monte Rio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95462 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 millas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sonoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Villa Grande . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95486 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 millas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 millas Sonoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Valley Ford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94972 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 millas Yolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95606 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 millas CÓDIGOS POSTALES DE MÁS DE 30 MILLAS DEL PCP U HOSPITAL MÁS CERCANO Muchos médicos de atención primaria y hospitales se localizan en las zonas más pobladas de los condados. Los miembros que residen en los siguientes códigos postales pueden tener que viajar para acceder a un PCP u hospital como se indica a continuación. Para los códigos postales que figuran a continuación Distancia al PCP u Hospital más cercano Condado . . . . . . . . . . . . Ciudad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Código Postal . . . . . . . . . PCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hospital Colusa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arbuckle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94912 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 millas El Dorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Georgetown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95634 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 millas El Dorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grizzly Flats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95636 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 millas El Dorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mount Aukum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95656 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 millas El Dorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Somerset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95684 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 millas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 millas El Dorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pollock Pines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95726 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 millas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 millas Napa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pope Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94567 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 millas Placer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Auburn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95602 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 millas Placer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Foresthill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95631 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 millas Placer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sheridan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95681 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 millas Placer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Applegate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95703 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 millas Placer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meadow Vista . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95722 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 millas Placer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weimar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95736 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 millas Placer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colfax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95713 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 millas Sacramento . . . . . . . . . . . . Rio Vista . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94571 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 millas Sacramento . . . . . . . . . . . . Walnut Grove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95690 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 millas Sonoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annapolis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95412 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 millas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 millas Sonoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cazadero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95421 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 millas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 millas Sonoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cloverdale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95425 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 millas Sonoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jenner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95450 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 millas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 millas Sonoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monte Rio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95462 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 millas Sonoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stewarts Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95480 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 millas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 millas Sonoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Sea Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95497 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 millas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 millas Yolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guinda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95637 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 millas Yolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rumsey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95679 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 millas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 millas Estándares de Accesos Geográficos Alternos 3.16 página 2 de 2 EL DORADO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians FAMILY PRACTICE Degan MD, Terence A 1216 Suncast Lane #1 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) 933-5028 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Deitchman MD, Jason K 1264 Hawks Flight Court #100 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) 939-8400 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Khalil-Kelada MD, Hayne Y 1000 Camerado Drive Cameron Park, CA 95682 (530) 677-3688 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Matossian MD, Cheryl 4989 Golden Foothill Parkway El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) 941-7362 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Olson MD, Christopher R 1264 Hawks Flight Court #100 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) 939-8400 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Sato-Re MD, Mimi K 4989 Golden Foothill Parkway #5 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) 941-7362 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Wood MD, Stephanie 1264 Hawks Flight Court #100 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) 939-8400 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Yuen MD, Wing-Yan 1264 Hawks Flight Court #100 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) 939-8400 Board Certifications: Family Medicine INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued Hill Physicians #HPMG124900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Spanish Male Mercy Medical #MCMG268100 * Mercy Hospital of Folsom Female Dyer MD, Wendy Z 3427 Robin Lane #100 Cameron Park, CA 95682 (530) 676-4122 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG138800 * Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Female Hill Physicians #HPMG241300 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Arabic, French, Spanish Male Dyer MD, Wendy Z 4987 Golden Foothill Parkway El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) 939-4222 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG138800 * Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Female Hill Physicians #HPMG302700 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Jordan MD, Donna R 4987 Golden Foothill Parkway El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) 933-4222 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG869300 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Mercy Medical #MCMG263800 * Mercy Hospital of Folsom Female PEDIATRICS Mercy Medical #MCMG478300 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Hill Physicians #HPMG315500 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Spanish Female Mercy Medical #MCMG10488 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Female Mercy Medical #MCMG884600 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Female INTERNAL MEDICINE Cheng MD, Helen Y 3427 Robin Lane #100 Cameron Park, CA 95682 (530) 676-4122 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Cheng MD, Helen Y 4987 Golden Foothill Parkway El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) 933-4222 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG268100 * Mercy Hospital of Folsom Female * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico Barrios MD, Elaine A 3427 Robin Lane #100 Cameron Park, CA 95682 (530) 676-7337 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Barrios MD, Elaine A 4987 Golden Foothill Parkway El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) 939-4222 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Dyer MD, Everett B 3427 Robin Lane Cameron Park, CA 95682 (530) 676-7337 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Dyer MD, Everett B 4987 Golden Foothill Parkway El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) 933-4222 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Mercy Medical #MCMG136200 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Female Mercy Medical #MCMG136200 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Female Mercy Medical #MCMG138700 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Mercy Medical #MCMG138700 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Raslear- Hendrickson MD, Maria A 4987 Golden Foothill Parkway Mercy Medical #MCMG141000 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 Mercy Hospital of Folsom (916) 933-4222 Female Board Certifications: Pediatrics 1 EL DORADO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians PEDIATRICS - continued Wayment DO, Mac 4987 Golden Foothill Parkway Mercy Medical #MCMG592100 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 Mercy Hospital of Folsom (916) 351-4800 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Pediatrics Male 2 EL DORADO COUNTY Specialty Providers DERMATOLOGY Abangan MD, Donita L 4355 Town Center Blvd #210 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) 939-3594 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG703800 Female Johnson MD, Mary Ann N 1264 Hawks Flight Court #100 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) 939-8400 Board Certifications: Dermatology Mercy Medical #MCMG10338 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Female ENDOCRINOLOGY Rangi MD, Jaiwant K 3106 Ponte Morino Drive Hill Physicians #HPMG450800 Cameron Park, CA 95682 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 677-0700 Female Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta GASTROENTEROLOGY Ingram MD, Drew C 1006 Marshall Way Hill Physicians #HPMG637100 Placerville, CA 95667 Mercy Hospital of Folsom (530) 662-6430 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male Internal Medicine SALUD MENTAL Miembros de UC: Los servicios de Salud Mental/Conductual, incluso los servicios para farmacodependencia, no tienen cobertura de WHA. Por favor llame a Optum (888) 440-8225 para localizar a un proveedor para estos servicios. Todos los demás Miembros: Los servicios de Salud Mental/Conductual, incluso los servicios para farmacodependencia, tienen cobertura de WHA por medio de Magellan Behavioral Health, Inc. Por favor llame a Magellan al (800) 424-1778 para localizar a un proveedor para estos servicios. NEPHROLOGY Taneja MD, Nidhika B 3581 Palmer Drive #602 Shingle Springs, CA 95682 (916) 961-7391 Board Certifications: Nephrology Hill Physicians #HPMG10688 Mercy General Hospital Female OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY Chodak MD, Lisa D 4987 Golden Foothill Parkway El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) 933-4222 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Mercy Medical #MCMG491300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female 3 EL DORADO COUNTY Facilities LABORATORIES PHARMACIES - continued (530) 676-9273 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Raleys Pharmacy #424 3935 Park Drive #B El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) 933-0374 Safeway Pharmacy #2683 2207 Francisco Drive El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) 939-9463 Mercy Laboratories 1 Scripps Drive El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 MON-FRI 8AM-1PM (916) 933-4222 Mercy Medical Target Pharmacy #T2270 4400 Town Center Blvd El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) 605-0185 (916) 933-4222 Mercy Medical Walgreens #12840 8230 Saratoga Way El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) 933-3854 Mercy Laboratories 4987 Golden Foothill Parkway El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 MON-FRI 8AM-1PM Quest Diagnostics 3450 Palmer Drive #7B 7 Cameron Park, CA 95682 Quest Diagnostics 1120 Corker Street Placerville, CA 95667 Mercy Laboratories 3427 Robin Lane Shingle Springs, CA 95682 MON-FRI 8AM-12PM AND 1PM-5PM URGENT CARE CENTERS (530) 295-8329 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic (530) 676-7337 Mercy Medical PHARMACIES CAMERON PARK LOCATIONS Bel Air Pharmacy #515 3510 Palmer Drive Cameron Park, CA 95682 (530) 676-4833 CVS Pharmacy #03009 3500 Palmer Drive Cameron Park, CA 95682 (530) 676-0171 CVS Pharmacy #06793 3020 Green Valley Road #B Cameron Park, CA 95682 (530) 676-6352 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06526 3101 Green Valley Road Cameron Park, CA 95682 (530) 672-8908 Safeway Pharmacy 0293 3380 Coach Lane Cameron Park, CA 95682 (530) 676-6938 Walgreens #10599 4014 Plaza Goldorado Circle Cameron Park, CA 95682 (530) 676-2095 EL DORADO HILLS LOCATIONS CVS Pharmacy #03909 4560 Post Street El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) 934-0133 Pacific West Healthcare Supply 5151 Golden Foothill Parkway #140 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) 673-1601 4 Mdstat Urgent Care 3840 El Dorado Hills Blvd #303 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 MON-SUN 9AM-9PM (916) 941-9222 Hill Physicians MARIN COUNTY Primary Care Physicians FAMILY PRACTICE FAMILY PRACTICE - continued Aviado MD, Domingo 3 Harbor Drive #111 Sausalito, CA 94965 (415) 683-2988 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNMG10954 Marin General Hospital Male Bartz MD, Robert J 3 Harbor Drive #111 Sausalito, CA 94965 (415) 683-2988 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNMG791800 * Marin General Hospital Male Blomquist DO, Carianne 630 Drake Avenue Sausalito, CA 94965 (415) 339-8813 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Etemad DO, Elizabeth L 75 Rowland Way #100 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 897-9664 Board Certifications: None Forrester MD, Cheri J 3 Harbor Drive #111 Sausalito, CA 94965 (415) 683-2988 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hamblin MD, B Colin 11150 Highway 1 Point Reyes Station, CA 94956 (415) 663-1082 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Geriatric Medicine Hospice & Palliative Medicine Munich MD, Edwin S 3 Sixth Street Point Reyes Station, CA 94956 (415) 663-8666 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNMG797300 * Marin General Hospital Female Murphy MD, James T 165 Rowland Way #215 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 897-5171 Board Certifications: None #MNMG807000 Marin General Hospital Male #MNMG808400 Petaluma Valley Hospital Sonoma Valley Hospital Male Kubik MD, Mark 501 Via Casitas Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-2300 Board Certifications: Family Practice Geriatric Medicine Kubrican MD, Tomas 75 Rowland Way Novato, CA 94945 (415) 897-9664 Board Certifications: Family Medicine * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico Lohtia MD, Meenal S 4000 Civic Center Drive #200B San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 492-3333 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNMG864700 Marin General Hospital Female #MNMG803100 * Marin General Hospital Spanish Female Graham MD, John M 1260 South Eliseo Drive 2Nd Floor Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 924-1214 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Landfield MD, Barry S 900 South Eliseo Drive #202 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-3500 Board Certifications: None #MNMG814700 * Marin General Hospital Male #MNMG977600 Marin General Hospital Male Omalley MD, Anna K 3 Sixth Street Point Reyes Station, CA 94956 (415) 663-8666 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Omalley MD, Anna K 3419 State Route One Stinson Beach, CA 94920 (415) 868-9656 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Osborn MD, Oliver S 1260 South Eliseo Drive 2Nd Floor Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 924-1214 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Robinson MD, Curtis F 619 East Blithedale #A Mill Valley, CA 94941 (415) 388-2801 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Shaikh MD, Naureen A 111 Second Street Sausalito, CA 94965 (415) 332-2600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNMG815000 Marin General Hospital Male #MNMG817300 Marin General Hospital Female #MNMG11179 Marin General Hospital Male #MNMG820000 * Marin General Hospital Spanish Male #MNMG1004200 Marin General Hospital Female #MNMG1004200 Marin General Hospital Female #MNMG824700 * Marin General Hospital French, Spanish Male #MNMG821900 Marin General Hospital Spanish Male #MNMG831600 Marin General Hospital Urdu Female 5 MARIN COUNTY Primary Care Physicians FAMILY PRACTICE - continued Widman MD, E Regina 706 D Street San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 256-1980 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Witte MD, Michael J 3 Sixth Street Point Reyes Station, CA 94956 (415) 663-8666 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Yee DO, Alice 1260 South Eliseo Drive 2Nd Floor Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 924-1214 Board Certifications: Family Medicine INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued #MNMG836300 * Marin General Hospital Female #MNMG836900 Marin General Hospital Spanish Male #MNMG837400 * Marin General Hospital Female GENERAL PRACTICE Andrew MD, J David 599 Sir Francis Drake Blvd #208 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-1523 Board Certifications: None Gordon MD, Flash 1000 South Eliseo Drive #204 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-2262 Board Certifications: None Hass MD, Frederick J 750 Las Gallinas Avenue #106 San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 479-1771 Board Certifications: None #MNMG790700 Marin General Hospital Male #MNMG908100 Marin General Hospital Male #MNMG809000 Marin General Hospital Male Werschky MD, Arnold G 279 Miller Avenue Mill Valley, CA 94941 (415) 388-2657 Board Certifications: None #MNMG835900 * Marin General Hospital German Male Whitt MD, Michael C 11150 Highway 1 Point Reyes Station, CA 94956 (415) 663-1082 Board Certifications: None #MNMG836200 Marin General Hospital Spanish Male Chase MD, Michael C 2 Bon Air Road #150 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 945-7800 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine #MNMG795500 * Marin General Hospital Male Clark-Sayles MD, Catharine T 1341 South Eliseo Drive #200 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 464-8169 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Edwards DO, Christina S 165 Rowland Way #201 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 897-3174 Board Certifications: None El-Ghoneimy MD, Ahmed K 1341 South Eliseo Drive #200 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 464-8169 Board Certifications: None Finzen MD, Barbara D 75 Rowland Way #100 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 897-9664 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Kaur MD, Shan 165 Rowland Way #301 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 897-4741 Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine #MNMG972000 Marin General Hospital Female #MNMG796700 Marin General Hospital Arabic Male #MNMG802500 * Marin General Hospital Spanish Female Grewal MD, Sajot S 1100 South Eliseo Drive #2A Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 795-7000 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Habis MD, Joseph A 4000 Civic Center Drive #200B San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 492-3333 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine #MNMG798700 * Marin General Hospital Female #MNMG909200 * Marin General Hospital Male #MNMG808100 * Marin General Hospital Spanish Male #MNMG810400 Marin General Hospital Hindi, Spanish Female INTERNAL MEDICINE Basu MD, Anjuli 1260 South Eliseo Drive 2Nd Floor Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 924-1214 Board Certifications: None 6 #MNMG791900 * Marin General Hospital Female Li MD, Rebecca Na 165 Rowland Way #201 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 897-3174 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine #MNMG816300 Marin General Hospital Female * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico MARIN COUNTY Primary Care Physicians INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued Lowe MD, Elizabeth H 23 Reed Blvd #120 Mill Valley, CA 94941 (415) 795-7000 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Marfatia MD, Rina S 23 Reed Blvd #120 Mill Valley, CA 94941 (415) 795-7000 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mcallister, Jr MD, William J 2 Bon Air Road #150 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 924-5010 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Seaman MD, Elizabeth B 599 Sir Francis Drake Blvd #204 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-3363 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine PEDIATRICS #MNMG909100 Marin General Hospital Female #MNMG977200 Marin General Hospital Female Branco MD, Nelson 5 Bon Air Road #102 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 461-0440 Board Certifications: Pediatrics #MNMG828900 * Marin General Hospital Female Christie MD, Suzanne 655 Redwood Highway #216 Mill Valley, CA 94941 (415) 383-3500 Board Certifications: Pediatrics #MNMG832900 * Marin General Hospital German, Spanish Male Teper MD, Irene 165 Rowland Way #201 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 897-3174 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine #MNMG835500 * Marin General Hospital Russian, Spanish Female Ward MD, John W 1341 South Eliseo Drive #200 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 464-8169 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Welter MD, Stephen E 165 Rowland Way #201 Novato, CA 94945-5009 (415) 897-3174 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico Bokser MD, Julie M 5 Bon Air Road #102 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 461-0440 Board Certifications: Pediatrics #MNMG813400 * Marin General Hospital Male Sockell MD, Mark E 165 Rowland Way #201 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 897-3174 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Ullah MD, Nushrat 4000 Civic Center Drive #200B San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 492-3333 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Bauer MD, Rachel F 655 Redwood Highway #216 Mill Valley, CA 94941 (415) 383-3500 Board Certifications: Pediatrics #MNMG10881 Marin General Hospital Female Harvey MD, John M 5 Bon Air Road #102 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 461-0440 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Heath MD, Erin N 5 Bon Air Road #102 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 461-0440 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Joffe MD, Martin 1000 South Eliseo Drive #100 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-5436 Board Certifications: Pediatrics #MNMG830800 * Marin General Hospital Male Kerl MD, Uta B 655 Redwood Highway #216 Mill Valley, CA 94941 (415) 383-3500 Board Certifications: Pediatrics #MNMG835800 * Marin General Hospital Male Lee MD, John S 5 Bon Air Road #102 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 461-0440 Board Certifications: Pediatrics #MNMG792100 Marin General Hospital Female #MNMG793200 * Marin General Hospital Female #MNMG788800 * Marin General Hospital Spanish Male #MNMG798300 Marin General Hospital Female #MNMG808900 * Marin General Hospital Spanish Male #MNMG809200 * Marin General Hospital Spanish Female #MNMG804900 Marin General Hospital Male #MNMG811200 Marin General Hospital Female #MNMG815500 * Marin General Hospital Male 7 MARIN COUNTY Primary Care Physicians PEDIATRICS - continued Maisel MD, Jan E 5 Bon Air Road #102 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 461-0440 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Martin MD, Joshua H 1100 South Eliseo Drive #106 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-8828 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Meill MD, Jane M 1100 South Eliseo Drive #106 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-8828 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Ornstein MD, Kara 1100 South Eliseo Drive #106 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-8828 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Sanda MD, Anika L 655 Redwood Highway #216 Mill Valley, CA 94914 (415) 383-3500 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Santucci MD, Stephen A 5 Bon Air Road #105 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 461-0440 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Santucci MD, Stephen A 400 Professional Center Drive #423 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 892-0965 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Schwartzman MD, Nancy L 1100 South Eliseo Drive #106 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-8828 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Spera MD, Marcella 655 Redwood Highway #216 Mill Valley, CA 94941 (415) 383-3500 Board Certifications: Pediatrics 8 PEDIATRICS - continued #MNMG818300 Marin General Hospital Female #MNMG10696 Marin General Hospital Male #MNMG814000 Marin General Hospital Female #MNMG824300 Marin General Hospital Female #MNMG904400 Marin General Hospital Spanish Female #MNMG10345 Marin General Hospital Male Troy MD, Ann 4000 Civic Center #201 San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 479-8642 Board Certifications: None #MNMG829500 Marin General Hospital French Female Urbach MD, Katrina R 1000 South Eliseo Drive #100 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-5436 Board Certifications: None White MD, Jeanette R 5 Bon Air Road #102 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 461-0440 Board Certifications: Pediatric Critical Care Med Pediatrics White MD, Jeanette R 4000 Professional Center Drive #423 Novato, CA 94947 (415) 892-0965 Board Certifications: Pediatric Critical Care Med Pediatrics Yamaguchi MD, Michael M 4000 Civic Center Drive #201 San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 479-8642 Board Certifications: Pediatrics #MNMG829800 Marin General Hospital Female #MNMG852200 * Marin General Hospital Female #MNMG852200 * Marin General Hospital Female #MNMG837100 Marin General Hospital Male #MNMG10345 Marin General Hospital Male #MNMG828800 Marin General Hospital Female #MNMG11316 Marin General Hospital Female * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico MARIN COUNTY Specialty Providers ALLERGY & IMMUNOLOGY Tam MD, Schuman 1000 South Eliseo Drive #101 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-8909 Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Internal Medicine CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE - continued #MNSP835200 Marin General Hospital Chinese Male BARIATRICS Lee MD, Crystine M 5 Bon Air Road #101 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 924-2515 Board Certifications: Surgery #MNSP815400 Marin General Hospital Female CARDIAC ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY Dey MD, Sujoya 2 Bon Air Road #200 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-0666 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease #MNSP801900 Marin General Hospital Female CARDIOLOGY Singh MD, Kabir J 2 Bon Air Road #100 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-0666 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Singh MD, Kabir J 75 Rowland Way #140 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 878-2910 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Young MD, Jerald A 2 Bon Air Road #100 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-0666 Board Certifications: Cardiology Internal Medicine #MNSP902100 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP902100 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP837800 Marin General Hospital Male CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE Adams MD, James R 2 Bon Air Road #100 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-0666 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Baer MD, Margaret L 2 Bon Air Road #100 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-0666 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease #MNSP789200 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP791300 Marin General Hospital Female Baumgarten MD, Adam J 2 Bon Air Road #100 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-0666 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Dey MD, Sujoya 2 Bon Air Road #200 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-0666 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Erickson MD, Joel S 165 Rowland Way #212 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 892-9550 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Gershengorn MD, Kent N 2 Bon Air Road #100 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-0666 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Gershengorn MD, Kent N 75 Rowland Way #140 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 878-2910 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Kao MD, Ann K 2 Bon Air Road #100 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-0666 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Keeffe MD, Brian G 2 Bon Air Road #100 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-0666 Board Certifications: None Raghupathy MD, Arun K 2 Bon Air Road #100 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-0666 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Singh MD, Kabir J 2 Bon Air Road #100 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-0666 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine #MNSP792200 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP801900 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP797000 Marin General Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP806100 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP806100 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP805600 Marin General Hospital Chinese Female #MNSP810600 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP820800 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP902100 Marin General Hospital Male 9 MARIN COUNTY Specialty Providers CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE - continued DERMATOLOGY - continued Singh MD, Kabir J 75 Rowland Way #140 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 878-2910 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Gogia MD, Ravinder S 559 Sir Francis Drake Blvd #300 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 755-4515 Board Certifications: Dermatology Sklar MD, Joel 2 Bon Air Road #100 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-0666 Board Certifications: Cardiology Internal Medicine Sperling MD, David C 2 Bon Air Road #100 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-0666 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Sperling MD, Robert T 2 Bon Air Road #100 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-0666 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Strunk MD, Brian L 2 Bon Air Road #100 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-0666 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Wexman MD, Mark P 2 Bon Air Road #100 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-0666 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine #MNSP902100 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP832400 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP833300 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP833400 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP834600 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP836100 Marin General Hospital Male COLON & RECTAL SURGERY Bazalgette MD, Mark B 5 Bon Air Road #101 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 924-2515 Board Certifications: Colon & Rectal Surgery #MNSP792300 Marin General Hospital Male 10 Greenberg MD, Joseph H 750 Las Gallinas Avenue #205 San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 472-3903 Board Certifications: Dermatopathology Internal Medicine Grossfeld MD, Jodi 5000 Civic Center Drive San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 499-0100 Board Certifications: Dermatology Howard MD, Renee M 5000 Civic Center Drive San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 499-0100 Board Certifications: Dermatology Knott MD, Haydee M Mill Valley Dermatology 655 Redwood Highway #210 Mill Valley, CA 94941 (415) 634-8411 Board Certifications: Dermatology Kobalter MD, Amy S 5000 Civic Center Drive San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 499-0100 Board Certifications: Dermatology Nichols MD, Benjamin J 599 Sir Frances Drake Blvd #300 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 755-4515 Board Certifications: Dermatology DERMATOLOGY Fardin MD, Shala 2330 Marinship Way #370 Sausalito, CA 94965 (415) 887-9758 Board Certifications: Dermatology Gogia MD, Ravinder S 5000 Civic Center Drive San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 499-0100 Board Certifications: Dermatology #MNSP912400 Marin General Hospital Female Nichols MD, Benjamin J 5000 Civic Center Drive San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 499-0100 Board Certifications: Dermatology #MNSP949600 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP949600 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP807300 Marin General Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP807700 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP809800 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP811800 Marin General Hospital Spanish Female #MNSP812000 Marin General Hospital Italian Female #MNSP823200 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP823200 Marin General Hospital Male MARIN COUNTY Specialty Providers DERMATOLOGY - continued Peng MD, Albert 750 Gallinas Avenue #205 San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 472-3903 Board Certifications: Dermatology Smith MD, Ashley A 2330 Marinship Way #370 Sausalito, CA 94965 (415) 887-9758 Board Certifications: Dermatology Westphal MD, Suzanne L 2330 Marinship Way #370 Sausalito, CA 94965 (415) 887-9758 Board Certifications: Dermatology GASTROENTEROLOGY - continued #MNSP825800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP912500 Marin General Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNSP10462 Marin General Hospital Female Bettinger MD, John R 75 Rowland Way #100 Novato, CA 94948-5054 (415) 526-6820 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Davis MD, Wendy Z 1350 South Eliseo Drive #130 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-6900 Board Certifications: None Davis MD, Wendy Z 7120 Redwood Blvd Novato, CA 94945 (415) 925-6900 Board Certifications: None #MNSP792900 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP896400 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP896400 Marin General Hospital Female ENDOCRINOLOGY Gaudiani MD, Linda M 900 South Eliseo Drive #201 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-1780 Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Internal Medicine #MNSP898700 Marin General Hospital Female ENDOCRINOLOGY- DIABETES & META Bernstein MD, Richard I 900 South Eliseo Drive #201 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-1780 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine #MNSP898600 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP11078 Marin General Hospital Male GASTROENTEROLOGY Bettinger MD, John R 1350 South Eliseo Drive #130 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-6900 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Bettinger MD, John R 7120 Redwood Blvd Novato, CA 94945 (415) 925-6900 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Lee MD, Natalie C 1350 South Eliseo Drive #130 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-6900 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Lee MD, Natalie C 7120 Redwood Blvd Novato, CA 94945 (415) 925-6900 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology FOOT & ANKLE SURGERY Kim MD, Paul H 18 Bon Air Road Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-5300 Board Certifications: None Jolley MD, John J 655 Redwood Highway #375 Mill Valley, CA 94941 (415) 888-2755 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine #MNSP792900 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP792900 Marin General Hospital Male Lee MD, Natalie C 75 Rowland Way #100 Novato, CA 94948 (415) 925-6900 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Malladi MD, Vikram R 1350 South Eliseo Drive #130 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-6900 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Malladi MD, Vikram R 7120 Redwood Blvd Novato, CA 94945 (415) 925-6900 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology #MNSP805100 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP815600 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP815600 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP815600 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP959900 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP959900 Marin General Hospital Male 11 MARIN COUNTY Specialty Providers GASTROENTEROLOGY - continued GENERAL SURGERY - continued Sharma MD, Ripple 1350 South Eliseo Drive #130 #MNSP673800 Greenbrae, CA 94904 Marin General Hospital (415) 925-6900 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female Internal Medicine Kidd MD, Sabrina A 5 Bon Air Road #101 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 924-2515 Board Certifications: Surgery Sharma MD, Ripple 7120 Redwood Blvd Novato, CA 94945 (415) 925-6900 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Lee MD, Crystine M 5 Bon Air Road #101 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 924-2515 Board Certifications: Surgery #MNSP673800 Marin General Hospital UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female Sowerby MD, Timothy M 1350 South Eliseo Drive #130 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-6900 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Sowerby MD, Timothy M 75 Rowland Way #100 Novato, CA 94904 (415) 526-6820 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Sowerby MD, Timothy M 7120 Redwood Blvd Novato, CA 94945 (415) 925-6900 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology #MNSP833200 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP833200 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP833200 Marin General Hospital Male Levin MD, Jonathan M 165 Rowland Way #312 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 898-6190 Board Certifications: Surgery Minnis MD, James G 5 Bon Air Road #101 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 924-2515 Board Certifications: None Pak MD, Laura K 1100 South Eliseo Drive #2A Greenbrae, CA 94904-2017 (415) 464-5400 Board Certifications: Surgery Vascular Surgery #MNSP811300 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP815400 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP816000 Marin General Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP852100 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP824900 Marin General Hospital Sonoma Valley Hospital Female GENERAL SURGERY Alfrey MD, Edward J 5 Bon Air Road #101 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 924-2515 Board Certifications: General Surgery #MNSP789900 Marin General Hospital Male Peterson MD, Mark 1300 South Eliseo Drive #104 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-7955 Board Certifications: Surgery #MNSP826100 Marin General Hospital Male GYNECOLOGY Bazalgette MD, Mark B 5 Bon Air Road #101 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 924-2515 Board Certifications: Colon & Rectal Surgery Duke MD, Lawrence J 1300 South Eliseo Drive #104 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 258-8787 Board Certifications: None Kelley MD, Leah M 1350 South Eliseo Drive #210 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-5035 Board Certifications: None 12 #MNSP792300 Marin General Hospital Male Pathi MD, Sujatha D 100A Drakes Landing #225 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-7800 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology #MNSP796100 Marin General Hospital Male HAND SURGERY #MNSP810800 Marin General Hospital Female Damore MD, Tancredi F 21 Tamal Vista Blvd #103 Corte Madera, CA 94925 (415) 927-7660 Board Certifications: Hand Surgery Plastic Surgery Kind MD, Gabriel M 1125 Sir Francis Drake Blvd Kentfield, CA 94904 (415) 485-3541 Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Surgery of the Hand #MNSP825400 Marin General Hospital Petaluma Valley Hospital Female #MNSP800100 Marin General Hospital French, Italian, Spanish Male #MNSP811500 Marin General Hospital Male MARIN COUNTY Specialty Providers HEMATOLOGY Anderson MD, Kristin N 1350 South Eliseo Drive #200 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-5000 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Anderson MD, Kristin N 165 Rowland Way #208 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 925-5000 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Gullion MD, David S 1350 South Eliseo Drive #200 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-5000 Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine MEDICAL ONCOLOGY - continued #MNSP10804 Marin General Hospital Female Anderson MD, Kristin N 165 Rowland Way #208 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 925-5000 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine #MNSP10804 Marin General Hospital Female SALUD MENTAL #MNSP10804 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP807800 Marin General Hospital Male Miembros de UC: Los servicios de Salud Mental/Conductual, incluso los servicios para farmacodependencia, no tienen cobertura de WHA. Por favor llame a Optum (888) 440-8225 para localizar a un proveedor para estos servicios. Todos los demás Miembros: Los servicios de Salud Mental/Conductual, incluso los servicios para farmacodependencia, tienen cobertura de WHA por medio de Magellan Behavioral Health, Inc. Por favor llame a Magellan al (800) 424-1778 para localizar a un proveedor para estos servicios. NEPHROLOGY INFECTIOUS DISEASE Evens DO, Alexander R 1260 South Eliseo Drive 2Nd Floor Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 924-1214 Board Certifications: Infectious Disease Internal Medicine Guroy MD, Mary Ellen A 3260 Kerner Blvd San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 473-6841 Board Certifications: Infectious Disease Internal Medicine #MNSP10169 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP808000 Marin General Hospital French Female Estilo MD, Genevieve K 1300 South Eliseo Drive #104 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-3075 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Levy MD, Lawrence A 1300 South Eliseo Drive #104 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-3075 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology #MNSP797200 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP816200 Marin General Hospital Male NEUROLOGY Tolliver MD, Gregg L 1260 South Eliseo Drive 2Nd Floor Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 924-1214 Board Certifications: Infectious Disease #MNSP829300 Marin General Hospital Spanish Male Cokgor MD, Ilkcan 50 Red Hill Avenue San Anselmo, CA 94960 (415) 456-8180 Board Certifications: Neurology #MNSP799000 Marin General Hospital Female INFERTILITY Agard MD, Jennifer A Marin Fertility Center 1100 South Eliseo Drive #107 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-9404 Board Certifications: None #MNSP891700 Marin General Hospital Female MEDICAL ONCOLOGY Anderson MD, Kristin N 1350 South Eliseo Drive #200 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-5000 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine #MNSP10804 Marin General Hospital Female Panagotacos MD, John J 599 Sir Francis Drake Blvd #206 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 578-3110 Board Certifications: Neurology Vascular Neurology Shefrin MD, Sandra L 279 Miller Avenue Mill Valley, CA 94941 (415) 380-1950 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Psychiatry & Neurology #MNSP825000 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP831900 Marin General Hospital Female 13 MARIN COUNTY Specialty Providers NUCLEAR MEDICINE Kretzschmar MD, Frederick J 1615 Hill Road #B Novato, CA 94947 (415) 898-7649 Board Certifications: Nuclear Medicine Pathology OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY - continued #MNSP814600 Marin General Hospital Male OBSTETRICS Kelley MD, Leah M 1350 South Eliseo Drive #210 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-5035 Board Certifications: None #MNSP810800 Marin General Hospital Female OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY Boero MD, Sally E 100 A Drakes Landing #225 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-7800 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Bookoff MD, Charles N 3260 Kerner Blvd San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 507-4030 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Brown DO, Elizabeth 100A Drakes Landing #225 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-7800 Board Certifications: None Brown DO, Elizabeth 75 Rowland Way #272 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 461-7800 Board Certifications: None Cardellini MD, Alexis A 100A Drakes Landing #225 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-7800 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Cunningham MD, Nona M 599 Sir Francis Drake Blvd #202 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-1149 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology 14 #MNSP793100 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP788100 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP10876 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP10876 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP794500 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP799800 Marin General Hospital Female Dela Merced MD, Jacqueline S 599 Sir Francis Drake Blvd #301 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-1949 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology #MNSP977100 Marin General Hospital Female Demuth MD, Brian E 100A Drakes Landing #225 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-7800 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology #MNSP801300 Marin General Hospital Spanish Male Flores MD, Sylvia J 100A Drakes Landing #225 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-1149 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology #MNSP802800 Marin General Hospital Spanish Female Galland MD, David B 100A Drakes Landing #225 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-7800 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hunter MD, Richard D 599 Sir Francis Drake Blvd #202 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-1282 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Jaeger MD, Amber 100A Drakes Landing #225 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-7800 Board Certifications: None Jaeger MD, Amber 75 Rowland Way #272 Novato, CA 94945 ( ) Board Certifications: None Lafollette MD, Lizellen 599 Sir Francis Drake Blvd #301 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-1949 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Maioriello MD, Michael J 600 Professional Drive #611 Novato, CA 94947 (415) 897-6089 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology #MNSP803600 Marin General Hospital French Male #MNSP804000 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP10990 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP10990 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP814800 Marin General Hospital French Female #MNSP818200 Marin General Hospital Spanish Male MARIN COUNTY Specialty Providers OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY - continued OPHTHALMIC PLASTIC SURGERY Matsik MD, Kristen M 100A Drakes Landing #225 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-7800 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Yohai MD, Robert A 165 Rowland Way #308 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 878-0222 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Melkonian MD, Rita L 101 Casa Buena Drive #B Corte Madera, CA 94925 (415) 924-3530 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Voss MD, Kirsten J 100A Drakes Landing #225 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-7800 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Wilner MD, Gerald P 100A Drakes Landing #225 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-7800 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology #MNSP812900 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP837600 Male OPHTHALMOLOGY #MNSP814100 Marin General Hospital Armenian Female #MNSP830600 Marin General Hospital Spanish Female #MNSP836500 Marin General Hospital Male Anderson MD, Robert R 900 South Eliseo Drive #102 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-8200 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Chapman MD, Randall H 1615 Hill Road #B Novato, CA 94947 (415) 897-1022 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Good MD, William V 100 Tamal Vista Plaza #120 Corte Madera, CA 94925 (415) 924-4313 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Psychiatry & Neurology #MNSP895400 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP795400 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP806700 Marin General Hospital Male ONCOLOGY Eisenberg MD, Peter 1350 South Eliseo Drive #200 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-5000 Board Certifications: Medical Oncology Gullion MD, David S 1350 South Eliseo Drive #200 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-5000 Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine Head MD, Bobbie 1350 South Eliseo Drive #200 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-5000 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Lucas MD, Jennifer B 1350 South Eliseo Drive #200 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-5000 Board Certifications: Medical Oncology Metzger MD, Alex S 1350 South Eliseo Drive #200 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-5000 Board Certifications: Hematology Oncology #MNSP796500 Marin General Hospital Male Hunt MD, James E 950 Northgate Drive #209 San Rafael, CA 94903 (707) 838-3400 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology #MNSP803800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Kim MD, Christian K 165 Rowland Way #207 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 892-0111 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology #MNSP811400 Marin General Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP809100 Marin General Hospital Spanish Female Najafi-Tagol MD, Kathryn K 4000 Civic Center Drive #200A San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 444-0300 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology #MNSP822400 Marin General Hospital Farsi Female #MNSP817700 Marin General Hospital Female Nickel MD, Bonnie L 750 Las Gallinas Avenue #114 San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 492-0950 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology #MNSP807800 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP814400 Marin General Hospital Spanish Male Shimokaji MD, Gayle L 1000 South Eliseo Drive #203 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-2020 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology #MNSP823300 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP832000 Marin General Hospital Female 15 MARIN COUNTY Specialty Providers OPHTHALMOLOGY - continued Shin MD, John C 901 E Street #285 San Rafael, CA 94901-2850 (415) 454-5565 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Yohai MD, Robert A 165 Rowland Way #308 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 878-0222 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY - continued #MNSP832100 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP837600 Male ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Bonneau MD, Raymond M. M 165 Rowland Way #100 Novato, CA 94945-5055 (415) 898-4211 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Orthopedic Surgery Byers MD, Robert H 2 Bon Air Road #120 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-5300 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Dailey MD, Elizabeth A 18 Bon Air Road Larkspur, CA 94904 (415) 927-5300 Board Certifications: None Goff MD, Jonathan R 18 Bon Air Road Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-5300 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Goltz MD, David H 18 Bon Air Road Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-5300 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Kennedy MD, Abbey L 18 Bon Air Road Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-5300 Board Certifications: None Keohane MD, John C 18 Bon Air Road Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-5300 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery 16 Kim MD, Paul H 18 Bon Air Road Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-5300 Board Certifications: None Lawler MD, Mark S 7100 Redwood Blvd #200 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 492-1600 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery #MNSP788000 Marin General Hospital Male Oechsel MD, Michael J 18 Bon Air Road Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-5300 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery #MNSP793800 Marin General Hospital Male Solomon MD, Daniel J 7100 Redwood Blvd #200 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 492-1600 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Sport Medicine #MNSP957800 Marin General Hospital Female Su MD, Brian W 2 Bon Air Road #120 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-5300 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery #MNSP806300 Marin General Hospital Sonoma Valley Hospital Male Teasdale, Jr. MD, Robert D 1375 South Eliseo Drive Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-4150 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery #MNSP11078 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP815300 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP824000 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP833000 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP834800 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP835400 Marin General Hospital Male OTOLARYNGOLOGY #MNSP806500 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP894200 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP811100 Marin General Hospital Male Agbayani MD, Romeo 1000 South Eliseo Drive #103 Greenbrae, CA 94904-2133 (415) 461-9770 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Hall MD, Winthrop H 165 Rowland Way #202 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 897-3070 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Hribar MD, Kambridge P 1000 South Eliseo Drive #203 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-2020 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology #MNSP789600 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP808300 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP810000 Marin General Hospital Female MARIN COUNTY Specialty Providers OTOLARYNGOLOGY - continued Ransom MD, Evan R R 1000 South Eliseo Drive # 103 Greenbrae, CA 94904-2150 (415) 461-9770 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Shapiro MD, Michael S 1000 South Eliseo Drive #203 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-2020 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHAB #MNSP821100 Marin General Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP831800 Marin General Hospital Male PAIN MANAGEMENT Kalra MD, Ruben 100 Rowland Way #200 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 878-0255 Board Certifications: Anesthesiology Pain Medicine Kelly MD, Holly C 7100 Redwood Blvd #200 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 492-1600 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Quasha MD, Arthur L 700 Irwin Street #102 San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 460-9924 Board Certifications: Anesthesiology Sreedharan MD, Deepak I 1050 Northgate Drive #460 San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 461-7246 Board Certifications: Anesthesiology Pain Management #MNSP805300 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP810900 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP820700 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP896700 Marin General Hospital Spanish Male Kelly MD, Holly C 7100 Redwood Blvd #200 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 492-1600 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab #MNSP795800 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP810900 Marin General Hospital Female Melnik MD, Irina L 655 Redwood Highway #203 Mill Valley, CA 94941 (415) 388-3808 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab #MNSP854200 Marin General Hospital Russian Female Sponzilli MD, Ernest H 2 Bon Air Road #120 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-5300 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab #MNSP833500 Marin General Hospital Spanish Male Belek MD, Kyle A 535 Miller Avenue Mill Valley, CA 94941 (510) 982-6751 Board Certifications: Plastic & Reconstructive Surg #MNMG969400 Marin General Hospital Male PLASTIC SURGERY #MNSP10353 Spanish Male PERINATOLOGY Jacobs MD, Mark 3260 Kerner Blvd San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 507-4030 Board Certifications: Maternal & Fetal Medicine Doherty MD, Deborah L 1125 Sir Francis Drake Blvd Kentfield, CA 94904 (415) 485-8524 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab #MNSP791500 Marin General Hospital Russian Male PLASTIC & RECONSTRUCTIVE SURG PAIN MEDICINE Celis MD, Edgar 100 Rowland Way #100 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 878-0255 Board Certifications: Anesthesiology Pain Medicine Barchuk MD, Alex 1125 Sir Francis Drake Blvd Kentfield, CA 94904 (415) 485-3508 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab #MNSP804400 Marin General Hospital Spanish Male Aghayan MD, Aric S 350 Bon Air Road #300 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-2880 Board Certifications: None Damore MD, Tancredi F 21 Tamal Vista Blvd #103 Corte Madera, CA 94925 (415) 927-7660 Board Certifications: Hand Surgery Plastic Surgery Goodman MD, Cynthia M 2200 Larkspur Landing Circle #104 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 925-8555 Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery #MNSP11128 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP800100 Marin General Hospital French, Italian, Spanish Male #MNSP806800 Marin General Hospital Female 17 MARIN COUNTY Specialty Providers PLASTIC SURGERY - continued Hvistendahl MD, Yngvar A 350 Bon Air Road #300 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-2880 Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Kind MD, Gabriel M 1125 Sir Francis Drake Blvd Kentfield, CA 94904 (415) 485-3541 Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Surgery of the Hand Mohebali MD, Khashayar 21 Tamal Vista Blvd #103 Corte Madera, CA 94925 (415) 927-7660 Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Mohebali MD, Khashayar 250 Bon Air Road Greenbrae, CA 94904-1745 (415) 927-7660 Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery PODIATRY - continued #MNSP804100 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP811500 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP819500 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP819500 Marin General Hospital Male PODIATRIC SURGERY Marino DPM, Vincent C 165 Rowland Way #206 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 898-9818 Board Certifications: Foot & Ankle Surgery #MNSP895900 Marin General Hospital Male Dailey MD, Elizabeth A 18 Bon Air Road Larkspur, CA 94904 (415) 927-5300 Board Certifications: None Davis DPM, Russell 2 Bon Air Road #150 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-3338 Board Certifications: None Drucker DPM, Mark 750 Las Gallinas Avenue #115 San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 472-5575 Board Certifications: Certification in Foot Surgery 18 Fedrigo DPM, Anthony J 599 Sir Francis Drake Blvd #207 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-6555 Board Certifications: Podiatric Surgery Kamal DPM, Orendrila 599 Sir Francis Drake Blvd #207 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-6555 Board Certifications: None Kamal DPM, Orendrila 1704 Novato Blvd Novato, CA 94947 (415) 461-6555 Board Certifications: None Marino DPM, Vincent C 165 Rowland Way #206 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 898-9818 Board Certifications: Foot & Ankle Surgery Nemrow DPM, Barry M 1223 Grant Avenue Novato, CA 94945 (415) 897-7187 Board Certifications: Podiatric Surgery PODIATRY Amen DPM, Jeffrey 1615 Hill Road #E Novato, CA 94947 (415) 898-4828 Board Certifications: Certification in Foot Surgery Elmi MD, Eman 750 Las Gallinas Avenue #115 San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 472-5575 Board Certifications: None #MNSP790200 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP957800 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP800400 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP796000 Marin General Hospital Male Ortman DPM, Howard S 711 D Street #114 San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 454-1944 Board Certifications: Podiatry Robison DPM, James 7 North Knoll #3 Mill Valley, CA 94941 (415) 388-2777 Board Certifications: Podiatric Surgery Youngswick DPM, Fred 165 Rowland Way #206 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 898-9818 Board Certifications: Podiatric Surgery #MNSP10630 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP797500 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP10694 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP10694 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP895900 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP822600 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP824400 Marin General Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP822100 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP837900 Marin General Hospital Male MARIN COUNTY Specialty Providers PULMONARY DISEASE Livnat MD, Guy S 1260 South Eliseo Drive 2Nd Floor Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 924-1214 Board Certifications: Critical Care Medicine Pulmonary Disease Massoumi MD, Ali 100 Rowland Way #300 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 878-0225 Board Certifications: Critical Care Medicine Pulmonary Disease Newbury MD, Robert L 75 Rowland Way #100 Novato, CA 94945-5054 (415) 897-9664 Board Certifications: None Nisam MD, Merrill R 1260 South Eliseo Drive 2Nd Floor Greenbrae, CA 94904 (916) 924-1214 Board Certifications: Critical Care Medicine Soto MD, Darya 100 Rowland Way #300 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 878-0225 Board Certifications: Pulmonary Disease Sleep Medicine REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY #MNSP817000 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP10984 Male #MNSP822900 Marin General Hospital Male Miyawaki MD, Lloyd T 1350 South Eliseo Drive #100 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-7326 Board Certifications: Radiation Oncology Poen MD, Joseph C 1350 South Eliseo Drive #100 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-7326 Board Certifications: Diagnostic Radiology #MNSP891700 Marin General Hospital Female Lane MD, Danielle E 101 Rowland Way #305 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 893-0391 Board Certifications: None Uzelac MD, Peter S 1100 South Eliseo Drive #107 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-9404 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology #MNSP815200 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP829900 Marin General Hospital Queen of The Valley Medical Center French Male RHEUMATOLOGY #MNSP823500 Marin General Hospital French Male Malladi MD, Arundathi S 599 Sir Francis Drake Blvd #201 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 464-9604 Board Certifications: Rheumatology #MNSP833100 Marin General Hospital Spanish Female Stein MD, Peter H 599 Sir Francis Drake Blvd #201 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 464-9604 Board Certifications: Rheumatology #MNSP834100 Marin General Hospital Spanish Male Stein MD, Peter H 165 Rowland Way #208 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 464-9604 Board Certifications: Rheumatology #MNSP834100 Marin General Hospital Spanish Male RADIATION ONCOLOGY Halberg MD, Francine E 1350 South Eliseo Drive #100 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-7326 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Radiology Agard MD, Jennifer A Marin Fertility Center 1100 South Eliseo Drive #107 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-9404 Board Certifications: None #MNSP808200 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP818500 Marin General Hospital Female SLEEP MEDICINE #MNSP819300 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP826300 Marin General Hospital Male Peters MD, Brandon R 100 Rowland Way #300 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 878-0225 Board Certifications: None Razavi MD, Mehrdad 5 Bon Air Road #C116 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 927-4990 Board Certifications: Neurology Sleep Medicine #MNSP905500 Marin General Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP913100 Marin General Hospital Farsi, German Male 19 MARIN COUNTY Specialty Providers SLEEP MEDICINE - continued Razavi MD, Mehrdad 1050 Northgate Drive #250B San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 927-4990 Board Certifications: Neurology Sleep Medicine Soto MD, Darya 100 Rowland Way #300 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 878-0225 Board Certifications: Pulmonary Disease Sleep Medicine VASCULAR SURGERY #MNSP913100 Marin General Hospital Farsi, German Male #MNSP833100 Marin General Hospital Spanish Female THORACIC SURGERY Duke MD, Lawrence J 1300 South Eliseo Drive #104 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 258-8787 Board Certifications: None #MNSP796100 Marin General Hospital Male UROLOGY Bennett MD, Patrick M 1000 South Eliseo Drive #201 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-4000 Board Certifications: Urology Gershbein MD, Bart 1000 South Eliseo Drive #102 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 464-9988 Board Certifications: Urological Surgery Neuwirth MD, Harry 1000 South Eliseo Drive #201 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-4000 Board Certifications: Urology Neuwirth MD, Harry 165 Rowland Way #208 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 461-4000 Board Certifications: Urology Pathi MD, Sujatha D 100A Drakes Landing #225 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-7800 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Yu MD, Rhunjay James 1000 South Eliseo Drive #201 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-4000 Board Certifications: None 20 #MNSP792700 Marin General Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP806000 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP822700 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP822700 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP825400 Marin General Hospital Petaluma Valley Hospital Female #MNSP904700 Marin General Hospital Spanish Male Desai MD, Tina R 1100 South Eliseo Drive #2A Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 464-5400 Board Certifications: General Surgery Vascular Surgery Desai MD, Tina R 75 Rowland Way #101 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 924-2515 Board Certifications: General Surgery Vascular Surgery Pak MD, Laura K 1100 South Eliseo Drive #2A Greenbrae, CA 94904-2017 (415) 464-5400 Board Certifications: Surgery Vascular Surgery #MNSP10619 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP10619 Marin General Hospital Female #MNSP824900 Marin General Hospital Sonoma Valley Hospital Female MARIN COUNTY Facilities MILL VALLEY LOCATIONS DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING / RADIOLOGY Marin General Imaging 250 Bon Air Road Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-7070 HOSPITALS / EMERGENCY ROOMS Marin General Hospital 250 Bon Air Road Greenbrae, CA 94904-1702 TJC (415) 925-7070 CVS Pharmacy #09913 759 East Blithedale Avenue Mill Valley, CA 94941 (415) 389-8891 Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy 230 East Blithedale Avenue Mill Valley, CA 94941 (415) 388-6354 Rite Aid Pharmacy #05961 701 East Blithedale Avenue Mill Valley, CA 94941 (415) 388-2546 Safeway Pharmacy #0788 1 Camino Alto Mill Valley, CA 94941 (415) 388-2701 Safeway Pharmacy #2718 110 East Strawberry Drive Bldg 100 Mill Valley, CA 94941 (415) 360-9020 Walgreens #4559 227 Shoreline Hwy Mill Valley, CA 94941 (415) 380-8402 LABORATORIES Marin General Lab 250 Bon Air Road Greenbrae, CA 94904 MON-FRI 6:30AM-9PM AND SAT-SUN 8AM-4PM (415) 925-7070 Marin General Lab 100 A Drakes Landing #225 Greenbrae, CA 94904 MON-FRI 7:30AM-4:30PM (415) 925-7150 Marin Medical Laboratories 1300 South Eliseo Drive #102 Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 925-6967 Marin General Lab 5 Bon Air Road #119 Larkspur, CA 94939 MON-FRI 7AM-5PM AND SAT 8AM-12PM (415) 925-7150 Marin Medical Laboratories 1615 Hill Road #B Novato, CA 94949 (415) 898-7649 NOVATO LOCATIONS PHARMACIES Costco Pharmacy #141 300 Vintage Way Novato, CA 94945 (415) 899-1337 CVS Pharmacy #09316 1707 Grant Avenue Novato, CA 94945 (415) 897-4171 CVS Pharmacy #09947 2035 Novato Blvd Novato, CA 94947 (415) 897-9917 Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy 7514 Redwood Blvd #104 Novato, CA 94945 (415) 892-3722 Rite Aid Pharmacy #05963 910 Diablo Avenue Novato, CA 94947 (415) 898-1905 Safeway Pharmacy #2828 5720 Nave Drive Novato, CA 94949 (415) 881-9260 Target #T0692 200 Vintage Way Novato, CA 94945 (415) 895-3103 CORTE MADERA LOCATIONS Rite Aid Pharmacy #05959 431 Corte Madera Town Center Corte Madera, CA 94925 (415) 924-4557 GREENBRAE LOCATIONS CVS Pharmacy #09219 330 Bon Air Center Greenbrae, CA 94904 (415) 461-9093 LARKSPUR LOCATIONS Lucky Pharmacy 570 Magnolia Avenue Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 924-6738 Ross Valley Pharmacy 2 Bon Air Road # 130 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 924-2454 POINT REYES STATION LOCATIONS West Marin Pharmacy Inc 11 Fourth Street Point Reyes Station, CA 94956 (415) 663-1121 21 MARIN COUNTY Facilities PHARMACIES - continued SAN ANSELMO LOCATIONS CVS Pharmacy #09370 880 Sir Francis Drake Blvd San Anselmo, CA 94960 (415) 456-9900 Walgreens #7445 820 Sir Francis Drake Blvd San Anselmo, CA 94960 (415) 482-0191 SAN RAFAEL LOCATIONS CVS Pharmacy #04952 909 Grand Avenue San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 258-1649 CVS Pharmacy #09529 442 Las Gallinas Avenue San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 479-9171 Marin Medical Pharmacy 750 Las Gallinas Avenue #104 San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 479-1930 Rite Aid Pharmacy #05957 471 Third Street San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 454-7744 Rite Aid Pharmacy #05958 1500 Northgate Mall San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 492-0888 Safeway Pharmacy #0932 950 Las Colindas Road San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 472-8221 Walgreens #13584 155 Northgate One San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 479-2260 Walgreens #4625 830 Third Street San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 455-9919 SAUSALITO LOCATIONS CVS Pharmacy #09962 150 Donahue Street Sausalito, CA 94965 (415) 339-0169 TIBURON LOCATIONS CVS Pharmacy #01483 1599 Tiburon Blvd Tiburon, CA 94920 (415) 435-3843 URGENT CARE CENTERS Medical Center of Marin 101 Casa Buena Drive Corte Madera, CA 94925-1709 22 (415) 924-4525 NAPA COUNTY Primary Care Physicians FAMILY PRACTICE Arellano MD, Peter D 1100 Trancas Street #350 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 251-3604 Board Certifications: None Brown MD, Barry 1222 Pine Street Saint Helena, CA 94574 (707) 963-3641 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Dermody MD, John 1001 Professional Drive Napa, CA 94558 (707) 252-0494 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hughes DO, Marie B 1222 Pine Street Saint Helena, CA 94574 (707) 963-3641 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Martinez DO, David 1100 Trancas Street #350 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 251-3604 Board Certifications: None Ruscheinsky MD, Delta D 1001 Professional Drive Napa, CA 94558 (707) 252-0494 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Suard MD, Thomas E 1155 Trancas Street Napa, CA 94558 (707) 252-4781 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Wheeler MD, Jonathan W 999 Adams Street #200 Saint Helena, CA 94574 (707) 963-3658 Board Certifications: Family Medicine INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued #MNQV1006700 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNQV785600 * Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNQV785900 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male Hart MD, John H 1100 Trancas Street #205 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 251-1867 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Laband MD, Paul M 1100 Trancas Street #205 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 251-1867 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Wilson MD, Ruth D 980 Trancas Street #12 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 255-3583 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine #MNQV920200 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNQV10835 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNQV892300 * Queen of The Valley Medical Center Spanish Female PEDIATRICS #MNQV968900 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Female #MNQV895800 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Spanish Male #MNQV787700 * Queen of The Valley Medical Center Female #MNQV787800 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male Carrillo MD, Joseph M 1100 Trancas Street #270 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 252-1076 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Loffler-Barry MD, Christine 2160 Jefferson Street #260 Napa, CA 94559 (707) 259-0700 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Morgese MD, Victoria C 2160 Jefferson Street Napa, CA 94559 (707) 259-0700 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Myers MD, Ralph L 202 Main Street Saint Helena, CA 94574 (707) 963-0171 Board Certifications: Pediatrics #MNQV785700 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNQV786700 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Female #MNQV786000 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Female #MNQV786500 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Spanish Male #MNQV787300 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male INTERNAL MEDICINE Andrews III MD, Daniel E 1131 Trancas Street Napa, CA 94558 (707) 257-7752 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine #MNQV11549 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico 23 NAPA COUNTY Specialty Providers CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY Klingman MD, Robert R 3434 Villa Lane #2A Napa, CA 94558 (707) 254-9693 Board Certifications: Surgery Thoracic Surgery GENERAL SURGERY - continued NorthBay #NBMG660300 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male DERMATOLOGY Kent MD, Kathryn M 807 St Helena Hwy #2 Saint Helena, CA 94574 (707) 963-5450 Board Certifications: Dermatopathology Silver MD, Eli A 1100 Trancas Street #301 Napa, CA 94559 (707) 257-2888 Board Certifications: Dermatology NorthBay #NBMG11326 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female #MNSP915900 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNQV968900 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Female Shepherd MD, Matthew E 1000 Trancas Street Napa, CA 94558 (707) 252-4411 Board Certifications: Surgery #MNSP907900 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNSP907900 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male Birkbeck MD, Daniel P 3273 Claremont Way #100 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 254-7117 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Surgery of the Hand #MNSP749000 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male HOSPICE & PALLIATIVE MEDICINE GASTROENTEROLOGY Freeto MD, David 3443 Villa Lane #4 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 257-0447 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Shepherd MD, Matthew E 1100 Trancas Street #212 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 252-4411 Board Certifications: Surgery #MNSP894000 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male HAND SURGERY FAMILY PRACTICE Hughes DO, Marie B 1222 Pine Street Saint Helena, CA 94574 (707) 963-3641 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Raymond MD, Leland 1000 Trancas Street Napa, CA 94558 (707) 251-3552 Board Certifications: Surgery #MNSP891300 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male Wilson MD, Douglas R 1000 Trancas Street #MNSP925900 Napa, CA 94558 Queen of The Valley Medical Center (707) 251-1786 Spanish Board Certifications: Male Family Medicine Hospice & Palliative Medicine INFECTIOUS DISEASE GENERAL SURGERY Chough MD, Edward K 3443 Villa Lane #5 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 226-2031 Board Certifications: Surgery #MNSP466200 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male Cunningham MD, Elizabeth A 4 Financial Plaza #MNSP614800 Napa, CA 94558 Queen of The Valley Medical Center (707) 266-7051 Female Board Certifications: Surgery Loftus MD, John P 1100 Trancas Street #212 A Napa, CA 94558 (707) 226-2031 Board Certifications: Surgery Vascular Surgery 24 #MNSP354900 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male Rupnik MD, John Kenyon 3443 Villa Lane #9 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 253-8901 Board Certifications: Infectious Disease Internal Medicine #MNSP895100 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY Manubens MD, Sergio M 3443 Villa Lane #2 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 253-8280 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Interventional Cardiology Mundy MD, Brian J 3443 Villa Lane #2 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 253-8280 Board Certifications: Interventional Cardiology #MNSP841000 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNSP841300 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male NAPA COUNTY Specialty Providers INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY - continued OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY - continued Srebro MD, James P 3443 Villa Lane #2 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 253-8280 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Interventional Cardiology Gonzalez MD, Susan G 1100 Trancas Street #209 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 251-1850 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Wong MD, Andrew K 3443 Villa Lane #2 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 253-8280 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Interventional Cardiology #MNSP840600 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNSP849500 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Spanish Male SALUD MENTAL Miembros de UC: Los servicios de Salud Mental/Conductual, incluso los servicios para farmacodependencia, no tienen cobertura de WHA. Por favor llame a Optum (888) 440-8225 para localizar a un proveedor para estos servicios. Todos los demás Miembros: Los servicios de Salud Mental/Conductual, incluso los servicios para farmacodependencia, tienen cobertura de WHA por medio de Magellan Behavioral Health, Inc. Por favor llame a Magellan al (800) 424-1778 para localizar a un proveedor para estos servicios. NEPHROLOGY Chiu MD, Edwin J 3230 Beard Road Napa, CA 94558 (707) 253-7005 Board Certifications: Nephrology #MNSP894900 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Sonoma Valley Hospital Male Manjappa MD, Nagarathna G 3230 Beard Road #MNSP10632 #1 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Napa, CA 94558 Female (707) 253-7005 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Paukert MD, Thomas 3443 Villa Lane #6 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 252-8407 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology #MNSP10649 Petaluma Valley Hospital Queen of The Valley Medical Center Sonoma Valley Hospital Male OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY Clark MD, Julie D 110 Trancas Street #209 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 521-1850 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology #MNSP798600 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female Hersh MD, Daniel R 1100 Trancas Street #209 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 251-1850 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Holthouse DO, Amanda S 1100 Trancas Street #209 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 251-1850 Board Certifications: None Levy Gantt DO, Rebecca 3030 Beard Road #C Napa, CA 94558 (707) 681-1545 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Li DO, Kalie N 1100 Trancas Street #209 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 251-1850 Board Certifications: None Scarborough MD, R Bruce 1100 Trancas Street #209 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 251-1850 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology #MNSP851000 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Spanish Female #MNSP851200 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNSP851500 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Female #MNSP978700 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Spanish Female #MNSP10995 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Female #MNSP855500 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male ONCOLOGY Dugan MD, Paul J 1100 Trancas Street #256 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 253-7161 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Mirda MD, Daniel P 1100 Trancas Street #256 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 253-7161 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Umutyan MD, Ari 1100 Trancas Street #256 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 253-7161 Board Certifications: Medical Oncology #MNSP850900 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNSP855200 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNSP260700 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male 25 NAPA COUNTY Specialty Providers OPHTHALMOLOGY Beller MD, Richard A 895 Trancas Street Napa, CA 94558 (707) 252-2020 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Beller MD, Richard A 6 Woodland Road #101 Saint Helena, CA 94574 (707) 963-5236 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Bosetti MD, John C 800 Trancas Street #A Napa, CA 94558 (707) 255-6212 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hinko MD, Allison 800 Trancas Street Napa, CA 94558 (707) 255-6212 Board Certifications: None Jameson MD, Nancy A 800 Trancas Street #A Napa, CA 94558 (707) 255-6212 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Kim MD, David S 895 Trancas Street Napa, CA 94558 (707) 252-2020 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Mehtani MD, Mohit 800 Trancas Street #A Napa, CA 94558 (707) 255-6212 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Row MD, Paul K 895 Trancas Street Napa, CA 94558 (707) 252-2020 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Row MD, Paul K 6 Woodland Road #101 Saint Helena, CA 94574 (707) 963-5236 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology 26 ORTHOPEDIC SPINE #MNSP855800 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male Huffman MD, Jason T 3273 Claremont Way #100 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 254-7117 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery #MNSP803700 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Sonoma Valley Hospital Male ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY #MNSP855800 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNSP903400 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Spanish Male #MNSP10989 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Female #MNSP903600 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Spanish Female #MNSP895000 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNSP912300 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNSP855700 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male Birkbeck MD, Daniel P 3273 Claremont Way #100 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 254-7117 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Surgery of the Hand Diana MD, John N 3273 Claremont Way #100 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 254-7117 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Franzino MD, Stephen J 3435 Valle Varde Drive #B Napa, CA 94558 (707) 258-2547 Board Certifications: Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Orthopedic Surgery Freeto MD, Brian D 3273 Claremont Way #100 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 254-7117 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Huffman MD, Jason T 3273 Claremont Way #100 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 254-7117 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Shifflett MD, Michael W 3273 Claremont Way #100 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 254-7117 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery #MNSP749000 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNSP895600 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNSP533100 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNSP894100 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNSP803700 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Sonoma Valley Hospital Male #MNSP894400 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male OTOLARYNGOLOGY #MNSP855700 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male Colton House MD, Joyce H 1110 Trancas Street #209 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 251-3608 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology #MNSP855400 Petaluma Valley Hospital Queen of The Valley Medical Center Female NAPA COUNTY Specialty Providers OTOLARYNGOLOGY - continued RHEUMATOLOGY Healey MD, Kathleen M 1100 Trancas Street #210 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 251-3608 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Abbass MD, Khurram 3273 Claremont Way #209 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 252-1035 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Kmucha MD, Steven T 1100 Trancas Street #210 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 251-3608 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology #MNSP851400 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Female #MNSP11317 Petaluma Valley Hospital Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male Harrington MD, Michael J 3443 Villa Lane #9 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 253-8901 Board Certifications: Rheumatology #MNSP983400 Marin General Hospital Male #MNSP935900 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Spanish Male SPORT MEDICINE PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHAB Abel MD, E Taylor 3421 Villa Lane #213 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 255-5454 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Sport Medicine Bodor MD, Marko V 3421 Villa Lane #2B Napa, CA 94558 (707) 255-5454 Board Certifications: Sport Medicine #MNSP959100 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNSP963000 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male Franzino MD, Stephen J 3435 Valle Varde Drive #B Napa, CA 94558 (707) 258-2547 Board Certifications: Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Orthopedic Surgery Freeto MD, Brian D 3273 Claremont Way #100 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 254-7117 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery #MNSP533100 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNSP894100 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male UROLOGY Kessler MD, Corby S 935 Trancas Street #1B #MNSP895500 Napa, CA 94558 Queen of The Valley Medical Center (707) 255-6115 Male Board Certifications: Hospice & Palliative Medicine Physical Medicine & Rehab PLASTIC SURGERY Restivo DO, Terry 3443 Villa Lane #10 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 258-6077 Board Certifications: None #MNSP10988 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Female #MNSP828600 Sonoma Valley Hospital Male PULMONOLOGY Healy MD, Francis T 1100 Trancas Street #264 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 252-1447 Board Certifications: Critical Care Medicine Pulmonology Hildreth MD, Thomas 3250 Beard Road Napa, CA 94558 (707) 224-7944 Board Certifications: Urology Khaira MD, Herkanwal S 3250 Beard Road Napa, CA 94558 (707) 224-7944 Board Certifications: Urology PODIATRY Schumacher DPM, Edmund W 6 Woodland Road #104 Saint Helena, CA 94574 (707) 254-9012 Board Certifications: Podiatric Surgery Hendricks MD, James G 3250 Beard Road Napa, CA 94558 (707) 224-7944 Board Certifications: Urology Marquez MD, Mindy L 3250 Beard Road Napa, CA 94558 (707) 224-7944 Board Certifications: Urology #MNSP892400 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNSP892000 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNSP892500 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Queen of The Valley Medical Center Punjabi, Spanish Male #MNSP985800 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Female #MNSP881700 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male 27 NAPA COUNTY Specialty Providers VASCULAR SURGERY Brooks MD, Jeffrey L 3260 Beard Road #5 Napa, CA 94558 (707) 252-4955 Board Certifications: Surgery Goldstein MD, Lawrence J 4 Financial Plaza Napa, CA 94558 (707) 266-7051 Board Certifications: General Surgery Vascular Surgery Loftus MD, John P 1100 Trancas Street #212 A Napa, CA 94558 (707) 226-2031 Board Certifications: Surgery Vascular Surgery 28 #MNSP550900 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNSP569200 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNSP354900 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male NAPA COUNTY Facilities HOSPITALS / EMERGENCY ROOMS Queen of The Valley Medical Center Queen of The Valley Medical 1000 Trancas Street Napa, CA 94558-2906 TJC PHARMACIES - continued (707) 252-4411 LABORATORIES Queen of The Valley Outpatient Laboratory 980 Trancas #11 Napa, CA 94558-2906 MON-FRI 7AM-5PM (707) 257-4062 PHARMACIES Rite Aid Pharmacy #05928 1491 West Imola Avenue Napa, CA 94559 (707) 255-4218 Safeway Pharmacy #0913 1620 Clay Street Napa, CA 94559 (707) 252-0170 Safeway Pharmacy #2449 3375 Jefferson Street Napa, CA 94558 (707) 225-3040 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #10-2925 681 Lincoln Avenue Napa, CA 94558 (707) 224-7120 Walgreens #11822 1685 Trancas Street Napa, CA 94558 (707) 257-1154 AMERICAN CANYON LOCATIONS Safeway Pharmacy #1883 103 West American Canyon Road American Canyon, CA 94503 (707) 649-5160 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #10-1651 7011 Main Street American Canyon, CA 94503 (707) 557-4195 Walgreens #11365 210 American Canyon Rd American Canyon, CA 94503 (707) 557-0103 SAINT HELENA LOCATIONS Deer Park Pharmacy 6 Woodland Road #100 Saint Helena, CA 94574 (707) 963-5209 Smiths Pharmacy 1390 Railroad Avenue Saint Helena, CA 94574 (707) 963-2794 Vasconi Drugs 1381 Main Street Saint Helena, CA 94574 (707) 963-1444 CALISTOGA LOCATIONS Silverado Pharmacy 1473 Lincoln Avenue Calistoga, CA 94515 (707) 942-5115 NAPA LOCATIONS CVS Pharmacy #01804 675 Trancas Street Napa, CA 94558 (707) 252-2844 CVS Pharmacy #07141 291 S Coombs Street Napa, CA 94559 (707) 252-0101 CVS Pharmacy #09214 1558 Trancas Street Napa, CA 94558 (707) 253-7918 Family Drug 1805 Old Sonoma Road Napa, CA 94559 (707) 224-7807 Lucky Pharmacy 1312 Trancas Street Napa, CA 94558 (707) 255-7400 Lucky Pharmacy 2355 California Blvd Napa, CA 94559 (707) 253-1643 Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy 4020 Bel Aire Plaza Napa, CA 94558 (707) 253-0970 Raley's Pharmacy #319 217 Soscol Avenue Napa, CA 94559 (707) 224-1269 29 PLACER COUNTY Primary Care Physicians FAMILY PRACTICE FAMILY PRACTICE - continued Abalos MD, Anna T 701 Pleasant Grove Blvd #125 Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 784-7700 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Arteaga MD, Diana L 2110 Professional Drive #120 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 536-2500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Boyd MD, Michael 3200 Bell Road Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 888-7616 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG555200 * Mercy San Juan Hospital Cebuano-Visayan, Tagalog Female Mercy Medical #MCMG757400 Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Female UC Davis #UCMG752800 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Harris MD, Roy M 3104 Sunset Blvd #2B Rocklin, CA 95677 (916) 624-0300 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG142100 Mercy General Hospital Male Kelada MD, Joe Y 680 Sunrise Avenue Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 786-4700 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG143700 Mercy San Juan Hospital Arabic Male Kramer MD, Paul E 720 Sunrise Avenue #108B Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 791-7285 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG316800 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Cao MD, Huy L 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG111000 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Male Board Certifications: Family Medicine Levin MD, Dennis L 3227 Professional Drive #A Auburn, CA 95602 (530) 889-6300 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Chek MD, Kimdary 2261 Douglas Blvd Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 783-7109 Board Certifications: None Mach DO, David 2261 Douglas Blvd Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 783-7109 Board Certifications: None UC Davis #UCMG854600 * UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female Chima MD, Biljinder 3104 Sunset Blvd #2B Rocklin, CA 95677 (916) 624-0300 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG735600 Mercy General Hospital Punjabi Male Hill Physicians #HPMG439400 Mercy General Hospital French Male UC Davis #UCMG116000 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Nguyen DO, Thuy 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG759400 * Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Female Board Certifications: None Clothier MD, Jennifer 3200 Bell Road UC Davis #UCMG433600 * Auburn, CA 95603 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 888-7616 Female Board Certifications: None Nichol MD, James W 3200 Bell Road UC Davis #UCMG969000 Auburn, CA 95603 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 888-7616 Male Board Certifications: None Corbin MD, Kenneth L 2110 Professional Drive #120 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 536-2500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Panek MD, Karen M 3200 Bell Road Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 888-7616 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Gramm DO, Gary 6135 Kings Road #A Loomis, CA 95650 (916) 652-0427 Board Certifications: Family Medicine 30 Mercy Medical #MCMG124300 * Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG453000 Mercy General Hospital German Male UC Davis #UCMG859300 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female Reza MD, Mohammad S 550 West Ranch View Drive Rocklin, CA 95765 (916) 409-1400 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG770700 Mercy San Juan Hospital Bengali, Hindi, Urdu Male * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico PLACER COUNTY Primary Care Physicians FAMILY PRACTICE - continued INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued Rutherford MD, Shelley R 275 Grass Valley Hwy Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 885-0344 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Bigler MD, Terri E 2110 Professional Drive #120 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 536-2500 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Sewell MD, Daniel S 13555 Bowman Road #100 Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 885-3951 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Singh MD, Parul W 588 North Sunrise Avenue #120 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 781-9885 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG993400 Mercy General Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG399500 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Brady MD, William J 3200 Bell Road UC Davis #UCMG105400 * Auburn, CA 95603 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 888-7616 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG924300 Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Female Chaput MD, Lillian 2261 Douglas Blvd Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 783-7109 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine UC Davis #UCMG970900 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female Sutter MD, Charles W 2261 Douglas Blvd UC Davis #UCMG115800 * Roseville, CA 95661 Mercy San Juan Hospital (916) 783-7109 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male Family Medicine Chou MD, Chia Y 1101 Smith Lane Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 407-2222 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Teng DO, Chunwen 841 Sterling Parkway #120 Lincoln, CA 95648 (916) 645-3388 Board Certifications: None Chun MD, Richard B 729 Sunrise Avenue #601 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 783-7118 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG10799 Mercy San Juan Hospital Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish Female Youngblood MD, John 3200 Bell Road UC Davis #UCMG859400 Auburn, CA 95603 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 888-7616 Male Board Certifications: Family Medicine GENERAL PRACTICE Boeye MD, J John 275 Grass Valley Highway Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 885-0344 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG433800 Mercy General Hospital Male INTERNAL MEDICINE Avila-Kirwan MD, Guadalupe 3200 Bell Road UC Davis #UCMG115000 * Auburn, CA 95603 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 888-7616 Spanish Board Certifications: Female Internal Medicine Bakos MD, John 729 Sunrise Avenue #610 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 347-7001 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG123700 * Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG137500 Mercy General Hospital Mandarin Male Hill Physicians #HPMG137600 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Febbo Wilson MD, Barbara J 2261 Douglas Blvd UC Davis #UCMG103200 * Roseville, CA 95661 Mercy San Juan Hospital (916) 783-7109 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female Internal Medicine Guerrero MD, Ethelwoldo P 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG435600 * Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hundal MD, Apeet 3200 Bell Road Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 888-7616 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine UC Davis #UCMG610700 * UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female Hussain MD, Sayed A 729 Sunrise Avenue #604 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 782-5100 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG387200 Mercy General Hospital Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu Male Hill Physicians #HPMG382400 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Spanish Male * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico 31 PLACER COUNTY Primary Care Physicians INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued Islam MD, Parvez 508 Gibson Drive #110 Hill Physicians #HPMG609300 Roseville, CA 95678 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 783-1080 Bengali Board Certifications: Male Internal Medicine Sharif MD, Mushfeka 2261 Douglas Blvd UC Davis #UCMG893700 * Roseville, CA 95661 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 783-7109 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Jafri MD, Fatima 2261 Douglas Blvd Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 783-7109 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Shlesinger MD, Yshay 729 Sunrise Avenue #501 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 966-5404 Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Internal Medicine UC Davis #UCMG596600 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female Li MD, Quinn 841 Sterling Parkway #120 Hill Physicians #HPMG691300 Lincoln, CA 95648 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento (916) 645-3388 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Cantonese Internal Medicine Male Lin DO, Allen 841 Sterling Parkway #120 Hill Physicians #HPMG691200 Lincoln, CA 95648 Mercy General Hospital (916) 645-3388 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male None Low MD, Henry J 6510 Lonetree Blvd #300 Rocklin, CA 95765 (916) 672-6622 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Merck MD, Dan 3200 Bell Road Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 888-7616 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG6484 Mercy General Hospital Cantonese Male UC Davis #UCMG740200 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Niranjan Kumar MD, Mylapore S 2110 Professional Drive Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 536-2500 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG725600 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Pawar MD, Sanyukta 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG593400 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Shariati MD, Narges S 3200 Bell Road UC Davis #UCMG426800 * Auburn, CA 95603 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 888-7616 Female Board Certifications: None 32 Tu MD, Jye-Ping 2261 Douglas Blvd Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 783-7109 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Zheng MD, Yunli 2261 Douglas Blvd Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 783-7109 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG134000 Mercy General Hospital Hebrew Male UC Davis #UCMG117300 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female UC Davis #UCMG266300 * UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY Burkhalter MD, Jenifer L 8735 Sierra College Blvd #210 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 784-8228 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Dawson MD, Lindsey 8735 Sierra College Blvd #210 Granite Bay, CA 95661 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Kamras MD, Marvin H 8735 Sierra College Blvd #210 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 784-8228 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Lerner MD, A David 8735 Sierra College Blvd #210 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 784-8228 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Mora MD, Christina N 8735 Sierra College Blvd #210 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 784-8228 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG475800 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG693200 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG159000 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG160600 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male Hill Physicians #HPMG874500 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Female * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico PLACER COUNTY Primary Care Physicians PEDIATRICS Abeysekera DO, Heshani N 1301 Secret Ravine Parkway #140 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 788-3030 Board Certifications: Pediatrics PEDIATRICS - continued Hill Physicians #HPMG580000 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Singhalese, Spanish Female Ahrons MD, Marcy L 3200 Bell Road UC Davis #UCMG106800 Auburn, CA 95603 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 888-7616 Female Board Certifications: None Ananthakrishna MD, Radhika 1301 Secret Ravine Parkway #140 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 788-3030 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Arab MD, Mehdi K 1301 Secret Ravine Parkway #140 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 788-3030 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Avala MD, Lakshmi 902 Cirby Way Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 789-1798 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG972400 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG314400 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Farsi Male Hill Physicians #HPMG268600 Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi, Telugu, Urdu Female Cafarella MD, James 3200 Bell Road UC Davis #UCMG10832 Auburn, CA 95603 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 888-7616 Male Board Certifications: None Cafarella MD, James 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG10832 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Male Board Certifications: None Chang MD, Terrance T 8723 Sierra College Blvd #220 Granite Bay, CA 95746 (916) 791-0797 Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Pediatrics Del Mar MD, Raoul 6508 Lonetree Blvd #103 Rocklin, CA 95765 (916) 771-5533 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG137200 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Cantonese, Chinese Male Hill Physicians #HPMG462700 Mercy San Juan Hospital Filipino Male * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico Ellis-Jammal MD, Mary Ann 151 North Sunrise Avenue #1403 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 771-4414 Board Certifications: Pathology - Anatomic Pathology - Clinical Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG700300 * Female Kanchananakhin MD, Veeraparn 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG622000 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Woodland Memorial Hospital Board Certifications: Female None Kanchananakhin MD, Veeraparn 2261 Douglas Blvd UC Davis #UCMG622000 Roseville, CA 95661 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 783-7109 Woodland Memorial Hospital Board Certifications: Female None Khaira MD, Ravinder S 902 Cirby Way Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 789-1798 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Law MD, Glenn K 1301 Secret Ravine Parkway #140 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 788-3030 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG143800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital French, Punjabi, Spanish Male Hill Physicians #HPMG399300 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Malaekeh MD, M Anoosh 2261 Douglas Blvd UC Davis #UCMG116200 Roseville, CA 95661 Mercy San Juan Hospital (916) 783-7109 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male None Maney MD, T Wade 2261 Douglas Blvd Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 783-7109 Board Certifications: None UC Davis #UCMG116400 Mercy San Juan Hospital UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Milazzo MD, Carol F 406 Sunrise Avenue #280 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 782-3786 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Mingbunjerdsuk MD, Siriwan 1301 Secret Ravine Parkway #140 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 788-3030 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG302600 * Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male Hill Physicians #HPMG10454 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Thai Female 33 PLACER COUNTY Primary Care Physicians PEDIATRICS - continued Montano MD, Marvi Marie L 1301 Secret Ravine Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 788-3030 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Ooi MD, Kuo S 3104 Sunset Blvd #2B Rocklin, CA 95677 (916) 624-0300 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Sport Medicine Skiles MD, Sunnie L 6815 Five Star Blvd #100 Rocklin, CA 95677 (916) 626-3060 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG10138 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Tagalog Female Hill Physicians #HPMG522700 Mercy General Hospital Mandarin Male Hill Physicians #HPMG320800 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Valdez MD, Benjamin F 508 Gibson Drive #220 Hill Physicians #HPMG301200 Roseville, CA 95678 Mercy Hospital of Folsom (916) 773-5577 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion None Farsi, Spanish Male Wang MD, Paul 1891 East Roseville Parkway #150 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 771-3020 Board Certifications: Pediatrics 34 Hill Physicians #HPMG504000 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male PLACER COUNTY Specialty Providers ALLERGY & IMMUNOLOGY Chipps MD, Bradley E 1451 Secret Ravine Parkway #150 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 453-8696 Board Certifications: Pediatric Pulmonology CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE - continued Hill Physicians #HPMG150100 Mercy General Hospital Male Hallett MD, Rosemary 2261 Douglas Blvd UC Davis #UCMG222400 Roseville, CA 95661 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 783-7109 Female Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Internal Medicine Miller MD, Travis A 576 North Sunrise #240 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 453-8696 Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Hill Physicians #HPMG514300 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Browning MD, Alyssa 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG624900 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Female Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Chi DO, Yung-Wei 6815 Five Star Blvd #100 UC Davis #UCMG701100 Rocklin, CA 95677 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 624-1111 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Lee MD, Tennyson G 3200 Bell Road Hill Physicians #HPMG206600 Auburn, CA 95603 Mercy General Hospital (530) 885-0192 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Cantonese Cardiovascular Disease Male Internal Medicine CLINICAL CARDIAC ELECTROPHYSIO Parikh MD, Neil G 1451 Secret Ravine Parkway Bldg D #150 Hill Physicians #HPMG10232 Roseville, CA 95661 Male (916) 453-8696 Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Internal Medicine Jurisich DO, Peter D 2 Medical Plaza Drive #175 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 782-3406 Board Certifications: Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio CARDIOLOGY COLON & RECTAL SURGERY Bonilla MD, Victor 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG340400 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pathak MD, Ranganath 4 Medical Plaza Drive #215 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 960-0466 Board Certifications: Colon & Rectal Surgery Surgery Bonilla MD, Victor 2261 Douglas Blvd Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 783-7109 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine UC Davis #UCMG340400 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Des Pois MD, Patrice 3200 Bell Road UC Davis #UCMG502100 Auburn, CA 95603 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 888-7616 Female Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE Browning MD, Alyssa 3200 Bell Road UC Davis #UCMG624900 Auburn, CA 95603 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 888-7616 Female Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Yu MD, Jeanne 4 Medical Plaza Drive #215 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 960-0466 Board Certifications: Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG268200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Hill Physicians #HPMG317800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG496500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Mandarin Female DERMATOLOGY Abangan MD, Donita L 3290 Professinoal Drive #B Auburn, CA 95602 (530) 888-8830 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG703800 Female Bricca MD, Gregory M 9269 Sierra College Blvd Hill Physicians #HPMG266900 Roseville, CA 95661 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 772-1585 Male Board Certifications: Dermatology 35 PLACER COUNTY Specialty Providers DERMATOLOGY - continued Erickson MD, Jon A 3257 Professional Drive #B Auburn, CA 95602 (530) 823-6363 Board Certifications: Dermatology Hearth MD, Scott B 1535 Eureka Road Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 773-3376 Board Certifications: Dermatology GASTROENTEROLOGY Hill Physicians #HPMG490300 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG846400 Mercy General Hospital Male Henke MD, Artur Z 9285 Sierra College Blvd Hill Physicians #HPMG599100 Roseville, CA 95661 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 784-3376 Male Board Certifications: Dermatology Lamb MD, Philina 2261 Douglas Blvd Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 783-7109 Board Certifications: Dermatology UC Davis #UCMG359900 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female ENDOCRINOLOGY Moriwaki MD, Mark M 2261 Douglas Blvd UC Davis #UCMG212800 Roseville, CA 95661 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 783-7109 Male Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Upadhyay MD, Manish 508 Gibson Drive #270 Hill Physicians #HPMG598400 Roseville, CA 95678 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 786-6727 Gujarati, Hindi Board Certifications: Male Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Fefer MD, Loren A 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG103300 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Male Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Feinstat MD, Theodor 4 Medical Plaza Drive #205 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 773-6200 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG152700 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Madan MD, Anand 4 Medical Plaza Drive Hill Physicians #HPMG615500 #205 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Roseville, CA 95661 Male (916) 965-9650 Board Certifications: None Rangi MD, Jasbir S 4 Medical Plaza Drive #205 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 773-6200 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG429500 Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi, Punjabi Male Terrado MD, Cecilia 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG277300 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Female Board Certifications: None Vallero MD, Randell P 4 Medical Plaza Drive #205 Hill Physicians #HPMG221200 Roseville, CA 95661 Mercy San Juan Hospital (916) 773-6200 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Spanish None Male ENDOCRINOLOGY- DIABETES & META GENERAL SURGERY Phatak MD, Sonal 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG781800 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Braley MD, Scott C 5 Medical Plaza Drive #120 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 781-2500 Board Certifications: Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG571800 † Mercy General Hospital Male FAMILY PRACTICE Hooper MD, Michael K 3200 Bell Road UC Davis #UCMG113400 Auburn, CA 95603 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 888-7616 Male Board Certifications: None Carson MD, John 2261 Douglas Blvd Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 783-7109 Board Certifications: Surgery Vascular Neurology UC Davis #UCMG702300 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Mcnabb MD, Alan 5 Medical Plaza Drive #120 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 781-2500 Board Certifications: Surgery 36 Hill Physicians #HPMG654800 Mercy General Hospital Male † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico PLACER COUNTY Specialty Providers GERIATRIC MEDICINE Mandal MD, Vanessa J 2110 Professional Drive #120 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 536-2500 Board Certifications: Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine INFECTIOUS DISEASE - continued Mercy Medical #MCMG782000 Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Martin MD, W. Randy 5 Medical Plaza Drive #190 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG321700 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Male INTERNAL MEDICINE GYNECOLOGY Dunn Jr MD, James S 11795 Education Street #222 Auburn, CA 95602 (530) 886-6660 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Leach MD, Richard J 5 Medical Plaza Drive #250 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 782-2229 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Sweeney MD, Denise L 5 Medical Plaza Drive #250 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 782-2229 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG686600 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Hill Physicians #HPMG496000 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG304700 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Russian Female HEMATOLOGY/ONCOLOGY Christensen MD, Scott D 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG189100 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Male Board Certifications: Oncology Shaheed MD, Gurvinder S 550 West Ranch View Drive Rocklin, CA 95765 (916) 409-1400 Board Certifications: Hematology Medical Oncology Mercy Medical #MCMG751300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Tanaka MD, Michael S 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG198200 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology INFECTIOUS DISEASE Kalyan MD, Ranjani 5 Medical Plaza Drive #190 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Infectious Disease Hill Physicians #HPMG705200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico Bonilla MD, Victor 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG340400 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Bonilla MD, Victor 2261 Douglas Blvd Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 783-7109 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine UC Davis #UCMG340400 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Browning MD, Alyssa 3200 Bell Road UC Davis #UCMG624900 Auburn, CA 95603 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 888-7616 Female Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Browning MD, Alyssa 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG624900 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Female Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Chi DO, Yung-Wei 6815 Five Star Blvd #100 UC Davis #UCMG701100 Rocklin, CA 95677 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 624-1111 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Islam MD, Arshia 2261 Douglas Blvd Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 783-7109 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine UC Davis #UCMG762900 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female Kaesberg MD, Paul 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG553300 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Madan MD, Niti 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG639300 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 296-5700 Female Board Certifications: None 37 PLACER COUNTY Specialty Providers INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued NEPHROLOGY - continued Moriwaki MD, Mark M 2261 Douglas Blvd UC Davis #UCMG212800 Roseville, CA 95661 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 783-7109 Male Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Gafter MD, Lana 151 North Sunrise Avenue #1205 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 789-1505 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Pawar MD, Sanyukta 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG593400 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Phatak MD, Sonal 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG781800 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Schivo MD, Michael 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG477600 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Terrado MD, Cecilia 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG277300 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Female Board Certifications: None SALUD MENTAL Miembros de UC: Los servicios de Salud Mental/Conductual, incluso los servicios para farmacodependencia, no tienen cobertura de WHA. Por favor llame a Optum (888) 440-8225 para localizar a un proveedor para estos servicios. Todos los demás Miembros: Los servicios de Salud Mental/Conductual, incluso los servicios para farmacodependencia, tienen cobertura de WHA por medio de Magellan Behavioral Health, Inc. Por favor llame a Magellan al (800) 424-1778 para localizar a un proveedor para estos servicios. NEPHROLOGY Bhat MD, Adarsh 151 North Sunrise Avenue #1205 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 789-1505 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG342600 Mercy General Hospital French, Kannada Male Chang MD, Don 151 North Sunrise Avenue #1205 Hill Physicians #HPMG715200 Roseville, CA 95661 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 789-1505 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine 38 Hamdan MD, Hiba A 151 North Sunrise Avenue #1205 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 789-1505 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Kharait MD, Sourabh P 151 North Sunrise Avenue #1205 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 789-1505 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG531900 Mercy General Hospital Russian Female Hill Physicians #HPMG632000 Mercy General Hospital Arabic Female Hill Physicians #HPMG915400 Mercy General Hospital Male Madan MD, Niti 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG639300 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 296-5700 Female Board Certifications: None Spin DO, Gregory 151 North Sunrise Avenue #1205 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 789-1505 Board Certifications: None Thornton MD, Brian 151 North Sunrise Avenue #1205 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 789-1505 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG218800 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG218700 Mercy General Hospital Male Wang MD, Jackson 151 North Sunrise Avenue Hill Physicians #HPMG773600 #1205 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Roseville, CA 95661 Mandarin (916) 789-1505 Male Board Certifications: None NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY Panchal DO, Ripul 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG720300 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Male Board Certifications: None PLACER COUNTY Specialty Providers NEUROLOGY OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY - continued Lenaerts MD, Marc E 2261 Dougals Blvd UC Davis #UCMG594600 Roseville, CA 95661 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 783-7109 Male Board Certifications: None Dawson MD, Lindsey 8735 Sierra College Blvd #210 Granite Bay, CA 95661 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG693200 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Stoody MD, James C 2 Medical Plaza Drive #260 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 783-7515 Board Certifications: Neurology Fromlak MD, Tatiana 729 Sunrise Avenue #800 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 782-1717 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG461300 Mercy San Juan Hospital Russian Female Yassa MD, Nadine H 991 Reserve Drive Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 789-8811 Board Certifications: Neuro w/ SpecQual Child Neuro Neurology Hill Physicians #HPMG308300 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG179800 Mercy San Juan Hospital Arabic, French Female NEUROLOGY (SLEEP DISORDER) Khan MD, Amer H 3001 Douglas Blvd #220 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 742-7718 Board Certifications: Psychiatry & Neurology Sleep Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG11148 Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi, Urdu Male Burkhalter MD, Jenifer L 8735 Sierra College Blvd #210 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 784-8228 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Burton MD, Harold G 5 Medical Plaza Drive #250 Granite Bay, CA 95661 (916) 782-2229 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Canavero MD, Dina M 5 Medical Plaza Drive #250 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 782-2229 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Ho MD, Jacqueline 5 Medical Plaza Drive #250 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 782-2229 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Jacques MD, Dana R 2110 Professional Drive #105 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 536-2500 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY Bostrom MD, Stuart G 5 Medical Plaza Drive #250 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 782-2229 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Garland MD, Andrea T 2110 Professional Drive #120 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 536-2500 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG320700 † Male Juhn MD, Olivia T 5 Medical Plaza Drive #250 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 782-2229 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG475800 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Kamras MD, Marvin H 8735 Sierra College Blvd #210 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 784-8228 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG307500 † Male Khowong MD, Antoinette 5 Medical Plaza Drive #250 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 782-2229 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG305000 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Lambourne MD, Blake R 5 Medical Plaza Drive #250 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 782-2229 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico Mercy Medical #MCMG10956 Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG262100 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Mandarin Female Mercy Medical #MCMG679900 Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG611600 Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG159000 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG610000 Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG301300 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male 39 PLACER COUNTY Specialty Providers OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY - continued OPHTHALMOLOGY Lavalley Willsey MD, Eve 8735 Sierra College Blvd #210 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG10261 Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Female Cooper MD, H Douglas 3211 Fortune Court #A Rocklin, CA 95677 (530) 885-6241 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Lerner MD, A David 8735 Sierra College Blvd #210 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 784-8228 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG160600 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male Mora MD, Christina N 8735 Sierra College Blvd #210 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 784-8228 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG874500 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Nejad MD, Bahareh M 2261 Douglas Blvd UC Davis #UCMG605800 Roseville, CA 95661 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 783-7109 Female Board Certifications: None Radke MD, Stephanie M 8735 Sierra College Blvd #210 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: None Scates MD, David H 5 Medical Plaza Drive #250 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 782-2229 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology West MD, Nancy UCDMG Auburn 3200 Bell Road Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 888-7616 Board Certifications: None Zhao MD, Yan 2261 Douglas Blvd Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 783-7109 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG10360 Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG303900 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Male UC Davis #UCMG914500 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female Jones MD, Richard A 2295 Fieldstone Drive #130 Lincoln, CA 95648 (916) 408-0039 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Patchett MD, Timothy 3237 Professional Drive #A Auburn, CA 95602 (530) 885-8128 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Serdahl MD, Christian L 2295 Fieldstone Drive #130 Lincoln, CA 95648 (916) 408-0039 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Warmerdam MD, Dorothea O 1830 Sierra Gardens Drive #100 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 782-2111 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG10974 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG158600 Mercy General Hospital German, Spanish Male Hill Physicians #HPMG561700 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG162900 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Hill Physicians #HPMG500900 † Mercy Hospital of Folsom Female OPHTHALMOLOGY (RETINA) UC Davis #UCMG953100 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female OPHTHALMIC PLASTIC SURGERY Grand MD, Alexander 1830 Sierra Gardens Drive #100 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 766-6966 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology 40 Cupp MD, David 5 Medical Plaza Drive #180 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 774-0100 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG307300 † Mercy General Hospital Portugese, Spanish Male Hill Physicians #HPMG910900 Mercy General Hospital Farsi, Italian, Spanish Male Chang MD, Margaret A 5 Medical Plaza Drive #180 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 454-4861 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG584600 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Equi MD, Robert A 5 Medical Plaza Drive #180 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 454-4861 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG405600 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male Patel MD, Arun C 5 Medical Plaza Drive #180 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 454-4861 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG301000 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi Male † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico PLACER COUNTY Specialty Providers OPHTHALMOLOGY (RETINA) - continued ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY - continued Pearlman MD, Joel 5 Medical Plaza Drive #180 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 454-4861 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG219600 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Van Den Bogaerde MD, James 2261 Douglas Blvd UC Davis #UCMG441100 Roseville, CA 95661 Mercy Hospital of Folsom (916) 783-7109 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male None Reed MD, John Brian 5 Medical Plaza Drive #180 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 454-4861 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG393600 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Telander MD, David G 5 Medical Plaza Drive #180 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 454-4861 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG417100 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Tsai MD, Tony 5 Medical Plaza Drive #180 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 454-4861 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG558100 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Wendel MD, Robert T 5 Medical Plaza Drive #180 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 454-4861 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology OTOLARYNGOLOGY Hill Physicians #HPMG319400 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Spanish, Tagalog Male Aizenberg MD, Debbie 6815 Five Star Blvd #100 UC Davis #UCMG573900 Rocklin, CA 95677 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 624-1111 Female Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Diaz MD, Rodney 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG488800 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Male Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Fife MD, Tim 2 Medical Plaza Drive #225 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 782-1291 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Hill Physicians #HPMG10450 Mercy General Hospital American Sign, German Male OPHTHALMOLOGY-NEUROLOGICAL Kiener MD, David J 2 Medical Plaza Drive #225 Hill Physicians #HPMG304000 Roseville, CA 95661 Mercy San Juan Hospital (916) 782-1291 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male Otolaryngology Grand MD, Alexander 1830 Sierra Gardens Drive #100 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 766-6966 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Ow MD, Randall A 2 Medical Plaza Drive #225 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 782-1291 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Hill Physicians #HPMG910900 Mercy General Hospital Farsi, Italian, Spanish Male ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Gotham Jr DO, David R 2204 Plaza Drive #120 Hill Physicians #HPMG351700 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 771-9555 Male Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Ramachandran MD, Ravi 729 Sunrise Avenue #200 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 245-3322 Board Certifications: None Ramachandran MD, Ravi 729 Sunrise Avenue #601 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 783-7118 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG980300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male Hill Physicians #HPMG980300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico Hill Physicians #HPMG317700 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Yen MD, Kaicheng 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG685600 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Male Board Certifications: None PAIN MANAGEMENT Haddadan MD, Kayvan D 2160 Sunset Blvd #502 Roseville, CA 95661 (888) 543-2243 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Hill Physicians #HPMG540200 Woodland Memorial Hospital Farsi Male Haddadan MD, Kayvan D 729 Sunrise Street #602 Roseville, CA 95661 (888) 543-2243 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Hill Physicians #HPMG540200 Woodland Memorial Hospital Farsi Male 41 PLACER COUNTY Specialty Providers PEDIATRIC ALLERGY & IMMUNOLOGY PEDIATRICS Chipps MD, Bradley E 1451 Secret Ravine Parkway #150 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 453-8696 Board Certifications: Pediatric Pulmonology Parrish MD, Mark D 2261 Douglas Blvd Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 783-7109 Board Certifications: Pediatric Cardiology Hill Physicians #HPMG150100 Mercy General Hospital Male PEDIATRIC CARDIOLOGY Fallah-Najmabadi MD, Hessameddin 3100 Douglas Blvd #105 Hill Physicians #HPMG307800 Roseville, CA 95661 Mercy General Hospital (916) 218-4020 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Farsi, Spanish Pediatric Cardiology Male UC Davis #UCMG215800 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Van Gundy MD, Jeff C 2261 Douglas Blvd UC Davis #UCMG178700 Roseville, CA 95661 Mercy General Hospital (916) 783-7109 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital None Methodist Hospital of Sacramento UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHAB Juris MD, Andrew L 3100 Douglas Blvd #105 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 218-4020 Board Certifications: Pediatric Cardiology Pediatrics Parrish MD, Mark D 2261 Douglas Blvd Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 783-7109 Board Certifications: Pediatric Cardiology Hill Physicians #HPMG300600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital French, Spanish Male UC Davis #UCMG215800 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Van Gundy MD, Jeff C 2261 Douglas Blvd UC Davis #UCMG178700 Roseville, CA 95661 Mercy General Hospital (916) 783-7109 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital None Methodist Hospital of Sacramento UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Wright MD, Stanley 3100 Douglas Blvd #105 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 218-4020 Board Certifications: Pediatric Cardiology Hill Physicians #HPMG283800 Mercy General Hospital Farsi, Spanish Male PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY Khan MD, Amer H 3001 Douglas Blvd #220 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 742-7718 Board Certifications: Psychiatry & Neurology Sleep Medicine Yassa MD, Nadine H 991 Reserve Drive Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 789-8811 Board Certifications: Neuro w/ SpecQual Child Neuro Neurology 42 Hill Physicians #HPMG11148 Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi, Urdu Male Hill Physicians #HPMG179800 Mercy San Juan Hospital Arabic, French Female Haddadan MD, Kayvan D 2160 Sunset Blvd #502 Roseville, CA 95661 (888) 543-2243 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Hill Physicians #HPMG540200 Woodland Memorial Hospital Farsi Male Haddadan MD, Kayvan D 729 Sunrise Street #602 Roseville, CA 95661 (888) 543-2243 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Hill Physicians #HPMG540200 Woodland Memorial Hospital Farsi Male Jaojoco MD, Ethelynda 1528 Eureka Road #103 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 772-5325 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Hill Physicians #HPMG567200 Mercy General Hospital Tagalog Female Panero DO, Alberto 550 West Ranch View Drive UC Davis #UCMG886900 Rocklin, CA 95765 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 295-5700 Male Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Rashid DO, Imad M 1421 Secret Ravine Parkway #111 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 784-7500 Board Certifications: AOB Rehabilitation Medicine Physical Medicine & Rehab Reddy MD, Vinay M 1528 Eureka Road #103 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 722-5325 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Hill Physicians #HPMG462800 Mercy General Hospital Arabic Male Hill Physicians #HPMG321600 Mercy General Hospital Male PLACER COUNTY Specialty Providers PLASTIC SURGERY Azad MD, Kamran J 2235 Douglas Blvd #510 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 773-5559 Board Certifications: None Coscia MD, Jospeh R 2235 Douglas Blvd #510 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 773-5559 Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery PODIATRY - continued Hill Physicians #HPMG972700 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG768900 Mercy General Hospital Male Green MD, Scott D 2235 Douglas Blvd #510 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 773-5559 Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG380000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hackert MD, Lynne 2235 Douglas Blvd #510 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 773-5559 Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG712600 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Female Johnson MD, Debra J 2235 Douglas Blvd #510 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 773-5559 Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG709300 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Female Solomon MD, Jason H 959 Reserve Drive Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 666-7696 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Plastic Surgery Yamahata MD, Wayne I 2235 Douglas Blvd #510 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 773-5559 Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Cozzetto DPM, Dana Y 2110 Professional Drive #105 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 556-3500 Board Certifications: None Drake DPM, Mark 5 Medical Plaza Drive #110 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 782-3444 Board Certifications: None Smalley DPM, Alton J 5 Medical Plaza Drive #110 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 453-8900 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG151600 Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Spanish Female Hill Physicians #HPMG10085 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG164500 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male PULMONARY DISEASE Hill Physicians #HPMG309500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG254200 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male PODIATRY Bakal DPM, Jamie 5 Medical Plaza Drive #110 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 453-8900 Board Certifications: None Docharty DPM, Carla I 5 Medical Plaza Drive #100 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 782-3444 Board Certifications: Podiatric Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG841700 Mercy General Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG941700 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico Aghili MD, Shawn 5 Medical Plaza Drive #190 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Pulmonary Disease Aurangzeb MD, Imran 5 Medical Plaza Drive #190 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Critical Care Medicine Internal Medicine Bilunos MD, Paul A 5 Medical Plaza Drive #190 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Chipps MD, Bradley E 1451 Secret Ravine Parkway #150 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 453-8696 Board Certifications: Pediatric Pulmonology Lew MD, Eva Y 2261 Douglas Blvd Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 734-2737 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Hill Physicians #HPMG320300 † Mercy General Hospital Farsi Male Hill Physicians #HPMG507000 Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi, Urdu Male Hill Physicians #HPMG316600 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG150100 Mercy General Hospital Male UC Davis #UCMG207200 Mercy San Juan Hospital UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female Lischner MD, Mark W 5 Medical Plaza Drive #190 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Hill Physicians #HPMG314000 † Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male 43 PLACER COUNTY Specialty Providers PULMONARY DISEASE - continued RHEUMATOLOGY - continued Martin MD, W. Randy 5 Medical Plaza Drive #190 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Srikulmontree MD, Thitinan 550 West Ranch View Drive Rocklin, CA 95765 (916) 409-1400 Board Certifications: Rheumatology Mohammed MD, Imran 5 Medical Plaza Drive #190 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Hill Physicians #HPMG321700 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG684400 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Wood MD, Neil L 11985 Heritage Oak Place #220 Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 888-6322 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG623200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Thai Female Hill Physicians #HPMG496600 Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male UROLOGY Van Hoozen MD, Brent E 5 Medical Plaza Drive #190 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG261100 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Couillard MD, David 6805 Five Star Blvd #100 Rocklin, CA 95677 (916) 624-3500 Board Certifications: Urology Hill Physicians #HPMG743900 Mercy General Hospital Male PULMONOLOGY Randhawa MD, Kanwaldeep S 5 Medical Plaza Drive #190 Hill Physicians #HPMG620000 Roseville, CA 95661 Mercy General Hospital (916) 679-3590 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Pulmonary Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Pulmonology Hindi, Punjabi Male PULMONOLOGY (SLEEP DISORDER) Aghili MD, Shawn 5 Medical Plaza Drive #190 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Pulmonary Disease Hill Physicians #HPMG320300 † Mercy General Hospital Farsi Male Kurzrock MD, Eric A 2261 Douglas Blvd UC Davis #UCMG204200 Roseville, CA 95661 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 783-7109 Male Board Certifications: Urology VASCULAR SURGERY Lim DO, Jung J 5 Medical Plaza Drive #200 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 784-1836 Board Certifications: Vascular Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG482200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Korean Male RHEUMATOLOGY Bhat MD, Anupama S 151 North Sunrise Avenue #1201 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 677-4744 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Rheumatology Haselwood MD, Douglas M 151 North Sunrise Avenue #1201 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 677-4744 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Rheumatology Islam MD, Arshia 2261 Douglas Blvd Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 783-7109 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine 44 Hill Physicians #HPMG581000 Mercy General Hospital Hindi Female Hill Physicians #HPMG155200 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Male UC Davis #UCMG762900 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico PLACER COUNTY Facilities DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING / RADIOLOGY LABORATORIES - continued Radiological Associates of Sacramento Sutter Auburn Faith Hosp 11815 Education Street Auburn, CA 95602-2410 (530) 888-4535 Hill Physicians Mercy Laboratories 550 West Ranch View Drive Rocklin, CA 95765 MON-FRI 7AM-5PM Radiological Associates of Sacramento 3123 Professional Drive #100 Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 888-8878 Hill Physicians Quest Diagnostics 4240 Rocklin #10 Rocklin, CA 95677 Mercy Imaging Centers 2110 Professional Drive #100 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 787-0404 (916) 787-0404 UCDMC Laboratory 550 Ranch View Drive Rocklin, CA 95677 (916) 295-5700 Mercy Imaging Centers 2110 Professional Drive #190 Roseville, CA 95661 Radiological Associates of Sacramento Open Care MRI 1 Medical Plaza Drive Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 781-1777 Hill Physicians Mercy Laboratories 8690 Sierra College Blvd #120 Roseville, CA 95661 MON-FRI 7AM-5PM AND SAT 7AM-11AM (916) 782-1811 Mercy Medical Radiological Associates of Sacramento Roseville Pet MRI & Nuclear Med Center 2241 Douglas Blvd #110 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 783-8900 Hill Physicians Quest Diagnostics 1420 East Roseville Parkway #120 Roseville, CA 95661 Radiological Associates of Sacramento Roseville Imaging Center 1640 East Roseville Parkway #100 Roseville, CA 95661-3988 (916) 784-2277 Hill Physicians (916) 781-0644 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Roseville Imaging 1640 East Roseville Parkway Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 784-2277 Hill Physicians Quest Diagnostics 151 North Sunrise Avenue #515 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 781-3031 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Roseville Radiation Oncology Center 2 Medical Plaza Drive #180 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 781-1225 Hill Physicians Quest Diagnostics 8207 Sierra College Blvd #520 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 781-5306 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Quest Diagnostics 729 Sunrise Avenue #608 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 784-1874 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic UCDMC Laboratory 2261 Douglas Blvd Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 783-7109 LABORATORIES Quest Diagnostics 3133 Professional Drive #16 Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 889-6100 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Quest Diagnostics 2140 Grass Valley Highway Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 745-0137 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Quest Diagnostics 1530 Third Street #108 Lincoln, CA 95648 (916) 409-1470 Mercy Medical (916) 415-9362 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic (916) 645-3813 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic 45 PLACER COUNTY Facilities PHARMACIES PHARMACIES - continued AUBURN LOCATIONS LINCOLN LOCATIONS Auburn Drug Company 815 Lincoln Way Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 885-6524 CVS Pharmacy #09535 425 Highway 65 Lincoln, CA 95648 (916) 408-0230 Bel Air Pharmacy #517 2222 Grass Valley Highway Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 889-8003 Raleys Pharmacy #230 765 South Highway 65 Lincoln, CA 95648 (916) 408-3633 CVS Pharmacy #09150 388 Elm Avenue Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 823-0825 Safeway Pharmacy #1761 405 South Highway 65 Lincoln, CA 95648 (916) 408-0810 CVS Pharmacy #09914 2140 Grass Valley Highway Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 885-6084 Target Pharmacy #T2214 950 Groveland Lane Lincoln, CA 95648 (916) 251-3003 Raleys Pharmacy #229 13384 Lincoln Way Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 885-7989 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #105979 255 G Street Lincoln, CA 95648 (916) 645-4309 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06042 420 Grass Valley Highway Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 885-9381 Walgreens #12525 700 Twelve Bridges Drive Lincoln, CA 95648 (916) 408-0176 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06043 2805 Bell Road Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 823-8125 LOOMIS LOCATIONS (916) 660-9031 Safeway Pharmacy #3122 2550 Bell Road Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 401-9979 Apothecare Rx 3137 Swetzer Road #A Loomis, CA 95650 (916) 652-7265 Sierra Compounding Pharmacy 1101 Maidu Drive #200 Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 823-5200 Main Drug Store 3685 Taylor Road Loomis, CA 95650 (916) 652-5633 Target Pharmacy #T1097 2700 Bell Road Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 889-2766 Raleys Pharmacy #231 6119 Horseshoe Bar Road Loomis, CA 95650 Walgreens #02170 12120 New Airport Road Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 888-9235 MEADOW VISTA LOCATIONS COLFAX LOCATIONS Sierra Market Pharmacy 575 S Auburn Street Colfax, CA 95713 Meadow Vista Pharmacy 16893 Placer Hills Road Meadow Vista, CA 95722 (530) 878-7440 ROCKLIN LOCATIONS (916) 772-6522 GRANITE BAY LOCATIONS Bel Air Pharmacy #518 2341 Sunset Blvd Rocklin, CA 95765 (916) 632-0184 (916) 624-8286 CVS Pharmacy #09526 8455 Auburn Folsom Road Granite Bay, CA 95746 (916) 791-2197 CVS Pharmacy #02661 4785 Granite Drive Rocklin, CA 95677 (916) 435-8711 Raleys Pharmacy #412 6845 Douglas Blvd Granite Bay, CA 95746 (916) 791-8015 CVS Pharmacy #09546 3251 Stanford Ranch Road Rocklin, CA 95765 (916) 259-2558 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #105980 4080 Douglas Blvd Granite Bay, CA 95746 (916) 791-0542 H & H Integrated Pharmacy 1240 Sunset Blvd #500 Rocklin, CA 95765 (916) 632-7560 Walgreens #06036 4051 Douglas Blvd Granite Bay, CA 95746 (916) 791-7576 Pacific West Pharmacy 4363 Pacific Street Rocklin, CA 95677 46 PLACER COUNTY Facilities PHARMACIES - continued PHARMACIES - continued Payless Pharmacy 5050 Rocklin Road A5 Rocklin, CA 95677 (916) 624-9900 Safeway Pharmacy #1617 8640 Sierra College Blvd Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 783-2304 Safeway Pharmacy #1866 2220 Sunset Blvd Rocklin, CA 95765 (916) 789-0807 Safeway Pharmacy #1890 1080 Pleasant Grove Blvd Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 783-2128 Save Mart Pharmacy #616 3021 Stanford Ranch Road Rocklin, CA 95765 (916) 435-2882 Safeway Pharmacy #1899 989 Sunrise Avenue Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 773-4115 Walgreens #06915 2177 Sunset Blvd Rocklin, CA 95765 (916) 435-2181 Safeway Pharmacy #2620 9045 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd Roseville, CA 95747 (916) 780-9929 (916) 782-2720 ROSEVILLE LOCATIONS Bel Air Pharmacy #509 1039 Sunrise Avenue Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 786-6104 Save Mart Pharmacy #617 5060 Foothills Blvd Roseville, CA 95747 (916) 749-3588 Bel Air Pharmacy #512 4008 Foothills Blvd Roseville, CA 95747 (916) 783-1174 Summit Pharmacy 729 Sunrise Avenue #200 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 786-8992 Costco Pharmacy 6750 Stanford Ranch Road Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 789-1493 Target Pharmacy #T0267 1925 Douglas Blvd Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 780-2898 CVS Pharmacy #03862 1030 Pleasant Grove Blvd Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 780-4733 Target Pharmacy #T1502 10451 Fairway Drive Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 786-6603 CVS Pharmacy #05091 1771 Pleasant Grove Blvd #100 Roseville, CA 95747 (916) 772-2212 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #10-1988 900 Pleasant Grove Blvd Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 783-8052 CVS Pharmacy #09958 5090 Foothills Blvd Roseville, CA 95747 (916) 783-1355 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #10-3587 1400 Lead Hill Blvd Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 788-0890 CVS Pharmacy #09993 9280 Sierra College Blvd Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 772-5313 Walgreens #05501 3999 Foothills Blvd Roseville, CA 95747 Raleys Pharmacy #227 1915 Douglas Blvd Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 781-7840 Raleys Pharmacy #228 4051 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd Roseville, CA 95747 (916) 771-3344 Rite Aid Pharmacy #04062 900 Sunrise Avenue Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 782-6242 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06062 4004 Foothills Blvd Roseville, CA 95747 (916) 786-8671 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06458 990 Pleasant Grove Blvd Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 782-2120 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06560 446 Roseville Square Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 784-1590 URGENT CARE CENTERS Med 7 Urgent Care Center 701 Sunrise Avenue Roseville, CA 95661 MON-SUN 9AM-9PM (916) 772-6337 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians UC Davis UC Davis Medcare Medical Center 1907 Douglas Blvd #70 Roseville, CA 95661 MON-FRI 8AM-8PM AND SAT-SUN 9AM-5PM (916) 783-0101 UC Davis 47 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians FAMILY PRACTICE FAMILY PRACTICE - continued Babb DO, Megan A 1700 Prairie City Road Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG10249 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Balsbaugh MD, Thomas 4860 Y Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG110900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3630 Male Board Certifications: None Baquero MD, Victor 271 Turn Pike Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 985-9300 Board Certifications: None UC Davis #UCMG111100 * UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Chambers MD, Ronald 7601 Hospital Drive #103 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 681-1600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Chinn MD, Rebecca G 3939 J Street #210 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 451-5678 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Cooper DO, Daniel J 1561 Creekside Drive #150 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-2193 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG577900 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG225700 †* Mercy General Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG303600 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Bertakis MD, Klea D 4860 Y Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG112300 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3630 Female Board Certifications: Family Medicine Da Silva MD, Fernanda N 7248 South Land Park Drive #205 Sacramento, CA 95831 (916) 392-4000 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Bevan MD, Heather J 500 University Avenue #220 UC Davis #UCMG112700 * Sacramento, CA 95825UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 286-8700 Female Board Certifications: None Davis MD, Molly 3201 Data Drive UC Davis #UCMG873500 * Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 851-1440 Female Board Certifications: None Bias MD, John G 8110 Laguna Blvd UC Davis #UCMG120300 Elk Grove, CA 95758 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento (916) 683-3955 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male None Debruin DO, Mark I 9352 Madison Avenue #1 Orangevale, CA 95662 (916) 989-2929 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Braid DO, Christine L 8001 Madison Avenue Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 536-2420 Board Certifications: None Divin MD, Cecilia R 1700 Prairie City Road Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Family Practice Brandle MD, Warren F 11226 Gold Express Drive #205 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 638-2800 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Cafarella MD, Kimberly D 1700 Prairie City Road Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Family Medicine 48 Mercy Medical #MCMG476200 * Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG136400 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG232400 * Mercy Hospital of Folsom Female Hill Physicians #HPMG137900 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Portugese, Spanish Female Hill Physicians #HPMG313800 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Mercy Medical #MCMG951600 Female Duru MD, Lilian 3201 Data Drive UC Davis #UCMG401400 * Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 851-1440 Female Board Certifications: Family Medicine Eidson-Ton MD, Wetona S 4860 Y Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG221000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3630 Female Board Certifications: Family Medicine * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians FAMILY PRACTICE - continued FAMILY PRACTICE - continued Feliciano MD, Larry R 7601 Hospital Drive #209 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 689-1966 Board Certifications: None Garcia MD, Francisco L 7248 South Land Park Drive #205 Hill Physicians #HPMG139500 Sacramento, CA 95831 Mercy General Hospital (916) 392-4000 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Board Certifications: Spanish Family Medicine Male Hill Physicians #HPMG312000 * Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Filipino Male Fenton MD, Joshua 4860 Y Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG454900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3630 Male Board Certifications: Family Medicine Gardner MD, Katherine T 3201 Data Drive UC Davis #UCMG873400 * Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 851-1440 Female Board Certifications: None Fong MD, Arthur Y 6600 Mercy Court #240 Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 863-1193 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Gardner MD, Katherine T 4860 Y Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG873400 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3630 Female Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG300900 * Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Fong MD, Ronald L 4860 Y Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG326100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3630 Male Board Certifications: Family Medicine Ghaemi MD, Afshine 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3540 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Franks MD, Peter 4860 Y Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG105300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3630 Male Board Certifications: Family Medicine Gisla MD, John F 1700 Prairie City Road Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Frei MD, Jeannette I 2382 Maritime Drive #100 Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 691-6622 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Glassberg MD, Eric A 3201 Data Drive UC Davis #UCMG932600 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 851-1440 Male Board Certifications: Family Medicine Fujikawa MD, Kevin D 4944 Sunrise Blvd #H Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 966-8158 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Gaddini MD, Michael S 1600 Creekside Drive #3600 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-7200 Board Certifications: None Ganal DO, Menalin 9394 Big Horn Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 691-8500 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG139300 * Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Hill Physicians #HPMG139400 * Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG315100 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Italian, Spanish Male Mercy Medical #MCMG11130 Mercy General Hospital Female * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico Mercy Medical #MCMG426300 Mercy General Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG127600 * Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Glassy DO, Crystal M 500 University Avenue #220 UC Davis #UCMG10655 Sacramento, CA 95825UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 286-8700 Female Board Certifications: Family Medicine Goshike MD, Deepika S 10423 Old Placerville Road #A Sacramento, CA 95827 (916) 569-8600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Greenberg MD, Roy A 1600 Creekside Drive #2100 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-2663 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG777400 Mercy General Hospital Hindi, Telugu Female Hill Physicians #HPMG319800 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male 49 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians FAMILY PRACTICE - continued FAMILY PRACTICE - continued Griffin MD, Kelly 271 Turnpike Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 985-9300 Board Certifications: None Ibanez MD, Marcelina G 8100 Timberlake Way #C Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 681-5000 Board Certifications: Family Medicine UC Davis #UCMG10654 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female Griffin MD, Kelly 4860 Y Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG10654 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3630 Female Board Certifications: None Jaeger MD, Nancy 271 Turn Pike Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 985-9300 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Gutierrez MD, Noe 2400 Del Paso Road #145 UC Davis #UCMG873300 Sacramento, CA 95834UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 928-3940 Male Board Certifications: None Jensen MD, Bruce W 8001 Madison Avenue Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 536-2420 Board Certifications: None Hagos MD, Elilta M 500 University Avenue UC Davis #UCMG783200 #220 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95825 Woodland Memorial Hospital (916) 286-8700 Female Board Certifications: Family Medicine Jensen MD, Bruce W 4400 Duckhorn Drive Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 575-8000 Board Certifications: None Hall MD, Allen D 8110 Laguna Blvd UC Davis #UCMG112400 * Elk Grove, CA 95758 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento (916) 683-3955 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male None Hill DO, Jeffrey V 1580 Creekside Drive #130 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 597-2340 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hoang MD, Hung G 6540 Stockton Blvd #3A Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 391-0170 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG933000 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Spanish Male Hill Physicians #HPMG142300 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento French, Hmong, Laotian Vietnamese Male Humphrey MD, Christine S 3201 Data Drive UC Davis #UCMG1006000 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 851-1440 Female Board Certifications: None Hwang DO, Steve D 2410 Del Paso Road Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 928-0856 Board Certifications: Family Medicine 50 Hill Physicians #HPMG365300 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cantonese Male Hill Physicians #HPMG248500 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Filipino, Tagalog Female UC Davis #UCMG485500 * UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female Mercy Medical #MCMG127400 * Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG127400 * Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Jerant MD, Anthony F 4860 Y Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG114000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3630 Male Board Certifications: None Jue MD, Jack 8110 Laguna Blvd UC Davis #UCMG114300 * Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Spanish Board Certifications: Male Family Medicine Kelly MD, Bernadette A 271 Turn Pike Drive UC Davis #UCMG114800 * Folsom, CA 95630 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento (916) 985-9300 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female None Kosh MD, David L 417 C Street Galt, CA 95632 (209) 745-1778 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG304200 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Kosh MD, David L 8110 Timberlake Way Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 689-4111 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG304200 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians FAMILY PRACTICE - continued FAMILY PRACTICE - continued Krishna MD, Alok 87 Scripps Drive #210 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 569-8585 Board Certifications: None Lo MD, Vincent 7601 Hospital Drive #103 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 681-1600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG865400 Mercy General Hospital Hindi, Urdu Male Lai MD, Tony 3201 Data Drive UC Davis #UCMG872500 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 851-1440 Male Board Certifications: None Lau MD, Patrick C 2410 Del Paso Road Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 928-0856 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Lawson MD, Candace M 7601 Hospital Drive #103 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 681-1600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Le MD, Joe 8120 Timberlake Way #207 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 691-5855 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG365000 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Hill Physicians #HPMG144300 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Hill Physicians #HPMG275100 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Vietnamese Male Leavy MD, Benjamin 500 University Avenue UC Davis #UCMG115300 #220 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Sacramento, CA 95825UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 286-8700 Male Board Certifications: None Lin MD, Huey C 4860 Y Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG293700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3630 Male Board Certifications: Family Medicine Lin MD, Wendy W 9394 Big Horn Road Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 691-8500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Liu DO, Joy 2545 East Bidwell Street #110 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-8868 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG128400 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Mandarin Female Hill Physicians #HPMG553400 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mandarin Female * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico Hill Physicians #HPMG706700 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cantonese, Mandarin Male Louie MD, Sarah 8110 Laguna Blvd UC Davis #UCMG10986 * Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Female Board Certifications: None Luke MD, John 3201 Data Drive UC Davis #UCMG563800 * Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 851-1440 Male Board Certifications: Family Medicine Magnan MD, Elizabeth M 4860 Y Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG964400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3630 Female Board Certifications: None Marshall MD, Sarah A 4860 Y Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG545800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3630 Female Board Certifications: Family Medicine Martinez MD, Gilbert 6600 Mercy Court #100 Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 967-7285 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG691000 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Melnikow MD, Joy 4860 Y Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG117100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3630 Female Board Certifications: None Mendoza MD, Amelia 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3540 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG897500 Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Montemayor MD, Gertrudes 271 Turn Pike Drive UC Davis #UCMG117800 * Folsom, CA 95630 Mercy San Juan Hospital (916) 985-9300 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female None 51 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians FAMILY PRACTICE - continued FAMILY PRACTICE - continued Moore MD, James F 8110 Laguna Blvd UC Davis #UCMG878100 * Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Male Board Certifications: None Nuovo MD, James 4860 Y Street #160 UC Davis #UCMG119700 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3630 Male Board Certifications: None Nelsen MD, Kay 4860 Y Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG264900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3630 Female Board Certifications: None Pantig-Astorga MD, Rowena D 8220 Wymark Drive #200 Mercy Medical #MCMG526500 * Elk Grove, CA 95757 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento (916) 667-0600 Female Board Certifications: Family Medicine Nguyen MD, Denise 2545 E Bidwell Street #110 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-8868 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Petrovich DO, Anna 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3540 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG10285 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Female Mercy Medical #MCMG343900 Mercy San Juan Hospital Russian Female Nguyen DO, Helene 8110 Laguna Blvd UC Davis #UCMG502000 * Elk Grove, CA 95758 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento (916) 683-3955 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female Family Medicine Pham DO, Julie 8110 Laguna Blvd UC Davis #UCMG849400 * Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Female Board Certifications: Family Medicine Nguyen MD, Joanna H 785 Hana Way #102 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-3069 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Pham MD, Manh D 7551 Madison Avenue UC Davis #UCMG948900 Citrus Heights, CA 95610 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 904-3000 Male Board Certifications: None Nguyen DO, Nancy 8120 Timberlake Way #207 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 691-5855 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG478400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Vietnamese Female Hill Physicians #HPMG1005900 * Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Nguyen MD, Tan 2400 Del Paso Road #145 UC Davis #UCMG462300 Sacramento, CA 95834UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 928-3940 Male Board Certifications: Family Medicine Nicholas MD, Ryan H 1700 Prairie City Road Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Nichols DO, Michael L 9394 Bighorn Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 691-8500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine 52 Mercy Medical #MCMG586100 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Mercy Medical #MCMG314900 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Phung DO, Mai 271 Turn Pike Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 985-9300 Board Certifications: Family Practice UC Davis #UCMG755900 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female Polskiy MD, Pavel 5810 Jameson Court Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 979-0621 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG297900 * Mercy San Juan Hospital Russian Male Price MD, Christopher 87 Scripps Drive #310 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 868-6300 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG120600 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Priest Jr MD, Allen E 6600 Mercy Court #210 Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 967-8201 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG300300 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians FAMILY PRACTICE - continued FAMILY PRACTICE - continued Randolph MD, Martina 271 Turn Pike Drive UC Davis #UCMG482900 * Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 985-9300 Female Board Certifications: Family Medicine Sharma MD, Shivani 500 University Avenue #220 UC Davis #UCMG858300 Sacramento, CA 95825UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 286-8700 Female Board Certifications: Family Medicine Redard MD, Ed W 8220 Wymark Drive #200 Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Sockolov MD, Alvin 1 Scripps Drive #202 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 927-1114 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Revesz MD, Thomas I 5444 Laurel Hills Drive Sacramento, CA 95841 (916) 331-1333 Board Certifications: None Roberts MD, Joan B 4400 Duckhorn Drive Sacramento, CA 95835 (916) 575-8000 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Rochanayon MD, Pira 3811 Florin Road #23 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 399-1171 Board Certifications: None Sabin, II MD, Manuel 3701 J Street #201 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 454-2345 Board Certifications: None Sabin, II MD, Manuel 1750 Wright Street #1 Sacramento, CA 95825 (855) 354-2242 Board Certifications: None Mercy Medical #MCMG125800 * Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Hill Physicians #HPMG261300 Mercy San Juan Hospital Hungarian Male Mercy Medical #MCMG869000 Mercy General Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG141500 * Mercy General Hospital Laotian, Thai Male Hill Physicians #HPMG313400 Spanish Male Hill Physicians #HPMG313400 Spanish Male Sockolov MD, Ronald 1 Scripps Drive #202 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 927-1114 Board Certifications: None Soller MD, Maria C 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3440 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Spears DO, Gregory R 1700 Prairie City Road Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Sprowl MD, Lisa M 4400 Duckhorn Drive #100 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 575-8000 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG300400 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG319600 Mercy General Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG699300 * Mercy General Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG656100 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Spanish Male Mercy Medical #MCMG763000 Mercy General Hospital Female Srinvasan MD, Kris 4860 Y Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG780700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3630 Male Board Certifications: None Seibles MD, Joann 4860 Y Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG121600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3630 Female Board Certifications: Geriatric Medicine Sweha MD, Amir R 7601 Hospital Drive #103 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 681-1600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Seites MD, Paul G 8110 Laguna Blvd UC Davis #UCMG121700 * Elk Grove, CA 95758 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento (916) 683-3955 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male None Swensson MD, Lisa A 271 Turn Pike Drive UC Davis #UCMG346100 Folsom, CA 95630 Mercy San Juan Hospital (916) 985-9300 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female None * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico Hill Physicians #HPMG143100 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Arabic Male 53 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians FAMILY PRACTICE - continued FAMILY PRACTICE - continued Takagi MD, Timothy R 7601 Hospital Drive #103 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 681-1600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Venkatapathy MD, Ganesan 3701 J Street #201 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 454-2345 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG176600 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Japanese Male Tanji MD, Jeffery L 3301 C Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG116500 * Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6805 Male Board Certifications: Family Medicine Sport Medicine Venkatapathy MD, Ganesan 1750 Wright Street #1 Sacramento, CA 95825 (855) 354-2242 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Tarrar MD, Aymel J 8001 Madison Avenue Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 536-2420 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Vinogradova MD, Helen 5821 Jameson Court Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Tay MD, Theam L 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3440 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Tepper MD, Eric G 5030 J Street #201 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 455-1155 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Tobalina MD, Gina 1615 Creekside Drive #101 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 817-4132 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Toussi MD, Mohammadreza M 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3540 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Valdez MD, Thomas A 9394 Big Horn Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 691-8500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Varughese MD, Biju 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3440 Board Certifications: Family Medicine 54 Mercy Medical #MCMG751100 Mercy General Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG688800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Vuong DO, Reed H 8120 Timberlake Way #207 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 691-5855 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG277700 * Mercy General Hospital German Male Wei-Shatzel DO, Julie 1700 Prairie City Road Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG838400 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Female Mercy Medical #MCMG253700 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG683600 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento German, Spanish Male Mercy Medical #MCMG270300 * Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG925500 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG925500 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG450200 * Mercy General Hospital Russian Female Hill Physicians #HPMG317900 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Vietnamese Male Mercy Medical #MCMG268800 Mercy General Hospital Female Wong MD, Ritchie 3650 Mission Avenue #1 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 972-0882 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG318900 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Wooddell MD, Margaret K 500 University Avenue #220 UC Davis #UCMG119200 * Sacramento, CA 95825UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 286-8700 Female Board Certifications: Family Medicine Yeates MD, Harry 8110 Timberlake Way Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 689-4111 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Yokoyama MD, Don S 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3440 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG283600 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG127000 * Mercy General Hospital Male * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians FAMILY PRACTICE - continued INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued Zara MD, Jojet 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3540 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Alocozy MD, M Nadir 2211 Park Towne Circle Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 333-5977 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG660900 Mercy General Hospital Farsi, Pashto, Urdu Male Hill Physicians #HPMG429800 Mercy General Hospital Tagalog Female Mercy Medical #MCMG771400 Mercy San Juan Hospital Tagalog Male Zheng MD, Dawei 4635 Freeport Blvd #D Sacramento, CA 95822 (916) 457-9879 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG145100 Mercy General Hospital Cantonese, Chinese, Japanese Mandarin, Russian, Spanish Male Aquino MD, Josefina A 1995 Zinfandel Drive #201 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 852-6001 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Zheng MD, Dawei 8701 Center Parkway #170 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 896-1682 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG145100 Mercy General Hospital Cantonese, Chinese, Japanese Mandarin, Russian, Spanish Male Arnott MD, Tyron P 7551 Madison Avenue UC Davis #UCMG109700 * Citrus Heights, CA 95610 Mercy San Juan Hospital (916) 904-3000 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male Internal Medicine GENERAL PRACTICE Danialypour MD, Nourollah 5710 Watt Avenue North Highlands, CA 95660 (916) 344-8866 Board Certifications: None Go MD, Henry 11733 Highway 160 Courtland, CA 95615 (916) 775-1711 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG138100 Mercy San Juan Hospital Farsi Male Hill Physicians #HPMG139600 * Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish Male Holt MD, Zachery B 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG632800 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine INTERNAL MEDICINE Abshire MD, James K 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3400 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG123200 * Mercy General Hospital Male Aggarwal MD, Pooja 271 Turn Pike Drive UC Davis #UCMG10829 Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 985-9300 Female Board Certifications: None Ali MD, Syed 3000 Q Street Mercy Medical #MCMG916700 Sacramento, CA 95816 Mercy General Hospital (916) 733-3400 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Board Certifications: UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Internal Medicine Male * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico Aryal MD, Nitu 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3400 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Badawi MD, Amr 271 Turn Pike Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 985-9200 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG11132 Mercy General Hospital Female UC Davis #UCMG752900 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Balatbat MD, Antonio B 3000 Q Street Mercy Medical #MCMG110600 * Sacramento, CA 95816 Mercy General Hospital (916) 733-3400 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male Internal Medicine Beamesderfer MD, Timothy 7551 Madison Avenue UC Davis #UCMG111300 * Citrus Heights, CA 95610 Mercy San Juan Hospital (916) 904-3000 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male None Berry MD, Brigitte L 2825 J Street #300 UC Davis #UCMG112200 * Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7777 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Bhe MD, Anthony 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG888000 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None 55 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued Bisharat MD, Katherine B 5931 Stanley Avenue #8 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 481-4389 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Burniston MD, Mark T 3941 J Street #354 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 733-6870 Board Certifications: None Black MD, Natalia M 5810 Jameson Court Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 979-0621 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG311300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital French, Mandarin, Spanish Female Hill Physicians #HPMG342300 * Mercy San Juan Hospital Russian Female Blinder DO, Alla 7551 Madison Avenue UC Davis #UCMG873200 Citrus Heights, CA 95610 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 904-3000 Female Board Certifications: None Bobbala MD, Manjula 2575 East Bidwell Street #210 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-7850 Board Certifications: None Bokhari MD, Rashida 1924 Del Paso Road Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 419-4962 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG405000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Telugu Female Hill Physicians #HPMG136300 Mercy General Hospital Hindi, Punjabi Female Bonekat DO, William H 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG102700 * Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Bonekat DO, William H 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG102700 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Chan MD, Choon-Weng 8220 Wymark Drive Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Infectious Disease Internal Medicine Chang MD, Henry K 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3620 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG440900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG942100 Male Mercy Medical #MCMG123800 * Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Chang MD, Jason 2825 J Street #300 UC Davis #UCMG284000 * Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7777 Male Board Certifications: None Chen MD, Jennifer 2825 J Street UC Davis #UCMG10561 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7777 Female Board Certifications: None Chen MD, Patricia 7551 Madison Avenue UC Davis #UCMG111800 * Citrus Heights, CA 95610 Mercy San Juan Hospital (916) 904-3000 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female None Debruin MD, Robert J 1600 Creekside Drive #3800 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-7830 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG319200 * Mercy Hospital of Folsom Spanish Male Burnham MD, Kevin UCDMG Sports Medicine UC Davis #UCMG777700 3301 C Street #1600 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95816 Male (916) 734-6805 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Draeger MD, Jay T 1600 Creekside Drive #1300A Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-7860 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Burnham MD, Kevin 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG777700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Draper MD, Jennifer E 2825 J Street UC Davis #UCMG585000 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7777 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine 56 Hill Physicians #HPMG309700 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued Eswaran MD, Kali S 1995 Zinfandel Drive #201 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 852-6001 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG311000 Mercy General Hospital Hindi, Tamil, Ukrainian Male Henderson MD, Mark C 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG112900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Eswaran MD, Kali S 3941 J Street #370 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 852-6001 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG311000 Mercy General Hospital Hindi, Tamil, Ukrainian Male Henry MD, Stephen 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG778000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Fancher MD, Tonya 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG230000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hirsch MD, Calvin H 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG113200 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Faraji MD, Jamshid J 6620 Coyle Avenue #402 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-8161 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Ho MD, Gwendolyn 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG887900 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Female Board Certifications: None Firoz MD, Hadi 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3620 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG127300 Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Farsi Male Mercy Medical #MCMG912000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Ho MD, Lisa 2825 J Street UC Davis #UCMG396200 * Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7777 Female Board Certifications: None Fitzgerald MD, Faith T 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG104600 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hoang MD, Tri-Dung 6540 Stockton Blvd #3 A Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 391-0170 Board Certifications: None Garcia MD, Jorge A 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG106700 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Hopkins MD, Thomas W 2025 P Street Sacramento, CA 95811 (916) 446-4449 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Gonzalez-Flores MD, Alicia 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG888100 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Hosoume MD, John T 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG113500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7777 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Gutman MD, Donald 1600 Creekside Drive #3700 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-7840 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Jain MD, Sunita 7 Parkcenter Drive #100 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 569-4400 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG305200 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Spanish Male * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico Hill Physicians #HPMG266700 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cantonese, French, Hmong Laotian, Mien, Russian Vietnamese Male Hill Physicians #HPMG605200 * Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG263400 * Mercy General Hospital Punjabi, Spanish Female 57 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued Joelson MD, Eddy 1 Scripps Drive #202 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 927-1114 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Khouri MD, Sami M 1580 Creekside Drive #260 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-7870 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Kailath MD, Elizabeth J 6614 Mercy Court #A Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 536-1136 Board Certifications: Infectious Disease Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG463400 * Mercy General Hospital Hebrew Male Hill Physicians #HPMG143200 * Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Kamra MD, Dheeraj 6608 Mercy Court #C Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 966-8500 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG501400 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi, Punjabi Male Kamra MD, Dheeraj 1737 Creekside Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-7880 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG501400 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi, Punjabi Male Keenan MD, Craig R 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG114700 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Khalili MD, Afsaneh 4400 Duckhorn Drive Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 575-8000 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Khan MD, Wajahat M 8220 Wymark Drive #200 Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Khangura MD, Sukhdev S 3609 Mission Avenue #H Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 483-5589 Board Certifications: None Khattab MD, Mahmoud 9390 Big Horn Blvd #145 Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 691-6666 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine 58 Mercy Medical #MCMG10449 Mercy General Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG551500 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Hill Physicians #HPMG144000 Mercy San Juan Hospital Punjabi Male Hill Physicians #HPMG915200 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Arabic Male Hill Physicians #HPMG320100 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Kravitz MD, Richard L 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG115100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine Kujok MD, Hussam 3609 Mission Avenue #A Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 971-9000 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG732300 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Lane MD, Ingvild G 1 Scripps Drive #202 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 927-1114 Board Certifications: None Lee MD, David H 8220 Wymark Drive Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG993500 Mercy General Hospital Norwegian, Spanish Female Mercy Medical #MCMG355300 Mercy General Hospital Male Lehman MD, David 5025 J Street #315 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 452-1294 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Rheumatology Levy MD, Mark A 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3400 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG11054 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Mercy Medical #MCMG128300 * Mercy General Hospital Male Li MD, Quinn 1620 35Th Avenue #A Hill Physicians #HPMG691300 Sacramento, CA 95822 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento (916) 457-3681 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Cantonese Internal Medicine Male Li MD, Xin-Nong 6600 Mercy Court #130 Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 961-3084 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG145200 Mercy San Juan Hospital Cantonese, Mandarin Male * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued Lillis MD, Christopher 2825 J Street UC Davis #UCMG10474 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7777 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Meyers MD, Frederick J 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG117400 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Lin DO, Allen 1620 35Th Avenue #A Hill Physicians #HPMG691200 Sacramento, CA 95822 Mercy General Hospital (916) 457-3681 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male None Louie MD, Samuel 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG115400 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Low MD, Kenneth T 5959 Greenback Lane #500 Hill Physicians #HPMG579500 Citrus Heights, CA 95621 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 725-1177 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Low MD, Kenneth T 6015 Watt Avenue #2 North Hill Physicians #HPMG579500 North Highlands, CA 95660 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 679-3925 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine MacDonald MD, Scott T 2825 J Street UC Davis #UCMG115600 * Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7777 Spanish Board Certifications: Male Internal Medicine Madarang MD, Elizabeth T 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3540 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Maw MD, Soe 271 Turn Pike Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 985-9300 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG297000 Mercy San Juan Hospital Female UC Davis #UCMG778500 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female McCloud MD, Michael 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG116900 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico Moness MD, Parween L 1611 Creekside Drive #102 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-9004 Board Certifications: None Nassim MD, Arash 4400 Duckhorn Drive #100 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 575-8000 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG503900 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Farsi Female Mercy Medical #MCMG542400 Mercy General Hospital Male Newell MD, Kathryn 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG118700 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nguyen DO, Don 271 Turn Pike Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 985-9300 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nguyen DO, Mark 271 Turn Pike Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 985-9200 Board Certifications: None UC Davis #UCMG866100 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male UC Davis #UCMG753100 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Nishio MD, Denyse A 2825 J Street #300 UC Davis #UCMG118800 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7777 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pan MD, Lester C 1740 Fruitridge Road #101 Sacramento, CA 95822 (916) 391-7200 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG140300 Mercy General Hospital Cantonese, Mandarin Male Parsons MD, Gibbe H 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG119800 * Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease 59 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued Patel MD, Gayatri 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG716000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Rogers MD, Hung Yu 1996 Del Paso Road #176 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 419-8851 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Prescott-Kim MD, Pamela T 3201 Data Drive UC Davis #UCMG120400 * Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 851-1440 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Romano MD, Patrick S 2521 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG120700 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2107 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Prescott-Kim MD, Pamela T 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG120400 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Romano MD, Patrick S 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG120700 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Quinto DO, Ernesto S 3939 J Street #370 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 453-2800 Board Certifications: None Saeed MD, Anwar 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3620 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG140700 Mercy General Hospital Filipino, Spanish Male Mercy Medical #MCMG274400 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Redmond MD, Gregory 2825 J Street #300 UC Davis #UCMG120900 * Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7777 Spanish Board Certifications: Male None Sandhu MD, Charanjit S 7 Parkcenter Drive #100 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 569-4400 Board Certifications: None Rifas MD, Donald C 3941 J Street #366 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 733-6260 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Sekhon MD, Navneet 6608 Mercy Court #C Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 966-8500 Board Certifications: None Rinard MD, Dean P 8120 Timberlake Way Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 681-6000 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG160300 * Mercy General Hospital French, Hebrew Male Mercy Medical #MCMG126000 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Sekhon MD, Navneet 1737 Creekside Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-7880 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG10361 Mercy General Hospital Hindi, Punjabi, Ukrainian Female Shah MD, Shefali 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3400 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Roganovic MD, Mira 8220 Wymark Drive #200 Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Sharma MD, Kingshuk 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3400 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine 60 Hill Physicians #HPMG302400 Mercy General Hospital Hindi, Punjabi Male Hill Physicians #HPMG10361 Mercy General Hospital Hindi, Punjabi, Ukrainian Female Robbins MD, John 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG338300 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG660500 Mercy General Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG399400 Mercy General Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG383900 Mercy General Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG274600 Mercy General Hospital Male * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued Shulkin MD, Jeffrey A 1600 Creekside Drive #1300 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-7890 Board Certifications: None Tsai MD, Jane 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3400 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG309800 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Mercy Medical #MCMG357500 Mercy General Hospital Female Silva MD, Joseph 2825 J Street UC Davis #UCMG122000 * Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7777 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Vierra MD, Heather 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG411900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Smith MD, Gregory G 7600 Hospital Drive #G Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 688-3225 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Waterbury MD, Jude 2382 Maritime Drive #100 Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 691-6622 Board Certifications: None Supit MD, Sydney L 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3400 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Teymouri MD, Saman 7 Parkcenter Drive #100 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 569-4400 Board Certifications: None Torlak MD, Edina S 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3620 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Tram DO, Thong D 1600 Creekside Drive #2800 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-4948 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG10241 Mercy General Hospital Spanish, Tagalog Male Mercy Medical #MCMG11244 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG320000 Mercy General Hospital Farsi, Turkish Male Mercy Medical #MCMG10802 Female Hill Physicians #HPMG321300 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Vietnamese Male Trinh MD, Hoi K 6590 Stockton Blvd #100 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 421-7720 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG143400 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento French, Vietnamese Male Tsai MD, Conrad T 7529 Sunset Avenue #D Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 961-3773 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG303000 Mercy San Juan Hospital Cantonese, Mandarin Male * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico Waterbury MD, Jude 3701 J Street #201 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 454-2345 Board Certifications: None Waterbury MD, Jude 1750 Wright Street #1 Sacramento, CA 95825 (855) 354-2242 Board Certifications: None Weston MD, Robert J 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3620 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG432200 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Hill Physicians #HPMG432200 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Hill Physicians #HPMG432200 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG126600 * Mercy San Juan Hospital Male White MD, Richard H 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG114400 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Rheumatology Williams DO, Kimberly 271 Turn Pike Drive UC Davis #UCMG690100 * Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 985-9200 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Willis MD, Sandra E 4629 Whitney Avenue #2 Sacramento, CA 95821 (916) 482-9800 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG705900 Mercy San Juan Hospital Female 61 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY - continued Wolpaw MD, Eleanore 2825 J Street #300 UC Davis #UCMG118900 * Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7777 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Burkhalter MD, Jenifer L 621 Capitol Mall #950 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Woo MD, Linda J 2825 J Street #300 UC Davis #UCMG119000 * Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7777 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Dawson MD, Lindsey 5821 Jameson Court Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG693200 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Wu MD, Chou Y 1996 Del Paso Road #176 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 419-8851 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Dawson MD, Lindsey 621 Capitol Mall #950 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG693200 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG126800 Mercy General Hospital Chinese Female Wun MD, Theodore 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG119500 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine Young MD, Douglas G 3840 Watt Avenue Bldg E Sacramento, CA 95821 (916) 488-6200 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Yuen MD, Daniel M 8120 Timberlake Way Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 681-6000 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Hill Physicians #HPMG375800 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG127100 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Yusufzai MD, Mohammad A 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3400 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG716400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Zavahir MD, Zainul 8110 Laguna Blvd UC Davis #UCMG483900 * Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY Burkhalter MD, Jenifer L 5821 Jameson Court Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology 62 Hill Physicians #HPMG475800 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Kamras MD, Marvin H 5821 Jameson Court Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Kamras MD, Marvin H 621 Capitol Mall #950 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG475800 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG159000 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG159000 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Lerner MD, A David 5821 Jameson Court Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG160600 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male Lerner MD, A David 621 Capitol Mall #950 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG160600 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male Mora MD, Christina N 5821 Jameson Court Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG874500 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Female PEDIATRICS Abeysekera DO, Heshani N 6555 Coyle Avenue #310 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-4612 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG580000 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Singhalese, Spanish Female * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians PEDIATRICS - continued PEDIATRICS - continued Abeysekera DO, Heshani N 1561 Creekside Drive #140 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-8595 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG580000 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Singhalese, Spanish Female Asare-Bediako MD, Sheila 8110 Laguna Blvd UC Davis #UCMG893800 Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Female Board Certifications: None Abeysekera DO, Heshani N 2345 El Camino Avenue #A Sacramento, CA 95821 (916) 920-8311 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG580000 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Singhalese, Spanish Female Avala MD, Lakshmi 5841 Jameson Court #1 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 485-9800 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG268600 Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi, Telugu, Urdu Female Bakey MD, Catherine 1580 Creekside Drive #200 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 924-9337 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG980800 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Female Bakey MD, Catherine 650 Howe Avenue #100 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 924-9337 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG980800 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Female Agee MD, Jackie L 650 Howe Avenue #100 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 924-9337 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Aguirre MD, Francisco 8233 East Stockton Blvd #D Sacramento, CA 95829 (916) 368-3080 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG308100 Mercy General Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG135800 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Hill Physicians #HPMG972400 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Barlahan-Biag MD, Marita Q 11200 Gold Express Drive #D Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 638-0600 Board Certifications: None Arab MD, Mehdi K 6555 Coyle Avenue #310 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-4612 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG314400 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Farsi Male Budd MD, Scott C 650 Howe Avenue #100 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 924-9337 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Arab MD, Mehdi K 1561 Creekside Drive #140 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-8595 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG314400 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Farsi Male Bullen MD, Thomas A 2521 Stockton Blvd #4100 UC Davis #UCMG110300 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5846 Male Board Certifications: None Arab MD, Mehdi K 2345 El Camino Avenue #A Sacramento, CA 95821 (916) 920-8311 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG314400 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Farsi Male Byrd MD, Robert S 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG110800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2105 Male Board Certifications: None Ananthakrishna MD, Radhika 6555 Coyle Avenue #310 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-4612 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Arif MD, Khuram 8220 Wymark Drive #200 Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Mercy Medical #MCMG375000 * Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico Hill Physicians #HPMG263500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Spanish, Tagalog Female Hill Physicians #HPMG529300 Mercy General Hospital Male Chantry MD, Caroline J 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG111600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2105 Female Board Certifications: None 63 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians PEDIATRICS - continued Cohan MD, Matthew T 6620 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-6560 Board Certifications: None Cohen MD, Gregory S 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3520 Board Certifications: Pediatrics PEDIATRICS - continued Hill Physicians #HPMG137700 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG124200 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Garg MD, Shikha 2170 East Bidwell Street #100 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-8696 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Gogo MD, Albina S 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG108800 Sacramento, CA 95817 Mercy San Juan Hospital (916) 734-3112 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female None Coulter MD, Kevin 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG191200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: Pediatrics Gould MD, Richard A 650 Howe Avenue #100 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 924-9337 Board Certifications: Pediatrics David MD, Marie-Claude L 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3305 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hepworth MD, Randall C 1000 River Rock Drive #114 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 989-2086 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Fa MD, Christina 3415 Martin Luther King Jr Sacramento, CA 95817 (916) 233-4910 Board Certifications: None Fa MD, Christina 8233 East Stockton Blvd #D Sacramento, CA 95828 (916) 368-3080 Board Certifications: None Mercy Medical #MCMG124600 Mercy General Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG10973 Mercy General Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG10973 Mercy General Hospital Female Felix MD, Terri 1370 Prairie City Road UC Davis #UCMG482100 Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 985-9300 Female Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG349500 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Female Hill Physicians #HPMG318000 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG226400 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hirshburg MD, Frederick H 7551 Madison Avenue UC Davis #UCMG113300 * Citrus Heights, CA 95610 Mercy San Juan Hospital (916) 904-3000 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male None Hsu MD, Carl C 1995 Zinfandel Drive #105 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 638-4000 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Jackson MD, Rhonette E 6015 Watt Avenue #2 North Highlands, CA 95660 (916) 679-3925 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG142500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Mandarin Male Hill Physicians #HPMG10116 Mercy General Hospital Female Fernandez Y Garcia MD, Erik 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG423000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: None Jain MD, Anita 2521 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG275900 #4100 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Female (916) 734-5846 Board Certifications: None Frank MD, Kenneth A 1370 Prairie City Road UC Davis #UCMG105200 Folsom, CA 95630 Mercy Hospital of Folsom (916) 985-9300 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male None Jamwal MD, Priyansha 2170 East Bidwell Street #100 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-8696 Board Certifications: Pediatrics 64 Hill Physicians #HPMG776700 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Hindi, Urdu Female * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians PEDIATRICS - continued PEDIATRICS - continued Karalakulasingam MD, Chrishanthie 500 University Avenue #220 UC Davis #UCMG766500 Sacramento, CA 95825UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 286-8700 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Lamendola MD, Jack E 7248 South Land Park Drive #113 Hill Physicians #HPMG144200 Sacramento, CA 95831 Mercy General Hospital (916) 395-5226 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Board Certifications: Spanish None Male Katz MD, Andrew J 8220 Wymark Drive #200 Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Law MD, Glenn K 6555 Coyle Avenue #310 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-4612 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Mercy Medical #MCMG573600 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Kelly MD, Michelle 6555 Coyle Avenue Mercy Medical #MCMG116700 Carmichael, CA 95608 Mercy San Juan Hospital (916) 536-3520 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female Pediatrics Law MD, Glenn K 1561 Creekside Drive #140 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-8595 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Khaira MD, Ravinder S 5841 Jameson Court #1 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 485-9800 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG143800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital French, Punjabi, Spanish Male Law MD, Glenn K 2345 El Camino Avenue #A Sacramento, CA 95821 (916) 965-4612 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Khaira MD, Ravinder S 1355 Florin Road #10 Sacramento, CA 95822 (916) 422-7273 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG143800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital French, Punjabi, Spanish Male Lee MD, Rebecca 8220 Wymark Drive Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Kimura MD, Robyn L 900 Florin Road #B Sacramento, CA 95831 (916) 421-8245 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Kono MD, Danton T 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3520 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Kovalenko MD, Tetyana O 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3305 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Kovalenko MD, Tetyana O 4400 Duckhorn Blvd Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 575-8000 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG319500 Mercy General Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG256300 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG941600 Mercy General Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG941600 Mercy General Hospital Female Lloren MD, Richard 1580 Creekside Drive #200 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 924-9337 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG399300 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG399300 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG399300 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG948500 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Hill Physicians #HPMG318600 Mercy General Hospital Male Lucien MD, Michael C 2521 Stockton Blvd #4100 UC Davis #UCMG115500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5846 Male Board Certifications: None Mangondato MD, Jussien 9291 Laguna Springs Drive #A Hill Physicians #HPMG348000 Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 714-9777 Filipino, Spanish, Tagalog Board Certifications: Male None Mangondato MD, Jussien 7501 Hospital Drive #203 Hill Physicians #HPMG348000 Sacramento, CA 95823UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 681-1130 Filipino, Spanish, Tagalog Board Certifications: Male None 65 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians PEDIATRICS - continued PEDIATRICS - continued Marrero-Nasirov MD, Arlyn 7237 East Southgate Drive #A Hill Physicians #HPMG874300 Sacramento, CA 95823UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 422-6635 Spanish Board Certifications: Female None Nazareno MD, Angelo J 8118 Timberlake Way #230 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 688-5040 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Marrero-Nasirov MD, Arlyn 1 Scripps Drive #107 Hill Physicians #HPMG874300 Sacramento, CA 95825UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 929-3456 Spanish Board Certifications: Female None Nealon MD, Sean J 4400 Duckhorn Drive #100 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 575-8000 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Maulino MD, Perla-Inez R 7501 Hospital Drive #203 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 681-1130 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Nutting MD, Larry 650 Howe Avenue #100 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 924-9337 Board Certifications: Pediatrics McCrimons MD, Daniel E 5030 J Street #301 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 451-8430 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG123600 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Spanish, Tagalog Female Hill Physicians #HPMG303500 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG300700 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hebrew, Spanish, Tagalog Male Mercy Medical #MCMG125500 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Hill Physicians #HPMG735700 Mercy General Hospital Male Nzerem-Johnson MD, Nkechi 8110 Laguna Blvd UC Davis #UCMG682400 Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Female Board Certifications: None Metcalf MD, Mary B 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG212000 * Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2105 Female Board Certifications: Pediatrics Omalley MD, Peter L 1370 Prairie City Road UC Davis #UCMG340800 * Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 985-9300 Male Board Certifications: None Mingbunjerdsuk MD, Siriwan 6555 Coyle Avenue #310 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-4612 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG10454 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Thai Female Ratilal MD, Jay P 3701 J Street #201 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 454-2345 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG309600 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi Male Montano MD, Marvi Marie L 6555 Coyle Avenue #310 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-4612 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG10138 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Tagalog Female Hill Physicians #HPMG309600 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi Male Montano MD, Marvi Marie L 1561 Creekside Drive #140 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-8595 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Ratilal MD, Jay P 1750 Wright Street #1 Sacramento, CA 95825 (855) 354-2242 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG10138 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Tagalog Female Hill Physicians #HPMG141400 Mercy General Hospital German, Spanish Female Montano MD, Marvi Marie L 2345 El Camino Avenue #A Sacramento, CA 95821 (916) 920-8311 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Ringwald MD, Barbara A 77 Cadillac Drive #200 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 561-5911 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG10138 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Tagalog Female Roysman MD, Anna B 5810 Jameson Court Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 979-0621 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG141800 * Mercy San Juan Hospital Russian, Ukrainian Female 66 * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians PEDIATRICS - continued PEDIATRICS - continued Saied MD, Rahat 9727 Elk Grove Florin Road #250 Hill Physicians #HPMG162200 Elk Grove, CA 95624 Mercy General Hospital (916) 686-5003 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Board Certifications: Hindi, Urdu Pediatrics Male Walsh MD, Jill A 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3520 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Mercy Medical #MCMG118100 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Saied MD, Rahat 3811 Florin Road #16 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 686-5005 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Walsh MD, Jill A 4400 Duckhorn Drive Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 575-8000 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Mercy Medical #MCMG118100 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Sato MD, Naomi 900 Florin Road #B Sacramento, CA 95831 (916) 421-8245 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Say MD, Doris S 1355 Florin Road #16 Sacramento, CA 95822 (916) 424-9446 Board Certifications: None Schneiderman MD, Kathleen T 1995 Zinfandel Drive #105 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 638-4000 Board Certifications: None Takemoto MD, Fern S 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3520 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG162200 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi, Urdu Male Hill Physicians #HPMG316000 Mercy General Hospital Japanese Female Hill Physicians #HPMG305600 † Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Chinese, Mandarin, Russian Spanish, Tagalog Female Hill Physicians #HPMG142400 Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG126500 Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Walton MD, Stephanie A 7237 East Southgate Drive #A Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 422-6635 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG144100 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Walton MD, Stephanie A 1 Scripps Drive #107 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 422-6635 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG144100 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Wayment DO, Mac 1700 Prairie City Road Mercy Medical #MCMG592100 Folsom, CA 95630 Mercy Hospital of Folsom (916) 351-4800 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Pediatrics Male White MD, Natasha 3701 J Street #201 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 454-2345 Board Certifications: None Tan MD, Maria N 9291 Laguna Springs Drive #A Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 714-9777 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG769100 Mercy General Hospital Filipino, Spanish Female Tan MD, Maria N 7501 Hospital Drive #203 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 681-1130 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG769100 Mercy General Hospital Filipino, Spanish Female Wolfrey MD, Wayne T 6555 Coyle Avenue #310 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-4612 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG322000 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Tsai MD, An-Shyang 7501 Hospital Drive #206 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 682-7841 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG143600 Mercy General Hospital Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Male Wolfrey MD, Wayne T 1561 Creekside Drive #140 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-8595 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG322000 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico White MD, Natasha 1750 Wright Street #1 Sacramento, CA 95825 (855) 354-2242 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG738100 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Female Hill Physicians #HPMG738100 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Female 67 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians PEDIATRICS - continued Woo MD, Tammy 2521 Stockton Blvd #4100 UC Davis #UCMG10264 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5846 Female Board Certifications: None 68 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers ALLERGY & IMMUNOLOGY Chipps MD, Bradley E 1561 Creekside Drive #130 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 453-8696 Board Certifications: Pediatric Pulmonology Chipps MD, Bradley E 5609 J Street #C Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 453-8696 Board Certifications: Pediatric Pulmonology ALLERGY & IMMUNOLOGY - continued Hill Physicians #HPMG150100 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG150100 Mercy General Hospital Male Inamdar MD, Syeda R 9394 Big Horn Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 691-8500 Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Mercy Medical #MCMG541800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Inamdar MD, Syeda R 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3304 Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Mercy Medical #MCMG541800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Mandal MD, Binita 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3670 Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Internal Medicine Mandal MD, Binita 1700 Prairie City Road Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Internal Medicine Marino Jr MD, Joseph T 6660 Coyle Avenue #330 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 962-3112 Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Pediatrics Miller MD, Travis A 6600 Mercy Court #180 Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 966-2700 Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Parikh MD, Neil G 1561 Creekside Drive #130 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 453-8696 Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Internal Medicine Parikh MD, Neil G 5609 J Street #C Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 453-8696 Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG10232 Male Hill Physicians #HPMG10232 Male Teuber MD, Suzanne S 2825 J Street UC Davis #UCMG198800 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-0779 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine AOB ANESTHESIOLOGY Mercy Medical #MCMG906100 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Mercy Medical #MCMG906100 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Hill Physicians #HPMG234300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG514300 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Naguwa MD, Stanley 2825 J Street #300 UC Davis #UCMG118500 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7779 Male Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Rheumatology Shanmugam MD, Nataraj 6501 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 537-5191 Board Certifications: Diagnostic Radiology Nuclear Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG737600 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Shanmugam MD, Nataraj 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Diagnostic Radiology Nuclear Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG737600 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male CARDIAC ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY Aryana MD, Arash 3941 J Street #260 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 564-3040 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Hill Physicians #HPMG584500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Farsi Male Oneil MD, Padraig G 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Hill Physicians #HPMG156300 Folsom, CA 95630 Mercy General Hospital (916) 984-5318 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cardiovascular DiseaseUC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Male Internal Medicine Oneil MD, Padraig G 3941 J Street #260 Hill Physicians #HPMG156300 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cardiovascular DiseaseUC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Male Internal Medicine 69 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers CARDIAC ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY - continued CARDIOLOGY - continued Oneil MD, Padraig G 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Hill Physicians #HPMG156300 Sacramento, CA 95823 Mercy General Hospital (916) 688-5551 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cardiovascular DiseaseUC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Male Internal Medicine Aryana MD, Arash 6401 Coyle Avenue #410 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio CARDIAC SURGERY Aryana MD, Arash 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Dein MD, John R 3941 J Street #270 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 733-6850 Board Certifications: Thoracic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG151200 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Kaplon MD, Richard J 3941 J Street #270 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 733-6850 Board Certifications: Thoracic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG318500 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Morris MD, Allen S 3941 J Street #270 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 733-6850 Board Certifications: Thoracic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG146800 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Rossiter MD, Stephen J 3941 J Street #270 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 733-6850 Board Certifications: Thoracic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG160700 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Sharma MD, Kapil 3941 J Street #270 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 733-6850 Board Certifications: None Slachman MD, Frank N 3941 J Street #270 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 733-6850 Board Certifications: Thoracic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG620100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital French, Punjabi Male Hill Physicians #HPMG164400 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Aryana MD, Arash 1580 Creeksdie Drive #250 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-5318 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Aryana MD, Arash 3941 J Street #260 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Aryana MD, Arash 3941 J Street #360 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Aryana MD, Arash 3941 J Street #364 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Mercy Medical #MCMG584500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Farsi Male Mercy Medical #MCMG584500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Farsi Male Mercy Medical #MCMG584500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Farsi Male Mercy Medical #MCMG584500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Farsi Male Mercy Medical #MCMG584500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Farsi Male Mercy Medical #MCMG584500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Farsi Male CARDIOLOGY Amsterdam MD, Ezra A 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG108500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: None Arthur MD, Arvin 3939 J Street #300 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 452-2011 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Interventional Cardiology 70 Aryana MD, Arash 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 688-5551 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Mercy Medical #MCMG584500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Farsi Male Hill Physicians #HPMG442400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers CARDIOLOGY - continued CARDIOLOGY - continued Bayne MD, David A 6401 Coyle Avenue #410 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG10528 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bhaskar MD, Rohit 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG266800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bayne MD, David A 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG10528 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bhaskar MD, Rohit 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-5318 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG266800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bayne MD, David A 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-5318 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG10528 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bhaskar MD, Rohit 3941 J Street #260 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG266800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bayne MD, David A 3941 J Street #260 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG10528 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bhaskar MD, Rohit 3941 J Street #360 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG266800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bayne MD, David A 3941 J Street #360 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG10528 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bhaskar MD, Rohit 3941 J Street #364 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG266800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bayne MD, David A 3941 J Street #364 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG10528 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bhaskar MD, Rohit 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 688-5551 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG266800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bayne MD, David A 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 688-5551 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG10528 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bowers MD, Mark R 6401 Coyle Avenue #410 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG10529 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bhaskar MD, Rohit 6401 Coyle Avenue #410 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG266800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bowers MD, Mark R 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG10529 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male 71 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers CARDIOLOGY - continued CARDIOLOGY - continued Bowers MD, Mark R 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-5318 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG10529 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bowers MD, Mark R 3941 J Street #260 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG10529 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bowers MD, Mark R 3941 J Street #360 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG10529 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bowers MD, Mark R 3941 J Street #364 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG10529 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bowers MD, Mark R 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 688-5551 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG10529 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Chang MD, Michael L 6401 Coyle Avenue #410 Mercy Medical #MCMG149700 Carmichael, CA 95608 Mercy General Hospital (916) 966-3501 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Internal Medicine Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Interventional Cardiology UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Chang MD, Michael L 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Mercy Medical #MCMG149700 Carmichael, CA 95608 Mercy General Hospital (916) 966-3501 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Internal Medicine Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Interventional Cardiology UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Chang MD, Michael L 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Mercy Medical #MCMG149700 Folsom, CA 95630 Mercy General Hospital (916) 984-5318 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Internal Medicine Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Interventional Cardiology UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male 72 Chang MD, Michael L 3941 J Street #260 Mercy Medical #MCMG149700 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Internal Medicine Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Interventional Cardiology UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Chang MD, Michael L 3941 J Street #360 Mercy Medical #MCMG149700 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Internal Medicine Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Interventional Cardiology UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Chang MD, Michael L 3941 J Street #364 Mercy Medical #MCMG149700 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Internal Medicine Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Interventional Cardiology UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Chang MD, Michael L 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Mercy Medical #MCMG149700 Sacramento, CA 95823 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Internal Medicine Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Interventional Cardiology UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Fischer MD, James 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG238600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Hundal MD, Rajbarinder 9394 Big Horn Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 691-8500 Board Certifications: Cardiology Internal Medicine Jafarzadeh MD, Mehrdad 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Kaku MD, Roy F 6401 Coyle Avenue #410 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG912200 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Punjabi Male Mercy Medical #MCMG297700 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Farsi Male Mercy Medical #MCMG158900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers CARDIOLOGY - continued CARDIOLOGY - continued Kaku MD, Roy F 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG158900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Kaku MD, Roy F 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-5318 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG158900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Kaku MD, Roy F 3941 J Street #260 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG158900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Kaku MD, Roy F 3941 J Street #360 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG158900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Kaku MD, Roy F 3941 J Street #364 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG158900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Kaku MD, Roy F 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 688-5551 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG158900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Kozina MD, Joseph A 6401 Coyle Avenue #410 Mercy Medical #MCMG159600 Carmichael, CA 95608 Mercy General Hospital (916) 966-3501 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Internal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Interventional Cardiology Male Kozina MD, Joseph A 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Mercy Medical #MCMG159600 Carmichael, CA 95608 Mercy General Hospital (916) 966-3501 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Internal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Interventional Cardiology Male Kozina MD, Joseph A 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Mercy Medical #MCMG159600 Folsom, CA 95630 Mercy General Hospital (916) 984-5318 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Internal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Interventional Cardiology Male Kozina MD, Joseph A 3941 J Street #260 Mercy Medical #MCMG159600 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Internal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Interventional Cardiology Male Kozina MD, Joseph A 3941 J Street #360 Mercy Medical #MCMG159600 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Internal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Interventional Cardiology Male Kozina MD, Joseph A 3941 J Street #364 Mercy Medical #MCMG159600 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Internal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Interventional Cardiology Male Kozina MD, Joseph A 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Mercy Medical #MCMG159600 Sacramento, CA 95823 Mercy General Hospital (916) 688-5551 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Internal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Interventional Cardiology Male Laird Jr MD, John R 4860 Y Street UC Davis #UCMG488900 #0200 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Male (916) 734-3761 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Laird Jr MD, John R 4860 Y Street UC Davis #UCMG488900 #2100 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Male (916) 734-3800 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine 73 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers CARDIOLOGY - continued Lao MD, David S 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3560 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Lao MD, David S 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Lao MD, David S 9394 Big Horn Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 691-8500 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Lao MD, David S 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Lao MD, David S 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3344 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Lee MD, Timothy Y 6401 Coyle Avenue #410 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Lee MD, Timothy Y 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Lee MD, Timothy Y 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-5318 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine 74 CARDIOLOGY - continued Mercy Medical #MCMG680900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Lee MD, Timothy Y 3941 J Street #260 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG680900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Lee MD, Timothy Y 3941 J Street #360 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG680900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Lee MD, Timothy Y 3941 J Street #364 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG680900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Lee MD, Timothy Y 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 688-5551 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG680900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Lewis MD, William R 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG207300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Mercy Medical #MCMG380600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG380600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG380600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG380600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG380600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG380600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG380600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Low MD, Reginald I 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG136100 Sacramento, CA 95817 Mercy General Hospital (916) 734-3761 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cardiovascular DiseaseUC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Internal Medicine Male Majetich MD, Nick 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG234100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Majetich MD, Nick 6401 Coyle Avenue #410 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 996-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG234100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers CARDIOLOGY - continued CARDIOLOGY - continued Majetich MD, Nick 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-5318 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG234100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Majetich MD, Nick 3941 J Steet #364 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG234100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Majetich MD, Nick 3941 J Street #260 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG234100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Majetich MD, Nick 3941 J Street #360 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG234100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Marquardt MD, Walt 3941 J Street #360 Mercy Medical #MCMG321800 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Internal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Morrison MD, Stephen L 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3560 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Morrison MD, Stephen L 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG170300 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG170300 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Oneil MD, Padraig G 6401 Coyle Avenue #410 Mercy Medical #MCMG156300 Carmichael, CA 95608 Mercy General Hospital (916) 966-3501 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cardiovascular DiseaseUC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Male Internal Medicine Oneil MD, Padraig G 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Mercy Medical #MCMG156300 Carmichael, CA 95608 Mercy General Hospital (916) 966-3501 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cardiovascular DiseaseUC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Male Internal Medicine Oneil MD, Padraig G 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Mercy Medical #MCMG156300 Folsom, CA 95630 Mercy General Hospital (916) 984-5318 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cardiovascular DiseaseUC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Male Internal Medicine Oneil MD, Padraig G 3941 J Street #260 Mercy Medical #MCMG156300 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cardiovascular DiseaseUC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Male Internal Medicine Oneil MD, Padraig G 3941 J Street #360 Mercy Medical #MCMG156300 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cardiovascular DiseaseUC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Male Internal Medicine Oneil MD, Padraig G 3941 J Street #364 Mercy Medical #MCMG156300 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cardiovascular DiseaseUC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Male Internal Medicine Oneil MD, Padraig G 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Mercy Medical #MCMG156300 Sacramento, CA 95823 Mercy General Hospital (916) 688-5551 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cardiovascular DiseaseUC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Male Internal Medicine Rahman MD, Joseph E 6401 Coyle Avenue #410 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Advanced Heart Failure Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Transplant Cardiology Mercy Medical #MCMG752100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male 75 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers CARDIOLOGY - continued Rahman MD, Joseph E 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Advanced Heart Failure Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Transplant Cardiology Rahman MD, Joseph E 1580 Creeksdie Drive #250 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-5318 Board Certifications: Advanced Heart Failure Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Transplant Cardiology Rahman MD, Joseph E 3941 J Street #260 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Advanced Heart Failure Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Transplant Cardiology Rahman MD, Joseph E 3941 J Street #360 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Advanced Heart Failure Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Transplant Cardiology Rahman MD, Joseph E 3941 J Street #364 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Advanced Heart Failure Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Transplant Cardiology Rahman MD, Joseph E 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 688-5551 Board Certifications: Advanced Heart Failure Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Transplant Cardiology Randhawa MD, Tejpal S 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3344 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease 76 CARDIOLOGY - continued Mercy Medical #MCMG752100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG752100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG752100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG752100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG752100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG752100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG10897 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Rutledge MD, John C 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG188700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Sarna MD, Punit K 9394 Big Horn Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 691-8500 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG11371 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Schaefer MD, Saul 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG190500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Singh MD, Amardeep 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3560 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Interventional Cardiology Mercy Medical #MCMG911600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi Female Singh MD, Amardeep 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Interventional Cardiology Mercy Medical #MCMG911600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi Female Singh MD, Amardeep 9394 Big Horn Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 691-8500 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Interventional Cardiology Mercy Medical #MCMG911600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi Female Singh MD, Amardeep 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Interventional Cardiology Mercy Medical #MCMG911600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi Female Singh MD, Amardeep 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3344 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Interventional Cardiology Mercy Medical #MCMG911600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi Female SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers CARDIOLOGY - continued CARDIOLOGY - continued Singh MD, Inder M 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3344 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG678300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Singh MD, Inder M 3941 J Street #260 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG678300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Singh MD, Karanjit 6401 Coyle Avenue #410 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Infectious Disease Interventional Cardiology Mercy Medical #MCMG311200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Singh MD, Karanjit 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 688-5551 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Infectious Disease Interventional Cardiology Mercy Medical #MCMG311200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Villablanca MD, Amparo C 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG203500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Whitcomb III MD, Charles 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG133200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY Singh MD, Karanjit 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Infectious Disease Interventional Cardiology Mercy Medical #MCMG311200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Young MD, Joseph N 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG201700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Thoracic & Cardiac Surgery CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE Singh MD, Karanjit 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-5318 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Infectious Disease Interventional Cardiology Mercy Medical #MCMG311200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Applegate MD, Patricia 4860 Street UC Davis #UCMG10959 #2100 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Female (916) 734-3800 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Singh MD, Karanjit 3941 J Street #260 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Infectious Disease Interventional Cardiology Mercy Medical #MCMG311200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Armstrong MD, Ehrin 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG667300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Mercy Medical #MCMG311200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Baron MD, Scott B 6347 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 967-4278 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Imaging Internal Medicine Interventional Cardiology Singh MD, Karanjit 3941 J Street #360 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Infectious Disease Interventional Cardiology Singh MD, Karanjit 3941 J Street #364 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Infectious Disease Interventional Cardiology Mercy Medical #MCMG311200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bayne MD, David A 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG10420 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG148500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male 77 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE - continued CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE - continued Bayne MD, David A 3941 J Street #260 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Canet MD, Frances F 3941 J Street #260 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG148500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bhaskar MD, Rohit 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-5318 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG266800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bhaskar MD, Rohit 3941 J Street #260 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG266800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bhat MD, Amogh 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG355700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Bommer MD, William J 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG102500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Bukkapatnam MD, Radhika N 7551 Madison Avenue UC Davis #UCMG225400 Citrus Heights, CA 95610 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 904-3000 Female Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Bukkapatnam MD, Radhika N 8110 Laguna Blvd UC Davis #UCMG225400 Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Female Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Canet MD, Frances F 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Canet MD, Frances F 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-5318 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine 78 Hill Physicians #HPMG10237 Mercy General Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG10237 Mercy General Hospital Female Canet MD, Frances F 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 688-5551 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG10237 Mercy General Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG10237 Mercy General Hospital Female Chang MD, Michael L 3941 J Street #260 Hill Physicians #HPMG149700 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Internal Medicine Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Interventional Cardiology UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Chang MD, Michael L 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Hill Physicians #HPMG149700 Sacramento, CA 95823 Mercy General Hospital (916) 688-5551 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Internal Medicine Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Interventional Cardiology UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Chi DO, Yung-Wei 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG701100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Choi MD, Jeong W 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG938900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: None Fan MD, Dali 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG674700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Fisher MD, Daniel C 6347 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 967-4278 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Foerster MD, James M 3941 J Street #260 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG152900 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG153000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE - continued CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE - continued Foerster MD, James M 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 688-5551 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Javien MD, John B 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG10314 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG153000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Gamp MD, Patrick 9390 Big Horn Blvd UC Davis #UCMG582900 Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Joshi MD, Ajay K 1600 Creekside Drive #3300 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-7200 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Interventional Cardiology Gamp MD, Patrick 251 Turn Pike Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 985-9300 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Kahlon MD, Ravinder S 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG932400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: None UC Davis #UCMG582900 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Garcia MD, Ronald T 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG876500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Glassy MD, Matthew S 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG10312 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: None Hemphill MD, Jonathan A 6347 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 967-4278 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Interventional Cardiology Jafarzadeh MD, Mehrdad 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Jafarzadeh MD, Mehrdad 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 688-5551 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Hill Physicians #HPMG155500 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG297700 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Farsi Male Hill Physicians #HPMG297700 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Farsi Male Hill Physicians #HPMG542000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Bengali, Hindi, Punjabi Male Kaku MD, Roy F 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-5318 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG158900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Kaku MD, Roy F 3941 J Street #260 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG158900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Kozina MD, Joseph A 3941 J Street #260 Hill Physicians #HPMG159600 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Internal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Interventional Cardiology Male Kozina MD, Joseph A 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Hill Physicians #HPMG159600 Sacramento, CA 95823 Mercy General Hospital (916) 688-5551 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Internal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Interventional Cardiology Male Laslett MD, Lawrence J 3201 Data Drive UC Davis #UCMG205400 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 851-1440 Male Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease 79 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE - continued CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE - continued Laslett MD, Lawrence J 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG205400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Oneil MD, Padraig G 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Hill Physicians #HPMG156300 Folsom, CA 95630 Mercy General Hospital (916) 984-5318 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cardiovascular DiseaseUC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Male Internal Medicine Latif MD, Syed R 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG871000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Lee MD, Timothy Y 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG380600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Low MD, Reginald I 3941 J Street #260 Hill Physicians #HPMG136100 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cardiovascular DiseaseUC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Internal Medicine Male Majetich MD, Nick 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG234100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Malik DO, Lindsey 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG909000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: None Marquardt MD, Walt 3941 J Street #260 Hill Physicians #HPMG321800 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Internal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Marquardt MD, Walt 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Hill Physicians #HPMG321800 Sacramento, CA 95823 Mercy General Hospital (916) 688-5551 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Internal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male 80 Oneil MD, Padraig G 3941 J Street #260 Hill Physicians #HPMG156300 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cardiovascular DiseaseUC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Male Internal Medicine Oneil MD, Padraig G 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Hill Physicians #HPMG156300 Sacramento, CA 95823 Mercy General Hospital (916) 688-5551 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cardiovascular DiseaseUC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Male Internal Medicine Pandya MD, Kruti A 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG10386 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Penkala MD, Margaret M 271 Turn Pike Drive UC Davis #UCMG156800 Folsom, CA 95630 Mercy General Hospital (916) 985-9300 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female Penkala MD, Margaret M 3201 Data Drive UC Davis #UCMG156800 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 Mercy General Hospital (916) 851-1440 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female Penkala MD, Margaret M 3941 J Street #260 Hill Physicians #HPMG156800 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female Pezeshkian MD, Nayereh 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG407000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE - continued CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE - continued Rahman MD, Joseph E 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-5318 Board Certifications: Advanced Heart Failure Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Transplant Cardiology Singh MD, Karanjit 3941 J Street #260 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Infectious Disease Interventional Cardiology Rahman MD, Joseph E 3941 J Street #260 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Advanced Heart Failure Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Transplant Cardiology Rahman MD, Joseph E 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 688-5551 Board Certifications: Advanced Heart Failure Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Transplant Cardiology Hill Physicians #HPMG752100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Hill Physicians #HPMG752100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Hill Physicians #HPMG752100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Rogers MD, Jason 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG277000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Shafi MD, Nabil A 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG10317 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Sharma MD, Gaurav 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG932700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: None Singh MD, Gagan 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG710400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Singh MD, Karanjit 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-5318 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Infectious Disease Interventional Cardiology Hill Physicians #HPMG311200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Hill Physicians #HPMG311200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Southard MD, Jeffrey A 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG401000 Sacramento, CA 95817 Mercy General Hospital (916) 734-3764 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male Cardiovascular Disease Stauber DO, Bradley 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG10319 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Male Board Certifications: None Stripe MD, Benjamin R 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG932900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: None Takeda MD, Patricia A 3941 J Street #260 Hill Physicians #HPMG176800 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Cardiovascular Disease Spanish Internal Medicine Female Tong MD, Kathleen 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG467100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Tsai MD, Ting F 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG871200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: None Venugopal MD, Sandhya 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG484600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Wong MD, Garrett 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG484700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: None 81 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE - continued CLINICAL GENETICS - continued Yang MD, Yingbo 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG544900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Martin MD, Madelena 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG10665 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: Clinical Genetics COLON & RECTAL SURGERY CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY Dein MD, John R 3941 J Street #270 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 733-6850 Board Certifications: Thoracic Surgery Kaplon MD, Richard J 3941 J Street #270 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 733-6850 Board Certifications: Thoracic Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG151200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Conner MD, James M 6450 Coyle Avenue #2 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-6121 Board Certifications: Colon & Rectal Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG318500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Conner MD, James M 1020 29Th Street #350 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 231-1050 Board Certifications: Colon & Rectal Surgery Morris MD, Allen S 3941 J Street #270 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 733-6850 Board Certifications: Thoracic Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG146800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Slachman MD, Frank N 3941 J Street #270 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 733-6850 Board Certifications: Thoracic Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG164400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG972500 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG972500 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Farkas MD, Linda 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG10985 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Female Board Certifications: Colon & Rectal Surgery Surgery Pathak MD, Ranganath 6450 Coyle Avenue #2 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-6121 Board Certifications: Colon & Rectal Surgery Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG317800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male CLINICAL CARDIAC ELECTROPHYSIO Srivatsa MD, Uma 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG430600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: None CLINICAL GENETICS Friedman MD, Barbara 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG530900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Female Board Certifications: Clinical Genetics Herman MD, Kristin 2825 50Th Street 2Nd Floor UC Davis #UCMG229500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 703-0359 Female Board Certifications: None 82 Rodriguez MD, David 3939 J Street #250 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 451-2888 Board Certifications: Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG557600 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Spanish Male Yu MD, Jeanne 6450 Coyle Avenue #2 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-6121 Board Certifications: Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG496500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Mandarin Female Yu MD, Jeanne 1020 29Th Street #350 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 231-1050 Board Certifications: Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG496500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Mandarin Female Zegarra MD, J. Peter 87 Scripps Drive #300 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 923-0620 Board Certifications: Colon & Rectal Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG308000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers DERMATOLOGY DERMATOLOGY - continued Adams MD, Elliott L 7248 South Land Park Drive #118 Hill Physicians #HPMG306000 Sacramento, CA 95831 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento (916) 392-7900 Male Board Certifications: Dermatology Burrall MD, Barbara 3301 C Street #1300 UC Davis #UCMG110500 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6111 Female Board Certifications: Dermatology Agbai MD, Oma 3301 C Srteet #1300 UC Davis #UCMG10428 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6111 Female Board Certifications: None Calkin MD, Jacqueline M 2625 Fair Oaks Blvd #1 Sacramento, CA 95864 (916) 646-3376 Board Certifications: Dermatology Awasthi MD, Smita 3301 C Street #1300 UC Davis #UCMG949200 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6111 Female Board Certifications: Dermatology Chambers MD, Cynthia J 1370 Prairie City Road UC Davis #UCMG11073 Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 985-9300 Female Board Certifications: None Bass MD, Lawrence J 5340 Elvas Avenue #600 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 739-1505 Board Certifications: Dermatology Dermatopathology Chambers MD, Cynthia J 3301 C Street UC Davis #UCMG11073 #1300 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95816 Female (916) 734-6111 Board Certifications: None Boudreaux MD, Alison A 2625 Fair Oaks Blvd #1 Sacramento, CA 95864 (916) 646-3376 Board Certifications: Dermatology Bowers MD, Elyn V 1700 Prairie City Road Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Dermatology Bowers MD, Elyn V 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3304 Board Certifications: Dermatology Braunstein MD, Sheila 1 Scripps Drive #300 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 920-0871 Board Certifications: Dermatology Hill Physicians #HPMG312200 † Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG294300 Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG948300 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Female Mercy Medical #MCMG948300 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Female Hill Physicians #HPMG555100 † Mercy General Hospital Female Burrall MD, Barbara 9390 Big Horn Blvd UC Davis #UCMG110500 Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Female Board Certifications: Dermatology † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico De Souza MD, Aieska 8220 Wymark Drive Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Dermatology Hill Physicians #HPMG390300 Mercy General Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG10676 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Eisen MD, Daniel B 3301 C Street #1300 UC Davis #UCMG102300 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6111 Male Board Certifications: Dermatology Ely MD, Parry Haines 3301 C Street #1300 UC Davis #UCMG576500 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6111 Male Board Certifications: Dermatology Fazel MD, Nasim 1370 Prairie City Road UC Davis #UCMG296600 Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 985-9300 Female Board Certifications: Dermatology Fazel MD, Nasim 3301 C Street #1300 UC Davis #UCMG296600 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6111 Female Board Certifications: Dermatology 83 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers DERMATOLOGY - continued DERMATOLOGY - continued Fromer MD, Eric 3301 C Street #1300 UC Davis #UCMG238700 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6111 Male Board Certifications: Dermatology Kiuru MD, Maija H 3301 C Street #1300 UC Davis #UCMG930900 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6111 Female Board Certifications: Dermatology Fung MD, Maxwell 3301 C Street #1300 UC Davis #UCMG230800 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6111 Male Board Certifications: Dermatology Kramer MD, Jesse M 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3500 Board Certifications: None Goetz MD, C Stephen 6401 Coyle Avenue #315 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-6444 Board Certifications: Dermatology Kramer MD, Jesse M 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3304 Board Certifications: None Hersh MD, Layne M 5340 Elvas Avenue #600 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 739-1505 Board Certifications: Dermatology Hill Physicians #HPMG301900 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG312300 † Mercy General Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG565200 Mercy General Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG565200 Mercy General Hospital Male Lamb MD, Philina 3301 C Street #1300 UC Davis #UCMG359900 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6111 Female Board Certifications: Dermatology Hwang MD, Sam 3301 C Street UC Davis #UCMG11413 #1300 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95816 Male (916) 734-6111 Board Certifications: Dermatology Liu MD, Fu-Tong 3301 C Street UC Davis #UCMG373000 #1300 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95816 Male (916) 734-6111 Board Certifications: None Isseroff MD, Roslyn R 3301 C Street #1300 UC Davis #UCMG194900 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6111 Female Board Certifications: Dermatology Maverakis MD, Emanual 3301 C Street #1300 UC Davis #UCMG543900 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6111 Male Board Certifications: Dermatology Jagdeo MD, Jared 3301 C Street #1300 UC Davis #UCMG909900 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6111 Spanish Board Certifications: Male Dermatology No MD, David 192 Blue Ravine Road #100 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-3373 Board Certifications: Dermatology Joo MD, Jayne 3301 C Street #1300 UC Davis #UCMG928300 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6111 Female Board Certifications: Dermatology Parsons MD, Margaret E 5340 Elvas Avenue #600 Hill Physicians #HPMG313500 † Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 739-1505 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: German Dermatology Female King MD, Thomas H 3301 C Street #1300 UC Davis #UCMG324400 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6111 Male Board Certifications: Dermatology Sharon MD, Victoria 3301 C Street #1300 UC Davis #UCMG780600 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6111 Female Board Certifications: Dermatology 84 Hill Physicians #HPMG349800 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Korean, Spanish Male † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers DERMATOLOGY - continued DERMATOLOGY - continued Silverstein MD, Marc A 3301 C Street #1300 UC Davis #UCMG357000 Sacramento, CA 95816 Mercy General Hospital (916) 734-6111 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male Dermatology Yen MD, An 3301 C Street #1300 UC Davis #UCMG184200 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6111 Mandarin Board Certifications: Male Dermatology Silverstein MD, Marc A 1 Scripps Drive #300 Hill Physicians #HPMG357000 † Sacramento, CA 95825 Mercy General Hospital (916) 920-0871 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male Dermatology Zhuang MD, Anne 3301 C Street #1300 UC Davis #UCMG10438 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6111 Female Board Certifications: None Sivamani MD, Raja 3301 C Street #1300 UC Davis #UCMG888300 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6111 Male Board Certifications: Dermatology DEVELOPMENTAL-BEHAVIORAL PED Tanghetti MD, Emil A 5601 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 454-5922 Board Certifications: Dermatology Willey MD, Andrea 2277 Fair Oaks Blvd #402 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 922-7546 Board Certifications: Dermatology Wong MD, Reynold C 2545 East Bidwell Street #110 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 925-7020 Board Certifications: Dermatology Wong MD, Reynold C 1495 River Park Drive #200 Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 925-7020 Board Certifications: Dermatology Yen MD, An 2545 East Bidwell #110 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 925-7020 Board Certifications: Dermatology Hill Physicians #HPMG177000 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG931300 Mercy General Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG10346 Male Hill Physicians #HPMG10346 Male Hill Physicians #HPMG184200 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Mandarin Male Yen MD, An 1495 River Park Drive #200 Hill Physicians #HPMG184200 Sacramento, CA 95815UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 925-7020 Mandarin Board Certifications: Male Dermatology † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico Steinfeld MD, Mary Beth 2825 50Th Street UC Davis #UCMG194800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 703-0300 Female Board Certifications: Pediatrics ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY Aryana MD, Arash 6401 Coyle Avenue #410 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Aryana MD, Arash 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Aryana MD, Arash 1580 Creeksdie Drive #250 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-5318 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Aryana MD, Arash 3941 J Street #260 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Aryana MD, Arash 3941 J Street #360 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Mercy Medical #MCMG584500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Farsi Male Mercy Medical #MCMG584500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Farsi Male Mercy Medical #MCMG584500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Farsi Male Mercy Medical #MCMG584500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Farsi Male Mercy Medical #MCMG584500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Farsi Male 85 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY - continued ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY - continued Aryana MD, Arash 3941 J Street #364 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Bowers MD, Mark R 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 688-5551 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Aryana MD, Arash 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 688-5551 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Mercy Medical #MCMG584500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Farsi Male Mercy Medical #MCMG584500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Farsi Male Bowers MD, Mark R 6401 Coyle Avenue #410 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG10529 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bowers MD, Mark R 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG10529 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bowers MD, Mark R 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-5318 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG10529 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bowers MD, Mark R 3941 J Street #260 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG10529 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bowers MD, Mark R 3941 J Street #360 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG10529 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Bowers MD, Mark R 3941 J Street #364 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG10529 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male 86 Mercy Medical #MCMG10529 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Oneil MD, Padraig G 6401 Coyle Avenue #410 Mercy Medical #MCMG156300 Carmichael, CA 95608 Mercy General Hospital (916) 966-3501 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cardiovascular DiseaseUC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Male Internal Medicine Oneil MD, Padraig G 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Mercy Medical #MCMG156300 Carmichael, CA 95608 Mercy General Hospital (916) 966-3501 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cardiovascular DiseaseUC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Male Internal Medicine Oneil MD, Padraig G 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Mercy Medical #MCMG156300 Folsom, CA 95630 Mercy General Hospital (916) 984-5318 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cardiovascular DiseaseUC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Male Internal Medicine Oneil MD, Padraig G 3941 J Street #260 Mercy Medical #MCMG156300 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cardiovascular DiseaseUC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Male Internal Medicine Oneil MD, Padraig G 3941 J Street #360 Mercy Medical #MCMG156300 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cardiovascular DiseaseUC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Male Internal Medicine Oneil MD, Padraig G 3941 J Street #364 Mercy Medical #MCMG156300 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cardiovascular DiseaseUC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Male Internal Medicine Oneil MD, Padraig G 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Mercy Medical #MCMG156300 Sacramento, CA 95823 Mercy General Hospital (916) 688-5551 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cardiovascular DiseaseUC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Male Internal Medicine SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers ENDOCRINOLOGY Ansari MD, Adeela N 8120 Timberlake Way #212 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 688-0999 Board Certifications: None Eisenbud MD, Elliott 6600 Mercy Court #100 Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 966-5404 Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Internal Medicine ENDOCRINOLOGY- DIABETES & META - continued Hill Physicians #HPMG561900 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi, Urdu Female Hill Physicians #HPMG152500 Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male Moriwaki MD, Mark M 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG212800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Ostrander MD, Patricia L 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3346 Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Richards MD, Patrick 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3346 Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Internal Medicine Eisa MD, Naseem 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG10214 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Ishihara MD, Kent 9390 Big Horn Blvd UC Davis #UCMG618100 Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Male Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Internal Medicine Ishihara MD, Kent 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG618100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG171200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Kasim-Karakas MD, Sidika E 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG199400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Mercy Medical #MCMG683000 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Phatak MD, Sonal 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG781800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Sheely MD, Dana 251 Turn Pike Drive UC Davis #UCMG758600 Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 985-9300 Female Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Sheely MD, Dana 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG758600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Sarkar MD, Gayatri 6620 Coyle Avenue #218 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-2466 Board Certifications: None Mercy Medical #MCMG11421 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Female ENDOCRINOLOGY- DIABETES & META Semrad DO, Alison 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG538200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Internal Medicine Arzumanyan MS, Hasmik 3201 Data Drive UC Davis #UCMG767400 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 851-1440 Female Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Singh MD, Richa 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG10257 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Arzumanyan MS, Hasmik 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG767400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Surampudi MD, Prasanth 3201 Data Drive UC Davis #UCMG900400 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 851-1440 Male Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Internal Medicine 87 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers ENDOCRINOLOGY- DIABETES & META - continued FAMILY PRACTICE - continued Surampudi MD, Prasanth 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG900400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Internal Medicine Han MD, Jaesu 2230 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG217300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3574 Male Board Certifications: Family Medicine Yoon MD, John C 4860 Y Street UC Davis #UCMG11380 #B0400 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Male (916) 734-2737 Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta ENDOVASCULAR SURGERY Hayes MD, Paul G 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3600 Board Certifications: Surgery Surgical Critical Care Vascular Surgery Hayes MD, Paul G 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3314 Board Certifications: Surgery Surgical Critical Care Vascular Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG686500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG686500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male FAMILY PRACTICE Auriemma MD, Jason 4860 Y Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG957700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3630 Male Board Certifications: None Divin MD, Cecilia R 1700 Prairie City Road Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Family Practice Mercy Medical #MCMG951600 Female Fong DO, Grace 8110 Laguna Blvd UC Davis #UCMG603600 Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Female Board Certifications: Family Medicine Han MD, Jaesu Family Medicine UC Davis #UCMG217300 4860 Y Street #1600 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Male (916) 734-3630 Board Certifications: Family Medicine 88 Hill DO, Jeffrey V 1580 Creekside Drive #130 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 597-2340 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG933000 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Spanish Male Lopez MD, Antoinette 4860 Y Street #100 UC Davis #UCMG978300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Female Board Certifications: None Mohammed MD, Jamal 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG887500 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Board Certifications: None Neyhart MD, Barbara 4860 Y Street #0540 UC Davis #UCMG213900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Female Board Certifications: Geriatric Medicine Parker MD, Daniel T 3301 C Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG867500 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6805 Male Board Certifications: Sport Medicine Slapnik MD, Kurt J 251 Turn Pike Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 985-9300 Board Certifications: None UC Davis #UCMG122100 * Mercy Hospital of Folsom UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Srinvasan MD, Kris 4860 Y Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG780700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3630 Male Board Certifications: None Suo MD, Shannon 2230 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG323100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3574 Female Board Certifications: None * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers FAMILY PRACTICE - continued GASTROENTEROLOGY - continued White Vangompel MD, Emily 4860 Y Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG948000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3630 Female Board Certifications: None Chen MD, William K 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG149900 Mercy San Juan Hospital Mandarin Male GASTROENTEROLOGY Al-Juburi MD, Amar 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG437400 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Alli-Akintade MD, Latifat 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG877800 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Arenson MD, David M 3941 J Street #450 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 454-0655 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG147300 † Mercy General Hospital Male Cheruvattath MD, Rekha 8120 Timberlake Way #101 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 423-2124 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Debose MD, Renee A 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3370 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG652300 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Mercy Medical #MCMG607200 Mercy General Hospital Female Delorimier MD, Arthur J 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG10669 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: None Bowlus MD, Christopher L 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG104800 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Gandhi MD, Gautam N 3941 J Street #450 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 454-0655 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Canio MD, John B 6555 Coyle Avenue #330 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-9650 Board Certifications: None Garcia MD, Juan 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG218000 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Hill Physicians #HPMG310100 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Chak MD, Eric 7551 Madison Avenue UC Davis #UCMG10162 Citrus Heights, CA 95610 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 904-3000 Male Board Certifications: None Chak MD, Eric 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG10162 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Chao MD, Andrew S 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG929100 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico Goldstein MD, Jeffrey A 3941 J Street #450 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 454-0655 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG153400 † Mercy General Hospital Hindi, Spanish Male Hill Physicians #HPMG154000 † Mercy General Hospital French, Spanish Male Gupta MD, Asha 2825 J Street UC Davis #UCMG11208 #400 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95816 Female (916) 734-2737 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hata MD, John T 8120 Timberlake Way #101 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 423-2124 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG310600 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male 89 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers GASTROENTEROLOGY - continued GASTROENTEROLOGY - continued Hsu MD, Ronald K 6555 Coyle Avenue #330 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-9650 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Lawson MD, Michael J 2825 J Street UC Davis #UCMG972100 #400 Northbay Medical Center Sacramento, CA 95816 Northbay VacaValley Hospital (916) 734-2737 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male Gastroenterology Imperato MD, Thomas J 8120 Timberlake Way #101 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 423-2124 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG158200 Mercy San Juan Hospital Cantonese, Mandarin Male Hill Physicians #HPMG321200 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Italian Male Lee MD, Linda 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG897300 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Ingram MD, Drew C 1580 Creekside Drive #220 Hill Physicians #HPMG637100 Folsom, CA 95630 Mercy Hospital of Folsom (916) 983-4444 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male Internal Medicine Lee MD, Linda 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3370 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG897300 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Keihanian MD, Sara 2825 J Street UC Davis #UCMG11201 #400 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95816 Female (916) 734-2737 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Leung MD, Joseph 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG207100 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Khan MD, Rana 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Mercy Medical #MCMG713400 Folsom, CA 95630 Mercy General Hospital (916) 351-4800 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Board Certifications: UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Gastroenterology Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu Internal Medicine Male Khan MD, Rana 3000 Q Street Mercy Medical #MCMG713400 Sacramento, CA 95816 Mercy General Hospital (916) 733-3370 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Board Certifications: UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Gastroenterology Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu Internal Medicine Male Koldinger MD, Ralph E 3941 J Street #450 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 454-0655 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG159500 † Mercy General Hospital French, Spanish Male Koo MD, Patrick 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG10167 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Kwok MD, Hansen 3941 J Street #450 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 454-0655 Board Certifications: None 90 Hill Physicians #HPMG580300 Mercy General Hospital Cantonese Male Levy MD, Robert 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG928100 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Low MD, Alexander H 1580 Creekside Drive #220 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-4444 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Mahoney MD, Michael 3941 J Street #450 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 454-0655 Board Certifications: None Manickam MD, Palaniappan 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-2596 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG331300 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Hill Physicians #HPMG370800 Mercy General Hospital American Sign, Spanish Male Mercy Medical #MCMG10341 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mann MD, Surinder K 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG209500 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Gastroenterology † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers GASTROENTEROLOGY - continued GASTROENTEROLOGY - continued Newman MD, Frederic B 400 Plaza Drive #125 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-3330 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Sarkar MD, Souvik 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG10191 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Parikh MD, Rakesh K 6555 Coyle Avenue #330 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-9650 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Pecha MD, Robert E 1580 Creekside Drive #220 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-4444 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Rahim MD, Nazir 1580 Creekside Drive #220 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-4444 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Ransibrahmanakul MD, Kanat 1580 Creekside Drive #220 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-4444 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Redor MD, Mark W 1580 Creekside Drive #220 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-4444 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Reynolds MD, Frank S 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Reynolds MD, Frank S 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3370 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Sandhu MD, Kuldip S 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG605100 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Hill Physicians #HPMG614500 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG649700 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Hill Physicians #HPMG649600 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Farsi Male Hill Physicians #HPMG120800 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Hill Physicians #HPMG649800 Mercy Hospital of Folsom French Male Mercy Medical #MCMG306600 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG306600 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG162600 Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Urdu Male Sarkar MD, Souvik 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG10191 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Shahedi MD, Kamyar 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG876200 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Sharma MD, Rishi 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG10217 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Singh MD, Sital 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG1005500 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Sood MD, Sunita 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG897400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Sood MD, Sunita 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3370 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG897400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Stondell MD, Jesse 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG713800 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Tan MD, De 7600 Hospital Drive #C Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 667-3403 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG609400 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cantonese, Mandarin Male 91 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers GASTROENTEROLOGY - continued GENERAL PRACTICE - continued Tejaswi MD, Sooraj 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG681500 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Cox DO, Christine R 4860 Y Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG937700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Terrado MD, Cecilia 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG277300 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Lee MD, Eugene S 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG369000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Urayama MD, Shiro 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG201800 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Sommers MD, Kimberly A 2221 Stockton Blvd #B UC Davis #UCMG10083 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2111 Female Board Certifications: General Practice Infectious Disease Vallero MD, Randell P 6555 Coyle Avenue #330 Hill Physicians #HPMG221200 Carmichael, CA 95608 Mercy San Juan Hospital (916) 965-9650 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Spanish None Male Waechter MD, Anastasia 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG572600 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Yassinger MD, Sidney W 6555 Coyle Avenue #330 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-9650 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG179900 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Yung MD, Victoria 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG927900 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Zimmerman MD, Todd W 6555 Coyle Avenue #330 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-9650 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG180500 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male GENERAL PRACTICE Chau-Etchepare MD, Florence V 2315 Stockton Medical Blvd UC Davis #UCMG937400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Female Board Certifications: None 92 Tong MD, Elisa K 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG502500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: General Practice GENERAL SURGERY Adamson MD, Robert M 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG861200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2111 Male Board Certifications: Thoracic & Cardiac Surgery Aguilar MD, Michael M 79 Scripps Drive #202 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 923-3100 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG146100 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Al-Salti MD, Musbah 4629 Whitney Avenue #2 Sacramento, CA 95821 (916) 482-9800 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG315800 Mercy San Juan Hospital Arabic Male Ali MD, Mohamed 271 Turn Pike Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 985-9300 Board Certifications: Surgery UC Davis #UCMG229000 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Ali MD, Mohamed 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG229000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Surgery SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers GENERAL SURGERY - continued GENERAL SURGERY - continued Amirikia MD, Kathryn C 7501 Hospital Drive #305 Hill Physicians #HPMG650000 Sacramento, CA 95823 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento (916) 423-2116 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female General Surgery David MD, Elizabeth 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG775200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Female Board Certifications: Surgery Anderson MD, John T 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG109300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5234 Spanish Board Certifications: Male Surgery Deol MD, Ajit S 7777 Greenback Lane #103 Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 966-8500 Board Certifications: Surgery Surgical Critical Care Atkins MD, Broadus 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG745600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2111 Male Board Certifications: Thoracic & Cardiac Surgery Boyd MD, Walter 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG637800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Campbell MD, Michael 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG892800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Canter MD, Robert J 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG546200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Carr MD, Aaron 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG761900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Carson MD, John 4860 Y Street #2100 UC Davis #UCMG702300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3800 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Vascular Neurology Cooke MD, David 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG595800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Thoracic Surgery Deol MD, Ajit S 6608 Mercy Court #C Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 966-8500 Board Certifications: Surgery Surgical Critical Care Eslami MD, Afshin 7501 Hospital Drive #305 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 423-2116 Board Certifications: Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG659000 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG659000 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG647000 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Farsi Male Farmer MD, Diana 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG736800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Female Board Certifications: Pediatric Surgery Surgery Galante MD, Joseph 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG537900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Surgical Critical Care Gatschet MD, Hsinju 8715 Center Parkway #A Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 347-3630 Board Certifications: Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG910800 Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Gerlach MD, Travis 2221 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG593000 #E UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Male (916) 734-2680 Board Certifications: Surgery Greenhalgh MD, David G 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG122800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Surgery 93 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers GENERAL SURGERY - continued GENERAL SURGERY - continued Haagensen Jr. MD, Darrow E 7248 South Land Park Drive #112 Hill Physicians #HPMG154800 Sacramento, CA 95831 Mercy General Hospital (916) 424-8916 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Board Certifications: Male Surgery Jakobsen MD, Joelle L 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Critical Care Medicine Surgery Hasan MD, Zeenat R 8220 Wymark Drive Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: General Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG10820 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Hedayati MD, Nasim 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG546300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Female Board Certifications: Surgery Vascular Surgery Hight MD, Rachel 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG702400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Female Board Certifications: Surgery Ho MD, Hung S 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG190400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Hong Lee MD, Deborah 4860 Y Street #2700 UC Davis #UCMG741400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7246 Female Board Certifications: None Humphries MD, Misty 9390 Big Horn Blvd UC Davis #UCMG762800 Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Female Board Certifications: Surgery Vascular Surgery Humphries MD, Misty 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG762800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Female Board Certifications: Surgery Vascular Surgery Jakobsen MD, Joelle L 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3600 Board Certifications: Critical Care Medicine Surgery 94 Mercy Medical #MCMG384000 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Jakobsen MD, Joelle L 3301 C Street #550 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 556-3200 Board Certifications: Critical Care Medicine Surgery Jones DO, Joshua L 1600 Creekside Drive #3200 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 294-7586 Board Certifications: General Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG384000 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG384000 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG925100 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Northbay Medical Center Japanese Male Khatri MBBS, Vijay P 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG200000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Long MD, Wen 3939 J Street #340 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 455-8666 Board Certifications: Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG683300 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Chinese, Mandarin Male Long MD, Wen 8100 Bruceville Road Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 714-6666 Board Certifications: Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG683300 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Chinese, Mandarin Male Maguina MD, Pirko 3301 C Street #1100 UC Davis #UCMG589900 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7844 Male Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Mayer Troppmann MD, Kathrin L 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG210400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 German Board Certifications: Female Surgery McVicar MD, John P 2525 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG211400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2111 Male Board Certifications: Surgery SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers GENERAL SURGERY - continued GENERAL SURGERY - continued Milne MD, Lawrence 7777 Greenback Lane #103 Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 835-7777 Board Certifications: Surgery Pu MD, Lee 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG537100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Morse MD, Eric D 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3600 Board Certifications: Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG776100 Mercy General Hospital Armenian, Spanish, Tagalog Male Mercy Medical #MCMG170400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Rahm MD, Amy 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG900000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Female Board Certifications: Thoracic & Cardiac Surgery Neff MD, Lucas 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG785500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Rajagopal MD, Thiru N 3939 J Street #340 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 453-8806 Board Certifications: Surgery Omalley MD, Patrick J 1600 Creekside Drive #2200 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-7121 Board Certifications: Surgery Ranade MD, Ajay N 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3314 Board Certifications: Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG156200 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Spanish Male Palmieri MD, Tina L 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG215400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Female Board Certifications: Surgery Surgical Critical Care Perez MD, Richard V 2521 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG216100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2111 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Perez MD, Richard V 2525 Stockton Blvd #2008 UC Davis #UCMG216100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2111 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Phan MD, Ho 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG541200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (800) 551-9411 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Surgical Critical Care Pierce MD, Jonathan 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG416700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG158000 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Tamil Male Mercy Medical #MCMG10269 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Sahar MD, David 3301 C Street #1100 UC Davis #UCMG677000 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7844 Male Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Surgery Salcedo MD, Edgardo 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG729500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5234 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Surgical Critical Care Santhanakrishnan MD, Chandrasekar 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG770800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2111 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Sen MD, Soman 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG535600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Shadle MD, Benjamin D 8120 Timberlake Way #109 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 688-7000 Board Certifications: Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG737900 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Portugese, Spanish Male 95 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers GENERAL SURGERY - continued GENERAL SURGERY - continued Shatz MD, David 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG607700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Vidovszky MD, Tamas J 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG323200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: None Siddiqui MD, Mohammed N 1366 Prairie City Road #130 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-6400 Board Certifications: None Wong MD, Granger B 3301 C Street #1100 UC Davis #UCMG197000 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7844 Male Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Swanson MD, Christian A 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Surgery Swanson MD, Christian A 3301 C Street #550 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5300 Board Certifications: Surgery Swanson MD, Christian A 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3314 Board Certifications: Surgery Tiedeken MD, John 4232 H Street #2 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 475-1222 Board Certifications: Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG608400 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Hindi, Urdu Male Mercy Medical #MCMG172400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG172400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG172400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Hill Physicians #HPMG863700 Mercy General Hospital Male Tran MD, Tuan A 3301 C Street #1500 UC Davis #UCMG10436 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7463 Male Board Certifications: General Surgery Troppmann MD, Christopher 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG2007000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Vidovszky MD, Tamas J 251 Turn Pike Drive UC Davis #UCMG323200 Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 985-9300 Male Board Certifications: None 96 Wong MD, Michael 3301 C Street #100 UC Davis #UCMG222300 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7844 Male Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Wong MD, Michael 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG222300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Zakaluzny MD, Scott 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG898100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Surgical Critical Care GERIATRIC MEDICINE Chrysofakis Baiduc MD, Bettina Y 3000 Q Street Mercy Medical #MCMG10816 Sacramento, CA 95816 Female (916) 733-3301 Board Certifications: Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine Javaheri MD, Ashkan 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3460 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Geriatric Medicine Hospice & Palliative Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG597200 Mercy General Hospital Male Lopez MD, Antoinette 4860 Y Street #100 UC Davis #UCMG978300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Female Board Certifications: None Mandal MD, Vanessa J 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 733-3460 Board Certifications: Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG782000 Mercy San Juan Hospital Female SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers GERIATRIC MEDICINE - continued GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY - continued Mondala MD, Alastair 8220 Wymark Drive #200 Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Fowler MD, Wiley L 3301 C Street #500 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5300 Board Certifications: Gynecologic Oncology Obstetrics/Gynecology Mercy Medical #MCMG770500 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Neyhart MD, Barbara 4860 Y Street #0540 UC Davis #UCMG213900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Female Board Certifications: Geriatric Medicine Rahgoshay MD, Sorour 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3460 Board Certifications: Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG951500 Mercy General Hospital Female Dholakiya MD, Priyal P 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 556-3164 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Dholakiya MD, Priyal P 3301 C Street #550 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 556-3164 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Elliott MD, Kevin S 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 556-3164 Board Certifications: Gynecologic Oncology Obstetrics/Gynecology Fowler MD, Wiley L 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 556-3164 Board Certifications: Gynecologic Oncology Obstetrics/Gynecology Fowler MD, Wiley L 3301 C Street #550 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 556-3164 Board Certifications: Gynecologic Oncology Obstetrics/Gynecology GYNECOLOGY Whiting MD, Neil K 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3530 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Mercy Medical #MCMG10633 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG10633 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG428400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Lipson MD, Scott 1201 Alhambra Blvd #410 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 457-4263 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG393900 † Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG390500 † Mercy General Hospital Male Szabo MD, Robert M 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG197900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Male Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Surgery of the Hand Tanaka MD, Scott K 6403 Coyle Avenue #170 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-4000 Board Certifications: None Mercy Medical #MCMG536800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Wiedeman Jr MD, Geoffrey P 1201 Alhambra Blvd #410 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 457-4263 Board Certifications: Hand Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG536800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Wilson MD, Christopher J 1201 Alhambra Blvd #410 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 457-4263 Board Certifications: Hand Surgery Orthopedic Surgery † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico Mercy Medical #MCMG172900 Mercy General Hospital Male HAND SURGERY Goldberg MD, Martin R 1201 Alhambra Blvd #410 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 457-4263 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY Hill Physicians #HPMG536800 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG10453 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG390600 † Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG653300 Mercy General Hospital Male 97 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers HEMATOLOGY HEMATOLOGY - continued Davis MD, Julian R 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG10212 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: None Virk MD, Navneet 1580 Creekside Drive #230 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-6230 Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Giermasz MD, Adam 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG10770 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine Kim MD, Edward J 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG966400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5000 Male Board Certifications: Medical Oncology Kim MD, Kyung C 3939 J Street #360 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-1536 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG575300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Korean Male Kim MD, Kyung C 8100 Bruceville Road Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 689-9300 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG575300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Korean Male Mahajan MD, Shirish 1580 Creekside Drive #230 Hill Physicians #HPMG719400 Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 984-6230 Hindi, Marathi, Tamil Board Certifications: Male None Mahajan MD, Shirish 3939 J Street #360 Hill Physicians #HPMG719400 Sacramento, CA 95819UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 736-1536 Hindi, Marathi, Tamil Board Certifications: Male None Riess MD, Jonathan 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG908700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Male Board Certifications: Hematology Oncology Virk MD, Navneet 6555 Coyle Avenue #301 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 962-1544 Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine Medical Oncology 98 Hill Physicians #HPMG757300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi, Punjabi Female Hill Physicians #HPMG757300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi, Punjabi Female HEMATOLOGY/ONCOLOGY Abedi MD, Mehrdad 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG629300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Male Board Certifications: Hematology Arora MD, Mili 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG755400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Blair MD, Gregory R 6555 Coyle Avenue #301 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 962-1544 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Hill Physicians #HPMG148600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Blair MD, Gregory R 3939 J Street #360 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-1536 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Hill Physicians #HPMG148600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Blair MD, Gregory R 8100 Bruceville Road Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 689-9300 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Hill Physicians #HPMG148600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Chew MD, Helen 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG220100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Female Board Certifications: Medical Oncology Chow MD, Helen 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG780200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Female Board Certifications: None SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers HEMATOLOGY/ONCOLOGY - continued HEMATOLOGY/ONCOLOGY - continued Christensen MD, Scott D 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG189100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: Oncology Kuhn Riordon MD, Kara M 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG941500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Female Board Certifications: None Fernando MD, Leonor 2315 Stockton Blvd Pat 1 UC Davis #UCMG530600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2525 Female Board Certifications: None Lalchandani MD, Ram N 6555 Coyle Avenue #301 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 962-1544 Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Gandara MD, David R 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG106200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Harrison MD, David T 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG382600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Hutchinson MD, Kendra 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG607500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Female Board Certifications: Oncology Javeed MD, Mansoor 1580 Creekside Drive #230 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-6230 Board Certifications: Medical Oncology Hill Physicians #HPMG313100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Jonas MD, Brian 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG899800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Kailath MD, John M 6555 Coyle Avenue #301 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 962-1544 Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Hill Physicians #HPMG158800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Kelly MD, Karen 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG705400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG159700 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Lam MD, Kit S 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG204600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Laptalo MD, Luko 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-2596 Board Certifications: Medical Oncology Mercy Medical #MCMG382800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Laptalo MD, Luko 9394 Big Horn Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 691-8500 Board Certifications: Medical Oncology Mercy Medical #MCMG382800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Laptalo MD, Luko 3301 C Street #550 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5300 Board Certifications: Medical Oncology Mercy Medical #MCMG382800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Lara MD, Primo N 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG205000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: Medical Oncology Li MD, Tianhong 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG628000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Female Board Certifications: Hematology Medical Oncology Miller MD, Brady G 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG854700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Male Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine Medical Oncology 99 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers HEMATOLOGY/ONCOLOGY - continued HEMATOLOGY/ONCOLOGY - continued Nguyen MD, Hoa 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG482700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Male Board Certifications: Hematology/Oncology Medical Oncology Shihabi MD, Samer 9394 Big Horn Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 691-8500 Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Odonnell MD, Robert T 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG214500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: None Pan MD, Chong-Xian 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG421100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Male Board Certifications: None Richman MD, Carol M 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG185700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Rodler MD, Eve 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG900800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Female Board Certifications: None Semrad MD, Thomas 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG544200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Male Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine Shaheed MD, Gurvinder S 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 733-3304 Board Certifications: Hematology Medical Oncology Mercy Medical #MCMG751300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Shaheed MD, Gurvinder S 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Hematology Medical Oncology Mercy Medical #MCMG751300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Shihabi MD, Samer 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-2596 Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine Medical Oncology 100 Mercy Medical #MCMG576200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Shihabi MD, Samer 3301 C Street #550 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5300 Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Siddique MD, Shahzad A 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 733-5300 Board Certifications: Hematology Medical Oncology Siddique MD, Shahzad A 3301 C Street #550 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5300 Board Certifications: Hematology Medical Oncology Mercy Medical #MCMG576200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG576200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG599300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG599300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Sidhu MD, Parminder 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG758700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Sun MD, David 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG874100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Tam MD, Kit 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG878200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Tanaka MD, Michael S 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG198200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers HEMATOLOGY/ONCOLOGY - continued INFECTIOUS DISEASE - continued Tuscano MD, Joseph M 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG201300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: Hematology/Oncology Cohen MD, Stuart H 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG189900 ‡ Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Infectious Disease Welborn MD, Jeanna L 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG118400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Female Board Certifications: Hematology/Oncology Internal Medicine Defelice MD, Richard 1485 River Park Drive #200 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Critical Care Medicine Infectious Disease Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease HOSPICE & PALLIATIVE MEDICINE Seo MD, Lisa 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3460 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG318300 † Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Spanish Male INFECTIOUS DISEASE Ikeda MD, Daniel P 1485 River Park Drive #200 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Infectious Disease Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Abderrahmane MD, Sanaz 3000 Q Street Mercy Medical #MCMG711500 ‡ Sacramento, CA 95816 Mercy General Hospital (916) 733-3401 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Internal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female Kabbesh MD, Mohammad Jaber 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3304 Board Certifications: Infectious Disease Internal Medicine Agarkova MD, Anna 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG905200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Latimore MD, Darin 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG598800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Ahrens MD, Jillian A 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG1005000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Laurence MD, Brett 1485 River Park Drive #200 Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG951200 Mercy General Hospital Female Brown MD, Jennifer 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG414700 ‡ Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Brown MD, Sherrill 4860 Y Street UC Davis #UCMG11411 #0100 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Female (916) 734-2737 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Naseer MD, Bilal 6403 Coyle Avenue #450 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG303700 † Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG672500 ‡ Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG782900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Hill Physicians #HPMG694200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Urdu Male Pollard MD, Richard 2221 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG183100 ‡ Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico, ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA 101 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers INFECTIOUS DISEASE - continued INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued Solnick MD, Jay V 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG194100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Ahmad MD, Shirin M 251 Turn Pike Drive UC Davis #UCMG641000 Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 985-9300 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Sommers MD, Kimberly A 2221 Stockton Blvd #B UC Davis #UCMG10083 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2111 Female Board Certifications: General Practice Infectious Disease Ahrens MD, Jillian A 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG1005000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Stewart DO, Ethan R 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG939100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Trivedi MD, Vinod 1485 River Park Drive #200 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG839300 Mercy General Hospital Hindi Male Troia-Cancio MD, Paolo 1500 21St Street UC Davis #UCMG527000 ‡ Sacramento, CA 95814UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 914-6224 Male Board Certifications: Infectious Disease Twarog MD, Meryl A 6403 Coyle Avenue Mercy Medical #MCMG878400 #450 Mercy General Hospital Carmichael, CA 95608 Mercy San Juan Hospital (916) 679-3590 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Spanish None Female Waldman MD, Sarah 4860 Y Street #100 UC Davis #UCMG941200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None INTERNAL MEDICINE Abedi MD, Mehrdad 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG629300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Male Board Certifications: Hematology Agarkova MD, Anna 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG905200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine 102 Al-Juburi MD, Amar 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG437400 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Allen MD, Robert M 4001 J Street Mercy Medical #MCMG584800 Sacramento, CA 95819UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 453-4966 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Allen MD, Roblee P 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG107100 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Alli-Akintade MD, Latifat 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG877800 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Alnimri MD, Muna 2221 Stockton Blvd #B UC Davis #UCMG749600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2111 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Aman MD, Edris 4860 Y Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG936900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Aminololama-Shakeri MD, Shadi 271 Turn Pike Drive UC Davis #UCMG587800 Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 985-9200 Female Board Certifications: Diagnostic Radiology ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued Aminololama-Shakeri MD, Shadi 4860 Y Street #0500 UC Davis #UCMG587800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-0655 Female Board Certifications: Diagnostic Radiology Biller MD, Julie 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG10657 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Ananthakrishnan MD, Shubha 9390 Big Horn Blvd UC Davis #UCMG696400 Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Female Board Certifications: Nephrology Bowlus MD, Christopher L 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG104800 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Ananthakrishnan MD, Shubha 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG696400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2111 Female Board Certifications: Nephrology Brown MD, Jennifer 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG414700 ‡ Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Applegate MD, Patricia 4860 Street UC Davis #UCMG10959 #2100 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Female (916) 734-3800 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Brown MD, Sherrill 4860 Y Street UC Davis #UCMG11411 #0100 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Female (916) 734-2737 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Aronowitz MD, Paul 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG848100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Bach MD, Huong T 4860 Y Street #1701 UC Davis #UCMG109800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2730 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Baginski MD, Joanna 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG110000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Bansal MD, Ruchi 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG10206 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Bhat MD, Amogh 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG355700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA Bukkapatnam MD, Radhika N 7551 Madison Avenue UC Davis #UCMG225400 Citrus Heights, CA 95610 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 904-3000 Female Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Bukkapatnam MD, Radhika N 8110 Laguna Blvd UC Davis #UCMG225400 Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Female Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Bullick DO, Samuel W 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG10207 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Burnham MD, Kevin UCDMG Sports Medicine UC Davis #UCMG777700 3301 C Street #1600 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95816 Male (916) 734-6805 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Burnham MD, Kevin 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG777700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine 103 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued Chak MD, Eric 7551 Madison Avenue UC Davis #UCMG10162 Citrus Heights, CA 95610 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 904-3000 Male Board Certifications: None Chihorek MD, David X 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG988600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7506 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Chak MD, Eric 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG10162 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Choi MD, Jeong W 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG938900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: None Chan DO, Happy 9390 Big Horn Blvd UC Davis #UCMG558300 Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Female Board Certifications: Rheumatology Chu MD, Wendy 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG886100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Female Board Certifications: None Chan DO, Happy 4860 Y Street #B04000 UC Davis #UCMG558300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Rheumatology Dalrymple MD, Lorien 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG534800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: Nephrology Chao MD, Andrew S 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG929100 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Davis MD, Julian R 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG10212 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: None Chapman DO, Katrina A 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG10309 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Female Board Certifications: None De Mattos MD, Angelo 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG549300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Cheney MD, Amy E 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG10254 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Female Board Certifications: None Chi DO, Yung-Wei 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG701100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Chia MD, Catherine 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG886200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Female Board Certifications: None 104 Desai MD, Amisha 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG777800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Dytiapco MD, Ernest 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG10213 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: None Eisa MD, Naseem 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG10214 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued Eisenbud MD, Elliott 6600 Mercy Court #100 Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 966-5404 Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Internal Medicine Gauri DO, Sharma 7551 Madison Avenue UC Davis #UCMG11375 Citrus Heights, CA 95610 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 904-3000 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG152500 Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male Fan MD, Dali 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG674700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Felthouse MD, Rae 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG632900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Fishman MD, Scott M 271 Turn Pike Drive UC Davis #UCMG104300 Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 985-9200 Male Board Certifications: Pain Medicine Fishman MD, Scott M 4860 Y Street #2700 UC Davis #UCMG104300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7246 Male Board Certifications: Pain Medicine Gamp MD, Patrick 9390 Big Horn Blvd UC Davis #UCMG582900 Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Gamp MD, Patrick 251 Turn Pike Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 985-9300 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine UC Davis #UCMG582900 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Garcia MD, Juan 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG218000 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Garcia MD, Ronald T 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG876500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Giermasz MD, Adam 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG10770 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine Gordon MD, Nathaniel 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG889100 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Gupta MD, Asha 2825 J Street UC Davis #UCMG11208 #400 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95816 Female (916) 734-2737 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Harrison MD, David T 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG382600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Hazel DO, Sophia 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG471100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Hoeg MD, Rasmus T 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG1005400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Hogarth MD, Michael A 2221 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG190800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Anatomic Path. & Clincal Path. Ishihara MD, Kent 9390 Big Horn Blvd UC Davis #UCMG618100 Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Male Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Internal Medicine 105 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued Ishihara MD, Kent 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG618100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Internal Medicine Keihanian MD, Sara 2825 J Street UC Davis #UCMG11201 #400 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95816 Female (916) 734-2737 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Islam MD, Arshia 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG762900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Islam MD, Parvez 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG609300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Bengali Board Certifications: Male Internal Medicine Jasti MD, Anil 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG10113 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Johl MD, Hershan 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG420700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Male Board Certifications: None Jonas MD, Brian 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG899800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Kaesberg MD, Paul 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG553300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Kahlon MD, Ravinder S 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG932400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: None Karalakulasingam MD, Chrishanthie 500 University Avenue #220 UC Davis #UCMG766500 Sacramento, CA 95825UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 286-8700 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine 106 Kelly MD, Karen 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG705400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Kenyon MD, Nicholas J 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG199900 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Kuhn MD, Brooks 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG883600 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Lane MD, Nancy 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG377100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Rheumatology Latif MD, Syed R 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG871000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Latimore MD, Darin 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG598800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Lee MD, Jason J 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG937800 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Lemma MD, Kewakebt 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG10434 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Female Board Certifications: None SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued Levy MD, Robert 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG928100 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Mccarron DO, Robert 4860 Y Street #2600 UC Davis #UCMG286600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7246 Male Board Certifications: None Li MD, Tianhong 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG628000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Female Board Certifications: Hematology Medical Oncology McCurdy MD, Stephen 2221 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG210600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Public Health & Gen Prev Med Lopez MD, Javier 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG535300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Medici MD, Valentina 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG467200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Female Board Certifications: None Louie MD, Samuel 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG115400 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Medici MD, Valentina 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG467200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Madan MD, Niti 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG639300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: None Maniar MD, Archana H 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG461600 ‡ Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Infectious Disease Manickam MD, Hema 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG10358 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Maynard MD, Gregory 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG980900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mccarron DO, Robert 2230 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG286600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3574 Male Board Certifications: None ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA Miller MD, Brady G 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG854700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Male Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Molla MD, Mithu 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG596300 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Morfin MD, Jose 251 Turn Pike Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 985-9300 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology UC Davis #UCMG356600 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Morfin MD, Jose 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG356600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Moriwaki MD, Mark M 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG212800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta 107 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued Nguyen MD, Dan-Vinh P 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG945000 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Phatak MD, Sonal 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG781800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nguyen DO, Lam-Phuong 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG883700 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Qamar MD, Niha 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG10675 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Okamoto MD, Daniel 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG10300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Male Board Certifications: None Rangi MD, Jaiwant K 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG450800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Pandya MD, Kruti A 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG10386 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Raza MD, Amir 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG10840 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Male Board Certifications: None Parikh MD, Mamta 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG944500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Female Board Certifications: None Reed MD, Matthew 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG10303 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Patel MD, Gayatri 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG716000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Riar MD, Navdeep 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG639800 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Penkala MD, Margaret M 271 Turn Pike Drive UC Davis #UCMG156800 Folsom, CA 95630 Mercy General Hospital (916) 985-9300 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female Rodler MD, Eve 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG900800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Female Board Certifications: None Penkala MD, Margaret M 3201 Data Drive UC Davis #UCMG156800 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 Mercy General Hospital (916) 851-1440 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female Petersen MD, Barr 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG893400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine 108 Rosenberg MD, Aaron 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG944800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Ross MD, Jamie L 460 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG481500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued Sanchez MD, Erin 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG724800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Semrad DO, Alison 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG538200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Internal Medicine Sandrock MD, Christian 2825 J Street UC Davis #UCMG260600 Sacramento, CA 95816 Mercy General Hospital (916) 734-0779 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male Critical Care Medicine Pulmonary Disease Shahedi MD, Kamyar 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG876200 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Sarkar MD, Souvik 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG10191 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Sharma MD, Gaurav 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG932700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: None Sarkar MD, Souvik 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG10191 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Sharma MD, Rishi 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG10217 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Schivo MD, Michael 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG477600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Shenoy MD, Shanti 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG881100 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Schwarz MD, Eleanor B 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG946700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Singh MD, Kanal 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG10375 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Schwerkoske MD, John 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG10192 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: None Sinigayan MD, Voltaire 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG887700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Male Board Certifications: None Seavey MD, William 4860 Y Street #3900 UC Davis #UCMG231300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5496 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Smith MD, Thomas 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG473000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Sebat DO, Christian 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG632200 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Solbes MD, Eduardo 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG10219 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None 109 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued Solnick MD, Jay V 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG194100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Sun MD, David 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG874100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Srinivasan MD, Malathi 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG194300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Surampudi MD, Prasanth 3201 Data Drive UC Davis #UCMG900400 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 851-1440 Male Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Internal Medicine Srivastava MD, Monica 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG865500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Srivatsa MD, Uma 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG430600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: None Stephen MD, Merin 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG11196 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Stewart DO, Ethan R 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG939100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Stollenwerk MD, Nicholas 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG410800 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Stondell MD, Jesse 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG713800 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Stripe MD, Benjamin R 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG932900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: None 110 Surampudi MD, Prasanth 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG900400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Internal Medicine Tam MD, Kit 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG878200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Tejaswi MD, Sooraj 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG681500 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Terrado MD, Cecilia 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG277300 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Thakkar DO, Puja A 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG946800 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Thompson III MD, George 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG642700 ‡ Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Tokeshi MD, Bradley 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG10220 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued Tong MD, Kathleen 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG467100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Welborn MD, Jeanna L 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG118400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Female Board Certifications: Hematology/Oncology Internal Medicine Torok MD, Natalie 271 Turn Pike Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 985-9200 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine UC Davis #UCMG294000 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female Torok MD, Natalie 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG294000 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Tsai MD, Ting F 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG871200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: None Tuscano MD, Joseph M 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG201300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: Hematology/Oncology Venugopal MD, Sandhya 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG484600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Vierra MD, Heather 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG411900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Waechter MD, Anastasia 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG572600 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Weiss MD, Robert H 4860 Y Street UC Davis #UCMG11285 #0200 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Male (916) 734-3761 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Welch MD, James N 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG723900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Wiegley MD, Nasim 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG10323 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Female Board Certifications: None Wilkes MD, Michael 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG192200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Male Board Certifications: Public Health & Gen Prev Med Williams MD, Donna 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG761500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Wise MD, Barton 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG626600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Rheumatology Yang MD, Yingbo 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG544900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Yoon MD, John C 4860 Y Street UC Davis #UCMG11380 #B0400 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Male (916) 734-2737 Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Yung MD, Victoria 2825 J Street #400 UC Davis #UCMG927900 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None 111 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY - continued Zeki MD, Amir 271 Turn Pike Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 985-9300 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Chang MD, Michael L 3941 J Street #360 Mercy Medical #MCMG149700 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Internal Medicine Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Interventional Cardiology UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male UC Davis #UCMG356900 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Zeki MD, Amir 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG356900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Zewdu MD, Manny 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG10981 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Male Board Certifications: None Zimmerman MD, Robert F 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3401 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG10678 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY Chang MD, Michael L 6401 Coyle Avenue #410 Mercy Medical #MCMG149700 Carmichael, CA 95608 Mercy General Hospital (916) 966-3501 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Internal Medicine Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Interventional Cardiology UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Chang MD, Michael L 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Mercy Medical #MCMG149700 Carmichael, CA 95608 Mercy General Hospital (916) 966-3501 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Internal Medicine Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Interventional Cardiology UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Chang MD, Michael L 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Mercy Medical #MCMG149700 Folsom, CA 95630 Mercy General Hospital (916) 984-5318 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Internal Medicine Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Interventional Cardiology UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Chang MD, Michael L 3941 J Street #260 Mercy Medical #MCMG149700 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Internal Medicine Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Interventional Cardiology UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male 112 Chang MD, Michael L 3941 J Street #364 Mercy Medical #MCMG149700 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Internal Medicine Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Interventional Cardiology UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Chang MD, Michael L 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Mercy Medical #MCMG149700 Sacramento, CA 95823 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Internal Medicine Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Interventional Cardiology UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Kozina MD, Joseph A 6401 Coyle Avenue #410 Mercy Medical #MCMG159600 Carmichael, CA 95608 Mercy General Hospital (916) 966-3501 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Internal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Interventional Cardiology Male Kozina MD, Joseph A 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Mercy Medical #MCMG159600 Carmichael, CA 95608 Mercy General Hospital (916) 966-3501 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Internal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Interventional Cardiology Male Kozina MD, Joseph A 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Mercy Medical #MCMG159600 Folsom, CA 95630 Mercy General Hospital (916) 984-5318 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Internal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Interventional Cardiology Male Kozina MD, Joseph A 3941 J Street #260 Mercy Medical #MCMG159600 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Internal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Interventional Cardiology Male SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY - continued INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY - continued Kozina MD, Joseph A 3941 J Street #360 Mercy Medical #MCMG159600 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Internal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Interventional Cardiology Male Lee MD, Timothy Y 6401 Coyle Avenue #410 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Kozina MD, Joseph A 3941 J Street #364 Mercy Medical #MCMG159600 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Internal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Interventional Cardiology Male Kozina MD, Joseph A 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Mercy Medical #MCMG159600 Sacramento, CA 95823 Mercy General Hospital (916) 688-5551 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Internal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Interventional Cardiology Male Lao MD, David S 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3560 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Lao MD, David S 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Lao MD, David S 9394 Big Horn Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 691-8500 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Lao MD, David S 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Lao MD, David S 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3344 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG680900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG680900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG680900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG680900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG680900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Lee MD, Timothy Y 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Lee MD, Timothy Y 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-5318 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Lee MD, Timothy Y 3941 J Street #260 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Lee MD, Timothy Y 3941 J Street #360 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Lee MD, Timothy Y 3941 J Street #364 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Lee MD, Timothy Y 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 688-5551 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Majetich MD, Nick 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG380600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG380600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG380600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG380600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG380600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG380600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG380600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG234100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male 113 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY - continued INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY - continued Majetich MD, Nick 6401 Coyle Avenue #410 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 996-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG234100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Singh MD, Karanjit 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-5318 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Infectious Disease Interventional Cardiology Mercy Medical #MCMG311200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Majetich MD, Nick 1580 Creekside Drive #250 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-5318 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG234100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG311200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Majetich MD, Nick 3941 J Steet #364 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Singh MD, Karanjit 3941 J Street #260 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Infectious Disease Interventional Cardiology Mercy Medical #MCMG234100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Majetich MD, Nick 3941 J Street #260 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG311200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG234100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Singh MD, Karanjit 3941 J Street #360 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Infectious Disease Interventional Cardiology Majetich MD, Nick 3941 J Street #360 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG234100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Singh MD, Karanjit 3941 J Street #364 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-2323 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Infectious Disease Interventional Cardiology Mercy Medical #MCMG311200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Singh MD, Karanjit 8120 Timberlake Way #108 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 688-5551 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Infectious Disease Interventional Cardiology Mercy Medical #MCMG311200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Marquardt MD, Walt 3941 J Street #360 Mercy Medical #MCMG321800 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 736-2323 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Internal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Singh MD, Karanjit 6401 Coyle Avenue #410 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Infectious Disease Interventional Cardiology Singh MD, Karanjit 6401 Coyle Avenue #416 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-3501 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Infectious Disease Interventional Cardiology 114 Mercy Medical #MCMG311200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG311200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male LIC CLINICAL SOCIAL WORKER Mcgreevy LCSW, Kristeen 1792 Tribute Road #350 Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 924-6400 Board Certifications: None Mercy Medical #MCMG10746 Female MEDICAL GENETICS McLean MD, Lynn 1792 Tribute Road #200 Hill Physicians #HPMG312900 † Sacramento, CA 95815 Mercy San Juan Hospital (916) 678-5400 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female Clinical Genetics Maternal & Fetal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers SALUD MENTAL NEONATOLOGY - continued Miembros de UC: Los servicios de Salud Mental/Conductual, incluso los servicios para farmacodependencia, no tienen cobertura de WHA. Por favor llame a Optum (888) 440-8225 para localizar a un proveedor para estos servicios. Hoffman MD, Kristin 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG721700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2664 Female Board Certifications: None Todos los demás Miembros: Los servicios de Salud Mental/Conductual, incluso los servicios para farmacodependencia, tienen cobertura de WHA por medio de Magellan Behavioral Health, Inc. Por favor llame a Magellan al (800) 424-1778 para localizar a un proveedor para estos servicios. NEONATAL/PERINATAL MEDICINE Kahn MD, Sarah 2315 Stockton Blvd #7 UC Davis #UCMG876000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Female Board Certifications: None Magana MD, Julia N 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG10110 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3797 Female Board Certifications: None Null MD, Donald M 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG10078 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2664 Male Board Certifications: Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics White MD, Sophie M 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG874200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2664 Male Board Certifications: None NEONATOLOGY Kahle MD, Robert A 6501 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 537-5135 Board Certifications: Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics Kao MD, Bernard K 6501 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 537-5135 Board Certifications: Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine Maney MD, Rachel K 6501 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 537-5135 Board Certifications: Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG319100 Mercy Medical #MCMG319100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG956600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Mercy Medical #MCMG956500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Philipps MD, Anthony F 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG216500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2664 Male Board Certifications: Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine Poulain MD, Francis 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG183200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2664 Male Board Certifications: None De Nardi MD, Sofie 6501 Coyle Avenue Mercy Medical #MCMG540000 Carmichael, CA 95608 Mercy San Juan Hospital (916) 537-5135 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics Saeed MD, Diane B 6501 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 537-5135 Board Certifications: Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine Desai MD, Gaurang N 6501 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 537-5135 Board Certifications: Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine Wartell MD, Anthony E 6501 Coyle Avenue Mercy Medical #MCMG539200 Carmichael, CA 95608 Mercy General Hospital (916) 537-5135 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Pediatrics UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Getman MD, Carolyn E 6501 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 537-5135 Board Certifications: Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG966100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG956400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Hill Physicians #HPMG302100 Mercy Medical #MCMG302100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female 115 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers NEPHROLOGY NEPHROLOGY - continued Alnimri MD, Muna 2221 Stockton Blvd #B UC Davis #UCMG749600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2111 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Chen MD, Justin 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG10164 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: None Ananthakrishnan MD, Shubha 9390 Big Horn Blvd UC Davis #UCMG696400 Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Female Board Certifications: Nephrology Ananthakrishnan MD, Shubha 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG696400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2111 Female Board Certifications: Nephrology Atray MD, Naveen K 1600 Creekside Drive #3700 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 564-6232 Board Certifications: Nephrology Atray MD, Naveen K 1111 Exposition Blvd #300 Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 564-6232 Board Certifications: Nephrology Atray MD, Naveen K 777 Campus Commons #120 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 929-8564 Board Certifications: Nephrology Ballenger MD, John R 777 Campus Commons #120 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 929-8564 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Hill Physicians #HPMG458000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi Male Hill Physicians #HPMG458000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi Male Hill Physicians #HPMG458000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi Male Hill Physicians #HPMG148100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Chandra MD, Kalyani 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG934200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: None 116 Chin MD, Andrew 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG220200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Nephrology Chung MD, Victoria 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG10165 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: None Don MD, Burl R 2221 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG101500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Gallay MD, Brian J 2221 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG105800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Nephrology Gandhi MD, Mehul M 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG106400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2111 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Gelfand MD, Elena V 777 Campus Commons #120 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 929-8564 Board Certifications: Nephrology Hill Physicians #HPMG305900 Mercy General Hospital Russian Female Kambhampati MD, Ganesh 777 Campus Commons Road #120 Hill Physicians #HPMG925000 Sacramento, CA 95825 Mercy General Hospital (916) 929-8564 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Male Internal Medicine Nephrology Kashyap MD, Rohit 1600 Creekside Drive #3700 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 564-6232 Board Certifications: Nephrology Hill Physicians #HPMG584700 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi Male SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers NEPHROLOGY - continued NEPHROLOGY - continued Kashyap MD, Rohit 1111 Exposition Blvd #300 Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 564-6232 Board Certifications: Nephrology Hill Physicians #HPMG584700 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi Male Kashyap MD, Rohit 777 Campus Commons #120 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 929-8564 Board Certifications: Nephrology Hill Physicians #HPMG584700 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi Male Madan MD, Niti 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG639300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: None Manickam MD, Hema 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG10358 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Momi MD, Jasminder S 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5336 Board Certifications: Nephrology Mercy Medical #MCMG852000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mudunuri MD, Vijay 6620 Coyle Avenue #414 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 961-7391 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Hill Physicians #HPMG10877 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi, Telugu Male Mudunuri MD, Vijay 2218 Kausen Drive #103 Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 683-8774 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Hill Physicians #HPMG10877 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi, Telugu Male Mudunuri MD, Vijay 1665 Creekside Drive #100 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 235-7790 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Hill Physicians #HPMG10877 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi, Telugu Male Mudunuri MD, Vijay 2893 Sunrise Blvd #103 Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 (916) 400-4038 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Hill Physicians #HPMG10877 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi, Telugu Male Mudunuri MD, Vijay 111 Exposition Blvd #300 Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 564-6232 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Hill Physicians #HPMG10877 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi, Telugu Male Mudunuri MD, Vijay 333 University Avenue #120 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 929-8564 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Hill Physicians #HPMG10877 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi, Telugu Male Nallamothu MD, Ratnaji B 2218 Kausen Drive #103 Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 683-8774 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Hill Physicians #HPMG147400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Nallamothu MD, Ratnaji B 777 Campus Commons #120 Sacramento, CA 95825 (919) 929-8564 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Hill Physicians #HPMG147400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Nguyen MD, Stephanie 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG653000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Pai MD, David S 2218 Kausen Drive #103 Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 683-8774 Board Certifications: Nephrology Hill Physicians #HPMG529900 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Pai MD, David S 777 Campus Commons #120 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 929-8564 Board Certifications: Nephrology Hill Physicians #HPMG529900 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male 117 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers NEPHROLOGY - continued NEPHROLOGY - continued Patel MD, Tarang B 6620 Coyle Avenue #414 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 961-7391 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG629700 Mercy General Hospital Gujarati Male Patel MD, Tarang B 777 Campus Commons #120 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 929-8564 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG629700 Mercy General Hospital Gujarati Male Patel MD, Ushir V 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-2466 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Mercy Medical #MCMG942600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Patel MD, Ushir V 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5336 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Mercy Medical #MCMG942600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Patel MD, Ushir V 8120 Timberlake Way Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 681-6000 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Mercy Medical #MCMG942600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Poonia MD, Roopinder S 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 733-3344 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Mercy Medical #MCMG771200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Poonia MD, Roopinder S 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5336 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Mercy Medical #MCMG771200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Tamura MD, Kristen P 4860 Y Street #0200 UC Davis #UCMG924000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Taneja MD, Nidhika B 6620 Coyle Avenue #414 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 961-7391 Board Certifications: Nephrology 118 Hill Physicians #HPMG10688 Mercy General Hospital Female Taneja MD, Nidhika B 2218 Kausen Drive #103 Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 683-8774 Board Certifications: Nephrology Taneja MD, Nidhika B 1665 Creekside Drive #100 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 235-7790 Board Certifications: Nephrology Taneja MD, Nidhika B 111 Exposition Blvd #300 Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 564-6232 Board Certifications: Nephrology Taneja MD, Nidhika B 333 University Avenue #120 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 929-8564 Board Certifications: Nephrology Taneja MD, Nidhika B 777 Campus Commons Road #120 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 929-8564 Board Certifications: Nephrology Hill Physicians #HPMG10688 Mercy General Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG10688 Mercy General Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG10688 Mercy General Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG10688 Mercy General Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG10688 Mercy General Hospital Female Weiss MD, Robert H 4860 Y Street UC Davis #UCMG11285 #0200 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Male (916) 734-3761 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Winoto MD, Johan 2218 Kausen Drive #103 Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 683-8774 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Hill Physicians #HPMG709600 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Indonesian Male Yeun MD, Jane Y 2221 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG199300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Nephrology SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers NEURO RADIOLOGY NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY - continued Latchaw MD, Richard 4860 Y Street #500 UC Davis #UCMG206100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-0655 Male Board Certifications: Diagnostic Radiology Chan MD, Michael 3939 J Street #380 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 453-0911 Board Certifications: Neurological Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG725300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Cantonese, Mandarin Male Cobb III MD, Cully A 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3665 Board Certifications: Neurological Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG303300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY Azeem MD, Syed S 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG10161 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-4300 Male Board Certifications: Neurological Surgery Cobb III MD, Cully A 3301 C Street Buidling #550 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5300 Board Certifications: Neurological Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG303300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Babbitz MD, Jesse 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3665 Board Certifications: Neurological Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG550300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Babbitz MD, Jesse 3939 J Street #250 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 733-3401 Board Certifications: Neurological Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG550300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Cobb III MD, Cully A 3939 J Street #250 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 733-3401 Board Certifications: Neurological Surgery Boggan MD, James E 3301 C Street #1500 UC Davis #UCMG182800 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7463 Male Board Certifications: None Goradia MD, Tushar M 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3665 Board Certifications: Neurological Surgery Boggan MD, James E 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG182800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-4300 Male Board Certifications: None Johnson MD, John 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG761400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-4300 Male Board Certifications: Neurological Surgery Carter MD, Kawanaa 50 Iron Point Circle #210 Hill Physicians #HPMG641700 Folsom, CA 95630 Mercy General Hospital (916) 817-4600 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital None UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female Kim MD, Kee D 3301 C Street #1500 UC Davis #UCMG200300 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7463 Male Board Certifications: Neurological Surgery Chan MD, Michael 1600 Creekside Drive #2400 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 453-0911 Board Certifications: Neurological Surgery Chan MD, Michael 1430 22Nd Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 453-0911 Board Certifications: Neurological Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG725300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Cantonese, Mandarin Male Hill Physicians #HPMG725300 NorthBay #NBMG725300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Cantonese, Mandarin Male Mercy Medical #MCMG303300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG529000 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Lawandy DO, Shokry 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG10315 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-4300 Male Board Certifications: None Medani MD, Khalid 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG10668 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 736-4300 Female Board Certifications: None 119 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY - continued NEUROLOGY - continued Panchal DO, Ripul 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG720300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-4300 Male Board Certifications: None Armour DO, Ryan A 8220 Wymark Drive Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Neurology Neuromuscular Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG774000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Armour DO, Ryan A 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Neurology Neuromuscular Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG774000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Armour DO, Ryan A 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3372 Board Certifications: Neurology Neuromuscular Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG774000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Prasad MD, Praveen 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3665 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Neurological Surgery Prasad MD, Praveen 3939 J Street #250 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 733-3401 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Neurological Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG317600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi Male Mercy Medical #MCMG317600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi Male Waldau MD, Ben 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG768500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-4300 Male Board Certifications: None Yen MD, John K 3939 J Street #380 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 453-0911 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG310300 † Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Zwienenberg-Lee MD, Marike 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG677500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-4300 Female Board Certifications: None Asaikar MD, Shailesh M 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG442800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Male Board Certifications: Clinical Neurophysiology Neuro w Spec Qual in Child Neu Neurology Chang MD, Celia H 4860 Y Street #0100A UC Davis #UCMG131400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6463 Female Board Certifications: Neuro w Spec Qual in Child Neu Chaudhary MD, Asad A 8220 Wymark Drive #200 Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Neurology NEUROLOGY Apperson MD, Michelle 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG426900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Female Board Certifications: Neurology Armour DO, Ryan A 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3670 Board Certifications: Neurology Neuromuscular Medicine 120 Mercy Medical #MCMG774000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Chaudhary MD, Asad A 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 350-4800 Board Certifications: Neurology Cheung MD, Kenneth 8220 Wymark Drive #200 Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Neurology Mercy Medical #MCMG756500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi, Urdu Male Mercy Medical #MCMG756500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi, Urdu Male Mercy Medical #MCMG884200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers NEUROLOGY - continued Cheung MD, Kenneth 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Neurology NEUROLOGY - continued Mercy Medical #MCMG884200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Chretien MD, Paul 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG442900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Cruz MD, Edwin A 8220 Wymark Drive #200 Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Neurology Cruz MD, Edwin A 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Neurology Cruz MD, Edwin A 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5779 Board Certifications: Neurology Mercy Medical #MCMG518600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG518600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG518600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Dayananthan MD, Ashok 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG10805 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Male Board Certifications: None De Carli MD, Charles 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG181300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Male Board Certifications: Neurology Dengel MD, Michael K 6555 Coyle Avenue Mercy Medical #MCMG534900 Carmichael, CA 95608 Mercy General Hospital (916) 536-3670 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Neurology Methodist Hospital of Sacramento UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Dengel MD, Michael K 8220 Wymark Drive Mercy Medical #MCMG534900 Elk Grove, CA 95757 Mercy General Hospital (916) 667-0600 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Neurology Methodist Hospital of Sacramento UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Dias MD, Robert A 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3670 Board Certifications: Clinical Neurophysiology Neurology Sleep Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG637900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Dias MD, Robert A 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Clinical Neurophysiology Neurology Sleep Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG637900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Dias MD, Robert A 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3372 Board Certifications: Clinical Neurophysiology Neurology Sleep Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG637900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Duffy DO, Alexandra 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG948800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Female Board Certifications: None Ehyai MD, A Reza 87 Scripps Drive #216 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 567-3893 Board Certifications: Neurology Ghoshal MD, Asish 6601 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 967-1288 Board Certifications: Neurology Hill Physicians #HPMG168900 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Hill Physicians #HPMG153700 Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi, Punjabi Male Gorin MD/ PHD, Fredric A 4860 Y Street #500 UC Davis #UCMG122300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Male Board Certifications: Neurology Ha MD, James 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG889000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Male Board Certifications: None Hadi MD, Ehsan M 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3670 Board Certifications: Neurology Mercy Medical #MCMG771300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Urdu Male 121 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers NEUROLOGY - continued Hadi MD, Ehsan M 8220 Wymark Drive Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Neurology Hadi MD, Ehsan M 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Neurology NEUROLOGY - continued Mercy Medical #MCMG771300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Urdu Male Mercy Medical #MCMG771300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Urdu Male Jickling MD, Glen 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG883400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Male Board Certifications: Neurology Kennedy MD, Jeffrey 4860 Y Street UC Davis #UCMG887600 #0100 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Male (916) 734-3588 Board Certifications: Neurology Khalili MD, Nidal A 7551 Timberlake Way #240 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 681-9401 Board Certifications: Neurology Krishna MD, Vasanthi 1710 Prairie City Road #125 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 333-5311 Board Certifications: Neurology Krishna MD, Vasanthi 87 Scripps Drive #210 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 229-6112 Board Certifications: Neurology Hill Physicians #HPMG373500 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Arabic Male Hill Physicians #HPMG743400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi, Telugu Female Hill Physicians #HPMG743400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi, Telugu Female Lenaerts MD, Marc E 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG594600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Male Board Certifications: None 122 Lulu MD, Sabeen T 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3570 Board Certifications: Neurology Lulu MD, Sabeen T 8220 Wymark Drive Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Neurology Lulu MD, Sabeen T 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Neurology Lulu MD, Sabeen T 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3372 Board Certifications: Neurology Mercy Medical #MCMG931800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Mercy Medical #MCMG931800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Mercy Medical #MCMG931800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Mercy Medical #MCMG931800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Maidan MD, Lucian 8220 Wymark Drive Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Neurology Vascular Neurology Mercy Medical #MCMG769200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Maidan MD, Lucian 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Neurology Vascular Neurology Mercy Medical #MCMG769200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Maidan MD, Lucian 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5779 Board Certifications: Neurology Vascular Neurology Mercy Medical #MCMG769200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Malhado-Chang MD, Norika 271 Turn Pike Drive UC Davis #UCMG569800 Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 985-9200 Female Board Certifications: Neurology SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers NEUROLOGY - continued NEUROLOGY - continued Malhado-Chang MD, Norika 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG569800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Female Board Certifications: Neurology Pleasure MD, David 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG437500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Male Board Certifications: Neurology Maselli MD, Ricardo A 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG210300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-0254 Spanish Board Certifications: Male Neurology Rafanov MD, Vladimir S 5810 Jameson Court Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 979-0621 Board Certifications: Neurology Maselli MD, Ricardo A 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG210300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Spanish Board Certifications: Male Neurology Richman MD, David P 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG185800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Male Board Certifications: Neurology Ng MD, Kwan 4860 Y Street UC Davis #UCMG10987 #0100 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Male (916) 734-3588 Board Certifications: None Rogawski MD, Michael 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG554200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Male Board Certifications: None Oh MD, Andrew 7551 Madison Avenue UC Davis #UCMG579400 Citrus Heights, CA 95610 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 904-3000 Male Board Certifications: Neurology Oh MD, Andrew 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG579400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Male Board Certifications: Neurology Olichney MD, John 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG494500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Male Board Certifications: Neurology Oskarsson MD, Bjorn 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG603100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Male Board Certifications: Neurology Neuromuscular Medicine Psychiatry Parikh MD, Palak 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG767100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Female Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG157900 Mercy San Juan Hospital Russian, Ukrainian Male Schafer MD, John A 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3670 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Neurology Mercy Medical #MCMG171800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Schafer MD, John A 8220 Wymark Drive Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Neurology Mercy Medical #MCMG171800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Schafer MD, John A 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Neurology Mercy Medical #MCMG171800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Schafer MD, John A 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3372 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Neurology Mercy Medical #MCMG171800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Seyal MD, Masud 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG192400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Male Board Certifications: Neurology 123 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers NEUROLOGY - continued NEUROLOGY - continued Shahlaie MD, Kiarash 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG646200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Male Board Certifications: None Watson MD, Craig 4860 Y Street #3700 UC Davis #UCMG848000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Male Board Certifications: Neurology Shatzel DO, Alan J 8220 Wymark Drive Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Neurology Sleep Medicine Wheelock MD, Vicki L 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG205500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Female Board Certifications: Neurology Mercy Medical #MCMG358800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Shatzel DO, Alan J 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 691-8500 Board Certifications: Neurology Sleep Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG358800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Shatzel DO, Alan J 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3372 Board Certifications: Neurology Sleep Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG358800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Zhang MD, Lin 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG205800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Male Board Certifications: Neurology NEUROLOGY (SLEEP DISORDER) Wytrzes MD, Lydia M 87 Scripps Drive #318 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 564-3610 Board Certifications: Neurology Hill Physicians #HPMG179700 Mercy General Hospital Female NEUROMUSCULAR MEDICINE Sheikh MD, Firdos S 9381 East Stockton Blvd #124 And #222 Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 681-2226 Board Certifications: None Sheikh MD, Firdos S 2545 East Bidwell Street #140 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-9842 Board Certifications: None Skaff MD, Peter T 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3670 Board Certifications: Neurology Skaff MD, Peter T 8220 Wymark Drive Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Neurology Skaff MD, Peter T 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3372 Board Certifications: Neurology 124 Hill Physicians #HPMG163800 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu Female Armour DO, Ryan A 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3670 Board Certifications: Neurology Neuromuscular Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG774000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Hill Physicians #HPMG163800 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu Female Armour DO, Ryan A 8220 Wymark Drive Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Neurology Neuromuscular Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG774000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Armour DO, Ryan A 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Neurology Neuromuscular Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG774000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Armour DO, Ryan A 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3372 Board Certifications: Neurology Neuromuscular Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG774000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG244000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG244000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG244000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers NEUROMUSCULAR MEDICINE - continued NUCLEAR MEDICINE - continued Oskarsson MD, Bjorn 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG603100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Male Board Certifications: Neurology Neuromuscular Medicine Psychiatry Kensky MD, Herman A 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Diagnostic Radiology Nuclear Medicine NUCLEAR MEDICINE Caputo MD, Gary 4860 Y Street UC Davis #UCMG328700 #500 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Male (916) 734-0655 Board Certifications: Nuclear Medicine Foster MD, Cameron 4860 Y Street #0500 UC Davis #UCMG476700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-0655 Male Board Certifications: Nuclear Medicine Gerscovich MD, Eugenio O 271 Turn Pike Drive UC Davis #UCMG283200 Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 985-9200 Male Board Certifications: Diagnostic Radiology Nuclear Medicine Gerscovich MD, Eugenio O 4701 X Street UC Davis #UCMG283200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-0655 Male Board Certifications: Diagnostic Radiology Nuclear Medicine Gerscovich MD, Eugenio O 4860 Y Street #0500 UC Davis #UCMG283200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-0655 Male Board Certifications: Diagnostic Radiology Nuclear Medicine Kensky MD, Herman A 6660 Coyle Avenue #360 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3060 Board Certifications: Diagnostic Radiology Nuclear Medicine Kensky MD, Herman A 6501 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 537-5190 Board Certifications: Diagnostic Radiology Nuclear Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG335300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG335300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Marentis MD, Theodore C 6305 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 961-6946 Board Certifications: Diagnostic Radiology Marentis MD, Theodore C 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Diagnostic Radiology Mercy Medical #MCMG335300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG956000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG956000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Shanmugam MD, Nataraj 6501 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 537-5191 Board Certifications: Diagnostic Radiology Nuclear Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG737600 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Shanmugam MD, Nataraj 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Diagnostic Radiology Nuclear Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG737600 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY Adams MD, Anne M 6444 Coyle Avenue #3 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 961-2021 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Adams-Berry MD, Kathy L 6444 Coyle Avenue #3 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 961-2021 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Akin DO, Paula L 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3350 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG145900 Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Female Hill Physicians #HPMG146000 Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG358100 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female 125 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY - continued OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY - continued Akin DO, Paula L 3939 J Street #320 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3350 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Mercy Medical #MCMG358100 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Breen MD, Alison 8110 Laguna Blvd UC Davis #UCMG889900 Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Female Board Certifications: None Akin DO, Paula L 8120 Timberlake Way Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 681-6102 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Mercy Medical #MCMG358100 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Breen MD, Alison 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG889900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Female Board Certifications: None Allen MD, Nathan H 7237 East Southgate Drive #C Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 392-2290 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG146600 Mercy General Hospital Hmong, Spanish Male Bu MD, Dahlia M 5525 Dewey Drive #108 Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 961-2800 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Allen MD, Nathan H 4100 East Commerce Way #110 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 515-1698 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG146600 Mercy General Hospital Hmong, Spanish Male Burkhalter MD, Jenifer L 5821 Jameson Court Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Alvarez MD, Edwin 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG782200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Male Board Certifications: None Burkhalter MD, Jenifer L 621 Capitol Mall #950 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Anderson MD, Maria 2521 Stockton Blvd #4200 UC Davis #UCMG781600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6363 Female Board Certifications: None Cansino MD, Catherine 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG842100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Female Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Bob MD, Bruce A 8120 Timberlake Way #201 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 920-2082 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG148800 Mercy General Hospital Hmong, Russian, Spanish Male Chan MD, Victor K 2901 K Street Hill Physicians #HPMG149500 #209 Mercy General Hospital Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 744-2627 Cantonese Board Certifications: Male Obstetrics/Gynecology Bob MD, Bruce A 77 Cadillac Drive #230 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 920-2082 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG148800 Mercy General Hospital Hmong, Russian, Spanish Male Boe MD, Nina M 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG182700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Female Board Certifications: None 126 Hill Physicians #HPMG149100 Mercy San Juan Hospital Cantonese, Chinese, Spanish Female Hill Physicians #HPMG475800 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG475800 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Chan MD, Victor K 5301 F Street Hill Physicians #HPMG149500 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 733-1720 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Cantonese Obstetrics/Gynecology Male Chen MD, Melissa J 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG937500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Female Board Certifications: None † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY - continued OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY - continued Cheong MD, Hui Min 8120 Timberlake Way Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 681-6000 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Curkendall MD, Jay H 77 Cadillac Drive #230 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 920-2082 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Mercy Medical #MCMG611500 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cantonese, Mandarin Female Hill Physicians #HPMG536100 Mercy General Hospital Woodland Memorial Hospital Spanish Male Chu MD, Michael W 2901 K Street #209 Hill Physicians #HPMG6044 Sacramento, CA 95816 Mercy General Hospital (916) 744-2627 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Spanish Obstetrics/Gynecology Male Darwish MD, Fouad D 8120 Timberlake Way #208 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 423-3084 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Clark MD, Shannon 2230 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG760500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3574 Female Board Certifications: None Dawson MD, Lindsey 5821 Jameson Court Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG693200 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Clark MD, Shannon 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG760500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Female Board Certifications: None Dawson MD, Lindsey 621 Capitol Mall #950 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG693200 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Conrad-Forrest MD, Carol L 9045 Bruceville Road #190 Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 689-3433 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG150500 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Douglas MD, Gregory E 9281 Office Park Circle #120 Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 896-1650 Board Certifications: None Conrad-Forrest MD, Carol L 7601 Hospital Drive #220 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 689-3433 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG150500 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Field MD, Nancy T 8110 Laguna Blvd UC Davis #UCMG103400 Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Female Board Certifications: None Cragun MD, Jeffrey 1735 Creekside Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-3500 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG309900 † Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Hill Physicians #HPMG151000 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Arabic, Spanish Male Hill Physicians #HPMG151800 Mercy General Hospital Male Field MD, Nancy T 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG103400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Female Board Certifications: None Creinin MD, Mitchell 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG717800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Male Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Finegan MD, Mary M 2277 Fair Oaks Blvd #355 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 927-3178 Board Certifications: None Curkendall MD, Jay H 8120 Timberlake Way #201 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 920-2082 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Finta MD, Laurel A 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG103900 Sacramento, CA 95817 Mercy Hospital of Folsom (916) 734-6900 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female None Hill Physicians #HPMG536100 Mercy General Hospital Woodland Memorial Hospital Spanish Male † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico Hill Physicians #HPMG314200 Mercy General Hospital German Female 127 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY - continued OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY - continued George MD, Amy 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG957600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Female Board Certifications: None Hou MD, Melody 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG774300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Female Board Certifications: None Gillogley MD, Katherine M 8120 Timberlake Way Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 681-6100 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hsia MD, Jennifer 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG10472 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Female Board Certifications: None Mercy Medical #MCMG169600 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Girda MD, Eugenia 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG940100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Female Board Certifications: None Kamras MD, Marvin H 5821 Jameson Court Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Glassberg MD, Jocylen E 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG933100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6124 Female Board Certifications: None Kamras MD, Marvin H 621 Capitol Mall #950 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Gordon MD, Carrie 1735 Creekside Drive Folsom, CA 95630-3131 (916) 983-3500 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Kasrazadeh MD, Monica R 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Mercy Medical #MCMG159100 Folsom, CA 95630 Mercy Hospital of Folsom (916) 351-4800 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG558000 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Female Hill Physicians #HPMG159000 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG159000 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Goud MD, Pravin 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG856800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Male Board Certifications: None Kazadi MD, Mwanga M 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3530 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Gregg MD, Laurie C 2277 Fair Oaks Blvd #355 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 927-3178 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Kennedy MD, Vanessa 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG715800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Female Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG154700 Mercy General Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG459300 Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Haskins MD, Ruth E 1611 Creekside Drive #103 Hill Physicians #HPMG188400 Folsom, CA 95630 Mercy Hospital of Folsom (916) 817-2649 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female Obstetrics/Gynecology Lavalley Willsey MD, Eve 5821 Jameson Court Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG10261 Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Female Hiuga MD, Stephen G 2277 Fair Oaks Blvd #355 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 927-3178 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Lavalley Willsey MD, Eve 621 Capital Mall #950 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG10261 Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Female 128 Hill Physicians #HPMG156100 Mercy General Hospital Male † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY - continued OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY - continued Lehr MD, Leonard K 7601 Hospital Drive #202 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 423-2176 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Maagdenberg MD, Tanya 8120 Timberlake Way #201 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 920-2082 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG500800 Mercy General Hospital Russian Female Leiserowitz MD, Gary S 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG207000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: None Maagdenberg MD, Tanya 77 Cadillac Drive #230 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 920-2082 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG500800 Mercy General Hospital Russian Female Leiserowitz MD, Gary S 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG207000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Male Board Certifications: None McLean MD, Lynn 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG312900 Sacramento, CA 95817 Mercy San Juan Hospital (916) 734-6900 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female Clinical Genetics Maternal & Fetal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG261600 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Lerner MD, A David 5821 Jameson Court Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG160600 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male Lerner MD, A David 621 Capitol Mall #950 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG160600 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male Liu MD, Albert 8110 Laguna Blvd UC Davis #UCMG757000 Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Male Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Liu MD, Albert 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG757000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Male Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Livingston MD, Carol 9045 Bruceville Road #190 Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 689-3433 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG429200 * Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Lovely MD, Laurie P 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG312100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Female Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Reproductive Endo/Infertility Melchione MD, Thomas E 8120 Timberlake Way #201 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 920-2082 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Melchione MD, Thomas E 77 Cadillac Drive #230 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 920-2082 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG146200 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG146200 Mercy General Hospital Male Melo MD, Juliana 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG950900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Female Board Certifications: None Mendez MD, Sandra 7501 Hospital Drive #204 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 681-2660 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Mikacich MD, Judith A 2277 Fair Oaks Blvd #355 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 927-3178 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Mora MD, Christina N 5821 Jameson Court Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico Hill Physicians #HPMG146400 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Russian, Spanish Female Hill Physicians #HPMG643300 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Female Hill Physicians #HPMG874500 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Female 129 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY - continued OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY - continued Nutter MD, Helen T 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3350 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Mercy Medical #MCMG171000 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Phelan MD, Timothy E 1621 Creekside Drive #102 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-7428 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Nutter MD, Helen T 3939 J Street #320 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3350 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Mercy Medical #MCMG171000 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Phelps MD, Jenise 1370 Prairie City Road UC Davis #UCMG10703 Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 985-9300 Female Board Certifications: None Overbey MD, Jennifer N 8220 Wymark Drive #200 Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Overbey MD, Jennifer N 8120 Timberlake Way Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 681-6102 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Overton MD, Katherine A 7600 Hospital Drive #K Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 681-4434 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Mercy Medical #MCMG583700 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Radke MD, Stephanie M 5821 Jameson Court Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG267000 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Radke MD, Stephanie M 621 Capital Mall #950 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 486-0411 Board Certifications: None Paik MD, Clara 2521 Stockton Blvd #4200 UC Davis #UCMG215100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6363 Female Board Certifications: None Paik MD, Clara 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG215100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Female Board Certifications: None Petersen MD, Megan 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG881200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Female Board Certifications: None 130 Phelps MD, Jenise 4860 Y Street UC Davis #UCMG10703 #2500 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Female (916) 734-6900 Board Certifications: None Mercy Medical #MCMG583700 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Ozeir MD, Jennifer L 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG666100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Female Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG157100 † Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Hill Physicians #HPMG10360 Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG10360 Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Raju MD, Tanuja R 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Mercy Medical #MCMG225100 Folsom, CA 95630 Mercy Hospital of Folsom (916) 351-4800 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female Obstetrics/Gynecology Rooney MD, Kathleen A 2277 Fair Oaks Blvd #355 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 927-3178 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG10793 Mercy General Hospital Female Ruffner MD, Nichole 2521 Stockton Blvd #4200 UC Davis #UCMG766700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6363 Female Board Certifications: None Schrimmer MD, David B 2521 Stockton Blvd #4200 UC Davis #UCMG929900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6363 Male Board Certifications: None † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY - continued OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY - continued Sharma MD, Anjali 7501 Hospital Drive #204 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 681-2660 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Susanka MD, Matthew J 8120 Timberlake Way #201 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 920-2082 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG714400 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Shepherd MD, Amanda 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG10218 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Female Board Certifications: None Susanka MD, Matthew J 77 Cadillac Drive #230 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 920-2082 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG714400 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Shiu MD, Gertrude T 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3350 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Mercy Medical #MCMG661200 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cantonese Female Sweet MD, Stephanie 2521 Stockton Blvd #4300 UC Davis #UCMG741500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6363 Female Board Certifications: None Shiu MD, Gertrude T 8120 Timberlake Way Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 681-6102 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Mercy Medical #MCMG661200 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Cantonese Female Sweet MD, Stephanie 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG741500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Female Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG443000 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi Female Smith MD, Lloyd H 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG193500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: None Smith MD, Lloyd H 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG193500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Male Board Certifications: None Solis MD, Blanca E 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG113700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Female Board Certifications: None Stain MD, Janice 8110 Laguna Blvd UC Davis #UCMG11215 Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Female Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Stain MD, Janice 4860 Y Street UC Davis #UCMG11215 #2500 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Female (916) 734-6900 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Tache MD, Veronique 4860 Y Street #2500 Hill Physicians #HPMG695300 Sacramento, CA 95817 UC Davis #UCMG695300 (916) 734-6900 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female Maternal & Fetal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Trifiro MD, Michael 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG885100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Male Board Certifications: None Waetjen MD, L Elaine 4860 Y Street UC Davis #UCMG204300 #2500 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Female (916) 734-6900 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Walker MD, Cheryl 3701 J Street Hill Physicians #HPMG288800 #201 Mercy San Juan Hospital Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 454-2345 Female Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Walker MD, Cheryl 1750 Wright Street Hill Physicians #HPMG288800 #1 Mercy San Juan Hospital Sacramento, CA 95825UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (855) 354-2242 Female Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology 131 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY - continued OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY - continued Wallach MD, Stacey 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG229600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Female Board Certifications: None Zielinsky MD, Ronald T 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3530 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Watters MD, Laura E 8120 Timberlake Way #201 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 920-2082 Board Certifications: None ONCOLOGY Watters MD, Laura E 77 Cadillac Drive #230 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 920-2082 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG957100 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Hill Physicians #HPMG957100 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Wehbe MD, Salim 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG775300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Male Board Certifications: None West MD, Nancy 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG914500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Female Board Certifications: None Womach MD, John O 1995 Zinfandel Drive #204 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 638-1995 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG179500 † Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Wright MD, Debra D 1370 Prairie City Road UC Davis #UCMG364300 Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 985-9300 Female Board Certifications: None Zhang MD, Mark Z 1740 Fruitridge Road #103 Sacramento, CA 95822 (916) 399-8833 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG394900 Mercy General Hospital Cantonese, Mandarin Male Zhao MD, Yan 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG953100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6124 Female Board Certifications: None 132 Mercy Medical #MCMG271600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Felthouse MD, Rae 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG632900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Kim MD, Kyung C 3939 J Street #360 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-1536 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG575300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Korean Male Kim MD, Kyung C 8100 Bruceville Road Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 689-9300 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG575300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Korean Male Ong MD, Delphine 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-2596 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Mercy Medical #MCMG576300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Ong MD, Delphine 9394 Big Horn Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 691-8500 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Mercy Medical #MCMG576300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Ong MD, Delphine 3301 C Street #550 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5300 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Mercy Medical #MCMG576300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Quadro MD, Robert E 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 733-5300 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Mercy Medical #MCMG171400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers ONCOLOGY - continued Quadro MD, Robert E 9394 Big Horn Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 691-8500 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Quadro MD, Robert E 3301 C Street #550 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5300 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Spears MD, Colin P 3939 J Street #360 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 736-1536 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Spears MD, Colin P 8100 Bruceville Road Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 689-9300 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology ONCOLOGY SURGERY - continued Mercy Medical #MCMG171400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Oster MD, Pamela 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG525500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology OPHTHALMIC PLASTIC SURGERY Mercy Medical #MCMG171400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG302900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG302900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Berris MD, Craig E 77 Scripps Drive #201 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 929-6707 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG303100 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Grand MD, Alexander 1700 Alhambra Blvd #202 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 731-8040 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG910900 Mercy General Hospital Farsi, Italian, Spanish Male Jedrzynski MD, Michael S 6660 Coyle Avenue #300 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-1115 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG158500 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Male OPHTHALMOLOGY Virk MD, Navneet 6555 Coyle Avenue #301 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 962-1544 Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Virk MD, Navneet 1580 Creekside Drive #230 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-6230 Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Hill Physicians #HPMG757300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi, Punjabi Female Hill Physicians #HPMG757300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi, Punjabi Female ONCOLOGY SURGERY Bold MD, Richard J 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG100400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Goodnight MD, James E 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG111700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: Surgery † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico Arnold MD, Colin B 7501 Hospital Drive #105 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 423-4040 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG302800 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Baik MD, Annie 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG582200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Female Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Bellinoff MD, Robert D 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3311 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Bliss MD, Lewis S 5773 Greenback Lane Sacramento, CA 95841 (916) 863-3143 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Bradbrook MD, Charles 650 Howe Avenue #830 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 564-9990 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Mercy Medical #MCMG167500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG312600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male Hill Physicians #HPMG148900 Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male 133 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers OPHTHALMOLOGY - continued OPHTHALMOLOGY - continued Brandt MD, James D 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG105700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Male Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Gandhi MD, Nandini 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG729800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Female Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Caspar MD, Jeffrey J 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG125300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Male Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Grutzmacher MD, Richard D 1515 River Park Drive #100 Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 649-1515 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Ophthalmology Caspar MD, Jeffrey J 77 Cadillac Drive #101 UC Davis #UCMG125300 Sacramento, CA 95825UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-4641 Male Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Chang MD, Margaret A Retinal Consultants Medical Group Inc 3939 J Street #106 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 454-4861 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Cooper MD, H Douglas 1220 25Th Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 452-4706 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Cupp MD, David 9381 East Stockton Blvd #106 Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 714-5500 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Cupp MD, David 3939 J Street #106 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 454-4861 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Cupp MD, David 5775 Greenback Lane Sacramento, CA 95841 (916) 339-3655 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology NorthBay #NBMG584600 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG307300 † Mercy General Hospital Portugese, Spanish Male Hill Physicians #HPMG10974 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG10974 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG10974 Mercy General Hospital Male Damani MD, Mausam R 4860 Y Street #240 UC Davis #UCMG10310 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Female Board Certifications: None 134 Hill Physicians #HPMG318200 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Jones MD, Richard A 4925 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 452-8105 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG158600 Mercy General Hospital German, Spanish Male Jones MD, Richard A 5404 Laurel Hills Drive Sacramento, CA 95841 (916) 967-4339 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG158600 Mercy General Hospital German, Spanish Male Kim MD, Esther 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG200200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Female Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Lesley MD, Ashley 4860 Y Street UC Davis #UCMG671500 #2400 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Female (916) 734-6602 Board Certifications: None Lewis MD, Richard A 1515 River Park Drive #100 Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 649-1515 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG318100 Mercy General Hospital Male Li MD, Jennifer 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG630000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Female Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Lim MD, Michele C 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG207500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Female Board Certifications: Ophthalmology † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers OPHTHALMOLOGY - continued OPHTHALMOLOGY - continued Lin MD, Lily K 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG543800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Female Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Osmanovic MD, Senad 4860 Y Street UC Davis #UCMG934000 #2400 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Male (916) 734-6602 Board Certifications: None Mannis MD, Mark J 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG209600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Male Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Mannis MD, Mark J 77 Cadillac Drive #101 UC Davis #UCMG209600 Sacramento, CA 95825UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6650 Male Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Moisseiev MD, Elad 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG959200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Male Board Certifications: None Moore MD, Michael D 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3550 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Mercy Medical #MCMG170200 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Morse MD, Lawrence S 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG213100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Male Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Moshiri MD, Ala 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG766600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Male Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Ohara MD, Mary A 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG364200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Female Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Ohara MD, Mary A 77 Cadillac Drive #101 UC Davis #UCMG364200 Sacramento, CA 95825UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Female Board Certifications: Ophthalmology † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico Ottman MD, David W 6660 Coyle Avenue #270 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 961-0497 Board Certifications: None Palmer MD, Shawn L 2160 East Bidwell Street Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-9823 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG304500 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG456900 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom French Male Park MD, Susanna 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG381200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Female Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Patel MD, Roma 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG10670 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Female Board Certifications: None Pearlman MD, Joel 3939 J Street #106 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 454-4861 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Reece Jr MD, James M 3939 J Street #280 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 454-4208 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Schermer MD, Michael J 2620 Hurley Way #A Sacramento, CA 95864 (916) 453-1111 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology NorthBay #NBMG219600 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG308600 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG314700 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Schwab MD, Ivan R 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG191700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Male Board Certifications: None 135 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers OPHTHALMOLOGY - continued OPHTHALMOLOGY - continued Serdahl MD, Christian L 4925 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 452-8105 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG162900 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Willis MD, Jeffrey 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG10324 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Male Board Certifications: None Serdahl MD, Christian L 5404 Laurel Hills Drive Sacramento, CA 95841 (916) 967-4339 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG162900 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Wong MD, Sophia 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG10221 Sacramento, CA 95825UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Female Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG162900 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Wong MD, Stephen K 1 Scripps Drive #303 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 641-2020 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Serdahl MD, Christian L 2620 Hurley Way #A Sacramento, CA 95864 (916) 453-4506 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Shen MD, Youjia 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG10318 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Female Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG320500 † Mercy General Hospital Mandarin Male Yiu MD, Glenn C 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG949000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Male Board Certifications: Ophthalmology OPHTHALMOLOGY (CORNEA) Smith MD, Philip 1220 25Th Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 452-4706 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Stuber MD, Christianna M 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3550 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Stuber MD, Christianna M 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Taylor MD, Cecille G 1615 Creekside Drive #110 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-4550 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG11398 Mercy General Hospital Hindi, Portugese Male Mercy Medical #MCMG919700 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG919700 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG302300 † Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital French Female Telander MD, David G Retinal Consultants Medical Group Inc 3939 J Street #106 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 454-4861 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology 136 NorthBay #NBMG417100 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Grutzmacher MD, Richard D 1515 River Park Drive #100 Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 649-1515 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Ophthalmology Sierra MD, Patricia B 1515 River Park Drive #100 Sacramento, CA 95813 (916) 649-1515 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG318200 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Hill Physicians #HPMG539600 Mercy General Hospital Female OPHTHALMOLOGY (RETINA) Chang MD, Margaret A 9381 East Stockton Blvd #106 Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 714-5500 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG584600 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Chang MD, Margaret A 3939 J Street #106 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 454-4861 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG584600 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Chang MD, Margaret A 5775 Greenback Lane Sacramento, CA 95841 (916) 339-3655 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG584600 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Female † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers OPHTHALMOLOGY (RETINA) - continued OPHTHALMOLOGY (RETINA) - continued Equi MD, Robert A 9381 East Stockton Blvd #106 Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 714-5500 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG405600 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male Reed MD, John Brian 9381 East Stockton Blvd #106 Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 714-5500 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG393600 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Equi MD, Robert A 3939 J Street #106 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 454-4861 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG405600 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male Reed MD, John Brian 3939 J Street #106 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 454-4861 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG393600 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Equi MD, Robert A 5775 Greenback Lane Sacramento, CA 95841 (916) 339-3655 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG405600 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male Reed MD, John Brian 5775 Greenback Lane Sacramento, CA 95841 (916) 339-3655 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG393600 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Patel MD, Arun C 9381 East Stockton Blvd #106 Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 714-5500 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG301000 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi Male Sakamoto MD, Michael J 650 Howe Avenue #830 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 564-9990 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG162400 Mercy General Hospital Japanese Male Patel MD, Arun C 3939 J Street #106 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 454-4861 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG301000 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi Male Telander MD, David G 9381 East Stockton Blvd #106 Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 714-5500 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG417100 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Patel MD, Arun C 5775 Greenback Lane Sacramento, CA 95841 (916) 339-3655 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG301000 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi Male Telander MD, David G 3939 J Street #106 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 454-4861 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG417100 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Pearlman MD, Joel 9381 East Stockton Blvd #106 Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 714-5500 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG219600 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Telander MD, David G 5775 Greenback Lane Sacramento, CA 95841 (916) 339-3655 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG417100 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Pearlman MD, Joel 3939 J Street #106 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 454-4861 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG219600 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Tsai MD, Tony 9381 East Stockton Blvd #106 Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 714-5500 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG558100 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Pearlman MD, Joel 5775 Greenback Lane Sacramento, CA 95841 (916) 339-3655 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG219600 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Tsai MD, Tony 3939 J Street #106 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 454-4861 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG558100 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico 137 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers OPHTHALMOLOGY (RETINA) - continued OPTOMETRY - continued Tsai MD, Tony 5775 Greenback Lane Sacramento, CA 95841 (916) 339-3655 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Chang OPT, Brooke 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG488700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Female Board Certifications: None Wendel MD, Robert T 9381 East Stockton Blvd #106 Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 714-5500 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Wendel MD, Robert T 3939 J Street #106 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 454-4861 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Wendel MD, Robert T 5775 Greenback Lane Sacramento, CA 95841 (916) 339-3655 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG558100 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG319400 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Spanish, Tagalog Male Hill Physicians #HPMG319400 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Spanish, Tagalog Male Hill Physicians #HPMG319400 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Spanish, Tagalog Male OPHTHALMOLOGY-NEUROLOGICAL Grand MD, Alexander 1700 Alhambra Blvd #202 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 731-8040 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG910900 Mercy General Hospital Farsi, Italian, Spanish Male OPTOMETRY Anasco OD, Megan H 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3550 Board Certifications: None Mercy Medical #MCMG239000 Female Clark OD, Dwight E 650 Howe Avenue #830 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 564-9990 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG305700 Male Erickson OPT, Melissa B 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG489700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Female Board Certifications: None Erickson OPT, Melissa B 77 Cadillac Drive #101 UC Davis #UCMG489700 Sacramento, CA 95825UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-4641 Female Board Certifications: None Johnson-Tong OD, Larisa M 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG613300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Female Board Certifications: None Nearing OD, Marcia 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG260500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Female Board Certifications: None Pederson-Vanbuskirk OPT, Karyn C 4680 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG216000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Female Board Certifications: None Barnes OPT, Thomas B 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG181700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Male Board Certifications: None Pederson-Vanbuskirk OPT, Karyn C 77 Cadillac Drive #101 UC Davis #UCMG216000 Sacramento, CA 95825UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-4641 Female Board Certifications: None Busby OD, Leslie J 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3550 Board Certifications: None Shah OD, Ami P 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: None 138 Mercy Medical #MCMG262300 Male Mercy Medical #MCMG11392 Mercy General Hospital Female † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers OPTOMETRY - continued Shah OD, Ami P 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3311 Board Certifications: None Talaga OD, Kevin C 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3311 Board Certifications: None Taugher OD, Karen C 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3311 Board Certifications: None Tiedeman OD, Daniel S 9394 Big Horn Road Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 691-8500 Board Certifications: None ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Mercy Medical #MCMG11392 Mercy General Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG610300 Male Mercy Medical #MCMG343300 Female Mercy Medical #MCMG518700 Male Anderson MD, Daniel D 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG336300 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Barad MD, Steven J 8120 Timberlake Way #112 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 689-7370 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG148200 † Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Spanish Male Bayne MD, Christopher O 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG957400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Spanish Board Certifications: Male None Beck MD, Chad 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG10479 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Male Board Certifications: None Tong OD, Hai 4860 Y Street #2400 UC Davis #UCMG6134000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6602 Male Board Certifications: None Boutin Jr MD, Frank J 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5700 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGEON Bragg MD, William 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5700 Board Certifications: None Gupta MD, Rishi 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG10664 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Male Board Certifications: None ORTHOPAEDICS Hu MD, Samuel J 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 733-3570 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG487700 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male ORTHOPEDIC SPINE Neubuerger MD, Christopher O 2801 K Street #410 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-8277 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG529200 Mercy General Hospital Male † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico Cameto MD, Robert L 6403 Coyle Avenue #170 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-4000 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Cerruti MD, Michael 1 Scripps Drive #101 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 512-6262 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Damico MD, Daniel M 7551 Timberlake Way #200 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 525-0620 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG167800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG952800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG319300 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG652800 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG395200 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male 139 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY - continued ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY - continued Daws MD, Snow B 4860 Y Street UC Davis #UCMG11207 #1700 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Female (916) 734-2700 Board Certifications: None Guilfoy MD, Guy P 1743 Creekside Drive #130 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-2307 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Eastman MD, Jonathan 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG773700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Male Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Endicott MD, Mark E 2801 K Street #500 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 732-3341 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG313900 Mercy General Hospital Male Fitzpatrick MD, Ellen 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG10699 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Female Board Certifications: None Fujii MD, Scott K 6403 Coyle Avenue #170 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-4000 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG776300 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Giordani MD, Mauro 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG724600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Male Board Certifications: None Giza MD, Eric 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG595100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Male Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Goldberg MD, Martin R 1201 Alhambra Blvd #410 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 457-4263 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Greene MD, Hunter S 6403 Coyle Avenue #170 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-4000 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery 140 Hill Physicians #HPMG393900 † Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG427900 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hansen MD, Lauren 6403 Coyle Avenue #170 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-4000 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG336400 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Hill Physicians #HPMG10777 Mercy San Juan Hospital German Female Haus MD, Brian 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG885900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Male Board Certifications: None Heater MD, Richard D 2801 K Street #330 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 732-3000 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG169800 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Hirahara MD, Alan M 2801 K Street #330 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5049 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG300000 Mercy General Hospital French Male Howell MD, Stephen M 8120 Timberlake Way #112 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 689-7370 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG158100 † Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Jackson MD, Lyle T 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG10471 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Male Board Certifications: None James MD, Michelle 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG520000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Female Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Surgery of the Hand James MD, Ron E 1 Scripps Drive #200 Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 512-6262 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG563600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY - continued ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY - continued Javidan MD, Yashar 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG947500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6124 Male Board Certifications: None Lee MD, Cassandra 3301 C Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG640300 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6805 Female Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Junglas MD, William A 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-2408 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG362100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Lee MD, Cassandra 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG640300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Female Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Junglas MD, William A 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5700 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG362100 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Lee MD, Mark A 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG206500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Male Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG307600 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Lewis MD, Kirk 3301 C Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG508800 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6805 Male Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Klineberg MD, Eric 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG549400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Male Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Lian MD, George J 2801 K Street #500 Hill Physicians #HPMG417200 Sacramento, CA 95816 Mercy General Hospital (916) 733-8710 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male Orthopedic Surgery Kreulen MD, Christopher D 3201 Data Drive UC Davis #UCMG954200 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 851-1440 Male Board Certifications: None Lian MD, George J 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG417200 Sacramento, CA 95817 Mercy General Hospital (916) 734-2700 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male Orthopedic Surgery Kreulen MD, Christopher D 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG954200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Male Board Certifications: None Lipson MD, Scott 1201 Alhambra Blvd #410 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 457-4263 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Kulkarni MD, Vedant A 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG955700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Male Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Mar MD, Timothy P 2801 K Street #330 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5049 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Leathers MD, Michael W 2801 K Street #330 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 732-3000 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Marder MD, Richard A 3301 C Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG209800 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6805 Male Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Khasigian MD, Harry A 7551 Timberlake Way #200 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 525-0620 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG315200 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico Hill Physicians #HPMG390500 † Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG234200 Mercy General Hospital Male 141 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY - continued ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY - continued Marder MD, Richard A 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG209800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Male Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Ramachandran MD, Ravi 13385 Folsom Blvd #800 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 229-6111 Board Certifications: None Mcgahan MD, Patrick 2801 K Street #330 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5049 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG911300 Mercy General Hospital Male Meehan MD, John P 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG211600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Male Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Metzger MD, Paul 1743 Creekside Drive #130 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-2307 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG602800 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Miles MD, Troy A 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG10481 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Male Board Certifications: None Pereira MD, Gavin 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG701500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Male Board Certifications: None Powers MD, Thomas W 8220 Wymark Drive Mercy Medical #MCMG950400 Elk Grove, CA 95757 Mercy General Hospital (916) 667-0600 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Board Certifications: UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion None Male Powers MD, Thomas W 3000 Q Street Mercy Medical #MCMG950400 Sacramento, CA 95816 Mercy General Hospital (916) 733-5700 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Board Certifications: UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion None Male Prior MD, David M 3301 C Street #1500 UC Davis #UCMG10486 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7463 Male Board Certifications: None 142 Hill Physicians #HPMG980300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male Reinhart MD, Glenn 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG10671 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Male Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Roberto MD, Rolando F 3301 C Street #1500 UC Davis #UCMG262900 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7463 Male Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Sasaura MD, Paul 6403 Coyle Avenue #170 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-4000 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Sehr MD, James R 6403 Coyle Avenue #170 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-4000 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Sfakianos MD, Peter N 1580 Creekside Drive #100 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-4500 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Shortley MD, Howard F 2801 K Street #500 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-8710 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Slater MD, Robert R 1580 Creekside Drive #100 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-4500 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Surgery of the Hand Strauch MD, Harold B 2801 K Street #330 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5049 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG317000 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG10796 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG163000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Hill Physicians #HPMG164000 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG564400 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG438900 Mercy General Hospital Male SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY - continued ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY - continued Szabo MD, Robert M 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG197900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Male Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Surgery of the Hand Wiedeman Jr MD, Geoffrey P 1201 Alhambra Blvd #410 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 457-4263 Board Certifications: Hand Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Tabaie MD, Sean 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG10435 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Male Board Certifications: None Wolinsky MD, Philip 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG196800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Male Board Certifications: None Tanaka MD, Scott K 6403 Coyle Avenue #170 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-4000 Board Certifications: None Wong MD, Cedric L 1580 Creekside Drive #100 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-4500 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG10453 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Templeton MD, Debra 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG557300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Female Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Younger III MD, Edward W 6555 Coyle Avenue #235 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 200-0087 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Tran MD, Tuan A 3301 C Street #1500 UC Davis #UCMG10436 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7463 Male Board Certifications: General Surgery OTOLARYNGOLOGY Tseng MD, Susan 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG780800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Female Board Certifications: None Van Den Bogaerde MD, James 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG441100 Sacramento, CA 95817 Mercy Hospital of Folsom (916) 734-2700 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male None Verch MD, Dana R 1743 Creekside Drive #130 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-2307 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG508900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Weatherby MD, David 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG10845 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Male Board Certifications: None † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico Hill Physicians #HPMG390600 † Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG328000 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Hill Physicians #HPMG305800 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Aizenberg MD, Debbie 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG573900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Female Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Areen MD, Richard G 6600 Mercy Court #180 Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 966-2700 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Areen MD, Richard G 1111 Exposition Blvd Bldg 700 #100 Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 736-3399 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Hill Physicians #HPMG318400 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG318400 Mercy General Hospital Male Belafsky MD, Peter C 2521 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG373700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Male Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Bernstein MD, Philip 1111 Exposition Blvd Bldg 700 #100 Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 736-3399 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Hill Physicians #HPMG317300 Mercy General Hospital Male 143 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers OTOLARYNGOLOGY - continued OTOLARYNGOLOGY - continued Bewley MD, Arnaud 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG893200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Male Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Fife MD, Tim 1111 Exposition Blvd Bldg 700 #100 Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 736-3399 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Brodie MD/PHD, Hillary A 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG106000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Female Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Clutter MD, Donald J 6600 Mercy Court #180 Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 966-2700 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Clutter MD, Donald J 1561 Creekside Drive #180 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-8830 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Clutter MD, Donald J 1111 Exposition Blvd Bldg 700 #100 Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 736-3399 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Hill Physicians #HPMG305300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Hill Physicians #HPMG305300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Hill Physicians #HPMG305300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Hill Physicians #HPMG10450 Mercy General Hospital American Sign, German Male Fuller MD, Scott 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG625400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Male Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Gary MD, Celeste 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG10662 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Female Board Certifications: None Groppo MD, Eli R 6600 Mercy Court #180 Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 966-2700 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Groppo MD, Eli R 1111 Exposition Blvd Bldg 700 #100 Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 736-3399 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Hill Physicians #HPMG732200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG732200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Diaz MD, Rodney 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG488800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Male Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Kearns MD, Michael 6555 Coyle Avenue #340 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 966-2700 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Evans MD, David A 6600 Mercy Court #180 Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 966-2700 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Kuhn MD, Maggie 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG766900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Female Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Evans MD, David A 1111 Exposition Blvd Bldg 700 #100 Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 736-3399 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Hill Physicians #HPMG303800 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG303800 Mercy General Hospital Male Farwell MD, Donald 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG372400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Male Board Certifications: Otolaryngology 144 Littlewood MD, Steven C 9394 Big Horn Road Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 691-8500 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Hill Physicians #HPMG314800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG358200 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Luu MD, Quang 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG529400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Male Board Certifications: Otolaryngology SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers OTOLARYNGOLOGY - continued OTOLARYNGOLOGY - continued McKennan MD, Kevin X 6600 Mercy Court #180 Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 966-2700 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Steele MD, Toby 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG10661 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Male Board Certifications: None McKennan MD, Kevin X 1111 Exposition Blvd Bldg 700 #00 Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 736-3399 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Hill Physicians #HPMG311600 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG311600 Mercy General Hospital Male Orisek MD, Brian 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG639900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Male Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Ow MD, Randall A 6600 Mercy Court #180 Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 966-2700 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Ow MD, Randall A 1561 Creekside Drive #180 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-8830 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Sumiyoshi MD, Mika 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG10320 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Female Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG317700 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Sykes MD, Jonathan M 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG197700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Male Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Hill Physicians #HPMG317700 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Tollefson MD, Travis 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG390000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Male Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Randall MD, Derrick 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG10807 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Male Board Certifications: None Roberts MD, Deanne 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3540 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Strong MD, Edward B 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG196400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Male Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Mercy Medical #MCMG884400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Vanison MD, Christopher 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG10322 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Male Board Certifications: None Yen MD, Kaicheng 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG685600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Male Board Certifications: None PAIN MANAGEMENT Senders MD, Craig W 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG192100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Male Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Copenhaver MD, David 271 Turn Pike Drive UC Davis #UCMG628800 Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 985-9200 Male Board Certifications: Anesthesiology Siddique MD, Shoab A 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3312 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Copenhaver MD, David 4860 Y Street #2700 UC Davis #UCMG628800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7246 Male Board Certifications: Anesthesiology Mercy Medical #MCMG298400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male 145 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers PAIN MANAGEMENT - continued PAIN MANAGEMENT - continued Davids MD, Heather R 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-2408 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Linn MD, Andrew J 8220 Wymark Drive #200 Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Anesthesiology Pain Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG734300 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Spanish Male Linn MD, Andrew J 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5844 Board Certifications: Anesthesiology Pain Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG734300 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Spanish Male Davids MD, Heather R 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5844 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Davids MD, Heather R 4400 Duckhorn Drive #100 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 575-8000 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Mercy Medical #MCMG617000 Mercy General Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG617000 Mercy General Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG617000 Mercy General Hospital Female Fishman MD, Scott M 271 Turn Pike Drive UC Davis #UCMG104300 Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 985-9200 Male Board Certifications: Pain Medicine Fishman MD, Scott M 4860 Y Street #2700 UC Davis #UCMG104300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7246 Male Board Certifications: Pain Medicine Furukawa MD, Kenneth 4860 Y Street #2600 UC Davis #UCMG346200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7246 Male Board Certifications: Anesthesiology Pain Medicine Haddadan MD, Kayvan D 1 Scripps Drive #102 Sacramento, CA 95825 (888) 543-2243 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Hill Physicians #HPMG540200 Woodland Memorial Hospital Farsi Male Kaye MD, Robert 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG10976 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5031 Male Board Certifications: Anesthesiology Linn MD, Andrew J 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 733-5844 Board Certifications: Anesthesiology Pain Medicine 146 Mercy Medical #MCMG734300 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Spanish Male Mahajan MD, Gagan 271 Turn Pike Drive UC Davis #UCMG208900 Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 985-9200 Male Board Certifications: Pain Medicine Physical Medicine & Rehab Mahajan MD, Gagan 4860 Y Street #2700 UC Davis #UCMG208900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7246 Male Board Certifications: Pain Medicine Physical Medicine & Rehab Sheth MD, Samir 271 Turn Pike Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 985-9200 Board Certifications: Anesthesiology UC Davis #UCMG629200 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Sheth MD, Samir 4860 Y Street #2700 UC Davis #UCMG629200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7246 Male Board Certifications: Anesthesiology Singh MD, Naileshini 271 Turn Pike Drive UC Davis #UCMG675500 Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 985-9200 Female Board Certifications: Anesthesiology Singh MD, Naileshini 4860 Y Street #2700 UC Davis #UCMG675500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7246 Female Board Certifications: Anesthesiology SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers PEDIATRIC ALLERGY & IMMUNOLOGY PEDIATRIC CARDIOLOGY - continued Chipps MD, Bradley E 1561 Creekside Drive #130 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 453-8696 Board Certifications: Pediatric Pulmonology Juris MD, Andrew L 5609 J Street #A Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 452-5391 Board Certifications: Pediatric Cardiology Pediatrics Chipps MD, Bradley E 5609 J Street #C Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 453-8696 Board Certifications: Pediatric Pulmonology Marino Jr MD, Joseph T 6660 Coyle Avenue #330 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 962-3112 Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG150100 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG150100 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG234300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male PEDIATRIC CARDIOLOGY Berger MD, Stuart 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG950700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: Pediatric Cardiology Pediatrics Choy MD, Micheal 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG128700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: Pediatrics Fallah-Najmabadi MD, Hessameddin 5609 J Street #A Hill Physicians #HPMG307800 Sacramento, CA 95819 Mercy General Hospital (916) 452-5391 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Farsi, Spanish Pediatric Cardiology Male Gathman MD, Gary 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG399900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: Pediatric Cardiology Pediatrics Hill MD, James 5609 J Street #9 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 452-5391 Board Certifications: Pediatric Cardiology Hill Physicians #HPMG11143 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Manohar MD, Naveen 5609 J Street #3 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 452-5391 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG300600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital French, Spanish Male Hill Physicians #HPMG389000 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Park MD, Jeanny K 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG215700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3797 Female Board Certifications: None Parrish MD, Mark D 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG215800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: Pediatric Cardiology Pelech MD, Andrew N 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG10079 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: None Van Gundy MD, Jeff C 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG178700 Sacramento, CA 95817 Mercy General Hospital (916) 734-3112 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital None Methodist Hospital of Sacramento UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Wright MD, Stanley 5609 J Street #A Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 452-5391 Board Certifications: Pediatric Cardiology Hill Physicians #HPMG283800 Mercy General Hospital Farsi, Spanish Male Yeh MD, Jay 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG899200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: None 147 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers PEDIATRIC CRITICAL CARE MED PEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGY - continued Evans MD, Jacqueline 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG687400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2664 Female Board Certifications: None Styne MD, Dennis M 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG196500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: Pediatric Endocrinology Holcroft MD, John 2315 Stockton Blvd Tower 7 UC Davis #UCMG728300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Male Board Certifications: None PEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY Marcin MD, James P 2516 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG209700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2995 Male Board Certifications: None Mateev MD, Stephanie 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG369300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Plant MD, Jennifer 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG689200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Female Board Certifications: None Vance MD, Cheryl W 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG202600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3797 Female Board Certifications: None PEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGY Culler III MD, Floyd 3814 Auburn Blvd #72 Sacramento, CA 95821 (916) 426-1902 Board Certifications: Pediatric Endocrinology Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG569700 Mercy General Hospital Male Glaser MD, Nicole S 4860 Y Street #2800 UC Davis #UCMG108400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3761 Female Board Certifications: None Prakasam MD, Gnanagurdasan 3814 Auburn Blvd #72 Sacramento, CA 95821 (916) 426-1902 Board Certifications: Pediatric Endocrinology Pediatrics 148 Hill Physicians #HPMG157700 Mercy General Hospital Tamil Male Gleghorn MD, Elizabeth 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG715300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: Pediatrics Kawatu MD, David 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG766200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: None PEDIATRIC HEMATOLOGY Ducore MD, Jonathan M 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG102000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: Pediatrics Satake MD, Noriko 2521 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG551200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None PEDIATRIC HEMATOLOGY-ONCOLOGY Chung MD, Jong 2521 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG772000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Malogolowkin MD, Marcio H 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG979100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: None Pawar MD, Anjali 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG748800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: Pediatrics SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE PEDIATRIC OPHTHALMOLOGY Blumberg MD, Dean A 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG182500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: None Satterfield MD, Denise 83 Scripps Drive #220 Hill Physicians #HPMG304800 Sacramento, CA 95825-6383 Mercy General Hospital (916) 737-3456 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Spanish Ophthalmology Female Mason MD, Wilbert H 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG10806 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: Pediatrics PEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY Nakra MD, Natasha 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG890300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Wiedeman MD, Jean A 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG191800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: Pediatrics PEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY Winnicki MD, Erica 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG890400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY Asaikar MD, Shailesh M 1111 Exposition Blvd #700 Hill Physicians #HPMG442800 † Sacramento, CA 95815UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 649-9800 Male Board Certifications: Clinical Neurophysiology Neuro w Spec Qual in Child Neu Neurology Asaikar MD, Shailesh M 4860 Y Street #0100 UC Davis #UCMG442800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3588 Male Board Certifications: Clinical Neurophysiology Neuro w Spec Qual in Child Neu Neurology Chretien MD, Paul 1111 Exposition Blvd Hill Physicians #HPMG442900 † Bldg 700 #102 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95815 Male (916) 649-9800 Board Certifications: Surgery † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico Islam MD, Parvez 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG609300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Bengali Board Certifications: Male Internal Medicine Nandalike MD, Kiran 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG933900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None PEDIATRIC RADIOLOGY Stein-Wexler MD, Rebecca 4860 Y Street #0500 UC Davis #UCMG195200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-0655 Female Board Certifications: Diagnostic Radiology Pediatric Radiology PEDIATRIC RHEUMATOLOGY Lionetti MD, Geraldina 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG886700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2525 Female Board Certifications: Pediatrics Von Scheven MD, Emily 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG330000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None PEDIATRIC SURGERY Farmer MD, Diana 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG736800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Female Board Certifications: Pediatric Surgery Surgery Greenholz MD, Stephen 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG921000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: General Surgery Pediatric Surgery 149 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers PEDIATRIC SURGERY - continued PEDIATRICS - continued Hirose MD, Shinjiro 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG955300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Pediatric Surgery Surgery Awasthi MD, Smita 3301 C Street #1300 UC Davis #UCMG949200 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6111 Female Board Certifications: Dermatology Stephenson MD, Jacob 2521 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG10980 #3200 UC Davis #UCMG744000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: Pediatric Surgery Surgery PEDIATRIC THORACIC SURGERY Raff MD, Gary 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG240800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Thoracic Surgery PEDIATRICS Aghamohammadi MD, Sara 2315 Stockton Blvd Tower 7 UC Davis #UCMG947000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Female Board Certifications: None Andrada-Brown MD, Emily 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG257700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3797 Female Board Certifications: None Angkustsiri MD, Kathleen 2825 50Th Street UC Davis #UCMG475500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 703-0300 Female Board Certifications: None Angkustsiri MD, Kathleen 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG475500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Appasamy MD, Suresh 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG923900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine 150 Bataan MD, Andrea 2521 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG771900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Berger MD, Stuart 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG950700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: Pediatric Cardiology Pediatrics Bleakly MD, Teresa 2315 Stockton Blvd Tower 7 UC Davis #UCMG937100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Female Board Certifications: None Boyd MD, Siemon 2825 50Th Street UC Davis #UCMG507700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 703-0300 Male Board Certifications: Clinical Genetics Bregman MD, Thea E 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG10306 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Butani MBBS, Lavjay 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG110700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2105 Farsi Board Certifications: Male None Butera MD, Frank W 2521 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG11412 #2200 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Male (916) 734-3112 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Chan MD, Albert 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG684800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2664 Male Board Certifications: None SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers PEDIATRICS - continued PEDIATRICS - continued Chung MD, Jong 2521 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG772000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Gleghorn MD, Elizabeth 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG715300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: Pediatrics Currie MD, Caroline J 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG946000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Griffin MD, Ian 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG598000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: None Dayan MD, Jonathan G 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG10330 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: None Haddad MD, Maha 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG496900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Delorimier MD, Arthur J 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG10669 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: None Hagerman MD, Randi J 2825 50Th Street UC Davis #UCMG185200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 703-0300 Female Board Certifications: Pediatrics Donohue MD, Lee 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG686000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Hansen MD, Robin L 2825 50Th Street UC Davis #UCMG187200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 703-0300 Male Board Certifications: Pediatrics Evans MD, Jacqueline 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG687400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2664 Female Board Certifications: None Herlihy MD, Julie M 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG922400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: Pediatrics Friedman MD, Barbara 4860 Y Street #2500 UC Davis #UCMG530900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6900 Female Board Certifications: Clinical Genetics Herman MD, Kristin 2825 50Th Street 2Nd Floor UC Davis #UCMG229500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 703-0359 Female Board Certifications: None Fruzza MD, Abigail 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG915000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7098 Female Board Certifications: Pediatrics Hoffman MD, Kristin 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG721700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2664 Female Board Certifications: None Ginwalla MD, Cherie 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG600000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Female Board Certifications: None Holcroft MD, John 2315 Stockton Blvd Tower 7 UC Davis #UCMG728300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Male Board Certifications: None 151 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers PEDIATRICS - continued PEDIATRICS - continued Jhawar MD, Sanjay 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG197100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: None Loomba-Albrecht MD, Lindsey A 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG476500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Kahn MD, Sarah 2315 Stockton Blvd #7 UC Davis #UCMG876000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Female Board Certifications: None Loomba-Albrecht MD, Lindsey A 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG476500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Karalakulasingam MD, Chrishanthie 500 University Avenue #220 UC Davis #UCMG766500 Sacramento, CA 95825UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 286-8700 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Magana MD, Julia N 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG10110 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3797 Female Board Certifications: None Kaur MD, Sunpreet 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG10383 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Marcin MD, James P 2516 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG209700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2995 Male Board Certifications: None Kim MD, Eunice 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG885600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Marshall MD, Samrina 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG943200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Kinsey MD, Genevieve N 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG937600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2664 Female Board Certifications: None Martin MD, Madelena 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG10665 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: Clinical Genetics Leigh MD, Mary Jacena 2825 50Th Street UC Davis #UCMG782400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 703-0300 Female Board Certifications: Pediatrics Mason MD, Wilbert H 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG10806 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: Pediatrics Lewis MD, Samantha C 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG928900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Murdock-Vlautin MD, Theresa 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG597800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Lionetti MD, Geraldina 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG886700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2525 Female Board Certifications: Pediatrics Nakra MD, Natasha 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG890300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None 152 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers PEDIATRICS - continued PEDIATRICS - continued Nandalike MD, Kiran 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG933900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Rauen MD, Katherine 2825 50Th Street UC Davis #UCMG914800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 703-0300 Female Board Certifications: Clinical Genetics Natale MD, Joanne 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG671400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2664 Female Board Certifications: None Rosenthal MD, Jennifer 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG10304 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Nguyen MD, Stephanie 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG653000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Rottkamp MD, Catherine A 2521 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG10952 #3200 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Female (916) 734-3112 Board Certifications: None Null MD, Donald M 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG10078 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2664 Male Board Certifications: Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics Satake MD, Noriko 2521 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG551200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Parrish MD, Mark D 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG215800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: Pediatric Cardiology Saxton MD, James M 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG946400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: None Pawar MD, Anjali 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG748800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: Pediatrics Say MD, Daphne 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG10374 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Pelech MD, Andrew N 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG10079 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: None Scholze MD, Danielle 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG10307 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Plant MD, Jennifer 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG689200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Female Board Certifications: None Scoble MD, Jennifer 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG661700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Female Board Certifications: None Ratanasen MD, Mitch 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG10302 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Male Board Certifications: None Sethi MD, Viyeka 2315 Stockton Blvd Tower 7 UC Davis #UCMG732700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2011 Female Board Certifications: None 153 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers PEDIATRICS - continued PEDIATRICS - continued Shaikh MD, Nuzhat 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG10878 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2664 Female Board Certifications: None Van Gundy MD, Jeff C 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG178700 Sacramento, CA 95817 Mercy General Hospital (916) 734-3112 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital None Methodist Hospital of Sacramento UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Shaikh MD, Ulfat 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG381300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Sohn MD, Kristin 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG10817 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2664 Female Board Certifications: None Stark MD, Rebecca 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG10672 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: Surgery Steinfeld MD, Mary Beth 2825 50Th Street UC Davis #UCMG194800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 703-0300 Female Board Certifications: Pediatrics Sugawara MD, Michael M 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG924100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: Pediatrics Toney MD, Alexis 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG10321 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Tracy MD, Kevin A 2521 Stockton Blvd #4100 UC Davis #UCMG117200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5846 Male Board Certifications: None Underwood MD, Mark 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG484500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2664 Male Board Certifications: None Vance MD, Cheryl W 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG202600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3797 Female Board Certifications: None Wartell MD, Anthony E 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG539200 Sacramento, CA 95817 Mercy General Hospital (916) 734-2664 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Pediatrics UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male White MD, Morgan E 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG939200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None White MD, Natasha 3701 J Street #201 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 454-2345 Board Certifications: None White MD, Natasha 1750 Wright Street #1 Sacramento, CA 95825 (855) 354-2242 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG738100 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Female Hill Physicians #HPMG738100 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Female White MD, Sophie M 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG874200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2664 Male Board Certifications: None Winnicki MD, Erica 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG890400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: None Yeh MD, Jay 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG899200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: None 154 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers PEDIATRICS - continued PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHAB - continued Yeh MD, Tisha 2521 Stockton Blvd #2200 UC Davis #UCMG914600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: Pediatrics Bermudez MD, Rita B 630 Alhambra Blvd Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 444-7137 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab PERINATOLOGY Davidson MD, Loren 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG595000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7041 Male Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Haesslein MD, Hanns C 1792 Tribute Road #200 Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 678-5400 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG307400 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Hedriana MD, Herman L 1792 Tribute Road #200 Hill Physicians #HPMG307700 † Sacramento, CA 95815 Mercy General Hospital (916) 678-5400 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Maternal & Fetal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Obstetrics/Gynecology Male Lanouette-Conley MD, Jan 1792 Tribute Road #200 Hill Physicians #HPMG309100 † Sacramento, CA 95815 Mercy General Hospital (916) 678-5400 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Maternal & Fetal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Obstetrics/Gynecology Female McLean MD, Lynn 1792 Tribute Road #200 Hill Physicians #HPMG312900 † Sacramento, CA 95815 Mercy San Juan Hospital (916) 678-5400 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female Clinical Genetics Maternal & Fetal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG318800 Mercy General Hospital Female Davis MD, Brian A 9390 Big Horn Blvd UC Davis #UCMG181000 Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Male Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Davis MD, Brian A 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG181000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7041 Male Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Haddadan MD, Kayvan D 1 Scripps Drive #102 Sacramento, CA 95825 (888) 543-2243 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Hembd MD, Dennis M 2801 K Street #410 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 389-7100 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Hill Physicians #HPMG540200 Woodland Memorial Hospital Farsi Male Hill Physicians #HPMG303400 Mercy General Hospital Male PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHAB Abels MD, Alicia M 1600 Creekside Drive #2400 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-3430 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Hill Physicians #HPMG503400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Female Arsenault MD, Shawna 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG10656 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7041 Female Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Balagtas Jr DO, Prudencio S 2801 K Street #410 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-8277 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Hill Physicians #HPMG993300 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico Hwang MD, Albert D 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5779 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Jaojoco MD, Ethelynda 4420 Duckhorn Drive #200 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 419-9900 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Mercy Medical #MCMG487800 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG567200 Mercy General Hospital Tagalog Female Joyce DO, Nanette 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG583000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7041 Female Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab 155 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHAB - continued PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHAB - continued Kaplan MD, Paul E 648 Northfield Drive Sacramento, CA 95833 (916) 927-3422 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Sherlock PT, Chad 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG526900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7041 Male Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG375700 Mercy General Hospital Male Mahajan MD, Gagan 271 Turn Pike Drive UC Davis #UCMG208900 Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 985-9200 Male Board Certifications: Pain Medicine Physical Medicine & Rehab Mahajan MD, Gagan 4860 Y Street #2700 UC Davis #UCMG208900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7246 Male Board Certifications: Pain Medicine Physical Medicine & Rehab McDonald MD, Craig M 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG210800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7041 Male Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Money MD, Sarah R 6403 Coyle Avenue Hill Physicians #HPMG970300 #170 Mercy San Juan Hospital Carmichael, CA 95608 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 965-4000 Female Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Panero DO, Alberto 4860 Y Street UC Davis #UCMG886900 #1100 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Male (916) 734-6700 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Pena MD, Andres 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3540 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Portwood MD, Margaret M 2288 Auburn Blvd #101 Sacramento, CA 95821 (916) 640-8161 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Reddy MD, Vinay M 4420 Duckhorn Drive #200 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 419-9900 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab 156 Mercy Medical #MCMG551600 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG313600 Mercy General Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG321600 Mercy General Hospital Male Shin MD, Chris 3301 C Street #1500 UC Davis #UCMG427400 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7463 Male Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Shin MD, Chris 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG427400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7041 Male Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Spalding-Dias MD, Cassie 4860 Y Street #1100 UC Davis #UCMG710200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6700 Female Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Vandenakker-Albanese MD, Carol 3301 C Street #1500 UC Davis #UCMG202900 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7463 Female Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Vandenakker-Albanese MD, Carol 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG202900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7041 Female Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Waite MD, Brandee 251 Turn Pike Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 985-9300 Board Certifications: None UC Davis #UCMG451200 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Female Waite MD, Brandee 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG451200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7041 Female Board Certifications: None Wren DO, Jeremy 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5779 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab Mercy Medical #MCMG884500 Mercy General Hospital Male SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHAB - continued PLASTIC SURGERY - continued Zhao MD, Holly H 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG367100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7041 Female Board Certifications: None Johnson MD, Debra J 95 Scripps Drive Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 929-1833 Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery PLASTIC & RECONSTRUCTIVE SURG Niazi MD, Zahid B 9401 East Stockton Blvd #220 Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 525-3966 Board Certifications: None Maguina MD, Pirko 3301 C Street #1100 UC Davis #UCMG589900 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7844 Male Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery PLASTIC SURGERY Azad MD, Kamran J 95 Scripps Drive Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 929-1833 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG972700 Mercy General Hospital Male Black MD, Carrie E 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: General Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG10294 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Black MD, Carrie E 2200 Sunrise Blvd #250 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 851-8400 Board Certifications: General Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG10294 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Black MD, Carrie E 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3331 Board Certifications: General Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG10294 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Coscia MD, Jospeh R 95 Scripps Drive Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 929-1833 Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG768900 Mercy General Hospital Male Green MD, Scott D 95 Scripps Drive Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 929-1833 Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG380000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hackert MD, Lynne 95 Scripps Drive Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 929-1833 Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG712600 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Female Hill Physicians #HPMG709300 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Female Hill Physicians #HPMG367400 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Spanish, Urdu Male Sahar MD, David 3301 C Street #1100 UC Davis #UCMG677000 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7844 Male Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Surgery Wandel MD, Amy G 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3600 Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG503200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Wandel MD, Amy G 2200 Sunrise Blvd #250 Gold River, CA 95670 (916) 596-0016 Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG503200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Wandel MD, Amy G 3301 C Street #550 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 556-3200 Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG503200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Wandel MD, Amy G 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3314 Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG503200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Wong MD, Granger B 3301 C Street #1100 UC Davis #UCMG197000 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7844 Male Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Wong MD, Michael 3301 C Street #100 UC Davis #UCMG222300 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7844 Male Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery 157 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers PLASTIC SURGERY - continued PODIATRY - continued Wong MD, Michael 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG222300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Docharty DPM, Carla I 3800 J Street #200 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 453-8900 Board Certifications: Podiatric Surgery Yamahata MD, Wayne I 95 Scripps Drive Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 929-1833 Board Certifications: Plastic Surgery Drake DPM, Mark 3800 J Street #200 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 453-8900 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG254200 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male PODIATRY Bakal DPM, Jamie 3800 J Street #200 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 453-8900 Board Certifications: None Cozzetto DPM, Dana Y 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-2408 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG841700 Mercy General Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG941700 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Dalmia MD, Lopa 7551 Madison Avenue UC Davis #UCMG644900 Citrus Heights, CA 95610 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 904-3000 Female Board Certifications: None Dawson DPM, John M 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-2408 Board Certifications: None Mercy Medical #MCMG418900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Dawson DPM, John M 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: None Mercy Medical #MCMG418900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Del Zotto DPM, Thomas A 6403 Coyle Avenue #390 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-6117 Board Certifications: None Del Zotto DPM, Thomas A 1600 Creekside Drive #3100 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-8555 Board Certifications: None 158 Hill Physicians #HPMG151300 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG151300 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG151600 Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Spanish Female Hill Physicians #HPMG10085 Mercy General Hospital Male Evans DPM, Jeremy D 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3359 Board Certifications: None Mercy Medical #MCMG931700 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Evans DPM, Jeremy D 4400 Duckhorn Drive Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 575-8000 Board Certifications: None Mercy Medical #MCMG931700 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Hook DPM, Ernest J 1580 Creekside Drive #110 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-7912 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG261400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Kalthoff DPM, Katherine L 7601 Hospital Drive #104A Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 423-4020 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG429600 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento French, Spanish Female Larsen DPM, Robert W 6403 Coyle Avenue #390 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-6117 Board Certifications: Certification in Foot Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG159900 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Larsen DPM, Robert W 1600 Creekside Drive #3100 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-8555 Board Certifications: Certification in Foot Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG159900 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Le DPM, Phong 1 Scripps Drive #101 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 512-6262 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG849700 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Vietnamese Male SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers PODIATRY - continued McDowell DPM, Brian A 6620 Coyle Avenue #202 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 961-3434 Board Certifications: Certification in Foot Surgery McKibben DPM, Dennis W 7501 Hospital Drive #303 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 688-8008 Board Certifications: None PODIATRY - continued Hill Physicians #HPMG235000 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG304900 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Medawar DPM, Stephen 7551 Madison Avenue UC Davis #UCMG211500 Citrus Heights, CA 95610 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 904-3000 Male Board Certifications: Foot & Ankle Surgery Mitchell DPM, Dianne I 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3359 Board Certifications: None Mitchell DPM, Dianne I 4400 Duckhorn Drive #100 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 575-8000 Board Certifications: None Mercy Medical #MCMG603900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Mercy Medical #MCMG603900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Perez DPM, Hugo 7551 Madison Avenue UC Davis #UCMG760200 Citrus Heights, CA 95610 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 904-3000 Male Board Certifications: None Ripp DPM, Gavin P 6620 Coyle Avenue #202 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 961-3434 Board Certifications: None Smalley DPM, Alton J 3800 J Street #200 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 453-8900 Board Certifications: None Tovmassian DPM, Gregory A 6600 Mercy Court #150 Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 459-4398 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG977400 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG164500 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Hill Physicians #HPMG10572 Mercy San Juan Hospital Russian, Ukrainian Male † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico Uro DPM, Michael A 87 Scripps Drive #306 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 920-0371 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG178500 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Weiner DPM, Barry E 3939 J Street #270 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 454-3668 Board Certifications: Certification in Foot Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG497800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Male Wilkes DPM, Craig A 3939 J Street #220 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 739-6666 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG640900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Wilkes DPM, Craig A 87 Scripps Drive #306 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 920-0371 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG640900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male PULMONARY DISEASE Afzal MD, Muhammad 1485 River Park Drive #200 Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Pulmonary Disease Hill Physicians #HPMG261700 † Mercy General Hospital Male Ahdoot MD, Stella 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG934100 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Ahmed MD, Maqbool 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 733-3304 Board Certifications: Critical Care Medicine Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Ahmed MD, Maqbool 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3304 Board Certifications: Critical Care Medicine Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Albertson MD, Timothy 2825 J Street #0400 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 734-2737 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Mercy Medical #MCMG526100 Mercy General Hospital Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG526100 Mercy General Hospital Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male UC Davis #UCMG106900 Male 159 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers PULMONARY DISEASE - continued PULMONARY DISEASE - continued Allen MD, Roblee P 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG107100 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Defelice MD, Richard 1485 River Park Drive #200 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Critical Care Medicine Infectious Disease Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Aurangzeb MD, Imran 1485 River Park Drive #200 Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Critical Care Medicine Internal Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG507000 Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi, Urdu Male Avdalovic MD, Mark V 251 Turn Pike UC Davis #UCMG181200 Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 985-9300 Male Board Certifications: None Avdalovic MD, Mark V 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG181200 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Bistrong MD, Lawrence 6403 Coyle Avenue #450 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Pulmonary Disease Hill Physicians #HPMG606000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Black MD, Hugh 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG344500 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Chipps MD, Bradley E 1561 Creekside Drive #130 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 453-8696 Board Certifications: Pediatric Pulmonology Chipps MD, Bradley E 5609 J Street #C Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 453-8696 Board Certifications: Pediatric Pulmonology Hill Physicians #HPMG150100 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG150100 Mercy General Hospital Male Cross MD, Carroll E 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG128900 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease 160 Hill Physicians #HPMG318300 † Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Spanish Male Desa MD, Pooja P 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3665 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Mercy Medical #MCMG10344 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Desa MD, Pooja P 9394 Big Horn Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 691-8500 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Mercy Medical #MCMG10344 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Desa MD, Pooja P 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Mercy Medical #MCMG10344 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Desa MD, Pooja P 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3304 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Mercy Medical #MCMG10344 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Duong MD, Theresa N 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG10311 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Fernandez MD, Don 1485 River Park Drive #200 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Pulmonary Disease Hill Physicians #HPMG776200 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Gallardo MD, George K 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG10263 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers PULMONARY DISEASE - continued PULMONARY DISEASE - continued Hardin MD, Kimberly A 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG187400 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Lew MD, Eva Y 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG207200 Sacramento, CA 95816 Mercy San Juan Hospital (916) 734-2737 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Hargadon MD, Annemarie P 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG967700 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: None Harper MD, Richart W 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG187700 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Hayat MD, Gholamhossain 1485 River Park Drive #200 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Hayatdavoudi MD, Saman 1485 River Park Drive #200 Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Hill Physicians #HPMG306800 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Farsi, Spanish Male Lineberry MD, Olena K 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Lineberry MD, Olena K 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3304 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Mercy Medical #MCMG978100 Mercy General Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG978100 Mercy General Hospital Female Louie MD, Samuel 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG115400 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Hill Physicians #HPMG904500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Farsi Male Mohammed MD, Jamal 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG887500 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Board Certifications: None Hoffman MD, Paul 3000 Q Street Mercy Medical #MCMG721800 Sacramento, CA 95816 Mercy General Hospital (916) 733-3304 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male Internal Medicine Molla MD, Mithu 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG596300 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Ikeda MD, Daniel P 1485 River Park Drive #200 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Infectious Disease Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Morrissey MD, Brian 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG213000 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Hill Physicians #HPMG303700 † Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Kenyon MD, Nicholas J 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG199900 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico Murphy MD, Peter J 6403 Coyle Avenue #450 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 482-7621 Board Certifications: Critical Care Medicine Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Hill Physicians #HPMG317200 † Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male 161 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers PULMONARY DISEASE - continued PULMONARY DISEASE - continued Nagaraj MD, Hari 6403 Coyle Avenue #450 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Critical Care Medicine Qureshi MD, Ghayyur A 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3304 Board Certifications: Critical Care Medicine Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Sleep Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG506900 Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi, Tamil Male Najafi MD, Shaheen 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG10297 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Norris MD, Andrew G 6555 Coyle Avenue Mercy Medical #MCMG767300 Carmichael, CA 95608 Mercy General Hospital (916) 536-3665 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Internal Medicine Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Pediatrics UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Norris MD, Andrew G 9394 Big Horn Blvd Mercy Medical #MCMG767300 Elk Grove, CA 95758 Mercy General Hospital (916) 691-8500 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Internal Medicine Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Pediatrics UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Norris MD, Andrew G 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Mercy Medical #MCMG767300 Folsom, CA 95630 Mercy General Hospital (916) 351-4800 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Internal Medicine Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Pediatrics UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Norris MD, Andrew G 3000 Q Street Mercy Medical #MCMG767300 Sacramento, CA 95816 Mercy General Hospital (916) 733-3304 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Internal Medicine Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Pediatrics UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Male Oldham MD, Justin 2825 J Street UC Davis #UCMG637200 #0400 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95816 Male (916) 734-2737 Board Certifications: None Qureshi MD, Ghayyur A 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Critical Care Medicine Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Sleep Medicine 162 Mercy Medical #MCMG874700 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG874700 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Quwatli MD, Zakwan 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG758900 Mercy San Juan Hospital Arabic Male Quwatli MD, Zakwan 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3304 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG758900 Mercy San Juan Hospital Arabic Male Sandrock MD, Christian 2825 J Street UC Davis #UCMG260600 Sacramento, CA 95816 Mercy General Hospital (916) 734-0779 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male Critical Care Medicine Pulmonary Disease Schenker MD, Marc B 2221 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG191000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Sebat DO, Christian 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG632200 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Shenoy MD, Shanti 2825 J Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG881100 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Skaria MD, Shaji D 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3323 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Yee MD, Alan R 1485 River Park Drive #200 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Mercy Medical #MCMG943800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Hill Physicians #HPMG300200 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers PULMONARY DISEASE - continued RADIATION ONCOLOGY - continued Yoneda MD, Ken 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG255500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Fragoso MD, Ruben 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG644000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Male Board Certifications: None PULMONOLOGY Dhawan MD, Kapil 1485 River Park Drive #200 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Sleep Medicine Gatz MD, Marvin G 6403 Coyle Avenue #450 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 679-3590 Board Certifications: Critical Care Medicine Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Marino Jr MD, Joseph T 6660 Coyle Avenue #330 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 962-3112 Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Pediatrics Hill Physicians #HPMG735300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi, Punjabi Male Hill Physicians #HPMG069500 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Ko MD, Eric 4501 X Street Ground Floor UC Davis #UCMG896100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5810 Male Board Certifications: None Lemieux MD, Melissa H 6511 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 556-3200 Board Certifications: Radiation Oncology Lemieux MD, Melissa H 3301 C Street Bldg 550 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 556-3200 Board Certifications: Radiation Oncology Mercy Medical #MCMG952200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG952200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG234300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mayadev MD, Jyoti 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG645200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Female Board Certifications: Radiation Oncology Randhawa MD, Kanwaldeep S 1485 River Park Drive #200 Hill Physicians #HPMG620000 Sacramento, CA 95825 Mercy General Hospital (916) 679-3590 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Board Certifications: Mercy San Juan Hospital Pulmonary Disease Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Pulmonology Hindi, Punjabi Male Monjazeb MD, Arta 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG685500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Male Board Certifications: Radiation Oncology PULMONOLOGY (SLEEP DISORDER) Ali MD, Arshad 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3304 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Mercy Medical #MCMG650800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Rao MD, Shyam S 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG920800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Male Board Certifications: None RADIATION ONCOLOGY Stevenson MD, John M 6511 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 556-3200 Board Certifications: Diagnostic Radiology Daly MD, Megan 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG730000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5900 Female Board Certifications: None Stevenson MD, John M 3301 C Street #550 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 556-3200 Board Certifications: Diagnostic Radiology Hill Physicians #HPMG730700 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG730700 Hill Physicians #HPMG730700 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male 163 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers RADIATION ONCOLOGY - continued RHEUMATOLOGY - continued Valicenti MD, Richard 4501 X Street Ground Floor UC Davis #UCMG615600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5810 Male Board Certifications: Radiation Oncology Chan DO, Happy 4860 Y Street #B04000 UC Davis #UCMG558300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Rheumatology Wheatley MD, Matthew D 6511 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 863-8700 Board Certifications: Radiation Oncology Cheema MD, Gurtej S 2221 Stockton Blvd #B UC Davis #UCMG244800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: None Wiegner MD, Ellen 6511 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 556-3200 Board Certifications: Radiation Oncology Wiegner MD, Ellen 3301 C Street #550 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 556-3200 Board Certifications: Radiation Oncology Mercy Medical #MCMG942400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG784000 Mercy General Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG784000 Mercy General Hospital Female RHEUMATOLOGY Ahmad MD, Shirin M 1743 Creekside Drive #130 Hill Physicians #HPMG641000 Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 983-2307 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Ahmad MD, Shirin M 251 Turn Pike Drive UC Davis #UCMG641000 Folsom, CA 95630 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 985-9300 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Barger MD, Michael T 9394 Big Horn Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 691-8500 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Barger MD, Michael T 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3346 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG167400 Mercy General Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG167400 Mercy General Hospital Male Chan DO, Happy 9390 Big Horn Blvd UC Davis #UCMG558300 Elk Grove, CA 95758 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 683-3955 Female Board Certifications: Rheumatology 164 Gershwin MD, Merrill E 2221 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG107700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Rheumatology Islam MD, Arshia 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG762900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Lane MD, Nancy 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG377100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Rheumatology Liu MD, Dennis M 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 733-3346 Board Certifications: Rheumatology Liu MD, Dennis M 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Rheumatology Liu MD, Dennis M 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3346 Board Certifications: Rheumatology Mercy Medical #MCMG650700 Mercy General Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG650700 Mercy General Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG650700 Mercy General Hospital Male Naguwa MD, Stanley 2825 J Street #300 UC Davis #UCMG118500 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7779 Male Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Rheumatology SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers RHEUMATOLOGY - continued SLEEP MEDICINE - continued Roberts MD, Douglas 500 University Avenue #230 Hill Physicians #HPMG896600 Sacramento, CA 95825UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 565-1989 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Dias MD, Robert A 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Clinical Neurophysiology Neurology Sleep Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG637900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Dias MD, Robert A 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3372 Board Certifications: Clinical Neurophysiology Neurology Sleep Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG637900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Romea MD, Raul J 9281 Office Park Circle #120C Hill Physicians #HPMG593700 Elk Grove, CA 95758 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento (916) 682-1800 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male Rheumatology Shapiro MD, Robert 107 Scripps Drive #100 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 922-7021 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Rheumatology Srikulmontree MD, Thitinan 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3500 Board Certifications: Rheumatology Thelen MD, E Michael 4944 Sunrise Blvd #A Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 966-5171 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Rheumatology Hill Physicians #HPMG163100 Mercy General Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG623200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Thai Female Hill Physicians #HPMG177800 † Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Krishna MD, Vasanthi 1710 Prairie City Road #125 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 333-5311 Board Certifications: Neurology Krishna MD, Vasanthi 87 Scripps Drive #210 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 229-6112 Board Certifications: Neurology Hill Physicians #HPMG743400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi, Telugu Female Hill Physicians #HPMG743400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi, Telugu Female SPEECH PATHOLOGY Wiesner MD, Kenneth B 107 Scripps Drive #100 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 922-7021 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Rheumatology Hill Physicians #HPMG179200 Mercy General Hospital Male Wise MD, Barton 4860 Y Street #B0400 UC Davis #UCMG626600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Rheumatology SLEEP MEDICINE Dias MD, Robert A 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3670 Board Certifications: Clinical Neurophysiology Neurology Sleep Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG637900 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico Bord SP, Aimee 2825 50Th Street UC Davis #UCMG470700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 703-0300 Female Board Certifications: None Coleman SP, Anne 2521 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG11200 #5200 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Female (916) 734-5400 Board Certifications: None Evangelista SP, Lisa M 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG932500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Female Board Certifications: None Johnson SLP, Jane 9300 West Stockton Blvd #112 Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 896-1144 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG911000 Female 165 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers SPEECH PATHOLOGY - continued SPEECH PATHOLOGY - continued Juliana SP, Litts 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG866300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Female Board Certifications: None Yager SP, Blair 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG705700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7041 Female Board Certifications: None Kendrix SP, Denise 4860 Y Street #1700 Sacramento, CA 95817 (916) 734-7041 Board Certifications: None SPORT MEDICINE UC Davis #UCMG516700 Female Ramirez SP, Michelle J 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG602300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7041 Female Board Certifications: None Reinhart SP, Alicia 4860 Y Street #1100 UC Davis #UCMG984800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6700 Female Board Certifications: None Renke SP, Kyle 4860 Y Street #1100 UC Davis #UCMG898800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6700 Male Board Certifications: None Roth SP, Christina 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG878500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Female Board Certifications: None Steele SP, Erik C 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG951000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Male Board Certifications: None Steinke SP, Monika 2521 Stockton Blvd #5200 UC Davis #UCMG760700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5400 Female Board Certifications: None Wittman SP, Rejane 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG781700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-7041 Female Board Certifications: None 166 Burnham MD, Kevin UCDMG Sports Medicine UC Davis #UCMG777700 3301 C Street #1600 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95816 Male (916) 734-6805 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Burnham MD, Kevin 4860 Y Street #0400 UC Davis #UCMG777700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2737 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Parker MD, Daniel T 3301 C Street #1600 UC Davis #UCMG867500 Sacramento, CA 95816UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-6805 Male Board Certifications: Sport Medicine Reinhart MD, Glenn 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG10671 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Male Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Shea MD, Michael A 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-2408 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Sport Medicine Shea MD, Michael A 8220 Wymark Drive #200 Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Sport Medicine Shea MD, Michael A 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5700 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Sport Medicine Mercy Medical #MCMG547500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG547500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG547500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers SURGERY SURGERY - continued Dubose MD, Joseph 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG10660 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Surgical Critical Care Ramirez MD, Jesus 2221 Stockton Blvd Sacramento, CA 95817 (916) 734-2680 Board Certifications: Surgery Farkas MD, Linda 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG10985 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Female Board Certifications: Colon & Rectal Surgery Surgery Foroutan MD, Shahin 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG10215 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: None Freischlag MD, Julie A 4860 Y Street #2100 UC Davis #UCMG931200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3800 Female Board Certifications: Surgery Vascular Surgery Garcia MD, Arturo 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG10216 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: None Greenholz MD, Stephen 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG921000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: General Surgery Pediatric Surgery UC Davis #UCMG406900 Male Roberts MD, Jon B 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG10812 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: None Sampson , James B 4860 Y Street #2100 UC Davis #UCMG966600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3800 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Vascular Surgery Sauder MD, Candice 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG11214 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Female Board Certifications: Surgery Stark MD, Rebecca 2521 Stockton Blvd #3200 UC Davis #UCMG10672 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Female Board Certifications: Surgery Stephenson MD, Jacob 2521 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG10980 #3200 UC Davis #UCMG744000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3112 Male Board Certifications: Pediatric Surgery Surgery SURGERY OF THE HAND Guevara MD, Salvador G 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG965300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Hirose MD, Shinjiro 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG955300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Pediatric Surgery Surgery Parikh DO, Sahil P 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG10256 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: None Bayne MD, Christopher O 4860 Y Street #1700 UC Davis #UCMG957400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2700 Spanish Board Certifications: Male None THORACIC & CARDIAC SURGERY Adamson MD, Robert M 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG861200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2111 Male Board Certifications: Thoracic & Cardiac Surgery 167 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers THORACIC & CARDIAC SURGERY - continued THORACIC SURGERY - continued Atkins MD, Broadus 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG745600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2111 Male Board Certifications: Thoracic & Cardiac Surgery Kincade MD, Robert C 2800 L Stret #260 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 452-1733 Board Certifications: Thoracic Surgery Brown MD, Lisa M 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG10659 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Female Board Certifications: Thoracic & Cardiac Surgery Rahm MD, Amy 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG900000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Female Board Certifications: Thoracic & Cardiac Surgery THORACIC SURGERY Cardoza MD, Larry J 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-2584 Board Certifications: Surgery Thoracic Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG311900 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Cooke MD, David 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG595800 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Thoracic Surgery Diperna MD, Costanzo A 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3600 Board Certifications: Surgery Thoracic Surgery Diperna MD, Costanzo A 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3665 Board Certifications: Surgery Thoracic Surgery Ingram MD, Michael 5301 F Street #111 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 452-1733 Board Certifications: Thoracic Surgery 168 Hill Physicians #HPMG616800 Mercy Medical #MCMG616800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Italian, Spanish Male Hill Physicians #HPMG616800 Mercy Medical #MCMG616800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Italian, Spanish Male Hill Physicians #HPMG11261 Mercy General Hospital Male Kincade MD, Robert C 5301 F Street #111 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 452-1733 Board Certifications: Thoracic Surgery Longoria MD, James 2800 L Stret #260 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 452-1733 Board Certifications: Surgery Thoracic Surgery Longoria MD, James 5301 F Street #111 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 452-1733 Board Certifications: Surgery Thoracic Surgery Williams MD, Trevor M 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3665 Board Certifications: Surgery Williams MD, Trevor M 6555 Coyle Avenue Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 536-3620 Board Certifications: Surgery Hill Physicians #HPMG11245 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG11245 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG11246 Mercy General Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG11246 Mercy General Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG10270 Mercy Medical #MCMG288800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG10270 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Male UROLOGICAL SURGERY Andreassi MD, Paolo 4860 Y Street #2200 UC Davis #UCMG557900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2222 Male Board Certifications: None Yao MD, Aubrey 2315 Stockton Blvd UC Davis #UCMG567400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5031 Male Board Certifications: Anesthesiology SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers UROLOGY Chan MD, Samuel T 6620 Coyle Avenue #301 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 961-2514 Board Certifications: Urology Chan MD, Samuel T 6620 Coyle Avenue #301 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 983-5557 Board Certifications: Urology UROLOGY - continued Hill Physicians #HPMG149400 Mercy Medical #MCMG149400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Cantonese, Mandarin Male Hill Physicians #HPMG149400 Mercy Medical #MCMG149400 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Cantonese, Mandarin Male Dallera MD, Marc A 4860 Y Street #2200 UC Davis #UCMG590300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2222 Male Board Certifications: Urology Devere-White MD, Ralph W 4860 Y Street #2200 UC Davis #UCMG100900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2222 Male Board Certifications: Urology Devere-White MD, Ralph W 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG100900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 Male Board Certifications: Urology Evans MD, Christopher P 4860 Y Street #2200 UC Davis #UCMG103000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2222 French, German Board Certifications: Male Urology Gould MD, John E 4860 Y Street #2200 UC Davis #UCMG122400 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2222 Male Board Certifications: Urology Haddad MD, Ashraf S 8220 Wymark Drive Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: None Haddad MD, Ashraf S 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3310 Board Certifications: None Haddad MD, Ashraf S 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816-7058 (916) 733-3310 Board Certifications: None Mercy Medical #MCMG10339 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Mercy Medical #MCMG10339 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Hill Physicians #HPMG10339 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Kurzrock MD, Eric A 4860 Y Street #2200 UC Davis #UCMG204200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2222 Male Board Certifications: Urology Lee MD, Dennis J 6620 Coyle Avenue #301 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 961-2514 Board Certifications: None Mercy Medical #MCMG10340 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Evans MD, Christopher P 4501 X Street UC Davis #UCMG103000 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-5959 French, German Board Certifications: Male Urology Low MD, Roger K 4860 Y Street #2200 UC Davis #UCMG208200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2222 Male Board Certifications: Urology Golden DO, Julia S 6620 Coyle Avenue #301 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 961-2514 Board Certifications: Urology Mercy Medical #MCMG760300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Naftulin MD, Brian N 1561 Creekside Drive #170 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-5557 Board Certifications: Urology Golden DO, Julia S 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3310 Board Certifications: Urology Mercy Medical #MCMG760300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Mercy Medical #MCMG261200 Hill Physicians #HPMG261200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Nanigian MD, Dana 4860 Y Street #2200 UC Davis #UCMG733500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2222 Female Board Certifications: Urology 169 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers UROLOGY - continued Ok MD, Joon-Ha 8220 Wymark Drive #200 Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Urology Poonamallee MD, Udayshakar 1561 Creekside Drive #170 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-5557 Board Certifications: Urology VASCULAR NEUROLOGY - continued Hill Physicians #HPMG917400 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Hill Physicians #HPMG262000 Mercy Medical #MCMG262000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Rothschild MD, Jennifer 4860 Y Street #2200 UC Davis #UCMG898200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2222 Female Board Certifications: Urology Sorbera MD, Thomas A 1111 Exposition Blvd Bldg 400A Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 921-1615 Board Certifications: Urology Sorbera MD, Thomas A 8715 Center Park Way Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 245-8888 Board Certifications: Urology Hill Physicians #HPMG986200 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Hill Physicians #HPMG986200 Mercy General Hospital Spanish Male Yang MD, Jennifer 4860 Y Street #2200 UC Davis #UCMG692100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2222 Female Board Certifications: Urology Yap MD, Stanley 4860 Y Street #2200 UC Davis #UCMG890500 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2222 Male Board Certifications: Urology VASCULAR NEUROLOGY Chaudhary MD, Asad A 8220 Wymark Drive #200 Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Neurology 170 Mercy Medical #MCMG756500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi, Urdu Male Chaudhary MD, Asad A 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 350-4800 Board Certifications: Neurology Mercy Medical #MCMG756500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Hindi, Urdu Male Maidan MD, Lucian 8220 Wymark Drive Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0600 Board Certifications: Neurology Vascular Neurology Mercy Medical #MCMG769200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Maidan MD, Lucian 1730 Prairie City Road #120 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4800 Board Certifications: Neurology Vascular Neurology Mercy Medical #MCMG769200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Maidan MD, Lucian 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5779 Board Certifications: Neurology Vascular Neurology Mercy Medical #MCMG769200 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Ng MD, Kwan 4860 Y Street UC Davis #UCMG10987 #0100 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Sacramento, CA 95817 Male (916) 734-3588 Board Certifications: None VASCULAR SURGERY Cardoza MD, Larry J 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-2584 Board Certifications: Surgery Thoracic Surgery Clayson MD, Karl R 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3600 Board Certifications: None Mercy Medical #MCMG311900 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG150300 Mercy General Hospital Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital German Male Dawson MD, David L 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG244300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Vascular Surgery SACRAMENTO COUNTY Specialty Providers VASCULAR SURGERY - continued VASCULAR SURGERY - continued Freischlag MD, Julie A 4860 Y Street #2100 UC Davis #UCMG931200 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3800 Female Board Certifications: Surgery Vascular Surgery Tajlil MD, Ali T 3941 J Street #370 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 733-6890 Board Certifications: None Hamby MD, Blake A 4860 Y Street #2100 UC Davis #UCMG10470 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3800 Male Board Certifications: None Velastegui MD, Romel E 2893 Sunrise Blvd #103 Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 (916) 400-4038 Board Certifications: Surgery Vascular Surgery Hayes MD, Paul G 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3600 Board Certifications: Surgery Surgical Critical Care Vascular Surgery Hayes MD, Paul G 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3314 Board Certifications: Surgery Surgical Critical Care Vascular Surgery Mercy Medical #MCMG686500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Mercy Medical #MCMG686500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Ward MD, Richard E 3941 J Street #362 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-0660 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG176500 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Farsi Male Hill Physicians #HPMG440200 Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male Hill Physicians #HPMG492900 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Williams MD, Timothy K 4860 Y Street #2100 UC Davis #UCMG946900 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3800 Male Board Certifications: Vascular Surgery Holcroft MD, James W 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG192700 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Vascular Surgery Hong MD, Michael S 4860 Y Street #2100 UC Davis #UCMG946100 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3800 Male Board Certifications: None Pevec MD, William C 2221 Stockton Blvd #E UC Davis #UCMG216300 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-2680 Male Board Certifications: Vascular Surgery Reyes MD, Norman D 3941 J Street #368 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 733-6840 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG160000 Mercy General Hospital Tagalog Male Sampson , James B 4860 Y Street #2100 UC Davis #UCMG966600 Sacramento, CA 95817UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 734-3800 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Vascular Surgery 171 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Facilities DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING / RADIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING / RADIOLOGY - continued Mercy Imaging Centers 6660 Coyle Avenue #360 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3060 Mercy Imaging Centers 3301 C Street #500 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 363-4040 Mercy Imaging Centers 6555 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 536-3666 Mercy Imaging Centers 3301 C Street #550 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 556-3200 Mercy Imaging Centers 6501 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 537-5191 Mercy Imaging Centers 3301 C Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 556-3300 Mercy Imaging Centers 6305 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 961-6920 Mercy Imaging Centers 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-3301 Mercy Imaging Centers 6660 Coyle Avenue #200 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 965-1913 Mercy Imaging Centers 4000 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 453-4414 Radiological Associates of Sacramento Mercy San Juan Radiation Oncology Center 6511 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608-0306 (916) 537-5470 Hill Physicians Mercy Imaging Centers 3941 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 733-6961 (916) 961-4910 Hill Physicians Mercy Imaging Centers 7601 Hospital Drive #100 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 423-2027 Radiological Associates of Sacramento Carmichael Imaging Center 6620 Coyle Avenue #110 Carmichael, CA 95608-6333 (916) 423-6176 Mercy Imaging Centers 8001 Madison Avenue Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 379-2804 Mercy Imaging Centers 7500 Hospital Drive Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 363-4040 Mercy Imaging Centers 8220 Wymark Drive #101 Elk Grove, CA 95757 (916) 667-0750 Mercy Imaging Centers 3291 Ramos Circle Sacramento, CA 95827 (916) 575-8052 Mercy Imaging Centers 1700 Prairie City Road Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-4836 Mercy Imaging Centers 4400 Duckhorn Drive Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 737-3211 UC Davis Mercy Imaging Centers 1650 Creekside Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-7476 Northern California Pet Imaging 3195 Folsom Blvd Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5051 UC Davis Mercy Imaging Centers 1625 Creekside Drive #101 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-1866 Radiological Associates of Sacramento Fort Sutter Medical Building 2801 K Street #110 Sacramento, CA 95816 Mercy Imaging Centers 1635 Creekside Drive #100 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-1866 Radiological Associates of Sacramento Capital Imaging Center 3161 L Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 453-9999 Hill Physicians Radiological Associates of Sacramento Folsom Imaging Center 1655 Creekside Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-0739 UC Davis Radiological Associates of Sacramento 29Th Street MRI 1020 29Th Street #120 Sacramento, CA 95816-5125 (916) 453-9999 Hill Physicians Radiological Associates of Sacramento Folsom Imaging II 1661 Creekside Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-0739 Hill Physicians Radiological Associates of Sacramento Sutter General Hospital 2801 L Street Sacramento, CA 95816-5615 (916) 733-3061 Hill Physicians Advanced Medical Imaging 5025 J Street #313 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 354-2180 UC Davis Radiological Associates of Sacramento Mri Center 5277 F Street Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 444-2555 Hill Physicians 172 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Facilities DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING / RADIOLOGY - continued Radiological Associates of Sacramento South Imaging Center 8118 Timberlake Way #110 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 681-8852 UC Davis Radiological Associates of Sacramento Campus Commons Imaging Center 2 Scripps Drive #110 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 929-3393 Hill Physicians UC Davis Imaging Center 4701 X Street Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 734-0655 UC Davis LABORATORIES - continued Quest Diagnostics 6620 Coyle Avenue #100 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 961-1173 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Quest Diagnostics 6555 Coyle Avenue #160 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 962-3991 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Quest Diagnostics 5821 Jameson Court #2 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 972-7048 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Quest Diagnostics 6197 Sunrise Blvd Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 723-0310 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic HOSPITALS / EMERGENCY ROOMS Mercy San Juan Hospital 6501 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 TJC (916) 537-5000 Hill Physicians Mercy Medical Mercy Hospital of Folsom 1650 Creekside Drive Folsom, CA 95630 TJC (916) 983-7400 Hill Physicians Mercy Medical Mercy General Hospital 4001 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819 TJC (916) 852-4040 Hill Physicians Mercy Medical Methodist Hospital of Sacramento 7500 Hospital Drive Sacramento, CA 95823 TJC (916) 423-3000 Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion 2521 Stockton Blvd #3300 Sacramento, CA 95817 TJC (916) 734-5959 UC Davis UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion 2315 Stockton Blvd Sacramento, CA 95817 TJC (916) 734-2011 UC Davis LABORATORIES Mercy Laboratories 6555 Coyle Avenue #100 Carmichael, CA 95608 MON-FRI 6:30AM-6PM AND SAT 7AM-11AM (916) 536-3500 Mercy Medical Mercy Laboratories 6620 Coyle Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 MON-FRI 6:30AM-5PM (916) 966-2039 Mercy Medical Quest Diagnostics 3637 Mission Avenue #1 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 483-2037 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Regents of The Univ of Ca 7551 Madison Avenue Citrus Heights, CA 95610-7449 (916) 904-3000 UCDMC Laboratory 7551 Madison Avenue Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 904-3000 Mercy Laboratories 8220 Wymark Drive #101 Elk Grove, CA 95757 MON-FRI 8AM-4:45PM (916) 667-0890 Mercy Medical Mercy Laboratories 9394 Big Horn Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 MON-FRI 7AM-5:15PM AND SAT 9AM-1PM (916) 691-8512 Mercy Medical Quest Diagnostics 9340 W Stockton Blvd #100 Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 683-7062 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic UCDMC Laboratory 8110 Laguna Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 683-3535 Mercy Laboratories 1700 Prairie City Road Folsom, CA 95630 MON-FRI 7:30AM-5:45PM (916) 351-4800 Mercy Medical 173 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Facilities LABORATORIES - continued LABORATORIES - continued Mercy Laboratories 1641 Creekside Drive Folsom, CA 95630 MON-FRI 7AM-12PM (919) 983-1675 Mercy Medical Quest Diagnostics 1600 Creekside Drive #1100 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-8032 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Quest Diagnostics 1500 21St Street Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 914-6209 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Quest Diagnostics 1580 Creekside Drive #210 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-7152 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Quest Diagnostics 1020 29Th Street #340 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 733-5075 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic UCDMC Laboratory 251 Turnpike Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 985-9340 Quest Diagnostics 5025 J Street #300 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 457-6783 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Quest Diagnostics 3941 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 453-4411 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Quest Diagnostics 4600 Broadway Sacramento, CA 95820 (916) 874-9991 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Quest Diagnostics 2288 Auburn Blvd #104 Sacramento, CA 95821 (916) 641-6693 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Quest Diagnostics 7501 Hospital Drive #100 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 689-1296 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Quest Diagnostics 7237 East Southgate Drive #D Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 428-3832 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Quest Diagnostics 1995 Zinfandel Drive #102 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 638-1858 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic UCDMC - Laboratory 11000 Olson Drive #100 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 635-4120 Mercy Laboratories 3301 C Street #550 Sacramento, CA 95816 MON-FRI 8AM-5PM (916) 851-2728 Mercy Medical Mercy Laboratories 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 MON-FRI 6:30AM-6PM (916) 733-3333 Mercy Medical Mercy Laboratories 3941 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819 MON-FRI 8AM-4:45PM (916) 733-3443 Mercy Medical Mercy Laboratories 8120 Timberlake Way Sacramento, CA 95823 MON-FRI 7:30AM-12:15PM AND 1:15PM-4:15PM (916) 681-6000 Mercy Medical Mercy Laboratories 1 Scripps Drive #106 Sacramento, CA 95825 MON-FRI 7:30AM-4:30PM (916) 922-2706 Mercy Medical Mercy Laboratories 4400 Duckhorn Drive #440 Sacramento, CA 95834 MON-FRI 8AM-12:30PM AND 1:30PM-4:45PM (916) 575-8050 Mercy Medical 174 Mercy Laboratories 3911 Norwood Avenue Sacramento, CA 95838 MON-FRI 8:30AM-12:45PM AND 1:30PM-4:30PM (916) 929-1208 Mercy Medical SACRAMENTO COUNTY Facilities LABORATORIES - continued Quest Diagnostics 87 Scripps Drive #100 Sacramento, CA 95825 Quest Diagnostics 1705 Professional Drive Sacramento, CA 95825 Quest Diagnostics 7248 South Land Park Drive #120 Sacramento, CA 95831 PHARMACIES (916) 648-0426 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic ANTELOPE LOCATIONS Antelope Pharmacy Inc 4207 Elverta Road #109 Antelope, CA 95843 (916) 729-6884 PHARMACIES (916) 972-1564 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Bel Air Pharmacy #519 7901 Walerga Road Antelope, CA 95843 (916) 725-6940 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06086 4300 Elverta Road Antelope, CA 95843 (916) 729-6763 (916) 392-4545 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Walmart Pharmacy #101881 7901 Watt Avenue Antelope, CA 95843 (916) 332-4427 Walmart Pharmacy #105192 5821 Antelope Road Antelope, CA 95843 (916) 729-6236 UCDMC Laboratory 2000 O Street #210 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 444-1430 UC Davis UCDMC Laboratory 2825 J Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 734-0469 UCDMC Laboratory 4860 Y Street #1500 Sacramento, CA 95817 (916) 734-6200 UC Davis UCDMC Laboratory 2521 Stockton Blvd Sacramento, CA 95817 CARMICHAEL LOCATIONS Bel Air Pharmacy #511 4005 Manzanita Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 483-2695 CVS Pharmacy #09809 4959 Marconi Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 485-1144 Family Discount Pharmacy 5830 Jameson Court #B Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 481-6900 (916) 734-1152 UC Davis Raleys Pharmacy #431 5159 Fair Oaks Blvd Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 483-0419 UCDMC Laboratory 2315 Stockton Blvd Sacramento, CA 95817 (916) 734-2011 UC Davis Rite Aid Pharmacy #06044 4010 Manzanita Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 482-4930 UCDMC Laboratory 4501 X Street Sacramento, CA 95817 (916) 734-5985 UC Davis Rite Aid Pharmacy #06403 4701 Whitney Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 483-8479 UCDMC Laboratroy 2221 Stockton Blvd Sacramento, CA 95817 (916) 734-2876 UC Davis Save Mart Pharmacy #601 4708 Manzanita Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 979-9100 Walgreens #06658 6325 Fair Oaks Blvd Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 480-0979 CITRUS HEIGHTS LOCATIONS Costco Pharmacy #771 7000 Auburn Blvd Citrus Heights, CA 95621 (916) 560-4002 CVS Pharmacy #09814 6197 Sunrise Blvd Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 726-4466 175 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Facilities PHARMACIES - continued PHARMACIES - continued Kmart Pharmacy #3376 8501 Auburn Blvd Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 723-6593 CVS Pharmacy #02124 8585 Elk Grove Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 686-5193 Raleys Pharmacy #239 7847 Lichen Drive Citrus Heights, CA 95621 (916) 969-6310 CVS Pharmacy #09132 9285 Elk Grove Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 714-5372 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06045 5409 Sunrise Blvd Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 961-2064 Laguna Medical Pharmacy 9390 Big Horn Blvd #110 Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 684-9922 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06046 7900 Arcadia Drive Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 723-3379 Raleys Pharmacy #443 4900 Elk Grove Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 683-0702 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06049 6661 Auburn Blvd Citrus Heights, CA 95621 (916) 726-1415 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06432 7211 Elk Grove Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 478-2970 Safeway Pharmacy #1531 7301 Greenback Lane Citrus Heights, CA 95621 (916) 727-2458 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06494 9260 Elk Grove Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 686-1020 Target Pharmacy #T1121 5837 Sunrise Blvd Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 526-0302 Safeway Pharmacy #1647 5021 Laguna Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 691-3777 Walgreens #05152 6144 Dewey Drive Citrus Heights, CA 95621 (916) 723-4118 Save Mart Pharmacy #606 7707 Laguna Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 683-5120 Walgreens #05774 7787 Sunrise Blvd Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 722-1982 Target Pharmacy #T1025 7505 Laguna Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 683-2936 Walgreens #07191 6199 Sunrise Blvd Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 726-6802 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #105683 8455 Elk Grove Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 509-3212 Walmart Pharmacy #103712 7010 Auburn Blvd Citrus Heights, CA 95621 (916) 729-8069 Walgreens #05499 7299 Laguna Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 691-4412 (916) 687-3251 ELK GROVE LOCATIONS Bel Air Pharmacy #508 8787 Elk Grove Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 685-2282 Walgreens #06142 9200 Elk Grove Florin Road Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 427-3739 Bel Air Pharmacy #516 5100 Laguna Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 684-7007 Walgreens #06419 9180 Franklin Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 525-3563 Bel Air Pharmacy #523 8425 Elk Grove Florin Road Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 681-5790 Walgreens #06612 8400 Elk Grove Florin Road Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 684-7104 Bel Air Pharmacy #525 9435 Elk Grove Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 714-6955 Walmart Pharmacy #101697 8465 Elk Grove Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 CVS Pharmacy #00182 8434 Bradshaw Road Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 689-1124 CVS Pharmacy #01825 5040 Laguna Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 684-6822 176 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Facilities PHARMACIES - continued PHARMACIES - continued FAIR OAKS LOCATIONS (916) 850-1195 CVS Pharmacy #09199 5420 Dewey Drive Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 864-4803 Target Pharmacy #T1098 430 Blue Ravine Road Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-5862 Raleys Pharmacy #417 4830 San Juan Avenue Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 966-2266 Walgreens #06417 1100 Riley Street Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 817-6533 Raleys Pharmacy #421 8870 Madison Avenue Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 966-2241 Walgreens #09048 2595 E Bidwell Street Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-5667 Safeway Pharmacy #1846 8925 Madison Avenue Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 965-1541 Walmart Pharmacy #101760 1018 Riley Street Folsom, CA 95630 Safeway Pharmacy #1895 5450 Dewey Drive Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 904-5360 GALT LOCATIONS FOLSOM LOCATIONS CVS Pharmacy #03022 1063 C Street Galt, CA 95632 (209) 745-9534 (209) 745-4881 Bel Air Pharmacy #524 2760 East Bidwell Street Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-8001 Raleys Pharmacy #302 10430 Twin Cities Road Galt, CA 95632 (209) 744-1380 Costco Pharmacy 1800 Cavitt Drive Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 850-1005 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06547 10570 Twin Cities Road Galt, CA 95632 (209) 745-1591 CVS Pharmacy #03950 2790 East Bidwell Street Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-8774 Valley Pharmacy 811 C Street Galt, CA 95632 CVS Pharmacy #09923 1005 East Bidwell Street Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-5366 Bel Air Pharmacy #522 2155 Golden Centre Lane Gold River, CA 95670 CVS Pharmacy #09980 9479 Madison Avenue Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 987-0342 NORTH HIGHLANDS LOCATIONS (916) 332-4420 Folsom Medical Pharmacy 1300 E Bidwell Street #105 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-4900 North Highlands Pharmacy 5600 Watt Avenue North Highlands, CA 95660 (916) 332-2650 Raleys Pharmacy #409 715 East Bidwell Street Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-6574 Raleys Pharmacy #402 7477 Watt Avenue North Highlands, CA 95660 (916) 332-2060 Raleys Pharmacy #410 25025 Blue Ravine Road Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 351-0303 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06054 6639 Watt Avenue North Highlands, CA 95660 (916) 339-0189 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06266 526 East Bidwell Street Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-7749 Walgreens #10693 6819 Watt Avenue North Highlands, CA 95660 (916) 331-4653 Safeway Pharmacy #1794 1850 Prairie City Road Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 608-2455 West Coast Pharmacy 5731 Watt Avenue North Highlands, CA 95660 Save Mart Pharmacy #607 1003 E Bidwell Street Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 983-4084 GOLD RIVER LOCATIONS (916) 858-0481 177 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Facilities PHARMACIES - continued PHARMACIES - continued ORANGEVALE LOCATIONS (916) 972-7028 CVS Pharmacy #09487 8861 Greenback Lane Orangevale, CA 95662 (916) 989-4001 Bel Air Pharmacy #502 4320 Arden Way Sacramento, CA 95864 (916) 920-3558 Walgreens #04414 8900 Greenback Lane Orangevale, CA 95662 (916) 990-0500 Bel Air Pharmacy #510 1540 W El Camino Avenue Sacramento, CA 95833 (916) 399-9060 Walmart Pharmacy #104309 8961 Greenback Lane Orangevale, CA 95662 (916) 989-5800 Bel Air Pharmacy #514 7465 Rush River Drive Sacramento, CA 95831 Bel Air Pharmacy #528 3250 Arena Blvd Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 419-4442 RANCHO CORDOVA LOCATIONS Costco Pharmacy 11260 White Rock Road Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 (916) 635-3162 Blue Star Pharmacy 3811 Florin Road #28 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 422-9861 CVS Pharmacy #04950 3301 Zinfandel Drive Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 852-8332 Capital Rx Inc 4225 Northgate Blvd #2 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 927-0336 Kmart Pharmacy #3369 2344 Sunrise Blvd Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 635-9917 Costco Pharmacy 1600 Expo Pkwy Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 563-7012 Raleys Pharmacy #418 10385 Folsom Blvd Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 362-1378 Costco Pharmacy 7981 East Stockton Blvd Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 682-7505 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06059 2111 Golden Centre Lane Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 858-1948 CVS Pharmacy #02290 1587 West El Camino Avenue Sacramento, CA 95833 (916) 568-1667 Safeway Pharmacy #1746 10635 Folsom Blvd Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 364-4944 CVS Pharmacy #03066 8351 Elk Grove Florin Road Sacramento, CA 95829 (916) 681-7913 Target Pharmacy #T2463 10881 Olson Drive Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 503-2513 CVS Pharmacy #03943 5039 Folsom Blvd Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 739-0740 Walgreens #09532 4050 Sunrise Blvd Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 (916) 294-9566 CVS Pharmacy #03945 1701 K Street Sacramento, CA 95811 (916) 444-9266 Walmart Pharmacy #102457 10655 Folsom Blvd Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 361-0515 CVS Pharmacy #04151 2050 Club Center Drive Sacramento, CA 95835 (916) 928-6848 (916) 929-9577 SACRAMENTO LOCATIONS Allwell Pharmacy And Medical Supplies 5611 Stockton Blvd Sacramento, CA 95824 (916) 457-2905 CVS Pharmacy #09322 400 Howe Avenue Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 392-5184 Anderson Bros Florin Square Pharmacy 2374 Florin Road Sacramento, CA 95822 (916) 428-3794 CVS Pharmacy #09823 1349 Florin Road Sacramento, CA 95831 (916) 334-7450 Anderson Bros Town & Country Pharmacy 2900 Fulton Avenue Sacramento, CA 95821 (916) 489-3638 CVS Pharmacy #09826 5333 Elkhorn Blvd Sacramento, CA 95842 (916) 391-1289 Avella of Sacramento Inc 2288 Auburn Blvd #102 Sacramento, CA 95821 (916) 564-9888 CVS Pharmacy #09972 7465 Rush River Drive #500 Sacramento, CA 95831 178 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Facilities PHARMACIES - continued PHARMACIES - continued CVS Pharmacy #09992 3338 Arden Way Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 480-0351 Raleys Pharmacy #420 8391 Folsom Blvd Sacramento, CA 95826 (916) 383-4541 Folsom Pharmacy 9545 Folsom Blvd #7 Sacramento, CA 95827 (916) 364-9900 Raleys Pharmacy #438 4551 Mack Road Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 421-3267 Kim Leader Pharmacy 5026 Frutiridge Road #3 Sacramento, CA 95820 (916) 392-3488 Raleys Pharmacy #447 4650 Natomas Blvd Sacramento, CA 95835 (916) 419-6644 Kim Pharmacy #2 7248 South Land Park Drive #116 Sacramento, CA 95831 (916) 399-0757 Ranch Pharmacy 4220 Florin Road #111 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 231-0277 Knotts Pharmacy 4819 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 455-3068 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06069 831 K Street Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 444-0690 Lotus Pharmacy 6540 Stockton Blvd #3B Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 422-5675 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06070 2419 Del Paso Blvd Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 922-5433 (916) 422-5675 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06071 1125 Alhambra Blvd Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 452-1334 Lotus Pharmacy 6540 Stockton Blvd #3B Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 428-7500 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06072 2801 K Street #100 Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 441-5252 Mason Pharmacy 4600 47Th Avenue #110 Sacramento, CA 95824 (916) 736-3188 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06073 5712 Folsom Blvd Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 455-6814 Med Aid Pharmacy 3100 Stockton Blvd Sacramento, CA 95820 (916) 733-6970 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06074 5610 Stockton Blvd Sacramento, CA 95824 (916) 737-0260 Mercy Pharmacy #4 3941 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 452-2200 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06075 2214 El Camino Avenue Sacramento, CA 95821 (916) 922-8752 Parkside Pharmacy 4404 Del Rio Road Sacramento, CA 95822 (916) 487-4488 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06076 4980 Freeport Blvd Sacramento, CA 95822 (916) 457-6247 Pharm Med Services 2129 Hacienda Way #J Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 452-3454 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06077 4020 Florin Road Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 421-6486 Physicians Building Pharmacy 3701 J Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 483-3455 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06079 1730 Watt Avenue Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 483-9268 Professional Village Pharmacy 1701 Professional Drive Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 442-5891 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06080 1309 Fulton Avenue Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 483-3486 Puccis Leader Pharmacy 2821 J Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 452-3811 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06081 9133 Kiefer Blvd Sacramento, CA 95826 (916) 366-1377 Raleys Pharmacy #405 4850 Freeport Blvd Sacramento, CA 95822 (916) 972-7198 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06082 7900 Florin Road #5 Sacramento, CA 95828 (916) 428-4489 Raleys Pharmacy #416 3518 Marconi Avenue Sacramento, CA 95821 179 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Facilities PHARMACIES - continued PHARMACIES - continued Rite Aid Pharmacy #06083 7860 Gerber Road Sacramento, CA 95828 (916) 689-8578 Save Mart Pharmacy #625 2501 Fair Oaks Blvd Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 484-7016 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06084 980 Florin Road Sacramento, CA 95831 (916) 422-7202 South Sacramento Pharmacy 5385 Franklin Blvd #I Sacramento, CA 95820 (916) 452-0247 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06228 4221 Norwood Avenue Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 614-9502 Target Pharmacy #2492 6507 4Th Avenue Sacramento, CA 95817 (916) 503-3679 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06264 8368 Elk Grove Florin Road Sacramento, CA 95829 (916) 681-3558 Target Pharmacy #T0312 1919 Fulton Avenue Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 483-5141 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06448 2751 Del Paso Road Sacramento, CA 95835 (916) 285-9372 Target Pharmacy #T1527 8101 Consumes River Blvd Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 525-3586 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06457 2101 S Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 731-4470 Target Pharmacy #T2115 3601 North Freeway Blvd Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 576-0488 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06505 2211 F Street Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 930-0244 Thanh Thuy Pharmacy 6830 Stockton Blvd #160 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 391-7210 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06520 4830 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 451-2187 The Pharmacy @ Cares 1500 21St Street Sacramento, CA 95811 (916) 914-6332 Sacramento Med Park Pharmacy 5270 Elvas Avenue #D Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 739-1513 Thu Pharmacy 6171 Stockton Blvd #185 Sacramento, CA 95824 (916) 395-0352 Safeway Pharmacy #1530 3320 Arden Way Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 483-9574 Timberlake Pharmacy 8100 Timberlake Way #A Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 760-2470 Safeway Pharmacy #2242 1025 Alhambra Blvd Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 456-3421 UC Davis Med Ctr O/P Pharmacy 2221 Stockton Blvd Rm 1130 Sacramento, CA 95817 (916) 734-3305 Safeway Pharmacy #2684 1814 19Th Street Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 492-9977 Valley Pharmacy of Sacramento 7600 Hospital Drive #A Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 423-2098 Safeway Pharmacy #2697 2851 Del Paso Road Sacramento, CA 95835 (916) 285-8844 Vangs Pharmacy 7260 East Southgate Drive #E Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 393-5961 Sam's Club Pharmacy # 6622 8250 Power Inn Road Sacramento, CA 95828 (916) 688-2122 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #10-2735 6051 Florin Road Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 422-5477 Sam's Club Pharmacy # 6623 3360 El Camino Avenue Sacramento, CA 95821 (916) 487-8242 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #10-5230 3460 El Camino Avenue Sacramento, CA 95821 (916) 977-0221 Save Mart Pharmacy #618 3291 Truxel Road Sacramento, CA 95833 (916) 646-1407 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #102598 3661 Truxel Road Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 928-9668 Save Mart Pharmacy #619 7960 Gerber Blvd Sacramento, CA 95828 (916) 689-8333 Walgreens #04136 1919 Fruitridge Road Sacramento, CA 95822 (916) 457-5733 180 SACRAMENTO COUNTY Facilities PHARMACIES - continued URGENT CARE CENTERS - continued Walgreens #04170 4200 Arden Way Sacramento, CA 95864 (916) 485-4069 Walgreens #05036 4495 Mack Road Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 399-0860 Walgreens #05500 4331 Antelope Road Sacramento, CA 95843 (916) 722-3304 Walgreens #06193 2201 Arden Way Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 929-7341 Walgreens #06613 1401 Broadway Sacramento, CA 95818 (916) 440-0953 Walgreens #06807 5020 Madison Avenue Sacramento, CA 95841 (916) 339-9712 Walgreens #10114 3521 Del Paso Road Sacramento, CA 95835 (916) 515-1866 Walgreens #10716 250 Florin Road Sacramento, CA 95831 (916) 399-0650 Walgreens #11262 840 El Camino Avenue Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 643-9940 Walgreens #12365 8275 Bruceville Road Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 682-7407 Walgreens #13597 1420 Meadowview Road Sacramento, CA 95832 (916) 421-0102 Walgreens #5374 2900 Stockton Blvd Sacramento, CA 95817 (916) 739-1621 Walgreens #6706 7155 24Th Street Sacramento, CA 95822 (916) 399-9674 Urgent Care of Folsom 1600 Creekside Drive #1400 Folsom, CA 95630 MON-SUN 10AM-10PM (916) 984-8244 Hill Physicians Med 7 Urgent Care Center 4112 East Commerce Way Sacramento, CA 95834 MON-SUN 9AM-9PM (916) 447-6337 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians UC Davis UC Davis Mercy Medical Group Downtown 3000 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95816 MON-FRI 9AM-9PM, SAT-SUN-HOL 9AM-5PM (916) 733-3435 Mercy Medical (916) 682-7777 Pediatric Urgent Care of Sacramento 7601 Hospital Drive #101B Hill Physicians Sacramento, CA 95823 MON-FRI 6PM-10PM, SAT-SUN-HOL 10AM-10PM Sacramento Urgent Care 7200 South Land Park Drive #100 Sacramento, CA 95831 MON-SUN 9AM-9PM (916) 422-9110 Hill Physicians URGENT CARE CENTERS Med 7 Urgent Care Center 4156 Manzanita Avenue #100 Carmichael, CA 95608 MON-SUN 9AM-9PM (916) 488-6337 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians UC Davis UC Davis Elk Grove Urgent Care 9045 Bruceville Road #100 Elk Grove, CA 95758 MON-SUN 9AM-9PM (916) 479-9110 Hill Physicians Med 7 Urgent Care Center 1201 East Bidwell Street Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 920-6337 Hill Physicians 181 SOLANO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians FAMILY PRACTICE FAMILY PRACTICE - continued Cherry MD, Ana R Center For Primary Care NorthBay #NBMG519500 421 Nut Tree Road Northbay Medical Center Vacaville, CA 95687 Northbay VacaValley Hospital (707) 624-7500 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Spanish Family Medicine Female Weber DO, Lauren D Center For Women's Health 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #300 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4100 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Freeman MD, Douglas J Center For Primary Care 2458 Hilborn Road Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 646-5500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Wood DO, Zackery S Center For Primary Care 2458 Hilborn Road Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 646-5500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Ghods DO, Ehsan Center For Primary Care 4520 Business Center Drive #200 Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 646-3500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Gillespie MD, Craig L 1525 Webster Street #C Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 428-0777 Board Certifications: None Hongsakaphadana MD, Alina Center For Primary Care 4520 Business Center Drive #200 Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 646-3500 Board Certifications: None Khambatta DO, Shanaz Center For Primary Care 421 Nut Tree Road Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Naik DO, Mukesh H 1001 Nut Tree Road #140 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 448-9350 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Newman MD, Stephen R Center For Primary Care 421 Nut Tree Road Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine 182 NorthBay #NBMG322400 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG904000 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female NorthBay #NBMG731700 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Spanish Male INTERNAL MEDICINE NorthBay #NBMG577300 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG226200 * Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male Adkins MD, Amanda C Center For Primary Care 2458 Hilborn Road Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 646-5500 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine NorthBay #NBMG975600 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female Arenas MD, Josefina P 3700 Hilborn Road #200 Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 422-0900 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine NorthBay #NBMG345500 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female NorthBay #NBMG679600 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female Bajwa MD, Kulbir K Center For Primary Care 421 Nut Tree Road Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7500 Board Certifications: None NorthBay #NBMG239100 * Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Cantonese, French, Punjabi Female NorthBay #NBMG135400 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female Chen MD, Anne A 2560 North Texas Street #C Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 423-4355 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine NorthBay #NBMG271900 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female NorthBay #NBMG227000 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG132700 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male Goyal MD, Archana Center For Primary Care 4520 Business Center Drive #200 Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 646-3500 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Goyal MD, Madhav Center For Primary Care 421 Nut Tree Road Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7500 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine NorthBay #NBMG904100 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female NorthBay #NBMG272000 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico SOLANO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued PEDIATRICS - continued Hassani MD, Ali Center For Primary Care 421 Nut Tree Road Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7399 Board Certifications: None Yang DO, Judy Center For Primary Care 2458 Hilborn Road Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 646-5500 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Katzaroff DO, Michelle L Center For Primary Care 4520 Business Center Drive #200 Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 646-3500 Board Certifications: None Whitley MD, Teresa B Center For Women's Health 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #300 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4100 Board Certifications: None NorthBay #NBMG11043 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Farsi Male NorthBay #NBMG563000 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female NorthBay #NBMG654400 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female NorthBay #NBMG636300 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female PEDIATRICS Chang MD, Gilbert T Center For Primary Care 2458 Hilborn Road Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 646-5500 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Chang MD, Gilbert T Center For Primary Care 4520 Business Center Drive #200 Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 646-3500 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Ginsberg MD, Michael L Center For Primary Care 2458 Hilborn Road Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 646-5500 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Heeren MD, Matthew M Center For Primary Care 421 Nut Tree Road Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7500 Board Certifications: None Hewett MD, Bruce T Center For Primary Care 421 Nut Tree Road Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7500 Board Certifications: Pediatrics NorthBay #NBMG480100 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG480100 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG643500 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Spanish Male NorthBay #NBMG346300 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG751000 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male 183 SOLANO COUNTY Specialty Providers ALLERGY & IMMUNOLOGY Pandurangi MD, Seturam P 1620 Pennsylvania Avenue #B Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 425-2002 Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Pediatrics Pandurangi MD, Seturam P 2601 Nut Tree Road #B Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 446-2762 Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Pediatrics DERMATOLOGY NorthBay #NBMG254600 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG254600 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male CARDIOLOGY Dhillon MD, Gurinder S 1525 Webster Street #A Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 423-2511 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Interventional Cardiology NorthBay #NBMG173300 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Hindi Male CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY Beygui MD, Ramin E Northbay Medical Group 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #110 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4460 Board Certifications: General Surgery Thoracic Surgery NorthBay #NBMG944300 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Russian Male CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE Breneisen MD, Jeffrey R Northbay Medical Group 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #120 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4400 Board Certifications: None Dhond MD, Milind R Northbay Medical Group 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #120 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4400 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Mancherje MD, Cyrus R Northbay Medical Group 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #120 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4400 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine 184 NorthBay #NBMG370700 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG443400 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG226800 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male Aronson MD, Erica A Solano Dermatology Associates 2290 Sacramento Street Vallejo, CA 94590 (707) 643-5785 Board Certifications: Dermatology Beutner MD, Karl R Solano Dermatology Associates 480 Chadbourne Road #201 Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 399-4500 Board Certifications: Dermatology Beutner MD, Karl R Solano Dermatology Associates 600 Nut Tree Road #260 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 452-7222 Board Certifications: Dermatology Fu MD, Jennifer M Solano Dermatology Associates 480 Chadbourne Road #201 Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 399-4500 Board Certifications: Dermatology Fu MD, Jennifer M Solano Dermatology Associates 600 Nut Tree Road #260 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 452-7222 Board Certifications: Dermatology Geisse MD, John K Solano Dermatology Associates 600 Nut Tree Road #260 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 452-7222 Board Certifications: Dermatology Dermatopathology NorthBay #NBMG904300 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female NorthBay #NBMG371600 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG371600 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG977300 Female NorthBay #NBMG977300 Female NorthBay #NBMG371800 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male Kamath MD, Nandan V 941 Merchant Street #A Vacaville, CA 95688 (707) 446-6969 Board Certifications: Dermatology NorthBay #NBMG570700 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male Kent MD, Kathryn M 2290 Sacramento Street Vallejo, CA 94590 (707) 643-5785 Board Certifications: Dermatopathology NorthBay #NBMG11326 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female SOLANO COUNTY Specialty Providers DERMATOLOGY - continued Mraz MD, Serena M Solano Dermatology Associates 600 Nut Tree Road #260 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 452-7222 Board Certifications: Dermatology FAMILY PRACTICE - continued NorthBay #NBMG371700 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female Ruben MD, Mark Solano Dermatology Associates Fairfield NorthBay #NBMG11339 480 Chadbourne Road #201 NorthBay #NBMG11122 Fairfield, CA 94534 Northbay Medical Center (707) 399-4500 Northbay VacaValley Hospital Board Certifications: Male None ENDOCRINOLOGY Allen MD, Miya E Center For Endocrinology And Diabetes NorthBay #NBMG674600 1010 Nut Tree Road #100B Northbay Medical Center Vacaville, CA 95687 Northbay VacaValley Hospital (707) 624-7999 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female Internal Medicine Murray MD, Deborah K Northbay Center For Wound Care 1010 Nut Tree Road #100A Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7979 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine NorthBay #NBMG494100 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female Murray MD, Deborah K Center For Diabetes And Endocrinology NorthBay #NBMG494100 1010 Nut Tree Road #100B Northbay Medical Center Vacaville, CA 95687 Northbay VacaValley Hospital (707) 624-7999 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine ENDOCRINOLOGY- DIABETES & META Allen MD, Miya E Center For Endocrinology And Diabetes NorthBay #NBMG674600 1010 Nut Tree Road #100B Northbay Medical Center Vacaville, CA 95687 Northbay VacaValley Hospital (707) 624-7999 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female Internal Medicine FAMILY PRACTICE Lim DO, Angela W 421 Nut Tree Road Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7500 Board Certifications: AOB Neuromusculoskeletal Med Family Medicine Skates DO, Sandra B 421 Nut Tree Road Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Neuromuscular Medicine NorthBay #NBMG686700 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female NorthBay #NBMG920100 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female Van Aken MD, Terrell Northbay Health At Home & Hospice NorthBay #NBMG135300 5140 Business Center Drive #130 Northbay Medical Center Fairfield, CA 94534 Northbay VacaValley Hospital (707) 646-3575 Male Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hospice & Palliative Medicine GASTROENTEROLOGY Al Samman MD, Mounzer B Northbay Medical Group 4520 Business Center Drive #180 Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 646-3555 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Hasan MD, Nazia Northbay Medical Group 4520 Business Center Drive #180 Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 646-3555 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Krier MD, Michael J 101 Bodin Circle Travis Afb, CA 94535 (707) 423-3000 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine NorthBay #NBMG173700 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG10444 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female NorthBay #NBMG11373 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male Szeto MD, Tedmond D 101 Bodin Circle Travis Afb, CA 94535 (707) 423-3000 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine NorthBay #NBMG11379 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male Whang MD, Suk C 101 Bodin Circle Travis Afb, CA 94535 (707) 423-5041 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine NorthBay #NBMG11377 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male GENERAL SURGERY Chambers MD, Courtney Northbay Medical Group 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #200 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4180 Board Certifications: Surgery Zopfi DO, John P Northbay Medical Group 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #200 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4180 Board Certifications: Surgery NorthBay #NBMG209400 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG241400 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male 185 SOLANO COUNTY Specialty Providers HEMATOLOGY Long MD, James M Northbay Cancer Center 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #230 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4000 Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Lopez MD, Jonathan D Northbay Cancer Center 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #230 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4000 Board Certifications: Hematology Vikstrom MD, Brian G Northbay Cancer Center 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #230 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4000 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine HYPERBARIC MEDICINE NorthBay #NBMG135200 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG727000 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Spanish Male NorthBay #NBMG413500 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male HEMATOLOGY/ONCOLOGY Long MD, James M Northbay Cancer Center 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #230 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4000 Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Lopez MD, Jonathan D Northbay Cancer Center 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #230 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4000 Board Certifications: Hematology Vikstrom MD, Brian G Northbay Cancer Center 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #230 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4000 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine NorthBay #NBMG135200 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG727000 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Spanish Male NorthBay #NBMG413500 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male HOSPICE & PALLIATIVE MEDICINE Van Aken MD, Terrell Northbay Health At Home & Hospice NorthBay #NBMG135300 5140 Business Center Drive #130 Northbay Medical Center Fairfield, CA 94534 Northbay VacaValley Hospital (707) 646-3575 Male Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hospice & Palliative Medicine 186 Erskine MD, Thomas D Northbay Center For Wound Care 1010 Nut Tree Road #100A Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7979 Board Certifications: None Kitchens MD, Charles H Northbay Center For Wound Care 1010 Nut Tree Road #100A Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7979 Board Certifications: None Murray MD, Deborah K Northbay Center For Wound Care 1010 Nut Tree Road #100A Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7979 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine NorthBay #NBMG226100 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG374900 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG494100 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female Murray MD, Deborah K Center For Diabetes And Endocrinology NorthBay #NBMG494100 1010 Nut Tree Road #100B Northbay Medical Center Vacaville, CA 95687 Northbay VacaValley Hospital (707) 624-7999 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine INFECTIOUS DISEASE Warner DO, Gregory Y Northbay Medical Group 1010 Nut Tree Road #100A Vacaville, CA 95688 (707) 624-7999 Board Certifications: Infectious Disease Internal Medicine NorthBay #NBMG679400 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male INTERNAL MEDICINE Doyle MD, Donald Northbay Medical Group 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #200 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4180 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Sleep Medicine Shahmir MD, Ehsan 1360 Burton Drive #160 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 446-4379 Board Certifications: Nephrology NorthBay #NBMG225900 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG332900 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male SOLANO COUNTY Specialty Providers MATERNAL & FETAL MEDICINE NEONATOLOGY - continued Hedriana MD, Herman L 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #300 NorthBay #NBMG307700 Fairfield, CA 94533 Mercy General Hospital (707) 646-4100 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Maternal & Fetal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Obstetrics/Gynecology Male Gwiazdowski MD, Steven G 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #145 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4052 Board Certifications: Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics Lanouette-Conley MD, Jan 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #300 NorthBay #NBMG309100 † Fairfield, CA 94533 Mercy General Hospital (707) 646-4100 Mercy San Juan Hospital Board Certifications: Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Maternal & Fetal Medicine UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Obstetrics/Gynecology Female Tarter MD, Chad I 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #145 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4052 Board Certifications: Pediatrics NorthBay #NBMG511600 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG622800 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NEPHROLOGY McLean MD, Lynn 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #300 NorthBay #NBMG312900 † Fairfield, CA 94533 Mercy San Juan Hospital (707) 646-4100 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female Clinical Genetics Maternal & Fetal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology MEDICAL GENETICS McLean MD, Lynn 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #300 NorthBay #NBMG312900 † Fairfield, CA 94533 Mercy San Juan Hospital (707) 646-4100 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female Clinical Genetics Maternal & Fetal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology SALUD MENTAL Miembros de UC: Los servicios de Salud Mental/Conductual, incluso los servicios para farmacodependencia, no tienen cobertura de WHA. Por favor llame a Optum (888) 440-8225 para localizar a un proveedor para estos servicios. Todos los demás Miembros: Los servicios de Salud Mental/Conductual, incluso los servicios para farmacodependencia, tienen cobertura de WHA por medio de Magellan Behavioral Health, Inc. Por favor llame a Magellan al (800) 424-1778 para localizar a un proveedor para estos servicios. NEONATOLOGY Bell MD, Richard E 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #145 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4052 Board Certifications: Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics Berkheimer MD, Walter R 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #145 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4052 Board Certifications: Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine NorthBay #NBMG436800 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG511300 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico Ong MD, Steven H 1261 Travis Blvd #150 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 426-5407 Board Certifications: None NorthBay #NBMG434700 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male Phaosawasdi MD, Piangwarin 1261 Travis Blvd NorthBay #NBMG869400 #150 Mercy General Hospital Fairfield, CA 94533 Northbay Medical Center (707) 426-5407 Northbay VacaValley Hospital Board Certifications: UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion None Thai Female Rubin MD, Oleg F 1360 Burton Drive #160 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 446-4379 Board Certifications: None NorthBay #NBMG428600 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male Shahmir MD, Ehsan 1360 Burton Drive #160 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 446-4379 Board Certifications: Nephrology NorthBay #NBMG332900 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male Tolkan MD, Steven R 1261 Travis Blvd #170 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 666-2559 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology NorthBay #NBMG333100 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY Taylor MD, Sherry L Center For Neuroscience 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #320 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4370 Board Certifications: Neurological Surgery NorthBay #NBMG11186 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female 187 SOLANO COUNTY Specialty Providers NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY - continued ONCOLOGY Zusman MD, Edie E Center For Neuroscience NorthBay #NBMG205900 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #320 Northbay Medical Center Fairfield, CA 94533 Northbay VacaValley Hospital (707) 646-4370 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Female Neurological Surgery Long MD, James M Northbay Cancer Center 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #230 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4000 Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine Medical Oncology NEUROLOGY Ali MD, Ruby S Center For Neuroscience 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #210 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4380 Board Certifications: Clinical Neurophysiology Neurology Almulahassani MD, Ameer Center For Neuroscience 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #210 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4380 Board Certifications: Psychiatry & Neurology NorthBay #NBMG643900 Northbay Medical Center Female NorthBay #NBMG10706 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male Lopez MD, Jonathan D Northbay Cancer Center 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #230 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4000 Board Certifications: Hematology Vikstrom MD, Brian G Northbay Cancer Center 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #230 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4000 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine NorthBay #NBMG135200 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG727000 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Spanish Male NorthBay #NBMG413500 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male OPHTHALMOLOGY Hassid MD, Eric I 1010 Nut Tree Road #200A Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-8530 Board Certifications: Neurology Rehman MD, Shahid Center For Neuroscience 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #210 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4380 Board Certifications: None NorthBay #NBMG515300 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital French Male Cupp MD, David G 1360 Burton Drive #150 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 446-7676 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology NorthBay #NBMG733600 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male Equi MD, Robert A 1360 Burton Drive #150 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 446-7676 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology NorthBay #NBMG405600 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male Patel MD, Arun C 1360 Burton Drive #150 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 446-7676 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology NorthBay #NBMG301000 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi Male OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY Karimi MD, Homa Center For Women's Health 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #300 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4100 Board Certifications: None Lin MD, Andrew P Center For Women's Health 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #300 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4100 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Villalon MD, Rachel M Center For Women's Health 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #300 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4100 Board Certifications: None 188 NorthBay #NBMG951800 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female NorthBay #NBMG580700 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG945400 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female NorthBay #NBMG976700 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male Sandler MD, Bradley 1345 Gateway Blvd NorthBay #NBMG217200 Fairfield, CA 94533 Northbay Medical Center (707) 422-6500 Northbay VacaValley Hospital Board Certifications: UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Ophthalmology Male Sandler MD, Bradley 1360 Burton Drive #150 NorthBay #NBMG217200 Vacaville, CA 95687 Northbay Medical Center (707) 446-6500 Northbay VacaValley Hospital Board Certifications: UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Ophthalmology Male † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico SOLANO COUNTY Specialty Providers OPHTHALMOLOGY - continued Tsai MD, Tony 1360 Burton Drive #150 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 446-7676 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Wendel MD, Robert T 1360 Burton Drive #150 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 446-7676 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology OPHTHALMOLOGY (RETINA) - continued NorthBay #NBMG558100 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG319400 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Spanish, Tagalog Male OPHTHALMOLOGY (RETINA) Chang MD, Margaret A 1360 Burton Drive #150 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 446-7676 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Wendel MD, Robert T 1360 Burton Drive #150 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 446-7676 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG319400 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Spanish, Tagalog Male OPTOMETRY Carney OD, Michael E 513 Merchant Street Vacaville, CA 95688 (707) 448-3451 Board Certifications: None NorthBay #NBMG278200 † Male Hill Physicians #HPMG584600 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Female Carr OD, Bruce H 513 Merchant Street Vacaville, CA 95688 (707) 448-3451 Board Certifications: None Equi MD, Robert A 1360 Burton Drive #150 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 446-7676 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG405600 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Spanish Male Lu OD, Jessica Vacaville Optometric Vision Center Inc NorthBay #NBMG11338 513 Merchant Street Northbay Medical Center Vacaville, CA 95688 Northbay VacaValley Hospital (707) 448-3451 Female Board Certifications: None Patel MD, Arun C 1360 Burton Drive #150 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 446-7676 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG301000 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi Male Scolaro OD, Donna L 1350 Burton Drive #250 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 447-2020 Board Certifications: None Pearlman MD, Joel 1360 Burton Drive #150 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 446-7676 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG219600 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Reed MD, John Brian 1360 Burton Drive #150 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 446-7676 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG393600 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Telander MD, David G 1360 Burton Drive #150 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 446-7676 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG417100 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Tsai MD, Tony 1360 Burton Drive #150 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 446-7676 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG558100 † Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico Birkbeck MD, Daniel P 1010 Nut Tree Road #150 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 447-5285 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Surgery of the Hand NorthBay #NBMG274300 † Male NorthBay #NBMG243700 Female NorthBay #NBMG749000 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male Brooks MD, Andrew T Northbay Medical Group 1010 Nut Tree Road #200 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7900 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Elmes MD, Cornelis M Northbay Medical Group 1101 B Gale Wilson Blvd #101C Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4644 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery NorthBay #NBMG161600 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG861500 Northbay Medical Center Male 189 SOLANO COUNTY Specialty Providers ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY - continued PAIN MANAGEMENT - continued Parkin MD, Jay D Northbay Medical Group 1101 B Gale Wislon Blvd #101C Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4644 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Jaber MD, James F A Northbay Aff Center For Pain Mngmt NorthBay #NBMG273700 1101 B Gale Wilson Blvd #307C Northbay Medical Center Fairfield, CA 94533 Northbay VacaValley Hospital (707) 646-4666 Male Board Certifications: Anesthesiology Peterson MD, Robert K Orthopedics 1010 Nut Tree Road Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7900 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Siegal MD, Steven E Northbay Medical Group 1101 B Gale Wilson Blvd #101C Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4644 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery NorthBay #NBMG682700 Northbay Medical Center Male NorthBay #NBMG332800 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG861600 Northbay Medical Center Male Jaber MD, James F A Northbay Affiliate Ctr For Pain Mngmt NorthBay #NBMG273700 1010 Nut Tree Road #150 Northbay Medical Center Vacaville, CA 95687 Northbay VacaValley Hospital (707) 624-8500 Male Board Certifications: Anesthesiology Pena MD, Cynthia L Center For Pain Management 1101 B Gale Wilson Blvd #307 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4666 Board Certifications: Anesthesiology Pain Medicine NorthBay #NBMG503300 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female OSTEOPATHIC MANIPULATIVE MED Lim DO, Angela W 421 Nut Tree Road Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7500 Board Certifications: AOB Neuromusculoskeletal Med Family Medicine NorthBay #NBMG686700 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female Rumery MD, Christopher G Center For Pain Management 1101 B Gale Wilson Blvd #307 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4666 Board Certifications: Anesthesiology NorthBay #NBMG729100 Northbay Medical Center Woodland Memorial Hospital Male PEDIATRIC CARDIOLOGY Skates DO, Sandra B 421 Nut Tree Road Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Neuromuscular Medicine NorthBay #NBMG920100 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female OTOLARYNGOLOGY NorthBay #NBMG724300 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female Woolf MD, Murray 1710 Pennsylvania Avenue #D Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 423-2000 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology NorthBay #NBMG175400 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male PAIN MANAGEMENT 190 NorthBay #NBMG678200 Northbay Medical Center Male PEDIATRICS Woodbury DO, Kristin 1710 Pennsylvania Avenue #D Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 423-2000 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Amster MD, Michael A Center For Pain Management 1101 B Gale Wilson Blvd #307 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4666 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Physical Medicine & Rehab Bose MD, Alok K 5030 Business Center Drive #230 Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 863-8190 Board Certifications: Pediatric Cardiology NorthBay #NBMG434800 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male Chang MD, Gilbert T Center For Primary Care 2458 Hilborn Road Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 646-5500 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Chang MD, Gilbert T Center For Primary Care 4520 Business Center Drive #200 Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 646-3500 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Ginsberg MD, Michael L Center For Primary Care 2458 Hilborn Road Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 646-5500 Board Certifications: Pediatrics NorthBay #NBMG480100 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG480100 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG643500 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Spanish Male SOLANO COUNTY Specialty Providers PEDIATRICS - continued Heeren MD, Matthew M Center For Primary Care 421 Nut Tree Road Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7500 Board Certifications: None Hewett MD, Bruce T Center For Primary Care 421 Nut Tree Road Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7500 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Yang DO, Judy Center For Primary Care 2458 Hilborn Road Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 646-5500 Board Certifications: Pediatrics PODIATRY - continued NorthBay #NBMG346300 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG751000 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG563000 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female PLASTIC SURGERY Marengo MD, Jason J Northbay Medical Group 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #200 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4180 Board Certifications: Surgery NorthBay #NBMG783300 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male Highsmith DPM, Maria J 1001 Nut Tree Road #220 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 448-8494 Board Certifications: None Miller DPM, Kevin M Northbay Medical Group 1101 B Gale Wilson Blvd #104 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 624-7300 Board Certifications: None Miller DPM, Kevin M 600 Nut Tree Road #150 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7300 Board Certifications: None NorthBay #NBMG240900 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female NorthBay #NBMG240900 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female NorthBay #NBMG670000 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG670000 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male PULMONARY DISEASE PODIATRY Choy DPM, Robert Y 1620 Pennsylvania Avenue #A Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 426-5644 Board Certifications: None Highsmith DPM, Maria J 1555 Webster Street #E Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 425-4901 Board Certifications: None NorthBay #NBMG409700 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male Doyle MD, Donald Northbay Medical Group 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #200 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4180 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Sleep Medicine NorthBay #NBMG225900 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male RADIATION ONCOLOGY Fong DPM, Jennifer K 1620 Pennsylvania Avenue #A Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 426-5644 Board Certifications: None NorthBay #NBMG924500 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female Highsmith DPM, Dwayne L 1555 Webster Street #E Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 425-4901 Board Certifications: None NorthBay #NBMG240700 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male Highsmith DPM, Dwayne L 1001 Nut Tree Road #220 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 448-8494 Board Certifications: None NorthBay #NBMG240700 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male Ploch MD, Florian H Northbay Medical Group 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #130 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4040 Board Certifications: Radiation Oncology NorthBay #NBMG241100 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male RHEUMATOLOGY Schoenwetter DO, Melissa Northbay Medical Group 1010 Nut Tree Road #200 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-8530 Board Certifications: Rheumatology NorthBay #NBMG898500 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Female 191 SOLANO COUNTY Specialty Providers SPEECH PATHOLOGY Barrett SLP, Sarah E 1101 B Gale Wilson Blvd #101A Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4150 Board Certifications: None NorthBay #NBMG10997 Northbay Medical Center Female SPORT MEDICINE Peterson MD, Robert K Orthopedics 1010 Nut Tree Road Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7900 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery NorthBay #NBMG332800 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male THORACIC SURGERY Zopfi DO, John P Northbay Medical Group 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #200 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4180 Board Certifications: Surgery NorthBay #NBMG241400 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male UROGYNECOLOGY Lin MD, Andrew P Center For Women's Health 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #300 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4100 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology NorthBay #NBMG580700 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male UROLOGY Khaira MD, Herkanwal S Northbay Medical Group NorthBay #NBMG892500 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #200 Northbay Medical Center Fairfield, CA 94533 Northbay VacaValley Hospital (707) 646-4180 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Board Certifications: Punjabi, Spanish Urology Male Wang MD, Edward Northbay Medical Group 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #200 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4180 Board Certifications: Urology NorthBay #NBMG333200 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Mandarin Male VASCULAR SURGERY Beygui MD, Ramin E Northbay Medical Group 1860 Pennsylvania Avenue #110 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4460 Board Certifications: General Surgery Thoracic Surgery 192 NorthBay #NBMG944300 Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Russian Male SOLANO COUNTY Facilities AMBULATORY SURGERY CENTERS Surgery Center At Northbay VacaValley 1006 Nut Tree Road Vacaville, CA 95687 PHARMACIES (707) 446-2800 NorthBay DIXON LOCATIONS CVS Pharmacy #09950 1057 North First Street Dixon, CA 95620 DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING / RADIOLOGY (707) 678-4412 PHARMACIES Northbay Medical Center - Rad 1200 B Gale Wilson Blvd Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-5100 NorthBay Solano Diagnostics Imaging 1101 B Gale Wilson Blvd #100 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-4646 NorthBay Northbay VacaValley Hospital 1000 Nut Tree Road Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7100 NorthBay Solano Diagnostics Imaging 1010 Nut Tree Road #170 Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 646-4646 NorthBay Costco Pharmacy 5101 Business Center Drive Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 639-4106 Solano Diagnostics Imaging 421 Nut Tree Road Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 646-4646 NorthBay CVS Pharmacy #03075 5059 Business Center Drive Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 863-0722 CVS Pharmacy #09371 300 Travis Blvd Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 422-3460 CVS Pharmacy #09712 3340 North Texas Street Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 423-9463 Gateway Pharmacy 1330 Gateway Blvd #B2 Fairfield, CA 94533 (415) 898-2151 Raleys Pharmacy #331 3330 North Texas Street Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 421-9010 Raleys Pharmacy #332 3001 Travis Blvd Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 429-8310 Safeway Pharmacy #1127 2401 Waterman Blvd Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 427-5642 Target Pharmacy #T0675 2059 Cadenasso Drive Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 759-0005 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #10-2048 2701 North Texas Street Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 428-4795 Walgreens #01940 1955 West Texas Street Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 428-0496 Safeway Pharmacy #1258 1235 Stratford Avenue Dixon, CA 95620 (707) 678-7402 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #10-5139 235 East Dorset Drive Dixon, CA 95620 (707) 693-6514 FAIRFIELD LOCATIONS HOSPITALS / EMERGENCY ROOMS Northbay Medical Center 1200 B Gale Wilson Blvd Fairfield, CA 94533 TJC (707) 646-5000 NorthBay Northbay VacaValley Hospital 1000 Nut Tree Road Vacaville, CA 95687 TJC (707) 624-7000 NorthBay LABORATORIES Center For Primary Care A Northbay Affiliate 2458 Hilborn Road Fairfield, CA 94534 (707) 646-5500 NorthBay Northbay Medical Center - Lab 1200 B Gale Wilson Blvd Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-5131 NorthBay Center For Primary Care A Northbay Affiliate 421 Nut Tree Road Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7500 NorthBay Northbay Healthcare Group 1000 Nut Tree Road Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 624-7130 NorthBay 193 SOLANO COUNTY Facilities PHARMACIES - continued VALLEJO LOCATIONS RIO VISTA LOCATIONS Lucky Pharmacy 1740 Tuolumne Street Vallejo, CA 94589 (707) 645-8163 North Bay Custom Care Pharmacy 1460 North Camino Alto #101 Vallejo, CA 94589 (707) 552-8388 Delta Pharmacy 407 Main Street Rio Vista, CA 94571 (707) 374-5135 SUISUN CITY LOCATIONS Raleys Pharmacy #330 270 Sunset Avenue Suisun City, CA 94585 (707) 426-1274 Rite Aid Pharmacy #05941 135 Sunset Avenue Suisun City, CA 94585 (707) 426-4242 (707) 455-1343 Vacaville Urgent Care 1001 Nut Tree Road #110 NorthBay Vacaville, CA 95687 NorthBay MO-FRI 6PM-8PM SAT 12PM-4PM SUN 12PM-4PM ER Direct VACAVILLE LOCATIONS Costco Pharmacy 1051 Hume Way Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 453-7342 CVS Pharmacy #09819 377 East Monte Vista Avenue Vacaville, CA 95688 (707) 446-2401 CVS Pharmacy #09917 625 Elmira Road Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 451-0285 Lucky Pharmacy 1979 Peabody Road Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 452-0145 Lucky Pharmacy 777 East Monte Vista Avenue Vacaville, CA 95688 (707) 448-8420 Raleys Pharmacy #344 3061 Alamo Drive Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 447-2526 Safeway Pharmacy #1109 2090 Harbison Drive Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 452-7279 Sam's Pharmacy #6433 1500 Helen Power Drive Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 449-3638 Target Pharmacy #T0827 3000 Harbison Drive Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 452-8119 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #10-1704 1501 Helen Power Drive Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 451-1397 Walgreens #02644 2010 Alamo Drive Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 451-8304 194 URGENT CARE CENTERS (855) 843-5944 NorthBay SONOMA COUNTY Primary Care Physicians FAMILY PRACTICE Affleck MD, Ty P 1255 North Dutton Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (707) 546-9400 Board Certifications: Family Medicine FAMILY PRACTICE - continued #MNSR789500 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Ahern MD, Carol A 19270 Sonoma Highway #12 Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 939-6070 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Andolsen MD, Richard J 465A March Avenue Healdsburg, CA 95448 (707) 433-3369 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNSV789700 * Sonoma Valley Hospital Spanish Female #MNHD790600 Healdsburg District Hospital Male Butts MD, Carmen G 5900 State Farm Drive Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 559-7500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Canova MD, John P 678 Petaluma Avenue Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 829-2232 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Chen DO, Iun Iu A 1179 North Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 559-7500 Board Certifications: None Ashcroft MD, Andrew B 1179 North Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 559-7500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNPV790900 Petaluma Valley Hospital Spanish Male Chen DO, Iun Iu A 5900 State Farm Drive Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 559-7500 Board Certifications: None Ashcroft MD, Andrew B 5900 State Farm Drive 2Nd Floor Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 559-7600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNPV790900 Petaluma Valley Hospital Spanish Male Chi MD, Carlin L 1179 North Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 559-7500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Berney MD, Rhonda C 6800 Palm Avenue #C Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 824-9999 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Geriatric Medicine Bogart DO, Gary N 4750 Hoen Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 542-1611 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Bowen MD, Trina L 3802 Main Street Occidental, CA 95465 (707) 874-2444 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Butts MD, Carmen G 1179 North Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 559-7500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNSR895700 * Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNSR11482 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSR864500 Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNPV11129 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico Chi MD, Carlin L 5900 State Farm Drive 2Nd Floor Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 559-7600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNPV11129 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female #MNSR841400 * Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNPV11189 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female #MNPV11189 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female #MNPV851600 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male #MNPV851600 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male Choe MD, Jonathan Y 1179 North Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 559-7500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNPV798200 Petaluma Valley Hospital Spanish Male Choe MD, Jonathan Y 5900 State Farm Drive 2Nd Floor Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 559-7600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNPV798200 Petaluma Valley Hospital Spanish Male Crane MD, Stephen M 500 Doyle Park Drive #G04 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 303-8360 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNSR979900 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male 195 SONOMA COUNTY Primary Care Physicians FAMILY PRACTICE - continued Crane MD, Stephen M 625 Petaluma Avenue #B Sebastopol, CA 95472 ( ) Board Certifications: Family Medicine Cunningham DO, Jason L 6800 Palm Avenue #C Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 824-9999 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Davey DO, Michelle 16319 Third Street Guerneville, CA 95446 (707) 869-2849 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Davidson MD, Nancy A 6800 Palm Avenue #A Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 823-5341 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Davis MD, Victoria 3802 Main Street Occidental, CA 95465 (707) 874-2444 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Deville MD, Deette 16319 Third Street Guerneville, CA 95446 (707) 869-2849 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Devore MD, James C 500 Doyle Park Drive #G04 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 303-8360 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Earl DO, Constance 6800 Palm Avenue #C Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 824-9999 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Fichman MD, David K 6800 Palm Avenue #H Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 829-1811 Board Certifications: Family Medicine 196 FAMILY PRACTICE - continued #MNSR979900 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSR902800 * Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSR866600 Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNPV856000 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female Finnemore MD, Rebecca K 1179 North Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 559-7500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNPV810300 Petaluma Valley Hospital Spanish Female Finnemore MD, Rebecca K 5900 State Farm Drive 2Nd Floor Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 559-7600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNPV810300 Petaluma Valley Hospital Spanish Female Fix MD, Jana L 1179 North Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 559-7500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Fix MD, Jana L 5900 State Farm Drive 2Nd Floor Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 559-7600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNPV982900 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female #MNPV982900 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female #MNSR902700 Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female Gonzalez-Mendez MD, Gustavo E 6 Tarman Drive #MNSR806600 Cloverdale, CA 95425 Healdsburg District Hospital (707) 894-4229 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Board Certifications: Italian Family Medicine Male #MNSR862400 Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female Hameed MD, Fasih A 1179 North Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 559-7500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNSR801800 * Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSR864400 * Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNSR858500 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Hameed MD, Fasih A 5900 State Farm Drive 2Nd Floor Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 559-7600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Helgerson MD, Erin J 1179 North Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 559-7500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Helgerson MD, Erin J 5900 State Farm Drive 2Nd Floor Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 559-7600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNPV808500 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male #MNPV808500 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male #MNPV912600 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female #MNPV912600 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico SONOMA COUNTY Primary Care Physicians FAMILY PRACTICE - continued Holmberg MD, Eric A 3 Sixth Street Point Reyes Station, CA 94956 (415) 663-8666 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Jordan MD, Veronica A 6800 Palm Drive #C Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 824-9999 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Kylstra MD, Trieneke A 4750 Hoen Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 542-1611 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Leoni MD, James F 104 Lynch Creek Way #10 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 782-9123 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Licht MD, Nurit 1179 North Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 559-7500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Licht MD, Nurit 5900 State Farm Drive 2Nd Floor Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 559-7600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Lozanov MD, Nikola Y 108 Lynch Creek Way #4 Petaluma, CA 94952 (707) 782-1244 Board Certifications: None FAMILY PRACTICE - continued #MNPV809500 * Petaluma Valley Hospital Spanish Male #MNSR904600 * Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNSR877200 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNPV815900 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male #MNPV816500 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female #MNPV816500 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female #MNPV817600 Petaluma Valley Hospital Bulgarian Male Malik MD, Geeta K 651 First Street #H Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 938-3870 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Manfredi MD, Brenda L 8911 Lakewood Drive #13 Windsor, CA 95492 (707) 387-3910 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNSV818400 Sonoma Valley Hospital Female #MNSR967900 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico Manuel-Arguelles DO, Daisy 270 Perkins Street Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 938-3131 Board Certifications: AOB Family Medicine Markoff MD, William A 1144 Sonoma Avenue #119 Santa Rosa, CA 95409 (707) 544-3811 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNSV818600 Sonoma Valley Hospital Spanish Female #MNSR839900 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Minikel MD, Michelle L 1179 North Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 559-7500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNPV819100 Petaluma Valley Hospital Spanish Female Minikel MD, Michelle L 5900 State Farm Drive 2Nd Floor Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 559-7600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNPV819100 Petaluma Valley Hospital Spanish Female Mishra MD, Subhash 270 Perkins Street Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 938-3131 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNSV819200 Sonoma Valley Hospital Male Moore MD, Rain 3802 Main Street Occidental, CA 95465 (707) 874-2444 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNSR862800 Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female Morris MD, Cynthia 4750 Hoen Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 542-1611 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNSR819800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital French, Spanish Female Nguyen MD, Lana N 3835 Cypress Drive #102 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 765-2425 Board Certifications: Family Practice Oryn DO, Danielle E 1179 North Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 559-7500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNPV823000 * Petaluma Valley Hospital French Canadian, Spanish Female #MNPV824600 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female 197 SONOMA COUNTY Primary Care Physicians FAMILY PRACTICE - continued Oryn DO, Danielle E 5900 State Farm Drive 2Nd Floor Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 559-7600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Pace MD, Gary 6 Tarman Drive Cloverdale, CA 95425 (707) 894-4229 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Pace MD, Gary 6800 Palm Avenue #C Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 824-9999 Board Certifications: Family Medicine FAMILY PRACTICE - continued #MNPV824600 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female #MNSR871900 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Reynolds MD, Michele D 19270 Sonoma Highway 12 Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 939-6070 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNSR871900 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Rosa MD, Gregory P 141 Lynch Creek Way #C Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-0802 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Pearson MD, Lisa 1179 North Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954-6559 (707) 559-7500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNPV825600 Petaluma Valley Hospital French Female Pearson MD, Lisa 5900 State Farm Drive 2Nd Floor Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 559-7600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNPV825600 Petaluma Valley Hospital French Female Pendleton MD, John D 1179 North Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954-6559 (707) 559-7500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNPV825700 Petaluma Valley Hospital Spanish Male Pendleton MD, John D 5900 State Farm Drive 2Nd Floor Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 559-7600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNPV825700 Petaluma Valley Hospital Spanish Male Perez MD, Xavier 19270 Sonoma Highway 12 Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 939-6070 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Pitzen MD, Roger J 555 Petaluma Avenue #A Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 823-3210 Board Certifications: Emergency Medicine Family Medicine 198 Powers MD, Richard E 6800 Palm Drive # A Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 823-5341 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Geriatric Medicine #MNSV10991 Sonoma Valley Hospital Male #MNSR856200 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Rosa MD, Gregory P 652 Petaluma Avenue #B Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 823-7616 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Rosedale MD, Michael J 500 Doyle Park Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 303-8360 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Sandhu DO, Amrita 1179 N Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 559-7500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Sandhu DO, Amrita 5900 State Farm Drive Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 559-7500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Schafer MD, John R 270 Perkins Street Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 938-3131 Board Certifications: None Schindler MD, Lydia G 11150 State Route One Petaluma, CA 94952 (415) 663-1082 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNSR826600 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSV821600 Sonoma Valley Hospital Spanish Female #MNSR503000 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital German, Spanish Male #MNSR503000 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital German, Spanish Male #MNSR11527 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNPV11187 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female #MNPV11187 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female #MNSV827600 Sonoma Valley Hospital Male #MNPV11162 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female SONOMA COUNTY Primary Care Physicians FAMILY PRACTICE - continued FAMILY PRACTICE - continued Serio MD, Patricia A 100 West Third Street Cloverdale, CA 95425 (707) 894-4229 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNSR831200 Healdsburg District Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Female Trapnell MD, James G 1144 Sonoma Avenue #19 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 544-3811 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Serio MD, Patricia A 6 Tarman Drive Cloverdale, CA 95425 (707) 894-4229 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNSR831200 Healdsburg District Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Female Tropel DO, Julienne 24 West El Rose Drive Petaluma, CA 94952 (707) 763-9891 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Shaw MD, Amy E 121 Sotoyome Street #203 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 525-6623 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Shaw MD, Emily 1179 North Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 559-7500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Shaw MD, Emily 5900 State Farm Drive Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 559-7500 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Simms MD, Harry S 652 Petaluma Avenue #H Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 823-3166 Board Certifications: None Smith MD, Leo A 500 Doyle Park Drive #G04 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 303-8360 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Stanton MD, Jessica J 16319 Third Street Guerneville, CA 95446 (707) 869-2849 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Strange DO, Nicholas G 24 West El Rose Drive Petaluma, CA 94952-4023 (707) 763-9891 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNSR854400 * Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNSR11185 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female #MNSR11185 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female #MNSR847200 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSR918700 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSR871400 Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female Vezino MD, Brooke 6800 Palm Avenue #C Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 824-9999 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Vo DO, Yen Trang X 19270 Sonoma Highway 12 Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 939-6070 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Washburn DO, Elisa 500 Doyle Park Drive #G04 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 303-8360 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Wheeler DO, Cary L 6 Tarman Drive Cloverdale, CA 95425 (707) 894-4229 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Whisman MD, Kathleen E 652 Petaluma Avenue #H Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 823-3166 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Widger MD, Judy 1312 Prentice Drive Windsor, CA 95492 (707) 433-3383 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNSR839800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital #MNPV977500 * Petaluma Valley Hospital Female #MNSR868000 * Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Female #MNSV10958 Sonoma Valley Hospital Female #MNSR901600 * Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNHD10765 Healdsburg District Hospital Female #MNSR847900 * Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNHD11345 Healdsburg District Hospital Female GENERAL PRACTICE #MNPV834400 Petaluma Valley Hospital Spanish Male * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico Bloom MD, David James 990 Sonoma Avenue #17 Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 575-3500 Board Certifications: None #MNSR917700 * Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male 199 SONOMA COUNTY Primary Care Physicians GENERAL PRACTICE - continued INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued Holmes MD, Michael D 511 Petaluma Avenue Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 823-5353 Board Certifications: None Decastro MD, Marlon C 500 Doyle Park Drive #303 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 303-8300 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine #MNSR800800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Tagalog Male Edouard MD, Philippe R 400 North Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954-2339 (707) 118-1111 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine #MNPV796300 Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Edouard MD, Philippe R 5900 State Farm Drive 2Nd Floor Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 559-7600 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine #MNPV796300 Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Tucker MD, Bruce N 3536 Mendocino Avenue #300 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 546-2180 Board Certifications: None #MNSR913600 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSR839500 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male INTERNAL MEDICINE Aye MD, Saw W 104 Lynch Creek Way #10 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 782-9123 Board Certifications: None Bisbee MD, George W 500 Doyle Park Drive #300 Santa Rosa, CA 95405-4559 (707) 303-8344 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Campbell MD, S. Douglas 670 Third Street West Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 938-5916 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Carr MD, Harry B 500 Doyle Park Drive #304 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 545-1700 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Carrol MD, William D 3536 Mendocino Avenue #300 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 546-2180 Board Certifications: Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine Cooper MD, Lawrence R 3536 Mendocino Avenue #300 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 546-2180 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Davis MD, Catherine V 500 Doyle Park Drive #303 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 303-8300 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine 200 #MNPV791100 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male #MNSR793000 * Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSV794200 Sonoma Valley Hospital Male #MNSR940800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSR840300 * Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSR840200 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSR800300 * Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female Ferguson MD, Monica O 500 Doyle Park Drive #303 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 303-8300 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Guyn MD, Thomas C 3536 Mendocino Avenue #300 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 546-2180 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Kohli MD, Parul 3536 Mendocino Avenue #300 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 546-2180 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Lane MD, Clinton 377 Perkins Street Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 938-2345 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine #MNSR10775 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNSR881600 * Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Italian Male #MNSR11082 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital #MNSV815100 Sonoma Valley Hospital Male Levin MD, Neil A 3536 Mendocino Avenue #300 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 546-2180 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Liu MD, Yong Q 181 Andrieux Street #202 Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 933-0500 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine #MNSR840000 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSV816900 Sonoma Valley Hospital Chinese Female * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico SONOMA COUNTY Primary Care Physicians INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued Marguglio MD, Paul J 1312 Prentice Drive Healdsburg, CA 95448 (707) 433-3383 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Sebastian MD, Brian M 651 First Street #H Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 938-3870 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Matalon MD, Eran 500 Doyle Park Drive #304 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 545-1700 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Morse MD, Jonathan 1450 Medical Center Drive #3A Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 387-3925 Board Certifications: None Murachanian MD, Kenneth A 3536 Mendocino Avenue #300 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 546-2180 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Paine MD, Joel E 500 Doyle Park Drive #300 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 303-8344 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Peterson MD, Scott P 500 Doyle Park Drive #304 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 545-1700 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Ranadive MD, Rajesh K 141 Lynch Creek Way #C Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-0802 Board Certifications: None Ranadive MD, Rajina 141 Lynch Creek Way #C Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-0802 Board Certifications: None Schaefer MD, Robert R 500 Doyle Park Drive #303 Santa Rosa, CA 95405-4559 (707) 303-8344 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine #MNHD818800 * Healdsburg District Hospital Male #MNSR913800 * Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Serrano MD, Noel 500 Doyle Park Drive #303 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 303-8300 Board Certifications: None #MNSR10772 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Skvaril MD, Jacqueline R 3536 Mendocino Avenue #300 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 546-2180 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine #MNSR839700 * Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSR839600 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSR916100 * Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male #MNPV820900 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male #MNPV848900 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female #MNSR827500 * Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico Veletto MD, Tony D 1312 Prentice Drive Healdsburg, CA 95448 (707) 433-3383 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Verducci MD, Dennis J 670 Third Street West Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 938-5916 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Zelk MD, Misty M 652 Petaluma Avenue #H Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 823-3166 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pediatrics #MNSV829000 * Sonoma Valley Hospital Male #MNSR831300 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Mandarin, Tagalog Male #MNSR839400 * Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNSV969200 Healdsburg District Hospital Male #MNSV830400 * Sonoma Valley Hospital Male #MNSR847800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital German, Spanish Female PEDIATRICS Britt MD, Deborah S 500 Doyle Park Drive #100 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 544-6090 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Cueto-Salas MD, Martha E 1456 Professional Drive #403 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 769-7770 Board Certifications: Pediatrics #MNSR788900 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNPV799600 Petaluma Valley Hospital Spanish Female 201 SONOMA COUNTY Primary Care Physicians PEDIATRICS - continued Culhane MD, Elizabeth S 500 Doyle Park Drive #100 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 544-6090 Board Certifications: Pediatrics De Pala Jr MD, Armando V 1550 Professional Drive #A Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 769-7403 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Detorres MD, Charles F 181 Andrieux Street #2 Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 935-9000 Board Certifications: None Doolittle MD, Laurie 1550 Professional Drive #200 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 769-7403 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Iezza MD, Heather A 500 Doyle Park Drive #100 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 544-6090 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Lundergan MD, Faye S 1456 Professional Drive #405 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 769-7500 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Prosser MD, Kenneth F 500 Doyle Park Drive #100 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 544-6090 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Sloan MD, Mark P 1179 North Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 559-7500 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Sloan MD, Mark P 5900 State Farm Drive Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 559-7500 Board Certifications: Pediatrics 202 PEDIATRICS - continued #MNSR799700 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNPV800600 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male #MNSV801600 Sonoma Valley Hospital Male #MNPV891800 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female #MNSR804300 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNPV817800 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female #MNSR820500 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNPV11194 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male #MNPV11194 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male Smith MD, David L 500 Doyle Park Drive #100 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 544-6090 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Smith MD, Jerome C 651 First Street #H Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 938-3870 Board Certifications: Pediatrics #MNSR832500 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSV832700 Sonoma Valley Hospital Spanish Male SONOMA COUNTY Specialty Providers ALLERGY Martin MD, Michael E 715 Southpoint Blvd #C Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 765-1006 Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Pediatrics Martin MD, Michael E 2461 Summerfield Road Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 525-0211 Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Pediatrics CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY #MNSP812800 Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Korver MD, Keith F 3536 Mendocino Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 573-6166 Board Certifications: Surgery Thoracic Surgery #MNSP855100 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE #MNSP812800 Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Babajanian MD, Masis 3536 Mendocino Avenue #200 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 573-6166 Board Certifications: None #MNSP843900 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male ALLERGY & IMMUNOLOGY Petrick MD, Maria M 715 Southpoint Road #C Healdsburg, CA 95448 (707) 525-0211 Board Certifications: None #MNSP980700 Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female Petrick MD, Maria M 2461 Summerfield Road Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 525-0211 Board Certifications: None #MNSP980700 Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female Ballesteros MD, Jose V 500 Doyle Park Drive #205 Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 527-8444 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Bowden DO, William D 8499 Old Redwood Highway #110 Windsor, CA 95492 (707) 431-9181 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine #MNSP791400 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish, Tagalog Male #MNSP788300 Healdsburg District Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male BARIATRICS Perryman MD, Scott M 651 First Street #L Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 938-3870 Board Certifications: Surgery #MNSP826000 Healdsburg District Hospital Sonoma Valley Hospital Hindi Male CARDIOLOGY Dhar MD, Sanjay C 4740 Hoen Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 542-2783 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Garfield MD, Allan 3536 Mendocino Avenue #200 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 573-6166 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Halpern MD, Stephen W 4740 Hoen Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 636-5550 Board Certifications: Cardiology Internal Medicine #MNSP859600 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP846800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP859500 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male Chang-Sing MD, Peter D 500 Doyle Park Drive #302 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 573-7070 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Coleman MD, Patrick S 3536 Mendocino Avenue #200 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 573-6166 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Interventional Cardiology Dunlap MD, Thomas E 3536 Mendocino Avenue #200 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 573-6166 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Dunlap MD, Thomas E 370 Perkins Street Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 573-6166 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine #MNSP795200 Healdsburg District Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP843200 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP842700 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP842700 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male 203 SONOMA COUNTY Specialty Providers CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE - continued CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE - continued Erickson MD, Joel S 500 Doyle Park Drive #205 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 527-8444 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Punatar MD, Harendra K 719 Southpoint Blvd #B Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 778-8421 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Erny MD, Raymond E 719 Southpoint Blvd #B Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 778-8421 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Garfield MD, Allan 3536 Mendocino Avenue #200 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 573-6166 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Hunter MD, John J 500 Doyle Park Drive #205 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 527-8444 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease #MNSP797000 Marin General Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP797100 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male #MNSP846800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP803900 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male Reed MD, John B 500 Doyle Park Drive #205 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 527-8444 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Santo Domingo MD, Noel E 3536 Mendocino Avenue #200 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 573-6166 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Vasiliauskas MD, Tomas 500 Doyle Park Drive #G05 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 576-7100 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease #MNSP820600 Petaluma Valley Hospital Hindi Male #MNSP821500 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP841200 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish, Tagalog Male #MNSP830200 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY Lalith Mohan MD, Adamane S 108 Lynch Creek Way #2 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 762-5078 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Lehrman MD, Kenneth L 719 Southpoint Blvd #B Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 778-8421 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Patel MD, Vishal 3536 Mendocino Avenue #200 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 573-6166 Board Certifications: None Price MD, James E 558 Third Street West Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 935-1470 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine 204 #MNSP814900 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male Deeik MD, Ramzi K 500 Doyle Park Drive #G05 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 576-7100 Board Certifications: Cardiothoracic Surgery Surgery #MNSP815800 Petaluma Valley Hospital Spanish Male Devlin MD, Patrick G 1111 Sonoma Avenue #302 Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 545-7300 Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine #MNSR11277 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP820300 Sonoma Valley Hospital Male #MNSP800900 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP801700 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male DERMATOLOGY Amaturo MD, Susan 990 Sonoma Avenue #2B Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 579-4239 Board Certifications: Dermatology Anders MD, R Makala 830 2Nd Street #A Santa Rosa, CA 95404-4620 (707) 542-5664 Board Certifications: None #MNSP10204 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNSP790300 Sonoma Valley Hospital Spanish Male SONOMA COUNTY Specialty Providers DERMATOLOGY - continued Anders MD, R Makala 461 Seventh Street West #3 Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 938-1423 Board Certifications: None Centurion MD, Santiago A 106 Lynch Creek Way #8 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-6816 Board Certifications: Dermatology Christman MD, Holly 990 Sonoma Avenue #2 Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 579-4239 Board Certifications: Dermatology Fisher MD, Carla 165 Lynch Creek Way Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 762-5531 Board Certifications: Dermatology DERMATOLOGY - continued #MNSP790300 Sonoma Valley Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP794700 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male #MNSP10205 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNSP891400 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female Park DO, Ligaya F 2725 Mendocino Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95403-2805 (707) 545-4537 Board Certifications: Dermatology Peng MD, Albert 2725 Mendocino Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 545-4537 Board Certifications: Dermatology Philp MD, Julie 990 Sonoma Avenue #2 Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 579-4239 Board Certifications: Dermatology Schwartz MD, Stephen D 4727 Hoen Avenue #A Santa Rosa, CA 95405-7898 (707) 527-0342 Board Certifications: Dermatology #MNSP891500 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male Sugarman MD, Jeffrey L 2725 Mendocino Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 545-4537 Board Certifications: Dermatology Pediatric Dermatology Hong MD, Judith 2725 Mendocino Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 545-4537 Board Certifications: Dermatology #MNSP809700 Sonoma Valley Hospital Spanish Female Westrom MD, Dale R 990 Sonoma Avenue #2B Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 579-4239 Board Certifications: Dermatology Knuttel MD, Robin M 181 Andrieux Street #103 Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 938-9880 Board Certifications: Dermatology #MNSP811900 Sonoma Valley Hospital Spanish Female Homa MD, Eitan 165 Lynch Creek Way Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 762-5531 Board Certifications: Dermatology Krasnoff MD, Jennifer B 165 Lynch Creek Way Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 762-5531 Board Certifications: Dermatology Lin MD, Bertha B 165 Lynch Creek Way Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 762-5531 Board Certifications: Dermatology #MNSP825100 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNSP825800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP891000 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Female #MNSP828700 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP834900 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP836000 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male DERMATOPATHOLOGY #MNSP891600 Petaluma Valley Hospital #MNSP891900 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female Anders MD, R Makala 830 2Nd Street #A Santa Rosa, CA 95404-4620 (707) 542-5664 Board Certifications: None Anders MD, R Makala 461 Seventh Street West #3 Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 938-1423 Board Certifications: None #MNSP790300 Sonoma Valley Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP790300 Sonoma Valley Hospital Spanish Male 205 SONOMA COUNTY Specialty Providers ENDOCRINOLOGY- DIABETES & META GASTROENTEROLOGY - continued Nakai MD, Yuichiro D 3536 Mendocino Avenue #200 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 578-7530 Board Certifications: None Lustberg MD, A Michael 85 Brookwood Avenue #10 Santa Rosa, CA 95404-4512 (707) 303-8349 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine #MNSP844800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP818000 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male FAMILY PRACTICE Johanson MD, Gary A 500 Doyle Park Drive #G06 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 573-8984 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hospice & Palliative Medicine Morris MD, Cynthia 4750 Hoen Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 542-1611 Board Certifications: Family Medicine #MNSP805000 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSR819800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital French, Spanish Female Steady MD, Stephen L 1383 North Mcdowell Blvd #110A Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 529-9852 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine #MNSP833800 Petaluma Valley Hospital Sonoma Valley Hospital Male Stephen MD, F Otis 85 Brookwood Avenue #MNSR485900 #10 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Santa Rosa, CA 95404UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (707) 303-8349 Male Board Certifications: Gastroenterology GENERAL SURGERY Pitzen MD, Roger J 555 Petaluma Avenue #A Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 823-3210 Board Certifications: Emergency Medicine Family Medicine #MNSR856200 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male FOOT & ANKLE SURGERY Karaoglan DPM, Deha 1041 4Th Street #B Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 526-4777 Board Certifications: None #MNSP922000 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Turkish Male GASTROENTEROLOGY Arifuddin MD, Razi M 85 Brookwood #10 Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 303-8349 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Beirne MD, Joshua P 85 Brookwood Avenue #10 Santa Rosa, CA 95405-4512 (707) 303-8349 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Denigris MD, Stephen J 1383 North Mcdowell Blvd #110A Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 766-9852 Board Certifications: Gastroenterology 206 #MNSP920900 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP792500 Sonoma Valley Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP801400 Petaluma Valley Hospital Sonoma Valley Hospital Male Bozuk MD, Michael I 3835 Cypress Drive #202 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-3967 Board Certifications: General Surgery Green MD, Douglas W 121 Sotoyome Street Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 546-3141 Board Certifications: General Surgery Vascular Surgery Harris MD, Abdul K 1701 4Th Street #200 Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 579-2100 Board Certifications: General Surgery Kosakowski MD, Chris A 1111 Sonoma Avenue #112 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 579-5520 Board Certifications: Surgery Mariano MD, Elpidio C 106 Lynch Creek Way #9B Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-1575 Board Certifications: Surgery Perryman MD, Scott M 651 First Street #L Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 938-3870 Board Certifications: Surgery #MNSP788500 Petaluma Valley Hospital Sonoma Valley Hospital Czech, German, Slovak Male #MNSP807100 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP432000 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP812300 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP818900 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male #MNSP826000 Healdsburg District Hospital Sonoma Valley Hospital Hindi Male SONOMA COUNTY Specialty Providers GENERAL SURGERY - continued HEMATOLOGY Schmidt MD, Brian F 1701 4Th Street Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 579-2100 Board Certifications: Surgery Holmes MD, Jarrod P 3555 Round Barn Circle Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 528-1050 Board Certifications: Hematology Medical Oncology White MD, Robert A 1165 Montgomery Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 547-5437 Board Certifications: Surgery #MNSP846600 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP876800 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male HAND SURGERY Bollinger MD, Michael T 555 Petaluma Avenue #B Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 823-7602 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Klein MD, Roger A 1111 Sonoma Avenue #106 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 576-0366 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Mazur MD, Kai-Uwe U 131 B Stony Circle #2000 Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (707) 546-1922 Board Certifications: Hand Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Mazur MD, Kai-Uwe U 34 Mark West Springs Road #300 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 546-1922 Board Certifications: Hand Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Mintalucci MD, Dominic J 131 Stony Circle #200 Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (707) 546-1922 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Mintalucci MD, Dominic J 1405 Montgomery Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 546-1922 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery #MNSP809600 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Stanton MD, Thomas S 110 Lynch Creek Way #A Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-0600 Board Certifications: Hematology Medical Oncology #MNSP833600 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male HEMATOLOGY/ONCOLOGY #MNSP793300 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP811600 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP813200 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital German Male Bozdech MD, Marek J 3555 Round Barn Circle Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 528-1050 Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine Medical Oncology #MNSP788400 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male HOSPICE & PALLIATIVE MEDICINE Miller MD, Harriet M 500 Doyle Park Drive #G06 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 573-8984 Board Certifications: Hospice & Palliative Medicine #MNSP914400 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female INFECTIOUS DISEASE #MNSP813200 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital German Male #MNSP904800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Drach MD, Frederick S 500 Doyle Park Drive #106A Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 303-8309 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Erskine DO, J Yusuf 506 Main Street Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 829-5455 Board Certifications: Neuromuscular Medicine #MNSP437000 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP881800 ‡ Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male INTERNAL MEDICINE #MNSP904800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA Stone MD, Susan 500 Doyle Park Drive #G06 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 573-8984 Board Certifications: Hospice & Palliative Medicine #MNSP10839 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female 207 SONOMA COUNTY Specialty Providers INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY Consiglieri MD, Giac D 525 Doyle Park Drive #102 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 523-1873 Board Certifications: None NEPHROLOGY - continued #MNSP967600 Sonoma Valley Hospital Male MEDICAL ONCOLOGY Keck MD, Sara A 110 Lynch Creek Way #A Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-0600 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Keck MD, Sara A 3555 Round Barn Circle Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 521-3842 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology #MNSP914100 Marin General Hospital Petaluma Valley Hospital Female #MNSP914100 Marin General Hospital Petaluma Valley Hospital Female SALUD MENTAL Miembros de UC: Los servicios de Salud Mental/Conductual, incluso los servicios para farmacodependencia, no tienen cobertura de WHA. Por favor llame a Optum (888) 440-8225 para localizar a un proveedor para estos servicios. Green MD, Gopa B 2301 Circadian Way #A Santa Rosa, CA 95407 (707) 526-2027 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Osman MD, Farid 108 Lynch Creek Way #3 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 762-5078 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Robertson MD, James S 2301 Circadian Way #A Santa Rosa, CA 95407 (707) 526-2027 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Wilson MD, Carl 435 Doyle Park Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 527-9510 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology #MNSP807200 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Female #MNSP824800 Petaluma Valley Hospital Farsi, French Male #MNSP821800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP836600 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY Todos los demás Miembros: Los servicios de Salud Mental/Conductual, incluso los servicios para farmacodependencia, tienen cobertura de WHA por medio de Magellan Behavioral Health, Inc. Por favor llame a Magellan al (800) 424-1778 para localizar a un proveedor para estos servicios. NEPHROLOGY Calaf MD, Federico S 2301 Circadian Way #A Santa Rosa, CA 95407 (707) 526-2027 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Cheung MD, Eric M 2301 Circadian Way #A Santa Rosa, CA 95407 (707) 526-2027 Board Certifications: None Fritz MD, Benjamin A 2301 Circadian Way #A Santa Rosa, CA 95407 (707) 526-2027 Board Certifications: Nephrology 208 #MNSP978200 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP10097 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP803400 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male Consiglieri MD, Giac D 525 Doyle Park Drive #102 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 523-1873 Board Certifications: None Germain MD, Rasha S 525 Doyle Park Drive #102 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 523-1873 Board Certifications: None Glickman DO, Scott G 830 Second Street #A Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 843-7868 Board Certifications: Neurological Surgery Glickman DO, Scott G 4690 Hoen Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 799-5911 Board Certifications: Neurological Surgery #MNSP967600 Sonoma Valley Hospital Male #MNSP967800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNSP985200 Healdsburg District Hospital Male #MNSP985200 Healdsburg District Hospital Male SONOMA COUNTY Specialty Providers NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY - continued OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY - continued Pereira MD, Bryan 1111 Sonoma Avenue #320 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 546-3592 Board Certifications: Neurological Surgery Emad MD, Lela M 500 Doyle Park Drive #105 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 579-1102 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology #MNSP825900 Sonoma Valley Hospital Male NEUROLOGY Chagnon MD, Aimee C 181 Andrieux Street #206 Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 938-7951 Board Certifications: Neurology Janian MD, Norick J 95 Montgomery Drive #102 Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 576-7461 Board Certifications: Neurology Lewton MD, Zachary R 1194 Montgomery Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 303-1714 Board Certifications: None #MNSP794900 Sonoma Valley Hospital Female #MNSP858600 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP934300 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY Amara MD, D Paul 181 Andrieux Street #108 Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 938-3300 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Byer MD, Jennifer E 500 Doyle Park Drive #200 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 303-1719 Board Certifications: None Clark MD, Julie D 1550 Profesional Drive #100 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-2900 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Clark MD, Julie D 5900 State Farm Drive 2Nd Floor Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 559-7600 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Drexler MD, Brad 431 March Avenue #A Healdsburg, CA 95448-3368 (707) 431-8843 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology #MNSP790100 Sonoma Valley Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP976200 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNSP798600 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female #MNSP798600 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female #MNSP795900 Healdsburg District Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male Field MD, Bobby G 500 Doyle Park Drive #200 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 303-1719 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Kachru MD, Amita 500 Doyle Park Drive #103 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 579-1102 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Khawaja MD, Shazah 500 Doyle Park Drive #103 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 579-1102 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Kosinski MD, Anthony P 1550 Professional Drive #100 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-2900 Board Certifications: None Logan MD, Susan C 500 Doyle Park Drive #103 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 (707) 579-1102 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Loharuka DO, Garima 500 Doyle Park Drive #200 Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 303-1719 Board Certifications: None Melkonian MD, Rita L 1456 Professional Drive #402 Petaluma, CA 94954 (415) 924-3530 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Redwood MD, Fiona C 1179 North Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954-6559 (707) 559-7500 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology #MNSP796900 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Farsi, Spanish Female #MNSP940400 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP805200 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Hindi, Spanish Female #MNSP960900 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNSP812400 Petaluma Valley Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP817200 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Female #MNSP977800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNSP814100 Marin General Hospital Armenian Female #MNSP821400 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female 209 SONOMA COUNTY Specialty Providers OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY - continued ONCOLOGY - continued Redwood MD, Fiona C 5900 State Farm Drive 2Nd Floor Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 559-7600 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Lee MD, Wes S 3555 Round Barn Circle #100 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 528-1050 Board Certifications: Medical Oncology #MNSP821400 Petaluma Valley Hospital Female ONCOLOGY Anderson MD, Ian C 110 Lynch Creek Way #A Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-0600 Board Certifications: Medical Oncology #MNSP790400 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP815700 Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Stanton MD, Thomas S 110 Lynch Creek Way #A Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-0600 Board Certifications: Hematology Medical Oncology #MNSP833600 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male ONCOLOGY SURGERY Anderson MD, Ian C 3555 Round Barn Circle #100 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 528-1050 Board Certifications: Medical Oncology Bozdech MD, Marek J 3555 Round Barn Circle Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 528-1050 Board Certifications: Hematology Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Holmes MD, Jarrod P 3555 Round Barn Circle Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 528-1050 Board Certifications: Hematology Medical Oncology Keiser MD, Leroy W 110 Lynch Creek Way #A Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-0600 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Keiser MD, Leroy W 3555 Round Barn Circle #1 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 525-4080 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Lee MD, Wes S 110 Lynch Creek Way #A Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-0600 Board Certifications: Medical Oncology 210 #MNSP790400 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Elboim MD, Charles M 121 Sotoyome Street #203 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 525-6180 Board Certifications: Surgery #MNSP788400 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Norton MD, Laura E 121 Sotoyome Street #203 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 525-6180 Board Certifications: General Surgery #MNSP796600 Sonoma Valley Hospital Male #MNSP823700 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Sonoma Valley Hospital Female OPHTHALMIC PLASTIC SURGERY #MNSP809600 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP810700 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP810700 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP815700 Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Garden MD, Valerie S 1140 Sonoma Avenue Bldg 2 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 542-1225 Board Certifications: None Yohai MD, Robert A 864 2Nd Street Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 544-7044 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology #MNSP873000 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNSP837600 Male OPHTHALMOLOGY Ahn DO, Daniel 1310 Prentice Drive Healdsburg, CA 95448 (707) 433-9475 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology #MNSP789800 Sonoma Valley Hospital Korean Male Ahn DO, Daniel 181 Andrieux Street #100 Sonoma, CA 95476-6920 (707) 996-1052 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology #MNSP789800 Sonoma Valley Hospital Korean Male SONOMA COUNTY Specialty Providers OPHTHALMOLOGY - continued OPHTHALMOLOGY - continued Anderson MD, Robert L 1383 North Mcdowell Blvd #100 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-6400 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hunt MD, James E 8465 Old Redwood Highway #615 Windsor, CA 95492 (707) 838-3400 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Anderson MD, Robert L 1017 2Nd Street Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 546-9800 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Bacharach MD, Jason 104 Lynch Creek Way #15 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 762-3573 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Barth MD, Gary 1383 North Mcdowell Blvd #100 Petaluma, CA 94954 ( ) Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Barth MD, Gary 1017 2Nd Street Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 546-9800 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Bartlett MD, William H 181 Andrieux Street #100 Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 996-1052 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Caskey MD, Patrick J 3536 Mendocino Avenue #380 Santa Rosa, CA 95403-3612 (707) 575-5353 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Chiang MD, Alice 1002 Mendocino Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95401-4330 (707) 528-7817 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Garden MD, Valerie S 1140 Sonoma Avenue Bldg 2 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 542-1225 Board Certifications: None #MNSP842400 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP842400 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP791200 Petaluma Valley Hospital Sonoma Valley Hospital Male #MNSP842800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP842800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP791700 Petaluma Valley Hospital Sonoma Valley Hospital Male Kahle MD, Eric 6880 Palm Avenue Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 823-7628 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Kayser MD, Denise L 3536 Mendocino Avenue #380 Santa Rosa, CA 95403-3612 (707) 575-5353 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Lightfoot MD, Dan R 1383 North Mcdowell Blvd #100 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-6400 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Lightfoot MD, Dan R 1017 2Nd Street Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 546-9800 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Lightfoot MD, David V 1383 North Mcdowell Blvd #100 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-6400 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology #MNSP794600 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Lightfoot MD, David V 1017 2Nd Street Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 546-9800 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology #MNSP795700 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Female Meffert MD, Stephen A 3536 Mendocino Avenue #380 Santa Rosa, CA 95403-3612 (707) 575-5353 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology #MNSP873000 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female Penn MD, Esther A 1383 North Mcdowell Blvd #100 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 546-9800 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology #MNSP803800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP919800 Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP810500 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Female #MNSP816600 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male #MNSP816600 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male #MNSP854100 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP854100 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP813800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP10140 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female 211 SONOMA COUNTY Specialty Providers OPHTHALMOLOGY - continued OPHTHALMOLOGY - continued Penn MD, Esther A 1017 2Nd Street Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 546-9800 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Wong MD, Kalane J 1017 2Nd Street Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 546-9800 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Rich MD, Daniel G 1383 North Mcdowell Blvd #100 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-6400 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Rich MD, Daniel G 1017 2Nd Street Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 546-9800 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology #MNSP10140 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNSP842500 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP842500 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP840500 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Female Yalamanchi MD, Shalini 3536 Mendocino Avenue #380 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 575-5353 Board Certifications: None #MNSP960800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female Yohai MD, Robert A 864 2Nd Street Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 544-7044 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology #MNSP837600 Male ORTHOPEDIC SPINE Schlesinger MD, Thomas J 3536 Mendocino Avenue #380 Santa Rosa, CA 95403-3612 (707) 575-5353 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology (Retina) Schluter MD, Mark L 696 Third Street West Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 996-1900 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology #MNSP827900 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP828000 Sonoma Valley Hospital Male Schluter MD, Sophia W 696 Third Street West Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 996-1900 Board Certifications: None #MNSP828100 Petaluma Valley Hospital Sonoma Valley Hospital Female Seeley MD, Brien A 4739 Hoen Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 544-2720 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology #MNSP899000 Sonoma Valley Hospital French Male Weeks MD, Roger D 104 Lynch Creek Way #15 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 762-3573 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Wong MD, Kalane J 1383 North Mcdowell Blvd #100 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-6400 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology 212 #MNSP835600 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male #MNSP840500 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Female Huffman MD, Jason T 651 First Street West #K Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 254-7117 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery #MNSP803700 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Sonoma Valley Hospital Male ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Athanassious MD, Christian N 1405 Montgomery Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 546-1922 Board Certifications: None Barlas MD, Lance B 167 Lynch Creek Way Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-4453 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery #MNSP968800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP791600 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male Bennett MD, Frederick S 1405 Montgomery Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 546-1922 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery #MNSP792600 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male Bollinger MD, Michael T 555 Petaluma Avenue #B Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 823-7602 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery #MNSP793300 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male Bragonier MD, Bruce R 555 Petaluma Avenue #B Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 823-7602 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery #MNSP788700 Healdsburg District Hospital Male SONOMA COUNTY Specialty Providers ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY - continued ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY - continued Brown MD, Michael A 651 First Street #L Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 938-3870 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Iezza MD, Alexander P 208 Concourse Blvd #1 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 544-3400 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Degenhardt MD, Thomas C 1405 Montgomery Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 546-1922 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Ehmer DO, Nathan R 131 B Story Circle #200 Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (707) 546-1922 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Geiger MD, Robert C 181 Andrieux Street #106 Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 996-7077 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Glynn MD, James J 1496 Professional Drive #601 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 778-1131 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Grafe MD, Michael W 208 Concourse Blvd #1 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 544-3400 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Harf MD, Robert A 181 Andrieux Street #111 Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 996-8017 Board Certifications: None Howe MD, Kevin K 208 Concourse Blvd #1 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 544-3400 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Huffman MD, Jason T 651 First Street West #K Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 254-7117 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery #MNSP793500 Sonoma Valley Hospital Male #MNSP801000 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP847300 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP805800 Sonoma Valley Hospital Male #MNSP806200 Petaluma Valley Hospital Sonoma Valley Hospital Male #MNSP806900 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP808700 Petaluma Valley Hospital Sonoma Valley Hospital Male #MNSP809900 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP803700 Queen of The Valley Medical Center Sonoma Valley Hospital Male Klein MD, Roger A 1111 Sonoma Avenue #106 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 576-0366 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Mazur MD, Kai-Uwe U 131 B Stony Circle #2000 Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (707) 546-1922 Board Certifications: Hand Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Mazur MD, Kai-Uwe U 34 Mark West Springs Road #300 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 546-1922 Board Certifications: Hand Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Mcdermott MD, Michael J 131 B Stony Circle #200 Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (707) 546-1922 Board Certifications: Surgery Mcdermott MD, Michael J 1405 Montgomery Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 546-1922 Board Certifications: Surgery Mintalucci MD, Dominic J 131 Stony Circle #200 Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (707) 546-1922 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Mintalucci MD, Dominic J 1405 Montgomery Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 546-1922 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Northfield MD, Mark R 1496 Professional Drive #601 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 778-1131 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery #MNSP804200 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP811600 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP813200 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital German Male #MNSP813200 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital German Male #MNSP813600 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP813600 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP904800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP904800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP823600 Petaluma Valley Hospital Sonoma Valley Hospital Male 213 SONOMA COUNTY Specialty Providers ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY - continued ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY - continued Schakel MD, Mark E 131 Stony Circle #200 Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (707) 546-1922 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Weiss MD, Noah D 357 Perkins Street Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 935-5600 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Schakel MD, Mark E 1405 Montgomery Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 546-1922 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery #MNSP827700 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP827700 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP828400 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male Smith MD, Steven A 121 Sotoyome Street #101 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 525-6620 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery #MNSP832800 Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Star MD, Michael J 1405 Montgomery Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 546-1922 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Stein MD, Gary A 1405 Montgomery Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 546-1922 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Tomasin MD, John D 1310 Prentice Drive #G Healdsburg, CA 95448 (707) 433-0126 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Tompkins MD, Geoffrey S 208 Concourse Blvd #1 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 544-3400 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery 214 #MNSP837500 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male OTOLARYNGOLOGY Schmidt MD, Eric S 525 Doyle Park Drive #101 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 544-3584 Board Certifications: None Star MD, Michael J 131 Stony Circle #2000 Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (707) 546-1922 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Yinger MD, Kent E 208 Concourse Blvd #1 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 544-3400 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery #MNSP835700 Sonoma Valley Hospital Male #MNSP833700 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP833700 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP833900 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP844700 Healdsburg District Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP829400 Marin General Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male Colton House MD, Joyce H 108 Lynch Creek Way #7 Petaluma, CA 94954-2337 (707) 303-8357 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Gambrell DO, Larry Kyle 6880 Palm Avenue Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 823-7628 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Homicz MD, Mark R 1701 4Th Street #120 Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 523-7025 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Huang MD, Stephanie S 1701 4Th Street #120 Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 523-7025 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Kmucha MD, Steven T 108 Lynch Creek Way #7 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 303-8357 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Kushnaryov MD, Anton 1701 4Th Street #120 Santa Rosa, CA 95404-3661 (707) 523-7025 Board Certifications: None Pettit MD, Charles Robert 175 Concourse Blvd Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 284-9200 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology #MNSP855400 Petaluma Valley Hospital Queen of The Valley Medical Center Female #MNSP919600 Healdsburg District Hospital Spanish Male #MNSP843400 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP843100 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNSP11317 Petaluma Valley Hospital Queen of The Valley Medical Center Male #MNSP10560 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP902900 Healdsburg District Hospital Spanish Male SONOMA COUNTY Specialty Providers OTOLARYNGOLOGY - continued PEDIATRIC DERMATOLOGY Quenelle MD, David J 1701 4Th Street #120 Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 523-7025 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Sugarman MD, Jeffrey L 2725 Mendocino Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 545-4537 Board Certifications: Dermatology Pediatric Dermatology Zechowy MD, Stefan 1701 4Th Street #120 Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 523-7025 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology #MNSP843000 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP843300 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male PAIN MANAGEMENT Botelho MD, Ronald 1221 Farmers Lane #500 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 569-3230 Board Certifications: Anesthesiology Pain Medicine Hau MD, John 392 Tesconi Court Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (707) 623-9803 Board Certifications: Anesthesiology Pope MD, Jason E 157 Lynch Creek Way Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 623-9803 Board Certifications: Pain Medicine Pope MD, Jason E 392 Tesconi Court Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (707) 623-9803 Board Certifications: Pain Medicine Yang MD, Michael I 157 Lynch Creek Way Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 658-2709 Board Certifications: Anesthesiology Pain Medicine Yang MD, Michael I 728 Mendocino Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (707) 623-9803 Board Certifications: Anesthesiology Pain Medicine #MNSP613000 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP10123 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP1006500 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP1006500 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP837200 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Mandarin, Other Male #MNSP837200 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Mandarin, Other Male #MNSP834900 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY Janian MD, Norick J 95 Montgomery Drive #102 Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 576-7461 Board Certifications: Neurology #MNSP858600 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male PEDIATRIC OPHTHALMOLOGY Kahle MD, Eric 6880 Palm Avenue Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 823-7628 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology #MNSP919800 Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHAB Campbell DO, Christie 1194 Montgomery Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 387-3908 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab #MNSP913700 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital French, Spanish Female Campbell DO, Christie 1165 Montgomery Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 547-5437 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab #MNSP913700 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital French, Spanish Female Satow MD, Kevin M 1144 Sonoma Avenue #115 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 523-2070 Board Certifications: Physical Medicine & Rehab #MNSP827300 Sonoma Valley Hospital Male PLASTIC SURGERY Yee MD, Kristen 1111 Sonoma Avenue #112 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 525-8080 Board Certifications: None #MNSP10349 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female PODIATRY Chang DPM, Thomas J 208 Concourse Blvd #1 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 544-3400 Board Certifications: None #MNSP872700 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male 215 SONOMA COUNTY Specialty Providers PODIATRY - continued Delmonte DPM, John C 441 A March Avenue Healdsburg, CA 95448 (707) 433-4821 Board Certifications: None Delmonte DPM, John C 8911 Lakewood Drive #14 Windsor, CA 95492 (707) 838-7065 Board Certifications: None PODIATRY - continued #MNSP801100 Healdsburg District Hospital Italian Male Schumacher DPM, Edmund W 379 Perkins Street Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 996-3013 Board Certifications: Podiatric Surgery #MNSP801100 Healdsburg District Hospital Italian Male Shonka DPM, Paul R 3536 Mendocino Avenue #300 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 575-6033 Board Certifications: Podiatry #MNSP828600 Sonoma Valley Hospital Male #MNSP841100 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male PULMONARY DISEASE Fitzgerald DPM, Thomas 1350 Medical Center Drive Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 586-9300 Board Certifications: Podiatric Surgery Griffith DPM, Don M 108 Lynch Creek Way #3 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-2253 Board Certifications: Foot & Ankle Surgery Hollander DPM, John 990 Sonoma Avenue #18 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 578-1222 Board Certifications: None #MNSP802700 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Dilisio MD, Ralph E 1476 Professional Drive #504 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 781-7231 Board Certifications: Pulmonary Disease #MNSP802100 Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Italian Male #MNSP905800 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male Dilisio MD, Ralph E 585 West College Avenue #A Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (707) 525-9616 Board Certifications: Pulmonary Disease #MNSP802100 Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Italian Male #MNSP809400 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Hoyal DPM, Rachel A 1540 Healdsburg Avenue Healdsburg, CA 95448 (707) 546-2107 Board Certifications: None #MNSP871800 Healdsburg District Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female Hoyal DPM, Rachel A 1041 4Th Street #B Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 546-2107 Board Certifications: None #MNSP871800 Healdsburg District Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female Karaoglan DPM, Deha 1041 4Th Street #B Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 526-4777 Board Certifications: None #MNSP922000 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Turkish Male Sawicki DPM, Andrew 686 Third Street West Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 938-1977 Board Certifications: Podiatric Surgery 216 #MNSP827400 Sonoma Valley Hospital Male Steele MD, James M 3867 Montgomery Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 525-3786 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease #MNSP845000 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male RADIATION ONCOLOGY David MD, Frederick C 110 Lynch Creek Way #A Petaluma, CA 94954-2337 (707) 763-0600 Board Certifications: Radiation Oncology David MD, Frederick C 3555 Round Barn Circle Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 528-1050 Board Certifications: Radiation Oncology Fields MD, Marc T 301 Professional Center Drive Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 584-2200 Board Certifications: Diagnostic Radiology Hanahan MD, Ralph B 110 Lynch Creek Way #A Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-0600 Board Certifications: Radiology Therapeutic Radiology Physics #MNSP800200 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP800200 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP855000 Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP808600 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male SONOMA COUNTY Specialty Providers RADIATION ONCOLOGY - continued SLEEP MEDICINE - continued Hanahan MD, Ralph B 3555 Round Barn Circle Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 528-1050 Board Certifications: Radiology Therapeutic Radiology Physics Ackroyd MD, Gregory T 585 West College Avenue #A Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 526-3500 Board Certifications: Sleep Medicine Lee MD, Irwin H 301 Professional Center Drive Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 584-2200 Board Certifications: Diagnostic Radiology Parthasarathy MD, Anand 301 Professional Center Drive Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 584-2200 Board Certifications: Diagnostic Radiology Scharfen MD, Cindy O 110 Lynch Creek Way #A Petaluma, CA 94954-2337 (707) 763-0600 Board Certifications: Radiology Scharfen MD, Cindy O 3555 Round Barn Circle Santa Rosa, CA 95403-1757 (707) 528-1050 Board Certifications: Radiology #MNSP808600 Petaluma Valley Hospital Male #MNSP854800 Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male Lewton MD, Zachary R 1194 Montgomery Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 303-1714 Board Certifications: None #MNSP854900 Petaluma Valley Hospital Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Kannada, Spanish, Tamil Male Steele MD, James M 3867 Montgomery Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 525-3786 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease #MNSP827800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female #MNSP827800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY Uzelac MD, Peter S 596 1St Street East Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 259-1955 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology #MNSP829900 Marin General Hospital Queen of The Valley Medical Center French Male RHEUMATOLOGY Waxman MD, Jack 3536 Mendocino Avenue #300 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 573-6942 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Rheumatology #MNSP840800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male SLEEP MEDICINE Ackroyd MD, Gregory T 1476 Professional Drive #504 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 781-7231 Board Certifications: Sleep Medicine #MNSP789100 Sonoma Valley Hospital Male #MNSP789100 Sonoma Valley Hospital Male #MNSP934300 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP845000 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Spanish Male SPINE SURGERY Athanassious MD, Christian N 1405 Montgomery Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 546-1922 Board Certifications: None #MNSP968800 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male THORACIC SURGERY Deeik MD, Ramzi K 500 Doyle Park Drive #G05 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 576-7100 Board Certifications: Cardiothoracic Surgery Surgery #MNSP800900 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male UROLOGY James MD, Robert E 121 Sotoyome Street #201 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 525-4051 Board Certifications: Urology Lazar MD, Michael J 1140 Sonoma Avenue #1A Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 546-5553 Board Certifications: Urology Mcadams MD, Paul D 121 Soyotome Street #201 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 525-4051 Board Certifications: Urological Surgery #MNSP940600 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP851100 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSR10971 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male 217 SONOMA COUNTY Specialty Providers UROLOGY - continued Palleschi MD, James R 121 Sotoyome Street #201 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 525-4051 Board Certifications: Urology Rudnick MD, David M 1496 Professional Drive #603 Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 762-0059 Board Certifications: Urology Smith MD, Joseph N 181 Andrieux Street #107 Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 938-1040 Board Certifications: Urology #MNSP940500 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP822300 Petaluma Valley Hospital Sonoma Valley Hospital Male #MNSP832600 Sonoma Valley Hospital Male VASCULAR SURGERY Green MD, Douglas W 121 Sotoyome Street Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 546-3141 Board Certifications: General Surgery Vascular Surgery Jicha MD, Douglas L 121 Sotoyome Street #203 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 546-3141 Board Certifications: Surgery Vascular Surgery Ko MD, Sae H 121 Sotoyome #203 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 546-3141 Board Certifications: Vascular Surgery 218 #MNSP807100 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP854000 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Male #MNSP10838 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Female SONOMA COUNTY Facilities DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING / RADIOLOGY LABORATORIES - continued Petaluma Valley Hospital 400 North Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 778-7275 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital - Lab 1165 Montgomery Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 525-5228 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital 1165 Montgomery Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 525-5228 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital - Lab 500 Doyle Park Drive #G01 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 MON-FRI 7:30 AM-5:30 PM (707) 525-5270 Sonoma Valley Hospital 347 Andrieux Street Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 935-5000 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital - Lab 4731 Hoen Avenue #B Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 528-2238 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital - Lab 3536 Mendocino Avenue #300A Santa Rosa, CA 95405 MON-FRI 7:00 AM-5:30 PM (707) 528-3049 St Joseph Laboratory Services 1450 Medical Center Drive #1 Santa Rosa, CA 95401 M-F 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM (707) 521-6450 St Joseph Laboratory Services 4731 Hoen Avenue #B Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 528-2238 St Joseph Laboratory Services 500 Doyle Park Drive #G01 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 525-5270 St Joseph Laboratory Services 3536 Mendocine Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 528-3049 Sonoma West Medical Center Labs Imaiging 501 Petaluma Avenue Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 823-8511 (707) 935-5000 HOSPITALS / EMERGENCY ROOMS Healdsburg District Hospital 1375 University Avenue Healdsburg, CA 95448 TJC (707) 431-6500 Petaluma Valley Hospital 400 North Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954 TJC (707) 778-1111 Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital 1165 Montgomery Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95405 TJC (707) 525-5228 Sonoma West Medical Center 501 Petaluma Avenue Sebastopol, CA 95472 TJC (707) 823-8511 Sonoma Valley Hospital 347 Andrieux Street Sonoma, CA 95476-6811 TJC (707) 935-5000 LABORATORIES Healdsburg District Hospital - Labs 403 East 1St Street Cloverdale, CA 95425 M-F 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM (707) 894-4531 Sonoma Valley Hospital 347 Andreaux Street Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 935-5185 Healdsburg District Hospital - Labs 465 March Avenue Healdsburg, CA 95448 M-F 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM (707) 431-6408 Sonoma Valley Hospital - Lab 347 Andrieux Street Sonoma, CA 95476 MON-FRI 7AM-5PM SAT 8AM-12PM (707) 838-2455 Healdsburg District Hospital - Labs 1375 Healdsburg Avenue Healdsburg, CA 95448 M-F 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM (707) 431-6500 St Joseph Laboratory Services 6580 Hembree Lane #270 Windsor, CA 95492 MON-FRI 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM Petaluma Valley Hospital 110 Lynch Creek Way #B Petaluma, CA 94954 M-F 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM (707) 778-2749 Petaluma Valley Hospital 400 North Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954 M-F 7AM-5PM; Sat 8AM-12PM; Sun 7AM-12PM (707) 778-7275 St Joseph Laboratory Services 1450 Medical Center Drive #1 Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 521-6450 219 SONOMA COUNTY Facilities PHARMACIES PHARMACIES - continued CLOVERDALE LOCATIONS ROHNERT PARK LOCATIONS Cloverdale Pharmacy 790 South Cloverdale Blvd Cloverdale, CA 95425 (707) 894-4414 Costco Pharmacy #659 5901 Redwood Drive Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 540-9112 CVS Pharmacy #00345 1111 South Cloverdale Blvd Cloverdale, CA 95425 (707) 894-5206 CVS Pharmacy #09928 6378 Commerce Blvd Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 586-3494 Raley's Pharmacy #337 100 Raleys Towne Center Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 585-3444 Safeway Pharmacy #0918 6340 Commerce Blvd Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 585-5980 Target #T0852 475 Rohnert Park Expy West Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 585-2420 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #10-1755 4625 Redwood Drive Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 586-3612 COTATI LOCATIONS Walgreens #3084 7800 Old Redwood Highway Cotati, CA 94931 (707) 795-6014 FORESTVILLE LOCATIONS Forestville Pharmacy 6652 Front Street Forestville, CA 95436 (707) 887-2268 GUERNEVILLE LOCATIONS Lark Drugs 16251 Main Street Guerneville, CA 95446 (707) 869-9055 Safeway Pharmacy #0950 16405 River Road Guerneville, CA 95446 (707) 869-0613 SANTA ROSA LOCATIONS HEALDSBURG LOCATIONS Costco Pharmacy #41 1900 Santa Rosa Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95407 (707) 578-1711 (707) 525-1130 CVS Pharmacy #01173 455 Center Street Healdsburg, CA 95448 (707) 433-3357 Creekside Pharmacy 95 Montgomery Drive #108 Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 542-4182 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06029 525 Healdsburg Avenue Healdsburg, CA 95448 (707) 431-1119 CVS Pharmacy #09393 2075 Mendocino Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (707) 528-3311 Safeway Pharmacy #0998 1115 Vine Street Healdsburg, CA 95448 (707) 431-0128 CVS Pharmacy #09656 2771 4Th Street Santa Rosa, CA 95405 CVS Pharmacy #09946 463 Stony Point Road Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (707) 526-7523 PETALUMA LOCATIONS CVS Pharmacy #09163 291 North Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 778-8666 CVS Pharmacy #09948 2700 Yulupa Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 545-7500 CVS Pharmacy #09480 365 East Washington Street Petaluma, CA 94952 (707) 778-6722 Dollar Drug 1055 West College Avenue #C Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (707) 575-1313 Lucky Pharmacy 939 Lakeville Highway Petaluma, CA 94952 (707) 762-1036 Lucky Pharmacy 915 Village Court Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 542-1879 Raley's Pharmacy #329 157 North Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 765-9100 Raley's Pharmacy #313 1407 Fulton Road Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 546-4315 Safeway Pharmacy #0796 373 South Mcdowell Blvd Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 762-1479 Rite Aid Pharmacy #04212 955 Stony Point Road Santa Rosa, CA 95407 (707) 526-3015 220 SONOMA COUNTY Facilities SONOMA LOCATIONS PHARMACIES - continued Rite Aid Pharmacy #06021 1793 Marlow Road Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (707) 544-8875 CVS Pharmacy #09152 201 West Napa Street #35 Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 938-4734 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06023 1551 Farmers Lane Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 544-4050 Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy 303 West Napa Street Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 938-1144 Rp Healthcare Inc 2456 West 3Rd Street Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (707) 571-5955 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06032 19205 Sonoma Highway Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 938-0281 Safeway Pharmacy #0713 100 Calistoga Road Santa Rosa, CA 95409 (707) 539-2129 Safeway Pharmacy #0911 477 West Napa Street Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 996-3697 Safeway Pharmacy #0956 1799 Marlow Road Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (707) 528-3730 WINDSOR LOCATIONS (707) 837-8868 Safeway Pharmacy #1265 2785 Yulupa Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 524-4648 CVS Pharmacy #09931 9030 Brooks Road South Windsor, CA 95492 (707) 838-4319 Safeway Pharmacy #1576 2300 Mendocino Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 569-3111 Raley's Pharmacy #341 8852 Lakewood Drive Windsor, CA 95492 (707) 837-2002 Target #T0937 1980 Santa Rosa Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95407 (707) 575-0982 Safeway Pharmacy #1434 9080 Brooks Road South Windsor, CA 95492 (707) 836-7300 Tuttles Doyle Park Phcy 1220 Sonoma Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 546-9090 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #10-2553 6650 Hembree Lane Windsor, CA 95492 Tuttles Hoen Pharmacy 1220 Sonoma Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 528-4511 St Joseph Urgent Care 1450 Medical Center Drive Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 584-0672 Walgreens #3297 3093 Marlow Road Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 569-8504 St Joseph Urgent Care 925 Corporate Center Parkway #A Santa Rosa, CA 95407 (707) 543-2000 Walgreens #6722 4610 Sonoma Highway Santa Rosa, CA 95409 (707) 538-9275 St Joseph Urgent Care 6580 Hembree Lane #270 Windsor, CA 95492 (707) 838-2044 URGENT CARE CENTERS SEBASTOPOL LOCATIONS CVS Pharmacy #09872 788 Gravenstein Highway North Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 823-7209 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06031 218 North Main Street Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 829-3007 Safeway Pharmacy #0933 406 North Main Street Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 823-1037 221 YOLO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians FAMILY PRACTICE FAMILY PRACTICE - continued Abad MD, Jose 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG760400 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Male Board Certifications: None Hopp MD, Karen T 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Psychiatry Acevedo Espinoza MD, Sonia M 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG983300 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Female Board Certifications: Family Medicine Berrong DO, Stacy J 1207 Fairchild Court Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Woodland Clinic #WCMG377900 * Woodland Memorial Hospital Male Brown DO, William M 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG10950 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Male Board Certifications: Family Medicine Concepcion DO, Marc L 2101 Stone Blvd #190 West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 371-4939 Board Certifications: None Ewens MD, Mark P 2330 West Covell Blvd Davis, CA 95616 (530) 756-2364 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Gollober MD, Marcia J 1207 Fairchild Court Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG137800 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Spanish, Tagalog Male Woodland Clinic #WCMG130700 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male Woodland Clinic #WCMG130900 * Woodland Memorial Hospital Female Hagos MD, Elilta M 2330 West Covell Blvd Woodland Clinic #WCMG783200 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 756-2364 Woodland Memorial Hospital Board Certifications: Female Family Medicine Henchell DO, Heidi 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG702600 * Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Female Board Certifications: None 222 Woodland Clinic #WCMG545700 Woodland Memorial Hospital Female Kimball MD, Carol M 2330 West Covell Blvd Davis, CA 95616 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Woodland Clinic #WCMG130500 * Woodland Memorial Hospital Female Kimball MD, Carol M 1207 Fairchild Court Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Woodland Clinic #WCMG130500 * Woodland Memorial Hospital Female Le DO, Nhien 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Woodland Clinic #WCMG970500 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male Lee MD, James F 2101 Stone Blvd #190 West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 371-4939 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Hill Physicians #HPMG144700 Mercy General Hospital Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Spanish Male Mahoney MD, Cydney 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG766800 * Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Female Board Certifications: None Mcnulty DO, Heidi 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG10475 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Female Board Certifications: None Mo MD, Karen L 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG120200 * Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Female Board Certifications: Family Medicine Monroe-Rodman MD, Mary J 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Woodland Clinic #WCMG129000 * Woodland Memorial Hospital Spanish Female * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico YOLO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians FAMILY PRACTICE - continued FAMILY PRACTICE - continued Mould MD, Kevin D 2330 West Covell Blvd Davis, CA 95616 (530) 756-2364 Board Certifications: None Siemens MD, Kelly 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG220400 †* Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Female Board Certifications: Family Medicine Neumann DO, Anne M 1207 Fairchild Court Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Ormiston MD, Thomas W 2330 West Covell Blvd Davis, CA 95616 (530) 756-2364 Board Certifications: None Woodland Clinic #WCMG413300 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male Woodland Clinic #WCMG875200 Woodland Memorial Hospital Female Woodland Clinic #WCMG129200 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male Snodgrass MD, Marci 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG113000 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Female Board Certifications: Family Medicine Sprinkle MD, Ronnie V 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG113800 * Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Spanish Board Certifications: Male None Perez MD, Pauline 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG295600 * Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Female Board Certifications: Family Medicine Swales md, Christopher W 2330 West Covell Blvd Davis, CA 95616 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Phadnis MD, Kalpana A 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Tanji MD, Jeffery L 2440 West Covell Blvd #A UC Davis #UCMG116500 * Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Male Board Certifications: Family Medicine Sport Medicine Rashid MD, Uzma 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Woodland Clinic #WCMG783100 Woodland Memorial Hospital Arabic, Gujarati, Hindi Marathi, Spanish Female Woodland Clinic #WCMG412400 Woodland Memorial Hospital Female Riggle MD, Paul C 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG121100 * Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Male Board Certifications: Family Medicine Sabin, II MD, Manuel 155 15Th Street #A West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 375-8981 Board Certifications: None Seban MD, Olivier J 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG313400 Spanish Male Woodland Clinic #WCMG129800 * Woodland Memorial Hospital French, Spanish Male Venkatapathy MD, Ganesan 155 15Th Street #A West West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 375-8981 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Yazdi MD, Mitra 2330 West Covell Blvd Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 756-2364 Board Certifications: Family Medicine Woodland Clinic #WCMG974900 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male Hill Physicians #HPMG925500 Mercy San Juan Hospital Male Woodland Clinic #WCMG910700 Woodland Memorial Hospital Female INTERNAL MEDICINE Alan MD, Thomas B 2660 West Covell Blvd #B UC Davis #UCMG299800 * Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Faiz MD, Shazia 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico Woodland Clinic #WCMG616600 Woodland Memorial Hospital Female 223 YOLO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued PEDIATRICS - continued Knoepfler MD, Anca 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG484900 * Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Female Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Kano MD, Henry L 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Lau MD, Chu K 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Internal Medicine Khaira MD, Ravinder S 2101 Stone Blvd #100 West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 422-7273 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Malain MD, Lynne D 632 Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Turkot MD, Liana 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Waterbury MD, Jude 155 15Th Street #A West West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 375-8981 Board Certifications: None Yee MD, Jeffrey K 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Zapata DO, Eduardo O 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Woodland Clinic #WCMG162300 Woodland Memorial Hospital Cantonese, Chinese Male Woodland Clinic #WCMG10088 Woodland Memorial Hospital Female Woodland Clinic #WCMG224700 Woodland Memorial Hospital Russian, Ukrainian Female Hill Physicians #HPMG432200 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Male Woodland Clinic #WCMG130100 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male Woodland Clinic #WCMG330200 * Woodland Memorial Hospital Male PEDIATRICS Chib MD, Priya 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Fruzza DO, Mathew L 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None 224 Woodland Clinic #WCMG698900 Woodland Memorial Hospital Female Woodland Clinic #WCMG925600 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male Woodland Clinic #WCMG130400 Woodland Memorial Hospital Japanese Male March MD, Thomas R 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG143800 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital French, Punjabi, Spanish Male Woodland Clinic #WCMG130600 Woodland Memorial Hospital Spanish Male Martins MD, Maria 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG767000 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Female Board Certifications: None Mcgann MD, Judeth K 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Woodland Clinic #WCMG745400 Woodland Memorial Hospital Female Ratilal MD, Jay P 155 15Th Street #A West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 375-8990 Board Certifications: Pediatrics Saxena MD, Sajiv 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Sens MD, Ashley E 2330 West Covell Blvd Davis, CA 95616 (530) 756-2364 Board Certifications: None Sran MD, Sheetal 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG309600 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Mercy San Juan Hospital Hindi Male Woodland Clinic #WCMG370600 Woodland Memorial Hospital Hindi Male Woodland Clinic #WCMG924700 Woodland Memorial Hospital Female Woodland Clinic #WCMG734100 Woodland Memorial Hospital Female * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico YOLO COUNTY Primary Care Physicians PEDIATRICS - continued Tominaga MD, Julie 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG295400 * Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Female Board Certifications: None Verder-Bautista MD, Pamela N 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None White MD, Natasha 155 15Th Street #A West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 375-8981 Board Certifications: None Woodland Clinic #WCMG406100 Woodland Memorial Hospital Female Hill Physicians #HPMG738100 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Female * No acepta pacientes nuevos con este grupo médico 225 YOLO COUNTY Specialty Providers ALLERGY DERMATOLOGY Crans Yoon MD, Angelina M 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Woodland Clinic #WCMG10223 Woodland Memorial Hospital Female ALLERGY & IMMUNOLOGY Merchant MD, Rajan K 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Internal Medicine Woodland Clinic #WCMG472300 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male Naguwa MD, Stanley 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG118500 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Male Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Rheumatology CARDIOLOGY Glatter MD, Kathryn A 632 West Gibson Road Woodland Clinic #WCMG108600 Woodland, CA 95695 Mercy General Hospital (530) 668-2600 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Woodland Memorial Hospital Cardiovascular Disease Female Internal Medicine Stokke MD, Kevin L 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Woodland Clinic #WCMG166400 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male Whitcomb III MD, Charles 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG133200 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Male Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine COLON & RECTAL SURGERY Magrino MD, Thomas J 1321 Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Colon & Rectal Surgery Surgery 226 Woodland Clinic #WCMG361500 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male Agbai MD, Oma 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG10428 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Female Board Certifications: None Awasthi MD, Smita 2440 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG949200 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Female Board Certifications: Dermatology Carroll MD, Christie L 1207 Fairchild Court Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Dermatology Horney MD, Debra A 1207 Fairchild Court Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Dermatology Woodland Clinic #WCMG529600 Woodland Memorial Hospital Female Woodland Clinic #WCMG164900 Woodland Memorial Hospital Female FACIAL PLASTIC & RECON SURGERY Wright DO, Steven J 1321 Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Zavod MD, Matthew B 1321 Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Woodland Clinic #WCMG730800 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male Woodland Clinic #WCMG494800 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male FAMILY PRACTICE Mardirossian MD, Murat D 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Family Practice Woodland Clinic #WCMG1004100 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male Neyhart MD, Barbara 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG213900 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Female Board Certifications: Geriatric Medicine YOLO COUNTY Specialty Providers FOOT & ANKLE SURGERY Ofili DMP, Kenechuwu 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None GENERAL SURGERY - continued Woodland Clinic #WCMG10343 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male GASTROENTEROLOGY Mok MD, Henry Y 1321 Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Woodland Clinic #WCMG165500 Woodland Memorial Hospital Chinese Male Sheikh MD, Rafiq A 1321 Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Woodland Clinic #WCMG11276 Woodland Memorial Hospital Hindi, Kashmiri, Punjabi Urdu Male Singh MD, Gurpreet 1321 Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Woodland Clinic #WCMG888900 Woodland Memorial Hospital Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish Urdu Male Tejaswi MD, Sooraj 2440 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG681500 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Umphress MD, Jason L 1321 Cottonwood Street Woodland Clinic #WCMG201600 Woodland, CA 95695 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 668-2600 Male Board Certifications: None GENERAL SURGERY Bir MD, Natasha D 1321 Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Surgery Woodland Clinic #WCMG728100 Woodland Memorial Hospital Female Hedayati MD, Nasim 2440 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG546300 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Female Board Certifications: Surgery Vascular Surgery Ho MD, Hung S 2440 West Covell Blvd #A UC Davis #UCMG190400 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Lurie MD, Douglas B 1321 Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Surgery Woodland Clinic #WCMG163700 Woodland Memorial Hospital Spanish Male Pu MD, Lee 2440 West Covell Blvd #A UC Davis #UCMG537100 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Male Board Certifications: Surgery Win-Vroom MD, Karen 1321 Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: General Surgery Woodland Clinic #WCMG900700 Woodland Memorial Hospital Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish Female GERIATRIC MEDICINE Neyhart MD, Barbara 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG213900 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Female Board Certifications: Geriatric Medicine HAND SURGERY Tran MD, Hoang N 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Surgery of the Hand Woodland Clinic #WCMG472200 Woodland Memorial Hospital Spanish, Vietnamese Male HEMATOLOGY/ONCOLOGY Alali MD, Alborz 515 Fairchild Court Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Reichert MD, Sonia 515 Fairchild Court Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Woodland Clinic #WCMG256400 Woodland Memorial Hospital Farsi, German Male Woodland Clinic #WCMG888700 Woodland Memorial Hospital Female INTERNAL MEDICINE Li MD, Quinn 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG6913 Davis, CA 95616 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento (530) 747-3000 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Cantonese Internal Medicine Male 227 YOLO COUNTY Specialty Providers INTERNAL MEDICINE - continued NEUROLOGY - continued Lopez MD, Javier 2440 West Covell Blvd #A UC Davis #UCMG535300 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Male Board Certifications: Cardiovascular Disease Karim MD, Halima A 515 Fairchild Court Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Neurology Psychiatry Sandrock MD, Christian 2660 West Covell Blvd #A UC Davis #UCMG260600 Davis, CA 95616 Mercy General Hospital (530) 747-3000 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male Critical Care Medicine Pulmonary Disease Tejaswi MD, Sooraj 2440 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG681500 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Male Board Certifications: Internal Medicine SALUD MENTAL Miembros de UC: Los servicios de Salud Mental/Conductual, incluso los servicios para farmacodependencia, no tienen cobertura de WHA. Por favor llame a Optum (888) 440-8225 para localizar a un proveedor para estos servicios. Todos los demás Miembros: Los servicios de Salud Mental/Conductual, incluso los servicios para farmacodependencia, tienen cobertura de WHA por medio de Magellan Behavioral Health, Inc. Por favor llame a Magellan al (800) 424-1778 para localizar a un proveedor para estos servicios. NEPHROLOGY Kambhampati MD, Ganesh 520 Cottonwood Street #2 Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-3600 Board Certifications: Internal Medicine Nephrology Hill Physicians #HPMG925000 Mercy General Hospital Mercy San Juan Hospital Male NEUROLOGY Beyer MD, Richard A 515 Fairchild Court Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Neurology Psychiatry Eduljee MD, Arish 515 Fairchild Court Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Neurology 228 Woodland Clinic #WCMG161500 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male Woodland Clinic #WCMG744600 Woodland Memorial Hospital Hindi, Punjabi Male Woodland Clinic #WCMG424400 Woodland Memorial Hospital Female OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY Arthur MD, Rebecca A 1321 Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Bob MD, Bruce A 2101 Stone Blvd #110 West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 920-2082 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Woodland Clinic #WCMG11197 Woodland Memorial Hospital Spanish Female Hill Physicians #HPMG148800 Mercy General Hospital Hmong, Russian, Spanish Male Creinin MD, Mitchell 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG717800 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Male Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Curkendall MD, Jay H 2101 Stone Blvd #110 West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 920-2082 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG536100 Mercy General Hospital Woodland Memorial Hospital Spanish Male Glassberg MD, Jocylen E 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG933100 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Female Board Certifications: None Jang MD, Cathy J 1321 Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Woodland Clinic #WCMG267700 Woodland Memorial Hospital Female Lovely MD, Laurie P 1550 Drew Avenue #100 NorthBay #NBMG312100 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 771-0177 Female Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Reproductive Endo/Infertility Maagdenberg MD, Tanya 2101 Stone Blvd #110 West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 920-2082 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG500800 Mercy General Hospital Russian Female YOLO COUNTY Specialty Providers OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY - continued OPHTHALMOLOGY Melchione MD, Thomas E 2101 Stone Blvd #110 West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 920-2082 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Cammarosano MD, Carmine A 1321 Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Hill Physicians #HPMG146200 Mercy General Hospital Male Ozeir MD, Jennifer L 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG666100 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Female Board Certifications: None Chou MD, Jenny 1321 Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Ophthalmology Padilla MD, Joahnna A 1321 Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None OPTOMETRY To DO, My-Le 1321 Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Woodland Clinic #WCMG488300 Woodland Memorial Hospital Female Woodland Clinic #WCMG626800 Woodland Memorial Hospital Spanish, Vietnamese Female Waetjen MD, L Elaine 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG204300 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 747-3000 Female Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Walker MD, Cheryl 155 15Th Street Hill Physicians #HPMG288800 #A Mercy San Juan Hospital West Sacramento, CA UC 95691 Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (916) 375-8981 Female Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Watters MD, Laura E 2101 Stone Blvd #110 West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 920-2082 Board Certifications: None Wong Jr. MD, George T 1321 Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Obstetrics/Gynecology Hill Physicians #HPMG957100 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento Female Woodland Clinic #WCMG166600 Woodland Memorial Hospital Spanish Male Zeringue MD, Ernest J 1550 Drew Avenue #100 NorthBay #NBMG441800 Davis, CA 95616 Northbay Medical Center (530) 771-0177 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male Obstetrics/Gynecology Reproductive Endo/Infertility † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico Erickson OD, Todd L 1321 Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Huang OD, Joseph 1321 Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Woodland Clinic #WCMG161800 Woodland Memorial Hospital Italian, Spanish Female Woodland Clinic #WCMG776600 Mercy San Juan Hospital Woodland Memorial Hospital Mandarin, Spanish Female Woodland Clinic #WCMG361400 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male Woodland Clinic #WCMG394600 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Barry MD, Richard J 2031 Anderson Road #A Davis, CA 95616 (530) 757-3705 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery NorthBay #NBMG331100 † Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male Bayne MD, Christopher O 2440 West Covelle Blvd UC Davis #UCMG957400 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Spanish Board Certifications: Male None Tran MD, Hoang N 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Surgery of the Hand Woodland Clinic #WCMG472200 Woodland Memorial Hospital Spanish, Vietnamese Male OTOLARYNGOLOGY Wright DO, Steven J 1321 Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Zavod MD, Matthew B 1321 Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Otolaryngology Woodland Clinic #WCMG730800 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male Woodland Clinic #WCMG494800 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male 229 YOLO COUNTY Specialty Providers PEDIATRICS RHEUMATOLOGY Awasthi MD, Smita 2440 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG949200 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Female Board Certifications: Dermatology Chen MD, Minzi 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Rheumatology White MD, Natasha 155 15Th Street #A West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 375-8981 Board Certifications: None Lau MD, Diana W 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Hill Physicians #HPMG738100 Mercy Hospital of Folsom Female Ofili DMP, Kenechuwu 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Woodland Clinic #WCMG162500 Woodland Memorial Hospital Chinese Female Woodland Clinic #WCMG161400 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male Naguwa MD, Stanley 2660 West Covell Blvd UC Davis #UCMG118500 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Male Board Certifications: Allergy & Immunology Rheumatology Woodland Clinic #WCMG10343 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male Romea MD, Raul J 2440 West Covell Blvd #A UC Davis #UCMG593700 Davis, CA 95616 Methodist Hospital of Sacramento (530) 747-3000 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male Rheumatology PODIATRY Bernard DPM, Timothy N 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Podiatric Surgery Woodland Clinic #WCMG956700 Woodland Memorial Hospital Female SPINE SURGERY Perez DPM, Hugo 2440 West Covell Blvd #A UC Davis #UCMG760200 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Male Board Certifications: None Barry MD, Richard J 2031 Anderson Road #A Davis, CA 95616 (530) 757-3705 Board Certifications: Orthopedic Surgery Starkweather DPM, Michael P 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: Podiatric Surgery Meredith MD, Dennis 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Woodland Clinic #WCMG476300 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male NorthBay #NBMG331100 † Northbay Medical Center Northbay VacaValley Hospital Male Woodland Clinic #WCMG888800 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male PULMONARY DISEASE SURGERY OF THE HAND Robinson MD, Seth P 632 West Gibson Road Woodland Clinic #WCMG354500 Woodland, CA 95695 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 668-2600 Woodland Memorial Hospital Board Certifications: Male Pulmonary Disease Bayne MD, Christopher O 2440 West Covelle Blvd UC Davis #UCMG957400 Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion (530) 747-3000 Spanish Board Certifications: Male None Sandrock MD, Christian 2660 West Covell Blvd #A UC Davis #UCMG260600 Davis, CA 95616 Mercy General Hospital (530) 747-3000 UC Davis Medical Center Glassrock Infusion Board Certifications: Male Critical Care Medicine Pulmonary Disease UROLOGY 230 Smith MD, J Dale 1321 Cottonwood Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Board Certifications: None Woodland Clinic #WCMG166300 Woodland Memorial Hospital Male † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral con este grupo médico YOLO COUNTY Facilities DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING / RADIOLOGY PHARMACIES Dhmf Woodland 1325 Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Woodland Clinic Hospital Radiology Department 1325 Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Woodland Clinic Woodland Clinic Radiology 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 666-1631 Woodland Clinic HOSPITALS / EMERGENCY ROOMS Woodland Memorial Hospital 1325 Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695 TJC (530) 662-3961 Hill Physicians Woodland Clinic LABORATORIES Quest Diagnostics 635 Anderson Road #13A Davis, CA 95616 Quest Diagnostics 1550 East Covell Blvd Davis, CA 95616 UCDMC Laboratory 2660 West Covell Blvd Davis, CA 95616 (530) 753-2825 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic (530) 753-3581 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic (530) 747-3055 Quest Diagnostics 2101 Stone Blvd #170 West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 372-3475 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Quest Diagnostics 520 Cottonwood Street #7 Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 661-9599 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Quest Diagnostics 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 666-7941 Hill Physicians Hill Physicians Mercy Medical UC Davis UC Davis Woodland Clinic Quest Lab 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2600 Woodland Clinic DAVIS LOCATIONS CVS Pharmacy #09142 1550 East Covell Blvd Davis, CA 95616 (530) 753-4004 CVS Pharmacy #09282 1471 West Covell Blvd Davis, CA 95616 (530) 757-1128 El Macero Pharmacy 417 Mace Blvd #D Davis, CA 95618 (530) 231-6520 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06048 655 Russell Drive Davis, CA 95616 (530) 756-3393 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06197 2135 Cowell Blvd Davis, CA 95616 (530) 753-9810 Target Pharmacy #T2455 4601 2Nd Street Davis, CA 95618 (530) 761-0127 WEST SACRAMENTO LOCATIONS Capitol Pharmacy Inc 2923 West Capitol Avenue West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 617-4321 Jefferson Pharmacy 1029 Jefferson Blvd #A West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 371-2022 Raley's Pharmacy #949 2928 Ramco Street #100 West Sacramento, CA 95691 (888) 602-9773 Raleys Pharmacy #448 1601 West Capitol Avenue West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 372-3111 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06065 1260 West Capitol Avenue West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 371-4890 Target Pharmacy #T2268 2005 Town Center Plaza West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 384-0978 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #10-3652 755 Riverpoint Court West Sacramento, CA 95605 (916) 373-2213 Walgreens #04198 1351 West Capitol Avenue West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 371-3801 231 YOLO COUNTY Facilities PHARMACIES - continued WINTERS LOCATIONS Eagle Drug 101 Main Street Winters, CA 95694 (530) 795-4123 WOODLAND LOCATIONS Bel Air Pharmacy #526 1885 East Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95776 (530) 668-4448 Corner Drug Company Inc 602 Main Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 662-2813 Costco Pharmacy 2299 Bronze Star Drive Woodland, CA 95776 (530) 406-2129 CVS Pharmacy #09180 7 West Main Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 666-2448 Prescription Specialist Pharmacy 250 West Main Street #103 Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 669-7038 Raleys Pharmacy #206 365 West Main Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 666-1445 Rite Aid Pharmacy #06066 295 West Main Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 662-1795 Target Pharmacy #T2408 2185 Bronze Star Drive Woodland, CA 95776 (503) 665-4149 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #10-2190 1720 East Main Street Woodland, CA 95776 (530) 668-1457 Walgreens #04107 10 West Main Street Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-8589 Woodland Healthcare Pharmacy 632 West Gibson Road Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-2646 232 Abad, Jose * Abalos, Anna T Abangan, Donita L Abbass, Khurram ‡ Abderrahmane, Sanaz Abedi, Mehrdad Abedi, Mehrdad Abel, E Taylor Abels, Alicia M Abeysekera, Heshani N * Abshire, James K Acevedo Espinoza, Sonia M Ackroyd, Gregory T Adams, Anne M Adams, Elliott L Adams, James R Adams-Berry, Kathy L Adamson, Robert M Adamson, Robert M Adkins, Amanda C Affleck, Ty P † Afzal, Muhammad Agard, Jennifer A Agard, Jennifer A Agarkova, Anna Agarkova, Anna Agbai, Oma Agbayani, Romeo Agee, Jackie L Aggarwal, Pooja Aghamohammadi, Sara Aghayan, Aric S † Aghili, Shawn † Aghili, Shawn Aguilar, Michael M Aguirre, Francisco Ahdoot, Stella * Ahern, Carol A Ahmad, Shirin M Ahmad, Shirin M Ahmed, Maqbool Ahn, Daniel Ahrens, Jillian A Ahrens, Jillian A Ahrons, Marcy L Aizenberg, Debbie Akin, Paula L Al Samman, Mounzer B Al-Juburi, Amar Al-Juburi, Amar Al-Salti, Musbah Alali, Alborz * Alan, Thomas B Albertson, Timothy Alfrey, Edward J Ali, Arshad Ali, Mohamed Ali, Ruby S Ali, Syed Allen, Miya E Allen, Miya E Allen, Nathan H Allen, Robert M Allen, Roblee P Allen, Roblee P Alli-Akintade, Latifat Alli-Akintade, Latifat Almulahassani, Ameer Alnimri, Muna Alnimri, Muna Alocozy, M Nadir Alvarez, Edwin Family Practice Family Practice Dermatology Rheumatology Infectious Disease Hematology/Oncology Internal Medicine Physical Medicine & Rehab Physical Medicine & Rehab Pediatrics Internal Medicine Family Practice Sleep Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Dermatology Cardiovascular Disease Obstetrics/Gynecology General Surgery Thoracic & Cardiac Surgery Internal Medicine Family Practice Pulmonary Disease Infertility Reproductive Endocrinology Infectious Disease Internal Medicine Dermatology Otolaryngology Pediatrics Internal Medicine Pediatrics Plastic Surgery Pulmonary Disease Pulmonology (Sleep Disorder) General Surgery Pediatrics Pulmonary Disease Family Practice Internal Medicine Rheumatology Pulmonary Disease Ophthalmology Infectious Disease Internal Medicine Pediatrics Otolaryngology Obstetrics/Gynecology Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Internal Medicine General Surgery Hematology/Oncology Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease General Surgery Pulmonology (Sleep Disorder) General Surgery Neurology Internal Medicine Endocrinology Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Obstetrics/Gynecology Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Neurology Internal Medicine Nephrology Internal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology 222 30 3, 35 27 101 98 102 27 155 33, 62, 63 55 222 217 125 83 9 125 92 167 182 195 159 13 19 101 102 83, 226 16 63 55 150 17 43 44 92 63 159 195 102 164 159 210 101 102 33 41, 143 125, 126 185 89 102 92 227 223 159 12 163 92 188 55 185 185 126 102 102 160 89 102 188 102 116 55 126 Aman, Edris Amara, D Paul Amaturo, Susan Amen, Jeffrey Aminololama-Shakeri, Shadi Amirikia, Kathryn C Amster, Michael A Amsterdam, Ezra A Ananthakrishna, Radhika Ananthakrishnan, Shubha Ananthakrishnan, Shubha Anasco, Megan H Anders, R Makala Anders, R Makala Anderson, Daniel D Anderson, Ian C Anderson, John T Anderson, Kristin N Anderson, Kristin N Anderson, Maria Anderson, Robert L Anderson, Robert R Andolsen, Richard J Andrada-Brown, Emily Andreassi, Paolo Andrew, J David Andrews III, Daniel E Angkustsiri, Kathleen Ansari, Adeela N Appasamy, Suresh Apperson, Michelle Applegate, Patricia Applegate, Patricia Aquino, Josefina A Arab, Mehdi K Areen, Richard G Arellano, Peter D Arenas, Josefina P † Arenson, David M * Arif, Khuram Arifuddin, Razi M Armour, Ryan A Armour, Ryan A Armstrong, Ehrin Arnold, Colin B * Arnott, Tyron P Aronowitz, Paul Aronson, Erica A Arora, Mili Arsenault, Shawna Arteaga, Diana L Arthur, Arvin Arthur, Rebecca A Aryal, Nitu Aryana, Arash Aryana, Arash Aryana, Arash Arzumanyan, Hasmik Asaikar, Shailesh M Asaikar, Shailesh M Asare-Bediako, Sheila Ashcroft, Andrew B Athanassious, Christian N Athanassious, Christian N Atkins, Broadus Atkins, Broadus Atray, Naveen K Aurangzeb, Imran Auriemma, Jason Avala, Lakshmi Avdalovic, Mark V Aviado, Domingo * No acepta pacientes nuevos, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral, ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA Internal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Dermatology Podiatry Internal Medicine General Surgery Pain Management Cardiology Pediatrics Internal Medicine Nephrology Optometry Dermatology Dermatopathology Orthopedic Surgery Oncology General Surgery Hematology Medical Oncology Obstetrics/Gynecology Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Family Practice Pediatrics Urological Surgery General Practice Internal Medicine Pediatrics Endocrinology Pediatrics Neurology Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Pediatrics Otolaryngology Family Practice Internal Medicine Gastroenterology Pediatrics Gastroenterology Neurology Neuromuscular Medicine Cardiovascular Disease Ophthalmology Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Dermatology Hematology/Oncology Physical Medicine & Rehab Family Practice Cardiology Obstetrics/Gynecology Internal Medicine Cardiac Electrophysiology Cardiology Electrophysiology Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Neurology Pediatric Neurology Pediatrics Family Practice Orthopedic Surgery Spine Surgery General Surgery Thoracic & Cardiac Surgery Nephrology Pulmonary Disease Family Practice Pediatrics Pulmonary Disease Family Practice 102 209 204 18 102, 103 93 190 70 33, 63 103 116 138 204, 205 205 139 210 93 13 13 126 211 15 195 150 168 6 23 150 87 150 120 77 103 55 33, 63 143 23 182 89 63 206 120 124 77 133 55 103 184 98 155 30 70 228 55 69 70 85, 86 87 120 149, 149 63 195 212 217 93 168 116 43, 160 88 33, 63 160 5 233 * Avila-Kirwan, Guadalupe Awasthi, Smita Awasthi, Smita Aye, Saw W Azad, Kamran J Azeem, Syed S Babajanian, Masis Babb, Megan A Babbitz, Jesse Bach, Huong T Bacharach, Jason Badawi, Amr Baer, Margaret L Baginski, Joanna Baik, Annie * Bajwa, Kulbir K Bakal, Jamie Bakey, Catherine Bakos, John Balagtas Jr, Prudencio S * Balatbat, Antonio B Ballenger, John R Ballesteros, Jose V Balsbaugh, Thomas Bansal, Ruchi * Baquero, Victor † Barad, Steven J Barchuk, Alex Barger, Michael T Barlahan-Biag, Marita Q Barlas, Lance B Barnes, Thomas B Baron, Scott B Barrett, Sarah E Barrios, Elaine A † Barry, Richard J † Barry, Richard J Barth, Gary Bartlett, William H * Bartz, Robert J † Bass, Lawrence J * Basu, Anjuli Bataan, Andrea Bauer, Rachel F Baumgarten, Adam J Bayne, Christopher O Bayne, Christopher O Bayne, David A Bayne, David A Bazalgette, Mark B Bazalgette, Mark B * Beamesderfer, Timothy Beck, Chad Beirne, Joshua P Belafsky, Peter C Belek, Kyle A Bell, Richard E Beller, Richard A Bellinoff, Robert D Bennett, Frederick S Bennett, Patrick M Berger, Stuart Berger, Stuart Berkheimer, Walter R Bermudez, Rita B Bernard, Timothy N * Berney, Rhonda C Bernstein, Philip Bernstein, Richard I Berris, Craig E * Berrong, Stacy J * Berry, Brigitte L 234 Internal Medicine Dermatology Pediatrics Internal Medicine Plastic Surgery Neurological Surgery Cardiovascular Disease Family Practice Neurological Surgery Internal Medicine Ophthalmology Internal Medicine Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Ophthalmology Internal Medicine Podiatry Pediatrics Internal Medicine Physical Medicine & Rehab Internal Medicine Nephrology Cardiovascular Disease Family Practice Internal Medicine Family Practice Orthopedic Surgery Physical Medicine & Rehab Rheumatology Pediatrics Orthopedic Surgery Optometry Cardiovascular Disease Speech Pathology Pediatrics Orthopedic Surgery Spine Surgery Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Family Practice Dermatology Internal Medicine Pediatrics Pediatrics Cardiovascular Disease Orthopedic Surgery Surgery of The Hand Cardiology Cardiovascular Disease Colon & Rectal Surgery General Surgery Internal Medicine Orthopedic Surgery Gastroenterology Otolaryngology Plastic & Reconstructive Surg Neonatology Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Orthopedic Surgery Urology Pediatric Cardiology Pediatrics Neonatology Physical Medicine & Rehab Podiatry Family Practice Otolaryngology Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery Family Practice Internal Medicine 31 83, 226 150, 230 200 43, 157 119 203 48 119 103 211 55 9 103 133 182 43, 158 63 31 155 55 116 203 48 103 48 139 17 164 63 212 138 77 192 1 229 230 211 211 5 83 6 150 7 9 139, 229 167, 230 71 77, 78 10 12 55 139 206 143 17 187 26 133 212 20 147 150 187 155 230 195 143 11 133 222 55 * Bertakis, Klea D Bettinger, John R Beutner, Karl R * Bevan, Heather J Bewley, Arnaud Beyer, Richard A Beygui, Ramin E Beygui, Ramin E Bhaskar, Rohit Bhaskar, Rohit Bhat, Adarsh Bhat, Amogh Bhat, Amogh Bhat, Anupama S * Bhe, Anthony Bias, John G * Bigler, Terri E Biller, Julie † Bilunos, Paul A Bir, Natasha D Birkbeck, Daniel P Birkbeck, Daniel P * Bisbee, George W Bisharat, Katherine B Bistrong, Lawrence Black, Carrie E Black, Hugh * Black, Natalia M Blair, Gregory R Bleakly, Teresa Blinder, Alla Bliss, Lewis S Blomquist, Carianne * Bloom, David James Blumberg, Dean A Bob, Bruce A Bobbala, Manjula Bodor, Marko V Boe, Nina M Boero, Sally E Boeye, J John Bogart, Gary N Boggan, James E Bokhari, Rashida * Bokser, Julie M Bold, Richard J Bollinger, Michael T Bollinger, Michael T Bommer, William J * Bonekat, William H Bonilla, Victor Bonilla, Victor Bonneau, Raymond M. M Bookoff, Charles N Bord, Aimee Bose, Alok K Bosetti, John C † Bostrom, Stuart G Botelho, Ronald Boudreaux, Alison A Boutin Jr, Frank J Bowden, William D Bowen, Trina L Bowers, Elyn V Bowers, Mark R Bowers, Mark R Bowlus, Christopher L Bowlus, Christopher L Boyd, Michael Boyd, Siemon Boyd, Walter Bozdech, Marek J Family Practice Gastroenterology Dermatology Family Practice Otolaryngology Neurology Cardiothoracic Surgery Vascular Surgery Cardiology Cardiovascular Disease Nephrology Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Rheumatology Internal Medicine Family Practice Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease General Surgery Hand Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Plastic Surgery Pulmonary Disease Internal Medicine Hematology/Oncology Pediatrics Internal Medicine Ophthalmology Family Practice General Practice Pediatric Infectious Disease Obstetrics/Gynecology Internal Medicine Physical Medicine & Rehab Obstetrics/Gynecology Obstetrics/Gynecology General Practice Family Practice Neurological Surgery Internal Medicine Pediatrics Oncology Surgery Hand Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Cardiology Internal Medicine Orthopedic Surgery Obstetrics/Gynecology Speech Pathology Pediatric Cardiology Ophthalmology Obstetrics/Gynecology Pain Management Dermatology Orthopedic Surgery Cardiovascular Disease Family Practice Dermatology Cardiology Electrophysiology Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Family Practice Pediatrics General Surgery Hematology/Oncology 48 11 184 48 144 228 184 192 71 78 38 78 103 44 55 48 31 103 43 227 24 26, 189 200 56 160 157 160 56 98 150 56 133 5 199 149 126, 228 56 27 126 14 31 195 119 56 7 133 207 212 78 56 35 37 16 14 165 190 26 39 215 83 139 203 195 83 71, 72 86 89 103 30 150 93 207 * No acepta pacientes nuevos, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral, ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA * * † * † * ‡ ‡ * † † * † * † Bozdech, Marek J Bozuk, Michael I Bradbrook, Charles Brady, William J Bragg, William Bragonier, Bruce R Braid, Christine L Braley, Scott C Branco, Nelson Brandle, Warren F Brandt, James D Braunstein, Sheila Breen, Alison Bregman, Thea E Breneisen, Jeffrey R Bricca, Gregory M Britt, Deborah S Brodie, Hillary A Brooks, Andrew T Brooks, Jeffrey L Brown, Barry Brown, Elizabeth Brown, Jennifer Brown, Jennifer Brown, Lisa M Brown, Michael A Brown, Sherrill Brown, Sherrill Brown, William M Browning, Alyssa Browning, Alyssa Bu, Dahlia M Budd, Scott C Bukkapatnam, Radhika N Bukkapatnam, Radhika N Bullen, Thomas A Bullick, Samuel W Burkhalter, Jenifer L Burnham, Kevin Burnham, Kevin Burniston, Mark T Burrall, Barbara Burton, Harold G Busby, Leslie J Butani, Lavjay Butera, Frank W Butts, Carmen G Byer, Jennifer E Byers, Robert H Byrd, Robert S Cafarella, James Cafarella, Kimberly D Calaf, Federico S Calkin, Jacqueline M Cameto, Robert L Cammarosano, Carmine A Campbell, Christie Campbell, Michael Campbell, S. Douglas Canavero, Dina M Canet, Frances F Canio, John B Canova, John P Cansino, Catherine Canter, Robert J Cao, Huy L Caputo, Gary Cardellini, Alexis A Cardoza, Larry J Cardoza, Larry J Carney, Michael E Carr, Aaron Oncology General Surgery Ophthalmology Internal Medicine Orthopedic Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Family Practice General Surgery Pediatrics Family Practice Ophthalmology Dermatology Obstetrics/Gynecology Pediatrics Cardiovascular Disease Dermatology Pediatrics Otolaryngology Orthopedic Surgery Vascular Surgery Family Practice Obstetrics/Gynecology Infectious Disease Internal Medicine Thoracic & Cardiac Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Infectious Disease Internal Medicine Family Practice Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Pediatrics Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Pediatrics Internal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Internal Medicine Sport Medicine Internal Medicine Dermatology Obstetrics/Gynecology Optometry Pediatrics Pediatrics Family Practice Obstetrics/Gynecology Orthopedic Surgery Pediatrics Pediatrics Family Practice Nephrology Dermatology Orthopedic Surgery Ophthalmology Physical Medicine & Rehab General Surgery Internal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Cardiovascular Disease Gastroenterology Family Practice Obstetrics/Gynecology General Surgery Family Practice Nuclear Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Thoracic Surgery Vascular Surgery Optometry General Surgery 210 206 133 31 139 212 48 36 7 48 134 83 126 150 184 35 201 144 189 28 23 14 101 103 168 213 101 103 222 35 37 126 63 78 103 63 103 32, 39, 62, 126 56, 103 166 56 83 39 138 150 150 195 209 16 63 33 48 208 83 139 229 215 93 200 39 78 89 195 126 93 30 125 14 168 170 189 93 † Carr, Bruce H Carr, Harry B Carrillo, Joseph M * Carrol, William D Carroll, Christie L Carson, John Carter, Kawanaa Caskey, Patrick J Caspar, Jeffrey J Celis, Edgar Centurion, Santiago A Cerruti, Michael Chagnon, Aimee C Chak, Eric Chak, Eric Chambers, Courtney Chambers, Cynthia J Chambers, Ronald Chan, Albert Chan, Choon-Weng Chan, Happy Chan, Happy Chan, Michael Chan, Samuel T Chan, Victor K Chandra, Kalyani Chang, Brooke Chang, Celia H Chang, Don Chang, Gilbert T * Chang, Henry K * Chang, Jason † Chang, Margaret A † Chang, Margaret A Chang, Michael L Chang, Michael L Chang, Michael L Chang, Terrance T Chang, Thomas J Chang-Sing, Peter D Chantry, Caroline J Chao, Andrew S Chao, Andrew S Chapman, Katrina A Chapman, Randall H Chaput, Lillian * Chase, Michael C Chau-Etchepare, Florence V Chaudhary, Asad A Chaudhary, Asad A Cheema, Gurtej S * Chek, Kimdary Chen, Anne A Chen, Iun Iu A Chen, Jennifer Chen, Justin Chen, Melissa J Chen, Minzi * Chen, Patricia Chen, William K Cheney, Amy E * Cheng, Helen Y Cheong, Hui Min Cherry, Ana R Cheruvattath, Rekha Cheung, Eric M Cheung, Kenneth Chew, Helen Chi, Carlin L Chi, Yung-Wei Chi, Yung-Wei Chia, Catherine * No acepta pacientes nuevos, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral, ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA Optometry Internal Medicine Pediatrics Internal Medicine Dermatology General Surgery Neurological Surgery Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Pain Medicine Dermatology Orthopedic Surgery Neurology Gastroenterology Internal Medicine General Surgery Dermatology Family Practice Pediatrics Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Rheumatology Neurological Surgery Urology Obstetrics/Gynecology Nephrology Optometry Neurology Nephrology Pediatrics Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Ophthalmology Ophthalmology (Retina) Cardiology Cardiovascular Disease Interventional Cardiology Pediatrics Podiatry Cardiovascular Disease Pediatrics Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Ophthalmology Internal Medicine Internal Medicine General Practice Neurology Vascular Neurology Rheumatology Family Practice Internal Medicine Family Practice Internal Medicine Nephrology Obstetrics/Gynecology Rheumatology Internal Medicine Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Family Practice Gastroenterology Nephrology Neurology Hematology/Oncology Family Practice Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Internal Medicine 189 200 23 200 226 36, 93 119 211 134 17 205 139 209 89 104 185 83 48 150 56 104 164 119 169 126 116 138 120 38 183, 190 56 56 134 40, 136, 189 72 78 112 33 215 203 63 89 104 104 15 31 6 92 120 170 164 30 182 195 56 116 126 230 56 89 104 1 127 182 89 208 120, 121 98 195 35, 78 37, 104 104 235 †* † * * ‡ † * † Chiang, Alice Chib, Priya Chihorek, David X Chima, Biljinder Chin, Andrew Chinn, Rebecca G Chipps, Bradley E Chipps, Bradley E Chipps, Bradley E Chiu, Edwin J Chodak, Lisa D Choe, Jonathan Y Choi, Jeong W Choi, Jeong W Chou, Chia Y Chou, Jenny Chough, Edward K Chow, Helen Choy, Micheal Choy, Robert Y Chretien, Paul Chretien, Paul Christensen, Scott D Christie, Suzanne Christman, Holly Chrysofakis Baiduc, Bettina Y Chu, Michael W Chu, Wendy Chun, Richard B Chung, Jong Chung, Jong Chung, Victoria Clark, Dwight E Clark, Julie D Clark, Shannon Clark-Sayles, Catharine T Clayson, Karl R Clothier, Jennifer Clutter, Donald J Cobb III, Cully A Cohan, Matthew T Cohen, Gregory S Cohen, Stuart H Cokgor, Ilkcan Coleman, Anne Coleman, Patrick S Colton House, Joyce H Concepcion, Marc L Conner, James M Conrad-Forrest, Carol L Consiglieri, Giac D Consiglieri, Giac D Cooke, David Cooke, David Cooper, Daniel J Cooper, H Douglas Cooper, Lawrence R Copenhaver, David Corbin, Kenneth L Coscia, Jospeh R Couillard, David Coulter, Kevin Cox, Christine R Cozzetto, Dana Y Cragun, Jeffrey Crane, Stephen M Crans Yoon, Angelina M Creinin, Mitchell Cross, Carroll E Cruz, Edwin A Cueto-Salas, Martha E Culhane, Elizabeth S 236 Ophthalmology Pediatrics Internal Medicine Family Practice Nephrology Family Practice Allergy & Immunology Pediatric Allergy & Immunology Pulmonary Disease Nephrology Obstetrics/Gynecology Family Practice Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Ophthalmology General Surgery Hematology/Oncology Pediatric Cardiology Podiatry Neurology Pediatric Neurology Hematology/Oncology Pediatrics Dermatology Geriatric Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Pediatrics Nephrology Optometry Obstetrics/Gynecology Obstetrics/Gynecology Internal Medicine Vascular Surgery Family Practice Otolaryngology Neurological Surgery Pediatrics Pediatrics Infectious Disease Neurology Speech Pathology Cardiovascular Disease Otolaryngology Family Practice Colon & Rectal Surgery Obstetrics/Gynecology Interventional Cardiology Neurological Surgery General Surgery Thoracic Surgery Family Practice Ophthalmology Internal Medicine Pain Management Family Practice Plastic Surgery Urology Pediatrics General Practice Podiatry Obstetrics/Gynecology Family Practice Allergy Obstetrics/Gynecology Pulmonary Disease Neurology Pediatrics Pediatrics 211 224 104 30 116 48 35, 69 42, 147 43, 160 25 3 195 78 104 31 229 24 98 147 191 121 149 37, 99 7 205 96 127 104 31 148 151 116 138 25, 209 127 6 170 30 144 119 64 64 101 13 165 203 26, 214 222 82 127 208 208 93 168 48 40, 134 200 145 30 43, 157 44 64 92 43, 158 127 195, 196 226 127, 228 160 121 201 202 * * * † * † † † Culler III, Floyd Cunningham, Elizabeth A Cunningham, Jason L Cunningham, Nona M Cupp, David Cupp, David G Curkendall, Jay H Currie, Caroline J Da Silva, Fernanda N Dailey, Elizabeth A Dailey, Elizabeth A Dallera, Marc A Dalmia, Lopa Dalrymple, Lorien Daly, Megan Damani, Mausam R Damico, Daniel M Damore, Tancredi F Damore, Tancredi F Danialypour, Nourollah Darwish, Fouad D Davey, Michelle David, Elizabeth David, Frederick C David, Marie-Claude L Davids, Heather R Davidson, Loren Davidson, Nancy A Davis, Brian A Davis, Catherine V Davis, Julian R Davis, Julian R Davis, Molly Davis, Russell Davis, Victoria Davis, Wendy Z Daws, Snow B Dawson, David L Dawson, John M Dawson, Lindsey Dayan, Jonathan G Dayananthan, Ashok De Carli, Charles De Mattos, Angelo De Nardi, Sofie De Pala Jr, Armando V De Souza, Aieska Debose, Renee A Debruin, Mark I Debruin, Robert J Decastro, Marlon C Deeik, Ramzi K Deeik, Ramzi K Defelice, Richard Defelice, Richard Degan, Terence A Degenhardt, Thomas C Dein, John R Dein, John R Deitchman, Jason K Del Mar, Raoul Del Zotto, Thomas A Dela Merced, Jacqueline S Delmonte, John C Delorimier, Arthur J Delorimier, Arthur J Demuth, Brian E Dengel, Michael K Denigris, Stephen J Deol, Ajit S Dermody, John Des Pois, Patrice Pediatric Endocrinology General Surgery Family Practice Obstetrics/Gynecology Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Obstetrics/Gynecology Pediatrics Family Practice Orthopedic Surgery Podiatry Urology Podiatry Internal Medicine Radiation Oncology Ophthalmology Orthopedic Surgery Hand Surgery Plastic Surgery General Practice Obstetrics/Gynecology Family Practice General Surgery Radiation Oncology Pediatrics Pain Management Physical Medicine & Rehab Family Practice Physical Medicine & Rehab Internal Medicine Hematology Internal Medicine Family Practice Podiatry Family Practice Gastroenterology Orthopedic Surgery Vascular Surgery Podiatry Obstetrics/Gynecology Pediatrics Neurology Neurology Internal Medicine Neonatology Pediatrics Dermatology Gastroenterology Family Practice Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Cardiovascular Surgery Thoracic Surgery Infectious Disease Pulmonary Disease Family Practice Orthopedic Surgery Cardiac Surgery Cardiovascular Surgery Family Practice Pediatrics Podiatry Obstetrics/Gynecology Podiatry Gastroenterology Pediatrics Obstetrics/Gynecology Neurology Gastroenterology General Surgery Family Practice Cardiology 148 24 196 14 40, 134 188 127, 228 151 48 16 18 169 158 104 163 134 139 12 17 55 127 196 93 216 64 146 155 196 155 200 98 104 48 18 196 11 140 170 158 32, 39, 62, 127 151 121 121 104 115 202 83 89 48 56 200 204 217 101 160 1 213 70 82 1 33 158 14 216 89 151 14 121 206 93 23 35 * No acepta pacientes nuevos, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral, ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA * * * * * Desa, Pooja P Desai, Amisha Desai, Gaurang N Desai, Tina R Detorres, Charles F Devere-White, Ralph W Deville, Deette Devlin, Patrick G Devore, James C Dey, Sujoya Dey, Sujoya Dhar, Sanjay C Dhawan, Kapil Dhillon, Gurinder S Dholakiya, Priyal P Dhond, Milind R Diana, John N Dias, Robert A Dias, Robert A Diaz, Rodney Dilisio, Ralph E Diperna, Costanzo A Divin, Cecilia R Docharty, Carla I Doherty, Deborah L Don, Burl R Donohue, Lee Doolittle, Laurie Douglas, Gregory E Doyle, Donald Doyle, Donald Drach, Frederick S Draeger, Jay T Drake, Mark Draper, Jennifer E Drexler, Brad Drucker, Mark Dubose, Joseph Ducore, Jonathan M Duffy, Alexandra Dugan, Paul J Duke, Lawrence J Duke, Lawrence J Dunlap, Thomas E Dunn Jr, James S Duong, Theresa N Duru, Lilian Dyer, Everett B Dyer, Wendy Z Dytiapco, Ernest Earl, Constance Eastman, Jonathan Edouard, Philippe R Eduljee, Arish Edwards, Christina S Ehmer, Nathan R Ehyai, A Reza Eidson-Ton, Wetona S Eisa, Naseem Eisa, Naseem Eisen, Daniel B Eisenberg, Peter Eisenbud, Elliott Eisenbud, Elliott El-Ghoneimy, Ahmed K Elboim, Charles M Elliott, Kevin S Ellis-Jammal, Mary Ann Elmes, Cornelis M Elmi, Eman Ely, Parry Haines Emad, Lela M Pulmonary Disease Internal Medicine Neonatology Vascular Surgery Pediatrics Urology Family Practice Cardiovascular Surgery Family Practice Cardiac Electrophysiology Cardiovascular Disease Cardiology Pulmonology Cardiology Gynecologic Oncology Cardiovascular Disease Orthopedic Surgery Neurology Sleep Medicine Otolaryngology Pulmonary Disease Thoracic Surgery Family Practice Podiatry Physical Medicine & Rehab Nephrology Pediatrics Pediatrics Obstetrics/Gynecology Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Infectious Disease Internal Medicine Podiatry Internal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Podiatry Surgery Pediatric Hematology Neurology Oncology General Surgery Thoracic Surgery Cardiovascular Disease Gynecology Pulmonary Disease Family Practice Pediatrics Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Family Practice Orthopedic Surgery Internal Medicine Neurology Internal Medicine Orthopedic Surgery Neurology Family Practice Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Internal Medicine Dermatology Oncology Endocrinology Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Oncology Surgery Gynecologic Oncology Pediatrics Orthopedic Surgery Podiatry Dermatology Obstetrics/Gynecology 160 104 115 20 202 169 196 204 196 9 9 203 163 184 97 184 26 121 165 41, 144 216 168 48, 88 43, 158 17 116 151 202 127 186 191 207 56 43, 158 56 209 18 167 148 121 25 12 20 203 37 160 48 1 1 104 196 140 200 228 6 213 121 48 87 104 83 15 87 105 6 210 97 33 189 18 83 209 Endicott, Mark E † Equi, Robert A † Equi, Robert A Erickson, Joel S Erickson, Jon A Erickson, Melissa B Erickson, Todd L Erny, Raymond E ‡ Erskine, J Yusuf Erskine, Thomas D Eslami, Afshin Estilo, Genevieve K Eswaran, Kali S * Etemad, Elizabeth L Evangelista, Lisa M Evans, Christopher P Evans, David A Evans, Jacqueline Evans, Jacqueline Evans, Jeremy D Evens, Alexander R Ewens, Mark P Fa, Christina Faiz, Shazia Fallah-Najmabadi, Hessameddin Fan, Dali Fan, Dali Fancher, Tonya Faraji, Jamshid J Fardin, Shala Farkas, Linda Farkas, Linda Farmer, Diana Farmer, Diana Farwell, Donald Fazel, Nasim * Febbo Wilson, Barbara J Fedrigo, Anthony J Fefer, Loren A Feinstat, Theodor * Feliciano, Larry R Felix, Terri Felthouse, Rae Felthouse, Rae Fenton, Joshua Ferguson, Monica O Fernandez Y Garcia, Erik Fernandez, Don Fernando, Leonor Fichman, David K Field, Bobby G Field, Nancy T Fields, Marc T Fife, Tim Finegan, Mary M Finnemore, Rebecca K Finta, Laurel A * Finzen, Barbara D Firoz, Hadi Fischer, James Fisher, Carla Fisher, Daniel C Fishman, Scott M Fishman, Scott M * Fitzgerald, Faith T Fitzgerald, Thomas Fitzpatrick, Ellen Fix, Jana L Flores, Sylvia J Foerster, James M * Fong, Arthur Y Fong, Grace * No acepta pacientes nuevos, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral, ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA Orthopedic Surgery Ophthalmology Ophthalmology (Retina) Cardiovascular Disease Dermatology Optometry Optometry Cardiovascular Disease Infectious Disease Hyperbaric Medicine General Surgery Nephrology Internal Medicine Family Practice Speech Pathology Urology Otolaryngology Pediatric Critical Care Med Pediatrics Podiatry Infectious Disease Family Practice Pediatrics Internal Medicine Pediatric Cardiology Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Dermatology Colon & Rectal Surgery Surgery General Surgery Pediatric Surgery Otolaryngology Dermatology Internal Medicine Podiatry Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Family Practice Pediatrics Internal Medicine Oncology Family Practice Internal Medicine Pediatrics Pulmonary Disease Hematology/Oncology Family Practice Obstetrics/Gynecology Obstetrics/Gynecology Radiation Oncology Otolaryngology Obstetrics/Gynecology Family Practice Obstetrics/Gynecology Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Cardiology Dermatology Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Pain Management Internal Medicine Podiatry Orthopedic Surgery Family Practice Obstetrics/Gynecology Cardiovascular Disease Family Practice Family Practice 140 188 40, 137, 189 9, 204 36 138 229 204 207 186 93 13 57 5 165 169 144 148 151 158 13 222 64 223 42, 147 78 105 57 57 10 82 167 93 149 144 83 31 18 36 36 49 64 105 132 49 200 64 160 99 196 209 127 216 41, 144 127 196 127 6 57 72 205 78 105 146 57 216 140 196 14 78, 79 49 88 237 * * * † * * Fong, Jennifer K Fong, Ronald L Foroutan, Shahin Forrester, Cheri J Foster, Cameron Fowler, Wiley L Fragoso, Ruben Frank, Kenneth A Franks, Peter Franzino, Stephen J Franzino, Stephen J Freeman, Douglas J Freeto, Brian D Freeto, Brian D Freeto, David Frei, Jeannette I Freischlag, Julie A Freischlag, Julie A Friedman, Barbara Friedman, Barbara Fritz, Benjamin A Fromer, Eric Fromlak, Tatiana Fruzza, Abigail Fruzza, Mathew L Fu, Jennifer M Fujii, Scott K Fujikawa, Kevin D Fuller, Scott Fung, Maxwell Furukawa, Kenneth Gaddini, Michael S Gafter, Lana Galante, Joseph Galland, David B Gallardo, George K Gallay, Brian J Gambrell, Larry Kyle Gamp, Patrick Gamp, Patrick Ganal, Menalin Gandara, David R Gandhi, Gautam N Gandhi, Mehul M Gandhi, Nandini Garcia, Arturo Garcia, Francisco L Garcia, Jorge A Garcia, Juan Garcia, Juan Garcia, Ronald T Garcia, Ronald T Garden, Valerie S Garden, Valerie S Gardner, Katherine T Garfield, Allan Garfield, Allan Garg, Shikha Garland, Andrea T Gary, Celeste Gathman, Gary Gatschet, Hsinju Gatz, Marvin G Gaudiani, Linda M Gauri, Sharma Geiger, Robert C Geisse, John K Gelfand, Elena V George, Amy Gerlach, Travis Germain, Rasha S Gerscovich, Eugenio O 238 Podiatry Family Practice Surgery Family Practice Nuclear Medicine Gynecologic Oncology Radiation Oncology Pediatrics Family Practice Orthopedic Surgery Sport Medicine Family Practice Orthopedic Surgery Sport Medicine Gastroenterology Family Practice Surgery Vascular Surgery Clinical Genetics Pediatrics Nephrology Dermatology Obstetrics/Gynecology Pediatrics Pediatrics Dermatology Orthopedic Surgery Family Practice Otolaryngology Dermatology Pain Management Family Practice Nephrology General Surgery Obstetrics/Gynecology Pulmonary Disease Nephrology Otolaryngology Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Family Practice Hematology/Oncology Gastroenterology Nephrology Ophthalmology Surgery Family Practice Internal Medicine Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery Ophthalmology Family Practice Cardiology Cardiovascular Disease Pediatrics Obstetrics/Gynecology Otolaryngology Pediatric Cardiology General Surgery Pulmonology Endocrinology Internal Medicine Orthopedic Surgery Dermatology Nephrology Obstetrics/Gynecology General Surgery Neurological Surgery Nuclear Medicine 191 49 167 5 125 97, 97 163 64 49 26 27 182 26 27 24 49 167 171 82 151 208 84 39 151 224 184 140 49 144 84 146 49 38 93 14 160 116 214 79 105 49 99 89 116 134 167 49 57 89 105 79 105 210 211 49 203 204 64 39 144 147 93 163 11 105 213 184 116 128 93 208 125 * * * † † † * * Gershbein, Bart Gershengorn, Kent N Gershwin, Merrill E Getman, Carolyn E Ghaemi, Afshine Ghods, Ehsan Ghoshal, Asish Giermasz, Adam Giermasz, Adam Gillespie, Craig L Gillogley, Katherine M Ginsberg, Michael L Ginwalla, Cherie Giordani, Mauro Girda, Eugenia Gisla, John F Giza, Eric Glaser, Nicole S Glassberg, Eric A Glassberg, Jocylen E Glassy, Crystal M Glassy, Matthew S Glatter, Kathryn A Gleghorn, Elizabeth Gleghorn, Elizabeth Glickman, Scott G Glynn, James J Go, Henry Goetz, C Stephen Goff, Jonathan R Gogia, Ravinder S Gogo, Albina S Goldberg, Martin R Goldberg, Martin R Golden, Julia S Goldstein, Jeffrey A Goldstein, Lawrence J Gollober, Marcia J Goltz, David H Gonzalez, Susan G Gonzalez-Flores, Alicia Gonzalez-Mendez, Gustavo E Good, William V Goodman, Cynthia M Goodnight, James E Goradia, Tushar M Gordon, Carrie Gordon, Flash Gordon, Nathaniel Gorin, Fredric A Goshike, Deepika S Gotham Jr, David R Goud, Pravin Gould, John E Gould, Richard A Goyal, Archana Goyal, Madhav Grafe, Michael W Graham, John M Gramm, Gary Grand, Alexander Grand, Alexander Green, Douglas W Green, Douglas W Green, Gopa B Green, Scott D Greenberg, Joseph H Greenberg, Roy A Greene, Hunter S Greenhalgh, David G Greenholz, Stephen Greenholz, Stephen Urology Cardiovascular Disease Rheumatology Neonatology Family Practice Family Practice Neurology Hematology Internal Medicine Family Practice Obstetrics/Gynecology Pediatrics Pediatrics Orthopedic Surgery Obstetrics/Gynecology Family Practice Orthopedic Surgery Pediatric Endocrinology Family Practice Obstetrics/Gynecology Family Practice Cardiovascular Disease Cardiology Pediatric Gastroenterology Pediatrics Neurological Surgery Orthopedic Surgery General Practice Dermatology Orthopedic Surgery Dermatology Pediatrics Hand Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Urology Gastroenterology Vascular Surgery Family Practice Orthopedic Surgery Obstetrics/Gynecology Internal Medicine Family Practice Ophthalmology Plastic Surgery Oncology Surgery Neurological Surgery Obstetrics/Gynecology General Practice Internal Medicine Neurology Family Practice Orthopedic Surgery Obstetrics/Gynecology Urology Pediatrics Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Orthopedic Surgery Family Practice Family Practice Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery Ophthalmology-Neurological General Surgery Vascular Surgery Nephrology Plastic Surgery Dermatology Family Practice Orthopedic Surgery General Surgery Pediatric Surgery Surgery 20 9 164 115 49 182 121 98 105 182 128 183, 190 151 140 128 49 140 148 49 128, 228 49 79 226 148 151 208 213 55 84 16 10 64 97 140 169 89 28 222 16 25 57 196 15 17 133 119 128 6 105 121 49 41 128 169 64 182 182 213 5 30 40, 133 41, 138 206 218 208 43, 157 10 49 140 93 149 167 * No acepta pacientes nuevos, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral, ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA Gregg, Laurie C * Grewal, Sajot S Griffin, Ian Griffin, Kelly Griffith, Don M Groppo, Eli R Grossfeld, Jodi Grutzmacher, Richard D Grutzmacher, Richard D * Guerrero, Ethelwoldo P Guevara, Salvador G Guilfoy, Guy P Gullion, David S Gullion, David S Gupta, Asha Gupta, Asha Gupta, Rishi Guroy, Mary Ellen A Gutierrez, Noe Gutman, Donald * Guyn, Thomas C Gwiazdowski, Steven G Ha, James Haagensen Jr., Darrow E * Habis, Joseph A Hackert, Lynne Haddad, Ashraf S Haddad, Maha Haddadan, Kayvan D Haddadan, Kayvan D Hadi, Ehsan M † Haesslein, Hanns C Hagerman, Randi J Hagos, Elilta M Halberg, Francine E * Hall, Allen D Hall, Winthrop H Hallett, Rosemary Halpern, Stephen W Hamblin, B Colin Hamby, Blake A Hamdan, Hiba A Hameed, Fasih A Han, Jaesu Hanahan, Ralph B Hansen, Lauren Hansen, Robin L Hardin, Kimberly A Harf, Robert A Hargadon, Annemarie P Harper, Richart W Harrington, Michael J Harris, Abdul K Harris, Roy M Harrison, David T Harrison, David T Hart, John H * Harvey, John M Hasan, Nazia Hasan, Zeenat R † Haselwood, Douglas M Haskins, Ruth E Hass, Frederick J Hassani, Ali Hassid, Eric I Hata, John T Hau, John Haus, Brian † Hayat, Gholamhossain Hayatdavoudi, Saman Hayes, Paul G Hayes, Paul G Obstetrics/Gynecology Internal Medicine Pediatrics Family Practice Podiatry Otolaryngology Dermatology Ophthalmology Ophthalmology (Cornea) Internal Medicine Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Hematology Oncology Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeon Infectious Disease Family Practice Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Neonatology Neurology General Surgery Internal Medicine Plastic Surgery Urology Pediatrics Pain Management Physical Medicine & Rehab Neurology Perinatology Pediatrics Family Practice Radiation Oncology Family Practice Otolaryngology Allergy & Immunology Cardiology Family Practice Vascular Surgery Nephrology Family Practice Family Practice Radiation Oncology Orthopedic Surgery Pediatrics Pulmonary Disease Orthopedic Surgery Pulmonary Disease Pulmonary Disease Rheumatology General Surgery Family Practice Hematology/Oncology Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Pediatrics Gastroenterology General Surgery Rheumatology Obstetrics/Gynecology General Practice Internal Medicine Neurology Gastroenterology Pain Management Orthopedic Surgery Pulmonary Disease Pulmonary Disease Endovascular Surgery Vascular Surgery 128 6 151 50 216 144 10 134 136 31 167 140 13 15 89 105 139 13 50 57 200 187 121 94 6 43, 157 169 151 41, 146 42, 155 121, 122 155 151 50, 222 19 50 16 35 203 5 171 38 196 88 216, 217 140 151 161 213 161 161 27 206 30 99 105 23 7 185 94 44 128 6 183 188 89 215 140 161 161 88 171 * † * † * * * † * * * * Hazel, Sophia Head, Bobbie Healey, Kathleen M Healy, Francis T Hearth, Scott B Heater, Richard D Heath, Erin N Hedayati, Nasim Hedriana, Herman L Hedriana, Herman L Heeren, Matthew M Helgerson, Erin J Hembd, Dennis M Hemphill, Jonathan A Henchell, Heidi Henderson, Mark C Hendricks, James G Henke, Artur Z Henry, Stephen Hepworth, Randall C Herlihy, Julie M Herman, Kristin Herman, Kristin Hersh, Daniel R Hersh, Layne M Hewett, Bruce T Highsmith, Dwayne L Highsmith, Maria J Hight, Rachel Hildreth, Thomas Hill, James Hill, Jeffrey V Hinko, Allison Hirahara, Alan M Hirose, Shinjiro Hirose, Shinjiro Hirsch, Calvin H Hirshburg, Frederick H Hiuga, Stephen G Ho, Gwendolyn Ho, Hung S Ho, Jacqueline Ho, Lisa Hoang, Hung G Hoang, Tri-Dung Hoeg, Rasmus T Hoffman, Kristin Hoffman, Kristin Hoffman, Paul Hogarth, Michael A Holcroft, James W Holcroft, John Holcroft, John Hollander, John Holmberg, Eric A Holmes, Jarrod P Holmes, Jarrod P Holmes, Michael D Holt, Zachery B Holthouse, Amanda S Homa, Eitan Homicz, Mark R Hong Lee, Deborah Hong, Judith Hong, Michael S Hongsakaphadana, Alina Hook, Ernest J Hooper, Michael K Hopkins, Thomas W Hopp, Karen T Horney, Debra A Hosoume, John T * No acepta pacientes nuevos, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral, ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA Internal Medicine Oncology Otolaryngology Pulmonology Dermatology Orthopedic Surgery Pediatrics General Surgery Maternal & Fetal Medicine Perinatology Pediatrics Family Practice Physical Medicine & Rehab Cardiovascular Disease Family Practice Internal Medicine Urology Dermatology Internal Medicine Pediatrics Pediatrics Clinical Genetics Pediatrics Obstetrics/Gynecology Dermatology Pediatrics Podiatry Podiatry General Surgery Urology Pediatric Cardiology Family Practice Ophthalmology Orthopedic Surgery Pediatric Surgery Surgery Internal Medicine Pediatrics Obstetrics/Gynecology Internal Medicine General Surgery Obstetrics/Gynecology Internal Medicine Family Practice Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Neonatology Pediatrics Pulmonary Disease Internal Medicine Vascular Surgery Pediatric Critical Care Med Pediatrics Podiatry Family Practice Hematology Oncology General Practice General Practice Obstetrics/Gynecology Dermatology Otolaryngology General Surgery Dermatology Vascular Surgery Family Practice Podiatry Family Practice Internal Medicine Family Practice Dermatology Internal Medicine 105 15 27 27 36 140 7 94, 227 187 155 183, 191 196 155 79 222 57 27 36 57 64 151 82 151 25 84 183, 191 191 191 94 27 147 50, 88 26 140 150 167 57 64 128 57 94, 227 39 57 50 57 105 115 151 161 105 171 148 151 216 197 207 210 200 55 25 205 214 94 205 171 182 158 36 57 222 226 57 239 † * † † * * Hou, Melody Howard, Renee M Howe, Kevin K Howell, Stephen M Hoyal, Rachel A Hribar, Kambridge P Hsia, Jennifer Hsu, Carl C Hsu, Ronald K Hu, Samuel J Huang, Joseph Huang, Stephanie S Huffman, Jason T Huffman, Jason T Hughes, Marie B Humphrey, Christine S Humphries, Misty Hundal, Apeet Hundal, Rajbarinder Hunt, James E Hunter, John J Hunter, Richard D Hussain, Sayed A Hutchinson, Kendra Hvistendahl, Yngvar A Hwang, Albert D Hwang, Sam Hwang, Steve D Ibanez, Marcelina G Iezza, Alexander P Iezza, Heather A Ikeda, Daniel P Ikeda, Daniel P Imperato, Thomas J Inamdar, Syeda R Ingram, Drew C Ingram, Michael Ishihara, Kent Ishihara, Kent Islam, Arshia Islam, Arshia Islam, Parvez Islam, Parvez Isseroff, Roslyn R Jaber, James F Jackson, Lyle T Jackson, Rhonette E Jacobs, Mark Jacques, Dana R Jaeger, Amber Jaeger, Nancy Jafarzadeh, Mehrdad Jafarzadeh, Mehrdad Jafri, Fatima Jagdeo, Jared Jain, Anita Jain, Sunita Jakobsen, Joelle L James, Michelle James, Robert E James, Ron E Jameson, Nancy A Jamwal, Priyansha Jang, Cathy J Janian, Norick J Janian, Norick J Jaojoco, Ethelynda Jasti, Anil Javaheri, Ashkan Javeed, Mansoor Javidan, Yashar Javien, John B 240 Obstetrics/Gynecology Dermatology Orthopedic Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Podiatry Otolaryngology Obstetrics/Gynecology Pediatrics Gastroenterology Orthopaedics Optometry Otolaryngology Orthopedic Spine Orthopedic Surgery Family Practice Family Practice General Surgery Internal Medicine Cardiology Ophthalmology Cardiovascular Disease Obstetrics/Gynecology Internal Medicine Hematology/Oncology Plastic Surgery Physical Medicine & Rehab Dermatology Family Practice Family Practice Orthopedic Surgery Pediatrics Infectious Disease Pulmonary Disease Gastroenterology Allergy & Immunology Gastroenterology Thoracic Surgery Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Rheumatology Internal Medicine Pediatric Pulmonology Dermatology Pain Management Orthopedic Surgery Pediatrics Perinatology Obstetrics/Gynecology Obstetrics/Gynecology Family Practice Cardiology Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Dermatology Pediatrics Internal Medicine General Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Urology Orthopedic Surgery Ophthalmology Pediatrics Obstetrics/Gynecology Neurology Pediatric Neurology Physical Medicine & Rehab Internal Medicine Geriatric Medicine Hematology/Oncology Orthopedic Surgery Cardiovascular Disease 128 10 213 140 216 16 128 64 90 139 229 214 26, 212 26, 213 23, 24 50 94 31 72 15, 211 204 14 31 99 18 155 84 50 50 213 202 101 161 90 69 3, 90 168 87 105, 106 37, 106 44, 164 32, 106 149 84 190 140 64 17 39 14 50 72 79 32 84 64 57 94 140 217 140 26 64 228 209 215 42, 155 106 96 99 141 79 † Jedrzynski, Michael S * Jensen, Bruce W Jerant, Anthony F Jhawar, Sanjay Jicha, Douglas L Jickling, Glen * Joelson, Eddy Joffe, Martin Johanson, Gary A Johl, Hershan Johnson, Debra J Johnson, Jane Johnson, John Johnson, Mary Ann N Johnson-Tong, Larisa M Jolley, John J Jonas, Brian Jonas, Brian Jones, Joshua L Jones, Richard A Joo, Jayne * Jordan, Donna R * Jordan, Veronica A Joshi, Ajay K Joyce, Nanette * Jue, Jack Juhn, Olivia T Juliana, Litts Junglas, William A Juris, Andrew L Jurisich, Peter D ‡ Kabbesh, Mohammad Jaber Kachru, Amita Kaesberg, Paul Kahle, Eric Kahle, Eric Kahle, Robert A Kahlon, Ravinder S Kahlon, Ravinder S Kahn, Sarah Kahn, Sarah * Kailath, Elizabeth J Kailath, John M Kaku, Roy F Kaku, Roy F Kalra, Ruben Kalthoff, Katherine L Kalyan, Ranjani Kamal, Orendrila Kamath, Nandan V Kambhampati, Ganesh Kamra, Dheeraj † Kamras, Marvin H Kanchananakhin, Veeraparn Kano, Henry L Kao, Ann K Kao, Bernard K Kaplan, Paul E † Kaplon, Richard J Kaplon, Richard J Karalakulasingam, Chrishanthie Karalakulasingam, Chrishanthie Karaoglan, Deha Karaoglan, Deha Karim, Halima A Karimi, Homa Kashyap, Rohit Kasim-Karakas, Sidika E Kasrazadeh, Monica R Katz, Andrew J Katzaroff, Michelle L Kaur, Shan Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery 133 Family Practice 50 Family Practice 50 Pediatrics 152 Vascular Surgery 218 Neurology 122 Internal Medicine 58 Pediatrics 7 Family Practice 206 Internal Medicine 106 Plastic Surgery 43, 157 Speech Pathology 165 Neurological Surgery 119 Dermatology 3 Optometry 138 Gastroenterology 11 Hematology/Oncology 99 Internal Medicine 106 General Surgery 94 Ophthalmology 40, 134 Dermatology 84 Internal Medicine 1 Family Practice 197 Cardiovascular Disease 79 Physical Medicine & Rehab 155 Family Practice 50 Obstetrics/Gynecology 39 Speech Pathology 166 Orthopedic Surgery 141 Pediatric Cardiology 42, 147 Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio 35 Infectious Disease 101 Obstetrics/Gynecology 209 Internal Medicine 37, 106 Ophthalmology 211 Pediatric Ophthalmology 215 Neonatology 115 Cardiovascular Disease 79 Internal Medicine 106 Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine 115 Pediatrics 152 Internal Medicine 58 Hematology/Oncology 99 Cardiology 72, 73 Cardiovascular Disease 79 Pain Management 17 Podiatry 158 Infectious Disease 37 Podiatry 18 Dermatology 184 Nephrology 116, 228 Internal Medicine 58 Obstetrics/Gynecology 32, 39, 62, 128 Pediatrics 33 Pediatrics 224 Cardiovascular Disease 9 Neonatology 115 Physical Medicine & Rehab 156 Cardiac Surgery 70 Cardiovascular Surgery 82 Internal Medicine 106 Pediatrics 65, 152 Foot & Ankle Surgery 206 Podiatry 216 Neurology 228 Obstetrics/Gynecology 188 Nephrology 116, 117 Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta 87 Obstetrics/Gynecology 128 Pediatrics 65 Internal Medicine 183 Internal Medicine 6 * No acepta pacientes nuevos, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral, ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA Kaur, Sunpreet Kawatu, David Kaye, Robert Kayser, Denise L Kazadi, Mwanga M Kearns, Michael Keck, Sara A Keeffe, Brian G * Keenan, Craig R Keihanian, Sara Keihanian, Sara Keiser, Leroy W Kelada, Joe Y Kelley, Leah M Kelley, Leah M * Kelly, Bernadette A Kelly, Holly C Kelly, Holly C Kelly, Karen Kelly, Karen Kelly, Michelle Kendrix, Denise Kennedy, Abbey L Kennedy, Jeffrey Kennedy, Vanessa Kensky, Herman A Kent, Kathryn M Kenyon, Nicholas J Kenyon, Nicholas J Keohane, John C Kerl, Uta B Kessler, Corby S Khaira, Herkanwal S Khaira, Ravinder S Khalil-Kelada, Hayne Y Khalili, Afsaneh Khalili, Nidal A Khambatta, Shanaz Khan, Amer H Khan, Amer H Khan, Rana Khan, Wajahat M Khangura, Sukhdev S Kharait, Sourabh P Khasigian, Harry A Khatri, Vijay P Khattab, Mahmoud Khawaja, Shazah Khouri, Sami M Khowong, Antoinette Kidd, Sabrina A Kiener, David J Kim, Christian K Kim, David S Kim, Edward J Kim, Esther Kim, Eunice Kim, Kee D Kim, Kyung C Kim, Kyung C Kim, Paul H Kim, Paul H * Kimball, Carol M Kimura, Robyn L Kincade, Robert C Kind, Gabriel M Kind, Gabriel M King, Thomas H Kinsey, Genevieve N Kitchens, Charles H Kiuru, Maija H Klein, Roger A Pediatrics Pediatric Gastroenterology Pain Management Ophthalmology Obstetrics/Gynecology Otolaryngology Medical Oncology Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Oncology Family Practice General Surgery Obstetrics Family Practice Pain Management Physical Medicine & Rehab Hematology/Oncology Internal Medicine Pediatrics Speech Pathology Orthopedic Surgery Neurology Obstetrics/Gynecology Nuclear Medicine Dermatology Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Orthopedic Surgery Pediatrics Physical Medicine & Rehab Urology Pediatrics Family Practice Internal Medicine Neurology Family Practice Neurology (Sleep Disorder) Pediatric Neurology Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Nephrology Orthopedic Surgery General Surgery Internal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Internal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology General Surgery Otolaryngology Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Hematology Ophthalmology Pediatrics Neurological Surgery Hematology Oncology Foot & Ankle Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Family Practice Pediatrics Thoracic Surgery Hand Surgery Plastic Surgery Dermatology Pediatrics Hyperbaric Medicine Dermatology Hand Surgery 152 148 146 211 128 144 208 9 58 90 106 210 30 12 14 50 17 17 99 106 65 166 16 122 128 125 24, 184 106 161 16 7 27 27, 192 33, 65, 224 1 58 122 182 39 42 90 58 58 38 141 94 58 209 58 39 12 41 15 26 98 134 152 119 98 132 11 16 222 65 168 12 18 84 152 186 84 207 * † * † † † Klein, Roger A Klineberg, Eric Klingman, Robert R Kmucha, Steven T Knoepfler, Anca Knott, Haydee M Knuttel, Robin M Ko, Eric Ko, Sae H Kobalter, Amy S Kohli, Parul Koldinger, Ralph E Kono, Danton T Koo, Patrick Korver, Keith F Kosakowski, Chris A Kosh, David L Kosinski, Anthony P Kovalenko, Tetyana O Kozina, Joseph A Kozina, Joseph A Kozina, Joseph A Kramer, Jesse M Kramer, Paul E Krasnoff, Jennifer B Kravitz, Richard L Kretzschmar, Frederick J Kreulen, Christopher D Krier, Michael J Krishna, Alok Krishna, Vasanthi Krishna, Vasanthi Kubik, Mark Kubrican, Tomas Kuhn Riordon, Kara M Kuhn, Brooks Kuhn, Maggie Kujok, Hussam Kulkarni, Vedant A Kurzrock, Eric A Kushnaryov, Anton Kwok, Hansen Kylstra, Trieneke A Laband, Paul M Lafollette, Lizellen Lai, Tony Laird Jr, John R Lalchandani, Ram N Lalith Mohan, Adamane S Lam, Kit S Lamb, Philina Lambourne, Blake R Lamendola, Jack E Landfield, Barry S Lane, Clinton Lane, Danielle E Lane, Ingvild G Lane, Nancy Lane, Nancy Lanouette-Conley, Jan Lanouette-Conley, Jan Lao, David S Lao, David S Laptalo, Luko Lara, Primo N Larsen, Robert W Laslett, Lawrence J Latchaw, Richard Latif, Syed R Latif, Syed R Latimore, Darin Latimore, Darin * No acepta pacientes nuevos, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral, ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA Orthopedic Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Cardiothoracic Surgery Otolaryngology Internal Medicine Dermatology Dermatology Radiation Oncology Vascular Surgery Dermatology Internal Medicine Gastroenterology Pediatrics Gastroenterology Cardiothoracic Surgery General Surgery Family Practice Obstetrics/Gynecology Pediatrics Cardiology Cardiovascular Disease Interventional Cardiology Dermatology Family Practice Dermatology Internal Medicine Nuclear Medicine Orthopedic Surgery Gastroenterology Family Practice Neurology Sleep Medicine Family Practice Family Practice Hematology/Oncology Internal Medicine Otolaryngology Internal Medicine Orthopedic Surgery Urology Otolaryngology Gastroenterology Family Practice Internal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Family Practice Cardiology Hematology/Oncology Cardiovascular Disease Hematology/Oncology Dermatology Obstetrics/Gynecology Pediatrics Family Practice Internal Medicine Reproductive Endocrinology Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Rheumatology Maternal & Fetal Medicine Perinatology Cardiology Interventional Cardiology Hematology/Oncology Hematology/Oncology Podiatry Cardiovascular Disease Neuro Radiology Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Infectious Disease Internal Medicine 213 141 24 27, 214 224 10 205 163 218 10 200 90 65 90 203 206 50 209 65 73 79 112, 113 84 30 205 58 14 141 185 51 122 165 5 5 99 106 144 58 141 44, 169 214 90 197 23 14 51 73 99 204 99 36, 84 39 65 5 200 19 58 106 164 187 155 74 113 99 99 158 79, 80 119 80 106 101 106 241 † * † * Lau, Chu K Lau, Diana W Lau, Patrick C Laurence, Brett Lavalley Willsey, Eve Law, Glenn K Lawandy, Shokry Lawler, Mark S Lawson, Candace M Lawson, Michael J Lazar, Michael J Le, Joe Le, Nhien Le, Phong Leach, Richard J Leathers, Michael W Leavy, Benjamin Lee, Cassandra Lee, Crystine M Lee, Crystine M Lee, David H Lee, Dennis J Lee, Eugene S Lee, Irwin H Lee, James F Lee, Jason J Lee, John S Lee, Linda Lee, Mark A Lee, Natalie C Lee, Rebecca Lee, Tennyson G Lee, Timothy Y Lee, Timothy Y Lee, Timothy Y Lee, Wes S Lehman, David Lehr, Leonard K Lehrman, Kenneth L Leigh, Mary Jacena Leiserowitz, Gary S Lemieux, Melissa H Lemma, Kewakebt Lenaerts, Marc E Leoni, James F Lerner, A David Lesley, Ashley Leung, Joseph Levin, Dennis L Levin, Jonathan M Levin, Neil A Levy Gantt, Rebecca Levy, Lawrence A Levy, Mark A Levy, Robert Levy, Robert Lew, Eva Y Lewis, Kirk Lewis, Richard A Lewis, Samantha C Lewis, William R Lewton, Zachary R Lewton, Zachary R Li, Jennifer Li, Kalie N Li, Quinn Li, Rebecca Na Li, Tianhong Li, Tianhong Li, Xin-Nong Lian, George J Licht, Nurit 242 Internal Medicine Rheumatology Family Practice Infectious Disease Obstetrics/Gynecology Pediatrics Neurological Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Family Practice Gastroenterology Urology Family Practice Family Practice Podiatry Gynecology Orthopedic Surgery Family Practice Orthopedic Surgery Bariatrics General Surgery Internal Medicine Urology General Practice Radiation Oncology Family Practice Internal Medicine Pediatrics Gastroenterology Orthopedic Surgery Gastroenterology Pediatrics Cardiovascular Disease Cardiology Cardiovascular Disease Interventional Cardiology Oncology Internal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Cardiovascular Disease Pediatrics Obstetrics/Gynecology Radiation Oncology Internal Medicine Neurology Family Practice Obstetrics/Gynecology Ophthalmology Gastroenterology Family Practice General Surgery Internal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Nephrology Internal Medicine Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Orthopedic Surgery Ophthalmology Pediatrics Cardiology Neurology Sleep Medicine Ophthalmology Obstetrics/Gynecology Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Hematology/Oncology Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Orthopedic Surgery Family Practice 224 230 51 101 40, 128 33, 65 119 16 51 90 217 51 222 158 37 141 51 141 9 12 58 169 92 217 222 106 7 90 141 11 65 35 74 80 113 210 58 129 204 152 129 163 106 39, 122 197 32, 40, 62, 129 134 90 30 12 200 25 13 58 90 107 43, 161 141 134 152 74 209 217 134 25 32, 58, 227 6 99 107 58 141 197 † † † * * * * Lightfoot, Dan R Lightfoot, David V Lillis, Christopher Lim, Angela W Lim, Angela W Lim, Jung J Lim, Michele C Lin, Allen Lin, Andrew P Lin, Andrew P Lin, Bertha B Lin, Huey C Lin, Lily K Lin, Wendy W Lineberry, Olena K Linn, Andrew J Lionetti, Geraldina Lionetti, Geraldina Lipson, Scott Lipson, Scott Lischner, Mark W Littlewood, Steven C Liu, Albert Liu, Dennis M Liu, Fu-Tong Liu, Joy Liu, Yong Q Livingston, Carol Livnat, Guy S Lloren, Richard Lo, Vincent Loffler-Barry, Christine Loftus, John P Loftus, John P Logan, Susan C Loharuka, Garima Lohtia, Meenal S Long, James M Long, James M Long, James M Long, Wen Longoria, James Loomba-Albrecht, Lindsey A Lopez, Antoinette Lopez, Antoinette Lopez, Javier Lopez, Jonathan D Lopez, Jonathan D Lopez, Jonathan D Louie, Samuel Louie, Samuel Louie, Sarah Lovely, Laurie P Low, Alexander H Low, Henry J Low, Kenneth T Low, Reginald I Low, Reginald I Low, Roger K Lowe, Elizabeth H Lozanov, Nikola Y Lu, Jessica Lucas, Jennifer B Lucien, Michael C Luke, John Lulu, Sabeen T Lundergan, Faye S Lurie, Douglas B Lustberg, A Michael Luu, Quang Maagdenberg, Tanya MacDonald, Scott T Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Internal Medicine Family Practice Osteopathic Manipulative Med Vascular Surgery Ophthalmology Internal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Urogynecology Dermatology Family Practice Ophthalmology Family Practice Pulmonary Disease Pain Management Pediatric Rheumatology Pediatrics Hand Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Pulmonary Disease Otolaryngology Obstetrics/Gynecology Rheumatology Dermatology Family Practice Internal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Pulmonary Disease Pediatrics Family Practice Pediatrics General Surgery Vascular Surgery Obstetrics/Gynecology Obstetrics/Gynecology Family Practice Hematology Hematology/Oncology Oncology General Surgery Thoracic Surgery Pediatrics Family Practice Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine Hematology Hematology/Oncology Oncology Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Family Practice Obstetrics/Gynecology Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Cardiology Cardiovascular Disease Urology Internal Medicine Family Practice Optometry Oncology Pediatrics Family Practice Neurology Pediatrics General Surgery Gastroenterology Otolaryngology Obstetrics/Gynecology Internal Medicine 211 211 59 185 190 44 134 32, 59 188 192 205 51 135 51 161 146 149 152 97 141 43 144 129 164 84 51 200 129 19 65 51 23 24 28 209 209 5 186 186 188 94 168 152 88 96 107, 228 186 186 188 59, 107 161 51 129, 228 90 32 59 74 80 169 7 197 189 15 65 51 122 202 227 206 144 129, 228 59 * No acepta pacientes nuevos, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral, ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA Mach, David Madan, Anand Madan, Niti Madan, Niti Madarang, Elizabeth T Magana, Julia N Magana, Julia N Magnan, Elizabeth M Magrino, Thomas J Maguina, Pirko Maguina, Pirko Mahajan, Gagan Mahajan, Gagan Mahajan, Shirish * Mahoney, Cydney Mahoney, Michael Maidan, Lucian Maidan, Lucian Maioriello, Michael J Maisel, Jan E Majetich, Nick Majetich, Nick Majetich, Nick Malaekeh, M Anoosh Malain, Lynne D Malhado-Chang, Norika Malik, Geeta K Malik, Lindsey Malladi, Arundathi S Malladi, Vikram R Malogolowkin, Marcio H Mancherje, Cyrus R Mandal, Binita Mandal, Vanessa J Maney, Rachel K Maney, T Wade Manfredi, Brenda L Mangondato, Jussien ‡ Maniar, Archana H Manickam, Hema Manickam, Hema Manickam, Palaniappan Manjappa, Nagarathna G Mann, Surinder K Mannis, Mark J Manohar, Naveen Manubens, Sergio M Manuel-Arguelles, Daisy Mar, Timothy P March, Thomas R Marcin, James P Marcin, James P Marder, Richard A Mardirossian, Murat D Marengo, Jason J Marentis, Theodore C Marfatia, Rina S * Marguglio, Paul J Mariano, Elpidio C Marino Jr, Joseph T Marino Jr, Joseph T Marino Jr, Joseph T Marino, Vincent C Marino, Vincent C Markoff, William A Marquardt, Walt Marquardt, Walt Marquardt, Walt Marquez, Mindy L Marrero-Nasirov, Arlyn Marshall, Samrina Marshall, Sarah A Family Practice Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Nephrology Internal Medicine Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics Family Practice Colon & Rectal Surgery General Surgery Plastic & Reconstructive Surg Pain Management Physical Medicine & Rehab Hematology Family Practice Gastroenterology Neurology Vascular Neurology Obstetrics/Gynecology Pediatrics Cardiology Cardiovascular Disease Interventional Cardiology Pediatrics Internal Medicine Neurology Family Practice Cardiovascular Disease Rheumatology Gastroenterology Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Cardiovascular Disease Allergy & Immunology Geriatric Medicine Neonatology Pediatrics Family Practice Pediatrics Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Nephrology Gastroenterology Nephrology Gastroenterology Ophthalmology Pediatric Cardiology Interventional Cardiology Family Practice Orthopedic Surgery Pediatrics Pediatric Critical Care Med Pediatrics Orthopedic Surgery Family Practice Plastic Surgery Nuclear Medicine Internal Medicine Internal Medicine General Surgery Allergy & Immunology Pediatric Allergy & Immunology Pulmonology Podiatric Surgery Podiatry Family Practice Cardiology Cardiovascular Disease Interventional Cardiology Urology Pediatrics Pediatrics Family Practice 30 36 37, 107 38, 117 59 115 152 51 226 94 157 146 156 98 222 90 122 170 14 8 74, 75 80 113, 114 33 224 122, 123 197 80 19 11 148 184 69 37, 96 115 33 197 65 107 107 117 90 25 90 135 147 24 197 141 224 148 152 141, 142 226 191 125 7 201 206 69 147 163 18 18 197 75 80 114 27 66 152 51 † † * * * † † † * * * Martin, Joshua H Martin, Madelena Martin, Madelena Martin, Michael E Martin, W. Randy Martin, W. Randy Martinez, David Martinez, Gilbert Martins, Maria Maselli, Ricardo A Mason, Wilbert H Mason, Wilbert H Massoumi, Ali Matalon, Eran Mateev, Stephanie Matossian, Cheryl Matsik, Kristen M Maulino, Perla-Inez R Maverakis, Emanual Maw, Soe Mayadev, Jyoti Mayer Troppmann, Kathrin L Maynard, Gregory Mazur, Kai-Uwe U Mazur, Kai-Uwe U Mcadams, Paul D Mcallister, Jr, William J Mccarron, Robert McCloud, Michael McCrimons, Daniel E McCurdy, Stephen Mcdermott, Michael J McDonald, Craig M McDowell, Brian A Mcgahan, Patrick Mcgann, Judeth K Mcgreevy, Kristeen McKennan, Kevin X McKibben, Dennis W McLean, Lynn McLean, Lynn McLean, Lynn McLean, Lynn Mcnabb, Alan Mcnulty, Heidi McVicar, John P Medani, Khalid Medawar, Stephen Medici, Valentina Meehan, John P Meffert, Stephen A Mehtani, Mohit Meill, Jane M Melchione, Thomas E Melkonian, Rita L Melnik, Irina L Melnikow, Joy Melo, Juliana Mendez, Sandra Mendoza, Amelia Merchant, Rajan K Merck, Dan Meredith, Dennis Metcalf, Mary B Metzger, Alex S Metzger, Paul Meyers, Frederick J Mikacich, Judith A Milazzo, Carol F Miles, Troy A Miller, Brady G Miller, Brady G * No acepta pacientes nuevos, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral, ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA Pediatrics Clinical Genetics Pediatrics Allergy Infectious Disease Pulmonary Disease Family Practice Family Practice Pediatrics Neurology Pediatric Infectious Disease Pediatrics Pulmonary Disease Internal Medicine Pediatric Critical Care Med Family Practice Obstetrics/Gynecology Pediatrics Dermatology Internal Medicine Radiation Oncology General Surgery Internal Medicine Hand Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Urology Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Pediatrics Internal Medicine Orthopedic Surgery Physical Medicine & Rehab Podiatry Orthopedic Surgery Pediatrics Lic Clinical Social Worker Otolaryngology Podiatry Maternal & Fetal Medicine Medical Genetics Obstetrics/Gynecology Perinatology General Surgery Family Practice General Surgery Neurological Surgery Podiatry Internal Medicine Orthopedic Surgery Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Pediatrics Obstetrics/Gynecology Obstetrics/Gynecology Physical Medicine & Rehab Family Practice Obstetrics/Gynecology Obstetrics/Gynecology Family Practice Allergy & Immunology Internal Medicine Spine Surgery Pediatrics Oncology Orthopedic Surgery Internal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Pediatrics Orthopedic Surgery Hematology/Oncology Internal Medicine 8 82 152 203 37 44 23 51 224 123 149 152 19 201 148 1 15 66 84 59 163 94 107 207 213 217 7 107 59 66 107 213 156 159 142 224 114 145 159 187 114, 187 129 155 36 222 94 119 159 107 142 211 26 8 129, 229 15, 209 17 51 129 129 51 226 32 230 66 15 142 59 129 33 142 99 107 243 * * * * † † * * † Miller, Harriet M Miller, Kevin M Miller, Travis A Milne, Lawrence Mingbunjerdsuk, Siriwan Minikel, Michelle L Minnis, James G Mintalucci, Dominic J Mintalucci, Dominic J Mirda, Daniel P Mishra, Subhash Mitchell, Dianne I Miyawaki, Lloyd T Mo, Karen L Mohammed, Imran Mohammed, Jamal Mohammed, Jamal Mohebali, Khashayar Moisseiev, Elad Mok, Henry Y Molla, Mithu Molla, Mithu Momi, Jasminder S Mondala, Alastair Moness, Parween L Money, Sarah R Monjazeb, Arta Monroe-Rodman, Mary J Montano, Marvi Marie L Montemayor, Gertrudes Moore, James F Moore, Michael D Moore, Rain Mora, Christina N Morfin, Jose Morgese, Victoria C Moriwaki, Mark M Moriwaki, Mark M Morris, Allen S Morris, Allen S Morris, Cynthia Morrison, Stephen L Morrissey, Brian Morse, Eric D Morse, Jonathan Morse, Lawrence S Moshiri, Ala Mould, Kevin D Mraz, Serena M Mudunuri, Vijay Mundy, Brian J Munich, Edwin S Murachanian, Kenneth A Murdock-Vlautin, Theresa Murphy, James T Murphy, Peter J Murray, Deborah K Murray, Deborah K Myers, Ralph L Naftulin, Brian N Nagaraj, Hari Naguwa, Stanley Naguwa, Stanley Naik, Mukesh H Najafi, Shaheen Najafi-Tagol, Kathryn K Nakai, Yuichiro D Nakra, Natasha Nakra, Natasha Nallamothu, Ratnaji B Nandalike, Kiran Nandalike, Kiran 244 Hospice & Palliative Medicine 207 Podiatry 191 Allergy & Immunology 35, 69 General Surgery 95 Pediatrics 33, 66 Family Practice 197 General Surgery 12 Hand Surgery 207 Orthopedic Surgery 213 Oncology 25 Family Practice 197 Podiatry 159 Radiation Oncology 19 Family Practice 222 Pulmonary Disease 44 Family Practice 88 Pulmonary Disease 161 Plastic Surgery 18 Ophthalmology 135 Gastroenterology 227 Internal Medicine 107 Pulmonary Disease 161 Nephrology 117 Geriatric Medicine 97 Internal Medicine 59 Physical Medicine & Rehab 156 Radiation Oncology 163 Family Practice 222 Pediatrics 34, 66 Family Practice 51 Family Practice 52 Ophthalmology 135 Family Practice 197 Obstetrics/Gynecology 32, 40, 62, 129 Internal Medicine 107 Pediatrics 23 Endocrinology 36, 87 Internal Medicine 38, 107 Cardiac Surgery 70 Cardiovascular Surgery 82 Family Practice 197, 206 Cardiology 75 Pulmonary Disease 161 General Surgery 95 Internal Medicine 201 Ophthalmology 135 Ophthalmology 135 Family Practice 223 Dermatology 185 Nephrology 117 Interventional Cardiology 24 Family Practice 5 Internal Medicine 201 Pediatrics 152 Family Practice 5 Pulmonary Disease 161 Endocrinology 185 Hyperbaric Medicine 186 Pediatrics 23 Urology 169 Pulmonary Disease 162 Allergy & Immunology 69, 226 Rheumatology 164, 230 Family Practice 182 Pulmonary Disease 162 Ophthalmology 15 Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta 206 Pediatric Infectious Disease 149 Pediatrics 152 Nephrology 117 Pediatric Pulmonology 149 Pediatrics 153 * * * * * * * * Nanigian, Dana Naseer, Bilal Nassim, Arash Natale, Joanne Nazareno, Angelo J Nealon, Sean J Nearing, Marcia Neff, Lucas Nejad, Bahareh M Nelsen, Kay Nemrow, Barry M Neubuerger, Christopher O Neumann, Anne M Neuwirth, Harry Newbury, Robert L Newell, Kathryn Newman, Frederic B Newman, Stephen R Neyhart, Barbara Neyhart, Barbara Ng, Kwan Ng, Kwan Nguyen, Dan-Vinh P Nguyen, Denise Nguyen, Don Nguyen, Helene Nguyen, Hoa Nguyen, Joanna H Nguyen, Lam-Phuong Nguyen, Lana N Nguyen, Mark Nguyen, Nancy Nguyen, Stephanie Nguyen, Stephanie Nguyen, Tan Nguyen, Thuy Niazi, Zahid B Nichol, James W Nicholas, Ryan H Nichols, Benjamin J Nichols, Michael L Nickel, Bonnie L Niranjan Kumar, Mylapore S Nisam, Merrill R Nishio, Denyse A No, David Norris, Andrew G Northfield, Mark R Norton, Laura E Null, Donald M Null, Donald M Nuovo, James Nutter, Helen T Nutting, Larry Nzerem-Johnson, Nkechi Odonnell, Robert T Oechsel, Michael J Ofili, Kenechuwu Ofili, Kenechuwu Oh, Andrew Ohara, Mary A Ok, Joon-Ha Okamoto, Daniel Oldham, Justin Olichney, John Olson, Christopher R Omalley, Anna K Omalley, Patrick J Omalley, Peter L Oneil, Padraig G Oneil, Padraig G Oneil, Padraig G Urology Infectious Disease Internal Medicine Pediatrics Pediatrics Pediatrics Optometry General Surgery Obstetrics/Gynecology Family Practice Podiatry Orthopedic Spine Family Practice Urology Pulmonary Disease Internal Medicine Gastroenterology Family Practice Family Practice Geriatric Medicine Neurology Vascular Neurology Internal Medicine Family Practice Internal Medicine Family Practice Hematology/Oncology Family Practice Internal Medicine Family Practice Internal Medicine Family Practice Nephrology Pediatrics Family Practice Family Practice Plastic Surgery Family Practice Family Practice Dermatology Family Practice Ophthalmology Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Internal Medicine Dermatology Pulmonary Disease Orthopedic Surgery Oncology Surgery Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine Pediatrics Family Practice Obstetrics/Gynecology Pediatrics Pediatrics Hematology/Oncology Orthopedic Surgery Foot & Ankle Surgery Podiatry Neurology Ophthalmology Urology Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Neurology Family Practice Family Practice General Surgery Pediatrics Cardiac Electrophysiology Cardiology Cardiovascular Disease 169 101 59 153 66 66 138 95 40 52 18 139 223 20 19 59 91 182 88, 226 97, 227 123 170 108 52 59 52 100 52 108 197 59 52 117 153 52 30 157 30 52 10 52 15 32 19 59 84 162 213 210 115 153 52 130 66 66 100 16 227 230 123 135 170 108 162 123 1 5 95 66 69, 70 75 80 * No acepta pacientes nuevos, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral, ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA * † * * † † † Oneil, Padraig G Ong, Delphine Ong, Steven H Ooi, Kuo S Orisek, Brian Ormiston, Thomas W Ornstein, Kara Ortman, Howard S Oryn, Danielle E Osborn, Oliver S Oskarsson, Bjorn Oskarsson, Bjorn Osman, Farid Osmanovic, Senad Oster, Pamela Ostrander, Patricia L Ottman, David W Overbey, Jennifer N Overton, Katherine A Ow, Randall A Ozeir, Jennifer L Pace, Gary Padilla, Joahnna A Pai, David S Paik, Clara Paine, Joel E Pak, Laura K Pak, Laura K Palleschi, James R Palmer, Shawn L Palmieri, Tina L Pan, Chong-Xian Pan, Lester C Panagotacos, John J Panchal, Ripul Pandurangi, Seturam P Pandya, Kruti A Pandya, Kruti A Panek, Karen M Panero, Alberto Pantig-Astorga, Rowena D Parikh, Mamta Parikh, Neil G Parikh, Palak Parikh, Rakesh K Parikh, Sahil P Park, Jeanny K Park, Ligaya F Park, Susanna Parker, Daniel T Parker, Daniel T Parkin, Jay D Parrish, Mark D Parrish, Mark D Parsons, Gibbe H Parsons, Margaret E Parthasarathy, Anand Patchett, Timothy Patel, Arun C Patel, Arun C Patel, Gayatri Patel, Roma Patel, Tarang B Patel, Ushir V Patel, Vishal Pathak, Ranganath Pathi, Sujatha D Pathi, Sujatha D Paukert, Thomas Pawar, Anjali Pawar, Anjali Pawar, Sanyukta Electrophysiology 86 Oncology 132 Nephrology 187 Pediatrics 34 Otolaryngology 145 Family Practice 223 Pediatrics 8 Podiatry 18 Family Practice 197, 198 Family Practice 5 Neurology 123 Neuromuscular Medicine 125 Nephrology 208 Ophthalmology 135 Oncology Surgery 133 Endocrinology 87 Ophthalmology 135 Obstetrics/Gynecology 130 Obstetrics/Gynecology 130 Otolaryngology 41, 145 Obstetrics/Gynecology 130, 229 Family Practice 198 Obstetrics/Gynecology 229 Nephrology 117 Obstetrics/Gynecology 130 Internal Medicine 201 General Surgery 12 Vascular Surgery 20 Urology 218 Ophthalmology 135 General Surgery 95 Hematology/Oncology 100 Internal Medicine 59 Neurology 13 Neurological Surgery 38, 120 Allergy & Immunology 184 Cardiovascular Disease 80 Internal Medicine 108 Family Practice 30 Physical Medicine & Rehab 42, 156 Family Practice 52 Internal Medicine 108 Allergy & Immunology 35, 69 Neurology 123 Gastroenterology 91 Surgery 167 Pediatric Cardiology 147 Dermatology 205 Ophthalmology 135 Family Practice 88 Sport Medicine 166 Orthopedic Surgery 190 Pediatric Cardiology 42, 147 Pediatrics 42, 153 Internal Medicine 59 Dermatology 84 Radiation Oncology 217 Ophthalmology 40 Ophthalmology 188 Ophthalmology (Retina) 40, 137, 189 Internal Medicine 60, 108 Ophthalmology 135 Nephrology 118 Nephrology 118 Cardiovascular Disease 204 Colon & Rectal Surgery 35, 82 Gynecology 12 Urology 20 Nephrology 25 Pediatric Hematology-Oncology 148 Pediatrics 153 Internal Medicine 32, 38 † Pearlman, Joel † Pearlman, Joel Pearson, Lisa Pecha, Robert E Pederson-Vanbuskirk, Karyn C Pelech, Andrew N Pelech, Andrew N Pena, Andres Pena, Cynthia L Pendleton, John D Peng, Albert Penkala, Margaret M Penkala, Margaret M Penn, Esther A Pereira, Bryan Pereira, Gavin Perez, Hugo * Perez, Pauline Perez, Richard V Perez, Xavier Perryman, Scott M Perryman, Scott M Peters, Brandon R Petersen, Barr Petersen, Megan Peterson, Mark Peterson, Robert K Peterson, Robert K * Peterson, Scott P Petrick, Maria M Petrovich, Anna Pettit, Charles Robert Pevec, William C Pezeshkian, Nayereh Phadnis, Kalpana A * Pham, Julie Pham, Manh D Phan, Ho Phaosawasdi, Piangwarin Phatak, Sonal Phatak, Sonal † Phelan, Timothy E Phelps, Jenise Philipps, Anthony F Philp, Julie Phung, Mai Pierce, Jonathan Pitzen, Roger J Plant, Jennifer Plant, Jennifer Pleasure, David Ploch, Florian H Poen, Joseph C ‡ Pollard, Richard * Polskiy, Pavel Poonamallee, Udayshakar Poonia, Roopinder S Pope, Jason E Portwood, Margaret M Poulain, Francis Powers, Richard E Powers, Thomas W Prakasam, Gnanagurdasan Prasad, Praveen * Prescott-Kim, Pamela T Price, Christopher Price, James E Priest Jr, Allen E Prior, David M Prosser, Kenneth F Pu, Lee Punatar, Harendra K * No acepta pacientes nuevos, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral, ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA Ophthalmology 135 Ophthalmology (Retina) 41, 137, 189 Family Practice 198 Gastroenterology 91 Optometry 138 Pediatric Cardiology 147 Pediatrics 153 Physical Medicine & Rehab 156 Pain Management 190 Family Practice 198 Dermatology 11, 205 Cardiovascular Disease 80 Internal Medicine 108 Ophthalmology 211, 212 Neurological Surgery 209 Orthopedic Surgery 142 Podiatry 159, 230 Family Practice 223 General Surgery 95 Family Practice 198 Bariatrics 203 General Surgery 206 Sleep Medicine 19 Internal Medicine 108 Obstetrics/Gynecology 130 General Surgery 12 Orthopedic Surgery 190 Sport Medicine 192 Internal Medicine 201 Allergy & Immunology 203 Family Practice 52 Otolaryngology 214 Vascular Surgery 171 Cardiovascular Disease 80 Family Practice 223 Family Practice 52 Family Practice 52 General Surgery 95 Nephrology 187 Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta 36, 87 Internal Medicine 38, 108 Obstetrics/Gynecology 130 Obstetrics/Gynecology 130 Neonatology 115 Dermatology 205 Family Practice 52 General Surgery 95 Family Practice 198, 206 Pediatric Critical Care Med 148 Pediatrics 153 Neurology 123 Radiation Oncology 191 Radiation Oncology 19 Infectious Disease 101 Family Practice 52 Urology 170 Nephrology 118 Pain Management 215 Physical Medicine & Rehab 156 Neonatology 115 Family Practice 198 Orthopedic Surgery 142 Pediatric Endocrinology 148 Neurological Surgery 120 Internal Medicine 60 Family Practice 52 Cardiovascular Disease 204 Family Practice 52 Orthopedic Surgery 142 Pediatrics 202 General Surgery 95, 227 Cardiovascular Disease 204 245 * * * † * Qamar, Niha Quadro, Robert E Quasha, Arthur L Quenelle, David J Quinto, Ernesto S Qureshi, Ghayyur A Quwatli, Zakwan Radke, Stephanie M Rafanov, Vladimir S Raff, Gary Raghupathy, Arun K Rahgoshay, Sorour Rahim, Nazir Rahm, Amy Rahm, Amy Rahman, Joseph E Rahman, Joseph E Rajagopal, Thiru N Raju, Tanuja R Ramachandran, Ravi Ramirez, Jesus Ramirez, Michelle J Ranade, Ajay N Ranadive, Rajesh K Ranadive, Rajina Randall, Derrick Randhawa, Kanwaldeep S Randhawa, Tejpal S Randolph, Martina Rangi, Jaiwant K Rangi, Jaiwant K Rangi, Jasbir S Ransibrahmanakul, Kanat Ransom, Evan R R Rao, Shyam S Rashid, Imad M Rashid, Uzma Raslear- Hendrickson, Maria A Ratanasen, Mitch Ratilal, Jay P Rauen, Katherine Raymond, Leland Raza, Amir Razavi, Mehrdad Redard, Ed W Reddy, Vinay M Redmond, Gregory Redor, Mark W Redwood, Fiona C Reece Jr, James M Reed, John B Reed, John Brian Reed, Matthew Rehman, Shahid Reichert, Sonia Reinhart, Alicia Reinhart, Glenn Reinhart, Glenn Renke, Kyle Restivo, Terry Revesz, Thomas I Reyes, Norman D Reynolds, Frank S Reynolds, Michele D Reza, Mohammad S Riar, Navdeep Rich, Daniel G Richards, Patrick Richman, Carol M Richman, David P Riess, Jonathan Rifas, Donald C 246 Internal Medicine Oncology Pain Management Otolaryngology Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Pulmonary Disease Obstetrics/Gynecology Neurology Pediatric Thoracic Surgery Cardiovascular Disease Geriatric Medicine Gastroenterology General Surgery Thoracic & Cardiac Surgery Cardiology Cardiovascular Disease General Surgery Obstetrics/Gynecology Orthopedic Surgery Surgery Speech Pathology General Surgery Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Otolaryngology Pulmonology Cardiology Family Practice Endocrinology Internal Medicine Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Otolaryngology Radiation Oncology Physical Medicine & Rehab Family Practice Pediatrics Pediatrics Pediatrics Pediatrics General Surgery Internal Medicine Sleep Medicine Family Practice Physical Medicine & Rehab Internal Medicine Gastroenterology Obstetrics/Gynecology Ophthalmology Cardiovascular Disease Ophthalmology (Retina) Internal Medicine Neurology Hematology/Oncology Speech Pathology Orthopedic Surgery Sport Medicine Speech Pathology Plastic Surgery Family Practice Vascular Surgery Gastroenterology Family Practice Family Practice Internal Medicine Ophthalmology Endocrinology Hematology/Oncology Neurology Hematology Internal Medicine 108 132, 133 17 215 60 162 162 40, 130 123 150 9 97 91 95 168 75, 76 81 95 130 41, 142 167 166 95 201 201 145 44, 163 76 53 3 108 36 91 17 163 42 223 1 153 66, 224 153 24 108 19, 20 53 42, 156 60 91 209, 210 135 204 41, 137, 189 108 188 227 166 142 166 166 27 53 171 91 198 30 108 212 87 100 123 98 60 * Riggle, Paul C Rinard, Dean P Ringwald, Barbara A Ripp, Gavin P * Robbins, John Roberto, Rolando F Roberts, Deanne Roberts, Douglas Roberts, Joan B Roberts, Jon B Robertson, James S Robinson, Curtis F Robinson, Seth P Robison, James * Rochanayon, Pira Rodler, Eve Rodler, Eve Rodriguez, David Roganovic, Mira Rogawski, Michael Rogers, Hung Yu Rogers, Jason * Romano, Patrick S Romea, Raul J Rooney, Kathleen A Rosa, Gregory P Rosedale, Michael J Rosenberg, Aaron Rosenthal, Jennifer Ross, Jamie L † Rossiter, Stephen J Roth, Christina Rothschild, Jennifer Rottkamp, Catherine A Row, Paul K * Roysman, Anna B Ruben, Mark Rubin, Oleg F Rudnick, David M Ruffner, Nichole Rumery, Christopher G Rupnik, John Kenyon * Ruscheinsky, Delta D Rutherford, Shelley R Rutledge, John C Sabin, II, Manuel Saeed, Anwar Saeed, Diane B Sahar, David Sahar, David Saied, Rahat Sakamoto, Michael J Salcedo, Edgardo Sampson, James B Sampson, James B Sanchez, Erin Sanda, Anika L Sandhu, Amrita Sandhu, Charanjit S Sandhu, Kuldip S Sandler, Bradley Sandrock, Christian Sandrock, Christian Santhanakrishnan, Chandrasekar Santo Domingo, Noel E Santucci, Stephen A Sarkar, Gayatri Sarkar, Souvik Sarkar, Souvik Sarna, Punit K Sasaura, Paul Satake, Noriko Family Practice Internal Medicine Pediatrics Podiatry Internal Medicine Orthopedic Surgery Otolaryngology Rheumatology Family Practice Surgery Nephrology Family Practice Pulmonary Disease Podiatry Family Practice Hematology/Oncology Internal Medicine Colon & Rectal Surgery Internal Medicine Neurology Internal Medicine Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Rheumatology Obstetrics/Gynecology Family Practice Family Practice Internal Medicine Pediatrics Internal Medicine Cardiac Surgery Speech Pathology Urology Pediatrics Ophthalmology Pediatrics Dermatology Nephrology Urology Obstetrics/Gynecology Pain Management Infectious Disease Family Practice Family Practice Cardiology Family Practice Internal Medicine Neonatology General Surgery Plastic Surgery Pediatrics Ophthalmology (Retina) General Surgery Surgery Vascular Surgery Internal Medicine Pediatrics Family Practice Internal Medicine Gastroenterology Ophthalmology Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease General Surgery Cardiovascular Disease Pediatrics Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Cardiology Orthopedic Surgery Pediatric Hematology 223 60 66 159 60 142 145 165 53 167 208 5 230 18 53 100 108 82 60 123 60 81 60 165, 230 130 198 198 108 153 108 70 166 170 153 26 66 185 187 218 130 190 24 23 31 76 53, 223 60 115 95 157 67 137 95 167 171 109 8 198 60 91 188 109, 228 162, 230 95 204 8 87 91 109 76 142 148 * No acepta pacientes nuevos, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral, ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA † † * * * * * Satake, Noriko Sato, Naomi Sato-Re, Mimi K Satow, Kevin M Satterfield, Denise Sauder, Candice Sawicki, Andrew Saxena, Sajiv Saxton, James M Say, Daphne Say, Doris S Scarborough, R Bruce Scates, David H Schaefer, Robert R Schaefer, Saul Schafer, John A Schafer, John R Schakel, Mark E Scharfen, Cindy O Schenker, Marc B Schermer, Michael J Schindler, Lydia G Schivo, Michael Schlesinger, Thomas J Schluter, Mark L Schluter, Sophia W Schmidt, Brian F Schmidt, Eric S Schneiderman, Kathleen T Schoenwetter, Melissa Scholze, Danielle Schrimmer, David B Schumacher, Edmund W Schwab, Ivan R Schwartz, Stephen D Schwartzman, Nancy L Schwarz, Eleanor B Schwerkoske, John Scoble, Jennifer Scolaro, Donna L Seaman, Elizabeth B Seavey, William Seban, Olivier J Sebastian, Brian M Sebat, Christian Sebat, Christian Seeley, Brien A Sehr, James R Seibles, Joann Seites, Paul G Sekhon, Navneet Semrad, Alison Semrad, Alison Semrad, Thomas Sen, Soman Senders, Craig W Sens, Ashley E Seo, Lisa Serdahl, Christian L Serio, Patricia A Serrano, Noel Sethi, Viyeka Sewell, Daniel S Seyal, Masud Sfakianos, Peter N Shadle, Benjamin D Shafi, Nabil A Shah, Ami P Shah, Shefali Shahedi, Kamyar Shahedi, Kamyar Shaheed, Gurvinder S Pediatrics Pediatrics Family Practice Physical Medicine & Rehab Pediatric Ophthalmology Surgery Podiatry Pediatrics Pediatrics Pediatrics Pediatrics Obstetrics/Gynecology Obstetrics/Gynecology Internal Medicine Cardiology Neurology Family Practice Orthopedic Surgery Radiation Oncology Pulmonary Disease Ophthalmology Family Practice Internal Medicine Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Ophthalmology General Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Pediatrics Rheumatology Pediatrics Obstetrics/Gynecology Podiatry Ophthalmology Dermatology Pediatrics Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Pediatrics Optometry Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Family Practice Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Ophthalmology Orthopedic Surgery Family Practice Family Practice Internal Medicine Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Internal Medicine Hematology/Oncology General Surgery Otolaryngology Pediatrics Hospice & Palliative Medicine Ophthalmology Family Practice Internal Medicine Pediatrics Family Practice Neurology Orthopedic Surgery General Surgery Cardiovascular Disease Optometry Internal Medicine Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Hematology/Oncology 153 67 1 215 149 167 216 224 153 153 67 25 40 201 76 123 198 214 217 162 135 198 38, 109 212 212 212 207 214 67 191 153 130 27, 216 135 205 8 109 109 153 189 7 109 223 201 109 162 212 142 53 53 60 87 109 100 95 145 224 101 40, 136 199 201 153 31 123 142 95 81 138, 139 60 91 109 37, 100 * * * †* * Shahlaie, Kiarash Shahmir, Ehsan Shahmir, Ehsan Shaikh, Naureen A Shaikh, Nuzhat Shaikh, Ulfat Shanmugam, Nataraj Shanmugam, Nataraj Shapiro, Michael S Shapiro, Robert Shariati, Narges S Sharif, Mushfeka Sharma, Anjali Sharma, Gaurav Sharma, Gaurav Sharma, Kapil Sharma, Kingshuk Sharma, Ripple Sharma, Rishi Sharma, Rishi Sharma, Shivani Sharon, Victoria Shatz, David Shatzel, Alan J Shaw, Amy E Shaw, Emily Shea, Michael A Sheely, Dana Shefrin, Sandra L Sheikh, Firdos S Sheikh, Rafiq A Shen, Youjia Shenoy, Shanti Shenoy, Shanti Shepherd, Amanda Shepherd, Matthew E Sherlock, Chad Sheth, Samir Shifflett, Michael W Shihabi, Samer Shimokaji, Gayle L Shin, Chris Shin, John C Shiu, Gertrude T Shlesinger, Yshay Shonka, Paul R Shortley, Howard F Shulkin, Jeffrey A Siddique, Shahzad A Siddique, Shoab A Siddiqui, Mohammed N Sidhu, Parminder Siegal, Steven E Siemens, Kelly Sierra, Patricia B Silva, Joseph Silver, Eli A Silverstein, Marc A Simms, Harry S Singh, Amardeep Singh, Gagan Singh, Gurpreet Singh, Inder M Singh, Kabir J Singh, Kabir J Singh, Kanal Singh, Karanjit Singh, Karanjit Singh, Karanjit Singh, Naileshini Singh, Parul W Singh, Richa * No acepta pacientes nuevos, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral, ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA Neurology Internal Medicine Nephrology Family Practice Pediatrics Pediatrics Aob Anesthesiology Nuclear Medicine Otolaryngology Rheumatology Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Cardiac Surgery Internal Medicine Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Family Practice Dermatology General Surgery Neurology Family Practice Family Practice Sport Medicine Endocrinology Neurology Neurology Gastroenterology Ophthalmology Internal Medicine Pulmonary Disease Obstetrics/Gynecology General Surgery Physical Medicine & Rehab Pain Management Orthopedic Surgery Hematology/Oncology Ophthalmology Physical Medicine & Rehab Ophthalmology Obstetrics/Gynecology Internal Medicine Podiatry Orthopedic Surgery Internal Medicine Hematology/Oncology Otolaryngology General Surgery Hematology/Oncology Orthopedic Surgery Family Practice Ophthalmology (Cornea) Internal Medicine Dermatology Dermatology Family Practice Cardiology Cardiovascular Disease Gastroenterology Cardiology Cardiology Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Cardiology Cardiovascular Disease Interventional Cardiology Pain Management Family Practice Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta 124 186 187 5 154 154 69 125 17 165 32 32 131 81 109 70 60 12 91 109 53 84 96 124 199 199 166 87 13 124 227 136 109 162 131 24 156 146 26 100 15 156 16 131 32 216 142 61 100 145 96 100 190 223 136 61 24 85, 85 199 76 81 227 77 9 9, 10 109 77 81 114 146 31 87 247 * † * * * * Singh, Sital Sinigayan, Voltaire Sivamani, Raja Skaff, Peter T Skaria, Shaji D Skates, Sandra B Skates, Sandra B Skiles, Sunnie L Sklar, Joel Skvaril, Jacqueline R Slachman, Frank N Slachman, Frank N Slapnik, Kurt J Slater, Robert R Sloan, Mark P Smalley, Alton J Smith, Ashley A Smith, David L Smith, Gregory G Smith, J Dale Smith, Jerome C Smith, Joseph N Smith, Leo A Smith, Lloyd H Smith, Philip Smith, Steven A Smith, Thomas Snodgrass, Marci Sockell, Mark E Sockolov, Alvin Sockolov, Ronald Sohn, Kristin Solbes, Eduardo Solis, Blanca E Soller, Maria C Solnick, Jay V Solnick, Jay V Solomon, Daniel J Solomon, Jason H Sommers, Kimberly A Sommers, Kimberly A Sood, Sunita Sorbera, Thomas A Soto, Darya Soto, Darya Southard, Jeffrey A Sowerby, Timothy M Spalding-Dias, Cassie Spears, Colin P Spears, Gregory R Spera, Marcella Sperling, David C Sperling, Robert T Spin, Gregory Sponzilli, Ernest H Sprinkle, Ronnie V Sprowl, Lisa M Sran, Sheetal Srebro, James P Sreedharan, Deepak I Srikulmontree, Thitinan Srinivasan, Malathi Srinvasan, Kris Srivastava, Monica Srivatsa, Uma Srivatsa, Uma Stain, Janice Stanton, Jessica J Stanton, Thomas S Stanton, Thomas S Star, Michael J Stark, Rebecca 248 Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Dermatology Neurology Pulmonary Disease Family Practice Osteopathic Manipulative Med Pediatrics Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Cardiac Surgery Cardiovascular Surgery Family Practice Orthopedic Surgery Pediatrics Podiatry Dermatology Pediatrics Internal Medicine Urology Pediatrics Urology Family Practice Obstetrics/Gynecology Ophthalmology Orthopedic Surgery Internal Medicine Family Practice Internal Medicine Family Practice Family Practice Pediatrics Internal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Family Practice Infectious Disease Internal Medicine Orthopedic Surgery Plastic Surgery General Practice Infectious Disease Gastroenterology Urology Pulmonary Disease Sleep Medicine Cardiovascular Disease Gastroenterology Physical Medicine & Rehab Oncology Family Practice Pediatrics Cardiovascular Disease Cardiovascular Disease Nephrology Physical Medicine & Rehab Family Practice Family Practice Pediatrics Interventional Cardiology Pain Management Rheumatology Internal Medicine Family Practice Internal Medicine Clinical Cardiac Electrophysio Internal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Family Practice Hematology Oncology Orthopedic Surgery Pediatrics 91 109 85 124 162 185 190 34 10 201 70 82 88 142 202 43, 159 11 202 61 230 202 218 199 131 136 214 109 223 7 53 53 154 109 131 53 102 110 16 43 92 102 91 170 19 20 81 12 156 133 53 8 10 10 38 17 223 53 224 25 17 44, 165 110 53, 88 110 82 110 131 199 207 210 214 154 Stark, Rebecca Starkweather, Michael P Stauber, Bradley Steady, Stephen L Steele, Erik C Steele, James M Steele, James M Steele, Toby Stein, Gary A Stein, Peter H Stein-Wexler, Rebecca Steinfeld, Mary Beth Steinfeld, Mary Beth Steinke, Monika Stephen, F Otis Stephen, Merin Stephenson, Jacob Stephenson, Jacob Stevenson, John M Stewart, Ethan R Stewart, Ethan R Stokke, Kevin L Stollenwerk, Nicholas Stondell, Jesse Stondell, Jesse Stone, Susan Stoody, James C Strange, Nicholas G Strauch, Harold B Stripe, Benjamin R Stripe, Benjamin R Strong, Edward B Strunk, Brian L Stuber, Christianna M Styne, Dennis M Su, Brian W Suard, Thomas E Sugarman, Jeffrey L Sugarman, Jeffrey L Sugawara, Michael M Sumiyoshi, Mika Sun, David Sun, David Suo, Shannon Supit, Sydney L Surampudi, Prasanth Surampudi, Prasanth Susanka, Matthew J * Sutter, Charles W Swales, Christopher W Swanson, Christian A † Sweeney, Denise L Sweet, Stephanie Sweha, Amir R Swensson, Lisa A Sykes, Jonathan M Szabo, Robert M Szabo, Robert M Szeto, Tedmond D Tabaie, Sean Tache, Veronique Tajlil, Ali T Takagi, Timothy R Takeda, Patricia A Takemoto, Fern S Talaga, Kevin C Tam, Kit Tam, Kit Tam, Schuman Tamura, Kristen P Tan, De Tan, Maria N Surgery Podiatry Cardiovascular Disease Gastroenterology Speech Pathology Pulmonary Disease Sleep Medicine Otolaryngology Orthopedic Surgery Rheumatology Pediatric Radiology Developmental-Behavioral Ped Pediatrics Speech Pathology Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Pediatric Surgery Surgery Radiation Oncology Infectious Disease Internal Medicine Cardiology Internal Medicine Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Neurology Family Practice Orthopedic Surgery Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Otolaryngology Cardiovascular Disease Ophthalmology Pediatric Endocrinology Orthopedic Surgery Family Practice Dermatology Pediatric Dermatology Pediatrics Otolaryngology Hematology/Oncology Internal Medicine Family Practice Internal Medicine Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Internal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Family Practice Family Practice General Surgery Gynecology Obstetrics/Gynecology Family Practice Family Practice Otolaryngology Hand Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Gastroenterology Orthopedic Surgery Obstetrics/Gynecology Vascular Surgery Family Practice Cardiovascular Disease Pediatrics Optometry Hematology/Oncology Internal Medicine Allergy & Immunology Nephrology Gastroenterology Pediatrics 167 230 81 206 166 216 217 145 214 19 149 85 154 166 206 110 150 167 163 102 110 226 110 91 110 207 39 199 142 81 110 145 10 136 148 16 23 205 215 154 145 100 110 88 61 87, 88 110 131 31 223 96 37 131 53 53 145 97 143 185 143 131 171 54 81 67 139 100 110 9 118 91 67 * No acepta pacientes nuevos, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral, ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA * † † † * * † ‡ * ‡ * † † Tanaka, Michael S Tanaka, Scott K Tanaka, Scott K Taneja, Nidhika B Tanghetti, Emil A Tanji, Jeffery L Tarrar, Aymel J Tarter, Chad I Taugher, Karen C Tay, Theam L Taylor, Cecille G Taylor, Sherry L Teasdale, Jr., Robert D Tejaswi, Sooraj Tejaswi, Sooraj Telander, David G Telander, David G Templeton, Debra Teng, Chunwen Teper, Irene Tepper, Eric G Terrado, Cecilia Terrado, Cecilia Teuber, Suzanne S Teymouri, Saman Thakkar, Puja A Thelen, E Michael Thompson III, George Thornton, Brian Tiedeken, John Tiedeman, Daniel S To, My-Le Tobalina, Gina Tokeshi, Bradley Tolkan, Steven R Tollefson, Travis Tolliver, Gregg L Tomasin, John D Tominaga, Julie Tompkins, Geoffrey S Toney, Alexis Tong, Elisa K Tong, Hai Tong, Kathleen Tong, Kathleen Torlak, Edina S Torok, Natalie Toussi, Mohammadreza M Tovmassian, Gregory A Tracy, Kevin A Tram, Thong D Tran, Hoang N Tran, Hoang N Tran, Tuan A Tran, Tuan A Trapnell, James G Trifiro, Michael Trinh, Hoi K Trivedi, Vinod Troia-Cancio, Paolo Tropel, Julienne Troppmann, Christopher Troy, Ann Tsai, An-Shyang Tsai, Conrad T Tsai, Jane Tsai, Ting F Tsai, Ting F Tsai, Tony Tsai, Tony Tseng, Susan Tu, Jye-Ping Hematology/Oncology Hand Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Nephrology Dermatology Family Practice Family Practice Neonatology Optometry Family Practice Ophthalmology Neurological Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Ophthalmology Ophthalmology (Retina) Orthopedic Surgery Family Practice Internal Medicine Family Practice Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Allergy & Immunology Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Rheumatology Internal Medicine Nephrology General Surgery Optometry Obstetrics/Gynecology Family Practice Internal Medicine Nephrology Otolaryngology Infectious Disease Orthopedic Surgery Pediatrics Orthopedic Surgery Pediatrics General Practice Optometry Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Family Practice Podiatry Pediatrics Internal Medicine Hand Surgery Orthopedic Surgery General Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Family Practice Obstetrics/Gynecology Internal Medicine Infectious Disease Infectious Disease Family Practice General Surgery Pediatrics Pediatrics Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Ophthalmology Ophthalmology (Retina) Orthopedic Surgery Internal Medicine 37, 100 97 143 3, 118 85 54, 223 54 187 139 54 136 187 16 92, 227 110, 228 136 41, 137, 189 143 31 7 54 36, 92 38, 110 69 61 110 165 110 38 96 139 229 54 110 187 145 13 214 225 214 154 92 139 81 111 61 111 54 159 154 61 227 229 96 143 199 131 61 102 102 199 96 8 67 61 61 81 111 189 41, 137, 138, 189 143 32 † * * * * * † Tucker, Bruce N Turkot, Liana Tuscano, Joseph M Tuscano, Joseph M Twarog, Meryl A Ullah, Nushrat Umphress, Jason L Umutyan, Ari Underwood, Mark Upadhyay, Manish Urayama, Shiro Urbach, Katrina R Uro, Michael A Uzelac, Peter S Valdez, Benjamin F Valdez, Thomas A Valicenti, Richard Vallero, Randell P Van Aken, Terrell Van Aken, Terrell Van Den Bogaerde, James Van Gundy, Jeff C Van Gundy, Jeff C Van Hoozen, Brent E Vance, Cheryl W Vance, Cheryl W Vandenakker-Albanese, Carol Vanison, Christopher Varughese, Biju Vasiliauskas, Tomas Velastegui, Romel E Veletto, Tony D Venkatapathy, Ganesan Venugopal, Sandhya Venugopal, Sandhya Verch, Dana R Verder-Bautista, Pamela N Verducci, Dennis J Vezino, Brooke Vidovszky, Tamas J Vierra, Heather Vikstrom, Brian G Vikstrom, Brian G Vikstrom, Brian G Villablanca, Amparo C Villalon, Rachel M Vinogradova, Helen Virk, Navneet Virk, Navneet Vo, Yen Trang X Von Scheven, Emily Voss, Kirsten J Vuong, Reed H Waechter, Anastasia Waechter, Anastasia Waetjen, L Elaine Waite, Brandee Waldau, Ben Waldman, Sarah Walker, Cheryl Wallach, Stacey Walsh, Jill A Walton, Stephanie A Wandel, Amy G Wang, Edward Wang, Jackson Wang, Paul Ward, John W Ward, Richard E Warmerdam, Dorothea O Warner, Gregory Y Wartell, Anthony E * No acepta pacientes nuevos, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral, ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA General Practice Internal Medicine Hematology/Oncology Internal Medicine Infectious Disease Internal Medicine Gastroenterology Oncology Pediatrics Endocrinology Gastroenterology Pediatrics Podiatry Reproductive Endocrinology Pediatrics Family Practice Radiation Oncology Gastroenterology Family Practice Hospice & Palliative Medicine Orthopedic Surgery Pediatric Cardiology Pediatrics Pulmonary Disease Pediatric Critical Care Med Pediatrics Physical Medicine & Rehab Otolaryngology Family Practice Cardiovascular Disease Vascular Surgery Internal Medicine Family Practice Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Orthopedic Surgery Pediatrics Internal Medicine Family Practice General Surgery Internal Medicine Hematology Hematology/Oncology Oncology Cardiology Obstetrics/Gynecology Family Practice Hematology Oncology Family Practice Pediatric Rheumatology Obstetrics/Gynecology Family Practice Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Physical Medicine & Rehab Neurological Surgery Infectious Disease Obstetrics/Gynecology Obstetrics/Gynecology Pediatrics Pediatrics Plastic Surgery Urology Nephrology Pediatrics Internal Medicine Vascular Surgery Ophthalmology Infectious Disease Neonatology 200 224 101 111 102 7 227 25 154 36 92 8 159 19, 217 34 54 164 36, 92 185 186 41, 143 42, 147 42, 154 44 148 154 156 145 54 204 171 201 54, 223 81 111 143 225 201 199 96 61, 111 186 186 188 77 188 54 98 133 199 149 15 54 92 111 131, 229 156 120 102 131, 229 132 67 67 157 192 38 34 7 171 40 186 115 249 Wartell, Anthony E * Washburn, Elisa Waterbury, Jude Watson, Craig Watters, Laura E Waxman, Jack Wayment, Mac Weatherby, David Weber, Lauren D Weeks, Roger D Wehbe, Salim Wei-Shatzel, Julie Weiner, Barry E Weiss, Noah D Weiss, Robert H Weiss, Robert H Welborn, Jeanna L Welborn, Jeanna L Welch, James N * Welter, Stephen E † Wendel, Robert T † Wendel, Robert T * Werschky, Arnold G West, Nancy * Weston, Robert J Westphal, Suzanne L Westrom, Dale R Wexman, Mark P Whang, Suk C Wheatley, Matthew D Wheeler, Cary L Wheeler, Jonathan W Wheelock, Vicki L * Whisman, Kathleen E Whitcomb III, Charles White Vangompel, Emily * White, Jeanette R White, Morgan E White, Natasha * White, Richard H White, Robert A White, Sophie M White, Sophie M Whiting, Neil K Whitley, Teresa B Whitt, Michael C Widger, Judy * Widman, E Regina † Wiedeman Jr, Geoffrey P † Wiedeman Jr, Geoffrey P Wiedeman, Jean A Wiegley, Nasim Wiegner, Ellen Wiesner, Kenneth B Wilkes, Craig A Wilkes, Michael Willey, Andrea Williams, Donna * Williams, Kimberly Williams, Timothy K Williams, Trevor M Willis, Jeffrey Willis, Sandra E Wilner, Gerald P Wilson, Carl Wilson, Christopher J Wilson, Douglas R * Wilson, Ruth D Win-Vroom, Karen Winnicki, Erica Winnicki, Erica Winoto, Johan 250 Pediatrics 154 Family Practice 199 Internal Medicine 61, 224 Neurology 124 Obstetrics/Gynecology 132, 229 Rheumatology 217 Pediatrics 2, 67 Orthopedic Surgery 143 Family Practice 182 Ophthalmology 212 Obstetrics/Gynecology 132 Family Practice 54 Podiatry 159 Orthopedic Surgery 214 Internal Medicine 111 Nephrology 118 Hematology/Oncology 101 Internal Medicine 111 Internal Medicine 111 Internal Medicine 7 Ophthalmology 189 Ophthalmology (Retina) 41, 138, 189 General Practice 6 Obstetrics/Gynecology 40, 132 Internal Medicine 61 Dermatology 11 Dermatology 205 Cardiovascular Disease 10 Gastroenterology 185 Radiation Oncology 164 Family Practice 199 Family Practice 23 Neurology 124 Family Practice 199 Cardiology 77, 226 Family Practice 89 Pediatrics 8 Pediatrics 154 Pediatrics 67, 154, 225, 230 Internal Medicine 61 General Surgery 207 Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine 115 Pediatrics 154 Gynecology 97 Internal Medicine 183 General Practice 6 Family Practice 199 Family Practice 6 Hand Surgery 97 Orthopedic Surgery 143 Pediatric Infectious Disease 149 Internal Medicine 111 Radiation Oncology 164 Rheumatology 165 Podiatry 159 Internal Medicine 111 Dermatology 85 Internal Medicine 111 Internal Medicine 61 Vascular Surgery 171 Thoracic Surgery 168 Ophthalmology 136 Internal Medicine 61 Obstetrics/Gynecology 15 Nephrology 208 Hand Surgery 97 Hospice & Palliative Medicine 24 Internal Medicine 23 General Surgery 227 Pediatric Nephrology 149 Pediatrics 154 Nephrology 118 * † † * * * † * † * Wise, Barton Wise, Barton Witte, Michael J Wittman, Rejane Wolfrey, Wayne T Wolinsky, Philip Wolpaw, Eleanore Womach, John O Wong Jr., George T Wong, Andrew K Wong, Cedric L Wong, Garrett Wong, Granger B Wong, Granger B Wong, Kalane J Wong, Michael Wong, Michael Wong, Reynold C Wong, Ritchie Wong, Sophia Wong, Stephen K Woo, Linda J Woo, Tammy Wood, Neil L Wood, Stephanie Wood, Zackery S Woodbury, Kristin Wooddell, Margaret K Woolf, Murray Wren, Jeremy Wright, Debra D Wright, Stanley Wright, Steven J Wright, Steven J Wu, Chou Y Wun, Theodore Wytrzes, Lydia M Yager, Blair Yalamanchi, Shalini Yamaguchi, Michael M Yamahata, Wayne I Yang, Jennifer Yang, Judy Yang, Michael I Yang, Yingbo Yang, Yingbo Yao, Aubrey Yap, Stanley Yassa, Nadine H Yassa, Nadine H Yassinger, Sidney W Yazdi, Mitra Yeates, Harry Yee, Alan R Yee, Alice Yee, Jeffrey K Yee, Kristen Yeh, Jay Yeh, Jay Yeh, Tisha Yen, An Yen, John K Yen, Kaicheng Yeun, Jane Y Yinger, Kent E Yiu, Glenn C Yohai, Robert A Yohai, Robert A Yokoyama, Don S Yoneda, Ken Yoon, John C Yoon, John C Internal Medicine Rheumatology Family Practice Speech Pathology Pediatrics Orthopedic Surgery Internal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Obstetrics/Gynecology Interventional Cardiology Orthopedic Surgery Cardiovascular Disease General Surgery Plastic Surgery Ophthalmology General Surgery Plastic Surgery Dermatology Family Practice Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Internal Medicine Pediatrics Rheumatology Family Practice Family Practice Otolaryngology Family Practice Otolaryngology Physical Medicine & Rehab Obstetrics/Gynecology Pediatric Cardiology Facial Plastic & Recon Surgery Otolaryngology Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Neurology (Sleep Disorder) Speech Pathology Ophthalmology Pediatrics Plastic Surgery Urology Pediatrics Pain Management Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Urological Surgery Urology Neurology Pediatric Neurology Gastroenterology Family Practice Family Practice Pulmonary Disease Family Practice Internal Medicine Plastic Surgery Pediatric Cardiology Pediatrics Pediatrics Dermatology Neurological Surgery Otolaryngology Nephrology Orthopedic Surgery Ophthalmology Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery Ophthalmology Family Practice Pulmonary Disease Endocrinology- Diabetes & Meta Internal Medicine 111 165 6 166 67 143 62 132 229 25 143 81 96 157 212 96 157, 158 85 54 136 136 62 68 44 1 182 190 54 190 156 132 42, 147 226 229 62 62 124 166 212 8 43, 158 170 183, 191 215 82 111 168 170 39 42 92 223 54 162 6 224 215 147 154 155 85 120 41, 145 118 214 136 15, 210 16, 212 54 163 88 111 * No acepta pacientes nuevos, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral, ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA † * * * Young, Douglas G Young, Jerald A Young, Joseph N Youngblood, John Younger III, Edward W Youngswick, Fred Yu, Jeanne Yu, Rhunjay James Yuen, Daniel M Yuen, Wing-Yan Yung, Victoria Yung, Victoria Yusufzai, Mohammad A Zakaluzny, Scott Zapata, Eduardo O Zara, Jojet Zavahir, Zainul Zavod, Matthew B Zavod, Matthew B Zechowy, Stefan Zegarra, J. Peter Zeki, Amir Zelk, Misty M Zeringue, Ernest J Zewdu, Manny Zhang, Lin Zhang, Mark Z Zhao, Holly H Zhao, Yan Zheng, Dawei Zheng, Yunli Zhuang, Anne Zielinsky, Ronald T Zimmerman, Robert F Zimmerman, Todd W Zopfi, John P Zopfi, John P Zusman, Edie E Zwienenberg-Lee, Marike Internal Medicine Cardiology Cardiothoracic Surgery Family Practice Orthopedic Surgery Podiatry Colon & Rectal Surgery Urology Internal Medicine Family Practice Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Internal Medicine General Surgery Internal Medicine Family Practice Internal Medicine Facial Plastic & Recon Surgery Otolaryngology Otolaryngology Colon & Rectal Surgery Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Internal Medicine Neurology Obstetrics/Gynecology Physical Medicine & Rehab Obstetrics/Gynecology Family Practice Internal Medicine Dermatology Obstetrics/Gynecology Internal Medicine Gastroenterology General Surgery Thoracic Surgery Neurological Surgery Neurological Surgery 62 9 77 31 143 18 35, 82 20 62 1 92 111 62 96 224 55 62 226 229 215 82 112 201 229 112 124 132 157 40, 132 55 32 85 132 112 92 185 192 188 120 * No acepta pacientes nuevos, † No participa en el Programa Advantage Referral, ‡ Experiencia en el tratamiento de VIH y SIDA 251 888.227.5942 gratis | 888.877.5378 tty OFICINA PRINCIPAL 2349 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 100 Sacramento, California 95833 OFICINA DE VENTAS EN NORTH BAY 4 Hamilton Landing, Suite 100 Novato, California 94949 FECHA DE PUBLICACIÓN: ABRIL DEL 2016 WHA 304 4.16