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Marguerite Casey Foundation Celebrating 10 Years of Supporting Families Leading Change. Special thanks to our Staff Luz Vega-Marquis President & CEO Herb Williams Executive Assistant to the President & CEO/ Board of Directors Liaison Kathleen Baca Peter Bloch Garcia Rich Boswell James Carlton Ericka Cox Jennifer Gianni-Haubry Natalie Holmes Sunny Hong Alice Ito Suphatra Laviolette Cheryl Milloy Kathy Mulady Piilani Pang Cynthia Renfro Kathleen Roe Stephen Sage Nathan Sorseth Karen Urlie Vanessa Ushio Director of Communications Program Officer Administrative Assistant Program Officer Program Officer Finance Manager Researcher Administrative Assistant Program Officer Administrative Specialist Evaluation & Research Officer Reporter Office Manager Director of Programs & Evaluation Grants Administrator Chief Financial Officer Human Resources Assistant Administrative Specialist Graphic Designer & Web Manager Writer - Claudia Rowe Designers - Amie Baker & Vanessa Ushio Editor - Cathy Johnson Photographers - Mike Kane, Miami Worker Center, PICO, TARGET & Border Action Network A letter from our President & CEO D arr Frriien De nds d aand n Collle nd l ag gu uees,, $ Z $V ZH H FHHOH OHEU E DWWHHWK EU WK WKH KH IR I XQ XQGD G WL GD W RQ RQ·V ·V ·V \H \HHDU \HDU D DDQQ QQLY LY YHHUUVDU\ VDU\ VD U\ ZHHS SDX XVH V WWR RUH U ÁH Á FWWR RQ Q RX XU U EH E JL JLQQ QQ QLQ QJ J DDQG QGR RQ QRX RX XU U MR RXU XUQH Q \ QH \WR WR RZD DUG UGV VVXS X SR SRUW UWWLQ QJ J a fa ami m ly ly-l -led -l ed mov vem men ent. t. 0 UJ 0D UJXH XHHUL ULWH WH &DV D H\ H )RX RXQG QGDW DWLR LRQ Q ZDDV IR RXQGH XQGH XQ G G G WWR R SUH SUHHYH YHQW QWW FKL KLOG OGUH UHHQ Q IU IURP RP HQWWHU RP H LQ QJ J IR RVW VWHU HUU FDU D H H :H H ÀU ÀUVW VW KDG DG G WR WR GH GHWH WHHUP UPLQ LQH LQ H KR KRZ Z WR WR R accco omp mpli lish sh thaat go goal al.. 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Fa Fami m liies mi es sspe pent nt m mon onth thss di disc scus u si us sing ng tthe heir ir ccon once cern e ns, s cre reat atin ing in g a na n ti tion onal a fam amil ily y pl p attfo form rm,, an and d ou outl tlin inin ing g wh hat the h y wo woul uld d do o to IRVW IR VWHU HUUF FKD KDQJ QJ JH H WK WKDW DWZ DW ZRX RX XOG OGE EHQ HQHÀ HÀ À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··G ·GOLN ·GO LNH H WR H WRW WKD KDDQN QND DOO OOR R RI I WK KH H 0D 0DUJ UJXH XHUL ULLWWHH& &DV DVH\ H\) H\ )RX R QG QGDW DWLR LRQ QJU JUDQ D WH DQ WHHV H RX HV RXU UJU JUHD HDWH WHVW VWD DOO OOLH LHV VZ Z ZK KR RVHE EHO HOLH LLHHI I LQX LQ XV VDQ DQ QG GRX RXU UYL YLVL VLRQ RQ QK KDV D P PDG DGH HWK WKLV LVZ ZRU RUN NSR SRVV VVVLE EOH OH 0RVWR 0RVW RI IDO DOO OZ Z ZH H WK WKDQ DQ QN N $P $PHU HULF LFD· D VID D· IDPL PLOL OLHV HVZK ZK Z KRVVH HDF DFWV WVR RI IFR FRXU XUDJ DJH HDQ DQG GWH WHQD QDFL F W\ FL W\² ²U UDL DLVL VLQJ QJF FKL KLOG OGUH UHQ QZ ZRU RUNL NLQJ QJW WLU LUHO HOHV HVVO VO\ \D D DQG QGD DDGY YRF RFDW DWLQ LQJ JIR IRU UFK FKDQ DQJH JHG GHV HVVSL S WH W K KDU DUGV DU GVKL KLLS S DQG DQ QG G RE EVW V DF DFOH OHV V² ²EU EULQ LQJ JVR VVR RP PXF XFK KPH PHHDQ DQLQ LQJ JWR WRR RXU XUZ ZRU RUN RU N What Wh at we ha h ve v ach hieeve ved d in n onlly 10 y yea eaars r sh ho ows w me th hat ccha hang ngee is i tru r ly pos o si sibl ble. e.. And nd ttha ha at th ther eree is m muc u h mo uc more re tto o be b don one. e. S nc Si ncer erel ely, y, /X] 9H /X] 9HJD JD0 0DU DUTX UTX T LV LV 3UHV 3U HVLG HV LGHQ HQW HQ W &( &(2 20 2 0 0DU DUJX J HU JX H LW LWH H &D &DVH VHH\ \)R )R ) RXQ RXQ X GD G WLLRQ Q Remembering Marguerite Casey 0DUJXHULWH &DVH\ ZDV ERUQ LQ 6HDWWOH :DVKLQJWRQ RQ 6HSWHPEHU DQG ZDV WKH RQO\ GDXJKWHU DQG \RXQJHVW FKLOG RI +HQU\ - DQG $QQLH ( &DVH\ /LNH KHU EURWKHU -LP WKH IRXQGHU RI 8QLWHG 3DUFHO 6HUYLFH Marguerite profoundly believed in the importance of family, leading her to spend much of her adult life creating opportunities to help families and communities succeed and thrive. ,Q0DUJXHULWHDQGKHUWKUHHEURWKHUVHVWDEOLVKHGWKH$QQLH(&DVH\)RXQGDWLRQWRKRQRUWKHLUPRWKHU·V legacy by encouraging public policies, human service reforms and community support to meet the needs of vulnerable children, youth and families. Over time, the family’s aspiration to serve children, youth and families JUHZXQWLODOPRVWWZRGHFDGHVODWHULQ-LP&DVH\·VLQWHUHVWLQORQJWHUPIRVWHUFDUHOHGKLPWRHVWDEOLVK Casey Family Programs in the family’s home town of Seattle. Sharing her brother’s passion and vision for improving the foster care system, Marguerite served as a board PHPEHUIRU&DVH\)DPLO\3URJUDPVIURPWR6KHZDVDOVRDOR\DOEHQHIDFWUHVVRI6HDWWOH8QLYHUVLW\DQG LVIRQGO\UHPHPEHUHGIRUFRQWULEXWLQJD&KULVWPDVWUHHHDFK\HDUWR:DWHUIDOO*DUGHQIRU6HDWWOHFLWL]HQVWRHQMR\ Marguerite Casey’s lifelong generosity made a tremendous difference for thousands of families and children across WKH8QLWHG6WDWHVDQGKHUJLYLQJVSLULWFRQWLQXHVWRVKLQHWRGD\ 0DUJXHULWH &DVH\ )RXQGDWLRQ ZDV RIÀFLDOO\ IRXQGHG E\ &DVH\ )DPLO\ 3URJUDPV LQ 2FWREHU RI WR KHOS expand its outreach and further enhance its more than 30-year record of leadership in child welfare. Through WKHIRXQGDWLRQ·VZRUNWKHPHPRU\RI0DUJXHULWH&DVH\HQGXUHVDQGZLOOFRQWLQXHWRVHUYHIXWXUHJHQHUDWLRQV Marguerite Casey’s lifelong generosity made a tremendous difference for thousands of families and children across the United States, and her giving spirit continues to shine today. Our Mission Marguerite Casey Foundation exists to help low-income families strengthen their voice and mobilize their communities in order to DFKLHYHDPRUHMXVWDQGHTXLWDEOHVRFLHW\IRUDOO Our Vision :HLPDJLQHDMXVWDQGHTXLWDEOHVRFLHW\IRUDOOZKHUHDOOFKLOGUHQDUH QXUWXUHGWREHFRPHFRPSDVVLRQDWHUHVSRQVLEOHDQGVHOIUHOLDQWDGXOWV where families are engaged in the life of their communities, the nation DQGWKHZRUOGDQGZKHUHSHRSOHWDNHUHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUPHHWLQJWRday’s needs as well as those of future generations. Our Theory of Change Key drivers of change will facilitate... ...movement building Greater organized self-advocacy and activism by ZRUNLQJSRRUIDPLOLHVZLWKWKHVNLOOVNQRZOHGJHDFFHVV DQGVXSSRUWQHWZRUNVWREHHIIHFWLYHLQUHIRUPLQJSXEOLF policy. t A substantial, growing, engaged constituent EDVHPDGHXSRIZRUNLQJSRRUIDPLOLHVDQG natural allies who share their interests t Supported by strong, sustainable Cornerstone Organizations t Well-established in target communities t (IIHFWLYHLQWUDLQLQJSDUHQWV youth as leaders, advocates DQGRURUJDQL]HUV t Successful in helping Highly Engaged Base families achieve policy of Constituents change t 6NLOOHGOHDGHUV²SDUHQWV and youth – from lowincome neighborhoods and communities of color t Self-interest and education in community issues Network of Networks t Sustained connections between constituencies and organizations across Cross-Systems regions and issue areas Change Efforts t Collective capacity for Successful policy reforms driven regional and national E\ZRUNLQJSRRUIDPLOLHVXVLQJ movement building t Facts based on action research t Strategic framing of issues t Institutional relationships community-based organizations that are OLQNHGZLWKHDFKRWKHUUHJLRQDOO\DQGFURVV regionally and across disciplinary, ethnic and ideological boundaries t %HQHÀWLQJIURPDVRSKLVWLFDWHG communications effort that uses strategic framing to shape media images of families’ issues and to ensure consistency of message across all participants t Informed by excellent data and analysis as ZHOODVFDQGLGIHHGEDFNIURPHYDOXDWLRQ efforts t 8QGHUVWDQGLQJWKHQHHGVDQGGHVLUHVRI t different races and cultures while bringing a multicultural perspective to reform efforts t &DSDEOHRIUHVSRQGLQJTXLFNO\DQG decisively to opportunities as they arise via the collective capacity of a nimble, ´VW&HQWXU\µFRRUGLQDWLRQVWUXFWXUHWKDW effectively uses technology t Constantly renewing itself by identifying, t training and promoting new leaders within LWVUDQNV ƞ GXFDWLQJIDPLOLHVWR ( $VSHFLDO´WKDQNVµWRRXU have a real voice in their Board Members who are communities became a focus LQVWUXPHQWDOLQNHHSLQJRXU RIWKHIRXQGDWLRQ·VPRGHOɆ vision focused. -Freeman A. Hrabowski III Freeman A. Hrabowski III, chairman %RDUGPHPEHUVLQFH :KHQWKLVDOOVWDUWHGWKHERDUG·VÀUVWPDMRUUHVSRQVLELOLW\ZDVWRLGHQWLI\DOHDGHUZKRFRXOG help bring together our varied perspectives and establish a vision for the foundation. We were YHU\IRUWXQDWHWRÀQG/X]9HJD0DUTXLV6KH·GKDGJUHDWH[SHULHQFHZRUNLQJZLWKFKLOGUHQ DQGIDPLOLHVNQHZWKHIRXQGDWLRQZRUOGDQGEURXJKWWRWKLVZRUNH[FHOOHQWWKLQNLQJVNLOOV and deep compassion. She was clearly destined to lead Marguerite Casey Foundation. So, we were off to a great start! Beginning from the premise that we didn’t have all the answers, the foundation came up with WKHWKHPHRI´DVNLQJDQGOLVWHQLQJµ:HQHHGHGWROLVWHQZLWKDQRSHQPLQGWRWKHYRLFHVRIWKH SHRSOHZHZHUHLQWHUHVWHGLQZRUNLQJZLWKDQGVXSSRUWLQJ:HORRNHGDWWKHJRRGWKHEDG and the ugly in communities – the ways children are and are not supported. In that process, what came through was the strength of these families. Yes, we were giving people support, but ZHUHFRJQL]HGWKDWWKHLUYLVLRQVDQGSHUVSHFWLYHVZHUHIUDQNO\WKHPRVWYDOXDEOHH[SHUWLVHZH FRXOGÀQG:HIRXQGWKDWSHRSOHNQHZZKDWWKH\QHHGHG²WKH\VLPSO\UHTXLUHGVXSSRUWWR move in the right direction. 7KDW·VZKDWLVUHPDUNDEO\GLIIHUHQWDERXWWKLVIRXQGDWLRQ:HVHHWKHSHRSOHZHVHUYHDVRXUH[SHUWV Still, we needed to carve out a niche for ourselves. So, educating families to have a real voice in their FRPPXQLWLHVEHFDPHDIRFXVRIWKHIRXQGDWLRQ·VPRGHO/X]·VYLVLRQIRU(TXDO9RLFH²EULQJLQJ together thousands of families across the country – embodied that. We had been having some success DWWKHORFDOOHYHOEXWQRZZHZHUHWDONLQJDERXWFRQQHFWLQJSHRSOHDFURVVJHRJUDSK\DQGVXSSRUWLQJ collaborations across races and ethnicities. It was a vision that was hard to actually imagine – even from a logistical point of view. 'U +UDERZVNL JUDGXDWHG DW IURP +DPSWRQ Institute with highest honors in mathematics. By DJHKHKDGHDUQHGD3K'LQKLJKHUHGXFDWLRQ DGPLQLVWUDWLRQDQGVWDWLVWLFVDQGVLQFHKHKDV VHUYHGDVSUHVLGHQWRIWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI0DU\ODQG %DOWLPRUH &RXQW\ ,Q 'U +UDERZVNL ZDV on President Obama’s short list for secretary of education and named one of “America’s Best /HDGHUVµE\U.S. News & World Report. But we were intrigued by the approach and willing to see what was possible. As we watched VWDIIPHPEHUVWDONLQJZLWKIDPLOLHVOLVWHQLQJDQGWDNLQJDFWLRQLWEHFDPHFOHDUWKDW/X]·VYLVLRQ had a great deal of merit. The participation and voices of families have made the real difference. We now have numerous examples of public policy changes across the country, shifting attitudes, VWURQJHURUJDQL]DWLRQVDQGHPHUJLQJFRPPXQLW\OHDGHUV,W·VDUHPDUNDEOHWUDQVIRUPDWLRQ 7KH IRXQGDWLRQ·V ZRUN KDV FKDQJHG P\ DSSURDFK WR P\ RZQ ZRUN )RU \HDUV DW WKH XQLYHUVLW\P\VWDIIDQG,KDGZRUNHGZLWK\RXQJPHQPRVWO\EODFNDQG/DWLQRZKRZHUH ÀUVWWLPHRIIHQGHUV%XW0DUJXHULWH&DVH\)RXQGDWLRQJRWXVWRORRNEH\RQGWKHFKLOGWR WKHLUIDPLOLHVWRLQYROYLQJWKHPRWKHUVDQGJUDQGPRWKHUVWRPDNHDGLIIHUHQFHLQWKHSXEOLF SROLFLHVDIIHFWLQJWKHLUER\V7KDWFDPHGLUHFWO\IURPWKHIRXQGDWLRQ·VLQÁXHQFH²DQG,·G ZULWWHQWZRERRNVRQSDUHQWLQJ /RRNLQJIRUZDUGZHHQYLVLRQKDYLQJDQLQFUHDVLQJO\LPSRUWDQWLPSDFWRQIHGHUDOVWDWHDQG ORFDO SROLFLHV WKDW DIIHFW ZRUNLQJFODVV IDPLOLHV ² IURP DGGUHVVLQJ SROLFLHV WKDW SUHYHQW H[ RIIHQGHUVIURPÀQGLQJHPSOR\PHQWWRLVVXHVDURXQGYRWHUUHJLVWUDWLRQDQGFKDOOHQJHVDURXQG HGXFDWLQJFKLOGUHQRIFRORU&OHDUO\ZHDUHPDNLQJSURJUHVV ƞ7KHJURZWKRI%RUGHU$FWLRQ1HWZRUNZDVVXSHUFKDUJHG ZKHQWKHJURXSMRLQHGZLWK0DUJXHULWH&DVH\)RXQGDWLRQLQß 3KRWRE\%RUGHU$FWLRQ1HWZRUN Border Action Network As the debate over America’s immigration policy boils over into increasingly divisive rhetoric – not to mention some highly controversial legislation – few states have attracted as much attention as Arizona. -HQQLIHU $OOHQ DQG WKH VWDII DW %RUGHU $FWLRQ 1HWZRUN LQ 7XFVRQ KDYH DQVZHUHGWKLVQRWE\VKULQNLQJDZD\EXWUDWKHUE\DGGUHVVLQJWKHFOLPDWH of violence head-on. In the process, they have evolved from a small, DOOYROXQWHHU JURXS WR RQH ZLWK SRZHUIXO DOOLDQFHV DQG VRPH DFWLYH supporters across the state. 7KH JURZWK RI %RUGHU $FWLRQ 1HWZRUN ZKLFK ZDV VXSHUFKDUJHG ZKHQ WKH JURXS MRLQHG ZLWK 0DUJXHULWH &DVH\ )RXQGDWLRQ LQ JRHV IDU EH\RQG QXPEHUV on a ledger sheet. In recent years, Border Action has KHOSHGNLOOPRUHWKDQELOOVLQWKH$UL]RQD/HJLVODWXUH aimed at denying basic rights to immigrant families. %RUGHU $FWLRQ 1HWZRUN KDV DOVR LQYHVWHG LQ LPSURYHG FRPPXQLFDWLRQV ² JRLQJ EH\RQG )DFHERRN DQG 7ZLWWHU WR HQJDJH VXSSRUWHUV WKURXJK DemocracyInAction, a nonprofit that helps users circulate electronic petitions, send word to their elected legislators and draft letters to the local QHZVSDSHU7RLQFOXGHQRQ²(QJOLVKVSHDNHUV%RUGHU$FWLRQDOVRSXWVRXWLWV own Spanish-language newspaper three times a year. ´:KHQZHILUVWVWDUWHGRXWZHRQO\KDGWKHFDSDFLW\WRRUJDQL]HSURWHVWVµ $OOHQ VDLG ´7KDW KDV VKLIWHGµ 7RGD\ VKH QRWHV VHYHQ RI %RUGHU $FWLRQ·V recommendations on immigration policy are now routinely included in immigration reform legislation. General support has enabled Border Action to grow on multiple fronts at once – essential, Allen believes, to the group’s broad success in affecting SXEOLF SROLF\ /DVW \HDU WKDW ZRUN FXOPLQDWHG LQ WKH formation of One Arizona, a coalition of labor, faith and community groups dedicated to improving Latino voter participation rates. )RUVPDOOQRQSURÀWVOLNH%RUGHU$FWLRQ1HWZRUNZKLFK UDUHO\KDYHHQRXJKPRQH\WRWKLQNEH\RQGWKHQH[WJUDQW proposal, the tendency is to plan incrementally, which means never having time to devise a broader strategy. But with the support of Marguerite Casey Foundation, %RUGHU $FWLRQ FRXOG DIIRUG WR ´WKLQN ODUJHUµ DERXW ways to mobilize and educate residents, and the reach of the group expanded dramatically. “Rather than being HIIHFWLYHDGPLQLVWUDWRUVµ$OOHQVDLG´ZH·YHEHHQDEOHWR EHPRUHHIIHFWLYHFRPPXQLW\RUJDQL]HUVµ In the past three years, Border Action has hired experts in policy, organizing and management to spearhead UHVHDUFK DQG SUHVHQW GDWD WR ODZPDNHUV YRWLQJ RQ LPPLJUDWLRQ SROLF\ 7KH VWDII KDV VHHGHG QHZ FKDSWHUV DFURVV WKH VWDWH DQG WUDLQHG YROXQWHHU organizers from Tucson to Prescott. Before Marguerite Casey Foundation offered general support, the organization couldn’t afford the transportation costs for VXFKVWDWHZLGHZRUN /RRNLQJ EDFN RQ KHU \HDUV DV H[HFXWLYH GLUHFWRU $OOHQ FKXFNOHV DW WKH PHPRU\ RI %RUGHU $FWLRQ YROXQWHHUVNQRFNLQJRQGRRUVDQGKRSLQJIRUWKHEHVW in the organization’s early days. These days, the staff funnels data into spreadsheets and crunches numbers to target efforts. -HQQLIHU$OOHQ ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU ´(YHQ WKRXJK WKH EDG UHSXWDWLRQ ² DQG UHDOLW\ ² LQ Arizona seems more prominent, the resistance to it has DOVR JURZQµ VKH VDLG SRLQWLQJ RXW WKH HPDLO messages, phone calls and petition signatures that flooded the in-boxes of state legislators last year. Allen VHHVWKDWFRPPXQLW\YRLFHDVNH\WRVHYHUDOGUDFRQLDQ anti-immigrant bills never getting past the legislative floor. “As the anti-immigrant climate in Arizona has LQFUHDVHGZH·YHEHHQDEOHWRPDWFKLWµ Patricia Schroeder, vice-chair %RDUGPHPEHUVLQFH I was familiar with Casey Family Programs, so when I heard that Marguerite Casey )RXQGDWLRQ ZDV WR EH D VSLQRII DW ÀUVW , WKRXJKW WKH IRXQGDWLRQ ZDV JRLQJ WR ZRUN solely on foster care issues. But we went in a very different direction. /X]9HJD0DUTXLVEHOLHYHGWKHIRXQGDWLRQ·VJUDQWPDNLQJVKRXOGVXSSRUWIDPLOLHVLQ distress – to help those families remain intact. She pointed out that this was povertyUHODWHG EXW QR RQH ZDV UHDOO\ WDONLQJ DERXW WKDW 1R RQH ZDV DGGUHVVLQJ KRZ \RX HPSRZHUSHRSOHZKRDUHVREXV\WU\LQJWRNHHSWKHLUIDPLOLHVWRJHWKHUWKDWWKH\EDUHO\ have time to sit down with their children. The wonderful thing about Luz was that she never had a problem with “the vision WKLQJµDVWKHÀUVW3UHVLGHQW%XVKXVHGWRVD\0RVWJUDQWPDNLQJRUJDQL]DWLRQVWHOOWKH UHFLSLHQWV´7KLVLVKRZLW·VJRLQJWRJRµ:HKDYHD&(2ZKRVD\V´:H·UHJRLQJWR EULQJDOOWKHVHSHRSOHWRJHWKHUDQGOLVWHQWRWKHPWHOOXVZKDWWKH\QHHGµ/LVWHQLQJ² UDWKHUWKDQMXVWDFWLQJDQGKRSLQJ\RXGLGWKHULJKWWKLQJ²LVVXFKDQLPSRUWDQWSDUWRI the foundation’s approach. So the vision started with the idea of preventing the need for foster care. Then, we started listening to community members, who said what we really need to do is empower people ²IURPWKHERWWRPXSLQVWHDGRIWKHWRSGRZQZKLFKLV,WKLQNLQQRYDWLYHDQGDEVROXWHO\ ULJKW)RONVJHWWLUHGRISHRSOHFRPLQJLQDQGVD\LQJ´:HNQRZZKDW\RXQHHGµ The issues of concern to people struggling to become middle class, no matter their race RUORFDWLRQDUHVLPLODU:KDWLVXQLTXHDERXW/X]·VYLVLRQLVKHUSXVKWRJHWDOOWKHVH JURXSV²EODFNEURZQ$VLDQ,QGLDQUXUDOXUEDQ²WRXQGHUVWDQGWKDWWKH\VKRXOGEH ÀJKWLQJRQWKHVDPHVLGHDQGQRWÀJKWLQJHDFKRWKHU Ms. Schroeder represented the Denver area in the 86&RQJUHVVIRU\HDUVEHIRUHUHWLULQJLQ The second-youngest woman ever elected to &RQJUHVV0V6FKURHGHUZDVNQRZQIRUEDODQFLQJ KHU FRQJUHVVLRQDO ZRUN ZLWK PRWKHUKRRG ² HYHQ EULQJLQJ GLDSHUV WR WKH ÁRRU RI WKH +RXVH of Representatives. After leaving government service, she served for 11 years as chief executive RIÀFHURIWKH$VVRFLDWLRQRI$PHULFDQ3XEOLVKHUV 0V 6FKURHGHU LV WKH DXWKRU RI WZR ERRNV Champion of the Great American Family and 24 Years of House Work... and the Place Is Still a Mess. :H·YHEHHQWDXJKWWKDWLQWKLVFRXQWU\LIWKHLVVXHLVIDLUDQGMXVWDQGLI\RXSUHVHQW LW FRUUHFWO\ \RX ZLOO EH KHDUG %XW WRGD\ JRYHUQPHQW LV PRUH OLNH D FRLQRSHUDWHG OHJLVODWLYHPDFKLQH3ROLF\PDNHUVDUHRQWKHSKRQHWU\LQJWRUDLVHPRQH\IRUWKHLU reelection campaigns, and if you don’t have it, they’re not going to listen to you. The Tea Party movement, though I don’t agree with its ideas, does show that if citizens JHWRXWWKHUHDQGPDNHDORWRIQRLVHWKH\FDQSXVKSHRSOHLQWRDFWLRQ6RWKHPRUHZH FDQVKRZORZLQFRPHFRPPXQLWLHVWKHEHQHÀWVRIZRUNLQJWRJHWKHUWKHEHWWHU7KDWZDV WKHDPD]LQJSRZHURI/X]·VYLVLRQIRU(TXDO9RLFH3HRSOHVDLG´<RX·UHJRLQJWRKDYH SHRSOH FRPLQJ XS ZLWK WKHLU RZQ DJHQGD OLQNHG WRJHWKHU E\ VDWHOOLWH"µ , UHPHPEHU RQHZRPDQWHOOLQJPHWKDWLWZDVWRWDOO\QXWV%XWLWZRUNHG:HKDGWKLVSKHQRPHQDO turnout. People must come together and insist that their voices be heard. ƞ/LVWHQLQJ²UDWKHUWKDQMXVW acting and hoping you did WKHULJKWWKLQJ²LVVXFK an important part of the IRXQGDWLRQ·VDSSURDFKɆ - Patricia Schroeder ƞ&ROODERUDWLRQLVHVVHQWLDOWRWKHIRXQGDWLRQ·V mission of mobilizing communities to advocate IRUWKHPVHOYHVɆ'DYLG9LOOD 'DYLG9LOODWUHDVXUHU %RDUGPHPEHUVLQFH ,MRLQHG0DUJXHULWH&DVH\)RXQGDWLRQNQRZLQJWKDWWKHIRXQGDWLRQZDVWU\LQJWR ´HOLPLQDWHSRYHUW\µLQWKLVFRXQWU\%XW,·YHFRPHWRXQGHUVWDQGWKDWWKHREMHFWLYH really, is to eliminate poverty by giving a voice to the poor, which is something very different. Lifting the voices of low-income communities means supporting organizations WKDWDUHSDUWRIDFROODERUDWLYHHIIRUWDQGORRNLQJIRUOHDGHUVDWWKHJUDVVURRWVOHYHO Collaboration is essential to the foundation’s mission of mobilizing communities to advocate for themselves. To combat childhood asthma, for example, grassroots organizations that address air pollution, economic development and community KHDOWKFDQZRUNZLWKFLW\DQGVWDWHSROLF\PDNHUVWREULQJDERXWFKDQJH &RQVLGHU WKLV 7ZHQW\ SHUFHQW RI DOO WD[ UHWXUQV DUH IRU SHRSOH PDNLQJ or less in annual income, and these people are only paying about 1 percent of America’s total tax revenues. It’s hard for me to conceive of a family of four living RQ%XWLI\RX·UHRQO\SD\LQJSHUFHQW\RXQHHGDQ(TXDO9RLFHWREHDEOH WRPDNHDGLIIHUHQFH ,WHQGWRWKLQNRISRYHUW\IURPWKHVWDQGSRLQWRIKRZGR\RXJHWRXWRILW",KDG parents that came from very modest means, and they escaped poverty through HGXFDWLRQ%XWP\ZRUNZLWKWKHIRXQGDWLRQKDVPDGHPHPXFKPRUHIRFXVHGRQ ZK\SHRSOHDUHLQSRYHUW\²DQGWKDW·VEHHQWKHUHHGXFDWLRQRI'DYLG9LOOD $VFKLHILQYHVWPHQWRIÀFHUIRUWKH6WDWHRI:LVFRQVLQ ,QYHVWPHQW %RDUG 0U 9LOOD RYHUVHHV WKH QLQWK largest state pension plan in the country, with assets WRWDOLQJ ELOOLRQ 3UHYLRXVO\ KH ZRUNHG IRU WKH VWDWHRI)ORULGDLQDVLPLODUFDSDFLW\0U9LOODEHJDQ KLV ÀQDQFLDO FDUHHU LQ ZLWK $UWKXU $QGHUVHQ //3 DQG ODWHU VHUYHG DV H[HFXWLYH GLUHFWRU DW 8%6 *OREDO $VVHW 0DQDJHPHQW%ULQVRQ 3DUWQHUV DQ international leader in creating and managing institutional investment portfolios. 6R,EURXJKWDZRUOGYLHZRIÀQDQFHDQGLQUHWXUQWKHIRXQGDWLRQKDVHGXFDWHGPH on the broad issues of poverty and movement building. This focus on movement building and grassroots leadership has really focused the energy of the foundation, which punches way above its weight. The surprise in all of this is that collaboration across grassroots organizations ZRUNV,W·VDYHU\VORZSURFHVV²,VHQVHLW·VJRLQJWRWDNHRU\HDUVWREXLOG to its full potential – but I can see it happening. You can see the difference in the RUJDQL]DWLRQVLQWKHLUOHDGHUVKLSDQGLQWKHLULQFUHDVLQJSROLWLFDOLQÁXHQFHHYHQLI WKDW·VVWLOOVPDOO6R,UHDOO\ORRNIRUZDUGWRWKHHYROXWLRQRI(TXDO9RLFHQXUWXULQJ it while staying out of the way of the individuals who really own the movement. ƞ0DUJXHULWH&DVH\DOORZHGXVWREHQLPEOH:HFRXOGORRNDWWKHVHFRQGLWLRQV UHVSRQGTXLFNO\DQGEXLOGDUHJLRQDOPRYHPHQWDURXQGGLVSODFHPHQWß 3KRWRE\0LDPL:RUNHUV&HQWHU 0LDPL:RUNHUV&HQWHU Once, winning a battle for welfare recipients in Florida and pushing for new laws WKDWFRXOGDLGWKRXVDQGVRIXQHPSOR\HGSHRSOHZRXOGKDYHEHHQPDMRUFRXSVIRU WKH0LDPL:RUNHUV&HQWHU%XWDIWHUVHYHQ\HDUVDVD0DUJXHULWH&DVH\)RXQGDWLRQ grantee, the storefront group with roots in housing advocacy has watched its impact explode across the country. groups throughout the state, going far beyond standard email blasts and Web PDQDJHPHQW +H KDV KLUHG RUJDQL]DWLRQDO FRQVXOWDQWV DQG OHDGHUVKLS WUDLQHUV WR HQVXUHWKDWZKHQLVVXHVDULVH²EHLWDFFHVVWRJUHHQMREVKRXVLQJRUSROLWLFDOSRZHU² WKH:RUNHUV&HQWHUKDVVWDIIUHDG\WRPRELOL]HFRPPXQLW\PHPEHUV Now, as millions across the country are suffering in the biggest real estate meltdown 7KDW MRXUQH\ EHJDQ LQ ZKHQ WKH EXLOGLQJ ERRP WKDW ZRXOG UHVKDSH PXFK RIRXUQDWLRQ·VKLVWRU\0LDPL:RUNHUV&HQWHUZRUNVQRWRQO\ORFDOO\EXWQDWLRQDOO\ of Florida was beginning to gather steam. Gihan Perera, co-founder and executive VSHDUKHDGLQJ DQ DOOLDQFH NQRZQ DV 5LJKW WR WKH &LW\ WKDW LQFOXGHV JUDVVURRWV GLUHFWRURIWKH:RUNHUV&HQWHUVDZKXQGUHGVRIORZLQFRPHIDPLOLHVGLVSODFHGDV JURXSVOHJDOVHUYLFHSURYLGHUVDFDGHPLFVDQGSROLF\H[SHUWVVHHNLQJDOWHUQDWLYHVWR WKHLUROGQHLJKERUKRRGVEHFDPHJHQWULÀHG²WKRXJKIHZZHUH the displacement of urban low-income communities. “We using that term at the time. “It was an academic term, not a XQGHUVWRRGWKDWZKDWZHZHUHÀQGLQJLQ0LDPLZDVQRW household word, but we saw what was happening – the cranes XQLTXHµ3HUHUDVDLG´,WZDVLQ&KLFDJRDQG%RVWRQ1HZ everywhere, the condos going up – and, with support from <RUN/RV$QJHOHV:HKDGWKHÁH[LELOLW\WRMXPSVFDOHDQG Marguerite Casey, we were able to get ahead of the curve to call go from being a local movement to uniting with other cities LWZKDWLWZDVµ3HUHUDVD\V DFURVVWKHFRXQWU\µ )LUVW WKH :RUNHUV &HQWHU UHDFKHG RXW WR RWKHU FLW\ QHLJKERUKRRGV EHLQJ DIIHFWHG E\ JHQWULÀFDWLRQ DQG WKHQ ZRUNHGDFURVVWKHVWDWHXQLWLQJFRPPXQLW\JURXSVDQGVRFLDO VHUYLFHSURYLGHUVWRÀJKWDORQJVLGHIDPLOLHVIRUSUHVHUYDWLRQ of their neighborhoods. The result: A series of investigative pieces in The Miami Herald WKDW OHG WR D JURXQGEUHDNLQJ agreement with Miami-Dade County, one of the few counties in the nation that have agreed to replace each demolished KRPHZLWKDQHTXDOO\DIIRUGDEOHUHVLGHQFHLQWKHVDPHDUHD ,Q VSXUUHG E\ WKH SROLWLFDO VKLIWV DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK %DUDFN 2EDPD·V HOHFWLRQ WR WKH SUHVLGHQF\ WKH :RUNHUV &HQWHUZDVDJDLQLQVSLUHGWRWKLQNELJ´:HVDZWKLVKXJH momentum, with so many young people getting politically LQYROYHG DQG ZH ZDQWHG WR ÀJXUH RXW KRZ WKH VRFLDO MXVWLFHVHFWRUFRXOGFDSWXUHWKDWHQHUJ\DQGWDNHLWGHHSHUµ Perera said. ´8VXDOO\ \RX FDQ·W GR VRPHWKLQJ OLNH WKLV EHFDXVH \RX·UH VR committed to your existing programming, but Marguerite &DVH\DOORZHGXVWREHQLPEOHµ3HUHUDVD\V´:HFRXOGORRN DW WKHVH FRQGLWLRQV UHVSRQG TXLFNO\ DQG EXLOG D UHJLRQDO PRYHPHQWDURXQGGLVSODFHPHQWµ $FWLRQOLNHWKDWGRHVQRWRFFXULQDYDFXXP7RPRYHHIIHFWLYHO\ WKH:RUNHUV&HQWHUQHHGHGWREXLOGLWVFDSDFLW\WKURXJKEHWWHU communications and leadership development. It needed rigor LQLWVDSSURDFKWRÀQDQFHVDQGDGPLQLVWUDWLRQ²DOOWKHWKLQJV WKDWSURYLGHDEDFNERQHWRVXFFHVVIXORUJDQL]LQJ :LWK LQ JHQHUDO VXSSRUW JUDQWV IURP 0DUJXHULWH Casey Foundation over the last seven years, Perera has hired DIRXUSHUVRQFRPPXQLFDWLRQWHDPWKDWVXSSRUWVVRFLDOMXVWLFH Gihan Perera 7R GR VR 0LDPL :RUNHUV &HQWHU SDUWQHUHG ZLWK )ORULGD Immigrant Coalition to create an entirely new organization ²)ORULGD1HZ0DMRULW\²DLPHGDWXQLWLQJ/DWLQR$IULFDQ American and new-immigrant communities in a single voting base, one strong enough to affect elections statewide. /DVW\HDU1HZ0DMRULW\ZRUNHUVNQRFNHGRQGRRUV to educate people about the importance of participating LQ WKH 86 &HQVXV $QG GXULQJ PLGWHUP HOHFWLRQV WKH organization mobilized thousands of so-called drop-off voters who had become disenchanted. Their presence at WKHSROOVLQFUHDVHGSHUFHQWRYHU &R)RXQGHU([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU “We’ve gone from a neighborhood organization to a regional movement, and from a regional movement to D QDWLRQDO DOOLDQFHµ 3HUHUD VD\V ´1RZ ZH·UH FUHDWLQJ D VWDWHZLGHRUJDQL]DWLRQWKDWGRHVSRZHUIXOHOHFWRUDOZRUN So not only have we birthed these new alliances, we’ve WUDQVIRUPHGWKH:RUNHUV&HQWHULWVHOIµ 'RXJODV3DWLxRVHFUHWDU\ %RDUGPHPEHUVLQFH There were several important pieces in developing the mission and vision for Marguerite Casey Foundation. One was to have a seasoned president with a commitment to low-income families and WRZRUNLQJDFURVVUDFHV7KDWZDVFULWLFDOWRPH:HDOOVHHWKHZRUOGWKURXJKWKHOHQV of our own eyes – where we’ve lived, how we’ve lived, what we’ve seen – and if you’re going to serve low-income families in today’s America, then you need to understand those populations. Another was that the foundation’s focus had to be at the local level, in neighborhoods, and its commitment had to be for the long haul. Many of us in philanthropy have gone into communities with money and prescriptions for change, but when the programs are over and the money is gone, we wonder why there is no sense of ownership within WKHFRPPXQLW\$YLVLWWR0LVVLVVLSSLUHDOO\LPSUHVVHGWKLVRQPH:HZHUHWDONLQJWR IRONVLQUXUDODUHDVDQGRQHSHUVRQH[SODLQHGWKDWWKHLUFRPPXQLW\ZRUNVRPHWLPHV HQGDQJHUHGWKHLUOLYHV6RZHUHZHMXVWJRLQJWREHWKHUHIRUWZRRUWKUHH\HDUVDQGWKHQ EHJRQH":HVDLG´1RZH·OOEHKHUHORQJWHUPµ 2XU PRWWR ´$VN /LVWHQ $FWµ LV EXLOW RQ WKH LGHD WKDW WKH SHRSOH ZKR OLYH LQ WKH communities have the answers. That approach sounds simple, but it has so much ZLVGRP$QGLWZDVXQKHDUGRILQSKLODQWKURS\:HZHUHWDONLQJDERXWDGYRFDF\DQG activism and cultivating leadership on the local level, and people literally laughed at XV:HOOWKH\·UHQRWODXJKLQJQRZ,I\RXZDQWWREHDJRRGSROLF\PDNHUDQGDJRRG VWHZDUG\RXPXVWOLVWHQWRDQGEHLQÁXHQFHGE\QRQSURÀWVZRUNLQJRQWKHLVVXHVRI concern in their communities. With a career spanning academia, politics and SKLODQWKURS\ 'U 3DWLxR NQRZV ÀUVWKDQG WKH FRPSOH[LW\ RI JLYLQJ RXW PRQH\ +H KDV EHHQ a cabinet member focused on employment and economic security under former Arizona Governor Bruce Babbitt and California Governor -HUU\ %URZQ &XUUHQWO\ 'U 3DWLxR VHUYHV DV vice chancellor emeritus for the California State 8QLYHUVLW\V\VWHP We’ve come far with this model – beyond my imagination. The number of policies at the local level that have been championed by grantee organizations and had fruition LVDPD]LQJ,Q&KLFDJRWKH(TXDO9RLFHFRDOLWLRQDFURVV0XVOLPVEODFNVEURZQVDQG ZKLWHVEORZVPHDZD\$QGLQWKH'HHS6RXWKDQGDORQJWKH860H[LFRERUGHUZKHUH SHRSOHDUHÀQGLQJRXWWKDWEURZQVDQGEODFNVKDYHPRUHLQFRPPRQWKDQWKH\PLJKW have assumed – that blows me away, too. We are getting there. ƞ2XUPRWWR¶$VN/LVWHQ$FW·LVEXLOWRQWKHLGHD that the people who live in the communities KDYHWKHDQVZHUVɆ'RXJODV3DWLxR ƞ,WPD\WDNHDZKLOHWRFKDQJH poverty, but families advocating for themselves is an opening ZHGJHɆ:LOOLDP+)RHJH :LOOLDP+)RHJH %RDUGPHPEHUVLQFH ,VHHSRYHUW\DVWUXO\RQHRIWKHPDMRUURDGEORFNVWRSURJUHVVLQVRFLHW\:HWKLQNRI poverty in terms of money, but it pervades everything. The role of fatalism here is FUXFLDOEHFDXVHIDWDOLVPLVWKHDWWLWXGHWKDWPDNHVSHRSOHWKLQNWKH\FDQ·WFKDQJHWKH future – and then they don’t try. So, as we put the Marguerite Casey Foundation board together, we had hopes of organizing poor people, yes, but there was no way we could have seen that the foundation would go as far as it has. It’s aimed right at fatalism. Giving poor people DYRLFHDFWXDOO\DVVLVWVWKHPLQEUHDNLQJRXWRIIDWDOLVP,WPD\WDNHDZKLOHWRFKDQJH poverty, but families advocating for themselves is an opening wedge. People can’t EHH[SUHVVLQJWKHLUQHHGVJRLQJWR&DSLWRO+LOODQGWDONLQJWRFRQJUHVVPHQLIWKH\·UH fatalistic. You’ve changed them forever. And it’s sort of an infectious disease – if a mother loses her fatalism, her children aren’t going to have it, either. At meeting after meeting with poor families, we hear the same thing: that this person ZRXOG QHYHU KDYH VSRNHQ XS LQ WKH SDVW$QG ZKHQ , WKLQN DERXW WKH (TXDO 9RLFH conventions in Birmingham and Los Angeles – poor people standing up and giving these stirring addresses – it has increased my understanding of the capacity in these FRPPXQLWLHV:H·YHMXVWJLYHQWKHPDSODWIRUPWRUHDOL]HLW At the beginning, we could not have visualized how important this idea of giving YRLFHWRSRRUSHRSOHDQGFUHDWLQJFRDOLWLRQVZRXOGEH%XWQRRQHSHUVRQEUHDNVRXW DORQH,Q$PHULFDZHVKRXOGDFWXDOO\VHHNLQWHUGHSHQGHQFHZLWKWKHVDPH]HDOWKDW ZH VHHN VHOIUHOLDQFH 7KH IRXQGDWLRQ LV PDNLQJ WKLV YLVLEOH WKDW FRDOLWLRQV DUH WKH DQVZHUWRÀJKWLQJSRYHUW\ $ SLYRWDO ÀJXUH LQ WKH ÀHOG RI JOREDO KHDOWK 'U Foege, an epidemiologist, is widely credited with KHOSLQJ WR HUDGLFDWH VPDOOSR[ LQ WKH V +H VHUYHGDVGLUHFWRURIWKH86&HQWHUVIRU'LVHDVH &RQWUROIURPWRDQGKDVVSHQWKLVFDUHHU championing child survival and development in SRRUFRPPXQLWLHV+HLVDVHQLRUIHOORZZLWKWKH Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Marguerite Casey Foundation has had a far greater impact on poverty than we could KDYHIRUHVHHQ$QGZKHQ\RXWKLQNWKDWLW·VRQO\EHHQDURXQG\HDUVWKDW·VTXLWH a statement. Joan B. Poliak %RDUGPHPEHUVLQFH $VDVRFLDOZRUNHU,UHDOO\HPEUDFHGWKHPLVVLRQRI0DUJXHULWH&DVH\)RXQGDWLRQ ZKLFKZDVWRKHOSSRRUIDPLOLHVWDNHFKDUJHRIWKHLURZQGHVWLQ\²WREHDGYRFDWHV activists and educators for their own communities. It’s something I’ve come to EHOLHYHLQVWURQJO\:KHQ,ZHQWWRWKH(TXDO9RLFHFRQYHQWLRQLQ&KLFDJR,VDZWKLV belief in action. I saw young children helping their families understand the agenda, translating for their parents so that the families could vote. It will remain one of the most moving experiences in my life. ,Q-DFNVRQ0LVV,·GVHHQKRZKDUGHYHQDFRUQHUVWRQHRUJDQL]DWLRQKDVWRZRUN MXVWWRJHWOLPLWHGUHVXOWV%XWZKHQZHZHQWEDFNWRWKHVDPHRUJDQL]DWLRQDIHZ years later to see what it had accomplished with support from Marguerite Casey )RXQGDWLRQ,ZDVGXPEIRXQGHG7KHLUDELOLW\WRPDNHFKDQJHVLQWKHFRPPXQLW\ and at the state level was stunning. I also will never forget a visit to Long Beach, Calif., where we saw the effects of environmental smog on families: Children couldn’t go out at recess because of the smog. In Florida, I saw the struggles of a young undocumented man to go to college DQG QRW EH GHSRUWHG 7KRVH H[SHULHQFHV PDGH D KXJH LPSDFW RQ PH 6R , WKLQN 0DUJXHULWH&DVH\)RXQGDWLRQPXVWFRQWLQXHWRZRUNGHHSZLWKLQWKHFRPPXQLWLHV because that’s where it is having such a huge impact. ,KDYHEHHQVWXQQHGE\WKHNLQGRIZRUNWKLVVPDOOVWDIILVDEOHWRGRLQVRPDQ\ areas. It has so much vitality and, from year to year, you could see change in the communities. I see movement, progress, energy. And I see results. $V D SUDFWLFLQJ VRFLDO ZRUNHU 0V 3ROLDN KDV spent four decades engaged in the struggles faced by low-income children and families. In VKHZDVDSSRLQWHGFKDLURIWKH:DVKLQJWRQ state Council for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (now the Council for Children and Families). The following year, she helped found WKH0RUQLQJVRQJ(DUO\/HDUQLQJ&HQWHUWRIRFXV on the needs of homeless children. Currently, Ms. 3ROLDNVHUYHVDVYLFHFKDLURIWKHERDUGRIWUXVWHHV of Casey Family Programs and sits on the national board of the Child Welfare League of America. /RRNLQJ IRUZDUG , WKLQN WKH (TXDO 9RLFH DJHQGD QHHGV WR JDLQ D QDWLRQDO YRLFH But Marguerite Casey Foundation can’t say it alone. We need to ally with other RUJDQL]DWLRQV WKDW DOVR VSHDN IRU IDPLOLHV DQG PDNH (TXDO 9RLFH D FRQFHUWHG PRYHPHQW:KHQ\RXKDYHIDPLOLHVVD\LQJ´7KLVLVZKDWZHWKLQNµWKDW·VD big voice, and it’s very important not to lose that message. ƞ0DUJXHULWH&DVH\)RXQGDWLRQPXVW continue to work deep within the communities, because that’s where it is KDYLQJVXFKDKXJHLPSDFWɆ-RDQ%3ROLDN ´7KHPRQH\IURP&DVH\DOORZHGXVWRVLWEDFNDQGWKLQN¶:KDWLI"·µ:DWNLQVVDLG ´:KDWLIZHFRXOGUHDOO\PRYHDQDJHQGDZKDWZRXOGZHGR"µ Photo by PICO 7$5*(7$UHD'HYHORSPHQW&RUSRUDWLRQ 3DWULFLD :DWNLQV NQHZ LW LQ KHU ERQHV 0LVJXLGHG FULPLQDO MXVWLFH SROLFLHV ZHUH decimating African-American families in Illinois, dumping thousands of exoffenders with dismal employment prospects in already-distressed communities. 6KHDOVRNQHZLWZRXOGEHXSWRFRPPXQLW\PHPEHUVWRFRQYLQFHOHJLVODWRUVWKHUH ZDVDEHWWHUZD\<HW:DWNLQVZKRKDGJURZQXSLQSRYHUW\KHUVHOIDQGIRXQGHG WKH7$5*(7$UHD'HYHORSPHQW&RUSRUDWLRQWRKHOSKHUFRPPXQLW\ZDVIRUFHG WRVSHQGWKHEXONRIKHUWLPHFKDVLQJJUDQWPRQH\MXVWWR NHHSWKHÁHGJOLQJRUJDQL]DWLRQDOLYH %XWLQZLWKWKHÀQDQFLDOVXSSRUWIURP0DUJXHULWH Casey Foundation, things began to change. After 10 \HDUV RI ZRUN DW WKH JUDVVURRWV OHYHO :DWNLQV DQG KHU WHDPFRXOGÀQDOO\VWHSEDFNDQGHQYLVLRQZKDWLWZRXOG WDNHWRWUXO\LPSURYH&KLFDJR·VSRRUHVWQHLJKERUKRRGV and then put that plan into action. /X]LQWKHVHURRPVWDONLQJWRDOOWKHVHGLIIHUHQWSHRSOHDQGLWKLWPHOLNHDWRQRI EULFNV7KHVHSUREOHPVDUHDFURVVWKHERDUGµ )LUVW RQ 7$5*(7 $UHD·V GRFNHW 7DFNOLQJ WKH EDUULHUV WR HPSOR\PHQW IDFLQJ almost every ex-offender with a felony conviction. Those hurdles had created DQH[SDQGLQJSRSXODWLRQRIWKHSHUPDQHQWO\MREOHVVZKLFK all but guaranteed recidivism and, ultimately, higher prison FRVWV IRU WD[SD\HUV :RUNLQJ ZLWK JRYHUQPHQW RIÀFLDOV :DWNLQV DQG KHU VWDII VXFFHVVIXOO\ OREELHG WKH ,OOLQRLV Legislature to pass a bill that would seal the records of drug XVHUVDQGRWKHUQRQYLROHQWIHORQVPDNLQJLWHDVLHUIRUWKHP WRÀQGMREVSRVWSULVRQ Staffers then turned their attention toward the dismal education results in minority communities, lobbying ODZPDNHUV WR IXQG WKH *URZ <RXU 2ZQ 7HDFKHUV $FW D statewide initiative that recruits community members, supports them through college, and forgives their school ORDQV LI WKH\ HDUQ D WHDFKLQJ FHUWLÀFDWH DQG ZRUN LQ D GHVLJQDWHG VFKRRO IRU ÀYH \HDUV 7R GDWH WKH SURJUDP KDV VHHQ JUDGXDWHV HQWHU FODVVURRPV DV IXOO\ DFFUHGLWHG WHDFKHUVDQGFDQGLGDWHV²PRVWRIWKHPZRPHQRIFRORU – are in the pipeline. 6HYHQ\HDUVDQGLQJHQHUDOVXSSRUWIXQGLQJ ODWHU 7$5*(7 $UHD KDV KHOSHG UHGXFH UHFLGLYLVP LQ Illinois, birthed spin-off groups that are spearheading HGXFDWLRQ UHIRUP DQG EURXJKW YRLFHV RI WKH ZRUNLQJ poor into corridors of power across the state. ´7KH PRQH\ IURP &DVH\ DOORZHG XV WR VLW EDFN DQG WKLQN¶:KDWLI"·µ:DWNLQVVDLG´:KDWLIZHFRXOGUHDOO\ PRYHDQDJHQGDZKDWZRXOGZHGR"µ Their answer was a three-year strategy aimed at LQMHFWLQJ IDPLO\ YRLFHV LQWR GHEDWHV RQ FULPLQDO MXVWLFH and education policies – without being beholden to politically motivated interests. “We wanted this plan to EH VXVWDLQDEOH QRW ERXJKW E\ DQ\ SDUWLFXODU JURXSµ :DWNLQV VDLG $V D UHVXOW 7$5*(7 $UHD DFFHSWV QR money from the notoriously politicized city of Chicago. /HDGVWDIIHUVZHQWEDFNWRVFKRROWRKRQHWKHLUVNLOOVLQ organizational development, research and evaluation. 0HDQZKLOH:DWNLQVKHUVHOIZDVJHWWLQJDQXQH[SHFWHG education on the victories to be reaped through building relationships across ethnic lines. “We didn’t do that EHIRUHµ VKH VDLG ´,W ZDV MXVW EODFN SHRSOH %XW , VDZ ´7KH 0DUJXHULWH &DVH\ PRQH\ FKDOOHQJHG XVµ :DWNLQV says. “Because when you don’t have to chase money, you FDQUHOD[:HGLGQ·Wµ 3DWULFLD:DWNLQV &R)RXQGHU([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 7RGD\ 7$5*(7 $UHD·V LQWHULP H[HFXWLYH GLUHFWRU 6KDURG *RUGRQVLWVRQ0D\RU5DKP(PDQXHO·VWUDQVLWLRQWHDPIRU HGXFDWLRQ$QG:DWNLQVKHUVHOIDGYLVHVKLJKOHYHORSLQLRQ PDNHUVRQVFKRROUHIRUP²QRWWRPHQWLRQKHOSLQJWRGLVEXUVH PLOOLRQLQVWDWHPRQH\WRRWKHUFRPPXQLW\JURXSV²DVD board member for Advance Illinois. ´1RQHRIWKDWZRXOGKDYHKDSSHQHGLIRXUSURÀOHKDGQRW EHHQ UDLVHG E\ 0DUJXHULWH &DVH\µ VKH VD\V ´+DYLQJ WKH passion is not enough – it will eat you alive. But to have VRPHRQH FRPH LQ DQG VD\ ¶:H DJUHH ZLWK \RX DQG ZH·OO VXSSRUW\RX·LW·VHYHU\WKLQJµ *DU\56HYHUVRQ Founding board member $W &DVH\ )DPLO\ 3URJUDPV ZH ZDQWHG WR KDYH PRUH ÁH[LELOLW\ LQ WKH SUHYHQWLRQ RI IRVWHUFDUH²WREHDWWKHSUREOHPRIEURNHQIDPLOLHVDWWKHRXWVHW²ZKLFKZDVRXUWRXJKHVW area. That was the genesis of Marguerite Casey Foundation. We spent a year reaching RXW WR GLIIHUHQW FRPPXQLWLHV WKURXJKRXW WKH FRXQWU\ MXVW OLVWHQLQJ WR RUJDQL]DWLRQV WKDWFRXOGKHOSGHÀQHH[SODLQDQGFODULI\WKHQHHGVRIIDPLOLHV%XWZHVWLOOGLGQ·WKDYH the full sense of where this might go. Marguerite Casey Foundation has crafted its own niche by energizing communities to VWUHQJWKHQDQGHPSRZHUIDPLOLHV,ZDVLQ&KLFDJRZKHQWRSHRSOHVKRZHG XSLQEXVHVDQGYDQVIRUWKH(TXDO9RLFHFRQYHQWLRQDQGLWZDVSRZHUIXO 7KHIRXQGDWLRQ·VDLPVDUHDPELWLRXV7KLVPRYHPHQWLVDERXWIDPLOLHVWDNLQJFRQWURO RIWKHLUFRPPXQLWLHV²ZKHWKHUWKDW·VWKURXJKHVWDEOLVKLQJZRUNHUV·ULJKWVRUFUHDWLQJ KHDOWK\DQGVDIHQHLJKERUKRRGV²DQGIUDQNO\WKDW·VVWDUWLQJWREHFRPHDWUHQGRQD macro level. We are very proud that we had something to do with its origins. As chairman of the board of Casey Family Programs, Mr. Severson was closely connected with the birth of Marguerite Casey Foundation, convening a blue-ribbon panel of experts from government, philanthropy, public health and child welfare to hammer out a vision for the new organization. Mr. Severson has long been active in Seattle’s business and education communities, holding leadership positions DW WKH -DSDQ$PHULFD 6RFLHW\ RI WKH 6WDWH RI :DVKLQJWRQ 3DFLÀF /XWKHUDQ 8QLYHUVLW\ DQG the Washington Council on International Trade. 5XWK0DVVLQJD Founding chair ,WKLQNWKHRULJLQDOLVVXHZDVKRZZHZHUHJRLQJWRXVHWKLVIRXQGDWLRQRSSRUWXQLW\WR come up with a complementary mission and vision to Casey Family Programs. :HZHUHLQWHUHVWHGLQÀQGLQJDZD\IRUORZLQFRPHIDPLOLHVWRDYRLGEUHDNXSV,IZHFRXOG provide them with the voice and the opportunities to address their needs, we could prevent family dissolution and, in fact, create stronger families. As a result, children could remain ZLWKWKHLUIDPLOLHV,WZDVORRNLQJDWSUHYHQWLRQLQDKROLVWLFZD\ )RUPHWKH(TXDO9RLFHFRQYHQWLRQLQ%LUPLQJKDPZDVDUHDOL]DWLRQRIPDQ\RIWKHJRDOV I hoped we could accomplish. Families of all stripes, all with different issues, were able to come together in a meaningful way and draw upon the strengths of each other. 7KH\ZHUHIHHOLQJFRQÀGHQWDERXWEHLQJDEOHWRDGGUHVVPDQ\LVVXHVVXFKDVKHDOWKFDUH DQGHGXFDWLRQLQDFROOHFWLYHPDQQHU,ZDVVWUXFNE\WKHDGYDQFHVWKDWKDGEHHQPDGH 7KHLVVXHVRIUDFHDQGFODVVZHUHEHLQJVXUPRXQWHG,ZDVVWUXFNE\WKHKDSSLQHVVSHRSOH felt in having their own voices heard. It was gratifying. There was real recognition that families understand more clearly than the professionals ZKDWWKHQH[WVWHSVPXVWEH,WLVDERXWOLVWHQLQJWRZKDWWKHSDUHQWVDQGWKHIDPLOLHVWKLQN :HDUHKHUHWRPDNHVXUHWKDWWKHVXSSRUWIRUIDPLOLHVLVDOLYHDQGZHOOHVSHFLDOO\ZLWKDOO the pressures families are experiencing. Ms. Massinga is the retired president and chief H[HFXWLYH RIÀFHU RI &DVH\ )DPLO\ 3URJUDPV DQG the founding chair of the board of directors for Marguerite Casey Foundation. She holds a master’s GHJUHH LQ VRFLDO VHUYLFHV IURP %RVWRQ 8QLYHUVLW\ Ms. Massinga served as secretary of the Maryland 'HSDUWPHQW RI +XPDQ 5HVRXUFHV DQG DV WKH executive director of Social Services Administration for that department. She was a congressional appointee to the National Commission on Children and served as a board member and chair of the Family Resource Coalition. ,QWKHQH[WGHFDGHZHKDYHWRORRNDWKRZZHXVHWKHH[SHULHQFHZHKDGLQWKHODVW\HDUV and understand the smart ways to continue to engage families so that they can maintain WKHLUJRDOVIRUWKHPVHOYHV7RGD\WKHLVVXHPLJKWEHKRXVLQJWRPRUURZLWPLJKWEHMREV Those issues will have to be sorted out based on the pressures of the moment. 7KH PRVW VWULNLQJ GLVFRYHU\ IRU PH ZDV WKDW ZH FRXOG VHW XS D IRXQGDWLRQ WKDW KDG DQ LPSDFWPXFKPRUHTXLFNO\WKDQZHWKRXJKWZHFRXOG:HZHUHDEOHWREULQJWRJHWKHUD board and a talented and gifted staff, and give them opportunities for success and learning on an ongoing basis. There were controversial issues when we started, but that discussion has turned out to be XVHIXO1RWDFFHSWLQJDSSOLFDWLRQVIRUJUDQWVIRUH[DPSOHSUREDEO\IHOWGLIÀFXOWDWÀUVW %XWE\VHWWLQJRXURZQFULWHULDZHZHUHDEOHWRVHWXSDGLIIHUHQWSURFHVVRIJUDQWPDNLQJ /RRNLQJDWRXUUHVXOWVZHKDYHFRPHDORQJZD\TXLFNO\EHFDXVHZHZHUHIRFXVHG²ZH weren’t trying to meet other people’s expectations of the right thing to do. America Bracho %RDUGPHPEHUVLQFH :KHQ\RXVHHWKHEUDYHZRUNVXSSRUWHGE\WKLVIRXQGDWLRQ²WKHSHRSOHSXVKLQJIRU VWXGHQWV·ULJKWVLQ0LVVLVVLSSLRUFULPLQDOMXVWLFHUHIRUPLQ1HZ2UOHDQVRUJUHHQMREVLQ 2DNODQG²\RXKDYHWRVD\0DUJXHULWH&DVH\)RXQGDWLRQPXVWEHDJURXSRILQGLYLGXDOV ZKRDUHWKLQNLQJYHU\GLIIHUHQWO\7KH\DUHRSHQDQGXQDIUDLGRIXQFHUWDLQW\DQGDWWKH same time, share a profound faith in the strength of communities. Now, 10 years after its founding, Marguerite Casey Foundation no longer needs to use a ´ZKDWLIµWKHRU\RIFKDQJH:KDWLIZHKDGPRUHFRPPXQLW\RUJDQL]DWLRQVIXQFWLRQLQJ ZHOO":KDWLIWKH\ZHUHFRQQHFWLQJ"7RGD\WKH\DUHFRQQHFWLQJHPEUDFLQJDURXQGWKH (TXDO9RLFHSODWIRUPDQGWKDWLVFUHDWLQJWKHFHQWHURIDWUXHPRYHPHQW Marguerite Casey Foundation My time on the board has sharpened my understanding of this need for connections. I has crafted KDYHPHWVRPDQ\SHRSOHGRLQJLQFUHGLEOHWKLQJVWKDWZHDW/DWLQR+HDOWK$FFHVVZHUH its own niche QRW GRLQJ ,·G EHHQ VLWWLQJ IRU \HDUV ZLWK KHDOWK FDUH SURYLGHUV ² ZKDW GLG , NQRZ by energizing DERXWKRXVLQJ"$QGJXHVVZKDWWKDWZDVUHÁHFWHGLQRXUZRUN%XWEULQJWKHIDPLOLHV communities in. They will tell you. It’s made me more humble, more informed and more strategic. If to strengthen ZHFRXOGFKDQJH6DQWD$QDDORQHZHZRXOGKDYH6RQRZZHZRUNIURPWKLVSRLQWRI and empower view: You can’t do this alone, and neither can I. families. The cross-issue idea is one of the most important elements of the foundation’s mission. 7KHUHDFWLRQIURPRXWVLGHLVDOZD\V&DQ\RXIRFXV"+RZGR\RXPHDVXUHWKHUHVXOWV" :HOO JR EDFN WR WKH IDPLOLHV )DPLOLHV GRQ·W VD\ ¶)RU WKUHH \HDUV ,·P JRLQJ WR WKLQN DERXW KRXVLQJ EXW ,·P QRW JRLQJ WR ZRUU\ DERXW WDNLQJ D VKRZHU· 7KH ZD\ IDPLOLHV RSHUDWHLVWKHLQVSLUDWLRQIRUWKHIRXQGDWLRQ·VDSSURDFK$QGLWLVZRUNLQJ,W·VQRWMXVW an exercise. Communities are gaining a stronger voice and a stronger role in producing Dr. Bracho is the founder and executive director policy changes that affect low-income families. RI /DWLQR +HDOWK $FFHVV D 0DUJXHULWH &DVH\ Foundation grantee organization focused on /X]WDONVDERXWPRYHPHQWEXLOGLQJ%\GHILQLWLRQLILW·VPRYLQJLW·VFKDQJLQJ6R disease prevention among low-income families now people are, indeed, becoming empowered, and they are telling us how to do LQ6DQWD$QD&DOLI%RUQLQ9HQH]XHOD'U%UDFKR things. This is a movement of truth and sincerity. You come out of that transformed. received her master’s degree in public health from WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 0LFKLJDQ DQG WKHQ FUHDWHG WKH +,9$,'6 SURMHFW IRU /DWLQR )DPLO\ 6HUYLFHV LQ Detroit. As a former newspaper columnist and UDGLR WDONVKRZ KRVW VKH VHHV WKH PHGLD DV DQ important tool for disseminating health information to underserved communities. & ƞ RPPXQLWLHVDUHJDLQLQJDVWURQJHUYRLFHDQG a stronger role in producing policy changes that DIIHFWORZLQFRPHIDPLOLHVɆ$PHULFD%UDFKR ƞ3HRSOHZKREHOLHYHLQJHQHUDOVXSSRUWJUDQWLQJ DUHIRONVZKREHOLHYHLQDPLUDFOHEHIRUHWKH\VHHLWß Photo by PICO PICO National Network 7KLUW\\HDUVRIZRUNZLWKORZLQFRPHIDPLOLHVKDGOHGWRDQXPEHURIORFDOZLQV for People Improving Communities through Organizing (PICO), yet leaders in the national, faith-based organization had the uncomfortable feeling they were ´ZLQQLQJEDWWOHVEXWORVLQJWKHZDUµDV([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU6FRWW5HHGSXWVLW \HDUGRHVQ·WTXDOLI\IRUVWDWHIXQGHGKHDOWKLQVXUDQFH´:H·YHIRXQGWKDW WKHUH·VYHU\OLWWOHH[SHULHQFHRIUHDOSHRSOHLQ:DVKLQJWRQµ5HHGVDLG´6R RXUZRUNKDVEHHQIRFXVHGRQ PRYLQJSHRSOHEDFNLQWRSRVLWLRQVZKHUH WKHLUYRLFHFDQEHKHDUGµ 2UJDQL]HUV LQ 3,&2·V QHWZRUN ZHUH ÀJKWLQJ LQ VWDWHV IRU KHDOWK FDUH Newly engaged through improved communication, PICO’s members reform, access to affordable housing and safer neighborhoods. But with little SXVKHG WKHLU UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV LQ FRQJUHVVLRQDO GLVWULFWV WR SDVV WKH coordination state-to-state, their struggles and victories president’s Affordable Care Act, becoming such a were largely isolated. Meanwhile, essential debates forceful presence in the debate that several members ZHUHWDNLQJSODFHLQ:DVKLQJWRQ'&WKDWRIWHQPDGH ZHUHRQKDQGLQZKHQ3UHVLGHQW2EDPDVLJQHG PICO’s local actions moot. “This was having a dramatic OHJLVODWLRQ H[WHQGLQJ KHDOWK LQVXUDQFH WR PLOOLRQ impact on the lives of our families, yet the very people children. “We weren’t alone in this effort, but PICO most affected were absent from the debate because we PHPEHUV FHUWDLQO\ SOD\HG D PDMRU UROH LQ JHWWLQJ KDGQRLQIUDVWUXFWXUHWRHQJDJHWKHPµ5HHGVD\V insurance for millions of children who otherwise ZRXOGQRWKDYHEHHQFRYHUHGµ5HHGVD\V -RLQLQJZLWK0DUJXHULWH&DVH\)RXQGDWLRQLQ'HFHPEHU FKDQJHGDOOWKDW 7KLV\HDUIHGHUDORIÀFLDOVDUHDJDLQWXUQLQJWR3,&2 LQ WKH ZDNH RI UHVHDUFK IURP DQ DIÀOLDWHG JURXS showing that families living in a single Camden, 1-KRXVLQJSURMHFWFRVWWKDWFLW\PLOOLRQRYHU six years because they had no access to health care other than the local emergency room. That information, publicized through PICO’s improved communications system, resulted in Camden’s city hospitals pitching in to build a new clinic inside the public housing complex. Washington, D.C., has WDNHQQRWH With support from the foundation, PICO created a national FRPPXQLFDWLRQVDQGSROLF\RIÀFHLQ:DVKLQJWRQ'& and developed online strategies to connect individual chapters with one another. “Now we’re able to put SHRSOHRQDSKRQHFDOOZLWK3UHVLGHQW2EDPDµ said Reed, referring to a seminal event in the battle for health care reform. “Before Marguerite Casey supported us, we didn’t have any mass email capability or even a VHULRXVRQOLQHSUHVHQFHµ At the same time, PICO used its general support grants to invest in research, learning how to move levers of SRZHUDQGWKHQUHFUXLWHGQHZRUJDQL]HUVWRGRVR 1LQH\HDUVDQGPLOOLRQODWHU3,&2KDVEURXJKW SHRSOHWR:DVKLQJWRQ'&WRVSHDNIRUWKHPVHOYHVLQ front of Congress. Its members have described to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner how it feels to watch your \HDUROG PRWKHU ORVH KHU KRPH WR IRUHFORVXUH RU ZKDW LW PHDQV WR EH D VLQJOH PRWKHU ZKR DW D Scott Reed ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU “People who believe in general-support granting DUHIRONVZKREHOLHYHLQDPLUDFOHEHIRUHWKH\VHHLWµ says Reed, crediting Marguerite Casey Foundation IRUVXSSRUWFUXFLDOWRKHOSLQJ3,&2EHFRPHDPDMRU presence in health care reform. “We had a dream – a vision – that grassroots organizing could have an impact in corridors of power, but we didn’t have a SURGXFW WR VKRZ WKDW ZH FRXOG GR LWµ 0DUJXHULWH Casey Foundation, however, believed. “They saw LWµVD\V5HHG´DQGMRLQHGXVEHIRUHLWKDSSHQHGµ 10 years of change t Casey Family Programs creates Marguerite Casey Foundation to address foster care. ,QDXJXUDOERDUGRIGLUHFWRUV²'XQFDQ$%D\QH:LOOLDP+)RHJH)UHHPDQ$+UDERZVNL,,,5XWK:0DVVLQJD'RXJODV; 3DWLxR3DWULFLD6FKURHGHUDQG*DU\56HYHUVRQ²LQVWDWHGLQ-XQH %RDUGGHWHUPLQHVWKDWIDPLOLHVZLOOEHWKHIRFXVRIWKHIRXQGDWLRQ·VZRUNWKHUROHRIWKHIRXQGDWLRQZLOOEHWREXLOGWKHFDSDFLW\RI WKHÀHOGDQGVWUHQJWKHQWKHLQVWLWXWLRQVWKDWLPSURYHWKHTXDOLW\RIIDPLOLHV·OLYHV´7KLVIRXQGDWLRQLVJRLQJWRIRFXVRQWKHJDSVWKDW QRRQHHOVHLVZLOOLQJWR«ZHZLOOJRZKHUHRWKHUVZRQ·Wµ Board of directors adopts mission, vision, and funding approach. Mission: Marguerite Casey Foundation exists to help low-income families strengthen their voice and mobilize their communities LQRUGHUWRDFKLHYHDPRUHMXVWDQGHTXLWDEOHVRFLHW\IRUDOO 9LVLRQ:HLPDJLQHDMXVWDQGHTXLWDEOHVRFLHW\IRUDOOZKHUHDOOFKLOGUHQDUHQXUWXUHGWREHFRPHFRPSDVVLRQDWHUHVSRQVLEOHDQG VHOIUHOLDQWDGXOWVZKHUHIDPLOLHVDUHHQJDJHGLQWKHOLIHRIWKHLUFRPPXQLWLHVWKHQDWLRQDQGWKHZRUOGDQGZKHUHSHRSOHWDNH responsibility for meeting today’s needs as well as those of future generations. )XQGLQJDSSURDFK7DUJHWIXQGVZKHUHQHHGVDQGRSSRUWXQLWLHVDUHJUHDWHVWIXQGQHWZRUNLQJDQGFDSDFLW\EXLOGLQJWRKHOS JUDQWHHVLQWHUDFWVKDUHNQRZOHGJHDQGLGHDVQRLVVXHDUHDVPXOWL\HDUJHQHUDOVXSSRUWJUDQWV t $IWHUDIDFWÀQGLQJPLVVLRQWKDWLQFOXGHVOLVWHQLQJFLUFOHVZLWKIDPLO\FRQVWLWXHQWVDQGLQWHUYLHZVRIFKLOGZHOIDUHH[SHUWVWKH foundation determines that the most effective use of its funds is to focus on prevention of the dissolution of families – rather than on reforming public institutions, such as the child welfare system. t 6XSSRUWRUJDQL]DWLRQVWKDWHPSRZHUORZLQFRPHIDPLOLHVWRDGYRFDWHSROLF\WKDWEHQHÀWVWKHLUFRPPXQLWLHVDQGIDPLOLHV *UDQWPDNLQJJXLGHOLQHVDUHVet: t Provide long-term general support for organizations that use education, advocacy, and activism strategies with the goal of movement building. t )XQGRUJDQL]DWLRQVLQUHJLRQVZLWKWKHKLJKHVWFRQFHQWUDWLRQRI\RXWKDQGIDPLO\SRYHUW\:HVW&$6RXWKZHVW$=107; South (LA, MS, GA, AL, AR, FL) and Midwest (Chicago). tt First grants are awarded in November. 10 years of impact t FoundaWLRQDGRSWV$VN/LVWHQ$FWDVLWVEUDQGSURPLVH t )RXQGDWLRQ·VFRUHYDOXHV²GLYHUVLW\DQGDQWLUDFLVPHTXLW\OHDUQLQJDQGJURZLQJPXWXDOUHVSHFW DQGWUXVWVWHZDUGVKLSVXVWDLQHGFRQQHFWLRQVWUDQVSDUHQF\²DUHVHW t :DVKLQJWRQVWDWHLVDGGHGWRJUDQWPDNLQJSRUWIROLRDV+RPH6WDWH)XQG t )RXQGDWLRQGHWHUPLQHV´ZKDWZHGRµ´:HVHHNWRQXUWXUHDPRYHPHQWRIORZLQFRPHIDPLOLHV and communities by buildingconstituencies, strengthening organizations and connecting grantees DFURVVUHJLRQVDQGDFURVVGLVFLSOLQHVµ Ask It is ongoing, always goes Speaks to being a learning organization. Speaks to back to Ask. continual improvement. Act Listen Funding criteria are set: t &RUQHUVWRQHRUJDQL]DWLRQVLQORZLQFRPHFRPPXQLWLHVWKDWZRUNZLWKORZLQFRPHIDPLOLHVZDQW to expand that base, and train local parents as leaders, advocates or organizers. t Organizations with an existing record of achieving policy change at the local level. )RXQGDWLRQKROGVÀUVWUHJLRQDOFRQYHQLQJVLQ%LUPLQJKDP&KLFDJR/RV$QJHOHVDQG3KRHQL[ 6XEUHJLRQV0LVVLVVLSSL'HOWDDQG/RZHU5LR*UDQGH9DOOH\DGGHGWRSRUWIROLRWRVWUHQJWKHQUHODWLRQVKLSVEHWZHHQ$IULFDQ$PHULFDQ and Latino communities. 1HWZRUNZHDYHUVKLUHGWRIDFLOLWDWHFRKHVLRQEHWZHHQJURXSVLQWKHWDUJHWFRPPXQLWLHV t )RXQGDWLRQGHÀnes movement building:´'LYHUVHFRPPXQLWLHVOLQNHGWRJHWKHUE\VKDUHGYDOXHVDQGJRDOVWKDWIRVWHUFKDQJHE\ FKDOOHQJLQJSXEOLFSROLF\DQGHQWUHQFKHGDWWLWXGHVWKDWFUHDWHEDUULHUVWRSURVSHULW\DQGHTXDOLW\µ tt ,QUHVSRQVHWR+XUULFDQH.DWULQDWKHIRXQGDWLRQFUHDWHVDQHPHUJHQF\UHOLHIIXQGWRDVVLVW*XOI&RDVWUHVLGHQWVDQGRUJDQL]DWLRQVZLWK immediate needs and rebuilding efforts. tt 7KHIRXQGDWLRQFRQYHQHVLWVQDWLRQDOJUDQWHHVWREURDGHQWKHVFRSHRIWKHIRXQGDWLRQ·VZRUNDQGLQÁXHQFH1DWLRQDORUJDQL]DWLRQV· XQLTXHSRVLWLRQEHWZHHQJUDVVURRWVRUJDQL]DWLRQVDQGSROLF\PDNHUVPD\SRWHQWLDOO\SURYLGHDQLQIUDVWUXFWXUHWRFRQQHFWWKH movement’s various scales of operation. 10 years of determination t The founGDWLRQKROGVUHJLRQDOFRQYHQLQJV²RQHRILWVFRUHQRQJUDQWPDNLQJVWUDWHJLHV²WRVXSSRUWWKHH[FKDQJHRILGHDVDQG EXLOGLQJRIUHODWLRQVKLSVDQGQHWZRUNVDPRQJWKHJUDQWHHV tt 5HOHDVHG´7KH9RLFHVRI:RUNLQJ)DPLOLHVµSROLF\SDSHU t )XQGHGWZRSDUWLFLSDWRU\DFWLRQUHVHDUFKSURMHFWVLQVXEUHJLRQV In resSRQVHWRIDPLOLHV·UHTXHVWVWKHIRXQGDWLRQDVNV´:KDWZRXOGDQDWLRQZLGHPRYHPHQWDLPHGDWUDLVLQJWKHYRLFHVRI SRRUDQGZRUNLQJIDPLOLHVORRNOLNH"µ7KHDQVZHULVWKH(TXDO9RLFHIRU$PHULFD·V)DPLOLHVFDPSDLJQZKLFKWKHIRXQGDWLRQLQ PLO\ \ SODW D IR I UPLQIRUPHG FRQMXQFWLRQZLWKLWVJUDQWHHVODXQFKHVWRPRELOL]HDQGHQJDJHIDPLOLHVLQWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIDQDWLRQDOIDPLO\SODWIRUPLQIRUPHG by the families themselves. t (TXDO9RLFHFDPSDLJQKROGVORFDOWRZQKDOOPHHWLQJVDFURVVVWDWHVPRELOL]LQJDERXWSHRSOH t 7KH(TXDO9RLFHIRU$PHULFD·V)DPLOLHV1DWLRQDO)DPLO\3ODWIRUPLVFUHDWHGE\WKHHQJDJHPHQWRIIDPLOLHVDQGUDWLÀHGLQ Chicago by 100 family delegates. t (TXDO9RLFHFDPSDLJQFXOPLQDWHVLQDWKUHHFLW\FRQYHQWLRQ%LUPLQJKDP&KLFDJRDQG/RV$QJHOHVZLWKPRUHWKDQ SDUWLFLSDQWV²DSSUR[LPDWHO\LQSHUVRQDQGRQOLQH t IDPLOLHVKROG´'D\RI$FWLRQRQWKH+LOOµSUHVHQWLQJWKH(TXDO9RLFH1DWLRQDO)DPLO\3ODWIRUPWROHJLVODWRUVLQ:DVKLQJWRQ'& tt &UHDWLRQRIWKUHH\HDUPLQLJUDQWSURJUDPWRVXSSRUWJUDQWHHQHWZRUNVWKDWHPHUJHGIURPWKH(TXDO9RLFHFDPSDLJQ&ULWHULDIRU VHOHFWLRQLQFOXGHEXLOGLQJDPXOWLLVVXHPXOWLUDFLDOQHWZRUNWKDWGHYHORSVWKHVNLOOVRIORZLQFRPHOHDGHUVDQGDFKLHYHVFKDQJHRQ DQLVVXHFRQQHFWHGWRWKH(TXDO9RLFH1DWLRQDO)DPLO\3ODWIRUP tt Launch of Equal Voice, an online newspaper that elevates the voices of low-income families and brings attention to issues and policies affecting their lives. t 3XEOLFDWLRQRI´/LIW(YHU\9RLFHµZKLFKGRFXPHQWVWKH(TXDO9RLFHFDPSDLJQDVDPRYHPHQWEXLOGLQJVWUDWHJ\ tt +LUHRIÀUVWVWDIIUHSRUWHUIRUEqual Voice newspaper. 10 years of leadership t .HQWXFN\DQG7HQQHVVHHDUHDGGHGWRWKH6RXWKJUDQWPDNLQJUHJLRQ t 'RFXPHQWDU\´5DLVLQJ+RSH7KH(TXDO9RLFH6WRU\µGHEXWVDQGLVEURDGFDVWRQ3%6VWDWLRQVDFURVVWKHFRXQWU\ tt (TXDO9RLFHFDPSDLJQEHFRPHVIUDPHZRUNIRUPRYHPHQWEXLOGLQJDVDJUDQWPDNLQJVWUDWHJ\ t :LWKLQWKLVIUDPHZRUNIDPLOLHVDUHDQHQJDJHGDQGLQIRUPHGFRQVWLWXHQF\ZKRDGYRFDWHLQWKHLURZQEHKDOIJUDQWHHVDUH EXLOGLQJDEDVHRIIDPLOLHVGHYHORSLQJQHZOHDGHUVKLSDQGQHWZRUNV tt Foundation initiates an aggressive social media strategy to connect grantees and low-income families across issues, geography DQGUDFHWRHQJDJHRWKHUDOOLHVLQFOXGLQJOLNHPLQGHGIRXQGDWLRQVQRQJUDQWHHRUJDQL]DWLRQVDQGMRXUQDOLVWVDQGWRLQFUHDVH grantees’ and their constituents’ awareness of and capacity to use new media for mobilizing and advocating for policy change. t 7KH3DWLxR0RRUH/HJDF\$ZDUG²WRUHFRJQL]HRUJDQL]DWLRQVDQGLQGLYLGXDOVZKRVHZRUNIRVWHUVLQWHUUDFLDOFRRSHUDWLRQIRU VRFLDOFKDQJH²LVFUHDWHGLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWK+LVSDQLFVLQ3KLODQWKURS\DQGWKH$VVRFLDWLRQRI%ODFN)RXQGDWLRQ([HFXWLYHV t 3XEOLFDWLRQRIWKHIRXQGDWLRQ·VÀUVWLPSDFWDVVHVVPHQWUHSRUWGHPRQVWUDWHVWKDWORQJWHUPJHQHUDORSHUDWLQJVXSSRUWEXLOGV organizational capacity and was instrumental in sustaining organizations during the economic downturn. t &UHDWLRQRIWKH(TXDO9RLFH-RXUQDOLVP)HOORZVKLSWRIXQGDVSLULQJDQGHVWDEOLVKHGUHSRUWHUVWRFRYHUVWRULHVRQSRRU communities. Our Values Diversity and Antiracism :HFRXUDJHRXVO\FRQIURQWUDFLVPDQGGLVFULPLQDWLRQ:HUHÁHFWWKHYRLFHVH[SHULHQFHV and interests of diverse cultural and social groups. (TXLW\ We believe in a bottom-up approach to social change, one that treats everyone fairly and HTXLWDEO\:HVWULYHWRVKDUHLQIRUPDWLRQDQGEHVWSUDFWLFHVEURDGO\ZLWKDOOJUDQWHHV DQGZLWKWKHÀHOGDVDZKROH Learning and Growing We foster a driven learning community, where we learn from experience, each other and WKHFRPPXQLWLHVZHVHUYH:HEHOLHYHWKDWNQRZOHGJHLVSRZHUIXODQGWKDWOHDUQLQJ never ends. Mutual Respect and Trust :H FUHDWH DQ HQYLURQPHQW RI WHDPZRUN DQG WUXVW ZKHUH DFFHSWDQFH DQG GLJQLW\ DUH experienced by all. We are responsible for our actions, words and attitudes and are accountable to always follow through. Stewardship :H DUH WKRXJKWIXO WKRURXJK DQG VWUDWHJLF LQ RXU JUDQWPDNLQJ GHFLVLRQV :H PDNH sound business decisions regarding the use of our resources, and we are committed to good results. Sustained Connections :H VHHN WR GHYHORS DQG VWULYH WR SUHVHUYH SHUPDQHQW FRPPXQLW\ FRQQHFWLRQV IRU families. We believe in the power of strong relationships to effect community change. Transparency We are open and honest in all we do. We strive to conduct our business with the utmost FODULW\DQGGLUHFWQHVVVRWKDWRWKHUVZLOODOZD\VNQRZ FSC 8% 0DUJXHULWH&DVH\)RXQGDWLRQWK$YHQXH6XLWH6HDWWOH:$ ZZZFDVH\JUDQWVRUJ3KRQH)D[77<