LP 23 FST 2 2002 Abstract
LP 23 FST 2 2002 Abstract
TP SA PU N RA JA LA BE EM H NA TA UL LS TA GI DI R NU HI ZA H RA Perpustotoon �rs " I soins Dan T knoloQI I Malavsl" '�U8TJM' t ) LP 23 FST 2 2002 1100024356 Classification and distribution of mangrove forest in the north ol Setiu, Terengganu using aerial photo interpretation technique Lim Chia Kia, * • / l PERPUST KOLEJ UNlVERSITI SAlNS & TEKNOLO'GI MALAYSIA 21030 KUALA TERENGGANU�' ' _ ___';;'"'7-1 000 NU R ZA HI RA H _ UL TA NA H , __ RA N DI GI TA LS 11000243 �6 PERPUSTAKAAN No. Panggilan Lj:> PU SA TP EM BE LA JA , • - 61\ - � v� 1 Tr()� �,' <; (1) , - , GROVE FOREST CLASSIFICATION SETIU� TERENGGANU IN THE NORTH OF RPRETATIONTEC PHOTO I LS UL TA NA H NU R ZA HI RA H USINGAE N DI GI TA By PU SA TP EM BE LA JA RA LIM CHIA KIA This project report is requirements for the submitted in fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Science (Marine Science) Faculty of Science Kolej partial Universiti Sains and Technology Teknologi Malaysia (KUSTEM) 2001/2002 00024356 This project report is refer as, L� C.K 2002. Classification and Distnbution of Mangrove Forest in the North ofSetiu, Terengganu using Aerial Photo Interpretation Technique. Final Faculty of Science and Year Project Report, Technology, Kolej Universiti Sains dan Teknologi Malaysia PU SA TP EM BE LA JA RA N DI GI TA LS UL TA NA H NU R ZA HI RA H (KUSTEM). • 1 Acknowledgement I very al11 very glad encourageable to finish from the this in time project beginning, the progress of this as until at last, the I would like to take this OppOI tunity to express my project appreciation is is not project running smoothly. So, to those who had kindly help me all through this project. First of all, I would like to express my greatest thanks to my Sulong Ibrahim for finish my me to guidance, advises and criticisms throughout this project En. that had project. H the U Research (Mangrove Unit) team LS guided me in aerial TA En Habir Alias who had photo interpretation, En. Razali N En. Kasawani and En. Tarmizi who had RA (Wak), helping me during sampling time. professionalism BE and has assisted to me EM helping hand, finish my field work so soon. SA TP Their LA JA Salam DI GI especially UL TA to NA Appreciation also dedicate NU R ZA HI RA H led his supervisor, forget, En Suffian who had teach and by using the latest PU Also not technology. guided me in my map will Without, constructing only come the final Illap out in black and white. 'I'hanks to all my friends who had advise and motivate especially to my friends hostel friends my family, thro this are project. all thro this Kill] Hoon and Sui Lee, my housemates, Fiona and Sher Li, Yii Wei and Siu which me always in my mind. Fang. They all are They make tough and me I love them all! 'I'hank you very much. •• 11 nice and project Leong, my supportive. Lastly, venture enough to go Abstract Mangrove forest in East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia has studied to the compared West Coast of Peninsular not been completely Malaysia. This is due distribution of mangrove in the East Coast is lesser than in the West Coast. This the study is collect baseline data about the classification and distribution of mangrove forest in the North of Setiu, aerial place. Construction of map of the photos of scale I: 5 000. The final 11 lap study Topography area was 12 islands and I villages, based on the interpretation map with scale 1: 50 000 was shows the distribution of mangrove forest in used study of as area. study R of mangrove forest found in eight class NU are area which are Nypa, Bruguiera, NA H There ZA HI source. consists of 11 area H swamp Terengganu. The study RA to to area coverage is 1087 .4481ha and the total distribution of GI The total DI . LA JA Percentage of each classes are 26.72% of Nypa forest, 36.870/0 of Mixed-Mangrove forest, TP Bruguiera forest, 3.540/0 of Bruguiera- PU SA 17.210/0 of EM BE mangrove forest is 418.3471 ha. RA N Nypa-E. grandis TA LS UL TA mixed-mangrove, Bruguiera-Lumnitzera, Melaleuca, Rhizophora, Avicennia-Ceriops and Lumnitzera forest, Avicennia-Ceriops interpretation who are 6.53% of Melaleuca forest, forest is 85%. experienced the better and high and Although 3.41 of 2.72% of Nypa-E. grandis forest. The the scale is suitable to and skilled in classify photo interpretation accuracy. It is still a Rhizophora, good exercise field. , • • • ill for a accuracy the forest type, and familiar with the beginner 3.01% of only area of those will get to learn about this Abstrak Kajian terhadap hutan paya bakau di di begitu lengkap berbanding dengan taburannya yang lebih di Ini berikutan pantai barat berbanding dengan pantai timur. ul 111akl11111at men Semenanjung Malaysia tidaklah pantai barat Semenanjung Malaysia. banyak tertumpu Kajian ini adalah untuk timur pantai atau asas panduan (baseline) tentang klasifikasi dan taburan hutan paya bakau di utara Setiu, T erengganu. Kawasan meliputi 11 kampung, pulau dan penaksiran 1 kawasan paya. Pembuatan peta kawasan foto udara skala 1: 5 000. Peta dengan kajian topografi dengan rujukan yang HI r s ZA digunakan sebagai kedua. Pemetaan kawasan kajian NU R skala 1: 50000 RA H adalah berdasarkan 12 kajian ada di kawasan T erdapat kajian. lapan UL TA NA H menunjukkan taburan kelas hutan paya bakau yang kelas hutan paya bakau di kawasan iaitu Nipah, Bruguiera, mixed-i l1an grove, DI GI TA LS kajian BE ialah 108.7448 ha dan jumlah taburan hutan paya bakau EM kajian SA TP Jumlah keluasan kawasan LA JA RA N Bruguiera-Lumnitzera, Me1aleuca, Rhizophora, Avicennia-Ceriops dan Nypa-E. grandis. PU ialah 418.3471 ha. Peratusan untuk ke1as adalah 26.720/0 untuk hutan setiap Nypa, . 17.21% untuk hutan Bruguiera, 36.87% untuk hutan campuran ed-Mangrove) forest, 3.540/0 untuk hutan Bruguiera-Lumnitzera, 6.530/0 untuk hutan Melaleuca untuk hutan Rhizophora, 3.01% untuk hutan Avicennia-Ceriops Nypa-E. grandis. Ketepatan dalam penaksiran ialah sesuai untuk mengelaskan jenis hutan, hanya iran ketepatan ser La yang lebih baik dan yang barn menceburi sudah biasa tinggi. Ia mel 850/0. dengan upakan bidang ini. • tV berpengalaman kawasan tersebut akan satu 2.720/0 dan 3.41% untuk hutan Walaupun skalanya mereka yang , memang dan mahir mendapat latihan yang baik untuk mereka